#asteroid 12238
allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations 3!!!!
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Hi I'm back again but these ones are kinda like straight up opinions. Take what resonates! I'm not a professional, if anything I'm a goofy fella who constantly asks to see peoples charts.
Virgo Midheaven creates a very detailed oriented person with an immaculate image. Everything they put out is out together well, their plans to be successful are insanely planned out, and I've never seen one look messy.
Mercury in your Suns element explain the things best to you.
Asteroid Actor (12238) conjunct Ascendant could mean people don't believe you when you're being honest/your sincerity comes off as fake.
Heavy Aquarius placements may love watching long commentary videos. Especially drama breakdown videos with Leo in the mix. I am a victim of this ✊😔
A lot of squares in a natal chart can make an extremely chill person. Whatever inner tension they have makes them oddly calm and forgiving of other people. Especially Sun squaring Mars and or Jupiter, it kinda feels like a cancellation happens where there should be anger. They also may get picked on a lot.
Moon in 10th and 11th house are popular placements for success. Whatever attention you get, your moon sign will tell you what people love about you. Jupiter also tells the same thing, but a less tame affect. Examples can be Moon in Pisces means that your very intuitive when it comes to your audience, and they vibe with you because of that. Jupiter in Pisces could have people going crazy for your intuitiveness and you could be able to gauge how you get attention the easiest.
The most accurate description of a rising sign I've seen is Virgo Rising having Resting Bitch Face. They also age SO well. The stars really balanced it out for them.
Mars in Libra can make a very passive person in relationships, and the house can talk about the problems. They may not want to speak up/will try to appease their partners. Like if the partner wants a cat and the Libra is deathly allergic, they'd rather get the cat than tell their partner there's an issue.
If you're feeling a little lost and need direction, looking at your Vesta could be a good place to start. Vesta represents your undying flame and your spark, so it can help jump-start your passions. Vesta in 5th can point to taking up more creative hobbies such as writing, acting, drawing, or maybe taking care of kids, 6th means starting with a healthy routine, helping others, or volunteering with animals, 1st is taking care of yourself and your appearance, and making even spicing things up a little. All of this is of course depending on the sign.
Cancer Midheavens are the best at being able to gauge audiences/coworkers reactions to things. Although it may seem strange, they're nice in positions of management. Strict enough to make you listen but nice enough to understand if you can't make deadlines/can sense if you're burnt out.
I feel like I can make a billion posts on Saturn since it's one of my favorite planets, but here's a favorite: I'm not sure who said it (it could've been multiple, if anyone knows who I'm talking about leave their @ in the replies) but your chart ruler in a house can show where you may excel, but also have problems based on what body part it rules. A good example for me is Saturn in 5th Gemini, and I have wrist joint/bone issues caused by excessive drawing and writing. I also get a lot of compliments for my jaw so win/win scenario. Another not me example is your rising being Sagittarius, with Jupiter in 6th house. You could be a joyous person when it comes to taking care of people/yourself, with a stable routine that's a bit too rigorous and you could end up hurting your thighs in some way like pulling your hamstring, or just having really thick thighs and contributing it to your routine. S/o to you for that
Uranus in retrograde can point to bad technology skills. Probably the type of person to go "I hate technology" one minute then continue to giggle at memes on Twitter the next. Especially in Aquarius.
Gemini Midheavens/Mars need to do multiple things at once. So like if you're a writer, you might be your publisher as well or your editor, or even make your own book cover. If you do YouTube you'll be your own editor and script writer. If you're an actor you may act and director, the list can go forever. But doing at least 2 things seems to stop the jumping from project to project some Geminis may feel creatively.
I like describing North Node and Vertex as The path you're drawn to (NN) vs What path you're gonna get dragged down (V). Like you can ignore your north node if you want but vertex will force you to deal with it. Like if you have North Node in 4nd but Vertex in 8th. You could ignore any homebody nature, ignore your roots and any family life, but you will be forced to go through transformations, deaths and rebirths whether you like it or not, or even notice it.
Pisces suns kinda flock together, I've never seen one by themselves.
Oppositions to Mars can tell you what makes you quick to anger even if you're not a hot headed person. Mars Opposite Venus could be that you get upset when people criticize your style, love life or appearance. Mars Opposite Sun could mean you don't like when people criticize you period, and it may be very ego based.
Chiron in 1st house may be sore losers, and they don't like looking stupid, especially with positive planets in 9th house. They may need to learn how to deal with showing a bit of that Chiron side in a healthy way, since the 1st house is the thing people see first.
Your descendant could be the moon sign/element you get the most, especially in love.
Squares/Opposites to Neptune can show what illusions you need to break in order to get closer to your intuitive nature. Neptune Square Pluto could mean you need to go through a full transformation and rebirth. Neptune opposite Mars means you may need to deal with bouts of anger, realigning your passions and directing your energy in the proper direction.
Mars in Scorpio are the calmest mars sign of them all. Nothing really ever phases them to be honest, regardless of the house.
ALRIGHT these ones were deadass just things I've noticed. Might be a week or so till I post another one, but let me know if there's any topics you think I should cover next besides the Chiron one I'm planning. See you next time :)
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astrojulia · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking asks rn I saw ur post about the asteroid Fan I was wondering if you could do the same about the asteroid actor (12238) it'd be really cool to know more about this asteroid thank you😊
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Asteroid Actor (12238): Understanding Its Signs and Houses
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About the Asteroid: The Asteroid Actor is more complex than it initially appears. Simply relying on the name and mythology of a celestial body is not sufficient. If that were the case, Uranus would have a completely different meaning. Based on my research, Actor does not represent what you, anon, might expect. The name Actor was not chosen because of a profession. “Asteroid 12238 Actor, a Jupiter Trojan, was discovered on December 17, 1987, by Eric W. Elst and Guido Pizarro at La Silla Observatory near Pedernales, Coquimbo, Chile”. It was named Actor to represent a person called Actor, a common name in ancient Greece. However, Actor is a COMMON NAME , and there are different theories regarding its origin. Some say it was named after the king of Phthia, while others think it was named after the father of Cteatos and Eurytos. Therefore, its meaning is not definitive. Combining the available data and my own observations, I have come to the conclusion that the Asteroid Actor is not solely about performance in TV or theater. In my conclusion it shows ability to adapt, assume different roles, and navigate different situations in life, to see with persona you normally need to be (sign) in an specific place (house), or else.. you break.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sources and Inspirations:As I mentioned in "About the Asteroid," I used the post by @a-d-nox and Mark as my sources. These two individuals have different perspectives and employ distinct methods to derive meaning. I believe this is what astrology is all about—diverse viewpoints and interpretations. Remember, the discovery of Ceres predates that of Pluto, and when Pluto was discovered, it required discussion and analysis, until today we don't have so much data about Pluto and even less about Ceres. Similarly, we need to engage in these processes with the asteroids and astrology in general. Even if there are mistakes, it serves as a starting point. Also, the image template in from minikyuns on deviantart.
Asteroid Actor in Signs
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Aries: individuals possess an innate ability to adapt and assume various roles with confidence and enthusiasm. They excel at portraying bold, assertive,passionate, audacious personas and are natural leaders on the stage of life.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Taurus: they embody a grounded and practical approach in their persona. They excel at portraying characters with sensuality, determination, and a steadfast commitment to their craft.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Gemini: they possess versatile and adaptable persona. They excel at portraying multifaceted characters, effortlessly transitioning between different personas and communication styles. They normally will change the way they communicate, their expressions, language.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Cancer: they bring deep emotional sensitivity and empathy to their persona. They excel at portraying with profound emotional depth and familial connections.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Leo: individuals shine brightly on the stage of life. They possess a natural flair for the dramatic, commanding attention and portraying a persona with charisma and passion.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Virgo: they bring meticulous attention to detail and a perfectionistic approach to their persona. They excel at portraying with precision, subtlety, and an analytical mindset.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Libra: they possess a natural talent for bringing harmony and balance to their persona. They excel at portraying with grace, charm, and a keen understanding of relationships.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Scorpio: they delve into the depths of human emotions, bringing intensity and passion to their persona. They excel at portraying complex, mysterious and are skilled at expressing the darker aspects of the human psyche.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Sagittarius: they embrace a spirit of adventure and exploration in their persona. They excel at portraying with a zest for life, wanderlust, and a philosophical perspective.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Capricorn: they approach their persona with discipline, ambition, and a strong work ethic. They excel at portraying with authority, responsibility, and a drive for success.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Aquarius: they bring a unique and unconventional approach to their persona. They possess a keen intellect, originality, and a progressive mindset. Their persona are characterized by their ability to portray eccentric and visionary characters.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Pisces: they possess a deeply empathetic and intuitive approach to their persona. They have a natural ability to tap into the emotional depths and portray them with sensitivity and compassion. Their persona are marked by their dreamy, ethereal quality, and their ability to evoke powerful emotions others.
Asteroid Actor in Houses
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 1st house
Life situations: Personal identity, self-expression, self-discovery, self-confidence, personal appearance, overall well-being.
Physical places: Your own personal space, your immediate environment, places where you showcase your individuality and identity (e.g., your home, your workspace, your favorite hangout spots).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 2nd house
Life situations: Finances, material possessions, values, self-worth, earning capacity, financial stability.
Physical places: Banks, financial institutions, places where money is exchanged or invested, places where you engage in activities related to your possessions or wealth (e.g., shopping malls, real estate agencies, investment firms).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 3rd house
Life situations: Communication, learning, siblings, short-distance travel, intellectual pursuits.
Physical places: Schools, libraries, educational institutions, bookstores, places of learning or teaching, places where you engage in conversations or communicate with others (e.g., cafes, community centers, neighborhood gathering spots).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 4th house
Life situations: Home, family, emotional well-being, ancestral heritage, roots.
Physical places: Your home, places where you feel emotionally connected and secure, places of family gatherings or events, places that hold personal significance (e.g., family homes, ancestral lands, heritage sites).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 5th house
Life situations: Creativity, self-expression, romance, entertainment, hobbies, children.
