#anti hero izzy
gaypirateslife4me · 5 months
Izzy Hands is a trigger-warning in himself:
A devious, (internalized) homophobic, simping, napoleon-complexed lil shitweasel who is also a broken, battered, silver-fox/unicorn worthy of love and redemption.
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The duality of man. Or whatever.
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miss-interpretations · 8 months
Con O'Neill constantly having an Instagram story of 70% horny Izzy fanart is endlessly funny to me. Misha Collins could never. Jackles is screaming crying throwing up.
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jew-flexive · 7 months
everything i've learned about ofmd has been against my will but oh my GOD am i so glad i never watched that show....to all my mutuals processing yet another fucked up The Only True [& Christian!!] Redemption Is Death story line, ooof my thoughts are with you
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
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steve harrington - I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser / Midnights become my afternoons / When my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people / I've ghosted stand there in the room
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max mayfield - I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crisis / (Tale as old as time) / I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / ‘Cause you got tired of my scheming / (For the last time)
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mike wheeler - It's me, hi / I'm the problem, it's me / At teatime, everybody agrees / I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
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nancy wheeler - Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby / And I'm a monster on the hill / Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city / Pierced through the heart, but never killed
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scarrletmoon · 6 months
i originally added this to this post and then realized it was almost entirely off topic so:
people more eloquent than me (@chuplayswithfire comes to mind) have talked about racism within the context of the show and how izzy exemplifies a version of it that’s subtle enough to be realistic, obvious to POC and almost invisible to a lot of white people
i don’t think the writers wrote izzy intending him to be a racist the same way the badmintons or the british navy are. but saying he’s not racist at all, despite clearly living in a racist world, misses the point that i — and many other POC — have been trying to make. even stede is racist (see s1e2) and he’s our romantic hero
my point is, white people tend to perceive “that’s racist” as an attack on their moral integrity rather than a description of patterns of behavior, and it’s important to acknowledge when that happens so we can have actual productive conversations. i think some white people are afraid of calling something out when it seems like bullshit, and i’d encourage y’all to just……read more. read about anti racism. read about microaggressions. read about the history of racism in your country and the backlash that always follows progress
it’s going to take time and it’s going to feel uncomfortable, but i promise you’ll be vastly less afraid about fucking up if you just arm yourself with information
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5-7-9 · 24 days
(Disclaimer: i am ignoring every part i found stupid or unnecessary. Also i have a picture limit 😔)
Duke obviously met Batman/Wayne first but I’m skipping that. So he met Alfred secondly, in an uncharacteristic particular way. (As much as I’m confused as to why Alfred, someone who’s against Bruce being Batman would employ child soldiers himself, and I believe in the self motivated movement of children, this is technically canon).
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Alfred made a deal with Duke to do vigilantism and he’d help him do it (he also promised to help find his parents but Duke managed it himself). Alfred saved WAR from an Owl assassin with a tank. WAR was very distrusting of being lead by a mysterious man, so they eventually stopped listening after they stopped a school shooting Alfred ordered not to. Eventually Duke reveals he figured out Alfred’s identity, linking back to Duke’s puzzle solving trait. Now the Robins: Dick’s first interaction with Duke is him chastises children wearing his symbol. Dikc, speaking like the truly privileged man he is, acts like WAR is childish for trying to help out. Now, is WAR irresponsible? Yes. Solid advice although ominous. It’s just extremely impersonal to their feelings and lives and motivations.
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Since the first interaction Duke ever has with the other Robins, it was Damian that had a very particular dynamic. Damian hated the We Are Robins movement.
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If you don’t already know, Damian’s primary characterization is his insistence that he must inherit his honour. One of primary reasons why he takes up the Robin mantle is because he believes it is his right to do so.
Another interesting dynamic was Jason’s and Tim’s reaction to WAR
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Notably, Jason Todd was fully on board for WAR on the basis of it’s outside influence from Batman. Understandable considering Jason’s tense relationship from Batman, and his anti-hero status. Tim Dranke on the otherhand, doesn’t have any say to WAR’s existance, as his opinion is interrupted by mentioning Dick’s plot. Or more likely, he doesn’t have an opinion to comment on, which is why he only mentions facts of like the location of where the Robins are.
