#anyone or anything went near them he had to have knowledge of
outrowingss · 2 years
Margaret Beaufort had absolutely no access to the Tower in 1483 when the princes disappeared but do you know who did? Richard
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aleksanderscult · 3 months
Analyzing Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power
(I'm so sick and tired of seeing people use his "You are nothing now" words as a way to justify how he didn't love her that I decided to create a whole ass post about it.)
First of all, let's see what the powers of a Grisha mean to a Grisha, shall we?
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For a Grisha her powers is the same thing as the oxygen is for all humans. The constant beat of a person's heart.
And in a way it's implied that a Grisha cannot live without it. Just like birds can naturally fly, just like a fish can naturally swim. It's part of their nature, part of their body and soul.
Now let's see Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power.
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The moment he saw Alina being unable to summon, he froze. At first he's in denial of what he sees.
How can a Grisha not being able to use her power? A power that is always there no matter what? A power that "feeds" them and keeps them healthy and alive.
We see Aleksander being in a state of shock as he tries to comprehend what is happening with her:
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He had never seen anything like that. A Grisha losing her powers is unheard of. Impossible.
He tries again and again to summon her light and bring it to the surface. The fact that he can't feel it causes him panic and pain. In a way, he can't find her soul.
And the very fact that she also lost her collar and feter is impossible too. When a Grisha claims an amplifier, a connection is made that can't be broken.
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Another fatal loss for Alina and a disastrous blow for Aleksander and his knowledge, since he knows more than anyone else how amplifiers work and how a Grisha's power work. All the hundreds of years he had spent watching and studying the ways of the Small Science and of power, have gone to waste right now as he tries to understand what is going on with the woman he loves.
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His near immortality and rare powers always made him seek someone else to connect with. Someone to understand him and be on the same level as him.
People say that he never actually wanted Alina to be his equal. Well, based on his words and reaction here, I would say he wanted to.
Right now there's no pretense, no tricks or a façade. We see him "naked" and exposed showing us his terror of Alina's loss and despair for his fate. Of being alone forever.
"You were meant to be like me."
Aleksander wanted her strong and confident. Unafraid to rise above the others and to stand right beside him.
"You're nothing now."
I know it sounds cruel but it is true.
If a bird lost its ability to fly or a fish its ability to swim, would you call that normal? If a person stopped breathing or her heart stopped beating, would you call her alive and whole?
Alina lost the very essence of her being, her soul and identity. What happened to her was something completely unnatural and just wrong. Aleksander has lived for centuries and knows more about the Grisha than anyone else (except of course his mother) so he knows that what happened to her, has crippled her. She's not the Alina she was. And she's never gonna be.
It's not a statement of disgust, apathy or scorn. They're words of pain and mourning. Shock and anger.
It's a complete ruin for Alina.
A devastation and tragedy for the unfortunate Grisha that experiences it for the first time in their history. And an equal devastation and sorrow for the Grisha that watched it happen to the person he cared most about.
And it's actually funny how Aleksander seems to be the only person that was devastated for what happened to her.
Everyone else was:
"Alina lost her powers"
"Okay cool".
In a way you can say that it was proof of how he was the one that truly cared about her fate while the rest of her friends didn't seem to give two flying fucks.
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The Darkling just gave up.
All he had fought for, all the patience he had mastered for years waiting for his equal to come, went to dust right in front of him.
In a way he committed suicide and just let Alina kill him.
Now if he didn't love her as some people say, why did he do these things after she lost her powers?:
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1) Called her to his side and searched for her hand to hold it.
2) Smiled at her and stroked her tears.
3) Entrusted her with his last wish because he'd seen her kindness and believed in it.
4) Asked her to say his name one more time so he could hear it from her one last time. A name that he had probably never said to anyone else for centuries.
5) Begged her to not leave him alone while he died because loneliness frightened him.
I'm sorry but if I was dying, I wouldn't want anyone at my side but the people that I loved the most. And Aleksander wanted the same too.
There's no way he felt disgust or anger towards Alina even after she stabbed him. Whatever she did, he forgave. And whatever happened to her in the end didn't stop him from loving her and wanting her presence at his side until his own end.
(didn't really love her, my ass)
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Hello fellow Vox Simp!
Have you ever considered Vox with a gamer partner? Or a Hacker partner?
The Gamer would have to be a soft Vox, picture them just hiding out in his penthouse waiting to give Vox attention whenever he's around. They would try cooking food from games but hey it's the thought that counts right. Maybe they have game related powers. Could happily aid Vox with getting VoxTech into the gaming market.
Hacker could be any kinda Vox. Vox struggles with code, Hacker can handle it. Someone trying to compete in the tech market, give the Hacker ten minutes and Voxtech owns that company.
Anything you write from these ideas I'm sure would be amazing!
Thanks! 🦈
I’m gonna be honest… this threw me off for a moment lol. I love it, my brain just isn’t working! You know how finals season can be. Anyway, sorry for the late reply but here’s what I’ve got! (Feel free to request again or clarify if I misunderstood anything!)
Game Over (Vox x Hacker!Reader)
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-You knew coding better than most- not that it was hard, considering it wasn’t a particularly common skill. What was a surprise was your understanding of Vocode, a coding language Vox made up specifically for Voxtek. It’s indecipherable to most, and even himself sometimes, yet you’ve managed to get a perfect understanding of it.
-You didn’t really use your knowledge for good. You were in Hell for a reason, after all.
-Maybe you were hired for your proficiency in coding. Maybe you tried to hack into Voxtek systems. Either way, Vox had you on lock and key.
-You found that you didn’t mind too much. He used your skills for his own gain and supplied you with high quality tech, something you’d never have gotten otherwise.
-Of course, you’re more than ‘business’ partners now. Your relationship goes beyond that.
-He was nice enough, when it came to you. You weren’t exempt from his bad moods or anything, but he was kinder towards you. He made an effort, and that’s what counts.
-He often overworked himself, lashing out when he was frustrated. You could recognize these moods easily, and always went through the Voxtek systems to see who had fucked up to get him in a bad mood this time. You took care of it for him.
-Vox struggled with Vocode sometimes, and often called you in to help him. He’d be in a huff and demand you show him how you did it, explaining every step. And so you did.
-He sat in your lap as you worked, insisting it was because he didn’t want to miss a single thing. You noticed his system ran a bit hotter when this happened. Not overheating, but he seemed to like it.
-So he sat there like a cat, stubborn. You explained the ins and outs as best you could, but he seemed distracted as you moved. You shifted him a little to reach what you needed to better. He seemed less interested in actually learning and more interested in just being near you.
-Sometimes you suspected he wasn’t having a problem with the code and that he just wanted to spend time with you. You didn’t mind. It was endearing.
As I sat at my desk, immersed in lines of code, Vox's loomed over me like a comforting shadow. He leaned against my chair, his screen resting on my shoulder as he watched me work with keen interest.
"What are you working on?" he asked, his voice soft and curious.
I glanced up at him, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Just some maintenance on the Vocode compiler," I said, gesturing to the screen filled with lines of complex code.
Vox had previously seemed to be admiring something- and it wasn’t the code. Now his gaze shifted to the screen as he studied the intricate patterns of code on the screen. "You never cease to amaze me," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine awe.
I felt a warm flush of pride spread through me at his words. He didn’t hand out compliments, usually he didn’t like to acknowledge that he had any attachment to anyone- he saw that as weakness. The fact he’d be so open with me was nice, something I was still getting used to.
"Thank you," I said, quieter than before. I had a small, sort of happy and content smile on my face.
Without another word, Vox pulled me into his lap, his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace. I leaned back against his chest, reveling in the warmth of his presence as I continued to work. The soft hum of his screen head was comforting, as was the white noise that accompanied it when I took a break to give him a kiss or compliment him.
Together, we made the perfect team, in my opinion. Absolute power couple. As the hours passed we switched positions a little so I could work easier.
As the soft glow of the computer screen illuminated the dimly lit room, I sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by a tangle of wires and circuit boards. Vox sat comfortably in my lap, his head resting against my chest as he watched me work with a mixture of fascination and admiration.
"So, let me get this straight," Vox said, his voice tinged with awe. "You're telling me that by bypassing this firewall and rerouting the encrypted data through this server, we can access their entire database?"
I nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "That's right," I said lightly. I gave him a quick kiss,” my fingers flying across the keyboard with practiced ease. "With a little bit of my coding magic, we'll have everything we need to give Voxtek the upper hand."
Vox leaned back against me, his body relaxed against mine as he watched the code scroll across the screen. "You're incredible," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
I felt a warmth spread through me at his words, a sense of pride swelling in my chest. "I just do what I can to help," I said with a grin, though secretly pleased by his praise.
And as the night wore on and the lines of code blurred together in a whirlwind of binary, I knew that there was nowhere else I'd rather be than right here, with Vox in my arms, making magic happen one line of code at a time.
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
Hi! Can I request headcannons for a platonic yandere Zhongli?
You do not understand how long I’ve waited to write Zhongli as an overprotective father figure 🙏🏻
TW: yandere behaviour, controlling behaviour
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You’d never be able to tell just how far Zhongli was willing to go to keep up this fatherly charade when you first meet him
Nothing sticks out as weird, overbearing, or out of the ordinary. He genuinely just seems like a lonely older man who likes to talk for hours about very varied topics
And you learn a lot by listening to him! He knows so much information about a large array of topics that interest you, so you stick around to listen and keep him company. You’d feel bad just leaving him alone all the time, especially when it doesn’t seem like others have the patience to listen to his monologues like you do
But soon enough, your friendship evolves from sitting in a tea shop and listening to his rambles, to walking around the harbour and having actual conversations with him
You ask him questions, he answers them in kind. You tell him about your day, and he listens with enthusiasm. You come to learn that he is a great conversation partner, even if you’re clearly no where near as cultured or knowledgeable as him. He holds no judgement, and is willing to listen to anything you tell him
The issues only start to bubble to the surface when you go to him for advice about what seems to be a taboo topic to him. Dating
It was a harmless question really; you simply asked if he had any recommendations for good first date spots since you were planning on asking a longtime friend out finally. You thought Zhongli would be the perfect person to ask since he knows everything about everywhere in Liyue
And he seems to freeze for a moment. For the first time since you met him, he seems genuinely speechless, no response to give
But he quickly recovers with a quick remark about how you’re too young to be dating, which is such a fatherly thing to say that you try to take it as a joke. Even if his tone was much harsher than usual
And you vowed never to bring it up again since Zhongli didn’t seem to appreciate that kind of question. But the question came back up in a different form about a week later
Your friend had started distancing them self from you, and you had no clue what you did to make them suddenly dislike your company so much. So once again you went to Zhongli with your concerns, he’s the smartest person you know and you trust his opinion greatly
“Friends who don’t have the conviction to talk through their issues face to face aren’t worth chasing after. I would advise that you let them move on”
Whatever response you were expecting, that certainly wasn’t it. His voice was so sharp, devoid of the usual warmth it had when talking with you. Maybe lost friends was a sore topic for him? You seemed to be walking on eggshells with your conversation topics recently
You tried to move past the conversation, brush it off and pretend like it didn’t happen. But the venom in his voice stuck with you and made you a bit more cautious around him. But clearly not cautious enough
You were too worried about saying something to direct that venom your way that you didn’t even notice the hold Zhongli had on you was growing stronger. You always joked about how he acted more like a dad than a friend, and it seemed like he was taking that info to heart
He started voicing his opinions on your choices in a different way, phrasing them as questions. Like a father who didn’t want to enforce his unspoken rules on you, and instead wanted you to doubt yourself and take into consideration what he wanted instead
Your walks around Liyue harbour no longer felt like a friendly stroll, it was practically like going shopping with your dad. Having him pick out food and clothes for you, and being a constant overbearing presence that stopped anyone from attempting to chat you up
It took you realising that you practically lived with him for you to notice just how much control he had over your life now. No longer were you an independent adult, you’d practically become one of those kids that never moves out of their parents homes for the rest of their lives
But just because you realised it didn’t mean you were able to do anything about it. His entire house was practically baby proofed, there was no way you’d be going anywhere without his permission
But it’s okay. Zhongli has been taking his role as your father figure very seriously, and he’ll make sure you’re well looked after in his care
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cooliofango · 1 year
When You Hold Their Hand Unexpectedly
Linked Universe V. x Gn!Reader
This is part 2!
This part includes Wind, Wild, and Twilight!
Slight trigger warning for Wind’s part! Mentions of neglect and death— but it doesn’t go into heavy detail.
Lil shout out to @hylias-gremlin for helping me out with Wind’s part! ;3
Today was the day Time decided they all needed to restock on supplies. Camp was settled on the outskirts of town, where they could make a count of what they did have. Most went into town to buy things that was needed, though a few went out into the woods to scavenge for food. It would be less rupees to spend if they don’t need to.
Time and Sky went around town for information about the Hyrule they were currently in. They planned to start in a tavern, seeing as it’s usually the best place to investigate when you want to hear about any rumors or info about anything or anyone. It’s common knowledge for most at this point, especially for travelers like you all.
Wind and Hyrule went off to get their water supply refilled. While they can easily stop by lakes and rivers while they travel, carrying their own water supplies helps when there isn’t easily accessible water or if the water near by is salty or contaminated. It also helps for meals for the same reason— though they usually try to avoid meals that include water in the recipe if need be.
Four and Warrior were sent out to find supplies for weapon and armor repair and making. Maybe even a few fresh weapons for a certain someone who broke them more often than not. Some light weight, but durable metal, tools, cloth, and the like was what they looked for.
