#mini senpais au
theamityelf · 24 days
Thinking about the mini senpais and how that affects the order of deaths (a little like in the mini THH au). Chapter 1 with Sayaka will probably be the same as canon and as you described. My main big first difference I think will be a change in Mondo and Taka’s relationship.
Like Taka is learning to be gentle with Mikan, and is also protective of her in general. And Mikan will probably find Mondo to be scary as well. On Mondo’s side, while Fuyuhiko and Mondo will buttheads, the yakuza is gonna be on Mondo’s side when it comes to anything Taka says, so their initial rivalries will probably be way worse influenced by their senpais.
There’s also Chihiro deciding to train himself. I think he would talk to Kazuichi about it, and the latter is like “There’s no way you can train with Mondo!! He’s a super scary guy and has got that Yakuza whispering in his ear!” I think Kazuichi convinces Chihiro to talk to Taka instead, mostly so that they can get help from Nekomaru (who has since been adopted by Taka) but I think Kazuichi would argue that the “moral compass” would never murder even if he can be annoying.
Toko tells Byakuya about Genocider Syo like canon, but also to ask him if he can look after Gundham if something happens to her. I’m not sure how Gundham would feel but I’m sure he would be concerned for Toko’s wellbeing. And Sonia would be so excited to meet THE Genocider Syo (sort of).
I’m not sure who would kill in chapter 2. Mondo could still have his break down and accidentally kill someone again, it just might be a different target. (Shit what if it’s Fuyuhiko?! He accidentally gets squashed!!)
This could all be different if Nagito gets the idea to share the secrets and tells Makoto to suggest it. But it’s Nagito so rather than to prevent deaths it’s more to see if the ultimates can overcome the despair of their secrets. So everyone gets to find out that Makoto wet the bed until 5th grade. Nagito’s reaction to that might be funny. Though sadly I don’t think it gets anyone else to fess up cuz everyone else’s are all a lot worse.
Anyway thanks to reading my gasbagging.
This is all golden, yes!
As much as I love Ishimondo (both as a platonic pair and a romantic one), I gotta agree that they probably wouldn't fall together as easily during this.
Although! I just imagined a version of the sauna scene where, in addition to asking Makoto to witness, they also have him hold their senpais for them (so, Nagito's on one shoulder, Fuyuhiko's on the other, Mikan's standing in the palm of his hand, and he's holding Taka's basket with Ibuki, Peko, and Nekomaru in the crook of his arm), and I find it really funny to imagine. Some of them are really invested in the endurance contest (Nekomaru asks for a higher vantage point, and Makoto only has so much shoulder space, so he's placed on top of Makoto's head.), and Ibuki is really affectionate toward Makoto because she feels bad about what happened with Sayaka.
And either Taka and Mondo end the contest early because Makoto has to go to bed so they have to take their senpais back, because the senpais are their responsibility, or, when Makoto says it's nighttime and he wants to go back to his room, Nekomaru shouts "SLEEPOVER!" and Makoto cares for six miniature people that night.
Either way, I agree with you that Taka and Mondo wouldn't get as close, at least not as quickly, as they do in canon. (I just had to include the sauna thing because the idea was fun for me, lol.) They're on more of a gradual enemies to friends or enemies to lovers track, which may or may not have time to reach its destination, because killing game.
Mikan doesn't like to be around Mondo, but Peko wants to be near Fuyuhiko and so advocates that they spend more time with Mondo, and Taka cares about everyone getting a voice, so when it's Peko's turn to choose, he offers to let Mikan hide in his pocket or back in the terrarium in his room. But she wants to stay with him.
Just to set some stuff up, in the social landscape of Chapter 2, Hifumi has been making little outfits because Celeste is now coping by living vicariously through Chiaki. So, she has Chiaki playing dress-up for her, styling after her, etc. Chiaki insists on continuing to wear her cat hoodie with the gothic lolita dresses, but other than that she's a pretty good sport about everything.
(Hifumi was given Celeste's sewing kit to do this, and he gave her his tool kit in trade. There was probably some joke about him being dominated, or giving away his manhood, or something like that, because I can't imagine Danganronpa would pass that up without comment.)
Aoi also asks Hifumi to make some tiny clothes, because she's worried that Akane's clothes don't fit her right. (When she asks Akane about it, Akane agrees that they don't really fit but basically says that they've always been like that so she's used to it.)
And since Hifumi interacts with both of them really respectfully and works really diligently, Mahiru is praising him for being reliable, and basically Hifumi has been swimming in female attention this chapter and does not know what to do with himself.
When Mondo accidentally upsets Chihiro, and Taka mentions that Mikan is scared of Mondo, Hifumi probably makes a joke about how some guys just don't know how to act around women.
(And there's no "ironic coming from you" response, because Hifumi is genuinely doing pretty great about that.)
Mondo blushes, but he's also like, "Hey, shut up! F you!" and stuff.
Byakuya is isolating himself from the group because he doesn't trust them, but Sonia is so bored with this. She is way too social to just be going straight from his room to the library and back every single day. As a result, Byakuya is more lenient with letting other people talk to him, for her sake.
This is mostly Makoto. He talks with Makoto, and Sonia with Nagito. Nagito talks with Sonia about the killing game, and how there's tons of historical precedent for royalty enjoying blood sport, and how the group is reaching their potential. She knows there's something off about him, but she's starved for social interaction and also this talk of royals and blood sport does appeal to her, in a perverse way.
It's an interesting vibe, because Makoto is bringing Byakuya slightly down to earth, and Sonia is slightly softening Byakuya's edge, but Nagito is making Sonia slightly less down to earth, and Byakuya is sharpening her edge. They're reaching a weird middle ground where Byakuya is less of a jerk and Sonia is less kind.
As a result of this, Byakuya orders Makoto to come sit with him every day. Sonia needs conversation, and also Byakuya has decided that he wants Makoto to make it out of here with him (to be his servant, of course), so he wants to keep Makoto close. Makoto still takes meals with the group, still mediates the sauna thing for Taka and Mondo, but he spends a lot of time in the library with Byakuya, this chapter.
He's still barred from the archive room, or whatever that room was called.
Then we do get the motive about revealing secrets.
Yes, Chihiro trains with Taka. Wholesome workouts for them!
Toko does tell Byakuya about Syo. Obviously, she waits for a time when Makoto isn't around, but Nagito finds out because Sonia is buzzing next time he talks to her, and while she of course doesn't tell him Toko's secret, her explanation for why she's excited gives him all the pieces to figure it out. He might sprinkle her with pepper, like I mentioned last time, which might cause a killing, if he gets a chance to explain to her that her secret will be revealed otherwise.
I think Mondo would seriously be considering killing someone to protect his secret. Like, I imagine him pacing in his room, not wanting to kill anyone but thinking about what would happen to the Crazy Diamond if it got out.
Fuyuhiko puts aside his prickly demeanor and fully becomes both the older student and the professional criminal. "Okay, so you want to kill someone. Are you ready to seriously follow through? You think you can cover up a murder, if it means everyone in your class dies? If you fail, and you die, what happens to your gang then?"
Mondo decides he definitely shouldn't kill someone. Whatever happens when the secret is revealed, he'll face it like a man. Because he's strong. He's a man, and he's strong. (He's hanging by a thread, but his commitment to specifically not killing someone is strengthened by his talk with Fuyuhiko.)
Optional zag, which isn't entirely in character but just the outline of a murder that can happen:
Little does he know! During the senpais' sleepover with Makoto, Nagito planted some seeds by bringing up Fuyuhiko's sister, the "mysterious" circumstances of her death, and just generally musing that the senpais aren't really a part of the killing game in the same way the others are. Fuyuhiko's trying to be there for his kouhai, but lowkey he is also pretty riled up.
So maybe he suggests that Mondo let out his frustration by (non-lethally) punching that guy who insulted him in front of everybody. After all, Hifumi "looks like he can take a hit", and it's been a long time coming. (Fuyuhiko might have said something like "You gonna let him say that sh!t to you?" when it happened.) If Mondo is keyed up about the motive, then just punching someone who deserves it should make him feel better, and then he can move on.
(Fuyuhiko isn't really aiming to kill Mahiru, at least not consciously, but if Hifumi does fall over and crush Mahiru to death by accident, then that's not a murder in terms of the killing game; Hifumi broke the rule about losing his senpai, but Mondo and Fuyuhiko aren't guilty of anything.)
In this situation, I'm imagining Hifumi brings Mahiru to Taka, hoping Mikan can do something to help her, and Hifumi leaves Mahiru with them and gets killed while he's away. So, Taka shows up to breakfast the next morning with Hifumi's senpai, not knowing that Hifumi is dead. The killer could be Sakura or Toko. Technically, it could also be Hiro. It doesn't feel in character for it to be Hiro, but I also don't have anything else for him to do.
(If Toko is the Chapter 2 killer, then Byakuya takes Gundham once she's executed; Sonia wanted him under their protection.)
But hey, the headline is, Chihiro and Mondo probably survive Chapter 2! And maybe Mikan can help Mahiru. But everything I said after "optional zag" isn't set in stone, lol.
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alexoreality · 2 years
Another flipping idea for the Healer! Luffy AU
The Marines and WG find out about Luffy's medical knowledge..
You know thats going to make Headlines.
Ahhhh the simps reactions would be awesome....
And that reunion moment with Sabo... Luffy starts frantically checking on him-
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Error x Ink Fanchildren [C-D]
Cadenza by @alryriarose
Calluna, by @the-creator-undertale-au
Caper Pen, by @lostorigin
Castell.EXE, by RebornHydra (DeviantArt), adopted by ElatedFeline (DeviantArt / Deactivated)
Captcha, by @bobateaboo
Canvas, by @myta
Cartridge, by @officialwretcheddarkness
Checkmate, by @radio-y3n / @0zmodeus
Chroma, by @autoartist
Cinnamon, by @thesmallsoul (Deactivated)
Clause, by @lolXnota (twitter)
Clay, by lilly (Amino)
Code by @nantu22 (Deactivated)
Code, by ReaperSans/Has Wings (Amino)
Code, by@Trash01 (Amino)
Color Code, by @0tterLucy (twitter)
Colour, by ? (Amino)
Colour, by @soft-peterparker (formerly @swootygold07)
Connie Code, by @Happythrusday24 (Twittter)
Contrast, by @kurolini909
Contrast, by @xxeonv (?)
