#anti pocahontas 2
sunshinebarbie95 · 7 months
Pocahontas dumping John smith for John Rolfe is literally the Disney equivalent of Elizabeth Bennett dumping Mr.Darcy for Mr.Collins
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
If I were a cartoon review youtuber, some of my videos would definitely be:
Underrated Animated films you should see vol. 1 - ongoing
Complete look at Skunk Fu! and all it's episodes
What's ACTUALLY wrong with Illumination films (spoiler: it's not the designs). And that video would probably have a sequel ironically unironically accusing Chris Meladandri of being a White Walker who rips out movies' souls.
Disturbing Animated Film Iceberg.
A calming, sweet short retrospective on The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends.
Killing off the idea of "endgame". Tho, tbf, I'm definitely going to be writing that thesis statement down someday. I guess in video format it'd be a big "did this series REALLY fall off cuz the creator catered to fans?" breakdown of a few shows.
A video about 9. Because of course I'd make something about 9.
Politically heavy (but not horror) animated films.
An essay explaining the difference between what I want to see in a story vs what's actually good in a story; and likewise the difference between what I personally do/don't find offensive and what's objectively offensive as a viewer.
The dichotomy and standards between different talking animal films.
A review about Mary and Max and why I like it but it's okay if other autists don't. which would be a broader video about how to listen to the opinions of demographics and minorities and not to treat any one as a hivemind.
Movies that I dislike but aren't actually bad.
Movies I love that aren't really all that good.
A deeper dive on my take that Steven Universe was always deeply flawed but having an otherwise working ending; where Star vs was a well-written show that utterly biffed it on the ending.
The Swan Princess is secret conservative propaganda.
The 31 dumbest things in Oogies Revenge.
Zero's Journey is the only good TNBC continuation.
13 Horror animated Feature Films. For Halloween, of course...
My issue with Dreamworks' stans and why I dislike How to Train You Dragon 2.
My issues with Anti v Proshipping. Def would be a multi part series explaining why I think most of the problem is just people really aggresively bulling one another -AND THEN, getting into heinous fandom shit that no one talks about and the ethics of children online and freedom of expression.
Prolly then would make an exclusive (cuz it's dirty) review abt the rights of r34 and adult artists and what they had to/have to put up with both from peers and websites banning explicit material.
What absolutely doesn't work about Pocahontas and Anastasia.
I'd do a series called "Spitball Re-haul" wherein I go through a revisioned show's premise and then explain all the reasons for the changes. I'd make:
How I'd rewrite The Owl House season 3.
How I'd rewrite Star vs the Forces of Evil "Cleaved".
How I'd rewrite Strange Magic.
How I'd rewrite Raya and the Last Dragon.
How I'd rewrite Seasons 4-8 of Friendship is Magic.
My tinfoil hat video on Disney trying to profit so much off of fans is hurting their bases.
Mapping out and analyzing different types of crossover fiction, their merits and their issues with story-keeping.
Mythological and cultural animated films.
and finally, for when I'd muster up the strength:
an HBomberGuy-type callout/deepdive into MysteriousMrEnter and Lily Orchard and how they've made cartoon reviews worse.
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horce-divorce · 1 year
My friend just moved to a her grandmas old place and she doesn't have internet, so instead we dug out Grandma's trusty VHS collection and watched a bunch of movies from the cusp of Y2K. We also have plans to dig out more because this is our thing now, fuck Netflix. So here's my reviews so far:
Holes. what a GREAT fucking movie. Good message that is blatantly anti-prison industrial complex and anti-capitalist. good morals, good soundtrack, great casting, the author of the text wrote the screenplay so it hits hard like the book does, the romance between Kate and Sam will be goals to me forever. "I can fix that"!?!? KILL ME JFJDJWKWKFNJRNE 11/10 good shit. youuUuUUUU got to goOooOoo dig those hooooles 🎶
Another one that's still good? POTC: curse of the black pearl. Yes it's Johnny Depp Disney Garbage Trash, but it's WRITTEN SO WELL. Whatever writers they got for that shit obviously have written many a fanfic (positive! praise!!) bc the dynamics and dialogue btwn characters flow so smoothly. It's absolutely and utterly unlike real life, it's just the pirate story we all always wished we could be in, and it's still an absolute blast. for that I award it 9/10. This one was funny bc it came out on VHS in time for the commercials to be advertising DVDs.
