#anyway this is my last week of vacation so i'm gonna keep working on prompts this week but fyi i'm only gonna get slower
astromechs · 5 years
romanogers + 12 😔👊🏽
we still goin back in time with these feelings, my dudes
also on ao3 here!
feel free to keep sending pairings/prompts from this list here!
The sun’s starting to get into her eyes through the open window, making her have to squint at the punching bag in front of her as she prepares her stance, but she doesn’t need that to remind her that she’s been at this for hours; her fingers are stiff when she stretches them out, and they practically protest against her when she curls them into fists again.
But a little pain and stiffness have never mattered to her – the Red Room beat concerns like that out of her a long time ago. Her body is only a tool, she’d once been taught, one that can be pushed beyond superficial limits for the sake of the mission. Until it’s done, nothing matters except the mission. The job.
The world, she thinks, the world that still needs someone to do something to try to protect it, that needs her to do this job, doesn’t care how she feels.
She inhales, and sends her fist colliding into the bag.
“Think you’ve murdered that punching bag enough for one day.”
The sound of a familiar voice coming from a few steps away makes her stop, the bag swinging on its hook with a creak. Not many people can sneak up on her, but over the years, Steve has learned his lessons well. It’s a point of pride for her, even if, at the moment, it brings on the slightest twinge of annoyance.
“Isn’t that a little hypocritical, coming from you?” she asks as the bag comes back around, reaching out to grab it and hold it still. “I seem to remember a time when we went through at least ten of these in a week, because someone kept punching holes in them.”
When she turns, he shrugs, a smug smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Innocent until proven guilty, Nat.”
Right now, she could actually punch said smirk off of his stupid face.
The thought must be evident in her expression somehow, because Steve laughs, like the asshole he is. It’s brief and quiet, and it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but it’s a laugh all the same.
Some days, that’s a monumental achievement.
Before she can say anything, he holds up a paper bag like it’s a peace offering. “I brought takeout.” It’s a good one, actually; her stomach growls right on cue. Even if she could keep pushing, she does need to eat eventually. “And a movie.”
She makes quick work of unwrapping her hands, unceremoniously tosses the wrappings to the floor as she turns away and steps toward him. “DVD. How ancient,” she says as she peers at the box in his other hand. “Thought we’d traded in the Jurassic period for Antiques Roadshow, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Ha ha,” Steve fires back dryly, emphasizing each part of that as an individual word.
They don’t say anything else as they walk from the gym back toward the compound’s main building, and their dinner conversation is as light and banal as it usually is when they eat cheap takeout together like this. That’s been life for the past eight months – make it to the end of the day, don’t dive into anything too deeply, wake up and do it all over again. If she doesn’t think about it too hard, she can almost convince herself that this feels normal.
This is the problem with stepping out of the shadows: once you leave them behind, once you trade lies for the truth, you can’t go back.)
There’s no one here at all except them, but they still share the middle of the couch in the common area, legs and arms touching for the movie’s entire two hours and change. They laugh at all the places they should, and some they probably shouldn’t, and more than once, she thinks that she’s really glad that Steve had decided to come by; it’s nice to have a friend sometimes, and she feels at least ten times lighter.
Things like that, of course, aren’t meant to last.
“Sam would’ve hated that.” She’s cognizant of the words just when they leave her mouth, at a point that’s too late, and, instantly, the air becomes heavy around them, in all the worst familiar ways. Her chest hollows out, and her throat goes dry.
Her eyes sting, and she drops her gaze down to the fabric of the couch, silently willing herself to get it together.
“Yeah,” Steve says quietly, voice thick in a way that suggests he’s trying to do the same thing. “Yeah, he would have.”
She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and she glances up, eyes searching his. He looks exhausted, probably more exhausted than she feels; she wonders when he last actually slept. There are lines on his face that she’s sure weren’t there a year ago, with likely more than a fair few on her own to match, too. It’s been a long eight months, and a long couple of years since the mess with the Accords before that, and the wear is all over them.
But even through all of that, she thinks, they’re both still here.
She doesn’t know who moves first, doesn’t know which of them is the one to actually take the step to cross some metaphorical Rubicon, but eventually, they meet in the middle, his lips pressed against hers, and she’s moving in sync with him.
A part of her thinks that, maybe, this has been a long time coming. But this isn’t a movie, so nothing that’s happening here is a magical fix for the state of the world around them. It doesn’t take away the hollowness in her chest, or the knowledge that tomorrow, billions of people will still be dead and billions of fractured families will still be trying to pick up the pieces. It doesn’t make up for what anyone has lost, and could never hope to.
It does let her know, though, that she isn’t in this alone. And for the moment, that’s enough.
