#but everythings been kind of hectic for me rn
back on the Adam train bc this post from @unknownhermit has me fueled in the angst I could procure so I'm made a choose your own adventure type continuation fic 🤪
I actually saw a choose your own type of adventure from this post and I was inspired to do a writing piece like it bc it looked like sm fun! I actually love the idea!
You could always justify the rapid beating of your heart to fear. The hairs, standing atop the back of your neck as his breath tickled your spine to a feeling akin to disgust. 
You breath had caught in your throat, and you could feel your legs turning to jelly. It felt...suffocating. Like he was taking up all of your breathing space, his body pressed up against yours. You didn't need to turn to feel his eyes burning holes into your soul.
"Look at me..." Of course, he had to plead it with his sweet sickly smooth voice. Level and soothing, it broke through the mess of your brain.
You couldn't conjure up half the adrenaline you wanted to bolt. Half the fear you deserved to cry for help. Of course, you could only listen to his voice. His stupid, sweet voice. You turned to look back into his fierce gaze with the guilty look of a child who got caught eating from the cookie jar.
You knew, somewhere within you, that if you tried to lie straight into his eyes you'd loose. There was no hiding it, as much as the shame blurred your eyes and plummeted your stomach. You could see that he was waiting for a better response. “You weren’t meant to hear that,” clearly wasn’t cutting it for him.
You let out a frustrated sigh. Hopefully, this time, he didn't have any spare knifes on his person. Your nerves were already shot, waiting for his next move.
For a while there was nothing. Nothing but silence, one that you could slice through with a sword. His eyes seemed to be searching yours, dissecting your emotions. If you ever wanted to hide from Adam, catching his gaze like this seemed like a stupid move to make. You leaned your body into the door.
Then, ever so slightly, his arms settled. It gave you just enough space to look in your peripherals. You let out a breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding. He took a step back. He was still close enough that he could trap you again if you decided to make a bolt for it. But you could breathe, finally. You allowed yourself to turn to face him slowly, taking in the rest of the room.
His arms hung limp at his sides. Still searching your eyes. As if he was trying to pry the response from you. You let out some deep breaths. Glanced over to the kitchen counter, where the knife stand stood. Untouched, you realized, head bobbing as you counted the knifes off in your head. Your back stiffened as you glanced back to him, seeing his expression narrow into a frown. Well, he can have at least a little of your vitriol. He deserves that much.
“Huh...” You let out, finishing your tally and catching his eyes with your own, your expression souring. Glaring him down, you let the snark get the best of you before your confidence was shot.
“No knives out of place,” you hummed absently, your eyes fixated on his response. His expression was almost unreadable. But you swore you could see a glint of raw, unadulterated pain within them. He stood, largely unaffected, yet you could see his figure had slouched. As if he was trying to be less intimidating then he was to you mere seconds ago, when he had you up against the wall.
All but allowing you to build yourself from your fearful state to bite back. 
He could've slammed you into the door again-or swore and cried and clung to you with every ounce of pain and guilt that swam in the depths of those eyes, but he didn't. Instead, he wore on a blank stare. He had even lowered his arms and slouched his shoulders. Was he changing tactics?
His actions reminded you of the actions of someone trying to coax a feisty stray cat away from a cold, abandoned street. Coaxed right into their savior's arms. His arms, you realized. 
It made you furious, that he would think of you as something to be tamed, when he was the one who brought it on himself.
It also made some pathetically hurt and lonely part of you cry to be held in his arms. Cry, at the very idea that he cared for your safety in a way you had been aching for for so, so long. That he would care in the first place. God, you really ought to look into therapy.
You took another deep breathe in. Steeled your body. Raised your shoulders back. Your arm instinctively went to turn the doorknob behind you, but you stopped yourself when his gaze teetered to your eyes, freezing you in place again. He’d caught you bating your breath before you even realized you were doing it.
You two stared at one another until you squirmed under his gaze, and let out a sigh of defeat.
"I hate it," You confessed, glancing down from his discerning eyes. You needed a second to breathe.
To collect your thoughts. You could feel your body vibrating with anxious uncomfortable energy. In between the shock, fear, and....that confession of yours...you hadn’t even fully processed the weight of your own feelings, damnit! 
Yet you knew he wouldn’t let you leave after what you’d said. Not without closure. He required honesty, and he wouldn't be happy with anything less. You gulped in some more air, trying to desperately compartment your thoughts.
"I hate that I love you,” you muttered. He stood, unmoving. Waiting for you to finish. You breathed sharply from your nose, frowning at his expression. What more did he want from you tonight?  
“God, I hate it! I hate that I don’t hate you, that I’m not fearing you as much as I should, I hate it all so much I-" you stopped your eruption, and took another gasp of air to quell your rising emotions. 
Your hands were shaking again. You legs felt like jelly. Your head pounded from running too fast for you to keep up. He looked concerned, and leaned in ever so closely. Reaching his hand out to you. He rested his hand, right by your own hand that was still clutching onto the door knob.
You wanted to slap his hand away for even thinking to be this close to you now. You wanted to hug him, because you wanted nothing more but him close to you right now. Then maybe stab him again, just for making your feel so pathetically in love with every little stupid thing he does. For giving you the space you so desperately begged for, even as he pressed you for more of an explanation. He wasn’t even interrupting you once. 
"I should hate you for what you did. I want to, I want to hate you with every fiber of my being. But I-" you stopped. You looked back to the kitchen, contemplating your chances of slipping away for the third time that night. 
You wouldn’t dare say it again. As if the more you spoke it out loud, the further it would cement the fact into reality. The thought had the pent up water works overflowing from the cracks of your defenses.
 You let out a frustrated groan, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"Maybe, if you haven’t inserted yourself into my life, I could hate you properly,” You muttered the bitter statement mainly to yourself, sniffling involuntarily.
How did his face remained unhurt and hurt, all at the same time? He didn’t even blink. You don’t think. His face was as unreadable as a white canvas, but swimming deep within his eyes you could see the pent up emotions of pain, guilt, regret...all of it. It looked unbearable. 
In a way, it made you feel miserable.
The silence that followed seemed to swallow the room whole, and all you could do was watch him through your blurred, teary gaze.
“I’m not going to let you go now,” God, why did he have to talk. Why did he have a say? 
Why would he dare to make this so much harder for you?
“Please,” You managed to sob out. He flinched at your plea. You felt as if your heart, throbbing through your chest, was pumping the pain out from your eyes. It was too much to hold in. As if you were bleeding from both sides. In your hatred for Adam, and in your love for him. 
All of your pent up frustration and pain gushed through the floodgates, untamed, raw and unfiltered; and it was shooting him point blank from your position just a mere step away from him.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I-I just can’t, I won’t, I...I couldn’t leave you if I tried,” He sounds so genuine. You have no choice but to believe him. He wouldn’t lie to you anyways, you noted bitterly.
And all over again, you just despise it. You hate that he never lied to you, not once. You could only muster a sob in response, letting your tears escape from their ducts and flood down your face. 
The room was so silent, you could hear the fat droplets stain the ground in between you and him.
“I love you, so so much.” He confessed.
No, no, no! You didn’t want to hear it. That he loves you too. That deep down, your hearts ached the same. 
“And I want to hear those words from you, over and over again. Just, not like that. Not like this,” You opened your mouth to retaliate, but he held your gaze in his and you shut your mouth, letting him continue. 
“I’ll wait. However long it takes to hear you say those words without an ounce of fear,” He seemed so somber, yet so determined you would see it through. 
You couldn’t hear it anymore. If you did, you'd cave into your desires for sure. You’re hands turned the doorknob. He took a step forward, just as a resounding click ruptured through the room.
He was so close, you could feel his breath mix into yours. Too close. You could see everything plain as day on his face. The frustrated tears that had bubbled to the surface as he’d spoke, full of emotions left unsaid. The emotions you'd seen ripple through his eyes not even a moment ago. 
You could feel the tremble in his grip as he reached to touch your arm with the tips of his fingers, so light and fragile. As if you’d crumble before his eyes. The hurt in his eyes, laid plain and bare for you to see. Because he knows it's because of him, that this is as difficult as it is for you right now. 
You were left with that same suffocating feeling, as if you had to act and do something, anything. Only you couldn't bring your head to sit still enough to formulate a response.
What will you do?
Lean into him
Turn the doorknob
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coff-in · 28 days
AAAAHHHH I'm the devious baby sis requester and coff-in you make my heart flutter :))) Your thoughts on Decay route fed my thoughts oh my god you genIUS 1. All I can think of is baby sis reader finding her siblings dead (or at least close to dying) in the murder-suicide route and being like "D: Why didn't you take me with you????" Which kind of brings me to an interesting question, do you think either sibling would ever be compelled to kill her? Like for example Andrew clearly meant to go meet Ashley in the afterlife, does he ever have "ah hell just bring the whole family" thoughts and goes to find baby sis reader? I just think of him gently comforting her, talking her down with a knife to her throat because it's for their own good, he promises. 2. Alternatively, baby sis reader *pretending* to lose it when she loses her -not- favorite sibling because, yk, that's what normal people do when the lose their siblings. It's still a plan though because if she freaks out about it, whatever sibling left will freak out that this will cause reader to leave > they become even more possessive > yeah that's exactly what reader wants. In the case of Ashley, reader's crying over Andrew while Ashley is half-insane herself and frantically telling her that "I'm good enough for you, right? You don't need him, WE don't need him (coping very hard right now)! You have me, you have me!" and she completely misses the look on reader's face when she finally gives into Ashley's embrace. If it's Andrew, reader backs away from his knife and bumps into Ashley's body and screams, trying to run, but he catches her (as always) and tells her that "I'll take such good care of you, it'll be like she was never there. Isn't that fine? I've always been your favorite older sibling...and now you can have all my attention. It'll be better with just the two of us... (he is also coping very hard right now)" and reader "reluctantly" gives into him because of the knife, but she's secretly delighted. She hopes he doesn't put a hand over her heart, because it's fluttering. Sorry I feel like I just word vomited all over the place, I just wanted you to know that your thoughts are so DELICIOUS mwah I love you too :DDD
notes from coff-in: I JUST SAW THIS!!! i'm at work rn but i can't wait, i'm just too impulsive. and omg "devious baby sis" that's so good! we should actually kiss each other /j
[fem] reader-insert, follow up to "younger sister [reader] who just as bad as the graves", talks/mentions of incest, murder and suicide
i would think that andrew would most likely kill baby sis [reader] in the decay route. he killed ashley out of his resentment for her (but he joins her later because he still loves her you know?) but he also loves [reader] too, so he'd kill her too so they're all together forever. in an afterlife where there are no consequences their actions! there's also the possibility that he doesn't kill her and GRRR THAT'D BE SO ANGSTY!!! [reader] coming across their dead bodies and trying to cope with the fact that her siblings ("soulmates" because we're delulu) are dead and they didn't invite her to go with them. she'd have a full mental breakdown before killing herself.
(this is completely unnecessary but i see devious baby sis [reader]'s weapon being a pair of scissors, the blades are supposed to be symbolic of her siblings. every precise cut and stab is made with her love for them ♡)
oh oh oh!! her getting to live with her favorite sibling would be fucking hectic. i definitely see the siblings loving each other like a cute little incestuous polycule but having [reader] live with her fav sibling would be sorta chaotic. ashley would maybe use [reader], not as a replacement for andrew, but maybe some sort of stand in? [reader] for the most part does everything ashley wants her to do and only really choosing to step in and veto ashley's feelings when they (or ashley specifically) are in danger. there's also hella toxic yuri incest, you gotta trust me on this
"i'll take such good care of you" GOD I WANT ANDREW!!! I WANT ANDREW TO BE REAL!!! THE DEVIOUS ONE HERE IS YOU NONNIE FOR WRITING THAT LINE 🔥 ✍️ i think andrew would try to put all that happened in the past but he's coping and [reader] can see that. they'll leave ashley's body buried somewhere and ditch town and try to live a normal life... as boyfriend and girlfriend :3 but sometimes andrew slips up, you know? maybe he almost calls [reader] ashley or maybe he's brushing her hair one night and puts it up in a ponytail like ashley did. but [reader] doesn't mind, of course, but she has andrew with her :)
or maybe andrew and [reader] continue going about their murder and cannibalism after ashley dies when they steal her dream talisman, who knows, who knows.
i'm curious about what would happen if her favorite sibling died but she couldn't kill the survivor. would she leave? would the living sibling be mad at her? i'm like growling and barking in excitement in my mind I LOVE THIS!!!
you and your wonderfully devious brain, 'nonnie, thank you!!! ur like a head chef in the kitchen, just know that i'll always eat your cooking ♡
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knullanon · 1 year
REDO: Symbiotes being assholes Part 2
yaya! I'm finally finished with this! I'm really tired rn and this week has been very hectic for me, so I'm happy that I was able ti finish it on time! I tried to base it around the work that I've done previously and stuff, so I hope you guys enjoy it :)
words: 4194 (not including the bonus at the end \^o^/)
warnings: kidnapping, arguing, yelling, blood, somebody dies, basically no privacy in the carnage household btw, lmk if I missed any!
summary: the aftermath of being taken once again has finally simmered down, and you live your life (mostly) peacefully.
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You had opened your eyes, trying to see who was talking to you, but you only saw darkness. When you tried to respond, the only thing that came out was some kind of raspy breath. You internally cringed, but tried again, this time muttering out some gargled nonsense. 
“_____! My baby, you can hear me. Where are you?”
What? You couldn’t focus on anything, even the strange voice, and you covered your face with your arms. You could hear the voice say something else, something about where you were. But it was too late. Suddenly, everything around turned into nothing, and you felt yourself falling for a second, before “landing” on your bed. 
Your eyes shot open and you leaned on your elbow, trying to get rid of the dizziness in your head. What was that? Who was that?
“________, if you don’t open this damn door!”
Your mind suddenly remembered where you were, and you quickly jumped out of bed, ignoring your headache, and rushed to the door. You took off your makeshift ‘lock’ that was basically a bungee cord attached to your bedpost, before the door swung open, almost hitting you. 
Cletus stormed into the room, obviously very upset. “What the hell were you doing in here?” You wanted to roll your eyes. He took you, and now you’re expected to just do whatever he says? “I was having a bad dream. Couldn’t wake up.” He gave you a look, and you reiterated, “I’m serious! I couldn’t hear you!”
He gave you another look, before asking, “Are you sure that you weren’t just ignoring me?” You knew he was going to go this route. He had… control issues. Ever since you got here, it was not what you couldn’t do, it was what you could do. You could walk anywhere you wanted in the house, except the front room. You could watch TV anytime you wanted, or play any of the games that were there from the previous owners. Anything else was either off limits, or he needed to be with you to do so. 
“I’m not ignoring you, I swear. I didn’t know you were at the door, if I did I would’ve answered it.” You tried to plead with him, knowing that he would get angrier if you just argued with him. “Even if you were asleep, what’s with the lock? Do you not trust us?” He held the cord in his hand, letting it hang loosely from it. You shook your head, “I just want some privacy… Like, what if you had walked in on me when I was changing?”
He scoffed, and walked over to your bedpost, where the other end of the bungee cord was attached. He lifted it up, pulling it out from underneath. He dropped the bed with a loud bang. “Oh, don’t give me that. I knock, you know.” He wrapped the cord around his arm, before he pulled it off and began to walk back to the door. 
“I made you breakfast. If you don’t want it to get cold, you should put on a robe and come out.”
He closed the door, and left you to get ready, and let your thoughts simmer. You were angry. Not to the point you would show it, but more rather your mind was making fantasy arguments with itself. 
He can’t take it! It was ours, we made it ourselves! He’s violating our privacy! We just want some peace once in a while, is that too hard to ask?
You knew that making these little scenarios in your head wouldn’t help with your mood, so you tried to drop it. Instead, you wondered what you could do that day. You could clean up around the house a bit, or you could try to convince him again to let you cook something, maybe a small snack. 
Maybe you could even talk him into letting you outside. 
