#borrower knacks
brothersapart · 1 month
Hey, so I had a guess for Stan Baker's knack. I read a post that it had been used in Brothers Chosen, and I thought about how Dean had somehow managed to forget an entire being on his person. Who also might have been a threat to him. So does Stan have like a stealth ability to kinda make people forget he's there. Like how sometimes someone is so quiet that people forget they are there?
( @borrowedtimeandspace )
This is actually the closest guess to his actual knack that anyone's gotten, so we're gonna give it to you!
Attention Manipulation: The ability to psychically manipulate a human's attention.
Stan's knack works a bit similarly to John Winchester's, in that he is able to divert humans' attention from himself if he focuses on it. In the case of the scene you mentioned in Live and Let Die, Dean was a bit distracted doing what he was doing on that hunt, but Stan was definitely putting out 'don't look in your pocket' vibes that sealed the deal. At least for a bit.
While Stan concentrates on not being seen, humans' eyes won't focus on him and/or they might ignore his general vicinity. Even if he were out in the open and a human tried looking right where he was, with his knack active their gaze would simply slide off him like... uh, whatever it is water slides off. It's an incredibly useful skill for a borrower to have, and even in AU like Brothers Chosen where he doesn't realize he has it, he can still use it!
And though it isn't as easily discovered by him, his knack also works in the reverse: Stan can draw a human's focus towards himself, making it difficult for them to ignore him or even look away if he's really digging in. This could be a handy tactic for diversion, or a way to alert a friendly human that something's going on with him.
Like most knacks, Stan's does have its limits and rules. It works similarly to Sherlock's knack, where it only affects Stan at its base level but he can train it to affect others in a larger area with much greater effort and higher chance of burnout. It also doesn't affect borrowers/littles' attention at all, so even if he's fully hidden from human view, a fellow smol will be able to see him just fine.
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borrowedtimeandspace · 11 months
The Looming Doctor
5. Caught
From this list of gt prompts.
AU: Unknown BAU; Pocketlock
Sherlock’s ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps, yanking him out of his reverie. He dropped the food in his hands in shock. The human was right outside, and there was no mistaking that limping gait. How had Sherlock not noticed earlier?!
Faster than Sherlock could ever hope to be, the human stepped into the kitchen in time for the tiny man to shoot to his feet.
Doctor John Watson spotted him right away, and he and Sherlock froze. 
Staring at each other.
Sherlock snapped out of it first, heart pounding as he sprinted for the edge of the table.
“He-hey! Wait!” John cried. Sherlock flinched as the human’s voice bombarded the silence of the room and rumbled through Sherlock’s very being. Then the table beneath his running feet began to shake, and Sherlock threw a glance over his shoulder to find John coming closer, his free hand raised placatingly.
All Sherlock saw was hands. Dangerous appendages built for grabbing, lifting, crushing– the most unpredictable part of the human body. Sherlock was decidedly against having anything to do with them and, in his panic, did the only thing he could think to do.
He concentrated, and everything around him fell slightly out of focus. All noises were muffled far into the background, and when he looked back at John, he was moving so slowly that he might as well be still.
Sherlock let out a relieved breath, but kept going, knowing this wouldn’t last long.
Ever since Sherlock was a teenager, he’d noticed a tingle on the back of his neck in certain situations. Dangerous ones, in which it was likely that he’d end up in some kind of trouble. And he found that when he concentrated on it, everything and everyone around him slowed down significantly. 
For just a moment, Sherlock was faster than the entire world.
The catch was, if Sherlock kept this up for too long, he would tire. Growing up training himself to control this ability, he often worked himself into pounding headaches and intense nose-bleeds. He counted it worth it now that years later, he was able to slow time around him on command.
As swiftly as he could, Sherlock snagged the thread on the edge of the table and slid all the way down to the floor. He retrieved his hook and gathered the line before ducking behind the leg of a chair and returning himself to the natural flow of time. Here he could catch his breath and recover his energy.
High above, John sucked in a gasp. Sherlock side-eyed the man’s feet as they shuffled indecisively. Then they and the cane circled around the table in their stilted pace until they carried John to the space between the table and the counter, and Sherlock cursed under his breath. John had cut off his quickest exit. Sherlock couldn’t risk passing so close to the human. He needed a new route.
Sherlock’s eyes darted to a hole in the wall across the room, adjacent to a loosened outlet under a smaller table. 
Just as the human bent to peer under the table to see where Sherlock had gone, the borrower slowed him down again and dashed to the far leg of the table on the diagonal from his previous hiding spot. There he took refuge again, taking a breather from using his ability. Not only were these sprints wearing him out, but it had been ages since he’d used his knack this much. The all-too-familiar fatigue of overuse was creeping up on him.
John Watson had no such impediment. A glance back revealed the doctor straightening in surprise, rising out of Sherlock’s line of sight. This time, John’s approach around the table was much more swift, and Sherlock had no choice but to make a run for the exit without the aid of his ability.
A shadow fell over Sherlock, and he had just enough time to see the mug before it dropped on top of him and trapped him in darkness.
Even with his limp, John was much faster than Sherlock could hope to be on his own.
John sat frozen on the floor, in utter shock.
The last thing he’d expected when he came home to grab a quick lunch was a miniature man standing on a plate of scones. He could hardly believe his eyes, especially when the little being fell out of focus and became a speedy blur zooming over the edge of the table.
A shot of adrenaline coursed through John, driving him forward to find where the creature had gone. He had no ill will toward whatever it was, but he was too curious to let it get away.
This is what drove him to trap the little guy, but now that he was there, staring at his mug, he had no clue what to do.
It took him a second to realize he was being shouted at.
John could hear light taps against the porcelain of the mug in between muffled outbursts. He leaned in to listen.
“I’m talking to you!” the tiniest baritone echoed slightly in the small space. “I know you’re out there, I demand to be released!”
John stiffened, finally starting to think about all this from the smaller man’s perspective. Chased and trapped by a person several times larger than himself, with no means of escape even with that hat trick of his. To this little fellow, John was hardly more than a giant in his way.
John had always been average height, oftentimes shorter than others. Never once had he ever felt so ridiculously large, frightening, dangerous.
He was already feeling guilty for what he’d done, reaching toward the mug to free the tiny man when his voice rang out again, freezing up John’s hand.
“Answer me, damn you!” Another dull tap against the side of the mug, possibly a kick. John opened his mouth to say something as per the man’s request, but nothing came.
The quietest sigh strained the edges of John’s hearing, and the tiny man sounded a little more dejected when he spoke up again.
“Or at the very least, you could hurry up and get the dissection over with. I’d say the suspense is killing me, but that would be redundant, now wouldn’t–!”
Sherlock’s remark was cut short as John lifted the mug away without warning. He winced in the sudden light and, thanks to the way he’d been leaning on the wall of the mug, tumbled onto his back. When he looked up at John’s hovering face, he found it ashen and full of shock.
“You think I…” John blinked rapidly at the tiny man on his back on the floor, lifting one arm to shield his eyes and feebly defend himself against John. “I...I’d never...” His insistent protest trailed off as the thought of dissecting a living person, no matter how small, turned his stomach. It was a disturbing notion, downright cruel, and John felt terrible for giving this stranger the impression that he’d do such a thing.
He must’ve looked like a monster, crouched on the floor over the smaller man like a predator cornering its prey.
John shook his head numbly, grabbing his discarded cane for support as he pushed himself to his feet. While he still hated towering over Sherlock, he couldn’t keep the man where he clearly didn’t want to be.
