#spn + serial killers
shallowseeker · 9 months
I always thought that Connor and Silvia were a parallel for the incompatible love between Cas and Dean. It's right there in how the episode says they used to date by watching old movies together, and how Dean says that Cas was always there for him in season 11.
I mean, you're not wrong in noting the similarities. Sylvia does lament that she and Connor "used to date, kinda," that they "watched old movies together," that they were "just kids," and "he was always there for her." She is domineering and bosses him to do her dirty work, like Dean bosses Cas to go to Hell with Belphegor in 15x03.
It's simply another slice of Gimme Shelter you can pull out and shine a light on, with Sylvia as a dark Dean and Connor as an unsuspecting, queer-oriented Castiel. I still think Sylvia represents Amara's place in the paradigm much better, though. Amara is like a dark Dean, after all, clinging to the safety and security of the idealized childhood.
And I think your approach, should we accept it as such, would actually constitute a direct, dramatic reversal of those assumptions. It would be steeped in irony. Sylvia, the "dark Dean" in your analogy, thinks that Connor doesn't love her like that.
But we see a few episodes later (15x18) that this is not the truth for the Dean-and-Cas unit, and that Cas actually wants to live side-by-side with Dean as a pair of individuals. Dean-and-Cas get the acknowledged date motif...but they also get the full-circle, romantic, spousal love motif, because Cas returned Dean's feelings all along.
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loversofthegrave · 3 months
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"Yeah, I know about Sammy. The Bonnie to your Clyde."
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ardentpoop · 27 days
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xfancyfranart · 6 months
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As promised, here's the art post for my second @deancas-stabfest collab 😍 @lazarus-rose's prompt had me immediately hooked since it was music to my horror loving heart (with a spin on murder husbands I hadn't even considered yet) and takes the name "Stabfest" beautifully literal:
Summary: Everyone has their hobbies—Dean’s just happens to involve a lot more blood and screaming than most people’s. And sure, maybe murder isn’t the nicest way to blow off steam, but Dean’s always thought that being nice is overrated anyway. His latest victim, a pretty guy with startling blue eyes, should be nothing special, just another nameless body on Dean’s list. But then, after Dean kills and buries him, he turns back up at Dean’s house again the next day. What’s a guy to do when they’ve accidentally gotten an immortal witch convinced that they’ve got some kind of profound bond?
... can you blame me for claiming it? 😂 Read it NOW!! 🩸
Laz, I had an amazing time with you, your story and our collective brain rot. It's been so nice to meet and work with you and I hope it wasn't our last collab. Thank you for the A+ inspiration 🔪🖤
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tsukiyo-7 · 2 months
Yesterday night, to end the day on a good note, I rewatched Mistery Spot and, aside from feeling bad for laughing all the time, DAMN DUDE SAM GOT IT BAD BAD for that brother of his
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seasononesam · 1 year
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@altarofrowena 2k Celebration: Day Four- arthur ketch 
Actually, everything I told you is true. Well, except for the, uh, twin brother thing.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
I Think He Did It
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Summary: The reader and Dean’s neighbor from their apartment building is strangely killed one day but Dean assures her everything is fine. When a cop comes by later though and the reader catches him in a lie, she finds out something about Dean he’d rather have stayed hidden...
Pairing: Serial Killer!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,900ish
Warnings: language, mention of murder
A/N: Felt like diving back into this AU. Enjoy!
“Hey Winchester,” you said as you got back from your walk. Dean was smiling as he got his mail out of the delivery. “You know what’s up with all the cop cars?”
“Apparently some guy on the first floor got murdered,” he said. 
“Here?” you said.
“No. Somewhere else I guess. They said the building is safe and everything,” he said. You nodded and got your mail from the box, Dean chuckling to himself. “You look kinda freaked.”
“I kinda am,” you said. “Did we know him?”
“1D?” he asked and you shook your head. “Yeah. I didn’t either. Why don’t you crash at Robbie’s place tonight? Might make you feel better.”
