#avatar x reader period
sivyera · 1 year
Hey! So like I have a request, maybe where ao’nung, lo’ak, neteyam, jake sully(maybe) find out that there s/o who is human have periods? 😭 this is so awkward to type. I just need something wholesome 💀
I apologize for such a long respond! It's little hard to organize so many requests... forgive me please and I hope you will like it!
Avatar men finding out what period is
ft. jake sully, neteyam, lo'ak, ao'nung
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⤷ jake sully
Jake know what period is. After all he was a human before he came to Pandora. But what he didn't know was that how painful your period is. So when he came to your hut and find you on the floor curled up in a ball and writhing in pain, his first thoughts was that someone hurt you. But after you explained him that it's just your period cramps, he relaxed a bit. He was really sweet, caring and understanding. He bring you your fav food and some water, after you told him that you just want to be hold by him, he was so happy.
,,Of course, baby I can cuddle with you, all day, all night if you want. I know it hurts but I'm here for you and everything is gonna be okay. Are you comfortable like this, I'm not hurting you when I'm holding you like this, right? Good, I love you, my princess.'' jake said to you while holding you in his arms kissing your forehead.
⤷ Neteyam
Netey wouldn't know anything about period. So when he find you laying on the floor in his hut wailing in pain, he got scared. Did someone hurt you? Did you hurt yourself? Did Lo'ak did or say something to you? So many questions popped up in his head. But when you told him that it was just period cramps he was hella confused. So you had ro explain it to him. He was surprised that this is actually happening to women. He asked if you need anything and when you told him that you just want him to hold you, he didn't wait a second.
,,I'm so sorry darling that you have to go through this, it looks painful. Do you want me to bring you anything? Like a water or some food or a blanket? Anything you want, name it and I will bring it to you." neteyam said to you while he was having you on his chest playing with your fingers.
⤷ Lo'ak
Lo'ak as well wouldn't know what period is or period cramps, but when he found you in your hut crying and curled up in a ball he would get into a protective bf mod and ran to you. Asked so many questions like if someone hurt you. When you told him about that you're just having your period, he calmed down but within a second he was like - what period? what is that?? You explained him everything and he was speechless. You just wanted a little comfort from him and of course like a loving, touch starved and little clingy boyfriend, he happily gave you what you wanted.
,,I'm here mama, don't worry I got you in my arms. You are safe now, nothing can hurt you. Auu, baby let me look at you belly I'm gonna rub it gently. Is it little better when I stroke your belly like this? Okay, great. Ohh how I love you, my baby." lo'ak said to you while you were laying next to each other, face to face in your hammock.
⤷ Ao'nung
Ao'nung was hella confused. You were supposed to go hunting but when you didn't came he got worried, so he made his way to your marui but he didn't expect to find you laying in your hammock holding your belly and wailing in pain with tears in your eyes. His own eyes softened when he saw you in such a vulnerable state. He ran to you and cup your face in his hands. When you told him that it's just period cramps, he was even more confused. You had to explain it to him. He was surprised and speechless. But he gave up on hunting right after you told him that you want to cuddle.
,,My love, I hate seeing you in pain. Would my kisses help? Or do you want me to give you a little gentle massage? I love you so much and it hurts me to see you like this, but don't worry everything will be okay, I'm here for you." ao'nung said to you, while he was spooning you and kissing the back of your neck.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Human Stuff - Neteyam x Human! Reader (afab)
summary: the one where a confused na’vi teenager tries to comfort his human friend while she’s on her period 
warnings: menstruation talk, feeding food
wc: 2.3k
a/n: can you tell that i’m on my period and this is all i want rn
also, neteyam not knowing about periods can be canon? i just read that na’vi are non-placental, so they most likely don’t menstruate like primates. eywa be looking out for her girlies lol. but what do i know
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Neteyam walks into the science facility confidently, knowing every nook and cranny like the back of his hand. Growing up, he has spent countless hours here with his siblings, and especially lately, he has been here every other day. His eyes search for you through the glass windows of the labs where he knows he is not allowed to step a foot in, ears perked up for a sign of you, even though it’s awfully quiet. The facility is mostly empty, and he assumes that the rest of the group is probably in their avatar bodies, busy with research. But it’s you that he’s looking for. 
Ever since you arrived at Pandora, Neteyam liked you right away. Roughly translated, the two of you were close in age, and had similar humor. Your father was the team lead of entomologists, and since you weren’t an actual scientist like the rest of the group, you had a lot of spare time to spend with Neteyam, exploring the forests. Your weekly meet ups with him became so familiar, that when you don’t show up at your regular meeting spot, Neteyam has to come and fetch you himself.
So here he is, walking through the labs, wondering if you had forgotten about your plans and were out with the others. It takes him some courage to sneak his head into the sleeping area, where he knew humans slept. Neteyam also knew very well that he wasn’t allowed back there because he could accidentally knock over things with his massive frame but he just needs to check. And his gut feeling isn’t wrong. You are laying in your bed, your back turned to him, completely unaware of his presence. Neteyam takes notice of how little you look with your body curled into a ball. 
At first, he assumes you’re asleep. A small smile stretches his lips, as he sneaks up on you planning to scare you awake for abandoning your plans. But as he readies himself for the loud growl, a small whimper escapes from your lips.
Neteyam stops in his tracks, his ears perking up immediately at the sound. He thought he had imagined it, but that theory gets quickly disproven when he hears another whimper. Moving quickly, he rounds your bed to confirm his suspicions. You jerk up at the sight of his big frame looming over you.
“Neteyam, what the hell?” your heart starts racing. 
“I didn’t mean to sneak up on you, sorry,” he slowly crouches down in front of your bed, with a guilty expression on his face.
You throw an annoyed look at him before wrapping your arms around your middle again, and pressing your face into the pillow. You don’t want him to see your face. Neteyam doesn’t move, watching you.
“Go away,” you mumble, hoping that for once he will just comply. 
“Did you forget about our plans?” he asks, ignoring your previous words, “Are you sleeping?”
“I am not sleeping,” you mutter angrily into the pillow.
Neteyam can’t quite put his finger on it but he knows that something strange is happening to you. Maybe it was the scent? Of course, he was used to your scent, he could sense you from a mile away because it always stood out to him. It wasn’t necessarily bad or good, it’s just the way he recognized you. But right now, for some reason, it was so intense, like somebody gathered it into a perfume bottle and sprayed it right into his nostrils. 
He instinctively sniffs the air, and you cringe out of embarrassment, wishing you were dead right at this moment. Stupid periods, stupid cramps, stupid human bodies. If only you were back home right now, indulging in comfort food and taking your usual painkillers that could soothe the pain. Whatever you had found in the lab's aid kit was clearly not strong enough, and you suspect that the pressure on Pandora is making it even worse.
Tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes as another painful cramp surges through your already sore muscles.
"Y/N, are you hurt?" Neteyam asks, attempting to turn you to your side so he can see your face. You grumble in annoyance, resisting his movements.
"Can you please just leave me alone?" you snap at him.
“But what about our plans?” Neteyam stares at you confused.
“I’m canceling them,” you huff, “I’m going through some human-stuff.”
It feels like your insides are being twisted and squeezed over and over again. You place a hand on your lower belly, hoping to suit the pain, but it only gets worse. Noticing the way your face grimaces, Neteyam stands up.
“You’re in pain,” he states, “I will go for Tsahik.”
“No!” you protest, “No Tsahik!”
“But you look unwell,” he hesitates, unsure of what to do.
“No Tsahik!” you squeeze your eyes shut, feeling another cramp, “It’s a human thing, the pain will pass soon.”
Something about Neteyam standing there and watching you, makes you feel embarrassed. You already felt weak in comparison to him, whenever you tried to keep up with his running through the forest or climbing trees. He loved teasing you about it, and you don’t need another reason for him to poke fun at you. Your hand clutches one of the pillows under your head, and you sit up to shoo him away.
“Go away, you’re not allowed to be here,” you threaten him, raising your pillow in the air.
Neteyam frowns, still not moving. Angry at his sudden stubbornness, you throw the pillow at him with as much force as you can.
“Go!” you shout at him again.
Neteyam easily dodges the pillow but finally backs away from your bed. He knows that when you get angry at him, it’s because you’re embarrassed about something. He just can’t grasp what this “human stuff” is and why is it making you so stressed. Neteyam thought he knew plenty about humans from his dad, but Jake had never mentioned anything like this.
Neteyam is so confused on his way out of the facility that he barely notices Norm and almost bumps into him. Fortunately, Norm was in his avatar body and wasn't trampled by the teenage Na'vi. He chuckles at the way Neteyam doesn’t even stop to acknowledge him and keeps walking.
“You okay, kid?” Norm calls out after Neteyam, finally catching his attention.
“Norm, you’re one of the sky people,” Neteyam turns around. 
“I am,” Norm confirms with another chuckle, “Something bothering you?”
“Yeah… Can you tell me what is this ‘human stuff’ that you go through?”
Norm cocks his head, the question sounding so ridiculous, he assumes it’s a joke. But Neteyam looks serious.
“What ‘human stuff’?”
“I’m not sure but it looks like it is painful,” Neteyam shakes his head, “I just saw Y/N, and she was laying in her bed, and crying. It looked like something was hurting her, but she wouldn’t tell me what. Only said it was ‘human stuff’.”
“Maybe she’s just having a stomachache or something?” Norm shrugs.
“That’s what I thought. But when I wanted to get Tsahik for her, she got mad at me. Said that it will pass on its own.”
“I don’t know, man, I don’t understand women sometimes,” Norm replies, then a sudden realization hits him, “Ooooh…”
“What?” Neteyam’s ears perk up, “What is it?”
“I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she might just be on her period.”
“Period?” it was an unfamiliar word.
“Yeah, women get it every month,” Norm explains but it only seems to confuse Neteyam further, “Okay, so I’m probably not the best person for this but sit down.”
After what seems like an hour passes, Neteyam gives up on the human biology lesson with Norm. He sort of gets the idea of menstruation but he can’t imagine what it feels like, no matter how hard he tries. All he gets from this conversation is that Y/N needs to rest to feel better, and that the food she craves can help ease the pain? He is an alien; he has no idea what she wants.
“Y/N?” Neteyam’s soft voice catches your attention.
The medicine you took earlier finally seems to work, and you feel slightly better. You prop yourself up on your elbows and see Neteyam walk into the room. A few colorful plastic bags in his hands catch your attention; these were usually hidden away in the very back of the kitchen cabinets for special occasions. Your mouth salivates at the sight of the chips and the cookies. 
“Are you feeling better?” Neteyam asks, now crouching down next to your bed.
You nod, sitting up, feeling a little guilty for shooing him away earlier. 
“I stole these from the secret stash,” he grimaces, laying out the bags on your blanket.
“My father is going to kill you for this,” you chuckle, reaching for the chips.
Neteyam smiles softly, as he watches you open the bag and fetch a few chips into your mouth. With a loud crunch, you munch on those with a giddy smile, then offer him some. Without much hesitation, Neteyam opens his mouth widely, letting you feed him a handful. You can’t help but chuckle at his blissful reaction to the taste; it was always fun for you to introduce Neteyam to human snacks. Your father got mad at you sometimes for it but you liked sneaking some for Neteyam, just to see him try it out. The sweets seemed to be too intense for him, but he liked salty things. 
“Good?” you ask him. Neteyam hums, then opens his mouth again, signaling for more. 
You chuckle before feeding him another handful. Though a teenager, Neteyam still required much more feeding than you did. So if you had a couple of chips at a time, Neteyam had to have a triple to fill his mouth.
“How did you know to bring these?” you ask him, now reaching for the bag of cookies. 
From your previous tastings, you knew that Neteyam didn’t like chocolate chip cookies. Or anything with chocolate, to be fair. You did not hide your disappointment the first time he almost gagged at the chocolate kiss you gave him, offended by the way his eyes teared up.
“Norm told me that your favorite food can help,” he shrugged, watching you bite down on a cookie.
Your eyes closed in satisfaction as you chewed on it, savoring the taste that filled your mouth. You haven’t had those in a long time.
“Help with what?” you open your eyes again.
“Your human thing,” Neteyam gestures at your stomach.
“Did Norm tell you what it means?” 
You feel heat flush to your cheeks, when Neteyam nods his head. You’re not sure why but the thought of Neteyam knowing makes you feel a little embarrassed. Not because there was anything embarrassing about getting a period. You just couldn’t imagine how weird it might be for him to know that you were bleeding out right at this moment, and he could probably smell it.
“Do you want to cuddle?” his voice catches your attention again. Where did he get that from?
You gulp down nervously, confused at how nonchalant he is. Maybe it’s not a big deal to him? He probably just wants to be supportive.
“Cuddle? Like, with you?” you clarify.
“Who else?” Neteyam chuckles, standing up.
He doesn’t wait for your response, instead gently nudging you to move to the middle of your bed. He was too big for it, so instead of laying down next to you, Neteyam decides to act like your headboard. You watch in confusion, as he slings his left foot over the bed and sits down, pressing his back against the wall, and setting down pillows on his lap. 
“Come on,” Neteyam pats the pillows, encouraging you to lay down.
You hesitate for a second, before laying down, as Neteyam’s huge frame hangs over you. He smiles at how small you look, gently propping up the pillows under your head to make sure you’re comfortable.
“This is a little weird,” you sigh, looking up at his face. 
Neteyam only chuckles and grabs the bag of cookies. He takes one out and offers it to you, bringing it to your mouth. As you open up to take a bite, Neteyam suddenly moves it out of your reach. You huff.
"Please, do not choke," he warns, before finally letting you bite into the cookie.
Eventually, you find yourself sitting up, leaning against his chest. As you swallow the bite, Neteyam feeds you again, listening to the satisfied sounds you make. 
“Feel better about the human stuff?” he nudges your shoulder.
“Much better, thank you,” you turn a little to look at his face.
While you were spending a lot of time with him, you’ve never found yourself in such close proximity with him. It felt weird but comforting. Like he offered you some sort of protection, a shield. 
“Can I ask what it feels like?” Neteyam breaks the silence, “Norm was sweating trying to explain it to me.”
You laugh at the thought of Norm trying to explain human biology to him. Nestling against Neteyam's chest, you make yourself comfortable and start talking. You both enjoy the snacks he brought, and occasionally he comforts you by rubbing small circles on your shoulders and arms. As the evening wears on, you start to feel tired and eventually doze off in his arms.
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jake sully + breeding/pregnancy kink hcs~
a bit of fluffy smut, enjoy lovelies <3
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song rec while reading: i see who you are - instrumental (björk)
• lying in each other's arms, sat not too far from the communal bonfire; you could see friends and family all around you from the secluded spot you were in
• most of the children were asleep at this late hour, but some gently sleeping babies and their mothers sat around the hearth, sharing stories with their sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers
• the dark of night contrasted with the warmth and yellowish hues from the burning embers, smiles and sleeping faces, alongside quiet laughs and chatter echoed off of the inner cave walls
• you'd felt especially restless all day, the only thought tiding you through the chores and work being this moment; sat with your head to jake's chest, nuzzled up into his neck; your face was turned ever so slightly to the side, taking in the sight before you
• usually the urge to fly, jump and run was enough to keep you distracted from this, but today the still of the little hours of the night with the steady beat of jake's heart was enough to remind you: this was home, and so was he
• the seed of hope in making it permanent had been developing as you immersed and integrated yourself more and more into the na'vi culture; your shared bond with jake only strengthening, and the yearning to share your love in new and more meaningful ways grew in your mind and heart
• looking out to the circle of na'vi huddled close together, sharing songs and stories, your eyes naturally inclined to those expecting; some mothers were yet to have their children of course, younger in stature and skin tone, their bellies swollen and full, usually their mates by their side; the sight made your heart flutter, and a small smile grace your features
• jake noticed this, of course; you'd been much quieter than usual, although the way your body relaxed into him intimated that this quiet was of no alarm - he'a merely been glancing down every so often to your form, curled up in his arms as he traced patterns on your hips and upper thighs
• your expression of an almost warm-hearted wistfulness caught him off-guard, though; usually you were asleep by now, breaths deeper and body heavier in his arms. this time your eyes were cast to the group sat about the fire nearby, your lips briefly pursing in thought only to grow back into a small smile
• using his index and middle fingers, jake ever so gently lifted your face up to his by your chin, taking in your softened sleepy features, whispering a quiet "...what's on your mind, babygirl?"