“I’m sorry,” John breathed, putting the mug down on the table. He took the long way around to the door out of the kitchen and left without looking back.
Sherlock remained on the floor for another minute or two after John left. Scrambling to his feet, he stared at the door and waited for the human to come back and catch him again.
But he didn’t.
With a huff, Sherlock combed his fingers through his mess of curls and straightened his clothes importantly as he made his way to the nearby hole in the wall. The sooner he was out of sight in his hidden home, the sooner he could think long and hard about what had just happened.
This human already had the advantage of being over a dozen times bigger and stronger than himself, how dare he be confusing on top of that!
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glitch-e-rat · 5 months
new headphones! sorta cheapies but they're blue with a rainbow and butterfly motif on the sides. love it :)
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badjokesbyjeff · 1 year
A frog goes into the bank…
and hops up to a teller. He can see from her name plate that she is called Patricia Whack, so he says "Ms. Whack, I'd like to borrow $30,000, please." The teller asks for his name and the frog replies that he is Kermit Jagger, son of Mick Jagger, and a personal friend of the bank manager. Unconvinced, Ms. Whack explains she will need some identity and also some security against his loan. The frog produces a tiny pink porcelain elephant and hands it to her. The confused teller says she will have to consult with her manager. 'There's a frog called Kermit Jagger at the counter who wants to borrow $30,000," she tells her boss. "And what do you think this elephant is about?" The manager looks back at her and says "It's a knick-knack, Patti Whack, give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.'
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farmerstarter · 3 months
Hi!! Could you do Sam HCs? It can be literally anything. I just love him so much :)
ʚ🛹ɞ ˚ · . Random Sam Headcanons
Tags: Sam from SDV x gn! reader
Hi! I'm so sorry for the super super super late response. Life has been pretty busy for the past few months and I haven't had the time to get on Tumblr. But, I'm slowly coming back to it! Anyway, likes and reblogs are appreciated. Hope you enjoy, loves! 🌷🫶
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🎸 He was absolutely thrilled when you asked him to teach you how to skateboard. He immediately came knocking on your door the first thing in the morning the day after you brought it up, carrying his skateboard and some gear. You two spent the whole day going over the basics, with Sam holding your hands and trying not to laugh when you would scream over the tiniest things (“I’m going to die, Sam!” “It’s just a pebble!”). A cute add-on: Vincent and your pet would tag along sometimes, and they took it upon themselves to be your personal cheerleaders. After some time and a few bumps and bruises, you and Sam would often skateboard all around the town, trying to impress each other with tricks. Sam has your name etched on his skateboard, and you have his name on yours.
🎸 Personal HC where Sam and Vincent stumbled inside the fruit bat cave while they were visiting. Sam got bit by a bat, nothing too serious. Vincent is horrified, and Sam decided to mess with him by pretending to be a vampire. Suspiciously, you find yourself missing a jar of your homemade jam. Turns out, Sam “borrowed” it (And by that, I mean he scribbled a little note on the place where your jam used to be), and covered it all over his face pretending it’s blood. He got a big scolding from Jodi right after though.
🎸 Sam and Krobus friendship, Sam and Krobus friendship, Sam and Krobus friendship! It all started when Sam looked into the sewer to show Vincent that no, there is no monster in the sewage canal. He was soon face to face with a shadow man and it was over. Krobus has a knack for beating the hard levels on Sam's video game and their friendship budded from there. Sometimes, Sam would disguise Krobus with his clothes so they can watch movies in the cinema together. You found out about them when you walked in on Sam trying to teach Krobus how to play the drums in the greenhouse.
🎸 Sam asked Jodi to teach him how to bake after he had the bright idea to ask you out on a picnic when you two started dating. It all started when Penny showed him those fancy little cakes that she ordered from Zuzu City as a treat for Vincent after the kid passed his math exam. Penny mentioned how you saw those cakes when she bumped into you by the bus stop and thought they were cute. Cue a light bulb in Sam’s head. Sam’s not the best cook, but he’s got the enthusiasm. He ended up with a lopsided two-tier cake with a little blob of fondant on top of it (Vincent’s lips pursed, “What’s with the brown rock?” Sam sputtered while Jodi’s laughter chittered in the air close by. “It’s a chicken!”). Sam would make up for it years later when he would remake the same cake for your wedding anniversary.
🎸 Sam would randomly call you in the middle of a rainy day and just play guitar riffs. No words exchanged. When he’s done, he will just hang up.
🎸 Sam gives you pretty seashells that he and Vincent dig up on the beach (sometimes with a little help from Elliott and Willy) instead of flower bouquets. He doesn’t want to risk sneezing all over you when the pollen would inevitably make his nose red.
🎸 Sam had a whole phase of wearing a cowboy hat when he’s working on the farm for the first few months.
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izvmimi · 6 months
When you finally move into Yuuji’s small apartment, a few days after your college graduation, and with the last of your treasured belongings stuffed into two suitcases he’s carried for you from the train station, it finally hits you.
This is it. 
It’s not the first time you’ve been here, and obviously it won’t be the last, but there’s some sort of an emotion that sits heavily in your chest, that brings you to near tears, not unlike the time he first told you that he loved you, selfishly despite living on borrowed time, but yet still different - weighted down with immense hope and affection.
This is your home now. You, as in you and Yuuji. You’ll return to roost in the same place every night, you’ll share hundreds, thousands of meals together, you’ll murmur your unfiltered, unprocessed thoughts to each other in the dead of the night, inches apart with one side of the bed preferred over the other and nowhere else to hurry to before the trains and taxis stop.
There will be fewer goodbyes, and more good mornings and good nights. There will be furniture (the good kind) and fixtures that you’ll keep for longer than a couple school years, knick-knacks you’ll buy for each other and lose all over the home, surfaces you’ll stain with sweat, and tears, and blood and other things, laughter that will bounce off the walls and piss off your neighbors. 
Those same walls are bare, and you’ll fill them with pictures of him and you, and all your friends and family, and whoever you meet in your lives together and-
You glance at Yuuji and find that he’s not focused on you, rather scratching his head nervously as his eyes search frantically for dust or dirt he’s failed to clear away, anything he forgot to repair, anything lewd, anything carelessly messy. It’s one thing to have your girlfriend over for winter or summer break, and yet it’s another to put her on her lease, he’s aware, with the expectation to never part.
A new start, wrapped within a still blossoming love story. 
“Is it okay?” He asks finally, a tiny waver of apprehension in his voice. Neither of you have moved since he set your things down, facing forward. Both of your thoughts are racing, your hearts thump relentlessly in your chests. He sighs, voice light. “Work’s kept me so busy so I’m sorry if it’s too messy, I promise I’m not a slob.” 
He grips the handle of your suitcases again, ready to trudge his way to his - your - bedroom, as if any more hesitation will allow you to change your mind. You turn your face in his direction suddenly, and he catches the movement, looking at you with curiosity.
“I love you.”
The declaration comes out before you realize what you’re saying, and immediately you’re embarrassed, but Yuuji’s eyes light up, and his lips pull into a smile. Moving quickly, he lets go of the load he’s carrying, and cups your face in his hands and leans in. He doesn’t kiss you yet, but your lips part anyway, and his eyes shine brightly with devotion.
“I love you more. Welcome home.”
His lips press against yours and you let your arms wrap around his neck, and in that kiss is a promise that no matter what, you’ll always come home and neither he, nor you, will ever be alone again.