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius? This one's hard, cus this was one of my FAVORITE movies growing up. I noticed going in, however, that I remembered far less about what happens to Jimmy and his friends then I did about Caveman. Basically all I remembered was Jimmy's dad is stupid, and "when I sneeze it looks like a advanced species too." and that's bc Jimmy Neutron is a completely vapid and inane tale with absolutely no message, that unfortunately did not stand the test of time to me personally. It's pretty much unremarkable. they try to mix the "he's a genius baby" humor with 5th grader booger jokes and it just doesn't work, the booger humor doesn't land for adults and the genius humor isn't quite smart enough to be actually funny most of the time. Tbqh I think watching this as an adult gives me more ideas for horror movies than anything else. They go into space ON ROLLER COASTERS, WITHOUT HELMETS!!! They're fighting an entire civilization of space traveling ritual sacrificing EGGS and they have A SINGULAR! ONE! CHILD! ARMY! TO FIGHT THEM!!!! THEY CANT BREATHE OUT THERE! that's too scary I can't take it seriously lmao. 4/10 with all positive points going to Jimmy's hot mom and himbo dad (ideal romance tbh and where 90% of the humor comes from), Carl, Sheen, and Cindy, for screaming "THOSE FINDINGS WERE INCONCLUSIVE AND YOU KNOW IT" during their first on screen fight, that joke did actually land so they can have a cookie for it. And the teacher who gets turned small and gets left that way forever. What the fuck lmao
We also watched Pocahontas and I mean. Even as a kid watching that one was more of a lesson in "here's how NOT to talk about history," and as an adult, her "romance" with John Smith is more weak and pathetic than anything I've ever seen before or since! We got to "Savages" and all I could think was "Disneys orchestra really put their whole pussy into this one, huh?!?" I wish I could say the rest of the movie/soundtrack made it worthwhile but I'm gonna go with a solid 2/10 here. we still had a fun time tearing into their choices, and the aesthetic of an old Disney movie watched on VHS like nature intended is a form of ASMR. I didn't realize how much I missed the clackety clack of the plastic cases or the smell of a warm, freshly rewound tape. <3 good shit.
Stay tuned for more of my 20 Years Later: VHS Reviews No One Fucking Asked For! we're holding out hope that her parents still have my friends own VHS collection bc her and her sister used to have a banging VHS collection and I NEED to see Quest for Camelot.
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healingtots · 1 year
૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა〜♡
Hi, I'm Cali! I use She/Her/They/Them and He/Him pronouns. This is my petre/agere blog! This is my safe space so please don’t sexualize my regression! I will also mention this... My big age is 25 and my smol age is 0-6. I am also Pansexual and thus this blog is LGBTQ+ Friendly. So if you are a fellow regressor, a supporter, or coming into my blog with an open mind and aren’t here to judge or harm me or any of my followers... Feel free to pull up a seat and stay a while!
Firstly... My DNI:
N$FW + K!nk blogs (This includes but not limited to... abdl, ddlg and varients, ageplay, petplay, etc.)
MIK (minor in k!nk) or anyone who supports/enables them.
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc.
Fatphobes, Sexists, ne0nazis, lgtbq+ exclusionist, etc.
Pro-life supporters.
MAP$/ped0s & those who support/enable them.
Anti-agere/agedre or Anti-petre account.
Anti-furries or if you hate or dislike furries in general.
Anti-Therian, Anti-Therionthropy.
Pr0ana/PrO-ed, $3lf harm, g0re, tr@umacore, etc account.
If you cross tag sfw with n$fw tags.
If you have a blank blog.
If your account is based on politics or anything similar.
If your account is not child/kid friendly.
If I find out that any of the above apply to you and you interact with me and/or my posts, I will immediately block you! I do not give warnings. Please respect me, my blog and my rules. Thank you.
Also, even though my dms are open... Please don't dm me just saying "hi" or "sup". Please actually have something to say or talk about. Dry, one worded conversations (especially starters) make me highly uncomfortable! I also prefer talking to people who are 18+ but I have no problem with minors following or interacting with my posts so long as they are 13+ and follow my DNI above. ^
Continue reading if you want to know more!
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I made this ^ visual as well to further describe myself.. It was created as of 7.7.23 and it may change over time. If/when it does I will change it but till then this is what I have learned about myself ☺
Shows I like: 
Bluey, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Winnie the Pooh, Blues Clues, Strawberry Shortcake, Little Bears, Care bears, Dragon Tails, Between the Lions, Sponge Bob, The Adventures of Hello Kitty and Friends, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, etc.
Movies I like:
Bratz, Barbie, Tangled, Moana, Pocahontas, Wreck It Ralph, The Lion King, Up, The little mermaid and most animated Disney/ Pixar movies! 
Games I Enjoy:
My favorite games at the moment are Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Fortnite, Call of Duty, and anything zombie related honestly! I don’t play as much as I use to now. I also enjoy Fallout, Skyrim, The Last of Us, etc.
I love stuffies, the outdoors and all animals... except spiders! I wear dips for comfort but also due to other health issues. I love building forts, playing with dolls, blocks and Lego's. I recently started collecting Calico Critters! I enjoy swimming and I also speak Spanish. I use to love playing dress up... But that's another thing I haven’t been able to do much now a days sadly. I also really enjoy doing puzzles, taking bubble baths and watching anime from time to time, though... I'm not very familiar with a lot of them. I Adore Studio Ghibli, Sanrio and Dr.Seus!
