#the worst? absolutely everything else oh my god
zulemmita · 1 year
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I died
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Nvm we're back to movie au because I'm feeling soft featuring obviously our fav @oogaboogaspookyman horrid little bastard who is no longer a horrid bastard but is now a well mannered British little bastard beloved we love the difference
It happened very quickly. An incorrectly secured light fixture crashed down onto set smashing and destroying the background pieces scattering glass everywhere and set alight. The fire spread beginning to burn all the props due to the paint that was used, background pieces set alight in a blink, it crawled up the background canvases and spread across the rafters, the lights cracking fizzling out with loud bangs sending the building into darkness and panic.
A support beam collapsed over a fire escape as employees screamed and panicked they ran around coughing desperate for an exit one of them grabbed a fire extinguisher to put out the source but was grabbed by the monochrome Mewtwo who snarled about it being an electrical fire from the light you idiot. May coughed her lungs becoming tight as she looked around with difficulty through the quickly gathering smoke and smog, she was in a panic stuck to the spot. She could see her brother lying on the floor, his head was bleeding. He'd been knocked out as a dark Mewtwo stood over him trying to get the debris off of him.
Screams of panic ringed in her ears making her head throb, why weren't the sprinklers turning on? Oh god were they going to die in here? Burn alive due to inadequate safety measures. There were so many people and pokemon here too many lives that'd be too much death. Coughing screaming yelling panic. More people were collapsing or lying down to escape the smoke for air as it filled up the room heavily weighing down on them all. She couldn't let everyone in here die!
The monochromatic Mewtwo felt the tingling of psychic energy in his fingertips like electricity and before he could yell at May ask what the hell she was doing- he was outside. They were all outside. He spun on the spot levitating slightly looking around in a frenzy, the building crackled and the fire raged on. Everyone was out. No. Not everyone.
He yelled quickly flying overhead scanning through the crowd of people that had been teleported out the building he flew down towards her manager, the odd dark hued mewtwo with crystals embedded in her body.
"Wheres May?!"
He half asked half demanded as the Two tended to Matts injuries.
"Is she not out here? I saw her eyes glowing?" She asked shushing Matt who groaned and pushed him down gently when he tried to sit up groggily asking where his sister was.
"If she was out here I wouldn't be asking where she was!"
The frustrated monochrome two snarled at her before looking back at the building in growing horror as he heard a loud creak realizing that she was still inside and hadn't been able to get out.
Without really thinking he flew rapidly at the building, being a ghost had its advantages as he phased through the wall keeping an incorporeal state to avoid the effects of smoke as he looked around frantically. The building was thick with black billowing smoke that rolled in waves blocking his view. He couldn't use psychic to move it as it had nowhere to go and it could shove air into the fire. He frantically scanned around, focusing to sense her aura.
In his altered vision he spotted a faint orange glow that began to flicker and falter weakening and quickly flew towards it, she was on the floor passed out either from smoke inhalation or exhaustion from teleporting that many people out of a building with her already weak powers or both. He became corporeal and coughed against the smoke and the horrible heat as he wrapped his arms under hers to haul her up to carry her.
"I'm not letting you die here you blithering idiot,"
He chastised as he pulled her up attempting to hold her and realizing she was heavy as dead weight and the growing smoke in his lungs was weakening his strength, not to mention the flames were creeping in starting to stretch out and lick at his tail and legs in a way that would likely burn. He snorted frustrated, he pulled her up, arms wrapping around her waist as she made a soft mumble noise.
He realized that flames were closing in, his eyes were watering from smoke and heat as he coughed, he could become ghostly while he had the strength but then he wouldn't be able to interact with her, he could save himself but he wouldn't! He wouldn't just let her die here and save his own skin. He hissed as a flame splashed against him snarling towards it before coughing, breathing becoming harder. He heard another long drawn out creak, and a snap, and a fall. Another support beam came falling down right on top of them, he dropped to a crouch holding his body over hers desperate to summon any strength left into a barrier or any kind of protection.
Another crash could be heard from the building, it took multiple staff members and Pokemon to hold back Matt and Darkness, Matt screamed and yelled profanities at them telling, no, demanding them to let him go because his sister was in there. Darkness also shouted at them to see sense that both the mewtwo in that building inch closer to death every second they waste stopping them. They both went quiet as a large flame burst out from the roof of the building with a loud BOOM.
Matt crumbled in the grip of the people restraining him, falling to his knees as he began to sob in despair and pain. Darkness could only stare forward at the raging flames and thick smoke.
It took hours for the fire department to put the flames out, they were aggressive and unrelenting and the thick smoke meant the trained personnel needed to swap out to a safe distance to regain their breath. When the fire finally dimmed to a manageable flicker it was growing dark, the fire had started in the afternoon…
Search and rescue began their job and once more Darkness was restrained, she wasn't trained like they were, they knew how to move rubble without causing it to collapse elsewhere potentially crushing any survivors, she did not. She could only watch in frustration as they slowly methodically did their job. She'd refused care due to her wounds already healing from the synergy energy, Matt had to be given light sedatives for his aggression so he was more, agreeable, about being taken away to be seen for his head injury and assorted burns.
A Gurdurr and Medicham worked together, the Medicham scanning the surroundings with psychic energy to get a mental blueprint of the chaos and carefully instructing Gurdurr on which parts to lift to safely deconstruct the wreckage without causing it to collapse. The Gurdurr carefully threw aside a large ceiling concrete slab before vocalizing to the Medicham. A swirling white and black dome like shape sat planted into the ground with debris piled on top of it. The Medicham vocalized to the other pairs to come help as they began to remove the debris, the human supervisors coming along too, as the broken building was removed the dome seemed to reduce in opacity becoming semi see through.
Inside May and the monochromatic Mewtwo clung to one another desperately, his eyes were shut with dark psychic energy pouring out from the sides of his closed eyes waving and flowing out. May's eyes were wide open but unseeing, completely whitened over and glowing faintly with her psychic energy. Neither of them seemed aware of the situation both just clinging as the dark and white psychic energy protecting them both swirled around them both desperately wanting to protect the other, forming one rather indestructible long lasting protect.
When the last piece of debris was safely removed one of the human search and rescue members gently knocked their knuckles against the very dense protect dome, "can you two hear us?" May's eyes faltered into half lids her psychic energy sparking and fading from her eyes and the dome, she blinked slowly and blinked again before slumping completely limp in the monochrome ones arms as her grip slipped from him, his eyes opened in a start the dark psychic energy overflowing from his eyes darkening the dome over as he snarled before he blinked realizing that it was help. His psychic energy gently blew away in a breeze before he shivered at the cold.
The psychic search and rescue members lifted May's unconscious body onto a stretcher to be taken to an ambulance while the people attempted to look the monochromatic one over. He shoved them away flying up and wobbling slightly in tiredness but followed them into the ambulance taking up the relative seat in the ambulance next to May as they began trying to help her much to Darkness' frustration at the audacity. He slapped away attempts to look him over, snarling at the ambulance worker to focus on the unconscious one, not him.
The monochrome ones' leg bounced irritated and frustrated as he sat in a chair next to the orange hued Mewtwos hospital bed. He'd been forcefully seen to, so his wounds were bandaged up and he'd been given oxygen and instructions to not go near lung irritants and just to take cough drops for his throat and rest and get sleep. However sleep he would not do, he'd been up all night besides her having left his own bed watching over her in her room, her smoke inhalation had been worse than his as was her burns, she had a breathing mask on to help ensure she got enough oxygen which also acted as a filter that helped remove the lingering smoke in her lungs with each exhale. He'd dragged a night nurse into the room in a panic when he noticed her condition becoming worse, her over exhaustion leading to sickness and a fever so she'd been put on some drip fluids too due to how weakened she was from over exerting herself with her powers.
He'd paced the room multiple times, aggressively straightening the curtains to ensure no moonlight crept in and disturbed her, made sure the blanket properly covered her and tucked her in, fluffed her cushion, checked her medical sheet and that she was hooked up properly multiple times. As of right now he was gently holding her wrist, his fingers pressing faintly to feel her pulse, just to be sure the machines were correct that's all. He sighed softly hanging his head as his leg bounced, the TV in the room mumbled nonsense that he couldn't make out as he was actively ignoring it, especially as it was talking about the fire, his fingers moved down her wrist brushing over her palm hesitantly choosing to rest his two main fingers in her palm pressing them against her hand and squeezing with his thumb at the back of her hand, an unsure hand squeeze without committing to a full hand hold.
He was beginning to grow frustrated ready to aggressively sort her room out again when her thumb twitched and the best it could, squeezed his fingers against her palm. He looked up to see her eyes barely open as if her eyelids were incredibly heavy which they probably were for her.
"Who's getting sued…?" Her voice was incredibly small and croaked before she coughed realizing she definitely shouldn't have spoken. He panicked slightly moving his hand and getting a glass of water for her saying gently,
"hey hey easy,"
He carefully adjusted her bed position so it slowly lifted her into a slanted sitting position not perfectly upright just so she'd still be resting and comfortable, he carefully helped pull back the breathing mask and held the glass to her lips with psychic encouraging her to take small sips less she start coughing again, refusing to move his hand from where it gently half held hers.
When she'd drank about half he put it down and replaced the mask as she breathed and smiled at him, her hand shifted and squeezed his properly holding it, "if you wanted to hold hands you could've asked, didn't need to burn a building down." She made a soft laugh as she squeezed his hand again, her usual cheery joking self despite what happened.
His mouth opened slightly and shut in surprise both at the fact they were now just squeezing each others hands and that was embarrassing and also the accusation though empty.
"I'll burn this whole goddamn building down,"
He chuntered unhappily before pausing and looking back at May.
"Hold on, no, you do not get to get out of this so easy by joking around, what the hell were you thinking?! You could've died?! Why didn't you teleport yourself out with everybody else!"
Admittedly his tone was a lot harsher than he'd meant it to be as May stared at him in surprise before her eyes looked away from him.
"I'm, sorry, I wasn't really, thinking about saving me, just that I couldn't let everyone else die. And even then you still got hurt," her voice was soft and guilty.
The monochrome one stared at her a bit before looking away he went to open his mouth to speak.
"Wait, where's Matt? Is he okay?! I saw his head bleeding? Did he get help?!" May tried to sit herself up and he gently but firmly pushed her back down.
"Your brother is fine he's in another room getting spoiled by some male nurses, now would you STOP thinking about everybody else and fucking think about yourself in this?! You have horrid burns, you inhaled so much smoke and you got a feverish sickness because your body was so weak and overworked! What if I hadn't found you or realized you weren't outside with us?! There's a very real chance you could've died in that fire! I could've- we. We could have lost you. And you have a lot of people who care about you. So why don't you?"
May gripped the bed sheets uncomfortably as she sat there again avoiding his gaze as his eyes softened and he frowned at her. She shrugged uncomfortably and he could see her struggling for the words and the anxiety prickling inside her. He gently squeezed her hand waiting to give her a fair chance to answer.
"....I just don't find that there's much to care about.." Her voice was riddled with guilt as she struggled, "I know, well just, I know compared to a lot of others that I'm, different." She moved her spare hand vaguely, "and, that, made it hard to connect to people, and as well I'm weak, I mean a mewtwo who can't even use her powers properly for herself, pft. Don't have much going for me overall. I know I'm, loud and optimistic and seem confident and sure but, I don't really like myself. Not really. I don't know. Maybe some horrid self pitying self obsessed part of myself believed I didn't really deserve to be saved like everyone else so that's why I wasn't teleported out too, and I guess maybe that self absorbed part of me went well look at that now we can't do anything because you used up all your strength and you're going to let yourself die because you're so pitiful and weak just to what make a point." She shrugged awkwardly, grabbing at her shoulder, "you got hurt because overall I'm a bad person, too obsessed with myself, I mean I'm a lot luckier than other people. I'm much better off than other people and yet here I am feeling sorry for myself and not liking myself. How selfish is that?" She squeezed her own shoulder to self soothe as the guilt began to creep in. "God I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dumped all that on you, here I am again being the biggest selfish, no, no I'm sorry I'm, spiralling you don't need to hear me insult myself because that just manipulates you into having to pity me and tell me it's fine and it's okay when it's not an-"
He moved the mask using his free hand to put a finger on her lips to stop her spiral rambling as he frowned at her softly.
"I don't think you're selfish, I don't think you're physically capable of being selfish, mostly because of your lack of healthy boundaries, but also because you're a good person and sharing and being kind is part of your nature. You're not a bad person for being unhappy even if you think you should be. You're more complex than just the happy May you always are with people."
He moved his finger but pointed threateningly when she opened her mouth.
"No shut up, I'm still talking. You know how I know that you're a good person even when that voice of doubt tells you you're wrong? Do you remember how we first met?"
May blinked but nodded, opening her mouth before being shushed again.
She smiled playfully, closing her mouth to listen.
"You came right up to me when I was lurking in the background with your drink and two brownies from the food table and you smiled at me and introduced yourself right to me, you said you were absolutely over the moon to meet and be working with me, that you'd seen my other shows upon learning we'd be coworkers and that you thought I was really talented and amazing. I know back then I just stared at you as you offered my one of the brownies you'd taken saying you got me one since I was so far away, you know why I was staring? Because you were the first person I've ever worked with to walk right up to me and introduce themselves with unfaltering kindness and warmth."
He glanced away as he spoke.
"The reason I was so far away is because a lot of the time everyone on set that I'm working with is absolutely terrified of me, which I get, it's the eyes I think. But you didn't seem afraid at all."
He looked back at her.
"You have probably brightened so many peoples' days by existing, and I know that voice probably tells you that you're different or weak or secretly evil or whatever insults and feelings you've internalized, but you bring out so much kindness to everyone no matter what."
May squeezed his hand unsure of how to even respond, mouth opening and closing as she struggled. His other hand came to hold hers squeezing her one hand with both of his.
"When you're better, I think we should look into some therapy for you because if you couldn't teleport out because a part of you believes you didn't deserve to be okay then I am really deeply concerned about that because I never want you in that situation again okay?"
May nodded softly as he squeezed her hands again softly confirming an "okay." He smiled softly at her as he gently put his forehead to her hand that he still held.
"You're a big sweetheart ya know, even if you are a horrid drink stealer" May softly spoke and he chuckled knowing she was deflecting slightly now with humor as she usually did from heavier topics but clearly speaking fondly of him.
"Hmm. Just don't go telling anybody."
"I won't." She squeezed his hands the best she could. "I think you're real great too you know, I'm glad you're in my life you do make it better." And he smiled softly to himself.
#I could've-we. We could've lost you#I'm not letting you die here#My writing#Mewtwosona May#@oogaboogaspookymans ???#@oogaboogaspookyman oc#Tw fire#I gave them loreeeee I gave them back storyyyy oh noo I'm soft they're soft the joke ship thoughts they're getting me AAAHH#I am dragged away into the ocean lmao#??? Is big soft on May. That's HIS little ray of sunshine thank you very much she gave him brownie#Also May honey are u okay (she is not)#May is the kind of character who seems fine happy perky friendly optimistic loud joyful and she absolutely hates herself#Like I mean working in movie biz probably does that to you but also the autism coding and the powerlessness#To some degree yes the self loathing hatred of I don't deserve saving their lives are more important/god you self important self pitying#Self sacrificing proving a point cause you're the WORST horrid voices did contribute to her inability to escape#But also she was heavily prioritising everyone else and drained probably all her PP in teleport#Like everything she does is mentally criticised by herself because actually you're just faking everything. Bitch.#Baby girl that is called the mental illness#??? Like plz get therapy holy shit I'm worried about you#And also 👀🤔🤨 kinda sus#And waiting around at her bedside? Sus lmao#He CARES he has a lot of care in him lmao likes this person a lot#Also deflects with humor a mood#Originally Matt was meant to attempt to get in the room and ??? Was gon slam the door shut and lock it because no he's not sharing May yet#And May was gonna jokingly call him an overprotective husband like aw my hubby has spoken he's so protective lmao while he's like shshshh#Also lmao I love that movie?? Gets the dialogue like font change but not the bold XD it's my way of differentiating only bad boys get bold#Also!! He cares so much I'm screaming#Fungal Spooks Studio
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steviescrystals · 2 months
somebody has to be playing a prank on me today like this is not real!
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pheonixgrave · 10 months
Ignore It (18+)
This is really my first time posting a story to here, I usually only do it to AO3, but this is what I made this account for. Might as well start using it?
WARNINGS: Heavy smut, corruption kink, mild blood kink? (not sure about that one) Fem Tav, hetero relationship, stress fucking, not beta'd, angst, use of cunt
Smut blow the cut, please enjoy!!
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Trekking through the wilderness was exhausting as is. But the bickering? That was starting to drive Tav crazy. Vampire this. Shar that. Eating magic this. Demons that. It was always something else. No matter what she did, they were always at each other’s throats. Oh the irony in that. Maybe the Illithid worm wasn’t the worst thing. Maybe this, the arguing, was the worst thing to happen to her. If she had to hear any Githyanki phrases in the next thirty minutes, she might kill Lae’zel herself. Tav was at her wits end, ready to beat her head against the nearest tree just to see if that got rid of the tadpole. It would be a win-win if it also got everyone else to shut up. 
They didn’t even let up at camp. Sure, they all had their respective tents and spaces. But the glaring. Oh, the glaring! Not a moment of peace before bed. She sat near her bedroll, closer to the fire Gale had set up. A tankard in hand, her back to the more vocal members of the party. She could practically hear Lae’zel glaring at Astarion. And Shadowheart wasn't exactly quiet about her distaste for him either. It’s not like there was an Infernal being less than ten yards away from him. Or a Warlock just across the flames. 
She very quickly downed the rest of her drink before tossing the tankard near the flames. Curling up in her bedroll, she tried to block out all of the noise and barbed words. It was currently taking everything in her to not scream at her first three companions. They had all been through something insane and deadly. Why could they not have it in them to simply get along? It felt impossible. 
