#becuse the first time i watched it i was like
45780 · 8 months
Pray for Matthew Gray Gubler.
I would say that there is nothing wrong with him but with the amount of bleach I'd wash my mouth out with if I was him he's probably gonna have problems.
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Poor boy. He didn't sign up for making out a pile of shit.
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karinyosa · 2 months
cleaning out my following list and am being reminded of the phase i had where i was trying to make myself feel about being wlw the way i felt about being mlm (which is not what i called it at the time and also i was bisexual at this time) and i did this by. following every random carol fan blog i could find jshdsjhshjdsdcjhsdjchsbjdcgshdcjsdghcjh
#to be fair this phase introduced me to some banger media#but i literally was like so disturbed by how i felt about mlm media that i tried to compensate by placing myself in as much proximity to wl#media/aesthetics as possible. which meant. LATCH ONTO THE FIRST WLW MOVIE YOU EVER WATCH APPARENTLY#i was trying to train myself to be sapphic/a better sapphic?? and present as such. Online#which i feel like sapphic is a different thing from being wlw/gay (for women) but thats another conversation#but yeah LMAO i was like i need to be reading/watching more WOMAN media. man PURGE#bizarre form of not quite conversion therapy i dont even know what to say lmaooooooo#karinyo.txt#but yeah no like the way i dressed was to an extent how i imagined a specific type of bisexual/sapphic woman might dress#and i was trying to seek out wlw media that was like. the wlw equivalent of the mlm media i liked. like i thought the issue was the type#of media i'd seen. this is how i got into within the wires#which is a BANGER podcast to be fair wtw season 2 SLAPS. love those insane old women <3#but no yeah i was like. it's hashtag carol christmas smiling emoji smiling emoji#literally hello fellow sapphics#this is why part of me is still like maybe the only reason i dont like girls is becuse i associate that with being a woman HJDHFJSHJ#like maybe when he gets on testosterone he'll be slightly more bisexual#may also have had something to do with the fact that most of my friends strongly preferred women and/or ided as wlw-adjacent at the time?#like i also just wanted to be seen by them as having good taste shdskdsjdkj#hence. man purge
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indecisive-capricorn · 3 months
Headcanons to Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman Reader:
WARNINGS: Fluff, a few dirty jokes (if you're not 18+, please don't read this post), a few mentions of death, etc.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before everyone reads this, I just want to say that the timeline begins way before ATSV. Like, it starts around the same time as the Miguel O'Hara we see in the SATSV credit scene. Also yes, the dirty jokes might have been a little unnecessary but I couldn't help myself, it was literally right there! And I wanted to make this longer but I'll just continue it with a part II instead. :)
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)
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On the day you had met Miguel O'Hara, you felt relieved and lucky to have another superhero alongside you. Not just because you are the clumsiest spider woman to probably ever live and needed some help before you get into an accident from slipping becuse of a banana or a bag or had fallen down multiple times during a fight for no reason at all. Seriously, it's not your fault. You either have bad luck or just have really bad balance but either way, meeting Miguel O'Hara for the first time had assured you that you weren't the only one going through everything you have endured as a superhero.
You were a loner practically because of your secret life. You were aware of the dangers that could happen to you and to those you tell your secrets to, so you decided to keep your mouth shut on it until Miguel came along.
Miguel was a little awkward but quite nice to you during your first meeting after he had helped you defeat a Doctor Octavius who was not from your dimension. Miguel explained to you about the multiverse and how people like the Doctor Octavius who came to your dimension are called anomalies and his plans to create a team of spider people to keep the universe in balance. You were a little reluctant to join at first because let's face it, you already have a lot of trouble keeping your own dimension's villain in place and you didn't want to burden Miguel either, but eventually, you agreed.
Miguel said so himself that he had only recently found a way to go to other dimensions but it's a little tricky and because of it, the team was still small and consisted only of a few members, including Miguel, you, another spider woman named Jessica Drew who's a total badass and a Peter Benjamin Parker who looks quire similar to your old college friend, Peter Parker but that's a story for another time.
In almost all of your missions, you were paired up with Miguel. You've went on a few missions with Peter and Jess too, but you worked mostly with Miguel and actually got bonded well with him. At first you two got along over your love for empanadas and although you were under the impression that Miguel might be a humourless, stoic guy, you were met with the complete opposite. Sure, he can be serious at times but he was also funny and casual and loves to joke with you in his own sarcastic way.
Miguel trained you as well. Whenever you made a mistake during training or during the missions, he would help teach you a move or two to help improve your skill and you've always appreciated that, especially when you noticed how he was using his free time to train you, outside of working hours, even when the sun was already setting.
Since the two of you are practically partners-in-crime at work or sometimes jokingly called work wife and work husband by Peter and Jess, you would be around each other most of the time. While Miguel would be busy finishing an invention in his lab, a watch that's supposed to bring you to any dimension you want and stops the person wearing them from glitching, you were busy watching for any anomalies that might pop up in the dimensions. Miguel insisted for you to do it near him, so that way he could glance at the screens every once in a while too when he stops momentarily for a break.
You were the one to always remind him to eat, either bringing him some homemade empanadas, which became his personal favourite ever since he took the first bite but he'll never admit it to you , for lunch or lasagna for dinner. It became a habit at that point and you end up bringing two homemade dishes instead of one to work. The first time you gave him some of your homemade food, Miguel was insistent to pay you back somehow, though it was hard for him to resist any of the food you give him. Either out of hunger or just because his tongue loves the way all the food you bring tastes. And technically, it's not the only thing his tongue loves to taste if you swing in the right direction and put enough courage to it. ;)
However, when you were secretly watching Miguel— yes, you're quite nosy — as he took over to check for any anomalies on the screens, you couldn't help but notice that he would always look to a particular dimension. You weren't sure which dimension it is, but you knew that the Miguel O'Hara in that dimension has a daughter named Gabriella. You caught him looking over to that dimension a couple more times but dismissed it to be nothing and decided to mind your own business on it.
You only began to become suspicious when Miguel didn't come to his missions or even come to Spider Society. Miguel had managed to recruit a lot more spider variants but it was very unlike him to not be present in the team. Out of everyone, Miguel was the one who insisted for Jess, Peter and you to work just as hard when the team was still little. And the times Miguel did come for missions or to make an invention, he would always be in a hurry, as if he had some other businese to attend to.
Miguel could also be a bit unfocus at times. One time, you noticed him staring at a file about a mission report and tried to ask him an absurd question. "Miguel?" "Hm?" "Is it alright if I redecorate the whole office and cover it with hot pink glitter and rainbows?" "Sure, as long as you think it's benefical for the mission."
You were of course a little very hurt by his frequent absence but you didn't want to immediately confront him about it. You knew how hard it was for Miguel to manage a whole team, especially one that's growing rapidly by the day, so you tried to be understanding and stayed quiet about it.
That was until one day, you had enough. Your patience could only go so far and that thin line broke when Miguel had suddenly left during an important mission. The mission was a success and you managed to take down the anomaly, but after the fight, you were left with a severely broken arm. When Miguel received news about your state, he quickly went over to the infirmary where you were being treated at. You were silent the whole time he was apologizing to you for abruptly leaving and began tending to your arm instead of the spider healer that had been assigned to you.
Miguel had stuck around, bringing in snacks and drinks to comfort you during your time in the infirmary until the sun went down. He used the excuse that he needed to do check the multiverse for any activities of an anomaly. However, you knew that wasn't the case and right after he left the infirmary, you soon followed after him, making sure to be careful and silent with your steps.