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day/night, and I was hoping to put in a request if you don't mind! So, what if Hobie and reader are exploring an abandoned building/apartment? Like, it's all fun, and it's relatively well-lit, but there are some dark places. Eventually, they find the stairs of the building and start climbing up, all while exploring a few rooms on the way up, seeing what people wrote on the walls and all. Soon, they get up to the building and reader has their back turned to Hobie, who manages to slip half of a matching jewelry or something he managed to get, whether it be stolen or bought from a small business is up to you!:) Of course, you are able to change some stuff to your liking!
Thank you for requesting!!! 😘❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mentions, cw violence mention, FLUFF
“Seventh date and you finally decided to murder me.” You say as you stand apprehensively in front of an abandoned building. Its concrete walls are crumbling, the old facade full of colorful graffiti. The crickets chirp behind it, the thicket providing the extra creep factor that makes your skin crawl.
“Nah, I've decided that would be for our anniversary.” Hobie takes his helmet off while you simmer from his comment.
He wants to continue to more than seven dates, he wants to stay with you and have an actual anniversary. You can't believe how you got so lucky. And he thinks the same for him, he can't fathom why you stayed this long, especially now that he has brought you to an abandoned dilapidated property. He can't believe you're not running away and screaming bloody murder, you must really fancy him.
Cheeks warm, arms crossed to fight the biting cold, and the moonlight shining directly down on you like you were chosen by the goddess herself, Hobie can't help but sigh in wonderment.
“You're staring. Again.” You hide your sudden shyness with your scarf. “You're definitely gonna kill me, obsession is a trait most killers have you know.”
He chuckles, boots slowly inching closer to you, “what else do they have?” He taunts, a playful smile on his lips.
Christ it's getting harder and harder for you to not kiss him. You really want to, ever since he gave you your own helmet on your fourth date, with him saying that it's an investment for future dates so you don't have to keep borrowing his own. You swear you've never wanted to kiss someone this much in your entire life.
You pretend to think, “they're incredibly charming.” He gives you his best smile whilst slowly coming closer. “They have a knack for making people trust them, and in turn making them vulnerable.”
Hobie stands toe to toe with you, feigning intimidation. You again resist the urge to kiss him. “Do I make you feel vulnerable, love?”
You wave your bashfulness away, tugging him by the lapels of his leather jacket, you pull him closer. “No, that's for our twelfth date.”
He breaks the bit you two have going on, laughing, he holds your face in his cool hands, squeezing your equally cool cheeks. “Lookin' forward to it.”
You mirror his smile, “yeah, I'll be super vulnerable that day, so you better reschedule my murder on that day instead.” Cheeks still squished, your comment was a garbled mess. Good thing he speaks fluent Y/N.
“I'll keep that in mind,” Hobie leans close, lips dangerously close to yours, “you're right about one thing though,” his breath fans against your lips, and the anticipation is killing you. “I'm bloody charmin’” Abruptly leaning away, he leaves you standing on the pavement dazed and confused.
His laugh wakes you up, turning around, you see his satisfied smile and his twinkling eyes. He beckons you over, the metal of his jacket clinking from his movement. “You comin'? Or you're still frozen from my charm?”
You put your hands on your hips, exasperated but happy and smitten. “I change my mind, I think I should be the one who gets to murder you.”
Hobie guffaws, his loud laugh echoing around the vast and empty space. “If you can catch me!” He sprints off, entering the building, leaving you alone. In the dark. Where there might be creatures lurking.
“That little shit.” Something rustles in the bushes, and you make a run for it. “You little shit!” You scream after him. “Get back here!”
Your footsteps echo in the darkness, with only the moonlight peeking through the cracks in the concrete as your guide, you huff in place. The musty and earthy smell of the building jumps at you. There's water dripping from somewhere, and there's old broken furniture littered around the place. You deduce it was a mansion before it was abandoned, just based on the fact that there's a huge chandelier on the floor.
“Keep this up, Hobie, and there won't be an eighth date!” Voice carried off by the wind, a light hits the side of your face.
“Don't even joke about that, love. That's fuckin’ scary.” Hobie finally shows himself, torch in hand, and a deep frown on his previously smiling lips.
“Scarier than this place?”
“Yes, how are you gonna kill me on our anniversary if we can't even have an eighth date?” He hands you a spare torch, hands brushing along yours. The pads of his fingers linger for a second more. “‘m sorry for leavin’ you, I won't do it again. I promise this place is safe, yeah? And it'll be worth it.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, “please tell me you're not planning on snogging me here.”
Hobie makes an offended face, scoffing, “nah, our first kiss here? Get off it, I'll kiss you like a proper gentleman, with roses littered on the floor and romantic music playing.” You snicker, and he does the same. Eyes full of endearment for you, he continues. “I’ll even add a home cooked meal into the mix.”
You relent, looping your arms over his neck, you can't help but smooch his cheek. “I'll take the home cooked meal.”
He embraces your middle, “I hope you like pesto, and the most delicious cheesecake you'll ever have in your entire life.”
“I like them both, especially if you're the one making them.” You hug him closer. “Will you let me help at least?”
“How ‘bout you sit on my counter and look pretty instead?”
You look up, pretending to think, “sure thing, handsome. But let me clean up after?”
“That, I can't do, it's against my principles.”
“Oh principles, huh?” You lean your face close, lips ghosting over his own. Taunting him, leading him into a trap, he turns into putty in your arms.
“Mm-hmm, principles.” His tone wavers as he focuses on your pretty lips and how your eyes shine just for him.
Suddenly moving away with a giggle, he looks at you like you just kicked his puppy. “Sucker.” You say, smiling mischievously.
He nods, hands on his hips, bested at his own game. Biting his lips, head down, he doesn't let his giddy smile show itself. “Fuckin' hell,” he could only say while under the fog of affection you created.
“You okay, Hobie?” You duck, peeking at his face to tease him further. “What did you want to show me in this musty place? We did have to ride here for an hour and a half.”
Fixing his composure, he almost loses it again when he sees you playfully tilt your head. Biting his tongue, and trying (and failing) to calm his heartbeat, he finally replies. “Upstairs, love.”
You grin like you've won the biggest teddy bear at the fair. “Okie dokie, upstairs it is.”
“You go first.” He gestures towards the worse for wear stairs with his head.
“And let you pull a fast one on me? Nope, you go first.”
“You go first because if you fall I can catch you, not because I want to take a look at your arse.”
You fake a gasp, “I didn't say anything about looking at my ass, I was talking about you scaring me.” Shaking your head like you're chastising him, you still go up the stairs first. “What was that saying? The one that James said to his girl last week?” You bait him.
“‘I hate to see you leave but love to watch you go?’”
“Hobie!” You giggle out, winning once again.
“I'm startin' to think that I should've gone first.” He says it flatly but his soft smile says otherwise.
The stairs are winding, with every step the stairs get more and more broken than the last. With its cracking and creaking wood, the material has been morphed from the elements through the years. The walls have different graffiti on them, some are cool looking but some are mostly raunchy that are most commonly seen on bathroom stalls.
His arms are ready to catch you when you almost slip on a piece of glass. Hand on the small of your back, he's starting to think twice about bringing to his old spot.
“You alright?” He sighs in relief at your nod. “Careful,” guiding you upwards, for his own sanity, his hand never left your back.
“What’s at the end of the rainbow?” You ask, voice echoing, “Spiderman himself better be waiting for us up there or—” your words get stuck in your throat at the view.