Fortunately, her sour mood was noticed by her party. Not that she’d realize it at the moment. The biggest point of contention, Astarion, managed to get the courage to walk up to their fearless, albeit grumpy, leader. He nudged her with his foot. Which he immediately realized was a bad decision. Taz shot up to meet his eyes in the blink of an eye. “What do you want?”
The bite in her voice was unmistakable. But he knew how to handle it. “I want-”
“Don’t bother,” she cut him off. She never cut him off. She was more than happy to let him talk at her sometimes. The final glare she gave him was intense as she stalked towards the lake, away from everybody else. Astarion watched her walk away. Did he only watch to see her hips sway? Absolutely. But that didn’t change the fact that the Bard needed to relax. He smiled to himself before following her. “Didn’t I say don’t bother? I’m not in the mood to be your midnight snack tonight.” 
He didn’t fail to match her step. “Why darling! Do you truly think so little of me?” He pouted. 
Tav just sighed, “Take your antics somewhere else for now, Astarion.”
“Will you just sit down?” He pushed on her shoulders, forcing her down.
Much to the rest of the party's dismay, she did trust the vampire. Whether that would lead her to her own doom was yet to be seen.
Her knees crumbled under the pressure as she fell on the ground. She shot another glare in his direction but that didn’t seem to dissuade him from his plan.
“You’ve been far too stressed today, darling.” He purred in her ear, his hands never leaving her shoulders. 
“Astarion?” He continued to move her body until she was on her stomach.
“Shhh, do you trust me?” Gods, that man was always far too much for Tav.
“Should I?”
He chuckled as he readjusted himself so he was sitting on the back of her thighs, straddling her. It took every ounce of self restraint he had to not immediately rub her ass. Gods, it always looked so perfect when she walked. He took a deep breath before applying pressure between her shoulder blades. He felt her body tense before slowly relaxing. 
It wasn’t what she expected. Was he giving her a massage? His hands worked slowly from the base of her neck to her waist. And-oh? Did she just moan? 
“It’s alright, my dear, I love hearing you.” He smirked before continuing his work. He continued like that for a few moments, just enjoying the little sounds she was making. “Let's get you out of these clothes, shall we?”
She pushed him off her, rolling on her back and sitting up. “So that’s what this was? Just an excuse to get me naked?” That fire was coming back.
“Darling, if I was trying to get into your pants, I’d try flattering you more first. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get this right over your clothes.” He sat next to her, staring out at the water, just watching the water crash against the coast. “I was taught how to do this a long, long time ago.”
She stared at the rogue before swallowing. The tips of her ears and the back of her neck were flushed. But she did trust him. He would say if this was untoward. Right? With a shaky breath, she sighed but said “Alright.” 
Astarion watched her shaky hands start to untie the little knots holding her bustier. His mouth started to water, but he had patience. As she shrugged the last of her tunic off, she covered her chest and turned the other way. He did manage to lay down her tunic so she wasn’t just laying on the dirt anymore. She laid herself in front of him. He could feel how shaky her breath still was as he climbed on top of her once more. 
He resumed his previous work, addressing the knots in her lower back. The elf’s skin was so soft, so warm. He found himself just getting lost in the feeling of someone trusting him. It was a strange feeling but a welcome one. 
Tav, on the other hand, was getting lost in his touch. His cold hands worked their way up her back and she liked it far more than she thought she would. What started off as little moans slowly became louder. It didn’t help that he was an expert with his hands. And her mind started to trail off to things that were unbecoming of a lady.
But Astarion could feel her thighs clench. No matter how she tried to move without him noticing too much. Gods, he could almost smell her arousal. Over 200 years old and here he was, still trying to keep himself from getting hard. But then she moaned his name. And what little restraint he had disappeared. He put his hands near her head before leaning down towards her ear. “This wasn’t an excuse to see you naked but you are making it very hard to not act on my…baser impulses, my dear.” He felt the shiver go down her spine. 
“Astarion,” she moaned again before grinding back on him. And she got what she wanted when he flipped her on her back without moving from his spot. And there she was, laid out in front of a vampire spawn with her chest bare. She looked up at him with wide eyes, unsure how to go from there. But him? He had far more experience than most. He moved faster than she thought. He captured her lips as he slotted himself between her thighs. And just like that, his hands were everywhere. 
It was like he couldn’t decide where he liked them best. Her throat? Her breasts? Her hips so he could grind against her? He just couldn’t decide. And she tried so hard to keep herself quiet. But then he moved his lips down her neck, his fangs brushing over the still healing marks from the night before. He thought about feeding for a moment, but something far more filling had his attention right now. He moved until he had her nipple in his mouth. Flicking the nub with his tongue, his hand went to massage the other one. He wasn’t gentle. No one that knew Astarion for who he was thought he was a gentle man. It was rough but Tav didn’t seem to mind. 
In fact, Tav seemed to love it. Her back arched into him. “Astarion!” And then her hands were on his shoulders, urging him downwards.
And he didn’t want to fight it. He kept moving, biting and nipping at her stomach. And then he got to her trousers. He sat up, panting and looking wild. His fangs were bared and he was panting hard. He threw her legs on his shoulders, tossing her loafers somewhere behind him. And then he went to work on the knots holding her trousers up. Which he made very quick work of. He shimmied them off her, making sure to keep her underwear on for a moment. He stripped off his shirt before returning to her mouth. 
He needed her. 
“Astarion, please, touch me.”
He was quick to snake his hand towards her cunt. And even quicker to find the spot that made her gasp into his mouth. Gods, he could do this forever. He made his way back to her neck, lapping over those same marks. Her hand tangled itself into his hair and the other gripped his shoulder with far more strength than he expected. His cold hands were a sharp contrast to the warmth of her. Her head was thrown back against the ground as she gasped for air. She was shaking. 
It was already so much for her. She had been so pent up and so angry. But the way he worked her clit? It was a way no one ever had before. Not even herself. In fact, no one had ever touched her like this before. Nothing past shy kisses or heady glances. If she had known, maybe she would have lived her life a little differently. 
But once her back arched and she cried out his name? She clenched around nothing. She felt so empty now and he hadn’t even gotten close yet. He chuckled as best he could, “Already, darling?” he muttered against her neck.
“I-” she gasped once he slid a finger inside her. “Astarion,” his name rolled off her tongue and he swore he wouldn’t mind hearing her do this forever. He could still feel her cunt clench around his fingers and he groaned. He couldn’t wait much longer but she was enjoying herself. “I’ve never-” he curled his finger before adding a second one. 
“You’ve never felt this good before?”
“Done this before,” she managed to gasp out before he curled his fingers again. 
His hands stalled for a moment and she whined. “I’m to be your first?” She nodded, wriggling her hips, trying to will him to move again. “My dear, why didn’t you say anything?” He removed his fingers and she cried out. “Shhh, I have to make a good first impression, don’t I?”
He practically ripped her underwear off. She was a virgin. He couldn’t lie that it made him even harder to think about being the only one who got to touch her. But he had to take care of her if he wanted to be the only one.
He buried his face in her cunt, holding her thighs open with his hands. Tav covered her mouth to hide her cries of his name. But it was his name on her lips. His fingers going right back inside her, where they belonged. His lips on her clit. He groaned again when she came, this time right on his face and hands. He lapped at her for a moment longer and started pistoning his fingers in and out. He couldn’t help but watch her cum make a mess of his fingers. 
“Astarion!” She cried as she came on his fingers yet again. “Please!”
“Please what, my dear?” He wiped her juices off his chin before closing the distance between them. His lips hovered over hers, those red eyes glazed over with a hunger. Her eyes fluttered open. She smiled at him, all too happy to offer herself to him. She bared her neck. And dive he did. His fangs pierced her neck once again as he drank. He knew better than to drink more than his share but he wanted nothing more than to keep drinking as she wrapped her bare legs around his waist and rubbed her cunt against the fabric of his trousers. He released her neck and practically shredded what was left of his clothing. 
He leaned back for a moment, taking in the sight. This elf, a noble from Waterdeep, was laid out before him. Freckles dotting her skin and her blonde hair spread out like a halo before him. It would be angelic if not for the blood slowly trickling out of her neck. “Astarion,” she whispered. Her voice was full of something he couldn’t quite place. Something he had pushed aside a long time ago. 
All he could do was nod before he lined himself up to her. As he slowly slid in, he swore that this was the closest he could get to heaven. 
Astarion wasn’t small. Tav could feel his cock stretching her cunt out. Why did no one ever tell her it could feel like this? She gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him once more. She sighed as he finally finished. “Gods above, you’re amazing.” She whispered, almost too afraid to say it. Too afraid to say the other things on the tip of her tongue. Her eyes traveled down his body to where they were connected before looking back up at him. 
“Shit,” he panted, withholding every emotion that came flooding through him. Instead, he snaked a hand underneath her thigh, lifting it up before he began to thrust.
She thought just having her inside him felt amazing. But this angle had her barely able to breath. She threw her head back and arched into his body. It was all she could do to hold on to him as he upped his pace. Tav could barely gasp out his name as she tried to look at him. His eyes were shut and his hair was more than perfectly tousled. “Beautiful,” was all she could get out before she tightened around his cock. 
“Shit!” He followed closely behind her, seemingly unexpectedly. They laid there for a moment, just feeling each other before he slipped out of her. She cried, a palpable sense of emptiness. He watched her breath for a few moments longer, secretly enjoying his cum starting to drip out of her cunt. Normally, he’d leave. He’d get up, put his clothes back together and leave. But Tav? Something told him he couldn’t. So he grabbed his tunic and wrapped her in it before carrying her to the water. 
He tried not to notice her nuzzling his neck. He tried to ignore the praises she said. He tried desperately to ignore the draw she had on him. He tried to ignore her moan as he set her in the shallow water, gently taking his tunic off her shoulders. Instead, he sat next to her and let the water wash away the previous activities. 
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wondeurwall · 3 months
Idk if u've seen rafayel's new oracle story BUT IT HAS BEEN PLAGUING MY MIND
"What if i make it up to you like this yeah?"
TELL ME DO YOU THINK THEY'LL HAVE IT OFTEN?? But ones in a more playful sort of way not really full on arguments if you get what i mean 😩💗💗
oh my god please, nonnie, rafayel's oracle story is literally the only thing on my mind. i've been so unwell
i went in with one dream and spent everything i had because my luck is abysmal. and, the worst part?? I CAN'T EVEN BE UPSET ABOUT IT 😭🫵🏻 it wasn't what i expected. it's kind of funny ASKDDJKD!! i thought it'd be myth related. instead, i was blessed with rafayel.... kisses... 🥰
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itty bitty nsfw 🔞 mdni.
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rafayel would 100% down for playful makeup sex 😵‍💫💕 honestly, he'd pull any kind of excuse just to get you undressed and fucked out in bliss. he loves how pretty you look when you cum 💕 even more when he and you can get a good laugh in between because he'd appreciate lightheartedness in intimacy. after all, he wouldn't have sex with anyone else! he needs trust to do those sweet, silly things too, and he can only ever do that with you.
because i think he'd find a lot of fun with it, he'd do it often, but the sex doesn't necessarily need to be absolutely mind-blowing once initiated. banter is fun, even better when it leads to sex, but he just loves being close like that: naked and a tangled mess of limbs with the warmth coming from your body to his.
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he's a night owl, so he's unintentionally ignoring your texts. maybe, even misses a few phone calls or immediately ends an incoming one, thinking it's an alarm he set up before. part of the day goes by and you're coming into his home to make sure he's doing alright. there's no use in pretending that you aren't upset. because you are upset! you didn't hear from him 💔 but, you find that he's just now out of bed after finishing a new piece of art.
"were you asleep this whole time?" you ask.
he rambles on about a sudden inspiration he had and that, "it'd be wrong to rest when the idea was too good."
you listen, nod, but truthfully some of his words go in and out the other ear. you frown at him. and, when he asks why you have that look on your face, you're quick to say, "i'm sure you can figure out why."
he knows. of course, he knows. he reads you well, just like you do him. then, his shoulders are a little hunched over, and he's laughing!
"i've really spoiled you," he says softly. his hands are on your hips the next second, pulling you close. "mm, why not let me make it up to you? i'm awake now, and we have the rest of the day to ourselves."
he lifts you and lays you on the couch. kisses you while he thinks about how many times he can get you gushing on his fingers and tongue before his cock.
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OR, if you're the one making it up to him 🥹
accidentally spilling paint on a good shirt of his? you're panicking as soon as it happens. your hands move faster than your mouth, and you're halfway with unbuttoning his shirt before telling him he needs to take it off.
his laughter is what stops you. it dawns on you! but, to be fair, your thoughts don't have anything else besides: the shirt must be washed before it really stains.
"someone's being bold," he chuckles as your eyes meet. "did you plan this?"
"what?" and, the fabric drops from between your fingers. rafayel doesn't miss the way your gaze falls briefly, catching the sight of his bare chest, last 2 or 3 buttons barely laying over his abdomen. "me, ruining a piece of clothing that's probably over three times my budget? i don't think that's planning. it's called being clumsy."
your face feels warm. you take a deep breath, reach out to him, "c'mon. i'll wash it. take it off before the paint makes it unsalvageable."
rafayel clasps your wrist with his hand, steps into your space, voice deepening with a tinge of playfulness, "no, i can think of a better idea. how about me and you have matching clothes?"
he embraces you, gets you wearing blotches of paint too, and you want to argue. but, you can't find the energy to when one hand is guiding your head back and the other is tugging on your neckline. rafayel's lips move to your throat first. then, trails open-mouthed kisses along the rest of your neck, jaw, the base of your shoulder, before whispering, "it's a good idea, yeah?"
since you're the one to make a mess of his shirt first, he wants you riding him as compensation. to make him feel good? yes, sure, he loves that. though, the reason for it, most of all: he wants you using his cock like you own it. wants you aching and desperate for him. cum all over him, feel good because of him. nothing gets him going more than watching you bounce on top and moan his name so sweetly 🥰
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© 2024 wondeurwall ☆ all rights reserved. please don't repost as your own, modify or translate on here or on other platforms. reblogs & likes are appreciated! ♡
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
sanji's kinks.
nsfw, 18+.
req ♡: Would I be able to request you to write Sanji’s kinks 😉 you absolutely don’t have too but I like you content I think you’d come up with a fun one
mary ♡: thanks for the request, hope you enjoy it 🫂! english is not my first language, i apologize for the mistakes 💗
rules ; masterlist.
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pussy eating ! ! — sanji loves to lick you. just feeling your taste and the way you twitch when he gets to the right point makes him cum in his pants. he's too stupefied by you and doesn't care who says what. he also loves it when you sit on his face! it's a whole show for sanji. please him and ride his nose.
punishments — he loves it so much ! i'm 100% sure sanji would like to punish you for your disobedience. he would just sit there and jerk off while your wrists rest against the headboard of the bed. you were so brave and teased him all day, you touched his dick all the time, left him horny and then just walked away? oh god i think sanji will make you a whiny fool who only wants to be on his dick. so you don't get your hopes up sanji will fuck your underwear and spill it all over. more ! ! sanji will make you tell him exactly what you want him to do to you, or else you won't get anything :(
praise kink - sanji may call you the worst slut, that you're just a hole for his cum, but he won't forget to praise you. tell you that you're the nicest girl who's working so hard for him. stroke your head and kiss your temple if he realizes he's gone too far.
"baby, you know how much o love you, don't you? you're wonderful, and so is your pussy that squeezes me so hard."
"how did I live without you?"
"i've never had anyone better than you, you're perfect, there's no one else like you, and i'm lucky, because you're mine now."
breeding kink - he'll fill your cunnie with his warm cum and won't let a single drop slip away. sanji wants to see you with that cute little belly with his baby in it. his. the thought of it literally blows his mind and he'll destroy everything in his way to fuck the shit out of you and make you a beautiful mommy for your kids.
threesome - he wants nami to lick your pussy while he fucks you in the full nelson position ♡ that's just his dreams, but if you agree to it, it'll be great! sanji will definitely fill you in that despite who you're in a threesome with, he only thinks of you and loves only you.
size kink — you're so tiny next to him, sanji thinks you'll break as soon as he touches you. and so he applies that to sex. as you lie there, your eyes rolling with pleasure, he towers over you and he's...so...huge? sanji breathes languidly, his eyes full of lust and he can't hold on any longer, so he pounces on you like an animal.
riding — sanji wants, no, he demands, that you ride him as hard as if your life depended on it. he chuckles when you say you're tired, but he won't let you stop. sanji will move you with the help of your hips and thrust in even harder as you your moans fill the whole house.
marking — sanji wants everyone to know that you are his. he can lose control and leave your skin covered in his hickeys and bites. he loves the way you react and tell him "it's okay, i liked it, too much" oh my god, it's a treat for his ears. he won't mind if you do the same to him! scratch his back with your claws and he'll be the whiniest boy in the world.
anal — isn't even a kink, it's more of a temporary infatuation. he likes your ass, he likes to eat your ass, so what's the problem with fucking? and he'll do it, by first warming you up and then whispering a few affectionate words to get you ready. if you like it, you'll have anal sex every day, and if you don't, that's fine! your opinion is more important to sanji than some sex.
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chaotic-mystery · 11 months
Peeping Neighbor | J.M.
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ꨄ Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
ꨄ Summary: Mr. Miller is your neighbor and he keeps calling you at the worst time…what could he possibly want?
ꨄ CW: smut! 18+, minors DNI, peeping neighbor! Joel, perv!joel, age gap implied (Joel’s late 30s and reader is early 20s), phone sex, mutual masturbation, pet names, reader watches porn (wxw/wxm) toys used, size kink, foul dirty mouth Joel.
ꨄ WC: 1.7k
(Technically this would be no outbreak!Joel, lived long enough to see smart phones be a huge thing.)
