#bitter Cas feelings
vaicomcas · 1 year
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This hurts.
"Well, maybe...maybe we could go on a hunting trip. I mean, if you want to."
This hurts because of how tentative, how insecure Castiel was talking to his son, the son he chose, the son he put his faith in, the son he pledged his life to. Look at his body language, his downcast eyes, his self-deprecating shrug, his side-ways glance. He didn't know if Jack would even want to spend time with him.
This hurts because his insecurity was not self-inflicted. "I mean, I'll talk to Sam and Dean." Within the show's narrative of all three of them being co-parents (I will put my personal bias that Castiel was Jack's only father aside), Castiel was being respectful and considerate to consult Sam and Dean on making a decision about Jack. But Sam and Dean would never, have never consulted Cas on any decisions they make for, about, against Jack.
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The things is Castiel's story is a tragedy in many ways, any part you pick up it's a fall
May it be pre series, or stopping the apocalypse or the civil war, even the part where he becomes a Father
He is someone who has been manipulated and used and everyone just keeps chipping him away
When we meet him, he is presented as this outwardly, powerful being who everyone is scared of, but you meet him and you realise he is all that but also curious and facinated by the world the around him, it's new to him in many ways, and he still cares about it.
And he has opinions that don't necessarily go with his family but he isn't afraid to state them. He cares about his siblings, he has a relationship of understanding with most of them and mourns them as much as he can.
He judges Dean not based on how dean treats him but what dean does for others.
Castiel is someone who sees his own world fall apart with the rest of it and even when the world for others is saved he can never get back what he lost.
He looses his home, his family, the relationships he had for millions of years, he losses his powers. Like imagine, and I lot don't understand that it's not Cas + powers, he was created with them, he didn't just loose his ability to do some fancy tricks he lost what is equivalent to lossing your senses, your limbs.
Scratch mourning, he isn't even allowed to state the extent of his loss. He is only allowed grief and anger and hurt if it's for the Winchesters.
In Monster at the end of this Book, deanakes it very clear their relationship can only be transactional, he tell Cas if Cas doesn't help his he will never return the favour, and you know what he does after cas helps, and keeps doing for more than a decade he doesn't return the favour
Castiel asked Dean, begged him for trust, for support, more than once but he was mocked and rediculed and told loud and clear that he doesn't get anything, not even basic decency
Dean didn't convince Cas to reble, he ordered it and then got angry because Castiel took more than 30 seconds to give up everything he had known since before the beginning of time.
The Winchesters constantly prove Cas gets a place in the metaphorical table as long as he can bring something, give somthing
The Gadreel excuse is funny, because Gadreel told Dean, Cas couldn't stay. Throwing Cas out with nothing, cutting off communication with him, was Dean's decision, his choice. Because he couldn't spare a second thought for Cas
He learned that he couldn't trust memory, that it's had been violated, he had been violated. They took his memories from him. Do you wonder if it was angels who fought alongside him that took him Naomi when he disobeyed, or if others had to go through lobotomies because of him? Because he asked them to fight with him? Do you think cas did?
Castiel had to watch father look at him and not see him, he had to watch his father come and fight for Earth and Winchesters and not even think about angels.
He had to watch the man he loved point a gun at son's head, he had to watch his father, who turned out to nothing but a cruel, egoestical, uncaring puppeteer, kill his son. He had to watch his son's face being twisted into mockery towards him by a demon, he had burn his son
But it doesn't matter, right? Why would it? What's Castiel's grief, his pain, none of matters right?
Cause at the end of the day the only thing his life and death can be about is Dean Winchester
Because making a disabled, traumatized and suicidal character die, and be happy about it is best damn thing you can do to them
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Watching 9x22, and man the show can't let Cas have anything huh?
Dean disrespects his authority
Crowley's demons are better behaved than the circumstances the show forced to push Cas out of leadership. Sure the demons ended up betraying him but before that and they're freaking demons!
It's not that I think Cas should have to choose between Dean and his angel family. It's that the show should never force Cas to choose at all. I'm referring to when Hannah asked Cas to kill Tessa because the show had Dean kill Tessa to begin with, because they let Dean do the interview instead of Sam
Cas literally cannot choose other than Dean. Dean is one of the MCs. Dean's plot armour pretty much gives Cas no free will here. He can't kill Dean, because then the plot would have to divert from Metatron to bringing Dean back. So just make it so that Cas doesn't have to choose between Dean or his family
Dean: Cas lost his angel army! 😡
Yeah for you, Dean, you ungrateful dick!
