#banter ink demon
meow-and-ink-demon · 8 months
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I always will think that he do
He maybe is a mistake, but he was also a victim of all this :(
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0uimonami · 1 year
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the girls are fightinggg
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igotanidea · 5 months
Dating Sam Winchester headcanons.
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Requested: I was wondering if you could write something supernatural with Sam Winchester, what kind of boyfriend would Sam be? Thank you anon, made that as expanded headcanons starting from meeting and going further in the relationship.
A little NSFW in point 16.
1.Bookshops dates
I mean come on, all things considered I am pretty sure you would meet him in the library rather than any place else. And even if you weren’t actually reaching for mythological monsters encyclopaedia or the yearbook of the city from 1456, you were bound to meet at the counter. It wasn’t that big bookshop after all and Sam, with his tall, muscular silhouette was definitely filling most of the space, forcing you to sneak under his arm to get what you were aiming for. Not that you complained, cause he does smell good.
2. Soul longing – as silly as that may sound. Ok listen up. He had women, that’s for sure. But one night stands is only good for so long. And unlike Dean he needed stability from the beginning. Sam is not a player nor a playboy. And as for you? You’re not just gonna jump into the bed of a very handsome, tall and broad shouldered man you met briefly while buying a book, right?
Even if you can imagine so many things he could do with those hands….
Even if you can tell just by looking at him that he’s got enough experience and skills to keep you up all night and –
“Miss? Miss are you all right?”
Damn, seem like you just spaced out in front of the guy who’s been currently eyeing you with those deep eyes piercing right into your soul.
Impossible to forget and even more impossible to let go.
3. Cliché scenario – you actually became a part of team free will after getting into a demon related accident serving the part of a lady in distress perfectly. Got hurt so bad the boys Sam felt guilty enough to look for you for a couple weeks while getting too attached.
4. Obviously wanting to keep you out of the family business. Too bad he got himself a persistent badass, who refused to sit cases out. You may not be a hunter, but you’re a girl. And who’s better than a woman when it comes to making scenes and getting man to mansplain to the poor, innocent soul that knows nothing? The first time you faked cried he fell for it all the way and never questioned your skills again.
5. Probably making you get an anti-possession tattoo. Just for safety, of course. And holding your hand all time while getting it done, caressing your palm in that special reassuring way. And then kissing it better after, regardless of the place it was inked on.  
6. Funny thing he was hesitant to put a tag on your relationship. At first. Can’t blame him given all that happened to his mother and Jess. But his emotional side finally took over and he blurted something in the middle of an argument.
“You’re staying here tonight.”
“The hell I am, Sam.”
“I’m not asking.”
‘You’re not my boss.”
“Well I am your boyfriend!”
“Did you just-? Sam? Sam, did you just - ?”
You never got to finish that sentence. And just that one time you stayed behind.
Behind being on the backseat, no further.
7. Bantering over silly stuff while making Dean crazy, cause since you two got together there’s no one to bring him pie.  
8. Knowledge duels – as long as you pick the theme, cause no way you’re going against him in history or demonology.  It is however possible to beat him in popculture or modern cinematography.
“How am I supposed to know all those –“
“Educate yourself Sammy.”
“Oh I will educate you on something –“
9. Merciless teasing from Dean about stuff that should not ever be his business.
“Hey, whose underwear is that?”
“Brought you two some protection.”
“Hey maybe we can get a threesome?”
“Is that a hickey on your neck Y/N? God, girl, you are loud.”
(but we all know that’s the way Dean’s inner soft side is showing)
10. Doing research while laying head on his chest, tracing patterns on his skin. (making him distracted and locked up in another room until you start to behave.)
11. Doing research in the various libraries. You have no idea but he raises his gaze from the book way too often to actually comprehend any of the text. The way you are frowning, scrunching your nose and the way your eyes shine every time you come upon a clue or a helpful fact seem to be more interesting.
12. Fights – oh, damn, it was bound to happen right?
Arguing with Sam is impossible. He always keeps his cool, not letting the blood boil no matter how many needles you gives him. Sometimes it feels like he’s wearing that stupid armour turning into stone just to infuriate you.
But not for long, cause Sammy can’t stand to see you hurt or broken. That’s not him. It doesn’t matter if you started the fight (you’re being reckless, you’re gonna get killed, you need some rest) or he was the part to initiate it (you’re not the hunter, I know better, I’ll handle it) he’ll be all up for communication. Talking through.
Being a Winchester comes with toughness and roughness sometimes, but Sam doesn’t deny having feelings he want to work on. With you.
It’s not a perfect relationship but you’re patching it up with all the best and most resistant fabric.
13. Subtle hand holding while driving on a hunt. You may be in the backseat while both brothers take the front ones, but who cares. The blank between the driver and shotgun is for something, right? And who cares about the gearbox?
14. Forehead kisses and cuddling – you have actually seen Sam right? If that’s not a giant teddy bear than I don’t know who is. Definition of safety and warmth. Just imagine nuzzling into him with those strong arms around you keeping you safe from any demon, angel, witch, wendigo, shapeshifter or whatever else monster might come for you.
15. Steamy make out session in the impala just to get some privacy. Honestly I believe at some point this would be used as a threat for alone time.
"Get out Dean.”
“ Mmm. Nope. Not happening. I got stuff to do here.”
“I said get out.”
“Make me.”
“Well I think you should go and check on your car before I take care of the backseat.”
Wide eyes, rushing out and not getting back for hours.
Mission completed.
16. Getting intimate with Sam is indescribable. You don’t even need words and yet he seems to understand everything your body tries to convey. Soft, slow, sensual and tender love making while looking into your eyes, refusing to let your gaze drop? Tracing your body and kissing all over your soft skin? Making you feel fragile, small and delicate no matter your size?
All done.
I see Sam as a soft dom. He could break your boundaries easily and probably would, but never to the point of hurting you.
Rough play, BDSM, kinks, making love on any flat surface possible? Not exactly his style.
Stretching you out, wrapping your legs around his waist, pressing you into the mattress, marking you? Absolutely.
He’s fine with pleasuring you, getting to know what turns you on (hitting and finding all the sensitive spots that makes you mewl and rake nails down his body), never failing to make you see stars.
He may not be talking too much and not use a lot of dirty talk, but hey, a few thrusts, a few flicks of his tongue, his muscles flexing under your fingersand the feel of him so freaking deep and you forget something such as words exist.
17. Getting just the right amount of aftercare cuddles, kisses and hugs. Duties are calling and Sam may be a bit of a workaholic, but you’re on top of the “to-do-list.” Taking just the right amount of time to help you get back to reality, getting your floating soul back into your thoroughly loved out body by caresses, kisses, touches, strokes. Whatever you need.
He loves you.
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skellebonez · 1 year
And What If I Think Of You As Family Now?
In which MK is very lost while contemplating his new form and Macaque tries his best to actually comfort him for once.
This is just a little fic I wrote because I REALLY wanted to explore Monkey MK and what the revelations may mean for MK and Macaque moving forward. I like the idea Mac becomes a very reluctant uncle/big brother figure to MK on accident.
MK poked at his face.
Poked again.
The soft pinkish orange mask that framed his eyes did not come off on his fingers.
He reached his hands over to the side. Pulled on the side burns that now framed his face.
Yeah. Yeah, they were still there.
He pulled the sleeve of his jacket up, looking at the fur that he saw glitch onto his arm multiple times.
It was still there.
"I… think it may be permanent, kiddo," Macaque said behind him. "... color's good on you?"
"What?" MK looked back, staring at the immortal standing behind him in the doorway to the bathroom in confusion.
"Your, uh, your face mark," Macaque continued. It was so obvious to MK that he was feeling as uncertain and awkward as the Monkie Kid was. A far cry from the usual snarky and assured dramatic and theatrical man that MK was used to. "Looks. Good, with your... fur and all that."
MK nodded slowly, turning back to the bathroom mirror to stare at himself again.
He almost couldn't believe he was looking at himself. But it was him. His face was staring back at him. It just.. had a few extra features.
A few... monkey demon features.
This was the first time he had been able to actually get a good look at himself since the... what was it that happened in the scroll? Glitching? Glamour glitching, that's what he thought Macaque called it. He had a glamour on.
He'd... always had a glamour on and he never knew it. Pigsy never knew it. Macaque never knew it. Sun Wukong...