And last but not least... I would like to make little friends around my big age range so feel free to dm me introducing yourself as well! That said friends are always welcomed with open arms~ I am also a flip with a regressor lean thus I don't mind babysitting as well so if that's what you need feel free to dm me telling me about yourself ❤ much love! I am possibly looking for a cg or 2 to help on my healing journey and to be a sense of support and safety as well! If you are interested in being my cg down the line, as it will take time for me to trust you, you can dm me too! All I ask is that you, please be patient. I don't regress around just anyone and everyone and I will be selective about who I chose to be my cg(s).
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 3 months
Hi, I was just wondering what are the other reasons you dislike Ali Nahdee. I personally thought she had good point in native rep but she sometimes gets into anti stuff. She acts like seeing abuse relationships on tv will cause people to get into them. I personally didn’t like her but I still thought she had something to say.
she was personally racist to me.
back when all of the marketing around the princesses being in wreck it ralph 2, she had gone to the disney store to “critique” the pocahontas merchandise (totally normal behavior for someone who’s not even powhatan….) and had made a comment that a pocahontas doll was “paler than she was” (and provided an image in poor lighting—I would grab the tweet in question but not only did she block me, but she also nuked the whole thread after blocking me)
now, I didn’t follow her, and I actually had found the tweet in question in early 2019 when I was searching for reference images of disney’s pocahontas (as I had been commissioned to draw all of the disney princesses for someone) and her tweet came up in the results, because i specifically had been looking for the version from that movie (commissioner wanted me to draw those versions of the princesses in specific)
anyways I pointed out that not only was pocahontas not actually that dark skinned in the movie (providing a direct screenshot from the film as proof), but that historically she wouldn’t have been that dark skinned either (because get this, I’m actually part powhatan—and while I am admittedly white passing due to being mixed race, my maternal grandfather, who is native american, isn’t that dark either. he does have copper colored skin, and does tan rather than burn, but he isn’t like. super dark like ali was complaining pocahontas wasn’t on that specific toy.) anywho i prefaced my tweet with my heritage (I’m actually related to the real pocahontas’s family, funfact. not a direct descendant, more like…a distant cousin??? though in the past I have remarked on how in the portraits of her that exist, I look fairly similar in certain facial features, mainly my nose, eyes, hairline, and overall head shape)
anyways, after i pointed this out, and made it clear I didn’t think she was saying this maliciously, I just think she might have had a warped view of how pocahontas is meant to look…she blocked me, and then started subtweeting me…
first, she accused me of using a “poorly photoshopped image” of pocahontas to prove my point (I didn’t, I screenshotted directly from the movie off a cartoon website, so likely the source was a DVD since there was no logo in the corner, and from what I could tell the colors of other characters and scenes looked correct)
THEN she accused me of lying about my heritage—and mind you this was AFTER she blocked me so I couldn’t reply to defend myself or further expand on my native heritage—which anyone who has EVER talked to me for an extended period of time knows I am HAPPY to infodump about. Because both I and my mother have done tons of research about our family tree—and that part of our family in particular (since its one of the few parts of my mothers family thats well documented and in a language we both natively know.) I mean I even know the specific name of a shawnee chief I am directly descended from! (Cornstalk—funfact, the mothman mythos is closely tied with Cornstalk’s curse, which is an alternate belief about the strange events associated with mothman sightings)
Now, again, anyone who knows me knows there are THREE things that really really tick me off in regards to my native heritage—and that is 1) calling me, or any other woman of native descent “pocahontas” (because first of all, her name was actually Matoaka, AND she’s not event the only significant native american woman in history), 2) being asked if I am related to Pocahontas/Matoaka (I actually punched a kid over this once when i was little. ironically I then later found out I actually am distantly related to her. what a small world!), and 3) being accused of lying about my heritage for “oppression points”. (well, there’s more than three, but that would just be getting into a whole other tangent, and I’ve already gone on like, four tangents in this post alone)
This last one makes me absolutely furious because I’ve had people (all white) say I can’t be native because “don’t look native” to them. when like. that’s not even fucking true??? other native american people (specifically other cherokee people—which is one of the tribes I am descended from) have recognized me as looking native american, and like other members of their tribe. I literally have the facial features, I just happen to have fair skin, and lighter hair. I mean hell, if you looked at my baby pictures (which I don’t have any on my device right this moment unfortunately) I did not look like a “white baby”. I didn’t start “looking white” (as in my hair lightening) until I was older. I’ve had white people try to gatekeep and erase my heritage from me because of their own perceptions of my appearance (based solely on my skin-tone).
So yeah, the bitch accused me of lying about a significant part of my heritage, a part that’s very VERY important to me, a part that I refuse to let others erase (especially since I’m SURE the colonists who murdered Cornstalk and his son—both my ancestors—would love to erase that misdeed and bury it).
I mean, imagine claiming to be all about the rights of indigenous women, and then smearing and making sweeping accusations about another queer, indigenous woman! Could never be me.
But I guess I could never understand the brainrot of someone who spends all day complaining about fictional representations made by white people, instead of raising up indigenous creators who worked hard to create their own, better representation instead.
