#because I guess they both fit into the category of in my head
nompunhere · 2 years
gaaaAAAaaaAAAUUUUGGHHHHHH I wanna make VORE CONTENT but I'm in COOL LEG and I got CLASSES and HOMEWORK and all my ART TIME has been repurposed into ART-HOMEWORK TIME
(rest of the vent in the tags)
18 notes · View notes
mrwavellswaps · 8 months
Aftermath of The Homo-Bomb (Trevor)
Collaboration with @sivfenrir
(Make sure the read the ➡️ Prologue ⬅️ first)
After so many interviews already, Wavell had found himself standing in front of the door outside of yet another flat. Inside he could already feel the energy of someone who’d experienced the effects of the homo-bomb. He could just tell that this one was different, however.
It was strange really. Even when it came to other anomalies, the residual magic energy that their bodies gave off usually felt the same. Hence the interview to see what went on with them. This person though, it felt odd. Wavell could tell it was his magic therefore they had to be a homo-bomb victim.
However, the energy they exuded was much more potent for some reason. Naturally, this only intrigued the warlock further.
“This one’s bound to be interesting…” he mumbled to himself while stepping up to the door before giving it a rhythmic knock.
He waited for a good few minutes outside, the rhythmic tapping of his shoes was his company. He knew someone was home so he had no idea what was taking them so long. Were they pretending not to be home?
Could be understandable if they’ve undergone a big transformation and are afraid to show it. Wavell had already dealt with a few similar cases where he had to simply teleport inside because people wouldn’t just answer their doors for him.
He was beginning to think this was going to be another situation like that until at last he heard the twisting of a lock from the other side followed by the door swinging open.
The guy that answered the door was a huge jock of a man. Incredibly tall to the point where his head almost hit the top of the door frame. Wide with thick powerful-looking muscle that was consistent across his entire body that made him seem like an adonis.
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A feat which was only amplified by how young he looked. Early twenties Wavell would guess. Youthful yet jockish-looking features matched with a head of short brown hair and a trimmed beard that gave him an air of maturity and masculinity. In short, he looked as though he’d just stepped out of someone’s wet dream.
“Y-yo man. What’s up?” He asked in a somewhat nervous-sounding tone.
“Sorry to bother you but I’m interviewing everyone that’s recently been affected by the strange events that have transpired here recently.” Wavell began, thinking back on all the people he’d interviewed so far over the last couple of days.
“My name is Mr Wavell and I was hoping I could come inside to talk to you as well. There’s been a common pattern through most people that were affected however there’s been some strange outliers along the way as well. I’m curious to know if you fit into either of those categories.” The devilishly handsome warlock smiled kindly. There was a sensation that enveloped the jock from the warlock.
“Oh… sure.” The jock felt a warm and welcoming presence emanating from Wavell that he found himself trusting instantly. He stepped aside and allowed the well-dressed man to walk past him and into the flat.
He shivered a little as Wavell brushed his hand against the bigger man’s thigh on the way past. “I don’t see much of a problem if you’re helping.” The change in speech patterns was quite noticeable.
As Wavell walked through the hallway and into the living room, he couldn’t help noticing some of the other rooms. Unsurprisingly there was a bathroom and what seemed to be a closet as well as a kitchen however what caught his eye was that there seemed to be two bedrooms.
Curiously he took a quick peek inside each and they were both certainly occupied by two very different people. One room was filled with all sorts of sports memorabilia, weights, and exercise gear scattered around, clothes strewn across the room in a rather untidy fashion, and a shameless box of tissues on the nightstand next to the bed.
The other room however was different. Scientific posters lined the walls, collections of comics and collectible figurines all tucked away neatly on shelves, the bed looked almost freshly made with everything seemingly in its place.
He could see that there was an attempt at cleaning up the former room, the weights stacked in the corner as well as some of the clothes folded on the bed. But clearly this was interrupted, most likely by his arrival.
“Does anyone else live here with you?” Wavell questioned.
“Not really. I guess it’s just me now.” The hulking man responded, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “Tons of things on my mind now that the house is all mine.”
Wavell narrowed his eyes a little at this. “Hmm. Okay, well why don’t the two of us get sat down and we can talk alright big man?”
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He made his way towards one of the large living room couches, sitting down before patting the seat beside him until the jock sat down and made himself comfortable, manspreading a little in the process.
Once they were both ready, Wavell whipped out his trusty notepad once again and let the questions roll. “First of all, I don’t believe I asked your name did I?”
“It’s Josh.” He said confidently but before Wavell had a chance to write it down he doubled back on himself. “Wait. No. One of my names was Josh. And David.” A strange thoughtful look crossed the man’s face.
“One second, my name got mixed up.” His eyes darted to the left as he whispered under his breath. “Shit, I forgot already. What was the name?”
His eyes then darted to the right, continuing to talk to himself. “We didn’t affirm the name overnight, it’s Trevor, right? Yeah.”
He looked up to the interviewer and confidently repeated the name as if he hadn’t heard. “My name is Trevor bro.”
Wavell stared at this man in awe. He’d just been talking to himself as if… There was more than one person in his head. How bizarre.
Could this have been the homo-bomb’s doing? Regardless he scribbled down the final name as well as the other two he’d given. “And your last name?”
Trevor thought for a moment again, conversing with himself under his breath a little until finally coming to a decision. “Griffin.”
“Okay Trevor Griffin. We’re coming back to that later but can I ask how old you are and what you do?” Wavell was already starting to suspect what might be going on here but decided to go ahead with the usual line of questions for now.
Trevor sat in thought for a minute. “Well… I guess I’m still 21. I was born in February.” There was then a twitch in Trevor’s eyes for a moment. “But I was born in April.” There was a subtle shift in his tone of voice again.
Wavell squinted. “So… You have two birthdays?”
“Yeah? I guess so.” The adonis replied genuinely. “Also at college, I major in physiology.” Another twitch “But I also major in sports studies!”
Wavell stroked his beard a little. “Physiology and Sports Studies huh? Those are two rather different things to major in at once.”
He was starting to piece it all together now. The shifting of tones. Talking to himself. Multiple birthdays. Twice as much residual magic inside his body compared to most. There was only one explanation to this Wavell could think of though he never thought the homo-bomb would deviate so much as to do such a thing.
“Trevor. What exactly happened to you on the night of the event that caused so much chaos in this town?”
Trevor shuffled in his seat a little. “You’re gonna think I’m completely insane when I tell you.” He glanced over at the handsome older man again. Once again feeling so safe and comfortable in his presence. “But here goes I guess… I’m two people. At the same time. It’s hard to explain but I-”
“You’re a fusion. A merged being made up of two people.” Wavell interjected. “Am I correct?”
A look of shock and confusion crossed Trevor’s face. “Y-yes. I think so but… how the hell did you know that?!”
Wavell patted the jock’s shoulder. “I’m an expert in this kind of stuff, big guy.” The power of his magical aura intensified, causing his and Trevor’s eyes to shimmer for a moment. “Now I want you to tell me everything about yourself and how you came to be.”
Trevor nodded almost hypnotically before beginning his tale.
Before Trevor, the flat was owned by two college sophomores, Josh and David just a few days before the Homo-Bomb. Both lived a distinct lifestyle with some overlap, just enough to co-exist without being entirely homogeneous.
David was the smaller one of the two. He’s been a rather skinny dude all his life with little to no meat on his bones. This combined with him being a late bloomer led to some inevitable bullying throughout his high school years. It also didn’t help that he was a total definition of a nerd. Thick-rimmed glasses earned him the classic and unoriginal nickname of ‘four eyes’. And to top it all off he was crazy about things like comic books and collectibles, a craze that would follow him into adulthood.
However if there was one thing he always had going for him, it was his brains. In typical nerd fashion, he was usually the smartest person in the room and always excelled in education. Especially when it came to science. Hence when he left high school to go to college, he immediately jumped into a physiology major.
By this point, he’d hit a huge growth spurt and finally had some decent facial scruff growing in, not to mention he got contact lenses to replace those old glasses. He even tried to put on some good muscle but eventually settled for a lean and toned look instead as he decided to focus more on his studies rather than trying to push his body past its ectomorphic limits.
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And then there was Josh. He was pretty much David’s polar opposite in almost every way imaginable. Unlike his nerdy roommate, Josh was an early bloomer back in high school and had always remained one of the bigger kids as his dad taught him everything he needed to know about building muscle through his teen years.
It didn’t take long for him to get scouted by the gym coaches and before he knew it he was one of the star jocks! Always being one of the most popular guys who quickly made a bunch of other jock friends while playing football. And having been blessed with such handsome looks, he was always a hot topic around the school. Naturally after leaving high school, he found himself going after a sports studies degree in college.
As he entered his twenties Josh grew even bigger. His muscles burgeoned even thicker and stronger with every workout until he was finally closing in on his dream physique at only 21 years of age. Of course, he knew that if he tried he could get so much bigger but that wasn’t what he was looking for. He couldn’t help noticing how all of the biggest dudes he’d played football with sorely lacked speed. That said he wanted to retain a body that was large and powerful but still agile on the field.
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“Quite literally two opposites living together under one roof. It was a miracle.” Trevor chuckled a little as he stared upwards, having his mental reverie.
“How did that come to be, if I may ask?” Wavell smoothly asked and interrupted the daydreaming the massive jock was going through. Being brought back on track, the guy focused his eyes back on the conversation partner and continued.
When David left for college he was quick to find a flat near the college grounds but he knew he wouldn’t be able to afford it for long all on his own. Luckily it was a two bedroom so he spread the word and posted online about needing a flatmate.
What he didn’t expect was to get a response from none other than one of the most popular jocks from his old school, Josh! He had slightly mixed feelings about it as Josh and his jock friends would frequently tease him back then however it was also Josh that always stopped things before it went too far.
Still, though, David’s little gay heart just couldn’t resist the idea of living with such a hunk that he’d shamelessly jerked off to a few times in the past.
And so eventually the day arrived when Josh showed up, suitcases in hand and ready to move in. For David, it was like a dream come true! Getting to live with such a hunk. To be so close to him all the time. He even offered Josh the bigger bedroom of the two to further entice him to stay.
And somehow it worked! Josh moved into the flat and pretty soon he’d made himself at home.
Initially, it’d been awkward between the two. They both remembered what went on back in their high school days but neither of them wanted to bring it up. Slowly, however, they began to grow closer as friends. They found that they had a few common interests here and there as they made small talk with one another until they eventually got to a point where they could consider themselves friends.
Surprisingly it was Josh who made most of the effort. Always started conversations and invited David to watch football with him and whatnot.
It was then that it became clear to David that half the reason Josh had bullied him at all back in high school was because of his jock bros encouraging him. But now it was the two of them, Josh was a pretty cool dude.
When people found out that a gay nerd like David was living with a jock such as Josh, they always assumed the worst. For Josh to tease or berate David about his sexuality or push him around and call him names or even pull those stupid frat boys' kinda pranks like farting in David’s face or something else is just as gross.
But it wasn’t like that at all and a lot of people almost didn’t believe him when David said that he and Josh were cool now. Especially when he told them about how they even sat and watched TV together in the evenings.
“You know it’s crazy. After the torment Josh and his friends had put David through in high school, neither of them imagined they’d eventually become friends one day.” Trevor leaned back in his seat a little and turned his head towards Wavell.
“And soon enough they were chilling and laughing like best buds. High school always makes it seem like two people can’t get along just because they aren’t both nerds or they aren’t both jocks.” Trevor laughed a little as he placed a hand over his chest, smiling.
“But in the real world, it’s nothing like that. Even two people like Josh and David who seemed wildly different can still find common ground and get along.”
Wavell smiled softly. “It would seem that way.” He noted down a couple more things as he replied. “You also mentioned that David had somewhat of a crush on Josh and would have frequent sexual fantasies about him. How did this budding friendship affect that?”
Trevor’s face started to go a little red. “Well, you see…”
Naturally, this growing bond between the two would only serve to further David’s crush on the jock to the point where if Josh went out to hang with his bros, David would sneak into Josh’s room. Not for anything malicious. He just loved getting to bask in the natural scent that filled the room. A mix of sweat and cheap deodorant that was strangely arousing to the nerd.
He would even go as far as to try on some of Josh’s clothes from time to time and even though they never fit, just pulling on his stuff gave David such a rush.
Could you blame him? Josh was everything David was missing. Sure he might’ve been highly intelligent with a lot of good qualities but it's always been a deep-rooted desire of his to be huge and strong with bulging muscles.
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To have all that confidence and charm that Josh exuded so naturally instead of being so meek and small. That envy he had for the jock was one of the reasons he’d begun to fall for him so much as what was once just lust turned into something much deeper. This connection however was something David never believed he’d have a chance to explore.
Whenever he wasn’t at college or home, Josh was hanging out with his bros which mostly consisted of other jocks he played with back in high school. He loved them all to death but unfortunately, they weren’t always the best influences even now they were in their twenties.
Half the time he came up with something mildly homophobic to joke about which Josh tried not to encourage as much now. A lot of their nights out would consist of going to bars where they’d try to pick up chicks.
Josh already had a girlfriend which he’d been seeing for over a year now so he usually didn’t participate so much however once his bros found out that Josh was staying with that gay little nerd they used to bully, they began accusing him of being homo as well.
They teased him about it so much that they eventually told him to prove that he wasn’t gay by fucking a chick from the bar. And that’s what he did. He flirted with a few babes until he convinced one to go with him to one of the private bathrooms where he practically ripped her clothes off and started slamming into her pussy. All the while his bros were listening just outside listening to their moans as they fucked. He only stopped fucking her as he pulled out last second to cum and not get her pregnant. Moments later he emerged from the bathroom only to be greeted by his bros jumping and cheering around him.
Of course, it wouldn’t take long for news of that to get back to his girlfriend and she was furious when she confronted Josh about it. He felt so guilty that he couldn’t even deny it and just like that she broke up with him on the spot.
Later that night he’d come home to the flat wasted. David was quick to pick up on this and helped Josh to his room. He managed to get Josh onto his bed but just as David was about to leave the jock to sleep it off, he said something that made David’s dick jump.
“You’ve got a really cute ass bro…” Josh mumbled, pawing at his crotch a little while chuckling drunkenly before passing out.
“Interesting.” There was a pleased glint in Wavell’s eyes. “So you’re saying that Josh was gay the whole time as well? Concealing his homosexuality so that his jock friends wouldn’t find out?”
Trevor shrugged. “I mean… not exactly? He did legitimately like girls but he also liked dudes just as much. Maybe even a little more. But he just suppressed that side of himself for the reason you mentioned.”
He slumped in his seat a little with a somber look crossing his face. “Even after leaving High School, he was so scared to show that side of himself due to years of keeping it hidden…”
“Until a bad breakup and some liquid courage got him to slip up” Wavell finished.
Trevor nodded. “Pretty much… God, I wish those years were different. That I could’ve… I mean *Josh* could’ve felt safe enough to come out.” He let out a long sigh. “Oh well. The past is the past.”
The revelation of Josh’s bisexuality (or at the very least bi-curious) came as a massive surprise to the nerd. Unfortunately, it seemed by the next morning Josh had completely forgotten about the remark.
But David certainly hadn’t. And with it in mind, he waited a few weeks for the break up to blow over before finally deciding to nut up and put his cards on the table. It happened one night when Josh had encouraged David to watch some soccer with him. Throughout they cracked open a bunch of beers until they were both pretty drunk and that’s when David finally came out and said it.
“Josh. I used to think you were an asshole but… you’re actually really awesome… and super freakin’ hot.” He slurred his words a little while his eyes scanned across the jocks bulging muscles that strained against his clothes. “You’re just so big… and strong…” He shuffled a little closer on the couch. “W-will you… be my boyfriend?”
There was a moment of deafening silence as Josh simply gazed down at David with an expression the drunk nerd could hardly decipher. That is until Josh leaned in and smashed his lips against David’s without warning, kissing him roughly.
David was quick to reciprocate until before long he felt his jock flatmate picking him up off the couch and carrying him to the bedroom. It didn’t even seem real to David as they began pulling off their clothes and revealing Josh’s body in its full glory but he couldn’t deny how real it felt when the muscle-bound jock started sucking him off.
But of course, Josh was still bigger in every sense, cock included, as before long the bisexual hunk was pounding his thick rod into David’s ass. Both of them moaned at each other about how great it felt until Josh blew his load deep inside David’s hole.
From that night onwards the pair just kinda fell into a relationship.
The friendly bond they’d formed before growing into something far deeper. A genuine and loving connection as well as being Josh’s first ever relationship with another dude. And strangely it felt more fulfilling to him than any he’d had with women. Almost like he and David strangely completed each other. Similar to how David envied Josh’s dedication to his awesome physique and confidence with others, Josh secretly envied David as well.
Sure he might’ve had the looks and the body but he was nowhere near as smart or organized as David was. With brains like that Josh could’ve taken himself to the next level with becoming an athlete and personal trainer. And yet he felt as though he was cursed to simply be a big dumb jock.
Neither of them realized that the other was carrying similar feelings of envy until one day, after a couple of months of dating, David happened to mention after having sex that being with Josh made him feel ‘whole’ in a strange way. Like Josh was everything he was missing. Only for Josh to completely agree, saying that he felt the same. It was a strange sentiment they shared but finally having it out in the open only made them closer.
So much so that it even evolved into some kinky roleplay sex between the couple where they pretended to swap bodies before fucking as weird as it sounded. Since Josh pretty much always topped, when they did these body swap role plays David had even managed to convince Josh to bottom once or twice for them.
By this point, they thought they’d accepted their envy and overcome it. Instead opting to be a happy couple that complimented each other’s strengths. So much so that Josh had even been considering telling his bros about them. Something that David appreciated greatly.
But little did they know this was only scratching the surface. Their true desires to be ‘completed’ went so much deeper than even they realized. To a depth that would’ve been thought impossible to reach.