No one knew. No one knew until the ink demon curse had done something to make it crack. Macaque called it an embedded mental glamour, something someone else had to have put on MK since he was born given the strength. Someone had done that to him without him knowing for his entire life.
Someone who no one knew.
Correction. Given his encounter with a certain ancient teacher, MK was pretty damn sure there was ONE person who at least had a guess. But would he actually be forthcoming with the information? Probably not.
The only thing anyone seemed to be forthcoming with lately were their own opinions.
He tried not to think about the fight they were all in only a few hours ago. How Yellowtusk and Peng had come to capture them on orders of the Azure Emperor. Of course Azure Lion would have started to call himself that, when MK looked back on the situation he could see how self-important the man who may have once been his Sworn Uncle thought of himself. That was probably why he sent his Sworn Brothers down to capture them instead of capturing the group himself.
More important things for the new emperor to handle.
He tried not to think about how Yellowtusk made him question who he was and where he came from, tried no to think about how the elephant had questioned where his fur and tail had gone since their last encounter. Yellowtusk, however, hadn't been the problem. He was more muscle then banter, only hitting where it hurt at just the right moment when pointing out how MK's "true form" could have been an asset logically in battle and questioning why he would refuse to use it.
It was Peng that caused his current predicament.
"I know why you're not using it," he had said with the sneer he wore when he has hurt his friends in their first meeting. "You don't want us to think of, what? Your mentor?  Brother? Your father?"
MK has screamed that Sun Wukong was not, in fact, his father.
And then.
"Does it really matter? It doesn't change the fact we know what you are. Just like him? You're a MONSTER."
MK didn't know exactly what happened after that. Just that... he changed. The same glitching happened and he felt something shatter and then he just.
Couldn't change back.
At least Yellowtusk and Peng had retreated, so afraid of the burst of power that the shattering of his glamour had let out. MK couldn't help it, it had burst out of him unbidden and sent everyone flying away.
He still felt bad for Nezha, who was standing closest to him outside Peng. But, unlike the bird, he had someone to catch him as he went flying back (MK felt he needed to thank Sandy for being a literal wall of a man). Peng had to be picked up Yellowtusk as he ran, nearly knocked unconscious by being sent into a nearby wall.
The worst part about all of this was that the thing they were trying to get, the artifact they were sure might be the thing to fix the slab... hadn't even worked in the end.
A waste of time that only earned MK more questions and a form he did not feel comfortable in.
He traced the marking around his eyes, noting that the color was… very similar to Sun Wukong’s own…
... Master Subohdi had said he was born of Sun Wukong's rock, but not in the same way... could Peng have been right about them being related in some way?
"Macaque?" MK asked softly. "Is this… who I am? Is this who I really am? Was the other me just… fake?"
"Kiddo, you…" Macaque said with a sigh. "I wasn't ready for an existential crisis, mother of f-"
"Was Peng right?" MK continued. "Am I a monster?"
"NO," Macaque countered instantly. "Bird brain can stuff it, he has no idea what he's talking about. You're MK. Always have been, always will be."
"I only have that nickname because Tang thought it was cute when I would get excited about the Monkey King," MK said with a half-hearted laugh. "That isn't even the name Pigsy gave me."
"Doesn't have to be your given name," Macaque said with a shrug. "You chose it out of all the ones given to you, that means you are MK. Simple as that."
"I guess," MK muttered. He reached up, scratching at his side burns.
They felt so odd against his cheeks. He'd never liked having longer hair for some reason, the feeling of it on his neck and face uncomfortable for him. That was why he kept his hair shorter, pulled up with his headband and the hair gel Tang had introduced him to.
It was only a few months ago that MK had been trying to mimic the chirping of the monkeys on Mount Huaguo. He would have been ecstatic if that sound came out of his mouth then. If he had discovered this form at another moment, long before this.
He winched as some kind of chirp came out of his mouth in response to his scratching.
MK didn't realize he started crying until he looked back up and saw a few tears rolling down his face.
"I… come here, sit on the floor," Macaque said softly, suddenly. He waved his hand, gesturing for the other to follow him.
MK looked at him wearily, unsure of how willing he was to move from his spot in front of the mirror. But eventually he gave in, turning away and leaving the bathroom.
The other sat on the couch, tail thumping on the couch beside him as he gestured to the floor in front of him.
"Back to me, sit however you like."
"Uh... o-ok..." MK said softly in confusion.
He sat down as instructed, his legs crossed comfortably. His tail didn't seem to know exactly where to go, and he didn't blame it, swishing and thumping against the floor in agitation.
"If you get uncomfortable you need to let me know," Macaque said.
MK didn't get the chance to ask him what he meant before the older monkey demon's hands were on his head.
In his hair.
It only took a few seconds for MK to realize what the other was attempting to do, the motions and the way he carefully picked and parted his hair all too familiar. It was something that Sun Wukong had done to him multiple times when he and MK had thought he was just a normal human.
MK's tail slowed down in it's thumping, instead slowing down to swish at his side calmly. He thought he might want to do something about that in the future, the idea of his tail giving so much of his inner emotions away in battle making him concerned. Besides, he would need to learn how to use it properly to grab things and the like anyway.
They sat there for a while, Macaque grooming through his hair and picking out all the dirt and knots leftover from their battle earlier in the day while MK just. Let him. It was odd to remember that Macaque had once been one of his first major enemies. He manipulated MK to steal his powers (though, as explained in a long conversation later, that was not his original plan). He tormented his friends in the shadow play (though he refused to explain why he really let them all go in the end). He'd worked with the Lady Bone Demon (the fact he actually had no choice and was desperately trying to escape her hold on him was picked up by everyone once they thought about the ritual and his actions during it, though Mei's continued distrust of him after that was still validated by everyone whenever she questioned why he was helping them now... even by Macaque, actually).
But now they sat there in Sun Wukong's living room. Where Macaque had just recently had him play a game in his own weird attempt to give him a life lesson. One on the couch and one on the floor.
One would think they had been friends much longer with his comfortable MK was becoming as the hands worked through his hair and removed his headband. He didn't bother to stop the other, not when he felt how carefully he removed it and watched how he carefully folded it on the couch next to him.
"I'm sorry you couldn't have your first proper social grooming session with…" Macaque trailed off, hands stuttering in their movement for just a moment before picking up where they left off.
"It's ok," MK said with a chuckle. "Monkey King did this so much before we found out about all… this that it probably wouldn't feel any different."
"And this does?" Macaque asked tentatively.
"Yeah," MK said with a slight nod. "Like… like I have 2 different brothers doing i-OW! Macaque, what the hell!?"
"Sorry!" The word was said too fast, too loud, foreign in the darker haired monkey's voice. "... I just… didn't expect… I have no idea why you've been so chill with me out of everyone, MK, then you pull out the family comparing card? Brother, really?"
"Would uncle be better?" MK offered smoothly. "Weird estranged uncle that shows up at family reunions."
"THAT'S NOT THE- the point, kiddo…" Macaque trailed off, sighing as he went back to his work.
MK smiled at the lone monkey that always hung around him or Macaque always climbed into his lap, curling up and going to sleep. MK felt his hands itch to groom through his fur, instincts catching up to him. But he didn't want to disturb the little one or do something wrong in accident...
He saw Macaque's tail come around to tap him on the shoulder.
"We'll get him back," Macaque said firmly.
"How do you know?" MK asked.
"He's Sun Wukong," Macaque chuckled, gesturing to the cottage they resided in. "He's gotten himself out of worse than this, that means we can get him back. Besides, would Peng and Yellowtusk have been sent after us if we DIDN'T possibly get close to something Azure thought would work?"
"Maybe," MK admitted with a nod. He looked down, realizing his fingers had started running through the fur on Macaque’s tail as he looked for knots or bugs without even thinking about it. "...thanks for trying to make me feel better."
"Don't think too much about it," Macaque said as he finished his grooming through his hair. "Jeez, MK, how much product do you use in your hair? My hands feel gross."
"I'm sorry for wanting to look COOL," MK countered with a haughty chuckle. "Besides, I picked it up from my... dad."
"Tang?" Macaque inquired.
"Yeah," MK confirmed with a hum. "Feels weird to call him dad and not Mr. Tang. Pigsy and I never really called each other father and son openly until now."
