#i just dont want ppl who would get sad at seeing this post to see it IM SORRY i know the feeling
hellhoundlair · 2 years
sometimes u will see hellers talking about how certain scenes and episodes would be sooo much better if /lists the most stupidest shit that wouldve sucked so bad but dean and cas kiss/ and u check and it has 22,000 notes
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stonerzelda · 2 years
While being all brokenhearted and sad writing that post it should be noted that i thought i saw a house centipede in the bed and jumped up, only to find the sweetest roundest little baby mouse that ever lived hiding behind the bed. Tha k u little mouse for trying to cheer me up but sneaking up on me in my blankets is not ideal for me. Esp at almost 4am. Im sorry
#edit: k i deleted most of the posts crying abt this bc like. whatever#i dont care about that sack of shit at least i know i was fuckin right to block them bc they WOULD have gotten worse#like aw a 20 yr old u thought was cool turned out to be creeped out by ur progressively weird messages abt other users uve had sex with? :(#sooo weird aha they must just be dumb❤ like lol#all i care abt is making sure things at least end in good terms with my old mutual bc. she was cool. and id hate for her to think i was#ever malicious T__T this sux.#altho i still dont know for sure if this is what happened like if they turned everyone on me but. cant shake the feeling#it was all around the same time i should have guessed but i GUESS i thought theyd be a fuckin adult and get over it#sigh. idk. this is so dumb im just upset at the feeling This is why we all drifted. like im in the wrong for not wanting to be friends#w someone who was way too comfortable just...sharing shit i didnt consent to hear abt ppl i knew that Also didnt consent to me being told#qnd this all happened SO LONG ago and i didnt even know because i thought this asshole would be normal for some reason!!#this whole time ive been disappointed n a little sad in not seeing certain ppl active anymore but still thibking fondly of them#and this whole time. they could've just been fed lies abt me. its 730am im so fuckin tired but this thought is rly hurtin 😞#....i just rly hope this isnt why ok. because this isnt anywhere near fuckin fair if it is. im fine if they just dont wanna follow anymore#thats fine im 200% cool with that and i Respect when ppl need to move on whatever i get THAT. but its fuckin greasy if it was out of spite.
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backseatloversz · 11 months
do you think if i said pretty please? and maybe slid them $4 when i see ls dunes next week i could get their people to talk to pierce the veils people and get them to add a show date in my city. do you think itd work if i started crying? i think deep down theyre all softies and it would work if i started crying
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wonder2realities · 2 months
as someone who came into the manifestation / LOA space like before the void state and neville goddard was even talked abt - its rlly interesting to see how much ppl focus or try to act as if the void state is the only way to manifest
cuz like i found out abt the void state like 2 years ago through shifting, but prior to that everything ive manifested has always been super simple i mean currently im literally living my dream life in so many ways possible (i can go into heavy detail in another post lolz) and it was never through the void state or through me reading pages of neville goddard and theories and shit and this isnt me saying theres anything wrong with that its just interesting how no matter how much time passes and different trends with the community continue there's always this need to "logicise" and almost profit off of manifestation
for example i remember ppl would pay money for someone to write affirmations for them (idk if ppl still do this) or people would pay to get tips, i rmbr ppl paying money for OTHER PEOPLE to go into the void state in like 2022 so that they can manifest for you etc — that alongside the concept of manifestation coaches and influencers and its so...tacky
and the same thing goes for submakers, as someone whos had a lot and i mean A LOT of shitty experiences with larger submakers (cons of being a blk autistic ; not a lot of ppl want u to exist happily...if i had a penny for everytime someone asked me to manifest my autism away id be scrooge mcduck) — a lot of them also fall into this category of turning manifestation or LOA into this profitable business and its sad honestly
something that is free, where you dont need anything is being turned into something that is behind a paywall - its almost sinister honestly and rlly makes me feel bad for any younger ppl (like 10-15) who are getting into manifestation or interested in it because u basically have ppl being like "YOU CAN ONLY GET UR DESIRES IN THIS ONE WAY. IF YOU WANT, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU BUT YOU NEED TO PAY ME TONS OF MONEY!!!" - it almost gives a subconscious message that they cant do it on their own which goes against the whole point of manifestation and it just sucks ass
idk maybe im like a commie in the manifestation society #downwiththesocialhierarchy but it rlly irks me and i dont like it and again maybe its cuz i dealt with a lot of bullshit before the LOA community became more...minority friendly and that shit TRAUMATISED ME but like idk i just dont fw it yk
u can do wtv u want in wtv way u want for free, u cant buy a consciousness so you dont need to waste money on shit (obviously if u wanna support a submaker or someone thats perfectly fine but you dont HAVE to)
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warlock-wizard-mage · 4 months
The Fetishization Of MLM relationships
1.) this post is not trying to be transphobic or mysoginistic in any way. That would be disgusting and if you are either one of those it will not be tolerated and i will flag and block you.
2.)This is not an attack onany artist specifficaly or ppl who headcanon Sirius as transfem.
