#b-b-b-b-b-b-b--b-but if i dont do that then what about my victim complex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pinkpigtailsprincess · 2 months
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ The Advice Column Issue No.1 ; How to deal with fake friends while balancing school life 🎀🧁
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Hii Dolls!!!⭐️ This is officially the first issue of my Brand new segment The Advice Column!!!! and i chose the topic fake friends bc as someone who’s had an alarming amount of fake friends in the past i can definitely give endless advice in this topic and its a collab with the @honeytonedhottie !! bc i thought she could also give so really good advice!!🎀⭐️
Are you struggling with keeping up in your studies? worried if your friends are talking behind ur back? Stressed? Feeling like school and socials are just to much??? DONT WORRY!! Dolly n Honey are gonna save the day!! 🎀⭐️
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Section 1 ; Honey!!🍯
how to balance ur school and social life (in bullet points) !! 🎀🧁
- make a list of priorities and stick to it like its a handbook
- practice saying no to events and saying no to excessive studying, the key is to find an equilibrium
- combine social and academic events
- make sure to use ur time wisely and do whats important first, so that then u can have loads of time for ur social life!
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Section 2 ; Dolly! 🎀
No.1 ; Stand up for yourself!! ⭐️
if ur so called “friend” is constantly make smart remarks about you,scrutinizing you for the smallest thing,being passive aggressive or really just trying to hurt your feelings always stand up for yourself and never let insult like that because that shows that you have no self respect and then they’re gonna just keep doing it set clear boundaries and don’t be a doormat never let this person/people walk all over you , if you didn’t appreciate something they said don’t take shit from them address and make sure it never happens again
No.2 ; spotting a secretly fake friend⭐️!
now there’s obviously “friends” that you can spot from a mile away that they’re definitely toxic but theres also a certain type of friend that could be the sweetest to ur face but secretly talk shit behind ur back and its honestly not that hard to spot one of these “friends” so here are some characteristics of ‘the secretly fake friend’
- never sticks up for you
- constantly lying
- at time can be very passive aggressive
- will tell you that someone was talking about you and not defend you at all
- will make you feel like a bad friend even if they’re wrong in the situation
- if you’ve ever confronted them on their behavior and they say they’re sorry but then repeats the same actions
- lets their other friends talk shit about you
these kinds of fake friends are tricky bc you really can’t spot them at first and then it can be harder to cut them off which brings me to my next point
No.3 CUT THEM OFF !!⭐️
listen i know its hard to let go of these people at first im mean I’ve had to do it multiple times but i swear it gets sooo much easier to not have these people in ur life its way better to have no friends than a bunch of friends thats secretly hate you don’t stay caught up on toxic people like this its a waste of ur own peace and well being , block them,stop following them,stop talking to them have NOTHING to do with these people/person
No.5 ; Ur not special !!
now this title is a bit alarming but what i mean by that is if you have a friend that’s constantly talks down about people for no reason whether it be their friends or someone they know and im not talking about the standard gossip talk bc tbh everyone gossips but im talking about like drags them through the mud calls them mean names and purposefully spreads rumors about other people they’ll do it to do you as well ur not special i doesn’t matter what this person is telling you they’ll talk about any and everyone it doesn’t matter people like this do not care
No.4 ; Being Un-phased !! ⭐️
now after you cut them off either gonna
A. make it seem like they’re innocent and have been nothing but nice to you and try and make you feel bad
B. Act like theirs beef when in reality theres not they just want a reason to start a problem
C. to the standard mean girl remarks side eyes,whispers,random pointing and slightly laughing, or even in some cases talk loudly about you but indirectly
now in any of these situations never let it bother you show no reaction these kinds of people feed off ur fear of them shows no reaction when it comes to things like this and you can also do it back side eye them back,give them weird looks back now im definitely not saying be just like them but play their game don’t let disrespect like this slide and i know how hard it can be especially since these are people ir support be close with but i promise making friends that actually care about you is WORLDS BETTER!!! you’ll have such a peace of mind and being able to make friend that actually care about you is such a freeing feeling!!!!
Reminders!!! 🎀🍯
- they’re opinions don’t matter
- these people are no above you in any way shape or form
- stress is normal don’t let it get to you !!
- you deserve much better friends
- it normal to feel sad after cutting them off
- this person/these people don’t deserve you!!!
- you got thiss!!!
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kachuuyaa · 1 year
bcr masterlist ; prev ; next
synopsis: back in the main building, scrambling students await their results. what happens when you get lost in the sea of students?
warnings: chuuya hating on everyone, ranpo getting lost, u losing everyone (physically cuz its crowded as HELL)...
notes: UMMMM SORRY FOR BEING IA was broken up w IM SORY i’ll b more active now that school’s overr!!! n im graduating too soo ULL SEE MORE FROM ME…. DONT FORGET… I PROMSIED
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Rushing along the hallways, you step down from the staircase to reach the exit. Seeing familiar faces, you waved at them in a rushed manner as your friends continued to make your phone vibrate with countless notifications, frustration bubbling in your head. Quietly setting your phone on “Do Not Disturb”, you maneuver yourself through the campus flawlessly. Although you have only been here for a year, you were meticulous enough to observe the layout of the campus, familiarizing yourself with the buildings and halls of the school. Truth be told, it can be confusing, with equally puzzling hallways, even if there were guides at the beginning of each structure. Rarely do students try and remember the school's architecture, knowing how time-consuming it can be. You find it amusing how students, as old as they are, wander around the building aimlessly in an attempt to reach their assigned facility. However, you can’t blame them, being a victim of the school’s complex walls, although rarely. You take pride in yourself for analyzing the school with such keen observation, landing yourself in front of the Inari hall (law-based strand hall), you take a sharp turn and see the faint silhouette of the Amaterasu hall (main building). Slowing down, you started walking, looking at the time, which relieved you as you arrived 10 minutes before the publishing. You kicked a rock while moving your feet, encoding the password in your phone before typing a quick ‘I’m here’ to the group chat.
Walking through the doors with newfound confidence, the students turned to look at you, with their eyes lingering on you briefly before resuming their tasks. You observed each student, some typing away on their laptops, some chatting with their friends, and some sleeping in the corners of the hall. A particular student came up to you, wrapping their arms around your neck from behind, and alerted you with their voice, “[Name]! Hi!” Slurring out the vowels of his greeting, Ranpo greeted you loudly, catching the attention of a few students before resuming their actions.
“Ranpo, don’t be so loud!” Yosano came from behind him, smacking the back of his head while ignoring his protests. “Yo, [Name]. We saw your texts.” She leaned to you, wrapping an arm around Ranpo in the process, making you laugh at his complaints. “Okay, and you came here for?” You asked, but cut yourself off, “Wait, right, for the tests.” Yosano gave you a look that could only be identified as ‘obviously’ written all over her face. “Just wanted to catch up with you. This fucker over here wanted to arrive first before you.” She turned to Ranpo, tightening her arm around his neck. “Hey! The cat on the sidewalk was just too cute not to notice!” He defended, jolting his head up towards the girl, “Not my fault he started meowing as soon as he saw me!” Yosano sighed, “We would’ve been there 10 minutes before [Name] was here,” She clicked her tongue, “Whatever.”
You were busy watching the two bicker when the doors opened, revealing a certain Philosophy major and business major, and entered the building, immediately locking their eyes on the three of you. Before they could do anything, though, the speaker vibrated with sound. “Results in 5 minutes, please proceed to the main hall.” As soon as it ended, students started clamoring around, trying to fix their things to make it into the hall in time. Some students started running, paying no mind to the papers falling to the floor. You’d understand, the year was about to end, anyway. Noticing the rush and excitement of the students, you locked eyes with Yosano, a plan brewing in both minds. Nodding, Yosano pried her arm off Ranpo.
You and Yosano ran, laughing loudly when Ranpo’s screams of protest echoed through the crowded hall, ceasing once he caught sight of Sigma and Fyodor. “Fuck, man!” You heaved out, “Don’t ever make me run a marathon like that ever fucking again,” Panting, Yosano laughed at your exasperated expression. “Get in shape, come on!” She encouraged you lightly, shoving your shoulder as you glared at her playfully. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” Yosano reassured, however, face blanking as she remembered Ranpo; “Well, not really. Ranpo will scold us for God knows how long for leaving him.” You laughed breathlessly, awaiting the results excitedly as a pair of hands took hold of your shoulders. “Guess who,” The baritone voice was heard from your left ear, making you jump. “Fyo!” You greeted him, turning around almost instantly, and hugged him. “Hi,” He said softly. Next to him was Sigma, who waved at you gently. Yosano waved at them in response, “Fyodor, what happened to your other friends? I thought they’d be here.” She queried, crossing her arms on the railing. “I tried to get them to go, but they said they’d wait for the online posting.” Fyodor mimicked her actions, Yosano shaking her head, “Lazy asses.” She muttered, which earned a smirk from Fyodor in return. “Did you all just forget about me?!” Ranpo whined, pouting at the both of you. You chuckled at his behavior, “Yeah--”
The bell rang through the hall, catching the attention of all the students present. “Oh, shit!” Chuuya’s voice resounded through the room, as he landed on Ranpo while running. “I didn’t hear the fucking announcement!” Ranpo voiced out an ‘oof!’, lunging forward after feeling the impact of Chuuya’s body on him. “Chuuya!” He shouted, earning multiple protests from students around him. “You okay?” Fyodor asked both of them, handing out his arms for them to grab. “Thanks, I guess.” Chuuya shook off nonexistent dirt from his clothes and stretched out his arms, receiving only a smile from Fyodor in return. “Guys, shut the fuck up.” Yosano shushed them, the screen illuminating with the results. With all the different majors, it would be hard to identify where your results are.
Fortunately, there were different screens to look through, one for each major. It stretches out until the end of the hall, with various monitors assigned for each strand. “Oh, oh. Where is Business Management?” Sigma muttered, mostly to themselves, walking off as she stared off at the multiple screens. “Sigma, wait! Come here, it’s over here.” You stated, ushering her to your left while pointing at a certain screen. He followed your finger, walking with your hand on their lower back. “Thank you, [Name], I see it,” He looked at you, evident that he was grateful for your actions. “Thank you!” Sigma runs off, and your eyes quickly drift back to the screen, not before whispering a ‘you’re welcome’ that was left unheard. “Psychology, psychology…” You sauntered around the wide building, abandoning your friends to look for your major. “Oh, fuck! There you are.” Spotting your major gave you incredible whiplash, as you tried to spot your name following your major, indicated with bold letters, attracting many people after you.
