#anyway. teapot time is fun too
heartyearning · 1 year
the way i live my life is LIDORALLY just like doing whatever’s gonna make my friends have a laff. have a good chuckle. no matter how stupid the thing is or how silly it’s gonna make me look to other ppl if it makes them do a little snort come hell or high water i will do that thing
#like for instance going to the tea party themed christmas party dressed as the teapot#see the thing is i know to ppl who dont know me very well i come across as insanely obnoxious#esp bc im one of the only dudes in my dept so ive run into ppl being super judgey about that#(not in a 'not all men' way that im saying this btw its just like. we got some ppl who are leaning a liiiiiittle too close to terfism for#my liking. they havent Quite crossed the border and they also dont know im trans but if i was transfem instead of (passing) transmasc...#who knows. not me)#so anyway yeah i come across as obnoxious or as though i take up too much space and i do recognise this but like#my friends like it. and fucking hell i didnt wanna do a theme w the WHOLE dept like the 3rd yrs are nasty anyway and dont like anyone#if it had been just us i also fully would have pushed for the divorce theme bc we did wedding last yr#and everyone had a good laff at that suggestion but like 2 ppl were soooooo against it which like#if it were for a good reason ofc fine but they didnt wanna do it bc they wanted to do . tim burton characters.#girl. no!#like also we're in fucking costume design you cant think of smth for urself ??? also just no ?#anyway. divorcebabesdivorce isnt happening even tho feiran specifically asked where the theme went on the poll#(shes like a friend of mine but not like A FRIEND of mine shes moreso just a classmate & i like my classmates)#so just to be like. see even ppl who arent naturally indulgent of me liked that idea.#anyway. teapot time is fun too
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Sometimes u just gotta find things to distract you from Arlecchino until she comes out
Like decorating your teapot to be a family home for Arle, her wife Furina and their 3 kids, Lyney Lynette and Freminet
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earl-grey-love · 1 month
I'm purely thinking of AUs lately because canon won't feed me new lore at all. The main one is a 19th century (everyone is human) AU that only features my main three + Dia, Luci and Luke. I love it so much. It doesn't really have a plot exactly, it's all interpersonal relationship dynamics and slice of life. But I eat that up every. single. time.
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kadwrites · 11 months
a perfect fit | T.S
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summary ; you and your family are planning the engagement party.
warnings ; arranged marriage trope , soft!tommy, typos maybe?
a/n ; i would love to know what you guys think of this part!
you're sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the dining table, a hand massaging your temple as the other brings the scorching hot tea to your lips, your eyes look at the table, papers and pens scattered everywhere. celest, your sisters in law, your friends and your mom all seem to be talking at the same time and they are so loud
"miriam ? miriam green? no i'm not inviting her!"
"mum ya can't not invite 'er.... she's dad's cousin" celest sighs , rose is asleep with her head on celest's shoulder
"as far as i know he's the best baker in birmingham and we certainly can afford it. so why shouldn't we get a cake?" fiona argues with madeline, tapping the pen against the notebook , the name of the baker and price of the cake written in her messy handwriting
"because we want to save that for the wedding." madeline argues back "we don't really need a cake for the engagement party."
you just sit there , watching them all argue as anna and renee go over the receipts of the dresses they planned to make for the party
"with the baby coming any day now.... i can't risk it. i think i'll have two dresses just in case, that way i'll have something to fit me anyways" renee, motions to her bump and anna nods
you'll let them have their fun and you'll just go over everything once everyone is asleep, you decide. you just stare at them, it's almost like a trainwreck really, you can't look away. while the women of your family are planning the engagement party of the fucking century, your nieces and nephew are all napping on the sofas. you envy that, you miss napping. you actually miss sleeping properly after all this happened
"what do ya think?"
"hmm?" you look up at celest as she stands next to you, showing you the guest lists, at least the ones your family is deciding to invite "i'll take a look later" you look away again, sipping your tea
"tommy said he'll be here right?" celest asks again, a hand on rose's head
you chuckle, you can't believe this is actually happening "yeah, he's supposed to drop by any minute now"
"is he bringing the ring too?"
"mhm." you answer, still observing your family. your engagement ring was done and you needed to see if it fits well.
"are ya okay?" celest crouches down, with rose still in her arms
you turn, smiling softly "yeah , why wouldn't i be?"
"ya seem.... out of it."
"just tired is all, planning this fucking thing is just tiresome" you smile again, squeezing her shoulder gently "i'm fine"
celest stands up, she puts a comforting hand on your head, smoothing down your hair before walking away , she'll probably go put rose down in the crib, the crib that your mother insisted on having in her room
abraham walks in, leaning down to kiss anna on the cheek. her smile is shy and flustered , renee wiggles her brows at anna. then he walks to you, he has his hands in the pockets of his trousers
"your fiancé is here." he nods at you
speak of the devil. you put your cup down "let 'im in." you motion for him to go
and as soon as the women heard his name, they scattered away wanting to give you some privacy , anna helped renee get up from the chair and up the stairs, your mom went up too. and celest stayed in your parents room with rose. madeline and fiona probably went outside.
he's been dropping by often in the past two weeks, deciding on the engagement party.
"hello" he greets you as he walks in, you're still on the chair , your fingers massaging your temple
"hello, thomas."
"is everything alright?" his eyes wandered to the scattered papers on the dining table
"yeah everything is fine" you sighed , your hands drop down to the table, then you pick up your cup again "care for a cup of tea?"
you grab the teapot and grab one of the cups around it, pouring his tea in. you place it back on the table
he sat down, sipping his tea as he looked at you , you grab the guest list that celest brought, looking over the names
"your family seems.... excited"
"thats an understatement" you chuckle, grabbing a pen to scratch out any names you didn't want there " 'aven't seen them so excited since the war ended." you mumbled.
"were ya in any relationship before this 'appened ?"
he asked the question so casually , you slowly look away from the paper to look at him "what?"
"were ya in a relationship before we got engaged?"
"why do ya wanna know?" you raise a brow
"just curious" he sipped his tea, his eyes still on you
"why not?"
you put the paper and the pen down, looking at him again "what kind of question is that?"
"a normal one."
you blink a couple of times, "i 'ave high standards when it comes to dating" you lick your lips before speaking again "i mean had , i guess."
"fair enough."
"what about you?"
"me ?"
"were ya seeing anyone?"
"if i was i wouldn't be getting an arranged marriage now ,would i?"
you shrug, grabbing the paper again "some married men still date"
"im not one of them"
you snort a laugh, still looking at the paper and it was his turn to raise a brow
"what's so funny?"
"ya think i'd do that?"
"yes" you answer rather bluntly as you pick up one of the other papers "gangsters aren't exactly known to be the most loyal of husbands, and ya do 'ave a reputation"
"i do?" a small smile is on his lips "what kind of reputation?"
"a bad one" you mumble "people say that you're a whore."
he chuckled, putting his cup down "doesn't mean i'm a cheater now does it?"
your lips curl up "i guess not."
for a moment a comfortable silence ensues before he stands up, you don't look up, too engrossed in the papers to do so. but your eyes widen when you see him lower to the ground, you slowly turn your head to see him, down on one knee with a velvet black box in his hands, the diamond engagement ring catches the light and it shines . it's probably the biggest diamond you'd ever seen in real life, it's gorgeous
you open your mouth a couple of times but no words come out, your eyes darting between his "tommy what are ya doing?" you finally speak
"what do you think im doing?"
"i don't know."
"would you marry me?" his voice softens, the small smile still on his lips, his blue eyes bore into yours.
"i...." you stutter, letting the paper go , you lick your lips. a laugh escapes you, your heart feels like its going to jump out of its place. your hands shake and you just can't look at anything but his eyes "yes"
he takes out the ring out of its box, grabbing your hand so gently like you're made out of delicate porcelain, sliding the ring on your finger. it's a perfect fit, it's the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. he brings your hand to his lips, they brush against the softness of your hand , you feel as if that ignited your whole body on fire. his eyes are still on yours.
taglist : @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr
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yzashaven · 10 months
✰ ━━━ how they show affection for you <3
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FEATURING scaramouche, tartaglia, xiao, albedo, thoma, kazuha, alhaitham, cyno x gn!reader
WARNINGS some are prob ooc 😭
NOTE (omfg these images are so low quality LMAO) on my past blogs, i usually only write nsfw so this is like... a change of pace? sort of... anyways hope you enjoy, likes and rbs are ofc appreciated! also, referring to wanderer as scaramouche since his name is player dependant
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okay so hear me out when i say he seems like the type to take you to places with the prettiest views (shout out to his birthday voiceline) whether it be views of the sunset, a flower field, an ocean or beach view... as long as it's a pretty site to see, he'll take you there! scaramouche loves the way the places give him a peaceful feeling, and the way that it's just the two of you there? he's in paradise and heaven combined.
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a bit similar to scara, tartaglia would take you to places. and by places i mean his homeland, snezhnaya, for the snow and to see his family. his little brother, teucer is certainly very fond of you, and tartaglia loves to watch you spend time with his siblings. he's such a family oriented guy... another thing he'd do is cook delicious meals for you! ranging from simple snacks to your personal favorites, and definitely some snezhnayan delicacies~
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xiao is sweet to his lover, no doubt. but that doesn't mean he'll ignore his duties as an adeptus and focus on them. he expresses his love by protecting you... and maybe sharing his almond tofu. need his help? call out for him and he'll be there in an instant. also this whole love thing is very new to xiao, soo he's not used to things like hugging and kissing, yk those kinda stuff but he'll get used to it eventually. he does really like your company though, brings a smile to his face.
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we all know albedo is a very amazing alchemist, he can make basically anything within a few hours or even minutes. he'd use his skill and powers to give you sentimental itemsㅡ such as a bouquet of flowers that never wither or ones that glow in your favorite color. If you don't really like flowers, don't worry, he can make whatever it is that you want! oh you want a dragon? he'll try and will come back to you with a small, cute, non-hostile looking one that protects you <3
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he is sometimes busy due to work for the kamisato clan and being the "fixer" in inazuma, but he never forgets to make time for you! his love language is definitely quality time as he loves to just relax and accompany you wherever. another way thoma shows affection is through doing errands and other things for you such as cooking, cleaning around in your teapot realm, curing for your wounds if you ever get hurt, and maybe doing a commission or two of yours!
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kaedehara kazuha... he's such a romantic man when it comes to his lover. he'll write you a poem literally every single day and compliment you every minute. kazuha also likes to run his hands through your hair as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear while you watch the sun set together at the best vantage point in wherever it is you're traveling at. he also definitely introduced you to his mom(beidou) so he takes you with him on the crux for fun adventures together! or just taking naps as the boat sets sail.
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as the akademiya's scribe, alhaitham is often busy attending to those missions along with his personal investigations and other matters. so to prevent any lost time, he takes you with him. you're quite the strong fighter yourself so there won't be any problems, right? and if something bad does happen, he's your savior. despite talking sharply at times about how you weren't being careful or being reckless, he still loves you and will be happy that you're safe. alhaitham would reassure you about that too. also you study together at the akademiya library sometimes, he really likes having you around :3
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cyno is a man of few words but reassures you about how much he loves you and would quite literally tear apart, limb from limb anyone that tries to harm you. cyno keeps a close eye on you especially when he senses danger is near, he wouldn't even wish for anything bad to happen to you. as the general mahamatra, fighting is practically his specialty which is why he uses that fighting experience and knowledge to protect you even if you tell him that you can handle yourself, he insists as he doesn't want to risk losing you like that.
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misc-obeyme · 23 days
Hey cc
So in the vampire pop quiz I think it was Dia who said something very interesting "looks like they are fixated on mc because mc is the manifestation of their desires" now that did align well with my effort to understand why would all 7 of them be this obsessed lol
Anyway in my head mc goes like guys that's just my idea of how a proper human should be lol pretty sure if any other human ended up here who kinda like hot demons you all would be obsessed about that human too
Anyway, can I request a drabble about this kind of mc not insecure, just not understanding why mc deserving all this attention
Barb would be interesting to drabble about this since it took him sooooo looooong to open up to mc a bit
happy to see you are still having fun with Barbs thirst trap 😎
Hi there, 🐆 anon! I apologize for the delay on this - it's been taking me a little longer than I anticipated to get through the drabble requests...