• sitting up a little further, you wrapped your arms around either side of his neck, lightly stroking the soft braid, brushing any stray hairs away from his face, behind his ears; jake's arms snaked their way around your waist, his eyes flicking up and down your form in curiosity
• you'd then proceeded to express what filled your thoughts; being human and working at the base in pandora, the probability of having any children was low. but your life was so different now; even your body was made of completely different components - all that was you was your mind, and whatever you wanted it to be was now up to you; unconstrained by human rules and physical limits
• at your words, jake made sure to listen closely; his earnest little tail flicks and swivelled ears making sure to pay attention, as you continued to express how you felt the increasing urge to have a family; and how the prospect of being pregnant was especially appealing to you
• the idea of being so claimed by someone, in such an intimate way; enough to change your whole body once more, not only for your baby, but for your mate. giving him a family, and the mutual respect and love that such a shared act represents, it made your heart swell
• jake's gently widened eyes and small open-mouthed smile only affirmed your words, giving you the confidence to continue, almost whispering your confession, "..i just...i want to have that with you, if you wanted it too...i don't have it in me to fight something so instinctual...i'd have your babies, i want them...with you."
• as you subtly began to gyrate your hips into his now slowly hardening length, jake's expression only deepened as he nodded along to you; your words almost washing over him and sending him into a trance. you wanted children, and to mother, and best of all..with him. you wanted his children
• paired with your now growing arousal, and lightly rocking your form against his, he could tell that this captivated you in more ways than one. his mind shifting from a place of pride and sentimentality, to that of lust and an intimate kind of eroticism at your proposed prospect
• he'd have no quarrel with fucking you deep, watching as you swell full with his child; jake sighed out at the thought, "ah, i see..must mean you want a daddy too, huh. a daddy and his babygirl, mmhm?", your now more desperate grinds only increased the heat between you, the proximity beginning to rile the both of you up
• "..yes..but really..w'na be a mama.." you'd let out, eyes flickering back and forth between his emerald orbs and the ground; your flustered form couldn't be masked even by the enthusiasm you showed at the idea of starting a family
• letting out a feigned-innocent hum of approval, jake nuzzled his face closer to yours, understanding what you really meant - maybe the family was in the future, but your current state: pussy wet, pupils dilated, hips circling hard into his cock, was more interested in the prospect of making the babies, rather than rearing them
• "..ahh, ok..so my babygirl wants to be a mommy, and wants mommy and daddy to make babies, am i right?..protect their family..take care of each other?..well shit, sweetheart", he'd keen, already knowing the answer through your eager nods, the little high-pitched whine that escaped your lips, and your eyebrows contorting in weakly hidden arousal
• jake was fully on board with this idea of course, but took great satisfaction in watching your squirms of pleasure at the fantasy; sliding a hand down to your cloth-covered entrance, he moved the material to the side, sliding in his swollen cock; there'd usually be more foreplay, but feeling how much of your juices were already dripping from you, he took little more time in riling you up
• making sure to be out of direct sight from those at the fire, he gently scooted both of you deeper into the shadowed corner of the cave; once fully-sheathed inside your clenching, wet pussy, jake began to gently pump in and out of you;
• hips bucking rhythmically into you, your hips matching his speed as you rode him in equal fervor; in between desperate chesty groans, jake continued to gasp out, "..ffuck..you w-want a baby, sweetheart? i'll give it to you, i'll give it...ah-ah, fffuck..",
• "so t-tight for me..must've really wanted this, hm?..mommy wants daddy's seed, deep inside, right? m'gonna fuck it nice and deep for you babygirl, don't worry..sh-shit..", as his hips pushed deeper into you, his head leaned back on the cold stone wall, eyes clasped shut from the way your pussy constricted around his pulsing length
• all the while your hushed moans echoed in his ears, as you wantonly nodded to his lustful words; knowing just how much you wanted his babies, he was going to make damn sure you got them.
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It's not a request, but rather an idea that you might write about one day. Sorry if I'm too heavy with Lyle, but I LOVE him😩 The idea is Things Lyle would do during Y/N's menstrual period. Sorry if what I write below makes you feel uncomfortable, I know that for some people menstruation is still a taboo subject.
I have a stupid headcanon that Lyle has no problem fucking a reader during his term.
Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.
Eeeeeee! I love! Yes I can imagine Lyle as a 'nope don't care still horny' kinda guy. Doesn't even bother with a towel.
Warnings: mentions of periods, blood, sex whilst on period, oral while reader is on their period (female receiving)
AFABreader x Lyle (Recom and human)
He doesn't notice right away. Kissing you good morning as normal before getting ready. It's not until your cursing in the bathroom that he realizes. He's behind you in the mirror, arms circled around your waist and rocking with you.
"Don't worry about it babe, nothing a little wash won't fix." He jests, kissing your neck and along your shoulder.
"Lyle, please my heads pounding" You grumble, rubbing your temple. With a last peck he shifts to cabinet handing you the painkillers before stepping out to finish getting ready.
All day he thinks about you. Barely acknowledging Auestine's insults as he follows her scientists through the forest. He wants to do something nice for you. It's his first month as your boyfriend and he wants to make you feel special, especially if your feeling crap.
When Lyle gets back to the base his first thought is to find you, though he makes a quick detour. Heading back to your shared room he gives a quick knock before sauntering in.
Your frown immediately lifts when you see him. Beautiful flowers under one arm and dinner in his other. Lyle's mother and sisters were never shy about explaining what was going on every month so he likes to think he knows what to do.
Lyle is affectionate all through your shared meal but he's disappointed when you shift away. His leg rubbing against yours under the table, you sit cross-legged. Then he rests his hand on yours but soon after you take it back fixing your hair but not returning it.
He stews until your getting changed with your back to him, that's the final straw for him. You never shy away like this. He comes up behind you again, hands circling you to pull your back against him.
"What's wrong baby?" He whispers against your skin. You squirm a little before settling against him.
"I feel gross." You admit. The words hanging heavy in the air before Lyle turns you to him. His face shows all the desire he's always shown you. His fingers curl under your chin, lifting your face to his. He says nothing but the want in his kiss elevates your apprehension.
His hands lower, caressing down your sides. He stops at your chest to feel your breast before dipping lower to grip your hips. Lyle smiles against your lips, tugging you against him. You gasp at the sudden movement, feeling his desire hard, outlined against his pants.
With a growl he lifts you up, tossing you back against the bed. You yelp, laughing as he eyes you up. He grins down before crawling up to hover above you.
Then his mouth is on yours again, trailing away to kiss your jaw as a hand slips into your pants. You grip his wrist a second, stilling his fingers just grazing your folds.
"You sure?" You ask, suddenly feeling ashamed again. Lyle withdraws his hand and you feel cold. A sting of rejection as he draws his fingers up. You're just about to roll away when the blood tipped digits are placed in his mouth. You gape at him but he just smirks.
"Gonna take a lot more than a little blood to put me off buttercup!" he boasts. You feel your cheeks burn but Lyle just laughs before diving back down. His finger presses lazy circles against your clit as he sucks dark love bites against your neck. You moan, hips bucking against his hand, your core clenching desperate to feel him.
"Lyle..." You moan out, waves of pleasure making it harder to speak. "Please Lyle..." You whimper gripping at his bulging biceps, his shoulders, anywhere you can to ground yourself.
"Come on babe, use your words." He teased but he caught your meaning, already shifting to unbuckle his belt. Honestly you were so glad he could read you so well. You weren't sure you'd have been able to croak out how much you wanted him to fill you up right now.
Lyle hooked his fingers under your waist band, you freeze. Still worried he'll be put off but he's anything but. Fingers returning to gently tease your core. He admires the way your muscles tense, walls fluttering around nothing.
You reach your legs up, using your heals to tug him closer to you. He smirks down, running his fingers up to your clit again. He rolls the sensitive bud with his thumb, your back arching up.
"Eager are we? Don't worry, I know a cock hungry pussy when I see one." He mocks, before pressing a finger in. You groan at the sensation but you want more. Lyle gives you it, adding another finger before curling inside drawing more wanton moans from you.
"Good girl." He praises, thumb rubbing circles with his rhythm. You feel the knot tightening in your core. Your mind fogging with the familiar build up before his fingers retreat. You whine at the loss, bucking up to try and chase the friction.
Lyle holds his cock, teasing the head over your clit and at your core. He runs his hand up your chest to your breast, teasing the nipple in his fingers. Then in a quick motion he buries himself to the hilt. You cry out, the stretch far better than his hand.
He pulls almost completely out, slowly, before snapping his hips against yours. Then he's pounding against you, lewd wet noises filling the air as your walls clench around him. He hisses, hand coming up to your throat and holding your neck. The other circles your clit, bringing the climax closer again.
His rhythm stutters, his strokes becoming sloppy. Lyle's groaning above you, praises stumbling out his lips as he buries himself deeply. You feel yourself getting close, the motion on your bud never slowing even as Lyle cums inside you. He moans loud in your ear, nipping the skin.
"Come on baby, cum on my cock." He whispers in your ear, voice low and breathy. You reach your tipping point, walls fluttering around him still deep inside you. You cry out, chanting his name over and over as he rides out your orgasm.
In the breathy aftermath he kisses you lazily, cooing at your messy state.
"Round two in the shower?"
Recom!Lyle time!
He smells it the moment he awakes. In fact he thinks it might just have been the reason. In a brief moment he panics, sitting and shifting you up off your resting place on his chest. He thinks your injured but then the smell isn't right.
Lyle's a quick guy though realizing as you slowly wake what's happening. You grumble, feeling groggy but are glad he noticed before you ruined the sheets.
You swear his large hand against your abdomen is better than any hot water bottle. His hand rests there as you cuddle up in his lap to watch movies. Lyle's called you both off work today, deciding that you both deserve a break.
He doesn't leave your side, except for bringing over snacks and popcorn. He's intoxicating, you struggle to keep your hands off him on a good day. Hormones to blame you suppose as your proximity only drives your desire.
Lyle feels it too, the fresh scent of your arousal has him craving you before the first movie is at the credits. Its easy done, his fingers tipping lower on your stomach. You notice his shift, feeling him harden under your lap. You tease him, grinding your hip against him, all under the guise of just shifting your weight. Lyle stifles a groans against your neck, trying to play it cool.
A wicked idea crosses your mind. You jump off him, his hand pulled away from its journey down. He grumbles, reaching for you but you skip away.
"Out of popcorn!" You chirp, enjoying the way his eyes darken. Your in for it now, you've started the game. Still you strut your way over to the kitchen, feeling his eyes watching your swaying hips. Cat and mouse, you love when he gives chase.
You hum to yourself as the popcorn bag spins, the whirring of the microwave masking Lyle's footsteps. You lean against the counter on your elbows, ass sticking out behind you. In the glass reflection you see him approach behind you.
Lyle plasters himself against you, leaning his chest down over your arching back. His cock presses hard into the curve of your ass as he reaches past you for a bowl. You wiggle your hips against him a moment before he bucks you forward.
You squeal, his lips pressing against your neck, hands coming back to hold your hips against him.
"You know buttercup... I think I'm craving something else." You feel his fanged teeth nip your skin and groan. Lyle pulls back suddenly, you whine at the loss of heat, turning to frown up at him.
Before you can speak he's slipped your pants down and picks you up, sitting you on the counter. It cold tile hits your ass and you gasp. Lyle captures your lips, kissing you hungrily as his hands pull your shirt up.
You lift your arms, letting him tug the garment off. He takes a second to admire you before diving lower. He nips your chest, sucking a nipple in to roll between his dull teeth. You whine, your hands kneading into his shoulders.
Lyle's hands trail down as he leaves love bites littered across your chest. Gripping your hips before sliding down to your knees. Lyle tugs them apart, face pulling back to look at you. You stare back, eyes half lidded, lips puffy and flushed.
He smirks, licking his lips before he dives down. His tongue swiping a line up from core to clit. You groan, bucking forward but his hands grip your hip, stilling you as he swipes another line.
You whine out his name before he sucks at your sensitive bud. The nerves electric as your moans fill the room. Each flick of his tongue causing your core to tighten. He slides lower, tongue exploring inside whilst his nose bumps against your clit.
His squeezes the flesh of your hip as you rock against him, the friction of his nose sending delicious pleasure through you. He's lapping you up like he was starving, eager motions drawing you closer and closer to climax.
You slide a hand across his head, tugging him closer into you. His hands on your hips doing the same, muffled groans from him as he drinks you in.
You wrap his queue around your hand at its base, tugging the sensitive cord within. You feel the vibrations of his growl against you, tipping you over the edge. He is relentless, pulling you through your high and drawing out a second moments later. Your incoherent moaned sentences falling on death ears. The man's too pussy drunk to listen, desperate for a third. Your head lulling back against the cupboards, over stimulated and blissed out.
The third wave of pleasure has you seeing stars and your pulling him up from the hyper sensitive skin. Sweat shines against your skin, your breathing labored. You tug his bloody lips to yours, its going to be a long week.
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neteyampoundcake · 1 year
Periods with Neteyam(not proofread)
Please bear with me as this is my first writing in years but I hope you guys enjoy reading it!!
Neteyam x human scientist! reader
Falling in love with a Navi is not something you expected when you decided to stay on earth with Norm to conduct research on Pandora. Although it took some getting used to, he was the sweetest and always took time to understand your ways as a human.
Unfortunately, that time of the month came around and your cramps were killing you. You had a room toward the back of the lab where you laid in all day because of the pain. This worried Neteyam because you would always try to see him as often as you couldn’t and it’s been 3 days since you’ve had any contact with him
“Y/n, how are you feeling?” Norm asked as he walked into your room. The lights were dim as you were trapped under the covers clutching your stomach.
“These cramps are gonna be the death of me I don’t want to leave the bed” Y/n groaned from the blankets.
“You know Neteyam is very worried about you I’m not sure why you don’t tell him what’s going on says Norm.
“He won’t understand Norm. Navi’s don’t get period and I don’t want to pin my mood swings onto him especially when I’m in so much pai-
You words are cut off as you see your beloved Neteyam walk through the door. He smiles and waved to Norm before directing his attention on you. “My love I’ve been so worried about you” he frowns. Norm takes this as his queue to leave so you guys can have alone time.
“I’m so sorry Teyem. I’ve been on period feeling like shit for the past 3 days.
Neteyam moves closer to your bed and holds your hand. “Baby what is a period and why have you never told me about it?”
“I was afraid it would gross you out my love. A period is where a women’s uterus sheds its lining resulting in bleeding for about 5 days but it can vary. Girls also get other issues along with the bleeding such as painful cramps like the ones I’ve been dealing with” Y/n shuts her eyes as another cramp shoots through her body.
Neteyam looks at y/n intensively listening to every word she said. “Y/n nothing you can tell me about your human ways could never gross me out. You take time to learn about me as a Navi so it’s only right that I do the same as well. How can I help you sevin?(pretty)” he smiles.
“Can you please cuddle me ma Neteyam? I just want your warm hands on my stomach to relive my cramps”
“Of course Princess” he says as he gets in bed with you. You feel so small compared to your Navi and you’re sure he feels small in your bed as well but he makes no complaints. Neteyam pulls you into his chest and rests his warm hand on your abdomen providing immediate comfort.
“Thank you so much Teyam. I feel so much better already” y/n happily sighs and relaxes in his arms.
“Anytime, oeyä tìyawn(my love). Please don’t be scared to tell me when you feel like this so I can provide comfort to you sooner. I love you so much and never want you to be in pain for something you humans call a “period” “ Neteyam stated as he carefully pronounced the word he just learned. “Now get some rest y/n, I’ll be here when you wake up”
“I love you more my Neteyam. Thank you so much for being here” y/n says as she quietly dozed off feeling the immediate comfort her lovely boyfriend provided her.
Neteyam smiles and lays with y/n peacefully hoping she feels better later on. He couldn’t wish for a better days he thinks to himself as he is so grateful to be a source a comfort for his adorable human girlfriend
Thank you guys for reading! It’s my first writing in forever so I know it’s kinda rough but I hope you guys like it as much as it did while I wrote it
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normalmenace23 · 10 months
Period, smut, dubious consent.
Slowly she walked around one HomeTree's roots, not trusting yourself to lift her legs. This morning she woke up to her period in her human body. No biggie, to deal with the problem, she took the extra wrapping of cloth that she hidden and went about her day to link with Jake.
But to her dismay, her Avatar body had a period TOO. Completely unprepared, she tried to find things to help her avatar. Not finding any cloth, she remembered when she stored her cargo shorts somewhere, and it took her a while to find them. Hiding in a tree, she was thankful she didn't throw away, and quickly found leaves to use to prevent soaking the shorts, and tried finding Tsu'tey, praying he won't be pissed at her.
"You are late!" Hissed the person she was thinking about, his glare making her want to cry. Especially since the cramps were starting. "Sorry Tsu'tey, it won't happen again!" She said quickly, hoping Tsu'tey won't pick her pained and nauseousness expression.
