#but i have my doubts about how i feel hmmm
zulemmita · 1 year
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I died
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
Hello! Not sure if you're taking requests, so do ignore this if you feel like it.
I adore your work sm!! Rewatching the Stayed Gone mv, Vox had a picture of a bootleg Alastor and pointing to his microphone were the words "dildo?"
Do you think you could write an Alastor x Reader, or just Alastor pleasuring himself with the microphone? (That sounds weird now-)
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Good Vibrations
the way I immediately knew what to do is proof of my depravity. I know it isn’t exactly what you meant but this is what I’m comfortable with writing. This was a quick little 30 minute write, I hope it still brings you joy 🎙️
After you make an offhand comment about doubting if his microphone actually works, Alastor finds a creative way to convince you while at dinner with the group.
tags/warnings/promises: Alastor x Reader, erotic but not smut?, smut is explicit, this is just horny, the microphone does in fact work, vibrator
Rarely was Alastor without his microphone. Even Vox made note of it. But, his voice sounded like it came from his mouth. Sure there was a radio affect to it, but he was a demon after all. You couldn’t figure out how it worked. Or rather, if it worked.
As you all waited to take your seats for dinner, Niffty having turned out to be a surprisingly good cook, you were caught staring.
“Is there something I can do for you?”, Alastor leaned down to meet your eyeline.
You blinked, “Oh, sorry. Just wondering if that even works.”
“If what works?”
“Your microphone.”
He knew it worked, of course. But your question felt… offensive. “Do you think I’d carry a functionless microphone around?”
Without hesitation you replied, “I do, yes.”
“Oh absolutely!” Angel pushed between you two.
“You do have a flare for the dramatic, boss.” Husk took his seat beside Angel.
Charlie nervously scratched her cheek, “I always wondered that too! But it worked in Cannibal Town, so I’m a believer now.”
“But wait-,” Vaggie looked to Charlie, “If it worked when you put it to your mouth why doesn’t he have to? It’s literally everywhere but his mouth.”
Alastor’s forced grin strained against this cheeks, black gums showing. You gave him a shrug and joined the group. He took his seat opposite you, pulling his chair in all the way.
You’d already forgotten the conversation when you felt something graze across your lap. Before you could investigate, Alastor spoke, “Why don’t we all say what we did today! I’ll go first!” Your knees shot up, knocking the table as a strong vibration lit up your crotch.
Vaggie leaned in, “You good?”
Slowly, eyes wide, you looked up to meet Alastor’s wicked smile.
“I went downtown to grab a fresh cut of venison. Niffty makes the best venison roast this side of Pentagram City.” You white knuckled the edge of the table, glancing down to see the microphone resting between your thighs. The top was nestled firmly above your mound.
“Hmmm what else? Oh! I got some deviled eggs. My, what a treat. My mother made the best deviled eggs. You know-,” as he droned on, you tried to push your chair away from the table. “Ah ah! It’s so rude to leave while someone is speaking.” He leaned back, foot reaching under the table to hook around your chair’s leg and pull you forward.
“Aww Al, you never talk so much! This is great. What else did you do today?” Charlie rested her cheek on her hand, eyes sparkling at Alastor.
“I am so glad you asked! Let me think, hmmmmm” He drew out the consonant, the sound making a rougher vibration than others. You were hunched over the table, biting your bottom lip to keep quiet. “Oh I went to— what is it called again? Ummmmm,” Your leg shot up again, the silverware clanking against your plate.
“Will you just fucking say it?!” You spit it out louder than you meant.
“Woah! That’s not very nice.” Charlie gave you a disappointed look, pulling a groan from you, “What’s gotten into you?”
Angel looked over to you, “You doin’ alright? You’re like… sweatin’.”
“What indeed, Charlie. Well, anyway! I think I’ve made my point!” You felt the weight of the microphone slide down your thighs and past your knees. You took in a deep breath, finally able to relax your body.
“You’re pretty pale…”, Husk commented, “You sick or something?”
Angel pushed your hair from your forehead, “That face looks so familiar.”
Before you could answer, Alastor opened his mouth, “I think she should lie down. Allow me to escort you to bed, my dear.”
“You are so sweet today! I love it! Fuck yeah!” Charlie punched the air. Alastor came behind you and pulled your chair back for you. “Take your time, if she’s sick maybe she shouldn’t be alone.”
“If you say so!” Alastor practically sang the words. With both hands on your shoulders, he guided you out of the room.
“He’s the best.” Charlie beamed, “Alright whose next?”
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oohshinywhump · 3 months
Thinking about a first time Whumper x veteran Whumpee...
When they first meet:
"You don't seem nearly scared enough. This isn't your first time is it?" "You seem weirdly nervous. Is it yours?"
"Ugh! Out of everyone in the city I could kidnap I had to get stuck with someone else's leftovers!"
"You used to belong to so-and-so, didn't you? Ah! They're my idol! Oh! This is exciting. I get to study their masterpiece up close!"
"Oh. You've never done this before." "Stop judging me. I have a knife."
"How is it you know exactly what I like?" "You torturers are all the same." "You've done this before??"
"I won't kill you, but I need you to cooperate. I am new to this, just so you know." "Yup. I'm going to die."
"Mmmm, I love how you move when you're in pain." "Thanks! I've been practicing for years."
"Who taught you to scream like this?"
Whumpee helping Whumper figure out the basics:
"Why are you on your knees?" "Oh sorry. Do you not like that? The last guy liked me that way. I just assumed…" "No, no. It's a good idea. Keep doing that. I just… never thought of it."
"So, what are the rules?" "Rules?" "Yeah, dumbass. Your rules for me. Do you want me to call you sir? Master? Or can I keep calling you jackass?"
"Do you want me to put up a fight or should we skip straight to the submissive stage?" "Oh... uhhh... don't fight too much. I don't trust myself not to accidentally kill you." "Oh, yeah. Good point."
"What kind of scream do you like?" "There are kinds of screams?" "Yeah. The last guy liked it when I ugly-cried. But I'm pretty good a bloodcurdling and whimpering like a kicked puppy. I can try to stay quiet but I can't make promises there..." "Hmmm... try all of them. I'll tell you which I like best."
"You cleaned??" "Yeah? Was I not supposed to?" "I didn't know you could make captives do that?!" "For the record, I didn't do it because I'm scared of you - your arm gets tired after giving me like three lashes. I did it because I'm going to be spending a lot of time bleeding on this table and I doubt it occurred to you to disinfect it."
Whumpee teaching Whumper how to whump:
"Show me what they used to do to you."
Whumper studying the scars on Whumpees body to learn the best places to cut/stab.
"Oh no! A knife? How original!" /s
"If you stab me right there you'll kill me. You have to go one inch to the right. Yeah, right there-AHHHHHH! …yup. Right there."
"I'll make you a deal. Let me have a solid eight hours of sleep and I'll show you where to pinch the nerve that will paralyze my left arm."
"You can't leave me tied up like this!" "I can do what I want!" "Yes. Okay. True. But like, you've either got to tie my knees to my chest or let my feet touch the ground. Otherwise I'm going to asphyxiate."
Whumper having an inferiority complex:
"I CAN DO ANYTHING THEY COULD DAMMIT!" (They = Whumpee's former Whumper)
"WHUMPEE! YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!" *Whumpee trying not to laugh when Whumper fucks up something really basic.*
"You must think I'm so pathetic." "NOo! Of course not! You're doing amazing! Really you are! I'm so fucking scared of you right now. I promise."
"I'll never be as good as the person who hurt you before." "You'll get there! I promise. I was like his fifth victim - I'm your first. Be kind to yourself!"
"How the fuck did your former Whumper do it?" "Yeah... you're not getting that out of me..."
Whumper being paranoid that Whumpee is manipulating them. Even though they hold the power they feel like Whumpee has more control over the situation because they know more.
Whumpee knowing just how to manage Whumper. They instinctively know when to be a little defiant and when to do exactly as they are told. They know just the right tone of voice to speak in, and just how to move, scream, to keep Whumper as pleased as possible. The sooner Whumper is satisfied the sooner it will stop.
Whumpee pretending it hurts worse than it does, lying about which places/tortures hurt most, acting more sick or tired than they really are to get rest/food, acting more scared than they really are… It's not like Whumper could know better.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 3 months
Self-Doubt (+18)
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Pairing: Sanji x Fem!Reader
WC: 2600
Summary: Sanji isn't himself after being rescued. You help him work through his big feelings
CW: HURT AND COMFORT. trauma? sex, oral sex, MOMMY KINK, boob suckin, unprotected sex (don't) creampies (also don't) and pet names.
(Not proof read my edible kicked in)
— — 
After successfully rescuing your cook from Big Mom’s clutches, there was something off about him. Sanji wasn’t the same flirty, playful man that had left you at Dressrosa. He seemed distracted all of the time, like he was lost inside of his own head as he absentmindedly stirred pots and pans on the stove. His constant fawning over you, Nami, and Robin had slowed dramatically and hell, he barely even argued with Zoro anymore… that was the biggest red flag.  You cared for your crew mate and friend deeply, so you were determined to help him out of this slump. 