Now, onto the actuall discussion...
So this started with my post about 99% of wolfstar fanart making Sirius look like a woman and how it is a gross fetishization of a queer relationship.
As a masc person who ships a lot of MLM myself, i have noticed that sometimes when i see a fanart of my fave mlm ship, one of the more femme one out of the couple gets portraied in a very femmine way, sometimes to a point of no recognition where it straight up almost feels like a gender swap fanart (and its not).
I usually kept it no mind as it wasnt that usuall and didnt really interest me (for example, i used to be a huge Loki fan a few years back and every time id see a hyperfeminized loki it would be a Thorki fanart, so i just ignored it cuz i dont ship thorki )
recently i got into marauders and when i searched up wolfstar fanart for the first time ever, MAJORITY of it was portraying Sirius as a baby girl (hyper femme, to the point where it looked like a hetero fan art)
That is why i got fed up, bc before it was scarce but this fandom has a problem.( Like how is it a majority of fanart?? you ppl okay??)
SO, how is this a gross fetishization and queerphobic you ask?
Ive actually seen a lot of people talk about it back in 2020/21 and since then had a few conversations about it with my friends, bc im not the only one who noticed this.
There is this phenomenon of CIS and HETERO girls/women that obsess over gay relationships. They ship mlm characters, maybe desire a "gay bestie" (but not a lesbian one), or even would like to have a bi bf (with a perfrence for women ofc).
I noticed this but didnt know what it was. It wasnt until i heard other people talk about it and talk about some research and studies and so on, that i found out what it all was about.
It is because girls/women in this society and era strive to be seen as equal by their partner, want to be seen as an equal by their partner- emotionaly and physically and so on. And subconciously or conciously they know that they cannot get that from a cishet male partner, so they obsess over the fictive desirable world of a gay male love. (Male bc theyre not queer themselves and fantasizing about a sapphic relationship would be very fruity.)
And while all of that is understandable and valid and actually quite sad, it does not change anything about the fact that these people then go on and invade queer spaces, take away representation, selfproject onto one of the men in the ship to the point where they hyperfeminize him bc they dont actually want to see two men in love, they just crave what the gay couple has.
ps: if you do this and you do not identify as a woman/girl, i am very sorry if this made you feel invalidated and i need to say that this doesnt apply to you, queer ppl obsessing over queer ships is no problem at all and you are valid
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gatheringbones · 1 year
genuine question: how do you stand the loneliness? i'm in my mid 20s and ive never been loved in a way that didnt hurt. i dont want to have to run after ppl begging for the smallest scrap of affection anymore but i keep turning up ppl who, even though they are interested in me and seem generally decent, arent ready to lower their walls and let me in, so its either that or nothing, and im so fucking lonely. i try to bury myself in work and going out as much as i can, but sometimes it hits me, and i dont know how to stand it anymore. i just want to be able to be kind to someone and treat them with all the love and affection i have, and not have to guard myself at the same time or be afraid of them or feel like i can never be sure with them. i think you've been lonely like that for a long time, too, and i dont have anyone who understands. i know the only advice you can give is probably "endure and continue to have self respect", but i dont know how to do that without also becoming small, and sad, and worn out from all the loneliness. if there's anything you can think of that helped you get through it, please tell me--i dont want to burden or overwhelm you, but i dont know what to do anymore, and like i said, you seem like you've survived a couple of those sorts of droughts and i dont have anyone else to talk to about this
so on those first few early dates with c when she was either driving an hour up north or I was taking the bus two hours down to see her, I was so rattled by the experience of building intimacy with someone else that I couldn’t really think of what we ought to do with each other on our dates. In the end I decided: we would just do what I ordinarily did to build intimacy with myself, which meant taking lots of long walks all over residential seattle. and I’d been living there for over ten years at that point, getting around either by walking or by bus. before that I’d lived in the sticks. before that I’d lived in the part of the sticks that wasn’t connected to the power grid. my earliest memories are long lonely walks. long lonely walks were my primary coping mechanism for debilitating post traumatic stress and survivor’s guilt. and with c it was wild because. it was exactly like going on these walks with myself, only I was more of myself and these walks were more of what they were. what’s more the internal map of the city I had built in my feet over a decade was suddenly of use. all of the time and neurons I had put into building it were relevant to the present situation.
i packed a backpack once. water and a cheeseboard with a little cheese knife and a can of prosecco and a can of kirin for c and lots of little cheeses and salamis and fruits and veggies and chocolate almonds. And I took c on a long meandering walk that I knew from memory; fremont to the crown hill cemetery to the stairs leading down to golden gardens to the beach at sunset. all places I’d been by myself and taken my friends to before. places I’d taken myself to after packing myself a snack and bringing my journal and quite literally staring across the water at a home that would kill me if I ever returned to it. all that time mattered. the time I had spent in that place making those friendships and mourning that life and building that intimacy with myself and the city mattered.
All the years before— giving, giving, gifts to those who could not care, would not give back. How well we made a feast together. Those years of waste were over.
