#being a crackhead
missmetus · 4 months
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they could be either be dancing to this or this
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
I am a crackhead
*Alexis and Darlin fighting*
 Darlin pins Alexis down 
Alexis: Oh 😳 now I see what sam sees in you…
Darlin: don’t you forget it pussycat 😤
*proceeds to beat the shit out of her*
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Dc x dp reincarnation prompt part 2
This is a lose follow-up of this post. (Quick recap if you don’t wanna go through it: this is the au where danny is a reincarnated martha wayne and sam is reincarnated thomas wayne. They fall through a portal and end up in Gotham where Sam starts getting her memory back and passes out.)
After red hood spots them, Danny gets them back to the realms coz he’s worried about Sam still being unconscious. He gets them to frostbite who’s says she’s fine and that she’s just getting her memories back. And then eventually they both get their memories back and they’re both like, omg Bruce! They assume he’s dead (I mean their murderer shot them both, it makes sense they don't dare hope Bruce is not) so they just pass the word to the whole realms that whoever can find Bruce Wayne(‘s ghost) will be rewarded by the high king of the zone. And for years nobody finds anything. Then one ghost by chance happens upon the dc dimension and sees Bruce Wayne and goes “omg it’s the prince!” So he tries to kidnap Bruce who just freaks out, fights back, and manages to escape. Maybe he overhears the ghosts talking, “the bounty/recompense was only for dead, there wasn’t a specification for if he was alive”. So Bruce is like ok these people want me dead. The whole batclan is being super protective of their dad and the ghosts just go: “the prince has children! We should bring them too right?”
Bruce contacts Constantine for help urgently. Constantine comes by and just goes, “hm, yeah. Well, basically you’re fucked.” And eventually the whole family gets whisked away to the ghost zone where they meet the grandparents.
here for the tags:) @amercurio @meira-3919 @starscreamlover
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ef-1 · 29 days
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bunny-hare · 2 months
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Embeces hay que decir chale y seguir con la vida.
Redraw of a old doodle I made aeons ago before I wrote certain crack fanfic.
OG doodle+few others under cut.
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Also tiny bonus with tiny Ninten and Giegue.
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jazeswhbhaven · 10 days
i'm sorry ya'll but after playing another demon-themed indie game i am now spoiled and upset that no one in freaking WHB has a tail and therefore i cannot bite and lick on it nor do any kind of tail play WHY NO TAIL WHY NO ONE HAVE TAIL UGHHHHHHHHH //sorry i'm having massive brainrot right now and this is the result i need to go to sleep
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gxtzeizm · 9 months
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Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell for Quadrant Originals behind the scenes [x]
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bubbysmith · 2 years
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lesbianlenas · 2 months
she is soooo lesbian girlfriend here
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bruciemilf · 1 year
It would be funny if everyone thinks Thomas Wayne Jr is the biggest asshole except Bruce.
Bruce: Tommy isn't mean! It's just that not everyone gets his jokes! He can be really sweet!
Meanwhile Tommy is sharpening the butter knives at the gala into shivs.
I agree with this, but for me, it'd be way funnier if they were like catty sisters just waiting to claw the happiness from eachother
The reason Bruce is so lenient when the bat brats have fights, the way he reassures them that no, their sister or brother wouldn't rather rim satan than spend time with them, is because he lived all of this
You can't tell me Thomas Junior doesn't have " is that my fucking shirt" energy. You also can't tell me Bruce doesn't have " it looks better on me anyway" combatants
All I'm saying is, Bruce had to have his Goth gene from somewhere, and I doubt it's from Thomas " I wanna be a Victorian vampire so bad" Wayne
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munv · 2 years
Omg that octavinelle with an anya!mc was adorable so can I rq that but with heartlabyul?
im gunna be honest like i actually was thinking of i should do another but since this request read my mind and did it for me..i will thank you for this- now i have a free excuse to make this while taking requests
i will try to do a good 2 requests a day since some of them i might barely have a clue about...This was chaotic to make.
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It wasn't everyday that the magic mirror made it so that a literal child could enter the college. So it brought pure shock to crowley's face when he found out, not to mention you were put in heartslaybyul.
When you were brought to your dormitory Riddle was trying to figure out just what to do with you.
"Ah-..we don't have anything for a child here?..You! go to sam's shop this instant!"
"Yes dorm leader!"
