#arthur augustus
the-institute-gifts · 6 months
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To: Arthur Augustus- @magicalman
Hello Good Sir, 
I do hope these collections of music will suit you well and you will listen to them as you please. 
Santa Clause
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the-institute-rpg · 10 months
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The following characters are on activity warning for two weeks or more of inactivity! If you need a hiatus or any help, please come talk to us! You have until the next activity check (August 6) to become active again or you will be dropped and your face claim reopened.
COLIN BARTON- @colinxbarton DYLAN ALTOMARE- @fire-starterdylan VIOLET LYNCH- @violetxlynch SCOTT LANDENBERG- @xscottlandenbergx WILDER HAYES- @wildxhayes ALFIE NORRIS- @alfiexnorris WINTER DUBOIS- @winters-lust LYSSA HUDSON- @lyssa-hudson KAILOR GRAY- @dcviilsh ETHAN VALDEZ- @mrethanvaldez KATELL BRIGHTWOOD- @brightwood-duchess LAYLA DUBOIS- @layla-dubois CIARAN O'BRYAN- @professorxwolf QUINTEN SAWYER- @quinten-sawyer ARTHUR AUGUSTUS- @magicalman DAISY LYNCH- @daisyxlynch GINA ANDREWS- @andrews-gina STE WHITE- @ste-white BETH GARCIA- @beth-garcia ORION CAMPBELL- @enslavedhunter JAMES DONOVAN- @jamesdonovanxlust ALEXANDER BLACK- @alexanderblackxlust JASON SHAW- @professor-shaw
Just a reminder that posting photos/interest/desires, posting completed Skype/Chatzy or text threads only, and answering memes/anons does not count as activity!
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speedforce-zoomies · 2 months
So I love the posts about the Justice League not knowing/randomly learning about Batman’s kids in JL meetings
However, I think it’s funniest if there’s like a series of secret PTA meetings where all the heroes with sidekicks are in the know (plus a few select others) and no one else
Superman makes an off comment about school lunches because Barry’s been concerned about Wally’s metabolism and Hawkman is like ???
Hal knows about Wally but doesn’t realize the conversation is about his honorary nephew and wonders if Clark’s writing an article about school lunches
Oliver laments about bullies and the “right way” to handle them and Booster Gold tries to resonate with him thinking Oliver’s dealing with bullies
AND there’s definitely alliances and rivalries
Bruce and Barry are in an alliance and have been since the beginning (they admire each other) & they have a rivalry against Oliver (Barry and Oliver canonically don’t like each other despite sharing a BFF) so Dinah has to be in an alliance with Oliver against them on principle and poor Hal’s caught in the middle like a deer in headlights
Superman and Wonder Woman try to be more neutral, but when they can’t be they tend to side with Bruce and Barry
Arthur and Augustus (Icon) also try not to get involved but are more likely to agree with Oliver if they do
As each generation grows and grows up more and more people get in on the secret, by the time it’s the Young Justice era a lot of random heroes are dragged into the whole shebang essentially acting as the T part of the TPA meetings (poor Red Tornado- whatever they were paying you it wasn’t enough lol)
And the older generations of sidekicks act like TAs, updating the new generations parents or “parents” about their own or their newest wild child’s of the superheroing world
But still, even as it expands - there’s always more heroes wondering what the heck is going on with these other heroes-
Why are they still talking about their old high schools and teenage parties and bullies, etc, etc? Like don’t they have anything better to do then talk about stuff that happened at least two decades ago?
(+ If I remember correctly, Bruce canonically takes PTA meetings pretty seriously in one of the Robin runs (as well as in the WFA webcomics) so that makes it even funnier to me)
Idk, just me?
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sarnie-for-varney · 8 months
Can we talk about the fact that Holmes BATHES WITH THE DOOR OPEN while Watson is right there? And they're just having a conversation like they've done it a million times?
They're married, I swear
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And it's not just that, it's the fact that Watson is technically GETTING CHANGED in front of Holmes??
Also... Holmes and Watson are both undressed? Sounds pretty HOMOSEXUAL to me 🤨🧐
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monocordum · 1 month
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Sherlock on Watson, taken exactly in context: there's NOTHING like breaking and entering with one's PARTNER, you know, the person you LIVE with, the person you're ready to face PRISON with, as long as you are in it TOGETHER; the person who reacts weirdly when you tell them you're in a fake relationship for investigating purposes, who seems almost offended, but surely it's only for your honor's sake; who NEEDS to be as physically close as possible to you the whole time, hand-holding, really, but it's all for the best, since that way you can WHISPER directly to their ear without getting caught.
I can't even
(From The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, April 1904 issue of The Strand)
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paradises-library · 8 months
“You are not coming.”
“Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honour —and I never broke it in my life—that I will take a cab straight to the police-station and give you away unless you let me share this adventure with you.”
-"Charles Augustus Milverton," Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "A"!
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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d20unfuckability · 1 year
Arthur Aguefort vs Imperator Augustus Ciabatta
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"idk about u, but i’m not fucking someone who’s a terrible dad."