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
To that one anon,
I absolutely agree that actively hating on JK is veryyy uncalled for when we can see Jikook doing great and we don't have all the bts information. Lately, though, I've also seen a lot of Jikook accts minimizing what happened to FACE and Jimin. Celebrating JK's achievements is one thing but I cannot stand to see jkks of all ppl downgrading what happened to Jimin and his records as they're broken by the extra push the company gives JK. Everyone is speculating and trying their best to understand things and for some, that's sidelining Jimin as an accessory to make it make sense. There needs to be fair discourse in all sides of this community without romanticizing the darker parts of it. It's not JK's fault and we don't know all, but we still need to be able to talk about it. Like the fact that some of LC's numbers disappeared right when Seven needed space on the Korean charts. The fact that the FACE wasn't restocked for months when seven was in ready supply almost every week. What happened to LC and the rise of Seven is related even on a minor scale. This is a fact. Some accts were so focused on debunking videos, and celebrating JK that the topic of where Jimin's award nominations and streams are going became taboo because apparently "Jimin is happy as a cheerleader" ...what?!
Actively hating is way too far I agree but all I'm saying is we should still be able to talk about the inequality regarding them as individuals and how that relates to Jikook as a whole. Believing in Jikook and discussing these things should not be mutually exclusive. Everyone has their own opinions. Again not supporting the hate, but we should be allowed to share thoughts shouldn't we, regardless if we won't all agree?
No, I dont disagree. But personally talking about it just seems to get people riled up and that's how Jikookers end up resenting JK. I would rather copy paste a PJM on twitter when they are tagging BH and Geffen and anyone else fucking over Jimin.
I haven't 4go10 everything our man has been through. This man has millions of fans and they only released 13k LC cds. Meanwhile other members got up to 50k. His shit not getting restocked even still?? You cannot tell me this is something Jimin would be okay with. His fans wanting to buy his music and not being able to? No way he's just okay with this.
But I also fail to see how he's not aware of it?? He has to be aware of what happened to him.
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(New video here for those who are yet to watch it. As always they do Jimin Jimin great justice)
The 🛴 thing is confusing seeing as he's credited on FACE but whatever.
Unfortunately we will never know how he feels or whats going on unless he or one of the members outright tell us about it. The unfairness is so bad if I look at it too much it makes me tear up. I haven't 4go10 he is still the only member who didn't get a cake. I know it's just a cake but damn this always rubs me the wrong way. @magicshop-pjm1 gets it 🤭🤭🤭
All I know anon, which makes me less sad, is the fact that Jimin renewed with Hybe. That has to mean something. And so I will just be here and support him the best way I can. I am choosing to trust his decision here because we are clearly missing something.
I don't post these asks because tbh they are a downer and they make everyone upset. I don't like to be upset. Until we know the truth I would rather avoid the topic all together. But that's just me 😔😔 It doesn't do me any favours.
But yes, Jikookers should be able to discuss whats been going on without being called JK antis. Provided they're not acting like JK antis.
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i'm cry laughing some people on twitter are now saying "izzy bashing" needs to be tagged in fics. how did these people ever survive watching this show where izzy is the CANON ANTAGONIST i'll never know
benefit of the doubt but i think most of them have gotten to this point gradually. when they first watched the show they were not attached to izzy the way they are now. i know for a lot of people it was blorbo at first sight with izzy but i've also seen izzy enjoyers say they didn't like him at first, and then fandom made them care about him.
like i'm pretty sure for a lot of ppl it started off with isolating themselves from ppl who made posts that they didnt like, like ppl who criticized ofmd for being based on two real people with direct connections to actual real-world slave trade (which is an incredibly valid thing to criticize abt ofmd).
another one that i think funneled a lot of fans towards being so delusionally attached to izzy was people pointing out or complaining about the disproportionate amount of fan content for izzy compared to prominent characters of color—which is a consistent issue in fandom no matter what the media, and is also a very easy one for people to be uncomfortable with whenever they see it get pointed out. people venting that "fans care too much abt this white man" often make fans who care abt that white man very defensive right off the bat, and then rather than engage with why they feel defensive or question if maybe their enjoyment of this character is fueled by implicit bias (which it might not be, to be clear! im not saying—and i have never said—that everyone who enjoyes izzy likes him for racist reasons), they stop listening to the conversation abt white favoritism and continue blorboposting as much as they want. it's incredibly easy for fans to brush off this convo as "just starting drama" and avoid the topic altogether because "fandom is for fun!" and they dont want to think abt difficult topics like racism and implicit bias, they just want to enjoy their blorbos in peace.
so they kept narrowing the takes they were seeing until they were in an echo chamber that kept moving more and more towards complete woobification of izzy hands. these people are now looking at the show entirely through izzy's pov, making posts abt how sad it is that none of the other characters are ever nice to him, how frustrating the show is from his perspective, how it feels to be deeply in love with someone who doesn't love you back. they've stared at gifs of con's micro-expressions and read angsty fanfiction and looked at endless izzy fanart and their entire ofmd fandom experience revolves around empathizing with this one character even tho the show itself continually makes him the butt of the joke.