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sarahhillips · 11 months
This is a Children’s Cartoon From PBS FFS
Honor and Compromise
Imagine if Disney made a movie of this in the 90s instead but f Pocahontas.
Little dogs are my weakness hey lets follow that guy
Oh they’re note passing
A woman and a minority walk into a room full of old white men.
Rabble rabble rabble
Ya’ll need to get along if you wanna win this war
“Sort of like a king?” 😮
Henri just charged into him like a rhino
James is not going to expose the spies
Henry said ooooo feathers
We’re going to hunt for feathers
Henri forming a battalion of Turkys
“It’s too windy IN here” 🌬️
Henry 0 Turkeys 1
Hamilton getting heated
“They shame their French blood!” Lol
Henry 0 Turkeys 2
How are Sarah and Moses allowed in there.
Redcoats coming this way!
Lee you bitch
Attack poodles 🐩
Sarah is sending messages to congress on behalf of Washington girl that’s treason right there
Henris risking his life for a feather
Lee didn’t listen to Washington and it backfired
“Lee, you’re fired! Get out!”
Go back inti battle guys, it’s not over k
Ok that last shot with the turkeys, and Henri sleeping
The New Frontier
We get to see Sarahs dilf of a father
“And you, Sarah, are you an American?”
Sarahs like omg forgot about me looking for my dad
Boooooooo children are starving
I love how James wants her to be safe and Sarahs confident in her safety.
How often does Sarah have to sleep outside?
Why did he just straight up desert her?
Imagine passing out in the forest and waking up in the log cabin of a stranger.
Sarah why are you scared of them they’re people
What is that pig eating, pizza on a baguette?
Sarah was definitely not expecting that
Papa Phillips is an outdoors nature men at heart
“It all started when these rebels started throwing tea off the ship I was sailing on.”
Rich people ruined everything in every era of time
Damn. That’s a hell if a debate club meeting.
Because most white people are bad people.
Tarring and feathering is way too extreme
Well James congrats on your first tar and feathering threat
“I fell in love with this country just like I fell in love with her.” 🥲
This is when Sarah finally doubts her views
These men didn’t deserve to be warned
This was the last straw for Sarah that made her say fuck this shit I’m out.
James, you are a writer. That was poetry.
“I lost you for six years”
Papa Phillips really is dad of the year all in one day
These scene would have been perfect for Sarah to go on a passionate and tearful rant about all the men who have mistreated her and how they’re both patriot and loyalist.
“I have been chocked, slapped, bound and gagged, spat on, ridiculed, threatened, and nearly had my virtue taken away more times than I can count! These are the exact kind of men who would have a prisoner executed even if he’s only just a boy! And the worst part is, the men who do this, come from both sides!”
Sarahs very anti-violence. I need to remember that for my writing.
Oh Sam, she’ll lovvvvvvvve that beard
James doesn’t want a goodbye hug
Poor Henri
Not Yet Begun to Fight
Omg yay the pirate episode
Omg is Jones a ginger
Sarah and Jones forming a friendship off of hair color
“Ah, another ginger.”
Sarah what are you doing above deck.
Ok but how did she survive that?
So no scene with Jones taking off his hat coat and boots to jump into the water and save her and while he’s holding her he says ‘Ay, whas ye name lass?’ but Sarah only responds with heavy coughs?
Just two gingers bonding over ham.
*Instant concern when Sarah says she doesn’t write anymore*
200 English prisoners!?
“Take my first riding teacher, Alec Spencer.”
Jones teaching Sarah a sea shanty.
Yesssss Sarah.
“I cannot write what I do not believe in” “Forgive me Ms. Phillips, but you strike me as someone who believes in liberty.”
Bros just sailing a burning ship like nbd
And then Sarah switched views right then and there. Treason complete.
“Serve our cause with your eyes and your pen.”
And she wrote the article on a plank of wood. Amazing.
Great idea with the grenade
Cue Titanic theme
“Ms. Phillips, I look forward to many more articles under your name.”
I bet Sarahs still getting used to shaking hands with men after having her hand taken and kissed so many times.
The Great Galves
So Sarah was a townhouse kind of girl in England
Why is Sarah being carried? Her being unconscious makes no sense here.
I wonder what books Sarah has on her shelve
I know James acts unmoved about Sarah leaving but I think he misses her.
Where’s Henri?
Oh jfc not the skunk
Who’s this chubster
“The war is already lost bro.” “But for Britain, America is lost.”
“Boys who’ll not be forced to fight other poor boys.”
“I’ve seen some shit mom. Anyways, I wanna go back.”
No article from Lady Whistledown about Sarahs surprise return?
“Log up ahead!”
Ooos Henri fell in the water can he swim
James stfu they can hear you
Time to steal a boat
“Hi one way ticket to America.”
“And your America will be different?” Yes, it’ll be so much worse.
I would be uncomfortable af if I saw shackled prisoners walking past me like a slow sad parade
*looks at captured American boy* “Courage.”
“Mom, I’m American.”