Twilight and Legend were tasked with finding any wild fruit, herbs, or mushrooms that were edible. This ranged from hylian shrooms, hyrule herbs, and apples. Vegetables were mainly an optional find since it wasn’t very likely to be found in the wild. If they couldn’t find many of any of those items, then they would go into town to buy what they could.
For you and Wild’s search for meat and poultry, it was going well. The both of you had a bit of each now, but it was agreed upon that you should get at least one more kill before heading back to camp. It didn’t matter much which kind of meat this last one had to be as long as it was fresh and edible.
Yes, that does imply that they’ve found rotten meat. This was because of the bears and wolves in the forest that left behind the remains of their prey. It wasn’t hard to tell with the rancid smell lingering in the area the corpse laid. They were, luckily, a good ways away from the rotten meat.
You held your bow tightly within your hands, Wild at your side with a bow of his own as you two crouched in the tall grass to remain hidden. There was bait set in the open area in front of you made of berries and grain mixed into a pulp. The fragrance was strong enough to be smelt from where the two of you hid. An animal was bound to smell it sooner or later. Or do you thought, anyways.
You had been waiting for quite a while. Your joints ached lightly from not moving, but you knew if you moved, it could ruin a chance to get that last piece of meat you and Wild wanted. The most you allowed yourself to do was wiggle your fingers to ease the soreness in them.
Wild remained perfectly still the entire time, of course. As the cook of the group, he is usually the one to make sure they have food made no matter when or how he had to obtain the ingredients. A lot of the time was spent hunting— both before and after you all met if you had to guess— so he had a knack for remaining still for long periods of time.
It was definitely a contrast from what you were used to, so seeing it for the first time was surprising. Seeing him not be so reckless and slightly playful in nature would probably be a bit of an odd sight for anyone in the group to see.
After that first time you hunted with him, it became a regular to take you with him when gathering food. You weren’t completely sure why, but you just assumed that he enjoyed the company and could use the help. It’s partially why you two were paired now. The other part was because Time intentionally put you two together during this group split up.
A loud rustle sounded to the right of you, causing you to break from your thoughts with a jump and a soft gasp. You grabbed onto whatever was closest with your free hand on instinct, but your eyes remained in the direction the sound came from. You didn’t realize the slight distraction you had caused to your companion.
The air was still.
There was more rustling…
…and a rabbit jumped from the bushes. It had light brown fur and low hanging ears. It’s wide eyes looked around, unsuspecting of anything or anyone around it.
You let out a silent sigh, watching as it hopped over to the bait mixture. The rodent bent down towards it. It’s pink nose wiggled as it sniffed the bait, deciding whether or not to eat it.
You felt the hand that didn’t hold the bow lift, causing you to look over confused. In front of you was your hand holding Wild’s from the top, his fingers lightly dangling out of your grip. Wild’s face held a soft pink hue and he allowed his gaze to meet yours. It was a silent ask to let go.
You felt your own face burn hot, swallowing thickly. You made sure to be quiet and careful when letting go of his hand as to not alert their final pray for the day. Wild gave a thankful look while you returned it with an apologetic one.
He sat up a little in place and drew the bow back with an arrow in hand. The bow’s wood creaked quietly, causing the rabbit to sit up with its ears perked. It was too late for it react, however. The whistling of the arrow has already cut through the air and pierced through its body with an almost unnerving thump, a second one following soon after as the rabbit fell to the ground as a corpse.
The night grew on and almost everyone was silent as they all sat at one of the long tables within the the inn’s dinning hall. They had all came to rest for the night, as well as try to gain information on the land they were currently in. The most lights were snuffed out by now, only leaving a few on to keep it bright enough for the few people that did remain.
“I heard it’s haunted though,” The man at the next table over spoke, his head in one hand and half a glass of alcohol in the other, “because it was built over the ruins of a burnt down manor that stood there centuries ago.”
The group of travelers had their attention on this man for a while now as he spoke of a temple that laid in the forest southwest from the town. Most didn’t seem too fazed by the rumor, having dealt with ghosts on their own occasions. You, however, was not someone who fell into that category.
“How so?” Wind asked curiously on your left, his expression mostly calm, but a bit wary of dealing with apparitions. You knew he’s dealt with ghosts before from his tales of the ghost ship he had been on while at sea— but you could imagine that he didn’t really enjoy the thought of dealing with ghosts again.
“A maiden’s vengeful spirit lives there. She attacks anyone who dares to enter the temple, especially if it’s a man,” he takes a sip of the alcoholic beverage before setting the glass down, “According to rumors, it’s because her lover had left to fight in a war. It left her depressed and she neglected herself because of it. When her lover returned, he didn’t recognize her because of how thin she had gotten. The woman died not long after from the affects the neglect had on her and from grief.”
You swallowed heavily, gripping onto the bench underneath you. “How violent does she get, exactly…?” The nervousness showed in your tone, brows furrowed as you looked at the man who told the story.
He rose a brow at you in question and sat up straight, “Well, from those who returned from the temple alive, it all depends on how deep into the temple you are. It could range from throwing stones at you to activating dangerous traps even if you’re careful to avoid them.”
“Lovely..” Legend quipped sarcastically, slumping his own head into his hand. Everyone had similar thoughts in that moment; they were going to have to prepare for every outcome should they encounter one of these traps first hand. Your grip tightened on your seat.
“Thank you for the information,” Time spoke authoritatively as he stood, handing the drunk man the agreed upon red rupee before turning to the rest of the group, “Tomorrow morning, we’ll meet down here to discuss preparations before we head out to the temple. Be down no later than sunrise.”
Most of the group stood, picking up their things and beginning to head upstairs to their rooms. Time did linger to ask a few more questions to the drunk man wish a hushed voice-- probably about the temple they would enter the next day. You couldn't really hear exactly what he was saying, though. You took in a deep breath as you sat there a moment longer, shoulders slumping.
You finally notice the voice calling out to you from your side, looking over to it's owner. Wind still sits beside you, blue eyes nearly avoiding your gaze now that you looked over to him. His face and the tips of his ears held a reddened hue and he was hesitant to speak again.
"I mean-- I usually wouldn't mind it all too much," he started with an attempt to pick up his confidence, this being shown in his tone, "b-but it's getting late and we should really get going," as he spoke, your expression grew noticeably confused, in which he showed slight defeat. "Could you let go of my hand please...?" Wind laughed a bit nervously, watching as you looked down at your hand resting on top of his.
Your face now matched his in color.
The sounds of the night kept you awake, despite how desperately you tried to get some rest. Your back laid to the majority of the group with a few of the sleeping boys laid in their respective places in front of you. They were so used to sleeping out in the woods that they looked so sound while they snoozed. It made you a bit envious, in all honesty.
The majority of your life was spent in the city where you were always able to have a roof over your head and a mattress to sleep on. The forest’s ground was far from ideal. Your chest deflated in a silent sigh, closing your eyes once again. The best thing you could do, in your opinion, was to continue trying.
You turned over on your other side in an attempt to sleep in a more comfortable position. You gripped the grassy earth beneath you gently with a soft breath of content to leave your lips. Somehow, that was a bit better— if only a little. You relaxed your body against the ground and cleared your mind of any thoughts about the matter. The sooner the better, right?
By the time the sun was peaking through the branches above, you were the last one to wake up. A soft groan escaped your lips, tightening your grip on the grass. The ‘grass’ twitched a little at the movement. The feeling caused your brows to furrow, carefully blinking your tired eyes open. The first thing you saw was your hand gripping onto other, both of your hands lightly digging into the grass.
Your gaze followed the arm, moving past the fur pelt to see the slightly reddened face of Twilight looking back down at you. Catching your gaze with his own, he was quick to avert it. He cleared his throat, “M-Morning, (Y/N)…”
You.. only stared a moment longer as your brain tried to process the situation. With furrowed brows, you slowly sat up and looked back down at your hands. And then back up at him. O h…
With a red hue to grow along your own face, you were quick to move your hand off of his. You turned your head away and instead raised your hand to fix your messy bed head with a frown of embarrassment etched onto your features. “Sorry— sorry..” You coughed awkwardly.
There was a short paused of silence as Twilight contemplated how to respond for a moment before chuckling to himself at the situation before him. “No— don’t worry about it. I, uh… didn’t mind. It was nice to have that little bit of company throughout the night. Besides, it seemed to help you fall asleep.” He shrugged, though his response only made the embarrassment grow in your chest.
“I held your hand the whole night…?” You murmured. “And you knew I was awake?” You tilted your head.
Twilight looked back at you, finally, with a half smile tugging to his face. “Y-yeah,” he held a look of embarrassment as he answered your first question. “And yes— I planned to do something to help, but when you turned over, you seemed to figure out how to fall asleep without realizing.” He laughed a little now that he said that out loud. Even you thought it was a bit funny to hear.
“But uh..” He continued, the bashfulness returning to his expression, “If you have trouble sleeping again, then I’ll be here to help.” You but the inside of your cheek and hesitantly nodded.
“Stop flirting already and come on..!” Time teased lightheartedly, causing the both of you to jump up to your feet in a hurry and finish helping pack to continue your journey.
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britcision · 11 months
Happy WIP Wednesday everyone! Because I asked last week what to call him, this week y’all can have some Conner!
Chapter 16 is coming along much better now that I’ve mostly settled on the order I want this first little segment to be in, so we’ll see how long it takes to wrap up some Tim/Tuck/Con and get to the good stuff 😇
Not quite half way there yet, but it’s on the horizon
Field Trips Without Permission Slips part 2
In the skies above Wayne manor, Conner stalled out for a moment. His powers weren’t the most reliable, he was more than aware of it. 
Usually though? He could tell when they were fritzing out. 
He’d heard Danny and Jason perfectly clearly, a weird tearing noise, and now both were gone. No voices, no breathing (had they always been breathing? Suddenly he wasn’t sure), no heartbeat. 
Neither of them had sounded particularly upset, or concerned. Well, not more than Jason already had been. 
Jason’s heart had actually been a little slower by the time they parted ways, and hadn’t gone back up. 
Not that Conner was eavesdropping. Not on purpose, anyway. He’d heard voices and listened just enough to identify Tim’s brother before stopping to check in. 
He didn’t much care what anyone else did in the skies above Gotham, so long as it wasn’t his problem. And he valued privacy, or at least got pissed enough when Clark disrespected his that he wouldn’t do the same. 
Right up until he’d flown away and Danny had casually commented about Tucker melting if Conner asked him to ride. 
Because that had kinda been directed at him, really. That didn’t count. He’d even heard his own name. Tuned right back out after, up until the disappearing. 
(And totally wasn’t thinking about Tim’s new friend wanting to actually ride him. He hadn’t even met the guy yet, although from what Tim had told him he was pretty sure they’d get along. 
Anyone who could get Tim to actually enjoy a proper meal had to be kept around on a freakin’ pedestal. 
He was resigning himself to a lot of technobabble though. Tim on his own tended to go off, but if Tucker really was on Tim’s level? 
Yeah, Conner was well aware he’d understand at most half of what they were talking about, but he just liked seeing Tim that happy. That passionate. 
Conner was well aware he didn’t offer much to Tim’s intellectual side, not being one to wait for a well thought out plan, but that was kinda why they worked so well. Their skills were a near perfect complement. 
He’d do his best not to melt their new friend though. Definitely no riding jokes. 
Maybe he was preening just the tiniest ittiest bit that Danny apparently thought he was that hot.) 
He was stuck for a moment, held by indecision. Jason had been in the kind of mood that Conner wanted him nowhere fucking near Tim. 
He definitely was not near Tim. Mission accomplished? 
On the other hand, part of Tim had never fully let go of Jason as his Robin. Not even after… well, everything that happened when Jason came back. 
Conner had been kinda out of it when the whole Titans Tower incident went down (and dead shortly after), but he knew the basics, and he knew Tim. Tim hadn’t processed fucking anything from that time well. 
Still probably hadn’t. Conner didn’t really want to ask if his boyfriend still had the data from the whole attempted cloning thing. 
But when Dick finally got through to Jason, Tim had jumped at the explanation of the pit rage. It took the edge off what Conner knew ached more than the beating; being rejected by his predecessor. 
His hero. 
Conner woulda kicked Jason’s ass for that alone, even without the physical attack, but Tim… Tim didn’t want him to. 
For one thing, Tim could make Jason’s life hell just fine on his own. But Tim… 
Conner was more than happy to admit that Tim knew way more about the Lazarus pits than any of Young Justice. He just hoped Tim was going off knowledge, and not just the wish for his hero to accept him. 
Because Jason did, now. They’d never exactly talked about it, the asshole never apologised, but… they got along. 
Jason was prickly as fuck with everyone, but Conner had noticed how… careful he was with Tim. How quick to back down, to just remove himself from the situation if Tim pushed him. 
Which Tim did, because none of the bats had any self preservation. 
Jason really did seem to be fighting something inside him. A fight he didn’t always win, but had learned to retreat from. Taking himself away before he lost completely. 
It was most obvious when Steph wound him up; Conner had been to enough family dinners, and talked to her enough to know she hadn’t let Jason entirely off the hook either. 
But they’d both defer to Tim, because it was Tim’s call. 
Tim would probably want to know Jason had disappeared off the face of the earth. Actually, Tim would probably know exactly why and how it had happened. 
Had Jason or Danny actually mentioned what other business they might have? Conner had kinda been focused on not letting Jason near Tim, but he didn’t think so. 
