#and yet he still found the strenght to be there after hours and hours of physical and dangerous work
so-that-was-okay · 1 month
I'm gonna be this person for a minute because the things I read sometimes are just... not that. Some of you really need to talk to elder millenials instead of profiling Tommy based on your very young life experience. Please. The generation gap really shows and you misinterpret everything about him because his behavior of a late 30s/early 40s man doesn't match your less than 25 years old life. And I get it, you do with what you know, it's perfectly normal, but don't project yourself in a story where characters will invevitably be very different from you. Learn to know them instead. And even if you're jealous of Tommy (because I know how it works, you don't fool me), it's not a reason to paint a portrait of him that is nowhere near his canon self and what we see on screen. We're not dramatic teens anymore at this age and details are a lot less important when they're not about really meaningful things, as is life-scale things.
Tommy not wearing perfectly in-theme clothes at the party is nothing. It's a shame, sure, but does it spoil the fun (they end up not having)? Absolutely not. And remember: they just met. It's not like they've known each other for months or years and have high expectations because they have a history together. What is important here? That he showed up or that he wears the right outfit? He showed up while being on call. This is big. Details are details. It's like saying a 6 course meal was horrible because they didn't have the dessert you wanted and had to choose something else. No, the dinner was delicious, shame they didn't have the dessert but it's nothing. You still enjoyed the damn food served.
Creating posts about how Tommy doesn't care about Buck because of this kind of details, and using your personality as a reference to profile Tommy?? This is not how things work. It's not because you can't relate that it's wrong. It's not because it doesn't fit your fic ideas that it's not valid. It's not because it's different that it's not right. You can just say you don't like him for who he is, it's fine! No one is forced to like him. But don't twist the character's personality to fit your narrative. This is not how things work.
And please talk to people. Just, you know, sharing basic life things, in a safe space. It's possible and it's great, for everyone involved.
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kalpeavaris · 24 days
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Papaver somniferum
'tis the day of me uploading my finished, although sketchy, design for Poppy in my PPT AU :) While I do not believe that Stella is Poppy in the game, I do made her into an AU-version of Poppy for my own version. Poppy (the doll) does exist, but she is just that: A doll toy, while Stella took inspiration from her design to basically "become" another version of her after she was attacked by 1006. More about her story in the AU can be found down below the break!
Stellas position in Playtime Co. is similar to the game's story: She's in charge of Playcare and well aware of the Bigger Bodies Initiative (BBI) going on. She worked very closely with Elliot, whom she shared a (platonic) friendship with as both of them (at least in their eyes) figured that their doings were meant to benefit children and their love for toys. Though she didn't agree with Harley Sawyers obsession with immortality she did view it as a chance for the Orphans to experience the ultimate "joy" in life.
Little did she know that her doings would just fuel another kind of "joy", more reminescent of "rage" in the experiments that happened under the hands of the BBI. When the Hour of Joy happened, she was cornered in the upper part of the factory by 1006, who in his blind rage injured her before realising who he was attacking. He hesitated before allowing Stella to escape, knowing that she wasn't like the other scientists who worked with the orphans.
Stella barely managed to escape due to her blood loss, but she survived and swore to come back to get revenge on 1006. What she wasn't aware of: 1006 was someone she very well knew, but didn't realize it yet. When she found back to her old strenght she returned to the factory, essentially becoming a new person: "Poppy". Themed after and inspired by the doll that brought Playtime Co. it's fame she swore revenge on 1006 and headed on to find him.
What she did not anticipated was the return of the Protagonist (unnamed) to the factory and essentially killing off key BBIs still roaming the factory Stella/Poppy avoided to the best of her abilities. Seeing an ally in the Protagonist who could help with her plans of revenge she eventually enticed them to follow her deeper into the factory and entering Playcare... where the two of them were encountered by old and new faces and experiments.
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gnzma · 1 year
[ thinking about. rainbow rocket: sumo edition like i dont THINK the gang goes out of their way to help lusamine ( source: wrostie ended up in kanto ) i still need to think about the BASIS, but i do see them still attacking the aether foundation and guzma joining in specifically for no reason other than "the champion and their girlfriend really want to stop these clowns and since i owe them my life i might as well tag along mind you, this is like. after 3 months of the big depression moment, the few Skulls he met were either having a bad time all on their own, hated his guts or both, most of the time, and even if he worked with Hala to find a way to Be Normal(tm), people rightfully didnt trust him.
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this was during guzma's peak sad hour, and yet he's determined to give MC a hand as much as he can. like!! he's strong!!! maybe he can help out in a way or another??? and just like in the game, i can see him stuck at the entrance of the manor, holding back Rocket grunts while the champion and Lillie take care of the BBGEs- but, instead of being comedic like in the game, since we love to see Rockets Being Bastards, there aren't only two grunts Rocket is already a powerful and prideful Team on their own, imagine them in a world where they won. A world where Red, Gold and Lyra actually lost, probably died, and Rocket has a hold on the whole KanJoh region thanks to MewTwo, with influence in the League. The MC wouldve had to deal with a whole army at the entrance... and that's when Guzma comes in, his good ol' anger and wish for destruction finally returning to burn. he still feels like a failure, and knows that if there's someone who can save everyone, as much as he hates it, it's the Champion, so he might as well do what she does best and break some bones, giving them the time to solve the situation.
and, to be fair, for a long while? He managed to keep up with the waves of enemies. His Pokèmon fought alongside him, teeth were punched out of mouths, bones were broken, blood was spilled -- but, as much as he wants to think he could've done it on his own, it was still just one man against a whole Team. His bugs started to fall, and after some minutes his movements started to get sloppy. He began to hit with much less strenght, needing more time to breathe, and in return the punches he recieved seemed much worse.
He found himself in a corner, eventually. Held down, both arms restrained, and as much as he tried to fight back there isn't much one could do at that point... but that's okay, right?
The kid would fix this mess, somehow. And, welp. He always wanted to go down in a battle, it might as well happen during a battle with a whole Team of intergalactic criminals, or something like that.
Wouldn't be the weirdest thing in his life, anyway. He fully expected the finishing blow, keeping his eyes on the Rocket who took the liberty of bringing a gun into a fistfight, smug to the very end--- -----and then, instead of a gunshot, what he heard was the clear sound of Plumeria's fist slamming onto the grunt's face, smacking him out of the way, quickly followed by Dosh'Te's taser, and the battlecry of Skull grunts and their Yungoos and Rattatas coming to the rescue.
there weren't many of them, but that didn't matter. Together, they would win this. This was the moment Guzma fully realized where he truly fitted in, who his people were. That in the same way Skulls were lost without him, he was lost without them. That he needed to bring back the Team.
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just-random-ideas · 2 years
Just to be clear
AN: Hi! This is my first imagine, and english is not my first language, but I hope you like it.
Mick Schumacher x reader
Summary: The German driver has a huge crush on you, but flirting isn not his strenght.
Word count: 907
Mick wasn't in love with you. Or at least it was what he liked to tell himself before seeing you. But when his heart raced everytime he saw you and cringe when you left, it was harder for him to fool himself.
You and Mick had met at Haas, when Mick arrived for his first year in Formula 1. Your job was to accompany the Haas drivers to their press engagements.
You two had gotten along from the beginning, since Mick was very responsible and kind, he made your job easier. You had become friends quickly, you always had something to talk about and made each other laugh.
Before he noticed, you were the first person he wanted to talk with after a race, or before, or all the time if he was being honest.
And yet... you were so clueless about it.
It wasn't that you hadn't noticed that Mick was especially nice to you, but to be fair the german driver was nice to everyone, so you didn't think much of it.
Mick knew he hadn't been very upfront about how he felt about you. Whenever he tried to flirt with you, he ended up sounding more friendly than flirtatious. Something that had not gone unnoticed by his teammate.
-Well that was just sad- Kevin laugued after seeing Mick flirtatious attempt fail once again.
Mick rubbed his hands over his face in frustration.
-I know
Kevin shook his head chuckling -You have to be more straightfoward
-And how do I do that?
-Well you could just kiss her -Kevin burst out laughing when he saw his partner blush- I´m messing with you Mick, ask her out, invite her to dinner or something.
And so he did. Well, sort of. He had gotten a bit stumped on the words and the invitation had been rather vague, but you had accepted, so he considered it a succes.
Few hours later he knocked on the door of your hotel room, he stood in front of you with a very nice navy blue shirt, styled hair and a red rose on his hand. You couldn´t help but blushed a little, you couldn´t remember the last time someone had given you flowers and the fact that they were given to you by your crush made it more special. You placed the flower in a glass of water and you two started your way to his car in orde to get to the restaurant.
However the conversation didn´t go as smoothly as usual. You kept trying to find a topic to talk about but the german kept letting it die answering in monosylables. It wasn´t that he didn´t wanna talk to you, he was just too nervous, he still wasn´t sure how to be more "straightfoward" with his intentions, the problem was that now he wasn´t talking at all.
The silence wasn´t something you necessarily found unconfortable, especially with Mick, but he seemed weird, so you started worrying. When you finally got to the restaurant you talked again.
-Is everything alright?- You asked as you gently touched his arm. The tingling in his arm that your touch and your worried look provoked, helped him to get out of his head.
-Yes, sorry- He said while giving you a kind smile.
Things went back to normal during the dinner. You talked about work and how excited you were for the next race. The only problem was that back to normal meant friendly, and even though you were fine with it, you knew Mick wasn't exactly a flirt, and you didn't care, that wasn't why you liked him, but Mick couldn't help but feel a little defeated. This is not how things should be. You two should be together and he should be able to freely tell you how he felt about you. But he couldn´t.
You had a very good time, as you always did, but as you two approached the door of your room you felt a little disappointed, maybe you had misunderstood. Maybe it hadn't been a date, other than the rose there had been nothing to make this outing any different than any other time you had gone out.
Mick knew that as well, you had a good time, a friendly good time. Kevin's words kept running through his head. "You need to be more straighfoward" he had tried, "Invite her to dinner or something" He had and nothing had changed.
Although there was still something he hadn't tried. "You could just kiss her". Well, that was definitely straightfoward, and they say an action is worth a thousand words. Maybe the fact that he was uncapable of flirting with you didn´t mean he couldn´t make his intentions clear.
-I guess I´ll see you t- You hadn't finished saying goodbye when the German smashed his lips against yours. You had to admit that this was not how you imagined a kiss with Mick, but you were not disappointed at all. You brought your hands up to the back of his head and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
Mick smiled in the middle of the kiss. Flirting with you felt forced, but kissing you felt so natural, so right.
He rested his forehead on yours once you parted for air.
-Just to be clear, I want you to be my girlfriend. -You couldn't help but laugh a little
-Just to be clear, I also want to be your girlfriend
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10 Years Aniversary of SSTWL
Today it's ten years since SSTWL become a thing, and I see as a good reason as any to talk about it, if at least for today.
It's a collection of creepy pastas made by one author, read by him and occasionaly aditional voice actors. The project has since been abadoned, and the author has since improved, but it still has some good stories, traces of which can be found in his current work.
The author also composes songs for his stories (something he still does), which I reccomend checking out after you listen to the story, otherwise you might get yourself spoiled.
Black Dogs
"If you forget everything, remember this. You can be conscious without breaking it."
Black Dogs in quite possibly the best story in SSTWL, and I'd definetly reccomend listening to it. It starts as a time loop story, where the narrator, John Mathews, is not aware of the time loop, but another charcter, Haze, is, and she is trying to make him aware of it too.
The greatest strenght of the story are it's mysteries, which are nearly constantly hinted at. The reweals are unexpected yet none of them goes against what was estabilished, only recontextualizing it.
The story commes in 10 episodes, 6 hours of total time, the first and last episodes are notably longer.
"Design are destiny are not the same."
Design is probably the most influential, considering how many of it's elements are present in one form or another in authors current work, or maybe that's just my patter recognition going haywire.
Design follows the story of John Mathews (again?) who meets a WMD named Kali, and decides to show her that what she is doesn't decide who she is, or that's the plan at least.
Second season introduces John's childhood ex-girlfriend, but it does not go the way you might imagine. In the third season, authors bites a bit more then he could chew, so it remains unfinished.
The reveals are still mostly consistend with what was estabilished, leading to some intense scenes, where John has to deal with a new reality.
It's about 13 hours long, with 7 episodes in first two seasons and 13 in the third.
It had a spin-of Killer Among Us or Killer AU for short, where John had to play a detective to find out which one of his classmates is not who they say they are, but a murderous parasite instead.
Honorable Mentions
A Cold Love Story - John finds out his classmate, Sarah, has a crush on him. And her idea of "love" if pretty f'kin twisted. Was adapted into visual novel.