[Name] [L. Name] - 4.0
Holy fuck.
You didn’t want to say you expected it, you would perceive that would be quite egotistical of you, but with the work you have done and the time you have sacrificed in order to get such a rank, you felt as if you deserved the position. Disregarding the feelings of others (especially the top 2, you muttered a quiet apology to them mentally) was never an option for you, but holding yourself in high regard is deserving for you, as hardworking as you are. Pride washed over you, but not arrogance, you would never allow that to happen, as a student striving for success. Pride would only be your downfall, that much you knew, and that was enough reason to avoid the emotion entirely. You excused yourself from the crowd, heading back to where you thought your friends were to share your results. However, as you expected, they were not present. The only person you saw was Ranpo, seemingly confused as the crowd made the layout too convoluted to navigate.
“Ranpo,” You voiced out, his head turning towards you, flashing you a bright smile. “Hey, have you seen your scores yet?” He asked, squishing his way through, earning groans from other people as he slipped past them. He didn’t bother muttering an apology, clicking his tongue as he tried to reach you. You stood still, albeit moving quite a bit from the numerous people moving from every side. “Yeah! I did-- shit,” Interrupted by the impact of another body, you stumbled towards Ranpo, catching him off guard. His eyes scrunched in annoyance-- not to you, of course, it would never be you. “What did you get, then?” His tone portrayed annoyance, evident to both of you, “You already know.” Sending a knowing wink to him, he responded with a smirk that showcases his pride.
Of course, he would not say it out loud, but he was incredibly proud of you, and he knew that you were aware, so he found no need to voice it out loud. Ranpo was observant, too observant for your own liking, it was unnerving to others but it was natural to you and the group. His observant nature was what made him rise in popularity as a student, anyway. He was talented, that much you knew, but he disliked trying new activities that would make his reputation grow. He didn’t mind, though. He was tranquil with what he had, despite the unruliness of the school. “Of course I do.” He responded, grabbing your wrists gently to guide you out of the crowded hall, before you could ask, however, he swiftly cut you off, “I don’t have to check my scores to know what rank I am!” He exclaimed proudly, a laugh bubbling from his throat, reverting back to his childish persona. You chuckled at this, raising your hand to cover the crinkle of your mouth. “A failing grade?” You joked, earning an expression of shock from the man. “No, no way!” He protested, putting his arms up in defense. “It’s a perfect score. I know it, I know it!” He said, balling up his fists in childish protest.
“We should go to the cafeteria, no? I heard there was a new cafe.” You suggested, averting the topic completely. You really wanted to go, seeing as the wave of students won’t cease anytime soon. “Yeah… yeah, we should.” His grip on your wrist didn’t falter, as he guided you outside. This action surprised you, as Ranpo was used to being led, not leading you. A few minutes pass and you are led to a secluded area, void of any students. You wish you knew how you got here, but Ranpo only bashfully smiled at his current position. “Um… at least there are no students, right?” He awkwardly commented, his voice filling the air and entering your ears, wincing at your annoyed expression. “Yeah.” You calmly responded, however, the coldness in your voice was enough to make him think that you were exasperated. “No, I’m not annoyed,” You waved him off, “I know what you’re thinking.” Standing up, you led him to the closest exit, which was to your right. Your footsteps resounded across the empty hallway, leading you back to the crowded area. Ranpo rushed to you to get hold of your clothes, gripping them tightly so as not to lose you. You lazily navigated the long building, pushing some students until you reached the long awaiting exit with Ranpo.
“[Name],” He drawled out, “Where are the others? I wanna go to the cafe with them too…” He mumbled, letting go of your shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. Let me text them,” You fished out your phone, rolling your eyes playfully. “You have your phone, right? Why don’t you go talk to them?” Ranpo huffed, “‘cause I don’t want to!”
“Fine, then.” You waved him off, walking without him by your side. Alarmed at this, he chased after you, “Yo, hey! [Name], wait!” You ran faster at this, snickering at his growing yells, hiding behind a tree when you’re sure he can’t see you, and you opened your message app.
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fyodor would have gone with your group even if his other friends showed up.
okuninushi hall — ABM strands (has a library, 3rd biggest)
omoikane hall— HUMSS (1st most extensive library)
jurojin library, separate from the HUMSS building but considered a parr of it
takeminakata hall — agriculture, nature strands, etc (2nd most extensive library)
benzaiten hall — general academics (art, sports, also includes the theater, mini theater, miscellaneous stuff)
theater is called ame-no-uzume
inari hall — law-based strands (small building, but has the 4th most extensive library)
sarutahiko hall — sports complex
amaterasu hall — main building, has awarding hall and award section
daikokuten/daikoku hall — math-centered majors hall (archi, statistics, etc)
izanagi hall — med/health building (close to the HUMSS hall)
ryujin hall — science/biology hall (mainly sci/physics strands) (connects to med/health)
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tg: @iruc @celestair
2023 © kachuuyaa. do not steal or claim my work as your own.
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cosmic-walkers · 1 year
Additionally i see people saying things (both on here and on twitter) like 'Alicent was Queen, Sansa was not, there is no way to comapre them'.
And that's weird to me because Alicent being queen, doesn't change the fact that she is still a victim of abuse in a situation where hardly anyone helps or listens to her. It doesn't change the fact that she still faced various forms of martial abuse/rape that people STILL dispute to this day and is brushed over. Alicent being queen doesn't automatically make her this invincible being. And in ASOIAF/GOT history, queens weren't suddenly unable to be abused or mistreated because they were queens.
And this does draw back to Sansa and Alicent comparisons. Yes, Alicent is queen, but that doesn't change the fact that like Sansa she was a.) forced into a marriage as a child and b.) she is utterly alone and at the mercy of the king. And Alicent and Sansa are further compared when little finger manipulates her into marrying Ramsay for the good of winterfell. In each cases, both women are alone. Even as Lady of Winterfell, a position that should grand her ultimate power, Sansa is still a victim of violent abuse and isolation. Likewise, while being queen should give Alicent autonomy power and power to protect her family, it doesn't. Still a victim of martial abuse. Her son (who was jumped by four people, two of them his bullies) was nearly killed and she still got no choice.
And similiar to Sansa in Winterfell, Alicent did try her best to follow the laws, uphold the kingdom, family, etc., in a position that she was forced into as a child.
I'm just gonna stop here, but it's such a shame that hotd/asoiaf gives us these really complex women that we can compare and contrast especially by means of abuse. Alicent and Sansa don't have the same privileges or abilities as others do to break free from their abuse, or to be girl bosses. But they still fight back in their own ways, and the fandom hates that. that is what i mean by they aren't the perfect abuse victims, so therefore we have people hating them together or separately.
Again, this fake wave of Sansa love and support coming from people who have history of hating her and harassing the actress would be funny if that didn't mean they suddenly forgot about the misogyny that they were responsible for. And like i mentioned in my other alicent post, that a lot of these people saying that 'sansa and alicent are different! leave sansa out of this dont' compare her to that bitch alicent' were a.) saying worse about sansa years ago and were b.) only care about sansa so they can tear down and be misogynstic to alicent. that is the only reason. that is why they aren't mentioning anything about the violent misogyny sansa faced back then, because they'd be telling on themselves. discussing misogyny is only convienet for them when they can use it to tear down another woman.
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diary-log · 11 months
why do i stick around dead relationships? like why do i let people have as many chances as they want. im paranoid that its because i want them to keep hurting me until i feel like my victim mentality is justified. idk. realistically i DONT want leliel back but i reach out trying to get closure or to offer support anyway? i cant tell if its obligation or some weird savior complex or what. or maybe just delusion. delusion seems right. ah. but i did this with Eda too? Like even after she hated me i wanted to reach out n reconcile but then she thought that meant we were gonna b friends n i was like no?? n then she went back to hating me so. what am i doing. is this my obsession with people liking me? no i think its more than that, its my issue with being misunderstood/made invisible by someones delusions. like if im unworthy of love, thats fine. but im not? i ??? Just need things to be True. Am i obsessed with the truth? Is that it? Is this autism? i think im going to have to let that go cuz it is starting to seem to me that even if i did manage to get leliel to talk to me it would eventually have another episode and the cycle would repeat again and i would feel betrayed again. But thats whats frustrating is i was planning on being around to help it through the next episode but i did not get the chance n now i am shut out. but being accused of all these things again sure is upsetting and had led me to look thru old messages and remember all the bad things that happened in our relationship n im like… yeah i dont like this person. like this person, at best, has the mental faculties of a teenager. at worst, it is very jaded, self-absorbed, insecure, aggressive, stubborn, shortsighted, close-minded, bigoted, manipulative, oppressive, weak, cowardly, delusional, etc. like. it fr projects everything it hates about itself onto everyone else. has like. almost no self awareness. no humility. no faith in others. etc. like what is there to love in all that. it would be fine if those werent the predominant traits but they are. like we are all made of light and dark. but damn theres just not enough light to make up for all that. I instinctively want to fix her because thats how i am, but i probably should give up.. right? maybe im overthinking it.
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kdipshit · 1 year
Addicted ;
Am I addicted to thinking about the things I have on repeat in my head? Like is it an addiction, I guess idk how else to think, or what else to think about, it’s kind of sad. Well in better light, I’ve taken up a shit load of study, im really gonna do this writing thing. I really want to do this writing thing, I read the entire brochure of the academy I want to go to, im so happy to be intrested in something, as tedious as the learning journey can be for me, im learning how I learn the best way I can, the only way I can.