Your attempts at getting him to open up to you had repeatedly failed. Each time you asked him if something was bothering him or even just asking how he was doing, he would fake a smile and tell you not to worry about him. You couldn’t give up, you had to try harder. 
One afternoon, you catch Sanji in the kitchen preparing for dinner. 
“Smells good in here!” You say in a sing song voice you enter the galley and see your favorite cook at the counter chopping carrots. 
“Y/n, darling, thank you. Anything you need?” Sanji briefly looks up at you to flash you a tired smile. 
“Hmmm maybe…” You stroll into the large pantry and root around. 
“Y/n if there’s something you desire, I’d be happy to fetch it for you, no need to dig around in there…” Sanji puts his knife down on the cutting board with a huff. 
Before Sanji could step towards the pantry, you emerge with two wine glasses and a bottle of white wine in your hands. 
“What do you say you shuck a couple of those oysters in the ice box and we can enjoy them with this,” You wiggle the wine bottle in Sanji’s direction. “Like we used to back the day? I know they’re your favorite. Remember when we’d have to put a chair under the door handle so Luffy wouldn’t come in and slurp them all down?”
Sanji chuckles lowly and shakes his head. 
“Yes how could I forget? We would get so drunk, too…” He cracks a genuine smily briefly before it fades from his lips. “I’m not hungry. But if you’d like some, I can prepare some for you.”
You sigh.
“I don’t want them by myself. Will you at least have a glass of wine with me?” You smile and step closer to him. 
“I can do that.” Sanji reaches into his pocket and retrieved his wine key. He takes the bottle and glasses from you. He opens the bottle and pours two large glasses full. 
“Ice in yours?” Sanji asks. 
“You always remember how I like things.” You nod and smile. 
Sanji plops a few ice cubes into your glass. You raise yours. 
“Cheers to having you back.” You say as you tip your glass in his direction. 
Sanji hesitates, but eventually grabs his glass and clinked it with yours wordlessly. You both sip your drinks. 
“If you don’t mind, darling, I have to finish preparing for dinner. You can stay if you’d like, but I can’t say I’m much of a conversationalist as of late…” Sanji throws a dish towel over his shoulder and continues his work on the vegetables. 
“It’s fine. You don’t have to talk. I just like being around you.” 
Sanji nods and you watch him cook in silence for the next hour. As you observed him, you notice the heavy grey bags under his eyes, it was now clear that he wasn’t sleeping. Every now and then he would reach up and rub at his neck, obviously sore and aching. You hated seeing him in such a state, but he made it clear he wasn’t ready to talk and you weren’t going to force it. 
Once Sanji finishes the meal, you head out and gather the rest of the crew for dinner. 
The meal was wonderful as always and your rowdy crew filled the room with raucous laughter and conversation. Once everyone had their fill of food and drink, they thanked Sanji and filed out of the dining room to entertain their own evening activities. Most of your crew mates had gone to bed, but since the night was clear and warm you decided to lay out on the deck and look for shooting stars with Chopper. 
“You see those 5 big stars over there?” You say as you point into the distance. 
“Yeah, I think so!” Chopper wiggles his ears. 
“That constellation is called Pablo the Reindeer Warrior! He was a famous big strong reindeer who saved a city from destruction and became a hero!” 
“Wow! Really?!” Chopper looks over at you. 
“No, haha. I had you there!” You throw your head back and laugh. 
“Aww, y/n no fair.” The little reindeer pouts. 
“Sorry little buddy, it was too easy.” 
After a few minutes go by you see a shooting star. 
“Chopper did you see that!?” You turn to the side and see the tiny doctor fast asleep beside you. You smile and scoop him up in your arms and rise to your feet. You carry Chopper to his bed in the medical bay and tuck him in tightly. You yawn. It was late, but you wanted to see if Sanji was still doing dishes before you headed off to sleep. 
Sure enough, as you enter the galley, Sanji’s slender figure was slumped over the sink finishing up the dishes. 
“Hey San-“ You stop once you hear a sniffle. 
You go silent and don’t move any further. Was he… crying?
“*sniff* y/n, it’s late.” Sanji chokes back something like a wet sob. “You should head to bed. *sniff*” Sanji says without turning around, right hand covering his face over the sink.
“Sanji… you’re… not okay…” You say softly as you approach him slowly. “And that’s okay… you just have to let someone help you… we’re a family and you don’t have to do anything alone…” You reach his trembling form and reach up to gingerly touch his shoulder. 
Sanji jerks against your touch. You recoil your hand. 
“No! Don’t you get it! I fucked up! I am fucked up!” Sanji removes his hand from his face, revealing red, wet eyes. “I put everyone in danger and it was all my fault…” Heavy tears spill over and cascade down his porcelain cheeks. 
You immediately pull him into you and put your hand on the back of his head to push him into the crook of your neck. You wrap your other around around his shoulder to keep him close to your body. He cries harder. 
“I can’t sleep, y/n… I keep having nightmares… It’s just too much…” Sanji breathes out into your skin, now wet from his tears. You stroke his hair. 
“Sanji I understand why you might feel like that, but I promise you no one resents you for anything. You were doing what you thought would save us. We’re all just so happy to have you back.” You coo soothingly into his ear. 
“You shouldn’t have come for me, I’m not worth it. I’m a disgusting monster…” Sanji sobs 
You rub circles into his back. 
“Hey, out of all the disgusting monsters we’ve fought over these years, I’m pretty sure you’re very low on the list.” You joke. 
Sanji cries harder. 
“Oh come on, you know I’m kidding. You’re not disgusting and you’re not a monster. Imagine Luffy hearing you say this? You know he wouldn’t stand for it.” You state firmly. 
Sanji’s sobbing slows. 
“Hey… why don’t you stay with me tonight?” You ask. 
Sanji pulls back and looks in your eyes.
“What?” He questions. 
“If you stay with me, you won’t be alone if you have a nightmare. You’ll feel better if you get a decent night’s sleep.” You wipe tears and snot from his princely face. “Please?” You persist. 
“I… Ok…” Sanji resigns. 
“Good, when you finish cleaning up, come to my room.” You push his hair back and retreat to your bedroom deep inside the ship. 
You wash up and slip on a large clean shirt and boy short panties before you slide into bed. You sigh and stretch against your comfortable sheets. 
*knock knock*
“Come in!” You holler from your bed. Sanji meekly peeks his head into your room and you smile and wave him in. He had cleaned up his face and combed his hair, his normal three piece suit swapped for grey sweats and a white tee. 
“Hi!” You sit up in bed and pat the spot next to you in bed. 
“A-are you sure you don’t want me to sleep on the loveseat?” Sanji asked as he pointed at the couch in the corner of your bedroom. 
“Sleeping on a sofa isn’t going to make your quality of sleep any better. Shut up and get in here, cook.” You roll your eyes. Sanji delicately slides underneath your fluffy purple comforter and takes his place beside you. 
“Good. Now get some sleep.” You reach up and turn out your bedside lamp. You settle yourself in, facing inwards curled on your side, how you always slept. You listen to Sanji’s nervous, heavy breathing for a few moments before he spoke. 
“Yes?” You open your eyes and look up at him. 
“Could I… hold you?” He asks with a shaky breath. 
“Of course. Come here.” You pull Sanji’s head down to lay between your breasts and he wraps him arm around your waist. You throw your leg over his hip and begin stroking his hair. Sanji couldn’t help but nuzzle his nose deeper into the crease of your breasts through your shirt. You smirk. After a few minutes of innocent cuddling, you feel Sanji’s hand on your side slip up your shirt and caress your naked back. The next thing you notice is the very slight grinding up his hips up into you. He was so cute like this, you couldn’t help but want to let him play… Maybe this is what he needed?
“Here baby…” you quickly pull back and remove your shirt, breasts falling into Sanji’s face in the process. You lay back down and pull his head back to your tits. “Go ahead and suck, sweetheart…” You guide his lips to your erect nipple. 
“Y/n yes…mmmpphh…” Sanji moans around your pert bud, continued to rut his hips into you. You arch your back and sigh at the sensation of his plush lips on your breast. 
Sanji sucks hungrily at your tit as he brings his hand to knead and squeeze at your other one. 
“Mmmmph.. thank you.. so perfect…” Sanji mutters as he pulls off your breast to give the other one the same attention, a sloppy string of saliva now connecting them. Minutes went by with Sanji just desperately suckling your chest, little whimpers leaving his lips every now and then…
“Feels so good, sweet boy, so good for me…” You coo as you tug at his hair. 
“Hmmppph… fuck… thank you mommy….” Sanji groans into your chest. 
You eyes snap open. 
*Oooooh, so that’s what he’s into… you know what? That makes sense…”
It might not be something you were used to, but you were happy with providing Sanji with whatever he needed in this very moment. You pull him gently by his hair out of your breasts and look into his glassy eyes. 
