#anyway witchcraft is always a journey and there's always more to learn and experience
unsettlingcreature · 8 months
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Slowly reconfiguring my altar space but I'm gently adding Halloween decorations as September passes and October approaches, I'm personally obsessed with the little ghost lights. Anyway I don't have a dedicated sideblog for this stuff anymore so I'm just slapping it on main :)
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thrashkink-coven · 5 months
My Skepticism and my Faith
Above is a video of my Lord Lucifer showing himself to me by manipulating a candle flame after receiving an offering. I love when they show up like this. It’s always so special. The light of Eosphoros is magnificent! Ave Lucifer! 🖤🖤🖤
I now have permission to share this video.
I actually wanna use this post to talk about something I don’t see talked about enough. Enjoy my high magical ramblings friends.
The various entities that I have had the opportunity to work with throughout my life have taught me different things. I started my magical journey from a extremely sceptical standpoint. I have always been intrinsically drawn to the occult and magic in general, but being that I am a very logical person, I saw my craft more as a hobby rather than any kind of real spiritual hoo ha.
As I’ve continued to study and practice and learn, I try to remain skeptical in everything that I do. I will say that I truly do believe that my experiences are what I perceive them to be, but a healthy amount of skepticism is essential for magick work, at least it has been for me.
Sometimes though, I will admit, there are times that I have experienced things that have scared the shit out of me. Things that, if I were not literally trying to talk to angels Gods and daemons, would freak me the fuck out.
Jophiel was extreme with that. The time in my life that Jophiel really began to reveal himself to me was a bewildering time. Jophiel essentially haunted me for months with incredibly cryptic and detailed dreams, and I legitimately thought I was losing my mind. Not in a funny way. Jophiel never aggressed me, but having to actually sit and think “it’s actually like, real, like really real,” is something unlike anything else. I think it’s essential.
It was certainly essential for my path with Lucifer. Eosphoros is active and responsive, more so than even Jophiel. He is present in the space and does things that are very inexplicable. He blows my mind every day.
My magic can’t be done half heartedly. Jophiel knew that, I can’t question the legitimacy of my spells if I want them to manifest. They do manifest, they always have. If I really wanted to develop as a real practitioner, a witch, or anything else, I’d have to stop wondering if I was one. When real shit starts happening, we can’t run to turn the lights on or blow the candles out. I can’t always afford to be surprised and in disbelief, Jophiel needed me to fast forward through that. Angels are fucking intense, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. They will force you to improve yourself, they will hammer the message home.
Since being in contact with Jophiel, I have gained and somewhat developed the ability to “feel” magick. To know and understand what it feels like when spell work is active, when things are actually happening. I could name off a number of things that I believe I can do, -I can manifest things into the world and I can observe energy- but there is no true tangible way that I can connect all of what would atheistically be regarded as “coincidences” from someone else’s perspective. And me just saying “I know what I felt and saw” is not scientific, not at all.
That “feeling” is unreliable, not because it is inaccurate, but because it cannot be proven or studied like a science - (I suppose witchcraft is the science of studying this in itself). That is faith. Faith is in my opinion like a personality trait that some people just have or can develop, but that you can never truly convince someone to have it if their own experiences do not support it.
Anyways fast forward to this video. I did a very long ritual with Lucifer and offered him some vodka, roses, and chocolate. I felt him wafting in the room like a warm sea of dark chocolate, I could tell he was very pleased and I was very happy :)
I asked him to make himself known to me, which is what I always say when I want an entity to give me some real world sign they are in my space. I always always hear a crow caw outside of my window when Faviel is near my space. I swear on my life.
Lucifer is very active in fire (as is Faviel) and this normal dollar store tea light started doing this as soon as I asked him to reveal himself. It was immediate. I added maybe 3 buds of lavender to the top just to be cute, but I burn candles that way all the time and they don’t do this. It was so much more magnificent in real life, it flowed like water. The camera doesn’t nearly do it justice. Seemed like a huge flame, but the table underneath and above it weren’t burned at all, weren’t even singed. I felt the way I did the first time I ever contacted Lucifer.
My immediate thought was “omg omg, I have to get this on camera!” (bad move) The skeptic in me said that the fire was just really hot, but could not deal with the responsiveness of the flame, the witch in me knew it was him. For some reason I felt like capturing it on film would satisfy both sides of me.
So I made an oopsie, I immediately whipped out my phone and started recording without asking permission. My phone shut off, didn’t die, just went black. I was like wtf, so I turned it back on… and tried recording again. My camera froze and started to glitch, my phone shut off again. I was like wtf?! so I turned it back on again and recorded the second part of that video. Still reeling and in disbelief I immediately tried to send it to a friend of mine who is also a witch on Reddit. REDDIT SHUT OFF, now I’m more concerned by how crazy that is than I am by how much I’m fucking up.
So I immediately try to text my friends about it on instagram, INSTAGRAM SHUT OFF, I’m like WHAT. SO I turn instagram back on and try to send the videos to my friend. INSTAGRAM SHUT OFF AGAIN.
The video you’re watching is a screen record of the original two videos because the original files cannot be shared. Viewing them also makes my phone shut off.
SO I ran to my homie’s room (because we’re roommates) and was like I need to show you this video before my phone explodes! (SUCH A BAD MOVE WHAT WAS I DOING)
Okay firstly always ask for permission to share the details of your deity work ok. But also, not only did I completely violate Lucifer’s trust, but I also insulted his very existence by trying to “prove” that he was there. He was there, right in front of me being amazing and I was more concerned with capturing it then marvelling in and appreciating it. BAD MOVE!!
We later had a really long conversation about it which was good, I got a very very stern talking to. Lucifer is luckily very forgiving and understanding of human clumsiness, but he advised me that others might not be so forgiving. So learn from my foolishness friends.
Jophiel’s role in my spiritual journey has a lot to do with accepting faith, and I understand why now. He and Faviel both lead me to Lucifer, Jophiel also lead me to Azrael, these are not entities that have much patience to entertain indecisiveness. They are enemies of stagnation. Don’t invite someone into your house and then deny them a seat because you think they don’t exist. This is not a principle of worship, this is a principle of respect.
This is all a really long and convoluted way to say at some point I have to get over my skepticism and embody what I say I’m doing. If I freak out and lose my shit every time an entity starts actually doing stuff I’m gonna be a very exhausted little guy.
Lucifer was gracious enough to let me share this experience, he did not have to be. He is an illuminator of knowledge and wants me to turn my mistakes into lessons, so here’s one.
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Hi! Just wanted to come by and say that I really appreciate you talking about paganism and making it more accessible to others. I had this awful experience in high school where I was telling a friend that I wanted to study paganism, at the time I was interested in the overlap between religion and mythology, but this friend got really pretentious/gatekeep-y about it and basically discouraged me from looking into paganism. Anyways seeing you be so open to inquiries about your religion has removed this internal barrier for me related to learning about witchcraft. Thanks for that and I hope you’re having a good day/night
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Anon i am so, so genuinely glad that ive been able to help you in becoming comfortable enough to start pursuing areas of interest you left behind due to bad experiences. The unfortunate truth is that the pagan community as a whole has a lot of issues, and one of those is gatekeeping within open religions/practices. I'm so sorry you went through that and were discouraged from looking into something that you were passionate about; i hope you're able to regain that fire and pursue your interests more freely from now on!!!
If you ever have questions, i am always available via inbox or dms. My expertise is in Kemeticism and Lokeanism, but i have some general knowledge that can be helpful outside of those practices too.
I'll also direct you towards @/breelandwalker who is the most competent, knowledgeable, no-nonsense witch i've had the pleasure of knowing for many years. Her witchcraft resources are unparalleled, and if she can't answer a specific inquiry, she's often able to direct you to someone who can. Also, she's got a really cool podcast you should check out if you have the time!!! 😉
Sending you the biggest hugs, anon. I'm incredibly glad that ive managed to help you start out your journey, wherever that takes you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and if you need anything, im only a message away.
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I'm also confused now mhmm
I mean... i'm still very indecisive about how I personally want to view the human mind, its consciousness, and realities... especially in regards to manifestation and reality shifting.
I must say i don't know that much about the writings of those people you mentioned. i'm currently reading neville goddard's books. English isn't my mother tongue. So, the archaic english parts REALLY confuse me sometimes but his way of interpreting the bible is really interesting.
Before getting into law of assumption and reality shifting, I was generally into spirituality and witchcraft. I even had a huge tumblr blog for tarot readings lol... yk through channeling my spirit guides and 'predicting' things so to say. Though, my way of viewing myself and the world I'm in changed a lot over the past view years.
But it's kinda like wanting to set puzzle pieces together but there are puzzles pieces from different pictures and some fit together (physically) that are not really meant to be together (image-wise) iykwim? And later on, you find out that some parts were wrongly put together so you have to revise it (your beliefs) and start again from zero... it's a difficult and really confusing journey imo.
And as i'm not really able to grasp the concept of this reality yet and what role my consciousness in all this plays, it's also really difficult to decide what role other people's souls and 'soulmates' play in this.
Oftentimes, I just want to simplify everything for me just because it all seems so overwhelmingly complicated. (Thats also why i wrote a very vague explanation in that soulmates ask - i tried to keep it simple.) Which reminds of what neville goddard keeps mentioning that humans always try to analyse everything even the simplest things and therefore always end up with complicated 'conclusions' which in turn makes them stray afar from the (very simple) quintessence. (idk if that made sense now lol)
I know this whole rant was probably completely useless to you, it just shows my confusion... sorry once again my mind is very scatterbrained and i don't know where im going with all those thoughts most of the time :')
Anyways, I still have plans to shift to a (what I like to call) 'spirit cafe dr' which is just a dr in a 'otherworldly' caféshop setting where I can talk with my spirit guides and other entities. And I plan to ask them about all this (and more)/to learn from them. I don't know when I will do it, probably not anytime soon because i'm busy with university but I definitely need answers lol
Btw have you already shifted to your jesus dr?