When Miguel had arrived to his office, you noticed him using his newest invention, the watch that allows anyone to go to another dimension, and witnessed firsthand as he disappeared into a portal. You managed to slip into the portal but since you weren't thinking things through, you had completely forgotten that the portals were often opened from the sky, and with that broken arm of yours, it's no wonder you might get more injuries from the fall. Thankfully though, your instincts kicked in and it was around night time as well, so you managed to stick your webs to the building before you hit the ground and without anyone noticing you.
After landing on the ground, you were eventually able to follow Miguel again but turned confused when you saw him going into a house that you were unfamiliar with. You had been to Miguel's universe before and knew what his home looked like in Nueva York, but you were not in Miguel's universe and the house he had went to looked less extravagant than the penthouse he had let you stayed in for the night, which you promised to yourself to never discuss it with anyone.
You observed from a far distance to ensure that Miguel wouldn't catch you and watched as he climbed into the window on the second floor of the house and you began to get doubtful of your suspicions, wonderinv if perhaps he was just on a secret mission you didn't know about. Miguel tends to be secretive at times.
An old lady soon stepped out of the house, seemingly a neighbour, but what shocked you was that when the house door opened for the old lady to go out, you saw a glimpse of Miguel with Gabriella.
You froze in your spot for some time, completely dumbstruck by the revelation. When you finally snapped out of your trance, you noticed Miguel and Gabriella watching a soccer match on the television, actively cheering for their favourite team with popcorn and sodas. You were amused slightly at the sight but not so much with the idea of what exactly was happening at that moment because as far as you know, Miguel never had a daughter to begin with in his own dimension.
So, to be sure, you went back to headquarters and checked the backgrounde of both Gabriella's and Miguel's universes. With Lyla's help, you found out that Gabriella's father, the Miguel O'Hara in her universe, had been killed several weeks ago— the exact same time your well, not your your Miguel became more absent in the Spider Society. It was a canon event and nothing could be done to prevent it or else it could have caused chaos. You became suspicious and after checking his watch's history, you discovered ghat Miguel had went to Gabriella's dimension during the important mission and he had also went there multiple times during his frequent absence at work.
You confronted Miguel about it after you had gathered all of the evidence to prove what he had been up to the past several weeks. You didn't want to be harsh but you knew you needed to be upfront about it, knowing how Miguel is like. It wasn't much of a confrontation but you had asked him for his side of the story. You wanted to hear his reasons.
Miguel explained to you that he wanted to raise Gabriella for the time being until he can find a suitable guardian for her since Gabriella's father was raising her by himself without her mother nor grandparents. Miguel didn't want Gabriella to know that her father had been killed either since it would distress her, so he had secretly been living as the Miguel O'Hara in that universe. You understood his reasons, of course, but you warned him that if he doesn't find a guardian for Gabriella soon, there will be consequences for both him and Gabriella's universe.
Even after you had warned him, Miguel still kept on going to Gabriella's universe, but he was a little more present at work as well. You avoided Miguel as much as you could at work, finding it to be ironic that the man who was dedicated to protecting the multiverse was also about to disrupt another universe's canon. However, you couldn't blame him either. Gabriella is his own child in another universe and having to go through a parent's death is already hard enough as it is, especially at a young age. Miguel was trying to protect her from that pain as long as he could until he was able to find a suitable guardian for her, which is really hard since before her father's death, Gabriella lived alone with her father and had no other family. From the universe's data, her mother had left after she had given birth to Gabriella and Gabriella's grandparents from Miguel's side had already died while Gabriella's mother's family wanted nothing to do with them.
Although you understood his reasons for continuing, you still feared of the consequences that might come to Miguel and Gabriella, so after your missions, you would go to Gabriella's dimension and watched over her from a distance to check if there were any glitches or potential dangers around her, even when Miguel was not around her. Miguel noticed it eventually, but instead of scolding or confronting you about it, he introduced you to Gabriella and told her that you're "Papa's good friend from work".
Gabriella was shy and quiet when you first met her, but after meeting her a few more times, she slowly opened up and revealed her curious side to you. Gabriella is quite adorable and would sometimes aske you questions about her father and how close the two of you are. You didn't find it odd, especially since Gabriella's father probably didn't bring any of his friends back home to meet Gabriella, and answered all of Gabriella's questions with enthusiasm.
At first, you only wanted to meet Gabriella a couple times just so that you knew what she is like, but you weren't able to say no when Gabriella had asked if you could go to her soccer match on Thursday with big, wide eyes. Okay, you admit you have a soft spot for children but how can anyone blame you for saying yes when an adorable kid asks you to go to their soccer match looking all excited?
You ended up going to Gabriella's soccer match and Miguel was a little smug that you came, especially since you didn't really want to get too attached to Gabriella, but Miguel didn't comment anything about it and just bought you some snacks for the soccer match while you two cheer for Gabriella. She was so excited when she realized that you came and hugged you tightly after she had won the match, though Gabriella turned a little sad when you had to leave. In order to cheer her up, you made a pinky promise to Gabriella that she will see you soon enough.
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infernothechaosgod · 7 months
I saw a guy here once draw his oryginal character (ftm) in this cute crop top hoodie in pastel trans flag colors and overall it looked very cute and nice I thought nothing of it
And my honest reaction to that is Fuck you
First off Trans people litellary everywhere keep on telling you that clothes are just a pice of fabric and faminity and masculinity don't equal gender
Second off You have no right to enter a space of a group youre not in and tell that group what they should be offended by Based on how YOU, NOT A PART OF THAT SPACE, COMMUNITY OR GROUP feel
Not our fault you need fabric to help YOU respect OTHERS as if you were a baby needing arrows everywhere to know where to look at becuse youre too dumb to figure it out yourself
It honestly reminds me of this one time a cisgender woman made a whole video about how to write trans characters And she just non stop kept saying "don't make trans men feminine or anything like that or trans women masculine, trans men are never feminine it makes them dysphoric same for trans women!" as if we were some animals that cannot speak up ourselfs
Third off
These people could not handle trans stories No matter what they'll say becuse they would immidietly be upset when a trans character is
"Too young to figure it out!" "Not dysphoric at slight feminity/masculinity in themselfs!" "comfortable with their body ever???" "not Afraid of litellary everything and everyone becuse they figured out there trans???" "depressed 24/7!" "Not focused on it enough"
not in pain
Not discusted with themselfs 90% of the story
Acting like a happy human
Being more than just the trans character
They cannot be a warrior, a healer, a leader of any kind, a mage, a wizard, a protector, a genius, anyhow charismatic, memorable
They or the fact there trans cannot be memorable so you can cut either them or the fact there trans out of your mind when youre done watching the series or movie or reading the book or comic anything
Also they would be upset if the story about being trans happen anytime before 2000s Or the trans character wasn't white
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spacebarbarianweird · 11 days
✨Unsolicited Lore Dump✨
I was tagged by dear @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate —you asked, you shall receive. Here's some Space Barb Lore Dump.
Do you make your bed? Sure, I hate when it's messy in the room
Favorite number? Any number if it's money on my account
What’s your job? I am a narrative designer and a writer. I also sometimes teach English
If you could go back to school would you? Nope. I am traumatized
Can you parallel park? Yes, but I don't have a license
Do you think aliens are real? Sure!
