#and the main point dean made was that he’s looking for his family
scottstiles · 1 year
i think last night tipped me a leeeetle into mania
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
Dean Winchester x wife!reader
Warnings: Dean as a girl dad. Not sure of anything else but feel free to let me know. pregnancy
Daughters name is Olivia
Summary: Dean’s deepest want is for his father to come back. John meets his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter.
Word Count: 2,115
I had been out with my little girl, shopping for groceries we needed in the bunker. Mary had been kind enough to make me a list of things she knew we needed along with a few requests from her and the boys. “Cady.” Olivia, my daughter pointed to the isle of candy. “Peas, momma.” She stuck her bottom lip out and gave me the puppy eyes that her uncle Sam taught her.
I smiled down at my little girl. “Ok, but you can only pick one.” I told her and rolled the cart closer so she could pick something out.
About an hour later I had everything we needed and was pulling the Impala into the bunkers garage. “Alright sweet pea, we’re home.” I gently roused my sleepy girl from her nap in the car seat. “Should we go find daddy and uncle Sam?” Her eyes opened a bit and she nodded lazily, reaching her little hands out for me to pick her up. I wrapped her in my arms and propped her up on my hip, knowing the boys would help me gather the groceries later. “Sam? Dean?” I called into the silent bunker as I walked down the halls as Olivia slowly woke up.
“In here sweetheart!” I heard Dean call from the main room of the bunker. The sight before me made my body freeze the moment I got into the room, my hand going to my daughters back protectively.
“Dean?” My hunter stood abruptly from his seat with Mary, Sam, and a man I vaguely recognized. “What’s going on?”
“Daddy!” Liv’s face broke into a vibrant smile, and she reached for Dean. He quickly took her into his arms and gently pulled me to the side of the room, away from the other three.
“So, Sam and I came up with a way to possibly get Michael out of my head. This pearl, it was supposed to grant my deepest wish, and it brought my dad back.” I glanced over my shoulder to the man who sat with his back to me.
“That’s…” I stopped talking, looking back to Dean and our daughter. “Ok. Does he know about Liv and me?” That’s when I heard a throat clear behind me. Dean passed Olivia back to me and stepped around to talk to his family.
“Dad, I’ve got two people that mean the world to me that I want you to meet.” Dean started, holding his arm out for me to join his side. The man at the table, John Winchester, stood with Sam and Mary standing after him. “My wife and our daughter, Olivia.”
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest looking at the man that raised Dean and Sam. “It’s very nice to meet you, sir.” I smiled softly. My eyes drifted to the little girl in my arms. “Liv, baby. This is John, your grandpa. Can you say hi, baby?”
She glanced over to Dean first, then reached her hand out to wave at John. “Hi.” Her voice was high pitched and nervous around the new person in her home.
“Hi there little one.” John stepped a bit closer and gave my baby a smile. “Olivia is a beautiful name. I’m so happy to get to meet you.” With those words, my heart swelled with happiness. “Can I hold her?” John looked to Dean and me for permission.
We both nodded and I looked at Liv. “Sweetie, can grandpa hold you?” She nodded her head, the ponytail wiggling, then reached for John. He wrapped his hands around her waist and held her to his chest, smiling the whole time. My arm then went around Dean’s hips as I watched his father with Olivia.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter. Mary and I had taken the chance to cook for all six of us, talking and laughing about everything. Olivia had sat with John for hours, asking him any question she could come up with. But then reality came crashing down on us, dinner was somber in the beginning, the boys and Mary not knowing how to talk. Olivia and I had tried making small talk to begin, but nothing seemed to work, not until everyone decided to make the limited time we all had the best it could be. The Winchester family spent time telling Liv and I stories of their lives that they could remember, embarrassing stories of Sam and Dean, how Mary and John fell in love, when Dean and I got married, Liv talking about her favorite things about her family.
We were all laughing and having a great dinner. Afterwards, Sam and Dean helped Mary clean up, allowing John and I some time to talk. “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for my boys.” John stated once the rest of the family was out of the room. “I’ve never seen Dean this happy, Sam this relaxed.”
“I can’t tell you how much your boys have helped me. They’ve given me the best life I could imagine. I never thought I’d get married or have my own kid. They make my life perfect.” Liv was now asleep in John’s arms, her head resting against his chest. “I’m so glad she got to meet you, even with circumstances like this.”
John kissed the top of Liv’s head. “I’m happy to have met my daughter-in-law and my grandbaby. I can see the way my son looks at you, and I can tell you he’s never looked at anyone that way before.” Tears filled my eyes and I smiled at John.
“Can I tell you something that no one else knows? Not even Dean?” I leaned forward in my chair.
“Of course.” He nodded, pulling his chair a bit closer to mine.
I took a deep breath and placed my hand over my stomach. “Dean’s going to be a father again.” John’s face broke out into a large smile. “I really hope it’s a little boy. And I would love it if you came up with the baby’s middle name. I’ve already decided on first names. Charlotte for a girl, and John for a boy.” My eyes met his nervously, waiting for his approval.
John seemed surprised with what I said. “You’d really name your kid after me?”
“Yes. Olivia’s middle name is Maryanne, a mix between my mother and Dean’s. Neither of them was around when we named our little girl, but I would love for my next baby to have a piece of their grandfather.”
John was speechless for a moment, looking down at the little girl asleep in his arms. “I’m honored you want to do that. You’re really open to any name I give you?” I nodded to encourage him. “My parents were named Henry and Millie. I’ve always liked Henry for a boy.”
“Then Henry it is. John Henry Winchester, or Charlotte Millie Winchester. I love it. Thank you.” With that, the boys and Mary walked back into the room, sad expressions on their faces.
John stood, gently passing Olivia to me, her head resting on my shoulder with her still asleep. He said goodbye to everyone slowly, taking his time with his wife and boys before coming back over to me. “You keep that little girl safe, and my future grandbaby.” His hand gently rested on my stomach in a way that no one else would notice. “My boys better take care of you, you’re definitely something special.” He kissed the top of Olivia’s head, then wrapped his arms around the both of us in a tight hug, a kiss being pressed to my head as well. “I love the both of you, more than you know.”
“And we love you too, John.” I hugged him back just as tightly as he was hugging me, before letting him go and having Dean’s arm wrapped around my shoulder, my side in his with our daughter between us.
We all had tears running down our cheeks as Sam crushed the pearl and we watched John fade into a bright white light, disappearing from our world. I couldn’t move, how would I explain this to Olivia? Just as I was thinking too hard, the bunker door opened with a loud creek and in stepped Cas. “What happened?” He asked, rushing down the stairs to all of us.
When no one stepped forward, I did, telling Cas to follow me down to Olivia’s room. I laid my little girl in her bed, sitting on the side of it as Cas sat in the armchair. And so, I told the story that I had been told on how John came back, him meeting my little girl, naming the baby I had growing in me without Dean even knowing. “I don’t know how I’m going to tell him.”
“You and Dean are going to be parents again. That’s amazing.”
A sad smile crossed my face. “Thanks Cas. With everything that happened today, I don’t know how I’m going to tell him.”
“I think you should tell him now. Don’t wait. Let him know about everything you and John talked about, I believe it could help Dean.”
I nodded. “Thank you, Cas.”
“I’ll watch her if you want to go talk to Dean.” Cas offered to watch his niece for me.
I hesitated for a moment but nodded soon after. “Ok. Thanks.” I stood and walked across the hall to the room I shared with Dean, opening the door slowly so I wouldn’t scare him. “Dean? Baby?” I spotted him laying across the bed, one arm behind his head, the other hand holding a photograph of him and his family. “Hi. Can I lay with you?”
“Of course.” He patted the space beside him, inviting me to lay with him. My head went on his arm, and he draped it over my shoulders.
We laid in silence for a while, just admiring the photo he had in his hands, until I broke it. “Can I talk to you about something?” I shifted to look up into Dean’s bright green eyes. “So, I found out a few days ago and I even spent some time talking with your dad about it.” Dean looked at me completely confused. “You’re gonna be a daddy again.” My hand drifted down to the very slight bump where baby Winchester was. “And when I was talking with your father, we came up with two names. Charlotte Millie, and then John Henry, after your father and grandfather.” Dean didn’t speak for a long time, and I was worried that he was mad about the baby, mad that I had told John before him, mad that I didn’t wait for the sadness from today to die down before I told him. My nerves stared to get worse the longer and longer it took for Dean to talk to me, and I stared to think I should give him some space to breathe. “Dean? Are you mad?” I had asked after an awfully long time.
His eyes drifted over to me, and his face seemed to soften. “We’re gonna have another baby?” He mused, his bright eyes slowly growing happily. I gave him a fast nod, completely preparing myself for his reaction, good or bad. “Am I mad? Are you crazy? I’m gonna be a dad again!” He engulfed me in a tight hug, pressing kisses to my neck and cheeks. “I’m thrilled!” My arms clung to him tightly, tears running down my cheeks and a wide smile on my face.
“And are you ok I talked to your dad about names? Olivia is named for our mothers, and I always liked the name John, I hope you don’t mind I talked to him first.” I was rambling now as Dean pulled back to look at me.
“I’m fine that you talked with him. I’m glad you got to meet him at all, and to know that he knows about both his grandkids, you’ve made me an incredibly happy man.” Dean drifted down, his head resting over the small baby bump. “Hi baby. I’m your daddy.” Dean whispered, running his hand up my shirt and over the skin of my bump. “You’re not even born yet and there’s already a ton of people that love you more than anything.” I wiped away a few tears from my cheeks and ran my fingers through Dean’s short hair. “We gotta tell Liv she’s gonna be a big sister.”
A laugh escaped my lips. “And we gotta tell Sam that he’s gonna be an uncle again.” My eyes widened a bit, and I looked down at Dean. “We gotta tell your mom.”
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ananke-xiii · 4 months
About Sam Winchester.
[This post has been edited after my discussion with @samjgirl , @sam-winchester-admiration-league and after @adaav 's comment to my post. I really want to thank them for their time and for pointing many interesting points out. I wasn't well informed about the techniques of storytelling and I believe I lost a bit of focus after season 11. Now I'm actually happier as I've started to even more appreciate this character, so win-win for me!]
The character of Sam Winchester was my biggest surprise and my biggest disappointment while watching Supernatural (but it's not his fault). [EDIT: while I still don't particularly like (for now) s12-15, I've realized that my disappoint was more due to my ignonorance of storytelling techniques rather than by the way the character was written]
It was my biggest surprise because I had never related to a fictional character this much before. I think you just have to both be the younger sibling of a dysfunctional nuclear family and be trauma-bonded to your elder sibling to get it. I won't go into further details about it because it's a whole essay, but I have to mention it because I need to state that I feel a deep connection to Sam. We both made the same choices, the same "mistakes", the same sacrifices.
So I was astonished when I started Supernatural because of the way it felt true and real. I don't know if the writers lived similar experiences and were therefore able to tell this story truthfully, but they nevertheless did a hell of a job in describing the unique bond of two siblings trying their best to navigate their traumas.
From season 1 to 8-9ish, we see Sam morphing from being the hero of the story to one of the two main characters. [EDIT: this is incorrect, Sam has always been the hero of the story. I think I felt like he was "shifting" into a slightly less prominent role because Dean, as supporting protagonist, was given more space in order to proceed with the filler episodes]Slowly but surely, Dean also becomes the hero and I think that was fair. [EDIT: see above, technically this is incorrect, sorry lol!]You can't fully narrate the story of a bond withouth fully integrate one part of it. I loved all the parallels to Michael/Lucifer and Cain/Abel. I thought they were brilliant. The show allowed me to go deep inside and start sorting out some stuff I've lived. It really made me think a lot.
It's fair to say that the brothers' codependency was the crux of their problem. It was painful to watch and sometimed downright awkward but the writers got it all right: the otherwise unxeplicable and toxic jealousy they felt for one another, the inability to share their deepest feelings in way other than fighting, and hell yes, even Sam's decision to run away and not look for his brother after season 7. It was not OOC, it's exactly what he did when he was 18 and what John did as well 4 years after that. As a matter of fact, Sam is more similar to John than Dean could ever be.
It's definitely been a long journey but I find that the resolution of their codependency (in season ELEVEN!) was cleverly thought-out and brilliantly executed. It couldn't have happened before, the two bothers must have been either already in or close to their 30s to confront the knot, to acknwoledge the grip the trauma they've lived had on their life. Sometimes getting older does help and give you perspective. This might be why (as I've stated here) season 11 is my favourite one: it gives a sense of closure and hope.
However, here comes the biggest disappointment part. [EDIT: this is due to the fact that in part, I didn't fully get it]
After season 11 Sam morphs from one of the two main characters to a side character. [EDIT: incorrect, as per previous EDIT, Sam is always the hero and lead protagonist]The show must be about the brothers' bond and I'm okay with that. However, it looks like after season 11 the writers couldn't come up with new ideas to talk about this kind of bond. It felt like, other than co-dependency, the bond didn't have much to say. Therefore, both Sam and Dean almost go back to square one while they had all the possibilities to explore a new aspect of their relationship.
What could've been this new aspect? Easy: making them realize that the family they each wanted was, simply, different. This is just my opinion on the subject and how I've felt about season 12-15 so it's okay if you disagree. [EDIT: well, this is still my opinion, although it has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role in the story and more about my personal preference, so I think this is where I got confused]
In my opinion, from season 12 Sam is just a part of Dean's family. It's not "Sam&Dean"'s family. It's just Dean's. And I think the writers could've explored that in a more meaningful way. Let me explain: let's take Cas since he makes the perfect example for this scenario. Dean has repeatedly included Cas in the "family", he's called him not just his brother but "our brother". He includes Sam in the equation but I personally don't think Sam feels the same way. Sure, Sam cares for Cas and thinks he's family, but I think his idea of family is "Cas is my brother's husbandbest friend and therefore he's part of the family". He's extended family, kind of. [EDIT: this is still just my opinion and has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role. Although "family" is one of the themes of the show, it was not the only one]
My opinion is canonically backed because, aside from Rowena, all the members of the Winchesters Found Family are part of the family because Dean has allowed them, Dean has a deeper relatioship to them and ultimately because Dean decides who can enter the circle. This is totally in character and I love Dean for his ability to care and form deep bonds. [EDIT: this was also needed for Dean as a character because he's not the lead protagonist so he had to have something else in the story that was not necessarily connected to the mytharc]
However, this is not in Sam's character: Sam is the one who runs away, the one who wants to create his own family, the one who really needs to emancipate himself from his older brother. I truly wished the writers explored his passivity in "accepting" the status quo and made him, if not rebel, at least express his wants.
