#izzy hands is a asshole (affectionate)
gaypirateslife4me · 5 months
Izzy Hands is a trigger-warning in himself:
A devious, (internalized) homophobic, simping, napoleon-complexed lil shitweasel who is also a broken, battered, silver-fox/unicorn worthy of love and redemption.
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The duality of man. Or whatever.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
having now watched both black sails and ofmd, my conclusion is that the most important part of being a pirate is the aesthetic leather that would definitely give you heatstroke in real life
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our-flag-means-love · 2 years
i've seen lots of people saying stuff like "ed is babygirl and it's all izzy's fault"
i've also seen lots of people saying stuff like "ed is not innocent he's done lots of atrocious stuff and izzy did nothing wrong"
but i propose a third option, which i agree with the most myself, which is:
✨both suck✨
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
If Roach can invent top surgery he can also invent that procedure where they break your legs then gradually stretch them out as they heal so you end up like three inches taller after months of excruciating pain. I think that would fix Izzy/make him so much worse
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light-sabe-babe · 8 months
ofmd s2 finale spoilers ahead
imma be real honest: upon my first watch of season 1 I really didn't like Izzy. even during every rewatch after that I didn't like him as a character. he was an asshole. everyone can agree on that. and that's why he's loved by so many fans. but I never threw hate onto those who loved him throughout season one. bc I knew how important his role in the series was and how important it was to have a character that most people don't like.
as season 2 went on he grew on me. right from the first episode. I understood it. now he is still an asshole (affectionately). but he's allowed me to open my eyes and appreciate his role in the crew. they are just as much his family as Ed's. izzy has become one of my favorite characters in this series.
hearing con talk about Izzy was another major reason for my change in heart. his words helped me open my mind and heart to Izzy. and seeing just how much this character has done for him and so many other fans makes me wonder how I ever didn't like Izzy.
I can admit that if you told me during my first watch of ofmd that I'd be crying over izzy dying in ed's arms I'd call you crazy. there is no way I would.
yet here I am doing just that. my love for Izzy was a slow burn. and enemies to friends if you will. but I am so so glad I have this love and affection for that twat.
he is not only the new unicorn of the revenge. izzy hands is our unicorn. the fandom's. the cast's. the crew's. everyone's.
rip you twat🦄
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izzyhandsrightglove · 8 months
The Izzy Hands Is Autistic PowerPoint Essay
(this is the essay i submitted to the above all else zine (@izzyhandszines ), the exclusivity period of which just ended. enjoy!!)
I would like to start off by saying I’m absolutely fucking terrified to write this essay for a variety of reasons. But I want to express my love of Izzy Hands and how important he is to me, and the best way I’ve found to do so is to express the weird ways I relate to him as an autistic person. I’ve joked in a couple friend circles that I was going to make a PowerPoint presentation about why Izzy’s autistic (hence the title) but I decided to write an essay instead.
Disclaimer: I’m not diagnosing anyone, nor do I want this essay to be used as a diagnostic paper. This is by no means an academic paper, it cites exactly one (1) study, it’s based on my own experiences, light research, and the experiences of my fellow autistic friends. I’m just a dumbass who likes imprinting themselves onto the characters they hyperfixate on.
Reason one why I think Izzy is autistic: because I’m autistic and I said so. *cue end credits*
I’m kidding.
The real first reason comes from Izzy’s interactions with Stede FUKIN’ Bonnet. For one, Stede hates Izzy almost the second he meets him. Now, you could argue that it was because Izzy “stole” his hostages but we’ll set that aside for a sec. It’s been proven that people inherently don’t like autistic people if they don’t realize they’re autistic (Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism Based on Thin Slice Judgements by Noah J. Sasson (2017)). Traits that are often put towards “untrustworthy” or “creepy” people tend to describe autistics too. It’s entirely possible Stede caught a vibe and hated Izzy because of it. Stede is kind of an asshole after all (and we still love him for it). Another reason is Stede’s entire existence throws a wrench in Izzy’s routines as a First Mate. He whisks Edward away to do pirate-y things while Izzy is left to deal with a crew who frankly want nothing to do with him because he’s introducing structure on a ship that didn’t have any to begin with. Sure Izzy came off as an asshole (emotional regulation is a bitch) but he’s just a lil guy trying to follow his routines so nobody dies. He has the worst case of sense of justice. He’ll complain that an ambush is “unprofessional”, he’ll play fair in a duel even if it’s to his detriment, he’ll chase Edward around asking for a plan because Bad Things happen without a plan, the list goes on.
I’d like to dedicate this section to his stimming/eye contact/other little habits that make me think he’s autistic. Izzy has a tendency to touch his face when he’s stressed. Not just that, he’ll wrap an arm around himself and rest his hand on his chin so he can fidget with his beard, as if to self soothe. When he’s talking to people, unless he’s threatening them or yelling at them, he doesn’t look them in the eye. Often he’s not even facing them. When he is facing them, he often looks down at their lips, as if he’s struggling with eye contact. He walks around with his hand resting on his sword either because he’s short and the sword will touch the ground if he doesn’t or because it’s more comfortable for him to have his arm up near his chest. This is often referred to as T-rex arms and a lot of us find it more comfortable than letting our arms rest at our sides. He’s a little pyromaniac, he seems to use candle fire to soothe himself. He’s done it at least twice, once while he was lying to Edward about Stede’s response to meeting Blackbeard and once while talking to Spanish Jackie about Stede in her bar. He sleeps in his underwear like a WHORE (affectionate) which could be argued is temperature regulation because a lot of autistics (myself included) H A T E being overheated. Then there’s the ooh daddy scene. From my little list I made prior to this essay, “ooh daddy scene (thank u conbert), yes i have an explainiation for this. a weird ass intimidation tactic? sure. however what if he can’t read social queues and doesn’t fully realize how fucking weird it was to do that”.
Then there’s his glove. I could dedicate an entire essay on speculation on that fucking glove. Is it hiding something? Is it just to look cool? Is it a sensory thing where he doesn’t like the texture of his sword so he wears the glove to make sword fighting easier? We may never know. Or we might in s2 who knows. Speaking of sword fighting it could be argued by me that because Izzy is supposed to be the best swordsman in the world, sword fighting could be his special interest. He probably spent hours perfecting every move until he got to the level of carving his name into a man’s shirt without leaving a single scratch on him.
We’ve seen Izzy have at least one meltdown re: the duel. He’s losing the duel, the crew are jeering at him, Stede isn’t helping, he finally screams at him before his sword breaks. We’ve also seen him have a shutdown where after Edward goes below deck after realizing his plan against the Spanish isn’t going to work because it’s a leap year, Izzy is in the foreground of Frenchie and Lucius staring off into space. It’s possible that after everything he went through that day and the realization that he’s going to die made him completely shut down.
I have no proof of this since we never really see izzy by himself but I don’t believe in the entire time Izzy has been subjected to the constant torture of being alive and autistic in the late 1600 early 1700s he has unmasked even once. When living in such close quarters with other people and being First Mate to the physical embodiment of ADHD he probably doesn’t get a lot of time to himself. Therefore he has to cope with his existence in other ways, as mentioned above. And the crew of The Revenge have ruined almost every way he uses to cope and manage his autism. We’ll have to wait and see what other horrors unfold for this poor little autistic man, but for now all we can do is pick him apart and see what’s under the hood.
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OK so, what about a very affectionate reader who hugs and kisses folks on the cheek, especially as a thank you. Izzy, being izzy and not knowing how to ask for affection just keeps doing favours for them so they can get that sweet sweet affection!
Izzy Hands doing Favours in order to receive your Affection:
You were a terrible pirate, at least that's what Izzy Hands thought. It wasn't that you didn't know your knots or how to handle a sword, you even knew how to predict the weather fairly well. Practically, you were a fine pirate.
But what pirate is so...affectionate?
Sure, Bonnet's crew was soft. Weirdly open and affectionate with each other but you were on another level. You always greeted other members of the crew with hugs. At first Izzy thought that you and Roach were involved with each other because you had kissed his cheek when he served you your dinner once, but then he realised that you always did that when you thanked some one.
Izzy had never been on the receiving end of your affection, though he didn't wonder why. You probably just didn't like him, thought he was an asshole and why would you show him affection if you thought that?
That is, until he lent you his knife.
Izzy hadn't even thought much of it at the time, it was just practical. You were handling some of the ropes and you needed to cut one, he saw you reach for your knife where you normally kept it in your belt, but it wasn't there. Izzy had approached you, holding the knife out for you. He was just trying to get the job done.
You took the knife with a smile and a "thanks, Izzy." You cut the rope with ease, taking a moment to admire the blade, before turning back to the first mate.
You thanked him again as you handed him the knife back, he had expected as much, you were always fairly polite. What Izzy hadn't expected was for you to press a quick kiss to his cheek before returning to your task.