“Yeah, Robbie and I are like officially done with once and for all,” you said. You grabbed an amazon package that was a little too big for you, Dean grabbing the other end. “Thanks.”
“I thought you were working things out?” he asked.
“He still lies to me, even over little crap. I’m not being with a liar,” you said. “On the plus side you can come hang out again without Robbie treating you like a dick.”
“Well that will be nice,” he said.
“You could come over tonight if you want,” you said, getting into the elevator with him. He smiled and hit the third floor button, leaning back against the wall.
“I could stay the night on your couch,” he said. “It’d make me feel better about you over there all by yourself.”
“Thank you,” you said. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m very scared as you can tell,” he smirked. You rolled your eyes and walked down the hall towards your apartments. You let yourself in and Dean helped set the box down on your counter. “We’ll have a sleepover. It’ll be fun. I’ll swing over around seven.”
“Dean?” you asked as he turned to go. “You’re positive it wasn’t here that it happened?”
“I promise,” he said with a soft smile. “The cops said it was other side of town. I honestly think they’re just checking his place for...whatever, you know?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod as he opened his apartment, his tile floor marked up with something.
“We live on the third floor, you need to know the code to get in and you know that if you’re ever in trouble, I will bust through that door, okay? Try not to think about it sweetheart.”
“Yeah. Maybe he was like a drug dealer or something.”
“Maybe,” said Dean. “I’ll catch you later, Y/N.”
“Later Dean.”
“Did you see about that guy on the news?” you said that night while you ate some takeout next to Dean at your counter. 
“What’d they say?” asked Dean between bites.
“Total creeper. Sounds like he’s attacked people before. I don’t even feel bad that he got killed now,” you said.
“World works in mysterious ways,” he said, a knock coming at your door. “I’ll get it.”
“My knight in shining armor,” you teased as he hopped over to the door. 
“Hello officer,” said Dean.
“Mr. Winchester. I thought you were across the hall...” said the officer, pulling out his notepad.
“I am,” he said as you ducked under Dean’s arm.
“Hi. This is my apartment. Dean’s across the hall from me,” you said, the officer nodding.
“Right. Ms. Y/L/N correct?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you said, glancing to Dean.
“He’s just gonna ask what you did last night, if you heard anything. Her answer’s gonna be the same as mine though considering we hung out last night and all,” said Dean. 
“Oh right,” said the officer, shaking his head. “Should have thought of that. Long day.”
“I bet,” said Dean.
“Here’s a card if you know of anything,” said the officer with a yawn. “Sorry to disturb your evening.”
“Never a problem officer,” said Dean. He shut the door and locked up, going back to his food as you cocked your head. “What’s up?”
“We didn’t hang out last night,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Yeah we did silly,” he chuckled.
“Uh, no. We didn’t,” you said.
“Yeah we did. We hung out over here, had a few drinks. You were pretty tired.”
“No. I watched three episodes of Hell’s Kitchen before I went to bed,” you said. You narrowed your eyes and he rolled his. “Dean.”
“We watched that together. Did you like...maybe take some medicine before we drank or something?” he asked. You looked back at the door and then at him, Dean out of his chair and looking down at you. “We hung out last night, Y/N. You’re just forgetting.”
“No I’m not,” you said. He looked down and took a deep breath. “Why did you lie to that officer?”
“Why didn’t you correct him if you think I lied?” he asked.
“Why do you need an alibi?”
“I was simply stating facts.”
“You lied to a cop investigating a murder. I want to know why.”
“What, you think I did it?” he laughed. “That’s a good one. I don’t even go hunting with my dad and uncle and they love that shit. I couldn’t kill anything.”
“Kill anything or kill anything innocent?” you said.
“What exactly are you saying?” he asked. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you, walking until his chest was pressed to yours.
“I think you did it,” you said.
“You watch too many movies.”
“What’d you do last night Dean?”