Alaska series - John and friends (Sarah, Max, Penny,...) go to trip to Allaska. In how many ways it could go wrong?
Puppet Game - a bunch of charcters from other SSTWL stories (John, Kali, Sarah "Cold",...) are put in game show run by a psychotic puppet, with fate of their dimension on stake.
C-2 - a semi-cured zombie Ell teams up with Circe to look for origin of zombie virus to help his sister
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shoami323 · 11 months
YEAR 1301
Matilda's pregnancy progressed rather normally and steady after she found out about it. She even made friends with some other girls her age, who were also freshly married and pregnant. They often talked about their husbands, their pregnancies and just how life was. Matilda found the topics a little odd at first, but she soon got used to it. The only thing she still found unusual was that, even though she was younger than most of the girls, her belly was almost twice as big as the regular one... But she brushed it off, thinking that maybe it was just her imagination.
One warm, February evening in 1301, while she was caring for the garden, a sudden pain hit her. It was so strong that she couldn't breath for a moment, almost falling to her knees. She didn't need much thought to know what was happening with her. She was going into labor.
She didn't waste any time, instantly going to her husband and telling him what was going on. Gilbert stayed calm, though it was very hard to do so, comforting his wife in any way that he could.
It wasn't until late at night when the pain was unbearable to the young girl and the contractions were more frequent. Breathing slowly, she changed into her nightgown and awaited the birth.
"Gilbert" - she said, looking straight in her husband's green eyes. "Gilbert, I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?"
The boy only smiled and put a loving kiss on his wife's soft, red cheek.
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"My love, you're a strong girl. You'll survive, I just know it. I'm aware of the fact that you're scared - and it's nothing new or weird, as it's your first pregnancy. But believe me when I say that everything will be alright, okay? We're in this together. We'll always be."
Matilda smiled, visibly happier. This guy.... He really could make her calmer in just a few seconds.
The labor progressed through the night, and after a few hours, a sweet little girl was delivered. Matilda was tired, exhausted even, but the sight of a crying newborn made her forget about all the pain she went through. The girl was given was named Eleanor, and she seemed perfectly healthy.
But Matilda still felt an urge to push. And something she had to push out was much bigger than just a placenta. Suddenly, her bigger belly started to make sense.
"Gilbert, wait" - she said, getting stressed again. "I... I think there's more than just one baby in here."
A wave of worry rushed over the teenage boy, but he knew that he couldn't seem like he's freaking out. That wouldn't be good for Matilda and an unborn baby.
"Okay" - he said. "Let's get this baby out of here."
The second baby took a lot less time to get out, and after about half an hour, a second baby girl was delivered. This one was named Lucia Bennett and was just as healthy as her older twin sister.
"I'm so insanely proud of you, songbird" - Gilbert exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes. "We have two baby girls, thanks to you and your strenght. Thank you, thank you so much for this."
"I'm happy, too" - said Matilda. She was too tired to say anything else, but she looked at her newborn daughters with an unconditional love in her warm, brown eyes.
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But life is never truly perfect.
A few days after giving birth, Matilda started feeling worse and worse. She had a high fever, so high that she often seemed like she was just a wrack of a human - only laying in bed, doing nothing else. Gilbert tried to do what he could, cooking meals, doing gardening and fishing to earn some money. They both hoped that it was just a temporary thing that will soon pass. Unfortunately, when they finally got enough money for a doctor visit, he didn't have good news. Matilda was diagnosed with a childbed fever that was already killing her.
Knowing that there wasn't any cure, Gilbert and Matilda tried to spend as many time as they could with eachother and their newborn children. It was ironic - they were freshly married, only 13 and 15 years old, and yet one of them was going to pass away not even a year after their wedding. But still, they were there for eachother. Until one day, when Gilbert returned from his fishing trip to the nearby sea shore, he found his young wife laying on the floor, lifeless
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Matilda Bennett, wife of Gilbert and mother of Eleanor and Lucia Bennett, died of childbed fever in February, 1301. She was only 13 years old. After her death, her husband was left alone with two newborns to care for.
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choococho · 4 months
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Recap: APMW is a pillar men won scenario, sperated into 3 different timelines: “servitude”, “rebellion” and “last chance”. “rebellion” and “last chance” are both timelines with hope for humanity, difference being that in one the aja gang are alive and in the other they’re dead. “servitude” is a timeline with no hope where humanity is in the pillarmen complete mercy with no chance of regaining independence.
This post has more details.
Ranks explained:       
The pillar men (U.L):  4 men, originally belonged to a race of super humanoids that lived only under the moon because the sun was their weakness, now can thrive under the sun after kars made a mask that caused them to devolep better abilities then lead into them becoming ultimate lifeformes immune to the sun.
The pillarwoman: the sole other survivor of the pillar genocide, her existance unknown to the pillarmen, suffers from amnesia, with only some recollections of her past. Has an odd connection to nature. Currently lives as a gardian to a small village that managed to go under the redar of the pillarmen because of her.
The harem members: the humans viewed as worthy of entertaining the pillar men, they have the highest level of protection imaginable for a human, their families get benefits too and a likelyhood of a raise if they work in court, if not and they belong to a lowly family, then their family gets monetry benefits and a chance in climbing ranks to a low rank nobilty (if proven to have skills of course). This makes the rank a pretty desirable one and highly competitive, both between those already in the harem trying to get more benefits by striving to become the favorite, and servants trying to catch the attention of the pillar men to get added to the harem.
Palace workers (high to mid position): there are many, head servants, head chef, excuters...etc, they have 2 things in common: 1-they make the pillar men’s lives easier by taking on the load of boring tasks that they don’t want to do and maximazing their happiness and pleasure. (Esidisi and Santana are completly hopeless in this regard, with Esidisi doing something if Kars pushed him, but even that’s rare nowadays. Kars and Wammu try on some level to be involved with the politics of the empire they rule, even if it’s the bearest of minimum)  And 2-they are all from nobility.
They share the same level of protection as those of the harem, tho they don’t get the spoiling treatment the harem folks do ( the sit around and do nothing tiring most days yet still get to live in ectasy), because slacking off has the risk of costing their heads.
Some gladiators ( the strong and popular one) share similar treatment ranking wise surprisingly ( because of Wammu of course).
Vampires and Gargoyles: vampires: humans that have been turned into “super humans” in strenght and abilities using the stone masks, they work as soldiers catching anyone who insults or plans to rebel against the pillar men regime, and as guards for cities. For whatever reason, despite the stone mask making them better in other areas, it seems that their intelligence either doesn’t change or (most of the time) becomes lower, with only some being the exception and getting smarter...truly peculiar.
Often found harassing regular people outside the palace.
Gargoyles: an advanced version of the vampires. They have different limbs and exibit in general better capabilities than vampires in both strength and agility, and possess higher intellect (tho considering the average intelligence of vampires...it’s not that hard to achieve...), they also have partial immunity to the sun, as they can exist outside in mornings but only for a limited time (being around 5 hours in most with a 4 hour break at least) or else they can start suffering from serious burns to the skin.
Their rarity is cause by the fact that the mask that made them is diffrent to that of vampires and requires more time,  energy and material to make. ( Kars only does it when he is truly bored)
They weren’t called gargoyles in the start, Kars only called them “the better vampires” and then shortened it to“ the advanced”, the first to call them “the gargoyles” was a village that still had statues of gargoyles, realised the similarities of how they are perched atop of buildings' walls, started calling them that, travelling merchants heard of the name, started using that to refer to them too leading to other mechants, villages, towns and even cities to hear of it and start using that too, servants from said places entered the palace and with them came the name leading it to explode in popularity and became the primary name. Some places still use other names for them, tho most people use “Gargoyles”.
They have more integrity than vampires, so most don’t harass people, but some do.
They are usually found perched atop the palace walls and the capital city walls, they work as both guards and surveillance cameras. Some exist in other cities, but that’s a rarity.
Palace servants (low positions): regular servants, take care of regular jobs and errands, like taking care of barns, serving food, washing clothes..etc. not that high of treatment or protection, tho it’s better than regular civillians who are in constant risk of vampire harassment. Some can get better lives if they become a personal servant of a pillar man and/or a harem member (they can get jewellery that alot send to their familly memebers to sell and live better and betterish pay with more protection), but it comes with the cost of living constantly as if walking on eggshells, as one mistake can risk one’s own life or the life of their familly depending on the weight of the mistake.
Even as regular servants they get better pay than a lot of regular jobs.
Common people: those who live in villages, towns...etc, average day to day people. Often times can be on the receiving end of the vampires’ and some particular sadistic gargoyles’ harassment. They try their best to lead good lives despit this, and if opportunity strikes, to help get their children to work in the palace for a chance of a more protected and better life (for their children’s well being ofc most times).
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Continuation of the Tag Game "A Ten But..."
@lassiesandiego @lyutenw @rickie-the-storyteller These are characters from my current medieval dark fantasy WIP The Last Wrath.
LUCIYA- A 10 but is treated like the world like "a child of a nobody" for her lowborn status and partially due to the fact that her Dad was framed and wrongfully imprisoned by orders of the local nobility when she was a little kid for knowing more secrets than he was supposed to. Wants to be somebody because of this. Also struggles with mommy issues on the side for a mother she never met, but completely fails to realize it. She loved her freedom, only for it to be ripped away from her and be forced to become some kind of a servant to the nobles who ruined her life. Escaped due to her wits after overhearing a scheme, was found and raised by a group of forest dwelling kids, lost that too. Has a lot of mental confusion due to a perceived betrayal, still trusts too much and found herself far too deep in a conflict she barely knew was happening due to reckless life choices and a bit of Fate which, seemed to like playing pranks on her. Is too tired to give a damn and honestly anything could happen and she wouldn't even be surprised anymore, she would just YEET herself into more trouble anyways, so why bother getting stressed.
DARIAN - A 10 but is the living embodiment of anxiety running on the medieval equivalent to an energy drink. Is terrifyied of conflict, even though he is the son of two rebel fighters and whose family literally has war in their blood. Currently struggling to understand himself while living under a fake identity after being thrown far from what he has known, while trying to find a missing friend whom he made a promise to. Trying really hard to fight against every instinct telling him to run away from the danger. Doesn't really like or know how to fight and is more of a potions maker, while in the middle of a war of which his family are key players in. Awkward only child trying to hard to understand what the fuck is happening to his life. Doesn't know whether the elf friend he saved from a lunatic warlord's castle dungeon is: a) dangerously unstable, b) flirting, c)trying to hide something sad, and it's likely to be all of these options.
ZEPHYR - A 10 but has the self-esteem of a paper clip and it shows. Was cursed a few years back but only now has come to realize the implications of it. Is too chivalrous for his own good and is willing to face the executioner if it means standing up for his values and beliefs. Lives with deep seated trust issues after being betrayed by a family member and currently has exactly one person he trusts. Runs in 2 hours of sleep and the sheer force of will. Is trying too hard to find an anti magic spell without dying. Wants a hug but hates interacting with others. Acts like that one feral stray cat who is simultaneously trying to pick a fight and is afraid of a random leaf that fell 10 meters away. Cares more about intellect and knowledge than anyone that he knows, to an extent that he can become distant and aloof towards other in his search for knowledge. Isn't really afraid of anything despite having 0 strenght (ensue chaos), yet knows more fighting tricks than he should.
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bigblackbbnny · 2 years
No use crying over spilled milk
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ╰──➢  ✧;── table of contents ──; ✧ ╭       ⁞ ❏.Pairing ⟶ .·. None ┊       ⁞ ❏.Warnings  ⟶ .·. Panic attacks, self-harm, self-loathing ┊       ⁞ ❏.Notes ⟶ .·. I suppose I have some sort of traumas with breaking things or messing up by accident so, yeah. I just kinda relate a bit to Jinx. And also yesterday I didn't know I had to turn off the oven so some lemons got burnt and my mother just kinda blamed it all on me and kept pestering me about it for hours. I have quite the history on being clumsy when younger so my grandfather would always be very (verbally) abusive when I commited mistakes. Although she tries to comfort me sometimes, she also does the same now. So, yeah. It kinda keeps lingering on me. ┊ ⁞ ❏.Characters ⟶ .·. Young Jinx | Silco ┊     ⁞ ❏.Summary ⟶ .·. Jinx knows it shouldn't be something to worry about, she's always breaking things and blowing up here and there... on purpose. But still she can't help the incoming breakdown.
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''Oh sh-''
The girl got on her knees trying to put back into place the remanents of a broken plate, it was nothing special, just a random gift Silco had given to her not long after she found herself under his care. It was merely a white plate with some funny drawings around and under it a monkey drawn as she would often do. It was accompanied by some other things very well design so as no one would use them besides her, only for her.