Izzy gawked at you for moment before clearing his throat and stalking away. He hadn't expected you to thank him in the same way he's seen you thanking other members of the crew, perhaps he had just never really given you a reason to thank him before and that's why he's never received your casual affection.
After that, Izzy found himself watching you more often, seeing how comfortable you were with physical affection. He also noticed that you didn't express it the same with every member of the crew.
You were more liberal with your affection with Frenchie, Wee John, Lucius, Black Pete, and the Swede. A little more reserved with Roach and Oluwande. Much more reserved with Jim and Buttons. More cautious with Fang and Ivan but slowly becoming more comfortable with it.
It seemed that your affections depended on the person, not so much due to your feelings towards the person, more like you would assess their comfort level with your affectionate demeanour.
You didn't show Izzy casual affection, for completely understandable reasons, but you did show that affection when you wanted to thank him for something. So, he would make it his mission to earn your thanks.
You need assistance with a task, he just so happens to be the closest crewmate to you.
You misplace something, Izzy is the one to find it (totally by accident. Just stumbled upon it, really).
You missed lunch, he's tossing you a sandwich. Of course, it's only because he doesn't want his crew passing out and being even more useless.
No matter the little favour or gesture, you expressed your gratitude. Usually a kiss to his cheek, eventually easing up to a small hug. Each little thanks got an awkward response from Izzy, a blush forming on his cheeks, his feet shifting, but he would smile at you.
The first time you had shown him some gratitude in your typical fashion, you thought he would curse at you, ask what the fuck you were doing and demand that you never do it again. But he didn't seem to mind, never pushed you away or ordered you to stop. Which, by Izzy standards, was practically encouraging it.
It doesn't take much observing for you and the rest of the crew to notice that you were the only one who received these kindnesses from Izzy. You were the only one that Izzy seemed interested in doing any favours for.
If anyone else dared to ask anything of him, he would snap at them to fuck off and do it themselves. You didn't usually have to ask though, and you rarely did, he did it because he wanted too. Or at least wanted the reward.
It's Lucius that first properly sees through his act, because of course it is. Every time Izzy does something for you and receives a token of affection in return, he is greeted by Lucius smirking at him. All too knowing. He hates that boy.
"Uh, Izzy?" you called out. spotting the first mate on the deck. The man turned to you instantly, his glare softening ever so slightly. "Sorry, I mean Mr Hands," you corrected yourself as he approached, holding the thick rope in your hands. This really wasn't a one man job.
"Izzy is fine," Izzy grumbled as he came to stand beside you, making you smile. "Something you need?"
"Could you just give me a hand with this? Ivan was helping me but he saw Roach walking around with a bunch of knives and thought he should tend to that first," you explained, giving a tug on the rope.
Izzy nodded. Roach scuttling around with his abundance of knives was never a good thing though nobody had figured out what he was doing with them yet. Best to keep an eye on it thought, Ivan made the right decision.
"Sure," he nodded, not hesitating to help you out. He never did when it came to you though, did he?
That's why when you asked him to teach you how to fight, he agreed. Plus, it didn't hurt that you had rambled about him being such a talented swordsman. You had asked him to begin his lessons a while ago now and had always been punctual to your evening lessons, occasionally sneaking in midday lessons as well. He did mind spending the extra time with you.
Months after your first lesson with the first mate, you had finally managed to get the upper hand during one of your impromptu midday sessions on the quarterdeck. You were pretty sure he was taking it somewhat easy on you, letting you practise your disarming techniques, but you were overjoyed anyway when his sword clattered against the deck.
In the excitement of your victory, you threw your hands up with a cheer, a wide grin on your flushed face. You made quick steps towards Izzy, dropping your own sword before throwing your arms around his neck.
Izzy, being too caught up in the adrenaline of sparring and your excitement, was unable to control his reaction. He laughed lowly but sincerely, the sound a rumble in his chest, as he caught you around your waist.
"Good job, you're really improving," Izzy praised, a certain amount of pride in his voice.
You pulled away, a grin still on your face as you clutched his shoulders. He was still holding onto your waist, you weren't sure if he had noticed but you barely realised you were still holding onto him either.
"You're a good teacher," you complimented. The only other person who might have been able to turn you into a decent fighter was Jim, you honestly weren't sure which one of them was less likely to stab you though.
The clearing of somebody's throat reminded you both that you were both out on deck in the middle of the day, you didn't have the privacy of your usual night time lessons.
You both turned in the direction of the sound. Most of the crew had gathered around to watch your sparring session, but it was Lucius, who was now smirking knowingly at you both, who had cleared his throat.
"What the fuck are you twats staring at? Get back to fucking work!" Izzy snarled, his hands off of you in an instant.
You stepped away from him, hiding your laugh behind your hand as Izzy set about scolding the crew for laziness. You would find away to properly thank him for his help later.
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bzedan · 2 years
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I posted 4,101 times in 2022
That's 3,139 more posts than 2021!
162 posts created (4%)
3,939 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,926 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#ofmd - 762 posts
#our flag means death - 522 posts
#illustrations - 314 posts
#gifs - 257 posts
#actual lols - 243 posts
#reblog - 210 posts
#videos - 206 posts
#wwdits - 170 posts
#language - 140 posts
#monsters - 138 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and the squirrels are eating the still fresh oranges you couldn’t reach and the green orbs of the next are big enough to fool at being limes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Literally me sharing something on Twitter that I’d made with Tumblr in mind:
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You know what, I guess this hellsite (derogatory) can have the thing I made for hellsite (affectionate).
61 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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Had to make a mixtape for episode 10, we’ve got the A-side for Ed:
Spotify link to playlist
Track listing in text:
1. 'Feelings' - Hayley Kiyoko 2. 'Never Be Mine' - Angel Olsen 3. 'So Low' - Matt Berry 4. 'All The Things She Said' - t.A.T.u. 5. 'Heels' - Sir Babygirl 6. 'Hurt' - Oliver Tree 7. 'I Will Be Waiting' - Let's Eat Grandma 8. 'I Am a Rock' - Simon & Garfunkel 9. 'It's Okay To Cry' - SOPHIE
See the full post
72 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Ways I have seen Izzy Hands described that full me with joy:
sour little man
vindictive little man
confirmed to be awful
old white asshole
tragic little wretch
177 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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Most of the Discord has Opinions™️ on Our Flag Means Death and I’m happy to indulge them.
1,774 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What they say: I am loving Our Flag Means Death!
What they mean: Yes I am screaming crying throwing up but what other words do I have about watching a Latine nonbinary character on my TV not only being called by their correct pronouns but by the name they chose by basically everyone (and Nana as the exception, someone who wants to recognise Jim but is caught in old habits is ALSO important), this is a show where the queer is not subtext but text, it’s flashing neon signage with a song from THE Fleetwood Mac “fucked up relationships” album playing while one lost soul physically reaches out to touch the man he loves, this is a show that is using the most beloved romance tropes as a shopping list, it saw we were hungry and offered a buffet for the heart, and all the while that I’m leaning forward, repeating lines in the sotto voice of joyful disbelief there is a part of me is both so angry this sort of story is rare and so grateful this show is acting like this is a normal story to tell.
1,777 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Ah guess who finally read the chapter? Tis I.
Here is a bunch of random stuff I really liked from the chapter and deserve to be noticed and appreciated.
But first of all. Another random thingy. I loved the chapter title. I love all of them. But this one was kinda cute idk 🥺.
Okay. Amazing writing by Eeshu in chapter 10 of LRHWY:
Magnus had a heart inside his chest, but it wasn't really beating for the past few months. (oh wow. oh wow.)
Alec rolled his eyes affectionately and raised his hands up so that Magnus could remove the sweater. (this image is very cute)
He didn't know how they went from having sex to Alec crying in his arms. (He has the range, honey).
(note: the number of times alec ran his fingers through magnus' hair in this chapter is insane and i am here for it)
"Baby, you have a problem. You need to stop." (I want alec lightwood to say these words to me, thanks)
Everyone deserves a little bit of easy in their lives. It's not wrong to want that. (ABIGAIL OMG. BITCH I LOVE YOU)
Also I once got drunk and called my boyfriend a boring virgin so i yes magnus we are both assholes :)
magnus, keeping secrets from alec in every goddamn au: it's called the bad bitch genre. it's a genre.
“What do you want me to do, Magnus? Wish I was never back.” (alec's angst one liners give me life. this man always knows where to hit)
"This is not a business venture. This is a passion project. We’re doing this because we believe in the idea. We believe in art." - me explaining to my mom why i write fanfiction during work hours
"Wait, are you guys back together or something?" Jace asked, and Isabelle hit him on his head. (JACE! NO! SHOULD HAVE JUST GONE ALONG WITH THIS SHIT. IZZY IS RIGHT)
Jace interrupted her. "What I meant was that Clary's sister is coming to live with us for a few days. She's coming this weekend." Alec raised an eyebrow at that. "What sister? Clary doesn't have a sister." (I was laughing so much during this whole scene istg)
okay so they are gonna be roomies now huh. me waiting for the forced close proximity trope next fic: 🥵🥵🥵
Loved this chapter. Thank you for all the hard work you put into. And the angst 😇
First of all, I cannot stop laughing over you calling your boyfriend a boring virgin lmaoo.