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hanniesdegree · 3 years
By the River | JJK
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photo from bangtanger
pairing: jungkook x gender-neutral reader
prompt: you surprise jungkook with a picnic on your day off
genre: fluff, slice of life
warnings: n/a
word count: 860
author's note: This is gonna be part of a drabble series where it's all picnics with bts!
You see him with a growing smile when he notices you by the front lobby.
"Hey," you greet with a small wave. He, however, runs up to you and lifts you off your feet, spinning you in circles.
It's been a while since you've last seen him. Your schedules have been keeping you apart. But both of you have a free day today, and you had to do something out of it.
"Are we going somewhere?" He asks.
"I guess we'll see?"
You escort him out of the building and immediately head out to walk. It was a couple of minutes to the neighbourhood park. You lead him to a slightly secluded area, where a blanket and a picnic basket laid on the ground.
It wasn't anything extraordinary, really. You picked a nice flat spot overlooking the river, but it wasn't like you can plan a vacation. It's fine, you figured both of you needed some time to pause anyway.
Jungkook looks excited. Once he saw what you've prepared, he ran towards the spot, leaving you behind. He looks back at you, seemingly in disbelief, communicating 'you prepared all these?'.
You smile at his reaction and nod.
He takes a big inhale of the sharp summer air and he settles himself on the ground. He pats on the spot next to him, urging you to sit by his side.
He makes sure both of you are comfortable, then asks, "So what's going on? I thought we won't have a free day together for the next 3 weeks."
"Yeah, but a month ago I got a note saying my appointment today was canceled." You explain. "It just so happened that it was the same day as your rest day, so I wanted to surprise you."
"This is so nice, jagiya. Work has been exhausting and I've been wanting to see you for so long! I've missed you"
"Aw, I mis-"
"Hold on!" He cuts you abruptly, fishing for something in his pockets. "Before I forget, please accept this."
He hands you a small hand-wrapped gift with that smile. Like he knows to something. You eye him suspiciously even before opening the present. Then it hits you.
"Oh my god, I don't believe this," you slowly say, shaking your head. Jungkook looks worried. Oh no. Do you not like it?
Before he is able to respond, you almost shout,
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Have you been looking through my phone? This was supposed to be a surprise! How else did you know about my plans for today?"
You were clearly annoyed. He even had the nerve to ask you what brought this on, but he knew all along? You felt betrayed.
But he bursts out laughing. His shoulders are shaking and his eyes are crinkling. Any sort of annoyance melts away. You are obstinate, though. You breathe in deeply to keep your facade in place.
"Would you believe me if I say I didn't?" He notes.
You don't answer.
"But jagiya, I swear I didn't. I was eating my morning cereal one day and your phone was on the counter. It rang suddenly so I thought I should tell you. But I picked it up and saw the reminder for this day."
He pulls you in close to him and rests his head on your shoulder. He knows you're being dramatic, but he plays with the act and retaliates with soft affection.
"I don't like you right now," you pout, dragging your words as you lean your entire weight on him. "I really wanted to surprise you, you know."
"Couldn't you just have pretended to not know?"
"I thought of that, yes. But I also thought you were working hard too, so I wanted to give you something. You already do so much for me, and I wanted to let you know that I really really appreciate it."
His voice gets softer and softer with that confession, and something bubbles inside your stomach that you could not explain. It's these types of moments that make you think you want to do so much more for him.
So you give. And he gives. And you wonder what you did in your past life that led you to him.
He pokes you suddenly, bringing you back to reality. You were too stunned to reply. He laughs at you.
"Now, come on! Let's eat before these get cold." He opens up the basket and slowly lays down all the food on the blanket.
"They're already cold, I made them this morning."
"Really? I'm so excited!" His eyes grow big. You rarely cook lately; you haven't had the time. But today you went all out and prepared all his favorites. There was chicken, seafood, cheese, bread, and snacks. Lots and lots of snacks.
You continue your little escapade like this. He tells you random things from work and his new hobbies. When he gets excited about something specific, he becomes more animated in how he expresses his thoughts.
Jungkook would stand up and his arms would flail and his face would scrunch the entire time. And you laugh to tears every time.
How mischievous, you think. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
part of the picnics with bts collection.
read picnic with namjoon
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Could I request . . . best friend!chan + boys' night out, some platonic banter and wholesome drunk escapades?