Let me know what you think! Enjoy!🖤
There was nothing good on TV this late at night and you knew that, but you flicked through the channels anyway, hoping something would jump at you and get your attention. Nothing did, it was all boring shit. You turned the TV off and suddenly your room was almost pitch black, the street light outside casting an orange glow against your bedroom wall. As you laid there looking at the ceiling, your mind wandered and before you knew it your hand was opening your nightstand drawer and grabbing your vibrator, going down your shorts. Slow and soft rubs buzzed against your clit while you thought absolute filthy thoughts. You were just getting into the motions when suddenly your phone was buzzing on your nightstand.
10:17 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
For fucks sake.
"H-hello? What's up Mr. Miller?" you sounded a little out of breath and frazzled. shit.
"Hey sweetheart, sorry I know it's late, did I happen to leave my tape measure there from earlier when I was helpin' your dad? I can't find it anywhere.."
Was he serious right now? Why the hell was he worried about a fucking measuring tape this late at night?
You scratched your head and sighed a little too loudly. "No uh, I'm sorry Mr.Miller, I haven't seen it, I'm sorry." god dammit you just wanted to get your rocks off and go to bed.
"Okay, thanks darlin', I appreciate you lookin' for me. Have a good night." He hung up before you could tell him goodnight, weird.
The app of all your saved favorite dirty videos you watch on a burner account, you know exactly which app, was staring you dead in the eye. You clicked your burner account and scrolled until you found your favorite girl on girl video you bookmarked, and your hand turned on your vibrator once more, pressing straight to your clit. The moaning, the kissing, the pussy eating was making you squirm with burning hot pleasure under your own touch. Crazy what a two minute video can do for you. You could see your orgasm approaching rather quickly when once more, your phone starting ringing and the call was flashing over the dirty video.
10:25 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
This is a joke.
"Yeah, Mr. Miller?" there was no hiding your panting this time, or your snappy tone.
"Jus' wanted you to know I found it, was in my truck." There was something else he wanted to say, he was too cheery over a fucking tape measure.
At this point you didn't even turn off your vibrator, why lose the momentum when you were so close? It was however, very distracting to focus on what he was saying.
"Mhm, yeah that's-that's great I'm glad you found it." Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and you almost let a moan out when he said your name.
"Is everything okay, sweet pea? You sound out of breath..and what's that buzzin' sound?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You quickly cleared your throat and turned off your vibrator, tossing it to your side. "Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, just doing some stretches before I go to sleep. Buzzing? I don't hear anything, must be your phone. Well I'm glad you found your stuff, but I really have to get some sleep. G'night Mr. Miller!" You hung up so fast he didn't have a chance to say anything.
Sighing deeply, you put your head in your hands and started giggling softly. That was so close. You grabbed your toy one last time and turned it on, pressing it to your soaking wet clit again. Finding another one of your favorites, you watched closely as they started making out, the guy moving down her body and sucking her nipples as he fingers her.
You bent your knees and moved your vibrator up and down along your overwhelmed bud and soft whimpers escaped your lips, eyes screwed shut pretending that was you getting your nipples sucked.
10:31 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
There was ZERO way you were answering for the third time. No, kindly fuck off Mr.Miller. You sent the call straight to voicemail and went back to looking through your catalog of videos. A notification popped up along the top of your phone saying you had one new voicemail. Curiosity got the best of you and you wanted to know what he said. You pressed the phone to your ear and listened closely to the message, vibrator still going against your clit.
"Hey sugar, I didn't get a chance to tell you what I got to see when I went to my truck. You should reeeally be careful with leavin' your curtains open. I was walkin to my truck when I caught a glimpse of you playin' with yourself. Now, It's not a big de-"
You didn't need to hear anymore. Your face was hot with humiliation mixed with anger. You turned off your toy and sat up in bed before you dialed his number back. Who the fuck did he think he was? You heard him pick up the phone and you didn't give him one millisecond to fix his lips to say hello.
"Who do you think you are leaving fucking voicemails like that on my phone?!" you harshly whispered, not wanting to wake up your dad upstairs Joel chuckled and that only pissed you off more.
"Listen to me, pretty baby and listen to me good. I'm gonna help you get yourself off and you're gonna accept the offer because let's be honest here, I've heard you moan my name before when I've come home late and your windows are wide fuckin' open for the whole neighborhood to hear. Now, you dirty lil thing, are you touching yourself right now?"
You never knew your face could get so hot until this very moment. Suddenly all those times you were moaning his name as you were orgasming came rushing back to you, and there was many of those nights. He was attractive, a good face to picture while you came, you admit it. Part of you wondered if this was a joke but the other part wanted to believe he wanted this too.
You took a deep breath and laid back down in your bed, closing your eyes gently. "No, no I'm not, just laying here."
"Ok, I want you to turn on your lil vibrator again like I heard earlier and put it back where you had it, against that pretty lil pussy." His tone was low and seductive, it was hard to stay upset when he sounded so hot.
You did what he said and pressed the buzzing toy against you, moans slipping from your lips. "oo-oh it feels so good Mr. Miller" you whined and pressed harder against the toy.
"Mmmm does it bunny? Would it be better if I was there using the toy against that wet clit of yours while I fuck you? Hm? My hard cock pumping in and out of you while I pinch those pretty nipples of yours and watch you swim in pleasure. Tell you how gorgeous you look wrapped around my cock while I fuck you so good your makeup is running down your face, would you like that baby?" His teasing tone was met with the sound of a belt being undone in the background behind and that added to the images floating in your mind.
"Yes I want that so bad, your cock filling me up to the brim, and I can't take all of it because you're so big. Make me take it all and shove your fingers down my throat before you kiss me, putting your tongue in my mouth. I bet your big cock would feel so good going in and out of my tight hole, Mr.Miller." you breathily respond as the pressure builds in your stomach and goes straight to your clit.
He grunted in pleasure as he took a moment to picture that, and he was breathing heavy now. "Wh-what do you think of when you're cumming sweetheart, why do you say my name? Call me Joel baby."
"Because you're so hot, Joel. I think about riding your face until I cry, I think about fucking you before we'd go to sleep, when we'd wake up, pretty much whenever I'd get a second alone with you. I see the way you undo your belt in your driveway as soon as you get home from work because you want it off so badly and all I can think about is you spanking me with it. " you were being so vulnerable with him, you didn't mean to go into such detail with that answer.
"Fuuuuckkk you naughty girl. You're so fuckin' nasty, I should've called you sooner. Yeah I bet you taste so sweet baby doll. God damn I'd pin you to my face until I'm done eating that pussy. I'd love to have my beard covered in your sweet juices, just glistening before I kiss you to let you have a taste. You want me to spank you with my belt? Throw you over my lap and kiss your ass cheeks before I spank the hell outta them, fuckkk-" he groaned out and you could tell he was close.
"Joe-l I'm gonna cum, i'm gonna fuckin cum right now, oh m-" you squeaked out and you went silent as your body shook with your orgasm. Soft whimpers danced through the phone into Joel's ear and it was enough to send him shooting his load all over his lap like a goddamn water fountain. He was loud when he came, he was cussing and grunting over and over. You laid there in bliss as you listened to him come down from his high, the grunts dying out softly.
"You dirty girl you, I've got cum all over my thighs and stomach. Next time you're feelin' like this, come over. Not like I'm super far." he joked and you laughed with him, replaying what just happened. "I will, Joel. Thanks for the fun. Get some sleep, maybe I'll come over for breakfast tomorrow." you hinted and he gasped slightly. "I better be ready then, shouldn't I? G'night pretty baby."
11:02 p.m: call ended.
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deepouterspacecandy · 3 months
Whispering Pines
I plan for this to be a two-part piece, at least, as there are many mushy and maybe even spicy things planned for it—but today is my birthday and I’ll be away from my computer for a few days to celebrate. I really hope you enjoy reading it in the meantime. Big fluff, 18+ only.
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In a world where infected roam the earth and surviving has become a daily battle, life is as good as it can be. Perfectly fine, by your standards, until Abigail Anderson entered the picture.
From the moment you saw her shredding all competition in the gun range, she stirred something inside of you that now clouds your mind and distracts you from almost everything else.
The term “crush” makes sense to you now, with the overwhelming burden of longing and unseen affection absolutely crushing you into miniscule particles of dust, drifting hopelessly at her feet.
Your infatuation has pushed you into a range of activities you wouldn’t have pursued otherwise. While it has undoubtedly made you a more capable soldier, it is unfortunate that the attention your accolades have received is not something you can reciprocate, even if you wanted to.
It’s not just her striking smile, or her perfect blend of rugged and soft features—not the sheer strength she exudes when she ambles through the chow hall in her tank top, cargo pants so snug across her muscular thighs it makes your knees weak.
It’s just her. A beautiful amalgamation of countless quirks and habits that, for some wicked reason, forces your senses to impossible heights when you desperately need them to subside.
“Are you hearing me right now?”
“Shit, sorry,” you say. “Go again.”
You lower your head apologetically, Manny’s face expressing absolute scandal when he notices the broad-shouldered goddess that diverted your focus from him. His very best friend and comrade, naturally.
When he waggles his brows at you and calls Abby over, your stomach swoops so low that the rapid beating of your heart contradicts the notion of standing still.
“Manny, don’t—Manny! Oh, Jesus Christ.”
With a brief, calculating glance at your fidgeting form, he meets Abby halfway, abandoning you in line.
As you lose focus on your surroundings, panic draws emphasis to the position of your hands. You become acutely aware, contemplating whether they should rest in your pocket or if that would come across as too deliberately cool.
You avoid watching them talk amongst themselves, the air thick with secrecy, because obviously if you don’t see her, she can’t see you and then you can vanish without a trace, escaping to a haven that grants respite anywhere but here in the damn burrito queue.
When you reach the front of the line, you snatch up your lunch with such speed that the person serving you may have mistaken your haste for a bad mood as you swiftly exit through the nearest doors and into the hallway.
“I can’t believe you,” Manny pants, trying to catch his breath as you fumble with your overcrowded keyring. “The first woman who’s ever tried to escape my charm.”
“I find that hard to believe,” you snicker. Metal jingles aggressively as you struggle to enter your apartment. “God, what’s wrong with this damn thing?”
In a display of cunning, Manny unveils a spare key, undoubtedly gained through some act of thievery, and shoves you aside. With a kick, he swings the door open and stretches his arm above your head to hold it for you.
“Do I even want to know?” you ask, gesturing at the stolen key.
“Probably not,” he chuckles.
He rests against your kitchen counter and, realizing you won’t ask him to go, hops onto the hard surface. He devours his meal, one enormous chomp at a time, legs casually swinging as you wander through your suite, trying to regain your appetite.
“So,” Manny says, balling up the wrapper before tossing it at your head. “You’ve got it bad for my girl, huh?”
“You’re actually the worst, do you know that?” you say. “I hope you never get laid again.”
Laughing uncontrollably, Manny tries to catch the messy wrapper you toss back at him, causing him to nearly tumble off the counter.
“That’s what you get, sucker!” you exclaim. “Looks like you won’t be making the softball team, after all.”
With a snort, Manny jumps down from the counter and starts rummaging through your mini fridge, in search of something to wash down his lunch.
“We’ll see after this weekend who is the real sucker.”
“What does that mean?”
With a voracious gulp, he drains the last drops of your juice rations, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He’s finally seeking retribution for all the snacks of his that you’ve been helping yourself to.
“Manny, what did you do?” you groan.
An abrupt knock at your door startles you, as Manny’s knowing look turns your mouth bone-dry.
“I’ll go wash up. You better get that,” he says.
With a leisurely pace, he saunters down the hall, his footsteps creating a gentle rhythm as he heads towards your bathroom and out of sight.
Thunderous knocks continue to echo through the room, causing your thoughts to scramble. You smooth out your shirt and fuss with your hair, taking a few calming breaths before flinging open the door.
A pair of bright, curious blue eyes greet you on the other side, setting your cheeks on fire. Swallowing hard, you stand there speechless, desperately grasping for something significant to say. Knowing what Manny told her would provide some helpful context, but that shithead has left you in the lurch twice today.
Abby sizes you up, her attractive face adorned with a growing smirk that spotlights her confidence.
“Hi,” she says with a warm smile, extending her hand for a friendly handshake. “I’m Abby.”
“Hey, yeah—I’ve noticed. I know,” you blurt, feeling yourself internally recoil at the gibberish spilling from you like a waterfall.
As you both stand there, the handshake lingering for an unusually long time, Abby’s amusement at your expense only seems to intensify. As she patiently waits for you to decide when it ends, her eyes crinkle cheerfully at the edges. By the time you pull away, your whole body feels sweat dappled and flushed.
Manny shouts from somewhere inside the apartment, sending your shoulders straight to your ears. “Are you going to invite her in already—where are your manners?”
His outburst earns a gratuitous eye roll from Abby, who then tilts her head with empathy towards you.
“Would—you like to come in?” you stammer.
“Yeah,” she says. “That’d be great.”
A few times each year, Abby takes charge of organizing events for the younger generations on the FOB. She leads a series of survival challenges—scavenger hunts, fishing and hunting, target practice, crafting competitions, herb, and plant identification—to help keep morale up and to preserve strength in the community.
Although you haven’t taken part, you’ve heard positive feedback from soldiers and their families on base. It’s a good thing too, since Manny has kindly stepped in and volunteered you to help Abby with the next one.
“I know it sounds corny, but it really helps build teamwork and keep everyone active,” Abby explains, referring to a relay race she wants to set up outside the walls.
“No, not at all—it sounds awesome,” you say.
“I was going to go solo, but if you want to come along, I’d appreciate the extra hands,” she says. I usually camp for a few days and build everything myself. It’ll be nice to have some company out there.”
Abby’s fingers find a loose thread that is spindling out from a tear on her jeans, and she starts to fiddle with it. Manny clears his throat, prompting you to join the conversation rather than staring at her like she’s an enchanting extraterrestrial.
“I love camping!” you squeak, putting Manny on the verge of collapsing with laughter as he hears the sheer excitement in your voice.
It wouldn’t be completely terrible if the couch swallowed you whole, but despite your nerves, Abby does a decent job of making you feel relaxed in her presence.
“Yeah? Do you have a tent and everything?”
It’s clear that the universe is conspiring to make you look like a fool, so of course you don’t have camping gear of your own. To be honest, you’ve always been thankful for the opportunity to choose your work while off base because every time you observe your unit setting up camp, it reminds you of how complex it all seems.
Your inclination is to prioritize keeping everyone fed and using your expertise in weaponry and stealth. If you attempted to pitch a tent with only tarps and some rope, someone would inevitably wake up in a puddle.
“I’m not so great with the tent erecting stuff,” you say, mentally cuffing yourself the minute you hear yourself speak.
You’ve never uttered the word erecting in your life before now.
You avoid glancing at Manny’s face, aware that he’s eagerly anticipating the chance to mercilessly ridicule you. With a sugary, lopsided smile, Abby boldly extends her middle finger towards her best friend. You can bet that he is making all sorts of faces behind your back.
“We can share mine,” Abby offers. “If that’s cool with you.”
“Sure, that works for me,” you say with a nod, trying like hell to stay composed against the heat climbing your neck.
Abby bites her cheek to suppress a smile.
“Good, it’s all settled,” Manny says, slapping your back. “Just you and Abby, all alone in the great outdoors.”
“I’m going to kill him,” you grumble.
Upon hearing the news of Manny finally pairing you and Abby together, Nora is giddier than you’ve ever seen her. While assembling a medical kit for your camp out, she gives you a cheeky look.
“That girl needs her shit rocked,” she says, bouncing her flawlessly manicured brows. “If you want my vote, I say you send her home to us limping.”
“Oh, my god! I’m never going to get my face to calm down.”
You press your palms to your forehead, desperate for a cold cloth.
Nora’s bright, warm giggles fill the room, matching the kind-heartedness she emits.
“There’s no way Abby isn’t dreading this,” you say, passing a roll of gauze to Nora’s outstretched hands. “You should’ve been there—it was like I forgot how to talk or something. I’m so embarrassed.”
“Well, if I know her as well as I think I do,” Nora says with a grin. “She probably found your mess pretty damn cute.”
“You think so?”
“Totally. She digs the dorky ones,” she shrugs, handing you the fully stocked medical kit. “Just be real with her, okay? Everything with Owen did a number on her. I’d hate to have to kick your ass when you get back.”
“I don’t think this is that kind of trip,” you say. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
Leaning against the desk, Nora twirls a pen in her hands, lost in thought. The Salt Lake Crew, as you understand it, formed an unbreakable bond, strengthened by the shared experiences and obstacles they encountered while growing up together side by side. Though some challenges they faced have become distant tales, her face still carries the etching of the profoundness of their connection.
“I’m going to tell you something because I trust you, but please don’t make me regret it.”
The sound of the pen tapping against Nora’s thigh is quick and incessant as she gathers her thoughts. A small puff of air escapes her as she studies you intently from a distance.
“Fuck it,” she says, her lean hands gripping the tabletop. “Abby gets these—bad dreams, okay? Not all the time, but when she does, it can be rough. It’s why she goes out there alone.”
“Oh,” you breathe.
“Yeah. So, it’s a pretty big deal that she’s bringing you along this time,” Nora explains. “Please be good to her.”
The two of you venture outside the gates in the early morning, the scorching heat prickling your neck. The drought-stricken summer is the hottest you can remember in ages, dry grass crunching beneath your boots as you trek on.
You bring your shirt up to swipe at your sweaty face, drawing Abby’s gaze as it travels down your body.
This time, it’s her face that flushes with a rosy hue as she realizes you caught her stealing glances.
“It’s cool of you to help me out,” Abby says, redirecting attention. “Even though it’s boiling out here.”
“I thought about bailing, I’m not gonna lie,” you chuckle.
The heat and Abby’s quick pace are leaving you out of breath, but you’re determined to keep up.