I also need Alec to say the same thing to me. I will also, similarly to Magnus not listen to him. But still.
I was so sceptical about introducing OCs so I AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED HER.
And yes, you will be seeing the forced roommate pining trope in the next chapter. It will be cute and soft and insufferable and angsty and dramatic like always.
Thank you so much. Ily. 🌻💚🌸
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Stede/Ed/Izzy, Any/Izzy & Crew — Izzy is a happy & affectionate drunk, confessions, pre-poly
Izzy doesn't drink. Ed's mentioned it a couple of times, as does Fang & Ivan. The crew just assumes he's either that tightly-laced or is a lightweight that would puke after the first glass. And they don't bother much cause surely, Izzy would be even more of a raging asshole when drunk. Wouldn't he?
And they're right, at least in one regard: that Izzy Hands is a lightweight. But Ed's the only one who knows exactly why Izzy never gets sloshed in public. Because Izzy is an affectionate drunk, all smiles and laughter, cuddly and all-too ready to spill secrets and his heart.
And by some accident, he gets drunk on deck. Cue him being ridiculously affectionate and soft to the crew, where he says that he does like them, proceeding to point out everyone's qualities he admires in each of them.
And then Stede... Izzy goes to him and Ed, happy and sweet and confesses that he likes to be between them, in his dreams. That he's caught feelings for Stede on top of his love for Ed. Cue him passing out in the middle of cuddling and that bombshell of a reveal. Then he wakes up to the crew being sweet to him and the Captains inviting him for a '"talk".
Endgame Steddy Hands ofc!! Any Izzy ship on the side goes!
Fill: None
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these are kinda random, but if you wanted more questions🥰:
1. who worries about the other person the most?
2. who pays for the food when they go out?
3. what nicknames would they use for each other?
4. who’s more sensitive?
5. who is more protective of the other?
Most likely to:
Thank you so much!!! I'm always open to more💖💖 you're a gem
Most likely to worry: I think Izzie would worry the most, Casey wears her anxieties outwardly but on the other hand she also doesn't readily offer her worries. (Izzie is open about her family struggles and conflicts, when it comes to Casey, so I feel she's just easy to ramble about her conflicting issues which would lead to Casey not needing to worry in the same way Izzie would)
Most likely to pay for the meal: I think for actual meals they'd go half and half or they swap between who pays, but for not quite a meal; something like slurpee night, Casey totally pays for that.
Nicknames: Izzie for casey, well I feel she uses just about anything, like way she called her rat lol. But legit nicknames would be Newton(she doesnt let this one go especially now), I feel like she'd playfully call her a menace or something, she'd be sappy and call her "my one and only" instead of saying something like love of my life, and she'd call her superstar, after making sure it's okay.
Casey to Izzie, she clearly calls her Izz, she uses dude affectionately, I think on the theme of birds she would jokingly call Izzie night owl, because Izzie totally cannot stay up for the life of her lol.
I think they both us babe over baby, but when Casey absolutely wants to get her way with a stubborn Izzie she will pull out the "baby"
More sensitive: Casey is more sensitive in general, she emotes more on a regular basis. But I think when Izzie finally lets her facade down it's a whole emotional ordeal. (But in a relationship stand point Izzie is more sensitive if that makes sense. Like when it comes to their relationship and things within it)
Most protective: who shows it more in front of the other I'd say is Izzie, she is wouldn't hesitate to put herself between Casey and an asshole.
Casey I think is the behind the scenes protector. And wouldn't mention it at all. Like the milkshake bop, the way she blew up on Doug. (She would just want to get Izzie out of the situation then deal with it herself later I feel- scheming Casey)
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
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Mike Zacharias was, all things considered, a good guy.
Levi wouldn’t have gone so far as to call him a friend, they only had a couple of classes together, but they both were a part of a football team.
And on the field, there was no better partner than Mike. He was honest and reliable. And when they played on the opposite sides, there was no tougher or stronger opponent for Levi than him. He always offered a good challenge. Levi liked that, respected that.
So all in all, Mike was a cool, even awesome guy, Levi didn’t have a single problem with him, except his best friend.
Hange fucking Zoe.
One of the most prominent and intelligent students at their school. The weirdest student of their school.
She was loud, messy and batshit crazy. Among other students, she wasn’t known for her exceptional intellect or her unusual friendliness. Instead, she was known for causing an explosion at the school’s lab not once, not twice, but three whole times! The only reason why she wasn’t kicked out of the school was her perfect grades. Or her parents’ huge wealth.
When she wasn’t hanging out with her ‘research team’ as she affectionately called those fools, who followed her around, she was spending her time with Mike. She was with him almost always, including the football practice.
And maybe, Levi wouldn’t have any problem with her, or Mike, if Hange wasn’t loudly cheering on Mike every goddamn time she accompanied him to the practices.
And, yeah, sure, what was wrong with cheering on a friend? But it pissed Levi off, especially because maybe, kind of, he had a tiny, little, miniscule crush on Hange.
He didn’t like her, of course. He didn’t. He just liked staring at her and listening to her. She also smelled surprisingly nice and had very soft hands. Not that Levi had ever held hands with her. He just touched them once, and now he wanted to touch them again.
They didn’t hang out together and, of course, they weren’t friends. They had only one class together, and that was biology. Biology, where Levi’s traitors of friends decided to fucking dump him.
“You need to be more friendly,” Farlan, that asshole smirked at him, after he had told him that he and Isabel were going to pair up together for the science project.
Stupid jerk, if his advice was so fucking sound, why didn’t he follow it himself? Still, there was nothing left for Levi to do than to seek out a different partner for himself. His eyes darted to Erwin, they weren’t exactly friends, not as close as he was with Farlan and Isabel, but they talked sometimes. He liked Erwin, but apparently his opinion of him was wrong, because when Levi turned around - Erwin was already paired with the biggest shitass in their school - Nile Dawk.
And, unfortunately, apart from Erwin, there was no one else Levi was on good terms with. Maybe, there was some truth to that fucker’s words. He really didn’t have a lot of friends.
Help came from an unexpected quarter.
Hange Zoe, the school’s prodigy, stood next to him, smiling sheepishly.
“Do you need a partner?” she asked.
And it wasn’t like Levi could refuse. He did need a partner. And, as he learned later, Hange Zoe turned out to be an amazing one.
She was smart, but also hardworking and very passionate. She was also unusually, but genuinely nice. She wasn’t even a bit arrogant, and whenever Levi didn’t get something, she always explained it to him patiently.
(Sometimes, even though he would rather die than admit it out loud, he played dumb on purpose, just so he could listen to her excited voice and look into her burning eyes, as she explained to him some stupid shit like meiosis).
So, yeah, she was kind and really fucking funny. And, maybe, one could call her pretty, if that one was into messy-haired four-eyed weirdos. (Unfortunately, Levi was). And, yeah, maybe, he liked it, maybe, he liked her. It meant nothing though. Hange probably didn’t even know his name and paired up with him only out of the kindness of her pure fucking heart.
Levi shouldn’t even think about her. He also shouldn’t stare at her during lunches like he’s some kind of a pervert. And, especially, he shouldn’t become angry every time he hears “Go, Mike, you’re the best!”
She was just trying to lift her best friend’s spirits, Farlan and Isabel did it all the time.
Still, it pissed him off, it hurt his pride, it made him fucking jealous.
He hated it. But, unfortunately, he couldn’t hate her.
His leg was kicked. Levi ignored it. His leg was kicked again. Again, Levi ignored.
“You’re staring at her again,” the words were followed by another kick.
Levi grunted, turning to face Farlan. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, using his most disinterested voice.
“Huh?” Isabel twisted her head around, looking at the mass of students, gathered in the cafeteria. “Who was big bro staring at?”
“No one,” Levi answered, while at the same time Farlan pointed Isabel to the right person.
“Ooh,” she cooed, grinning wickedly. “You’ve been staring at the weird Zoe girl!”
“Now, now,” Farlan chucked, patting Isabel’s head. “You shouldn’t talk about her like that. She may be a weirdo, but she’s also Levi’s sweetheart.”
“I swear to god, Farlan, if you don’t shut up, I’ll fucking punch you!”
Levi’s anger intensified, as he saw the shit-eating grin on his friend’s face. It was an empty threat and Farlan knew it perfectly.
“Oh no!” Isabel squealed, frantically pulling on Levi’s hand. “She’s coming here!”
“Oh yes, she totally does!” Farlan agreed. “Come on, Izzy, we should give them some privacy.”
