#anyway my friend offered to help me out with something and my first reaction was to assure them they don't NEED to help
it's so hard to be nice to yourself. you don't even notice until you try!
i've long passed the time i genuinely hated myself, but to this day it's a struggle not to devalue myself out of habit
and it's in EVERYTHING! even things that don't sound that bad, but when i reevaluate the situation, i realize i was secretly sad about it :/
when someone offers to help you with something, THERE IS NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE! no more "sorry for bothering you with this" or "if it's not a bother" people love feeling needed! knowing they did something nice for you makes them happy as well!
when someone asks if you're alright, or mentions you look down, THERE IS NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE! "sorry for ruining the mood"? "sorry for making you worry"? get over yourself! THEY made the decision to be concerned for your well-being, and they made the decision to ask you about it!
being polite is good, but it erects boundaries.
being polite is good, but keeping the people you hold dear at arm's length is not.
accept that people can see things in you that you don't. and you can still believe them.
learn that you don't need to accomplish anything great to deserve respect, both from others and yourself.
most of myself is unknown to me, unless it's spoken back at me. if someone says you're kind, and you disagree? your actions spoke you kindness into the world, and it was spoken back at you.
be nice to yourself.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 month
we'll be alright
[spencer reid x reader]
summary: the one where it's the team's night out after a few long weeks of work and you're finally relaxing... not really. because you have a secret that's brewing your insides out.
pairing: s.reid x f!reader
w.c: 2.4K
warnings/content: mentions of pregnancy symptoms; sleep deprivation; alcohol; jj being a good friend; discussion about choices; fearing one's reaction; yk spencer reid the best (only) man on earth.
A/N: I planned this to be a small drabble... anyways, enjoy this blurb while I finish up a few requests.
cm masterlist
“what are you doing?”
“chill, jj. I'm not drinking.”
you roll your eyes at the blonde casting you a suspicious look when she walks over. you don't know why she did it, to be honest. everyone seemed to be having fun over at the table, you just felt too uncomfortable and had to take a breath of fresh air outside. when you came back, you sat down by the counter, the bartender placed a red drink in front of you claiming it was from a guy across the bar. you didn't look, you didn't care. you push it aside with an eye roll and stick to the glass of soda you had previously ordered.
“are you okay?” her sympathetic voice is too much for you to bear right now, so you inhale sharply, actually thinking about downing that whole red drink in a go but you're one hundred percent sure certain jj would knock it off before it reaches your mouth. “sorry. I won't ask.”
“i'm just... confused.” you shrug, playing with the hem of the glass, tongue traveling over your lips. they are pretty dry, you can't remember the last time you drank water. “you don't have to keep an eye on me, jj. seriously, I'll be back in a second. I'm just... thinking.”
“have you told him?”
her brows pull together. and before she can offer you her unwanted advice, you cut her off.
“don't tell me he has the right to know or anything like that. I know, okay? I know what I have to do, I know what I need to do. but I have a right to process everything on my own as well and I'm doing just fine doing that. for now.” you don't mean to snap, acknowledging the fact that jj means well, but you're tired of hearing obvious things about the situation and none of them did anything to help easing your nerves.
seems like people cared more about spencer's opinion on the matter rather than your own, when it is, in fact, a matter that you are carrying.
“i was gonna say take your time. you don't need to have it all figured out right this second.” you glance up at her, doubtful. jj gives your shoulder a squeeze and casts you a reassuring smile that almost sends you to jump in her arms to be coddled. “you're not on your own. I know it can be overwhelming, trust me, but you can talk to me anytime you want, okay? when you're ready.”
you smile for what felt like the first time in the night. relief swallowing down a bit of the nervousness rumbling through your chest.
“thanks, jayge,” you say.
jj gives you a wink. she leaves you alone after that and you enjoy a few minutes on your own when a familiar and welcoming touch trails down your back.
“you're quiet.” spencer eyes something above your head with hard eyes and his gaze immediately melts when it falls upon you.
“marking territory, doctor reid?” you tease, noticing the jealousy by his tells. his tries at being inconspicuous are foolish, but you like it.
he flushes red, clearing his throat and mumbling I don't know what you're talking about under his breath.
you hum, resting your chin against your palm as you look up at him. “i'm always quiet.”
“not like that.” spencer points out, tilting his head as his lips stretch into a soft smile. his gaze says I know you. you can't fool me. and he's 100% right, you can't. “is everything okay?” he questions, fingers grazing your upper arm in a way that it almost causes you close your eyes and give in to sleep right there. the truth is that you haven't been sleeping for three whole days. tossing and turning and feeding the nightmare in your head that all would go to shit. your relationship, you mean. the most solid thing you have going on for you, you'd screw that up. personally, you're a fan of facing the problem right away so you could get rid of it quickly. but this is neither a problem — not for you — nor you could fix it.
“i have something to tell you.” you swallow with difficulty. “but I- I don't know how.”
“okay.” he caresses your arm, brows knitting together in slight concern. “do you want to go home? is that okay for you?”
you sigh, hand traveling cross your face. “i don't want you to stop having fun because—”
“i wasn't having fun.” spencer is quick to cut you off albeit gently like he always is. “i was basically begging for you to call it a night so we could leave.”
a surprise laugh escapes out of you. you believe that.
“okay.” you nod, convinced. and a little less anxious to be honest. it's not like you'd say what you want to say in the middle of a crowded bar filled with drunk people. “yeah, we can, we can go home.”
“great.” he kisses your temple and waits for you to accompany him to your friend's table so you can bid your goodbyes. the first indication that something is off was your withdraw nature throughout the entire day. not that you weren't doing your job perfectly fine, you were. but your mind seemed to be elsewhere from the moment you stepped into the FBI headquarters to this very moment now. the second indication was when you said you'd get a drink and never came back. he found you by the bar with, in deed, a drink before you. then, he knew he had to say something.
“where are your keys?” spencer asks, adjusting the leather strap on his shoulder as you stride out of the pub. you lift the car keys between your fingers and he outreaches a hand towards it to which your eyebrows pull together in confusion. “you drank, didn't you?”
your face smoothes out in understanding, “no.” he regards you with uncertainty. “i didn't,” you repeat with an eyeroll. “i can't. I ordered that one but I didn't touch it. if you wanna drive though, be my guest.” he takes the keys in the first chance and you just chuckle softly, walking to the opposite side and entering the car. when you finally adjust yourself in the seat, you let out a long breath in relief. your feet are killing you as well as your head. not to mention the dizziness coming back and forth.
you don't open you eyes when something presses against your torso, you know it's spencer buckling up your seatbelt that you had forgotten.
“what did you mean by you can't drink?” the peaceful silence is broken by spencer's gentle tone. he'd look over at you every few minutes, trying to point out if the cause for your pale cheeks is the faint light of the car or something else. your eyes are shut but he knows you are not sleeping by the constant shifting in your seat.
“what?” you stumble on an answer and that's the best you are able to come up with.
“you said I can't.”
“you're correcting my misspellings now?”
spencer's eyes widen slightly. when the traffic light turns red, he quickly turns to you ready to apologise. but he sees your smirk and backs down, letting out a sigh.
“no,” he says, rolling his eyes. there is still something unsettling about your behavior, he can't point out what. sometimes it just happened, that feeling. he knew something was off without a single glance your way. the red light turned green before he can carry on speaking.
he does it anyway, though his eyes are stuck to the avenue and not on you as he plans to.
“are you okay?”
silence. and then,
“why do you ask?” your voice is soft, almost uncertain. you are hesitant and holding back. something is definitely wrong.
“you're withdrawal. you look tired and you didn't sleep well last night. I'm fairly sure you're a bit pale since this morning.” you're groaning beside him and spencer frowns. you finally arrive at your apartment and he takes a while to park before he turns the engine off. “are you sick? do you have the flu? migraines? cause we could have gone straight home tonight, you know that right? do you have a fev—”
“stop, spencer.” you mumble before his hands reach your forehead to check your temperature. you hate that he notices so much so fast. even though he's quiet about it, spencer is always paying attention. always. “it's not— I'm not sick. don't worry.”
“i'm still worrying.” he replies matter-of-fact, earning a scowl from you. he isn't phased. “should we go to the hospital?”
you huff like a five year old. “i just told you I'm not sick.”
“and I don't believe you.”
somehow, you wish he noticed more so you didn't had to say the truth out loud.
“i'm not sick.” your tone was sharp though you avoid it, it was just how it came out. you were sick of that subject.
spencer frowns. he stops himself before he could ask if you were sure of that statement.
“but I might get sick.” you utter under your breath, unsure about saying it out loud but you already did it. spencer turns to you after he takes off his shoes, a pet peeve of yours is that you hate dirty shoes around the apartment. there's always a few pairs of flipflops by the doorstep in case you have visitors. or they can just walk around in their socks, you had no problem with that, which is what spencer did. “... once in a while.”
“what is going on?” spencer approaches you slowly, his concern starting to create a thousand of theories inside his head. “really, I'm worried—”
“i'm pregnant.” you let out and release the breath you've been holding for what felt like hours. there. it's done. when you open your eyes, you don't look at him but walk straight in the direction of your room. spencer is hot on your heels. you just wanted to shower.
“what— you're— what do you mean?” his frantic voice almost makes you laugh if you weren't so tired with a headache brewing.
“i really need to take a long shower, spencer.”
“I—” he blinks, studying you for a moment before he swallows all of his questions and he sees. he sees what's going on and why your behaviour has been off these days. spencer's very observant, but sometimes he can let one or two hints wander off his radar. “okay.” he wants to hold you but he stays in his spot. if you want space, that's what he will give you. “do you need me to prepare you a bath?” he prays you say yes but you shake your head, entering the bathroom and shutting the door.
he lowers himself down on the edge of bed and stares at nothing as his thoughts swirls around the signs being thrown at his face the whole week. the morning sickness. not being able to stand the smell of any perfume. a sudden dizziness... fuck. how could he have been so clueless?
spencer admits he's always beeng good at physics and chemistry and statistics and he's constantly praised for picking up certain behaviours in his line of work, but he sucks at social cues and most of the times he misses the joke in a room or your sarcasm — though he's infinitely better at detecting that.
he takes pride in knowing you. your little quirks such as the way you press your lips together when you're uncomfortable or when you pick at your cuticles when something is on your mind during a case. he doesn't know how he didn't notice that. really, you spent most of your time together, both at work and outside of work. hell, spencer knows your period cycle. he makes sure to fill his pantry with your favourites sweet and sour snacks for that time of the month. it truly makes no sense how be could be so oblivious.
he knocks twice on the bedroom door, apprehensive and extremely careful. he's afraid by your latest reaction that you don't want him around.
it's actually the opposite.
“come in.” you're finishing getting dressed for the night. one of his old Caltech shirts slipping through your frame as he walks in slowly. you raise a brow in his direction, eyeing his figure standing by the doorway.
“i made you some peppermint tea. it's good for, hm, nausea.”
letting out a sigh at his hesitation, you lift a hand, silently asking him to come closer. “i'm not mad at you.” you clarify, breathing into his neck as he gently pulls you into his arms. “i was frustrated and tired and sore and sleepy. 'm sorry I was rude.” then, you chuckle awkwardly. “and sorry I dropped that bomb on you without a notice.”
he squeezes you, running a hand through your back. “don't be sorry. I understand.”
“are you mad?”
he pulls back a little, stunned that you even asked that. “what? why would I be mad?”
you shrug, meddling with the collar of his work attire he still hasn't taken off. “we didn't plan it. it's not ideal.”
spencer shakes his head, lifting your chin slightly to meet his gaze. “i don't care. I'm here for whatever you decide to do. there's no such thing as ideal.”
your mouth quirks up in the corners and you brush a honey brown curl behind his ear, fingertips trailing down his jaw.
“what?” he nudges your nose with his.
“i love you.” his grin is contagious and you can't help the laugh that bubbles out of you. you love him so much.
“and i love you.” you let out a shriek as he pulled you up in his arms, your feet being suspended from the ground. “hey,” he cups your cheeks lovingly. “we'll figure it out. together. alright?”
you nod, warmth flooding through your chest as you close your eyes and lean into his touch. “yeah, yeah, we will.” you mumble in the croak of your boyfriend's neck. “I love you.” you repeat just because you felt like it.
spencer mutters the same three words softly into the crown of your head. and you know everything will be alright.
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @whore-for-spencer-reid ; @yeonalie ; @ninkieminjaj
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seongclb · 10 months
— enhypen reaction to you hugging a plush to sleep !
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bf!enha x reader, established relationship au, fluff & no warnings :)
another reaction because they’re easy to write and i don’t wanna be completely ia also soz these get shorter and more repetitive
♫ un-thinkable by alicia keys
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( scenario desc ) —
when you’re invited to a sleepover with your boyfriend and his friend group, excitement washes over you since you’re aware of the numerous fun activities they get up to. as expected, the night is full of laughter and games until your boyfriend offers to cuddle with you to sleep but notices you prefer the embrace of a stuffed animal which he is not going to let happen.
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
“y/n, you ready for bed?”
he’ll be so excited: you’re in his clothes and in his bed like this is gonna be the best nights sleep of his life
until, you open your bag and pull out an animal
at first, he doesn’t question it since he thinks you need it for comfort
but he didn’t think you needed to hold it .. like he’s there for a reason
he’s probably spooning you and realises there’s some teddy in your arms
“y/n, why is there a teddy in your arms?”
“oh, this? this is mr cuddles. he’s my sleep buddy - i’ve had him since i was eight!”
literally scoffs, “well, it’s time to get rid of him.”
tells you he’s here now and there’s no reason to be holding some stuffed toy and tries his best not the chuck the toy off the bed.
is so happy when you put it to the side and try hugging him instead
when he wakes up and sees you sleeping so well that there’s drool on the corner of your lips, he feels so accomplished
𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
bc this would be your first time sleeping in the same bed as you, his goal is to ensure you’re comfortable first
makes sure you pick everything to your preference
including the blanket, the pillow and which of his pyjamas you like the most
almost buries you in the blanket since he’s worried you’ll get cold and sick
it’s summer ???
later in the night, he notices you’re holding one of your plush toys
can’t sleep because he’s so bothered about you hugging this teddy
doesn’t want to wake you up so he waits until morning
“y/n, why do you sleep with a plush?”
you tell him how you’re just used to it and now you can’t sleep without it
“hmmm this won’t do at all”
now has a rule that whenever you sleep next to him, you have to hold him
also replaces your plush with one that he bought and sprays it with his perfume that you ofc have chosen from his collection
if he’s not there to hold you to sleep, then at least you can smell and think of him
𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
wouldn’t have it at all
cuddles are like his fave thing ever
esp with you
so how DARE you decide to cuddle something else
is in the middle of laughing about it but also showing he’s so hurt
“y/n, i’m way better than that stupid plush”
rolls his eyes and sulks
doesn’t understand why u won’t at least try
eventually he gets his way bc who can stand to see jake not smiling 24/7
has you literally locked in his arms so you can’t move
hides the plush from you
also would get you a plush and say that you can hug yours and his child to sleep
jake’s way or no way
will hug layla to sleep instead if you decide to bring your teddies again
𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
is secretly fuming
but can’t contain it in
when he sees it, he’ll immediately think the worst
“what’s that?”
you explain you need it to help you sleep
thinks about it for a while and doesn’t say anything
“hoon, you okay??” he has a pout on his lips and his brows are furrowed
asks about your plush, while insulting it, “where’d you get that stupid toy anyway” “how long have you had that pathetic teddy”
soon you get a bit sad and insecure about needing a teddy to help you sleep which he notices
“y/nnnn, im sorry im just annoyed that you wanna sleep with this teddy instead of me”
so you decide to cuddle to sleep
definitely kicks it off the bed with a proud smile on his face
𖠗 김선우 | kim sunoo.
is literally in a mood after you say it’s your sleeping buddy
like that’s his role as your boyfriend now..
acts like you betrayed him
“don’t talk to me. you’re a snake” “SUNOO”
faces the other way to sleep
refuses to talk to you
until he feels your arms wrap around him
and then he turns around with a big smile on his face
“i knew you couldn’t resist”
makes it his mission to make sure you rely on only him to be able to sleep
says it’s basically cheating if you’re relying on another sleeping buddy
“like why am i not ur one and only sleeping buddy”
u have to make it up to him with hugs + a spa night
𖠗 양정원 | yang jungwon
wont tell you that it bothers him
but jungwon eyes
they just make it too obvious like why are they glinting and everything they’re literally just ;( like this
who wouldn’t be able to tell when he’s not showing his dimples on full display
anyway ur js like “what’s wrong”
and hes like “hmph nothing”
BUT HES SULKINGGG and although he looks so cute u js can’t have ur baby acting like this
so u wrap ur arms around him but he light pushes you off
and ur like .. woah this is new
but u realise it’s bc of this teddy
after speaking to him, jungwon declares that this teddy is his competition
now he makes this inanimate object compete with him for everything
video games, races, who can cook you better breakfast etc
there will never be an end
𖠗 西村力 | nishimura riki
he’s simply gonna hide the plush or teddy from you
and he’ll utilise his height bc hello who the hell is gonna find anything
the guy can probably hide things in the clouds and you wouldn’t know
anyway if you ever do find it
he’ll punch it
or throw it across the room
and stomp off in a puff
bc ur his baby and ur prioritising this silly teddy
this teddy is banned from sleepovers with riki
he says it takes out the fun from ur silly sleepovers
eventually you don’t need it anymore so you don’t bring it
that’s the happiest he’s ever been
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 6 7 💐
Eddie turned around, finding none other than the flower nazi. His nametag actually said Steve. 