Can you drive a manual car? Yes, but, again, I don't have the licence becuse the whole process of receiving one is extremely corrupted
What’s your guilty pleasure? I'm watching trash reality shows
Tattoos? Six! And gonna get more!
Favorite color? Black and red
Favorite types of music? Folk rock, power metal. I can make a whole post about my fav bands!
Do you like puzzles? Not really
Any phobias? Being kidnapped, losing my freedom
Favorite childhood sport? I don't have any
Do you talk to yourself? All the time!
What movies do you adore? Horrors, fantasy adventures, thrillers
Coffee or tea? Tea all the time. Every time. I drink with my dinner and breakfast, I also like to eat something spicy and drink tea after
First thing you wanted to be growing up? To be able to travel where I want and be free to walk or go whenever and wherevr I want
Tagging @themadlu @vixstarria @seaofdaydreams
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I always wondered how it would have been if the recoms had noticed Spider, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk first. They would have observed first, if not mostly because of Spider, and it'd be interesting to consider what would be going through their heads as they watch the kids fool around.
I think Quaritch would realize who Spider is pretty quickly; his age lines up, and his features resemble Paz too much to be a coincidence, and that'll certainly throw him for a loop.
It's obvious who Kiri and Lo'ak belong too with their eyebrows and five fingers.
How long would they watch? What decision would Quaritch make?
Ok you begged me to write this and I honestly have to bc JEHDISFNSJFJ ITS SUCH AN INTERESTING IDEA🥹🥰
The recombinants went dead silent when they heard laughter and chatter in the distance. Slowly creeping through the foliage towards the noise, they kept their rifles up, ready to face whatever savages were ahead.
Only to be met with a group of children. Three Na’vi and…a human? The recoms murmured amongst each other until Miles shushed them, straining his eyes to take a closer look at the blonde boy with painted blue stripes. Something about him was awfully familiar.
He began noticing certain details, gears turning in his head as he analysed the kid’s features.
His brows were bushy and naturally furrowed, too much like his, but his lips were round, a lot like Paz, his past lover.
And then he giggled at something a Na’vi boy had said and his mouth spread in a smile with prominent canines. A spitting image of Socorro.
No. He thought. There was no way.
But the dates aligned too well. Miles Junior was born one and a half decade ago, passing his sixteenth birthday only a few months ago and this wildling fit the image perfectly, still baby-faced, but with plenty of muscle and quite the height for his age.
“Colonel..” Lyle whispered, gears turning in his head as well. “…That boy looks kinda like-”
“Paz.” Miles finished for him. “…and me.”
“Christ…” Fike breathed out and the squad began murmuring again.
“Look at the rest of them boss. They’re half-bloods like us, each with five fingers..” Lyle pointed at them.
“And that taller brat looks like a damn copy of Sully.” Miles concluded.
Shit. What kind of cruel joke was this? His son was friends with the children of his sworn enemy? Speaking their language? Painting himself blue to be like them? The man was suddenly overcome with a strong urge to pounce on the group and snatch the blonde away, look him in the eyes and tell him that he was back, and that those monsters who took his real family weren’t his allies.
And yet he stood as still as a statue, mesmerised by the boy those kids called "Spider" more and more every minute, drinking in his voice, his mannerisms, and finding further hints of himself and his lover in them. The teen was clearly a confident one, with a playful, snarky attitude and the colonel couldn’t wait to hear him speak English.
If he knew the language, that is.
“So what’s the plan, sir?” Corporal asked, and Quaritch’s brow furrowed in thought.
The children clearly got along well despite Sully’s rivalry with the RDA, and the man couldn’t deny that seeing his boy so happy and relaxed made some sort of warm glow pool in his heart…
But a new, alien part of him, the one he was yet unfamiliar with, felt jealous becuse he wasn’t on the receiving end of that laughter or the teasing. Something dark and irrational scratched against his ribs at the sight, envy boiling just beneath his skin.
Is this what fatherhood felt like? He thought, is this what it felt like to be possessive of one’s young? Because Miles hated how it clawed on him, clouding his judgment.
“Surround them.” The recom growled and the squad flinched at the threatening aura, before hurrying to follow his order.
Miles and his young Junior were overdue for a family reunion.
Me on my way to post at the worst time and watch my lil’ drabble go unnoticed 🤭
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paperlovesadness · 8 months
Okay - listen up babes. We need some positive / reasonable energy up in here. I'm not gonna pretend I'm completely normal and not dissapointed by this turn of events. Because of course I am! (though still holding up some hope). And because these guys are my hyperobsession and I had too much time on my hands this evening apparently - and I wanted to see just how out of the norm this whole situation was - I spent some time on setlist.fm today (becuse even though I watched all these performances a thousand times each, my memory for details and dates and numbers is awful and I needed to do it in a research manner). So from what I gather (please correct me if I [and setlist.fm] am wrong though and missed something obvious!) Miles and Alex singing "Standing Next to Me" together beyond the Puppets is something that happened only 5 times ever? Alex only ever joined Miles at his gigs to sing SNTM 4 times:
Olympia Paris in 2012,
Worthy Farm in 2013
Glastonbury 2013
and of course the infamous La Cigale 2018.
And Miles joined the Monkeys once for a rare ocurrence of singing SNTM at an AM concert:
Finsbury Park 2014.
Some other interesting facts to note about 2014 Finsbury Park are:
They played that venue two days in a row (May 23rd and May 24th)
Miles also had a set there - featured as a special guest / support but just on May 24th.
People expected him to still show up May 23rd for 505 - he didn't.
People expected him to come play 505 on May 24th - he didn't.
He did then join Alex for SNTM for the encore though, after 505 without him was done.
Now does that explain away the hype Miles was kind of building up, hinting at the Puppets before Ireland? Not really I guess. But then Miles is just a happy, enthusiastic guy and maybe all he meant by it was a reference to their reunion playing the same venue. Either way - this isn't the first time Miles is seemingly with no logic not playing 505 despite being there, it's also not the first time they wait until the last date of a place to bring him on despite hype and speculation (also see: us waiting around for three days straight in a prayer circle manifesting and losing hope for Miles to join 505 in London this tour). Edging might just be their speciality 👀 Or perhaps the speciality is keeping things special by only doing them a certain number of times. Saving best for last, not overdoing it (come to think of it; no way in this universe they'd do a Puppets song three days in a row while the band is inatcive. In any context ever. It takes attention away from their main projects; which is in a way showing a lack of respect for those. And also just totally ruins the flow, aesthetic and consistancy I think they both like to build in their performances - Alex especially). Personally I'm holding up hope for 505 tomorrow. And if that doesn't happen I'll probably just be back with a post trying to understand it. (Honestly there just has to be a normal explanation. As people have been saying here - there's no actual signs of bad blood and also even if there were - they're too professional to just abandon a gig plan over a spat if they were in fact initially planning to do that everyday. So that's not a valid explenation to me. I just think they weren't ever plannning to do it in the first place).
Let us see what tomorrow brings!
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justalittledumb · 9 months
Yandere! Venti X GN reader
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You're entirely new to the region of Mondstadt, having moved there only few Days ago. Everyone seems to be extremely nice! Well almost everyone... There's this bard, for some reason he's been staring at you. Never talking, just staring from a distance. Most people told you you shouldn't worry, he's probably just drunk they said. Well either he's drunk 24/7 or they were wrong, (Both actually) becuse it's been multiple days and he's still staring at you everytime you see him and when you don't see him too.
