#awww baby ben i will cry right now
simstoyourdismay · 2 months
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the baby ever
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the0retically · 3 days
The Suckening #13: Breaking Dawn:
What a great finale, that was incredible :)
- “Would you like to know what’s in the center? It’s a baseball diamond” CHARLIE WHAT
- “I land and say ‘I love baseball’” ok Arthur
- Manbat???
- “I say ‘slay’” ok Arthur
- I’m crying this is so funny to me
- “I didn’t get to bat” ARTHUR PLEASE
- Manbat going between animal and human is so funny
- I really hope he stays alive
- I love how defeated Charlie sounds when Condi does something smart
- Condi wanting to press a button from the ceiling but Charlie being like “I don’t understand how you could possibly press a button”
- oh now we’re back with Ben and Shilo :(
- but oh god?? Why is this here with Ben and Shilo??
- “Ben it is my fault you’re in here” “no I think I just wandered…it’s ok you said you’re going to walk me home” this is so so sad
- “This is horrible” “yeah it doesn’t end well” “I know…but maybe?” God bizly you sound so hopeful that it could but I really don’t think it will
- Arthur’s theme, it’s so good, I cannot wait for the soundtrack to come out I love it
- Oh? Arthur what are you up to?
- …………..Emizel? Huh??
- ……ok it’s so weird them chanting theo like hi that’s me??
- awww they’re rolling together I love that—Oop they rolled bad
- Another series of roll offs again??
- I’m literally going to start crying he does not have to kill Theo
- “I need you to attack Theo like he killed your best friend” oh god
- “I should mighty blowed, I would’ve totally blowed him mightily” OK??? WHAT????
- “You look really feral right now” PLEASE?
- “He told me to kill you and I just had to” “well don’t do that man” PLEASE?????
- He just ran into the wall and couldn’t do anything?? Theo nooooo
- “Think about how sexy it is to dash across the room and smoulder” ……ok bebo
- “He has dude with a dream” OH FUCK HE JUST CHOPPED THEO’S ARM OFF????? OH MY GOD???
- “Don’t give me sad baby girl eyes” “I don’t like what’s happening” “you’re the one DOING THIS??” Charlie Charlie please it’s Theo come on it’s Theo
- “I didn’t realize how attached I was to Theo until now, this shit sucks” YEAH IT DOES CHARLIE DONT KILL THEO
- Yeah Edwards awful I hate him
- This is so—:((((
- Emizel botched, please theo get out of there
- “Hey Zoolander!” YES THEO PERFECT
- How is Theo still alive???? What the fuck??
- “I have the power of a god and he’s just a boy” YEAH BUT HES DOING GREAT!!!!
- He just has to leave Theo?????? Oh god this is not good
- “I really don’t want to look like a bat” PLEASE OH MY GOD
- Awww void is here :) I love her
- Cradle Manbat ok Arthur
- “And a new hope is another” “nope that’s Star Wars” PLEASE
- “You suck somebody’s soul out and you say POGGERS??” Oh my god perfect
- Charlie is having such a hard time with this map oh my god broooooo??
- “Definitely talking to Viv about that one” I love their friendship so much
- :((( shilo and Ben
- Shilo finds the receptionist now??? Oh god this is horrible
- Oh god, grangle is now here
- “What do you mean bait shilo” GOD CHARLIE THIS IS SO SO SAD I HATE THIS
- This is heartbreaking, Charlie please
- “Oh god what was her name, I don’t remember” “you don’t even remember” CHARLIE PLEASE BIZLY IS TRYING
- like bizly truly is having the worst time out of all of them
- GABRIEL??????? WHAT???? IS THAT HIM?????? HES BACK????? IM SO!!!! OH MY GOD??????
- HES HERE!!!!!!! HI GABE!!!!!!
- Oh god……..it’s been announced to everyone
- He just immediately kills him oh my god
- “Another nameless, I’m slipping the more I look at you, tell me: why should I stop?” Arthur :(((((( please :((((
- “Ok Ben we’re going to go this way” “just looks at you” “you can—“ :((((((((((((((( shilo :(((((( nooooo this is so sad
- It’s between Ben or the body :( shilo is just trying his hardest
- Charlie this is devastating why are you doing this
- Shilo is just trying so hard to save him
- Shilo got no successes, please Charlie just let Ben speak
- Charlie what the fuck, “he sees a bird :)” nooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooo
- I hate hearing how sad Bizly and Charlie are because this is horrible
- “And Ben goes home” CHARLIE PLEASE
- bizly…..bebo…..Zach, it’s full name time, that last memory is so sad oh my god
- This is—god
- Ok but Arthur and Shilo have reunited at least
- “I shouldn’t have PLAYED THEIR GAMES” :((( shilo
- “Can you just tell me what to do?” Shilo please :(
- They’re all reunited but god they’re all so defeated
- I love that they are just constantly cutting the cameras when Taylor’s there and doing something
- God Grizz just has banger monologue after banger monologue
- “What about fighting the beast and about holding on?” “Yes.” “Can-can you not just hold on?” Oh :((((( that’s absolutely devastating “I’ve been holding on for a long time and there is too much I have still get to find.” Arthur :(((
- Bizly is a fantastic actor holy shit, man’s popping off I adore this
- “The rules were clear from the beginning, we just never thought to look at them” damn emizel, yeah you’re so right
- “I’m beginning to understand your mother” :(
- Arthur please don’t let this be goodbye
- Found a cave but “finish the show” FUCK ME
- Now they have to fight each other, god damn it
- Arthur please go for Edward
- “You kinda want to kill shilo” oh my god?????? No no no???
- this is batshit oh my god
- I love how all of them are like “yeah I don’t care if Taylor is the one who kills him go for it”
- Arthur and Edward being friends in the past is something that is so odd to me
- Oh?? Arthur?? What??? Arthur’s pulling a Harlem Shade
- Edward just runs away???
- Oh god and Shilo is back there too
- “You know what they say in my home country? Fuck it we ball” YEAH SHILO!!!!
- oh and he just botched oof
- Shilo??
- “They’re watching Edward, they’re disgusted by you” oh my god
- “And you can replace it after this session” ……..is this not the finale?
- “You ruined your mothers life too” WHAT THE HELL EDWARD??
- What do you mean you’re not leaving emizel??
- No scar? Huh?? Nooooo it wasn’t really him
- Oh :( he’s going to hug Arthur :((
- Only emizel could say “I’m gonna die here…see you guys tomorrow”
- They all hug :(
- Oh he’s thinking of Theo as he waits for the sun :(
- :(( Arthur thinking about how he failed the twins :( Arthur you deserve peace!!
- Shilo what goes on in your mind “vampires fucking suck” yeah fair enough
- Pile of ashes and a note
- He’s at 4 lives now
- “There’s no going back, but maybe there’s going forward” oh I love that quote
- AWWWWW LAZARUS!! “now those are my boys” HE!!!!
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voidartisan · 1 year
Clone Wars characters as things i've heard in class
you have no idea how long i've been saving these up
Fives: Stop licking my dryer sheet!
Ahsoka: Yeah, he transferred to the Senate guard, he doesn’t like it there. He says they smell like pencils.
Ahsoka:*Walking in* Barriss, what’s the average life span of a woman? Like 70-80 years, right? I need comfort. I need to know that I will die eventually.
Anakin: Just get a giant hammer, name it kindness, and then BAM.
Palpatine: Yes, taxing the peasants, very good!
Obi-Wan: I am begging you, stop spamming the cringey Twitter account I made in high school.
Anakin: How much Spanish do you you speak?
Kit Fisto: Enough to know all the cuss words.
Leia: Thus, philosophy’s flaming razor sword: It doesn’t matter.
Riyo Chuchi: I actually blew a couple of fuses in my room last year, so maintenance says I’m not supposed to plug in five waffle irons at a time any more.
Rex:*Swears upon knocking over something hot and heavy, looks up* In case you didn’t hear that — KRIFF.
Ahsoka: Just eat the frog already!
Ahsoka: You know what’s worse than freshmen? Freshman boys.
Obi-Wan: *As Korkie walks past in the hallway* Hello, mini-me.
Quinlan Vos: Anyone here watched the movie Jaws? Well, I’m writing a book, and it’ll be kind of like that, but with fantasy Puritans and a giant spider. I’m calling it “Puritan Spider Jaws”
Later: I haven’t decided who’s gonna die yet, but I’m thinking the spider’s gonna get set on fire.
Young Obi-Wan: Qui-gon’s a cool teacher, he’s so laid back. I think he might be high like half the time, but his class is really fun.
Mace Windu: Anyone else going to answer? Alright, then. Go ahead, Ben. You could probably teach this class better than me anyway.
Anakin: You know what would solve all of Coruscant’s population problems? Lab babies.
Han, to Luke: You were at that school for three years and didn’t memorize the camera locations?
Leia: Look at my other mask
Han: Why?
Leia: Because it’s black, like your soul.
Kix: I don’t like fighting. Sometimes Rex gets frustrated and yells “Hit him!” Then I hit him once and Rex’s like “Yeah!” and the other guy’s on the floor crying and I’m like “AUGHHHHHH!”
Padmé: Just because I have money doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings.
Ahsoka: Are you going to have any chocolate milk, Rex?
Anakin: Ahsoka, he’s lactose intolerant.
Ahsoka: Oh, sorry—
Rex: Nope. Only for you, Ahsoka.
Rex: *proceeds to pour and chug an entire glass of chocolate milk.*
Obi-Wan: *sarcastically* Didn’t you know? Gingers control the sun.
Korkie: *panicking* Well, no one told me!
Anakin: You know, Master Fisto. Really super buff. Looks like he would run a 5K at the drop of a hat.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, stop making pterodactyl noises.
Din Djarin: Sometimes people ask me about my pronouns. I say that I don’t care what they call me, but it’s not true. I just want to be pronounced “dead.”
Anakin: 4’11”!
Ahsoka: Hey, Master
Anakin: I’m so glad she responds to that. It’s the highlight of my day.
Fives: What are tootsie rolls, anyway? They’re not chocolate, they’re not taffy—
Jesse: It’s better not to ask
Waxer: I got—
Cody: Got expelled? Welp, get your stuff, see you never, nice knowing you.
Ahsoka: Madame Nu don’t care
Jocasta Nu: She don’t
Bail Organa: I have only ever had one person in my life who actually liked banana-flavored Laffy Taffy. And I no longer speak to them.
Obi-Wan: Be careful with these, they’re fragile and expensive—
Anakin: Like my heart
Barriss: The afterlife should be Communist
Hamsters: *frenzied squeaking*
Anakin: *pulling out a small pail* awww…you guys want some Nutella?
Obi-Wan: Stop offering them Nutella
Ahsoka: Is that WHOLE THING filled with Nutella?
Anakin: I mean, not anymore…
Luke: What does a kilogram weigh in American?
Luke: Legally, I can say whatever I want
Han: And I can legally fight you
Boba: Actually, I’m asexual. My son will look exactly like me.
Leia: Han’s got a rough life. Already colorblind, now he’s going deaf at seventeen.
Luke: How do I cite my brain in APA?
Din Djarin: Costco is a cult
Obi-Wan: Can anyone tell me what this is called?
Anakin: A diagram
Obi-Wan: It starts with a k
Anakin: A kdiagram
Ahsoka: *holding up energy drink* Look, Master! Third one today!
