leggerefiore · 1 month
Have you ever done HCs for characters tending to their partner’s wounds? I feel like Ingo would be externally panicking but ultimately know what to do. Emmet would be the reverse, outwardly calm, but hiding the fact that he doesn’t know what to do for your sake.
Colress and Cyrus would be really analytical about it, but I feel like for different reasons.
Grimsley, being the vampire that he is, would like…try to drink your blood or something.
I did the reverse (caring for their injuries), but this is also cute....
cw: light injuries, blood mentions, uhh a little angsty with some comfort
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus, Colress, Grimsley
An afternoon walk with your boyfriend was supposed to be relaxing and casual. It was a sort of catch-up after he had recently been busy with work. The two of you walked side by side on city streets, mumbling in conversation. Whatever had been spoken was not of utmost importance, but the feeling of being out with him was always nice. Everything had been going well. The sun was out, the streets were not overly busy, and the temperature was pleasant. Yet, all that had been interrupted by a single loud pokemon cry.
A young child called out after it. It ducked and weaved through pedestrians on the sidewalk before changing right into you. The surprise of hitting something solid made the nervous thing raise a claw and scratch you. Your boyfriend quickly was reaching for his own pokeballs to settle the situation in case it grew desperate, yet the small child finally caught up and returned the pokemon to its ball before any further harm could befall you. They sheepishly apologised, regretful that they had been unable to control it. You reassured them it was alright before finally parting ways with the child to sit down at a bench nearby.
Your boyfriend's face grew pale, and his expression distressed at the sight of your arm, which had been the target of the pokemon's attack. A straight line bubbled up with a familiar red liquid. Your hand quickly moved to stop the bleeding, but your boyfriend seemed to move faster…
● The Subway Boss was trained in first aid. He knew that knowing both CPR and first aid could benefit his duties should any emergency situations arise on the trains, yet his trained calmness was out the window when it came to you. His anxiety was already up from what had just happened, and now this was unfolding before him. His handkerchief was fished out of his pocket and immediately pressed to your arm, applying pressure to the bleeding area. All the information and techniques he had memorised flew out of his mind when he saw you yet apparently his body remembered.
● His normally stoic face shifted with worrying and panic as his eyes remained big and focused on the fabric, which quickly was beginning to stain with blood. Admittedly, the wound was not anything overly serious. It was not longer than a few inches, nor was it deep, yet he felt as if somehow it would claim your life. His hands followed procedure despite how messy his mind appeared to be. You could see him carefully lead you through the streets of Nimbasa, ordering you essentially not to come “uncoupled” from him. His grip on your arm certainly provided good pressure until you both were in your shared home.
● Ingo sat you on the toilet as he quickly collected everything he needed to tend to the wound. The bleeding had thankfully stopped, yet he seemed on high alert still as he cleaned the skin carefully with water and then an antiseptic spray. A bandage was carefully applied over the wound. It was at that point afterwards his arms wrapped around you tightly. “Oh, I'm deeply sorry, dearest,” he apologised. His body shook. “I should have acted faster!” You reached an arm to hug him and pat his back. Reassurances came from you that it was no one's fault. The wound was properly tended to, and there was no more risk for anything to happen. A sniffle came from him as he finally freed you. His eyes were red, but the emotion was forced down. Another apology attempted to leave him for how he was acting. You kissed his lips to silence him.
○ His expression was eerily calm as his hand held your arm tightly. Blood continued to ooze from the wound. His jacket that he had been wearing was slipped off and pressed to the wound. While his face might have reflected both focus and a level of confidence. Inside, however, Emmet was screaming louder than his brother ever could during even the busiest hours at the station. He had barely been able to do anything about a pokemon suddenly attacking you, and now you were bleeding. Granted, it did not seem serious, but everything was collecting together and making his heart race. Ingo had made them take first aid and CPR classes, but Emmet apparently nearly forgot everything when it came to you.
○ You whined when he suddenly began to pull you away from the busy street. No words had been spoken. Emmet was dead silent as he navigated the streets of Nimbasa with an ease provided by his years dealing with questions about locations in the city. His jacket was growing stained with your blood, yet he was completely apathetic. The Subway Boss even pushed through people without a single “excuse me.” No one dared say anything after catching a glimpse of his expression, however. His grip was deathly tight as he led you into your shared home and right to the bathroom.
○ You sat on the toilet as the jacket was carefully removed to check the status of the injury. Upon seeing that the blood had stopped, he pulled away the jacket and wet a cotton pad to clean your arm and the wound. An antiseptic was applied, followed soon by a bandage. For a moment, he knelt at your side completely frozen. Then, Emmet suddenly sprung up and pulled you into his chest. His hold was ironclad around you. “Darling,” he whined, voice warbling, “I am verrrry sorry! It is my fault! I failed to anything…” You sighed. His facade had dropped entirely. Soft hiccups came from him as you began to rub his back. This cuddle session would last a while.
☄️ The blue-haired man's expression was almost unreadable as he held your wrist and simply stared at the bleeding wound on your arm. His thoughts scrambled to process everything. He had thought to deny your request for a walk before, unfortunately, relenting. You had seemed desperate for some kind of date, and Cyrus wished not to deny you and make the situation worse. Yet, this had happened! Your voice calling his name broke his mind from its trance. Right. You were bleeding. A handkerchief came from his pocket as he used it to apply pressure to the wound. The urge to shudder was forced down. Blood… blood was not a pleasant thing for him, but he knew you did not have anything that should concern him.
☄️ The public setting grew to make him more frantic. Too many people kept speaking and walking around you both as he held your arm up above your chest. Eventually, Cyrus asked for you to follow him. The streets of Veilstone were easy to follow as he quickly led you back to the apartment. His mind was all over the place still as he brought you inside and froze for a moment. A few frantic breaths left him before you softly pulled yourself away from him to head to the bathroom. He followed behind you wordlessly.
☄️ Before you could check the bleeding yourself, Cyrus moved to do it. Upon seeing that it had slowed immensely, items were retrieved from a nearby cabinet. His hands shook as he brought a wet cotton pad to wipe away the blood around the wound and once again while applying an antiseptic and a bandage. A sharp breath left him after he had finished. The room's air was tense. You thanked him for helping you, but he only reached to grasp your hand. His lips were pursed, and his eyes could not meet yours. A red tint seemed to flood his face. “… Beloved,” his voice wavered, “… I apologise. I should have declined your offer as it led to this situation–” You grasped his hand back and brought your free one to hold his chin. Upon hearing that his Weavile had once done worse damage to you, he felt mortified yet silenced. He supposed there was no one to blame in the end.