You took back the thought as soon as your mind brought it up. There was no way in hell he would ever let you outside, even with his supervision. He had too many people looking for him, too many people who would have no problems hurting you either. Of course, this is what he told you. You knew that he didn’t want you outside in case you tried to call for help or anything similar to it, but it still made you pissed that you were in the same situation as you were when you were with Eddie. 
Putting on your slippers, you quickly rushed out the door, not wanting to make him any more mad than he already was. 
The food Cletus had given you was good, you had to admit. You knew it wasn’t him who had cooked it, as he had stated he couldn’t cook very well, but probably Carnage, his own symbiote. You picked at the hashbrowns he had given you, not really eating, but also making it seem like you weren’t spacing out. Since Carnage had heightened senses that also passed to Cletus, it was hard for them to miss something about you. It reminded you of Venom, in a way.
Both Venom and Carnage were both extremely similar, both being symbiotes, having pretty much the same abilities, but that's really where their similarities ended. 
While Venom was much more patient and usually let you be in peace, Carnage was impatient and was even more controlling than Cletus. Carnage would sometimes just sit on his shoulder, and whisper into Cletus’ ear, telling him what he should do, what he should say. Sometimes, if you listened carefully you could hear it tell him random little things.
Carnage was also very much more present than Venom was. While you had assumed Venom just didn’t make himself appear because he thought you would be scared of him, Carnage had no such worries. They would sometimes just take over and talk to you randomly, usually about what you were doing or what you wanted to do. At the beginning, when you would try to argue with Cletus, they would take over and make you submit through sheer size, and lock you in your room using a chair. They wouldn’t let you out unless you apologized to both of them.
“Are you going to eat, or are you going to pout over your little lock?” 
You looked over, seeing that carnage was making more food, probably for you. You turned back to your own plate, and continued to eat your food. You heard a little ‘hmm’ from Carnage before they continued to make whatever they was making. 
Looking around, you saw the remote sitting on the other side of the table. You reached over the table, trying to grab it, but to no avail. You were about to get up to grab it, when it was taken from your sight. Carnage raised it above your hand, asking, “You could’ve asked us, you know.”
You shrugged. “You are busy making yourself breakfast.” Carnage rolled their eyes at that. “I’m making all this food for you, and all you can do is still be mad about that stupid lock. You know, we take care of you for free, and you treat us like this, all the time, every day.”
They walked back over to the stove, and grabbed the pan they were using. “Here, I hope this makes your attitude better.” They tilted it to your place, and a pancake slid off onto it. They walked back to the stove, putting the pan down, and pouring more of the mixture onto it.
You knew that they wouldn’t give you back the remote unless you apologized, so you quietly muttered, “I’m sorry.”
They stopped and turned around, still holding the remote. “What did you say?”
Trying not to grit your teeth, you said, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
Just get it over with, _____, it won’t help for you to be petty. “I’m sorry for putting a lock on my door without asking you first.”
They smiled, their teeth gleaming in the light. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Apology accepted.”
They handed you the remote, before they turned back to the stove. You faced the TV, turning it on to the first channel.
“-and tonight, we have news on the supervillain Doctor Octopus, who was defeated with combined efforts, both Spiderman and Venom bringing him down. While Spideman was present after the attack for questions and the police, Venom quickly disappeared and officials are asking for any info on him to be reported to the police, or call this number-”
“Change it!” You didn’t think twice, changing it to the next channel. Another news program, this time showing some weather report on the city. You heard them grumble something, before Carnage said, “Better.”
That was another thing you had noticed from both Eddie and Venom, along with Cletus and Carnage. They both hated each other. While you weren’t aware of Carnage when you were with Eddie, you sure knew about their hatred towards each other when you were with Cletus and Carnage. They had told you their origin story about how Carnage was left behind by Venom and Eddie, and how Cletus had found them all alone, and they had joined together. You weren’t sure if it was true, but you were sure of their rivalry to each other.
However, it was also strange to see Eddie and Venom work so closely with Spiderman. You remembered Venom saying something about him, how he didn't know what he was doing. 
Suddenly, Carnage dropped another pancake on your plate, before they started putting all the dishes in the sink. When they was done, he turned back to you, asking, “Could you clean the dishes today, _____?"
You nodded, and they gave a small pat on the head. Carnage dissapeared, going under Cletus's skin. Cletus walked towards the coat rack, and grabbed his usual jacket. “We’ll be back, don’t worry: if you need any food, there’s snacks in the cupboards. Don’t use the stove or oven, you might burn yourself.”
With that, they walked to the door. “We’ll be back in a few hours!”
“Bye.” You said, more to yourself. When you heard the last click of the locks, you let out a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding. You finished your plate, and put it with the rest of the dishes, before you went to get ready.
He sat on his throne, angry, frustrated… a little fearful.
His baby was on some planet, with someone who was a known killer! He had no idea if they were alive, or if they were hurt, and the worst part was that no one could give him any damn answers. 
He looked down at the photo he had of you. It wasn’t even a good one, solely of your face. It was blurry, but he knew what he saw. His baby.
He placed the photo down in his lap, before he quickly summoned one of his guards. “Get ready.” He stood up, walking down the stairs from his throne. 
“Today is the day we will return to Earth, and take back what is ours.”
You knew something was up when Cletus came back earlier than expected. He had come back from his usual afternoon outing with groceries and the like, to tell you he hadn’t eaten anything all day (meaning he hadn’t eaten anyone that day). So he left again, making you your favorite sandwiches. He had promised you that he would make the both of you some pasta when he got back. So when he came back 3 hours early, and was an absolute mess, you knew something was wrong.
He was mindlessly putting things into different bags, and grabbing random things only to move them somewhere else. Carnage was on his shoulder, whispering things into his ear. He was muttering things back to them, still moving things frantically into bags.
You tried to talk to him, “Cletus, is something up?”
He had turned to you, saying, “Pack a bag or two. We’re leaving.” 
“What? Why?” You walked up to him, trying to see what Carnage was saying to him. You listened closely, “he’s coming here, they told us he was here, I don't care if it might be a fake, he is not someone to be messed with-"
He turned to face you, and you realized he looked like hadn’t slept in a week. You straightened your posture, trying not to act like you were just eavesdropping. “Pack a bag or two. We are leaving tonight, around 8 or 9. Sooner the better.”
You wanted to say something else, but he went back to packing. So you decided fuck it, if he wants to move so bad, they can. 
You grabbed the biggest bag you could find, and started picking clothes and belongings to bring with you.
The road was bumpy, and certainly not comfortable when you were trying to sleep. It was obvious that neither Cletus or Carnage wanted to see anyone during this trip, so they decided to go on the backroads, ones where you might see one or two other cars the whole way down. It also helped that it was nighttime, and there was barely any light to see in front of you, so even if there was someone else, they wouldn't really notice either of you, and just think of you as another car.
The whole time, Cletus was focused on the road. Carnage wasn’t even on his shoulder like they usually would. The whole time it was simply silence from the both of you. You didn’t know what Cletus was planning on doing, or if he even had a plan.
He was worried about something. You’ve never really seen him worried like this. Sure, he could get antsy or anxious when something was about to happen, but he was never actually fearful of anything. But you couldn’t tell from what, either. 
It might be the police. It might be someone who is after him. It might be Eddie and Venom. The thought of them suddenly brought you back to them, to the times you had shared with them. You could remember them arguing over something minimal while you ate whatever they had made for you that morning, listening to them bicker and sometimes silently laughing at their antics. 
It made you… sad. Not much. But just enough where your mood was brought down a little. Apparently, it was very noticeable to them.
“What are you frowning at? Don’t tell me you were attached to that place.” 
You looked out the window, trying to see if there was any light at all from the empty valley road you were driving on. “I’m not mad.”
He scoffed, “Well, something’s bothering you. What is it?”
You knew he wouldn’t be happy if he knew your real reason, so you quickly thought of something else that wouldn’t piss them off immediately. 
“Why are you so stressed?”
“About what?”
“This whole thing. Is someone after you?”
As soon as you said it, you knew you messed up from the simple shift in tone of the conversation. Cletus didn’t answer for a few seconds, opening his mouth and closing it again. Before you could ask him anything else, he said, “There… is something after us, yes.”
You turned to look at him, and you could see he was trying to avoid your gaze. You took the hint and turned back towards the road. “Do you know who?”
Cletus rolled his shoulders, and it was obvious he was extremely tired or strained.
“I do. It’s not someone who’s easy to avoid.”
The road was becoming less rough and janky. You realized that you were on a highway, the nearby areas completely flat, with some rock formations here and there. It was a stark contrast to the forests you had seen on the way there.
“Where are we going, anyway?” Deciding to move on, you realized that making him talk about it would make things worse. You could at least try to find out everything else.
“Other side of the country. I know a safe house. Not really a house, but Carnage says it's still there.” 
You didn’t realize that you were going to be so far from home. You tried to remember your family, your real family. There were bits and pieces, but in the months that you’ve been gone, it was harder to remember anything about your family. In fact, you’ve barely thought about them. It made you wonder if they even remembered you at all. Were they still looking for you? Did they even care at this point? 
“Get some sleep: It’s almost one in the morning. I’ll wake you up when I find a place to rest.”
Looking around and realizing that there probably wasn’t going to be anything for miles, you closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep.
When you woke up, there was blood over the windshield. That got you up pretty fast. You turned to ask what happened, but Cletus nor Carnage wasn’t there. You peeked out from the window, and saw that he was over someone, probably dead already, and he was eating them. 
You pulled yourself back down, and sighed. You wanted to just fall back asleep, but you realized that you had to go to the bathroom. While your mind was just telling you to ignore it, you saw that there was a bathroom in view, just a few meters away from where the truck was parked. 
Fuck it, you thought. There wouldn’t be a spot to stop at for a while, right? You opened the door slowly, hoping he wouldn’t hear you. Unfortunately, he did.
He turned towards you just as you hopped out and quietly closed the door. You both stared at each other for a second, before he said, “Let me just finish this and we’ll take a break at this place. There are snacks in that store behind you. Grab whatever.”
You nodded, and he went back to his meal. While he was busy, you went to the bathroom and did your business. 
When you got out, he was still eating, so you decided to explore the place a bit. You were quick to realize that it was someone's little shop, with 2 gas pumps out next to it. The store was quiet, and you put two and two together to realize that the guy he was eating was the one who probably worked there. That didn’t stop you from taking a few snacks and drinks. You knew that you would be hungry, if you weren’t just sick from watching some guy get eaten. 
When you walked outside, Cletus was dragging the body away, probably behind the store to hide, leaving behind a very prominent trail of blood. You ignored him, and walked towards the truck to put the items in the back seat. Organizing them so they wouldn’t fall, and so that they would be easy to grab if you needed anything, you leaned back to make sure everything was ok. You felt thirsty, and looked at the food to see if you had gotten any water, but you realized you didn’t grab any. Groaning, you closed the door and walked back to the store. Cletus was still hiding the body, you would’ve presumed, as he wasn’t back from hiding it. 
You walked around the store, trying to find where they put the water, when you heard something outside. You looked over the stands, trying to see if anything was outside or if Cletus was just messing with you. But there was nothing. You continued looking, thinking it was just the wind or some animal. When you found a few bottles of them, you grabbed some and walked to the door.
When you reached the truck, you opened the back door again, and threw the bottles into it, and closed the door. You heard someone behind you, and you turned to ask Cletus if he was done. 
“Are you done with your m-”
The first thing that gave away that it wasn’t Carnage or Cletus was the pure height of the person. They had to be at least 8 feet tall, if not more. They were huge in comparison to you. You backed away, hitting the door of the truck as you slid around it, trying to get as much space between you and whoever this was. 
They didn’t seem to care, as they moved with you, around the truck and then behind it. You turned, trying to sprint away, but you yelped when you were suddenly pulled off the ground and into the air. You kicked your legs behind you, knowing it was them who had you, but it was no use.
Suddenly, you were dropped right back onto the concrete, and landed right on your nose. As soon as you hit the ground, you heard a crunch, and you were able to tell that your nose was broken after a few seconds. For a minute, you didn’t do anything, your mind still reeling being dropped a few feet face first, along with the upcoming pain of your nose. However, the noise of a fight made you roll over onto your back and lift your head up to see Carnage and the stranger having their own little fight.
Your eyes widened, seeing how effortlessly he was just batting Carnage away with his hand. Everytime Carnage would try to strike, or even just go near them, the attacker would just swat him down and away. It was like some game to him: it would’ve been amusing to watch had you not been terrified.
Carnage, on the other hand, seemed enraged. Like whoever it was, had pissed him off so much that he didn’t even care about you at that moment, and all he wanted to do was kill them. You could even hear Cletus every time he yelled or screamed, meaning that even he was irate about whoever it was as well.
However, it seemed that even the man, as you had figured out by then, was getting bored of his attacks. His movements seemed to be more lazy and disinterested: he was irritated. 
Suddenly, he grabbed Carnage by the neck, like he did with you, however much more aggressively. Carnage started to kick and bat his arms around, almost trying to scratch the stranger's face. 
“I am done with this childish game, Carnage.” They said it with such annoyance and malice that even you winced at their tone. They moved him to the side, just for a moment, before they threw him away, at least a few couple meters away. Carnage was thrown so far away, that you couldn’t even see them through the darkness. 
You lifted yourself up onto your arms, going to see what the hell happened to him, when you realized that your sudden movement attracted the attention of him. 
“Oh, fuck.” you quickly tried to scurry away, looking around for places to hide. Before you could even think of the best place, you were picked up (again) by the man. He cradled you like you would break at any moment. You tried to say something, but he shushed you. 
“It’s ok, my dear.” he whispered, trying to soothe you. You didn’t listen to him, instead kicking and trying to push away from him. You saw his smile falter, but only a little. 
He began to walk away, carrying you towards the woods, opposite of where Cletus and Carnage were. You realized what was going on, and you were starting to panic. You started to scream, but he placed his hand over your mouth, and rubbed your cheek with his thumb. 
“Oh, don’t cry _____, I promise that we’ll be home soon enough-”
The sound of an agonized, irate scream broke his sentence. The man rolled his eyes, and turned around. Carnage was there, his own ‘skin’ falling down from his face, revealing Cletus underneath, who seemed to be passed out.
“Give them back!” Carnage trudged along, and it was obvious something was wrong with their legs. Looking at it further, it seemed to be the knee bending inwards. Even still, they continued on with, stumbling towards the both of you. 
With a scoff, the man raised his hand. “Rumble. Deal with them.” he began to turn, just as carnage was getting ready to strike. However, that moment never came. A blur of purple and orange appeared, slamming Carnage into the store through the window, a loud burst of shattering glass being thrown everywhere, including towards you. 
You raised your hands, bracing for the tiny little pieces to hit you, when you felt the hand be removed from your mouth. You opened your eyes, realizing that the man was shielding you from the glass. He wasted no time, either, turning back around to the woods. 
As he walked away from the brutal carnage (heh) behind you, he looked down at you with such adornment and endearment that you almost thought that he was out of it.
“My name is Knull, little one. And you are my child.”
Eddie leaned against the car door, already pissed that he had to wait. He knew that he was a kid, and that his symbiote wasn't even really grown, but he didn't know them very well. For all he knew, it could be some ploy by Carnage and Cletus themselves.
Give it time, Eddie. He might still show. He could already hear Venom sympathizing with them. "I know, I know. Just tired."
Right before he decided to just get in and drive away, he heard a small thump from behind him. He turned his head, and saw him. He was wearing a hoodie, and almost ran towards Eddie.
"Where the hell were you?" He scoffed, not wasting any time. He got in the drivers seat, while the kid got into the passenger.
"Hey, do you know how hard it is to sneak out when your parents are watching you like a hawk? Besides, I got some info."
As he started to drive, Eddie quickly asked, "What kind of info, trustworthy?"
The kid sighed, before saying, "I know you don't trust me very well because of the whole 'spawn of carnage' deal, but I don't like him any more than you do."