Augh the Barbatos shower picture is going to be the death of me, I swear. I'm still thinking about a nsfw drabble based on one of his lines lkasdfkjfj it's a problem, I swear.
Anyway, here's a Barb drabble with MC not getting why the demons are obsessed with them! I thought it was a cute little scenario. And Barb is just being super romantic as always lol. I can't help it, I am but a humble fluff writer.
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Barbatos could see it on your face - a subtle expression that the others might not pick up on. It told him the story of how you were trying your best to hide your own confusion. It was something that happened every time one of the brothers complimented you, when they fought over you, when they expressed this need to always be near you. A slight furrow of your brow, the tiniest downturn of your lips, the fleeting uncertainty that flashed through your eyes.
Ever since your first day in the Devildom, Barbatos had seen this look. He was always watching you. The more he did, the more it became clear to him that you didn't understand why everyone seemed to think there was something special about you.
Perhaps he waited too long. Perhaps he should have mentioned it to you sooner. But you didn't seem distressed. All he ever saw was bafflement. So he let it be for quite some time. Until he finally found himself alone with you when it displayed itself.
Barbatos had been pouring you a cup of tea as he heard about the brothers' latest antics. You were telling him that they had been arguing over who got to work with you on an upcoming school project.
"And then Levi got involved and I had to calm everybody down before Lotan was summoned," you said.
You were looking down at the table, your mind clearly elsewhere, when that expression flashed across your face.
Barbatos put down the teapot. "Does it make you uncomfortable, MC? When they argue over you this way?"
You met his eyes, seemingly startled by his question. "No," you said. "It's a little silly, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable. Why do you ask?"
"It's only that I've noticed the look of confusion you sometimes have in moments like these," Barbatos said. "As if there's something that troubles you about it."
You frowned in thought for a moment. "I guess I just don't understand why they care so much? Why do they think I deserve this much attention? I just act like a regular human would. Why are they so… obsessed?"
Barbatos chuckled. "Do you truly not see? This is exactly what makes you so fascinating."
"I don't know what you mean," you said.
"Despite being a totally unique individual, you still believe you are ordinary," Barbatos said gently. "I have been alive for a long time, MC. I have met many humans. No two are alike. You are not 'regular' because there is no such thing. You are yourself and that is why we love you."
Barbatos was pleased to see that confused look replaced by a soft blush. "You…?" you couldn't finish your question.
Barbatos took your hand and kissed the back of it. "Indeed," he said. "Even I have fallen under your spell. I will remind you of how special you are for the rest of your life if I must."
You laughed, a little taken aback. "I don't think that's going to be necessary."
Barbatos only smiled, your hand still clasped in his. He was content to see such a soft and sweet expression on your face, a glint of happiness in your eyes. Despite what you said, if he ever did see that confusion there again, he would do everything he could to bring your smile back instead.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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iveleftitwithyou · 1 month
ruderal pt. 3 | paul lahote x reader
hey all! sorry for the delay on this, i've honestly just been so busy reading other people's fanfictions that i haven't found time to write! but i know work will be busy this week so wanted to get this out, even if it's shorter than intended. love u guys!
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: slight angst, swearing
you hated that you spent all night wrapped up in Paul’s shirt again. you hated that you couldn’t stop staring at your phone, silently begging it to light up with his old contact photo. 
of course, it never did.
after a restless night of drifting in and out of consciousness, your phone buzzed on your nightstand, ringing loudly. your heart jumped before you realized it was just your alarm signaling it was time to get up for work, entirely too early, in your opinion. you’d taken a gap year between high school and college, working as a barista at the local coffee shop, lucky that your father was fine with you continuing to live under his roof while you figured out what you wanted to do with your life.
you groaned as you let your feet hit the carpet, stretching as you begrudgingly began your day. the floorboards creaked underneath your steps as you made your way to your dresser and pulled out the same uniform you wore five days a week. 
the hot water of the shower. the soft towel on your skin. the cold water on your toothbrush. the hairbrush running through your hair. the mascara brush on your eyelashes. all of these familiar sensations did nothing to slow your racing mind. 
why couldn’t you get him out of your head? why did he have to insert himself back into your life?
the engine of your old Honda sputtered to life. the familiar whines and vibrations of the vehicle were comforting. you turned up the radio to drown them out anyway.
after a few minutes of driving on autopilot, the coffee shop was in front of you. you made eye contact with yourself in the rearview mirror, took a deep breath, and flung open the car door to start your shift.
it was a normal Thursday shift. you opened the store as you always did, prepping the different areas for the day. generally, Thursdays were very slow in the morning, so it was no big deal you’d be here by yourself. your copy of The Great Gatsby was on the counter by the register, waiting to keep you company in the dull moments. 
of course, you took the few minutes you had left after getting everything prepped to make yourself your first drink of the day. working in a coffee shop had its perks, like free coffee, but the caffeine addiction you’d developed wasn’t one of them.
the first customer of the day came in shortly after you unlocked the door. it was Chief Swan, on his way to his shift at the station. he was a regular, and you appreciated the simplicity of his order.
“good morning, Chief, your usual?” you sing-songed, putting on the customer-service voice that was second nature to you at this point. 
“you know it, kid.” he’d grown pretty fond of you since you started, appreciating the lack of small talk.
there was a comfortable silence as you prepped the Chief’s order - a large black coffee. the pour-over process was tedious to some, but you found it therapeutic. the grinder whirred as it pulverized a small scoop of coffee beans. you placed the plastic funnel on top of the large to-go cup, lining it with a coffee filter and wetting it with hot water. after ejecting the grounds from the machine into a small metal cup, you scooped approximately four tablespoons of grounds into the funnel. after that, you grabbed the small metal teapot-looking vessel and filled it to the marked line with water.
now was the fun part. you poured water from the thin spout on top of the grounds, starting from the middle and working your way around in a spiral pattern until all of the grounds were saturated. the water dripped through the grounds and you waited until there was no more water visibly sitting on top of them before beginning to pour again, in the same spiral pattern. this step was repeated a few times until all of the water was gone and you were left with a full cup of coffee and some spent coffee beans.
“here you go, Chief Swan. that will be two forty-nine.”
he handed you a five. “keep the change, kiddo. get your tip jar started.” he glanced at the empty glass jar in front of the register.
“thanks, Chief. good luck out there.” you mused, flashing him a smile.
“you too, kid.” he didn’t know how much you needed it.
the next few hours drummed by slowly, customers trickling in here and there, some staying to work or read. the constant humming of the espresso machine usually helped muffle your thoughts, but not today. even your book couldn’t distract you - your eyes darted over the same paragraph over and over, mind wandering back to a familiar set of brown eyes staring at you while the waves crashed against the shore.
before you could get too lost in thought, the door chimed, signaling that someone had entered. your eyes darted from the page to the person walking in the door.
“hey, y/n,” he spoke, “i hoped you’d be here.”
“hey, Jacob,” you sighed, not bothering with the customer service voice. the only young people from the reservation that ever came in here were Emily Young and sometimes Seth Clearwater - Paul must have sent Jacob here - let’s test that theory. “what can i get for you?”
“i’m actually just here to talk to you…” he rubbed the back of his neck.
you were right. here it goes.
“listen, i know Paul hurt you, and i don’t blame you for being pissed at him. there’s a lot you don’t know about, though - a lot has changed.” a small smirk played on his face as he said that. 
“like what? he won’t tell me anything.” you deadpanned. you weren’t sure if you could trust Jacob. he was Paul’s friend, after all, and that was enough to be suspicious.
“it’s not my place to say,” a small groan left your throat before you could stop it. “but he’s going to have to tell you eventually. when he decides to, just give him a chance.” 
and who was Jacob to tell you what to do? 
“listen, Jacob. it’s really not your place to be here. i’m not sure if Paul sent you or not, but you can tell him he can either get his head out of his ass and tell me the big secret everyone is dancing around, or he can stop trying to contact me. i’m over this.” the tone was harsher than you intended, and slightly louder too, seeing as there were still other customers in the seating area.
Jacob flinched slightly before regaining his composure. “trust me, y/n. give him a chance.”
with that, the bell rang once again as Jacob swiftly exited the coffee shop.
tags: @vavafaure1994
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Hi hi, it's me muzzle anon again ! How are you? I hope you are doing well, also sorry for this long rambling-
I juST remembered that when lyney and lynette were announced (?) some people thought that they would be One playable character, so I immediately thought how fragile reader and dottore being one playable character lol
just switching between them when you do a charge attack like furina's ability but instead of just color palate changing, a whole new person gets on the field lol
It's fun to imagine what their voiceline would be :]
Especially if we imagine that the only reason you would switch would be because they are in a fight when changing so the voicelines would be worried and/or intense?
And also fragile!reader being a support character and dottore being a DPS would fit the whole "we only need/have each other" mindset going on ?
ALSO ALSO when you add them to your team they could come into the screen dancing? Waltzing into their section then standing close to each other <3 evil couple being cool vibes
Their idle and voicelines probably would be still the same ?, talking as if the other is not there but maybe one special idle is like that one twirle/dance (?) idle from honkai star rail with Clara and Svarog? OH and Clara stumbles in that idle and svarog catches her , makes sense since fragile reader stumbles while trying to dance too so Dottore catches them by their waist and smirks, sharp teeth full display
...Also you know how characters has voicelines for hits/ damage? Reader and Dottore could have voicelines for warning each other to be careful, especially Dottore getting very worried when reader takes a heavy hit but when it comes to other characters he just goes scara mode maybe worse than, "Why are you even here?" or similiar to xiao going, "Weak."
(And maybe reader comparing the character that took damage to Dottore, praising him while degrading them gently lol <3)
Tho I'm not really sure how the teapot would work lol maybe there would be an option to switch them like you switch from night to day lol OR they automatically change when it's day/night I imagine that fragile reader would like the day time more and Dottore night, because he is a shady guy (and also because when he looks up to stars he remembers the Akademia days he had with reader and how they used to also stare at the stars <3)
With them being considered one character, now they are together forever <3
Sorry for the long message again <3 also english is not my first language so sorry if some parts seem weird I just rambled a lot without checking since i got very excited of the idea of a playable reader after the last post ehehe anyway hope u and everyone has a nice night/day!
- muzzle anon
OH MY GOSH NFKFEWFE I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MUZZLE ANON... ugh fragile reader and Dottore being playable is so real!! And i too remember that about the twins!! man that was really long ago huh? Anyway...
I ADORE the idea of them switching while doing a charge attack!! omfgrfwfr I can just imagine reader doing a dramatic, fancy pose and then it switches to Dottore rolling his eyes at your antics and adjusting his gloves... ugh he loves to indulge you, doesn't he? And hear me out too: instead of pneuma/ousia... two different elements/weapons too. They're just meta like that 😌 and extra supports who? Bennett? Nah, we don't need him. Reader is all the support Dottore needs to one-shot everyone <3 I imagine Dottore is the one who tries to hoard the screen time (he prefers to fight instead of you, he's worried about you pushing yourself too hard, but eventually he has to realize that he has to let you do your own thing too... he's hella overprotective still)
THE ADDING THEM INTO YOUR PARTY ANIMATION... CHEF'S KISS. I like to imagine reader is the one who tries to take the lead in this stuff :) Because even though they're still sick they're better than before, so they want to take advantage of that as much as they can and show Dottore how much they've changed :) You pull him into the frame of the screen and he twirls you around as you fall back into his chest, hands still intertwined :3 (traveler looking at your dramatic asses) AND THE IDEA OF DOTTORE CATCHING FRAGILE READER DURING THEIR IDLES...... UGHREGR WHY DO YOU BLESS ME WITH SO MANY GOOD IDEAS. Reader trying their best to hide their lousy skills from Dottore so they can get better on their own, but nope! You should have known that your husband is always watching you, nothing gets past him! He catches you by the waist only to pull you back up with ease and spin you around flawlessly, chuckling as you stumble right back into his chest.