“Why didn’t you?” she asks.
You reflect on Nora’s words and how she pleaded with you to treat Abby honourably. Her advice was to be authentic, and even though vulnerability can be frightening, you’re going to bite the bullet.
“I’ve wanted to get to know you for a while,” you admit. With the sun piercing through the trees, blinding your vision, you tightly clutch the straps of your backpack and hang your head. “I hope that’s not weird.”
Abby stops in front of you, and it momentarily obscures the bright rays of sunlight, offering you instant relief. The freckles sprinkled along her sun-kissed skin become more prominent, enhancing her natural beauty. She’s so pretty it makes your chest ache, and your thoughts run wild.
Kneeling, she hunts through her bag and pulls out a crumpled ball cap. When she stands up and carefully places it over your head, making all the necessary adjustments, flutters stir between your ribs.
“This hat is weird,” Abby says, her soft smile contrasting with her words.
Before continuing the journey, she pauses to fix a few messy tendrils of your hair, her touch lingering behind your ear for a split second. It’s enough to overlook the blazing temperature outside, mistakenly convincing you it’s only a sensation within your body.
“What about you—where’s yours?” you ask.
Despite her attempt to hide it, her smile is unmistakable as she tilts her head away.
“It looks better on you.”
“I highly doubt the accuracy of that statement,” you quip.
If you had known she was such a sweetheart behind closed doors, you might’ve summoned the courage to approach her differently. Life is brief, and it dawns on you how much time you’ve squandered in fear.
Amused, Abby shakes her head and then gestures for you to follow her. You would willingly accompany her to the deepest depths of the earth if she wanted. Fortunately, you’re already experiencing a preview of that, with the summer heat threatening to sear you like a salmon steak.
Abby jogs ahead of you, her eyes hooked on something beyond the treeline. You match her speed, eager to discover what has caught her interest.
She leads you to a lake, with its surface as clear as crystal, mirroring the vibrant emerald hues of the surrounding trees. Wildflowers bloom at the water’s edge, cradled between pebbles, their petals a delicate splatter of yellow and purple. A family of ducks glide gracefully across the surface, leaving ripples in their wake.
You wish you had something to offer them.
“Please tell me we’re going swimming,” you say, spellbound by the lush oasis and the promise of a refreshing dip. “I haven’t been to the lake for years.”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Abby says, beaming at you. “Have you ever gone skinny dipping?”
Her teeth graze anxiously over her bottom lip, examining you—her watchful eyes appearing filled with hope that she didn’t unintentionally cross a boundary.
“Only in my bathtub,” you say with a nervous giggle. “But I guess that doesn’t really count.”
“You’re a total dork,” Abby teases. “It’s kind of growing on me.”
“I’ll take it,” you say, delighting in the way she impishly scrunches her nose at you. “So, are we doing this or what?”
“You first,” she says, her eyes gleaming mischievously as she flicks at the brim of your hat.
When you toss it aside, Abby lifts her shirt up and over her head, balling it up to pitch on top of her bag. Her smooth, honey-blonde braid sways between her exposed shoulder blades as she widens her stance, unfastening her leather belt. Her back is a landscape of tight, defined muscles that leave you feeling dizzy.
Abby’s gaze meets yours as she looks back, a trace of wonder dancing in her eyes.
“Like what you see?” she asks.
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ofallthingsnasty · 4 months
H A T for Ace? Hehe
Yandere Alphabet
pffffft 😂 hey, i should be the one making cheesy jokes here skadjk honestly, it might be my grand old age (not really) but he's such a soggy little man to me. you have been warned - he's very different to the ones posted so far.
tw.yandere, emotional manipulation, minors dni
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Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The whole fucking relationship. He depends on you, needs you. You’re his band-aid, his childhood plushie, his mom, his sibling, his partner, his best friend - Ace is the everything-issues man and all those deep-seated insecurities and all that trauma, all that hurt is coming out when he’s with you. He’ll never hurt you physically but it’s going to be a total mindfuck for you. This whole thing clearly isn't right; he is definitely out of line, you're in this situation against your will - but he's like a wet cat when he's with you and it's not an act. You'll feel like you're losing your mind - caught between being scared and forced to dry the tears of a man who has basically decided that you're his ersatz family. Maybe he'll snap one day? He doesn't seem to be the type but he already went so far - you never know with Ace.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He’s extremely affectionate. He’s constantly touching you, playing with your hair, your clothes, your accessories. He wants you to touch him, too - just dote on him, please, show him that you’re there, that you care for him.  Cup his cheeks, cradle his head - he’ll practically melt into your touch. If you initiate it, he’ll be so happy.  (Don't overdo it, though. Or else he's gonna start crying and you don't want that. Absolutely ghoulish.)
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Oh god, anything but tears, please. He simply can’t take those - it breaks his heart to see you sad. At first, he’ll try anything and everything to cheer you up - but it’s not only for you. It’s for him, too. I think he’s very unstable as a yandere, in the sense that he flip-flops between being delusional and being horribly self-aware of the things he has done to you. He didn't want to be a monster, ever. Now look at him, forcing someone into playing pretend with him. Maybe all those people were right and he really is a demon child.  But he can’t let you go, either. You soothe that sting in his heart, your touch is all he thinks about after a long day. As much as it eats away at him, he's too selfish to stop this.
So don’t cry, please, don’t make him face the reality of what this is. Play nice, play soft, play your part convincingly so he can forget about it all. Make him think you're here with him because you want to be and maybe he can finally believe that he deserves to be loved.
If your tears and silence don't get better, though - he’ll simply clam up and ignore you. Not out of malice, never out of malice - but he really can’t take it. He just reaches a certain point where he can't help you without spiraling himself and has to get away from those big, sad eyes.
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artiststarme · 1 month
The Gift of Not Dying Part 14
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
It's been awhile but hopefully this will get me back in the groove of things. I hope you like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
~*~*~*~ Steve watched as the dazzling smile on Eddie’s face dropped to reveal absolute, unadulterated horror. He clearly wasn’t expecting his best friend/tomorrow’s date/future boyfriend to show up at fuck past two in the morning with a bruised face and blood covered sailor’s uniform. Steve could only imagine how he would respond if Eddie had shown up to Hopper's cabin looking like death the way Steve must right now.
“Oh my god, Steve?! What the fuck happened? Are you alright?” Eddie ushered him into the trailer and gently pushed him to a seat on the couch. 
Steve didn't know how to respond to him. On the one hand, he didn't want Eddie to worry. On the other hand, nothing would ever be alright again. Hop was dead, his body still stuck in the Russian base under Starcourt where he himself had died multiple times. Steve could feel the throbbing of his broken heart's beats pulsating in his face still. He definitely had a concussion if the double vision and underwater hearing were indicative of anything. Worst of all, it was all Steve's fault. This entire situation never would have happened had he not tempted the universe. He was too happy, he knew everything would fall into catastrophe eventually and he hadn't warned anyone.
So instead of answering his best friend, he pulled at Eddie's shoulders until the man got the message and wrapped him in a warm embrace that smelled of Honeybunches, motor oil, and marijuana. All of Steve's favorite smells that usually calmed him down. But not this time.
He sobbed into Eddie's chest, tears and blood mixing together on his face and soaking into the thin black fabric of Eddie's shirt. Steve just couldn't stop. He cried for the pain he'd gone through in the Russian base and the incessant battery he'd endured at the hands of sadists. He cried for the loss of Robin's normal life and the fact that she would probably hate him now since he'd dragged her into the absolute shit-show that was his life. Most of all though, he cried for Hopper. He cried for his dad that adopted him into his little family and gave him a little sister, the dad that dropped everything to help Steve whenever he needed it.
Poor Eddie just hugged him through it all. He didn't know why Steve had woken him up from a dead sleep at an ungodly hour in the morning only to unveil a face more recognizable as ground beef. He didn't know who had beaten him up or why Hopper wasn't behind him in his truck ready to drag him back to the overprotected cabin in the woods. He didn't need to understand because his best friend was in need of help and a good hug which Eddie could provide.
After what felt like hours of crying, Steve rasped, “Eds, Hop is gone. He died tonight.”
Eddie’s hands stopped their soothing circles on his back and he pulled back to look him in the eyes. There was no joking there, just complete and utter dread and hopelessness in the eye that wasn't swollen shut.
“Chief Hopper died tonight? Are you okay, where are you going to go?” He backtracked for a moment and pulled Steve’s battered body to his gently once more. “I’m sorry for your loss, man. I know the Chief was like a father to you. What’s going to happen now?”
Steve wanted to cry, to scream at the world for being so unfair as to take one of the only people that had ever cared for him. But his eyes were dry and his heart was bone tired after such an arduous night. So instead of sobbing some more or breaking down, Steve shrugged. “I’m going to have to go back to my parent’s house. I can’t stay in Hop’s cabin without him there. And El is going to live with Mrs. Byers. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Eddie shook his head and placed a weary hand on Steve's face. He wanted to give him comfort but with all the blood and bruises on his face, he didn't know where to touch without causing more pain. “You can stay here. Wayne won’t mind as long as we don’t mess with his mug or cap collections. He’s got a habit for taking in strays. Hell, just look at me. You’ll always have a place here.”
Steve couldn’t move in though. Everywhere he went, misfortune followed. He was like a plague, sucking the life out of everything he touched. It started with his parents and he sucked the joy right out of their lives leaving nothing but bitterness and sorrow, certainly not enough love for the disappointment he became. It broke Nancy by killing her best friend and tainting their relationship. Steve should’ve kept his distance from Hop and El but his selfishness won out in the end. And now Hopper was gone. Steve’s plague had struck once again and had stolen his happiness with it. He couldn’t do that to Eddie and Wayne, they’d been through far too much already. They didn’t deserve to deal with him on top of it all. 
“Thanks but I don’t want you guys to get sick of me. I’ll just stay at my parent’s house and crash here when they come home. If that’s okay with you and Wayne.”
Eddie shook his head before entwining his fingers with Steve’s. “Of course it is. We’ll worry about that tomorrow. For now, let’s deal with your face. Did you go to the hospital? I can literally see the bruises swelling in front of my eyes. There’s no way you don’t have a concussion right now, why would they let you drive like this?”
“They didn’t, I walked,” Steve corrected distractedly. His mind was reeling over grief and pain, too distracted to abide by the story he was supposed to use. 
“Walked from where?”
“Starcourt,” his mouth just kept talking despite his eyes seeing the alarm on Eddie’s face. “The Russians stole my car keys so I couldn’t drive. It’s fine though, I have an extra set in the kitchen of my parent’s house. It was only four miles or so, not too bad in the grand scheme of things. I’ve had worse.”
Eddie just looked at him blankly, too indecisive to decide on concern, horror, or anger at whoever had done this to his friend. He was pretty positive he loved this weirdo, who the fuck had the audacity to keep beating him to a pulp? Couldn't these monsters see how lovable he was?!
“Um, I don’t know how to respond to that. I’m getting my keys and we’re going to the hospital. I don’t need to know what happened, especially since I’m pretty positive that you’re concussed and not making sense. I just need to know you’re okay so we’re going to the ER. Let me just call Wayne and we can go.” Eddie motioned with both hands for Steve to stay still and he did. Even when he heard crashing in Eddie’s room while he looked for his keys and panicked whispers when he finally reached Wayne on the phone, Steve remained in his seat on the old couch.  
He knew he didn’t have to go to the hospital, the worst that could happen already had, but he couldn’t reveal that to Eddie. So, he’d bite his tongue and go through the motions. That was his specialty after all. For now, he’d let Eddie take care of him. He would ignore the grief that blackened his soul and the pain that accompanied the thought of his found family breaking apart. He'd deal with the trauma of loss and pain and death sometime later when he could handle a breakdown alone. At this very moment, Steve would hold himself together and lie to his friend and the doctors he was forced to see to keep the Party's secret. He had already dragged Robin into this mess and had probably lost her in the process, he didn't think he could survive losing Eddie too.
Tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @counting-dollars-counting-stars @newtstabber @estrellami-1 @thegoblinboy @manda-panda-monium @i-less-than-three-you @joruni @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mentalcyborg @vampireinthesun @spectrum-spectre @goodolefashionedloverboi @grtwdsmwhr @nam-draws @anaibis @zerokrox-blog @renaissan-vvitch @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @labels-are-for-the-weak @amoris-no-smut-allowed @5ammi90 @precursorandthedragon @i-must-potato @valinwonderland @lololol-1234 @wonderland-girl143-blog @tailsfromthecrypt @trippypancakes @ghosttotheparty @thing-a-ling @bleach-the-kitten @pyrohonk @carlyv @gregre369 @lololol-1234
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trutrustories · 7 months
Part 2: Breaking Brad
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Okay, Check-list, ep 2:
11) matching suits part 1 THIS ⬇️ costume department did a great job and they look badass together also, they´re walking very close to each other.
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12) Loki defending /saving Mobius from Brad (with magic!) also, Mobius, dear, (my beloved) you were really going for it! Always so ready to fight! I can´t xD
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Loki "don´t u dare hurt him" Laufeyson, look at his face!
13) Mobius and Loki struggling to assemble IKEA furniture- sorry Tapmad together
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14) " And he knows..." I mean yeah, sure. keep remind us, that Mobius knows everything about Loki, and saw him at his worst, so we can appreciate even more the fact, that Mobius likes him and cares for him so damn much 💚🤎
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15) Loki finding Mobius´s joke amusing Mobius: cracking joke right after Loki´s threatening speech:
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16) Loki being very concerned for Mobius after his outburst, saying that It´s okay, and then suggests having pie because he knows Mobius so well and is avare of the fact, that his man is stress eater I´m gonna cry they´re too pure for MCU someone adopt them
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17) Bickering like married couple (part 2) 18) The whole freaking pie scene!
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Just them, sharing calm, intimate moment together
Mobius opening up to Loki, and admiting he "lost it"
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Loki trying to make him feel better and absolutely KILLING IT! btw, I know, that some people think, this scene doesn´t make sense, because Loki didn´t "lost it" during avengers, but was controlled by mind stone, etc.... well I think that it actually doesn´t matter. Guess what else doesn´t make sense? For example the fact, that they already talked about Loki fighting Avengers ( during their first meeting.) Loki is aware, that Mobius saw New York invasion at least twice now, and he´s telling him anyway. I would say, that point here is Loki trying to lift Mobius´s spirit, entertain him, make him smile. Why else woud he start his monolog by "remember, when...?" And I think, that this is huge, actually: Loki, using his bad memory, defeat, his humulianting experience to make Mobius feel better. So not only, that we see, he no longer care about being rurel but we see him making lightly fun of it FOR MOBIUS´S SAKE! He has different priorities now... our immortal god is a grown man now... it´s just so fucking beautiful... 🥺
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Also Mobius saying to Loki: "come on, you´re the God of Mischief" Like it´s a best thing in the world, and Loki gives him THIS LOOK! (I mean that head tilt would be considered "acting" category, but I´m already making concessions by including all these things under one number :D
19) Loki and Mobius: mischievous duo
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Mobius trusts him so completly!
They both such a drama queens!
And they works so well together!
like... seriously, Brad didn´t see this coming, AT ALL! xD
also... Loki complimenting his plan?!
20) "They say opposites attract. NO." Mobius´s wishfull thinking xD (But hey, it IS true. Opposites attracts. And works greatly together. That´s the only reason, why, for example, trope like grumpy one/sunshine one is so popular!) I can´t! just look at his face 🤣 Oh honey! just calm down
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He is sooooooo NOT chill here xD bless him
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21) Loki, not following Sylvie, but actually staying with Mobius and comforting him. AGAIN. (which is an absolutely glaring contrast compared to episode 2 in first season!)
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eliashirsch · 17 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (3/3)
Part three of my fanfic recommendation! This one's for the best fics!
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
Best of the Best Fics
Fics that shine bright as the stars. Make sure to check the author’s other works too!
Kings of the Air by FabulaRasa @fabula-unica
Fighting and fucking: two things he did extraordinarily well. How could he have known what the effect would be when you combined the two?
This and COMPACFLT’s work directly inspired one of my works:) The writing quality is absolutely amazing. My favorite fics are those that have Ice returning to Top Gun and joining Mav as an instructor and this one just takes the whole motherfucking crown.
Indian Ocean. Present Day. by Jay Tryfanstone (tryfanstone)
Isolated on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean, cut off from any source of information about the global political and environmental disaster which has engulfed the planet, Maverick and Goose struggle to make sense of an increasingly claustrophobic command structure and failing resources on board. When a refugee helicopter is spotted approaching the carrier, its pilot could be the catalyst for an explosive re-evaluation....
This fic man. This fic. It made me fall in love with post-apocalyptic fics. The writing style, the plot, Ice and Mav and Goose. Goose, man… Oh my god. If you read this fic you know why I’m still thinking about these boys’ fates. 
Rhinestone Cowboy by omnidirectional
That’s Doctor Iceman to you! Maverick bangs himself up and gets rescued by someone he didn’t expect. A Missing Scene featuring contrived situations, questionable life choices, gratuitous product placement, and shirtlessness. You know, everything you love about canon.
And it is absolutely everything I love about canon! I always love missing scenes or canon divergent. Not to say that I don’t enjoy AUs, but I love vibes like this the most where the story works alongside canon and elevates it to a whole other level. Mav and Ice and Slider feels correct.
Sleepless Nights by demiclar @demiclar / @slidersimp
Five times Maverick wakes himself up with nightmares and one time he's woken by someone else.
Fics about Mav’s grief over Goose’s death will always wreck me. This one in particular shows itself as a physical manifestation. I love love love all the guys stepping up and taking care of Mav, never once judging his pain. I’m a sucker for portrayals of the ugly side of grief.
Mal de Mer by saurora_borealis
"I thought you said you didn't get seasick, you little liar," Slider snaps. Maverick doesn't answer, head bowed, but Ice can see him shaking from here. Of all the times for Maverick to be sick, did it have to be on a night that Ice is ill too? Or: the carrier experiences some ocean turbulence. Even the most seasoned aviators fall prey to it.