Listen to him! Even his own, uh, child doesn't want to follow him!
Eddie sighed, knowing that he was wrong. "Ok. I understand." he leaned in closer, making sure that the kid knew he heard him. "But if I find out your lying to me, it's over for you."
He could hear Venom berating him, but he quickly became quiet when the kid responded, "Hey, that's a deal. Besides, if anyone's gonna kill him..."
His hand morphed into something red and black, shifting into the symbiote before shifting back into a human.
"It's gonna be me and Toxin."
I did it! happy christmas to those who celebrate! and yes, one of the main reasons I decided to rewrite this whole series was because I wanted to include a lot more symbiotes that would make their own part and plays!
also, personally I think Carnage is portrayed more in a feminine way, so originally I gave the she/her pronouns but I looked it up and it was 50/50 so I decided to just change them to they/them, so whatever you view them as can be portrayed here!
love you all sm, thank you for such a great year, and for being so patient with me! I love, love all of you so much o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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spacexseven · 2 years
hi tuna hi hi 👋 I gotta quick one for ya. I was staring at one of dazais mayoi cards, the one where elise gives him a little stuffed bunny (can't send pictures over anon unfortunately but its called lamplit winter if you wanna look it up), and then i reread ur softzai piece and it made me brainrot really really bad so imagine. giving yan dazai a little stuffed animal...
like, look, I feel like dazai, even the crueller versions of him like subordinate darling dazai, is something of a sentimentalist. everything and anything darling gives him is a present and he wants to take good care of it. like, even something as innocuous as a pencil you dropped is something hell keep in a little shoebox beneath his bed. its all part of his delusion, his secret hopeless romanticism. touching (or heaven forbid, breaking) something he got from darling is enough to get people sent to the hospital, or even killed. so imagine ACTUALLY giving him a gift of some kind. youre at the arcade, you win a little stuffed animal, you give it to dazai cuz you have no use for it. you dont really think much of it, really, but HE sure does. mafia/subordinate darling dazai would be a special case. hed probably pretend he doesnt care for the toy at first, both to you and to himself (especially since subordinate darling would probably give it to him sarcastically), but he doesnt have it in him to get rid of it. hes always had a bit of a soft spot for cute things.... and the cramped storage compartment he lives in is so dreary...... no, nevermind that, he'll just. throw it over in the corner. whatever. no need to even go through the effort of disposing of it, thats how little he cares!
of course, he finds his eyes drifting to it more often than not, thinks about what you giving him something like that might Mean, etc. he still refuses to admit he appreciates it, or you, but then maybe one night... he finds himself having another nightmare... and as he sits there, cold, lonely, distressed... his eyes catch the little stuffed toy you gave him. before he can really think about it, he grabs it and drags it into bed with him. he was never given things like this, as a child, so holding it feels... nice. comforting in a way he hasn't experienced. it even still smells just like you; and if he closes his eyes, he can PRETEND its you... he can imagine himself holding you tightly, burying his nose in your hair, laying on your chest and listening to your heart... his little fantasies get him back to sleep very quickly, and it becomes routine. sometimes, if hes particularly lonely or the delusion has completely overtaken him for the day, he'll even talk to the toy like its you. I could also imagine this leading to him stealing some clothes from you, once your scent starts to be replaced with his own on the toy, nothing you'll miss, just a shirt or two he can use to supplement your presence while he sleeps!
I'll cut myself off here cuz I am going NUTSO but yeah. thats where my head is at rn <33
- 🩹
im so sorry for how long it took me to get to this omg these weeks have been hectic :( i dont know if i uslaly write dazai this gloomy but i like it
dazai treasures anything you give him leave behind, but instead of dedicating a corner of his room to your items and presence, dazai likes to spread things out in his place like how you might leave it if the two of you were together. he leaves a used tube of chapstick in the drawer beside his bandages, he places a half-empty tube of toothpaste beside his own in the bathroom (making a note to buy the same one as you from now on so it feels more real, this fantasy), he keeps your shirts stacked up beside his, trying to make it feel natural. somehow, the possibility of you living with him seems so far-fetched so instead, he turns to building the future he'd like with your missing items, playing into his little fantasy. of course, the obvious lack of furniture in his room is inadequate for you, too miserable to be called a house, unlike your own apartment with the wallpaper and the trinkets you have placed everywhere.
if anyone messes with anything lying around (unlikely, since nobody really visits him anyway), dazai would fly into a rage. every item has been meticulously placed in its appropriate place, and slightly nudging it away or putting it elsewhere would cause the fragile facade to crumble and demolish the delicate atmosphere. when he gets back at night, he makes sure to check that everything is in its place—the chapstick he so desperately wants to use (a pathetic attempt at getting close to you) but doesn't want to taint with his touch, the shirts he cradles so delicately, pretending you were there, when the loneliness feels more crushing than usual and he can't bear to accept his reality.
if you happened to give him anything, regardless of the reason, dazai would be over the moon. sure, when you casually ask him if he wants the stuffed toy you won, he scoffs and pretends like he's not interested, but ultimately takes it anyway. its soft texture and blank eyes don't mean much to him as it is, but knowing you were just holding it in your arms, experimentally squeezing it a few times before telling dazai you couldn't keep it, makes the toy the most valuable thing in the world for dazai. no matter how out of place the cute, round thing looked in his bandaged arms, surrounded by his coat, dazai found himself holding it tighter. with this, he can fool himself into believing this was a date and not just a detour from your usual work. he can lie to himself and think that you wanted to impress him by winning the toy, no matter how far it was from the truth.
the toy is painfully out of place in his dark room, not really looking right on the dresser or inside the closet. so he throws it onto his bed instead, thinking about how desolate it looked still. he doesn't think much of it until he goes to rest, observing the round toy sitting beside him. outside, the sky rumbled, and he felt his hand squeeze the soft belly of the toy. despite himself, he found himself smiling a little. it was sort of cute, with the blank eyes and stuffing. he'd never had something like this, and now that he did, he didn't know what to do with it.
while he was thinking about it, he realized the toy might have your scent, seeing as it was held by you for a while first. awkwardly, his arms wrapped around it and he pulled it closer, feeling like a child who had just received his first toy. it was soft; lacking the warmth humans had, but he wasn't about to be picky when this was already something he never had.
for a minute, he thought back to that pleased expression you had when squeezing the round stuffed toy in your arms, and he thinks you'd like to have it when you moved in. with his eyes closed, it's easier to pretend the inanimate object is more human and more loving. it's easy to imagine it was you in his arms, asleep, except for the lack of warmth.
dazai sighs and his eyes open, still holding the toy. it was nice while it lasted.
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a comeback, perhaps?
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Yes, really. I’m not joking and I have three points:  1. I’m one inconsistent bitch with a brainrot;  2. I need my delusions and escapism cuz man do four blood-sucking dudes sound more in-reality than whatever the fuck is going on in the actual real world around me rn;  3. I forgot what was the third point. It’s all the more absurd given just in the summer of this year I was certain I wouldn’t come back to it any time soon. What can I say...life do be like that. A fun little story of its own, but I’ll leave it out of this post. For now, let me share with you what I’ve been planning, what’s staying and what’s changing and how I’ll be approaching this AU/blog this time around. 
So, to start off...
The 🅱️ has to go: 
While still set in Vampire the Masquerade (World of Darkness) universe, the renewed version of this crossover AU won’t have anything to do with Bloodlines video game. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bloodlines still very much, it’s the game with most of my replays and what got me into VtM in the first place. But also, it is restricting, trying to align everything with its small setting/scope and, let’s be honest, doesn’t make much of a sense. Eddsworld’s British, the hell are they all doing in America? XP 
The tag is now eddsworld vtm au, without the letter b. 
What else gets thrown out? 
Plot: Pretty much all of it. I came up with the biggest plot points and am currently rewriting the entire script. At its core it’s still “four dudes tolerate each other’s shenanigans to survive and later learn they kinda don’t feel like chopping each other’s heads off (friendship goals)” but the rest...out the window it goes. 
Setting: As I said earlier, it’s weird. So with the help of Fall of London V5 book and some other sources of info on London in VtM, I moved the cast back to where they belong. 
Characters and character writing: This one might surprise you, but I really, REALLY don’t like the way I did them back then. I can’t revisit old comics/the demo without cringing so hard my face breaks XD Fishmalk Edd gives me most pain if I’m being honest...
While I’m keeping the basest, the basiesest core (Edd being chaotic bastard Malkavian, Tom being mean and cynical Nosf, Matt being old-fashioned but also a rebel at heart Torrie, and Tord being far less infected with rabies compared to other modern Brujah) I’m changing lots of their characterization, backstories and relationships with each other as well. So don’t expect something you expected from their older versions.
The same goes for every other character, and I’m getting rid of some that don’t serve much purpose anymore.  
What’s in store? 
New script is in the process. And while it is slowly processing, I will be updating most pages on this blog: specifically “About” and “Characters”, with new relevant information and art. I have archived everything these pages contained, and I’ll put the link to the Google Drive folder up in the “About” page for anyone who wishes to look at the old stuff. I won’t be deleting any of the older posts on the blog though.
Update schedule?
Can’t promise one. Life’s hectic now as hectic can possibly get. I will update once there is an update, but please try to be considerate and don’t ask me “when”. I will most likely go on hiatuses from time to time but I will try to warn in advance if it’s going to take long. Overall, this passion project is just that, a passion project. Not my job. Not something that gives me anything but mental satisfaction. Not even a tip jar. I’m working alone, with occasional help from friends who are kind enough to proof read and brainstorm with me (Nina, Jazz, Engi, Hawa, long live you beautiful human beings). So all I’m asking is some compassion and understanding from all of you u_u If you can do it for me I’m sure it’ll take me longer to lose interest this time XD  Ask box stays closed for now, I’ll reopen it once I’ll update all the pages. 
That’s it for the moment! Stay tuned, if you’d like! 
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kithtaehyung · 8 months
hiii love :) i saw this tiktok and thought of you so here you go hehe: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7baDGj/
i read the teaser for “and f*ck you, too” and my jaw is unhinged?? IT’S ALREADY SO GOOD OMFG😭 AND THE WORD COUNT???😮‍💨 I’M SO HYPED AND EXCITED!!!
i’m also not sure if you got my previous ask, but in case you didn’t, i hope you know i absolutely loved the first part of mami and am screaming and jumping in joy for 3tan:fugue!! RAHHHH I LOVE ME A GOOD OLE YOONGI’S INTERLUDE, YES I DO!! I’LL EAT IT UP ANYTIME, REAL QUICK😤
i hope you’re doing well and i hope your vacation was/is fantastic! remember to take care of yourself, stay warm, stay hydrated, well-rested, and well-nourished :) remember to take things at your pace and not think too much about things. we all have life going on and we understand that your plate is full. i’m always willing to wait and will always eat up anything you release/tease! your well-being (both mentally and physically) always comes first!! i hope you don’t feel too pressured to release/do anything, and just remember to go at your pace🫶🏼 take things one at a time and do what feels right to you!
i also hope you’re enjoying autumn so far hehe :) the leaves are changing where i am rn and it’s so pretty! i also have some interviews coming up soon and i’m nervous but excited bc one of them is in the field that i want to go in :) i hope life is treating you well and i hope there’s exciting things coming your way too, love🫶🏼
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LMAO MOONCAKE NOT THE VIDEO💀💀💀 now that songs gonna be stuck in my head all day lmfao
ANYWAYS.. yeahhhh afyt is gonna be a lot because surprise surprise!!! I cant keep anything small and precise!!!🤣 I’m glad you’re looking forward to it and fugue and the mami collection🥳 there’s so much on the docket and it’s been hectic trying to get everything done. hopefully once my schedule is in place, i’ll be more diligent👍
and thank you for the kind words.. I will still feel at least some sort of pressure, but I’m gonna try focusing on the people that are understanding about the big gap in posting<3 it’s hard bc I wish I could do this all the time, you know? I would love to be able to write full time and make a living off of it. but until I get to that point, my time is gonna be pulled in a thousand directions haha
GOOD LUCK ON THE INTERVIEWSSSS the autumn vibes are just immaculate. October weather is top tier and will never ever be defeated im sorryyyy🍊🍂🍁 exciting things are heading for all of us 3tannies so I’m pumped🫣
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
He´s alive!
hi guys! 
I´m still here, just a bit more quiet. my life is kinda hectic rn, I met a lot of new friends and am slowly getting used to having a busy life with a lot to do (I still suck at time management)
and because I only ever used to write when I was sad it´s just not that ofen anymore, I used writing as a distraction
however I do want to keep posting on here and ao3, it´s too much fun to just stop
my askbox will only be regarded as inspiration and suggestions, viewing everything as requests stresses me out a lot
I will only use this account for headcanons, for longer oneshots and fics please follow my ao3 account (same name) 
I´m trying to slowly get back into things, especially finishing up chapters of running fics 
also something that´s been on my mind and kind of weighing me down lately is that I´ve realized I´m aroace, which as a hyperromantic person who feels a lot all at once is very hard. Because my feelings just stop all of a sudden and it´s not enough which is hurting people and I hate nothing more than that
but yes, I´m still here and want to get back to posting a bit
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sassmonster · 2 years
A (Not So) Quick Survey to Get to Know Me
As much as I want to dive straight into all the things I need to get out of me, I know it’s just better to get some fun stuff out of the way. Or, if not fun, at least informative. I’m not using just one questionnaire I found but several cobbled together and a few questions of my own to pepper it with my own personality, whatever that is.
What’s your full name?
Andrea Lynzi Puckett, though I tend to do Moten nee Puckett these days. I might not be legally married, but trust me, we’re married.
Are you named after anyone?
Good question. Not entirely. My mom never liked her first name and loved her middle name, so I got that one as my first (Andrea), the rest of it was just because my mom liked writing cursive loops at the time I was born and wanted to write Lynzi. Coincidentally, I don’t (and didn’t) hate my first name, but for most of my childhood I went by Lynzi to my family and friends (the former by my family’s choice) and I think it’s just kind of hilarious. My brother wanted to name me April and my dad wanted to name me Rose, for what it's worth.
Do you have any siblings?
An older brother, named Ryan.
Where did you grow up?
Primarily in Tallahassee, Florida. I was born in Kentucky but we left before I turned one and moved down there, then, around 6, we moved back up to Kentucky and I lived there for another 10 years or so before I started moving around and living with different families in different places in the States.
What activities did you do in High School?
I wasn’t really that into participating at that point, probably stemming from all my social anxiety — that being said, I did try a few things through the years because my friends did, but High School was kind of bone dry for me. Not a fun experience and I ended up dropping out, but I guess more on that later.
Where did you go to college?
I didn’t! I almost ended up applying into my mom’s alma matter of Eastern Kentucky University after I passed my GED there and they kind of tried to woo me; something about my writing score and the 94th percentile or something. I wanted to study philosophy though, but I was informed I should go to college to get a job and was suggested, dundundun, writing! Which, as I think a lot of you know, isn’t exactly the most stable thing. But the idea of going to college for a job rather than learning soured me and I never got around to it.
What kind of music do you like?
Rough question, because I think I literally listened to everything at one point or another, but really don’t adhere to the idea of genres on the whole. I’m not here to tell anyone what their music falls in to, category wise, and I don’t think I should be defined by that. But if you want general ideas, my spotify history should provide uhhhh… some illumination.
What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up?
Knitting! Well, knitting and crocheting. I knew how to do basic crocheting as a kid but never really got further than that, but it seems way soothing and like it’d tickle the neurodivergent parts of my brain. I’ll eventually get around to it, but the stars haven’t quite aligned yet.
What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian, because I love animals and wanted to help them? But at some point around middle school I realized down that path lay me watching an animal dying on my table and the way it would tear through my heart. I can’t even watch animals die in shows without getting misty, even knowing they’re fake deaths, I can’t imagine how the sight of an animal dying either in or out of my control would sit well.
Honestly if I’d thought about it, looking back in hindsight, I’d probably have said ‘healthy’.
What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now?