“Up until yesterday, they were probably the happiest they’d ever been. Both are finally in a loving relationship with someone they found themselves deeply connected to. David even believed it was fate. But then… they weren’t David and Josh anymore. They were me. And I was them.” Trevor put his face in his palms, trying to rack his brain around it like he had been for the past day and a half.
“Can you tell at all how it happened Trevor? Do you have any memories of David and Josh combining to become you?” Wavell scratched his chin with the bottom of his pencil.
Trevor rubbed his temples, trying his best to think back to when it happened. “I’m not sure… I can remember pieces but it’s blurry.” He closed his eyes, trying to put himself back in that moment when he came to be.
“I remember everything around me having a somewhat purple hue… and I was horny. We were horny… fuck, I was hard and leaking. I was stroking my cock on the bed and also walking to my room? It's hard to remember in the haze. I just remember feeling like I'm fucking and being fucked. And then I woke up. One guy on Josh's bed. Me." Trevor groaned as he just couldn’t remember, but also because the python in his pants was tenting it from the memories. Wavell could see it grow.
"If I were to guess I’d say Josh and David’s memories of the experience are overlapping in mind. It’s a common thing to happen with newly merged people who’ve shared experiences. Those experiences tend to blur and it can sometimes be hard to make sense of." Wavell explained calmly.
“As you may or may not be aware, many people have been affected by this recent magical event but you’re the only ones to have been affected like this. Can you think of anything that may have caused this?” The warlock asked him with a slight smile.
"Well, I was always admiring how big Josh was. Not only huge and muscular but capable of reaching it at this age was impressive.” Trevor explained without skipping a beat and continued.
“While David was stuck small and thin thanks to genetics. But I think envy might’ve played a part as well. I envied the smarts in David, and I also envied the physical prowess of Josh. But in that way, we always complimented each other." Trevor lifted his heavy arms and gave them a flex, gleefully watching his biceps bulge.
"Sorta like two halves. We joked that we were like one well-oiled machine. Always laughed it off. Though now that I'm one person, I’ve started to realize just how much the envy made us wish it was true, despite us logically thinking it couldn’t happen." He put his fists together, one an open palm and the other a rock-hard fist to visualize it.
Wavell nodded thoughtfully. “So you believe that your envy and desire for one another may have been the cause? An agreement between the two of you that the sum of your best parts would create something or someone much better than both of you.”
Trevor was amazed by how well this Wavell guy was keeping up. He already felt an odd sense of deep trust around the distinguished-looking man but he still imagined Wavell would think he was crazy.
And yet it was the opposite.
It was as if this suited figure interviewing him somehow knew everything Trevor was saying was truthful. "Yeah… I mean that’s gotta be it right? Josh wanted more smarts so that he could cruise through this course and be the private trainer he dreams to be, while David wanted the body so he could bro out and be more confident."
"And now do you feel as though you embody all of those things, Trevor?" Wavell grinned and showed off his pearly whites knowingly.
"Well yeah, bro. I’m still fucking huge… but I feel so smart as well. My brain is bursting with as much knowledge as my muscles are with size!" The jock cockily gloated off, flexing his biceps beside his head.
Hearing that got a smile out of the interviewer. “That’s good Trevor. That means your merge was a balanced one. Not one half more potent than the other.”
He took a few extra notes. “Still… It’s a shame you can’t remember the actual process of it all.” The warlock was already getting ready to place a hand on Trevor’s forehead to induce a vision of that night as he had with a few others so that both he and Trevor could see it in more detail.
"Yeah, I kind of wish I did as well…” The brainy jock hummed until suddenly his eyes widened with realization. “Wait a fucking second, I *can* check that night out! I installed a hidden cam in Josh's room so that I can rewatch our sex scenes.”
His eyes then darted to the side a little again. “Wait, you put a camera in my room?!"
He mumbled to himself. “Hey, I didn’t post it anywhere.”
Trevor paused for a second as he remembered something. “Well… not anywhere public anyway.”
Standing up, the hunky jock took a deep breath and asked Wavell to wait on the couch for a second.
He made his way to Josh's bedroom which was obvious by the weights and football posters inside it. He dragged Josh’s desk chair and placed it in front of the corner shelves before stepping onto it. Trevor had underestimated his height as the moment he stood up straight he thudded his head on the ceiling, his thick skull absorbing the impact with a loud thunk. He rubbed his head as he stayed hunched.
“Ouch, whew, I’m tall now huh? Probably didn’t even need this chair. I’ve got to be at least 6’5” or something now. I’ve gotta measure myself soon.” He chuckled a bit as he reached over the top of the shelves, and produced a rather large boxy camera that was most likely powered by a single large battery.
“No wonder I never noticed this before. I rarely ever reach up here.” He looked at the small camera in his hand as he stepped off the chair before shoving it back in its place.
With the camera retrieved, Trevor picked up the laptop and the data cable from Josh’s table and returned to Wavell’s side. With his thick hands being both foreign and normal, it took him a minute to set up the camera with the laptop.
“One sec. I think this could answer what happened that night.” Trevor said as he scooched closer to Wavell until their thighs were pressed before placing the laptop on the suited man’s lap, trusting him completely.
“All I remember was the euphoric pleasure I described to you but that’s all really.” He shifted his sitting pose, the rod of his tenting his pants.
Wavell glanced to the crotch of the jock and could see the rod within the shorts. He couldn’t tell if this was from Trevor getting so intimately close to him or from David’s side remembering all those nights of rewatching the videos on that camera. Probably both.
The drive loaded and a bunch of videos with different dates popped up. Wavell pulled up the video that matched the night of The Homo-Bomb before executing it to run. The video player started and initially showed Josh’s empty, yet still messy, bedroom.
“Ah yeah, I set it to record things at set times for when we usually fuck.” Trevor chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “Thankfully I think it was recording when it happened.”
They fast-forwarded the video, watching as Josh soon went to bed. Wavell opted to slow the tape back down so they could watch the part where Josh was getting undressed, revealing his bulky body to the hidden camera. Trevor blushed a little but also couldn’t help getting an even more enormous hard-on.
Noticing this, Wavell smirked. “Rub yourself a little if you need to. I am.” The warlock lifted the laptop momentarily to reveal his bulge and his free hand groping at it.
Something like that would ordinarily have set off alarm bells for Trevor that this might not have been a normal interview but once again he found himself oblivious due to the subtle haze Wavell’s magical aura had put him under. Instead, he simply took the man’s advice and groped his crotch at the erotic sight of one of his former selves.
They watched on as eventually Josh went to bed, prompting them to fast-forward the video once more until the purple fog was located in the preview slider. The footage began playing normally as the fog descended onto the jock sleeping in only a pair of shorts…
David made his way into his clean and well-organized room as seen through the open doorway while Josh entered his messy room, oblivious to the small camera up on the shelf watching him keenly as he began to get undressed.
He peeled off his shirt and tossed it across the room before hopping onto his bed, keeping his shorts and athletic socks on. He grumbled a little, tossing and turning in bed for a while until he finally dozed off to sleep. Josh wouldn’t be asleep for long however as soon after he did, a purple fog began seeping into his room.
It wrapped itself around his body before pushing itself inside through any entrance it could find. Most of it went in through his mouth but some entered through his nose, ears, cock, ass and even just seeping through his very skin until all of the fog's magic had been absorbed. Instantly Josh became hard.
It was clear as day through the huge tent he was sporting in his shorts. This was a very common result across those who’d been touched by the homo-bomb’s magic.
In most it simply meant that their sexuality was being altered and that before long they’d be gay… except Josh, for the most part, was already gay. Most could assume it was the homo-bomb erasing what little bit of hetero he had but it would soon become clear that wasn’t the case.
“Mmmm fuuck David… David…” Josh started to groan in his sleep while groping at his boner. He wouldn’t stop grumbling about needing David. It sounded like he was having an intense wet dream but he would only continue to mumble about how they had to be together. They were two of the same.
That they had become one.
The kind of stuff you’d normally expect to hear from someone who’s utterly obsessed with another person. His cock jumped constantly at full length, begging to burst out of those shorts. Even as Josh’s eyes slowly fluttered open, waking him from his slumber, he continued to grumble about his boyfriend. “I… neeeed… David…”
Trevor himself was pursing his lips as he watched the video with the interviewer. It felt weird, watching what was essentially a porno with a stranger in his room.
Before long Josh started getting restless and looked as though he was about to get out of bed. Before he could though, his bedroom door creaked open, and in walked none other than David. But as the nerd walked into view of the hidden camera, it became clear that he was under the same spell as Josh.
He stood in only his underwear with a vacant expression and a huge bulge displaying his erection that pointed straight ahead. It might not have been as big as Josh’s but it was certainly respectable.
“Josh. I need you…” He began muttering the same phases the jock had been moments prior. “We need… to be together…”
He began following his dick and walked straight towards the bed. Towards Josh, who was eagerly waiting for him. It was like they were in some kind of horny trance that was drawing them towards one another. And it was working as within seconds David was practically falling into bed with Josh and the moment he did they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Kissing and groaning while they tugged off whatever clothes they had left on.
Trevor was moaning as memories bombarded his head, feeling more of the memories of that intimate time being replayed directly in his head. He couldn’t help it as he watched the video.
Pretty soon they were both buck naked as they pressed their bodies tightly together. David was on top while Josh hugged him tight from below, wrapping both his bulky arms and legs around the nerd.
Embracing this, David began thrusting their crotches together and frotting their cocks. Grinding his skinny 5-inch cock against Josh’s girth of 7 inches.
“Fuuuuck… fuuuuuckk… fuuuuck meeee!” David started to beg. “I need you inside me, Josh! I need you inside me!” He thrusted himself harder against his boyfriend while his asshole began to pulse. Hungry for dick.
It was the only way they could get even closer than they currently were. And they needed to be closer. So much closer. So as much as he didn’t want to stop hugging David, Josh agreed. In the end his cock was just as eager to plunge deep inside.
They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, seeing the magical purple glow coming from them but not thinking anything of it. It didn’t matter to them.
Instead, Josh tugged David on for one last big kiss, smashing their lips together and kissing deeply before finally releasing his smaller boyfriend and maneuvering their bodies to get in position. He moved out from under David before pushing the nerd down onto his stomach.
Ordinarily, Josh would eat David’s ass out a little and prepare him for what was to come but they were both far too impatient for that. And so, like a horny animal, Josh slammed his cock inside David’s hole as fast as he could causing the nerd to yelp in pain and satisfaction as Josh plunged himself as deep as he could go.
He buried himself to the hilt with a dumb grin as the recording camera blinked in the corner of the room. “So deep… wanna be… deeper.” Josh groaned out as he slowly pumped his cock inside the man below.
He soon started to rest his body weight on top of his boyfriend, lying on top of David while wrapping his hands around him from behind while continuing to bury his cock nice and deep.
And David welcomed it lovingly. Feeling Josh’s large muscled body pressing down on him from above while his hole was filled with dick felt almost euphoric.
He didn’t want to move or be anywhere else. Just like Josh he only wished to be closer… and that’s exactly what the homo-bomb was about to grant.
It began with Josh’s cock.
Something inside him told him to just go for it and plunge as deep as he possibly could. So he pulled back a little, steadied himself, and without warning rammed his cock deep inside David as he possibly could. Balls slapping against the nerd's ass as the jock’s cock disappeared inside the hole.
In doing so both men let out a deep moan as Josh’s cock began fusing with David’s hole making it impossible for Josh to pull back out.
They should’ve been mortified at the realization but it only turned them on more with how amazing it felt to be attached. Connected at last.
So much so that Josh continued to hump David as best he could despite it all.
Josh kissed along the back of David’s neck lovingly as they gave in to the magic. Completely oblivious to what it was doing to them. They were so focused on staying as close as possible that they didn’t even realize their bodies were slowly becoming more and more stuck together.
Josh’s chest began merging into David’s back. David’s ass merged further into Josh’s pelvis as even the jock’s balls became stuck to David’s taint. Even Josh’s hands which were still wrapped around David’s body gradually sank in.
But the camera caught it all.
It was hard for it to pick up on the small details at first but it soon became clear even on video that the couple was slowly sinking more and more into one another’s bodies. But even so, their moans only grew.
As their bodies became intertwined, so did their sensations.
Josh began to feel the writhing pleasure of David’s cock as it bucked below them as well as the sensation of being filled by his own dick. And David started to feel as though he were fucking his own ass!
They shared every little sensation. Perceiving everything the other felt and more! It was far beyond anything they’d felt before. Almost otherworldly!
From the camera’s point of view, it looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.
It soon became clear that their bodies weren’t just becoming stuck together as their legs finally sunk into one another completely leaving behind just one pair of large muscular legs between them.
They were merging!
Josh’s cock was absorbed and added on to David’s length, making their new shared cock thicker and longer to the point where it exceeded both of their former manhoods with a girthy shaft that sat at an impressive 9 inches.
At the same time, David’s ass was absorbed as well, adding to Josh’s already thick butt and giving them a bigger rounder jock butt to share.
By this point, everything below their waist had become one and they knew it. Both men moaned about how great it felt to share one pair of longer buffer legs and a giant cock.
Now instead of Josh humping David, they were humping the bed sheets below them together.
Josh’s arms that’d been wrapped around David’s torso soon disappeared inside and their mass was redistributed towards David’s skinny arms. They could both feel it as their now shared arms grew thicker with muscle. All of Josh’s hard-earned size combined with whatever small amount of muscle David had to create two huge powerful arms for them to share and flex together.
At the same time, their torsos were pulled closer and closer together until they finally became one. They shared a pair of large juicy pecs and cobbled abs between them along with a wide back and massive boulder-like shoulders! Their entire body having combined into one hunky form with the only thing left being their heads.
The pair continued to fill the room with their moans but as they did, their voices started getting mixed up! It sounded as though Josh’s deep voice was coming from David’s mouth and vice versa.
But they didn’t care. As far as they were concerned they shared everything now.
Josh let out one last guttural groan before pressing his face against the back of David’s head and allowing it to sink inside. In doing so David’s face then began to twist and contort as his features started to mix with Josh’s, slowly becoming a perfect balance between the two as even their voices merged into one.
All until there was nothing left of the two individual men. Only one who represented them both.
Feeling that they were finally complete, they let out a joyous roar of pleasure. Finally having become the embodiment of their desires! A feeling so incredible that they couldn’t help blowing the fastest load of their lives together all over the sheets below and onto their stomach. Their massive new dick shooting jets of their new potent seed. So much so that they ended up passing out face down on the bed in a pool of their cum…
It wouldn’t be until they woke up the next morning that they’d get a chance to see their new combined self in the mirror for the first time
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Trevor wanted to be embarrassed. Who wouldn’t be!?
This interviewer had pretty much just watched a porn video of his two former selves fucking before merging to become Trevor!
He should’ve been mortified and yet, thanks to Wavell’s calming and erotic aura, Trevor had found himself plunging a hand into his shorts and jerking his massive meat.
“I promise I don’t remember *any* of that Mr Wavell…” Trevor pleaded as he jerked. “All I remember is that we both went to sleep in our beds and when we woke up… I was me.”
His mind rewound to yesterday morning when he’d first awoken as Trevor. Face down on Josh’s bed with a puddle of half-dried cum beneath him. Now he knew why.
Wavell put a hand on Trevor’s shoulder and smiled. “I believe you. Sometimes a transformation like that can be so intense that you don’t even remember it happening.” He then nodded towards the video. “Case and point.”
The warlock then closed up the laptop and moved it off the side, once again revealing the bulge in his suit pants after watching such a hot merge unfold. “It’s a shame though. Looks like you really enjoyed yourselves.” He smirked, groping his crotch a little.
Trevor was so enthralled by Wavell’s mere presence alone that it overpowered his desire to question the man. He didn’t care that this interviewer was getting just as horny as he was after watching that video or that he seemed to be strangely familiar with what happened to Trevor.
None of it mattered right now.
“So Trevor. I can’t help but notice you’re struggling to unify yourself.” Wavell began, rubbing a hand along the nerd-jock hybrid’s thick pecs. “You can’t speak as one yet. You need to take turns controlling your form.”
“Y-yes! It’s like… playing a single-player game where we have to keep passing the controller back and forth.” Trevor confirmed, bouncing his pecs absentmindedly as Wavell rubbed them. “Kinda like our bodies are one but… our brains are separate?” He was confused about his figure of speech as well.
“That’s an apt description. Usually, when a merge like this occurs it can take some time before the two separate minds can work as a single unit.” Wavell started with a hopeful tone and gave him a reassuring smile.
“However in time the two of you will be able to share thoughts non-verbally and eventually will be able to control your new body in unison as if you were always one person. Your interests and personalities will slowly meld together until eventually, you’ll just be Trevor. Inside and out.” The warlock nodded at his growing smile, happy that he could truly be one.
“And how long will that take? Days?” Trevor asked with trepidation and excited expectation.
Wavell hummed slightly as his hand drifted beneath Trevor’s shirt and began feeling his abs. “Hmmm more like… months to years.” He shrugged. “But if you want I can speed up the process for you.”
Trevor mulled it over, his two minds discussing their situation.
Of course, they enjoyed having a sense of individuality but it certainly wasn’t efficient. It took them twice as long to make decisions on anything and they were bound to have disagreements over who was in control of their body. In the long run, it was only gonna cause problems for them.
That said, they decided it’d probably be better if they became one sooner rather than later. “Let’s do it then. Speed me up. Make us whole.”
“Alright then. But first, I think I should introduce you to someone…” Wavell smirked before standing and closing his eyes.
There was a moment of silence as Trevor watched on curiously. But the silence was swiftly broken by Wavell letting out a roar before bursting out of his tailored suit with a sudden growth of gigantic muscle.