If it was a planned disappearance, it’d have been Danny doing it, so Tucker would probably know more, right? Danny obviously had multiple abilities, Conner had already seen at least two. 
Either way, the answers were in the manor beneath him, along with his very favourite person in the world. 
Alfred. Tied with Ma and Pa Kent, though. 
And his beloved boyfriend Tim, of course. 
Brightening a little, Conner made his descent, landing at the backdoor of the manor and letting himself in. 
On the off chance they did need to be worried about Jason and Danny’s strange disappearance, at least he was already in town. 
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara a @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west  @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai i @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook k 
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frost-queen · 1 year
Sky-crossed lovers (Reader!Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco,   @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07​
Summary: You are Bradley’s younger sister at Top Gun. When you meet Hangman at Penny’s bar you are immediately infatuated with him as he feels the same. During Graduation you kiss for the first and last time. Send to different stations across the country. Called back, you come face to face with your charmer. Sharing an intimate hug that makes your brother act just a bit overprotective. 
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Penny’s bar. It was scarcely crowed. Having accepted your drink from Penny, you went towards the pool table. Setting your drink down you went around the table. Taking a pool stick for yourself. Penny smiled at you from behind the bar. You gave her a respective nod back. Exhaling deep, you took out your phone. Zero messages. Staring at your screen, you hoped a message would appear. Anything from your friends that would let you know they were still coming. 
You hadn’t seen them in a while ever since you joined Top gun. It had always been pretty obvious that you’d go to Top gun. The same place your dad was stationed. As well as your brother Bradley now along with you. Yet he was in a higher class then you due to the one year age gap between the two of you. Opening your inbox, you checked to be sure you had dropped the message in the group chat. You were so glued to your screen you didn’t know anyone had approached. 
Entered the bar, greeted Penny with a nod. Noticed you standing at the pool table, leaning a bit against the stick in your hand while looking at your phone. Ordered quick a beer with Penny and went over. – “Need a player?” – he asked. Startled you looked up with shocked eyes. He already grabbed a stick for himself before you could say anything. Following his movement with your eyes, you felt completely infatuated with him. Broad shoulders, blonde hair, handsome face.
He caught you staring, moving around the pool table to you. Setting his hand on the table, he leaned in closer. A smug expression clear on his face. – “Seresin, Jake Seresin, but you can call me Hangman.” – he told you with a wink. – “Y/n Bradshaw.” – you replied, setting your hand near his, leaning forwards as well. – “Beta for you.” – His eyes slowly widened with knowledge. – “I’m sorry did you say Bradshaw?” – he asked. – “Yes… why?” – you asked, immediately moving your head back from him. Not sure if it had a negative note or a positive one. 
It was hard to understand the meaning of his words. His lips curled up into a smirk. – “Nothing… just wondering.” – he replied chuckling inside himself. As if he just learned something funny but kept it to himself. – “So Beta.” – he emphasized, moving his pool stick closer to you. – “Show me what you got.” – The smile he flashed your way, made your toes curl. How could anyone not fall immediately for that. You pushed him back with your bottom. He immediately moved his hands up, staring delighted at you passing him. 
You went around the table to the other side, leaning down over the table. Jake licked his lips subtility when you looked up to him before shooting your shot. The white ball rolled, knocking against the others, scattering them. You slowly pulled yourself up. Jake swallowed nervously. – “Your turn big boy.” – you said, tilting your head a bit to the side. Jake gulped, turning around as he desperately needed a drink to press his fluster down.
Taking a large sip from his beer. Turning back he moved to where you stood as you gave him room to perform. He looked briefly over his shoulder to you, shaking his head thoughtfully at himself. The balls rolled as one fell down the hole. He gestured for you to take your place. So you did, bending down, eyeing your next target. Hangman leaned against a stool, unable to stop himself from checking you out from behind. You looked sideways, catching a glimpse of him changing his head’s position ever so quick. 
You aimed, letting the white ball crash into another one. – “So uhm… why Beta?” – Hangman asked as your ball dropped down the hole. Setting a point for you. You turned to him with a cheeky smile. – “Take a guess?” – you asked flirtatious. Jake cleared his throat at how flirty you batted your eyelashes at him. – “Cause you are always second best of your class?” – he responded. You came standing beside him, shaking your head. – “No?” – Hangman said. 
You shook your head once more with shrug of your shoulder. – “Then what is it?” – he asked interested, turning his posture more to you. – “I’m the second Bradshaw at Top Gun at the moment. That’s all.” – you responded. – “Lame.” – Hangman answered. – “What fool came up with that?” – furrowing his brows, he was genuinely interested in knowing. – “My captain.” – you replied with a shrug of your shoulder. – “It kind of stuck on me now.” – you told him since you didn’t really cared that much that was the reason for your call sign.
“Well I’d give you a much better call sign.” – he said, letting his eyes go up from your body to your face. – “Do you now?” -  you answered smirking. Jake leaned in closer to you. – “Can’t say it cause there are kids around.” – he whispered to you. You gave him a playful slap for such a smooth comment. Jake smiled, mimicking your flustered expression. That made you laugh even louder, bumping teasingly at him. Hangman took a hold of your pool stick so you’d kept your balance. 
You maintained your balance by setting your feet sturdy on the ground. – “You know I’m in the same team as your brother.” – he spoke as you went to fetch your drink. Sighing loud, you turned bored to him. – “So you rather want to talk about my brother.” – you pointed out. Jake shook his head, coming closer. He plucked your drink from your hand, holding it aside. – “Absolutely not.” – he answered. 
You hummed loud, moving your eyebrow up intriguingly. You reclaimed your drink from him, drinking. Hangman plucked your drink away, setting his lips on the same side yours were, drinking the last of it. He set the glass away, setting his hands beside you on the pool table. His eyes staring intensely at yours. You could just feel your heart skip beats at the way he looked at you.
“Charmer.” – you said teasingly. Jake smiled, looking seductively at you. – “I’m sure you broke a lot of girl’s hearts.” – you stated, moving your face inches closer to his. Sucked in by him. He pulled his shoulders up. – “Going to break mine?” – you asked flirty. Hangman sucked in a deep breath, pressing his palms deeper onto the table around you. Never. How could he ever break your heart? It seemed impossible in his head at this point. Too deep into the rabbit hole of bubbling mutual affection.
“This one’s got a reputation, Y/n!” – Jake looked up over your shoulder as you turned to look. Penny staring your way. – “Top of his class charmer.”– she said smiley, pointing briefly at him. Hangman smiled, adding a teasingly ‘stop’ to her words. As if her gushing was making him blush. – “Got you hooked before you know it.” – she continued making you smile. – “Guess I’m bait then.” – you answered, throwing your arm around Jake. Jake looked back at you, smirking. 
Penny shook her head playfully. You focused your attention on him again, chatting more. Suddenly you remembered your friends. Pulling out your phone there were still no messages. Jake moved a bit forwards to look upside down at your phone. – “Guess my friends aren’t coming.” – you said with a soft exhale. Jake took your phone from you, tugging it away in his pocket. – “Lucky for us.” – he addressed cheeky. You gave him a slight push against his shoulder. – “Get ready to be second place then.” – you spoke grabbing your pool stick that he had left aside a while ago. – “You’re the Beta one Y/n.” – he chuckled.
Graduation. Finally. You stood in the row with your class. Your brother’s class beside yours. Glancing to the side, you distinguished Jake immediately between them all. He seemed to be looking as well, snorting silently. Pressing your lips together, you focused to the front once more. You truly needed to focus on the ceremony. Not on your brother’s hot teammate. The final names were being called out. Applause broke out as the stiff lines erupted into chaos. 
Everyone wanting to congratulate or say goodbye to their mates, friends, family. – “Y/n!” – Bradley pushed some people aside to get to you. – “Roos!” – you called out. He hugged you, tightly. – “Dad would be proud of you.” – he spoke, giving your chin a gentle knock. – “At both of us.” – you corrected him, ruffling your fingers through his hair. From behind you, you saw how eager Hangman was to reach you. Yet with your brother around he kept his distance. 
Rooster hugged you again, very proud of your achievement. Phoenix slapped a hand against his back. – “Rooster stop suffocating your sister.” – she said making him let go. Phoenix smiled at you, opening her arms to you. – “Well done, Beta.” – she swayed your body from side to side, hugging you happily. – “You too Phoenix.” – you answered. Phoenix pulled away, grabbing your brother’s shoulder, bringing him closer for a hug. You saw your opportunity, shuffling away from them unnoticed. Some of your crew congratulated you on the way. Your eyes fell upon Hangman hugging another girl.
It made you stop for a second, maybe feeling a tat jealous. Hangman noticed you, glancing over the girl’s shoulder your way. He pushed her off him, moving her aside to reach you. – “Quite the charmer.” – you said, eyes suddenly widening as Hangman took a hold of your tie. It slid out of your uniform as he pulled at it, dragging you along. Confused you simply obeyed as he pulling the strings. Commanding your way. Looking over your shoulder, you were drifting further away from the graduates. 
An F-16 stood on the runway, secured to the ground. He moved around the snout, pushing you against the side out of sight. Your legs visible from underneath for anyone that was curious enough to look that way. – “What’s with the…” – you started, cut off by him. Jake twirled your tie around his hand, pulling it a bit upwards as he pressed his lips on yours. Mouth slowly opening to brush against yours as they closed once more. Deepening the kiss he was anticipating. 
You mimicked his movements, grabbing his uniform by his hip. Pulling at it as you wanted him closer to you. Lips retracted as he changed the position of his head, cupping your cheeks. Kissing you repeatedly till it satisfied him and you. Fulfilled and flustered, the kiss came to an end. – “So you are truly leaving me Beta?” – he said pitiful. You slowly nodded. It had been known now for a while at which stations you’d be send off to. 
Sadly not sharing the one with Hangman. He tore his gaze away from you. Not liking one bit of it. Your phone rang making him step back. – “It’s my brother…” – you said, looking down at the screen. – “Yeah… you… you should go.” – he answered with sorrow. You gave him a faint smile, hand resting against his cheek before you left. Returning to your brother who was clearly looking for you.
“Stop fidgeting.” – Bradley called out, moving his hand over yours. You sighed loud, lowering your hands. – “I’m just nervous.” – you answered. – “Why? It’s only Top Gun.” – your brother responded, holding the door for you as you walked into Penny’s bar. – “I know.” – you answered, looking back at him while moving forwards. – “It’s just it has been so long since we’ve been here.” – Rooster joined your side, sliding an arm around you. – “Don’t be silly Y/n.” – he spoke finding your sentiment typical girly behavior. 
You nudged him with your elbow in the side, knowing him very well. – “Okay.” – he coughed out, rubbing the pain area. You entered the bar more seeing how crowded it was with people you’ve never seen before and old ones. New recruits and call backs. You had made your way across up till Penny’s bar as some people shifted aside, giving you a clearer view. Suddenly overwhelmed with happiness at the sight of Hangman. – “Jake!” – you called out, catching his attention. He was at the pool table with Bob and Coyote. 
He lifted his head up, eyes widening. – “Y/n!” – he called out in return. For a moment you just stared at each other. Too stunned to see the other person again after such a long time. Rooster came at your side, making a weird face as to why you were standing so stiffly, smiling like a fool in love. Jake passed his pool stick to Bob, moving around the pool table as you ran up to him. You jumped into his arms, hugging him. Jake’s arms tightly around yours as he swayed you from side to side in his embrace. Bradley wasn’t the only one staring at how long and intimate you were hugging each other. He glanced up to Natasha, wanting to know if she was seeing the same thing.
She nodded with crossed arms, finding it a bit funny. Bradley stared back in shock as you were still hugging Hangman, a bit too closely to his appeal. Till it suddenly hit him. Remembering a convo he had with Hangman a while ago about a girl he liked. Little did he know, Hangman was speaking about his own sister. Clenching his hand, he felt protective. – “If you hurt her!” -  he called out, pointing firmly at Him. 
Hangman widened his eyes, slowly increasing the distance between you in his hug. – “You are so dead Bagman!” – The cold stare in his eyes enough to make Jake swallow nervously. – “Bagman?” – you repeated with a teasing smile on your lips. Hands still resting on his shoulders. – “Oh do shut up.” – he answered playfully, tilting your chin up to him. Unable to look away from your lips. – “Make me.” – you responded. 
You didn’t have to say that twice as Jake leaned down to kiss you. Bradley’s eyes widening. – “Oh no you are!” – he said, making his way over. He grabbed you by the shoulder, pulling you away from him before his lips could set on yours. – “Do not cross the line yet!” – Bradley drew a line with his hand between Hangman and you. Making you laugh as Hangman told him he was being ridiculous.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!    
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bludhavensbirdboy · 2 years
I would actually love to hear more of your headcanons
I def have a soft spot for deaf/HoH Steve. There is no way he went through everything with 100% hearing intact.