Physical places: Art studios, theaters, concert venues, places of artistic expression, places where you engage in recreational activities or hobbies, places associated with romance or dating (e.g., parks, amusement parks, theaters).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 6th house
Life situations: Work, health, daily routines, service, responsibilities.
Physical places: Workplaces, offices, hospitals, clinics, gyms, places where you engage in daily routines or self-care practices, places where you provide service or engage in service-oriented activities.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 7th house
Life situations: Relationships, partnerships, marriage, contracts, collaborations.
Physical places: Places where you meet others, social events, cafes, restaurants, courthouses, places of legal matters or contract signing, wedding venues.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 8th house
Life situations: Transformation, shared resources, intimacy, inheritances, occult studies.
Physical places: Banks, financial institutions, places associated with shared resources or investments, places of research or investigation, places where occult or metaphysical studies take place.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 9th house
Life situations: Higher education, philosophy, spirituality, long-distance travel, exploration.
Physical places: Universities, places of higher learning, places of worship, sacred sites, places associated with spirituality or philosophical teachings, places of long-distance travel or exploration.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 10th house
Life situations: Career, public image, authority, achievements, recognition.
Physical places: Offices, workplaces, government buildings, places associated with authority or leadership, places of professional gatherings or events, places of public recognition or achievement.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 11th house
Life situations: Friendships, social networks, goals, aspirations, community involvement.
Physical places: Community centers, social clubs, networking events, places of group activities or gatherings, places where you engage in social causes or community service.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 12th house
Life situations: Solitude, spirituality, subconscious, hidden matters, retreat.
Physical places: Retreat centers, monasteries, spiritual sanctuaries, hospitals, prisons, places of seclusion or isolation, places associated with healing or therapy.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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astrosky33 · 7 months
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◉ Your Saturn Persona Chart is a chart that can show you what you’ll be like when you’re older since Saturn rules over old age
◉ Remember that persona charts are different from your regular natal chart and are a chart deeper into your placements
◉ If you don’t know how to find persona charts then click here -> 🧸
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Venus in the 1st house can indicate being prettier when you’re older
Jupiter in the 4th house can indicate having a big family with your spouse when you’re older
If your rising sign in your saturn persona chart is the same as your natal charts rising sign then you’ll likely have a youthful spirit even when you’re older
A Taurus/2nd house stellium can indicate being more stable when you’re older (in all aspects of life)
Moon in the 8th house can indicate being more secretive as you age. Especially with your emotions and home life
A Cancer stellium can indicate becoming more nurturing or sensitive to others emotions as you age
Neptune at 20° can indicate being kinder and more compassionate as you age
Having your 10th house ruler in the 10th house (example: aquarius midheaven with uranus in the 10th house) can indicate being famous long term, even when you’re older
Asteroid Industria in the 5th house can indicate working in the entertainment industry when you’re older - code: 389
Asteroid Actor aspecting the Sun can indicate being a very famous actor when you’re older - code: 12238
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
6583 Destinn
33154 Talent
389 Industria
829 Academia
19 Fortuna
258 Tyche (greek goddess of luck)
151 Abundantia
109 Felicitas (roman goddess of success)
407 Arachne (boastful talent)
9777 Enterprise
408 Fama (fame)
1266 Tone (might say something about your tone)
27 Euterpe (muse of music & lyric poetry)
1815 Beethoven
1034 Mozartia
1009 Sirene
713 Luscinia
3267 Glo (shine and glow, someone who stands out)
12238 Actor
23 Thalia (muse of comedy)
18 Melpomene (muse of tragedy, connected to playing tragic and serious roles)
627 Charis (charisma)
ART 🎨🖼️
600 Musa
23° Libra Fixed Star Spica (creative talents in art and design)
4457 Van Gogh
6676 Monet
4221 Picasso
3001 Michelangelo
4928 Vermeer
7116 Mental
9795 Deprez
4451 Grieve
14827 Hypnos
1912 Anubis (knowledge of death/change/soul Journey)
16 Psyche
2 Pallas (wisdom & strategy)
3402 Wisdom
249521 Truth
1488 Aura
2696 Magion (magician)
5239 Reiki (reiki healing)
1221 Amor (couples theraphy)
1027 Aesculapia (the name of the greek god of medicine)
10 Hygiea
5239 Reiki (reiki healing)
2878 Panacea (a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases)
18310 Osawa (George Osawha, pioneer of microbiotics)
1924 Horus (curing the incurable)
19 Fortuna
151 Abundantia
13956 Banks
7782 Mony
4955 Gold
1918 Midas
22562 Wage
9249 Yen
21409 Forbes
8958 Stargazer
24626 Astrowizard
1154 Astronomia
30 Urania (muse of astrology and astronomy)
6465 Zvezdotchet (russian for astrologer)
2433 Sootiyo (star boy)
2432 Soomana (star girl)
600 Musa
47 Aglaja
695 Bella
5089 Nadherna (gorgeous beauty)
1388 Aphrodite
2101 Adonis
5011 Ptah
62 Erato
11727 Sweet
268 Adorea (if in on the ascendant will be adored for appearance)
COPY: 6583, 33154, 389, 829, 19, 258, 151, 109, 407, 33154, 9777, 408, 1266, 27, 1815, 1034, 1009, 3267, 23, 18, 600, 4457, 6676, 4221, 3001, 4928, 7116, 9795, 4451, 14827, 1912, 16, 2, 3402, 249521, 11911, 1488, 2696, 5239,1221, 1027, 10, 5239, 2878, 18310, 1924, 19, 151, 13956, 7782, 4955, 1918, 22562, 21409, 8958, 24626, 1154, 30, 6465, 2433, 2432, 600, 47, 695, 5089, 1388, 2101, 5011, 62, 11727, 1, 268, 713
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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icanseethefuture333 · 3 months
Solar Return Chart: Asteroid observations
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Asteroids used:
Starr (4150)
Singer (10698)
Tone (1266)
Fama (408)
Talent (33154)
Actor (12238)
Lumerie (775)
Fan (151590)
Industria (389)
Universitas (905)
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Sagittarius Starr in the 1st house 7°:
Stardom is a stronger placement than Fama in my opinion. You could always experience fame at some point in your life (being a meme, having a video go viral, etc) but it's nowhere near the level of stardom. This placement specifically shows how I will stand out in comparison to others. Sagittarius is well known for being philosophical, optimistic, and honest. People could appreciate or admire these characteristics that I have. Starr being in the 1st house could mean being popular for taking on the role of a leader and not being a follower. 1st house also pertains to the physical appearance as well as 7° (Libra degree), so I could be seen as having attractive attributes. I also interpert this as my personality being considered humorous and that I will be fair to others
Sagittarius Singer in the 1st house 7.59 (could be rounded to 8)°:
Sagittarius is so prominent in my Solar return chart it seems?! I see this as being a singer who's versatile and carefree. As much as I enjoy singing, I am not professionally trained, nor would I consider myself a technical singer. I see this as actually putting in the effort to practice and gaining wisdom from other singers techniques. This could also mean to sing various musical genres or blending different cultures into the songs I sing. This could mean singing in a foreign language as well. 1st house means to be discovered quite fast and be acknowledged by others for being a singer. 7°/8° (Libra and Scorpio degree) people could consider my voice as pretty and transformative. I coild possibly collaborate with other artists, and be involved with a lot of business matters (marketing my music, signing contracts, etc).
Pisces Tone in the 4th house 28°:
What a watery aspect to have JEEZ 😂! Tone pertains to how someone's voice sounds, so my speech could be softer in general this year or I will have a duality to my speaking voice. Being able to play around with different notes or feeling comfortable singing low or high notes. 4th house and 28° both embody Cancer energy. My voice could be regarded as feminine, soft, and gentle. It could also be obvious by my tone what emotions I feel (angry, sad, happy, etc) and having a harder time masking that. There will overall be a sincerity expressed in how I talk.
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Capricorn Fama in the 2nd house 18°:
Capricorn Fama is a interesting placement considering it feels neutral here. I see this as having knowledge and means for me to become a celebrity. As a child, I remember I used to watch Yogi Bear on Boomerang and he would always say that he was "Smarter than the average bear" when that wasn't actually true, Boo Boo was a cub and much smarter than his elder. It could be possible I meet celebrities who are well seasoned and think they could steal my "picnic basket" so to speak. They could think they're better than me and would try to convince me to take opportunities from others to get ahead, when that's not how I roll. This placement requires me to be wise when it comes to having fame. I interpert the 2nd house as if I work hard and focus on my goals, I should be able to succeed financially. 18° (Virgo Degree) I believe means there will have to be a balance of health and work. Being famous for health or humanitarian matters is also a factor.
Scorpio Talent in the 12th house 17°:
The talent asteroid is comfortable with the 17° (Leo degree). It represents long term fame and being well known for your talents. This placement represents me very well when it comes to my talents. I am someone who is quite shy and being in the spotlight can be nervewracking for me. I am able to do a lot of things from drawing, singing, etc, but I am not very public about my talents or skills because it draws too much attention. Scorpio is very private, they are known for hiding anything personal about themselves and typically are considered mysterious to others. The 12th house could also mean hidden talents coming to the surface. I see this as slowly coming out of the shadows and allowing my talents to speak for themselves. It reminds me of indie artists when they start gaining popularity and people have discussions as in "Have you heard of this person?" or "Do you know about xyz?". My talents could be spiritually guided or there will be inspiration that comes from my subconscious thoughts. It is possible I will receive signs or premonitions within my dreams. People could ask what is the meaning or how did I become so talented at something but my geniune response would be "I don't know where it came from it just came to me honestly?". I see this as being humble regarding talents and not being someone who brags. This is a comfortable placement for fame and I see this as being known for having a good reputation. My talents could pertain to psychology, the occult, divination, and the arts.