Dottore would straight up not care at ALL about the other members if they got hurt 💀, I imagine he'd only speak if anything happened to you, or he'd be condescending about how useless they were 💀 reader is similar but they're nicer to others, like if a fellow Harbinger got hurt, they'd worry, but if it was an Archon or someone that annoys them, in general, they'd just laugh at them (and receive little to no healing)
In the teapot, I like to imagine they have two separate bodies there when you place them, so they just always stand next to close to each other. When you talk to either of them, both of them will end up having a conversation with you. Also, when you make them specific furnishings they like each of them and will comment on the other's tastes lol (Dottore - makeshift lab, you - cozy Sumerian room)
"Huh, will it kill you to put away the research? You do not need a lab in the teapot, dear."
"Oh, but I do, [Name]. How else will I make your medicine?"
"Ah... sorry about that. How about you come to my room later so we can relax?"
Traveler: ...
They are truly the embodiment of do not separate.
UGH I CAN GO ON AND ON ABOUT THEM!! 😭 let's not forget the matching skins... you and him in the Akademiya's uniforms again ;) AND DONT APOLOGIZE MUZZLE ANON!! I LOVE THIS AND LONG ASKS!!
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tiny-vermin · 2 months
I want to know more about the m9 artist au!! I remember reading a post or two about it a billion years ago (and would love to read them again) 💜
hi jess!!!! thank u for being interested hehe :")
so ever since i drew that lil thing of essek painting a frank stella inspired painting (or even before), ive been thinking of what kinds of art each of the m9 would do. essek ofc is inspired by a minimalist show that i went to here, all the big names from that movement were shown, but those really dark, sinkhole-like paintings are speaking to me. another artwork of boxes made of mirrors also seems like the thing he would do too
there's a kiln here that we visited which was huge, and surrounding it were artists' studios and some other ceramic sellers, i imagine the clay family having a place like this in the middle of nowhere amongst the trees, and caleb would do his work there
anyways because at heart im a shadowgast luver its centred around them,, they meet at an artist residency or something like that and its an incredibly slow burn that involves talking and not-talking and looking and not-looking. in the end i am but a simple wong kar wai fan so. that kinda vibes would definitely influence this, i would describe it as a quiet burning i guess?? time skipy and words that are not said
i think im gonna rant a bit more about their different mediums and styles so i'll keep it under the cut
i think caleb sculpts figures and portraits, but in a sad, kathe kollwitz charcoal vibe. maybe some funky looking animals, perhaps some pots and vases to look at the pretty glazes. he's interested in using fire to burn texture into different mediums, like ive seen it being used on shellac to make a really cool net of ink looking structure.. but yknow, just seeing the aftermath of glazed ceramic from the kiln is enough, and probably better for him to keep his distance anyways
the clay family produces most of the ceramic to sell, vases, pots, plates, cups, teapots, yknow just a whole array. and its really colourful too, depicting every family members different style. i think caduceus would do some matte glazes with a lot of different colours, theyre all a little wonky but theyre better off that way anyways. he does some really mean ink calligraphy and painting though
jester definitely does,, everything, whatever her heart desires kinda thang. she makes pastel textile installations and lighthearted cute paintings, but theyre always so contemplative and soothing. she gets m9 a lot of work cus her mom has connections, etc etc. i really love the idea of jester creating works that talk about the female body and femininity (definitely not projecting no)
beau is a printmaker and photographer who's really experimental, she loves cyanotypes and printing flowers (for yasha), idk she seems like she would put fabric and rocks into the washing machine to see what would happen. u would probably catch her in someone elses studio learning about what they do or in the library learning about what old people did
veth works in a museum as a curator, getting beau to help her sometimes with gathering artworks and artists etc. she probably organises community art projects for kids and public art installations. her house is full of m9's artworks and various other artists shes worked with.
yasha does bouquets as her post-retirement part time job, prior to that no one really knows what she did ("she probably murdered a bunch of people and is now hiding from the government"). fjord draws comics for fun but is also not a job for him, molly is a question mark for me. but these guys probably wont be in it as much anyways
im still not sure what format i wanna do this in, im actually having fun just writing it in my notebook now (digital does not facilitate the creative juices) but i do want to do some visuals like fake movie stills or storyboards. maybe they will work together well???? dunno. working on the other shadowgasty thing im doing made me realise how much easier it is to draw when there's a script already there, so im writing the script for myself
im definitely not as practiced in writing as i am in drawing, but idk im just gonna have some fun and see where that takes me, meanwhile try not to feel too bad that its fanart HAHA (very bad habit)
edit: i just saw my previous thoughts on beau being an art journalist, but i kinda like this better.. but maybe she can do both muah
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monstersdownthepath · 4 months
Monster Spotlight: Tanuki
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CR 4
Chaotic Neutral Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Bestiary 3, pg. 259
These mischievous, fun-loving, shapeshifting raccoons are far less violent or angry than the one displayed by the actual art, preferring trickery and music to brawls and battle. Fittingly enough, it's often believed that a Tanuki is born from the proto-soul that comes to inhabit any well-loved and well-used tool or appliance that manages to last a whole 100 years while still being used (an origin story that may be accurate or may yet be refuted when new canon material comes out later this year), so it's very likely that most Tanuki are generally decent folk, depending on which tool they were born from.
small annoyance before we continue: I'm a bit miffed that Paizo didn't give the Tanuki their ability to transform into inanimate objects (though they allude to it in their lore block), but it's an easy enough fix for a DM that wants to let them have one of their more famous features. We will uh. we will not be discussing their most famous feature anywhere on this blog. paizo wisely decided to leave that out.
Anyway, these amusing little raccoons live for the moment, spending their days merry and their nights curled up in the comfiest beds they can find, working to fill their lives and the lives of everyone around them with fun and food. While they can freely shapeshift into the form of a mundane raccoon, they're more likely using their 1/day Veil to masquerade as a humanoid, slipping into civilization to partake in whatever fun and festivities they can find. If they cannot find any, though, by god will they make some, utilizing their 3/day Major Creation to conjure whatever gems and gold they need to pay for it and their 1/day Create Food and Water to whip up some meager but filling fare. That this conjured money disappears an hour or so later is of no consequence to the trickster, who expects to either be long gone or too drunk to care by then. They frequent bars and eateries, exchanging songs and stories for food and drink as they look through the crowds for potential marks.
Not to steal from, mind, but to mess with. Tanuki enjoy humbling braggarts, humiliating bullies, pranking those they've judged as evil, and joking about with the dour and brooding for the entertainment of not only themselves, but whatever friends they've made for the night. Their goal is good times, after all, and anyone who sours the mood can find themselves at the tail end of whatever ridiculous scheme the Tanuki has hatched to maximize the day's joy. Though the book mentions their ability to turn weapons and tools into harmless items like teapots and cutlery, they do not possess this power in the game proper, but what they DO have is Shrink Item 1/day to collapse the first sword brought against them into a toothpick or, even more pettily, transforming the chair or table some stuck-up schmuck is sitting at into a washcloth and watching them tumble to the ground.
Shrink Item obviously has utility beyond this for the Tanuki with its days-long duration, but using it to mess with people is their go-to. Its other primary use is allowing the little raccoon men to hide weapons in unexpected places, typically having their primary weapon--a quarterstaff--masquerading as a straw stuck in their mouth, woven into their hair, or used as one half of a set of chopsticks. It's rarely brought out with the intent to kill, the Tanuki more likely to fight defensively or battle for only a few rounds as an opponent makes a fool of themselves and the little spirit can dance about and drink as it avoids their blows, but they can be startlingly vicious in combat when it comes to it.
Tanuki can wallop someone twice with each end of their staff for 1d6+2 and 1d6+1 damage a round, then quickly spin around and give them an extra slap with their sturdy tails or shoulder-check them for an additional 1d6+1 damage... but it's rarely going to stay at base numbers. Remember what I said about them drinking during battle? They have a reason to. Tanuki carry around special gourds at their side that always seem to be full of delicious sake while in their hands, and as a swift action they can drink from these gourds to gain any one of the following spell effects at will: Haste (for more AC and extra attacks), Rage (for additional damage at the cost of AC), False Life (for a chunk of long-lasting temporary HP; typically they've already done this hours ago), or Divine Favor (for +2 to attack and damage rolls). The book notes that Tanuki with more HD or class levels can gain different or more powerful spells from their sake bottles, essentially handing the DM a blank check to give them literally whatever advantage they want in case Haste + Divine Favor isn't enough to turn the tides.
This isn't without cost, as one may expect. Sake is strong stuff, and though a Tanuki's Sake Affinity blesses them with powerful magic, it also lowers their AC and their Reflex saves by 1 for one minute per drink they take, and these penalties stack with themselves. They trade their defenses for offensive power, and with only 17 AC and +5/+7/+6 as their defenses (no resistances or immunities!), they have to be sure that their offense is as powerful as possible to dissuade their targets from going further. Often, one just needs to reduce a Tanuki to about half or so HP before it cuts its losses and flees, very few willing to fight to the death for any cause, but be wary of turning your back to it once it starts running, because it's got Magic Stone 3/day and a sling to huck the enchanted pebbles to get in a few painful (and dangerous) parting shots once your defenses are down.
Some side notes before we close out: Tanuki have a constant Detect Poison on themselves, which at first seems to be there to combo with their at-will Purify Food and Drink, but PFaD is actually there to keep their travel rations created from Create Food and Water shelf-stable for as long as they need. The TRUE purpose of Detect Poison is to give the Tanuki a beer radar, because all alcohol is classified as a poison in Pathfinder. They're basically bloodhounds for booze!
You can read more about them here.
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miintsprigz · 1 month
I decided to liveblog my thoughts on the new amazing digital circus episode!
Another long post incoming…
But uh SPOILERS!!!
•Oh this is a nightmare…just based on the weird movements…
•That’s such a terrifying nightmare legitimately. I know the “I don’t wanna play with you anymore” jokes will abound but…imagine if she DOES actually abstract at some point. And this was foreshadowing. Also, the fact that she’s so terrified of being forgotten… Oh honey… we could never forget you!
•I don’t ship them (PLEASE DONT KILL ME) but Ragatha and Pomni are so sweet. But goshdangit Ragatha your fEELINGS MATTER STOP FAWNING.
•”Zooby” PFFT.
•Idk why but I really like that gummy elephant. It’s so cute!
•”They’ve even got little candy bugs here!” D’AWW.
•So…Caine’s God, huh.
•”I’m not a child you don’t have to hype me up.” Fair point. Still get icked out by r34 tho.
•”I call shotgun!” Ok I admit he’s fun at times.
•The graphics did get a serious upgrade. I love it.
•Huh, so the AI have personalities even when they aren’t being watched, if the gummy bandits are AI.
•Ok never mind Jax is a pain again.
•Aw well at least Kinger is trying to help.
•”Now I have no bridge!” EAT IT RABBIT
•Gosh this really is so silly I like it.
•Jax makes me hate him more almost every time he opens his mouth.
•Sorry I’ll stop talking about Jax, I just really don’t like him (love him as a character, pisses me off as a person).
•Oh no that poor gummy dude! I love his Aussie accent too (I think he’s an Aussie)
•Yeah that must be unnerving. Poor guy.
•There’s our girl!
•”Under the map” makes me think she designed it. “What are you on about?” Makes me think he IS an AI. But he’s becoming self aware. “Where’s mum…” oh no this poor guy…
•Aw Pomni is being nice to him.
•Well I love this fella already. …but I already know…things…hhhhhhhhhh.
•Hah, Willy Wonks reference.