Ok so first of all you now have my heart for asking about my Headcanons secondly I love your account it’s one of my fav steddie accounts third these are like random HCs anyway HC time:
I’m a firm believer in Steve getting a cat after the events in S1 (he is a cat person no one can argue with me) because the house felt lonely and he wanted more than just him in the house without bothering the rest of the group but when he realised that his hearing was getting worse which progressed to losing his hearing fully he found a lot more comfort In the cat because he liked the vibrations he felt when the cat purred while laying on him and he likes how the cat rubs itself against parts of his body when he is wandering the house like they are telling him they are near him, basically him and his cat are co dependent and he will choose the cat over anyone any day
I think I’ve talked about how I think eddie is autistic but I shall expand to say I do believe his hyperfixations are metal and dnd obv but when I was looking at Eddie trailer there was a lot of hats and cups and fully believe that’s eddies doing like he can’t not get them when he sees a cool cup or hat and if you ask about the hats/cups which he loves people doing cause he’s proud of his collection he has like knowledge of exactly where he got each one and why he picked it
Steve is very touch averse or afraid of people touching him due to his ocd it’s overwhelming for him when someone initiates touch he isn’t ok with it makes him feel out of control and he also hates touch because he has a thing with germs so his whole body basically shuts down when someone he hasn’t consented to be touched by touches him however he is very touch starved because of this so when he does get someone he is fully comfortable with allowing to touch him he thrives and basically is like a koala bear sometimes to these people
Eddie and Chrissy were t4t mlm wlw solidarity and I won’t have it any other way Chrissy and eddie imo would have the same dynamic as robin and Steve just platonic besties
Steve makes multiple deaf jokes like right after telling the group he was going deaf/is deaf and he’s met with just the groups disapproving looks like pls stop this is a serious thing like pls process your trauma like a normal person for once (Steve does not and continues to make deaf jokes cause what else can they do)
The adults like all the kids but they all have a fav Steve’s is dustin obviously but I think eddies would be will when they meet and robins is max
Steve’s bisexual awakening wasnt Eddie (doesn’t really have a bisexual awakening like a certain man anyway) Steve just like knew men were hot and accepted it one day and sure they had a lot of internalised homophobia that came from their home life but Steve knew he liked men before Eddie and was quite happy about it cause whole worlds his oyster and all that so when Eddie turns up and starts flirting Steve knows what’s happening and flirts back leaving Eddie malfunctioning and like wtf is happening
Eddie stims constantly and when he feels comfortable with the people he’s around it’s like full body stims like just violently shaking his limbs until he feels better but one of his subtle stims is chewing on things like pencils, guitar picks, dnd dice, blanket corners, his hair basically anything in his reach (Steve starts to notice the hoodie drawstrings are chewed to fuck)
Jonathon is nonbinary don’t feel the need to explain this one if I’m honest mf just chillin
Such a random one but if Eddie is going to the shop he’s touching everything in sight lifting random shit to feel it and what should have been a quick in and out to get like 1 thing turns into an hour long shopping trip with random little things bought that he has no need for but he wants
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ego-sum-ex-altiora · 5 months
You Can't See Me (text below link)
Chapter 1: Martin
Martin never liked being touched.
Not that anyone cared or- in saying that- even knew about this dislike. He was always the one people went to for physical comfort, the one who “gave good hugs”- though he knew the latter was just because he was on the chubbier side. Maybe it was the self-consciousness this caused, or his mother’s insistence on physical closeness, but either way; Martin Blackwood did not like hugs.
He supposed that this was why he was so drawn to Jon- beyond the distracting softness of his silver and raven-black hair; the way it framed his face when whisps fell from his bun. Beyond the way his eyes looked soft beyond his stern expression, and how his cold hands and tone when accepting tea sent shivers through Martin that could not be described as unpleasant or unwelcome. Beyond the button-ups and grandpa sweaters that the others said aged him, but Matin felt only gave him a soft charm. And beyond-
So, maybe Martin’s dislike of physical comfort wasn’t the only reason he liked Jon. But he still liked the idea of not constantly being expected to touch his partner, and rumour has it, Jonathan Sims didn’t do that kind of stuff.
Although, it was beginning to seem like “that kind of stuff” included noticing Martin.
Perhaps Jon’s coma, and apparent death, finally sent the message that Martin would never have a chance with him. Certainly, it was enough for Martin to finally embrace the Loneliness and give in to the isolating fog that had lingered around him for as long as he could remember.
There was a comfort in letting that Lonely feeling take over him, the way it took away all expectations. It justified his burning dislike of being touched, taking away any fear of hurting those around him by forcibly pushing them away. He was blissfully revoked of all self-consciousness; with no one around him, who’s judgement was he afraid of?
The Lonely’s fog had always sat thick and heavy in his chest, but its swirling blue-greys were beautiful in his eyes.
That’s what set him apart from Jon. His fog-filled vision was a welcomed comfort, fulfilling his desperate desire to escape the dreads of reality. Jon, however, was so fixated on seeking knowledge and information. He dedicated his life to research and collating information, trying to make sense of a meaningless universe filled with randomised events. Jon needed to know, to explain away everything that had ever hurt him. Martin just wanted to forget.
The Lonely could provide that to him.
Martin’s co-workers had sensed him losing himself. The cups of tea became less frequent, and the cheery air that used to follow him gradually became darker and cloudier; both figuratively and literally. Eventually, the fog formed a near-opaque barricade between him and everyone else. Those who tried finding him in the fog were blinded, and all he could see was the brief image of lost, searching eyes. Then, the fog would once again consume him and he would be utterly alone.
Eventually, they stopped trying to find him.
It was peaceful then. Without the desperate faces of those he once called friends reminding him of his isolation, Martin quickly found comfort in the empty fog. He could sit at his desk, uninterrupted, for hours on end. For the first time since he was first hired, he tried hard and got a large amount of work done. Best of all, he didn’t need to feel anything.
Just like he had wanted.
Chapter 2: Jon
It ripped Jon apart to be unkind to Martin, it really did, but the defensive move was all he knew. He didn’t have time to deal with feelings, it was easier for him to just push them deep down and try not to think about them.
That’s not to say he was heartless. Certainly, he was aware of how lovely it felt to be brought tea and checked in on, but he didn’t want to explore what exactly those feelings meant. He knew there was a reason why Martin was being so kind to him, but the implications of doing so were not something he wished to consider. It was far easier to snap at Martin over insignificant mistakes, cursing his foolishness. Of course, the guilt that made Jon feel was yet another feeling he didn’t want to look too deep into.
Blissful ignorance. That’s how he lived.
There was no dramatic gasp of air or sudden bolt upright when Jon awoke, he was simply no long unconscious. A bedside calendar marked the date as a shocking six months since he had last been conscious. His body was too frail and aching to move, he simply looked around in desperation for a familiar face. Even through his tear-blurred eyes, he knew the room was empty; there seemed to be a void where he knew someone should have been. Lost, Jon desperately called to someone he already knew was gone.
Jon’s calls were answered by the rush of doctors and nurses entering his room, but he paid them no notice. All at once, he was achingly aware of a single fact; he loved Martin Blackwood.
The guilt that realisation filled him with was enough to tear him apart, the pain of warm and fuzzy love nothing compared to that of his regret. The regret he felt from lying to himself for so long, even when he knew Martin had felt the same way. The regret of pushing him away and hurting him.
The regret of leaving him alone all this time.
Jon desperately needed to go make amends, to fix the mess he had made out of what could have been love. He prayed he wasn’t too late, that he could still salvage the messy remains of his unrealised love.
He needed to go find Martin.
Much to the doctor’s dislike, Jon insisted on going to work. He had to, he needed to fix things with Martin as soon as he could. Maybe he still had a chance to make it work between them.
The tube to the institute was more than unpleasant, his still-weak frame rocking violently with each movement of the carriage. His sigh of relief was audible when he finally arrived at his stop, his legs still trembling slightly as he disembarked, but he was determined to keep moving.
Stepping through the doors into the research department felt like stepping into a new climate. There was a chill- not enough to call cold, but enough to cause discomfort- and a thick air that was stuffy and suffocating. For most people, especially those working with the paranormal, this would have immediately caused alarm.
The problem was, Jonathan Sims was not the type to leave a task unfinished. And unsettling cool drafts and humidity were not his top priority. He needed to focus on the problem at hand.
In his determination to make amends, Jon bumped, hard, into someone turning the corner. In the few moments it took to make sense of what had happened, he felt the cool air turn freezing and stab deep into his bones. The humid air became heavy fog, and blurred his vision.
Still, unmistakably, Martin Blackwood stood in front of him.
Chapter 3: Jon
Jon hated to admit it, but he had always admired Martin’s eyes. They were a muted green like a gentle forest, with prominent limbal rings the colour of a walnut tree. They had small specs of brown like the freckles that lined every inch of his body, that Jon had to resist getting lost in. Martin’s eyes almost always were bright and lit, indicative of his cheery mood.
Jon had, more than once, nearly been caught out admiring those eyes. Office meetings had often been spent fixated on them, which Martin had always mistaken as agitated glares. On more than one occasion, his co-workers had needed to bring his focus back to the meeting, after he had gotten a tad too distracted and ended up spacing out, lost in thought.
Now, there was no light or sparkle to his eyes, their freckles nearly as paled as the rest of his goose-bumped skin. His once-green eyes faded to near-grey, and they held an absent expression. They could barely even be called his, Jon was standing face-to-face with a pair of empty, unseeing eyes.
The fluttery butterfly-like sensation of finally planning to confess his feelings had vanished, replaced with a dread that felt as heavy as boulders in his chest. Jon knew exactly what he was looking at, and it certainly was not Martin Blackwood.
He was looking the Lonely dead in the eyes.
The Lonely did not look back at him, though. That pair of greenish-grey eyes looked beyond him, deep into the never-ending fog, and Jon knew he was not being seen.
Even beyond those empty eyes, Martin looked terrible. He had always been so cheery that his empty expression made him almost unrecognisable. He was pale, sickly so, and his typically fiery-ginger hair was a dull burnt orange. Though his physical frame was no different, he felt small and fragile. Jon couldn’t explain how, but somehow Martin looked lonely.
It was only then, seeing the Lonely in Martin, that Jon began to see it in himself. He began to see his pathetic, friendless self, caused by his neglect and disrespect of those around him. Caused by his hostility to the few people who truly loved him; his hostility to Martin.
Jonathan Sims was a terribly lonely man, and by nothing but his own fault.
The gap between the pair felt near-infinite, as if Martin stood on another planet. Jon reached outward and, before realising the gravity of what he was about to do, grabbed hold of Martin’s hand.
The touch was beyond gentle, uncharacteristically so on Jon’s behalf, but Martin’s whole body jerked backwards from the contact. Even so, Jon refused to let go. Martin stared down at their interlocked hands, as if desperately trying to see, and Jon remained latched on. The blank face that watched Jon told him what he needed to do.
He needed to pull Martin out of the Lonely.
Chapter 4: Martin
Martin flinched away from being touched that he very nearly fell over backwards, but whatever gripped his hand was determined to stay latched on. It had been months since anyone but Peter Lukas had come near him, and Peter wasn’t exactly the touchy-feely type.
Martin didn’t understand. People weren’t supposed to be able to come near him, his fog was supposed to keep them away. It was supposed to keep him safe, where he couldn’t hurt anyone or be hurt. The touch he had felt was an invasion, an unwelcomed visitor who seemed determined not to leave. He wasn’t supposed to be able to feel anyone, hear anyone, see-
Martin gradually became aware of a voice; faint, but clearly calling to him. Something inside him could recognise it, a distant memory of a time when he wasn’t lonely. Well, was he ever not lonely? He couldn’t remember, and he couldn’t remember that voice, so achingly familiar yet unknown in that vast fog. He could make out a sound coming from that voice, a distant word that could have been his name.
Martin forced his mind to remember, forced his mouth to speak for the first time in months. His voice croaked from lack of use, but he made a single, barely comprehensible sound.
His vision still swirled, so strong he could barely make out his own body, yet his mind focused, so sure it was Jon. Or was he only hoping it was Jon? The thought crossed his mind briefly, before he shoved it away. Jon’s voice slowly came into focus, his words becoming more comprehensible.
“Martin? Are you with me? Listen to me, I’m going to find a way to break you out of here.”
Martin stared down at his seemingly empty hand, his fingers pried apart by an unseeable force. Though he had no visualisation to be sure, Martin realised he was holding hands with Jonathan Sims.
Martin lurched forward, falling into the space he desperately prayed was occupied by Jon. He leaned into a small, cold, and yet surprisingly comforting frame, that felt exactly as he had imagined hugging Jon would. His eyes forced themselves shut, great big sobs being wretched from deep inside of him, dampening Jon’s shirt.
When Martin’s tears stopped enough to reopen his eyes, the fog felt different. He was sure it was further away, and a less dark, foreboding grey. He was acutely aware of the fact that he could no long see through the figure that held him.
He took a step backwards, frantically reaching his hands towards where Jon’s face should have been. He made contact with what was a blurred shadow in his vision, and squinted in a desperate attempt to make out the figure in front of him. The comfortingly familiar face of Jon slowly came into focus, his edges softly blurred.
With remnant tears in his eyes, Martin’s legs shook violently as Jon half supported him with a firm embrace. Jon apologised, tears welling in his own eyes.
“I’m sorry, Martin, for everything. I’m not going to let anything else hurt you, myself included.”
It was enough to again set Martin off with huge, heaving sobs, burying himself deeper in Jon’s shoulder. Jon gave a weak smile before speaking, the strongest he could manage, that filled Martin with a fuzzy feeling of anticipation.
“I love you, and I wish I’d realised it sooner.”
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radiance1 · 1 year
So I'm here to add on to this with another idea that I had, this time concerning Sam than Danny, Vlad and Pariah.
So it's been about three entire years since the Ghost King's left on their quest to find Pariah.
Three years for Danny's friends and family to question where he went.
Three years for them to panic a bit and look for him.