His biceps and thighs, pecs, and back all ripping the suit to shreds before the material began reshaping itself into more comfortable gym wear.
Following that, Wavell’s silver hair was replaced by a ginger-blonde color while his face grew younger and more jock-like until his transformation was finally complete.
“Ahhhh that’s better… nice and huge. I haven’t been out to play since I threw that damn Homo-bomb.” Kyle Wavell commented while rolling his neck a little before flexing.
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Trevor was too stunned to speak. So far he’d just been going along with everything but this was something else! That hot middle-aged interviewer just transformed into a jock before his very eyes!
Yet as insane as it was, his cock couldn’t help drooling pre-cum at the sight and making a wet patch in his shorts.
Seeing this Wavell grinned cockily. “Don’t worry big man. A lot of people who see this side of me have that reaction.”
He stood over Trevor, looking down at him past his huge pecs. “I thought I’d show you that you’re not the only one to have more than one person inside them.”
Trevor’s eyes widened. “You mean… you’re a merge? Like me??” He couldn’t even think of the fact that this jock was the cause.
“Well… not exactly. I work more as a hive-mind I guess. It’s not as strange as it sounds though.”
He tapped the side of his head. “There is only one mind in charge that makes decisions and controls this body and that’s yours truly, Wavell. However, I’ve absorbed two other dudes into myself and it’s their bodies that I use.” He made a number two with his fingers. “For example right now I’m tapping into Kyle. Using his young meathead body while also drawing on his personality all while the real Kyle is still buried deep inside me. The same goes for Chris, the version of me you’d been talking to up until now. They’re both just parts of me now that I can use whenever I please.” He explained with a smirk, closing one finger for each persona he described.
“Do they… like it?” Trevor questioned, somewhat nervously.
Wavell laughed. “They might not have been willing at first but as soon as they were a part of me they realized how much of a privilege it is bro. Being able to bathe in the vast ocean of magic for the rest of their lives. For them being a part of me is like having a constant never-ending orgasm. Sometimes I’ll even check in on them to find them making out and fucking.”
Wavell shuffled back onto the couch, sitting his huge frame on Trevor’s lap and rubbing his big muscle ass against Trevor’s bulge. “So yeah. They like it.”
Trevor gulped.
By this point, he hardly knew what he was hearing. All he knew was that this guy was anything but an ordinary interviewer.
Before he could do or say anything else, however, he felt this new hunk’s lips being pressed against his own. Kissing him long and deep. In an instant all of his doubts and worries about what or who the hell Wavell was melted away into nothing.
“So. How about we get you fully melded together bro,” Wavell stated, breaking the kiss. “This is gonna be hot as fuck.”
He rolled his ass over Trevor’s crotch, teasing him a little more, before finally standing back up and whipping out his cock. It was fat, heavy, and intimidating just like Trevor’s. “Now the way this is gonna work is you’re gonna suck me off until I bust down that gorgeous throat of yours. From there my magic cum will take care of the rest.”
It sounded like some kind of perverted prank yet as Wavell slowly edged his thick cock closer to Trevor’s mouth, the merged hunk couldn’t help but believe the mysterious man before wrapping his lips around the tip.
Wavell let out a satisfied grunt as the merged adonis began slowly taking more and more of the cock in his mouth, allowing it to slide in, inch by inch. All the while sucking and lapping up any precum he could get from the warlock. That delicious saltiness slowly drove him mad with lust.
Since the moment Wavell showed up at his doorstep, the thought of sucking the silver daddy’s cock had been lurking in the back of his mind and now that Wavell had become this hulking jock, that desire had bubbled over completely.
Truth be told Josh was never very good at sucking dick. He tried of course but they always knew David was the master when it came to dick-sucking. Hence David took control over Trevor for this part. Putting to use all the cock sucking skills he’d learned over the years.
He took as much of Wavell’s fat rod as he could before running his tongue along the shaft and suctioning the tip only to deep throat it again moments later.
Going through all the motions to service Wavell’s cock as best he could. Even stopping from time to time so he could suck on the warlock’s balls a little before returning to the leaking dick above.
“Mmmm yeah. Good boy.” Wavell grunted while rubbing Trevor’s head.
This went on for a good while as Trevor soon wrapped his hands around Wavell’s waist to keep him from moving, not the warlock planned on going anywhere.
The pair were completely oblivious to the time. Trevor was simply sucking away happily in an attempt to drain the fat balls before him and before long 20 minutes had flown by without them even realizing it!? He must’ve been more entranced by Wavell’s cock than he thought.
Wavell pounded the back of Trevor’s throat, feeling himself getting close at last. His balls began to churn as Trevor had already blown multiple loads over himself by this point.
Yet as Wavell continued to throat fuck his most recent interviewee, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he’d been having a little too much fun with these interviews.
Hell Chris Wavell had been doing them all up until now, the side of him that was supposed to be more mature and level-headed, and yet still half of the interviews ended with him getting sucked off. Oh well. He was getting the results he wanted so what was the harm?
Before long Trevor let out a long muffled groan as Wavell shot a thick load of cum into his mouth and right away he felt its power going to work.
As he drank the rich ball batter, Trevor could feel his two minds merging. The line between Josh and David was quickly becoming blurred as if Wavell’s cum was the glue sticking them together.
Forging them into one mind. One consciousness.
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Wavell certainly wasn’t lying when he said his magic cum would take care of the rest.
After a few intense moments, Wavell could tell his work was done and slowly pulled his saliva-coated cock out before tucking it away.
Meanwhile, Trevor was silent for a moment, trying to comprehend the change.
He still had all the memories and experiences of both Josh and David but now he felt like his own person. Like all of his thoughts were finally straightforward and linear, not needing to be a decision between two minds.
It was incredible! He felt truly complete at last! He felt… perfect.
“I’ll be honest bro. I could’ve just completed your merge without the face fucking but seeing that video got me so damn riled up!” The hulking warlock admitted.
“To make it up to ya I’ll toss in a freebie and alter your reality to make life easier for you my man.” With that Wavell placed a heavy hand on Trevor’s forehead and focused.
Merging as many aspects of his two former lives as possible. Making it so the world believed Trevor always existed and his sums did not. Giving him a mix of friend groups, giving him one of each parent (Josh’s father and David’s mother) while the other two parents were family friends, keeping Josh’s Sports Studies course as a major while minoring in Physiology on David’s side.
All that and more to perfectly blend the two lives into one. Blending them into Trevor.
“Woah.” Was all Trevor could say as Wavell removed his hand. “I… don’t know what to say…”
He looked down at his hands, finally feeling as though they were his and something he shared with someone else.
“You don’t have to say anything dude. My execution of the Homo-Bomb might’ve been a *tinnny* bit sloppy but if your desire to merge was strong enough to cause my magic to deviate that dramatically then it was probably meant to be.” Wavell gave the merged hunk a wink.
“Besides, this was pretty fun for me. Anomalies like this make it fun. Not to mention I got some pretty good notes!” He glanced over towards the notepad he’d set down before transforming earlier. “Speaking of, I don’t feel like finishing those off. That’s all Chris.”
In an instant, the warlock’s massive muscles began to deflate once again to a still impressive but much more modest size.
His face grew more mature and his hair turned silver once more.
Within moments the dashing Chris Wavell had returned with the gym clothes Kyle had created morphed back into a fitted suit. He straightened his tie a little and smiled. “Well. I suppose my work here is done.”
He grabbed the notepad and checked over the notes he’d made earlier before adding some extra ones. “Interviewing you has been quite the treat Trevor. You’re one of a kind in this little experiment of mine.” He explained while writing.
“I wish I could stay and chat longer with you but there’s still more subjects I must att-“ Wavell was cut off as he was suddenly wrapped up in a big hug.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Trevor exclaimed, holding the warlock tight and even lifting him up off his feet for a moment.
“Oh. Uhmm… you're welcome Trevor.” Wavell responded awkwardly.
It was rare he ever received something like a hug from anyone besides his boyfriend. It was strange but… nice. Though he wasn’t much of a hugging person he just sort of patted Trevor’s back.
Trevor didn’t mind though. Not one bit. He just wanted to show Wavell how grateful he was!
“I feel as though you’ve made me everything I was always meant to be. Everything Josh and David wished they could be!” He continued as he slowly released his grip on the suited man.
“I don’t know exactly what that Homo-Bomb thing is that you were on about but I’m so glad you made it! You’re a hero…” He leaned in and gave Wavell a big kiss on the cheek causing the all-powerful warlock to blush slightly.
“Hero huh?…” Wavell pondered on the word. He’d never really seen himself as a force for good or evil.
Just a force.
But he couldn’t deny how hearing that made his heart flutter just a little.
“Well. It was my pleasure, my dear friend. I hope now you can lead an even more fulfilling life than your former selves did.” He gave Trevor a sincere pat on the shoulder.
“Oh, and I probably shouldn’t have told you about the Homo-Bomb. As far as everyone is concerned, I’m just investigating the event.” Wavell twirled the pen in his fingers and spun it onto his ear.
“Usually I’d erase your memories… but if you can promise to keep it between us then I’ll let you remember.” He smirked with a purpose.
“Of course. I won’t tell a soul.” Trevor confirmed with a big smile.
“Good. Well in that case I’ll be on my way. I might come back to visit sometime though to see how you’re getting on.” Wavell made his way towards the door, Trevor following close behind him. “Oh, and you should probably change those shorts.” He said, turning around and glancing down at the huge wet patch Trevor had from cumming over himself earlier.
With that, the Warlock said his farewell to the new completely merged man and was finally on his way towards his last handful of subjects.
Dane had been doing a good job at interviewing a lot of them so it was going to be fun to compare notes once they were finished. Speaking of, he should probably read over what he got written down…
Trevor Griffin (David and Josh). 21 years of age. College students studying both Physiology and Sports Studies. Two different birthdays converses with himself and has twice the amount of residual magic in his body.
Before the Homo-Bomb he was two people, David and Josh.
They were acquaintances in high school and found themselves forming a romantic connection after moving in together for college.
Quite the surprise since they seemed to be social opposites. They started a relationship shortly after Josh went through a breakup and claim to have been very happy but always found themselves desiring more.
Being envious of the things the other has achieved but in a way that made them feel as though they were parts of the same whole.
Josh wishes he was smarter and David wishes he were buffer and more confident.
These desires seem to have been so strong that they created an anomaly when they were affected by the Homo-Bomb.
Camera footage from Josh’s bedroom shows that, unlike most others who underwent individual changes, they were instead drawn to one another in an extremely intimate way.
David is seen being lured into Josh’s bedroom by the magic where the two of them made love until they started fusing into one being.
That being would be Trevor. A seemingly perfect mix between the two.
Trevor didn’t have any memory of this merge until he was shown the recording. His physical body is perfect however his two minds are not.
On the inside, David and Josh are still separate beings who are struggling to control their shared form.
This is something that likely would resolve itself in time however I decided to help them along and merge their minds myself.
With my help, they’re now a complete fusion with a new reality to go along with it.
That said I’m baffled that the Homo-Bomb would deviate to this degree. I know that I should’ve been more careful and performing such a new and experimental spell as Kyle probably wasn’t the best idea but this case truly goes to show just how unpredictable magic can be when not perfected.
I’ll need to keep this in mind when I next try to perform the Homo-Bomb.
Once again, however, despite them not being my intention, I’m pleased with these results nonetheless.
Seeing such an intelligent hunk such as Trevor be born out of this spell is quite a delight and he seemed to think the same judging by how grateful he was after figuring out I was the one that caused all this. I’ve allowed him to keep his memories for now as long as he keeps all this secret.
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daddyisastateofmind · 9 months
The Duke and Duchess attend the Monarchal summit
*tug tug*
*tug tug*
*tug tug*
Sam reached over and placed his hand on Darlin's hand where it was currently fiddling with their sleeve. "Darlin', look at me."
With a huff, Darlin's eyes looked up to Sam.
He struggled to withhold the smile tugging at his lips. His Darlin' was so cute when they were pouting, but Sam knew voicing that wouldn't help at this moment.
"You look wonderful Darlin'. You don't need to try and improve on perfection."
"I feel like I'm playing dress up."
"Well, you are. But so will everyone else. And they'll look way more ridiculous than you will ever feel."
Darlin' purposefully put their hands on their knees and hooked their nails into their skin to stop fidgeting. "Shoulda just sent Milo in my place. Or his mate. They both took way too much glee in treating me like a living, breathing barbie doll."
Sam smiled "Well, you don't look like a barbie right now."
"No, but that's only because I had to get out a colour wheel and show them exactly which colours they were limited to."
Sam chuckled and took one of their hands into his own. "I'm guessing that was a small amount of colours to choose from."
"Yeah, apparently too small according to them. But we ended up in a compromise - colours found in abundance in nature" They lifted their other hand and waved it over their outfit. "That's how they ended up on this. They said the category was 'Peacock Eleganza Extravaganza'"
He cocked his head to the side and ran his eyes over the outfit "Huh, you do look a little bird-ish."
Darlin' had only begun to rant "I would have looked much worse if Milo had his way - he wanted to attach actual peacock feathers to me."
Sam tried not to giggle at the thought of his Darlin' covered in feathers. "Thank god you talked him outta that."
"I didn't though!" they exploded "He insisted that the feathers were part of his vision! He only relented when his mate said that he was being too costume-y."
Sam couldn't help but giggle now.
"But then," they continued "their suggestion was to get a live peacock and walk it around on a leash all night instead! Thank god they couldn't find one to rent at the last minute. I walked out of the room as they were trying to figure out what exactly the legal repercussions would be if they were caught breaking into the zoo and stealing one."
Sam groaned around a grin "Menaces. You're a pack full of menaces."
Darlin' admired Sam's face for a second - he looked gorgeous when he lit up like that. But soon after the anxiety started to bite again.
"You know I don't belong here Sam" they said softly, scared to say it out loud.
Sam's eyes softened "In the limo?"
"Going to the summit." they tried to pull their hand out from Sam's, but he just squeezed his grip on them tighter. "This isn't me - the fanciest I get is putting on slacks and having dinner at Olive Garden." Their tone went quiet again "I'm not gonna fit in there...with them."
If there was one thing in the world Sam hated, it was the look on Darlin's face when they were insecure. They were such a strong presence - give them a task to complete and their gaze would harden and their lips pulled into a stoic grimace. Even when facing someone twice their size, they stood tall and straight, confident that they could take them on.
But insecure Darlin'? With their eyes big and soft, looking up to Sam like a little lost child? It damn near broke his heart.
"That'll make us the 2 outsiders tonight. I'm a hick from no-one-cares-ville. I've never had to - never needed - to blend in with that kinda crowd. And I aint gonna lie to you love - there are those who don't think I deserve to breathe the same air as them. But I never took that as a reason to change myself for them." He let go of their hand and put his arm around their shoulders.
"All you got to do is be yourself Darl'. That's all I ever want you to be." He placed a light kiss right in the middle of their forehead, and then tucked their head onto his shoulder.
Sam put on a smooth charming drawl "If you want, I could always tell William that we're not going to-"
Darlin' pulled away from him "No, Sam."
"I said no. William invited me-"
Sam rolled his eyes "It's possible to decline a invitation Darlin'"
"Not when it was a literal gold engraved invitation, it isn't," Sam had to remind himself that it wasn't appropriate at his age to stomp his feet like a child.
"Besides, he was nice enough to invite me as part of the clan, even though I have no claim to it. I have to go."
Sam glanced at them and saw them school their expression into one of determination. "I'm going." Their voice sounded confident, but he could still see a glimpse of that lost little child in their eyes.
The limo turned a driveway and joined the queue of fancy sport cars and other limos dropping off their passengers.
"Well, if we're going, then I suppose I have to tell you something."
Darlin' responded but they were looking out the windscreen to the huge mansion they were getting closer to. "What's that?"
"But you have to promise me this never reaches the pack." That had them direct their focus straight at Sam.
"What is it?"
He grimaced and rubbed his chin. "You know how William's the king of the clan?"
"And Alexis and Vincent are his progenies?"
'Yes Sam, I pay attention."
"Well, that means they get to be called the princess and prince of the clan."
"O...k... Wait, are you a pr-"
"No, nope, I'm not a prince." Sam shook his head vehemently.
The limo was inching closer to the door now - only 1 car ahead of them.
"So what are you trying to tell me?"
Was Sam sweating? He felt like he was sweating, but when he wiped his hand against his forehead, it came up dry. Gods, this was so hard. "Since I am the progeny of a king's progeny, that makes me..."
"Makes you?"
A valet opened up the door next to Sam, who took this opportunity to rush out the next words. "Well Darlin', that makes me a duke."
He quickly stepped out of the limo. Standing there, adjusting his jacket, he waited for his mate to emerge. And he waited. And he waited.
He was about to duck back inside, when Darlin finally exited the vehicle. With the biggest shit eating grin he's ever seen.
With a high put upon voice his meemaw would have described as 'hoity-toity', they slipped their arm through his and announced loudly "Come Samuel, I am absolutely famished, and I long to tell Jemima about our summer in the Hamptons."
Sam mouthed "Jemima?" as he was dragged into the mansion on Darlin's arm.
He had a feeling, even if Darlin' hid this little fact from the rest of their pack, he was going to be the butt of many jokes for years to come. But it was worth it - the delight they had his expense meant they spent the whole evening with a huge smile on their face.
Sometimes Sam was sad about his turning - how his previous life was snatched away, and then was bestowed a life he never wanted. But he saw the silver lining sometimes. If he hadn't been turned, he might have not met his Darlin'. And might not have their sparkling eyes as they introduced themselves as the mate of the Duke of the Solaire clan to as many as people as possible - taking much pleasure in pointing to Sam "That one. That one there. He's the Duke of the Solaire clan."
Sam congratulated himself for not wearing his crown tonight. He wouldn't want Darlin' to pull a muscle laughing at him.