It would have been a moment in Sam's growth if he could've just, instead of running away, confronted his brother and stated that his desires were different, that he was part of Dean's family but it was not his family. Instead, we only have glimpes of what Sam really feels: he doesn't think of the bunker as his home, he doesn't ever say that he has a family (not surprisingly it's Dean that in "Lebanon" tells John "I have a family" and not Sam), he doesn't really have any other meaningful relationship aside from his brother.
Supernatural ending did him dirty, too. Not just for the awful wig and make-up but because the ending framed Sam as a two-dimensional character: "freed" from his brother and his brother's family, he finds a blurry wife, a dog, a son, a white picket fence. How sad is that? We never get to see Sam really connecting with anyone: all (and by all I really mean ALL) the women in his life, from his mother to one-night-stands while on the road passing through Ruby, end up dead (RIP Sarah Blake). Of course his wife at the end had to be a blurry figure in the backfround (she was not even besides him on his deathbed!): she was a testament to all of his past relationships. Like, seriously, apart from Dean, the ONLY lasting relationship Sam has throughout the whole series is with LUCIFER and this alone, I think, speaks volume. [EDIT: again this just relates to the fact that I'm not particularly fond of s12-15 and of the overall ending. Technically speaking, the ending makes sense. Whether I liked it or not is another issue]
In conclusion, after season 11 Sam is no longer an interesting character because the writers both downright refused to give him another substantial character to interact with and insisted once again on his codependency with Dean (which was already resolved). [EDIT, tbh it was a weak ending to begin with, LOL, I didn't like it even after I wrote it hahahhaa, but yeah, as this whole post proves Sam Winchester is far from being an uninteresting character because I just spent a frigging afternoon learning new things thanks to him so I guess he's like the gift that keeps on giving!]
Having said that, in my heart of hearts, Sam Winchester will always have a special place because I get him, I really do.
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Round 3
Propaganda why Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insufferable:
She easily gets away with bad, stalkerish behavior, it always feels like she can ‘do no wrong’ unless the show wants us to pity her, and the show writers want us to think she is a quirky and socially awkward girl when throughout the series we see her be friends with basically everyone in Paris with many connections to high up places.
I get she has social anxiety but the way she goes about stalking Adrien is kind of the worst like she even has creep shots of him hanging in her room? That’s weird. I think Adrien’s going through enough without having to deal with the main character being his stalker lol. I know they’re (spoilers) at this point but in the beginning it was so sus
In the newest season, Marinette hides the fact that Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad. This leads to the bastard getting a statue and honored as a hero after his death. Adrien now never gets to know the fact that his abusive and neglectful father was the one trying to kill him and is instead proud of him.
Her crush on Adrien is like a black hole for her character. Things she’s done because of it:
1) stolen property
2) ruined dates
3) humiliated other characters
4) has a chart of Adrien’s daily schedule for the next year in her room (this is stalking)
5) broke into his room and sniffed his pillow (also a crime)
6) sniffed, took the hair from, and tried to kiss what she thought was a wax statue of Adrien
7) convinced her parents to let her go to China. Why? Not because she wants to connect with her mother’s heritage, not even because she’s a budding fashion designer and Shanghai is considered a fashion hotspot. It’s because Adrien was there.
I started the show, watched one episode, and never tried again. I simply do not vibe with her.
shes annoyinng anf shes a stalker
I love fanon miraculous but by god she has got to stop obsessively stalking her crush and generally making a ton of other terrible decisions. I’d submit Adrien too but he’s more of a deuteragonist
More propaganda
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is insufferable:
Your basic Mary Sue. Styled as the incredibly cool best-assassin in the land at only 18, she nevertheless is constantly snuck up upon, distracted by pretty boys, and possesses not an ounce of wit. In a competition between murderers and thieves to win a place as the King's Champion, she sees a bag of chocolates on her bed that she didn't put there and immediately starts eating it and gushing about how much she adores chocolate - nevermind that they just had a trial involving poison, which several of her competitors are adept at. She's always right, and other characters exist just to tell her how awesome and beautiful and wonderful she is. And then she turns out to be a super special magical fey princess!
I generally don't believe that a Mary Sue is a bad thing, but the only thing I remember about this book was how she had been in prison for years but was super young but was also still the most super-specialest assassin. And she kept reading when she should have been training or sleeping. Like, girl, this is not final exams where you can stay up all night and then roll into class in your pajamas and still squeak out a C. It's supposed to be life and death. Her character traits didn't make her relatable, they made her a moron
Heir to a kingdom plus turquoise eyes plus best assassin in the world plus protagonist centered morality
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Dean Winchester is insufferable:
Really mean to Cas (called him a child, zero respect for him, calls him family and casts him out when the angels are looking for him), and an absolute dick to Jack (threatening to kill him CONSTANTLY)
>Was a misogynist (loved to call women skanks, bitches, hoes)
>Used gay as an insult multiple time during the show's run (idc if he's gay an homophobic, that's still insulting)
>Beat up his brother for being possessed
>Beat up his brother for losing his soul (not his brother's fault)
>Used dubious consent to get his brother possessed in a different unrelated possession incident after possession was being used (badly...this is supernatural after all) as a metaphor for SA
>Threatened to murder his brother when he was hallucinating (yay we aren't ableist)
>Locked a child up in a box
>Threatened to kill the child he locked up in a box
>Made a creepy, sexual comment about a barely-legal high school girl
>Got the woman and kid he was living with memory-wiped
misogynistic scumbag. theres also a few different times that dean finds teenagers sexy with the most recent and prominent example that i can recall being the scooby doo crossover episode in season 13 where hes super into daphne who in the version they chose for the episode is 15-16 and is interacting with her as if shes a real person cause they got magicked into the episode. he treats everyone around him like shit and the only time the narrative agrees that thats a bad thing is when he has the mark of cain put on him and hes acting no differently than he does usually its just now acknowledged that hes treating others like shit. ive been rewatching the show for shits and giggles with a friend and wow he really does not treat anyone well but i wanna focus on how he treats sam for a second cause dude's hobby seems to be ignoring what his brother wants and lying to sam about doing stuff that directly concerns him the demon blood and souless things are reasonable cause those were both Bad for sam but theyre still part of a wider pattern and the most prominent example of this being when dean tricks sam into letting gadreel possess him and actually gaslights sam about it with the whole ordeal ending when its revealed gadreel lied about who he was and while possessing sam murders a friend of theirs. his voice is just also stupid as fuck im sorry this is just petty but he just sounds like hes trying so hard to be gruff n intimidating but he just sounds like a kid pretending to be batman
Dean’s list of sins is crazy long because of how long the show ran, but the key thing for me is that post-locking Sam in the bunker (season 4 I think?), I just can’t enjoy their relationship anymore. I normally love their sibling dynamic, but Dean’s ultimate worst past-the-point-of-no-return moment for me was demonizing (pun intended) his little brother for being “addicted” to demon blood, which only happened because of a series of events that were either Dean’s or someone else’s fault, not Sam’s. I also really dislike how the fandom treats Dean like this angel (pun intended) who has done no wrong and even tries to justify the MULTIPLE times he’s beaten up and otherwise abused his little brother. Canon Dean is like the polar opposite of fanon Dean: he’s homophobic and racist (jokes about a Black man being sexually assaulted in prison), misogynistic (take a shot every time he calls a woman a slur and you’ll die of alcohol poisoning), and abusive.
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nexus-my-beloved · 8 months
Little Destiel thoughts.
I like to think from time to time about how Dean and Cas kissing would go for the first time. I'm sure most people might say that it would be a spur of the moment decision on Dean's part or that he'd be confident or it'd be a rougher kiss or just-this-side of sexual, almost. But I don't think that's right.
Cas has been one of the few constants in Dean's life. A life of people on the road he'd kiss, fuck, never see again or maybe just once or twice— a place to stay at if he got stranded, a face to get off to, maybe, but more often than not it's a phone number that sits in an address book and collects dust, one that gets forgotten along with the person's name and face. A life of family that left, a dead mother and a deadbeat and dead father, a brother he'd argue and fight with that would head off sometimes away from Dean and leave him on his own. A father figure who died when Dean needed him, then the ghost of him he was forced to put to rest. Cas is the main thing in his life, something precious, fragile, and as rude as Dean could be and as hard he could be to be near, he wouldn't want to lose him. He wouldn't want to push Cas away. And because of that, anything he initiated wouldn't be rough or fast to start off.
I think that when they'd kiss for the first time, it'd be soft, gentle, slow and uneasy and careful for the slightest thought of something going wrong. And I think Cas would start it.
Cas watched humans forever, tried to learn how they were and understand how they worked and be like them. He would watch movies and soap operas, and, as random as it was, he'd watch porn, just to understand people. He'd probably read books about people falling in love and try to understand it and he'd look for those emotions in Dean's actions, try to see each example of human things in Dean, would look to see if Dean felt love the way he did. He'd take note of each stare, take note of each smile, look closer at the tape of Led Zeppelin music and realize it as a gift of affection. He'd notice the way Dean might cuddle closer when they'd watch movies on his laptop, would notice the way Dean might make an excuse to have them both under the same blanket, but he wouldn't press when he knew it was something that wasn't necessary.
Cas would recognize his own feelings, would know his emotions but he wouldn't say something until he was sure that Dean felt the same. And once he was sure, he'd make that last step.
A night when they're watching a movie; some random plot that'd been done a million times before but they watched it because it had one of Dean's celebrity crushes in it. Some random point in the movie, someone is having a heartfelt conversation with someone, but Dean stops paying attention when he notices Castiel’s eyes on him rather than the laptop screen. The volume gets turned down, and Dean looks back to Castiel, opening his mouth in a question before he's cut off by his own conscience.
"What's up, Cas?" Dean asks around the sudden dryness in his throat, and Castiel wants to soothe every ounce of anxiety that Dean is feeling, able to hear it in his voice.
Dean wouldn't be the one to lean in. Cas would. Cas would be the one to move forward, to cup Dean's face in his hand like he'd seen in so many movies and read on so many pages. Cas would be the one to hold Dean like he was made of glass, to move forward until he could feel Dean's breath on his lips and pause for a moment to ensure it was alright. Cas would be the one to wait for Dean's hands to rest on his chest or on his lap over the blanket, to wait until Dean's eyes fell closed. He would wait until then before he leaned in the rest of the way, kissing Dean so gentle it might almost have been a dream, feather-light and careful. He would be the one to allow Dean the tenderness he deserved for the first time in his life, and would be the one to brush his thumb across Dean's cheek and not mind the stubble that was there.
When they'd pull away, Cas would be the first one to say it with no expectations for a response, without any future ridicule of it being hard to reciprocate with the life they lived, to allow the words to so easily tumble from his lips in a whispered confession: "I love you."
Dean would stumble over his words and stutter, trying to respond, and Cas would press the tip of his thumb to Dean's lower lip and shake his head softly. "You don't have to say it back. I know," Cas would promise, knowing the truth and knowing how hard it was for Dean to say those words.
Cas would be the one to treat Dean so gently, the one to initiate it, and while Dean might ask the first official date or something, Cas was the one to start it all. I know all of you might think Dean would start it, with his history and all, but I think Cas would.
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catnipster69 · 8 months
How to Deal with Temper Tantrums
Sam and Dean were parked in a field on the edge of a forest in one of those northern New England states—Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine—didn’t matter which one. The Indian Summer warmth had truly given way to the cold of fall, but their layers were enough for now. Enough for passing the whiskey bottle back and forth while they sat on the hood and breathed in the distant smell of chimneys and their burning logs.
Dean said, apropos of nothing, but really because the looming trees were giving Dean the creeps, “I ever tell you about the time I threw a tantrum at the Sears because Dad wouldn’t let me get any candy?”
Sam looked at Dean and shook his head, always interested in the period before his own memory kicked in.
“I was a total brat, kicking and screaming in the back seat. Dad just got really quiet and drove. That only made me scream more.” He turned to Sam. “You were back at the motel with a babysitter; the daughter of the owner, I think.” Dean looked dreamy. “She used to give me popsicles…”
“What about the tantrum?”
“Right. Dad just drove and drove, and even I couldn’t keep up the carrying-on forever. I remember it started to get dark, and then it got really dark because we were driving through these super tall trees. I didn’t know where we were going, but that was always the case. I knew better than to ask ‘are we there yet?’” Dean took a swig from the bottle. “Finally, we pulled over. Dad got out and opened the back door. He just squatted down and looked at me with this stern expression.”
Sam scoffed; Dad was always stern.
“He said, ‘Dean. There’s a wicked witch in these woods.’ He gestured behind him, but he could have pointed in any direction, we were so far in. ‘This witch, she likes to eat children. Do you know how she chooses which children to eat? She chooses the disobedient ones. The ones who don’t do what their parents say; who throw tantrums; who put their families in danger.’ I was practically pissing myself.”
Sam swore and shook his head. “What a—I’m sorry, Dean. That’s a bullshit way to get your kid to behave.”
Dean looked at Sam. “You’re not getting it. Dad told me this because he was worried. There really was a witch who was stealing disobedient children. It was why we were in town.”
Sam took the bottle back. “Man, our lives are fucked up.”
“You know it. Gimme that bottle back.”
“First, give me a kiss.” Sam held the bottle out of reach. “Wouldn’t want the witch to see you being disobedient.”
No one could accuse Dean of being disobedient—not in this instance, anyway.
For Wincest Wednesdays October 11, "Superstition | In the Woods" @wincestwednesdays
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pagesoflauren · 2 years
House of Stone (3/5)
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professor!Andy Barber x student!single mom!reader
Premise: Spin-off/sequel to Wooden Façade; Settling into his new life as a bachelor, Andy is helping his brother Ari prepare for his wedding to their mother’s former nurse. Between wedding planning and teaching, you enter his life and your eccentric one-year-old daughter catches his attention.
Warnings: mentions of sudden death, divorce, familial conflicts, spousal conflicts, pregnancy, and Parkinson’s disease; Laurie Barber slander; teacher-student friendship; romantic/sexual tension; awkward and cringey moments; blindsiding siblings (Ari and Bunny are menaces to Andy); Andy wears glasses and is a hot professor
A/N: Important to note that the events of Defending Jacob do not occur before, during, or after this series. Andy and Laurie are divorced and Jacob lives with Laurie.
Thank you as always to @eightcevanscentral
Read Wooden Façade here
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By March, the spring semester is halfway through. With each passing day, you find yourself closer to the finish line, closer to graduation day. Closer to nights with Ivy, and closer to…
Your laptop chimes, startling you from the drowsiness making your eyelids heavy as you try to catch up on readings. 
It’s an email from Andy, clearing up your confusion about a policy he lectured on last week. 
You smiled, sending him a quick thank-you email.
He replies once more:
No worries. It’s late, you should get to bed. Goodnight, mama bear. Hope baby bear’s well. - AB
It was strange how being on a first-name/nickname basis with your professor changed the dynamic between the two of you so much. There wasn’t a need to be so proper when you emailed or spoke privately. You didn’t feel the need to stand on ceremony or control your reactions. When he cracked the occasional joke during class, you laughed freely, and he always looked right at you. 