He had a leaf stuck in his hair, and his nose was abnormally rosy. Going by that and his nasal tone, he clearly had a cold. He sneezed, then looked annoyed at himself for doing so. “Ugh, sorry,” he apologized. 
He was fucking adorable. It made Eddie smile. “Don’t be. I don’t really need help.” Not with flowers, anyway, just with everything else about his life. “I’m only browsing.” 
It was a weird response, he realized. A guy like him, who looked like he belonged anywhere else, loitering in a shop like this. Just browsing. Right. Steve probably thought he was a creep. 
Steve was surprised to hear that the man wasn’t looking for anything. Last time, he had bought something, so Steve had assumed he was a returning customer. He had been staring at the wedding arrangement, so maybe he was trying to figure out if Harrington Floral was the best place to get them from.
“That’s some talent you’ve got,” Eddie added, pointing to the display.
Steve felt himself flush. “Thanks,” he said softly, ducking his head bashfully. It wasn’t usually guys who were doling out compliments on the displays. Typically, they just asked for his advice on what they should buy for their significant others.
The redness that bloomed on Steve’s cheeks was just plain delightful. It could have been due to his illness, but Eddie was pretty sure it was a reaction to his compliment. His smile widened. “You made it, right?”
“Yes, I did. I make all the displays.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, missing the leaf by a mere centimeter. “I think I saw you last month when I was building one in the window over there. Are you sure you’re not interested in anything?”
Instead of answering, Eddie reached out and plucked the leaf out of Steve’s hair. “Sorry, you had a little bud-dy trying to catch a ride there. Was distracting the hell out of me.” Eddie showed him the small, curvy leaf. 
Steve laughed, which made him cough a little. After clearing his throat, he got back to business. Steve was all about closing a sale, so he pushed a little. “Are you or someone you know getting married? I can, uh…” he thought quickly, “give you a free bouquet as a testimony to how well our flowers will hold up. I was just pruning the roses before you came in. What do you think about a bouquet of them?”
Steve remembered Eddie. And he’d laughed at Eddie’s horrible pun. But Eddie was caught off guard by the questions and the offering. Steve was observant. “I can’t let you do that,” he said. “My uncle is getting married. Hopefully. He hasn’t popped the question yet.”
It would be kind of terrible of him to accept free flowers if it didn’t work out and they never ordered any.
“That’s exciting,” Steve responded.
Genuinely, he felt like it was. Steve loved love. Working in a flower shop would be hard if he was bitter about being single. Also, the fact that someone else around his age wasn’t getting married made him feel a bit better about his own love life. Lately, it seemed like all his friends were getting hitched.
Eddie twirled a piece of hair around his finger, contemplating. He pocketed the little leaf. “I’m meeting the bride-to-be tonight. I suppose making a nice first impression wouldn’t be a bad idea.” He could give the flowers to Wayne to present to Kathleen when she came over. “How much for half a dozen?”
That was probably all he could afford, but he would be paying.
Eddie wasn’t selling as much anymore. Just weed, no powders or pills. Not since he’d discovered that one of his regulars had recently overdosed on Molly. He was at least partially responsible for that. He should have questioned the steadily increasing amount the guy was buying, but he had only been thinking about the money.
“Wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.” Steve had no intention of taking any money for the bouquet. 
He walked around the store and started building it. Steve picked out four roses in red and pink, then added two pastel-dyed Asiatic lilies and sprinkled in a few strands of baby’s breath.
When he was finished, he went to the counter to put them down. He grabbed the twine and unrolled some tissue paper. “I’m sure there won’t be any more customers tonight. I’m kind of in charge, so I can totally give you these for free. Because I want to.”
Eddie pressed his lips together briefly, walking over and planting his forearms on the counter. He wasn’t some charity case. He didn’t like having debts, either. Maybe Steve had seen the type of clothes he wore and automatically assumed Eddie was trailer park trash who couldn’t afford it.
But Steve was smiling at him, looking sweet as a goddamn sugar cookie, and Eddie relaxed, rejecting the thought. That just didn’t seem right.
(Though why Steve wanted to give anyone, let alone Eddie, free flowers was a mystery.)
“You’re the boss, huh?” Eddie said. Steve looked young to own the shop, but maybe he was one of the Harringtons.
The name rang a bell. Steve Harrington. Dustin used to talk about a Steve during D&D. Gushed more than talked, really. Was he the same one?
“Technically, it’s my mom’s shop, but I’ve been running it for a while now,” Steve said. He couldn’t take all the credit.
Eddie gently drummed the counter, rings click-clacking as he watched those nimble fingers cut, tie, and wrap. His mom’s store. Well, wasn’t that precious.
Steve gave the bouquet one last critical look and a fluff with his fingers before handing it over. “With these, I think you’ll make the best impression. Maybe your uncle will even pop the question tonight!” Steve was excited for the groom to be even though he didn’t know him.
Eddie accepted the bouquet and looked down at it. “Thank you. It’s stunning.” Kind of like you.
He didn’t say that last part out loud, though he thought it hard enough that he’d probably projected it into Steve’s head.
Steve felt his face heat again. He didn’t know why he was reacting this way to the compliments. When women complimented his arrangements, he barely blinked.
Eddie brought the bouquet to his nose to smell its perfume. It brought another smile to his face before he lowered it. If Kathleen didn’t end up liking them, she was crazy.
Steve watched Eddie, grinning. “I’m Steve, by the way.”
Eddie’s gaze flickered up. He lowered the bouquet. Why were they both smiling like fucking idiots? “Eddie.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Eddie. Let me get you a card—you know, in case your uncle does propose and will need flowers from somewhere.” Steve grabbed one of the embellished business cards from the stack beside the register.  
Eddie reached out to take it, and Steve sneezed again just as their fingers brushed. It was a big sneeze that made his face screw up and nearly blew him backward. Luckily, he managed to cover his nose before he bombed Eddie. Eddie tried not to laugh at his irritated expression and soft whine as he sniffled.
Eddie pocketed the card and tugged his handkerchief out at the same time. “Here,” he offered kindly, holding it out to Steve.
It was his favorite hanky, his pirate one with the skull and bones, but it was the least he could do. 
Without thinking much about it, Steve took it and blew his nose. He let out a soft sigh, feeling a little better. Then he realized what he’d done. “Sorry…this is kinda gross now. Do you want it back?” 
“Oh no—no, that’s yours now,” Eddie said hastily. “I insist. Consider it a token of my gratitude.” He lowered himself in a teasing bow. “Farewell, Steve, fine sir.”
So, so fine. Even with all the snot.
Eddie backed out of the store, still bent over for extra theatricality. When he straightened up, Steve looked confused but was red in the cheeks again. Score.
On the ride home, Eddie almost missed a turn because he kept glancing at the bouquet.
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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carmyboobear · 1 month
hi tuna! i was wondering if you could write something where carmy and reader are at a house party and either one of them is sitting on the roof smoking a joint and the other finds them up and there joins them? thank u in advance <3
YES. I really loved this prompt... so here ya go!
word count: 1.4k
content tags: smoking, substance use, first meetings
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Parties like this aren't usually your scene. 
It's not like you can't appreciate it as a bystander—you suppose there's an appeal to music so loud you can't hear your own thoughts. There are certainly some days where you want to lose yourself in a crowd, drunk and careless. Today is not one of those days. 
You can't quite remember how your friend convinced you to come to their party. It'll be fun, they promised, a nice change of pace. It is a nice change of pace, sure. It's different from sitting by yourself at home, but…
Now you're just sitting by yourself at someone else's home, smoking a joint on their porch. 
This is more your pace. You're relaxed into one of your friend's water stained outdoor chairs, feet propped up on a low table. This is about all you can handle today—slow drags of weed and the sound of summer bugs in the trees. The sound of the party lays muffled behind you, sealed by the porch door. 
The noise of the music and dancing inside becomes sharp for a moment as you hear the door opening. You look over your shoulder to see someone you don't recognize hastily stepping out. He seems frazzled, brushing back the brown waves in his face back with his hand. He also seems very…handsome.
“Sorry, didn't know anyone was out here,” is the first thing he says. He has a nice voice, low and smooth. And nervous, you notice. 
“It's cool. It's not like I own the porch.” You shrug, taking another inhale from your sizzling joint. You had hoped that your comment would loosen the tension that'd tied knots all in his face, but it doesn't. He just laughs breathlessly back, short and shaky. “Not a party person?”
“Not really.” He pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. That's when you notice the tattoos on his hands, emblazoned across the backs and his knuckles. Pretty. “You?”
“Sometimes. But not today.” That works—you see him visibly relax, even if just a little bit. “My friend invited me—it's their party—but I, I don't know. I guess I thought I'd be up for it, but…” You shrug. “And now I'm here.”
“I see. I get that. Uh—” He pauses, taking a slow hit from his white cigarette. “My coworkers, um, they invited me. I didn't wanna be an asshole, so I came, but…” He sighs. “Yeah. Now I'm here.”
“Tough.” You nod at the empty seat next to you. “Seat's open, if you want it.”
“Thanks.” He takes the seat next to you. This is when you really take notice of his muscles, especially his biceps and pecs wrapped tightly in that white t-shirt of his. A burst of attraction rushes through you.
“Uh—” You should keep talking. Distract yourself from his, uh, everything. “Do you smoke?” He gives you a funny look, eyes glancing towards his cigarette. “Fuck, I mean, do you smoke weed? Sorry, I'm a little high.”
“It's cool.” He's actually smiling now. It's a nice smile. “Yeah, not often, but I do.”
“Well.” You extend your hand towards him, offering him the joint. “You can have some of this if you want. Might help you relax. No pressure, of course.”
“...Actually, yeah. That'd be nice. Thank you.” He takes the joint from you with his other hand. Now he's got a cigarette in one and a joint in another. You both share an amused, knowing look. “You smoke cigs?”
“Sometimes. Here, let's trade.” He hands you his cigarette. “Not that there's anything wrong with dual-wielding. Take one hit off the joint, and then off the cig…”
“Dual-wielding,” he repeats, laughing under his breath. You chuckle, entertained by the thought and his reaction. You don't mean to watch him as he brings the joint up to his lips and pulls, but you do anyway. You're not sure if him smoking a cigarette or a joint looks more attractive. 
“I feel like we should know each other's names now.” You know it sounds a bit forward, but the high's making you brave. You introduce yourself to him. “And your name is?”
“I'm Carmen.” Of course even his name is pretty. “Most people just call me Carmy, though.”
“Carmy.” You can't help your smile. “That's cute. Do you have a preference?”
“Uh—” He looks good with a little bit of pink on his cheeks. “Carmy's fine.”
“Okay, then. Carmy it is.” 
You two develop a rhythm. You trade the joint and cigarette back and forth, inhaling puffs of weed and tobacco back to back. Intimate is not quite the right word to describe it, but you're not sure if there's a better word for it. You definitely feel something of a connection pulling the both of you closer together. You even think that somehow, the space between your seats is shrinking too.
“I used to smoke more weed back in college,” Carmy says. The joint's almost finished by now, and with it, you both become a lot more loose-lipped. He's staring into the distance like he's remembering something. “You ever green out?”
“Oh yeah, plenty of times.” You laugh to yourself, shaking your head. “Back when I first started smoking—well, I started with edibles.”
“As does everyone.”
“Yeah, and it's stupid. It's way too easy to go overboard with edibles.”
“Seriously. I've only ever had edibles once, and. Well.”
“Ah…It was bad, I take it?”
“Yep.” He laughs quietly, and the infectious sound of it makes you smile. “It was awful. I even threw up.”
“Oh no,” you gasp. “That's how you know it's bad. I've managed to stop myself from throwing up, but I've definitely felt like I was dying a couple times.”
“Oh, of course. As it goes.” You both chuckle. “I thought my tolerance was high enough. It wasn't that many milligrams, but I guess my body hated it.”
“It happens.” The cigarette dies out in your hands, burned right down to the filter. You snub it out on the arm of your chair. “I used to enjoy edibles, but ever since I greened out real bad one time, I just can't do them anymore. They just wreck my shit.”
“Maybe that's for the best.” He puts out the joint too. “Just stick to regular lung damage like the rest of us.”
“Lessons learned, I guess.” You grin. A comfortable pause settles. “...Carmy?”
“We've smoked it all. Everything.”
“I have some more cigarettes if you want one.”
“No, no…” You lean forward, propping your elbows on your knees. He instinctively mirrors you, sitting up in his chair. “It's all gone.”
“Oh. Well.” He tilts his head to the side. “What should we do now?”
“We could sit here and suffer. Or…” You rest your chin in the palms of your hands, cradling your face. “I could roll us another joint back at my place.”
“Oh.” Looks like it clicked. His blue eyes are widened with surprise.
“You don't have to,” you say quickly, “really. But I've been having a good time with you, and I…I like you. I think you're cute.” Ordinarily, you wouldn't be this forward, but you swear you feel something here. “Sorry if this is—too much.”
“No, not at all,” he replies, just as quick. “Don't apologize. Please. I just—” He fumbles, making a vague hand gesture. “This has been really, really nice. You're so easy to talk to, and I, I'm not used to that.” He smiles at you, shy and adorable. You're momentarily gripped with something akin to cuteness aggression, but you keep it under wraps. “I…I like you. A lot. I'd love to go to your place.”
“Yeah?” He nods. “Okay. Cool. Um…” You feel your insides jumbling all over each other. “Sorry, now I'm getting all flustered.”
“It's okay.” His smile blossoms further, turning into something radiant. “I like it. You're cute.” You make a small noise at that.
“Smooth talker.” You stand up from your seat, and he looks up at you momentarily before following suit. “I'm just down the block. Up for a walk?”
You don't bother telling your friend you're leaving. The two of you chat and laugh all the way to your place, your voices echoing down the quiet road. Turns out your friend was right after all—the party turned out to be very, very fun. 
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 267
TL;DR - Cale and Alberu tease each other. Cale meets Pope Kesilia. Raon is curious about DHB's name. Raon's friendliness warms Kesilia's heart.
The Teasing First half of the chapter was Cale and Alberu teasing each other.
Alberu: In that virtual world, levels have a huge impact. Even if Rank 1 Ahn Roh Man is on our side, it's only proper for me to become as strong as possible. That way, I can carry you, CH, and Raon. Raon: Human, what is carry? What are levels? Alberu: I'll tell you more when you return to Roan. But let me say this. This place, this place is really… It's a new and huge world. As if several worlds came together. Cale: You're having fun now, right? Alberu: … Cale: It's fun, right? Alberu: … Cale: You're having fun so you pull all-nighters, right? Alberu: … *smiles* Cale: You look awkward, so don't smile. Alberu: You truly are irreverent. Cale: For The Irreverent Emperor to say that, I truly appreciate it. Alberu: …
Cale calling out Alberu for saying he was irreverent/disrespectful when Alberu's in-game name was The Irreverent Emperor was so funny. 😂 The sarcasm in Cale's words as he says that line while using polite language was just 🤣🤣🤣
Cale: You tend to work hard at everything, don’t you? So, as you played, you probably learned about the fun of the game. Anyway, since you are the one handling it, take care of yourself. Alberu: Cale Henituse. Aren’t you speaking too casually? feels annoyed Cale: Not really. I say this out of utmost respect and consideration for the crown prince. Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince also- Alberu: ??? frowns Cale: grins Would you like to faint and collapse like me? Oh, will you have a nosebleed? I don't know if this will make you healthier. Hahaha! Raon: Human, human! The crown prince's pride looks very hurt right now! Cale: Hahaha! gets more excited upon hearing Raon's words Alberu: … I've come to my senses. Pfft. Cale: (Hmm? Why is he suddenly smiling suspiciously? Why does it make me feel upset?) Alberu: Cale Henituse. Do you think that is possible? Cale: … Raon: I don’t think the crown prince will end up like my human! Hong: That’s right! That’s what our youngest said! On: The difference between exercising and not exercising is quite big. You can't compare to the crown prince. If His Highness needs to be compared to someone, a knight is the best. Cale: sees On pitying him … Alberu: Hahaha! On: patting Cale's leg to comfort him
Cale's attempt to tease Alberu's health completely backfired on him. 🤣🤣🤣
Raon and Kesilia Raon was so cute today. Pope Kesilia was depicted as a character obsessed with dragging down everyone with her, but now that she met Raon, it might be possible that she would have a change of heart.