Hobie leads you away from the stairs, and towards the roof. Without the trees blocking the sky, light and smoke pollution hiding the stars, you gasp at the sight. Millions of stars twinkle, no clouds in sight as the full moon greets you back.
“I've never seen so many stars.” You gawk and softly chuckle. “It's beautiful.”
Hobie could only gaze at you as the stars reflect your eyes. “It is.”
After a breath, you look at Hobie with adoration. “Thank you for bringing me here. The trip was worth it.”
He takes your hand, “I used to hang around ‘ere on my own, the view helps.”
“You bring all your girls here?” You joke.
“Nah, only you. Just you, love.” Your heart leaps at the words. The sudden coldness around your wrist almost makes you jump if not for his hold.
“What's this?” Hobie moves his hand away to reveal a silver bracelet with an itty bitty black guitar pick charm. You crane your neck up so fast he thought that you might've broken it. “Hobie,” you say breathlessly. “What— wh—” You clamp your mouth shut when he holds your face gingerly.
“Is this better than havin' spiderman ‘ere?” Hobie leans closer for the third time. He promised that your first kiss wouldn't be in the broken down place, despite its falling walls and waterlogged floors, it has a special place in his heart. It's only appropriate to bring you who has wiggled her way inside his heart to his special place.
“A thousand times better.” Your cold breaths mix together.
“Does this mean I get an eighth date?” His thumb rubs soothingly under your eyes.
“That and a hundred more.” Finally closing the gap, you kiss him like how the stars graze the sky. Softly and tenderly, leaving pieces of yourself in the kiss.
Maybe he'll tell you about his other secret at one of those hundred dates.
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edenesth · 1 month
TWTHH Spinoff: Love to Hate You [Teaser]
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Pairing: royal secretary!San x female scholar!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Summary: San prided himself on his knack for building easy connections with women, viewing himself as a trusted ally for the opposite gender. Thanks to his deep bonds with his mother and sister, he possessed keen insights into the female mindset. Never did he imagine facing the ire of a woman, until he encountered a resolute female scholar with a strong dislike towards men.
A/N: Once again, special thanks to my one and only, my pookie, @itstheghostofmypast, for coming up with the main concept of San's spinoff.
Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist | Part 1
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"I'm just trying to help, Scholar Moon," the royal secretary insisted, his arms emptying as the stack of books he was previously carrying was abruptly snatched away by the newly acquainted female scholar.
You scoffed in response, "I don't remember asking for your help, sir. I understand it must be quite intriguing to meet a female scholar for the first time. However, there's a reason I'm the first. I'm not your typical damsel in distress. I don't need saving. While you may be used to women swooning at your feet, rest assured, I won't be one of them."
San stood in stunned silence as he watched you storming off in a fit of anger, completely taken aback by your hostile response to his well-intentioned gesture.
He had stumbled upon you as you exited the royal library burdened with a stack of borrowed books, his innate helpfulness and gentlemanly nature immediately prompted him to offer assistance without hesitation. But rather than the customary grateful smile and expression of thanks he anticipated, he couldn't believe he was met with such an unexpected and vehement reaction.
Did I... do something wrong?
A court lady standing nearby widened her eyes in disbelief. "Did you seriously just say that? Do you even know who he is?"
You rolled your eyes dismissively. "Probably just a eunuch, why?" you retorted, waving off her concern. "I doubt any high-ranking officials would pay me any mind."
"Well, you're correct about that. He's not a high-ranking official, but he is someone close to the King. He's the royal secretary," she disclosed, causing your heart to nearly stop as you gaped at her.
He's the what?!
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I'll do my best to get the first part out as soon as I can! Hope you're excited about Sannie's spinoff hehe as always, let me know your thoughts on the concept! <3
Tag list (1/9): Tumblr is a bitch and won't let me mention more than 5 users in a single sentence, so now my tag list looks like a complete joke🤡
@itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr |
@cheolliehugs @the-kpop-simp @writingwieny @stayatinykatsy @skzline |
@green-agent @stayinhellevator @vampzity @tinyteezer @evidive |
@vantediary @superbbananananana @kimyeolchan @chocolate-scoups @decadentstrangernacho |
@vic0921 @marievllr-abg @sunnyhokyu @seungmin-in-thebuilding @heyitsmetonid |
@sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @myblovedjyh @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings |
@chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories |
@anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @dollce-exe @jan-l |
@lovelyred2 @haven-cove @watermelon2319 @dreamingofyeo @akimkim |
@scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa |
@ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 |
@naps-over-degree @idfkeddieishot @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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sunnytheopossum · 2 months
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002 & 003
These fellas were originally conceived as a fakemon design contest entry (for the Mazah Fakemon region, hence the borrowed dex format), but even though I didn’t win, I still really love these designs! It’s extremely basic, but I genuinely adore just regular animal-like normal type pokemon, and brown is unironically one of my favorite colors (ALSO I LIKE GREEN SHINIES! THERE, I SAID IT), so these designs were 100% catered to my exact tastes. And who doesn’t like a tapir? Nobody, that’s who.
Taprei (Tapir + prey)
The Tapir Pokémon
Due to their fatty bodies and lack of offensive strength, Taprei are the primary source of food for nearly every predator in the rainforest, including Mazian Persian, Suchobile, Lupacabra, and even human beings.  Because of this, Taprei have evolved a knack for staying hidden, and their elusive nature once led many scientists to believe that they had gone extinct in the wild.
Paropilli (Paraceratherium + tepoztopilli)
The Justice Pokémon
No longer fearing predation, Paropilli develops a strong sense of justice on behalf of smaller, weaker Pokémon.  A single Paropilli will fight to the death in order to protect other Pokémon from predators, and it is not uncommon to see Paropilli among packs of Taprei; apparently training them to evolve.  This display of forethought and empathy is an obvious testament to this Pokémon’s intelligence, though some argue that Paropilli’s coddling of the young and weak disrupts the balance of nature, and makes it more difficult for predatory Pokémon to find food.
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zephyrchama · 19 days
hi!! please can you spare a crumb of leviathan fluff please?
You knocked on the door to Leviathan’s room out of courtesy, but he was already calling for you to “come in.”
“No password?” you asked. You had been expecting a fun trivia question like always.
“No need. I could tell it was you.” From the sound of your approaching footsteps to the way you knock, and even the little pause between those two actions. Everyone seemed to know your distinctive traits better than you did.
“What’s up?” Leviathan didn’t look over. He was too preoccupied with his manga. He held it up in a way that obscured most of his face. His legs were sprawled out on the floor with his back against an ottoman and a stack of the latest releases by his side. Leviathan had a knack for lounging comfortably in the most inconvenient positions.
“I was looking for something to read. Mind if I browse your collection?” "Mmhmm.” Having unfiltered access to Leviathan’s collection was a rare privilege extended only to you, who could be trusted to borrow things without damaging or losing them. Or selling them, spilling food on them, bending the pages. There had been an extensive list of detailed rules you pledged to follow.
You spent a couple of minutes browsing the shelves. Honestly, nothing stood out. The room was silent, save for the occasional turn of a page and the humming of the lights. You were just bored and hoped to spend some quality time with a certain nerd, however, he was busy.
Giving up on the shelves, you decided to plop down in front of Leviathan. He was so immersed in his comic that he didn’t notice. A lead-up to a large-scale battle scene occupied so much of his attention, he failed to realize you were crawling over his legs like a spy in an action flick. You finally grabbed his attention by squeezing your shoulders between his arms, bumping your head against the book as you tried to worm under it.