He checked in on you and Ivy more often, making himself available to meet with you to help with assignments at your convenience. It made things easier, alleviating the stress of needing to bend over backward to make meetings with professors on their schedules. Instead, you were able to find more of a balance between being a parent and being a student. 
There was a part of you that couldn’t deny the giddiness that came with the new evolution of your interactions with Andy. You hoped it wasn’t just him being accommodating or kind; you hoped there was something more, something he recognized and felt too. 
You knew it was silly to think that way. There was a clear line and neither of you have really crossed it. The closest instance of that was at your friend’s wedding in December when you danced with him. He got a little close, but nothing you felt was violating or uncomfortable. It felt…nice. Good, even, to be so near to him. 
You liked the way he held your body in his hands. In the chaotic haze of your double life, you found yourself stabilized and almost carefree until Ivy cried. Even then, when you heard her, you weren’t so frazzled and worried as you had been in previous instances where you felt like you had to rush to her.
Sighing, you knew you could go on until 6 AM with these thoughts, your mind running towards a nonexistent finish line. You may never get answers to your ruminations. Or, if you do get answers, they may be the ones you don’t want. 
It could all mean nothing to him. He could be doing this with no afterthought about you; something platonic to help you until you can fully stand on your feet as a paralegal. 
Deciding to fully put your thoughts to rest, you shake your head and close your laptop, turn off the lights, and head to bed. 
- - - – -
“Have a seat, Barber.” 
Making himself comfortable on the chair in front of the dean’s desk, smoothing out his tie. 
“What’s this about, Desdimone?”
“I’ll get straight to the point since you have a class in an hour; the university’s IT security team randomly audits professor’s emails to make sure everyone’s adhering to policies. HIPAA, appropriate behavior, you know the drill.”
Andy furrows his brows. “I don’t think I was aware of this.”
“It was in the contract you signed when we hired you and mentioned in your IT training during orientation when we onboarded you.” 
Biting the inside of his cheek, he realizes he has no leg to stand on to argue and decides to get to the root of the issue. Though he can probably guess which emails have called him into question, he feigns ignorance. “So, I assume there’s a problem with my emails?”
Dean Desdimone pulls out a folder and places two pieces of paper on the desk. “They were audited this past week. These are the emails we found between you and one of your students.” 
When Andy leans forward to read them, he spots your school email address at the top of the pages.
“You call her ‘mama bear’ and mention a ‘baby bear,’” Desdimone states in a matter-of-fact tone. “Care to explain?”
Andy sighs and relaxes in his chair; it’ll be easy to get out of this one. 
“Miss Y/L/N is a single mom. I call her ‘mama bear’ and her daughter ‘baby bear.’ It’s just me acknowledging that.”
“Do you think it’s appropriate?”
“There’s nothing more to it than that. As you can see, everything we talk about is strictly school-related. Any discussion about her daughter is only as it pertains to her being able to attend classes or counseling meetings with me.”
Desdimone leans back himself, pondering his responses for a moment. He taps his fingers twice, not looking convinced. 
“Come on, Desdimone, you know me. I’d never do anything like what you’re suggesting.” 
The dean shakes his head. “I know you’re a good lawyer, Barber, and this university is lucky to have you because of that, but that’s about it. I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but if this continues, then I’ll have to take action and remove her from your class.” 
Pursuing his lips, Andy agrees. 
With that, he’s dismissed from the meeting, face flushing when he thinks about how just two weeks ago, he let another nickname for you slip. 
He couldn’t help it. You’re soft, so sweet and he just wants to hold you all the time, like a teddy bear. 
He remembers the anxiety that settled in his chest as he sent the email calling you that for the first time. 
It’s no problem, Teddy. Goodnight. - AB
He was mortified, but you didn’t seem to be bothered. 
It was dumb luck that he was audited this week and not last week; he needed to be more careful. 
- - - - -
As students filed in for his evening class, Andy did his usual routine: busying himself at the podium with organizing his notes, making sure his bottle of water is filled, cleaning his glasses, and checking for last-minute absences in his inbox. He responded to students that greeted him on their way in but noticed something was missing. 
Or rather, someone. 
As his alarm beeped to signal the beginning of class, you hadn’t greeted him yet. 
Pressing his glasses up his nose, he looks up to the third row of the center section, the second seat from the left. 
It’s empty. You’re not there. 
He looks at his inbox one more time, hitting the refresh button. There’s no email from you saying you’ll be late or missing class. 
“Um…um,” he stammers, trying to find the words. “Let’s-let’s wait another five minutes before we start, just in case anyone else needs to trickle in.”
He feels like a fool saying that; despite giving you most of his attention, he knows what a full class for this evening time slot looks like: it looks exactly like the clustered arrangement of students in front of him. 
But you not being there was enough to make it all look so empty. 
He watches the door. He waits for his laptop to chime. He waits for his phone to ring; you never call, but maybe you will this time.
Five minutes pass, and he has no choice. Clearing his throat, he clicks to the first slide. “Let’s get started.”
- - -
As the last of his students exit the lecture hall, Andy’s worry escalates. 
You never miss class. You never miss an opportunity to communicate what’s going on with you and Ivy. Whatever’s going on, it must be an emergency. 
He begins to type on his laptop before halting suddenly and looking up at the end of the lecture hall. There, perched in the center of the ceiling behind the projection screen, is a camera. There are two others in the corners. 
He can’t do this here. As he packs his things, he realizes he can’t do it anywhere in the school building. He’s been audited already, and with the meeting with the dean earlier, he suspects there’s already a red flag on his shoulder. 
Deciding to not take any chances, he walks to his car and gets in. Opening his laptop again, Andy disconnects from the school wifi and uses the hot spot on his phone to get onto the internet, using a private window. It feels odd to have access to the information he’s looking for as he clicks through the university database, finding your name and phone number. 
Looking around in the empty parking lot, he dials and brings his phone to his ear, listening to it ring and waiting for you to pick up.
“Andy?” you ask on the other side.
He clears his throat, “Hi, yeah. How’d you know it was me?” 
“I…the phones do that now. With the Caller ID.” 
“Oh, oh, right…” he trails off, feeling like an idiot. He changes the subject quickly, “I just wanted to check on you. You…you weren’t in class.” 
“Yeah, um,” you begin. He hears a sharp inhale and your voice comes shakily as you continue, “I’m fine. Um, there’s just been a situation…with Ivy.” 
His heart nearly stops. “Is everything okay?” 
“Mhmm,” you hum, “She’s good. Safe.” 
“Teddy…” Andy’s voice comes out like a warning, sensing there’s more that you’re not telling him. “What happened?”
You begin to sob, harsh breaths sounding like static in his ear. “I-I can’t talk about it, it’s hard.” 
Closing his eyes, his heart squeezes and he knows he’d be risking a lot by offering, but he offers anyway. It’s almost instinctive; whatever’s hurting you, he needs to help somehow. “Do you want me to come over? Maybe I can help?”
You huff a little. “I think it’s a bit above your pay grade as a professor. It’s not much of a university matter.” 
“If there’s anything I can do, I’m happy to do it. You know that. Anything.” 
You’re quiet for a few moments. He pulls the phone back to see if the call is still going. Placing the phone back on his ear, he says your name. 
You give him the address before hanging up. Starting his car, he drives over without a second thought. 
Knocking on the door of your apartment, he’s barely begun to retract his hand before you open the door. 
“Hey, come in,” you say, stepping aside and allowing him to enter. He can see how you’re still trying to put up a front, smiling while your eyes are red and swollen. 
Shutting the door behind you, you offer him something to eat or drink.
“No, thank you,” he shakes his head, looking around at the small space you and Ivy call home. The kitchen lights are on, but there aren’t any dishes in the sink. “Have you eaten?” 
He turns as he asks the question, facing you. You look guilty as you shake your head. 
Andy walks into the kitchen, opening the different cupboards and cabinets before finding an appropriate pot. He goes through the drawers next, putting up a slotted cooking spoon and setting it on the counter. He fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove before turning on the fire. 
“What are you doing?”
He opens the pantry door and scans the shelves. He pulls out a box of mac and cheese, salt, pepper, and a jar of pesto sauce. 
“I’m making you dinner,” he answers, opening the fridge and taking out butter and milk. 
He also grabs the neck of a bottle of wine, setting it on the counter and rifling through the cupboards again to find a pair of wine glasses. 
Unstopping the bottle, he pours one for himself and one for you, far more generous than his own. He turns and offers you the glass. 
You give him a sad smile, walking over and taking it by the stem. Clinking it against his, you both take a sip as the water heats up. 
“Thank you,” you sigh after you swallow, leaning against the tiny island in the middle of the kitchen. 
“Not a problem,” he smiles, placing his glass on the counter. Gripping the edges of the worktop, he leans back and looks at you. “So, what’s wrong?” 
Pursing your lips, you take another sip before you answer. “It’s Troy–Ivy’s dad. It’s his parents; her grandparents.” 
You move around the island and stand at the dining table, looking through a stack of papers. Up until now, Andy had thought they were just school documents. Now, giving them a good look and seeing the manila envelope with your name and address, he knows something more nefarious is at play. When you find the paper you’re looking for, you read it, then hand it to him with watery eyes. 
Andy reads the top of the document and his heart drops. 
“They’re making a play for custody of Ivy,” you tell him, your voice trembling as you wipe your tears. “They…they did this last year when she was born.”
“What do you mean?”
“They didn’t want anything to do with us when I was pregnant, especially after Troy died. But then, when they found out she was born, they were coming over every day.” 
You laugh bitterly, looking up to the ceiling and shaking your head as if chastising yourself for being so foolish. “I thought…I thought I wasn’t alone anymore. I had Ivy, I had my aunt and my cousin, I had them.”
Andy dreads the “but…” that’s coming. 
“They hung around for a week, and at the end, they said they were going back home. I thought they were coming around to say goodbye, but they brought boxes and tried to pack Ivy’s things. When I asked what they were doing, they asked me to give her to them. And I know grief can make people do crazy things, but asking a mother who just gave birth to give her baby to you? That really takes the cake. Because fuck me, right? Just forget the fact that I’m the woman who carried her for nine months and pushed her out of my vagina–” 
You stop suddenly, seeming to catch yourself. 
“Sorry, I just…” you begin to sob, “I’m so angry and I have no chance against them. They’re trying to claim custody and I would give it to them partially, but they were awful.” 
You pause, pressing your hands to your face; Andy suspects the memories are replaying in your head. 
“I lost Troy, too. And I think they’re only doing this because his birthday passed two weeks ago. They don’t know her. They don’t care about her. If they did, they would’ve been around, they would’ve been helping me this whole time. They wouldn’t have left me alone. They only care about salvaging whatever pieces of their son they can get and–” 
You break down, hunching over and bursting into tears. Pushing off the counter, Andy wraps his arms around you, bringing you into his chest. You tremble in his hold but he keeps you secure against him, murmuring “It’s okay,” over and over again. Maybe it doesn’t feel that way, maybe it’s a bad choice of words, but he wants to do everything he can to make it okay. 
There’s a pause in your sobbing and you pull back slightly to wipe your cheeks before leaning your head against his chest. 
“I can’t lose her, Andy,” you mumble. “I don’t trust them, who knows what they’ve claimed to their lawyer? I have nothing, and if they take Ivy, I’ll have no one–”
He shushes you, pressing a kiss onto your forehead and stroking your hair. “Don’t worry,” he tells you, “You have me.” 
- - -
Andy smiled bashfully as you complimented his genius in adding pesto to boxed mac and cheese. He made a point to clear the dining table of any pieces of paper to help you forget the court case for the time being. 
“Thank you for this,” you tell him. “You didn’t have to. I warned you it was above your pay grade but I really appreciate it.”
He chuckles, scooping another serving before he shakes his head. “You don’t have to worry about it. I’m happy to do it.” 
Smiling, you take another bite and sigh. You enjoy the silence with him, professor-student standing be damned. This was nice. 
You hear whimpering from down the hall, more motherly instincts kicking in, making you get up from your chair and disappear down the hall to the bedrooms. 
When you come back, Ivy is in your arms, bleary-eyed and wrapped in a blanket with her hair in all different directions. You smooth the strands down and bring her to the table. 
“I think she knows that I’ve been stressed,” you say, sitting down. When she reaches for your bowl, you stop her to prevent food from flying everywhere. “Oh, no, no, hold on.”
“Here,” Andy says, reaching for her. He pulls her out of your lap and into his. Picking up his spoon, he shakes off excess noodles and brings the edge of it to her mouth, letting her feed easily. 
She does her exaggerated hum of satisfaction, happily slapping his hand for more. “Mmm! Deedee!” she giggles. 
“You want more?” 
“Mo’!” she replies. 
He laughs as he feeds her again, and you decide to just enjoy the moment. You and Ivy will have a hard few weeks ahead of you, but Andy reassured you that he would be there every step of the way. 
You nearly burst into tears after she eats a few more bites and rubs her eyes. Yawning, she squeaks before pressing her face into Andy’s chest as her eyes close. He adjusts her in his lap to make her more comfortable before he continues to finish his bowl.
You can’t deny how he made it all better. With this looming over you and the prospect of losing your daughter, he holds all your pain in his hand, taking it from you and letting you see this. 
If the judge could see the three of you now, they’d realize Ivy has everything she needs. 
And so do you. 
- - - - - 
“Alright, baby bear,” Andy mutters as he places Ivy on her bed. He arranges the blankets around her, making sure she’s tucked in and comfortable. “Sleep well.” 
He steps out, shutting the bedroom door behind him, and meets you in the living area. 
“Thank you. I know I’ve been saying that a lot this evening, but I–”
“You know I don’t mind,” he smiles.
“Of course I do.” 
Putting on his jacket, Andy picks up his work bag and slings it over his shoulder. “I’ll be in touch tomorrow about the case.” 
You purse your lips, seeming to remember everything. It had all gotten away from you in the hour that you spent watching Andy cook and eating with him. “Yeah…I’ll…wait for the call.” 
“It’ll all be okay,” he says, bringing you back into his chest, caging you between his arms to hide you from the sting of reality. “I promise, I’m gonna do everything I can to make this go our way.” 
Pulling away, you look at him with a curious expression. “‘Our way?’”
“I…” he buffers for a moment, failing to find the right words to explain himself. The truth is, there is no explanation. “Your way. I meant…”
Your body surges as you throw your arms around his neck, bringing him closer as you press your lips to his. 
He’s stunned for a moment, frozen as his face reacts with raised eyebrows and flushing cheeks but his body doesn’t move a muscle. His heart races and he shuts his eyes, kissing you back the way he wanted to when he had you on the dance floor at his brother’s wedding. 