And before Levi could throw another insult his way or beg them not to leave him alone, Farlan grabbed Isabel’s hand and dragged her away.
Fucking traitors.
Levi looked up - Hange was actually heading to his table. Shit. What did she want? What should he do?
She probably wanted to discuss the science project, the rational part of Levi’s mind kept insisting. But his heart didn’t listen, continuing to beat erratically inside his chest.
Shit, he needed to get a grip on himself. Hange was just a girl, a nerdy weirdo. The fuck he got so worried about?
“Hi,” Hange stood in front of him, holding a tray in her hands. “Can I sit down with you?”
“There is a lot of free space here,” Levi grumbled, taking a bite from his sandwich.
He mentally kicked himself. Why was always such an asshole? That’s why he only had two friends. Not that Levi gave two shits about being polite, but, well, he’d like to be Hange’s friend. Or maybe, something more.
“Great!” Hange smiled, as she took a seat across from him. Levi glanced at her beneath his fringe - of course, he shouldn’t have worried. Hange was a weirdo, she was never bothered by his rudeness.
“I just wanted to talk with you. I… well, you know about school dance this Friday? Oh, sorry!” Hange chuckled. “Of course, you know about it! That’s the only thing everyone talks about!”
Well… Levi certainly heard about school dance. Isabel mentioned it a few times, but neither of his friends was planning on going there. And there wasn’t any reason for Levi to attend. He would rather spend his Friday at home, playing video games with Farlan and Isabel.
“Anyways!” Hange continued. “Have you asked someone already?”
That took Levi by surprise. The question was so absurd that he looked at Hange closely - was she joking? But, strangely, she seemed to be serious. And she appeared to be somewhat nervous, which was even weirder. In all the time that he knew her, Hange was never nervous or shy. She was always unapologeticly bold. That was one of the reasons Levi liked her so.
So what was wrong now?
“Um, no?” Levi answered, feeling uneasy. For some strange reason, his pulse fastened.
“Oh, then have someone asked you?”
Levi eyed her carefully. Hange was fiddling with the straw of the juice box and she avoided looking him in the eyes. So she was nervous! But why? Levi glanced behind Hange’s shoulder. Mike was sitting on a table near them. He was grinning happily, and when Levi met his eyes - Mike winked at him.
What the fuck was going on?
He focused on Hange again. “No, no one asked me.”
Well, technically, it wasn’t true - a surprisingly large amount of girls had asked Levi to accompany them to the school dance. Levi had rejected them all. Unfortunately, the only person he wanted to go with was right now sitting in front of him.
“Great!” Hange beamed. “Oh, wait, no, that’s not what I meant!” she frantically waved her hands around. Levi hid a smile, amused by her gesticulations. “I’m sorry that no one asked you yet, but maybe…” she trailed off, turning to look behind her. Levi followed her gaze and saw that Mike gave her an encouraging smile, showing thumbs-up. She turned back and cleared his throat. She still avoided looking him in the eyes and there was a bright blush on her cheeks. “Maybe, you would like to go with me?”
Aaaaaaand he definitely misheard her last sentence. And even if he hadn’t, he probably didn’t understand it in the right way. Maybe, Hange was taking pity on him again? Just like that time, when she offered to become his partner in a science project?
“You want… to go dancing?”
“That was my initial offer, yes, but we can just hang out…” Hange twirled a stray lock of her hair, smiling shyly.
“You want to hang out…” Levi paused, not quite processing her words. Hange just couldn’t mean what he thought she meant. “With me?”
“Yeah…” Hange lowered her head, her shoulders sagging. “I thought you knew about this?”
He knew about what?
“…I mean the whole school probably knows, I’m not exactly subtle…”
The whole school knows about what?
“I was sure you knew about my crush on you…”
Wait, what? What the fuck? Hange liked him?
“You…. Have a crush on me?”
“Well, yeah?”
“Since when?”
“Um,” Hange rubbed her neck, her blush becoming even more apparent. “For about a year?”
“A year?!”
“I know it sounds pathetic, but yes? You don’t know how happy I was when you agreed to become my partner… Oh, jeez, this is so embarrassing,” Hange chuckled, and even in his daze-like state Levi felt how forced her laughter sounded. “You’re clearly not interested. I knew you weren’t, but that jerk Mike made me confess to you… I’m sorry!” she straightened out, grabbing her tray with food. She held it so tightly, her knuckles were white.
Levi stared at her hands, unblinking. He suddenly remembered that time in biology class when they were studying DNA. They needed to extract DNA from spinach, and upon seeing Levi’s clumsy movements with mortar and pestle Hange decided to help him. She laid her hands atop of his and gently guided them, showing him how to do it correctly. Her skin was soft and so warm. Levi was so flustered he felt like his heart was going to jump out of the ribcage.
And why was he remembering it now?
“Well, I should go, I don’t want to burden you…”
Hange almost got to her feet and left, but before she could do so, Levi grabbed her by the wrist.
“Wait!” He called out, surprised at how hoarse and desperate his voice was. But he couldn’t help it, he still couldn’t believe that Hange’s confession was real.
“You like me back?” he uttered quietly, looking up at Hange with hope.
“Ye— Wait!” Hange shrieked. Everyone around the cafeteria turned to look at them. If Levi could pay attention to something else except Hange’s adorably bewildered face, he’d even hear Isabel and Farlan high-fiving each other in the background.
Thankfully for his best friends though, he had a more pressing issue now.
“You like me back?” Hange didn’t lower her voice, and now every student in their school knew about Levi’s feelings for her.
His reputation of cold and aloof guy was destroyed forever.
He didn’t give a fuck.
“I do.”
His hand traveled down her arm, until it ceased her palm and held it in his.
At the sight of their joined hands, Hange’s lips curved into a bright smile.
“So you agree to go dancing with me?”
Levi shrugged, intertwining their fingers. “We can do that.”
“Great!” it seemed impossible, but the smile on Hange’s face became even happier.
Levi stared at her, feeling the same happiness inside him. Their bliss was cruelly interrupted by a loud ring that announced the start of a lesson.
“Shit, I’m late to English!” Hange shot to her feet. But before she ran away, she turned back to Levi. “Maybe, I can see you after school? We can walk home together?”
“Sounds good,” Levi nodded.
“Excellent!” Hange quickly leaned down and placed a kiss on Levi’s cheek.
Then, she was gone. Levi stared after her retreating figure, feeling a smile appear on his lips.
He probably, no, definitely looked like an idiot.
But for some reason, he didn’t give a fuck.
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baldwin-montclair · 3 years
The Unlikely Advocate - Thunderstorm
Baldwin looks after his niece in France whilst his wife wrangles a troublesome witch in Oxford
“Darling, she’s asleep, has been for the last hour!” Baldwin took a sip of wine from the glass in his hand.
“Did you read her-“ Eileen started.
“Sleeping Beauty, I know it’s her favourite tale, even if it’s an entirely butchered version of the initial moral.”
“Maybe, but let’s not scar the seven year old with original version, just yet.”
“I defer to your wisdom,” he smiled a little, “how are things with the Oxford coven?”
“As expected, that bitch Alison is trying to get her little clique to oust me again.”
“Should I-“
“No,” the answer was abrupt, “I can handle some jumped up little cow with delusions of her own importance.”
A bright flash of light flooded the study of Baldwin’s Chateau, followed by a loud crack of thunder.
“What was that?” Eileen asked.
“Thunder clap, we’re due quite the storm.”
“Izzy hates thunder, I should come back.”
“She’s fine, she’s asleep and if she wakes up, I’ll take care of it. You can’t travel in this weather, it’s not safe.”
He heard her sigh on the other side of the phone.
“I just miss you both so much!”
“As do I you. Be safe and I will see you soon.”
After exchanging their farewells and hanging up, Baldwin returned to the pages in front of him.
Two empty wine glasses and several financial reports later, he put the pen down and leant back in his chair, turning to look at the heavy rain beating the windows. He closed his eyes, enjoying the soothing sound.
A definitive tug on the sleeve of his shirt drew his attention to the little girl in her pyjamas and holding a stuffed toy in her arms.
He had bought it for her from an old toy store when she lost her own comfort toy.
“Mr Nibbles is afraid of the thunder!” She told him, matter-of-fact.
“Is that so?” He asked in a mock serious tone, receiving a nod in response.
Eileen initially disapproved of the antique toy, frowning when he brought it home.
‘It’s creepy!’
He saw where she was coming from.
Older toys did have a tendency towards being less saccharine in expression than modern ones. Regardless, it didn’t matter, at three-years-old, Isobel studied the rabbit for a moment before picking it up and never putting it back down again.
“He told me he usually gets hot chocolate when he struggles to sleep!” She had a very well developed vocabulary for one so young.
Baldwin got up from his chair and effortlessly swept her into his arms.