Raon asked for her name, but Kesilia refused to say it, being fine with just being called the pope. Raon was being friendly with her, not minding that she was a mixed blood dragon, so she felt confused. He even offered to introduce Cale's DHB to Kesilia if she wanted friends.
There was also Raon noticing that she was in pain, and offering again to introduce her to his mom and Eruhaben who helped with treating DHB's pain. Kesilia felt strangely warm at Raon treating her nicely.
DHB's Name Oh my goodness, the author finally remembered this! We still did not get a name reveal, but Cale confirmed that he had already thought of one after putting much thought in it.
But our cutie Raon did not believe Cale, and was asking the pope for her name in hopes that Cale would get inspiration from hearing the name of another mixed blood dragon. And then, Raon made a cute assumption.
Raon was talking about DHB, and blurted that DHB was called someone Miru. Hmm... why is this hard to word? It's something like ____ Miru. Blank Miru? That doesn't sound right. Whatshisname Miru? Sounds better, but still strange.
Everyone was surprised to hear that, even Raon himself. From the fact that Raon assumed that Cale would give DHB the last name of Miru like him, to the fact that Raon knew that DHB once tried to kill him, yet he was fine in sharing the same last name with DHB.
I guess Raon was feeling conflicted like his mom regarding DHB. Meanwhile, Kesilia was puzzled about this young dragon willing to share the same last name to a mixed blood dragon who once tried to kill him. It must be unimaginable for her who was treated badly by the Aipotu dragons on the Dragon Lord's side. 😢
Crazy Clopeh Clopeh claimed that it was Rasheel who destroyed one of the temple's buildings, but Cale was having doubts about that, given the expression of the pope towards Clopeh. 😂
We never got to know what exactly the destructive trio did at the temple, but it was pretty much confirmed that Clopeh talked about Cale so much like a legendary hero. And Hannah said that Cale was a kind guy. So it was no wonder that 3rd Bishop Horns and the unnamed 1st Bishop treated Cale in awe. Or Pope Kesilia being friendly and cooperative with him.
Of course, Cale wondered how Clopeh introduced him to them because of their reactions. 😂 And also felt dizzy just thinking about it. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Today's chapter was so good with its funny and heartwarming moments. 🥰 Next chapter would be Cale beginning his dragon lair looting plans, or probably more planning stuff. But the name tease of DHB has got me excited. I guess his last name will be Miru too because Cale did not object to Raon's words. So the only mystery now is his first name. Raon Miru. Dodam Miru. It seems like the Miru family is gaining a new member~!
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halfway-happyyy · 2 years
cool my desire (rooster bradshaw)
AN: hi friends! i got sent this message a couple days ago and have been obsessing about it ever since. 18+ only! this piece is under a cut for obvious (sexual) reasons. warnings include: public oral sex (f receiving) masturbation (f&m), dirty talk, swearing, etc. hope you enjoy 💕
Pairing: rooster bradshaw x female reader (she/her pronouns)
song inspo: i'm on fire - bruce springsteen
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Of two things Rooster Bradshaw is absolutely certain: the first one is that he is helplessly in love with the woman sitting directly opposite him. The second one is that she’s just announced that she’s never had an orgasm. He thinks he misheard her the first time around, so he strains above the rock music blaring from the bar's jukebox and asks her to repeat herself.
“I've never had an orgasm.”
It exits her mouth in the kind of nonchalant way in which one might announce that it's raining outside, or that they're hungry.
Rooster glances at Hangman who wears the same confused expression, and suddenly she laughs, and Rooster reckons it’s a sound he'd be happy to listen to until his dying day.
“Gosh, if I got compensated for every time I got the same reaction I could retire and live happily on a private island somewhere. For some reason it’s a concept most people have a hard time coming to terms with.”
Bob is just as floored as the rest of the gang. He pushes his wire-frame glasses farther up the bridge of his nose and asks, “When you say never?”
Rooster watches her shrug.
“It’s been my experience that in the heat of the moment, most people just don’t care.”
And Rooster suddenly thinks- I care.
Coyote tips back the rest of his beer, setting the bottle on the wooden tabletop with a resounding clank. “I’d accept this challenge any day, and all I would need is ten minutes to do it.” He tosses her a wink and Rooster’s cheeks flame from equal parts envy and second-hand embarrassment.
“Wow, Coyote. Ten minutes only? Not exactly selling the experience here, are you?” Her teasing tone and wry smile causes the rest of the group to dissolve into fits of low whistles and peeling laughter.
“Wait- so you mean to tell all of us that you fly combat planes for the United States Navy for a living and you’ve never experienced an orgasm?” Hangman’s Texan drawl is incredulous.
She nods her head, her dazzling gaze narrowed. “I can’t imagine how the two are related, but yes Jake, that is what I’m saying.”
“I think it’s sad.” Bob murmurs lowly and Rooster can't help agreeing with him. “More people could benefit from taking the time to consider their partner’s pleasure.”
Hangman snorts. “Sex is sex, Bob. Remind me again which fairy tale you’ll be reading before bed tonight?”
“Yikes Jake. I pity anyone who has the misfortune of sharing a bed with you.” She turns to Bob and offers the unassuming pilot a reassuring smile. “Thanks Bob.”
Rooster clears his throat, suddenly self-conscious of the fact he chose not to partake in the festivities this evening. “For what it’s worth, I think Bob’s right. Making sure your partner gets there is most of the pleasure already. At least for me, anyway.”
Hangman slaps his hand on the table twice, his expression triumphant. “Well, there you have it, kid. If you ever get desperate for a lesson, I’m sure any one of us would be happy to offer our enthusiastic assistance.”
She laughs again, and this time it causes goosebumps to bloom on Rooster’s arms. “How generous of you, Jake. Guess I’d have to be pretty damn desperate though, huh?”
Despite every effort, Rooster doesn’t get much sleep that night. Instead, he spends most of his waking moments trying not to think about how she would look spread out before him, ready and waiting and so willing to do anything he tells her. His cock swells at the mere thought of it all, and he knows the only way rest will come for him is if he carves himself out a shred of release. It won't be enough, but it'll be something. Snaking his hand down the front of his body, he palms the erection straining the crotch of his briefs.
“Fuck,” He breathes out and dips a hand beneath the elastic waistband to pump slowly along the length of his thick shaft.
His eyes fall shut as he pictures her before him; can practically see her arousal drip from her as she touches herself the way he wants her to- the way he knows will have her coming undone for him. Spitting into the palm of his hand, he continues working steadily along his cock. He swipes the rough pad of his thumb over his sensitive slit, swirling the pre-come around it and reveling in the feeling of it as it drips down the underside of his shaft. “Oh god,” He whines out into the still air before him while he shamelessly fucks his fist. He imagines her fucking herself on her fingers; imagines the filthy noises that fall from her lips the closer she gets to her rapture; imagines that he is the sole orchestrator of her pleasure and all of it is enough to get him there. His hips rut desperately into his tight fist, his head falls back against the pillow in unbridled ecstasy, and he comes hard all over himself, his lower abdomen painted with his hot, sticky seed.
Sleep descends on him heavily after that.
“Would you like to go for a drive with me?” It’s been over a week since he’d first thought of her, and he asks her on a whim because he knows if he doesn’t do it soon, he’ll regret it for a lifetime.
She looks hesitant; doesn’t know which angle he’s playing at which is fair, because he’s not entirely sure either. “A drive?” She asks, her head cocked to the side.
Rooster nods. “A drive. We can get drinks or food, whichever you prefer.”
So, she agrees. They drive to a local pizza joint, pick up a large ham and pineapple pie (though Rooster detests the ungodly yellow fruit) and park on a deserted end of beach, their legs hanging off the back end of Rooster’s 1975 Ford Bronco.
“I’m fairly certain I can do it.” He squints out at the setting orange sun as it sinks low over the Pacific Ocean before them.
She washes down the last bite of her pizza with a swig of beer from their shared bottle, her eyebrow quirked high in amusement. “Do what?” She asks, but the glint in her eyes tells him she knows exactly what he’s referring to.
Rooster turns to her, his jaw set. “Give you an orgasm.”
She shakes her head, folds her arms across her chest in defiance. “Believe me, Rooster. Many a brave soul have tried and failed before you. I reckon I may just be broken.”
He gives his head a half-shake. “You’re not broken.”
It’s certainly not your fault no one’s ever taken the time to learn your body.
“Can I tell you something?” She asks, her voice quiet.
Rooster nods.
“That night at the bar last week, when I so readily shared with everyone that I had never had one?”
Rooster nods again, encouragingly.
“I went home and I touched myself.” Her admission is so quiet, Rooster almost misses it.
He swallows hard- tries in vain to keep his voice level, even. “You touched yourself?”
She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth and nods her head. “I was thinking of you.”
It’s Rooster’s turn to bite his lip to keep from groaning out into the humid air before him, and his cock stirs in the crotch of his jeans. “What were you thinking about?”
Her cheeks redden in embarrassment and God, Rooster doesn’t know what to do with himself. “I was thinking about your fingers, your mouth, your cock. I was thinking about how good it would feel to finally be able to come for you.”
“Jesus,” Rooster breathes out. “Did you finish, sweetheart?”
“No.” She murmurs, her tone thick with disappointment.
He gives his head a half-shake, his hazel gaze sharp. “That just won’t do, will it?” Slipping off the edge of the truck, he turns to her, and the urge to reach out and touch her is almost too much to bear. “I want you to show me.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. “Excuse me?”
“I want you to show me the way you touched yourself.”
She glances around at the barren beach, silently weighing the pros and cons of his demand. “Right here?”
“Right here.” Rooster affirms.
Leaning back, she hikes the sundress she’s worn over the tops of her thighs and Rooster’s throat dries like sandpaper when he notices she’s forgone underwear for the evening. He watches with half-lidded eyes as she sucks two fingers into her mouth- gets them nice and slick with her spit, and then dances them slowly down the front of her body to her clit. Rooster braces his arms on either side of her legs and watches her work her magic. She starts off slow, by pressing firm, steady circles into her swollen bundle of nerves. Just as he had predicted over a week ago, her arousal nearly drips from her slit and he has to take a deep breath to center himself to keep from swiping a fingertip down the length of it. He just knows it tastes heavenly. His cock jumps at the mere thought of tasting her- and he doubts he’ll be able to put off touching himself for much longer.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
Her eyes flutter closed and all she can manage is a low, desperate mewl.
“You want more?” Rooster asks and all she can do is nod her head. “Give yourself more, then.”
She does as she’s told and inserts a finger into her hot, wet core, and it’s all Rooster can do to keep from groaning out, loudly. “Like this?” She gasps, and he nods above her in approval.
“Exactly like that, sweetheart. Keep going.”
“Wish it was your cock,” She whimpers, and Rooster swears to God, this is the sexiest thing he’s ever been privy to. Her words send what feels like every ounce of blood in his body to his dick, and he palms the front of his crotch, needily.
“It will be soon, baby. Just need to be patient. Need you to be a good girl and come for me.”
She inserts a second finger into herself and cries out at the full sensation, her other finger still pressing roving circles into her clit. Rooster peppers kisses over her the expanse of her exposed collarbone, encouraging her through it all. “That’s it, sweetheart. You’re doing so good. You keep going like this, and you and I’ll both be coming apart in no time.” It’s quiet while he studies her; the only audible noise between them are the obscene sounds her fingers make as she fucks herself with them, and the sweet moans that rip from her throat every couple of seconds. Rooster can feel her start to tremble beneath him; he watches her eyes widen as the realization becomes apparent to her. “That’s right, sweetheart. You’re so close,” Nodding in encouragement, he watches a thin sheen of perspiration bloom over her chest and neck, her lips part and her head drops back, and he doubts she’s ever looked more breathtaking. “Don’t stop now, you’re so close…” He whispers in earnest. “I’ll get you there, I promise.”
Her hands are all but frenzied movement now as she’s trembles violently beneath him and he presses his lips to her temple to keep her grounded to him. “Rooster,” She gasps. And he nods against her.
“If its time, let go. I’m right here, sweetheart.”
Her fingertips grasp at the impossibly hard, warm skin of his shoulder blades. She clasps on to him for dear life as pleasure blooms inside of her like fireworks on a warm July evening, and Rooster’s doesn’t know how much longer he’ll last like this. “Fuck, I’m going to come, Rooster.” She throws her head back and finishes hard around her fingers, her entire body quaking from the effort that took. Rooster holds her to him while she comes down from her high, her body entirely alive and electric with sheer energy.
“God, you did so good just now.” Rooster’s voice is hoarse and wrecked and thick with lust. “Look at you,” He whispers and presses a kiss to her flushed cheek. “How did that feel?”
She swallows hard, still in a bliss-induced trance. “I can’t believe it…”
Rooster chuckles against her. “You ready for one more?”
Before she can answer, he pulls her to the edge of the truck, dropping to his knees in the warm sand. His cock throbs uncomfortably and he brushes a rough palm over it to glean some form of friction. He hovers above her soaked entrance; the sheer, heady scent of her is nearly enough to have him coming in his jeans. He rubs the warm palms of his hands up and down the outside of her soft thighs and glances up at her. “May I show you another way?”
She nods wordlessly, with eyes half-lidded and blown over by hunger for him.
Rooster wants to take his time- wants to savour every single second of this in case it never happens again, but the urge to taste her is entirely overwhelming. He presses hot, open-mouthed kisses to the velvet soft skin of her inner thighs and works his way up, the all-encompassing heat from her leaves him dizzy and breathless with want. He palms his erection, stroking it fervently through the fabric of his jeans and moans against her at the rough sensation of the denim on his sensitive skin.
“Are you touching yourself?” She asks, breathlessly.
Rooster swears to God, he feels her get a little more wet as he nods against her.
He licks a long, wet stripe up the length of her soaked slit with the flat of his tongue and nearly groans out at the taste of her. It’s an unendingly perfect combination of slightly salty and sweet, and he reckons he could get drunk off it if he had enough.
“Holy shit, Rooster.” She whimpers, and her fingers find purchase in his auburn hair.
He nods against her, and grazes his teeth over her swollen clit, earning him another obscenely sexy moan. “God, you taste good sweetheart.” He pulls away from her heat to tell her that, and his breath as it fans out over her warm wetness causes her to quake violently beneath him. He doesn’t allow her a moment of respite before he’s back at it, lapping at her folds like a she’s the most delicious treat on the planet. And to him, she is. His skilled fingertips dance along the length of her thighs, her hips, her ass. He wants to memorize every inch of her body that he can, lest he’s not lucky enough to experience her again.
“God damn it, you’re good at this Rooster.” She swears, and her thighs tighten involuntarily around his head. He grins against her, wickedly. Without warning, he inserts three thick fingers inside of her and the wonderfully full feeling they bring her causes her to cry out into the warm evening air before them. Rooster doesn’t give a flying fuck if anyone hears them at this point; they are exactly where they’re supposed to be. He could die doing this, and he would die a happy man. He fucks his fingers into her with reckless abandon; the first sign of her looming release is in the feeling of her clit against his tongue; how it swells and throbs the longer he sucks at it. “Oh, Rooster…” She keens, desperately. Her fingers tug at his hair, and the sharp burst of pain it brings him causes him to moan against her and the vibrations from that alone are all it takes before she’s falling off the precipice and into his willing arms. Rooster presses a free hand to her lower tummy as she spasms around the fingers still buried to the hilt inside of her and a flood of wetness bursts from her, soaking him and everything around them within a certain radius. Rooster's fingers fall from her, and she whimpers at the sudden loss of fullness. He rests his head in her lap, closing his eyes and trying to focus on regulating his breathing. He’s still so fucking hard right now, it’s a wonder he’s even upright at all.