Obi-Wan: You are going to die.
Obi-Wan: *checks nutrition facts* 800 mg. Less than a cup of coffee, not too bad. Maybe you won’t die. But you probably will.
Anakin: Master, what if we each brought you a thousand dollars? Then would we still have to take the test?
Mace Windu: I mean, I guess would be better than bringing me… disappointment—
Fennec: It was overhyped
Boba: You just have no soul, that’s what it is
Luke: Eight! Y’know, the devil’s number.
Jango Fett: Why wouldn’t you clone yourself?
Ahsoka: So, when will the grades be in? Tomorrow, or… when should I expect to be depressed?
Padmè, during a mock senatorial campaign: Would you like some of The People’s™ lip balm? It has sparkles.
Luke: Are you okay?
Han, without looking up from his work: I’m straight.
Luke: Well, congratulations on coming out—
Ahsoka: The only one of these I can apply for is the poetry scholarship
Anakin: Roses are red, violets are blue…
Rex: …please give me money.
Ahsoka: Hey, what’s that? Are you planning how we’re all gonna die?
Cody: Yup
Luke: You should play Abba!
Han: You sound like my mother.
Cara: Who’s the main character in your life, Mando?
Din: Uh… my cat, probably
Fives, spinning across the room in a rolling chair: Bounty. The quicker picker upper.
Hondo: No scams for me please, I like money.
Anakin: I’m gonna do a patriotism
Waxer: What is it…
Boil: What’s what?
Waxer: That thing Commander says we’re not allowed to do to the shinies.
Boil: Initiation?
Waxer: There was another word for it.
Boil: Hazing?
Waxer: Yeah! That’s it.
Kix: Fives, if you drop those donuts I will drop YOU
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theroyalmisfitmess · 1 year
NHIE Farewell Season Reactions
Reactions were all typed real time as I was watching the show.
Ep. 1
- ohhhh they’re awkward
- Ben thinking Devi’s disappointed it’s him
- Ben looks constipated while working out
- loving nalini and devi’s relationship 🥺
- the go-gurt mention reminded me of laura marano and ross lynch (iykyk)
- noooo paxton not fitting in :((((((((((
- can’t take michael cimino seriously rn because of himyf
- where is aneesa tho?? :((
- dr. ryan scenes are the absolute best. i love seeing devi’s growth
- damn i’m loving these character growth moments. paxton not fitting in hits so hard and eleanor not being completely blinded by love is kinda refreshing
Ep. 2
- HSHAJDKDHD pati and nalini going all indian mom is always entertaining
- FINALLY ANEESA IS BACK. girlie i miss you. i hate how they forgot about you.
- KAMALAAAAA (also nawt the teen hamilton auditions 😭)
- “Why tell me he’s white? I can see him!” 😭
- eleanor… pls be single for now it might do you good…
- if i had a dollar every time victoria moroles played a main couple obstacle, id’d have two dollars—which isn’t a lot, but it’s funny (and sad) that it happened twice
- no but honestly, i appreciate how ben is setting boundaries. that’s correct. that’s right.
- YES DEVI STAND USE TO YOURSELF. i miss paxton’s crew lmao
- LMAO PAXTONHDJSKDHSKDHD teacher era let’s good
- ugh no michael cimino in his softness feely again but also pls devi don’t fix your shit with benjamin first
Okay. We’re back from the shackles of uni…
Ep. 3
- devi no… gosh please… fix your thing with ben first
- the line between paxton and devi is so clear now. i love paxton trying out new things.
- ugh i’m not liking thissss 😭
- awww paxton :(( i hope he finds what he wants to do again. i am not liking this super into parties thing
- oh myyyy i kinda get nalini’s concern about the stairs and renovations tbh… when a home is LIVED IN it’s kinda hard to detach. not to mention,, it must remind her of mohan :((
- devi pls stop this.
- OMG NOOO NOT BEN ACTUALLY HAVING THE IDEA 😭 but then again, i see the effort of trying to protect his feelings
- awww eleanor still loves trent (don’t rlly care for them but i loved that looking at the same moon thing)
- words cannot describe how much i love paxton. justice for paxton hall-yoshida.
- UGH why does michael cimino have to be a cutie??? i prefer him as a soft boi tho
Ep. 4
- oooo okay college fair devi you better not mess this up
- ms warner is NOT confident with devi HSHDJDH
- succ-sexy is such a term lmao also wow the turn around from devi’s friends being so bad with advice to rightfully concerning is something i didn’t expect
- paxton and this sub teacher have CHEMISTRY + i feel so bad for him
- okay ethan that was good on you but i still don’t trust him completely
- margot is such a sweetheart i just can’t hate her !!
- OH MY GOSHJFKSJDJD i’m getting feelings ben and devi being supportive friends has my heart UGH
- so i saw the script and devi doesn’t get in right? + FABIOLA’S GONNA GET IN INSTEAD OF DEVI IS SHE?? 😭
Ep. 5
- yes mr shapiro. taylor swift is a great american writer.
- honestly true. fabiola should stop not prioritizing herself
- eleanor having an ego break is kinda hard and disheartening to watch
- oh so this is an ep where they find out that college isn’t what they thought it would be isn’t it :000
- awwww nalini is lonely :(((
- honestly why won’t ben just buy tickets for everyone he’s hella rich LMAOO
- nooo burnout :(( blair is so real so right
- AWWW PAXTON FOR WISDOM SCENE WE LOVE TO SEE (love daxton as friends)
- “Devi you know who you are” ONCE AGAIN. I AM TEAM BEN BECAUSE BEN IS TEAM DEVI.
- ok but the realization that canonically aaron tveit is still in moulin rouge at this point of the story is nice
- awwww nalini kinda finding love again
- devi and ben doing good again has my heart
Ep. 6
- knew it. it was fabiola.
- FINALLY ANEESA IS BACK. also slay she got recruited !!
- so len is cheating on pati???
- paxton is such an older brother now i can’t believe he and devi they dated HDKSJFKDJ
- awww ben and margot are actually good together
- oh i think i spoke too soon
- but the way mcenroe is now narrating ben’s story as in-depth as devi’s means something… yeah i’m gonna be correct. benvi endgame
- noooo fab and devi :(((
- i kinda understand why ben is like this. devi mssed him up fr fr 😭
- paxton talking about his dreams of becoming a scholarship swimmer, devi ruining it, but him still forgiving her :”))
- i am really loving paxton’s wise era !! he may be underutilized but i enjoy every scene he’s in
- okay but aneesa rlly just showing up once in this episode???
- “But do YOU think you’re good enough?” Y E S
- AWWWW SO SHE WANTS TO GO TO PRINCETON BC OF MOHAN 🥺😭 brb crying in the corner
- i could be wrong but the doctor looks like mrs. montez (gabriella’s mom from hsm)
- nalini and devi 🥺
Ep. 7
- no bc paxton as a swim coach is a vibe
- DEVI BE NICER WITH YOUR PHRASES 😭😭😭 but i am loving the daxton friendship so much
- the identity crisis is so bad </3 i’m hoping paxton finds his way
- is paxton gonna end up dating lindsay/ms. thompson? i’m confused bc i read something about this
- “It’s okay if I fail as long as I tried” AWWWWW
- watching paxton be a coach is so endearing !!
- oof the lockeroom scene
- PAXTON IS SUCH AN OLDER BROTHER AT THIS POINT 😭 i promise this isn’t the benvi in me but their dynamic seems so platonic now
- paxton’s mom looks so close to his age 😭
- awwww the closure 🥹 i love closure moments
- PAXTON FEELING THE VIBES HAHDKSHDKD YEAH YOU TELL THEM (i am so gonna be right about benvi endgame)
- i wonder if paxton will go back to college :00
Okay. Will continue watching this tomorrow. I am a tired uni student first.
A night’s sleep, whole day of uni, and stressful cleaning later. WE’RE BACK!
Ep. 8
- oh nice devi is cool with it?!??? the maturity
- “You two are the best relationships I’ve had in high school” 🥺🥺🥺
- i can’t with this aneesa erasure though,, mindy did her so dirty 😭
- also where is manish
- ben x trent subplot 👀👀👀
- ooof eleanor’s mom
- always a kitchen moment
- awwww devi being mature with her reaction about the texts even if it hurts 😭
- what if,, baby is len’s daughter 😭
- BEN????????? WHATS HAPPENING????????
- awww i love this vishwakumar bonding 🥹🫶
- i’d support a narrative about devi and margot just forgetting about ben lmao
Ep. 9
- noooo this is hitting me too hard i was in a devi situation where i only got in one college despite being a decorated overachieving student 😔
- okay everyone find a trent he honestly seems like the best hype man lol
- “David? You okay?” BEN’S DELIVERY IS SO SOFT 🥺😩😭
- awwww devi offering to help ben has my heart 🥺
- devi and nalini’s moments hit homeeee i am emotional
- “I didn’t get into college. I didn’t get into anywhere.” 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
- “Bevi, our best student, didn’t get into a single college” THEN BEN’S CONCERNED REACTION MY HEARTTTT
- okay fine maybe i do like trent and eleanor they’re the unhinged couple every sitcom has
- ben asking how paxton went up through her window 😭
- the way my vision is coming to life i love winning i love being a pophet
- “Maybe I was wrong, David” BUT DEVI ENDS UP SLEEPING
- “I thought he was one of your dolls” NALINIHSJSKDHD
Pause. About to do something.
Okay. We’re back…
- Dr. Ryan 🥺
- i love paxton finally knowing what he wants to do
- i’m crying at devi writing her essay about her dad 🥺😭 MY HEARTTTT
Okay. Here we go.
Ep. 10
- AWWWW THE HUGGGG (and aneesa and fab’s reaction 👀)
- LAW FIRM WOW. okay ben i wish i were you.
- yeah end of nemesis era bc start of LOVERS ERA
- wait who was the valedictorian??
- the grad videos felt like the cast not the characters 🥺
- also i love how paxton was there posing with them 🥺🥺🥺
- nalini not being ready to take off the thalli awwww
- devi and her friends trying to look for a common date go hang with her hs friend group is so me and my hs friends when we got to uni 😭
- awwww devi’s friends being at the wedding 🥺
- greeting guests (especially the pretentious family friends and relatives) is truly dreadful
- kamala being the older sister devi never had is something i always love seing
- “I AM SO PROUD OF YOU” *sobs*
- at the start of the series, devi could care less about her heritage but now here she is dancing
- awww paxton 🥺 i really love his character growth
- LI’L D 🥺🥹😭
- benvi endgameeeee
Ended watch on June 09, 2023. 11:54 PM.
Separate overall thoughts soon.