The two of you pull away and you step back, covering the lower half of your face with your hands. “I…I’m sorry, that was uncalled for and wildly inappropriate. I don’t know what came over me–”
Smiling like an idiot, Andy doesn’t have the patience to listen to a bullshit excuse from you. 
You kissed him. That was all the blessing he needed. 
Sweeping you into his arms again, he kisses you once, twice, and a third time, loving the feeling of your hands in his hair as they creep up his neck, engulfing him in you. 
You step back again, laughing shyly. “That was…”
“It was…”
“Nice.” “Good.”
“I agree,” he nods. 
“Good. Um…”
“But we probably shouldn’t do that again.”
You nod as well, “Right, yes, I agree.”
“At least not until after you graduate.”
“Oh, yes, good point. After I graduate.”
“Because then you won’t be my student anymore.” 
“Mhmm, yup.” 
Silence falls over the two of you and you begin to walk towards the door. “Um, I’ll wait for your call tomorrow.”
Getting the cue, Andy nods and heads toward the door, stepping out into the atrium of the apartment building. “Yes, I’ll keep you posted. And I’ll see you next week. Don’t worry about the paper, by the way. If you need more time, I’m happy to give it to you.”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. But thanks, anyway.” 
He stands there and you look at him. Neither of you wants to say goodbye.
You blink, smiling at him and leaning your head against the door. “Goodnight, Professor Barber.” 
“Goodnight,” he breathes. “Goodnight, Teddy.” 
Lingering your gaze on him the entire time you close the door, you can’t help but lean against it as it shuts. You cover your face with your hands and smile, skin heating up in giddiness. 
If it wasn’t for Ivy, Andy never would have made it to your apartment tonight. Things would have looked so differently for the two of you. 
He gives you hope; a second vine crawling over your heart, protecting you from anything that could hurt you. 
An ivy. 
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen @fckdeusername @lou-la-lou @bangtan-serendipity @lovemarvelousfics @rainbowkisses31 @richonne4life @damnndeanndamnn @meetmeatyourworst @tinyplanet-explorer @vivien-1211 @unknownmystery22 @nerdygirl8203 @xoxabs88xox @mariaenchanted @gotnofucks @denisemarieangelina @myoxisbroken @kelbabyblue @pspice639 @maynay43 @just-another-wretched-egg @jennmurawski13 @avantgardium-leviosa @random-butterfly @rachelderivia @kenzieam @bluemusickid @asiaaisa77 @angrybirdcr @inactivewhore @velvetcardiganbucky  @madbaddic7ed @mysweetlittledesire @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @buckymydarlingangel @mayasreadingnook @severewobblerlightdragon
Chris tag: @onetwo3000 @patzammit @astheworlddturns @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @maeleeme @tvckerlance @thiskindahotkindamusic @fizzahocleirigh @marantha @justile
Wood & Stone Taglist: @ghotifishreads @buckysteveloki-me @blackwidownat2814 @wsoldat @sn0wpiercer @aynanasstuff @fluffysmutmnstr @emerald-evans @abbatoirablaze @justalonelyslytherin @mrswidowjohansson @majo240820
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futurefind · 2 months
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//I DID THE THING FINALLY!! 😭😭😭The years on first one indicate when they first inspired me/influenced how I wrote/saw Sa!! Hence them being absent on the latter
Elaborations/details below the cut!!!
Element Valkyrie: (Kit) Literally how/why Sa has her main gimmick of fire + water/ice lmao!! In fact I think fire was her original main...? Ice became a focus post-atla (all of like... a year later lmfao)
Link (Twilight Princess): (Aesth) What can I say I really loved TPs, well, 'edgier' aesth (my second zelda after all of wind waker). Also, probably the first wolf association...? Less consciously, perhaps the first taste of cryptid drifter that goes around solving problems? (Kit) Why Sasume has a sword!! And why it's at her back/shoulder!! Also, sort of, ass kicking with said sword, but as a video game YMMV lmao. (Chara) The silent protag stuff could not hurt? Esp w the contrast with being good w kids, implicitly (Heart) WHAT CAN I SAY I'VE SAID IT BEFORE Sa is very much HeroTM, in broader loz/link sense, at heart. Saving and helping people is her priority!! Even when it's hard!!
Naruto: (Kit) Tbh... the source of Shinrei's aesthetic effects wrt eyes, teeth, claws, etc? (Bg/Lore) Samehat with her bg. With an emphasis on samehat, as the two were connected 1:1 in those early days. But unlike canon Naruto even baby Nori went 'reality ensues' 'edgier' variant where shit is traumatizing as fuck. (Heart) As I've also Also stated elsewhere... she's very much a shonen protagonist at heart??? A Knight in Sour Armor but a Knight all the same
Sasuke: (Aesth) Do I even need to say it...? The grumpy/angsty edgelord Lancer surface level absolutely came from here, lmao. Not as conscious as Naruto (iirc, I gave her blue hair bc my brown marker ran out when doing that design? lmfao) but definitely couldn't hurt. (Bg/Lore) Probably colored/inspired taking the aforementioned 'reality ensues' traumatic framing for Sa's bg. And a bunch of other plot-y stuff that's sliding scale of preserved to scraped entirely (ie being Nth distant relative survivors to the Uchiha clan lmfao). (Chara) What can I say... aren't we all familiar w the broadstrokes atp?? Loner angsting edgelord who's just afraid of letting people in... A staple of the archetype, and undoubtedly helped staple that archetype onto Sa. (Other) Far more nebulous, but did inspire a general 'special heritage/family line' power stuff. Though what said family line stuff was wouldn't be figured out 'til further down the line.
Kanda: (Aesth) For a hot second I literally intentionally looked to Kanda for aesth inspiration for Sa lmao... in my NLOG phase I even did an inverse of him being confused for a woman by having Sa be more Bifauxnen bc 'feminine = weak' lol (gag). Also, while from DGM's uniform as a whole rather than Kanda specifically, codified Sa's token look of skintight slevelees turtleneck + fingerless gloves— as well as remove previous aspects of color from her wardrobe. (Kit) Again, a side effect of DGM as a whole rather than Kanda specifically, but this is why Shinrei's kit isn't just so thought out but so specifically staggered (the 'Levels/Stages' aspects present across many Innocence). As a direct inspo, though, Mugen fucking with his pupils/eye is what I used to preserve Sa's emotive angy vfx (and what made it, and her entire kit, 1:1 with her sword rather than being innate). (Chara) Do I need to elaborate...? Lol. He also fits into the archetype of Sasuke that Sa was already in, so nothing too big, particularly as DGM made me develop Sa so much more and breakaway from copypasting him. However, he's liably the source of her more overt tsundere tendencies, as well as her aversion to using people's names (also for tsun reasons). Also probably why Sa's surface level is outright Jerkass and not just ominous stoic dude deal lmao.
Dean Winchester (s1-5): (Aesth) Gets some lite points for styling themselves against/for a parent, jerkass with a reckless heart of gold, and bravado/masculinity that oft loops back around to disingenuous/insecure. (Bg/Lore) What can I say? The idolization of a lost mother, comparing oneself against a parent (derogatory), the deadbeat dad (who's like the younger sibling), and the parentification and resulting over-protection and -devotedness toward their younger sibling/'child'. However, not much direct inspo here, especially since one of his hallmarks is his dysfunctional jackassery toward his sibling and one of Sa's is that her jackass exterior breaks away for hers. (Chara) While I remember Sasume's snark being unintentional irp, passive Deanfluence def couldn't hurt to cement the snark, lmfao. (Heart/Other) Lumping these two together bc man!! Man!!! What if you were forced into a life of violence and endangerment and self loathing and you 'reclaimed' it by putting how much you hate it and life and yourself into something meaningful, heroic. What if you were meant for greatness and it destroyed you. What if you wanted nothing more than a life of domesticity as a partner and parent and thought your only way to get there was through dreams and death. What if the only way you can get through the day is by chasing thrills and throwing yourself into risk after risk for others and half-hoping it kills you.
As these are blorbos you can use to 'find Sasume in' instead of vice versa, these'll hopefully be more brief...? Things to make you point at and go 'omg just like Sa :)', rather than unpacking the building blocks of inspiration that helped codify her into how she is.
Geralt: (Aesth) The wandering enigmatic monster hunter with an extremely dangerous rep but with more heart/morals than you'd think... yk? Bonus spn gold eye points. (Kit) Nothing overt, but general hyper-competence wrt combat. (Bg) Witchers' sliding scale of dubious rep, yk? As well as his Butcher legacy. (Chara) As stated, gruff bastards with a caring heart that's variably concealed, depending on the moment. Notably (vs some prev examples), very okay with killing human monsters, even if it's not ideal.
Alucard: (Aesth) Pwincesses The supernatural & enigmatic auras that are both intimidating and inspiring reliance/protection yk? (Kit) Again general combat competence, but also healing factor and resulting being a gd tank, relatively. (Heart) Hearts of gold!! More overt since he's not a tsun though lol
Mizu: (Aesth) Edgelord wandering blue eyed 'samurai', lol. (Kit) Violence hypercompetence, pragmatism, and being a disturbing levels of tanking severe wounds. (Bg) What can I say Mizu's entire traumatic backstory and hardening into who she is is because of being othered and seen as nonhuman (if due to racism, vs Sa's). Plus some spoilery stuff I'm not gonna say bc oh my god guys go watch BES :') Esp if you like Sa. (Chara) The terrifying determinism, raw brutality/pragmatism, being stubborn idiots who need to be forced into accepting help... but also going to extreme lengths once the loner walls are breached. Also, the sass and taunting and blood knight aspects??? Peak Sa. Chef kiss. (Other) Holy fucking SHIT the insecurities? And self perception?? Seeing oneself as monstrous and inhuman and that inhumanity linked with an 'inability/failures of' being a woman yk......... augh,
Ed: (Kit) Having fun with 'bending' elements in utilitarian ways. (Bg) Orphaned big siblings whose main priority is saving/helping baby sib yk... Also, in retrospect, the hypercompetence being developed for the sake of said sib. (Heart) Again!! Shonen protagonist at her core!! Though ofc focusing more on the unironic softness, as well as her 'aspiring' for pacifism and hating having to kill but having no qualms doing so when necessary.
Rengoku: (Kit) Badass swordsmen with fire related aesth? Badass swordsmen. (Bg) While far more... mundane in the tragedies of his upbringing, the overlap in the themes and impact of their traumas are :') very much similar :'))) (Heart) Shonen protags but also mentors!! Staring very loudly at and ignoring even harder how as a kid my intent for Sa's story would be to kill her off. Tbf she's a very solid candidate for the Obi-Wan type 'crutch' characters whose death symbolisms an emblematic turning point...........
Vash: (Kit) Again: See: Hypercompetence in combat, now with more overt inhuman uncanniness!! (Bg) While far more fantastical and sort of... spread out? Impersonal? Than Sa's, it's impact and his view on it are very Sacore!! (Heart) SHONEN PROTAG OF ALL TIME??? And also see: aspirations of pacifism and how, just like Vash is able to be so extremely pacifistic because he's nonhuman levels of sturdy... Sasume cannot be because she's still very much human, and so can only take so much before she's forced to retaliate :') (And also being long past the point of breaking pacifism for sake of necessity/saving others... and p much Only breaking it to protect others... yk.......)
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 2161
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, outdated beliefs, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy, subgender inequality
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
Square filled: Non-traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo Maid Au @spnaubingo
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
A/N III: thank you to everyone for hanging in there since it’s taken me ages to drop a new character, I’ve been doing rewrites/updating on all my series, more to come in future.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part IV
“I gotta go,” tossing his phone on the bedside table, Jared, wearing his blessed socks, runs across the main room and slides on the hardwood floor into the kitchen and saw his husband standing three feet from Quinn as she’s vigorously gesturing with a paring knife while telling him off in her colorful language.
“Put the knife down!” The older Alpha’s voice resonates through the room, making Jared flinch, feeling the command’s power, watching Quinn set it on the counter and Jensen reach over, sliding it towards him.
She stood a bit longer before blinking in confusion, and then her demeanor shifted to madder than a wet hen, her natural lower voice dropped another octave, and the lilt became very pronounced. “Don’t ya’ ever use that fucking voice on me again!” 
“You were threatening me with a knife!” Jensen picks up the item, making her laugh, “Holy fucking shit, are ya’ serious? Ya’ could barely use it for a toothpick, let alone...” 
Jared stood there, mouth hanging open, have’n seen others take on his mate, wrongfully assuming he’d be the easier of the two to intimidate, but when let off its leash, Jensen's wolf made Dean Winchester look like a pussy cat.
The younger Alpha's mouth snapped shut, “sorry, what?”
“I asked you what the surrogate is doing here?”
“The surrogate has a name.” 
 “What is Quinn doing here?”
 “So..uh..okay,” Jared slowly starts around the island doing his sometimes awkward, hesitant thing.  “A few days ago, I got a call from this number I didn’t recognize. It was about the ultrasound appointment scheduled while you were in LA.” 
He paused to see if Jensen remembered, and yep, his mate was wearing his get to the fucking point expression.
“They informed me she’d canceled it because she was leaving town.” 
Jensen's attention returned to the O, ”Don’t fucking start on me again, Ackles!”
“You know who I am?” 
“Duh, Sherlock!” 
Jensen would later try to justify it was jet lag and surprise finding their surrogate in their home, not her smart-ass mouth, for snarling at her.
“Och, save it for the cameras, drama queen. Ya’ put pants on just like the rest of us; the only difference is yours have designer labels.”
Jared interrupted the speeding downhill faster than an Olympic bobsledder situation, “I remembered her saying something about managing Mulroney’s Bookstore, so I called Clif to see if he’d get her to contact me and calls back saying some Alpha...” 
“...who’s a flaming jackass!”
“Yeah, that’s what Clif called him. Anyways, he claimed to be the manager and had no idea where she was when another employee said they knew where she was living...”
“... that’s when ya’ boy shows up..”
“…I explained about the mixup...”
“…Padalecki followed me to my room to get the new date, then he caused a scene...”
“...I couldn’t help my wolf freaking out at where my..our pups were living...”
“…told ya’ it was there or the I-35 underpass!”
Jared bristled at the reminder, “The door had three locks, a barely functional heater, and a broken fridge. Cockroaches wouldn’t even live there!”
Quinn raises onto the balls of her feet and loudly reminds him about putting her in the shitter with the manager and getting fired when Jared shouts back in his booming voice, “there was a guy by the ice machine offering to sell me heroin!!”
“ENOUGH!” Jensen's Alpha voice echoes throughout the kitchen, quieting them both.
“She’s right,” Jared opened his mouth to retort, but Jensen countered with, “And so are you. Quinn, couldn’t your family help,” the Alphas wrinkled their noses at her souring scent, so he attempted another approach. 