Of course, nothing goes her way. Tsu'tey faltered for a second, before snarling in her direction. "Why do you smell of mating cycle demon?!"
"Where did you get that conclusion?! "We don't have a heat cycle!"
Tsu'tey prowled up to her, and started sniffing her. "Hey, that is weird!" Before she can protest, he looked in her eyes.
"You in heat." He said so convinced.
"I'm not! "It's just I'm bleeding!" Tears were slowly forming in their eyes, and her throat was constricting.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
"There is no blood on you." His voice sounded a bit deeper.
"It's a demon thing, can we just drop it?" she asked, hoping. He didn't say anything, and he started to show her a path. Oh yeah, tracking today.
It has been a HOUR, and her cramps were starting to make her whimper in pain. She bit her bottom lip and started to taste the droplets of crimson.
The whole hour she felt the heated glare of Tsu'tey, and she didn't know why that made her so flushed.
Today hasn't been her day.
She was crouching, pretending she was studying a track, but in reality she didn't want to stand. Her lower parts made her hurt.
"You're in pain," Tsu'tey crouched in front of her, his face aligned in front of hers.
"Happens when you have a period." She bitterly said, wishing she wasn't born with a uterus.
"Period? "Is that your heat cycle?" He thought aloud, looking at her with subtle curiosity.
"No!" She said abruptly, causing Tsu'tey to widen his eyes.
"No, it's just that humans born with a uterus have their period when they don't get pregnant. "We shed our lining, causing us to bleed down "there."
She tried explaining in the easiest way possible, hoping it won't disgust him.
"I see, so your mate is not taking care of you properly?" He asked, his eyes angry.
"If your mate cared, he would try his best to make sure you don't bleed by getting you pregnant. "It's your heat cycle."
"I don't have a boyfriend, and second, I told you it's not a heat cycle!"
He wasn't getting it. Not at all!
"You can fool others, but not me." He lunged from his crouching position, knocking her down in the process.
He pinned her wrists above her, started sniffing her neck, and slowly started to move his head down her body, inhaling like he was a smoker.
"Your smell smells like a bitch in heat." She whimpered at his words and closed her eyes in shame. It was true, she was thinking about Tsu'tey ever since the heat cycle thing in the beginning.
He started to pull down her cargo shorts, and immediately she started to struggle.
"What about Neytiri!?" She started to babble excuses on why they shouldn't. he already has a chosen mate, they could get caught!
"It is an honor to help fellow Na'vi with their heat. "Heat is sensitive and a vulnerable time. "It is not mating, and considered bonding time."
A hitch in her throat.
He pulled down her cargo shorts, revealing the soaked red leaves.
"So you weren't kidding." He glanced down, pulling away the leaves, showing her blue pussy, contrasted from her red blood.
"I wasn't lying!" The tears started to form again.
"I will help you through this."
"You don't have to! "It's fine, honest!" She started to say, with a blush on her face.
"I want too."
She didn't know on how to respond to that.
He parted her sticky folds, and she eeped from the embarrassment. "There is a lot of blood, demon."
With one hand, he held two of her wrists, the other he pinned her leg away from the other.
Mortification erupted her entire body, being so exposed like this.
He started to nip her inner thigh, slowly leaving kisses down her leg, then started to lick her pussy.
The sensation was new, she never had sex during her period, nor had done anything sexual with her avatar body.
She moaned when his giant tongue teased her entrance. With a hitch of Tsu'tey's breath, he started to shove his entire face, almost smothering himself, into her pussy, trying to make his tongue deeper.
With a startled scream and moan, she started to grind on his face.
The cramps were forgotten.
"You taste divine," Tsu'tey brought up his face, blood covered on it. With direct eye contact, he started to lick off the blood around his face, and eventually his fangs.
She shivered at the sight.
"is your pain forgotten demon?"
"A little, thank you."
"Not good enough."
"Let me take care of you. "Just take it."
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lancermylove · 2 months
Dark Side of Dating Him (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demons x gn!Reader
Warning: The warnings vary depending on the demon, but nothing too severe.
A/N: This is the dark side, so proceed with caution. If you guys like this HC, I can write one slightly darker and more situational.
Due to his pride, he may be emotionally distant and will not admit to mistakes easily. This could lead to a lack of a deep emotional connection.
He can be dominating and demanding, and at times, he may come off as if he is dictating the relationship. Lucifer likes and wants things to go his way, so compromising is difficult for him.
The Avatar of Pride is known for perfection, so his expectations are high for himself and for you. This could lead to a lot of mental pressure for you if you don't strive for perfection or are not meticulous.
Lucifer likes to maintain his appearance, dress well, and keep himself well-groomed. He expects the same from his partner, so if you like dressing down or prefer comfortable clothes, it may become an issue.
Due to his intimidating nature, it may be difficult to open up to him. Moreover, he tries to be understanding, but he isn't openly empathetic. So, he may come off as emotionally unavailable. At times, he might also come off as insensitive when you are being emotional, and Lucifer tells you to be mature and learn how to handle your emotions. He means well, but his way of saying it will be too straightforward.
Whether you like it or not, you will end up being roped into helping take care of his brothers. Due to Lucifer's busy schedule, you will most likely end up taking care of everyone by yourself most of the time.
Lucifer is busy, so he won't have much time to spend with you. Sometimes, even if you are married to him, you might feel lonely.
Say goodbye to your money because Mammon will 'borrow' it if needed. He might gamble it off and recklessly spend it, and there is also a very slim chance that he will pay it back.
Mammon gets easily jealous and won't like it if you spend too much time around other men, especially if he feels threatened by them. There may also be a bit of possessiveness involved.
Due to his sensitive nature, he might complain to you endlessly and use you as an emotional dump at times. He doesn't mean to, but he can't control himself, especially if Mammon is overloaded or stressed.
He isn't the smartest or sharpest demon, so there will be times when you will have to explain things to him in detail for him to understand. His initial reaction to your emotions may come off as insensitive as he may make casually straightforward statements (that he actually doesn't mean).
His need for greed might put you in dangerous situations; for example, he might carelessly say he will hand you over to his witch friends if he can't pay back their debt. Will he actually hand you over? No, but the witches might hunt you. Debt collectors might also come after you. You will also have to hear, "Mammon took my money. Pay it back, or get him to pay it back."
Mammon sometimes finds it difficult to take things seriously. He gets uncomfortable during serious discussions and tries to avoid them, so sitting down with him and having a long, mature discussion is nearly impossible.
His things belong to him, his brothers' things belong to him, and your things also belong to him. You will definitely find your belongings missing. More often than not, his excuse will be, ' He needed to get out of debt.'
As the Avatar of Envy, Levi will be jealous of everything. You get lucky, he will be envious. You laugh and have a good time with someone, he will be jealous. You achieve something, and Levi will be happy for you but will be envious. This may lead him to experience mood swings and possibly push you away for a short period every time.
If you are social, Levi will sometimes feel suffocated by your need to constantly spend time with others and go to parties/events. Even if you invite him, he won't come along. In a sense, he expects you to be as introverted as him and spend most of your time with him.
Even if you reassure him that you love him, there will almost always be moments when he experiences an inferiority complex. This leads to emotional withdrawal and might even lead to him projecting his insecurities on you.
Due to his obsession with gaming and anime, he might neglect the relationship for daily runs and episodes or binge-watching. If you join him, great, more time together. But if you want him to do something you like, it will be difficult to convince him.
Most of all, if you tell him any of this, he will not take the criticism well. Levi is very sensitive, and if you point out his flaws, Levi will immediately categorize it as 'you don't understand him.'
Due to his insecurities, he might become clingy or overly dependent on you for many things. One habit you will have to develop is constantly reassuring him that he is good enough for you and that you love him.
The Avatar of Wrath has wrath issues, so expect sudden and unpredictable outbursts. Though Satan will never want to harm you, if his blind rage activates, he might unintentionally hurt you while breaking things around him.
If you do or say anything that rubs him the wrong way, he will hold grudges. Just ask Lucifer. That grudge will not go away easily, which might strain your relationship. To tie in with this, he doesn't forgive easily.
There will be times when Satan will want to spend time alone with his beloved books. Even if you want to spend time with him, he might say no. Satan values his alone time just as much as he values spending time with you.
If you get into an argument with Satan, things will escalate, and it might incur his wrath. At that point, he will be destructive and even possibly attack you. He doesn't mean to, but blind rage hinders his thoughts.
His directness, mixed with his intelligence, can come off as cold and ruthless. While he can process emotions, Satan thinks more logically, so his mind will react before his heart.
Even if you have nothing against Lucifer, you will always have to side with Satan, even if he is in the wrong. If you, even accidentally, say that Lucifer is right, Satan will get angry. He might take it overly personally and distance himself from you.
Asmo's love for himself is a mix between insecurity and narcissism. You will have to feed both of those sides by constantly validating how beautiful he is and flatter him whenever he needs you to, even when he doesn't need it.
He is friendly with everyone. He flirts with everyone, even if he is dating you. It's just part of who he is. But if you get overly close to someone else, Asmo will be jealous.
Being the Avatar of Lust, desire runs high. If you value monogamy, there will be issues. Asmo needs attention constantly, and he will get it from whoever is willing to give it to him.
This need for constant attraction will lead to a need for high physical intimacy. At any given moment, Asmo could need you, and if you are not available or don't want to, he will throw tantrums and go to another person.
Physical beauty is important to him, so he will need a partner who equally maintains their beauty. If you let go of yourself or stop caring, Asmo will no longer be attracted to you. He will break up with you.
He has no boundaries. If you are secretive or value privacy, you will have trouble with Asmo's constant need to share everything on social media without limits. He might actually end up sharing personal things that you won't want him to tell others.
His constant need to eat could rub off on you, and you could end up eating excessively. There will be times when Beel will also force you to eat, and if you say no, he might get upset, as sharing food is one way of showing his love.
There is a high chance that most of your money might end up being spent after Beel's gluttonous tendencies. At times, you might end up in trouble if you can't pay off his bills. Be prepared to wash a few dishes or so.
Since his family has been through a lot, Beel might be overly protective of you. He is not trying to be dominating, but he doesn't want you to get hurt, so he might just follow you around everywhere or forbid you from going somewhere. His fear of losing someone else is still weighing on his heart.
You will have to give in to Belphie's wishes, no questions asked. If Beel learns that you upset his twin or said something to hurt him, he will be very sad and distance himself from you. Moreover, just to date him, you will need Belphie's approval.
Since Beel doesn't understand many things, there will be times when you have to explain situations to him like you would to a child. This could lead to frustration, especially if you are not feeling emotionally or mentally well.
The Avatar of Sloth is lazy, so there will be times when he will not actively participate in the relationship. Sometimes, you might feel like you are talking to a wall and are in a one-sided relationship.
Also, due to his laziness, you will most likely have to take over his responsibilities and be responsible for him. You might have to constantly wake him up and remind him of studying, tests, homework, chores, and so on. This could also lead to Belphie becoming completely dependent on you, asking you to do this and that for him.
You will have to get along with Beel. Even if Beel does something wrong, you will have to take his side for Belphie's sake.
If you have long, emotional conversations with him when you are not doing well, you might just end up realizing he fell asleep halfway through the conversations. His sleep spells come and go as they please.
If you are adventurous and active, you might find it difficult to be around Belphie as he will not want to go anywhere with you or not move much. Most of your dates will be at home, where he is curled up to you and probably asleep.
His laziness might rub off on you, leading you to live a more lethargic lifestyle. This could impact your personal growth and goals.
Unless you are royalty yourself, there will be a huge power imbalance, and this, at times, could cause you to feel overwhelmed or overshadowed.
As a prince, Diavolo has high expectations for himself and for his partner. You will have to follow every rule, behave properly, and dress royally; you are expected to uphold a certain image and take responsibility. If you are not up for this, no matter how much Diavolo loves you, he won't be able to continue the relationship with you.
Much like Diavolo is currently experiencing, you will have to face public scrutiny. The residents of Devildom will constantly subject you to their opinions and judgments. Some will be rude, while others will make fun of you or say you are not worthy - you will have to face all of it for your sake and the prince's sake.
With all the responsibilities and duties, Diavolo will not have much time for you. This could lead to you feeling neglected, but it is out of Diavolo's hands since he has to take care of a realm.
Due to his status and position, there will always be enemies lurking around, which could put you in danger. For this reason, Diavolo will be very strict with you about following rules and regulations, such as not stepping out without a bodyguard.
Your relationship will not have much privacy as everywhere you go, everything you do will become news. Your entire life will be for the public of Devildom to view as they please.
Barbatos is known for having a lot of secrets; moreover, since he works with Diavolo, he is expected to maintain secrecy and discretion. There will be many things you won't know about him and many things he will never tell you. You are not allowed to poke your nose into his secret, or he will be forced to end things with you. In fact, when you start dating him, this will be one of his requirements.
His priority is and always will be Diavolo. Barbatos has sworn unwavering loyalty to the prince, and even if you are married to him, he will always give Diavolo's needs more attention. At extreme levels, in case there is an attack on the castle, Barbatos will be responsible for saving the prince before you. But he will clarify all of this before he agrees to date you.
The butler is a master at playing mind games, so there might be times when he mentally manipulates you without you even realizing it. If you pick up on it, this could lead to trust issues. Moreover, he has the power to alter timelines, so who knows which timeline the two of you are currently in and how many other outcomes came before this one?
Barbatos does not openly display emotions; even his emotions are calculated, and he only reveals what he wants to reveal. You will never understand his motives either. In a sense, you won't ever meet the real Barbatos as he will never show you or anyone else that self.
Due to his duties, he won't be able to reserve much time for you. This could lead to loneliness or even a strain in the relationship. He might even have to miss important dates and events for the sake of his duties.
Barbatos is good at everything, and while he will never make you feel like you are less, it could lead to insecurities. You might find yourself asking, 'Am I good enough for him' more than you expect. If you ask him, he will always say yes, but ultimately, you will have to arrive at the answer yourself.
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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leewonkyeom · 9 months
 light a flame | jeon wonwoo | masterlist
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☆ synopsis
when your roommate quits his job at the coffee shop you frequent you never imagined the new guy would be hot or even your type. to make matters worse you both study law at the same university.
your friends to try to convince you to get together with him. you try to convince them you just find him really nice... but are you able to convince yourself?
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☆ pairing: jeon wonwoo x fem!reader
☆ genre:  smau, university au, coffee shop au
☆ warnings: swearing, drinking, implied 18+ content
☆ status: ongoing, updates every thursday and sunday
☆ started: 07.09.23
☆ ended: 21.03.24
main masterlist
☆ fill out this form to be added to the taglist
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profiles: 1 | 2
001: stop thirsting on main
002: i’m not a fucking rat
003: please yn it was for the vine
004: not asking for a friend, i’m asking for me
005: you’re forced to come even if minghao drops of the face of the earth
007: you can’t recognize drip even if it’s staring right in your face
008: are you trying to limit my artistic expression?
009: step aside! if anyone’s playing wingman it’s me
010: like slaying monsters?
011: “me as a baby”
012: you obviously know the worth of cancelling
013: is that seungcheol photoshopped as aang from avatar?
014: playing league of legends does not qualify as “having a life”
015: he made me stand outside the coffee shop with a “free hugs” sign
016: good luck, daredevil
017: well, i honestly think you’re both in the wrong
018: then i say spider-man is within the realms of possibility
019: i just wanted the public opinion
020: digital footprint
021: i have faith in the tiger
022: last selfie before we die and i didn’t even look good
023: vernon’s sock drawer isn’t a good hiding place
024: i’m thinking of hanging it in our shared bathroom so seungkwan can be reminded of his good deed
025: oh don’t bring judy into this!
026: staging a storm just so someone can experience the forced proximity trope
027: entering private property in 3... 2... 1
028: i’m not helping a traitor
029: all of my midnight entertainment... gone in seconds
030: yes i will be sharing... / the juices?!
031: uh oh / the ominous period
032: i will go just to prove i’m right
033: oh my god... that woman
034: it means you’re annoying /next
035: i know i’m giving zero context here, but bear with me
036: that guy only has feelings for his right arm
037: how can i dump someone i never even dated?
038: joshua says you can come if you take 10 penalty shots and do a strip tease
039: i can never look any of them in the eyes again... well, except johnny
040: ohh so he’s your super smart study buddy?
041: i didn’t know we had chan’s biggest fan right here
042:i didn’t know you were sending all that, chan. sorry.