“Jesus, Rooster, that was something else.” Her voice is raspy and shot from their recent activities and Rooster smiles softly as he listens to the fervent hammering of her heartbeat against the top of his head.
“Told you I could do it,” He laughs, breathlessly.
She giggles against him and his heart soars. “What about you, though?” She cards a hand through his damp hair.
“I’ll be alright.”
She shakes her head, her gaze knowing. “I want you, Rooster. And I’m going to have you.”
Of two things Rooster Bradshaw is absolutely certain: the first one is that he is helplessly in love with the woman beneath him. The second is that he doesn’t know when- and he doesn’t know how, but he is going to spend the rest of his life having her come apart for him like that.
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chessholic · 3 months
The One With
     F R I E N D S
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Summary: Your boyfriend was a jerk and he broke up with you. Fortunately you had your friends and all of them helped you in their own ways.
Author's Note: I will forever love Friends, my favourite comfort show. I have a few fics written about Joey, I could maybe publish them. Let's see, I hope you enjoy this.
You stumbled into Monica's and Rachel's apartment.
To simply put it you looked disheveled. Your eyes were slightly red and puffy, hair a mess and your clothes didn't match your jacket or shoes, which was unusual.
You cursed slightly when you could see six pairs of eyes staring at you, of course they were all here. If they were not in the coffee shop they were here.
"Y/N?", Monica asked rushing towards you from the kitchen.
"What happened?", she asked worriedly and brushed your messed up hair behind your ears. Monica also helped you out of your jacket and helped you to sit on the couch.
Chandler was sitting on the other side and you could see he was holding back some sarcastic comments about your current state.
You were slightly glad, you always found him funny, but this was definitely not the moment.
Phoebe had been sitting on the floor in front of the television. She had her guitar and was writing down something, probably a new song for next week.
Central Perk was in for a treat.
The song title was 'My mother was killed by a drug dealer, my mother was a drug dealer'.
Joey was in the kitchen sitting at the table finishing off something from the fridge it was apparently a jar of jam, maybe blueberry jam. However his eyebrows were scrunched in worry.
Rachel was sitting around the table too with Ross, both looking slightly amazed at Joey's eating, that wasn't probably his first jar of jam.
They were probably leaving to go on a date soon, because they were all dressed up. It made your heart ache.
"He left me", sob escaped your mouth shortly after your confession.
The apartment was filled with different reactions.
Monica was first to close you into a tight embrace petting your hair.
"I am so sorry, we could bake cookies today and burn some of his belongings?", your friend suggested while trying to calm you down. She was quick to offer you a tissue box.
"He took them with his new girl when he came and broke up with me", you cried still distraught about the fact he had cheated and moved on so fast like you never existed.
"Let's burn him instead, yea?", Chandler proposed and scooted closer to you rubbing your back slightly awkwardly, you knew it wasn't his expertise to console someone if sarcasm was off the table.
You let out a watery laugh muttering a quiet thanks to him.
"Yeah, we don't need to go with Ross, he was anyways taking us to some lecture about... Rocks", Rachel joined walking towards the living room and stole you from Monica. While Ross choked up.
"They are not rocks, they are... Well technically they are..."
Rachel hugged you tightly while she gave a deathly glare at Ross shutting him up.
"I am sorry, that jerk didn't deserve you. Let's go shopping some day, okay? We can use my discount", she took your face in her hands and you nodded eyes shining.
In your sad tears had mixed happy tears, you had amazing friends. You couldn't help, but feel thankful.
"My grandmother's taxi can fit a body in the trunk", Phoebe said suddenly getting up to give you a hug.
"Noted, don't piss off Pheebs, ever", Chandler said while others didn't even know what to say. Everyone however had the same question in mind.
"We can also make a song together, I could also use some inspiration and break up songs are hits usually. Especially when the ex was a total asshole", Phoebe stated giving you a hug before returning to her song writing place.
Phoebe turned the paper and made some notes, you couldn't wait to hear what the song was going to be.
"Thank you everyone, I really appreciate you and your help", you thanked them from the bottom of your heart.
"That's what friends are for", Monica stated and everyone nodded agreeing to what she said.
"We are there to help and for each other"
"I can take you on a tour in the museum someday, at least someone appreciates the rocks here", Ross suggested and bitterly muttered the rest of his sentence making Rachel give him another glare which Ross returned.
"Enough with the bickering love birds, I am getting PTSD", Chandler said jumping from the sofa and getting the couples jackets, before throwing them to the owners and ushering the couple towards the door.
"Go, go, out, off you go", Chandler ushered not letting Rachel or Ross protest.
"We got this, have fun with the rocks", Chandler said before slamming the door closed. He looked pleased with himself.
You clapped and he bowed, "That was rather impressive", you confessed.
"Rachel probably hasn't ever left so quickly to anywhere, could be the first time they are on time somewhere", Monica pondered for a moment before heading back to the kitchen.
"You relax and I will prepare the cookie dough. This situation needs cookie dough and ice cream", Monica ordered pointing at you to stay put.
"I might have eaten the ice cream", Joey said quietly with a sheepish look on his face when he avoided looking at Monica's face.
"I will go get more, because I trust myself more than Joey to go get the ice cream", Chandler stated pulling his jacket on.
He quickly came to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"I will go get all your favourite ice cream, hold on, although I know it will be difficult without my charming presence and looks"
Phoebe let out a snort earning a glare from Chandler.
"Really needed to twist the knife", he muttered before exiting the apartment.
You quietly sat on the sofa. Phoebe was writing and Monica preparing everything comforting food the world new in the kitchen.
Suddenly the sofa dipped, Joey had sat next to you.
Joey had a small amount of jam on his face, it wasn't much compared to the last time, but still.
You took a tissue you hadn't yet used and cleaned his face. After that he opened his arms to welcome you into a warm embrace. You cuddled next to Joey without a moment of hesitation, pressing your head against his chest you could feel his warmth and heart beat making you relax.
"Finally I got you all to myself", Joey mumbled quietly pressing a small kiss onto your hair.
"I am sorry, you deserve so much more"
Joey's heart was aching for his friend, he would do anything in his power to make you feel better. He would maybe even share his pizza with you...
Maybe a slice.
Yes, a slice was fine.
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alkaline-wtr · 2 months
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- - CHAPTER 3 - -
Graves x reader Description: Reader makes an unexpected new friend and makes it through the city. Genre/Warnings: zombie apocalypse AU, Graves x reader, Ghost x fem!reader, survivor!reader,angst, gore, violence, explicit language, weapons, mentions of death WC: 4.5k
My Masterlist
** I FINALLY DID IT!! I pulled an all-nighter to finish this! I'd like to first apologize for this chapter taking SO long... I honestly couldn't get my ideas straight but 4 rewrites later and I'm actually pretty proud of it. I was worried about this chapter being too long but I decided I'd rather it be long and decent than rushed and awful. This one is more of a filler chapter to give some more context and backstory but I wanted it to still be entertaining. Also, this IS still a Ghost x reader! Don't worry! He's just going through some stuff ya know? Lastly, to the Graves haters!! as a former Graves hater myself, I encourage you all to give the man a chance because writing this chapter single-handedly changed my mind about him. Anyways, strap in it's a long one. Hopefully, the wait was worth it. I can finally sleep! Enjoy. PS: if you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist please let me know.
You kept your eyes down, hugging the flashlight to your chest. The fear in your body caused you to tremble. The last time you had been face to face with someone on a road, you almost died, and this time, Ghost wasn't here to bail you out.
"Well, what do we have here?"
The stranger spoke in an enthusiastic tone. You looked at the toe of his boot nervously.
"Come on, sweetheart. Get off the ground."
The sound of your racing heartbeat filled your ears as you allowed your eyes to wander upward. The barrel of a rifle was inches from your nose, aimed at the asphalt below. It was relieving to know that the man wasn't actively threatening you. You took that to be a good sign.
The beam of light in your face was too bright to see the person's features.
Getting impatient with your silence, the man lowers the flashlight.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
His tone of voice suggested that he was annoyed with your reaction. 
You slowly pull yourself to your feet. He seemed to be of an average height, taller than you. The man was blonde and had a fair complexion.
"What's your name?"
He raised an eyebrow. His tone remained almost lighthearted as if none of this had phased him.
Your response is cautious. You kept your voice low. Your eyes searched him for any movement. The feeling in your gut was uncertain. He seemed authoritative yet approachable... possibly unpredictable.
"Well y/n, you're welcome. It seems I saved your ass back there."
The man's demeanor was cocky, and he was a bit full of himself. He swings the strap of his rifle over his shoulder and puts out a hand for you to shake.
Something about his personality seemed intense. You hesitated to offer your hand but when you did, he gripped it firmly, pulling your wrist down briefly in a simple shake.
"Names Phillip Graves. You alone?"
You nodded eyeing the gun on his back. Phillip flashed a charming smile.
"Where are you headed to?"
He seemed to be full of questions, you couldn't quite decipher whether that was good or bad.
Unfortunately, he was the only other person around and didn't seem to immediately want to kill you. Something within you told you to give him a chance, it's not like you had options.
"I was just trying to make my way through the city." You admitted.
Phillip nods posing his hands on his hips.
"That's bold, for someone alone, especially of your... stature."
You couldn't help but glance down at yourself a little offended.
"I just mean, you don't seem to be the survivalist type." He adds.
You brush off the comment and change the subject.
"Are you alone too?"
You question. His bright smile returns, making his blue eyes crinkle at the edges.
"Been solo for quite a bit now. Although, Maybe that has changed."
It came out more as a statement than a question. He was arrogant and as much as his cocky attitude irritated you, you weren't going to turn down the company. Unfortunately, he was right you weren't the survivalist type.
You sat atop a large pickup truck. Your legs crossed beneath you. Phillip had called it 'keeping watch' but you thought he just wanted you out of the way.
You rested your hands on your ankles. Phillip is kneeling on the driver's side of the car trying to get the truck to start.
Breathing out a bored sigh you lean over the edge of the roof to check on his progress.
"Any luck?"
The blonde man leans back resting an arm on his bent knee.
"Afraid not."
He groans stretching as he stands back up Brushing his hands together to knock off any dirt.
"Looks like we'll have to walk."
Glancing up at you, his hands coming up to rest comfortably on his hips.
"Where to?"
A hint of confusion and curiosity in your voice.
Phillip waved his hand in a gesture that said to come down.
You stretched your legs out sliding your backside down until your shoes hit the bed of the truck. His hand pressed gently against your back steadying you as you climbed out.
"Well, I wouldn't mind heading into the city. It's more dangerous, but I know a place we can find some real firepower."
The idea gave you a bad feeling. Even though that had been the original plan, going through the city was the last thing you wanted to do. Now with Phillip around to watch your back, you felt no need to chase after Ghost anymore.
You continue to think for a moment. A trip through the city wasn't the worst idea, considering your lack of supplies. Slowly, you nod in a hesitant agreement.
"Okay, I guess that could work." Unsure of your response.
"Great! We can head out in the morning. It would be too dark right now."
Phillip shuts the door and walks to the back letting down the tailgate. He sits down, letting his legs hang off the side and pulls the rifle around to his lap. You watch him for a moment. He seemed content.
"How long have you been on your own?"
You question. Phillip turns to look at you. Surprisingly, the smile doesn't leave his face, but you could see the disappointment in his eyes.
"Ah, I don't know exactly..."
He sighs and turns to face forward again as if thinking how to continue. You join him on the tailgate, pulling your legs up and tucking them underneath you.
"I had a group, some people I've known for a long time but... they left me behind. Although, they had good reason."
His shoulders fall in a dismissive shrug.
Curiously, you wanted to push the subject further but before you could ask more, he changed the subject.
"Well, you better get some sleep... I'll be lookout."
His eyes meet yours in a way that told you it hadn't been a suggestion. Scooting yourself deeper into the truck bed, you shrug your backpack off your shoulders and use it as a pillow. It took a moment to adjust to a comfortable position. You lay back with a sigh.
In your line of sight was the mess of short blonde hair on the back of Phillips's head.
"Goodnight." You spoke.
The words were soft and laced with nervousness. Worried about trusting a stranger while you slept but even more worried, he'd be gone when you woke up.
Phillip doesn't respond but you can see his slight nod of acknowledgment before closing your eyes.
The orange sun lit up the cool morning. It had only been a few miles of walking to reach the exit ramp that brought you directly into the city. The large buildings towering above you were nearly in ruins, windows broken, areas were burnt, and the streets were littered with shrapnel. You make your descent on the ramp. There is a row of tire spikes you have to step over and cones blocking the lanes.
You'd remembered the news reports back in the small towns warning not to enter the cities. For days the gruesome news reports showed the traffic on the highways, and the bodies of those infected lining the streets but, this had been the first time since the outbreak began three months ago, that you had seen it all firsthand.
The smell of morning dew wafted through the air as Phillip led you under an overpass. You looked on in awe at the grim scene ahead.
"Come on. We're almost there."
Phillip stated, eyes scanning to make sure it was clear for you to cross the street.
The two of you continued deeper into the city. Finally, reaching a chain-link fence.
"What is this place?" You asked.
He had gone closer to the fence and checked its stability.
"It's a military camp."
He answers, turning to you.
"They had troops set up in the cities to try and minimize the spread."
He gestures for you to come over.
"We're going to climb the fence. You first."
As you approach, he pulls your bag down your shoulders. Phillip tosses it over the fence and helps boost you up.
Perched at the top of the fence. You take a moment to look out over the camp, some of the infected were wandering around at the far end. Fear filled you like a hunger in your stomach as you continued down quietly.
Phillip tossed his own bag to the other side of the fence and leaned the rifle over the top for you to grab. You take it in your hands, watching over your shoulder cautiously as you wait for him to climb.
The thud of boots hit the pavement beside you and Phillip pulls the riffle from your palms.
"Let's go."
He leads you quietly to a large green tent. Following closely, your gaze lingered on Phillips's back. Taking in the sight of his cautious stance as he crept forward. Much like Ghost, he had great awareness. 
You shuffle quietly under the tarp it is more humid underneath than you'd expected. Both of you split up within the tent in search of supplies.
The tent was lined with cots. Small metal chests rest at the ends. Some were stripped completely of their blankets, and some even missing mattresses. One cot had a duffle bag on it. It was empty besides a couple pairs of socks and a tee shirt.
You dump the clothes out and take the bag moving to the next bed. Stepping cautiously with your heels to stay silent. 
Phillip finishes searching his half and comes over to see what you had.
"Just this and a pocketknife."
You respond holding up the duffle bag. He nods,
"Found this,"
He holds up a couple of half-empty bottles of water.
You frown.
"There isn't much here, maybe someone beat us to it?"
Phillip shakes his head. The wrinkles in his face stood out with the furrow of his brow.
"That isn't likely... Let's check the other tents they'll have better stuff."
You follow him down to the entrance of the tent. As you pass a cot at the end of the row you feel a tug at your ankle.
The shock sent you to the ground with a gasp. Snarling sounds grow louder as a corpse crawls out from under the cot. You turn yourself around trying to back to your feet but the corpse's grip is stronger than anticipated. 
He pulls you a bit closer sending you flat on your stomach. You grunt as you use all your force to try and kick him away, but the angle of your body puts you at a disadvantage.
Phillip reappears at the entrance concerned when you aren't behind him.
"Shit, Y/n!"
He runs over pulling the rifle off his shoulder and using the blunt end to smash the corpse's head. The cracking sound of the skull makes you cringe. His grip loosens and you're able to scramble backward. Phillip hits him a couple more times making sure it's completely limp before helping you up.
"You okay?"
You rise back to your feet with a huff.
"Yeah, let's just finish searching and get the hell out of here."
Phillip pats your back before leading the both of you back out of the tent. You take in the site of the ravished camp. Tents littered with bullet holes, blood coating the entrances, and a circle of chairs around an ashy fire pit where a couple of bodies lay. The whole sight was gruesome, and the horrific scene was only intensified by the silence.
Phillip marches forward stabbing a blade into the back of a corpse's head. Another comes from the tent to his side, and he turns taking it out too.
You still couldn't fathom how people were just okay Killing so instinctively.