🧪 There was no panic, nor worry even, on his face. The scientist might not be a medical doctor, but he does have some formal training in that area. Granted, it is for pokemon, but he doubts that matters too much. He knew what to do, of course. Lab accidents and first aid do go hand in hand. He pulled out a handkerchief from his lab coat's pocket and pressed it against your bleeding arm. Your arm was then raised above your heart by Colress. He almost forgets that you two are in public as he contemplated how the connection between that kid and their pokemon was. You had to call his name a few times to break that focus.
🧪 Upon realising that he probably should further tend to your wound, he asked you to keep pressure on your arm while leading you back to the hotel you were staying at in Alola. He began to tap away at his keyboard. You could only wonder what it was while you followed him through Heahea towards the hotel. He hummed to himself as he noted various things, from how the pokemon had reacted to the type of slash on your arm and the severity of it. He almost failed to notice that you both had made it to your floor and room. Finally stopping, he opened the door to the bathroom.
🧪 Once inside, Colress checked on your bleeding and discovered it had slowed to a manageable amount. He took a wet cotton pad to wipe away any remaining blood and possible debris from the sight before applying an antiseptic dutifully. Watching him go was like seeing an automaton move, but it all came to an end with the bandage being placed over the wound. The blond sighed and readjusted his glasses. “Are you alright? Any chills or pains?” he asked, almost sounding like a doctor. He took your replies seriously before nodding. “… I'm glad that you are okay,” it was genuine coming from him, as was the small smile on his lips, “I don't think those two have any potential with their bonds. How unfortunate.” … And it was gone. The ways of Colress were often like that. You sighed. A soft kiss was then pressed to your bandage. “Our bond surely will accelerate your body's healing process,” he commented. At least he stopped madly ranting about Z-Crystals, you supposed.
♤ His expression was unreadable, but when was it not? Grimsley gazed at your wound, oozing out your precious lifeblood by the moment. It was before his eyes, and temptation called him… Is what he would be thinking if he were not more worried about where that pokemon's claws had been. He sighed as he pulled out his handkerchief from his suit's pocket. It was pressed against the wound. As fun as free blood could be, your health did take priority. He also felt frustrated that luck had called out this result. If the pokemon had just leaned more to the right, it would have run into him instead. His luck must have beat your own… How unfortunate.
♡ Grimsley held your arm up above your head while asking you to follow him back home. The slash, in truth, did not seem all too worse than the ones his Liepard usually gave him. Of course, any injury was still a risk to your health. The gambler actually liked you, so he did not intend to let anything bad happen to you. Which was another reason that he was frustrated. He forced his feelings down. You did not really need that right now, after all. He grumbled as you both navigated through Black City. Trainers and passers-by seem to move out of the way unconsciously for the Elite Four member. He supposed it was convenient enough.
◇ When you both entered his apartment, he sat you down in the bathroom as he quickly gathered a few things. The wound was wiped down before being bandaged. He sighed at the wasted opportunity but figured it was for the best. “Unlucky, isn't it?” he shook his head while bringing a finger to trace the covering on your arm. You nodded in reply while also voicing an agreement. “At least I've gotten better at wound care,” Grimsley cupped your cheek and leaned in close, “… Too bad that one was too much of a gamble. Maybe I'm getting too soft for my favourite thrill.” He pecked a teasing kiss to your cheek. You could only wonder what he meant by that.
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written-with-blue-ink · 3 months
Pokemon Characters and Date Ideas
Basically: what dates would these Pokemon characters do with you? Characters: N Harmonia, Leon, Grimsley, Rika & Prof. Augustine Sycamore
N Harmonia
Was honestly showing affection and did private, one-on-one hangouts together even before you two started dating
It was around this time he got more affectionate in your friendship. Resting his head on top of your hair, deep eye contact (which he was often really bad at), and braiding/playing with your hair or vice versa. 
It wasn’t until you “officially” ask him out and he cocks his head to the side like a confused puppy and goes “I thought we already were?”
Confusion ensues.
As for dates, N is a really quiet and private guy. He doesn’t like being out in public or in overstimulating environments.
Most of the time dates are hikes, picnics, exploring, all that the fun outdoorsy stuff where he gets to shine in his element. 
Occasionally y’all go to Nimbasa City and go on the Ferris Wheel or play at the arcade in the Amusement Park which you both find enjoyable. 
But his favorites are on late nights when neither of you can sleep. 
You two will just go to Dragonspiral Tower and stargaze at the top of the ruins or watch the local wild pokemon do their thing. 
It’s quiet, it’s fun, and he’s with you. What else could he ask for?
Dense boy, you probably had to beat him over the head with a book to get his brain to understand (mostly bc he keeps accidentally friend-zoning himself)
Has never really dated before? 
Like, Rose set him up on dates because it's good publicity but he probably hasn’t gone on a real date.
He has money, all these brand partnerships and stuff. He tries to do really classy stuff when y’all first start dating but it leads to him being clearly uncomfortable and you getting fed up and explaining you like him for him and to do fun stuff together.
Mostly home dates from that point on or outings that don’t feel like “dates”. 
Game nights where you two play video games are super fun. Some days are challenge days where you see who can do the best run on a Roguelike or who can win the most rounds of a battle royale type game
Some days are cozy co-op games where you solve puzzles and create things…
Y’all’s favorite thing to do together though is just walk and get lost. Esp with Leon’s terrible sense of direction, you two find weird hole-in-the-wall places that are so much fun.
The best one you found was a great hole-in-the-wall traditional kantonian ramen bar that was on the edge of going out of business. However, due to you and Leon talking about it so much with friends and posting about it online, you saved the shop from going out of business.
Your first date with Grimsley wasn’t really what you were expecting in all honesty
He took you out for lunch at his favorite Kalosian cafe then took you to a bookstore and had you both pick out different books for each other, then went to his house and read while old records played in the background
Of course, the book he picked out for you was one of Shauntal’s (because gotta support your friends/little sister figure)
It was so different from what you were expecting but so sweet at the same time. 
Most common dates are drinks at bars after long days or flower viewings knowing you would like them
He also takes you to his favorite spots whenever he visits Alola with you.
But the most fun dates are when the two of you go to Castelia or Nimbasa to the casinos
You both are given the same amount of money and the challenge is who makes the most in time for your dinner reservation
Whenever the two of you see each other during these you have a habit of teasing the other about who’s in the lead. 
In the end, the winner pays for dinner (much to the chagrin of the other)
She’s the one who asked you and was super casual and blunt about it
Picks you up after work and takes you to the store where the two of you talk about what to make for dinner.