“Wanna be a good boy and fuck me, Sanji?” 
“Gods, more than anything.” Sanji bolts upright and sheds himself of his shirt and sweats, long cock standing at attention. You snap out of your daze staring at Sanji’s large member and shimmy off your panties. You spread your legs wide to entice him to enter you already. Sanji hovers over you. 
“Fuck me, Sanji.” You buck your hips up at him. 
“I can’t… not yet…” 
“What?” You sit up on your elbows. 
“Gotta taste you first… smells so nice…” Sanji drops to his stomach between your legs and spreads your glistening lips with his fingers. “Fucking pretty…” Sanji sighs before diving into your cunt and attaching his lips to your clit. You yelp out in surprise and pleasure. Sanji makes out with your clit as his saliva and your slick dris down the rest of your sex, soaking your skin and the bed under you. You writhe and moan under his tongue as your feel him start to play with both of your holes with his wet thumb and forefinger. His finger teases your soaked pussy as his thumb applied pressure in circles around your tight ass, all as he slurped on your clit. You found yourself hurtling towards an explosive ending very quickly. 
“Shit, Sanji!” You cry out and grip his hair as you cum violently all over Sanji’s face. The moan he let out as you released on him might have been as loud as your own, it was filthy and pornographic. 
Sanji takes one last lick of your sex before coming back up to hover over you. 
“You’re really fucking good at that.” You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck. 
Sanji chuckles and leans down to give you a passionate kiss. The flavor of your orgasm on his lips was making your head spin. 
“Wanna fuck you now…” Sanji whispers as he pulls back from you. 
“You can fuck me baby, I wanna feel you…” 
Sanji straddles one of your legs and pulls the other to wrap around his hip, turning you slightly on your side. He wastes no time in pushing his swollen cock into your seeping hole. Sanji stutters and gasps as he bottoms out inside of you, overwhelmed at the feeling of your warm walls sucking him in so tightly. 
“Y/n… fuck…” Sanji pants and pulls out of you just slightly, admiring your slick coating his shaft already. 
“So good baby, you stretch me out so good…” You purr as you run your hand up and down his chest. 
“Shit…” Sanji pushes back in, all the way to his pelvis and grinds into you, making sure to press into your clit. He continues grinding his hips in circles against yours. 
“Yes! Just like that, so fucking good baby!” You cry out and throw your head back, this particular position had Sanji able to stimulate all of your senses. 
“A-ah- Fuck! You’re squeezing me so tight! A-are you gonna cum?” Sanji stutters as he tries to keep his pace while fucking into you. 
“Yes honey, I’m gonna cum. Keep going, make mommy cum, baby- Ah!” You cry out and your dam bursts all over Sanji’s legs and pelvis. 
“Mommy! Fuck, ah! Can’t hold it, gotta.. gotta fill you! Please!” Sanji shouts as his hips move more erratically. 
In your post orgasm daze you whisper out a short “cum in me, please” and Sanji does just so with a loud groan, surely heard by everyone on the ship. You whimper as you feel him shooting rope after rope of thick white into your womb. Once his body stopped shaking on top of you, Sanji pushed himself off and flopped down next to you in bed. 
“Y/n…” Sanji turns to you and grabs your cheek. “Thank you…” 
You shake your head. 
“Don’t thank me. I’d be doing this with your no matter what had happened. You mean so much to me…” You look up into Sanji’s blue eyes. 
“I… I don’t deserve you…” Sanji looks away. 
“Hey.” You tilt his chin up to you. “No more of that. I thought I made that very clear.” You giggle and place a quick kiss on his lips. Sanji smiles. 
“I’ll never leave you again. I promise.”
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sgkjd · 2 years
idk if it's more annoying or funny that the posts i made knowing they were shit bc i just really wanted to share something and didn't have the energy to properly word it/edit it keep getting notes and the posts where i took my time to word them accurately/put my energy into editing pictures etc/have a good main idea (imo of course) rarely do lmao now i gotta live being reminded of my embarrassments 😬 on the positive side it really just shows i shouldn't stress too much about Presentation and being Comprehensible
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
Also, shoutout to Impulse for getting stuck in two of those worlds in ONE DAY. Joe revealed that the recording for what we now know as vault hunters was also last monday. Impulse is really going through it.
Impulse sweats. For the past several minutes, Iskall has been staring at him and "hmmm"-ing for some reason. His only solace is that he's also doing it to Etho, but it's still making Impulse feel like he's got something weird on his face. That, or Iskall has suddenly and unexpectedly transformed back into his original villager state. One or the other.
He glances at Etho, who shrugs awkwardly at Impulse. He looks back at Iskall, who is still 'HMMM'-ing, increasingly furiously.
"Do you think he wants us to say something?" Etho asks.
"I mean, I guess?" Impulse says. "He could just ask."
"He's just going to keep humming at us, though," Etho says. "That's scary."
"Scary?" Impulse says, blankly.
"HMMMMM," Iskall says with an irritated expression.
"Scary," Etho confirms. Impulse sighs.
"Okay, I'll handle it. Hey, Iskall," Impulse says.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," Iskall blatantly lies.
"Right. You're, uh, sounding a bit concerned, buddy," Impulse says.
"Right, yes. Very concerned. Did you know you and Etho are already claimed? And, like, super cursed."
"Uh, I got a divorce with Cleo, you know," Etho says, completely straight-faced. "I'm a bachelor now. Not claimed by anyone."
"I'm not sure Bdubs and I ever got a divorce," Impulse says.
"No, no, not claimed like that! Claimed like--I did warn you all, yes? That my patrons would not like it if you came with other gods all over you? They get jealous of each other, let alone whoever you have... doing that to you."
Impulse and Etho glance at each other again. Impulse looks back at Iskall. "Yeah, I think I'd remember if I were claimed by any gods. I don't really... worship any, these days."
"If I worship any gods, Iskall, they're not the kind yours can do anything about," Etho says.
"What?" Impulse says.
"I mean, I'm old! I'm old, Impulse! I've met a lot of gods! Some of them I have opinions on!" Etho says.
"No, I've met yours too, they won't cause problems, yeah?" Iskall says.
"Thank goodness," Etho says.
"Sometimes I forget how old you two are," mutters Impulse. "That doesn't answer the whole... already claimed?"
"Yeah, like, it stinks off of you to me. It's like... you've got... someone's already claimed you to kill players, not mobs. And your health is all wonky. And you're keeping secrets or... kept secret? And don't even get me STARTED on how much time you have. All wrong. Who did you even find to do that to you?"
Impulse freezes.
"...the time was last season," he says, finally.
"Last season? What?" Iskall says.
"Yeah, that was--you know what, tell your gods not to worry about it," Impulse says. "I'm sure it's. Fine? Hey, wait, how can you tell?"
Iskall shakes his head like he's trying to knock something out of his ear. "They're annoying about it. Make whatever curse you're under go away while you're here or they're going to make it my problem. Mine! As though I can do anything about it. Go to the mortal world, they say. Bring your friends back here, they say. We want to meet them, they say. They're so annoying."
Etho, without skipping a beat, says: "Yeah, are those gods or the mother I saw last night?"
There's an ominous roll of thunder.
"Oh, definitely your mom," he says. There is a second, even more ominous roll of thunder happens, somehow entirely focused on Etho's location. Impulse decides to ignore it.
"I'll bother Grian about it," Impulse decides. He somewhat doubts Grian is a god--man, he really, really hopes Grian isn't a god, actually--but maybe he knows that Secret Keeper guy. That feels like the kind of guy who probably did this to them.
"Do that," Iskall says, and he wanders off to bother Stress.
Etho watches him go. "You know, maybe we should worry about the fact we're cursed because of the Life games. That seems, uh, bad," he says.
Impulse thinks about it and shrugs. "Eh, what's the worst that can happen?"
A long silence.
"Don't answer that," he tells the silence, before it can ominously thunder again. He knows the kinds of things that will lead to gods mocking him, after all.
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 8
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: this is ridiculous and incredibly self-indulgent but I don’t care I had so much fun writing this. This is the iconic karaoke chapter and I’m so excited 😌
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Azriel drove the two of you through town, his motorcycle moving through traffic with ease. Your hold on him continues until he eventually pulls into a parking lot, stopping right in front of a small restaurant nestled beside an Insomnia Cookies store. You were quite impressed with how well you handled the ride - you had kept your gasps and nerves to a minimum.
Until you realized you had to get off the bike.
“Uhhh,” you say, looking at the ground as if the two or three feet away from the asphalt was a ravine.
He chuckles, sensing your hesitation.
“Hold onto my shoulders and just slide off.”
You breathe deeply, preparing yourself for the worst case scenario - either falling off the bike or death. You’re not entirely sure which is preferable.
You follow Azriel’s advice, your hands bracing your weight on his shoulders, sliding off with relative ease. You put your hands up in the air, jumping around at how proud you are of not dying. Azriel just chuckles, shaking his head as he mounts the bike, helping you pull off your helmet.