🍃 Venti's reaction upon seeing you for the first time was... Worrisome to say the least.
🍃 From the moment he saw you, something deep inside of him just made him stare, he didn't know why but... This random human was all he could think about. Nothing was able to stop it, not even wine!
🍃 Something about you was just so... captivating. Maybe it was how you looked like, maybe it was your personality? The bard wasn't sure himself, all that he knew is that he REALY liked you for some reason...
🍃He would try to find out more about you, following you around silently, watching your every little move~
🍃 Seeing you go about your business only made him even more obsessed. He no longer would even drink! Spending all the time that he could simply looking at you from afar, falling in love more and more each Day.
🍃 Venti is a god of freedom, he never would have kidnaped and imprisoned you, that goes against all he stands for... However, if for some reason you would need to leave Mondstadt, he would follow you, leaving his nation behind.
🍃 He would take a role of you Guardian angel, making sure nothing bad ever happens to you, while never reaveling himself to you.
🍃 Venti is overall a harmless, Stalker yandere. Tho creepy, you most likely won't even realise he Likes you.
🍃 In conclusion, he is one of the better yanderes you can have.
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Hiya! This is the first thing I ever written! I Hope you enjoyed it 😚, and if not. I'm open to constructive criticism and would love to hear your feedback. Bye now! Remember to drink Water and get enough sleep
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
Hi! I just saw you're taking requests for LOTR and The Hobbit, and was wondering if maybe you could write something Legolas x Reader.
I was just watching the Battle of the five armies, and got an idea. What if, when Thranduil sends Legolas to the north to find Strider, he ends up meeting the reader (who is also a Dúnedain) and she's the one who helps him find Aragorn, becuse she's his friend?
Sorry if that was way too specific.
Thank you so much!
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legolas greenleaf x female! reader
pretty much the ask :)
word count: 903 words reading time: about 5 minutes warnings: none really
Travelling alone can provide many advantages like added freedom, quietness, independence. But it also held various disadvantages like loneliness, solitude, stress. But it was a life you choose, one you deserve. But sometime you had a companion, someone to share a few stories with on the road. Strider was what he called himself. He was a man you ran into a few times on the road, a man you would call your friend.
Never would you thought someone, let alone an elf, would come out looking for him. The man thought he was tracking Strider, thinking he would find him in a few days and return home before the season was done. Yet it was you who he found at the end of the trail, a figure wrapped up in a cloak camping by the river. After days of riding, you had finally stopped for a rest allowing him to catch up. Now he had seen you he could taste home once more.
Despite Legolas thinking you had not noticed him you had, you had known you had someone following you for sometime. One could call it a gut feeling, or simply the world telling you to keep an eye out. Tending to the fire you watch your horse turn to look in the forest behind you, seemingly knowing someone else was there. Signalling to you your stalker had arrived and caught up to you. You gave off no indication you knew he was there, to lure him into thinking he had the upper hand. It was unsure if this unknown man had good or bad intentions, though you were positive you would find out.
"Come forward," Your voice rings out amongst the silence, a large surprise to Legolas thinking he had been successful at being hidden. But as you call out to him seemingly unfazed by knowing he was here, it was clear to him you have known for sometime. Stays put for a few more moments, yet it seemed it only annoys you. "I said, come forward. Less you plan to stay there for the rest of the night." At your more biting tone, he took a few steps forward. Almost shamefully walking up to you as a small child would after doing something wrong.
"How long have you known?" This is the first question he asks wanting to see how long you have known. Chuckling slightly you continue to poke the fire, ensuring the coals are still hot. "For some time now. I have a feeling I've had someone watching me." Finally, you turn to look at him, a cocky grin on your face. It seemed this encounter was full of surprises as the last thing he expected to see was a woman.
But not any woman, a beautiful one.
Taking in the unknown elf's appearance you could not help but believe he was attractive. Nodding your head towards the fire you speak "Take a seat, you travelled this far." Cautiously Legolas approached you, as though he was waiting for you to pull out a weapon and strike him. But you did no such thing, just offering him a seat by a fire.
"Thank you," he mutters taking a seat across from you, your eyes drift from him and back to the fire. The both of you simply sitting in uneasy silence, not knowing what the other one thinks. Legolas feared you may attack him, whereas you simply wonder what his reason was for following you. Not being one to like having questions you simply ask, "Why were you following me? Surely I can't be that important to have an elf trailing me."
Legolas appeared to be taken back by your forwardness, not expecting you to outright ask him questions. The pair of you did not even knew each other's names and yet here you were asking him questions as though you were acquainted. It took him a moment to answer, thinking if he should lie or simply tell the truth. But he decided there would be no harm in it, from what he could tell you travelled alone. "I am looking for a man that is called Strider. His help is needed to save the realm."
There is silence for a moment before you begin to laugh loudly, finding his words amusing. 'Save the Realm', the loner and almost standoffish man could not possibly help save the realm. Legolas was shocked at your laughter, thinking such a thing would desire a bit more seriousness. "You must be mistaken, I have met this Strider. I doubt he would be involved in saving the realm. Besides what you are even saving the realm from?"
"I can't tell you that," was his response one that made you raise an eyebrow. Thinking for a moment you hummed looking Legolas in the eyes as you spoke "What if I helped you find him?" He perked up at this, you knew where to find him? Many questions appeared in his mind, along with many warnings about you, but none he listened to. For with your help he could return home by the end of the season with this Strider in tow. "Truly?" His voice was unsure, waiting for you to laugh once more and tell him not to be stupid. "Truly, we'll leave at dawn," you grin, looking back to the fire.
Thus, it was the start of your adventure together.
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The Benefit of the Doubt
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TW: Smut. Language. Spanking. Degrading Kink. Praise Kink. Daddy Kink. 
SUMMARY: You convince Rafe not to punish you by offering something more rewarding for him. 
steveharringtonswifey09 asked:
I just had a great idea When i Saw a Tiktok and im gonna script This is gonna happend okay so basicly reader is being idk like bratty or annoying or something and When rafe goes to get mad at her she just sits in his lap and starts kitten licking on his neck and giving it kisses and rafe is like “you Can’t ju-Woah wh-whatcha doing kitten…. St-stop no no no im ab-about to punish you do-dont do that…fu-fuck” and he does punish her after some time but first he lets her do her thing becuase obviously she just wanted attention like maybe she was just not doing anything he was saying out with friends and stuff but after she does that like 10 minutes later he Kinda comes back to what was happening becuse he Kinda just forgot and Then he punishes her and ofc its me so ofc ofc daddy kink and degration and praise kink and spanking also like he spansk her so the next Day When they go out to Meet friends again he makes her Wear a skirt and everyone Can see what happend the Day before
The Benefit of The Doubt
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked with clenched teeth as you craned around him, an arm stationed around the back of his shoulders as you supplied your weight into his lap, a gentle series of kisses at his ear as you felt him clench beneath you. 
“You don’t get to-” But in his attempts to be dominant, the way your lips felt at his skin had been enough to quiver his domineering spirit. His fingers were at your hip, immediately at a pull the skin beneath your dress as he was a glutton for you just as you were to torment him this pleasurable consideration of a reserved or even altered punishment.
“You know you messed up-”
“And I’m trying to make it right…daddy.” His jaw clenched at the name he required as a constant to the contrast of his name. “Please let me make it right for you.”