"It’s not cool or sexy to murder minors"
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thebeesareback · 7 months
The most evil Sherlock Holmes villain: champions edition
Hello beloved thots. The results of the semi-finals are in, so now you can vote for your favourite overall villain
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a-forbidden-detective · 8 months
The anime season 1 OP: an analysis
I have the strangest feeling that the context of the opening song’s ending scenes could be taken straight from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton.”
You know that famous “You aren’t coming!” “Then you aren’t going!” debacle between SH and JW that’s been dramatised, re-enacted and analysed throughout the years?
“Well, I don’t like it, but I suppose it must be,” said I. “When do we start?”
“You are not coming.”
“Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honour--and I never broke it in my life--that I will take a cab straight to the police-station and give you away, unless you let me share this adventure with you.”
“You can’t help me.”
“How do you know that? You can’t tell what may happen. Anyway, my resolution is taken. Other people besides you have self-respect, and even reputations.”
Holmes had looked annoyed, but his brow cleared, and he clapped me on the shoulder.
“Well, well, my dear fellow, be it so. We have shared this same room for some years, and it would be amusing if we ended by sharing the same cell. You know, Watson, I don’t mind confessing to you that I have always had an idea that I would have made a highly efficient criminal.”
This Toto and his dominant side taking over. There’s more than meets the eye.
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They aren’t holding hands, per se, but Toto is trying to prevent Ron from doing something stupid, or to do it all by himself. Because, they are partners now.
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Hence, Ron’s reaction and a resolution that is going to work out in the end.
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no-side-us · 8 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Oct. 4
Charles Augustus Milverton, Part 2 of 3
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Watson immediately jumping to congratulate Holmes on his engagement is funny, especially because I feel he should know Holmes better than that.
Speaking of, I do think Holmes is a bit in the wrong for basically leading this girl on for information. Admittedly, it lasts for only a few days, but I imagine after the case ends she'll be pretty upset by a broken engagement and relationship.
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First, I love that Watson takes only a second to think about burgling Milverton and accepts that it is okay to do. Second, I love that he is already planning on going with Holmes before either asking or being asked.
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Holmes says this like he doesn't confess his criminal aspirations to Watson almost every other story. I think early on even Watson knew that he would have made a highly efficient criminal.
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I don't know why fiancee is written in all caps, but it makes it seem like Holmes is shouting it, as if to really emphasize to Watson that he is engaged.
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It's nice to see Watson having fun on the burglary and really getting into it with all this talk of chivalry and adventure. It makes me feel like he would probably be into Robin Hood and the like.
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Describing the safe as a dragon also tells me that Watson was probably also into stories of knights. Maybe he's a fan of King Arthur stories as well.
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How will they get out of this one? Find out in the next letter.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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the-institute-gifts · 6 months
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To: Arthur Augustus - @magicalman
Good Day Sir, 
I am glad I am paired with a fellow reader enthusiast and I am excited to exchange some books to read. You may be the right person to help me with my plants as I have no true green thumb haha. I hope these books will keep you entertained and after all this holiday that we may even become friends. 
Good Wishes, 
Santa Clause 
Botanical Curses and Poisons: The Shadow-Lives of Plants, by Fez Inkwright
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20 Volume Ancient History Collection
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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The following characters are on activity warning for two weeks or more of inactivity! If you need a hiatus or any help, please come talk to us! You have until the next activity check (May 28) to become active again or you will be dropped and your face claim reopened.
ROSAMUND STRENGER - @justastrenger JUDITH GILMORE-GREEN - @greenyarthistorygirl SAWYER CHAMBERS - @sawyer-chambers BYRON MARKUS CHRISTIANSEN - @byronxmarkusxchristiansen THEODORE STOTT - @theodore-stott MALON SAVARIS - @thesingingelfstar CHASE WALKER - @chasethenxphilim WINTER DUBOIS - @winters-lust AIDEN WENTWORTH - @aidenxwentworth ETHAN VALDEZ - @mrethanvaldez LIAM CONNOLLY - @liamoftheirish KATELL BRIGHTWOOD - @brightwood-duchess LAYLA DUBOIS - @layla-dubois DOUGAL MCLEOD - @dougalmcleodthevampire ARTHUR AUGUSTUS - @magicalman KEITH CRANE - @keith-crane ORION CAMPBELL - @enslavedhunter JAMES DONOVAN - @jamesdonovanxlust ALEXANDER BLACK - @alexanderblackxlust
Just a reminder that posting photos/interest/desires, posting completed Skype/Chatzy or text threads only, and answering memes/anons does not count as activity!
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sarnie-for-varney · 10 months
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"I am a plumber with a rising business. Escott, by name"
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gillianthecat · 1 month
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I found this 8 minute documentary that Dance Theatre of Harlem put together about the creation of Creole Giselle.
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bellamer · 10 months
Cluemaster and Augustus Saint Cloud are basically the same character. Stupid manbabies who still cry over a gamehsow they competed in when they were kids when it’s really not that fucking serious and they need to really move on with their lives and get some bitches
But at least Cluemaster has a hot voice so i like him a smidgen better, RIP to his VA who played The Mayor in The Nightmare Before Christmas and Otto in Beetlejuice and he had a really talented voice and I wish he was in more things before he died. We truly lost some talent.
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