You two go in, and you look around to see only a one other couple at a table, eating what can only be described as the most delectable smelling sandwiches you’ve ever encountered. You spend a moment looking at the massive menu trying to figure out what sandwich you want. Azriel waits on you, and when you nod to him that you’re ready, he steps forward to the counter.
“Can I get a 12 inch triple meat and a 12 inch meatball sub, and whatever she’s having,” he says, motioning for you to tell him what you want.
You’re a bit surprised, and you desperately want to crack a joke about a 12 inch triple meat, but you bite your tongue, asking for a philly cheese steak instead.
Azriel pays, and you thank him as you two find a table.
“So… 12 inch triple meat, huh?”
Azriel snorts, “it’s Cassian’s go to.”
“What’s on it?”
“I’m pretty certain they just shove a bunch of different kinds of meat on bread, layer a bunch of cheese on top, and warm it up.”
“Hmmm,” you hum, “very on brand for him.”
The guy who took your order brings you your sandwiches in little baskets, one sandwich packed away in a bag.
Cassian’s triple meat, no doubt.
“How’d you like being my backpack?” Azriel asks, biting his sandwich, half of it coming out of the end.
“Excuse me?” You ask, taking a bite of your own, trying to keep the contents inside of the sandwich as you eat.
“My backpack. You were riding on my back, like a backpack.”
“Oh,” you push some hair behind your ear, “It uh wasn’t too bad, it was actually fun when I got used to it.”
“Yeah? Would you ride with me again?”
His eyes sparkle a bit at you, whether that was from the sunlight peaking through the window or if that was just Azriel, you’re not sure.
“Yeah, I think I would. When I was a kid I always wanted to ride a motorcycle,” you say, smiling. “How did you end up driving one?” You ask, not taking your eyes off of him
He hums, thinking about how to respond. “I always wanted to ride one, too. Then after the incident with my hands,” he holds up his gloved hands as if making a point, “after I relearned how to use my hands, all I could think about for years was riding. During my physical therapies, whenever it was getting hard or frustrating, I imagined myself older, being able to grip the handles, feel the wind on me.”
You just smile at him, unsure what to say, hoping your smile comes across as friendly as you tell him, “I just thought it looked cool.”
A smile breaks across his face, a beautiful laugh coming from him.
“It does look cool,” he replies, bunching up the paper from his sandwich once he finishes, throwing it into the basket.
“Rhys actually bought me the bike.”
Your eyes move from the paper to his face, and a somber look overtakes him.
“When we were kids he told me after those therapies that he’d buy me a bike once we were old enough.”
He shakes his head, the memories of all the times Rhys said those words to him coming in and out of his thoughts.
“I never expected him to follow through on it. But he did. He bought me the bike as a graduation gift.”
You were about to ask how an 18 year old could afford that, but Azriel beats you to it.
“Rhys’s dad is somewhat in the picture. If Rhys does things for him, mostly making appearances at family functions, he gets extra money.”
“His dad does pay our rent, and Rhys has a credit and debit card from his dad, but he also needed his dad to sign on for the bike.”
“Your brothers must really love you,” you say, reaching your hand out to cover his.
He looks up at you, hazel eyes peering into your own and he smiles, “yeah, yeah they do.”
You walk into the gym that Cassian and Azriel work at. It was quite large and it looked incredibly pristine. It’s full of people working out, seemingly everyone in town was spending their Saturday afternoon sweating the week off.
Azriel pulls out his phone, shooting a text to Cassian about his sandwich. The two of you chat idly about the gym, and Azriel tells you a bit about the guy who does the scheduling when you catch a glimpse of long hair in a half messy bun on the top of his head.
You see Cassian’s head come from a corner and he makes his way to you two, his grin getting bigger as he sees you next to his brother.
“How’d your date go last night?” He asks, not mentioning Az’s spare helmet in your hand or how if he blew out a breath you’d be touching his brother.
Azriel glares at Cassian over you, but you tell him, “uh, terribly, actually. He was a douche.”
Cassian grabs his lunch from Azriel, thanking him.
“That’s too bad.”
And yet, Cassian wouldn’t stop smiling at you. You go to ask him more, but he tells you, “I gotta go - I only have a few minutes to eat. Thanks,” he tells you, and before you realize what’s happening, he’s grabbing your head giving you a kiss on the forehead, doing the same to Azriel.
The two of you stand there confused as Cassian walks away, over his shoulder yelling, “do NOT forget about karaoke tonight!”
You stepped into your living room, to find Rhys, Mor, and Az lounging on your couches, not adhering to the bar’s theme. Rita’s did themed karaoke nights once a month and this month’s theme was cowboys.
Naturally you pulled out your Barbie costume from last Halloween, and are now looking at your non-costumed friends gobsmacked.
“Why is no one else dressed up?” You ask incredulously, as all three of them look towards you. Rhys and Mor start laughing, but Azriel lets his eyes graze up and down your body, his gaze making you wonder if you’re even wearing clothes right now.
Mor smiles at you, “we don’t follow the theme - Cassian does though.”
You huff, crossing your arms, “he made it seem like all of you dressed up!”
Rhys’s eyes dance with amusement as he tells you, “because he wanted you to dress up too.”
As if you summoned him, Cassian comes out wearing black leather pants, no shirt, a matching vest, and a cowboy hat. He looks at you, smiling wide. “You look great!” He tells you, clapping you on the shoulder as he walks past you. “Uber’s here.”
You don’t have time to turn around and change as your group is herded out the door and down the elevator. It hadn’t occurred to you to question how the five of you would fit into an uber until you got down to the curb, Mor bolting for the passenger seat as the guys get into the car.
“You can just sit on someone’s lap,” Mor tells you flippantly, before placing a finger on her nose telling you, “nose goes.”
Az, Rhys, and Cass get into the backseat, and Cass pats his lap for you, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Ew,” you tell him, clambering to get in on Az’s side. “I don’t trust you, Cass.”
You drape your legs over Rhys’s lap, your feet landing in Cassian’s hands as you get situated on Az’s lap. You shoot him a look, wanting to know if this is okay, but he’s talking to the uber driver.
You pull up your phone, typing a note into your notes app, showing it to him once he’s finished with whatever he was telling the driver.
Is this okay?
You show it to him as Cassian and Rhys are watching the end of a rugby game on Cassian’s phone on the other end of the backseat. Az reaches for your phone, his fingers gently brushing against yours as he grabs your phone. You watch him type, his fingers dancing across your keyboard, their scarred skin providing a texture you want to touch.
It’s more than fine.
He had replied, and you’re about to respond when he grabs your phone again, typing out:
Just like the way you look in that costume.
He hands you your phone back, smiling as a blush floods your cheeks. He puts his arms around your torso, holding you in place, and one of his hands gently holds onto your hips, securing you to him.
Sitting mostly in Azriel’s lap, you spend the car ride holding onto him, leaning your head into his neck for support while you talk to Cassian, who keeps threatening to tickle your feet. You tell him you get spazzy when tickled, which would give Rhys a free knee to the face.
“Please don’t, Cass. I’d like to keep my face intact for tonight.”
“Yeah because Feyre’s meeting us at Rita’s and he wants to look good,” Mor replies from the front seat, drawing out the last word.
Rhys rolls his eyes, but you do notice him unlock his phone to the messages between him and your friend, the last one asking her to let him know when she got there.
The five of you arrive to Rita’s, a bar located on the edge of campus, just close enough to be packed full of other students.
Mor leads the group in, with Rhys saying, “Feyre’s on her way.” The blonde leads your group to a large round booth in the corner, all of you piling in. Mor sits on your right as you maneuver your way in, Azriel right beside you.
Cassian sits on the edge, likely so he can get up and go sing without being too much of a hindrance. Rhys doesn’t sit down, heading to the bar to grab drinks for everyone instead.
And perhaps keep an eye on the door for a certain brunette.
The four of you sit in the booth, Cassian being uncharacteristically quiet as he waits for Rhysand to bring him his traditional shot before performing.
You nudge Az, getting him to turn his attention to his brother.
“You okay, Cass?”
Cassian shrugs him off, “I just want my shots. You know I prefer being a bit buzzed before going up there.”
You reach in front of Azriel, squeezing Cassian’s forearm, “you’re going to be great!”
Cassian softly smiles at you, his hand covering yours in a gentle squeeze, “thanks, sweetheart.”
Cassian did seem in better spirits, opting to pick up a conversation with Mor about the best shots to drink before karaoke.
You turn to Az, the two of you closer than necessary in the booth, but you can’t bring yourself to scoot away.
“So, Barbie huh?” He asks, his fingers touching the pink pleather fabric on your shoulder.
You’re confused for a moment, before realizing what he’s talking about. “Oh, yeah. Mor wanted us to go as different Barbies from the movie for Halloween - she was rollerskating Barbie, I was cowgirl Barbie, and Feyre was the pink gingham dress Barbie.”
He rests his arm on the booth behind you, and you stay as still as possible so you won’t scare him off as he asks, “no Kens?”