Copt, by Fantastic-Host1035 (Reddit)
Copic Marker, by @maple-and-pie
Copic, by @bobateaboo
Crochet by @whatsasilverartistdoinghere
Crystal, by @artybone (not a fanchildren anymore)
Crystal, by @errsnskini (Twitter)
Custom (?), by @big-senpai / LexysDesu (DeviantArt) adopted by AutumnSheep (DeviantArt)
Cyan, by R. I. P. Reaper In Party (Amino)
Cyclone, by @nova-blues
Cyral, by @nova-blues
Cytrait, by @nova-blues
Damask by @boobluebutterly (TikTok)
Daphne, by @ItzL_X3L (Twitter)
Data by @starreaperlutia
Dawning, by @star-gamerxox
Defectum, by @defectiveask
Delete File, by @glitchy-post
Delette, by @gvaries
Den, by @hakki-no (deactivated)
Design, by @pepper-mint
Designer by @northyred
Despair, by ?
Dexterity, by @ginganinja
Digit, by @llwandehll
Drop, by @mini-shrimp14
Drop, by @uyuni-poyo (deactivated)
[A-B] [C-D] [E-F] [G-H] [I-J] [K-L] [M-N] [O-P] [Q-R] [S-T] [U-V] [W-X] [Y-Z]
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litterallywtf · 2 years
Ayano Aishi x Yandere/messed up oc
This is an Au where yandere simulator also has mini shorts on youtube about lore
I will post a separate version for ayano x yandere reader as well.
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Lavender watched as her favorite yandere character, Ayano, was revealed to never be able to get her senpai-because he just didn't love her, and he never would-no matter what.
"That's so fucking stupid! That's always how these end!" Lavender yelled in outrage.
Lavender should have known better than to become unhealthily invested in this game/mini shorts series she found through youtube game creators. It always ended badly for her emotionally.
Lavender spent the next few hours scouring all of the internet websites she could find for Ayano x reciprocating reader. She even put in a wide variation of wording, like 'willing reader', 'yandere reader', 'loving reader', and even 'psychopathic reader'.
See, Lavender has a slight problem, really just a small little problem(barely even a problem!), where she needs to feel obsessively and possessively for someone(anyone worth feeling anything over), and once she starts to feel this way, she needs them to feel the same.
Of course, most of the time(all of the time, who was she kidding here?), people didn't reciprocate. Obviously she left them alone once it was made clear they didn't feel the same way, she was way too aware of others' feelings to try and force anything on someone. She knows that's shitty, and she would never do that to anyone.
Unfortunately, she had an obsession with being wanted and obsessed over in such a possessive way.
And the only way she was able to fulfill her needs(seeing as her step-mom had failed to get her a therapist and she could never go to anyone else for one), was through fictional characters.
And Ayano was her all time favorite right now.
"If only I could be Ayano's beloved..." Lavender was desperate, having failed at shifting to the more safe worlds she knew she could handle(or any place, really), and wasn't exactly attached to anything in her world.
And that was what allowed her to be chosen for the lottery done by the gods, when she prayed that night, to be given a chance to be with someone who would love her the way she loved and wanted to be loved.
*beep* *beep* *beeeep* *beee-* "ugh!" Her hand searched for the alarm and shut it off, seeing that it was on her clock on her dresser instead of on her phone.
'Weird' She thought, 'I haven't used that alarm since the first time, right after I got it.'
She looked around, noticing that her room was much cleaner than usual, but not any different aside from that. '...' She looked more closely at her walls and surroundings. 'Very weird.'
She got up to take a closer look at her room, inspecting the differences.
Now that she had gotten a closer look, the stains that she had gotten onto her walls were gone as well..
And the small holes and bumps and ridges that made her room feel more lived in.
She got goosebumps on the back of her neck and arms.
She made her way to her dressers, scared and excited and ready to pass out all at once.
Her clothes were the same.
She let out a breath....
Her closet.
Her closet had multiple copies of a uniform she certainly didn't own nor need, but that she recognized immediately.
'No way.'
She made her way to the nearest bathroom (her bathroom), and opened the door slowly, pace picking up (in fear or exhilaration, she had no clue.)
Looking back at her in the mirror, a face so familiar yet not, was a better looking version of her.
Her breath stopped, eyes widening.
The person in the mirror had no acne, her hair was pink (soft pink), and much longer.
Her lips were a rosy color, her cheeks similarly tinted.
Her eyes were still brown, but she had always loved how scary and unapproachable they made her seem.
Everything else was how she had always pictured would make her much better looking.
Her tan skin contrasted nicely with her hair and lips, and her clear skin filled her with a rush of confidence.
She reached to feel her still curly hair, feeling that it was much more soft and smooth.
Looking in the mirror, she saw the Lavender she always wanted to be, and thanked whatever god or goddess did such a thing.
Lavender was herself, but now she was even more than that.
She was confident and scheming, and that was dangerous.
The poor souls who got mixed up in Lavender's schemes wailed and kicked and screamed from the afterlife, cursing Lavender and whatever higher being decided to let her live in this world, or any world.
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(But with curly hair😅)
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Sick Boyfriend Character profile (My AU)
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Sick Boyfriend
Real Name: Stephanie Benjamin Sickest
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Intersexual/Gender-Fluid(Half-male,Half female)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love interest: Drugfriend(Husband)
Reincartnation of Purity Sick Boyfriend
Birthday: September 18th
Family: Mary Jane Sickest(Mother), Micheal Stomachache(Father), Bubble Soda(Half-older brother), Sick Babefriend/Kira Sickest(Twin sister), Sick Kaity(Younger sister), Sick Boy( Younger brother), David flu(Cousin), Mrs Snickers( Adopted cat).
Best friends: Too many to list
Neutral: Spongebob Sickpants, TGT GF(Trixie), TGT BF(Dylan).
Enemies: Senpai, Sick Senpai, Purity Senpai, Sick Sky, Sick tabi, Succubus Sky, Purity Clara, Viviana,Lila Sky,Sick Kapi,Sick Ayana, Sick Stephanie.
Rival: Sick Girlfriend(Ex-girlfriend)
Special abilites: Healing, Electric shock, laser beam.
Powers: Vibe power cause of necklace.
These are the list of colors of what Sick Boyfriend is feeling
Red: Angry
Dark Red: Pissed off
Black Red: Crazy or Murderous
Dark Orange: Lazy
Yellow: Happy
Dark Green: Naueous
Light Green: Jealous
Blue: Sad
Indigo: Tramatized
Purple: Scared
lilac: Sleepy and dreaming
Pink: Flustered
Dark Pink: Flirty
Black: Bad mood
White: Not amused
Brown: Bored
Yellow: Joy/ Light powers and flight
Red: Angry/Fire powers and fire blazing around
Blue: Sad/ Water gysering speed and Sadness Aura/Rain cloud
Purple: Scared/Startled/ Lightning shock
Pink: Lovey Dovey/Enjoyment causing his power to blast love power
Aesthetics: 2000core, Y2Kcore, Kawaiicore,playcore
Has an angel form when preparing for battle
Weapons: Microphone, Sword
Personality: Sweet, Kind, Clever
Wears Golden bracelets left handed and wears a heart bracelet from B-Side Sick Boyfriend(Brayden)
Owns a massage place
Jobs: Massause, Police Detective
Fears: Lightning, Blood, Needles, Scorpions, Spiders
Here is Sick Boyfriend in my au in his angel form:
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Where he got the necklace from: Sick Kaity during Confront Yourself
Necklace orginally from: Purity Sick Boyfriend
Here is my Headcanon character profile of Sick Boyfriend
Mini TV tropes of Sick Boyfriend
Long hair runs in the family: Sick Boyfriend was born with long hair, and everytime he cuts it, it grows back for 2 seconds.
Feminine Boy, Masculine Man: Sick Boyfriend is the senstive one while Drugfriend is the mature one
Power surge: If someone takes Sick BF's necklace or if he doesn't wears his necklace for 20 minutes, his powers go out of control.
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runekeepershymnal · 11 months
Tag game time! Thanks to @your-void-senpai for noticing me.
current time: 1:03 pm (posted at 9:02 PM, tumblr, fix your app plx)
current activity: post-lunch-lumploafing after having run errands this morning, tepidly woring on writing.
currently thinking about: how I’m going to manage the timing/logistics of the mini birthday extravaganza I’m planning for my spouse this week + 6 hours of OT + various appointments
current favorite song: I’ve been repeating “Disco! In the Panic Room” by Bug Hunter a lot. 
currently reading: embarrassingly, mostly my own WIPs to try and get shit finished. 
currently watching: Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, Haikyuu.
current favorite character: I just realized that my ride or die, Adam Parrish, and my new hotness, Nanami Kento, share the same 7/3 birthday. They are both fed-up kings. Kinda makes me want to write a crossover that only two people besides myself might be into.
current wips: …marge simpson hiding her eyes in shame dot gif. 
Here we go. Back-burnered ideas I’ve managed not to start are, fortunately, not included here: 
Relative Worth - the Critical Role S2 Widomauk fic which has been on a loading screen for a depressing amount of time
I Made You a Mixtape - the TRC Pynch fic that I’m tearing my hair out over because I keep thinking “Ronan Lynch would not listen to that. You are a middle aged hipster, you cannot make a mixtape on his behalf.” I’m gonna power through, I swear.