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
1/2 and we are at 4x06. He came back and sat down and went ‘okay so i am now fully relaxed and chill. I talked to myself in the mirror. And we both agreed that going forward, i will be now more calm.’ ‘What is this? Ohhhh Kinnetik launch party! awww he gave the check back. I knew it was killing him to accept the help…quick question, why didn’t he remove the showers? JUSTIN! Are we back to normal? Oh shit, Deb and Em are roommates!! BLONDIE IS BACK! MY BLONDIE IS BACK! Aww Brian, is gonna make a speec- why the fuck is Lindsay following him up there? Girl get the fuck out, you have nothing to do with any of this. AWW FEMALE BLONDIE IS UP THERE. See! SHE makes sense. Linds doesnt. AND JUSTIN! Now he makes sense because HE NAMED IT! Shoo lindsay, this isnt your moment. LOOK AT THEM KISSING! I LOVE THIS! This was nice! Finally my blondie is back!’ ‘Now why the fuck is Debbie ignoring Vic? Right, she’s angry but still. RAGE? A MOVIE?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! She needs to stop being a bitch to Vic. I get shes angry but still’ ‘awwww he immediately went to Brian to tell him the news! Of course he did. MY BLONDIE IS BACK! That’s right Brian, go back to school Justin! Look at him making time to celebrate Justin. AWWWW’ ‘TED! AND EM! oh shit, this is gonna be tough, isn’t it? Yeah, i was right, this is tough. Fuck. I feel ripped in half. Im happy for Ted, i understand Em, but i want them to be friends again. Fuck’ ‘oh ben is miserable. And jealous and a bitch. Bro, he is your partner, you’re supposed to be supportive no matter what. Fuck you man’ ‘okay, i get Ted but dude! Come on. Hasn’t Blakey been through enough? Let that man live, he can’t catch a fucking break’ ‘FINALLY VIC AND DEBBIE MADE UP! We have a lot of catching up to do so let’s get to it babies! *waves to deb and vic* this is us when we grow up. Why is she bringing up what all she did for him because of aids? That’s wrong. I take it back, this isn’t us when we grow up. OH FUCK YOU DEBBIE! TOTALLY NOT US! NOT US! NEVER US!’ *he forced me to pinky promise that that wont be us* ‘did they change babylon? I dont remember this bench thing, because i know for a fact that they wouldve fucked on it by season 2. Ohhh Justin being sassy to Brian. Ohhh ibiza *says it like justin and then brian corrects justin* okay, my bad. He could have anything he wanted and he is betting school? HE REALLY CARES ABOUT HIS EDUCATION AND FUTURE. Fellas, how about this, you both fuck him. That way, you go to ibiza AND back to school? Win win’ ‘no Ben, the only piece of shit here is you. What a jealous prick. Who does that? Mike literally told him that he shouldnt judge his book cause he’s not smart enough since he didnt go to community college, which was fucked up b-t-w just to make up for hurting his feelings and this fucker cant even pretend to be happy for a moment? Fuck you. YEAH, GO OFF MIKE’ ‘aw Blake and Emmett. I need them to be friends. Oh god, i just had a realization. I sound like that chick in mean girls who wanted to bake cupcakes and make everyone friends. Blake, deserves the world!’ And now we are at the Britin/gym scene ‘it took 4 seasons for Justin to go with him to the gym? Bullshit, this man was stalking Brian like crazy in season 1. He would’ve had gym membership AND his personal trainer by episode 3. Ohhh its that guy! Damn, Brian really wants him to go back to school. What is he doing? Justin, what did you do? CRABS? What a little shit. I missed this. I missed them’ ‘Lindsay, what the fuck are we doing here again? Bagel? Hair and outfit, looking like that? Babe, what is going on? This is weird AND creepy. DUDE HANDS OFF HER ASS! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. YOU SHOULD’VE PUNCHED HIM HARDER AND LET HIM FALL! PIG’
Brother shouting about Lindsay being up on the stage at the launch party is so correct. WHY IS SHE THERE?
Your brother getting all worried and upset about Vic and Debbie's fight. I'm going to cry.
it took 4 seasons for Justin to go with him to the gym? Bullshit, this man was stalking Brian like crazy in season 1. He would’ve had gym membership AND his personal trainer by episode 3 OKAY I snorted at that. So accurate.
UGH the start of Lindsay and that guy. UGH
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Any Director’s Commentary for A Brother’s Love - Guidance? Any deleted scenes or bonus content, if you will 🤣
Haha awww, if I had deleted scenes, I would 100% hand them over to you 💜 What I can offer is a deeper dive into that moment with Gregory and how I imagine Anthony moved on from there.
As mentioned, it was hard to craft really meaningful moments for Ben to have with G & H because they are literal babies, so at some point my mind turned toward, ok, we can weave this into an opportunity for him to help the remaining two members of his family who are suffering, which of course are Anthony and Violet. Props to JB who allegedly came up with the idea for the Anthony + Gregory scene in S2, because that gave me my groundwork. Anthony fully embraces being a father figure to G + H by the time of the books/show, but his understanding of that role had to start somewhere.
During the picnic, Ben sees Gregory crying, knows he can't be comforted by his mother right now, but also sinks realizing he has no father to turn to either. Then he looks over and sees Anthony there. Gregory sees him too, and it naturally/cosmically aligns (however you want to think about it) that B realizes Anthony must father these two youngest siblings. Yes, it's one more thing to heap on his shoulders, but it can be a role Anthony is happy to embrace because it is one full of love where he can grow his sense of confidence and self worth as he protects and guides the littlest Bridgertons who will never resent him or compare him to Edmund like the others might.
I wrote this before I learned that S2 had shot a scene where Violet puts newborn Hyacinth in Anthony's arms and he has this traumatic dawning realization that he is brother-dad now. I'm glad that was cut because it is very heavy-handed. This is my alternate take on that concept, that hopefully is more subtle and is also led by the child himself, rather than by Violet placing literal responsibility in Anthony's hands. Gregory doesn't know where Edmund went, but he knows he feels safe with Anthony, so he reaches out to him when he's distressed. Ben hands him over, signaling gently to Anthony that he will play an even more significant role in this brother's life than for the rest of them. And though he is stunned at first, when Anthony sees little Gregory melt into him with so much trust and love, his heart is warmed. If there is any silver lining to be found in this tragedy, it may be the closeness of the bonds A will form with G & H and how much he will learn about fatherhood to prepare for his own family one day. I doubt any of his other siblings were leaning into him with pure, uncomplicated love during those days, but the two little ones would, and it broke through the gloom for him and allowed him to smile.
After the picnic, Anthony would have felt both more motivated to do his duties well so that he could provide for his littlest siblings, and also more confident that he would succeed, because Gregory made him feel that trust. He would feel a new sense of urgency to adjust to his role because he realized he wasn't just Viscount, landowner and ultimate authority in the family, he was a father too, and that would give him pride and fulfillment while he took on so many new responsibilities. This was how Ben guided Gregory to Anthony, and Anthony to the light.
I will also say that I have a new WIP idea for Anthony to kind of mirror this series: moments between Anthony and each of his siblings before all of their weddings. It will take forever bc I need to finish reading all the books, but I've realized it will be a nice companion series to this.
Hope this is some enjoyable bonus content. 💙
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love-strawberry · 2 years
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summary : in which their family goes from two to three and everyone's excited.
pairing : ben barnes x reader
warnings : language
author's note : this is one of my favourite fics till now, hope you enjoy <3
tagged : @mrs-brekker15
part i
part ii
part iv
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liked by benbarnes, kittheyounger, tchalamet and 3,68,974 others
y/n_ i guess life just got more happier and busier
tagged benbarnes
username OMG SHUT UP
benbarnes i love you so much, can't wait to start this journey with you <3
-> y/n_ great, now you made me cry
username IM CRYING
tchalamet oh my, she's already bad as it is in normal days but she must a nightmare pregnant benbarnes
-> benbarnes you don't even know the half of it
-> y/n_ guess who's sleeping on couch tonight
freddycarter1 so so so happy for you guys 🤍🤍
jessie_mei_li my godchild
-> daniellegalligan_ excuse me?!
-> amitasuman_ uhhh yeah?!
-> andrewgarfield hahahahaha- no. MY godchild
danedehaan sending so much love 🧸
username IM CRYINH
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liked by zendaya, y/n_, kittheyounger and 3,682,738 others
benbarnes the moment i found out that i was going to be a dad. nothing could ever come close to the feeling i felt, i can't put it in words. y/n_, thank you so damn much, i love you and i can't wait till our angel is here <3
username awwww this is adorable
username ben is gonna be an amazing dad
username they're both gonna be perfect parents
tchalamet ok, this is adorable
username they've come a long way
y/n_ this caption made mine look sad and small :(
-> benbarnes it was the best thing i've seen in my life darling
-> y/n_ :)
zendaya 🤍🤍🤍
calagan.skogman so much love 🧸 💕
username this kid's genes are gonna be hella fine
username this kid is not even here yet and i already feel ugly
jessie_mei_li tell y/n im coming over with ice cream
andrewgarfield 💓 love you mate, you're gonna be an amazing dad
username dad!ben dad!ben dad!ben dad!ben dad!ben
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liked by amitasuman_, zendaya, benbarnes and 4,682,827 others
y/n_ my kid's just as fashionable as me, meet adelaide celeste barnes-y/l/n
tagged benbarnes
username AWWWW
freddycarter1 i got her that teddy 🧸💕
tchalamet give her back, we were playing
username i love her
username i've only had adelaide for a minute but if something happened to her, i would kill everyone and myself
username she's gonna be so beautiful
benbarnes my angels <3
-> y/n_ we're so lucky to have you <3
zendaya stay right there im omw with tom
jessie_mei_li MY BABY
danedehaan sending onesies rn
aarontjohnson MY GODCHILD
andrewgarfield i love her sm 🤍
username this kid is gonna be loved by so many
username she's so adorable
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liked by aarontjohnson, y/n_, jessie_mei_li and 3,95,672 others
benbarnes it seemed like yesterday i was holding her for the first time and now she's nine months old, grown up. i love you addy, to moon and infinite times back <3
tagged y/n_
username aww but she's one even one ben
y/n_ 'grown up', sir-she's NINE months old
username i love addy, she's so cute
zendaya tell her that i love her, pls
tchalamet i got her that black tshirt :)
username i want to see the cast babysitting addy so bad like it's gonna be chaos
archierenaux3 welcome to the club mam, time goes fast
andrewgarfield there's my goddaughter
username he's so dramatic, he's acting like she's going to college or something
amitasuman_ she looks so cute i love her
username AWWW
username i love ben being a dad
kittheyounger i miss her :(
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by tchalamet, freddycarter1, benbarnes and 3,97,582 others
y/n_ i love my little family
tagged benbarnes
username we all love your little family and that's just facts
benbarnes i love you and our little miracle
-> y/n_ we love you
tchalamet i got her that hat, im gonna make her exactly like me hehe
-> y/n_ sir, please stay away from my child
username ADDY'S SO CUTE
username that baby's more beautiful that i am
username a baby just called me ugly in 638158 language
zendaya omg she looks adorable, tell her i miss her
jessie_mei_li it's illegal for a baby to be this cute
username AWWW
freddycarter1 🤍🌈
archierenaux3 beautiful family 🤍💕
lbardugo my babies 🤧
username IM CRYING
427 notes · View notes
marvelous-harry · 3 years
Maybe in Ben Oliver h, where u said he wears a bandana as collar , the 3 out in public Ben Oliver slight pda Harry getting wound up kicking off being told off in private ?? X
I changed it a teeny tiny bit but the concept is pretty much the same! Ben and Oliver have some very light PDA while out on a walk, Harry gets emotional.
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"Beautiful out here isn't it?" Oliver gushed as they walked along on the path leading them through a forest, a little creek by their side.
"Can we turn back now? I'm tired," Harry called out as he stopped walking and looked over at Oliver and Ben.
"It's not that much further," Oliver replied as he looked back at him. "Come on," he smiled and waved him over with his free hand.
"No. I want to go home!" Harry replied and remained still. "I'll go and you keep walking," he added and went to turn around.