Phillip turns to you gesturing you to keep following.
The tent containing food was by far the worst. It smelled awful. Between rotten produce, decaying bodies, and moldy bread. It was the equivalent of a dumpster in the hot sun. You covered your nose to keep yourself from retching. Phillip however, didn't seem to be affected by the smell. You tiptoe passed an overturned table. Buzzing flies cut through the silence as they swarm a mess of bodies.
The two of you searched the entire tent from top to bottom, coming out of it with a few varying cans, a couple more bottles of water, and a handful of MRE packages.
The rest of the camp was pretty much the same. Infected wandering about, a few water bottles, lots of blood, and not much else. It wasn't until you reached an arsenal that Phillips's eyes lit up.
He drops his bag on the ground stepping further inside to inspect the weaponry.
"I wasn't sure how much would be left here."
The tent had been looted to some capacity but, there was still plenty here to arm ourselves with. As he held a rifle looking down the scope and checking the magazine you turned to look inside a crate. You lifted the wooden top to peek inside startled when Phillips's alarming voice called out.
"CARFUL Y/N! Those are explosives. Don't touch anything!"
Suddenly you weren't feeling very secure, the thought of being surrounded by crates of explosives that could all go off and kill you at any moment... was unsettling, to say the least.
You heed Phillips's warning and stay still in the middle of the tent.
A pair of camo pants fall in front of you. Phillip had tossed them at your feet.
"Put those on." He commanded.
You raise an eyebrow glancing from the cargo pants up to him,
"What? Here?"
"I won't look. Just put them on."
He insisted, turning his back to you completely while he continued to check out the crates. You undo the button of your jeans and pull them off before slipping into the camo pants. They were a bit too large for you.
Phillip turns again without a word. Looking down at a pair of combat boots. 
"These too."
He hands you the boots. You were hesitant to replace your sneakers. However, you knew the worn soles wouldn't last much longer with all the walking you'd been doing.
"Take this," Phillip says. 
As you finish lacing up the boots, he turns to you, handing you a large rifle similar to the one strapped to his back. You shake your head holding it out an arm's length away from your body. Phillip had already turned away to grab another gun.
"Uh... No, I don't think I should have something like this."
Phillip ignores the remark as he picks out a couple more things from the arsenal. He walks back to you chuckling at your awkward resistance to holding the weapon.
He takes it back and props it against a stack of crates.
"Relax. You shouldn't be afraid of a gun in your own hand. Besides, if you're going to survive in this world you're going to need them."
You try to counter but, Phillip raises his hand signaling you to stay quiet, and kneels in front of you.
"Lift your arms."
You put your arms out to your side watching as Phillip wraps a black belt around your hips. The belt had sandy-colored straps attached to it. With a thick plastic holster slot for a handgun.
"Widen your stance a bit."
You step out, jumping a bit when you feel Phillips's hands on your inner thigh. He buckles the holster around your leg before moving his hands down to cuff the ends of the pants above your boots. His touch is light.
His rough hands begin working away at your boots, tying them tightly and wrapping the laces around the top before tucking the remaining strands against your ankles.
You clear your throat nervously as Phillip stands back up.
"Lookin' good!"
He smiles proudly. His hands rested again on his hips.
"How does it feel?"
You turn your leg a bit as you look down at the military get-up.
"Weird," you reply.
Phillip chuckles and walks back over to the crates.
"You'll get used to it. These will be much more efficient than jeans."
He walks back over holding a large knife covered by a leather sleeve. He reaches down to attach it to your belt opposite the gun holster.
"Now let's look over what we've got."
He grabs your backpack and turns it over kneeling to rummage through your belongings.
He looks over the pistol Ghost had given you.
"Didn't take you for a gun owner," he says setting it to the side.
"Oh... I uh- I'm not. I found it."
Your thoughts wandered back to your fight with Ghost. You still felt guilty about driving him away but, look at how Phillip had been helping. You thought. Maybe it was for the best that Ghost left.
You watch as Phillip splits the food and water rations, moving everything to a tan tactical backpack he'd found. The unnecessary items, like the dim flashlights, and the hammer you'd collected were left in a pile on the ground.
He packed the duffle bag you'd taken from the tent for himself, filling it with ammo, extra weapons, and other equipment.
With his hand outstretched he hands you your new bag. You pull it on over your shoulders, fiddling with the little buckle on the front clicking it over your chest. Admittedly, you felt pretty cool being geared up with all this military equipment.
Phillip straps on his own holster, looking over a pistol before slotting it on his thigh. He steps in front of you holding the pistol from your bag. He had a box of ammo tucked under his arm as he clicked the magazine into place flipping the safety on.
He reaches down to slide it into your holster and steps back placing the box of ammo in your hands.
"If you're going to keep guns on you, Then, you're going to need to learn to shoot."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Phillip throws the duffle bag over his shoulder and grabs two identical riffles.
"What? I- I don't know if-"
Phillip holds his hand up to silence you again.
"Don't worry. I'm going to teach you. Here."
He hands you the rifle once again and heads out of the tent. You hesitate to follow, eyeing the little black flashlight Phillip had left out of your bag.
Something inside you couldn't bear to leave behind Ghost's flashlight. Even though it wasn't necessary now with all the new stuff Phillip had gathered, you decided to take it anyway. Opening one of the velcro pockets of the cargo pants, you place the flashlight securely inside.
The afternoon sun was high in the sky as you leaned over the ledge of an apartment building. The rooftop looked out over the city streets littered with infected. You watched them wander below as Phillip prepared your rifle.
"You ready?" He asks.
You step away from the edge taking the rifle from his hand.
"Do I really need to do this?"
You'd been nervous about this idea. You'd never been a big fan of guns and since the outbreak, you'd gotten by just on your ability to run and hide. You hadn't had to kill anyone or anything so far and weren't ready for that to change.
Phillip stands behind you, positioning your arms to hold the rifle properly against your shoulder.
"Now, always remember... The gun has some kickback. So, keep steady. Watch where you hold it on your shoulder you don't want to hurt yourself. Only aim the barrel with the intent to kill and finger off the trigger unless you plan to shoot. Got it?"
You nod and Phillip steps to the side crossing his arms over his chest.
"Alright, keep your finger off the trigger for now and get a feel for aiming. Look down your sight and line up your crosshair with their heads."
Phillips's instructions were clear but, you were left with so many questions about his life before the outbreak.
"Focus. You want to always aim for the head. Every second counts... Making that a habit will save you one day."
You take a deep breath tightening your grip on the rifle and tilting your head to look down the sight as Phillip had instructed. The movement is slow as you scan the street, trying to line up the cross hair with the head of one of the corpses.
After a few moments of practicing your aim, Phillip gives his next instruction.
"Okay, next I want you to line up your crosshair just like that, but this time pull the trigger."
Your heart pounded in your ears, you were not fond of the idea, to begin with, and now you'd have to do it. Finally, you would have to take a life... Even though you knew the infected were dangerous and no longer human, it didn't sit right with you. They used to be normal people just like you. What would be left if not your humanity?
Phillip waited patiently as you built up your courage, taking in deep breaths to calm your nerves. You scan the crowd again. Your crosshair stopped on the forehead of a woman. You watched her shuffling forward. Her colorless eyes looked straight ahead.
It took all your strength to pull back the trigger. The attached suppressor stifled the loud bang you'd otherwise expected to hear. 
You were jolted backward. You'd missed your shot at the woman and gunpowder filled the space beneath your nose. Letting out a loud gasp you let your arms fall from their position, gripping the rifle tightly at your waist.
"It's okay," Phillip reassures.
"Try again, keep your stance tight. You'll need to put a bit of strength in it."
You nod, taking a few more deep breaths to calm your racing pulse.
Raising the rifle again you steady your feet aiming down the rifle once more. Slowly scanning, looking for the same woman as before. Once your crosshair lands on her, you take another deep breath and brace yourself for the impact.
Your finger squeezes the trigger. The bullet whizzes through the air landing on your target.
The woman's lifeless body drops to the cement. Adrenaline fills your veins and guilt settles in your stomach. It was a conflict of emotions, excited that you'd succeeded but sad that you'd shot a person.
Phillips' encouraging words broke you from your thoughts.
"Yes! Great job Y/N! Do exactly that. Go again."
The night settled over the city. An orange light illuminated the space around you as you watched the roaring flames of the crackling fire. Phillip had decided it was best to spend the night up here after a long session of gun training. 
"You did a good job,"
Phillip says, sitting down across from you.
"You'll need a bit of practice, but I think you've got the hang of the basics."
Although encouraging, you couldn't push away the dreadful ache of guilt in your chest.
"That was the first time I'd ever had to kill one."
You speak up with a sad smile.
Phillip pauses, he gives you a look of understanding.
"I know it's hard... but sometimes we have to make those tough choices if we want to survive."
You thought back to Ghost again. Was his choice to leave you hard for him? Did he think he wouldn't survive if he stuck around?
You ask, almost hesitant to finish your question,
"How did you know about all of this?"
Phillip assumed you were referring to the guns and military camp.
"I was in the military... Before all this."
The answer hadn't exactly surprised you.
"The group you were with... Were they from the camp?"
He avoided eye contact with you deciding whether or not to answer you.
The answer was short and simple like he was holding back.
"But... back at the camp, you'd said that you weren't sure how much of the equipment would still be there. Does that mean you'd been there before?"
He sighed, it was obvious your curiosity had struck a nerve with him. 
"Let's just say... I was in the city when it fell. It's not something I'd like to relive so, leave it at that... yeah?"
You had a lot more questions for him but, it didn't feel like a good time to push. So, instead, you changed the subject.
"Thank you."
Confused, Phillip raised his head looking at you over the fire.
"Without all your help... I probably wouldn't have made it today."
Phillip flashes one of his charming smiles. You were glad to see that he cheered up so quickly. He looked prideful even. Evidently, your thanks hadn't gone unappreciated.
"We all need help from time to time. It's like they say... Strength in numbers."
He explains. You smile back before letting your gaze fall. That rule may apply to all but Ghost. You thought.
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@yourfavbabigirl @keiraslayz @dcnocap207 @dustycrusty09 @ihavetwoholesforareason
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cheegu3 · 8 months
Hi can I ask u something do you write for ZB1 if you do then you write ZB1 yandere reaction to there crush have crush on someone else. Sorry the grammar mistakes english isn't my first language
I just got into zb1, but I noticed this was an old ask, lmao fate ?? ur English is perfect dw <333
tw / trigger warning; yandere themes, possessiveness, stalking, jealousy, blood, violence, kidnapping, swearing, bullying
ZB1 - reaction to their crush liking someone else
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He was a bit too nice to try and aggressively intervene. If you liked someone else, there was almost nothing he could do to change it.
Maybe he’d try to catch your attention anyway; helping any random people around whenever he knew you were nearby and could see it, doing small favors for you or always smiling brightly.
Doing more than that would make him scared of giving you the wrong impression. Many nights would be spent crying and praying that you would wake up and become his.
'' Hey, are you going home now? ''
Your head turned and a smile flashed across your face. It was your senior, who often offered to walk you home so you could feel safer.
'' Yeah, but...'' you trailed off, feeling a pang of guilt hit you at the thought of turning him down, no matter how polite you'd be.
His eyes widened and the corners of his mouth tugged upwards in an awkward smile as he waited for you to explain.
'' I have this guy I like. So you don't have to walk me home. I really appreciated you doing that though, truly! ''
Despite you trying to soften the blow, you could tell he was disappointed. But there was also something else there, anger or maybe jealousy by the way his jaw clenched.
He only nodded, mumbling something about how he understood before he had to turn away to go and calm himself down.
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Would pretty much lose it. He had carefully planned every single step to make you fall for him, and here comes this guy and sweeps you off your feet just like that.
After some time of trying to control his anger any time he saw the two of you, he'd fail eventually. That would happen if you did even the slightest bit of flirting and Jiwoong was within sight.
He'd lunge for the guy immediately, ignoring your cries for him to stop. His friends had to use a lot of force to pull him away from your poor crush, left bleeding on the ground.
Since he hadn't come to the point in his plan where he confessed yet, you'd have no idea he liked you like that.
Afterwards, you went home while ignoring the feeling of someone following you. It was pretty obvious it was Jiwoong, but you weren't that scared of him. He'd always been nice in the past and maybe he just wanted to apologize.
You felt too overwhelmed due to the day's incident however, so you didn't stop to talk to him. When coming home, you locked the door behind you and went to the window, trying to look out discreetly.
Just like you thought, he showed up not too long after. His hand hovered over the door until he eventually knocked hard on it.
'' Y/n? I know you're in there. ''
The knocks became more rapid and his voice sounded irritated and impatient. '' Just open it, I just want to talk. ''
You breathed out shakily; torn between opening it or hiding, and knowing that your parents were not home to save you.
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Zhang hao
He was a close friend of yours who had a secret crush on you. He was quite shy and had just recently met you, as one of his friends was dating someone in your friend group.
From the minute he saw you, lighting up the room with your smile and friendliness, he felt like he'd found the one. He wasn't sure how to make that happen though, so he took his time just observing you silently while daydreaming about you being his.
After some time Zhang hao was going to confess of course. But it seemed someone had managed to steal your heart before he did.
When he saw that smile he adored so much appear on your lips which he often yearned to kiss, it didn't mirror on his face; because it was due to someone else.
He started to feel sick when sitting there and listening to you gush over your crush to everyone at the table. Excusing himself he left and went straight home.
You and other people blew up his phone the next day, asking if he was okay, it annoyed him so he turned off his phone.
A genuine smile would turn the corners of his mouth upwards when his doorbell rang. Walking over, he hurried to accept the request for you to get in while staring at you on the monitor.
'' Did I do something, Hao? You looked very disgusted and mad before leaving, and it was right when I was talking. I've thought a lot about it and it made me feel bad. So, sorry if I did something, '' you said, eyes already starting to tear up at the thought of having hurt your new friend's feelings.
'' You have no idea, '' Zhang hao sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
He pushed past you while you anxiously waited for his answer - and while doing so, missed the sound of the lock turning.
'' But, it's okay now. You're finally mine. ''
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Heartbroken, he'll become ten times clingier. Even though he had never actually talked to you before, the stalking would increase. It went from him seeing you once in the hallway and falling in love and after that, staring at you - to following you around deliberately, finding out your schedule, and stalking your profiles online.
Matthew would find out about your little crush after doing just this, stalking you online. On there, he'd find flirty comments you left under someone's posts.
He'd blink in confusion and laugh it off, feeling slightly uncomfortable. But then when he continued scrolling, he saw that you had liked every single one of his posts.
He could feel his heart shatter as the phone slipped out of his hands and he fell back on the bed.
In the heat of the moment, Matthew sent you a friend request. You accepted it not long after despite not knowing who he was, because you saw that you had mutual friends and went to the same school.
The first message would pop in, '' Hey sweetheart...Why would you do that? ''
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He wouldn't tolerate any disrespect. As soon as he caught on that you liked someone else from the way your eyes shone up when he approached you, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you away.
Your crush was left alone, staring after you bewildered. He thought you had a boyfriend and admittedly got a bit disappointed; you were beautiful, everyone knew that, especially Taerae knew that and he hated that everyone else did too.
He hadn't been shy in showing that he liked you. Even though you always turned him down, he stuck around you like a magnet. Any guys that would give you any suggestive or flirty looks would soon turn away when noticing the death glare Taerae would send their way.
You were always confused and sad about it. The party at the end of the year was coming up and you had no date.
'' Why did you do that? ''
'' I've heard him talk disrespectfully about you. All the guys are like that. ''
'' What? What did he say? He looked like a nice guy, '' you pouted, feeling defeated once again from another rejection.
'' He was only talking about your body and how the guys had made a bet to see who could fuck you first, '' Taerae said with a smile, knowing he was lying through his teeth and you had no idea.
You groaned loudly, '' At this rate, I'll have no one to go to the party with. ''
His amused smile turned into a cocky smirk.
'' You can go with me. ''
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Your crush's name was never mentioned while he eavesdropped on your and your friends' conversation, so naturally, he'd walk away looking smug, thinking it was him you were talking about.
However, even before that encounter, he was pretty convinced that you liked him - everyone did after all, so why wouldn't you?
If he spotted you with someone else after that day, it still wouldn't click. A smirk would be plastered on his face as he cooed over how cute you looked while trying to make him jealous.
One day when Ricky met up with his friends to eat lunch, you were there too. Despite the distance, his friends quickly saw that the guy you were with wasn't just a friend, but Ricky didn't.