''No no no nononono...'' she kept muttering, her voice getting a higher pitch every time. ''No no, it's okay, it'll be fine. It's just- It's just an object, it's not that bad-''
'You fucked up, he's gonna get really angry' a voice said at the back of her head, Jinx felt her eyes prickle with tears. ''No, no- he wouldn't it was an accident I can just put it back with glue and-'' a mocking laughter made her flinch as she tried putting every little piece back as if it was a puzzle, her fingers got little cuts on them dying the floor with a few drops. She paid no mind. 'You're always breaking everything, how can you be so much stupid?' ''...I can make it so someone else grabs it and it will appear as if they broke it- I did it a lot of times, right? This is just-''
There were more than one voice, each had a different tone and she didn't want to try to recognice them. She just wanted time to go back before she commited the stupid mistake of thinking the thing would be just fine at the border of the table, how could she had been so dumb?! It was obvious it would fall! It was so obvious yet everytime she would always...
''Shut up! It's fine, it's fine, he won't mind. I break a lot of things daily, I almost blew up a factory, he won't... he wouldn't-'' her tears kept falling down filled with frustration at herself and anxiety.
'You broke it, it's such an important thing but you still were so careless. He will be sooo dissapointed.'
Her hands turned into fists around her blue hair, she scratched and hit herself in desperation, whines coming from her throat. He would hate her, she didn't mean to- she cared about it, she really did, it was a gift from him after all. But she broke it, she... she was being a jinx again.
''Jinx- Jinx! What happened?'' there was a voice, this once not from inside she noticed, but still felt so far away. She was drowning in tears and blood, she was drowning but the voice still tried to reach for her. ''Breathe, Jinx, Breathe with me. I'm here, it's okay.'' the blue haired girl realized it was her caretaker and tried to imitate him, when he asked if he could take her hands with a softer tone Jinx slowly nodded, still some hiccups escaped from her.
His cold hands brushed hers as he calmly helped Jinx relax them, some shards still were buried inside. Silco took them out with precise movements, she was still trembling and muttering under her breath.
After a couple of minutes of reassurance, Jinx's voice had a bit more strenght.
''I'm sorry, i'm sorry I broke it...'' she said, not daring to look into his mismatched eyes. He analyzed her to make sure he wouldn't trigger her again, and softly spoke.
''Is it because of the plate?'' he had noticed the scraps around her but held no mocking tone, a slight relief allowed her to let her eyes wander around. ''What happened, dear?''
''I... I was just washing dishes and put it too close to the border of the table- I thought it would be fine! I didn't expect something to push it after I placed it wrong! I- please don't hate me, I didn't mean to break it, I know i'm always messing things up but-'' he interrupted her with a brush of his left hand on her bangs. He cupped her face with his other hand and made her look at him, she still had tears running through her cheeks although not as bad as before.
''I could never hate you, Jinx. Especially not because of something like this.'' Silco stroked her cheek as she sniffed. ''It is only an object, it can be replaced.''
She stammered, still anxious ''But, but you got it for me... and I...'' his lips pressed onto her forehead in an attempt to calm her down yet again.
''If it really bothers you, we can glue it together so you can keep it in a safe place and I will get you another, functionable one.'' A tiny smile appeard on his lips, she sniffed once more. The voice had stopped talking long ago. Jinx hugged him. Silco patted her back with care.
''It was only an accident, a mistake if you must, things happen. No need to fret over it, I will never hate you because of it.''
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stellocchia · 3 years
Since people often seem to think that Tommy’s and Dream’s dynamic is something that was established in season 2 and sorta came out of nowhere before that, I thought I’d finally take a look at the evolution of it throughout season 1. 
From here on out, of course, I’ll be talking exclusively about the characters. It is also to be kept in mind that season 1 was a LOT less scripted, so there may be streams and moments that I leave out as they don’t seem to be too impactful or they lack canonicity. So sadly the whole stream where they build Church Prime that has Dream comparing himself to God for 2 hours has to go...
 This will undoubtedly be an EXTREMELY long one, so be prepared for it...
Let’s go step by step in chronological order, shall we? 
By now a lot of people know that the Disc Saga wasn’t actually started by Tommy, but here’s a refresher anyway: Ponk started it off by pranking Sapnap’s base, in retaliation Sapnap burned down Ponk’s lemon tree. With this Ponk allied himself with Alyssa and the two started a war against Sapnap. 
Later Tommy joins the server. Tommy obtains the first netherite cheestplate in the server and it’s promptly stolen by Sapnap. Later again Sapnap uses the netherite chestplate to blackmail Tommy into joining his fight against Ponk and Alyssa. Tommy just refuses ang gets his armour back, but he considers Sapnap’s offer because of: Alyssa setting him on fire and Tubbo (who was mostly neutral but leaning towards Ponk and Alyssa) had made him loose his stuff the day before.
Dream arrived then to stop the fighting, but Sapnap and Tommy decided to kill him instead (non-canonically of course). Sapnap killed him twice and Tommy once. In retaliation Dream stole Cat and Mellohi. Sapnap stole one of the disks back and then they retrived the other one and Tommy hid them near his base.
So what does this tell us? Tommy most definitely wasn’t the one who instigated the conflict, nor the one who escalated it. YET, he was the only one Dream focused on. And remember, while a proper coherent storyline didn’t exist back then we know that the wars were at least somewhat scripted (thanks to cc!Dream telling us so on the Eboys Podcast). They also kept their characters characterization pretty consistent throughtout, which means we had the first hints of their dynamic all the way back here.
(From Tommy’s main channel it’s: “Dream is a Psychopath.”)
Everything could have been over then, but Dream was still pissed he lost, so he removed all the floring of Tommy’s base (escavating all the dirt from in front of it) in order to find the disks and take them back. At this point, after once again stealing the disks, Dream asked Tommy for his netherite chestplate (again, only one on the server at the time) in exchange for them. Also, an actual conversation they had: 
Tommy: “Dream! Was this you that destroyed my entire base and re-named the sign to ‘BitchBoy enterprise?!” 
Dream: “I didn’t touch the sign. I didn’t destroy your base either it’s just the f- the dirt” (note: as I said before, all the dirt was removed, but, hey, he didn’t touch the chickens and the carrot farm!)
Tommy:“Dream, you removed the ENTIRE floor of my base” 
Dream: “It’s YOUR fault. It’s your fault...” 
T: “How is it MY fault?!” 
D: “‘Cause you hid the disks!” 
T: “Yeah, because they’re MY disks!” 
D: “You hid the disks and I’ve taken them back, okay?”
If this doesn’t sound like the beginning of the Obsession Arc, I don’t know what does! 
But, in all seriousness, even back then for c!Dream the key of everything in the server was Tommy, though at the time he was just “the reason for conflict”. Still it’s pretty obvious that the disk conflict could have ended before it started if Dream didn’t decide to escalate things (though, as it’s obvious by the conversation, he blames his own actions on Tommy as we see him do in later seasons).
Anyone wondering about the gravity of Tommy killing Dream once non-canonically before this: In this video Dream kills both Tommy and Tubbo twice in the first 10 minutes. Yeah, he’s not any better. Btw, this is the video with the fight they then mimicked in the finale and they actually loose this one as well. 
Tommy: “What is your obsession with this disks? Why don’t you just give them back?” 
Dream: “No because I can get something in return for them, I don’t care about the disks”
Oh what simpler times when blackmail was just simple old blackmail to obtain material possessions... 
Btw, this one ended with basically a double scam where Dream gave them fake disks and they logged off with both the fake disks and the netherite chestplate.
(Main channel: “mission: kill dream (FINALE)”)
Tubbo: “Please do not tell me you have sentimental attachment to the bullshit disks...”
Early theme of attachment back in season 1. Either way Tommy has been portrayed as an extremely sentimental character that develops attachments scarily fast from all the way back in season 1. C!Dream’s idea of him he expresses in the finale isn’t born from nothing.
Anyway, Tubbo and Tommy use the composter glitch to find Dream’s base to try and get back the disks, but they aren’t there, so they end up going for the original exchange, this time with no scamming included. Tommy get’s his disks back, while Dream gets Tommy’s netherite chestplate. Just to point out: at this point Dream was the one completely at fault. Tommy was dragged into a war he wasn’t involved in and yet was the sole one to be punished for it and Dream couldn’t just accept a defeat so heavily griefed Tommy’s base and stole back HIS posssession. Dream is the main instigator here, yet he blames it ENTIRELY on Tommy from the start. Literally their dynamic started off pretty f*cked. 
Still, since Tommy didn’t want to keep risking loosing stuff to Dream for the disks he decided to make an ender chest for himself. He gets some blaze powder and ender pearls from Punz in exchange from an apple (that was too sweet not to include) and then, when it comes to getting the obsidian is when Dream realizes what he’s been doing. You’d think he’d be fine with it considering they already had a “fair” exchange (aka Dream’s blackmailing had been succesful), but nope. He hunts down both Tommy and Tubbo, but fails in killing them and they manage to put the disks away safely.
As we know Wilbur founded L’Manburg and Dream did not like that, so he declared war on them. Here’s the speach: 
“Tommy! (pause) And Wilbur and the rest of L’ManChildburg, we are at war. There is no mercy. We’ve burnt down Tubbo’s house. We’ve planted tnt cannons around your land. We have cobblestone walled the outside and we shot ONE warning shot inside your walls ans an explosion and we have NO MERCY! NO MERCY FOR YOU! Do you understand? We will come! We’ll burn down your houses, we will kill anything inside your walls and we’ll take back the land that is rightfully ours if you do not surrender. I want to see WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW, AT DAWN, OR YOU’RE DEAD!”
So, a couple of things to unpack here:
1) Dream first and foremost singles out Tommy who, if you all remember, was NOT the leader of L’Manburg. He was barely Wilbur’s right hand man and had only been confirmed as such recently at that point. He is not the leader and YET, in how the speach is enunciated it’s obvious that it’s directed at him specifically.
2) For anyone wondering if Dream could be considered a villain back in season one: so far the people from L’Manburg had done nothing but frolic in the flowers. They were a group of pacifists that refused to use any armour and Dream’s reaction to them is to kill them all and burn anything they built. And he’s doing all this because he thinks he’s entitled to all of the land in the smp and even something as small as og L’Manburg had no right to exist free of his rule.
(Always from the main channel: “Doomsday.”)
Two important things for their relationship happen here: Dream deciding, out of everyone, to kill Tommy specifically in the final control room and the duel (or more so the result of the duel). 
It is something back then no-one wondered about, but why would Dream, the leader of the Greater Dream SMP, go after the second in command instead of the leader? Possibly for the same reason he singled out Tommy in the declaration of war? Possible foreshadowing of their future dynamic?
Also, may I mention that Dream was the one to add the condition that, on top of not getting independence for L’Manburg, Tommy had to give up one of the disks (mellohi) if he lost? And Dream being the one to mention it is the reason why Tommy knew they were valuable to him in the first place. It’s the reason why Tommy proposed the deal of his disks for L’Manburg independence (which worked, which tells us a whole lot about when Dream’s obsession withe the disks started. Man was willing to take an L to have THAT sort of control over Tommy already in season one)
Jump to when Tommy and Wilbur get exiled. A lot happens here, but, for the function of this analysis, I’ll only be talking about what pertains to Dream’s and Tommy’s relationship. 
So, at the beginning of exile Dream offers his support for Pogtopia leaving a chest specifically for Tommy (once again, not Wilbur, the leader, but Tommy. He also gives Tommy a lot more stuff then Techno who was arguably a much more valuable asset). In the chest there was: a full set of netherite armour, 3 stacks of ender pearls, an enchanment table, a netherite sword, Dream’s crossbow (”Definitely not penis”), a stack of golde apples, 1 enchanted golden apple, 1 stack of diamonds, 17 obsidian, 3 potions of strenght, a stack of steak and a book written by Dream called “Tyrant” which, again, is addressed soley to Tommy. (In the book he basically says that he doesn’t like Schlatt and that he’s only going to help from the shadows because he can’t directly involve himself). 
Now, for the standards of the time, that was A LOT of stuff. Dream clearly wasn’t half-assing his support to Tommy there (I’d say to “Pogtopia” but, again, it was all specifically for Tommy). He keeps up his help when he intervenes in favour of Tommy in the Battle of the Lake (from the vods channel: “TommyInnit, Dream & Technoblade TEAM UP (dream smp war)”). Before that however he also helps Tommy to lava cast (or attempt to) the Eiffel Tower (built for Karl’s and Sapnap’s honeymoon). For this battle Dream also gives Mars (Sapnap’s and George’s fish) to Tommy (together with quite a few more ender pearls). Their relationship up until this point seems to have improved quite a bit with Tommy immediately trusting Dream again (he seems to be always inclined to trust Dream much in the same way he’s always inclined to trust Wilbur) and Dream seemingly being supportive (although that was actually because he needed both Manburg and Pogtopia to disappear as we discovered later on). 