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Again, Jason Todd is extremely supportive of WAR and Damian is not (inbred is a bit much 💀). But Tim Drake still insists on trying to better understand the WAR children, taking a neutral and outsider understanding of the situation. Tim does not support WAR immediately. In fact, despite Tim’s insistence to understand WAR, he never gets the chance to.
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This the last and only time Tim ever even tries talking with WAR, during a sneak in. Apparently he couldn’t have done this during his time training the Robins, but doing it while working is fine. His terrible conversation starter gets interrupted, and that is the last and only time Drake ever tries connecting with WAR. Apparently monitoring their private lives was not enough information, all he knows is somebody can play the piano. So much for trying. (Tom King wrote this part tho, so I feel he was supposed to be the one to make it happen, which didn’t happen, so Tom did a horrible job). (I’m ignoring the scene where Tim downplays Izzy because Izzy was OOC).
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Dami beat up the WAR members and agitated them into battle. Another show of Dami’s honor culture, but what was so fascinating was how Duke and the WARs fought back to prove themselves although not wishing to fight.
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Skipping to when Dami and Duke get captured, they funnily enough get put into the same cage as Duke insults Dami in his mind while having a reasonable outer dialogue which i found fun.
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Despite the weird court of owl part, Duke’s dialogue was a great way to finish off the tension between the official Robins and the WARs. Duke realizes how personal Robin is to Dami, how the symbol is not just about justice, but the ties to Batman it comes with. Y’know what Duke does? He cuts it off. He refuses to sacrifice himself to become a symbol.
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They end off on good terms after that. With Dami reclaiming the title of Robin (and WAR’s disbandment), the conflict is gone. But I think it’s worth noting just how much Dami’s influence on Duke’s view of Robin might’ve been. Being Robin kinda sucks. So out of pity, Duke realizes Dami needs some loving support.
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(Not a batfam kid but she was in here and I’m working by chronological order). Kate and Duke have a small interaction but they definitely met. Plus I think Duke was retconned to have known Luke through his dad and I think that’s a great addition.
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Skips ahead where Jayson seems to train with Duke, their sass competitions tho 💀 Also, Jayson considers Duke as one of his brothers 😆
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Classic Alfred advice talks
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(You’ll notice that the writers decided to skip showing Duke’s development, this is why we need fanfiction thanks). Basically, Duke started hanging out with Cass for seemingly no reason, but they are a really fun dynamic. Plus Duke got to know Babs first through Cass. (I'm ignoring when Riko met Babs as batgirl and when Babs as batgirl defended WAR cheerfully).
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Cass and Duke also train together (i really like the illustrator here aaaaaaaaa Duke and Cass are so cute here 🥺).
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This storyline was bad but it really pushed Cass and Duke together as Cass was there when Duke got his new shadow powers and Duke was there when Shiva was being a jerk to Cass for some reason?? They coordinated attacks as a duo so that was nice. Plus, Duke thinks of Cass as his sis. (Is this specifically catered to me? Yeah, yeah…. I’m tots falling for the putting the minorities together thingy like a sucker, but themmmmmmmm!!! 🥹)
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Duke and Kate actually teamed up in action once (offhandedly 😔) so that’s neat.
(Hold on I reached my picture limit but there’s a part 2)
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I've been very negative so far so nows time for some positivity! Here's some things I like about every total drama girlie:
Eva is just super interesting. I think her character flaws are intriguing. I like her attitude and I think she's fun.
Katie and Sadie are super sweet. I like their often aloof attitude and I love their bond, their so cute and work really well off eachother.
Izzy is really fun. I love how off the walls she is and Izzy is probably one of the most consistently written and consistently funny characters in total drama.
Beth has tons of potential. She's interesting and is probably the most realistically teenage character out of all the cast.
Courtney is really head strong and I love it! She's also really malleable, being able to be a good protagonist and antagonist imo.
Bridgette is basically who little me wanted to be. I love the fact she is a surfer and I love how chilled out she is.
