#big change
omgitsren · 1 month
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Blonde 💛
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argisthebulwark · 6 months
at the beginning of this year i had 3 user subscriptions on ao3. now i just hit 50. what the fuck is happening but also i need to post on there more i guess
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Major Blog Updates!!!!!
TLDR: I will be on a Writing hiatus as I do some digital spring cleaning and restart some old stories I’m not happy with. But expect many new crazy life updates now that I’ve moved. And some old, or maybe new ocs will start slowly trickling back in.
No wonder I was so stressed last year, I have 11 active series and counting… 💀 and yes, I am insane enough that I’m about to restart most of them from scratch. I wasn’t happy with the way things were going with most of them, and how sloppily they were written as I never expected there to be so many of you, to whom I’m very grateful for 🥺🥰🫀
This move seemed like the perfect time to just reinvent myself as a whole, and that includes my social media presence. I’m trying to build better, healthier habits this year. And one of them is learning how to say no every once and a while. Slow down and enjoy the little things. My Autism and OCD make it very difficult for me to say no to writing requests. But I’m working hard to make sure to only accept requests when I have the energy and the excitement to do so. I would be devastated to give you all content that I know is not my best, which is why I think a rewrite is in order. 🥰
It will be a big daunting task, but the point of it is to teach me to learn to approach my fear tasks like this. I have seriously considered becoming a writer for real and taking this more seriously, and Fan Fics are the perfect way to practice. Because you all always leave such lovely feedback 🥺 and it’s my favourite of writing. There would be no point to my words if they couldn’t be shared, and to have you all want me to write for you all the time is one of the greatest honours I could ever receive.
I love being able to give you all back even a fraction of the joy you bring me, by bringing your wildest dreams to life. You’re all like family to me and I love you so much. 🫀
So yeah, sorry if your faves aren’t back for a while, EVERYONES getting a MAJOR makeover, but they will be back and better than ever! I’ll keep the old stories up in case people liked reading them. But pretty much from here on out, assume none of my old writing is “Cannon”.
Also, New rule for any future requests. Please, please, please make them specific. DO NOT as questions like “can I get a micheal Myers fix” 💀 like sure, you can… but it’s not gonna be good unless you give me a prompt. Also please try to state any specific details you want added if it’s not just a vague x reader I.E. pronouns, name/nicknames, ethnicity…
Bare With me as my tumblr gets a major face lift. I’m gonna be doing a mass edit, making new master lists and fixing side blogs. From here on out all master lists and things to do with OCs will be posted and backed up on @the-slayter-archives I will still post fan fics on here first, but they’ll be backed up on there so they don’t get lost in all my reblogs 😅
Nothing makes me happier than writing for you all, but last year I let it get out of hand and stress me out to a very dangerous point. This year I will be more proactive about taking my time and not overloading myself with requests.
As for the Role Play blogs, they will also be getting a face lift. But do not fret my sweets, I will have everything neatly organised for your handy Dandy viewing pleasure. I will do my very best to keep on top of master lists and links (bare in mind I am still disabled and chronically ill so sometimes it just takes me a while to do things) that way there’s no stress for me in the future and I can keep track of all my things nice and neatly. My autism demands routine and hyper-specific organisation categories. And I’m tried of trying to fight it, so I’m willing to put in the work to make some healthy routines in the hopes that my brain will feel less like that of Frankenstein’s monster.
I will make Rule posts and DNI banners for all my pages. Therefore there’s less room for miscommunications. And I will be far more active about remembering to put Tw/CW. My wonderful partner @disableddee has agreed to help me edit works in the future and proof for triggering topics. Unfortunately Due to the environment I was raised in, it’s hard for me to tell when things are traumatic or abusive. So I never mean to trauma dump or forget tags on purpose. I genuinely do. It realise some of these topics may be triggering to other people, and of course I want to be very sensitive to that. 
Was I sobbing typing this post? That’s a secret I’ll never tell… xoxo Gosip Girl
Tag: @queer-and-utter-chaos @emeraldfangs @mothmans-kingdom @spencermaybank @joelsgeetar @x-littlemoth @frenziedslashers @willowbrookesblog @myers-meadow @ajarofpickledtears @keffirinne
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turningwheeltarot · 2 years
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Big changes are underway – and we’re ready for them! Matters of fate, destiny, and spiritual evolution are coming front and center. The universe is giving us a big push forward. The pull towards the future is undeniable.
We’re supported in healing and letting go of our past, and in creating a future we truly desire. We’re getting clear on where we’re going and what we’re leaving behind. It’s time to release old, conditioned ways of being that are out of alignment with who we truly are — and to consciously choose what is in alignment with our authentic truth. And we are beautifully supported in all of this with three powerful trines that are all directly tied into the energy of this full moon.
Great ideas and flashes of insight may dawn upon us now. We are ready to make things real. Something that feels like a well-earned reward could be materializing into reality.The major themes coming up at this time revolve around self-worth, and learning to feel safe, secure, at peace, and grounded within ourselves. We are being gifted with more clarity about what to do with the intensity that came up around the new moon (on June 28th).
