#been having a hard week emotionally & she just popped into my mind; remembering her kindness & positivity
ladyxskywalker · 6 months
thinking a lot about cindy
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shadowjtrev · 3 months
I don't really talk about much on here other than my heart aches and sad thoughts.. and I realize it's easy to paint myself as miserable and broken from another perspective. to be fair though thats what I've been using this space to do, it helps me in way, to be able to get some of my reoccurring thoughts out so that they don't bother me as much.
I wanted to do something a little different today though, in the sense of writing, and that would be to just give a life update, and to sum up what's been going on and what I've been going through these past couple of months.
I'm making it, little by little, mentally and emotionally, I recently lost someone very dear to me and my mind and heart have been going through all kinds of turmoil, some weeks I'm okay and I feel myself growing, but others I find myself miserable and relapsing into things I thought I escaped.
I do my best though, to count my blessings, for I know my life has a lot of things to be thankful for, I got a new position back in December designing kitchens for people and becoming a salesman (woohoo), I have my own space to live in where I live comfortably financially, i have my own car with my own insurance (hurray to be being an adult), on my days that I don't feel like living I tend to find a lot to live for through my family, mainly my mom and my neices who give me so much life, those little ones make me so excited for fatherhood it's something I look forward to greatly, and with my buzz cut I've been getting plenty of compliments from people and it's done a lot for my self Confidence, I feel a sense of freedom I didn't before, however it does feel weird not having long hair, I've always had some sort of long hair with my look.
just so many little things, most of the time I feel like it's all distractions, it's all just me trying to escape my troubles, keeping myself busy as much as I can. it sucks but that's my reality, and it all goes back to her. I ponder on that, how badly a heart can miss someone, in every form, and thats what I go through daily, it's like a wave that pushes through me but some days that torrent lasts all day..bottom line is miss her, I miss her voice, her company, her smile and eyes, every little thing, and I ask myself why, why do I feel that way about someone who broke my heart?, and I know why.. it's why I cut my hair, it's why I've been doing all these little things, to forgive all that's been done to me and to remember the good. once you get past those thorns you get to see and experience all those beautiful things about that person again, all the things that made you fall in love with them to begin with.
yes, how things ended still bothers me, it hurts me everyday and I wish I could take back so much that has happened.. I wish I never sent that merry Christmas message, sometimes I wish she just left it on read and moved on, i wish i never picked up that phone call and i wouldn't have if it wasnt for her name popping up on my phone..just anything to have prevented that last phone call..
but anyways, still I live on, still I grow in my own ways.. yes some days can be quite unbearable and the loneliness just eats away at me, but I still do everything I can to just move one foot in front of the other, it's a lot of work to convince myself that this is a life worth living, even on days where I feel like death sound so much sweeter.. yes I have a lot to be thankful for, but somedays it does get hard, but i think thats normal in a way. God somedays I just feel like I'm floating, just aimlessly going through my day with no thoughts or emotions.. it scares me, it really does..
I know I can be miserable, I know my life can seem meaningless but I'll always do my best if not for myself then for others around me because I know a lot of people depend on me..
anyways, not too much going on with me, some work drama that I'll get into another time, tomorrow I'm going to have my morning walk and prepare for my day, and maybe in the evening I'll attend this concert just to give myself something to do, should be a fun weekend.
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mcu1shots · 3 years
could you please make me a tony xplus size reader story and getting proposed to but telling him no because she's insecure about her body and him seeing it? it would mean alot im in a dark spot right now.
Of course! Here you go, I hope you enjoy and feel better soon!
Notes/Warnings: insecurity, self doubt, mentions of being a playboy, implications of body negativity, fluff, angst, Plus Sized!Reader
Word Count: 2,351
Nothing More Perfect (Tony Stark x Reader)
Of all the things you had heard about Tony Stark you had never imagined him to be quite the way that he was. He had always presented himself as the playboy billionaire, hosting large parties and being seen with many women. It was always all over the front page of every gossip magazine who Tony’s woman of the week was, it almost had become a game at one point of which celebrity or model would be the next one to fall to his charms. But everything changed a short time ago after the attack on New York.
Everyone had seen how Tony flew directly into the portal that led to… well, perhaps only the man himself knew the answer to that. Ever since then he had become… different. Parties hosted in his honour were still as rowdy as ever, but the inventor himself was barely there for a few minutes, enough time to enjoy a couple of the drinks being served, before he disappeared for the evening. Gossip columnists no doubt mourned for the stories that they used to have from him, for no longer did he have his classic ‘woman of the week’ but he was barely seen to be forming connections with anyone. That is, until someone sent in a picture of Tony with a woman.
That woman was you. It had been around two years ago now when the press found out about you, and all it had taken was someone’s untimely photo of him kissing you goodnight in the hallway of your apartment complex. Before that you had always been very careful not to tell anyone but your close friends about your relationship but, Tony being Tony, insisted that he had to kiss you one last time before your night together ended. And who were you to try to resist that?
The gossip columnists, no doubt bitter from the stories that they had been starved from for so long, had a field day writing about you and Tony, you found paparazzi at your work and it was hard to escape the articles. You remember Tony clearly telling you “everything they’re saying is just for the story” as he urged you to never pick up a magazine or read a single article, even going as far as to suggest blocking results from anything that would come up on your computer or phone.
And for a while you were successful in ignoring anything that the press said about you. You listened to Tony’s suggestion and turned a blind eye to any article about your boyfriend just in case it mentioned you in any way. You were struggling enough with self image without the words of journalists all fighting to get the most clicks on a story, Tony was helping you through everything and you didn’t want to jeopardize that in any way.
Things went well after that, you ignored anything that you saw about you and Tony’s relationship. And since the press already knew about you, you were free to have a normal relationship. Well, as normal as it could be when you’re dating a famous billionaire and superhero. Anytime you did something in public there was the risk of the press writing about it, but Tony’s nonchalance about the entire affair rubbed off on you and you allowed yourself to turn a blind eye.
Well, most of the time.
Sometimes, when Tony was away and you were left to your own devices for a while, it was hard not to go on social media and glance at the headlines that were advertised all over your feed, some of the articles seemed kinder than others, and some just seemed to be going for that dramatic effect. Those were the hardest ones to see, those were the ones that unraveled all of the work you had put into loving yourself. And you tried not to read them, you really did, but sometimes you weren’t all that successful.
Tonight was one of those nights, Tony had some Avengers meeting and would be away for a few days. He had invited you to come with him but you had declined, you always felt out of place in those meetings, surrounded by heroes more perfect than you could ever be. Captain America was genetically modified for perfection, Black Widow was trained from infancy to reach that level of perfection, and Tony had built himself into a perfect hero with his iron man suit. It was hard not to feel self conscious around all of that.
Though perhaps you should have gone with him, as you sat in the bedroom you and Tony shared at his Malibu estate. The window was open, allowing the warm night breeze to flow through. It was a beautiful evening, you should have been outside enjoying yourself, perhaps sitting on the beach and watching the stars, but instead you were sitting on the bed looking at your laptop, staring at one of the not-so-nice articles that had popped up on your screen. You hadn’t even clicked into it, but the title and thumbnail was enough to fill you with a wave of insecurity.
You had to force yourself to tear your eyes away from it and put the device on the edge of the bed. You swung your legs off of the side and stood, stretching out your arms and allowing a deep sigh to escape from your lungs. You should have taken his advice to block out those articles from appearing, but it was too late for that now. You rubbed a hand along your face, feeling more emotionally tired than anything else, and decided you needed some water and a bit of a walk around the house to clear your mind.
So that’s exactly what you did, after shaking out your legs which had started to fall asleep from how you had positioned yourself on the bed, you headed downstairs to get some lemon water from the kitchen. However you were confused when you heard the soft sound of music coming from the living room. Wondering if you had forgotten to turn something off, you changed your path and headed there instead.
And there was Tony, a piece of paper in his left hand and a small box in the other. He seemed to be reading over a speech of some kind which was unusual to you as you had never known him to actually prepare a speech in advance, usually able to come up with something magnificent on the spot, even with cameras and microphones pointed at him. His eyeline raised and caught on you as you stood at the edge of the room and he quickly shoved the paper into his pocket and got on one knee, opening the box.
“Y/N,” he paused to remember the words he had just been rereading for what felt like the hundredth time, and yet seeing you illuminated by the dim lighting of the moon and the stars that filtered in through the large windows, he forgot it all. “I had a whole speech prepared for this, of how I love you so much and all of that sappy stuff. But, it all boils down to the question of… will you marry me?”
You were stunned into silence as you watched him, the seconds seemed to tick by as he waited for your response, a grin still placed upon his face. But you weren’t in the best mindset right now, the image of that headline and thumbnail plastered in your mind. What were you supposed to say? You knew what he wanted you to say, he wouldn’t have asked the question if he wanted you to decline, but how could you say yes? How could you ever be good enough for the Tony Stark?
Your silence and stillness was broken as you took a step back, shaking your head. You couldn’t bring yourself to say the word ‘no’ but by the way the inventor’s face fell you knew he got the message. “I’m sorry, Tony…”
You turned on your heels and rushed back up the stairs, unable to look at him any longer. Unable to offer him an explanation as you weren’t sure you could even get the words out. Tears rolled down your face as your mind was flooded with thoughts you hadn’t dared to allow for a long time. But your insecurity was like a bucket of water, catching drips of self doubt. That bucket had slowly been filling up over the past two years but the last drop that had been placed by that stupid article was what caused it to overflow, your tears were only proof of that.
Tony had to admit that wasn’t the reaction he had been expecting from you, not in the slightest. He had been expecting tears, of course, but one of joy as you proclaimed that you loved him too and would be delighted to marry him. He shoved the box into his pocket and followed after you, he would accept your denial of his proposal but he couldn’t leave you to be upset on your own, what kind of man would that make him?
He followed you up to the bedroom that you both shared but you had locked yourself in the ensuite bathroom before he could stop you. “Y/N, hey, come on, love, talk to me,” he begged, knocking on the door. But he received no response from you. He sighed and ran a hand over his face, trying to think of if he had done something wrong. Then he saw it, the laptop still placed on the bottom of the bed, screen glowing in the darkness of the room. He paused, looking at the door and considering what he should do. But he figured that you wouldn’t be opening it any time soon and so he stepped away to see what you were looking at. Immediately he knew why you were so upset, seeing the headline and the image plastered across the width of your screen, a pop-up ad for one of those gossip companies that existed only in the depths of the internet. He knew about your struggles with confidence and self worth, and he was able to use his genius mind to put two and two together.
He closed the tab on the screen and then closed the laptop, not wanting you to see that again. He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked softly. “Y/N, my love, I know what the world says about you sometimes, how cruel they can be,” he began, resting his hand against the door, his face inches away from it and his eyes closed. “But as I close my eyes and I think of perfection, all I see is you, every part of you, no exceptions. My entire career I’ve tried to make something perfect but never would I be able to make anything that could compare to the perfection of you. We don’t have to get married, but please, please, come out here so I can hold you. I love you, Y/N, all of you. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
There was a pause, that agonizing silence as Tony tried to figure out if you believed him or if you could even hear him, there was a chance you were tuning him out and he truly was just talking to a door. But then he heard the click of the lock and stepped back as the door opened to reveal his beauty.
“How can you say that, Tony?” You asked, your voice shaking as you wiped tears from your face, your eyes were red from crying and you sniffled.
Tony lay his hand on your cheek, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb and smiling softly at you, it was the kind of smile that seemed to be reserved for you and only you. It wasn’t some cocky grin or a smartass smirk, it was just… Tony. “Because I mean it, my love. Because, whatever I do, I will never find or make anything as perfect as you.”
You shook your head and closed your eyes, finding yourself unable to look at him, unable to face him. A shaking sigh fell past your lips as you exhaled and tried to think of how to articulate your thoughts to him. “The rest of the world doesn’t seem to agree with you, Stark,” you pointed out in a quiet tone.
Tony chuckled and stepped towards you, pressing a tender kiss onto your forehead. “Maybe not, but I do pride myself on being the smartest man in the world. They don’t call me a genius for nothing, you know.”
And there he was, the Tony that you knew so well. The confidence that he had in himself, that he had in you. And a smile slowly came onto your lips and you nodded a bit at his words. “Then… yes.” You told him, opening your eyes to look up at him.
For a moment he looked confused, an eyebrow raised. “Yes?” He repeated, asking for clarification on what exactly you were agreeing to.
“I’ll marry you, Tony Stark,” you said, leaning into the warmth of his hand and reaching out with your own to hold his free one, giving it a gentle squeeze.
And his smile grew, one that was bright and warm and reserved only for the two of you at that moment. “See what I mean? Perfect. I love you, Y/N Stark.” He said, tilting up your face and pressing a soft, chaste kiss onto your lips.
“I love you too, Tony Y/L/N.” You countered as you looked up at him, your red eyes now filled with love and happiness instead of doubt and despair.
Tony chuckled at your response. “Touché.”
You simply nodded and pulled him closer. “Now, kiss me properly this time?” You asked sweetly, pulling him close to you.
A grin passed his face and he nodded, leaning towards you. Before your lips met in a kiss he spoke, keeping his tone soft and his warm breath fanned across your face, “As you wish, my perfect fiancée.”
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Lacking Love
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Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Slight Angst/Fluff
Words: 1.7k
A/N: Hey, this is my first anime based fic! I hope ya’ll like it~ (They’ll get less shitty as I continue lmao)
Warnings: None!
"I'm sorry again, Y/N. I didn't mean to be late to our date."
You're sitting across from your boyfriend in a nearby cafe. He noticed how unnaturally quiet you've been for the past hour, his concern growing with every passing moment.
"I had gotten caught up-"
"It's okay, Sho. I already know how you've been feeling."
Todoroki tilts his head, confused at the statement. "I don't quite understand-"
"I know you don't love me." You cut him off. "At least, not like I love you."
Todoroki's eyebrows furrow, a taken aback look on his face. "W-What? You don't think I love you?"
You let out a soft giggle. "I know you don't. And it's okay. Not everyone falls in love with their partner right away."
His mouth drops open slightly in shock. "Y/N, b-but I do…" He trails off.
You shake your head. "You're quite often late to dates. You never call me any pet names. You rarely kiss me. I haven't even heard an 'I love you' leave your mouth first. How often do we cuddle or hold hands?" You speak in a quiet voice. "Shoto, do you even know what today is?"
Your last question catches him off guard. Shit, today is a special day? Why couldn't he remember?! Taking his silence as his answer, you smile sadly. "It's okay, Sho. It wasn't anything special."
Suddenly, your phone rings. Todoroki looks down, noticing Mirio's picture pops up, signaling an incoming text. He furrows his brows in confusion, wondering why the Big 3 member was messaging you. You read the text and put your phone away. Todoroki is surprised when you suddenly stand up.
"Hey baby, I gotta go. But I'll see you later tonight, yeah?"
Todoroki opens his mouth to speak but closes it and chooses to nod instead. You give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I love you. I'll see you later."
"I-I love you…" you were out the door of the cafe before he could finish his sentence. "...too." Todoroki sighs and stands up to leave.
On his way back to the dorms, Todoroki's head is spinning. Your words and your disappointed expression flashes in his mind. He never knew this was how you were feeling and now all he could do is worry.
"Hey, Todoroki. How'd it go?" Midoriya greets him as he walks through the door. Todoroki mumbles something before walking into the kitchen. Midoriya follows closely. "Are you okay?"
Opening the fridge, he continues to ignore Midoriya, choosing to mindlessly stare into the fridge. Midoriya tilts his head at the boy. "So I take it something happened?"
"Y/N said something…" Todoroki trails off, still in shock at what happened in the cafe. Midoriya gestures at him to keep talking. He sighs. "She said I don't love her-"
"Move the hell outta the way, half-n-half. You're letting the cold air out." Bakugo shoves the boy out of the way before rummaging through the fridge for his drink.
Midoriya stares wide eyed at Bakugo's rudeness before turning back to the duo quirked boy. He shakes his head, confused. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"
Todoroki shifts his eyes to a certain explosion boy who finally found his drink, now just leaning against the counter listening with a curious scowl. Todoroki rolls his eyes but turns his attention back to Midoriya.
"I'm not sure. She just started saying how I never show affection or say 'I love you' first." Todoroki runs a hand through his bi-colored hair. "I've never really been in a relationship before but Kaminari had mentioned how girls like guys who play hard to get-"
Bakugo chokes on his drink, nearly dying from a coughing fit. He bursts into laugher. "You're taking relationship advice from dunce face?! Dude wouldn't even know what to do in a relationship if it bit him in the ass."
Todoroki's face turns bright red and holds out his hand, freezing Bakugo's drink. Bakugo stops laughing and glares at him. "HEY, WHAT THE HELL, ICY HOT? WANNA DIE?!"
Todoroki huffs, clearly embarrassed. "Shut up. I just have no idea what I'm doing, clearly."
Midoriya sweat drops, holding up his hands and trying to calm his two friends down. "Alright, let's all just calm down. This is easily fixable. You just have to do the opposite of what Kaminari suggests, right? Easy enough. Did at least the gift you got her help kind of ease her worry?"
Todoroki's furrow his brows. "Gift? Why would I give her a gift?"
Midoriya's jaw drops. Before he can say anything, Bakugo speaks up. "Isn't it like, her birthday or some shit today?"
Upon hearing those words, Todoroki freezes. "N-no, that can't be…" He fumbles with his phone to check the calendar. "Her birthday isn't until-" His eyes widen and his face pales. "-today." He slams his head against the kitchen wall. "Fuck!" He slides down against the wall onto the floor, his hands over his face. "No wonder she doesn't think I fucking love her. I'm such an awful boyfriend."
Bakugo was able to unfreeze his drink. "Yeah you are." He takes a sip before heading out the door. "Better hurry the fuck up and fix it before she dumps your emotionally challanged ass."
"Kacchan! What the hell!" Midoriya throws his hands up at the explosive boy. Bakugo flips him off before heading back to his room. Midoriya sighs and turns to Todoroki once more. "She's not going to dump you."
Shoto leans his head back against the wall and side eyes his friend. "Why wouldn't she? I sure would."
Midoriya shakes his head. "Y/N isn't like that. She's an understanding person."
"Mirio texted her earlier. She's probably with him right now. Probably treating her to a birthday dinner or something." He clenches his fists, frost building up from his right hand.
"Okay, you need to calm down before you freeze the entire dorm." Midoriya sweat drops. "You can fix this, I have a plan. I promise, everything will be alright."
"Thanks for the ice cream, guys! I really appreciate it!" You smile at the Big three members.
"Of course, Y/N! It's your birthday, after all." Nejire giggles.
The corners of your mouth twitch, suddenly remembering how your boyfriend forgot what today was. Tamaki furrows his brows, noticing your sudden change of mood. "A-are you okay, Y/N?"
You shake your head to rid yourself of those thoughts and smile at the shy boy. "Yeah, I'm okay. No need to worry about me!" Suddenly, you feel your phone go off in your pocket.
♡Shoto♡: Please come to the dorms when you're done, love.
You smile slightly at the text from your boyfriend and quickly send a reply.
You: I'll be there soon. ❤
"Um, sorry to run out on you guys. I have to meet back at Heights Alliance."
"Oh, we're headed that direction anyway! Why don't we accompany you?" Mirio speaks up with a smile.
You giggle at his always sunny attitude and smile back. "Sure, that would be great."
Todoroki paces back and forth in the dorm common room. Anxiety overwhelms him, the only thing running through his mind is you breaking up with him. He knows he royally screwed up, but you love him too much to leave him. You'll forgive him… right?
He looks over at the dining table, set up with your favorite take-out and a beautiful birthday cake that Sato helped him make. Your gift lay wrapped behind him, wanting to surprise you with it. He really hoped this would help make up for his stupidity.
His head whips up after hearing the door to the building click open. You poke your head around the door giving your boyfriend a smile before closing it behind you. Todoroki rubs his hands on his pants, his anxiety causing him to sweat. 
You walk up to him and give him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, Sho." Your eyes wander behind him to see the table set up. "What's all this?"
Todoroki takes your hands into his shaking ones, avoiding your eyes. "I-I know I've been a horrible boyfriend from the start. I haven't shown you how much I appreciate you. How much you mean to me." He squeezes his hands over yours, his eyes now fleeting to meet yours. "How much I love you."
You tilt your head. "Baby, you're not a horrible boyfriend."
"Yes, Y/N. I am. I've kept myself so distant from you, I've neglected you. Fuck, I forgot your fuckin birthday was today!" His eyes turn hard, his tone angry. But not at you, at himself.
"Sho, it's not a big deal-"
"YES IT IS! WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT'S NOT?!" He raises the tone of his voice, making you flinch slightly. He notices and immediately regrets it. He brings his tone down to his natural softness. "I've been so busy training and thinking about becoming a Hero, I neglected to remember an important event. Even fuckin Bakugo remembered."
"Pfft!" You cover your mouth with your hand before bursting out laughing. Todoroki's face turns confused at your reaction. You wave your hand. "I'm sorry, just the fact that Bakugo remembered for some reason is hilarious to me."
Todoroki sighs and smiles softly at your beautiful laugh. He runs a hand through your hair, caressing your cheek. "God, I love you more than anything, baby. I really truly do." His smile drops, anxiety once again taking over. "Please, don't leave me." He practically whispers, his other hand squeezing yours again.
"No no no." You grab his cheeks with your hands and kiss his nose. "I absolutely was not even remotely considering it. I promise."
Suddenly Todoroki pulls your body against his, making you squeak. He tilts his head slightly before meeting his lips to yours. You melt into the soft kiss, feeling nothing but love being poured into it.
"Oh, I have something for you." He speaks after pulling away. He picks up the nicely wrapped package from behind him and hands it to you. "Please, open it."
Carefully tearing the paper off, you gasp. "Oh my god, Shoto! This is the limited edition Mirko figure! I thought these were sold out weeks ago?!"
Your boyfriend smirks. "I was able to snag one before they sold out. I'm assuming you like it?"
You squeal and throw your arms around the hot and cold boy, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you so much, Sho! I absolutely love it."
Todoroki buries his face into your neck, holding you tightly as if he's still afraid of losing you. He smiles into your neck and murmurs.
"Happy Birthday, Baby."
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 30 (12K Follower Special)
(Master Post)
I want to thank you guys for being so patient with this fic. Its hard to believe its been a year since I first wrote part 1. I have been agonizing over this part for so long, I hope you all enjoy it. PS, I would love to hear what you guys think. And please share it around.)
Lila used her key to unlock the front door. She quietly entered only to see her mother smiling at her.
“I was wondering where you were. How is everything honey?” Her mother greeted.
Lila put on a smile for her and greeted her with a cheek kiss. She was not expecting to see her mother up. She would have sworn she would be asleep. The work at the embassy often left her mother drained, it was rare when she was up an about at night when she was home.