"Things change, kid," Macaque said with a chuckle as he stood up. He made a pointed effort to keep his hands airborne and far away from his clothes.
"Does this mean I should call you Uncle Mac?" MK asked as he stood as well, gently placing the sleeping monkey on the couch. "Or something else?"
"Absolutely neither," Macaque said, his tone light with a chuckle under it. "I'm just Macaque, your not so friendly neighborhood shadow demon. Now I'm gonna wash my hands and get something to eat, I'm starving. You want me to grab you anything before your friends get in here?"
"Pigsy's making us food, you know," MK said with a raise of his brow.
"... he's making you food," Macaque said with a confused tone.
"Us," MK corrected. "You're part of the group, you know."
"... oh," Macaque said in a tone MK didn't know how to place. He had a far off look on his face for a moment, not looking at MK despite looking in his direction, before his eyes widened in some form of surprise. "Uh. Still washing my hands, BYE."
Mk didn't even have the chance to yell out a "wait" before Macaque vanished into a nearby shadow.
"That guy knows how to make an exit," came not even 5 seconds later, Pigsy's voice shocking MK into a yelp.
"How long were you standing there!?" MK asked, hand on his chest. His heart was racing, the relaxing mood from earlier shattered in an instant.
"Since around 'Uncle Mac'," Pigsy answered with a smirk. "You'd probably have more luck callin' him Mac and Cheese with all the walls that guy has up. What were you two doin' in here anyway? You... you good, son?"
"Yeah," MK answered honestly. "Yeah, like I said, I just needed some time to think. Macaque helped me out with that, pulled me out of my head when I started overthinking all... all that stuff from earlier."
"With the bird brain?" Pigsy asked with a snort and a growl. He'd been angry since they came back, since MK changed even. He'd been high-strung and on edge, snipping at everyone that he needed time alone and that time was best spent cooking. Usually Pigsy let his answer out openly, but this quiet anger? This meant he was way more upset than he wanted anyone to know. "When we get our hands on that jerk I'm gonna turn him into fried chicken. Or at least make him think I'm gonna. Then we're gonna get some answers about all... this."
"Do you… would you be less upset if I was a pig demo-"
"NO," Pigsy said instantly. Firmly. "No, MK, that's not what I'm upset about. I'm... I'm sorry if me snapping about wantin' to be alone and all made you think that. I'm not upset you're a monkey or at you. I'm upset you had to find all this out like… like this. I'm upset because my son deserved better than this."
MK didn't realize he was crying again until his dad wiped the tears running down his face away. Until he pulled MK into a hug and tucked his face into his shoulder and let him cry more.
"You deserved to know all this sooner, kid," Pigsy said. "But it doesn't change anything."
"Except that I have fur," MK muttered into Pigsy’s shoulders. "And a tail."
"Not literally, ya doofus," Pigsy said with a chuckle.
The two stood there for a moment, just hugging each other as tightly as they could. It reminded MK of when he was smaller, when he was younger, of when Pigsy would comfort him after a mean kid bullied him for not being able to ride his skateboard as well as the other kids (and now that he thought about it, his balance was way better now that he had a tail... huh).
"Food's ready," Pigsy said after they finally pulled away from each other. "We kinda made up a table outside for everyone to eat together, I just need to grab some stuff from Monkey King's kitchen first. I'll meet you outside."
"OK, dad," MK said with a smile.
Pigsy watched as MK rushed outside, ears perked as he listened carefully for the sound of the door to shut and rushing water to turn off.
"You too, 6 Eared Pain In My Ass," Pigsy said with his arms crossed and foot tapping. "MK wasn't lying when he said the food was for you too."
There was silence for a moment and the chef worried that, once again, the shadow monkey had decided to escape an awkward situation of having to interact with the man (who had thrown a spatula at him, to be fair). But he didn't have to wait long, noticing a shadow growing close to the window before Macaque popped himself back out to watch MK reunite with his friends outside.
"... he's a good kid," Macaque said softly. "Almost too good... almost."
"Means I did something right by him," Pigsy said softly. "I... wasn't the perfect dad, but I tried my best."
"Must have worked out somehow," Macaque mused. He was... oddly subdued compared to his normal bombastic nature. "... How... I know it's not the same but like..."
"You wanna know how to be a good guardian," Pigsy said. Not even asked, it was a statement.
"Hate to admit it, but... Kid's grown on me," Macaque said slowly. "He's one of the only people even to try to give me a chance, even if I was a jerk to him. Now I'm worried about him, and... with Wukong gone there isn't anyone to show him the ropes of being one of us."
"Then it sounds like you need to learn how to dad from a dad."
"I am NOT going to be his dad," Macaque snapped instantly. "I would rather he call me UNCLE any day."
"Then I guess Uncle Mac and Cheese better get his ass out to the table and interact with everyone else."
It was so worth seeing the offended look at the immortal's face.
An hour after everyone else went to bed Pigsy found a visitor outside the room he and Tang were sharing, asking him how to cut fruit for his new family member.
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sirensea14 · 1 month
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Siren in batdr 😺☝️
Picture 1 is her as an entity in batdr. She can only move through a puddle due to her structure as a mermaid. Audrey encounters her in an inky river somewhere (my memory's fuzzy and i dunno if theres an inky river in batdr but if there isnt, well lets just pretend there is) and she is given choices of whether to talk to her or ignore her banter.
A. If Audrey chooses to ignore her, Siren will get angry and will disappear into the dark puddles. Only to appear again occasionally to jumpscare audrey (kinda like slicer but more vicious and vocal)
B. If Audrey chooses to go and talk to her, she will ask Audrey to do something to her bidding (havent thought what thatll be but maybe something in relation to getting a bendy plush or smth? And a radio maybe) And when she returns with the required items, Siren will immediately be the supplier of Audrey in batdr: supplying her with inky hearts, coins, upgrades, batteries, and even the canister(she can only two tho). But this transaction can only happen once in every encounter. She can also be a jack of all trades, she can help audrey occasionally whenever she's stuck in a level, low power of the gent pipe, distract the keepers or any enemies nearby. Usually she'd do this by randomly popping from an inky puddle or when audrew looks on her back to see siren out in her puddle.
She is one of the experiments who escaped The Pit. She loathes Twisted Alice and loves to dive in when audrey battles Alice. Whenever she says goodbye to audrey after the trade, she says "Your welcome for that, my little goldenfish. Oh! And dont forget to say hi to my darling devil!" She waves briefly and then disappears into the puddle, then the Ink Demon will be heard nearby, initiating the usual warning from the game.
Picture 2 depicts another version of Siren--except she replaces Audrey as the protagonist. Her weapon is changed from a gent pipe into a fountain pen. Upgraded in a different way, she would need to dip it into an ink puddle that is charged with electricity. It causes the pen to enlarge and strengthen itself. There are certain stations for this upgrade tho, like the gent pipe upgrade station. It just doesnt have a manual compared to the pipe. The metap tip will have some electrical shock and it can be pulled out to reveal thick ink inside that can be used to temporarily blind or immobilize enemies (its sticky). She doesnt have the banish ability and will be replaced by Soul Snatch, she can snatch an enemy's life in one touch. She will still have the flow ability from Porter (changed from yellow to black) and the travel ability from Heidi tho.
The ink demon aint merging with her in the end tho, lets say... just a change of heart.
Oh i forgot to say, they cannot both exist at once. So no one meets the other.
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thebendybantershow · 1 month
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Cuphead patiently waited backstage for his cue like Bendy had told him. The scrawny boy was covered in bandages all over his "head" after tripping earlier today.
Earlier today,
when Cuphead was still in the Inkwell Isles with his brother, and he was just causing mischief with him.
Cuphead really wanted to go back. But at least he was allowed to go home after this. It was just an interview. What could go wrong?
He had to admit, it was kinda scary how the ink demon had grabbed for him. He didn't even have the time to register what was going on.
Cuphead tried to catch a glimpse at the stage. Why was it on a stage anyway? It's not like there was an audience. The interview was being filmed by some ink man and broadcasted to... Somewhere. Honestly, Cuphead had no idea what the interview waw for. It could literally just be for like a fun project. Or to mess with Cuphead.
CUP 💭: 'Banana oil.. What did I get myself into?'
BEN: "Welcome, everybody! To the very first episode of The Bendy Banter Show. Where ​​​​​I, Bendy, interview the number ones from all the universes out there!" 