at this point, telling these people to rewatch the show doesn't even matter. they've spent so much time over-analyzing every single one of izzy's scenes to the point where the emotional responses they get from these scenes are not the emotional responses anyone would have watching the show for the first time. they've warped the entire first season to fit their version of the show and are forgetting how often the show itself bashes izzy.
and the icing on the cake is the trolling. there's like, one or two people on here who go around sending anon hate and leaving nasty comments on instagram posts and harassing people on twitter for... like, i would say "for liking izzy" or even "for saying positive things about izzy" but like. i've gotten these messages, and the most sympathetic i've ever been to izzy was the post i made like "maybe he's mean bc he has chronic IBS. i'd actually understand him more if that were the case." so when i get these messages it's easier for me to just laugh them off bc it's so obviously just someone trying to make me upset, but people who do care about izzy (a lot of them being the same people who avoided engaging with the "why does fandom care so much abt white characters" convo) get these absolutely horrible messages about how they deserve to get hate crimed and they should kill themselves. and these fans who didn't want to even see vaguely negative posts abt izzy bc they just want to enjoy fandom in peace are now like "im targeted for just liking a character!"
so that's how we get to people saying that "izzy bashing" needs to be tagged. never mind that their definition of "bashing" almost certainly includes things that are not bashing but are just things that contradict the way they headcannnon him.
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booksandpaperss · 9 months
some ramble-y thoughts on men's social isolation and women's safety bc this has been on my mind for a bit
I do think it's really sad how men end up feeling so isolated bc of various social expectations as well as people being cruel, but as a fem presenting person I have to say that you can't just expect women and anyone who is fem presenting to just "start being nicer". ive seen a few posts on Tumblr essentially stating that but I have to reiterate it is about safety. I literally cannot afford to stop looking at men with caution and assumed violence until I get to know them really well bc if I stop that could genuinely cost me me life. its true that most men I see probably are not predators and im sure it hurts to be perceived that way, but I have no way of being able to tell who is and isn't going to harm me. I have to assume the worst because it is the only way I can stay safe.
it sucks, it really does, for all parties involved. I have so much sympathy for the men who are genuinely kind and would never hurt me that feel isolated, it isn't fair, and I myself certainly don't enjoy the *necessary* fear that the random guy im passing on the street could see me and decide to hurt me, but this is the reality of the world. there is no easy solution, but what certainly isn't a solution is expecting women to start being kinder to men they dont know because once again: that could genuinely cost someone their life.
The best solution right now I think is to continue to try to deconstruct misogyny and gender roles, and that takes time, patience, and understanding.
I have also seen the notion on here that men feeling isolated socially is misandry, but the reality is that misandry is simply not real on a systemic scale. men feeling isolated is a direct result of the patriarchy and a side affect of misogyny. a lot of things on this website that are perceived as misandry are either not real problems or they are but they're just the impacts of misogyny and the gender roles that come with it.
But it is very surreal to be walking alone at night, clutching my pepper spray and glaring whenever a man I don't know is near me, making sure to stay next to the street and make it obvious I know exactly where I'm going and still feeling the fear that it might not be enough and something horrible could happen to me anyway, only come back to Tumblr and see people saying misandry is just as prevalent as misogyny and women need to start considering how it feels for men to be looked at like they're predators. Touch grass seems like an applicable statement here.
oh and obligatory piss on the poor tumblr disclaimer: I know I am using binary terms so before any of you get on your high horse about it, I myself am non binary. I am not actually a woman, but I certainly look like one and therefore deal with misogyny. I fully understand that trans men and genderqueers of all kinds as well as even feminine cis men also fear for their life on the street so dont even think abt getting on my ass about that. oh and if any of you try to call this a terf post consider yourself blocked with a recommendation to get a refresh on what terf actually means instead of just throwing around the term when you see any post trying to talk about misogyny :D
final disclaimer bc I wanna cover all my bases due to Tumblr reading comprehension: im aware topics like this are very nuanced with lots of layers, please dont act like im obligated to cover all that in a random Tumblr post of all things, I cannot possibly cover everything nor am I obligated to. I simply wanted to remind ppl that actual lives are at risk and fem presenting people constantly and regularly fear for their life bc I feel like that gets left out a lot in conversations like this on here. <3
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
i also want to give u megs and his duplicitous sluts but i have not sorted out their names to memory. the ones i enjoyed from the clips and any other ones he may have that make a fun duo with him
technically in terms of duplicitous sluts i feel like thats just screamer, and a small minority of like. only in one show guys (knock out the gay car, par example). (assuming meaning = duplicitous TO megs) beast wars megs, whose crew is made of entirely of ppl who want to over throw him, minus two extremely horny for him (googles how ants are related to scorpions) Antropods. is an outlier and is not being counted.
but i CAN do u. megstar variations. plus extras.