Okay ngl Javi I have never gotten drunk or anything so like.... I’m so sorry I don’t know how to write this smdkgshg but I wanted to write platonic banter and I started this like texting series in my last drabble game so.... I kinda continued it here but with a reader too?? I hope that’s okay I’m so sorry kjfskdjhguh
(Read the original text aus here: danceracha | 3racha | vocalracha | the boyz | both groups aka a nightmare)
Stray Kids drabble game: send me a Stray Kids member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Cafe Shenanigans 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pairing: none (all platonic), reader is gender neutral
Word count: 1.3k
Triggers: cursing
quick clarification:
better than tony: chan
chingban: changbin
gremlin: jisung
y/n/wow: y/n
better than tony: we have a new worker joining today please for the love of god do Not scare them off
better than tony has added y/n to the group chat!
y/n: chan why is this your nickname
chingban: and why did you talk about a new worker all serious n shit we literally know y/n
gremlin: probably better than we know chan tbh
y/n: what’s my favorite color
chingban: ...
gremlin: ...
y/n: that’s what I thought
better than tony: I'm regretting everything rn 
chingban: ???? nothing has happened ????????
better than tony: something is going to happen I know it is
better than tony: it’s only a matter of time
y/n: chan you still haven’t answered my question
y/n: why is this your nickname
better than tony: I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you
gremlin: I'm gonna do it
chingban: I'm torn between wanting to cease existence
chingban: and wanting to see chan melt into the ground out of embarrassment
better than tony: I swear to fucking god you assholes IF YOU DO IT
gremlin: [ sent 1 audio attachment wow.mp3 ]
y/n: oh my what’s this ??
better than tony: y/n go to work
y/n: I'm taking my break now <3
better than tony: I'm revoking best friend privileges
y/n: that’s fine I can make two whole other best friends right here 
gremlin: :D
chingban: :D
better than tony: I knew this was a mistake
y/n: I think my twenty minute break is long enough to listen to a three minute song! 
y/n: bye whores
better than tony: jisung say your prayers
gremlin: I'm willing to take one for the team
gremlin: it was only a matter of time before they found out anyway
chingban: you can’t argue with that
gremlin: are those choking noises from the back
better than tony: this was a mistake this was a mistake this was a fucking mistake
chingban: dw I'll go check on them
chingban: make sure y/n isn’t dead on their first day on the job
better than tony: I honestly hope they choke
chingban: update all is well
better than tony: damn
gremlin: that?? is??? your???? best????? friend??????
better than tony: not anymore
better than tony: anyone who knows about wow must be put to death
chingban: so our entire friend group should be put to death?????
better than tony: are you arguing with that
gremlin: you know what I can’t argue
gremlin: I'm surprised the fbi hasn’t shot us down yet
y/n has changed their name to wow!
better than tony: ok you know what fuck you
wow: what the fuck are you doing to get the fbi to shoot you down
gremlin: IT’S ALIVE
better than tony: unfortunately
wow: it ??????????????????????????????????
chingban: idk about them but I've never done anything that merits being shot down yb the fbi
gremlin: wow is an offense punishable by death
chingban: I agree it’s an offense but death ???????
better than tony: stop texting and go back to work I'm tired of you all
wow: I'm still on my break
better than tony: everyone except y/n stop texting and go back to work
chingban: the favoritism is real
better than tony: y/n is my best friend suck it up
gremlin: I thought you disowned them from that position ???
better than tony: unfortunately they’re still more tolerable than you two combined
wow: I'm still reeling over being called ‘it’
wow: bitch ass han jisung you think I'm Frankenstein’s monster or some shit? or the clown from that movie???
gremlin: do you want me to answer that question
wow: say your prayers
better than tony: I regret everything
wow: hey I didn’t know hyunjin/minho/Felix worked at the build a bear at this mall
chingban: literally where have you been
chingban: they’ve been there for at least six months
gremlin: why is only felix’s name capitalized
wow: 1. bitch do you think I come to the mall to go to build a bear?
wow: 2. autocorrect
wow: wow jisung your autocorrect is shit if it isn’t capitalizing Felix
gremlin: what do you come to the mall for
gremlin: also what of it
wow: to bother chan
wow: and mooch off the wifi because the connection at home is shit
wow: oh and work now ig
better than tony: nice to see your priorities
wow: <3
wow: actually jisung. don’t tell me you fucking actually go back and make Felix uncapitalized 
gremlin: caught
gremlin: and wait till they find out where seungmin/jeongin work at 
chingban: what the fuck why wouldn’t you just let autocorrect do its shit
better than tony: he’s jisung do you really need another reason
chingban: fair enough
gremlin: fair enough
wow: also I've known where the fuck seungmin/jeongin work I used to work at the tutoring center too dumbasses
better than tony: isn’t the pay better there? I still don’t know why you quit
wow: if you mean better by like fifty cents then yeah
gremlin: I-
chingban: I thought tutoring would pay a lot more than working at a shitty cafe???????????????????????????????
wow: yeah that’s what I thought too
wow: and then I found out how much chan was getting paid and I was like what the fuck I'd have so much fun working here even with slightly lower pay 
wow: so I quit
gremlin: respect
wow: wasn’t a hard decision
wow: the kids are horrible
better than tony: I thought you liked some of them
wow: “some” is the key word
chingban: ouch
wow: at least I get to fuck around here without getting in too much trouble
better than tony: isn’t sangyeon chill??