043: just a peck
044: as real as spider-man
045: so arguably, it wasn’t even my fault
046: shut up and make out with wonwoo instead
047: special deal only for my boyfriend
048: i’m literally throwing rocks at your window as we speak
049: i’m just training you to be wonwoo’s little pet
050: i’m not having a dog ruin the ambiance
051: epilogue
bonus chapter
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m0chisenpai · 1 year
Hey could I plz request a Jake x Reader (human) x Neytiri - 6 year old Lo’ak just learned how fragile humans are and ever since has refused to leave readers side (reader dosent mind, she loves cuddles with her baby) but this dose mean non of the other kids rlly get any time with her - Jake and Neytiri are starting to miss her (Lo’ak dosent let them near her cuz he’s afraid they’ll accidentally hurt hur).  Sorry if it’s complicated, I’m not very good at writing requests 😅
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platonic!lo'ak x human!reader
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Despite your avatar still being in the incubation period it did not stop you from spending your time with the ones you loved. The process was longer with the limited resources and the old RDA facility being abandoned, but Norm was a genius. Jake had faith in him and sure enough you visited daily to inspect the growth of well…you. 
By this time Lo’ak and Netayem, both aged 6 and 7 became accustomed to your presence. The two young boys affectionately called you Sa’nok when they could finally speak and it warmed all of your hearts. However, despite their young age the boys towered over you just like their mother and father. 
Jake wouldn’t admit it, but he and Neytiri felt the slight fear watching as you played with the boys. When they’d snap their little fangs at you, and you’d laugh it off Jake wondered what if you hadn't moved your hand fast enough? You would chide at the both of them reminding them who managed to help put an end to the psychopath that was once Quartrich, and they slowly eased off you. 
They allowed you to take the boys on playful little explorations during the day not too far which you could agree on. You would watch them play in the forest, but when they would rough house they often wanted you to join. In their defense they fought often with Jake so they did not know any better. Sometimes you’d come back with a teeny scratch or a bruise but it was nothing to scare the boys, they were children still. They didn’t know any better. 
But Lo’ak realized you were human when his anger got the best of him. He and Netayem were tugging something back and forth, throwing petty insults at each other. You sighed and stood from the rock going to stand in front of the two boys, “calm down boys now Lo’ak can you let go so you don’t break it? Mama worked hard on it.”
When you went to step forward the object was sent flying and knocked you back onto your butt. The boys instantly ended their bickering once they heard your gasp and ran over to you to apologize. Lo’ak could only watch on with tears in his eyes as you cupped your cheek. 
“M’ sorry, sorry! Sa’nok don’t be made please! Accident!” Loa’k whimpered as his brother helped pull you to your feet. 
You quickly silenced them and told them you were just surprised is all. You bruhsed away those tear stained blue cheeks and let him hold your hand as you walked back to the Hometree. But that night when You were in the tent with Neytiri, Lo’ak listened in and witnessed the dark bruising on your body.
Neytiri massaged some concoction into the darkened splotches and Lo’ak felt sick to his stomach knowing it was him who caused the pain.
“It is fine Tiri, they are just children.” You hissed between clenched teeth as you rubbed the remainder of the salve over your stomach. 
“Yes, but you are still human, my love.”
From that day on Lo’ak made a vow to himself, to you. He would protect you, human or not. He never wanted to see you in pain like that again. He would never be the cause of such a pain ever again.
That night as you all lie together Lo’ak curled his body around you, resting his head on your stomach which rose and fell. Your hands brushed through his dark locks, gently massaging his scalp which in turn lulled him to sleep again. 
Lo’ak seemed to cling to you like a newborn babe after that day. It was almost adorable, the way he hissed at his father when he reached a hand down to affectionately rub a hand over your head. What if he crushed you! Jake raised a brow but stepped back.
Both he and Neytiri missed you during those nights where you would fly together. When you'd explore the forest with one another. Who would have thought they would have to compete for your attention against a six year old?
Your darling Netayem was more reserved with his affections like his mother. But when he did seek you out he'd hiss at his brother who was taking up any time he had with you.
"You leech to mama like a baby!" Netayem stomped his foot at his brother.
"No I don't!" Lo'ak snapped leaning nearly close enough to butt head with his oldest brother.
"You do! Mama never gets to spend any time with me any more cause you cling to her!" Netayem hissed and Lo'ak bared his fangs which was more than enough for you to step in between the boys.
"Lo'ak" the boys eyes soften as soon as you step into his sight "I will be fine. "Your brother deserves my time with him. And soon you will have another sibling to share my time with."
And his lip quivered followed by glassy eyes. Your small hand thumbed under those eyes, the eyes of his father. "I just want you safe Sa'nok"
And your heart broke at the crack in his voice and you wrapped your sweet Lo'ak into your arms shushing his whimpers. You looked back at Netayem and he knew to step out and give you both space.
"I know baby. I am human still, but I will be fine. Soon my time will come and you will no longer need to protect me" you whispered into his ear.
"But what if-"
"And if I ever need you, I know a warrior with a mighty heart who will come to my rescue" you cupped his cheeks and pressed your forehead to his.
"'M sorry Sa'nok" he whispered.
"There is no need for apologies, my sweet Lo'ak" you pressed a kiss to his forehead "now, may I please spend some time with Netayem by the water? "
He nodded and you smiled. "Then tonight I'll rebraid your hair and tell you more of my earth stories, hm?" Your smile elicited a small one out of him. So passionate, just like his father.
Outside the tent Jake and Neytiri silently listen in. And when they hear their boy agree to split from you Jake nearly fell to his knees screaming his praises to the Great Mother.
Neytiri rolled her eyes as her mate fell to his knees raising both fists to the sky, "skxwang."
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whereireid · 1 year
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𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐇 — based on this ask | masterlist
pairing: miles quaritch x fem!reader
Summary: What Colonel Quaritch misses most about planet Earth are the woman. Luckily, you're a human whose more than eager to please to your superior.
— warnings: interspecies relationship ! nsfw content MDNI: tit fucking, imbalance of power, ruts
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There is nothing that Colonel Quartich misses about Earth.
Nothing but the women.
Pandora is beautiful. A world with extravagant wildlife, the nature of the planet so beautiful and blue, with specks of lilac purple and lavender hues. It's foolish to not be in awe of such beauty, and Quaritch is no fool. He is in awe of everything that Pandora has to offer.
Except the women.
The women of Pandora. The Na'vi, and the Avatars, made of carbon fibre — body hard, rigid and strong, conditioned to survive the difficult climate. Though beautiful, with specks of Aqua blue and long, delicate limbs, they're not plush. There's nothing soft about the women of Pandora.
Quaritch wishes that he could be attracted to them. Especially since a perk of being an Avatar now means he suffers through a rut — a period where he literally gets so horny that the only way to cure his arousal is to fuck something.
Even when in a rut, though, he can't bring himself to do it. His hands will linger on an Avatar, falling on their skin, which is hard and rough, and every feeling of arousal will disappear.
Quaritch needs relief. Desperately. His hand isn't enough anymore — it just leaves him with more frustration than before he even tried.
So, when he spots you, it feels like fate.
You're a scientist, a newbie, with pinned-up hair, two curls crusading down the sides of your face, a soft smile on your lips. A soft smile, which meets your eyes and has the corners crinkling. His eyes fall, tracing your body with his eyes, and he realises that he's found exactly what he's been looking for.
Quaritch waits, and watches. He's not sure when the right time to approach even is. He's been out of the game for a long time, now — the women of Pandora don't need charisma. They're easily pleased.
So, when you approach Quaritch, he's incredibly thankful.
"Colonel," you squeak, staring up at your superior officer, your small frame practically trembling beneath him. "I was asked by some of the other members of the science team, to ask you if on your next mission to the forests of Pandora, if — if you could bring back some fresh fruit."
He blinks down at you. Once, twice. You shuffle on your feet, neck craned in an impossibly awkward position to be able to see him. You're smiling, and it doesn't waver. Not even when he scowls, and grunts, "I can."
"You — you can?"
"Do you make your other superior officers repeat themselves?" Quaritch asks, trying to ignore the discomfort in his pants when your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"No, Colonel."
"I didn't think so." He kisses his teeth, tongue darting over his fangs. "I can get you the fruit, but only if you can do something for me."
Quaritch smiles.
That's how he manages to sort his issues out.
You're so delicate that it drives him crazy. All sense of dignity was abandoned long ago, when he'd first made his proposal — how could you say no to somebody whose so desperate for relief? Perhaps you are, too, with your crush on the Colonel consuming you, day-in, day-out.
"You're so soft," he says, his voice so low that it sounds like he's growling. His fingers toy with your nipples, rolling the buds between his fingers, watching as your breath hitches as he does so. "Sunshine, you have got no fuckin' idea how hard you make me."
"Show me," you whisper, voice sultry and seductive, tensing as he fingers pinch at your nipples gently.
There's nothing more perfect than you. In that moment, every issue of Quaritch's erodes away. He's got you exactly where he wants you — on your knees, your tits pushed together as much as they possibly can be, his cock sheathed between them.
"That hurt, sunshine? Squeezin' 'em so tight just to please me?"
You nod your head, your lips drawn between your teeth, your eyebrows crinkled in concentration. His cock is all lubed up, making it that much more slippery. It's so soft, so plush, your tits so perfect and round. So big, on human standards, but so small in comparison to his cock.
Holy shit, you're perfect.
You let him use your tits like you're a fuck-doll. Quaritch fucks into you, rolling his hips into your tits, groaning as the squelching sounds of the lube clap around his office. They bounce, they jiggle, they take him so well, and your eyes are so focused and you're pushing your tits together so hard, just so he can get a good grip.
It makes his orgasm that much better. His cock twitches, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. There's a heat which pools in his lower belly as he finishes, painting your chest with his cum, some shooting onto your chin and lips.
You're such a pretty mess. Quaritch collects his cum from your face, pushing it between your lips, and you suck, and he groans. His cock is still nestled between your tits, basking in the softness of you, the pillow-like cushion of your flesh.
He's going to have to do this again.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader
Fic Type: Drabble
Beta’d by the lovely @marc-spectorr 😌
Summary: Marc knew that being Khonshu’s Avatar came with side effects. He just was never quite aware of how, exactly, the phases of the moon affected him. Not until you.
A/N: So. The gif. Pretend he’s not getting impaled. Or injured at all. Because honestly that’s the position I picture him being in when he’s pinning the reader against him. 🤡 (Also, this is kind of a Marc version of Feral Flight…)[Yes, I ignored my ask box to finish this :/]
Rating/Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Minors DNI, primal play, breeding kink, unprotected PiV, exhibitionism (Steven and Jake watch and comment), feral!Marc Spector, marathon sex, slight dub/non-con, fingering, softdom!Marc, a/b/o vibes, mating kink (??? This is a version of Feral Flight, after all), Marc is confuzzled about what’s happening to him but gives in, lots of mentions of getting the reader pregnant, sex with intention of getting reader pregnant, the phases of the moon affect the Moon Boys, foul/vulgar language, praise kink, rough (?) sex, lots of mentions of Khonshu but like??? He’s not in it???, jealous Marc (briefly), biting, marking, fluff, somehow this went from the kinkiest shit I’ve ever written to extreme yearning fluff idk
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Dating the boys had surely been an experience you’d never forget. Steven, Marc, Jake, your boyfriends whom you loved deeply; and they loved you tenfold each. It was a strange feeling, being in a relationship with all three alters— but strange in a good way. You took every part of them and accepted it, loving them for who they were wholly and completely.
Although… you didn’t expect there to be a part of them that even they weren’t aware of…
Marc knew that the phases of the moon affected the powers that Khonshu gave them. The fuller it was, the more powerful they were. On the New Moon, they all slept so deeply that not even Khonshu himself could wake them. It was apparently some kind of rejuvenating period, which made sense (and also prompted a three-and-half explanation from Steven).
But on the Full Moon?
Their powers were amplified tenfold.
When wearing the suit, their super-strength, flight, speed, healing abilities, they seemed invincible and godlike. It was a feeling that went straight to their heads. For nearly a week around the day of the full moon, they became arrogant. Cocky. Marc would be the first to admit that they became fucking assholes, even Steven. Not to mention, the extra metabolism (? So Steven said. Marc wasn’t too sure.) forced them to eat. And eat. And eat. They bulked up. Whereas throughout the rest of the month they were fit and lean, during the week of the full moon their bodies were sleek, contoured muscle. They would beat the shit out of their enemies (even Steven), or pick fights. They were quick to respond with aggression, and he even felt his neighbors weren’t safe.
Whenever he was in the flat around that time, he would snap and huff at the people he’d ride with in the elevator. They were too close, it was too stuffy, he wanted to chase everyone out of the fucking building and patrol it just to keep everyone out. He felt that way so violently that he usually went out to protect his innocent neighbors before he lost all sense of self. Jake liked to joke that it was just a “moon period,” and it would pass.
Then you came along, and it got worse.
And different.
He seemed to eat more. He was more aggressive toward his neighbors. Every sound in the hall made him want to bust down the door and attack whoever it was because they were too close to you. Everyone was too close to you. You needed a whole building to yourself and Marc would patrol it to keep you safe. If you wanted to go out, he’d just have to go with you, Khonshu be damned.
But with you other things happened that made him confused.
He'd catch himself piling your blankets around him while you were at work just to envelop him in your scent— the smell of your shampoo, though he swore it was more than that. He swore he had heightened senses, because he could almost smell you on an animalistic level. When you got home, he was all over you, worshiping you like you were a princess. He’d have a hot bath already running for you, he’d make you food, ensure you drank water, help you with your shoes and jacket; he catered to you on a standard day, especially Steven, but this was different. He’d be practically unable to let go of you, literally keeping his arms around you and whining high-pitched in the back of his throat like a fucking dog if you had to move. He’d almost aggressively cuddle you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting your smell overwhelm him, comfort him.
Of course he’d explained it to you before the time had hit, but in his brief moments of clarity, he’d whisper helplessly with tears in his eyes, “I-I don’t know what’s happening to me…”
You’d only kiss his forehead. Ever patient. Ever loving. He wondered what he did to deserve you. “It’s okay, Marc. We’ll get through it together, I promise.” Of course, Khonshu never explained anything to him.
You were so patient.
Even when he was fucking you senseless.
Usually you both had a reasonable lust for each other, but during the full moon, his sex drive was through the roof. He had to take you. He had to feel you. He was gentle, but also relentless— he wasn’t sure where he suddenly got the stamina for twelve fucking rounds after dinner, but his intention was never to hurt you. He just wanted you. If you pushed him away, too tired for more, Marc would immediately launch into aftercare. A warm bath, blankets straight from the dryer, and him laying protectively around you.
Although there was one night he caught himself lapping slowly at your throat. The fuck???
Jake and Steven were just as bad as he was. In fact, Steven was probably worse. His pent-up years of anger made him more dangerous to strangers and more rough with you, so he kept away from the front.
Marc was happy when on the next full moon, Khonshu had work for him; but it ended up not taking as long as he’d planned. By only eight o’clock he was done with the mission, and he ran thirty times full speed around the block your workplace was in just to let off some steam. He made sure, though, that when you got off, he was there to watch over you from a nearby rooftop.
The wind changed, and he swore— he fucking swore he caught a whiff of your goddamn scent.
No, he really was. Was that a new power? Heightened senses? His mask melted away so that he could better smell it— he shouldn’t know you’re ovulating. He shouldn’t. Were you this morning? No, he’d smelled it coming. He’d been all over you before you’d left for work. But, oh, you smell so fucking good.
Ovulating. The word rings around in his head for a minute. His alters are somewhere in the headspace, keeping away from the front at all costs. He tries to swallow hard, but his throat and mouth are so damn dry that he just can’t. All he can think about is you. You you you. And the fact that you’re ovulating.
He hears a high noise nearby and isn’t sure what it is until he realizes that it’s him. He’s whining as he watches you bid goodbye to a coworker who was chatting with you, wanting nothing more than to pin you down right. There.
Marc shifted his weight, his suit suddenly far too tight in the crotch. The wind shifts, and so does his mood.
There’s another scent on you.
The scent of a male.
He can almost see the handprint on your shoulder from where one of your coworkers passed you earlier in the day. The scent is faint, stale, but it’s there, and it makes him furious. He’s possessive over you, and that scares him. He wants to lick and rub his face all over that spot while fucking you hard just to cover you wholly in his scent again.
He’s there, too; he can smell himself on you. The smell of citrus and metal and wood, all fucking over you. You’re his. Except for that. Spot. How dare someone touch his mate while she’s ovulating? If he wasn’t so distracted by you, he’d have tracked the scent and broken both the coworker’s hands for it.
Marc’s head grew foggy. His vision narrowed until you were all he could see. All of his senses were trained on you. He thought he might have whined again, realizing he was palming himself a little too roughly when Jake said in the back of his head, “...Ow,” followed by Steven: “Oi, you tryin’ to castrate us, mate?”