Waking the Dead - JJK Hidden Inventory arc missing scenes fic which is probably going to be completely jossed by the anime, so I better write quick
My Hero [working title only] - Rhack AU fix it fic wherein I make Rhys seem a lot cooler than he is and Jack is totally smitten and despondent when Rhys goes missing. 
Never, Never - A canon divergence Pynch fic in which Kavinsky kidnaps Adam instead of Matthew. 
Sincerity - A Gangsey polycule fic in which Gansey is having a crisis about whether Adam actually loves him or if he’s just part of the package deal.
Non Noncere / Kith and Kin - a post Mister Impossible AU in which  Adam fixed everything and now he and Ronan need to figure out where they go from here, while Declan figures out how to continue to keep his family safe in a world where all the magic is now out in the open.
Magnetic [working title only as there is already an excellent TRC / Pynch epic of that title out there] - A fic I started writing after Mister Impossible, before Greywaren came out, where Adam, Gansey, Blue, and Henry try to fix everything. 
Miseducation - Pynch PoalboP (Porn only a little bit of Plot) wherein Ronan Lynch decides to have fun with Adam’s teacher / older man kink. 
Terms and Conditions - Pynch AU in which Gansey has discovered that the best way to keep Ronan from self destructing is for him to be dommed, but Gansey is only willing to do it platonically / hands off (sorry Ronsey shippers, there’s plenty in the polycule fic?)  Adam was kicked out of Harvard due to a false cheating accusation, and now runs a completely illegal “smart device” management business with an exorbitant termination fee which he uses to blackmail the ultrawealthy. 
Mere Coincidence - A TRC Good Omens Pynch AU in which Ronan is the angel, Adam is the devil, and Gansey is the antichrist
After - TRC Pynch AU where everything is the same except Adam is the ghost and Noah is alive. 
…I may have a problem. 
Tagging @barrywhelk, @avalonjoan, @heavensenthale, @flightspath, if ya wanna, and anyone else who might wanna do it
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 9 months
Suehirogari live commentary (9/20)
akashi initially leaning on the truck? NICE
istg i lose my mind every time they come in on those trucks
oh to get blown a kiss by tomoe 🥺
akashi pon pon pon! 👉👉
hiroki looks so happy 🥺💖
otegine got the last zoom (good for him)
yikes what's up with the back dancer
lol buzen dropped his towel
why did they give kogitsunemaru's new outfit a v-neck? i'm sorry but it makes his neck thing look like a bib
oodenta rly vibing to Starting Now
imanotsurugi holding oodenta's hand is giving flower shop/tattoo parlor au
kogitsunemaru in lost the memory! (AS HE SHOULD)
why are there so few in the audience 😭 the weather isn't even that bad
full body shot of akashi
suishinshi killed that note
kiyomaro: hey suishinshi. look. look. fuji-san 🙌
he go :|
~mofu mofu~
i wanna see akashi be part of a laughing corner
that fan got urashima up close and personal
akashi cheering with the 📣
omfg yasusada and ookanehira stop trying to talk over each other
otegine looks so tall and lanky when he spreads his arms and spin 😂
akashi on the main stage at the end of All For One!
daihannya is such a tease
*to the tune of ignition* yeah yeah yeah
i swear haru-chan says cool sweet swag unironically
hasebe getting close up to the camera
rui has managed the high notes in every performance so far??
daihannya showing some arm
i will admit i've been singing viva carnival these past few days (it's been growing on me like expected)
ame-san moving like oodenta
sorry but the belts holding the drums are so unattractive
tomoe holding hizen's jacket like he's stopping him from stripping
no kogitsunemaru in danzen this year
nagasone: 🫰🫰🫵🫰🫰
onimaru doesn't run
mr hori AGAIN
the sailor has a candied apple
he offered it to date-senpai!
he's actually holding it for the whole song 😂
the return of the aburaage
oh to be a koi being fed by oodenta's crumbs
we love a man who's not afraid to admit he loves something
try finding someone who loves you more than hachisuka loves hachisuka
urashima making his brothers shake hands
akashi looking surprised by onimaru
and exhausted lol
kogitsunemaru singing Endless Night 🥺 (was expecting Versus tbh)
keep your shirt ON
hiroki do you even CARE about my ovaries
hyuuga's got SASS
i need oxygen
today's setlist is WILD
bless all the shots of akashi smiling when he's vibing on the truck
hiroki nose scrunch
yojiro is becoming like shougo whose speciality is giving fansa to the camera
ryousei giving us some shoulder food
urashima be Gulping that mineral sword water
i wouldn't wanna be taught manners by ookanehira just saying
oop there's the rain ☔️
hachisuka shielding his mic and onimaru not giving a shit
Secret Sign my beloved
UGH that shoulder roll
just seeing his foot in the corner and know he's got the Pose
(did hiroki think his line was a second earlier?)
nagasone don't YELL at him
utsuhige kuwana buzen
personally i don't think their voices mesh that well
rare yuuta voice break
sayonara tomoe yasusada
sasuga haru-chan with that soft note
more rain
(i just noticed tomoe and akashi wear the same design belt in their new outfits)
i haven't seen hanakage so i still don't know who the masked drum guy is
they zoomed in on one of the back dancers on the last kiss kiss kiss?
then they showed both hachisuka and hizen before the spotlight even came on in kemono
ichigo looks possessed
kogitsunemaru comforting imanotsurugi during kimi no uta 😭
we got a few shots of akashi during today's curtain call 🥹 thank
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princekirijo · 3 years
AU where Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro are 11 year olds and Ken is a high school senior. Everything else is the same
Ok this is actually hilarious holy shit. Can you imagine 11 year old Aki running around and punching things and just being a general bundle of energy??? Mitsuru probably being too shy to talk to anyone but when she gets on the field she turns into this absolute beast of a fighter?? Although if Shinji still has the same backstory then he would be an 11 year old orphan taking steroids... Oh god oh fuck... And older Ken? HOW WOULD KEN FEEL IF HE FOUND OUT A 9 YEAR OLD KILLED HIS MOM HOLY FUCK IM CRYING
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virty-senpai · 6 years
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Rose, the Mini Lop Bunny!
A very bubbly bunny and loves to meet people who aren’t her kind! Rose is 4′9 since her species are.. Really small. She uses her rabbit form to hide herself from danger. (Sometimes she randomly goes in to her rabbit form if anything startles her or upsets her.) Whenever she expressed emotions, her ears would correspond to it. Whenever she’s happy the ends of her ears would lift a bit. If embarrassed she’ll use her ears to cover her whole face. 
Bun bun is here ;) @tiny-vtfoe
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theamityelf · 20 days
How does mini thh and sdr2 cast pet place look like? I remember aoi had cup as swimming pools but how about others? I'm sorry if confusing English isn't my first language.
This is a great question (and your English is perfectly fine)!
This is just a brainstorm, but here's what I'm thinking right now.
Okay, first, let's look at the standard SDR2 room (with the understanding that some people have bookshelves, etc.)
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Most of the senpais would put their kouhai's living space on the long, wooden piece of furniture beneath the TV. (Would we call that a dresser? A TV stand? Idk.) It's a lot of space for a tiny person to walk around, and they can get to the little cushioned seat from there.
Makoto- Nagito is very resourceful, so he would set up a very practical living space for Makoto. I'm thinking the bed is an empty matchbox wrapped in bubblewrap, or something of the sort, and any fabric can serve as a blanket. It's comfortable, creative, and simple. The bed is positioned in the little corner near the cushioned seat, so he doesn't get too much direct sunlight. There's a call bell nearby, in case he needs to get Nagito's attention, since it would be really hard for him to make himself heard otherwise, especially if Nagito is asleep. He also makes sure the floor below is covered in soft things, in case Makoto falls or, in extreme cases, needs to jump. (He lectures Makoto that, if someone ever breaks in to kill Nagito, he should jump down and hide under the cushioned seat, where they won't be able to reach him. And he asks that Makoto not rat out the killer, as that would ruin the game and it's Nagito's final wish that he not ruin the game.)
Kyoko- Hajime folds up a blanket and puts it in a shoebox for her. That's where she sleeps. She frequently climbs out and wanders around; she is very rarely still there when he wakes up. It scares him half to death, how she just disappears on him. Her general attitude toward that is "I understand why you feel that way, but I need to investigate, so it can't be helped."
Byakuya- I'm going to say that Sonia converts a jewelry box into a multi-story house for him. There are stairs and everything. His blankets are handkerchiefs monogrammed with her initials. There are snacks, and there is a water bottle like the kind hamsters use, which Gundham taught her how to make. Byakuya has gone out of his way to optain a pin light, and once they have access to the library, he uses an open book as the fourth wall of his little house. So, he can read at night.
Aoi- I think at some point I said something like "Akane gives her a fish bowl", but I think it might be more of a bin of water. Like, a rectangular bin, long enough that she can kind of swim laps. Her bed is a shoebox with a blanket inside. She has a cup of water, separately, in case she gets thirsty, and a plate with a doughnut on it (covered by plastic wrap, to avoid attracting bugs). And I think Akane might at some point worry about Hina having a balanced diet, so maybe there's some chicken alongside the doughnut. As a late night snack.
Yasuhiro- Bowl with a blanket.
Toko- Gundham creates a little room. Like Nagito, he fashioned a bed with an actual attempt at a sturdy box covered by a cushioning surface in addition to whatever serves as a blanket. He makes sure she has paper, something to write with, and a light. Every night, he makes sure her living space is clean (no dust or pet hair that would make her sneeze) before he sends her to bed. The walls and ceiling of her terrarium are formed by an upside-down shoebox with a hole cut into it for a door. She also has a window cut into it, through which she can drink from another hamster-style water bottle if she wants. On one hand, I'm sure Gundham makes every attempt to prevent his hamsters from bothering her, but on the other hand, I like to imagine Toko cuddling with one of them in her sleep. Like, Gundham wakes up and sees only three hamsters in whatever cage or habitat they sleep in, and he takes the box off of Toko's room and find her cuddling with San-D. I just think it would be sweet.