“I want to clear something up. I recall one of the stipulations for surrogates is that they reside in an appropriate domicile. Why were you living in a motel? Could you tell us what happened?”
“The flaming jackass tipped off the landlord I’m an O, and that fucker evicted me even though I never caused any problem or was late with rent.”
“There is a moratorium on evictions..”
“..that moratorium is a fucking joke!”  
“What a minute,” Jensen said, and at the same time, Jared remarked, “It protects people...”
“Newsflash, Mr. Wizard, was created by and for the protection of Alphas and Betas! Take a hot minute to read the fine print, and you’ll find loopholes granting landlords, to quote, discretionary privileges pertaining to the eviction of those designated with the sub-gender Omega. In other words, they can boot O’s for any damn reason!” She gave the Alphas a hard stare, “So, enlighten me as to why y’all didn’t know a fucking thing about that bit?”
The kitchen got quiet as the Alphas glanced at each other, trying to find a non-assholey-sounding response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought; since it’s well known you two prefer Betas.” Quinn addressed the older Alpha.
“Padalecki and I have an arrangement. I keep the house and do meals in exchange for temporary boarding. No need to fret that pretty head of yours, Ackles; I’ll do me damnedest to stay outta the way."
December 23rd                                                                                                   Late Afternoon
Quinn heard Jensen’s surprised greeting covering the stewpot of goulash, slid it into the oven to stay warm, and peeked around the wall and saw him in the foyer hugging a small, older O, then a tall, bald Alpha carrying several bags crossed over to them.
“Let me help you with those, sir,” she offered, taking them couldn’t help but overhear his not-subtle sniff, “Jensen, who’s this?”
“Umm,” Jensen scratched the back of his neck, fumbling for a response, “this is the housekeeper, Quinn.”  His mother-in-law peered inquisitively at the tall Omega before asking, “What happened to your boys' service?”
“I worked for it.”
Gerald Padalecki dubiously eyed the O up and down as she continued. “They pared down the staff, and Jared offered to retain me in exchange for lodging...”
“You live with them?” Gerald barked, “Jensen, that’s unwise considering...”
“Considering what Gerry,” his mate sharply asks, “the boys wouldn’t let someone stay they couldn’t trust.”
 “I normally wouldn’t question their judgment, but she's an unmated O.”
“Whoa,’ Jensen jumped in, “are you suggesting that Jared or I...” 
“Mama..daddy..what’re y’all doing here?” Jared couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice, wrapping his long arms around his mother, “thought you were coming tomorrow.” 
“We decided to surprise you but got it instead.” Gerald’s gruff reply made Jared throw his husband a confused look, catching a whiff of his dad and Jensen, “What’s going on?”
“I bet y’all would like to freshen up after your trip.” Quinn blurted out, “Jensen, would you help me with their luggage, please.”
Taking the car keys, he follows her out the door, remarking, “you think fast, coming up with that story.”
“Ya’ were about to lose ya' shit on your father-in-law, and I didn’t precisely fib, just moved a few facts around,” Quinn shoots back, grabbing a bag while Jensen, fuming, retrieves the other, following her to the guest house.
How could the Alpha he considered his father even think, after everything they’d been through, found his dark thoughts distracted by two simultaneous acts; a deflating blow-up bed and his bewildered husband storming in shouting, “What the fuck was that?”
Jensen ticked his head towards the O and made the finger-in-hole gesture.
 “I’ve gotten that shit since I presented,” the pair look towards Quinn with confused expressions. “Loads of Alphas still carry antiquated beliefs about unmated O’s, and I’m…pick an adjective to fill in the blank.”
“So much for a peaceful holiday,” Jensen grumbled.
“Yeah, too bad ya’ boy stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, right?” Quinn's tone was caustic. “I don’t want to be a bone of contention with ya' family. I’ll figure somewhere else to stay.”
Jared’s wolf simmers under his skin, “How? You have $636.96 in your account. That won’t cover a security deposit, let alone fir..” 
“How the fuck ya’ know what’s in my account?!”
“Your laptop was open...”
“...and ya’ snooped...”
“...I happened to see it...”
“...still not your fucking problem...”
“...you’re carrying my..our pups, that makes it my fucking..”
“...ya’ are the most unfucking...”
“I’m tired of y’alls motherfucking bitching, so shut the fuck up!!” 
Jensen wrinkles his nose, “Dude, dial it down; you’re stinking up the joint! And Quinn, Jared screwed up...”
“I never asked...”
“...doesn’t matter! He's trying to make amends, for fuck sake!” Jensen felt the vein in his left temple throbbing again.
“There will be many people dropping in or staying with us this fucking week, and this is how we’re all going to handle our situation.”
January 15th
“Humph,” Jensen jerked awake, slapping a hand around, and found his phone before cracking an eye open.
7:18 A.M.
Groaning, he dropped face-first into his pillow and wrestled his mates over his head to muffle the noise, but the pearls of his pup's laughter signaled he wouldn’t sleep much longer.
His fuzzy brain's insistence that coffee was more imperative than a shower has Jensen sleepily shuffling around the oversized couches, once again grateful they’d decided to move their bedroom to the main floor, spots the group in the kitchen muttered too damn early.
“That’s a bad word, Daddy,” JJ says, her frown a replica of his, “you owe the swear jar.”
“Your right, Birdie, sorry,” dropping a kiss on top of her and the twins' heads, stepping around them, pouring himself a mug, “remind me to pay it later.” 
Hopping up on the counter, Jensen sips his coffee, savoring the black elixir rolling over his taste buds; he feels the caffeine penetrate his system, working its magic to turn his morning grumpyass into a civilized human watching his brood.
JJ and Arrow are busily festooning Quinn’s long, wonky braided hair with ribbons. Zeppelin and Icarus are sitting on the O’s lap, watching something on his iPad that's precariously balanced against her feet; felt his wolf purr in contentment, starting him when his mate materializes and gives him an odd look.
“Alright, y’all,” hopping off the counter, Jensen scoops up his son and flies him around, making airplane sounds, “Uncle Jeff and Aunt H/W/N will be here soon. What do all of you need to do before going?”
“Brush teeth and hair,” Arrow says, then looks at JJ, “grab our snacks from the fridge,” she reminds her, “and put them into our backpacks.” 
“And do bath break!” Zep giggles as Jensen hands the pup to his mate and quietly says, “I wanna discuss something with Quinn.”
Jared reaches through their bond and finds a placidity in Jensen he hasn’t had for so long, but before he can deduce the causation, he gets distracted by the twins' squeals and escorts the pups upstairs. 
Quinn eyes the older Alpha while securing a hair tie around her long braids, “what the fuck I do this time, Ackles?”
“Jared mentioned something about your leaving..”
“...I know ya' expected me gone before now...”
 “...ya’ know what I expect?” Jensen snaps, mimicking her subtle accent, “I expect you to stop interrupting and let me get something out for fucking once! Now, could we please discuss this without fighting?”
Sitting at the dining room table, she says nothing, watching Jensen refill his coffee, grab another mug, and drops in a spoon of honey before pouring the brewed tea from the kettle, “Ya’ know how I take me tea?”
“I’m not a completely unobservant asshole,” Jensen self-deprecates, “you make a damn good cup of coffee,” he said, carrying both mugs over. “And I’m astonished how you balance everything, working at Emmer and Rye while keeping up with our hectic schedules. And what did you do to Jared?” Quinn looked confused, “you got him to put his wet clothes in the laundry instead of leaving them all over the bath. You’re either a witch or a goddamn miracle worker!”
“I gave him two options. Leave’um in the laundry or find itching powder in his clothing.”
“He’d just borrow my stuff...”
“...he did, once.” 
“So, you?
“Clif said ya’ boy spent the day denying it was jock itch.” 
Jensen was still laughing when the quartet came back downstairs, so Quinn placed both forearms on the table, leaning forward, and spoke softly, “okay, Ackles, the fucks going on with this little tête-à-tête? Cause ya’ been freaked the fuck out the entire time, so,” nodding to her mug, “What’s with the buttering up?”
“It’s about not leaving...”
“Quinns not gonna leave?” Jensen whipped around to find Arrow bouncing excitedly beside him, then she suddenly raced towards the front door, yelling, “Papa Jared, Daddy’s got Quinn to stay with us!”  
Jared stood there scrutinizing the seated duo with an indecipherable expression.
“Looks like ya’ the one dropping me in the shitter this time, Ackles.”
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Part V
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest @ladysparkles78
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drsilverfish · 2 years
Sex, Bugs and Drugs - Insect Aliens and The Winchesters
The Winchesters of course is a relatively PG show, we’d probably label it (thus far) “mild drug references” (to weed), “light kissing”, and “some horror”.
However, the fact it is inhabited by insect aliens (the Akrida) invites musing on other insect-alien narratives and their resonances within the show.
“This is Mugwump, he specialises in sexual ambivalence” (Cronenberg, Naked Lunch, 1991):
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 “We are all insects, groping towards something terrible or divine” 
Phillip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle. 
The prominent reference to Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five in 1x01 Pilot, alerts us to the qualities of that narrative which may be relevant here; aliens (in Slaughterhouse Five, the Tralfamadorians), the impermanence of death (Tralfamadorians see space/time with non-linearity, in four dimensions, so just because you are dead at one point in time isn’t an “end of the road” moment for them) non-linear narrative, an unreliable narrator, the presence of the author/narrator in the story). All interesting resonances, regarding Narrator-Dean. 
The aliens in The Winchesters, the “cricket” Akrida, are able to possess human bodies, seemingly shapeshifting to look like humans in doing so, and they mind-control humans by pushing a stinger into their brain-stem. This kind of insect mind-control/ body-horror/ body-penetration, really made me think about Cronenberg’s film Naked Lunch (1991). 
Naked Lunch is based on William Burrough’s (1959) novel of that name (which is already semi-autobiographical) mixed in with events in Burrough’s own life. Burroughs of course, was a Beat Generation author, as well as being queer and a drug addict. His novel is very much not PG. 
Cronenberg’s film captures Burrough’s atmosphere of queer desire mixed with self-loathing/ internalised homophobia, very well. Remember, Burroughs was writing in 1959; everyone queer had internalised homophobia, that’s why we needed to develop a Pride narrative for ourselves. 
This queer desire/ queer horror is evident in the giant bug with a talking asshole on its back. It asks Bill, the main character (Burroughs’ avatar) to rub some of the yellow bug podwer on its “lips” (the rim of the asshole) and makes obscene noises of pleasure when Bill obliges: 
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What the heck does that have to do with The Winchesters, you ask?
Well, in a much more PG way, we have the Ostium, which means, literally, “orifice in the human body”, the Men of Letters’ mystical box/ trans-dimensional portal which can blast the Akrida back to their alien home-world, and Carlos specifically joke-compares it to a sexual body “hole” in 1x07 Reflections:
Lata: “They call it the Ostium.” 
Carlos: “Oh. Latin for an opening in the body. What, didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday School? So is that thing organic? Is it a mouth or...( chuckles ) any other kind of hole?” 
Lata: Let's just stick with a mouth, please. https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=1550&t=58479 
In Naked Lunch, the bug reappears, as a talking typewriter, and asks Bill to type the words “Homosexuality is the best all-around cover an agent ever had...” into it, and again, it makes obscene erotic noises of pleasure as he does so. 
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Bill reveals his own  self-loathing/ ambivalence, telling another character he has a family “curse... I am a homosexual... impossible I am one of those simpering things... a wise old queen... told me I had a duty to live and bear witness..” 
Later, as Bill makes out with a woman, a giant centipede alien with a long fleshy appendage (cock) and a human-looking butt slithers out of another typewriter and appears to join their love-making. 
The Naked Lunch is a subterranean allusion in The Winchesters’ subtext. It’s not name-checked in the way Slaughterhouse -Five has been, which provides a clearer indication of authorial inter-textuality. 
However, there are some interesting resonances; insect to human body-horror penetration (Akrida stinger into the brain-stem) a talking asshole/ a mystical “body hole” portal (the Ostium). 
One more, being that in Burrough’s novel, and in Cronenberg’s film, much of the story takes place in “The Interzone”, which is partly an imaginary Morocco and partly Bill’s drug-fulled hallucinatory dream-world, but is, above all, a liminal space, which is symbolically representative of the space queer people in the 1950s inhabited, as “outlawed” subjects.
Narrator-Dean currently inhabits such liminal space himself, also in two senses:
1) We saw him die in 15x20, so he is, apparently, narrating from Heaven, or from the liminal space between dying and rebirth, as Holy Ghost Narrator Dean/ Dean’s soul in the Bardo (the space, as set out in The Tibetan Book of the Dead, between dying and reincarnation). 
2) Dean continues to inhabit a liminal space with regard to his queerness in the SPN/ Winchesters narrative. He may be bisexual in a thousand ways in the narrative subtext, and in its (romantic) narrative architecture, but a heterosexual interpretation (they were best friends/ brothers) remains possible.
I bet Dean’s read The Naked Lunch. 
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soaringeag1e · 2 years
Escape {52}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Crime Scene, Blood, Dead Bodies
Words: 1,763
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
The house was swarming with cops, the perimeter blocked off with police tape. Patrons stood along the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street as they watched the commotion and tried to see passed all the movement. 
Humans have this need to know what’s going on. It doesn’t matter how little or how grim the situation is, we all have that curiosity within us that makes us want to know what’s happened. That’s why we slow down when we see someone pulled over on the side of the road, or when there’s a terrible car accident. We have this want within us to know what’s happening.
As for Dean, at least at this moment in time, he was dreading walking into that house. He lived this life everyday so he’s had his share of seeing all he could see.
Dean lifts his phone, the screen lighting up to show him the time, but he doesn’t particularly care about that. The picture filling his background is why he lifted it in the first place. Despite the darkness he had waiting for him outside this car, your face made him smile. It brought him a sense of peace that would help him through this. It couldn’t take away what he was about to see, but knowing he would go home to you later made all the difference.
Locking his phone, he slides it into his pocket and then pulls his keys from the ignition. When he steps out of the car, he ignores the looks from the people on the sidewalk and moves around the front of his Chevy. He sends a few officers a quick nod, their silent greeting as ‘good morning’ seems inappropriate for what they were all dealing with.
“Dean.” The detective looks up to see his partner coming out of the house, the weight of the situation etched in his features.
“Styles.” With a quick handshake both pairs of eyes look up at the suburban home.
“Sorry to call you out here, but Bobby…”
“It’s okay, I know. Sorry it took me so long to get here.”
“You’re good. I think we’re all still trying to wrap our heads around this.” Styles catches an officer who’s walking by and steals a few pairs of gloves from him, handing a pair off to Dean.
“How many are there again?” Dean questions as he slips the latex over his hands, but Styles seems speechless. He goes to answer but it’s as if the number is trying to claw its way back down his throat.
“Six.” Dean lets that number sink in. Letting it plummet into his stomach and cause a nauseousness that just came with the job of seeing dead bodies. 