Ben sighed and let go of Oliver's hand before walking back to where Harry had stopped. "What's going on? You not feeling okay?" he asked as he looked Harry over.
Harry looked down at the ground. "I don't want to walk anymore. Want to go back," he said quietly and stuffed his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie.
Ben looked at him even more worried now before glancing over at Oliver. He held out his hand for him. "It's okay, love, we can go back if you want. Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked.
Oliver frowned and jogged over. "You alright, bubs?" he asked concerned.
Harry nodded and bit down on his lip as he turned around and started walking quickly back to the car.
Oliver turned to look at Ben. "What was that all about?" he asked as they followed Harry.
"I'm not sure but he seemed so upset and I have no idea why. He was fine and excited when we got here," Ben told him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
What had taken them about 20 minutes at a slow, leisurely pace one way took them about 5 minutes the way back - Harry beelining for the car.
Oliver unlocked the car and watched as Harry got in right away. "You sit in the back with him, I'll drive," he gave Ben a quick kiss before Ben walked to the back and opened the door. "Hey," he said softly as he saw Harry sitting with his head in his hands.
Harry sniffled and tugged on his hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
Oliver got in the driver's seat and glanced around to make sure no one was watching before turning around and looking at his boys.
"You don't have to be sorry, love. Can you please tell us why you're so upset?" Ben asked softly while reaching out and rubbing Harry's back.
"I got sad," Harry cried quietly, resting his head on the passenger seat in front of him.
"Why did you get so sad, bubs?" Oliver asked as he looked at him.
Harry whimpered. "Cause you and Daddy looked so cute and in love holding hands and kissing and it was without me," he let out a sob. "And I know it's stupid cause I'm the one holding back and not letting you do that to me when we're out. I'm the problem, I'm not being fair," he explained while crying.
Ben pulled Harry upright and held on to his face. "Listen to me. You are not the problem. You're wonderful, and we love you so much. You're allowed to be sad, jealous, upset, and frustrated," Ben said.
"I just know how it goes when they find out. They dig and dig, and they create a wedge between us. This big elephant in the room that suffocates us and then.. and then you leave me and I'm all alone again. I can't do it. I can't lose you, I can't," Harry let out a loud sob and clutched his chest as he heaved for his breath.
Oliver quickly wiped his own eyes before jumping out of the car and getting into the back too.
Ben stroked Harry's face. "Baby, we're not going anywhere. Here for the long haul,"
"I know it's scary thinking about the possibility of us splitting up but we're here now. We're right beside you and we love you," Oliver added and wiped away some of Harry's tears.
"I love you too. So much it hurts," Harry replied as he whimpered.
"Awww, baby," Ben gushed and pulled him close while looking at Oliver with a slightly sad look, feeling heartbroken over how sad Harry was.
Oliver grasped one of Ben's hands and one of Harry's. "It doesn't matter if they know or not. We're together. We know. And this relationship is about us. This means that you are ours, and we are yours, right?" Oliver said as he squeezed their hands.
Harry nodded and sniffled.
"Good boy," Oliver smiled. "Daddy is going to sit in the back with you while I drive, bubs," he said while reaching for Harry's seat belt and reaching across him, buckling him in before tightening the belt properly.
Harry looked up at him, still some tears in his eyes, cheeks still wet.
"Don't be sad, baby. Daddy and I will wait for you to be ready for a thousand years," Oliver told him softly.
"What if I'm still not ready?" Harry asked quietly.
"Then we will wait another thousand years," Ben smiled and put an arm around Harry's shoulder.
Harry let out a deep breath and leaned against Ben. "Okay," he whispered before popping his thumb into his mouth and closing his eyes - exhausted after his little meltdown.
"Okay," Ben repeated and kissed Harry's head before smiling at Oliver. They gave each other hand a squeeze before Oliver got back into the driver's seat, ready to take them home.
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mynumberfivethings · 3 years
Hi! I’m new to this world, I found your account from your stories about five and ageplay. I absolutely love them, I had an idea I thought I could share. I’m assuming this is taking place where littles are known? If not, it is for this idea! One of the siblings plans a fun family event: a day at the circus. It’s all well and good, maybe they get cotton candy. But then the clowns come out. Little Five freaks. And that’s how the Hargreaves discover five is scared of clowns. I hope this makes sense!
the AU does take place in a world where littles are known! and awww that’s precious! this turned out a little longer than intended. oops.
Five has not so fond memories of clowns-memories that have to do with the Commission and a certain overly enthusiastic, overly bloodthirsty co-worker. He doesn’t like to think about the man or that creepy fucking hyper realistic clown mask he never took off. It’s all in the past, after all. 
Or so he thinks, until Five is in his “little” headspace, holding Diego’s hand so he doesn’t get lost in the crowd as they line up to have their tickets taken and be seated. Klaus leans down behind him and grins, confusing the nervousness Five is feeling for jittery excitement. “I heard they use holographic animals in this show. Isn’t that cool?” 
Five nods silently, his grip on Diego’s hand getting a little tighter as the line starts moving. Diego pauses to look down at Five, eyebrow raised. He assumes the kid is tired of standing still-they have been in line for a while now, he knows how much kids hate waiting, how cranky it makes them. “C’mere bud.” Diego scoops him up easily and carries him against his hip. 
Five wraps his arms around Diego’s neck and leans the side of his head against his shoulder gratefully. 
By the time they find their seats Five has calmed down and even nearly forgotten that their might be clowns in the show-instead, he’s looking forward to seeing the amazing holograms and the fun light show. Allison waves down a man selling cotton candy and hands him the biggest fluffiest pinkest one on the tray. 
Vanya chuckles at the expression of absolutely awe on Fives face when he holds the giant ball of cotton candy in his hand. “Oh god, Allison, he’s not gonna sleep for a week straight if he eats that.” she says, as she watches Five take his first bite. 
Allison shrugs, already taking out her phone to take photos of Five as he demolishes the sugary snack. Luther, ever the responsible sibling, searches the inside of his backpack for wet wipes and upon finding them, reaches across to clean Fives face, once he’s finished eating. He’s sticky with the cotton candy, hands, cheeks and even his nose. Five makes little grumbling noises as he’s wiped down but lets Luther do it without any real qualms. 
Ben buys them all a bunch of light up neon wands to wave around when the show starts. Five and Klaus end up play fighting with the wands until Vanya threatens to take them away after they get a little too close to hitting someone sitting in the row below them. Klaus sticks his tongue out at Vanya and they both laugh when Five gasps and says, “Not nice!” 
Ben ruffles Fives hair lovingly and nods in agreement. “That’s right, not nice Klaus.” 
Klaus rolls his eyes but he’s smiling too. 
Suddenly the lights all go off at once and they’re enveloped in total darkness. Five grips the closest hand next to him, his heart thundering in his chest. Is this part of the show? He can’t see a thing. Is something wrong? Is it-
Diego puts his other hand atop Fives and leans over to whisper into his ear. “It’s ok buddy, just the show starting.” 
Five gulps. “Ok.” 
A single yellow light pops up center stage to illuminate a man in a top hat and striped pants and it’s clear he’s here to make an introduction. Five peers up, now curious. The show is amazing-an understatement, really-the animals float seamlessly over the audience and Five even got to reach his hand out and almost touch an elephant! Everything is bright and colorful and Five awes at the trapeze artists in their glittery leotards who swing from so high up. 
Everything is going swimmingly, right up until a polka dotted buggy drives right onto the stage and out come not one, not two, not three, but four clowns! They’re not scary, Five tells himself, it’s just makeup, he has to remember, just makeup and silly clothes and too big shoes, is all. There is nothing to be afraid of. 
Except that all the logic big Five is trying to put into little Five’s head isn’t staying in said head. All Five can remember right that moment is Charles from the Commission. Like Five, Charles didn’t enjoy wearing those ridiculous animal mascot hats-instead, he went the elaborate route of painting on a clown face before every mission. Five knows this because it was one of the few none solo missions he’d been assigned in his short time at the Commission. 
Charles was a quiet man-something Five hadn’t minded at all back then, seeing that he didn’t have much to say to strangers, either. The targets were five individuals who had very little in common, except for the fact that they would all be attending a childrens charity event on a crisp Saturday evening. 
It hadn’t been Five’s idea to burn down the building, and with it, hundreds of people-including their targets-but Five hadn’t been able to stop Charles, either, and that would haunt him for quite some time. 
He remembers standing outside of the building set aflame, remembers the agonized screaming coming from inside, remembers the helplessness he felt, and most of all, he remembers Charles the fucking clown stood next to him, laughing so disturbingly that the sound of it would be a reoccurring soundtrack in Fives nightmares for years to come. 
So when the clowns begin to walk into the crowd Five remembers Charles and it doesn’t matter that these clowns don’t have a penchant for murder, Five can feel all that cotton candy start to make its way back up his esophagus and the panic in him rising as they come closer and closer. 
His breath stutters in his chest when he blurts out, “Wanna go home.” but the music is so loud that not a single one of his siblings hear him and the clowns are coming closer and closer and closer still. Without another thought Five disappears, only a swoosh of electrifying blue any indication that he was once even there. 
That, the Hargreeves notice immediately. “Five?!” 
“Do you think he went home?” Allison asks, already calling the landline at the house. 
Vanya shrugs, looking around the stands, hoping Five got an inkling for a stuffed animal or something-though that’s very out of character for him. “He rarely ever teleports when he’s in his little headspace.” 
Ben nods, “Yeah, I think the only times he does is if he wakes up little from a nightmare-he blinked onto my bed and scared the living shit out of me last week. Maybe something frightened him?” 
Diego huffs. “Five’s been jumpy since we got here. I thought he was just excited, ‘cause we’ve never been to one of these places, but-” he curses, “I should’ve known it was something else.” 
Klaus pats him comfortingly on the shoulder, “None of us noticed something was wrong, this isn’t just on you. Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” 
They search all over until Luther calls out for them to meet him in a bathroom stall, where they finally find Five, huddled over a toilet, throwing up. 
“Oh honey,” Allison rubs his back gently, “I shouldn’t have given you all that cotton candy, I’m sorry.” 
Five shakes his head and when he looks up his face is stained with tears. “W-wanna go home.” he begs. “Please.” 
“Of course, baby,” Allison brushes the bangs away from his face and takes a tissue out of her bag to wipe at his tears. “Can you stand up?” 
Five sniffles miserably. “Up?” 
Luther takes that as his cue to pick up the little and tuck him securely against his chest. “Alright buddy, let’s get outta here, yeah?” 
Five nods, his fingers gripping at Luthers shirt desperately.
He’s still shaking visibly by the time they get back home. 
They quickly conclude it couldn’t have just been the cotton candy making Five sick that made him react so poorly. It had to be something else. 
“Hey,” Vanya scoots onto the couch next to Five and draws him into her arms so that his back is up against her chest. He goes easily, relaxing minutely at the comforting touch.
Klaus comes into the living room with Fives favorite sippy cup and offers it to him. "I put some gingerale in there to help your stomach, Fivey, so drink up, ok?"
Five nods, holding onto the cup with both hands.
"Hey, you know you can talk to us, right? Did something happen to upset you so bad?" Allison squeezes his knee gently, imploring.
Five shakes his head, his breath hitching. He drops his cup and brings the palms of his hands up to his eyes, making a face and a noise of discomfort before looking up again. The switch from his little headspace to his big headspace is almost instantaneous.