'' There she is again. I swear she's following me around, '' Ricky sighed and shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips despite his fake annoyed tone.
His friends looked at each other. They shared the same concerned and scared looks, unsure how Ricky would react if he realized the truth.
Sensing the tense silence, he turned to his friends and his smile dropped, '' What's wrong? ''
'' No, nothing, '' one of them mumbled.
His lips formed a straight line and a scowl appeared on his face, causing his friend to panic.
'' We just don't think y/n...likes you the way you think she does. ''
He laughed, '' What the fuck are you talking about? ''
None of them dared to speak again since Ricky looked really angry. They watched as his eyes shot daggers at you and knew your life would be far from easy from then on.
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Completely blindsided by you having a crush. He was just slowly getting to know you and felt relieved that you didn't have any other guy friends - that must mean that you saw him as more than a friend from the beginning, right?
Unfortunately for Gyuvin, that couldn't be further from the truth. You saw him as a close friend and as a friend only. You had guessed he had a crush on you because he always had to be pulled away from you, always wanting to be by your side.
He was also fiercely protective. Usually, he had a puppy-like personality, the big grin on his face was almost his trademark coupled with his sunshine personality.
But when guys were near you, he'd either put an arm around your shoulder and play it off as if he was just teasing you; or he'd stand very close in front of you, shielding you from them.
It was an odd thing that you never confronted him about. You often ignored those moments and still hoped he'd be supportive of your crush.
However, his face going dark when you told him you were going to the cinema with a group of friends and mentioning how you liked one of them, told you he very clearly wasn't.
'' Gyuvin? ''
He got closer, forcing you to be pressed against the wall. There was no one else in the hallway. Towering over you, he had a blank look on his face as he looked down on you.
'' You're not going. ''
'' What why wouldn't I go? ''
'' Just do as I say unless you want me to come too. ''
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He was happy when he saw that you were admiring the gifts he put in your locker. However, it was quickly replaced with anger when he saw a senior that he hated approaching you.
From where he was standing he could hear the conversation clearly and it made his fists clench.
'' Do you like them? ''
'' Yes- '' your eyes widened, '' Did you give them to me? ''
'' Yes, '' Gunwook scoffed as he watched the guy sheepishly try to pretend it was his doing, lying so easily to his sweetheart's face.
'' Oh, thank you! I love them. ''
'' Do you want to go out sometime then? ''
'' Sure. I'm free this weekend. ''
The guy smirked victoriously, '' I'll pick you up at seven on Saturday. It'll be a surprise. ''
'' Okay, '' you squeaked after him when he turned to walk away.
He passed by where Gunwook was standing and they both stared each other down. Taking a quick glance back he saw that you had left.
'' She suits me better, don't you think? ''
Gunwook couldn't get a word out, he was shaking with fury. He responded instead by punching the senior right on the nose. Blood trickled down his face and he was about to scream at him but was thrown against the lockers and had all air knocked out of his lungs.
He predicted he'd need a few more minutes until the guy would be hospitalized and then you could expect to see Gunwook at your doorstep at seven on Saturday.
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He started at your school in the middle of the school year and despite being an outsider he quickly got popular for his good looks and money.
You caught his eye immediately. Yujin wasn't used to not getting his way so hearing that you liked someone else infuriated him.
Your crush would get bullied whenever you were out of sight and he forced everyone to play into his antics; joining in on the bullying and when you returned, pretending like Yujin was the victim.
He was incredibly smart and calculated. He never drew blood because he knew that it would be obvious who the true victim was then. Instead, your crush was slapped and his body got most of the harder hits.
Someone was on watch the whole time and alerted him when they could see you coming. Yujin would throw himself on the ground just in time, trying to look as disheveled as possible and making the guy grab his shirt as fake tears rolled down his cheeks.
It didn't work every time, since sometimes you turned to a different area than they had predicted. But at the end of the first week of trying, it finally did.
'' Yujin? ''
He laid sprawled out on the floor of the classroom while the actual victim had been forced to climb on top of him and form a fist as if he was about to punch him. Yujin fawned a dazed look like he had been hit many times already.
You came running to his defense - the others had told him you had a thing for saving victims. It was hard for him to not smile when you looked so worried.
'' Are you okay? Oh my god- '' you kept mumbling to yourself.
Soon enough you befriended him and promised to protect him. The crush would disappear very quickly and the spoiled kid would be happy again.
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theamityelf · 28 days
Thinking about the mini senpais and how that affects the order of deaths (a little like in the mini THH au). Chapter 1 with Sayaka will probably be the same as canon and as you described. My main big first difference I think will be a change in Mondo and Taka’s relationship.
Like Taka is learning to be gentle with Mikan, and is also protective of her in general. And Mikan will probably find Mondo to be scary as well. On Mondo’s side, while Fuyuhiko and Mondo will buttheads, the yakuza is gonna be on Mondo’s side when it comes to anything Taka says, so their initial rivalries will probably be way worse influenced by their senpais.
There’s also Chihiro deciding to train himself. I think he would talk to Kazuichi about it, and the latter is like “There’s no way you can train with Mondo!! He’s a super scary guy and has got that Yakuza whispering in his ear!” I think Kazuichi convinces Chihiro to talk to Taka instead, mostly so that they can get help from Nekomaru (who has since been adopted by Taka) but I think Kazuichi would argue that the “moral compass” would never murder even if he can be annoying.
Toko tells Byakuya about Genocider Syo like canon, but also to ask him if he can look after Gundham if something happens to her. I’m not sure how Gundham would feel but I’m sure he would be concerned for Toko’s wellbeing. And Sonia would be so excited to meet THE Genocider Syo (sort of).
I’m not sure who would kill in chapter 2. Mondo could still have his break down and accidentally kill someone again, it just might be a different target. (Shit what if it’s Fuyuhiko?! He accidentally gets squashed!!)
This could all be different if Nagito gets the idea to share the secrets and tells Makoto to suggest it. But it’s Nagito so rather than to prevent deaths it’s more to see if the ultimates can overcome the despair of their secrets. So everyone gets to find out that Makoto wet the bed until 5th grade. Nagito’s reaction to that might be funny. Though sadly I don’t think it gets anyone else to fess up cuz everyone else’s are all a lot worse.
Anyway thanks to reading my gasbagging.
This is all golden, yes!
As much as I love Ishimondo (both as a platonic pair and a romantic one), I gotta agree that they probably wouldn't fall together as easily during this.
Although! I just imagined a version of the sauna scene where, in addition to asking Makoto to witness, they also have him hold their senpais for them (so, Nagito's on one shoulder, Fuyuhiko's on the other, Mikan's standing in the palm of his hand, and he's holding Taka's basket with Ibuki, Peko, and Nekomaru in the crook of his arm), and I find it really funny to imagine. Some of them are really invested in the endurance contest (Nekomaru asks for a higher vantage point, and Makoto only has so much shoulder space, so he's placed on top of Makoto's head.), and Ibuki is really affectionate toward Makoto because she feels bad about what happened with Sayaka.
And either Taka and Mondo end the contest early because Makoto has to go to bed so they have to take their senpais back, because the senpais are their responsibility, or, when Makoto says it's nighttime and he wants to go back to his room, Nekomaru shouts "SLEEPOVER!" and Makoto cares for six miniature people that night.
Either way, I agree with you that Taka and Mondo wouldn't get as close, at least not as quickly, as they do in canon. (I just had to include the sauna thing because the idea was fun for me, lol.) They're on more of a gradual enemies to friends or enemies to lovers track, which may or may not have time to reach its destination, because killing game.
Mikan doesn't like to be around Mondo, but Peko wants to be near Fuyuhiko and so advocates that they spend more time with Mondo, and Taka cares about everyone getting a voice, so when it's Peko's turn to choose, he offers to let Mikan hide in his pocket or back in the terrarium in his room. But she wants to stay with him.
Just to set some stuff up, in the social landscape of Chapter 2, Hifumi has been making little outfits because Celeste is now coping by living vicariously through Chiaki. So, she has Chiaki playing dress-up for her, styling after her, etc. Chiaki insists on continuing to wear her cat hoodie with the gothic lolita dresses, but other than that she's a pretty good sport about everything.
(Hifumi was given Celeste's sewing kit to do this, and he gave her his tool kit in trade. There was probably some joke about him being dominated, or giving away his manhood, or something like that, because I can't imagine Danganronpa would pass that up without comment.)
Aoi also asks Hifumi to make some tiny clothes, because she's worried that Akane's clothes don't fit her right. (When she asks Akane about it, Akane agrees that they don't really fit but basically says that they've always been like that so she's used to it.)
And since Hifumi interacts with both of them really respectfully and works really diligently, Mahiru is praising him for being reliable, and basically Hifumi has been swimming in female attention this chapter and does not know what to do with himself.
When Mondo accidentally upsets Chihiro, and Taka mentions that Mikan is scared of Mondo, Hifumi probably makes a joke about how some guys just don't know how to act around women.
(And there's no "ironic coming from you" response, because Hifumi is genuinely doing pretty great about that.)
Mondo blushes, but he's also like, "Hey, shut up! F you!" and stuff.
Byakuya is isolating himself from the group because he doesn't trust them, but Sonia is so bored with this. She is way too social to just be going straight from his room to the library and back every single day. As a result, Byakuya is more lenient with letting other people talk to him, for her sake.
This is mostly Makoto. He talks with Makoto, and Sonia with Nagito. Nagito talks with Sonia about the killing game, and how there's tons of historical precedent for royalty enjoying blood sport, and how the group is reaching their potential. She knows there's something off about him, but she's starved for social interaction and also this talk of royals and blood sport does appeal to her, in a perverse way.
It's an interesting vibe, because Makoto is bringing Byakuya slightly down to earth, and Sonia is slightly softening Byakuya's edge, but Nagito is making Sonia slightly less down to earth, and Byakuya is sharpening her edge. They're reaching a weird middle ground where Byakuya is less of a jerk and Sonia is less kind.
As a result of this, Byakuya orders Makoto to come sit with him every day. Sonia needs conversation, and also Byakuya has decided that he wants Makoto to make it out of here with him (to be his servant, of course), so he wants to keep Makoto close. Makoto still takes meals with the group, still mediates the sauna thing for Taka and Mondo, but he spends a lot of time in the library with Byakuya, this chapter.
He's still barred from the archive room, or whatever that room was called.
Then we do get the motive about revealing secrets.
Yes, Chihiro trains with Taka. Wholesome workouts for them!
Toko does tell Byakuya about Syo. Obviously, she waits for a time when Makoto isn't around, but Nagito finds out because Sonia is buzzing next time he talks to her, and while she of course doesn't tell him Toko's secret, her explanation for why she's excited gives him all the pieces to figure it out. He might sprinkle her with pepper, like I mentioned last time, which might cause a killing, if he gets a chance to explain to her that her secret will be revealed otherwise.
I think Mondo would seriously be considering killing someone to protect his secret. Like, I imagine him pacing in his room, not wanting to kill anyone but thinking about what would happen to the Crazy Diamond if it got out.
Fuyuhiko puts aside his prickly demeanor and fully becomes both the older student and the professional criminal. "Okay, so you want to kill someone. Are you ready to seriously follow through? You think you can cover up a murder, if it means everyone in your class dies? If you fail, and you die, what happens to your gang then?"
Mondo decides he definitely shouldn't kill someone. Whatever happens when the secret is revealed, he'll face it like a man. Because he's strong. He's a man, and he's strong. (He's hanging by a thread, but his commitment to specifically not killing someone is strengthened by his talk with Fuyuhiko.)
Optional zag, which isn't entirely in character but just the outline of a murder that can happen:
Little does he know! During the senpais' sleepover with Makoto, Nagito planted some seeds by bringing up Fuyuhiko's sister, the "mysterious" circumstances of her death, and just generally musing that the senpais aren't really a part of the killing game in the same way the others are. Fuyuhiko's trying to be there for his kouhai, but lowkey he is also pretty riled up.
So maybe he suggests that Mondo let out his frustration by (non-lethally) punching that guy who insulted him in front of everybody. After all, Hifumi "looks like he can take a hit", and it's been a long time coming. (Fuyuhiko might have said something like "You gonna let him say that sh!t to you?" when it happened.) If Mondo is keyed up about the motive, then just punching someone who deserves it should make him feel better, and then he can move on.
(Fuyuhiko isn't really aiming to kill Mahiru, at least not consciously, but if Hifumi does fall over and crush Mahiru to death by accident, then that's not a murder in terms of the killing game; Hifumi broke the rule about losing his senpai, but Mondo and Fuyuhiko aren't guilty of anything.)
In this situation, I'm imagining Hifumi brings Mahiru to Taka, hoping Mikan can do something to help her, and Hifumi leaves Mahiru with them and gets killed while he's away. So, Taka shows up to breakfast the next morning with Hifumi's senpai, not knowing that Hifumi is dead. The killer could be Sakura or Toko. Technically, it could also be Hiro. It doesn't feel in character for it to be Hiro, but I also don't have anything else for him to do.
(If Toko is the Chapter 2 killer, then Byakuya takes Gundham once she's executed; Sonia wanted him under their protection.)
But hey, the headline is, Chihiro and Mondo probably survive Chapter 2! And maybe Mikan can help Mahiru. But everything I said after "optional zag" isn't set in stone, lol.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Heyoo! Btw your posts r great and r the only things currently keeping me sane. Anyway, can we get headcannons of Kaeya as your seat mate that has a crush on you??
Stay hydrated !!!
thank you for the compliment!! i started writing again bc i was losing my mind so im glad i can provide that comfort for others <3
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From the first day of classes, Kaeya didn't seem to care much. You happened to sit next to him and he kindly moved his things over, offering you a slight smile when your eyes met. You went over the general icebreaker things with the professor and the rest of the class. It was then that he learned your name and favourite colour, for some reason keeping that in mind over the way the course would be weighted.
Considering that it was a bit of a smaller class it forced the two of you to interact more than in other classes he would typically have it meant he go to know you more. Sometimes you would finish your partnered assignments or discussions early, leaving a bit of an awkward silence he would keep scrambling to fill.
Sometimes he'd even bring you snacks or treats, claiming he grabbed too many on his way out and had to get rid of them before they melted. They were fancy ones too, ones you felt a little bad taking but he would insist, practically shoving them into your bag until you would just concede and take it. He was so nice you couldn't help it, paying him back with coffees or something else that he would insist he didn't need. Sometimes, he'd even say your smile was all he needed as payment, laughing at the way his flirty words got under your skin.
You thought that he was just trying to make a friend just for class, not really sure what would happen once the semester came to a close. He wasn't thinking about that right now though - all he could focus on was how antsy he would get if you weren't already in the room, eyes constantly drifting over to the door to see when you'll come through.
With this being the winter semester, it meant you were dressing for comfort, not fashion. You came to class in baggy hoodies and pants tucked into boots, Kaeya loving how cuddly you looked in them. He wanted to give you his sweaters, see how you'd look in them and then maybe take you out for hot cocoa. Or ice cream. You'd mentioned wanting some, much to his dismay at the sight of the weather outside. You always just looked so comfortable, and he wanted nothing more than to put you on his lap and spoil you with attention.
However, he forgot that shifting weather meant shifting wardrobes. You didn't fail to impress, Kaeya having to pick his jaw up off the floor the first time he saw you dressed for fashion, not comfort. He had to pay you a compliment, loving the way you averted his gaze shyly and stuttered a thanks.
He hates that he only sees you for a little over an hour at a time every couple of days, wishing that he had the courage to ask for your number. With the semester warming up that meant the arrival of the end of the year, and neither of you were taking the spring semester.
The last few weeks of the semester were him hyping himself to ask you out, glad that the final assignment gave him an excuse to get your number and see you more often. He would often lay in bed, trying to piece together the perfect words to ask you out. He was thinking of giving you a gift, or maybe calling you to ask you out like that but nothing seemed to work.
When the two of you worked on the assignment together he would constantly tease and flirt with you playfully, gauging your reaction to see if he could determine if you'd reject him. It seemed safe, but he could never be too sure, pretending he needed a lot more help than he actually did to keep your attention on him.
Time flew by and to his dismay, the end of the semester was among him. With the final project submitted that meant you two no longer had a functional reason to stay together. The last day of class was bittersweet for you, wishing you had the guts to ask him out as Kaeya agonized over what to tell you.