Leo Actor in the 9th house 5°:
I see that I would be successful if I were to start an acting career! There could be a lot of potential for my acting skills and I would have to take lessons to improve them (9th house often being considered the house of travel, knowledge, and education). This could also mean I will be casted for roles because of my race or cultural background. It is possible it would be required for me to travel for my acting career or I would have to speak in a foreign language. 5° degree is the Leo degree and it also signifies short term fame, going viral, or being famous for your beauty. So this could mean getting casted for advertisements, commercials, and passing modeling auditions. Either way, I will gain prominence in the acting industry because of my charm, charisma, and appearance (I.E: Being selected for roles solely because of my looks).
Leo Lumiere in the 9th house 29°:
This asteroid is specific to film and photography, astrologers interpert this as what roles an actor specializes in. I see the Leo energy for this asteroid as being casted for glamorous and lavish roles or being casted to play a character that's brave or having "main character" energy. As in films that have a coming of age story. I see that I could be casted for roles internationally or will have to film in places out of the country. 29° is a big indication of long term fame but since it is a karmic degree, it could possibly mean having to play in roles that are controversial or challenges what society views as the standard.
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Aquarius Fan in the 3rd house 18°:
I could gain fans/followers for shared interests and values. There will be discussions surrounding activism and social causes. People could admire my individuality and ability to be a free thinker. My fans will be mostly on social media platforms and could see them being interested in what I think or have to say. This could mean gaining attention from videos, podcasts, blog posts, or any thing that is a form of written/verbal communication. I could form connections with students from my school as well. 18° (Virgo degree) pertains to health, analytics, and human services.
Gemini Industria in the 7th house 14°:
I am a Communication major and this is a significant placement for me since it pertains to jobs in that career field. It is likely I will be able to work in jobs that pertain to communication such as journalism, podcasts, social media influencer, and so on. The 7th House and 14° degree entails Venusian energy (The 7th house representing Libra and 14° is a Taurus degree). This could mean I could work in the beauty, music, banking/investment, & design industry. I could see myself working in jobs related to beauty advertisement, investing in stocks for companies, and working as a intern for a art gallery/fashion magazine. I also see this a positive indication for singing and modeling. This placement feels very luxurious to me and reminds me of "The Devil Wears Prada". Andy was a college graduate and aspiring journalist who ended up working at a fashion magazine. Could symbolize working in a industry that's Glamorous but also requires communication skills, diplomatic behavior, and great determination.
Aquarius Universitas in the 3rd house 17°:
I associate Aquarius with science and technology. My experience for university this could mostly focus on subjects related to this topic. Interesting enough, for this winter quarter I have 3 classes that are all focused on science (global climate, flower science, & the application of computers in technology). 3rd house has to do with communication, intrapersonal thoughts, and social activities. It is possibly I could make friends through my classes. I am likely to participate in more extracurricular activities or school events this year. 17° (Leo Degree), I see this being considered a "picture perfect student". My mother has spoken with one of my academic advisors recently and they have stated that they were impressed with my diligence when it comes to completing coursework. I might be included in one of the photographs for my university's newspaper or social media platforms.
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Fame indicators in Natal/Persona Chart
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Singing 🎤
Having Venus in the 2nd house
Asteroid Jobse (215463) in the 2nd house or at Taurus could indicate a career in singing.
2nd house stellium
Taurus MC
Jupiter in 2nd house can indicate luck in singing (Whitney Houston has Moon and Jupiter in 2nd house)
Venus in Taurus or at 2, 14, 26
MC in Taurus degree
Taurus 6th house
Asteroid Talent (33154) in Taurus, Taurus degree or conjunct Venus
Asteroid "Singer" 10698 conjunct, trine: NN, Vertex, MC/10th house/fame degree
Modelling 🌟
Venus at 5, 17 and 29 (Naomi Campbell has Venus at 29)
Jupiter in Libra (Again Naomi Campbell has Jupiter in Libra at 27 degrees)
Asteroid Jobse in the first house or at a Libra degree.
North Node in the first house or Libra degree.
Libra MC or at a Libra degree
Libra Stellium
1st house Stellium (especially Neptune!)
Libra 6th house
Asteroid Talent in Libra, Libra degree or conjunct Venus
Acting 🎬
Jupiter in Pisces (Leonardo DiCaprio has Jupiter in Pisces in 6th house)
5th house stellium
Asteroid Jobse in the 5th house
Venus in the 5th house
Neptune 1st house/5th house/10th house
Asteroid Talent conjunct Neptune or in Pisces/Leo
Pisces MC or at Pisces Degree
Leo stellium
Pisces/Leo 6th house
Asteroid 'Actor" 12238 conjunct, trine: NN, Vertex, MC or in the 10th house/fame degree
Social Media 📱
Jupiter in Aquarius/11th house/Aquarius degree (Charli D'amelio has Jupiter in Virgo 11th house)
11th house stellium
3rd house stellium
Uranus in 5th house/10th house/11th house or Aquarius degree
Aquarius MC or at Aquarius degree
Asteroid Jobse at 11th house/Aquarius degree.
Aquarius 6th house
Asteroid "Webb" 3041 conjunct, trine: NN, Vertex, MC or in the 10th house or at a fame degree
Thank you so much for reading!
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kakiastro · 1 year
Fame in Astrology Series part one
Topic: Acting🍿🎬
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This is the first post in a series I’ll be working on. What makes a good actor and where in your chart can indicate fame. I’ll also use Denzel Washington for examples because everyone knows him lol
*disclaimer: please don’t copy my work fam lol
Ok let’s get started!
1. Your Sun and rising Sign, house Leo rules and 5th house
- sun is how we shine in public
- Leo rules over fame and entertainment
-5th house how we express our creativity
For ex: Denzel Washington is Capricorn Sun, Libra rising, Leo 11h and Aquarius 5h. He’s seen as a leader(Capricorn sun), he’s popular among his peers and the public(Leo 11). He approach acting differently or his creativity is just different from others in his profession, he may like playing different types of roles(Aquarius 5h) and he’s considered handsome(libra rising) I mean come on all of our aunties had a thing for him😅
Next we’ll look at
2. Your Midheaven
- Mc rules over your public image, how you are viewed in your Career.
-you can choose any career you desire and your Mc can show you how you’ll be perceived in it.
For ex. Denzel Washington has Mc Cancer. Despite this being a public house, he’s actually very private. May have a chill personality, easy to like. I will say cancer rules over women and and the ladies love him haha
MC can show you what types of roles you can play. Like Denzel most notable roles is involving family, women and close connections
3. Whatever planets you have in your 1h, 5h, 10h and 11h
Honorable mentions: 7h and 9h
-having planets here in any of these houses can enhance your fame especially Jupiter
Jupiter rules over expansion
Ex. Denzel has Jupiter/Uranus 10h, Neptune 1h and Moon 5h.
4. In my opinion, the moon is one of the most important things to look at in acting
- moon represents our emotions and how we express our emotions.
Actors have to know how to channel different emotions in order to really channel their character.
- I noticed actors who has Moon-Pluto or Moon-Neptune aspects are known to show deep and heartbreaking emotions on scene. These are the actors that can feel what the characters are going through
5. A lot of people don’t talk about this but Mercury is probably the most important part of acting
-mercury rules over how we process and remember information, it’s how we communicate, it also rules the media
Remembering lines is the most important part in acting, figuring out what techniques works for you will help you in the long run! How you communicate when you do interviews with the media is all shown in your mercury and 3h sign
Ex Denzel Washington has Capricorn Mercury with Sagittarius 3h. He straight to the point, may have a great sense of humor, he’s very knowledgeable and would probably make a good teacher
6. Pluto and 8h is underrated areas in acting.
- Pluto represents transforming and going within
- actors has to transform themselves into the character, depending on the actor, that can be physically and mentally. I’ve always felt like method acting is such a Pluto theme
7. Neptune rules over movies altogether
-wherever Neptune is at in your chart can give you an idea on what type of movies you’ll prosper in
Ex. Denzel has Neptune Libra 1h. Libra rules over partnerships(romantic and platonic) Law, Fairness
Go watch some of his movies and such as Training Day, Fences, Equalizer. You’ll see the libra themes
Fame in Actor Asteroids
Fama (408)- your overall fame, area you’ll be famous for
Star (4150)-your star power
Varuna (20000)- worldwide fame
Actor (12238) - acting abilities, help glimpse into what roles will suit you
Bella (695)-how your beauty is seen in the spotlight
Aura (1488)- your overall vibe, your energy
Fan (151590)-the type of fanbase you’ll attract
Even if you’re not interested in acting, you can still look at the type of movies and actors you’re attracted to for fun! I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to keep a look out for the 2nd part to this series which is singers!
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neptuni6n · 2 years
✧ ꒱ 𓂃  ༘ ☕️ 𓍼 𓈒 ♡̶ 🫓
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ೄྀ࿐ as promised, here are some observations i was able to make on persona charts ! persona charts are probably my favourite charts in astrology since they are extremely accurate and they give you a deeper insight about your natal placements. remember that this is just based on what i’ve seen so these are not necessarily facts ! oh and here’s my new aesthetic, hope you like it! ningning the loml. 🫶🏻
༺♡︎༻ scorpio rising in the venus persona chart might approach love and their love interests in a very obsessive, alluring, magnetic and passionate way. if they have a crush on someone, they might be extremely jealous towards them, even if they’re not together. they tend to have some scorpio venus traits.
༺♡︎༻ mars in the 1st house in the fama asteroid (408) persona chart could indicate being famous for your sex appeal and venus in the 1st house in the fama (408) persona chart for your beauty/charm.
ೄྀ࿐ also for being famous for your sex appeal : mars in the 10th house in your medium coeli (mc) persona chart.
༺♡︎༻ ok that might just be my opinion but i believe that your moon sign in your moon persona chart is much more accurate than your natal moon sign. ex: i’m a natal 29° pisces moon which i never really felt fit well but i have an aries moon in my moon persona chart and i have several aries moon traits. i used to think that my birth time was inaccurate (i still think so by the way).
༺♡︎༻ close-minded people tend to have mercury square/opp. saturn aspects in their imum coeli (ic) persona chart. they may have been raised (for example) in a racist or even homophobic environment. they may have probably been taught to think this way from an early age.