Finishing the tidy up and decorating of our new space. We haven't done much in the last few weeks but things have been hectic. We got big plans and empty brains rn though so.
Do you have any irrational fears?
I have trypophobia, which gives me legitimate panic attacks when it gets triggered and a fear of deep water/the unknown/dark open spaces. I don’t think either of them are really irrational, but I’d classify trypophobia (the fear of clusters of holes, such as lotus pods) as less of a fear and more of a very visceral reaction to something. It makes my insides itch, I sometimes feel like I’m going to vomit, and I’ve been known to claw at my own skin just to calm down after it. It is the worst.
Are you a morning or night person?
Night, hands down. I’ve been getting up earlier than I used to (about 10:30 am or sometimes 9 if I can’t sleep well) and staying up until my usual 1 or 2, but it used to be way worse. I used to stay up until 6 am out of pure insomnia and sleep most of the day. I just prefer the night, man, what are you gonna do?
What are some of your favorite memes?
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If there’s one thing I know to be true, it is…
Lying is always a bad idea. It creates more problems than it solves, even if you’re generally just ‘lying to someone’ to spare their feelings it ends up spiraling into nightmarish proportions. With my anxiety, the idea of lying is really, really hard; the act of coming up with a lie then having to balance all the other stuff going on to keep that lie up and having to contend with the thought of what’ll happen when the truth comes out just makes it easier to tell the truth and take the consequences.
Don’t lie, it sucks for everyone. (I do, however, tend to not intrude on other people’s lies as long as it’s not emotionally or physically harming anyone because that’s not my business. If you want to say you were running a marathon last week that’s up to you.)
Do you have any nicknames?
Sort of, yeah. My parents would often short Lynzi to Lyn for a long time, and when I was a child my dad called me goose because a) they replaced their pet duck with me and b) all I did was eat, sleep, and shit (his words) but it is such a heart warming memory for me; goose is the best nickname and I do have those mannerisms.
I’ve had friends call me Dove (Drea-love), D, Dre, [insert RP character name here], and a bunch of others.
My husband doesn’t have any particular nicknames for me, but he refers to me as really sweet petnames sometimes. Other times he calls me Truckasaurus and Bigfoot because I have big feet and hands like Lana from Archer and it’s sort of a funny thing that I definitely do not resent him for.
What’s your favorite book?
American Gods by Neil Gaiman, hands down. He’s also my favorite author. I return to that book at least once a year to read it again and absolutely, truly adore it. Usually I have a hard time pinning down favorites but that one is somewhat easy to get. (ps, that is not an affiliate link, I will get nothing out of you going to buy and read that book, it’s just that good.)
What is the last thing you purchased?
A hot iron to straighten my hair and keep it the way it was when I first got it cut. Haven't really used it yet, because I haven't needed to go out anywhere, but I did use the blow dryer. Fun, practical stuff.
How did you meet your husband?
Funny story! Well, not really. We met online on a video game called City of Heroes like… 13ish years ago? We knew each other very loosely, mostly like by association of association, but I always had a bit of a crush. We followed each other on socials but I was too shy to ever talk to him and he was too oblivious to even notice me. I still sometimes give him guff about that one, but it was bongy how often I’d just look at his posts and will him to see me, like some kind of mousy haired girl in a young adult paranormal romance novel.
Fast forward about ten years and we met in a revival of the game that had been closed forever. I still followed him on Tumblr, until he disappeared, but had never really sat down and had a conversation with him until I finally mustered up the courage (because we were in the same group) to message him and say “Yo fucker” continued by an explanation of my anxieties and how I just wanted to say hi and talk and all that jazz. The rest was history… super fast history…
I’d say it took us very little time to realize we were in it forever. We officially started dating in December and I was here by February. I haven’t looked back (except that I miss my cat and Ezrik) since. I’d go through hell for him and he knows it, and he’d do it for me too.
The first night I was here I got really motion sick from the plane ride (and subsequent ride home) and spent most of the ride with the window down trying to keep cool, because getting hot when I’m throwing up makes it worse, while he was freezing his buns off and just watching me throw up into a shopping bag. Once we got back to his place I laid my face down for a minute and literally passed up and woke up every once in a while to throw up. He’d change the bucket out with a new bag and checked on me all night.
I realized I was home and I was loved and I never wanted to be with anyone else in my life. He says he knew it was forever that first night too, even with all the throwing up. … I wrote too much.
When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago I was listening to the Smashing Pumpkins, thought of my brother, and had a quick tear up about it. Music is very capable of doing that for me, especially when it comes to my family. I’ve lost all of them and it takes very little to get me to cry over them on some days. Though I’m working on my grief it’s still a process and it feels like every time I get somewhere someone else dies on me. (psa: each member of my immediate family died within five years of one another almost like clockwork and I hate it.)
How tall are you?
6’2″ which is another reason my husband calls me Truckasaurus. I’ve always hated it because it feels like the antithesis of girly but I’m learning to embrace it more as I age. Growth, or whatever. (ha, a pun)
Tell me about your longest running friendship with someone?
I am still friends with a whole group of people I met over 20 years ago on Yahoo! chat. We used to RP together there and we all found each other again on Discord (I’d stayed in touch with a few of them to begin with overall) and we just sort of kept in touch that way and RP new characters from the same setting sometimes on Discord. I really should write more there, but there’s been a log going on.
What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
I am living the happy marriage cliche, but my husband. I can just look over at him and just the fact that he exists makes me smile. If you want something less sappy and less apparent… animals. All animals. I don’t care just give me the animals.
What do you enjoy spending money on?
Clothes, skin care, and recently, make-up. I know it doesn’t seem like it with the fact that I dress like a gremlin going to an underground club for other gremlins who tried to make it as child stars but… I really do want to try to get better about these things. That’s one of the things I’m going to do here is start getting myself up, dressed, made up, and ready to take a picture for an OotD type of thing.
I also love spending money on nerdy gaming shit and all kinds of plush dolls. I give Fangamer more money when I have it than I usually have to spare but I just have loved their store for so long. (again, no affiliation, I won’t get paid, but you know, do the thing.)
What do you wish more people understand about you?
That I am trying really hard. I know it might not seem like it from the outside, but I am working through years of untreated mental health issues with medications and making strides every day, so I might be moving slow and flubbing sometimes, but I am really trying.
Also, my anxiety questions are never personal and you’re not obligated to answer them. I can’t say I won’t panic a bit if you don’t, but I’ll never truly hold it against anyone. It’s just my anxiety running wild that makes me have to ask if I’m annoying, or if you still like me, or if something is wrong, or that you seem mad at me? It’s not because of anything you’ve done, most likely, just my brain misfiring and me trying to corral it back in.
No one is obligated to deal with my issues, my grief, my misinterpretations, my emotions, or anything like that. Any of you who do are saints and I love you for it, but I’ll still love you even if you don’t.
Do you have any specific talents?
UhhhHHHHhh nope, not really. I mean I have managed to never break a bone in my life or need a hospital visit, but part of that is because my mom was an RN and could take care of most things on site. In recent history I’ve fallen down the stairs at home twice within the span of a year almost exactly. I didn’t break anything there, just got bruised and sore, and I still have the marks from every time but everything really seems fine and honestly… that’s talent, right?
I think most of the things I do aren’t talent, just slowly learned things. I can do unlicensed therapy with the caveat of ‘take it with a pinch of salt’ to pretty good results from what I’ve noticed. No replacement for proper help but… I can put on my Human Resources voice and tend to calm things down in most situations. Still not really a talent though, is it?
What do you dislike that everyone else seems to like?
Right off the bat? Sour cream, cilantro, and guacamole. They’re both vile to me, but in the case of sour cream I don’t want it anywhere near me. It’s just so not my thing. Like whipped cream that went real bad. The texture and flavor are messed up and I just can’t with it. Cilantro doesn’t taste like soap to me, as far as I remember anyway, I just don’t like it: it doesn’t taste good. Guacamole tastes like grass generally but that might be me getting bad guac, so we’ll see.
Daisy Johnson as played by Chloe Bennet is another one. I don’t appreciate Chloe Bennet’s defense of Logan Paul ages ago just because she was dating him and I find the character of Daisy Johnson extremely exhausting and she tries my patience.
Hot weather? I know I’m not alone on that one, but I really cannot stand getting hot at all. I start to feel sick if I get too warm. Call it my penguin associations.
Young Adult Romance novels. I did once? But then I think getting in a relationship that is healthier than all my previous ones just made it feel like getting hit in the face with a hammer every time I read one. All hamfisted and put in for the sake of the Twilight effect and I’m not into it. Still love Young Adult books in general, though.
If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you?
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My sweet baby
I MISS MY BABY. Seven, my cat, is currently with her ‘father’ in Texas (my best friend, Ezrik) where I used to live with her. We also had a cat named Six who got out one day and (almost) no one believed me until it was too late. I miss her like crazy. Apollo also exists and is sort of my super bitey son who gets out of hand, but I doubt he’d even remember me right now. But let’s see, I have some ideas for the first two.
Seven: Mommy hasn’t made me a fort in ages. Daddy doesn’t do it right. I also miss her bed, she’d just let me take over. AND HER THIGHS. Napping on her thigh and up across her hip so she wouldn’t be able to move was so good… I’m hungry… oh right and the way she’d hold me like a baby for hours until her arms went numb. I love having that kind of power.
Six: She keeps calling me butterbean, does that mean I’m fat? I’ll show her, I’ll lose weight! Now she’s calling me I can’t believe it’s not butterbean… whatever, gonna headbutt her in the knee to say hello… AAHHHHHHH I’M HALFWAY ACROSS THE HOUSE BUT I CAN SENSE SHE’S GETTING CRISS-CROSS APPLESAUCE SOMEWHERE I’MA GET IN THAT LAP. hello.
Name one celebrity crush, past or present.
Jon Bernthal. He’s at the top of my freebies list. I cannot explain to you why but I love his boxer’s previously-broken-nose face and just… ugh. I have a whole list but… uggghhh.
A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amounts of one item. What is it?
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I think that might honestly be enough for now. When your browser starts to lag in writing a post it’s probably time to let it go. Yes, I’m on a less than perfect laptop, but still! If you have any questions you want me to answer leave them in the comments below and maybe I’ll do a part two at some point!
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akawrites000 · 3 years
sunflowers, breaking clichés and faraway lovers
Hero trudges back home, her foot kicking up some mud on this lonely strip of road. She can't decide if she's happy or frustrated that nothing ever happens where she lives, not even villains, as if they don't find this place appealing enough to even visit.
She decides, after a moment, that maybe it's both. She's both happy that she doesn't have to deal with villains here, that this is the one constant place that she has in her life, and she's also a little frustrated that nothing ever happens here, and everywhere you see are familiar faces. She kind of wishes her town had the tradition to were masks like people in Jaoanese festivals do, so that it would at least bring some novelty into this place. Or she wishes that she can spot a new face somewhere, but the only face she wants to see right now is that of her partner's.
The wind blows to the left, and she turns to look. That's the path that leads to the sunflower field, one of her all time favourite places. She takes out her phone as the wind pushes her further to the field, holding the device in front of her face, trying to get a nice angle. Click. She opens villain’s chat and hits the send button, with a yellow heart emoji attached to the picture. She then sits down at the edge of the field, legs dangling, eyes taking in the spectacular view in front of her. This is probably the only place I'll never get tired of, even if it's the same ten years from now, she thinks.
Hero’s phone vibrates in her pocket, and she pulls it out to see a message from villain. She opens the chat — smiling softly.
V: This looks so beautiful!! Is this the sunflower field that you always talk about? Thank you for the picture baby💛
Hero takes a moment to swoon. She loves it when villain calls her baby, and she has a feeling that they know that too.
H: Yes it is, one of my favourite places ever! I wish I could show this to you someday.
There it is, hero thinks. This ache that mixes up with the bubbly feelings in her chest because her lover lives in an entirely different continent away from her and there's nothing either of them can do about it for now. It's this sizzling agony that's there right under her skin, keeping her awake at night sometimes.
V: That sounds lovely. I would love to see it.
And then hero’s smiling, grinning. So much that her cheeks start to hurt and those blue feelings inside her chest slowly melt away, leaving her with this happy, giddy haze. Somewhere inside, the logical part of her speaks — what is even happening ?
Hero ignores that and just stares at the wide expanse of the field in front of her, beautifully painted by the sun setting on the horizon behind. She lets her mind wander to villain, her lover whom she's never met but knows — because one doesn't have to meet to know someone right? Of course hero aches to meet them, just like all the lovers in ancient texts do. She's no different. So she tries to meet them in her imagination at least- one hand in their soft, brown hair, while the other cups their cheek, tender with that natural blush that drives her crazy; and then villain's hands are in her hair, tangling her long back strands but she can't find it in herself to care one bit —
Her phone buzzes again and hero’s pulled out of that soft world in her mind, back to the real one. Her eyes take in her surroundings once again, noticing the changes. The sky is inky blue, like deep ocean waters and the sun is nowhere to be seen . The sunflowers that were all looking at the sun like dedicated devotees, have now turned to look at their loved ones next to them instead, and settle in their arms for the night. Hero looks at her phone, her mind working in two angles — one thinking about this fact that she read about sunflowers somewhere while the other focuses on villain’s chat box.
V: You'll have to fight supervillain later this evening right?
Hero groans as she remembers her pressing duties to this city — fighting supervillains, protecting the civilians, being the symbol of justice. It's only in the short time that she spends with villain — in their chatbox, occasional phone calls, when she thinks of villain, that she feels like a normal twenty something, just living her life and falling in love with someone breathtakingly amazing.
H: You're always more updated about my schedule than I am xD But yeah, I have to.
Hero imagines villain’s mouth, unable to decide between their usual smirk or rare soft smiles. She wonders what expression they're wearing right now.
V: Of course I am. That's one thing technology is good for.
Hero chuckles, simply happy that villain even bothers to keep track of all of this.
V: Fight safely and vigilantly okay? Trust your gut feelings, they're always valid. Your feelings are always valid.
Hero clutches her phone tight in her hand, trying to bury her face into her own arms. Her heart performs this dance everytime villain does stuff like this, and she never knows how to handle it.
H: Thank you my love❤ I'm a little nervous of course, but I think I'll be okay. I can do this.
Hero knows there's no point in putting up a front or lying to villain. They always know somehow. And hero thinks that she doesn't want to lie — she's always putting up a front for the world, the people, her opponents. So she wants at least this one person in the entire world to know who she really is, in all her silly, anxious and raw glory.
V: You'll be fine baby. You're an amazing fighter and I believe in you.
Okay, that's it. Hero feels like her entire body is on fire and she forces herself to look away from the phone screen at the field in front of her so that her fingers don't start doing this embarrassing keysmash that people generally seem to do when they're embarrassed. Does she want to do that? She thinks she'd rather avoid it. Or at least try to.
That's when her mind supplies that fact about sunflowers that it was trying to remember. When the sun is not visible, the sunflowers turn towards one another, as if the sun is just a fever dream that is abandoned as soon as it dips below the horizon, and the only real things that exist in the world are the flowers themselves and their partners who exist right beside them. Hero watches as the wind gently coaxes them, one flower falling into another and vice versa, as they hold each other and dance while the first stars form constellations in the sky. Hero thinks how beautiful this is, that there is a whole universe beyond clichés, that a sunflower doesn't have to achingly wait for a sun that will never belong to it, but instead the world is for its taking as it falls in love with the flower next to it — one that will return its feelings.
And all of a sudden, hero is overwhelmed by this weird emotion in her chest. She can't name it, she's always been bad with names. But sitting here and looking at these sunflowers breaking clichés makes her heart soar for some inexplicable reason. It's like nature is telling her that nothing else matters other than feelings that are respected and returned.
She opens villain's chat and starts typing in everything that she's realised in the past minute with increased fervour, afraid that all of these thoughts would just up and disappear into a puff of nothing because nothing is really everlasting — except this one moment. And she plans to make the best of it. She types the last letter, then attaches a close-up picture of two sunflowers with tangled petals facing one another and hits send.