The two of you go back to her place and begin cooking together, smiling and chatting the whole time as the two of you get distracted by cutting veggies and being in each other’s company.
From then on dates were mostly cutesy, one-on-one time for the two of you.
Crafts while watching movies are the most common, sewing, embroidery, sketching, it's just fun and relaxing
Ceramics classes too, wet clay on your hands and you rub it on her face. Only for her to cock her brow and smirk as she cups her face with her filthy hands and kisses your nose.
Her favorite dates are the ones when you get to help her at the Academy. Running after-school activities or working in the library
It combines her admiration of her students and her love of you… her two favorite things
Prof. Augustine Sycamore
Honestly over the moon when you accepted to go on a date with him
The man is in his late 30s/early 40s and his last relationship kinda fell apart really badly 
*cough cough Lysandre cough*
So he was out of the dating scene for a while and didn’t exactly know what to do when you said yes
Like, his brain crashed and did a hard reset. He was not expecting to get this far…
He gives all his employees off one day and decks out the backyard of his lab with string lights, and sheets, rummaging around the attic of the lab, and a call to his favorite restaurant.
When you arrived you saw the backyard completely transformed into a cozy outdoor movie spot with takeout and snacks prepared at a picnic table
It’s super sweet
Besides that, you two go on “research” dates together. It’s mostly pokemon watching and taking notes on what you find.
The little sketches he does of the pokemon you find absolutely adorable!
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fatherphilia · 11 months
Curious if you have any thoughts about incest with good ol uncle Grimsley ? ;)
dudee.. grimsley is so fine istg. i see him and start barking like a white moms untrained chihuahua lol
tw. incest , grooming under cut
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grimsley is sort of an idol for his young niece/nephew, after all, he is a member of the elite four which means he holds quite a powerful position. a position that he easily leverages against his adoring fan.
it starts off with simple favors, “how about giving your uncle a hug and i’ll invite you to a tournament?” it’s an easy and innocent request to follow but he’s slowly eases them into more favors.. “how about a quick kiss on the cheek? i’ll buy you those new shoes you’ve been wanting.” “aw. won’t you give your uncle a kiss on the lips? i’ve been so busy lately and you’re my favorite niece/nephew.”
he eases them into getting used to his affection and touch behind closed doors. they’re so naive and trusting of their favorite uncle that nothing seems off even if the quick pecks on the lips are odd and grimsley has taken up the habit of stroking their arm and leg.
as they get older, it’s money he holds over them. he knows he’s taking a risk but he views the reward as too sweet to miss out on. he’s got no problem handing them stacks of cash as long as they promise to pay their uncle back in return and ah.. their poor uncle grimsley makes up some lie about a girl breaking his heart and how he needs to be comforted by his favorite niece/nephew.
his idea of comforting? getting them on their knees situated between his legs in his elite four room of course. he loves taking the chance of getting caught with their pretty pink lips wrapped around the head of his cock while he promises more sweet rewards for them if they just keep behaving for their uncle.
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sharkboywrites · 8 months
Hello there! I'm 🎉 anon
May I request a platonic (with a hint of parental) of Grimsley who's a mentor for a child/preteen reader (around 11-12 y/o)
Reader got this dark aesthetic (black cap, turtleneck, black trench coat, and boots) that aspires to be a Dark type Elite Four, but despite all that they're a little mischievous and off-the-wall kid.
They really like spending their time with Grimsley (even to the point they'd wait in front of his casino) and Grimsley finds them adorable and lowkey treats them like a kid he never has
Like, they'd battle, train, and then hang out like showing card tricks.
(I love found family so much-)
A/N: yaaay my first emoji anon :). I’ll be honest I don’t know that much about Grimsley so I’m just going off what I got when I looked him up, sorry if it’s not accurate. Also the meds I’m on for getting my wisdom teeth out make me kinda loopy so I’m not sure how good my writing will come out.
Grimsley With a Preteen Apprentice
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- Having Grimsley as a mentor can be a 50/50 sometimes
- Grimsley generally has a good state of mind when it comes to battling
- He only ever sees a positive to a battle, win or loose
- If you ever loose a battle, he’s there to assure you that this is only good for you
- He uses this as an opportunity for you to learn and grow as a trainer, after all you can’t get better if you never see your mistakes
- He’s supportive in your dreams and also in the way you dress
- You do look the part for the job you want, and he admires that
- He thinks your passion is amazing and continues to support it, although he doesn’t let you get ahead of yourself
- With Grimsley as a mentor, you’ll never be dragged down by your losses
- After a while you hardly ever find yourself upset about a loss
- From now on you’ll only see this as a chance to grow
- Unfortunately, Grimsley did have to step down from his position as an elite four member to the gambling addiction he developed
- But this doesn’t mean he’s irresponsible or becomes a worse mentor
- In fact he’s now always making sure that that you’re being responsible and keeping yourself in check
- He wants to make sure that you don’t suffer the same way he did
- After working with you, he’s found that he’s become attached to you, and he doesn’t want you to go down the same path he did
- He always stresses the importance of keeping yourself regulated
- Whole he has made some mistakes in his life, he doesn’t want the same to happen to you
- He’s come to see you as his child, no matter what your situation with your parents is
- He really is a great mentor and wants to keep you safe, and he can and will do everything in his power to keep you that way
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I hope I got his character right, I never played ultra sun/moon or black/white 2 so I never actually played against him. I currently have a heat pack wrapped around my face and I look like Amanda in the reverse bear trap from the first saw movie I’m not even kidding lol. Ty for reading and have a nice day <3
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bellafragolina · 27 days
I’ve been ~inspired~ with an idea…pretty please can I get a ball/gala scene where Grimsley asks reader to dance? I just want to read some flirty fluff with this man.
It was like something out of a storybook. You remember seeing the animated movies, filled with scenery so decadent and grandiose, draped in finery so detailed your eyes could hardly comprehend it. This gala, this beautiful ballroom of swishing gowns and beautiful music, looked right from one of those movies.
It made you feel a little out of place, like you were on the sidelines of a grand romance plot. Still, just like everyone else here, you had received your invitation to attend, to witness the entertainment and goals of the charity representative that hosted the party.
But still, full of fancy food and bubbling champagne, you keep to your sideline. You weren’t really one to seek out the spotlight, especially at an event where you had very little relationship to the host, besides being a donator to his charity.
The dancers were an intoxicating show, anyhow, and you had plenty of fun watching them float across the floor in calculated, precise movements. The music almost seemed to be following them, instead of the other way around. It was beautiful, and made your heart ache in a way you didn’t quite understand.
