#apparently this movie is really green lol
ddejavvu · 1 year
reader being shy about her period even though she’s been with hotch for while and doesn’t want to talk about it with him, but he’s straightforward about it, knows reader is shy but they’re both adults! so he draws her a bath (and maybe joins her?) and takes care of her whether she likes it or not lol
basically something fluffy 🥺
Drawing your bath is something you do every single night, but tonight it feels different, weird. It's probably the looming threat of Aaron shuffling around in the bedroom, and you're not even halfway through working up viable excuses when he asks the dreaded question.
"Can I join you?"
He's already undoing his pants before giving you the chance to answer. You never say no, the question is more of a formality at this point. But this time you shake your head, turning around to face him head-on.
"Uh, actually, Aaron, I think I want to take this one alone."
He freezes with his hand down his pants. Apparently untucking his shirt leaves him in a position that makes him look like a depraved teenager.
"Okay," He nods, redoing his zipper, clearly taken-aback, "Is there any reason why?"
"My head hurts. I just- I kind of want to be alone."
His face drops sympathetically, and he nods along, already reaching into the cabinet for the advil, "I'm sorry, honey. Here, take some, and when you're out I'll run interference with Jack so that you can go and lay down."
The way he handles it makes you feel bad for lying to him, but you bite the bullet and take the medicine anyways. It won't do anything, and the worst it will do is give you a headache. Then at least you won't be a liar.
"Thanks, Aaron," You murmur, bumping your face into his chest in a low-effort hug that holds more sincerity than it seems to, "I love you."
"I love you, too." He hums, kissing the crown of your head. He makes for the bedroom again, about to leave you to bathe in peace, but he doubles back, "Oh, and just so you know, I saw you were running low on pads, so I picked some up on my way home from work, but they're in that cabinet."
He points beneath the sink and your stomach drops, "I know you usually keep them in your purse, but Jack wanted gum this morning and I saw you didn't have many left, so I just stocked them here. You can move them, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted you to know where they were."
He barely glances up at you after he's done, but the momentary gaze is enough to see that you're frozen. He stills in the doorway, "Honey? Are you okay?"
"You bought me pads?" The question feels embarrassing, heating your cheeks and burning your belly.
"I made sure they were the same kind," His brows furrow, "Is that.. okay?"
"It's-" You stammer, lip quivering slightly, "It's fine, it's- great! It's too good, Aaron," Tears well in your eyes, "You're too good to me."
"Honey," He croons, rushing to catch you in a hug, "That's- buying pads is not 'too good for you'. You need them, it's just the same as when I make you dinner or drive you to work."
"Those are all great," You gush, staining his dark green polo with your tears, "You're the perfect man."
You don't need to feel his cheeks to know they're on fire, and he chuckles sheepishly, rubbing up and down your back, "I think that's debatable, you can ask a few higher-ups at the office."
"Well you've never bought Erin Strauss pads before, have you?" You sniffle, two damp blotches on his shirt left behind even after you pick your head up out of his chest.
"No," He grins, shaking his head, "No, but one year I bought her a #1 boss mug."
"#1 bitch," You mumble, turning away so he can't see your smirk as he laughs, "Oh, and Aaron?"
"You can get in, if you want." You offer, still residually hesitant, "I just- I don't really have a headache. I didn't want you to know about.."
"Your period." He finishes for you, voice strong and sure of himself, "Alright. Lemme just set Jack up with a movie, then I'll be back."
You take the time he's gone to peek under the bathroom sink, and sure enough, two large packages of your go-to menstrual pads sit beneath a pipe. They're lined up neatly beside his shaving kit, and you marvel at the domesticity they radiate together. You pluck one from the package, fresh and light pink. The wrapper crinkles as you set it on the counter beside your fresh underwear, and a wave of comfort washes over you. This is your house, and you're allowed to live in it.
Comfort steps aside for amusement, though, when you picture Aaron striding into a corner store in his suit and tie, picking up two packages of pink pads, and handing them over to the teenage cashier.
"What's so funny?' He peels off his shirt with ease now that it's no longer tucked into his pants, discarding it on the floor.
"Nothing," You insist, a smile still lingering on your lips, "I bet the 15-year old checker was fun to talk to."
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inkyray · 17 days
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˚。welcome to my blog bro
im so sorry you found this 。°
👅im ray and im 18 and i like stingrays because they have my name in it lol
basics about me .ᐟ
i really have a hard time making things aesthetic idk why guys lmk if yall fw this
💦im egyptian who was born and raised on the east coast, very much from new jersey
💦im a cancer also and also prefer matt (apparently this i really crucial information when i make one of these)
💦my favorite color is green and i really enjoy rubbing it in everyones face, i feel spiritually connected to the color green maybe its cus one time my doodoo shit turned out green or something idk lol
💦i cant seem to function like a normal human being with working braincells without music, i listen to a lot of tyler the creator but that's a secret no one knows about (can you tell)
💦i spend a lot of my time consuming media like movies, youtubers, irl books, fanfiction, cartoons (gravity falls, the amazing world of gumball, regular show, monster high, and more.) do not ask me about colleen hoover i have a gun
💦i am also obsessed with fashion and painting lol
why my account exists in the first place
ok funny story i made this cus i wanted to get freaky at night with my imagination about a few white men who look the same
🙏turns out i decided to write about them too its actually really terrifying my masterlist is right here check it out bro people love my shit
okay bye now love you bro
also dont be surprised when one day you dont find my account because i really wanna delete this idk why
(i used @mattslolita's blog intro for inspo on this, check it out hers is better tbh)
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ganondoodle · 2 months
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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sagesolsticewrites · 2 years
“i can’t keep kissing strangers, pretending they’re you.” | Austin!Elvis x fem!reader
12 years ago, Elvis chose his career over you. What happens when he shows up at your door asking for a second chance?
a/n: this is entirely based on a dialogue prompt I saw from @twelvegods: “I can’t keep kissing strangers, pretending they’re you.” apparently it was a really good prompt because it inspired all 8,735 words of this lol. I I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it <3 Thank you all again so so so much for 500 followers!!
Word count: 8.7k
Warnings: a couple swear words, lots of angst in the first half, Y/N has trust issues oops, I think that's it? As always, please let me know if I missed anything!
Please like/rb if you enjoyed! 🤍
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“I’m gonna marry you someday.”
That’s what Elvis Presley had said to you when he was just 20 years old and his career was starting to take off, thanks in large part (as Elvis said) to the Colonel. And you, being the young girl in love that you were, believed him.
What a fool you were.
You managed to stay together for another year before the Colonel, his claws digging into Elvis’s heart and soul to bleed all the green he could out of him, managed to convince him that appearing single would be what was best for his career— he had to let all those screaming girls believe they had a chance with him, after all.
“Baby please,” Elvis pleaded, “this is for my career. I promise it won’t be for long. We’ll get back together, you’ll see.”
You shook your head, “No, Elvis. I’m not gonna sit around waiting for you like some damsel in distress. If you want me, keep me. But otherwise…”
You paused, waiting for him to say something. Begging, pleading, praying he would say something, that you had managed to change his mind.
When he said nothing, you exploded.
You had screamed and cried, and he had screamed and cried, and you had taken your things that had made their way into his room in Graceland and stormed out of his life for good, only pausing to give him one final sincere “I love you” before you walked out the door.
The last image you had of him (that wasn’t on a tv screen or poster) was of him standing in the foyer in Graceland, tears streaming down his face, refusing to chase after you.
You hoped that time would eventually heal your wounded heart, but apparently whoever said time heals all wounds was a fucking idiot because it was now just over a decade later and you were still as in love with Elvis Presley as you had been when you were one of the only girls in the world who knew his name.
He, evidently, didn’t feel the same.
That much was clear, at least, based on the way he was still overly flirtatious with his audience in his shows, not to mention the rumors about relationships with his movie co-stars. In his shows, before he went off to Germany, he had taken to stepping down into the audience and kissing practically every woman in the room. That alone cleared any remaining doubts from your mind that he still thought about you in any capacity, despite that little voice in the back of your head that still held out some futile, desperate hope.
You’re about to curl up on the couch with some tea and your copy of Anne of Green Gables — exactly what you need on a rainy day like today — when someone knocks on your door.
“You expecting anyone, Y/N?” your friend Annie calls from the hall. You had been living with her for about 5 years down in Louisiana, after the memories in Memphis had become too much, and you loved it.
“Nope,” You call back, wondering who on earth would be knocking on doors in this weather. “If it’s one of those door-to-door salesmen, slam it in his face again.” You suggest with a laugh.
“Will do,” comes her reply, and you can hear the smile in her voice.
You turn you attention back to your book as the door opens, and nearly spill your tea all over yourself as you hear a sultry drawl you hadn’t heard in person in over a decade.
“Hi Annie… is Y/N here?”
There’s a moment of silence where you’re sure Annie is as stunned as you are, then:
“Maybe,” she replies curtly, “What do ya want?”
Annie knew the whole story of you and Elvis, and she had sworn that she’d never let you get hurt like that ever again.
“Please, Annie, I just wanna talk to her.”
“And why should I let you? You’ve got a lotta nerve comin’ here after what you did—“
You’re not sure what prompts you to set your book and mug down and sigh “Annie, just let him in,” but you’re just as surprised as Annie is that you did.
She reluctantly steps aside to let him in, eyeing him warily the entire time.
Your eyes drink him in; this is the first time you’re seeing him in person in over 12 years, and your mind automatically catalogs the differences since you last saw him. He’s tanned, with a few more freckles, a result of the California sun, no doubt, and tinted glasses hide his eyes. His burgundy suit is soaked, and his hair, which was no doubt carefully styled before, now flops onto his forehead, dripping into his eyes.
He takes off his sunglasses, revealing tired blue eyes. From the way his eyes track along your body, he was drinking you in the same way you had done him.
There’s a beat of silence, then his eyes finally meet yours.
“Hi,” he says softly.
You maintain a straight face, unwilling to be taken in so easily.
“What do you want?” you ask, your voice cold. You want nothing more than to rush into his arms, but you remind yourself: he chose his career over you, and never looked back.
“I fired the Colonel,” he blurts, after several moments of trying to figure out what to say.
“About time,” you snort, dropping your serious demeanor for a split second, “but what does that have to do with me?”
“I made a mistake, Y/N. A lotta mistakes, really, but letting you go was the biggest one I ever made in my life. I missed you so, so much, and I—“
You cut him off, “Elvis, cut the shit. You made it very clear you moved on from me.”
“Y/N, I never stopped thinkin’ about you, I promise.”
“Sure, and was that before or after you kissed every girl in the audience at the end of every damn show?”
“Y/N, I—“ he starts, frustrated, then takes a deep breath. He starts again, calmer, softer, “I know how that looks. But I… I can’t keep kissing strangers, pretending they’re you.” He looks earnestly into your eyes.
You feel your cracked heart melt just a little at his words, and yet…
“I don’t…” you sigh, “I don’t believe you. You put your career before me over a decade ago, and I tried to move on, but I couldn’t when I was seeing your face and hearing your voice everywhere, and it hurt like hell. And now you walk back in here, tell me you just made a mistake, and… what? Expect me to take you back just like that?”
“Please, Y/N,” he says, an echo of his plea back when he broke your heart for the first time, “I know I messed up bad, but… it’s you. It’s always been you, with those girls in the audience, even with Ann-Margret… I was always thinkin’ about you. And I’m willin’ to do whatever I have to to fix this. Anything. I mean it.”
And you can see the conviction in his eyes, like he’s that little boy again who believed he was Captain Marvel Jr. and could fly his family out of poverty to the Rock of Eternity. You know in your bones that he’d buy you the moon if it meant he could love you again.
But you’d made the mistake of believing his promises before.
“Elvis, I don’t know if I can trust you. How do I know you won’t drop me when your next manager thinks that’d be ‘what’s best for your career’?”
He winces as you throw the Colonel’s words from all those years ago back in his face. “I know I ruined any kind of trust you had in me that day, and I can’t tell you enough how goddamn sorry I am, Y/N. But I’m not askin’ for you to forgive me right now, I just want a chance to try and fix this. That’s all, I swear.”
He waits as you process his words, practically holding his breath as you think of how to reply.