“I had to slip by the school. Make sure that I had everything I needed for tomorrow.” She answered.
“Studious as always. I am so proud of you.”
“Of course! If I want to be as amazing as you I have to keep up with my school work.”
Lila knew her mother would eat up the flattery. Her mother was a gullible woman that loved to be complimented. She was not stupid, but she was far too trusting. The brunette knew all too well that her mother had often had her kindness taken advantage of by others.
“I was listening to the answering machine messages, and I noticed your principal called. He says that he is glad to have you back from your leave of absence?”
Lila didn’t bother sweating the comment.
“It's an error with the school computer. Remember how my old school had similar issues? I will clear it up this week.”
“Of course. School systems don’t really change much wherever you go, we really need to discuss that at the next meeting.”
“Don’t worry Mamma, I am making the most of it.”
“Mia stellina I know you will. That is why I got you a gift.”
Lila watched as her mother pulled out a small box that was gift wrapped. Handing it to her daughter.
“I am sorry I had been gone most of last week. Things have been hectic. What with the… oh you don’t need to worry about all that. I saw this on my way back and I was saving it for your birthday, but I figured now would be a good time.”
Lila opened the present to reveal a lovely silver bracelet, with a small charm in the shape of an eye mask. Her mother knew Lila had a love of masks and would make sure that if there was some place she went that was interesting, she would get her a mask from that place.
“Thank you, Mamma, it is lovely.” Lila hugged her mother. Managing to hide how little she actually cared about the gift.
“I knew you would love it. It will look so lovely on you when we go out to dinner with your boyfriend.”
“The handsome blond model you told me about. Adrien?”
“Oh! Right. Yes of course. My boyfriend. Though I am not sure he will be able to have dinner with us anytime soon. His father has him on such a strict schedule.”
Mrs. Rossi frowned.
“We can work something out another time. I’d really like to meet him.”
“I’m sure he feels the same way.”
Lila began making her way to her room.
“I think I’m going to get ready for school tomorrow.”
“Alright dear, I will be here all day tomorrow, maybe I can swing by your school and we can have lunch together.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to it.”
Lila closed the door to her room.
She let her fake smile leave her face as she looked at the bracelet.
Lila didn’t hate the gift, no, she did like that her mother did take the time to get her something. She just wished her mother could have gotten her something better. But really, Lila couldn’t really expect much despite how hard her mother works.
Lila looked over the bracelet more, her mind wandering as she stared at the little mask charm. It looked reminiscent of the masks worn in Mascaraed balls. Lila had to admit it was very fitting.
Everyone wears masks. People sculpt a persona, a personality in which they deal with people. They wear it as best as they can. People often change their masks as they grow or go to new environments. Lila was well aware of that. She was practically a master of it at this point.
Even her sweet naïve momma wears a mask. The mask that she is happy and doing fulfilling work. Lila knows better than anyone that her mother was practically forced to take this position.
Being a diplomat to Paris was considered the worst option when given a choice. Considering how there are depressed supervillains that pop up and nearly destroy the city several times a week because of a Super Terrorist’s quest for jewelry. Lila remembered how her momma tried so hard to spin this into a positive light. How this was her first role as an ambassador and that if she proved herself, she could choose her next assignment. Lila would have rather had gone to any country other than France, even America was preferable and they have their own craziness to deal with. Nevertheless, her mother did her best to be cheerful as she was thrown into this.
Lila refused to be like that, one’s mask should be the person they want to be, not the person they have to be. She would try out a different persona with each place she went, and sure enough, she would leave with a fun experience just before everything went crumbling down.  She would then start from scratch and no one was the wiser.
Paris turned out to be the best place for this, since everything here is so bizarre here, no one would think twice about looking into a lie that seems outlandish. So, Lila allowed herself to be a bit more reckless with her actions. She had to admit, that her carelessness now needed to be corrected, she had allowed herself to get too lax with how good things have been and it nearly blew her cover 3 times. She needed to fix things.
She snapped back to reality, staring at the bracelet. She still wasn’t a fan of the look, but it was still a gift from her mother.
She would wear it tomorrow for her lunch with her mother. But afterwards she can slip it into her bag or something and forget about it. Her mother would be back to being worked like crazy and forget about it after two weeks.
Her phone began vibrating, pulling her out of her thoughts.
She looked at the number and her eyes went wide. It was Alya.
Did that nosy reporter see her at the school?! No, that can’t be possible. She was likely calling about something else. The Italian exchange student took a calming breath and answered her phone.
“Evening Alya? Whats up”
“Hey girl.” Alya greeted with her usual cheery tone. Alya was doing her best not to be in a fiery rage right now, she needed to be calm. A good reporter keeps calm under pressure. “I am just working on an article for the Ladyblog. Do you have a few minutes to talk?”
“Of course. So, if it’s for the Ladyblog it must be ladybug related. What do you want to ask about? I am an open book.” Lila matched the cheery tone Alya had given her, she was hiding her absolute disgust over the subject. Ladybug was one of the last people Lila wanted to talk about right now, especially with how that heroine left her locked in a closet during the last akuma attack.
“Oh, it’s about akumatization. You know, that thing with the butterflies that maniacal monster Hawkmoth does to people. I am writing an article of how it impacts people and with how close you are with Ladybug, I figured she might have leaked a detail or two that I wasn’t aware of. Do you mind answering some questions about it?”
This wasn’t a complete lie, Alya was writing about Akumatization, but it was about Lila’s times as an akuma specifically.
“Well I might have a detail or two that could be shared. Ask away!”
Lila knew she had already had a close call with Alya earlier this week, she didn’t want to give the reporter a single reason to think she was a bad person. She could lie about a thing or two if needed to ensure that this line was secure, until she left the girl dangling from a cliff.
“Great! Thanks for doing this. You are a life saver.”
“Glad I can help, so bring on the questions.”
“Right. First question, how many times have you been akumatized?”
Lila was about to answer three, once during her first time in Paris, once during Heroes’ day, and once during her day back, that of course wouldn’t be good. She had said during Heroes’ day she was on a leave of absence outside of Paris. So that won’t do.
“Two. Once on my first day at Dupont, and the second time on my first day back.”
She is Lying
Alya had noticed the lie, Lila had been akumatized at least three times. Once was during her first day, the second time was at Heroes’ day because there were reports of Volpina among the akuma army. If Lila was out of France at that time, Volpina couldn’t have possibly been there. The day she got back had to have been her third time akumatized.
“I see, and during both of those times you felt intense emotional distress. Correct?”
“My memory is a bit fuzzy on them, but yes. I can say that I felt emotionally vulnerable.”
“As expected. And you have no memory of the activities you did while you were an akuma?”
“That is correct. If I was in complete control, there is no way I would have done such awful things.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t. Now this question is a bit more of a confirmation, something of a rumor among the Ladyblog. There is some speculation that if you accept the akuma willingly, you will maintain your memory of what happened while as an akuma. Is that something you can confirm?”
“Yes, Ladybug mentioned it once during a conversation. She was worried that Hawkmoth had some ‘Supporters’ that willingly did his bidding. I also believe if the person gives up the akuma willingly back to Hawkmoth they retain their memories during their time as an akuma. But I am not certain of that.” Lila added a touch of some truth to make it appear more legit that she and Ladybug are close. That is some personal information she discovered for herself. Lila was certain that this would ensure Alya trusted her.
Alya was certain Lila was willingly working with Hawkmoth and that she would never trust this liar ever again.
“Oh wow, that is very interesting. So just to assure the readers that you aren’t one of those followers. Have you ever accepted the akuma for yourself willingly?” Alya made sure the question had a lighthearted tone to come off as a joke.
Lila laughed.
“Willingly work with that butterfly creep? You would have to be someone with no empathy to even consider it.”
“One last thing, is it alright if I quote you in my article? If not, I will keep your name out of the…”
“By all means go ahead. I would love to be a part of your work if you want me to be.”
“Alright, I’ve got everything I need. Thanks again Lila. I should have this article out by tomorrow.”
“Anytime. I’m looking forward to reading it.”
“Have a good night.”
“You too.”
Lila hung up the phone with a content smile.
She is none the wiser. I even did a little bit of good letting her in on that bit of information on Hawkmoth. That should send some good karma my way
Lila smiled as yawned suddenly. She decided now would be a good time for bed.
Alya smiled as she made sure she was off the call.
“Thanks Lila, you have no idea how much help that was.”
She had transcribed the interview into her article as she was talking with the liar.
She read through it to make sure there were no errors
“Alright, and this will be up tomorrow morning after first period.”
She scrolled up to the top page of the article which read:
Friend of Ladybug or Akuma Collaborator? The Truth on Lila Rossi
“Now to add the last few edits before going to bed.”
The ride back to the Dupain Bakery was quiet for most of it. It seemed to fly by as the two teens held hands while the large mountain of a man drove them back.
Everything felt so surreal. A wonderful breakfast, a pleasant time of checking out the latest exhibits of the Louvre, a peaceful stroll through the park, an intense session of ice skating, and the dramatic confession on the top of the Eiffel tower which did not go as expected, but still went over very well.
“Yes Adrien?”
The blond model felt his face heat up a bit as he tried to speak up.
“So… I guess we can cancel that idea of talking things over in a week.” Adrien said with a nervous laugh.
“Yea… I suppose so.” She giggled.
The two were both happy with how things turned out, but both were still sort of shocked on what to do now.
“How are we going to tell the others? Should we text them so they aren’t stunned?”
“I think this is something that would be better told in person.”
“You mean bragged about?” Adrien teased.
The two blushed at this before laughing more. They felt like toddlers that were let loose in a candy store. Excited and bubbly.
“So, we tell them tomorrow then?”
“Alright, sounds like a plan.”
The limo stops, causing the two to move slightly forward but their seatbelts kept them from moving off the seat.
“I guess this is my stop.”
“Let me get the door for you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“And what gentleman would I be if I didn’t help a Lady out of the car?”
Marinette’s eyes went wide for a moment. The way he said that rang familiar. But she shook that out of her head. She was going to stop comparing him to chat noir.
Adrien didn’t notice the brief blank out as he got out of the car to open her side.
Marinette got out of the vehicle and gave him a smile.
“Why thank you, kind sir.”
“Shall I walk with you to the door?”
Marinette gave the polite gentleman teen a kiss on the cheek.
“Here is good enough. If you walked with me to the door, My Parents would likely invite you in, and your father would be upset if you were gone any later than necessary”
“Very true.”
Adrien mentally cursed at the fact that his father had a stick up his ass the size of the Eiffel Tower.
“Good night Marinette.”
“Good night Adrien.”
Marinette walked to her door and used her key to enter the bakery.
Once the door was closed, Adrien went back into the limo, he closed the door and sighed happily.
“It’s a beautiful night.”
The driver said nothing as he began driving the boy home, but he did have a small ghost of a smile on his face. 
Marinette closed the door behind her before sliding down with a loving sigh. Her legs were jelly.
Her kwami flew out of her bag.
“Seems everything went well.” The ladybug kwami commented with a sly smile.
“I’m dating Adrien Agreste.” Marinette stated blissfully. Her eyes were sparkling as if she had found the 8thwonder of the world.
“I am so happy for you Marinette. I knew you could do it.”
“This must be a dream. All of this is some dream, I’m still in bed and I slept through my alarm. Adrien is actually downstairs waiting and probably regretting every… OW!”
Marinette noticed her kwami had pinched her hand.
“Tikki! Why did you do that?!”
“To prove you were awake.”
Marinette paused before going back to her joyous expression.
“Its real!”
The kwami loved seeing her chosen so happy.
“We should probably head upstairs, you have to tell your parents all about it. I believe your dad was keen on finding out details.”
“Right! I have to tell them everything.”
Marinette had so many people she wanted to tell. Her parents, Alya, the girls, Chat noir…
She felt herself stop.
“I’ll have to tell Chat noir.” Her feelings felt a bit jumbled now that this thought was given life. And something told her this would not be as much fun as telling the others, whether it was because of how he would feel or how she feels about it.
“That can wait another time, you can’t just lay on the bakery floor.” Tikki commented, trying to change the mood.
“Good point, I should probably get up.”
Marinette knew she would have to tell the cat sometime, but there would be a right time and place. Right now, was a time to be happy and enjoy the fact that she was dating her crush.
Adrien arrived home to see Nathalie waiting at the door.
“And how was your day with Miss Dupain Cheng?” Nathalie inquired, her usual monotone hid her genuine interest.
The blond smiled a bit.
“You will be seeing her around me a lot more, I will need to work with you to rearrange my schedules if I want to be able to have time with her.”
“I see. I will see what I can do.”
“Is father…”
“He is occupied with work, you’ll be able to tell him about your day during your scheduled dinner this upcoming Friday.”
Adrien’s smile faltered slightly, he thought things were going to be different with how his father had shown sudden interest in his life the other day. But this was likely for the best.
“Thank you, Nathalie. I will be heading to my room. Have a good night.”
“You too Adrien.”
Adrien headed to his room. Despite his father’s absence on the matter, he was still in a good mood and he would not let the distance get to him.
His smile blossomed once his door was closed and his kwami companion bursted out of his pocket
“Well done Romeo, you got the girl.” The cat kwami congratulated his wielder as he moved to his stash to help himself to some cheese.
“It’s kind of hard to believe it’s real. It feels like a dream. I didn’t think I could be this happy, Plagg.”
“Well good, you deserve to be happy considering all the crap you go through.” Plagg stated as he found a nice chunk of Camembert with extra stink.
Adrien laid back on his bed, he could just revel in the warmth of this day for a while.
“I wonder how everyone will react to finding out. I kind of want to text Nino and let him know.”
“I don’t really understand the big deal with this reveal stuff. You are acting like this is an unmasking ceremony or something.”
Plagg realized his words may not have been wisely picked.
“That’s right, I will need to let Ladybug know.”
Adrien was silent, his expression hard to read as his words hung in the air.
“You are okay with all of this right?” Plagg asked.
“I did say that no matter who was under that mask, I would love that girl. I meant it, but there are many different types of love. It doesn’t need to be romantic. I think it took me some time to realize that.”
Plagg chomps on to his cheese.
“Well, as long as you are sure.”
Adrien stretched.
“I should get ready for bed”
“Why? It’s still early.”
“I don’t want to be tired when I see Marinette tomorrow.”
Plagg rolled his eyes at the soft smile on the blond’s face.
“I don’t know how you did it, but you are actually cheesier then cheese.”
“Okay Kim, I get it. The guy in the show modified himself to look like a cucumber.”
“Max, you aren’t even listening! It was a pickle! A pickle, Max! I swear it is the funniest…”
Max was distracted. By his phone vibrating.
“Hold on Kim, I got a text from Alya, it might be urgent. I will have to call you back.”
“That’s cool, but I am showing you that clip. It is hilarious. “
Max secretly thankful that he had an excuse to hang up. He loved his friend, but he had weird taste.
Max looked at the text.
Everything is set up, make sure that the mass email goes up after first period starts. We need to have everyone is in class.
Max understood. he would adjust the time that everything got sent out.
Affirmative, Any other last-minute requests?
Max waited for a snarky reply from Alya.
Nah, we’re good. Thanks Again.
Max sent a thumbs up emoji and put the phone to the side.
“Markov. Adjust the timing of the mass email to 15 minutes after first period.”
The robot turned his mechanical screen to his creator.
“Consider it done”
“Thanks Markov.”
Max took a deep breath and called Kim back.
“So, you were saying about the pickle.”
Lila assumed she would be the first to arrive at school. She had made sure to get up earlier than usual so she could slip into the school and make sure everything was set up. To her surprise, she had found the classroom had two students sitting at their desks.
“Alya, Nino. You’re both here early.” Lila did her best not to sound mad about it.
Nino yawned as he drank from the coffee that he had bought with Alya before coming.
“Alya was so hyped about today she couldn’t sleep. So, She called me this morning and asked for a coffee date to help keep her awake.”
Alya was snoozing on her desk face first.
“Maybe get a double shot for her, she seems really exhausted. Wait was this about that paper for the ladyblog she was writing?”
“Wait you know about that?” Nino’s eyes wide, how did Lila know about the article? Was this plan going to backfire? Nino wasn’t sure if he said too much.
“Yea, she called me last night to answer a few questions. She was pretty excited about it. I suppose an article about akumatization would be popular.”
Nino eased himself, it’s clear Lila did not know what was in the article.
“Ah, well she was working on it all weekend.”
“Knowing Alya, that article will be exactly what she needs to get buzz on the blog.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Lila strolled up to her seat, it was clear the exhausted Alya and Drowzy Nino didn’t notice the evidence she had planted under Marinette’s chair. Lila smiled as she thought about how well today would go.
Lila pulled out her stuff and began to survey the classroom. Everything was set up exactly as she had done yesterday. All she needed to do was wait for everyone to show up, and then let the plan go into motion.
Nino sat at his desk, he was pretending to not be paying attention, but he was keeping watch of the devious liar. Lila was sneaky, and his girlfriend was in the middle of a power nap to be observant. Of course, he knew he wasn’t the most convincing fibber, so he would need to be subtle in keeping a close eye on the liar.
Lila had gotten up from her desk and left the classroom for a brief moment. She felt herself shudder.
What is this chill I’m getting, something doesn’t seem right with those two… are they suspicious?
Lila shook the thought out of her head. It was clear that they were just tired, likely on edge from lack of sleep. Getting paranoid would lead to her getting sloppy again. She needed to play this right. Today was the day everything started going her way again.
Marinette was bubbly on her way to school. She couldn’t wait to tell Alya and the girls all about what happened yesterday. She knew that Alya would probably be over the moon, and something like this could only be said in person, texting would ruin the moment.
“Marinette, you might want to slow down.” Tikki pipped up from her bag. “I think someone is nearby.”
The designer slowed her pace a bit.
Marinette closed her bag and turned around to see a blond teen running up to her.
Marinette stopped to let the boy catch up.
“I… I wanted to surprise you at the bakery.” He said between breaths. “I wanted to walk with you to school.”
Marinette felt her cheeks warm at the statement.
“But I … miscalculated how far you were from my house and to make up for time… I sprinted.”
“You usually have your bodyguard drive you to class. Is your father okay with you walking to school?”
Adrien finished catching his breath.
“He doesn’t know and it’s probably better that he doesn’t, but I let my bodyguard know in advance. He seemed fine with it… Just as long as I message him when I am at school.”
“Sneaking out of the house to meet with a girl, I didn’t know I was dating a badboy.”
Adrien looked at Marinette with surprise until he realized she was joking. He found himself chuckling.
“Now you know the truth, I also have a leather jacket in my closet.” Adrien said while doing his best to look tough to play up the ‘Bad boy’ look he was trying and failing to portray.
Marinette giggled at that lame attempt. Adrien loved that sound.
“I don’t think I can imagine that. Besides, I like good boys.”
Marinette started walking to school.
Adrien sighed happily before matching her pace to join her.
He reached out his hand to hold hers, still nervous about how to go about this dating thing. Sure enough, Marinette was more than happy to hold his hand.
“I’m up!” Alya exclaimed as she shot up.
“Aw man! Now the moment is gone. I was going to draw on her face.” A pink haired teen frowned, as she held an open marker in her hand but Nino was standing in between her and the formerly sleeping teen.
The reporter quickly gathered her bearings and looked at the smaller teen.
“Like hell you are going to mark up my face.”
“Well now that you’re awake it’s no fun.” Alix commented with dissatisfaction. “Maybe later.”
Alya rolled her eyes. She is too tired to deal with whatever Alix is up to.
“I’m glad you got up, I wasn’t sure I could hold her off any longer.” Nino sighed in relief.
Alya stretched in order to wake herself up from her lethargic state.
“Did school start yet?”
“Not yet, but most of the class is here”
“Anything suspicious with you-know-who?”
“She was the first one to arrive in class after us. She went outside for about 5 minutes then came back into her seat. After that, nothing weird.”
“Okay, and I guess you didn’t notice anything else.”
“Okay, and why does Alix want to draw on my face so bad? Did she make a bet with Kim?”
“Kim bet her 10 Euros that she wouldn’t be able to do it.”
“She will be out some cash.”
Chloé walked into the classroom with Sabrina following shortly behind. It was apparent that the mayor’s daughter was in a mood.
She looked up to Max’s seat and moved her way up. The robot enthusiast didn’t realize she was there until she slammed her hand on his desk. The sudden action startled him and made him look up at the clearly driven teen.
“I did some digging about your little app.” Chloé spat with disgust.
It took Max a moment to figure out what she was referring to.
“Oh, you mean ‘Soulmate Searcher.”
“I know all about that Soulmate Survey bull crap.”
Max had lost interest in that whole thing after he had some more startling information revealed to him. He had even forgot about the argument he had with Chloé.
“Wait, you’re still hung up on that?”
“You were the one talking about how smart and junk it was. I had Sabrina do some digging.”
Max looked to Sabrina, the poor ginger haired girl had a rough night. Likely researching for Chloé.
“Look, I kind of moved past looking into it. So, let’s just agree to disagree and move on.”
Chloé glared at the glasses wearing teen and snapped her fingers.
On cue, Sabrina dumped at least a couple dozen pages on the desk.
Max really didn’t care about this right now, he had a much more important objective to focus on, this was an annoying distraction.
Astonishingly it was Nathanael that picked up a few of the articles.
“These are all written by the same guy.” The artist commented as he kept changing articles to see if there was a second opinion by someone else.
Curious, some of the other classmates moved to the pile of papers.
“Some of these are also old articles, like back when the app wasn’t even a thing here.” Myléne chimed in.
“One of the articles even has an author’s note on the bottom that says that this article holds inaccuracies that no longer apply.” Rose Quipped.
Chloé turned a fiery gaze at Sabrina.
“I told you to research thoroughly!”
“You told me to find anything that was written dismissing the app as fake. This was what I was able to find…”
Chloé grumbled.
“Whatever! I know that app is crap.”
Chloé stormed down to her desk and threw herself on her seat, only to hear a creaking noise and then fall with a painful slam to the floor. The loud noise blocking out the sound of the morning bell.
Chloé’s scream was loud enough to draw the attention of Miss Bustier who ran into the room.
“Is everyone alright? I heard a scream?” The young teacher clearly frantic with worry.
The class was silent as the teacher noticed Chloé on the floor clearly in pain from her bench seat that had fallen apart.
Lila was the first to speak up.
“Chloé’s seat fell apart.”
Lila dashed down to Chloé.
“Are you alright Chloé, that looked like it hurt.” Lila offered her hand to the fallen student.
Chloé took Lila’s hand up and grumbled as she covered her bruised tailbone.
“I want whoever made the seat fired and jailed!”
“It probably broke from the weight of your ego.” Juleka commented dryly.
Chloé turned to the long-haired teen with a grimace.
“I bet you did this you, emo freak!”