also COMPLETE opposite of a duplicitous slut megs and his most loyal guy sound.wave (tape deck guy. deadpan guy) is a constant standby classic. competency ship. and comedy gold. and even tho i dont like the show it gets extra comedy points in prime cause that megs is completely off his shit fucked up over the meg.op breakup and (plot bullshit) cursed amulet rocks. i DO think this specific sounders is like. probably ready to explode about how badly this whole operation is going. also all megs are fond of creatures (bond villian ass trait) and he comes with em. so makes sense if tf was a world ruled by logic (its not) and mid compelling.
knock out is only duplicitous when hes following screamer to over throw megs but he has the MUCH higher quotient survival instincts so WILL chicken out and run away. AGAIN in a world with a less divorced megs this would be funny. most deadly guy every and his little unserious fop. who does violence and medical malpractice for fun. does NOT make sense. compels me for its LACK
SAME show meg.star is like. this show is logically challenged. so it doesnt make sense. nothing they do makes sense. its not HIGH on the compells me scale cause its not very cunty either. but theres merits. its. extant.
cv meg.star. already made that post. more unstable variant in the makes sense stat. im eating it up tho.
g1 meg.star THE GOAT!!! makes sense TO MEEEE. Compels MEEEEE. this is cartoon universe with cartoon logic its like tom and jerry romance. please. makes sense in context. COMPELLING
animated meg.star. essentially the same as g1 but screamer basically actually kills megs in ep 1 and when megs gets his body back he kills screamer right back. but. (plot magic crystal) screamer becomes unkillable so. they just go back on to trying to kill each other. EXPLAINED IN UNIVERSE. makes sense slapstick. slightly less compels me personally BUT not its fault.
arm.ada meg.star. THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY REAL AND SAD. instead of an over throwing screamer this one turncoated to the good guys. and hes so conflicted and sad and whatever. wet cat. this arm megs actually beat screamer in a duel and was like. well maybe one day youll get good enough to beat me (chewing glass). AND for the final arc of. the bots and cons have to work together. megs too driven by his own shit to see the.. (handwave) existential threat to them all. oppie is fighting him (their normal way of solving debates) and screamer actually BUTTS IN like. this is MY dramatic emotional gay fight scene. gets fatally wounded on purpose just to ask megs to work with them. 'do it for me'. LITERALLY REAL MAKES SENSE in a tragic failed way. infinitely compelling.
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venusvxen · 1 year
Embracing Humanity When Manifesting; Acceptance Of The Outer Self
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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how manifesting communities on here , twitter, youtube, reddit.. you name it … do this thing where they shun your humanity and ask you to ignore it. Even some of the well meaning states girlies do it too and it really pisses me off so I decided to speak on an epiphany ive had lately.
People on here can be very double minded and confuse others and sometimes be very hypocritical with how they want ppl to treat the 3D as it pertains to manifestation. One second it’s “don’t forcibly ignore the 3d” then the next it’s “why would you even be CONSCIOUS of your SP being w a 3P.. you see how that is being double minded???”
First of all.. how is it being double minded to acknowledge something in the 3D.. if the 3d isn’t the goal like all of you say it isn’t.. why do we have to walk on eggshells in our outer world… One second it’s “don’t pretend to have something you don’t have” but then someone’s mere acknowledgement (not identification) with that means they’re being double minded.
I’ve had sooooo much less resistance lately after I’ve started acknowledging the fact that while I am god, i am also human. I acknowledge my circumstances in the 3d with a comma not a period. So “yes i don’t have a lot of money right now, BUT, in reality (4d) i’m stable and secure”. Not “I don’t have a lot of money.”
One is being kind to your human self and acknowledging it while also identifying w the inner man while the other completely shuns it.
Doing this has reduced the amount of anxiety i have towards my 3d by so much. I dont forcibly avoid things anymore and I feel so free when i acknowledge the LACK of my desire in the 3d (not identifying with lack) while also still being content inside because it reminds me that i really don’t Need anything to be happy inside. I can be fulfilled even if the physical isn’t reflecting anything.
But inner fulfillment in spite of outer rejection isn’t the point of this post. This post really is focused on calling people out who make people feel like shit for acknowledging 3d circumstances or acknowledging overall lack. That’s not being double minded. Being double minded is walking around in IMAGINATION doubting, desiring, and wishing. Not in the 3D.
This mindset and epiphany has allowed me to become so much kinder to myself too. I am human!! I am allowed to have feelings and emotions. We reincarnated in this human form for a reason. To FEEL. To experience HUMAN emotions. This mindset has allowed me to be so much more forgiving to myself and give myself the space to feel and acknowledge all that I want and know that it doesn’t take away from my I AM.
It’s like being sad for a little bit but not beating yourself up too much about it because you know you’re an optimistic person. What I do in the 3D doesn’t matter anymore because I know inside I AM where i want to be. If the whole goal of this journey is the learn to treat ourselves with love why would we shun our outer man and deprive it of love? If the inner man and outer man are one wouldn’t the Outer Man be deserving of love too?