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helenofjupiter · 5 months
assigning taylor swift songs to bridgerton couples (part 1)
with explanations that no one asked for (proceed with caution)
part 2 for e, f, g and h
so i’ve been going kinda crazy about bridgerton the past few weeks, i read (and reread) all eight books and at some point while reading i couldn't stop trying to find taylor songs in my mind which would fit each couple. so i chose two songs for every pair, some of these have actual thought behind them, others are mostly based on vibes. i hope you enjoy this unhinged tangent <3
anthony & kate - i was actually reading gregory’s book when this completely genius thought hit me - treacherous IS the kanthony song. i mean it starts with “put your lips close to mine as long as they don’t touch”. insert a picture of any one of the hundred times they almost kissed in the show. even the build up of the song reminds me so much of the slow burn we had in the series. also lyrics like “i hear the sound of my own voice asking you to stay” (anthony being “what?? no!!! you can’t go back to india. wtf do you mean you’re not staying once edwina marries???”),  “and all we are is skin and bone trained to get along forever going with the flow but you're friction” through the lens of kanthony i see this line as them just constantly aggravating each other.
the second song for them is dancing with our hands tied. i hadn’t thought about this song in a criminally long time. oh boy. (i also just now realised how long this post is gonna be) “i, i loved you in secret, first sight, yeah we love without reason” i’m sorry but these dumb bitches were in love since that first fateful early morning horse ride you can’t convince me otherwise. “people started talking, putting us through our paces // but we were dancing, dancing with our hands tied, hands tied” this screams when they got caught and were forced to marry in the book. their hands were tied - they had no other choice but to marry but they were dancing because they actually did love each other (awww). other than that there are two lines that sort of go hand in hand - “i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us” and “i'm a mess, but i'm the mess that you wanted” in my head this is from anthony’s perspective. him dealing with his fear of morality and losing kate and while kate does have the eldest daughter syndrome, anthony is the bigger mess of a person in the relationship.
benedict & sophie - enchanted is a no brainer, it needs no explanation. now for their second song i picked the lakes. this resides in the vibes category. listening to this i can’t help but imagine benophie living an artsy quiet life in my cottage. i’m actually interested to see how their living situation will play out in the show because i feel in the books benedict wasn’t as involved in the ton. i guess it’s just a bit hard for me to envision show!ben being so chill about moving to some place in the middle of nowhere. 
colin & penelope - of course, dress. i listened to this on repeat while reading the whole book in one sitting. honestly a marvellous experience, can’t recommend enough . for the second song i had to go looking, had to travel far like colin one might say. and once i arrived in the long forgotten country of taylor’s debut album i found a piece of music so clearly polin coded that it’s baffling this fandom isn’t talking about it. the song in question is  i’m only me when i’m with you. it feels silly to explain this one because being from taylor’s early career the lyrics aren’t terribly clever so let’s focus on the chorus. “i'm only up when you're not down, don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground” some people want colin to be just ken in the show but i actually really liked how they both have a career in writing at the end of the book (penelope better had published the book she started writing). “the other half i'm only trying to let you know that what i feel is true and i'm only me when i'm with you” you can’t tell me this isn’t colin telling penelope she is beautiful over and over again and how much he loves him because he was a fool not to realise it sooner. while in the book penelope feeling like she is truly confident and herself around colin, i think in the show this line works from colin’s side just as well. 
daphne & simon - while most of the fandom has crowned wildest dreams as the saphne anthem (taylor’s version), i just couldn’t get behind it. yes, they used the song in their season but in my mind it just does not embody their relationship. firstly, the great war, i mean the first line “my knuckles were bruised like violets”. simon… boxing… you see the connection, right? okay, i promise it gets (even) better. “and maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt. telling me to punish you for things you never did” in case of simon, he was hanging on to his hate towards his father and refusing to have kids with daphne, punishing her while it wasn’t her fault what had happened to him as a child. “somewhere in the haze, got a sense i’d been betrayed” i hate this part of their stroy (i do not condone daphne’s actions) yet i can so clearly picture simon still partly on his high of pleasure but starting to realise what daphne had done to him. i think i like this as their song because well they both were all kinds of wrong in this situation and at the end of the song it’s acknowledged “there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair” and still it has a happy ending just like saphne. their second song was hard to find and i’m not a hundred percent sure about it but a present to you so it goes…  “all eyes on us, you make everyone disappear” - season 1, episode 1 “stare into my eyes”. i felt i needed to give them a sexy song and i do feel like it matches their sexual tension but this one is definitely up for debate.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
mutually assured satisfaction (pt7)
words: 2,721 ship: austin butler x reader summary: reader’s agent approaches her with a PR stunt to date austin butler and promote both their careers. a mapped out plan, an electric relationship–what could possibly go wrong?   notes: masterlist is on my sidebar :) one more part to go!  warnings: angst :)) tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @kittenlittle24, @slowsweetlove, @namoreno, @strokesofstokes, @callthedarknessdown, @kibumslatina, @al-co-hol-youlater, @frogoerson, @dancer4j 
You’re so enveloped in bad ideas lately that you don’t even think twice about telling Christina what happened at the party. You try not to give her all the details but once you start, they kinda just all spill out. Besides, your agent is looking at you expectantly like she already knows what you’re about to say, so why try and hide anything? Chewing on your lower lip, you run a hand over the lower half of your face—
“I know,” You groan, your head tipping back against the balcony chair you’re on at your apartment. The weather has finally turned, chilly but comfortable enough to sit outside with a glass of wine and a thick knit sweater.
“You didn’t.” She says, shaking her head, pouring more wine and nearly fills her glass up the whole way. Yikes. Who knows why she’s trying to deny it at this point.
Wincing, you’re quiet for a moment before nodding. “I did.”
Christina pinches the bridge of her nose, an exasperated noise leaving her throat, “Girl, I told you feelings were a bad idea, it complicates everything.”
Letting out a short breath from your nose, you can at least silently confirm that. Feelings definitely have twisted up your insides like a hurricane, you’re not sure which way is up, what emotions you have shown Austin that have been real versus what fits into the category of your fake relationship. Or at what moment did you realize that…this was something beyond a PR stunt. And does he even feel the same?
You think he does but…just because you kiss and share touches, hold hands when you have sex—doesn’t mean he’s in love with you.
“Oh my god,” Christina says after a moment, staring at you. “It was more than once, wasn’t it?”
Jesus, is that really written on your face? Your cheeks burn a red hot, a choked noise leaving your lips as you stutter to explain, “Well it—I mean, it was once at the party and we just…we went home, and w—” You let out a sharp breath, “Just…again in bed and,” You scoff, waving your hand at Christina, “You try to fake date the man, alright?”
Out of everything you expect Christina to do, the last thing is laugh. She takes another sip of wine and a series of giggles just leaves her lips and all you can do is stare at her because you’re pretty sure you’ve broken your agent. Running a hand over your face, you shake your head as you wait for her to pull herself together.
“Well you two definitely know the definition for ‘sealing the deal’,” You roll your eyes at that but can’t stop a ghost of a smile from tugging the corners of your mouth, “So…how was it? I mean if you’re gonna tell me, you can’t spare on details.”
You tell her as much as you’re willing to share—some of those intimacies are yours and yours alone.
“I guess I just don’t know where we stand now,” You admit, turning your wine glass in a circle on the table in front of you. “We’re supposed to break up next weekend.”
Christina hums, “And now you don’t want to?”
Taking a sip of your wine, you tap your fingers against the glass, “I’m just wondering if it’s really necessary.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
Not in so many words—you think you’re on the same page, it certainly feels like you are. You think about how you woke up together that morning after, sharing a bed and wrapped up in sheets, Austin pressing kisses to your chest and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. The way you’d run your fingers through his hair, your legs intertwined, how you can still feel the heat of his skin against your own.
You and Nate were never in the same book, let alone on the same page. You’ve attempted to talk to Austin about it but it’s never been the right time, there’s always something going on, especially with you. You’ve just managed to feel grounded again, like your whole world isn’t falling apart. You can’t just have sex and assume the emotions are clearly presented—you have to be up front and honest.
And hope he feels the same way.
“I’ll talk to him.” You lick your lips, Austin’s words outside your family home echoing in your head about figuring things out together, “We’ll get on the same track.”
Your agent nods softly, her gaze sweeping over your form as she allows you to take the lead. This whole PR thing might have been her idea, initially, but…you suppose this is exactly why nothing is written in stone. To allow room for mistakes or…changes.
“Just remember you’re supposed to go through the relationship, it’s not supposed to go through you.”
You watch her for a few moments, the words cutting into you like small, sharp blades. The realization that you might be wrong about everything, that Austin just might be…a really great actor, someone who’s been playing the game in order to get by, settles on you like a cold wave of ice water. But at the same time, that can’t be accurate, could it?
You know Austin, even in this short period of time together, you know what you’ve been through together hasn’t been one big façade.
Sitting at the open bar at the wrap party for your film, you watch as Austin mingles with a few people you worked with from set. He remembers their names and little things about their life that they’ve told him and…he’s so genuine with that, talking with people, making everyone feel that they’re important no matter what they do on a movie set. You know that it’s unexpected, that he’s caring and humble and you’re…almost angry with yourself that you’re letting Christina’s words get to you about your relationship. You know that she’s coming from a good, caring place but that it also makes you feel like you can’t breathe, as if the words alone are reaching their hands around your throat and squeezing.
You have no idea why you’re allowing yourself to get so wrapped up in assumptions, in ‘what if’s’—what happened to trusting yourself and how you feel?
Letting out a slow breath, you order another glass of wine, crossing your legs on the stool you’re seated on. You need to shake this loose, enjoy the party, and talk to Austin to clear everything up. Feeling someone approach you, you turn your head to see your boyfriend sit down next to you, his hand automatically resting warmly on your knee. You can tell he’s having a good time, eyes slightly hazy from drinking, smile lazy.
“You havin’ a good time?”
You nod a little, giving him a soft smile, “Sure—are you?”
He narrows his eyes at you, really giving you a good onceover. You can tell right away that he doesn’t believe you. You remember when you were on the roof of your apartment, by the pool, that Austin said you weren’t what he expected. Interviews he’d seen you in, he said you looked ‘unhappy’—and while that did have to do with what was going on with your grandmother, you’re aware that sometimes you put on a mask for people, hide a bit of your true self, that you don’t always let people in.
And Austin is getting a lot better at seeing right through that.
“Nah, you don’t mean it tonight,” He says, licking his lips, “Somethin’s goin’ on that you haven’t told me.”
You’re not sure why that rubs you the wrong way but you crinkle your nose, “I don’t have to tell you everything.”
Austin doesn’t take the bait, he’s not about to get into it with you when he already knows that you’re leaning on the side of miserable. Instead, he picks up your one hand and presses a kiss to the inside of your wrist before giving you some space, slipping off the stool and pushing his way back out into the party. Turns out, that ends up being what you need, clearing your head as some other co-stars spend time pulling you into discussions about what everyone is going to do with their ‘time off’. Also known as that short period of vacation where you benefit off the fruits of your own labor, maybe take a tiny trip, and then figure out what your next project is.
And yet despite these distracting conversations, you can’t stop thinking about what that small trip would be like with Austin—maybe somewhere warm, on the beach.
You have a bad habit of smoking cigarettes sometimes when you drink, and it’s not all the time, but you’re craving nicotine right now. So you break from the bar and look for Austin, wondering if he might want to share one with you, attempting to find him in the group of people. Wandering down the hall towards the bathroom, you hear a couple of hushed voices.
When you turn the corner, you see Austin gently pushing one of your co-stars, Rebecca, away from him. Her hands are stretched out towards him as she talks, clearly a bit intoxicated, “M’just saying—you deserve to be with someone who knows how to have fun, you know?”
“Let’s uh—let’s get you some water, okay?” He tries, taking a step back when she advances one forward. She’s practically against his chest, trying to keep him close. There’s a strong line up Austin’s back, his hands switching between keeping hers off of him and attempting to keep distance.
“You can be honest with me,” She huffs, “You don’t really love her, right? I mean…it’s all a big stunt?” Rebecca laughs, “Which means when it ends? You’ll know where to find me.”
A muscle in Austin’s jaw works as he looks down at her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” And while his voice is gentle, his tone is firm.
“I mean, come on—who would choose to be with her unless it was part of an act.”
You quickly turn on your heel out of that conversation, your head spinning as you push your way out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. The cold breeze nearly stings your face but it’s kinda welcome at this point, greedily drawing air into your lungs so your hands stop shaking. Rebecca, not surprisingly at all, is a giant bitch. She was difficult to work with as it was so you guess you shouldn’t be amazed that she’s attempting to steal your boyfriend—fake boyfriend, whatever.
Leaning against the railing, you light that cigarette you were after and take in a slow draw. The door slides open behind you and you don’t have to turn to see who it is. Austin leans against the rail next to you, running a hand through his haphazard curls,
“I was lookin’ for you.”
You glance over at him and nod, flicking ash off the cigarette. You offer it to him and he takes it, fingers brushing yours, “Well you found me.”
Austin licks his lips, taking a long drag off the cigarette. His lips wrap perfectly around the canister, smoke curling out in a way that should not be as attractive as it is, “I was cornered by Rebecca near the bathroom,” He shakes his head, “She’s really not the nicest person.”
A soft laugh leaves your lips as you drum your fingers against the metal, “No, she’s not. She try to kiss you?” Mise well just throw it all out there.
Austin raises his eyebrows, turning to look at you with a slightly amused expression as he takes another hit off the cig and passes it back to you. “There was some definite tryin’.”
You hum, bringing your glass up to your lips to take a sip, the red wine mixing a bit with the smoke. “You could have let her—if you wanted to.”
He straightens his stance next to you, standing to his full height. There’s this emotion that you can’t quite name playing on his face, looking down at you as you take another inhale off the cigarette before dabbing it out.
“Now why would I want that when we’re together?”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you shrug your one shoulder. “We’re not really.”
Austin’s demeanor shifts almost abruptly, his jaw working in a way that tells you he’s teetering on losing his patience. He lets out a short breath, eyes hard and cold as he works on controlling words coming out of his mouth,
“How many times are we gonna do this?” He asks, “Don’t we know where we stand with one another?”
You blink at him, a frustrated sound leaving your lips because, “No, that’s the problem—we’re not on the same page. We haven’t talked about anything.” And while you know Austin was giving you space to heal when it came to your grandmother and that you’ve been soaking one another in, having good times, mixing business with pleasure—it doesn’t mean that you’re sure about how to move forward.
“We can’t just…” You lower your voice a moment, glancing at the sliding glass door and then back to Austin, “Ignore the fact that we were pretending to be in a relationship. Having sex doesn’t automatically change anything.”
Austin scoffs, “Well I certainly didn’t hear you complainin’ when your legs were open.”
Your mouth falls open in disbelief, your hand coming up and smacking Austin across his face so fast that neither of you seem to understand what’s just happened after that. He rears his head back, his hand touching his cheek as he stares down at you, your hands shaking because what the fuck?
His eyes widen just slightly and you can tell he regrets the words that came out of his mouth, twinged with frustration, anger, alcohol, all the above.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Austin says quickly, shaking his head. “I dunno why I said that.”
You look away from him, swallowing thickly, this knee-jerk reaction inside of you to just bolt, to leave the party and to not be in the same space as him anymore. But…there’s also this ache in your chest that somehow understands where he’s coming from, that frustration of just not knowing what either of you are together because things keep getting so convoluted and twisted.
The honest fear there that one person wants something different.
Austin quietly rubs at his cheek, embarrassment clear as glass in his blue eyes. He leans back against the balcony railing, the silence between you two almost stifling in a way that it hasn’t been before. There are words trapped underneath your tongue about how you feel about him, how it feels to be with him, how this whole thing has been so fucking messy but that you wouldn’t trade a second.
Neither of you are perfect…but you have perfect moments with eachother.
“I think…” Austin pauses, “At the end of the day this was just what we said it was, right? Fake relationship? PR stunt? Mutually assured satisfaction?”
You stare at him for a long moment and try not to feel so deeply about his words. He’s right—this wasn’t real. That was the whole point. So why does it hurt so much?
“Think we got what we needed to out of this.”
You take in a sharp breath before clearing your throat—you’re not gonna cry about this. This is exactly what you wanted, an honest conversation. “Right,” You nod, “So I guess…”
“We can keep to the schedule,” He clears his throat, “Break up like we’re supposed to.”
The circle of your relationship coming to a close like it was supposed to, everything falling into its place. There’s this hesitancy as you set your wine glass down, intent on leaving the party. Waiting just in case for Austin to back out of what he’s said, change his mind, apologize again and restart their whole conversation.
But that moment doesn’t come.
“I’ll see you.” You say because you can’t think of anything else, your throat aching because you want to cry.
You leave as quickly as you can, tears falling when you reach your car.
Thank you for reading :)
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the-gayest-show · 3 months
Thoughts on the Hazbin Hotel series so far? Episodes 1 - 3 were fine, but 4 - 6, goddamn. Great character dynamics, compelling themes, and music that BANGS harder than Disney can deliver atm. I’m so happy this show is approaching greatness cause Viv is talented when she wants to be.
I've kept this ask in the back burner until I've watched all of the episodes from 1-6, so I have done so and here are my takes!!!
This show is great! Really great! Some of the songs have made it in my head and remained there to this day (I'm looking at you, Stayed Gone), and ngl the 1-3 episodes had great character dynamics from the start, though I feel genuinely like there shoulda been a much better intro to HH in e1. It feels like you just spawned in this world and are expected to know everything. I guess it's made with the pilot in mind but that should be clarified at least.
Episodes 4-6 omfg.
Episode 4 was great, loved the insight into Angel Dust, though I'm not as severely attached to him but it was great regardless. Good shit! The song was pretty good.