Luckily for them, Sam received a note from Clockwork that the two left on a quest, somewhere along year 1. Which she then told the other, leading to them at least knowing what he's doing and not freaking out over it.
Do the... sudden, change that each and every resident received from a wish, it took some time to adjust for all residents.
Sam considers herself relatively more lucky than some others, say, being turned into a werewolf for example.
Sam herself was turned into a witch, although physically she didn't receive any changes, internally she could feel a thrum of power under her skin, waiting to be released.
So of course she did want any person in her situation would do.
Ask her parents to help her obtain any and all magical tomes they could get their hands on. Hell, they didn't even have to be tomes, just anything that was known to be magical.
Her parents managed to get her what she wanted, though some people made it very difficult to get some items, most of them being museums owners but it wasn't anything enough money couldn't fix.
And promises to take extremely good care, or return them when Sam was finished.
They also, totally unprompted on her part. Got a castle built for her. Only the size of a small mansion yes, but a castle nonetheless.
She thinks they heard talking about having one to herself, but nevertheless it paid off.
By year two she managed to completely go through most of what her parents got for her, then sent back what she was done with to those who wanted it back, if it were pages that still had lingering or outright heavy, amounts of magic still on them she kinda just, used her magic to duplicate them and sent the duplicate back to the museums.
Not that they would really know, now would they? Besides, they wouldn't be able to use said knowledge anyways.
Plus it would also be pretty dangerous if someone else with magical know how got their hands on them.
Now, she isn't pointing fingers but. You know. Freakshow, for example.
Those pages of magical knowledge are ones that she kept in book, with a durability spell and preservation of each and everyone of them, along with protections on the book itself to keep them safe.
Said book is also enchanted to never run out of space for new pages, and if not for any new page, then paper for spells she would right down.
It was near the end of year 2, when she was exploring an old ruin that she got full rights and ownership of. Funnily enough, said old ruin was right beneath her castle, so no one was really going to bother her about it, especially no one outside of Amity.
Amity Park keeps to itself, and anyone outside who wants to look deeper into it is not welcomed.
It was when she was exploring said ruin that she found something... otherworldly.
No it was nothing tied to the Ghost Zone.
At first, she thought it was. But reading through whatever ancient writing was left behind and comparing both ectoplasm and this mysterious pool of substance.
She could say with full confidence that this, liquid, was truly something otherworldly.
So of course she carefully experimented with said substance. It surprised her greatly when she finds out this thing is basically a revive and health potion in one, not like ectoplasm where it gave life to inanimate objects.
Even then that would need them being infused with a heavy amount of the stuff.
Like the Fenton's coo-
Regardless, it was a surprise, but at least it was a pleasant one.
It was when she was down in the ruin, having fixed it up considerably with magic and moved her magical artifacts, knowledge and research equipment down there that another surprise happened in year three.
A few months into the new year, when Sam was minding her business, studying some more ancient tomes and items her parents acquired, that some boy, who looked at least a year older than her. Crawled himself out of her pit.
Safe to say, she wasn't pleased.
But oh was she ever so curious.
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redrage71890 · 5 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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gejo333 · 1 year
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El Destino- Chapter One
Miguel x fem! Spider! Reader fanfic
It’s finally here! Chapter one of El Destino! I know I promised it yesterday, but I wasn’t 100% loving it yet. But after rewriting some things and editing it I decided it was ready to be seen!!!
In the photo, I wanted to give the color scheme of the spider outfit.
My Spanish is no where near perfect so I had to rely a bit on Spanish Dict. (waaay better than google translate.) I also apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed.
WC: 2.3k
Nueva York- Earth 3030
The chatter of people and the noise of the coffee machine blurred from the 24-year-old woman as she stared aimlessly at her computer screen. Her gaze kept moving from her work to her phone every time she heard it make a buzz. Rolling her eyes, she turned it on silent and flipped it over, determined to focus on her work and not on some guy she barely knew.
You slumped back against your chair, gaze now, staring at the popcorn ceiling. No amount of coffee would make your mind focus on the tasks that had an impending deadline. Suddenly, a figure approached you and placed a coffee on the table.
“Here.” Your gaze moved toward the woman standing in front of you.
“Aw, thanks, Michelle, that’s sweet of you. The next drink is on me.”
“Y/n, if we go out for drinks. I’m paying. How else can I impress my future sister-in-law.” Michelle chuckled as she waited for you to gather your things. You then walked out of the cafe and onto the humid streets of Nueva York.
“Girl, you’re my best friend. You don’t have to impress me. Though I think you and my brother are a cute couple, I’ll never understand what you see in him. He’s such a dork. You better not remove your last name once you tie the knot.” You grab your sunglasses and put them on. The summer sun of Nueva York was always brutal.
“I’ll still be Officer Moreno. But L/N is such a nice name too! I’m still going to take it.” Michelle smiles down at you. She was a tall woman. Almost 5 inches taller than you. You thought you were tall at 5’ 8’.” But her brother didn’t mind since he was 6’ 6.” You both entered the main building of Alchemex, where your brother worked.
You made it to his office after passing through the front desk and the annoying security checks. Right before walking in, you both jump in fright from a small explosion in the room.
You rush inside the office to see the man in question laughing as he wipes away the black smoke from his goggles. You let out a long breath, relief that he was alright. Michelle rushed to her fiance’s side.
“I’m fine. Just a little misstep in my experiment.” Liam cupped her cheek, grazing his thumb softly against her skin to ease her worries. Michelle pinched his cheek hard before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“You had me and your sister worried. Be more careful next time!”
“I’ll try my best. But being an Alchemex scientist means taking those risks! Breaking the barrier of our knowledge of the universe!”
“Dork.” You rolled your eyes at your annoying brother, which earned a chuckle from Michelle.
“Hey! At least I’m contributing something to society. All you do is write.” Liam whined as he began to clean up his mess.
“I’m a journalist! I work for the Nueva York Times! I should report your ass and your stupid projects. But I’m a nice sister.” You scoffed, offended by his comment.
“If you say anything to the public, my job will be on the line!” Liam grew more upset than annoyed as Michelle got between the L/N siblings to stop bickering. You rolled your eyes.
“You know one thing you lack in the intellect department, Liam? It’s Sarcasm.” You stopped laughing, knowing you had pulled one of his triggers.
Thankfully Michelle was there to calm him down. Unbeknownst to anyone in the room, a small spider squeezed through a crack in the ceiling. Its gaze went in multiple directions, looking for its victim. It took less than a second for its gaze to lock down on you as it descended. The silver and light blue spider glistened against the ceiling lights, sparkling like a diamond. It landed on your shoulder before it made its way to its destination.
“Well, I was going to tell you both over dinner tonight. It seems now is better.” Michelle spoke up, which brought the L/n sibling’s full attention.
“What is it, Mich?” Asked Liam.
“I’m going to be Captain!” Michelle smiled as she jumped in excitement.
“Oh my god! That’s amazing, Michelle!” You said, excited for your best friend.
“I’m so proud of you, Mich!” Liam brings her into a large hug.
“’ I’m finally going to bring change to the Nueva York police force!”
“Well, I’m done here! Let’s celebrate!” said Liam as he finished cleaning his mess.
After enjoying dinner with your brother and best friend, you separate ways with them, letting the couple celebrate the rest of the night alone. A sigh of disappointment left you as you reached the steps to your apartment, not wanting the night to end.
You scoffed as your keys slipped and fell to the ground. As you leaned down to pick them up, a scream left your lips when you noticed a spider on your hand. You flicked it off, but not before being bit by the nasty creature.
You rushed into your apartment, no longer wanting to gain the public’s attention with your small outburst. You rushed to the kitchen sink to clean the wound. It stung slightly when you touched it, so you quickly rubbed antibiotic cream, not wanting to get an infection. After the chaos, you turn on the TV as background noise as you get ready for bed.
The news was always playing in your apartment, not just because you were a journalist but because it was safe to know what was happening in the city. You will forever love Nueva York, but it wasn’t the safest city. Always a new story about a villain wreaking havoc and how the police force could barely keep the city safe. Thankfully, Michelle would hopefully change that as she moves up the ranks in the police force. You settle into bed, turning off your lights as you fall asleep to the sound of the news.
“Y/n! Why are you asleep! I need this draft by 5!” Your body jolts up from your desk, scared by the sudden intrusion. You fumble with the papers on your desk before passing one to your editor.
“Here. I have it done already.” The older man standing before you eyes narrow slightly before snatching the paper from you.
“You’re lucky that you’re so good at your job, y/n. If you weren't, I would have fired you for sleeping at work!”
“It won’t happen again, sir. I promise.” You heard a scoff come from him before he slammed your office door.
A loud sigh escapes from your lips, slumping back into your chair. You didn’t understand why, but you slept horribly last night. All night the entire room either felt scorching hot or ice cold. Not to mention how your figure looked in the mirror. You have always been in top shape, maintaining a mostly healthy diet and going on runs every other day. But you looked slightly tighter in your ass and thighs. Not to mention how amazing your hair looked after waking up. Usually, it looks like crap, and it takes you half an hour or more to make it look perfect.
However, those differences in your body were not the weirdest thing that happened this morning. Every other minute your hand would be stuck to a surface or an object. You wouldn’t think twice about how you stuck to your ceiling before coming into work late, which your boss was also on your ass about earlier.
Maybe your tired mind was playing tricks on you. But logic seemed to have flown out the window as your mind kept coming up with reasons to say this WAS happening to you. You kept picking up your phone, about to call your brother, but you immediately hung up every time you pressed the call button. What would happen if you told your brother? Alchemex would definitely find out. They would want to run all kinds of tests on you. The thought brought chills down your spine. You also thought about calling Michelle. But thought against it. Even though she was your best friend, you felt she wouldn’t understand.
It was only 1 in the afternoon, but you felt like the day had already ended. Since all your important deadlines are done, you’ll leave early to run errands.
A long groan escapes you, finally done with your last errand, as you walk out of the grocery store, walking back home. As you walked back, the hairs on your neck stood up as if someone had been watching you since you left work. However, every time you check your surroundings, no one was there. Obviously, your lack of sleep has made you delusional.
You decide to turn down an alleyway as a shortcut to your apartment. You thought it would be fine since it was still light out. How wrong you were.
“Give me your wallet.” A voice said from behind you. You felt something pointing into your back.
“Dude, I’m really having a shitty day today. I don’t need you making it worse.”
“I don’t care if your day was amazing or bad. Just give me your wallet, lady!” The man grew annoyed as the thing pointing in your back dug deeper into your spine. You took a chance and turned around.
“Do you really think I will give up my wallet when you don’t even have a gun?”
“Hey! This is a gun! And I’ll use it if you don’t give me your money!” The man said as he pointed whatever object from his jacket.
“Bye now.” You wave them off before continuing on your way.
“Hey!” He goes to grab you, but you quickly turn around, and now he was stuck to the wall?
He tries to move but is trapped in a white sticky substance. You were just as confused as the man. However, it was your chance to escape.
As soon as you turned around, you collided against something hard before falling on your ass to the ground. Looking up, you see a large man in a red and blue suit that completely covers him from head to toe.
This day was getting too weird as you slowly rose to your feet. Before the man could speak, you began to run. However, you didn’t get far as you felt something wrap around you, pulling you straight back to the intimidating figure. Looking down, you see a red rope substance around your waist. You ripped it off, about to run again, when he pulled you back in again.
“Would you let me go!” You yell out in annoyance.
“I told you, you shouldn’t have snuck up on her.” A small digital figure appears next to the man. It appeared to be a woman dressed in a fur coat with heart-shaped glasses hanging off the edge of her nose as she chuckled. The man groaned in frustration.
“How else could I have done it?”
“Umm, hello? Can you tell me what’s going on? Or, more importantly, who the hell are you?”
“My name is Miguel O’Hara. I’m from another dimension. I lead an elite force dedicated to the security of the multiverse… Why are you ignoring me?!”
A grin comes to your lips as you laugh. “Where are the cameras? I must be on some kind of prank show.”
“What? This is not a prank show. I’m from another universe. In my universe, I am Spiderman. In your universe, you are Spiderman. Or, well, Spider Woman.”
“Dios mio! Were you bitten by a spider?” The man before you grew more annoyed, which made you chuckle.
“I was. Last night.”
“That was a radioactive spider genetically mutated in your universe’s Alchemex.”
“How did you..”
“It’s a canon event in every spider-person story. Obviously, yours just started.”
“What’s a canon event?”
“You know what. This will explain everything. Lyla, do the thing.” The small woman appeared next to the man again.
“Huh? What thing?”
“W-What do you mean, ‘What thing? The information explaining thing!” He looks at the small woman as if she should know what he was talking about.
You held your hand to your mouth, trying to hide your laughter. Your entire surrounding turned dark as a series of webs with images appeared.
“What is this?” You gazed at your surroundings, amazed by the sight.
“This is the arachnoid humanoid holy verse.”
“Catchy name.” You chuckle.
“Yeah, ok, it’s a stupid name. But it’s factually accurate. Going back to your question about a canon event. It’s a moment in every spider person’s life, every time. Some are good, some bad, some very bad. However, you don’t need to think about any of that yet. You’re just starting out.” The surroundings changed back just as soon as you were getting curious about what he was saying.
“So, why are you here then?” You ask, curious about the figure before you. You looked him over again. He was in the shape of his life; if only you could see what he was hiding behind that mask.