Lindsay is so sweet. I love her and I think she's very fun. Her voice actor does a great job at portraying her. Also her friendship with Beth is so sweet.
Leshawna is so cool. I love how she stands up for herself and knows who she is, I find that really admirable.
Heather is great. I love her in action she was really funny and in world tour she had a great arc from antagonist to anti hero.
Gwen is so freaking cool. I love her voice and think it suits her well. I love her attitude and how she also fights for the environment.
Sierra is such a cool concept. I love the idea of her being a total drama superfan and I think the scenes where she isn't obsessing over Cody is fun.
Blainley is just so fun. I love her design, her song, and I find her to be an interesting character. She's just so fun.
Staci is intriguing to me. Why does she lie? What caused her to lie compulsively? Is there a reason? There's a lot of intrigue for me surrounding her.
Dakota is fun. Her style is impeccable and I love the lesson she learns that she can be loved no matter what even if I don't like how that revelation occurred
Dawn is basically Luna Love good and I think that's great! I love Dawn so much, she's so silly. I like the storyline we got with her.
Anne Maria is one of my favs. I love everything about her. I love how she acts and I think she is one of the funnest characters in the show.
Jo is important. I love how she presents more masculine and how she is a bit insecure about it, I think it's a realistic flaw.
Zoey! I love her in roti d so much. I love when she goes all commando Zoey, I think it's an interesting contrast to her regular self (which I also love)
Amy and Samey are fun. I like the contrast between the pair of twins and I loved it when Samey stood up for herself against her sister.
Ella is cute. I love her Disney princess like self. I find her interest to be fun. I also like her friendship with Sky.
Scarlett was fun up until the twist. I wish we got to see more of her. Her design was neat and I think her voice is cool.
Jasmine is great. I love her personality and I like how she stands up for Samey, I think their friendship was sweet.
Sugar is fun. I think she's neat. Her costumes are pretty cool. I think she has tons of potential if you wanted to explore it.
Sky is good. I like that she isn't a stereotypical depiction of a native woman. I love her friendship with Ella.
Ellody and Mary are really fun. Their designs are great and it's a shame they were booted out at third place.
Laurie and Miles are interesting and are also wasted potential. Their designs are great. I also love the voices of the characters.
Jen is a sweet reference to one of the creators of the show. I love the fashion influencers trope for her.
Kelly and Taylor are fun. I love the growth from them and I feel they have tons of untapped potential.
Crimson is great. She is very stereotypical goth and I think that's super fun. I love her "I'm allergic to the sun attitude" and her design is great!
Stephanie has a cool design.
Carrie is really sweet and has tons of potential. Her voice actor does a great job with the role and I love her. I think she's sweet.
Emma and Kitty are great! I love the contrast between them and the contrast between Amy and Samey. Their great characters together and alone.
Macarthur and Sanders are fun. I think their both really neat and interesting characters. Their potential was pretty well tapped.
Alex is super cool. I love how hardcore she is and I love her attitude. I also find the fact she is preparing for the zombie apocalypse to be enduring.
Nichelle is a interesting character. I love her design, her voice actor does a great job. She has tons of potential.
Scary girl's fun. I love how much she treats the skull she gets, it reminds me of how doll collectors (me) treat their dolls. Her design is fun also.
MK is so fun. I love her so much. I love her design as well, I'm also glad they listened to fan feedback and made her skin colour not yellow!
Emma is so cute and silly! I love her design so much and I love the fact she is a YouTuber. I love the fact she is away from chase in season two!
Julia is a fun villain. I love how unabashedly mean she is. I love her fake kind and zen persona and how she cracks and shows how she truly is, it's neat!
Millie is great! I love how she develops from someone who projects her insecurities to a person who works on herself to improve.
Priya is an interesting character. I think she's the only total drama character with a fleshed out backstory. She deserves more.
Anyways, I love every total drama girlie so much, their all so silly and fun and just great!
