#‘hurt my feelings // got bitter and violent // i’d rather you hate me than go radio silent’ okay dean 👍
aturnoftheearth · 30 days
girl who hasn’t made an amv in three months: what if i made three this month .
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megsblackfirewrites · 7 years
My Golden Obsession: Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Jack laughed as the boat swayed under his feet. He had no sea legs at all and trying to stay upright was damn near impossible. Gabriel wasn’t fairing much better than him, but he was smiling as he leaned on the railing. The guide was laughing as the other people on the boat did their best to remain upright.
The guide started talking about the area, telling them how the local Native Americans used to fish in these waters. Jack had little to no knowledge about coastal populations, but he trusted the guide to know their facts. For the most part. There was always room for error.
The guide handed him a fishing rod and explained to him how to set the weight and cast. Jack felt a little patronized, but he appreciated the help in getting used to the weight of the deep-sea fishing rod. It was very different to the fishing rods he was used to using in streams and lakes. Gabriel leaned against the railing and watched him as Jack watched the line.
“I know it’s not all that interesting,” Jack said as he slowly started reeling in. “But, thank you for bringing me out here.”
“Of course, honey,” Gabriel smiled at him. “Anything to make you happy.”
“And what can I plan for you in return?” Jack asked as he reeled in slowly.
“I’m happy if you’re happy,” Gabriel chuckled.
“That’s not fair, Gabe,” Jack pouted. “You do so much for me. I want to return the favour. There must be something you want to do; other than sex; that I can do for you.”
Gabriel looked at him silently for a moment before he smiled. He leaned over and kissed Jack’s cheek, nuzzling in close as he wrapped an arm around Jack’s hips. Jack smiled as he carefully cast his reel back out.
“I would love to take you somewhere special,” he said.
“Gabe, I’m supposed to do something special for you,” Jack said.
“It is,” Gabriel kissed his cheek. “I’d love to show you the place where I grew up. It’s a ways out of the city, out on some land that hasn’t really been used for a while.”
“I’d love to see it,” Jack smiled. “But that still doesn’t count.”
Gabriel shrugged and kisses his cheek. “Counts to me.”
Jack shook his head as he reeled the line in and cast out again. He could hear some bitter whispers around him focusing on his and Gabriel’s closeness. No matter where he went, there was always someone that didn’t know how to keep their mouth shut. Pity there wasn’t a hook for them to bite onto. Mouths that big should be on a hook.
He heard Gabriel growl against his back before he started moving. Jack grabbed his arm and squeezed, shaking his head to get him to stop moving. He didn’t want a fight.
“Don’t,” he whispered. “It’s not worth it.”
“No one would miss them,” Gabriel growled as he settled back against Jack’s shoulders. “Arrogant, ignorant….”
“Gabe,” Jack soothed and cupped his cheek. “Getting pissy isn’t going to solve anything. Let them whisper and think they’re being sneaky. It just reflects what assholes they are.”
“You’re too good for this world,” Gabriel snorted as he kissed Jack’s neck.
Jack’s line dipped violently, cutting off his answer. He let out a whoop as he jerked the line hard and started reeling in as fast as he could. Gabriel grabbed the rod to help him stabilize it, whooping just as loud as the guide hurried over with a laugh. Jack put his hips into hauling the fish onto the boat and grinned as the massive fish flopped angrily on the deck before Gabriel grabbed it.
“Beautiful,” Gabriel said as he held the struggling fish in his hands with some difficulty. “How’s that for the first catch of the day?”
“Nice sized albacore tuna,” the guide nodded his head. “Okay, get your pictures and then let the big guy go.”
Jack eagerly grabbed the fish by the tail and hoisted it up, keeping a hand under its head so that it didn’t thrash. The thing was almost as long as his arm and solid around the center. It was the first time he’d actually seen a tuna fish and he was a little surprised by how derpy it looked. But, he supposed that could be said about all fish; they didn’t look overly smart even though they were probably some of the best survivors on the planet.
Gabriel took a few pictures before Jack walked over to the edge of the boat and gently lowered the tuna into the water. It was docile for a moment, hanging in the water as if it were dead. Then, it gave a powerful snap of its tail and took off into the ocean, almost dragging Jack in with it.
Jack laughed as Gabriel hauled him back onto the boat. They shared a quick kiss before Jack punched both fists into the air and whooped in delight. If that was the first fish of the day, he couldn’t wait for more!
“Is there a problem, gentlemen?” Gabriel growled as he noticed some of the other anglers edging closer to him and Jack.
“You and your blond friend,” one man said slowly, “you’re rather…close.”
“You sound surprised,” Gabriel sighed. “Have you never seen a gay couple before?”
“Never one that was into fishing,” the man sniffed.
“Yes, because we’re all into fashion and getting our nails done, right?” Gabriel rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Not one of us thousands could possibly ever be interested in anything deemed ‘masculine’, right?”
“I’ve yet to meet one that was interested in fishing,” the man said.
“You just met one,” Gabriel gestured to Jack as he helped another angler haul a shark on board the ship, both of them stunned as the angry fish thrashed. “And he’s a cop, so watch your mouth.”
“They let that into the police academy?” the man’s friend asked in disgust.