wow: Ella isn’t
gremlin: oh I've heard horror stories from seungin
wow: they’re all true
wow: honestly wish you’d burned down the tutoring center when you set fire to the refrigerator jisung
better than tony: HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT
chingban: more like who DOESN’T know about that
wow: seungmin sent me pics
better than tony: betrayed by my own children
wow: he’s more my child than yours and you know it
chingban: does that mean y/n and chan are our parents????
wow: no
better than tony: no
gremlin: oh my god I have more parents now !!!!!
wow: suddenly I feel Regret
better than tony: welcome to my world
gremlin: I'll set fire to the refrigerator again if you don’t say you’re my parents
better than tony: isn't this how you bribed Jacob into giving you hugs instead of giving me hugs
wow: Jacob?
chingban: other worker along with chanhee they’re on vacation for the week
wow: o
better than tony: also please don't set fire to the refrigerator
better than tony: or even try to
gremlin: have my conditions been met
wow: fucking gremlin bitch ass child
wow: fine I'm one of your parents
gremlin: 1/2
better than tony: fine
gremlin: 2/2 :D
wow: let the record say I only ever wanted seungmin and jeongin
wow: and Felix
gremlin: ouch
chingban: ouch
wow: you force me to be your parent you suffer the consequences
better than tony: Felix is MY SON
better than tony: I’LL FIGHT YOU
chingban: jisung did you predict this
gremlin: in reality no but for the clout yes
chingban: ...
gremlin: I am Agent of Chaos(TM)
chingban: that I can see
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 1!  Part 2
Bakugou slumps angrily on the couch in the common space of his shared apartment.
Although if it were up to him he would have had his own apartment.
Especially with the way Kirishima brought his girlfriend over to sit on the love seat in the small living room being all...touchy feely. It was enough to make him gag.
Kirishima had begged him to sign the lease with him and so Bakugou begrudgingly agreed.
But he didn't expect a third party to be living here.
And no it was the cute pink haired woman who sat giggling beneath his sculpted arm.
It was you.  
You who bursts through the doors, practically running into the living room as you slip off your shoes.
"I need someone's help during the undergrad agency summer break." You pant as you look around the room. Eyes first flying to Kirishima before landing on the growling Ash blonde, "It'd be half work half vacation for a couple of weeks. Please."
You sound desperate causing Bakugou's stomach to churn. While it caused Kirishima to panic. In the year or so the three of you had shared an apartment you had never asked for help.
Not even with the dishes after your turn to cook. Glittering rubies dance across your form while scarlet burn holes into your skin.
"When? Which month?" Kirishima asks, pulling Mina closer to his muscular form.
"This upcoming month. So next week." Desperation is in your face again, "It's just a simple job I would pay…"
"I wish I could but Ashido and I are going abroad for our final summer internship before we are stand alone pros." Kirishima watches your face become crestfallen. You look to Bakugou desperately who avoids your puppy eyed gaze purposefully.
"Could you get Denki to do it?" Kirishima prompts. You chew your lip as you try to picture it.
"He isn't a good fit for the job. I need...someone a little more serious." Pacing as you think, going down the list of your classmates that might be free. Each step becoming more anxiety fueled, Kirishima's eyebrows knit upwards before his gaze lands on his friend.
"Bakugou, you got the summer off as a reward didn't you?" The ash blonde cuts his "friend" a harsh glare.
"Oi so what if I did?" All venom as he makes eye contact, instantly regretting it as he watches hope bloom on your face. His heart pangs as his stomach twists. He let's out an angry growl, "I'm not helping any fucking extras."
He stands, headed to barricade himself in his room for the rest of the evening. Between you and the fucking love birds he was more than ready to tear out his soft locks.
Your heart pounded in your chest now that Kirishima had mentioned it, Bakugou could potentially be perfect for the job. And you didn't have much time. The two of you would need to leave this weekend.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Please Bakugou! I'll make that super spicy ramen you love!" Your voice is higher than normal and whiny. Something the two men are unused to. Sinking your knees into the soft carpet in front of him. Your hands raised above your head as you speak.
"Please please please. I'll make the ramen anytime you want it for the next YEAR! 330 in the morning. 4 in the afternoon. 8pm! Please Bakugou Katsuki please!" You clap your hands, clasping them tightly together trying to hold onto what little dignity you had left. Groveling to a man you hardly knew and tolerated because Kirishima asked you to. Broken pride lodges like a lump in your throat, burning your eyes with unshed tears.
Katsuki blinks slowly, It was the first time you had used his first name.
And to be honest he hadn't ever imagined you to beg for anything.