You laugh, “no Kens, unfortunately.”
His smile is on the verge of cracking his face in half as he says, “maybe this Halloween you’ll have some Kens.”
Before you can reply, Rhysand comes back with a tray of shots and Feyre behind him, wearing a very cute black mini dress.
“Traitor!” You shout at her, as she scooches in next to Mor.
“Rhys told me we didn’t actually dress up,” she defends, holding her hands up. Your eyes shoot to violet ones, their gaze full of mischief. Rhys smiles at you, and your jaw drops, “and you didn’t think to extend the same courtesy to me?”
Rhys’s grin grows feral, “I thought surely with all the texting you and Azriel have been doing, he would have told you.”
You turn, smacking him on the shoulder as he chuckles. “Okay, okay, I should have told you, but you were so excited about it, how could I rip that from you?”
You scoff, “I look like an idiot.”
“A cute idiot.”
Your blush doesn’t go unnoticed by everyone at the table, as Mor pokes her nose in. “I think it’s only fair if next time we come out Azzy and Rhys adhere to the theme.”
Your eyes light up, pointing to Mor, “oh oh oh, I like that idea!”
Rhys turns to cousin, “and why am I involved in this?”
“It only seems fair. You told Feyre that we don’t dress up, so you should have told her as well.”
Azriel butts in, “well Feyre could have told her too.”
Feyre motions her hand over her throat, trying to stop Azriel from speaking further.
“It’s decided then,” Mor says, “the three of you adhere to the theme for next month’s karaoke.”
You pick up your glass and clink it to Mor’s, solidifying the deal. Everyone else is groaning, slumping back in their seats, but this agreement causes Cassian to become invigorated. He’s buzzing with excitement, and at least three shots of vodka, as one of the bartenders walks up to the mic and says, “next up for karaoke - everyone’s favorite - Cassian!”
Cassian gets up, all of you wishing him luck as Mor places a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He prances up to the stage as the scattered applause dies out. The opening notes to Shania Twain’s “Man I Feel Like a Woman” come through the speakers. Cassian lifts his head to the mic to sing, “let’s go, girls”, then turns back around away from the mic. He begins swaying his hips in time with the beat, the leather pants he’s wearing making his ass and his legs look phenomenal. His vest rises a bit as he raises his arms, and you can see the bottom of the tattoo he had gotten during your drunk escapades.
“Are we sure Cassian’s not a stripper?” You ask the table, but Mor shushes you so she can watch the show.
You turn to Azriel, leaning in close to him to whisper, “Do you know how to whistle?”
Your whole body is warm as he leans close to your ear, whispering, “Yes, why?”
You miss the look Rhys gives the two of you, huddled together impossibly close in the large expansive booth.
“I want to whistle, but I don’t know how. Can you do it?”
He obliges your request, rolling his eyes as he wolf whistles at Cassian, who beams at the attention.
You giggle, whispering to Azriel, “his stage name should be 12 inch triple meat.”
You two giggle at the joke before turning your attention back to the stage. Cassian makes it through the first chorus, and he is not receiving his dues. No one is paying any attention to him, and you’re about to ask if there’s anything you guys can do, when Mor grabs your and Feyre’s arms, pulling you out to the little dance floor in front of the stage.
You guys start singing and dancing with him, hips swaying with the music. You guys are singing to each other, smiles plastered on your faces.
You’re lost in the moment when you feel Cassian’s warm hand wrap around your wrist dragging you up on the stage. He has his other hand on Mor, so you quickly grab Feyre’s wrist, all three of you assisting him with the vocals on the “oh, oh, oh”.
It was ridiculous - the four of you on this tiny stage, everyone at Rita’s not caring as you all danced and sang, the three of you providing backing vocals for Cassian.
Three of the most important people in your life singing to Shania Twain.
It was ridiculous. It was everything.
The song ends, and you can hear Rhys and Azriel clapping enthusiastically as the four of you head back to your table.
You slide back into Azriel’s side, his smile making everything inside of you burn for more of it. You spend the rest of the night drinking as Rhys and Cassian regale you all with stories of karaoke nights of the past, the unspoken words hanging between them, but not making their way into the discussion.
The past nights of singing were nowhere near as fun as tonight was.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 8 months
You know I had seen some headcanons about ghostflower as parents, and here is a bit of my take on that.
Miles is the responsible dad, Gwen is the fun mom.
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And that assumption has entirely to do with this.
Yep, I think the roles would be reversed for them, hear me out.
Miles was raised by loving and present parents, they have room for improvement but I don't doubt that Jeff and Rio knew how to establish healthy boundaries, knew when to be strict and when to be more permissive, and are all overall supportive, amazing parents.
Now, the thing about Gwen's parents-
Mom we know nothing, Gwen's mom is never mentioned in the spider-verse movies and again, I haven't read all of her comics, but if that woman was mentioned I don't remember. I normally assume she died when Gwen was very young so she doesn't have too many memories of her.
This leaves us with George.
So, I don't think George is the worst, I have my issues and I would scream at him until he goes deaf- but you can see at the end that he loves Gwen, and while he doesn't know what he is doing, he is trying.
We haven't seen much of him, but what did I notice?
He is not good with emotional intelligence; he doesn't realize that telling Gwen how the case is doing will not make her feel better (and it has to be a while since Peter died, he should know this by now.) Clearly doesn't know what to say to cheer her up. Tries to talk about his job and his duty when he doesn't know how to proceed.
And then he leaves because there was an emergency with the police; and is obvious this is not a rare occurrence. As someone who was basically raised by a single parent doing a lot of hours at work, I can tell you by this interaction that Gwen probably spend hours or entire nights alone.
So, how does translate to their parent styles?
Miles would feel a lot more confident in his role as a parent, he would definitely read a lot of books and would have his parents on speed dial; but Miles he is also a natural. He would thinking back on how his parents raise him, looking back in their decisions and understanding where they are coming from, and overall end up finding a middle point between how he grew up, and what he thinks is right for him and his family.
I will share what he does when the kids are older while sharing Gwen's approach.
Gwen on the other hand? Extremely anxious, Miles needed to reassure her a lot specially at the beginning. She can barely remember her mom, and her dad wasn't the most present. While I think by this point the relationship between her and Miles's parents would be better, I think part of her would also be afraid looking incompetent in comparison to Rio.
Later when the kids are older, Gwen defaults more to let the kids play and do things that they probably shouldn't "Is just one day/night," "Oh when I was their age I was trying to imitate the gymnasts on the TV, at least they are a lot more resistant that I was!" and "Hmmm, maybe this is something we should ask your father too."
Gwen's laxer approach was thanks to not being heavily supervised and not realizing when is too much at times, or thinking these is one of those things kids should learn and it would be fine.
Thanks to this, Miles is normally the one who needs to more strict and reasonable. "No, we can't have popcorn and ice cream for dinner, it doesn't matter if is Friday and summer is starting"; "I DON'T CARE IF YOU CAN HANDLE FALLING 6 FEET TO THE GROUND, YOU ARE NOT PRACTISING TIGHT ROPE!" and "I told you no, and don't go asking your mother just so she can say yes, I will find out."
Miles is still, the one parent to go when the kids are sad, upset or need to be hear out. While he may be stricter of the two and tries to stop anything that he deems too far; he knows the best how to de-escalate a situation and see reason.
Gwen while a lot of times doesn't know what to do, their kids always go to her when they just need a hug and be comforted. While Gwen a lot of times doesn't know what to say to make things better, or what advice to give; she never shy's away from telling her kids that sometimes they will make mistakes, and she would do too, but that never means they deserve any less love or compassion; no matter how hard the world is or the mistakes they make, Gwen promises to be there at any point, and that Miles and her would never stop loving them.
There is a lot of adjustments and discussions, but they balance it out.
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Could you do fic for Checo Perez with wife reader? He had some insecurity about his abilities to race against the grid and she just hugged and comforted him. Add something else to it if you want to. Tag me later Thanks!! :))
The pressure is insane… - Sergio Perez x Wife! Reader
Plot: Checo replacing Alex was probably the best thing to happen to him in his Formula One career. However, so much pressure comes from being in that second Red Bull seat, not just the team but the fans too, and Checo doesn’t like the pressure on him.
Credit to checorita for the GIF
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When Checo came into the seat, and performance wasn’t great, people in the team told him it would be fine and to keep his head up because everyone knew he was getting used to how different the Red Bull Car is thanks to Max’s driving style.
But at it came to his second season, and it didn’t seem like things were improving much, Christian kept talking to him, explaining what was expected of him as if he hadn’t already informed him over 100 times.
He was just struggling with a car that was clearly built for their main driver, which is why Pierre crumbled under pressure and it’s why they couldn’t put up with Alex when he didn’t learn the car quick enough for them.
The gave Checo the benefit of the doubt throughout 2022, but when Red Bulls most dominant season came around it was without a doubt that your husband had to step up.