“No…You don’t get to just…you don’t-oh fuck…” But as you committed to this seduction, your body became magnetized to his. Lips to his ear that draped to his neck, a tongue teasing the hot skin beneath, and a second hand to his cock, endorsing him even harder than he was as his hand came to the back of your neck. 
“My bad girl is trying to be good, aren’t you?”
“For you, daddy.” He was suddenly directing you to your knees. 
“You REALLY want to show me you’re sorry…then you know I want you to cry for me, just like you always do…”
“Yes, daddy.” You were recovering from the force of his push while your fingers unlatched him from his confines. Cock at attention, you drooled over the tip as you were accustomed to before feeling a grip to your hair forcing you to face him. 
“You close those eyes for anything more than a blink and I’m gonna bruise that sweet little voice I love telling me you wanna come for me. You don’t want that do you?”
“No…” His brow cocked as you intentionally ‘forgot’ what was expected out of you. 
“No WHAT?”
“No daddy…”
“For that…you don’t get to use your hands.” You nodded and went to work over his shaft, beginning slowly at his tip before being forced to take him in total. Your reflex worsened by that of his thick head and crying tip as you were able to taste his approval despite his words berating you otherwise. 
“Look at you. Such a little whore on your knees…so desperate to prove you’re sorry…” You nodded, “Crying over me and shit…But that’s not gonna be enough and you know it.” Your head continued to bob. 
“Lucky for you…I love you enough to want you to learn a lesson and not just hurt you…and lucky for me, you know exactly how I want it.” He watched you acquiesce still, your eyes remaining targeted to his own as you took him closer and closer to an edge he would deny himself as he then pulled you away. 
“You don’t deserve me yet…gotta earn it, sweetheart.” You nodded as he would take you over his lap in a straddle, the tease of his cock’s head would be felt against your panties as he would smirk. 
“Desperate, aren't we my dirty little girl? Hmm? Want me inside that tight little pussy that only knows me so well? Even though you wanted everyone at the course today to see how I love you in lace?”
“I’m sorry-”
“You will be.” You were bent over his knee, a swat to your ass over your skirt having made him grin while you gasped to the feeling. 
“I'll make it the perfect shade as always baby…but I’ll make it welt if I have to…You know I don’t mind.” 
“Yes daddy.”
“So start counting.”
“One-” Swat!
“Two!” You belted, moaning as he contradicted the pain with pleasure as he set his finger between your folds, bending it to perfection, a second adding to this, as you were forced to rock over him. 
“You are only getting this because you cried so pretty, took me so well. But you still have a punishment coming.”
“Mmmm…yes…please…” Your eyes rolled as he quickened his fingers. 
“I can feel you clenching…you’re gonna come for me, aren’t you? You want it so bad, don’t you? So fucking desperate…so pathetic…”
“Yes daddy-”
“Show me…rock against my hand baby…come on…ride it…Earn it.” He teased you as you worked against him. 
“DON’T. COME.” He ordered as you nodded, your teeth clenched to a point of nearly breaking as you nodded. 
“Rafe-” You were removed and taken to the floor once again. 
“My girlfriend gets to say my name, not a pathetic little whore who had her ass on display for the entire country club for the better part of the morning. YOU have to be taught a lesson like a dirty, depraved, slut.” He forced you on the arm of the couch, bending you to such a degree that you were reliant on the grip he held on your hair to keep you from falling to the floor. 
“So now you’re gonna make me come. If I feel you so much as clench and you won’t get to at all!”
“Yes!” A sharp swat to your ass made you gasp. 
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
“There’s my good girl. Making me feel good…right?” You nodded. 
“You, daddy. Only you.”
“Prove it. Make me come-” And you would, working back into him as he cursed your name from behind, hair pulled to show his remaining dominance, while his bucks were enough to contrast your pain for pleasure, all while climbing to that high. 
“That’s a good girl. Such a good girl…come here…” He took you against him by a new hold to your neck until you were flush with his chest. 
“Feel how deep I am inside of you baby? You keep acting like a good girl and you’ll get to feel me come there…otherwise…” His hand on your neck moved to your jaw, pulling it apart.
 “You get it here…painting you…where you’ll wear it tomorrow along with my handprints on your ass…Because…”
“Because I need to learn my lesson…”
“Good girl. You wanna be good?”
“Yes, daddy.” You were taken back into that bend, forced to count out his remaining punishment as he’d edge you in the process. Laughing and degrading you from behind, before finally taking you to that promising release. 
“Okay baby…you can come with daddy…but only WITH me. Not before or after-” You nodded. 
“Yes, baby…that’s a good girl…good fucking girl for me…my good girl…MINE…” You nodded as he pulled you back to his chest by a hand on your breast, fondling and teasing your nipple as it strengthened the sensation of your orgasm before the fallen hand to your clit, rubbing in those motions he knew well would pull you over that edge completely. 
“YES!” But as you found that high, he fucked you through it at his own ungodly pace. Overstimulation teasing a second orgasm he wouldn’t grant as he forced you to stand in front of him. Fingers were battering into you, edging you in repetition as your fingers ate into his shoulders. Each time you would come to that edge, he would withdraw and slap your ass, making you gasp and moan, all while you trembled with one leg in a straddle near his hip. 
“God, look how desperate you are, soaking my leg, baby…KEEP. GOING.” He demanded as you nodded, unable to fight the pleasure as it battled from pain to ecstasy, a guaranteed crimson shade over your ass, before he would finally withdraw his fingers and draw them to his lips. 
“Now we’re going to go BACK to that club in the morning and you’re gonna do exactly what you did today…Parading in that little skirt and bending over for everyone to see what happens when you act like a brat as Rafe’s girl…” 
You let out a deep breath as you whimpered. “Your punishment is that you don’t get to come until I make sure everyone sees the repercussions of what you did to yourself.”
He took hold of your jaw. “And don’t even think of doing it yourself…” He would set you on your back for a moment, aiding your need by a few sweeps of his tongue, before withdrawing, only worsening that delayed satisfaction. 
“I’ll know now, won’t I, baby?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl…”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @bethoconnor @belcalis9503
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@lonelychicagos posted a prompt talking about an anonymous website that eventually led to the Hotchniss reunion and I took it and RAN. Here is what I hope to be part 1 of a multichapter fic. I also despise tumblr formatting nd i’m on mobile so apologies.
Here is the original prompt!
The Phoenix and the Rocket
She doesn’t know why she does it. She chalks it up to Penelope’s unwavering, relentless, quite frankly annoying efforts to get her to make friends. Or maybe it was Dave’s prodding comments about her home life. Probably Tara and JJ’s mischievous scheming during BAU drinks or Luke’s teasing. Could have been becuse of Reid’s statistics and prattling about her age and how ‘lonely people are more likely to experience depression’. Bastard. She gave him more paperwork than anyone else. Perhaps it was the jealousy that flairs in her chest whenever she watches Matt interact with his kids or when her phone pings when Derek sends a picture into their group chat of Hank standing for the first time.
Although, if asked, she’ll say it’s the wine.
Her therapist was the one who brought up the forum in the first place. “It’s a great way to meet with people, Emily” The woman told her softly towards the end of their first session. “People who have unimaginable trauma, like yourself.”
