#and yes i know not everyone claims this but there is an odd number of people who do!
Yandere diaries. || Toby x reader. A new (possible) series I got the idea to do of the creeps doing diaries showing them gradually becoming yandere.
3k words. CW: Yandere, adult content (mentions of arousal and references to masturbation), descriptions of violence and gore, unhealthy relationships, severe abuse, delusions, Toby slipping into insanity and also being an unhonest/unreliable narrator with how awful he’s being.
4/26/22 -
I met someone new today! We bumped into each other at a park I like to go to on Earth. They were so kind to me. We ended up getting ice cream together and exchanging numbers. I hope I can see them again soon.
5/11/22 -
I’ve been able to see them a couple more times. We’ve been messaging regularly, and have also called a couple of times. I’ve never felt so connected to someone so quickly before. We have a lot in common, and they don’t even mind any of my tics or odd quirks. We have a plan to meet up this weekend and go to the movies together, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope we continue to be friends with each other for a long time!
5/14/22 -
I just got home. We had such a fun time at the movies! We saw one of the more recent horror films together. They got scared partway through and clung onto me to feel better, and it made me feel really happy and protective over them. I wouldn’t mind seeing more horror movies with them in the future if it means that they’d do that again. We haven’t known each other very long, but I feel so connected and interested in them, I feel sparks every time they touch me. Is this what falling in love feels like?
6/21/22 -
I haven’t been able to see them for a few weeks because of our schedule differences. I feel like I’ve been excessively sad because of that. I just feel like my life is so much dimmer without them. I wanna go to the park with them again, eat ice cream, and curl up under a tree with them. I wish I could be with them every day.
7/29/22 -
We haven’t known each other for a very long time, but I’m certain they’re the person I’m meant to be with for the rest of my life. They make me the happiest I’ve ever felt, they understand me like nobody has ever understood me before, I just feel so carefree and excited in their presence. I think they might feel the same way about me too. I need to try my best to build up some courage and ask them to be my partner before someone else can.
8/11/22 -
I asked them on a date and they said yes!! I’ve never felt more excited than I am right now!! We’re going on our first date in a few days. I need to make sure I have a nice outfit to wear because I want to take them somewhere nice to eat, and then we’re gonna go for a walk together and stargaze. My life truly feels so complete and wonderful right now, I feel like I’m finally on a path to keep getting better with them in my life!
11/24/22 -
I haven’t been dating them very long, but I convinced Slender to allow me to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner. Normally we have to date our partners for a year, but I just know our relationship is going to work out, so I don’t feel the need to wait that long. They had so much fun meeting everyone, and they were happy the whole time. I felt a bit jealous that they didn’t pay as much attention to me, but that’s okay because there were so many new people they had to meet. I’m sure next time I invite them over they won’t pay anyone else any attention. I’m looking forward to having them over here more often!
12/14/22 -
I got into an argument with Jeff today. I had them over to visit me, and I stepped away for a minute to get us some snacks and Jeff so rudely decided to try and steal their attention from me. It isn’t fair! He was trying to make them laugh and hang out with him instead of me!! I got really angry and I started yelling at him, and he yelled back at me, claiming he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He’s not allowed to just walk up to them and act like they’re buddy-buddy. They’re my partner, and they’re here for me. Nobody else has the right to their attention but me.
12/25/22 -
I got to celebrate my first Christmas with them today. We spent a little bit of time downstairs with the others, but then I wanted to bring them upstairs to my room so we could be together alone. I gave them a bracelet with our names on it so that everyone would know they belonged to someone, and they seemed to like it. However, I got a bit upset at them. They said they had to go home so they could celebrate with their friends and family too, but aren’t I good enough? Aren’t I their family now? It doesn’t make any sense to me why they couldn’t just stay at the mansion, but I let them go. I’ll have a talk with them about this later.
1/24/23 -
We had another argument again. They have this friend that keeps overstepping his boundaries and I don’t appreciate it. He’s been hogging their attention recently and hanging out with them more and it’s seriously fucking pissing me off. They wouldn’t stop talking to him so I had to lie to them about him to finally get them to back off from him a bit. I wouldn’t normally want to do that, but it’s for their own good. Nobody should be hogging them away from me that much. Their friends are lucky I even allow them to talk with my dove at all. I think that’s what I’ll start calling them, now that I think about it. My sweet, soaring Dove.
2/17/23 -
I ended up getting into a fight with one of Dove’s friends. I was trying to make sure I could spend Valentine’s with Dove, but this friend wanted to be able to see them that day since he’s going on a trip soon or some other stupid excuse. It pissed me off. IM their boyfriend, that day is for US. I confronted him to get him to back off but he had the nerve to stand his ground. I had to beat the shit out of him to get him to understand his place. It’s been three days, and apparently, he hasn’t contacted them since. Good. One less pest I have to worry about. Dove was a little suspicious when I came home with torn-up knuckles that day, but I just told them it happened during training and they believed me. They even took the time and care to bandage me up. They really are so special to me. Nobody else can have them.
3/18/23 -
I’ve never really thought much about blood before. When it’s on myself or my victims, I’ve never really cared about it, I’ve actually usually thought it was gross, but it was different today. Dove got this gash when we were out on a hike from tripping and slicing their arm on a sharp rock. Normally the blood wouldn’t have bothered me, but it was just so pretty. The red spreading across their skin was just so alluring. Of course, I got them cleaned off and patched up as soon as I could, but my heart is racing just remembering it. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they get cut again soon. I have to confirm if this feeling inside me is real or just a one-off.
3/28/23 -
It wasn’t a one-off. We were cooking, and they were using one of our sharper knives. My curiosity got the better of me, and I “accidentally” bumped into them from behind. They ended up cutting themself, and their blood was just as alluring today, flowing freely out of their finger. I ended up putting their finger in my mouth to suck the blood off, and I’ve never tasted something so intoxicating before. They were a bit confused, but I just played it off and they let it go. Holy shit. I feel like I have to taste it again. I have to. The red on their skin, the metallic lingering taste in my mouth. It’s so addicting. It honestly made me a bit excited, I had to take a moment to myself so they wouldn’t notice.
4/16/23 -
I bit them. We were making out, and I just felt myself getting so worked up. I pinned them down on my mattress, and I started kissing down Dove’s neck. I couldn’t help it, my heart was beating so fast and I felt myself getting dizzy, and I bit them really hard. Their skin was so soft in my mouth, and blood started oozing out, running against my teeth and my tongue, and my lips, it was so warm and exciting, it felt like I was getting drunk. Dove didn’t like it though. They screamed and cried and begged me to stop, and I didn’t want to, but I did. I bandaged them up and apologized and feigned innocence. They said they wanted to go home early, so I took them to not get on their bad side anymore. I was so worked up though. I had to take care of myself when I got home, I was just so turned on. I have to do it again somehow. They won’t like it, but I have to. Nothing has ever felt so pleasing before.