“Hey! Ahh!” Leviathan was startled. He raised his hands in shock, or maybe to preserve his manga, but either way it created a wider path for you to take immediate advantage of. You snuggled up to his shoulder with the determination of a thousand shounen protagonists.
“What… what? What are…? Whu?” Leviathan was at a loss for words until he finally settled on demanding, “what is this?”
You were still trying to get comfortable, which was causing Leviathan a lot of discomfort. You rolled over to lay your back against his chest and bent your legs over his knees. Tugging his arms back down so you could see the manga, you explained, “I wanted to read this one.”
“It’s volume 18 though…?”
You nodded, “cool.”
“Did you even read the other volumes? You won’t get it at all.”
You tilted your head far back to look up at Leviathan, catching his eye for a brief moment before he glanced away. You felt him shudder. “I wanna read this one, though, so explain it to me.”
Far from the upcoming battle in his manga, Leviathan faced a raging battle in his mind. He couldn’t even remember what happened on the last few pages. He’d have to go back and re-read them.
“If it’s too much, just pretend like I’m not even here. I’ll figure it out on my own,” you said. The art looked good enough that you could admire that, even if you didn’t know anything about the plot.
“As if I could do that,” Leviathan complained. With a sigh, he hooked his arms under yours and brought his legs up so you fit better in his lap. Now you wouldn't slide down or constantly readjust your position. His movements were slow and deliberate attempts to make the both of you comfortable. He was cautious, as if you might jump up and run off at any moment.
“We can voice the lines out loud together,” you suggested, “but you’re gonna have to speak up or I won’t be able to hear you.” A chance to play voice actor sounded great to Leviathan. He was definitely interested. ”I’m right here though? What do you mean you can’t hear me?”
“Sorry, what was that? Come closer, the thumping in your chest is just so loud.”
With an embarrassed groan, he slapped the manga against his head and buried his blush-stained face into your hair where you couldn't see.
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brothersapart · 1 year
I read so much of the brother multiverse and I wonder want are all of the borrower knacks that been revealed like there so much Smol. Also i really appreciate you continuing to upload for these awesome series for so many year!!
Oh, knacks are one of my favorite parts! And they've certainly grown from how they were initially, becoming so important in the stories.
You can find a full list of knacks on this post, along with an explanation I worked out when I finally decided to fully define them.
That list might be missing a few, I think we did officially announce what Sherlock's knack would be while I'm pretty sure John Watson only has some guesses under the #borrower knacks tag I use to keep this sorted out.
(Smaug is trying to preen me while I answer this so I keep getting pecks to the face when I move against his wishes)
Some additional fun facts:
The strongest knack in existence was the ability to smite demons and monsters, just like an angel, and the person who received it was plenty strong enough to put it to use if they ever saw a demon.
Stan Baker has actually already used his knack in his borrower adventure, found in Brothers Chosen, but we won't see it discovered by the characters for a bit.
As useful as knacks are, there are limits to what they can be.
Borrowers cannot change their size.
Borrowers cannot shapeshift.
Borrowers cannot fly or teleport.
If you want to create your own knacks for characters, we'd love to hear the ideas! A great resource for them that I use is the Superpower wiki, and then adjust the power levels to what the borrowers can handle. They're not at the full superhero levels, of course.
Honestly, answering this has jazzed me up again for the stories, I've been trying to break out of a touch of depression the last few months so it's great to feel that energy again! Thanks so much for the ask!
Under the cut, I'll list out the knacks I can find, it might be a project for another day where I see if there's any others we might have announced separately:
Sam Winchester–
Enhanced Awareness: This can either enhance an already understood sense to supernatural levels, or give the borrower a ‘sixth sense,’ much like how Sam can feel if he’s being watched. His ability does not work on other borrowers, the angelic Grace around their souls keeping the perception from working on them. 
Dean Winchester–
Enhanced Tracking: Trackers, like Dean, are able to use their ability to track down their target with undeniable accuracy. There are limits, as Dean can only track down objects he needs. He is unable to apply this to people, and if he can’t conjure up that sense of need, nothing will happen. This is not limited by distance, though if he’s far from an object, he only gets a sense of what direction it’s in. 
John Winchester–
Perception Filter: The ability to be unnoticed and/or ignored in presence and actions. John’s ability is unique, so far as he’s discovered. He is unable to apply this ability to himself, but has found that if he concentrates, he is able to hide his family from notice, even if a human opens up the walls and looks right at them. This allows him to leave without worrying that they will be found, though of course, stuff doesn’t always go to plan.
Mary Winchester–
Terrakinesis: The ability to control the earth. While John’s ability tends towards more protective with his family, Mary is ready to go on the attack. She can’t affect entire buildings like the angels, but she can rock the ground just enough to knock a human off balance, buying time for her to escape. This works when there’s concrete, rock, stone, ect underneath the ground. She is unable to affect wood paneling at all and is cautious if she needs to go over a wood floor. With this ability, she was able to slowly carve out a safe home for her family underneath the ground. Adding in John’s ability to keep the family undetected, it seemed a good place to raise their two boys. Mary keeps several pebbles on her that she can flick at an attacker in case she needs a quick escape. Dean certainly got his accuracy from his mother.
Sherlock Holmes–
Time Distortion: The ability to slow down or stop time. A very strong knack that requires training to sustain for longer than a few seconds. In Sherlock’s case, he is able to slow down time around him, enabling him to escape with a speed that can’t be matched, and make observations that no one else would ever notice. When he stretches his ability, he can include others in this. He can’t stop time like an angel; it will always move forward
Bobby Singer–
Psychometry: Bobby’s knack allows him to learn from books and artifacts at a glance or a touch. He’s unable to read people, but if he gets an item of theirs, he can know what it was used for, how it will be put to use in the close future. This includes seeing that a knife will be used for a murder, before the murder happens.
Jacob Andris–
Supernatural Strength: Some, like Jacob, grow stronger than even other borrowers. This comes from their innate ability to turn their knack on their own bodies by instinct. While Sam and Dean receive the standard borrower strength boost while cursed, allowing them to lift around 12x their body weight, Jacob is able to lift, at only 18, a colossal 42x his natural body weight. If he was human-sized, he could bench a car without breaking a sweat.
Pyrokinesis: The ability to manipulate fire in limited forms. Oscar would not easily discover this knack, as a fire in the motel room walls might cause the entire place to go up in a blaze.
Walt Watch–
Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate objects outside of their direct reach. This can often cause a borrower to be mistaken for a ghost, moving objects in a house without touching them for a distraction. Walt Watch has taken the ability further, freezing two humans in place and later directing his power at himself to force his razor blade through Celeste’s neck despite her angelic invulnerability. This came close to burning out his knack.
Chase Lisong–
Emotional manipulation: The ability to influence the emotions around him, with no need for physical contact. A way for Chase to keep the peace among whichever group he’s in, or, if he can manage to get close enough, make a human tired or inattentive enough to escape notice.
Bobby Loran–
Power borrowing: Bobby is able to borrower the knack of other borrowers for a limited amount of time. One at a time, and since he’s not used to them he wouldn’t have as much finesse with them. He’d be quicker to burn them out than the actual “owner” of the knack.
Minnie Lisong–
Life detection: Very useful for finding out if a human is in a room, or seeing if there is a possibly dangerous rat or spider hiding in the walls.
Mark Bend–
Supernatural Strength: Unlike Jacob, Mark’s ability only applies to his legs. His legs are supernaturally enhanced, able to leap high into the air compared to a regular borrower.