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Congratulations comet anon for maxing out all the tags! 🥳
- 🧡
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ateotd-izzy · 11 months
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midnights (dylan o’brien’s version) (izzy’s version) (from the drafts)
“meet me at midnight”
“midnights become my afternoons”
lavender haze; stuart twombly
maroon; thomas
anti-hero; joel dawson
snow on the beach; stiles stilinski
you’re on your own, kid; joel dawson
midnight rain; stiles stilinski
question…?; thomas
vigilante shit; mitch rapp
bejeweled; joel dawson
labyrinth; thomas
karma; stuart twombly
sweet nothing; thomas
mastermind; stiles stilinski
the great war; thomas
bigger than the whole sky; stiles stilinski
paris; stuart twombly
high infidelity; joel dawson
glitch; stiles stilinski
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve; thomas
dear reader; mitch rapp
hits different; stuart twombly
you’re losing me; stiles stilinski
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: i’ll post these whenever ig
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Pairing: Izzy Hands x gn!reader
Synopsis: Upon saving your life, Izzy Hands also unknowingly stole your heart. Will you ever be brave enough to admit your feelings or will the spark that burns between you eventually fizzle out, if not stoked into flames of passion?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Poll
Anti-Hero Bonus Chapter
Announcement for Chapter 6
Chapter 6 (Maroon Edition)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Announcement for TTPD Edition
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canonizzyhours · 5 months
Canyon treats Izzy like a Byronic hero when he’s actually just a yappy wet dog. Blaming “antis” for the show getting canceled and assuming the general audience interprets him like they do. Gloating about cancellation. You got like twenty fans who see themselves as a majority and some just spend all their time staying in fandom out of spite specifically to make sure everyone is as miserable as they are. Twisting the show and the fandom so they are eternally put upon victims who have the right to lash out at any disagreement. Sounds like Izzy tbh I see why they like him so much. They watched the show and decided to emulate his level of justification of treating people like shit. If they’re not happy they don’t want anyone happy. The show may end here but it doesn’t change the fact that Izzy apologizes to Ed for mistreating him for years. They don’t even like their favorite character. They like a version they made up. That’s fine. Stop pretending it’s canon or at least learn a coping mechanism that isn’t just being a dick to cover for the fact that the canyon was wrong.
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maeglinthebold · 5 months
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So in light of recent news, I hear we're re-sharing old OFMD Fanworks?
Canon-adjacent/Nebulous well-adjusted future
I hope that someone gets my... - After twenty years together, Ed is still finding Stede's messages in bottles.
Steve Bunnet - a petting zoo caper
A Vicious Cycle - playing with each other's hair
Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in - sexy pillow talk
Codependent Co-captains - mild hurt/comfort
I'm a boss bitch but tonight we do it your way - First time Bottom!Ed
Just Resting My Eyes - Ed falls asleep in an awkward spot
I'm not wanting anything (but your loving, your body, and a little bit of your brain) - Fluffy picnic
What Ails You - edging, Top!Stede
"The Little Mermaid" - story time and queer allegories
World Enough and Time - Five times Stede and Edward try to have sex and are comically interrupted, and the one time they successfully bone
Canon AUs
Bell the Cat - the (curesed) cat bell turns the wearer into a sex kitten
Whale of a Tale - Stede turns into a merman and saves Ed from the storm
Fly By Night - Stede and Ed hook up with Mary and Doug, written with @lizzy-leo
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero - Stede sets out to homewreck Ed/Izzy...on purpose
And at last I see the light - Rapunzel fairy tale
Welcome to My Nightmare (I think you're gonna like it) - vampire!Stede, werewolf!Blackbeard
Wherever I go I'll be looking for you - WWDITS Vianton fusion
But on That Road I Took a Fall - Daemon!AU
Start Where You Are (and Change the Ending) - Amnesia fic!