“Chloé! We do not insult our classmates.” Miss Bustier scolded. “I understand you are hurt from the fall, but it isn’t right to lash out at your classmates. Apologize to Juleka.”
Chloé moved turned away from the class with a huff.
“I am not saying anything until the jerk that destroyed my seat pays.”
Alya took notice that Lila was digging through the seat. What could she be…”
“Umm, I found something…” Lila’s words caught the classes attention.
Lila pulled out a hair tie that looked familiar.
“Isn’t that Marinette’s Hair tie?” Sabrina piped up.
‘That manipulative bitch! Lila did this!” Alya felt her thoughts scream at her.
“I knew that she was in on this! She made sure she wasn’t here to catch me off guard!”
“It could just be a coincidence.” Lila spoke out. “Marinette isn’t even here yet. It might have gotten lost under here by accident.”
Alya felt her mind screech, this wasn’t adding up, why would Lila bother with the hair tie? What was Lila planning?
Most of the class had gotten out of their seats to look to see the situation.
Max took a closer look at the collapsed seat.
“There are no breaks in the boards, and no screws or bolts to be found. I calculate a 98.7% chance that someone must have removed them from the chair. Someone did sabotage Chloé’s seat.”
The class gasped in surprise.
“I knew it! And I bet it was Marinette that did it!”
“Marinette would never do such a thing!” Alya jumped up. “I know my girl would not stoop to something like this, even if it is Chloé.”
“Perhaps we can check her locker. If there is nothing involving the seat we can clear her.”
“Wait! You can’t just invade Marinette’s privacy.”
Miss Bustier pondered for a moment.
“If we are going to search Marinette’s locker, she will need to be present. She should give her consent before we invade her space.”
“But if she is responsible she would obviously not want us to check!” Chloé shouted. “I will call my daddy and he will have the cops on the case!”
“T-That won’t be necessary!” Miss Bustier eased. She hated how much influence Chloé had thanks to her father’s position. She couldn’t just punish Chloé or simply tell her not to act out. Principal Damocles made sure to explain the delicate balance they had to maintain thanks to Chloé’s presence. She can’t teach her students if Chloé starts getting the police involved.
“I will discuss the concern with the Principal. I am sure he will make the right call and we will decide how to go about this. In the meantime, everyone please sit in your seats. Chloé, if you are still hurt, please have someone escort you to the nurse’s office.”
“I will not be leaving until I get whoever did this expelled.” Chloé hissed.
“In that case, sit in one of the open seats until we can get the seat fixed. Sabrina, you as well.”
The red head teacher made her way out of the classroom.
Chloé turned her attention to the class.
“Alright, I don’t care what Bustier says, Marinette clearly was responsible for destroying my chair and I want some justice!”
“Chloé, just because Marinette’s hair tie was under the desk doesn’t mean that she did it. Besides, when could she have done it?” Ivan pointed out.
“Well then who else could have done it?”
“To be fair, all of us pretty much hate your guts, it could be anyone.” Alix commented as she leaned back.
“So, you admit you did it!”
“I wish! But nah, this wasn’t my handy work. I would have signed it. Because that, would be art.”
The tomato haired artist chuckled at his friend’s comment. Alix gave him a quick fistbump.
Chloé growled.
“You have just as much of an idea who did this as we all do.” Myléne stated firmly.
“Yes Chloé?”
“Who have I wronged in this classroom?”
“Um… everyone.”
“I meant recently.”
“Right… lets see…”
Sabrina went into her phone.
“You had that argument with Max about the app, insulted Myléne’s favorite charity and called the cause stupid, Told Rosé that the reason Prince Ali hasn’t written back to her in the last few weeks was because he was sick of her, told kim his swim cap makes him look like a bowling pin, mocked Nathanael and Alix’s art project collaboration, and… Oh! You also made fun of Marinette’s design sketches. I think that was it for last week. It was a light week.”
“So, there are the obvious suspects.” Chloé exclaimed with a smirk.
“Now if Marinette would get here we would have a perfect line up.”
Lila smirked at the little show, this was all going perfectly. Naturally Marinette would show up just as Miss Bustier got the principal involved. That would lead to the search of the designer’s locker, where Lila had expertly planted the screws and tools that she used to dismantle Chloé’s seat, along with items that she took from other lockers, including her own stuff to make sure Marinette got punished. Based on what she knew, that would be enough to get Marinette suspended, possibly expelled. Either one would work out wonderfully, and with that she could start destroying each person she cared about one by one.
“What about a line up?” a teen boy voice called out.
Chloé turned to see Adrien and Marinette entering the classroom.
The room was silent as the two teens walked in. The whole class watching the duo intently, as if seeing something quite shocking.
“Is something wrong?” Marinette inquired, looking around the room.
She noticed the dismantled bench seat.
“Chloé what happened to your seat?”
Chloé’s jaw opened as she approached.
“Forget the seat! What is this!” She gestured to the two with clear shock and disgust.
Adrien and Marinette look at the mayor’s daughter with confusion before looking at what she was gesturing to. The two realized they had been holding hands the entire time.
“Oh, I think we all know what it is.” Alya’s comment burst through the silence, a smug smile on her face.
“But it would be best to hear it from them.” Nino chimed in, assisting his girlfriend in the playful ribbing of their best friends.
Marinette and Adrien felt their faces turn red and they let go of the other’s hand.
“Well actually its uh, my hand was… I mean his hand was… I …” Marinette tried to get the words out but felt her mouth failing her.
Adrien put his hand on her shoulder.
“Is it wrong for a guy to hold hands with a girl he is dating?”
Marinette felt her heart in her ears as he said that.
Adrien then looks to Nino.
“It is right? Im still new to this and the shows I watched kind of made it a big deal so Im not sure.”  He whispers.
Nino nods.
Adrien looks back at Chloé now more assured.
“This is ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!”
Chloé stomped away from the two, just unable to handle the truth.
The mayor’s daughter walked out the door complaining about how she was going to be sick at this.
The class quickly swarmed the around the new couple and Alya slipped back to allow the class to ask them questions. She would get the details later.
Lila felt herself seething despite the smile she had on her face. This was not how things were supposed to be going. Even with her plan, Marinette won’t be miserable.
“Not going in?” Alya asked,
“Huh? Oh, I am sure I can ask questions later. Everyone has been waiting on this longer then I have.” The brunette commented as she kept up her façade.
She would have a word with Gabriel about this… actually she might not have to. If her plan goes well, Gabriel would never let Adrien be with someone that could besmirch the Gabriel brand. If word got out that Adrien’s new girl was kicked out of school, the tabloids would rip the girl apart for her. That thought soothed her.
“Besides, we should be concerned about what happened with Chloé’s seat. Max did say it was sabotage. We should focus on getting to the bottom of that.”
Alya looked at the clock. She noticed with everything going on, it was well into first period.
“I think something more important will come up.”
Alya went back to her desk with a sly smile on her face.
Lila felt a chill go down her spine. What did she mean by that?
As if on cue, everyone noticed their phones going off.
The class stop asking the couple questions as they look at their phones, wondering what was with the sudden message
Lila quickly pulled out her phone. Her face went pale as she looked at the attachment titled.
‘The True face of Lila Rossi’
Mr. Damocles was staring at his computer with shock as Miss Bustier stood in the room.
“It’s unbelievable… the records that we were waiting on for Miss Rossi are all here.”  The principle spoke in bewilderment.
The young teacher watched as Mr.Damocles looked through each file.
“So many reprimands… dozens of student and teacher complaints…. False doctor’s notes…”
“This can’t be real, right? Lila has been a good student. Sure, she had a leave of absence but that was because she was abroad with her mother.”
“These documents are all legitimate. They are all from the previous school Miss Rossi attended, she had failed to notify us of any of the following when she was enrolled here! We could never have accepted a student with such a notorious record.” The principal sternly noted.
“Mr.Damocles please, it could be possible that Miss Rossi was scared about the whole situation. Perhaps this was her chance to start things right.”
“Caline, your kindness and compassion for your students is quite admirable, however, these records still show that there was a lot Miss Rossi has been hiding from us. I will be requesting that she and her mother have a discussion with me. After that, we will decide on whether she can stay Dupont.”
“But what about the issue with Chloé’s chair?”
“You mentioned that Chloé is not injured? Then it can wait until after we sort things out with Miss Rossi.”
The young teacher left the office, she began to start questioning her actions as a teacher. Was Lila really a bad egg? Was she an awful teacher for not realizing that Lila had been lying to her? She stopped at the door to her classroom when she heard the sound of her students talking.
Lila could feel everything falling apart around her as she watched her classmates look at their phones with interest.
She needed to find a way out of this. She needed to think of something fast.
“Lila, is this true?” Nathanael asked in surprise.
The rest of the class looking up from their phones, their expressions a mix of anger, hurt and shock. Marinette and Adrien seemed to be the only ones that seemed unsurprised by the message.
Lila racked her brain for several seconds, until the perfect lie crafted itself in her brain.
Lila fell to her knees and started to cry.
“I thought I was free of that cyber bully from my old school…” Her words hitting the right notes.
“Cyber bully?” Rose spoke up.
Lila knew she had landed one person that was willing to believe. And much like a composer, she crafted her symphony of deceit.
“Yes, you see. Back at my old school, there was this guy I was friends with. He was a smart guy with computers, almost as smart as Max.”
“Wait, if you were friends, why is he bullying you?” Kim inquired.
Most of the class was being pulled in by Lila’s thread.
“He had a huge crush on me, while I did think he was nice, I just couldn’t see him as anything more than a friend. I told him that after he confessed to me. After that however, things started to turn bad. It started out with some minor things, a couple of spam emails, a text with a pop up scare. I could tell he was hurt so I didn’t call him out on it, I was sure he would heal and things could go back to normal… but then he started getting worse.”
“He started hacking into my phone, sending out messages to my other friends, making it seem like I hated them.” Lila made her voice more frantic, as if living through a trauma.
She could tell the class that had been looking at the phones with rage were now back under her thumb, she had them.
“I lost all of my friends, no matter what I tried to say, they shut me off. That guy destroyed my friend group. I went up to him and demanded he come clean. He refused, laughing as he insulted me. He had decided he was going to ruin my life.”
Kim went to the teacher’s desk to get Lila the tissue box.
Lila looked up at the swimmer.
“Thank you.”
She took a tissue to dab her eyes.
“The jerk then hacked into the school’s records, changing my grades, my attendence, he even messed with my medical records at the school! It was hell!”
“Lila…” Myléne moved to her side.
“So, when my Mom got the job to work at the French embassy here, I was so excited. I could finally get away from that cruel monster’s clutches… but so much for that! Now you all hate me and think I am this awful person!” Lila cried into her arms.
“We don’t think that!”
“Of course, we wouldn’t believe that!”
Lila hid her sinister grin as she heard the comments of her classmates. She had easily pulled the wool over their eyes. Much like before she had escaped the jaws of defeat with her deception.
Until the sound of her voice was coming from another source.
Lila looked up and felt the world shake as the horror she assumed she avoided was being undone by what she had gone so far to get rid of. The recording.
“Of course, it was all lies. Knowing Spielberg? Being friends with a prince? All of those outlandish lies and yet everyone ate it up so easily. I don’t know whether it’s something in la seine but everyone here is super gullible. Everyone in that class is stupid enough to believe anything! I didn’t even try to come up with clever lies. Have none of them even heard of Google? I was able to have them eating out of the palm of my hand like the sheep they are. So when I say I could ruin your life Marinette, I can ruin your life without even lifting a finger.”
Alya paused the recording.
“That… that isn’t me! That was clearly an edited audio file!”
But at this point, everyone in the class had stopped buying into Lila’s words.
“There’s an additional 44 minutes on here that say otherwise.” Alya’s statement was like a dagger in the leg. “
The class backed away from Lila, their expressions were all the same now. They were not happy with her. They were hurt.
“Lila… how could you?” Rose spoke softly, as if holding back tears.
Juleka hugged her close.
“We gave you our friendship?”
“You threatened our friend!” Kim shouted angrily.
“We trusted you!”
“Did you even care about us?”
A sea of comments from each student that was hurt by the revelation started to fill the room.
Adrien and Marinette’s expressions read more as surprise than anything else. The two had no idea Lila would be exposed like this. The class was hurt by Lila’s actions, and now she was paying the price.
Marinette moved to where alya was.
“So, this was why you were so busy.”
“Yea, and I see I wasn’t the only one whose been busy.”
Marinette had a soft smile with her friend’s comment.
“You’re the best. You know that, right?”
“No, If I was I would’ve had your back sooner. I’m sorry it took so long to come around.”
“You are still the best.”
Alya hugged the designer.
“I’m serious, after this. I want details on you and Mr. Model.”
Lila did her best to try and contest the comments, trying to find some way to dispute them, but her words were falling on deaf ears. She could tell that no matter what she said, no matter what she did, it was over. She had lost.
Lila turned her attention to Marinette, her eyes seeing red.
“You, this was all your doing!”
Adrien went in front of Marinette, as if to protect her in case Lila tries to attack her.
“No Lila, you did this to yourself.” The words coming from the blond were colder then ice.
“Adrien, you don’t seriously believe all this…”
“I tried to be your friend, we all did. But you lied to our faces, you hurt our friends, you threatened Marinette. Those are things I can’t forgive.”
Lila glared at Marinette.
“Are you going to hide behind him! Have you nothing to say!?”
Marinette expected to have a whole speech ready the moment the truth was revealed, but she never expected everything to fall into place like this. Marinette felt pity for the exposed liar.
She walked past Adrien and looked into Lila’s eyes.
“I’m sorry that you didn’t think the real you was good enough for us to get to  know.”
Lila acted as if she had been struck in the face. She lost the last of what remained of her tact. She was being pitied!
“You will pay for this! You don’t get to ruin my life without consequences!”
“Is it because you’re getting an akuma from your buddy, Hawkmoth?”
Everyone turned to the ladyblogger, who pointed to her phone.
“You might want to check the Ladyblog.”
Lila suddenly felt a pit of unfathomable despair hit her. What had that blogger done?
Lila forced herself to go to the ladyblog, and on the front page on the site.
Friend of Ladybug or Akuma Collaborator? The Truth on Lila Rossi
Right underneath was security footage of her grabbing an akuma for herself.
This was the absolute worst-case scenario.
Lila ran to the door. She needed to leave. She needed to escape. She needed some way to clean all of this up, but she was stopped. A clearly distraught teacher at the door. Tears rolling down her face and expression that no student has ever seen on the young teacher’s face. Sorrow.
“Lila, I need you to come to the Principal’s office.”
Everyone stood by and watched silently as Miss Bustier took the lying student away.
“Miss Bustier it isn’t what you think!”
The young teacher didn’t say a word as Lila tried to talk her way out. She was hurt by her students lies, the anguish she put her other students through, and never once looked into it. She felt like a failure of a teacher, she had defended her and this was what she came to find? It was unforgivable.”
She had brought the girl to Mr.Damocles’ office.
“Sit down Miss Rossi.” The owl-like man in the chair stated firmly.
Lila obeyed as Miss Bustier wiped her tears and looked at the Principal.
“Sir, I have some rather disturbing news I found out about Lila.”
“No need Caline. I had found the recording at the end of the documents.”
Lila couldn’t feel more mortified by this. This was some kind of twisted nightmare.
Lila of course wasn’t expecting the next person to walk through the door.
A masked villain smiled as the window opened to let light into the empty room.
“This is it! This was the anguish I was waiting for! Lila Rossi, you will be my greatest akuma yet.”
He took a butterfly into his hand and turned into an akuma.
“Fly away my little akuma! And evilize her!”
The black buttefly left the lair and began to fly out and find the source of the negative energy.
“Mayura, it is your turn.”
The blue clad villainess step forward, plucking a feather from her fan and turning it a sinister blue.
She blows the feather away into the wind, following the butterfly.
“Fly away my beautiful amok, enhance and hone that despair into a mighty power.”
The two villains watch the sky light as they await to make contact.
“This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. This will be the end of Ladybug and Chat noir.”
Lila ran out of the school, it was bad enough that people found out the truth about her, But her momma?! She couldn’t watch her mother’s heart break as she learned the truth. She ran out of the office before they said anything to her.
‘I need to find a way out of this. Marinette and Alya ruined everything! Now I am the class outcast and what’s worse, my momma is going to find out everything! I need to stop this! I need to get everyone back under my control.
Lila made her way to an alley way and hid behind a dumpster. She wasn’t sure if she was being followed, but she could not risk it. Perhaps she could talk with Mr. Agreste, he could pull enough strings that could… no, he would likely dismiss her. Her usefulness was done. With everyone against her, there was no way she could do anything.
She sat and let her despair run over her. There was nothing she could do, she felt so powerless. Everything she had been building up to. Everything she had wanted was all in reach… and yet it was ripped away from her! She would do anything to have things back to how they were, back when she was in charge!
She heard something approaching. She looked up, clearly not ready to face her punishment. But what she didn’t expect to see was a butterfly coming her way.
The butterfly made its way to the silver charm bracelet on her wrist and a feather made its way into her earing. A butterfly outline appeared over her face.
“The despair of having everything you have built come crashing down.” A familiar deep voice spoke
“All of that effort dashed in one catastrophic moment.” A feminine voice continued the line, a new yet equally sinister tone.
“You were the queen of deception until they shattered your crown”
“The pain you have suffered by that horrible event.”
“What you wouldn’t give to fix everything and gain that power over others you once had.”
“Hawkmoth, so you show yourself. I was thinking you forgot all about me. And it seems you made a new friend.” Lila interrupted their eerie rhyme.
“Oh, as if I couldn’t forget about my most competent akuma.” Hawkmoth Praised.
“I am Mayura, partner of Hawkmoth, I have been watching you closely Miss Rossi.” Mayura introduced herself. “It appears you have yourself in a much more devastating predicament then before.”
“It’s all your akuma’s fault, it’s all Marinette’s fault… Its all of their faults!’
“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. I am going to give you the power to get those classmates of yours back under your power, no, all of Paris under your control. You will topple Paris with an army of unquestionably loyal akuma.”
“And I will give you an ally that will obey any order from you without question.”
The Italian Exchange student loved the sound of that.
“Let me guess, all I need to do is to get Ladybug and Chat noir’s miraculous.”
“Good girl. Do we have a deal?”
“Crushing Ladybug will be therapeutic right about now. I’ll have that entire school under my foot, along with those miserable brats that ruined my life.”
“Very well! I grant you the power to reveal the akuma lying underneath each person with your masks! Show the world who you truly are, Masquerade.”
(And that was Part 30! Thank you guys so much for reading up to this point. This was a long time coming. I hope it reached your expectations. Now remember to say what you think of the chapter, good, bad. I want to hear your thoughts. Is it worth seeing Part 31?
Now, I did mention that I will be announcing a new contest. Which After this reaches 1k notes I will be officially announcing.)
(If you want to support me directly, check out my ko-fi. Or if you want to support indirectly, take a look at the webcomic I am writing with @knightsweeties)
Special Honorary Tags: @martasaur @dootintootincowboy @inno-chan @tenten-hinamori @bevvydraws @worteltje7
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scullydubois · 3 years
that terror that keeps me brave: a sex education fic
hi, hello, now that I am riding high off the excitement of season three, i am finally gonna start publishing the sex education fic that I began writing in uhh...february! it primarily follows jean, maureen, and jakob as they deal with the ramifications of the season two finale. again, i started this months ago so it is not influenced by season three, and you can read it without watching that. it will focus on jean's pregnancy and maureen exploring her sexuality in the wake of her separation.
chapter one is under the cut! 1.5k, rated T. read it on ao3 here.
Jean taps her pen absentmindedly against her soft leather notebook, misery on the faces of the couple in front of her. It’s a classic story: the once-adoring wife who has seen the dream crumble in front of her and her unshaven husband. Jean’s eyes train on him as he squirms in his seat.
“So, to clarify, you experienced a nocturnal emission from a dream about your co-worker, and then when Cecelia asked what the dream was about, you told her the truth.”
The man nods. Jean shifts her focus to the woman.
“And now, Cecelia, you are mad at him because you believe that he cheated on you.”
“Yes,” the wife squeaks. “He got off on another woman! Am I supposed to be okay with that?”
Jean pulls her lips into a poorly drawn line. “But you don’t have any other evidence of his cheating, correct? You’re using this dream as the sole reason for your accusation?”
“The dream is the cheating, there doesn’t need to be nothing more.”
Jean glances at the woman over her glasses. “Let’s ask Brian, shall we?” She crosses her legs, turning her attention warmly toward the poor man. “Have you ever engaged in sexual intercourse or anything of the sort with this woman while you were awake?”
“No.” He shakes his head violently. “Never.”
“Would you ever do so?”
“No...Addison--that’s her name--is fine-looking, but I’m married and I love my wife. I would never do such a thing.”
Jean has seen her fair share of men who are bullshitting. Brian is not one. She closes her notebook. “See, Cecelia? You are the one he wants. Nocturnal emissions are involuntary physical responses to subconscious stimuli. Addison is Brian’s co-worker, which means he probably sees her quite often. This makes it more likely for her to turn up in his dreams. It’s neither an affront to you, nor a compliment to her.”
Cecelia pouts. “I just don’t feel right about it.”
Jean rests her glasses on the crown of her head. “This could easily have been you who had the dream about your co-worker, and what then? How would you feel if Brian were accusing you of something you couldn’t control?”
“I never have those nasty dreams,” Cecelia counters, scoffing. “Not even about my own husband.”
Jean can’t help but fight back a smirk. “Well, Cecelia, that may be an issue for another session.”
“Like hell it will be! I’m giving you money to tell me it’s okay for my husband to make love to another woman! What do I look like, a fool?”
Jean folds her hands over her lap. Nothing she hasn’t heard before.
“I’m sorry you feel that way, Cecelia, but I’m glad you and Brian could come in and have this conversation today.” She exchanges a sympathetic look with Brian. “My ears are always open.”
“Thank you, Jean,” the man says, ushering his wife out of the office. “We’ll see you next time.”
And Jean’s sure they will, because they’ve had this exact session about five separate times. The only thing that ever changes is what woman features in Brian’s dream. Once, it was even Jean! Now that was a session. You’d think, by now, that Brian would just tell Cecelia that every dream is about her. The honest men are always the ones who can afford a little dishonesty.
This is what’s on Jean’s mind when she jaunts into the foyer and finds the most honest man she knows standing there like he’s waiting to be checked in. Grease streaks his clothes; he’s stopped by in between jobs.
“Jakob!” Her voice is taut and uncompromising.
“Jean!” His is cordial and languid. “That nice couple let me in, I hope it won’t be a problem.”
Jean shifts her weight onto one heel, stretching her free leg. “I have another session in a few minutes. You should go.”
“Such strict avoidance of an ex-partner is not healthy, you know. I’m sure they taught you that in therapy school.”
