#anti rosekiller
bi-peanut · 9 months
I'm so done with the new marauders fandom.
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I finally got around to deleting my old Harry Potter sideblog
TBH most of that sideblog was just shitting on Snape(and also i was a Marauders fan, before they started woobifying the wizard fascists and pairing James with Sirius' racist little brother and shitting on Lily), but even that started to feel uncomfortable, with all of the shit that JK TERFling has done.
So, I deleted it once and for all! Harry Potter hasn't brought me joy in a while, and all I do lately is talk about how awful the bigotry is in it and how horribly the nonhuman races where handled(especially the House-Elves oh my fucking god),
and i can do that with the occasional main-blog post without having a whole blog dedicated to talking about that awful show, so adios old blog! and fuck jk rowling i hope she gets unalived painfully!
Also fuck HP, and especially fuck Hogwarts Legacy(aka Blood Libel: The Game), and fuck anyone who thinks a stupid shitty game/book/movie is more important than trans people's lives!
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lemongrass77777 · 2 months
the fact that Rosekiller, ship where one half doesn’t even have a canonical personality, and they never interacted in any remotely canonical text, is leagues more popular than Prongsfoot is actually my villain origin story.
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stanlilyevans77 · 8 months
the slytherin skittles are just the marauders but emo, way less cool, and way more racist
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annabellelupin · 4 months
I swear I'll post actual content that isn't just me ranting about things I hate in the fandoms im in eventually but first I really need to know if the marauders fandom is finally over the whole death eater thing with characters like rosier and Barty. please tell me the fandom is no longer worshipping irredeemable murders anymore
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mercurygoldfish · 2 months
guys i hate rosekiller It's disgusting
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speeedyquick1245 · 1 year
I’ll have the pleasure of making the first anti rosekiller post. Yes, yes I’m being petty but it’s my blog so whatever. Just block and dni if you don’t like what I’m posting. 
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Sirius: Hey, guys, you remember that annoying queerphobic girl in school, Joanne? The one that asked questions when James offered to be Lilly and Mary's donor? Yeah. She wrote some weird book about son of James and Lilly? And everyone is straight and cis? Weird, right?
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raven-the-claw · 9 months
showing you pictures of the canon young marauders to prove how delulu we actually all are.
okay so first we have the marauders themselfs (looking like a bunch of high school kids on some serious drugs):
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next up, one of the most popular ships in this fandom, we have marlene and dorcas (this is the youngest picture of them i could find, so i apologize for the two of them looking like two coffee sipping grandmas):
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here we have lily, who is the only one who actually looks kinda cute
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canon snape (WHY IS HE CUTE TOO HELP):
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and lets not forget the canon jily (again, james looks like a random teenager who likes magic mushrooms a lil too much):
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then here we have james, lily, pete, remus (why does his hair look lowkey emo help) and sirius (why is his hair shorter than its supposed to be help again):
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canon alice and frank (why does he look like he doesnt know where he is):
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the canon emmeline (shes kinda cute ngl):
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okay this one needs a trigger warning so i think yall know whats coming...YOU GUESSED IT. the canon reggie (not even commenting on this one):
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well, there u go.
dm me if u want me to pay for ur therapy.
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bi-peanut · 9 months
marauders hot takes
I'm at a sleep over and everyone else is asleep but I can't sleep so here are some of my marauders hot takes
I hate jegulus. I think it's wierd and disgusting. think about it, in both cannon and fannon james and sirius say they are like bothers, now why would you go and date someone you say is your brothers younger brother. also. regulus was a KNOWN deatheater, even before he officaly became one, everyone always knew he would. and james is the last person in the world who would go out with a literal deatheater
surrogate lily for jeglus is wrong wierd and in all comes down to misogyny. lily is one of if not the most important character in the marauders, without lily there would literally be no marauders because there would literally be no harry potter series in the first place. to diminish her character down to someone is is souly providing for two men is a prime example of misogyny within the marauders fandom
I hate the slytherin skittles. since when did we decide that literal deatheaters. LITTERAL TERRORISTS, were all cute and babygirl. why are we glorifying the horrific actions of these people by saying they are "morally grey" like babe terrorism is not grey its the darkest black you can imagine.
since I'm on it, the only reason people decided that the "slytherin skittles" were important was so that they could have more mlm in the fandom because let's face it, mlm is so wildly fetishied within the fandom.
saying you love barty and evan but hating on people like bellatrix and narcisa is misogyny.
saying you love barty and evan and hating on people like peter and Snape is hypocritical.
the only reason Snape doesn't receive the same treatment as barty and evan is because he can't be romanticised.
James potter is a straight man.
James and lily are endgame and sure fine think whatever about who they dated before but they will always be endgame.
sirius black would 100% say things about women that aren't right because it was the 70s and look at where he grew up.
sirius would 100% do the prank cause that is literally one of the few peices of cannon we have and it is totally in character.
all the young dudes was an amazing realistic representation and characterisation of the marauders.
marlene, Mary, dorcas etc are 100% underrated ans deserve more attention but people also need to remember that they have little to none cannon and the fandom originally started from just the marauders so it's much harder to form fannom for them.
the new portrayal of wolfstar is in most cases unrealistic and sometimes even a little bit fucked up in dynamics
sirius is a cis man. the only reason people headcannon him as trans is because of his long hair. he is literally cannonically androgynous, why can't we just let him be androgynous.
I 100% have so many more but its 4 am rn
if you disagree with me that's fine I don't really care but don't be a dick about it. if you disagree and want to ask me questions go ahead but once again, don't be a dick about it.
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winnienora13 · 1 month
This keeps me up at night
For some reason my favorite character in Harry Potter as a kid was Dumbledore
*sigh of relief from getting that off my shoulders
And yes, I am ashamed. I swear he’s not anymore.
Please tell me I’m not the only marauders’ fan ever who used to like Dumbledore
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lemongrass77777 · 1 month
I am actually the #1 Rosekiller hater
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wulanvansunshine · 5 days
Contrary to popular belief, I actually do have a life, it just revolves around fictional characters originally created by a problematic author
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"help will always be given at hogwarts to those who ask for it" SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP
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aidyaiden · 10 days
so i was talking with a friend earlier (the friend that hates james and loves snape) (and she's also the friend that hates mike wheeler, yeah...) and i was talking to her about the one and only bartemius crouch junior and she told me she didnt know who he was
so i said that he was a slytherin during the marauders era and that he became a death eater blabla and then i told her about how when he learned evan was killed he went to find the guy that killed him and killed him (this sentence is horrible but. yeah you get what i mean)
and. she said precisely (i mean in french but urgh) "so that's ok but preferring the love of your life to her baby is not?" GIRL. first of all since when is lily the love of snape's life??? and thats two completely different things???? wtf are you yapping about
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jirstho · 5 months
Can't believe that fucking jegulus and rosekiller are getting more popular than dorlene, and Lily Evans
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