“I’ll think about it,” you say softly.
He nods. “That’s all I’m askin’ for, sw— Y/N,” he fumbles to avoid using the old pet name for you.
“I think you should go now,” you say, your voice cold again to hide how the almost-pet name brought a storm of feelings rushing back..
“Right, um..” he fumbles around in his pocket, producing a scrap of paper with a phone number scrawled on it, “Gimme a call, if you want? I’ve gotta head back to Memphis in a couple days, that’ll probably be the easiest way to reach me if you, uh, decide anything.”
“Okay,” you nod, glancing at it quickly before stuffing it in your pocket. The number was for Graceland’s house phone; a number you’d never forgotten for a second, not that you’d be telling Elvis that.
“Well, um… bye Y/N, Annie,” he nods as he moves past your roommate towards the door. He pauses, hesitating for a moment before turning back to you. “You look good, Y/N,” he says softly before heading back out into the downpour.
The “you, too” you whisper in reply is lost in the sound of rain hitting the pavement outside.
The enormity of everything that had just transpired suddenly hits you and you fall back onto the couch, tears welling up in your eyes.
Annie rushes over, concerned. You look up as she fusses over you.
“Was that… did that actually just happen?”
Annie nods, “Yeah, it did, honey. I can scarcely believe it myself.”
“Did I do the right thing?” You wring your hands, suddenly second-guessing every decision you made during the interaction with Elvis.
“I know I’ve always said that I’d punch him in his smug face if he ever showed up here after what he did to you,” Annie says, “But I see the way you look at him when he shows up on the TV, and that ain’t the look of someone who’s just angry at an ex. You’re still in love with him, honey, I know it, and I feel like a fresh start is what both of you need. I don’t mean to overstep,” she drawls, “But if I can give you some advice: just start over as friends. Don’t jump back into a relationship right away. Try to make it organic. A clean slate.”
“A clean slate,” you echo, processing her words.
You mull over what to do for a few days, worst and best-case scenarios swirling around your brain, and eventually dial Graceland. Your foot taps anxiously as you lean against the wall by the phone, listening to it ring.
“Hullo?” A raspy voice comes over the receiver.
“Hi, Elvis,” you say, trying your best to sound casual, “It’s, uh, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh, hey,” he stammers, sounding less like the confident King of Rock and Roll superstar and more like the shy little kid you’d grown up with, “Uh, how are you?”
“I’m alright.” You reply, “Look, I did some thinking about what you said and, well… I’ve got a couple questions before I decide anything.”
“Sure, yeah, what is it?”
“Well, first of all… why now?”
You sigh, “It’s been over 10 years, Elvis. What made you come back now? What made you fire the Colonel after all this time?”
“Well, to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t very happy with the movies the Colonel was signing me up for. And then he planned this whole silly special for NBC…” he sighs, “I’ve been lost ever since I lost Mama— before that, even, when I lost—“ he cuts himself off with an awkward cough, “uh, anyway; he wasn’t helping. And I finally realized that he didn’t really care what I wanted to do. It was all about profit for him,” he says quietly. He goes on to explain hiring Binder and Bones to help with the special, to “find himself” again, and the realization he’d had that he hadn’t truly felt like himself since he’d left you.
“Hm,” is your only response at first, trying to shove down the warmth growing in your chest. “Well, um… thank you for telling me.”
“You’re welcome. I want you to know, Y/N… you can trust me. I know I ruined that back then, but I’d really like a chance to try and rebuild it with you if I can.”
“I think I’d like that, too.” You say after a moment of silence. “Look, Elvis, I… I don’t think it would be a good idea, if we’re gonna do this, to pick up right where we left off. We need a… a clean slate. So what if we started over as friends?” You fidget with the phone cord as you await his reply.
There are several moments of silence, and you're wondering if something happened with the call before his raspy drawl comes over the phone once more.
“I’d love to be your friend again, Y/N.”
A wave of relief floods your body, and you smile. You think for a moment before speaking again, saying hesitantly, “I’m coming up to visit for Mama’s birthday next weekend, and… maybe we could see each other then? That would be a ‘friend’ thing to do, right?”
“Yeah, I’d… I’d really like that.”
“Great, well,” you worry your bottom lip between your teeth, “I’ll just give you a call when I’m back home and we can figure everything out then?”
“Whatever works for you is fine with me,” he assures you, “I’m lookin’ forward to it.”
“Me, too,” you say softly, allowing a tiny bit of the warmth you felt earlier to creep back. “I’ll see you next weekend, then.”
“See you then,” he says and with a click, the phone is back to humming a dial tone.
You’re buzzing with anticipation for the next week, not only excited to see your family but also to see Elvis.
“Y/N!” Your mother rushes out as you pull into the driveway of your family’s Memphis home, “My baby’s home!”
“Happy birthday, Mama,” you smile as she rushes up to give you a hug, squeezing you tight.
“Thank you, darlin’. Come inside, honey, come in!” she insists, grabbing your suitcase from you despite your protests.
“Honey!” she calls to your father as she leads you into your childhood home, “Look who’s finally decided to come for a visit!”
“Mama, I was just here for Easter,” you remind her as you head to the living room to greet your father. “Hi Daddy,” you smile as he pulls you in for a hug.
“Good to see you, sweetheart,” he says, “Louisiana treatin’ you well?”
You nod, “Mhm. Everyone’s real nice, and Annie’s always lookin’ out for me.”
You fill your parents in on life in Louisiana, and in return they (your mother, mostly) regale you with all the Memphis gossip you’ve missed. Apparently the young couple next door had a baby recently, another young couple in town just got married, and oh yes, Elvis came back fr—
“Mary Ann, you know I don’t like talkin’ about that boy!” your father exclaims, cutting your mother off.
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to do, Walter,” your mother retorts, “It’s not as if we can pretend he doesn’t exist, not when he’s such a big part of this town…”
As you listen to your parents bicker, you decide that now might as well be as good a time as any to bring up your new friendship.
“Actually, Mama,” you interrupt their bickering, “I’m gonna try and meet up with Elvis while I’m in town this weekend…”
Your father’s expression flickers between confusion and anger at your words, while your mother’s morphs into one of delight.
“Oh honey, that’s wonderful!” She exclaims, “Though I admit, I thought you’d’ve at least called to tell us you got back together—“
“Mama!” You cut her off, heat flooding your face, “We’re not back together, I promise,” you add with a glance over to your father. “He showed up at our place last week, we had a talk, and we’re gonna try to be friends again.”
“Well I’m glad to see the two of you are startin’ over, honey,” your mother says with a smile
“I still don’t trust that boy,” your father grumbles. “Just… be careful, alright?”
You nod, “Of course, you know I always am, Daddy.”
”When were you two planning on meeting up?” your mother asks.
You shrug, “We haven’t figured out the details yet. I was gonna call him today to sort everything out.”
”Well you should invite him over for dinner while you’re in town.” your mother suggests, with just a hint of a mischievous sparkle in her eye, ignoring your father’s clear alarm at the suggestion.
You groan. “Mama, no, he really doesn’t need to come for dinner—“
”Y/N L/N, inviting a friend over for dinner is a polite thing to do,” your mother scolds, “and in this house we are always…?”
“Polite and respectful,” you mumble, repeating the words that had been drilled into you in childhood.
She nods, satisfied. ”It’s settled then. You two will have your little meetup and then he can come over for dinner that night, or the next if it suits him.”
”Yes, Mama,” you say, resigned. “I’ll go call him now.”
You make your way over to the kitchen, dialing the number you’ve had memorized for over 12 years.
“Hello?” The same raspy voice comes over the receiver.
”Hey, it’s um, it’s me. Y/N.”
”Oh, hey. Um, how are ya?”
”I’m alright. I’m back in town now, and Mama’s bein’… well, Mama, so you can imagine.” you say with a soft laugh.
”Oh, I can imagine,” he agrees, and you can hear the smile in his voice. “How was the drive up?”
The two of you make small talk for a bit, slowly easing back into being a part of each other’s lives, and eventually you remember the reason you called. “Oh, yeah, by the way; I was calling to see if there was a day or time that worked for you as far as meeting up this weekend?”
”Oh, yeah.” You can hear some rustling on his end, and you assume he’s checking his schedule. “I’m actually free this afternoon around 1 if that works? Or tomorrow?”
You weren’t prepared to see him quite so soon, but you suppose now is better than putting it off until tomorrow. “This afternoon is perfect. You still like that diner on Beale Street, right?”
He hums an affirmative, and you smile, “Great, I’ll meet you there at 1, then.”
”I’ll see you then,” and the line clicks back to a dial tone.
You head back to the living room, entering to see your parents doing a wonderfully poor job of pretending as though they weren’t listening to your conversation. You roll your eyes.
”I assume you already heard, but Elvis and I are meeting for lunch at 1, just as friends, Mama,” you say pointedly, noting the beam on your mother’s face. “I’ll ask him about dinner then.”
Your father harrumphs, but mainly keeps silent, a firm frown on his face.
”That’s wonderful, honey,” your mother beams, “You’ve gotta get goin’ pretty soon then, huh?”
“Huh?” You glance over at the clock on the mantle and sure enough, it’s already 15 past noon and you still haven’t changed out of the outfit you wore for the 6-hour drive up to Memphis. You grab your suitcase and race to make yourself presentable, managing to change into a dress that seems nice enough for a lunch outing (but not too fancy), fix your windswept hair, and reapply your makeup in a cool 30 minutes before racing out the door.
Before you can make it out to the porch, though, your father stops you, calling your name as you’re about to step out the door. You turn, “Yes, Daddy?”
He has a solemn look on his face. “Just… be careful, darlin’. You know me, I hold grudges like no one else, and I admit I still haven’t forgiven him for what he did to you all those years ago. If you let him in, and he hurts you again somehow I… I don’t know what I’d do.”
You step back into the room and envelop him in a hug. “Thank you for looking out for me, Daddy. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m not the same girl I was when I met him.” You add with a sad smile.
He squeezes your hand comfortingly, “I know you’ll be smart. If he does anything, you come right to me and I’ll sort him out, alright?” You nod and, satisfied, he kindly shoos you out the door with a soft “Go on, have fun.”
You pull up to the diner to find that Elvis is already there, if the deep purple Cadillac parked nearby is any indication.
He waves from a booth near the back as you enter, his bodyguards seated at a table nearby. You slide into the seat across from him, pushing down the butterflies that threaten to stir. It might’ve been a bad idea to choose the place you went on your first date, you realize belatedly, but too late now.
“How are you?” he asks with a casual smile.
“Pretty good,” you reply, “My parents have been updating me on all the Memphis gossip I’ve missed since I was away, very exciting stuff,” you say sarcastically. “Mama says hi, by the way.”
“Tell her I say hi back,” he grins.
“Will do. Uh, how are you?” You say, trying to fall back into the rhythm of talking to him.
“I’m alright. There’s this big thing I’m gonna be workin’ on soon, I’m pretty excited for it.”
“Oh, big thing?” You ask, your interest piqued.
“It’s a…” he pauses, looking around, “no one really knows about it yet, so you gotta promise not to tell anyone, alright?”
You nod, and he continues, leaning in to whisper, “You remember that special I told you about, the one that Steve and Bones are helpin’ me with? It’s gonna be a TV special for NBC. A Christmas show, kinda.”
“Well, it’ll have a couple of Christmas songs, but I really want it to be about finding myself again. Gettin’ back to the real Elvis.”
“Sounds exciting,” you reply, a genuine smile coming across your face at how excited he seems.
A starstruck waitress comes to take your order, and the conversation continues.
“So,” Elvis says, “how are you doin’ in Louisiana?”
“I actually really like it there,” you reply, smiling. “Annie’s great, obviously, and I found a job at a bookstore that I really love, things are goin’ pretty well. I do have the occasional grumpy customer, but that’s just how it is.” You finish with a shrug.
“Grumpy customer? Sounds like you’ve got some stories to tell,” he says, sounding genuinely interested, and you can’t help but launch into the story of a man who was sure that Stranger in a Strange Land was in the nonfiction section no matter how many times you tried to lead him over to science fiction.
You finally fall back into a rhythm of friendly conversation, trading stories for over an hour before you finally bring up what your mother had asked.