[thanks for this ask!]
and don't apologise for the rant! while i won't claim to understand everything that you've said, i do think you make a point with goddard's belief of analyses. i myself fall subject to that 😭😭
sometimes, we want to understand the world so much—and it's as if each change needs to be predicted, just so we fulfill our desire for knowing. i think that's where your experience with your worldview shifting and my habit of theorising fall under. as you've mentioned, the journey is a puzzle, and in some cases, the pieces never always fit together as expected. we both want to know what would be of us, and why; we want to know when, where, and how it would happen.
my best guess is that it's merely human nature at play. certainty isn't always guaranteed, as can be depicted by the presence of change itself. so, we try to make solutions for a problem that should have been left alone. I'm not saying it's inherently wrong, but the processes we take make it our lives harder than we need to. call it a lapse in judgement, if you will.
I'm not as versed with the concept of spirit guides nor do i always try to seek them out, but i do know they're very significant to everyone's journeys. that's mostly a matter of opinion, but don't let it stop you. i hope you get the answers that you seek!
and don't be shy about the rant! it's refreshing to see someone else's thoughts on the matter, actually. it usually takes me some time to respond, but i love long-winded discussions.
as for my jesus DR, not yet, because it's not that urgent for me as of the moment. I'm currently focused on my fame DR. but i do hope to shift (or mini-shift) to my jesus DR at least once this year, on or before christmas [just to celebrate it in time lmao].
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The doll maker - Original concept
It all started with a thread
Kianga was a very bright girl she always loved giving gifts to those she loved. Her one way of gifting was through dolls. At first, they were only dolls made from yarn and thread but as she grew they became more special you could say.
then it was clay
On her ninth birthday, Kianga's mother gave her clay and told her 'If you can make dolls out of thread then you can make them out of clay'. Kianga accepted the challenge and began to make dolls out of clay. I'll admit...they weren't perfect but when she reached 13 she made something spectacular.
Kia spent 3 years perfecting this doll it wasn't like any other doll no...it was different. The doll boy looked similar to a human child. You could have sworn it was a real one if you didn't touch the clay skin and synthetic hair.
Kia had an aunt who was having fertility issues ever since she could remember so this was a gift to her. she took the traits of her aunt and wife Dalia and mashed them together in the doll.
Once it was finished she wrapped the doll up and gave it to her on her birthday. what Kianga didn't know was that she had magic in her hands and what she made would come to life in a matter of hours or days.
She was quick to learn that when a little boy escaped the box he was wrapped in as soon as she was about to give him to her aunt. That was one heck of a birthday for her aunt and the rest of her family as well.
Kianga explained to everybody that she only used clay and simple synthetic hair. No witchcraft of any kind.
After that day Kianga began experimenting with her power. She discovered that she can make children and creatures of any kind! the dolls can range from a dog, cat, fox, rabbit, pig, cow, or anything she put her mind to. It didn't even matter what type of fabric or clay. Her mother wanted to call her Geppetta for obvious reasons but Kianga didn't like that nickname.
She's read the story and she didn't like that Geppetto sent a wooden boy out on his own when he was only half a day old. So Kia stuck with Dollette or Pop meisie(Doll girl in African).
Over the next few years, Pop Meisie became famous for her talent and people of high status started asking her for children or pets. They would pay her nicely but others felt as if they can get whatever they want without pay, she always refused those people. She would never want a child to live with such entitled a person or people anyway.
When she was 21 she received a letter from an elven queen, Aurora. It addressed the reason why she received a letter and the details of what the queen wanted. Aurora wanted a child for many years but has never been able to do so. She heard of pop Meise and she was amazed by what she was told.
The only reason she believed it was because she saw a doll child herself. the little doll girl belonged to one of her closest friends and she was astonished at the sight of the little one.
After seeing her she wrote to Pop meisie immediately.
This was going to be a long but happy journey for Kianga. I have a lot planned for this so stay tuned!
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littlefireofhestia · 3 years
hi! i'm sage and i was going through the "hestia devotee" tag and found a post of yours that said you were open for questions about her. i don't know how old that post is or if you're still taking questions, you can ignore this if you're not, but since i'm here i wanted to talk/ask about something.
i'm a baby witch (like the babiest of babies, almost a new born) and most of my experience is through reading and watching since i don't currently have time or resources to do any practice other than lighting incenses or candles or working with crystals. and i definitely don't know any form of divination, like tarot or pendulum, that would allow me to do actual deity work and properly communicate with them.
the thing is, i've researched deities from multiple pantheons multiple times, mostly out of curiosity, but the moment i came across a prayer to hestia my heart skipped a beat and i immediately felt a kind of comfort. it could have been nothing, but i still researched all i could about her and just. i've never felt this drawn to a deity before, much less felt a pull to actually worship one. but i feel very much that way about her.
i looked up ways to honour her and i'm genuinely shocked at how happy it's been making me. i'm finding joy in domestic activities i used to loathe, like washing the dishes or helping with house cleaning. i tried baking a cake all by myself for the first time and lit an orange candle for her while doing it. it turned out absolutely delicious, i discovered i actually really enjoy baking and even started my own cook notebook with some of my grandma's old recipes. i make a point to always tie my hair back when i'm doing something that makes me think of her or in her honour, like making tea or baking or making dinner for my family or cleaning, because i saw people talking about how she appreciates veiling but i don't know how to do it so i just tie my hair in a bun instead of putting on a scarf. and i used to hate tying my hair, but now i feel very good about it!
i've always struggled with feeling connected to religion and never really understood how that could bring peace to someone, but i haven't felt this grounded or loving towards my family and pets or in peace with myself as much as i have since i started doing things as acts of devotion to hestia.
now, on to the actual problem: i'm scared it's all in my head. i'm worried i'm not enough of a witch to worship a deity yet, since i'm still trying to learn ways of communication and can't directly ask her if she's with me. i'm scared that the little things i'm doing aren't enough and the comfort and faith i feel while doing them are my imagination and not actually her watching over me and appreciating my effort.
anyways, i'm really sorry for dumping these worries on you but i didn't see many hestia related blogs and i really needed to ask someone about this. is what i'm doing enough of a worship right now? do you have any tips on how to worship her better? thank you!
Hi Sage! I don’t know when you sent this ask so I’m sorry if it’s been a while since you sent it and my response is late. When I read this ask for the first time I nearly cried tears of joy. Before anything I do want to say that you’re doing amazing sweetie!
I’m always open to questions about Hestia.
First off, there is no prerequisite to worshipping deities. I am admittedly not a witch and worship the gods exclusively for religious reasons and not for witchcraft. I have not learned many divination methods yet (although I have used the very handy Greek Alphabet Oracle a few times) and my rituals are still relatively basic, mostly not even occurring on an altar. But I have felt Hestia. I have been in her presence. I have received dreams from other deities and signs. None of this is required to happen to believe in or worship the theoi, but I just want to assure you that beyond doing some research to figure out who you want to pray to and how to do prayer and ritual, there are no prerequisites to worship. My first prayer to Hestia was literally me throwing a scarf over my head and talking to her in the dark with a flashlight to represent a flame. No formal structure. Didn’t even know how to correctly hold my hands yet. And still she accepted me.
The vibe you get from Hestia is very much similar to my experience. I’ve been drawn to her for YEARS but didn’t know I could worship her. But she’s always felt like home and comfort and just right for me. I never ever had a reason why she was my favorite deity before becoming pagan. She just was. My connection to Hestia has been a fact for over a decade that I just didn’t know was religious until a year and a half ago. Me wondering if I could worship her is the reason why I started researching Hellenic Polytheism in the first place. She brought me to this faith and I am so thankful to her for that.
You finding joy in domestic activities you used to hate is something I’ve discovered through Hestia too, although it’s still a journey I’m early on due to depression and physical disability and having a lot of work to do on figuring out how to make things accessible for me. I’m excited to go further for and with Hestia.
I understand the thought about it being all in your head. I had those thoughts early in my practice too. Basically, belief is a process. It takes time to switch from whatever religious thought (or lack thereof) that you grew up with to polytheism and worshipping a variety of deities or even just one deity, and from there to truly believing in them. I’ve been practicing for a year and a half and it probably took me at least nine months to truly feel secure in my faith in the theoi. Research, pray, do ritual, devote acts to the gods, think about the gods, notice the influence of the theoi in your daily life, and gradually that belief will solidify. You may or may not receive signs, which may or may not speed this process up. I promise, if you want to believe in the gods, in Hestia, it just takes time.
Also on feeling that you aren’t doing enough, the video at the bottom of this post (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odhRRYqQo8Y) might help. And I promise: you are doing enough, you are enough, just as you are.
Now as for worship tips. You are honestly doing great so far. Thinking of her while doing household chores and tasks or dedicating those tasks for her is a great way to worship her. I’d also recommend checking out her Homeric and Orphic hymns, one translation of which can be found here, and a copy of the Homeric hymns can likely be found at a local bookstore or definitely through online ordering. The Homeric hymns can also start to teach you some stuff about prayer structure, but prayer doesn’t have to be formal. Sometimes I just sit and talk to Hestia, or to any of my other deities. Tell them about my day, thank them for things in my life or the world, and sometimes asking them for things (although I find that I ask for aid much more rarely than when I prayed as the Catholic I was raised to be). I also have perpetually in progress playlists I have made for my deities, and if I want to spend some non-ritual time just focusing on a deity I’ll put on their playlist and read something religious or talk in religious discords. I actually had my most profound spiritual experience with Hestia while doing this.