4/29/23 -
I tried to bite them again, and they realized it wasn’t an accident this time. They yelled at me and hit me to get me off of them, and I hit them back much harder. They looked so broken and upset while they cried, but their tears and screams got me just as turned on as their blood did. The bruise that formed on their cheek was so beautiful. I held them close and apologized a whole bunch because I don’t want them to hate me. I cried a lot and I meant it. I promised I wouldn’t do it again, which I guess I didn’t mean. However, they can’t just disobey me like that. I need to try and be on my best behavior so they can be more relaxed around me. I can’t have them fighting back every time I want to do something to them.
5/09/23 -
I think my Dove needs to be caged. They’ve gotten so used to flying free that they need to be grounded and brought back to reality. I keep trying to limit their interactions with others because they keep poisoning my Dove against me, and Dove tried to fight me today. We got in a big yelling match, but I was able to calm myself down in the nick of time so that I didn’t make things worse. I got them to calm down, and we’re gonna have some space between us for a few weeks. I think I’m going to take this opportunity to my advantage.
5/30/23 -
While we haven’t been spending time together, I’ve been working hard. I found an old house in the Underworld for cheap, and I’ve been rebuilding it and fixing it up. I altered it to be able to hold Dove in without their escape, and I’m so excited about it. I’ve got a bedroom I’m setting up for them, and a nice kitchen because they’ve always liked cooking with me. I know Dove is going to love it so much when I bring them here in a few weeks. It’s going to be the best thing for us. Dove is too innocent about the world around them, and I have to be able to protect them. Nobody else can do a better job than I can.
6/08/23 -
[Parts of the entry have been torn. Words are smudged or crossed out and it is not completely legible, but some of it remains visible. *Full translation will be added at the end for those that use translators/text to speech.]
Dove is FUCKING LU—Y I had the home re—y! If not, I wo—d’ve just thrown th— in the fucki— basement!!! [Redacted] got wh— they deser—. I be— the- so bad you —— —king recognize —. I’ll du— the bo— som—ere else.
7/06/23 -
Dove hasn’t been making things any easier. Since they last tried to move away things have been such a fucking pain in the ass. They were so scared when I locked them in here. I wanted it to be a warm welcome, where I’d bring them here voluntarily, but they had to go and ruin it because of [Redacted] sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. They tried to run away a few days ago, and I went to write about it but I was so fucking pissed I ripped the page to shreds. I had to break their ankles so that they wouldn’t be able to run again, least not for a long while. I’ve also been keeping them tied up more, but it’s easier now that they can’t walk. The bruises on their legs are just so beautiful. I think I might keep them like this, even though they cry every day from the pain and the circumstances, but their tears are beautiful as well. I have to get more painkillers soon for them.
10/18/23 -
It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Things have been going smoother lately. Every time Dove’s ankles start to heal, I’ve been breaking them again. I just can’t trust them because they tried to escape again. I’ve been enjoying myself a lot more. I can bite them and cut them and hit them whenever I want to. I can taste their blood and chew their skin and bruise their beautiful body however I like. Of course, sometimes it makes me sad when Dove gets so upset about it. I don’t know what to do. It gets me so turned on and riled up like nothing ever has before, but I also want them to love me. They haven’t been fighting back anymore, so I think they’re getting used to it. We’ll see.
12/25/23 -
It’s our second Christmas together. I got Dove a bunch of things they asked for since they’ve been so good. They seem to have given up hope of resisting me, and it’s made me so happy. They even made me a cake for Christmas, and it was so delicious. I’m so happy we can be together again like this, just a happy couple with no interruptions. It’s truly the best gift I could have received this year.
2/16/24 -
I’ve been letting Dove’s ankles and legs fully heal. They truly haven’t been trying anything, and they’ve been so devoted to being a good partner for me, I don’t think I need to break them anymore to teach them a lesson. They can nearly stand on their own now, and they seem so happy. They said it’s because they can hug me while standing, and that made me so happy to hear. We’ve started cooking together again. We’re becoming a happy family, and I’m so glad I was right that Dove is the one for me. They even let me bite them as much as I wanted today, and they let me scratch them too, they didn’t even cry out today. I could tell they were trying really hard, so it made me very happy.
4/25/24 -
Things have still been going well. Their legs have healed up perfectly. It’s been five months since I last broke them, and I think they’re so grateful for it. They don’t disobey me, they do everything I ask, they’re so affectionate and loving with me. It makes me so happy to know that they’re truly settling into life with me. I don’t think they mind how much I hurt them anymore. They don’t complain as much, but they still cry those same beautiful tears for me. I think they’re starting to enjoy it.
5/26/24 -
I have to go on an extended trip for a week soon because of work and I’m nervous. They said they’ll wait happily for me, but I’m still so, so nervous. However, earlier this month I was gone for a few days and they didn’t go anywhere. Dove actually welcomed me back happily. I think we’ll be okay. I think this is it, the true test. I know they’ll pass, but still, I can’t quiet the anxiety in my heart. I’ll have to spend as much time as possible with them and get out all my excitement before I have to leave. I’m going to miss the feeling of their skin beneath my fingers and teeth.
6/11/24 -
[This page has also been smeared and torn in anger. *Another fully corrected version will be at the bottom.]
Dove, you’d better pray to —y FUCKING DIETY in EXIST—— THAT I DON- FIN- —U!!! When I d-, you’re goin- to su——— much for do— th— to me.
6/08/23 -
Dove is FUCKING LUCKY I had the home ready! If not, I would’ve just thrown them in the fucking basement!!! [Redacted] got what they deserved. I beat them so bad you can't even fucking recognize them. I’ll dump the body somewhere else.
6/11/24 -
Dove, you’d better pray to every FUCKING DIETY in EXISTENCE THAT I DON'T FIND YOU!!! When I do, you’re going to suffer so much for doing this to me.
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bumblingbriars · 1 year
The anti’s have found me so I just want to say I’m a biromantic/bisexual on the ace spectrum. I didn’t add any “anti-huntlow” tags to the og post which means they literally go through the huntlow tag looking for shit to stir up this is legit so funny.
Anyway, Hunter was literally confirmed bi in TTT because of the bi patch on his sweater. Why does it suddenly become moot when Eda and Sasha have been confirmed to be bi in the same way? We don’t constantly need Word of God--you’d know this if you had a shred of media comprehension skills. As someone once pointed out, if he was supporting Luz and Amity he would’ve also placed a lesbian patch on it. 