In Praise of Ben
I feel like this was just a filler episode but Sarah coming back is a yay
This would have been the opportune episode for James and Sarah to finally start flirting and because they have so much pent up, they find themselves kissing each other shamelessly.
So she switches sides in 1780
“Probably that I’m a silly girl who keeps changing her mind about who she really is.”
A lady like Sarah has ti have more than one bag I mean c’mon. I bet her mom bought her new clothes
Moses is so happy 🥹
James is like hmmmmmmm
Ope Henris gettin into fights
Imagine Henri was short when Sarah left but had a growth spurt while Sarah was away
Moses is in full dad mode
Kid, time for a history lesson
Wtf is that thing a glass harmonica
That’s sounds kinda annoying though
Lightning doesn’t strike that damn slow
Everyones just stanning Ben
Is the turkey laughing at him?
Bens mom was a slut too
Everyones infodumping
Imagine sharing a hospital room with 20+ people.
Noooo poor Ben
“Slavery is the economic foundation of the south” bish shut yo ass up
Ben Franklin as a mall Santa
Ben in a shirt that says 🐱🧲
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princessnijireiki · 2 years
This whole thing with Q'orianka Kilcher’s disability fraud adventures just has me watching from the sidelines going “???”especially as someone who really doesn’t watch her stuff
Honestly, nobody does. I say this as a fan of hers but despite the fact that she IS quite talented (when she wants to be... some of her stuff is absolutely phoned in), her filmography is dookie lol.
That's going to be what destroys her career, though. Because most people, if they even recognize her at all, will remember her as "live action Pocahontas" + MAYBE from a random prestige cable show or TV movie. There is no one, not even her own family, who will put their necks on the line to vouch for her over nearly 6 figures of felony fraud, she does not have the luxury of a massive deluded Johnny Depp style fanbase, and on top of the utter stupidity & arrogance of going so deep in your scamming you double dip from people who will already have had her under surveillance, LOOKING for a reason for her to fail, she committed the ultimate fatal flaw of publicly committing a sloppy & easily verifiable crime while forgetting her dumb ass is NOT WHITE.
I will be shocked if she and/or her boyfriend didn't also file for COVID unemployment + PPP loans (he's an indie director, she's dabbled in producing, ta-da, that's an independent business), and I'm sure this case is just the beginning of further audits against both of them + possibly their families. They will be LOOKINGGG for more felonies with a fine tooth comb lol.
But yeah basically this was also just a big scam out of left field, and Hollywood doesn't have as many of those as they used to. And it really is perfect outrage bait on top, given the amount of money involved when 1) even for worker's comp, she took home almost $100K over 2 years when she does not even average 1 movie or TV show per year for most of her working life... $50K per year for WHAT, and 2) she got someone to write her case off as "temporary TOTAL disability" for a soft tissue shoulder injury + neck pain that did not require surgery (and I'm assuming no narcotics either, since she's done an anti opioid PSA), when most disabled people in this country can't get that official categorization even if you're an amputee or have had a stroke, AND get significantly less than $50K cash per year + medical coverage in aid, AND would be investigated + LOSE the benefits they DO get wayyyyy faster for so much as breathing in the general direction of an Amazon warehouse job application.
Like she's made the mainstream news, she's made TMZ, she's made ONTD, she's made frickin' Breitbart. Her goose is COOKED. Scams like this are uncommon, but a self burn this visible, THOROUGH, and quick to spread is downright rare, and it IS what she will be known for (if she's known for anything at all!) going forward.
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lovingofhelios · 15 days
🌹 Introduction 🌹
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>🌹 Hello there, everyone! You can call me Helios or Celina! I'm 25 years old, bigender, and I go by he/she/star/berry. I live in New Mexico in the US.
>🌹 This blog is my selfshipping blog! I've been selfshipping for... I wanna say over a year or two now! This blog will be me posting my own self ship imagines/prompts/gushes and reblogging stuff from others as well!
>🌹 I also will be doing selfshipping art!
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🎈 Some Things You Need to Know! 🎈
>🎈 All of my F/Os are platonic or found family to me. I don't have any romantic F/Os, and I'm happily taken IRL by my partner, Angel!
>🎈 Most of my F/OS are my many, many Minecraft OCs of various species! I do have some fandom ones, which I will list here!
>🎈 I'm perfectly fine with sharing my fandom F/Os. If you're not comfortable with it, I understand. Just don't interact with me, and do not send me hateful messages. If you're not comfortable with it, move on, please.
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🌼 Main Tags 🌼
🌼 #💌 love letters - F/O writing/text from myself or others! 🌼 #🎨 paintings - F/O art from myself or others! 🌼 #🎈 little things - F/O headcanons from myself or others!
🌼 I'll also be tagging my F/Os with an emoji and their name, as well as an emoji with our ship name!
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💗 F/Os List 💗
>💗 All of my Minecraft OCs, especially Brine.