He grabs onto your wrists yanking you to your feet.
"No one wants to see you on your knees, Brat." He snarls, yanking you hard enough you lose your footing as you're pulled into his godly chest. He watches you look up at him through long lashes. Your voice carrying in his head long after you've stopped speaking. Plush lips pointed in a forever pout.
"Please Katsuki."
He suppresses a shudder, grip tightening as he holds your forearms.
"I'll do it. Now shut up." He snarls, giving you a small shove.
Most people would feel embarrassed or hell even a little shameful. But you were not most people.
Bakugou hears you jumping for joy as he slams his door shut. Wondering what the hell he agreed too.
He finds himself still wondering what he's said yes to as he stands in the train station staring at the map of the stops.
The town you named as your stop was in the middle of fucking no where. Where the hell were you two going?
Was this where you murdered him like you always promised?
"Katsuki! There you are!" Of course it's you who's shouting across the damn station, and if you didn't already attract enough attention with your easy on the eyes looks.
His own eyes watch your thick frame, powerful legs pushing you forward to him while your backpack among other things jiggle as you run, "You didn't get your ticket yet did you?"
He produces the slip as his eyes are finally drown downward towards the large duffle bag overstuffed with what looks like toys and souvenirs.
"Fucking Bakugou!" You snarl, "I was gonna buy your ticket."
He slides his digits against the smooth grey paper to reveal another ticket.
"Had I waited for your dumbass we wouldn't have made it there." You follow his eyes to the board to see your stop was SOLD OUT.
"What's with all that shit?" Again you mirror his gaze to your giant bag.
"Presents." You snarl, pushing him toward the platform as the grainy voice overhead announces boarding.
Bakugou shoves his small black bag into an overhead compartment, motioning with his broad hands for yours. You pass him your obnoxiously large bag that he growls over as he shoves it in, slamming the door shut.
He takes your book bag from your shoulders roughly before carefully placing it between his foot and the metal wall. You offer him a small smile before anxiety and anger begins to dance beneath your skin. The train becoming more and more crowded as people board. The last thing you wanted was your ass accidentally pressed against some perverts hardon each time the train jerked this way or that. You really should have asked Bakugou to help you get here early. If you had maybe you could have at least grabbed a seat. You just keep reminding yourself that after three stops the train would practically be empty.
But it was becoming a difficult mantra as more men pressed themselves against you as they piled onto the train. One or two ghosting their hands over your defined denim clad cheek.  You bite your tongue counting down from ten knowing full well that causing a scene would only make things more difficult for you.  
A suck of teeth is heard before you're being harshly pulled off balance just for your back to be pressed into the cool metal wall of the train. You're about to throw a punch when you realize it is Bakugou who has you pinned in the corner of the car. One strong hand pressed above your shoulder to keep from crashing into you as the train moves while the other holds tight to the bar overhead, shielding you from wander eyes but most importantly wandering hands.
Your heart thumps in your chest as you're caged in, all the while harsh scarlet eyes look down at you in a sneer.
"You should have left earlier Baka." He growls as his eyes cut to the corner of the window to stare at anything but you.  
A blush creeps into your cheeks as silence washes over the car. You take deep breaths to calm yourself only to be smothered in a heavy and almost charred sugary scent. A smile ghosts your lips as it reminds you of late summer nights and fireworks at festivals.
Over the next hour you steal glances up at the hot head who looks more than displeased as his scarlet eyes bore holes into the passing cityscape that slowly turns into a suburb just outside of the city limits. As you said the bodies on the train have thinned significantly as Bakugou pulls away, pointing to the first open seat he can see.
You gladly take it, nestling beside a kind old man who gives you a knowing look. Somehow it makes you blush more.
Bakugou wasn't going to take the news well as to why you really begged him on this adventure.
But what he didn't know didn't hurt him. He was already fitting the job description although he had his own way of doing it. His eyes cut to your bag by his foot to make sure it is still there before they cut to you.  
They linger over the old man questioning with his gaze if you're being bothered. You give a small shake of your head no before he sighs out. Taking with it some of the tension in his body as he pulls his phone from his pocket, his other arm still holding onto the bar. His muscles and bare skin peeking out from beneath the sleeve of his skull tee. Flexing with each pull of the train.
Heat floods your cheeks when you realize you are staring, you fish for your own phone to distract yourself as time seems to creep by.
Before long the older gentleman's stop has come, he ruffles the paper as if to fold it but uses the sound and ink as cover.
"You should just tell him." He gives you a wink before he folds the news neatly, tucking it beneath his arm as he slowly steps out of the training. Stopping just to give you a wink.
"Uuuugghh." Your heart sinks into your stomach before Bakugou finally takes a seat beside you.
"You sure that geezer didn't give you any trouble?" You nod as he scoots further away as the train empties until it is just the two of you.  