Episode 5... what to say about it... I FUCKING LOVED IT OMFG HBISABIEBIBVBWVICSJBEBVWIFOI I don't know why but lucifer is in my brain. he is in my soul. i cried at More Than Anything, I am in the process of making a lucifer video comp because of him. The blorbo ever. Instantly fits all the slots to the "silly traumatized men" category of characters that I love so much. The deisgn, his silliness. His voice. Unmatched. I AM NOT NORMAL ABOUT HIM AND HIS ARC YOU SEE!!!! I CANT CONTAIN THE SILLY BECAUSE HE IS SILLY!!! HE FUCKIN ROCKS! I LOVE THE SILLY FALLEN ANGEL!!!
worst part is i can now (more tragically [not]) compare the show to Good Omens and DO. YOU. UNDER. STAND!!!! LUCIFER JUST LIKE CROWLEY FR!!!! I LOVE ME SILLY MEN WITH TRAUMA!! FALLEN ANGEL!!!! *screams*
episode 6 was great it was pretty good and nice reveal and "you didn't know" goes hard with the "if hell is forever than heaven must be a lie" lyric.
yeah uh that's what i got for now!
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gwennafran · 5 months
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Pale Lights, Book 2 chapter 19 - Scholomance Residents that doesn’t count as students
So many. This took two weeks. And I’m not even done. I also implemented “must have been in at least two chapters” for some of the categories. In case you’re wondering about the lack of cute blonde urchins.
Descriptions under cut
13th Associates:
Wen: I probably should add a hand with the food he’s eating. Maybe if I need to edit something about him at a later date.
Mandisa: We’re slowly learning a little more about her. A lot of her is still very defined by her being unreasonably pretty, though. Including her emotional reactions, it seems.
Nerei: She’s fun to draw. Honestly, though, “maroon eyes”. That’s EE sneakily introducing a character with dark red eyes in a way easily overlooked.
Osian: We know he’s Malani. Have a guess about his age. And got his height from the Pale Lights AMA. That’s it.
Morning Class Professors:
Kavita: The ever-friendly Discord help me place her most likely ethnicity within the ethnicity. Also, so much text. I need something shorter to refer to her as.
Tenoch: He looks way too cute. The oversized coat was a fun challenge. Makes you wonder if he used to be that size. Or is wearing one of Wen’s old coats. With the stubble, there might be a chance for Tenoch to have some mixed background. Rather than being all Aztlan.
Yun: How to draw a character you kinda want to punch just by looking at him.
Malba: I based her hair on the fontange hairstyles from the late 17th century. Minutes before posting her to the Discord, EE then posted a response to me commenting on hair research, with a picture of much more Renaissance appropriate Tudor hair. There will be a redesign. Once I get time. Hey, her hair is at least as period accurate as the tricornes. :P
Rhys and Nandi: So cute together. So totally ruining my layout. So I got creative fitting two more characters into one character’s space. And yeah, Nandi is more than a head taller than Rhys.
Evening Class Teachers:
Chunhua: For a normal row her scarf would be absolutely eye-burning bright in all the black. For a normal row…
Hermegildo: I ever thought I’d actually use up all the room above the characters. This guy proved me wrong. Then EE confirmed on the Patreon Discord that it is the correct feather size.
Balthasar; I’m starting to use all the Lierganen cast to have just a touch of colour other than dark brown and black for hair.
Yue: Both Yue and Hermegildo can’t be bothered to properly put on their coats, and wear them as odd cloaks. Hard to tell just from portraits, though.
Hage: Are you really smiling if you don’t do so with two sets of teeth?
Mephistofeline: Prince of Hell, felonious claimant to the throne of Pandemonium. And naturally with a title way too long to fit into the picture.
Itzcuin: I had to rework his sketch so he didn’t end up looking like Tenoch’s twin. At which point I realized I might have a default for Aztlan characters.
Dionara: Her cloak for rose ornaments. Because I felt like drawing a pair of cute roses.
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roseworth · 1 year
Opinions on Rose's Ravager outfits? Personally I always feel like she gets screwed over when it comes to outfits. I thought her original outfit was bland, but I'd rather have that than the weird pirate motif DC keeps putting onto her now.
HEAD IN HANDS i just wrote a whole response to this with details of every single one of her costumes then i pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted ALL OF IT im gonna cry. so im sorry if i forget something because this is the second time im writing this whole thing :(((((
anyways overall i agree her costumes are usually bad. they either dont really fit her vibe or theyre boring or they have way too much going on. there are only a handful that i actually consider Good and most of them are really bad or just kinda nothing
but i put under the cut what i think of all of them:
original costume: BAD
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this one falls into the bland category and its just.... not good. like the boob window is so unnecessary, i dont like the mask, and the colors are so nothing, and every detail sucks. i like the boots tbh but other than that. bad.
the same costume but different: better
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i like this because it takes some of the good aspects of the other one and keeps them, but then makes it all a lil brighter and gives some more orangey accents. i wish she didnt have the mask at all, i hate it. but when she does have the mask i prefer it when her hair is sticking out the bottom, i dont like it when its all tucked in like in the first pic
the same costume without the mask: <3
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im counting this as its own costume just because in the middle of teen titans she goes a while just not wearing the mask at all <3 its so disappointing when she puts it back on after going a bit without it
ok. new 52 time :/
NOWHERE fits: so fucking awful
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technically not even ravager outfits but still. everyone point and laugh. the white and green does NOT look good on her and both of these costumes look terrible. especially the first one bc what the fuck is going on with that skirt thing
the ravagers: unfortunate serve
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i fucking love this costume, i think this is actually one of my favorites of hers. i think it combines costume + armor really well, and i think that the color scheme really suits her. the art in this book was so fucking pretty and she looked so good every time she showed up. the unfortunate part was every other aspect of this book :/
her worst look: literally fucking terrible no redeeming qualities
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girl take that shit off right fucking now i cant be seen with you wearing this. there is not a single part of this fit that looks good. i said the color scheme looked good in the last costume bc the red was kept to accents. there is so much red going on here and thats FAR from the worst part. lets go from head to toe. that mask is literally a travesty, i dont know who thought it was a good idea. the weird collar thing she has going on is so????? then she has the skulls on her shoulder pads, which are bad enough on their own. and why does she have a bazooka on her back. and why does she only have a skull on one knee?????? this is a fucking mess. kory attacks her on sight in this book and i fully believe its because this costume is so ugly she couldnt hold herself back. um. i like the fingerless gloves though i guess
rebirth: hesitant slay...
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i hate the mask but other than that its?? fine???? this one used to be my favorite but i dont really like it as much anymore, idk why. i think its trying too hard to be armor and casual at the same time and ends up not looking good. i hate this mask soooo much though, i think the weird thing going on with her eyes makes this the second worst mask behind whatever was going on in the last one. and like you said i think this one relies too much on the pirate motif??? like i appreciate the reference to the eyepatch i guess but i would rather they just give her an eyepatch. like the skulls and the pirate thing seems way out of place and doesnt fit her vibe or the outfits vibe at all and it just looks weird. but other than that this look is. Fine.
defiance: eh
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this one isnt technically ravager either but its still a rose costume so im rating it. its very ,,,, fine. like i dont have any problems with it but there isnt anything i particularly like about it. the whole point of the white costumes in this arc was because they were supposed to look wrong and out of place and all so i cant fault it for that, but theres just not really anything going on here its fine for what it is and thats all i can really say about it
willow: SLAY &lt;3 <3
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i love this one, probably another one of my favorites. once again the black with red accents suits her so well. and the artist draws it so it doesnt even seem that horny despite the fact that its a lace up crop top and booty shorts <3 she looks so nice and i love the fit thats my girl (gn) ❣���❣️
stormwatch: yeah &lt;3
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two screenshots just to point out the fact that she changes costumes halfway through this issue and i want to bully her for it. but this one is nice, its really simple but i think it works, plus shes drawn like an actual adult instead of a 15 year old so i cant complain <3 the skull imagery is very small and doesnt seem to piratey so i still dont love it but i forgive it. this costume is pretty good and i like it overall, its one of her better costumes
and yeah <3 i hope i didnt forget any but uh rose babygirl we have got to get you better costumes. i think the best color for her would be like a reddish orange bc i like the red for her but the orange is kind of Her Color (even though its only because of slade) and i think she should never wear that mask
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(tw misogyny, discussion of sterility; spoilers for the short stories Bounds of Reason and Something More)
Why do sorceresses and witchers go so well together? At least according to Andrzej Sapkowski i guess
In Bounds of Reason, right before their famous foursome in the bathtub, Geralt and Borch Three Jackdaws have a conversation about golden dragons. Geralt argues that golden dragons only exist in legends and fairytales; Borch mentions the possibility of one having been born as the result of "an accidental, unique mutation." The conversation takes a different turn then as Geralt sees a parallel between this hypothetical golden dragon and himself: "'If there were, it met the fate of all mutants.' The Witcher turned his head away. 'It differed too much to endure.'" man i wish i could write a line that slaps as hard as this one
There seems to be three main characteristics that define mutants, according to Geralt: their unusual appearance, their extraordinary abilities and, most importantly here, their sterility. "'[...] Golden dragons and other similar mutants, were they to exist, couldn't survive. For a very natural limit of possibilities prevents it.' 'What limit is that?' 'Mutants,' the muscles in Geralt's jaw twitched violently, 'mutants are sterile, Borch. Only in fables survive what cannot survive in nature. Only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility.'"
During a later conversation between Geralt, Yennefer and the sorcerer Dorregaray, Yennefer seems bent on marking a clear frontier between witchers and humans, while assimilating herself to the second category: "'Dragons aren't man's enemies,' Geralt broke in. The sorceress looked at him and smiled. But only with her lips. 'In that matter,' she said, 'leave the judging to us humans [emphasis not mine]. Your role, Witcher, is not to judge. It's to get a job done.'" She's still mad at Geralt at that point, so it's safe to assume she's just taking this opportunity to try and get under his skin, but it seems there's another reason why she insists on framing the situation as 'us (humans) versus them (witchers and by extension mutants of all sorts).'
Later during the conversation, she argues that “fecundity […] is the condition for survival and domination” of the human race. She tries to keep her tone scientific and dispassionate, but apparently the entire community of magic users across the Continent has heard about Yennefer’s dissatisfaction with her sterility, because Dorregaray picks up on her weakness and uses it against her: “Yes, Yennefer, fecundity, fecundity and once again fecundity. So take up bearing children, my dear; it’s the most natural pursuit for you.” (asshole)
Despite being a brilliant sorceress, as a barren woman, she can't contribute to the "survival and domination" of the human race in the only way that matters, at least according to her own argument. By bringing up her sterility, Dorregaray has thus singled her out as an individual on the margins of society. What is her place then if she doesn't belong with humans? Geralt, riding right next to her and trying very hard not to make her any angrier than she already is, provides a silent answer to that question: if humans don't count her as one of theirs, it must mean she belongs with him and his fellow mutants.
(Although he is probably sterile as well, I think Dorregaray doesn't consider that the criticism he levelled against Yennefer applies to himself because he's a man as well as a sorcerer and thus considers that there are other ways in which he can contribute to society.)
And she fits right in the definition of a mutant according to Geralt: as a character, she's defined by her distinct appearance (her black and white clothing, which is the most efficient way for both Geralt and the reader to identify her in the books and the games), her extraordinary abilities (magic powers) and, of course, her barrenness. Her conflictual relationship with Geralt stems from the fact that they're both very bad at articulating what they want and being emotionally vulnerable, of course, but also because his very presence reminds her that no matter how powerful she is, she belongs in the same category as the mutants and has no chance at leading an ordinary woman's life. Ultimately, however, they keep circling back to each other because no one else can understand them like each other does: they have been through the same things, the same choices have been taken from them and ordinary humans give them the same wide berth, although it manifests in different ways.
The fact that this is the short story that opens Sword of Destiny is interesting and so funny to me. Themes of sterility and the impossibility of having a family keep cropping up throughout the story but you can't forget that the book ends on Geralt and Ciri finding each other again and, most importantly, accepting each other. Geralt pretends to be disillusioned and cynical as a coping mechanism against the hardships of his life but destiny keeps proving him wrong and shows him that, like the golden dragon that managed to have a child against all odds, his happily ever after (and Yennefer's) is within reach, even if they don't conform to the traditional definition of a family and have to make up their own.
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I’m kinda glad you got that ask cause that is SUCH a good way of wording it. My views on the whole pro/anti have relaxed since I got older but never to the point of full on pro-shipping and I couldn’t explain why it just doesn’t sit right with me to fit myself into either category. It’s like anti-shipping is so “nothing can be negative or even morally ambiguous ever” but I’ve seen pro-shippers call people puritans and compare them to actual dangerous right wing conservatives for being uncomfortable with things that are very normal to be disgusted by (like incest and/or graphic porn of young children).
Like why does it have to be one or the other when none of these people are making any sense half the time. It’s such a chronically online argument too. I cannot be bothered anymore
Pro-Ship/Anti-Ship talk: you can see my stance here.
[I denounce the entire conversation to begin and I existing exactly why.]
Exactly like - if we really care about these topics then let's not boil them all down into one question and then fight - without discussing the topics.
Case in Point:
I know why I got this ask. It's very easy to guess - the only person I really write about is Hobie. It's very easy for me to make the connection between Hobie - age - proshipping - 'ew'.
And I think the Hobie conversation in particular, like more than other cases - is ridiculous! I can't scream it enough.
Arguing about Hobie's age is an endless argument.
Every time this argument comes up people on both sides point to the Art Book and like - "Look it says-"
It doesn't say shit.
Literally one the EXACT same page in the EXACT same paragraph they describe him as
'SLIGHTLY older' and 'MUCH older' than Miles. In the same breath. Even the book doesn't know. So if someone is genuinely out here arguing for either side and you believe that you are unquestionably right - I see it as waste of time.
At the end of the day the Hobie in my head is an adult. If the Hobie in your head acts like a teen and you think he's a teen, okay cool. That's how you characterize him. But if you think that YOUR Hobie is MY Hobie - nah. They're both still Hobie, but we're not seeing the character the same
Honestly I'm just happy we got him to begin with.
And because I wanna end it positive
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[him and diane smiling at each other AHHHHH]
But like regardles of age- Isn't Hobie such a good role model?!
Like, Miles' dad insists that Spider-man should be a role model, and Hobie thinks the opposite - he's not and he shouldn't be. (I should write about how his violent self-endangering ways may lead to him feeling this way)
But even so, he's a great role model to everybody, without even trying. To Gwen, To Miles, To me, and all the people watching he got into punk. All the young black kids with natural hair. All the alt black people. I can go on and on.
Like, EVERYONE feels safe with Hobie. Because he cares about people - and because of that, he's a role model.
Spider-punk may not be a role model, but Hobie Brown is. To everyone.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
hiii! i was wondering if i could get a benny bridgerton drabble with 7 and 18 from le smut category for drabble weekend:)) thank you<3
decided to go with prompt 18 because i already wrote something for prompt 7 hope thats alright <333
home for the summer.
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
prompt: "I swear I'm gonna fuck the next person that walks through that door." but I changed it to "I swear I shall shag the next person that walks through those doors." so it would fit the era <33
a/n: I know this was a smut prompt but it ended up being fluffy <33
word count: 386
☕️ drabble weekend (closed) ☕️
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“I swear I shall shag the next person that walks through those doors."
“Sir Bridgerton!” 
You feign an over exaggerated gasp, your hand on your chest as you look over to Benedict. His hand is still on top of his sketchbook, a piece of charcoal gently moving along the page but without any kind of vision in mind. He glares at the white wooden doors, the crease between his brows deepening while he licks his lips. 
“You have no idea how tedious everything has been so far,” he groans, finally turning his gaze to you. “Nothing I draw matches the image inside of my head– I feel like I might go mad if I stare at it any longer,” 
“And your solution to that is to wet your wick?” 
“Maybe…” he huffs and slaps his cheeks. “I don’t know,” 
“How about we take a break then? A stroll outside might do you wonders,” 
“You sound just like my mother,” 
Your smile wavers, certainly it was never pleasant to be compared to one’s mama, especially when that someone is a man you fancied. You disguise your wavering smile with a sigh. Closing your sketchbook, you stand up and sit right across from Benedict. He gives you a confused look but lets you place a hand on his cheek anyway, you’re surprised to see him press his cheek against the inside of your palm. Your heart flutters. 
“I am right here you know, Mister Bridgerton. We’ve known each other for about a year now. I…it pains me when you fail to notice me. 
“Pardon me?” he pulls back, eyebrows raised. “What do you mean by that? I always notice you,” 
“That’s not what I mean…” 
“I am aware of what you mean. I see you. All the time.” 
“You do?” 
Your voice is meeker than you anticipated. Benedict smiles, leaning in closer, he closes the distance between the two of you. Your head spins as you feel his lips against yours, so soft, the lingering taste of red wine still prominent. His tongue swipes against your bottom lip, your chest heaves. With both hands Benedict cups your cheeks and breaks the kiss. 
“My apologies…I-I shouldn’t have,” 
“N-No! That was…pleasant,” 
He chuckles. 
“Was it now?” 
“Then I have no choice but to do it again,” 
“I guess not.”
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finnissilly · 8 months
another short story between kilo and miles- this being the last time they interact.
TW: lots of phyiscal pain descriptions, torture, vomiting, mentions of abuse.
Two figures sat across one another in what looked to be an underground campsite of a sort, the only source of light emitting was that of a small campfire within the vast darkness.
The first looked to be that of a taller, built, pale elf with dark hair, his face was thrashed of many scars, with a tired expression painted across his face.
He looked to be the older of the two, wearing darker loose fitting clothing bedside his armor.
The other seemed to be a shorter, younger elf with darker blue skin, his hair was that of a starlight off white color, his face appeared to have freckles speckled across as one of his favorite eyes remained covered by his hair that draped down.