So that was how Emily Prentiss found herself on a Saturday night making an account to sign into the website ‘TraumaBuddies’. The name alone left a vile taste in her mouth, which she squished down with another gulp of red wine. It was a website where strangers can willingly dump on a public forum, opening themselves up to a conversation. Therapists have called it revolutionary ; No one helps the traumatised like the traumatised
She spends hours combing through different stories of the horrible trauma people have endured. One or twice, she comes across familiar stories that she’s almost certain we’re victims of cases her team (both past and present solved.) Her heart tugs when the username ‘KatieJacobs235’ pops up. Emily reaches out to her personally, messaging the girl who would be no doubt in her 20’s by now, more nausea swirled in her stomach at the passage of time, and types a message she hopes would be comforting.
It was the next post that made her stop scrolling entirely. The horrors the user ‘RockyRacoon’ (The Beatles song made her snort) went through was unbelievable. If Emily hadn’t seen or even been through the shit she had , she would call bs and move on.
A serial killer who got his wife, his son been the target of another, a bomb and losing another woman he loved when she died alongside countless of other trauma dumps in one go. That was incredible and inspiring to live through.
She blames the wine for the fact she didn’t draw up the similarities sooner as she types a message out.
PhoenixPren : You are inspiring. Take it from someone who’s seen a lot and been through a lot. Everything you have been through has made you stronger, and I - for one- am proud of the fact you’re still around. May I ask some questions?
And she hits send.
Getting a ping on his laptop at 1am on a Saturday night from that goddam website his 16 year old son signed him up on was the last thing Aaron Hotchner expected. He wasn’t even the one who wrote it, Jack did it for him, and as such never actually expected anything to come of it.
“Dad, It’ll be good” Jack had said. “You can talk about everything anonymously. It might be helpful to write it all down.”
He hadn’t though, content in leaving the one post up there. Jack had said everything he would have said, anyway.
It had been hard for both of them. Being the target of serial killer would damage people well enough but the target of a second one was downright ludicrous.
When they emerged from Witsec, their old names mixing with their new - Frank and Max - and their old life threatening their new one, Jack had fell back into routine immediately. His first contact was his aunt, then his old friends. It was good, Aaron thought, that he was able to settle in. The nightmares still persisted and there were demons around every corner but Jack took his mothers genes and held his head high, going along with the flow.
Aaron couldn’t. He couldn’t return back to that life - to them, the bau, to the woman who packed up her life from another continent solely to save his ass and because he had asked her to, to Aaron. He briefly entertained the idea of picking up the phone, wondering deeply if she experienced the same identity crisis he put himself through, after he forced her into a similar situation.
He didn’t though, and he stayed hidden like a coward.
No one had opened up dialogue on the website, the ex-agent chalked it up to intimidation, until now, 3 months after it was posted. More intrigued and bored than anything, Jack was out for the night with friends, Hotch clicked the notification. His ever present frown deepened at the username, his brain fruitlessly searched for what had sparked recognition.
When nothing ultimately came up, Aaron sighed. He read over the thoughtful message multiple times, debating on a response. Jack’s words echoed in his brain. It’ll be good.
What has he got to lose?
PhoenixPren : May I ask some Questions?
RockyRacoon : Thank you for your kind words. What would you like to know?
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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yanderestevenuniverse · 10 months
Hi wat do u think about pearl x fem inscure darling like she is fat ( like me ) and always ask pearl why she love her and she would be confused as to why she kidnapped her cuz she think *cough * know * cough * she is ugly
Title: why love me so ?
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Hey pearl you asked tugging at the end of your shirt nervously why do you put up with me?
pearl who at this point had just been sitting on the couch watching tv with you furrowed her brow at this question "baby what do you mean"
its just that you said pushing back the slowly growing tears in the corner of your eyes i dont understand why you bother keeping me.
pearls eyes narrowed; baby your not asking me to let me go again are you?
NO NO NO you quickly blurted out before reajesting yourself its the opposite really im asking is... why did you even bother to kidnap me like couldnt you have chosen someone more slim or beautiful or-
Before you could say aother word in one swift motion pearl pushed your back onto the couch and postitioned herself on top of you.
Baby pearl said a playful griin appearing on her face i decided to "protect you" becuse i love you baby girl becuse you are sfest when you are with me, becuse i could never let you go like rose again ohhh i remember when i first saw you i was so nervous the first thing i did was march up to you and shake your hand but now look at your little red beat face, i did all of this and i would do all of this again becuse i love you... now nod your head if you understand.
At this point your brain short circiting from how flusterd you were immeadiatly did as she said nodding harder then a boble head on a rocky road.
Good girl pearl said moving herslef off of you to stand up and scoop you up into her arms
i think its time for some cuddles dont you she said sweetly as she carried you off into the temple were the two of you would stay for the rest of he night.
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f0point5 · 7 months
I just need Max to gift her a watch like she did him but with the time he saw her again at the restaurant or something for their date (the old phone maybe has the time and date)
That no championship has ever been more important than her and she stops time for him becuse he loves her..
And he didn't kiss her because he doesn't want their first date to be when she's drunk. I neeeeeed the next paart!!!
Y’all gonna be SHOOK when you find out what the gift is…
And probably not in a good way I’m ngl
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infernothechaosgod · 8 months
It's late at night and I've been left alone with my thoughts for too long so here have me talking about something I want to see in more versions of tmnt specificly the shows
It's a take I've never seen anyone else make so im either crazy or ppl just didn't think of it/did think but don't really talk about it
(Tw child abuse)
I really want to see a tmnt show have one of the turtles meet a character with bad parents like just straight up shit parents without any sugar coding
Becuse tmnt is all about family, the thing driving the plot and our intrest is the love beetwen these brothers and their dynamics They may fight sometimes and argue there and there but they always love eachother they always care for one another there family
And that's why I think it would be important for them to meet a character that doesn't have that a character that would rather to stay away from home than return to it
They might not understand at first like most teens/children watching probably woudn't fully understand and over time come to realization that what's happening to that character is wrong it's unfixable they do not act like them because they cannot act like them and that the parents of said character do not deserve to be forgiven (becuse im tired of the worst people that earth has seen being forgiven in children shows)
There coud be an episode or subplot somewhere in a show about trying to help that character and doing things to support them and make them feel better or heal or just be there for them even when things get rought
The teenage mutant ninja turtles are one of the most caring for eachother families I have seen in any media deadass and seeing a show aimed at kids/teens talk about that subject and how to help someone who's in that situation I think it coud do alot of good for some people becuse alot of young people do realise something's wrong with their friend they just can't pin point what or they know that but don't know how to help
You know now that I think about it it's probably the first option I am just crazy
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sempsimps · 1 month
undertaker x reader
this is mostly gender neutral, but using the female body parts for the good stuff, ya know
actual text i had before writing this;
me: gonna be real i want undertaker to raw dog me in a coffin and then give me one of those fucking biscuits
bestie: i- holy shit. real
SO THIS IS THAT LMAO there we go literally that, but the new season got me re watching the whole of black butler and thinking of unholy shit (the things I would do in Sebastian's confession box oof) anyway that's a little off topic and i just aaaa with this new season it's so good and ill definitely be making like 2 at least on Gregory violet so stayed tuned for that but ANYWAY WHAT YOU ACUALLY CAME HERE TO READ NOW
He's kinda creepy (but we love that about him)
Mentioned fitting in a coffin (is that even a warning)
Undertaker is a warning as he is
If your cluster phobic get out
You fell into a coffin dumbass (with a hint of cliché writing)
Pussy eating (oh no the horror- actually with him probably)
Some light cuts they bleed a little (made by man's acrylics)
Bites hickeys scratches (a part masochist wet dream)
You actually don't finish because of him being a tease and other people
is it considered necrophilia becuse he's dead?? idfk shower thought leave me be
it was a weekend, and the servants convinced you to come into London town for the day as well as your sister, but as they got closer to the destination you wanted to go, to you strayed from the pack and headed into the undertakers shop, to see him might as well since your free today, and the others were busy shopping.