The class he normally had after this was cancelled as the prof finished early, meaning he was able to spend some more time with you before going home. You could sense that something was weighing on his mind but you had no idea how to prod, more focused on trying to figure out how to ask him if he'd be okay with you texting him despite no longer having class anymore.
When the two of you were about to part he finally managed to spit it out, holding your hand and asking you so sweetly if you could find the time to go out with him to celebrate the end of the semester, his treat. He reailsed a little too late that the invitation sounded too friendly, rectifying it by telling you he wanted to take you out to dinner and see where the two of you go. Kaeya looked so hopeful and truth be told this was the best way you could have imagined the semester ending so you nodded happily, practically skipping away as Kaeya grinned to himself.
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nolita-fairytale · 9 months
first i would like to say congrats and thank you for doing this celebration!! ✨✨✨ i was thinking about a blurb 🥐 for Carmy that has been on my mind forever! i keep going back to this ideia of something like that scene from Bridget Jones’s Diary in which she’s trying to make dinner for her friends and she’s doing this soup and instead of using like a normal string she uses a blue one and the soup turns blue and Colin Firth’s character ends up helping her out idk I feel like Carmy would be delighted to see something like that! 💛
slowly, slowly making my way through the rest of my follower requests. anyone else getting their ass kicked at work these days? i'm fine but work has just been exceptionally worky and i think it should stop. lmao anyways... i love this idea that @pleasecallmeunhinged brought to me and am so happy that i've gotten to sit down and work on it this evening.
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It's just butter, flour, and milk. How hard can it be?
At least that's what you think to yourself as you volunteer to make the bechamel sauce for the lasagna. You've watched Carmy work hard, all day long, rolling sheets of pasta out while the bolognese stews low and slow in the oven.
It's not till he has to run a quick errand for Richie that he realizes that this slow Sunday dinner might get pushed back a few hours.
"I can do it, Bear," you offer, considering that, since dating Carmy, your skills in the kitchen have massively improved.
Striving your best to always be a student, you've picked up a few things in your relationship with Carmy, even if it doesn't come as naturally to you as you hoped it would.
It starts simply:
Melt the butter. Whisk in flour. Stir in milk. Add herbs to steep in the bechamel sauce for flavor.
But for the life of you, you can't find the kitchen twine (whatever the hell that is), settling for a long piece of royal blue yarn from the last time you thought you'd take up crocheting. Without a second thought, you toss the bundle of herbs into the milk, butter, and flour mixture, to let it infuse.
"Everything okay, babe?" Carmy asks you when he returns, immediately seeing the look on your face.
"Don't laugh, okay?" you request, only mildly embarrassed, but mostly humored by the whole situation. Carmy shoots you a quizzical look as you take his hand, gently leading him over to the stove where your bechamel-fail sits.
"Why would I-? Oh fuck, babe!" Carmy exclaims, as soon as he inside of the saucepan.
It's blue.
A deep, royal blue, a few shades lighter from the white of the bechamel sauce.
"Remember when I decided I was going to take up crocheting again? Well uh... You didn't have any kitchen twine so I... sort of used some yarn that I found and...." you explain, carefully, searching Carmy's face for any kind of reaction to your kitchen mishap.
Instead he just stares at it, and you can't tell whether he's horrified or in shock, that by the time he opens his mouth, you don't know what to expect.
"Carm?" you ask him, the long silence beginning to worry you.
And instead of answering, all he can do is laugh.
It's the kind of laugh that's full bodied and fully bellied, taking him over, and lighting him up from end to end. It's contagious -- so contagious that you begin to join in, practically gasping for air because of how hard you and Carmy laugh together at the blue bechamel.
You can see it in the way his eyes crinkle at the corners, at how his cheeks turn red, with the way he looks at you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
"Yo this is..." he starts, beginning to come down from his fit of laughter.
"A mess?" you suggest, exchanging a look with your boyfriend.
"Fuck yeah," he agrees enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear as he adds:
"But you're my mess. C'mon! Let's get this pot cleaned up and I'll show you how to make it for real."
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Hey there! I love your blog. The lil snakes are so cute 💞💞💞. I was wondering if I could get headcanons of an oblivious farmer who's got Elliott and Harvey pining over them? (With some polyam themes, if possible, but no worries if not!) Hope you're havin a good one 💜
Elliott and Harvey with an Oblivious Farmer
Holy moly I'm back! Well, not really, but I have a post! Yippee! Anyways, so sorry this took so long. I hope you haven't up and left yet lol. I have to say I only do character x character if the farmer/reader is involved and because of that I'm not very good at it. However, I will try my best! Thank you for your patience waiting for this! Also thank you for the compliments I love my snakes too dfdkhfkds (/gen).
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It had been about a year since you moved to the valley. Over your many seasons of work you had managed to grow quite close to the townspeople of Pelican Town. Your gifts and services had earned you a high rank within the valley's social hierarchy. High enough to earn the attention of two of the town's bachelors!
Elliott and Harvey had been smitten with you for a while now. Everything you did just gravitated them towards you. It didn't help that you were just as lovely to everyone else. The two of them spent a lot of time observing your behaviours (not in a creepy way), so it was only a matter of time until they realised someone else had their eyes on you.
Harvey was the first to realise something was unusual about Elliott. Whenever he tried to talk to him in passing in the town square, he always seemed less grounded in reality than usual. He always seemed to have his head in the clouds thinking about something.
Then he started to notice the way he looked at you and talked with you. When you were talking to someone else, that ditzy aimlessness remained, but when you were speaking to him, he was completely focused. It was strange how his behavior would switch instantaneously, and it only took Harvey so long to know what was happening.
Harvey's first reaction is a big 'oh no.' He already thought he was out of your league, but now? Well, there's no chance of anything happening, is there? He might as well give up while he's ahead. But then again, that would make him sad. So maybe he should just try.
Harvey starts talking to you more. He brings you gifts. He puts so much effort into trying to get you to notice him, as anyone would. But, of course, luck isn't on his side. You remain completely clueless to the sheer mountain of hints he's giving you. To you, the doctor is just being a good friend. What else would he be doing? Having a crush on you? Ha! If only!
It's when Harvey begins this bombardment of gift-giving that Elliott begins to sense something is up. He gets slowly pulled from his romantic daydreams as he notices you spending less and less time with him.
'Y/N, want to come on a boat ride with me?' 'Sorry, I organised to hang out with Harvey today.'
'Y/N, how would you like to share a plate of crab cakes?' 'So sorry Elliott, Harvey's already offered to share a bottle of wine with me.'
He just can't catch a break. Every time he tries to hang out with you something's come up on the farm, or a villager needs help, or Yoba forbid you're hanging out with Harvey again. He's on the verge of giving up when he decides enough's enough. If Harvey's going to play at that game, so is he.
Elliott starts making plans weeks in advance to avoid Harvey's sneaky little last-minute tricks. He sends you letters asking to hang out; he offers to help with whatever chores you're doing. He knows Harvey's got his own plans (being the town doctor and all), so he takes advantage of it. Whenever Harvey's working, he's by your side helping you out.
Truth be told, they both got in a little over their heads. They never really bothered to realise that you had no clue as to what they were doing. All that's going on in your brain is 'yippee, my friends like me!' Not once to they take a minute and go 'wait, have I ever got any hints back?' (not that Harvey would be able to tell LOL).
What makes the situation even more comical is the fact that you did like them. Both. You were just having the time of your life getting to hang out with your crushes while they fought in the background. You always had the sneaking suspicion something was up, but you could never tell what.
Eventually, they both get sick of it. During Elliott's next annual appointment with the doctor, Harvey explains that he's done fighting over you. He explains that acting how they were is immature of them, and Elliott agrees. They decide to just go back to how they were before, safe in the knowledge that if you do ever happen to fall for one of them, you'll let them know.
Elliott x Harvey Part (AKA I Didn't Know if You Meant Just the Reader Was Polyamorous or the Boys Too)
(/nm btw. I'm just a wee bit clueless).
Once that whole ordeal is over, the men start growing closer to each other. It's not like a 'wow we're in love' sort of closeness, more so a 'wow, we have a lot in common' kind. They're the oldest of the bachelors and don't really connect with the younger people in town. Of course, they each have their exceptions (mainly Maru for Harvey, since Leah's a bit older), but for the most part they're on their own.
They're both pretty lonely people deep down, so it's nice to have someone to connect to. They're both nerds in their own rights and bond over that. Elliott often comes to Harvey for medical and historical information (mainly on planes) for his books, and Harvey comes to him for help writing professional documents and emails.
While they still pine over you, something else seems to come through between them. It takes them a while to come to terms with it, and when they do, they're pretty shaken up. I don't imagine either of them ever thought to consider the chance that they may be polyamorous, with Harvey too focused on other things in life and Elliott too caught up in how he's been taught true love is mostly monogamous (*cough cough* every mainstream love story ever *cough cough*).
However, it takes your confession to them for them to actually get together. It's only when they realise 'hey, maybe it's not so odd to love more than one person at once' that they actually bother to confess. It's very short and sweet and barely at all romantic (probably takes place during another checkup lol), but it gets the job done.
You three end up as a very happy throuple together! Harvey and Elliott already work well as friends, but as partners they're pretty dang good. You're all just happy to be able to be together. :)
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Sevika x Fem!Reader - Two Faced
A/N: I just really like her. Anyways Sevika witnesses a woman tell off her shitty boyfriend and thinks it’s a riot, so of course she follows her to the restroom. Minors DNI. 
Word Count: 4k.  AO3 Link
Pt. 2
You had standards. Admittedly, they were insanely high.
“Fuck off!” You shoved past your disappointment of a boyfriend, heels clacking with purpose. What was it with your luck these days? It had hardly been a month, and already he was grinding your gears. It seemed all the universe had to offer was one useless man after the next, and it was starting to become redundant.
You stormed into the ladies' restroom, pissed out of your mind. From the moment you’d met up at the club to party with his friends, he’d been the same; inattentive, dismissive, and rudely belittling. Worst yet, he only ever remembered your existence when there was an itch between his legs–and you wanted anything else but that.
“Mother fucker…” You muttered, eyeing the alcohol spilled on your expensive, tiny, off-the-shoulder, red dress. Sure, you were dating, but you hadn't done anything yet. Like every guy before him, sex in your mind was something to put off for as long as you could. You didn't get the hype–men were gross, annoying and sleazy–or at least, those were the excuses you told to yourself to avoid the obvious.
That maybe, just maybe…you simply weren't interested in men at all.
When your stiff reactions to his advances became clear as day, his slimy ass didn't give up. No–he had to try and trick you into stripping off your dress. Like hell you were dumb enough to follow him to a secluded part of the club just so he could “dry you off” after dumping half his fucking drink on you. That man was a walking red flag, and you were done. Either you were picking up another boy toy tonight, or calling it quits altogether.
At least, if he wasn’t standing right outside the bathroom door. Which, while you didn’t know that for certain…with the way he was acting tonight? It was highly plausible. 
“I should take my Louboutins," you groaned in frustration, hands gripping the sink counter, “and castrate him.”
“That…would definitely be a sight.”
You jumped, having not noticed someone else come in. You frowned, ready to tear this person disturbing you a new one before glancing to the side. Shit. You did a double take, and despite wanting to hide it, your eyes widened with fear.
No one in this club didn’t know that face, or that body. She was impossibly tall, with intimidating broad shoulders and a scowl formed by the devil himself. Sevika entered, and suddenly the bathroom felt too small for the both of you. Her presence alone was that overwhelming, making you suck in a shaky, terrified breath.
If having a problem with your boyfriend was a threat, having an issue with Silco’s right hand was a death wish…and no matter how prideful you were, even you knew better than to cross that line.
Well, at least you thought you did. Your friends would probably swear otherwise.
“I couldn’t help but see what happened back there. You made quite the scene.” Had you? Oh right–
–you splashed your entire drink over his head when his hands got too close to the hem of your dress, ignoring his sputter of surprise. You rose, downing his own shot of whiskey he claimed was too strong for you before wiping your glossy lips with the back of your hand.
“First of all jackass–even if we were the last people on earth, I’d rather jump off a building than have your nasty dick shoved up my ass. Seriously–what the fuck is that? It looks like you need to spend the night with a fucking doctor, not me.” You hadn’t seen shit, but yelling it loud enough would make him never set foot in this club ever again…and well, you were too mad to be nice anymore.
“Second? You’re boring as hell. Why don’t you go find a personality instead of spewing the same misogynistic shit every dude still living in their mom’s basement says? Yeah I’m hot, I’m stuck up, I’m a goddamn slut–but guess what?” You flipped him off as you gathered your things.
“This “stupid whore” still isn’t going to fuck you. So you know what you should do instead? Fuck off!” Oh. Looking back, you guessed you had made a bit of a scene. Was she here to kick you out? 
“And…?” You inwardly cursed at your disinterested tone, turning back to the mirror and eying your makeup. “I didn’t know you dealt with stuff like this." Were you egging her on? No, no, no–there was no way you were dumb enough to–
"...Being his right hand and all.” Fuck. You were egging her on. 
Your heart pounded in your chest, hairs standing up on the back of your neck. Where you expected a furious reaction, you were met with a look much, much worse. A devilish, downright sinister grin spread around her cigar. Tense, you studied her from the corner of your eyes, plagued over how she would eventually react. 
No matter what she does, she demands attention. Maybe her lack of retaliation was a tactic. If so, it was working. Your eyes were glued to her, and you had to admit, seeing Sevika simply standing there made your heart skip a beat. The woman was as equally captivating as she was terrifying, and this situation only made that fact more evident. 
Sure, her mechanical arm glinted like it was one twitch away from gutting you, but her clothes fit her like a glove. Those fine arms and the peek her top gave of her scar-riddled waist was damn near criminal. If I’m going to die tonight, I might as well get a closer look, right? 
You’d only ever seen her passing by or talking with a group of people equally as intimidating as she was. Now she was less than a few feet from you, and despite her smile, she didn't do anything at your snide remark. Rather, she let out a short puff of her cigar, smoke escaping past her lips with an easy chuckle.
Then, there was silence.
It would have been better if she reacted with rage. Anger was something you could handle. But this? She hadn’t said a word in response, yet you still felt like a caged animal. You were running out of things to fake your attention on while you watched her, dabbing the same patch of alcohol on your dress for the twentieth time. After several seconds passed, your patience ran thin.
I can't just stand here waiting for her to kill me. Who cared if that man was waiting for you outside, you needed to get out of the bathroom as soon as you possibly could. However, just as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Sevika suddenly caught you staring at her through the mirror. Shit–! 
Quickly, you turned away, moving to open your purse as if you were busy. Sevika snorted, and you inwardly cringed. You were painfully aware of the long drag she took of her cigar. She let it out as a slow puff, shamelessly eyeing you up and down as she did. Where her gaze lingered, your body burned, and you weren’t sure whether it was from embarrassment or fear. Sevika moved to put her cigar out on the bathroom’s marble countertop, and you were certain that if anyone else had done so, Silco would have killed them.
Hands in her pockets, she took her time walking towards you. There wasn't any reason to rush, the both of you knew why.  
“I don’t.” Her voice this close was smooth, running down your spine as she stood behind you. 
“Not unless I can gain something from it.” Damnit. You calmed your pounding heart.
“You're cocky,” you raised your eyebrow at her through the mirror, “not that I’m surprised.” The corner of her lips twitched. You knew this was a dangerous game to be playing. It wasn't like you'd never seen her work before. In fact, you wished you never did. She didn't fight for an opponent to recover, no–if she didn't kill them, she broke them–and, you thought with horror, what if she did the same to you?
You looked away from her, becoming too scared to hold eye contact. However, there was no way in hell you were going to show her that. Instead, you pulled out lipgloss, intending to obnoxiously fix your makeup. The plan worked. 
Slowly, you dragged the strawberry shimmering substance across your top lip, and Sevika didn’t shift her gaze away. You spread the gloss over your bottom lip next, dramatically pressing them together to even it all out. The entire time, Sevika watched the action in a near predatory manner. The taller woman didn't look away when you spoke, lips drawing out a teasing statement.
"My eyes are up here, darling." To your surprise, the Sevika froze. It was less than a second, but you caught her off guard. It was clear you were the type to say a lot of bullshit, but to call her darling? When she was twice your height and width? Sevika thought you were something else. Definitely in over your head, but still… Her eyes narrowed, and she took a moment to study you, taking in the little shiver you tried to suppress. 
Cute. She wondered what it would take until you could no longer hide your fear, or even better, your trembling.