Fast forward again we have the moment when their relationship sours again: Dream provides Wilbur with the tnt. With this momement we have the confirmation that Dream truly was only siding with them for his own self-interest (as he always considered L’Manburg as his own propriety, independence or not, and he wasn’t happy with Schlatt wanting to expand and being morw ambitious then Wilbur ever was) and Tommy also looses part of his trust in him, though not completely. 
You see, their relationship is a bit more complex then that. In season 1 even when Tommy and Dream were enemies there was never really much bad blood between them. And when I say this I mean that Dream in particular didn’t let there be much bad blood between them, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
After Quackity joins Pogtopia they try to make a plan to get L’Manburg back that would not include blowing it up. After that fails (from the vods channel: “Dream BETRAYS TommyInnit during the Dream SMP Meeting...”) and Fundy joins Pogtopia as well Dream announces that Schlatt gave him something “more valuable then frienship” and he’s now siding with him and leaves the Pogtopians announcing that there is a traitor among them. 
Wilbur: “Dream just wants to be on the side of the rebellion and now that we are the dominant force technically... isn’t that right Dream? Would you say you just want to be on the other side? You just want to be on the other team?” 
Dream: “No I- I don’t think so...” 
Tommy: “Dream’s the good guy Wilbur” 
D: “I think I’d say that my interest is in myself”
So, despite everything, Up to this point Tommy still trusted Dream. Fully trusted him. But now, soon after this conversation, Dream explicitely tells them that he never considered them “friends” they were “convenient allies” for him (a mindset that he carries on later on and brings to an extreme). 
Now you’d think that was the breaking point right? I mean the whole vod was also titled “Dream betrays Tommy” and Dream just left them telling Tommy specifically that no, they were not friends (though Tommy didn’t agree on that point, much like with Techno later on). But that’s not were Dream leaves it. 
First he allows Tommy back in his old base to get some stuff once they’re alone (despite having just said in front of Wilbur, Quackity and Fundy that he’d stab him if he tried going back)
Tommy: “I just don’t understand, why would you team with Schlatt?”
Dream: “Tommy... I’m a business man, you know what that’s like”
T: “No I don’t”
D: “Well you do, of course you do”
God since exile that damn soft condescending tone he does hits me so different... anyway. As you see as soon as he’s alone with Tommy he starts being more friendly, less formal. He also takes on a more menacing persona (I really don’t know how he manages to do both at the same time... no wait, exile. He acts more like how he did in exile). Anyway the switch is actually pretty interesting to see. 
Tommy: “Why would you not team with us?”
Dream: “Tommy... I’ve never been on your team. I have never been on your team, ever!” 
T: “Well I’ve been in your team...”
D: “Wel I- I’m not saying you have. I’ve never been on your team. I’ve never been on anyone’s team” 
And with this we are done with their important interactions for this stream, but wait! They have a war in a few days, right? Well, Dream makes sure to spend that time with Tommy. Like, a lot of it. 
All of “Dream bullies TommyInnit for having low viewers.” Is Dream following Tommy ominously around while mildly inconveniencing and somewhat helping when they’re supposed to be enemies (it’s literally one of my favourite vods, it’s great! It was also the one vod that sparked the “Dream is obsessed with Tommy” theory in me. Yes I’ve had it from all the way back then, but I also was right, so...). 
Tommy: “Okay, so you know how we’re going to war in 7 days time?”
Dream: “Yes”
T: “like, ME and YOU are going to war...”
D: “Yes”
T: “Yes, yeah so I need to- I- it feels very strange to be- I need to prepare for THAT”
D: “Well, what do you need?”
Dream then proceeds to half-help him half-stop him from getting gold in the nether. The whole vod is like this. It definitely has a very weird atmosphere as it’s clear that both of them are fully aware of their respective roles in their upcoming war, but Tommy doesn’t know what to do and Dream is clearly willingly ignoring it all. It’s pretty jarring to watch tbh (together with being a hilarious vod to watch) and it helps starting to paint the picture of Dream having the level of dependence on Tommy that we know he has now.
Then there is “TommyInnit, Dream & Sapnap's PET WAR FINALE” which is LITERALLY THE DAY BEFORE THE WAR. Here Dream, once again, decides to spend the whole time with Tommy. He helps him against Sapnap (who is Dream’s ally) and even decides to lead Tommy to Sapnap’s and Punz’s secret base where they keep their animals and starts encoraging him to kill them. Tommy, of course, refuses and the whole pet war finishes with Sapnap and Tommy releasing Mars and promising to be friends once the war was over. 
Like, honestly, if anyone in Pogtopia had known about this interactions maybe they could have suspected Tommy of being the traitor for legitimate reasons instead of misinterpreting him entirely as a person and thinking he just wanted to be president... and you’d think that, maybe, THAT was Dream’s goal, but... not really? He always made sure to spend time with Tommy when there was no-one from Pogtopia around. In all 3 of this vods he is drastically different when they’re alone and, I mean, he stopped hidining how he is with Tommy only during Doomsday (when he gave his speach on the obsidian grid to Tommy, not caring that Tubbo and Quackity were both there).
To finish it off, we know that season 1 ends with Dream fighting alongside Technoblade and nothing else of significant happens for their relationship. Still, I hope this was comprehensive enough to show that, most definitely, his obsession with Tommy and the having power over Tommy is not a new concept for Dream. It’s something that got worse with time, but it’s most definitely not something new. The main thing that changed throughout season 1 and 2 was Tommy’s perception of Dream (which went from easy trust and friendship to hatred and fear), not vice versa.
Also may I add that Dream's constantly acting friendly when they most definitely aren't is probably one of the reasons why Tommy was so predisposed to accepting Dream as his friend in exile? Just a thought...
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
Nct 127 - Creature series
File #6 - Jaehyun, the vampire
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Genre: angst, supernatural, romance
Warnings: death of characters, mentions of killing methods, mentions of blood, pain, description of vampire bites and perfuration
Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Featuring: Jeno
Word count: 2.7 k
Nct 127 creature series masterlist
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The story
Jaehyun was born in 1797, as a normal human.
At that time, mankind and the vampire breed had a tense relationship. But, very strangely, everything seemed under control
When he was 24, because of a series of unfortunate events, involving conspirations and betrayals, a war broke out between the two races
Jaehyun, as a young soldier and leader of a troop, were sent to the battlefield.
Sad and bitter events happened, and he was turned into a vampire.
Since then, he lives for centuries and centuries, going from place to place, playing hundreds of roles, experiencing hundreds of lives, looking for one thing that keeps him going through his imortal existence
The powers
You either are born as a vampire or you become one.
You only become a vampire if you get bitten by one
However, when you get bitten by a vampire, it doesn't necessarily mean you will become one.
The cruel part of turning into a vampire is that it's not for free. In reality, it's an exchange of a life for another life.
The vampire transformation takes 2 hours to be completed, and it will only fully consolidate if the bitten person drinks a considerably large amount of human or vampire blood before the two hours end. Otherwise, when the time comes to an end, the person dies.
The person or vampire bitten by the incomplete transformed vampire inevitably succumbs.
In other words, the vampire transformation is always tragic, because someone always perishes in the end.
Vampires drink blood to survive, but it doesn't need to be human blood. They can survive with other animal's blood, but human blood is a completely different treat.
Jaehyun has an abnormal strenght, and over developed senses
He has basic telepathic and telekinetic abilities, which gives him great manipulation skills
He has the ability of quickly healing physical wounds
A few things are able to end his life though: fire, drowning, decapitation
– Report: Incident number 1
[year: 1821]
– "Jaehyun, do you really have to go?", you ask your husband for the 100th time at the doorstep of your house, firmly holding his hands, barely able to see him with your eyes blurred by tears.
– "Y/N, I do. I'm their leader. I need to fight. I need to protect everyone. And most importantly, I need to protect you. Don't worry, my love, I'll be back. I promise..." , Jaehyun responds you with a suplicant tone, his voice sounding deeper than usual, as he tries to hide the shakiness on it.
After a last passionate kiss, a last squeeze of hands, and a last long glance holding the desire of the two of you to freeze time, Jaehyun goes through the door without looking back. He has to admit he is afraid he may not live up to his promise. Vampires are scary beings. Powerful, almost untouchable. It's incredible how humans stand in this war against these creatures so far. Fortunately, some powerful vampires still side mankind, hoping the unlikely coexistence.
Taking a deep breath, Jaehyun jumps into the colourless truck that is going to take him and dozens of other soulless men to the battlefield.
[6 months later]
– "CHEERS!!!!!!!"
– "Guys, guys!! Calm down!!! Hahahaha"
Jaehyun is being carried by dozens of euforic men, acclaimimg their leader for his bravery and determination to get every single one of his mates back to their families. The war is over. The last vampires retreated and, finally, peaceful days can be seen in the horizon. Tears are being shared, parties are being planned, but in the middle of all the deafening happiness, Jaehyun's only desire is to sink into your warm hugs again.
Turning around the last corner to reach his home, his heart racing madly, Jaehyun meets your comforting figure, that waited for him every single day at the door since he left, and that now is running to him with arms open. The vision of you completely blinds Jaehyun. He missed you so much. He can't wait to feel you again. But it blinds him so badly that he can't see the bloodthirst creature hidden in a dark alley, ready to jump on him. Still with his eyes glued on you, he watches your smiley face abruptly squirming into pure horror. He was given not even half of a second to process that scene, as he suddenly feels a piercing pain in his jugular, followed by his entire body landing on the ground, then a light breeze brushing his now even paler skin, as the treacherous vampire vanishes from the scene, releasing, with his gutural voice, an almost incomprehensible yet still powerful word: "Revenge".
Jaehyun’s senses are all messed up and his body convulses violently. But even imersed in chaos, his brain tries hard to not lose itself completely, as it percieves you getting closer and closer.
– "DON'T COME!!!" - he desperately yells, in his last effort to maintain his sanity.
But it's too late.
His concious falls apart completely. Everything gets red. Everything is too much, everything is overwhelming. He can clearly hear a rythmic heartbeat, that is not his own, resonating inside of his skull. He can clearly see the tempting purple path under a layer of skin, shining in high saturation in a waving hypnotizing motion. He can clearly feel his teeth landing on a soft surface and sinking deep into it. He can clearly taste the metalic flavor of blood spreading through his tongue. And after all of that, he can clearly smell your floral perfume, he can clearly feel hot heavy tears running down his cheeks, as he realizes what he has done.
Slowly getting his mind back as the sharp fangs retracts to the normal sized canines he is used to, Jaehyun is left in agony, all his face muscles contracted into profound sadness, looking at your fragile figure in his arms.
–"No no no no NOOO!!!! PLEASE NO!! Y/N, TALK TO ME!! Talk to me...please.....", he implores you, swinging his body back and forth, trying to keep you awake.
–"Jae.... It's ok.... It's o..k.... You... Are back... I'm so happy..." - you murmur, lifting your hand to wipe the cheeks of your beloved one.
You know how this works. You know that Jaehyun has become a vampire, and you know he won't die. You know he is safe. With that thought in mind, you smile relieved. You let your eyelids fall along with your hand, and, spending all of your remaining energy, you force your lips to move one last time : – "I love you...".
Standing in front of your grave, depositing your favorite flowers on the shining black marble, Jaehyun mentalizes his sorrowfull wishes over and over again, hoping they reach you:
– "I promise, Y/N, I promise you... I'll find you in whenever life you live, I promise I'll go back to you. I promise."
[Year: 2021]
–"OmG, I'll be late!! No no noo!!!! Stupid alarm!!" - you yell at the air, tripping on your cozy blankets, from your bed to your way to the ground.
A job like that would never fall on your lap again, for sure. You were a just graduated college student, visibly lost in the adult world, looking for a job so you can survive. You still can't believe that such a big company sent you this unexpected invite, willing to hire you. "I'm not mad, though.", you cheerfully think, while quickly spraying some perfum on the birthmark you have on your neck.
Shoving a piece of dry toast into your mouth while putting on your shoes, you rush to your first day at your new job.
You made it in time. Waiting for having a word with your new boss, you briefly look at yourself on the hand mirror you always take with you, fixing your messy hair and straightening your black blazer. Distracted in your own little world, you jump in surprise when an elegant man silently steps in the room, stands by your side without you noticing, and announces, with a resonant voice right into your ear:
– "Boss is ready to see you"
Having a look at the name tag hanging over the man's chest, you thank him:
–"Ohh, thank you.. hmm.. mr. Jeno! And I'm pleased to meet you!"