Like the professional he is though, he gives his partner a nod and then climbs the steps to the front door. Styles follows close behind as he gives him the information they already know.
“So far the neighbors don’t have anything helpful to give us. None of them saw anything or heard anything unusual. But there are signs of a break-in in the back of the house.”
“Murder weapon?” 
“Chef's knife.” Dean slows to a stop and he looks over his shoulder to Eddie, who in return tries to keep the contents in his stomach where they are.
“Six people? Chef's knife?”
“Yeah.” And that’s when he knows why Bobby wanted him here. There was something the rest of them were missing because the odds of someone taking six people out with a Chef’s knife without one of them making it out to safety or calling the cops? There was a big piece of the puzzle missing.
Styles points to their left, getting Dean to force himself to move further into the crime scene. From the entrance, everything looked fine, but that’s because the blood bath was hidden just around the corner.
The first victim is visible, sitting at the dinner table, hunched over the corner. Blood is splattered over the linens along with the food and plates that were being used the night of the masacre and Dean feels his stomach flip at the visual. 
It was clear this family was having Christmas dinner when they all lost their lives. The same night Dean was on cloud nine because of how amazing his life was going. Guilt pushed on his chest as he realized at the same moment he was telling his family that you and him were engaged, this family was being butchered.
“Christopher Smith, owner of the house.” Using his gloved hands, Dean carefully lifts the man’s head from the table, seeing a messy, amatuer slice across his neck. “His wife, Lynn, was found in the kitchen along with her mother Jolene. Their daughter, Ameilia is in the other room...the closest to the main entrance along with her son, Max. Ameilia’s husband, Frank is just there,” Styles points to the other side of the table where Dean can see someone's arm sprawled out next to some chairs.
Dean goes back to studying the cut along Christopher’s neck, immediately noticing where the attack had come from just by the angle and depth.
Resting the man’s head against the table again, Dean moves around the table and takes a seat in the chair to the right of the father of the house. He looks at the man again before letting his eyes roam over the table. Styles lets his boss go through his process, remaining close, but quiet as he knows how Dean works.
“Six victims? You’re sure there’s no more?” Dean asks, finally looking up at his partner. Styles slowly nods, though confident in his answer, Dean always has him questioning himself because he knows the experienced detective always sees something that he doesn’t.
“Yeah...pretty sure. We’ve done a total sweep of the house.” Dean nods a few times before his eyes start looking over the walls around him. “Why do you ask?”
“There’s eight chairs around the table. Eight place settings.” Dean explains without taking his eyes off the pictures on the walls. “Whoever was sitting here started it.” his hand flattens against the table, his fingers resting next to the silverware in front of him. “Once they attacked the dad, everyone scattered.”
"So whoever did this isn't an intruder at all. They're part of the family." 
"Or they were just invited." Dean adds as he pushes himself from the chair and moves to the son in law on the floor. Squatting next to the body, he sees multiple stab wounds to the upper and lower back, no defensive wounds on the wrists or hands.
"Where did you say his wife is?" 
"The living room." Dean looks up from the body, seeing two others on the kitchen floor. He pushes himself to his feet and moves across the house, glancing at the other bodies as he makes his way to the living room. When his feet crunch against something on the floor, though, he pauses and looks down. 
Shattered glass is scattered across the slate tiles, a weird residue catching the detective's eye and making him bend down to get a closer look. He picks up a bigger piece, turning it between his fingers as he studies the brown smudge.
"What is it?" Styles asks from above him, but Dean doesn't answer right away as he wants to make sure what he's seeing is right. 
"Blood." He looks up to the source of the broken glass, seeing the same smudges on the door that was now missing a pane. 
"They probably cut themselves when they broke through." Dean remains silent and Styles knows that once again, he sees something that he hasn't. But he follows his boss into the other room, preparing himself for the heartbreaking scene for a second time. 
He can just barely hear the anger in Dean's sigh as he approaches the last two bodies. A sight hard to take in even for the toughest people.
He looks from the two, over to the front door. They were easily twenty feet or less away from escaping their horrible fate. So close to getting out of the house and making it to a neighbors house for safety.
Dean hesitates, but kneels down next to the woman, looking her over and trying not to let the body next to hers distract him.
"She fought back." He states with emotion in his voice. "She tried everything she could to protect him."
"Yeah." Is all Styles can say. The fate of the two not getting any easier to look at.
Defensive wounds covered her arms, hands and fingers. She had cuts along her neck, face and stomach. Stab wounds that sealed her fate were along her side, abdomen and back. Dean can only assume that she got the brunt of the attack not only because she fought back, but because she was the closest one to escaping. The attackers made sure she wasn't going anywhere. 
As for the child, he couldn't have been over the age of 5 and Dean didn't need to go through his injuries in his head any longer to know how he passed.��
Without a word, Dean stands from the mother, son duo and heads for the front door. At first Styles thinks it's because his boss needs a breather, but the urgency in his step gets him to follow.
As Dean jogs down the porch steps, he instantly takes a right and walks around the side of the house.
"Dean?" Ignoring his friend, Dean proceeds to the side gate and easily pops it open. Styles follows him into the backyard where Dean turns back and shuts the gate, double checking to see if it's just as easy to leave as it was to enter.
And it was.
"What are you thinking?" Dean backs away from the wood door and looks from the gate to the back entrance of the house. It's easily the same distance as the mother, son duo were to the front door.
"I'm wondering why Amelia didn't use the back door to escape. Why pass the closest exit? And I can guarantee you, if she took her son and went out the back, by the time her attacker was finished with the ones inside, she'd be long gone." The frustration was clear in his voice, but Styles was sure it was just because of the situation. He saw the way his boss looked at that door. He knows there's a reason why Amelia didn't choose that exit and he knows for a fact that Dean will figure it out.
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Forever Babes:
@dnnwnchstr22​ @ricanqueen20​ @onethirstyunicorn @in-deans-arms​ @sandlee44​ @hobby27​ @catching-up-with-kayla @chances-and-miracles​ @superfanficnatural​ @thatmotleygirl @sleep-i-ness​ @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep​ @amandamdiehl​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @deangirl93​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @borikenlove​ @foreverlonelyforhim​ @fairlyspnfanfic​ @mlovesstories​ @miraclesoflove​ @flamencodiva​ @tombraider42017 @downanddirtydean @stixnstripesworld​  
Dean/Jensen Babes:
@deans-baby-momma @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @michellethetvaddict  @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @jensengirl83 @idksupernatural @akshi8278 @iamabeautifulperson18 @tatted-trina6 @thoughts-and-funnies​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @sexyvixen7​ @onceuponathreetwoone​ @cpag7​ @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @deandaydreaming​ @deansgirl215​ @mikadwinchester​ @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @pink-sparkly-witch​
Escape Babes:
@teambuckyovereverything @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @vicmc624​ @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @cookiechipdough​  @deansgirl215​ @linki-locks11​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @squirrelnotsam​ @samsgirl93​ @londoncallingbutiwontpickup @percywinchester27​ @maralisa124​ @thecreatiivecorner​ @briagallen​ @fanngirl19​ @supernatural-love14​ @thefemalestorywriter​ @deanwinchesterinthedarktower​ @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba​ @supernatural3002​ @shesnotmaria​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @my-proof-is-you​ @muchamusedaboutnothing​ @mickey-m399​ @bakugouswh0r3​ @redbarn1995​
78 notes · View notes
aylacavebear · 4 months
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Word Count: 3728
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. May have future SMUT 18+!
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 29
“So, you met him. Not quite what you were expecting, I take it,” Mari said from behind her.
Maria turned around, “I need some straight answers this time. Why is God doing this? Why does he want to bring on the apocalypse? And I want the real reason why Dean and Sam are his main focus for it,” she told her, sounding more serious than she had in other of their prior meetings. Mari sighed and patted a spot on the rock next to her as she kept her gaze on Maria. She knew these questions would come eventually, and she hadn’t been looking forward to answering them, “I want to tell you a story,” she told her softly. Maria sighed as she sat down next to her. She figured it would be more of the same, dodged questions that would leave her to piece things together on her own. She wasn’t prepared for the story Mari was about to tell her. “A very long time ago, there was a family with two brothers who cared deeply for each other with loving parents. The younger of the two brothers was led astray, though, heading down a dark path, and his older brother worried for him and his future. He made a deal, to save his brother’s soul, but in return, he lost his own to the darker side of things. The older brother did have children of his own, down many generations,” Mari explained.
It was almost as if Maria could see it all playing out in her mind, and she didn’t like where this story seemed to be headed. She also wasn’t sure exactly what the point of it was, not yet at least. “That older brother became one of the first demons, doing many tasks for hell, at least until a demon took his wife from him. That was when he hung it all up, went off-grid, and disappeared, attempting to live life as a human. He’s a good man these days and just wants to be left alone,” Mari continued; her voice was soft, though as she kept her gaze on her daughter. The only thought going through Maria’s head at the moment was that it was more vague information that wasn’t helping to answer any of her questions. She even figured that Mari could see it in her expression. Part of her was getting annoyed. She took a deep breath, calming herself again, stilling her thoughts so she could at least pay attention. “God watched over all of this, saddened that one of his children again went down a dark path, but he’d given his children free will, so he couldn’t intervene. He watched over the line of his first creations for centuries. The longer things went on, the sadder he got. Because of the corruption that Lucifer had done in The Garden, humans forgot what peace was, not all of them, but enough of them,” Mari watched some gears slowly turning in her daughter’s head the longer she spoke.
Maria tilted her head a bit, her mind attempting to figure out where this story of hers was going and what it had to do with the Winchesters, let alone why Zamariel had gone as far as she had to make sure Maria had been born. “Over time, God became disappointed in his children, even angry. All those things a parent goes through when their children lose sight of what their parent had been trying to teach them. So, he began interfering, in little ways. He’d send his angels to whisper in the ears of certain humans, then allowed certain demons to help on the other side. The Winchester brothers are no different, and neither is their lineage. The apocalypse is just a way of saying the end of what is or wiping the slate clean,” Mari finished, mostly answering her questions in a roundabout way. Maria’s eyes widened as every little piece clicked into place for her, goosebumps running down her body. Her mind was already attempting to formulate some sort of plan to keep them all safe, but then a puzzled look crossed her expression, “How does Castiel play into all of this?” she asked, confused. Mari smiled a little, “Wayward souls have a way of seeking peace, a peace only you can bring to them.” For Maria was a wayward soul herself; she’d lost her family and then found another. She rolled her eyes, as that answer hadn’t helped her, at least not right now, “That doesn’t help,” Maria mumbled, turning her gaze to the sand below the rock the two were sitting on. “You’ll figure it out. You always do,” Mari replied with a small smile. “Why do you always have to be so cryptic?” Maria asked, looking over at her. “I can’t give you the answers. I can only give you tidbits, or things will not go well, and you being brought into creation would have meant nothing,” Mari sighed, “That’s why you have to be the one to figure it out.” Again, Maria rolled her eyes, “That’s putting a lot on me.” Mari tilted her head a bit, then tucked a strand of hair behind Maria’s ear, “You’re smart. You always have been. You know how to piece things together in ways that no one else does. Don’t forget that,” she paused for a moment, then smiled a little, “Don’t force it, let it flow through you. The answers will come… when you truly want them to.” With that, Mari touched her forehead with her first two fingers.
Maria groaned a bit, annoyed, as her eyes opened to the darkness of Dean’s room, causing him to stir a bit next to her. That was getting annoying, getting pushed back into the waking world when she had more questions. She’d even opened her mouth but never got the chance to ask her next one. She took a deep breath, then let it out in a sigh.
“You okay?” Dean asked her, his eyes still closed as he pulled her closer.
“Define okay,” she mumbled.
He opened his eyes and looked over at her. Even in the darkness, he could see that she was bothered by something, “Wanna talk about it?” he asked, his voice a bit gruff due to just waking up.
“Maybe after some coffee,” she replied, her mind still working, and it felt like it was going on overdrive.
Dean pulled her close, just holding her as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. He felt her relax into him. All he wanted was for her to feel less stressed, and if holding her helped, he’d hold her for as long as she’d let him.
They eventually made it out to the kitchen; even the others were up and already having coffee. Maria’s mind was still piecing the information together, mostly lost in her thoughts. The others noticed but didn’t press her, knowing that when she had something, she’d share it with them. Castiel soon made his way to the kitchen, looking slightly hung over. 
Sam looked at him, slightly puzzled, “Can angels even have hangovers?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions,” Castiel answered gruffly, sitting down before he leaned his elbows on the table, rubbing his temples with his fingers.
Jess stifled a giggle, finding the angel kind of funny, as well as the situation. Dean was the one who spoke up next, “Want some coffee or a shot of whiskey?” 
“Neither,” Castiel stated gruffly again.
It was Dean’s turn to stifle a chuckle, although he did smirk, finding it just as amusing as Jess had. Mary had been watching Maria, though, as had Bobby. She’d been staring more at the coffee in her cup than anything else, and she’d been silent so far. Occasionally, she’d sip her coffee, but there was a far-off look in her eyes. In her mind, though, it was like a computer or a puzzle, lines connecting different pieces, not only from Mari’s words but also from what she’d learned from Chuck/God, her book, and the things Castiel had shared.
“Sweetheart, you hungry?” Dean asked her, almost an hour later.
She hadn’t even refilled her cup of coffee and was still sitting at the kitchen table. The others had moved into the library, going back to researching to find any sort of answers to their predicament. When she didn’t answer him, he gently set his hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump slightly and look up at him, blinking in slight confusion for a moment.
He sighed and sat down next to her, “Wanna tell me what's going on?” he asked her as softly as he could manage through his worry and concern for her.
Maria looked around the kitchen, realizing the two of them were alone, before she looked back over at Dean, “Where’d everybody go?” she asked, somewhat puzzled.
“They’re in the library. You’ve been in kind of a trance since you sat down,” he explained, his eyes searching her face for a hint of what could have been going through her head.
She furrowed her brows slightly and pursed her lips, realizing she had spaced out, “Sorry about that,” she sighed.
Dean couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his lips. He set his hand on her cheek before he leaned in and kissed her, soft and intimate butterfly kisses, and he felt her smile a little against his lips, “So glad I came up with that,” he said between kisses.
Maria giggled a little midway through the kisses. She’d completely forgotten about him telling her he would do that if she apologized, “You always know how to make me smile,” she told him and let out a contented sigh after he pulled away.
“So, are you hungry?” he asked again. A relief washed through him, seeing her relax a little, and that smile of hers, even if it was small, he could tell it was genuine.
“Eating would probably be a good idea and more coffee,” she answered, looking down at her empty coffee cup.