His siblings can tell immediately-any softness and vulnerability in Fives eyes is suddenly replaced with a guarded expression. He backs away from both of his sisters, embarrassed. "Sorry," he says, clearing his throat, "I'm fine."
Diego rolls his eyes. "I'm calling bullshit. Five, you cried the entire way home. Hell, you look like you wanna cry right now. No one is gonna judge you. You can open up to us." He insists.
Five bites his bottom lip anxiously and folds his arms across his chest. He knows he's not fooling anyone. "It's stupid." He mutters.
"No one is going to force you to talk about it if you're not comfortable," Allison says, pointedly looking at Diego, who sighs and shrugs. "But, Diego is right, we're not here to judge you. We just want to help."
Five gulps and looks away. "It was the clowns." He murmurs under his breath, so low they barely hear him.
"The what?" Ben asks, leaning forward.
Five groans. "It was the fucking clowns, ok?" He admits, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't...like clowns."
Luther raises a brow. "Are you...? Really? You're not trying to pull our legs? You are scared of clowns?" He can't help but be incredulous. Five isn't afraid of anything. Not anything tangible, at least.
"Yes, ok?" Five snaps out. "During my stint at the Commission I had to-" he cuts himself off abruptly. He can feel his chest growing tight. "Look, I don't exactly have the most pleasant memories regarding clowns and I'd really rather not talk about it."
Five is shaking again. Trembling a little more subtly than he had been in his little headspace, but trembling nonetheless, and his siblings all take note.
Vanya reaches out slowly, giving Five well enough time to back away. She rests her hand above his shoulder. "C'mere." She nudges him softly and is surprised when Five actually lets himself be pulled into her arms without any qualms.
Five turns so that his face is hidden against Vanyas neck, he hunches over, making himself all the smaller. "Sorry I ruined our day out." He mutters.
"Nonsense!" Klaus exclaims. "We left early and skipped out on all the traffic, not to mention all of Allison's road rage."
Allison playfully smacks Klaus' arm. "I do not have road rage!"
Five huffs out what sounds like a laugh. He sits up but sticks close to his siblings this time, wiping at his face with his sleeve. "You do, though."
"See? Told you." Klaus sticks his tongue out at her.
"Hush, at least I can drive," Allison waves him away. "You have no room to criticize here."
Klaus gasps, as though offended. "Gays can't drive, everyone knows that. Way to be insensitive." He can feel Ben's eyes rolling even if he can't see him.
Vanya hums. "I mean, I can drive, so..."
"Betrayal," Klaus shakes his head. "Betrayal of the highest kind Vanya. Truly."
This devolves quickly into the Hargreeves arguing over who in fact is the best driver in the family.
Five lets himself curl up on the couch between Vanya and Diego. He listens and sometimes even interjects as the bickering ensues among his siblings, the tightness in his chest slowly loosening.
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
Ok but H7 going to the past is one thing... How about Penn going to the past?
There's another briefcase Five and Reader are safeguarding but before they can hide it away, Reader and Five are called away (could be a mission but my personal fav idea is that the Hargreeves and H8 are causing a commotion about something and Reader and Five have to go deal with it). Penn is too young to not know to touch it and Reader and Five thought he wouldn't be able to anyway since he was asleep when they left it in the room for literally 2 seconds while they go to deal with their obnoxious family. But Penn wakes up cuz of the noise and what would a toddler be if not curious so Penn goes to the big black box and fiddles with it and WHOOP he's in the past. Now the options for *which* part of the past is interesting cuz it could be:
A) Teen!UA. They see this little kid emerge from one of the rooms and are literally *shocked pikachu faces* cuz HOW? WHERE? HUH? These teens have never even met a baby before and then he starts crying and asking for Mommy and Daddy but who even are his parents? How did he even get in the house? But it's Vanya who notices that the little boy has A LOT of young Five's features (it's sort of creepy honestly) and for a moment they all wonder if this isn't Five himself except of course it isn't and then Penn probably accidently phases through something and then Ben figures it out and they all realize it's Five and Reader's son and just... Chaos.
Cue the Teen!UA hiding Penn from Reginald because they absolutely WILL NOT let their abusive father touch their nephew until Five and Reader come to get him back.
B) Penn appears at a time after Reader comes back to the past and she has the same reaction to coming across the toddler in the house as Teen!UA would but then the toddler looks like her and old childhood pictures of Five (there aren't many but Grace did take a few without Reggie knowing) and then eventually Reader and Five come to get Penn obviously. They're beside themselves with worry in any timeline he appears in and young!Reader gets to see herself and Five but older but is happy cuz that means he finally came back to her and the fact that they have a son means they're together which means her Five who's still stuck in the future does love her back too.
C) Penn appears during the apocalypse time period when Five is running around trying to fix things and it causes even more chaos than usual because on top of everything there's this unknown baby to deal with. Allison is the most adept at caring for children obviously cuz of Clair and then Five comes home and Reader already is home and then Penn recognizes his mom and dad even if they look a little different and runs to them. Cue Reader and Five blushing because WHAT? Penn refuses to leave their side tho and this (alternate timeline) apocalypse is averted simply because Allison calls Vanya over to tease Five and Reader see her nephew and Penn leads to Hargreeves family bonding time which greatly helps them not kill each other and Penn really loves his Auntie Vanya and that just really helps Vanya feel better about herself and that she matters so luckily she doesn't accidentally kill the whole world.
I was just reading through the H7 in the past asks and then the idea of Penn going to the past crossed my mind. Originally the idea I had was of it being teen!Penn who goes back but then toddler Penn is cuter just made more sense and the comedy aspect is amped up no matter which timeline you choose. I just couldn't fix on ONE time where he could go because there's a lot to unpack in wherever part of the timeline he ends up and each has its own chaotic hilarity to elaborate on so I decided to mention all three to let everyone decide which they like best.
Awww all of these are so cute! Honestly, Penn would be adorable in any of these situations because he’s just so small and loveable. But you mentioned Teen!Penn accidentally traveling through time gave me an idea. Like, imagine he asked Five to teach him how to jump through time and they had just accomplished seconds and Five was so proud. Five says they can move onto minutes and Penn just gets so excited from making his dad proud that he accidentally jumps far back in time by accident and meets the Teen!UA. And this could go a couple of ways too.
1) He jumps back to pre-Five running away and now he’s there with the complete teen!UA plus the reader and has to tread on eggshells to not mess up the timeline with them because his existence depends on it
2) post-Five running away so it’s the Teen!UA minus Five. They’re so confused as to who Penn is and Penn being the child of the reader and Five just ignores them and is like:
Penn: [looking at Five’s portrait over the fire] So that’s the portrait that mom hated so much.
Teen!Allison: What? Our mom doesn’t hate that portrait.
Teen!Diego: [mumbles] I do...
Penn: Not your mom. Mine. She’s right, it looks nothing like dad. His eyes are brighter and he should have a more cocky smile.
Teen!Luther: Dad? Wait...Five is your dad?
Penn: Yeah.
Teen!Ben: So who’s your mom?
Penn: Uh, his wife. (Reader) Hargreeves.
Teen!UA: Holy shit...
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vonlipvig · 3 years
Survivor Winners at War Ep 6 Recap
Oh, it’s DOUBLE ELIMINATION time, babey! Probst said time to get some more motherfuckers out of here, STAT!
So, the ep starts with the Yara gang and of course everyone is happy and cheerful that “the wicked witch is dead!” (guys, MEAN, lmao) and I love that for them, but lads...boys...what was the plan going forward? Like, I guess I can understand Ben cause they made it seem that he got closer to the girls, but Adam, babe...you know they would most probably vote you out next tribal, right?
God, the luck these men are having, lmao.
(Tho, hypothetically if they had gotten rid of Sarah, Sophie would have used or at least shown her idol to cause chaos, and then they still couldn’t have remained three strong, so anyway. What happened, happened).
Back to the Edge for now!
(Also, awww now Rob and Amber can be together for a little while, cute!)
It’s scavenger hunt time for the Edglings, everyone goes out to turn over stones, and it’s Tyson that ends up finding the treasure! It’s an Idol Nullifier! He sells it to Parv, who obviously buys it.
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Happy business boy!
And now Tyson has a token...so what is he gonna spend it on? Save it for advantages? Save it for an idol?
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Nope! Peanut Butter! (I mean...fair, you do have to be strong enough to have a chance at the return challenge, and I’ll hand it to him, it is sneaky and hilarious, so yeah...Tyson, you do you, my man.)
It’s challenge time back in the game, and Jeff drops the Double Tribal bomb, which...yeah, definitely sucks, especially with such tiny tribes. Challenge is the pass the bags of rice through the tiny hole, then get the balls inside them and do the wobbly table maze thing were you gotta put the balls in the three holes in the center (I have a feeling I’d be SHIT at that one, but wow I wanna try!). And the winner is...Yara! No TC for them, but Sele and Dakal gotta start worrying...
So the situation in Sele...it’s pretty dire, at least for Parv. The guys seem tight, and not even Michele thinks it could work. Michele even goes to Wendell to say that she could vote for him to get Parv’s tokens, and Wendell kinda freaks out at that (which, I mean, understandable, nobody likes having votes, but oof he’s gETTING ON MY NERVES).
AND THEN, he has the NERVE to ask Parv to give him TWO TOKENS to vote for someone else...AND TO GIVE THEM UPFRONT LIKE??? WHAT KIND OF DEAL IS THAT??? LMAO NOPE.
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Girl, never better said, smh.
But of course she goes and tells the other boys that he was willing to do that, so voting Wendell out is not out of the table...(here my friend was like, “I knew Dom should have won” and oh my god she kiLLED ME FKJHKD)
Back in Dakal, Tony decides it’s time for, OH YEAH BABY YOU KNOW IT, the Spy Shack...
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...but everyone hardcore ignores him and goes to talk somewhere else, lmao.
And then we have...sigh...the Debacle. The Big Move. Oh, lord, this hurts.
So, they want to get Denise out. Tony keeps saying “threats gotta stick together”, so keep Jeremy around because he’s a “bigger threat” and therefore a shield. But Sandra likes Denise, and she says she has friends on the other side, so that would only benefit Tony.
So then she...
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She wants to give Denise her idol in exchange for her fire tokens. And of course Denise is smart and she says “I’ll give you one token now, you give me the idol, I give you the other when we get back”...
...and they do it.
And here’s were my friend and I start grabbing out heads and screaming and going “WAIT, IS SHE...IS SHE PULLING A J.T. HERE!?” because...what the hell was that? She gave her her idol? We’re GIVING IDOLS AWAY? TO THE PEOPLE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE NUMBERS!?
I just...I don’t think there’s one person that thought that this strategy was in any way good. Well, except Sandra.
Oh well.
But Sele’s TC first. They talk, things get REEEEAL awkward because having Michele and Wendell together just makes it awkward, and tHEN Wendell starts bartering with Parv in the middle of tribal and hELLO? RIP to Yul and Nick but I’d be wary, lmao.
But nah, in the end the boys stuck together and they got Parvati out, cue me crying :(
And then we have Dakal...and what do I even have to explain here? Of COURSE Denise uses the idol on herself...THEN she uses her ACTUAL idol on JEREMY...and then Sandra gets voted out. It’s...I’m still flabbergasted at that because how did Sandra even think that was gonna work?