>💗 D.Va, Junker Queen, Zarya, Mei, Pharah, Tracer, Venture, Widowmaker, Brigitte, Illari, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Mercy - Overwatch 2
>💗 Argyle, Pyria, Frida, Millie, Nhamashal, Igni, Pepper, Rita, Wisp Mother - Fae Farm
>💗 All of the Disney Princesses (except Pocahontas) - Disney
>💗 Mirabel, Camillo, Luisa, Isabella, Dolores - Encanto
>💗 Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Poe - Star Wars
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>🌹 Please read my Carrd, including my DNI list before following me!
>🌹 DO NOT follow me if you are a pr0sh!pper/anti anti/neutral/supporter of that kind of stuff, if you ship yourself with minors as an adult/age them up or yourself down to do so, support cringe culture, you self ship/write headcanons about real people, or anything on my DNI list above.
>🌹 If you've finished reading this, I hope you an your F/O(s) have a wonderful day!
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whattheabcxyz · 6 months
Jail for man who threatened doctors & nurses with Swiss Army knife & hurled vulgarities at them - drugs most likely to blame for his behaviour
Serangoon North shop owners frustrated over MRT construction barriers affecting sales
MOH says HIV disclosure law being reviewed - under current law, those with HIV/AIDS or who suspect themselves of having it must disclose their condition to their partner; advocacy groups argue that this is counterproductive to health goals
Singapore port hits all-time high of 3b gross tons in vessel arrivals this year
$15m plan by industry body to drive up chartered accountant numbers here
Indian family gets scammed trying to buy organic eggs off Facebook - they were sent a phishing link as usual, which they stupidly clicked on & used to enter their bank details, & now they are insisting that the banks take partial responsibility for their actions 😣
Money mule hiring spree goes digital as crime syndicates turn to Telegram
Bookshops, art dealers & theatre companies worry consumers will cut non-essential spending next year when GST is raised yet again - maybe then don't go into businesses like these if you're worried about making a decent living?! 🙄
30 people under probe after multi-agency anti-crime blitz in Geylang
2 women arrested for evading roadblock
Condo rents decreased for 4th consecutive month in Nov, but HDB rents rebounded
Scientists destroy 99% of cancer cells in the lab using vibrating molecules - well, it's not 100%, & it wasn't done in humans
Reindeer can not only sleep with their eyes open, but also do other stuff (like chewing their food) while sleeping!
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^ This isn't a real human, but a sculpture!!! 😳
Ceiling fan blade breaks off while in use - the family whose home the fan was installed in was luckily unharmed as they were not in the room; the fan had only been in use for 4 years
Parasite actor Lee Sun-Kyun found dead of apparent suicide - he'd been under investigation for drug use
Stall owner in China beats customer up for adding "too much" vinegar to his meal - well, this just about sums up the Chinese mentality of everything revolving around $$$ & $$$ alone!!!
K-pop star Park Bom's latest plastic surgery fail - those heavily plastic-surgeried pop stars & actresses all look like carbon copies of one another now
BBC's adaptation of Agatha Christie's "Murder Is Easy" sees protagonist changed from white colonial police officer to black Nigerian - when're they going to a do a black adaptation of Mulan or Pocahontas then? lol
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disneydarling19 · 9 months
Labour Day weekend is over, and spooky has officially begun. I've compiled some of the best Disney villain songs to help get you in the mood for Halloween. 
10. Every Little Piece - Pete's Dragon
An underrated villain duet about scheming to profit off of killing. 
Best lyric: it's money, money, money by the pound
9. Oogie Boogie Song - The Nightmare Before Christmas
A bop from the best Disney movie for the season. 
Best lyric: It's much more fun, I must confess/  with life on the line/ not mine, of course
8. Poor Unfortunate Souls - The Little Mermaid
This is a classic Disney villain song that belongs on every playlist.
Best lyric: it's she who holds her tongue who gets her man
7. Savages - Pocahontas
As the top comment under this Youtube video says "You know, this song's anti-war message would have been much more accepted if they hadn't made this song such an absolute banger of a war song"
Best lyric: They're not like you and me, which means they must be evil
6. Gaston - Beauty and the Beast
Even though this song is all about boosting the ego of a massive jerk, it's catchy and fun. 
Best lyric: I use antlers in all of my decorating!
5. Ways to be Wicked - Descendants 2
If you want a villain-themed playlist for Halloween, then there's no better place to look than the Descendants soundtracks.
Best lyric: Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior / happily ever after with a little flavor
4. Friends On the Other Side - The Princess and the Frog
This song has a unique jazz groove and ends with bombastic flair. 
Best lyric: I got voodoo/ I got hoodoo/ I got things I ain't even tried/ and I got friends on the other side
3. Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmatians
Now, this song was not sung by a villain. Rather, it's about the villain. This is possibly the catchiest and most recognizable of the all the villain songs. Was there ever a villain as fabulous as Cruella De Vil? 
Best lyric: she's like a spider waiting for the kill/ look out for Cruella De Vil
2. Be Prepared - The Lion King
Dramatic and shady, this song almost makes you want to join in the coup. 