Idk that’s just a bit of a rant. I’m kind of sick of seeing people say one thing then say another and really just completely confuse people. You do not have to deprive yourself of your humanity to get what you want. If your loved one died even though you were revising their death you wouldn’t avoid consoling your grieving relatives because “acknowledging their death in the 3d is being double minded”.. No.. that’s fucking stupid.. So why do the same thing with other shit?
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kittykatkatelol · 10 days
Me causally blocking the ppl who constantly post about the vees somehow being unhealthy and/or abusive to Vox
girl he is just as bad , they are all horrible in their own ways and feed off each other's horribleness , while also being like a family to each other and/or lovers . They aren't the most functional and nontoxic but they genuinely care for each other and would burn the world for one another .
i would never hurt my voxxy like that , we fight , yes , but I wasn't any worse than him , he took swings and so did I , we both would fight and leave bruised but make up less than an hour later
i never once laid hands on Velv and neither did Vox
we are just a kind of dysfunctional family in a way , we all love each other and just struggle to show it
tumblr keeps recommending me shit I don't want to see even when I click "not interested in this post" 1000x - I HATE BLOCKING PPL WHO HAVENT WRONGED ME BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE I JUST DONT WANT TO SEE POSTS ABOUT ME OR VELV BEING AWFUL TO VOX OR VICE-VERSA
sorry the long rant I just get so pissed off and sad , like everyone has their own interpretation of these characters but I just don't want to see that constantly
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
ok misc stream thoughts!!!
ANYWAY livestream over nice 30 pulls of aventurine funds for anni!!!! they didnt do anything insane but honestly it was kinda cope to expect them to, ratio for free was clearly a more of a spontaneous move and hes available throughout anniversary anyway so the "another 5*" were.... a little over the top im sorry wjkjwdjkwdjk altho i wouldnt have complained obviously. a free himeko or sth couldve been on theme for the cosmodussy event but eh cant be helped
im actually glad for the skippability of the reruns 😭😭 like i have luocha n jingliu (+ LC for latter) so by skipping acheron for now im gonna have a nice time getting aventurine and most likely his LC (2/3 of his 4* LC selection is so sad tho), love that fucker hope he gets to do proper mayhem in story too. cool death talk please dont actually die yourself for real for real tho i will be sad. like i do think its based of aventurine to pull off a stunt that appears to be what we in the business might call a certified chapter 5 komaeda moment but. ahahaha nooo dont actually die youre such a funny hat man .
(also sick boss form is sick but . bootleg FL im sorry aventurine. they hit perfection already and theyre never fucking topping the galaxy cape cyclops eye beak mask drip i swear JSWJWJDKWJKDWJK but also yes me biased? in favor of that ginger? i could never)
but it seems ill have a solid time getting aventurine and saving up for now??? since i dont think im too interested in robin or boothill either. i was kinda worried topaz' rerun would be in 2.1 for IPC antics with aventurine bc i am kinda curious abt pulling for her but now its gonna be 2.2 at the earliest so. Phew
the stream ran a bit too long lmao but like overall i tend to like the dev discussions so most of it was still neat, altho downside of dev streams is that not knowing chinese i cant just like. afk and listen on headphones and go get water or something 💀💀 and they were definitely dragging stuff out on purpose no way they werent but eh. people will live its just bideo game livestream. and like these folks do hard work on the game they can yap about what they do sometimes its only right lmao
leakers public shaming session was definitely a jumpscare but i do genuinely empathize w shaoji on that one. like. ive always been one for kit + banner leaks first and foremost and story leaks just. i dont care for them much. ive had my share of looking at them occasionally but i definitely agree with the way story leaks either by themselves or when misconstrued and misinterpreted really fucking mess with the intended experience for any given story and how that must feel like shit for the writers. like if story leaks stopped happening altogether id be perfectly content. and thats just ppl who look at story leaks on purpose cuz. im not going to even begin w how like. yes the leaks subreddits and most big leakers do spoiler warnings and keep the story stuff spoilered. but then theres literally the entire rest of the internet where shit gets spread untagged and without warnings the second they are posted anywhere at all and how that fucking ruins peoples experiences. like its 1 thing to click at a spoiler tagged post knowingly and get ur experience messed up with. but when u dont even want to see it its rly fucking bad and i v well understand condemning all story leaks (even those properly flagged) just on that basis alone. but yeah actually felt bad for him there and see where he was coming from for sure, even as a consumer of leaks
ok well that sure was a wall of text. didnt expect to write that much JWJKWJKDDWJK but ya
Anyway. biggest priority is holding strong w skipping acheron as sick as her animations are but def looking forward to her teaser and the animated short. like . even with the black swan dykery. (that was a fucking jumpscare too). i dont need her rn. despite how cool she is 😭😭
& also have to say im v happy they clarified their stance on hi3rd references like. the way theyre going abt it is absolutely how it should be going. hsr by nature is more directly linked to hi3rd like honkai is in the name but its such a dumbass idea (like some fan takes out there....) to want the stories of hsr depend on another games lore. rewarding old fans with easter eggs and tidbits is perfectly fine and im even interested in seeing where they go with acherons obvious raiden situation - especially knowing theyre not about to ruin their own story with "it was hi3rd all along!" (not that i ever rly thought theyd seriously blunder that bad lmao 💀) . so yea thats neat
i think story wise im not gonna say much of my thoughts bc unfortunately i have clicked on like. a leak or four. not the major stuff i dont think but enough that commenting on stuff w some of the things im aware of in the periphery is going to tint stuff . but im still excited to see where things go!!!