༺♡︎༻ capricorn rising in the mars persona chart could indicate being seen as not interested in sexual themes (even asexual) or extremely serious and reserved about your sexual life.
ೄྀ࿐ and those with capricorn rising in their mars persona chart tend to be very cold and ruthless when angry or frustrated.
༺♡︎༻ your ascendant in the ascendant persona chart tend to be more accurate about your physical appearance and even your personality. ex: sagittarius rising in the ascendant persona chart could indicate someone with thick thighs and an optimistic personality. another ex: aries rising in the ascendant persona chart could indicate being very fiery and passionate.
༺♡︎༻ cancer mars in the mars persona chart might indicate someone who cries and/or isolate themselves from everyone when angry.
༺♡︎༻ if you have pisces in the 11th house in the ascendant persona chart, your friends might see you as a dreamy, compassionate and funny person. probably sensitive too. you might give your friends a lot of love.
༺♡︎༻ moon in the 12th house in the mercury persona chart might indicate someone who’s more rational rather than emotional. they think first, emotional respond is second.
༺♡︎༻ venus-ascendant aspects in the medium coeli (mc) persona chart could indicate your reputation is associated with beauty, fashion or aesthetic. you could be seen as very charming and talented.
༺♡︎༻ mars in the 1st house in your moon persona chart might indicate that your first emotional respond to something is anger. probably that people irritate you very easily and you just can’t but yell at them. my mom has this and her anger issues are terrible lmao.
༺♡︎༻ jupiter in the 11th house or uranus-midheaven aspects in your jupiter persona chart could indicate having a lot of luck on internet and your social medias ! ex: you could gain followers very easily.
༺♡︎༻ moon-pluto aspects (esp. conjunct) in the actor asteroid (12238) persona chart could indicate being an incredibly intense actor. someone with these aspects might have superior acting skills, their emotions and pain can be so fascinating.
༺♡︎༻ basically everyone tends to fantasize (in a sexual and sometimes inappropriate way) about natives with neptune in the 1st house in the mars persona chart. these people tend to have insane body features too !
༺♡︎༻ mercury conjunct mars or mars square pluto in the imum coeli (ic) persona chart is so toxic.. always arguing with your family for every single thing. it’s complicated to maintain a conversation without yelling at the end.
༺♡︎༻ leo moon in the ascendant persona chart might indicate someone being seen as very dramatic when an emotion invades them (sadness, anger, fears,..) they may do “too much” sometimes. they may have already been told something like “it’s really not that deep” and stuff.
༺♡︎༻ you’ll never catch someone with moon conjunct saturn (or uranus ?) in their ascendant persona chart crying/showing too much of their emotional side. they’re always seen as logical and rational even if they’re not. and they’re super mature and sweet too!
ೄྀ࿐ the same goes for natives with saturn in the 1st house in their moon persona chart. these people absolutely hate crying infront of others. they have the impression that it’s a part of themselves they should never show to others, for fear of being taken for weak.
༺♡︎༻ gemini venus in the ascendant persona chart could indicate being complimented on the car you have very often, it’s one of the things about you that people can quickly notice.
༺♡︎༻ saturn in the 12th house in the neptune persona chart could indicate your intuition and spiritual abilities being stronger as more as you grow.
༺♡︎༻ mars-jupiter aspects in the mars / ascendant persona chart are just so great at physical activities ! they are always on the move and have insane reflexes. these people tend to gain muscle easily.
༺♡︎༻ cancer in the 11th house in the moon persona chart could indicate motherly, nurturing, kind and supportive friends are what you need to feel emotionally secure. your 11th home in this personality chart clearly indicates the type of people who could provide you with the greatest emotional help.
༺♡︎༻ the venus and mars signs in the lilith persona chart could indicate the type of people that sexually attract you. if you have a capricorn venus and/or mars, you’re sexually attracted to serious, goal-oriented, work-alcoholic and fatherly people.
ೄྀ࿐ but since this is the venus sign in your LILITH persona chart, this could definitely be the type of people you shouldn’t go for.
༺♡︎༻ capricorn midheaven / mc, saturn 10th house or saturn conjunct mc in the medium coeli (mc) persona chart could indicate working in the same place for years or retire lately. these people are typically work-alcoholic.
༺♡︎༻ jupiter in the 1st house in the mercury persona chart have such an abundance of knowledge! it’s like they perfectly know every damn thing about anything. they basically can outsmart anyone.
༺♡︎༻ aries mercury in the ascendant persona chart could indicate being seen as someone with strong opinions. could be really difficult to make them change their mind. very strong mental energy and love to learn on their own.
༺♡︎༻ again, natives with venus in their 1st house in the neptune persona chart could be idealized af (even sexualized). people tend to dream about them and wish a relationship with these natives so bad but will never ask them out.
༺♡︎༻ natives with taurus in their 2nd house in the moon persona chart lowkey have the sweetest moms out there.. so soft spoken and calm. they probably even buy you pretty things often, it’s like their love language towards you.
༺♡︎༻ venus in the 1st house in the lilith persona chart are attractive as hell. they’re beauty is so hot and irresistible. they have a sexy charm. this placement is a 10/10.
༺♡︎༻ aquarius or uranus in the 7th house in the venus persona chart mostly fall in love with their friends and they will probably never crush on you if they don’t considered you as their friend in the first place.
༺♡︎༻ jupiter square saturn in the mars persona chart could indicate being a procrastinator or very lazy. nevertheless, they tend to have a lot of ambitions and a big dream of glory but they constantly think they will never succeed.
༺♡︎༻ natives with moon in the 12th house in the imum coeli (ic) persona chart could be secretive with their families. i wouldn’t be surprised if they reveal almost nothing of them to their families.
༺♡︎༻ pluto conjunct venus in the pluto persona chart could indicate loving doing black magic while pluto conjunct midheaven in the pluto persona chart could indicate being famous for doing black magic.
༺♡︎༻ pluto in the 1st house in the mercury persona chart really do sound passionate when they talk about something/someone they love. they don’t even talk much but when they do, it’s almost always about something or someone they care about.
ೄྀ࿐ pluto in the 1st house in the mercury persona chart tend to be very sarcastic. they can sometimes appear hurtful in the way they communicate with others.
༺♡︎༻ moon-saturn aspects, especially the harsher ones, in the mercury persona chart have a hard time expressing their feelings. they simply can't put words on their emotions and it frusters them a lot, especially when they want to communicate about it.
༺♡︎༻ aquarius mars in the moon persona chart could indicate being really cold-hearted and distant when angry. they will intentionally ghost you and if you have the misfortune to approach, their anger will be terrible.
༺♡︎༻ an 8th house stellium in the neptune persona chart could indicate doing horrible nightmares (maybe even every night) and having sleep disorders. it’s a very hard stellium to bear in the neptune persona chart.
༺♡︎༻ the venus sign in your chiron persona chart can show how you can heal your partner/loved ones. if you have a taurus venus, in your chiron persona chart, you could heal your partner by buying them gifts or by cooking them something.
༺♡︎༻ asteroid fortuna (19) in the medium coeli (mc) persona chart placed in the 2nd house or 11th house could indicate being extremely fortunate. the same goes for fortuna-venus/jupiter aspects (especially conjunct.)
༺♡︎༻ aries in the 11th house in the moon/venus persona chart could indicate you have more male friends rather than female friends.
༺♡︎༻ a lot of conjunctions between your planets in the ascendant persona chart could indicate having a strong personality and presence wherever you go.
༺♡︎༻ TRIGGER WARNING: death. the signs, aspects, degrees.. in your pluto persona chart can tell you more about your death and how it might be.
ೄྀ࿐ if you have mars-pluto aspects, especially the harsher ones, in your pluto persona chart could indicate dying brutally, painfully or very quickly.
ೄྀ࿐ libra or venus in the 8th house in your pluto persona chart could indicate having a ‘peaceful’ death. or, at least, not as brutal as the one above but check every other placements!
this post took me a crazy amount of time to make and it's quite long. i wanted it to be perfect and it is exactly how it is, sooo i’m really proud. don’t hesitate to give me your opinion and tell me if you want a part.2!
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© neptuni6n 2022 all rights reserved! do not copy, modify or translate my work or you’ll be sued due to copyright infringement.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
Acting placements that would make someone real be able to make it a living?
Acting Placements in Astrology!
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☀️ Leo Placements. Anywhere.
☀️ Neptune in the 1st | 5th House
☀️ Sun-Neptune Aspects
☀️ Gemini | Leo | Taurus | Libra MC
☀️ 5th House Placements
☀️ 5 | 17 | 28 | 29 Degrees
☀️ Sun in the 10th | 11th
☀️ Pisces Rising
☀️ Moon Conjunct Mercury
☀️ Ascendant-Neptune Aspects
☀️ Asteroid Fantomas in the 1st | 5th | 10th House
☀️ Jupiter Conjunct Mercury
☀️ 10th House Placements
☀️ Water Moons | Venuses
☀️ Moon in the 1st House
☀️ Asteroid Actor (#12238) in Leo/5th House
☀️ 3rd House Placements
☀️ Taurus Rising
☀️ 2nd House Placements
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a-d-nox · 1 year
masterlist of greek myths & legends (part 5: mortals)
last updated: january 23rd, 2024
the blog's masterlist
masterlist of greek myths & legends
paid astrology reading options, prices, and rules
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achilles (588)
aci (6522)
actor (12238)
agamemnon (911)
ajax (1404)
alcinoos (11428)
anchises (1173)
androgeos (5027)
arachne (407)
arete (197)
ariadne (43)
atalanta (36)
augeias (13184)
bellerophon (1808)
cadmus (7092)
cteatus (7641)
daedalus (1864)
danae (61)
deiphobus (1867)
diomedes (1437)
ganymed (1036)
hektor (624)
helena (101)
question about helena in 8h and aspecting mercury and pluto
icarus (1566)
io (85)
ixion (28978)
jason (6063)
kassandra (114)
laertes (11252)
lameia (248)
lysistrata (897)
medea (212)
midas (1981)
minos (6239)
narcissus (37117)
question about narcissus in leo/taurus and narcissus-asc aspects
question about sun-, venus-, and uranus- negative aspects to narcissus
nausikaa (192)
niobe (71)
odysseus (1143) / ulysses (5254)
orpheus (3361)
pandora (55)
paris (3317)
pythia (432)
sappho (80)
signs, degrees, houses, and aspects (coming soon)
question about mercury-sappho aspects
question about sappho in taurus/aquarius, 6h, negative mars-, and positive jupiter- and saturn- aspects
sisyphus (1866)
question about sisyphus in leo/cancer
tantalus (2102)
telemachus (15913)
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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Actress and actor indicators in an astrology natal chart ✨
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Asteroid actor (12238) in your 1st,10th,5th,11th house
Asteroid actor (12238) conjunct midheaven
Vertex in your 5th house (this is such an underrated placement!!! IVE SEEN THIS IN FAMOUS ACTRESS AND ACTORS PLACEMENTS EVERYTIME AND ALWAYS, AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT)
Neptune in your 1st,5th,10th house.