Gabriel didn’t remember turning around, but Jack’s arms wrapped tightly around his chest and hauled him backwards before he could tear the man apart. He was shouting at him, promising death if he ever heard him say something like that to his sunshine again. The guide tried to get between them, asking them to settle down. The other man took a step forward and swung a punch at Gabriel’s head, a slur of some nature on his tongue.
Gabriel didn’t know Jack was capable of moving that fast. One minute he was hauling Gabriel away, the next, he was pinning the man to the ground and reading him his rights. Gabriel blinked as Jack slipped a pair of handcuffs over the man’s wrists and hauled him off to wait below deck.
“Where were you keeping those?” Gabriel asked when Jack returned.
“Back pocket, just in case,” Jack shrugged. “Captain radioed the coast guard and they’ll come collect his ass. It’s technically international waters so there’s going to be some legal hoops to jump through to figure out who gets to slap his ass with a hate crime.”
“You’re so protective,” Gabriel teased as he hugged Jack close. “And that shark was a black-tip.”
“Nice, hope you got a picture,” Jack smiled as he tucked himself under Gabriel’s jaw. “This was wonderful, Gabe. Aside from the racist and homophobic assholes, this was a great day.”
“I’m glad you had fun, my love,” Gabriel cooed as he kissed Jack’s cheek. “Wait until the next surprise.”
“Gabriel, please, don’t spoil me,” Jack laughed.
“But I want to,” Gabriel purred as he nuzzled Jack’s cheek. “I want you to know that you are the most precious thing in the world to me. Aside from my son, of course. Which reminds me; I need to get him a nice wedding present.”
“Towels are nice,” Jack mused.
“Embroidered towels,” Gabriel agreed before he tipped Jack’s head back to kiss him. “Beautiful idea.”
Jack was passed out cold in the seat on the way home. Gabriel knew how exhausting being out on the open water could be. All that fresh air and reeling could take it right out of you. He was glad that Jack was comfortable enough around him to fall asleep in his vehicle. Catherine never had; she hated sleeping in vehicles.
He reached over and ran his fingers through Jack’s hair, smiling as his boyfriend let out a long sigh of contentment. He shifted on the seat, leaning into Gabriel’s palm as he opened his eyes slightly. He smiled lazily at Gabriel before he reached up to rub at his eyes.
“Sorry, did I fall asleep?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, Jack,” Gabriel soothed. “You had an exciting day.”
“Mmm, but you’re probably just as tired,” Jack said as he tried to straighten up. “Not fair to make you drive without company.”
“I’m used to having Jesse with me, Jack; that kid could sleep through a hurricane,” he laughed. “Don’t feel bad about sleeping, Jack. I love that you’re comfortable sleeping in my car.”
Jack managed a tired smile before he curled up on the seat and immediately passed out again. Gabriel smiled as he drove through the city, winding his way through traffic back towards their houses. Jack had been spending more time at his house lately and he had a feeling that he was going to come home to Jack finally repainting his living room for him. He had the paint already picked out; he just needed to get his ass in gear.
Jack was still asleep when he pulled into the driveway. He smiled as he turned the engine off and got out of the car. He walked over to Jack’s side and hoisted his boyfriend into his arms. He was so adorable when he was like this; all snuggly and innocent. He wished he could keep Jack this way, far away from the people that would hurt him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he sighed as he carried Jack into the house and up to the room. “I wish you could see it the way that I do.”
Jack let out a soft sigh against his chest and Gabriel set him down on the bed. He stripped Jack out of his water-logged clothing and rolled him up in a blanket, smiling as Jack snuggled down into the mattress. He took his time getting changed, tossing their clothing into the bathroom so that the water didn’t ruin his bedroom floor.
Jack was sitting up when he returned, a shy smile on his face. Gabriel lifted an eyebrow and chuckled as he walked over to the bed.
“What?” he asked.
“You stripped me,” Jack said softly.
“Jack, you were soaked and asleep,” Gabriel frowned. “I wasn’t going to let you catch a chill.”
“Gabe,” Jack crawled towards him and gently took his hand. “I’m not mad. I’m…I’m touched. You do so much for me and I have no idea how to show my gratitude. You’re always there for me, no matter what. I…feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”
“I wouldn’t mind even if you were,” Gabriel said as he climbed onto the bed and kissed Jack gently. “Oh, Jack, I love you so much. I want to make your life perfect. I want you to be happy and fulfilled no matter what.”
“I want the same for you, Gabriel,” Jack said. “You just…I’m never sure if I can keep you happy.”
“You will,” Gabriel soothed as he kissed him. “Mmm, because even if all you do is smile, I feel like I’m on top of the world.”
“Well, now I feel even worse!” Jack laughed as he snuggled against Gabriel’s chest and played with the soft curls of damp chest hair. “Where have you been all my life, Gabriel? It’s like…I don’t know. A fairy tale, maybe. Like if I close my eyes it’ll slip away and leave me with the best memory of my life.”
Gabriel purred at the idea. A happily ever after with Jack after he slays all the dragons keeping him away? That sounded like complete and utter heaven to him. He pushed forward, gently lowering his burrito boyfriend back to the mattress. Jack smiled up at him and snuggled as he laid down, opening the blankets so that they could be rolled up together.
They kissed slowly before settling down to sleep. It might not have been late in the evening, but they were both exhausted. Sleep would do them a lot of good.
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