•OH SHOOT ITS A RAGGEDY ANN MOVIE REFERENCE. Fudge is silly, I kinda love him. But also YIKES HE ATE PEOPLE.
•”Is it really murder if it’s delicious?” FFFFFFF
•I STILL HATE JAX BY THE WAY, please don’t kill me for that. Really only cares about himself, I so badly want to see him get his just desserts. I’m sorry if you love him, I love to hate him, I promise it’s nothing personal
•Poor gummy havin a crisis. I wanna hug him.
•See Pomni is actually nice. Imo anyway. She wants to help she’s just nervous. Attagirl, Pomni. You’re trying your best.
•I’m seeing the I Have No Mouth references. And AW she’s inviting him to come with!!! Good lass.
•Gummigoo, good lad good lad
•Her knowledge on the programming. Her KNOWLEDGE. EEEEE.
•This is an oddly pretty landscape here, with the teapots.
•Kinger with a bucket on his head HAHAHA
•”I don’t think she really likes me that much.” Honey if only you saw what ONE EPISODE spawned in regards to art of you two.
•KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD. I REPEAT, KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD! “I remember when you were new here too…” And just like that, he lost it.
•PFFT ya know as a mildly emetophobic person, I normally hate vomit jokes, but these are kind of funny.
•”Good to see you lads.” AWWW.
•Aw the duplicate worked out.
•”I’m so unbelievably disappointed right now” GOOD, COPE SEETHE MALD
•Pomni is genuinely a sweetie. We can see it now. I love that.
•Also the Princess is lovely, I adore her, hope we see her again.
•Oh shoot. Big boom. OH NO FUDGE.
•NO!!!! GUMMIGOOOOOO!!!! I knew it was coming but STILL.
•It’s so sad that she got all this development and now it seems like she’s back at stage one
•Could gummi have been human after all? Is that why Caine looked horrified???
•Awww Zooble’s little comfort.
•Oh shoot, funeral for Kaufmo…that’s so sad… aw… that’s good though. It’s how they keep their humanity.
•Even Zooble seems sad. Zooble’s nice deep down too I think, they’re just apathetic. And who can really blame them? When you’re stuck in a digital reality, completely disconnected from your own humanity, sometimes that’s how you cope.
•Notice the only one NOT MOURNING is FRIGGIN JAX. What a dingus.
•I really love seeing a resolution to Pomni’s nightmare, where she realizes that people would miss her, and that they would mourn her if she was gone. I think that’s an important thing for her to realize. I guess she isn’t back at stage one after all.
•But yeah, this episode was absolutely amazing, it made me feel so many emotions, and I can’t wait to obsess over the TV tropes page with all of its new details!
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mynameis-noe-body · 8 months
Wonderland Chronicles
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Tarrant Higtopp (Mad Hatter) × Alice Kingsleigh
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Alice and Tarrant get inspired by fruit juices and enjoy smutty time, all alone during a tea party.
Alice has seven, beautiful pieces of cloth — which is a very fine number, for clothes. And he knows about that, surely, he made them with his own magical hands, and his good heart, obviously. Tarrant loves to believe there's a little bit of love in every of his artworks and Alice's dresses are his most fabulous creations. She has two majestic, opulent suits — with long coat and embroidered pants — that she loves to wear during the most elegant nights at Marmoreal Castle, with Queen Mirana and the whole court. Then, there's her night gown, which is made of the finest silk — and Caterpillar knows that better than anyone else in the Underlands — and is of the loveliest shade of avory, as pale as the big moon in their night sky. She wears a lilac jumpsuit when she's about to travel through the lands on the back of the Bandersnatch, who's the most affectionate towards their Champion. And — last but not least — there are those three tea-lenght dresses, cut and sewn from long fabrics of organza, lace and tulle, painted of the most intense shade of cobalt, or vivid cerulean or perhaps light blue sky. Yes — every shade of blue is Alice: among the softest clouds and in the deepest water, everywhere there's a little bit of blue that reminds him of his pretty, pretty Alice.
Tarrant is the happiest as she comes at his door wearing one of those three dresses, because that means they are going to spend some time together, and that would be one of the best days ever (as any day spent with Alice is the most beautiful of them all). And that one is a very fine day. Time has fallen asleep somewhere, and it seems the sun itself has stopped in the middle of the afternoon to leave them happily bathed in his warm light; sitting on a big picnic blanket, the Hatter opens his wicker basket. «Come on — hop hop — time to jump out of the cupboard, little friends. We have a very important guest to entertain!» and suddenly, two small cups of fine porcelain and a puffy teapot pop up and land on the blanket. «Oh, good. Tea's ready.»
«I wish cups and teapots could make tea on their own in the Upland, too. I could not imagine Mother's surprise at this!» Alice says; her little smile is the extremely satisfying.
Tarrant, however, suddenly feels Sadness thighting her hands around his neck. «Why, Alice — are you already planning to leave? I couldn't bear it, honestly. You've just come back» to me, he would add, but he isn't sure how she would take that. Brave she is, yes, but sometimes too unfocused on her Muchness to see what truly happens around her.
She shakes her head. The yellow porcelain cup jump on the open palm of her hand and she sips the green tea. «No, Hatter. This time I've come back for good, I promise.»
And she had promised, many moons ago, that she had wanted to stay this time. Business were finally done and gone in the Upland, that very strange place had no more sense to her; evil people there, and no fun at all. Not for a woman, anyway. While there, they had valiant Queens and brave Warrior lasses. Tarrant had made her tell the story of how she had chased a dream through a painting to fall down there all over again; a big tableau on the wall above the fireplace, she had painted just little details here and there: a white rabbit, big scarlet mushrooms and singing flowers, two funny children in white and red stripes and — obviously — a Mad Hatter. And when she had seen them walking together down the green, grassy road, she knew she only had to reach out. She didn't even bother to say goodbye.
He smiles at the thought, and his eyes sparkles emerald. «Well that's the best news, Alice! Many things I desire to show you.»
«Tell me about that.» Alice lets the cup go, and lays on the blanket; her golden hair are scattered around her just-right-seized head as a mane, her pale, soft skin shines in the lovely light of the day, a sweet breeze blows on her cheeks and goosebumps runs on her chest. Nice breast — round and soft under her garments, plump as ripe fruits and oh-so sweet, he'd die so happy is he could just... if 'is greedy slurvish tongue could tast' ta' bonnie lass — nice 'n' slow, just a lil' bite — «Hatter!» she exclaims, and his eyes, which had become so purple just a few seconds ago, turns back green.
«I beg your pardon.» Oh — good Absolem and all his little caterpillars — those thoughts have been haunting him for quite some time now. He doesn't wants to ruin their friendship, but the Madness is getting stronger. Harder to control when she's around him. She smells like spring and cupcakes, and such lov— no, not again. «Right, where were we? Ah yes, our new adventures, dearest Alice. I plan to bring you to the Merry Lake, maybe fishing, and you'll need a new hat obviously! A nice boater with black 'n' white stripes. Then, I'll bring you to the Fairy Forest, to catch flying seahorses, and you'll wear a cartwheel — pink, yes! Or maybe just coral and blue. Oh, I must not forget, I still need to show you how to pick spurtberries!»
Alice laughs loudly. She sits up again, next to him and Tarrant isn't sure he's breathing again. Her scent is intoxicating, the warmest desire inflames his loins — dear, the gods couldn't compare her fine beauty — such a bonnie gurl, mmmh, yes, I wanna lick ta' lips 'n' bite her neck, luvely creature my Alice. Mine. Mine to tast' fffuck — «...a spurtberry?» her voice breaks into his mad mad head and he smiles back.
«I believe I'm distracted today, Alice, thinking about hats... A fez! Yes! Forgive me, love. What were you saying?»
He doesn't notice, at first, but then her cheeks turns of the prettiest shade of red, like two ripe, sweet peaches, and her eyes grow big and wide, her short breath on his face betrays some new emotion. He's so bewitched by her image — the tip of her tongue wet her lips, and he wants nothing more than to kiss her, and taste her, and let his mouth run down her skin of the neck to bite her there, and on the swell curve of her breasts — he forgets he's just called her love.
Alice's heart is thundering in her chest, but she doesn't know what do with it. Would it be so scandalous to touch him? She let her hand caress his knee, softly, with reverence. «What is a spurtberry, Tarrant?»
Oh, his name. Such a sweet sound on her lips. He closes his eyes — his iris are turning purple and it isn't good, very much not good — and he tries a smile. «Spurtberries! Yes, delicious. Wait, I may have some here» and he opens the basket again; his whole arm search for that plate deep inside the casket, as if it was as the deep as the heart, and finally he finds them. Round, bright red berries, as big strawberries, as round as blueberries and as sweet as currant. He takes one between his fingers and smiles. «Here, try it» he shows her how to bite.
And she bites. Her theet sink into the soft texture of the fruit while she hums her delight. It looks so innocent, his two slim fingers feeding her hungry lips and however, it feels so naughty and erotic — the way is index barely touches her lower lip, the moan in her throat as delicious juices flow down in her belly, that scarlet tint dripping down on the palm of his hand, and now on her chin too, and now — good gods, her white neck now painted in red. That single drop slides down on her skin, and slowly disappear behind the hem of the cobalt neckline. She has worne that dress, that one that shows so much of her fine body, and her think naked ankles; it wraps her like a previous gift. And her chest swells with fresh air, their dreamy gazes meet in mid air.
She barely breathes, and he knows now how their lips are just few inches away. Her sapphire eyes sparkle with want and desire. «Tarrant» she whispers.
«Yes?» — it pains him so much, please, he silently begs her, please I'm so miserable, my dear Alice.
«Don't you want to taste it, too?» and she smiles, teasing.
Tarrant smirks. «Yes.» And he kisses her.
Sure and firm his lips press on hers, and they catch fire. There's everything in that kiss, how they've missed each other, how deep is their need to belong, finally; they move together, the kiss depeens and their tongues make love amog their lips. It's slow and sensual, she's so sweet he thinks he could die right there, on the lovely softness of her mouth, listening to her little voice moaning his name. He growls. Gods — he hasn't felt this wild in a while, she inflames his desires. Hot, it feels so hot suddenly he aruptly takes off his cravat and unbutton his jacket, but that only turns on Alice's Muchness, for her bare hands grab the back of his neck, and his frizzy hair, and she takes him so tight — her mouth is so lovely open, her tongue slides over his upper lip and he snarls. Fuck. Yes. And he bites her, moaning her name, and suck lavishly on her tongue.
«Mmh — oh me' dear Alice, me' bonnie, luvely lass — lemme just, there, lemme taste your sweetness. Gods, lemme giv' ya everthin'» and he sucks on her neck. Her desperate cry of pleasure is the most perfect music. He's drinking on her, licking the purple trace of juice on her body, his tongue gliding down her naked chest. A kiss, another kiss. And he sucks, hard, leaving big red marks on her, if his name written on her skin. Her hands in his hair urge him; she's always been so greedy — his Alice — hungry for more, impatient and eager. There's no way he can open his mouth more or he'd swallow her all. He has to stop — he must. When he breathes into her breasts her scent fills his soul and he can just feel it, how hard he is. No pain has ever been so sweet. «Lemme luv you, lass. I want to tell you, how deep my live for you is, my Alice. Mine.» He presses his lips closed on her skin. «I will show you, luv — how I can give you the greatest pleasure with the tip of my tongue, and how you'll feel with my finger on your pretty, wet quim. Are you, Alice? Wet?»
It is, she is. Alice has no words, there's a hot warm feeling spreading between her legs and she's whimpering, begging him with wide, liquid eyes to touch her more, to kiss her more. Yes — those lips on her breasts feel so good, so soft and hungry. She embraces him, sliding her hand on his back; she just need so much of him against her body — more skin, more everything. «Off, Tarrant. Please, show me!»