Neptune conjunct midheaven
Neptune conjunct your ascendant
Being a pluto dominant
Being a neptune dominant
Being a venus dominant
Asteroid fama (408) conjunct asteroid actor (12238)
Bonus :
Asteroid actor (12238) conjunct asteroid nessus indicated an actor or an actress that is mostly known for playing creepy or villain roles in movies (example : johnny depp, emma roberts,etc)
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allmyloveandyours · 10 months
Actor (12238) and your Roles, Scripts, and Acting Ability
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I found this persona chart neat and if y'know you wanted to act but didn't know where to start/wanted to know the vibes, sweet! There you go, read this.
I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL just a silly lil fella take everything I say with a grain of salt or sugar idk you pick
Houses to look at that may be important: 1st (for casting), 3rd (scripts), 5th (fame), 7th (contracts), 10th (awards), 11th (fans and goals), others look at anything you want idc. There'll be asteroids at the end with basic meanings to plug into the chart if you'd like. Have fun and if you have any questions/corrections lmk :D
Asteroid Number: 12238
☆Ascendant/1st House☆
Headshots, castings, and the vibe you give out is what to analyze in this house. This can tell you the style of headshots you should get by looking at the sign for colors/vibes to give off. This house is all about first introductions. What do you want them to know about you? Casting could also be dependent on this house, as it could rule over people simply looking at you to see if you should audition or not (like what vibes do you give off and why would cast you for blah blah blah). Your outward personality also shows in this house, and it could give you a type of act they could steer you to playing (like bombshell, crazy fella, fem fatale, things like that).
The roles you get could be because of the vibe you give off (look at the planets/sign teehee). Your personality could carry you more than your ability, (if you have HEAVY placements tho) granting you more roles. For roles you might have a specific type of outfit and right off the bat you know what you’re dealing with kinda characters. In my mind it’s what you see is what you get with the planets in this house, so the roles you’d get would fit that saying. Are you a detective, boom, you look like one. Bombshell? Bomb you look like a mf queen, like shit like that. Aries gets straight to the point, so does this house, and so do your roles. This placement also reminds me of like, idk like John Mulaney, Awkwafina, y'know people who don't necessarily embody a character but people go "oh it's them!" On the other hand, you could be known for your expressions (like the Kubrick stare of something), like something that people again notice right off the bat. With roles your appeal comes from the vibes rather than getting an assigned thing if that makes sense (I know this house is a mess okay work with me)
✯ Sign: Aries 
Aries' straightforward nature, ability to take initiative and leadership qualities are something to admire as a whole, and when it comes to acting, and get you where you need to be and fast. This sign may have more of a penchant towards sportier and physical roles, not wanting to be limited to sitting and talking, and the temperamental nature could make you a sight to see. Where Aries sits in your chart is where you need to take the lead, pave a new way, and walk down it. Embrace the confidence that Aries gives you and chart forward where Aries rules.
☆2nd House☆
The attire you may be put on (we’re talkin costumes babyyy). What colors would you look nice in, or what kind of costumes would you be more likely to put into kinda deal. More in depth this house could talk about your skills and how to approach gaining new methods for the craft. To me this is similar to 9th house of figuring out what tools to put under your belt in order to grow, but it’s more centered around money rather than just self growth. Use the skills you have and can gain to get roles (like for example if you’re a contortionist you might for your horror movie roles kinda thing). This could also tell you how you handle your money when it comes to films, a part of me wants to say budget-but budget like what of your own money to you put into projects, and what would they go towards (depends on the planets and sign yknow the drill). This can also point to talents you could have (like you could look at comedy related asteroids or something and see if they’re there you know the vibe)
Characters that involve opulence, style and class may be roles to lean towards. Being able to dress up and show out may appeal, like the exact opposite of a role you have to de-glam for. Since this is the house of skills and values, you may shift toward characters that put them on display, and you put a lot of value into said skills, regardless of what they are. Roles for these placements remind me of the old Hollywood kinda classics like Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, that glamorous kind of role that give enough space to show off your skills. Roles at involve slow burns or sometimes even food as well (if not chef, there could just be a lot of dining room scenes of that makes sense idk I just thought I’d throw in the Taurus food cliche thing here)
✯Sign: Taurus 
Embodying the down to earth nature that comes with Taurus is the way to go. The classy and luxurious vibe that Taurus naturally gives off should bleed into wherever Taurus is/rules in your chart. Approach things with caution, put in that earth sign slow work ethic, and work your way into wealth using the Venus ruled sign. This in your chart tells you where you may need to slow down, bring class into the mix, and be stubborn. It can also show you where you may be stubborn/slow to change in acting, like if it’s in 3rd you may have a specific way of delivering lines you may need to change/ work on slowly. 
☆3rd House☆
In the house of writing, ALWAYS look at this house (empty or not) to see the vibe of the scripts you may get as an overall. This could also tell you how you need to write/deliver lines, and the uniqueness you can bring when it comes to speaking. You can track your mentality when it comes to acting when it comes to his house. Like for example I have Capricorn ruling it, with Aquarius Neptune as well, and I've always liked the idea of a long term web series, as it gives more freedom than traditional Hollywood projects. This to me can also explain how people react to you online, for example Drew Barrymore's 3rd starts off with 29° Libra, and from what I've seen, people LOVE her talk show, like the jokes of "I just NEED to talk with her" come to mind, and from what I noticed, it was pretty out of nowhere (like people didn't expect her to get a show), and the rest of the house is Scorpio with North Node in Sagittarius 1°, and people often talk about her carefree nature to talking about deep topics. Obviously it's not exactly acting, but still found it interesting as it is the social media house. 
The house of Gemini goes give MAJOR versatility (for example, Marilyn Monroe has Gemini ruling her third, and she did have versatility she wasn't granted that you can see bits and pieces of when watching her movies like Bus Stop (straight up rage) and Seven Year Itch (comedic timing)). Comedy could be one of your talents, along with generally being able to deliver lines in a way that caters to to role. Chatty siblings, witty side characters, or a smart lead is something that could fit you, just know it'll involve a LOT of talking. Work on being able to deliver long winded rants and monologues.
✯Sign: Gemini
You can tell I have a bias towards Gemini placements in the actor persona chart, as the "two faced" nature of Gemini is something that works well with acting. Like I said in the rest of this section, versatility is key for Gemini. Being able to think of something on the spot and fit to the situation is the best thing to use to your advantage. The personality you embody can be whatever you need it to be at the time. To be clear, this can show where in the chart you're more equipped to change and able to adapt when it comes to acting.
☆4th House☆
The house of the home, comfort and self security is under scrutiny when it comes to acting, as acting requires you to go out of your comfort zone. Now this could mean that you stay close to home, only working with family or doing local theater. Something I've noticed is that if you have a "positive" planet there (like Venus, Sun, etc), you may not want to act outside of your comfort zone. A lot of people I know who stuck to high school theater/had no desire to expand out had more planets in this house. This can also talk about how your family supports you, and how your inner security is impacted when it comes to acting.
Hereditary immediately came to mind LMAO but home roles may be something you consider/get. That doesn't mean you immediately get parental roles obviously, but it could mean that you do family environment roles. He's not the best example since he doesn't have this in his chart, but like Bryan Cranston going from Malcolm in the Middle to Breaking Bad, and being a father in both, or Toni Collette being again the mother in Hereditary but also the mother in United States of Tara, still family roles but dramatically different and more serious tones. You could also be known as a family name with placements here, like you could be on repeat in people's homes with this placement, like Disney or Miss Rachel kind of thing. Known in families. 
✯Sign: Cancer 
Emotionally driven roles are something you could like. With a personality that can offer comfort and emotional security, utilize those elements to get roles and give personality to them. Another thing I've noticed is that with cancer placements, people's parents could know about you (ik that sounds weird but you could be known more either intergenerationally or as an actor older people would like). This can show where you bring emotional comfort/stability in your acting. 
☆ 5th House☆
OH YEAH BABY THIS IS THEE HOUSE!!!! The house of Leo and acting and fame as a whole is an important house to look at. Don't worry if there's nothing in it, look for the sign that rules it. This can tell you how you work the stage, and the uniqueness and fire you bring to your roles. Like the 4th house, this can tell you about theater or just plain old acting in a general sense. Leo can tell you what kind of creativity you may have and bring to the table, the energy you bring to fame, and it could even tell how well you do with younger generations, as the house does rule over children. 
This can talk about the starring roles you could get, as it is Leo's house. The spotlight is put on you in this area, and the planets can let you know how to use it to your advantage. For example, Aaliyah has 23° Venus, and 29° Mercury in Libra, 18° Uranus and Vertex in Scorpio ALL in her fifth, and she utilized her well-known voice and beauty to get roles that put her in a spotlight, as although she only got a couple of roles before her death, they weren't your typical musical star roles, as she got an action movie, dark vampire and was almost in the Matrix, she used that Scorpio deepness and depth and sexiness, and that Uranus weirdness to her advantages to get roles that wouldn't confine her like it has other stars. Put the spotlight on the planets/sign in this house and it'll help you. This one is VERY straightforward. Shine a light on this house and it will shine back on you.