Mate. Marc wasn’t sure where his mind went or what kind of trance he was in. I’ve gotta get down there— get to her— have to— have to mate with her— Marc stood, following you from the rooftop and starting to parkour down. I have to mate with her. Right now, while she’s ready for me.
“Oh shit,” Jake muttered, “Easy, hombré; you hurt her, I won’t hesitate in castrating us. You need fucking fixed, man.”
“Not gonna hurt her,” Marc mumbled as he prepared himself for the drop to the sidewalk below, “Not gonna hurt her…”
Steven, meanwhile, had come too close to the front. He hovered, feral, just behind the edge of Marc’s conscious thought, urging him on silently. Waiting for Marc to pounce.
Marc landed in a crouch before you, making you yelp in momentary terror. The smell was like burning plastic, and he didn’t like it. “No, baby, it’s me—“
Your scent returned to normal as you let out a whooshing breath of relief, a broad but wary smile on your face. “Marc,” The way you said his name caused a shiver to run up his spine. You started to ask him something— whether he was still on a mission, how it went, or something like that, he wasn’t sure— all he knew was that his body was moving before his mind, rushing forward to crush your lips together in a bruising kiss. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, taking advantage of your slack jaw, an arm slipping around you from behind to pull you flush against him. The sensation of your taste and your body against him felt overwhelming. His suit was suddenly scratchy, his skin too hot and feverish, his breath and heartbeat too quick. If he could have seen how black his eyes were, he might have had the sense to be concerned.
His hungry kisses trailed down your neck, where he pulled your shirt down your shoulder to expose the skin. Your gasp at the contact of the chilly night air went straight to his core, and he growled. The scent of the other male was making him pissed, and he found himself licking at the spot before biting down.
So hard he drew blood, and you cried out, voice echoing in the empty street.
He didn’t pull back, keeping you against him and rolling his hips into you to try and ease the pressure in his groin with another whine. “Marc—“
“Run,” He hissed in your ear.
The demand took you by surprise. “Huh?”
“I want you to run from me,” He clarified softly, “Run. As fast and as far as you can. Until I catch you. Please?”
“W-what happens if you catch me?” You managed, a little shaken and also understanding what was happening to your boys.
“I get to fuck you,” Marc nipped at your jawline, trying to entice you. If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was force himself on you. He’d catch a plane to Singapore just to keep himself away from you if you said no. He was still steadily rocking into you, lapping at your wounded shoulder as he tried to cover the scent of the other male, take it away, get rid of it…
“M-Marc,” You breathed; he could see in your eyes that you were greatly concerned. But he could also smell your arousal, and it was just making his whole situation worse. “We’re out in public. Can you wait till we get back to the flat?”
He was able to have a moment of clarity (? If you could call it that). Mainly because Steven was acting like a caged tiger, slamming up against the front violently like an animal behind bars. Marc wouldn’t let him out; couldn’t let him out. Steven could get rough and hurt you without even meaning to, and then he’d feel guilty and horrible when he came back to himself. Marc knew that he was always gentle, that he could stop himself, but... “Don’t you fucking dare take her here, Marc. Getting her scent everywhere in a place so far from home. Getting her everywhere— you get her home, Marc. Get her home, or I will. She needs to be safe.”
Steven was his voice of reason, as always. He wholly agreed with his alter, biting softly at your jawline and nuzzling into your neck. There. He found it. The spot right behind your ears that had your knees buckling, a flood of arousal heading straight to your core. You were probably dripping for him already.
“Bloody hell,” Steven groaned when he saw how you nearly went limp, if not for Marc catching you and holding you against him.
Marc scooped you up in his arms and held you close, taking you back to the flat; it wasn’t a particularly long walk, but it felt like days. Marc’s suit was tight, way too tight and he could barely breathe. By the time the building was in sight, he was sweating buckets and could barely walk, almost in pain. He set you down carefully, much to your confusion. “Can you run? Please? I want to chase you.”
“Why?” You weren’t mocking, or teasing; you were genuinely asking why he wanted to chase you. He himself wasn’t sure— all he knew was that he wanted to have the thrill of chasing you before mating with you. Before…
Before he breeds you.
The thought of potentially impregnating you makes him moan into your neck, and he turns you around, giving you a gentle nudge to the building. “Go. Go, please.”
Reluctantly, you did. Marc started counting to thirty, watching your shrinking form pick up speed, as his alters spoke up.
Steven was too close, heated and pissed. “Get that bloody male’s scent off her, Marc. I don’t care if you have to fucking cum on her shoulders. Get. It. Off.”
“Marc, listen to me, hombré,” Jake said, farther back, still horny but sensible. He wasn’t letting himself get near to the front, but he kept trying to pull Steven back, which resulted violently; not entirely in control of himself, Steven attacked, fending Jake off while keeping his position in co-fronting. “Remember yourself. Don’t let yourself hurt her.”
20, 21, 22…
Keeping Steven contained was the equivalent of holding a cat carrier with a violent, strong cat freaking out on the inside. Marc was losing his hold, grip failing—
Steven took advantage of the slip and bolted.
You’d only just gotten through the doors of the building when Steven took off, too far gone to hear Jake reprimanding him or Marc begging him for the body back. He burst through the doors just as you entered the elevator, watching with wide eyes as he raced for you. The doors closed before he reached them, and he slammed into them hard enough to dent them. The suit gave him the strength to pry the doors open with the sound of screeching metal, but the car was already gone, leaving only a gaping hole in the floor. Steven whirled for the stairs with a growl of frustration.
He’d only made it halfway up when he faltered, dizzy from how he was panting and from the overwhelming scents of his neighbors. A part of him was furious. They shouldn't be this close to you. The other was horrified. If he’d have caught you in the elevator, what would he have done?
Steven put his face in his hands. “T-Take over. One of you take over. Please.”
Marc easily slipped into the front, slumping over. Steven disappeared into the farthest reaches of the headspace that he could go, but Marc and Jake both knew it was only a matter of time before he came back out.
Muscles shaking, Marc sprinted the last few floors to the flat, tearing open the door to find your scent fresh and present; his eyes locked on you as you stood in the middle of the living room, unsure of what to do. He gently closed and locked the door behind him, striding forward to take you in his arms and kiss you deeply. He wasn’t even aware that his hand rested on your stomach until he broke away to kiss your neck. “No condoms. Please.”
“Please,” Marc was speaking before his mind could comprehend that he was fucking begging. “I-I dont just wanna have s-sex, I want to mate with you, breed you, pleasepleasepleaseplease—“ He must’ve been rambling, because you took his face in your hands to look him in the eyes. Marc forced himself to form a coherent sentence, though his voice was barely a whisper. “I-I… I want to get you pregnant…” He shook his head, realizing what he was saying in a moment of true clarity. “Baby, I don’t know what’s happening, please forgive me—“
You kissed him softly. Just a peck. “Marc. It’s okay.”
Marc moaned with relief, turning you around and helping you to the bed. He laid you flat on your back and caged you in underneath of him, pressing his face into your neck to lick and suck and bite at your throat. The scents of the flat— you, him, home— relaxed his tense muscles. It made him feel as if you were in a safe zone. He peeled your jacket off and tore off your button-down shirt, the little buttons flying everywhere. Marc didn’t remove the suit, still only maskless— if it enhanced his powers, he wondered if it would enhance other things. If it might take first try.
Your little whimpers and gasps caused his hips to buck into you suddenly. He slipped his waist between your legs, which locked around his torso tightly to pull him closer. The sound of tearing fabric filled the bedroom as Marc tore off your pants and underwear with no effort whatsoever, making you gasp loudly and moan his name. Marc sensed how wet you were and snarled against your neck, grinding into you as he entwined his fingers with yours.
Your naked body was responding to him exactly how he wanted you to. You writhed and rocked against him, squeezing his hands for something to ground you. You wrestled a hand out from under his, and at first he was going to pin it back down, but then your fingers tangled in his curls and tugged. He groaned into your neck, sinking his teeth gently into your flesh and sweeping his other arm underneath of you to hold you against him; yours magnetized around him, hand fisting his cape at his back.
His hand slipped between you, sinking into your heat; you gasped, though the fact that you rocked into his hand made him continue. You were soaked.
He had Jake in one ear, barely able to control himself, whispering about how he needs to fuck you hard and thorough. He had Steven in the other, growling and cussing and trying to force himself to the front to take you himself.
Marc pulled back a little, just enough to maneuver his suit to pull his length out, throbbing and so hard he was nearly in pain. “Baby,” You whispered sympathetically, concerned, and Marc nudged his face into yours.
“Is this okay?”
You frowned, pulling him closer. He’d walk away if you said no, willing to fight through the pain of whatever was wrong with him. “It’s okay.”
Marc slowly, carefully, like you were made of glass, pushed into you. His hips twitched too quickly as he sunk in, as if he was fighting himself not to take you rough. Once he bottomed out, he unleashed a primal groan, deep in the back of his throat. “Oh my god; that’s it, babygirl, that’s it…”
His thrusts were slow as he rubbed your clit, trying to get you to the edge that he was already at. But it wasn’t enough, he needed more and so did you…
He pulled out, ignoring your whine save for a reassuring nudge against your face. “S’okay.” He turned you over, assisting you to your hands and knees; he doubled over you as he buried himself inside you again, pressing against something devastating deep within you— you cried out, loudly enough to where you knew your neighbors would be complaining in the morning. One of his arms swept under your hips to hold you firmly against him, the other, holding himself up alongside your own. You gripped his wrist for leverage as he propped a leg up beside you, knowing that he was going to absolutely ruin you.
The position woke up something feral in him. He was sure that Steven and Jake were co-fronting now, adding to his actions, but he didn’t care. You felt and looked and smelled so fucking good around and under and all over him that he didn’t care at all. His hips pistoned into you at a bruising pace, the head of his cock punching your cervix with each blow. His eyes rolled back in his head as he finally felt the build of his orgasm; but he couldn’t cum yet. Not without you. “Fuck, sweetheart—“ His position shifted slightly. He straightened his back, both hands coming to grip your hips briefly before one slipped underneath of you, pressing against your stomach until you moaned; he started grinding, feeling himself nudge against your insides as you started to sob with pleasure. Marc let out a guttural groan, letting his forehead fall onto your back. You all but screamed when he started roughly massaging your clit with his other hand.
“That’s it, babygirl, that’s it, come on… Come on…”
You came with a piercing wail that almost hurt his ears. Tumbling after you after a few stuttering thrusts was Marc, spilling into you with a yelp of alarm. “Oh— shit!” He stilled, face contorting with the pleasure of his high as he held you against him, panting fast and heavy as he emptied into you for far longer than he was used to. “F-fuck…”
“Huh,” Jake hummed, “Who knew wearing Khonshu’s suit would give us a bigger load.” Steven, on the other hand, had felt the orgasm too, and was calmed down, in a sort of daze.
“M-Marc,” you whimpered, but he was loathe to pull out of you. He reached up and brushed your sweaty hair back away from your face, kissing at your shoulders.
Gently, he rolled over so that you were both on your sides before pulling out; he scooped whatever dripped out right back in, not that it mattered. It didn’t take. She’s not pregnant. Marc frowned, whimpering as he let the suit melt off. You couldn’t take another load like that, not right now; he wasn’t even sure if you could take another orgasm. He was licking at your throat and that spot that drove you crazy, slowly, eyes closed as he breathed you in and held you against him. The contrast of your naked form against his clothed body made him feel off, so he pulled back and stripped of everything, settling in bed beside you.
He was already hard again, and the blissful smile you sent his way only made it worse. It disappeared off your face when you saw his pained expression. “What is it?”
“I… I need more…” He was reluctant to admit it. He didn’t want to take advantage of you.
“Marc…” You cupped his face in your hand. “I can take it. I promise. I’ll use my safeword if I can’t, okay?”
“Okay?” Marc echoed, situating himself above you and between your legs. “You sure? I don’t wanna hurt you—“
“I’m fine,” Was all the assurance he needed.
It was slower this time, more sensual. He held you against him as he drove carefully into you with firm rolls of his hips, getting as deep as possible. Your shared orgasm was enough to knock him out cold, and Steven fronted. Gently, he caressed your face as he hovered over you, already hard again inside you and knowing it hadn’t taken yet. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier, dove,” Steven breathed, nuzzling up under your chin. “Don’t know what came over me… do you have one more in you, lovey? One more?”
You knew full well it wouldn’t be just one more, or two. Steven managed to cum in you once, but he drew two orgasms from you first. Then Jake was fronting, gently moving you so that your legs were over his shoulders before he slowly pounded into you, drawing another orgasm from you when he came.
Fighting the urges, he launched into aftercare, wiping you clean and engulfing you in his hold as you slept.
When he woke, it was Marc. Jake and Steven were quiet. It was only midnight. The full moon blazed through the window, illuminating the whole room with silver light— and you were gone. Marc sat up in a panic, your scent overwhelming him and fresh; but where were you? He called your name warily, only for you to come out of the bathroom with one of his shirts on. Your legs were wobbly. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You needed your rest,” you whispered softly as he helped you back into bed. Immediately, his arms were around you and he was pulling you underneath of him, nuzzling into your throat with a soft hum. There was no trace of the other male’s scent, now. There’s only Marc, Jake, Steven, you… no one else.
You’re still not pregnant.
You’re still ovulating, though. The moon is at its fullest and brightest. He might not even need the suit. His hand traced your stomach, drawing patterns as you ran your hands through his curls. He softly said your name before propping himself up on his elbows to look you in the eye. He didn’t even have to ask; your legs parted for him immediately when you felt him hardening against your thigh, wrapping around his hips.
“Be gentle,” Steven warned, “We’ve had her all night.”
“She can do it,” Jake whispered, “Hermosa, tan hermosa…”
Marc hesitated, biting his lip. His fingers danced over your stomach nervously. “What is it?” You whispered quietly; he seemed a bit back to himself, more lucid, but you feared one wrong word would send him back into the frenzy he and his alters had been in earlier.
“I’m sorry,” Marc choked out, fighting back tears. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart; you didn’t sign up for any of this shit—“
“Marc,” You ran your thumbs over his cheekbones, brushing away tears he didn’t realize he’d shed. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not, I’m fucking you so hard with intentions you agreed to without thinking—“
You cut him off with a light scold. “Marc Spector… don’t you remember this morning?” Marc was, reasonably, confused. In fact, he didn’t remember much of the day. It was a blur of aggression and lust for all three of them. He shook his head. “We were talking about kids,” You caressed his cheek, brow furrowing with concern. “How many we wanted, how we’ll need a bigger house… this is just… a different way of trying.”
“...Trying,” Marc repeated after a second, shocked. He still didn’t remember it. But he trusted you. Now, other fears surfaced, ones he hadn’t thought of in his moon-induced trance. “What if I’m not a good dad? What if I’m a horrible father? What if—“
You cut him off with a passionate kiss. Marc melted against you. Don’t even say it, you thought, you’ll never be like your mother. “You’ll be an amazing father,” You whispered instead. “And I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.” After a moment, you added, “Do… Do you still want to try?”
Marc shifted slightly, licking his lips, before kissing you warmly. “...Yeah. I do.” You wrapped your arms around his neck with a smile, pulling him close. “Steven and Jake are here,” Marc breathed against your ear as he pushed into you; you hissed, walls over-sensitive from being paid so much attention over the course of the night. “Can they watch, pretty girl? Can they watch us make a baby?”
Your frantic nodding made Steven smile; Jake leaned back as if getting comfortable for a movie. Marc entwined your fingers with his as he slowly rutted into you, dragging his cock along your walls painfully slowly before sliding back in and pressing against something that made you see stars. You breathed his name like a mantra, while Marc whispered honeyed words into your ear. “Our kid’s gonna be so beautiful, having a part of you. Can’t think of anyone in the world I’d rather have a baby with, sweetheart; you, only you.” He nuzzled the side of your face, nipping at your jawline as he drew slow circles over your clit.
When you came, you dragged Marc with you over the edge, the pair of you writhing and moaning against each other in the throes of your ecstasy. As you came to, you saw Marc’s beaming smile, eyes glistening with unshed tears. His hand never left your stomach. “I think we did it… I… I think you’re pregnant.”
Marc let out a breathless laugh against your lips, and you laughed with him, hugging him tightly and kissing all over your face. Marc— finally satiated, back to himself, his alters confused and excited— was smiling like you’d never seen before. He was happy. “We just started a family,” You sniffled, shocked.
“Wouldn’t have done it with anyone else,” Marc said sincerely, tired and spent. He kissed you, warmth radiating off of him as he embraced you. “...I love you. I know I don’t say it a lot, and I should… I’m gonna try harder. To give you everything. To give you both everything…” His eyes locked with yours, both gazes holding unshed tears. He kissed you again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marc,” You said through your tears, and you fell asleep happy and entangled together under the light of the moon.