“I wasn’t planning on coming here. But you popped up on my scanner, so I checked it out. But I came too early. You barely have uncovered your powers yet.” He says as he fiddles with the futuristic watch on his wrist. A large orange portal splits open in thin air. The man turns around and walks into it, disappearing.
“W-wait!” You rushed over to stop him, but you were sucked into the portal before you could stop. The entire thing came all at once, which made your head dizzy. As quick as you entered, you stumbled out onto the floor.
“Ow.” You rubbed your head before standing up. You finally register your surroundings. It was spectacular.
Floors were going in all directions with a person or thing in a red and blue suit walking by as they gave you strange looks as if you had a third eye.
“Where am I?”
A woman in a red and black suit with yellow goggles approaches you.
“You must be new. My name is Jessica Drew. And you?” She smiled.
“Y/n L/n?”
“Well, Y/n, welcome to spider society.”
El Destino= Fate
Dios mio= oh my god
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Chapter two should be out in a day or two! In between there will be one shot posts! If you have any one-shot recommendations, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments or dm.
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eventyrlys · 10 days
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It's been a really rough and really long day. She started it off at Oscorp - doing some tests and research for yet another couple. To make them happy and help them achieve their dreams. Her dreams. Because even with all the money, knowledge and resources in the world... they haven't succeeded in doing it themselves and honestly.. it just got quite disheartening sometimes.
After Oscorp, she went on to the hospital to tell he happy couple the good news and went on to the next patient to start helping them. It used to be fulfilling work. Freya's specialized in fertility and helping people who struggle finally achieve their dreams? Yeah it absolutely used to make her happy too. But now, after trying for two years already with no results, after having WAITED trying for another two years because they weren't sure they'd be able to have a healthy baby with Harry's genetics into the mix.. That happiness had turned into envy. Not that she'd ever show it to anyone but her husband - or that she'd ever even mention it to anyone else.
And it wasn't bad every day. Some days she was doing rather alright about it. Today wasn't that kind of day. It was rough, long and exhausting.
So.. when she got home from work today - instead of taking a quick shower or heading into the kitchen to prepare dinner as she always liked to do to keep her mind off of things.. she heads over to the couch - where her husband is working on something on his laptop. Something she didn't know the importance of - but quickly decided it wasn't important enough as she takes the laptop and sets it on the coffee table, lying down on the couch, on her side, with her head in his lap instead, a pout on her lips. She doesn't say anything. Doesn't greet him. For a moment? All she needs and wants is to be near him, breathe him in and be comforted.
There's more time for conversation later. Not now.
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leggerefiore · 2 months
To answer your Grimsley question:
YES. Go crazy about him being a vampire again.
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since I'm so fixated on his appearance rapidly changing in two years... here...
cw: vampire Grimsley, mentions of blood, blood drinking, sm/usum Grimsley
pairing: Grimsley/Reader
Alola had been an unexpected location for the gambler to choose. Sure, he was the type to indulge himself in luxuries when he actually had the cash to, but sunlight was not exactly his most favourite thing. Apparently, however, there was a sunscreen that seemed to temporarily stop his affliction… Enough to even see him out surfing in the waves that surrounded the scenic islands.
Though, a few people had fretted over him doing such a thing. His pale skin and seemingly frail body drew many locals and other tourists distress. It was worse when they recognised him. The image of the Unovan Elite Four member was popular enough, but seeing him worse for wear after retiring drew much concern. The stress of losing so much money gambling was thought to be the reason. It made sense, after all. Something so high stress would turn anyone's hair grey and make them become wearied.
Then the knowledge of his family's issues… Well, that was part of it. Their ruin was a facade of sorts for them to shift around again. It was an issue when they went recognised for so long. Grimsley had even been scolded for daring to put himself so out there. He remained apathetic. Thrills were simply too addicting to him to call a stop to any of his actions.
You watched him tread into the hotel room wordlessly. His attire was certainly a shift from the suits that you were more than used to seeing him wear. The proper rich son attire had been abandoned for something still on the elegant end. White fabric dotted with black patterns danced against his pale skin. He fluttered down onto the bed and fanned himself.
You sat down near him. “… You really shouldn't be out in the sun for that long,” it almost felt too easy to scold him. His icy eyes gazed up at you. His apathy was more than apparent. Your hand came to comb through his greys. People asked if he had let himself go from the stress or been afflicted with something that suddenly caused such a shift in his appearance. “Are you hungry?”
That caught his attention. His hand reached up to grab the one you had tangled into his hair. It was brought near his mouth, where his cool breath chilled the skin. Goosebumps rose almost instantly. His hands were nearly as frigid. “… Parched,” he corrected teasingly, “Was that an offer?” You sighed and nodded. His teeth soon pierced your flesh as his pupils shrunk onto slits. The pain was only present for a moment before it faded. His teeth were removed to allow for better blood flow into his mouth.
It had not been too surprising when he confessed his true nature to you. Truthfully, it almost felt painfully obvious in retrospect. Every oddity about him was so easily explained by his vampirism. No, what had surprised you more was his retirement from the Elite Four and becoming exclusive with you. Grimsley was more of a playboy than anything and disguised his feedings as nothing more than an eccentric kink. However, having dedicated himself to you, it seemed his intake had lowered immensely. He had insisted on it.
His “ageing,” for lack of a better term, was due to his slower feedings. Apparently, youth was harder to maintain in the diet carefully tethered to how much precious lifeblood you could give to him in a six to eight-week period. Well, he also managed blood through other unscrupulous methods, but only yours was drank directly from the source. He released your wrist and sighed. Blood still dribbled to the top. A bandage would need to be applied.
A handkerchief was taken from who knows where on his personal in the meantime. It was pressed tenderly to the wound. He sat back up, obviously refreshed from the feeding. You could swear the grey section of his hair had become less noticeable, even. A kiss was pressed to your knuckles as his eyes closed.
“There is no blood that I have drunk that has ever satisfied me as much as yours,” he admitted unexpectedly, “… I don't think any thrill has excited me as much your blood tastes when flavoured with endorphins.” You were stunned into silence by his words. His hand still held your own tightly as the pressure was kept. “Man, to think that you could make me take such difficult risks,” Grimsley sighed, “Well… I met with a friend for lunch today. He looked mortified at my appearance.”
“You are a bit dishevelled, Grim,” you shook your head, “Sometimes, I even get startled when I wake up beside you.” He gasped at your words to feign disbelief.
“My heart… You wound me,” the gambler removed the handkerchief to confirm the bleeding had ceased, “Don't you know it's my unfaltering dedication to you that has made me like this?”
“What was that thing you said… Oh, right, “A beautiful loss is still a loss, and an ugly win is still a win,”?” you repeated something he had said during his tenure as an Elite Four member.
“Now… Are you saying I'm a beautiful loss or an ugly win?”
You only gave a chuckle in reply.
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stemwriter · 9 months
Pursuit of Knowledge - Chapter 2
Here's Chapter 2! I'll try to update this every other Saturday. Also, a reminder that I'm on Ao3 under the same username!
Word count: ~6k
Kaeya walked into Angel’s Share, seeing Diluc at the counter, bartending. He remembered that Diluc might have noticed that entity at the temple, and realized that this could be the perfect time to question him about it. He sits on a bar stool, making eye contact with Diluc. 
“What is it this time?” Diluc says, in a slightly annoyed tone.
“You were at the Temple of the Wolf earlier, no? Did you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary? ”
“Other than that… music, I can’t say I have.”
“So you could hear it!” Kaeya almost lunges forward in shock. He wasn’t the only one after all!
“What are you getting at? If you have no concerns other than whether I could hear some music, I’ll be going back to serving customers.” Diluc begins to turn back around to the taps.
“...It’s a long story. A story, however, that I need to tell you. You’re the only other one that could hear that entity , and I’m afraid it might have some cruel intentions. So could you please have Charles take over for a moment while I speak with you?”
“Entity? Is it that serious? I suppose I can get him to come back for a bit, he should understand I have something urgent.”
“Great. Once you have that taken care of, I’ll be waiting outside.” Kaeya gets up and walks towards the door.
After a few minutes, Diluc went outside with Kaeya, and he retold the events of earlier in the day.
“Some sort of entity… that’s possessed multiple people to use as its puppets… And you’re not sure if it has malicious intentions? It killed Amber, granted it did bring her back somehow, and nearly killed you.”
“I said nothing about them not being careless with their actions. They… did do those things, but I’m afraid I still don’t know their intentions. At first I thought they were doing it for their own amusement, but after a while, I noticed that they were refraining from entering fights. It wasn’t that they couldn’t fight; the few times they did get into a fight, they ended up winning with ease. They appeared to simply not want to bring harm to anything. If that’s the case, then why would they be knowingly possessing people?” 
“This is... interesting. It said it was going to be back tomorrow, right? It’s too late to be doing this now, but perhaps early tomorrow morning we can question the others possibly affected by this. If the entity comes back during this we can go straight to questioning it. If not, we can gather information beforehand and be better prepared for when it does come back.”
“Sounds good. Tomorrow morning, we’ll meet up here again and discuss things. If I run into anyone on the way, I’ll ask them myself. Now, I think it’s time for me to relax with a Death After Noon…”
Kaeya woke up early the next morning, immediately got ready, and left his room in search of the others involved. He first checked the library for Lisa since it wasn’t too far out of his way, and asked Lisa about the events of the day before. He then left the headquarters, going to meet Diluc near the tavern. However, he luckily ran into both Noelle and Amber talking to each other not far outside the building. He questioned them for a bit, before letting them get back to what they were doing. 
Neither Amber, Noelle, nor Lisa had noticed anything strange about the traveler, nor did they notice anything strange happen to them. He had asked them what they were doing at the time that entity was there yesterday, and they gave clear, specific, answers. It was obvious that nothing had happened to them at all. This new information didn’t solve anything. It just made Kaeya even more confused. He rushed to the tavern to find Diluc already there, waiting.
“Oh, you’re here. Where do you think we should start to look for the others?”
“Thankfully, we won’t be needing to worry about that. I managed to run into Lisa, Amber, and Noelle on the way here. Now, we should go talk about this somewhere less… out in the open.”
The two go to the third floor of the tavern. The door to the stairwell is locked to the public, so they won’t be disturbed by anyone.
“The only other person that’s involved in this is the Traveler, and I have a feeling that they have a stronger connection to this than the others do. The entity seems to be directly attached to him, so I feel that we… won’t exactly be able to question him without the entity knowing.”
“The situation with the Traveler is definitely interesting. But anyway, that’s good news that you’ve already spoken with them. What did they have to say?”
Kaeya tells Diluc what they told him. None of them had noticed at all. (And now, Amber was slightly upset at him, thinking he was suspicious of the Traveler. Splendid.)
“Really? None of them noticed anything strange at all? I suppose that we might just have to wait for that entity to come back before we get any answers. All we have to do is just wait until it returns, and question it then. If it takes you under its hold again, then I’ll just have to do the questioning myself.”
“Alright, that sounds like a plan. We should try not to resort to violence. The entity may not be malevolent, and the Traveler may be in the same situation I was. Trying to harm the entity while the Traveler is being used as a vessel may just end up unnecessarily harming him while not doing anything to the entity. If worse comes to worse, however, we need to lure them out of their vessel before trying anything.”
“That might make it a little tough… But fine. All we have to do now is wait. I’ll keep working the bar so I’m nearby.”
Kaeya nodded his head, and they went their separate ways.
They were back. Kaeya could feel it. He started to go to the tavern to tell Diluc, when he felt a chill down his spine, and started to feel his muscles relax out of nowhere. Not again. It stopped abruptly, and nothing happened, other than him tripping a bit due to the sudden spasms. Were they trying to take control but couldn’t for some reason? He continued towards the tavern, now walking quicker.
*This character is busy.*
What the hell does that mean?
You found something on the internet for what that meant, but that was for quests, and as far as you knew, quests didn’t lock your ability to use characters like that. You tried to select him again, and it gave you the same message. ‘Weird’, you thought, ‘I should report that later’, and selected Lisa instead.
You pan your camera around, looking at your surroundings. This game’s graphics were really beauti- is that Kaeya and Diluc? Is this why Kaeya’s busy? Why don’t you remember this quest? Is it new? Kaeya’s hangout comes out on the 25th, which was still two days ago, so this couldn’t be that, right? 
Kaeya walks in front of Diluc. “Traveler, could you please follow us? We need to ask you some questions on some things. It's quite urgent.”
“Al...right…” You say to yourself, beginning to follow the two.
You soon realized that they were probably taking you to Dawn Winery, given that if something isn’t in the city, there’s a 99% chance it’s there. But why couldn’t they just put the quest objective there? Why did they make it so you had to follow them all the way there? It felt like it took forever. You debated putting another video essay on, but decided against it, opting for some lo-fi music instead. You went off-course at one point to unlock a statue. You realized that the brothers were helping you fight the Eye of the Storm, so you stopped fighting for a second to level up Kaeya a bit, hoping it would affect his damage despite him not being in your party. It did, thankfully. This was a nice little thing, having the characters assist you in battle, how come you’d never heard people talk about it before? Sure, you knew of NPC’s helping, but why had no one mentioned the playable characters?
When you finally got there, you noticed Diluc telling Adelinde something, and another maid greeting Kaeya with a “Hello, Master Kaeya. Is there anything I can do for you?”, followed by him shaking his head. They took you to… the basement!? What kinds of questions did they have? 