Sayaka- Shoebox with a blanket. And there's a kazoo in it that is too big for her to use, and maybe a small teddy bear or other stuffed animal.
Mukuro- Shoebox with a blanket.
Leon- Shoebox with a blanket, but there's also a fun tiny obstacle course. And the hanging plant is taken down, so that Leon can climb into it if he needs to, because Nekomaru knows all about late night bathroom breaks, and there's no judgement here. It's all fertilizer, man!
Chihiro- Kazuichi goes all out. Chihiro has a working shower, a working toilet (empties into the trash can), a working fan, and a covered living space with a motorized door.
Mondo- Shoebox with a blanket, which Fuyuhiko places on a small table that he pulls close to his bed, on the side that can't be accessed from the door. There's another shoebox with a blanket (a decoy one) on the dresser, but Mondo sleeps in the one by his bed.
Taka- His bed is a shoebox with a blanket, but it's in bed with Mikan rather than on a dresser or table. She stuffs pillows around it, to make sure it doesn't fall out of the bed while she's sleeping. (That's just where he sleeps; he does have a little space on the dresser, where he can get dressed and walk around and stuff.) Sometimes, in her sleep, Mikan will reach into the box to make sure he's still there. So, like...imagine you're sleeping and a giant finger just lightly grazes your back.
Hifumi- Upside-down shoebox with one wall removed and a blanket under it. Instead of the dresser, he's on her photography desk in the far corner, so when he wakes up, he steps out of the box and looks at her photos in the light of the rising sun.
Celeste- Chiaki builds an elaborate, multi-shoebox house that is cool but completely impractical. There is a bed, but it's very difficult to navigate to. Celeste just drags her blanket down to the cushioned seat and sleeps there.
Sakura- Hiyoko just straight up puts Sakura in bed with her, with nothing to prevent Hiyoko from rolling over and squishing her. She also sleeps with a few stuffed animals and a bag of gummy bears.
Junko- Shoebox with a blanket, suspended where the hanging plant once was to avoid letting her get into any mischief while he's sleeping. (Imposter has calculated the elevation, relative to her size, and determined that if she fell or jumped, she wouldn't die; she would just be too injured to do anything else.)
Mini Senpais AU
Now, let's see the standard THH room. (Except ignore the sword, lol.)
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The viable surfaces there are the table, desk, and shelf.
Nagito- He's on the table, which is pulled relatively close to Makoto's bed, with a bridge between them so he can wake or otherwise access Makoto if he needs to. He has a flashlight and some reading materials. His bed is a shoebox with one side cut out and a blanket inside. He has a pillowcase acting as a shade/tent over his living space. He also (upon his own request) has a rope or ladder allowing him to climb down to the floor if he wants to. It's pretty cool.
Hajime- Shoebox with a blanket, on the shelf. Specifically, the part of the shelf that can't be seen from the door. And Kyoko might use strategically-positioned laundry to keep people from looking in that corner too closely. It's against the rules to let one's senpai die; best to be careful. She can't solve the mystery if she loses him.
Sonia- Byakuya takes the drawers out of his desk and makes that emptied space Sonia's room. A watch box serves as the bed, a cufflink box serves as her wardrobe, and a handkerchief hangs as a shade for privacy. At least for the first night; he'll commission one of the other boys (probably Hifumi) to build something with a roof. Namely, it would be a four-wall dollhouse that opens with a latch and hinge. It stays open all the time, though, because Sonia feels kind of claustrophobic, knowing she can't open it once it's closed. Byakuya didn't intend it as a power trip; it just seemed like the most luxurious option. Also, there's a jewelry chandelier. Byakuya interior decorates the crap out of that thing.
Akane- Shoebox with a blanket, on the desk. Hina also pulls out the drawers to act like a ladder, so Akane can wander the room as much as she wants. And there are snacks in the top drawer. The issue is, Hina likes to run laps around her room in the morning, and Akane thinks it's fun to run around while she's doing that and narrowly avoid getting crushed, which is terrifying for Hina.
Teruteru- Shoebox with a blanket, on the table. There are windchimes dangling above it, and whoever wakes up first rings the windchimes.
Gundham- He's on the shelf. Toko probably gives him a towel from the bathroom to sleep on. It's soft enough, and he can fold a corner over himself for a blanket.
Ibuki- Pillow on the shelf.
Peko- Shoebox with a blanket, on the desk.
Nekomaru- Shoebox with a blanket, on the shelf.
Kazuichi- On the table. Chihiro initially goes the shoebox-with-a-blanket route and feels pretty proud of it, but finding out that a lot of people did that and considered it the low-effort, obvious option, Chihiro feels ashamed and tries to build something with the tool kit. It doesn't come out very good, because they've never built anything like that before, and Kazuichi reassures them that he likes the shoebox. It's comfortable. It works.
Fuyuhiko- Shoebox with a blanket, on the table.
Mikan- Taka sets up curtains all around the desk so she can have privacy. He makes a bed for her out of his watch box and makes sure she always has food and water in her living space. She has a call bell in case she needs anything.
Mahiru- Hifumi makes her house before he makes one for anyone else, which accidentally results in hers being the most basic one. It's like a birdhouse, which she doesn't mind; she can go in and out of it without needing to ask for help, and she has the privacy of four walls. Hifumi's glasses case is her bed.
Chiaki- Celeste asks Hifumi to build a dollhouse for her. (The open-front kind.) Super aesthetic, super functional.
Hiyoko- She's on the shelf. Rather than on top of the shelf, Sakura gives her an interior level of the shelf, which she lines with a blanket and fills with soft things. (She found some stuffed animals in the warehouse, and Hiyoko likes them a lot; she sleeps on the tummy of a stuffed rabbit.) And there's a bell, in case Hiyoko needs something.
Imposter- There is no telling where Imposter is, in this one, but for the moment it seems he's just outside the school doing despair stuff.
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daydreamjournal · 2 years
So, I'm not dead surprisingly I just really haven't had any hc/au ideas until recently and this is one of them.
Happy holidays!
HC: The demon Brothers getting gender neutral mc to wear their color (based on items like glowsticks)
I don't feel like he goes out of his way to try and make his mc wear blue, but he does find it pleasing to see them in his color, a ego boost really knowing his brothers see they are his
If he does ask it's only on very rare occasions. Perhaps for a party he asks them to match, of course if they say no he will understand it's nothing personal.
This man is a workaholic topped off with an over achiever mentality so, I can almost see him viewing mc in his color like a small reward
Man needs a nap let's be honest, moral of the story he loves it when mc wears his color however he's not gonna push it.
Like he see's MC just in a casual yellow shirt and man has a windows error screen appear in his brain
Wants so badly to encourage it however he also doesn't want to look needy
"Psh yellow? Yeah it's a cool color I guess...Looks good on you too. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? I JUST SAID IT'S A NICE COLOR MC COME ON!"
Man will buy you so much yellow clothing if you let him because proving you're his? That he won? Oh it's like he's amongst the angels again
The most flustered and quickest to assume they are wearing it get him to notice
Is he your senpai?! Were you trying to use a game tactic in real life!?
This man and his Otaku lifestyle..
Honest to Simone he probably would be too shy to bring it up
If he did ask and MC said it was because of him this Otaku is gonna implode before running to his room to calm down
Doesn't push it but he loves it
I know he noticed IMMEDIATELY! Detective Satan on the case and MC is the prime suspect
Would ask if it was for him not holding back at all. Blunt and to the point per usual
If MC does however say it's for him he will get ever so slightly flustered as although that was his hypothesis he wasn't suspecting a out right answer like come on MC what about the build up!?
When he knows it's for him he gets so happy and prideful (lol mini lucifer)
Mc is his color? Cheering him on? Being his? This stoic man can't get enough and will low-key brag
"Did you see MC's new scarf? Yeah it's green...my color green too. Jealous?"
"Is that for me!? My dear are you wearing my color to show your love and admiration for me?"
Even if MC said no he's gonna assume they are just too bashful to admit it
They want more pink clothes? Oh absolutely, Asmodeus has access to such fine luxury items that securing his specific pink shade of clothing is no issue
Is the most cheeky about it, definitely mentions some adult oriented things he wants to do seeing you on his color as his nature
I really doubt he even notices at first, like truly and deeply this man's only objective in life is eat so unless MC is draped in the finest meats and cheeses the 3 world's over has to offer he isn't exactly gonna notice a piece of fabric nor assume it's for him
If he does notice he does have to actually get an explanation from MC that it's for him
A happy boy! He finds it flattering they wish to show they are his while also supporting him during battles
Not one to really brag, truly it doesn't go to his head it just makes him happy
Does get a bit jealous if his brothers try to get mc to wear their colors instead and will insist they look better in red
Listen, it's already been proven that due to MC's connection to Lilith that he is very protective of them so MC wearing purple? His color? Oh it's going right to the sleepy boys head
Can and absolutely will let all his brothers and even the others know MC is wearing HIS color
Won't exactly buy MC more clothes to wear, but purple blankets? Purple slippers? Yes.
MC in his purple clothes is another story...
Basically a little shit with the power of MC's love
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DMC High School Manga AU Headcanons
It’s 3:30 in the morning, I’m high but still can’t sleep for some reason, so let’s get silly.
Dante: The school bad boy and loner, cool-ish but offputting. The type who at some point will either beat the shit out of a corrupt principal (thus exposing Principal’s crimes and ending a sex/drug trafficking ring that preyed on students), or commit a school shooting. Rumored to be dating everybody, never confirmed with anybody. Wears his uniform with jacket open and no shirt underneath and no teacher dares call him on it. Ditto his too-long hair, which often obscures his eyes. Walks to school, from a bad neighborhood, with a nailbat braced on one shoulder. Occasionally spotted rescuing kittens.