Best lyric: Meticulous planning/ tenacity spanning / decades of denial / is simply why I'll / be king undisputed / respected, saluted / and seen for the wonder I am 
1. Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
This song is a banger. The beat is something that would fit in a 14th century church and also at a modern day punk rock concert. The lyrics are simply terrifying, solidifying why Frollo is the scariest and most realistic of all the Disney villains. 
Best lyric: It's not my fault if it's God's plan/ he made the devil so much stronger than a man
What's your favorite Disney villain song? 
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sunshinebarbie95 · 25 days
Ok for all you PoCaHoNtAs AnD JoHn RoLfE ArE CLeArLy A BeTtEr CoUpLe bullshitters do you really think Pocahontas from the first movie (with her real personality) would chose that boring, ugly, serious, bland snob ? Yeah I didn’t think so
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
Avatar vs Princess Mononoke: How to have a message youtube comments 
"To see with eyes unclouded by hate and try to slow the cycle of violence" You need a megaphone and the whole of reddit held hostage in a room or hell the whole of humanity held in a room to listen to this sermon. When addressing the anti-colonialism narrative, I love bringing up the Tlaxcalans. You know, the people that were systematically harvested for human sacrifices. They joined the Spanish almost instantly to help take down the Aztecs. There were more Tlaxcalan fighters than Spanish! Conquistadors vs Aztecs is two evil empires fighting, not the innocent Aztecs being attacked by evil Spaniards
Similar things happened here in the Inkan Empire. Several tribes or descendents of tribes under Inka rule immediately joined the Spanish. Some people view them as traitors, but it was their path to freedom from a tyrannical regime
To be fair with The Last Airbender, the show ended up subverting the whole narrative it established in the beginning with the Fire Nation being cartoon villains.  In season 2, we were introduced to Jet, who ended up being a fanatical "freedom fighter" willing to slaughter a whole town of innocent civilians, and the Dai Lee of Ba Sing Se, which was more or less just the Gestapo with a little bit of KGB/CIA mixed in with that MK Ultra type s**t they were doing.  And season 3 spent nearly its entire length giving perspective from the Fire Nation's side, showing us that there were plenty of good people within the Fire Nation living under a totalitarian regime, as well as of course giving us the conclusion of Zuko's redemption arc.  We also gotta remember that everyone's favorite Uncle Iroh was once a Fire Nation general that besieged Ba Sing Se, and it was only the death of his son (a death that occurred during the said siege he was responsible for) that led to his disillusionment with the Fire Nation leadership and the war it was waging.
“San is just like Jake Sully, a human that rejected their humanity and sided wholeheartedly with nature. -Except she’s in the wrong.” — That completely blew my mind, and I will forever remember this whenever comparisons btwn Avatar & Princess Mononoke are brought up in the future.
I'm sick and tired of the fools who insist that humans are the "most evil creature" or something, that no other creature would do what we do and they all live in balance.  Great to hear someone finally say that yeah, as countless invasive species have shown, animals naturally exploit for their own benefits; the reason they "live in balance" is because even the apex animals have sufficient opposition that they can't get the sort of upper hand humans have.  It's basically a race that wasn't designed to be won.  Somehow, we won, but the great power and control that we won requires an equal amount of care and caution.  With great power comes great responsibility.  I know it's cliche, but that doesn't mean it isn't a fundamental truth.
Now that was a great line, "Spain felt they were justified because they saw themselves as victims, pushed to do a 'justified' evil"
And those that don't understand that are those who only look at the most recent victim of the cycle instead of at the cycle that brought everything to today.
This is by far the best video explaining why Hollywood's obsession with "capitalism evil/humans evil, nature benevolent/natives wholesome" is just flat out dumb. Thank you ...Though they did turn Radcliff from soneone who did try negotiation, even if underhanded at times to an outright villain. Another tribe in the area invited him to a parlay and skinned him alove under false flag of truce
And the "Savages savages" musical bit shown both sides to be hatefull and equally intolerant, it wasn't just the english blatantly proclaiming the other to be barbaric and evil but the Natives aswell.
I mean in the very beginning of Disney Pocahontas movie you have Pocahontas’s father and the other men returning back from war with a rival tribe so even Disney portrayed the Native American people more three dimensionally and not as tree hugging hippie peace lovers.
Historian here. One of the single most infuriating attributes I often see in those historically illiterate or even my own colleagues, is that of the good vs. evil mindset. Often I will hear a group of people (often Native Americans) get lumped together as though they were of a singular mind, cohesive and peaceful. This is simply not true, as evident with the Comanches (I’m from Texas, it’s personal). This narrow minded view becomes a dangerous game, as people are willing to then call yourself wicked for removing mere wickedness from the conflict, as one would be hard pressed to find a historical conflict that was simply the righteousness against malice. Such conflicts exist only in the spiritual world, and we will not be a part of them until we die. I personally am more versed in the medieval world, particularly the Welsh Dark Ages and Norse culture, but I see the patterns that reverberated in the Americas. Nothing is new, and to say otherwise is foolhardy. Your videos are important, as the clear emphasis you place on nuance needs to be further addressed. I continue to be more and more impressed with each video you release, though I will tell you to continue delving into your topics, as many will try to discredit your message. “Ok so our resources are diminishing and if that happens there will be a huge humanitarian crisis so please be our ambassador to ask for more resources for our people” Betrays his own starving people and doesn’t try to do a compromise as he was tasked to simp for a native female This is Avatar from James Cameron, one of the best selling movies of all times.