"What exactly am I fucking doing anyway?"
Fuckity fuck.
He wasn't supposed to ask yet.
You had hoped he wouldn't ask at all! That he would have kept his gaze sharp, arms crossed and mouth shut.
But here he sat, close enough you could smell his sugary scent once more.
"Don't get mad."
"Oh here we fucking go." His forearms threaten to pop as he holds your gaze head on.
"It's not really a job. I'm still going to pay you but…we're going to my hometown to see my family. So many people are going to be there I just didn't want to go alone. I haven't been in well over a year or so due to hero training and schooling. It's my grandmother's 95th birthday and well I…"
He watches sadness creep over your features, pulling your lips southward. He sighs out, letting go of the popping sensation that pricks at his skin.
"Oi, just means you owe me more than a years worth of ramen." His voice is gruff but it doesn't match his scarlet eyes. The train stops as two woman and the six kids between them get ready to board.
Thankfully you spot them before they spot you.
You lean close to Bakugou whispering almost too quickly for him to hear.
"From this point on. Just follow my lead."
You stand, a smile wide across your face as the kids yell, "Jushi-saaaan!!!"
Bakugou holds his breath and counts for a moment, realizing much too late that there's no turning back now.  
Conversation is light between the two of you as the kids play on their switches. Laughing loudly before more and more people pile on.
But this time they aren't strangers, no each time they are a new relative. Scarlet eyes narrow as the begin to wonder just HOW big your family was.
The train stops but the adventure doesn't as the large family loads onto a small bus ride that last another hour.
The sun begins to set as bus finally stops just outside a large estate and much older estate.
"No fucking way." He mutters to himself as he grabs for your bags, keeping his grumbling to himself as he climbs towards the estate.
"I can take one of those Katsuki. I don't mind."
"Dumbass I need it since you took away a month of training from me." He growls, pushing past you as he rises to the top.
Once there an elderly woman greets the two of you, he eyes roaming over Bakugou with a dull but interested look before passing back to you.  
"Separate rooms of course. Set your things down, Mei will take them. For now Sobo wants to see the two of you."
You bow, stomping on Bakugou's foot until he follows suit. Glaring at you the entire time.
Still he follows you around the large estate until you come across an open tatami door. Before you can sink down to your knees your grandmother calls for you.
"Come in dear! Don't be shy." She smiles delightfully watching the ash blonde with deft eyes.  Bakugou wouldn't have guess your grandmother was 95 if you hadn't told him. She sits stick straight in an old. iromuji kimono with bright eyes.
You sink to your knees and he mirrors your actions. Curiosity softening his burning ember eyes.
"How have you been my sweet mago?" She smiles wide enough that even her eyes seem to smile, reminding Bakugou if you.
Guess the apple never really does fall far from the tree.
"I'm well. I'm almost done with my pro hero internship. Then I can freelance and do work as I please." You smile, going on about your life as you catch up with your grandmother.
"Well I've got something for you as promised." She leans forward passing you a black kimono with cranes stitched in silver and golden thread. A small shrill shriek leaves your body as you hug onto her tightly pulling the fabric away from you to see.
"It's gorgeous grams!"
"A gorgeous piece for a gorgeous woman." Her smile is directed towards the ashen blonde "So Bakugou was it?"
He gives a nod, his body fully relaxed as he tries his hardest to be respectful desire his wanting to scream what the hell he needed to waste a full day's journey to the middle of no where for.
"We've heard so much about you! A pro hero with a powerful quirk." Bakugou smirks over the compliment, "You look strong. Good my mago needs it. She and this family do not do well with pushovers. She needs someone with a strong will. Since you are her fiance I have a few questions."
"Fian…" He shoots a glare towards you to which you return tenfold, he glances towards your grandmother. He grinds his teeth in temporary defeat.
"I need to know you can take care of her. My granddaughter is independent, almost to a fault. She comes from a long line of stubbornness and strong willed women. She needs to be supported without being overshadowed. She will need to be offered help because she will never ask and you will need to watch her closely as she will show two emotions. Determined and composed anger to get the task done and happiness should you be lucky. But the real question is." Grandmother leans in close holding Bakugou's darkening gaze, "Would you die for my granddaughter?"
His brows furrow from such an old fashioned question, your grandmother's eyes begin to narrow, gaze unwavering as she stares into crimson pools for the answer.
"I'll ask a final time. Would you die for my granddaughter?" Bakugou holds her gaze and answers without thought or hesitation.
Speaking an unspoken truth he hadn't realized was there.
"Yes." His voice is gruff and serious, even causing you to be taken aback.
All the while your grandmother's eyes cloud with what you think is suspicion before a giant smile plasters onto her face.