Sure, we have no real confirmation for Willow otherwise, but why does it matter? Bi4Het happens all the time irl and is a dynamic that should be represented. (I think Willow is pan, before anyone says anything, but since there’s no confirmation there’s wiggle room for literally anything to happen). 
 As someone who is ace it pisses me off that people ignore that both aromanticism and asexuality are a spectrum. If you have a hc that Willow or Hunter is aro/ace and are uninterested in romance that’s cool. But stop fucking being rude to others and understand that Dana nor anyone on the writing team does not have to adhere to your headcanons. In fact they shouldn’t. No one should. And don’t say “oh I’m not shoving this down anyone’s throats” because you are when you do shit like this. You’re falling directly into stereotypes. And you’re going to the point of thinking about writing to Dana and her team to “critique” them about their writing choices--mainly Huntlow??? Have we learned NOTHING from the toxic Voltron fandom?? Hello???
And yes! Being awful about the fact that Huntlow is m/f is literally biphobic!!! And transphobic!!! YES, I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! BECAUSE GUESS WHO IS BOTH TRANS AND BI! 
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LOML!!! rommate ethan 🤏🏻🤏🏻 with the prompts 3 and 7 pls pls
‘the heat is turned off because our landlord sucks so i slept in your bed last night and i’m realizing how much i enjoy waking up next to you’ and ‘our friends keep joking we’re a married couple and now you’ve started doing it too and would everyone please stop that because now i can’t stop thinking about what it’d be like to call you mine’
since this is the last 500 celebration blurb went a little over. also you know that picture of the couple cuddling in front of the tv? that’s ethan and reader here.
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader wc: 1.3K
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december twentieth. the coldest day new york has gotten in its winter season as it’s blanketed in piles of white slush. a tiny two bed one bath in brooklyn, with its three occupants were currently fighting for their lives. not in a horror movie sense, more like, we’re gonna die of hypothermia, sense.
you, ethan, and chad were bundled in layers of long shirts, approximately three pairs of sweatpants each, thick fuzzy socks, a pair of mittens and blankets. the three of you were shivering to the bone, the broken heater doing nothing to fight the chilly air that was able to seep through the cracks. the only way to possibly get a few minutes of heat back into your skin would be standing under running hot water, but it wasn’t worth running up the water bill.
“man this is so fucked up. should not be paying twelve hundred for this shithole.” chad’s teeth clinked together on every other word. shuffling in his spot like a child as he pull this fleece blanket tighter.
you and ethan were cuddled, sorry, huddled close on the couch while sharing blanket number five together. “very convenient how mr. kurch is out of town. and seemingly doesn’t have his phone.” a grumbled complaint with actual puffs of air leaving your chapped lips. ethan pulled you closer with his left arm around your waist and kept it there as you sat thigh to thigh.
“you know what,” chad pushed himself from the pink beanbag on the floor and threw his blankets down, “i’m heading over to sam and tara’s. for sure they got heat, my dick is shriveling into my body.”
“ew.” “gross, chad.” you and ethan groaned at his crude language.
“oh grow up mr and mrs landry. pretty sure ethan is feeling the same, but keeping it to himself since you're here.” and then chad left the two of you as he went down the hall to his room.
eyes turning to ethan as he kept his eyes forward and mouth tight. his cheeks rosy and you knew it was mostly due to the weather, but you had to ask out of curiosity. “you feel the same? …dick shriveling-“ “please don’t say that…. but yes.” ethan shuddered.
“…my nipples are rock hard.” “oh my god.” both your chest bursting with intoxicating giggles at the odd choice of topic. eyes closed with cheeks pushing up, neither of you spotted chad until he spoke up.
“i’ll leave you two lovebirds to the nest. little house play while i’m gone.” and before you could object to chad’s claims he turned on his heel and pointed a strong finger at ethan, “no sex in my bed. i swear if i find out, hell will rain upon this home.” and he ended his one sided conversation with the door shutting close behind him, duffle bag in tow.
the apartment instantly felt one hundred degrees with chad’s words settling in the air. but ethan didn’t seem bothered, in fact he grabbed you tight around the waist and pulled you into his lap. you sat sideways with your right side leaning into his chest and your head sat on his shoulder while he leaned his into your temple.
“been waiting to hold you closer, but knew chad was gonna be annoying. now we’re sharing body heat.” “i don’t think we have much body heat left.” but you snuggled in closer.
ethan’s covered hands rubbed up and down on your arm and thigh, it caused you to shiver even more. “wanna watch a movie in my bed?” ethan’s words kissed over your skin with his low voice.
“what movie?” not caring about the movie, but wanting a bit more convincing. you really wanted to lay in ethan’s bed though.
he sighed, “whatever you want. just want to hang with you.” and how that statement turned your insides to jelly. “wanna watch the spongebob movie?” leaning your body away to peer at ethan’s face. his muddy brown irises were bouncing around, staying a few seconds longer on your lips, before he stared directly into your soul and grinned.
“are you gonna quote the movie?” an involuntary eye roll, “duh.” his smile widened and his palm gave your thigh to quick smacks, “spongebob it is.” then he leaned in to peck your jawline.
‘what the fuck’ your mind screamed in delight.
so you and ethan grabbed your blankets and shuffled to his shared room with chad. they were nice to let you have a separate room since you have to share the bathroom. ethan’s side was decorated with movie and musician posters, some collectibles and books. chad’s with football stuff and some musician posters, a computer set up for streams he does.
ethan crawled in first so he could lay against the wall then you crawled in with a small gap between your bodies, but ethan once again wrapped your waist and pulled your back to his chest. even with the layers of clothing it felt like you were skin to skin, your heart was gonna beat out your chest if he kept doing this.
“your really comfortable,” ethan laid his chin over your shoulder so he could watch the movie. his arm staying curled tight around you. “it’s the multiple shirts and jackets.” skirting around the compliment, getting overwhelmed by how overly affectionate ethan is being.
the night dwindled on, the movie reached the half hour mark, your eyes were drooping with fatigue and ethan was snoring loudly in your ear. with one blink came a second that was heavier, then a third, which ended with a fourth blink that shut your eyes tight for the night as the loud soundtrack and voice of the child’s movie became your background noise.
the next morning was still freezing. eyelashes stuck together with a nose feeling running and lips horribly cracked, the shining sun snuck between cracks in ethan’s curtains. face scrunching from the brightness you groaned in your throat before twisting in the piles of sheets and blankets so you were facing ethan’s sleepy pout.
his usual rosy plush lips turned to a light blue over night as their parted and puffs of icy air enter the space. the tip of his button nose was rudolph red and the apples of his cheeks splashed with pink over his freckles. his curls were messy and tossed every which way and you couldn’t help as your mitten covered hand played and pushed them around.
ethan took a deep inhale through his nose before pulling you close with his arms that held you like you would disappear in the night. you wouldn’t though, not if you had a say. the whole night just felt… normal. yeah, the two of you would have movie nights and be a bit touchy with each other, but the moment chad left and ethan pulled you into his lap it just felt like he was being more than friendly.