“And continuing to show up at your ex-partner’s home after they have indicated they do not wish to see you is called stalking.” Jean strides into the kitchen. His clunky footsteps follow her. “I didn’t need to go to ‘therapy school’ to learn that.”
“We didn’t have those kinds of laws in Sweden until very recently. It was viewed as an expression of fondness when I was growing up.”
“That’s a view universal to men around the world,” Jean retorts. “They can’t all be right.”
“I was let in here, remember?” Jakob points out. “I don’t believe that makes it possible to prosecute me for any crimes.”
“Well, if I see you grab a kitchen knife, I’m going to assume the worst.”
“If I touch a kitchen knife, you may arrest me.”
“Wonderful.” Jean starts the coffee pot and pulls her beloved honeycomb mug from the cabinet. Despite herself, she grabs another one and offers it to Jakob. “Coffee?”
“No thank you. I had my smoothie this morning.”
“Ah.” She should’ve known. She stands on her tip-toes to slide the rejected mug back on the shelf. When she turns around, her visitor is gone. This isn’t of particular concern to her, though it is rather strange.
She sets her mug beneath the coffee pot and lets it run. As the steamy liquid spews out, she surveys her kitchen. Following the trend of the day, curiosity gets the best of her. “Jakob?” she calls.
A familiar head pops out of the pantry. “You have not used your pan shelf.”
Jean takes her coffee and shuffles over. “No, I have not,” she confirms, mimicking his charmingly formal way of speaking.
“Is it not adequate?”
“I told you, I don’t need it.” She turns on her heel, gliding toward the table. “Now, can you get out of my pantry?”
With an amused smile on his face, Jakob slips out and shuts the door.
“How was the session?”
Jean casts a downward glance at him. “I’m not supposed to share--”
“My mistake.” Jakob sits down and settles his hands on the table, the epitome of patience. Jean feels a nagging tug in her stomach, and she can’t discern one potential cause from the other.
She sighs. Jakob’s eyes have always struck her as those belonging to a guard dog who’s sworn to protect. Their inability to deceive is a great comfort, and so different from most of the men she has known.
She presses the mug to her lips, drinking in the miracle roast that she has been meaning to cut back on. 200 milligrams per day, that’s the recommended maximum intake for expecting mothers. She’s keeping herself right at that.
It is hard to steel herself against Jakob when he looks at her with such genuine eyes, especially knowing that she can’t offer him the same.
She swallows her sip, sets the mug against the table. “Do you feel that a husband who’s having wet dreams about another woman is cheating?” She eyes Jakob like he’s one of her clients, someone she must pick apart.
Jakob eyes her in kind, deducing that this is not a trick, but an honest question. “Yes,” he responds in his frank tone. “That would be an emotional betrayal at least.”
Jean leans back in her chair. “Why do you say that?” She may as well have her notebook and pen in hand.
“Because he’s emotionally attached enough to this person to have those sorts of dreams.” It sounds completely sensible, Jean thinks, when he says it. And it makes her sound like a bitch for what she has to say, but a situation where she must leave her emotions out of the equation is exactly what she needs when it comes to him.
“Dreams occur in our subconscious, unbeknownst to our waking selves. We cannot plan them. And the physical response is involuntary. Nocturnal emissions happen without our intervention. He is neither choosing the subject of his dreams, nor is he choosing his sexual response to them. Therefore, no cheating is taking place.”
“So cheating is a choice then,” Jakob muses. The weight of this statement hangs between them. He searches Jean’s face for signs of apprehension.
She stiffens in her chair but holds firm. “Yes. It is.” She understands the implications of admitting this, and she hopes he does too. She has done him wrong, and the worst they can do is let it keep happening. Even this choice, though, does him wrong, and for that Jean is sorry.
The doorbell rings, no doubt the next sexual conundrum she must untangle. She slides her chair back, grabs her mug, and gives Jakob a look that’s almost apologetic.
He returns the look, his eyes both fire and ice. “Another pair whose relationship you will save.”
Jean breaks eye contact when she realizes he’s being serious, for that’s simply too sweet a thing for him to say. She walks him to the door, and it strikes her as all too familiar.
“Thank you for your help,” he utters when she opens the door to her clients. She sees what he’s doing and plays along.
“You’re welcome. See you next week.”
“Yes,” he says, fixated on her. “See you next week.”
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danny-chase · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Titans (Comics), Nightwing - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Donna Troy & Dick Grayson Characters: Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper (mentioned), Garth (mentioned), Joey Wilson (mentioned) Additional Tags: non-graphic injury, Stitches, Donna and Dick are plutonic soulmates, Dick is emotionally repressed, mention of vomiting, Bruce is a good dad, POV Donna Troy, childhood best friends to adult best friends, Whipped Cream, a little fluff at the end, Teen Titans as Family, technically they're adults though, no beta we die like DONNA SORRY HONEY, Dick Grayson is Bad at Feelings, Donna Troy is slightly better at feelings Summary:
The one where Dick gives Donna stitches as she reflects on how he's changed throughout the years.
“Donna, sweetheart, I love you, now hold still.” Dick carefully positioned her forearm on an examination table. A deep gash left blood steadily trickling down, squeezing out through his iron grasp. He wiped down the area with disinfectant, smiling at her fondly and projecting the perfect image of calm.
 Donna marveled for a moment. He was a well-oiled machine, moving with explicit confidence and practiced precision. She could easily believe him to be a paramedic, or even a doctor, if she didn’t know he’d dropped out of college. She remained stony face as he injected the local anesthetic, acutely aware of his eyes flicking from the gash to her face. Despite the painful stinging radiating through her arm, she was proud to say she didn’t flinch.
She was tired of hurting her best friend. She was the one who wasn’t careful enough, hadn’t dodged in time. But none of that ever mattered to Dick, perhaps it wasn’t fair, but if she flinched, he’d feel even worse.
 She still remembered the look on his face the first time he gave Roy stitches.
 There’d been tears welling in his eyes, his brow furrowed in determination and his skin lacking any color; he’d bit his lip so hard it bled. The instant he was finished, he raced out of the room, faster than she’d ever seen. Garth had followed, only to have the bathroom door slammed in his face; Dick had sobbed and vomited until he was left dry heaving.
 And here he stood, expressionless before her. “Can you feel it?” He gently pressed a finger near the wound. <em>Can you?</em> She wondered, trying to read past the blank haze in his eyes. “Donna?” He asked more firmly, voice even and unrevealing.
 “Nope.” She popped the p and kept the tone light, watching as suspicion flashed behind his eyes. He knew she wouldn’t complain, even if she could feel her arm. “Dick, I really can’t feel it, I promise.”
 Dick’s eyes always reminded her of a hawk. He inspected her face, and finding it clear from deceit, he turned his eyes to the wound, flicking on a bright lamp, and began wordlessly cleaning it.
 That first time, Dick hadn’t come out of the bathroom for hours and when he finally opened the door, he announced he was quitting the team. He was back the next day with a medical textbook, refusing to do anything until he finished memorizing it. They had to call Bruce in the middle of their sleepover because he wouldn’t sleep.
 He’d been grounded from Robin; they hadn’t seen him for a week. She’d been angry at the time, but now she realized Bruce was probably just trying to give him a break. The day he came back the book was memorized, and he had a little fake pad to practice stitching on. Bruce bought him his own surgical tools and gave him extra lessons. He had a small, jagged scar where he’d let Dick give him his first set of sutures.
 Dick was thirteen when he’d frantically given Roy stitches (later she realized he only knew how from watching Alfred), fourteen the first time he’d practice on Bruce, and sixteen by the time he began doing it apathetically. He did a lot of things seemingly apathetic these days, but if she was careful, she could spot the crinkle at the corner of his eyes, or the downward twitch of his lip.
 Slowly, Dick’s tweezers found and picked out the last metal shard. He was twenty-two now, and as he was readying their x-ray machine, the equipment was purchased by Victor’s father and not his own. The Titan’s Tower had been destroyed several times over, but by some miracle of engineering, the medical bay’s equipment always survived. He wrapped the wound, and draped lead over her, hesitating briefly before speaking.
 “I’ll be back in a second, it won’t take long.” He promised. She nodded; not like she was going anywhere. They’d done this before; Dick always doubled checked. But she couldn’t recall a single time he’d found something more.
 One time, he’d skipped the double check, and she’d heard Roy yelling at 3am, having been woken up when Dick’s worry got too intense to wait. But Roy had given in, the x-ray done a few minutes later. Sometimes, it was just easier to give into Dick’s paranoid behavior. One of these days, she liked to joke, they’d just put lead in their sheets or MRI equipment in the walls.
 Dick strode back in, evidently pleased with the results, and they began their silent tradition. Well almost silent; he turned on some ambient music, the same kind he listened to when studying. She let her mind wander, and his fingers never wavered as he removed the bandage and began the first stitch.
 She closed her eyes, thinking about times when things were simpler. When they went on picnics in the park and played frisbee together, how Dick would braid her hair and paint her nails before dates with Roy, had laughed loud, cried hard, and loved freely. He was the same as before but could flip on a dime and shut away who he used to be. She found herself missing the little boy who cried after giving stitches.  
 “Done.” She opened her eyes to an apologetic smile. He began wrapping the wound once again. “Lay off it for a while.” It was an order and a request, sometime long ago the distinction had faded away. She rolled her eyes to finish the routine.
 Her arm stung, but the weight in her chest was heavier and more distracting than the steady throb of pain. She wasn’t thirteen anymore, and neither was Dick, but she could pretend for the rest of the night that they were young and invincible (despite having physical evidence contradicting her).  
 So, she grabbed his hand tight and before he realized what was happening, began dragging him across the room.
 “Donna, I have work tomorrow.” He protested. Well, that would be easy enough to deal with.
 “Call in sick.” She suggested, not slackening her grip, lest Dick escape and fly off somewhere far away.
 “I’m out of sick days.” He stumbled along, doing his best to protest without causing harm. “And I have to patrol tonight.” Donna laughed, but not unkindly.
 “Let the city watch itself. Take a day without pay. Honey, you’re rich.” She suggested.
 “Doooonnnnnaaaaaaaaaa.” He groaned, as they made it into the hall. “I have a life, I can’t just…”
 “Drop everything to spend time with me?” She asked sweetly. “Sweetie, you have before. What makes tonight any different.” Dick opened his mouth and closed it. She steered them into the kitchen, finally releasing him. “We’re going to make hot fudge sundaes, and watch Scooby Doo, and fall asleep on the couch talking about boys.” Dick wrinkled his nose.
 “You hate Scooby Doo, and only <em>you</em> talk about boys.” She gave him an unimpressed look. She saw the way he used to look at Joey. “Donna, I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s great but I-”
 “Need to take time to take care of yourself?” She asked incredulously. “Wow, me too.” She held up her arm. “What a coincidence, less talking, more cartoons.” Dick stared at her. She counted the seconds as she stared back.
 He sighed, breaking first. She’d won this battle, though she had no idea where she stood in the war.
 “I’m going to lose my job.” He muttered. A bonus in her eyes, it would do him good to sleep more than three hours a night. She rummaged around for ingredients in the fridge.
 “Cry me a river.” An empty demand, he never would, not anymore.
 “Why are you so mean to me?” He pouted. She grabbed a can of whip cream and pointed it at him threateningly.
 “Because you have terrible bedside manners.” He stuck out his tongue and stole the can, dangling it over her face as she laughed and opened her mouth. He accidentally squirted some up her nose, but she didn’t mind.
 And as he pulled out the bowls, they fell into familiar conversation; the space gained through the years seeming to slip away as she was reacquainted with the man who gives her stitches.
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bsbloglife · 3 years
September 23, 2021…tomorrow I leave my family for 3 weeks, to care for my parents back home. I’m nervous, scared, excited, sad, relieved, and so many other emotions that I cannot begin to name off because my mind is a jumbled mess. I’m looking forward to finally seeing my parents after a little over two years, but so heartbroken to leave my children and husband behind. I do have a sense of relief that now I’ll finally be able to take care of the issues regarding my parents’ needs.
I take off from Orlando in the early afternoon, to arrive in Toronto a few hours later, only to wait for 3+ hrs before my flight to Montreal. My sister-in-law will be coming to the airport to pick me up, then we’ll be heading over to the hotel where my parents have been holed up for over 4 and a half months. My parents don’t know I’ll be arriving tomorrow, but the caregiver is aware. She’ll be waiting for my call to say that I’ve arrived and that I’m on the way. In fact, I’ll be the one caring for my parents the first weekend that I arrive. My father is the one who needs the most help, hopefully he’ll be ok with me cleaning him up when he needs it. This will be interesting! Maybe he won’t recognize me and think that I’m another caregiver. I’m laughing at the thought, but it’s painful to think he won’t remember me. We’ll soon find out. Tomorrow this time I’ll be at the hotel with my parents.
In fact, tomorrow almost didn’t happen. I received a call today from my son’s middle school and as soon as I saw that name pop up on my phone at 1:15pm, I knew it wasn’t going to be a good call. When I answered the phone I waited a few seconds, hoping that maybe it was one of those automated calls from the principal. After a few seconds when I didn’t hear that automated voice come on, I knew something was wrong, so I said “hello?”, to which the school nurse proceeded to tell me her name and that she was calling about my son. I’m sure my response, “oh no, this is not good”, confused her a little bit, which I sensed from her hesitation to continue on. I said that for a few reasons; 1 - she’d only be calling me if something bad happened, 2 - I was leaving for Canada the next day, this seriously cannot be happening, and 3 - what if he has Covid?? I would have to reschedule my trip. I think other things popped in my mind, but right now I can’t remember what they were. She then said he was not feeling well; sore throat, chills, headache, but no fever. I told her I’d be there within 10 minutes. When I got to the school he looked ill, with those glassy eyes and sad face, trying to pull his arms into his shirt because he was getting chilly. I carried his bag and we headed to the car. He told me that he was sorry to put pressure on me because he knew that I had to leave tomorrow. I told him that I believed everything happened for a reason and maybe it wasn’t meant for me to go. My first thought was having to reschedule my trip, because if he had Covid I didn’t want to bring it home to my parents. Then I thought that I would need to get him tested, just to be sure. If he was positive, then I would reschedule the trip. If he was negative, then I would continue as planned. Stupid me, I thought that picking up a Covid Home testing kit would be easy. Just go to the closest pharmacy. Little did I know that these testing kits were like hot cakes and everybody wanted them! There were no Covid testing kits to be found…anywhere!!! My very good friend Bri helped me find one of the last remaining kits in town, after she searched and searched and searched, even going to the closest Walmart by her place to pick up a kit which was supposedly in stock. Only to find out that she missed the last kit by a few minutes! She drove with me to the only pharmacy in town with a kit. You know, that’s a real friend. You find out who your real friends are when they inconvenience themselves to help you, but they truly don’t think they are going out of their way. They are helping you because they genuinely care, when anyone else would be telling you, “good luck finding a kit”, instead she said, “let me get dressed and go to my Walmart that says they have them in stock. I’ll pick it up for you then meet you.” I mean, seriously?!?! Then she drove across town with me to get that last remaining kit, which she found after calling several pharmacies in town, and then begging them to hold it for her. I’ll never forget her kindness. I’m sure she had other things to do than to spend hours searching for a rapid Covid testing kit for my son. What was really beautiful, was that she never made it seem like a hassle. She made it seem that she actually enjoyed helping me. I cherish this girl! (Btw, my son was negative, thankfully!!)
Speaking of kindness, when I texted my cousins back home to tell them that I was coming, they offered me their homes to stay in, they offered me cars to drive, they offered me support in any way that I needed it. My one cousin offered me his daughter’s car, only with her permission of course. I told him that I didn’t mind driving his Maserati, just in case she didn’t want me to drive her Mini Cooper. I still haven’t heard back from him regarding this…. Walter? Hello?? My cousin Nadia was there for me that weekend when I decided to resign, because I needed to talk to someone about my decision to leave my career to care for my parents. She understood my pain. She too worked very hard for her career. She listened, offered her advice and helped me decide that the right thing to do would be to follow my heart. My heart wanted to be there for my parents. If I didn’t follow my heart, my conscience would never be clear and I would be useless to my family. I’ll never forget my cousin Alain and how he took care of my parents needs the day after the fire. He went to the house and dealt with the insurance people and helped my parents navigate the first few days of this terrible event. He was my savior, and theirs too. These kindnesses will never be forgotten.
My best friends back home Tina and Karen, offering me clothing, food, a place to stay. Even offering me their time when painting, decluttering and whatever else I’ll need to get done at the house. I cannot do anything without their support…without all of my friends and families support. My sister-in-law Anna will be there for me when I first arrive and each and every day that I am there. She lives just down the street from my parents place and has often been the one that my mom has called when they needed help. I cannot repay any of these people for their goodness, kindness, love and support. I can only hope that someday I am able to provide them with the same.
Here at home, one of my best friend’s has changed her whole schedule at work to accommodate taking care of my son every morning while I’m away. She rearranged her life for mine. She has literally become the family that I don’t have that lives just down the street. You know what I mean, that family member that lives close by that cares for your kids because you don’t have anyone else?? She literally rearranged her entire life to help me. I cannot thank Lisa and her son CJ enough for caring for my son like he is their family. She spoils him like she does her own sons. I told her to back off a little, because I didn’t want my son to like her more than her likes me. She laughed and said that wasn’t possible, because all my son did was talk about me. He better, good boy!
Speaking of family, tomorrow morning our friends, who we call family and in fact made them godparents to our son, will be driving me to the airport. I feel bad for Pat and Kelly, because they’ll be hearing me cry as we drive away after I say goodbye to my husband and children. I know those painful cries won’t be easy to handle. They’ll be seeing me off at the airport, which I know won’t be easy, because this will mean that I’m really leaving.
Honestly though, I really couldn’t do any of this without my family’s support, especially my husband. If he didn’t have my back, supporting my decision, and taking on most of the responsibilities with me gone for three weeks, then none of this would be possible. He has supported me financially, emotionally and spiritually. Without him I couldn’t do this. Without my children helping me by not begging me to stay, I am able to go. They have cried, they have told me they didn’t want me to go, but they haven’t forced me in a corner where the guilt of their pain would make me stay. I couldn’t do it without their support. My daughter stepping up to the plate by being me for the next three weeks, picking up my son from school, making sure he gets fed and taken to his activities.
Part of me thinks that I’m being such a big baby about this. I should just shut my mouth, stop the crying and just face this head on without fear. I want to, I really do. I feel ashamed that I can’t handle this with the grace and dignity that I know most people in my position would have. I try to have the courage and strength that I need to go forward, but the fear of the unknown has me scared. I’m afraid of leaving my family, what if something happens. It won’t be easy for me to come back home. I have to get a flight. I have to get Covid tested, which takes a day or two. I can’t just jump on a plane and come back. I’m scared I won’t be here if I’m needed. I try to get those things out of my head. I try to have relief knowing that I cannot control things out of my control, I have to let whatever may be just be. Then go from there. I know that this needs to be done and now I’ll finally be doing what I set out to do when I resigned from my career. This is the decision I made, now I will continue on with this journey.
Onward and upward!
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poison--ivory · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Virus Au(Random/Reader) Part 2
        Warning: Blood, gore, subtle mention of character death
                 Virus au! Part 1
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                                     Tendou felt like absolute shit. 
His feet dragged across the school’s now dirty floor. A bright orange and purplish hue crystalized the walls nearly blinding his field of vision. Warm wind blew in between the nailed up boards. The glass broke a while ago from an incident a few days back involving a second year jumping from the third floor hallway. 
Ever since the outbreak his attitude regressed back to his childhood demeanor. He puts on an act for the rest of the team’s first years. But, distancing himself emotionally from the rest of the team. Ushijima could read him like a book on some days, but Semi and Reon could tell exactly what was going on in his head with each fake smile. 
The school went on lockdown a while back. Whoever was in the school stayed in the school. Which in turn left a lot of students stuck within the walls of the private school. The volleyball team stayed overtime that day and so did some other students that didn’t want to go home early and stayed cooped up in their dorm rooms. 
At the time we didn’t know about the disease. The only indication of the world changing were the warning sirens that Japan uses for missiles firing. So, we all thought another bombing was going to happen in Japan.
Coach Washijo was called down to the teachers lounge and before he went gave Ushijima instructions and a key to the bunker of the school. It wasn’t until much later that they rounded up all the students into the gymnasium. As we were guided to the gym, Tendou took quick notice of the boarded up gate. What used to be the plain metal bar gate was now being boarded up with planks of plywood.
What was even stranger was the bleak silence. Not a single sound came to Tendou ears, usually the noise of birds singing and cars driving nearby would be heard. He just chalked it up to the sirens blaring that silenced the animals and most people would already be inside if the warning sirens went off.
As we were piled in the gym our principal stood on the stage, his intense gaze loomed down over all of us. Some of the teachers were already on break until April and most stayed behind for the time being in preparation for the next year. The ones that did stay were only a few, most of them being the honors class teachers and the exception of Coach Washijo.
If Tendou didn’t already feel anxious he did now. He remembered the air getting thicker and the slow realization of his paradise falling further from his fingertips.
The door to the class 3-2 opened and a brown haired girl slumped out the doorway, her hair a matted mess and her clothes at this point are just rags. Her crestfallen face was something to be depressed about. She slumped off down the hall, leisurely being drawn over by the darkness. The next person to come out was a breath of fresh air. Goshiki popped his head out into the hallway and gave Tendou a small smile, before ushering him in. The faint smell of medical supplies and the musky smell of the half washed invaded his nasal passage.
Dread filled his body as he noticed how many of his old schoolmates layed stiff and sickly on the makeshift beds. Desks were pushed together to make new beds once the nurse's beds in the clinic ran out. He could make out some familiar faces here and there, faces all a little pale and dark under the eyes. However, some of them on closer examination had sunken in cheeks, greyish skin and a strong pungent odor emanating from specific bodies he passed. 
Stopping in his tracks Tendou glanced down at the dark haired ginger. Dark brown eyes soulless starred as they gazed at the white ceiling. Chunks of hair fell off in clumps littering the floor with red splotches and slowly gathering pools of blood underneath the lumps of torn flesh. Flies quickly gathered on the discarded meat. A brave soul walked over and tossed the lumps into a garbage bag and quickly moved on to do the same to other large heaps that lay slumped on the floor.
Tendou groaned and pulled the mask that laid on his chest up to his face, the smell only dimmed it. It was still present but not as bad now. Goshiki led him deeper into the classroom, the smell seemed to grow fainter with each step. 
Tendou knew what he was going to see however he brushed it off as he took another glance around the room. His eyes watered, the smell really is getting to him.
Goshiki slid the curtain open to reveal a certain third year student. “We’re here, Tendou. Please, don’t make too much noise, we just got him to calm down. He’s been convulsing since last night and we finally managed to tranquilize him.” 
“Tranquilize?” He questioned.