“Do you talk like this to everyone?” You paused at the tinge of annoyance in her voice. A part of you wanted to backtrack and profusely apologize. Another told you that was exactly what would get you killed. In the end, you played off freezing up by simply offering her a smirk.
“Please, you followed me all the way here…then expect me not to believe my attitude isn't what you like?” You were bluffing, sort of. Even if it was a fairly logical explanation, it was still hard to fathom the Sevika wanting you. It wasn’t like you weren’t a catch–being gracious, you considered yourself to be an 11/10–but you were still a nobody. Sevika was a name whispered in hushed voices out of fear that she might show up. Yours?
“You fucking bitch!” Banging came from the door, making you flinch in surprise. Sevika didn’t even move, eyes still trained on you. “I can’t believe you said all that shit–come out! You can’t stay in there forever!” Well, you didn’t even get the decency of someone actually using it. Fuck, I almost forgot about him. What were you going to do? He was right, you couldn’t just stay here–
Your focus was elsewhere, and perhaps that's why you missed her advances until it was too late.
“You’re right. I am interested. You walked in here looking like arm candy, only to explode and leave that man without a shred of dignity left. His company wasn’t worth your time, but mine?” When had she gotten so close that the heat from her body warmed the back of your neck?  She was bigger than you, that was obvious enough, but the proximity made it suffocating.
She loomed, making the air around you fill with earthy spice. Whatever she smoked, it was expensive. To your alarm, a large hand rested on the countertop to your right, and another to your left. You were caged in, and you didn’t dare move–not when the slightest shift created friction between you two, and Sevika’s eyes darkened in a way you knew all too well
“Sweetheart…” Her voice was an enticing rumble by your ear, and no amount of self control could stop you from shivering in delight. “I’ll do everything he could never do.” It was a bold claim, though you doubted it came without experience. That asshole is still out there…and the bathroom isn’t soundproof, right? 
You were a bitch alright. The worst of them all. To fuck Silco’s right hand man while your shitty ex heard it all? You couldn’t pass up a chance like that, even if it was dangerous. With a casual hum, you fixed a goading stare on Sevika through the mirror, prettily tilting your head to speak.
“Well…I suppose I can let you entertain me for a while.”
You’d been in out of your head, that was for sure.
You’d never come across greed in the form of hands, let alone commanding ones. Sevika’s touch was everywhere; over your hips, waist, and breasts, as if she was trying to consume all of you at once. Your breath was faulty, tingling all over as her rough palms memorized the shape of your body. How was this so good, already? She had yet to even slip a hand underneath your dress, yet you felt naked. It was as if the barrier of the dress meant nothing, and her touch shot little fireworks through your skin regardless.
“W-wait...” You were breathless, gasping as a hand flicked over the peak of your breasts from over your dress.  You instinctively buckled, but an arm wrapped around your waist brought your back flush against her. Her metal arms reached up, soothing against your burning cheeks as Sevika held your face in her palm. 
“A word of advice?” Her voice was a sultry drawl, muddling your mind as she turned your face to look up at her, “don’t go biting off more than you can chew.”  
With that, she closed the distance between you two. The kiss was hot, carnal in nature as your lips parted and she took the invitation to kiss you deeper. It was focused and intense, with her hand holding your face exactly where she wanted it. You swore you were melting, becoming a puddle from that first kiss alone, and when she pulled away to look into your glossy eyes, Sevika smirked.
“You might just choke on it, darling.” She was never going to let that go. Too bad you weren’t known for not being petty either.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” You muttered just as a metal thumb brushed over your smeared glossy lips, “you go down smoother than wine.” The woman snorted, dark lips curling as she moved to kiss your bare shoulder.
“Is that so?” That was all the warning you were given. Suddenly, a hand on your back pushed you forward. You let out a startled gasp, hands slamming against the sink counter. 
“What are you doing?” Your pissed off words dwindled in your throat as Sevika finally slipped her hands under your dress to hike it up over your ass. A hand gripped the side of your panties, and in a split second you knew the answer to your own question. 
“No, wait–!” The sound of threads breaking apart made your heart stutter, and your eyes widened as Sevika unceremoniously ripped your underwear right off you. That was expensive! 
“What the fuck is your–ow!” Another forceful shove had you completely on the countertop, sideways with your heat exposed to the towering woman before you. You huffed, shuddering under the dark eyes tracing over every part of you. Sevika looked at you like she had been starving for weeks, her own chest heaving as she hummed. She let the fabric in her hand drop to the floor, stepping towards you and making your breath hitch in your throat.
“There’s no difference whether you wear it…” Her hand caressed the inside of your thigh, gently spreading your legs so she could step between them, “or not.” 
Oh God. You watched with wide eyes as she lowered herself, shrinking her overwhelming shadow until she was kissing the top of your neck. She trailed down, leaving her marks everywhere until she got to the top of your dress.
She took a single finger to pull the garment down, exposing your breasts for her to adore. You moaned as hot lips suckled them, breaths shallow as you crumbled underneath her.
“Ah…shit, my fucking heels…” She chucked into your chest as you struggled to kick them off. They loudly clattered onto the bathroom floor, but you didn’t care, able to wrap your bare feet around Sevika’s waist now. A bite was given as a reward, and you jolted in pleasure, hands moving to caress the side of Sevika’s face. 
Again, the woman was surprised by you, pausing at the gentle touch you offered. Usually, when she picked up cute little things like you, they were too scared to dare touch her back. Even if they were lost in pleasure, it seemed no one could see past the metal arm, or the power Sevika held. 
However, from the moment she’d entered the bathroom you treated her no differently than anyone else. If anything, you were more aware than most–the way you studied her like a prey looking at a predator told her so–yet despite that, you’d sneered and judged her anyway. Now, her eyes flickered up to look at you, taking in your rosy cheeks and lopsided smile, eyes half-lidded as you spoke.
“You're laughing? Those shoes cost my entire paycheck, jackass. No way I’m messing them up just for you.” Your nose scrunched up in an adorable little snarl, or what Sevika believed was supposed to be one. It hardly did the job of one. Rather than appearing threatening, your attitude only invited her to do more.
“Poor thing,” She muttered, mouth trailing down over your dress until she got to your exposed ass, “it must be hard being so high maintenance.” The mocking words earned her a glare, but it quickly disappeared as her hot breath tickled the inside of your thighs.
“How about this,” your breath grew rugged as she nibbled on your sensitive skin, full on biting to garner a shuddering gasp from you. Her deep voice switched into a commanding tone, and it was hypnotizing, making you hang on every word.
“If you take this well and let out that pretty little voice of yours, you won’t have to worry about ruining another pair ever again.” Her hot breath against your dewy folds only made them soak more, and you bit your lip. Your voice was weak as you attempted a retort.
“And if I don’t?” She scoffed, hands shifting to hold your legs shamelessly wide apart. You swallowed at the firm grip–there was no way you could get out of that–and when Sevika saw the realization finally start to set in your eyes, her lips curled up into a wicked smile.
“Trust me, you will.”
“W-wait–it’s already been–ah!” Frankly, you’d never been so disrespected in your life. Sevika did what she wanted, in the most devastating way possible, leaving you a shivering mess clinging to the mirror behind you in an attempt to pull yourself away. She was skillful–too skillful–turning you into a numb puddle of ecstasy only to go down on you again. Was she never satisfied?
"F-fuck…" Her tongue did wonders, making your back arch and voice cry out. God, was it rude–the way she simply pressed harder whenever you tried to cling onto some sliver of dignity, relentless until you did exactly as she told. The gruff mutter of louder, against your folds before she went right back to her assault had you spiraling, shuddering as you attempted to comply.
“Shit, Se-Sevika–” That wasn’t good enough, and suddenly she focused more on your twitching bud, quickly turning you into a blubbering mess.
“Wait–please–it’s good! Fuck–God…” Tears filled your eyes as you whimpered, hands weakly gripping fistfuls of Sevika’s hair. You felt her lips smile, smug as she simply continued. This bitch–! The burning in your core built up, and you let out a string of profanities as you reached your peak once again. In the midst of it you hit your head against the glass behind you, though you hardly processed it. However, Sevika did, just now starting to realize how bunched up you were on the countertop. 
“Here,” it was all she said before she flipped you over, lifting you up at the waist with her mechanical arm. She brought your back flush against her again. However, this time she held you up completely, toes only occasionally brushing against the floor. Processing this new position made your cheeks burn and swallow nervously, your voice hoarse as you complained.
“I can barely reach the floor…” The slight embarrassment at your height difference didn’t go unnoticed by Sevika. She snorted, then hoisted you higher up against her, until you dangled like a rag doll in the mirror.
“I’ll hold you up here…” She tightened her grip around your waist, and her other hand snaked downward, “and here.” 
Without another word, she plunged two fingers deep into your heat. You buckled, nails digging into her metal arm as she fell into a torturous rhythm. 
"Ha–ah." You couldn't handle yourself, squirming in pleasure. They were so impossibly thick, making you struggle just to properly breathe. Your knuckles turned white as you held onto her, neck arched back to look at her through teary eyes.
"Se-Sevika, ple-ase, it's good–so good–" You were reduced to barely comprehensible babbling. Sevika herself had furrowed eyebrows, cheeks colored with a tinge of pink. Pretty... Mindlessly you reached up with a shaky hand, softly pulling her face down to kiss her. You felt her lips falter against yours for a moment, but when she kissed you back it was the kindest she’d ever been. It was sensual, and she tasted you as if you were a sweet delicacy she wanted to be tender with.
Though, her hand was anything but gentle.
You gasped against her lips, letting out a strangled sound of startled delight as she drilled her fingers into you faster, deeper thrusts making your toes curl and legs straighten out.
“Shit!” It was the only word you could muster as you saw stars again, overwhelmed with pleasure before finally the euphoria ebbed away. Mercifully, Sevika finally stopped–though you weren’t sure if it was because you physically deflated in her grasp, or because she was actually satisfied. 
Vaguely, you sensed her gently setting you down on the bathroom counter to wipe you down and fix your dress. Your shoes were retrieved and placed back onto your feet, and you mindlessly giggled when Sevika’s touch tickled them. A murmur of hold onto me, had your arms lazily wrapping around her neck, and before you knew it she was carrying you in her arms and out the door.
“Finally, now who the hell were you fucking–!” You had completely forgotten about your ex boyfriend, but now he stood in shock, looking up at Sevika carrying you bridal style. You offered a weak, sneering smile, lifting your hand to flip him off. You could see the anger boil up in his eyes before it sputtered out at Sevika’s warning glare, and with a huff he stomped away, pushing through the crowd.
At that you laughed until your exhaustion quickly took over, snuggling into the body holding you. Sevika stiffened before relaxing, and as she began to make her way out of the club she muttered with a raspy voice into your ear.
“Sleep. You did a good job for me, darling.” The praise made you sleepily smile, and you lifted your head to peck the corner of her lips.
“Mmh…” You wanted to say something witty like, and you were good entertainment, or something, but your mind was shutting down faster than you could speak, slumping completely in her arms as you fell asleep. 
While you pleasantly slept, Sevika simply stood. 
She was frozen, and the place where you’d kissed her tingled more than anything you’d done before. For a moment, she stared down at your squished face against her chest. The noise of the entire club grew silent in her mind. 
When she moved again, it was with a loud grunt. Others around her shuffled out of the way in fear she was angry, but Sevika knew herself that she was feeling an emotion much, much worse. 
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vamossainz55 · 1 year
❛ keep it. it looks better on you. ❜ + mick schumacher because i need him in my life rn i’m missing him so bad
Brother's Best Friend
a what are we drabble where mick is reader's brother's best friend. just fluff and teasing tw: hints of s*x/hooking up, apart from that just light and fun
a/n: aaa spirits! ilu, hope you enjoy and i feed ur mick brainrot <3 (idk how it got to 1k oops)
want to request a drabble? check gudelines here
“Esteban, I hate you!” You groan as you push yourself out of the pool, shirt and pants soaked and sticking to your body. You get on your feet, floor warm from the sun. Your brother only laughs, splashing water from the pool as if you weren’t already dripping.You roll your eyes, muttering dickhead as you attempt to wring the water out of your shirt, but it does little to help your situation. You’re so busy trying to dry yourself that you don’t even notice Mick coming up behind you, arm brushing against yours as he heads to the grill. The touch sends goosebumps over your skin.
“I thought you didn’t want to swim,” he says teasingly, setting the crate of beer on the grass. His tongue swipes over his bottom lip, trying his best to hide his devious smile. His eyes travel from the pool back to you and he doesn’t even need to say it for you to know what he was thinking. 
“You,” you say, pointing at him accusingly. “Don’t you dare,” he’s already coming close though, ignoring your pleas as his arm wraps around your waist to lift you up. “Mick! Put me down,” 
To your demise he does put you down, well, more like throws you, sending you into the pool once more. You come out just on time for Mick to jump in himself, soon splashing you again. You can’t help but laugh this time when Mick peeks out of the water, only his eyes and blond matted hair showing. He’s giving you his puppy dog-eyed apology as he comes close, although you have a sneaking suspicion he has an ulterior motive. 
“Stop it, you are not sorry.” You say splashing him again just as his hands reach to your sides, poking you under the water. You laugh, squirming as you push him away. “Mick, I swear to god!” You say, he only stops when you successfully push him away. 
“Hey- you were wet already.” Mick says defensively with his hands up. “Why didn’t you want to swim anyways?” You splash him back, almost sending daggers with your eyes. 
“She has a date in two hours, and didn't want to wet her hair and wash it.” Esteban laughs, too busy with splashing you that he doesn’t notice the change in Mick’s demeanor. You do though. 
“Oh,” Mick says, his smile suddenly going into a straight line. You look at him almost curiously, surprised by his reaction but you don’t entertain it too much. 
“You two are too annoying sometimes,” You murmur out, swimming over to the side of the pool again. This time you’re not by yourself though, Mick is next to you, pushing himself out of the water first. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were going somewhere.” He says apologetically, offering his hand out. You smile, rolling your eyes playfully before you’re taking his hand to get out. Of course Mick would feel bad, you wring your hair out as you stand by the pool still. His eyes steal a look over you, the clothes clinging onto you leaving little to one’s imagination. 
“Esteban started it, so it’s okay. Can I borrow some clothes to go home though?” 
You follow Mick upstairs, apologizing for the trail of wet footsteps you were leaving behind. He rummages through his closet, looking for something for you to borrow. It’s not the first time you’re in his room, but it’s the first time you’re there sober. 
“So, who are you going out with?” Mick asks. You look at him, towel wrapped around you. 
“Riley, a friend from university.” You answer just as he hands you one of his shirts. You thank him, setting it on the bed. Without hesitation you’re pulling your shirt off your body, taking the opportunity of Mick being turned back to the closet. 
You don’t expect your shirt to get stuck though, the wet fabric clinging onto you as you try to get it past your head. You’re struggling for a few seconds before you forfeit.  
“Mick? Can you help?” You ask defeatedly and you hear Mick shuffle to turn towards you. It’s quiet for a split second and you furrow your brows. “Mick?” 
The German boy is quick to splutter apologies, hands going to help you slip your shirt off. By the time you get it over your head you're met with Mick’s face, only inches away from yours. It’s not too different from the look he had given you nights ago. 
“I- thanks,” You murmur as you drop the soaked shirt to the ground. Mick nods, fingers gently brushing over your bare back. 
“About your date,” You interrupt him before he can finish. 
“It’s not a date Mick, Esteban was joking.” You say softly with a smile pulling at your lips. “Why do you care though?” You ask, “Thought we were just having fun this summer?” You both know it isn’t true, but you’ve never really discussed it either. You’re slipping on the scuderia ferrari shirt he had handed you, slipping off your soaked shorts. Mick doesn’t answer though, only chuckles as he swipes his bottom lip with his thumb. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Mick asks. 
“Yeah, if I can sneak out.” You say just as you put on the joggers he had also handed over to you. “Remind me to bring your clothes.” You murmur once you’re at the door of his room. 
He shakes his head, stepping towards you. He checks down the hallway and once he’s sure your brother is nowhere to be seen he steals a kiss. You’re surprised, cheeks going red. 
“Keep it, it looks better on you.” 
You both head down and you pop your head out quickly to the backyard, telling your brother goodbye and that you’d be seeing him later that night. 
To your surprise, Mick calls you once you get home, letting you know about the earful Esteban had given him as soon as you left. You decide to forego the shirt just for a little while.
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