Villain takes a minute to reply, but it brings the brightest smiles to hero's face regardless.
V: I don't know if you even realise this, but I just love the way you fucking think ❤ The sunflowers seem like they could pass for humans themselves don't they? Because I just find this whole thing alarmingly human — the way we have our hearts on our sleeves when we know no one else is looking, for that one person.
Hero sighs happily, she didn't think feeling understood could feel this liberating. It's definitely one of those feelings that people can get high on , she thinks. Damn, she thinks she's definitely getting high on this herself.
H: Thank you love, I love the way you think too! And I do agree, the sunflowers are humans xD (plus ten heart emojis).
A few more minutes go by and hero receives another message from villain with this attached picture:
there's a hand (hero guesses it's villain’s hand) holding two violet flowers together (so they look like they're hugging) with this caption —
I had to chase away two ducks for this picture, because these flowers were apparently their evening snack. How cool is that?
And hero’s full blown laughing now, the clutching-your-stomach kind of laughing and she hopes that the laughing emoji on her phone would do this justice. Probably not.
Here's the live coverage of Hero vs Supervillain-
The newsreader reads live from the venue and villain’s eyes refuse to leave the tv screen for even a single moment. They watch as their hero holds her ground against such a powerful foe and villain’s heart fills up to the brim with a mix of fondness and pride. They don't feel the rest of the evening pass by, as they sit and watch the entire live coverage without as much as even getting up.
Hero emerges victorious, and she has a few surface injuries here and there, some nasty looking gashes but she's standing there and she's alive and she's okay and villain finally lets out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding.
That's their strong, sweet and kind hero and villain can't be happier to call her their girlfriend.
Hellooo there lovely people!! I know it's been a long while since I posted (that's because life is pretty hectic rn) but I finally found some time to write (and procrastinate, but that's the usual lol). So what's new is that I've given you all some female rep, because I just realised that I haven't really written much female mc content. So I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thank you for your support as always - means a lot<3
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daddyjackfrost · 3 years
Hello, is it okay to request for an angst? You know where the reader is always the victim of heartbreak, well i think its time to turn the table around. I wanted to request something that it's the boys turn to get heartbroken. Something about their s/o being a two timer, or she doesn't care about their feelings at all.
now this, this is diabolical. i’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to get to it! life’s just been a bit hectic rn. anyways, i’ve chosen tsukishima for this one. not because i think he would be a cheater, but because he seems like someone who wouldn’t “care” that much in the relationship. let’s get on w it, yeah?
f!reader, aged up!
warnings: angst 😃
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You stared at the notebook in your hands. You had promised Akaashi you would throw it away. You had told yourself to throw it away every damn day, and yet, here you were.
  Clutching papers that were bonded together by your own tears.
  This notebook, the one titled ‘'One Heartbreak Away’ were all your heartbreaks. Now, it wasn’t just a notebook for all the failed relationships you had dealt with, this notebook had all your heartbreaks.
  Every time your heart had broken was listed somewhere in the papers, and you weren’t ready to say goodbye to those memories yet.
  You were sure that if you had thrown away the notebook, you wouldn’t have been the heartless fool you were now. Too many broken hearts later, and you were now the heartbreaker. It had gotten easier for you to detach yourself from your feelings, and any time you felt yourself slipping, you would simply walk away.
  When you had met Tsukishima, you knew if his personality. Snarky, cold, sarcastic Tsukishima. Pretty soon, you two had become friends. You understood his humor and shared a lot of the same interests, and that made him find you interesting.
  It had been almost 8 months since you and Tsukishima had met. You both were dangling on the edge of ‘dating or not dating’ and while you didn’t necessarily care, you knew your friends were fed up with it.
  You liked Tsukishima, you did. But you weren’t looking for a relationship. Especially not with someone like him.
  Tsukishima, however, didn’t feel the same way. He liked you. A lot. It was almost laughable how much he liked you, and he had no idea that you didn't feel the same way.
  You stared at the 6'2 blonde man in front of you with indifferent eyes. His figure loomed over yours and you slightly tilted your head up to meet his brown eyes that shined with angry rings of gold.
  Tsukishima pushed up his glasses with two fingers and crossed his arms.
If you hadn't known him well, you wouldn't have been able to tell how irritated he was. His shoulders were rigid and his jaw was clenched. His hair had grown a bit and was now in his eyes.
"You're annoying, y/n."
A humorless bubble of laugher erupted in you and you shook your head. You had heard that phrase so many times you could practically repeat it in any language.
  When Tsukishima noticed his words did nothing to affect you, his scowl deepened. He had wanted you to get angry, storm off, so he didn't have to deal with you at the moment. He rather apologize to you the next day, after you both had cooled off.
You had commented on how negative he was all the time, and he blew up.
Proving your point.
You knew you were a hypocrite for pointing out his negativity when you carried an immense amount of negativity and hatred in your own heart, but unlike Tsukki, you were good at concealing it.
"Is that all you got? You're boring, Tsukki."
Tsukishima's jaw clenched again. You wanted to rile him up, you wanted him to get angry. You needed him to get angry so you could use it as a reason to leave. You didn't want to get too attached to him.
  You couldn't.
Tsukishima scowled. He had no idea why you were being such a brat, but it was pissing him off. All he wanted, was to watch a movie with you. He had come to love watching horror films with you--mainly because you actually enjoyed them.
"I don't know what your problem is, y/n, but you better lose the attitude."
Your lips tipped up, loving the challenge and the slight crack of confusion in his words.
  "Or what?"
Tsukishima's eyes narrowed and he let out a scoff.
"Or I'll leave."
With that, your lips tugged into a full-blown smile. Tsukki's eyes narrowed at you and his anger washed away, leaving confusion.
  You took a step back, leaning against the wall. You crossed your arms and tilted your head. A whirlpool of pain was all you could feel in your heart, but you knew you needed this.
Tsukishima was a hothead, blunt, and arrogant, and he was the exact kind of guy that would break your heart and not give a single damn about it. So, before he could, you knew you had to beat him to it.
"Leave then," you stated. 
Your eyes burned with disinterest, and Tsukishima felt like you had smacked him.
  "Leave. I don't want you here, and you don't want to be here. So leave."
Brown eyes stared at you. Tsukki didn't move, didn't even breathe. Your words seemed to have flown over his head, but he heard you, god, he had heard you.
  You shrugged. "Leave. I'm sick of constantly bickering with you. It's annoying."
Was that his heart? Tsukishima couldn't tell. His head was filled with too many thoughts, and the sound of his own heartbeat was making everything incomprehensible.
  "Are you-" Tsukishima swallowed and cleared his throat. "What are you doing?"
You shrugged, playing with a piece of your hair. "Breaking up whatever we are."
Tsukishima looked into your eyes, trying to find a sign of anything. He knew you sometimes had tended to go overboard, but he couldn't find any remorse in your eyes.
  No guilt.
No love.
Just indifference, to him. For him.
Tsukishima took a small step back. He had lost his composure and wasn't going to force a cool facade. He was too focused on the possibility of losing you to care.
"You're not serious..." Tsukki noticed how you just tapped your foot. "Are you?"
You groaned. Was he really this dense? The better part of you, the human part of you whined at you. You could have really loved Tsukishima, but you weren't looking for love. Plus, you were sure that you were unlovable.
Past boyfriends, family, and friends had proven that to you.
  "I'm completely serious," you replied. "I don't actually like you Tsukki." You saw the paled skin man inhale a sharp breath and you forced out a cold laugh. "Did you honestly think that I would be with you?"
Tsukishima took another step back, his facade completely fading and you were greeted with a slightly hunched man, his eyes filled with hurt.
"You..." Tsukishima couldn't even form words. Was he completely looking into things the other way? Was he being too hopeful? Were your signs of affection just friendly?
You stared at the blonde man in front of you. You could tell that he was in his own head. You knew all too well what that felt like, and your heart screamed curses at you.
You leaned off the library wall. Just because you were broken inside didn't mean you had to break another.
  In fact, you were doing him a favor.  
You took a few steps closer to Tsukishima, and your heart broke when the blonde instantly lifted his head and slightly flinched at your closeness.
Tsukki stared at you with wide eyes, glazed with unshed tears. He didn't want to cry, but your words had picked apart the stitches that held back his own insecurities.
  You hesitantly put your hand on his shoulder. Tsukki's eyes were trained on you, his body was rigid.
  "You're— You're a good guy, Tsukki. But I don't like you. I can't. I won't love you the way you need me to."
Tsukishima frowned at your words.
  You took a small breath and then smiled at him.
  "I can't accept your heart. I can't hold it with love and tenderness. I don't hold hearts, Tsukki. I break them."
You dropped your hand and walked past the volleyball player.
  You only manage to take a few steps when his deep voice stops you.
"So, what? You're just gonna run every time you think you may fall in love?"
His voice was hoarse and held a tinge of disbelief. His voice wavered and you hated yourself for hurting him, but you were glad you weren't in his position.
  You didn't turn around when you spoke.
"Yes. Love just isn't for some of us, and I've learned that the hard way."
With that, you walked away from a broken man. 
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well that was fun. 
header credits: @artistslayouts
taglist: @h-grangerstudies (msg me if you’d like to be added to my taglist!)
daddyjackfrost © 2021 | all content belongs to me, do not modify
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seospicybin · 2 years
Hello! I have been following your account for a while now and have binge read most (if not all) your works. I was wondering if you could make a fic about y/n being a little insecure about herself (esp with her thighs... maybe about the marks and it's... how do I say this- thickness??). The member would do whatever they can to make y/n feel good about themselves and shower that part of them with so much love and kisses? Like a soft nsfw? Does that make sense?? Hahah. I was just feeling a bit down lately and I really enjoy how you describe how each character feels (emotionally and physically).
I really enjoyed how y/n praised Felix's freckles in 'Constellations' as if they were literal constellations that their world could never live without. It made me feel so warm and soft despite knowing what was coming up ahead aahahhaha. Any member would do however it would be nice if it was Changbin... he comforts me ALOT and hearing some sweet words and praises coming from him might literally make me cry in the middle of reading the smut/fic AHHAHAHA.
Anyway, I wanted my first ask on this new acc to be flirty since everyone was doing it and having fun, I didn't want to say anything too serious and break the lighthearted feeling... but life's kinda taking a toll and I'm sure the same goes for everyone! I've said this before on my ask in your old acc but I really looking forward to waking up because of your fics and it has been my escape from reality (god this is turning so cheesy but I really need the comfort of someone else's words rn abahhahaha Ó╭╮Ò ). Thank you so much for you and your fics, you have no idea how much it has helped me wahhh. You don't have to do this btw! I would totally understand especially with how hectic everything is, plus, you just recently posted one of Changbin already.
Supporting you from backstage! ✨🖤
Yes, I remember you! I do, bcs the first ask you sent was so sweet and you sent me another ask now and it's just as sweet 🥰
Who are you? Why are you so sweet to me? 🥺
It was the first thing that I read on a sunday morning and I'm on my period so my hormones are already a mess but reading this make me a soft fluffy melancholic mess 🥲
I'm not against writing about body positivity and don't get me wrong, I have thick thighs myself and a big nose like Chan but often times, when I saw fics abt body positivity, it only made me even more insecure about myself. That's why I avoid writing y/n's physical appearance in my fics but I'll try to make one abt maybe y/n having a scar/marks, I think I can do that 😊
And oh please, I like cheese! Whether the cheese food or cheese the skz song, I love being cheesy. Being cheesy is needed esp in fictions. Didn’t you read all the cheesy lines in my fics?! That's how cheesy I am, so pls don't be shy to be cheesy to me 😄
Writing is my escape when life is taking its toll on me so I know more or less abt how you feel but pls know that your kind words made my day. Treat yourself with some nice meals, you deserve it, my love! 💗 -f.
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amistytown · 2 years
Heyya Noelle~ I'm not sure if you're awake at this time, but I just wanna talk a bit 👉👈
It's hot here lately, but today it was raining~ Although I don't appreciate it when it's raining on the day that I'm supposed to do my laundry... I mean, out of all the days, it had to be on my laundry day :'3
Anyway, my housemate cooked dinner for today! And it was delicious! We usually buy foods at the cafeteria, but today she wanted to cook for us and we too helped and WALLA~ A satisfying and delicious meal~ It's not that fancy, but it's still enough for the six of us.
Since it's raining and I'm a bit tired doing laundry and helping my housemate cook, I was rather sleepy when it's only 8 pm :'3 So I took a 40 minutes nap, grabbed my parcel that arrived on another block, took a shower and decided to stay up for today! I usually slept at around 12 am, but since I don't have evening classes tomorrow, I'm just gonna compensate today's lack of sleep to tomorrow's evening uwu
Also, I have a lot of assignments to finish so there's that :')
I think it's morning at where you are rn, but it's currently 10:15 p.m. here, so good morning to you <3 I'm going to go and finish anything on my to-do list now.
Bye!! Have a good day!
And in case anyone hasn't tell you this today: I love you! Thank you for being such a supportive and good friend to me. I appreciate your presence in my life and how I wish I could meet you irl to give you a hug :')
You're always welcome to talk, and I hope things go as well as possible for you. I saw the next couple of days will be especially hectic, but please take care of yourself as best you can. Your wellbeing is most important, and don't forget you're doing a great job and should feel proud of yourself and everything you've accomplished.
Omg, I'm sorry it rained on laundry day T . T It hasn't been too hot here yet, but I'm not looking forward to summer. I'm definitely a fall girl, and if I could I'd skip summer xD;; Though it's weird to think I made this blog last June/July, so I'm coming up on a year! Are you able to stay cool?
Aw, that's so nice of your housemate!!! Did you have a good time making dinner together? What did you have?
Nothing wrong with taking a nap when you can! It's good to rest, and you need more sleep the harder you work! Good luck with your assignments! It sounds like a lot, but try not to overwhelm yourself too much. I know it's easier said than done, though taking everything one step at a time usually helped me not feel as stressed and anxious. You've got this!!!
Ahhh, you're the sweetest T . T I'm going to cry happy tears. Thank you for being so kind and supportive yourself. I really appreciate you and want to be as great a friend to you as you are to me! I would give you all the hugs! I am always so proud of you and love you too. You are an amazing and talented person, and I hope you never forget that!
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
cake for dessert
Grayson wants a slice of MJ for dessert on a rainy day
warnings: badly written smut
A/N: one of the MJ things I promised to upload. It’s storming like crazy here and this is all I want in life rn so I figured this was the one to post.
A chilly spring rain has descended over LA out of nowhere, as MJ discovers with surprise when she and her best friend Lainey step out of their final store at The Grove. That Saturday had started off warm and sunny, a perfect weekend day to spend out and about, but the storm rolling in is suddenly derailing her and Lainey’s plans for a chill afternoon at the beach.
“Well, shit,” Lainey remarks, glancing up at the dark clouds looming in the not-so-distant skyline.
“Right?” MJ concurs. She scrunches her nose and watches Lainey pout as they consider what else they might do with their Saturday. With MJ still busy working hard at her new job and, admittedly, being wrapped up in the fading newness of Grayson, she and Lainey haven't had much time to spend together. Especially considering her friend’s own relationship and hectic schedule.
A fat raindrop surprises her by landing on her nose, and both of them giggle as the sudden light sprinkle becomes more steady. They hurry down the walkway to the parking garage until they find MJ’s car, hurrying inside and slamming the doors just in time for the rain to start really coming down.
“Looks like we’re going home, unless you want to fight the LA drivers who have no idea what they're doing in the rain to go to a movie or something,” MJ jokes, selecting her favorite rainy day playlist full of Tame Impala, Bon Iver, Rex Orange County, and the like to serenade them on the way back to her apartment.
Lainey laughs. She’s also from out of state and shares MJ’s anecdotal opinion of the LA natives. “Yeah, as much as I want to stay and cuddle and feed each other takeout, I think for that reason I’m gonna have to head out when we get to your place. It’ll take me an extra hour to get home because of this.”