Trish:  The school bad girl. Wears uniform skirt impossibly high; teachers are so busy drooling they don’t flag it. Equally prone to giving a bad teacher/admin a beatdown, but tends to do it less flashily, more decisively. No crimes get exposed but the bad teacher disappears and gets replaced. Planning to be an electrical engineer and has the grades for it. Rumored to have a side hustle as a dominatrix. Friends with Dante; everyone assumes they’re fucking. Also a biker, but hers is a Ducati. Her nailbat’s bigger.
Vergil:  The valedictorian. Smart, mature, handsome, polite, crushed on by all -- but the previous valedictorian transferred away after an unfortunate accident. Rumored to be dating Lady; both deny this. Has a strangely intense, subtextually meaningful rivalry with school bad boy Dante. Wears his uniform with a cravat. In the kendo club. Is the kendo club. Quietly living through his own kendo-centric manga storyline in which he must grow stronger in order to defeat the king of kendo. Drives a mini cooper, parks in the teacher’s lot, didn’t ask the teachers. Carries a shinai everywhere.
Lady:  Student Body President. Speaks softly but carries a big stick -- no, forreal, she’s a gun nut and got her license already. (Teachers conduct frequent locker searches. She’s never seen carrying, but troublemakers’ vehicles always seem to get blown up or shot full of holes.) Keeps Dante in line by loaning him things then calling in the debt; keeps Trish “in line” by accompanying her on shopping trips. She keeps Vergil in line with blackmail (her father once conned him, to his humiliation), but feels bad because her father conned her too. Rides a Harley to school. Her thigh-high boots weren’t in the uniform regulations, but she’s rewritten the regulations. Lady’s got a gun. Somewhere.
Nero:  Probably the story’s protagonist. Thug with a heart of gold -- average grades, aimless interests, but bullies the bullies and quietly helps the good teachers. Every coach wants him on their sports team, and he’d be a superstar at any one he tried, but he doesn’t play well with others. Spends a lot of time in the school library, or around the school librarian assistant, a girl named Kyrie. Actually reads books there, too. Has a grudge against Vergil, the senpai who broke his arm once; rough friends with Dante, because they just get each other. Wears his uniform more or less correctly, but doesn’t iron it or repair tears so always looks a little shabby. Drives a beater van. Carries no weapon but his fists. Probably has a secret magical superpower that’ll get unleashed in a moment of future need. 
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cinnamonbean · 2 years
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So I recently read The Wasp's Nest by @demonslayedher, and as usual, began obsessing. I've been following the author here under my main blog for a while, and it's very easy to add onto or hyperfixate on their ideas. I genuinely can't find many blogs like theirs, but it's really cool; and I want to appreciate that.
Below the cut is going to be a simple collection of thoughts I had upon reading chapter one because,, oh my goodness; I have a lot?? For some reason? And I will probably never be able to use them myself.
Whether or not I make this a mini-series for every chapter or few chapters is. Up for debate. I have a lot going on in my personal life right now, so we'll see. This is just Mocha rambling about a cool fic instead of working on their own fics goodbye.
Please keep in mind I did not read chapter two.
Please read the following with only chapter one in mind. I had to force myself to avoid chapter two to ensure I would finish this post. And while I contemplating that art I wanted to post alongside the icons,, I concluded that would take too long. So. Later.
• You probably can't see it through the ugly filters but I used the opposite color from Kobayashi-San's hairclip for Mita's eyes. Vice versa for Kobayashi-San's eyes too.
• I know it looks more like green flame but I was actually trying to use water lilies as the motif for Kobayashi-San's eyes! :) I couldn't think of anything cool for Mita's,, so I made it the same flower shape as Koyuki-San's in vain efforts of referencing it to those round-winged butterflies people make? ,,,
• I can't really use butterfly symbolism for the clips. I also improvised on the colors since I really deadass did not know what colors to use. 💀 I didn't use light blue for the border of Kobayashi-San's because they reminded me of the flowers on Makomo's mask,, and I had a Hashira au where she had those colors on her own hairclip,,, I don't mind changing it if it helps the accuracy of the fic! >:)
• Speaking of hair clips,, you gave me a really good headcanon idea for Kanae rereading one of your older posts, but I will probably post it on it's own as a separate post.
• I'm automatically taking everything Mita says with a grain of salt?? Like she seems nice, just. She runs her mouth too much. Is it to cope? Hmm. It'd be interesting to see if Ichijo-Senpai had a larger impact on everyone than we're made aware. Like. Is it really so black and white that Kanao began smiling because of Kanae and Shinobu? Maybe she's just so used to seeing people die because of those other students that she really doesn't think the people she made it past final selection with won't make much of a difference. (I'm salty they were the only five because of plot armor, but that's a story for another day.)
• Mainly because of my personal unrelated headcanons, but I really don't think of Ichijo-Sempai as mean? But if she is,, I can see her contributing to Mita's general moodiness. Bad influences amirite. But also the possibility of her being generally nice and having her parallel one if not both of Mita and Kobayashi-San as we read along makes me weak in the knees.
• I couldn't decide if I liked freckles or facial acne for Mita better, so I gave her both and gave her that emo pale skin. Assholes don't get to have pretty faces I don't make the rules 🙄 (/hj).
• Shinobu, because of your content of her and how she acted in the fic gives me vibes of a practical woman who doesn't care for detailed or pretty looking things. Or believes in doing things simply because you like them. Which makes that scene of her eating with Giyuu even funnier. Like. "You're smiling at your food? D i s g u s t i n g." (/j).
• I'm also. Very sorry. Like VERY SORRY. BECAUSE FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CAN'T DRAW BLACK HAIR IT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME... Ya start with a color you think is close enough to black without being back. Then you add colored accents, put in shading. The lighting. And then, only when it's too late, you realize it. You've given them completely different hair colors. I swear I'm colorblind. (/sarc).
• I was also just too lazy to make the mouths. So they're pitch black and ugly. You're welcome :')
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Here's the icons without filters! I originally wanted to make them edited with like gif thingy backgrounds?? BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW,, and I'm not waiting until chapter ten or worse is posted while I'm trying to figure this stuff out.
Before anyone asks, these are free to use, edit, etc. with credit. But really. I'm already cringing at several things in these icons. Really, where are Mita's ears even. Fjsnfjsjf.
Thank you for reading and have a good... whatever time it is where you are. 🚶‍♀️and ty for reading this if you read all the way through.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
The More You Know
Warnings: NSFW Content
NSFW Tags: SMUT, Mutual masturbation, Squirting, over-sensitivity, Sex Education, unprotected sex, Bareback, dry humping, First time with Noritoshi, explicit content
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Smut, Fluff, Fem!Reader
NSFW Taglist: @fkngkumiko @gojoussunglasses @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife
Word Count: 3.5k
Notes: I tagged this to the best of my ability. As I've already said, minors please DNI with my NSFW works.
Previous Chapter: Home Sweet Home
Next Chapter: Big White Lies
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate.
Chapter 13.5
Utahime Sensei called both you and Noritoshi into her office one afternoon to give you "the talk." She’s aware that both of you are dating.
You and Noritoshi worriedly looked at each other before sitting down, across from her desk.
“There’s no need to be worried. You both haven’t done anything wrong. I just wanted to check up on the two of you.” She clarified. You both relaxed.
“Y/N, how are you adjusting to life on campus so far?”
“Ah, yes I’ve been adjusting well, thanks to everyone who has been helping me here and there. I’ve also grown used to the campus.”
“That’s great to hear. Looks like all of you first years are now settled in. Which brings me to my next question,” She started getting serious. "So, of course I know that both of you are dating. Teachers hear things from other students, it’s natural. Did you both get your parents’ permission to date each other?”
“Ah, yes, my mom and dad both know and said it’s okay for me to date senpai. They’ve been wanting to meet him as well. Next time when we are on break.” You said meekly.
Noritoshi quickly turned to you, eyes widening. Ah, you haven’t told him yet that they wanted to meet him. “They said it’s no big rush. We can do it over Christmas break.” Your voice quieted down.
“My parents have also approved of our relationship, as you know.” He put a hand to your back and spoke comfortingly. As always, your body relaxes under his warm touch. Hearing that made the knot in your chest slightly loosen up.
Utahime looked pleased at that. “That’s excellent to hear. Everything seems to be in order. And, have you both… you know… done "it" yet?"
Your eyes widened, then you flushed red before shaking your head. Noritoshi replied with a soft "No, we haven't." Face just as red as yours, before he forced it down.
The room suddenly felt stuffy and hot. Was this conversation really necessary?
“Ahem,” Utahime cleared her throat. “This is a very important conversation, and I want to make sure that both of you are engaging in consensual and safe sexual practices if you ever decide to do it. I’m aware that both of you are already of legal consenting ages here. That and it’s not uncommon for teenagers in Japan to do such.”
Gosh, just let this pass already, you thought to yourself, utterly mortified.
“So now I’ll talk you through the use of contraceptives and birth control then.” It was a mini sex education class with just the 3 of you.
And the rest of the afternoon was filled with a lot of do’s and don’ts and the explanation of how to use condoms. Noritoshi’s soul was practically leaving his body at the very thought.
“Don’t be shy to ask me for help in buying condoms or birth control pills. I’d rather both of you have safe sexual practices than not.” She ordered sternly.
You both quickly nodded, “Yes sensei.”
“Okay, that should be all. Then off you go.” She ushered you both out of her office, ready to prepare for another faculty meeting later.
After you both left the room, you slowly walked back to your dorm with Noritoshi close behind you. An unspoken agreement hung in the air as you filed into your dorm room.
He doesn’t come over to yours as often as you go over to his room, but he likes it. You’re happy that he doesn’t mind the numerous stuffed toys or fluffy blankets on your bed.
You served him some tea and mochi, not having spoken a word still. He stayed silent as well.
“....” your face was still red. Noritoshi found it almost funny and incredible, how it stayed red for such a long time. He reached out to cup your face.