Jeno gives you a discreet smile, guiding you to a enormous poor iluminated room, in which a gorgeous and imponent figure stands behind an impressive desk. Your pupils take a few seconds to adjust to the weak lighting, but as soon as you exchange stares with that mysterious man, a weird wave of excitement runs throughout your whole body, like your blood is bubbling inside of your veins. You've never felt like this before, and it intensifies when you finally hear a deep, smooth, and weirdly familiar voice coming out of his mouth:
– Report: Incident number two
–"Hello, Y/N. Nice to meet you. You can call me Jaehyun".
It has been five years you're working at Jaehyun's company. And it has been three years you stand beside him not only as his employee, but also as his lover.
Jaehyun is a fascinating man. But there's something very odd about him. You don't know if it's the way he seems to be able to go deep into your mind. If its the way he has the knowledge of an ancient person. If it's the way everything he does feels nostalgic. If it's the way he looks at you and you can see, along with a sincere love, deep sadness and sorrowfullness emanating from his eyes. If it's the way you are sure you knew him already even before your first encounter. If it's the way you feel like you've been waiting for him your whole life. –" Oh well, maybe there's something very odd about me as well." , you think in a dreamy state while watching Jaehyun sleeping peacefully beside you.
You are at Jaehyun's house, distractedly walking around and running your fingers through the fancy furniture, waiting for him so you can have the homemade dinner he's been promising you for weeks now. He finally found an empty spot in his busy schedule, and it has been good thirty minutes since Jeno let you know he and your boyfriend were at the supermarket, picking some ingredients. "Jaehyun must be so lost right now", you chuckle to yourself, wondering what weird things he would buy. But with the chuckle, you feel a light discomfort in your chest. You have a weak heart condititon since birth, so you're used to this sensation. "Ahh, not today! Today I have to be 100% good!" , you scold yourself, hoping the annoying feeling ceases soon.
But it's not. The light discomfort turns into a light pain. The light pain turns into a fierce pain. The fierce pain turns into and unbearable pain. Imersed in your suffering, you automatically massage your heart area and sustain your body stood by grabbing the nearest thing you can reach. And, before you lose your senses entirely, you can feel this thing moving, holding you tightly and carefully, and calling your name with that deep voice you loved so much : – " Y/N!!!!!!!!"
Staring at your motionless body on his arms, the dejavu Jeahyun is having is breaking him apart. After dozens of peaceful lives with you, he was not expecting losing you like this once more. Gradually and certainly, he is following your heartbeat on its crescent silence. He doesn't want to feel this pain again. If it's selfish, if it's benevolent, it's tricky – and even unfair – to judge the only thought that goes through Jaehyun's mind right now. With a decided and firm tone, he instructs Jeno:
– "Jeno, look after her, please. That's my last order to you."
With an almost imperceptible widening of eyes, seeing how his master determination even made his quivering less severe, Jeno answers him, trying to transmit in his voice the confidence and reliability he knows Jaehyun needs to feel.
– "Yes master, I understand. I will."
This phrase brings a peaceful expression to Jaehyun's face. Focusing completely on you, Jaehyun's fangs sharpen and he plants them into the flesh of your neck. You imediatelly wake up, as a wave of electricity runs through your body and excites every cell of it. You don't know what is happening, everything is so confusing with your blurred red vision. But you know you're thirsty. Your throat feels dry, and it claims something that is not water. You sense someone's body pressing itself on yours and, instinctively, you deep your teeth into the warmness, finding yourself satiating your needs with some unknown viscous liquid.
And a movie starts to play before your eyes. A movie staring you and Jaehyun. A movie showing all of your lives together. A wedding at a beach you've never been before. Jaehyun holding an unfamiliar happy dog you didn't know you missed so badly. You and him wearing antique clothes you've never owned, discussing about what to cook for dinner while watching the sunset. His crying face painted with red blots, his body swinging back and forth holding you in his arms, trying to keep you awake.
Drowning in an ocean of memories, you frantically attempt to resurface back to your present reality. Slowly pulling your teeth out of Jaehyun's neck, you gently wrap your arms around his cold body and sink your forehead onto his shoulders.
– "Jae... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...."
– "It's.... ok, Y/N, it's ok.... I'm the one who is sorry"
– "No! It must have been so difficult for you... All these years, all this waiting... I'm so sorry... And... thank you so much."
– "I know... You... Would do the same... For me."
At this point, you are not trying to hold your tears anymore. At this point, Jaehyun's life is already hanging by a thin thread. Showing his dimples to you, his last words come faint, but still carry heavily the pure meaning of them:
– "I love you."
[Year: 2058]
– "Master, the apartment was rented successfully.", the serious and steady man says coming out of nowhere, getting by surprise your anxious and wondering mind.
– "OMG, Jeno! Are you a vampire or a ghost, please!! But ok, thank you a lot. Let's prepare everything then." , you respond, barely hiding your excitement.
Packing your things in an untidy chaotic way, you suddenly stop your actions. Hesitantly and avoiding eye contact, you ask Jeno something that has been bothering you for years now:
–" ....Hmm...Jeno.... Do you.... Do you think he will still like me?"
Even though he was caught off guard by your question, Jeno promptly replies:
– "I have no doubt about it, master. Thousand of years could pass, his love for you would remain the very same. I've witnessed it, trust me."
You bite your bottom lip, trying to conceal the wide smile forming on your red crying face.
*Knock Knock*
Lying on the couch of his living room, Jaehyun lazily raises only his head, wondering who could be knocking on his door. He definetely is not willing to stop watching his drama to answer the unknown visitor.
*Knock knock*
Finally accepting that staring at the door would not make something magically happen, he decides to get up and open it. However, he was not expecting that such a trivial thing would be so life changing.
– " Hi, I'm your new neighbor! My name is Y/N, nice to meet you!", you nervously say, extending your already sweat hand to the admired boy in front of you.
Jaehyun is astonished. He thought he had his whole life figured out. But, all of sudden, only now he can say that everything makes sense, that everything is where they should be. Only now he truly feels alive. Like a breath of fresh air, like he is living in a completely new world, he grabs your hand firmly, afraid you could vanish, and asks you in disbelief:
–" Do I know you from somewhere?"
–" Maybe...", you answer, with a mischievous yet tender expression painted on your face.
Jaehyun smiles at you softly, feeling the comfort and the sense of familiarity that only centuries of linked lives could bring him.
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Betrothred Ch. 1 - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Chapter 1: Bride
Summary: After making your choice, there’s no going back from it.
Warnings: Blood, Murder, Threats, Angst
Words: 2390
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Story Masterlist
A/N: This first chapter is kinda angsty but it gets better, I swear!
Today is the day.
Even though only mere hours would separate you from becoming a part of the Zoldyck family, the whole situation still felt very much surreal to you.
To be invited and welcomned on their property was one of the greatest honor of all, but to be considered a fitting consort for their eldest son was just unimaginable.
One of the butlers was harshly braiding your hair, trying to get it in a position you’d usually never wear. Another one would be working on your make-up, something you’d usually find unnecessary considering your profession.
Why would an assassin care for their physical appearance anyway? Well, all of this was probably part of some kind of tradition or ritual.
No matter how roughly they were tearing and tugging on you, trying to modify your body until you wouldn’t even recognize yourself in the mirror, you’d take their invasion of your personal space in a calm demeanour.
Because that’s how you were raised.
Obey, endure and function.
Your bloodline had a long history of both feared and powerful Head Hunters, for decaded being third place of all known assassin families - with the Zoldycks claiming the indisputable top.
Torture, poison and death were your fellow comrades throughout your whole youth, even though there were limits:
Only the most promising children would be chosen to become Head Hunters. The others were free to choose their way as they wished.
Your upbringing was strict, yet loving. And it was forbidden to break your free will. Serving the family should be an honor, not a burden.
Other than the Zoldycks, your family believed that emotions could become the surce of strenght.
There were other moral standarts: Murdering children was off limits, for example.
And your ‘carreer’ was just about to begin when it took this unexcpected turn.
You had met your soon-to-be-husband after finally completing your formal training, now allowed to take on the Hunter Exam.
Already accustomed to the basics of Nen, it was easy for you to see behind the disguise of the man calling himself Gittarackur.
At first being rather passive, even as the two of you completed the Trick Tower together, he soon stated to be impressed by your exceptional strenght and capability.
Truth be spoken, you always thought yourself to be mediocre at best. So that sudden compliment hit you off guard, especially after he casually revealed his true identity and heritage.
Immediately after the exam, you gathered all of your courage and asked Illumi to teach you in the ways of a true assassin - so you could grow and become the next leader of your clan.
And much to your surprise, he instantly accepted, not even wanting anything in return. You were useful to him and his missions, he stated. That would be enough.
After that, it wouldn’t take long until the stoic man announced that you’d make for a formidable spouse, asking your father for your hand in marriage.
Even though you weren’t quite sure if you made the right decision, his proposal alone the greatest honor for your kin and you just couldn’t disappoint them.
Illumi had always been very reserved about anything else than his work, making you doubt he was even capable of feeling anything else than the joy of killing.
Yet he was a reliable ally, both smart and strong - and admittedly very good looking. You were convinced that he wasn’t the monster most people saw in him: He had just been molded to be the perfect assassin.
And because of that, he would make for a good husband as well.
“Well, don’t you look beautiful?” The voice behind your back was Kikyo, dismissing the servants with a single gesture of her hand.
You wanted to stand up and make a curtsy as a sign of respect, yet felt her palms on your shoulder, pressing down so you’d remain in your seat.
Looking in the mirror, you saw your mother in law behind your back, her visor making it hard to read her intentions. Her aura gave it all away, though.
Illumi’s proposal surprised her just as much as yourself, and she obviously wasn’t content with it. You actually doubtet that she’d ever consider someone good enough to marry one of her children, so you didn’t take it personal.
The pressure would only help you grow.
“You’ll become the perfect partner for my son, won’t you?” Her fingernails dug deep into your flesh, but you didn’t even flinch. “Of course, honorable mother.”
“Good.” Apparently your answer didn’t calm her fury, since her fingermails only turned in the wounds they dug into your flesh. She only stopped when she realized that the blood was staining your clothes.
“I don’t expect any less from a lowlife like you are.” Seems like you should stay alerted around her. But that was no surprise, and it didn’t scare you either.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. And it was worth it.
To prove your worth, you’d go even beyond your limits.
“It’s time, Y/N.”
Up until now, you hid your emotions very well - but hearing that familiar, monotonous voice, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Illumi!” Kikyo shreeked out, “You’re not allowed to see Y/N before the ceremony!”
“Unnecessary superstition” he retorted quite unaffected, approaching both of you.
Kikyo stepped back, revealing you fully. He took in your appearance, rather observing than anything else. “Is that your blood?”
“Nothing worth mentioning.”
He grabbed your ankle, forcing you up from his seat to look at him. “How did this happen?”
You didn’t dare answering. It was not your place to drive a wedge between your fianceé and his mother, even though you highly doubtet that he would care at all.
Illumi turned around, his blank stare now directed to his mother, who defendingly put her hands into the air. “I-I was just advising-”
“No need for that” he cut her off. “I can take care of any business concerning my partner myself.”
Now she got all hysterical again, just as you got to know her. “B-but-”
“Never touch them again, or I’ll kill you.”
Kikyo relented, then having a mental breakdown for excactly 5 seconds, screams and cries filling the room.
The air had gotten incredibly thick, the unsettling atmosphere making you wish to just disappear right on spot.
“Oh, Illumi!” she exclaimed, sounding jubilant all of a sudden. “Being so cruel to your own mother...You’ve grown so much!”
What a weird fucking family.
“Show me your arms” Illumi demanded after he told his mother to be left alone, yet you flinched away.
“I apologize for having provoked an argument” you spoke all humble, “My wounds are of no concern. Don’t worry.”
“Starting today, I’m expected to take care of you. So you should obey and let me patch this up.” You sat down with a small sigh, exposing your shoulders and presenting them to him. “It would be a shame if you get scarred by something else than a honorable battle.”
Eventually you found time to appreciate your fianceé’s exterior: Illumi had his hair braided back, wearing a fully black suit with a white shirt and a bow tie.
It was the first time you ever saw him in formal wear, and it actually suited him very well.
“You’re very handsome, Lumi” you absentmindedly blurted out as you watched him bandage the wounds on your shoulder.
And Illumi would acknowledge your looks in his own way. “Your appearance is very adequate for this occasion as well.” That counts as a compliment, right?
“Glad you like it” you smiled, “But sadly the stains won’t get out. And we have no time to clean off the blood.”
Illumi swiftly helped you on your feet once again, vaguely explaining “Don’t worry. It won’t stand out after the ceremony.”
You linked arms with Illumi, who led you to the main room as you still pondered about what exactly he meant with that statement.