Last but not least, worshipping Hestia, or any other deity, is something you have your whole life ahead of you to do. Take it at your own pace. Faith is all about the journey. The destination is irrelevant. There is no deadline or leveling up system, no authority checking your progress. As I have experienced time and time again, the gods will very much meet you where you are. A few months ago I was in a deep depression and did not do any ritual for several months. When I finally did a ritual again, I felt Hestia’s warm hand on my shoulder, as if to say “I miss you, welcome home”. I promise, Hestia will always welcome you home.
P.S. I know this ask is anonymous but Sage, feel free to message me with any additional questions about Hestia or worshipping deities in general. I’m here if you need any more help.
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aquirius555-musings · 3 years
Pursuing Your Purpose Over Grabbing the Bag
The Necessity of Motivation in Pursuit of Wealth 
Being a witch with ADHD can be contradictory at times. And now is one of them. I am confident that wealth follows and it does not lead. I am comfortable not leading my life in pursuit of wealth. However, I am still a human existing on this planet, a planet where wealth not only leads, but having some form of income is a necessity for survival. For most, a steady income is a necessity for creating a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment to prosper in this decaying world. 
I am in a position where I have less wealth than I ever have before, but I have also achieved more dreams than I ever have before. I am living in a place I have dreamed about since I was young. I am living among the mountains and the great glory of this Earth’s nature and all it has to offer. I am living with and building a family of humans and animals that love me greatly and our soulmates of mine. I am living as a witch who believes in my value and abilities. 
These things drive my passion, my hope, and my willingness to do more than simply survive. My willingness to always push to be thriving. What doesn’t drive this will to live fully is paid work, perceived achievement/success, and valuing profit. 
It is very difficult for me to “show up” as my full self or with 100% energy when I am not intrinsically motivated by the values I consider most important. These are things I typically do and express in spades. Especially, in critical situations and oftentimes to a fault or to the great annoyance of others. 
However, I’ve learned the hard way in my adult years that when I try to pursue things that don’t fulfill my soul purpose or innermost values, I not only fail, but I suffer greatly, relapse, and regress. 
As I referenced in my introductory post, I was a high-achiever growing up. This is also a result of being an AFAB person and an empath with severe ADHD. I knew all the rules, I studied hard, I hyper-focused, I hyper-felt, I had way too many varied interests that were always changing, I wanted to win, to be loved as I was, and I took rejection and torment to heart. This allowed me to rise up as a star student, star sibling, star employee. I masked the qualities and behaviors that I was ashamed of or the ones that led to torment, rejection, or guilt. 
You see,  I could read other people and knew when I was upsetting them or when they were intentionally upsetting me. This made it easy to designate different emotions, behaviors, reactions, and conflicts into different buckets in my head. There were buckets that were safe to dump out in public, within a specific system, or with certain people, and others that were not. I became a masked person instead of myself.
What societal rules mixed with my persona and neuro-status didn’t allow me to do was love myself, and therefore, it prevented me from being a star-friend, or at least being friends with those who had my best interest at heart. More than that, the lack of love I had for myself regressed my ability to be a caretaker for myself, to be spiritually aligned, and ultimately to be happy. I let so many people victimize me throughout my life because of this and therefore have accumulated my own traumas along the way.
I have now learned so much about myself, unlearned so many unhealthy habits and behaviors, worked through a lot of trauma, embraced so many emotions and qualities about myself. This makes it heartbreakingly difficult for me to face what I call “the old me”. I really do not align with this person anymore, and I don’t really feel them in me at the deepest levels, but at the surface they are fully present. 
Old Habits Die Slowly and Painfully
This “old me” knew how to present on LinkedIn, in the professional world, knew how to do what I needed to do to get the job, to fit in, to lead the group, to follow the leader. Whatever was needed of me, I did it. 
I am now in a really tough financial position. I don’t have enough money to pay my bills, get medicine, go to therapy, take my pets to the vet*, get groceries, get more soil for my plants, etc. I know that I need to make money, and I know that the thing stopping me has been restraining myself from pursuing higher-income gigs. I have been fearful that I won’t “make it” in this new field that I am pursuing and that I left my corporate job to pursue. This has been stopping me from taking the leap into freelance writing gigs, into seeking out magazines or sites to submit stories too, to recording my first podcast episode, to finish setting up my profiles for freelance sites that are connected to my LinkedIn or require examples of my work. 
*Both my pets had full vet exams in April, I have simply not been able to afford a visit to a new vet for either pet since we moved. They are healthy.
Instead of going for these things that may make me more money AND fulfill the want and need I have to try to write and create content for things I am passionate about, I am settling for much less. Getting low $/hour to do low-brain-capacity work. A big part of this is feeling like I won’t be represented as I am now and for what I want to be doing, but rather for the “old me” because of the work I’ve done in the past for tech companies or consultants. The buyers of the work I want to do won’t have any specifically-relevant work to review. And the buyers of the work I used to do don’t want someone like me and I don’t want to write for those types of topics anyway. 
So why am I stopping myself from presenting in my full form online? Why am I not believing in myself to do the things I went to school for, live and breathe and consciously learn about with my time? 
Because I was always told that to succeed in business or in any field or industry, you need experience, presentation, professionalism, etc. And these things have always been defined through a straight, white, and male-driven lens. This means no tattoos, no colored hair, no piercings, no political issues or talk (even though what I want to discuss isn’t political to me, even if it’s politicized by the public). Why, no matter how much I oppose and despise those who set these “precedents and standards” do I still give in to them?
Because old habits die slowly, painfully, and only with a lot of work and resilience is it even possible. 
Shadow Work Makes a Great Assassin!
The only one qualified to kill off these old, and frankly unwelcome, habits is with an old friend - Shadow Work. Suffice it to say, I think all of this means that Shadow Work is calling my name. It’s time to have a real focus on this as I also work to pursue my creative and professional dreams. 
Shadow work allows us all to go inside and break down these old habits, old traumas, old blocks that come back our way to try and break down our soul. Consulting, tending to, and loving your shadow self can allow one to break free of these things, or even better, allow them to work for you and propel you on your journey to achieve your soul’s purpose.
To get started, I am working with this very poignant Full Moon that takes place tomorrow at its highest illumination. I have some shadow-work journal prompts, a Full Moon spell, and a ritual planned. 
I guess sometimes, being an ADHD witch has it’s upsides too. Witchcraft is a tool that really helps me live a meaningful life despite the struggles that come with my ADHD. I am who I am, and embracing the intersections of these two identifying pieces of me allows me to pursue my soul’s purpose.
- Aquirius (July 2021)
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
hi, i'm fairly new to witchcraft and i was wondering if you could give me some tips on getting started/link me to reputable sources? i'd hate to accidentally disrespect someone or something.
Hey there! Thanks for your ask. Don't worry too much about the fear of treading somewhere you shouldn't be if you remember this metaphor: Witchcraft is going to be a unique experience to you and it's going to feel a lot like you are building something with a structure, like a house. Everyone's path is kind of like their own house. As long as you don't break into someone's house, or even someone's neighborhood (especially the neighborhoods with a lot of fucking theft and trespassing) then you are good. You can ask for advice or borrow sugar from your neighbors ;) but you do that by what you are doing now: kindly knocking on the door and asking.
I think everyone gets really into trying to follow traditions and such but it's best to start the first few years building a relationship with yourself and your energy before you start the whole reading and researching (and I will get more on this later) along with connecting to deities as well. Everything else is just adding on to your craft but I feel like if you have a solid foundation understanding your own energy then everything else comes naturally. Also once you understand your energy and your connection to magic and nature around you, trying to dig through other cultures and practices won't seem as appealing. It will start to be clear that those cultures created languages and well, cultures, around their relationships with magic and the local nature surrounding them, and you will essentially create your own unique traditions based on your relationship with magic and the local nature surrounding you. It will become apparent that the 'universal energies' everyone talks about is really about how the universe and energies manifest through you and less about finding other cultures accessible because they talk about these same energies. If you think of it like art class it's kind of like how everyone uses the same mediums of art utensils like paints and crayons, but there's a difference between using the same paint and flat out stealing the finished painting from someone else and calling it your own. You should use these first few years to discover your own painting style. (Also other witches I meet that have similar approach to magic as I do all have the same sort of connection and understanding since it's like we are all tapped into the universal energy but it's beautiful cause it manifests uniquely through all of us so it's like the same way nature creates many unique plants, many unique animals or landscapes yet it's all apart of one earth, we are all unique witches reflecting the earth, planets and elements but all kind of the vibe and understanding).
To elaborate on the reading thing, the reason why I am against doing endless research when you first start is because like 85% of witchcraft is subjective since most of it is based off of people's connection to their energy. The part of magic that is not subjective is the relationship to local nature since plants and other elements of nature have their own spirits and actual physical properties that can heal you, bring you to other realms, poison you, transform you etc. The best way to learn from this is less from magical books and more from herbal medicine books, alchemy, farmer's almanacs and indigenous knowledge (as long as you are not taking plants from them that are being over harvested to the point that it's inaccessible to even them.) But anyway aside from the physical realm, the energetic realm is really a big personal experience. Even you asking me this, this is mostly based off of my years of experience practicing. I am a multiracial witch that is nomadic and have lived in different climates among different countries and cultures and am first generation with not much connection to my immediate heritages. So I had to create my practice from (literally) the ground up. My magic came to me when I was super young and I didn't even think of it as witchcraft then I felt more like I was bending energy and circumstance. I was first an energy witch before anything. My witchcraft practice came from nature, the cycles around me and nature's spirits. Though I may not connect with a culture cause my relationship to that is complicated, I find my practice empowering cause no matter where I go when I adapt my practice to the bioregion, I will always be in sync with the magic there and not really fear of appropriating anything since it's kind of connected to the source of nature. My main deity is the earth, if I have a pantheon it's the planets, I am really into astrology and I work with all different types of elements and natural spirits. Working with nature also grounds magic for me since most of my witch years I got used to doing just mostly things with energy now I have physical things to ground it in. ANYWAY with all this being said, now that you kind of understand where I am coming from, it's going to influence the information I am going to give you.