✯Sign: Leo
Leo can tell you where you may simply succeed as an actor. Like 5th, Leo is where the spotlight and creativity is in your chart. The personality to use may sound a little shitty, but put yourself where Leo is. If it's in 6th, do it daily and when it comes to co-workers, if it's 11th, make yourself shine in groups of people. Obviously, it won't be hard, but don't let your light get dimmed where Leo is. The personality to bring is first and warm, and use that Leo charm to show off the showmanship. Embrace the fiery nature and ego (responsibility) here.
☆6th House☆
Virgo's house of health, co-workers, pets and daily life can talk about the mundane side of acting. How often you work and how you take care of your health is the important thing to look at. It can show if you're a bit of a workaholic or a perfectionist, your emotional investment, how your health reacts. Depending on the planets, it could point to how often in your daily life you act or are theatrical. For example, Markiplier (don't bring it up I just got like a set list of people I use and an example ok) has North Node in Aquarius in his 6th, pointing to the fact he may like to act daily, or puts his acting talent into his work (like In Space with Markiplier and such), or would prefer to work as often as he could when it comes to acting, like he worked on his birthday this year for Iron Lung and ended up in the hospital as he got fake blood in his eyes. Not exactly an exciting house, but important. It could also talk about your co-stars/extras and how you interact with them. For example of you got let's say a water sign in this house, you may want to get to know them/befriend them.
John Krasinski has a HEAVY 6th house, which drum roll omg he was in The Office (I just thought I would check it and it made me giggle, he's got like 8 objects and planets in there). Office roles, roles about Mundane tasks, and general health may be roles you get. In my brain, I kinda think of this as the house of The Office and Grey's Anatomy. Realistic roles that talk and delve into daily life are roles that could work well for you. Not that you couldn't do bigger things, Black Mirror also reminds me of this house, as while it is fantastical, it is about daily life in a different universe. 
✯Sign: Virgo
Virgo's perfectionism and analytical nature fits well with acting, as the studious nature and attention to detail can attract people to your performances. As an earth sign, you may not be the most outwardly shiny, and prefer a calm nature, the accuracy you bring to roles is something to use to your advantage. Biopics could be something you're good at, something I thought of was like Christian Bale coping Tom Cruise for his role as Patrick Bateman kinda deal, you notice the little things that's needed to get into a role. This in the chart can point to where you excel at paying attention to details and where you aim for perfection. 
☆7th House☆
We're talkin' contracts, we're talkin' relationships, we're talkin' marriage that's right baby this is the house of one on one. This talks about the kinds of contracts you may get (or if you should sign to them,) and how they benefit you. This is an important house as contracts are typically needed when it comes to acting on sets. This can also discuss the kind of on screen romances you may get into, or just even pairings on screen. This can tell you how your fans could react to your romances (or even ship you with others), and how you react to your own romances (like do you hide it? Work with your partner?). It can also talk about the people that openly dislike you and how easily you attract envy from others. 
To me this is the rom-com house, like to me it's that balance of romance and humor that just appeals to Libra to me. Balance is the word for this house. Give and take between a pairing can be something you shine in. It makes me think of like Bill & Ted or Harold & Kumar or Kristen Wiig & Maya Rudolph, you shine on your own but the partnerships you act in make you shine brighter. That, or you could just be the ideal person to star as the romantic lead. That, or you could be good in roles that are designed to be the mediator. Lawyers, therapists, or just a role that puts you in the middle of conflict you need to calm down.
✯Sign: Libra 
Calm, zen, and pretty vibes are what you bring. Like Taurus, opulence is something that you could bring to a role. Even in the most I guess "un-insert synonym for glamorous here" role", you bring a quality of polish to roles that comes naturally. Where Libra is in your chart is where you can appeal the most to people, or where you could even have the most consistent need to appeal to people, therefore making it easier for you to work with roles. Libra's air sign nature makes them adaptable, but to work with people. Libra's may be the perfect person to work well with directors, and be able to take notes well and fit into what they need. In your chart, this points to where you may fit other needs, along with bringing a natural polish and balance to your craft-but remember to put yourself first.
☆8th House☆
Hahaha this is the s*x house, but also death and depth that's needed as an actor. This could tell you about the darker side of being an actor. It can tell you how you handle yourself in private and prepare for roles, and how well you keep yourself in check almost. This can point to how you feel about any sort of intimacy on set, or how you deal with s*xual topics and even if you want to period. Do you talk about death in your roles? Are things that are hidden things you want to bring to light with acting? These questions are answered with this house. This can also point to how people treat those topics with you. It can show how people may view your attractiveness or how much they want to know your secrets. This house can also talk about the depth you long for when it comes to acting. 
While the first thing I do was to cover is how you may be viewed as a s*x symbol, it does cover other roles, don't worry. Simply it can point to if you may get roles where you're s*xualized or viewed as anything like the other woman/man, or simply just the hot one of that makes sense. Marilyn had her moon in Scorpio in this house, and while she did want emotional depth in roles, others rather wanted to view her as something sexual and sad as shit (I'm looking DIRECTLY at the movie Blonde right in its fuckin eyes I hate at movie). This can also talk about all the darker topics you act in, so topics of dr*gs, death and even simply keeping a secret are roles you excel in. Anything others may not want to do, you would. You require emotional investment in your roles, or nothing. Depending on the sign, it could point to either faking emotional depth, or needing it so much you refuse shallow roles regardless of how good it is. 
✯Sign: Scorpio 
Scorpio as an actor scares me. Not in a spooky way, just in a way where I think they'd be method actors. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Scorpios like to get their hands dirty. The personality you bring obviously could be mysterious, sexy, and charming, but something I see more is dirty-but not in the gross way, but like I said in the houses section, you need to get your hands dirty and take roles others normally wouldn't-skill or reputation be damned if that makes sense, like playing a serial killer, or like Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones. You take roles others may not have the heart to. This is the house where you bring depth to the table, and where (or what) you're willing to dig your hands into to become the perfect person for the role.
☆ 9th House☆
The house of expansions, overseas/travel, philosophy and higher education leaves a lot to work with for this house. While this house could just be "oh travel different locations" I do notice that this placement might like press tours, or traveling to promote movies/shows in different countries. This could also tell what you may wish to expand and understand more in your acting. This house normally reminds me of people who like to learn and grow as people, so for acting and writing, you may never be satisfied with your performance, and therefore would like to get better, all with a feel good attitude. This house would do well with going to schools for the arts and expressing your inner thoughts and philosophy through your career. I feel like they may be heard better if that makes sense? Or your views on life could gain you respect. OR (I'm sorry I keep saying or just bear with me) it could even show how you go about learning new roles/methods of acting. 9th can also tell you about types of shows you could get cast in (or write, as it rules over publishing therefore screenwriting is in the mix.
Right off the bat, roles for this placement do kinda scream travel TV, like food or just traveling to explore foreign places and give your insight on them. And if you're not interested in the Travel Channel kinda vibe, roles that could work for you are ones that expand your life view. You may not like repeating roles, and sticking with the same thing for too long as you need to grow constantly with your roles. Roles like teachers, lawyers and religious figures may be things you like to play. Exploration of yourself and the way things are could be roles that fit for you. And if that sounds too heavy, don't worry. You don't need to dive into something serious right off the bat. It could be an exploration of simple things. Idk why but I just get Aang from ATLA even thought that's an animated series, it still works.
✯Sign: Sagittarius 
Carefree attitude is the first thing that comes to mind, second is comedy. Acting as a Sagittarius embodies the Jupitertrian nature of almost overdoing things, but mannerisms? Like out of all of the actors I imagine using your hands and body language to act more than your voice. Like I said before, comedic timing could be your forte, like a lot of Sagittarius actors who do serious acting but are often overlooked when it comes to comedic talents. This in your chart can also tell you where you have the most expansion as an actor, and could have the most range/potential for range, but overall, where you may also need to have a more carefree attitude when it comes to the craft.
☆10th House/MC☆
The general house of success and awards can tell you just that. It can tell you the type of awards you may get/why, or how you go about accepting them. Like in terms of speeches and such (like if you got moon there or something they could be more emotionally driven you know the deal). This can also tell you the type of dedication you have to acting and the craft itself. Whatever rules/or is in this house could talk about how people also view your success, like I said before let's say you get an award, it could be how the public acts when it gets it, good or bad. Idk if I explained it correctly LMAO but it's kinda like the dedication you put in > how people see you (audience and critics) > how you get awards/public response to you winning them. Does that make sense? No? That's okay. This can also be a house that goes into casting, as it deals more with your public perspective. 
Literally Succession LMAO. But roles revolving around reestablished high status (like I'm not talking about rags to riches with this placement, I think more of already having some sort of standing and fighting to keep it), or hierarchy are roles that would work for you. Roles involving royalty/history, similar to something like The Crown or Reign, things that like. Like genuinely could go more into detail but Succession is the best straight up explanation I could give 💀. Rich people doing rich people things and fighting to keep those riches. Very straightforward. Another role I almost forgot to mention is A Star is Born. That working up into your success may be something people like to see, real or fake. Use it. 
✯Sign: Capricorn
Hard work and discipline is what Capricorn does best, and same with being straight forward. Look at where Capricorn is in your chart to know where you need to put hard work and put elbow grease into. Embody a natural (yet humble) boss energy, and bring it to the table. Don't let your standards drop wherever it rules, and because Saturn is Caps ruler, don't try to cut corners wherever it lands for you. Put in your all to get the benefits and rewards you deserve. 