And in your eyes he had, getting two race wins under his belt, but he wasn’t consistent enough for Christian and it seemed that he wanted Checo to be actually challenging Max more.
It got worse when the Ferrari and McLaren started to beat him despite being in the worse car, and it was deemed a ‘driver issue’
Sergio felt awful, for a man who had been racing for as long as he had, he never felt doubtful of his abilities to put on a show and drive to the best of his ability.
But now, in the Red Bull seat, he actually understood the words ‘under pressure’ because he was under it constantly.
“Baby what’s wrong with you, you’ve been jittery all week” you ask your husband who was currently watching over some of his old races with a notepad.
“Hmmm?” He asks not even throwing a glance in your direction.
You knew he wasn’t listening.
“Well I just think that when aliens invade Earth that we should have a bunker ready and prepared so that you and I can help create a new civilisation after the government kill them all …” you say trying to grab a reaction from him.
“Hmmm yeah that’s really nice” he starts but then he looks up and his head cocks to the side as if his brain just processed the words you said. “Wait what?” He asks.
You chuckle and little bit happy to have his attention.
“I just wanted to see if you were listening, I asked what’s been up with you lately” you say softly, taking a seat next to him, reaching over to grab the remote and pause the race he was observing so his full attention was on you.
“Nothing wrong, I’m fine” he lies.
“Hermoso, we’ve been married for 6 years, I know when somethings up” you smile taking his hand into yours and kissing the back of it softly while watching for his reaction.
“I just … nevermind it’s stupid” he sighs looking down.
“None of your feelings are stupid baby, please let me in” you say calmly.
“I just feel like, I’m so singled out on the grid. You’ve got so many amazing drivers and then there’s me. Lewis is a 7x world champion, and and Max my own team mate has won 2, and he’s probably going to win this year by a landslide and then there’s Fernando again he has two championships, and then you’ve got all this new talent in Lando, and Charles and Carlos and now that Oscar is here, it’s getting tough” he admits and you softly smile at him.
“Where have all these doubts come from honey?” You ask, you knew he didn’t think he was the best driver, but he never once compared his abilities to individual drivers.
“Christian said that if I didn’t improve he’d replace me with Yuki, Liam or Daniel and that i might not even get a AlphaTauri seat as a replacement” he says putting his face in his hands with a soft sigh.
You pull him into a hug in which he nuzzles his head into your neck.
You are an incredible driver, there’s just such an insane amount of talent on the grid right now, you being one of them. World champion or not baby, your still one of only 20 drivers in the world that are here! Your a race winner and I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. You are incredible” you smile wrapping your arms around him while you feel him shake a little, presumably where he’s crying.
“Im just awful at it all. Driving, being a husband … you’ve been asking for a baby for 3 years and I keep telling you no because I’m so career focused but I can’t even seem to be good at that career” he complains and you almost laugh.
“Oh honey, I think you forget you are without a doubt the best thing that’s ever happened to me, child or no child. And where you aren’t ready because your at a point in your career that is crucial, I’ll always understand that darling. You are all I need, you are all I want. And I married you because I’m happy with you” you say tightening your hold on him.
“You know, I would never not be ready to have a kid. If you want one, we can have one. I’d never say no” he argues wiping his eyes and looking at you, only for you to release a breath of relief.
“Thank god, that night in Saudi Arabia really stuck” you admit and he cocks his head to the side not understanding. You take his hand and place it on your stomach, there wasn’t much of a bump, but a slight and minuscule weight gain was there. Enough that when he run his hand over your tummy he could feel it.
“Are you saying?” He asks and you nod.
“I know, I know it’s not the right time because your so stressed and I’ve been so nervous to tell you because I know you’ve had a lot on your plate since being in Red Bull and it was such a shock to me” you start to ramble thinking you should have waited.
“No this is the best news ever! This has made my day, my week, my year even!” He smiles before lifting you up and twirling you round.
“I love you” he says pulling you in for a kiss, happy with life.
And now he didn’t have anything to worry about, as long as he was able to provide for you and your child or children in the future he knew he could handle the pressure because now there was something else riding on it!
A/N: hey guys I didn’t realise tumblr only lets you do 50 tags per post! So I’m not sure what to do about taglist anymore? Any suggestions?
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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calicoheartz · 1 month
Caitlin Clark ; relationship hcs ﹒ ⟢
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caitlin clark x reader relationship hcs !
warnings : just pure fluff ! ( 𖦹◞◟)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n: tysm for all the love on my last two hcs! this was inspired by the lovely @iminlovewithpaigebueckers so make sure to go check them out ♡
how you two meet cami is going to be cliche and say that you definitely went to one of her games and she spotted you in her jersey and it was love at first sight!!
Ever since she saw you she has been pestering Kate and Gabbie to find out more about you and who exactly you were. Literally was desperate to find out your name and to learn more about you.
eventually she spotted you at a cafe close to campus and she knew it was now or never. She asked for your number and the rest is history !
who had interest first? Caitlin. As mentioned previously it was love at first sight. You definitely thought she was drop dead gorgeous but you weren’t actively seeking her iykwim
how she asks you out Caitlin had been planning this moment for weeks. You two had grown increasingly close over the past month, and she wanted to make it official.
you hadn’t seen eachother as often due to her away games, so she asked you if you wanted to come over and hang out at hers for a bit.
she had everything set up, your favorite food and flowers , dimly lit setting with pleasantly smelling candles. I feel like she would ask you out with a playlist with songs that reminded her of you, and would start off by saying how much you mean to her and how she wants to be able to call you hers.
the first “I love you” I think she would say it first. We all know our girl is as cool as a cucumber, and most likely said it with so much love and not even realizing she said it.
Would for sure take place after a huge win for Iowa , you both back at her dorm, helping her wind down and preparing a nice bath for her. As you gently massage her scalp I think she would slip it out.
who’s more clingy i think it would be a good mix of both. You definitely miss her tremendously whenever she’s gone for games, but the moment she’s back best believe you guys are glued at the hip. It’s an equal balance of both !
who’s more possessive you! i think with all the attention caitlin gets it can be hard to keep your composure at times, you know she loves you but with all the girls throwing themselves at her it can be hard to not have doubts. But she always reassures you that in every room she would always look for you ◡̈
staying in or going out? hmmm this is hard. I feel like Cait is a homebody so i think you two would stay home every chance you get. Just cozying up under a blanket , watching your favorite movies and just enjoying each others company
cuddles cuddles cuddles i think she would definitely be big spoon. She loves having you close to her and having you in her arms. A honorable mention to the “rom com” , as I think that’s the second most used couple position between you two 😊
love language i feel like it would be a mix between physical touch and acts of service.
while she lovesss having you close to her and feeling you against her, she also loves showing you how much you mean to her through little acts of services throughout the day!
arguments i think there would be an equal balance , but since we know our girl is super collected we know she’ll always take the blame regardless of what yall are arguing about just for the sake of it.
i can picture her giving you space to blow off some steam, but within the next few days she would definitely try and have another open discussion about what happened to make sure everyone’s side is heard correctly
i had so much fun writing this! lmk if you guys want a pt 2 to this & make sure to leave reqs in my inbox! ilyyy ◡̈
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littlemelaninfics · 2 months
I don't really have a super detailed idea butttt, I was thinking of when colby said in a video he likes to be dominant and use handcuffs... something along the lines of that. I never see him under the blk reader tag sadlyyyy
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Oh my god. Let's fucking get into it because this man is Daddy (18+ ONLY!! NO EXCEPTIONS)
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Warnings: Daddy!Colby, Pet Kink if you squint, Smut, Spit Kink, Handcuffs
You don’t let just anyone explore your deepest desires, but Colby checked all of your boxes. He took care of you in ways you believed a daddy should
You were his. There were no ifs, ands or buts about that very prominent fact or that you loved every second of being owned
When Colby met you he was pulled to you like no one else. He's had plenty of subs, but never a true Pet. It's not like you didn't try, but you could't hide from him and he loved the chase
Your first time together was tame, but just as passionate as every time since then. He held you close and told you how beautiful you are, but it wasn't until he said, "such a good girl" that your back fully arched off the mattress
This undeniable fulfillment opened doors you never knew existed. Fast forward to present times and now you drooling face first into the same mattress is just a Thursday
Colby slowed his movements behind you, but never fully stopped,
"Where's your head at, baby? Hmm? Still here with me?" All you could do was softly moan as he tries to grab your attention.
He pushed the cascading individuals off of your right shoulder and placed an open mouth kiss to your burning skin. His thrusts were still slow, but he locked his palm around the cold metal center of your restraints, grinding his hips down deeply into yours,
"That's not an answer and I think you know that. Do I need to leave you like this all night?"
"No, Daddy. Please," you mustered out in a whiny voice.
Ugh GOD!! As much as this man would worship you, there is no doubt in my mind that he has a mocking/degradation kink. Anyways lol...