The celebration would be a small one, not even your own family being allowed to attend. When you entered the generously decorated hall, there were only Silva, Kikyo, Zeno, Kalluto and Milluki.
“Welcome, Y/N” Silva spoke in a way more welcoming tone than his wife earlier. You bend your head as you stood in front of the table where the family had gathered, greeting them politely before making your way to the altar.
Zeno would be the one to confirm the bond. You were actually glad that it was him, because he had already grown fond of you.
“Are you ready?” the old man wondered, noticing how you were trembling.
“Far away from it” you chuckled without doubt, adding “But I’m prepared to do anything.”
“That’s a honest but brave answer, young adult” he paised in an attempt to calm you down, then arranging both you and Illumi to stand facing each other. “And just what you need to become part of this family.”
One sign of Silva and the door swung open, a Bunch of butlers dragging in a terribly inured human.
Much to your shock, the person was not dead - not yet.
“So it begins” Illumi whispered as he saw the man wince in pain, begging for his life, and he almost cracked something like a smile.
“Wha-” Before you could even comprehend what was happening, it hit you like a brick: You were supposed to finish that person off.
That was what Illumi meant. A few blood stains on your wedding dress really were your smallest problem considering what awaited you from this day on.
“That man invaded our property with the intend to kill us” Silva explained to you, his stare bringing across his demands. “You’ll prove your loyality through ending his life.”
At that moment, you knew that you’ll disappoint them - because you were frozen in place.
You had taken and destroyed so many lives, yet always had the full information on them and could decide through your own standarts. But now?
What if it was a lie? You didn’t know that man, why he was here or if he deserved death.
Maybe he had family or came for revenge. Goddamn it, he could even be a reporter who just sneaked in to snatch a photo! Or they had presented you a completely innocent man, seeing if you were the undoubting slave they wanted to have!
Madness runs in this family, apparently.
It was a test. You knew that much. Quite fitting for someone from a family which was only rank three, known for their rather humane way of working.
“No Nen allowed” Kikyo completed the task, “No guns or similar either. You may only use your bare hands or close combat weapons.”
Yes. It was way harder, imprinting your soul to kill that direct way. How you’d deal with the situation was crucial for the outcome of this wedding. 
But were you really ready to throw all of your morality abroad just for your own sake?
“We won’t kill you if you decline the order” Illumi cut off your brooding. Was it out of sympathy? You had no idea. “You’ll be considered unfitting, but you are free to leave and no one will ever bother you again.”
“N-No” you stumbled across your own words, “I’ll do everything for the family.”
“Interesting” Zeno stated. “I never doubtet your spouse, Illumi, but I thought they'd take longer to decide.”
"I think Y/N will make for a great companion.” Silva’s wide grin streched across his face, making his eyes wrinkle a bit. “In both family and business.”
When all was said and done, Illumi grabbed a knive that was placed on the altar. “Let’s do it together, then.”
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You almost felt guilty that you became flustered in a moment like this, but couldn’t help it as Illumi genuinely smiled at you, taking your hand as you took firm steps towards the enemy.
“P-Please have mercy!” the man pleaded to no avail, and determination swelled in your chest at that intense moment.
Taking someone’s life together - it would connect two people in a cruel yet beautiful way.
Whatever else could be more fitting for the marriage of two assassins? 
It would be an easy kill. He was unable to flee or fight back. Just a single strike, ending his life quick as act of mercy.
“You should’ve known better than to mess with my new family.”
Both of your hands intertwined, wrapping your fingers around the handle of the knive before thrusting it into the victim’s chest.
And then it dawned to you.
“A needleman?” you sulked, ripping out one of Illumi’s needles out of the stranger’s head, while the others broke out in boisterous laughter.
“Yeah. He was already dead” Illumi shrugged. “I know you don’t like burdening yourself with victims you didn’t choose yourself. But we needed to test you anyway. It’s a tradition.”
Was he actually respecting your boundaries?! What the-
“I like your guts!” Silva attempted to pat your back, but it felt rather like he was going to break your spine. “Sorry for our harsh methods. I know it can be a bit much at the beginning. You’ll get used to obey our rules slowly, don’t push yourself.
Even Kikyo embraced you, now almost convincing motherly. “Reminds me of my first kill for the family!”
It almost felt like those people could actually feel compassion for others. They at least had undoubtingly strong bonds with each other, even if their way of living together was rather unusual.
Stiff movements as always, Illumi placed his hand on your head, almost as if a robot was trying to mimick human interaction. “I’m proud of you. I knew I chose well.”
The rest of the ceremony was just as you expected it: No vows, no rings, no music, no kiss. Just you and Illumi hearing to whatever Zeno had to say about bringing honor and wealth to the family, bearing strong offsprings, and other things that were the exact opposite from romantic.
“Blood for blood” Zeno stated now instead of “You may now kiss”, and every family member repeated it.
You took the knife from the altar once again, cutting your palm until it drew blood without any hesitation. Illumi would now do the same, then reaching out his hand for yours to hold.
As your fluids mixed before dropping to the floor, you unsucessfully searched for any hint of emotional reaction in your husbands expressionless face.
His eyes however would never leave yours, his hand firmly squeezing yours before Zeno announced:
“Your fates are now inextricably connected.”
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Jack Morton x Fem!reader
A/n: english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there is any mistakes. It's super fluff, hope you'll like it.
Y/n Duke had been a werewolf almost as long as her older brother Hamish. She's preety close to him, the same way she's close to all the kinghts, exepct for one of them - Jack Morton.
For some reason the girl and the newest werewolf don't get along that well. Y/n never wanted him to be part of the knights and blames him for all the problems with the order, while Jack thinks she's stupid and selfish, since he's a good werewolf. But let's just say that some things are about to change.
The order, and therefore the knights, had a new threat to deal with. A guy called Peter Don was doing lots of bad magic and hunting anyone that knew how to make it, all because he wanted to be the only person that possessed such thing.
Hamish and the werewolfs already knew about this whole thing, but had never managed to found the guy, so when Vera told him his name Duke was quick to call an emergency meeting with the rest.
Lilith and Randall had just arived to the house, only to find Jack and Y/n arguing about something that happend at their class a couple minuts ago, they rolled their eyes and set down, both of them were extremely tired of their bullshit. As soon as Hamish arrived he made them stop fighting and told everything Vera said to him, then the group started to plan what to do next.
Randall and Lilith were going to Peter's workplace, a clothing store, in order to investigate, Hamish was going to do some research about the guy with a couple books Vera had given to him, while Y/n and Jack were going to his place, neither of them were happy with it, but according to the older Duke they needed to be able to work together.
The car ride to Peter's place was very quite and weird. When they arrived Y/n informed their groupchat, Randall and Lilith already were taking a look at the store and Hamish said he hasn't found anything yet.
The duo broke into the guy's house and started to look for anything sightly suspicious. Nothing in the first floor, and nothing in the second, when they were heading to the basement Jack, that was pretty quiet, openned his mouth to talk about something that was not about Peter.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
A minute of silence followed his question.
"Like I get it that I caused a couple of problems and shit, but besides that, what did I ever do for you to hate me that much?"
"Well i-, you annoy me and you also hate me, so I don't get why you are asking me this."
"I was just wondering"
"You can wonder when we catch this bad guy"
The conversation ended but Y/n kept thinking about that. Why did she hate Jack so much? Okay, sure, he was annoying, but there was something more and she couldn't find out what, and this was making her pretty pissed.
Morton and Duke entered the basement, only to see something, actually, someone that Y/n didn't like that much either - Alyssa Drake.
Jack got quite excited to see the girl he once had a crush on, what only made Y/n roll her eyes. Alyssa said Vera asked her to see if his house had something weird, but she hadn't found anything. Jack started to make a small talk with her, and Y/n quickly dragged him out of that place.
"You should stop talking to Alyssa"
"What, why?"
"There's something about her that dosen't sit right with me"
"Are you jelous?
Y/n turned to Jack with a pretty angry face, but if you looked close enought a blush could be seen.
"If you think I'll ever feel something for you Morton, you need help"
Jack looked a bit sad, but hided that with a playfull smirk, when he was about to open his mouth to say something sarcastic, Y/n screamed.
Peter had found them, stabbed Y/n and started to run. Y/n feel into the ground and tried to stop the bleeding.
"Go after him"
"What no I can't just let you bleeding here"
"It's okay, I'll heal"
The boy stoped to think for a moment, but when Y/n gave him the sweetest smile ever, he decided to go after Peter, after all she's a werewolf, she would be fine.
Morton started to run after Don, but Y/n wasn't healing, so she looked over to her belly, and guess what, a green smoke was coming out of it. The knive Peter used was poisoned, Y/n thought it was funny, since her brother had once being stabbed by a poisoned knive. She tried to reach her phone and call someone, but she didn't had enought strenght for that, the poison was way to strong.
All she could do was wait for Jack to come back and help her. When Y/n was about to close her eyes she heard him call her name and Jack started to run towards her.
The order wanted Peter alive so that they could ask him questions, so Jack had only knocked him out and was trying to get him to his car.
He kneeled next to Y/n and told her to hold on while he pressed her belly to make the bleeding stop. The first thing Jack did was call Alyssa, he asked the blonde girl to come pick Peter and take him to Vera, then he proceeded to pick Y/n and take her to his car.
Alyssa did what he asked and Jack was now driving pretty fast to the knights place. He kept assuring Y/n that she would be fine, but deep down he didn't really know what would happen, the only thing he knew was that he couldn't just lose Y/n, no not like that.
As soon as he arrived at the house Jack picked her up very carefully and opened the door. Lilith looked over from her sit to see what all that noise was, only to find her best friend dieing in Jack's arms.
While Morton was putting her on the sofa, Batory shouted for Hamish and Randall that came downstairs running. Jack told everything that happen and Lilith was preparing a potion that would cure her, at least that's what they hoped, Hamish and Randall were freaking out.
Y/n drunk the disgusting potion and the green smoke was gone. She was fine and already healing. The knights were pretty happy and relieved, but Jack still had a sad expression.
He almost lost the girl he loves and she doesn't even know that, actually it's worse, she doesn't feel the same.
After that Randall left, he had a date with Gabrielle, Lilith helped Y/n go to her room upstairs and went to her own, Hamish had to go report everything to Vera, and maybe make out with her, but Jack had nothing to do, so he just set down in the living room and kept thinking about his feeling towards the girl that hated him.
A couple hours passed, it was pretty late now, and Jack got tired of just thinking, it was time to do something about that, even if later he might regret it. So he walked to Y/n's room expecting her to still be awake. Her door was open so he entered the room.
"Wow Morton what are you doing awake? It's pretty late."
Y/n said that in a very cute tone, not the one she usually uses with Jack. The thing is that she had also being thinking about the same thing he had. Y/n realized that the reason why she had been hating him so much lately, was that she actually liked him and was scared to do something about it, so Y/n thought pretending she still hated him like she once did would make her feelings go away. But today when she saw Jack all worried about her, everything changed.
"Don't say anything just let me talk. I don't hate you okay, I once did but not anymore."
Y/n was very confused.
"I like you, not only as a friend. I have been liking you for a couple months now, and I didn't knew how to tell you."
Okay now Y/n was chocked. Was she dreaming? Did the poison actually kill her and now she was seeing things?
"Look I know you hate me and stuff, but today when you almost died I realized I needed to tell you, so well, you know."
Y/n got up from her bed and walked up to Jack.
"You can keep hating me no problem, i-"
"Just shut up and kiss me Morton"
"Wait, what?"
"I like you too asshole"
"For real?"
Y/n and Jack kissed each other with a lot of passion and love. It was a slow and sweet kiss, but a very needed one, after all both of them had been pretending they hated each other for way longer than they should.
After what seamed to be a long time, they finally broke the kiss to breathe, and they couldn't stop smiling, everything was okay now.
"Wow, hm this was pretty nice, but I think you have to rest, I mean, you were stabbed today"
Y/n agreed and Jack started to leave her room, but she stopped him before he could actually leave.
"Can you stay here with me?
"Of course"
Y/n and Jack got into the girl's bed and cuddled. Her head was close to his neck and he was holding her while drawing random things with his finger in her exposed skin.
The room was silent, but there was no need for words, all they needed was each other. Then Jack said something and blushed
"Can you play with my hair please?"
Y/n smiled and nodded. Now her hand was tangled in Morton's hair, both of them were extremely happy.
Time passed and they stayed like this, sometimes Jack would say something about how good that felt and Y/n would laugh saying she loved his hair. That was when she started to feel her eyes closing, she was super tired.
"Thanks for helping me today, and thanks for staying here with me."
Y/n said that in a tired and sweet voice while yawning.
"Anything for you princess."