Honestly, it was a match made in hell, as the earl described it. you were into the strange and unusual, and undertaker is the very definition of idiosyncratic. you worked with ceil on the police as an allies, and that's how you two solved many things. yall had connections beforehand anyway, ceil is like the little brother you never had, and you treat him just like that, especially when it came to his betrothed, your sister. but in his defence, he brought you to the undertaker. Ceil was trying and failing to make the undertaker laugh, so he brought you in from waiting outside, and from one joke, he was cackling. and so whenever the Earl wanted his Information, he would bring you along becuse it seemed like he only liked your jokes, and honestly how could you complain, some one actually laughing that's a first, so ill take the win. but undertaker was equally pleased by this, he couldn't describe the attraction he felt, his heart was long cold and dead, but the little dark light the Earl brought to his shop was enough to get him to question again, but you wear merely mortal and he shouldn't get attached not after last time.
walking around the dark shop, it was more empty than usual as it was completely closed on a Sunday, which is kinda ironic thinking about it. the only bits of lights that guided my way were slowly dying candles, and further in the store there was less and less, of that comforting yellow glow fading quickly, i was calling out for him quietly, still looking around despite the strain on my eyes. i assumed he wasn't here, maybe out, i took a look around, noticing a back room. 'huh, that's new but i guess ive never stayed to long' hollering for the strange man once, more as i stumbled through the dark. my foot caught on something wooden on the floor, and i fell right into one of the many coffins, putting my hands and knees out to stop the fall. i felt something plush under me. I did indeed fall into a wooden create. my eyes finally adjusted to the room, and the panic set it. 'oh my fucking god, im on top of undertaker' my limbs barely didn't touched his body, my knees either side of his waist, and my hands at the side of his head, in his long hair. 'oh fuck fuck shit, this is bad' he was asleep some fucking how, his chest slowly rose and descended in an easy rhythm, a tiny snore escaping every few breathes he looked peaceful, and not like a menace like he usually did. 'This would be cute. If i wasn't right over him.' my eyes traced the scars once more. 'god, that neck one is so biteable.' i took in a deep breath, and slowly picked up my left foot, raising it higher than needed so i don't make contact with the wood, i slowly lowered my foot searching for the ground, making a soft thud as i found the floor. next would be my right hand, and this slowly turned into the worlds quietest twister, i started to turn my body backwards so i could lay on the floor to escape. getting my hand up in the air, and I balanced on one knee and hand to get out. I started to bend out, but my hip lightly grazed the side, and then in in a flash, an arm wrapped around the top of my hip and right wrist. It was so sudden i let out a surprised squeak.
"Hello dearie"
One half closed fluorescent green eye shining in the dark room, and I quickly panic to explain myself.
"I am so sorry! this isn't what it looks like, I swear"
"Hehe, I'm quite aware, I knew you were falling, but not that fast. hehe"
"What? oh, that was a bad pun... but if you knew why, didn't you move? Or at least tell me you were awake"
he kept giggling softly, shaking my body as well as his.
"Oh believe me, my dear, it was near impossible to keep up the act, when you look like that, my i might just injure myself laughing"
I took a second to remember how I looked, right hand up in the air, and right foot out of the wooden box, barely keeping me stable was one knee next to undertakers waist, and my left hand in his hair. if it wasn't for his arm around me, I would of fallen over. but the grip he had on my left wrist was unusual I could feel his nails lightly scratch my skin 'wowzah that's a thought' he giggled a little.
"Hehe, my what a face your pulling there"
"Well, could you help me get uh unstuck from this?"
(insert a totally seamless paragraph smoothly going into the smut)
Here I was half naked with my legs on undertakers shoulders he's kneeling down leaning over face near my pussy breathy giggles sending small shocks through me as the breath made me twitch in anticipation the situation becoming indescribable.
"My my look at you dear hehe I could just eat you up. I knew you'd fit in my coffin"
His tongue came out at the end of that sentence and licked my clit, my body thrusted towards him without my brain catching up to actions. his hands opened my thighs, nails digging into my skin, making light cuts at the grip, specks of blood appearing, the sting feeling like fire, my legs edging to close around his head
" Hehe. Come on, don't be shy. I won't bite unless you want me to . Hmm, how about we test it"
With that, he leaned over and harshly bit my inner thigh. His teeth were kinda sharp at the K9s, adding to the pain that was building my pleasure. I let out a soft moan, my hands scratching the wooden box, gripping the plushness underneath me that confirmed his suspicion instantly.
"My, my, you liked that more than I thought interesting"
Pulling my legs further up to get closer, his mouth wonders, his tongue working over the blood lightly licking and his teeth gripping into my flesh, he detaches from making a large hickey laughing.
"Well, would you look at that come on pretty things shouldn't cry hehe those tears preserve your beauty, my dear, oh how those marks suit you"
soon he was back at it again his tongue swirling in me and my moans echo from his coffin he kept on giggling the sensation adding so much pleasure the feeling of his nails reaching across my skin before finding my clit the slow movement making me go wild he was being a complete tease about this. he starts slow speeding up and then leaving, going back to licking my hole that was leaking with arousal, gathering the taste on his lips.
"You taste like the finest sweet my doll. mhh, smell devine as well"
"Please stop teasing me~"
"hehehe, as you wish, my dear"
his teeth touched my clit, and i bucked into his face at the masochistic contact, i felt him smirk at the movment, and he bagan to properly eat my pussy out his nose bumping into the delicious sweet spot, as his tounge delved deeper, his skillful hands moved to my clit, he slowly made circles around it, increasing the speed every so often, still teasing but making me body hover on the edge. I was so close he could feel it. My legs closed around his head, ankles locking as I started to shake rapidly approaching my orgasm but as quickly as it came, he stopped. I whined, and undertaker chuckled, voice lower now.
"Ah doll, if I let you continue, you'd be embarrassed to righ to heaven your phantom friends are here"
My heavy breathing evened out, and I slowly released him from my strong hold. he gently placed my legs down, undertaker stood out of the coffin and passed my clothes that I had on. Before grabbing a biscuit, putting it in my mouth, then grabbing the lid of the coffin, placing it over me. 'wait, what the fuck?' I sighed crunching on the biscuit, taking it as an opportunity to get dressed and fix my hair. I was still shaking from me being so close to cumming, then i closed my eyes. it was quite in the coffin, dark of course, but cool, a really good thing to sleep, in be it a nap or eternity. but coming back to reality, I knocked on the coffin lid, and the undertaker was quick to use his boots to kick it open carefully. The candles that suddenly appeared blinded me for a second. I slowly sat up, shaking a little. All I could hear was the deadpan of ceils voice ringing in the shop. They must have guessed I was here.
"Undertaker, what is the meaning of this? Why do you have one of my allies in one of your coffins?"
"Ahaha Oh, don't worry, little lord, I can assure you they are far from dead if you were thinking so"
".... are you okay your shaking?"
It was my sister who asked me, I was going to respond before undertaker chuckled, putting another dog bone biscuit in my mouth with a pat to the head, offering a hand to help me out which i took, my legs wobbling a little from the loss of blood in them. At this time, I realised Sebastian was giving undertaker a look as well.