They rip their clothes off: he takes off his waistcoat, his white shirt and he opens his breeches — it feels good, his hard clothed cock against her thigh as she fumbles with her gown. Avory long legs are now bare before his thirsty gaze. His fingers are rough, calloused on her skin and she squirms under his touch. Steady, yes — his Alice never wears stockings, or corset. Naughty, naughty girl. He licks his lips as a kitten in front of a delicious bowl of sweet cream. Her cream, yes, between her legs, on the soft flesh of her pink, virgin cunt. What a sight. «Do not be afraid, luv. Trust your mad, mad Hatter — for only good may come from such a sinful folly. Open your legs, open for me — yes, nice and wide my brave Alice.» He gently takes off his hat, and smirks maliciously as he sinks into that arousal.
He presses his lips on her wet flesh, kissing his way down her cunt; she suddenly whimper and whine, like a little cat begging for more. She doesn’t know what to do with her hands as her legs slowly open more, more, and she offers everything and every bit of pleasure she may give. Yes — she's gone for good, Madness has caught her finally, taken her to the warm ocean of lust in which she's drowing now. And it feels more than good. She was made for this. «Oh — Tarrant! More — God, more!»
«No gods here, love — just your faithful Hatter. Delicious, lovely Alice. Lemme ea'tis pretty pussie here.» Tarrant shoves his tongue inside her, there where sweet juices drips out of her sex and onto his lips, he licks and suck, and his skilled fingers caresses her most sensitive part. His thumb presses on that little bundle of nerves, her small clit, the lovely pearl between those pinky lips and she moans his name. Again. Greedy, ravenous, he's feeding on her — yes.
Alice grabs his hair, and finally starts to ride his face: she rocks her hips up and down, up and down taking everything, bucking into his hot mouth. More — she needs more, there yesyesyesyes. She's so empty, but of what she does not know. There something wrong, a void, and she's crying again for him. «Empty — so empty, Tarrant please! I need... I need —»
«I ken what ya need, luv.»
He lies on the blanket, taking her in his arm, kissing her cheek. His crotch humping against her thigh feels so good... And he can't wait anymore, two wide fingers thrust in, all the way in — inside her, so soft and tight, that virgin cunt takes him so well, it was made to be marked by his touch. And she arches her back so he can press into the perfect spot. «There, Tarrant!» and he knows what he's doing: come — his fingers sing into her soul, into her loins, turning on the burning flame of a sweet orgasm into her cunt. Licking his lips, he watches her losing control; her nails press deep in the flesh of his back, and can't help himself but wish to bring those scratches on his skin forever.
He bucks his hips against her, thrusting his hard cock on her soft hips, more and more, wetting his garments with precum and moaning in her ear. «Nngh — fffuck, Alice my luv, jus' like tha' — feel so good — good gurl.» And as she's rocking against the palm of his hand and his fingers shove deep inside, he's pressing his cock harder on her softness. It feel too perfect to last. There they are, shuddering hard as he sinks his theet on her neck, sucking another red love-bite, moaning her name — AliceAliceAlice — and she screams her pleasure, sobbing against his warm body, tears of happiness sliding down her pinky cheecks. Then, it subsides, slowly like the waves on the shore, and all that's left are their whispers of love. They kiss, barely pecking their lips, smiling happy together.
Tarrant eyes turns of the most intense, deepest green as she breathes against his neck, going limp in his arms. «Are you well, dearest?»
Alice smiles and reaches out to grab a little red Berry. She bites, scarlet juices dripping on her fingers; she let it slides on his chest — and he hisses, smiling knowingly. «Never better, Tarrat» she licks his neck. «But I believe now, it is my turn.»
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smokingtomas · 11 months
Goodbye, Hasashi
Summary: Takes place before the event of Mortal Kombat, you find yourself dealing with the certainty of losing Hanzo Hasashi, the captivating son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster whom you’ve been having a secret affair with, to someone else’s embrace in an arranged marriage. (Hanzo Hasashi/Female Reader)
AO3 / original Tumblr post / playlist
A/N: This fic is sort of an ode to the past– a fic that was written 7 years ago that I was highly insecure about. This was the last fic before I took a 6 month break and hadn’t created any fics for Mortal Kombat up until my recent one because this one really wore me out. I had been through hell and back to getting this published– quite literally had to drive myself to gloom to convey the emotions into this sole fic.
Reading it now, I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a proper love I hadn’t given back then. I really used to make fun of this– thinking this was cringey, which was unfair to my past self. But thankfully, I’ve grown up and am able to appreciate this a lot more. I didn’t even edit that much.
So If you are reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really hope you could feel how much this means to me these days.
Whew, sorry for the long/sentimental A/N.
“We visited Harumi and her family today.”
As soon as he speaks of those words, your entire body feels numb. The teapot you were tilting earlier immediately bumps the cup over, causing some of the tea to spill and mess your tabletop up. You can feel your lower lip slightly tremble– thankfully biting the inside of your mouth helps a little bit, but you are certain the gloom within your eyes can’t hide the pain.
What kind of strange woman wouldn't be hurt when her beloved is forced to leave her to be tied with some other woman? And to make it even worse, for political reasons.
This is Hanzo Hasashi you’re talking about. 
The feisty, passionate and… handsome son of the Grandmaster of Shirai Ryu whom you’ve been having a secret affair with for what, four-five months? Yes, it hasn’t been a lifetime, but for you, it does mean something in spite of how young you and him are.
Oh, but the relationship isn’t perfect. Both of you have to keep it a secret since you are nothing but a filthy huntress with no title and no one considering you-- your skills for survival are probably the only thing that has been keeping you alive for so long. If the Grandmaster ever found out about you two? Ah, the possibility of burying you alive is real.
Though to you, being in love with someone like Hanzo Hasashi and to have him love you back is like shooting for the stars, but got the moon instead. For once in your life, you feel like you’ve done something too good that this is blessed to you as your reward.
Turns out, it is nothing but an illusion. Because soon, he will fall into someone else’s embrace.
It’s not that he said something, but you knew that tonight is your last night with him as he mentioned a few nights ago about getting married the next day from now. No, you’re not actually planning on a sad farewell night, but staying positive is no simple task.
Time does fly indeed, and how you wish you realized this earlier. If it is possible to turn back time, you’d definitely do it just so you can hold him longer a few more times… or at least caress that pompous face of his every time he thinks he has impressed you with something he does...  
You will miss the way how light always pierces through his hazel eyes and makes them look sort of aglow-- if you could, you would look at them forever. You will miss how he rubs his nose every time he gets nervous and he always tells you to stop teasing him about it.
You will miss how his stubble slightly pierces you every time he presses his face against your skin. How he knows it itches you but he keeps on teasing you with it anyway. Though he knows you like it every time he buries his face on the crook of your neck when he makes sweet love to you.
Oh, Hanzo… how could you survive without him now?
As you feel a tear rushing towards the brink of your eye, you bring a finger up and wipe it away… realizing how much time is wasted since the first time you laid your eyes on his features.
Those eminences of him that hit you all at once. That one sunny day when peaches were harvested; the day that’s impossible to forget...
It was the time of the month when peaches were blooming beautifully. Everywhere you looked-- from trees to the market stalls-- there were those ripe, mouthwatering goodness. The sun shone friendly along with the thin air that would occasionally blow the thin strands of your locks. Birds were swarming beneath the bright blue sky stretching majestically above you, and some of them that were perching on trees seemed to be enjoying the sweet smell of the sunset-colored fruit by the way they chirped so cheerfully.
And there you were with a belly filled completely with peaches you picked earlier, cozying yourself up above a larger, leafier tree on one of its bigger branches as you soaked up the warmth of the sun, resting your head above your hands. The crystal clear lake spreaded close to the tree streamed calmly in sync with the crisp air, sending those leaves slow dancing and making them let out a calming shrivel. This was the kind of surrounding that could send those insomniacs drift off in no time, and the drowsiness just kicked in to you.
Your eyes were getting heavier at this point, but you could care less-- you could drift off any second and you weren’t fighting it. Eyelashes swung as your mouth parted slightly in comfort. Oh, it really was a good day to sleep…
When you just thought nothing could bother you at this moment, crunches were heard next to your tree, followed by a sound of a frustrated male groan. Your eyes shot open at the remark and you knew something was caught in the trap you had set earlier today.
Now, you set the trap for animals-- something you could surely eat, but why was the male sound present?
Hastily, you maneuvered yourself and climbed down the tree. Of course, you were dying to find out what was going on, and what laid before your eyes was way out of your expectation that you felt your jaw drop slightly.
And there was Hanzo Hasashi; inside your net trap hanging strongly beneath a tree trunk, letting his mid-length hair down framing his solid cheek bone. Beads of sweat dripped from his temple and you were guessing he had been running. His callous fingers were shaking the net while his other hand held a whole bunch of peaches, and you could see some of them sliding off his grip onto the ground. Frantic was clearly drawn all over his face, but what you couldn’t get your head wrapped around was the fact that he was dressed in a lousy brown hoodie and torn, old cargo pants.
Instantly, you recognized that face-- who wouldn’t? This was the first time you’ve seen him up close and… well he didn’t look bad. But you figured it would be fun to mess with him since he always looked so serious.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” You uttered smugly as you swung your knife. “Was expecting a deer, but got the Grandmaster’s son dressed like a hobo instead.”
His forehead wrinkled at your remark as his lips formed a perfect ‘o’, “What the… how did you know?!”
“Easy, you got one of those kunai in your pocket,” You scoffed, “And your mask fell off.”
He did not look happy by the way he palpated his bare face before letting out a growl, obviously just realizing his mask went down to his neck, “Alright look, huntress! You need to help me off and hide me! Quick!”
“And how could you think I would do that, Hasashi?”
“Because I just stole these peaches from the market!”
As you placed your knife back in one of your boots, you almost bursted out of laughter hearing his explanation. The son of Grandmaster stealing fruits? Now, that was funny. 
“What? Like you can’t afford it?” You mocked sarcastically.
“I was undercover and things sprawled out of my control so--” He snarled once again. “Listen! I don’t have time for this. The villagers are chasing me, and I need your help!”
“You know, help doesn’t come free these days. Even huntresses need some--” You cleared your throat, “Gold.”
Rolling his eyes in advance, he finally gave up, “Alright, I will hand you 50 gold coins if you let me off your net and hide me-- but quick!”
“50 golds? Okay, I’ll keep your stolen peaches for you.”
“I’ll keep your peaches, and probably won’t eat them.”
“You’re robbing me, huntress!” He exclaimed irritatedly, “Final offer; 150 golds, and you must help me.”
Satisfied with his offer-- and messing around with Grandmaster’s son-- you finally agreed as you got your knife out and made your way towards him to free him. “Don’t have to ask me twice.”
As you were cutting the ropes off the branch, for a split second you thought you could feel his eyes on you. Reflectively, you looked up to meet him. From the distance so close, the features of his face hit you all at once; his perfectly carved bone structure with light stubble framing his… alright, you had to admit he’s gorgeous. Though what hooked you the most were those sharp hazel eyes.
And then you felt your heart skip a beat.
Trying to regain your focus, you chose to ignore this weird feeling as you shook your head back to reality, keeping your hand on the work.
“Can’t you cut faster? They’re coming!” Exclaimed Hanzo.
“Hey, I could easily leave you here if you keep that attitude.” You replied without stopping your rough work.
Thankfully, he only clenched his teeth at your remark-- that was the least he can do, so you couldn’t complain.
Before you knew it, all the ropes were cut and his feet were set on the solid ground. All the peaches he was holding earlier fell onto the ground and you think he could care less in the way he sighed in relief.
“Now go climb that big, leafy  tree over there. As high as your feet can take you.” You ordered as you pointed to the tree you were resting on earlier. Without saying anything else, Hanzo quickly rushed towards the tree while you cleared his tracks by covering your net trap and peaches with some fallen leaves.
As footsteps and chatter were heard from a distance, you spread the leaves as nonchalantly as you could as if you were just about to set a trap-- just another day in the office.