This one has sort of the same vibe as the fic above. I never get tired of seeing the flyboys take care of each other<3
be my soulmate (and i'll be yours) by ChexMix
Of course Maverick dreams about finding his soulmate. Who doesn't? But he'd never imagined the possibility that it could be the Iceman. So when he catches sight of Ice's soulmark, it suddenly becomes all he can think about.
Classic Icemav soulmate AU. This is like exactly my type of angst and happy ending. Sometimes the things you’re familiar with are still the best:)
To Build a Home by LadyLanera @k9effect
Eighteen years before Top Gun Maverick, there was a home being built from ashes and ruin. When the dust finally settled and dusk fell, the house of cards collapsed, shattering three lives forever. Is it possible to rebuild, reclaiming the past in the future...when they're all hurtling towards their worst nightmare?
Goddddd. I love Mav’s character flaw in this. I love Ice’s maturity born from grief and sickness. I love Bradley’s anger and abandonment issues. I love that these three have hurt each other more than anyone ever could, but their love is still starkly present. My thoughts when I was reading this was that LadyLanera wrote their flaws so beautifully, making them human, and by doing so I understood their motivations and their actions. Amazing characterization. 
all is fair (in love and war) by dulcetines (evecstasy)
oh, ice, maverick bisa merasakan hati kecilnya meringis, ice, sori banget— hollywood menyelak lagi, kali ini dengan suara impersonasi terbaiknya: “teruntuk kuncen TOPGUN, yang mana di sana kuyakin matahari belum juga terbit sebersamaan dengan ditulisnya surat ini. aku ingin saat ini juga kau bersyukur tidak mesti mendengarkan slider ngorok di sampingmu. tuhan jesus. pria ini sudah kuanggap saudara sendiri, tapi terkadang ada saja hal-hal yang dilakukannya yang membuatku ingin menggulingkannya ke laut. kau apa kabar di sana? sudah berapa pilot yang kauhabisi egonya? apapun itu. jangan mati kebosanan dulu. aku bisa bilang begini karena surat-suratmu selalu mengancam demikian. ingat kau masih hutang makan malam denganku. dan sepuluh dolar. sampaikan salamku ke bayi itik. bilang aku kangen padanya. dan,” hollywood memalsukan dehem, sambil ia melanjutkan, “padamu juga. setiap detikku. ice.” begitulah.
Hehehehehe. Now this is more for me LMAO because as you can see, it’s written in Indonesian. Finding this fic in my mother language is like finding GOLD. Again, I love love love Icemav in their Top Gun era. This is for all of you Indonesian Top Gun enthusiast *blows a kiss* 
a higher fidelity by basedchamp
“C’mon.” Tori nudges him with an elbow. “C’mon. He’s cute. You can admit that one thing but you can’t admit this?” Gritting his teeth, Ice thinks very carefully about his next words. “He’s…” he trails off. “Some would say that…Mitchell is not. Unpleasant. To look at.” (Alternatively: the one where Ice and Mav learn to park bad, eat good, and love even better.)
Ice’s family, man… It’s refreshing to see them so supportive and loving. I’m guilty of making Ice’s backstory so tragic>:) But this one is heartwarming! I love the style and flow of the writing. It’s something that I want to achieve in my own writing as well, so kudos to basedchamp!
Tunnel Vision by brainjuicey (anzietyfreak) @brainjuicey
Instead of Ice biting the air in the locker room, he antagonises Mav by biting his neck, unknowingly setting off dormant Omega genes and sending him into heat. Everyone involved is forced to remain secure on base until they’ve investigated. AKA. Five Alphas, a Beta, and an Omega in heat, walk into an Air Base prison. Ramifications ensue. Alternative title, "Locked in Sex Jail With The Boys"
This scratched that specific part in my brain, man. ABO with the original cast of Top Gun? Sign me up, baby. Steamy and perfect. 
The Five People You Can't Escape in Heaven by V_Evergreen
Maverick dies, but it doesn't end there. Alternately: [“Hey, kiddo, are you with me?” Maverick opened his eyes and found that he could see. He blinked in the sudden light as his surroundings came into focus. Quite literally came into focus, as though everything around him was resolving into itself as he looked, deciding to form a lawn, flowerbeds, the tree trunk that he had been leant against. The sun was blinding overhead, high noon. In the distance, hazy and indistinct, he could make out a house. It looked vague, like a half formed memory but it was familiar. Just like the man crouched in front of him. “Dad?” He croaked.]
I was reading the original book (The Five People You Meet in Heaven) and came across this fic. Which in turn made me want to write my own rendition from the same idea.  That last chapter, man. It’s unreal how creative it is. A punch to the gut for sure.
(Here’s my fic if you want to read about it :) >> Estrellita)
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother by V_Evergreen
Five meetings between Thomas Kazansky and Ethan Hunt. Alternately: [Ethan heard the door click shut behind him and turned to ask after the papers when he was abruptly spun by a hand on his shoulder and pushed against the door. His first and immediate thought was that he was certainly being attacked. Kazansky had him pressed against the door, chest to chest, a hand around his wrist and then- oh. Oh no. He wasn’t being attacked at all, it was infinitely worse. He was being very thoroughly kissed. He pushed back against Kazansky’s chest and tried to think of something eloquent to say. “Um?”]
Another banger by V_Evergreen. Ice not knowing Mav has a twin and mistakenly kissing him is so funny. And the end is heartwarming as well. Love love love it.
Allies by Shearmouth
After getting shot down over a war-torn Iraq, Maverick makes some unlikely friends. They have something– a big something– in common. But all Mav really wants is Ice. Too bad he's half a world away, and even Mav can't run that on a shattered leg. Not with the infected chest wounds thrown in, at least.
Oh my goddddd. I keep being at a loss for words when describing these fics. It won’t do anyone good if all I wrote was goddd, oh mannn, it’s so goodddd. But it’s the truth. This one hits home so much. The risk and homophobia present when you’re in a place that punishes queer people for existing and being in love, how a single mistake will cost you your future. And it’s so heartwarming to see that even then, you’re not alone. Mav being helped to reunite with Ice and breaking down that since their relationship was private, Ice had to grief Mav alone. Man, oh man. 
There is a pain—so utter by CurSirrr
Pete Mitchell was fine. Completely fine. He didn’t feel dizzy with denial, or an utter trainwreck of hopelessness. He hadn’t shed a single tear or cried himself to sleep for the past week. His guts were twisting and turning, squeezing and cramping. His eyes were swollen and red, and his scalp hurt from his vicious hair tugs as he tried to understand the past week. OR Three times Bradley misses the chance to say goodbye before it is too late.
Just read the summary and prepare for a world of pain:) Ice’s canon death still haunts me. Good thing he’s sleeping away in his big house that he co-owns with Mav, regularly saves his husband’s ass, have barbeque Sunday with Bradley and Jake and the dagger squad, happy and healthy:))
keeping his cards close to his chest by Serie11 @oathkeeperoxas
It's not that Lucy wishes that her boss would be more open with her. It's that she quite literally knows nothing about the man, despite Admiral Kazansky being her CO for half a decade. Or: 5 times Ice successfully hid something from his staff, and 1 time Ice revealed his biggest secret
Love seeing Icemav seen through other people’s perspective. It adds so much to the universe. Ice and Mav being their usual old married couple while everyone around them suffers. Excellent.
'til I meet you there by adiduck (book_people) @adiduck
Maverick wakes up in the snow, helmet on, entire body aching intensely and parachute still attached. It takes him about half an hour of trekking through the snow to notice that there’s anything amiss. (Or: Maverick Mitchell is in the habit of talking to his ghosts. Usually, they don’t talk back.)
Mav’s journey through the underworld. This fic is just too creative😭Always a delight to see how loved Mav is. It’s so whimsical and confusing and so great.
the ships have come to carry you home by indigofudge
“Here it is,” Carole says, bringing Mav’s wheelchair to a stop. Mav’s mouth is dry. He aches for another cup of water. “Carole, tell me something, and don’t lie to me.” “Anything, Maverick.” “How bad does he look?” Carole is quiet for a while. Then she comes around and kneels in front of Mav, taking both of his hands in her own. Her eyes swim with tears. “If I didn’t know any better,” she says, voice breaking, “I’d think he was dead.” • Or, Goose is alive when they hit the water. That's enough.
Goose survives AU!!!! Huh? This isn’t canon? What are you talking about? Of course, Goose survives and the Bradshaw family is still whole and Mav still has his family and gets to have Ice too. What are you talking about??
Swallow by wildglitterwolf 
Ice is getting tired of Maverick's inability to be a team player. Maverick is annoyed by Ice's gum chewing. Ice is more than happy to get rid of it, he just needs a place to put it...
TT.TT Just… I didn’t know I like this dynamic so much…
cruise control by res_judicata
Rooster’s plane goes down on a Tuesday.  Jake remembers that it’s a Tuesday because he had been out grabbing a quick bite for lunch with Javy and the little chalkboard on the wall of the cafe had proclaimed that Tuesday’s special was linguine in white wine with fresh mussels. (Jake deals with grief and love)
Made me cry a goddamn river. I’ve said this before, but Hangster is one of those ships that I had trouble getting into. When I first got into the fandom back in June 2022, I strictly read Icemav, never dipping my toes into Hangster’s relationship because I never felt the spark. But as time goes by I’m starting to warm up and have read more and more. This fic is one of those where it captured my attention instantly. I knew it was going to be angsty, but still holding out hope for a happy ending (just like Jake in this story). The grief that blanketed the whole writing only made the resolution more beautiful.
WHORES IN MY BED. by pornogirl
“Jake-” Bradley’s eyes have a wet glimmer to them, the kind of wet that looks like the beginnings of tears and Jake wants to kiss him so badly. “Jake, is it loaded?” Jake rolls his eyes at the question. “Open your fucking mouth.” (Author’s notes: it's really not as bad as the tags may suggest but like. read the fucking tags!)
I’m a freak and I’m not ashamed of it:) Basically, Jake's going on about how pretty Bradley is crying and scared. If this is your kink, definitely worth the read. I don’t know if it’s because I find it hot, but I don’t get the unsafe feeling as opposed to reading other works that have noncon elements. I don’t know it feels more like it’s both of their kinks or like something they’ve discussed before but Jake didn’t warn Bradley prior. Like CNC, I guess? Anyway it’s really hot and I have not looked at my retainers the same way;)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule @baroness-elsa
In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas.
This is so Jake and Bradley I’m blown away by how right they feel. Seriously. I didn’t even notice this was 66k words. The vibes, the writing, Jake’s family. Oh hell. Definitely check out the author’s other works too! They’ve got a lot of other Hangster long fics:)
cinnamon and sugar by bottledyarn
Jake was slumped in the doorway, propped up against the wall beside the door. He was a strange, pale, near-gray against the dark backdrop of his apartment, and he looked—well… “You look like shit," Bradley said. – Bradley draws the short straw and has to take care of Jake when he's sick with a stomach flu. Jake doesn't want to be taken care of.
Sigh. Jake and Bradley, man. They’re the ship that you can shove as much angst as you want and it’ll fit right in with their dynamic. They’re just so stubborn!!!! The push and pull between them is magnetic, man. I think I get why people love them.
habits by rararatatouille
Jake and Bradley come together in a series of jagged stops and starts. They fall apart in the exact same way. In which habits are hard to break, even for the people we love most.
Mannnnn. Goddamnit. I think this fic converted me to like Hangster. I think this has become canon in my brain too. I can’t even. Just read it. Words aren’t enough to describe this fic. 
Days Like This by chase_acow @cowsalot
Jake's in Hawaii to lose himself after getting the Navy's first air-to-air kill in decades. Instead he finds a ramshackle diner, a cast of odd characters, and possibly the love of his life. Bradley goes to the Hard Deck to order waffles. He orders waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck to get some waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck, and who is this hot asshole acting like they know each other?
So good. A 50 First Dates AU. Jake just loves Bradley so much, man. And Bradley finally showing up in the end. Love really will make you walk miles across Earth for your special person<3
Other pairings, romantic and not.
Mr. Blue Sky by omnidirectional
Tragedy first brings Iceman into Bradley’s life, but he quickly becomes the steadiest presence of the boy’s childhood… until a betrayal tears their small family apart. After years of silence, can Bradley find the words to make up for lost time? Five times Ice sings to Bradley, and the one time Bradley sings to Ice.
Another one from omnidirectional. Ice and Bradley’s father and son relationship… Here’s one of the tags: Who Wants To Cry Today? If you’re up for emotional damage, click the link🫵
On Mighty Wings by PurpleArrowzandLeather @purplearrowzandleather-blog
Maverick raised geese over the years while Bradley was gone. Bradley does not know this until the flock comes home for the summer.
Short and sweet. Legend author as well. Love the geese preening Mav and Bradley sobbing while surrounded by honks. This is just too damn cute!!
Neglected by proprioception @mnstrfkr
"Do I look God-fearing to you, ma'am?" Maverick asked with a grin. "You most certainly do not," Carole said. "That's why I didn't marry you." "That and the mustache," Goose added.
Can’t forget about this GooseMavCarole fic of course! Hot and heartwarming. Absolutely amazing smut. This one sparked my brain to make a fanart of my favorite polycule. Their dynamic is just so fun!
Yearling by Fopperies , pohjanneito @pilvimarja
Alone in a cabin in the snowy mountains, Maverick is supposed to help Bradley on the path to presenting as an alpha soon. Bradley's body has other ideas.
Just gonna put this here… A different take on ABO’s biology, which I absolutely love. It’s so hot… Bradley, I feel you, honey…
Seeing a Trailer by daenabenjen42
In the aftermath of the Layton rescue, Merlin has questions.
Sighs for the millionth time. It’s so good. Again, I love the portrayal of Mav’s PTSD and grief here. And it’s not just him, but daenabenjen42 wrote about the other boys’ trauma too. I love it so much I must’ve reread this one about fifty million times. 
in between what's already done by crawsley
“We aren’t doing this,” Maverick says, firmly, and he’s tensing like he’s about to move, about to shove Rooster off of him, push him away like he pushed him away before, when all Rooster had wanted was some guidance, some help, some love and kindness and— Rooster bears him to the ground, right there on the rug in the entryway.
This is legitimately one of the first, if not the first fic I’ve read from RoosMav. I still remember clearly going home from watching TG:M in the cinema and KNOWING that there were definitely going to be people who ship Mav and Roo. I rushed to AO3 straight away:D Imagine my delight when finding this one!
shake my nerves and rattle my brain by BogBeast
This wasn’t supposed to be intimate. This was about punishment, humiliation, stubbornness and spite. Not this gentle crap that made him sigh, the hand in his hair making his stomach swoop with every tug, the heavy scent making his head feel foggy, the praises making his heart skip a beat. That shit is just weird. The horrifying realization that he’s hard in his flight suit has nothing to do with it.  - Mav's gotten them into a lot of weird situations, but giving blowjobs to their rivals because of a stupid bet has to be the weirdest one.
Icemav AND Sloose? SIGN ME UP, BABY!
That’s all of it! This is my list for now. Thank you all for reading through to the end! Let me know if you enjoyed any of these fics so we can gush about them together:) I hope you enjoyed my yapping:}
My works have always and will continue to take inspiration from others. So thank you for creating stories as beautiful and profound as these, dear beloved authors<3
If you want to see my bookmark collection of all of these fics, click here >> TOPGUN (Best of the Best) While you’re there, how about you read some of my fics too?>:) EliasHirsch
(PS!!! There will be a 4th part because there are definitely more good fics that people need to know about:))
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I hadn't read that one!
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Despite an initially awkward interaction in your favourite bookstore, maybe things start going well for you after meeting that handsome stranger.
a/n. My academic anxiety allowed me to finish this! Maybe it's because this type of situations it's all I need right now. 😩 I would really appreciate if you tell me if you liked and your opinions about it! Any advice would be appreciated. And please, remember English is not my first language.
Word count: 1.2k
You entered your favourite bookstore, knowing that you were going to buy something even if you didn’t plan on it. You went there a lot, it was on your way home from work and always a comfort place for you.
“Hi, Y/N! Are you buying something today?” The booksellers already knew you and you could even consider them as friends, you can’t remember how many times you just went inside only for a chat with them when the place was empty of customers. “It’s been a week since the last book I bought, so… you know I will.” You laugh knowing it was impossible to leave with empty hands.
You went to your most loved section, the fantasy one. The hunger games, The maze runner, A court of thorns and roses… Oh, how you loved those books. You were too focused on the book titles that you missed someone, only noticing the person when you bumped into him. “Oh my god! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you! I’m so so sorry!” You looked up to the man staring at you and, oh god, he was captivating. His blue eyes were the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. 
He looked at you and nodded, not saying anything. He stared at you for a few seconds and then he went back to his task of checking the book in his hands, The Hobbit. You hadn’t read that one. “Nice book, I guess, I hadn’t read that one!” He looked at you and nodded again. Realising he wasn’t going to say anything, you kept reading more titles until you decided for one. 
“So, today I'm choosing this one, The invisible life of Addie LaRue, have you read it?” You asked the bookseller as you pay. You love to talk about books. You both start a conversation about it, but you couldn’t stop looking at where that handsome man was. You hoped to see him again, maybe not bump into him… or doing it, no matter how as long as you saw him again.
The next day, after having an awful day at work, you stopped again at your favourite place at the same hour, again. “Hey guys, today it's just looking! I need some distraction.” They nodded in your direction, understanding that some days, you just needed your books, not talking, not socialising, just books. Or that’s what they thought. 
You did in fact need someone, someone that you didn’t have. You longed for someone like the men you read about, someone to love you like Hozier loves in his songs. Those days at work were the absolute worst, your boss being an asshole to you and without someone waiting for you at home for some cuddles to forget about everything else. So you searched for that comfort in books, alone.