“ethan.” whispering his name. he didn’t move or make a sound, so you dropped your palm to his cheek and ran your thumb under his eye as you called his name a few more times and a little louder.
a big inhale and scrunch of his face he mumbled with a thickness to his words, “why are you waking me up early, when we get to play house? we can sleep in.”
and you were more than happy to play house. sleep in the same bed, wake up together, cook together. just being together. “do you want to continue playing house even when chad comes back?” a hushed question with a loaded meaning and answer.
ethan groaned again as he pushed his icicle face to your neck and pressed a feather light kiss to when your jawline meets the bottom of your ear. you thought you imagined the action before he spoke to your spiked pulse point, “i’ve wanted to play house two weeks after i met you.”
there was a lovesick smile taking over your face. how you can’t wait to play house in the future, but right now, “ethan, i think we should go to sam’s. my body actually hurts.”
“wanna just take a shower. together. won’t mind running up the water bill if we’re sharing.” and you could feel the smirk from his lips.
you took a few seconds before- “get up, husband. gotta make the wife happy.”
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starlostastronaut · 7 months
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PAIRING: lee minho x reader
GENRE: fluff (i guess), ballet au
WC: 1.15k
CW: some curse words, ballet lingo?
SUMMARY: when your dance partner gets injured, he recommends you his friend to take his place
this one had been in my drafts for some time haha. it's inspired by titania and oberon pas de deux from a midsummer night's dream. i tried to cut down the ballet terminology as much as possible, but there's still some, so don't hesitate to ask if it's unclear :) btw this story is supposed to be set in sydney, don't ask me why lol. anyway, hope you enjoy <3
masterlist here
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You walked into the empty studio, throwing your bag near the wall. After fixing your hair and changing your sneakers for a pair of ballet slippers, you walked over to the barre. You figured you might as well warm up before your partner arrives. You placed your hands lightly on the barre for extra support and began with a simple set of pliés and relevés, thinking about your current situation.
When you heard that a part from A Midsummer Night's Dream was on the list for your dance program's showcase, you immediately signed up for an audition, hoping you would get to dance the pas de deux. The odds were in your favour, because you ended up getting the role of Titania and your Oberon turned out to be a boy from the year above, Chris. You never really talked to him properly outside of class, but the rehearsals have been going fine. He was an easygoing person and you worked together really well, becoming somewhat good friends during the first few rehearsals. Until he came to you earlier this week with his hand in a cast, apologizing that he wouldn't be able to dance with you. He told you he fell from his skateboard and broke his wrist.
So there you were, waiting for your new dance partner. Everything you knew about him was from Chris. This guy was apparently a new transfer student from Korea and Chris was helping him to get used to everything. According to Chris, the new guy was an excellent dancer and he convinced him to dance the pas de deux with you. You were hesitant at first, you never even met him, but it was either that or getting cut from the showcase completely, because everyone else had their own numbers to prepare.
Just as you looked at the clock for the third time, debating with yourself if it is worth waiting here any longer, the door opened. A guy in a grey hoodie walked in, his face covered by the shadow of the hood. "Sorry I'm late," he muttered, dropping his bag on the floor before he joined you at the barre.
"You're Minho, right?" you asked after introducing yourself, because the dancer didn't seem to start talking. To your disappointment, this didn't start a conversation either - Minho just nodded and muttered a simple "Yes". The rest of the warmup was spent in silence.
When the time came to actually practice, you went to your bag to get your bottle of water first, while Minho finally took off his hoodie. You saw only his reflection in the mirror, though it gave you the option to secretly properly check him out. And he was beautiful, you had to admit that. Sharp, cat-like eyes that looked both mysterious and welcoming were what you noticed first. Then it was longer, dark brown hair, kept out of his face by a white bandana. Even in his comfortably loose clothing he wore to practice, he looked like a faerie prince. Oddly perfect for the role of Oberon, your fae husband.
“Do you know the steps or do you need me to walk you through it?” you asked when you were both ready to practice.
“I watched the videos Chris gave me. I'm good with the solo parts and I know the rest too, but I only practiced on my own, so…” He shrugged. You couldn't help but look at him with admiration. It had only been a few days and he claims to have learned it? If that was true, then he must be really talented, you thought to yourself.
“Okay, so let's try the first part? Until my first arabesque.” Minho agreed and got into position while you prepared the music. He was the one starting the number, while you were supposed to join in a bit later.
As you searched through your playlist, for a moment you considered putting on your pointe shoes. Ultimately, you decided against it for now. You already knew most of Titania's steps on pointe and besides, Minho was learning it. It was very likely you would go over tiny details over and over again and you reached the conclusion that it wasn't worth it.
After you found the song, you confirmed with Minho that he was ready and you pressed play. As soon as he began dancing, you were mesmerized. His moves were light and fluid, but there was a certain sharpness in them as well, perfectly embodying the essence of a royal. He had a concentrated look on his face, but still found a way to portray emotion. You could only stare with your mouth hanging open. This boy was good. Amazed by Minho, you almost missed your cue and registered his outstretched hand towards you at the last possible second.
Placing your hand in his, your eyes met and you saw mischievous sparks in them as he pulled you along, guiding your movements just like the choreography instructed. His grip on you was firm but not too tight and you managed to get through the part without any troubles.
When the time for the next steps came, you began to feel a bit nervous. After all, this was the part with penché en pointe and the only thing stopping you from falling onto your face and breaking your nose would be Minho. He had not given you a single reason to think he would let you fall. In fact, you knew it would be okay, but the tiny voice of doubt in your head persisted. It was like that with Chris too, though.
“Come on, we have to practice,” Minho said. Waiting for you to come join him, he fixed his bandana using the wall mirror. In order to do that, he had to untie it, letting his hair fall over his eyes. In a moment he, with a prince-like gracefulness, brushed them away and readjusted the headband on his head. “What, worried I'll drop you?” he asked, smirking. You rolled your eyes at that, but he was right. That was your main concern, apart from his beauty, but you decided there would be time to unpack that later.
Anxiously, you assumed the correct positions as Minho stood behind you, gently helping you balance the arabesque. “I'll never let you fall,” he whispered into your ear as his strong arms circled around your waist, sending butterflies into your stomach. And when he safely guided you into the penché, you believed him. Somehow, you knew you could put all your trust in your new dance partner. He made you feel safe.