The ache dissipated when a hand reached into your view.
You snapped your head around, balking to see the one and only Elite Four member Grimsley smiling at you. He was draped in fine fabric that seemed to flow off of his body like water, sparkling in the golden lights, ethereal.
His eyes sparkled with mischief when you finally met them. “This ain’t the place to be standing off to the side looking lonely, little blind.” He winked, nodding towards the hand still outstretched to you. “Let’s dance.”
Your brain couldn’t really comprehend the request, so your body answered for you.
Your hand slid into his. His grip was steady, assured, as he carefully tugged you out onto the floor of dancers. That out of place feeling crawled up your back again, and by the time Grimsley had you both in a starting position, you were shaking somewhat.
Grimsley smiled at you, easy and relaxed. “You’re okay, little blind. No one’s here to judge.”
Your lips pursed. “I don’t know how to dance.”
He shrugged. “Neither do I.”
Like the bluffer he was, Grimsley stepped back, guiding you amongst the other dancers. You did your best to follow, mirroring his steps, sometimes tripping, sometimes stepping on his feet, but he smiled through it. And any laughter of his was paired with teasing remarks and jokes to ease the tension.
"Not bad." Grimsley said with a wink. "But, could be better. I'd be happy to teach you, if you were interested in a private tutor."
"I don't think I can afford you." You replied, relaxing some when he just laughed.
"Why, it'd be on the house, little blind." Grimsley lifted his arm, twirling you easily until you lost balance, falling back into his arms in a deep dip. "Though, I do accept payments in poker games and kisses."
Now it was your turn to laugh. "I think I can manage one of those."
"I was hoping so."
"little blind" is one of the few poker terms i know, so it shall be the pet name. there is not refuting it.
lolol hope you enjoyed, love!
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
E-S/o: What’s another creepy fact you know? I’ll start...
E-S/o: Zorua syndrome is a psychological disorder where a parent believes their child has been replaced with a Zorua. it was very prominent in Sinnoh’s Hisuian period and unfortunately a lot children lost their lives from failed attempts to prove they were actually a Zorua in disguise.
I-S/o: If you get burnt by a Houndoom’s flames, it’ll continue to burn you for the rest of your life.
Ingo: Phantumps are believed to be the souls of dead children who got lost in the woods.
Emmet: Salamance and Infernape have been known to attack or even accidentally kill their trainers while in a battle rage.
Skyla: Gorebyss are predators that will stalk and corner their victims then use their needle-like mouths to suck out their innards; leaving nothing but an empty husk behind.
Grimsley: The mask of a Yamask is actually their true face.
Elesa, again checks her phone to verify these facts: I really, really. Don’t like this game!
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smallestapplin · 1 year
May I have headcannons for more Alpha! Grimsley? Like sfw stuff for his omega? And what about nsfw when his omega is in heat? I cant stop thinking about alpha grimsley non-stop since reading ur post.
Finally, I can pop off. I love you for giving me an excuse to be like this.
- Grimsley is loving in his own way, he’s like a black car boyfriend, he wants affection on his own terms, but wants you drowning in his scent.
- Speaking of scent, once you get passed his expensive cologne, his scent is deep and rich, like a deep red wine, a spice of ginger, and amber, it’s a thick scent, one that lures you in.
- He’s very slow getting into a relationship with you, he’s not what most think when they hear ‘alpha’ but he doesn’t really care. At first he thinks your interest in him is purely for mating, which he isn’t totally again, but he’s more surprised when you actually want to get to know him.
- Grimsley isn’t aggressive, or entirely protective, but he can be, and can be very possessive. He doesn’t like it when other’s ignore the scent coating you, and try to shoot their shot anyway.
- He’s always touching you, with an arm around your waist or hips, even letting you wear his scarf. He sasses those who try to get to you, and if that doesn’t work, he’s not afraid to snarl and show why he’s your mate.
- He’s still very much a menace to you, holding thing out of your reach, just so he can ask for a kiss.
- No matter how long you two are together he still flirts with you, like laying it on THICK.
- New people will confuse him for an omega, just because of how much you two are on each other and your scent rubs off on him. He can’t help that he loves his mate so much!
- Very attentive, especially during your heats, he will stock up in nesting material, food, snacks, water bottles, he gets a mini fridge and puts it in your shared bedroom, just for easier access to it.
- Blanket thief, especially if it smells like you, and he often sleeps on your side of the bed too, just to have more of your scent, so you may have to boot him from it. He can’t help it, your scent is so soothing and comforting to him.
- Acts like you’re the clingy affectionate one, when in reality this man falls into your lap, demanding your constant attention and love.
-🔞 18+ ONLY!🔞 (blood mentioned, but not at all described.)
- massive tease, he loves edging you, mostly so he can taste you longer, but he will overstimulate you if you cum before he allows it. It’s a win win in his book either.
- He’s not lying when he says your scent is intoxicating, as he offers to do laundry a lot, just to take deep sniffs of your dirty underwear. He also does this when he’s between your legs, going down on you. He will take the deepest inhale of your sex before slowly dragging his tongue over it.
- Your heats are his favorite things to deal with, just the smell of it has him losing his mind. And Grimsley loves taking care of you during them, fucking you stupid and full, just to watch his spent drip out of your quivering hole.
- Even when he fucks his knot into you, he will still grind deep inside you, just to make you cum and milk him more.
- You will not be leaving your nest without every inch of your skin covered in his mating marks. Your neck, chest, thighs, especially your inner thighs, will be covered in hickies and bite marks.
- Loves it when you mark him back, he’s scratch him! Bite him! Draw blood! He wants more, he wants all of it.
- He’s your mate as much as you’re his.
- Degrades you, but always calls you ‘his’ first.
“Fuck…mmm, look at my slutty mate, all spread for me.”
Grimsley smirks, cooing at your blissed out form, as you try to grind back against him. His blue eyes nearly glowing with desire.
“My good little whore! Such a good mate I have.”
Your loud whines go right to his cock. He’s sure this is exactly how both of you were suppose to be.
“You were made for me, made to take my knot- fuck!” Grimsley growls, tossing his head back as your hole clenches around him.
“P-pleease! Fuck me, want- want your cock, fill me! C-can’t take it anymore!” Tears roll down your cheeks, feeling your mate push his cock deeper into your already cumfilled hole.
“So greedy, but who am I to deny?”
Your heat is certainly one of his favorite things.
Next to you smothering him with your kisses, but that will be for later.