Goshiki nodded, “We had to. He bit two of the people we had come to give him medicine and he just kept screaming and kicking people.”
“Wakatoshi didn’t tell me that.”
“Coach told us not to bother you with this. That you didn’t need to be affected any further, he’s been worried about you Tendou.”
“He doesn't need to be. I’m fine.”
Goshiki gave a brisk nod back and walked out of sight. Taking his seat he stared down at the young man.
The body of Semi, Eita laid on his back. His once lively eyes are now cast over by a grey screen, kind of like a dead fish. 
He would like to think that maybe it was his fault Semi got hurt, but no he can’t really blame himself. Semi and him both decide to split up to repair the school wall. While he worked on the wreck Semi jumped on the car and over the wall. Him and a few other students pulled on the hunk of metal as Tendou and a few others pushed the car out. Apparently there was a survivor underneath the car and Semi with another student tried pulling him out. He didn’t know what happened afterward, all he heard were the others rushing Semi back over the gate.
“Hey, there Semisemi.” He tried to make a smile pull at the corner of his lips, but failed. “I really hope you’re getting better.” 
No answer.
Tendou put a shaking hand down on top of the old pinch server’s chest. The steady heartbeat of Eita softly battered against his palm.
 “I don’t know what to say. . .sorry I was never great at vocalizing my emotions.” The sunken cheeks of his friend looked surreal and Semi’s shallow breathing made him feel anxious. Dried lips, chapped from hours without moisture. “You're really green in the face, Semisemi. Did you eat today? I’m pretty sure I have some umaibo in my dorm room. It's probably stale, but still sort of edible.” 
“Maybe when all of this is over we can all go to a karaoke room together, play a couple rounds of volleyball like old times sake.” Tendou started to spout about all the good times they had together. The weeks before felt like a lifetime. He’s seen students go mad over the isolation, grow depressed from the loss of loved ones and everything in between. 
His mind aimlessly wondered to his family. His mother is probably the only family member he cares about. His father left them at a very young age. Tendou’s mom never spoke ill of the man even when she heard he was getting remarried last year. She’s a kind soul, and Tendou could clearly tell he didn’t inherit his mother’s benevolence. The patience she had could rival that of a Siberian tiger.
Soft moaning came from the bed ridden teen. Tendou’s heart skipped a beat and a soft grin formed on his lips. Low gurgles sounded from the back of his throat and Tendou panicked. He quickly moved Semi over onto his side and swiftly scooted his body away from the bile escaping his mouth. Coating the floor in a thick black paste.
. . . 
. . .
. . .
Something is very wrong.
Why is his vomit black? And when did his heart stop beating? It was fine earlier and Semi was just breathing pretty average. So, why is he still breathing if his heart stopped?
Before Tendou could yell for help, his body was violently yanked. Semi’s once feeble hand was now forcibly dragging Satori. He was pulled towards the bed and in a blur of fight or flight he chose to flee. Tendou maneuvered his right arm behind himself to grab a hold of Semi’s hand. It was cold and felt like plastic. He tried to wrestle Semi’s strong grasp off his shoulder yet to no avail couldn’t free himself. He wiggled back and forth, even placing his feet on Semi’s chest and was able to give some distance between one another. However, it was short lived as the being that used to be Semi seemed to gain a small power boost and was able to dig his fingers into Tendou’s jacket. Tendou thrusted his right leg out and pressed it against the wall. A loud thwack resonated in the classroom as he fell against the hard tile floor.
Steamy expiration landed near his neck, the smell just alone made him gag. Tears built up in his eyes and before he knew it his old friend’s mouth fell open. He’s gonna kill me.
Tendou’s mind went into a flurry of rushed thoughts. He could just feel the piercing of his flesh being torn open. Out of instinct he swung his arm back and his elbow made contact with a solid object. Semi fell off him again, his body sliding across the ground, and tearing down the heavyweight curtain.
Students slowly walked towards the disturbance happening in the back. Three students seized Semi and pinned him on his stomach before lifting him up forcibly dragging him out the room. Some of the others asked Tendou if he was alright, but all Tendou could do was stare in fixation at Semi’s now pink eyes.
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chocoluckchipz · 3 years
The Other You - 21
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Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
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Whatever alcohol was present in her system evaporated alongside Chat Noir’s mask dissolving from his face. The moment the last bit of electric green disappeared, Marinette froze. 
It couldn’t be true. 
Chat Noir…
Chat Noir was Adrien?
Her Chaton was Adrien Agreste?
She stumbled back, barely able to breathe. A shiver ran down her spine as her body moved on its own, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief. 
Because this… this didn’t make any sense!
Her eyes must be deceiving her. 
Adrien couldn’t be Chat Noir! 
Chat Noir couldn’t be Adrien Agreste!
That was impossible!
It shouldn’t…
He watched her for what felt like an eternity. Her head spun, cold spreading to her very core. Adrien looked away, turning around. She couldn’t move, her body gripped by an invisible force. He called for his transformation and walked to the balcony’s door. Marinette couldn’t utter a single sound. Chat vanished into the night, but she continued to stand in her place barely breathing. 
Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste!
Chat Freaking Noir was…
Something pinched her cheek, the pain bringing her out of the trance.
“Are you alright?” Tikki hovered at her eye level, her eyes big and blue and filled with worry.
“No,” Marinette whispered, sinking to the floor. Her body trembling, she clutched her hands together. “Chat is Adrien. Did you see, Tikki? Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste.”
“Yes. I saw that.” 
“Chat… is Adrien…” 
Chat Noir’s words that confused the heck out of her just a few moments ago suddenly made a whole lot of sense. She couldn’t remember everything he’d let out, but there was one bit that popped right at the top of her mind.
 The truth, Marinette, is that you are the one who doesn’t love me.
 Her heart tightened, breathing shallow and quick. 
That wasn’t true! 
She loved Chat! She loved him with her whole heart. 
Adrien? Gosh! If the last few weeks could prove anything it was that Marinette was still very much unable to resist him. Falling in love with Adrien must be in her genes or something, and she wasn’t talking solely about physical attraction. She loved his soul, his character, his kind heart. She loved the person he was, not just his looks. Otherwise, there would be no need to cut him off as cruelly and unequivocally as she'd done in order to stay faithful to Chat Noir.   
Her vision blurred. Marinette swallowed the lump in her throat, her gaze falling onto the dining table. The candles burned low in the middle alongside a cheese platter, a bowl of grapes, and a bottle of wine with two glasses set by each place setting. He was a horrible cook, but he’d tried his best to prepare at least something for her when she was too busy partying to do it herself. 
Her stomach dropped, every muscle in her body numbing. He'd given her a place to live basically for free when officially they were still enemies. He’d instituted a curfew and opened a cafeteria at work to keep her alive and healthy. Marinette closed her eyes, swallowing her pride. Sooner or later she had to admit it. 
He did it solely for her.
When she wasn’t taking care of herself, Adrien used whatever power he had to keep her nourished and rested to help her recover her sanity and health… all while they were still at odds with one another.
 I should've been smarter than to help you again as soon as I saw you struggling. But, no! I just had to rush in with my help, all while you despised me so much you couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with me for more than five minutes!
 The beating of her heart echoed in her ears, images of Adrien popping in front of her eyes. 
Adrien trying his best to be friendly and help her at work. Adrien apologizing for his mistakes and going above and beyond to earn her forgiveness. Adrien smiling and laughing with her. Their easy conversations in the last few weeks. His eagerness and his sincerity in trying to win her friendship again. The comfort of his company. Subtle glances she hadn't missed. The fire they ignited in the pit of her stomach. The hurt that filled his eyes at her outburst at the after-party.
Marinette curled in on herself, wrapping her hands around her head. A pitiful moan escaped her lips. It all made sense now. 
 I’ve tried so hard for you to like me.
 Was this why he shied away after the reveal? Was this why he doubted her feelings? Was this why he refused to kiss her? Because she claimed to love him in the mask while pushing away his civilian self?
 Stupid, brainless, and pathetic because despite knowing everything, knowing you hated me and knowing you’d never forgive me… I still managed to fall in love with you. 
 Her eyes snapped open. She stood hastily, catching herself on a nearby chair when her feet fumbled underneath her. “I have to go to him.”
Tikki zoomed to her face. “Marinette, no. Please, don’t rush into anything. It never ends well when you do that.”
“But, Tikki, I have to. He’s my partner and he’s hurting. I hurt him. I have to go—” 
“He’s your partner who is also Adrien. And Adrien would expect you to answer his question the next time you see him. Are you ready to give him an answer now?”
“What question?”
“Can you look Adrien in the eyes and tell him that you love him without the slightest doubt? Can you trust him with your heart again?”
She was about to scream ‘Yes!’ She had forgiven him. She was certainly attracted to him. She enjoyed his company and loved the man he had become. 
Was it enough, though, for the kind of love she knew he wanted? 
Could she look at him and tell him she loved all of him with all of his faults and with their history? More importantly, could she trust him enough to open her heart and give him a chance? Because the “can’t fully trust you” bit Marinette threw at Adrien back at the after-party wasn’t as baseless as it seemed. She might have forgiven him, she might have been falling in love with him, but building back the trust they once shared required time that simply hadn’t passed yet.
Was she ready for the kind of commitment Adrien wanted and deserved?
Marinette couldn’t say. She wasn’t sure. Making that choice at this moment terrified her. 
“You have to be careful with this,” Tikki said, gently cuddling her holder’s cheek. “There’s a lot at stake. His heart is at stake. Yours too. Please. I don’t want you two getting hurt anymore. I'm not sure either of you can handle any more of the heartache, and we both know that when you act on an impulse, you tend to overreact and say or do things you don’t mean. So, please, Marinette. Don’t rush. Calm down. Think about it and, only when you’re absolutely certain in your decision, act.”
Shaking, Marinette closed her eyes, weaving her arms around her torso. “I have to talk to him, Tikki.”
“And you will. But take some time to figure out your feelings first. This might be a life-changing decision for both of you. Please, don't take it lightly. Don't act recklessly when it’s someone’s heart on the line.”
Marinette looked at Tikki, but images of others stood before her eyes. Alya. Nino. Adrien. Perhaps, even her own parents. Who knew how many more. All the times she hurt those she loved, acting impulsively, without thinking, following her temper, trying to prove herself right or achieve what she wanted, turning a blind eye to the needs and desires of others. She really had become like Gabriel Agreste, and she didn't like it. 
Unlike Gabriel, though, she still had the time and a chance to change. Innately, she was a good person and meant well; her heart was sure of it. But Tikki was right. Good intentions could and would turn horribly wrong if executed poorly. That much Marinette had learned quite well recently. And after a few insanely busy months of work, fresh off the rollercoaster of emotions that was this day and still somewhat tipsy after the party, Marinette was not in a state to think clearly right now. No matter how much she hated the idea, it would be better indeed for Marinette to resist her urge to go after him. She had to handle this carefully. This wasn’t a game.
“You need to recover, both physically and emotionally first.” Tikki continued on. “Pass your ESMOD exam. Isn’t it the day after tomorrow?”
Marinette nodded. “This Friday. I still need to read some of the material.”
“Then, focus on that for now. Afterwards, you’ll have a clear mind and the whole weekend to think before you have to see Adrien at work on Monday. That should be enough time to at least get an idea of how you want to move forward.”
“Perhaps, you’re right,” Marinette responded barely audibly, absentmindedly sitting at the table. Pulling one of the candles to herself, she cradled it in her palms. The flame fluttered on the candle’s wick, claiming her gaze and attention as the two men she now knew to be one merged together in her mind. 
It wasn’t just Adrien anymore who went behind her back and betrayed her trust, daring to compromise her biggest dream, even if with the best of intentions. 
That man was now also Chat Noir. 
But it also wasn’t just Chat Noir with whom she’d fought akumas for a decade, who comforted her when she was hurting, who was her best friend and always, always understood and supported her. It wasn’t just her Chaton anymore with whom she could trust her life without a doubt. It wasn’t just her partner anymore who had been proving his love for her daily for years. Who had died multiple times, protecting her!
It was also Adrien. 
Marinette closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. She needed time to come to terms with this, to find sense, to fully grasp the truth she wanted so badly but turned out to be more than she could handle at the moment.
“You should go to bed,” Tikki said, blowing out the candles in the middle of the table. “It’s past midnight already.”
“I should,” Marinette echoed and picked up the still lit candle in front of her. The flame flickered, dancing around. Beautiful. Warm and life-giving, yet so extremely dangerous at the same time. It called and mesmerized. Were she to answer its call, she would be burned. Was she ready to answer Adrien, knowing that her answer could burn them both should she be too careless?
She was too tired to know the answer herself. 
With a single breath, Marinette extinguished the flame and followed Tikki to her bedroom.
The sun peeked over the horizon. Marinette groaned under her covers, shifting onto her stomach. Hugging her pillow, she buried her face into it, hiding her eyes, red and puffy from hours upon hours of tossing and turning and quietly crying in between, from the light. None of the tricks she knew had helped her fall asleep. The blissful oblivion of a dreamland felt farther away with each passing moment as a single thought hammered at her mind relentlessly.
She had to talk to him. 
Yes, she had agreed that it was better for her to stay away until she was calmer, sober, and sure of her feelings and desires. She had to act carefully as not to hurt him again but… Wouldn't he take her silence for an answer? Wouldn't her not reaching out tell Adrien that she wanted neither him nor what they had between themselves back in her life? She didn't want him to think that. She hated the idea.
“Tikki?” Marinette murmured into the silence of her room. 
The kwami hummed and raised her head from the pillow beside her. 
“I was thinking. Maybe I can send him a message? Just to tell him that I need time to think? You know, so he isn't left in the dark and doesn't start assuming things?”
“A message?” Tikki blinked sleepily at her.
Marinette propped herself on her arms, her mind clearer than at any point of the last few days. “Yes. A key to a good relationship is communication, right? So I think we should start to communicate. I don't want him to think I’m giving up and moving on. I want him to know I’m taking this seriously, and I just need time to figure things out. Or something like that.”
Tikki’s smile was gentle and loving, as she flew closer to Marinette. “That’s a great idea. You can transform and leave him a message on his communicator. Plagg will let him know.”
A hint of hope filling her chest, Marinette cradled Tikki in her palms, nuzzling her little face. “I don't want to mess this up again. I love him.”
“Something tells me you will do just fine this time around. Now, transform and leave him a message. You’ll need to catch at least some sleep if you want to pass that exam.”
“Right.” Marinette got out of bed. The array of colours in the sky outside her window were breathtaking. A new day. Another chance. She wouldn't mess this one up. She would take into account her every mistake and do much better this time around. And she would start it with a message to her Chaton, a few words that hopefully would make him feel better.
Determination in her eyes, Marinette never turned away from the rising sun as she commanded, “Tikki, spots on!”
Thursday, Marinette buried herself under the reading materials needed to pass her exam. She struggled to keep her concentration, Adrien being constantly on her mind. Friday, she did a quick review in the morning and headed to ESMOD in the afternoon. The lucky charm Adrien gave her was the only object apart from a water bottle on her desk during the examination. Upon exiting the building afterwards, he was the first person she wanted to tell that it was easier than she’d expected, that after years of experience she knew her stuff, and if there were a few questions she didn’t know, Marinette doubted the holes in her fashion history knowledge would greatly impact her final marks. Unfortunately, she wasn’t ready to face him yet. She texted the next best person.
 Marinette: All done. I should know the results in a few days, but I’m feeling pretty confident about this.
Alya: Congrats, girl! I’m sure you passed with flying colours and I expect a party when you get your diploma. 
Marinette: LOL Of course. We’ll invite half of Paris and make lots of noise about it.
Alya: Don’t know about half of Paris, but Nino, me and Adrien better be there. You two did start talking again, didn’t you? And I mean not just business-related topics.
Marinette: It’s a bit complicated at the moment.
Alya: Complicated enough to exclude the man who requested and paid for your ESMOD exam?
 Marinette stilled, looking at her cell phone in confusion. Was she too exhausted after her test to read properly or were her eyes deceiving her? 
 Marinette: What are you talking about?
Marinette: Weren’t you the one to get me an exam through some of your contacts? 
Marinette: And what payment?
Alya: I did snoop around and found out that in your case only your direct supervisor could request the exam you needed under the “obtaining extra qualifications” program. There was also a hefty fee to go along. I told Nino. Nino mentioned it to Adrien. What magic Adrien performed I don’t know, but a few days later he texted me with the information to pass to you. 
 Marinette reread Alya’s messages at least three times before sitting down on a nearby bench. 
Was there anything good in her life recently that Adrien wasn’t involved in? 
Because it seemed that without him, she’d be in a whole different place right now. Her success, her promising future, her wellbeing, her health, perhaps even her very life—she owed that all to Adrien. 
 Alya: Plus, he brings the best wine and cheese. You simply must invite him!
 Marinette gripped her phone, debating. Telling Alya the truth was out of the question. Avoiding the subject it was, then.
 Marinette: Let’s wait for the results first. 
Marinette: About to go underground. Ttyl
Alya: Love you, girl. And let me know as soon as you get those results so I can start planning.
Marinette: Of course. <3
 Her cellphone back in her purse, Marinette descended into the Metro station. The trip back to the apartment didn’t take long. Adrien haunted her thoughts the whole way. 
He did so much good for her. As Chat Noir and as Adrien. And he didn’t seem to expect anything in return. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be doing it all behind her back. 
A few months ago Marinette would have assumed Adrien was helping her only because he didn’t think she could handle it herself, but she couldn’t say that anymore. Not when she knew Adrien and Chat Noir were one and the same. Marinette knew too well how much Chat respected her and her abilities. He helped her in battles, but he never did her job for her. He always acknowledged her competence, openly admitting that out of the two of them, she was the one best fitted for Ladybug’s role with all the skills and responsibility it demanded. 
Similarly, Adrien didn’t design or sew her collection for her. She did. He just hired her an assistant and made sure she was physically and mentally capable of doing the work herself. Adrien might have gotten her that exam, but she was the one who studied and took it. His help didn’t diminish her achievements and the more Marinette thought about it, the more grateful she felt, shame for the way she treated him in return overwhelming her at the same time. 
She had to make it right! And she had to find a way to do so quickly.
Entering the apartment, Marinette glanced in the kitchen’s direction in confusion. The light was on. Hesitantly, she entered the room but it was empty. Her sight fell to the table. A white envelope and two small boxes rested on its surface, accompanied by a small bag and a note. She picked up the note first, her heart quickening its pace. She knew that handwriting.
 I put some grapes for Duusu in the fridge for the first few days. He prefers the green, sweet variety in case you need to buy more.
 Marinette reached for the bag, finding nothing but good quality silk cut in pieces inside with another note indicating those were for Nooroo. Next, she opened one of the boxes. An electric orb erupted in front of her, a peacock kwami appearing in the middle. 
“At your service, My Guardian.” The kwami bowed.
Marinette reached for the second box, the butterfly kwami soon joining them.
“We missed you so much,” Tikki cried, flying in for a group hug with her long-missing friends. “I’m so happy you both are safe.”
She gave the kwamis a few moments to themselves. Once the initial emotions subsided, Marinette reached forward and pulled them all to her chest.
“Welcome back, guys,” she whispered. “We’ve missed you. Let’s get you into the Miracle Box. I’m sure all of your friends can’t wait to see you again.”
She quickly put both miraculouses into their slots in the Miracle Box, sending everyone and Tikki to the kwamis’ space to celebrate. Once alone, Marinette went back to the dining room. Her eyes focused on the only object left on the table she hadn’t touched yet—the letter. 
There was only one person who could’ve delivered Nooroo and Duusu. The letter must also be from him. She reached for it, jerking her hand back almost immediately. Marinette bit her lip, trying to touch the letter again. A shiver ran down her back. She withdrew again. A few moments and a couple of other failed attempts later, Marinette jumped to her feet and paced the room. Her breathing shallow, she tried to calm down and muster the courage.   
What was in it?
What did he write?
Did he curse her name?
Was he leaving a door open for her?
Why was she so terrified of reading it?
“You can do it. You can do it. You can do it, Marinette!” she chanted before snatching the envelope off the table and opening it before she could overthink it again.
 Good evening, Marinette.
I apologize for the intrusion. I know you said you needed time to think and I respect that and will wait no matter how long it takes. However, I promised to deliver Nooroo and Duusu to you and this was the only way I could think of doing so safely and without us meeting. There are also a few things I owe to tell you. That night, you asked me for the whole truth, but I delivered only some of it. A letter seems like the most appropriate method for the rest.
Before, though, I want to apologize for my outburst. My actions and words that night were unacceptable and I said things that I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for hurting you, and I know I can't fix anything now, but I wanted you to know that despite what it may have sounded like, I don't blame you for anything. Shit happens. We all make mistakes. Some are just impossible to fix and I could never blame you for not trusting me because of my own actions.
Now, the whole truth you wanted. I won’t discuss my identity in depth. There is really not much to it. My name is Adrien Agreste. I received the Black Cat miraculous when I was fourteen and have been Chat Noir ever since. 
My father. I found out that he was Hawkmoth when I visited the mansion for those sketches you needed. I stumbled upon the butterfly miraculous in one of the drawers in his desk. Nooroo then told me about the peacock miraculous my father kept in his safe, and that Nathalie, my father’s assistant, used to be Mayura. I didn’t know either of those things before that evening, and I wish I’d never found out, but knowing my father, I was hardly surprised. 
Lastly, Felix. My cousin, Felix Graham de Vanily, lives in London and is a skilled designer, but he wasn’t the one who was assisting you these past few months. The truth is—I couldn’t find a qualified assistant for you in time, so I figured I could use Nooroo’s power to make up for my incompetence. Long story short, I akumatized myself into ‘Felix’ so I could use his skills to help you. I hope you can forgive me for that. I swear, if I could have found you a real assistant in the time frame I had, I would’ve, but it wasn't happening and time was pressing and I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for the mess ‘Felix’ was. Unfortunately, being an akuma, I couldn’t control my actions and words, and I know I made you uncomfortable far too many times as ‘Felix’. I’m sorry about that. ‘Felix’ won’t be returning so you don’t have to worry about him anymore. The HR department will find you a new assistant soon. 
I guess that’s it. That’s all of my secrets, the whole truth. 
I dare, though, to ask you for a favour. I know as a Guardian, it’s your duty to gather all of the miraculouses back into the Miracle Box, but I beg you to allow me to keep Plagg. He’s been by my side for most of my life. He’s my best friend, the only family I still have. I can’t give him up. Not yet. I know there will be a point in time where I’d have to, but if I may, I’d like to hold onto him for now. I can keep you updated on his whereabouts at any given time, so you’ll be able to claim him if the need ever arises, but I’d really appreciate it if you can grant us some more time together.