I don’t like therapy because I don’t like being told my ways of dealing with my issues are wrong, or bad, or something like that, even though I know they are, and I would be better off without them, I’m very defensive of my coping mechanisms, I take care of them, because they take care of me… in a way, I see them as taking away my primary feeling at the time, which is usually guilt, anxiety, determent, hurt, things along those lines, even just overwhelmed and feeling 100 feelings at once, my coping mechanisms are pretty good at taking away the mess and helping me to slow down, not feel it or completely ignore it. I don’t even like telling myself that they’re bad. But they are, and its not only slowing me down, but its potentially holding me back… I don’t know where I put weed on that spectrum because I know I abuse it but it helps me so much, I know I need to manage my use, I don’t want to lie. Ill try. I’m continuing to do things I don’t want to do to stay in the moment, and its hard, but I try. For me. My anti-psychs restarting to kick in and I’m getting super drowsy, I’m tired, but still hungry, might have some sugar toast lol, yes I eat sugar toast with lost of butter and idc, its all I eat lol, my sugar intake should not be legal I binge eat lollies like its popcorn, like those hard sugar lollies… I get a big bag of piñata lollies munch it like popcorn. Its a problem, i guess no lollies tomorrow either lol. I eat em when I’m BIG B WORD but once I start its like I can’t stop. No wonder I’m sick, I’m excited for this bag to be gone so I dont have to eat them anymore lmao, do you see my fat bitch mentality I have rn watch in a couple weeks ill hate food again and not eat for 5 months. Psycho. I’m gonna make some sugar toast lol. Brb
I better figure my shit out now while I’m still learning and not later on down the line when my foundation is secure, I’m sure it won’t be secure if my shit isint figured out but I have everything under control, it’s like a massive Hurd of bulls rushing towards me and I’m somehow controlling their next movements.
Certain people just take away all the pain for me, and I thank them for that, but theres heaps of other things I can do by myself that will fulfil me just as much, even more.
So I’ve come to realise I’ve got some sort of victim complex going on because why else am I still holding on so tight to things that hurt me? I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been knowing that and like thinking about not feeling sorry for myself lmao, but to look at it fully and see I really do have a victim complex and I can’t get go of the feeling, but why should I hold on? I don’t want to guilt myself into letting go, I just want to let go, and I am, by fixing what I pushed away so many years ago, bring it to the front and figure out that fat knot in the chord, that shouldn’t even be here. Ugh, idk man. I think I’m making a lot of sense, I’m just trying to get it all out, I don’t feel sorry for myself when I look back, I see me making the right choice, every single time, whatever lead me here, to cut it off, thank you so much for bringing me here today. Im so embarrassed that it’s taken me this long, but that’s just a feeling it’ll pass, it’s not even that bad, I want to live for myself and that’s it, I’m absolutely worth it. I feel like I’ve already let it go I’m just stuck on the thoughts now lmao, I’m tripping too hard they’re just thoughts, clouds, movements, let themmmm moveeee onnnnn.
I’m totally okay with having a drink today, if the subject arises from Hayley or someone, I would love a glass of bubbles. I’m also done with going the way I have always gone, thats not the way up.
So I talked to my mum about me possibly having a drink tonight, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but she said if I feel like I’m in a spot where I can control how much I have, then by all means have a few drinks and enjoy yourself, but if you feel at any point it start to go down, stop. My problem is not stopping, this ripples out to me drinking as a coping mechanism and not as something fun to do with people you love, and let go. That’s what I wanna do, I wanna let go. I’m scared a beast might unleash, it’s not going to tho, because this is the good place. I’m quiet nervous tho aren’t I? I don’t want it to open up the doors for me to drink all the time. I don’t wanna do that, I just want to enjoy this one time, im aloud to. I know I am stronger and bigger than alcohol, and I can control it easily because I monitor my alcohol intake. Count my drinks? I don’t want my family to make assumptions about me if I chose the drink, I have grown and that’s not my way of thinking anymore, I guess me saying that is me judging myself, I have the full capability to live as I am, I have learnt so much and I have implemented more into my life. I’m coming at this from a different angle, i probably won’t even drink tonight who knows? But if I choose to, I choose to do it properly. Follow my mums rules and everything is fine.
I’m not going to let go of myself, I’ve got ahold of who I am and I’m not losing sight.
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sxfik · 3 years
Why is hanseok considered the greater evil, and vincenzo the lesser evil?? I genuinely dont understand, can you explain it to me please??
hiii thank you so much for sending me an ask!! i'm not going to lie, i saw this ask a long while ago when you originally sent it but it took me a long while to answer it because i really had to think about it and also it's kind of a hard question for me to answer. but, i will attempt my best to kinda give my thoughts on why we consider vincenzo as the "lesser evil."
first, i need to say that both vincenzo nor han seok are good people and i am not saying that either of them are good people. i am simply comparing their evil levels and explaining why we as viewers often find vincenzo to be the lesser evil than han seok.
second, we need to define what evil means in this context (which is kinda hard because it depends on each person's perception but aaa) if we're considering someone evil for purely their actions, excluding motivations, then both vincenzo and han seok are the same level of evil. han seok brutally murders, and psychologically and physically abuses people. vincenzo's actions (aka setting people on fire, abusing and murdering people, torturing people, etc.) also makes him evil.
BUT if you define evil through motivation, then vincenzo and han seok are still evil but not on the same level of evil. yes, both characters commit bad actions but their motivations are different. vincenzo kills only when given a reason to. for example, we know that a robber killed his foster parents so when he joined the mafia he both psychologically and physically tortured him for almost a year (now whether the method of killing is a justifiable or an equal punishment for the crime is an entirely different question and i just won't be able to answer that because it's just so hard and complex of a question.) he sets the warehouse on fire to get revenge on behalf of the victims of the drug produced in said factory. he kills the two people who killed cha young's father and he kills the people who set up the family of the dead researchers to look like a suicide. he only kills or tortures people who have done a wrong against him or the people he cares about.
on the other hand, han seok kills and tortures for his own amusement and gain. he kills the prosecutor with the hockey stick because he didn't get his way and they annoyed him. he allows and gives the resources to choi myung hee to kill or maim anyone that gets in the way of his plans. han seok murdered his classmates for no reason other than he didn't get what he wanted. and most of all, he tortured and abused han seo just for his amusement. han seo was his punching bag, where he would belittle and abuse him in order for han seok to get his anger out. he does bad actions without a given or justifiable reason. he would play with han seo and keep him on the edge at all times, because he got a power rush from it. so when you compare vincenzo and han seok's motivations for their actions, i don't think you can say that vincenzo is the same level of evil as han seok.
we also don't see vincenzo attacking someone beloved to the person who has done wrong in order to get revenge. for example, in order to hurt vincenzo, han seok kills vin's mother, who has not done anything wrong this situation. but with vincenzo, we never see that happening. even though we see vincenzo hanging out with prosecutor jung's family after he betrays them, there's not a moment that he actively threatens or attacks prosecutor jung's family. he doesn't threaten prosecutor jung or tell him he will kill his family because in his mind, it's not justifiable to take the life on another person who hasn't done wrongdoing in order to hurt the person who has. for han seok this is not true, he has killed or attacked innocent people to make his enemy hurt.
another reason we are bound to consider vincenzo 'a lesser evil' is because of remorse. despite vincenzo's motivations or actions, he displays remorse and regret for the killing he has done. han seok, on the other hand, does not. Vincenzo is haunted by the killings he has done, by the blood he has spilled and we don't ever see that ending even when he gains a family and gains love. even if he can justify his actions, he is still regretful of what he had to do. han seok does not show the same remorse as him, only feeling bad when it is his life that's under threat in the very last scene. not to mention that he brags about killing, he gets power and happiness from his killings both when he killed his classmates as well as when he killed the prosecutor. han seok takes pleasure in his actions, as he is shown dancing and being gleeful as he kills vincenzo's mother and many others. he has no regret or shame in what he has done.
in so many law and crime shows we see a "morally" good hero who "spares" the villain in the end because it is the "right thing to do" despite a) killing all their side minions that helped the villain and b) all of the villains evil actions and harm they have caused the victims. we, as viewers, often aren't satisfied at the end because we're not seeing the punishment match up to the crime. this show's main thesis is showing that han seok is so evil that no law or justice system can properly punish him for the pain and abuse he has inflicted on his victims AND because this system that is supposed to punish him is just as cruel and corrupt as he is. it's highlighting the injustice to the victims of babel as a corporation, victims of the justice and law system and victims of han seok himself. vincenzo is showing that he is the best punishment for han seok because vincenzo is a mirror to him and han seok in the end is getting a taste of his own medicine.
all of this is why that last monologue of the show is important. we, as viewers, are watching a show that frames vincenzo as the main protagonist. his actions and him are framed in a way to make us root for him, with the music and the cinematography. but we're also given small reminders of who he actually is throughout the show: through the nightmares he faces, through mr. tak telling him not to change into a lighter person, through the scene where he faces han seok in jail. and finally, that ending monologue is showing that no, he is still a bad person. he is still an evil person who is committing bad actions and us rooting for him to punish the villains in this show does not change the badness of his actions. really, that last line in vincenzo is making us question whether his actions are justifiable and can we actually root for him.
feel free to disagree with me or start a conversation below because i feel like this is a really interesting question but the answer to this changes based on each person's perception of morality and what constitutes a good person and a bad person. i feel like this is such a deep question and there's so many ways and angles that you can look at this from so i don't think i've done a great job in explaining everything but this was just what i came up with for today. there's also every chance that my line of reasoning or logic is flawed so i'm open to any criticisms to this so i can acknowledge and correct it!
(also if you want a good kdrama that asks these same questions and has that same energy as vincenzo then please watch taxi driver! it’s a great show and it really makes you think about the earlier questions of “does the punishment given out by vigilante justice match the crime committed by these people? to what extent is vigilante justice justifiable? where does the law draw the line between giving the victims of brutal crime justice vs protecting the criminal from cruel and unusual punishments?”)
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ablednt · 2 years
“afab trans people needs to stfu about gender until they listen to multigender people”
however, amab trans people dont need to listen to multigender people.
got it
Bestie go back and read the post i literally never said that lmfao
I said all BINARY people need to listen to multigender people. And then I said all BINARY people need to realize that being multigender isn't JUST for afabs my point being that I routinely see amab trans people and TMA people who ID with multiple genders completely thrown under the bus during gender discussions.
Idk how I can literally say, "hey multigender people exist and ignoring them in order to divide men and women up into opposite and opposing categories hurts every part of the trans community" and y'all will still be whining like b-but the amabs
I'm literally also afab but this is giving me huge "i have a victim complex over being afab" vibes and I don't appreciate it.