“Who am I to argue with Mr Nibbles?”
Isobel giggled.
Isobel watched from her perch on the counter as he warmed the milk over the stove, chocolate and vanilla essence nearby, just one of the many pieces of culinary tips he’d learned between babysitting his niece and nephews, and, helping to raise Isobel.
“So, what is it about the thunder that scares Mr Nibbles?” He asked.
“It sounds angry,” she shrugged, “I don’t like when people are angry, or fight, fighting’s bad.”
“Sometimes,” he half agreed, “but other times it’s necessary.”
“Sarah says it’s the primitive male response to everything.”
Baldwin chuckled, the child had clearly heard the red haired witch say this thing often enough to repeat it.
“That’s possibly also true,” he nodded to the vanilla extract and Isobel dutifully handed it to him, pleased to be helping, “which is what makes it necessary.”
“Well, sometimes bad people threaten those we care about and we need to protect them. I actually faintly remember being called to your pre-school when some boy tried to take Mr Nibbles from you. Remind me?”
“Tommy’s was being mean. He called Mr Nibbles ugly and tried to take him to throw him in the trash!”
“And what did you do?”
Isobel thought for a second and then raised her little fist in the air.
“Bang!” She giggled.
“Exactly, bang!”
Baldwin had heard the boy’s father ranting before he even arrived at the principal’s office. As soon as he entered, however, the look of abject terror on the face of the hedge fund manager upon recognising him signalled a swift and favourable resolution.
Still, the man and his son were fortunate in not having faced Eileen, given her species’ extreme impatience with abusive males of any age.
“We’re fine now, he always keeps the bucket I like for me at golden time.”
“I feel like I have to at least try to advocate that violence isn’t always the answer but, it’s hard to argue in this case.”
“It wasn’t because of the punch,” she smiled, “he said it was because his father told him to be nice to me or they’ll have to leave their house!”
“Because all of their money is in this one big bag and he said that you decide how much that bag is worth.”
“Such an exaggeration,” Baldwin rolled his eyes, “but if it makes him play nice then fine.”
“Yeah, he shoved Brian the other day when he was being mean.”
“To you?”
Eileen nodded.
“What did he do?”
“Nothing, he was just saying things to try to annoy me.”
“Such as?” He asked, pouring the hot chocolate into a mug and sliding it across to the child.
“Well, we’re having a faire at school for parents and he said I can’t come because I don’t have a Mum and Dad.”
“You know that’s nonsense? Your aunt and I are your parents.”
She nodded.
“I know, he’s just-“
“An asshole!”
Isobel stared at him in shock for a few seconds before collapsing into giggles.
The storm passed, Baldwin looked over at the child fast asleep on the sofa in his study, a comfy blanket draped over her.
He picked her up and carried her to her room, settling her into the bed and left the room door ajar, just so she could follow the light if she was scared and wanted to come find him.
In the meantime, he had a vital project to undertake and dialled the number of the only person who might be able to help him.
“What have I done now?” Diana’s tone was airy and playful despite her exasperated words.
“Nothing, I uh-that is I wanted to speak with you regarding-sorry, it’s late it can wait until tomorrow. Goodnight.”
“Stop,” he heard her command as he moved to hang up and thought better of it lest she materialise in his office right then, “you’re freaking me out, tell me what’s wrong!”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just need a sounding board before I speak to Eileen about a matter regarding Isobel.”
“Is she alright?”
“Yes, she perfectly fine.”
“Then what can I help with?”
“Well, you went back in and met my father, he made you his blood sworn daughter without turning you.”
“You’re still doubting that?”
“No, not at all, in fact,” he hesitated, “I want to speak with Eileen about my adopting Isobel, properly, legally and in the eyes of our community. I just don’t know the procedure, he never told me how.”
“I’m sure I can help when the time comes.”
“If, I still need to speak with Eileen first, and if she consents then I will put it to Izzy. Should probably speak to Miyako as well.”
“Why? In case she takes the news about as well as you did?” Diana needles him affectionately.
“Something like that.” He answers with a weary sigh.
“Are we talking about the same Miyako who basically kidnaps Izzy and spoils her with ice cream and gifts when she visits, that one?”
“They do get along well,” he agreed thoughtfully, “so you don’t think it’s a horrible idea?”
“I think it would be a horrible idea not to!”
“Thank you, sister, having your support in this matter is welcome.”
“Don’t mention it, and Baldwin?”
“You are already her father in all the ways that matter and you’re a good one, she’s lucky to have you.”
“Not as lucky as I am to have her, and, I suppose,” he started grudgingly, “to have you for a sister.”
“Aww, that’s so cute,” she teased, “you’re gonna get such a big hug from me next time I see you!”
“You shouldn’t threaten the head of your family, it’s disrespectful!” He retorted with a smile.
“Goodnight Baldwin.” She chuckled before hanging up.
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sodalitefully · 5 years
As requested by @slashscowboyboots, here’s the other little supernatural/occult AU I had sitting around!  Uh this is pretty much straight from my notes, so it’s a little unedited and definitely incomplete (I hadn’t really planned on posting it b/c it’s kinda self-indulgent and I didn’t know where I was going with it but it’s not doing anyone any good gathering dust on my desktop so).
Summary: Axl and Izzy are both vampires, and bound to each other (for now). In a dark alley Izzy senses something powerful, and insists on trying to coax it out. They end up with childlike extra-dimensional being/Eldritch horror Slash, who they take under their wing. Steven, a less powerful being but the light to Slash’s dark, appears periodically wherever Slash is. Axl and Izzy gift their adoptees with Duff, a werewolf tasked with protecting them, who Slash and Steven immediately come to adore.
Axl and Izzy are vampires, Axl turned Izzy back in Indiana, so Izzy, being a fledgling, has to deal with higher bloodlust and with being Axl’s sire. He’s also rather sensitive to the occult, and one night he and Axl are out when Izzy stops dead and tells him that something powerful is nearby. He drags Axl into a dark, shadowy alley and hones in on a pitch black corner. Axl can’t see anything but Izzy can make out a huddled ball of something not quite tangible.
He tries to engage with the being, but he gets no response. When he gets too close, two moon-like eyes suddenly open, shining out of the darkness with a blinding intensity, paired with a defensive whine that Axl and Izzy hear by the buzzing in their teeth more than with their ears. Axl steels for an attack but Izzy tries to calm the being, keeping his tone even and gentle as he reassures that they mean no harm. Whatever it is must be able to understand, because the eyes quickly shut, and when Axl and Izzy adjust to the darkness again, the shadow looks a bit more like a blurry silhouette, and they can just barely make out... a set of lips? like the Cheshire Cat, barely visible in the dim light from the street. Pearly teeth peek out to worry at the lower lip, unsure and not quite trusting. Izzy keeps up his encouragement until the lips tug into a small grin, then disappear in a blink. Izzy and Axl are confused for a second then suddenly a tangible figure tumbles out of the shadows and lands on the concrete. A young man, dressed all in black, smiles shyly up at them.
Introductions are made, and despite his initial hesitation, Slash now seems completely comfortable with Izzy and Axl, if a bit quiet. Honestly, it’s a nice change for the two vampires, who are used to avoiding others not of their kind. They don’t want to press too hard on the question of what Slash is, but he doesn’t seem violent, and since they found him in an alley and all, they decide to take him home with them.
Slash is an easy houseguest, polite and low-maintenance (except for the critters he keeps letting in - little pests that, on a second glance, seem a bit otherworldly - but after the fourth or fifth time Axl and Izzy decided to just let it be), and over the next few weeks they take him under their wing. Steven shows up, just appears next to Slash one day and then comes and goes after that. Steven might be some kind of light demon, clearly a loyal friend to Slash, who enjoys Steven’s brightness. He’s also helpful to have around, because he seems to know what to do when Slash gets... upset.
It doesn’t happen often, but it’s difficult to anticipate. Slash will space out for a while, then start to get agitated, like he did in the alley but worse. His eyes will glow (an understated way of putting it), shadows with writhe and condense, and he emits a kind of cosmic scream, not through his mouth but painful vibrations straight into the air. Music and touch seem to help, Steven will shove a tape into the deck, turn the speakers way up, and then wade right into the shadows to hold his friend until he calms down.
Slash is obviously not defenseless, but he certainly not very aggressive or confrontational either. When he goes about with Axl and Izzy, he tends to go for the booze and then quite literally melt into the shadows rather than assert himself. After an incident where Steven picks a fight in Slash’s defense and gets knocked out, Axl and Izzy decide to take things into their own hands.
Izzy has a neighbor that he’s been keeping tabs on (and vice versa, he’s sure) because that neighbor is a werewolf. They’ve lived nearby for over a year now, and Izzy has grown comfortable with their proximity. Izzy is confident by now that Duff is a genuinely nice guy, he’s never been hostile to Izzy and he seems to have all the best traits in a wolf: social, loyal, protective of what’s his, able to stand up for himself without being an asshole. He’s also a loner, Izzy’s never seen him with a pack. Perfect.