(Also with the deities thing, just in general do not try to connect with spirits until you have a good understanding of your own energy and how to protect yourself. It's ok if you are coming from a culture or family that has connections to a deity and you have protection within that culture but alone with no protection you can find yourself in trouble because there are a lot of predatory spirits- and spirits are definitely tricksters- that like to get to take advantage of inexperienced and unprotected people and will pretend to be deities but will suck energy from you. You just need to know some good shielding and warding and discernment but until then, avoid it. Plus you do not need deities at all, like it should be a mutually beneficial relationship. Devoting your energy towards an entity for the chance for more power or protection, if the deity even feels like it, cause apparently it's not even guaranteed, feels a bit like joining a gang to me that's not even for your full benefit.)
Also sorry, usually my responses to these questions are fucking long, but the thing is, it's a loaded question. You are essentially asking me how to embark on a spiritual and magical journey that will transform your spirit and help you understand your energy and connection to the universe around you lol. I did answer this before, very extensively so I am going to link it here cause I think I did an ok job the first time. To summarize the main points in that post I will put them below, but I also will first add a new point I did not have in the original post:
Getting Started:
I. Tools
II. Basics
III. Exploring Yourself
IV. Exploring your Roots
V. Exploring Local Nature
VI. Resources
-------- New Point:
I. Tools This one is gonna be short cause, to get started you really just need 2 things. 1- Yourself!!! You are the source of magic! You literally got energy going through your veins and to get started with energy work that's all you gonna need. And 2- a magic journal. Yes you can call it a ~Book of Shadows~ but if you start getting anxiety like you gotta make it look fancy or some shit then don't. Especially when you are starting out you just need a book, or, actually not even a book, but take a second right now to right-click on your desktop and make a ~Folder of Shadows~ where you can save pictures, take notes and write future insights and spells and put it in there. We are in the year 2020 after all. I have a USB where I keep tons of notes, videos and pictures. I have a section of 'magic' on my iphone where I put notes for ideas or rituals when I am on the go. I have magic journals I take with me if I am going into the woods to channel ideas or to write down rituals if I am having a gathering and want to have notes. Its also ok to have more than 1 magic journal. This is a great opportunity to get that cool looking journal you wanted (or actually fill an empty journal you never had the courage to write in cause it's too nice looking) with random notes for magic. Having a book of shadows/computer folder of shadows/phone notes of shadows etc. is going to be helpful for keeping track of stuff while you build your own path.
Honestly one of these days I am going to make a long ass Witchcraft 101-103 and 201-203 post with the 101 focusing on getting started and figuring your magic out and the 201 more on learning about specific subjects like herbology, astrological transits, tools and crafts and how it can expand on your craft. (Along with actual books and resources cause 201 is DEFINITELY when you actually have to start reading, researching and getting into books, experiments and resources, and not only from subjective stuff but a few things that has some roots in science as well like plants and chemistry). 
If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask and I can elaborate. 
Have a good time explorin! <3 
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The Wonky Witches View on Witchcraft
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Grab a cup of your favourite tea and join me for Around The Witches Cauldron with WillowMoon. it’s a long one!
So these last couple of months have been a roller coaster of emotions from frustration, sadness, worry, happiness, relaxation to growth. Each emotion coming to each person in waves as we’ve had to isolate ourselves from the outside world and each other, which can be extremely hard for some people as they 're unable to see family and friends which are a great support to many of us when we are going through a hard time. Many people unfortunately living on their own or in difficult circumstances really had to battle through to make it out the other side.
This situation got most of us thinking about what really matters in our lives, who matters, how we want to grow and learn from this situation, and many of us have learnt what truly is important and who really are our true friends. Unfortunately so many lives were lost and people are still losing their fight against this virus which follows with so much heartbreak for those who loved them. Their life and memories will live on within their family and friends for many years to come, they will not be forgotten! We are thankfully now on our way out of getting back to the “new normal”, I suppose you could call it, as that’s as close as we can get for the time being anyway so we are very happy to be back open and ready for you lovely lot to come back and carry on your spiritual journey with us.
This situation got me thinking more about the craft, the differences you come across from practice to path. How each path either follows certain rules/guidelines or is so eclectic that how they practice, depends on what they are drawn at that time. To me there aren’t really any rules of witchcraft, However I do believe in Karma, what you put out there certainly comes back to you, whether you believe in the threefold rule or not, Karma is something to be very wary of.
I am currently very drawn to the Hoodoo Practice, however I do not read out psalms during spells which is very heavily done within the Hoodoo practice. That side of it, the religious side makes me feel uneasy. Some witches will say that is wrong and you should only follow a particular path the way it is written to do so and that’s how it is always been done. But each practice started somewhere, people had to start and lay out these guidelines to begin with so why are you not allowed in some eyes, to start your own magickal practice and guidelines?
The term Gatekeeping comes to mind, which there has been a lot of talk about Witch Gatekeeping the last several years which basically means not everyone can be a witch and what gives anyone the right to simply do witchcraft.
Personally I am yes and no within this argument. Yes I believe anyone can do witchcraft, after all we all blow out birthday candles every year and make a wish. This is such a simple spell to do as you are effectively performing candle magick and blowing your wish into the smoke to flow up into the universe for manifestation. That is withcraft! Witchcraft is manipulating energy to the goal you desire. Then there is the No side of the argument which does have its merits. Not everyone should be involved in witchcraft and those people, use it for the wrong reasons.
For example, I have been approached in the past by people who have never done any witchcraft, have no knowledge etc to put hexes on people to cause them harm as they have upset someone and they want them to pay for what they have done. I will always say “NO!, that is not my way of working and I would never put harm onto anyone who has upset someone else as I personally do not know both sides of the story for one, and two I will not take the brunt of the Karma aspect for anyone wanting to cause harm to someone else”. So they then go on to ask me, “Ok, so how can I do it then?, as I really want to hurt them back, tell me what I need to buy...can you write it all down for me then I will perform the spell instead of you”. My answer is still “NO! I will not tell you how to perform such a spell as that is still me putting that energy out there and I will not be a part of anyone causing harm to another person simply because you do not like them”.
I have also had people approach me who again have never done a spell or learnt about witchcraft who want to 'Win the Lottery'. Oh my Goddess! My Reply is always "Now if it was THAT easy all of us would be doing it and be financially better off. How wonderful the world would be if we could all win the lottery and live happily ever after" I then have the reply 'But I will share it out and not be greedy with it'. My finishing statement to that which I read in a Protection Magick Book which was like a YES moment... is 'Nothing is Gifted, Nothing is Entitled! You only get what you deserve, so deserve what your desire'. In other words just because you say your going to be doing it for the highest good of all doesn't give you the right to have it.
Now these people have no education on witchcraft or experience for that matter and they want to just jump in and perform spells without knowing what they are doing and just leap into something they don't understand or respect.
Witchcraft is NOT something to play with! It is NOT the only answer to every little thing! If done incorrectly it can go very wrong, so I ask you please don’t jump into doing witchcraft when you don’t know what you are doing as it can literally come back on you and also work completely differently to how you intended as you weren't clear and precise in what you were asking for. If your not clear and precise, the energy has no direct orders so to speak, so basically does the job how it sees fit, which could be detrimental to the person who cast the spell. You wouldn't (I hope) just get into a car and drive without any lessons or a seatbelt on. You need to know the basics before you get onto the road. Working with energies is the same, you need to learn the very foundations which they operate on before you delve into performing spells and rituals.
Witchcraft is a practice and lovely path to follow if you mean well and do it with the best intentions. Protect yourself by all means. To be honest that should always be your first protocol within any practice. Protection is such an important step to take, so those who do mean harm against you cannot penetrate your ward so it won't affect you.
It’s about ethics basically. Would you like bad energy sent your way if someone took a dislike to you? I’m pretty sure the answer would be a firm no!, so why send it out to them.
That’s all from this witch for now Blessed Be WillowMoon - The Wonky Witch
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hermeticimp · 4 years
Waking Witchblr - Teacher Tuesday
Hey guys! In honor of @wakingwitchblr Teachers Tuesday, I just wanted to share a bit of my experience as a teacher and student! So, I've been a teacher at @avionacademy for about 6 months now. I've taught courses in astrology, crystals, divination, and magical correspondences. The first two I've been learning about on and off since I was a child while the latter two have become interests as I've delved into for the last 2 1/2 years. I taught these subjects because they make up a significant portion of my own practice. It's been an absolutely incredible experience. I've learned a lot about what subjects I'm passionate about, which ones I'm interested in delving into further, and what kind of teacher I am.
Being a teacher is rewarding... but stressful. It's said that teaching a subject is how you know you've actually learned about it. That's definitely been my experience. I've been lucky enough to learn under some great people, including @lands-end-ada, @underworldariel, @grimnirslee, and @todayinastralhistory. The dedication each of them has as instructors is just brilliant. I've done my best to follow their example, but no matter how confident I am as a student, I'm nervous when I have to teach a class. I find myself occasionally blanking on my learning, whether I'm making sense, if I've done enough research, and if I'm even qualified for this job.