Any moment now, Bendy would say Cuphead's cue. And he'd have to run on stage, all excited.
BEN: "Say hello to our first guest; Cuphead!"
Cuphead ran on stage, waving his hands at the cameras excitedly.
Bendy frowned.
BEN: "They, uh. Know that, Cup."
Bendy his throat.
BEN: "Continuing... Take a seat."
Cuphead sat down on the couch placed on stage. He took some time to take in the scenery now that he had the chance.
The couch Cuphead was sitting on was probably old, guessing from the torns and ugly, covered with ink stains. A dark brown wooden coffee table stood in front of the couch, two unopened cans of bacon soup sat on the table.
CUP: "Lovely, uh... Scenery.. You've got going, sir."
Bendy raised an eyebrow.
BENDY: "Thanks...? Now. Cuphead, why don't you tell us a little something about yourself?"
Cuphead took an insanely deep breath before reciting what he usually said in these kinds of situations.
CUP: "I'm Cuphead and I love hotdogs, and carnivals, and adventures, and rollercoasters, and hotdogs, and rollercoasters, and hotdogs, and hotdogs, and hotdogs, and carnivals, and adventures and-"
Bendy cut him off there.
BEN: "How... Charming."
Bendy's smile was rather crooked, and his left eye seemed to be twitching. Shucks.
BEN: "So, Cuphead, how are you?"
CUP: "Oh, I'm alright!"
BEN: "Lovely to hear. Now, let's start! The people wanna know.. Who was the hardest person to fight?"
Cuphead thought for a second.
And that second turned into a minute.
And that minute turned into five minutes.. And..-
BEN: "Well?"
Bendy was clearly getting impatient.
CUP: "Probably Baroness Von Bon Bon. It hurt me mentally to have to fight perfectly edible candy!"
Bendy muttered something under his breath.
CUP: "Huh?"
BEN: "Nothing."
Suddenly, Bendy grabbed for his earpiece. Cuphead hadn't noticed that before.
BEN: "I've gotta go. SAMMY! Get Cuphead to the facility."
CUP: "What's that-?"
BEN: "We'll have to finish the interview tomorrow."
CUP: "That's not an answer to my question.. Wait. But you promised I'd go home-! This isn't fair! I wanna go ho-"
A man wearing a Bendy mask put his hand over Cuphead's mouth from behind and dragged him of the stage, out of the building, into a huge hallway.
Cuphead tried to scream out of fear.
The man snapped. He kept on dragging Cuphead, through the hallway till they stopped at a big door.
SAM: "Go in. Don't come out. We'll answer your questions later.. Now."
Cuohead nodded, tears in his eyes, and opened the door, to see a huge flight of stairs downwards. He waddled down the stairs to be met with another hallway, every side filled with doors, all with nametags next to the doors. The boy tried to read some, and recognised his name on one of the plates.
CUP: "Is this.. A room for me?"
He walked in.
The door locked behind him.
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silliest-heartaches · 9 months
I saw your Errorink headcanons
How do you think they would get along? (Because y'know, he destroys, he protects)
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tbh aside from input from the creators that they would be canon friends (IN MY DREAMS) i have a lot of thoughts on why they would make great friends actually:
First of all, there is the idea that they have to make peace with the innevitability that regardless of what they do or how they feel about creation or destruction respectively, the balance will keep itself going purely because thats how creation and destruction of fanprojects irl work!! no amount of encouragemnt from ink or pestering from error are ever going to truly eradicate/permanently keep the growth of creations and aus in the multiverse!! I like to imagine its the same kind of silliness that good omens has (ie angel/demon being friends and maybe lovers just having the oppositr kinda jobs) except they both actually enjoy their jobs lol
I also like to think that the way they view the multiverse is not so black and white as they first may appear!! We already know that error DOES have aus that hes fond of and will not destroy bc he has a certain attachment to it, making us see that he isnt just some mindless killer who destroys for the sake of destroying (i forgot what his actual reason was aside from the anomaly stuff so in my head its bc all the multiverses mess with his code and overload his system which is why he hates anomalies sm ((including original ut funnily enough? Bc ig thats why his suffering happened in the first place (to me at least))) he is just selfish and wants everyone else to adjust to his comfort
For ink, he also views pretty much everything else aside from him as characters, and is thus not as connected to them as you may think. The reasons on why he protects these aus is kind of selfish (to refill his vials + the satisfaction of feeling like a real living being But More compared to other characters within their own universes) despite the good guy facade he tries to make himself have hes also inherrently selfish with his reasonings on why he wants to protect the aus in the first place
(i also wanna say that alongside all of what im saying ink genuinely does hold a lot of love for the aus and has a lot of fondness for certain characters aus etc, but it is very much in a fiction vs reality sorta way, bc thats how he views himself vs every one else)
except error. (well. sort of. but it kinda goes both ways. hes close enough)
tldr despite feeling that they are above it all and seperate from the aus and characters that they create (canon info for both i think) i think they can (and do) acknowlege that the world is bigger than them both despite those feelings and find themselves kindred spirits in the sense that their views and pov of the world is very similar on a base level and see eachother as equals because of it (something i dont really see personally with p much every other sans)
like yes other sanses and characters can be aware of and have beef with the multiverse in whatever way they can but none will ever be as innherently connected to the multiverse and what created them as much as error and ink do,,,bc to most everyone else, it is simply a part of their lives to move through aus with, comapred to errorink having the aus be their reason for existing and acting (the other guys drama being centered around different things much smaller in scale compared to error and inks whole deal being with the entire multiverse as it exists if im making sense)
also also theyre both described as immature and insecure so. i think they can have a lot of fun having childish banter thats cute and for the funsies (both dramatic jokey guys please hear me out)
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misscloudiedays · 2 years
That is true considering how messed up the inky world is for it's inhabitants (especially the Ink Demon). Everyone thinks Sonic is a strange toon, not an alien from another planet. I wonder how a revelation like that would go especially if it's Audrey. Her day is already insane as is.
Sonic practically trolls everyone that tries to attack him. He's the fastest thing alive after all and tends to banter like Spiderman. They're just lucky he chooses not to fight considering everything he has fought without a transformation. Even if he can't kill the Ink Demon, Sonic would still do some damage.
Also he would definitely piggyback the Ink Demon like the Jockey from Left For Dead and be an absolute menace. Had his fair share of someone trying to manipulate him so Wilson probably isn't gonna have that much luck either. Alice... I'm sorry but Sonic definitely will just prank you like everyone else.
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That’s why i introduce the idea of the ink slowly affecting him, sonic is on a whole different playing field compared to EVERYONE in the studio even The Ink Demon
Not that the ink demon will be to much of a problem, Sonic is probably giving Bender piggy back rides
Sonic probably get worried anytime Bendy seems to disappear and you know, the ink demon shows up
I think the one real thing that MAY stop sonic is those weird color beams that mess with the ink demon
I feel the studio may have odd affects on “main characters”
But that’s just me spit balling, hopefully Sonic doesn’t get to a state where the ink gets him hurt
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fowleyes · 1 year
𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 :      21 ^_^                    ( image )
                                                               --  @inlife    
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𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 the gravity of their existence & vision lacks reception to anything . his eyes display nothing , yet he feels his world spinning , the ceilings collapsing , & the walls closing in on him . his breathing increases & there's a backdrop of continued metronome beeping faster & faster with every moment that tears into his psyche . 
reality creeps in like a lingering demon from his past & dammit it all , it looks like he's alive . he can't move a muscle , & he dares not even try . he has no idea how long it's been since he'd released the reanimation jutsu , nor why it is that he still draws breath . he is bitter & resentful in this moment  .  .  .  he was supposed to have met the ruin that would subdue his endless suffering . it's all for naught . it's all for naught . could he not , even in his moments' most suffering , be the martyr damned by sin's consequence ?
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it's not long after he wakes that a person meets his side , the needle in his hand causing mild discomfort & the smell of sanitization overwhelms his senses . the setting of the hospital clicks in his mind . he's putting pieces together , dissecting his present with each moment's passing & he feels a cold hand touch his wrist . the sensation sends goosebumps up his arms . he flinches , once , twice , & as she speaks , begins to recognize the medical - nin as one who stood at naruto's side , always fighting for sasuke , never wavering . he's shocked for awhile ; everything is still processing .
silence permeates the tension in the air that has since blossomed into extreme discomfort & upon further analysis of the room in which he lays , he hears his younger brother speak from the corner . in the fluctuations of their voices , he hears both hope & concern .