He would immediately move his hand from the cuffs to the back of your neck and just fucking PLOW. He loves when you're cock drunk and forcing full sentences out is his way of keeping you coherent
His deep voice…. I can’t. Not only do you get to feel his weight on you, but hearing his deep, demanding voice echoing off the shell of your ear 😮‍💨
Colby would without a doubt unlock your cuffs and flip you over. Massaging your wrists and caressing your face as you adjust under him. A single tear following the shape of your face,
“Awww, is it too much for you? You can tell me. I won’t be mad.” You sniffle and smile softly,
“It’s not too much. Hmmm,” you sighed as you rested your face in his hand.
Colby kisses you on your temple and then on the rosy apple of your cheek. Because he’s a sick fuck and seeing the discoloration on your face makes him feral, he would roughly yank your wrists back above your head, tightening the cuffs once more
His hand would make its way to your jaw, squeezing until you opened your mouth. Hovering directly above, you already know what is about to happen and you wait excitedly
At the same time his delicious drool hit your palate, your leg is slightly lifted and you feel the glorious stretch you’ve been missing. You go to let out a moan when his hand covers your mouth, taking what belongs to him
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eskymoos · 3 months
Levi Ackerman- The Richest Man in the World
You wanted to make a normal date with Levi more fun and unconventional, but you forgot that he can read you like an open book. Word count- 1409 Female reader x Levi Ackerman SFW
Dating Levi Ackerman can be very exciting. From under the sheets to simple, humble dinner dates. He always has a way of making it memorable for both of you. There is one occasion in particular, however, that will never slip your mind.
It was a hot summer day in Trost when the two of you headed for the heart of the city. There was no end goal other than to put your responsibilities aside and save up some time for each other. You were having an amazing time when a great idea came to your mind. 
There was a tall building on your left– a multifloored store for dresses of all sorts. Green, red, blue. Short, long, exotic. All of it in one place. You weren't surprised considering that many wealthy people lived here and most of them could easily afford to fill their wardrobes with clothes. Your eyes turned to stars and your jaw dropped.
''Hey, why don't we go inside?''
You suggested that and Levi, who was holding your arm to his chest like a gentleman, glanced over at the entrance. ''Hmmm? You like something?''
''Not yet. Come on.'' You urged and he didn't set you back. The Captain followed right after you, curious as to what you had in mind.
The place really was huge and the store owners gladly welcomed you inside, inviting Levi to sit over at a sofa and observe for now. You began looking at every dress, mesmerized at how amazing all of their designs were. 
But there is another thing that you couldn't ignore. You wondered if the reason you never wore dresses is because your body type just didn't allow it or because your budget was too small. Nonetheless it all made you hesitate a bit. You went quiet for a moment.
''Are you okay?'' Levi inquired, already sipping on a cup of tea he was brought while you were zoned out. 
''Yeah.'' You clicked your tongue and resumed the search.
It was best you kept your worries to yourself. You knew Levi was always one to watch over you and be sensible. You didn't want to feel like you've wasted his time so you chose to pretend that none of the dresses were up your alley.
The first one you tried on was truthfully ugly. You didn't have to fake the reaction. The color made your nose scrunch in disgust.
''I feel like a disco ball. There are too many beads,'' you murmured and your gaze ran to your quiet boyfriend. Levi was silent but his eyes were burning right through you. He took another long sip and said nothing. No sign of any emotion. 
Then you tried another one on. It was very beautiful but too long and tripped you over a couple of times. 
''It's my style but too long. I would need them to shorten it.'' You looked down and realized that not even your legs were visible through the material.
Levi was still watching and still saying nothing. You're beginning to wonder if this is boring for him.
Then your interest was piqued by three others. Unlike the first ones, you actually had luck this time. The dresses were the perfect size, shape and color. In fact, they resembled the ones you used to read about in your books. It was a fantasy brought to your reality. 
But you couldn't have Levi know that or else you'd have to tell him how this entire time you didn't have the money for any of this. You know he wouldn't mock you but the guilt would eat at your heart.
''It's…something. These are getting progressively worse, don't you think?'' You asked for his input, finding his sitting reflection in the mirror. Once more his mouth didn't open to speak but his focus went up and down on you. Was he eye fucking you or judging your horrible taste? 
After a few minutes of doubtful thoughts and inner regret, you shrugged your shoulders.
''Well it's fine. I'm glad that we came here at least. Maybe next time I will buy myself something.'' You explained, sighing deeply. What nobody knew was that if you could, you'd collect every single piece of clothing in this building. That dream owned your soul. 
You put on your casual clothes and walked out the fitting room to Levi who stepped closer to you and brushed the hair out of your face. For a moment you got the idea that he was telling you something telepathically but you didn't know what.
''You are beautiful.'' He leaned in to tell you, his voice raspy yet smooth. 
The two of you left, saying goodbye to the workers inside. Your gut shrunk a bit. You didn't know what to feel about what just happened.
And so, the arrows of the clock kept looping and two days passed by. You heard a knock on your door.
You opened it to see Petra and Oluo– two very loyal members of Levi's squad. He had told you many times about them but you rarely saw them.
''Is everything okay?'' You rush to ask, already overthinking what could be happening.
''Oh yeah.'' Petra grinned warmly and lifted a strange, enormous bag in her hands. ''The Captain told us to bring this to you. Enjoy.''
The two nodded respectfully, deserting you there with your own thoughts and a lot of confusion. Why exactly would Levi send you something? The two of you lived together so wouldn't it make sense that he directly handed it to you?
You brushed off all questions and checked the contents of the delivery. Your eyes turned big and round when you saw the three exact dresses you fell in love with the other day. But how? You gave it your best to hide what you felt and even acted repulsed but somehow Levi saw through your disguise. Now it makes sense why he was looking so attentively at you. He was studying your face bit by bit as if it were some kind of science. He knew just what you had on your mind.
All of them were crazy expensive which made you freak out a bit. The Captain went out of his way to purchase them without even looking at the price tag? The idea that he went back for that made your heart melt. It also angered you a bit that this entire time he kept quiet and acted natural while you put up an act.
What a foxy man.
A small note fell off the bag onto the ground and you picked it up to see what was written on it.
Come to my office when you can. Bring the dresses.
Excited to hear from him, you did just that. You flew out of the house wildly and mounted your horse, heading for the location.
When you arrived, you opened the door to find Hange and Erwin inside, having a conversation with Levi.
Levi looked at you instantly and a spark began dancing in the coldness of his blue eyes. 
''Hange, Erwin, see yourself out,'' he commanded in a reserved tone. Erwin gave him a nod and greeted you idly before exiting. Hange did too, but not before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
''Don't know what you've done to him but he's not himself today.''
You gave them a baffled look. 
''Is that good?''
Hange just grinned, not elaborating any further. They stepped out and shut the door which left just you and Levi in the room. The air turned thick and hard to breathe for a moment.
''Levi, you spent all these money on–''
''Try them on.'' He cut you off, standing up from his seat and approaching you. ''Put them on again. This time be genuine with what you think.''
You sucked in your lower lip and try to formulate a sentence. ''It's too much. It's just too much. I can't possibly pay you back.''
He reached out and pulled you in his arms, his intonation full of sheer affection and pure devotion. ''That's not for you to worry. I want you to try them on and tell me if they need any adjustments.''
You put both hands on his shoulders, ''Are you sure?''
His face moved closer, his mouth caressing your ear. ''Why would I say it if I don't mean it?'' He chuckled. And before you could do what he requested you to, he took your hand and stole your attention momentarily to speak what was on his mind this entire time: ''You make me the richest man in the world, you know that?''
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lbcreations-blog · 4 months
I saw the reader x lucifer thing and i request cuddles for he!
Notes: short cuddle drabble coming up
A comfort like no other
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Lucifer was in his little workshop area working away on a new duck. He had been working on this duck for a good hour. Of course, he had made others that day in which so far he had been working for 5 hours.
He was obviously feeling a little down about something. He only would be making ducks for hours on end without leaving the workshop area if he was feeling down.
So, knowing that, you finally left the library and went to his workshop area to make sure he's ok.
Once entering, you saw him hunched over the desk working on another duck. You carefully approached him and gave him two light taps on his back him not expecting contact. He flinched, and in return, you flinched as well.
"Hey, Luci, im sorry about that. How are you?" You asked softly. "It's OK, I'm ok, love. What do you think of this duck I'm making?" He asked you, showing you his duck he was working on, which was weird since he usually only showed you a duck he made once it was done.
"It looks lovely, sweetie," you told him. "Thank you," he said as he grabbed his tools once again to continue. He looked off, for some reason, in your eyes. So you took his hands to stop him.
"Sweetie," you said. He then looked at you confused. "Yes? My love?" He asked, confused. "Are you sure you are alright?" You asked with so much concern in your eyes. Lucifer then looked away at his tools and half finished duck. So you took his chin softly to look at you.
"Lucifer. Please look at me, " you said to him. His gaze moved to your eyes in which you saw the sadness in his, and he saw the high concern in yours.
"Are you alright, Lucifer?" You asked again. In which you got a hug as a response, a tight one with his lovely face pressed against your chest. You hugged back, of course.