Teachers have a responsibility to guide their students in the right direction. I'm always concerned if I'm helping or hindering. I do put in time, effort, and energy to create lessons. I'm transparent with my students, listen to their feedback, answer questions, and welcome their own insights and experiences. These are the same things my mentors have done for me. I overall just want to see my students learn and flourish, to take what they've learned and apply it to their practice. Regular interaction is key. All of this has taught me that I like to be a hands-on, practical application type of teacher.
Funnily enough, this is the kind of student I am as well. I don't learn for just the sake of learning (most of the time anyway). I learn to inform myself of how I can move in the real world. Or, in this case, how I can I can utilize it in spiritually. I want to be able to use my learning to better understand myself... and to help others do the same.
Here are a few things I follow as a teacher and student:
Don't be afraid to ask questions - it's how you learn
Be open to learning more as there is always, always more to educate yourself on
Learn from your students. They could have experiences, questions, and insights you may have neglected to see. This is one of my favorite thing to do with my students and mentors.
With that, don't just talk at your students. Interact with them, get to know them, play to their strengths and help them build up their weaknesses
Study and research beyond just the initial posts you find and resonate with. It helps to see things from different perspectives.
Research a variety of topics as a lot of spiritual things and witchcraft tie into each other.
Have fun! Learning and teaching don't have to be boring or frustrating. You scan enjoy the journey.
Be adaptive. Staying rigid and only viewing things in one way serves to stifle you.
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the-book-of-shadowy · 4 years
The Basics of Kitchen Witchery
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Image credit to Alona Osipova
Before I begin, I want to say that witchcraft is a personal journey and it looks different for everyone. What I post in this blog is what I’ve learned from the four years I’ve been a witch and what I’m still learning as I grow in my craft. If you disagree with something or you see I’ve posted something with information you know is incorrect, please feel free to message me and I’m happy to talk about it in a constructive manner.
That being said, I wanted to make a post detailing what being a kitchen witch specifically means to me, and some useful information for beginners. <3
What IS a Kitchen Witch Anyway?
Simply put, it’s a form of witchcraft centered around the kitchen. Most kitchen witches use cooking and baking and such forms as a way to harness energy and explore their craft. Baking is a form of spell crafting and the ingredients you choose can create a lot more than food.
As a kitchen witch myself, I always aspire to create a community of sharing and recognize food as both an art form and a human right. 
What Should you Know As a Beginner?
-First and foremost, I always want to warn against using ingredients you don’t know as well. Make sure nothing you use is potentially poisonous and always let people know the ingredients if you make something new; you never know when someone could have an allergy. 
-Adding extra ingredients to dishes can often change them more than you expect. Don’t be discouraged just because something doesn’t work the first time, the recipe might just need to be changed a bit!
-The most important skill I gained as a beginner kitchen witch were my knife skills. A few potatoes to practice with and some youtube videos will do you wonders. Just go slowly at first and work your way until you’re comfortable.
-Herbs are not too hard to grow in most places. They will be happy in a pot on your windowsill, I promise. They are absolutely delightful and you should absolutely attempt to grow some. Even if you don’t succeed, they are adorable plant babies and I love all of them and also I’m just ranting about how much I love plants now.
-Hot oil is dangerous. Do not attempt anything to do with it until you are comfortable in the kitchen. Even then, remember to be careful and also don’t pour oil down your sink, that’s bad for it.
-If you want to have an altar in your kitchen, try to have a set aside place for it where nothing will hinder you as you work in your kitchen and you won’t spill anything onto it accidentally. Your kitchen is a great place for an altar, but sauces and bits of food can ruin your crystals and offerings fast.
-Don’t feed the Fae. Seriously, gifts and stuff is cool, but don’t actively feed them. It will get out of hand faster than you expect it to.
And most importantly, be yourself! Experiment, try new things, and don’t judge yourself or others for how much effort they put into things. Your art is still art if it’s Starry Night or a drawing of the sun with a smiley face and it is beautiful!
I do plan to post more helpful things like resources on what effect ingredients can have on spells and what meanings they have. I’ll also be doing weekly Tarot spreads on Sundays and recipes as I can. That’s all for now lovelies <3
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elianabwrites · 4 years
100 Days of Posting
Hello Everyone! I know I have been gone for a long time with so many “I’m Back!” posts with no follow through but with this challenge I am going to try to get back into a posting schedule! Now, for my version of the 100 Day challenge I am going to have a few different topics to touch up on since I have so much time in a day to be productive. I will be posting about my writing, and I am still working on the same fantasy series that I have been for years and I’ll talk more about my process with that below! I will also touch upon my hobbies, interests, and interesting topics I am learning about in school. I’m not one to shy away from what other people think are controversial topics and I hope to open up conversations on here! Also, I will be posting about the day before so as to incorporate the entire day into my post and share the most that I can. If you want to do the challenge with me (please do, I would love to hear about what you’re learning/interested in) then please tag your posts with #EB100DaysChallenge and I will do my best to check up on them every day and interact with the community! 
If you don’t feel liking reading the whole thing at least reply with your thoughts/experiences/etc!
What forms of media do you like best? Which ones help you get motivated and why?
For my witches - What called you to your craft and how did you get started? What type of witch are you? and what do you wish the general public knew about witchcraft/Wicca/etc?
If you’re writing a book or series what are some blocks you faced and how did you overcome them?
What is your story about? Brag about it please!
How do you envision your scenes? Do you share any of my ways of imagining and connecting with them?
What are you majoring/minoring/ studying right now? Why did you choose that particular field of study? and what is the most interesting thing you have learned recently and how do you feel about it?
Day 1 of 100 - 04/08/2020
Today was such a low energy day and since my sleeping pattern has been so messed up recently I am up at all hours of the night and sleeping all day. Between public health issues and politics I have been so very distracted and have been having a hard time getting into my school work, writing projects, hobbies, and other interests. 
I’m breaking down this post into these topics:
Miscellaneous & Media
Because of all of this I took most of the day to relax and recharge. I watched Madam Secretary on Netflix (for the 400th time) and listened to some of my favorite albums and songs (Hamilton was definitely in there) and cuddled with my dog. What are some of your favorite forms of media? I love Madam Secretary because it really reflects a lot of what I want to do in my career and I simply love the main character and her family. As for Hamilton, well, not to sound cliche but I really relate to the main character because I feel like I’m always writing (~non-stop~) and I think I have a revolutionary, humanistic way of looking at the world which I believe he had as well. Anyway, I usually try to use these forms of media to get into my school work and personal interests.
I’ve also been getting into learning about witchcraft, not the fantastical version, but rather the spiritual practice. Although not all witches/witchcraft are Wicca it is an example of a belief system that practices it. I am not even a baby witch in my opinion because my journey has only just begun but the thing I find I love most about witchcraft so far is that it is really based on learning. You learn about herbs and the earth, you learn new spells and different forms of magick, there is so much history and diversity to uncover - It is just amazing! Also, the inclusiveness is so refreshing considering as a member of the LGBT community I find it hard to fit in other belief systems.
Okay, so, like, I have no excuses. I kind of suck at actually writing this book of mine but it is okay because I have not given up yet (well, I have but I always come back to it!). 
If you don’t know, or don’t remember because let’s be honest its been at least 3000 years, I am writing a series that I have been referring to as Blood Will Run. I have been rather stuck in the plotting and world building stages but I am hoping to finally, FINALLY, move on to drafting it in its entirety soon. 
I would consider myself a rather reflective person and naturally have thought and reflected far too much about why I have been so stagnant in my writing and I came to these conclusions:
I have been so caught up in writing the perfect story, with the perfect characters, writing devices, syntax, plot, etc.
I have been too focused on reading and researching any and all writing advice I can find.
I have lost the feeling of my story and, like many writers have been discovering lately, I think I have been forcing myself into being a plotter when I think I would be far happier as a partial discovery writer, at least for my first draft. 
I want my series to mean something, similar to Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter, 1984, and Catcher in the Rye to name a few. This is, of course, a tall almost unattainable order which is very discouraging.
So, in an attempt to reclaim my story from my incredibly high standards I am returning to my old way of writing, even though I am deeply embarrassed by it. I am going to imagine my scenes, act them out from my characters different points of view, and write without thinking of how it could be better. Although, because I am trying to write a series I need to do a little more plotting (aahhh I hope I don’t fall into the plotting trap again) so as to understand where each of my books start and end and the pace that they necessitate. I’ll write more details and such about my story in my next post so stay tuned if you’re interested!
Also, if anyone needs help with plotting I love working out plot lines, backstories, and everything related to world building! Send me a message, if there’s enough people maybe we can start a little group!
I know, I know. School is not everyone’s favorite thing to talk about but I am the biggest nerd and I love it so so SOOO much! I am going into my Junior year of college and am studying criminal justice with a concentration in international and transnational crimes. I absolutely love my major and reading my textbook is as fun as reading Percy Jackson was when I was younger. I chose this major because I hope to one day work for an organization such as UNICEF, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Rescue Committee or anything along those lines. I have always had a need to help people, specifically children and at an international level.
Recently, I have learned that the United States is the only country within the UN member states that has not ratified the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child which is the most comprehensive human rights treaty in the world. Also, in the United States victims of child human trafficking are often those under the governments purview such as foster children as well as children that have slipped through the cracks of society and are homeless and hungry. Although the topics can be rather depressing I love learning about it because it means I am one step closer to, and a little more capable of, and more passionate about helping the world in whatever way I can. I am also very interested in learning about different cultures and how to help them without enforcing my own way of life upon them as a means to further develop their society. Every day I worry about and diligently work against perpetuating the infamous white savior complex and hope that I can avoid it in my future professional pursuits.
I really love talking about schools, majors, minors, and everything related to college so if anyone out there needs any advice or just wants a non-judgmental sounding board for ideas my messages are open to you!