AAND OH. ACTUALLY i do have one more thing . so the multiple POV thing being actually implemented is SOOOO good im so fucking happy theyre committing to it being a thing 😭😭😭 like SO many story pitfalls can be avoided by just letting it be that TB doesnt need to be fucking everywhere a major thing happens as the centerpiece of events so we as players can see it. like it gives a way of showing different events and sides of characters in a much more natural manner its sooo good that theyre implementing it already. like this alone has me in such high hopes for the story going forward. like yea theyve branched from our POV before already and in penacony as well but expanding on it even more is 100% the correct way forward
last thing: god they did jingliu so dirty in her concert illustration. WHAT is she wearing 💀💀💀anyway yeah lesgo 2.1 its cool
i lied real last thing: siobhan . siobhan i would do anything---
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saetoru · 11 months
hiiii i hope you know how much i love ghe way u write haitham !!! also sooo true haitham is definitely autistic!! (me too haitham me too) i think u get how haitham is actually a quite kind and selfless person despite people think hes arrogant, egoistical and such but like if u read some if his voicelines like the one where hes asked what concerns he has he says smth not about him but how people tend to hurt themself and like cmon would an egoistical person have that concern??? also he doesnt look down on anyone its just he knows how capable he is and like ughhhh i feel like ur writing is a breath of fresh air cause like some people make it seem like hes some arrogant dude BUT HES NOT HES JUST AUTISTIC GUYS like when people say they dont like him and its just traits that autistic people usually have…. anyway thank you for sharing ur writing i love going through ur haitham tag it makes my day
but omg yesyesyes i agree he’s got so much pointing towards him being autistic and ppl will bash so many things ab him and it makes me so sad but also i’m like … maybe u ppl just don’t like traits that tend to describe autistic ppl idk … BUT i read so many fics of him being autistic and i see kaveh having adhd a lot in fics where they’re written to be neurodivergent and i think the authors i’ve read from so far have done such a good job of writing them and yeah. u get it. he’s definitely got sensory issues i know this is so real and true in my heart
AND HE IS SOOOOOOO KIND. i think ppl gloss over the fact that al-haitham doesn’t look down at anyone so much like everything about this man is so disciplined. so disciplined. like someone of his intelligence in a nation like sumeru could do sooo much bad but he literally just wants to have simple life where he goes to work and goes right home HE JUST WANTS PEACE. and his voice lines IF PPL WOULD JUST READ THEM. like the one about when ppl read difficult and abstruse books and then he says “jk i don’t enjoy watching ppl struggle lol” AND YES. THE ONE WHERE HE BASICALLY WOES ABOUR HOW PPL MAKE THEIR LIVES MORE DIFFICULT THAN IT NEEDS TK BE. he’s so caring by nature and i feel like even he doesn’t even understand that to some extent like i think he sees himself as a practical guy who just wants everyone to have peace for the sake of practicality. BUT HE ALSO JUST. CARES. YOU KNOW ?????????? they way it’s just canon that he’s misunderstood by ppl at the akademiya and he just doesn’t bother to correct them bc he doesn’t care to. THROWS UP HES SOOOOOOOOOO LOVELY I WISH MORE PPL WOULD SEE IT. i cannot tell u how many fics i read and then have to close bc. they just. THEY MAKE HIM SO ARROGANT AND MEAN BUT ARROGANCE =/= CONFIDENCE. he’s aware of his capabilities okay :( he’s not some condescending know it all. im just rly picky ab the way he’s written fjsjdjf so then i’m like. ok. i gotta write the content i wanna see 😔
but omg i’m rly glad you read and like my haitham writing sometimes i get carried away and make it so like…self servicing w the way i write him and the dialogue and then i get embarrassed to post it skfjsjfn but i’m very excited u like it I AM KISSINF U ON THE MOUF and also i am kissing ur brain for understanding him
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sasukeless · 1 year
What do you think Sasuke would major in? I see philosophy, maybe politics ? I feel like he'd grow up to be very opinionated about politics and stuff, like if we keep the kinda canon pipeline hole would be from a minority ethnic groupe , also I feel like he'd be into climate activism or maybe something to do with animal research, like on reptilian species at risk of extinction... Maybe even literature? He strikes me as a very well read individual who actually enjoys art and literature in general especially historical and cultural heritage pieces ... Overall I really never understood why so many people put him in the engineering or economy party ? Other than the famous " to work fory parents firm even this I am not passionate about this " trope ..