All that was left on your mind as he helped you through the move back into an arabesque was a single word. Fuck.
The next rehearsals were going to be hell, you thought, already making a mental note to both thank Chris and curse him for getting you Minho as a dance partner.
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©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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112-darling · 3 months
@junobutterflyden + @juno-of-wonderland
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Jack -
He thinks you’re so amazing, usually to himself he thinks it’s odd a SavannahClaw student looks after cacti.
He wants to make your coffee for you and jogs to your house to make sure it stays warm
He drinks healthier stuff though. Probably some natural remedies because it’s gentle on his sensitive senses
He surprisingly isn’t scared of cats. And they aren’t scared of him (minus grim) so he just feeds stray animals and sends you cute pictures.
He does have a pout when you pet other dogs- I mean. You didn’t hear that from me
Idia -
He thought he’d like a cringy relationship. Before realizing it’s so annoying to trying to pry a chick off him. And the smol owo nonsense
He has cat ears that match his hair color. Almost burned them by accident while blushing.
He’s got amazing contacts for cosplays and wants matching costumes with you so bad he wants to be your princess peach to bowser :((
He takes you home to his parents and freaks out while you just chat with his family. (You met after STYX)
He drinks G-Fuel and calls it basically water. Worm man
Floyd -
You wake up with scratches and drool all over you because he uses you like a pillow and sniffles sadly when you try and get up.
Scary guard dog
He can and will use the squeeze card to keep you out of classes. Or threatens to eat the freshmen if they try and take you lmao.
Writes letters to you in crayon bc of the fun colors and he wants the wax to stay forever. Unlike pen ink which feels professional and strict.
He doodles you in class and shows it to you, then pins it up in his room when you praise it. His artwork will never be touched by the hands of mortals. Unless he moves out of his dorm, he takes it everywhere.
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Beel -
He is like Floyd but much more gentle. He nibbles on you while you sleep especially around his pact mark
He sometimes wishes he was your first but is happy where he is with a burger date <3
He’d go anywhere with you, and probably knows the most about calories. Like those memes of certain nationalities being able to do incredible math really fast when it comes to certain things? He can count calories and be 99.99% accurate
He would read his own fanfics and take that for note. Yes
He actually prefers flat drinks. He doesn’t DISLIKE, sodas, he just like how he can drink more without making his tummy ache.
Mammon -
He’s your FIRST. And will take more of your firsts aggressively first save, first time with a certain game, etc
He would feel pouty if he loses a game and tries to play it off how the game is either impossible or he let his younger brothers win.
Secretly learns your favorite food and brings you burnt mush instead :3
He would love a band with you, or if you made a devil-patreons so he can make so many accounts and buy you out.
Number one crybaby.
Leviathan -
Drinks sodas daily and claims its water with extra ingredients
He enjoys the texture of fish and scales. Though he hates animal fur
Probably also allergic to drinking anything that isn’t carbonated, he likes the bubbles and the fizz. Makes him feel energized
Though he hates burping. He feels like it’s such a normie thing.
Refuses to hold your hand. Instead he will wrap his tail around you, claims it’s how he’ll remind these idiots that you’re the only human he likes.
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Xiao -
He only shared his Almond tofu for one, that’s you bb <3 though he’ll act like it’s nothing
His name means speed for a reason, he’ll give the smallest and fastest kisses, nervously yelping when you kiss him
He squeals and disappears. And goes to cry to cloud retainer and Zhongli that his human’s too brave :((
He sniffles when you try and defend him. He’s a freak 2 me so he probably loves that you, a mortal human, can defend him, an adeptus
He’d be a freaky Yandere. He has no idea what humans do and he gets a pass bc of it.
Kaveh -
Mr.Perfectionist? That’s what safari says anyways.
He’s got pretty blonde syndrome, everyone thinks he’s goofy. I THOUGHT HE WAS A SILLY GUY. Turns out he’s a perfectionist.
He wants your outfits either to match or to be nothing alike unless with a theme. You cannot have both.
He would prefer flat drinks like Beelzebub, makes him feel civilized and fancy. But he’d either want to chug as much wine as possible. Dryer the better. Or despise alcohol no in between
He needs predictability. So much please don’t surprise him much :(
Bennet -
He’s such a goofy boy! I haven’t met him but I understand, he’s Kalim shaped.
He giggles and kisses your cheeks and hugs you after adventures well done. When he comes home from commissions.
He also probably drinks apple juice and giggles after shaking it up and making it look like fizzy beer and drink it and use the apple juice as a pretend being drunk
He looks into our world. Seeing all the bad, frowns and says “you guys don’t have adventures?”
He gives off the vibes of younger brother who gags when being fed greens, gotta make it into something else
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Checkmate >:3
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brucenorris007 · 8 months
Everything You Know
"Transcription will show interviewer as agent Roque. Time is 0832 hours, interview room 01. Conducting interview of agent Rouge on subject of Mobians and relevant threat assessment per the interests of new administration. Also present is G.U.N. Commander"
"How much longer are you going to keep a lady waiting?"
"Proceed, agent Roque."
"Yes sir."
"I'm all yours, hon."
"Right. Agent Rouge; you stated before that you have intel on active Mobians that G.U.N. might find useful."
"I'm the best there is."
"Various teams have already performed thorough research"
"Oh, I'm sure you have a file for everyone. Even little old me, don't you?"
". . ."
"That's our thing. But those files are still works in progress, and I think you've stalled out for a while."
". . ."
"What information do you have?"
"First, the Chaotix."
"That's an agency consisting of one Vector the crocodile, Espio the chameleon and Charmy bee."
"Frankly, the three of them together are nearly as adept at gathering intel as G.U.N.'s whole intelligence branch."
"What sort of resources do they have access to?"
"Ours make theirs look almost analog; which just speaks to how skilled they are."
". . ."
"Don't frown, Commander; I said nearly. They're not as good as me."
"And individually?"
"Vector's deceptively organized. No one would think it by looking at him, but his attention to detail is second to none. Espio can fully control his camouflage at will and claims he's a trained ninja. I've never seen him kill before, but then, most people don't see me, either."
". . ."
"And Charmy?"
"He's six."
"He's six. What more do you want? I'm not doing a detailed report on any children."
"Does that include"
"My cutoff is seven years old."
". . .Does that include Cream the Rabbit?"
"Nauseatingly sweet. Jot that on a post-it for your files."
"All right; let's move on, then."
". . . those kids can fly carrying upwards of 400 pounds. . ."
"Excuse me?"
"Never mind, big boy. You were saying?"