So yeah, Queen has been dethroned for now :(
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 6
I couldn't resist. More live-blogging of this episode.
My poor Allison...
Oh so that's what Handler wants from Five...
Ahah, Luther and Diego pointing out what Reggie did to Vanya and her reaction is awesome.
"no more number 1 or number 2 bullshit" -yes, Diego, baby, you're growing up! Also, him trying to bond with Luther and Vanya on his own accord is so fucking cute...
Klaus doing yoga 😆
Oh, so confirmed that the cult started by accident.
"you're a narcissist"? Ben, you've been watching him closely for 16 years, you know that's not true, you know the narcissism is just a mask, you know Klaus is actually insanely empathetic and compassionate.
Oh, wait, Ben is only saying this crap because he doesn't want Klaus to disband the cult. I get it now, Ben is the one being selfish here.
Oh, so the girl Ben likes is Jill... Boy is smitten.
Ahahah, Ben freaked out by the yoga poses 😆
Jesus, they really don't give Klaus space to breathe.
"my name is Klaus's and I'm an alcoh--- Ah, sorry, that's the wrong meeting" 🤣🤣🤣
Oh God, this is turning into a Spartacus thing... Oh, it's not.
There they go objectifying him and only hearing what they want to hear... These dudes are almost as bad as the ghosts.
Oh so it DID turn into a Spartacus thing!
Klaus tries to do the right and it always blows up in his face, huh?
Ray's priorities though 😆
Ahahah, Allison and Ray pulling a 'Pretty Women' rodeo drive scene 🤣 love it
That's a beautiful dress, Allison 😊
Wait! She's using her powers without the 'rumor' prefix! 😲 Yes!!!!!!
Oh, Allison is losing control... Is this the cost? Getting lost in the power trip? I mean, we already knew but not too this extent.
Lila, your mom is actually protecting you here. Listen to her.
Handler teasing Lila about Diego really is such a mom thing to do.
"I know you fancy yourself a spiritual guru..." - no, Ben, have you not been paying attention? That's literally what Klaus thinks he's NOT but nobody will listen to him. You're right that he needs help though.
Ok, Klaus is right. Ben keeps contradicting himself about what Klaus should do.
"you sound just like Dad" Oh, shit that's a really mean insult in this family 🥺
Holy crap, was that possession?????
That looks severely uncomfortable.
"I think I was inside of you" -.... No, no, too easy, I'm not going to say it. 🤐
Awww, Klaus doesn't even care about the punch.
Dave likes Dune, huh? Good taste.
Oh, the dog tags.... 😭
"it's an honor to die for my country" -no, honey, not like this
Oh shit, timeline changed, timeline changed! Dave is going to wear early. Oh no, oh no, oh no.
The shaking... Poor Klaus... How hasn't he snapped yet?
Swedes in the sauna, of course.
Strategically placed steam 😆
Ah! The Swedes FINALLY talk!
Ouch! Right for the balls. I'm starting to really like Handler.
"unharm my wiener" 🤣🤣🤣 poor boy
Handler, is this your attempt at protecting your daughter from feelings? It's twisted and evil but almost cute.
What the hell does "lavender" mean? Her perfume or something?
Southland Life?
The elevator scene! They really did all come together, I love it when Five is right.
AHAHAHAHAHAH What's with Luther and the stink jokes this season? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
'Daddy's girl' 😆
"team zero" I actually like that Diego keeps harping on the no numbers thing.
"classic" 😆
"hey pop, how's it hanging?" 🤣
"dead, yes, but I'm here! Klaus! Tell them I'm here!" -yes, please, Klaus, it's so cruel that you keep denying him that... 😣
"what are you writing?" Everybody leaning in and Diego getting all nervous. XD they are so conditioned, poor children.
The punch! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"no, Vanya, don't!!!" Everyone is so scared of her but yet they are still making an effort to include her and that's so important!!
"oops" -that is not the smile of someone that means that oops, Vanya 😆
Reggie's sarcasm 🙄 I can see where half these siblings got their sass now.
Jesus Christ, Reginald is emotionally tearing Diego apart 😭 as much as Diego claims not to care what their father thinks, he cares, he really cares, they all do. I doesn't matter if you know that your parent is abusive, you will always have that visceral pain response of betrayal when they attack you and you will always in some way crave their approval. It's the terrible power imbalance of parental abuse.
There's the stutter! Poor Diego... Don't cry, baby...😭😭😭
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Oh shit, Ben!
Reggie is not impressed. I get a feeling that they might have accidentally convinced him to NOT to adopt them...
"you in the cullotes" 😆 Reggie immediately tagged who the leader is
"I feel so violated" -why are they playing this for laughs?? It's horrible!
"oh, possession is a strong word, I'd like to say 'borrowed you'." -ok, so I get why Ben did that, Klaus pushed him too far and he got desperate. But please, PLEASE tell me Ben understands the seriousness of what he did and doesn't start abusing this ability without Klaus's consent.
ok, a serious thought now: no wonder Klaus did drugs, it was the only thing he could control in his life, the only way he had to take some control back, and this possession thing now only makes that more obvious. He has no control over his body if someone decided to take it, no control over the powers that make him see the dead everywhere, no control over his family life (the fact that Reginald locked in the mausoleum is just the tip of the iceberg in his lack of power), no control of the circumstances that killed the love of his life, no control over the masses that objectify him no matter how much he tries to tell them he isn't their savior and to leave him alone, he just has no control and nobody seems to get that, that's why him falling off the wagon is so serious and should be addressed by the family. Klaus deserves a family that cares about his suffering!!!
Congratulations to Luther for standing up to dad for the first time but Vanya is the only one with her priorities straight and goes straight to comforting Diego. And Diego immediately goes back to his passive-aggressive defense system...
I need more Diego-Vanya bonding in my life.
Poor Klaus... At least hold him properly, Luther.
I get a feeling this Grace is going to end up dying and I really don't want that to happen...
"technically I'm older than you right now" -no, Five, your not, you have no idea how old Reginald really is, he arrived in the US a full grown adult in the beginning of the century, he's inhumanly old (I never understood how he suddenly looked old in 89 when he adopted them considering that in 63 he looks almost as he did when he first arrived in the US so those decades before).
Ah, so that's what the ancient Greek was.
Reggie actually dishing out some wisdom and doing so patiently... Who is this?!
Don't you dare apologize, Five! You have nothing to apologize for!
Geez, Reggie and Five acting like they could be friends in different circumstances is actually surprisingly creepy. It also speaks to how fucked up even Five is about Reggie's abuse, even at almost 60 he's still clinging to the idea that maybe Reginald knows everything and has all the answers, he's still hoping that their suffering was for a reason and that Reginald might be proud of him. It's sad.
A cat? Are Swedes... Yes, the Swedes are in Elliot's house. Please don't let Elliot die, I like the poor weirdo.
The Swedes were more interesting when they didn't talk. (Still want to know what the glittery stuff they were drinking is).
"they do not abide women like us around here" -there or anywhere else, Sissy, it's 1963, homosexuality is literally illegal and considered a mental illness
Sissy actually makes a very good point.
Ok, this conversation is already veering their relationship into much healthier territory! Good. But now I'm scared for Sissy...
Damn, I hadn't even finished typing that last sentence and my fears were already proven right. Fucking Carl saw them.
Oh please, let Elliot be alive...
Damn it, I liked Elliot. He was so good to this family... 😩😠���
"öga för öga"? Seeing as Elliot has something stuck in his eye, I'm going to guess that means 'eye for an eye' or something?
Ok, I googled it, yes, it's 'eye for an eye'.
1982, huh? I'm guessing where about to see badass Five? I hope so.
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luuuna-rambles · 4 years
Lost Rewatch: 3x16 One Of Us
You get it, guys? It’s a reference to One Of Them - where everyone thought Henry Gale was a good guy, but he was actually an Other. Now eveyone thinks Juliet is an Other, but she’s actually... well, it’s complicated
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Jeez, this is why I don’t ship Jate. They don’t talk about anything
And while Jack seems to be acting coy just for the sake of acting coy, what does Kate hope to get out of this conversation? The Others wouldn’t tell Jack anything, and she’s gobshite at emotional support (with the men, at least)
Once again, pour one out for Juliet’s flashback hair
Juliet and Rachel’s relationship is adorable and I’m still mad they never did anything with it
Oh piss off, Jack. What, were you not expecting Sayid to be the least bit suspicious?
Awww, look at Sawyer helping Claire with her headache. Start of that relationship proper
Sawyer and Jack shake hands and I am suddenly reminded how long it’s been since the two of them said a single word to each other. The last time was the season 2 finale
Yo, that might be the only time Hurley ever threatens anyone. And... it’s quite scary, coming from him
Wait, why is Goodwin in the surgery with Juliet? I thought he worked at that chemical place?
Why is Ben so against letting anyone leave the island at this point? We see several Others leave and come back before and after this point, and this is way before the communications go down
Ben, you manipulative little prick. Obviously Rachel’s cancer hasn’t come back, and at the very least Jacob promising to cure it is complete bs
Also, why isn’t Rachel allowed to come here? It’s not like she’d be a burden, she seems pretty smart, and there seem to be families as part of the Others - Goodwin seems to be here just because his wife is a therapist, and why else would the 16-year-old Karl be here?
Is Jack supposed to be coming off as a stubborn, unempathetic moron here? Cause that’s sure what it feels like
Hey remember when we had that Claire memory episode? And Juliet clearly wasn’t there?
Also, learning that the goal is to keep pregnant mothers alive makes Claire’s storyline completely absurd. Why are they trying to kill Claire and take Aaron? How would that help?
Uh, since when did Sawyer and Sayid pal up? The best they have been with each other is cordial. Hell, they were arguing earlier this very episode!
So, Juliet finds out about Ben’s tumour just before the plane crash. And yet, it’s a different book he’s reading for the book club
Elizabeth Mitchell is quickly moving up the ranks of amazing actors in this show. The scene where Juliet tells Ben about his tumour displays her incredible range in one short scene
And that’s followed by the Juliet vs Sayid and Sawyer scene - another great scene for Juliet!
‘Yesterday you called me a liar’. Wait, so this episode says Ben found out about his tumour the day before the crash? But what about ‘Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumour on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky’? Why are you contradicting yourself in the same season???
Congratulations, Elizabeth Mitchell, you have moved into the very small subsection of actors in this show who can consistently make me cry
Hey remember when this was the last time Juliet ever saw Rachel? And the only time she ever saw her nephew?
And she didn’t even get to meet them in the flash sideways???
No, me neither 😭
Okay, the scene right at the end here is the second time I can remember this show punching me in the gut with a twist in the whole run thus far (The first time being Michael shooting Ana Lucia and Libby). Wtf????? Juliet isn’t on their side???? But she just saved Claire???
But watching back, it is nice seeing the last time Juliet ever taking orders from Ben directly. And also it’s quite funny that Ben’s hubris destroyed him in the end - he still believed, despite everything he’s done to Juliet, that she’s on his side. And that was his undoing
However, why would they put an implant in Claire to make her ill? What’s the point? I thought you were just planning on killing her?
Overall Review:
I love the Juliet episodes. While the plot on-island might be a bit wishy-washy and inconsequential, and Jack is really annoying, the flashbacks are golden. It’s another episode showing off what a threat Ben is, this time on a personal level. And even if you don’t like Juliet at this point, you have to feel sorry for her. Poor baby’s been through so much, and the show is nowhere near done putting her through the wringer
Overall Rating: 8.3/10
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
“It’s Wrecking Us!”