“Oh by the way,” you say, sipping your milkshake, “Mama wanted me to invite you to dinner tomorrow night.”
Elvis nearly chokes on the fry he’s just taken a bite of. “Sorry, what?”
“I told my parents that we were meeting up and she was adamant that I at the very least invite you to come over for dinner tomorrow— you know how she is about politeness—“ you explain, “but I promise, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I completely understand, I’d be more than happy to make up an excuse for you.”
“And refuse an invitation from Mrs. L/N? It’s like you want her to kill me,” he jokes. “I’d be more than happy to come,” he says, in a more sincere tone. “Besides, friends come over for dinner right?”
“Of course,” you say, trying to reassure yourself as much as him, “and Mama’s very excited to see you, so be prepared for that.”
“I always am,” he replies with a smile.
You arrange for him to come over at 7 the next night, and the rest of lunch goes smoothly until the check arrives, which starts off a round of bickering between the two of you about who should pay.
“Please let me get this, I want this to be a start to making it up to you,” Elvis argues.
“I appreciate it but I’m perfectly capable of paying for lunch, thank you very much,” you retort, and this goes on for several minutes before the two of you eventually agree to split the check.
“It was good to see you, Y/N,” Elvis says as you exit the diner, his bodyguards dutifully on alert as they follow you out.
“You, too.” You say. “I…” I didn’t realize just how much I missed you, is what you want to say, but instead, you go with “I had a good time.”
His face lights up as if those 5 little words were all he needed to brighten his day. He steps towards the Cadillac, throwing a friendly wave to you as he calls “See you tomorrow!”
You wave back, and you don’t realize how happy you are until your cheeks start to ache from smiling on the drive home.
The next day, your mother is practically frantic, bustling around the house making sure everything is perfect for when Elvis gets here.
“Mama, it’s not like it’s the first time he’s ever been here! And we’re just friends, please try to remember that.”
“Alright, alright, I know, honey. I just think it’s nice that you two are spending time together again, that’s—“
The doorbell rings, and your mother jumps into action, plucking microscopic bits of lint from your dress before hurrying to the door and opening it with a polite smile.
Elvis stands on your porch, bearing a polite smile and a bouquet of lilacs. “Hello, Mrs. L/N.”
“Hello, Elvis!” Your mother beams, “It’s wonderful to see you again. And you brought Y/N flowers, how sweet!” She looks pointedly at you.
Elvis lets out a nervous laugh as he steps into the house, “Actually, Mrs. L/N, these are for you. A birthday gift.” He holds out the bouquet to her with a shy smile, looking remarkably like the shy boy he had been back in ‘51 when you first became friends.
“That’s very kind of you, thank you dear. Wasn’t that kind of him, Walter?”
“Very kind,” your father grumbles in a tone that makes it seem as though Elvis had brought a pile of mud as a gift. He nods a greeting, “Hello, Elvis. California’s treatin’ you well, I hear.”
“Uh, yes, sir, it is. Thank you.” he replies.
When your father doesn’t respond, Elvis turns his attention to you. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi,” you reply, resisting the urge to fuss with your dress.
The awkward silence that follows is broken as your mother ushers everyone to the dining room, arranged so she and your father are at the heads of the table while you and Elvis are sitting across from one another.
The meal begins, and the conversation that follows is strained but polite, with your mother eagerly asking questions about life in California and Hollywood and Elvis answering modestly then turning the conversation back to your family, remaining the picture of a Southern gentleman. The conversation remains polite apart from your father’s not-so-subtle grumbling about Elvis running off the California, and just when you think it can’t get any worse, he decides to bring up the rumors of Elvis’s womanizing.
“So, Elvis,” your father says casually, though his eyes remain calculating, “what’s all this I hear about you and… what’s that actress’s name, Ann-Margret? Or have you moved on to someone new by now?”
You feel your face flush, and you’re sure the mortification shows on your face as you hiss for your father to stop, please.
“Oh well sir, that’s really all just the tabloids tryin’ to get their stuff to sell, there’s no truth to that at all, I promise. Ann-Margret is a good friend of mine now, though.” Elvis answers politely, unfazed as your mother quietly scolds your father.
“Walter, quit it, you’re scarin’ the boy!”
“Well good, he should be scared after what he did to my little girl!”
“Dad!” you exclaim, mortified, “We talked about this! We’re friends now, you promised you’d be polite!”
“No, it’s alright, Y/N,” Elvis assures you, briefly breaking eye contact with your father to glance over at you, “He’s just lookin’ out for you like any father would, and I respect you for that, sir.”
Your father grunts a reply, and the conversation picks up again, still polite but even more strained than before.
Elvis remains as polite as ever, even offering to take care of the dishes — “Oh I can get those plates for ya, don’t you worry Mrs. L/N” — and despite your determination for a clean slate, your mind betrays you, reminding you of how shy and overly polite he was the first few times he was over for dinner, especially after the two of you first got together. Sure, he’s gotten a little more confident, which you’ll admit is kind of attractive, but— NO.
You firmly cut off that train of thought, no matter how badly that little voice in the back of your head (the one that practically melted at the sight of him at your door with a bouquet, reminiscent of your first date) wants to keep on track. Just friends, clean slate, you remind yourself.
After the dishes are done, your mother prepares coffee for everyone and the four of you head to the living room. At one point, Elvis gets up to get a refill, and your father follows him.
Your father approaches Elvis once it’s clear that neither you nor your mother will be getting up, and corners him.
“Now Elvis, I’m gonna try to be polite, because my daughter’s told me you two are tryin’ to be friends and I respect her wishes, but I don’t trust you after what you did to her. And if I get even a hint that you’re playin’ with her feelings, well… I’m afraid that won’t end well for ya, son.”
Elvis nods quickly, “Sir I promise you, I have no intentions of playing with your daughter’s feelings. She’s very dear to me, and I swear I’d do anything to make sure she’s happy.” He says, conviction clear in his eyes.
Your father eyes Elvis for several long moments and, apparently satisfied, returns to the living room with more coffee for you and your mother.
Elvis takes a breath to compose himself — he’s forgotten how scary your father could be when he wanted to — and exits the kitchen, re-entering as you’re laughing at some comment your mother made.
You turn as he enters with a wide smile on your face, and he’s suddenly slammed back to a time where you looked at him like that every time he entered a room— when you looked at him as though he’d hung the moon and stars just for you.
Fighting the urge to rush over and kiss you senseless — that’s not something a friend would do, he reminds himself — he moves to sit in the armchair across from you, turning his attention to whatever neighbor your mother is gossiping about tonight.
The night eventually winds to a close and Elvis thanks your parents profusely for “a wonderful meal and even better company.”
Your mother waves off the compliment modestly, “Oh it was nothin’ darling. We’ll be glad to have you back anytime. Y/N, why don’t you walk our guest out while we take care of these last few things?” she says, gesturing to the coffee mugs still sitting out.
Elvis gives one last wave to your parents, wishing them well, before stepping out to the porch with you.
“Well, my parents loved you,” you tease as the two of you make your way to the pink Cadillac looking more than slightly out of place in your modest gravel driveway.
He lets out a shy laugh, “They haven’t changed a bit, that’s for sure. Your daddy’s still as protective as ever.” His tone softens as he continues, “It was nice seein’ them again. ‘Specially your mama. She’s always been better to me than I deserve.”
Acting on impulse, you lean over and squeeze his hand as you remember his own mama isn’t waiting for him at home anymore. “You’re welcome over anytime. I mean it.”
“Thank you,” he replies in a near whisper. Your hand stays clasped with his, the warmth of him tempting you closer, and his gaze drifts slowly down to your lips before the two of you snap back to yourselves and create a respectable two feet of distance between you.
“Uh, anyway,” you attempt to continue the conversation, refusing to acknowledge that moment of… whatever that was, “Are you gonna be here for a while longer?”
He shakes his head, “I’m actually gonna be leaving for California again tomorrow.” he says almost apologetically, adding with a nod to the house, “But I’ll still be able to call ya for a bit, right?”
A frown crosses your face as you remember: “I’m actually headin’ back to Louisiana tomorrow. But,” you brighten, “I can give you my number for down there if you want?”
“I’d love that,” Elvis smiles.
You rummage around in your pockets for anything you can scribble on, producing some long-forgotten shopping list and a small pen. You scrawl your phone number down and hand it to him, determinedly not noticing the sparks you feel as your fingers brush.
“I’ll call ya every night,” he says as he stuffs it in his pocket, “I’ll need ya to keep me updated on all the Louisiana gossip, hm?”
A sad smile crosses your face at the memory of the last time he’d made a promise like that. Despite all your talk of a clean slate, you can’t help but remind him, “Let’s not make promises you can’t keep, Elvis.”
You give him one last wave, wish him goodnight, and walk back inside, his pleas of “What? No, Y/N, this ain’t gonna be like that!” falling on deaf ears.
You put on a brave face for your parents the next day, joking about what a coincidence it was that both you and Elvis happened to be leaving town on the same day, but behind closed doors, you’re unable to block the memories of the last time he had promised he’d call you every night: when he went along with the Colonel on Hank Snow’s tour.
“I’ll be back in time for prom, darlin’, I promise,” Elvis reassures you over the phone. “I’ll bring you a corsage, we’ll have a great time.”
“Okay,” you reply, “I’m sorry, I know I must sound silly, but I’m just really lookin’ forward to going with you.”
“That’s not silly,” he assures you with a soft laugh, “I’m lookin’ forward to it, t—“ he cuts off, and you can barely make out what sounds like a knock on the door on his end of the line. “That’ll be Scotty again, no doubt.” he groans good-naturedly. There’s some shuffling as he makes his way over, yanking the door open with a “Scotty, how many times do I have to tell ya—“
“Elvis?” you say, concerned at how he cuts off mid-sentence, “Is everything alright?”
There’s a moment of silence, after which he stammers out a response.
“I, uh… I gotta go, I’ll call ya back, darlin’, alright?”
He doesn’t bother to wait for an answer before hanging up, but in the split second before it goes to a dial tone you can just make out a woman’s sultry voice over the receiver.
1968 - Present Day
He had still called after that, but not as frequently; certainly not every day like he promised. And while you forgave what happened on tour, you had never quite forgotten what him being away for a stretch of time could mean.
Still. Clean slate. Maybe this time could be different, you reasoned, though you were barely convincing yourself at this point.
You head back to Louisiana, promising your parents you’ll visit again soon and that you’ll give them a call as soon as you get home. You stumble through the door of your little house, exhausted after the 6-hour drive. Annie rushes over to hug you.
“Hey honey! Good to have ya home,” she grins, taking your suitcase from you, “I’ve got lunch for ya, you go sit down. I’ll put this in your room. And then I wanna hear all about how that li’l meetup went,” she adds with a wink, gently shoving you towards the kitchen while she heads down the hall.
You smile as you enter the kitchen to see a little card with the words “Welcome Home” in Annie’s signature scrawl next to a plate on the counter. You take a bite of the sandwich waiting for you — grilled cheese, Annie’s specialty — and finally allow yourself to relax. At that moment, Annie slides in with a mischievous grin, plopping herself down on the stool next to you.
“So…” she leads, a sparkle in her eye. “How was it?”
“It was good,” you reply, purposefully misinterpreting her question, “We took Mama out for dinner and I made her a cake—”
Annie cuts you off with a playful swat to your arm, “Not that! Elvis,” she says, dragging out the ‘s’ longer than necessary.
You roll your eyes, “Fine! It was… fine. We met up for lunch at this old diner we used to go to, we talked… Mama had me invite him over for dinner, and he brought flowers for her” you say pointedly, noticing the gleam in her eyes. “It went well, all things considered. Daddy did have some things to say, he still hasn’t quite forgiven him for what he did, but Elvis was a real gentleman the whole time. He actually went back to California today, filming somethin’ for TV, but he said he wants to keep in touch.”
“That’s great, honey!” Annie squeals, “I’m glad y’all are doin’ well.”
You give a weak smile in return. “Yeah, he said he’s gonna call every day, but…”
“Oh…” Annie’s eyes soften in understanding, recalling what you had told her about your relationship before. “Y/N, I know it might be scary, but what if it’s different this time? What if he actually keeps his promise? He’s said he wants to work on trust with you again, right? This is the perfect opportunity for him to prove to you that he’s worth trusting. And if he doesn’t,” she adds in a lighter tone, “I’ll fly out to California and sock him right in his pretty face myself.”