☆11th House☆
Goals! Aspirations! Friends! Fans! Humanitarianism! Look at all of that shit oh boy, you can see why in natal this is the house you look for when it comes to getting attention. But in this case, it can talk about the goal(s) you have when it comes to acting. What message do you want to get across? It can tell you where/how to set your sights to achieve the goals you want. It can also tell you how you channel your giving nature when it comes to acting/writing. Having heavy placements here could point to wanting to get a message across with your acting (like don't do drugs, murder bad, you know the drill). This can also tell the kind of friends you make, or how you evolve them. You may have a preference for working with people you're already friends with/attempting to lift them up (which sorta pairs with humanitarianism if you squint). This can also tell you how your fans may perceive/treat you. That's more straightforward like if you got Neptune there boom they're delusional. You got Mars? Mean as hell (I'm joking I'm 5 drafts into this post work with me here)
Ensemble roles may call to you, as this house is opposing 5th, there's less of a want of the spotlight on you, while still remaining the center focus (like for example shows like The Office and Brooklyn 99 are ensemble, but the main couples of those shows are considered the main characters). You may get roles that involve a community setting such as school, some form of class (dance, music, etc), something that brings society (or a micro version of it) under a microscope. This placement could point to friendlier roles, or if not friendly, the characters you play may be played by friends like I mentioned in the general section (working with the homies). Tech related roles may also appeal to you (like heavy CGI, playing the tech wiz friend), the syfy genre, or a futuristic setting are things you may like to play.
✯Sign: Aquarius 
Uniqueness, individuality and a new perspective is what this sign brings when it comes to The Craft™. The Aquarius Leo axis is (imo) important to look at when it comes to things such as creativity and fame, so if Leo shows where you need to step out and shout to show your uniqueness, Aquarius shows where you need to step back and let your uniqueness shine on its own. Wherever it is in your chart is where you may need to think outside of the box and bring a new perspective. Use the classic Aquarius quirkiness to your advantage with whatever placements you have under it, and don't be afraid to be different from the rest.
☆12th House☆
In acting, this house is you. While 8th house does rule over hidden and can be what you keep private, 12th can just be what you do in solitude. It can tell you how your mental health could be affected by acting/how to heal it. This can tell how your spirituality comes into play when it comes to acting (do you do any sort of rituals kinda thing). The vibe of this house is to remain hidden, and most likely to keep to yourself, so it can say if you like being in front of the camera, or simply in back of it. Heavy 12th house placements could point to working well behind the scenes to direct, or produce instead. It can also tell you how people may hate you. That's pretty straight forward, but keep in mind it's always hidden. 
Like I said before, these placement roles may be better suited out of sight, meaning, directing work, editing, and generally keeping hidden may be things you like. Other roles could be more mental and quiet ones. Like 8th house, these roles require you to dig deep. Method acting could be something that appeals to you to get yourself in the headspace required for acting. With heavy 3rd house placements it could point to voiceover/audio work (just wanted to make that clear). Roles that talk about mental health and the brain activity behind it could appeal to you.
✯Sign: Pisces
One of the natural signs of creativity and daydreaming, it can well, tell you where you daydream too much. Where you're so far up in the clouds you need to ground yourself in order to make things happen. Use the Neptune ruled planet to take the projection you get from others into attention, and wow them with the creativity you were born with. Where Pisces is in your chart, you may need to remember to stay focused, bring creativity into it, and could just simply tell you where you harbor the most dreams. This, like other water signs, can tell you where you may need to trust your intuition more when it comes to acting. 
Ok planet time teehee
Sun: The roles you shine in and the environment you thrive in, what you may be known for acting wise and simply which roles you slip into the easiest.
Moon: The emotional energy you put into your roles, how you can tap into your emotional side when getting ready for a role.
Mercury: Your style of speaking/line delivery, how you write scripts, + 1 for voice acting.
Venus: Love interests (who you play or you you’re paired with), the style of clothing you may wear the most, aesthetics you may embody.
Mars: What topics you may have a passion for, the kind of anger you can have as an actor, or just general frustrations others may have with you, the driving force of your acting.
Jupiter: The success you get as an actor, what area of your life expands with it, how/what kind of travels you may take, your general acting philosophy.
Saturn: What you may need to work the hardest on/just constantly work at, restrictions you may have as an actor, delays you could have if you don't work with Saturn, and where you could reap the most benefits.
Uranus: The uniqueness you have as an actor, (looking at aspects) things about you that may stand out, the part of your life they could get shaken up/changed the most because of acting.
Neptune: A big indicator of the roles you'll get as it rules projection, also what part of your career people will project onto the most, what misconceptions others may have about you as an actor.
Pluto: What transformations you may have as an actor, there you may experience a downfall (and we do a lil trolling), where you may have more intensity when it comes to your career/how intense people are with you.
North Node: A path that may appeal to you when it comes to acting/things that are outside of your comfort zone that you need to master
South Node: Where you’re the most comfortable/your comfort zone, things that come easy to you
Common Elements (I literally forgot to add this section so I’m naming it what it’s called in Astro.com lmao)
Pars Fortune - Where you may be fortunate in terms of acting
Vertex - Qualities/Situations you’ll be destined to go down
Lilith - What feminine qualities you embody and where you may feel the need to have liberation 
Chiron - Where you can experience the most pain when it comes to acting, or experience the most healing/be healing to others 
Ceres - How you take care of yourself and others in your work
Pallas - A natural skill you may have when it comes to acting
Juno - The partnerships you may form in your time acting
Vesta - Where you have an undying dedication when it comes to acting
Asteroids to plug in teehee (Feel free to suggest more PLEASE)
Starr (4150) - Stardom and where you shine
Glo (3267) - Where you have a general glow/stand out compared to others
Fama (408) - Fame and Gossip that could revolve around you
Fan (151590) - The fans you may have/why they like you
Talent (33154) - General talent/a specific knack you may have
Fortuna (19) - Where you’ll experience the most fortune)
Thalia (23) - Comedic presence/ability
Ok!! There it is there's the post I've been sitting on like a silly little fella who just hates posting. Let me know what placements you have! I'd love to hear it/if you have any questions let me know, and I'll see you next posts ok now stop reading seriously get outta here
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astrojulia · 11 months
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✧. ┊Astro Observations:
Astro observations #01
Astro Observations #02 - Aries houses
Astro observations #03 - Femme Fatale
Astro observations #04 - Taurus houses
✧. ┊Astro Notes:
The signs hearts
Your lucky color
Your Shadow
To All my Air Placements People
The Beauty of Astrology: How Planets and Asteroids Shape Our Physicality
Our Emotional Pains (Moon)
How you receive your insights (Uranus)
Challenges in Love with Venus
Psychic Abilities through Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
Astrology and Career: Discover Your Cosmic Sea to Success
Your connection to the Unseen World
✧. ┊ 19 Secrets About:
Aries // Taurus // Gemini // Cancer // Leo // Virgo // Libra // Scorpio // Sagittarius // Capricorn // Aquarius // Pisces
✧. ┊ Placements that indicates…
Your gaming style
Your target audience
Your target audience - Arts edition
How you act around/flirt with someone you have a crush
Psychic Abilities
✧. ┊Natal Chart Express:
Sun Edition // Moon Edition //
✧. ┊ Planets:
Saturn: Saturn Rx
Uranus: Houses // Signs
Pluto: Your Pluto Best Version
✧. ┊Houses:
1st house through the signs
2th house through the signs
3rd house through the signs
4th house through the signs
5th house through the signs
6th house through the signs
7th house through the signs + degrees
8th house through the signs
9th house throught the signs
10th house throught the signs
11th house throught the signs
12th house throught the signs
✧. ┊ Asteroids:
Fan (151590)
Hygeia (10)
Actor (12238)
Disneya (4017)
Bella (695)
✧. ┊ Planets Aspects:
Oppositions: Inner Planets // Outer Planets
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astrosky33 · 8 months
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𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬
Hello! I’m Skylar. I’m a Kepler College graduate and received my diploma from their school in 2022 but have been studying astrology for about a decade now
My mission is to inform people based on what I’ve learned and help others to gain some of the knowledge I’ve gained in order for them to use astrology as a resource for growth
There’s false stereotypes out there that can often create confusion for aspiring astrologers and I’d like to help people understand how to differentiate which sources are accurate vs which ones aren’t accurate as well