One more thing, I’m sorry for what happened on that terrace. I never meant to push you to cheat on your “boyfriend”. I only wanted you to like me. I wanted you to see potential in me, so that when I revealed my identity later, you wouldn't reject me straight away. I didn't plan to kiss you. I just wanted to spend some time with you and got caught up in the moment. And I’m so, so sorry for that. I just can’t seem to think straight when it comes to you. And I don’t know if this matters anymore, but for what it’s worth, I avoided kissing you as Chat Noir not because I didn’t love you, Marinette, but because I knew you’d hate to kiss Adrien. I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t let you kiss the person you hate just because he had a mask on his face. 
I’m sorry if my feelings have been too much of a nuisance. I would completely understand if you decide to move on, and if that is the case, I won’t be bothering you anymore. Adrien won’t be coming back to Gabriel. Chat Noir will vanish as well. I love you too much to keep hurting you, and it seems that’s the only thing I do every time I get close. 
Please, forgive me. I never meant any harm. Thank you for everything you’ve given me. I’ll treasure every memory with you forever.
P.S. Good luck with your ESMOD exam. You'll do great!
P.P.S. Just thought I’d mention that you can stay at the apartment for as long as you need. I don’t use it anyway, and I don’t think I’ll be using it any time soon. When you decide to move out, leave the keys on a table and tape a note to the window, facing the writing outside. I’ll see it eventually.
 Tears pooling in her eyes, Marinette couldn’t look away. 
That idiot!
He did what? 
Doesn’t he know how dangerous—
No! It couldn’t be true! Could it?
She rushed back to the Miracle Box and took out Nooroo’s miraculous. 
“Tell me this isn’t true,” she demanded, as soon as the kwami appeared. “Tell me Adrien didn’t akumatize himself daily for months.”
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 His mouth slightly ajar, Nooroo stared at her wide-eyed for a few moments before guiltily bowing his head. “He did.” 
Marinette groaned, facepalming. “How stupid could he get? Doesn’t he know how dangerous it is? There is a reason there are always two people involved in akumatazation. He could’ve easily lost control and endangered all of us.”
“Master Adrien knew the danger,” Nooroo shyly added. “That’s why he asked Plagg to keep him in line.”
“Plagg? Plagg is a kwami. How could he keep an akuma in line?”
“Master Adrien used a very fragile object for the akuma to infect, something that Plagg could easily break when needed.”
She quirked an eyebrow. That was actually very clever. “What object?”
“Your picture.”
Marinette stilled, silently staring at Nooroo for a full half-minute before uttering, “My picture?”
The kwami nodded. “Master Adrien said that because his goal was to help you, it only made sense to use your picture. In a way, he was also counting on it to keep his akumatized self from seeking other goals which, honestly, wouldn’t be an issue anyway because Plagg could de-akumatize him at a moment’s notice if he’d strayed to something different.”
Marinette sat on her bed. "By tearing up the object, in this case, a picture, right?"
“Yes.” Nooroo smiled. “Plagg had lots of fun doing that. I suspect that’s the only reason he agreed to the whole ordeal in the first place.”
“To rip up some paper?”
“Not exactly.” Nooroo chuckled. “You see, as expected, Master Adrien as an akuma didn’t want to leave your side, trying to help you with everything he could. However, he had other responsibilities, so he couldn’t afford to do that. After a few days of failing to control his ‘help Marinette’ urges, Master Adrien allowed Plagg to do whatever it took to get him out of the room and de-akumatize him at an appointed time.” Nooroo grinned. “Plagg tried different approaches and soon discovered that Master Adrien is very ticklish. Since then, all he had to do was to start tickling him and when Master Adrien couldn’t take it anymore, he’d leave the room to get rid of the annoyance. Once in a hallway, though, Plagg would tear up the picture and Master Adrien would be de-akumatized.”
Marinette couldn’t help a snicker, a lopsided smile sneaking onto her lips. 
This actually explained so much. Like why ‘Felix’ was so overbearingly helpful with everything. Obsessively, even. Or why he would never warn her that he was leaving, instead vanishing without as much as a goodbye. Or why he seemed to always be extremely uncomfortable right before disappearing. After a while, Marinette had just assumed he had some kind of a health issue and since it wasn't her place to pry, she'd decided ‘Felix’ would tell her when and if he wanted to. The real reason behind his strange behaviour was way too hilarious for her not to laugh. 
Who would’ve thought that it wasn’t some secret disease but a pesky kwami tickling his idiot of a wielder to get him out of the room?
The space filled with giggles, her eyes with tears, Marinette laughed. Oh, what she wouldn’t give to see the process of his de-akumatization! Adrien probably looked so adorable after being forced to release the butterfly and drop the transformation. Dishevelled, disoriented, and lost like a kitten. A moment later, he’d be sporting a kicked puppy look, glaring and pouting at his smug kwami, yet unable to do anything because he was the one to ask for it. That would’ve been quite a sight to behold.
“He’s such a dummy,” she giggled. “What was he thinking?” 
It was a rhetorical question, one Marinette didn’t expect an answer to, so when Nooroo gave her one, she froze.
“He was thinking of you. Master Adrien was always thinking of helping you, akuma or not. I just gave him the means to do what he wanted.”
Unable to look away, Marinette stared at Nooroo for a short while before dropping her eyes to her hands, clenched together in her lap. “Why? He didn’t know I was Ladybug when he started helping me. I was just a girl who hurt him. Who considered him an enemy for years and wanted nothing to do with him. Why would he go to such lengths to help me?” 
“I might have an answer to that,” Tikki said, flying closer. “Do you remember how the Black Cat’s miraculous wielder is chosen, Marinette?”
Her eyebrows knit in a frown, as Marinette tried to recall Master Fu's lessons. Ladybugs were chosen based on their ability to think outside the box and see things differently. People called it "creativity" but it was so much more than that.  
Black Cats were chosen… 
Her heart quickened its pace, eyes widening a fraction. 
Black Cats were chosen based on the purity of their hearts. It didn’t mean they were perfect and never made mistakes, but it took a really strong and immeasurably kind person to contain the destruction that Plagg embodied. 
With a groan, Marinette fell on her bed face up. She closed her eyes, letting memories flood her mind. She’d fallen in love with Adrien because of his kindness. She’d fallen for Chat because of his loyalty. The man she was getting to know these last few months was still just as kind and loyal, going beyond his abilities to help an estranged and bitter girl who had hated him for years. 
Her eyes filled with tears. How blind and stupid and completely unreasonable she was. How far gone in her resentment she must have been to doubt his intentions. She knew Adrien. She knew how kind and innocent and loving he was. Then why? What happened to her to get them here?
Most importantly, would he ever forgive her?
Because she loved that man. She loved him so much it hurt. 
“I have my answer, Tikki,” Marinette whispered into the silence of the room. 
“You do?”
“Yes. I love him, and I know I can trust him. All of him. With my life.”
“How about your heart?”
Marinette propped herself on her elbows and looked at Tikki, a smile gracing her lips. “Absolutely.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am. I know it won’t be a smooth ride and we’ll need to figure stuff out and work on it, but if he’ll have me, I’m more than willing to give us another chance and will do whatever it takes to make us work.”
Tikki smiled, leaning against Marinette’s cheek and snuggling. “Good. I’m glad you’ve made a decision you’re happy with.”
“We should go see him now. He’s been waiting long enough.”
Tikki closed her eyes and concentrated on something for a few moments before smiling apologetically at Marinette. "Plagg isn't in the ring, meaning Adrien isn't transformed.”
“You can feel him? Can you tell me where to find him?”
Tikki shook her head. “I can only feel Chat Noir’s energy. That’s how you can locate him with Ladybug’s yo-yo. But unless Adrien transformed, I wouldn't be able to pick up anything. Built-in identity protection.”
“Then maybe I can…” 
Oh, crap.
She didn’t have his contact information. They exchanged neither phone numbers nor emails because at first she didn’t want anything to do with him, and later it never came up. Adrien was always available at the office should she need him. Chat visited her daily and she could contact him through their communicators when he was transformed. Marinette could probably ask Alya or Nino for his number, but she didn’t really want to involve them. Alya was sure to pry and Marinette didn’t want to answer any questions before she and Adrien had a chance to talk. Plus, talking face to face would probably be the best option in their situation. 
‘Okay, then. We can get his number from the office tomo—” Marinette groaned, closing her eyes. “It's Friday. The office is closed until next week.”
“I can let you know if I sense Chat Noir if you want.”
“Thanks, Tikki. That’ll be great. And if not then I guess, we’re getting his number on Monday.”
Tikki placed a tiny kiss on Marinette’s cheek. “I’m proud of you, Marinette. You’ve grown so much.”
Marinette snuggled the kwami close. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Of course you could have,” Tikki smiled. “After all, you’re Ladybug. You can do anything you set your mind to.”
“Only if I have my partner by my side,” Marinette added. “There’s a reason our miraculouses are the only ones that come in a pair, isn’t there, Tikki?”
The kwami let a smile split her mouth as she nodded. “There absolutely is.” 
Unlike the previous nights, today Marinette slept soundly. Her mind made up, she dreamed of how their meeting would go, what she’d say, how Adrien would react. Would he forgive her? Would he finally kiss her now that there were no more secrets between them and he knew she didn’t hate him?
The morning brought more pleasant surprises—an email from Sofia Tentazione, a representative for Muï Muï, a fashion house Marinette loved probably just as much as Gabriel. She’d met Sofia at Gabriel’s afterparty and they exchanged contacts, but Marinette had never expected to hear from her. And yet, now she was staring at an email in which Sofia was asking if Marinette would be available to come in for an interview with their head designer in Milan next Wednesday. At the bottom of the email, the postscript stated that as long as Marinette showed up to that interview, she was guaranteed a job at Muï Muï. Apparently, the head designer hadn’t been so impressed with someone’s work in a long time and didn’t even bother hiding his intentions to scout Marinette for himself. The interview was supposedly scheduled only to comply with the house’s hiring process.
“Tikki, am I still asleep?”
“I can check.” Tikki nonchalantly flew closer with a wide grin on her face.
Marinette jerked away, glaring at the kwami. “No, thank you. I know the way you check. I had a bruise for a week last time you checked.”
"You were definitely awake at that time."
“And I’m perfectly awake right now. No pinching required.”
“Why did you ask for it then?”
“I didn’t. I’m just shocked. I have a job offer from Muï Muï! Can you believe it?”
“That’s great,” Tikki smiled, before turning serious. “Will you take it?”
Of course! 
Why would Tikki even ask? Isn’t it why Marinette almost killed herself trying to get the collection done? To get a good job offer from someone so amazing in her situation was nothing short of a miracle.
Why wouldn’t she take it?
Yet something nagged at her. She hesitated. 
“I… I don’t know. I mean, this is a great opportunity, and this is what I wanted, but… I’d have to move to Milan.”
“And leave Adrien behind,” Tikki added.
Marinette bit her lip, every nerve ending in her body tingling. Tikki was right. Adrien wouldn’t move for her. She had no right to even ask that of him. He had a job and his father’s company to take care of in Paris. He couldn’t just abandon it all and move to a different country only to see if they could make it work. 
If he wanted to see if they could work in the first place. 
The truth hit her hard. All the happy fantasies she’d dreamt up last night disappearing, replaced by fear and guilt. Why would he even want her after the way she treated him? Adrien wasn’t a fool. Why would he risk it when all she did was hurt him? In fact, he wouldn’t. He said it himself in that letter—despite still loving her, he was willing to step away because he couldn’t bear to hurt her anymore. 
Her heart ached. Even in this, he was thinking of her first. Was he even real? She certainly didn’t deserve his love. Perhaps this job offer was her answer then. She’d move away and it’d be easier for both of them to get over each other and find happiness with someone else.
She swallowed back the lump in her throat, a low tremor running down her spine. Funny. This situation resembled their first argument so much—she had to choose between him and her career then, too. Only now that amazing job offer in Milan wasn’t nearly as appealing to her as an uncertain chance with a man who might not even want her at this point. 
“Another huge decision to make?” Tikki asked.
“Seems so.”
Tikki flew up, hovering right at Marinette's eye level. "I'm sure you'll make the right decision, Marinette. Just think what will make you happier in the long run."
Marinette chuckled sadly. “So basically, the old cliché ‘Follow Your Heart, Marinette’?”
Tikki nodded. “Yes. Old, cliché, and very true. Look deep into your heart and listen to what it has to tell you. That’s the best thing you can do.”
And that was what Marinette did. She shut her phone off, signed out of her social media and email accounts, and took long walks at the local park, thinking, reflecting, and trying to see what it was she really wanted. It took her almost two days, but Sunday evening Marinette was confident she had found her answer. She turned her laptop back on, and replied to Sofia, agreeing to the interview. 
Then, she took a sheet of paper and wrote a letter to Adrien. She wasn’t sure she could face him right now, but she had to tell him what was in her heart. A letter it was.
Monday morning, Marinette came by Adrien’s office to drop off said letter only to be told that M Agreste wouldn’t be back there any time soon if at all. Luckily, on her way out she ran into his family lawyer who let it slip that he was to meet with Adrien in a few hours at an undisclosed location. Not seeing a better choice, Marinette gave the man her letter and asked if he could pass it to Adrien. Then, she arranged a week off for herself and returned to the apartment. 
With her heart and her future at stake, there was nothing she could handle doing for the next two days but packing her belongings and waiting for Adrien’s response to her letter. 
Next >
26 notes · View notes
sebspocketsquare · 4 years
Quarantine: 4
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (online)
A/N: Heya guys! Here’s part 4! Its extra long like i promised. Let me know what you think! part 5 is in the works :) -T
Warnings: Flirting, language, quarantine, fear, crying, feels, mentions of a breakin
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It’s pouring rain.
You’re in shock.
Frozen in place.
You’re not even sure what to think as you stare at your front door.
You’d locked it, right? You’d remembered to do that?
Searching your memories, you find that yes, you did lock it… which could only mean one thing.
Mind racing, the bags you’d toted home from the grocery store fall from your grasp to the cold concrete below, and you don’t even flinch at the sound that was surely your eggs cracking.
“But..” The word comes out as more of a breath, and that’s when you notice that tears are already stinging the ridges of your eyes.
It takes another few minutes of ragged breathing before you come to your senses and shakily fish your phone out of your pocket, dialing 911.
They answer on the second ring, and the dispatch operator sounds as stressed as you feel.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
You suddenly find yourself questioning if this really is an emergency, but right yourself almost immediately. Someone just broke into your apartment. A stranger. A criminal.
Yes, it was an emergency.
“I, um.. I just got home from the store, and my-my apartment door is open, I.. I think someone broke in while i was gone.”
You hear her typing before she responds to you, “Okay ma’am, I’m going to ask you not to enter the residence and stay away from the front door in case someone is still inside. Can you give me your address? I’ll have an officer with you in less than ten minutes.”
You exchange the information she needs with a trembling voice, and she asks if you’d like to stay on the line with her until the authorities arrive.
You’ve never agreed to anything so fast. Even if you didn’t speak, at least she’d be there if something else were to happen.
She tells you that there have been five other break ins in your area in the last two weeks, and that she’s sorry it’s happening to you, too.
You’re too numb to murmur anything other than a “thank you.”
It takes approximately 8 minutes for a patrol car to arrive with two officers inside.
They have you wait outside as they enter your apartment, and the next fifteen minutes of their searching seems as if it goes on forever.
As you’re waiting, your phone chirps.
A new IM from J.
[Sarge:] Getting worried over here, doll.. You home safe and sound yet?
Just reading the message has more tears welling in your eyes.
[clairv0yant:] Not exactly…
The moment you press send, both of the officers come out onto your porch with looks that can only be described as sympathy.
“Miss? We’d like you to come inside, please.. The coast is clear, but we need you to file a full report on what’s been taken.”
His words open a gaping hole in your stomach and you suddenly feel nauseated.
What’s been taken?
You don’t notice how your phone vibrates repeatedly in your pocket, desperate messages trying to reach you.
It takes 45 minutes to file the report with the police, to account for everything that’s missing.
They took the tower to your computer, the screen, the mouse and the keyboard. Your TV is missing, along with the bottles of vodka you’d kept in your freezer. The jar that contained your ‘vacation’ savings had been taken from your bedroom, along with your tablet and phone charger. They’d even gone as far as to steal the two packs of toilet paper and cleaners from under your bathroom sink. They broke every dish in your cupboard, glass was scattered on every bit of your floor, but they managed to completely overlook the small stash of twenties you kept in your underwear drawer.
The officers reiterate what the dispatch lady had told you: you weren’t the only one this had happened to recently, and they were sorry this had happened to you. They’d check in on you for the next couple days, and let you know if they find the people responsible.
There wasn’t much more that could be done.
Once they leave you lock the door, though that doesn’t make you feel safe anymore. 
That hadn’t been enough before, what would stop them from doing it again?
You lean your back against it, before letting out a sob and falling to the floor.
Your fingers tangle in the roots of your hair and you tug in frustration as you cry. 
Why you? Why now?
You weren’t working, the little bit of savings you did have had to be used to pay bills and buy groceries. You had no idea when you’d be allowed back to your job, and you had no one to rely on to help you.
What were you supposed to do now?
Your phone chirps from your pocket again, and when you bring it to eye level, you notice you have 18 missed messages.
[Sarge:] What do you mean?
[Sarge:] Doll, please answer me.
[Sarge:] Clair, you’re scaring me…
[Sarge:] At least let me know you’re okay.
[Sarge:] Clair, please?
[Sarge:] Say something, anything..
[Sarge:] Fuck..
[Sarge:] I’m such an idiot for letting you go out without getting your phone number or address
[Sarge:] Please let me know you’re fine
[Sarge:] Tell me I’m overreacting
[Sarge:] Clair..?
[Sarge:] I’m freaking out over here
[Sarge:] Baby, you’re scaring me..
[Sarge:] Answer me
[Sarge:] I’m begging you
[Sarge:] Just send me a fucking smiley face, anything
[Sarge:] just let me know you’re alive
[Sarge:] Just.. call me, please..
The last message included a phone number.
Your thumb hovers over the assortment of digits as you take in a shuddering breath. You didn’t want to call and have him hear you like this. You’d always imagined the first time you spoke on the phone would be full of awkward giggles and flirty compliments given back and forth.
Not you on the verge of breaking.
Your thumb finally presses the numbers, and as if to question your choices, a message pops up on your screen: ‘Calling.. Are you sure you want to do this?’
You hit yes without a second thought.
The line rings once before the person at the other end answers.
You’re too emotionally devastated to appreciate the timbre of his voice, the concern laced in the first word you’ve ever physically heard him say.
“Please, say something..”
He’s begging at this point, and there’s a quake in his words that weighs down your already heavy heart.
“I-It’s me.” 
The whisper has him letting out a sigh of relief before he speaks again.
“What’s going on? Talk to me.”
That’s when you break.
You tell him everything through hiccups and sobs.
When you’ve finished with your story, he releases another sigh before speaking again.
“Baby, you gotta breathe. I know it’s hard, but take a couple deep breaths for me okay? Can you do that?”
You follow his instruction, taking a few deep breaths in, and releasing them just as slow.
“There you go.. I’m gonna take care of this, okay? I’m gonna take care of you. Don’t worry about a thing.”
You’re so entranced in your breathing that you almost agree to his words blindly. Luckily, you catch yourself.
“What.. What do you mean, J?”
“Let me help you, Clair, I.. please.”
You sit in silence for a moment or two before he speaks again.
“I know you well enough by this point to know you’re too stubborn to let me send you money, but.. Let me replace your things. Let me send you some groceries. Let me pay for a goddamn security system… Please.”
You knew he was kind. That was one of the first things he’d let you see of himself.. But this? This was different. Nobody just offers to do this for someone they haven’t even met.
“J, I.. I can’t.. That’s too much.. You don’t even know me..”
He sighs yet again, but you can tell this one is out of frustration. 
“Clair, please. I am literally begging you to let me help you, I.. I’m doing this because I care about you..”
Contemplating in silence, your eyes begin to water again. 
What choice did you have?
You didn’t have the money to replace your things.
You’d barely have enough to replace the groceries you’d just ruined in the rain, and you certainly couldn’t afford a security system.
“J, I.. I can’t pay you back..”
“That is literally the least of my worries. I just want you safe. Please. I can have someone at your place tomorrow morning to install the system. The replacement for your computer might take a little longer, but I’ll get it to you as soon as i can, just.. Let me do this. I want to.”
Before you know what’s happened, you hear yourself agreeing to his wishes and giving him your address.
“You live in the city?” There’s surprise in his voice that you don’t miss.
“You’re closer than I expected..”
Before you can ask him what he means, he’s speaking again.
“I have a friend, I’ll text him now and see the earliest he can come by tomorrow, okay? You can trust him, he’s a good guy. Do you have a spare phone charger for the night?”
You inform him of the one you always carry in your purse and that seems to ease the tension in his voice.
“Yeah, J..?”
“I’m sorry this is how our first phone conversation had to go, I.. I pictured it differently in my head..”
You let out a sad laugh, “I know what you mean.. I’m sorry too.”
“But..” another sigh, “I’m not sorry I finally got to hear your voice.”
“I’m not sorry either..”
 You swear you hear him lick his lips, just before he speaks again, “Doll, my friend is calling me.. can I call you back?”
You take a look at the mess around your apartment before thinking that it might actually be for the best if you get off the phone.
“I should probably get off here and clean up all this glass anyway..”
He hums softly, “Call me when you’ve finished? I.. I just wanna know you’re safe.”
It was endearing how worried he was about you.
You also knew it was with good reason.
“Of course. I’ll call you back in a little bit. Bye, J.. and.. thank you.”
“Anything for you, Doll.. I’ll talk to you soon.”
The moment she ends the call, I slam my fist down on my desk. She was so close, so fucking close, and yet so far.
I couldn’t just show up, hold her and comfort her and protect her. It was too soon for that, plus with the required social distancing.. I don’t even think she’d trust me. 
Sam’s voice breaks my train of thought.
“What’s up man, I just got your text?” 
He’s standing in the doorway of my bedroom, still dressed in his sweats from the day before. 
I scoff at the sight, “One, you need to shower and change, dude. Two… I need you to do me a favor..”
He snickers and smirks, “This have anything to do with this girl you’ve been texting? Need me to track down some selfies for you to stare at?”
Had it been any other night, I might’ve entertained the idea of that, but instead I let out a quiet groan, “No, I… her apartment got ransacked today.. I need you to go over and install a security system for her.”
The smile falls from his face and his eyebrows raise. “Wait, what? She lives close? Why don’t you go?”
I shake my head, eyes falling to my left hand. The vibranium appendage almost glitters under the light of my computer screen, and when he follows my gaze he understands. “She doesn’t know yet.. who you are.”
I shake my head, and it’s his turn to sigh. “Yeah, man.. I can do that for you. Is she.. is she okay?”