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much has passed since he's awoken , but he's certain his strength will never return to what it once was . him & sasuke have been working to recover some semblance of a relationship since the trauma of their individual burdens , shared & also , completely their own . he sits in his apartment ( devoid of much , save for the kitchen , where he spends a bulk of his time now , developing his favorite hobby ) & his brother finds himself , along with sakura , seated politely at his dining room table . 
itachi makes his way over to join them , limping , as slippers slide against wood flooring . it's the new year , so after doing his best to clean everything in his living space , he thought he'd invite them over to share some toshikoshi soba . he's glad they came , yet cannot help but feel a pang of guilt & an emptiness within his chest at the thought of a genuine family dinner .
after finding a seat among the two , the hours grow shorter with each one's passing . they've begun opening up to each other , offering sibling - like jabs , & polite sorts of teasing . itachi is still awkward with sakura , but he does his best to make her feel included . ( he never once blamed her for saving his life , despite the resentment he feels for living ) .
laughing is hard for him , often resulting in a dry cough & a subtle , yet bearable , pain in his chest . he makes sure not to do it often , so , at times , it comes across as though he's unreceptive to playful banter , or menial jokes . 
& speaking of jokes , it takes several hours before itachi saunters to his living room , noticing , as he attempts to grab a bottle of sake , an unfamiliar jar that sits upon his lamp table , with what feels like a hand written label attached . he stretches his fingers across the inked paper , feeling for the characters without making a sound .
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" いきりいんきゃ* "  it reads .
ah . so this is what's become of him . he supposes its well deserved .
though , you'd think after the slaughter of everyone you've ever loved ( with one exception ) you'd deserve far less than a holiday dinner & a douchebag jar .
he silently places ten - thousand yen within it , & offers the two a knowing smile before sliding it toward them .
he doesn't bother to guess whose idea it was .
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axxl-rose · 2 years
You’re Permanent
Eddie Munson x ofc 
Word Count: 1118
Warnings: mature language and fluff. 
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The summer sun was steaming like a frying pan, cooking everybody inside out, leaving the locals to flock to Hawkins Community Pool for relief. It was wall-to-wall with kids screaming and splashing in the water while their mothers worked on their tan, eying the young lifeguard striding around the edge of the pool.
Sunglasses-covered eyes scoured over a teen magazine, trying to figure out which '84 Hearthrob was her soulmate, praying for Kevin Bacon. And although the sun blistered her skin, Lucy could feel something else burning a hole right through her. "Get walking, Hargrove. Nothing for you here!" Lucy called, her eyes never straying from the pages.
Billy smirked as he strolled past the sunbathing girl, roaming eyes gazing at her bikini-clad figure. "Just checking, Luce." He shrugged, "Maybe one day you'll change your mind."
Scoffing, Lucy rolled her eyes but smiled to herself. The pair weren't friends, but they didn't hate each other either. Since his first day at Hawkins, the first day Lucy shot him down, their back and forth banter became a source of entertainment for the two.
Wiggling her warm toes, Lucy placed down her reading and huffed as she glanced at the large clock above the entrance.
"Looking for me," Eddie grumbled, startling Lucy. Shaking her head, Lucy ignored her boyfriend as he giggled to himself and laid kisses on her bare shoulder. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds," Eddie crooned, his wiry hair brushing against her clammy neck as he finally laid a firm kiss on her cheek.
Turning to face him, she pulled off her sunglasses and scowled at the smiling man as he lay on the sun lounge beside her, dirty white Reeboks gleaming proudly in the sun. "You're late." She stated.
Eddie reclined back in the chair, whistling a tune, arms crossed behind his head. "I got caught up doing something." He beamed at her, brown eyes glistening in the sunlight.
Raising her brows, Lucy frowned. "Caught up? You told me you had nothing planned."
Nodding as he observed the Hawkins residents around them, many scowling at the held-back high school student dressed in black and denim, Eddie thrummed his feet to an imaginary rhythm. "Something came up." He sung.
Growling, Lucy threw herself back on the recliner. "Well," she flung her hands in the air. "You won't tell me what you've done or where you've been, and your forty-five minutes late. Can we just go for a swim already? I'm boiling!" She fumed, refusing to look at her boyfriend, settling to stare at a smirking Billy Hargrove. Pulling a face, she gladly shot him the finger, which he laughed at.
"Is it from the sun..." Eddie sat up, taking off his denim vest. "Or anger?" He joked, shimmying out of his jeans and revealing black swim trunks with messy images of demons and drums scribbled on with white texter.
Forcing down a grin, Lucy eyed him. "I haven't decided yet."
Chortling, Eddie pulled up his 'Hellfire Club' shirt, exposing his pasty torso to the people of Hawkins. The Corroded Coffin member didn't get much sunlight between playing D&D, practicing the guitar, and sneaking into Lucy's bedroom, so he was practically glowing.
However, Lucy didn't mind. Her eyes appraised his figure, licking her lips at the sight of his snail trail and many little tattoos that her tongue had traced more than once, her anger slowly fading away. But, she paused... because staring back at her was her own name, black and slightly inflamed.
"Ed-Eddie..." she stuttered, rubbing her eyes and blinking rapidly. "Wh-what is that?" Her shaking hand pointed at the ink, right above his heart.
Eddie cocked his head, glancing at the spot before a beaming grin decorated his face. "My new tattoo." He cheered, puffing out his chest.
"TATTOO?!" She yelled, quickly slamming her hands over her mouth as people turned to stare, including Billy from the Lifeguards Chair. Looking around, Lucy grabbed Eddie by his hair and pulled him close, ignoring his whining. "What do you mean 'tattoo'?" She growled.
"Well," he moaned, his head kinked awkwardly, straining his neck. "While there is no formal definition, a tattoo is typically part of individual self-expression that often tells you something about the person."
Grumbling, Lucy let go of his hair and hunched forward, head between her hands. "That's not what I meant, and you know it." Her voice was muffled, but Eddie could hear her confusion.
Eddie huffed and puffed, twisting his neck with a satisfying crack. Looking over his cocooned girlfriend, he sighed and sat beside her, their bodies brushing as he draped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm Eddie 'the freak' Munson." He whispered, his lips tickling her ear. "The screw-up of Hawinks High, who couldn't pay to graduate even if he had the cash." He scoffed lowly, intensely staring into the shining water.
"You're not a screw-up." She muttered, burying her head into his chest.
Squeezing her tighter, Eddie chucked. "I am, and everyone knows it." Looking down at Lucy, he felt his heartbeat hum in his ears. "But, you make me better. Everything about you makes me want to be the best man I can be." He admitted, placing a kiss on her ear. "You are part of me, someone I want to keep by my side forever... and now, everywhere I go, and every time we're apart, I can think of the girl who changed my world."
Sniffling, Lucy looked up with wide, shining eyes. "You really think that about me?" She stammered, holding onto Eddie's ring-covered hand, twirling the massive steel skull.
Bobbing his head up and down, Eddie grasped onto her face, stroking her wet cheeks. "Of course I do!" He gushed, lighting up as a grin appeared on her face. Leaning his forehead on hers, the pair closed their eyes. "You're it for me, Lucy. You're permanent."
Lucy grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed their lips together, Eddie releasing a mewl. Warmth bloomed through their bodies, the taste of Lucy's cherry lipgloss was dizzying to Eddie, butterflies attacking his stomach.
Their heavily breathing danced together, merging into one as their tongues entwined, Eddie taking the lead and Lucy happy to follow.
His hand stroked up her bare sides, a moan escaping Lucy's parted lips. Tangling her hands into his hair, Lucy pulled them flush together, desperate to be one.
A whistle broke them from their stupor. "Keep it PG, you dorks. There are kids around," Billy chided, peeking over his sunglasses with a smirk as he did his laps around the poolside.
"Fuck off, Hargrove." Lucy smiled, gazing into Eddie's eyes, tentatively tracing the fresh ink as Eddie's soft lips met her forehead.