Amabs and TMA people (not saying those terms are interchangeable) are not your enemy they are not your oppressor they are not out to get you they do not have a bias against you.
I'm not elaborating on this further because I'm TME and it's not my place but you should be listening to multigender TMA people and that's a big part of what my og post boiled down to.
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falinscloaca · 2 years
terf bullshit below the cut (not like. sharing particularly heinous shit or anything they just live on fucking mars and i need to express my bafflement SOMEWHERE) (also when i get like this i resort to second-person talking at the person whose weird shit i’m finding... shitty, so if you don’t like reading “you” in the context of horrifyingly bigoted to the point of being a wierd surrealist cartoon character then that fair lol) 
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saw this fucking paragraph in the posts notes, and like.
A) Why are you posting that. Unprompted. Like i get that the spirit of the reblog is tinged by you yourself reblogging the original post from a different terf, but. I. Ok this actually segues into the actual shit.
B) You.... the only context this statement has any reasoning in is if yer reblogging the meme and its “he would not fucking say that” out of some sort of allegiance to *cartman*. I MAY NOT HAVE EVER FUCKING GONE NEAR SOUTH PARK MYSELF BUT LIKE....?????? I *get* that its just the trannies being silly claiming characters that would obviously fucking hate us but any fucking rational mind would still fucking observe that in taking the angle of treating *that* as the point of the post, no matter how silly, it is implicitly siding with the fucking.... .. with CARTMAN????? FEMINIST ICON ERIC(?) CARTMAN.
C) “surprised they haven’t tried to cancel it yet” ok regardless of who “they” is, pretty much any “they” has in fact actively (and laudably) attempted to “cancel” south park. its a fucking universal constant. the unobstructed sky of earth is blue during the day, the majority of surviving bird species fly, and X demographic has had a vocal segment thereof attempt to “cancel” south park. Do you literally live 24/7 with your head up a cows anus because if *not* then....?!?!?!??!!? Were you born in the last five years??? It’s *south park*. It was the GTA of cartoons controversy-wise. JFC. 
D) “but the showrunners are men so of course they wouldn’t” I... ok. I’m. 
D1) Trying. TO... Think. About. That. In a logical *enough* way to like. Actually argue. Holy shit. UM. Ok. Attempted show/movie/book cancellations that i can think of: south park (run by men). Uh. Game of Thrones i *guess*?????? (Run by i dont fucking know). The 100 after whatsherface got lesbian murdered (developed by a man). Harry Potter, supposedly, i mean it was basically over when the backlash started to reach “mainstream” influence (written by a racist antisemitic homophobic *lesbophobic* fatphobic sack of trash but the films were directed *exclusively* by men and produced exclusively by men until JKR got involved herself in the last couple). Twelve Forever??? But like, the “female” responsible for the cancelling aspects of that discourse was a literal fucking pedophile sex creep so that’d be fucking weird and self-incriminating for even a TERF to defend. UM. Hm. Ok we’re talking specifically backlash from the tranny gendertrender brigade so can’t count more popular and dangerous nerd outrages. So like, no gamergate targets which usually WERE people of color and queer people and women. Oh whoops I mentioned categories of people besides womyn who are oppressed for reasons other than femininity uh oh intersectionality I Am Fucking Done With This Segment I Just Have No Fucking Clue What Precedent This Fucker Is Referring To
D2) WHY DO YOU THINK TRANNIES ARE GONNA BE OUTRAGED ABOUT SOUTH PARK BEING A TRANSPHOBIC PIECE OF *SHIT* (IN FAR MORE DIRECT WAYS THAN JUST DOING HORRID CHARICATURES OF SHITTY TRANS CELEBRITIES MIGHT I ADD) BUT THEN SIT BACK AND REALIZE “OH WAIT THE CREATORS OF THIS HAVE DICKS! THEY ARE OUR ALLIES” WHEN TRANS WOMEN ARE LITERALLY SUBJECT TO LITERAL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE BY CIS MEN NOT JUST IN REAL LIFE BUT, IN WHAT ‘YOU’ (apologies for egregious misuse of second-person, i do not mean to insult the reader by saying they are a transmisogynist lghfddfsg;ldfg) ACTUALLY GO ON ABOUT CONSTANTLY, OUR ~DELUDED VICTIM COMPLEX NARRATIVES~ OR WHATEVER THE FUCK. ITs. Literally our wholeass thing. Terfs are dangerous to trans women (and lesbians and trans men and nonbinary people and bi people and pretty much any racial or ethnic minority) in their cultural and political efforts and that factors into trans “narratives” but to act like prominent transfeminine narratives aren’t centered around victimhood under “”””””male”””””” violence is just like....., what the fuck are you even *smoking*. 
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Sorry but hearing ppl say “I would like CF more if Edelgard was either treated like a full-on villain or as a manipulated groomed victim of TWSITD who had no choice” and just generally seeing ppl trying to shoehorn her into one of those two takes,  it’s hard not to think the words “Madonna Whore complex”
I kinda abhorr the latter more than the former (Not the crowd calling her Hitler and clown-emojis, but I’ll take someone who considers something she actually did a moral dealbreaker over someone who defends her because “she’s just lashing out cause she’s traumatized”.. That’s Dimitri. you’re describing Dimitri.) because it goes against everything her character is about, which is mostly: 
a) A tendency to think in the big picture, focussed on mainly the end result, especially on the temporal axis (”The nobility system has only existed for 1400 years”, “This is all part of the ebb and flow of history”, “This is the path that leads to the least casualties in the long run”)
She’s always playing the long game - so dealing with the Agarthans later (once the church is taken care of) is the same as dealing with them now. She never went against the church instead of them, she’s playing them against each other. 
b) A rejection of tradition as a reason to keep things the way they are
c) An emphasis on self-reliance and proactivity instead of surrendering yourself to your circumstances. See the speeches she gives to Petra and Lysithea. 
She generally believes in ppl’s agency, she gives everyone an out, and likewise her generals and the non-recruited ppl are all shown as believing in her cause (Something even Seteth notes) - they’re fighting to abolish hereditary Feudalism and clamp down on corruption. You’re fighting a bunch of people who wanna abolish Feudalism and Theocracy. 
Claude wants the same but he’s hiding it because he thinks he can avoid confrontations that way (There’s pros and cons to both their approaches, and I’m not saying that Dimitri or Seteth are bad, either, especially not in the context of the world they live in) 
She’s basically a Nietzschean Superman but in the original sense not the cheap bastardized version mixed up with pseudoscientific misunderstandings of evolution: Someone who proactively lives according to their own beliefs regardless of the mainsteam in greater society. 
And herein lies another factor, I think,like I’ve often noticed a tendency in modern fandom that people can’t seem to emphasize with anyone who isn’t in some way marked as an underdog -  Leading ppl to argue that characters who are definitely not underdogs like , say, Tony Stark, are definitely underdogs. 
Of course in reality things aren’t so simple that you could make a clean split into “underdogs” and “not underdogs” - Some ppl clearly demonstrably have it harder than others but ppl can have it hard in one way and have it easy in others. (Dimitri clearly struggles alot  - but he’s also a king. One doesn’t negate the other.)
There’s nothing wrong with underdog stories, they can be very inspiring and cathartic - but they shouldn’t be the only kinds of stories. 
Even the most powerful  can see themselves as victims because we’re all just squishy meatsacks who can still be hurt, and even the most powerless might see themselves as in-control if that helps them feel better. 
It also goes into the trolley problem and the human illogical tendency to view harm done through action as heavier than harm done through inaction. A tendency to not want to rock the boat, to confuse stability with peace. 
There’s no difference between harm done through action vs inaction. 
It’s at best, a failure of object permanence - to understand that things still happen and change even if you dont act  - and at worst selfish pride and ego (I want to keep MY hands clean I don’t care if people are suffering and dying as long as no one can say it’s my fault... the counterproductive puritanical idea of morality as “good person vs bad person”)
This leads to this attitude where if they can think of someone as a “victim” then it doesn’t matter what they do, because, after all, it was just circumstance, but the moment someone makes an active, deliberate choice, all empathy goes out the window and they’re held to some impossible standard. 
For the opposite extreme, see Dimitri (mind you I’m not saying he should be judged either im saying that mindlessly hating both is equally nonsensical... the dimitri haters are fewer but they do exist), or worse, Rhea... who regardless of her backstory has objectively been in a position of power and privilege for a literal thousand years.  You know Dedue and Seteth are right there? )
Something similar is to be said about ppl who call “bad writing” or “waifu-ism”, or consider her a “manchild” because she... opens up around people she trusts? Expresses relief when an ally validates her in a moment of self-doubt? Gets into comical situations in everyday life? That’s just kinda consequence of living in close-quarters with her. 
“How dare you not fit into “misguided victim” vs “ridiculous bitch” dichotomy don’t remind me that some character I don’t like is a human being” 
They pressed that any deviation from that is “ridiculous” or “extreme”. Tell me again that someone who’s consistently calm, collected and intellectually-inclined is a “manchild” for telling her closest ally that she would like to take a day off sometimes and liking stuffed animals.
I for once really like that she’s tough and proactive and makes decisions that really impact the plot without being a flat over the top amazonian stock character with no emotion other than “grrr! men dumb” which is then never taken seriously as a threat. 
Actually this part alone would not even preclude her from being a victim even Osama Bin Laden had a favorite color and liked disney movies. Hitler liked his dog. Stating this is just acknowledging simple facts, not saying that you should have sympathy for them (which for the record, you shouldn’t) - I think a work geared at ppl over 15 shouldn’t have to explicitly remind you that “this is an evil person” every time one shows up, people can distinguish for themselves, and those who can’t won’t be convinced by a video game. No one can “make” you like or empathize with a fictional chracter peeps. 
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variantoutcast · 3 years
i dont think im familiar with your ocs so if it's alright may i ask 1-5 for your most recently created/worked on oc? and 1-2 for the creator questions?
Ok so I created my OC’s in a batch and they’re the main characters of their story but I think Alex Wright is the most fun right now to talk about so I’ll do him!