You went again to the fantasy section, surprised (and excited) to see someone familiar there. It was the same man you’d bumped into the previous day. Should you say something? Maybe apologise again? “Hey! Hi again! I bumped into you yesterday… sorry about that again.” You cringed at yourself, you regretted starting to talk. “Hi, yeah, I remember, don’t worry.”
Oh. My. God. His voice. That’s all you could think about. You didn’t know what to say so you stayed there looking at him and wanting to disappear. “I’m Y/N, by the way, not that you care, but… yeah, hi.” You were two sentences away from punching yourself right in the face. Why couldn’t you just shut up? It wasn’t that hard, was it?
“Bucky.” Oh god, he was making clear that he didn’t want to keep talking, you were definitely annoying him. He didn’t deny that he didn’t care. “Well, nice to meet you, Bucky, I’ll let you keep looking.” 
You saw that he was looking at some of the books you were looking at yesterday and you were curious about it. Was he doing it because he saw you? Or your delusional self was speaking? After some time wandering in between books, you decided it’s time for you to go home. You looked around to see if Bucky was still around but you didn’t see him. 
Another day, another visit to the bookstore. This time you were excited about seeing someone. Was Bucky going to be there? You wanted to see him again, maybe talk to him if you felt brave enough. When you entered the bookstore, you searched for him, but he wasn’t there. One of your bookseller friends saw you enter and immediately called you. 
“Y/N! I have something for you!” For you? What could it be? A new book that could be interesting for you? “Oh! What is it?” You didn’t understand the smile she was giving you. She handed you a book and a note. You read it.
Dear Y/N, 
You told me you didn’t read The Hobbit, I think it’s time for you to do it. I guess I’m too coward to tell you this in person.
You then looked at the book in your hands, The Hobbit. No way! You couldn’t believe what was happening. “Did he… leave this here? For me?” You couldn’t think straight, but the librarian understood what was going through your mind. “Yes Y/N!! He did!! He looked so nervous when he handed me everything! He bought the book just for you!” You were blushing so hard. 
You decided then that you were going to go home right at that moment to start the book, it felt like a way to connect with him. You were slightly disappointed that it wasn’t him the one who handed you the book in person, but you couldn’t stop thinking that it was so cute how he did it. You were now excited to see him again to talk about the book, so you had to start it right now.
After arriving home you prepared yourself for a good reading session. You opened the book and saw a post-it on the first page. 
Oh, and by the way, I’m not gonna be in the city this week, so here’s my number in case you want to talk about it while reading it ;). 
Bucky, again.
His phone number was there. You let out an excited squeal. This was better than any romance novel you’ve ever read because this was real. THIS WAS REAL! You lost no time in adding him in your contacts and sending him a message.
Y/N: hi! Y/N here :). thank you for the book, excited to read it!
Bucky📚: Hey, Y/N. Hope you enjoy it ;). Keep me updated.
You were giggling and kicking your feet, you were actually texting the hot guy you met at the bookstore!
Y/N: i will! but… maybe i also want to talk about it in person…🤭
Bucky📚: When I come back to town, I would 
like that too, maybe with a coffee?
Sweet mother of pearl! Was he asking you out? You couldn’t think about what to say.
Bucky📚: Like a date.
Oh. He was asking you out! Time to focus, you think to yourself.
Y/N: sure, i would like that :). 
Y/N: now let me start my book! ;)
Maybe this could be the start of something interesting. Maybe you finally founded the man of your dreams.
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vaxieth · 9 months
because something really did ask, have a much too long post about my thoughts on laudna’s individual dynamics with the rest of bells hells.
under the cut because it’s almost 3000 words.
i struggle to find something to say about imogen and laudna that hasn’t already been said a million times before. the core concept—the thesis—of their arcs, together and separately, is choice. so much of their backstories are defined by helplessness. laudna was chosen and killed because she happened to look like someone else, she was resurrected because she happened to be there. imogen’s mother left, she was burdened with powers she didn’t understand and meant constant pain and isolation. so, they make sure to constantly emphasize that the other person has a choice in everything. imogen tells laudna she only has to come back if she wants to, even though it would have devastated her to lose laudna forever. laudna tells imogen that the gods can’t control her, that no matter what her “destiny” is, if she wants, they can leave and live in a little cottage and raise horses together. the way they love each other unconditionally is all the more incredible given how cruel the world was to them for so long. laudna’s “you make me better” is true for both of them. they give each other a place to be vulnerable and feel all their messiest, worst feelings because they know the other one won’t judge them. they’ll support each other no matter the choices they make.
something i’ve mentioned quite a few times but never gone in depth about is that imogen and laudna do have a fairly significant age difference, and i do think that affects their dynamic. on the one hand, they both have a bit of arrested development—imogen due to her isolation from the rest of gelvaan from 18-26, laudna because she died at 20. on the other, laudna has so much more life experience than imogen. she spent almost 30 years traveling and interacting with the world even if was mostly people trying to kill her, maybe even because of that. the “laudna is imogen’s aunt/mother/older sister” takes were obviously ridiculous, but laudna does canonically look at imogen and see someone young who she wants to protect in a way she never was. she said as much to fcg after the gnarlrock fight. laudna acts as imogen’s rock, her tether if you will, a lot of the time, and part of the reason she can counterbalance imogen’s anxiety is because of the experience that comes with age. for example, during their conversation in episode 49, laudna is able to stay more “rational” and level-headed even when imogen is scared and overwhelmed. 
one of my other favorite things about them, specifically from laudna’s point of view, is that with a few exceptions (the gnarlrock fight, her jealousy of frida), she doesn’t seem insecure about their relationship. again, during episode 49, laudna mentions that she knows they haven’t talked in a while, but she didn’t worry because they “transcend words.” she didn’t need outside assurance from imogen because she felt confident in their love for each other. something i love about that episode 39-49 period is that they didn’t interact a lot, but when they did, they slipped right about in the same kind of intimacy they’d always had—imogen holding launda’s hand when they went into her dream together, laudna’s protectiveness of imogen after she interacted with ludinus. but anyway—that confidence is why i believe the transition from friends to lovers was so easy for laudna. laudna’s unsure of herself, of delilah and what she might do, but she’s absolutely not unsure of the love between her and imogen. that’s why as soon as imogen tells her she’s not a bad person, that she wants to be with laudna in that way, she lets herself embrace it entirely.
in conclusion: they invented romance, they’re the best canon pairing critical role has ever had and one of the best dynamics in general, etc., etc.
oh my god, WHERE to begin? i feel like my take on their dynamic is slightly controversial. at the very least, i get more push back from people when i post about it than anything else, so let me start with this: orym cares deeply about laudna, i will never dispute that. however, orym is uncomfortable with laudna and has been since the very beginning of the campaign. she’s his friend and he recognizes her beautiful heart and resilient spirit, but he’s uncomfortable with her appearance and her messages in his head, with her macabre humor and her deadness. he can’t reconcile that laudna his friend and laudna the dead woman can’t be separated. laudna’s deadness is a part of her, one laudna embraces. orym, for better or worse, is “normal.” he grew up with a loving family and he had a husband and a career. will and derrig’s deaths were an unbelievable tragedy but one that never challenged his place within the status quo. (sidenote: i’ve always wondered if part of orym’s discomfort with laudna come from the fact that her proximity to death is a reminder of the resurrections will and derrig never got.) he sees himself as a follower, someone that doesn’t stand out, then there’s laudna, who does nothing but stand out. 
something i find fascinating is that orym is the first person to find out laudna’s backstory, and it affects him so much he can’t sleep that night and takes a point of exhaustion. he even explicitly recognizes the dehumanization she’s gone through and how laudna’s relationship with puppets like pate and sashimi mirror that. yet, he still never apologizes for trying to disguise her appearance, something without even asking. yes, i get it’s tactical and for “safety” (though that argument falls a bit flat for me when there’s also a glowing rock person and a fully conscious automaton in the group, but whatever), but it still hurts laudna. even beyond that, orym always qualifies his friendship with laudna to other person, making some mention of how she’s dead-looking and isn’t that crazy, wow, almost as if he wants some validation that it—laudna—is weird (one he, interestingly, rarely ever gets, given how enraptured most of the other pcs, including guests, and even some npcs, are with her). he does this even in situations he absolutely doesn’t need to like, for example, when maeve says laudna “looks cooler than i thought.” all this just sucks. it’s not that the love isn’t there, it is. it just isn’t unconditional, and laudna deserves better than that.
finally: the delilah in the room. no, it isn’t orym’s “fault” delilah is back. yes, he was also having an extremely bad time during the bor’dor fight and it wasn’t his “responsibility” to save laudna from herself, but laudna is orym’s friend. he listened to laudna tell him the trauma delilah put her through, he fought through hell to save laudna from her, and still nodded because part of him thought maybe delilah could help him and that was selfish. the fight against ludinus is important to of the bells, but for orym, it’s personal. it’s been his mission for six years. meanwhile, laudna is the one with the least enthusiasm about this. she has no connection to the gods. in fact, she actively thinks they dislike her, but he’s willing to sacrifice not just his safety, but the safety of her and all his friends for a cause they never set out to fight for.
in conclusion: i want to put them in a salad mixer together and watch them go around and around and around and around and around, then let them out to scream at each other a little.
if i had to explain laudna and ashton’s dynamic in one word, it would be “projection.” i adore their relationship, it’s one of my top 5 c3 dynamics, but oh my god, so much projection, and it’s so interesting because of that. ashton thinks he understands laudna, but in reality, he doesn’t at all. i’m an absolute sucker for characters that look very different on the surface but in reality are much more similar than they know, and ashton and laudna are that to a tee. they are very much narrative parallels especially regarding their feelings of “brokenness” and how their traumas are physical, visual parts of themselves, but the ways they diverge are almost more interesting.
certain people have said that her conversations with ashton are the only time laudna is “honest” or that, at the very least, she’s more honest with him than she is with anyone else, and i couldn’t disagree more. laudna can be a joyful, optimistic person and deeply traumatized with a core anger she hasn’t truly processed. laudna is a high-charisma character, and in my opinion, part of how that manifests is her ability to adapt her demeanor to the person she’s talking to. she speaks gently to imogen the same way she matches chetney’s hyperactive energy when they go sky-sailing. of course when she’s with ashton, who makes no effort to hide his anger and bitterness and doesn’t want her to be soft, she isn’t. none of these laudnas are more “real” than the others, they’re all laudna. what those people, and ironically, ashton themself, don’t get, or won’t let himself get, is that all those things can be true at once.
with ashton specifically, i don’t think they want to believe that because then they’d have to admit that growth and healing is a real possibility because anger is so much easier to deal with. people talk most about orym’s choices during the bor’dor fight most, but i’m fascinated by ashton’s as well. i wouldn’t be surprised if there was a part, no matter how small, that wanted laudna to break, to prove to himself that he was right and laudna was just as broken and fucked-up as them. so, laudna killing bor’dor was almost vindication, evidenced by their “what have i done?” “nothing i haven’t done.” exchange afterwards.
i don’t want this to sound like ashton doesn’t care about launda, they do. ashton cares about her so much, and besides imogen and fearne, is the most unabashedly into laudna’s aesthetic. i love how much they love all the weird shit she does. i love how protective ashton is of laudna, especially during battles and their willingness to go above and beyond for her—he carried laudna when she was dead despite his chronic pain without complaining once and were willing to make a deal with hexum after going through an entire museum heist to repay their debt. i love the moments when ashton sees how much laudna is struggling and tells her, as gently as he can, to take a moment and do what she can to ground herself. i love that when laudna way too dramatically assumes they kidnapped imogen, their response is “that’s very fair.” it’s all wonderful, and i love them.
laudna and fcg have been getting more attention in the past few days for obvious reasons and that has me rubbing my hands together maniacally because even though they have very little actual interaction, the subtext is delicious. 
besides ashton, fcg might be the character laudna parallels the most, especially their struggle with their humanity (if they’re even human at all), which isn’t helped by the constant dehumanization they face from outsiders, including the almost continuous comments they get when they meet someone new. people look at launda and see a horror while they look at fcg and see a novelty (he’s a robot with personality??), and those both suck. i think, for fcg, laudna is an uncomfortable reflection of himself because everything they’re afraid is true about themself is true about laudna. finding out they had a soul was such an important moment for his character (also remember his early campaign habit of calling other people “soul-touched folks”). as a hollow one, who knows if laudna even has a soul. if i’m honest, fcg seems to think less of laudna than the rest of the party (see: him calling her a “former person,” his speech before casting turn undead including, “no offense to laudna but can you please shine your light and wipe these evil, dead souls off the face of this flat planet?”) and that’s probably why. they have such strict ideas about “good,” which has become “godly,” and “wrong,” (“ungodly”), and within that framework, everything seemed to point to laudna as “ungodly,” which is why their empathy towards her is lacking. 
the biggest conflict between fcg and laudna right now is obviously their feelings on the gods. the changebringer brought fcg purpose and tangibly helps them on a daily basis. of course they want to share this incredible thing with everyone they meet, especially his friends. yet, time-and-time again, the world has shown laudna the gods don’t seem to care about her. before someone says anything, pike resurrecting laudna doesn’t automatically mean she has to trust the gods. clerics and paladins spent 30 years running her out of towns for existing and trying to kill her in the name of their gods. if the circumstances were different, there’s a good chance fcg could have been one of those people. for fcg, the world is black-and-white. for laudna, it’s all gray. laudna was able to have a conversation with imogen about the ruby vanguard’s message and the purpose of the gods because she understands the need to question things and thinks that’s a good thing even if she doesn’t agree with the conclusions. fcg’s not there yet, and until he is, their friendship with laudna will never be able to progress past where it is now.
in conclusion: please have a conversation, maybe even two or three. it’d be so good for fcg to learn the world’s incredible nuances and for laudna to see how faith in the gods can be an empowering force for good, not just something beyond her grasp.
out of all launda’s dynamics, this is the one i desperately want more of. we’ve gotten so little! almost all their moments are interactions between the three witches that tend to center imogen (making the red-string friendship bracelets and comforting imogen after she talked with relvin come to mind) OR center imogen and fearne’s mutual appreciation for laudna’s… everything. one of my favorite about fearne is that, like imogen, she doesn’t think laudna is gross and creepy, she thinks laudna is gorgeous and charming without any caveats. even ashton, who also loves laudna’s laudnaness, tends more towards “yeah, you’re disgusting and THAT’S why it’s great.”
the other main part of their dynamic i want to sink my teeth into is the coin-toss, more specifically fearne’s guilt over the coin toss. regardless of whether you think fearne lied (i personally find that headcanon FASCINATING but to each their own), she clearly feels so many emotions about having to pick whether to save laudna and orym that she hasn’t even begun to unpack. one of the few sole moments we’ve gotten of them was in episode 42 when laudna asked fearne to help teach her to cast fireball, and in it, fearne, unprompted, blurts out, “how’s it feel being alive again?” almost immediately. she also apologizes to laudna, says they’ll fight any piece of delilah that’s still in there, and tells her, “i missed you terribly for that moment in time.” even when laudna gives her the chance to make the conversation light-hearted, fearne stays so genuine, which is all the more-noteworthy because she’s usually so flippant and almost always keeps her real feelings close to her chest. 
some other examples of fearne’s guilt include: the 4sd where ashley said part of why she was so protective over imogen during their separation arc was that she couldn’t bear having to tell laudna anything happened to her and just this past episode when fearne’s protectiveness after laudna made her only cast first-level cure wounds on fcg after they cast turn undead.
i don’t have that much to say about them except that their dynamic is absolutely delightful. i love that we’ve gotten to see more of it in recent episodes, and i hope that continues. 
chetney exists at an interesting place between orym’s genuine discomfort and fearne and imogen’s complete enchantment with laudna’s undeadness. he is sometimes grossed out, but he also seems to accept it as a thing about laudna without too much judgment, or at least, that “judgment” is light-hearted in a way orym’s or even fcg’s isn’t.
i love that they’re the characters with the most life experience (even if laudna is technically the fourth oldest, fcg only has two years of memory and fearne is a 100+ but spent 99% of that time in one place) but also embrace being “childish” and silly together, like the entire sky-sail sequence! 
in conclusion: *gently holds* i just think they’re neat!
that’s all! if you read this whole thing, you get my eternal love and gratitude. thank you.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Toby x Male reader
Reader uses he/him and has a penis
summary: you and toby get paired up for a group project, he pressures you into letting him come over to work on it, antics ensue
Genres: Smut
warnings/content: SLUR USE, bullying obvi, degradation, dubcon/noncon, male reader is made to cross dress(skirts and lingerie), , toby likes to hurt you, humiliation, low key blackmail, LIKE SERIOUSLY TOBY IS MEAN HERE AND HE LIKES EMBARRASSING YOU HES SO NASTY HERE
To avoid any confusion, in my headcanons Toby has a stutter as well as but separate from his tourette’s. I am not writing his tics, I am writing his stutter.
Group projects. The bane of your existence. The absolute worst way to go about getting things done.
You were an adult, you were more than capable of doing an assignment on your own. Group projects never once worked in your favor. Your group was always lazy or uncooperative or just didn’t show up all together. 
This was going to be awful. 
You watched with growing dismay as people paired off to begin working. One by one your professor called names, and you still remained. The anticipation was killing you. 
Finally he turned and pointed in your direction. 
“You, you’re with–” He glanced at his paper. 
You were going to cry. 
Your jaw dropped as you looked over at Toby. He was leaning back in his chair with his muddy shoes on the desk, smirking at you, his messy nest of dark brown hair going in all directions. 
You hated him. And to your knowledge, he hated you. He pushed you in the hallways, messed up your stuff, dumped your backpack out. He acted like a middle school bully from a movie. 
His words replayed in your mind as you stared at his smug face.