I think I’ll wrap it up here as I’m not too confident with writing posts like this yet. I hope I wasn’t to terribly boring and that at least someone read to this part of the post and if not than I suppose I have 99 more days to entice you to read past my title. I hope you are all happy and healthy and staying inside as much as possible!
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I don’t have time to do it right now but one of these days I really need to write down everything I learned from alt.tarot back in the day Some of it is about tarot but more of it is about how to fight with people on the Internet. I was reminded re-reading the Dickwolf Discourse and how Mike’s hard-won lesson from that is that he could have Just Stopped much earlier. Just Stopping is a great skill that I learned through many bruising fights on Usenet and specifically alt.tarot. See, most people who think they are Knowledgeable About Tarot in fact are Jon Snows to the subject: they know nothing. The received wisdom on tarot is complete garbage; you can easily spend years and read dozens of published books and come away believing things like “tarot was invented by gypsies and contains secret wisdom smuggled out from the fall of the Library of Alexandria.” Insert Luke Skywalker gif: every part of that is wrong. Playing cards were actually invented by the Chinese, reached Europe around 1360, and in the middle of the fifteenth century Italian nobles started using tarot decks to play a trick-taking game resembling bridge. The so-called Major Arcana, or trump cards, were mostly drawn from Petrarch’s poem I Trionfi which translates to “The Triumphs” (triumph=trump). I Trionfi was enormously popular, especially in Italy, and you see imagery from it everywhere during the time period and all kinds of card decks using it. (Looks down at wall of text I have just produced. Whelp. Time for a read-more!)
So almost nobody knows this basic fact, that the structure of the Major Arcana and a lot of the imagery on the cards comes from Petrarch originally. Instead they spend years reading dumb newage books that all regurgitate the same content, like, “Death doesn’t mean death, it means change.” To Petrarch, and to the Renaissance Italians, and to the likes of Waite and Crowley, Death literally meant death. Now they all believed that there were things like Christian faith that could triumph over/trump even death: Petrarch’s poem is structured like a Roman triumphal parade except with metaphysical forces involved, so like the great conquering emperor is brought low by the power of love, and the lovers in turn are brought low by the power of chastity, and the chaste in turn are brought low by the power of death, but death is conquered by fame, and fame is conquered by time, and time is conquered by the eternal Kingdom of God. This is the basic procession that you see in the trump cards. And yes this does mean that tarot was also explicitly Christian, from the beginning, and remained so even as the robes-and-wands set started appropriating Jewish kabbalah and mapping tarot onto it. That happened in the eighteenth century, in France. The two dudes responsible are Antoine Court de Gébelin and M. le Comte de Mellet, two more names that most people who think they know a lot about tarot will never have heard of. The line goes from them through Eliphas Levi, Papus, Wirth, those guys, through to Waite and then Crowley. Now all these dudes were occultists, and occult means clandestine, hidden, secret, so as you might expect they were not at all good at clearly explicating their beliefs. Back on alt.tarot I used to use a Waite quote as my signature: “Superfluities and interpretations notwithstanding, it is directly, or indirectly, out of the recent view, thus tentatively designated, that the consideration of the present thesis emerges as its final term, though out of all knowledge thereof.” (That’s from The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal. It’s all like that.) So, it’s definitely not their fault that most people don’t know about Petrarch and kabbalah and what Crowley really meant when he made such a big goddamn deal about how “Tzaddi is not The Star.” Even when the likes of Crowley or Waite did write books supposedly detailing the meaning of the symbolism of their decks, they threw in lots of misdirection and outright lies “to mislead the uninitiated.” Kabbalah is the key, they’ll tell you, but they won’t tell you that they used it as an athbash--forward and back, just like the Fool’s Journey goes both up and down the Tree of Life; divine power can be called down into Malkuth, the physical world, but one born into Malkuth can also ascend to Kether, unmediated experience of the divine. (So The Star is both Tzaddi and Heh.) Anyway, if you can’t trust the newage books and you can’t trust the occult books, are there any good books on tarot? Yes, there are two: Gertrude Moakley's groundbreaking (and out of print) book The Tarot Cards Painted by Bonifacio Bembo for the Visconti-Sforza Family: An Iconographic and Historical Study, and the equally groundbreaking and equally out of print Rhapsodies of the Bizarre, a collection of essays by Court de Gébelin and M. le Comte de Mellet, with translation and commentary by J. Karlin, the terror of alt.tarot. Jess Karlin was not his real name. He knew more about tarot than, I gradually came to believe, anyone else in the world. He was a jerk, and proud of being a jerk: Thelema is a religion of war, he said, and he came not to affirm but to destroy. He was my teacher, and he taught me a lot, and I tried to repay him both with money and by acknowledging the debt whenever the subject comes up, like now. One of the things he taught me was how to learn from someone who is giving you an actual answer but insulting you while they do it. (Try ignoring the insult and saying thank you, for the answer. They may have more to teach.) I say Karlin knew more than anyone else in the world because the academics after Moakley were disappointing; the field became dominated by playing card historian Michael Dummett, who was so invested in debunking the occultists that he really doubled down on trying to argue that no link between tarot and fortune-telling existed before the French guys came along. Which is stupid, because the links between games of chance and systems of divination have always been super tight--Fate and Luck are the same damn bitch. And you can find (and Karlin did find) very early references to witchcraft performed with playing cards. So because the playing card historians would have nothing to do with the occultists, and Karlin was doing these serious deep dives into formerly-untranslated eighteenth century French occult texts and even earlier stuff, he ended up understanding the iconography and symbolism of tarot way better than the people like Dummett who were much too serious to touch the occult traditions. That was another thing Karlin taught me: that academic consensus can sometimes be just as wrong as newage gobbledegook, and it really is possible, when you start doing deep dives into niche subjects, to outstrip the experts. Sometimes it’s not just possible but frighteningly easy. Anyway, he knew a ton--and he knew it in a field where the vast majority of people think they understand the material, but are very wrong. I think this had the effect of making him quite crabby. Some people came to alt.tarot saying they wanted to learn tarot; and those people, J. Karlin was willing to teach, although he might yell at them some for believing stupid things, if they did. And they probably did--I remember being twenty-one, a shiny new-minted college graduate, proud of my A in an undergraduate Quantum Mechanics For Non Physics Majors class, trying out some “maybe fortunetelling is a quantum effect” angle and getting my ass handed to me, deservedly so. But many, many more people came to alt.tarot back in the day thinking they already knew tarot. And they very much did not want to be corrected. They just thought the cards looked cool and they were perfectly content with their own “I’ll just intuit what I think the cards mean” approach to tarot. And to those people, Karlin was a relentless asshole. Because the symbols did in fact have an original meaning, and it is possible to trace the evolution of the iconography through time, and in fact all those centuries of artists and writers and...I dunno, warlocks and whatnot...working on the cards has created a much, much, much deeper and richer symbolic framework than what most people can make up off the tops of their heads just by looking at a random image from The Tarot of the Cat People or whatever. So that was maybe the first important thing he taught me: there is a truth. Even in symbolic matters, even in stuff that was all “just made up” at some point, it is possible to distinguish what’s important and true from what’s just people spouting off the tops of their dumb heads. And fourth or fifth was that if you argue with someone long enough and you find yourself getting boxed into a corner, fighting desperately to support propositions you’re not even quite sure how you ended up needing to defend, you can just...stop. Usually that’s the cleanest and clearest path. Karlin would not let people save face and he would not let them have the last word: if they were wrong, they’d either have to admit it, or they’d have to flounce off to another Usenet group, orrrr...they’d have to learn how to fucking shut up. It’s a good skill to have. I learned it in alt.tarot, being wrong a lot. I had many fights with Jess Karlin on alt.tarot. But to my knowledge I was the only one from that group that he offered to formally initiate into Thelema. If I have siblings in this lineage I don’t know them; and I never considered myself a Thelemite, even after the initiation. But I have tried to pass on what he taught me. Crowley wrote that the adept “must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals” and I always sort of thought Karlin was living by that principle. At the same time he liked to point out that it’s not necessary to hide your pearls from swine: they won’t take ‘em no matter how brightly you polish and how neatly you letter the sign, FREE PEARLS OF WISDOM, PLEASE TAKE. My worst fights with J. Karlin were always when I was trying to do something nice for him. I still wince remembering when I tried to give him a copy of Alan Moore’s Promethea; that ended with us not speaking for several years. So if he reads this he’ll probably be mad at me all over again but anyway he eventually started using his real name, Glenn Wright, for his Internet writings instead of the Karlin nym. He hops around websites too fast for me to keep track, but as recently as 2015 he had a blog on Tumblr​. Sometimes he offers tarot readings for sale--one card, yes or no question only. I recommend these without question whether you “believe” in tarot or not. (I’ve grown out of my quantum woo days and I don’t now think the cards are anything but a fantastic system for self-reflection). This is super long so I’m gonna stop now. Maybe it’ll do for that “what I learned from alt.tarot” post I always meant to make.