1) What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Alex spent the first like 16 years of his life alone in a forest only coming into human society to eat every couple years or so (he is very much not human). So when he’s initially adjusting to regular human life with his sisters (who adopted him) he has no concept of boredom or entertainment really... but he is not used to confinement so it’s less of a question of nothing to do and more a question of like the anxiety of living in a motel room 24/7. As he adjusts (begrudgingly) he comes to really enjoy like shitty motel day television, and it becomes difficult to tear him away from that. He particularly enjoys killing monsters though, as that becomes his primary outlet for anger (somebody get this kid some healthy coping mechanisms man). So whenever Alex starts to light stuff in the motel room on fire the girls know they gotta get him out there killing something before he disappears and burns down an abandoned building and kills a regular person on accident. I’d say that at first those occurrences happen like once or twice a week, but as he settles in they become increasingly rare, especially as he realizes even victimless crimes are not truly victimless.
2) How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Alex doesn’t know what laughter is really at first, and almost never does it. He later becomes super arrogant about like killing monsters so when he’s in a fight if somebody throws a one liner at him about making him pay or killing him or whatever he barks this laugh and it’s really unsettling to the girls. Later when he softens up (he’s lived his entire life in violence, so this takes time) he will laugh at practical jokes. Oh there is an incident where he’s playing with a butterfly knife and Charlie (oldest sister) says with not a little bit of scorn something like “Alex, you know those are totally useless in a fight, right? It takes so long to open it’s literally just for show.” and Alex just fucking stabs her in the arm with it and cackles and Max (middle sister) is like “Goddamn it Alex!!! She can’t heal like you can!” and Alex has this look of horror before grumbling an apology and getting the first aid kit for Max. 
3) How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Alex doesn’t need to sleep as much as normal humans do so he at first spends his nights just watching tv but later the girls try and get him to do research and everything for them if they’re working on figuring out the monster they’re after. Alex, who lived in a forest for 16 years with minimal human contact, does NOT know how to read. So Max takes that on since Charlie doesn’t really want anything to do with him. Once Max manages to teach Alex how to read, he really really enjoys that and when he has the time he’ll work through books of increasing complexity. His first book is a magic treehouse one, that Max bought from a tiny used bookstore. When Alex is not coping very well (he gets lonely, now that he knows human companionship) he’ll reread it. Otherwise, he’ll listen to music on this battered first gen ipod he found in a victim’s pocket until the girls scrape together enough money to get him an actual smartphone (which they also have to teach him how to use).
4) How easy is it to earn their trust?
Alex is very ride or die, but it doesn’t happen right away. He picked Max because they’re both psychic and Max was one of the first people to offer him kindness in a cruel world he did not understand. They’re also both psychic, so Alex can read Max’s intentions off her and knows that she’s somebody he can trust. Charlie is disturbed by Alex at first, often threatening to kill him when Max first insists on taking him in. Since Charlie is also a very weak psychic, Alex is confused by this because Charlie is actually very conflicted by the whole thing. With characters that aren’t psychic, Alex has trouble reading intentions so often errs on the side of caution.
5) How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Pretty easy, although Alex does wind up being very forgiving, he never forgets. Like, he does wind up trusting Charlie completely, but only because he can read off of her her regret and her own willingness to make things work as time goes on. With other characters, Alex might be hurt by them, and he will forgive them for it, but he will never put himself in a position to be hurt by them again. 
A) Why are you excited about this character?
I think Alex is just really fun, because he’s not human, and he winds up being this kind of pawn character that other characters want to sway to their side, but his undying loyalty was given to Max when they first met, even though that wasn’t Max’s goal when she was kind to him. He doesn’t even wind up playing too big a role in the plot outlines that I have so far, but he’s just so much fun to think about. 
B) What inspired you to create them?
Unfortunately, the whole cast of characters here is inspired by Supernatural. I’m taking things in a fairly different direction, but Alex specifically is like dark side Jack Kline. I’ve seen some HBO SPN posts circulating that talk about Jack and while I didn’t take inspiration from those (I’d already worked out Alex before I started seeing them) it’s similar to the ideas of I have going on for him
Thanks for asking Jo!! 
Uncommon Questions for OCs
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ananobrain · 4 years
Geraldine works for the twelve (and might have killed Kenny)
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So, everyone agrees that geraldine always felt a bit off and useless, right? She’s always around the house being, as she said, “hyper-empathic” (which by itself could be a personality disorder https://exploringyourmind.com/hyper-empathy-syndrome-much-good-thing/) and overall just a good daughter helping her mom over come grief and blahblahblah — bullshit.
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I had this revelation while watching 3.07 so I’m basically going to analise a few scenes of that episode that might have gone unnoticed (while bringing a few dialogues of this season), bare with me.
1. Hélene explaining her concept of monster to Villanelle During that scene, Hélene says: “monstruous people like you often feel they have to fly solo like they have to keep things bottled up inside them. Thoughts. Feelings. Secrets. And that can affect their ability to be truly monstruous.” and then “whatever it is you can tell me. I dont want us to keep secrets from each other.” and something about that clicks with how Geraldine acts, always sharing, trying to make Carolyn talk and open up. Maybe that’s just her being hyper empathic or maybe that’s just her trying to use her mother’s grief as a way to get information out of her. As Geraldine said in 3x02, 
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2. Carolyn investigating Paul with Mo.
So, this scene is important for many reasons, one of them is to figure out how Paul hides his work for the twelve while living his life doing “standard white people stuff”
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and then, it gets obvious:
- a bottle of chablis, a stir-fry kit and a bath bomb. what does that say to you?
- that he’s planning a lovely evening in?
hold onto that.
3. The shrink talking about Irina to Konstantin x Irina mentioning Stanislavsky
Ok, throughout the seasons we had some resemblance between Irina and Villanelle, they’re both very smart, dramatic and as far as psychology goes, we know that psychopaths are born and sociopaths are “made”, sort of, and these lines get kinda blurry during the show. 
So, Irina’s shrink describes her as: extremely bright and also manipulative. calculating. almost entirely lacking empathy. 
But empathy is a funny thing in this show. Villanelle’s showing some empathy. Hélene could be empathetic with her kid and with Villanelle. So, are they faking all the time? Is it impossible for them to feel things? We know that Villanelle said to Eve. Geraldine’s the opposite of that, right? Anyway.
In their next scene, we see Irina talking about performance, that’s the key word.
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- You should read some Stanislavsky
- I’m not acting.
- Exactly. You’re over-acting.
I don’t know much about Stanislavsky but I do know he was really important with the psychological realism in the theater and later created a system that “mobilises the actor's conscious thought and will in order to activate other, less-controllable psychological processes—such as emotional experience and subconscious behaviour—sympathetically and indirectly.” Meaning that the performer should seem as real as possible, the role and the actor are connected and always showing their authentic emotions in scenes. For an actor to really display emotion, he needs to know how this emotion looks like, what it feels like.  As it turns out, Irina was talking about control of emotions, she knows how to read people, she’s calculated. 
Geraldine always seems to know what to say to get a type of reaction out of people, she burst and gets on her knees to talk about Kenny, and how Carolyn needs to let her in, she manipulates her mother into giving her something. At first she cries and sobs:
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and Carolyn says “I’m doing more for your brother than you could imagine” , then Geraldine’s expression shifts almost into a grin
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that was fast
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And Carolyn, once again, shuts her down because obviously she doesn’t share information with someone she does’t trust. Remember that.
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So many emotions, right? It almost seems like, i dont know, a performance. 
4. Geraldine manipulating Konstantin
Back to the 3x07. She goes to Konstantin and aparently she wants to get away from her mother’s mood and make him a nice and thoughtful dinner because thats who she is. Thoughtful.
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So, she gives Konstantin some clue for him to play with:
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and then he goes with the bait, of course, because Geraldine shows how manipulative she can be and her expression shifts completely to this:
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then she lies
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Carolyn sharing that type of info with Geraldine? I don’t believe it. As I said before, she doesn’t share information with someone she does’t trust.
Then she says that Konstantin would “disappear into the ether” and how would she know?
Then she lose it and makes a scene, which is revitalizing, really. and then Konstantin gives up, so she says “seeking out someone whose brother’s just died, taking advantage of their grief  when they’re at their most vulnerable. what kind of person does that?” “a shit”, Konstantin says. and then again, what was Geraldine trying to do this whole time with Carolyn? what did she say when Carolyn said “i’m doing more for your brother than you know”? she asked for more. she’s taking advantage of her mother’s grief.
Konstantin confesses he used Geraldine to spy on Carolyn and then nice and sweet and hyper-emphatic Geraldine says:
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Ouch. Would a hyper-emphatic say that?
5. Carolyn arriving at home
ok, this scene is perfect. just look at it.
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candles and incense AND
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did the yoga mat ring a bell? anyone?
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Carolyn says shes going to run a bath and 
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Geraldine’s always at home, seemingly a dull life (as carolyn said in the 3x4) but no,
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yes, she’s drinking some wine, practicing yoga, relaxing...she’s just doing a painfully standard white people stuff. she’s just planning a lovely evening in, right?
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Her yoga mat? Blue. Paul’s yoga mat? Blue. then again, she goes for more info
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Carolyn works for the MI6 after all (even though she might as well be a double agent she isn’t stupid)
then Geraldine burst once again calling Carolyn an emotional iceberg and then goes on about finding ways to express her emotions and thats impossible to live life refusing to feel things. All that just to get Carolyn to react and, hopefully, to see Geraldine as trustworthy, maybe share one thing or another. Which doesn’t work because Carolyn says in the trailer for the sf “dear geraldine i think it’s time you left”
So, what I think is: 
a. Geraldine might be a sociopath who works for the twelve.  Sociopaths can be 
- “Manipulative and Conning: They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used.” 
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a class act
- “Pathological Lying: Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.” i gave an example before but here’s another:
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thats when she kissed Konstantin
- “Shallow Emotions: When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.” and again
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Gemma Whelan is doing a fantastic job i just need to point that out 
b. She might have something to do with her brother’s death. She either gave info for the twelve or actually got her hands dirty. We know that Kenny was getting somewhere with his investigation. Does she have motives? Could that have been Konstantin all along? I don’t know. But we do see Carolyn at better pills watching a footage that might show who killed Kenny.