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soullessjack · 5 months
if I think too much about all of Jacks characterization and development and trauma that got rug swept by people focusing on literally anything else except jack even in his own centric episodes I start turning into Mr. Hyde.
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samsrosary · 11 months
Ok but it makes sense jack didnt make all the monsters disappear because he is one and he feels kinship with them. he understands they are part of the food chain as much as humans are and respects them. Hunters on the other hand.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 2 months
The thing about Supernatural is it's like Buffy if Wilow was missing from 60% of the episodes and Xander was missing from a different 60%. It's like if on Deep Space Nine someone went to Quarks and he just wasn't there for no discernable reason. It's like if Norm regularly wasn't at the bar in Cheers for 6 episode spans but everyone still acts as if he's always there.
They keep building really good dynamic ensembles but they don't have the budget(?) to have them in most episodes and (most) seasons are a few episodes longer than they need to be so they have to say Mary is off with the BMoL and Kevin is busy doing tablet work and Cas is watching The Wire. The only people the in-and-out nature of their alliance really works for are Bobby, Crowley and Rowena because they legitimately DO have their own stuff going on that doesn't really need to be explored onscreen.
It's just crazy. Supernatural clearly WANTED to be an ensemble show, but it couldn't be. The practical outside force of "we can't have Castiel on the show that often and stay in budget" (validity of this idea is up for debate) influences the interior facts of the show, "Castiel frequently just isn't there and when he is there's very high emotional stakes because we don't have him long and need to make the most of it", which influences the interior character motivations and feelings, "Castiel isn't there because he's easily manipulated, headstrong, and wants to solve things by himself. The emotions are high when he is back because Dean LOVES him and feels deeply hurt when he's gone but he can never stop him leaving as long as the show is airing." And then those interior character feelings inform the plot of the show.
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aturnoftheearth · 10 days
girl who hasn’t made an amv in three months: what if i made three this month .
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angelsdean · 1 year
dean's "you consider changing up your duds there?" at cas is bc he too was over the god-awful short trench coat
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
it's like. ok sam wants freedom so he can have his own autonomy and prove everyone who says he's destined to become evil wrong, dean wants freedom so he can see himself as more than just a soldier and have a normal life, and cas wants freedom so he can make his own choices outside of what the angels command him to do
but rowena and crowley want freedom so they can have control over their own circumstances because it's something they never had previously. they know what it's like to be at the mercy of other people and to feel weak, so they live their lives chasing after power at any cost because they've sworn to never return to that
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shallowseeker · 8 months
I always thought that Connor and Silvia were a parallel for the incompatible love between Cas and Dean. It's right there in how the episode says they used to date by watching old movies together, and how Dean says that Cas was always there for him in season 11.
I mean, you're not wrong in noting the similarities. Sylvia does lament that she and Connor "used to date, kinda," that they "watched old movies together," that they were "just kids," and "he was always there for her." She is domineering and bosses him to do her dirty work, like Dean bosses Cas to go to Hell with Belphegor in 15x03.
It's simply another slice of Gimme Shelter you can pull out and shine a light on, with Sylvia as a dark Dean and Connor as an unsuspecting, queer-oriented Castiel. I still think Sylvia represents Amara's place in the paradigm much better, though. Amara is like a dark Dean, after all, clinging to the safety and security of the idealized childhood.
And I think your approach, should we accept it as such, would actually constitute a direct, dramatic reversal of those assumptions. It would be steeped in irony. Sylvia, the "dark Dean" in your analogy, thinks that Connor doesn't love her like that.
But we see a few episodes later (15x18) that this is not the truth for the Dean-and-Cas unit, and that Cas actually wants to live side-by-side with Dean as a pair of individuals. Dean-and-Cas get the acknowledged date motif...but they also get the full-circle, romantic, spousal love motif, because Cas returned Dean's feelings all along.
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hellhoundlair · 2 years
sometimes u will see hellers talking about how certain scenes and episodes would be sooo much better if /lists the most stupidest shit that wouldve sucked so bad but dean and cas kiss/ and u check and it has 22,000 notes
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vaicomcas · 8 months
I understand now why godstiel went and healed the lepers. He was a leper too-- face and body breaking out with bloody blisters, constantly torn apart by invisible pathogens inside him, shunned and hated by his family and friends, receiving no love, no respect, only fear.