Invisibility: Though the borrower does not make themselves actually invisible in most cases, the invisibility knack allows them to camouflage and blend in to their surroundings. In Sean’s case, he can cause a cloud of distortion that hides himself and any of his friends that stand close enough. 
There are knacks picked out for the following characters, but they have not been announced yet (as far as I remember, feel free to send in a message if I'm just forgetting them!):
John Watson
Stan Baker
Stan Baker's brothers (Seamus, Dylan, Simon and Levi)
Moira Wainscot
Kara Bolt
Adriana of the Woods
Oh! And of course, if you think you know what one of the knacks might be, send in your guess and if you're right, we'll officially reveal it!
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cottagec0relover21 · 16 days
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"A slip of the tongue"
[Chilchuck Tims x gender neutral reader]
Warnings: none ‐ fluff ahead - one suggestive comment
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At some point during the group's adventuring themselves deep into the dungeon once again, although he wasn't sure when, Chilchuck grew accustomed, in a way, to the way you treated him so differently from the rest.
You always liked to tease him and compliment him. Not like you didn't compliment the others. But you seemed to have a knack for sparing all your attention for when he was near you.
And despite his own rules of not mixing his personal life with work, he found himself sighing in annoyance at himself when he noticed how everyday he'd expect, almost too happy for his own liking, a compliment from you.
Today was no different for everyone. They'd been wondering through the halls of the fourth floor when Marcille's stomach rumbled, catching the attention of everyone.
—Sorry... so much walking is making me hungry again— she huffed, knowing damn well that Senshi would probably make them stop to cook another hearty monster based meal.
—Yeah, me too. After all, we've only had those coinbugs today as a snack. They were tasty but not that filling— (y/n) said as they placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. Everyone agreed to keep walking a bit more and then they would stop to eat properly this time.
And when they reached to that point, Senshi murmured something about "keeping the young ones well nourished" and he got to work on the cooking.
Chilchuck offered to help by peeling something he didn't remember the name of right now, and (y/n) couldn't help but stare as he worked skillfully with his hands.
—Those hands would be good with a partner— they mumble to him as they decide to sit by his side. The comment makes his hands falter for a quick moment, and he looks up at them perplexed.
—Don't go around saying things like that!— he huffs to them, a spark of a blush blooming on his frowning face.—That is so inappropriate...— he mumbles with embarrassment as he goes back to peeling, and (y/n) doesn't bother containing the giggle that erupts from them.
—You're so handsome when you blush, you know that?—.
—I'm not blushing— he denied the fact— and yes I am handsome, you don't need to tell me.— Despite his own embarrassment, he didn't pass the opportunity for playful or teasing banter. That's just how he was. And that's just how they loved him.
Marcille watched them and nudged Laios, excited as if she were reading another one of the chapters on her romance novels. Laios just smiled and went back to watching Senshi cook, more interested in the food than in their companions flirting with each other.
Marcille was glad she had something else to pay attention to beside the monster cooking in front of her that she had to consume later.
—You took your gloves off...— (y/n) noticed, paying that much attention to him.
—Well I wouldn't want to... contaminate the food— he mumbled. (y/n) looked at his hands, and then at the gloves, and then at their own hands. They wondered if he wouldn't mind if they just...
Slipping the finger-less gloves on one hand and then the other, the leather cold to the touch, they gasp in an exaggerated manner just to catch his attention.
—They're so comfy— they close and open their hands, and Chilchuck turns their head to see what they were talking about.
—What is–? Hey! Who said you could borrow my gloves?— he forgets the knife and the food he finished peeling and goes to grab their hands— you desperately want to be me that much?— he chuckles teasingly, observing their fingers. —honestly they don't look half bad on you— he places the palms of his hands softly against (y/n)'s, looking at the difference.
—Oh my spells, just kiss already!— shouts an incredibly happy Marcille as she watches them interact in such an adorable way, interrupting their moment.
Chilchuck scoffs, looking away but not letting go of their hands— as if— he mumbles pretending to be upset by her "stupid" comment. In reality, his heart pounded in his chest as the idea flashed on his mind, igniting a blush on his cheeks once again.
—Ouch, you think I'm that ugly?— they pout playfully, placing a hand over their chest in fake hurt.
—I–! stop it!— he tsked, his eyes flying to look at them—I never said that!— he admits aloud.
His cheeks flush further in realization, even his ears going red at his slip.
—Aww— Marcille and Laios watch from the sidelines, amused by how they joked with each other.
—Thank you— (y/n) mumbles to him, sort of embarrassed by the sudden compliment as they watch Chilchuck cross his arms.
—Whatever...— he stands up and walks to where Senshi is, faking sudden interest in the food that was almost done.
His heart beat wildly inside his ribcage, and the thought that, maybe growing closer to one party member wasn't that bad, crossed his mind to stay there for a while.
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summershouto · 3 months
The Hc that Sanji has a small 3 tattoo from Germa BUT he wasn't even aware of it
all of the Vinsmoke kids were tattooed according to their corresponding numbers at a very young age. Young enough that there’s no memory of actually getting the tattoo
Sanji's is very small and the ink was his Germa assigned color yellow, which makes it blend in with his skin a bit. The numbers were printed small and thin to remain inconspicuous. After all, the kids all have noticeable differences, so the tattoos were more of a formality, an insurance, rather than a functioning identifier. essentially the numbers can go unnoticed without careful inspection— and there would be no reason for the kids to analyze their own backs
luffy is the first person to comment on it. he has a knack for catching small details, especially when it pertains to his crew. Maybe he spots it when Sanji is changing or it catches his eye after a shirtless sanji rescues him from the water. Either way, Luffy curiously asks about the mark on Sanjis back. Sanji has no idea what he’s referring to so he dismisses it as another weird Luffy comment and Luffy moves on to something else catching his interest
Chopper is the one who actually tells Sanji about it. After he performs surgery on sanjis back, he informs him that his tattoo was not damaged in any way from his injury or operation. This time Sanji freezes. He has questions- after all Chopper is a medical professional and has no reason to make up stories or ask random meaningless questions. Chopper uses a mirror to show sanji exactly where the tattoo is placed on his back and Sanji goes silent once he realizes what it is and where it must have come from
Chopper is curious about how Sanji ended up with a tattoo he has no memory of, but Sanji waves him off with a lie about getting drunk and entering a tattoo parlor. Chopper respects Doctor-Patient confidentiality of course, so he never brings up the mysterious tattoo again.
Sanji goes to great lengths to keep anyone else from seeing the tattoo. In the bunk room he changes with his back to the wall and in the bath he sinks deeper into the water. No one will ever see his exposed back again.
When he’s alone, Sanji looks at very little else. He quickly learns the best way to position himself to study his reflection. He stares long enough to memorize his own back. He learns he has a few freckles dotted along his spine, his shoulder blades stick out slightly more than average, and of course he knows just how striking the color yellow can be. His eyes are drawn to the mark like a magnet and at times he can practically feel it burning into his skin
He hates it. It’s a direct link to his past- the one he was told to never speak of. It’s like Germa is mocking him… yet he also feels conflicted by it. He rejects Germa, but he can’t help but wonder what his younger self would have thought about being forever marked as one of them. He wonders if it would have made accepting his banishment harder. He wonders if Judge even remembers that the tattoo was given to him.
In the end he manages to push it aside like he does with all of his other Germa memories. Even if it disturbs and sickens him whenever he remembers what is printed on his back, he moves forward.