He’d worn dark, almost full armor to cover and protect themselves in the harsh world he’d lived within.
The two looked to be related of sorts.
His face painted a different expression though, one of which that portrayed distress.
It was relatively quiet between the two as the only sound was the popping of the firewood, crackling and sparking.
“Right.. what’s wrong?” The older one spoke, breaking the silence as he glanced over at his younger brother.
“Hm?” He seemed to snap from his daze as he met with the man across the fire.
“You’re only this quiet if you’re upset or if you’re distracted. Both can fall into the same category.”
“Oh um..” Kilo was caught off guard, “it’s-“
“You’re full of shit if you say ‘it’s nothing’ Kil’” Miles spoke as he glared over at his brother, he was a very blunt and brutally honest individual.
Kilo, quite the opposite as he considered his options, before sighing in defeat.
“Well- I guess just..” they struggled in an attempt to find their words “I miss my parents, y’know..?” He admitted. “I mean- they couldn’t had just.. up and left me could they? They would’ve told me they would’ve-“ he was soon cut off “yes they would’ve.” Miles spoke bluntly as he took a swig of alcohol.
“No! I- maybe with you but not with me. I-“
Kilo stopped before covering his mouth, gasping as they’d realized what they’d said, looking over and seeing an angry expression on his brother's face.
“No I- I didn’t mean it like that.”
Miles let out a laugh “no- no I get it! You’re the perfect son and I’m the fuck up they sold! Yeah. Yeah that tracks.” He spoke in an aggressive tone.
“Miles.. you know I didn’t mean it like that, I never said you were a fuck up-“
“Yeah but you sure meant it.”
“No I- you’re not a fuck up. I’ve never thought you were one..” Kilo tried to calm his brother down as he sighed.
“No I mean, what I meant is-.” He stood up.
“I don’t understand why they’ve done what they’ve done I mean- they sold you, like you said, and they.. I dunno I guess never really paid much attention to me and I just..” he sighed, it went quiet for a moment.
“It’s unfair, yeah but..” Miles spoke letting out a sigh before he’d shook his head “They’re just shitty people, don’t try to put much thought into their actions.” He said in an attempt to calm him.
Kilo snapped “No! They’re not shitty people they- they took care of me! They fed me they-“
Miles sort of laughed “Kilo- you can’t still seriously be defending them?” He said in a puzzled way, Kilo about to speak back as Miles hadn’t let him get a word in.
“Yeah- they did the BARE minimum?? Kilo- they neglected you your WHOLE life! And you still defend them?” Miles spoke baffled and a bit angrily as he stood.
“Because they’re my parents!! I’m supposed to love my parents! And they’re supposed to love me! And- I need to do better!” Kilo yelled in an upset tone.
“Oh for god's sake Kil- why can’t you see what shits they are?? They NEVER even fuckin told you about me! You had to find out that shit on your own, what kind of parents fuckin, sell your children and neglect the other one??” Miles snapped at him.
“Maybe they had a good reason! Maybe they were I dunno.. low on money??” Kilo tried to defend his parents
“Oh and you think that’s a fucking excuse?? Low on money? So what? You pop out a baby and sell him immediately??” Miles was so baffled with Kilo’s argument.
“YOU’VE NEVER EVEN MET THEM!!” Kilo yelled out at Miles.
“I don’t need to have MET THEM to know that they’re fucking CHILD ABUSING CULTISTS!” Miles practically screamed at his brother.
“They- what-?” Kilo’s eyes widened as he focused on his brother.
Miles was stunned for a moment before he’d shook his head
“Oh- yeah! Did I mention? Yeah they’re fuckin cultists, built a WHOLLEEEE cult on the raven queen, and I was their little present to her!” Miles ranted out
“What? No I- that can’t be true.”
“Pff- oh hear and weep Kil’ if you don’t believe me? Oh just ask Fern. That’s how we met in the first place.” He spoke as if they hadn’t seen Fern in at least over 3 years.
Kilo shrunk “no I… no how could they-“ he shook his head.
“You remember that little symbol Fern had on his forehead? Yeah that’s FROM them, their sadistic fucking cult.” Miles growled.
“No- you.. you’re lying!” Kilo began to panic as they yelled out.
“Why would I do that?” Miles said as he crossed his arms.
“Because- You’re- you’re just jealous because you killed your dad and I still have mine.”
Kilo said as Miles’ expression immediately changed, more in an upset form as Kilo brought up his adoptive dad.
His expression soon turned to rage as he walked over to his brother, and grabbed the collar of his shirt to lift him off the ground.
“You do NOT get to talk about him like that. Or EVER.” Miles hissed at his brother, who shrunk in the grasp of him.
Miles' expression intensified as he bawled his fist up and growled, before punching his brother in the face, breathing out before letting Kilo drop to the ground as he walked off.
Kilo sat there on the ground as he watched his brother walk off, glancing down at the ground as they clenched their fists, their face ached, but they knew Miles held back on that.. despite everything.
Miles breathed out as he turned within the cave-like structure he was in, placing his head in his hands momentarily as he sighed to himself. “God fucking dammit Kilo..” he spoke aloud to himself.
After some time of walking, he’d made his way to a small stash of different items he’d been smuggling to different people, scanning his items before spotting a barrel, picking it up and taking it with him.
He was supposed to smuggle some illegal items to a faction he was vaguely associated with, he was the guy they’d gone to whenever they needed a smuggler for a task.
Granted, he was good at his job and he worked alone, careful not to involve his friends or family into his crimes as he didn’t want to make it their problem to deal with.
He sighed, making it to the meeting spot after what felt like forever.
“Moonshine! There he is, our favorite smuggler!” A taller, quite bigger person had cheered out, briefly going over putting an arm around Miles as he’d shaken him slightly, Miles could never quite recall the name of the faction or the faces of these people too well though.
Only thing he’d really recalled was these specific two being bigger than him.
“Get off me-“ Miles hissed as he escaped the arm of the first man. “Ah that’s right, shadow-boy doesn’t like being touched.” He spoke with a gruff laugh, backing away as Miles rolled his eyes at this exchange.
“So, did you get the goods?” A, slighter shorter one chimed in.
Miles nodded as he set his barrel down, kicking it over to the two, It rolled to their side.
Miles crossed his arms afterwards.
“Ohh! This is gonna be so go-“ the first one began to pick up the barrel but as he did, it began to growl and rumble, unhinging itself as it showed a mouth that opened to reveal its sharp teeth.
Miles eyes immediately widened
“MIMIC!” The first of the men screamed out before dropping it, the other quickly snatched it, immediately throwing the creature off the nearby underdark rocky cliff side, the three glanced over the edge where it was thrown, seeing the creature fall before it had gone into the endless abyss.
The three went silent for a moment.
The taller man shot his eyes over to Miles, furious as he’d grabbed him by the neck “YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED MOON?!” He screamed at him as he held him up within the air.
Man this would be a good time to teleport, but unfortunately- Miles already used that ability up for today.
Miles gasped as he choked, holding onto the massive hand that covered his throat, attempting to get free “n-no I-“ he gasped out, feeling the hand around him tightening, he had to act fast.
He quickly reached for one of the short swords at his side, swinging it at the hand, immediately dropping to the ground as a blood curdling scream let out of the man.
Miles gasped for breath as he coughed, hearing a thud nearby- glancing over and seeing the hand he’d just severed off.
The man screamed in agony as his friend now went over to Miles,
Miles attempted to get up, but before he even could- he’d felt his hair being yanked back as now he was forced to face the shorter man as he winced. “oh you’re gonna pay big time for that one Moon.” He spoke intensely to him.
As the other tried to stop the immense bleeding from his arm, using a spell on himself to heal the area, now just remaining a stump.
Miles attempted to get out of the grasp of the man who held him, as he sure as hell wasn’t going down without a fight.
Nearly ripping his hair out of the grasp as he’d harshly jolted out of it.
He’d soon felt a hard kick to the face, enough to make him fall onto his face from the nearby ground as he groaned, trying to get up once more, as another harsh kick to the back was done- enough to make Miles yell in pain, being soon met by the first man- pinning him to the ground by sitting on top of him.
“get the FUCK OFF ME-!” Miles yelled out as he could feel the intense pressure applied to his back not budging and keeping him there.
He couldn’t do anything, and he felt helpless. The only thing he genuinely felt good about was his strength, and that felt like it was ripped from him within seconds.
The one who kept him pinned began to speak
“Right.. perk up Moon! You won’t die.” He laughed as he continued, whispering closely to his ear “oh.. but you’ll wish you were..” He spoke with such an intimidating and intense demeanor as laughter was heard, Miles' vision slowly starting to go in and out.
He’d completely blacked out, assuming one of them made him go unconscious, he wasn’t recalling how or why.
When he woke up his limbs were pinned down to a wooden table of sorts, not sure where exactly he was.
“Oh good morning sleepyhead.” A voice spoke to him, tilting the wooden panel he was on upwards.
His weapons and armor were taken off of him, just left in his wine colored shirt, chocolate colored pants and black boots.
“Where.. am I.. what did you do to me?” He spoke as he felt the pain from those kicks earlier remain.
He felt so dazed as he tried to get a look around the room he was in, but everything felt and looked too blurry to tell what exactly was going on.
“Oh we haven’t done anything to you.. not yet at least.” The shorter one spoke to Miles as he groaned shaking his head as he felt his stomach churn as he groaned
“Oh yes, well we did drug you to weaken you.. and to knock you out, we know you’re normally quite the strong one, we couldn’t have that..” the second ones voice spoke.
Miles gasped out before groaning “all this.. just for a fucking mimic..?” He spoke weakly as the room began to spin in his vision.
“You ALSO- cut off my FUCKING HAND-!” The taller one screamed at Miles right in his face.
Miles stayed silent for a moment “right well.. to be fair you did try to strangle and kill me..” he laughed weakly.
“Do you think this is funny Moon??”
“A little bit.. yeah..” Miles spoke in such a dazed and loopy voice.
“Right then, I’ll show you funny mister comedian-“ one of them had growled before absolutely decking Miles in the stomach, immediately causing him to throw up more as he groaned.
“God-! Could you have tried to aim somewhere else besides me??” He exclaimed
“Ah shit-“ Miles laughed weakly as he groaned “my bad, next time I get drugged then punched in the stomach by someone I’ll be sure to aim somewhere besides them-“ he laughed weakly before being decked once again, this time in the face, then his stomach, arms, legs, all over. This repeated for quite a while as he’d huffed out.
“That-.. that all you got..?” Miles taunted as he, for sure was totally out of it, bruises quickly forming across his body. As he could almost recall the two men looking in puzzled awe at one another at this man.. not only staying conscious but also joking? Taunting them?
“Right funny guy- enough fun and games.” One of them spoke as he’d soon brought out a beaten up looking tool…? Wasn’t too sure what it was with the dazed vision Miles had right now, maybe a pipe? Crowbar? It was something big and metal.
“The fuck is th-“ he couldn’t even get a sentence in before whatever they’d wielded was hit directly on Miles’ knee joints as he screamed in pain, feeling his bones crack, as they’d hit him in several other places- ribs, arms, over, and over..
He felt himself barely keep a consciousness up, actually he recalled losing consciousness several times during this but being brought back up just so that he was awake for everything.
The pain was agonizing and unbearable..
“And here.. I do believe it's only fair- since you took my hand, I can take yours.” The bigger man spoke as he’d carried a sort of hacksaw, “except.. I’ll make yours, so much worse..” he smiled in a grim manner.
This felt a bit overkill for a small mistake, sure mimics aren’t pleasant to deal with but this was fucking insane.
The saw pressed against Miles’ wrist as he could feel it begin to tear into his skin as he made a blood curdling scream
“Yeah! Doesn’t feel too nice does it Moons??” He spoke as Miles was practically sobbing from how much pain he was in, begging them to stop.
Finally, after what felt like several hours the three were alerted to the door as it had just gotten bashed into, looking up as it was Kilo, standing there within the doorway, huffing out angrily, Miles could barely make him out amongst the tears and the drugs distorting his vision.
“Get… the fuck away from my brother.” He growled in a protective manner.
“What? Moons you gotta brother?? Why’d you never tell us lad?” One of the men spoke with a chuckle.
“Oh hey Kil…” Miles spoke weakly, barely holding onto his consciousness, he was glad he was getting help but.. not sure how to feel about it being Kilo.
“Good gods.. what’d you do to him??” Kilo spoke with a concerned yet angry voice.
“Oh nothing he didn’t deserve second Moon.” A chuckle snuck out of one of the men.
Kilo huffed as he shook his head “listen here- whatever trouble you’ve got with my brother, just let him go. No one has to get hurt, we can discuss this civilly.” Kilo spoke in a flat yet slightly intense tone, he’d always been more of one to talk conflicts through before combat, however they’d hurt Miles, and he was holding everything in him back on fighting them.
“Your brother here gave us a mimic kid-“ the first spoke flatly as soon being joined by the second yelling
“And cut off my FUCKING HAND-!” Showing kilo what used to be where his hand was.
“Good gods Miles-“ Kilo spoke as he facepalmed, “is this true??” He yelled out to his barely awake brother.
“Pff-“ Miles shrugged “Yeah..” he laughed as he spoke weakly.
Kilo shook his head. “God dammit Miles..” he spoke defeatedly, pulling out a sword ready to fight these people.
“Aw lil moon wants to fight-!” One of them called out as Miles began to lose consciousness once more- the world around him getting blurrier and blurrier as he was fading in and out, hearing bits and pieces of the fight commence- hearing the commotion as he couldn’t do.
He did hear a very faint yelping noise that sounded to be the sort of his brother, from that alone he could tell he was hurt, he knew what Kilo sounded like and he knew these people struck him.
He completely blacked out soon after that as the void felt as if it engulfed him whole, having the vague memories of Kilo's voice beckoning for Miles to wake up, and being moved somewhere.
He couldn’t figure out if that was real or not, but he assumed so.
It was dark and it was dark for so long..
He felt a poking in his side as the sharp pain came back in that area, he’d winced as he began to groan, his consciousness regained and he saw the sunlight.. sunlight? Oh of course.
He was up on the surface now.
He’d felt the hard dirt road of a ground underneath him as he tried to sit up, wincing in pain.
“You took quite a fall there sonny, we thought you were a goner for sure!” An older man spoke to him with a chuckle.
Miles shook his head as he tried to stand up.
“Oh- easier now there boy, you’re still quite hurt.”
He shook his head at the elder’s concern- seeing his items scattered across the ground as walking felt like agony, attempting to pick his things up as he lost his balance and fell to his knees.
The elder man rushed to his side, attempting to help him “Woah there lad, here-“ he pulled out a small health potion and gave it to miles.
“Sorry I know it don’t be too much, but I hope this’ll get ya back on yer feet.”
Miles quietly had taken the health potion, downing it as he felt some of the pain go away, still quite beaten up but not nearly in as much pain as before.
He sighed out. “Thanks..” he weakly spoke as the old man let go of him, Miles regaining strength had grabbed his things and put them back on.
He felt so dazed as he tried to recall what’d happened.
“What happened to ya?” The elder asked as Miles turned around “I haven’t quite seen a fella as beaten up as you in quite some time laddie.”
“Well I-..” he tried regaining memory as it felt like a massive headache, like the biggest hangover he’d ever had, he briefly looked at his wrist as he’d been putting his armor and gloves back on, now remaining a nasty scar, everything rushing back to him.
“Kilo… oh shit Kilo-“ he spoke as he frantically looked around and not seeing him at all. “Shit, shit- shit!” He began to run.
He ran down the dirt road in attempts to see if he could catch up or see where they’d gone, he ran for what felt like hours- until his legs wore numb and tired.
He panted out, breathing heavily as he placed his hands against his knees.
His harsh breaths shook as the night began to fall. “Fuck… FUCK!” He yelled out as he punched a nearby tree.
“God… DAMMIT!” He yelled out as he paced, his breathing beginning to get shaky as he felt tears trickle down his face..
That was the last time he’d ever seen Kilo.
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fitzs-space · 1 year
Hello!!! I was wondering if we could get more Moblin stuff? I love the concept so much!
Also, would you be ok with people using Moblins and some of your other headcanons in fics and stuff?
I’ll be honest in saying the base concept of mobs that are more, human? In a sense, that base idea isn’t unique to me, and I’m pretty sure I got the word itself from an old Emerald Duo fic too.
BUT! If you want to use moblins and mandreds I’m how I write them, do know I will kill for you /pos. I always love when people incorporate my ideas into their works, and i want to see all of it so tag me when you do please. I’ll love whatever you create.
All my work gains inspiration from all the other artists and writers of the community, it’s only fair y’all can use me as inspiration too! [This goes for any of my ideas and designs, Just credit or tag me and I'll absolutely love you for it!]
But now on with the idea dump, it’ll be more of the base ideas of how things work. Will these ideas change in the future? Most likely! But it’s to be expected.
Alright so start off with the base vocabulary and ideas,
Moblins- more sentient mobs, includes both passive and hostile mobs. Be they very animal like, or the more “monster” type creatures one would find in the World.
Mandreds- most non mob like creatures, be it more human like, elven, fae, whichever else. Like testificates//villager/pillager types are counted here.
There is bound to be overlap of what is counted as a Moblin vs Mandred, the words are used more as umbrella terms then binary rules. Demonic like players may count themselves in either category if they see fit. It just depends how the player sees themselves sometimes.
Hybrids- self explanatory, a player who has multiple mob like, or Mandred like traits, can really be any mix and isn’t always just “X mob and human!”. Irl hybrids are a lot more compiled, and can rarely reproduce, but I ignore that science because fuck you this is fantasy and there’s a dragon, let me have fun
Shifters- players with the ability to shapeshift. There are some moblin shifters who can only go from their more Mandred like appearance to more of a moblin, as well as shapeshifters who can change to whatever form they can feasibly control.