However, the push to let go can be quite uncomfortable. Past pain has been brought to the surface because we must see it clearly before we can move on. Emotions can feel intense and heavy. Our heart and mind may feel like they are on different pages. But there is a strong sense of readiness; holding onto the past may feel unbearable or like it isn’t even an option anymore. This push forward is a blessing, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel.
There also continues to be strong support for practicing detachment – being the conscious observer of our thoughts and feelings, and allowing them to be without getting taken over by them. Overall, there is a lot of beautiful, healing, forward-moving, and even exciting energy surrounding us at this time.
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨
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natodesignationfaggot · 4 months
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New year, always good to see the progress. Only 6 months of E too!
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bumblebee-cottage · 6 months
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johnschneiderblog · 2 years
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Nice while it lasted
Here in mid-Michigan we’ve had a week-long string of classic fall weather.
And I don’t mean “classic” in the dark-and-drizzly sense; I mean in the crisp-and-clear sense: daytime temperatures in the low 70s, nights in the 40s. “Good sleepin’ weather,” people say.
We knew it couldn’t last and it didn’t. A cold rain crashed the partly last night. The high temperature will hover around 50 today, then flirt with the freezing mark tonight.
No doubt we’ll see more 60s - maybe even a little sunshine - before November’s petulance sets in. But it’s on the way.
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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Don't forget... Tomorrow
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total-fandom-tr45h · 1 year
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Day 1 of moving, wish me luck!
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master-gatherer · 2 years
So I know that nothing will probably happen on my week off and that everything will be fine and they don't need me that bad but the AnxietyTM is telling me otherwise and I can try to argue but the last time I took a week off I came back and the supervisor had quit so you know
It's not a successful argument
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goldiipond · 5 months
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if there's anything i've learned from the current state of social media it's that this is one of the worst possible notifications you can receive upon opening an app
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lilislegacy · 3 months
imagine being someone at new rome university and not knowing percy is the same guy as “percy jackson, son of poseidon, two-time hero of olympus, former praetor” because the thought doesn’t even cross your mind. like… he’s percy. he’s a total frat boy. on a normal night, he walks into a party, refers to everyone as bro or dude, socializes with every living (and not-living) person in the room, makes at least 50 sarcastic comments, plays 12 rounds of beer pong, drinks way too much, and then skates around campus on his skateboard yelling “I LOVE NEW YORK” (which makes no sense, because they’re in california) until someone calls his girlfriend to come get him.
and then one day there’s an attack, and frat boy percy is all of a sudden a fighting machine. he’s yelling battle cries alongside the praetors frank zhang and hazel levesque as they lead everyone into battle. (why is he with the praetors? and why…. why in the world do the praetors seem to be following his lead?) his sword slashes through armies of monsters faster than you’ve ever seen. he’s controlling the entire river surrounding the camp, creating huge waves as tall as skyscrapers that crash down all around him, wiping out monsters and causing mass destruction to his enemies’ ranks. the sky is suddenly dark above you, ice-cold water droplets are slashing through the air, and the wind is blowing so aggressively that it’s making it hard to stand up steadily. because he’s somehow created a hurricane.
and he looks terrifying. you can feel the power radiating off of him. he’s like a god. or maybe a monster. it’s hard to tell. you’re a little scared of him, to be honest. but also in total awe, because it’s extraordinary. he’s extraordinary.
frat boy percy is not who you thought he was.
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corviiids · 4 months
my top bit of advice going into the new year: compliment people. especially strangers. literally everyone you interact with if you can. when you buy coffee in the morning compliment the barista's tattoos. when you're chatting with a coworker tell them that by the way you like their outfit. always find something they've chosen to do on purpose. nail polish, jewellery, tattoos, hair colour/style, statement accessory, outfit, etc are all good bets. things people hope will be noticed. things that aren't too personal so it doesn't make them uncomfortable (eg probably not their physical features). i've gotten into the habit of scanning everyone i talk to for something about them that i think is cool so i can tell them. it's a great habit because it makes me notice people and realise just how many neat little details there are in people's presentation of themselves that might pass me by if i wasn't paying attention. and it brings out so much joy. you'd be surprised how much it disarms people to receive an unexpected compliment from someone they don't know. it is the most sincere smile you will see all day long. it feels nice to make people happy but it also means you win the social interaction. establish dominance by complimenting a stranger's earrings and disappearing into the fog
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maadan12 · 7 months
How Routines And Tiny Habits Lead to Big Change.
Photo by Geralt on Pixabay.com It started out as a typical day. The same old routine – Rise, Work, Eat, Sleep. Every night, my son and I typically have a “check-in” time just before he sleeps. We share a short prayer, review our highs and lows, a.k.a, his day, recalibrate and set our expectations for the next one. One fateful night, as I leaned in to kiss him goodnight, it was like kissing a…
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politijohn · 8 months
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Make them pay
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duckytree · 2 months
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big brother part 13
the boys stayed in a hotel that night
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