“Hung out with you.”
“Tell me the truth or I scream so loud that cop comes running back.”
“I had a personal issue to attend to and I did and then I hung out with you.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t ask for the truth when we both know you don’t want it.”
“Was that blood on your floor earlier? When you went back to your place?”
“Go look for yourself,” he said. You huffed and left your apartment, picking up Dean’s spare key and letting yourself into his place. It was dark and the door shut quietly behind you. 
You weren’t prepared to be shoved up against the wall, a hand over your mouth. You stared at him, his eyes shutting.
“He was gonna hurt you so I stopped that from happening. You want to turn me in for that, fine,” he said. He let go of you and you brushed past him, running your hands over your face. “I’m sure that cop is still here if you want to go tell him.”
“Dean how many others,” you said, your hands on your hips.
“How many others,” you said. “The news said this guy’s death followed a pattern. A serial killer. How many Dean?”
“Fuck Dean,” you said. “Fuck. You’re not a serial killer. You’re Dean. You’re my go to guy, neighbor, Dean. You can’t…”
“I can be,” he said.
“I enjoy it.” You swallowed and he shook his head. “I’ve never harmed an innocent person in my life.”
“Who gave you the right to be the judge of everyone?”
“No one gave it to me. I took it,” he said. “My own mother was killed by a monster while I was home and hid under the bed. So I kill monsters and I like it and that’s who I am. So go ahead and go back to your apartment and call the cops on me. I would have have killed that guy a thousand times over no matter the outcome.”
“You’re a serial killer.”
“Yes, I am.”
You took a few deep breaths, Dean scrunching up his face at you.
“Why are you still here?” he asked.
“What was that guy gonna do to me.”
“He had a key to your apartment made up. I don’t imagine it was going to be pleasant for you.”
“Was that blood on your floor earlier?”
“No. Jam from when I dropped my toast,” he said. “Nothing happened here. It doesn’t explain why you haven’t called the cops yet.”
“Do I need to call the cops?” you asked. He shook his head and you nodded. “Then let’s go finish our dinner before it gets cold.”
“Are you serious?” he asked. 
“Well I’m not afraid of you and you did protect me and if those other guys were like this one then we don’t have a problem at all. Understand?”
“If I’m ever caught, it makes you an accomplice.”
“You gonna get caught?” you asked.
“No,” he said. You nodded and went back to your apartment, Dean locking up after you. You ate for a moment, Dean pursing his lips. “You know it’s more than twelve. That’s just what was on the news.”
“How many?”
“Nineteen. Some people aren’t news worthy,” he said.
“Do you make people suffer?” you asked. He shook his head. “What do you do?”
“Injection to knock ‘em out and then enough drugs to put down a horse. They don’t even feel it,” he said. 
“Because I like stopping monsters. I don’t get off on carving someone up,” he said. You nodded and slid part of the pie you’d ordered for dessert over to him. “That it?”
“For now,” you said. He smirked and stabbed the pie with his fork. “What?”
“Here I thought things would never get past the friendship stage between the two of us.”
“There’s no more secrets right?”
“I have a crush on you,” he said. “And for the love of God stop going for walks or runs at night. Go use the gym downstairs. You give me anxiety keeping an eye on you I swear.”
“You follow me?”
“Well when you told me your running route and I pay attention to police reports more than the average person, yeah, I followed you. You’re like a magnet for bad people.”
“Not all bad people,” you said, taking a piece of pie for yourself. “Do me a favor and talk to me about stuff like that from now on, okay?”
“I can do that,” he said. “Are we okay?”
“Well today has been eventful,” you said. “But we’re okay. You can even take me out to dinner tomorrow.”
“I can do that too sweetheart,” he said with a smile. “I gotta ask though. Do you think I’m a monster for doing what I do?”
“Monsters don’t save people,” you said, eating another piece of pie. “So no, I don’t.”
“Okay,” he said quietly. “Thanks.”