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crowborn666-writes · 7 months
Request open!? *smashes door and opens it with its handle from the inside*
Hello there! I'm 🎉 anon
May I request a platonic (with a hint of parental) of Grimsley who's a mentor for a child/preteen reader (around 11-12 y/o)
Reader got this dark aesthetic (black cap, turtleneck, black trench coat, and boots) that aspires to be a Dark type Elite Four, but despite all that they're a little mischievous and off-the-wall kid.
They really like spending their time with Grimsley (even to the point they'd wait in front of his casino) and Grimsley finds them adorable and lowkey treats them like a kid he never has
Like, they'd battle, train, and then hang out like showing card tricks.
(I love found family so much-)
*kicks down my office door to meet you in the foyer* Y E S
Purrlion and the Liepard
Grimsley x Child!Reader
Genre: Found Family dynamic, platonic
Summary: You admired Grimsley with every fiber of your being, so when you were finally able to set out on your own, your first mission was to meet him.
You were eight when you were introduced to the Unovan Elite Four. Seeing them participating in the World Championships in Galar on TV was magical to your young mind.
You distinctly remember holding onto your Zoroark plush and pointing. “Mama look! Look look! One of our Elite Four uses Dark types!”
Grimsley had your attention and no one else was going to take it.
You honestly cried when he lost just before the semi-finals, but once you calmed down, you vowed to yourself that you would be a great dark type trainer just like Grimsley.
You were eleven when you finally set out on your own, a Purrlion at your side as you traveled from city to city. You had gained a few badges by the time you reached Nimbasa City.
Yet your time in Nimbasa wasn’t pleasant at first, having run into a Team Plasma grunt shortly upon arrival.
He had defeated your team in just a few short turns, even threatening to take away your beloved Purrlion as his Watchog advanced on you.
You blink, and then a Liepard had the Watchog on the ground, snarling at the Plasma grunt.
“A Liepard…?” You mumbled, holding your exhausted Purrlion close to your chest.
The Plasma grunt paled and quickly recalled his pokemon, rushing to escape as fast as possible before a hand fell on your shoulder.
“You alright, kid?”
You turn your head to the person and nearly cough up your lungs in surprise.
Grimsley was there, concern written plainly on his face.
“A-Ah, y-yes I’m fine. B-But my pokemon…”
“Let’s get them to the Pokemon Center.”
You were stuck to him like glue after that. You were chatty, asking him about his favorite dark types and his favorite moves and if he could teach you some tricks.
Grimsley was clearly taken aback by your display of eagerness, even more so when he found you waiting outside the casino for him. But at that point, who was he to refuse such a determined trainer?
Day after day, Grimsley would teach you something new, whether it was something for a battle or some new cool card trick.
But alas, all good things come to an end, and Grimsley had to return to the Elite Four.
“See you later, kid!” He had said to you soon before his departure, “Get to the Elite Four and show me all you’ve learned someday!”
And that’s exactly what you did.
With a team full of Dark types, you finally reached the Elite Four, and you were ready to face your teacher once again.
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deareststars · 1 year
General relationship hcs for Cyrus, Drayden, Grimsley, Colress with gn s/o?
pt 2 to this request!
characters: grimsley (gen v), colress (gen v)
content: gn reader, established relationship, feel-good stuff w/ angst in grimsley's hcs. reader is an elite 4 member in grimsley's hcs, and an antagonist in colress'.
tw: discussion of grimsley's gambling addiction at the beginning of his section, and reader's depression at the very end. nothing graphic, but symptoms are mentioned.
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you meet grimsley when you take his place as a member of the elite 4. you're worried that, even though he stepped down, he'll be resentful...but he's too preoccupied with the fact that you're the most gorgeous person he's ever met in his entire life.
be prepared to spend a lot of time keeping him away from the casinos. while he's gotten better at curbing his addiction, there are plenty of moments where he'll relapse, and relies heavily on you to help him maintain his streak.
it's heartbreaking to watch grimsley's confidence and charisma drain away at the sight of a casino. you pat his face, trying to get him to turn toward you, but he can't take his eyes off the shining lights. "just one spin?" he asks out loud. he's far away on his own plane of existence. you step in front of him and get in the way of the casino, moving your head to block his view. "you've been doing so well," you say. "i'm here for you. you're strong. you're capable. you can do this." with your words, he pulls himself out of this daze, and takes your hand so tightly your fingers start to grow numb. "thank you," he says, his voice quiet.
lots of words. just from those brief moments in the games, you can tell that he's got a lot of control over what he says. he tells you every day without fail how much you mean to him. and when you're proud of winning a battle, or upset at a close loss, he's always there to praise you no matter what.
he has a competitive streak. when you show up to watch his surfing competitions, he's a completely different person. taunts, playful jabs, everything he can muster to secure at least secures 2nd place. he brightens when he sees you, and you have to yell at him to focus on the water. (he's almost wiped out once or twice because he's just so enamored by your presence.)
he also knows what it means to be in a dark place mentally. when you stress, when you get anxious, when depression takes its hold—he never says anything because he knows that words don't always make it through. so he'll just sit there with you, and quietly talk about his day, and ask you what you want for the future. just little reminders that no matter what, this too will pass.
grimsley knows exactly where to find you when he gets home and all of the lights are off. with quiet footsteps, he opens the door to your bedroom, and finds you huddled against the bed, eyes unseeing. he leaves for a few moments, and comes back with two cups of hot chocolate. he sets them down on a small platter in front of you, then sits next to you, touching as much of you as he can without being on top of you. you shift a little, and he smiles. "hey, lovebird," he says. "we have that fancy date at the restaurant in a week. i'm sure you're going to look absolutely ravishing in the outfit you've picked out. they have your favorite foods, too." you don't respond, but you do lean your head onto his shoulder. he wraps an arm around you, and continues to ramble about the things he has planned for the next week. it hurts him, in every part of his body, to see you like this, but he knows better than anyone how much of a struggle it is to even get out of bed. so he leans close to you, his lips almost touching your ear. "you made it out of bed today," he whispers. "i love you." you nod. things will get better soon.
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you joined team plasma before he did. in charge of biotechnical advancements and acting as the organization's resident "nurse joy," it was only a matter of time before your paths crossed.
he's enamored by your intellect. you can keep up with his (admittedly crazy) ideas, and he's found that a lot of the things he's invented are credited to you, too.
colress writes everything down. ideas, notes, observations. it's frustrating but overwhelmingly human to find that you make your way into everything he writes.