You went in, now following Kaeya, with Diluc behind you, locking the door with a key. There were various weapons and devices around the room. What. The hell. Wasn’t this game rated for teens? Why would they have a full-ass torture chamber? There was a singular chair in the center of the room. You sat your avatar down in it, curious and terrified of what was about to go down.
Diluc already seemed somewhat angry. He takes a breath in, preparing himself to speak, but Kaeya stops him, beginning to speak himself.
“Alright, let’s try to keep things peaceful here.” He says, looking back at Diluc for a moment before looking around the room, and finally focusing on your avatar. It looked like he glared at the camera for a moment, but it was kind of dark, so you couldn’t really tell.
“You’re not the Traveler, are you?”
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ You think, subconsciously going “Hmm?” in confusion.
Diluc walks up to your avatar, sternly saying, “Don’t bother to act confused. You know what this is all about.”
Kaeya quickly replies, “We can’t be sure they know, Diluc. Don’t do anything rash now.”
“Yeah Diluc!” You shout back. “You can’t be sur- wait hoLY SHIT CAN YOU HEAR ME!?” ...What was going on? Were you hallucinating? This couldn’t be real, right? There’s no way characters from a video game were talking to you right now. That’s impossible. You needed sleep, or water, or something.
“Told you so.” Kaeya tells Diluc.
“I don’t buy your confusion act. You were here for hours yesterday, interacted with several people, went so far as to possess them, and now you’re supposedly shocked that someone knows of your presence? You’d better quit it and start being honest, or face the consequences.” Diluc’s eyes were practically glowing red, and he began to adjust his glove, getting ready for a fight.
You were pretty sure he couldn’t hurt you through the screen, but still, your heart was pounding, and you began to hyperventilate. “Woah, woah, woah! Calm down! I swear I didn’t know what was going on! I still don’t! ” Was this how his victims felt when being interrogated? You were innocent though, you hadn’t done anything, right? What does he mean by any of this? “What the hell is any of this about!?”, you say, panicking.
Kaeya still seems to be trying to calm DIluc down as well. “Diluc-”
“Every single criminal I’ve interrogated. All of them. It’s always, ‘I don’t know!’, or, ‘I’ll never tell you!’. They all say that,” He lights a fire in his hand, and moves even closer to the Traveler. What was he going to do? “but they all seem to change their mind the second a little spark is brou-”
“Diluc!” Kaeya interjects. “It’s very clear here that your little ‘criminal’ has not the slightest clue on what’s happening. And besides, what did we say earlier about harming the Traveler? Would you just help me explain the situation to them?” 
That worked, surprisingly. You were glad the human lie detector trusted you, and Diluc seemed to calm down a bit. He still seemed a bit on-edge, but he wasn’t about to torture your avatar anymore. Now this; this is why Kaeya’s your favorite.
“Now, before I can really explain, I’m going to need to hear some things from you. You are not the Traveler; is that right?” Kaeya says, in an overly clear tone.
You didn’t know where this was heading, but you told the truth. “Yes, that’s correct.”
“And just who are you?”
“My name is [Y/N]. I- Uh, what else do you want to know about me? Am I pretty much just a disembodied voice to you?”
“Well, you have a body here, it’s just not yours… What exactly are you, and how are you using someone as a vessel?”
“Oh! Uh… how do I explain this…? So, I’m using this system that allows me to view another world through the perspective of my current avatar. I can move around the world freely, engage in combat, and directly interact with some things. Key word, some. There are still a lot of things that I can’t do. I control my avatar with a handheld controller. Actions are as simple as pressing a button.” You make the Traveler stand up. “However, a complex movement such as walking or swinging a weapon being controlled by a single input means that it’s going to be pretty… robotic.” You move around a bit, showing the “robotic” movement.
“Another world? You’re not even from Teyvat, then.” Diluc says, after listening to you and Kaeya talk for a bit.
It was safe telling them this, right? The only people you needed to hide being an outworlder from were the Fatui, right? And even then, you would only need to hide your identity, not Aether’s. Oh, right, you should probably tell them that Aether is an outworlder too, but that seems like a conversation for later. “Yep, I’m just a normal human being, peeking in from another world.”
Was Kaeya right? Was this entity- or, was [Y/N] really well-intentioned? They didn’t mention anything about possessing people, just that they used an “avatar”, meaning they were either truly unaware of what they did, or they were completely desensitized to it. Diluc needed to find out which one it was.
“And how do you think your ‘avatars’ feel about you using them?” Weird question, but it should get the job done.
“Well, they’re just avatars, they shouldn’t ‘feel’ anything, it’s not like they’re… con…scious peo…ple- NO. No. Tell me I’m overthinking this. Tell me that you just asked that as some kind of joke and that someone didn’t come tell you that they were puppeteered by some… thing .” They began to speak faster. “That isn’t how this is supposed to work. Tha- no. Is that what’s happening?!” He wasn’t much of an empath, but he could feel their anxiety from their voice.
Kaeya responds before Diluc can. “You really didn’t know for all that time? I will say, though; as far as I’m aware, none of the others you’re using as… ‘avatars’, as you call them, know about what you’re doing. I assume your ‘system’ is working as intended for them, but as for me…” 
So [Y/N] really didn’t know. They really were clueless. It was no act. Kaeya was right. Diluc should have listened to him earlier when he told him not to get violent, but he didn’t. Sure, he wasn’t actually going to hurt the Traveler, he was just trying to intimidate them, scare them out of their vessel, but now, they sounded on the edge of a panic attack.
“Tell me I’m overthinking this. Tell me that you just asked that as some kind of joke and that someone didn’t come tell you that they were puppeteered by some… thing. ” 
What have you done? No, it’s not over yet, what are you doing? That wasn’t how the character selection thingy canonically worked, right? You thought you were just using the character’s abilities, or having them join the Traveler on their adventure! You would have never thought that you, the player, you, puppeteered them around the world, which is bad enough, but not only that, they were still conscious while you were doing it, trapped in their own bodies! 
“You really didn’t know for all that time? I will say, though; as far as I’m aware, none of the others you’re using as… ‘avatars’, as you call them, know about what you’re doing. That being said, I haven’t been able to ask the Traveler… I assume your system is working as intended for them, but as for me…” 
…So it was just Kaeya who was affected by this? That was a bit of a relief. It definitely still wasn’t good, but the less affected, the better. …Wait, Kaeya? Wasn’t he the one that got hit with that arrow? Was that why it did so much damage? Did you almost kill him?
“Hey, so yesterday… the watchtower…”
Kaeya put his hand to his throat. That was where the arrow hit him? How did you not notice anything was wrong? That would have bled a lot, right? Then why didn’t you see anything?
“...I’m so sorry. I… I can’t imagine how you felt, that must have been horrible. Look, I swear on my life I didn’t know. I don’t know how I didn’t see anything wrong, but… I’m sorry. For all of this. The whole time, I was thinking that something completely different was happening. I sincerely apologize for any harm I’ve caused. I hope I can make it up to you somehow. I’m asking for forgiveness, but if you can’t forgive me, I don’t blame you at all.”
Again, Kaeya responds. “What exactly do you mean by ‘something completely different’?”
“It has- it has to do with some of the technology our world has.” Your voice was still a little shaky, but you were calming down. For the explanation, you were going to use one of Kaeya’s tactics against him. Half-truths. 
“We have devices here that can do a great number of things. One of those things is viewing the stories of other worlds via a program, like an extremely interactive storybook.” Computers didn’t really exist there yet, and “program” had other meanings, so you hoped they didn’t see through it.
 “People can decide on whether they can just read the story, or truly immerse themselves in the world by using this technology. Every world’s ‘stories’ are unique in how they act. The appeal of Teyvat is its elemental combat system. In the program, the user can create a team of up to 4 characters to use in exploration and combat. Now, here’s the thing. The programs are only made for viewing. The user can interact with the program version of the world, but the real world remains unchanged. I think something went horribly wrong with my system here.”
None of this was objectively wrong so far. For all you knew, you were actually right. If the Multiverse theory is true, there was a real Teyvat out there somewhere, but the question is, is this it?  
You continued. “The program is never supposed to interfere with the real world. But for some reason, mine did. Like I said earlier, some prefer to only read the story, which is what I did for months. But only recently did I decide to immerse myself. I know a lot about Teyvat, but I wasn’t aware of what the program was supposed to look like. Come to think of it, I noticed some weird things yesterday, but never in a million years would I have guessed that this is what was happening. …I know that’s a lot, if you have questions, let me know.”
Both of them just stand there in thought for a moment, before Kaeya speaks up. “So, you’re using technology from your world that allows you to view other worlds, but for some reason you aren’t simply viewing the world now. Is that right?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“And you say you were aware of this world previous to your arrival here… Tell me, just how much do you know about Teyvat?”
“Oh, that actually reminds me of another thing! See, the program’s story goes up to the fourth nation of the Traveler’s journey, Sumeru, with the fifth, Fontaine, being released in a couple of weeks. But here, the Traveler is still in the first nation. I guess that means I can kind of see the future? But that’s only if nothing major changes, now that I’m involved in this.” 
That was a superpower. You could use this to your advantage, but only a couple of times before the plot becomes completely different from what you remember happening.
“Oh? Really? You can see the future? How does this whole ‘Stormterror’ crisis end, then?” Kaeya inquires. Was he testing you? Or was he genuinely curious?
“Okay, before I tell you that, I want you to know that this is a powerful ability I have, and straying from what I’ve seen happen will cause me to lose that ability. I’m sure we’ll have to do that at some point, but we need to pick a good point to do so. I can already say that anything here in Mondstadt around now does not need to be changed. There are bad things that will happen, but trying to stop them from happening will throw my power of insight away, which I really don’t want to do this early on.”
Diluc responds. “I agree. A power like that could be used for stopping something very major. Stormterror may seem ‘very major’ as of now, but I think we’ve got it under control.” He looks at your avatar.
“Fair enough. I won’t be trying to change the outcome. Not this time, at least. Now, how does this crisis end?” Kaeya asks again. You didn’t entirely believe him about not trying to change the outcome, but you proceeded.
“I have a feeling we’ve already changed things a bit, but it shouldn’t be too bad. To sum up, the Traveler teams up with Diluc, Jean, and a bard named Venti to cleanse Dvalin of Abyssal corruption, which is what is making him hostile. I also remember that you find out something pretty important about the Abyss Order.”
“Abyssal corruption? So the Abyss Order is behind this…?” Kaeya says.
“That’s only if what [Y/N] says is true, though. They could simply be making all of this up.” Diluc sounded… doubtful in your abilities.
“Hey, I understand if you doubt what I say. This is sudden to all of us. You’re just finding out about me, and I’m just finding out about you. You don’t have to trust me just yet. But, what can I say to help convince you?”
Diluc thought for a moment, before saying, “Your knowledge of this, you get it from some type of story, is that correct?”
“Yeah, that’s right…”
“Read me a few lines from it. Preferably from somewhere I have involvement in.”
Ooh, okay. You were planning to not tell them about things they were in to have a smaller chance of them defying it, but this little bit should be fine.
“Hold on, let me pull something up. Give me a minute…” You pulled up the wiki, went to his story quest, and found a spot to read from. 
“Here, this is a letter. Some parts are in some cipher that never gets translated, but… whatever.”
“‘To the ‘Darknight Hero’:
*mumbling* has endured too long your self-proclaimed …something and hypocrisy. We hereby mmmm you:
We shall …ciphers- march full-on onto Mondstadt's front gate at …words. If you wish to cling to your so-called justice, don't sit idly by …god this thing is full of those things, step up and accept …I hate reading this. Otherwise, Mondstadt's something shall take the fall in your stead.”
Diluc seemed to take note of it, while Kaeya just looked at him in dramatic surprise.
“To the Darknight Hero? Why would you read a letter addressed to this mysterious figure to someone else entirely? It’s not as if either of us have a connection to this Darknight Hero, is it Diluc?”
You rolled your eyes, as if they could see you.
“...I know you know, Kaeya.”
He just smirked. You expected a question on how, but he surprisingly didn’t ask.
You had zero clue whether you should even be telling anyone anything in the first place. Worst-case scenario, the Sustainer notices you, and that… actually could end very badly if this world was really more than a game.
“Alright, I'll keep that in mind for later. We'll see just how accurate your 'insight' is.” Diluc began, “Anyway, I believe we’ve determined that [Y/N] here isn’t a threat. There is no need for us to remain in this room any longer.”
“Agreed, I could really use some fresh air right about now.” Kaeya sounded exhausted all of a sudden. Drama queen. You didn’t know for sure what the room felt like since you weren’t actually there, but it had a very suffocating atmosphere.
You left the winery with the brothers. They were going to adventure with you for a while, since they didn’t have anything else to do, and you all had so many questions for each other. 
Kaeya wanted to know how exactly your system worked, since he had been affected by it.
“I’ll tell you what I know about how it’s supposed to work, but this isn’t really what I know a whole lot about. Like I said earlier, the appeal of this is the elemental combat system. The user can manipulate the seven elements through different characters, and use them to their advantage for things like combat, and puzzles. Since each character has a specific set of skills… I haven’t explained that yet, have I? By the way, I don’t know if you noticed, but there’s only three skills I can use for each character. A basic attack with the main weapon, an Elemental Skill, which usua-”
Kaeya interrupted. “A Normal Attack, an Elemental Skill, and… an Elemental Burst?”
“Yes…” How… did he know that?
“Reminds me of a certain card game I know. I think I’m starting to see how you were viewing this. Not only do you collect elements to use, but you collect ‘characters’ to fulfill different roles in your team?”