Izzy and Axl corner him one day, explain their proposition. Duff hears them out, shifting fluidly from a lanky man to an oversized wolf with grey-brown fur, a blond mane, and hazel eyes as he does, seemingly with no distinction between the two forms. He agrees, and the vampires lead him home to get ready.
Slash and Steven are both in, tangled in front of the tv when Axl leads in their new companion on a leash and chain. He introduces Duff, and the three of them take to each other immediately. Duff’s role is to make sure Slash and Steven stay safe, and to keep a closer eye on Slash when Axl, Izzy, and Steven aren’t around. None of the three seem to see any kind of difference between person-Duff and wolf-Duff when it comes to behavior, they’re very affectionate either way. Duff seems completely comfortable with the collar (though they did take care to lock it so it wouldn’t choke him - it’s just the chain and padlock Duff always wore), nor the leash when he’s in his wolf form (one thing that vampires will never understand about werewolves is their willingness to be treated like an animal), though he and Slash have taken to holding hands when in his human form.
At one point, maybe a month into their acquaintance, Slash pops into Axl and Izzy’s room to let them know that he and Duff are going to visit his Slash’s mom. His what? He’s had family in the area this whole time? Slash just kind of shrugs but he agrees to let Axl and Izzy come along.
The vampires really don’t know what to expect from Slash’s family, seeing as they still don’t know what Slash is. But Slash leads them to a completely regular looking house, grabs a key from under a rock and lets them in. Slash family turns out to be rather normal (well, relatively normal - his mother and grandmother are witches or something), and they don’t bat an eye at his entourage, or his recent living situation.
Axl does get the opportunity to talk to Ola in private about Slash. He doesn’t quite get a straight answer about what Slash is, but when he mentions Slash’s occasional bad turns, she pats him on the shoulder and tells him there’s an easy solution. She leads him to Slash’s old room while the others socialize in the yard (Axl is pretty sure that Duff is playing fetch with Slash’s little brother). The room is messy and strange, with all types of strings tied taught between the furniture, a couple empty terrariums, lots of books and loose drawings scattered in the floor. They stay in the doorway, but Ola points out a collection of guitars, of all things, in the corner of the room. Slash isn’t entirely of this plane, she explains, he tends to drift in between and sometimes he’s exposed to other dimensions, which can be distressing. Frequencies help, hence the strings and the guitars, they’re a way for him to transmit the inter-dimensional vibrations so they don’t overwhelm him. He’ll pick out what he wants to bring home with you when you leave. (Axl doesn’t know how he feels when he hears Ola describe his and Izzy’s place as ‘home’ but he gets a feeling alright)
Before they rejoin the others, she shows him something else. A diagram in an old journal, surrounded by scribbled notes. This was the circle she used to summon Slash 20 years ago, she explains. She didn’t know what would come to her, and a curly-haired baby swaddled in darkness wasn’t what she expected, but he was what she needed and she hasn’t looked back.
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slash-me-up · 5 years
Snakes and Shakes
Situation: Pre fame Guns and Roses gets all sick at the same time right before their first gig as a band and you end up having to care for five men/puppies all by yourself.
I messed around with the timeline and the living situation a little bit, so forgive me and enjoy!
As you woke up in the morning, you noticed how the house seemed oddly quiet. Normally, at least one of your five roommates would be doing some sort of loud activity at ungodly hours that would wake you, the neighbors and the whole street up. You decided to appreciate the good night’s sleep and took it as a good omen, getting dressed with the leather jacket you stole from Izzy, straightening your long (H/C) hair and even having the time to perfect your eyeliner, before making it downstairs.
You quickly realized when you were in the downstairs common area that the good omen was actually a distress signal as Axl threw up right in front of you onto the floor as he laid on the couch seemingly oblivious to your presence. “Axl !” You exclaimed loudly making the redhead fall of shock right onto the dirty vomit-covered floor. He managed to drag himself onto an area of the floor that was mostly clean and lean himself against the wall. “Jesus, Y/N, you fucking scared me."
He looked like shit, vomit on his face, his pale skin even paler and with a green undertone
“Axl, what the hell did you drink last night to make you throw up like this? Don’t lie to me, you have a gig today.” You were more like a babysitter than a actual roommate, and never did you feel this more than when Axl said, “I didn’t drink anything, I promise Y/N. Slash’s snake bit me last night and I got some weird tropical disease.”
“You know, Slash’s snakes are just ball pythons, Axl. They aren’t venomous, they just strangle their food.” You rationally explained to Axl how snakes work, a conversation you and Slash had had to have 15 times since they had all moved in together.
“But, Y/N, Slash filled a cup up with Jack Daniels and told me it was Coca Cola so I drank it all and it burned for 2 hours, so I don’t trust him. I know his snakes made me sick and there’s nothing you can do, just let me die!” Axl, being as dramatic as ever, cried a little as you had a mini breakdown in your mind about how you were going to convince this grown man to calm down about a snake. You grabbed one of Duff’s shirts from the couch and wiped the vomit and tears from Axl’s face, before grabbing his hand and pulling him up to take him to his room.
As you and Axl walked slowly to his room, with your arm around his shoulder, you heard vomiting noises coming from Slash’s and Duff’s room. “Axl, go lay down in Steven’s room, it’s closer than yours. I’ll be back to check on you in a minute.” He dazedly nodded and opened Steven’s door as you knocked on Slash’s door.
“Slash, Duff, everything alright in there?” You heard both Slash and Duff grunt as if they were on their deathbed and you decided to open the door. The sight you saw there immediately made you wish you hadn’t.
On top of the boys usual mess of clothes, food wrappers and empty alcohol bottles say two separate but equally gross piles of vomit. You backed against Duff’s mattress, the furthest point away from the sick liquid, and sat down on the side. The pale green blonde figure lying on the mattress weakly moaned, “Y/N, I need some vodka, this is a killer hangover.”
You chuckled, feeling Duff’s forehead. It was like a fire and your eyes widened. If the entire band got this sickness, there was no way they’d play the concert tonight. The concert would finally give them enough money to actually pay 50% of the rent instead of the usual 10% that they had managed not to spend on every sin in the world. You moved over to Slash’s side and brushed his hair away from his face.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Slash sleepily asked.
“Just checking up on you, honey.” He laughed a little at the affectionate nickname which you most often used to tease them but now was completely serious. If this was worse than a simple flu, then you’d have to sell a kidney to get these men to a hospital with no insurance. And Slash, like Duff, was burning up. Great.
You assured Slash everything would be okay before going to check on Steven. Opening the door you saw Steven and Axl laying on one mattress, and green. You decided to get everyone glasses of water from the kitchen and hopefully whatever safe meds lay around.
As you went over to the kitchen, you saw Slash’s python, Clyde. It too was laying down, eyes half closed like its owner. You touched it and it stayed still, the only sign of life being its tongue moving out of its mouth. You couldn’t help but think if Axl was right, but you decided to question them all later. You grabbed the glasses of water and 4 Advil and returned to the rooms.
They laid around the house for the next two days. You quickly found out that Izzy was the only one that wasn’t sick and kind of forcefully recruited him into being your assistant. Together, you restrained Steven from going out to a party, Axl from beating up Slash when he remarked that Axl and his snakes could be twins if Axl had a sunnier disposition, and Duff from playing his bass at the concert by himself with no other members.
Speaking of the concert, you never forgot the asshole club owner who yelled at you for canceling it and told you that you should pay him back by being one of his dancers. You’d worked at strip clubs before, that was where you had met the boys, but the sleazy way in which he said it made you and Izzy wanna beat him up over the phone. And then once Izzy met him in person, well he got beat up in real life as well and gave the boys the 500 dollars for the concert as promised.
The guys were eventually all back to their old selves within the next day or so, and you decided to investigate the cause of the illness, thinking it would be something like Duff forgetting to cook the meals and eating raw meat, a thing he had done when Axl had asked for his burger to be extra rare. When you asked Duff about dinner, he said nothing was wrong except one thing.
“Well, Slash’s snake kinda slithered around in the leftover lasagna after I took it out of the freezer and I let him have some of the meat, but Y/N it was in there for only like a min.”
Goddamnit Axl was right. Not about everything, which brought you some sanity, but the disease did come from one of Slash’s snakes.
That 500 dollars first went to buying Clyde a new escapeproof cage and getting a library card to look up the exact disease with Slash. He found it rather quickly around with 10 other books which you carried all the way home. You smiled for the next seven days as he told Axl all the snake trivia he could remember as Axl got more and more angry.
“Y/N, I’m gonna punch Slash this time, I mean it-“
“Did you know that a snake’s heart can move around in it’s body to make room for food, Axl?”
“Really? Like down to its tail? That’s fucking messed up, Slash.”