“I know you will,” you laugh, “but you’re right, I’ll—“
You’re cut off as the phone rings, and you lock eyes with Annie. It can’t be him already, can it? No, it’s probably your parents calling to make sure you made it home safely, you reason as you move to answer it.
“Hey, Y/N,” the heavy drawl surprises you, and you nearly miss what Elvis says next, “I’m glad I caught you, I was callin’ a bit ago and got quite a tellin’ off from Annie sayin’ that you weren’t there yet.”
At that you turn to glare at Annie, who only gives you a smug, mischievous smirk in return.
“Yeah, I just got in maybe twenty minutes ago,” you reply, the shock slowly fading into a kind of warmth as his voice washes over you.
“How was the drive?”
“Long,” you say with a laugh, “I’m glad to be home now. How’s California?”
“‘S alright,” he replies, “I just got back from finalizing some stuff with Steve for filming tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah,” you recall your conversation from a few days ago, “The Christmas special, right? Or,” you correct yourself, “the not-entirely-Christmas special.”
“Exactly,” he laughs, “I’m actually pretty excited about it.”
“That’s good,” you smile, “I hope everything goes well.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” he says sincerely. “But anyway, enough about me. How are you?”
“Well, Annie had one of her famous grilled cheeses waiting for me when I got here so I’d say we’re off to a pretty good start. Tomorrow’s an inventory day at work, though, not nearly as exciting as filming a special for NBC.”
He sucks in a breath in sympathy, “I remember you never liked those days. Good luck with that,” he says, “and I’ll tell ya what: I’ll make sure to tell you all about the boring parts of filming so ya don’t get too jealous, how ‘bout that?” he teases
“Sounds perfect,” you laugh.
You don’t even notice the time flying by as the conversation continues, the two of you talking about everything and nothing, and you fall into a rhythm of talking for hours every night. Slowly, the nagging fear you feel that today’s the day he won’t call starts to fade, and you look forward to your nightly chats where you fill him in on any interesting customers and he tells you about the goofs he made that day during filming.
“I’m not kiddin’, I legitimately forgot the words!” he laughs.
Your only reply is to laugh even harder at the image of him surrounded by cameras forgetting the words to Heartbreak Hotel.
“Alright, come on, it ain’t that funny,” he says in a mock-hurt tone.
“Oh, I promise it is,” you say, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye, “I might need you to send me a copy or whatever of these goofs, I haven’t laughed this hard in ages.”
“I’ll see if I can arrange that for ya…” he replies, his voice trailing off as he seemingly turns away from the receiver for some reason.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just someone at the door,” he assures you, “Gimme one second.”
There’s some shuffling as he makes his way to the door, and your surprise at the thought of him carrying the phone with him across the room turns into a sinking feeling in your stomach as you hear the squeak of a door open and the muffled sounds of a woman’s voice. Your heart sinks as the memory of that day on his tour starts to play again in your mind, a cacophony of not again, I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have trusted him filling your ears.
“-N? Y/N, you there?” You slowly blink back to reality as Elvis calls your name over the receiver, “Everything alright?”
“Y-yeah,” you reply hesitantly as he dives into an explanation about some crazy fan sneaking past security to his room. He pauses, picking up on the uncertainty in your voice.
“Y/N… you can talk to me, you know that, right? What’s wrong?” he says softly, and he sounds so genuine you want to cry.
“It’s… it’s silly…” you reply, embarrassed at the thought of telling him that that memory from all this years ago still haunts you.
“You don’t have to tell me, but I’d really like to know if I can help,” he replies patiently.
You sigh, and launch into an explanation of that night back in ‘55. “You just hung up on me, and the last thing I heard was some woman’s voice, and I didn’t realize how much that hurt me until I started worrying about who you were with whenever you were gone for a long time.” You explain softly, nervously fiddling with the phone cord.
“So just now, when you heard that girl at my door…” he sighs, realization dawning on him, “that brought all that back, didn’t it? I’m sorry, Y/N.” He says, and the sincerity of his words does bring tears to your eyes this time.
“I’m alright, I promise,” you reassure him, “surprised you turned her down,” you tease, wanting to move on.
“I don’t do that kinda thing anymore,” he laughs, picking up on your attempt to move to another topic, “besides, why would I stop to talk to some stranger who thinks they know everything about me when I could talk to you?”
Your heart flutters at the compliment, and you hope he can’t tell how much you’re blushing over the phone, “Aw, you’re sweet.”
There’s a moment of silence; not an awkward one, but comfortable, like the two of you don’t need to talk to enjoy each other’s company, even if it’s just on the phone. The moment is cut short, however, as Elvis speaks up again.
“I was thinkin’— and you’re free to say no, of course— well, Steve’s organizing this screening of the special before it airs. Right now it’s just Steve, Bones, Dad, Jerry, and me, but I’d like you to be there, too. Maybe get an opinion from someone who’s not family or paid to be nice to me.” He jokes.
“I’d love to,” you reply, “I’ll have to see if I can get off work, but if I can I’ll absolutely be there. And don’t worry, I’ll be brutally honest about the whole thing,” you add teasingly.
“I’m countin’ on it.” He laughs, “I’ll call once Steve has the day arranged and hopefully you can make it.”
The date Steve apparently figures out is November 19, two weeks before the special is actually set to air. Elvis relays to you that he’s arranged to do the screening at Graceland, and luckily you manage to convince your boss to give you both that day and the following day off for the long drive. Your parents are delighted to see you, of course, and you just barely miss the knowing smile on your mother’s face as you gush about how well your friendship with Elvis is going. Your father has warmed up to him the slightest bit, it seems, since your visit back in June, if the fact that he doesn’t scowl at every mention of Elvis’s name is any indication.
You take a deep breath as you pull up to Graceland. You force down the surfacing memories from the last time you were here, when Elvis officially put his career before you. Clean. Slate. you forcefully remind yourself as you step up to the front door.
The door swings open barely half a second after you ring the doorbell, and you find Elvis standing there, a nervous smile on his face.
There’s a moment where the two of you simply stare at each other before he blinks, as if coming back to his senses, and steps aside to let you in. “Come on in, lemme introduce you to everybody,” he says, leading you to a room with not one, not two, but three TVs mounted into the wall, as one of his household staff comes to take your coat. 4 spaces on the immense couch taking up most of the space in the room are taken, one by his father and three others by people you don’t recognize. “This is Jerry, my manager,” Elvis says, gesturing to a man in a brown suit who looked to be in his late-20s with shaggy blondish hair, “and Steve and Bones, the masterminds behind this whole thing,” he introduces the two men sitting beside Jerry with a smile, one with neat brown hair and an ascot tied around his neck, the other with dark curly hair and round glasses. The three men give you various waves and smiles.
“And of course you know my dad,” Elvis finishes, gesturing to where he’s sitting next to Bones.
“Of course, hi Mr. Presley,” you say with a smile, coming over to shake his hand.
“Good to see you again, Y/N, how’ve ya been?” he asks as you take a seat next to him.
You’re hyperaware of Elvis sitting next to you as you make small talk with everyone, carefully leaning so that there’s a bit of distance between the two of you. As the screening begins, your attention is torn between the performance onscreen and real-life Elvis making jokes in your ear about “this is actually the take right after that goof I told you about—“ Your senses are full of him: the scent of his cologne, his arm brushing against yours, the feeling of his breath on your neck as he whispers to you, and it takes more and more of your energy to actually focus on the TVs in front of you.
About half an hour into the special, you excuse yourself and wander out to the hall, needing a break from the proximity. You don’t realize Elvis followed you out until his hand gently wraps around your wrist, making you jump.
“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were alright” he explains, releasing you.
“I’m fine,” you assure him, “just… needed a break.”
“It was that bad?” he jokes, “Damn, I’ll have to let Steve know.”
You shake your head, “No, no, it’s not that, it’s…” You hesitate, unsure if you should say what the real reason is. Your friendship is going so well, you’re not sure how he’ll react if you admit that your feelings for him were back in full force, that in truth they never really left.
“What is it?” he asks, concern in his eyes.
You take a deep breath, deciding it’s now or never.
“I’m in love with you. I never really stopped being in love with you, if I’m being honest. But being with you these past few months, being your friend again… I’ve loved it. I’ve loved talking with you on the phone for hours about everything and nothing, seeing you talk with my parents like nothing’s changed, and I… I wanna try again. For real this time.” You bite your lip, nervously gauging his reaction.
“You— you mean that?” Elvis asks softly, eyes wide.
“Yes,” you reply, “I mean it.”
“Y/N, I’d… I’d love that. I promise,” he says sincerely, “I’ll do it right this time. I’ll be the man you deserve.” He steps closer, his lips now just a breath away from yours. “Can I—“ his eyes flick from looking into yours down to your lips, “I really wanna kiss you right now.” he breathes.
You nod your consent, and he swoops down to capture your lips with his, one hand cupping your cheek while the other grips your waist, pulling you close. Your arms wind around his neck up into his hair, mussing the carefully styled locks as you savor the feeling of his lips velvet-soft against yours. He walks you backward until you’re pressed against the wall, his lips never leaving yours as his body presses against you. Eventually the need for air gets the better of you, and he reluctantly pulls away, keeping his forehead and nose pressed to yours as if he can’t bear to be any farther away. His blue eyes lock with yours as you catch your breath.
“I missed you so much,” he breathes, lips brushing against yours, and the amount of love clear in those 5 little words brings tears to your eyes.
“I missed you, too,” you reply softly, a smile spreading across your face.
The two of you stay like that for a while, pressed against the wall of the hallway, before Elvis mumbles “As much as I’d love to just stay here with you forever, we should probably get back before they notice we’re gone.”
“Oh, right,” you laugh sheepishly as you remember the reason you were there in the first place.
The two of you slip back into the TV room, your absence seemingly having gone unnoticed, and assume the spaces you had occupied before you left, with one small difference: your hand is intertwined with his throughout the rest of the screening.
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Taglist: @queenslandlover-93 @anangelwhodidntfall @austin-butlers-gf @butlersluvbot @killerqueenfan @kittenlittle24 @beauvibaby @kingelviscreole @justjacesstuff @sweetheartlizzie07 @coldonexx @londonalozzy @kaycinema @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @djconde58 @mirandastuckinthe80s @luke-my-skywalker @tubble-wubble @apparently-sunshine @kisseskae @whotfatemywaffles @gyomei-tiddies @friedwangsss @shynovelist @sassy-ahsoka-tano @she-is-juniper
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deedala · 1 month
✨ weekly tag wednesday ✨
thanks for tagging me @heymacy @energievie and @mybrainismelted !! 💖
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
name: deanna
age: noel
your time zone: EST (or apparently EDT currently as its during daylight savings? when it goes from UTC-5 to UTC-4. Time is a construct.)
what do you do for work? i help color other peoples comics
do you have any pets? narp
what first drew you to this fandom? i had tried several times to watch shameless since it started but kept getting turned off by how gross frank was lmao. i really like cameron monaghan though and back in 2022 i was just in a good place (apparently) to finally push through (and skip!!) the gross frank shit and watch the show. i think i watched some of it. and then i went and just watched gallavich scenes on youtube? and then i went BACK and rewatched all of the actual show? over and over again lol. my love of cameron monaghan and shameless's vibe just finally clicked into place amen.
are you a morning person or a night owl? i guess moreso a night person since i suffer desperately from revenge bedtime procrastination. but also at the same time i dont like sleeping in very late either or itll feel like the whole day fucked. but also i wanna sleep for 9 hours.
what are your hobbies? tv and film enjoyer, drawing, reading, video games, being silly
how tall are you? 5'2" or 157cm (please help me reach the things on the top shelf)
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? iceland? ireland? new zealand? ...really into lands ig
favorite color? mint green
favorite book? the masked empire by patrick weekes still holds this spot
favorite movie? the fall, the eagle, love and monsters, princess bride, the mummy, vampire academy
favorite fic? intro to quantum dating, cooperative gameplay, fine art of falling for you, love is a ballfield, none the wiser, two of your earth minutes, the menagerie, apotheosis, ma--*the microphone is forcibly removed from my hands*
favorite musical artist: chappell roan, cake, petey, dove cameron
what is your average screen time so far this week? thats none of my business
what's the first app you open in the morning? discord~
how long have you been on tumblr? 12.5 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i dunno if its a *fun* fact but i used to be a licensed cosmetologist. i know how to do all the things i just realized i hate interacting with customers and could not bear to carry on with that a career after about a year of it lol
and now i shall tag some precious nuggets who can play or simply accept this offering of a🫸 face squish 🫷😚 @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @softmick @callivich @vintagelacerosette @squirrel-fund @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @crossmydna @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @tanktopgallavich @rereadanon @heymrspatel @the-rat-wins @iansw0rld @loftec @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @jrooc @thisdivorce @blue-disco-lights @sam-loves-seb @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @lee-ow @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lingy910y @tsuga-of-mars @ardent-fox @purplemagpie @captainjowl @wehangout @mikhailoisbaby 💖💖💖
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33max · 7 months
just a turkey dinosaurs halloween mini fic, 1409 words
Daniel is not usually the most organised person, actually, he’s pretty sure nobody would ever use that word to describe him. He forgets to send birthday cards to his sister sometimes. Only remembers on her actual birthday and then it’s too late to send a card all the way to Perth.