Dean chuckled a little as he refilled her cup, then made her a simple breakfast, making sure not to skimp on the bacon. He knew she could have just used her powers, but he enjoyed doing things for her. Seeing her smile like she would brought him a sense of enjoyment and peace. In a way, it gave him a purpose that had nothing to do with hunting or having to put up that stoic exterior. 
The two joined the others in the library after about an hour. Maria was still attempting to figure out precisely what Zamariel was attempting to tell her, but not all the pieces made complete sense to her yet.
“She give you any answers?” Bobby asked her, leaning back in his seat.
That made Castiel look from Bobby to Maria, puzzled at who he was referring to, but waited to ask anything.
“Not really,” Maria sighed, looking down at the table. She wasn’t even sure what to tell them.
“Who?” Castiel finally asked, puzzled and curious, as he looked at Maria.
That was when she realized she hadn’t told him about her or that she met with her in her dreams,” Zamariel. She’s, uh, my mom, sort of.”
Castiel’s eyes went wide at that implication, “You talk to her, and she’s your mom?” he asked, more curious as more questions flooded his mind.
Maria smiled a little, “Yes. I talk to her in my dreams when I choose to. My human mother was her vessel for a time, but she left after I was born,” to which Castiel just nodded.
It was a lot for Castiel to take in, but it explained a lot about Maria and why her glow was so different than anything else celestial he’d encountered or known about. She’d been right; there wasn’t a name for what she was, as angels didn’t usually take a female vessel, get pregnant, and stay till after the pregnancy. To him, at least, it was clear that had been the only reason her mother had survived giving birth to her, Zamariel having used her powers to keep Alarra’s body and soul safe during the birth.
Maria then shared with them what Zamariel had told her in her dream, what she’d learned from Chuck/God, and the little bit she could piece together. It was clear to her that Chuck/God wanted to wipe the slate clean on Earth, almost like starting over with a smaller handful of people so there was less corruption in them. Castiel was listening intently while she spoke. He had other information from heaven and the other angels that he hadn’t shared with her or the others yet.
“That story reminds me of Cain and Able,” Jess told her when she was done speaking.
The others looked over at her while Bobby was already glancing at the shelves of books from where he sat. John and Mary were a little disturbed at the implications of their boys being descendants of Cain and Able. The brothers, though, weren’t sure what to think, mostly about being nothing but pawns in some tantrum God was having.
“Dean and Sam, they’re vessels, for Michael and Lucifer, for the end battle from revelations,” Castiel told them, causing them all to look over at him. Their expressions ranged from shock to anger.
Maria felt those goosebumps again, fitting more pieces together, “So, God… Chuck is trying to bring about the apocalypse using Dean and Sam, so he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty. If I’m putting the pieces together right.” “Well, without Dean breaking the first seal in hell, there’s no point for Lilith to break any of the others,” Castiel explained.
“Wait, so an angel can just possess a human, like demons can?” Dean asked, not liking the sound of having some angel just taking over his body.
“No. You have to say yes. We have rules,” Castiel answered.
“That’s a bonus, at least,” John stated, feeling slightly relieved, as did Mary.
“Wait,” Dean began and looked over at Castiel, a bit curious now, “How was I supposed to break the first seal?”
“Just over a year and a half from now, you’re supposed to make a crossroads deal. A year after that, you die, and your soul goes to hell. The rumor in heaven goes; after three months, which is thirty years in hell, of being tortured, you finally give into Alastair's offer, of putting souls on the rack. That is how you break the first seal, ‘The first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell.’” Castiel explained.
“I’d never do that,” Dean said confidently, leaning back in his seat.
“Not according to Chuck’s writings or the rumors. Heaven takes things very seriously,” Castiel told him, being completely serious.
“Maybe we should read these books of his,” Jess suggested.
That was something Maria hadn’t thought about but did agree with. She snapped her fingers, and a set of the books appeared on the tables before them. They all grabbed one and began reading. It seemed to be a decent place to start, at least. On the other hand, Maria headed to her room and grabbed her book before returning to the library. There was always something new to find in that book. Castiel looked up, seeing the book, and tilted his head slightly.
“There were no words in that book, when I looked at it the other night,” Castiel told her, perplexed.
Maria looked up at him after she sat down, setting her book on the table in front of her, “Huh, it’s in Enochian. I’m the only one who can read it, apparently. It’s from Zamariel,” she explained.
That intrigued Castiel, and he got up so he could look over her shoulder at the pages, wondering if there would be words there now. Maria opened the book and began reading, but to Castiel, the pages were still blank. He furrowed his brows before he went back and sat down, somewhat frustrated but also so damn curious about what was in that book. 
Not much had changed in the first few chapters, a sentence here and there, and Zamariel’s chapter was the same. After that, she found an entirely new chapter on Imbuning Objects. It was an odd chapter, and wasn’t entirely sure why it showed up or how it would even help their current situation. She barely noticed Sam reach for a book near her and caught sight of what was on his wrist. It was the purple, blue, and red friendship bracelet she’d given him when he was twelve. She hadn’t even noticed it when she’d stayed with them for those eight months earlier in the year. Although to be fair, she was detoxing from alcoholism as well as grieving for the loss of her father from when she was seventeen.
Within the chapter, she learned that she could imbue objects with intentions and emotions and that they would be connected to her and the person who had the object. She remembered how she had told Sam that all he had to do was think about her, and it would be like she was hugging him. Maria glanced up from her book, tilting her head slightly as she looked at Sam.
“Hey Sam, I’m curious about something,” she told him, still thinking back.
He looked up at her, “What’s up sis?”
“That bracelet I gave you when you were twelve. Did it do what I said it would?” she asked curiously.
“Yeah, it did. It got me through some fairly tough times. Why?” he answered, now curious about where this was going.
“Huh…” she mumbled, wondering just how far the implications of that could go. After a moment, she snapped out of her thoughts, “Just something the book said. It’s not important right now.”
They all looked at her but, again, didn’t push it. She wasn’t entirely sure how to explain it to them, at least not at that moment in time. The idea of imbuing objects with that peace that she felt and spreading them around the world had been the first thing she’d thought about, wondering if it would work how it was in her head. She couldn’t exactly ask the others, though; they wouldn’t have had a clue. Briefly, Zamariel crossed her mind, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see her two nights in a row or if she’d get a straight answer from her.
It wasn’t long before John spoke up, not looking up from the book in his hands, “We’ve got an idea of cases and monsters now. We can head 'em’ off at the pass, save some lives.”
Maria looked up from her book. She’d forgotten that they were all reading Chuck/God’s Supernatural books as she’d been lost in her thoughts and her book, “What do you mean, Uncle John?” she asked, a little puzzled.
“It’s almost like reading the future,” Dean stated before his father could answer her, his nose still stuck in the book, “They’ve got me full frontal in this one.” He didn’t sound pleased about that either.
“Glad I didn’t pick that one,” Jess teased him from across the library table, and he just glared at her a little while the others chuckled.
“I can call some other hunters and get them on some of these,” Bobby added, setting his book down before he rubbed his face with his hand.
Those books were an asset to them, as were the books in the bunker that were on actual lore. Jess grabbed a pen and a pad of paper as they each told her details of the case in each book, which she wrote down. All the details were there, including the monster they’d have to deal with. They also quickly skimmed over the other books, with Jess writing those things down as well.
Bobby made some phone calls, sending hunters out on half the cases that Jess had written down. Some of them would have to wait, as it was a timing thing, and the books only gave so many dates in them. Dean and Sam paired up and took the case on Bloody Mary, figuring it wouldn’t be difficult to track down a mirror, while John and Bobby took Bugs to see if they could reason with the developer and what was coming. That would leave the three women at the bunker. It was safer that way. However, this would give Mary time to get to know Jess better and catch up on other things with Maria. 
Castiel hadn’t decided what he wanted to do. He was still dealing with the fact that God was not what he thought he was, his faith wavering further. At the same time, he was finding comfort in being around all of these hunters, seeing their bond with each other and how they cared for innocent people over their own safety. It intrigued him. 
They planned to head out in the morning, after coffee and breakfast, of course.
“Cas, why don’t you come with us,” Sam suggested, thinking the angel might not only come in handy but that would also give him and his brother a chance to get to know him a little better.
At first, he wasn’t sure what to think of that or the abbreviation of his name, “You want me to go with you?” Castiel asked, still slightly puzzled.
“Yeah, why not. That way, you don’t get stuck here with the girls while they do girly things,” Dean added, attempting to joke around. Secretly, though, he wanted to keep an eye on the angel, still not fully trusting him, not yet. It was just how Dean was.
“Uh, okay then,” Castiel answered, still unsure of the point of it or the offer, but he was curious.
Maria gave Dean a knowing look, but he just smiled a little. He knew she knew his reasoning. However, Maria’s main focus was how to deal with their issue with God/Chuck, even if they had managed to stop his original plan. Everything she needed had already been shown to her, either through her conversations with Zamariel or through the words of that book; she just hadn’t fully put the pieces together yet. 
----------------------------------------- Chapter 30 - Thanksgiving & New Beginnings
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67
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Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 9
Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 9
Characters: Dean x doctor!Reader, Sam Winchester
This story is Act 7 of a saga.
New to the story? Get caught up on the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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All your favorite Winchesters are alive, in spite of the curse that nearly took them from you. After coming so close to losing the only family you have left in this world, you’re taking matters into your own hands. There’s a witch to hunt.
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Series Warnings:
Character injuries/sickness - Take note that no one is excluded from this.
Canon-typical violence and language.
Lots of whump.
Lots of caring for hurt characters.
Smut (18 Only. NSFW. You were warned.)
Medical talk. Is that even a warning
Image Credit: bing image search, google image search
Wordcount: 1557
Chapter  9
Despite having kept an eye on the witch's new shop for most of the afternoon, you hadn't seen any sign of her emerging from the building. You were undecided about whether having her holed up in one spot was a good or a bad thing. It would make it easier to know where she was, but harder for you to gain access to her when the time came.
It was time to get back to the hospital and do a little more digging. You'd already planted the seeds to go back and visit with the chief about doing locum work, so you went back to the motel to take a shower and get cleaned up. You donned your FBI pantsuit, put your hair in a quick up-do that didn’t look like you were trying too hard, and checked that your credentials were in your handbag. Your .380 was securely holstered to your bra with your Flashbang holster, and loaded with devil's trap bullets just in case you had an unfortunate run-in with the demon priests.
You drove over to the hospital and parked toward the main entrance. 
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James was at the front desk just as he had been when you’d spoken with him previously.
He waved and smiled as you approached. "Guess you were serious about that locum work," he said.
"Absolutely. Would you mind checking to see if the Chief has a few minutes to meet with me?"
"Sure thing, hon. Have a seat."
"Thank you." You sat down in the nearest row of chairs and pulled out your phone, shooting Dean a text.
Back at the hospital to talk to the Chief. I'll try to snoop around a little while I'm here.
It was only a few minutes before you got a response back from him.
Good plan. Be careful.
A few seconds after the message came through it was followed by a picture of Dean and Jonah, both shirtless with damp hair, showing off their matching anti-possession tattoos.
Took a shower together after he spit up half his bottle on us.
You smiled as you read the text and admired the picture.
Never thought you could make me miss baby spit-up, but there you go. ;)
Dean answered immediately.
We miss you.
It was quickly followed by,
Be careful, Doc. Call me later.
James approached just then and you looked up at him. "The Chief can see you in half an hour if you don't mind waiting. She's just heading into a meeting, but shouldn’t be too long."
"That would be great. Thank you,” you told him. James smiled and nodded, turning to go. "Actually, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the cafeteria while I wait?"
"Down that hall, take the elevator to the third floor. It's on the West end."
"Thanks, James."
You followed his directions but walked slowly, canvassing the area as you went. You kept your eyes peeled for any sign of the demon priests, or anything else suspicious. You were half expecting the smell of sulfur to invade your nostrils as you wandered about, but nothing so exciting happened. You grabbed a cup of coffee in the cafeteria and continued to wander around, trying to get the lay of the land for future reference.
You spotted the records room and made a mental note of that location, as well as the emergency department and the back way around toward the nurse's desk. When the 30 minutes was almost up you made your way back down to James's greeting desk and sat down to wait.
The chief approached just a few minutes later, introducing herself and inviting you to follow her back to her office to chat. You gave her your credentials and advised that you may be temporarily in the area while helping a family member, and available to do some locum work while you were staying. You told her you would know for certain and could have an answer to her as far as your availability within the next few days. You were asking questions about the hospital and the schedule when a nurse burst into the Chief's office, looking frazzled.
"Sorry to interrupt," she said, a little breathlessly. "Room 227 pulled his IV and is out of bed, trying to leave AMA."
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"Mr. Halstead?" the Chief said indignantly. The nurse nodded. "How can that be?"
"He's insisting he feels fine - good as new - and that he's not staying. We'd have to restrain him to stop him. His ex-wife, who is the emergency contact, still isn't returning our calls. What would you like us to do?"
"I need to deal with this," the Chief said to you as she got to her feet.
"Of course. By all means. I know how it is."
She put a packet of forms in your hands as she passed by on her way to the hall. "Walk with me?" You quickly stood and followed her as the nurse led the way. "That's the paperwork we'll need if you decide you want to come on board.”
"Perfect. Thank you.
"You think you'll know sometime this week?” she asked.
"In the next few days, I hope," you said as you neared the familiar nurses station.
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The frazzled nurse went into room 227 ahead of you where there was obvious commotion going on inside.
"We'd be lucky to have you," the Chief said as she held her card out for you to accept. "Keep in touch." She straightened her stethoscope around her neck and headed into the room, leaving you standing at the nurses station.
"She likes you," said a male nurse from behind the desk.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Think so?"
"I know so. Are you joining the staff here?"
"Maybe," you said, shuffling the business card and papers together in your arms before you offered a hand to him to shake and introduced yourself. "I'm hoping to do some locum work while I'm in town. Looks like 227 is a little exciting, huh?" you pressed, hoping he'd take the bait. "I don't suppose it's another one of your miracle cases?"
"You heard about that, huh?" he asked, setting down the tablet he'd been reviewing.
"A little. I was here the other day. Seems like those priests from that new parish nearby are pulling strings with the big guy upstairs."
"They must be," he agreed. "Damnedest thing I ever saw."
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You gestured with a tilt of your head toward room 227. "What's this guy's story?"
"He's been septic. Osteomyelitis in his tibia."
"Not yet. Just got him stable yesterday, but Ortho needs to go on and wash it out. I think he's scheduled for tomorrow morning."
The Chief poked her head out from the room just then and spoke to him, saying, "Let's get Mr. Halstead in for another CT." Then she lowered her voice and said, "His ankle looks way better … night and day difference, but there's no way that osteomyelitis just cleared up on its own. Repeat imaging," she reasserted before disappearing into the room again.
"Maybe another miracle after all," the nurse said with a shrug as he picked up the phone to call the imaging department.