"Right. Let's see. Amy Rose; her name has appeared on an impressive number of reports."
"Ha! I'm not surprised. That girl basically fears nothing, or at least no authority of any kind. She's got an odd kind of charisma that somehow draws others into helping her. Nothing like mine, of course, but I'm a bit more selective about who I work with."
"I'm seeing several counts of criminal activity here."
"All null and void per the last administration, hon. She's been good as far as the law's concerned since then. No telling how long that'll last."
"And how would you assess her through the lens of being a possible threat?"
"Hard to know; like I said, there's no telling what she might pursue next. If any of her goals brought her in contention with G.U.N. though, I doubt that would stop her trying."
"What about this friend of hers, a Big the Cat?"
"Seriously? We've got one for him? He's a teddy bear. Literally only cares about his pet frog and good fishing. He's nil as a threat to anyone except tuna."
"Okay. Just a few more"
"Let me guess. Knuckles the Echidna."
"Do you have anything on him?"
"Amateur treasure hunter. Militant, dedicated to his job; which keeps him out of most of the business we're interested in anyway, since he lives on a floating island. By my estimate, he's the strongest thing alive."
". . . !"
"Not that he can't be handled. Insofar as we'd ever need to handle a recluse."
"Is he really an echidna?"
"He seems to think so."
"Thank you. That just leaves"
"Little fox boy for last, hm?"
"Tails, birth name Miles Prower. The reason my cutoff age is seven; he's at least as smart as Eggman, if not more so. Kid works with less of a budget than the Chaotix and he can still build better aircraft, mechanical units and weaponry than the Doctor. If he wasn't such a goody-two-shoes, I might want to teach him a few things myself."
"That's quite a statement."
"And not a word of exaggeration."
". . ."
"That's everyone, huh, stud?"
"Thanks for this little date, Roque; would've been more fun with some wine and sans chaperone."
"Agent Rouge, I have to ask"
"That's me clocked out for the day, boys; you know where to find me."
"Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Of all active Mobians, any information on him is the highest priority. What have you got on him?"
"Agent Rouge."
"I believe it would be in G.U.N.'s best interest for me to keep hold of my intel on subject Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Very well. That will be all."
"She's right, agent Roque; she is among our best. That's why we have a file on her in the first place."
- - - - -
Rouge sighed, rolling out her neck and flexing her wings once the door shut behind her. G.U.N. used exactly the same chairs in their interview rooms as in their interrogation cells, and they left her stiff if she sat too long.
No doubt the nerds working on a contingency plan for Sonic would be crying again tonight, but it wasn't her problem. There really wasn't much to learn about him anyway.
She could have told them that his friends-particularly the girl and his pocket genius-were the nearest he had to any kind of vulnerability or weak point, but at best it was a moot point. At worst, G.U.N. would do far more harm than good with the information.
She'd pieced together herself what Eggman must've figured out years ago:
The consequences for going after Sonic's so-called "weak points" weren't worth any prize.
Rouge tucked in her wings and made her way down the hall. All told, it hadn't been the way she wanted to spend her morning, but it'd been necessary. The new administration had been acting a little shifty toward Mobians compared to the previous.
Volunteering for a verbal report would put her-and if only by proxy, Shadow and Omega-into G.U.N.'s good-or at least neutral-books.
It'd also serve as a reminder of just how skilled she was; and how much damage she could cause on the way out if need be.
Best of all, doing so had cost her next to nothing save a few shiny tidbits.
She might've given G.U.N. all they knew about Mobians.
But she'd hardly given them all she knew.
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wickedlittleoz · 10 months
If you're taking requests, I had a Shimadacest concept. Post-recall Genji is considering trying to reconnect with Hanzo. Soldier 76 finds out and encourages Genji to find him. This assumes Jack and Gabriel were in love, and Jack thinks that even if it's dangerous, some people are too important to leave behind. He also almost got killed by his man, after all. Genji finds Hanzo and they kiss and etc. Also, since I'm bad with sad endings, maybe it could imply that Jack and Gabe get back together.
hi anon, thank you for reaching out! and what a lovely idea!! you surprised me by including r76 in this request because i've never really written it, but i do love them and their dynamic
i hope you enjoy this one and please feel free to send more anytime! <3
It’s just before sunrise.
Genji’s steps are feather-light in the residual darkness. If he closes his eyes, the rocky Gibraltar coast could be Hanamura, and he’s dancing along the palace walls to reach the main house after a night out with his friends.
When he lands in the temple, breathless, cold and giddy, he knows who’ll be waiting for him. Stern, disappointed, but glad to see him back home and alive.
It’s… Soldier 76?
Genji blinks out of his reverie. This isn’t what he expected.
To be fair, he didn’t quite expect to find Hanzo here, either. That was just his mind playing tricks on him, which it has done for days now; he’s having trouble adjusting to life under Overwatch again and his thoughts keep him awake at night with memories of times before.
But Jack frowns, probably just as surprised to see him here in the middle of the night, so Genji waves awkwardly. Too late to turn around and act like he was never here.
“Morning,” he pipes, standing a respectful couple steps away from the other man.
“Genji,” Jack nods towards him once before turning his face back to the sea.
It’s very obvious that he wants to be left alone with his thoughts, which is what Genji had been hoping for as well. So, quietly he takes one, two steps back, until Jack looks at him again and says, “Something keeping you up?”
Genji admires Jack for a number of things, the good he’s done, all that he represents. But this open invitation is unexpected and, frankly, a little out of character for the very strict, cold and stoic soldier. Maybe all that talk from Angela about not bottling up feelings is finally getting across to him.
So he smiles at the man and nods, approaches him once more and sits beside him, drawing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them. “Yes,” Genji admits easily. “I never thought I’d be back here… Haven’t gotten used to the idea, yet.”
“Me too, kid,” Jack breathes out, something heavy in his voice.
A gentle silence falls over the two figures as the sun begins its climb somewhere behind them, painting the clouds in hues of purples and blues. Genji sighs and his eyes slide shut, and once again he’s in Hanamura, watching the sunrise from the window in Hanzo’s bedroom. They were up all night, but Genji isn’t tired; he feels elated with love and joy, and all the good things Hanzo fills his spirits with.
Beside him Hanzo heaves a long breath and says, in Jack’s voice, “Are you sure that’s everything?”
Genji blinks himself back to Gibraltar again. Jack is avoiding his eyes, pointedly, and there’s some hesitance in his tone, like he isn’t sure he’s allowed that question. Which, of course he is; they are, all of them, friends here.
“No.” Genji smiles and somewhere an owl hoots the arrival of morning. “I miss him,” he says simply, because it is simple.