Player- umbrella term that identifies all entities regardless of traits.
So what makes mobs so different from moblins then? Overall it’s just a higher form of sentience and being further along the line in evolution depending on the mob. Think humans vs monkeys vs fish I guess. It’s mainly that having the higher sentience leads to the world giving these creatures a proper player code so they can, exist, live life and create and love, and importantly, respawn.
And sometimes the definition of what higher sentience counts as, is weird, and it’s better not to question it too hard because it’ll make one’s head hurt. Brings up questions of “why can there be literally entity’s of void and gases that walk around” where the only answer is just “because this void learned there is love, and it was loved back”. The universe is very kind, and it will grant true life to those that know of the love it feels, it is just unfortunate the world is cruel.
That’s why the universe gives the sentinels and robots created by ancient builders as much love as they do. These are entity’s made for the sake of protection, and many of them were made with so much love, they themselves understood it. They were forgotten in time by those who originally built them, but the universe remembered and allowed them to breath. I count sentinels as Iron/snow golems, blazes, creepers, guardians, and though very aggressive, withers and the warden. Just all the Lil dudes who were originally made to protect.
There’s a question of how many animal moblins came to evolve, but that’s just evolution sometimes man, one day you just figure out how to walk on two legs and the body adapts. And in all fairness the ancient builders were way closer to what piglins are, so the more important question is how the hell humans came to be /j.
[//this section I’m kinda talking about death and corpses, quick warning if you need] But the undead moblins are a fun topic, because the idea of what happens to the player after respawn is fun to explore. Many of the undead mobs that wander the wild and attack players, are very much the result of players who died and respawned, but the body didn't disappear. They are just the left behind husks of body’s that move on pure instinct, they just don’t have any code or soul behind them anymore. The knowledge of Why sometimes a body may disappear after respawn and sometimes not, has never been figured out, just another weird code of the universe. Still’s always a little unsettling to be in a cave and see a zombie that looks just like your friend, just all rotted away and two seconds from attacking you. Worse when it’s yourself.
Then what about the undead moblins themselves? that is what happens when the body is supposed to die, but the player refuses to. The body may start to rot away sure, they may become just bone and soul, but the player is still alive and kicking and the universe learns to accept that eventually. It happens most commonly when the player was meant to experience permadeath. Like times when the player succumbs to the infection and the world lets them die a final time, or the player continues on.
[ok we good!]
Am I forgetting some things? Probably, this was written over the course of a few days as I’m chillin on the bus. But a lot of my ideas will be born from canon things, or random hidden knowledge of minecraft lore. Also the fact I was a dnd kid feeds into this stuff a lot too probably. But I like to have fun with ideas and create worlds that I’ll eventually forget about, but now I’ve actually got an audience who’ll remember it.
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 15
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Steve Harrington from Netflix's Stranger Things Bottom Gif: Deadpool from Marvel
Reader: female reader | 18-19
A/n: sorry guys I've been goin down hill, but I think im back
Warnings: Mentions of nudity but nothing explicitly
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With the kids day running out, you took them back to the bus, watching them get on.
Waving to them all one last time, you went to find your bike.
"Hey! Hey!"
Y/n paused as she watched Steve in his little salior outfit run her way.
"Hey." He spoke, calming down from the run.
"Hey." She smiled.
Y/n chuckled, "come on my rides this way. We can walk and talk."
The two started walking, Steve clearly at a loss for words.
"So icecream scooper?" Y/n asked.
"Huh? Yeah." He murmured, then chuckled, "Not exactly the dream job."
"What happened to college?" Y/n asked.
"Minds change all the time." He answered shrugging the idea of college off.
Y/n smiled, "yeah. They do."
He smiled back, swinging his arm loosely back and forth as they walked.
"How long have you been in town?" Steve questioned.
"a full day maybe." Y/n answered, "Making rounds. Stopping inbetween....ya know."
Steve nodded, wanting to ask about who she was hanging out with at in the book store across from Scoops Ahoy. It surely wasnt his busniess, but he wished to know how that relationship was going. After all the man next to her seemed close.
"So." He started, "how'd you like the mall?"
"Yeah it was cool." Y/n responded, "movie was kinda a bore. But I ran in with Eddie, told me about this music store he was goin too."
"Eddie Munson?"
"Yeah." Y/n spoke, "Seems me and him will be doin another year together."
"You didnt graduate in New York?" Steve asked, Y/n shaking her head no.
"Nah, lets just say I was bust getting my ass beat by vampires." She chuckled.
"Some how I know your not lying."
"I wish I was."
It was quick laugh between the two, Y/n stopping when they reached her bike.
"Wow." He aspirated watching her pull out her sunglasses.
"Your...diffrent now." he told.
Y/n chuckled leaning on the seat of her bike, "Thought thats what made you kiss me the first time."
"It's not bad! Not at all!" He quickly answered, Y/n smiling at him and his quick words.
"You. Look diffrent. But your still the same."
Y/n chuckled at his words, "and whats so diffrent looking?"
"You're hair...chlothes..." he responded looking over her, "ride...your taste in...guys?"
He was worried when he said his last bit, Y/n nodding her head up and down, "Guess my style did change a bit...It seems I still like dirty blondes though. Maybe light browns."
"I think I fit that category pretty well."
Y/n nodded, "yeah. You do."
The tensions thicker than molasses as Steve rubbed the back of his neck.
Your guys break up, wasnt. Exactly a break up.
Not like most couples. You had a right to have such a fear, and worry. Though the giant gap between the two of you was months apart.
He had ignored you, avoided you
And he didnt chase you, despite his need to and you didnt chase him due to your own expirence, chasing never worked out in the end, no matter the realtion
"Look." He started, "I. I just wanna...squash anything between us."
Y/n nodded in understanding, "Yeah. If thats what you want."
He sighed in relief, "Great because I thought you'd be mad at me. And you have every right too dont get me wrong. After everything- and the argument-"
"Yeah..." Steve started, "ya know...at the byers house. About the break up, I didnt exactly try and understand-"
"You're...apologizing to me....for what I did." Y/n corrected softly, an outloud realization, "I should be the one apologizing. I. I hid so much from you, when others knew...I've hid alot from you, And I never ment it out of mal-intent."
"I think we've both done that." Steve spoke, watching Y/n pulled out of pack of cigrattes, "hey."
She handed over the box, figuring he may want one, he took the box gently.
"Don't." He spoke, "Don't keep up with this."
He pulled the unlit cigratte from her lips, she sighing, "don't worry Im a big girl. I can handle it."
She pulled the cigratte from his hand, "there herbal, don't worry. Trust me. I got everyone addicted to smoking Mullin instead of tobacco."
He chuckled, "I guess you are already living in the woods. Should I get my witches hat?"
Y/n shook her head chuckling with an unlit cigratte between her teeth, she shuffling around for a lighter in her pocket.
"Fancy." He spoke.
Y/n lit her cigratte, handing it to Steve, "Russian. Stole it from Hydra."
She took a deep inhale and pulled the cigratte away breathing out the smoke, the smell, enjoyable, unlike cigrattes, "you didn't hear that from me though."
"Who doesnt want a herbal cigratte, lit from a hot girl on her bike, with a Secret Russian lighter." Steve spoke pulling one out, handing her the pack, she lighting the lighter and bringing it closer to him.
"Is that how Im viewed now?" Y/n asked.
"And she kicks some serious ass." Steve told, letting the edge of the cigratte set itself into the flame.
Y/n hummed, pulling the lighter back once Steve's cigratte was lit, she putting it back in her pocket, and attending to her own cigratte.
"Im goin to Macau. In an hour." Y/n started, "it'll be one am over there."
"Where's Macau?"
"China." Y/n told.
"How are you getting to China?" Steve chuckled, "Riding all the way there?"
Y/n shurgged, "yeah, but just trying to decide if Im gonna take you or the bike."
He coughed suddenly, shocked by her answer which caused her the laugh, "yeah. Don't worry Harrington, just teasin. Anyhow I have my ways of getting around the world now."
"Right...right..." he spoke, watching her get back on her bike, "I'll see you then?"
"Yeah." Y/n smiled, "oh. And you can invite a friend."
"Thought it be just me and you." Steve suggested.
Y/n chuckled, "god if thats how you ask girls out now. You must be glad you have those eyes."
"Your saying you like my eyes?" Steve asked.
Y/n shrugged, "I'd be lying if I said I wouldnt miss them."
He chuckled nervously, "How about. Tonight. Maybe six, seven? I'll take you anywhere you wanna eat. Or. You'll take me anywhere on your bike and get you dinner?"
"There it is." She responded.
He shrugging rubbing the back of his head, "can't help myself."
Y/n smiled, "yeah. That'd be nice."
"Cool..." he spoke, "see you later?"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
You drove home way quicker than you probably should of, rushing in the house, calling.
Well you paced around the house, staring at the phone.
Did you actually ever have a first actual date with Steve?
No. Not really.
They always were with someone, except that one time on Halloween.
But things were. Childish then, bonding over candy more than less.
Dating without even going on a date together.
Thats pretty impressive when you really think about it
But meanwhile your tearing your room apart
Kate had stuffed a hand made dress in your bag, knowing you wouldnt wear it, but it was mostly for the art of the craft.
But it was wearable, so You were looking for it.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Y/n shouted pulling through the few chlothes she had, she must've left the dress behind.
"Woah. Woah. Woah." Frank spoke, he must've just gotten back with Joyce, "Lets calm down on the fucks would we? What's the problem?"
"I lost a dress." Y/n spoke looking through her bag again.
"A dress?" Frank asked confused, why was she looking for a dress?
"Uh" y/n spoke, "yeah. Kate made it for me...its more of an art piece I was...gonna pin on the wall?"
He raised a brow at her, as she smiled nervously.
"So You can lie to me again and be oh so brutally grounded or-"
"Okay. I was gonna wear it!" Y/n told, "to..a. dinner"
"Dinner?" He asked crossings his arms, leaning on the door frame, "What dinner."
"Tonights dinner." Y/n spoke, "in...Im not sure where we're going yet."
"We?" Frank asked. "Who's we?"
Y/n was silent, "Steve?"
"Steve?" Frank probed, "you seem to know alot of Steve's."
"You know..." Y/n shrugged, "Hair King Steve."
"That dosen't narrow it down." Frank told.
"Harrington." Y/n informed nervously.
"Harrington?" Frank asked, "as in. Ex. Harrington-"
"In my defense." Y/n argued, "We didn't exactly break up due to horrible reasons."
"And you think this is a good idea?"
Y/n shrugged, "I. I really don't know..."
"How about weslow down and look through everyhting?" Frank offered.
You found the dress.
But the dress was too small.
It was ment to be just art.
Oh your so doomed.
But hey, Kates Embroidery work? Top tier.
"I've never been on a date!"
"He never took you on a date?" Frank argued.
"It was a complicated time." Y/n defended.
"Complicated my ass." Frank told.
Joyce thinks its really cute Frank helps you get ready for your first date.
Even though it shouldn't of taken this long to actually go on one. Especially with your Ex out of all things
You ended up scrapping the dress idea, you dressed in your nicest button up, which you tried to keep buttons open but was denied quickly by Frank
Fair enough
You were in debate of bringing the brown leather jacket.
So you hung it up and left it
Just to back track and grab it. Its a good luck charm plus you bled in the thing its yours now more than anyones.
So. Dressed, and read, with those nice shoes from that dinner oh so long ago, you're ready.
You say goodbye and start to leave but he stops you,
"Don't be afraid to beat his ass."
She chuckles, "I won't."
"Love you."
"Love you too."
So you drive yourself to Steve's house, it dark as you make your way.
You're at his house fairly quickly, checking yourself in a pocket mirror given to you by Pepper
You go and knock on the door. Yet no one answers.
You wait a few before knocking again
"The doors open!" Steve calls as loud as he can from his room, he rushing to get ready.
Y/n opens the door, "Hello?"
"Up here!"
Y/n walks in carefully, closing the door behind her. As she looks around.
"In my room!"
Y/n follows the instructions, making her way up the steps to find Steve's room, the music playing drawing her closer.
She made it to the open door, she standing in the doorway while he fixed his hair.
"Hey." She spoke up.
"Hey." He smiled looking back at her, "wow...you. look great."
"Thanks." Y/n smiled, "You dont look to bad yourself..."
It was silent as they stared at each other.
"Oh uh- Yeah! Thanks." Steve spoke up, "thanks...I just have to put my shoes on...went a little longer at work than I should have."
Y/n watched as Steve sat on his bed, he pulling on his shoes with ease, and lacing them up.
"Where did you wanna go?" Steve asked, "I know some places around Hawkins. That are good."
He grabbdd his coat on the end of the bed, the two walking out the room.
"Mhm...Im up for some Cuban food."
"Cuban?" He asked.
"Yeah.' Y/n asked, "Or Vegas Food. Maybe something in Louisiana? New Orelans? French food perhaps? Or...I have the best idea."
He really thought you were joking till you pulled out the sling ring, and opened a portal
"I know right. Come on." Y/n spoke, on the other side of the portal, he still shocked, "To get here you have to come through the portal."
"Oh. Right."
He walked through the portal.
"Welcome! To Egypt!" Y/n cheered the two in an alley way where no one was.
"Fuck you!"
Y/n sighed.
"I regret making a pack with him ya know..." Y/n mummbled.
"A pack with who?" Steve asked they walking through the alley way.
"Khonshu." Y/n asked, "God of the moon. Hero stuff."
He "ah'd" as they walked from Alley way to the busy street, it dark out, the day just beginning.
"Woah....' Steve aspirated.
Y/n smiled, "Pretty sweet huh? I know it's early here. But they've got some killer food. No matter the time. Come on."
He looked over at her, she walking away casually. Steve quickly catching up, "Hey what happened to not being a hero."
He got you there,
The two of you walked for a bit, you stopping to get two coffees at a small stand, and carried on your way.
"Like it?"
"Mhm." Steve hummed drinking his cup both wanting to savorit yet down it all in one go.
"Good." Y/n smiled, walking into a small corner Restraunt.
"Y/n! My dear! My dear!" The man cheered, "You bring me another superhero to feed! Sit sit! Please!"
The two take there sears, Y/n smiling, "How are you Mr.Saleh?"
"Great! Wonderful!" He cheered, "You and Marc. Taught me English. Now Tourist want to come and eat! Here!"
Y/n smiled, food being brought over before Y/n even ordered it.
"The best! For the best!" He cheered, "Fresh! Just made!"
"Thank you very much Mr.Saleh." Y/n thanked, "It looks great."
"Go on! Eat! Eat!"
With another thank you, Y/n started eating.
"Come on eat." Y/n told.
"What is it?"
"Food." Y/n explained, ripping up her flat bread, "Jusf try it here."
Handing him the ripped up peice of bread he watched her with her own bowl, she using the bread as a spoon.
He soon copied her, despite his fear on not knowing what he was eating. Y/n watched as Steve tested out the food.
"Mhm.." he hummed in thought, yet it soon turned happy as Y/n chuckled.
"Mhm. Amazing." He cheered, "What is this?!"
"Fava beans, and Olive Oil. Mr.Saleh wont tell me the spices he usues." Y/n smiled, "secret recipe just like the bread."
"Its amazing."
It was always entertaining to watch people be so shocked by different food.
And it always made for good conversation, especially so early in the moring over breakfast and coffee.
You both had finished your coffee from the small cart and Mr.Saleh brought over fresh coffee for the both of you
He was glad another American Hero was enjoying his food.
But you tried to tell him, but he was too worried about you being hungry, telling you both to eat.
You and Steve had a good time, just talking back and forth about small things, catching up on what was happening during the eight month break
He told you about college, cutting the idea and what he was making at scoops ahoy
He was more excited to hear about you, and superheros
You felt so lonely even if you were surronded by teammates and heros, parties by Stark
It just wasnt the same as Hawkins, and you told him that.
"Also. I havent been the most open...in the past." Y/n responded.
"You had good reason." He spoke grabbing her hand that sat on the table, "I just think alot was goin on. When we started dating."
Y/n chuckled looking down at the there hands, "Yeah. There was."
She rubbed over his hand with her thumb.
"Maybe. We could. Start over?" Steve suggested, "If you wanted. Dont feel pressured-I totally understand if you got with someone in New York, Or...in space....Even here- well. Over in Hawkins- Munson seems to like you-"
He sighed, "My point is."
Y/n raised a brow, "Point is?"
"I." He started, "Never stopped..ya know...looking at you like you were..."
Y/n listened, unsure if she should push him to finish his words.
"Like...Like Im seeing you plow over boys in basketball for the first time..." he explained.
Y/n chuckled shortly, looking down at her plate.
"Like the first time I fell in love with you."
You were quiet, and even nervously chuckled
You had explained to him in the past, it was hard to say those words, despite how much you really wanted too.
"Yeah Im. Im sorry-"
"No. No!" Y/n stopped him, "I. Rather you tell me your feelings than keep me wondering."
He smiled nervously, both plates empty, "are you gonna keep me guessin or?"
Y/n chuckled, the two catching each others eye. Y/n breaking the gaze to look at her fingers.
"Steve...I..." Y/n started, "I'm..."
She sighed, "Im still worried."
"For what?" He asked concerned.
"That Im gonna get you hurt." Y/n responded, "Then again its hard to stay away from you."
That made his face warm, and his ears flush, "Guess your my heel." She explained.
"Heel gaurds do exist." He mentioned causing her to laugh.
"They do. Dont they?" Y/n smiled a hand coming up to her face, where it curled and covered her mouth, her thumb rubbing just under her bottom lip.
"Whattya say?'" Steve asked, "to..starting over-"
Y/n leaned over the table, lifting from her chair kissing Steve softly. Her lips pushed against his softly, calmness in her still self. He closed his in response, how he longed to feel her lips against his own after all that time.