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so i'm brand brand new to this
but i'm pretty optimistic & i think this would be a great way for me to both express myself & to share my witchy journey w people who can benefit from it & appreciate it all at once
to be honest though, i'm totally lost as to what i should write here
so let's start w the basics :
i consider myself to be a solitary witch, but that may change sometime in the future, i guess it depends on where this journey takes me. i'm a fire sign, & a lot of my spells consist of candle magick, which is something i first started out doing because it can be very simple, yet very effective. i am a big believer in the power of crystals, & i try to incorporate them into my work as much as possible. also, though i'm fairly inexperienced & new to the herbal aspect of magick, i almost always use them in my magickal work to either aid my spells or enhance them. here's some things that i ask of you before i begin sharing my own personal witchcraft experiences/knowledge —
don't ask me to tell you which deities i worship — i consider my relationship w my goddess & gods to be very intimate n personal, & i'd very much so like to keep it that way. i don't belong to a coven nor do i practice witchcraft w anyone other than myself (hence the "solitary witch" line) & never have, so i don't share that kind of information. if you practice/worship w others, more power to you! me, personally, though, i'm just more of a loner, although i don't mind sharing the knowledge i've gained concerning all other aspects of the craft
don't be shy, if i post some kind of information that's incorrect or invalid, PLEASE let me know. i'm not too good to admit when i'm wrong & i work hard everyday to better educate myself, i love criticism, constructive or otherwise, & i'm always open to learn something new
that being said, don't try to shove your beliefs down my throat if ours differ, the wicca is an especially diverse religion & there are several different kinds of wicca already, if i choose to believe something you disagree w, give me the respect i automatically give all of you & let it be, it's unnecessary for you to try & start an argument that will only end up being one sided anyways
enjoy yourself, i'm creating this blog for several reasons, but the most important one being this — i'm here to have fun, i enjoy witchcraft & most things associated w it everyday, & if i can share some of the joy i receive from such then i'd like to do so w the rest of you. any negativity brought to my page that i'm aware of will be removed & you will be blocked
hopefully this is good enough an introduction, i have a bunch of things to do n prepare for before tonight because, if you don't already know, not only is it a full moon once again, but it's also friday the thirteenth — this happens very rarely n i intend to take full advantage of such
stay lifted
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
Dawn Summers Character Analysis
Born as a key as part of Buffy’s hero journey and controlling demons
Grew up with a deadbeat father
Was close to Tara the other only part Scoobie
Dealt with self-harm
Fought with her sister for attention
Was kidnapped multiple times
Lost her mom at a young age
Was raised by a mixed group of people after the death of her mother, and even more so after her sister attempts suicide
Watched her sister attempt suicide
Steals stuff from others
Decent with hand to hand combat and has a basic understanding of witchcraft
Participated in many of the later battles
Had to grow up exposed to pretty consistent violence, but wasn’t allowed to be involved till earlier
Dawn was a character added later on in the story but was essential to the plot and a part of most of the other characters arcs. She is often considered annoying by fans, and the characters in the story. She was stuck between always being the baby but still having to deal with all of the chaos. She breaks down a lot and acts out from neer being given a lot of 1-on-1 attention growing up in the shadow of Buffy.
Learning she is only part of Buffy’s hero arc triggers some horrible feelings of depersonalization triggering a pretty graphic episode of self-harm. Feeling deeply unreal tied with her attention issued pretty strongly. Buffy does help her come back though, ensuring she knows they love her anyway.
Dawn has issues with kleptophobia later in the story. Causing some Strief with others, clearly a cry for attention and compulsive behaviour for the point of being impulsive. Dawn experiences a pretty serious breakdown after her mother died.
Dawn and Buffy love each other and start off as pretty normal sisters. There are obviously more to their life with the slaying and all but can act pretty normal. Dawn, however, becomes clearly involved with the key story being undeniably part of the missions and being kidnapped as part of it. After the death of their mother Dawn ends up in BUffy’s custody, who did try her best to care for her. Buffy does eventually come around to the fact that even as her baby sister she wasn’t just a child anymore, growing up way to fast just like she did.
Dawn was close to Tara as both of them felt like outsiders to the main Scoobies, undeniably involved but still outsiders. Tara tried hard to fill in the missing spaces Buffy left open in her own guardian offering more emotional support. Dawn also hardcore ships Tara/Willow. Willow acts a lot like Buffy seeing her as just the baby of the group but does care. Dawn also has a pretty big crush on Xander in an older sister's BFF way. Anya often helps Dawn unwind being one of the characters who doesn’t have a caregiver kind of relationship with her.
Dawn along with Buffy (and most of the others) see Giles as their father figure. He is the strongest male figure in their lives, and the only real adult left to protect and parent a gaggle of teenagers/young adult. He also fills in the role of an absentee dad the Summers girls never had.
Dawn sees Spike as a friend. He is also not a main member of th Scoobies and sees her as a little sister and friend. He lets her wind down away from the others, and she only really sees him as a friendly person and not a bloodthirsty vampire only really being angry with him when he hurts Buffy.
Dawn's status as the kid even when forced to deal with horrific realities of violence, death, kidnapping and being raised for a while by a coalition of people who do want to care and love her greatly but it is destabilizing to her development. Being the baby and expected to not understand, when she is absolutely old enough to respond to the world. She kind of ends up a state of not ever growing up when everyone sees her as a kid, sibling, or kid, while also growing up way too quickly leaving her in a confused state. Trauma is in every part of her life when she is still rather young, it's something she does face head-on even through struggling.
She does grow up overtime being a competent fighter and offering support both tactically and emotionally to the other Scoobies. Being able to survive and deal with not getting to be a slayer sounded by people who now get to be special, even though it was part of her for a long time as less than Buffy.
Dawn does cry and scream, she becomes deeply afraid and hurt. But one thing she never does is give up, fights when kidnapped, learn to protect herself and does her best to help others. It shows immense kind of bravery to get through everything no matter if she is afraid or hurt, bravery without fear isn't bravery. She'll never be special by destiny but by her decisions to never give up.
Trauma and depression play a lot into her character along with her sister and many of those around her. It adds to her acting out behaviour, struggles to make friends outside her family group who has experienced similar trauma. She's isolated from the outside world a lot during high school which makes it even more apparent why she seeks out others love.
Dawn is often told off for being annoying by the fandom and considered "the worst"I did too, but later I looked back and saw that she is honestly a distressed and mentally ill teenager. She acts out for attention, but being second best was hard for her, wanting attention from her family isn't a bad thing by definition it makes absolute sense to want that as a young teen. She also is clearly dealing with some degree of mental distress that comes out as being on edge and doing behaviours others find frustrating. But I think a lot of people actually hate her for being a normal teenage girl who is usually considered annoying even real struggle like dismissing clearly upset people for being whiny and wanting attention, up to and including self-harm. Another thing is I think people can see themselves in her, including her most "annoying"  behaviours, if you were a depressed and/or a struggling teenager.
I think she is a fine character, someone who manages to feel real and 3d even if she is a plot device. She's strong as hell even when she is hurt. I think she is a good part of the found family story and is honestly relatable in a kind of mirror way to people who did struggle at her age.
ND Headcanons:
Episodes of high anger
Feels abandoned and left out
Feels a need to constantly prove herself
Hypersensitive to emotions
Impulsive Behavior
Searches for attention good or bad
Self-Harm and other dangerous behaviours
Steals things compulsively
Strong emotional reactions
Unstable sense of self and place in the group
Consistently shows a depressive state
Feels lesser than the others around her who are she views as more special
Guilt around how she affected the other people, especially Buffy
Persistent thoughts about death
Self-harm and destructive behaviours
Struggles to focus on everyday life
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Master List Witchcraft Servers Pt. 2
Crystals & Cauldrons  A server to help out new witches and just for witchcraft and magic in general! (We are LGBT+ friendly and don't allow discrimination of any kind!) We also have: free readings, taggable roles when you need help, and a respectful community of witches! https://discordapp.com/invite/FtTxn9h Home Of Witches & Love  A Friendly Safe haven that allows newcomers to learn about the craft. https://discordapp.com/invite/DKkw6RZ Witches on Tumblr  Salutations! So following the mass extermination on Tumblr, I decided t would be a good idea to create a server dedicated to the witches of Tumblr. Of course you don't need to be from Tumblr to enjoy it, I do plan on changing the name of this server later on. Anyways. This server is pretty laidback as far as rules go, just please don't do anything illegal, thanks. - Avery https://discordapp.com/invite/7bpa7ku Academy of Witchcraft  Hey! We're a server for anyone interested in paganism and witchcraft or those who are studying and/or practicing it. Anyone is welcome to join and we'd love to have absolutely anyone come in to share their beliefs, views, paths, opinions, etc. This is a brand new server so we're rough around the edges. But feel free to come on in and leave any tips and suggestions. We hope you can take the time to check us out! https://discordapp.com/invite/dFjaSBb Witchcraft  If you are a witch or you have an interest for witchcraft, this discord server is a place where we share our knowledge with each other, helping anyone who has an interest. We have an organised system where everyone can choose which channels they want to see, so its less overwhelming. All paths are welcomed and not focusing on any specific path. Also we don’t have “teacher/mentor” system or any rank system, everyone is equal and its simple as that. If you have social anxiety or if you just feel shy, dont feel awkard or anything cause many of us also suffer from those and no one going to judge you or anything. You can just click the link and jump in, or DM me if you have any questions! If you dont know about discord, its a free chat app such as whatsapp, viber, line-mainly for gamers, but such an organised platform to communicate and you don’t need to share any personal info to create an account. Hope to see you there! https://discordapp.com/invite/mGas6wd Witch Trade & Academy  A Witchcraft server for the new witches and for witches trying to sell! A small but growing economy of witches to teach others, trade, and sell! Witches of all kinds accepted! --Religion is not taught as the craft itself is a flexible practice that does not need religion, in no way does religion play into this server so please feel free and be proud of your religion!!