Something of a grimace tugs the corner of Jack’s mouth before he hides his face and the smallest of voices reaches Genji from over his shoulder, “Yeah, kid… Me too.”
It’s an odd thing to hear. Of course back in the days of Blackwatch, before the fall and the hurt, everyone knew Jack and Gabriel were together. But they were always very discreet about it; not a single soul could claim to have ever witnessed any PDA from the two. To this day they don’t talk about Reyes in Morrison’s presence. Ever. It’s like the man never existed.
Yet Genji knows it’s Gabe they’re talking about here. What he doesn’t know is why he’s being trusted with so much confidentiality. But he’s not complaining. They’re building somewhat of a bridge here and he’s proud of his friend for opening up.
It’s a long while before they exchange any more words. The sun bleeds over the coast and fills the sky with oranges and pinks, and sits tall and proud above them. Genji soaks in the warmth like a cat, eyes shut and nose itching slightly with the change in temperature.
People are waking up and he hears little noises of daily routine here and there, now. Jack rises to his feet, dusts off his pants, and offers Genji a hand. His expression is impassive when they stand face to face.
“Maybe,” he starts, eyes lost somewhere behind Genji’s shoulder. “Some people are too important to be left behind. Somewhere out there your brother is alive.”
He slaps Genji’s back twice and heads towards the bedrooms. When Genji finally manages to speak, he isn’t sure Jack even hears his response of, “So is Gabe.”
The conversation lingers in Genji’s thoughts for days, especially Jack’s words about not leaving behind people we love. At this point it’s been ten years since he and Hanzo parted ways. He’s been through Blackwatch, he’s been to Nepal, and now he’s back to Overwatch. He’s learned about the world and himself, and so much has changed.
The one thing that hasn’t is how much he loves and misses Hanzo.
So it’s the tenth anniversary of his ‘death’ and Genji travels to Hanamura, finds his brother, tells him the truth. Offers a hand and the tools with which to fix their relationship.
And it doesn’t go well.
The funny part is that the castle had been exactly as he remembered, as if no time at all had passed. Hanzo and Genji, on the other hand, were far from the same.
“Give him some time,” Zenyatta says on the flight back to Gibraltar. “You’ve taken the first and hardest step. When he’s ready, he’ll take his own.”
But even though it’s taken him a decade to come to terms with how much he feels incomplete without Hanzo at his side (not the body that he lost or the good life taken from his hands, nor the family or the clan; Hanzo is the missing piece), the days that follow their reunion seem to take forever.
Until once again it’s night and he’s tip-toeing around the base, a blanket of stars above his head while the new moon shies away from sight, and he feels it. An energy shift. Someone powerful somewhere near, someone whose aura somewhat resembles Genji’s own, and he’s drawn to it.
His eyes fill with tears before Hanzo even steps up to him. For a whole minute they stand, staring at each other, the beauty of the star-lit coast entirely lost to the shine of familiar eyes. Genji leaps at him and Hanzo holds his weight, arms tight around his waist, and when their lips meet once more it’s heaven and hell and the universe rearranging until it clicks, until everything is back where it belongs, and finally life makes sense again.
“You broke in?” He asks, though his face is buried in the curve of Hanzo’s neck, so he only feels the nod of response. Hanzo’s skin smells of sweat and incense and that musk that is only his, and that makes Genji’s heart swell with nostalgia and affection.
“You could’ve told me you were coming,” he says, pulling back with a smile. His fingers dance over Hanzo’s face, like he can’t get enough of touching him and heaven knows if he doesn’t keep his hands on Hanzo he might disappear again. 
“You surprised me the other night,” Hanzo’s voice rumbles like an earthquake against Genji’s chest, and he’d missed it so much. “I wanted to return the favor.”
The kiss is soft and sweet, unhurried, and Genji already knows the answer to the question he sheepishly asks next, if only to hear it, if only because he needs the confirmation,
“Stay with me?” Tiny voice; he feels even tinier in Hanzo’s arms.
“For as long as you’ll have me,” and he’s not lying, Genji can tell, he always could, he knows Hanzo better than he knows himself, probably, he–
“–Love you,” he sobs against Hanzo’s lips. “I’m sorry it took me so long–”
“Don’t be,” Hanzo coos gently, breath warm like the sun over Genji’s face. “I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Don’t be,” Genji mimics and both crack into wet smiles.
The night is young, yet. Genji feels even younger, brasher, sneaking Hanzo into his bedroom, giggling like a schoolgirl once the door is shut and locked behind them. And when morning rises, he’s at the window once more, Hanzo awake on the bed, watching him with eyes full of love and wonder, and he might finally leave Hanamura in the past, where it belongs, because now they’re making new memories in a new home.
It’s Hanzo’s first simulation practice since joining Overwatch. Genji decided it was enough pressure without his presence in the field, and let Winston, Cassidy and Ana guide him through it. He’s standing in the control room, proudly watching as his brother dives through waves of holographic omnics, taking them down with ease.
The door hisses open and someone steps up to him. He recognizes the weight of combat boots before Jack comes into his peripheral vision. They haven’t spoken privately since that morning by the rocks though Genji feels like he owes Jack some thank-yous. Days have just not been long enough now that Hanzo is here and there’s so much catching up to do.
“He’s good,” Jack says as a way of starting a conversation. “I’m not surprised.”
Genji nods as a proud smile takes over his face, “We were trained to be the best.”
He remembers long, sweltering days with Asa and numerous other trainers, and how dedicated Hanzo always was.
“Jack, listen,” Genji turns to him after a moment of silence.
But the man raises a dismissive hand towards him and softens into what could be considered a smile – though it’s rare enough coming from him.
“No, Shimada,” he says as that hand lowers onto Genji’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
Genji doesn’t know what to make of that. But before he can ask, Jack’s phone begins to ring and when he pulls it out of his pocket, Genji’s almost sure that the picture that comes up with the call is none other than Gabriel Reyes himself. But Jack quickly turns the screen away from him.
“Keep up the good work, soldier,” he says to Genji before stepping out of the room to take the call.
He’s left staring at the door until a familiar roar breaks the bubble of his shock and surprise. He glances back at the screen as Hanzo’s dragons burn through a horde of enemies.
A smile creeps up on him. Maybe Hanzo and him aren’t the same anymore, and Jack and Gabe aren’t either, but that’s the beauty of love, he thinks. It can adapt and forgive, and it never fully goes away.
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oh2e · 6 months
Since you’ve posted extensively about James Barry - I would love to know if you have any idea of how he represented his nationality while in the military.
He was said to have claimed London as his birthplace during his student years and identified as English in his thesis. However, I haven't come across any such details about his later years. Considering he was known to give varying birth years, I wonder if his claims about his origins shifted too.