“Awww, are y-you gonna cry? What a little bitch.” 
“H-Have you been avoiding me? You know damn well I told you n-not to do that.” 
“I-If you have such an issue with me you should do s-something about it, but of course you w-won’t. You’re too much of a pussy.”
He was an awful, vulgar boy. 
You stared down at your desk. 
Your life was over. The world was ending. The ground was crumbling beneath your feet. Everything–
Oh shit, the bell rang.
You gathered your stuff as quickly as you could, not looking back as you hurried out of the classroom. Maybe you could make it to the parking lot before he found you, maybe–
“Hey, where do you think y-you’re going?” A deep voice spoke from behind you, accompanied by a strong hand gripping your shoulder. 
“Um, I–“ 
“We’re p-partners, aren’t we? We should work together.” His smile would’ve seemed genuine if he was literally anyone else, but on him it was unsettling.  
“Well, yeah, but, um…” You trailed off, trying desperately to think of an excuse but your mind was blank. 
“How about,” he began, turning you around rather forcefully, “we h-head over to your place, yeah? We can start our research or whatever-r.” 
Oh god, why weren’t you SAYING ANYTHING?! 
“Sounds great! You’ve g-got a car, right? We’ll take that!” 
And now he’s shoving you along to the parking lot. Great. 
Unfortunately for you, you had no idea what you just got forced to do agreed to.
He put a hand on your lower back and kept it there the entire way, making sure you kept up with him. He was talking up a storm despite the fact that you didn’t really respond; his words were meaningless chatter filled to the brim with curses and innuendos that always made your face heat up. You stared down at your feet the whole way, your mind racing with thoughts of what on earth he could possibly have planned. 
You only came back to reality when you found yourself starting your car, Toby in the passenger's seat beside you, feet up on the dash. 
“I h-hope your house isn’t a fucking pig sty. You better have good booze t-too.” 
You weren’t even there yet and he was already being demanding. 
You wanted to tell him to shut his trap, but you knew you couldn’t. You were too afraid. Toby was right, you were kind of a pussy. You really, really didn’t want to anger him, so you endured his bullying. 
You sighed as you began backing out of your parking space. 
You ignored him the whole way there, though he didn’t seem to mind. He rambled on anyway. He didn’t let his condition stop him from being talkative, which would be admirable if he wasn’t such an asshole.
You didn’t say a word when you pulled into your driveway and got out of your car. You really, really didn’t want him in your house, but you were in too deep to refuse him
now. Your hands were shaky when you grabbed your house key and unlocked the door. 
“Um, here it is,” You said quietly, stepping to the side to let Toby enter. He wasted no time, walking in like he owned the place and promptly kicking off his shoes.
“You got this whole p-place to yourself?” 
“No, my parents live here,” you answered, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Then where are they no-ow?” 
“Um, vacation ‘til next week.” 
He smiled at you in a familiarly unsettling manner. Oh god, why did you tell him that?! Now he knows you’re here alone! Oh fuck–
He walked over to you and put his hand on your back again. 
“At least we won’t be interrupted, r-right?” He said through a toothy grin. His tone was much more ominous than it should have been, and it sent a chill down your spine. 
“Um–” You couldn’t muster a full sentence, your mouth dry with a sudden fear. 
He moved his hand to your shoulder and shoved you with all his strength, laughing as you stumbled, trying not to fall from the sudden force. 
“Let’s-s go up to your room, yeah?” 
You didn’t turn to look at him. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your face contorted in embarrassment. You only nodded as you turned to head towards the stairs. 
You didn’t see the way Toby shamelessly eyed up your ass as you walked. God, those dress pants made you look so fucking good.
You felt a sense of dread as your door creaked open, Toby a few steps behind you. You didn’t want him in your house, let alone your personal space, but he’d already pushed past you and let himself in. 
“Nice place ya got h-here.” He commented, flopping down on your bed. You opened your mouth to protest, but quickly thought better of it. You could wash everything later.
You set your bag down and pulled out some books and a binder, when you realized you were missing something. 
“Oh, I think my laptop is downstairs. I’ll be right back.” 
You hurried out of the room and shut the door behind you, desperately needing a moment to collect your thoughts. You really did leave your laptop downstairs, but you needed a minute. Or two. Or twenty. 
“Hurry the fuck up!” Toby called after you. 
It only took a few seconds for him to decide he was bored. Maybe some snooping would entertain him for a bit. You had to have some sort of awful secret thing hidden in here. There’s no way a perfect little student like you didn’t have a dirty secret, right? Maybe a porn stash, or stolen money, anything that would make you look  bad.
He checked under the mattress, nothing hidden there. He checked under your bed, nothing but a few lost socks. He checked your closet, everything seemed normal. 
He groaned dramatically. 
Absolutely nothing.
He was starting to give up hope as he pulled open your drawers one by one. 
Then he saw it. 
Stuffed in the very bottom drawer was a stack of skirts, accompanied by a couple of very expensive looking pairs of lacy underwear. 
He gasped, his face breaking out into his signature sinister grin.
His eyes were drawn to two things in particular: A black skirt with frills and a seemingly matching pair of underwear, both with white bows on the sides. 
Oh, this was exactly what he wanted.
When you’d finally collected yourself and worked up the courage to head back to your room and face him, you had no idea what was in store for you. You were still looking at the floor when you opened the door and closed it behind you, laptop tucked under your arm. 
“Ok, now we can–“ 
Your heart dropped when you looked up, your laptop crashing to the floor. 
Toby had the black skirt draped over his arm and the lingerie in the same hand. His other hand held his phone, and he had already taken plenty of photos. And yet, he kept taking more. This was just too good. 
“What are you doing?!” You shrieked, trying to snatch the clothing from him. Unfortunately for you he was six feet tall, and it was more than easy enough for him to simply hold them above your head. 
“Awww, are y-you embarrassed that i found your dirty little secret?” He teased in the most demeaning tone he could muster. “Not t-to mention that now I’ve g-got proof that you’re a little slut.” He waved his phone in the air.
You could already feel your eyes start to tear up. Oh god, this couldn’t be happening.
“I-I am not!” You argued, weakly tugging on his arm. “Please, Toby! It’s none of your business! Delete them!” 
“Give me one good reason w-why I should!” He yelled back, pushing you to the ground. You landed with a small yelp. 
Toby put his phone in his back pocket so he could use both hands to inspect the items. 
“You’re the one leaving your shit o-out in the open for m-me to find.” Okay, that was a lie, but it’s not like it mattered. Plus, the more blame he could put on you the better. 
“P-Please, Toby.” You whined. 
“P-P-P-Pleeeaasee Toby!” He mocked, imitating your voice. “What? You worried I’m gonna t-tell everyone you’re a nasty fuckin’ fag?” You shrunk back in embarrassment, looking at the ground. 
When he looked back at the clothing in his hand, he couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild. If you looked that damn good in dress pants, you’d only look better in these–
His eyes lit up with an idea. 
“Put ‘em on.” 
You froze. No, there’s no way he just said that. 
“What?” You whispered, not daring to look up at him.
He knelt down in front of you, speaking in a low tone. “Put ‘em on for me. Now.” He grabbed your face roughly, forcing you to look at him.
“No, I can’t,” You choked out, tears threatening to spill over. 
“Oh, but you can. After all, it would be a sh-shame if these photos made their rounds around the school-l.” He patted his back pocket where he was keeping his phone. 
“You wouldn’t!” 
“Oh, but I would. Buuuut…” He shoved the skirt and lingerie into your hands. “If y-you behave for me, this can stay between us.” 
You gripped the fabric hard, weighing your options. Finally you nodded, Toby letting go of you and stepping back. 
You stood on shaky legs, turning towards the door. Just when your hand was on the knob, Toby spoke, stopping you in your tracks. 
“I didn’t tell you to leave.” 
You shuddered. 
“You asked me to put them on, I’m just going to the bathroom,” You replied, meekly looking back at him. 
“I didn’t tell you to leave.” He repeated, quickly becoming frustrated when you just stood there. “Turn around.”
You could feel your lip quivering when you whispered a “no, please.” 
“Turn around. Now.” 
This time you managed to make your body move, turning to face him but not moving your gaze from the floor. 
“Put them on. I’m n-not asking again.”
He paused. When that didn’t seem to work, he spoke again, getting closer this time and leaning down to be eye level with you. 
“If y-you don’t fucking listen to me, I’m gonna tear your clothes off and dress you m-myself. Nod if you understand.”
You nodded. You had no other choice. 
“Good boy.” He praised, his words laced with degradation as he patted your head. He pulled up your bean bag chair and flopped down in it so he had a good view. 
“Gimme a show, pretty boy.” 
You would never admit it, but his words made your cock twitch. 
You turned away from him as you went to unzip your pants, fumbling with it for a few moments. 
“Nuh-Uh!” Toby suddenly interrupted. “S-Shirt first. I don’t want you in a-anything except what I picked out. And turn around, or else.” 
It took all of your courage to face him, trembling hands clumsily unbuttoning your collared shirt. 
“Thaaats it,” He groaned. He adjusted his sitting position, legs open and hard-on painfully obvious. “Niiiice ‘n’ slow.”
The cold air hit you hard when you slipped off your shirt, letting it fall to the ground. You sucked in a breath, glancing up at Toby through your now wet lashes. 
You bit your lip as you hesitantly moved your hands back down to your zipper. You hoped so badly that he would call it off, that he would laugh and tell you it was all a joke, but he didn’t.  
So, with shaky hands you slipped your pants off and kicked them to the side. A strangled noise escaped Toby’s throat. Everything you wore hugged you so perfectly, and now that he could get a good look at your bulge you looked even better. 
You gulped as you hooked your thumbs under the waistband of your boxers. Toby could clearly see you trembling. You were so pathetic and submissive, and that was exactly how he liked you. You’d do anything he asked, whether you wanted to or not. 
He let you squirm in place for a few moments before he spoke. 
“C’mon, you can d-do it.” For some reason, you could sense just the slightest hint of reassurance behind his words, but you quickly shook away this thought. 
You took in a deep breath, biting your tongue, and slid your hands downward, bringing your boxers with them. You could feel your entire body heat up, every inch of you on fire. 
You didn’t want to stand back up. You were hidden well this way, so you grabbed the lingerie and started stepping into them while still bent over. 
“Stand up.” 
Goddammit. He wasn’t giving you anything. 
“N-No.” You managed to reply. 
“Yes. I’m not fucking asking.” 
Silence from you. 
“Now, bitch. Let me see what I came here for. Or else–I c-could always send the pictures now?” 
You flinched just from his words. 
Still gripping the lingerie, you shakily stood all the way up, hugging yourself as hard as you could. You stared at a spot on the wall, focusing all your energy into pretending this wasn’t happening. 
“Oh my g-god,” Toby muttered. “You’re fuckin’ massive.” He seemed genuinely amazed. He was looking forward to making fun of you for being small, but this was a welcome alternative. 
“Aww, and you’re already half hard! Don’t t-tell me you’re enjoying this, whore.”
You clamped a hand over your mouth. You leaned back over to step into the lingerie, cringing when you brought them all the way up. They barely covered you, which was the point, but this was not a scenario you ever expected to be using them in, not to mention they were fitting less and less of you the harder you got.
Putting on the skirt was the least painful part of the process. The only issue was that zipping it up in the back with shaky hands was easier said than done. 
You froze when you heard Toby chuckle.
“Looks-s like you’re struggling a bit. C’mere, let me h-help.” He said, patting his lap. 
You took a hesitant step forward, then another, then another, until you were lowering yourself onto his lap. He wrapped a strong arm around you and pressed you as close as he could, simply holding you there for a long moment. You cautiously moved to rest your hands on his sides, and he let out a small, content sigh. 
It was almost…nice. 
His free hand moved to yank up on the zipper of your skirt rather roughly, bringing a small yelp out of you. 
Toby pushed back to get a better look at you, moving your hands to his shoulders. 
“Aren't you a pretty th-thing.” 
His rands ran up and down your sides, taking in the bare skin. His thumbs ghosted over your chest, making you shudder. 
Eventually his hands moved down to your thighs, giving them a soft squeeze. When they moved back up, they went under your skirt, shamelessly groping you. He lifted the skirt to get a better look at your back end, licking his lips. 
“Pretty, pretty, pretty.” He repeated under his breath. 
He nuzzled into your neck gently. His hands roamed anywhere they could get to. Your legs, your back, your chest, anywhere he could touch, and it kept your entire body tense. You kept expecting him to make some sort of violent sudden movement, to hit you or push you over, but he never did. He was slow and steady.
“You look s-so good in this, I couldn't bear to take them off-f you.” 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Was that his way of telling you this torture was finally over? 
Suddenly his hands moved to your hips, his grip tightening. He pushed them outward so that you were sort of bending over, your back end out. He pushed the lingerie to the side to shove two fingers in you without warning, and without any sort of lubrication, making you let out a pathetic cry. 
Oh, it was far from over.
He thrusted his fingers in and out of you at a rough pace, hitting as deep as he could, never slowing despite your protests. Truth be told it was mostly just to prolong your embarrassment. 
“Toby please, stop–! you’re going too fast!” 
“Aww, am I-I hurting you? Are you too fuckin’ weak to even take m-my fingers? Pathetic.” 
Your whines and whimpers only encouraged him, and soon he was adding a third finger. His free hand held a tight grip on your hair, keeping you in place. Your now fully erect cock twitched with every movement, and you found yourself desperately gripping onto his sweatshirt for dear life. You cursed yourself when you got the urge to wrap your arms around him. He was surprisingly warm, and you wanted so badly to just collapse against him. 
But you hated him, right? 
And he hated you, right?
“Toby–! I-I cant, please–! No more!” 
Just when you were ready to lose your mind, just when you were sure you couldn’t possibly take any more of the abuse, he pulled his fingers out suddenly. You breathed a sigh of relief, letting your body finally relax, Your chin resting on his shoulder. 
Although, the calm wouldn't last very long.
His hand slid down to grip your wrist, moving your hand to his belt. 
“Take it off.” 
You knew better than to hesitate this time. You unbuckled his belt and slid it off, to which he promptly discarded it. He looked at you expectantly, wondering if you’d figure out what he wanted you to do next on your own. 
You glanced up at him for approval when your hands moved to his zipper, and when he nodded, you tugged it down. He ran his tongue over his teeth and swallowed hard. He was already having trouble controlling himself, but he wanted so badly to take his time. 
Even beneath his boxers you could tell he was huge, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t scare you a bit. 
You slipped two fingers under the waistband of his boxers, and sucked in a deep breath before pulling them down just enough for his erection to spring free. He threw his head back, letting out a moan. 
“Fuuuck, that’s s-so much better.” 
God, he was big. He couldn’t help but laugh at the way your eyes widened. 
He moved to grip your hips once more, this time pushing the lingerie to the side as he positioned you over his cock. 
“Toby?” You rasped in a whispery tone. There’s no way he thought that thing was gonna fit in you.
“You–Y-You’re not gonna–That’s not gonna fit!” 
You hid your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Awww, don’t worry b-baby.” He replied, his hot breath fanning over your neck. 
“I’ll make it fit.”’
You didn’t get a second to process his words before he shoved you down, forcing you to take all of him at once, and you screamed. 
“Toby! Stop it! It’s too big! Please!” 
But he ignored you. 
He wasted no time finding a brutal pace, pounding into you like his life depended on it.
The stretch was almost unbearable, leaving you to dig your nails deep into his shoulders; not that he could feel it. It was heavy in your belly, too, and when he was all the way in you could see the outline of his cock inside you.
At least you didn’t have to do much of the work…although, the fact that he was strong enough to physically lift you up and down on his cock was terrifying. 
“Toby, please! It hurts–!” 
“It fucking better!” He growled, showing his teeth like a feral animal. He was practically foaming at the mouth, drooling through gritted teeth. He was losing his mind. 
You could already feel your hips bruising with the vicious hold he had on you. Each thrust was accompanied by an animalistic grunt and the occasional curse. 
“God, fuck! T-Tight little bitch!” 
He was panting like a dog now, tongue unfurled as he moaned shamelessly. 
You, on the other hand, were trying so, so desperately to keep quiet, but with each thrust another strangled noise of depravity slipped through your gritted teeth. 
“Toby,” You whimpered, resting your head on his shoulder. You gave in and wrapped your arms around him, holding him as tight as you could. 
It was nice.
He was warm. 
A gentle gesture juxtaposed with the way he was jackhammering into you with all his strength. 
His teeth sunk into your shoulder, not incredibly hard, but more than enough to hurt. 
You whined, turning your head so that your lips just barely ghosted over his neck. In a moment of boldness you planted a gentle kiss on his jaw, then another on his neck. 
This made him happier than you would ever know. 
“Oh g-god. You make it so hard t-to last.” He could feel himself coming undone, but he sure as hell wasn’t finishing before you. 
You were bouncing on your own now, meaning he could use a hand to dip under your skirt and into your underwear, wrapping a hand around your cock and fisting it as fast as he could. 
“Toby! Too much!” You protested, but your words had no weight to them. You made no effort to stop or even slow your movements, loving the way he hit all of the perfect spots inside of you. He left no part untouched. 
“Is my pretty b-boy gonna cum? Are you?” 
You could only nod in response, your attempt at words coming out as a mess of moans and whines. 
“C’mon then baby, you c-can do it.” 
His words were enough to push you over the edge, and with one last cry you released all over his hand, soaking your skirt and expensive lingerie. 
Oh well, he was more than willing to get you more. 
“Oh god–! Just when i thought you c-couldn’t possibly get any fuckin’ tighter–!” He slurred through gritted teeth, absolutely relishing in the way you clenched around him.
His pace was becoming erratic, both of his hands back on your hips now as he effortlessly moved your body as if you weighed nothing. 
“G-Gonna fuckin’ fill you to the brim–” 
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder again, harder this time, spots of red staining his pearly whites as he thrusted into you for the last few times, his moans muffled by your flesh between his teeth as he came inside of you. 