When people speak of Native Americans living in harmony with nature, they forget how brutal nature really is. All cultures began with similar technological constraints, forcing the same "harmony." The ones in Europe, Asia and North Africa simply developed faster than those in the Americas.
"...The humans you're trying to eliminate were created here and are a part of nature, too. We are, therefore, a part of the Earth. Tell me, how can you revive the Earth if you forgot this crucial fact?!" "We too are a part of nature, and eliminating humanity... is the same as destroying nature... I have come to realize that I was about to make the same mistake again!" Quotes from an anime about giant robots punching each other in the face.Show less
The smallpox blanket thing is interesting, because i remember it taught as fact at school but it seems like it was just a myth now. I saw one study on it which basically said it would backfire if you tried to do it, because they really didn't understand how disease travelled and probably would just get sick handling freshly infected blankets, which would be much less dangerous by the time they had reached the natives.
So it was a hypothetical bomb that blows up in your face if you are fool enough to build one.
It was much more likely that the smallpox infection just had already gotten some resistance in the europeans but the natives had to get it the hard way, and the horrors of the massive native war with the aztecs just made everything so much worse.
If the aztecs hadn't been so horrible, it's entirely possible the spanish would have been beaten back.
Your emphasis on the idea that we must be 'better than nature' reminded me of this from G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy: "If you want to treat a tiger reasonably, you must go back to the garden of Eden. For the obstinate reminder continued to recur: only the supernatural has taken a sane view of Nature. The essence of all pantheism, evolutionism, and modern cosmic religion is really in this proposition: that Nature is our mother. Unfortunately, if you regard Nature as a mother, you discover that she is a step-mother. The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister. We can be proud of her beauty, since we have the same father; but she has no authority over us; we have to admire, but not to imitate. This gives to the typically Christian pleasure in this earth a strange touch of lightness that is almost frivolity. Nature was a solemn mother to the worshippers of Isis and Cybele. Nature was a solemn mother to Wordsworth or to Emerson. But Nature is not solemn to Francis of Assisi or to George Herbert. To St. Francis, Nature is a sister, and even a younger sister: a little, dancing sister, to be laughed at as well as loved." Chesterton was a very intelligent but also very witty and funny defender of Christianity, particularly Catholicism, and I generally would recommend his writing to people of all religious convictions (or lack-thereof). Pilgrim, you in particular would love him if you do not already.
This is an excellent video. You've made me realize why I love and admire Princess Mononoke and don't love and respect Avatar. I believe James Cameron knows that the only way Avatar: The Way of Water can be a better film than Avatar is if the former has a better message than the latter. I even remember an interview from around 2010 where Cameron says that he showed Avatar to some South-American indigenous tribe(s) and that their response was that the hero of the film solved his problems by contributing to the conflict and war between the humans and the Na'vi and that they don't see that as the best way of solving problems. Cameron subsequently said that Avatar 2 would have to have a better message than Avatar if he were to make it. I look forward to Avatar: The Way of Water for that reason.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 5 years
few negative™ things give me pleasure but watching dumbo(2019) get mediocre reviews is one of them. like to be honest, i hope these horrible live action remakes continue to fail so disney execs will pull their heads out of their asses and  stop shitting over disney’s legacy and spend all the money they put into shitty nostalgia pandering remakes, into original ideas. 
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doesthendnlive · 6 years
I was going to screencap everything but didn’t feel like it. Anyways, this is Johnnie Jae’s take on the new Wreck It Ralph 2 trailer that features Pocahontas and I pretty much co-sign on all of this (also she referenced the article I wrote for Indian Country Today so that’s awesome!). 
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social-justice-bard · 6 years
It's such a shame that Disney had a second chance at interpreting Pocahontas with Wreck It Ralph 2 but they went for such a sloppy interpretation.
They made her paler.
They made her use the specific item she took a stand against using in her own movie. ( The club who was almost used to kill John Smith )
They made another princess play with her hair ( and she found a leaf in it. It's funny because us ndn are dirty! /s )
They coded her as angrier than other princesses in the scene, reinforcing the stereotype that native women are stern and angry.
And they reinforced the "magic native" trope by making her hair magically fly into the wind indoor.
This is just... disappointing tbh. Pocahontas was a real person and a victim of pedophilia and it's disheartening for me as a native & CSA survivor to see her being portrayed like this. I wish Disney would just leave her alone & make an original Native American character instead of twisting a real life tragedy into a love story.
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