Jack kissed her forehead and they fell asleep together without a care in the world.
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tatianafarenheit · 3 years
Devourer (open ending)
TW: GORE, slight lime,
It was pouring. The wind was howling woefully while it quickly rushed trought the trembling leafs of the Wangshu Inn’s Foundation of a tree. Even the sound of the other travelers, stopping for the night, was drowned by the white noise that rang trough-out the halls of the Inn, creating a terribly uncomfortable sensation of chaos. Xiao hated these kind of nights where the inn was bustling more than usual, and the fact that his only remaining comrade from the war was near him did not comfort him either.
He felt restrained almost rigid at the heavy awkwardness that strangled the room for the past two hours. Neither him or Yanay said a single word since they first reunited and Xiao’s mind was near overheating while trying to think of something to say.
His attempts where rewarded with emptiness and that frustrated him. He hated feeling like a kid, palms almost sweaty because he could not communicate with the only being that experienced the same pain he did, the only being who also had to witness the same horrors of war and was unfortunate enough to live on to tell the story.
Truth be told, they didn’t end on the best terms. Xiao blamed Yanay for years for the cause of his comrades deaths and vice versa, only to realize later that the person to blame was the misleading messenger between them. Yanay didnt in fact given the wrong orders, the messenger did and Xiao in fact did not leave his friends to die because he ran off, he was just too late to help.
Every since the truth emerged the both of them felt uncomfortably awkward next to each other, stuck between feeling a need to apologize and not wanting to open the wound that the sorrowful memories left behind. How easy it would be if stolen glances could be an actual form of communication. Yanay hearts raced while looking at Xiao, she felt a painful voide eating away at her heart while she looked at the broken man, a small fragment of what he used to be, almost like a living memory of the past, a guardian cursed to carry and reopen his old wounds each time he looked around him. Every single fragment of Liyue was a breathing reminder of what happened upon its lands all those years ago.
Yanay managed to find herself a new purpose, or more like the purpose found her. Ningguan found the resentful and nugatory girl and could not help but see potential in her, a woman that only needed someone to open her eyes. Ningguan offered her a job and a promise of a new start, a painfully docile life, she promised she would never have to suffer again and so Yanay followed her. Ningguan’s helping hand helped Yanay wake up, but only by her own will did she only find herself again, patching up her still bleeding old wounds hoping that one day they would stop…but they still bleed to this day.
Thats the difference between Xiao and Yanay is that Xiao accepted it, came to terms with the brokenness his whole existence represents, he got accustomed to the horrible misey that chews and spits him out every time he breathes, so accustomed to it to the point he doesnt feel it anymore. Yanay on the other hand could not, her mind still whispers menacingly to her, each time her eyelids tremble shut, the terrifying truth she had to endure. And each time, she fights it, she refuses it wholeheartedly, her resistance only making everything burn even more and even deeper.
“Im going to sleep” Yanay whispered and Xiao heard it, looking away and only giving a hum as a response. He felt bad, truly, he wish he could speak to her more, to apologize, to tell her that he can be there- but his savage heart wont let him, his prode chaining his mouth shut so he could not get himself hurt more. He tried to justify his actions by saying things such as ‘she wouldn’t care anyway’; ‘it would not help her so whats the point?’ But Xiao forgot to consider how much Yanay cared for such small things, how much she cherished in the back of her rotting soul the fact that someone thought that she deserved an apology.
Yanay laid down, her back facing Xiao, afraid of letting him see her composure falling apart each second she was next to him. And so with one last heavy puff of air her eyes closed. Xiao soon followed laying as far away as possible from her.
Xiao was awoken by the sound of the sheets being tousled around and as he looked in Yanays direction he could only see her figure hunched over. “Why are you awake?” He said in a gruff voice, slight annoyance tainting his tone from being awoken this early in the night. What he saw next made him freeze up, his blood turned cold and eyes froze open. Yanay looked back at him with tears in her wide eyes “Take them away-“ she barely whispered, her voice trembling along with the hands that gripped her sides in a crushing strenght.
Xiao felt like his world crashed down onto him, his veins thinning as he looked the the now seemingly vulnerable woman in front of him. His whole idea of who Yanay is was completely ruined, hes never seen her like this. So fragile and so… brittle- It was almost like someone’s possessed her body.
“You can eat dreams, right? Please-“ the girl cut herself short, her eyes scanning him frantically. She knew she was asking for too much, she felt it so deep in her bones that they felt like they might snap-. “I know im asking for too much but please- take them! Devour them until theres not even a single one that escapes!” Her voice was getting more and more unstable, her gaze running over the room back and forth, avoiding his apparent burning gaze. He just stared for a second, it all felt unreal to him. His breathing got labored and heavy as he saw the marking scene before him. A warrior turned to a broken maiden, looking for a kind of alleviation that only he could bring her.
Yanay took his silence as a refusal, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she turned back to her hunched position. His gaze felt unbearably heavy on her back, almost quelling her to the point she felt minuscule. “Never mind- it was stupid of me to ask that. Please forget i ever said anything.” There it goes again, the voice Xiao was so accustomed to. He couldn’t help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over him.
Without rationality he reached out to her, his fingers grabbing onto her shoulder and turning her around a bit more harshly than what he meant.
Yanay jumped, her composure falling apart by his own hand. “Tell me what dreams im looking for..” his voice was awfully soft, so soft that it made a small electric string run up Yanay’s spine, a wave of ecstasy running over her body. But once the realization of what he really asked hit her, her eyes turned dark and cold. The kind of eyes Xiao used to have, so he immediately knew what he had to look for. “I will help you but-“ it was now his turn to look away in embarrassment, his face feeling way too scorching all of the sudden.
Yanay stared at him and thought of how she’s never looked at him in this kind of light before, he was absolutely breathtaking and innocent, not a shred of bad ill painted onto his face and so yet again she felt selfish for never trying to understand him- and now- here she is, asking him to do something that he most likely won’t enjoy. “Its gonna be a hell of a lot to take in, not only for you but me as well.” He continued and turned back to look at her. She almost gasped once her eyes met his, shes never seen them so close in order to see the true intensity they held. His gaze pierced trough her with such power that her breathy hitched. She only nodded. Xiao sighed, his fingers now trembling onto her skin knowing that whats about to come wont be able to be erased. Yanay’s perception of him was about to change even more.
“Turn around for me..” his voice was almost a whisper but still so moving that it made goosebumps rise on Yanay’s skin. She eagerly complied, her shoulders relaxing under his vexing touch. As she tuned around the sound around her began to fade, her attention fully concentrated onto Xiao. The next thing she felt was his chest pressed against her back, so tender yet so much pressure. She had to restrain herself from releasing a shuddered gasp once his body connected to hers. Her skin lit up, nerves trembling deliciously. Xiao felt it too, his eyes closing shut as he bit back a groan, his hands rose next to Yanays own hands, almost afraid of touching her thinking that shes gonna break. He was afraid that she’s gonna be repulsed by his touch but nonetheless he placed his hands in front of Yanay’s torso. “Grab onto one of my hands and relax into me.” He said again, his breath gently caressing Yanay’s ear shell.
Yanay’s lucidity began to dissolve, he was so close oh so close that if she turned around she could kiss him…to bad that will never be an option. After regaining a fracture of her rationality back, she complied to his words, her hand gripping one of his while she relaxed fully into him. His other hand gripped her jaw and moved it so that her face was right under his. Her eyes opened and looked at Xiao with such an irresistible innocence that he almost lost it. It was refreshing to see his comrade so complying and so sweetly vulnerable. Xiao leaned his head in, his lips barely above hers, so close that she could feel the heat coming from his face.
“Tell me when you if want me to stop..” he said against her lips before they met. Yanay’s heart felt like it was imploding, beating so hard and fast that it almost punched trough her ribcage but what came next took Yanay by surprise even more. Her limbs started to feel like putty, so soft and light. While her mind started to become intoxicated and slow, she wasn’t thinking of anything but Xiao and the overwhelmingly pleasurable feeling that started to spread inside her. It almost felt like and aphrodisiac, her body disconnecting from her mind, detaching so much that it almost felt like another person possessing her body. Xiao felt the affects too, his hand gripping Yanay’s jaw harder as he leaned his head in more, deepening the kiss, his tongue running hungrily over hers. While he knew that he was supposed to focus only on devouring Yanay’s horrible nightmares he couldn’t help but indulge in the sweet release that she was, a breath of fresh air. He wanted to claim her, to make her heal him with just her presence and maybe he could help her by erasing every parasitic nightmare that plagued her thoughts every night, but that wouldn’t be healthy and he knew it.
Yanay tried so hard to grip onto her lucidity but the more she tried the damned thing ran further and further away. Her flesh felt like smoldering cinder while her stomach felt like a void, it felt like feathers were running over her skin. She was so overwhelmed that she almost passed out from the electrifying feeling that he induced. Xiaos hand left hers and opted for her waist, digging his fingers in and dragging her torso impossibly closer to his. She was so delicious that it drove him mad, forget the damned nightmares he wanted to devour her. To rip her ignorant facade apart and watch her true face show itself from the ruins that he alone tore down.
His hunger was cut short when he finally reached the nightmares he was looking for and they were exactly as he expected. Corpses rotting on the muddy field while tired soldiers pushed on whith their last breath, people screaming and crying and the worst of all, the feeling of being helpless, powerless, the feeling of having to watch knowing you cant change a god damn thing.
He couldnt stand looking at the dreadfully realistic replicas of the past so he started tearing them down, devouring the from the most affecting ones to the lesser. He tore them down with each movemnt of his lips against hers and she couldnt have been more grateful. Suddenly his kisses turned from exhilarating to melting. His movements so soft and tender that Yanay felt like she was about to burst. She never realized how much she craved this feeling before and now- now she couldnt get enough of it, she was frightened that if he touched her like that one more time shed forever be bound to him, craving him each second of her existence. Her hand slowly moved to the nape of his neck, softly caressing his satin like hair.
Xiao couldnt do anything but melt under her gentle touch, his mind finally going at ease after all of these tormenting years he had to indure all alone. Afraid as if shed disappear from his desperate clutch, he held her closer, relishing into this intoxicatingly serene moment. Oh how he truly wished they could stay like this more…
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 4 years
I couldn't live without you | The Old Guard | Booker x Reader
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I couldn't any other pictures of Booker. If someone has some, feel free to send them ne, please ;)
Summary: A routine job, you got hurt by a knife and died from the injury. But it took you too long to wake up and Booker got scared that you wouldn't come back to life. When you finally did Booker is a crying mess and you gonna comfort him. You end up confessing your feelings...
Warnings: angst, reader's death (but comes back to life), fluff, confession of feelings
Author's note: My first story with my sweetheart Booker, my second story in this fandom. Thank you for the likes there ;) I hope you have fun!
The Promise (Nicky and Joe)
It was a routine job, nothing special, there was a bank robbery and they were kepting hostages, the bank stuff and a few clients, including three children. Problem was the local police were overstrained and the criminals already killed two of the people. Nicky insisted to take the job, because they would doing the right thing and he has a soft spot for kids.
Andy and her team infiltrated the bank without noticed by the criminals. Booker took the first man with a precise shot down and aimed for another one, when he realized that they were more men than expected. One of them freaked out and fired uncontrolled around him. You were right behind Booker and a man came from your left. You shot three times in his abdomen and he fall to the ground.
Andy and Nile took the freaked out madman down and Nicky and Joe helped the hostages to exit the building without being harmed.
You heard Nile screamed “Clear” from behind you, which meant they catched all evil men. You went with Booker to search for more possible targets.
“Be careful,” Booker whispered and you didn't mind his words. You were always careful and he was always worried. You knew he hated you getting hurt, but it was part of your work.
“Watch out!” you shouted and Booker turned around. He fired his gun, but the man had still enough strenght to throw a knife. It didn't go in Booker's direction, but in yours and a second later the knife stuck out of your chest. It went right in your heart.
“No,” you heard Booker scream agonizingly and you felt two strong arms that catched you before you hit the ground, but then everything went black.
“No, no, no,” he repeated quietly and breathless.
You were dead, of course, your eyes wasn't focus on anything and you stopped breathing at all. Booker grabbed the sheft of the knife and pulled it out with a squishing noise. He searched in pathetic hope for a pulse on your throat, but he couldn't find one.
“What happenend?” Andy shouted when she ran towards Booker and you. She looked at your dead body and groaned. “No one is harmed, but her. Fuck.”
Booker stroked a hair strain out of your face and waited impatiently for you to wake up. Usually it didn't take you long, even if you were the second youngest of the group of immortals.
“Come on, little one, wake up,” Booker begged with a broken voice, but you just stared back with cold eyes.