You leaned into his touch. His hands were slightly cold, taking away some of the heat off your face.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want to. For us I mean. Like what we just talked about now. I’m okay if you’re okay with it. Completely.” He stumbled over his words.
You nodded and reached out for a hug, which he gladly gave. Sitting on his lap, cradled in his arms. “I… I’m okay with it. The sex talk was just really embarrassing, but inevitable.”
You shyly looked up at him. He gave a weak smile in return, trying to slow down the blood rising to his face. His ears were still pink though.
"When we are both ready then." He hastily uttered before changing the topic. You giggled. He was more reserved than you expected.
A week later...
You’ve both taken to reading Kamo no Hotaru’s diary entries together when you were both alone and undisturbed. One evening, during a rare moment of peace when both of you had no schedules, you stayed in Noritoshi’s room, laying on his bed. “Toshi! That entry! It matches our first shared vision together!”
“Right. I noticed that when I browsed over it too. He really…” Noritoshi trails off. You perk up and cuddle into his side, facing back to the diary, “What is it?”
He abruptly closes the book shut, face really red. It was a good thing this was a copy of the original, because of the way he roughly handled it.
Why. “Toshi!!! Lemme see~” you whined, grabbing the book. He couldn’t look you in the eye as he handed you the book. You eagerly flipped through to where you stopped.
Hotaru was describing his fight with his beloved Misaki. “She must have been the woman in my visions then huh.”
Noritoshi buried his face into the junction of your shoulder and neck. You stared at him. His face and ears were on fire. “Toshi, are you not feeling well? Fever?” You pressed a palm onto his forehead. He shook his head and snuggled into your hand. The blush settled down rather quickly.
This guy never fails to cheat with his body temperature huh.
Anyways, going back to the passage.
“Misaki was lovely tonight. She astounds me every single time she fights with those demons and curses. Just the most beautiful sight to behold.”
“Awww, what a dreamy man” you sighed. Noritoshi’s grip on you tightened.
“Tonight was the first night in my life that I was able to hold her so close to me. We went back to the inn and had our baths before going to bed. We only had one futon, since the inn was in some far off and secluded area. It was also full, so we had no choice. We ought to be getting back to the urbanised districts soon. Her hair smelled nice. I can’t forget how her cheeks turned dark red when I undressed her. Her soft mounds under my hands. -
You shut the book, closed your eyes and stuck your tongue out hard against the inside of your cheek. Total silence filled the room for like 5 minutes before you opened it and continued reading,
“I’ve never felt anything softer than Misaki. Every curve of hers was to my liking. Every sound she made was comparable to the voice of an angel’s. She tasted so sweet down below. I never thought I’d be one to have premarital sexual relations, but to hell with it all.”
Noritoshi peeked over your shoulder, arms still wound tightly around you with one eye open, reading the passage together with you.
“I will try to remember in vivid detail how exactly I’ve taken her. It was a rush of the moment sort of thing. She was such a shy thing, covering her eyes as I undressed in front of her.
Only to cry for me to fill her up moments later. I took my time with her, tasting and feeling every bit of her body. Not long after, I made love to her. Her insides were warm and molded perfectly to me.
We both felt like we were melting into each other. Our Crimson bindings out and about, floating around our bodies as we indulged each other in pleasure.
It was worth leaving everything behind, in order to experience this life with her. We had to take great care so as for Misaki to not bear a child as we are still in the midst of fighting battles with demons here and there."
“Damn that guy was desperate for some action.” You said out loud. Noritoshi choked hard on his spit at this. You didn’t even take your eyes off the ancient erotica you were reading as you reached out with one hand to pat Nori on the back.
“Not like they had condoms or contraceptives back then huh. How difficult.” You wondered. “Y/N I-” Noritoshi sputtered. You turned to him. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“You what…” your eyes trailed down at the movement. All of the sudden there was a pillow on his lap. He turned away, forcing his hard-on to disappear.
Noritoshi was just a very sweet little thing. He was really taken aback with your lack of fluster at the moment.
Whenever he whispers into your ears and holds your hand you blush. He secretly loved nipping at you and playing with your fingers to make your face glow red.
Even when Utahime sensei gave both of you the talk, you looked mortified. But since that day, you seemed to have gained a layer of quiet confidence.
And here you were reading an old smutty diary entry with a straight face.
An unpleasant thought came to his mind as he blurted out, "Have you had any experience at all? With this…. These things?"
Your eyes widened, before you shook your head. "Mmm to be honest none at all. You're pretty much my first everything Toshi. First boyfriend. First kiss. First love. You know."
Noritoshi relaxed. "Me too, you're my first for everything." You smiled at him, moving to hug him before he grabbed your hand to stop you from going further. His other one tightened on the pillow on top of his crotch.
You wanted to help him but… Is it too early for the both of you? You wanted to wait for Noritoshi to bring it up. Unfortunately, he doesn't make any moves.
He is still very much a gentleman, politely turning away and closing his eyes whenever you get dressed or undressed in the ensuite bathroom. And really, it did touch your heart at the fact that he was really so sweet with you.
“Toshi, do you want any help with that?” You set the diary down on the side table. He flinched before slowly turning to you.
“Do you not find it disgusting?” He asked weakly.
“Mmmm, not really." You crawled into his lap, your face now slightly pink. You wanted this. You wanted to see more of him, know more about his body underneath the wide and loose fitting clothes.
“If you don’t want me to, that's also okay. Like you said, we have time. This isn’t something to be rushed Toshi."
He looked up at you. Deep down he really wanted this. But he wasn't prepared for it to go this fast. He didn't buy any condoms, lube, or contraceptives for you at all. He still had yet to research on more safe sex practices.
He shook his head. "I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you. We only talked about this the other day, I hope it's not too fast for you."
"I'm okay as well, no it's not too fast."
"As long as we are both fine with it, then it's okay."
"So… what do you want me to do?"
He turned bright red, not bothering to use his jujutsu to force it away. He wanted his body to be honest with you. "We don't have to go all the way now. Please touch me down... there. I'm clean. Just took a shower before you came in."
You nodded, tossing away the pillow on his lap as you undressed him. There were so many layers of clothing. Your mouth watered in anticipation upon seeing the outline of his erection clearly straining against his clothes.
And the one thing you've been looking forward to seeing. He parted his inner white yukata, revealing his abs and pecs. Holy shit. He is built and defined. With a solid 8 pack of abs, arms with biceps and triceps.
You gulped. Noritoshi stared at your reaction. "You like my body."
"Ah I do. Noritoshi, you're really pretty." You admitted.
Noritoshi shut his eyes and felt the last of his sanity fizzling out. Why aren't you close to him then?
"You took the words out of my mouth, pretty one." He pulled you to his chest, nipping at your ears and neck. He knew all your sensitive spots, easily making your body react to him.
"Toshiii, haa no it tickles" Shaking in his arms, you pressed against him, running your hands down his front.
"Looks like I really don't need to hold back with you." He growled, gripping you tighter.
You hooked your fingers on the waistband of his pants and pulled it down, revealing his length. It sprung up, pretty and already hard.
It was big, long, thick, with veins protruding, and the mushroom-like head was a blushing pink. You stared numbly, wondering how it would ever fit inside of you.
You cautiously fisted him. It was so hot and heavy, twitching in your hands. You pooled spit in your mouth before letting it drip onto the tip of his length, making him glide easier in your hands.
Noritoshi threw his head back at the action, breathing heavily. Small jolts of electricity ran through his body, upon feeling your lips on his chest and neck.
"Angel, it feels much better when you do it. I wanna make you feel good too, please." His voice is deeper than normal, sending shivers down your spine.
He didn't hesitate as he pulled off your top as you nodded. You felt self conscious, covering up your breasts. "No need to hide from me. You're a gorgeous sight for sore eyes." Noritoshi pushed away your arms and sucked on your tits, making you gasp out.
"Mmmm." He swirled his tongue around your nipples, playfully tugging and sucking on them like they were candy. Your pants and underwear were quickly discarded, leaving you bare.
Cold air hit your entrance, making you tense up. Noritoshi's hands stroked your legs until they settled on your ankles.
"Spread your legs for me," he murmured. You couldn't say no to that. You slowly widened them, inch by inch, the bed creaking underneath you.
He stared at your wet opening, parting your lower lips. It was glistening with slick. He dragged two fingers over them. Sinking in his fingers and groaning at the sensation of your walls. It was hotter and wetter than he expected it to be.
"Here I was, trying to stop myself from losing control over you, only to find out you've wanted me too." He scoffed. You grew more and more aroused at hearing his voice become deeper, just slowly nodding in agreement, unable to speak. The only sounds coming from your mouth were moans and whimpers of his name.
Squelching noises filled the quiet room as he began to experiment with your body. Nothing escaped Noritoshi. He stared at you, watching and analysing your reactions with every curve, push, pull, and movement from his fingers.
Not long after, he found your sweet spot, pressing his fingers eagerly into it. You shivered.
He leaned over to kiss you while slowly fucking you with his fingers. The pressure on your insides made you feel floaty. You reached out to continue stroking him as well, making him tense against you until you slumped against him, head feeling way too hot and dizzy.
He huffed a laugh, “Too much for you angel? It feels good doesn’t it?” You whined at him with a pout, guiding yourself up and down on his fingers. Your voice grew louder when he pulled them out.
"Shh, give me a second." Noritoshi repositioned both of you, so that you were sitting on his lap. Putting some pillows behind him as he leaned against the headboard of the bed.
It was a slightly risky position, he could easily enter you from this angle so you had to push your back against his chest, comforted by his warmth.
"Let me play with you." Who was this man and where was your stoic Toshi? Noritoshi kissed everywhere he could reach, the side of your face, your shoulder, cheeks and neck.
"Come on, rub yourself against me." You felt him smile against your skin.
You took his length and grinded your pussy down on him, slathering your juices onto him. Tears streamed down your face. "Why does it feel so good? Ssss too much."
His hands were cupping and squeezing your breasts, holding you firm against his chest. You could feel the sweat gathering on your back.