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good Evening folks! How has your Tuesday been? I hope you've been able to keep yourself entertained during our time in lock-down! I'm sure you've all been looking forward to EastEnders this evening as much as I have! Shall we get right to it?!
I thought it was a good episode tonight, let's start at the beginning. Sharon clearly had no idea Ian that blackmailed Karen into leaving with Kayden. I was so hoping Karen was going to convince Sharon to reconsider and take Kayden back once she was good and really, however long that may take. I'm curious whether Sharon will wonder why Ian blackmailed her? Maybe that will be a conversation that will happen in the next few episodes? When Karen first mentioned it, you could see the look of confusion on Sharon's face as she peaked through the door. Sharon has so much support around her but it looks as if she really doesn't care anymore, it was sad when she spoke about people not deserving to be parents, it's obvious she was speaking about herself. I found that quite upsetting, it's really sad to hear those words come from her, she did everything she could for Dennis when he was alive, she doted on her son, it's a crying shame she can't feel the same way about Kayden. How will she ever be able to get through Dennis's funeral, I have a horrible feeling that episode is going to be a tough one to watch!  
Awwww, does anyone else feel proud of Linda for standing up to Shelley?! I sure as hell do!! It's been a long time coming for her, that's for sure, I'm so happy Linda put her in her place! I know it was just a small part of the soap but it was a moment that really stood out for me! It was lovely to see the old Linda back and sticking up for herself! Even when Mick showed his love for her, it was just so sweet to see! I hope this is the Mick and Linda we'll be seeing again for the foreseeable!
Ooooh also a bit more of flirting between Habiba and Jags! I don't know whether i'm finding it funny or sweet ... possibly both! They are both quite quirky characters, I think they would gel really well as a couple! Will it even get that far? Will it just be a bit of innocent flirting? We know they're due to spend a night together and possible share a kiss, will that lead to a more permanent relationship? What are your opinions on the possible new romance? Do you think Habiba and Jags suit each other? Let me know what you guys take on these two, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Awwww man, does any else feel for Whitney? How is she going to get back some form of normality? I mean, yes, it's good she's finally out of prison and is eating again (Even though she threw it back up) ... but what she said is right, how can she feel safe in her own home after what happened there? I mean, did you guys see the way she jumped out of her skin as the doorbell rang?! This is going to be a long journey for her to overcome, yes Leo is dead and her trail will be in 9 weeks time, but she'll probably feel like she'll be looking over her shoulder all the time? Will she possibly get counselling to help her move forward? I know i'm asking loads of questions, its just the thoughts going through my head. One thing is for sure she has a long way to go to overcome what she has been through. I was happy to finally see her eat something! I was hoping she'd be back eating something when she'd be free from prison ... thing is though, is there a chance she could possibly go back? She's due a trial right, could she still go to prison for murder or manslaughter? Or will the court actually listen and realise it was all self defence?! Ooooo so many questions about this story-line, i'm really looking forward to seeing how EastEnders continue with Whitney's story-line!
Awww gosh, Ballum were sad tonight! Oh, if only Kathy had keep sh-tum about Ben's possibility of cheating on Callum. Did you see the look on Callum's face?! I mean, he didn't but I think the intention was there! But would Ben ever forgive himself if he did? But luckily we don't have to worry about that as he didn't cheat on his boyfriend! But the look on Callum's face was devastating, after all they have been through including the boat crash, you can understand Callum's disappointment and feeling upset. What is it going to take for Ben to actually realise he loves Callum?! To be honest, I think he knows he already does, but perhaps he feels scared to say anything yet? When they were having that argument in the kitchen, you could both see how they were both hurting in different ways. Callum feels that Ben doesn't care that much about him at all, his recent behaviour hasn't been the best recently, but then again, how else is he supposed to react to losing his hearing? It's a difficult one I feel, Callum is doing all he can to support Ben and yet his boyfriend is just lashing out in anger because that's the only way he knows how to react ... he's scared, upset, frustrated ... lashing out is only the way Ben can cope! I think Jack spoke some true words to Ben, will he really take his advice and keep a straight head now?! When they were arguing, Ben was constantly say "I'm sorry!" ... did you see his look of panic when Callum said he couldn't carry on with it all, Ben does not want to lose him! He needs Callum! Ben's hearing loss is another hard story-line to watch and I think EastEnders and Max Bowden are portraying it brilliantly! When Ben broke down crying"I'm sorry!" Callum knew he couldn't walk away, Ben needs him now more than ever. For a moment, I did think Ben was going to shout out those three little words ... we know that moment is coming, and I for one, can't wait to see it when it happens! I can't wait to see the look on Callum's face when Ben says the words he's been longing to hear! Does anyone know when that will happen? After tonight's episode, it's got to be pretty soon right?!
Ahh, so Karen is considering the possibility of leaving with Kayden? I don't really want to see Karen leave, and personally, I don't think she will. If she does come to the decision, I believe something will stop her in her tracks and she'll stay in Walford with her family and bring up baby Kayden into the Taylor household. Can anyone tell me why Keegan looked as if he was the only one who didn't want his Mum to leave? Everyone else seemed understanding, as Bernie put it, baby Kayden is the one who needs looking after right now. We know Keegan is struggling right now, after the way he was treated by police due to the colour of his skin etc, but does anyone feel like he's kinda responsible for Bailey feeling upset? It was Keegan who had words with Mitch about it in the first place, do you think he probably feels guilty for putting those thoughts into Bailey's head that she can't achieve anything?! I think so! (Although I could be wrong). I'm kinda glad Ian told him, basically "Welcome to adulthood!" ... and THANK YOU TIFFANY .... I have been saying this for a while now, I feel the same as Tiffany, I don't get why Keegan is feeling like the colour of his skin is some form of disability! I had no idea that that kind of thing was still happening, if it is, then i'm shocked and I agree it shouldn't be! But she spoke some really true words there, "Every girl has had "The Talk" about what you should wear, where you can and cannot go!" and "Gingers" ... I had no idea society was still like that! I, personally, don't even look twice at a coloured person, because they are just the same as everyone else ... they have two eyes, one nose, two ears, one mouth, two arms and legs and feet just like the rest of us! They still breathe the same way as us, so why should the colour of their skin make them different?! I can kinda understand Keegan's frustration, but i'm glad Tiffany told him some home truths, I hope Keegan will kinda snap out of it now and really start focusing on his future and really trying hard to make something of his life, as he so wants!  
What did you make of tonight's episode? Sadly, that's all of EastEnders we'll have this week and we have to wait until next Monday now for the next episode. I hope you are all keeping yourself safe and staying home! Keep yourself clean and try and entertain yourself as much as possible during these hard times! We will get through this together! Hopefully EastEnders will be back on our screens as normal in a few weeks time? We can only hope, right?! Goodnight everyone! Keep safe! Please feel free to message me anytime you like, I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything EastEnders related! Love you all xXx
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
3 Became 4
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(enjoy this fluffy af pregnancy time lapse bxrxr <3)
Word Count: 2,580
“What does it say!?”
“Why can’t we be in there with you!?”
“It’ll tell you right away, right!?”
“What if you’re too early and it can’t tell!?”
You were pacing your locked bathroom as you listened to your two boys call out questions to you from left and right. You held the tiny pregnancy test in your hand as your eyes keep darting down to the tiny screen that would tell you your fate. You were about two weeks late for your period, which was unusual for you. You never missed a day, so when you did, nerves hit you hard. You first sat the boys down and explained to them what was happening, resulting in Roger passing out and Ben pacing the living room about to have a mental breakdown. When Roger woke up and Ben calmed himself, the scariness wore off when you all realized you might be starting a family. And now you were about to find out. You peek down at the tiny test and your heart almost stops. You can make out wording on the screen, but can’t tell what it says.
“You’ve gone quiet!” shouts Ben.
“Have you read it!?” yells Roger.
You close your eyes, take in a deep breath and turn the test over fully. You open your eyes and look down quickly. Your heart almost stopped. The capitalized and bold word PREGNANT screamed out at you.
“Pregnant.” you barely whisper to yourself, still staring at it. “Pregnant.” you say louder.
“What?” calls out Ben, not hearing you.
“Pregnant!” you shout.
The boys go quiet as you fling open the door and hold the test out for them to see.
“Pregnant!” you repeat, not finding anything else to say.
Their eyes are wide as they both just stare at your hand. They look almost pale as Ben slowly reaches out to grab the test and bring it up to his face. He reads the word and hands it over to Roger. They both look up at you and watch as your smile is huge and you’re beaming. They swear you’re already glowing. You bite your lip and shake your head.
“Pregnant!” you shout once more.
They both break out into huge grins as they rush towards you and embrace you in giant hugs.
“Oh my god…” whispers Roger.
“You’re gonna be a mum.” says Ben, not believing this.
“And you’re gonna be dads!” you say, hugging them both.
The both place hand over your tummy and look down at it, tears brimming in their eyes. You sniffle and watch as they begin talking to your stomach.
“We’re so excited to meet you.” whispers Rog.
“I really hope you look like your mum.” whispers Ben, causing you to playfully smack his arm.
“Whatever it is, they’ll be beautiful and so loved.” you say, placing your hand on top of theirs.
9 Months Later
You were sat on your sofa with a giant, swollen belly. Your due date was two days ago and you were miserable now. Your back hurt, your stomach was sore, small contractions keep hitting you, but the doctors say there’s nothing they can do until your water breaks. Your swollen feet are propped up on the coffee table as you lean your head against the couch. You hear footsteps rush up to you as Ben stares, half scared that you’ve gone into labor.
“Is it time!?” he asks, freaked out.
You laugh and shake your head fast.
“No! Sadly, no. I just really could use some cold water, please?” you ask, giving him puppy dog eyes.
He smiles sweetly and walks up, placing his hand on your swollen belly. He leans forward and kisses you gently.
“Anything you want.” he mumbles, walking away to the kitchen.
You watch him until he’s gone and suddenly feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You place your hand over it and lean forward, squeezing your eyes shut. You groan out and gasp as you let it pass. Roger walks in right as it hits you and he’s next to you in a moment.
“Baby, it’s alright. Just breathe. Maybe we should go in.” he says, rubbing your back.
You shake your head fast and sit up more.
“No! They said we can’t until my water breaks!” you cry out, actual tears falling from your eyes.
Roger frowns and feels helpless as Ben walks back in with a glass of cold water. He notices the look on Roger’s face and your tears hitting the ground below. He places the water down and is at your side in an instant.
“What’s wrong?!” he asks, looking to Roger.
“I think she’s just frustrated.” he says, still rubbing your back. “False contractions are hitting her hard.”
You wipe your eyes and go to reach for the cold water, but another wave of pain hits your hard. You wince and squeeze Ben’s hand hard, making him almost cry out, but not daring to. You hunch forward once more and almost scream at the pain. Your whole stomach tightened up and tensed with the pain. It finally leaves and you’re able to breathe. You lean back and close your eyes, feeling exhausted.
“These seem worse than the other contractions yesterday.” says Ben, watching you closely.
“They seem closer together.” says Roger.
“When did they start?” asks Ben.
You open your eyes and look to him, turning yourself so you’re leaning against Roger, who had his arm around you and rubbing your belly slowly.