"today, team plasma finalized our plans for the plasma frigate. (y/n) looked like the epitome of power standing atop the deck. i have no doubt in my mind that they will stand steadfast against the trials and tribulations put forth by the pokemon league..." colress stops immediately. he almost throws his pen across the room, but composes himself with a deep breath. how can he be this obsessed with a person? there must be something wrong. a quiet knock on the door interrupts his thoughts. "come in," he says, and immediately regrets it as you step into the room. "doctor colress, i'd like to get your feedback on a new device," you say, a smile lighting up your features. "do you have a moment?" his mouth grows dry. oh, there's absolutely something wrong with him.
you have to make the first step. colress would never in a million years admit that he's succumbed to the human folly of falling in love. even when you say something, he immediately jumps into analysis, only stopping when he sees the way your face falls.
a relationship with him is. a learning curve. between team plasma and his own research, there's little to no time to go on dates. he'd rather drop dead than let lord ghetsis catch wind of this new relationship.
but he still makes time for you. in little ways. through small notes and gifts left on your desk. your name etched into the smallest of crevices in the inventions the two of you make. and when the hero defeats team plasma, and everyone scatters, that's when he decides that he's had enough of this life.
"so, this is it," you say as you hoist a bag over your shoulder. "what are you going to do now, doctor colress?" it's become a term of endearment, the two of you calling each other "doctor" even though there was no need once you got beyond a certain stage, but he finds it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. "it's not doctor colress anymore," he says with a faint smile. "i think i'll stay here. continue my research on pokemon. however...i don't wish to continue harming them. maybe we'll find other ways of enhancing their natural strength." you tilt your head to the side. "we?" he nods. he extends a hand out to you, even though you've already discarded your lab coat and badge. "what do you say? will you continue on the path of new discovery with me?" for a moment, he's scared that you'll say no. for a moment, he's terrified that your relationship started and ended with team plasma. but you take his hand and drop your bag. "always and forever," you say with a bright smile. "let's change the world together."
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woofwoofwolf · 10 months
How's the Pokemon reader insert community? I know it's somewhat active...? I'm currently writing something for Adaman and I don't know if I can get it into a presentable state, but it really helps my process if I can get people to beta read parts of it and talk about writing/ the characters I'm writing for in general.
I'm also open for requests for Adaman, Melli. Volo, N and potentiallyyyyy Grimsley. I know I am going to love Arven, but I don't have the money and the time for pkmn s/v rn, sorry
But yeah, get in touch if you want to chat ✨
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Headcanons for (Pokémon) Cyrus, Grimsley, Grusha, and Larry with shy s/o?
anon did u figure out my interest in pretty men and know I like grusha lmao
also first time writing for him so it might suck😔
characters: Cyrus, Grimsley, Larry, Grusha
☄️ Honestly bad at handling it. He already struggles with emotions as is, and is not sure how to deal with your obvious discomfort in a lot of social situations. Cyrus would probably accidentally make your shyness worse. He can talk about things with his odd charisma that somehow got him an entire bowl-cut cult, but he isn't sure how to handle your more reserved behaviour. The leader unexpectedly gets scolded by Mars and Jupiter about needing to be more aware.
☄️ He doesn't like to go out to places with many people, excluding the Galactic HQ. Places like Sinnoh's ancient ruin sights aren't exactly attracting a large crowds. So, in a way, he tries with that. Of course, in situations where you get taken to places with many people, he may forget your discomfort and meekness. You will have to ask for your own ketchup in restaurants. He will apologise if it obviously upset you, but this is aiding in his belief that emotions are useless by seeing you like this.
☄️ If your shyness leads to initiating of affections in your relationship with him, he will never initiate. Well, there are a few exceptions when he does (a long tiring day at “work”, when he feels vulnerable, when an odd loneliness eats at him), but he does not see the point in it unless you start it. His usual scowl certainly does not help with bravely getting a hug from him. Don't be afraid, however, at worst he will just stand there with strong indifference. (He does enjoy it.)
☄️ Overall, probably not the best with a shy partner, but he does try. Somewhat. Numerous discussions are probably required, but he does understand the urge to be more reserved around people. He just isn't a very emotional, comforting type who is aware of how to handle people. He does care; he is just bad at showing it.
♤ He actually might laugh at your more reserved nature. The elite four member is known to be a bit of a tease and somewhat cruel. He does, however, try to help you with it. People are hard at times, he gets it. While has the amazing ability to really understand body language due to his love of gambling, not everyone does. He can read your tense shoulders and obvious curling into yourself with ease. This is when the teasing comes alongside his aide.
♡ His favourite places to go are bustling and social heavy, so he wonders how to take you out to places you can both enjoy. He does not want to keep forcing you into uncomfortable situations in which you may not enjoy yourself, after all. Grimsley settles on things like cat cafés and city walks as a good in-between. There are other people around for him to observe and degrees of separation involved to keep you from having to force yourself out in the open too much. Unlike Cyrus, he may or may not order for you, too, if you are struggling too much. It's a coin-flip. Literally.
◇ If you are more reserved in your relationship, he views you like a shy Purrloin. He quite literally says as much. Even if you struggle to initiate affection, he can easily slither his arms around you for a hug and tease you about how obvious it was that you wanted to cuddle. Much like a cat, he gets you to a point where you can easily come to him for affection. He's smug about how he helped get you over it, though. Be warned.
♧ Grimsley is a bit mean, but he does mean to help you. He wants you to come out of your shell more but respects how difficult that can be for you. If ever does anything that is genuinely too much and upsets you, he instantly shifts from his smug persona into a softer, more apologetic one. He cares a lot, actually. You may find your shyness eased quite a bit by the gambler.
🍙 He is uncertain. His overworked brain ponders how to handle your more reserved nature. His job(s) requires him to deal with countless people. Even extremely difficult people. He shudders at the thought of his boss. The ordinary everyman understands why one would want to be more reserved completely. Larry decides to mostly help you in whichever way seems best for the situation you are in.
🍙 While his favourite date locations are the restaurants are Medali, he can forfeit it easily for evenings in. He has seen your obvious reservation in social situations and doesn't want you to be forced out into a lot and run out your social battery. Though, should you both end out at a restaurant together, he does help a lot. Larry can talk for you if needed, or just be silent support. He gets it. If you want to come out of your shell more, he encourages you in a subtle way.
🍙 If you are reserved in your relationship, he finds himself at an impasse. He struggles to be overly affectionate himself. It will be an extremely awkward thing if you both want to cuddle, but neither wants to initiate it. Larry will force himself to get over it and start it, eventually. Tired man does really hope you can get to a point where you initiate it on your own, though. If you do, you get a rare Larry smile and contented sigh from the man.
🍙 He is the best at giving subtle comfort and picking up on things easily, but not so much at helping your shyness. He understands being reserved, too. You can be an awkward pair. Together. A perfect match.