Reunion Fics (written pre-actual reunion)
Warmth - hurt/comfort tag to 2x3
Everything About You - reunion inspired by the beach fight shots in the trailer
Sinking in your Eyes, Chasing Golden Nights - reunion and happily ever after written pre-S2 with @lizzy-leo
Waiting to Drown - angsty reunion on that beach from the promos
I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now - time loop reunion
Ask for forgiveness, never permission - angsty reunion and getting back together, written with @a-singer-of-songs
Tell me all your thoughts on God / Cause I'm on my way to see her - Fluffy taking things slow, written with @a-singer-of-songs
Hell of a Night - An actual Kraken shows up
So Why the Hell is There a Light that's Keeping Us Forever - angsty H/C reunion
How the Mighty Fall (They Fall in Love) - Edward goes back for Stede instead of waiting for him on the dock
I haven't shared most of these to tumblr at all so thanks in advance for the reblog!
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tizzyizzy · 2 years
Speaking (even more) about themes of colonialism in ofmd...
In episode 2, Stede gets his ship stuck on an island. While looking for the missing hostages, he's captured. He makes a racist assumption to his captors. He has an embarrassing breakdown in front of their leader, and is released when he's deemed too pathetic to be a threat.
Meanwhile, Izzy, Ivan, and Fang manage to peacefully buy the hostages off-screen.
If we're supposed to see Izzy as aligning himself with white supremacy and colonialism and whatnot for striking one deal over one guy with Badminton, we could instead argue due to this situation that he is much more in touch with the concerns of indigenous people than Stede.
Stede came off as ignorant, racist, and a potential threat. Izzy and co. seem to have walked in and established enough trust to strike a deal, no problem.
Stede comes into Jackie's bar dressed like an aristocrat, embarrassed himself, and breaks her nose jar. Izzy waltzes right in and she's ready to hear what he has to say.
I'm not saying Izzy is some kind of anti-racist hero, but I think it's fair to say that he's able to conduct himself respectfully and professionally with people of varying backgrounds. He's almost certainly spent more of his life around people of color (who weren't his servants) than Stede. He spent years working under the "brilliant sailor" Blackbeard, who is a queer man if color.
Izzy has probably murdered a hell of a lot more Navy men than Stede has (which I guess is technically zero). He's probably been attacked by them more too.
Besides, as has been pointed out, Spanish Jackie sells Stede out to the Spanish. Cutting a deal with the Spanish, French, British, whatever is the norm in pirate and criminal culture in this show.
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brainfugk · 1 month
Ok this has been in my drafts for too long and I couldn't make it better so I'm releasing it into the wild to let you explain it more eloquently.
Anybody else thinks that anti-heroes of OFMD are actually helping?
Izzy helped Ed to be fascinated by Stede.
Back, when he deliberately didn't say that it's Blackbeard who invited them. When he deliberately lied to Ed. When he probably was the first who told Ed about the namby-pamby wannabe pyrate.
Ned marked Ed and Stede as marriage officiant as per pyrate rules.
Burned their marks at the same place - they stood up for each other. Ed declared, that he's hanging out only with cool pyrates. Ultimately, his murder was what tipped Stede to self doubt and Ed (sweet Ed) went to hug him.
Richard helped Ed to embrace his leathers again
Coordinating the blowup of Zheng's armada, creating the ultimate boss - creating the ultimate hero. Woken up the Kraken. Who, on the verge of the panic, that he lost the love of his life, embraced his power again. (And found a strong ally)
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mostghst · 8 months
ofmd 2 spoilers but im talking about izzy
it’s been really interesting wiggling into fandom spaces on here and seeing ppl’s takes
but seeing the mixed feelings over izzy this season is so interesting. like there are always izzy stans, always izzy haters, and then the ones who start off w one feeling and now have a different one. as the latter i wanna put my take out there.
w s1, i was a izzy hater. he did annoy the shit out of me w how negative he was and how anti-ed having fun. but now i just feel different. i did appreciate the little conflicts in s1, cuz he did have some kind of connection w ed, but i feel like he’s getting more dimension in s2.
he is reaping in s2 what he sowed in s1. he wanted ed to be blackbeard bc that’s who he gave his loyalty to. his devotion was for Blackbeard… not for Ed. this man swapping clothes w an ex-aristocrat and teasing some blond airhead in the moonlight isn’t the captain he dedicated himself to. but, he kept egging ed on to be blackbeard and he got the kraken instead.