Everyone was rushing around thinking of what to do with you until trey ( #1 life saver) stepped in to help them all sort it out. I guess Riddle is learning something new for the past few days now isn't he?
Ace was put in charge of you for a bit because the upperclassmen were busy. That doesn't stop him from messing with other people though and teasing them. He barely payed attention to you actually.
However what was unexpected was for you to become attached to Riddle. If he's scolding someone then your always by his side taking notes since he told you "a good leader must always have control and absolute dominance over their people? do you understand little one?"
"good, now let us continue."
I'd like to say that Trey is very much like that one cool uncle. The same goes for cater. Riddle is just your very strict, caring and loving mother while i see ace and deuce as your chaotic elder brothers.
Imagine it with me people yet again. You who's trying to look intimidating to some random terrible student and behind you is the rest of heartslaybyul looking like complete demons..yeah no someone had nightmares today.
I see cater as the type of cool uncle who basically brings you to those famous parks and if you want to try anything just let him know! he already got an appointment booked btw.
Ace and Duece somehow drag you into every terrible thing they do and its up to Riddle to keep you innocent
Let's be honest. Would Riddle be really Riddle if he didn't put your mind reading ability to the test?
If someone in the dorm is thinking of breaking a rule or even doing other forbidden things riddle has you report back to him instantly. Now this has crowley wondering "now that you mention it..dorm leader rosehearts hasn't collared anyone for a month..this is-..odd"
i swear wherever you go they are like literal bodygaurds.
But can we really forget you and riddle running away from Floyd? absolutely not.
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magicandmundane · 1 year
Murtagh: Yeeted. 
Arya: Yote. 
Fírnen: Yoted. 
Murtagh: ‘Yoted’ doesn’t make any more sense, Fírnen. 
Arya: At least it’s not ‘yeeted.’
Murtagh: IT IS YEETED. 
Arya: YOTE. 
Saphira: Can someone please just explain how Eragon got thrown out the window?
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Spinner: no no, the league is primarily made up of adults..just really stupid adults. That’s all.
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djbeatz · 2 years
You know how there was this weird trend where parents would throw cheese at their crying baby and the baby would just shut up?
Chuuya has done this to Dazai and it was very effective.
LIKE LISTEN- Chuuya had seen the videos circulating the internet and he’s just like ‘This is my last resort in a ditch effort to shut that fishy bastard up.’ and one day he was just desperate to have some peace and quiet in his goddamn house so he can do documents and Dazai just wouldn’t be quiet so he got up, went to the kitchen, grabbed a slice of cheese, came back and just chucked it dead centre in his face.
And Dazai shut the fuck up because he could not even begin to process what the fuck just happened. Chuuya has now dubbed him a man-baby.
When the ADA and PM have a truce and are just getting things done in Chuuya’s house, everybody just wanted Dazai to be quiet for a minute, so Chuuya snuck away, got a slice of cheese, came back and suddenly it was smack dab in the middle of Dazai’s face. This shut him up instantly because he’s having war flashbacks.
Everyone just looked confused, amused or ready to laugh and then Chuuya said, “There, problem solved.” Which had all of them bursting into hysterics.
Dazai hates it when he has what they call ‘Cheese Days’. Days where it’s just a never ending 24 hours of Chuuya throwing cheese at Dazai and because Chuuya knows Dazai knows him, he tries to do it in ways he normally wouldn’t for maximum success.
It happened in the ADA once. All the members could hear was Dazai irritatedly shouting “CHUUYA!” and Chuuya laughing his ass off. Chuuya can catch him at the most impossible angles, not to mention his ability, it really doesn’t mean much when he’s using his ability to throw things at Dazai for obvious reason.
Dazai hates it, Chuuya loves it and holds onto it like a lifeline.
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owlsdrawinglair · 9 months
Hey yall would anyone be interested in my Avatar AU? It's basically Tsu'Tey adopting Spider AND Kiri and, well, the shenanigans of them trying to act like a normal family (despite Kiri being a literal spouse of their God, Spider trying to climb every high surface imaginable and Tsu'Tey constantly questioning his life choices) and such. So if anyone would be interested in the explanation of this concept please let me know!
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fushigurro · 6 days
the good news is that i got my prescription and it should be ready soon but it’ll be too late in the day to take it so i got a cold brew in the meantime to see what happens lmao
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