"Well, that was quite the luagh hope to see you again soon maybe I'll fit you in your own coffin"
He wiped away a fake tear and bid goodbye from his shop. The other three people looked at me, and I just shook my head with a "I'm not getting into that" look, we all walked out of the shop and carried on with our day but I missed the contact of the strange man.
Okay so I finally finished this jesus christ it took like 3 days to do this but I'll have more on the way for black butler so I'm working on that ASAP anyway sorry if my writing sucks :)
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purplemys · 9 months
Go Back Couple/Couple on the Backtrack, Why Every Couple Here is Great and Why The Secondary Love Interests Add Well to The Story
Part 1 because of image limit.
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Go Back Couple is a korean drama uniquely about a divorced couple getting sent back in time to fix their mistakes and redo their regrets.
The main characters are Ma Jin-joo and Choi Ban-do.
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The introduction to the story was honestly great. I got more invested when this lovely wedding happened. Look at them!!!
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The first thing I knew about Jin-joo and Ban-do was that they're very happy and easy-going with each other. Ban-do is silly, energetic and a little awkward. His father-in-law didn't seem to like him, unlike his mother-in-law who was so fond of him from the look on her face alone. Jin-joo was obviously smitten.
The hard cut from them walking out from their wedding to them walking out of a divorce courthouse just made me raise my eyebrows. Like that was such a stark contrast.
The episode goes into further detail about what their life was like after around 18 years of marriage. They were tired and miserable and of course, they were taking it out on each other. I wish I could show more pictures but google and netflix hate me so just take my word for it when I say these two are some of the pettiest, rudest people I've had the second-hand embarassment of watching. Jin-joo dumped Ban-do's work journal into the sink after he forgot to get her an anniversary present. Ban-do was being rude to her in general. Absolutely horrid.
I think some of you might be wondering "Why should we root for such awful people?" Well, unlike certain media out there with such unlikeable leads - After and its sequels. This pattern of behavior eventually gets addressed and fixed. It's important for characters to have flaws and yes, flaws because episode 1 intro conveyed Jin-joo and Ban-do to be very sweet, nice people. What happened then? (god I wish I have pictures)
Ban-do's job essentially turned him into a subservient dog for the higher-ups, he'll bend over backwards to please them if it meant a possible raise. This showed me Ban-do's other flaw is being a people-pleaser and he was desperate to keep providing for his wife and son.
Jin-joo was a very tired housewife. She did everything and barely did anything for herself. She felt tired and looked the part. All she wanted was a break and for her husband to give her proper time and attention. The only flaw I could think of with Jin-joo was that she wasn't good at communicating her problem but immediately resorting to petty insults and destruction of his property.
This lack of proper communication between them culminated in Jin-joo breaking down and asking for a divorce when he couldn't be contacted (becuse his job is shit) and someone sent her a pic of Ban-do with another woman (that he didn't know) and she immeditely assumed the worst, which wasn't exactly her fault- her husband was often home late, barely paid attention to her, and when he did, didn't respect her as much as before. Yeah, sounds hella suspcious.
The scene here was so gutwrenching because I knew Ban-do didn't mean to hurt her in that way. He was a bit of a douche but he wasn't a cheater and he was about to go home and apologize with flowers for their anniversary when she called and asked for a divorce, not even giving him time to explain. Yeah, he also had the right to feel that way.
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Aight. They got divorced after this. Seo-jin (their son) was likely with Jin-joo's sister for the time-being. Where do we go from there?
Well, the scene of them throwing away their rings was awesome and google wouldn't give it to me. The way they threw their rings away was very reflective of their characters. Jin-joo was sad, lamenting about how this wasn't how her life was supposed to go, letting go of her ring by dropping it outside of the bus on her way home.
Ban-do was in his room at his old parent's house, angrily wishing they never met and throwing his ring out the window, reflective of his brash nature.
Bippity boppity fuck the space time continuum, they were sent to the past of 18 years earlier, with their memories in tact.
Them remembering their current lives at 20 years old is the key to their character development later on.
Cue past shenanigans, Jin-joo and Ban-do being petty as fuck especially after they found out that they remember their current lives. After some time of them being really petty to each other, some might think "Why are we still supposed to root for these people to get together?"
I think I wasn't supposed to. They made up their minds to try and pursue other people and I figured, nah, this isn't about them as a couple anymore but them as people. Jin-joo and Ban-do got married when they were 21 or 22. They were still their 20s selves, that being their worst versions. Jin-joo was stuck up and bratty and Ban-do was impulsive and brash.
Enter the secondary love interests. Jung Nam-gil and Min Seo Young.
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Nam-gil was closed off and elusive, prefering to keep to himself. Seo Young on the other hand was sweet and friendly.
I'll be honest, I got worried that they'd make Nam-gil a better option than Ban-do and Seo Young to be a real bitch deep down but no, neither of those things happened which was a pleasant surprise.
Nam-gil was great. He was awkward and despite his appearance, carried around this aura of inexperience to him. The reason why I don't think he would have been better for Jin-joo is because of when his attraction to Jin-joo started. While Jin-joo initially pursued him, thinking she was his first love that he never got over, she eventually stopped when he gave her a cold warning to "stop her weird obession with him."
Nam-gil started getting the real feels when he got into physical contact with Jin-joo twice. He saved her both times and she worried about him in return. Especially with the incident with his hurt ankle, she started mothering him, if you will and he got so smitten with this version of Jin-joo. While it's nice that he finds Jin-joo sweet and caring and he wants to return that (by asking her for her time, trying to defend her honor, gifting her things), their dynamic was more like her nurturing him to be a nicer person (by asking him to reciprocate people's affections and efforts) and him trying to pursue her to no avail.
His character added something to Jin-joo's. She understood that she was well, a brat who treated him like shit that one time, then assumed he was obsessed with her, then only wanted to get with him because of his status in the current life as a billionare historian.
Throughout the story, first loves's types and strengths were discussed. Jin-joo wanted to be someone's first love because it was supposed to be special. She truly became his first love in this timeline and she decided no, she didn't want him to be alone forever pining for her like she initially belived.
She wanted him to experience a life outside of her because he was a good, warm person deep down and that he deserved happiness.
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And he does at the ending. 😭 Look at him! He was with his kid in that shot!
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Min Seo Yeong was Ban-do's first love.
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Go Bo Gyeol and by extension, her character excuded innocence, softness, and grace fitting for the ballerina dancer that she was.
Seo Young wasn't as troubled and complicated as Nam-gil but she wasn't shallow. She was a popular school dancer, weighed down by the pressures of academics and theatre by her parents.
She greatly benefitted from having Ban-do in her life, pushing her to have fun and stepping out of her comfort zone. She started eating more, expressing herself more, getting outside of the house, walking around.
Her character change was all thanks to Ban-do finally working up the courage to talk to her and pursue her. Unfortunately, this backfired. His efforts at taking care of her, lecturing her (like Jin-joo did with Nam-gil), and barely physically pursuing her afterwards, led to her seeing him less like a boyfriend and more of a father figure. And he took it well, all considering. All this bonding with Seo Young, give us a little more about Ban-do's character.
He thought of himself as an average guy with nothing interesting going on, no hobbies, no special skills, nothing. He forgot his love of films since he pursued Civil Engineering, contrast to him telling Seo Young to do whatever she loved in the career she was actually passionate about.
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