❄️ He might take it the wrong way, honestly. Grusha is always in a bit of a mood. When he realises you are actually struggling, he has a moment of feeling like a dick and being annoyed. Your meeker nature is something he can't wrap his head around. Well, he gets it. Grusha likes you, though, so he bravely swallows back his feelings and tries to figure out how to best work with you on this. He recalls how people treated him after his accident. Yeah, he gets it a bit. (He is going back and forth on his feelings, like many things.)
❄️ Lucky for you, he doesn't really like overly busy places for dates. He mostly prefers walks alone with you on the mountains. Grusha likes it just being you two, since it gives him time to get away from his position as gym leader. If you both do end up at a place with people, he does turn full “they asked for no pickles” for you. Grusha will handle conversations if you don't want to. His icy demeanour does hold a certain softer side under it. He doesn't like seeing you uncomfortable, especially at the hands of another. He does try to encourage you to better stand up for yourself, though.
❄️ If you are shy about affections in your relationship, he debates how to go about this. See, he thinks initiating cuddling is a bit uncool. He finds roundabout ways to get you to initiate, but if that fails, he does eventually give in and starts off affection. In a way, he does help you get over your shyness about cuddling and kissing, since he manages to get over his obvious struggles about starting it himself. Not to mention, he's a great cuddler.
❄️ Overall, he struggles with your shyness but does try to help you since he doesn't like you being upset and uncomfortable. Grusha does try to help you better come out of your shell, though. He just isn't the best with words or helping. The snowboarder cares about you a lot, but he just is terribly awkward in his own way.
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A, W, Y (all together, or just one) for Grimsley - Pokemon? Specific game and place in timeline don't matter. Thank you!
🎉3k celebration 🎉
a - absence, what do they do when your gone? do they get lonely easy? how long does it take for them to start missing you? 
It's about a week into your trip away that your missing presence starts to weigh on Grimsley, who despite calling you as often as he can, thinks it's not the same as you being right there beside him. It's subtle when he first notices your absence, feeling as though something is missing when he walks through the front door and is greeted by silence.
It becomes painfully apparent when he goes out to try his luck, drinks too much and turns to ask you which colour you think he should bet on, and you aren't there. He's never been someone who feels loneliness easily. But as the days away from you start to increase by number, the sensation makes itself known, and he's left longing to hear your voice again, as well as everything else that follows along with it.
w - witchery, a witch casts a spell that forces them to need a kiss from who they love deeply within 24 hours or else they die, but they haven’t even confessed to you yet, what are they going to do?  
Grimsley could just ask you for a kiss, there'd be a fifty-fifty chance of your answer being yes. But if he'd been able to come to terms with those odds then he would've told you how he feels by now. And while he's always enjoyed betting it all on the line for a chance at the euphoric feeling of claiming the winnings, this is pretty extreme.
If he told you he was going to die if you didn't kiss him because there wasn't a single person out there he loved more than you, you'd laugh and think he was joking. He also gets the strangest feeling that it's not that simple, which is why he's standing at your door, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, a date planned out and a silent prayer that lady luck is on his side tonight.
y - yours, what was it like when they realised they were in love? what were they doing? how did they react? 
Grimsley lost every bet that night. Every dime in his pocket reaped by the casino. The only thing he had to show for it, a half drunk glass of whiskey he managed to smuggle on the way out. Of course that wasn't his first drink for the night, and he was hoping if he had played his cards right it wouldn't been the last. These things happen he supposed.
"Grimsley? What are you doing out here?" It was by pure chance that you happened to be on your way past that night. He sat on the curb, drink in hand, that he raised to greet you. You at that point had slowed to a complete stop. "Are you drunk?" Concern dripped from your voice, that he'd originally dismissed.
"This is only my first drink." His words were slurred greater than he anticipated, which allowed you to quickly catch on to the fact that he had just lied. You offered to take him home, only for him to smirk. "I didn't take you for someone bold enough to invite yourself over." Normally his flirting would fluster you, but in that moment it caused you to frown.
"I'm not. But I'm bold enough to care about your safety and make sure you get home safe." A piece of information that at that point he knew. It hadn't been the first time you'd dragged him home, it had been a task of greater difficulty back when you had begun taking him home. But in that moment all it took was the worry on your features to sober him up enough to accept your offer.
It was as you were taking him home, that he thought about all the nights he stumbled around alone trying to make it back on his own, not concerned about his safety in slightest. But there you were, scolding him for being so reckless, his chest swelled with warmth with every worry you shared about him.
It's a strange routine when you drag him home. Where you place him down on the couch because he refuses to go to bed, claiming he'll stay up longer. You roll your eyes, fetch a blanket, leave a glass of water and headache meds on the table next him before telling him goodnight heading on your own way home.
Unlike all other times where he fell asleep instantly, that time he did stay awake. Images of you laughing at his drunken antics, or smiling when he meets up with you the next day to take you out for lunch as thanks for helping him out, the looks of concern, the soft goodnights right after reminding him to call you in the morning, all of them made his heart race. And it dawned on him in that moment, he loved you.
He didn't know how to react, eyes staring up in the ceiling, pounding heart drowning out all thoughts, except those of you. Only coming to a single conclusion, he'll think about it when he's sober.
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
idk if you wanna do grimsley (the unova elite four member) so heres my request:
nsfw headcanons for vampire grimsley x female reader. ever since he's like based on a vampire its been in my head nonstop. and he's attractive.
Alright, I’ll try my best. I honestly have never played Pokémon Black or White. I want to though and I’m probably almost as old as the game or even older. I don’t know which picture is from the game.
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Vampire Grimsley x Fem! Reader
Biting kink? Yes.
Coffin sex is had once a month
He will make sure that you are able to breathe
There is always some sort of bite marks on your inner thighs
Especially the upper inner thighs
Romantic walks during the day are rare
But it’s the romantic walks at night when things take a turn
You two end up fucking on those night walks almost all the time
He will take of you after you two are intimate
Even if he is tired himself
He also doesn’t want to put his curse on you
Even though you don’t care as long as you’re with him
He will have some “vampire” clothing for you
Ranging from ballroom dresses, to cocktail dresses, to lingerie
If you two have daytime sex you’ll take care of afterward
He mainly wants to cuddle though
He’s willing to be rough and willing to be slow and passionate with you depending on both of your moods
He loves it when you bring home some modern-day male lingerie for him to wear
He may not like all of them, but he’ll try them because he loves you more than life itself
He would give up everything for you
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bellafragolina · 10 months
SFW G with Grimsley, Clay, Clavell and Leon pretty please?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Grimsley isn't the most gentle. He's the kinda guy to swing his arm around your shoulders and yank you into him so your head bonks against his chest. He's playfully rough with you, ruffling your hair and pinching your cheeks. Emotionally, he's the same. He's there for you, but he's not much of a pussyfooter when it comes to addressing that you're upset. He means well tho!