“We need to leave. Come on,” Andy hustled everyone and Booker scooped you up in his arms.
Nile, Nicky and Joe waited on the back door and Joe frowned when he saw that Booker carried your body.
“What happened?”
“A man throw a knife and killed her,” Andy explained flatly and left the building at first.
“She hasn't healed yet?” Nicky asked confused with a worried expression. But Booker didn't respond and followed Andy outside where two cars waited for them. He went for the car with Andy sitting behind the steering wheel.
Andy watched him laying your body on the back side and he sat down next to you. He bedded your head in his lab and caressed your cheek.
Booker didn't understand why you were still lifeless, it had been minutes since he removed the knife. Carefully he took the collar of your shirt between his fingers and raised the material, the wound was still open. Maybe you were healing from the inside and there was more damage than he could see.
“Nothing?” Andy inquired and Booker shook his head with tears collecting in his eyes.
“She can't be dead, right?” Booker insisted weary.
“No, she is too young,” Andy assured him.
The car ride to the safehouse took half an hour and after seven minutes your chest started rising slightly and a few seconds later you came with a deep inhale back to life.
Your hands searched for something and Booker grabbed your right. “It's okay, Y/N. You're alright, you're safe,” he laughed relieved and tears streamed down his face.
You took a few breaths and inspected your surroundings. “Sebastien,” you whispered and laid your hand on his cheek to wipe the tears with your thumb away. “Don't cry, I'm here.”
“I know… it's just…,” he tried to say, but couldn't find words. You frowned meditatively. You never saw Booker crying and you were shocked that you were the cause for his condition.
“You really thought I was dead?” you asked him softly and both of your eyes were locked. “You thought I wouldn't wake up?”
Booker closed his eyes and nodded slowly, a few tears found their way down his cheeks again and he exhaled shakily.
“I can't stand when someone hurt you…,” he whispered only for your ears to hear.
“Shhh, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere,” you tried to soothe him and he nestled his cheek against your hand. Booker looked again in your eyes and to your surprise you saw something like deep adoration or fondness in his.
“Come here,” he mumbled and pulled you in a sitting position on his lap and burried his face in the crook of your neck, you felt him taking a deep breath and snuggle you closer.
You were a little bit thrown of your guard, because you weren't used to this kind of affection from Booker, but you wrapped your arms around his trembling shoulders. He was usually reserved and you never got more than a short hugging. But this situation was new to you and you were sure that it was new to him, too.
Andy parked the car in front of your currently safehouse, well, it was an old church in Goussainville. But you hoped that it wouldn't for too long, you didn't like the lack of privacy, even if all of them felt like family to you.
Andy turned around and watched the two of you curiously and still a little worried. “Are you alright?”
“We're fine,” you answered with a slight smile and Andy nodded relieved.
“Do you come inside? Or…,” she asked uncertain and opened the car door.
“Give us a moment.”
She didn't respond and got out of the vehicle. The others waited for you and all of them with a worried expression. Andy told them to gave Booker and you some alone time. You watched them enter the church and sighed heavily.
You began to stroke through Booker's hair and you were glad that he calmed down.
“Are you still with me?” you giggled and tried to lighten the mood.
“Yeah,” he just said and didn't move an inch. You felt comfortable with him in your arms, you had to admit. He was warm and you savoured the feeling for a moment longer. But you knew that the two of you needed to talk.
“Do you want to tell me what… okay, that's stupid, you know… you didn't seem to me like you were a cuddler.”
“I'm sorry, I can let you go if you're uncomfortable. I think I got carried away at some point…,” he apologized and started to move away from you.
“I kinda like it,” you confessed and shoved a hand in his neck to stop him from pulling away. Booker frowned, but nodded slowly in understanding. His hand caressed your back and leaned his forehead against your temple.
“I like it, too.” You felt his warm breath in your face and closed your eyes again.
“Can we do this again sometime?” you asked carefully with hope in your voice. You wished for a long time that the two of you would share moments like this. Since you joined the group a year before you met Nile, you felt attracted to the handsome blonde man. But Booker never showed anything else towards you, he always acted like a friend to you. You were sure he didn't notice your crush on him, but others did, Nicky at first. Nicky tried to encourage you to tell Booker about your feelings, but you were scared that it could destroy your friendship and the dynamic of the group.
“You doesn’t know what you do to me, do you?” Booker observed and you inclined your head.
“What do you mean?”
He surprised you so many times with his actions and words today that you made so confused, you weren't sure if you should believe him or he was simply kidding you.
Booker sighed and looked at you. Your beautiful eyes studied him for an answer. He knew he had to tell you the truth about his feelings. Little did he know that you were feeling the same way.
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just…I can’t imagine you aren't here.”
Now you were speechless and starred at him in a dither. “That was very specific,” you determined. You weren't aware that you meant so much to him.
Booker took your face in both hands and you touched his wrist with one hand.
“I don't want lose you. I was so scared… I need and want you by my side, every day, I didn't realize it until now,” he explained and you heard the desperation in his voice. “Is there any chance you feel the same as I do?”
You smiled happily. “I like you for a while now and I'm happy about your words.”
Booker chuckled and stroked your cheeks. “Back in the 19th century I would ask you to marry me, but for now it's enough… well, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You loved his homour and laughed along with him.
“Yes, I want to be your girlfriend,” you declared.
Booker grinned happily like a little boy who got the biggest lollipop ever.
You needn't more words for explanation. The fear and sadness from the past hour were forgotten, you pressed your foreheads together and lingered in peaceful and quietly atmosphere. This moment was owned by the both of you and it marked the beginning of your future as a couple and the growing of a love that will be stronger than everything you expierenced before.
“Is it okay if I'm gonna kiss my girlfriend now?” Booker asked gently and his right hand wandered in your neck. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you were curious if they were as soft as they looked.
You nodded one time, it was enough as an answer for him. Slowly he pulled you towards him, again you felt his warm breath on your skin and then was his mouth pressed softly on yours. He started with placing little kisses from time to time to your lips, but you wanted more.
Your body shivered when your mouths found a pleasant rhythym and you shifted yourself that you stradled his lap.
Your upper body were so pressed to close together that not even a paper would fit between you.
You imagined many time what it would feel like to kiss him, it was marvelous. When his tongue traced your lower lip and asked for entrance you opened your mouth a little. With a grin he licked past your lips and you moaned when he began a playful battle for dominance.
“I could get used to that,” Booker mumbled against your lips and kissed you again with all of his passion for you.
What do you think?
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eveenstar · 3 years
remembering the stars ┃Javier Escuella x Jedi! Reader ┃ Star Wars AU
Chapter II: The bear and the witch
❥ Chapter I
Tags/Warnings: Mentions of killing animals (deer and bear), death and war. Reader has she/her pronouns.
Author's note: Hello! Here's chapter 2 of what will become a somewhat short series. We'll see! Hope you enjoy! ❤
Taglist: @bdb1993
The sun was cold today. It felt cold on your back as you went through your day, the memories of last night's occurences haunting your mind like living nightmares. It was currently nine am and most of the gang was already up and on the run around camp. You stayed on your own.
"Mornin' (Y/N)." Hosea, who had been watching you for the past minutes, knew something was off. "Mind keeping company to this old man?"
You gently chuckled and took a seat next to him. "You're not an old man, Hosea." He smiled at you with soft eyes before his hand reached out to yours.
"I saw you and Javier yesterday." You furrowed your eyebrows a bit in confusion. "Look (Y/N), whatever you need, we're here for you."
You watched his serene eyes for a few moments. Hosea had been nothing but a friend to you since you had arrived, it reminded you of your old master. You knew he cared deeply for the gang and would do anything in his power to not let it fall apart. Sadly, not everyone appreciated it.
"Thank you, but it's nothing, really." You assured him but didn't seem convincing enough. "I probably should go, I'm going hunting with Charles."
You got up and ready to leave, yet you felt like more things were left to say. You hoped no one else asked more questions about your past, it was bad enough having to make up a story, omitting certain parts. It didn't matter now; going hunting with Charles wouldn't certainly keep your mind off things.
With a bow in hand, your eyes moved past your lightsaber which was well hidden inside a locked box, underneath other stuff you managed to save. You glanced over to Javier, who smiled and nodded at you before moving his attention back to his guitar. Your feet felt heavy as you walked over to Charles, near the horses.
"Are we taking the horses?" You asked while patting your horse, Warrior.
"I know a place not far from here, but we get there faster with the horses." Charles replied, already on top of his horse. "You got everythin'?" You nodded.
The journey to the hunting grounds Charles had choosen was peaceful. The wind was moving through your hair and kissed your skin with a slight shiver. Not a word was spoken between the pair of you, but it wasn't needed, there was a silent understanding that all needed now was the connection you both felt with nature. The Force was strong with this planet as it was with you.
The journey to Earth was a troubled one. Your ship was in bad shape so you used an escape pod, which ended up crashing in the snow mountains. Fear and confusion clouded your mind as you fought to keep yourself awake while seeking for shelter and help. That was when you ran into Javier and Arthur helping a wounded John. They were shocked, to say the least. «Woman dressed in strange clothes wandering through the snow» was what Arthur described you. You still had your Jedi outfit which took you lots of convincing to fool them to think it was a nurse outfit from Europe. They were all weary of you at first, but you were glad that this specific part of the Unknown Regions was still safe.
With time, you earned their trust and your place. You tried to camouflage your presence from the Force but you didn't close yourself completely to it. Sometimes, when time allowed, you'd meditate and train your abilities. Once you had tried to reach to your master, Plo Koon, but you gave up in fears of being found, yet you knew something had happened to him.
You remember it all as if it was yesterday.
"(Y/N)?" Charles' voice made you jump and you lifted your head to look at him. "Everythin' alright?"
"Yes, just got lost in thoughts. Sorry." You both stopped near the entrance of another forest. Charles explained further the instructions; it was rather easy. There were some deers around here, so if you both managed to hunt two at least, Pearson wouldn't complain about the lack of food for the rest of the week.
"We follow this track and it should lead us to a good spot." He showed you a map marked with red circles. You asked him if he'd been here before. "Once or twice with Arthur. Just be careful with the bears."
The forest felt light. Butterflies flew past you, the birds were singing in the trees, small rabbit played with each other, everything was what it was supposed to be.
Charles and you walked for a few minuted until eventually you reached a spot. Near a small highland and stones to hide behind, there was a deer distracted eating. You didn't enjoy killing animals but you made sure to honor their death. You held tight to your bow, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes you let the Force guide you.
Seconds of silence and you heard the deer falling to the ground right after the first arrow was shot. When you first began hunting with Charles, he was admired by your talent with a bow and arrow, you even taught him a few tricks. You explained that it was your father that taught you.
"Next one is mine." He warned with a smile.
You laughed while making your way to the deer. "Let's see if you're as good as I am." You looked over your shoulder just in time to see a shadow rising from behind Charles, who was unaware of it. "Charles!" It was too late for him to escape in time, so in the heat of the moment you used the Force to hold the bear up in the air.
"What the-" Almost falling to his feet, Charles looked between you and the bear. It was costing you too much of your strenght.
"Charles run, now!" The bear was thrown against a tree while Charles ran behind the fallen rocks and began shooting at the animal, who lost no time in charging towards you. But by the time the bear reached you, he fell to your feet.
"(Y/N), what-what was that?" You blinked a few times before looking back at your friend, who was bewildered staring at you. You reached out to him.
"Charles, please, you can't tell anyone what you saw." You grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. He sighed.
"I knew there was something different about you but...." He hesitated, "Be honest with me, (Y/N). Are you - Are you a witch?"
You could see the worry and confusion behind his dark eyes. He wasn't scared of you, he was confused and curious. You could never lie to Charles more than you already do, was this the right thing to do? Would he understand?
You looked down to your feet with a heavy heart and loud mind.
"No, I am..." You took another deep breath. "I am a Jedi."
There was a tense atmosphere and you were expecting the worst of the worst. Charles remained in silence.
After a few moments, he spoke up.
"You're a J - Jedi?" The name clicked on his tongue as a new word was added to his dictionary. "What is that?"
"I'll explain to you later. Let's just head back to camp before they send someone looking for us." You turned away, already grabbing your things and heading back to your horse in a hurry. You could hear Charles sighing loudly before following after you with the dead deer.
You hoped Charles would keep quiet about this but you'd also have lots of explaining to do now. How are you supposed to explain what the Force and intergalactic civilizations are to a being who comes from a planet that's isolated from everything else? Perhaps Charles was the only one who noticed you were slightly different from the others and maybe something good would come out of this. To have someone who knows you and you can share your thoughts and fears to truly would be a gift of the Force.
But now you still had a three hour long horse ride back to camp with an awkward silence. Let's hope the Force is with you on this one.
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