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ivyprism · 2 years
Masterlist 18
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
More Deities (Info Dump)
Goddess H and Skelesona (Info Dump)
Underfell Silver Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
UF Silver Headcanons (Info)
UF Silver Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
Secret Papyrus (Info Dump)
Secret Gaster and Sans (Info Dump)
The Story of the Heroes of Cartos (Info)
Rune Fun Facts (Secret Outcode Papyrus)
More Deities: Evil (Info Dump)
Underswap Silver Papyrus, Sans, and Gaster (Info Dump)
Swapfell and Fellswap Silver Papyrus and Sans (Info Dump)
Horrortale Monstersona (Info Dump)
Underfell Monstersona and Underswap Monstersona (Info Dump)
Angels Fall Monstersona (Info Dump)
Underswap Silver H (Info Dump)
Tenebrous Papyrus (Info Dump)
Tenebrous Sans and Gaster (Info Dump)
Tenebrous H (Info Dump)
Stories Written:
Beautiful Snow (Backstory of UF Silver)
Secrets (Secret Outcode Boys Backstory)
Don't Imagine:
Various (Lots of Boys)
Various (Lots of Boys)*
Sans (Hehehehehe)
Sandstone! (Hehehehehe!)
Various! (Hehehehehehehehe!)
Shrike Surface Things (Underfell Silver Sans)
Dating King (Underfell Silver Papyrus)
Headcanons + Smooch (Underfell Silver Gaster)
Crush (Underfell Silver Sans)
Playful Banter (Underfell Silver Sans)
Smooches (Underfell Silver Sans and Villain! Underfell Sans)
Smooches (Underfell Silver Papyrus)
Smooches (Allurefell Sans)
Smooches (Underfell! Dream Walker Sans)
Confess or be Confessed To (Underfell Silver Papyrus)
Confess or be Confessed To (Underfell Silver Sans)
Matching Tattoo (Underfell Silver Sans)
Sick SO (Swapfell Glaucous Sans and Underfell Silver Papyrus)
Flustered SO (Underfell Silver Boys)
Some Villains Headcanons (Villain! Swapfell Glaucous and Villain! Underfell)
Rhydian Headcanons (Secret Outcode Sans)
Soft Cardinal and Finch Headcanons (Underfell Sans and Villain! Underfell Sans)
Obsidian Dating (Underswap Silver Papyrus)
Smooches (Underswap Silver Papyrus)
Stressed? (Underswap Silver Papyrus)
Jobs (Underswap Silver and Underfell Silver Boys)
Jobs (Fellswap Silver and Swapfell Silver Boys)
Dating Conleth and Rex (Fellswap Silver Papyrus and Swapfell Silver Papyrus)
Smooches (Fellswap Silver Papyrus and Swapfell Silver Papyrus)
Friendship! (The Silver Skeleton Boys)
Affection? Joy? Together? (The Underswap Silver Boys)
First Date? Romantic? Together? Wedding? (Lots of Underfell Sanses)
Kissing Booth (Underfell Gaster)
Kissing Booth (Mafiafell Gaster)
Kissing Booth (Horrorfell Gaster)
Kissing Booth (Underfell Silver Sans)
Kissing Booth (Underswap Sans)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Glaucous Sans)
Kissing Booth (Undertale Sans)
Kissing Booth (Underfell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Undertale Sans... Again)
Kissing Booth (Underswap Silver Sans)
Kissing Booth (Horrorfell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Allurefell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Underfell! Dream Walker Sans)
Kissing Booth (Villain! Underfell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Undertale Gaster)
Kissing Booth (Angels Fall Sans)
Kissing Booth (Horrortale Sans)
Kissing Booth (Angels Fall Demon! Sans)
Kissing Booth (Mafiaswap Sans)
Kissing Booth (Fellswap Red Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Undertale Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Underfell Silver Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Underswap Silver Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Silver Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Fellswap Silver Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Undertale Sans... For the third time!)
Kissing Booth (Ink Sans)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Swapfell Sans... again.)
Kissing Booth (Underswap Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Underswap Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Villain! Underfell Papyrus)
Kissing Booth (Mafiafell Sans)
Kissing Booth (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Kiss (Underfell Gaster)
Chive HCs (Horrorfell Sans)
Cinnamon and Cassia HCs (Horrortale and Horrorfell Papyrus)
Roscoe Soft HCs (Mafiafell Sans)
Movies (Fell Sanses)
Movies (Fell Papyruses)
Things they wanna do (Fell Papyruses)
Roscoe and Cardinal HCs (Underfell Sans and Mafiafell Sans)
Costumes! (Villain and Hero Skeleton Boys)
How they're celebrating Halloween (All Dream Walker Boys)
How they're celebrating Halloween (Main 16 Papyruses)
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witchywithwhiskey · 3 months
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witchywithwhiskey's steve rogers masterlist
you'll find full content warnings and summaries on each fic. some works contain dark themes and elements such as dubcon and noncon, so proceed with caution. you're responsible for your own media consumption!
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key: 💖 molly's favorites ◦ ⭐️ over 1k notes ◦ 🌟 over 3k notes ◦ 💫 over 5k notes
steve rogers
the alpha next door [smut] omegaverse au ⭐️💖
the endurance of a super-soldier [smut] catws 10-year anniversary
inappropriate attire [smut] avengers tower au, coworkers to lovers
ever since i met you [smut, fluff] friends to lovers, valentine's day
offer me my deathless death [smut] greek myth au, strangers to lovers
put on a show [smut] established bdsm relationship
a dream in the bookshop [smut] bookshop owner au, mutual pining ⭐️
a shelter in the storm [smut] park ranger au, strangers to lovers ⭐️💖
hallowe’en fun with your werewolf knight [smut] werewolf au, royalty au ⭐️
halloween is the perfect time for tricks—and treats [smut] friends to lovers 💫💖
screaming in a haunted corn maze [smut] strangers to lovers ⭐️💖
a deal with the devil comes with wicked strings [smut] demon au ⭐️
a king's morning [smut, fluff] lotr au, royalty au ⭐️💖
a fair punishment & take your punishment [smut] established bdsm relationship ⭐️
happy wife, happy life [smut] established relationship, husband/wife
the best birthday gift [smut] avengers tower meet-cute
it's your captain's birthday [smut] dark-ish beach party
his radiant sunflower [fluff] farmer au comfort fic
lilacs & ink [fluff] tattoo artist au ⭐️
at the hand or command of a man [smut] modern royalty au, arranged marriage 💖
right where you belong [fluff] college au, idiots in love ⭐️
tomorrow’s a promise [smut] older brother's best friend au 💖
nothing he could do but touch you [smut] roommates au, dark 💖
so pretty with a knife in your hand [smut] serial killer au, dark
you got yourself a bet, sweetheart [fluff] rivals, movie star au 💖
nowhere near done [smut] bodyguard au, enemies to lovers
your heart a pancake [fluff] drunken confession ⭐️
and all was lost [smut] DARK non-con 💖
get this girl some ice cream! [fluff] emotional hurt/comfort
wear his mark [smut] vampire au
pretty flowers for a pretty girl [fluff] farmer au
dripped heavy like warm honey [smut, fluff] established relationship
cookies and cocoa and a little bit of patience [christmas, smut, fluff] established relationship
giddyup and ride my sleigh [christmas, smut, fluff] established relationship
a threat beneath the nice veneer [smut, eventual fluff(ish)] enemies to lovers
you’ll always be the sexiest man alive to me, captain [smut, fluff] coworkers to lovers
what are best friends for〈deleted scene〉 [smut] friends to lovers
steve rogers & bucky barnes
a monster, a captain and a soldier [smut] monster!reader, avengers tower ⭐️
know how to share [fluff, pre-smut] love triangle ish, flirting, banter ⭐️💖
multiple characters including steve rogers
chris evans characters chest hair thots [smut] drabbles about ari levinson, andy barber, curtis everett, jake jensen, johnny storm, lloyd hansen, ransom drysdale and steve rogers
ova with ceo ari, dbf bucky and dark steve [smut] drabble follow ups to always keep my heart safe, safe and sound and and all was lost
steve rogers series masterlists
ONGOING: a bun in the oven series [smut, fluff] baker au, steve rogers
ONGOING: see you next shift series [smut, angst, fluff] coffeeshop au, bucky barnes, eventual steve rogers
steve rogers collections and challenge masterlists
LOTR-verse universe [smut, fluff, angst] lord of the rings au, multiple characters
a cozy steve rogers autumn [smut, fluff] fall-themed steve rogers fics
halloween fics [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
30 day writing trope challenge masterlist [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
136 notes · View notes
tr3eeeee · 8 months
Sometimes I wish I were pretty; mind you, I don't want to be a pretty girl bantering herself for her own confidence, getting every look as she strides down the street with a cascade of awe following. As am I far from wanting to be a pretty boy dressing stunningly always seeming to sparkle in the ways that pop their existence. I just wish I was pretty. Pretty, like the people who don't care who they are, pretty on the inside, I want my presence to make people glow up so much that it makes my outsides look pretty, the way their smiles glow, eyes light up, that adorable giggle that rings in your ears for the rest of your day, but I don't want to be soft. Being soft looks bad on a person, ugly even. I want a tough exterior, all of that softness hidden by skin grazingly streched over all muscles shown by the gains from years of work, yet I truly know that to be brave is to show vulnerability, to be weak; but what appearance does that give to me? I wish I were pretty like the people who smoke and have crazy hair that is beautiful and effortlessly impossible, yet I yearn that feeling of being natural and helping a baby turtle to sea after it freshly hatches. I wish I were pretty in all the ways I can't be, I am a person incapable of just shoving that down, I cope with it by altering my body; shaving my eyebrows, dying my hair crazy colors, vandalizing my skin with anything except ink doused kneedles as I know nothing should be that permanent, I peirce my skin. All to bejewel my body to distract me from the agony I feel at how much I hate myself on a day to day basis. I think we all know that I don't do these altercations for the simplistic reason given as, "I like it." or "it makes me feel good about myself." because I never truly feel good about myself. I do these things to make myself appear to be one of those people I long to be, I change my hair to differentiate myself from society and what I consider to be these gorgeous people who deserve so much more than what they will ever have. The washable ink becomes razor blades; the henna art is turned into burn scars painted on my skin to punish myself for not being able to conform to their standards. And that reaches the issue; these stunning, picture-perfect people, they have no standards. They are simply themselves, and they are so painfully comfortable with it. So when I say I wish I were pretty; I am telling you I wish I could be happy with who I am; instead of this godforsaken meat sack bound hell demon that I am.