You shifted your weight, staring in the direction of room 227 and wishing you could get inside to see exactly what was going on. Osteomyelitis was serious - infection in the bone - and the Chief was right. That kind of thing wouldn't clear up on its own overnight. Not a chance.
"Nice meeting you," you whispered to the nurse, smiling when he nodded his goodbye to you before you turned to walk away.
If Mr. Halstead was indeed another demon's meat suit, it could only mean the witch was still growing her resources. And also that he might get dangerous in his attempts to the hospital. A demon wouldn’t waste time sticking around there for long, and the last thing you wanted was to see anyone else get hurt.
You were beginning to realize you really didn't have time to figure out what the witch was up to. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be good. You needed to stop it before she could put things in place that would really be hard to come back from.
The fact that she hadn't left her new shop location building also meant you couldn't be exactly certain how many demons were inside. You'd only seen a few milling about and acting as priests, but you did know for certain that her numbers would only grow if you sat by and watched for too long.
You called to let Dean and Sam know what you'd learned at the hospital, and even tossed around a few ideas including trying to go incognito as an inspector from the city checking the progress of the construction. It would be a way to get in the shop building and get a better idea of what you were dealing with inside.
Of course, Dean hated this idea. You'd expected nothing less. He wasn't going to like any idea that had you putting yourself at risk, but that was why you were here. To take this witch out for good. You'd do whatever it took in the end to make sure your family was safe. Dean didn't have to like it.
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Act VII Masterlist.
You can find the Masterlist for the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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rosemariad · 4 months
Supernatural season 13
I've heard of the widower arc that takes place during the early part of this season but geez
Dean looks so depressed – the desolation, the hopelessness. Poor Dean Bean, lost his angel yet again. You can't help but feel for the poor guy (for now…)
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Then the instant 180, uno reverse this man takes in his demeanor. He's so happy Cas is back. AND having a big cowboy adventure! They're spoiling this man after the widower arc. Jack & Sam are not down for it but Dean's been so miserable they shut the fuck up.
Dean swallowing deeply when Cas quotes Tombstone – confirmation they have movie nights together (ALONE??????) if they were alone during these movie nights – they're basically dating w/o clarifying that they are actually dating – and they're coparenting, my goodness! The domestication is real!
We later find out Dean snuck a quick shot of Cas in the little cowboy hat he made him wear for the case. Wow.
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But as a side note - I did NOT appreciate how shitty Dean was to Jack. He was basically abusing him verbally like WTF give the kid a damn chance - don’t make death threats to the newborn child that was literally born yesterday like the fuck #jackdefensesquad. Like anything bad that jack actually does, he’ll think back to the moments where Dean was like ‘oh he’s a monster’ ’when you go dark side, I’ll be the one to kill you’ yeah like maybe that’s what pushed him to that point. It’s no surprise Jack chooses to leave. My ass would’ve been gone. Also was Cas made aware of the threats Dean made to Jack???
They’re making it REALLY HARD to like Dean this season. MoC was bad, Demon!Dean too but evil forces were at work. This time he got no excuse — threatening at 16 yr old girl who has no one in her corner. They’re basically forcing her to help them for nothing in return. Unbelievable 🤬 And Sam, wtf? Would it kill you to stand up to your fuckin’ brother!
Anyway - Jack’s power is totally cool though.
Kaia…was killed by an alternate self? Whaaaaaat?
So this was the season they tried for the Wayward Girls? Shame it didn’t work out…like the premise is cool BUT since the main show barely give the women characters the time of day, is it any wonder that a pilot didn’t work? The showrunners only seem good with moments - but no building up of the narrative like the male counterparts AKA main cast. Also - what would be the conflict - give people a reason to keep watching the girls - their storylines seem more or less resolved - Jody has already mourned the loss of her family, its not like she became Batman or something to fight a war against criminality. Claire has also gotten past the loss of her parents (as far as we know but honestly she should’ve been part of the main narrative as her life had been directly affected by Castiel’s actions and we all know why Cas bothers to get up in the morning…anyway), Donna doesn’t seem to have anything going on - she’s divorced but over it, Alex is over her dark past, Patience is just seeming to get a hand of her abilities - like where are the stakes??? Sam and Dean had a whole quest to embark on, then they had to navigate fraternal relationship while fighting monsters all the time, slowly unraveling an overarching narrative that’s taken over their lives. Where’s that for the ladies????
I spoke too soon - Donna’s niece gets kidnapped and Doug is her boyfriend (wow totally forgot about that guy, certainly didn’t think he’d return) and once he gets turned into a vampire but cured of it, he’s done. Before he leaves Donna, he calls her a hero. Honestly, if I ended up having a partner/lover who killed dangerous supernatural creatures, I wouldn’t leave them. I’d stick by them and have them teach me a few things. Oh well. Maybe Donna will run to Jody to have a shoulder to cry on ;) I know y’all JodyxDonna shippers are out there.
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Scoobynatural was fucking legendary! I loved watching Scooby doo as a kid, from when they were literal babies, to the OG episodes, to the revamp from the early 2000s, all the movies! (Zombie Island was the best!). It was a genuine delight watching the Winchesters (and Cas) cross paths with Mystery Inc. makes me wish they met Buffy and Ash from Evil Dead. That would’ve been awesome! Watching Dean say scooby dooby doo was total cringe tho :/ I love that Cas shut him down 🤣🤣
That ascot though? He’s wearing it all wrong, its supposed to be stuffed in, like how Fred wears it. And certainly not worn with plaid. SMH…
But now I totally want Supernatural as a fucking cartoon! Just like Scooby Doo - it would’ve been fucking glorious, Dean’s unhinge-able jaw, the kooky facial expressions, the comedic effects, and who knows, it would’ve given the show-runners the artistic freedom to reveal the true form of angels, namely, Castiel’s. Oh well.
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Donatello is…dead? I know they said Brain dead but after Amara sucked out his soul and Cas fucked up his brain, isn’t he better off dead? Par for the course for a prophet though, sucks for him.
Funny how Rowena suddenly wants to be the good mom and try to bring her demon son back after CENTURIES of chances. Sure she may not have known what became of Fergus since she left him, but I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken much to find out. She just didn’t want to. Now she’s filled with regret. And Sam’s destined to murder her? And she didn’t take him out? Okay, well then I guess it’s only a matter of time until she dies😒 not this season though, she’s too useful with her witchy powers to be killed off until she serves whatever purpose is convenient 😒
Angels are almost extinct :( I know they’re meant to be seen as controlling jerks but so is Dean XD lol anyway that’s a bummer with devastating consequences cuz if there’s no angels - they said all the souls will fall to Earth and become ghosts - billions in number - yeah. If it were me I would’ve just said the souls disappear but it ain’t my show 🤷🏽‍♀️
Naomi is back and I don’t even care - I’m sorry but I just don’t care about Apocalypse world either, I feel like it’s a grand waste of time. The fact that Charlie and Bobby are there doesn’t even matter cuz it’s not them. It’s not the Charlie and Bobby we got to know before. They’re just counterparts of another world, echoes of the fallen. When Dean says I can’t lose you, dude you literally just met her. And they’re expected to what, abandon the world they were born into? The fuck?
And fuck this show for killing Kevin TWICE!!! Kevin you were too precious for this universe/multiverse, whatever.
ketch is the latest (aside from rowena) of former villains/enemies/antagonist in supernatural that's suddenly we're supposed to be sympathetic towards since they switch sides and help the winchesters for a change but what's the reason??? I feel it's a little out there that Dean especially would let ketch live after what he put his mom through but whatever. since the show runners insisted with this whole apocalypse world crap, Dean would have died without ketch's help 😑
Gabriel has returned…only to die…again…awesome. at least he got to fuck rowena before he passed away 🤣😅
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Luci got fucked over hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha
Bobby x Mary, oh man John would be roaring in his grave…if he had one 🤣 [got burned to ashes in season 2], Bobby finna take his whole family, first his sons now his wife ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Luci resurrected someone? And nothing bad happened? Now tht’s a twist. I figured since he’s Satan she’d turn into a demon or something, but i guess not cuz we’re definitely not gonna see her again…
You know since I’ve seen The Boys I can see a resemblance between homelander and the devil, they both blow up in anger very similarly. When jack tells Luci, you’re not my father, he raged in a way that was eerily like Homelander would’ve. Just thought I’d point that out…
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Dean lets in Alt-Michael - Oh Lord above its the apocalypse all over again (this was a cool shot though) - meanwhile what’s OG Michael doing? Is he still in the Cage with Adam? Really? You had to bring an extra Michael into this nonsense? Ok 🙄 You know if Luci had possessed Sam too, it would’ve been a wrap!
Jack is powerless…for now? This poor kid was gonna kill himself?! Honey why? Ugh I’m blaming Dean for this. He put the seed in that kid’s head he was nothing but trouble and he was going to sacrifice himself, poor baby!
Cas why would you let Dean go?!?! Too sad to follow him into battle after Dean let Alt-Michael in?
Why can’t Sam get a super powerful Big Bad kill huh? Why is it always Dean? Geez.
So the only good things to happen this season were Scooby Doo and Jack meeting Cas. Ugh, their meetup was soo cute ^_^
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Welp only 2 seasons left, the last that’s over 20 episodes. Which means we only have 40 episodes to go til the end…goodie 😅
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mexicancat-girl · 7 months
Just finished watching The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes in theaters earlier today. I've got a lot of thoughts.
Overall the movie felt like a mixed bag, but I enjoyed it.
Spoilers below
The main characters were all worse versions of themselves in the film, minus Coriolanus (and arguably the Dean). In fact, some of the cleverness and actions that other characters had were taken and given to him instead-- like Sejanus' plan to give Marcus food.
Kind of disappointed how they rewrote Sejanus in general... They took a lot of scenes away from him and watered down his character a lot. His Ma literally got zero lines and only one cameo, despite her being a huge reason as to why Coriolanus and Sejanus are seen as such good friends in the first place.
I was still devastated by that scene with Sejanus, but the pacing and the lack of Ma (and her food) bridging the gap between Snow and him made their friendship seem even more shallow.
The pacing overall didn't do the story favors. Everything felt rushed. Lucy Gray and Snow's romance felt like it was going through a speed-run and felt even less realistic than the book. Not the biggest romance person, but they could've added a little more there. They barely kissed except for once on screen.
Pacing was rushed at the start and things felt like they dragged at the end. But I liked how the Games themselves were restructured, it all felt like it made more sense and the quickness actually helped. Plus it added to the cinematic feeling to have the games end with Lucy Gray taming the snakes with her song than dragging things out with Reaper, and Reaper got a heroic death keeping the flag over the dead tributes he laid to rest.
Uh, what else... The added scene with Gaul after Lucy Gray wins, and having the entire school chant to let her get out Lucy Gray from the Arena, was... bad. Like, awful to sit through, and not just because of how cheesy it was.
Yes, Lucy moves the people in the Capitol and entertains them with her songs. But she isn't a revolutionary figurehead. That's not the point of her character. She sings to survive, not to make people stand up and demand change, not like Katniss would in the future. (Plus, these games get wiped out from record afterwards regardless, showing how little impact Lucy Gray truly has in the world of Panem.)
I get that it's because it'll make things dramatic and cinematic, but that scene was unnecessary. Gaul is already portrayed as being cruel and disliked because of this, we don't need a school full of chanting students questioning her authority and morality to add to that.
Plus it just looks bad that we have a dark-skinned black woman be seen as the cruelest and evilest character Ever, who is someone the main character (a white man) must stand up against so she stops being So Evil and Cruel to a lighter-skinned woman of color. Viola Davis is amazing in the role, but that added scene screams misogynoir by pitting her as the ultimate evil versus white boy Coriolanus, making him a white savior in the process.
Stripping the nuance of the characters played by actors of color seems to be a running theme in this film, actually. Or hell, some of them like Clemensia disappear entirely from the film. Would've loved to see her all fucked up from the snake bite and still trying to Mentor, her dynamic with Coriolanus was great.
Overall disappointed they watered down Lucy Gray and made her less spunky, plus took away a lot of her agency during the Games, too. Lucy Gray's dialogue/way of speech is so fucking awkward for a human to say aloud, so props to Rachel Zegler doing what she could with what she's given. Love her and love Lucy Gray.
Of all the characters that survived their massacre in the movie writing, Tigress was good. I liked her, even if we didn't see the full extent of her worry and what she does to help keep her family afloat. Plus her last line in the film, telling Coriolanus he looks like his father is chilling, A++
Uhhh, another positive? I liked the music. Bluegrass is a good choice for all the songs Lucy Gray sings, and Rachel Zegler has a fantastic voice. I'll definitely keep my eye out for the soundtrack later.
Cinematography was great. The fact they went to film in Poland to get a lot of the nature scenes and the Arena was worth it, it looks gorgeous on screen. Costuming was fantastic. And all the actors playing the tributes each gave them such wonderful character and personality no matter how little screentime we got of them, they're all so talented!
I overall liked the movie and found it enjoyable to watch. But the pacing and twisting of character motivations, a lot of which was used to prop up Coriolanus further and paint him as a more charitable protagonist, soured things for me.
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soullessjack · 6 months
listen I love those old gay farts as much as the rest of this website but I will always always be annoyed with how much they overshadow literally anything about jack and how much the fandom just never lets him be the main focus even when the episode/arc is clearly trying to. I mean jacks own arc with dying and getting closure with his mom (whose loss has been a major part of his character since his first fucking episode but everybody only cared about widower dean) and you guys just go aww look the husbands are drinking and mourning their son together hashtag love wins
I’m so sorry that Dean and Cas are going through a divorce because they’re suffering from the consequences of their own miscommunication but Jack just killed his surrogate mother (who is a parallel to his bio-mother whom he also feels he murdered by existing) and is horribly traumatized to the point of psychosis! And now that he’s made the most horribly painful and unfixable mistake against his only chosen family that he has always been afraid of making, he’s gonna kill himself! But please do tell me about Dean and Cas’ fifth breakup like some grocery store checkout tabloid please I’m so invested
I could go on I really truly could but I’m too tired and in pain and frankly I’m already just exhausted from how much the fandom almost intentionally waters down Jack’s character and experiences and has an amoeba-sized brain when it comes to his story or trauma being the focus. Like it’s like you guys are fucking allergic to seeing him as a person who’s actually going through an arc and developing and not a baby shaped football for TFW to toss around moment and its so so so fucking annoying. Not even as an autistic person having to aee my representation be scrubbed away with the abrasive side of the sponge every time I open his tag but just as a fan who is genuinely interested in his character and is so very tired of the almost purposeful mischaracterization embedding itself into every way he’s seen. I don’t even know why I bother expressing this anymore bc it’s so obvious y’all don’t care but holy fucking shit just Please let him be an actual person let him be the focus for fucking once. Pleaseeee
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