okay im gonna start being honest that i dont have this as well thought as you and my tags were just more jokingly because business major sasuke is so overused when nothing about sasuke gives the impression he would major in that but yeah.
but in general i dont judge much the major they give him because the problem with sasuke is that its such a character that its soooo difficult to take away from canon and put into a random modern universe setting to me. like sasuke's whole personality is based on te events that happened to him but if we take sasuke out of the narutoverse and into a modern au when the massacre of his people doesnt happen or hes isnt raised in a system where hes meant to be used as a tool who would he be?? like sasuke its even more difficult than naruto who we see having hobbies like growing plants at his place or just loving eating ramen etc. most of sasuke's actions in canon are directed to his arc because thanks to itachi's influence sasuke made killing his brother his life goal but also his whole focus (which is really sad to think of). even in the databooks is listed that sasuke eats healthy and his favorite things are stuff like training, this all obviously is because his mind is mostly focused in how to get stronger all the time. thats why my favorite type of fics are (or were since i dont read much these days) the ones where they explore sasuke in his travels post war where he has an opportunity to breath and find things he likes to do. i feel like naruto would teach him about gardening especially if he gets to grow tomatoes and all.
but again in a modern au its just difficult to see sasuke i think something with animals would be nice and he does seem fond of animals in canon. literature too, since sasuke is known to be smart i think he would enjoy it. i dont know about politics, i can see him having very strong opinions but not really majoring in it (unless we translate the uchiha massacre to the modern au too then yeah hes plotting the entire goverment and country's fall who knows)
i also dont like that trope of sasuke doing a major hes not interested because pressure from his parents. i would probably like it more if they added the fact that its not just sasuke doing things to get praise from his parents (although in canon its just his dad he wants the praise from since w mikoto this isnt shown) but also because of him feeling less because itachi. like i feel ppl forget that yeah sasuke loves his brother endlessly but even before the massacre he had his issues because itachi seemed to be great at everything which imo gives their dynamic more naunce
anyways sorry i got carried away from the actual question and that i couldnt give u an answer im not usually into modern aus especially when it comes to naruto because i feel like a lot of meaning in the dynamics and characterization gets lost
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mariahcarreyyy · 4 months
pls forgive me for ranting on your tl but i’m wondering if anyone on here could help me place a few f1 dots together bc i truly am so new to the community that im not sure if i have some missing pieces or something:
i’m actually so devastated for carlos?? idk it feels like a lot of ppl don’t like him (there could be very valid reasons but im absolutely clueless as of rn bc i haven’t seen anything) but like? he gave so much to ferrari and they don’t give a fuck? but at the same time i’m not mad at lewis either bc i feel like something truly truly soul-crushing had to happen for him to want to leave merc.
i also always felt like that moment where charles & lewis posted that pic where they both got disqualified was a pre-curser to something bigger. although it’ll be a weird fight for 1st driver between LH44 & CL16, i think there’s so much mutual respect between the both of them that they will find a way to work. lewis seems like a driver who could POSSIBLY acknowledge that it’s time for new drivers to get more spotlight, and maybe make some more way for charles to shine (and i think fred also wouldn’t have signed LH w/o keeping this in mind
i hope carlos still has a seat in 2025, i think he has a lot to offer still, and i can’t bare to not see/think ab carlando on the grid every race
crying screaming at the fact that i got some very rare ferrari cs55 merch it literally feels like a vintage item now jesus christ
i have more thoughts but let me shut the fuck up for now 😭
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hmmm i mean me personally i dont hate or love carlos, he's just there most of the time LMFAO but i feel SO FUCKING BAD like esp his story on insta while ferrari didnt even talk about him?????? sobbing.
okay now THATS where i disagree HAHAHAHA🙈 lewis wants nothing more than his eighth, and rightfully so. charles wants nothing more than to a be a world champion at ferrari, and again, rightfully so. But at the end of the day, only ONE of them will be able to win races. its a selfish sport yk, and you cant really blame them for that. Just look at nico and lewis, both extremely talented drivers who had a lot of respect & love between them and still, the pressure of racing got to them.
im not saying that charles and lewis will end up like brocedes, but i also dont think that they can manage both being no.1 drivers. And, i also dont think that either one of them would settle for being no.2.
i dont think they'll bring in someone new to the sport so im pretty sure carlos will stay on the grid. Honestly, the best case scenerio: lewis to ferrari, the open merc seat goes to fernando, the open aston seat goes to yuki, and then the open alpha tauri (i am choosing not to believe its rebrand is real) seat can go to liam lawson, cus tbh he deserves it way more than 1/2 the drivers on the grid. ALSO i think the best decision redbull could make, now, is kicking checo tf out and replacing him with sainz. I js think sainz would be a PERFECT teammate to max and a good no.2 driver, and then he'll probably go to audi in 2026
THE MERCH😭😭😭 dont ever call that vintage again i will cry. i keep seeing sad charlos edits on my fyp and it makes me wanna puke
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