0 notes
splashinkling · 3 years
Word Find Tag Game
hopping on another open tag, this time from @pertinax--loculos with the words blue, grace, wobble, and flash!
(more excerpts from Demons in the Den.)
blue |
“Oh I thought you’d realize, seeing as my kind is among you,” the man gestures grandiosely at us with his hands—large hands with long fingers and long fingers with sharp nails. His thick, white-grey hair rustles in the wind as his crimson eyes turn azure blue and back again and again and again. He smiles, ear to ear, with a mouth of full jagged teeth. And his wings. Black bat-like wings unfold behind him and flap once with a force that sends us reeling. “Demons, that is.”
His hands conjure a blue spark. And that spark turns into a line that draws a circle filled with patterns. When he finishes, a small burst of fire pops at the centre of the circle and then dissipates. Magic.
grace |
We stare as the man hangs his head. He removes his glove—slowly and provocatively. He holds it up in the sunlight. His eyes glimmer, fascinated by the sun’s grace shining upon the demon’s blood and exaggerating its pure darkness. The man laughs, maniacally. His gaze snaps to us, his eyes contorting without his head moving. And his wide grin returns.
wobble |
“You sprained your ankle,” she diagnoses. She bites her lower lip. “You can’t, well, shouldn’t, stand on it. I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner. Your wound—” Her words are simpler than usual and her pace faster.
“But we have to get out of here,” I say, shifting up and getting ready to go. The swollen ball that is my ankle shivers angrily and wobbles and gives up. And the throbbing pain that is the wound on my shoulder. She pushes down on my good shoulder to keep me seated. “What if that demon guy comes back to make sure we’re done for?”
Aliah looks at my ankle then directly in my eyes. And I look directly at hers. Both of us convinced we’re right and the other less so.
flash |
With a strong motion and his thumb jutting towards himself, the dirty blonde man beams a toothy smile. “William’s the name!” He juts this thumb at his large sword that has a machete-like shape that gets wider at the end. “And I attack!”
The man with gauntlets almost smacks himself with the protective blunt metal as he facepalms. “William is the vanguard,” he says, eloquently, though his tired tone and droopy eyes betrays his almost noble image. “I’m Felix Ingleston. I act as a rear guard.”
“I’m Amaris,” the redhead woman says, tapping the end of her wooden staff on the ground. She tries to show off her flashy white-gold robes, though none of us care to strain our eyes in these dimly lit streets. “I’m a magic-user with spells like light and fire shot.”
“Collet,” the other robed girl says. Her staff, just as tall as Amaris’s, stands over her by a whole head. A red gem is embedded at the end of her staff, and it sparkles whenever she waves it before a streetlight. “Another magic-user.”
for fun, tagging @drippingmoon but a very open tag like always! ^^
your words are: calm, sky, soft, and voice!
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Oh... Well what about the sound pillar wives interaction with erotica?
If you're the darling who asked about the Kamboko Trio earlier, I'm sorry I couldn't do it just yet but I hope this makes up for it!!!
Love ya🖤🖤🖤
Exotica | Yandere Uzui Tengen Wives x Reader
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Hinatsuru- Arguably the most loyal wife of Uzui’s is also the hardest to read. She was good at keeping her persona intact, but even despite that you’d still make an effort to drop some important information about the schedules. She isn’t stupid and she notices. Similar to how Uzui reacts, she suspects you and decides getting closer to you is a tactic to advance in her position and in gaining information. She again isn’t wrong. You of course accept her advancements even though you know it's only for her mission. It isn’t until you show her that you're more than some mysterious cash cow.
“Hey I said I wanted to book you! Answer me!” Some drunken man had wandered in. Where the head lady was, no one knew. He was big, big enough to scare off the other braver seniors. You just so happened to be out walking your rounds before bed seeing the silhouette of a man hitting a woman. When you hastily slide away the door you see Hinatsuru on the floor being clung to by this animal. For a moment it ran through your head that she could kill him two times over if she wanted, but because of her duty she wouldn’t. You cleared your throat gaining his attention, he dropped her immediately. The sound of her body crumbling against the tatami mats, enraged you even further.
“I-I know you! Your Exotica-sama, a spirit of good fortune!” He moved to hold you like he was an old friend, leaving him wide open for your foot to raise up and smash down on his groin. He’ll fall to cradle it, crying like a baby in the meantime you rush over helping the shinobi up. You didn’t comfort her like you typically would, you knew she’d be more angry than sad. You held her shaking fists, whispering against the nape of her neck. “I know what you want to do. Stay calm. Let them deal with this.” She let out a breath accepting your hand and taking your advice. The man was still drunkenly crying on the ground, you in the meantime took a spilled cup of ink and poured it on his head; careful to avoid his eyes. In perfect timing the headwife, her husband, and some men that must have been called to help came and dragged him out. Now you were tired and you knew you’d have to take off everything and hopefully slip into blissful sleep without demon-intervention. You hastily left the scene leaving an amazed Hina to recall the encounter, helped by the other girls who had watched fearfully.
From there she looked at you more inquisitively. Who were you? To command a room and even be so wise and vengeful to have marked that man for his transgression against the Kyogoku house. You later did instruct the head-wife not to never buy business from him until he was no longer marked. Soon interest turned to respect and then became a love she hadn’t felt since she had first been chosen Lord Tengen. She would be sure to ask Lord Tengen about having you, she just couldn’t get enough. Not to mention how good you were with kids. The little handmaidens and the little boy from your main family all followed after you like ducks and you nurtured them with knowledge and wisdom. Because of her lifestyle she never thought of bringing children into this world, unless Lord Tengen wanted it. But maybe if you were a trained homebody taking care of the kids, then maybe it could be possible. She’d have to ask for Lord Tengen’s approval.