“Thank you Dean. I owe you one.”
“You don’t owe me anything at all sweetheart. I promise.”
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suncaptor · 2 months
supernatural is so funny because you for real can just use the main characters devolvement arcs as horror stories of how not to turn into worse versions of yourself.
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
Anyway between getting more and more, like, genuinely pissed off at all the lecture-the-idiots posts by the contingent who can now directly claim "the only bad actions that have any narrative or emotional weight on this show are the ones that make our main couple feel bad, duh, the show is about them not the plot devices minor side characters" and view this as wonderful and enjoyable writing (that frankly more shows should aspire to match the "nuance" of 🙄) instead of any sort of problem, while also finally just giving up in frustration on puzzling out what the hell would need to be spliced into canon to pull off a satisfying ending within the framework of S2 (this is a big deal for me since I'm the person who is making God!Jack work in a spn fix-it - I like the puzzle and restrictions of canon compliance)...
I think I'm officially about burned out on engaging with OFMD S2 🤷‍♀️
Frustration fires never last as long as enjoyment ones, and I'm not keen to keep engaging with things once the scale tips toward upsetting. It's been cathartic doing a post-mortem with you all 🫡 I still enjoy reblogging cute Frenchie/Izzy fanart and such, I've still got daemon AU thoughts tabs that I briefly set aside for recipes this past week, but canon kinda sucks tbh.
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soullessjack · 8 months
the idea of jack being this sunshine and rainbows silly optimist as a contrast to his dads being violent maladjusted borderline-serial-killers is kinda funny but like, jack is also violent and maladjusted and legally wanted by the FBI and only puts on a sunshine rainbows silly optimist act because his emotional state is loaded with celestial C4 and makes everyone he loves genuinely fear him when he isn’t sunshine and rainbows so he’s just compartmentalizing all his maladjusted trauma as “not so great stuff” to avoid blowing up his family lol teehee
not sure where I’m going with this but what i am getting is that this whole family is a family of violent maladjusted borderline-serial-killers and jack is the designated Weird Little Guy chanting “road trip road trip road trip” when they’re about to descend into the depths of Hell or some other dank haunted place and throwing up a peace sign after dislodging a machete from some monster’s head and taking home morbid souvenirs like charms and body parts and basically just getting silly with the horrors. which is arguably way funnier than whatever the fandom’s doing with him
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loversofthegrave · 6 months
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"The Bonnie to your Clyde, the Mallory to your Mickey.”
john raised the boys as actual serial killers rather than hunters au
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cassierobinsons · 9 months
having an indescribable experience reading a book where it's clear the author used to be a tumblrina and not like in a saccharine rainbow rowell way. i mean that you can tell she was in the TRENCHES.
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
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slashernatural | day 1 | bathed in blood
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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well i dont think it was impossible to say i think it was one of the most undeniably and glaringly terrible things dean did, and not just bc he lied to sam abt it and never apologized when he was caught
for the millionth time they’re not heroes the show’s entire concept of hunters is deeply fucked. who the FUCK are they to decide who’s “worthy” of life or death. why does dean get to tell sam that the supernatural half of him is evil and needs to be suppressed forever, even after they start allying themselves with supernatural beings?
these assumptions aren’t valid just bc the show’s protagonists uncritically reinforce them
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kerryweaverlesbian · 2 months
NEW SAM INTERESTS LORE. 🚨🚨🚨 he has "old fantasy dvds" including Red Sonia, Beast Master, and Beast Master 2. He previously gave Mick BMoL the nickname "Frodo" he is CONFIRMED a fantasy fan.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
prev post okay wait wait. version of that where Lucifer is possessing Cas and Claire contacts him and Lucifer goes ‘👀 hello? child full of rage and violence?’
Claire getting kind of weirded out by how Cas seems so much easier to contact now and is always willing to put everything else aside to help her and is also like ‘yes, you should definitely use murder to solve your emotional problems :) it works. trust me.’
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