"He's going to fit right in." The old rotary phone in her study begins to ring, "I'll see you two tonight for dinner."
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fanciful-follies · 7 years
If you're looking for Burramy prompts, how about the typical "we were watching some horror movies with our mutual friends, and I don't know you, but you were the closest thing I could grab when that horrid jump scare popped up, and I'm really sorry if I bothered you, but now we are half cuddling because you're nice and didn't push me away" college AU
I love this prompt lol thank you
The first thing Bellamy hears when he walks into Angelica’s apartment is Alex yelling.
He knows he should be used to it by now, Alex is always yelling, but he usually attempts to control himself during a weekend gathering when all of them are just looking to de-stress after a long week. 
“Bellamy!” Laurens’ voice rings out over Alex’s, and he’s suddenly right next to Bellamy, slapping a hand on his back and then pulling him further into the living room. “Finally. You can help us decide on what movie to watch. As usual, we’re all divided. There,” Laurens points to where Angelica, Herc, and Laf are sitting, “is where the disney move fans are sitting.”
“Alex is with us, too!” Lafayette adds, gesturing to where Alex is pacing back and forth on the phone, still looking considerably angry. “We want to watch Oliver and Company.”
“That’s not even one of the top disney movies,” someone else says, sounding exasperated.
Bellamy turns towards the voice, not recognizing it, and sees a boy he’s never met sitting on the far end of the couch, eyes on his phone. His eyes suddenly flick upwards, catching’s Bellamy’s, and for some reason, Bellamy feels his stomach flutter and he moves his gaze away quickly.
“Oliver and Company is an underrated classic,” Alex bites out, hanging up his phone and glaring at the boy on the couch. “And it’s better than any of the shitty horror movies you want to watch, Burr.” He looks back down at his phone and starts to mutter something about how much group  projects suck.
Bellamy looks back at the boy with renewed interest. He’d heard of Aaron Burr before, mainly from Alex. He had a knack for constantly complaining about how smart Aaron was. Well, more about how annoying Aaron was, but Bellamy was usually able to read between the lines. Alex was jealous of Aaron, and no amount of bad-mouthing could hide that fact.
Bellamy had never thought to put a face to the name before, and now that he’s seeing the face, well, he’s pretty sure his imagination could not have done Aaron’s face the justice it deserves.
“Right, well.” John tugs on Bellamy’s arms, getting his attention again. “As Alex has so kindly reminded us, our other movie group is there.” He points to where Aaron is sitting, and his gesture includes Eliza and Peggy as well. “All voting for a horror movie. And I’m with them too. So you, Jonathan Bellamy, are our tie breaker.”
“Please,” Angelica says with a laugh. “We all know that Bellamy is gonna go with Oliver and Company. He hates horror movies.”
“I don’t know,” Bellamy says slowly, his eyes moving back to Aaron, who is already staring back at him with an amused look. “I…like horror movies sometimes.”
“Name one,” Alex tells him, flopping into a chair and looking at Bellamy with raised eyebrows. “I’ll eat my own foot if you can name a horror movie you like.” He smirks as Bellamy remains silent. “Knew it.”
“Coraline,” Bellamy blurts out. “I saw Coraline, and I liked it!”
“Coraline?!” Alex repeats, slapping a hand to his head. “Coraline is a fucking kids movie, Bell! Oh my god.”
“I don’t know,” Aaron says, drawing Bellamy’s attention back to him. He’s smiling at him, and it makes Bellamy’s stomach do that fluttering thing again. “Coraline is pretty damn scary. You have good taste.”
“T-thanks,” Bellamy stutters, feeling his face flush. He tries to smile back at Aaron, but he’s not sure if it works. His face feels numb. But Aaron’s smile grows wider. He has a perfect smile. “I want to watch a horror movie,” Bellamy says firmly, looking at Laurens. “That’s my vote.”
“He has spoken!” Eliza says from her spot on the floor, ignoring the groans that come from the Oliver and Company group. “Oh, shut up, half of you will fall asleep anyway. Okay, here’s what we’ve got to choose from…”
Bellamy ignores the lists of titles Eliza reads out, and instead looks around the room, pretending to consider where he wants to sit. He already knows where he wants to sit. He’s known since the moment he walked into the room.
He only hesitates a second longer before forcing his feet to move, pushing down the nerves he feels rising in his chest. Bellamy avoids looking Aaron right in the eyes as he makes his way over to him, sitting down beside him with a quiet, shaky exhale that he prays Aaron doesn’t hear. When Bellamy sneaks a glance over at Aaron, he isn’t looking back, but Bellamy does see the small smile playing across his lips. 
“Okay,” Eliza says, clapping her hands together and taking her place on the floor again. “Let’s do this. Angie, can you get the lights?”