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Slowly, pointedly, you turned to glare over your shoulder at Marc, who sat at the dinner table, feigning innocence. “Marc…” You warned.
“What? I’m not doing anything.”
“Not yet.”
“You say that as if I’m known to do something.”
“Marc?” You said, half-turning around, “I learned long ago that I can never trust you with cookie dough.”
The sound of breaking glass in the next room made you both lunge frantically, tripping over yourselves, chairs, and each other as you rushed for the source of the sound. By the time you got there, there was only a little tiny version of Moon Knight, as if he’d been shrunk, dusting himself off as he stood to face you both, clearly having jumped off the couch in an attempt to “fly.”
You both heaved a sigh of exasperation toward your three-year-old son. “Nico,” Marc scolded lightly, coming forward to kneel in front of him. “What’ve we told you, buddy? You’re gonna get yourself hurt. I’ll fly with you, okay? But when you’re older, I promise. Are you hurt?”
Nico shook his little masked head. “No, Daddy. I bumped the vase.” He pointed accusingly toward the shattered glass and remains of flowers. Marc checked him over anyway before holding him gently by the shoulders. “Don’t do that again, okay?” Nico nodded, lowering his head, and Marc added, “Hey. I’m not angry. I just don’t want you getting hurt. I could never be angry at you. Ever. Okay?” He pulled Nico in for a tender embrace.
You watched it all from the doorway with a smile. Nico Randall Spector (Lockley-Grant, but you couldn’t officially put that on any of his birth certificates or documents without causing a whole conundrum of confusion) was every bit like his father. The same hair, same eyes, and same hidden chaotic energy. “Just like his father…”
Marc shot you a teasing glare. “Hey. I’ve never jumped off the couch.”
“So I’m just supposed to pretend we’ve never had Nerf battles, then?” You countered swiftly.
Marc scoffed as he stood with Nico in his arms. “I’ve never jumped off the couch. Have I ever jumped off the couch?” He turned to confirm with your son, who reluctantly nodded; Marc immediately began to tickle him. “Little traitor! I’ve never jumped off the couch! How dare you!”
Only when Nico was nearly out of breath did Marc stop, smiling as he pressed his forehead to his much smaller one. Nico hugged him tight enough to probably choke him, but Marc didn’t care; he gave him a kiss on the cheek before setting him down. “Okay— go change. It’s almost time for dinner.”
“Okay!” Nico started to hurry away; you called after him, “Need any help, Moon Knight?”
“No thank you,” Came his little voice; Jake’s cat, Taco, appeared out from underneath the couch and padded silently after him.
You and Marc watched your son disappear into his room fondly; you’d never seen Marc smile like that until he was born. He unfolded his arms and came over to loosely put his arms around your waist. “Thought you were supposed to be watching him while I finished up.”
“Your fault for distracting me with the cookie dough,” Marc retorted childishly, then added with a wink, “And those damn jeans.”
“Hush,” You whispered.
Marc smiled again, pressing a kiss to your temple as his hand fell to splay over your stomach. “Maybe his sister will keep him in line when she gets here.”
You tapped his nose with the spoon you’d been holding. He balked and blinked rapidly. “Hey. That doesn’t even have any dough on it!” Reduced to giggling messes, Marc held you tightly against him and closed his eyes, savoring the closeness.
Dinner was one of those rare moments of domestic bliss; Nico made a ridiculous mess, but all three alters were present, switching who was fronting in order to spend time with their expecting wife and son— and to help clean up. The night ended with Marc being the only one who remained awake after a movie, as you were tucked in on one side of him, his arm around you and his hand over your stomach, and Nico under the other arm. Marc smiled to himself, giving you each a kiss.
“Love you guys. With all my heart.”
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Thanks for reading!
Tags: @dameronsknight @sylkisdagger @atzlena @gucciboots @pastel-0-princess @rosaren2498 @love-on-the-murder-scene @wintergirlsoilder2 @blackcat-midnight-thatsme @multifandomsw @bookloverfilmoholic @khaotic-kris @hb8301 @soggumm @simonsbluee @bobfloydsgf @bluestuesday @magnet-girl @rosellacwrites @dweeb-central @ilymorepls @drwhofangirl1963 @loonymagizoologist @auszimbo @tealrivers @later-gators12 @izbelross @xcatnapsx @child-of-the-moon-gods @djarinsgirl27 @sokoviansorceress @eerievixen @cold-buffet-ham @upbeat-cascade @stark-kirk-rogers-grant-blog @candydancey @rqmanoff @jakelcckley @sharin4readers @lovely-cryptid @marc-spectorr @rmoonstoner @oscarisaacsspit @moonknightyws @hopefulfangirl24 @local-mr-frog @dawnsutopia @hot-mess-express1 @infinitelyforgotten
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Avatar Masterlist
JC Avatar Universe fanfiction - constantly updating (*- longer fics)
I write for Neteyam, Tsu'tey, Ao'nung, open to writing for Lo'ak, Jake
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*All For You - Neteyam x Ta’unui ! reader / enemies to lovers! - pt. 1 | pt. 2
when Quaritch attacks the Ta’unui water clan, Y/N flees to the Metkayina clan for safety. She develops feelings for Neteyam but the tensions grow when Y/N finds out that Neteyam is the son of Jake Sully - the man she hates.
*Be Mine - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / fake dating!
the one, where neteyam pretends to court the reader to avoid all of the nagging from his parents and a group of admirers. of course, it doesn’t take long for her to fall for him too
Human Stuff - Neteyam x Human ! reader (afab) / period cramps  
the one, where a confused na’vi teenager tries to comfort his human friend while she’s on her period
Your lips, my lips, apocalypse - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader
when y/n hangs out with the women at the lab and decides to put on lipstick to feel pretty, her friends start to make fun of her. but not neteyam, he thinks she looks cute
*And I cried when you first said, "Oel ngati kameie" - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / forbidden love!
despite her father’s wariness of the sully’s and their ‘demon-blood,’ y/n can’t help but feel drawn to neteyam. as the two of them bond over their similar experiences of parental pressure, he finds himself falling in love with her
*Second Chances - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / love triangle!
y/n and lo'ak were destined to be together, or so she thought... after moving to awa'atlu with the sully's, lo'ak starts to fall for a certain metkayina girl, leaving y/n completely heartbroken. it is unexpected when neteyam, who has been secretly harboring feelings for her, decides to tend to her wounds. can y/n reciprocate his love?
Nerves Talking - Neteyam x Crybaby ! reader / misscommunication
after spending months teaching his little sister’s friend how to hunt, neteyam is surprised by the lack of her progress. later on, he discovers then that she is just too nervous to be around him because of her not-so-small crush
Tunutu (Crush) - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / childhood friends to lovers
although neteyam had never reciprocated her feelings, choosing him was always an easy decision for y/n, one of those she could make in a heartbeat. so when another man tries to win her affections, neteyam suddenly becomes aware of what he has been missing out on
*Chosen by Eywa - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
eywa makes no mistakes... in the midst of his preparation to become the future olo'eyktan, neteyam is told to be with a chosen mate. guided by the signs of eywa, tsahik picks y/n, a woman orphaned by the war, whose heart already belongs to another. y/n's whole world begins to crumble, as she is forced into the loveless bond. will neteyam and y/n be able to overcome the odds and find their true happiness?
Child of Our Own - Tsu'tey x Omatikaya ! reader
seeing his friends already awaiting their firstborns, tsu'tey begins to yearn for a baby of his own, but he is too shy to tell you about it
Unrequited Love - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / smut
you had been in love with tsu'tey for as long as you could remember. so when you see his heart break again at the loss of another mate, you offer him comfort, expecting nothing in return
Unrequited - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
based on Unrequited Love: y/n had been in love with tsu'tey since they were kids, watching him get his heart broken over and over, until he became hardened. on one particular night, she offers him intimacy with no expectations in return, which sparks up a complex relationship between them. they grapple with guilt, unrequited love, and newfound intimacy, as y/n and tsu'tey navigate the depths of their feelings for each other
Captain Save a Hoe - Tsu'tey x Avatar ! reader
grumpy tsu’tey having to take care of a clumsy avatar!reader, and eventually warming up to her
Let Me Hear My Child - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / headcanons
tsu'tey's reaction to finding out his mate is pregnant
You'll be a great dad - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / Tsu'tey x Jake
tsu'tey is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear upon hearing the news of his mate's pregnancy and becoming a father, but like a good friend, jake is there to calm him down
Can't wait to meet you - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader
pregnant!reader having to reassure tsu'tey that he will be a great father, despite his fears
Just Married - Tsu'tey x Female ! mate
when you stepped into the public eye for the first time after your mating, tsu'tey couldn't contain the overflowing affection he held for you. but because you felt insecure about the way you were being perceived by the clan, tsu'tey decided to prove you otherwise
Heaven in Hiding - Ao'nung x Metkayina ! reader / secret dating!
ao'nung and you have been hiding your relationship for some time now but there comes a moment when you want more than that
Thinking out loud about avatar (my opinions/analyses/theories):
sully kids watching jake's old diary logs
neteyam taking the move to awa'atlu the best out of the sully's
jake cringing at "my husband was toruk makto" bc of his own insecurities
jake and quaritch making up
-- let me know, if you want to be added to my taglist ♡ 
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backmuscles21 · 2 months
You're Supposed To Be Ours
Recoms x Reader
Summary: You are an RDA chemist, you have caught the eyes of all the recoms. They can be a little possessive. So, when they see you talking with someone else, they need to teach you your place and where you belong. Warnings: smut, belly bulge, size kink, begging, spanking, orgasm denial/delay, punishment, possessive behaviour, sub/dom undertones
You came to Pandora as a chemist, they needed you to run tests on water, plants, rocks, and other elements. Basically, what they wanted you to do was make a periodic table for the things on Pandora.
Easier said than done.
However, you did love your job and you loved the planet. One thing you loved the most about your job was the new relationship you started. You have an avatar body for when you go on missions to collect samples to test and figure out their composition. Since you have a trillion-dollar avatar body and were only a scientist, you needed protection. And what better protection than the new Na’vi recom soldiers? Plus, they were tall, strong, and muscular.
So that is how you met your new lovers. You learned that they were a little hard-headed, very strong, very loyal, and pretty jealous. Not necessarily jealous of each other, they saw themselves as a family, but with literally anyone else. When you told them you liked boy boys and girls you couldn’t talk to a single soul without them feeling a tinge of jealousy. Some were good at hiding it others had it written all over their face, it didn’t really bother you too much, you had them.
You would go to work and then go back to them, sometimes in your human body or in your avatar. Not too many people knew you were with all the recoms, the only people that really knew were some of the people in your department. They had seen you with them when they dropped you off or came by to pick you up after you finished work or when they would visit you while you were working. It was always someone different, but it was always one of your tall blue lovers.
Some of your co-workers liked to pick on you a little for being with them and fucking the aliens. You didn’t care, you loved them deeply, and you wouldn’t ever trade them for the world.
But one day, when one of them came to visit you while you were working, they saw you talking with some of your co-workers. You were laughing and smiling and you just tucked your hair behind your ears, you did that when you were flustered.
It was Prager who came to visit you, he was feeling tired and in a cuddly mood and he always sought you out when he got that way. He was angry that you’d be talking with this guy that you worked with. You should be laughing with anyone but them, you were theirs. So, Prager went back to the recom common room to tell everyone what he saw.
He stormed back to the common room, punched in the door code and stomped in.
“What happened? Did she say she had to work? Cause I told you so,” Lopez said with a smirk.
Prager didn’t answer, instead, he gathered everyone in the common area.
“What’s going on? Care to explain?” Miles asked.
“I went to see her and I saw her but she was talking and laughing with another guy. They were supposed to be working and she even tucked her hair behind her ears. She was flirting with him; I couldn’t believe it. So, I came back here to tell you guys,” Prager explained.
“What was she doing?” Mansk asked, always trying to work out situations, giving you the benefit of the doubt.
“She was by her microscope, she was writing on some papers, but then she stopped and she gave him her undivided attention,” Prager explained
“Well, let’s go see this then,” Lyle said wanting to confirm it.
Miles put his arm out to stop Lyle, “no. We wait till she finishes work, she has to anyway. Then we will confront her. You know she can’t lie worth a damn and will crumble under us. She can also explain her side of the story and we will go from there.”
“Are we gonna punish her?” Walker asked with a slight smirk.
“Depends. She might have an explanation and then we will just tone down our usual punishment. If she doesn’t deny it and says what she did, we will use a lesser punishment. If she tries to hide it and denies it, we will go no bars held. She knows her safe word,” Miles explained to everyone.
“When is she done?” Zdog asked.
“A few hours. I’ll pick her up. I intimidate her the most,” Miles said as he smirked at his fellow soldiers.
“So, what do we do till then?” Ja asked.
“We could try to get her out early. Maybe do a random walk-by and see if it’s continuing?” Fike suggested.
“That’s the first smart thing you’ve ever said,” Lopez smirked.
“Go fuck yourself,” Fike said to Lopez with a scoff and smile while rolling his eyes.
So, a few hours passed and Miles left a couple of minutes before you were supposed to finish for the day. He walked in front of the glass doors of the chemistry lab, there were multiple scientists working away. Then his eyes landed on you, looking into different Petri dishes and writing stuff down. He fell in love with you all over again, he couldn't believe how gorgeous you were. Both your human body and your avatar body were absolutely stunning, he understood why people wanted you, not that they’d ever get you.
He opened the door and walked in, he saw you look up and smile brightly. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders and watched you finish your notes.
“I’m almost done give me five minutes.”
“Take your time cupcake,” Miles said patting your shoulders.
He noticed your co-workers staring at you and him and then whispering to each other, he knew they liked to gossip. He wasn’t bothered by them and he knew you weren’t either but he still didn’t like it. He gave them a slight scowl and turned back towards you.
Finally, you and him left the lab and went to the recom-only areas. Once you entered the room and saw all of your lovers right there you were surprised.
“Woah, what’s going on? Did I miss something? Is there a special occasion?” You said slightly nervous.
Miles came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed a little bit. “We needed to talk to you about something and we need you to be honest.”
“What’s up?” You said it slowly, you were kind of scared.
“Were you flirting with one of your co-workers today?” Miles asked.
“Flirting? You think I would purposely flirt with someone I work with? That’s like giving that person a death wish. I wasn’t trying to flirt with anyone, if that happened, I’m sorry that it did, it was not my intention.”
“But you were flustered. I saw you tuck your hair behind your ears,” Prager said.
“I was using my microscope a lot today and I forgot my hair tie. You know how I hate my hair in my face. I just happened to tuck my hair behind my ears a lot today.”
“But you were laughing and talking with him then you looked down and tucked your hair behind your ears. You were flustered, he made you flustered.”
“I swear I never intended for that to happen. I have to talk with my coworkers, I need them to tolerate me. I work with them and there’s no replacing them or me so we have to get along. I promise I was not intentionally flirting with anyone I work with.”
“But you were being friendly,” Lyle said.
“Yeah, but I need to be. I need them to like me. I’m friendly to anyone I talk to. I don’t talk to a lot of people other than you guys but I’m not an asshole.”
“I think you need to learn your place,” Miles said leaning over to whisper in your ear.
Your eyes went wide, they planned on punishing you for this.
“Do I need my avatar for this?”
“No, we will be tame enough for a human.”
You breathed out loudly through your nose trying to calm yourself. You didn’t hate when this happened, it was hot. However, it was just a lot and it was tiring and it was just so much for your little body.
Miles started to move his hands down to your hips, then he moved them from your hips to slide up your sides and take your shirt off. You lifted your arms to help him take your shirt off, he threw your top onto the floor and touched your smooth skin again. His hands went to your back and unclasped your bra, he took it off you as well and let it fall to the floor. Miles smiled as he watched everyone state at you, he placed his large hands on your tits and pulled you into his body. He started to play with your nipples and it made you cry out.
You could see the smirks on everyone’s faces as they watched you whine while being toyed with. Miles' hands then found the hem of your pants, he unbuttoned them and let them fall to the floor.
“These are cute,” Miles said as he revealed your panties to the recoms. He grabbed the band of your panties on your hip and let it slap against your skin.
“Now, be a good girl and go apologize to Prager first. He wanted you so badly and he had to see you openly flirting,” Miles said as he slapped your ass as you walked over to Prager.
You sat on Prager’s lap and kissed him; Prager’s hands roamed your body before staying on your hips. He squeezed the flesh of your hips and occasionally your butt, you found yourself naturally rolling your hips into him. You could feel him getting harder and harder, you then got off him to kneel in front of him. You started to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants; you pulled out his hard cock. Your hands were so tiny compared to his Na’vi-sized dick; you stroked him a few times before you took him into your mouth.