I shrug, staring at my phone screen and willing her to call me back, “I.. I have no idea, man.. hearing her cry just now..” I have to pause and clear the emotion from my throat. 
“This quarantine is killing me.. all I wanted to do was go to her, hold her, and I—“ I pause again, cheeks flooding with warmth as I realize how vulnerable I just sounded.
“You’ve got it bad, don’t you?” He wonders, cocking his head to the side with a small smile.
The heat in my cheeks burns hotter as I nod slightly. 
“Just give me the address. I’ll make sure she’s got a system as good as ours.”
Just hearing him say that puts me at ease. I’d know her comings and goings, where she was in the apartment and if anyone was even close to entering. 
Stalkerish? Maybe a little, but.. 
If I couldn’t be there in person to protect her, this would be the next best thing.
Aside from the missing appliances, you can barely tell what took place in your apartment today.
You’d swept every room, scrubbed every surface.
It might even be the cleanest the apartment had been since you moved in. 
J texted you earlier, asking for a list of your missing belongings and an idea for groceries.. you were a bit reluctant at first, but eventually gave in and handed over the information. 
You pushed your couch behind your front door out of paranoia before taking a shower, and now you sat on the edge of your bed in silence. 
It was hard not to let your mind wander to a dark place, to think of what you must’ve done to deserve this. 
Tears are starting to return to your eyes, just as your phone begins to ring again.
It’s J, of course.
“Hey, doll.. how are you feeling?”
You’re calmed down enough to appreciate his voice now. The slight drawl to it, the sound of your nickname leaving his lips. It’s deep and warm and, god, you just wanted to wrap yourself in it and stay there forever.
“I.. I’m okay I guess.. it’s weird, y’know?”
“I’m sure.. I’m sorry you had to go through this.. I wish..” He pauses and you find yourself rather curious as to what he was going to say.
“You wish what, J?”
He hums before he finishes his thought, “I wish I could hold you, Clair.. Make you feel safe. Protect you.”
He’s making you blush, and it’s different than all the other times he’s done so through text. 
Actually hearing him say it brought it to a whole other level.
“Would that be alright?”
You can tell he’s second guessing his confession, and his timid behavior makes you smile.
“I would love that.. If only that was allowed right now..”
This quarantine was really messing things up for you. In more ways than one.
“I’d break the law for you, just say the word.”
You laugh at the thought, but you know he’s at least a little serious. 
“Have you um.. ever really thought about it?”
He hums again, and you find you’re addicted to the sound. “It’s embarrassing how much I’ve thought about it.. how about you, sweetheart? You ever think about me holdin’ you?”
The heat is back in your cheeks and you bite your lip to hold back the grin that’s taken over your entire face. “I.. yes. I have. I’m thinking about it right now, actually..”
Laying back on your bed, you pull a spare pillow to your chest and hug it tightly.
“What are you doin’ over there? Laying in bed? Do me a favor…”
It’s your turn to hum, and he chuckles.
“You got any extra pillows? Hug one of ‘em close, and close your eyes.. Just imagine it’s me, holding you to my chest… if you concentrate hard enough, maybe you can hear my heartbeat.. I’m sure it’d be goin’ crazy from being so close to you..”
You do as he asks, sighing happily into the phone. “Mine would be too.. it already is.”
You hear soft rustling from his end of the call, and you’re sure he’s settling in for the night too.
“Just wanna hold you.. kiss your forehead, ‘cause I remember you saying how much you like that.. Tell you how special you are to me..”
He’s making your heart beat wildly in your ribcage, and for some reason, tears trickle from the corner of your eye.
“You okay over there, baby?”
His new name for you was quickly becoming a new favorite.
“Yeah, it’s just.. you’re too good to me, you know that?”
“I’m the perfect amount of good to you, doll.. you deserve the whole world, and I’ll do my best to give that to ya.”
He’s making you forget the events of the day with each moment that passes, replacing them with sweet memories instead.
“J.. I adore you.”
“Not as much as I adore you, Clair.”
That night, you’re lulled to sleep by the sound of his breathing.
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TAGS: (I wasnt sure who to tag, so if you dont want to be, I’m sorry!! Just trying to get this out there. ALSO if you wanna be tagged INBOX ME! I tend to miss people in the tags :( also some tags don’t work, so i’ve removed them if they dont. Sorry about that!  ).  
@mindingmyownbusiness@plumfondler@buckybarnesappreciationsociety@loricameback@tinaferraldo@geminimoonbeamx@preserumsteverogers@moderapoppins@lowkeysebby@buckyshattergirl@jayattemptstoruletheworld@the-observant-fangirl@moondancewrites@moonbeambucky@trinityjadec@stevieang@bionic-buckyb@eyecandybarnes@propertyofpoeandbucky@promarvelfangirl@ballyhoobarnes@bucky-plums-barnes@cate-lynne​@witchymarvelspacecase@imaginingbucky@theimpossibleg1rl​ @wonderlandmind4​@buckysthing@formulafun@curvybihufflepuff@fanficsformarvelkillme@shadyskit@lostinthoughtsandfeelings@reading--mermaid​@fuckmestan@siliverin@verygraphicink@sallyp-53​@thatsbucknasty@steadyphantomcat@booktease21​@drayshadow@theperditioncrasher@mmyepic@feelmyroarrrr@alien-beans@heartsaved@sideeffectsofyou@dreamingofonceuponatime@just-a-littlebit-of-everything@bluerorjhan@tarynsnotokay@jamdropx35​@pinknerdpanda @starkrobb @marvelgirl7 @unscriptedtimetraveler @fangeekkk @wonderlandmind4 @pinkisokay @mrsdaamneron @rynabarnesrogers @wish-i-had-something-better @stanning-seb-stan
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ourladytamara · 3 years
Rich Bitch Mindbreak Monday
Tamara 5/31/2021 - @_ourladytamara
cw: kidnapping, cnc, forced intox, implied snuff, knifeplay, mindbreak, capitalism, female-gender POV character
The ringing in your ears was hardly the worst of it. Every bone in your body ached profusely, digging into your equally-sore flesh like jagged knives. Colors spun. Light came in sparks and flashes, your head pounding with every single one. Were you dead?
No, that’d be far too good for you. The memories began flooding back like a burst dam. You…You were coming home from the office after another day of shareholder meetings. Normally you were so confident, the gates around your community keeping you safe like a mother’s embrace – that was, until you noticed the white van out front, without a parking pass. Whoever it was, they were already inside – you opened the front door to a mouthful of chloroform-soaked cotton.
Oh, fuck. Oh God. Was this really happening?
A creak from above. Your vision, still mixing like oil paint, strains on the noise. You’re in a basement – a dingy, dust-covered one at that. It’s a far cry from your typical luxuriant accomodation, cobwebs, dust, rust and all. Wooden creaking alerts you to someone climbing down the stairs.
“Oh, good! Look who’s awake!” calls a woman’s voice from around the corner, tone mocking and saccharine. “Here I was, thinking I accidentally made my job easier. So sorry – for you, at least.”
You snap like a dry twig. Tears come easily, a well of guilt bubbling up inside your soul. Something inside you had always anticipated this fate – that deep, dark crevice of your psyche, screaming, shouting, begging you to pick another path. You ignored it, plastered over it with luxury and convenience.
The woman steps down onto the bottom rung of stairs and finally into your field of view. She’s completely dressed in full-body black clothing; black boots, black jeans, a black turtleneck which fades into black gloves and a black, concealing balaclava. Two piercing eyes stared back at her from beneath the wool mask, and in the woman’s hand, she clutched a stack of… magazines?
She tosses them on the floor before you and steps forward. Jesus, she’s tall – easily a head and a half over you, assuming you were standing. She reeks of bleach and sour sweat. With a chuckle, she tosses the magazines onto the floor in front of you.
“World’s Wealthiest Woman!” they declare. “Youngest CEO!” “Changing the World with New Distribution Methods!” All of them were about you – your life, your successes, your rising, carried by little other than your personal grit, determination, and a small loan of two million from your parents. Synapses connected and fired like synchronized artillery, pounding your psyche into the trench mud.
“Look familiar, eh? You gave plenty of interviews, darling – it wasn’t hard to track you down.” coos the woman. “There weren’t many gated communities on Mercer Island to pick from, after all. I’m Artemis, by the way – I’d say you can call me Artie, but you’re not going to be calling me much of anything, are you?”
A gloved hand brushes a strand of blonde hair out of your face, strands of it sticking to your tear-soaked cheeks. She slaps you.
“Stupid cunt made all her precious money without bothering to think about her role in the world – that describes you, doesn’t it?”
You begin to speak but are suddenly made aware of the ball gag between your numb lips. All that escapes are sputters and drool.
“That’s what I thought, bitch. No, you’ve said more than enough, as these delightful little publications would demonstrate; if anyone was interested in what you had to say you wouldn’t have to go to your favorite little cocksucking journo friends for attention.”
Something snaps. None of this was supposed to happen – you had two dogs and a horse to take care of back home! It wasn’t fair! You were being targeted for your wealth, your power – something like resentment began to overpower the fear. An angry gaze into your balaclava-clad captor’s eyes would show that you meant business.
Instead, it showed defiance, and evidently she didn’t cotton to defiance. Another slap across your face, harsher this time; still reeling from it, she procures a switchblade from her hip and extends the blade. She presses it up to your chest, slicing through your blouse and snapping your bra almost instantly.
“Heh. Of course you’ve had work done,” she mocks, prodding at the implant scars beneath each breast, “fucking whore. So typical; all of you rich bitches are the same.”
You thrash against your bindings, desperate for any kind of leverage – all you had to do was get out of the chair, past Artemis, up the stairs… and…
You weren’t going anywhere.
“Calm down. Jesus, for all your money, you’re writhing like someone who’s never been hate-raped before! That’s kind of sad, don’t you think?”
A coy hand against your face makes the tears flow even easier. “Awww, you cry so pretty! I’d almost say you’re guilty of something, wouldn’t you?
You shiver and avert your eyes. Artemis drops another magazine on the floor – the title reads “CEO Exposed in Labor Abuse Scandal.”
You knew the article immediately. People in your latest fulfillment center had complained of abusive overseers, long hours, illegally-low wages and illegally-long hours. This wasn’t random – this was revenge. It rips into your very soul. Why did you do what you did? Why were you okay with what you knew was going on? Doubt, guilt – they had always been beside you and yet never burned like this.
“Of course, as I’m sure you’re aware, you were basically untouchable. Legally, emotionally – and as you thought, physically. Women like me exist to fix that.”
She grabs you by the breast and gives a cordial squeeze before locking another hand down on your neck. You wish you could explain – wish you could explain yourself, explain your latest mindfulness initiatives on the warehouse floor and everything else you wish would wash the guilt away.
Something told you she wasn’t going to listen, though.
She squeezes your throat tightly and jerks your head to the side, panning your vision towards a small wooden crate on the floor beside you. Air holes are punched into the sides – there’s… something inside. You gasp – Artemis laughs, letting go of your throat and approaching it.
“Now, now, I can tell you’re already desperate for a way out of this – but you’re in luck, honey!” she says, tapping the top of the wooden box. Dull thumping responds from within. “Because a woman like you deserves a proper, satisfying reward.”
She unfastens a metallic combination lock and flips the lid open. Immediately pops out a woman, totally nude; her body is shaking, beet-red and covered in sweat. Dangling between her modestly-sized thighs, however, is a truly-monstrous cock; it’s violently engorged, throbbing visibly with every beat of the woman’s clearly-frenzied heart. She moves as if to lunge at you, but Artemis’s hand on the nape of her neck keeps her standing.
“Recognize her?” she asks, gesturing for you to look at the other woman. Thoughts run through your mind. A colleague? No – an old friend, perhaps, but still you recall nothing.
“This is the woman who you made work overtime last week. Remember? You hired her. Surely, her face must be familiar.”
She’s drooling and cockeyed. You start to hyperventilate just looking at her.
“She was at the warehouse until one AM. A vagrant mugged her for her shoes on the walk home because of your refusal to invest in a security station. Look at her face.”
Still no recollection. She’s practically foaming at the mouth, staring and panting back at you. Your stomach does a somersault.
“That didn’t sit right with me, though – so I scooped her up a few days before you. It wasn’t hard, given the part of town you made her live in. She’s been here for a week, now – and I’ve made sure she spends every waking moment in a PCP-induced delirium.”
Your eyes go wide. The other woman’s cock throbs as Artie rubs a hand down her breast. You didn’t deserve this. No one deserves this – and yet the naggling pang in the back of your lizard mind is screaming otherwise.
“That’s enough talk, though – go on, girl, show your boss-lady how much you appreciate her.”
Artemis lets go of the woman’s neck. The basement walls stifle your screams.
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A Joint Effort
Description: Sam and Bucky are hesitant and unhappy to fulfill the task at hand.
Warning: None
Queen @jtargaryen18 reached 4k followers! Congratulations Jamie 🎉🎈💃🏻🎊!! This one-shot is my entry for her 4K celebration writing challenge. Click here to participate!
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
"You are Captain America!" Bucky exclaimed. 
"And you are the Winter Soldier!" Sam retorted.
"I was the Winter Soldier! Am not anymore and you know that!" hissed Bucky. 
Sam raised his hands, "I did it last time. I am not going to do it again."
"Sam please," Bucky tried to plead with him, "Please don't make me do this. I was tortured by Hydra for decades."
"So? Dude you wrecked my car!" Sam argued aggressively.
"That was one time! ONE TIME!" Bucky raised a finger, "And my mind was being controlled." 
"Whatever man. You gotta do it," Sam pushed the tools towards Bucky.
He whimpered, "She won't talk to me if I do that to her! Remember last year, when it was your turn? She didn't even look at you for 3 months after that! What if my baby decides to hate me now?" wondered Bucky with a slight pout.
Sam folded his hands in resolution, "Then she will join the long list of people who detest you."
As Bucky kept on grumbling, Sam pushed a book towards him. "Look, I don't want to do this either, but we gotta do it for her. That's what the doctor said last time, remember? He said it's supposed to be an annual thing."
"But she hates it," Bucky tried to urge Sam, "She hates it when we do that to her. I mean just look at her right now, she's sleeping so peacefully."
Both the superheros walked towards the door and gazed into the next room, where a beautiful, graceful, furry feline was peacefully sleeping on the couch.
"How am I supposed to wake her up and give her a bath? Especially when it's torturous for her? Sam, that's inhuman," he feebly tried to argue.
Sam almost melted at the thought. Almost. 
Shaking his head, he squared his shoulders and said with determination, "You need to do this. We have to bathe her once every year. That's what the vet said. Now," he placed a book in Bucky's hand, "There are detailed instructions on how to give her a bath, complete with precautionary steps, guidelines and a blueprint of the tower in case she makes a run for it.'
Bucky squinted his eyes at him, "Your plan didn't work last time Sam."
"Of course it did!"
"Sam, the hospital staff thought you had been attacked by a wild animal," Bucky reminded him. 
Sam scoffed, "Not my fault you brought a cat from Wakanda! I mean, why didn't you just get one of your goats?"
"Gerald didn't want to come because Fiona was pregnant. And he had spent his entire life with Fiona and his parents at that farm, so I didn't want to separate him from his family," Bucky replied sincerely. 
Sam's eyes went as wide as teacup saucers. Slowly, he blinked twice and asked him, "Gerald?"
Bucky nodded, "The male goat, or buck, as they are usually called."
"... didn't want to leave Fiona?" Sam repeated slowly.
"Yeah, his wife, who is obviously a female goat, or a doe, as they are called," supplied Bucky as if it was obvious.
Sam still looked bewildered, so Bucky repeated, this time slowly, "Fiona was pregnant. And Gerald had-"
"No no. I heard you the first time," Sam interrupted him, "I was just having a hard time  processing all that information."
Bucky shrugged in response. Then an idea popped into his head, "I really miss Gerald these days. He was such a nice goat you know? All he ever-"
"Oh hell no! You are not going to emotionally blackmail me with your steel blue puppy eyes!" Sam exclaimed as Bucky gave up in defeat.
"Okay how about this? We do it together. I will lure her in with snacks, and lock the door. You prepare the tub and wash her while I hold her back and keep feeding her treats," suggested Bucky, "What do you think?"
Sam pondered for a moment, "Yeah okay. That could work."
Over the next hour, both the superheros bent over the book, outlining the new plan and jotting down the course of action.
Finally when they were ready, Bucky gently woke up Mrs Marshmallow. The white, soft and adorable feline opened her large eyes and yawned at him, looking a bit disgruntled to have been awoken from her sleep. But as soon as Bucky kept her favorite treats in front of her, she stretched and snacked on them.
Bucky kept placing treats on the ground in the form of a trail, so that Mrs Marshmallow followed him till they reached the entrance of the bathroom. He tentatively placed one last piece of treat inside the bathroom, and as soon as Mrs Marshmallow entered, Sam closed the door and locked it. 
Slowly chewing her food, Mrs Marshmallow looked up at the two of them, then took in her surroundings. 
"Sorry baby, but you need a bath," Bucky told her.
"I know baby, but we have to give you a bath. I am truly sorry honey but we have no choice," Bucky tried to reason with her.
"Meeeeeow! Meeeow!! Meeeeoooww!"
"Okay miss that kind of language will not be tolerated in this house," Sam scolded her as he picked her up and placed her in the tub.
The nightmare that ensued in the next 2 hours will probably haunt Sam and Bucky for the rest of their lives. 
A drenched Bucky opened the bathroom door and out walked a disgusted, and freshly washed Mrs Marshmallow, her tail swishing in annoyance and mistrust as she headed for the door of the apartment.
Soaked with soap and water, Sam went ahead and opened it for her as Bucky followed the pair, limping on his way.
Thanks to the commotion caused in the bathroom, quite a small crowd of people had gathered outside their apartment at the Avengers/Stark Tower.
Fury screamed and jumped aside as Mrs Marshmallow left the apartment and went towards Wanda. "Awww what did they do to you kitten?" she cooed at the feline.
Wanda gasped sarcastically, "Oh my God! Are you serious? We need to talk about this over catnip. C'mon," she led the cat towards her room, laughing all the way as Maria glared at Sam and Bucky.
"Are you kidding me?" Maria asked them, "Both of you are buff superheros. You fight terrorists, aliens and God knows what for a living! And you couldn't bathe a small cat?"
"Small cat?!" Fury looked at Maria with shock and fear, "Did you see the size of that monster?"
"Mrs Marshmallow is not a monster," both Sam and Bucky said in unison.
Maria rolled her eyes, "Just because one cat clawed out your eye that doesn't mean every cat is a monster."
"Wait…" muttered Bucky.
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Sam.
"Maria!" Fury said in a threatening tone.
She smirked and walked away, leaving the three men in uncomfortable silence.
"Sooooo-" Sam started to say, but Fury cut him off. "Not. A. Word. Am I clear?" Fury growled.
As soon as he left, both the men doubled down giggling, but immediately regretted it. 
"Let's head towards the med bay," Bucky suggested, limping towards Sam.
Sam nodded, "What do you know about Fury's eye?"
"All I have ever heard are urban myths and rumours," admitted Bucky, "It is said that back when he was still an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D, he met Captain Marvel and her pet cat, who was an alien. Giant tentacles would come out from the cat's mouth and swallow entire vehicles, jets, and even people! Some people say that it was the same cat that scratched out his eye."
"I wonder if any of it is true," Sam thought. 
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2 WEEKS LATER, Mrs Marshmallow was still sour with Sam and Bucky. Both the gentlemen tried to shower her with her favourite food, toys and what not. Still, there was no swaying the feline. Unknown to them, she was seeking revenge.
And so one night, when Bucky was fast asleep, Mrs Marshmallow entered his room stealthily and looked for his vibranium arm. He often removed it before sleeping and kept it on the chair besides his dresser. She slowly went towards the arm, and opened her mouth. Large, thick tentacles emerged from her mouth and grabbed the arm. The tentacles retracted back in her orifice as she swallowed the whole vibranium arm without flinching her eyes. 
She then turned towards Sam's room and swallowed the compact bag that contained his giant metal wings.
Bucky woke up a few hours later and immediately noticed his missing arm. "Sam! SAM! Where is my arm?" he shouted as he looked for him in the apartment.
Sam emerged from the kitchen with a bowl, whisking the pancake batter, "What's wrong? You need a hand?" he snickered. 
"Yes I need my hand!" Bucky showed him his shoulder stump, "Where did you hide it?"
"Hide what?"
"My arm! Ugh! Sam I am not in the mood for games!"
"And I am not playing any!" Sam defended himself, "I know I have hidden your arm in the past, and I know I have even laughed at you about it for days, because it's always hilarious, but-"
"I am checking your room," Bucky snapped and entered Sam's room. 
He came out a few minutes later, "Sam, even your wings are gone."
Sam dropped the pancake he was about to flip, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed in shock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y was there an unauthorised entry last night in our apartment?" Bucky asked the AI.
"No Mr Barnes," came the prompt reply.
"We need to inform Fury about the robbery and secure a perimeter," Sam supplied as they prepared to leave the apartment in a hurry, worried about a potential breach in the security system.
Both the superheros kept food and water for the cat and left. Mrs Marshmallow gladly ate her imported tuna mush in peace, relishing every bite with leisure without a care in the world.
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This fic was inspired by this beautiful image created by @muffinshark 😍😍😍
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bananaofswifts · 4 years
Taylor Swift Leaves Her Comfort Zones Behind on the Head-Spinning, Heartbreaking ‘Folklore’
Her eighth album is a radical detour into the deepest collection of songs she’s ever come up with.
So here we are again. The world was in the middle of the cruelest summer ever, just staggering through late July, when Taylor Swift decided to make it all so much messier — her specialty. In a move that nobody saw coming, she announced a surprise album on July 23rd, less than a year after her career-capping smash Lover. (A year to the day after she dropped “The Archer.”) Like the rest of us, Swift had to cancel her summer, including her LoverFest shows, which would have been next week. Instead, she spent the quarantine season throwing herself into a new secret project: her eighth album, Folklore. But the real surprise is the music itself — the most head-spinning, heart-breaking, emotionally ambitious songs of her life.
It’s a total goth-folk album, mostly acoustic guitar and piano, largely in collaboration with the National’s Aaron Dessner. No pop songs at all. It’s as far beyond Lover as Lover was beyond Reputation. She’s always relished her dramatic creative zigzags, but this is easily her most audacious move, full of story-telling depth she’s never come close to before. Some of us have spent years dreaming Taylor would do a whole album like this, but nobody really dreamed it would turn out this great. Her greatest album — so far.
Lover self-consciously summed up the first 30 years of her life, bringing all her musical passions together. But on Folklore, she leaves her comfort zones behind. It sounds like she figured she wasn’t going to be touring these songs live anyway, so she gave up on doing anything for the radio, anything rah-rah or stadium-friendly. She just made some coffee, sat at the piano, and let her mind wander into some dark places. You can picture the candle on her piano flickering as the wax melts over her copy of Wuthering Heights and another song rolls out.