You also smiled because with the 500 dollars they paid the rent and also made posters for their next concert and their first as a whole band. You helped them tape posters to every street pole and wall they came across as well as all over the club where they were performing, which had a nice owner who gave them 200 in advance as well as 500 after.
And you smiled the biggest as you looked at your boys from the crowd. They were killing it and the audience was dancing and holding up their lighters at the right moments. As they launched into their new song, “Welcome to the Jungle,” you heard a girl say, “These guys are so fucking good, I think they’re gonna be stars.”
And at that moment, you thought they would be stars too, as the bright light shone on them like angels and Axl’s voice drowned the rowdy audience out to nothing but silence.
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justauthoring · 5 years
Trust In Me [C.S.]
Request: Hi! Could I request a being in an on-again, off-again relationship with Chris Schistad type imagine with a William twin Magnusson!reader and maybe she gets jealous after finding out he hooked up with Eva so she hooks up with a Yakuza which angers both Chris and William? I used to have a fanfic like this when I was obsessed with Skam, thank you.
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Word Count: 3,551
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“I should go.”
Chris’ grip only tightens, pulling you closer against himself as he presses soft kisses against the side of your neck. And despite your words, you don’t fight his grip, leaning into him as a soft giggle leaves your lips, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of his light kisses and nips.
For a moment, you forget yourself. Your hands grip the front of his hoodie and you pull him closer as he slowly lowers his lips downwards, kissing your collarbone, pulling down the front of your shirt. You seem to forget, even for just a passing moment, that you’re in the middle of a classroom. An empty classroom, but still, anyone could come walking in any moment.
It’s that thought that snaps you out of your revere. You and Chris weren’t trying to hide your relationship, in fact, there really wasn’t even a relationship. At least not a consistent one. It was either you and Chris hooking up and being all affectionate with one another, or it was ignoring one another. You wanted to be more, something consistent, and that was clear by the way you were when you guys were off. But it felt like Chris didn’t want the same as you, because, when you guys weren’t doing well, he was off sleeping with other girls.
Or, at least, you assumed he was. Chris professed he wasn’t, but you knew what he was like. 
Pulling away from the embrace, you turn your head away with a small grin when Chris leans forward to press a kiss against your lips. You hear him scoff in disbelief as you roll your eyes at him, taking a small step back as your hands fall flat on his chest, keeping your distance. “I have to go,” you repeat, raising a brow up at the boy. “Seriously.”
Chris pauses a moment before raising his hand, taking the hand pressed against his chest and pulling you forward all in one quick stride. It causes your lips to part in disbelief, much like he had before, moving out of the way of his lips as Chris tries to keep you close.
“Chris,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’m serious.”
“It’s lunch,” Chris deadpans, smirking down at you. “Where could you possibly have to go?”
“I promised a few of my friends I’d sit with them, since they said you hog up all my time,” you explain with a grin, poking his nose at ‘you’. Chris only stares down at you, unconvinced and with a brow raised. Sighing, you let your head fall against his chest briefly. “And, ever since Nikolai came back from college, William’s been super annoying. He won’t let me out of his sight.”
“It’s not like he doesn’t know about us,” Chris shrugs, moving his hands to your cheeks and cupping them. “Why does that matter?”
“Sure, he knows about us. But how would he feel about his sister being alone with his best friend? In an empty classroom?” You smirk, shaking your head at the boy as you pull back. “I don’t think he’s completely accepted this,” you gesture between him and you, “so we better go.”
Shoulders dropping, Chris lets out a sigh. “Fine.”
Chuckling lightly, you pull back from Chris, moving to a desk and grabbing your bag and coat off of it. When you’re all settled and you’ve turned to face Chris, he’s already making his way over to the door, stopping to wait for you as you reach his side. His arm bounds around your waist, pulling you close as you let yourself fall against him with ease, leaving the classroom.
“You coming to the russ party this Friday?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you nod; “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just making sure.”
Just then, Chris and you reach the lunch room. Your eyes dart across the room, spotting your friends on the far right corner and William and the rest of the Penetrator boy’s towards the left. You briefly meet your brother’s gaze, nodding at him before turning back to Chris.
“I’ll see you later?” You say hopefully, tilting your head up to meet Chris’ eyes.
Grinning, Chris nods, his hand falling on the back of your head as he presses a kiss against your forehead.
“At the gates?”
With one final kiss, you step away from Chris, the two of you going opposite directions. Your smile is practically radiating as you make your way across the lunchroom, meeting your friends eyes with a wave as you take the nearest empty seat. “Hey guys.”
“Y/N!” Your friend, Jessica, calls in relief, causing you to blink over at her. “Finally, you’re here.”
“Um,” you pause, brows furrowing. “Yeah. I said I would be.”
“Were you with Chris?”
You turn to another one of your friends, Izzy, raising a brow. “Yeah,” you say slowly, nodding your head as you set your things down, moving to pull out your lunch. “I just walked in with him,” you remind with bafflement, pointing over your shoulder in the direction of the cafeteria entrance. “What’s all this about?”
“Well, you were invited to the russ party your brother and Chris are throwing, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nod with a shrug. “Of course.”
“So was Eva,” Jessica calls, her eyes wide with worry as she seemingly can’t keep the words from bursting past your lips. You only blink back at her, lips pursing as you try to think back on if you know an Eva and why you should be so concerned with her. But the name doesn’t ring any immediate bells and you only stare back at your friends in absolute bewilderment.
“Okay,” you pause, “and who is Eva?”
“You seriously don’t know?” Emma questions, raising a brow at you.
“She’s a first year,” Izzy explains, having a bit more tact than the other two. “And she was that girl Chris hooked up with a little bit ago. The one everyone was trying to figure out who.”
Brows furrowing, your lips part, shrugging.
“Seriously?” Jessica sighs, “how can you not know?”
“Chris and I were off then, I believe,” you shrug. “If I remember correctly, I didn’t go to school much.”
“Well, anyways,” Emma shakes her head. “Apparently, they hooked up and the rumor is that Eva broke up with her boyfriend, Jonas, for him.”
“She’s serious danger,” Jessica adds, turning to you with wide eyes. “Apparently, Chris personally invited her.”
Okay, what?
Shoulders falling, you lean back, that twinge of jealousy hitting you hard as you blink blankly back at your friends. “Oh.”
“And, I heard, that she’s gonna try to hook up with him again tonight.”
Suddenly, you don’t feel so hungry anymore. Even if a part of you had known that Chris slept with other girls, it hurt to have it said right to your face. For him to personally invite her... a party where, to your information, many girls hadn’t been invited, well... And here you thought things had been going well between the two of you.
Grabbing your lunch off the table, you shove it back into your bag hastily, grabbing both it and your coat, pushing yourself up to your feet.
“Y/N?” You hear Izzy call, “where are you going?”
You don’t bother to answer, simply continue to walk off from them and out of the cafeteria. You can’t believe you were this stupid, to continuously fall for that boy and his charm over and over again. To let yourself fall that deep for a boy who in all aspects only cared about getting into your pants and clearly thought you were a good fuck.
You were a fucking idiot.
Y/N? Where are you?
Why weren’t you at the gate after school?
Y/N. Answer your damn phone.
I mean it Y/N, i’m worried.
You sigh at the flood of messages sent from both your brother and Chris. There were more than the ones you’ve just read, they were just the first you saw upon opening up your phone. And yeah, maybe you should’ve answered. You’ve been missing since lunch and it was now around seven. But you also didn’t really seem to care as you went stumbling down the halls of some house of some party you found.
You don’t really remember how you got here, too inebrated to actually remember anything, But the ache in your heart from before was gone and even though your phone kept buzzing with texts from him, Chris was gone from your mind then. You didn’t think about how you were an idiot for falling for the boy or the fact that he’d broken your heart so many times there wasn’t anything left. You didn’t think about Eva or the fact that you had stupidly let yourself be played by an absolute dick of a guy.
You just walked, talked, danced and laughed.
Stumbling back, the arms that suddenly wrap around your waist are the only thing that keep you from falling. Your head tilts upwards slowly, blinking through blurred vision up at the boy who had caught you, a small, silly smile falling on your lips. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, it registers within you that the boy is a Yakuza but it doesn’t seem to really bother you. At least, not like it shoulder. Given that William, Chris and their friends have had a long time feud with the Yakuza boys. Nor does it bother you that this boy is trouble.
You’re intoxication stops you from thinking rationally.
Instead, you let out a slurred and sultry laughter, leaning into the boy.
“Watch where you’re going,” the boy laughs, holding you up. Then he pauses, getting a good look at you. “Hey, you’re William’s sister aren’t you?”
“The one and only,” you grin, blinking slowly.
“Well, would you look at that...” The boy mumbles, his hands moving to your waist and pulling you against his side. “A Magnusson at one of my very own parties. What are you doing here then?”