“...Yeah, that’s exactly it. What card game are you talking about? Maybe I can compare my system to it.” The only card game you knew of was that Invocation one or whatever, maybe it was that one? 
“I’m surprised you don’t know this, visionary, but it’s Genius Invokation TCG. It’s fairly popular here in Teyvat.
“I’ve heard of it. Alright, let me look that up… Genius Invokation…”
You looked at some footage of gameplay, and glanced over the rules, and it basically seemed like a TCG version of the game you thought you were playing.
“Yep, that’s pretty much spot on. Just, my team can have up to 4 characters instead of 3, there aren’t any dice involved, and it’s not turn based. Really, the only limit I have with this is cooldown times. Like Aether’s skill here,” You ran away a bit and used his skill. “-has a cooldown of 5 seconds.”
Both of them looked confused for a second, and Kaeya asked, “...Aether? Is that the name of this traveler?”
“Didn’t Amber introduce him to you? …Did she just call him “Traveler” or something?”
“All she said was, ‘travelers from afar’, and I believe you heard my thoughts in response to that…”
“Oh, that’s… interesting. But yeah, his name’s Aether.” 
“One more thing,” Kaeya responded. “Are you sure… Aether here, isn’t aware of what’s happening?”
“That’s… a good question.” You answered, nervously. 
Please no. What were you going to do if he was? You hadn’t noticed anything off about him, right? Hold on, you could see his thoughts, since he was the protagonist, right?
“I think I have an answer to it though. I can see his major thoughts, since he’s my main avatar. If he was experiencing anything weird, I would see it. I would know. Also, I should mention, you probably shouldn’t go up to him expecting to talk to me and only me. Like when you first met him, if you were to talk to me, he would probably respond in confusion.”
“So he is aware… but he isn’t?” Kaeya said, Diluc listening in.
“‘He’ basically only exists at certain times. It’s confusing, I know, I don’t know how it works. I can give you a kind of key to tell, though. If you see Paimon, the little fairy thing, with him, then yes, ‘he’ is fully there. If not, it’ll be a little harder to tell. How can you tell them apart… Oh! Look at the movement. See how stiff and robotic it is when I’m in control? When he actually looks like a human person moving around, chances are, that’s him.” 
“Interesting… I’ll keep this in mind for later.” Kaeya looked like he was struggling a bit to get all of this into his head, but you could tell he was trying.
While you were walking around, you came across a Fatui camp. You just wanted to ignore them as they were just doing whatever they were told to by whoever their boss was, but Diluc charged right into “interrogating” them the same way he did you, insisting they must be up to something. They didn’t go down without a fight. Diluc beat them, but it looked like he got hit pretty hard in the fight. You couldn’t see any injuries, though.
It turned out that they really were just resting, but they were serving La Signora. While Diluc was threatening the soldiers, Kaeya slipped in and stole some notes from their camp. The notes had information that was new to the brothers, but not really to you. To be fair, you didn’t know that they actually planned to coerce the Knights to kill Dvalin, but you remembered some lady tried to convince Jean at one point. There was no mention of the plan to draw the Anemo Archon out and steal his Gnosis, but you guessed it was likely because it was classified, and they didn’t want to tell lower-ranking members.
“Fatui… They’ve been causing problems in Mondstadt for ages, and the Knights act as if they’ve done nothing wrong. Why keep a friendly relationship with tyrants? First The Doctor causing trouble, now her? [Y/N], the Fatui don’t have any major involvement in this Stormterror situation, do they?” Diluc said, annoyed.
You could understand him, you didn’t like the Fatui either, but you thought about what they could really be planning with the Gnoses, and wondered if they had a good reason for doing what they were. That doesn’t explain the war crimes of some of the harbingers, though. The things Dottore had done… And it wasn’t just some words on a page anymore, he had actually done those things… Absolutely disgusting. Hey, most people didn’t know about the “segments”, right? That would be fun to tell them, but first, you needed to answer Diluc’s question.
Signora was directly involved, and the whole thing with the Holy Lyre happened, but you couldn’t just tell him that, right?
“...I’m not answering that. I can’t tell you everything, you know. Just… find out for yourself when the time comes. Also, you said Dottore was causing trouble before this, right? Which one?”
You knew which one.
Kaeya chuckled. “Which one? And, what, exactly, is that supposed to mean?”
“I have seen evidence of there being clones of some kind. That would explain the drastic differences in his attitude.” So Diluc kind of knew?
“Yeah, there’s clones.” You said. “But, he calls them ‘segments’, because they’re basically segments of his life. Some segments are older than others, and act differently because of this. This is just me thinking, but that might be why he’s Number 2.”
“Nice to know there’s clones of one of the most despicable people alive.” Kaeya joked. “But may I ask how you know this? Does Aether encounter said ‘segments’ in the future?”
“Well, he doesn’t encounter the segments, and he’s kind of… unconscious at the time, but sometime in Sumeru, he encounters the main guy, the prime build, and he mentions it. I don’t know how many there are, but people have theorized that there’s probably somewhere a little over 10.”
“And these people, they’re the ‘users’ you’ve mentioned? It seems they’ve formed a bit of a community over this, no?” Kaeya asked.
How should you explain the community? Definitely don’t mention the sheer size of it. As far as they need to know, it was pretty small. It wasn’t like there were millions of players or anything, many of which were only there for collecting characters. 
“Yeah, there’s a community. It’s not too big, but there’s people who like doing pretty much anything. I was most interested in the theorizing part, but there’s people who do other things, like make art, or just talk about people they like. Or,” You started jokingly half-whispering, “-don’t tell anyone I said this, but some people spread leaks of what’s yet to come for the program, both story-wise and gamepl- uhh, sorry, system-wise.”
Both of them looked somewhat surprised that there was a community of people who knew so much about Teyvat that they didn’t even know existed.
You kept walking, and realized that you had some level-up papers to spare.
“Hey Kaeya, do you feel like you got any stronger earlier?” You asked, already preparing to use some more on him.
“I do, actually. Something happened during that fight near the statue, and I felt it yesterday as well. That was your doing, wasn’t it?”
You leveled him as far as you could. “By the way, how does that feel?”
“My body fills with energy, and it feels like all my injuries are healed. Not much different than having a good drink. By the way, is there any way you can heal someone you haven’t used as your avatar yet? Because it looks like Diluc here might be in need of that.”
“It’s just a few cuts.” Diluc said, before wiping his cheek with his glove.
“Wait, are you hurt?” You asked, walking up to him. You couldn’t see any cuts or scratches at all, but the way he turned away from you said that yes, he was. Made sense, considering the fight, but you just couldn’t see anything wrong.
He pulled out a napkin from a pocket in his coat, and held it to his face. It didn’t look like it got anything on it.
You turned to Kaeya. “Is he bleeding? I’m serious, I don’t see anything wrong. I don’t know if it’s my system censoring it or something, but…”
He looked at you, concerned. “Your system won’t let you see blood? Now that I think about it, that would explain some things…”
Okay, that was weird. Nice to know you wouldn’t be able to tell if someone was hurt unless their movements showed it.
After a while, you were about to reach Adventure Rank 10, the next requirement for the Archon Quests. You decided it was time to wrap it up, so tomorrow you could hit that Adventure Rank and continue on your journey.
The three of you made your way back to the city of Mondstadt. You said goodbye to them, told them you'd be back tomorrow, and you logged off. Only now did you realize how mentally exhausted you were. Time to open TikTok and forget that you exist!
Behind the caption was a picture of the Traveler holding Kaeya’s hand in the Cathedral plaza, with Venti behind them.
You closed the app, thinking to yourself, ‘I think I should stay away from this kind of stuff now…’
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edgyedgelord · 5 months
I'm supposed to be writing right now but I want to say something that I tell myself. I hope it helps you too.
Art isn't just a hobby. It can be a job. It's not a perfect job, but it's still a job that makes you happy. Not many other career paths can say that. Warning: This is a tangent post made by an anarchist. If you don't want to read a long novel length ramble about why money is a corrupting construct and capitalism is made to break poor people move along.
I've noticed in my 21 years on this planet, nearing the 22 mark as spring approaches, that jobs are often given a value. If you're a doctor you've got a high quality job because you went to school, got a degree, and get paid a lot. But what about nurses? They work in the same place and went to school for a certification, some a degree as well, but they aren't paid as much and are treated poorly. Why? Well because they're not doctors. They can have the same amount of knowledge, sometimes more depending on who the doctor is, but their job is seen as lower just because of the pay and general view of it in the eyes of society.
Most of the people who will tell you all this and which job is the most valuable and what to go for actually don't know much about the inner workings. Go ahead, ask someone who's told you something like this if they've done much research outside of watching a video on social media and reading random posts without checking the validity behind them.
Another things with doctors, nurses, construction workers, all these jobs everyone tells you to get instead of something you'd actually enjoy is they don't face the fact, or rather they choose to just accept the fact and do nothing about it, that those in charge are gonna kick. you. around. until you give up or give in. Those who give up usually didn't even want the job in the first place. Those who give in always dreamed of this job but once they're in it that blind optimistic veil is torn away.
Zom100 is an anime that opens with a guy going into an office job where he works for a company that produces commercials. He's a writer for the scripts and helps with casting and went in expecting to make tons of friends, meet stars, and even falls for the secretary and wishes to confess to her one day. It starts off all bright and colorful since that's how he views the world in his eyes. After going out drinking with his coworkers after their first day of work is done, everything stops. The happy smiles and attitudes of his employees vanish as they return to work and our protagonist is met with the horrible work grind culture he's walked into. Yet, he stays optimistic in the hopes he can stay strong only to finally break after a year of working at the business. He stumbles home from exhaustion to his now trashed apartment full of garbage bags, trash covering the floors, just looking like a dump because he's to exhausted from working and staying at the office days at a time to be able to clean up.
I love the first episode of Zom100, although only the first episode, because it does a FANTASTIC job at giving a message I live by. "Do not settle for treatment that is less than what you deserve." It shows what happens when you go for the give in option of what I mentioned earlier. If your boss is dumping work on you but not anyone else, call them out. If you're being harassed in the workplace and there is a clear bias because of your gender, race, or anything else, call them out. If your pay is far less than the amount you work, call them out. If they refuse to make any changes despite you having concrete evidence because they will lose the money they have to spare, quit and call them out.
The older folk in my life have told me time and time again that "You work for bad people to pay worse people and then die." (Not a direct quote but it summarizes what they say.) These people come from a time where there was an even worse imbalance in power and they had to give in to live due to the many things going on in the world at that time that made living conditions horrible if you weren't already super rich. It isn't like that anymore though.
The economy and people in power is still messed up yes we need to work on that but that isn't what this post is about.
Glitch Studios is an animation studio aiming to give independent animation a place to shine and has been doing so with MASSIVE success. It's thanks to them that indie work is finally getting looked at by bigger studios. Personally, I see this as a sign that art is finally getting a more proper place in the general view of society as a proper career path. Only issue is it's focused on animation.
I'm not an animator, I'm a writer and lover of comics. Would I want some of my stuff adapted into animation? By fans out of love for the works, yes, as an official adaptation for profit? No.
It's not a smart move marketing wise or profit wise but that's the thing. I'm not some old white guy sitting on a throne of gold bars in a big evil company business building, I'm a 20 something at a desk in a dusty apartment room surrounded by goofy posters and plushies. I don't care about money, I care about making things I and others love. I think that's what people have forgotten recently when it comes to working in this world. You can work and work and work and pay rent and be able to buy that new outfit to wear at your family gathering to show off but how long will you be happy from that? Small moments of joy is fine and treating yourself is fine too, but what do you do to make yourself happy while still fulfilling a purpose? Do you feel like you fulfill a purpose? What did you want to do, not need to do.
Working retail is seen as your go to starter job or just what you go to when you need to pay the bills. It's not a shameful thing to do, nor is any job when you just need an income for necessities. But, what if that's what you want to do? You don't want a giant house, you don't want a fancy car, you don't want Gucci clothes, you enjoy the simple job and lifestyle. That's fine. No matter if your parents say you're throwing away your potential, no matter if the world says you need to run a company, no matter what people say it is okay to have simple goals and a simple life.
Minimalism is the practice of only having what you need for what you want to do. This is the video that first got me thinking about it.
It's something I think people need to be taught about more. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't go and sell off everything you own, but maybe at least think "Do I really need a $200 phone from a popular brand that doesn't even come with a charger? Do I need it? What parts of it validate the cost?"
Now here is how this all ties back to my overall message with this tangent.
I want to make indie comics because it makes me happy. It makes my friends who have helped me shaped the stories, characters, and everything else happy. And, overall, I hope it makes others happy too. Not to mention, I can't exactly think about signing up with some popular publishing company because of how loudly of an anarchist I am and how diverse I make my work.
Why I'm making this post is because I want to get you thinking about this too. Are you happy with whatever job you have right now? Are you fairly treated? Is this what you want? Are you brainwashed by societal norms made by the big companies that you need whatever big and fancy phone or computer set up you're reading this on? If you said no to any of this I suggest looking into your own personal rights as a human being and standing up for yourself, think about forming a union if need be. If your issue is with buying expensive things you don't even need feel free to trade them in or sell them and get what you need and can be happy with while having extra money left over.
Remember, you don't need to be make a billion dollars each week to be successful. Happiness is from what you do and what makes you happy, not your bank account amount or how many bedrooms you have in a mansion. Most of all, happiness is what you choose to make it not what some old jerks who think Trump is a sane man say it is.
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