Sooner than you had expected, a swarm of villagers were moving towards you, and they were bringing all kinds of things they could use as a weapon: a stick, shoes, even some fabric which you had assumed would be used to catch Hanzo.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop now!” You commanded, stretching your hands out to them as they immediately paused their tracks, “You take another step and all of you will get inside an animal trap I just set up hours ago.”
“Did you see a street boy coming this way?” Asked one of the villagers, “He stole my peaches!”
“I’ve been here for hours, and I’ve seen nobody. I can’t help you.” You replied.
“But I saw him go this way!” Another villager shouted, “And look! There’s a peach on the ground!”
Good God, what kind of eyes do these people have?!
“Hey, I picked those earlier as a part of my trap!” You lied.
“Bullshit! I don’t believe her! It’s just her way to save her kind. I say we go this way!” Another villager decided to interlope and crunk the heat of the situation.
“For the last time, I’ve been here for hours and I don’t see nobody coming by, alright? If you don’t believe me, please take another step so you all can rot together inside my trap!” You threatened the villagers which sent them into dead silence. Some of them actually showed fear on their faces and were debating if they should go back.
“Hey, what are you all waiting for? Go! Now! You’re scaring my food!” You demanded as the villagers went another way with nothing left to say-- you could hear some of them curse behind their breaths, though.
As you watched them slowly disappear, you made your way towards the tree on which Hanzo was hiding as you looked around to make sure the situation was thoroughly cleared.
Looking up, you placed a palm close to your mouth as you shouted at him, “Get down, Hasashi! You’re safe.”
“Nicely deceived, huntress,” He complimented as he showed himself beneath the leaves while he tried to climb down, “Those people could’ve hurt you easily.”
“I may be a woman, but I’m immune to pain, y’know.” You scoffed.
Hanzo stopped in his track regarding your remark, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “A little hard to believe, but--”
His voice trailed off as his feet stepped on a fragile branch and immediately lost his balance. It all happened so fast that the next thing you know after you shut your eyes in reflex of him falling off the tree was his robust figure over you.
The coarse feeling of the ground surely did not help the blinding pain on your head and hip.
“Ouch! Ah...” You grunted in pain as were him, “Fuck, you’re heavy as hell!”
Out of your expectation, Hanzo bursted out laughing at your remark over you as he rearranged his arms next to your head instead of immediately raising up to his feet. In this sort of inappropriate position of his, you could feel his perfectly sculpted chest above you and the unexpected tremor lining between your legs.
You were certain you could feel yourself blushing over the somewhat awkward situation, but in that moment, you were sure of one thing; he’s a hard candy with a surprise center.
But no, you weren't going to convey your thoughts aloud.
“What’s so funny, Hasashi?” You snapped under him.
“I knew you weren’t immune to pain,” He replied playfully, “I’m always right.”
“You did this on purpose?!” You shouted as you gave his shoulder a push in order for you to raise up, “Ugh! Get off me you sicko!”
Even though he was still laughing uncontrollably, he did as you say and ascended up to his feet. He stretched a hand for you, but instead of taking it, you pouted your lips and got up by yourself.
Not because you didn’t want to, you just refused to give him any ideas.
As he regained his self control and his laugh slightly dimmed-- but obviously still couldn’t get over it, he said: “Alright, alright, I apologize. And thank you, for your help.”
“For a Shirai Ryu, that was really shallow of you,” You pouted, crossing your arms, “But I guess I can let it go.”
As you were trying to straighten your dirty outfit, Hanzo asked: “So, have a name, huntress?”
Surprised by what you had heard, you turned your attention to him and scorned, “Yeah right, asking her name after getting them under you-- way to go, Hasashi!”
“It’s Hanzo,” He chuckled, “If you want to retrieve your gold, we need to see each other in a few days.”
“Is this how a Hasashi flirt?”
He shrugged at your remark, “I’m not exactly denying it, but suit yourself.”
You quickly turned your head away as you felt your cheek heating up. Despite him being good at this, you weren’t going to let him be an asshole about it.
Gathering your things as if you were ready to leave, you let out a chuckle at his remark as you hung your belongings on one shoulder, “Keep your gold, Hanzo. I don’t need it,” You assured before throwing him one of the peaches he had stolen which he reflectively caught with one hand.
“I only need one of these,” You added, sinking your teeth into another peach in your hand without caring about its juice that dripped all over your palm before you took some steps back away from him, “These are good peaches you have stolen.”
As the sight of him got slightly further, you could see him stretching both of his arms as he raised his tone, “So should I see you or not?”
“I don’t know, what do you think?” You shouted.
“I really think I should!”
At his assertion, you stopped your tracks and sank your teeth inside the peach once more as you shrug, “Well, you’ve found my hideout.”
As you turned your attention back on the road, you found yourself smiling. As much as you were dying to see his facial expression, you decided not to and keep this little game of yours happening.
Without knowing what the future will bring.
“Are you there?”
“Uh… yeah, yeah.” Startled by the depth of his voice, you hurry your fingers and wipe the vestiges of your tears, settling your feet back to earth as the trip down the memory lane has you caught up. “I just-- I made a mess.”
You grab the steaming cup of tea as you make your way to the edge of the bed and hand him his beverage, sitting next to him afterwards. You’re not sure how you can make it through this night, but you need to try as if nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. For his sake.
“So uh…” Trying to sound as normal as possible, you mutter while he takes a sip from the cup,  “How is she?”
Hanzo deliberately retreats the cup off his lips and rests his forearm above his thigh. The way his head falls tells you that sorrow is consuming him alive. His hazel eyes that usually glow with spirit are now covered by woe. 
As a sigh escapes his mouth, he simply replies, “She’s… kind.”
“I bet she’s beautiful.” Your lips twitch up into a wry smile. “More beautiful than what people have said about her.”
For what you have heard about Harumi, her beauty is beyond compare to even the most beautiful flower. Her long hair is the color of a midnight sky with ivory skin wrapped around her slender, small figure. People even say that her honey colored eyes beam brighter than the moonlight, and when she speaks, her voice is as soothing as a summer rain.
At your remark, Hanzo takes a short pause before he weakly shrugs, still refusing to turn his attention to you.
As you run your fingers through his soft, black locks, your gaze is locked at his complexion you’ve grown to love that not even the chill of misty, starless night sky displayed beneath your window pane overshadowed his beauty. No matter how much you’d love to mourn with him, you know you need to stay strong for him and not making this fucked up situation even worse.
Though if you look back, you wish you’d never meet him.
But ah, it’s too little too late now; you’ve fallen for him. You should’ve been ready for the risk of having to give him up to someone else-- someone better than you. You must be kidding yourself if you think he’d actually be your forever.
“It doesn’t matter,” He suddenly utters, “She’s not you.”
“And that’s better, right? I mean, look at me.” You scoff, ”Who am I kidding? I--”
“Can you stop making this about you for once?!” Cutting you off, his strenuous voice suddenly fills the empty room as he recoils your fingers off him. His profound gaze towards you clearly shows nothing but unhappiness.
“Hanzo, who says this is about me? I’m just trying to make it better for you.” You assure firmly.
“All you’ve been doing is making this worse for me!”
“How is that so?” 
“Did you think I asked for this? Did you think I wanted to make this choice?” He bleaks. Eyes gleaming with pain, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this.
“Well, no, but--”
“Then your attempt on making it better is useless! Because it’s sad enough for me to have to choose the clan over you!”
As he winds his attention away from you and buries his face above his palm, you sense the frigid of the night starts seeping inside your bones. This empty space you call your sanctuary feels even more depressing than it already is. You gently press your palms against the wonky mattress so it’ll make some noise within the silence that’s slowly killing you.
At this moment, you’re lost for words. You feel like you should say something, but your jaw feels rigid and your throat is just drying away. Even the spider in the corner of the room seems to have more of an idea of what it’s doing as its little feet slowly knitting its web. 
Unlike you. Clueless of what to say-- let alone doing something about it. You know you shouldn’t have fallen this deep with someone as powerful as the son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster, but for some reason your heart calls for him, and you knew in that moment you laid your eyes on his hazel ones, he’s what it’s longing for.
But why is it longing for someone you know you shouldn’t go for? How you wish you could rip your heart off your chest and throw it into the ocean, even though you know it wouldn’t be as painful as how you’re feeling right now.
“Wow…” You finally mumble slowly, relieving the silence.
“You’re madly in love with me, aren’t you?”
At your remark, Hanzo gradually lifts his head and turns his interest to you. Unlike before, he looks much calmer right now, but you can tell he’s still absorbing the pain of this state like a sponge. It’s like he knows you already know the answer to your own question-- heck, you’re not even sure why you asked such a question in the first place.
But one thing you know for sure-- whatever his answer is, it’s going to crush your soul.
Whilst he elevates his shoulders, he lets out a sigh. “To the point where I would actually give it all up,” Hanzo weakly answers.
At this point, you can already hear your heart cracking through your ears.
“By the Gods…” You grumble, running your fingers through your locks as you shortly stand up and taking a few steps away from him, heading to the small, dusty window ahead of you. Greeting you is a cloudy night sky-- a sky so cloudy that even the moon chooses to hide itself underneath the thick, gray clouds; a bed of sky that perfectly describes your feelings.
In a perfect world, if someone just told you they’re madly in love with you, your heart will fly as if it had wings of its own. Turns out in your case, the wings your heart once had are torn apart by force.
You know he loves you-- he’s said it before. But madly? Oh, how you wish you could ask him to stay. Though what’s breaking you the most is that you know you couldn’t.
As you feel your face heats up and clumps of tear start to cloud your vision, you can hear the bed squeaking with Hanzo’s footsteps following behind as he asks for your conviction, “Aren’t you?”
You press your palms against your eyes, gulping hard so your answer won’t be as croaky. After all, the point is to hide your sorrow from him.
Alas, your attempt seems to fail as you feel a tear slide down your left cheek, and you just find it hard to even contain yourself, “To the point where the whole world shatters with my heart when you told me you’re marrying somebody else.”
All of the sudden, you can feel two robust arms gently wrapped around your figure together with a strong cheekbone resting on the side of your face. The familiar warmth instantly drowns you in and you welcome the strong arms in your embrace. You don’t even mind the stubble that you normally would push away because of how it pierces through your skin, but you know even your skin will miss the slight roughness when it’s gone.
“I know,” Hanzo responds simply by leaving a peck on your temple, “I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry too…” You bring one hand to caress his cheek, which slowly trails down to the side of his neck, “Shirai Ryu needs you, Hanzo. Don’t ever give it up, especially for me.”
“I just never thought that-- I would have to lose you for it.” He brittles, keeping his gaze far away as if he’s looking for some understanding.
“It’s the risk we should’ve prepared for.” You enlighten him as you turn yourself around and face him, cupping his jaw afterwards. His hand slowly slides down at your movement and you adore how they circle your waist perfectly. “ If I could turn back time, I really wish we’d never met-- let alone giving you a helping hand. Because even then I know, if I ever fell for you, I could never get back up.”
As your hands gradually travel to the nape of his neck, you pull him closer to you as he closes his eyes. His heavy breath pools down your frame and you add, “And now, I guess it got the best of me.”
At your confession, Hanzo stays still as if he's decided to get lost in your embrace and enjoy the closeness between him and your features. His hands stay ringing on your lower back and you don't think you'd want him to ever let go.
At the same time your fingers dig through his scalp, you whisper as you let out a feeble smile, “But you're my sweetest doom, Hasashi. And I've never felt more alive.”
It feels like you haven't had time to absorb your next move, but the next thing you know is that his lips brushes against yours like a drop of water in the middle of Sahara-- a kiss so chaste, so pure it could brace even the faintest heart.
As soon as he retracts himself, he mumbles, “Anata wa watashi no yume no josei da.” 