Both of your Phoenix marks were glowing a bright red, illuminating both of your features. You reached to clasp his wrist, feeling the warmth seep out from his mark.
Heat. That was the main shared sensation between the two of you. Simply and drunkenly chasing after pleasure. The soulmate bond showed you his inner desires of breeding you, filling you up, pleasing you, and making you content. You felt touched and giddy.
Noritoshi's head is hooked over your shoulder. Mouth watering at the sight of him thrusting against your thighs. The tip of his cock poked up and down between your legs. Your ass was pressing hard against his hips, driving him insane.
You both grinded against each other at a moderate pace. Hiccups and mewls escaped your lips as you drooled.
You tightened your thighs when he sped up his thrusts. Your pussy feels hotter with each passing moment. He was humping you so hard, you started to lightly bounce on his lap.
All you could feel and smell was Noritoshi. The scent of sex was heavy in the air. You've never felt this type of greed over a person before. It scared you a bit.
"Darling, come on me." Noritoshi breathed out huskily against your ear. You shivered, squeezing and crossing your thighs. He softly grunted as he came all over your legs, the cum still hot.
Amazed, Noritoshi watched as you also squirted, spraying all over both of your legs and the mattress. He leaned over to rub your clit more, feeling it spew against his fingers as he put a heavy pressure on it. “Haaah! Toshi, no stop!! It feels so good!” You threw your head back wildly, feeling your legs spasm beyond your control at the touch of oversensitivity.
"Is that a no or a yes?" He nipped your earlobe as he continued rubbing your clit.
"More. Gimme more." You moaned.
He smirked, immediately plunging two fingers into you, pistoning it in and out as fast as he could, while his thumb continuously stroked at your clit. He held you tight as you sobbed his name unabashedly.
A second orgasm violently washed over you, making you shake. He helped you ride it out, by slowing down his movements until you collapsed against him.
It was hard not to fall asleep as you both stopped to catch a breath, but you had to clean up. “Sorry for making a mess.” You turned to face him and frowned upon feeling the stickiness on both of your legs.
His eyes glinted darkly, “No, don’t apologize. We both made a mess. I quite like it.” You hid your smile in his neck at that.
"We can take a quick shower then go to bed if you'd like?" Noritoshi offered.
"Mmm… sounds good."
The shower was quick and pleasant. It was nice to smell like Noritoshi. You happily hummed to yourself as you lathered your arms with his body soap. It smells nice and deep with touches of bergamot and clove.
On the other hand, Noritoshi was having an internal crisis. He just wanted to stuff you full of his cum right there as he helped you bathe, but was determined to wait until you got married to do so.
You went to bed in one of his kimonos after changing his sheets. Noritoshi loves how you look in his clothes and how you smell like him now.
"Thank you…" You whispered.
Noritoshi's body was so warm as he pulled you to him, his lips pressed against your temple. "Mmm, thank you also for trusting me with your body. I feel so relaxed, should we do this more often?"
You squawked in surprise, pushing his chest and laughing with him. "Nori's not so pure minded after all. Here I thought you were super conservative."
"Never said I was, angel."
The next day, you were both mortified when Todo came up to tell you to keep it down next time. His room is next to Noritoshi's.
The both of you didn't realize he was home when that went down. “I'm soundproofing my room after this.” Noritoshi exasperatedly sighed at you.
"Ahh, maybe I should do the same with mine," You fiddled with your shirt. He smiled, leaning down to see you eye to eye, "You're looking forward to doing it with me again, I presume?"
If he wasn't so handsome right there, with his eyes bright and filled with so much joy, you're sure you would have smacked him in the chest.
".... No comment."
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
Author's notes: Had to check the legal age in Japan for consent to sexual activities and the laws are SO MESSY. Long story short, the official age of consent is 13. Based on prefecture, for 16-18 years old, it is legal if they have consent to date from their parents. Basically, they’re trying to prevent relationships with huge age gaps for teens (with over 20 year olds) who might be taken advantage of. Toshi and Y/n’s bdays have passed already, so they’re 17 and 16 here.
Of course note that this is all fiction anyways.
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aiiwa · 4 years
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✗ REQUEST: can i please make a request of jealous daichi ( a fic if it’s possible). this thought has been living in my head for the past week and i just 🤰. so basically daichi gets jealous of a boy talking to you and flirting with you and just grabs you by the throat/jaw and just tongues you down right then and there. a college au would be great too!
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— sawamura daichi x fem!reader
⤷ genre: college au
⤷ warnings: suggestive content, cursing, jealous (?) or rather possessive daichi, boy who disrespects relationships and doesn’t know when to give up
⤷ word count: 1.7k
— a/n: hi! i just wanted to announce that i actually reached 200 followers yesterday and i am extremely grateful for everyone who takes the time to read, like, reblog my content and for those who even message me! i appreciate everything, thank you so much! 💖
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out of everything you prepared in celebration for your four-year anniversary with your boyfriend, sawamura daichi; the last thing you expected was to spend it tutoring in the hour right before your date.
you had spent months prior planning this special night for the two of you. from having dinner at his favourite restaurant which served the best shoyu ramen, to the rose-petalled bubble bath surrounded by the pine and vanilla candles he’d gifted you last month; and then, of course, ending it in the best way possible with him buried balls deep inside you and fucking you til dawn.
it was while you were getting ready for your date that you received a panicked text message from haru, the sweet freshman you’d been tutoring for the past five months, asking if you could help him today. you tried to schedule a session for tomorrow, but he was insistent almost begging you; and with a discontented sigh you relented, telling him to meet you at the library in twenty. he’d replied with a quick - “thank you y/n-senpai! <3” - and the love heart attached at the end was purposely ignored, as you headed out of your studio apartment.
daichi was less than pleased when you had phoned him, informing him of the last minute tutoring session.
“angel, tell me you’re not serious right now.” his deep voice was clear-cut, despite the sounds of traffic in the background; a tell-tale sign that he was in fact already on his way to meet you.
“i’m sorry, dai. it shouldn’t take too long, haru-kun said-”
“haru? that little shit?”
sighing internally, and making your way towards the red-bricked building with the click-clack of your thigh-high boots against the pavement, you nodded your head as if he could see you. “yes, it was haru-kun who requested the session.”
“you know how i feel about that brat.”
daichi had been more than supportive when you first started tutoring to earn some money on the side, and even though most of your tutees happened to be boys, it didn’t bother him much since they would take one look at him and give up on trying to win over your affection. haru was different. he was the furthest thing from subtle when it came to his crush on you, but you could handle his endless compliments and his attempts to take you out on a date; your boyfriend on the other hand, couldn’t. as intimidating as daichi was, haru had all but given your boyfriend a lazy once over before scoffing and mumbling about how you could do so much better.
that was the first time in a long time that you had seen daichi almost lose his cool. since that day, any interaction between the two of them had been borderline hostile; with your boyfriend hissing whenever haru’s hand would brush against you, and in turn the younger male would complain about how daichi must not be treating you well enough whenever you had chosen to walk home instead of having him pick you up.
“i know, baby, but the session shouldn’t be that long.”
“y/n.” the baritone slivering through his voice had you faltering in your steps. “you know he’s doing this on purpose. that kid has no respect for our relationship, or me- he needs to know his place.”
“daichi…i’ll talk to him today.”
“hm.” he hums in response, his side of the call silent for a beat. you could hear the blinking of his indicator before he asks, “are you at the library?”
“yeah i am, haru is probably waiting inside for me already. i’ll message you, okay?”
“alright, i’ll see you soon.”
the call had been disconnected almost half an hour ago, and you found yourself zoning out for the umpteenth time while haru busied himself by yapping away next to you. flipping your cellphone in the palm of your hand, your brows furrowed, thinking about how daichi hadn’t ended the call with his usual - “i love you, angel.” - perhaps he was mad you? it didn’t happen often, but flashes of you writhing beneath him as his hand cracked against your ass after heated arguments, had you crossing a leg over the other; thighs clenched together in an attempt to relieve some of the tingling pressure.
“y/n-senpai~!” haru waved his hand in front of your face, forcing you to blink away the less than innocent images playing in your mind. “are you okay? i’ve been calling out to you for a while, i have a question.” haru almost whines.
“i’m fine, haru-kun, sorry. please repeat your question for me.”
manicure fingers brushed over the exposed flesh of your plush thighs, between the hem of daichi’s favourite pleated mini skirt of yours you decided to wear for him and the ink coloured boots that wrapped around your calves and past your knees. you hadn’t realised the already short skirt had risen up, and as you tugged it down it was hard not to notice haru’s gaze watching the action intensely. maybe it was time to talk to him.
“haru-kun, i think we should talk.”
his eyes lingered on your legs, slowly dragging themselves past the dip of your waist, over the curve of your breasts, before they met with your own.
his eyes are wide, smirk less than innocent, as he shifts his whole body to face you. “really? about what yn-senpai?” 
“about my relationship with daichi.” at the mention of your boyfriend, haru’s expression morphs into a scowl. “listen, haru-kun.” you start, deciding to ease into it. “i’ve been with daichi for a long time, in fact today marks the anniversary of our fourth year as a couple...”
“and you’ve finally realised that he isn’t worthy of you.” ‘worthy of me?’ you think to yourself, completely taken aback; haru nods his head in understanding, as if he didn’t just completely misinterpret what you were trying to say to him.
“no, that’s not it-”
“come on, y/n-senpai, let me treat you how you deserve to be treated.” he rests his arm on the back of your chair casually. “i could give you everything he can and more. you just have to give me a chance.”
“that’s not going to happen, haru.” dropping the honorifics, tone snappy. you crossed your arms tightly across your chest.
“and why not?” he bites back. “what does he have that i don’t- did you tell him to come here?” he questions accusingly, staring over your shoulder.