While doing so, you were going to ask if he wanted to lay down, but you felt your shirt get wet. 'Was he... Crying?' You thought.
Realizing he was crying, you put a tighter grib on him and picked him up.
You walked to the bedroom you both shared, and once getting in there, you used some of your magic to put you both in some pj's. You then moved the covers on your extra length king-sized bed. And carefully put him in the bed.
You then, of course, laid behind him and spooned him. (which means he's the little spoon in this situation if someone did not catch that)
You gave him circling rubs on his chest. "So what's got you mucked up, hmmm?" You asked him. He then turned around and then laid his head on your chest, making your back to be put on the mattress.
"Lucifer?" You asked. "I-...do you think I'm worth... at all?" He asked, voice still crocky and shaky. You had no idea that he was getting this bad. "Of course, sweetie. You are amazing. You are so creative. You are a good father, a good husband, and so much more." You told him, telling him his worth. "I-" "and don't doubt it, Lucifer, ignore what they say about you, sweetie. They are just looking at the wrong light..." you said as you held him against your chest.
You gave him soothing rubs on his back, and once you gave him a peck on his forehead, he was asleep. "I love you, Luci." You whispered. "Don't doubt yourself." You then slowly went into a comfortable slumber.
The end
More notes ig: so I might have gone a little overboard with this and kinda made him more depressed than he is in the show, but oh well
Taglist request section here
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-L.B Creations
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eatmyassssssssz · 11 months
How do you think the 141 boys + könig dicks look like? And how big and thick they are. Please please please
Asking for a friend
No I'm not I'm asking for me cause I'm a hoe
lilsy poopoo face. of course i will do this for you. SO.
onto the lads.
okay, so, warning for all you anons out there that keep on telling me i should die for writing smut.
warnings: peni (plural for penis'), detail, a lot of it.
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SIMON. 'ghost'. RILEY.
🍁 show-er or grower?
i believe good ol si is a grower. every single inch is used to it full potential though, don't you worry...
🍂cut or uncut?
uncut but would prefer to be cut but obviously is too late for that.
🌺 girth
the normal amount. i mean, the average is about 4.6cm in the uk, i think si has about 5.2cm. a little over but not by a stupid amount.
🌷 width
i honestly don't think hes packing as much as a horse as people say! i mean, it just don't make sense for this guy to be shclingin round a 12 incher like yall are sayin. i think its more 6.3 inches. the average is 5.7 (ish) so hes still packin more than average! thats when hes fully hard, his flaccid is about 4.7 inches.
🏷 extras:
i feel like hes had a piercing down there at least at one time. up to you if you want him still to have it, but i think he had, at one time, a jacobs ladder.
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🍁 show-er or grower?
show-er. i just..hes definitely a show-er, no one can change my mind.
🍂 cut or uncut?
cut. no doubt about it.
🌺 girth
normal girth, I'd say. about 4.6 inches. nothing special doesn't mean hes not special in bed.
🌷 width
now..i widly disagree with yall saying that soap's average. i think he's packing quite a bit. 7.3 inches.
🧼 extras:
he cums a LOT. like, a weird amount.
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🍁 shower or grower?
grower. most. fucking. definitely.
🍂 uncut or cut?
people may disagree with me on this, but i think uncut. he vastly prefers it that way as well.
🌺 girth
HOLY FUCK HES A PUSSY STRETCHER. like, worryingly thick dick disorder. 5.9 inches.
🌷 width
nothing outside the norm, particularly. i mean, its just unfair to be very thick AND long...anyways, i dont care, price is shlingin it. 5.9 at least. 4.5 flaccid.
💰 extras: his cum is STICKY. very sticky.
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im sorry i had to use the helicopters..
🍁 show-er or grower?
middle area. right inbetween.
🍂 uncut or cut?
cut. doesnt really like it though. much would prefer to be uncut but oh well, he works with it.
🌺 girth
not overtly girthy. 4.3. he makes up for it with his technique, ect.
🌷 width
hmmm a straight sixer. 6.0 inches. the perfect amount.
🚁 extras:
he had a happy trail but shaved it when he got with you. hes slowly growing it back as you begged and begged.
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his eyes are so pretty.
🍁 grow-er or shower?
hes just generally big.
🍂 cut or uncut?
i think uncut.
🌺 girth
hes a big lad, everythings a bit bigger. 5.7.
🌷 width
again, because he's 6'10, everythings a bit sized up. 6.8 inches!!
@lillianastuff @lucyisdoingfine @madamemelancholysstuff @mionacaped @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @ashiscool10 @vangoghcoffeeco @southernbluebellereader
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
This started out as a funny snipper. How tf did it turn into a fanfic?? Also this took me so long anyways, pt3 of the accidental overlord vaggie fic
Alastor: shoves Vaggie between him and Rosie and drops Frank onto her lap
Vaggie: trying to process how tf a giant dragon got through an elevator among many other things
Carmilla: thank you for coming today. I've gathered you all here to talk about the millions of souls-
Vaggie squeaks so quiet no one hears her: I'm sorry fucking how many??....How- How do you check that?? Gets ignored
She's just squeezing poor frank like a stress toy
Carmilla ignores her: You own. And how their at risk with the new extermination schedule. And how we minimize the damage going to be caused by it.
Finally looking aorund the room
Carmilla: Zestial, so god to see you- ....Alastor?? And- eyes narrow the protective overlord
Alastor, leaning over to block vaggie form view because he's petty as fuck: hello! Yes yes, I know, I've been absent for a longgg time and I'm sure youre all DYING to knwo where I've been~
Carmilla:...no. not really, shrugs but welcome back anyways I suppose....I am interested about who you've brought though....
Vaggie: just staring out into space, regretting her life choices and trying to count how many people owe her 'favors'
Carmilla slgihtly concerned/unnerved: In any case, this year's extermination was brutadal. A good 16% of the population was killed off. With them coming back in only 6 months I think it prudent that we-
Velvette: just fucking kicks the door open Yeah, I've got it handled Vox? Are you doubting me? ME might I remind you? Yeah, no. That's what I thought. Yes, yes, I know, thank you V, see you later Okay, bye, kisses darling!
Carmilla: nice of you to finally join us, Velvette. Will you.....colleges? be joining us?
Velvette: What? No way. They have better shit to do than to listen to some old windbag who think she's tough shit! Haha, no. Immm here to represent!
Carmilla:...charming. now, back to what I was saying, we need to-
Velvette: waves her arm frantically
Camilla feeling like a preschool teacher: yes??
Velvette: well, on the topic of discussssss throws exorcists head down let's discuss
Alastor: oooo tasty!!
Vaggie: ohhhhh my god....whispering to herself is that Tuff?? Wtf- how??
Carmilla:......where...did you get this?
Velvette: doesn't matter. We found it, though. And if these angle fuckers can be killed, then the game of cat and mouse has changed, the boys and I have-
Vaggies distressed squeaking as Velvette continues, Zestial jsut slumps his tea
Velvette:....the fuck is wrong with you two?? Looks at vaggie leans downs to get closer....also you're new
Vaggie: uhhhhh......thank?? You??
Velvette: narrows eyes before her head snaps ti zestial
Zestial: we shouldn't go to war with such meger proof.
Velvette:...meger- MEGER PROOF!? ITS a dead fucking Exorcist!!! What more do you WANT!? A video of it being killed?? No- this is definitive proof- if you can't see that, maybe you're going blind old man.
Zestial: it may be dead but how? It could be by a demon, but mayhaps it died due to unrelated reasons
Vaggie: Well, angles have hurt their own kind. Wouldn't be suprised if killing was another option for them
Everyone's heads snap to her
Vaggie:.....did....I say that out loud?
Carmillas narrows her eyes: how do you know that.
Vaggie: I um...I....I saw it happening?
Velvette:....wait aren't you the princesses whore? What are you doing out if your bird cage hm?
Vaggie: I....what??
Carmilla shaking her head: we're getting off topic.
Zestial: Carmilla is right. If we rush to war the angles would purge all of the sinners for daring to even TRY an uprising
Overlords: muttering
Alastor: why don't we put it to a vote?
Vaggie: depends is one of the options 'can we all just go home pelase?'
Alastor: hmmm no!
Vaggie grumbling: I hate you.
Velvette narrows eyes: ohhh okay I see. Grandpa's to scared to make a move! So then there's no point in it huh?
*the respect less song which I am not writing*
Zeezi: pft, what the hell? we literally JUST got here!
Carmille:....meeting dismissed.
Vaggie: uh, does this mean we can go home?- gets glared at .....okay sits back down like a scolded kid as she thinks about wtf jsut happened
Vaggie to herself in a defeated tone:.....she never told me how to see how many souls I own.....how many people owe me favors?
Proceeds to try and calculate and count on her fingers and Alastor watches in amusement, after sending off frank, and Rosie watches slightly concerned as to wtf her friend did to this teenage child....and maybe also finding it a bit funny
Part 2 | Part 3(here!) | Part 4
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Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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