Her sonic chemistry with Dessner is right in every detail; she also teams up with her longtime wingman Jack Antonoff and duets with Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon on “Exile.” The vibe is close to “Safe and Sound,” the rootsy gem she did with the Civil Wars for The Hunger Games soundtrack in 2013. As she explains in her Prologue, “In isolation my imagination has run wild and this album is the result, a collection of songs and stories that flowed like a stream of consciousness. Picking up a pen was my way of escaping into fantasy, history, and memory.”
Folklore really feels like the debut album of a whole new Swift — her narrative scope has opened up, with a wide-ranging cast of characters, for seventeen songs without a dud. Yet you can still hear that this is the same songwriter who dropped “Last Kiss” on the world ten July-ninths ago. Here’s a Swift progress report on her quarantine: “I’ve been having a hard time adjusting/I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting/I didn’t know if you’d care if I came back/I have a lot of regrets about that.” The power of her mind.
It’s amusing in retrospect how people actually worried that being happy in love might mean Swift would run out of things to write songs about. Not a chance. It turns out to be the other way around, as she lets these characters tell their own stories: A scandalous old widow, hated by her whole town. A scared seven-year-old girl with a traumatized best friend. A ghost watching her enemies at the funeral. Recovering addicts. A fumbling teenage boy. Three of the highlights — “Cardigan,” “August,” and “Betty” — depict the same love triangle, from all three different perspectives. Other songs tell both sides of a story: “The 1” and “Peace,” or “Invisible String” and “The Lakes.”
Folklore hits overdrive halfway through, when it reaches a trilogy of heavy hitters. “August,” the album’s most plainly beautiful ballad, is a summer romance gone wrong: “I can see us tangled in bed sheets/August slipped away like a bottle of wine/Because you were never mine.” “This Is Me Trying” is the disturbingly witty tale of someone pouring her heart out, to keep herself from pouring more whiskey. “Illicit Affairs” is another tale of infidelity: “Take the words for what they are/A dwindling mercurial high/A drug that only worked the first few hundred times.” The tension explodes when she sings, “Don’t call me kid/Don’t call me baby/Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me.”
It’s going to take weeks if not decades to puzzle out all the intricately inter-woven narrative details of these songs. “Mirrorball” is about the same nervous dance-floor poseur of “New Romantics,” six years later, except tonight she feels like the disco ball that reflects everyone’s most desperate insecurities. “Mad Woman” expands on the familiar topic of witch hunts, but it also sharpens the feminist rage of “The Man.” “The Last Great American Dynasty” satirizes the upper-crust milieu of “Starlight” when she sings, “There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen/I had a marvelous time ruining everything.” (Taylor uses the word “marvelous” twice in her career, and both time it’s songs about the Kennedys? No detail is too tiny for her to plan eight years in advance.)
“Betty” is a first — she sings in the voice of the 17-year-old boy in a Taylor Swift song, reckoning with the fickle behavior detailed by the girls in “Cardigan” and “August.” It takes off from the harmonica solo in Springsteen’s “Thunder Road” — which feels appropriate for the only tale on the album where she goes back to high school. “The Lakes” is a bonus track for vinyl, CD and (what a flex) cassette, but it’s a must-hear: Taylor walks in the footsteps of William Wordsworth, the Romantic poet who essentially invented the kind of introspective writing she does, wandering the Windermere Peaks of the Lake District.
Remember when she was threatening to spend this year re-recording all her old albums? She does the opposite here — she refuses to repeat her most reliable tricks. So many of the world’s favorite Swiftian trademarks are missing. No country moves, no synth pop, no first dates, no “Taylor visits a city” song, not even a laugh. The references to fame are few and far between, although they’re tasty when they do show up, as in “Invisible String”: “Bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to L.A.” She can’t resist adding: “Cold was the steel of my axe to grind/For the boys who broke my heart/Now I send their babies presents.” Touché.
If Lover was the last album of her twenties, Folklore is the first of her thirties. Lover was styled as a well-rounded musical autobiography, with everything from Nashville twang to electro-disco. Folklore takes a completely different approach, yet feels even more intimate, simply because it’s the sound of an artist with absolutely nothing to prove. She’s never sounded this relaxed or confident, never sounded this blasé about winning anyone over. It makes perfect sense that the quarantine brought out her best, since she’s always written so poignantly about isolation and the temptation to dream too hard about other people’s far-away lives. (“Last Kiss” is usually a summer favorite, but this year, “hope it’s nice where you are” feels a little too close to the bone.) On Folklore, she dreams up a host of characters to keep her company, and stepping into their lives brings out her deepest wit, compassion, and empathy. And it sounds like for Taylor Swift, her best is yet to come.
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
favorite albums of twenty-twenty:
I’m indecisive, so disclaimer lol. But I wanted to be self-indulgent for a moment and share my very favorite albums of 2020. In a year where I felt both alone and lonely, music was massively important to me. I tried to limit this to my top ten but I’m too indecisive and a lot of amazing music came out this year so there’s eighteen albums lol. Why not. So yeah, enjoy or ignore, I just had the urge to do this. (This isn’t in order except BE, D-2, Maria, and Map of the Soul: 7 are all definitely in the top five.)
Also, if you see this and want to do your own, tag me! I’d love to see your top albums <3 
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↬ BE — BTS
⟶ Top tracks: Telepathy, Blue & Grey, Fly To My Room, Disease, Life Goes On
I mean come on. This was the pandemic album we all needed and I will forever be grateful for this masterpiece. I think this is an album that will grow with me and will kind of act as a companion throughout my life. The musicality, the lyrics, the variety, all of it, it’s just perfection. It feels like a friend who gives you comfort but also makes you confront your emotions, and that was everything I needed this year. I will forever be obsessed with this one. BE is my friend. 
↬ D-2 — Agust D
⟶ Top Tracks: People, Moonlight, Daechwita, What do you think?, Dear my friend
Agust D came back and he fucking owned it. The amount of pure talent and passion in this mixtape is un-fucking-real. Yoongi is just unbelievably talented and this album perfectly displays that. Plus, these songs have been my ride or die since May, like, there isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t listen to this album in full at least once. Just incredible. 
↬ María — Hwasa
⟶ Top Tracks: LMM, Maria, Intro: Nobody Else, WHY, I’m bad too
This album is so connected to my fucking soul. I swear, Ahn Hyejin and I’s emotions are so similar and the way we process them is soooo similar, this album just honestly means the world to me. Plus, it’s amazing. Every song is a masterpiece. Obsessed. Much like D-2, I listen to this album at least once a week. And the number of times I have cried listening to it is unreal. Intro: Nobody Else is very much how I felt this year and LMM has made me cry more times than I care to admit. This album makes me feel what I’m feeling, gives me comfort, and helps me pick myself back up again. Another one that will grow with me. This year through the loneliness and in times that I felt I had no one, this was my companion.  
⟶ Top tracks: Black Swan, Interlude : Shadow, My Time, ON, Friends, Moon, We are Bulletproof: the Eternal, Outro : Ego
Come onnnnnn. Perfection!!!! Quite literally the album that has been there with me through every step of this pandemic. I still cry watching the Ego mv. Why? No clue, just makes me sob tears of happiness. Black Swan? Possibly one of my very favorite songs EVER. OF ALL TIME. My Time? Relatable as fuck. Friends? The cutest thing I’ve ever heard. Moon? I’m sobbing again, that’s my emotional support Seokjinnie. Just, the album is a goddamn masterpiece, I don’t care who disagrees, my opinion is fact on this one.
↬ love is not dying — Jeremy Zucker
⟶ Top tracks: full stop, oh, mexico, hell or flying, lakehouse
Jeremy is another one that I just feel emotionally related too. Like I just get what he says and means and it hits me right in the heart and mind and gut. Another companion album. I think full stop is one of the most relatable songs I’ve ever heard- lyrically and the way it builds and becomes a bit chaotic… like whoah. I feel that in my chest. Also, oh, mexico is another song I related to so hard this year. This album has just made a massive impact on me and I love it.
↬ folklore — Taylor Swift
⟶ Top tracks: seven, peace, the lakes, the 1
So Taylor surprised everyone with an album. What the fuck, ma’am? This is my second favorite Taylor album to date, second to only her second surprise album of the year. Like what? I’ve cried listening to this album and absolutely sobbed listening to seven. She just really popped off with this one and I don’t think I need to explain to you all why this album is so good. If you’ve heard it, you know.
↬ evermore — Taylor Swift
⟶ Top tracks: ivy, cowboy like me, long story short, coney island, gold rush
Oh here we have another surprise album, and now my favorite album by Taylor. I think this album perfectly displays Taylor’s insane lyricism better than any of her works. This album just hit really different for me, every song was my favorite on first listen and I still have the hardest time picking favorite tracks. It’s just beautiful and it’s great and I love it a lot.
↬ SAWAYAMA — Rina Sawayama
⟶ Top tracks: Fuck This World (Interlude), Tokyo Love Hotel, Bad Friend, Comme Des Garçons (Like The Boys)
Have you heard it? If so, you know why it’s on this list. Pop perfection. Rina is a goddess. That’s that. It’s just amazing. Rina is a visionary and this album displays that perfectly. Comme Des Garçons was the first song of hers I ever heard and I was immediately obsessed. Next level, this woman. A queen.
↬ Petals For Armor — Hayley Williams
⟶ Top tracks: Crystal Clear, Why We Ever, Over Yet
Wow. Just, bless Hayley for this. Crystal Clear has quickly become one of my very favorite songs ever and Why We Ever is a little too relatable. And I distinctly remember hearing Over Yet for the first time in May and feeling joy for the first time since the pandemic started. This album is one to listen to when you’re mad, sad, when you need comfort, or when you’re ready to heal. Honestly, another companion.
↬ Nectar — Joji
⟶ Top tracks: Like You Do, Your Man, Sanctuary, MODUS, Run, Mr. Hollywood
I could honestly list nearly every song on this as a top song. Holy shit. Joji is another visionary. He’s insane and I’m obsessed with this album. I swear, every time I listen a new song jumps out as a favorite. Like You Do is a song that just means so much to me. A masterpiece. This album is my go to when I’m looking to get into my feels. Also Daylight isn’t listed in the top tracks but what a fucking bop. I’m just in love with this album. For real, obsessed.
↬ Plastic Hearts — Miley Cyrus
⟶ Top tracks: Angels Like You, High, WTF Do I Know, Midnight Sky, Never Be Me, Plastic Hearts
I’ve never been like an avid listener of Miley, just a few tracks, but this year I got more into her. And this album, goddamn. Every song is a contender for top track. How does that happen? Midnight Sky? Huge for me this year. Like I cannot tell you how massive of an impact this song made on me. Angels Like You is such a perfect song. High is a little too relatable. Just seriously, wow. Kind of speechless, I just adore this album.
↬ Positions — Ariana Grande
⟶ Top tracks: pov, obvious, 34+35
The way I cried my first time hearing pov. Ari what are you doing to me? That song is just such a beautiful way to look at love and this whole album is just so healing. A happy spot on this whole year. 34+35 is a thot anthem and I’m obsessed. This album is just another example of Ariana’s talent and we were all blessed to be able to hear it.
↬ CALM — 5 Seconds of Summer
⟶ Top tracks: Wildflower, Lover of Mine, Best Years, Teeth, High
I don’t care if y’all think it’s cool to like 5sos or not, this album is so fucking good. It far exceeded my expectations. Some of these songs are some of my favorites for the year. Wildflower is a fucking happy pill and Best Years makes me fucking cry. High is too relatable, and Teeth may as well have been written about me. And Lover of Mine perfectly relates to the most important relationship of my entire life. I’m gonna say it, Luke Hemmings is such an underappreciated lyricist. The man is good. I love this album a lot. 
↬ Manic — Halsey
⟶ Top tracks: Finally // beautiful stranger, SUGA’s Interlude, Forever … (is a long time), 3am
I never really listen to Halsey so it took me a long time to give this album a try and wow I’m so glad I finally did. It became an instant fav. Honesty, anything Yoongi touches is a favorite for me so obviously that song would be in my tops, but Forever … (is a long time) is so relatable and just so fucking good. And Finally // beautiful stranger is honestly my favorite Halsey song ever. It’s stunning. This album is amazing. Period.
↬ Future Nostalgia — Dua Lipa
⟶ Top tracks: Pretty Please, Cool, Don’t Start Now
This album is just disco pop perfection and I’ve been obsessed all year. It’s the perfect album to listen to when you just wanna fucking dance and forget about all the shit that 2020 gave us. The perfect escape and it’s so so fun and the songs are just bops. I’ve probably listened to this album a hundred times because it’s just the perfect escape. If I wanna let go for a bit, this is my go to.
↬ Punisher — Phoebe Bridgers
⟶ Top tracks: I Know The End, Chinese Satellite, Garden Song
This album makes me feel some shit. Like holy hell we are in our feels. Phoebe’s songwriting is superb and these songs just hit. I honestly only listen to this album when I really need to get in touch with myself because it literally doesn’t allow me to avoid my feelings. But it’s pretty much perfection and I think it’s going to grow with me throughout the years. I just love it. I remember being blown away on my first listen, it’s just unbelievably good.
↬ Ungodly Hour — Chloe and Halle
⟶ Top tracks: Tipsy, Baby girl, Ungodly Hour
I don’t even know how to explain how good this album is. Like, have you heard it? You get it. These girls went the fuck off and all we can do is thank them for it. Thank you for your service ladies. This album is just a vibe from start to finish. And Ungodly Hour is one of the best title tracks of the year. That’s just that on that. Give them all the awards.
This album isn’t just an album, it’s an experience. This man takes you on a musical journey. It’s a story. It’s flawless. I adore it. DPR LIVE is so underrated and I can’t wait for him to get the hype he deserves. This was the most surprising find this year and I’m so thankful I found it. Just so god. From start to finish, you just get sucked in and then it ends and you’re just left like, whoah. Amazing. 
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docholligay · 4 years
FOR THE FLUFFY DAY: Haruka and Mina + braiding
Fluff piece two! 1778 words, I HOPE THE FACT THAT THESE ARE LONGER ARE MAKING UP FOR QUANTITY. From the Talismans rewrite, located here
Mina didn’t mind a hard night, not really. There was something very clarifying about a good fight, and she understood, in some ways, how Haruka and Mako--sometimes the more annoying of her soldiers-- could constantly be looking to get into the middle of the fray without a second’s thought. It was nice to simply start the ass-beating and skip all of the strategy, sometimes. 
Last night had been like that. Wave on wave of mindless youma, Mina and Rei fighting them off alone for what should have felt like far too long but always filled Mina with a certain amount of dangerous, almost erotic thrill, Rei covering her with a flurry of arrows as she burst into the fray with her chain. 
It had been really fun until Mina got caught out, and then she’d gotten a little more of the business end of the youma than she’d bargained for. It had been fine, really--Mina was rarely defeated even when she was down, and this time was no different--and as the other senshi showed themselves, rushing to the scene, the youma had been defeated with the usual expediency. 
It was always the next morning that got you, though. 
Mina half-limped herself to the couch that morning, still in nothing but the overlarge shirt she’d managed to pull on and her underwear, not bothering with anything else, proud enough of herself for daring to move at all. Her hair hung around her face and how her back, bedraggled and half-tangled from the fight. Magical healing. It was a thing, that much was true, but it never stopped things from hurting. She felt every broken bone, every torn sinew of her muscle, even if it didn’t kill her. Even if it would be all sorted out in a few days, the pull of whatever spell kept them in good order exerting its own painful force on their bodies as it forcibly knit them back together, readying them for the next fight. 
It was a blessing, and it was bullshit, in the way that a lot of things in Mina’s life seemed to be. 
Ignoring the hour on the clock, she pulled a cheap beer out of the fridge, and with herculean effort, her shoulder screaming, popped off the bottle cap, washing down several ibuprofen with the swig of it. She should have bought some Oxys off of Hayato. He always had something, though even Mina couldn’t even begin to guess how he had such a firm supply. 
In fairness, she couldn’t have foreseen the fight last night, and even less so her own misstep. All things being equal, she shouldn’t be shuffling around the apartment. She gave a gaze to the various takeout boxes and other assorted foods in the tiny kitchen, but shook her head, before realizing what and awful choice that was and enjoying a full-body wince, which caused other parts to hurt, and as the black dot confetti of pain settled over her, she managed to slump onto the couch. 
She normally didn’t mind a hard night, but this was a little much. 
The heavy footfall across the apartment meant her roommate was up and around. She wasn’t in any mood for whatever sort of angst having seen Michiru last night was going to bring out in Haruka, and closed her eyes. Maybe she could play dead. 
“Mina, you okay?” 
No such luck. Mina opened one eye and looked at her. She was still a string bean, gaining weight back slowly from the twin indulgences of drinking too much and eating too little over the past months, but if Mina was being fair, she’d been a good deal more stable lately. She’d banned herself from liquor and reminded herself to eat and managed to stay away from picking fights with groups of men, ever since Mina read her the riot act a few weeks ago. 
No reason to disincentivize her acting more like a human being interested in her own survival. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she shuffled uncomfortably, “just feeling the consequences of my actions from last night.”
She chuckled, which was a mistake, and she closed bother her eyes again, taking a sip of her beer. 
“You fought really good,” Haruka nodded, “I wish I’d been there sooner.” 
“Unfortunately,” MIna pointed to Haruka with the tip of her beer bottle, “no matter how many times I ask, they refuse to RSVP. We’d be so much better prepared.” 
Haruka pushed back her hair and smiled. “Yeah.” 
They looked at each other for a moment, and then Haruka nodded again. “Hang on just a sec.” 
She hurried away from the couch, and MIna laid her head back on the couch. She was going to have to call in for her shift tonight, see if she could get someone to cover. She hated to miss out on the money, but even if she managed to drag herself into the club tonight, no man was going to want to spend time with a wincing hostess, covered in bruises. It was a lost cause to begin with, and her boss liked her, or at least her popularity with the patrons, so a call-in it would have to be. 
Mina was still thinking on these things when Haruka reappeared with two scruffy pillows from her own bed and a fluffy comforter that must have been tucked away somewhere in Haruka’s small room. Haruka sat delicately on the edge of the couch and swept her arm behind Mina’s shoulder, carefully pulling her forward and placing the pillows behind her. Mina opened her mouth to say something, but found herself quite unable, as Haruka tucked the comforter around her. How long had it been since someone had taken care of her like this? Her parents were busy with their work and the too-many kids they’d had for reasons that utterly escaped Mina, to bother as soon as she could reach the kitchen countertops. People didn’t naturally take care of me. She was not someone who appeared to need any kind of care. 
Maybe Haruka just that way, herself. Mina had seen, over the months they’d been roommates, that she was much softer than she put off. It wasn’t that she was stupid--she’d always known Haruka’s bravado was a front--but she’d taken it as a question of ego less than self-protectiveness, and on this she had found herself to be at least somewhat mistaken. 
“That’s better,” Haruka said, tugging at the sweater she wore, “It’ll make you feel better.” 
The reassurance, Mina thought, was maybe just as much for Haruka as it was for herself, but she appreciated it nonetheless, and the old couch, found on a sidewalk, was more comfortable with addition of a few pillows. 
“I bet I look as grody as I feel,” Mina gave a wry smile, “No one’s paying today.” 
Haruka laughed. “I mean...yeah, you look, kinda not great.” 
“You can’t even lie for me?” 
“I mean, I can try.”  
Mina remembered not to shake her head. “Don’t hurt yourself, bud.” 
Haruka stood up and hurried off again, back quicker this time with Mina’s hairbrush and a ponytail holder. She sat down near Mina’s head and settled herself in. 
“Here,” she puled Mina’s hair back from the pillow, “Let me help” 
“What are you gonna do?” she closed her eyes again, “Not exactly Vidal Sassoon, judging by your haircut.” 
Haruka began to comb her hair, gently pulling at the tangles like Mina was a small child, her hair growing smooth beneath her touch. 
“I’m really good at braiding! I used to wear my hair that way, till I cut it, basically every day. Besides,” she shrugged, “I dunno who Vidal Sassoon is, so doesn’t bother me.” 
Mina looked up at the ceiling, feeling the strokes as they took the roughness and fight out of her hair. “When did you cut it?” 
“I was thirteen,” She laughed softly, “Did it myself with a pair of kitchen scissors.” 
“I bet you looked like a dreamboat.” 
“Yeah, my mom’s boyfriend was sure to tell me how ugly I was, and she didn’t argue.” She touched lightly on the moment, and just as quickly fled from it, “Anyway, I’ve worn it short ever since, but you know, you never really forget how to do this.” 
Mina was about to doubt her when she spread her hair out into three equal sections, looping them over and under with a quick flick of her wrist, a careful balance between too loose nd too restricting that seemed carefully learned. 
“I used to do this for the other girls on the track team, if they let me,” Mina felt her shrug, “Some girls don’t like me touching them. You know, cause...obviously.” 
“Not obviously.” She looked over her forehead to Haruka, a strange swell of protectiveness coming over her. “Fuck those bitches. Seriously. Bold of them to assume you’d want anything to do with them anyway. Bunch of gawky, awkward horsey girls.” 
Another effortless twist. “Then I’m an awkward horsey girl.” 
“You’re awkward emotionally. But at least you’re handsome.” she looked back at the ceiling. “And don’t say you aren’t, I make it my business to know what good-looking is. I don’t want to fuck you, but you’re definitely fuckable, Haruka.” 
“Thanks, I think.” 
She finished at the bottom of Mina’s hair and tied up the end with the holder, quicker than Mina herself had ever managed it. “Keep it out of your way.” 
“You are good at that, I stand corrected.” 
Haruka stood up. “Anyway, I’ll make you some udon noodles are something, and then I can leave you alone. I’ll go...to the arcade or something, no big deal.” 
She turned to walk the short distance to their kitchen, adjusting her sweater. 
“Hey, Haruka,” Mina lifted a hand, ignoring the pain, and grabbed the edge of her pants, “You don’t have to leave. We can hang out. Be nice to have some company.” 
“Yeah?” she smiled, and Mina saw the strange glint of hope in her eyes. 
“Besides,” she let her hand drop, “who else is gonna take care of me? Can’t exactly call Rei over here, even though she’d love to find me prone and helpless.” she affected a high pitched voice, “let’s paint our nails and talk about girls, Ruka.” 
“Ruka,” she looked at the ground and chuckled, “Okay if you want me to stay, I’ll make us both some noodles,” the smile stayed on her face, even though she seemed to by trying to dull it, “we’ll--I mean all I have is like, nail clippers and--” 
“Why don’t you just hang around and be my friend?” 
Haruka beamed. “Yeah. I can do that.” 
There was something clarifying about a good fight. 
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