But he is organised for Halloween this year.
It’s the first Halloween that Max will be regressed for. They’ve planned it out and Daniel can tell that Max is excited for his younger self to have this experience.
Daniel doesn’t know if Max really celebrated Halloween as a child, if he was allowed to dress up, eat too much candy, or even answer the door to trick or treaters. Max has never really said much about it, the only stories Max tells him about Halloween are the drunken shenanigans that he and Martin got up to at parties back in Amsterdam.
Anyway, Daniel wants to make little Max’s first Halloween very special.
It’s absolutely no surprise to Daniel when Max tells him he wants to be a dinosaur. Really, he shouldn’t have expected anything else.
“What kind of dinosaur?” Daniel had asked, determined to get Max a costume he loves.
“Big leafy boy, like Soup!” Max had blurted out with such excitement that his hands started flapping. It makes Daniel’s heart swell when Max is this happy about something. Soup is one of Max’s favourite plushies, he’s a large blue brontosaurus with an apparently mischievous personality and loves eating their house plants.
The problem Daniel has is that Max is fussy with clothes. He doesn’t like scratchy things. He doesn’t like when the clothes touch him wrong. So Daniel needs to find the perfect Brontosaurus costume that is very soft and doesn’t trigger Max’s sensory issues.
It’s a good job he is organised because it turns out that is quite a feat.
He doesn’t think Max will tolerate an inflatable costume, so he rules that out straight away. Even though Max would look adorable in it.
He looks through what feels like thousands of dinosaur costumes for adults determined to find the best one.
Eventually, he narrows it down to five and buys them all. Max can have options.
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT Are you guys busy on halloween?
From Bradley Scanes PT I’m free, little one is at her mums
From Michael Italiano Staliano I can be free, you having a party?
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT Not a party but doing something for the little guy. You in?
From Bradley Scanes PT Sounds good I’ll be there mate
From Michael Italiano Staliano I’m in. Looking for a costume already lol
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT No zombies pls lol he’s scared of them
From Bradley Scanes PT
Is that why he never plays zombies on COD 😂😂😂😂
Max drops voluntarily on Halloween morning so he can spend the whole day doing Halloween activities with Daniel.
They bake cookies, watch what Max thinks are really scary movies, carve a pumpkin, and even decorate the apartment.
Eventually, when it’s getting later in the afternoon and the sun is beginning to set they try on the many costumes that Daniel had bought.
The first one is an instant no as the head hole is too tight around Max’s ears and he doesn’t like it. He pulls it off so quickly that he almost falls, Daniel having to steady him.
The second and third are declared scratchy, which means Max doesn’t like the way they feel against his skin. That’s not too surprising really, Max is very particular with how his clothes feel.
The fourth is apparently not the right colour so Max refuses to try it on, insisting that Soup is blue and not green so Max must also be a blue dinosaur. Fair enough, Daniel supposes.
“How is that?” Daniel asks Max, tugging the tail of the last Brontosaurus costume into position. “Does that feel comfortable?”
Max’s face is flushed and peeking out from the base of the long necked dinosaur. The hood of this costume is like a plushie, a pillow filled dinosaur neck and head standing tall on Max’s head. It’s so tall that Max is going to have to duck through the doorways in their apartment, but Max has assured Daniel that an actual dinosaur would have to duck too. Obviously.
Max wiggles from side to side, unsure. This is the fifth costume he has tried on and Daniel can see he is getting a little bit frazzled and flustered with it all. He just hopes this last one will be okay for Max.
He’s got a soft t-shirt on underneath the costume to hopefully stop any sensory issues with it touching his shoulders and chest.
“It’s okay,” Max says, and Daniel isn’t one hundred percent sure if Max is just saying that because he desperately wants to be a dinosaur, or if it is actually okay. But he does trust that Max will tell him if it gets too much.
“Alright,” Daniel says, if Max gets half way through the night and needs to take it off that is fine. Daniel bought plenty of spooky pyjamas from a brand he knows Max likes and they can always swap to those. “Give me a roar then!”
“Grrrrrrr,” Max says so softly, it’s not intimidating at all. It’s actually one of the cutest things Daniel has ever heard.
There is a knock on the door at around 6pm. Max has his dinosaur costume on and Daniel is dressed up as Alan Grant from Jurassic Park, hat and all. He wanted to match his boy somehow and he figured he had half of the things for this outfit anyway.
“I wonder who that is,” Daniel says to Maxy, “Do you want to answer?”
Max shakes his head, suddenly nervous. “Together?”
Daniel holds Max’s hand as they walk to the door, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze as Max pulls on the handle to open it.
“Trick or treat!!” Michael shouts. He’s wearing one of the most ridiculous costumes that Daniel has ever seen.
“Mikey!” Max is looking up at him in awe. “You’re a turkey dinosaur!”
“Just don’t eat me, Maxy!” Michael says as he makes his way into the apartment. His bizarre costume only just making it through the door. Daniel is going to have to ask him where on earth he bought it later.
“I won’t,” Max tells him solemnly, “I only eat leaves don’t worry.”
Daniel can’t help the laughter that bursts out of him, Max is so unintentionally funny. He doesn’t even realise it.
Max takes Michael’s hand and leads him towards the kitchen, chatting away about the cookies that he made and the pumpkin that he carved. Desperate to show Michael his creations.
Daniel makes to follow them, but then the door knocks again.
“Daddy get it!” Max shouts from the kitchen. “I’m showing Mikey my pumpkin!”
When Daniel swings the door open Captain America is stood on the other side. Brad looks quite the part, holding his shield in a power pose.
“What are you supposed to be?” Brad asks him when he realises that it’s Daniel opening the door and not Max.
“I’m Alan Grant,” Daniel says, and then adds “My dinosaur is in the kitchen.”
“Is the dinosaur having a good Halloween?” Brad asks as he makes his way into the apartment.
Before Daniel can answer Max comes charging through from the kitchen, tail wiggling from left to right as he runs. He almost barrels into Brad who only just moves his shield out of the way in time to wrap Max in a hug.
“Brad!” He squeaks, “you’re here!”
The evening goes much better than Daniel could have even imagined. He is so glad that he invited Michael and Brad, it’s important that Max gets to spend time with people who love him for who he authentically is.
Max even gets to do some trick or treating when Michael and Brad stand behind some of the doors in the apartment and hand out candy. It’s a little ridiculous, but Max loves it. The sound of his happy giggle filling their apartment makes Daniel’s heart swell with love.
Seeing a huge smile on Max’s face will always make Daniel’s day, but today in particular he’s so glad he could give Max a happy Halloween with his favourite people around.
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claypigeonpottery · 11 months
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thought I should post my other not-a-deer piece!
explanation/rambling below
apparently I never took a picture of this piece when it was glazed. sigh. the green turned out nice and dark.
pardon the shaky camera, this was pretty early in my 'learning how to take nice pictures and videos' lol.
this weird little vase was inspired by Black Mountain Side. it's not a great movie imo, but it really stuck with me for some reason. me and my spouse love bad horror movies so I've seen a lot of them. this one's sort of like the Thing, it's a group of researchers isolated up north and it's gory. but instead of a shapeshifting alien, it's more like an ancient god. at first they just hear it, and then they start to see it, and it looks like a deer, or deer-like. it makes them hurt/kill each other and themselves, but it's slow to infect them at first and some succumb faster than others.
I chose to carve a deer in-between each half of the quotes and one of them appears to be much closer than the other, which I thought was a slightly creepy effect as the vase is spun. I like the last line being on the bottom of the vase too. for once I didn't make a sketch for this piece, I just sort of went for it. it's not my favourite piece technique-wise, but I really like it conceptually. I was tempted to keep it, but a friend of mine liked it so it has a new home
this quote is from the deer god speaking to one of the men: "When an animal looks up at the night sky, what does it see? Thousands and thousands of tiny points. Then a man looks up at the same points and sees millions of stars, galaxies within which are billions of planets. ...Do you want to know what I see?"
the idea that there's so much out there that we can never comprehend is oddly comforting to me? probably not supposed to be my takeaway here. anyway. the movie isn't terrifying, but it is gory and I enjoyed it.
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haruhar-u · 7 months
21 with kalim. me and him both living in hot climates lol
A/N: Got too impatient didn’t wait until the 1st to upload…my apologies for it being short. Link to event:
A cabin in the woods. In the middle of nowhere…ish. It was really a campsite at a provincial park. Kalim really wanted to see the snow for the first time, Jamil came down with the flu so you volunteered to go with Kalim. Although being from a warmer climate yourself you weren’t too sure what to expect yourself. You definitely did not expect to be woken up at 3 in the morning because Kalim noticed it was snowing. 
“-Name-! Look outside!” 
The condensation on the window made looking outside a bitch, however you notice the usually green earth was covered in a thick blanket of white. “Why don’t we go out to see it?”
The only issue for the two of you? Clothing. Winter clothing. You can never be too warm (ok that’s a lie) but it's way too easy to be too warm too. You think Jamil sent you a list of things for the both of you. You pull out your phone and check. Thank the seven he did. To say the least it was a lot more layers than the two of you were used to.
Kalim swung open the door, then unsure of what to actually do with the snow, he threw himself into it in a snow angel position. “You know, I’ve never seen snow before!”
You step out of the safety of the porch and you hear a crunch as you place your foot down on the snow. “Same here.” Equally unsure on what to do with the snow you throw some at him. The snow molded to your hand when you placed it upon it. It was also bone chilling cold. 
“Oh -Name-! We can build a snowman!” 
It was an imperfect snowman in your opinion. You didn’t bring a carrot for the nose, or coal to decorate it and the snowballs used to create the body were very deformed and it definitely did not look like the movie ones with its stick arms of different lengths. But it was yours and Kalim’s first snowman. Everyone starts somewhere right?
if you liked this fic please reblog. Likes sadly don’t do much.
taglist: @xen-blank @krenenbaker @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @the-banana-0verlord @cheezy-moon @whspermy-name
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batrachised · 5 months
I will never get over Faith's poor rooster Adam...
Almost 20 years since I first read the book and I could still cheerfully do a violence to the aunt on Faith's behalf.
LM Montgomery is so skilled at writing situations where you're gnashing your teeth at the sheer injustice of it! Poor Faith! Poor Adam! I do love the little snippet we get of Adam's perspective:
“Shoo, there,” commanded Mrs. Davis, poking her flounced, changeable-silk parasol at him. Adam shooed. He was a wise rooster and Mrs. Davis had wrung the necks of so many roosters with her own fair hands in the course of her fifty years that an air of the executioner seemed to hang around her. Adam scuttled through the hall as the minister came in.
While i'm on the subject of roosters though, I do have a story. When we were little, my family rescued a chick from a school that had done that weird "have dyed chicks for easter" thing. If you don't know what that is, I have no explanation. All I know is that apparently in some places around Easter they have dyed chicks as presents or decorations (?!), and this little chick was literally green. Since this was obviously not a great situation for the wee ball of fluff, we took it home and raised it while it was still small.