Until Whole Cake of course. It’s a cruel reminder that Sanji had never actually been free; that he’d been branded as theirs since birth and his years after escaping their clutches was only borrowed time.
(Until Luffy reminds him that freedom is something he will always ensure for his friends. He reminds him that Sanji has never been one of them.)
Back on Whole Cake when Sanji sees Reiju again he asks her about the tattoos; if she knew of their existence. He doesn’t know why he’s surprised when she stares at him blankly and says she always knew.
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junowritings · 6 months
hi there ! i love your writing! could i request floyd with reader who genuinely cant tell if someone is being platonic or romantic to them; maybe them finally realizing floyd's affections towards them aren't just platonic? ty!!
Oooh all I can say is my condolences to poor reader lmao. Had so much fun imagining how this would pan out this was a cute idea! I'm glad you enjoy my stuff - hope you enjoy~ 🧡
♡ Oh, well this is going to be so much fun for Floyd.
♡ Floyd recognizes a crush when he sees one. You’re a good match - you keep him entertained, and have the uncanny knack to get him to actually do things he’d usually get too bored of and ditch at a moment’s notice (Azul’s been trying to figure out how you manage that with no success because you have no idea why he listens to you either). Not to mention all of those cute little quirks and things that you do which the eel just can’t get enough of. 
♡ And of course there’s your reactions too. The way your lips quirk when you smile, the sound of your laugh and the noises of surprise you make when he swoops in when you’re least expecting him. The way that you squirm when he pulls you into those notorious squeezes of his, thankfully nowhere near as bone crushingly tight as the ones that he’s subjected some poor unfortunate souls to. Floyd adores getting any kind of response out of you.
♡ It is glaringly obvious that he’s interested in you, at least to everyone else, and Floyd’s got no problem making it known either. The only issue is that you haven’t noticed yet. It would get on his nerves a little knowing that you have no idea that his affection isn’t just platonic, but that quickly fades once he realizes how fun this has the potential of being. Just how far can he push that obviousness until you finally realize he’s interested in ya?
♡ It’s light teasing at first. Well, as light as it can be coming from a Leech twin. Floyd’s already naturally pretty casual with acts of intimacy, always throwing an arm over your shoulder or leaning up against you whenever he’s in the nearby vicinity. So why should you assume anything’s up when that arm on your shoulder squeezes you close against his side, and lingers a little longer than normal? Or that he's just a little bit clingier than usual, resting his head atop yours or on your shoulder and looping an arm or two around your side whenever you’re near each other?
♡ But then come the little gifts. Little things that have caught his eye and he doesn’t think twice about dropping into your hands the second that he sees you. Gifts from Floyd can really be anything, from things he’s found and borrowed but ‘forgot’ to give back, to things he’s gotten from trips back home and practically shoved into your hands the second he’s back. You start to question the reason behind his gifts, and start to notice other signs too. 
♡ When you come to the Monstro lounge Floyd will take food from the kitchen and add them on as freebies whenever he feels like it. He doesn’t bother telling Azul or Jade, but they’re already well aware and aren’t entirely inclined to stop him since getting you to spend time at the lounge means Floyd’s a lot easier to manage. 
♡ Gets upset if you share it with your other friends though - it’s for you, and he’ll say as much when he pushes the treat closer towards you, making sure to keep it out of your friend’s reach. Ace complained once about all the freebies you’re getting, trying to prod you to find out what you did to get the Leech twin in such a good mood and if he could convince you to get him in the eel’s good books, all the while trying to steal a bite from the free dessert you’re picking at with your fork. That is until he catches Floyd looking at him from at the bar; he’s grinning but there’s not a hint of the fondness like when he looks at you. The message is clear - hands off, and you’ve never seen Ace give up on stealing your food so fast in your life as he almost shoves the dish into your blazer pushing it back to you.
♡ You’ve always struggled to discern platonic from romantic feelings, not wanting to immediately assume one and get it wrong only to make things awkward afterwards. So even once you suspect that something’s up, it’s hard to work up the courage to actually approach it. You doubt Floyd would make things awkward if you were wrong, but you doubt your pride could handle the relentless poking and prodding he’d subject your feelings to if you were wrong about him liking you. Staying quiet about it and just enjoying these little moments seems like the safest bet, right?
♡ You made the mistake of asking his brother once, but that was no help at all. If anything it left you feeling even more confused because do you really think that Jade will break the surprise so soon? Floyd isn’t the only one getting a kick out of watching you struggle to put the pieces together, and Jade is thoroughly entertained learning how oblivious you can be to what Floyd’s actually trying to do. Those little gifts of his aren’t just for show - they’re telltale signs of a merfolk’s interest to date you. Oh dear, it really is such a shame that he forgot to mention that little tidbit to you, isn’t it?
♡ There is a point where things get serious. The moment that Floyd decides that he’s fed up toying around and running circles around these feelings. Gets a little miffed realizing that you still haven’t figured out that these little gestures aren’t just something he’s doing for the hell of it - sure, they’re entertaining, but his patience wavers quickly at the best of times. Eventually, Floyd’s going to get tired of this game. Playing games with you is fun, and he loooooves teasing his lil Shrimpy and watching your face turn into all different funny expressions while you try to figure out what exactly his angle is. But there are better things to play, and this back and forth is coming to an end sooner rather than later.
♡ Doesn’t care where it is or who’s around to notice, as soon as he sees you after deciding he’s done messing about you barely have enough time to greet him and ask what he’s doing before you are quite literally swept off of your feet with the force of his hug. His arms are tight around you as he hugs you close, and it’s just tight enough that you have a sinking feeling that he’s going to squeeze you like you’ve seen him do to the people who break Azul’s contracts. You’re trying to wrack your brain to figure out what perceived slight you did to earn the backbreaking squeeze you’re sure he’s about to give you, maybe even mentally leaving Grim all of Ramshackle’s tuna in your imaginary will. Then he stops, chin hooking over your shoulder and that one dark strand of his hair tickling your face as he presses his cheek against yours with
♡ “Hey, Shrimpy~ ya know, you got to be real dense to miss that I really like you. Maybe I gotta prove it~?”
♡ The whole time he’s saying this, Floyd is dangerously close to giving you a nibble or two. Your only saving grace is that he’s much too interested in the reaction that you give him once you realize what he’s said. His mismatched eyes rake in every detail; the way your eyes widen almost comically, mouth dropping open like a fish trying to sputter your way through some kind of response to what was basically a confession. It’s so funny! This is the reaction he’d been waiting for, and he’s not gonna relent until you really understand that this is way more than simply liking you.
♡ Let’s just hope you don’t mind the squeezes, because that’s not letting up either. Why would he let his shrimpy go when it’s better to just keep em right by his side? Especially when he wants to hear what you’ve got to say now that you don’t have to stress your silly little head over if he likes you or not~
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hardlyinteresting · 4 months
Warm feelings
Aaron Hotchner Masterlist | Send Requests
More domestic thoughts about being warm and cozy
"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives" -C.S. Lewis
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He always reminds you to take a coat with you on the way out the door, and you always insist that you'll be fine without one. He'll tell you it's his biggest pet peeve, you refusing to wear a coat and then shivering in the cold. He never fails to drape his jacket over your shoulders at the first sign of goosebumps.