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Makio-As snappy as she was, you matched her energy. Before she was trapped within the belt of Daki, you two had become accustomed to the banter you’d have together. She brought a type of snarkiness out of you that you often pushed away because of the way Exotica was supposed to be. You vaguely mentioned this after a laughing fit where you were left breathless. Being one of the first you met she was excited to see what you thought of her fellow wives. She hoped she was your favorite. When you did give her information specific to the house you hoped she was taking note but she seemed so into hanging around you that may have not come across properly. Thankfully though with a few more of your hints she’d get on the ball. At the time you were already anxious about trying to change the events of the story; what’s worse is that Daki had been extremely suspicious of her recently. During your tea session with the Oiran in hopes of dissuading her you buttered up about how awkward Makio was as a newbie. To add on top of that you gave her a massage and cuddled her but this unusually affectionate behavior caught someone’s attention.
You had been relaxing as you watched the moon fade in and out of view thanks to the dark clouds when you heard the sound of skin stretching and phony bones cracking. You told yourself to calm as you recognized the unnerving audible scritching of nails against skin.
“You thought I was stupid, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about. You're not anything like that.”
“Oh yeah,” The curving of Gyutarou’s gnarly hand carefully wrapping around your neck from behind stopping to hold your face. “Then what was with all the extra attention? You can fool my dumb baby sister but you can’t fool me. Why?”
He squeezed for emphasis. You fought down a gulp and then tried to speak, which was impossible because of how hard he was squeezing your cheeks. He let you go instead allowing himself to wrap possessively around your waist and chest.
“I only did it because she was so nervous about her losing my attention I just wanted to let her know that Makio isn’t a threat–Ghk!” You tried to keep your noise in as he squeezed your breast moving to angrily snarl.
“Sorry, I knew it bothered you both. Could you forgive me?” You tried to maintain your mask as you reached your free arm up to rub and scratch at his head. This appeased him, so he set you back on your futon and closed your blinds before returning back to Daki who seemed to have done the demon-equivalent of napping.
The next day, you were worried you wouldn’t see that familiar orange set of bangs. But much to your surprise she greeted you in a somber way. Perhaps Warabihime had threatened her or she just had a sixth sense but she requested to spend the day with you. Even as you ran errands, spoke with clients, and did your teaching with the young girls she stuck by your side. As the sun set and you packed to move to the next house, you could sense her anxiety. It would only be a few hours before they began to escort you to the Tokito house.
“Makio, I-Oh”
She held you in an intimate hug, holding your waist and guiding your head closer to hers.
“Listen to me (Y/n), “ She pulled your casual veil away to bring you close enough that your noses were touching. “Lord Tengen will come for me. I have no doubt about that. I just want to make sure that if I’m gone he’ll take you. “
“Wait, what?
“Don’t worry everything will work out, I love you!” She pecks your lips, lifting you to tightly squeeze you, before hastily leaving from your room. It wouldn’t be until a day or two later that it was determined that she had committed Ashinuke.
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Suma–Despite your first meeting where you had relied on her for comfort the roles were very quickly reversed. She would whine about a lot of different things that she didn’t like about the preparation the women of the Tokito house went through.
“NO! NO! NO! (Y/n)-sama tell them to stop!”
“But Suma, you have to see how you’ll look with this on your eyes.”
“Hold her down please!”
Her crybaby ways from the original story were not exaggerated; she truly did it all the time. You fought the urge to go full-on Makio on her because she could be so unreasonable sometimes. But after a while you were able to see past it for the better parts of herself, others not so much.
“WAAAH (Y/n)-sama I need you to let me seeeeee! I can’t work if I don’t seeeee!”
“Please Exotica-sama! Just so that we don’t have to hear it anymore!”
Suma on the other hand loved this, loved you. You were on the level of Lord Tengen but weaker than her enough so that she could push you around as she pleased. This was great. Oftentimes she felt she needed to bring attention to herself to help Hina and Maki shine more. Unfortunately in the process it made her the annoying, little one but you weren’t hogged by anyone she couldn’t keep up with. It was selfish that she delighted when your unmasked eyes wandered to her cleavage or when you looked deeply into her eyes. It was like falling in love all over again. She knows her greatest weakness is her greatest strength like how when she bats her eyes at Lord Tengen he’s slightly more willing to let her get her way; it works on you just the same. She’s sure to explore options on including you in her life soon after this mission in her letters. Unfortunately her interest and whiney manipulations remind Oiran Warabihime a bit too much of herself, plus she’s beautiful. A nuisance and sustenance solved in one go.
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tsundanire · 2 years
Draco Malfoy and the N.A.S.T.Y. Problem Pt 1
First and foremost let me just go ahead and assure you that this is the most un-beta'd, crack-iest, bullshit you will probably read from me...this month? I can't make any promises about the rest of the year this early. Please note that this is based off an image I will drop at the bottom of this part, and a hilariously cracky conversation from the Drarry Discord Server. I will be posting this in several parts over the next few days on tumblr, and then will likely add the completed/polished version to Ao3 all at once at the end. Without further ado... Draco and his N.A.S.T.Y.'s...
Having grown up in the upper echelons of Wizarding social classes, Draco Malfoy was an expert in social customs. For birthdays, he made sure to send out hand-calligraphed invitations, and matching thank-you cards following the event. For Holidays and other social gatherings, he made sure to Owl an appropriate host/hostess gift, as well as a hand-penned note thanking them for their gracious invitation—regardless of whether he wanted to be there or not.
Professor McGonagall had once received a note of thanks from a much younger Draco, upon receiving his Hogwarts Letter. It hadn’t helped endear her to him in the end, but at least he could look back—nose haughtily pointed high—and say he had far better manners than the future Headmistress.
So, during his first year, when the time came to formally choose his life-time partner arch-nemesis, no one else besides one Harold Jimothy Potter would do. And so, our valiant Slytherin hero set to work, drafting a N.A.S.T.Y. otherwise known in long-form as: Notification of Adjusting Social Terms of Yokefellows.
The neatly scripted font, written in gold ink, and formalised on stunning—and expensive—black parchment, was sealed with the Malfoy crest, and was sent via owl within days to Potter. It was received during breakfast the following morning, along with a bevy of fan-mail and a rather soggy looking Daily Prophet—which Potter insultingly took more interest in than his N.A.S.T.Y.
Breakfast was almost finished, most of his friends—besides Granger—had already set off for class or whatever the hell it was Gryffindors did in the morning, before Potter finally noticed the artfully folded black parchment bearing his family’s seal. Confusion marred his brow, as he tore through the seal, ripping some of the paper in the process. Draco’s brow twitched angrily, but then again, who could have expected anything else where stupid dumb Potter was concerned.
Draco knew the letter’s contents off by heart, having gone through several variations of the draft in order to get the wording just right.
Harold Jimothy Potter,
Below you will find a N.A.S.T.Y. shifting our social arrangement. It is with this that I do declare us Arch-nemeses. Nemesi? Whatever. You’ll find below the terms and conditions for said arrangement, including the things I expect from our new relationship, as well as what I am open to doing for you. Should you have any questions, concerns, or amendments you wish to re-negotiate, please forward this letter back via owlpost with your notes.
Looking forward to a life-long partnership in mutual hate and distaste,
Draco Lucius Malfoy.
Notification of Adjusting Social Terms of Yokefellows
This notice is to inform you of my interest in becoming: Friends Lovers Enemies Arch-nemeses ✔
As such, I would like our relationship to include:
Video games | Make-outs | Sword Fights ✔
Movies | Sex | Ritualistic Sacrifice ✔
Pets | Cuddling | Elaborate Kidnapping ✔
Bees ✔ | Furry Masks | Demonic summoning ✔
Cheese Plates ✔ | Screaming ✔ | Homoerotic Banter ✔ ✔
Please return via Owlpost with your signature attached if you agree to the terms. If not, please use the space below to indicate your concerns or amendments.
Yours amicably Yours adoringly Your reckoning is coming ✔
X___Draco Lucius Malfoy___ X___________________
Potter’s expression was blank for a moment as he read over the words, but then…it morphed into a masquerade of feelings and emotions, nothing sticking long enough for Draco to be able to decipher them. Seeming to settle on confusion, Potter turned in his seat, narrowing his eyes towards the Slytherin tables, clearly in search of Draco, who waved his hand and offered a thumbs up—in the style of lower class muggle-immaturity the Gryffindors seemed overly fond of.
Those emerald eyes narrowed even further. And then, utter prat that he was, rose from his spot, and left the great hall without looking back. At least, he’d taken Draco’s card with him. Maybe he’d take some time to think about Draco’s offer and get back to him? What could he possibly lose by formalising their intentions?!
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