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klinejack · 1 year
i think last night tipped me a leeeetle into mania
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I fixed Dean's entry for Castiel in the MoL Bestiary
First purple: Like a child
I don't like an autism coded trait like seeing things literally being see as a child like trait. Because when Cas is seen like a child that means he gets less respect and faith in his ability
Second purple: Betrayed us
Bitch? Tf? When? He did nothing you didn't or wouldn't do yourself
Third purple: Left us
How dare Cas have the audacity to have a life outside of you and Sam I guess 🙄
Fourth purple: We will always have his back
Are you sure about that? Because it sure af didn't look that way in season 6. Sure it didn't work out, but you didn't side with Cas NOT because you can see the future and had a vision that it wouldn't work out. It's because you didn't like Cas working with Crowley
Hands up if Cas should get to write his own entry about Dean in the bestiary? But it has as much criticism in it as Dean's does if not more so?
I mean Bestiary is about animals both Supernatural and not Supernatural. Humans are animals
Are angels animals?
a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
Cas doesn't need to eat under ordinary circumstances so he's not an animal. But since his entry was written anyway then Dean and Sam really should be added as entries as well
Should be called "Supernatural beings" rather than bestiary
No no no make new vessel Crowley write Sam and Dean's entries. That would be amazing! Would have "morons" and "self-righteous" everywhere
Feathers wrote the previous entry about Squirrel and Moose. I've crossed out every Sam, Dean, my family and my brother/s and written "Moose" "Squirrel" and "moron" above that instead
I have to work quick though, before Feathers catches me editing his entry
Okay this is my entry
Squirrel is a moody alcoholic and Moose has temper issues. They both come up with good ideas and have even outsmarted me but then when they open their mouth it's so moronic I wonder if God helped them? They've both caused so much collateral damage, and pain. But they think it's fine because they save one person every now and then. Anyway despite all that they are great big bloody heroes and unfortunately are a bad influence on me ...
I wish they wouldn't look down on Feathers when he loses his powers
Feelings >_<
This is my entry for Cas
Cas is very powerful, very capable and very intelligent. Too many people, especially Squirrel underestimate him or look down on him. Even without powers he would be able to kick the candy out of most of his enemies
Feathers has been my partner in mischief! My enemy in arms! My hunter buddy! My crush! My kitten metaphorically speakinv
He is so magnificent I chose him over my revenge on Lucifer and I don't regret that decision
Feathers never gets boring unlike Squirrel. After six months with Demon Squirrel in a bar I wanted to tear off my own face
Right sorry this entry is about Feathers not my feelings! I got a bit carried away there. It was Feather's idea to fake my death and Feathers did a really good job lying to Moose and Squirrel. I was very proud that he had them fooled for two years!
He came up with so many good strategic ideas for getting monsters and he is amazing at torture! Better than me even. Which I may be a smidgen jealous about. I did teach him but he surpassed me
I also like ruffling his feathers because it's sexy when he slams me up against a wall
He did betray me but can you imagine if there were Leviathans running around in Hell? *Shudders* so it all worked out for the best. Beside he did apologize and he's too fun not to work with
I decided to forgive him and team up with him again because a life without Feathers is a boring one. Even Feathers as an enemy is better than no Feathers at all
Feathers has or used to have these powers
Entering human dreams. Okay so one day I was bored and I decided to give this human nightmares and Cas gave me the stare and turned my nightmare into a happy dream
So we were both trying to win the dream battle and well Cas won. Look he's an angel okay! He's meant to be stronger
Smiting demons
Telekinesis. Did you know he uses telekinesis just before a smite to stop a demon from teleporting away before the smite happens? Most demons can't teleport but on the off chance they can
He only bothers doing that if he means to kill the demon in a "hit list" sense rather than a "you're in my way" sense. I felt him holding onto me when I teamed up with Raphael but I wasn't worried because I had Raphael's protection
Teleportation. Okay so we would play this game where we had to teleport behind each other and tag each other. What you think spending two years together and it was nothing but business?
Time travel. I've been tempted to ask to be sent back in time myself but I've noticed how weak it makes him and I didn't want Cas to die but at the time I lied to myself and said it's because I didn't want my partner being too weak otherwise he's useless to me
His powers go above and beyond that so this will have to be continued at another date maybe
I've also enchanted my entry so none of those lot will be able to edit it or rip the page from the book
*A few hours later*
Crowley hears Dean yell "Crowley! What the hell is this? You son of a bitch!" as he points at his entry
Crowley smoothly responds "well that's an entry for you and Moose"
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
something something the cop-ification of the winchester bros. that one post about how dressing up as custodians or plumbers is 100% more effective than g men. the way they think should be trusted by all others and those that do not trust them with everything are untrustworthy themselves. the mentality that is pushed in law enforcement shows that cops should be allowed to do whatever break rules violate rights "for the greater good." dean would literally have said acab if given the chance. im not connecting shit but gimme a break it's almost 3am
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
The fuck did they do to Castiel.
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