Now it’s MJ’s turn to playfully but also somewhat seriously jut out her lower lip in an impression of Lainey’s earlier pout. “Who’s gonna dangle pad Thai noodles into my mouth, then?”
“I don’t know, babe. Don’t you have a boyfriend or something now?” Lainey smirks, snatching MJ’s phone from her lap and waving it in her face so her lock screen illuminates, an accidental candid she had captured of said boyfriend with that beautiful smile shining right at her.
“It’s not the same,” whines MJ, entering the rapidly congesting highway. “First of all, he’s busy most of the day. Second, he makes it sexy, whereas you’re just plain cute. I don’t think I’m in the mood to be sexy today.”
That was true, for sure. Her outfit consisted of a pair of black leggings, one of Gray’s t-shirts that hung off her body shapelessly, and a baseball cap to hide the fact that she wore no makeup. Between her stuffy nose from the cold she’s fighting and the lack of sleep from the night before, she couldn’t be bothered that morning to try any harder.
Lainey, who had been listening while checking the visor mirror to see if her mascara had survived the rain, feigns offense. “Wow, bitch, are you saying I’m not sexy?”
“Boo, you’re sooo sexy. Grayson should probably thank you for half of my skills based on your tips over the years, now that I think about it,” MJ grins, causing Lainey to cackle.
Their girl talk continues the rest of the surprisingly short car ride back to MJ’s apartment building. MJ pulls up behind Lainey’s car and hugs her bestie over the console.
“Love you. Text me when you’re home so I know you survived the drive.”
“Will do. Love you, babe.”
MJ makes sure Lainey is in her car before driving into her covered spot. The tiredness had been real before, but the pure exhaustion hit her out of nowhere as her mind processes that she’s now home. She’s suddenly looking forward to nothing more than ordering said takeout, soaking in a too-hot bath, and watching The Hobbit series all afternoon.
She shuts the door to her apartment behind her with a sigh and trudges into her room, tossing her bags on her bed. Desperate to start the second half of her day of relaxation, it takes her all of 30 seconds to strip down and make her way into the bathroom. As the soaking tub fills, she selects a Lush bath bomb and bubble bar from the basket on the counter.
With a last-minute face mask applied, hair piled on top of her head to keep it dry, and New Girl ready to play on her phone, she’s just settling into the water with a light moan when the phone begins buzzing on the ledge of her soaking tub. She dries her hands and smiles when she sees Grayson’s name on the FaceTime call.
“Hi, baby,” she answers once his handsome face fills the screen, scooping some of the foamy bubbles closer to her chest so they fluff out cloud-like from her skin.
Grayson grins and takes a second to admire at her. “Hi, sweetheart. You look so fucking cute.”
MJ rolls her eyes but flushes and smiles appreciatively. “If you say so. How’s filming going?”
He puffs his cheeks and blows out the air slowly, running a hand through his hair. “Good, but it’s been a long day. E and I both decided to call it quits early; we’re both way too strung out on no sleep and anxiety to get much else done, especially now that the weather’s gone to shit.”
“I’m sorry, Bear, I know you both wanted to get everything wrapped tonight,” she laments with him, wishing she could comfort him with a kiss to his plump pink lips. “I’m kind of in the same boat. Lainey and I couldn't go to the beach, and between this cold I have and the fact it’s getting harder and harder to sleep without you, I’m so tired.”
Grayson smiles at her in that way he reserves only for her — soft, crooked, his hazel eyes sparkling in the center and crinkling just the tiniest bit at the corners — especially at the sound of her little pet name for him.
“Can I come over? I’ve been thinking about you all day, but I didn't want to cut into your time with Lainey. I just need to be with you.”
“Yes please,” MJ agrees with a sniffle. “As long as you’re the big spoon while we have a couch day. That’s about all I’m gonna be good for today, I think.”
“Of course,” he grins, getting into his car. “Are you gonna be my little cuddle bug all afternoon, Peach?”
She hears an exasperated ‘oh my God’ in the background and can practically see Ethan’s eye-roll out of frame.
“Yeah,” she coos back to her boyfriend, then, “hi, E.”
“Hi, MJ,” he grunts. As she’s naked underneath the clouds of bubbles, Grayson doesn’t angle the phone towards his brother, but she can still hear his voice. “You know, he’s already a cornball most of the time, but you really bring it out of him in droves, dude.”
Grayson doesn’t even react to Ethan, his gaze fixated instead on MJ through the phone. “Good. I sleep better with you in my arms, too.”
“Ugh,” Ethan complains. “Where are my fucking AirPods?”
She does, indeed, hear rustling, presumably from the older twin, but she chooses to ignore him as well. “Can you pick up Thai or Veggie Grill or something on your way over?”
“Oooh, yeah, either of those sound awesome. I’m starving,” Grayson agrees. “I’ll have to drop E off at home first and hopefully traffic wont be too bad both ways. Be there in an hour?”
“Sounds good. Thank you, baby,” she says quietly with a sweet, content smile.
He winks at her, and his voice drops a couple of notches. “No problem, Peach. As long as you’re my dessert.”
Her body rushes with heat, and not from the temperature of the water she’s soaking in. Before she can answer, Ethan groans louder than ever.
“Oh my God, dude, I fucking heard that! Can you keep your cheesy sex talk at zero while we’re literally right next to each other?” His voice suddenly picks up even louder so she can hear him. “MJ, I can’t believe you still let him fuck you when he says shit like that.”
“He makes up for it with the other things his mouth can do,” she retorts, winking at Grayson. Her giggles join Grayson’s howls of laughter and taunts at his brother, who apparently is very much done with the conversation. “Alright, I love you both. Drive safe, please.”
True to his word, Grayson shows up a little over an hour later with a bag of Veggie Grill in one hand and a Starbucks medicine ball in the other. MJ absolutely despises hot tea, and he knows it, but he also knows she won’t be able to resist the soothing warmth of it — especially considering he took the time and effort to get it for her.
He smiles at the sight of her cocooned in the plush, cozy fabric of her favorite blanket and leans down to give her a quick kiss. He hands her the drink, which she does indeed accept with warm eyes and a soft heart. She takes a sip and lets the hot liquid coat her scratchy throat as he plops down next to her with a sigh and sets the food on her coffee table. Grayson cups her cheeks to draw her in for another kiss — lingering, closed-mouthed pecks this time.
“Hi,” he says, smiling and dropping one to her red-tipped nose for good measure.
“Hi,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from mouth-breathing more and more throughout the afternoon. “Sorry I look so gross. This cold is kicking my ass the later it gets. You’re probably going to catch it.”
“First of all: worth it. Second: are you kidding? This is my favorite MJ,” he assures, peppering little kisses all across her forehead as he draws her in to his chest. Her hair is in the same messy bun from her bath, her glasses are on, and she’s dressed in her old college crewneck sweatshirt, boy-short Calvins, and fuzzy socks… “No one gets to see you like this except me. All fresh-faced and beautiful and undone. All mine.”
“Mmm,” MJ hums, snuggling into him and sniffling. “We’ll see how you feel when I’m snoring like a 300 pound grandpa in a little bit because I can’t breathe out of my nose.”
“Okay, but I don’t see how that’ll be different from any other night.” She draws back and smacks him on the arm playfully, scoffing incredulously. He just barks out a laugh and kisses the frown off her lips before distributing their late lunch between them.
They make comfortable small talk while The Office plays quietly in the background, mixing with the patter of rain on the large windows. A fuzzy warm ball settles in the pit of her stomach that has her feeling almost heady at the simple intimacy of the moment.
MJ finishes first. She takes off her glasses and places them on the coffee table next to her tea so she can curl into a ball and nuzzle into Gray’s shoulder. He kisses the top of her head affectionately and finishes his meal in silence while they watch the antics of Michael Scott and gang for the millionth time. Eventually his empty plate joins hers and he opens his burly arms to gather her in his embrace, lying down and bringing her with him.
Grayson chuckles when she fully climbs on top of him so she’s straddling his hips and hugging him with all of her limbs like a koala would a tree, her nose buried into the five o’clock shadow on his neck. He makes sweeping passes up and down her back. “Needy today, sweetheart?”
“A little,” MJ mumbles, eyelids already feeling heavy, even more so when he fixes the oversized blanket around the both of them. He smells so good, feels so solid and warm, his breath tickling her ear soothingly. They FaceTime every day, but their crazy lives have made it where this is the first time in days that they’ve seen each other in person. “Missed you. We both work too much.”
He lets out a little hum of agreement, sighing when he feels her lips pucker to dot baby kisses on his bronze skin. His hands stroke up and down her back comfortingly. “I missed you, too. E and I should have just one more day of shooting before we’ll be home more to work on editing and stuff with the team.”
“I’ll be in Seattle most of next week for a new client recruit,” she reminds, recognizing the inexplicit invitation. “Otherwise I’d come over and work remote with you.”
“Ugh, that’s right,” Gray laments, sighing. “Kiss me. Please?”
MJ gives him a lazy smile when she feels his fingers tilt her chin up. Their makeout is slow and simple and just what the both need, reconnecting after days and lives apart.
A few minutes go by until MJ groans a little and sits up in his lap with a sigh, a string of saliva connecting their lips before breaking with a snap.
“I can’t breathe laying down like that. Or just out of my nose,” she pouts. One of her hands plays with his hair while the other smooths down his t-shirt over his chest where she had rumpled it by laying on him.
Grayson grips her hips and follows her up, hugging her tightly around the middle with those huge, burly arms. “Since you can’t sleep anyways…” he looks at her, and she cocks an eyebrow, her lips quirking questioningly. “Can I have my dessert now? You can sit up on the couch. And no mouth-to-mouth required.”
MJ chuckles and wraps her arms around his broad shoulders, biting her lip as she considers his request. As much as she wants Grayson in any capacity most of the time, today is one of those days where sex just isn't on the table for her.
That being said, can she really resist that tongue? Those lips?
Before she can answer, he continues. “I know you don’t feel good, so I’ll understand if you just aren't up for anything today. But I’m not expecting you to reciprocate at all. I’ve just been wanting… like, basically needing to eat your pussy all week. It’s all I’ve been able to think about for so days.” He traces her jawline with his nose until his lips reach that little spot right behind the hinge and just below her ear, where he licks and nibbles until her hips start shifting in his lap of their own accord. “Please?”
Well, how the fuck is she going to say no to that?
She can’t, and knows he can sense her giving in when he starts to turn them around so she’s reclined against the back of the couch. Grayson grins while he arranges the blankets and pillows around her to get her as comfy as possible.
She watches him fuss over her with loving eyes, but wants to make sure he really is okay with the arrangement, too. “Are you sure? I don’t want to blue ball you. And I can speak from experience that that rug isn't a fun place to be on your knees for an extended period of time.”
Gray smirks at her and plants one more kiss to her lips before sinking down her body, snatching a couple of stray pillows to cushion his knees. “One problem solved. And don't worry about any chance of blue balls; it’s been way too fucking long since I’ve done this, and I’ll be lucky if I don't cum in my pants before I even get you to your first one.”
“Oh, so I’m in for more than one orgasm today?” MJ smiles back down at him and lifts her hips so he can drag her panties down her toned legs, placing her feet on the edge of the couch so she’s nice and open for him once he had the fabric tossed behind him somewhere. “I’d say that was big talk if I didn't know you could back it up.”
She knows he likes a challenge, and combined with his love for being praised and her bare pussy exposed to him at long last, she feels like she’s got a little bit of an upper hand here.
“Always,” he murmurs.
His lips start at the inside of her knee, working their way up to her inner thigh, across her mound to nuzzle in the little patch of hair she hadn't bothered to trim down between waxes, before trekking down the opposite leg. MJ knows his goal is to build up the anticipation for them both, and he’s succeeding; she can hear his breathing intensify as he tries to take in her scent, and she can feel the wetness beginning to leak out of her without so much as a lick from him.
Finally, he brings his hand up to trace her smooth lower lips, glancing up at her with warm yet lustful eyes as he takes in how his teasing is affecting her. MJ gives it right back, sneaking a hand under her oversized sweatshirt to play with her breast. It drives him absolutely crazy seeing her touch herself, but also not being able to see. If she didn't know any better, she would say sometimes he was more obsessed with her boobs than her actual vagina when they get down.
When his eyes turn dark, she grins and uses her free hand to rake through his hair and pull him towards her pussy while simultaneously pinching her nipple just the way she likes. Grayson growls and turns his attention back where she’s directing him, finally parting her with his middle and index fingers to expose her clit. He places a quick kiss directly to it, causing MJ to gasp and grip his dark locks tighter.
He gives it a more sensual smooch and pulls back to watch more of her juices trickle out of her until he can’t resist really getting to work anymore. His moan vibrates against her when his tongue swipes through the sweet wetness, trailing it to her clit with his mouth and giving the nub a gentle suckle before slipping his tongue back to her entrance. MJ lets out little whimpers of bliss as he makes out with her pussy, his tongue reaching as far inside her as it can, wiggling around and slurping down everything that comes out of her.
She lets him eat her out with no real purpose, thoroughly enjoying the constant stimulus of his lips and teeth and tongue without a driving need to make her cum behind it. Her hands flit between stroking his hair comfortingly, to playing with her breasts, to digging her nails across his clothed shoulders.
“Feels so good,” MJ whispers while she watches him work. Her fingers are combing gently through his hair once again to push the dark strands off of his forehead just in time to see his eyes flit open to meet her own.
“Tastes so good,” Grayson growls back, taking a moment to sit on his haunches and get a thorough look at her spread out for him. Her pussy is swollen and wet, the insides of her thighs bare the faint markings of his teeth, and her face is pure bliss even as she sniffs and coughs a bit. “You okay?”
MJ nods. It’s sweet of him to check, but all she wants now is his face back in her pussy. She bites her lip and one of her heels, still clad in a fuzzy sock, digs into the middle of his broad back to push him in. Grayson smirks darkly and follows her lead, his lips immediately suctioning around her plump little clit.
“Fuck…” MJ moans. Her voice is raspier than usual and, like everything else about her today, goes straight to his dick, which throbs untouched in his grey sweats.
He starts working her over with purpose now, determined to get her to cum in the next 30 seconds. He knows he can do it even if she hadn't started chanting, “like that, like that, don’t fucking stop…”
Her moans reach peak levels, as loud as she can be with her sore throat, and her clit throbs on his tongue. Her back arches off the couch and her hands dive fully in his thick hair now to hold him to her, her heel still pressing against his spine doing the same.
Grayson groans and has to remove one of his hands from her hips to reach into his boxers and squeeze his dick hard enough to stave off his own orgasm. He slips two fingers of his other hand in her dripping pussy to give her something to clench around, which doesn’t help his attempt at not cumming literally in his pants when he feels her walls gripping his digits like a vice.
“Baby…” she whines as he brings her down with little kitten licks on her pulsing clit, her thighs quivering around his head. Grayson hums and nuzzles into that delicate skin until the muscles beneath stop trembling, and the flutters around his middle and ring fingers have ceased. He never takes his eyes off her face — eyes closed, mouth agape, cheeks flushed. Beautiful and dismantled because of him.
Once he feels she (and, frankly, he himself) have calmed just enough to be able to take more, he starts to press and curl the fingers inside her. MJ whines softly as the build picks up again, which turns into shrieking when he wraps his swollen lips around her clit again and sucks the nub sharply into his mouth. Between the sloppy wetness of his mouth and the way he applies pressure just right on her g-spot, it takes all of a minute for her to fall apart again. She marvels, not for the first time, at how fucking good he is at this, how well he knows her body.
‘Always’ is right.
Grayson sits back, removes his hand and mouth from her and growls at the sight before him while he pushes against the backs of her thighs. So much for sitting up, as she’s now practically on her back, but neither of them are complaining or stopping to readjust. She’s perfectly exposed for him, her juices and his saliva coating her skin and dripping down her ass, she’s that wet.