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c. Carolyn must know Geraldine is onto her or, at least knows she has been lying to her face (she lied about Konstantin’s visit and didn’t tell Carolyn he was spying on her)
d. I believe Geraldine could kill Carolyn in the sf and as Carolyn said:
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Konstantin did say “everybody’s mother deserve it” so it wouldn’t shock me that much.
Anyway, that’s my theory. Geraldine works for the twelve and was trying to get info on her mother, either to investigate the MI6 or to see where Carolyn loyalties lies (that if Carolyn does in fact work for the twelve as a double agent). Or maybe Geraldine is just someone who wants to keep no secrets, just like hélene.
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archer3-13 · 4 years
FEH Villains Ranked
from best to worst, excluding book 4 cause its still ongoing
lif: genuinely surprised me by being an alfonse with pathos. well he started book 3 as a kinda generic number 2 type, the revelation of his identity as alfonse (though rather obvious at that point) as well as his goal of essentially destroying other worlds as a penance to restore his own is both suitably threatening and tragic. Creating that sense of pathos i mentioned that works so well for him, especially when hes shown to still be a kind person at heart thats been pushed into such horrific actions because of the devastation he had to endure. Especially when you consider that hes carrying the weapon that could kill hel with him which, although kinda lazy that he just has it, is a) a hel of a lot less contrived then anything book 2 pulled off and b) further deepens that sense of pathos when we consider that not only is it a memento of ‘player san’ and presumably everyone else hes lost but that it can also represent, in a way, a symbol of his own failure of will and bowing the knee to hel. Him prioritizing his own happiness and fulfillment in the form of hel resurrecting his world over the good of the ‘fe multiverse’. Point being, its a complexity of character that I honestly wish we got to see more of, and one I really wasn’t expecting from fe heroes given its track record. you’ll see what i mean down the road.
hel: well not terribly complex in motivation, she basically just wants to kill everything to increase her own power, she gets points for a strong presentation and utilization within the story book 3 creates. The limitations on her insta death power being kinda silly aside, though gustavs gambit to circumvent that i honestly really like more so then alfonses rules lawyering, the overhanging presence she has in the lives of book 3′s characters works really well and the pressure to defeat her because of her effectively endless legions works better as an overhanging threat anyways. When I say presentation though I mean more so in how her words, actions, and motivation intersect because well her words on the face of it have the usual villain posturing, her motivation and actions (such as her relation to eir and her generals, and the world she rules over and created) creates an interesting intersection where one can argue that her posturing words are empty of any true feeling. Shes cold and lifeless like the dead she rules and the world she creates, those around her are simply tools to an end but hardly in a cackling manner and more so in the unthinking manner one treats a toothpick. she gets angry or shocked but even then its in a muted manner, almost performing the emotions rather then truly feeling them. Hel lives in an unchanging world, a stillness brought on by the finality of death, and in a way one can argue that its her unspoken desire to spread that stillness, that perfect unchanging world she controls, to every world. Like lif, its a degree of complexity that I wish we got to see more of, especially in her case, and its something i honestly wasnt expecting from heroes.
helbindi: solely because the man goes through a lot of shit, and is an effective portrayal of a sympathetic villain. Hes effectively a camus if a camus was foul mouthed and more thuggish and that works for him, and is rather endearing in its own way when he acts concerned for his little sister and does the ‘im a thug who hugs kittens when no ones looking’ routine which i like when its done well. point being, he could have been a generic thug but hes a lot more interesting for not being one. However, his general pointlessness to the story, aside from giving us an indication that shock of shocks surtrs a shitty king and an excuse to escort ylgir around places who also does jack shit in the story... heroes is always going to suffer from having to compress its story telling but that fact they waste so much time with helbindi and ylgir and hrud when so much of what they do is either unnecessary to the story or themes present in book 2 or could have been given to other characters and make those characters better for it... helbindi gets to be up here for sympathy points and favoritism, but i am stretching here for ya mate.
thrasir: stronger character wise then helbindi, an interesting relation to lif of enemies turned into close friends over a shared trauma and servitude, plays into some of the same strengths of hel and lif that make them so engaging, yadda, yadda, yadda. So why is she below helbindi? because she doesnt get to do anything, and only starts to get interesting right before her death. If she had been given a bigger role comparable to lif, or just more time to stew in her own motivations she’d easily surpass helbindi. its also not helped that thrasirs own desire to resurrect her brother is similar to veronicas pre established selfishness, which isnt as strong a contrast as lifs selfishness and guilt against alfonses character. Her relation to lif does hint at a stronger sense of kidness and morality instilled within her because of that relation, which is interesting and would make a strong contrast against veronica, but again we get like five seconds of it before shes killed off and then a little more of it again at the end. Deserved more time on screen then she got, and would have probably been number 2 here if she had gotten it. 
veronica: bratty child becomes evil sorcerer emperor, more at 11. I like the concept of veronica, its something fes never really touched on much aside from maybe a little bit with julius with his more childish antics. Veronica however cranks that up a lot more, shes impatient and gets bored easily, she wants more friends but in a selfish ‘friend is someone who does everything I want right?’ way, shes emblas ruler and she has the emotional maturity of an evil 10 year old and i just kinda like it. Especially since she tempers it with an air of sophistication and intelligence, much like the classic evil sorcerers fe loves to utilize in villain roles, and it helps balance out the bratty child from being too annoying in the villain role. It helps lend a sense of her trying to present herself as a grown up for the respect and authority that brings, well simultaneously maintain all the perks of being a kid who gets everything she wants. It’s a shame then that the narrative keeps sidelining her, either by focusing on other villains, her god damn brother getting in the fucking way, or with the overhanging implications of magic dragon possession being the root cause of her behavior. I can forgive the magic dragon possession though since that is an fe staple and could works towards more interesting character aspects rather then undercutting her. Regardless, she sure is great when things are actually about her, and i really wish things would get back to being about her.
Laegjarn: solely here because she loves her sister, shes rather flat as a character otherwise. It would have been one thing if she displayed a sense of brutality instilled in her by a childhood being raised by surtr, only dropping the shell when it came to her sister and reigning herself in for the sake of that one familial bond she treasures... instead shes just kinda nice and loves her sister, and yet still works for surtr for some fucking reason. @agoddamn and @ezralahm mention an aspect of learned helplessness to xanders character in fates that people tend to gloss over (heaven knows why, cause its fairly in your face even in the english translation), and that should be something that comes across in laegjarn, but its doesnt really. not as much as it should anyways. Another victim of book 2′s pointless writing.
loki: evil sexy lady with big boobies and a one leg cutout tights pants thing. heres someone who can transform into anyone, and yet she never really does anything with it. oh she does ‘things’, just not things that have much point to them, or really feel like they fit into some larger scheme. she’d be right at home as a recurring villain in an episodic story, coming up with some inane scheme for todays episode that gets foiled and she gets sent ‘blasting off again’. I dont necessarily hate the sexy seductress character, the noire bombshells and the like, they can be fun when done well. loki just doesnt do it well, coming off as more grating and annoying then tempting honestly, and as a villain she lacks anykind of actual menace. My feelings on her are similar to my feelings on aversa honestly, heres someone who should be so cool and threatening, a real menace to the heroes using their skills and abilities behind the scenes to move threats against the heroes, never taking to the field unless they can benefit from it and have an assured chance of victory or safety... but then they never actually do anything, as any of the actions possibly attributable to them either happen offscreen or probably would have happened without them doing anything. Loki and aversa could have stayed home twiddling their thumbs and nothing would change, and thats the real shame about them. Doesn’t help they aren’t particularly fun or entertaining as villains either due to lackluster writing.
surtr: garon 2.0, but with even less complexity. Well garon may have been a blatantly evil prick, he at least had backstory that provoked some degree of complexity and even sympathy, both to him and those hurt by his evil dragon possession personality change. Surtr lacks even that, acting more like a petty thug given way to much power then an imposing ruler. He garon without the backstory complexity, and in a way hes walhart without the air of regality and charisma that helped elevate walhart from being god awful in his own right. And well it could have been interesting if the story made any attempts to comment on that or work it into a central story theme or flow of some sort, it doesnt really do that and instead treats him as if he has and indeed deserves the same credibility and impression walhart or garon or any of the other fire emblem emperor kings have left. But the game doesnt ever actually work for that with him. Hes the emeperor, so he automatically deserves respect as a villain. and thats... so typical of book 2′s writing.
laevatein: shes boring as sin, even with her relation to her sister and the tragedy of losing her. Like her sister, she would have benefited from an impression of learned helplessness but the game never really bothers with it. moving on because i can barely give a shit about her.
bruno: this mother fucker... an annoying detraction that overtakes veronicas spotlight and screentime, an excuse for alfonse wangst that never really lands, pointless and useless... the benefit of book 2 and 3 so far has been his reduced importance, but i fully expect him to come roaring back to steal veronicas position once the story shifts back to an area she should be the focus of. the only thing he has going for him is the sense of a camus struggling with dragon possession but thats more so used for alfonse wangst then it is for anything constructive. What do i mean by alfonse wangst? I mean angst that really serves no narrative purpose then for the sake of unnecessary melodrama, as opposed to informing us anything about the characters or themes of the story. he makes veronica look worse, his drama with alfonse is a waste of time, and he really provides nothing else then a recurring boss fight and get out of jail free card for the story. I’m putting him below laevatein because well i dont give much of a shit about her, she atleast doesnt actively annoy me and still had the potential for something. Bruno however? the story would be better off without him. So fuck him.
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wings-of-a-storm · 5 years
Well, with this piece, I have officially finished trying to give voice to all the  frenzied thoughts in my head after watching that terrible Friday night unfold for Lucas.
I think the hardest part was revisiting the anguish on Lucas’ face. That is going to haunt us all for a while, no doubt...
Alright so we are up to Lucas running for the exit of Chloe’s house after finding Eliott with Lucille and being publicly outed... That poor guy.
I only realised upon watching this scene that you actually see the ripple of Lucas coming through the crowd before you actually physically ‘see’ him. Like people were actually flying across the screen because Lucas was shoving partygoers out of the way to get to the doorway. He was like a hurricane, leaving a trail of destruction before and after him. From our limited angle, there are at least two victims: Unknown Partygoer No.1, and the Bouncer.