-- https://discordapp.com/invite/K7f5X2t Blue Moon Coven  This is a discord server for every witch! We welcome everyone in. Have fun discovering more about Witchcraft and different religions/deities. This server contains: - Non-witchy discussions  - Self-assignable roles - Classes  - PDFs about witchcraft  - We are lgbtqia+ friendly - And much more! https://discordapp.com/invite/VGUSHhE Blood Moon Coven  A witchy server for folks of various spiritualities. Leftist oriented and LGBTQ+ friendly. https://discordapp.com/invite/HhY266W The Spiritual Haven  The Spiritual Haven is a Discord server aimed to be a little place for everyone from all different types of spiritualities can hang out! - Lots and lots of self-roles for every religion and belief :) - Recommended 16+ - Events for various spiritual holidays! - LGBTQA+ friendly! - Astrology, divination, and tarot readers! https://discordapp.com/invite/ydeTWXH The Little Fairy House  We are a Witch/Wiccan/Pagan/Nordic group! We are open pretty much to anyone joining, we just ask you to follow our rules. Come check us out!!! https://discordapp.com/invite/Jgk2UcG Witchcraft Community  We are a fast growing community of Witches looking to learn and spread our knowledge Please note this is not a satanist server this is a Wiccan/Pagan server https://discordapp.com/invite/zCs56U6 Paths of the Craft  Welcome to your one stop informational Wiccan and Witchcraft server where we are primarily looking into the Old Pagan Religions (Traditional) and not modern ones. The information is obtained through a compilation of research from sites, apps, and books and placed in this organized manor for the start of your journey and beyond. https://discordapp.com/invite/3B8REz6 The Witching Willow  Welcome to the Witching Willow!   We are a witchcraft focused server for secular and all religious members that welcomes all ages, races, sexualities, genders, and all levels of knowledge in The Craft. We continuously strive to provide:  An active and friendly home Informational and discussion channels  Private channels for 18+ and lgbtq+  Server-wide events  A place to understand the perspective of various witch types in a structured, yet, fluid wholesome setting  Multi-layered verification process for new members to reduce interference from trolls. https://discordapp.com/invite/gjCnxPy The Witches Corner  The Witches Corner is a server used to connect to those who are like minded within the Craft or are wanting to learn about it. We have so much to offer and we are willing to work with you anytime. You make friends and maybe even family here. We are open to everyone. https://discordapp.com/invite/9edYNpq Broom Closet Witches  A community dedicated to the witches out there who are unable to shout about their craft. Broom Closet Witches is focused on teaching and growing our "coven" in a way that is beneficial to ourselves as individuals and as a community. https://discordapp.com/invite/aB8gJuc Physical Shifting/Otherkin Community  We are a community that tries to get the tagged communities to get along. Everyone is welcome as long as they aren't rude. Offers: -Tarot readings -witchcraft information -shifting information -guidance -sigil requests -etc https://discordapp.com/invite/nYTt5e8 Magick Sharing  not an rp server this server is for real witches and those wanting to know more about witch craft rn we are a small server so please be patient with any issues you find. https://discordapp.com/invite/6yKhQNF Young Witches Coven  The Young Witches’ Coven (YWC) is a coven for witches both male and female under the age of 20. You are free to still learn and be a student after age 20, but you can also become a mentor when 20 or older. We welcome people of all ages and religions, come join us! :D https://discordapp.com/invite/6NvjrSv Necromancer's Grave  A hub of necromantic knowledge and magical philosophy. https://discord.gg/2n7CgMX The Witches Vellichor  Description- Ve-llee-kor - ‘The feeling of walking into a used bookstore, of stories untold and memories clinging to unread pages of the books, spins cracked but not yet loved.’ It is the start of a journey - one told across time repeatedly - a journey of one's craft.This is a general witchcraft server where we host events/classes from an array of backgrounds! Those who  can join- Anybody 13+! https://discord.gg/spZT4XU Schola Magia Practicus  The Discord server especially for practicing magicians from all belief systems. https://discord.gg/hVwX9JG GhostOwl Keep  NOT A ROLEPLAY CHAT This is a server for learning and sharing what we know of magick and mythology. We can share pdfs, do readings (with permission), ask/answer questions with one another and otherwise help one another with research. LGBT+ folk are welcomed with open arms! https://discordapp.com/invite/UhdPg9s Witch NetWork Looking for a place to share your spells? Want some tips on creating sigils? Come down to Witch Network! We’re a small but positive community! Note: Must be 16+ https://discord.gg/NwFzfbK Flowers and Ash Practitioners of all paths and ages are welcome, but certain channels will be role-locked 18+. We are a disability, POC and LGBTQIA+ friendly server as our goal is to be a safe place for all of our members to hang out. Note: New members will have limited channel access until they leave an introduction and receive the @World tag. Upon joining you will have three (3) days to leave an introduction before you are kicked. https://discordapp.com/invite/6XRdRr8 Rosemary Hearth Coven We are the Rosemary Hearth Coven, an online coven for all witches regardless of their path, gender, age, or experience level! Although a very new server, we have a wonderful staff team and a policy of tolerance towards all paths of the Craft. Please feel free to join our family, and have a blessed day! https://discordapp.com/invite/wNQVhmj The Love Cauldron Hello everyone, the purpose of this server is to provide people who are spiritual, practice witchcraft and everyone in between a place to meet new friends or even form a parnership! So sit back, pour yourself a tankard of mead and let The Love Cauldron brew up some romance. https://discordapp.com/invite/SCKFgNp The Witching Hour Academy The Witching Hour Academy is a server for witches of all paths. All are welcome, both experienced and new. The server has monthly lessons taught by members of the community, and we’re always open to anyone who would like to teach! https://discordapp.com/invite/JjAmMZG Applewood Grove Applewood Grove is a community of witches and occultists who walk all paths of life, aimed towards practitioners aged 17+ https://discordapp.com/invite/y489FQX The Bat and the Butterfly A trans and nonbinary only server for witchcraft and the occult! it's all-ages, but we do have channels specifically for nsfw magic that you must be 18+ to get access to. come join us! https://discord.gg/kncwpeT Newmoon Coven Welcome to the Newmoon Coven :BlobBlob: Wicca and Witchcraft :BlobBlob: Tutorials and discussions :BlobBlob: Amazing new experiences! https://discord.gg/rmmaTgX Crimson Mage A place for those practicing witchcraft to share ideas and for me to share my experiences. Mages of all religions are welcome. https://discordapp.com/invite/RkAUGQN The Cottage An all-inclusive witchcraft community that caters to new and experienced witches alike! https://discordapp.com/invite/VpsvWV3 The Moon Sisters Hello lovelies!   I'm Kinara from xxMoon-Sistersxx! We have our very own discord server now! In our server we aim for a warm and welcoming witchcraft community! We strive to have a place for everyone and everything, from casual conversations to serious discussions. We currently have several channels for specific crafts , practices , religions and belief systems! We're currently in the works to begin a Witchcraft Study Group and fun server exclusive events!   We are open to suggestions and willing to adapt our server with the needs of our community to the best of our ability. We are still a small server but we strive to do our best! We hope to see you there! https://discord.gg/2yxzKB8 Lavender Broom Café  Is a place for wand waving, star gazing, and howling at the moon. Are you interested in magic? Maybe you’ve been practicing for years, or maybe you’re new to your craft.  Lavender Broom Café is a community welcoming all spiritualists and magic practitioners. Our community is friendly and supportive of each other as we work together to advance our crafts. Together we have created a collection of magical books, including a crystal guide, herbal toolkit, grimoire, and a cookbook. If your intuition has brought you here, come and say hello. This is a server for ages 18+ so expect mature discussion. https://discordapp.com/invite/xfJuuZf The Hidden Glade  Formerly The Sea Witches’ Cove, The Hidden Glade is an 18+ server for witches of all paths. We went through some changes recently, and during those realized that our community had expanded far beyond sea witchcraft, and wanted a new look that accommodated a wider range of practitioners. After all, the forest is big enough to house all kinds of paths, and we strive to be a place where people can forge their own, and be a welcoming haven for all to share their journey. Our server has -a friendly and welcoming community of over 150 members -a levelling system with rewards for reaching certain milestones -witchy and non witchy channels, including gaming, a space for spoonies, and optional nsfw channels (granted upon request after reaching level 5) -a safe space for lgbtqa+ members (¾ of the admin are, as well as a majority of the general members) So come check us out, and see if the Glade is right for you! https://discordapp.com/invite/KM73R6X THE INFORARIUM  A place of learning the occult and magickal arts! Our current featured topics are thought magick and astral travel. Join us for an adventure through time and space as we uncover the secrets of the the arcane and how science is a complement, not a threat, to the magickal arts. HELP WANTED: inquire within — we are also looking for experienced practitioners to become teachers for other aspects of the magickal arts. https://discordapp.com/invite/JJ4VnaH m y s t i c - m e a d o w ➸ 「A small community by witches, for witches!」 
 ➸ 「MysMea is the ideal hangout for people who believe in and/or practice:」 ✰ Occult ✰ Wicca ✰ Witchcraft ✰ Paganism ✰etc.
 ➸ 「Although this is an ideal place for these people and beliefs, we welcome others of all religions and beliefs as long as you're open-minded!」
 ➸ 「We welcome everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or anything of the sort. <3」 
 ➸ 「We welcome you to join us! We're really small and would love to have you as a part of our sweet little community.」 https://discordapp.com/invite/Z2D8YAV ☆ The Kings Hubris ☆  A magick practitioner server for people of colour only, if you’re not poc this isn’t the server for you. Aimed towards anyone actively practicing, wishing to start practicing, or simply to learn more or talk to other poc about magic, witchcraft, or occult practices. ❀ mostly empty emoji slots and accepting submissions ❀ LGBTQIA+ friendly ❀ active staff ❀ nsfw channels ❀ a small, but growing library ❀ fun witchy bot ❀ self-assignable roles ♡ ♡ https://discordapp.com/invite/938wZdf The Order of The Self  We're The Order of The Self, a group of like-minded individuals who put the development of the self above all. We see our fellow members as our brother and sisters, which we respect and help move forward. Together we can achieve great things, and together we will achieve great things. Here you'll find your purpose. Here you'll find greatness. https://discordapp.com/invite/kJZZFe7
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