“no…? i didn’t...”
swivelling in your seat, your breath hitches at the sight of your boyfriend heading straight towards you. each purposeful stride of daichi’s long legs, had the smooth material of his dress pants tightening around his strong thighs, the silver of his belt buckle glinting under the harsh library lights. his navy blue dress shirt stretched over his wide shoulders, first few buttons popped open to reveal his smooth, tanned skin underneath.
daichi stopped right by your seat, so close that you instinctively pressed the palm of your hand against his hip, feeling the warmth of his body through the thin cotton material. you were instantly surrounded by the sweet and familiar woodsy scent of his cologne, wafting around you and sending your senses into overdrive.
looking up at him, his pretty mouth was pulled into a devilish grin, pearly whites peeking from the corner of his lips and a single dimple poking through his cheek.
“hi, angel.” his voice was low, dripping in honey that washed over you; goosebumps prickling across your skin.
“daichi…?” a whisper was all you managed to get out. “h-how come you’re here...?”
“you look so fucking beautiful, y/n.”
haru’s scoff goes ignored, yanking his arm away from behind you and grumbling to himself in the background.
a warm flush rose in your cheeks as daichi continued to smile down at you, walnut coloured eyes appreciating every curve of your body; searing gaze lingering on your skirt, before he released an airy chuckle, almost kin to a growl. you could feel the heat pool between your legs, unconsciously leaning against his towering frame.
“i’m here because we’re gonna let him know…” daichi starts, loud enough for the boy to hear.
one arm flexes against the strain of his sleeves, sliding behind you to grip the back of your chair; the other reaching a large had to press against your cheek. the callouses on his palm are rough against your skin, thumb rubbing lazy circles before trailing down to the pout of your lips. dragging his thumb across your fullness of your bottom lip, your pink tongue darts out to taste the saltiness on the pad of his thumb. halting his ministrations, releasing a heavy breath out through his nose, he grabs your jaw, grip tight, and tilts your face to meet his as he leans downwards.
“...let him know that you’re mine.”
and then his lips are pressed against yours. it starts off sweet, sighing softly into him for a fleeting moment, before daichi deepens the kiss. it becomes sloppy, extremely possessive, and borderline nasty as drool at the corner of your mouth dripped down your chin; moans trapped down your throat. the lewd sounds of his tongue swirling around yours sensually, exploring your mouth, clouds the thoughts in your mind.
your body has a mind of its own, right hand tugging at the tufts of dark at his nape, while the left moves from his hip to trail across his navel. you grin when he bucks against your touch, yet gasp as sucks on your tongue. he consumes you entirely, and you’re all too willing to abide.
when he moves away, a string of silver keeps the two of you connected. you’re a whiny mess, mewling at him for more, and tugging at his sleeves for attention; while he sets his gaze on the sulking figure by your side.
“we’re leaving now. good luck studying, kid.” daichi calls out, smug look on his face.
he doesn’t even wait for a response, tugging you up and into his chest, while leading the way out of the library. stumbling a bit on wobbly legs, you grip his toned arms to steady yourself, as he holds onto your waist.
“dai.” you murmur, pushing up against him. “are we going to dinner now?”
“dinner?” he repeats, staring at you from the corner of his eyes. nodding your head, you feel the coil in your tummy tighten as his hand trails down to trace the underside of your ass. “forget about dinner, angel, i’m ready for my dessert.”
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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myherowritings · 5 years
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— You’re a YouTuber known for your chaotic yet wholesome content and Shinsou is a gamer who keeps getting accused of being an eboy. One day you upload a video trying your hand at gaming and Shinsou tweets out about how much you suck.
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pairing: shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
genre: youtube au, crack, humor, fluff
status: completed
asks: 👾 | memes: 🤡 
warnings: mentions of alcohol and weed, sexual references/humor, toxic past relationships!! (mainly crack/fluff, but contains mature themes and suggestive content; 16+!)  
a/n: eboy!gamer!shinsou is finally here and I’M SO HYPED AHHHH,, beware: this social media au contains dumb gaming references, an overuse of memes and emojis, and big crackhead energy. i really hope y’all enjoy!! xx sof
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🎮 part one - so i’m a gamer now...
🎮 part two - tiktok reject eboy headass 
🎮 part three - a whole ass potluck
🎮 part four - best gamer gorl
🎮 part five - help wanted
🎮 part six - pls forgive me senpai
🎮 part seven - that’s more like it, kitten
🎮 part eight - some weird sort of foreplay
🎮 part nine - hottest clown in clown school
🎮 part ten - e, f, g-boy
🎮 part eleven - first date kinda nervous
🎮 part twelve - save the smooch for later
🎮 part thirteen - ok clout chaser
🎮 part fourteen - anime girl nosebleeds
🎮 part fifteen - what the frickity frackity fuck
🎮 part sixteen - upsetti spaghetti
🎮 part seventeen - are you kitten me???
🎮 part eighteen - y/n’s b-words
🎮 part nineteen - from one e-boy to the next
🎮 part twenty - embarrassed horny uwu love
🎮 part twenty one - think we fooled them?
🎮 part twenty two - just dance party
🎮 part twenty three - bakugou and the condiment bottles
🎮 part twenty four - a denny’s parking lot
🎮 part twenty five - rich ppl stoves
🎮 part twenty six - can we talk?
🎮 part twenty seven - maybe kinda sorta
🎮 part twenty eight - eboy noodle gamer arms
🎮 part twenty nine - just date already
🎮 part thirty - love at first sight
🎮 part thirty one - orgy at denki’s
the end
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bonus scenes
👾 valentine’s day special - operation ilovebot
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lovely fanart 
🎨 fanmade cover 
🎨 ysag!yn + nn!yn chaos
🎨 tiktok famous eboy!shinsou 
🎨 soft eboy!shinsou 
🎨 our lord and savior eboy!shinsou 
🎨 eboy!bakugou sketch
🎨 eboy!bakugou that makes me fsjfhjkffj
🎨 pt.1: “did an eboy just call me cute?!”
🎨 pt.1: shinsou said damn y/n is cUTE cute 
🎨 game night with a cheating eboy
🎨 eboy!shinsou art that makes me want him to step on my throat
🎨 y/n about to vibe check shinsou’s ass
🎨 crackhead impersonates an eboy and apologizes to herself
🎨 part 2 aesthetic u.u 
🎨 ysag doodles ft. rate the eboy fit
🎨 smol ysag eboy!shinsou sketch
🎨 shinsou aesthetic
🎨 pink y/n aesthetic
🎨 eboy king y/n
🎨 y/n calling shinsou a eboy headass
🎨 y/n + shinsou love child
🎨 “hello ham fam” (y/n turns denki into an eboy!) 
🎨 angsty emo eboy!shinsou
🎨 eboy!shinsou wiTH A BEANIE
🎨 “you’re kinda hot for a dumbass”
🎨 soft plant painter!deku who hates capitalism 
🎨 the y/n duo 🥺 (i’m so soft fhsjfhfs)
🎨 pt.7: “kitten” => y/n is now pregnant
🎨 eboy!shinsou with the floofiest hair
🎨 soft girl!y/n
🎨 y/n as a clown that i would let step on my throat
🎨 ysag edit! 
🎨 bakusquad + y/n youtube sleepover
🎨 the y/n duo cute as always
🎨 rated e for edgy
🎨 gamer gurl y/n
🎨 tired thirst trap eboy shinsou
🎨 doctor daddy and nurse kitten
✏️ “just like that” [shinsou x y/n smut, nsfw, 18+!!!]
🎨 pt.3: eboy!denki but with blond hair 
🎨 y/n in a kitten sweater + thigh highs...i’m ready to risk it all for her
🎨 y/n [redacted] shinsou’s [redacted] during a livestream ;) [semi-nsfw!]
🎨 neko y/n!! 
🎨 ysag cover ft. shinsou with tats
🎨 y/n in cat ear thigh highs and shinsous’ shirt (wifey material)
🎨 eboy!shinsou with a frEAKING LIP BITE YO 
🎨 ynlovebot and ilove shinsou aka best stan accts ever!!
🎨 ghosty todoroki aesthetic wallpaper
🎨 pt.14: shinsou making y/n blush during the livestream
🎨 shinsou the superior eboy
🎨 pretty boy eboy shinsou
🎨 shinsou about to nut [nsfw, 18+!]
🎨 y/n sees wet shirtless shinsou straight out of the shower
🎨 y/n repping shindaddy merch 
🎨 the biggest shiny/n stans
🎨 pt.17: y/n breaking shindaddy’s heart [comic of the party!] 
🎨 shiny/n being cuties [16+, slightly suggestive!]
🎨 pt.18: sleepy shiny/n cuddles!!!
🎨 pt.18: MORE sleepy shiny/n cuddles
🎨 pt.17: kaminari is ready to party
🎨 pt.20: shinsou squishes y/n’s kirby cheeks
🎨 pt.20: y/n falls asleep on shinsou during the livestream
🎨 pt.18: shinsou sleeping on the T I D D Y
🎨 “pasta, you asshole” -- bakugou’s cooking channel
🎨 pt.25: shiny/n angst [only click if you want to cry]
🎨 shiny/n webtoon style!!!
🎨 our fav e-couple shiny/n
🎨 angsty shiny/n mini webtoon tt.tt [tw: domestic violence from akuhei]
🎨 shinsou drawing!
🎨 you suck at cooking -- bakugou naked in an apron 
🎨 shinsou’s forehead tattoo: “date me, you clown”
🎨 e-girl!y/n
🎨 ghost hunter!todoroki tiktok
🎨 pt.30: shinsou and y/n adopt a puppy!
🎨 shiny/n sleepover 
🎨 valentine’s day kny cosplay
🎨 shinsou sketch! 
🎨 eboy gamer shinsou
🎨 denki marshmallows
✏️ “pro gamer move” [nsfw, smut, 18+!]
🎨 eboy!denki
🎨 ysag!shinsou vs. toya!shinsou
🎨 ysag!shinsou @ toya!shinsou (pre-part 25) 
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