It was hard to take him into your mouth but you pushed through, his hand grasped at your hair as you sucked him off. He was moaning out lowly as you did the best you could to get as deep as possible, what you couldn’t reach you stroked. Prager was trying to not jerk his hips and start fucking your face but he couldn’t help it, you were just so good. You focused on his head, pushing your tongue onto it and swirling it around. You tried to keep your teeth from hitting his shaft but it was so hard when he was stretching your mouth to its limits. You knew he was close just from the way his thighs twitched and his cock twitched in your mouth.
You pushed him to the back of your throat as he came, it went right down and as you pulled off him, you looked up at him. He was smiling, he looked so blissed out.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Of course, baby,” Prager said stroking your head.
“Don’t be so nice to her. We’re not done here,” Miles said as he walked over to you and picked you up.
Miles placed you down on your stomach on one of the recom-sized tables, your legs dangled helplessly as he held you there with a hand on your back. Lyle walked up next to Miles and kissed your back a few times, his hand then replaced Miles as he stood behind you. He ground his semi-erect cock into your butt before his other hand stroked down your back, landing on your left butt cheek.
“You gonna count ‘em?”
You nodded, “yeah,” you breathed out feeling yourself get more turned on.
His large hand landed a good smack on your butt cheek, it had a good echoing sound.
“One,” you staggered out.
His hand gripped your butt cheek after the smack, his hand rubbed the area as it left your skin coming down again.
You could hear him snickering as he played with your butt cheek a bit before landing a few concurrent slaps to your left cheek.
You couldn’t lie, it was starting to hurt. You knew that this is what was supposed to happen, it was supposed to cause a bit of pain. You liked it but their recom size and strength was a bit much, it just felt raw more than painful, but you could still handle it.
“Six,” you whined out as Lyle slapped your butt again.
He was definitely an ass man but also a boob man, this man was just horny and would take what he could get. He loved all bodies, all sizes, and all parts, but he had a favourite, big juicy asses. He loved a nice jiggly butt, nothing was better, he liked getting to slap, squeeze, pinch, fondle, lick, kiss, suck, bite, whatever he could do, he wanted it. That’s why he was perfect for this job, he could get off on watching your butt jiggle as he slapped your butt.
Lyle hit the same left cheek, you started to lurch forward as he made contact. It was getting to be quite painful but you were almost done, he almost always went to 10. If he tried more, you might stop him, if he would actually stop.
You squeezed your eyes when Lyle made impact, you were moaning out at every hit. You could also feel how hard Lyle was, he had to be leaking.
The finish line was so close, one more and you’d be done. You felt the hand on your back move to your hip, that was new. Both his hands then held your hips and he lifted your hips up a bit and that’s when you felt his cock head rubbing through your folds. You didn’t even hear him unzip his pants, He then pushed in as he slapped your left cheek one last time.
“Ten,” you cried out as he pushed a few inches into you.
Your hands tried to grip at the table, your fingertips pressing into the table while your knuckles bent. Your back was trying to arch with no success, Lyle held you in place as he slowly pushed in more and more.
“Feel how hard you made me by just having your ass on display. I guarantee now pussy ass science puke could fuck you like this. Could get as hard as this. Could get as deep as this. Could make you scream out like this.”
He was praising himself as he started to thrust in and out of you, he was praising how good their recom bodies could fuck you. Hoping that you’d never even think about your coworkers ever again, hoping that you’d never even look at another person.
“Lyle, fuck, Lyle,” you reached your hand back for him, “please.”
“Please what, buttercup?”
“You got it babe.”
Lyle sped up and went deeper, you moaned out and he smirked. Your forehead hit the table as you cried out, he couldn’t help but get harder at the sight of you soaking up what he was giving you.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking deep.”
“You like it baby? I can do more. I can already feel myself inside you.”
Lyle smirked as he kissed your back, you could feel his hand on your stomach just below your navel. Your arm slowly moved down there to feel where his hand was, you could feel his cock poking through your skin. You’d seen it and felt it before but it got you every time, it was so hot to know how they were bulging out of you. it just made you feel so small, it was so hot to feel it, even more so when you’d press on it and you’d hear whoever was in you moan.
Like now, pressed down on your lower stomach had Lyle moaning and grunting, he kept thrusting faster and faster before cumming deep in you. While it felt good and it was hot, you didn’t cum and that was probably their plan for tonight, not stimulate you enough to cum or deny you of it all together.
Lyle pulled out and moved away from you, he then lifted you up and placed you in the lap of Lopez. He already had his cock out, he held onto your hips before helping you to sink down on his thick cock. You gripped onto his shoulders for dear life as you felt the stretch, nothing helped with the stretch. Even after Lyle just fucked the shit out of you, you still weren’t meant for their large bodies.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing the shit out of me, baby girl,” Lopez said resting his forehead in yours.
He slowly sunk you down further and further until he stopped and started to lift your body up and down on his cock. Your head rested on his shoulder as you cried out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled your bodies close together.
“Please, please, please, let me cum,” you whined out. You figured begging might help.
“I’m glad you figured it out. Sooner than I thought. Either way, you won’t be cumming for some time,” Miles said from right behind you. You felt him kiss your shoulder after he told you, his plan.
You whined out from Miles' words and from feeling Lopez go in deeper. You knew you had to cum, but you also knew you couldn’t otherwise your punishment would get worse. Your mouth bit into Lopez’s bare shoulder as you focused on not cumming. The grip Lopez had on your body got tighter as you tried your best to follow Miles’ orders.
“Fuck baby girl, you’re gripping me so fucking hard.”
“Well, I’m trying not to cum. You’re just hitting it perfectly.”
He made a particular few thrusts up into you at really stroked your walls beautifully. You moaned out, holding onto him harder as you held back the best you could.
“Miles please let me cum, I can’t hold it back, please.”
“You’re not cumming.”
You knew asking Lopez was futile, he wasn’t going to let you cum anymore than Miles would. You knew that you would just have to hold off, but that was going to be even harder shortly. After Lopez finally came, you felt yourself finally be able to let your body relax, but that didn’t last long.
“You good with going upside down?” Walker asked smirking in your ear. She bit the lobe of your ear lightly as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She lifted you up off Lopez and took you to where she was sitting. She rested your back on her thighs and took your hips lifting them up to her mouth. Your legs straddled her head as she smiled at you between them.
“Wait I can’t, she gonna make me cum. All she does is know how to stimulate. She doesn’t stop till I cum.”
“That’s your problem, honey,” Walker smiled as she attached her mouth to your clit.
Your head pushed back against her knees as you moaned out loudly. Your hands gripped the armrests and your eyebrows furrowed; your mouth was agape as Walker pulled moan after moan from your mouth. It was such a compliment to her to see you stuck in a state like this. However, it didn’t take long before she had you cumming, it was going to happen, and you were already holding back. You were so sensitive, it didn’t matter, any stimulation was going to get you to cum.
Walker slurped at your pussy as she took everything you gave her.
“I hope you enjoyed that. Because you’re in for it now.”
You stared up at Miles, you could see how much his hard cock was pushing his pants out from your position. You could feel yourself getting more turned on. Miles picked you up and laid you back on the table from earlier. He more or less dropped you and held you on your back. He snarled as he watched you squirm under his large hand, his jaw moved from side to side.
He was planning how he wanted to abuse your poor pussy.
One thing you learned about him was he enjoyed eye contact. If he was eating you out, he’d stare at you and you better be staring back. Same with when you gave him head, on top of that, while fucking he also wanted to see your eyes. You couldn’t close them from pain or pleasure, you had to keep them on his. He made you stare at him as he unbuttoned his pants, he kept eye contact with you as he roughly pushed into you. He pushed all of his length into you in one go, it made you moan out loudly. You have been prepared well enough but it still stung and especially just from how he just pushed it all inside. He was bottomed out and he was one of the longer and thicker ones. He started to thrust into you right away, he took no prisoners either.
He was merciless, he lifted a leg to rest it on the table to get better leverage to fuck you deeper. Your small hands clawed at his back; you were in pain but it felt so good. Miles was deep inside, he was fast and normally at this point, you’d just lay your hand on your lower stomach to feel the bulge of his cock outlined in your skin. You couldn’t your body was so wound up, he was stimulating you so much, you just gripped onto his skin.
Your abs were so tightly restricted, you were just constantly being overstimulated. Your eyes fought to stay open to stare into his as he fucked you, all you wanted to do was close your eyes and throw your head back. You fought with yourself to keep from letting your body feel the pleasure, you had to keep your eyes open. Not to mention, even if you begged, he probably wouldn’t have let you cum.
“Miles, Miles, please, I can’t. I have to cum.”
“You will wait till I do then I will let you.”
You sighed out in protest, you could barely hold it, you wanted to cum now. You knew he wouldn’t be too much longer but still, you had to cum now. You felt him twitch, he was close he had to be, it was light there was light at the end of the tunnel. He came deep inside you; you cried out as it just filled you up.
��Miles, please, can I cum?”
His sharp deep thrusts didn’t stop, “have at it, cupcake.”
It only took a second after he finished his sentence for you to cry out while cumming. Your body moved on its own, your eyes squeezed shut and the top of your head hit the table. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms the recoms have ever given your human body. Miles kissed your sternum a few times before pulling out, Ja was quick to pick your tired and spent body up and place you in his arms. He sat down with your body resting on his, he was grounding you by rubbing at your back and running a hand through your hair.
“Don’t you want to get off too?”
“No, baby. You’ve done too much. Your body is tired and probably sore. We can wait,” Ja said to you.
“But I’ve taken you all before?”
“Yeah, that was when you were taking two or three of us at once and we didn’t make you hold your orgasms. You rest, we have all the time in the world,” Zdog said butting in to kiss your tired and sweaty face.
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areislol · 1 year
helloo! just wanna say that your writing is so good! could i request neteyam(or the sully kids), lo'ak and tsu'tey with fem! reader who's on her period? how would they deal with the bleeding and react? thank you ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
sully kids, tsu'tey x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, kiri, tuk, tsu'tey warnings— mentions of blood, inappropriate language(sperm, etc.), might be ooc? can be seen as platonic/romantic for neteyam/lo'ak. tsu'tey and reader are dating/the female na’vi’s do not menstruate, fluff!! not proof read but i will later, hopefully. a/n— tysm anon! i've been thinking about the boys with reader who's on her period and then this request comes in, thank you!! also spider isn’t in here because.. no. i’m sorry to everybody who wanted him in here. anything with tsu’tey in it is in avatar 2, he’s still alive. unless you request or i write it during avatar 1. synopsis— when your period arrives, they are curious and scared about why you're bleeding from that area, you explain to them about the female anatomy.
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"Wait... so you bleed from there every month?" they asked, you nod.
they stare at you in disbelief, mouth wide open and eyes bugged, you chuckle from their reaction, “so what do you have to do to stop the bleeding?”
you pull out a thick cloth from your satchel and fold it until it’s the right size. “this.” you say while holding it up
they exchange glances at the piece of cloth and you, when they don’t say anything and just continue to stare at the cloth and then at you, you sigh before speaking.
“i put it under where the blood comes from, and then i wash the cloth and reuse. if i can’t then i just get another cloth and then do the same thing, understand now?”
they squint their eyes, unsure of what to make of this, determined to make them understand you decide to teach them the (human) female anatomy.
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sully kids x human! reader
Kiri, tuk and lo’ak were talking to each other, wondering what you were going to be teaching them, neteyam on the other hand, watched you as you walk around to find a stick to use, his eyebrows raises when he sees you running toward where the group was, a stick in your hand. Once you reach them you sit down beside kiri, using the stick, you start to draw a human body on the sand, a very poorly drawn human body, well at least what resembles a body anyway. Everybody leaned in closer to look at your drawing, “hm.. okay! so this is the part where the blood comes from,” you say, pointing to the lower part of the body in between the legs, “okay?”, they nod, kiri and neteyam look at you which prompts you to go on. ”So this area...”, pointing at the uterus, “is the uterus, correct?” you ask, when they nod you start to draw lines coming out of the uterus and out of the part(v). “This is the period.” you say, pointing at the lines. “So every month a female starts her period which should only last for a week, the uterus lining, which is like tissue from our uterus, shreds because the egg hasn’t been fertilized.” Upon hearing the last sentence everybody raised their eyebrows. ”What egg? do you have a egg in you?!” tuk questions, worry filled her voice, she almost faints. You found it hilarious that she thought that, then neteyam and lo’ak also asked if you had an egg in you and if you were okay, you could see the worry on their faces, shaking your head you giggled, lo’ak stared at you in disbelief, why were you laughing at this serious matter? ”No no, not a literal egg. it’s like a small little thing in our ovary, it’s one of the main things that you need to get pregnant. Once the.. sperm reaches the egg,  the egg gets fertilized and you know, you get pregnant!”, once you were done talking you noticed how they all look dazed, their smiles faltering, like they didn’t understand, but you could understand. I mean, you were quite literally saying words that they didn’t understand. Sooner or later after you stopped talking, they started to ask you questions, what is “sperm”? why is the female body so “complicated”? and such. Kiri and tuk would grimace, scrunching their face, even sticking out their tongue in disgust whenever you answered their or the others questions. Lo’ak and neteyam were both slightly disgusted but interested. You then go on to explain how some girls experience cramps and mood swings when on their period. Neteyam expressions seem to soften after hearing the problems that you, girls, have to go through, while lo’ak expressions seem to harden, why did you, girls, have to go through that? Tuk shivers when she hears you talk more about periods. They all were interested in periods, all paying extreme attention to what you had to say. Kiri laid her hand on your thigh, giving you a sorrowful look. “I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of that... i’m so glad that we don’t have to go through that.” Tuk nodded, agreeing with kiri’s statement. You placed your hand over kiri’s, giving her a gentle smile you spoke, “it’s fine kiri, honestly, i’ve had it for a long time now, i’m used to it.” You pulled your hand back, kiri doing the same. After a few seconds lo’ak’s eye widens, he was crouching down, but after something had popped into his mind he moved closer to you, still crouching. “How can we help you?”, his voice was serious yet it also sounded like he was worried. ”Hm, well there’s nothing you can do really, but i guess for period cramps something warm? having an extra cloth on you and listening to someone rambling and comforting them when they’re having mood swings.” you answer, putting on your thinking face. While you’re still thinking for more things, you dont realize that all the sully children are taking in what you’re saying and remembering, so next time you have cramps or is leaking they have everything prepared. Every example you give they’re taking notes mentally, Lo’ak asks you more questions so that he can be FULLY prepared when you’re on your period, especially when you’re early. Neteyam, kiri and tuk are nodding at everything you say, remembering what you’re talking about. Once you’re done explaining you notice that they are all eager to go off somewhere. They all looked like they wanted to be somewhere, right now. When you all say your goodbye’s neteyam is off to his marui, grabbing some spare cloths. Lo’ak is off to grab everything to make the “heat pad”, cloths and something soft and some sewing materials. Kiri and tuk both run off to ronal, the tsahìk to ask for some pain killers. ”Pain killers? and for what?” ronal spoke, raising her eyebrows, eyeing the two young girls. Kiri and tuk exchange looks and giggle before answering ronal, “nothing!” Ronal contemplates whether or not to give the pain killers to kiri and tuk but in the end she gives in. They would all fight for your thanks' and fight to help you really, an example, you’re sitting on a rock, your legs swaying in the water, the sully children are playing in the water, chasing each other in the water when you feel a sudden pain in your abdomen. It was your cramps, again. Sighing you reach into your satchel, putting your hands in the pocket you feel for your pain killers but after trying to grab nothing you looked into your bag, a look of devastation feel on your face. Neteyam heard your groans and whimpering, just a few feet away from where he and his siblings were. His head popped up from the water, gasping for air once he got up, he turned around to see where you were, once you were in his sight his face dropped, you were tightly hugging your waist, your eyes were closed shut, you mouth agape, groaning. Wasting no time he quickly swims to where you sat and hopped on the rock, looking up you see neteyam standing next to you, his eyes said everything. ”Are you okay? do you need anything? period cramps?” with his question you nod eagerly. Neteyam hurriedly rummaged through his satchel when he saw shadows in the water approaching you two, neteyam closed his satchel, he fiercely stood right next to you, fists balled just in case ao’nung and his gang were going to cause trouble to you and him. Once neteyam seems the familiar faces rising up and popping up and gasping for air he eased, “What’s wrong neteyam? you just left us- oh, y/n? are you okay?!” kiri rushed to you, climbing on the rock and sitting beside you, placing her hands on your shoulder, looking at tuk she nodded and tuk swam closer to you and sat on the rock with you, but before tuk could open her satchel neteyam interrupted her, “what are you doing?” Tuk paused, looking up at her older brother her lips curved into a smile, “just giving y/n some pain killers, why?”, tuk saw how neteyam glared at her, playfully if you can even call it that. “Was going to give her some too..” he mumbled, gripping your stomach you looked at neteyam and gave him a faint smile, giving tuk one as well. Lo’ak and kiri then hopped on the rock and started to question if you were okay, when you told them that your stomach hurt they both opened their satchels, they were about to grab the pain killers when they stopped. Everybody looked at each other with confusion, kiri and lo’ak smiled in mischief, both grabbing the pain killers and offering it to you. Neteyam stood beside you, watching his brother and sister offer their pain killers to you, he wanted to give you the pain killers that he had, to you, but he didn’t want to cause a scene so he let his siblings to their thing. Tuk frowned but after you gestured her to come sit closer to you her smile appeared, although she was wet, she was warm, and that made your stomach pain fade away slowly. While that was happening kiri and lo’ak were both arguing, saying that you should take her pain killers because she’s a girl, lo’ak gives her a look of confusion and disbelief. Lo’ak then went on that you should take his because he got it recently while kiri’s was probably a century old, which was of course, false. Neteyam sat down beside you and put his arm around you and tuk, pulling you closer to his body, and again, he was wet but still warm, so with the warmth of two people, warmth on your shoulder and warmth on your stomach you sighed in relief, stopping the bickering between kiri and lo’ak. They saw you with a smile on your face, eyes closed, tuk laying on your thighs, hugging your stomach while neteyam held you close, his arms around your shoulders with a smug look on his face when he sees the look of devastation on his sibling face. ”Good luck next time” neteyam states, pulling you even more close to him even though you two were practically in each others bubble. Kiri looked defeated, lo’ak frowned before sighing, “I’ll need it..” and with that he sat beside tuk, kiri following him and sitting beside lo’ak. Neteyam, lo’ak and kiri looked beyond the horizon, Neteyam hugging you closely while tuk slept on your lap. “We should get home, dad won’t like it if we’re out any later.” kiri suggests, lo’ak and neteyam simultaneously look at her, “no, y/n and tuk is resting, later.” Kiri rolls her eyes and huffs, standing up and jumping into the water to see the fishes, again.