Shrugging, you take a large sip from your cup. “Forgetting assholes.”
He laughs, leading you through the crowd. You don’t really register where you’re going, simply letting him lead you practically blind as you use him as support. 
“Someone did you wrong, huh?”
You nod, holding your cup tight against your chest. Then, you feel yourself stop, all suddenly quiet opposed to the blaring music from before and your phone once again buzzes against the pocket, only then noticing the hand placed against your ass. Your phone buzzes again, and again, as you let your head fall back against the wall behind you.
“Someone wants your attention,” the boy calls, glancing up at you with furrowed brows.
“...Asshole,” you mumble, the word coming out as a slur. Yet, the Yakuza boy still understands.
“I see,” he nods. Then, you feel a cold touch against your stomach, and you swallow thickly, your mind spinning. The boy, whom of which you still don’t know the name of, slips his hand underneath your shirt, the other tugging at your jeans. “Hey, I can help you forget about that asshole, if you’d like?”
If you were sober, you would’ve said no. You wouldn’t even be here if you were sober. But you weren’t and you wanted to forget Chris, wanted to forget the ache in your chest, so, you don’t say no. Instead, you say; “i’d... i’d like that.”
And before you know that, your shirts being pulled over your head and the world seems to fade to black.
Halting to a stop in front of your door, your eyes fall shut, your head pounding. The voice is unmistakeably William’s and you guessed, in some ways, you were lucky it wasn’t Nikolai. But you’d been trying to sneak in without being noticed, opening to just fall into your bed and forget about everything for a while. It seemed, however, that wouldn’t be happening.
“Jesus, where were you? You weren’t answering my texts. Nor Chris’! You had me losing my mind--”
Slowly, you turn to face your brother, his words halting the moment he sees the state of you. Your eyes are red and your skin is pale. You look, in all honesty, like shit and there’s a bright red hicky mark on the side of your neck. Your hair is disheveled and there’s lipstick smudged all around your lips. But the thing that catches William’s attention the most is that it looks like you’re about to cry.
Taking a leaping step forward, William’s lips part with panic. “What happened? Are you--”
“I’m fine,” you interrupt, swallowing thickly. “I... I’m fine.”
Taking a step back, your hand falls on the knob of your door, hastily opening it. “I just want to be alone,” you explain in a haste, not allowing him to say anything more as you move to shut your door. “I’m fine.” You shut it then, leaning against it as you fall to the floor, bringing your knees up to your chin.
It’s then that you let the tears fall, pressing your hand against your lips.
Jesus, what were you thinking?
You sigh, pulling your blanket up higher as you stare at the wall adjacent to you.
“I’m heading to the party,” William calls through the door, hesitating a moment. “Are... Are you coming?”
You don’t reply, holding your phone in your hand as you glance at all the messages Chris has sent you. Messages you’ve ignored.
At your lack of response, you hear William sigh. “Okay,” you mumbles and you ignore the pang of guilt. “Well, you’ll know where i’ll be. Call if you need anything.”
It’s a minute later that you hear his footsteps, and the moment he’s gone, you let out a sigh, pulling your sheets up and over your head, sighing.
The hour had already been going on for an hour when you decided to get out of bed and go. You were nervous the entire drive there, knowing you’d have to face William, possibly even tell him what had happened, but also that you’d have to face seeing Chris with that girl, Eva. And that broke your heart.
But you couldn’t just hide in your room forever. Unlike what you’ve been doing all week. You’d have to come to terms with reality and accept what you had done. Because even if you were drunk and maybe not even sober enough to make coherent decisions, you’d still slept with that Yakuza guy. It didn’t even matter to you that he was a Yakuza, but rather that he was just some random hookup. Something you never did.
And you’d done it without even talking things through with Chris first.
However, when you arrive at the party, you see what you hadn’t expected. Instead of everyone piled up in the bus like you’d expected, everyone’s outside. There’s a group of boys, William, Chris and the rest of the Penetrator boys, but also another. Your heart drops when you realize that the other group is the Yakuza boys.
Instantly, you’re rushing forward. Rushing past the five girls lined up before the two groups, not even batting them a look as you reach the large group of arguing boys. Your eyes fall on William first and the bottle in his hand and then past your brother, to Chris who is up in the front, arguing adamantly and loudly with... with the boy you’d slept with.
“Your girl,” the boy sneers, smirking down at Chris. “She felt fucking great against me, that much I can assure.”
“That girl,” William hisses, taking a step forward, “is my sister, fucker. And I swear to God, if you force--”
“Yeah, your twin,” the Yakuza boy laughs, shaking his head. “And I didn’t force her to do anything. She was all too willing. Like putty in my hands.”
Your lips part at his words, suddenly feeling vulnerable in that moment as William and Chris have yet to notice your presence. All you can do is watch on in absolute shock as the Yakuza boy continues to spit out profanities about you and what you did with him, angering both William and Chris. 
“She was a great fuck, moaning beneath me.”
It’s that that’s the last straw. Your eyes widen when William suddenly slams the bottle in his hand over the guys hand, it shattering into a million pieces as Chris takes this as his chance to wail his fist against his cheek. That seems to happen all in slow motion, you watching with wide eyes and parted lips. But the rest seems to all happen in a blur as mass chaos ensues right in front of you.
You can’t help yourself, your eyes widen as your lips part and you let out a cry of “Chris!” Just as he’s punched across the cheek. “Stop!”
“You’re an idiot.”
The words come out harsh, but your voice is flooded with fret. As you desperately try to dab away the blood on Chris’ cheeks, your frown deepening every time he flinches away in pain.
“I mean really. What were you thinking! Both you and Chris! Getting in fights doesn’t solve anything, and now, those Yakuza boys can press charges against you guys. Or at least, William. And look at your face. You have a black eye, a busted lip and I don’t even want to know what the rest of your--”
Your words trail the moment Chris’ hand catches your wrist, halting your movements and pulling your eyes on him. Suddenly, you feel nervous, meeting his gaze steadily for the first time since Wednesday before everything seemed to fall apart. You realize then that you’re going to have to face what’s happened. No longer can you avoid it, not when Chris is sat bleeding before you.
“What happened doesn’t matter,” Chris dismisses, shaking his head.
Lips parting in disbelief, you shake your head. “How can you say it doesn’t matter,” you snap, falling next to Chris on his bed. “I mean, look at you. Chris, I--”
“It doesn’t matter,” Chris repeats, interrupting you once more. “Because that guy deserved it for what he said about you. Talking about you like that...” Chris pauses, jaw clenching. “I wanted to kill him. I still do.”
Eyes falling to your lip, you sigh. “He was just trying to get a rise out of you and William. What he says doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does,” Chris presses, moving his hand to your chin, clasping it and pulling your gaze on him. His voice lowers then, eyes softening. “Why?” He suddenly questions, voice breathy. “Why’d you have sex with him?”
And you sigh, because you have to tell the truth and you don’t know if you’re ready to. “I was angry,” you begin, frowning.
“Angry?” Chris questions, shaking his head. “Why?”
“Because, at lunch, when I met up with my friends, they went on about this girl you’d hooked up with. Eva.” You glance up at him nervously as her name leaves your lips, watching as his eyes widen in recognition. “They said how you invited her personally to the party tonight and that I should be weary of her. That she was a threat.” As you continue to explain yourself, you suddenly realize how childish you sound. “And... I don’t know, I was upset. I was hurt. So, I just started thinking and then I found this party and he was there and I didn’t really understand what he was saying, but I woke up naked in his bed.”
Chris’ hand leaves your chin, and you watch with a frown as his gaze lowers.
“Why didn’t you just come and talk to me first?”
“Because,” you huff, blinking back your tears. “This isn’t the first time i’ve felt threatened by another girl. I never know if we’re serious or not and sometimes I don’t even know if you are with me for me or just for the sex. And it confuses me, so I didn’t talk to you because I was scared.”
There’s a moment of pause, Chris not saying anything. Your heart feels like it’s about to break into two as you hastily wipe at your tears, desperate not to let anymore fall. 
But then, Chris is shifting and his hands are suddenly on your hips. tugging your forward. “Listen to me,” he calls, his voice serious. “I don’t just want you for sex. I’ve never just wanted you for sex.” You blink up at him,at his words, biting your bottom lip. “And i’m sorry i’m not clear, but let me be clear right now. You’re the only thing that matters to me, Y/N. I never invited Eva, William invited her and her friends. I never wanted to hook up with her, I wanted to spend the evening with you. You’re the only one I want to be with.”
The tears come again, streaming down your cheeks lightly as you feel your heart flutter in response to Chris’ words.
Then, he raises his hands, brushing back your tears. “Okay?”
And you let you a laugh, leaning into his touch as your hand falls against his mouth.
That’s all you’ve ever wanted to hear. All you’ve ever had to be assured of. And you can’t be more relieved.
OOF, this is long, so I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you thought!
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