“Late last night. I woke up and I…” you start, embarrassed.
Ben and Rog raise a brow as you speak.
“And you what?” they both ask.
Your cheeks flush as you look down at your hands.
“I might’ve… peed a little.” you mumble. “And then that’s when the contractions really set in.” you say fast.
Ben’s eyes are wide as Roger just stares at him.
“Babe, I don’t think you just peed!” he says fast. “I think your water broke!”
You stare at him and your heart beats fast.
“What?” you ask, not wanting it to be true.
“Baby, that’s why your contractions are so bad! You’ve been in labor all bloody night!” says Roger, standing up form the couch. “We’ve gotta go to the hospital!”
Ben stands up and the two boys rush around to grab the emergency bag and gather everything they’ll need. You’re sat on the couch extremely nervous as another wave of pain hits you. You close your eyes and scream out as they stop and run to you. You claw at the couch as the pain hits you hard. A hard, low pressure makes you uncomfortable.
“We’ve gotta go before you have her in the car.” says Ben, helping you slowly stand up.
Roger grabs the car keys and rushes out to get it started. You were on your way to have a baby.
12 Hours Later
After hours and hours of labor, your baby girl was finally here. Her bright eyes and blonde hair made you smile at the tiny, almost curls. She was only a mere 6 ounces, just a tiny thing. It felt like holding a piece of paper when she was in your arms. So delicate and sweet, only being in your stomach 12 hours ago. She was officially in the world and you already wanted to do everything you can to protect her. You were sat on your large hospital bed with Ben and Roger on either side of you. They were admiring her tiny face as she slept in your arms. The three of you decided not to find out who the father was, but it was so clear by her looks that she was Ben's, but you all would never say anything. She looked just like him, you couldn’t believe it, yet Roger would love her like she was his own. Roger kisses your shoulder as Ben gently runs his thumb over the babies chunky cheek. She smiles and moves around, causing them all to ‘awww’.
“You’re an absolute superhero.” whispers Rog, looking at you.
You look over to him and smile widely. He leans in and kisses you.
“Probably the strongest women we know.” says Ben, making you look over and kiss him as well.
Your little girl moves her head and tries to stretch her tiny little limbs.
“She’s so beautiful.” whispers Roger.
You lean your head against his shoulder and nod.
“Like I said before, thank god she looks like you.” teases Ben, causing you all to laugh and your baby girl to smile in her sleep. You finally had your little family you always wanted.
6 Months Later
“Ouch! Dammit!”
You’re folding laundry when you hear Roger shout out in pain. You drop the shirt you’re holding and rush into the living room, being greeted by a freaked out Ben as well. You both look to Roger as he holds your daughter with his finger in his mouth. He looks in pain as he looks up to you two.
“She bit me! And then laughed!” he says, frowning.
Your bubbly little girl looks up to him and then belly laughs, causing Roger’s face to soften and for him to smile down at her.
“Who could be mad at that face?” asks Ben as he walks up to them.
He leans in and kisses Roger and then kisses the top of her head.
“She’s teething baby,” you explain. “She’s gonna want to chew on everything now. Especially your fingers.”
Roger looks down at her and gives her a serious look.
“Do you feel bad for hurting daddy?” he asks.
Her face goes serious for a moment and then she bursts into laughter once more, causing you to cover your mouth to hide your laughing.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.” he whispers to her.
3 Months Later
Your little girl officially had her first birthday and it was a success. Planning it had been so much fun and you had enough pictures to last a lifetime. When her party was over and bed time was nearing, Ben was sat on the floor with her and holding her little hands as she stood up on her own. He let go of her and clapped his hands, smiling wide.
“Come on, baby! Walk to daddy! Walk to me, sweet girl!”
She smiles at him and then falls on her butt. He helps her back up and tries it again.
“Alright, baby! You got this! Walk to daddy!”
This time, she takes a step and then another, walking to him successfully. Ben’s eyes go wide as he catches her in his arms. She looks up at him while she’s blabbing as he calls out for you and Roger.
“Y/n! Roger! She took her first steps! Her first steps!” he yells.
Seconds pass when Roger and you emerge from the bathroom with towels wrapped around you. You’re completely soaked as you rush to the living room and pause, almost out of breath.
“She walked!” he says again.
“Ben, are you sure?” asks Rog, walking up to them.
Your baby bounces in Ben’s arms as she coos.
“She did! I swear! Watch!”
He scoots her back and lets go, encouraging her once more to walk to him, but she doesn’t. You and Roger watch him with narrowed eyes as you shiver from the cold.
“Ben…��� you say.
All of a sudden, your tiny girl takes step after step and walks into Ben’s arms once more. All of you gasp as your mouth falls open.
“She… She walked!” you squeal. “Did you see that!? She walked!”
“I told you!” shouts Ben, excited.
“I’ll get the camera, don’t move!” yells Roger as he runs away, almost slipping.
2 Weeks Later
“Say ma-ma.” you slowly say to your baby, who’s sitting in her high chair. “Ma-ma.”
She smiles widely, her green eyes bright. She slaps her hand on the tiny table and laughs. You smile and continue on with your practice.
“Say ma-ma, baby girl. Ma-ma.”
The boys walk in from outside and smile when they watch their two girls hanging out. They understand what you’re trying to do as they walk up and kiss you.
“Hi, baby!” whispers Roger as he kisses the top of her head, making her giggle.
“You trying to get her to say mama again?” asks Ben, opening a drink from the fridge.
You frown and nod. You look back to her and smile.
“Ma-ma! Ma-m-”
Everyone in the kitchen freezes as her tiny voice fills the silence.
“Did she just-”
“Don’t even say it.” you warn him, hissing.
“Dada!” she says again.
The two boys hold back laughs as they walk closer.
“She said dada!” Roger whispers, looking at Ben.
“Go get the camera!” says Ben, causing Roger to rush away.
“I can’t believe she said dada! Say dada, baby!” he says to her.
“Dada!” she says even louder.
“Good girl! You’re so smart, aren’t you? Dada!”
“Ben,” you warn him. “Say dada again and it’s the last thing you hear.”
He smirks and grabs your face to kiss you as Roger rushes back in with the camera up to his face.
“Keep that tone of voice and I’ll have you saying dada all night long.”
First Day of Preschool
“Does she have everything?” asks Ben, a nervous wreck.
It was her very first day of school and the three of you were on edge and super sad. First time your baby girl would be away from you. She was getting so big and it broke your heart. You’re stood in front of her classroom as other little kids played inside. You were already a crying mess as you bend down to face her. She watched the kids inside and her big green eyes looked excited. She looked back to you and smiled. Roger and Ben bend down with you and their eyes are glossy and red as well.
“Are you ready, baby?” you ask her, your voice trembling.
The boys rub your back, trying to calm you. She nods fast.
“I’m ready, mummy.” she says.
You smile and move a piece of her hair behind her ear.
“Give daddies a hug bye.” you say.
She rushes to Roger and squeezes his neck before kissing him on the cheek.
“Bye, daddy.”
She rushes to Ben and does the exact same.
“Bye, daddy.”
“Bye, baby.” they both say.
She looks back to you and hugs your neck tightly, surprising you. You hug back and squeeze your eyes shut, allowing a few tears to spill.
“Bye, mummy.” she says softly.
“I love you.” you whisper in her ear.
She leans away and notices a tear on your cheek. She hurriedly uses her tiny hand and wipes it away, making you all smile.
“I love you more.” she says.
You kiss her forehead and stand up, followed by the boys.
“Go have fun, baby.” you say, looking towards the room.
She smiles wide and waves at you all as she turns and rushes into the room with her tiny backpack on. She turns around mid room and waves at you all once more, making you smile and sniffle again.
“She’ll be fine.” says Roger, kissing your head.
“It’s only for a few hours.” reminds Ben.
“I know.” you say. “She’s just getting so big.”
They wrap their arms around you and agree. You all walk away from the room and begin heading to the car. You were the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.
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supergrossie · 4 years
i’m watching the pilot of the o.c. and i’m gonna liveblog that shit bc why not
oh my god baby ryan atwood long ass time no see... all the fuckin heart eyes <3 <3 <3  <3 
holy shit trey was a different actor in the pilot? damn who knew
ben kinda looks like a baby ryan gosling ngl
“Dude, I’m on your side...” iconic
sandy cohen’s eyebrows are legendary...drop the brow care queen 
mrs. atwood’s outfit is a fucking mood
all the pent up angst of my teenage years have come flooding back w/this theme song...i could cry
“you’re endangering our home” wow how karen of you kiki smh
“he sleeps in the pool house” HE AINT A DOG KIRSTEN. but aww she’s getting him fresh sheets. k....slightly redeemed
“Who are you?”  “Whoever you want me to be.”  “Okay...”  THE MOST ICONIC GODDAMN MEET CUTE OF THE CENTURY MOTHERFUCKERS.
i don’t remember mischa’s voice being this high. 
k i’m putting the rest under a cut this is getting long
ugh the pool house...i spent all my best teenage years in that pool house
SETH...”Hey..” “Hey...” classic.
did they really  just go sailing 2 hours after meeting...i love it. 
oh my god i forgot seth named his boat after summer BEFORE ever having spoken to her. that’s prime incel material right there
why are the feds after jimmy again i forgot
ok yeah he’s knee deep in some fraud shit lmao.
“suck it queer” lol you stay classy too Luke
oh my god i forgot summer hit on ryan too damn boy is just making waves.
SWING SWING SWING FROM THE TANGLES OF MY HEART IS CRUSHED BY A FORMER LOVE...ugh...14 year old me is somewhere sharpie decorating her pink converse
oh my god HANDS UP this is ALL my gotdamn tween party playlists i’m crying
“Isn’t it like, so beautiful? The sand and the water?” this extra girl’s flirt tactic is out of this world
where is Julie Legend Cooper— omg speak of the devil THERE SHE IS “JImmyyyyY? Did you get my Froyo?!” iconic. ok you know what’s not iconic, pistachio froyo. who tf has pistachio froyo. 
why is it always a running trope in this teen shows that the parents also talk about their “wild” days? Serena’s mom and Rufus talked about this NONSTOP on gg too. what even.
ugh RYAN + MARISSA FOREVER, other teen couples just don’t compare. truly romeo + juliet. 
was that a kristin cavallari cameo
is summer trying to grope ryan. god i totally blanked how hot she was for him in this ep i thought she never had a minute for him from the beginning. awww seth is upset now, great.
i truly did not understand the implications of being from chino as a 14 year old 
Here it comes...it’s coming... “WELCOME TO THE O.C., BITCH! THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE IN ORANGE COUNTY.” by beating up nerds and kids from chino, apparently.
omg mazzy star, did not remember.
should not be commending ryan in my head for not touching a passed out marrisa but these are the sad standards we have sunk to 
“I was 22, i stank of patchouli, and I lived in the back of a mail truck.” I SWEAR TO GOD LILY VAN DER WOODSEN SAID THIS EXACT GODDAMN THING. 
that map slap. ugh. best brothers-who-arent-brothers relationship in the entire damn television history
ugh that shot of Marissa receding as they drive away. ICONIC. LEGENDARY. UNFORGETTABLE
ugh this end music... more memories. damn that was good pls take me permanently back to Newport in 2004 where everything was beautiful and nothing hurt, and your biggest problem was some blonde douche bully named Luke, thanks. 
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