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tsu’tey x human! reader “What do you mean you bleed from there? are you hurt? should i call the tsahìk?” tsu’tey asks, worry filled his voice, “what? no! im fine, it’s normal.” you answer, holding back your laughter, he sounded way too serious for something that was normal, well, for humans anyway. Tsu’tey raises his eyebrow at you, giving you a small nod even though he wasn’t completely sure if you were okay but he trusted you, also since you were a human so your anatomy is different to his kind. You and tsu’tey stop talking for a bit before he breaks the silence with a question, “how do you deal with all of that? the.. ‘period’?” he asks, inching closer to where you sat. The first thing you thought of was the cloth, which was the replacement of a pad, humming you open your satchel and pull out a cloth, you then fold it until it’s the right size and hand it to tsu’tey, he was watching you with confusion written all over his face when he saw you grab your cloth. Tsu’tey takes the cloth from your hands and observes it, it looks normal, nothing is different other than the fact that you folded it. He looked at you, cloth in hand and doesn’t say anything, meaning that he’s confused. “Uh- so basically we just put it under our part.. so stop the bleeding from going everywhere.” you blurt out, with your answer tsu’tey nods, understanding you but not fully. You know that he doesn’t know much about the female body so you decide to teach him, reaching into your satchel you pull out your notebook and a pencil, you set the notebook down and move (even) closer to tsu’tey, you start to draw a human body, or what resembles a human body. “Okay, so this is our part, it’s called a “vagina”, that’s the proper way to say it, another way to say it is “pussy” but that also means cat.” you say, then you tell him to repeat what you said and he does so. You then point to where the uterus is, “this is our uterus, where the baby grows, the reason why we bleed is because our “egg” isn’t fertilized, so our uterus lining shreds, so we bleed because we don’t get pregnant and it’s like “oh! no sperm? might as well shred”.” Once you finish talking you look at tsu’tey looks overwhelmed with the information you’ve given him, to you it’s not a lot, but to him it’s a lot. Once tsu’tey calms down a bit, his brows furrowed before asking you a “serious” question, “do you have an egg in you?” he asks in a grave tone. He sounded too serious that you burst out laughing, while you’re laughing hysetrically he’s giving you a confused look before pouting, why were you laughing at his question? Tsu’tey puts his hand on your shoulder and tells you to calm down, in an attempt to calm you down, and you do. Once your laughter dies down you had to wipe your tears away, “now answer my question, do you have an egg in you? why?” and again, he says it in a serious tone that it almost makes you laugh again. Using all your will power you stop yourself from laughing and answer his question, you shook your head and once you do his shoulders rest as if he has been carrying something heavy on his shoulder. “They’re small things in our ovaries, we call them eggs. Without it we wouldn’t have any children.” Once you finish your comment tsu’tey gives you a nod and pulls his hand back. After explaining some things, like how some girls experience cramps which is when the stomach hurts, mood swings, when their mood changes very quickly, tsu’tey then asks if there was any way to reduce the pain or help the women, you give him a tender smile and answer his questions. While answering his questions, he’s mentally taking notes since he knows that you’re on your period and is taking notes so the next time you’re late or early he’s prepared, oh you don’t have any spare cloths? fret not! inside my satchel i have some cloths just for you! your stomach hurts? here my love, a handmade heat pad (it’s a cloth that’s sewed with something soft inside of it and was left out in the sun for hours) just for you. You also explain how some girls leak, meaning that their “pad” or cloth, couldn’t hold the bleeding (most times it’s heavy bleeding) and leaked, or the size wasn’t right or the absorbancy was poor. Everything you say, tsu’tey is taking notes, and when you tell him how some men get mad at their girlfriends for leaking he gets mad, like how could you get mad for someone who can’t even control something? Tsu’tey scoffs, he assures you that if you ever leaked he’d never get mad at you and would help you clean up, get you a new cloth and underwear if you feel too disgusted to walk, or if you can you can go get it. Once you hear him say that you give him a hug and you made sure to hug him tightly, kissing his cheek, “best boyfrien- no, mate, ever!!” you squeal. Smiling, he hugs you back while running his fingers through your hair, When you pull back your hands are still around his neck, his eyes are staring deep into yours, his yellow eyes with a hue of green never failed to make you awe, “i can say the same to you my love.” he states before pulling you into a kiss. To say the least, he definitely praises and respects women even more now, since you women carry babies and deal with all this nonsense.
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist:  @winnithepoohh @nerbyrobotics 
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing for 5 days, literal hell. enjoy!! also i have others coming up to stay tuned bb.
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Explaining Periods to The Sullys
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synopsis: reader explains what a period is to the Sully kids (with the help of kiri)
pairings: neteyam x reader implied couple(aged up), reader x sully kids + spider
genre: idk, informative??/ comedy???
author's note: you guys didn't forget about dr. max patel, right? I barely see him in anyone's writing. proofread once
warnings: mention of female bodies(?), periods, blood, slight gun mention(nothing violent), maybe a few swear words, slight suggestive comment, slight stabbing threat(threat was made as a joke- calm down guys)
word count: 1.6k words
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"OOF" you rubbed your forehead as your butt had just landed on the floor.
"I'm always forgetting that my avatar form is taller than my human body" you sighed as you got up.
"This is the third time this week that you've bumped into that doorpost" Norm snickered before hitting himself on the light bulb above him that was illuminating the lab.
"Crap" he murmured, rubbing the top of his head in pain.
"Ha!" you let out in retaliation.
Spider and Lo'ak laughed at the scene unfolding while Kiri and Neteyam rolled their eyes.
"Anyways, what was it that you kids wanted from the lab?" Norm squinted at the Sully kids, weary of their intentions.
"We just wanted to see where it is that y/n does all of her experiments" Lo'ak responded as he played around with the light fixtures, flipping through some different light colors illuminating a plant.
"Whatever, just don't break anything or the top scientist with have my head for any more expenses." Norm warned
"It's alright, Norm. I'm watching them. They won't break anything. And if they do, I won't take Lo'ak hunting again." You reassured him.
"Hey, what do I have to do with that! You know if you don't teach me how to use one of those rifle thingies then I'll have to wait for my dad. And you know how that is. The last time he taught me was months ago, he's been too busy teaching Neteyam." Lo'ak side eyed his older brother.
"Pff, it's not my fault that you're not responsible enough and that dad gets nervous every time you have a gun in your hands." Neteyam shot back.
"Then you'll just have to stop touching everything you see in the lab, Lo'ak. You see? Easy peasy. Problem solved. Then you won't break anything and I can give you your next lesson tomorrow." You patted Lo'ak's back and gave Norm a reassuring smile. 'Don't worry,' you mouthed and turned around, focusing your attention on the Sully kids.
"So, what's the plan?" you tilted your head in question.
"Well, I've gotta get a new oxygen tank for my mask and-" Spider headed for the cabinets
"SPIDER, are you for real?"
"What?" he shook his shoulder in question.
"You're still using those crappy RDA masks that need a wire and oxygen tank and all of that. I thought Norm gave you the new ones, from my research company."
"You own a company?" Max teased as raised his eyebrows at you.
"No... you know what I mean. I mean the science department that I'm part of. The new scientists that came to Pandora after your disastrous RDA was kicked out." You shot a look at the doctor.
"Really, you didn't have to go that far..."
"Oh, lighten up Max." you patted his shoulders. "Anyways, where are those new masks? Spider needs one, he's still using those outdated ones."
"Really, those old masks shouldn't even work anymore." Max shook his head and handed Spider a mask, "Here you go, kid."
"I thought Norm gave him one." Max crossed his arms while conversing.
"Nah, I guess Norm's been too distracted with the Na'vi school he took over after Grace" You shrugged.
"Yea... well, see you later guys, I have some more research to work on." he waved before walking away.
"So, Spider, let's get this thing on. All you have to do is take off all of those wires and that old mask. Next, just put this one on like you did the old one and adjust it and it should start working immediately." You helped Spider with the process while Kiri visited her mother's avatar body.
"No tank or anything?" Spider questioned.
"Nope, this has a little filter thing that automatically filters out the carbon and nitrogen inside the mask. No more heavy tank for you to use." You threw the old air tank to the disposal pile and was headed towards one of your plants before being interrupted by Lo'ak.
"Hey y/n, what's this?" Lo'ak held up a packet of pills.
"Lo'ak, put that back." Neteyam scolded before snatching the pills from his hand and placing it back on your table.
"It says, birth-control," Lo'ak scrunched his eyebrows while reading the words on the wrapper.
"Take once a day to prevent pregnancy..."Spider read aloud before putting the pills back.
"Woah..." Lo'ak and Spider let out in unison before giving you and Neteyam looks.
"Are you guys...doing ummm...having errr" Lo'ak stumbled as tried to get the words out of his mouth.
"First of all, that's none of your business! Second, those pills aren't even for my avatar body. They're for my human body, and not for what you think it is."
"Then for what?" Spider raised his eyebrows at you.
"They're for my period. But only for my human body because my avatar doesn't get periods." You sighed in having to explain periods to fifteen-year-old boys.
"What's a period?" Lo'ak asked.
"Women things." Kiri responded as she rolled her eyes at her brother's nosiness.
"And how would you know? You're a na'vi." Spider interrogated.
"Because girls talk to girls about things they don't talk to boys about. Duh." Kiri shot back.
"So, what is it?" Lo'ak waved his hands in question.
"Yea, what's a, um- a period? Isn't that the little dot that goes at the end of a sentence? At least that's what Norm taught me..." Spider trailed off.
"Yea, you're partially correct, Spider," you gave a small nod as you thought about how you were going to explain things.
"But umm.. I'm talking about a different type of period called menstruation. It's when a female human bleeds for 5-7 days straight each month." you let out as you saw Spider's and Lo'ak's faces change from curiosity to shock.
"L M F A O- Is that how you spell it? FIVE TO SEVEN DAYS STRAIGHT?? You've got to be kidding me. You don't expect us to believe that, right? I mean, sometimes Spider and I do dumb things but you don't expect us to be stupid enough to fall for that, right?" Lo'ak simply stared at you, waiting for a response.
"No, she's right. You guys could definitely learn a thing or two about humans." Neteyam rolled his eyes at his younger brother's ignorance.
"Wait, wait, wait," Spider held his arms out in shock, "You actually bleed for up to a week and don't die? How the hell do you not die?"
"And why do you bleed for that long? And from where are you bleeding?" Lo'ak pitched in.
"She's bleeds from her pu-"
"Kiri." Neteyam warned.
"What? It's true. Might as well be blunt with these two skxawngs." Kiri rolled her eyes again.
"So basically, when a human female starts getting more physically mature, sorta like coming of age.. Her body starts preparing for pregnancy every month. It basically lines the uterus and gets ready for a baby. When the body sees that there is no baby, the uterus starts shedding it's lining for about 5-7 days until it's cleaned up. The shedding comes out in blood and that's what causes the bleeding."
"What?" You cocked your head in question.
"So basically, because you didn't get knocked up, your body bleeds?" Lo'ak squints his eyes, trying to understand the information he was just given.
"What's so hard about that?" Spider shrugged.
"WH- WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT THAT?! Are you guys kidding me or what?" You mouth drops at the nonsense you hear coming from the younger boy's mouth.
"You bimbos, it's not just bleeding. It involves many symptoms such as heavy cramping, back pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, mood swings, headaches, appetite changes , and more." Kiri stated as she crossed her arms.
"So the symptoms of a cold, big deal." Spider spat out, trying to minimize the severity of everything.
"Oh I'm sorry, did you just say big deal? Maybe I should put a fucking knife in your stomach to see if that's a big deal or not because that's what the cramps feel like. Or maybe, better... I should kick you in the fucking balls, right?" You lashed out at the boy in front of you.
"Damn, chill, he didn't mean it, right, Spider?"Lo'ak tried to calm the situation, "Maybe she's on her period right now..." he whispered.
"Avatars don't have periods you dingbat" Neteyam let out.
"Well maybe her human form is experiencing cramps in the link pod and so the emotions are traveling through the conscious connection and that's why she's so cranky." Spider stepped back, not trying to get on your bad side.
You only blinked in response as Kiri and Neteyam bursted out laughing.
"What in the name of eywa..."
"I've never heard so much bullshit come out of someone's mouth before." Neteyam shook his head at the human boy's imagination. "You know, y/n told me that humans usually read a big guide book before joining the avatar program... well maybe you should read one on human biology. It's only fitting since you're ehh, you know..." Neteyam trailed off.
"Ha, I'm glad I wasn't the one to say something stupid this time" Lo'ak applauded himself.
"Nah, you too Lo'ak. How about you read it with Spider so you can both giggle at the pictures and whatever shit you two happen to read" you turned away from the boys as you went back to examining the plants you were experimenting on.
"Does she really bleed from her va-" Lo'ak was cut off.
"And for a week straight..." Spider chimed in.
"Shut up!" Kiri's voice rang through your ears as you quietly giggled to yourself.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
should I make more fics like this; reader teaching the sullys some human things? Tell me what you think!
as always, comments/reblogs are much appreciated❤
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: #01DBFA and #01B3CC
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tiajk · 1 year
Little avatar crack for y'all
Warnings: crack like crackkkk, wording probally wrog
Sully family x platonic navi/human reader
A/n: look at me staring and finishing fics back to back
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*at breakfast*
y/n: *in a bad mood and on her period *
Lo’ak: what up your ass
y/n: *done being a human* would you like a list of organs or what it feels like
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y/n and the sullys in norms lab along with spiders (ewwwww)
Norm: *has that tablet out* hey guys look at jake when he was younger
y/n: its giving dilf
Tuk: kiri what a dilf
Kiri: someone you care about
*spider just in the background*
*later that day*
Tuk: *sees jake sharpening his weapons* dad you know you're a dilf
Jake: *eyes pop out of his goddamn head* who said that word
y/n: *who walked into camp and saw what happened* In my defense you were younger back then
Jake: *giving up*
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Jake: *yelling at lo’ak neteyam and y/n*
y/n: *thinking to herself* I’m so mature im so mature (bc she’s not talking back) (the lyric is from kill bill btw)
Jake: y/n you have nothing to say
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*the sullys having a family meeting when they arrive with the metiykana*
Jake: *turns to y/n* I wanna hear three words from you
y/n: I love you?
Jake: sweet but not those one
y/n: *sighs* I will behave
Neytiri: no you won’t
y/n: you right I won’t
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