Clay is surprisingly more gentle than you'd expect. His hands are large, calloused and strong, but they craddle you with unexpected tenderness. He's careful with you, until you start to tease or annoy him. Then he's manhandling you around, though still being careful not to hurt you as he slings you over his shoulder. Emotionally, he's a little gruff, straight to the point as he asks you what's wrong, but when you tell him, he's kind and soft as he comforts you and tries to help.
Clavell is so very gentle with you. He strives to be a gentleman to you, offering you his arm to hold or resting his hand on your back as you walk together. His touches are light, but they linger as he drags his fingertips over you skin. He adores you, and he is so very careful with your emotions when you're upset. He loves you too much, and he hates when you're upset.
Leon is the dichotomy of man. He's gentle and rough. He grabs you and swings you around. He noogies you and wrestles you. He blows raspberries on your stomach and will tug on your hair a little to make you pout. He's a big brother, he has to. But when you're mad? When you're upset? He's gentle, wanting to listen to you talk it out, to vent, and offer what advice he can, unless you want a distraction. Then he's cuddling you like a ferocious monster.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
E-S/o: *finds out they’re pregnant with triplets*
Emmet: E-s/o do you know what this means? I’ve got a magic dick.
E-S/o, looks at him baffled:...What?
Ingo, Facepalms: Urg… Here we go.
Emmet: I don’t know whether to freak out or thrust it in everyone’s face!
E-S/o: You need to be freaking out! I’m having triplets!
Emmet: Triplets!!! I’ve got a magic dick everyone! *Shakes Grimsley* I’VE GOT A MAGIC DICK!!
E-S/o: Will you shut the hell up!
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Let’s goooooooooo
How about some theme based gym leader S/O headcanons, Authors choice on characters, go wild, feel free to make them yandere if you’d like just have fun with this one!
- Pierced Anon
Anything for you broski! I used this opportunity to write about less loved characters. ^^
- Power couple? Power couple! With Blue’s history with being a champion and a gym leader, aside from being a legend, you two are THE power couple.
- The finale gym leader to beat, strong with your typing, and strong in your theme, with your very loving boyfriend who stops by to cheer you on.
- I’m so sorry if you are a dark or ghost type gym leader, with your dark and spooky aesthetics. Blue is going to be in your gym, bright clothes, looking so out of place, as he acts as your personal cheerleader.
- “That’s right! That’s my partner! Heh, aren’t they just amazing?”
- He posts a fair bit online, and respects if you don’t want to have pictures of you posted. But he does have an entire slumber dedicated to you, and of you and your Pokémon training.
- He will make memes of the trainers you defeat, cause he’s recording the whole match, and some expressions or moments are just too funny not to!
- Buys or produces all sorts of merch themed around you, to show his love and support of his honey!
- Plus, Blue makes the perfect sparring partner. He changes up his teams, has good strategies, strong well trained Pokémon, battling against him easily prepares you for others.
- He accidentally ruins you for normal challengers, cause not many pose as much of a challenge as your boyfriend does.
- Be careful and watch which pokeballs you pick up! There have been several times you grabbed the wrong one, and brought one of his Pokémon to work instead.
- Though his Pokémon like you, so they were at least chill. You, however, we’re not chill-
- another match up! You two are quick to become a hot topic, and what most want in a relationship.
- Morty is so relaxed, so calm, but so attentive and caring, loving to hear you talk about work.
- Meanwhile you’re just opposite enough to complete him, being everything he needs and wants in a lover. Especially with the job!
- You being a gym leader is relieving, as you’ll understand his complaints, or comments on how he can improve his gym, or train.
- And since he’s a gym leader too, he can help you out a lot more than most could!
- Half the time he only had to say one word, and you’ll completely understand what he’s talking about. He loves it!
- He likes surprising you at work, when he’s in his lunch break, or day off. He’s stealthy without even realizing it, and sneaks up on everyone, scaring the daylights out of challengers and employees alike.
- But, while a subtle change, you’ll notice how his smile softens, and eyes brighten at the sight of you, as he walks over with a lunch box in hand for you.
- You both have hectic schedules, with managing your respective gyms, meetings, and taking care of the gyms upkeep. But Morty makes all the time he care for you. He’s always stopping by.
- He’s scared trainers, cause sometimes he’s the first person they will see, and think they are at the wrong gym. Only for you to pop up and greet them, making the trainer sigh in relief.
- It’s pretty common knowledge around Johto that you’re with Morty, even new people are quick to find out. Especially since you steal his scarf every chance you get.
- But Morty likes it when you steal his clothes, he thinks it’s so cute.
- He’s a decent person to train against too! He’s the fourth gym leader, and his ghosts come with a good amount of power.
- But he’s never upset when he loses, in fact he’s happy to cause that means he gets to give you kisses, for winning of course.
- this man is constantly texting you to come down to the league, just so he can get his affection, but shhh he’ll never admit it and call you the needy one.
- Both of you live pretty busy lives, but mostly you, as Grimsley mainly just sits and waits for a challenger. So you get many calls and texts from him, as you work.
- He likes face timing you and watching you battle, he likes seeing the show you put in at work. He’s your number one fan from the shadows.
- Though everyone knows.
- He’s more salty about the other league members and champion adoring you, cause they have told him if you two ever break up, they are taking your side.
- He was more offended they even thought of you two breaking up! How rude!
- His Pokémon are babies for you, and you’ve taken his Krookodile to work, cause she wouldn’t stop following you, and would sulk when you’d tell her to go back. So you were stuck with an oversized lizardy lillipup for most of the day, your challengers found it hilarious.
- Until Grimsley called you, asking for his Pokémon back.
- “Babe, I’d love to give her back to you, but you’re gonna have come down here and get her yourself. She’s cuddling me right now.”
- “Oh of course, when my Pokémon want to cuddle is ‘oh of course sweet baby’ but when I want to cuddle it’s ‘no Grimsley, you bite too much.’ How cruel.”
- “Grimmy, sweetie, I know you bite to show affection, but your teeth are sharp and biting my forearm isn’t very sexy of you.”
- Yes, these types of conversations happen regularly.
- He’s fun to train with, however he will be making it a bet, mainly cause if kisses are on the table he is not going easy, he wants his kisses damn it.
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