Her name escaping his lips in that husky voice finally gets her to lazily blink her eyes open until her gaze focuses on him as clearly as she can. He looks sexy as fuck on his knees for her, pupils dilated and the stubbled skin of his chin and jaw covered in shiny wetness.
Grayson’s big hands knead the insides of her thighs until he’s confident he has her full attention. He smoothes his palms to the crooks of her knees, moving her gently until she’s practically folded in half, and without breaking eye contact shifts his head that much further down so he can go to town on her even lower.
MJ gasps and shoots one of her hands to his hair, her first instinct being to push him away, until half a second passes and she’s doing the exact opposite. No one has ever done this for her before, and now she’s wondering how she had gone so long without the sensation of his tongue swiping up her cum from that virtually untouched hole.
If she was in any right state, she would have seen Grayson’s smug, quite literally ass eating smirk at her reaction to his ministrations. He isn’t sure why in their nearly eight months together he had never eaten her ass before; it isn’t the first time he’s done it to a girl. Maybe because he treasures sex with MJ more than anyone in his life before, maybe knowing in his heart that they have a long future of making love ahead of them had caused him to wait. What he does know, is that he’ll never be able to resist doing it again when the desire to rises, especially given her voracious response to it.
“Fuck!” MJ wails when he spreads her even more open with his hand so he can have better access, his tongue rimming and prodding her asshole to perfection while the thumb of his free hand presses upward on the hood of her clit. He knows her so well, can sense she’s too sensitive for direct stimulation there, but the pressure right above the bundle of nerves is exactly what she’s craving without her even realizing it.
But he does, and it feels so good — too good; Grayson’s eyes drop closed as he lets her taste and sounds overcome his senses, and it’s like her pleasure is his as his hand finally begins to jerk himself off. He builds up the speed of his strokes with her increased pace of breath, until she cums for a third time, and his tongue is quickly swiping all the way up her crease, from asshole to clit as he stands to his feet. He leans over her with one hand on the back of the couch and licks the last of her off his lips as he takes in her body to fuel him even more, even as clothed as she still is.
MJ starts to come-to enough to realize what he needs, and lifts her shirt to expose more skin to him. She drinks in the sight of her gorgeous boyfriend towering over her with his sweats and boxer briefs pushed down just enough for his equally beautiful dick to be out while he strokes the head aggressively. He’s about to explode and she knows it, just as attuned to his body’s tells as he is with hers.
His face is hovering just above hers, and she watches his mouth drop and his eyes train on her exposed skin. MJ bites her lip and whines, pulling roughly on her nipples while her eyes flit between his face and his cock. “Cum on my pussy, baby, I want it — want your cum all over me, make it your pussy…”
She’s rambling, but it’s all he needed as a deep, relieved groan escapes him, followed by soft grunts as he shoots all over her, exactly where she told him to and then some. MJ moans quietly and knocks his hand out of the way to finish him off herself, squeezing the last drops of the pearly white from him. The fingers of her other hand collect what she can from her skin to keep it from dripping on the couch, spreading it instead over her swollen lower lips.
His chest still heaves when she looks up at him with a tired smile, which he matches with a laugh when her final stroke makes him flinch. He pushes her hand off his cock and tells her, “Don’t move.”
She obeys, and watches him lean over to grab his phone off the side table, unlocking it and swiping up. “Is this okay?” he asks, motioning with his head. “This is too fucking sexy. Need a memento while you’re out of town.”
MJ giggles and nods, spreading her legs a little more as he goes to town. She does her best to coat her pussy in his cum, her long, glittering manicured nails adding a certain aesthetic to the shots. She even scoops some up and let him capture her sucking it off her middle finger.
Grayson smiles tiredly and kisses her sweetly, the gentleness and simplicity of it a little stark after the pure filth of the last twenty minutes. He tucks himself back in his pants and goes into her bathroom to get a wet rag to clean her up with, chucking it in the washer when he’s done. On his way back over to her, he picks up her long-forgotten panties off the middle of the living room floor with a smirk and hands them to her, plopping next to her and dragging her into his lap once they’re back on her body.
“I’m gonna have to insist on you having dessert every day,” she yawns into his chest with a sniffle. “I didn't know you liked cake so much.”
Grayson laughs and squeezes her tight to him, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead as he confirms to Netflix that, yes, they are indeed still watching. “And Ethan says I’m the cornball.”
“If he only knew.”
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AssClass Christmas Fics: Part 1
Group 1 + gift-shopping 🎁
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In which Kataoka is tired, Isogai is stressed, Maehara is a wholesome idiot, and Okano and Kimura are the embodiment of chaos.
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Wholesomeness, Slight angst on Isogai’s part
Length: 3,133 words
In hindsight, Megu should’ve known better than to come.
It had seemed innocent at first when Maehara brought the idea up in their groupchat. He wanted all his closest friends to band together and take a trip to the mall for “some good ol’ Christmas gift-shopping.” He said it wasn’t likely they’d get to hang out all together until after winter break. Ok, fair point.
But now, as she sat exhaustedly in the dressing room of some teen store, surrounded by heaps of clothing, she realized she’d made a mistake.
“Hinano, please tell me this is the last one you’re trying on,” Megu begged as she reached for another garment. “We’ve been here for at least an hour and a half.”
“Mmm...I just have to find a matching pair of shorts,” Hinano hummed, at least looking somewhat apologetic. She gave Megu a wink. “After this, we’ll be all done!”
And with that, the smaller girl dashed off, probably in search of one of the store workers.
Megu groaned, giving a pitiful glance at the bag sitting besides her. She’d purchased one outfit, a matching belt, and a set of earrings already...while her friend was still not even close to being done.
“Might as well check what everyone else is doing.” Megu pulled out her phone and texted their groupchat. 
Kataoka: Where are you guys?
She got a reply a moment later.
Maehara: me n isogai r grabbing smth to eat rn
Maehara: but we’re gonna go to some store after
Ah...probably to get some gifts for Isogai’s siblings, Megu remembered fondly. 
“Oh, Megu, she’s still not done yet?” She snapped up to see a somewhat flustered Touka making her way into the dressing room.
The class rep sighed with a tired smile, setting her phone down. She shifted a bit to make room for the other girl. “No, not yet...did you get what you were looking for?”
Touka nodded excitedly, pulling out her gift bag. It was very small and plain-looking, nude with only a red ribbon tied around. She handed it to Megu, a shine in her eyes. “Yes. It’s perfect, exactly what we were going for.”
Megu opened up the bag and reached for the item inside. It was small yet carried weight, and was surrounded by fancy parchment paper. She delicately opened it, careful not to rip anything. “Oh,” she breathed. Touka was certainly right.
It was perfect.
Nestled within the folds of parchment paper was a lovely ornament, shaped like a rose and made of dazzling stained glass. A thousand colors reflected off of it as she gently held it up in the light of the store. 
Touka smiled softly, leaning into her seat. “I thought a rose would be fitting after, y’know, Karasuma-sensei’s love declaration in October,” she laughed. 
“True.” Megu laughed as she carefully set the gift down back into the bag. “No but really, I can’t imagine anything better than this for her. She loves roses and it’s sophisticated, but still...can remind her of our class.”
She patted Touka’s shoulder, her gaze soft. “We made such a good decision entrusting her Christmas gift to be picked out by you.”
Oddly, Touka’s face turned a bright hue of red and she glanced away, clearing her throat. “It’s no problem! I’m happy that I picked something okay.”
Before Megu could question her, their third companion came back in a flurry of more clothing. A pair of pants flew and knocked against Megu’s face, and she wiped it away tiredly. “Hina! You said one more thing!”
Hinano was already turned towards the changing stall, struggling to carry her massive load. “I know, I know, I’m sorry! But they have a sale!”
“Wait, really?” Touka shot up, her eyes bright. “I gotta go look for some stuff too!” Within seconds, she was dashing towards the racks of clothing in the store, right into the massive crowds of people already scavenging for good sales.
Oh boy. Megu mentally prepared herself for a moment before following her. Might as well take advantage of the sales too, she thought wryly. She had been looking for a new pair of boots lately...
“Yo, how about this one?” Hiroto asked, wriggling his eyebrows and holding up a video game-themed hoody jacket. It was child-sized and looked incredibly tiny against his large frame.
Yuuma looked in his direction, still combing through a rack of items himself. “Cute.” He grinned.
He reached over and touched the material thoughtfully. “Quality seems pretty good too. It’ll last him a while.”
“Yeah!” Hiroto agreed. “It’s super cozy, and will help him a lot in winter.”
“Okay, we can put this in the cart.”
Hiroto obliged and the two boys moved on from the clothing area. “Nothing else?” He questioned, giving a passing glance to aisles around them.
Yuuma hummed. “Well, we got a pajama set for both of them...a dress...two pairs of shoes, and now this hoodie. I’d like to get more but it’s Christmas, right? They’d probably like some new toys, not a ton of clothes.” He laughed.
“Ah, true.” Hiroto pushed the cart towards the toy section, following his best friend’s steady pace. This part of the store was incredibly hectic, and the sound of children’s cries and laughs filled it endlessly. Stressed parents flew around, trying to find the perfect toys. Boxes were everywhere, and it was very much a mess.
He barely caught Yuuma’s wince. As someone who also worked in a service industry, around Christmas time no less, Yuuma was probably sympathizing with the store clerks who’d be tasked to clean up.
They reached a random aisle that ended up holding all the lego sets. “I should get a couple of these,” Yuuma mused, looking around. “They love Legos, especially the bigger sets.”
“Uh huh...” Hiroto grasped his chin in thought, leaning his forearms onto the cart handle. “What about this?” He reached over and grabbed the box set. 
Yuuma leaned over to see it. “A firetruck and station,” he read. “589 pieces.” He smiled, looking up at Hiroto. “Perfect. Let’s grab it.”
“Awesome.” Hiroto was glad he was some kind of help. He knew this time of year was always incredibly stressful for his best friend, who not only had to study but work at the same time. And Yuuma would always buy his family some type of presents, so there was that added financial stress...
Not to mention...
Yuuma would never outright say it, but Hiroto knew that his father was on his mind even more than usual during the Holiday season, a time that places so much emphasis on family. 
The thought made his chest tighten. Hiroto always swore to himself that he’d help Yuuma and his family to the best of his ability, and it went tenfold during this goddamn month. 
The two looked some more before coming up with a few more toys. There was a science kit for his younger brother, and some new race cars. And a babydoll and a slime-making box for his little sister. The two kids would share the Lego set, and their older brother would help them build it.
“Now we just need to swing by over there,” Yuuma told him, gesturing to the side of the store where mainly women’s products were. Things like fancy soap, candles, etc. 
It was definitely a gift for his mom.
“Sure.” They made their way over, Hiroto still pushing the cart. “Hey, Isogai...” The name slipped uncomfortably from his tongue, leaving a taste of unfamiliarity. 
“Yeah?” Yuuma asked, looking through some house decorations. Hiroto took a short breath.
“Your family will love and appreciate whatever you get for them. It’s always the thought that counts, and that’s like...times ten with you. You’re a really good son and big brother, and that alone means so much to them probably.”
There was a pause.
“So please don’t stress yourself out, looking “for the perfect gift,” Hiroto added quickly. “They love you so much...”
Well, so much for nice encouragement. He just blurted out everything.
The sound of gentle laughter rang out, and he glanced up to see Yuuma looking back at him. His best friend’s eyes crinkled in a charming way as he spoke.
“Thanks, Hiroto...I couldn’t have gone through all this without you.” He ran a hand through his mop of dark hair. “And I don’t just mean this past month...thanks for being my best friend.”
He continued. “It’s when you say stuff like that...that brings me back down to Earth,” Yuuma admitted. “And I can actually...relax, even for just a little bit.”
Hiroto coughed lightly, before beaming at him. “Well, duh~what are best friends for?” He winked. “I’ve always got your back.”
“Same here,” Yuuma replied, his gaze soft. 
His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, brows furrowing slightly. “Ah, Yada texted.”
Yada: help megu almost fought some girl over a pair of tights on sale
Maehara: LMFAOOOOOO well did she win?
Yada: ya of course
Kataoka: - _ - she deserved it
Isogai: Haha
Kataoka: also sorry to interrupt but
Kataoka: where the hell are okano and kimura????
“I can’t believe you actually had a good idea for once,” Okano muttered, the blue light from the game reflected in her fierce gaze. “Coming to the mall arcade instead of doing some boring shopping.”
“Yeah, well, at least one of us used our brain cell today,” Kimura shot back, his thumbs moving rapidly. “If it was up to you, we’d still be circling around the penny fountain.”
Okano snorted. “Shut up.” She picked up the pace on the controllers, feeling a familiar drive to win piling up inside of her. 
Ten seconds later, “You lose!” was flashing at her on the screen while Kimura jumped up, throwing his arms up in victory. “Aw, hell yeah!”
“Fuck!” Okano hissed. “One more time!” She demanded, turning towards him.
Kimura smirked, calming down. “No thanks, I’m getting bored of this one now,” he replied nonchalantly.
Okano rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She looked around at the arcade interior, her gaze scanning around for anything that seemed interesting. 
“Oh! I love that game!” She exclaimed, gesturing to an iceball set up. “Come on!”
“Sure!” Kimura followed her towards the machine, seeing nothing else to do. “I bet I’ll win~” He sang smugly.
“You wish,” Okano scoffed, choosing the one on the left while he moved to the right. She inserted the proper number of tokens before smiling satisfied at the way the machine lit up. “I’m a beast at this game. Maehara can tell you himself how I literally destroyed everyone at this last summer.”
Kimura did the same and they both waited for the number of balls to roll down towards them. “Huh. We’ll see about that.”
“Just shut up and play already.” She had already thrown her first ball, smirking at how it fell into an 100 point slot. “Ha!”
“Lucky shot,” Kimura mumbled, tossing his first one. It fell into the Zero slot, much to his disappointment. “Shit...”
Thankfully, Okano didn’t pay attention. She was much too preoccupied with tossing her own balls, which all landed in the 100 or 250 slots. 
Kimura picked up the pace and continued his game. He groaned as all of them fell into the 10 point slots. The number of tickets coming out on his end was nothing compared to Okano’s long chain. Well...maybe my pitching is shit after all, like Sugino said. I should fix this...
“Done!” Okano shouted, throwing her last ball that fell into the 100 slot. She grinned at her list of tickets before looking over at him. “What’d I tell you, huh?” 
Kimura rolled his eyes, grabbing his final ball. Gritting his teeth, he tossed it with a carefull turn of his wrist. He watched in anticipation as the ball glided over all the slots...before falling right into the 5000 slot.
“Oh shit!”
“Woah!” Okano yelled, her eyes wide. “Oh my god, Kimura! You got the highest number!”
“I did!” He shouted back, somewhat in a daze. 
“That’s amazing!”
For a moment, it was like they weren’t rivals. Just a moment though.
Okano punched his shoulder, her lips curved. “Beginner’s luck,” she teased, but the fire never left her eyes.
Kimura laughed before his gaze fell back on his tickets. “Ah...it’s taking a while, isn’t it?”
Okano looked at it with a frown, pursing her lips. “It shouldn’t be.”
“Let’s give it another minute,” he suggested.
Five minutes later, Kimura felt like screaming. “My major accomplishment!” He sighed dramatically. “And no one was around to see it but you!”
Okano rolled her eyes, hopping off the floor where they’d been crouching. “Get up. Let’s go find a staff member.”
“Yeah...” Kimura stood up, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket. “Uh hello? What are you staring at?” He questioned.
No answer, as Okano looked thoughtfully at the game machine. “Earth to Okano~” He sang, waving a hand in her face.
Then she did it.
Something he hadn’t expected, but really it shouldn’t have even surprised him.
Okano swung her leg out before letting it collide against the machine’s ticket base. A booming thud rang out.
And almost immediately, tickets began streaming out. 
Kimura’s jaw dropped.
“There, it’s all fixed,” Okano smiled with a shrug.
“Are you crazy?” The words escaped his mouth instantly. “You pulled out some assassin moves just to fix a ticket machine?!”
“Well yeah~You can get your tickets now!”