Hotch is a traditional kind of guy and he's the type of guy who suggests you take a stroll after a fancy dinner. He's just not ready for the night to come to an end. You're all dolled up, and a little tipsy from the wine you had at dinner. You agree easily, holding his hand and tucking yourself close to his side. It's colder than when you left the house, he'll grant you that. “Cold?” He asks as concerned as he is amused. And you just have to bat your lashes at him and he's slipping off his jacket to wrap it around your shoulders. It smells like his cologne and is warm from his body heat. It's an easy way for him to say ‘I love you’.
Hotch absolutely has his old university and FBI academy crewneck sweatshirts. Softened and faded by time; worn and washed to the point of having frayed cuffs and collars. Aaron strikes me as the if it's not broke, don't throw it out kind of guy. He likes those sweaters. They're warm and comfortable. He knows they fit, and are easy to wash; he sees no reason to replace them. More than that Aaron has a definite nostalgic streak. As much as he acts like he's detached and indifferent to anything remotely sentimental, at home he almost overcompensates, holding on to every happy moment and memory he can. Case in point, his high school yearbooks, and the pirate hat. (You cannot convince me that he doesn't keep some kind of memory box with Jack's paintings; tickets from plays; his acceptance letter from college; and birthday and anniversary cards that you've taken such care to write such heartfelt messages in). He has fond memories of his law school and academy days; he wants to keep them close. At first, you think he might be upset that you're wearing them around the house but he would actually be thrilled. It's a collision of some of his favourite things and it's a specific domestic sight to come home to. He's a caretaker by nature and it thrills him that he can manage to keep you warm and cozy every when he has to be away. You can borrow his sweaters anytime.
Body heat
The man radiates heat. Just standing next to him is enough to feel warmer. He has a knack for knowing exactly how many layers he needs to put on to stay warm, while you struggle to decide whether or not you should also put on a scarf. He does everything with such a specific level of confidence, even the way he prepares for the day is borderline awe-inspiring.
He gets so few days off that he is unwilling to let the late autumn cold interrupt his time with Jack. When the three of you head to the park, Jack insists on shedding layers, his hat and mitten coming off first, he’s warm enough running around (Aaron doesn’t let the boy take his coat off completely but they compromise and he’s allowed to keep playing with his jacket unzipped). Despite checking the forecast several times, and bundling up, the cold still gets to you. And Aaron looks so cozy in his sweater and his coat. He’s the picture of a cozy winter boyfriend with his leather gloves, and scarf. Like his son his coat hangs unzipped on his frame, and it's the perfect opportunity for you to snuggle in, arms wrapping around his torso under the warm layer of his jacket, your cold nose pressed against his chest. “Cold?” he asks with a hint of a smile. You can only tilt your head up at him to pout back. He slips his gloves off to cup your face, his hands toasty warm against your ice-cold skin. Your face warms and your heart melts when he lays a kiss on your forehead. “Hey Jack,” Aaron calls, “What would you say to getting some hot chocolate?” Jack comes running.
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so I just read Doodles (and adored it!!) and now I can't stop thinking abt Miguel trying to sketch the reader, but having no artistic abilities and therefore failling miserably. a sequel perhaps??
((not sure if you're still taking requests tho. love ur work anyway!!)
hii!! AW that’s so kind, thank you! I absolutely loved writing this, thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
doodles (part 2)
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Miguel O’hara x f reader
wc || 881
warnings || none just fluff
part 1 -> doodles
masterlist + rules
Miguel has many talents, but drawing is not one of them. He has an indispensable need for perfectionism, so anything he was automatically good at frustrated him massively. 
Since you've shared your knack for drawing with him, things have somewhat progressed between you both. Your relationship wasn't definite as of yet, but it was like the wedge between you two dissipated, like there was no longer a divide. You both spoke more freely with each other as if there was now a common understanding, like there were no secrets, well, still some secrets.
So now, when you'd hang out, you kept your doodle pad away, preferring to immerse yourself in conversation with Miguel rather than sketch your time away. He noticed how you were more present, more attentive while you were with him, and though he'd never admit it aloud, it made his heart feel full for you to want to spend time with him.
"You got your uh- notepad?" he asks, changing the subject of today's events at HQ.
"Always," you smile, head tilting to the side as if to understand him better. "Why'd you ask?"
"I want to try something," he sheepishly grins, his demeanour coltish as he avoids your gaze. "Can I borrow it?"
You playfully squint your eyes as you watch his expression soften. "I suppose,"
"And a pencil?" he adds, his tone sweet and juvenile as he extends a hand. 
You weren't completely certain about what he had planned, but you had an idea.
"Okay, turn around a bit... no, towards me... now, put your arm up... yeah, on the table... no, your elbow. Mierda," (shit) he chuckles, shaking his head. "Put that there," he grins, adjusting you, moving you around in your chair. "Now, relax," his smile widens as he gazes at you across the table. "Hermosa," (beautiful) muttering under his breath.
His grin slowly fades as the lead touches the paper, looking stumped as he peeks at you over the notepad. He softly sighs as he begins to sketch you, glancing up at you every few seconds, sometimes looking at you more than necessary. 
"How's it looking?" you sweetly ask, trying not to move too much.
"It's uh- it's," he pauses, masking the unsatisfied look on his face. "Good," he shrugs, his tone unconvincing as he continues to draw you.
He didn't have to say anything for you to know what he was thinking. His expressions were clear enough, even if he thought he hid them well. 
"Can't wait to see it," you reassure, your eyes soften as they meet his. 
He sighs heavily as he guides the pencil over the paper, flick-like strokes around the page as if he's sketching your hair. "It's terrible, cariño," (honey) he huffs, visibly frustrated as he drops the pad to the table. "Sorry,"
"No, no, don't be," you grin, standing from your seat, joining him on his side of the table. "Can I?" you ask, reaching for the pencil tightly gripped within his fist.
He nods, extending it towards you with a wry smile.
"Why you being so hard on yourself? It looks good," you partially lie. 
It wasn't an awful drawing. It just wasn't great. You hated the idea of lying to Miguel, but surely this one time would be okay, a small white lie to avoid hurting his feelings. For someone who doesn't often do anything artistic and creative, it was actually a pretty solid effort. And although he wasn't one to care for art, you could tell this meant a lot to him, like he was trying to impress you or show another side to himself, a softer side even. 
You could tell that he was frustrated in his attempts, so you reassured him, placing your warm palm over his forearm. "I think it looks great, Miguel," you smile. "Would it be okay if I help you?" you question, being careful with your wording to avoid the possibility of upsetting him.
"Go ahead," he nods, scooting his chair closer to you, resting the side of his head in his hand like he was getting comfortable to watch you. "I'm sure," he says, answering the question you had in mind, noticing the quizzical look in your eyes.
"Okay, so," you grin, looking at him. "I think it's the angle. It makes the proportions look funny, and it makes my nose look enormous," you playfully scold, earning you a soft laugh from Miguel. "But, you did the eyes well- wait a second, why are my lips so detailed?" you coyly smile, slowly turning to face him.
He doesn't answer. He shrugs, avoiding your gaze.
"Okay, okay, I'll drop it," you say, hiding your smile behind your hair, shielding the side of your face with it.
"Don't hide it," he mumbles, extending a hand, reaching for your hair and brushing it behind your ear. He smiles, noticing the blush form over your cheeks. "Show me how to improve it,"
So you did. You sat close together, inches apart as you made minor adjustments to the sketch, adding shading and highlights as Miguel admired the process, watching the drawing come to life. His eyes dart between you and the finished sketch of you on the page, a sweet, sincere smile spreading across his lips. "Hermosa," (beautiful) he whispers. "I'm gonna frame it."
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@sunshiines-stuff @queerponcho @selfryed
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