It’s only once the movie starts and the room grows dark that Bellamy starts to regret his decision a little. He really doesn’t like horror movies. Not at all, actually. They make him twitchy, and he sleeps with the lights on for at least two nights after seeing one. He kind of hates horror movies. 
About fifteen minutes in, and Bellamy thinks he’s doing okay, all things considered. Sure, nothing has exactly happened yet in the movie, but still. It’s the small victories that count. He’s even starting to think that maybe he’ll end up liking the movie when the first jump scare happens.
Bellamy jumps in his seat, he can’t help it, and a small squeak escapes him. Peggy, on his other side, had jumped as well, but everyone else lets out a few giggles at his reaction. It’s only once he calms down that Bellamy realizes, in his moment of panic, that he’d grabbed on to Aaron’s arm.
“Sorry,” Bellamy whispers, embarrassment clawing at him as he releases his grip.
“It’s fine,” Aaron murmurs back, that same smile still playing on his lips. But he keeps his eyes on the TV, seeming completely unfazed by everything that’s happening. 
Bellamy lasts about another ten minutes before his hands are back on Aaron, this time tangled in his shirt while he ducks his face down against Aaron’s shoulder, eyes squeezed shut tightly. His nerves are so on edge that he doesn’t even feel embarrassed by the fact that he’s half on top of Aaron.
But as the minutes go by, and his heart goes back to a normal pace, Bellamy realizes that he’s still on Aaron, and that Aaron hasn’t pushed him off. Why hasn’t he pushed him off?
Bellamy moves his head back up, peeking at Aaron through his eyelashes to see him staring back, his lips slightly parted and his expression a little surprised an confused, like he isn’t sure why he hasn’t pushed Bellamy off either.
They both stare for a moment longer, Bellamy’s heart rate picking back up, but then Aaron’s eyes slowly move back to the screen. Bellamy’s stomach flutters for a third time that night when he feels Aaron’s arm curl around his shoulders, pulling Bellamy closer.
The rest of the movie goes by without much else happening. Bellamy is too distracted by the fact that he can hear Aaron’s heartbeat and that he can feel Aaron breathing to pay attention to the movie. He feels relaxed, pressed up against Aaron like this. It’s nice. Aaron is nice…and warm…smells good, too.
It’s only when Bellamy jolts awake that he realized he’d fallen asleep. 
The lights are still off, but the TV is off now, too. Bellamy can feel Aaron breathing in and out slowly, and he realizes with another jolt that Aaron’s fingers are playing with his hair, running over the top of it in long, soothing motions. 
Bellamy bites at his lip, trying to fight down his smile. He shifts a little on the couch, lifting his head slowly so he can look up at Aaron, who, once again, is looking back at him.
“Hey,” Bellamy murmurs.
“Sorry, for, you know,” Bellamy gestures between them with an awkward laugh. “I didn’t mean to grab you, or…or fall asleep on you, you were just the closest person.”
Aaron stares at him for a beat, his expression unreadable. But then he smiles. “Lucky me, I guess.”
Bellamy’s heart does a strange leap in his chest at that. “Yeah?” God, he has it bad already, and he’s barely spoken any words to the guy. 
“You can keep grabbing me, if you want.” As soon as the words are out of Aaron’s mouth, he looks as if he regrets them. “I-sorry, that sounded weirder than I thought it would. I, uhm.” He ducks his head when Bellamy laughs softly. “I meant that I don’t mind if you want to keep…” He trails off and gestures between them, looking relieved when Bellamy nods. “Want to stretch out?”
Bellamy looks around, realizing that most of their friends had vacated to the floor, pillows and blankets thrown about the room. But the couch is completely empty except for Bellamy and Aaron.
“Okay,” Bellamy breathes out, allowing Aaron to rearrange them so Bellamy is pressed against the back of the couch with Aaron pressed against him, an arm thrown over Bellamy’s waist. “Thanks.”
“For what?”
“For letting me grab you,” Bellamy says, smiling when he hears Aaron chuckle. “If I had grabbed Alex, I would have ended up sprawled on the floor.”
“Well, I’m nicer than Alexander,” Aaron murmurs, trailing his fingers over Bellamy’s back. “I’ll even take you to breakfast tomorrow. If you want.”
“I do,” Bellamy says quickly, his stomach doing another flip. “I…yeah.”
“Yeah,” Aaron agrees, pulling him a little closer and tucking his face into Bellamy’s shoulder, breathing in deeply. “Night, Bellamy.”
“Goodnight, Aaron,” Bellamy whispers, still smiling and feeling as if he could run a marathon. He never thought that this would happen, that he’d come over for a movie night and end up cuddling with an attractive guy who’s also promising to take him out to breakfast. It’s perfect. And all because he decided to watch a horror movie. 
Horror movies might just be his new favorite thing.
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