“How did you even know that would work?! And doesn’t your foot hurt like hell?”
Okano laughed. “Honestly, I had no idea if it would work. But it did!” She glanced at her foot. “And it doesn’t hurt. That part of the machine is pretty hollow, and my foot has hit harder things so...”
Kimura frowned at her.
“I promise it’s fine!” Okano held her hands up. “Woah...look at your tickets! I think you can get a stuffed animal with this number!”
“Yeah maybe-” Kimura was cut off by a stern voice barking at them.
“Hey! You kids!”
They both jolted up as one of the mall security guards stormed towards them, followed by as pissed-off arcade worker, who pointed at them. “Those kids broke the machine to steal extra tickets!”
Kimura felt his mouth go dry. Still he tried to shout, “Wait no! It’s a misunderstanding, I got 5000! But it got stuck-”
And then he was cut off by Okano yanking his arm away with a strength he could only imagine having. The next few seconds felt like a blur and before he knew it, the two of them were running in the lobby of the mall.
“Come on, you idiot! You’re the fastest runner in the class, act like it!” Okano yelled, purposely agitating him. Still, Kimura fell for it and his speed increased immensely in just a second. Now, Okano was trying to catch up to him. 
Kimura dashed through the numbers of people walking by, being mindful to dodge anyone, especially the elderly or some children... He shouted out a “Sorry!” and an “Excuse me!” as he moved.
It sounded odd but he could hear Okano’s footsteps behind him, even amongst the clusters of normal civilians. Probably from all the times they trained together. Her steps were light and bouncy, barely touching the floor as she kept a stable balance. He always thought to himself how Okano moved like she could walk on air.
He made a sharp turn around a mall corner, narrowly avoiding a collision with three girls just trying to walk by. “Ah, I’m so sorry!”
“What the hell- wait...Kimura?” One of the girls breathed.
Kimura’s head snapped up at the familiar tone and he realized in horror who the girls were. “Kataoka! Yada! Kurahashi!” He laughed sheepishly. “How’s your shopping going?”
“Fine~!” Kurahashi chirped, somehow balancing five huge bags on one of her arms alone.
Kimura smiled at her. “That’s good...” He laughed nervously again. “Well, I should continue on my way-”
Kataoka leveled him a sharp glare, leaning in closer. “What do you think you’re doing, running around the mall like a maniac? And where’s Hinata?!”
“There you are!” All four of them jolted, looking up to see the security guard. Standing right beside him was a very annoyed-looking Okano, crossing her arms. Ah, so she got caught...
“I’m gonna need you to come to our office,” the guard spoke sternly, looking straight at Kimura. 
He sighed, stepping forward to comply before passing a pleading glance to the girls. Kurahashi frowned, Yada sighed, and Kataoka shut her eyes irritably. Then she spoke. “Officer...we’re friends with them, so we’ll come along too, if that’s okay.”
“Alright then.”
The girls followed them warily and Kataoka leaned in to whisper to Yada. “I hope your negotiating skills will come in handy now...”
“Oh man,” Maehara wheezed, clutching his stomach. “Banned from the mall for a month?!” He burst out laughing again.
“Yeah...” Kimura’s head was dropped into his arms, which rested on the table of the cafe they were at.
“I’m glad you find this act of immaturity so funny,” Kataoka commented dryly, taking another sip of her latte. The liquid scorched her throat a bit, but she needed the caffeine at that moment. 
“Actually, I find it hilarious,” Maehara corrected. “Seriously, how did all that even happen? Why’d you run away?”
“I’d like to know too,” Isogai chimed in tiredly.
“Uh, haven’t you heard of fleeing from the scene of a crime?” Okano snapped, but it lacked its usual bite as she reached over for her hot chocolate.
“That only works if you can’t get caught,” Yada pointed out with a giggle, adjusting her scarf.
“Aw man,” Maehara chuckled, toning it down at the sight of Okano’s pout. “It’s okay guys. We’ll laugh about this in the future.”
“You’re laughing about it now,” Kataoka muttered sourly.
Maehara ignored her. “One day, we’ll look back on this as a super fond memory,” he said confidently, throwing an arm around Kimura.
“Not to mention, it was pretty cool how you used your kick, Hina!” Kurahashi chimed in, hugging her.
“Yeah, pretty badass,” Isogai agreed, flashing her a smile.
Okano’s lips curved up. “Thanks, guys...”
“I guess the whole thing was pretty ridiculous,” Kimura said. “Sorry for stressing you out, Kataoka...”
She waved him off but her gaze softened. “Just don’t let this happen ever again.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Maehara clasped his heads behind his head. “Ah, by the way, I’m gonna have to leave sooner than I thought.”
Yada squinted at him. “...Why?”
“Well, there’s this Christmas event at another store where they need a guy in a Santa costume...and you know...the elves are all pretty girls, so I gotta help them out-”
All his friends let out a collective groan. 
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hey pal just wanted to make sure everything was okay ❤️
don’t feel like you need to rush this new chapter just to please us, if you need to wait until this weekend to post I totally understand, I don’t even have sick kids and life is chaotic rn, I’ve had to message my editor multiples times this past week that things were gonna be late so I -get it-
hope all is well,
Hello sweet mushroom anon <3 I am okay, I promise, I am just hectically busy and found myself overwhelmed with everything outside kids and cleaning house and other real life things. Idk why life is so chaotic right now -- because I've talked with other friends lately too and everyone just seems to be in a state of existential panic -- but thank you so much for your kind assurances. I'm glad it's not just me that's been fraying at the edges lately.
I'm doing my best not to beat myself up for the chapter not being ready, while also still holding myself accountable to sit down and get it done? It's a crazy balancing act, but I'm hoping to get the hang of it soon. Unfortunately that meant I had to put something on the back burner, or risk burning my metaphorical house down, so that ended up being social media. Just for a few days(or a week) while I get my feet back under me and a handle on my rapidly spinning world. I apologize if I worried you (or anyone else reading this) but I will be back with posts this weekend I assure you. And I am doing okay <3
But today has been good, my kids are healthy again, and I managed to work on the chapter a bit tonight, and also somehow found time to do laundry and bake banana bread muffins so I am doing pretty well -- if I do say so myself. xD
Thank you for checking in on me. I appreciate it so much, especially when I have to up and disappear for a few days.
Take care my dear friend. I hope all is well with you, too.
P.S. To my other followers and messages in my inbox that are probably a week old at this point, I will answer you as soon as I get this chapter completed. You are the reward for me in this carrot/stick situation. But I have seen them, and I love you all so much. 💕💕
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for?  Maybe for half an hour? Mine are never that bad.
What type of TV shows are your favourite?  Not a big TV show type of person to begin with since it seems as if my attention span wasn’t built for once-a-week, season-breaks kind of content haha. I do like sitcoms, I guess...bite-sized ones like Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Big Bang Theory, etc. Drama shows I’d bite into if the plot is extremely intriguing to me or relevant to my interests, like The Crown or Breaking Bad.
Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything?  I was before then I wasn’t for a very long time, then I came back just recently with this BTS shit I got myself into.
Do you know anyone who has died in battle?  Hmm. I don’t think so. My great-grandpa lived a few more decades after the war.
When was the last time you went on an adventure?  July. My friends and I spent the whole day driving around and stopping by sooo many spots around the metro. It was a lot of fun and we were fucking b e a t after.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner?  I dunno. My mom mainly uses ours.
Are you good at rapping?  I have a number of songs and verses memorized that I can recite quite okay, but I can’t write any of my own.
Name one world issue that upsets you.  Racism.
How do you feel about tanning?  I never saw the the big deal. I will say tanning beds and salons are such a culture shock to me, though. Are some people really that obsessed with modifying their skin tone?
Have you ever given a public speech? Hmm, just the one time I was entered into a public speaking competition and was given a topic to talk about on the spot. That was honestly a lot of fun and I wish there were more opportunities to do that exact same thing.
Do you read comic books?  No. I tried getting into that whole thing, but didn’t see the appeal.
Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved?  Not always but if I’m starting to feel left out or awkward, I will start to ask a question here and there to ease my way into the conversation. But if the topic is clearly none of my business then I do stay out of the way.
Kiss with your eyes open or closed?  Closed.
Do you believe you can change someone?  This isn’t a black and white matter, I think. The idea of changing a person can have a lot of layers; in my org, for instance, I got to pick up a few quirks and behaviors from my friends just by being around them for a long time – in that sense, I changed. But you can also strive to change someone who’s struggling and try to make them become happy, which I tried to do with my ex – which of course I learned the hard way that you can’t change someone if in that context.
How did you react when your first pet died?  I was bummed out but didn’t throw a fit.
Have you ever drawn anime?  No.
Can you use a pogo stick?  I’ve never even seen one in real life. I’m dying to try it out just once.
When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like?  I don’t like anybodyyy.
Do you like bathing/showering?  I mean...yes? Like I’m not obsessed with showering, but it’s a necessity that I have to regularly do anyway lmao.
Have you ever considered entering a race?  Sure! Just give me a couple of weeks to practice because my endurance and stamina are embarrassing.
Rihanna or Lady Gaga?  Rihanna.
Who was your first good kiss with?  My ex.
What accessory do you want in your bedroom?  SHELVES
What do you take the most pictures of?  My experiences.
What are you always in the mood for?  Starbuuuuuuckssssssss.
What is something that you never turn down?  A day out with friends. I’ll always make time. What is something that you always turn down when offered?  Food, if I’m a guest at someone else’s place.
Name something sexy about your significant other.  I don’t have any.
What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up?  Surveys, I guess. I enjoy them too much and have been doing them for nearly a decade.
If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be?  Tennis.
If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be?  PIANO.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician?  Surgeon. I would be too terrified seeing dead people, anyway.
Have you ever been on a subway? Nope.
Are you in love?  No.
Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing?  Sure. Softly, roughly...both are fine hahaha.
Do you want to get married when you’re older?  I hope so. I want my turn, too.
What was the last band shirt you wore?  Eh, I don’t own any. I wore a fanmade V-themed shirt yesterday, if that counts.
You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose?  OMGGGG that sounds so fucking good rn. Chocolate chip cookie dough.
Have you ever given someone flowers?  Mhm, I used to give my ex bouquets whenever it was our anniversary.
What day of the week is usually your busiest day?  Monday like 98% of the time, so I hate them. It ultimately varies, though. Sometimes some days are a hell of a lot more hectic than others.
Do you have any concerts coming up? I mean...obviously not.
Do you like or hate the smell of fish?  Oh yessssssss. The smell of seafood/ocean always makes me fucking drool.
What’s your favorite brand of chips?  Pringles, or this local brand of salted egg chips that I love to get.
Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud?  Yeah, once. We had to write a poem as our homework and my teacher picked out a couple that he thought were the best-written, and one of them was mine even though I still firmly believe I did a shit job.
Do you like pineapple?  Oh god no. One of the worse fruits I’ve had.
Does your house have a dishwasher?  No. It seems to be just a Western thing.
Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo?  I probably do, but I just can’t give you a lineup of names. Flower tattoos seem to be trendy these days, especially in the line style.
How many different languages can you say goodbye in?  So I have goodbye, paalam, 안녕히 가세요, adios, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, au revoir...so that’s 7.
Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies.  Ummmm definitely childish and I can feel that the humor tries so hard sometimes but I do enjoy some of his movies, like 50 First Dates. 
Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for?  Yeah, I mentioned this on a previous survey.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail?  No, I’ve never dated anyone who’s been imprisoned.
If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it?  I ‘babysat,’ but technically all eldest Asian daughters are expected to look out for their younger siblings and cousins anyway. I didn’t actively enjoy it, but sure, it was fun playing with them and it’s always nice to be viewed as responsible.
What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds?  I don’t eat sunflower seeds. I don’t dislike them, I just really never seek them out.
Do you get cold easily?  Yes.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house?  Hmm no. If we do get visited they are almost always too small to be seen.
Do you admire nature?  Yeah, I try to be around it as often as I can.
Name one naughty thing you’ve done.  Had sex while a few people were in the same room. I pay for it now hahaha; those friends who had the misfortune to be in that situation have never let me live it down and it’s one of their go-to stories when I’m being introduced to new friends.
Name two of your favorite things as a child.  I loved everything Bratz. I also liked Play-Doh.
Do you own a Pillow Pet?  No, I’ve never even heard of that.
Do you tend to solve problems with violence?  Never.
Have either of your parents gone to jail?  Nope.
Do you know a hoarder?  I heard my grandma had been one, but I didn’t see traces of it when I used to visit her. I guess she had been when she was younger and stronger. I show traces of hoarding too, but I don’t think it’s at a concerning level; I literally just threw out a bunch of shit in my room I’ve hoarded over the last five or so years.
Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows?  I don’t touch them; I’m never all that worried about my appearance. On very rare instances, I will shave some of the excess hair off. Do you have any interesting scar stories?  None of them are interesting tbh, just results of my own stupidity.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs?  I don’t hate their texture but I also just don’t enjoy meatballs in general. I find them boring, which has always led me to think if they’re really supposed to be just boring clumps of meat or if I’ve just always been served average meatballs.
Do you get migraines? Yes, I usually get one after work. They’ve decreased in frequency now but one will drop by every now and then to give me a shit time.
Do you like guns?  No.
Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') < Yes! Except cockroaches.
How much time do you spend taking surveys?  I dedicate an hour or so every weekend. I often wish I can allot more time, but I also have other hobbies and interests I would usually want to catch up on during the weekends. 48 hours is just too short :(
Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t even need to think about it.
Would you like to work at a candy shop?  Uh no. If I had to, it would be on the back-end, maybe in the corporate side of things lol.
Do you have feelings for someone?  Nope.
Which one of your guy friends is the best looking?  JM.
Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf?  No.
Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player?  I don’t use music players anymore but my Spotify always reminds me of how much I listen to BTS whenever they do one of their quirky listening habit reports lol.
Which song describes your mood at the moment?  I want to go with RM’s Bicycle just because I’m feeling quite content and relaxed at the moment.
Which movie(s) do you quote the most?  Eh, I’m not a big movie quoter.
Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date?  I honestly don’t see any of them as date-able.
Would you ever let anybody else drive your car?  Sure. I’ve let Hans and Gab drive it countless times when I’ve had too much to drink. It’s a small car and is fairly easy to use and navigate. I would let Anj use it too at some point, but I want her to perfect her u-turns first hahahaha.
Which one of your friends will be the most successful?  It’s already one of my friends to begin with but I’m not naming names. They come from a privileged background to begin with and their godfather already handed one of his companies down to them, so. They were also told the CEO position is already a sure slot for them.
What store did you last shop at?  I wanna say NCAT, this Korean-themed store that sells trinkets and jewelries and plushies and stuff. They also sell BTS albums so Anj and I dropped by to check out and touch all the albums we can’t afford yet HAHA
Do you think telepathy is real?  No.
When did you last draw something for fun?  Last Saturday when I played an online drawing/guessing game with my uncles and aunts.
Who makes the most in your entire family?  My dad.
Do you like writing essays?  I love essays, it’s my favorite writing piece to make.
Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal?  It turns into one when it gets obsessive, like when people get excessive plastic surgeries specifically to look like another person. I’m looking at you, fucking Oli London.
Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up?  It’s picked up.
When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands?  I look away and just sneeze. Sometimes I’ll put up my elbow.
Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? Erm, I usually had it at night. I only had morning sex when we would spend the night; and I nearly never had noon sex.
Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test?  No.
Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?  Gun to my head, Lil Wayne.
Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently:  Reena!!! I’m so grateful Angela introduced us to each other :) We both tend to get shy so we don’t actually actively get chatty when we see each other irl, but I love her presence and I love that she is my friend. I make up for it by being super friendly and wacky in our group chat haha. Does your car have a sunroof?  No. We used to have a car that did, but we had to sell that during the peak of the pandemic.
Are you closer to your mom or your dad?  Dad.
Have you ever had a friend with benefits? No.
Who’s the last person you cuddled with?  My ex.
Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook?  Yeup.
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