i think he recognizes that he did have a hand in the kraken, but wont fully own up to it. like stede caused the feelings but izzy enabled the behavior, but nobody needs to know that. so when he’s trying to wrangle ed in again he tries to copy stede. talking about the ship being “toxic”, trying to talk about the crew’s feelings, telling ed that he loves him and that theyre friends. but after that failure and the failed murder-suicide attempt, he’s got to have some kind of clarity. that and when he realizes that stede does indeed know ed and he’s on some fake high horse in “knowing” ed.
ik there’s some that do not like his little “suddenly a hero” moment, but i think it’s the first step in his arc where he becomes his own person. stede and ed both have complexes where they think theyre unlovable, but they (unhealthily) deal w it by running away and becoming someone else— someone who’s a leader. i think it’s prob the same for izzy but instead of a leader, izzy is a follower. if he pledges an allegiance to something, someone, then he’ll get what love is. but that’s not tru and he’s starting to realize that. but he’s abandoned some part of him do he’s copying ppl to fix situations. now that he got shot by someone he was loyal to and flopped at being “sensitive” he’s developing his own sense of person and how he handles things.
like yea, he needs to be held accountable for the kraken, but also stede abandoned his children and expected them to love and remember him when he got back after abandoning the actual love of his life bc he’s still struggling. everyone in this show does not great things as they are deeply flawed ppl w trauma in a non-therapy era.
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dreamofmysoul-tsc · 1 year
TSC characters as Taylor Swift songs because I’m rereading City of Bones and feeling nostalgic:
Clary: Fearless
Jace: Don’t Blame Me
Izzy: Style
Alec: couldn’t decide between The Archer (obv) and Delicate
Simon: Nothing New
Magnus: Long Live
Raphael: epiphany
Lily: I Think He Knows
Sebastian: Better Man (this was hard but i went with this song because i always think of Sebastian as what he could've been instead of what he was)
Tessa: Sweet Nothing or Last Kiss
Will: State of Grace
Jem: Forever Winter
Cecily: Hey Stephen
Gabriel: Daylight
Sophie: You Are In Love
Gideon: Untouchable
Henry: Paper Rings
Charlotte: Treacherous
Jessamine: hoax
Emma: So It Goes
Julian: Run
Kit: Innocent
Ty: Come Back…Be Here
Livvy: Bigger Than the Whole Sky
Cristina: Maroon
Mark: Today Was A Fairytale
Kieran: ivy
Helen: long story short
Aline: Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Dru: Out of the Woods
Diana: Wildest Dreams
Ash: You're On Your Own, Kid
Jaime: Midnight Rain
Diego: closure
James: betty
Cordelia: cardigan and champagne problems
Matthew: august or Anti-Hero
Jesse: the lakes
Lucie: Enchanted
Christopher: Everything Has Changed
Thomas: Paris
Alastair: All Too Well (pre-Thomas), Begin Again (post-Thomas)
Ari: Breathe
Anna: The Great War
Grace: The Lucky One
Eugenia: You Need To Calm Down
Tatiana: mad woman
Short Story Characters/Misc.
Robert: Haunted
Michael: Sad Beautiful Tragic
Jocelyn: tolerate it
Luke: Mary's Song
Amatis: This Love
Catarina: it's time to go
Hypatia: Bejeweled
Ragnor: cowboy like me
Maryse: We Were Happy
Valentine: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Celine: illicit affairs
Stephen: Mr. Perfectly Fine
Rosemary: Never Grow Up
*i didn't include the little ones because we don't know much of their personalities yet! but i still adore them 💕
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caregiverizzy · 11 days
Hi! You can call me Izzy!
I’m a flip with a caregiver lean
My pronouns are she/her
My little: @cloudsageregression
My main account: @izzylovestotaldrama
My interests: winx club, total drama, hazbin hotel, my hero academia, the vampire diaries, she-ra, barbie, ever after high, the loud house, five nights at freddy’s, and more!
DNI: homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, racists, NSFW, DDLG, ANTI agere/petre, and just mean people in general
This blog is safe for children.
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