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A minute of silence please for the victims of Lucas’ savagery. Particularly for Unknown Partygoer No.1 who was actually shoved aside the first time Lucas entered the house as well. :’)
Obviously I laugh otherwise I cry. It was actually heartbreaking seeing the lengths Lucas needed to go to to get out of there before he lost it completely.
I actually felt bad for Basile in this scene -- he was being really sweet and trying to grab hold of Lucas to, I dunno, support him? Calm him? Reassure him? He wasn’t to realise that that was the worst thing he could have done because Lucas needed space and distance from the heartbreak he had left behind in the house.
Things might have been ‘okay’ if Arthur’s patience hadn’t snapped; if he hadn’t escalated things further with that passive aggressive jab that was rather below the belt regardless of Lucas’ lies. Things could have been worse though -- there could have been actual punches instead of all the shoving and pulling. And the only casualty was Arthur’s glasses (which the petty part of me kind of revels in?). But still, getting into any physical altercation with your friends is extreme and just goes to show the pressure cooker Lucas’ life had become.
It is a shame the Gang had to reach this point, but they’ve all been kind of assholes to each other at one time or another. I think perhaps only Yann has been a good friend to everyone. Arthur, Lucas and Basile have all been hurtful at some point…
I wonder where Lucas and Arthur will go from here though; how they will make up in the school break if they aren’t forced to see each other in class. (Assuming David sticks to reality in his skipping of the hiatus?) This type of anger between them seems much closer to Marti and Elia than the og -- and it took the special powers of the love wizard Giovanni GaraU to piece their friendship and pride back together. Does Yann have the same touch? Time will tell...
Lucas had already reached his breaking point when he engaged in a physical altercation with his friends. He had already lost control over his emotions and was incredibly vulnerable standing exposed in front of the yard. People were staring at him and Arthur was still screaming bloody murder from the doorway about wanting to slap the hell out of him. Of course it was at this moment when Lucas saw the man behind his heartache kissing the girl he said he had broken up with.
So much of Lucas seeing Eliott kissing Lucille was awful. Firstly, Eliott and Lucille could have just stayed inside the party, but them seeking out time alone outside is just so private and intimate.
Secondly, Eliott was the one initiating everything (something none of his counterparts did). He was the one cupping her face and smiling at her and going in for two kisses. Two!
And thirdly, yes, that smile of his as he was looking at her was meant to cut all of our hearts out. Eliott’s smile is like his strongest weapon even if he doesn’t realise it. He uses it as a shield and he uses it to express all the pure and lovely joy in his heart. When he walks into any room, that smile is the first thing you see. It’s nuclear -- even from far away, that smile absolutely knocks you out. And boy did it knock Lucas out.
I’m not sure I’d go as far as to say Eliott was giving Lucille the same smile Lucas gets. Eliott’s a very smiley person and even Lucas’ friends received that kind of smile when Eliott didn’t even known them. I feel like there is an extra level of giddiness to Eliott’s smile when he looks at Lucas. I wasn’t worried about him smiling at Lucille so much. Especially when I assume the context of it, which is...
Okay, so after Eliott was hurt by Lucas and feeling like he had to give him up so as not to be a burden to him, he would have been absolutely devastated. We saw his face in that corridor and that would have been him trying to hide most of it. I’m a little grateful we never saw the extent of Eliott’s private devastation...
But Eliott’s snap decision to cut Lucas out of his life, meant he was suddenly alone with this intense heartbreak, and probably feeling extra vulnerable because it related to that terrible force in his brain that he can’t control and that always messes his life up.
No matter how strained his and Lucille’s relationship had become in the end, she was still someone close to him who really knows who he is and has seen the worst of him. She is so safe. And since we have never seen Eliott with any friends at school, I imagine that Eliott is pretty isolated at the moment without her. It feels completely believable that he would seek Lucille out for that comfort and security. It would also make him feel better about his mental illness to know that there is someone in the world (excluding his parents who we have no information on aside from David’s headcanons), who sees that side of him and accepts it. He’s not alone with it.
Luckily for Eliott, Lucas made his comments about mental illness only a day or two after Eliott had broken up with Lucille. That meant there was a window of opportunity to try and repair things with her. It would have required a lot of effort on his behalf though, to be convincing enough for her to take him back even though he was secretly battling heartbreak over someone else. He might have even ironically used his mental illness as an excuse for their break up (actually, I am convinced he did because it will probably end up fuelling a certain comment from Lucille to Lucas about Eliott’s patterns).
What this means though is that Eliott has to stay convincing for Lucille: he has to be that happy boyfriend who wants to be with her, who just suffered a blip. If Lucille sees through him, he is in danger of being alone again. There is probably also an element of Eliott needing to convince himself that he will be happy with Lucille and can make their relationship work. The alternative of being alone after such a terrible year is just too painful.
So yeh, I’m not too surprised by all the smiles and kisses that Eliott was initiating with Lucille even though it hurts to see them. His instagram diary tells us the truth: that while he recognises the good parts of having Lucille as his girlfriend, it isn’t the same now.
(Side note: His ‘L and him’ caption breaks me! Like A) he is distancing himself from himself, and B) it’s like he is cherishing the letter L and finding comfort that he still has an L in his life. He can almost pretend it is the other L...)
Well, Lucas’s face after seeing Eliott smiling at Lucille, cupping her face, kissing her, doing things he can still remember Eliott doing with him not too long ago... That is a face that is going to haunt us for a long time. The level of fury in it, of betrayal... I’ve never seen anything like it in Skam. That expression not only cuts straight through your chest, it strangles your heart.
it was so powerful and clearly the exact moment Lucas reached the bottom of what he could endure. Like shit, place a copy of that face into a scientific journal under “Human breaking point.”
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When I think about that look and all the intense emotions swirling behind it, It feels like the dark twin of the look Eliott gave Lucas when he was playing piano. When Eliott looked at Lucas in that moment, you were just hit with those eyes, and it felt impossible to even begin describing all the different emotions in them. Lucas’ devastating fury holds a very similar power with all the complex emotions behind it. I consider it a ‘twin’ because Lucas’ eyes also seemed fuelled by love, but love that had been desecrated and turned into a wound against him...
(That gruesome lip curl when he glanced back at Arthur still yelling at him though. Oh damn that was fierce.)
Oh gosh guys, it was just so hard seeing Eliott kiss Lucille during the worst time of Lucas’ life. It was stomach-churning in a ‘I think someone just punched me in the gut’ way. Like, Lucas used to go to this guy for comfort and now in his time of need, when his ex-beard is yelling out his sexuality to strangers, when his friends are yelling awful things at him for everyone to hear, he not only doesn’t have Eliott to go to, but Eliott is so engrossed in the person Lucas always felt second-rate to. Eliott doesn’t even look up at the noise, he is completely oblivious to Lucas’ distress. Could Eliott feel any further away?
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I don’t even want to begin trying to imagine everything Lucas was feeling at that moment as he looked at Eliott and Lucille. It is just too devastating. It actually feels worse than what Eliott went through in the school corridor, because at least then Eliott had control over it. Eliott could walk away before ever having to see what Lucas’ face would look like if he learned of Eliott’s mental illness; before ever having to hear Lucas break up with him over it.
Eliott also had all the information over their break up while Lucas remains in the dark (hi Polaris). Lucas is the one who has to see the guy he is in love with for real kissing the person Lucas has always felt second-rate to. And after all those promises that they would be together because Eliott had chosen him...
And since Lucas does not have the information on their break up that Eliott has, all Lucas can see when he looks at them is: Eliott never loved me; Eliott played me; Eliott has been happy with Lucille while I have been so miserable I’ve barely had energy to get off the couch; Eliott lied to me; Eliott never needed space, he just used it as an excuse to get back with Lucille without guilt; of course Eliott doesn’t want to be with me, why would I be so stupid to believe that he did?
And then in the midst of all this gut-wretching pain and the slap of betrayal, Lucas glances back at his friends who he just fought with, who can’t understand what he is going through, who are still hurling really hurtful things at him from the doorway (well, Arthur is), and he is just over everybody.
It almost feels like he is standing in this awful triangle of snipers who have opened fire on the most raw parts of his life -- his sexuality, his family situation, and the man he loves humiliating him in front of everyone. It’s just way too much humiliation and exposure for one person to take. Of course he had to get as far away from everyone and that hellhole of a place as soon as possible.
What is extra fun is that the people behind Lucas seem to have pieced some of the puzzle together. They see his fighting with the Gang, they see the pained expression of his face as he looks ahead, and they all turn to see what he is looking at to cause such an unmistakably anguished face. They see Lucille and Eliott. Guess we’re going to have some fun rumours after all when each section of the party joins up what they have witnessed with Lucas at the epicentre…
We all had an inkling that the beginning of Lucas’ hell week would be the hardest version for the viewer to watch. I think overall, our assumption was proved correct and that is all because this is the first version where we have seen Lucas’ face in the peak of his anguish.
In comparison, Skam og and Italia gave their Isak/Martino some privacy with their pain. We only ever see Isak’s back as he falls to his knees and cries so loud you can hear it over the Kanye track. We only ever see the vague outline of Martino’s face in the darkness as he screams and cries into his hands (it was so dark, it was lucky we were even able to see the spit flying from his mouth as he screamed). You basically had to rely on all other senses to figure out the amount of pain that Isak/Martino were going through. I think that method is powerful in itself, don’t get me wrong. But in France, we see Lucas completely exposed to the anguish ripping his soul apart. And it is incredibly confronting.
At first when Lucas left the party and the camera was following him down the dark, empty path, it felt like og: Lucas had privacy with his rage and pain. But then everything got loud; all the senses were like doubled. The sound of him smashing his fist against the bars of the fence was so loud and violent. We had that kind of noise in Italia too but that was from the piece of wood Martino was wielding, not his actual hand. So not only do you have the deep echo of metal being hit by a fist, you vicariously feel the pain that that must be inflicting on Lucas’ hand.
And then after Lucas realises he has injured himself and his legs lose power and he slumps down to the floor, the street light completely exposes the expression on his face. His anguish is completely exposed -- and it is anguish that is actually distorting his face. He almost isn’t recognisable. I mean, it is hard to watch anyone suffering that level of pain, but it’s even more hard-hitting with Lucas because his expressions are normally so controlled and neutral.