With what little of your voice you had left you managed to scream his name one last time.
Finally he slowed to a stop, his cum leaking down your legs despite his best efforts to keep it inside of you. It was warm and thick, and he put a gentle hand on your belly where we could tell you’d been filled. You didn’t think you’d ever be empty again. 
You fell forward against him, not even bothering to pull yourself off of his cock. You both wrapped your arms around each other, catching your breath in a comfortable silence. He rubbed up and down your back gently, nuzzling into your neck. 
When you finally sat up again, you immediately met his eyes. They were no longer intimidating and cold, instead filled with content and a soft happiness. He leaned forward to give you a long but tender kiss. 
“H-Hey,” He spoke when he pulled away. 
“D’ya th-think I could spend the night?”
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xhoneywheatx · 9 months
NSFW Alphabet (Naruto)
Here's my first work guys. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
A- Aftercare (What he's like after sex?)
After being treated so poorly throughout his childhood, Naruto swore to himself that he'd never let someone else go through the same pain. He tries his absolute best to be there for everyone in any and every situation. That applies to everything, including intimate moments with you. He may be a dunce sometimes, but he knows how women get after sex when their partner fails to comfort them. That was one of the things Jiraiya taught him on their two-and-a-half-year journey during his teenage years.
He absolutely spoils you. As soon as he makes sure you cum for the last time, he's on the 'softy' train. He'll be extra careful cleaning you up. If you two work up a good sweat, Naruto will summon his clone to help wash you up. He'll carry you to the washroom and have his clone wash you up as he holds you from behind while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
After the shower, he makes sure you're all nice and snug in bed and will cuddle you 'til you drift off with nothing but how sweet his vanilla cologne smells on your mind.
B- Body Part (What is his favorite?)
He's a sucker for your ass. It's all about the booty for Naruto. By no means does he pick and choose his women based on this body part, but you... oh boy. Your ass jiggles in literally anything you wear. Jeans, a short or long skirt, sweatpants, a dress. And he fucking loves it. There's been plenty of times when you'd catch him staring, and he doesn't even try to deny it. 
His slick hands always find their way to touch it in some way no matter where you are. You would've thought that he would keep things a little more private since becoming Hokage, but you couldn't be more wrong. 
"Can't the Hokage show the village how much he loves his wife?"
C- Cum (Where does he like to cum?)
You would have never thought that such a sweet and energetic man like Naruto has one of the dirtiest sides to him. He has a major breeding kink. He just loves how warm and slick it feels when he's still raw dogging you with his cum leaking out and around his dick. He will cum inside of you every chance he gets. It's a good thing you're on birth control or you'd have a football team of little Naruto's by now.
Don't ask him to wear a condom either. He'll sport this cute pouty face for hours after you've finished, and the only way to cheer him up is either Ichiraku or a round two. If you feel generous enough, he gets both.
D- Dick (Is he packing or not?)
Hell. Fucking. Yes.
Nartuo is slinging dick like a fucking lasso. When you first laid your eyes on it, you were so worried you'd tear. He's just big everywhere in girth and length. He was blessed by the gods above. The worst part is that he knows! He's not one of those guys to play it off, no. He knows he has a big dick and often teases you about it when you're struggling to take it all in your mouth or your pussy. 
"C'mon sweetheart, I know you can take it. Doin' so good for Daddy hm?"
E- Experience (Does he know what he's doing?)
Jirayia didn't take him on a nearly three-year trip and teach him nothing. Although it was a bit creepy for the thirteen-year-old at first, he eventually welcomed the conversations about sex once his hormones began working. It was more of a learning experience for him since the academy doesn't teach sex-ed anymore. 
He's never read his pervy books, but he took notes. Jiraiya went over the basics with him and kept everything as PG as possible. It wasn't until Naruto got a bit older that he started talking a bit more in depth about it. Any questions he had, the Toad Sage would answer it to his best ability in order to keep Naruto's innocence intact. 
He might have been a perv, but he had class.
Naruto took your virginity, and you took his. With how much knowledge he had at the time, you'd think he was an expert. It wasn't hard for him to figure out how your body works and what places he'd touch to really get you going.
F- Favorite Position
As an ass man, you can guess what his favorite position or positions are. Doggystyle is his absolute favorite. Yours too ;). His hands are everywhere on your backside while he drills you from behind. He'll smack it, which became a kink of yours from how much he fucking does it. He'll bend over to kiss, bite, and lick it. To him, you taste exactly how you look. Like a box of candy.
A close second is the classic reverse cowgirl. Naruto loves when you take over and ride him, but it will most likely be from this position. His eyes are glued on your ass clapping and bouncing up and down his dick. If you do it for too long, he gets a bit excited. Next thing you know, he's tightly gripping your hips and fucking up into you. If your neighbors didn't hear you before, they do now.
G- G-Spot (Does he know where it is?)
Of course he does. During foreplay is where he'll tease this spongy bud of tissue inside of you until you're begging him to stop from oversensitivity. Don't get your hopes up either. Begging will only drive him to keep going. 
"I know you can take it, sweetheart. Cum as many times as you want baby. I'll help you get there." 
H- Horny (How often does he get horny?)
It's not an everyday thing, but if you want it to be it can. All you have to do is shoot him a wink or two and he's ready. You two have been on missions together and fell behind a few kilometers because of him! He doesn't know how to wait until you're bedding down or even in a more secluded area. 
He'll summon a clone just to be a look out while he fucks you into oblivion on a nearby tree.
If he's at the office and he gets in the mood, he'll summon a clone to replace him for a few hours just to go home and fuck you on the counter with his cloak still draped around his shoulders. It doesn't matter what you're doing. You could be doing your hair, taking a shower, or even napping! 
He'll cradle you in his arms like a baby, pull your panties to the side and fuck you like than in his lap.
"'M sorry princess. Couldn't wait to feel you."
I- Intimacy (How romantic can he get?)
During your more intimate moments, Naruto can have you crying from how good he's fucking you and how sweet he is at the same time. These moments usually occur after a special event like your anniversary or either of your birthdays. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear while slow stroking you to feel everything he has to offer you. He'll remind you how beautiful you are the whole way. Kiss your entire face and remind you how much he loves you and lucky he is to have you.
J- Jack Off (Does he?)
Whenever you're not around for a particularly long time, he'll definitely go for it. His favorite thing to do it to is homemade sex tapes you made him swear to keep between you two on his phone. A more extreme way of doing it is with shadow clones. If you're feeling a bit frisky one night and allow him to summon a clone or two, he'll sit back and watch the clones fondle and play with you while he jacks off. He loves watching your body react to his touch.
K- Kink (What are his biggest kinks?)
The breeding kink. Holy shit. The breeding kink. Naruto will cum inside of you and get himself hard all over again just from fucking his seed into you. This happens almost every time you guys have sex. He loves seeing you full of his dick and his cum. You'll know when he's hit his peak satisfaction when his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he picks up the pace. You know at that point to brace yourself for another load soon.
He also has a daddy kink. He's such a whore for you. Call him daddy once and he'll do anything you want him to do to you. Fuck you from the side? No problem? In the shower? Already on it. From behind? Fuck yes. Call him daddy while he's giving you those immaculate back shots, and he'll turn feral. Your legs always suffer the consequences, so be careful about this particular one.
"You like the way Daddy fucks you princess?" 
L- Location (Where do he like to do it?)
Anywhere. They don't call him the most unpredictable knuckleheaded ninja for fucking nothing. Naruto is fucking reckless. He'll fuck you in the middle of a mission with other shinobi assigned on your team. He'll bend you over the Hokage's desk five minutes before a meeting. Every flat surface in your shared home has been tainted with you perverts. Any store with a family restroom in the village has seen better days. Naruto loves feeling the adrenaline running through his veins while fucking you publicly. The risk of getting caught brings him closer. That and most of the time you fuck in risky places, it's from behind. That seals the deal.
"Stay quiet or you'll be choking on my dick instead." 
M- Menstrual Cycle (Does that stop him?)
Nope. During this painful time of the month is the only time Naruto will ever wear a condom. He's not a fan of a bloody sword, but it sure as hell doesn't stop him from fucking you. The only difference during this time is an old towel beneath you to prevent an unnecessary mess. He won't take no for an answer. 
This only happens when your flow isn't very heavy anymore and in the comfort of your home. Out in public or on a mission, he'll hold himself back just so you can feel as comfortable as possible.
(Let's be adults here. If it's not your thing, then don't give others a hard time about it.)
N- Nicknames (What does he call you during sex?)
Sweetheart. Darling. Princess. Those are his favorite during regular sex. When he's in the mood to destroy you, he'll use more degrading names. He's called you a dirty slut and whore before. It kinda just came out on accident, but when he felt your pussy start tightening around him, he knew he'd just discovered something new about you. He loves to see you lost in ecstasy, so he'll keep it up. 
For him, you can already guess. Daddy. You can call him other names like baby, babe, or even Naru, but nothing gets him going faster than calling him Daddy. Daddy's whore is his favorite when referring to yourself. Oh god, it fucking drives him insane. 
"You're such a slut for me aren't you princess?"
O- Oral Sex (Is he a giver or receiver?)
It's either or for him. Naruto can get satisfied from eating you out. You're his favorite flavor.  He loves kissing your other set of lips and taking his time with you. He'll ignore your cute bundle of nerves until you beg. He loves when you beg him to do something particularly naughty. He'll take his time too. He's spent an hour at times just lapping you up, pulling multiple orgasms from you before he's truly satisfied.
He adores getting head from you. Knowing just how big he is, he's surprised you can manage to deep throat him at times. You know you're doing a good job when his hand finds itself tangled in your hair. Don't go for too long though. Your mouth will surely replace your aching pussy since he's not afraid to give you a taste of his sweet cum.
P- Pubic Hair (Does he shave? Does he like it?)
Naruto doesn't really like when his hair gets too long. He won't clean shave it, but a good trim keeps him happy. He likes to look good for you. If it's too long after a mission, he'll still fuck you, but he won't let you go down on him until he's all cleaned up.
What a gentleman.
As for you miss lady, Naruto likes when you get a good clean shave. He doesn't mind a little hair, but if it gets too long, he just won't go down on you. You can't have sex unless you're shaved, so it's never a problem. You even took the liberty of getting laser hair removal, so you'd never have to worry about it again. He was not opposed to it.
Q- Quickie (Does he like them?)
They're his favorite. He loves taking you in any place or any time. The thrill really gets him going. There's been plenty of times where you'd find yourself being pushed into a closet or some type of confined space so he can use you to get himself off. And you let him. He can exhaust the shit out of you during a quickie, so be sure to drink plenty of water beforehand.
R(1)- Rectum (Does he like anal?)
He's down for it all. That is, if you're in the mood. He knows it can be rather uncomfortable if he's not careful and uses the right amount of lube, so he doesn't really initiate this type of sex first. But holy shit when it does happen. Naruto will turn into this evil man. He will summon a shadow clone beneath you to take your pussy while he's balls deep in your tight ass.
It's always a fun time.
R(2)- Rough (Is he gentle or more hardcore?)
Naruto is mean. Aside from relentlessly teasing you during foreplay, he can be quite the asshole during sex. Let's start before penetration. When you're giving him head, some sadistic part of him loves watching you struggle to keep up with his desires. He will fuck your face until drool is dripping down your chin, and tears are streaming down your face. In addition to that, he'll tightly fist your hair in his hands while he's doing it. If you didn't acquire the pain kink, you'd definitely tell him to stop from it being so painful. But Naruto knows you. After doing it the first time, he came to find out how wet you got from him treating you so roughly.
During sex is another story. If you felt edgy during oral, then brace yourself. Naruto's not into BDSM like whips and chains, but you could say he likes getting his feet wet. His hand is either leaving handprints on your ass or wrapped around your neck. He doesn't completely restrict airflow, but he does enough that you can only take in shallow breaths. He'll use handcuffs or any type of bondage toys just to see you struggle to keep up with him. 
He's also gone as far as blind folding you just to push you past the limits of overstimulation. He does not care if you cry, scream, or beg him to stop. He knows how much you like it, so it only encourages him to keep it up. 
S- Shadow Clones (Does he use them?)
If you're up for it, Naruto has the limit of summoning two clones. You're such a whore for him. The more the fucking merrier. He'll fill your pussy, ass, and mouth with his sweet cum, and it gets you soaked. So much to the point where it's leaking around his dick and dripping onto the sheets. 
It's almost too much for you. He'll eat you out and fuck you at the same while your sucking his dick. Talk about overstimulation. Your eyes will cross before being screwed shut from just feeling him everywhere on you. Let's not even get into how he degrades and praises you at the same time.
His clones seem to have developed a personality of their own as well. You'll have mean Naruto, passionate Naruto, wild Naruto, and rough Naruto all at once. One minute you're passionately making out with one then a dick is shoved down your throat.
You should probably call out of work for a day or two after this...
T- Toys (Does he like using them?)
Yes. Anything that will have you a pathetic puddle of yourself, he'll use. Your rose is his favorite. During missionary, he'll make sure to hold it down on your clit while fucking you. This'll get you screaming and squirting all over him. He'll make you use it while he's blowing your back out too. 
"Keep squirting all over this dick princess. Mmm, you're such a dirty girl." 
U- Underwear (Does he like when you wear lingerie?)
Yes. Naruto loves your body. Wear a sexy one piece or set and it'll seem like he has literally hearts in his eyes. He'll take the liberty of feeling on you and playing with the flimsy fabric. And wear orange. Please. Your skin tone goes so fucking well with the color. It makes you look like even more of a goddess than you already are.
He's extremely careful when taking off lingerie that's orange. He'll even fuck you while you wear it. He's an expert at pulling those orange panties to the side or sliding your bra down so your titties are hanging free. Any other color and it's ripped to shreds laying forgotten on the floorboards.
That doesn't mean you always have to get dressed up for him. He'll still fuck you in a big t-shirt and panties. 
V- Volume (How vocal is he?)
Despite being loud in every other aspect, he's surprisingly quiet during sex. Naruto is keen on listening to your beautiful song you sing to him. He loves hearing you sigh and moan every time he pushes his dick further and further into your warmth. He'll praise you and whisper sultry things into your ear to pull more and more moans from you.
When he's cumming is the only time he'll probably get just as loud as you. He'll grunt and groan while he fucks you through both your orgasms. His eyes will roll to the back of his head and his mouth will part only slightly. You can hear his groans and moans clearly at this point.
W- Wet Dreams (What happens when he has one?)
In the middle of the night one time, you were rudely awakened by Naruto pushing himself into your warmth. Not totally opposed to the feeling, you didn't fight back as he rolled you over on your tummy and pressed his chest against your back and slow stroked you to a blissful orgasm. The whole time, he was muttering to you about you being especially naughty in a dream he woke up from. You couldn't do anything to combat his ridiculous sexual desires, so you became his cum bucket.
It's almost always like this when he has a wet dream. During this sex is the only time he'll refrain from man handling you since you're at a vulnerable state. So sweet. 
"Don't worry baby, I'll fuck you back to sleep."
X- X-Rated (How nasty is he?)
Whew! Naruto is probably the nastiest man on Earth. From jamming his thumb in your ass to appreciating your freshly painted piggies with his tongue, Naruto does it all. He doesn't care not one bit! You're his, and he is yours. 
"What goes on in our sex life is just between us, ya know?"
One particular day, you two were on an ice cream double date with Sasuke and Sakura. After enjoying the honey drizzle on his plain vanilla cone, Naruto got quite the extravagant idea. He ordered his treat to go in a small tub. After successfully convincing the waitress, he even snagged the honey bottle!
Mere minutes after Sasuke and Sakura bid their goodbyes, Naruto had you spread out on the couch dripping the honey all over your pussy. He spent the next thirty minutes eating you out like that. Who knew he loved it that much? Jeez!
Not only that, but he'll do the same thing in front of his friends! You guys could be eating dinner with everyone just to catch up. If you're in a dress he likes or looking especially beautiful, make sure he keeps his hands to himself. There were plenty of times where he'd be knuckle deep in your warmth beneath the table. To top it off, he'll pull his fingers from you and dip in into his food!
The nerve of this man.
Y- Yearn (What does he do when he misses you?)
If you're gone on a mission for a few days, he can hold himself back. Push it to a week or two, he might jack off a couple times to your sex tapes on his phone. When you get back, he always tells you about it which leaves you red in the face and scrambling to get away from him and his lewd mouth! A few weeks, and he might hold back just to make things better when you get back. If not, then he succumbs to his hand and more videos on his phone.
God forbid you're gone for more than a month. Depending on if he's sexually frustrated, or feeling a bit lonely, this could go two ways. Naruto could either set up the bedroom in a romantic way. Rose petals and flowers covering your California king size and candles littered across the room. He'll take his time appreciating you. Missionary and spooning is always a favorite of his during this time. He wants to be as close to you as possible when he feels a bit lonely.
If he's sexually frustrated... well... I hope you did your mission report to Kakashi before heading back home. If not, you won't physically be able to for quite some time. As soon as you set foot in the house and had a proper shower, this man turns feral. He will brutally fuck you everywhere. The shower. The hall. The floor of your bedroom. Your bed. Every flat surface of the house gets touched by you two. It's not gentle either. Naruto will leave loving bruises on your hips, handprints on your ass and throat. He'll use toys, summon clones and more!
Sometimes you wish for longer missions just to get this side of him. Hehe.
Z- Zzz's (How quick does he fall asleep after?)
Naruto refuses to sleep before you. He will do everything he can to stay awake and cuddle you to sleep before teleporting to his dream world. You stay awake at most five seconds after he's finished with you. He'll play in your hair and whisper sweet nothings in your ear while holding you tightly to his body. He does this for at least ten minutes just to ensure you're resting, and then he falls asleep with the love of his life in his arms.
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