She pulled away, sitting back down in her seat.
"Wow..." Steve whispered, "You taste just like breakfast."
Y/n laughed in response, "Thats a good thing! Trust me!"
She could only contuine to laugh as he smiled.
That was the best god damn breakfast dinner you had and will ever have you think
You paid Mr.Saleh with a profound thank you and that you two would definitely come back sometime soon.
You and Steve took a walk through the streets, people finishing up setting up there booths for the day as the sun rised.
You two laughing and joking, holding hands tightly as you wandered through the open stands.
You tried new things- well. Steve did. You had spent a time here forced by *cough* steven *cough* once upon a time, all in good...learning fun...yay....learning whike you get your ass kicked.
But in that response you had tried many foods and learned new cultural things
So you were happy to share such a thing with Steve
And he was happy to learn, especially from you
Watching your smile grow as you pointed out new fruits to him, explain how simple day to day culture was
You two spent a few hours in the markets, he realized you had connections just about everywhere.
You even took him to the Egyptian pyrimds, which he enjoyed
Not that he knew there were most likely litteral gods in there.
But soon enough you two made your way back through the portal, you both back in his room.
You gotta admit its pretty funny watching him dump his shoes of sand into the trash.
"Well...Im gonna head out now." Y/n spoke quietly, "It was nice...ya know...catchin up."
He chuckled lightly, "Yeah. Yeah it was."
Y/n smiled small, "So. I'll see you-"
"Why don't you stay the night." He cut in, "if you want! You don't have too..."
"I don't wanna get you in any trouble."
"Dads on another bussniess trip." Steve commented, "mom doesnt trust him ya know..."
Y/n chuckled, "Heaven forbid."
Steve smiled, looking down at his hands, "We could...do whatever..."
"Yeah. I'd love to stay." Y/n smiled, "I. Don't have any chlothes though-"
"Don't worry about it. I got it." Steve told her, "repayment for dinner."
Y/n nodded
It was an akward few mintues until you both settled down.
Simple talking back and forth before you both asked each other the "Will you date me" question
It was comidic actually, you talking over one another just to end up asking the same question.
It also settled things down, akward tension, diminished.
And the eye catching starts...
Shortly catching each other's gaze as you sat next to one another on the bed.
Then its moring all the sudden.
And neither of you want to get up.
That was until the one and only came through a portal waking you up.
"Y/n. We have a-"
Y/n looked to the side, still have asleep, but fully awake once she realized who was standing there.
"Woah! Woah! Get out!" Y/n defended, waking Steve up.
"Seriously?" Stephen asked.
"Dude. Why are you in my house?" Steve asked, still half sleep.
"Why are you naked with my niece in your bed?"
"Stephen!" Y/n argued.
"Honest question." Stephen asked, "It's natural. Phermons and-"
"Stop." Y/n told, "what do you want man?"
"Matt Murdock went Missing." Stephen added.
"What?" Y/n asked sitting up, holding the cover to her chest, "when?"
"Last night." He told, "he's not the only one. The Midnight Sons have gone missing. Including you're father."
"What? No." Y/n told, "I seen him yesterday. Who's stupid enough to kidnap Frank fucking Castle anyways."
"I talked to Mrs.Castle-"
"Turn around." Y/n told Stephen he doing so with a sigh as Y/n got up to dress, Steve following her in dressing, "and if you're talking about Joyce. It's Byers."
"Any how." Stephen told, "There's a list of superhero's. Roggers, Romonaff, Stark. The list goes on."
"In the middle of the night then?" Y/n responded buttoning her jeans, "Why not you? Mr.Sorceer Supreme."
"It's unknown."
"Alright then who's not gone missing?" Y/n responded.
"That I know of?. Well-"
"Ah! Y/n!" Loki cheered walking through the portal, "you're dressed poorly. That shirt is hideous."
"It's...Steve's. Steve."
"Hi, I'm Steve. Steve Harrington." Steve introduced he walking around to shake Loki's hand.
"Hm. Makes sense." Loki stated.
"O. M. G did you two fuck!"
"And...him..." Stephen sighed.
"Like little jack rabbits. I bet you tried to kill him first. Le Gasp! Enemies to lovers! I did not see that coming!" Deadpool laughed then leaned towards Stephen, "Can I stab him first-"
"Shut up-" Stephen argued smacking Wade on the back of the head.
"Ow! Hey you know that hurt!" Wade argued, "You and your little shit stain slap hard."
Y/n raised her brow.
"Getting back on topic-" Stephen defended, "we need you to stay in contact. Here is a list. I've looked it over, seems everyone your close to is on that list."
Y/n was handed a rolled paper Stephen had pulled from his sleeve, opening it. He was right.
"Peters not on here. Neither is Kate Bishop." Y/n responded.
"I was luckily enough to get to them before whatever took our friends took them." Stephen added.
It was devisitating: Bruce? Missing. Wanda? Missing Thor? Missing? Missing missing missing.
"Russo..." Y/n mummbled.
"Do you have anyone. Enemies? Rivals?" Stephen asked.
"No. Russo maybe. But he couldn't take everyone on." Y/n responded, "I mean he can go toe to toe with Frank maybe...but alot of the Avenger's? No. No too many at one, too different in fighting styles.."
Stephen ended pulling you away to New York
And Leaving Steve alone.
"I'll come back I promise-"
"In ya go lover girl." Deadpool shouted picking up Y/n.
"Hey! Wait! Dude!"
"No time for face fuckin!"
"Wade! Wade put me down!" Y/n argued.
"Lets fuck up the universe first Mrs.Harrington!"
"No! No! No! Im not married! Im not a Harrington-"
But the portal closed leaving Steve there alone.
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Tags!: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002   @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite   @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual @givemylovetoall   @faithm120601 @abbiesxox @loenq @briana-mishell24 @wendds @slytherinroyalty16
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jerzwriter · 2 years
But I won't do THAT!
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Book:                   Open Heart (Late Book 2 Timeline)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating:                 Mature (for innuendo, not explicit)
Category:            Sexy Fluff
Summary:           Tobias is not used to hearing no from his new girlfriend, so when he does, it leaves him flustered.  Will Casey give in?
Words:                 1026
A/N:                     OK – part two of the reverse Uno ask from @dr-colossal-pita (who is all wrong about MATH 😂) The original Prompt is highlighted in the text. I’m also participating in @choicesflashfics week #2, prompt #3 (highlighted & italics bold below), and @choicesmonthlychallenge – Flufftober - Laughter
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“I don’t want to do this,” Casey groaned; she was almost joking but still serious.
“Come on, Baby! I’ve never known you to give up so easily. That’s one of the things I like most about you,” Tobias winked.
“Oh, real nice. I say no to something, for like the first time ever, and you’re going to try to goad me into it?”
“I’m not goading!” He insisted as he wrapped his arm around her from behind, pulling her tight against him. He peppered the tender skin under her ear with kisses, eliciting a symphony of giggles as she tried to squirm away.
“Stop,” she cried, escaping his grasp. “You’re like a teenage boy whose girlfriend just told him no!”
“Well, many would argue that is my maturity level, you are my girlfriend, finally, and you just said no… so….”
She turned to him with a heavy sigh, her eyes still riddled with conflict.
“You know I don’t like saying no to you, T. But I’m afraid I’ll get hurt.”
“Come on, Casey! I won't let anything hurt you; you're safe with me. I promise we’ll take it nice and easy. Besides, I’ll be doing most of the work.”
Her defenses were beginning to wear down, but her hesitancy was still evident.
“T… I’ve done this once before, and it went badly.”
“Wait!” He exclaimed. “When did you do this? With who?”
“I’d rather not say to protect the other party and myself.”
“You’re not making me feel any better there, princess. Now, I’m offended. You’ve done it with someone else, but you won’t even try it with me.”
“OK, what if we wait until the weekend? We’ll have more….”
“Case, what difference will it make?”
“OK, fine!” she huffed. “! I’ll try, but if I get hurt, so help me….”
“Trust me a little. Follow my instructions, we’ll be done in no time, and I'll be so happy when it's done. You like making me happy, don't you, baby.”
“You're incorrigible,” she laughed. “Let’s just get this over with before I change my mind.”
“Great attitude there! And what are you….” he rolled his eyes with frustration. “Casey, you aren’t supposed to bend over like that! If that’s how you did it last time, no wonder you got hurt! Here. Let me show you how.”
“You’re going to demonstrate,” she giggled.
“Only because I want to do this tonight. Now, this is how you do it.”
“Yes, sir….” She teased, causing his eyes to darken.
“Watch your words, baby girl. You know where that could lead. Now, you ready?”
“I guess so. But wait? Should I be on top or bottom?”
“Whatever you’re most comfortable with.”
“OK, I’m staying on top.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “Now, can we do this?”
They barely moved when…
“Casey, I didn’t even move yet!”
“I think I pulled a muscle.”
Tobias shook his head. "Pulled a.. pulled... how could you have pulled a muscle? We didn't even start!"
“I know!” Casey whined. “I’m just scared!”
“Then, we don’t do it.”
“And you get all grumpy?”
“When have I ever gotten grumpy because you said no?”
Casey raised her eyebrows with a sarcastic smile. “How often have I said no?”
“Point taken. Look, let’s just try, and if it’s too much for you. We stop. No questions asked. OK?”
“Fine,” she surrendered. “Let’s do this.”
They both got into position, and Tobias lifted first. 
“OK, baby, good job! Now just turn a tiny bit to the left….”
“I can’t,” Casey replied. “It doesn’t fit.”
“Casey, it fits. It has obviously fit before.”
“But it’s not fitting now.”
“Just move a little bit to the left, OK? That’s the sweet spot right there.”
They tried one more time, then, with one clumsy shift, it was Tobias who was nearly injured… and Casey was at fault.
“OK! That’s it!” She yelled. “It's bad enough if I get hurt, but I don't want to hurt you! We’re done. I’m not doing this! Understand? You can’t even pay me to do this!”
“Not even for me, baby?” he smirked.
“Not even for you. I love you, but one of us is going to get hurt.”
“Fine,” he huffed. “Just help me get this thing back where it was then. I’ll have Bryce do it with me on  Saturday.”
“Bryce!” She exclaimed. “Yeah, good luck with that! He’s not going to do it. That's who I did it with - it was a disaster!"
“Wait! It was with Bryce! You’re the one responsible for him having three fingers in splints!”
“Oh, that’s how he likes to sell it! But I told him I wasn’t ready, he didn’t listen, and his hastiness left me with a sprained muscle in my back! I was out of work for three days.”
“Wow. But that could have ruined his surgical career! You’re right. He won’t help. But who am I gonna ask? Ethan?
“Tobias. How about you call a moving company? You’re rich, dude. You don’t have to move this couch down the steps yourself!”
“It’s a matter of ego," he insisted.
“How bout this?” she purred. “You call a mover, they can get the couch out of here, and if your little ego is damaged because big, manly Dr. Carrick couldn’t get the couch out by himself, I’ll work extra hard to show you how big and manly you are.”
“Actually, I’d be the one extra hard,” he chuckled.
“And then we’re all winners.”  She picked up her phone and typed “movers” in her Google search. “What do you say, baby? Should I go for it?”
“Hit it! But I still can’t believe you. You didn’t really give it a try.”
“Tobias, we both knew this would be the first time and the last time we ever attempted this.”
“You’re not wrong,” he sighed. “Now, let’s make that appointment. Then maybe we can get some practice in on helping with that bruised ego.”
“Whose,” she laughed. “Yours or mine?”
“Does it matter?” He winked. “It’ll be fun either way.”
“True,” Casey agreed. “In fact… do we really need to make the appointment right now. It could wait until tomorrow?"
“Yeah, screw that!" He exclaimed. "Race ya to the bedroom?”
“Since when do we need the bedroom?" she shrugged.
"And this is why I love you."
Will try tagging again later... because... tumblr.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
What makes you think the evidence for Henry being El's father are misdirects? There's a decent amount of evidence for it and so wouldn't that be a waste of time? If it's not the direction the show is going?
At this time, I think a lot of the evidence does come off as mis-directs, because most if it's fairly easy to pick up on, with a great deal of casual fans being able to notice the obvious parallels between Star Wars and Luke/Darth Vader with El/Henry.
I shit you not, literally just a few hours ago on Reddit someone posted this theory as one of their top ones for ST5, among Will dying, and Mike and El getting married in a time jump...
Basically, this theory comes up a lot in very basic GA spaces, bc it's an easy guess and this was especially the case right after s4 dropped.
I also think them going about it this way was sort of necessary, because more than anything they don't want fans to figure out who her real father is.
And how they do that, is by directing attention elsewhere.
The point of a misdirect is to trick your audience into thinking the answer is as simple as its being presented as, leading fans to hypothesize the most obvious deduction at any given moment. But what you end up really getting, is a dead end.
They're making choices intentionally as misdirects, knowing exactly how fans will react and what they'll assume, and then use that to their advantage to follow through. Maybe it's to buy time, maybe it's to distract fans from stronger more subtle evidence to the truth elsewhere, or maybe the moment itself is telling us the truth subtly, but because we're so distracted with the obvious, we're missing it.
Exhibit A:
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One of the more popular theories floating around between Vol. 1 and 2 for ST4 was the theory that Eddie was a lab kid. And it's because we got this dialogue about how Chrissy apparently didn't recognize him now in HS compared to middle school, because he had his head shaved and didn't have his tattoos yet.
Predictably, when fans heard the words hair was buzzed and tattoo in the same sentence being brought up in relation to Eddie's past, they started to question if it was possible Eddie could be one of the kids that was in the rainbow room during the massacre back in 79'.
This is a successful example of a misdirect, because as we all know, that didn't happen...
And so, what was the point of this line of dialogue then?
I think this fits more in the category of not only being a misdirect, but also that it has double meaning hiding within it.
I mean, look at the word Eddie uses to start off that line of dialogue...
We already know that this word is associated with Will and El (and Henry).
Think of the way they played with In the Closet (At Rink O Mania), by having Mike exhibit closeted behavior, followed by El in the employee closet. They were giving a score with a title that applied to both of these moments and both of these characters. And they basically did the same thing with Being Different.
While it is Will's song and it's about his feelings, he is using El's name and not only that, but the scene directly after transitions beautifully through the light and takes us to the aftermath of the lab massacre. They literally cap off two El scenes on each side of the van scene... We get an El scene with her gaining her powers again, then we get the Will van scene, then we get a scene of El remembering the events of the lab.
My point is, that word different being put there on its own is already suspect. It just is. I feel like it's not too hard to admit that the word different is related to Will at the very least, and you don't have to think that has anything to do with Hawkins Lab implications if you don't want to bc we were given the impression it had to do with his queerness already (why the word's also been associated with Henry).
But where it gets complicated is that we know the word also applies to El. She also used the word different to describe herself and it was being applied to her having powers.
And then you add the buzzcut/tattoo blast from the past reference, and it's sort of starts to click why they did this.
Everyone was focused on the Eddie aspect to it, claiming he could possibly be 002, only for it to not lead to anything and drop off entirely post s4.
And what we have left, is yet another potential twelvegate/willel twin proof that gets added to the pile of evidence that flies under the audiences radar.
When it comes to the Henry being El's father thing, I think that it applies in a similar way, in that by making these big moments between them thematically parallel an iconic father/child duo, like the most historically iconic, fans pick up on it and the idea enters their mind and it sort of distracts them. And even if they end up not believing it, they leave the situation sort of satisfied enough to drop it.
This is what tends to happen on Reddit with active fans over there. While they might have humored the Henry/El family evidence initially, they've stopped and resorted to dropping the arc of El's father being revealed entirely. It's weird bc a lot of them insist that it's already been dealt with on the show, when it hasn't? In literal canon, there is no actual conversations about who El's real father could be.
And I think that's just another example of a misdirect doing exactly what it's intended to do. It gets you to consider something that is almost too obvious to ignore. And then either you subscribe to it confidently, or then you drop it, only to drop it all.
Day by day, I grow more convinced that barely anything is what it seems on this show. All of the signs that Kali was potentially a pawn in this whole unraveling of events? The fact that we've got BTS of Henry at the Nina location? The fact that we have Henry saying stuff to El in the lab about how Papa lies, followed by shots of Brenner watching these tapes back, with the implication that he's the one choosing what they show her. He literally goes to a room full of tapes and picks them personally, and is feeding a narrative to El that is based on what he apparently wants her to take from it.
It's all very odd.
I don't think how they framed Brenner's arrival and behavior in general during the massacre makes a lot of sense either? Those scenes come off as a mess of shifted probabilities or timelines/loops more to me than one concrete event. After all, it was shown to us so many different ways, even with different coloring at times. Like... it's odd.
I will say that the time implications really make it hard for me to feel 100% confident about anything that we've been presented. So we can only go so far I guess. Same with Will's powers theory. We're all fairly certain it's happening, as there is plenty to hint at it, but that doesn't mean we know how exactly they're going to do it. And so it's fun to speculate and go as far we can I guess.
I am looking forward to The First Shadow play! I think that whenever information about that is revealed, considering it's canon it will inevitably be available to us in some shape/form in the future, I'll probably have a better grasp on where my thoughts are in regards to the whole dad revelation, whether it's Henry, Hopper, or otherwise.
For now I'm humoring about a solid 100-200 theories at once bc many do have a lot of interesting ideas linked to them. But I don't feel confident about more than like a few, with byler being the highest, followed by birthdaygate, twelvegate and then joyce + hopper = willel twins gate or whatever. And then the rest of the theories out there sort of fit somewhere within a spectrum of me considering things based on evidence more than anything else.
I'm honestly just excited to see which theories end up being right in s5. Because there are so many out there that somebody has gotta be close. Whether it's little arcs we have in store or big ones, I look forward to being shocked by the theories that ended up predicting closest to canon.
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