Two things absolutely wreck me next in this scene. The first is the way he cradles his bleeding hand. When you’ve hurt yourself, of course your natural instinct is to hold the damaged area as if you can somehow contain the pain to that one spot. But since his hurt hand feels more like a physical representation of his emotional hurt, it feels like he is trying to cradle himself. I HATE IT, MAKE IT STOP, GUYS!
The second thing that wrecks me is how after he slumps to the ground and leans his head back -- which also crashes against the metal bars with a deep booming echo -- he mouths something as if to say ‘ow’, like he is just hurting all over, no matter what he does.
And through all of it, he is crying without any sound because the emotion is coming from such a deep place in him. Until you see the numbness take over…
I’ll say it again: it is highly confronting. I can’t even bring myself to take screencaps of it.
I mean, that’s probably why og and Italia took a step back -- because that level of pain is so private and awful, it’s almost wrong for us to witness it. But, well, France plays dirty.
Did I just say France plays dirty? Because they are about to double that claim by reminding us all of their trump card: that Lucas has no place to cry privately. His bed is literally in a communal living area while Manon goes through her own grieving in his bedroom.
When a person is as wounded by life as Lucas is right now, it is so essential to have a safe space all to yourself to be able to grieve in. Particularly for someone as reserved as Lucas, who won’t let anyone see any hint of his pain at all (except for this Friday night when his depression was so extreme, he had no energy to move in front of his friends and he couldn’t hide it anymore). How the hell is this poor kid supposed to grieve in a communal living room?!
And that also raises another question: how long did Lucas stay slumped on the cold concrete path on Friday night? If that was the best privacy he had, it was probably a long time. So yeh, thanks for that, France! Like this whole clip didn’t hurt enough…
What is unfortunately so hard with Lucas is how reserved he is with his emotions. He is such an island and that makes it hard for others to be able to help him. When Mika reached out to him on Thursday, he got a defensive eye roll. When Yann tried to reach out to him on Friday, he got grumpiness and a hurtful ‘It has nothing to do with you.’ It’s really hard to see Lucas push people away like that and just suffer so many things alone.
This week is going to be such an important turning point for him though. He will finally make that step to trust in others and share the pain that has been slowly drowning him. He has no other choice because he cannot mentally survive like that any longer. And when Lucas starts to open himself up more to his friends and roomates and starts to value that process, it is going to put him in such a healthy place to be able to be that support for Eliott when Eliott’s secrets are exposed and he becomes highly vulnerable.
Lucas’ journey is really tough right now but he is going reconnect with people and with life and be the best person he can be once he starts to accept help. It’s going to be such a rewarding journey to go through with him. <3
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uchiha-pride · 5 years
trigger warning for all you sensitive fucks: im a fucking dick and im going to keep my thoughts fuckin real. this is my fucking opinion, got a problem then fuckin leave. im coming for all of your lives in this.
so like I've taken a forced break from this hell site because my phone was taken away from me and like I've come back and it's just- y'all really are a bunch of fucking crybabies.
Nobody here has a backbone, and I mean nobody. yall always have a problem with something someone said 10 years ago or something someone did before it wasnt seen as correct. like damn. yall must really be looking for shit to get triggered at because god damn do yall go to lengths just to try and cancel someone, but when its someone whos an lgbtq+ meme or someone whos a minority or whos a woman, like fuckin Cardi B nobody says a damn thing. nobody cares if they do anything wrong because its suddenly funny and alright to do. because it really isnt about your morals and ethics, its about a minority. yall trying to rack up the opression points because on this site thats what validates you. if you arent opressed you dont have a voice, your opinion doesnt matter, you arent important. and thats fucked.
also nobody on here seems to have their own opinions, and if they do they're bashed for it. and the opinions that they're getting busted over aren't even bad like- okay you think sheetz is better than wawa who cares? but they you have people attacking them for liking sheetz more??? because it somehow insults them?? like????!?!?? i don't get it. i honestly don't get it. also it seems like everyone here has a victim complex and blames cis white people for all of their problems- no sis the fact that you dropped your coffee because you tripped on a crack is not due to the fact that some cis white guy fuckin deliberately placed it there just to ruin you.
and don't even get me started on the fucking hate crusades y'all do. like y'all will really go after someone for them making a tiny mistake- oh that fuckin reminds me. y'all really have to stop with the guilty until proven innocent shit, it's the opposite. stop trying to ruin people prematurely.
also yall really got to stop thinking that its okay for you to say that you hate someone for their race, sexuality, or whatever the fuck else and then its not okay for them. no thats not how it works. just because you're part of a minority doesn't mean you can shit on someone just because they're part of a majority. it doesn't help your cause of wanting to be equal its doing the fucking opposite so stop being an entitled little prick for a second and look around and get with the fucking program.
not to sound like a fucking boomer but you fucking losers are so sensitive to everything it's so fucking annoying like god damn sit back and watch a filthy frank video and fucking learn from it. everyone gets shit on, thats how the world works and thats how it always will work. taking away people's right to speech wont fucking help. learn to take jokes. learn to shit on yourselves and take what's thrown at you, you fucking baby ass degenerates.
like you adults and some of you teens on here are so fucking annoying. you think you're doing the right thing but for the most part you aren't.
also if you read this and get so fucking mad that you feel the need to shit on a highschooler, go ahead I don't care. unfollow me, block me, do whatever. because in the end you're just proving me right. get schooled you fuckwits.
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breeeliss · 5 years
Uhh wtf is even "male gaze"..? Are you aware how sexist that sounds? I am currently in cartoon and animation university so I know how these things works and no I didnt see any "male fantasy" while watching the series. Neither my (same uni) friends did.. all I saw was badass woman kicking ass. Some of them had awful past some of them did not. I agree that people dont need tragedy to be strong and those episodes didnt give that message. You just have victim complex like the most tumblr
i think there are far more productive ways to say you disagree with my opinion that don’t include belittling my perspective as if i somehow have less authority to critique media than you do. the concept of the “male gaze” is something that has long been studied within the fields of feminist theory and it is an observable, objective phenomenon. so to call it sexist is to possess a fundamental misunderstanding of the term, where it originated from, and who coined it which means that this ask is already off to a bad start.  
you seem to be under the impression that i hated these shorts. i didn’t. i loved sonnie’s edge and good hunting they were some of my favorites. and i’ve already acknowledged that there was value to be had in watching women fight against patriarchal systems in order to grab their power back and in order to rediscover their agency. my critique is twofold: a) women being the victims of male violence is necessary in order to further these narratives, and b) this violence is graphically being depicted in a way that feels borderline voyeuristic. 
it’s the same reason i have issues with shows like 13 reasons why who, in an attempt to “bring awareness” to sexual assault and suicide, do so by showing us graphic, bloody, long suicide/assault sequences on screen. and i’m saying this as a surviver who doesn’t need to hear the gory details of someone’s rape in order to feel kinship with them and in order to understand and empathize with their struggles and journeys. same goes with what you’re watching in media. 
it felt like the violence against sonnie and yan were used for shock value. good hunting i think was particularly guilty of this bc (spoilers) once we saw that her body was replaced with automata, we understood what happened. we didn’t need to see her naked, tied to a table, and watch her legs get sawed off, blood and all. i don’t think that adult content should aspire to be adult by coming up with new ways to depict graphic violence against women. and i do think that at a certain point, showing pretty, skinny, sexy women strapped naked to tables with their tits bouncing as they struggle right before their limbs are sawed off does come off as something a heterosexual male came up with. 
you’re free to disagree with me, but i’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult my intelligence and insult my opinions by suggesting that i’m making things up or am leaning on my victim complex bc i have nothing else better to do than to come on tumblr and talk about how i hate men. women are not a monolith. we have different opinions and different perspectives and if you are anyone who wants to enter a creative industry tasked with representing women in the stories you tell, you ought to do yourself a favor and start listening to more of us, whether you identify as a woman or not. 
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gojuo · 5 years
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literally ..................................................................................................................................................................
come off anon so we can talk instead of u hiding behind the anon button bc i literally ... do not .... even care that much ...........
pls when have i ever even said or done anything ant/i/b/l/ack likee pleewsassnejbjdwhsjbdjsbcdwjkbdakzbnjxnjka im literally not ???? i have to say i didnt read whatever u wrote minus some little things so idk what ur talking about except i can see ur a little bit heated ...... u know .... maybe if u messaged me privately (in case u follow me u can see i never publish non-anon asks so) saying like “hey melda he isnt like that he was some young kid that didnt know what he was saying dont be like that” i woulda been like ... oh really??? ok cool thank god i dont have to delete his music from my library bc u know i actually like his muysicccjjfghjfkdwbjvkwdbjkwvdsb LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
listen, i get it. youre black hes black idk if youre gay but if you are okay you feel an obvious connection and thats why youre so riled up. i get it. me too! he insulted my people and my religion and my livelihood w saying some terribly racist “““““““comments”““““““ as you like to call it. now really, i’m not that riled up im just a bit disappointed bc i already know americans couldnt care any less for middle easterners/muslims considering yall still vote for racist terrorists your taxes still go to the bombings of my people my countries my histories my cultures and none of u even be like ... huh maybe we should do smt abt these politicians continuously murdering mideasterners and stealing their oil and destabilizing their countries n democracies by you americans putting western spies in their governments that do nothing but kiss america’s ass and destroy the middle east .... lol
idk where im even going w this like ?????? im still so .. ??? me? hating b/l/a/ck ppl ???? only for not feeling all that sympathetic towards one guy that you know... said hateful things towards MY PEOPLE ????  towards ME ????? idk man i get it you feel defensive but going on anon sending me 11 messages accusing me of something so horrible creating your own narrative about me in ur own head playing ur victim complex card trying to justify your own disregard of racism n islamophobia by trying to make me something so horrible instead of being like “oh shit... l/il n/as did something really demeaning and racist and im sorry you had to see that but he did genuinely apologize hes a better person now” is just not it :////
also... jackson never did b/l/a/ckface u absolute idiot and for any a/n/t/i/b/lack thing he did he apologized genuinely and learned from it and directly addressed it maybe if you checked your facts and used your own brain to think for yourself instead of the same old bandwagon hate u wouldnt be looking like boo boo the fool right about now .... clown 🤡🤡🤡
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