My older sister took the charge. She decided that if this rooster was going to survive, he had to be tough. So, in something straight out of the karate kid, my sister (who went on to work in animal training related things lol) put together a program. She taught him karate (yes, really) by trying to train him to kick on command, along with a series of other (non-harmful) exercises that I don't remember at this point. He'd stand on top of her head. She tried to get him to wade in his water bowl. All in all, I'd say he received an thorough education, at least as thorough as a ten year old girl can bestow.
As the rooster got older, we decided to give him to a relative who lived in the country and needed a rooster. He deserved more space, he needed to go on to live his rooster life, and this worked out well for everyone. More than well - apparently this was one of the best roosters my relative ended up ever having. You know why? He viciously protected those hens lmao. He was the king of his domain, and he made sure everyone knew it. Whenever we visited this relative, we could hear him from across the yard crowing loudly, lengthily, and repeatedly, in a bold sing song of a "COCKLE-DOODLE-DO." He lived a very content life as master of all he could see. After a rough beginning, he rose to the top in something out of every sports movie. He was the Caesar of the coop.
Unfortunately, years later I learned that he had passed. Ah, I thought to myself, even the best of us must go. I was a little taken aback to learn that he'd been killed by a younger rooster. Overthrown, you might say. Well, that's nature, I thought to myself. Cold and brutal in ways we can't understand. It's simply the circle of life, to quote the lion king. While he had an arc straight of the sopranos (he went from the streets to the throne), our rooster was finally at rest, I believed.
Not my sister. My sister maintained fiercely that--and I am in no way exaggerating--that our rooster had been murdered, and murdered in cold blood. By our relative, you might be thinking, given the context of the passage above? No--by the younger rooster. What I chalked up to nature she chalked up to premeditated intent. I'm not going to lie, I found this ridiculous. Cause of death, sure, but murder? She railed on about injustice; I thought to myself, "It's chickens."
Fast forward a decade later. I'm remember this story and laughing about it - hey, remember when you were little and thought our rooster was murdered? - only to get this response from my nearly thirty year old sister:
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I then proceeded to learn some facts of the case I hadn't known before.
What I'd heard as a child: a younger rooster killed him. I presumed in a fight or squabble of some sort.
What I learned as an adult: he was surrounded by more than one younger rooster and attacked, in a straight up Ides of March moment.
My comparison to him as a character in the Sopranos - as Julius Caesar himself - was more accurate than anyone could have known. Rise up to the top, only to be defeated by (likely) his own sons, those closest to him. As my sister stated:
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amoransia · 27 days
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Leviathan: "Oooooooooh"
Beelzebub and Asmodeus: (This could've been an email.)
!!!Chapter 65 spoilers below!!!
Good fucking food and good chapter as per usual. Thank you for showing me my snake wife (Satan) again. Loved every page, and I hope Fukayama-sensei is taking his time recuperating from his surgery and doesn't push himself too much.
I say this because those pages were out of this world. I love the spookiness factor they're finally adding. A lot of exorcist manga just focus on the action and completely forget they're dealing with demons (and other creatures of similar nature) so I'm glad Aruma added that in. Belphegor's pathetic poltergeists(?) are really funny, too lol.
Babacat confirmed!! Troperrific called it! I had my money on Cattan instead, lol. Regardless, this basically means she's been spying on Priest since the very beginning, so there's a high chance she'll try to talk-no-jutsu him into corruption(?) using what she knows about him. What Vergilius couldn't convince him to do, she'll probably (almost) succeed? If that's her goal, anyway...
Surprise! Chicken legs, as per her folklore of having a chicken leg-powered house. Nice to see that Aruma-sensei has some basic knowledge on her. As usual, they do look into things. Which makes me happy. I thought the chicken was kinda cute until her disemboweled headless corpse waddled in. Jesus.
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Apparently, disembowelment and beheading are the punishments given to schismatics in the Ninth Bolgia in Dante's Inferno. Yeowch. Perhaps this is her punishment because she wanted to help wrongly convicted souls while not inherently being a non-believer and merely disagreeing? I don't know.
I'd also like to mention that Mikhail is probably going to gain a more prominent role when it comes to Baba Yaga. He was the first to recognize it was Baba Yaga, and I think this is because he's more familiar with Slavic folklore than the rest of the cast. After all, Mikhail is a name of Russian origin, so he's probably from around there. He probably got told stories of her as a child.
(I used to affectionately dub Mikhail "Florida man" because of his crazy antics, but he also does fit those crazy Slav dudes that post videos of themselves randomly bringing down abandoned buildings with only bricks. Anyway.)
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Really hilarious that Priest can somehow tolerate the horror fuckery that happened this chapter but can't handle horror MOVIES or Japanese spirits. My MC is truly built different and I love him dearly. Someone get him a good therapist and multiple trips to a bunny café.
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Just look at him go!!
Imuri's face didn't show up even once in this chapter, by the way! Probably means nothing, but it'd be curious if her reactions were obscured because she was familiar with Granny somehow. Imuri's lived quite a long while, too, after all. Wouldn't be weird if she knew some people here and there.
(Might I add that we've yet to see the mysterious Cass friend she texts... He said he hesitantly submitted a request to see her to the Church, but it's been a while since that...)
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This line alone is either a red flag or a green flag, but I'm hopeful it's actually a green flag, since it goes against Satan's wishes. Maybe Baba Yaga will actually sympathize with Priest, since she's been watching over him... dunno!
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Additionally, this is also something I mentioned on my Twitter, but to me, it appears that she's being set up as another parallel character to Priest:
Both are the strongest of their team
Got called "it" and "thing" by their respective benefactors
Both want(ed) to help people
Witnessed or witnessing wrongful accusations against the innocent
Priest even sympathized /explicitly/ with people who were wrongly tried for supposed witchcraft in chapter 64. Surely she must've heard him say that? I previously thought Vergilius would take on the role of the parallel, but I think Granny is a more deliberate one!
Welcome back Tachibana my beloved boss girl, in the most literal sense. She even has a big ass coat on. Is she single? We should ask Aruma-sensei. Please do a Q&A, I pinky promise to be civil.
Anyway, I'm convinced Mammon is coming back too, then, since she is extremely capable. Mammon's (first) arc was definitely rushed due to the looming danger of the axe, so I'm excited to see him being pathetic again. He's grown on me, for the wrong reasons. I think he's a big fan favorite amongst the JP sphere as well. He's the only Demon Lord that I feel truly values his human connections, so that's no surprise.
All in all, it was a perfect chapter, and I have nothing to say about the Japanese and/or translation of the chapter; I have but one single complaint:
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Chapter 65
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Chapter 36
THEY CLIPPED HIS FUCKING NAILS!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HIS EVIL SLY BITCH SWAG... it's GONE!!!!!!!!!! It has been STOLEN!!!!! Someone has to die for this FUUUUUUUCK
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daemondaes · 28 days
name: che
height: 5'3-ish. close enough to average. i can reach the top shelf, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
nickname / s: chebureki, chechival, cheeble, chevalier, jam.
nationality: californian. 😎
favourite fruit: peach. 🥹🙏 strawberry is second. grape is third.
favourite season: spring? the benefits of summer hours with less of the summer heat. fall is nicer for layering tho
favourite scents: gasoline, bread, vanilla, citrus, books.
favourite animals: baby hippos (only baby), small dogs (esp chihuahuas), cows.
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: green tea, or else coffee with milk and, if i've been good, a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
average hours of sleep: uh. probably like 4-5 if i have to be somewhere in the morning, 8-10 if i don't.
when my blog was created: this incarnation? my earliest post was apparently 23 may 2020, so we're coming up on that 4 year anniversary 😏 but the first standalone cherry blog was from 2016? the oldest muse on here to originate on tumblr (ciel) emerged in late 2011. the oldest oldest muse on here originated off-tumblr in like 2008/9 on gaiaonline (talking abt u, naux).
# of followers: i normally wouldn't answer this, but i will tell u now that it is 365 just because that's such a satisfying number? got a buddy here for every day of the year 😎 that's a lie tho bc the number is broken and doesn't really fluctuate no matter how many people i gain or lose LOL i'm pretty sure like 4/5 people on the list are inactive tho, so please help me make more friends
random fact: my bedroom is ridiculously girly, soft pinks and pale greys and whites with gold accents, loads of pillows and plushes and decorative doodads, but i myself dress almost entirely in black. it's a little like putting wednesday in enid's room. not quite sure what that says about me.
favourite food: the humble tuna sandwich. i'm counting lemonade as a food here, just so i can add it in. i like lemonade even more than i like tuna.
favourite t.v. shows: flcl, dead boy detectives, good omens, i love lucy, king of the hill, the simpsons, lupin iii.
favourite movie: my letterboxd top 4 are some like it hot (1959), ghostbusters (1984), mad max: fury road (2015), and back to the future (1985)...but if i could have a fifth, it would be austin powers (1997).
sexuality: i like girls a lot more than i like guys, but i'm too busy and too broke to even think about that 😤
pronouns : she/they/any? idc abt labels and boxes, but it's weird that u're talking about me when i'm not there /:
favourite book series: howard the duck 😏 did you think i'd really make it to the end of this without mentioning him? this is also my chance to plug fly by night by frances hardinge, and its sequel, fly trap (or twilight robbery in the UK). there's also the monster blood tattoo trilogy by d.m. cornish that i desperately wish i'd held on to because it's apparently out of print now! my blood boils every time i remember. it would be remiss if i didn't mention a series of unfortunate events, just because i do think it was very influential for me. i'm about to reread the saga of darren shan/cirque du freak for the first time since middle school, so wish me luck 😤
favourite video game/s: god, fuckin...idk, tetris? roblox??? i'm not a gamer at all. i can't play anything unless i'm playing with a friend. that's a lie, i played baldgate3. the only thing i play is the sims 4. i'm trash
favourite subject: [scuttles around on all fours, twitching and foaming at the mouth] school bad! school BAD! (my three passions are history and fashion and film, but i don't love the academic system. Cs get degrees, etc. my own degree was in creative writing, and now i'm trapped in retail hell, so be smarter than me, kids! except also i hear even stem is useless these days? society is crumbling so bad, i—)
guys or girls: i prefer drawing guy faces and girl bodies. idk what u're getting at here
last time I cried: last night, conveniently
what I should be doing: taking out the trash, cooking up curry, cleaning the bathroom, polishing my spanish and diving into mandarin, writing, drawing, job hunting. continuing my goal of watching 365 movies this year. sweeping up the feathers of my cockatiel, galileo, because it's Moltin' Time. the usual 🤷‍♀️
favourite fandoms: i actually don't participate in fandom LOL i just lurk. chat about stuff in discord—DMs, not servers. i have so much art and music in my head, but i don't have the mobile dexterity and stamina for it anymore. maybe one day...
tagged by: @hatchetsfield (thanks, pidge!) tagging: anyone who learned a thing about me from this
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What are your thoughts on Disney TVA's upcoming lineup (Primos, Zombies The Re-Animated Series, StuGo, Cookies & Milk, Rhona Who Lives By The River, Sam Witch, Dog & Frog, SuperStar, The Witchverse, InterCats, Fantasy Sports, Neon Galaxy, La Familia Avenunes, Journey and the Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin reboots by Seth Rogen?
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1- Primos
Mira mijo para mí toda la polémica estuvo bien pendeja, ya que todo el crew del show fue puesto en el mismo saco de boxeo por las declaraciones de Myrna Velasco, como persona que conoce a Natasha Kline desde su trabajo en Big City Greens te puedo asegurar por Dieguito Maradona que no es un demonio como otras personas en el internet la están poniendo.
El show NO es sobre la cultura mexicana es sobre la cultura chicana en Los Angeles y como persona que se vio el piloto filtrado antes de que un chistosito lo subiera para crear bardo te digo que es lo mas harmless y inocentón del mundo, los que se están quejando son gente que solo lo hace para crear ragebait y farmear vistas.
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2- Zombies The Re-Animated Series
Not really my thing since the movies where "eh" for me but those days i was sick, so i recall the songs, happy for Aliki and the team tho, probably will watch it when i rewatch the films.