You're the woman of my dreams. His words are like a magnet to your soul and you’re instantly drawn to him. Another drop of tear slithers down your cheek as you let out a weak chuckle, and your lips yearn for him in a blink of an eye.
Against his lips, you let your lips slow dance with his moist ones as if it has a mind of its own, cupping his jaw and you let his hands roam every inch of your body. In this very tranquility-- and with his lips attached to yours, what’s been troubling your mind seems to be forgotten. Maybe making these last moments just for the two of you to embrace might be the best.
Still, you and Hanzo devour each other in your own utopia, and you’re not planning on letting go soon. Even when the heat of his hands slowly but skilfully undo the buttons of your top, your mind has its own way to stop working.
And as if new minds are planted at your fingertips, you let them do their work in unclasping his belt and out of his uniform.
You’re not sure how long it takes for your back to finally feel the softness of the bedsheet, but you know at that moment, your brain has retired and your heart is at work.
And for the rest of the night, there are only moans, ragged breathing, and the creak of the bed to be heard.
“I love you. Did you know that?” Hanzo’s voice is low and tense.
His gaze meets yours in the dim room filled with candle light. You rest your head above his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your figure. Legs intertwined and there’s nothing you love more than how his bare, warm skin collides with yours in silence under the sheet. The way his thumb slowly flatters your chin lets you know that he means what he says.
“Kind of,” With a smile, you nod, “You’ve said it a few times by now.”
You don’t need anymore assertion from him by the way he harbors his lips on your forehead softly. You’re not sure what it is with the forehead kisses he gives, but all you know is that they give you the thrill, and you can even feel it even through his fingertips that still caresses your back.
“Hanzo,” You call him tenderly, to which he responds with a small hum, “Do you have any regrets?”
For a split second, his forehead wrinkles as if he’s thinking about the true meaning of your random question, but he doesn’t keep you waiting until you start to get nervous.
“Ah, regrets?” He sighs, “I think my life itself is based on it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… by now you must have been aware that being born into a clan isn’t something I ask for. When I grew up and accepted it, my father didn’t allow me to participate in the clan’s business-- quite strange, but again, I accepted it until he proposed this...”
His voice suddenly trails off before he rolls away from you. Your body still lies above his arm, but the empty gaze he’s showing tells you that he’s trying his best to stay composed. Even though you swear for a split second there you see his eyes sort of glisten.
“...forced marriage I don’t even want, and making it the only way for me to be involved in Shirai Ryu.” Hanzo continues.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper weakly, not knowing what to say but to move your body closer to him and rest your palm on his chest, supporting your weight with your other arm.
A hopeless sigh leaves his mouth at your remark. His eyes are fixed to the torn out paint mark on the roof as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world, but you know the corner of his eyes are watching you.
Despite the woe that is drawn clearly through his face, he still looks beautiful.
Shortly, however, he shifts his body to your direction so you’re now face to face as he mirrors your position, causing the sheet to maneuver in sync with the movement of his solid figure.
“But do you know what my biggest regret is?” Hanzo triggers.
You shrug in response, by which he answers, “It’s not being able to choose you.”
His words sure don’t catch you by surprise-- you’ve known all along about his feelings towards you, but it sure leaves your stomach knotting and your gaze to drop. 
When you thought things couldn’t get any worse, he adds as he reaches for your hand, “See, I’ve never thought about marriage until I-- until I fall in love with you. Since then, I always thought if I ever got married, it was going to be to you.”
And in this moment, your heart drops. And it’s smashed into pieces.
You wish you could decide your own fate if you knew you were going to fall this deep for him. You wish you’d been born someone else-- someone like Harumi just so you could stay with Hanzo. Or at least you wish your soul could leave your body and stay inside Harumi’s so you could still feel the warmth of his body next to you every night.
And in this moment, you hate yourself as much as you hate the universe.
It hurts to be you. It hurts so much that the pain seeps into your chest. You wish you could go up on a limb and pull your hair so hard that it pricks your scalp as you scream your heart out to the universe for such an injustice. 
Breathing seems like no easy task as your vision gets blurry with a layer of tear in your eyes, and it’s about to stream freely anytime soon. You’re just thankful your face is dipped and Hanzo can’t see how much of a blubbering mess you are.
“I-I don’t know what to say…” With a croaky voice, you mumble.
And the unbearable tear finally drips.
“Shush, hey.” Hanzo’s voice is soothing. A thumb of his is brought up to your cheek as it wipes off your tear, “I’ve never seen you cry before.”
You decide to ignore his remark and keep your face to the sheet. Besides, it seems pretty reasonable to cry-- you can’t possibly stay rock hard when your world has appeared to turn upside down. 
Lifting your chin up so your eyes meet his, he despondently says, “Maybe this is how we are destined to be-- you and me, against the universe. I just wish we could win this battle by… coming clean.”
“Don’t, Hanzo. Please… It’s too late now.”
“I guess you’re right.” He sighs, taking a short pause. But then a ray of light emerges within his face, “But Harumi will be the one moving here once we get married. Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
You raise an eyebrow in confusion at his statement, “You mean… we’ll still see each other when you’re married?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
Surprisingly, you’re not feeling better-- your heart is still broken and it refuses to fix itself even when Hanzo tells you nothing’s changing. Inside, you know it’s not entirely true.
But for some reason, you find yourself fetching him an uncertain smile realizing your head goes empty at his words.
And your body still freezes as he moves even closer to you before his lips reach for yours tenderly. His palm finds your jaw before you find yourself, once again, under his mercy.
Oh, you’re dying to say a word-- about how wrong this feels, but you forget that the power of his kiss could shed away even the hardest problems.
And that’s exactly what it’s doing as you find yourself lost within it.
“Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
Those words Hanzo said keeps echoing in your head like it’s shouted in one hollow room. No matter how many times you try massaging the bridge of your nose or even simply shut your eyes, drifting into a peaceful slumber appears impossible.
You shift your head to your left, and there he is. Eyes closed, looking serene with his lips perfectly formed in one single line. The sound of his unwavering breaths could usually doze you off, but not tonight.
Because deep down, you know it won’t be yours to hear the next day.
Your hand reaches out for his stubble, and the way your hand gently caresses it is as if it knows it’ll be the last time you feel the slight pierce. You know you will surely miss how it feels on the back of your hand that slides softly on the curve of his cheekbone.
No-- you knew even then you have to leave him some time, and you’re afraid the moment has arrived.
As you gaze into his aristocratic frame, your brain searches for a reason to stay-- for you to possibly have him near you as long as you can.
But no matter how hard you dig, the thought of the future always buries the hope back even deeper. The thought of his warmth being someone else’s to cherish leaves a huge burden in your heart. 
And no, that is not the only thing that troubles you-- what if they have children someday? Of course, Hanzo would be happy to have his descendants, and he’s going to love them with all his heart.
And in time, you know he will eventually fall for Harumi.
At those thoughts, you can feel as if a dagger stabs your heart repeatedly, but the pain is nothing compared to the fact that this is the last time you will witness his fair looking face. 
And that… you have to let yourself out of his life.
Right now, there’s no use holding the tears back-- you let them stream freely this time as your mind wanders to the happier times you’ve spent with Hanzo, and how you wish you could do something to turn back time and let yourself showered with joy all over again.
But even by sacrificing your soul to the most powerful God, you know it’s not feasible.
With a heavy heart, you wipe away your tears before forcing the stiffness of your feet to move and out of the sheet, making sure to keep your movement slowly so you don’t wake him up. 
Keeping yourself as stealthy as possible, you put on your clothes and gather your things before you sit in one corner of the room to write him a farewell letter, glancing one in a while at his direction. You can feel your hand shaking as tears keep flowing down your cheek, but you try your hardest to power through the sorrow and ignore those tears that drop on the paper.
Dearest Hanzo,
I'm sorry I have to leave you like this, but I can't stand the thought of me being in the middle of your marriage. I understand this is not a part of your will, but you will have to learn to love her in time, just like you did to me.
I want you to know that this is hard for me to do, but I know I'm leaving you in a good hand-- she will take care of you and love you with all her heart. For that, I'm grateful, and I'm lucky.
But if by any chance we meet again in the future, I'm hoping to see the same spirit and light I've witnessed in you these past couple of months. By then, I can always remember that one summer we spent under the peach tree, and how it will always bring joy to my heart. 
Even though I might not be the one that puts that smile on your face, knowing you're well and happy is more than enough for me.
I love you, always.
P.S: Anata wa watashi no yume no otokoda.*
Finished writing the letter, you slowly maneuver to his side of the bed and you kneel down, placing the letter neatly next to his resting face as you take one last glance at his perfection.
After landing your lips swiftly on his cheek, you stroke him and slowly whisper, “Goodbye, Hasashi.”
As you step out the door, you turn your head back to this worn-out hideout you’ve called your sanctuary for the last year-- the place you’ve made most memories at, and you know you’re not going to easily forget everything.
Now, you’re not sure where your feet will take you. You have to survive in some other strange place and start a new life on your own, going back to the solitude you haven’t felt ever since your first encounter with Hanzo Hasashi.
You’re not sure how you’re going to survive without him by your side, but as you sweep the tears off your cheek and move forward, you know you somehow will.
*you’re the man of my dreams
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rowanthesorcerer · 5 months
Arcana and Last Legacy characters making you a cup of coffee
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(because idk that’s fun and cute and i wanna write little things like this, feel free to request more if you’d like anything specific or anyone specific)
i haven’t really done this sort of thing before, so my writing might not be the best, i hope you enjoy it anyways.
let’s set the scene, you’re chilling in a comfy room, you’re so damn comfy, you will not be moving. someone else comes in, you ask them to make you a coffee pretty please
Asra- More than happy to make you a coffee, They go straight to the kitchen and make both of you a cup (though maybe Asra would have tea instead). The coffee would probably me a Mocha, a pretty sprinkle of hot chocolate on the top. they come back with this super cute, very tasty drink for you. you’d both then settle in for a cosy chat. the drinks probably wouldn’t get finished though, both of you would be so cosy and you’d fall asleep.
Julian- agrees happily to make you a drink, he goes to the kitchen and then freezes. what exact drink do you want? he comes back to ask you. he goes back to the kitchen and begins making it. wait did you want sugar in it? he comes back to ask again. once he’s done making your coffee, he’d probably make one for himself too. then he’d bring both cups with him back to the room. he’d watch you take the first sip of your drink to make sure it’s good and it’s the way you like it. once you’ve assured him a thousand times that it’s good he’ll relax.
Nadia- she’d likely be making a drink for herself, and she’d offer to make you one as well. she’d return with the most gorgeous coffee you’ve ever seen in your life, it has a lovely latte pattern on the top (dunno where she learnt to do that but she’s a woman of many talents). the coffee is also delicious and you both drink your drinks whilst you chat.
Portia- delighted that you’d ask her, she has a chance to show off her skills (maybe she’s the one that taught Nadia how to do Latte patterns). she makes two delicious drinks, probably sweet with sugar, milk or chocolate. She’d then snuggle up next to you, bury the both of you in blankets and you’d have a nice cosy chat.
Muriel- very surprised that you’d ask him to make you a drink. asks what exactly you’d like, hoping that it’s a simple one, so he can make it well. he’d make the drink, come back and ask if you like it. of course you do. seeing you happy makes him happy.
Lucio- He’s got this, he can make a coffee, how hard can it be? you’d hear plenty of clattering as he searches the cupboards for the things he needs. eventually he’d make something that resembles a coffee. he’d watched Nadia make the Latte patterns before, he tries to make his own Latte pattern, it ends up looking like a blob of milk foam, that’s ok. he brings you the drink, makes sure you like it. it’s surprisingly decent, when you tell him it’s good, he’s delighted, proud of himself for making the coffee and happy to be making you happy.
Anisa- she’s on it right away, no problem. she’d make a drink, but would MC like it? she tries a sip, no, it’s too sweet. she makes another cup, this one is too bitter. eventually she brings you a drink, she doesn’t tell you she’s taken a sip of it, nor does she tell you how many cups she made already. she’d watch to make sure it’s ok. once she’s sure you’re happy with your drink, she might settle down next to you.