For more information about my account click here to see my masterlist
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭
◈ Planets/Houses don’t just have “a few meanings” they have many more that many people don’t know about. Otherwise astrology would probably be very basic and boring -> beginner astro help
◈ Most astrology information on Tiktok is false. Be careful who you get your information from -> tiktok astrologers with reliable info
◈ Typically twin flames will have a lot of similar placements to one another
◈ Cusps are not a real thing. Only an astrological myth made recently -> more info here
◈ If you’re noticing you don’t really have many long term relationships only flings/short term relationships it could be caused by having Uranus in the 5th/7th house
◈ Jupiter in the 4th house can indicate being the most successful person in your family - money or wealth wise (Ex: Billie Eilish)
◈ Venus sextile Mars is the most flirtatious aspect. This is because sextile aspects can have sexual energy depending on the planets involved (in this case it would), Venus rules over charm/romance, and Mars rules over flirting/lust
◈ The Sun/MC both rule over fame itself. Other placements only indicate things such as attention, attraction, idealization, glamour, etc. but do not DIRECTLY indicate fame as those things can come with OR without fame (they can still be indications depending on the sign/house/degree though)
◈ Both your South Node and Saturn can give insight about your past lives. Chiron tells about karmic wounds made in past lives that were carried into your current one
◈ Aquarius Venus/Uranus in the 7th house can indicate marrying someone that you would’ve never expected to marry
◈ Aquarius venus’ become more romantically attracted to you whenever you get along really well with their friends
◈ People with mercury in the 8th house aren’t big on gossiping typically (depending on other placements)
◈ Many people with saturn or uranus in the 9th house don’t go to college
◈ I’ve noticed a lot of libra and gemini placements are successful dancers
◈ Having your venus conjunct, trine, or sextile neptune can make many people idealize being in a romantic relationship with you
◈ Venus conjunct/square/opposite chiron can indicate a challenging love life before settling down long term
◈ The 9th house mainly rules over religion (the 12th house is more about spirituality) however, since it rules over beliefs as well it can tell a little about your spirituality
◈ Tantalus (2102) represents having a strong desire for something that’s very out of reach and remains so
◈ Desiderata (344) represents what one desires and desirability. It can give you deeper insight beyond mars
◈ Nyctimene (2150) in the 5th/7th house in Solar Return can indicate you need to leave a relationship that year in order to be happy
◈ Deidre (165574) in the 10th house can indicate being known by the public for your immense feminine beauty - many women who are praised for their beauty have this placement
Venus aspecting someone’s Deidre Asteroid can indicate the Venus person is in love with the Deidre persons immense feminine beauty/power
◈ Actor (12238) in the 6th/10th house can indicate being an actor for a living - ex: timothee chalamet
◈ Juno (3) in the 7th house can indicate a happy marriage (whether it be the first, second, etc it will eventually happen)
◈ Eros (433) at 6° can indicate getting into your first relationship later than most
◈ Reddish (2884) represents things we easily get embarrassed over/embarrassment in general
Asteroid Reddish in cancer can indicate your mom embarrassing you often
◈ Sinon (3391) represents persuasion/convincing someone to let their guard down
◈ Tripaxeptalis (2037) in gemini/sagittarius can indicate an interest in numerology
◈ Your Sun conjunct someone’s Moon can indicate you having a really good/close friendship with the Moon person
◈ Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Moon can indicate having a strong understanding of one another’s emotions
◈ Mars in someone’s 6th/11th house can indicate the Mars person struggles to get along with the 11th house persons friends -> info about 6H friends here
◈ Mercury square Venus can indicate the Mercury person doesn’t have interest in the Venus person romantically. Mercury is something under-looked in Synastry and in general when it comes to love. Not only does it rule over communication but also interests
◈ Mars conjunct Mars can indicate being able to resolve conflict with one another very well
◈ Sun conjunct Ascendant can be a challenging aspect and cause you both to resent one another
◈ Your Sun in someone’s 7th house can indicate a romantic relationship occurring
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
◈ 11th house stelliums can indicate you both have similar political views
◈ Saturn in the 11th house can indicate challenges in your relationship involving difference in desires or struggles involving friends/friend groups/socialization
◈ 9th house stelliums can indicate really good romantic chemistry with one another -> why
◈ Saturn at 0° can indicate a karmic relationship or being together long term. You likely knew one another in a past life as well
◈ If you have chiron in the 7th house you may stay together for a while out of fear of losing one another because you’re so comfortable with one another and thrive off of your partnership together
◈ Cancer ascendant can indicate meeting one another through your family or theirs
◈ Many think capricorn/aquarius stelliums are bad but they can indicate a long term relationship with one another
◈ Jupiter in the 5th house can indicate bringing one another lots of joy
◈ Uranus in the 8th house can indicate being close friends before dating
◈ Lots of 5°/14°/23° can indicate being a good looking couple together
◈ True Node at 11° is a strong indication of twin flames and experiencing multiple past lives together
◈ Mars in the 9th house can indicate having a passion for traveling together
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
Hi :) what are some placements for acting skills/career
Asteroid Actor (12238) conjunct personal planets
Neptune 1st/10th house
Sun 1st house
Chiron conjunct personal planets(able to empathize and relate to a role until they turn into it)
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paritarot · 1 year
รวม Asteroids ที่ชอบใช้💓☄️✨
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โพสท์นี้เราจะรวมรายชื่อ Asteroids ที่ชอบใช้เป็นการส่วนตัวค่ะ💫 ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ Asteroid ทั้งหมดเราได้มาจาก Astro.com และ Linda-Goodman.com นะคะ รวมถึงจากความทรงจำ ประสบการณ์ที่ได้รับผ่านข้อมูลในทวิตเตอร์และทัมเบลอร์ เราไม่ใช่ผู้คิดค้นหรือค้นพบความหมายของ Asteroids ในโพสท์นี้ เป็นเพียงผู้รวบรวมและนำรายชื่อของ Asteroids ที่เราใช้บ่อยมาฝากกันค่ะ เพราะ Asteroid มีเยอะมาก วันนี้จึงขอรวบตึงตัวเด่นๆทั้งหมดมาฝากกันค่ะ
วิธีการอ่านโพสท์นี้คือ เราจะใส่ชื่อ Asteroid และตามด้วยรหัสของ Asteroid นั้นๆข้างหลัง ซึ่งสามารถนำไปใส่ในหมวด Additional Objects ของ Entended Chart Selection ของ Astro.com เพื่อหาตำแหน่งของ asteroid นั้นๆในพื้นดวงค่ะ
หลักการใช้ Asteroid
Asteroid จะมีผลมากที่สุดเมื่อทำมุมกุม (conjunction) ในระยะ 0 - 3 องศา ซึ่งจะแคบกว่าการทำมุมกุมโดยทั่วไปที่จะมีผลได้ถึงระยะ 0 - 8 องศาค่ะ แต่แน่นอนว่ายิ่งใกล้ก็ยิ่งเห็นผลกว่าค่ะ
สำหรับมุมอื่นๆ เช่น เล็ง(opposition) โยค(sextile) ตรีโกณ(trine) ฉาก (square) บางที่จะไม่นับมาคำนวณด้วยเลยค่ะเพราะถือว่าพลังงานน้อย ส่วนตัวเรายังให้อยู่นะคะ แต่ต้องอยู่ที่ระยะไม่เกิน 3 องศาเหมือนกัน ส่วนมุมยิบย่อยอื่นๆยิ่งไม่นับเลยค่ะ
ส่วนตัวแล้วเราคิดว่าพลังหรือผลลัพธ์ของ Asteroid นั้นจะเข้มข้นที่สุดหากทำมุมกุมกับ Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC นะคะ ส่วน Personal Placement อื่นๆก็ไม่ใช่ว่าจะไม่ส่งผลเลย แต่อาจจะไม่เท่า Big 3 + MC ค่ะ ทำไมเราจึงให้ MC ด้วย เพราะ MC หรือ Midheaven หรือจุดกลางฟ้านี้ เป็นจุดที่คนอื่นจะสังเกตเห็นและจดจำเรา เป็นชื่อเสียง เป็นภาพจำ เป็นจุดที่เปิดเผยที่สุดใน natal chart พลังของ Asteroid ที่มาทำมุมด้วยจึงจะยิ่งเห็นได้ชัดค่ะ
Asteroid เป็น Cherry on top เป็นน้ำจิ้มที่ทำให้การอ่านชาร์ทสนุกและมีสีสันขึ้นนะคะ อย่างไรแล้วก็ควรต้องดูชาร์ทหลักดั้งเดิมเป็นหลักก่อนด้วย เพราะคนเราก็คงไม่ได้กินแค่น้ำจิ้มอย่างเดียวเป็นอาหารหลักใช่ไหมคะ ฉันใดก็ฉันนั้นค่ะ
ขอให้สนุกกับการอ่าน Asteroids นะคะ🍒🥂✨
หมวด Spirit & Karma
- Karma 3811
- Destinn 6583
- DNA 55555
- Angel 11911
- Ambrosia 193
- Paradise 2791
- King 2305
- Queen 5457
- Celestia 1252
- Divine 3561
- Reiki 5239
- Vesta 4
หมวด Deities (Devas & Devis)
- Ganesha 2415
- Kuber 15530 (ท้าวกุเวร หรือ ท้าวเวสสุวรรณนั่นเองค่ะ)
- Siva 1170
- Pavarti 2847
- Kaali 4227
- Tara 5863
- Osiris 1923
- Isis 42
- Astarte 672
- Ishtar 7088
- Innanen 3497
- Diana 78
- Apollo 1862
- Hakate 100
- Dionysus 3671
หมวด Past Life Connection & Civilization
- Babylon 15417
- Mesopotamia 56000
- Sumeria 1970
- Atlantis 1198
- Giza 5249
- Horus 1924
- Oympus 22754
- Lanna 6928 **เราเคยลองหาความหมายแล้วไม่มีนะคะ จริงๆแล้ว Lanna นี่ตั้งตามชื่อของนักธุรกิจและนักอุตสาหกรรมชาวเช็ค แต่เราเห็นว่าพ้องเสียงกับคำว่าล้านนา เผื่อท่านใดที่สนใจอยากจะลองดูว่า relate มั้ยนะคะ
หมวด Knowledge & Occult
- Academia 529
- Urania 30
- Merlin 2598
- Discovery 9770
- Eureka 5261
- Telephus 5264
- Stargazer 8958
- Astronomia 1154
- Astrowizard 24626
- Pythia 432
- Phiilosophia 227
- Hermes 69230
- Wisdom 3402
- Excalibur 2305 (เรามัก��ะใช้คู่กับ Arthur 2597 อิงตามตำนาน King Arthur เลยค่ะ)
หมวด Wealth & Fortune
- Abunduntia 151
- Fortuna 19
- Tyche 258
- Enterprise 9777
- Mony 7782
- Gold 4955
- Silver 532
- Industria 389
- Lachesis 120
หมวด Talent & Reputation
- Pallas 2
- Midas 1981
- Fama 408
- Talent 33154
- Actor 12238
- Golden 4423
- Erato 62
- Euterpe 27
- Hobby 97472
- Holiday 365443 (เป็นอันที่ไม่รู้จะเอาไปลงตรงหมวดไหนค่ะ เน้นเอาไว้ดูประกอบมากกว่า เช่น สิ่งที่ทำให้เรามีความสุขเหมือนได้วันหยุดพักผ่อน เป็นต้นค่ะ)
หมวด Beauty & Aesthetics
- Sirene 1006
- Aura 1488
- Sunshine 3742
- Lumiere 775
- Sparks 15129
- Aurora 94
- Glo 3267
- Nymphe 875
- Photographica 443
- Europa 52
หมวด Love & Marriage
- Amor 1221
- Psyche 16
- Eros 433
- Juno 3
- Sappho 80
- Adonis 2101
- Cupido 763
- Valentine 447
- Aphrodite 1388
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