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3- StuGo
Really interested for this one specially since this one is slated to be Disney TVA's 100th Series, so im curious if Disney will have some kind of event planned besides that, the synopsis is interesting also this show had multiple people of Jellystone! and the crew from the axed CN movie Driftwood on board, so i think it will be interesting as the show saved this people from being jobless.
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Just realized that is called "STUGO" beacuse they are STUdents stuck three months on a wild tropical island, so they need to "GO".
Heh. It's like a pun or something. Heheh.
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4 - Cookies & Milk
Apparently this is the second project from the Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur EPs, i wonder how will they handle a down to earth slice of life series, imagine if they hire Flying Bark again becoming their first slice of life project with the Rise/LEGO/MGADD animation lol
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5- Rhona Who Lives By The River
I like how the concept art has a Cartoon Saloon vibe and wondering how will translate to stop-motion which is interesting, i like Karen Gillian for her role as Nebula on GOTG trilogy, what i wonder is how Disney will handle the show with the Elfman scandal, will they quietly drop it without any mention of Elfman like MAX did with Fired on Mars EP or finding a new composer for Season 2.
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6- The Witchverse
I played the VR short recently and OMG is so cute and adorable, the world they created has a big potential for multiple storylines, hoping S1 is more focused on Magda, Sasha (Yeah they have to change her name) and her mother, their relationship was so adorable, hope Daisy Ridley returns for the full series.
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7- InterCats
Apparently this will be Disney's first workplace comedy series for YA audiences and it sounds cute, apparently is co-created by one of the Nimona screenwritters Pamela Ribon, so that's a plus.
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8- Fantasy Sports
Super looking forward to this one, i loved the original novels and hoping Disney makes justice to Sam Bosma's world and characters, i can see Wiz and Mug becoming perfect additions to crosspromotion events at ESPN.
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9- SuperStar
BTW just like to mention that i named it SuperStar as a placeholder title, the show dosn't have a name as of yet, based on the cast call we can see that Alejandra is latina so maybe it's a mixture between MGADD and Hannah Montana, wonder which person created the show.
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10.- Journey
Since we don't know it's creator is very hard to tell what to expect BUT the synopsis is interesting kinda a awnser to LEGEND OF VOX MACHIMA but more family friendly, im wonder if this is the project created by Amy Hudkins, Ian Mutchler and Jonathon Wallach since they like Dungeons and Dragons, Legend Of Zelda and Magic The Gathering.
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11- La Familia Avenúñez
It's a spin-off of The Proud Family Louder And Prouder with a latino cast pues suena chido la vdd, esperemos que cuando se anuncie no ocurra lo mismo que Primos.
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12 - Dog And Frog, Neon Galaxy, Sam Witch
They don't have creator or synopsis as of yet besides a title revealed via a trademark, so it's hard to give overall thoughts
13- Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin Reboots
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After TMNT Mutant Mayhem, The Boys, The Boys Diabolical and Invincible im confident that Rogen's team will do Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin justice and wishing good luck to the crew behind them.
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dahgraz · 5 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Yippee!! I got tagged by @njikeartist for this. ty ty
Last song: That Mio Honda - Step song that I just saw and heard because it was on a tumblr post of green screened Jerma running away from her on a TF2 map. I have not heard of that song before nor known its like... history(?) but it is catchy. Though the last song that I knew about and have actively searched up for the express purpose of listening would be You Don't Know Me from Fortnite. I think it's like a pavlovian response to repeatedly seeing the hot tiger man dance with that song's respective emote. (I can't believe he's the reason for me to finally start playing Fortnite)
Favorite color: Some form of sky blue. It's nice to look up and see something so vast and endless.
Last movie/TV show: Bad Cat, a 2016 Turkish animated film about a bad cat. I had a watch party just last week with a couple of my buds. It was enjoyable, but it is not something that I would have watched it on my own.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. Give me something meaty.
Relationship status: Single (1)
Current obsession: Don't know if I can call it an obsession right now, but after I had watched Godzilla Minus One (a great film btw, if it's still showing where y'all're at, go gogo go see it), I had looked up reviews of lots of different Godzilla related figures. In fact, I had even pre-ordered one in the middle of December and it just arrived yesterday :D
Last book: Sorry, I don't really read books unless I have to... There was the manga of Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger vol. 2. (Also, looking it up, apparently there is now a vol. 3 slated for release 2025 wow)
Looking forward to: Ramen Wolf and Curry Tiger vol. 3 lol. There's also the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake coming out this year. Really looking forward to that.
The nine or so people I'll tag are: @majimjam @sukko-reblogs-funnies @babanasaur @megabyste @prionace @luzzytheray @nimthecryptid @frootsnak @dorihey and viewers like you 🫵 (if you can't see the emoji, it's the finger pointing at the screen one)
Do it if y'all want.
Blank version under cut:
Last song:
Favorite color:
Last movie/TV show:
Relationship status:
Current obsession:
Last book:
Looking forward to:
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
sorry destiny, i am huge tom fan believe me, but i agree with what the anon said, i understand that u can like a movie that others dont thats not what i am saying but out of the MCU and throw in uncharted, tom's acting skills aside because we both hes fantastic, his projects have been misses, in terms of overall quality, reviews & numbers, TDATT, CW, Cherry, TCR. yes u may have liked some of them but numbers were bad, in a sense they flopped. most of these projects he chose when he was still pretty young and green and the only project he chose post covid was i think TCR and it was amazing but people weren't patient and it was slow at first. and i think since then he has grown a lot more and u can tell, its obvious the way he views things and the way hes picking his projects are diff now so hopefully things go well for him in the future in terms of success outside popcorn movies.
I mean, we can all have different viewpoints on films or actors, and that's fine! 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't think anyone doubts that Tom is talented.
I understand some fans haven't enjoyed his projects in the past several years. I know for me personally, I've enjoyed 90% of Tom's films....whether they were successes at the box office or NOT. Most of his work I didn't even see in theaters. I saw at home.
The only films of Tom that I've actually seen in theaters are The MCU films (of course), The Current War, The Impossible (before I even knew who Tom Holland was lol), Uncharted (of course lol), and Spies in Disguise! Everything else of his, I've seen at home.
RE: TCR....
I actually enjoyed TCR, but if I had one critique, I would say that Akiva took a little TOO long to get to the point and kind of treated us as viewers like we were too dumb to get the "twist". Most of us knew or got the twist w/in the first episode lol. He really could have spent more time focusing on other things imo. Don't get me wrong, I actually think Akiva had a very ingenious, sympathetic, and creative way of showing what's actually going on when someone suffers from DID (and why they may end up having it), and it was done in a way I'd personally never seen done onscreen before. But I just feel like he should have given us as the audience a little more credit. We could have known from the very beginning that he suffered from DID, but maybe not know who exactly his alters actually were. There were many things that could have been done differently. And I think some of the critics purposely gave TCR LOW reviews to spite Akiva, because apparently he didn't even want DID or "multiple personalities" to be written in any of the early reviews coming out for the series, in order to preserve the "twist". But umm.... Everyone saw it coming a mile away bro lol 😅
So...I really think his tactic of trying to keep the audience in the dark felt a bit laborious after a while, and it's like, "WE GET IT man... we've already figured it out!" We didn't need several episodes prolonging things. But hey, I still enjoyed TCR Summer last year lol, and it was very enjoyable to watch Tom in a series (for a change) every single week! 😊
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aeide-thea · 5 months
tagged by @aldieb! thx for thinking of me, these little questionnaires are like. a cute little blast from tumblr's more interactive past :)
last song: i was going to have to give a sad little answer here about how i don't listen to music nearly enough anymore (never mind sing) and it's very definitely a reflection of my depression, but then i entirely out of nowhere and very urgently was like 'wait actually i have to listen to gordon lightfoot's "song for a winter's night" right now' so then i dashed off and did that and now that's the answer:
if i could know within my heart that you were lonely too i would be happy just to hold the hands i love on this winter night with you…
favorite color: oof so so many!! colors are so important. the signature one has gotta be a really highlighter-vivid chartreuse (🎾), but i do also really love me a good marigold orange? not to mention vermilion, or ochre, or moss green, or really saturated cobalt, or shades of rust or russet…
last movie/show: shetland bbc, which is a quiet well-acted murder mystery series set in a very beautiful very remote landscape. soothing if you like the british isles and can bear to entertain the fantasy of a decent policeman, at least for an hour or so at a time. also i admit to enjoying douglas henshall's face.
sweet/spicy/savory: all the best things are savory and also spicy! like. the jamaican curried chicken i grew up with. indian curries. malaysian laksa my beloved. can you tell i like curry. :D
relationship status: sidebar but this is such an amatonormative question lol. like why are we societally expected to look at 'relationship' and infer 'romantic.' also it seems like a weird outlier given that all the other qs are low-stakes little softballs abt yr tastes. however. extremely single! sometimes i'm sad about it because i miss sexual intimacy and i'm too shy to pursue that with strangers? but honestly most of the time i'm just as glad, because i don't actually know how to love people romantically without making a whole self-abnegating religion of it, so i'm not really convinced that dating was ever really all that good for me, on the whole…
last thing i googled: i use duckduckgo now, and you should too! :) having said that: 'yoal boat.' which is a very beautiful traditional style of shetland boat—apparently descended from a norwegian model?—that the islanders used to use for fishing, and then for storage draw up onto the land into these little prepared hollows called noosts (they have marinas now), which like. obviously i think is the most charming word imaginable. a cozy little noost for a lovely little boat! 🪺
current obsession(s): yoals aside, i guess the thing that best fits this category is that sometime in the last year or so i turned into Merino Guy??? like. even my boxer briefs are merino now (well, a merino-tencel blend) and like. it's so good, guys. comfy in a startlingly wide range of temps, helps me lessen my contribution to the microplastics problem, somehow even makes for reasonable athletic wear in the right weights and cuts: what's not to like. anyway brb, gotta go print out my 'NOT 🐑ISH ABOUT MERINO' bumper sticker. :D
tag 9 people: oof idk, do this if you'd enjoy it and ignore it if you wouldn't? gonna make like west and pull some names from my activity feed: @e-b-reads, @ghostofasecretary, @leatherbookmark, @nathanielthecurious, @obstinatecondolement, @papavera, @quailfang, @tisiphoness, @youcanthandelthetruth
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
sugar rush 2022: part one
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Hello everyone! it’s that time of the year where I round-up the candies brought to us from January-June 2022. I have purposely added ones that captured the eyes of fans. I have also included some meta posts I made during these months in the mix for some good old throwback cpn explanations. Enjoy looking back at some of the most fun moments in the fandom and a reminder of why turtles live the sweetest life. 🤍
* The “toy plane” held by Yibo in his NYE photoshoot is the same as what GG played with in his Kite flying vlog. What are the chances? Come on! Plus the fact that this is the only shot that is in black and white, meaning we can’t confirm that this is the blue one that GG used. Tho we all know it’s the same kind of toy plane. The song he performed, NIAN has nothing to do with flying. So what is the reference? His movie King of the Sky? ✈️
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* Same Chongya pose that they both love doing. GG took his customary photo in this pose for his new year content and Yibo did it during his live performance.
* During the Hunan TV NYE show when they were all lined up for the countdown — people were lipreading that they were asking Yibo who is the “red” for since there was apparently a person who was wearing a wangxiao headband.
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* GG announced as SAIC Audi Endorser, so they are now both part of the AUDI Family. 🤍
* Rufeng’s repo post about GG washing clothes for Yibo and more domestic drama.
* In an XZS Vlog, GG talked alot about garlic and went off an unnecessary tangent. Why is that? I explain that over here.
* Someone in GG’s team was wearing a Monster Energy cap. FYI, Monster don’t just sell their goods.
* Same but different colors of clothes for their endorsement.
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* GG’s clothes has a collab with Loverboy. Just something interesting.
* In Ace Troops, the school that GG’s adopted son will attend is called Bo Jin Ye Xiao. Sounds familiar?
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* An explanation of why people think the information that Web says in his XMLY episodes are from an encyclopedia that GG has.
* In one of the BTS for Ace Troops, you can see GG mouthing “wow” which is what they usually say.