Sage- a coffee? not beer? just a non alcoholic coffee? ok… he’d go to the kitchen to try and figure out how you make coffee, he’s seen the others do it. he makes something that looks ok…ish…no that’s just milk and water, he adds the coffee in. he comes back and gives it to you, it’s probably not perfect but you’re grateful he tried, he seems happy that you “like” it.
Felix- he’s probably reading somewhere in the room, at first he’s a little upset that he has to get up, but you do look cosy. very well. he gets up and makes himself some tea whilst he’s there, using magic he brings a teapot with him, some sugar cubes, spoons, nice cups, the lot. he sets down the things on the table, asks if you want sugar in your drink, if yes, he puts the cubes in for you before handing you the coffee. you thank him and you both go back to your respective activities. Felix does sneak a few glances at you to make sure you’re enjoying the coffee though.
Rime- make it yourself. he’d walk off. a little while later he’s back though, he’s got two glasses of ice coffee (i know he likes Hot chocolate the most, but i think maybe he’d like caramel iced coffee too). he claims he made too much coffee and no one else wanted one. he sets the glass in front of you, calls you lazy for not making your own coffee and goes to leave, you thank him and he responds with “whatever” but he does have a little smile on his face. the coffee might be poisoned, it tastes great though so it’s worth it.
Elowen- will only make you one if she’s making one for herself. don’t request anything fancy. she brings your drink to you, you thank her and that’s that. (still love her tho)
Tulsi- mumbles about you being as lazy as her idiot brother the entire time, but she does make a nice cup of coffee for you. when you thank her, she responds with “yeah you’re welcome” and she does smile “you’re making one for me next time though” to which you agree
that’s the end of that, i hope y’all like them. i struggled an ickle bit with some characters but i hope you all think they’re in character enough. i had this idea in my head for a while and finally i decided to write it and share it with y’all. it’s just a little silly something. content is content and i love these scrunklies.
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inthehytes · 7 months
60 because christmas is almost here 😌
I don’t feel like scrolling far enough to find the original post but the general gist was kissing underneath some mistletoe!! I’m also bridging the gap between Halloween and Christmas with centuries old witch Sasha and her little human wife partaking in Christmas festivities. Anyway enjoy!! :))))
“Did you have fun tonight?” Anetra’s lips graze Sasha’s forehead as she speaks, the familiar scent of her shampoo filling Anetra’s nostrils. She’s almost asleep against Anetra’s side despite the fact that they’re still in the cab on the way back to their apartment.
The holidays were in full swing which meant more parties and dinners than Anetra knew what to do with. Marcia had managed to talk them into a four hour dinner complete with all of their friends, dancing table decorations, and even a singing angel from the top of the tree.
“Mmm, Mash always has the best parties. Remember last year with the teapot?” Her breath tickles Anetra’s neck with the sleepy laugh she lets out. Anetra shushes her gently, eyeing the cab driver even though he doesn’t seem to be listening.
“Easy baby, the wine must have been strong tonight.” She murmurs when Sasha goes to ramble about the singing teapot their friend had managed to enchant the previous year. It was a feat that had even Sasha scratching her head on how her prodigy turned friend had pulled it off
“Wine? No, no it was the-“
She’s cut off with a kiss, distracting her just in the nick of time as the driver eyes them warily in the back seat. She’s unsure if he’s concerned about what Sasha’s saying or the odds that they’ll try to get too frisky in the grimy backseat. Thankfully he only clears his throat quietly and they’re left to their own devices for the rest of the ride. He bids them goodbye with a strange look cast at the pair but says nothing, especially as he pockets the hearty tip he’d been slipped.
The air in the lobby is nearly stifling when they cross the threshold, the radiators working overtime to combat the frigid air outside. Anetra nods to the night worker as she guides Sasha to the elevator and presses the button for their private floor. Sasha’s leaning against the wall scrolling idly on her phone, only looking away from it when she feels Anetra’s gaze. Her cheeks are flushed from the drinks and substances that were passed around. She lets Anetra smooth her hair down where it had gotten messed up in the car and claims Anetra’s hand in her own when the door dings quietly to alert them of the elevators arrival.
There were many perks to loving a centuries old witch, Anetra mused, and getting to have the top floor of the building all to themselves was definitely high on the list. Their door key unlocks the button for their floor and the doors slide shut almost immediately after Anetra presses the button. The lift plays instrumental versions of the holiday classics, quiet enough to just be heard over the dings that signal each passed floor as the elevator climbs higher and higher.
She could already hear the shuffling of Junie, their giant fluffy cat, on the other side of the door when they reach their floor. Quiet meows and the occasional tinkling of the bell on her collar accompany the jingling of Anetra’s keys as she tried to open their door. No matter how hard Anetra tried, the lock wouldn’t budge, and she soon gave up her efforts in hopes of not snapping her key into pieces.
“Sweetheart? Do you have your key on you? Mine isn’t working for some reason.” She’s trying her hardest not to jostle Sasha where the elder woman has made herself cozy leaning on Anetra’s shoulder to watch.
“‘S not the key.” Sasha's intoxicated mumble is half hidden in Anetra’s chest, her hand fiddling with the pocket on the back of Anetra’s pants.
“What do you mean it’s not the key? Did something happen to the door while I was out today?”
“Not the door either. Look up.” Sasha’s fingers are beneath Anetra’s chin, pressing at the strong bone there until Anetra’s craning her head to see the top of their door’s frame. Pinned to the painted wood is a tiny sprig of mistletoe, sat so innocently placed that if Anetra didn’t know Sasha better she would think it was just a festive decoration.
“Did you plant this so I would have to kiss you every time we come home?” She’s fighting to keep the grin off her face, watching fondly as Sasha’s expression morphs into a proud one.
“Genius right? Now pay up, I want to take a bath before bed.” Her bottom lip pouts playfully and she rocks up on her toes to get closer.
Anetra meets her half way, pressing their lips together in chaste fashion, eager to get inside and take off her heels. She lets Sasha steal a few more before pulling away to open the door, certain that the magic mistletoe would be satisfied with their showing. She was proven wrong when the lock still held firm.
“You have to do a lot better than that if you want inside.” Sasha teases, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she leans against the cool surface of their door.
Anetra huffs a laugh and leans in once more, pulling Sasha close by the hips and claiming her lips in a biting kiss. Sasha’s hands tangle in Anetra’s soft red hair, tugging her satisfaction at what felt like being kissed within an inch of her life. She’s beginning to form the idea of having her way with the wicked witch right there against the door in their hallway when the wood behind Sasha’s back suddenly gives way.
It opens with a soft whine from its hinges sending Anetra and Sasha tumbling to the ground in a heap. The pair share a dumbfounded look, silent even as the door swings itself shut behind them and locks with a satisfying click.
“Now that’s not something I taught the mistletoe to do.” Sasha almost looks sheepish despite the gears in her mind turning on how to solve the problem of a rogue enchanted door when Anetra cracks. They dissolve into each other, laughing until their sides hurt from the absurdity of the whole situation.
“Hundreds of years on the earth and teaching the front door autonomy is the best that you can do?” Anetra teases as soon as they have their wits, squealing when Sasha leverages her weight to flip them over and land on top.
“Just wait until you see what I’ve done with the garland around the bedposts.” The way Sasha’s preening down at her makes Anetra think she’s going to find out rather quickly just what her wife had done.
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winters8child · 1 month
It´s been a long, long time
Chapter 12
After we were done talking to Dr. Erskine, he had told us to be at Camp Lehigh in two days, we went outside looking for Bucky. He was waiting leaning on a lamppost and even if I hated the fact he was going to war, he looked damn good in that uniform. When he saw us he sighed a breath of relief, "So everything good? You were taking your sweet sweet time in there.". I decided that, without knowing what was expecting us at Camp Lehigh, I chose not to tell Buck about Dr. Erskine. I did not want him to worry, he needed a clear head for what was ahead of him.
"Well we are here now so, lets go dancing.", I said cheerily. I felt better now, knowing that maybe I could help and did not have to wait back here like a damsel in destress. Steve shuffeled around and shook his head "You two go, Im exhausted and I cant dance anyway so…". Bucky hugged him asking "Are you sure?", Steve nodded and said "Be careful. Dont win the war till I get there!" Bucky saluted him and I gave Steve a quick hug whispering "See you in two days".
The dancing venue was tightly packed, full of soldiers like Bucky, that were here to enjoy their last night home. I was not a fan of dancing but this was Buckys last night so I would have done anything he asked of me. We sat down at a table for two and gave our drink orders to the waitress, I decided on a glass of red wine and Bucky had some whiskey. Not long after we sat down, Bucky got up and asked me to dance. I took his hand and we walked to the dance floor while "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by the Andrew Sisters was playing.
Almost everyone was dancing so the dance floor was full, not allowing to make any big movements but still, Bucky seemed to have fun and that was all I ever wanted. The song was over and it changed to a more slower romantic tune and I made a move to sit down but Bucky stopped me "Just this one dance doll" and how could I have said no to that and it was just dancing, whats the worst that could happen. He put his hand on my waist, I put my hands on his shoulders and we were swaying to the music. Our bodies were so close to each other that I was afraid he could feel my heart beat out of my chest. As if I was not nervous enough he started to look at me and smile dreamily, I was a goner.
I blushed, I started sweating and there was that "I gotta throw up" feeling again and here I thought I had left those things behind. Beeing Buckys friend was hard but dancing with him was impossible. He would not stop looking at me and to make matters worse he opened his mouth too "You are most dear to my heart and everyday that Im away, I will hope to come back to you.". I must have looked like a tomato by that point and the sweating intensified. "Buck…I", he interrupted me "Let us just enjoy this evening, let these mermories sustain me while Im gone." I did not know what to say to that, so we kept dancing until the venue closed up.
He accompanied me home later that night and I walked as slow as I could, because I did not want the night to end. He must have thought the same, since he matched my pace. After the shortest 10 minutes of my life, we were standing at my front door. Bucky took my hand and kissed it while looking straight into my eyes, this evening was not going the way I had imagined. Despite my best efforts to remain calm I asked breathily "Want to come inside, for a cup of tea?" which he agreed to and that was the first mistake I made that night.
I unlocked the door and let him go inside, I took a deep breath and followed him. I felt shaky allover and a cold sweat broke out over my skin, I was so nervous that I almost fainted. "So what kind of tea are we having?" he asked snapping me out of my reverie. "Uhm I have earl grey and peppermint tea", i answered. I wanted to keep occupied so I went into the kitchen, preparing the teapot. I could not focus on the task at hand, thinking about Bucky beeing at my appartment at night…alone. He would leave tomorrow morning and I felt like we were not here to drink tea or maybe I was just beeing delusional.
Bucky came into the kitchen asking if I needed some help but I shook my head and promptly dropped the teabags I was holding. He crouched down to pick them up, looking into my eyes the whole time. He straightend up and handed them to me but did not let go of my hand. "I dont like tea…", he whispered and closed the space between us without breaking eye contact. I wanted to say that I have coffee too but my throat dried up and all I did was stare. His face got closer and closer as he grabbed my face with both hands and crashed his lips against mine.
I should have been shocked or panicked but all I could think of were the last 11 years, all the tears I had shed, all the feelings I had to hide away and so i put all of those unfelt emotions into that one kiss. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer as he pushed me against the counter. His hands were in my hair, then on my waist, they were roaming my body hungrily, as if he wanted to feel every part of me. All the while kissing me with a fervor I had only dared to dream of. The sensations were intoxicating, with the taste, sight, and feel of his skin and lips sending a jolt of arousal through my body. Eventually we ran out of breath and had to break apart but he did not let go of my face and whispered "Tell me to leave and I will go.". Just the thought of him leaving now made me want to curl up and cry so I shook my head, took his hand and led him into my bedroom.
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