* In an Alexvi photo gallery exhibit, the actual account posted some photos sent by fans who took a photo. One featured are Bobi + Zanbi + Suo! Sadly, it was deleted.
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* 01162022 LRLG rumor 🤍
* GG using green highlight
* They are both feeling “Calm”, this is the word they used to describe what they feel. I’m so happy that they are in the same wavelength.
One word to describe how you currently feel?
Yibo: calm
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What do you hope to be in the future?
GG : calm
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* CHUNZHEN STRIKES AGAIN. This brand really doesn’t give a fuck. Lol. First, their new campaign with Yibo was posted at 10:05, which is known to be GG’s number.
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and if that wasn’t enough, for the new commercial it seems like Bobo was going on a double date picnic. The other couple was het, in the meantime, he was with a “bro” 😂
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* What looks like a massage chair in GG’s trailer. We are clowning that it’s rotai.
* In a photo shared by YBO for Luoyang wrap-up, Bobo was shown with what looks like green roses. BXGs feel like this was referenced in a previous LRLG rumor.
* Another Ximalaya finding. Part 5.
* Same white shoes - I guess at this point it’s clear that their stylists are dating.
* Yinzheng ( Bobo’s friend ) posting a photo of a roseonly x peace elite merch.
* Steamed Pork featured in GG’s CNY spread and the same dish Bobo mentioned as one that tastes good.
* Just a comparison of how Bobo holds his copy of the song when he records, he uses his right hand. Except for that one time he was recording with GG and they were obviously holding hands.
* A mini CPN post that talks about a Kaomoji and why YBO suddenly posted content from Web’s 10/05 shared
* All the Clowning from the CNY celebration 🤍
Boxiao in 2017 - a few candies from that year.
• All the CPN in Yibo’s new year “selfie”
• There was an orange ornament found in Bobo’s car, orange which GG posted about constantly in his NY photos. And who do we know between the two loves to follow customs.
• Stairwell posing! 🤍
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and what looks like a Motorcycle, why was this added in his set of photos? We know how careful his team is in what they post and sometimes even blurring things, so was this deliberate?
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• Same lines used.
• Little prince merch caught GG’s eyes in his USMILE event.
• Alexvi weibo managed to pick a pair cosplaying BoXiao and featured them. Hahahahahaha!
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• GG allegedly found with a Winter Olympics toy from China Unicom and we know who endorses that. Possible wash is the Unicom dolls were featured in that CCTV postcards thing where GG/Web were both a part of. So he could have received one because of that and not due to Yibo being their endorser.
• Exchanging emoticons.
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• CQL is trending.
• New first table read BTS from WOWOW special feature.
• A BTS audio where Web says he won’t make GG ( wwx ) cry again. 🥲
MARCH 2022
This month will be in the BXG history books for the amount of candies we got. Thank you to Xiao laoshi for providing us with the sweets and coaxing us when he didn’t really have to. Links provided for the round-ups I did and I will indicate what specifics one are in there to make looking it up easier. It might look like a short list but most of the links have lots of candies in it.
• YBO releasing a very short “vlog” that has similar style to XZS. like that distorted voice and the subject of the vlog acting like he’s just doing his usual routine and is not being filmed.
• GG posts a photo for Spring, with the place looking like the one where Bazaar took photos of GG/Web individually.
• Same brand of clothes STAFF ONLY
• Similar header of their studios, water themed.
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• Both on the hot search
• Same way of taking photo from OOL trailer and how GG does it to Web in real life
• All the 3/15 ( OOL airing ) candies : centering around GG’s weibo post and the photos as well as kadians
• Using green highlighter
• Clip on earring CPN
• All about the Iceberg jacket
• Assorted candies - includes 11.11 hotpot clue, fake rumor, XZS/YBO similar posts and clues @ GG’s Tencent OOL interview
• Throwback CPN : White windmill
• GG bday 2019 clues from OOL BTS
• Same energy of jealous GG
• Clowning post - more OOL content where more cpns are uncovered 🤣
• Overload of Candy ✌🏼 - Wuji recording 3rd Anniversary sweetness!  
• Hand ( allegedly yibo ) CPN
• CPN on tidbits and analyzing GG’s exclusive SINA interview
• Soda tabs and Douyin post
• Times when GG acted like he knows nothing. Sly little Fox!
• OOL Finale special CPN post. Lol.
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• A visual of how Web’s Oasis interaction points suddenly increase when GG posts on Oasis. Weibo Link.
APRIL 2022
• Mini round up that explains their old wechat avatars and some clues in GG’s interview about blue skies and his thoughts on GW
• Proof of their batch recording similarity
• Pepsi
• Green highlighter crying hours lol
• Possible new evidence for the clip on earring
• Explanation of GG’s 4/1 Oasis post and it’s relation to Leslie Cheung
• Same designer FENG CHEN WANG
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• Proof that their 2019 tencent starlight dressing room was only divided by what looks like a plastic film.
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• Possible selfie for CQL anniversary
• Throwback : GG made a talisman for Bobo
• Mini round up : new era hat, martine rose, li ning logo, new clue @ little prince drawing and double standards
• SDC 3 clues revisited : heart with a mole and 10:05
• During the lockdown in SH, they both donated to elderly communities that are often overlooked. They are the vulnerable ones cause most of them live alone and don’t have phones to order online. This is not CPN, it’s just so nice to see how they think the same way. They have the same values 🤍
• New LRLG - poem
• A cold wall brand
• Both in entertainment hot search for CQL
• Boneless clothing brand
• Clowning compilation 4/23 LRLG post and the poem GG read
• Both looking good in gray suits
• A WangXian clue in their post 4 years ago
• Bobo’s expression pack
• Similar pose and styling
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MAY 2022
* Moto Shirt worn by GG in his Douyin video ( care of Li-Ning )
* The importance of the Number 16 to Yibo
* Making Sashimi 🍣
* Aurora borealis on the cover for Web’s Youth Day song
* Shu Uemura clues
* Same brand - Sean Suen
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* Youku showing a clip and GG/Web are included
* GG getting asked a starry sky
* Weekend sweets - stuff to pay attention to @ Mendale livestream
* Suing the same company 1.0
* More info on suing
* Same security detail
I didn’t make a separate post about this whole “Beijing Fiasco” that happened partly because it crossed the line of privacy. However I wanted it here for archiving purposes and just a disclaimer that this is still CPN. People said there were photographic evidence and all that but remember that those can be faked as well. Like I always say, we don’t need to go too far when it comes to candies. Especially when it’s personal information already. I made some vague posts just describing what all the talk was about but not in detail. I would hate for us to get caught up in search of candies that we end up hurting them. Don’t forget that our priority will always be to protect the boys and that means we keep quiet.
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The gist is, Yibo went back to Beijing 5/13 after finishing his filming of King of The Sky. He drove to Beijing and remember before this, there were talks of him heading to Hangzhou and not Beijing but everyone were wrong— he was photographed in Beijing. We would have been so happy with that news since they are finally in the same city. Plus if Beijing goes on lockdown, they can be together and tbh Web had alot of work to do in BJ too. But wait— there’s more...
Here comes the privacy part, It was said ( allegedly ) that GG/Web got their COVID tests 2 hours apart and got the results 5 minutes apart. It was on the same batch. GG is still doing work for his drama and he went with his Team, so why was Web taking it too close to his time? And not only that, People who live in BJ were saying they have testing centers every 2km. So they were pretty close to each other. Dare I say, together. It gets even more sus because they allegedly gave the same mobile phone number ( a generic one i think ) to be contacted once the results are available. After that, rumors of Web visiting the set of GG’s drama started floating around. I’m not even making this up, even MTJJs know and their reasoning is Web might be visiting Yangxia. Lol. Sure bro. It’s Yangxia— whatever makes you sleep at night i guess...
* More Li-ning clues
* A short compilation of photos and gifs of them looking at each other with hearts eyes!
* Love that goes both ways @ BREO and ROTAI Ad
* Dove x Chunzhen Collab
* Linhai and LQR Actor 520 clues (?)
* Bubly Red and Green CP
* Old rumor : There is nothing wrong with blueberry pie
* 520 / 521 History
* 520/ 521 Clues video
* Oasis experience points increased from 0 to 1 for both of them right when GG left Beijing
* Clues from the Bubly Ad and the drawing
* Hengdian to Hangzhou + One and Only Douyin post has Something Just Like This as the BGM
* Puppy + Bunny drawing ( JD and Breo )
* Douyin post similarities 5/27 ( One and Only Movie )
* Old candy : Web’s Shibuya inspired Nike shoes and their views on Love & Forgetting.
* GG’s 5/31 Oasis post - reduce swelling & liberation notes tv series
* Some candies in GG’s 5/31 breo press conference livestream
JUNE 2022
CPN Clues in Yibo-Official’s Children’s Day post
More clownery in the Himalaya account sharing speculation
* In GG’s Children’s Day Douyin, he did that jump and twirl action that he did when he was playing with Bobo during CQL shooting.
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Also that “punch” reminded us of Bobo’s redmi Ad.
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* Same look. Remember that Chunzhen is under Mengniu 🤍
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* 6/3 - Dragon Boat Festival candies
part one
part two
Shiying x Baili 🤍🤍🤍
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* Same panel background and clowning that it’s proof they were at the same hotel at some point.
* The Moon is GG’s oasis post
* Ositerm makes another appearance
* Where Dreams Begin wrap up dinner CPN
* Hibiscus flower & GUCCI bag strap
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similarity to hengdian | paper plane ✈️
This initiative is by GUCCI and everyone is encouraged to make their own artworks that will be exhibited in the Shanghai event. GG, being one of the ambassadors made his to promote the event. Of course, the first thing we notice is blue sky and clouds. Which is his favorite things to take photos of. It’s what I like about GG, casual fans will think that this is expected but the clowns in us GETS IT. Especially the specific look he went for is very close to CQL. Also the paper plane that was in YBO’s art for Children’s Day, which was their most recent post is somehow similar to this one by GG. What are the chances?
Also, GG’s is different from the other ones who first shared their “art”.
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* ANTA Orange Skate shoes 🍊
* new ox-head necklace tidbit
* Sauced Beef Saga 🥩
* SDC 3 clue ( was GG caught on camera? ) - read the replies in the post cause people contributed their thoughts too.
* Shiying and LWJ same movement
* Umbrella from that summer in 2018 was spotted during YGY shoot :
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• More information on the Hibiscus CPN as well as some clowning with XZ x Tod’s capsule collection 🌺
• Another Hibiscus coincidence ( Yibo’s 2020 shirt)
• Someone who worked on CQL’s OST posted a tidbit about Yibo and how he cried during WWX golden core. This is just an example of why it’s truly zhenqingshingan for Yibo. 🤍
• A really nice 627 video made by fansite BY YOUR SIDE that show what kind of relationship XZ/WYB have. Features all the simping they did for each other.
• On 6/28, photos of Yibo were released for his Chanel x Wanted campaign ( which were glorious ) and he was wearing a Coco Crush necklace. Some BXGs pointed out that the C is the same as GG’s Cough n Vain bday necklace. I know Chanel is sponsored, but we CPN that the rings have a more personal meaning to him. Also, that C can also resemble the moon.
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• 6/29, a video of GG started going around of him leaving a hotpot restaurant alone. The whole gist of the post is that he went to hotpot after work and it’s just him in Beijing. Funny enough, it’s the same place he mentioned to Yibo back during CQL filming when he was listing all the places he wanted to go and eat. He looks so FIT. I am also surprised that paps were able to film him in his private time but he is still very careful. BXGs are happy cause he is eating and if Bobo goes on Weibo, he will see it. Lol. I hope they can eat hotpot together someday 😊 Here is also a CPN for the shirt he was wearing.
• Similarity between the YBO chanel photoshoot video and XZS Vlog 🎥
This is not meant to be a comprehensive list that details each and every single candy that came about for the first half of year— because that’s just impossible and I find is not a good way to catalogue these things. That’s because if you clown hard enough, anything can be connected. from kadian to other things. I added ones that made people question things or give it a second glance. If you wanna add a few of your favorites then feel free to reply or RB but I won’t add it in this main post. I understand the novelty of obscure candies so go ahead or just say what your favorite was from the past months.
See you next year for Part 2! ✌🏼
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