There's obviously also the letter to his brother John (1808 I think), where he mentioned the honour of dying for one's country and his own desire to join the military. This could be sarcastic given the family's problems, but it might also suggest he was patriotic-ish towards a British identity.
As we know Regency - early Victorian wasn’t a very good time to be proudly Irish among the UK ruling class. He also lived through the Irish Potato Famine, which makes his stance even more intriguing. Did he conceal his Irish Catholic background throughout his life? What about his accent? Moving to England in his teens, he could have adopted a new accent, which wouldn’t be too difficult with determination I guess.
As a side note, apparently his father Jeremiah was eventually deported to Australia, tearing the family further apart. 🥲
This is such a good question! And something I’m really interested in learning more about.
My current theory is that Barry didn’t obviously identify as Irish in public. Ireland and Britain were merged in 1801 to become The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, though obviously England had been ruling Ireland long before that. Therefore Barry would’ve grown up in Ireland possibly already considering himself British. Historically there hasn’t been such a divide with being both (making that important distinction between being British and being English), much like how many Scottish people today are happy to consider themselves British also. Barry is often described as being Scotch in countenance and having studied in Scotland I wonder if he did let people assume he was Scottish rather than Irish. The accents aren’t too dissimilar to an ignorant ear and that would also allow him to get away with the odd word as Gaeilge in a way identifying himself as english wouldn’t. I know he gave his place of birth as London at some point but there is nothing to say he didn’t tell people his family were Scottish, or even Irish though I doubt it.
The thing about mentioning dying for one’s country, many Irish people died in World War I because they signed up to fight for Britain. Many. Ireland in 1914 was in a similar place to Ireland in 1801 regarding Britain’s rule, just the other way around. A lot of people regarded the war as their chance to fight for their country - yes even if they were proudly Irish they felt this was their fight too. (Not everyone obviously otherwise the Rising wouldn’t’ve happened but a not insignificant number of Irish people did go off to fight for Britain because they felt it was their duty.)
Ah the thing about the Great Famine (1845-1852) is that Barry was far far away at that point. I’m not sure how much he would’ve known about it and most (all) of what he did know would most likely have been from English newspapers, which we know are not necessarily fair on Ireland even today. However Barry was also born within living memory of an earlier famine (1740). James Barry RA was born in 1741, right at the tail end of that famine, and so Mary Anne Barry was probably not far behind him. I think there was 5 children in the family? Not many so they probably weren’t born too far apart. From my quick google to check when James Barry RA was born it also says his father (Dr Barry’s grandfather) was a coasting trader between England and Ireland.
Barry is sometimes claimed to be the child/grandchild of Lord Buchan, a Scottish Earl, and I wonder if his accent played into that. I could be wrong but James Barry RA’s insistence to be extra kind to his fellow Irish makes me think that although he lived most of his adult life in England he didn’t lose anything from home, probably including his accent. Barry MD may possibly have picked up an English accent when he was over there or he may have not. Which brings me back to my previous point of him passing himself off as Scottish. (Side note: while some people can pick up and drop accents at the top of a hat, I was raised in Ireland to parents with English accents and I never got an Irish accent. Maybe this is why I never see Barry as having lost his accent.)
Regarding Barry’s Catholicism - I’ve read very little but considering he spent most of his life abroad I am inclined to think that there would only have been one or maybe two Christian churches in the area that people attended regardless of their specific denomination. In South Africa this would’ve been a Dutch church, most likely the Dutch Reformed Church. Though of course it wouldn’t surprise me if the Church of England commandeered the Dutch Reformed Church buildings and made them C of E. Either way, I doubt Barry was proudly Catholic, not when working for the British Army.
I think I did know Jeremiah got deported but by all accounts it wasn’t much of a loss considering Mary Anne had been ignoring his correspondence, Barry had become Barry and therefore was not corresponding to anyone from home and John was in the military. It’s possible, considering the places James and John went, that they were actually closer to Jeremiah in Australia than they had been to Jeremiah in Cork.
I’m really interested in researching Barry’s Irish nationality, his Catholicism and also his knowledge of the Irish language, which at that point in time was about equally known as English was in Ireland. Especially in towns and cities and a lot of people could understand both even if they couldn’t speak both. It’s an angle that doesn’t often get considered - I presume because Barry moved to London, trained in Edinburgh and worked with the British army in British colonies - but it’s doubtful to be something that can be overlooked easily especially at the time.
I’m not unhappy when I see older pieces describe Barry as British because technically he was, but I feel that regardless of his own feelings towards being Irish or British, it is neglectful to call him British now. Ireland struggles to claim our notable people because Britain likes to get their claws in, whether because they moved to the UK, ignorance, or something else. And the fact that most historical notable people were Anglo-Irish doesn’t help but the fact that James Barry RA is *always* referred to as Irish and makes me determined to refer to Barry MD as Irish at any given opportunity.
At the end of all that - I know very little. Most of what I’ve said there is pure speculation and theorising from what we do know. I don’t know a lot about being Irish in the British army in the 19th century. I don’t know about religion in South Africa at the time. I don’t know about the opinions regarding being born Irish and British. I don’t know how Barry felt about the Great Famine. I don’t know if he was a staunch Catholic or if he…converted to being Anglican. I don’t know if he spoke Irish. I don’t know if he even wanted to be considered Irish. I don’t know and while some of that is things I can learn, a lot of it is not. I enjoy talking about it and I want to learn more.
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greycappedjester · 1 year
New Chapter-Hq at Hogwarts
A/N: I quite genuinely cannot get this to upload on my account right now so I'm going old school. I'll continue trying tomorrow when I have sleep. But, here's the chapter on tumblr.
Chapter 9: Howling at the Door
The spoon let out a tink-tink-tink with every round it stirred into the cup.
It was the only sound in the room.
Tanaka shifted in his seat.
Minaho sipped on her tea evenly, not looking in any way bothered by the silence.
The noise grated on the room.
Tanaka couldn't help it anymore. “Uh…so you wanted to ask me some questions?”
“I do,” Minaho agreed pleasantly.
….and then didn’t say anything more.
“So,” Tanaka ventured again, “what are they?”
“Hmm, before I ask them I’m curious about something else first,” Minaho said. She tilted her head, apprising him. “Why do you think you’re here, Mr. Tanaka.”
Tanaka swallowed.
The problem was there were too many ways to answer that. Tanaka would be the first to admit that he wasn’t someone who liked to think much more than the current moment--hated it, actually--but, he thought he’d been around enough to know this:
“That sounds like a trick question,” he said.
And, surprisingly enough, Minaho smiled. “I suppose you’re right.” She breathed out. “Listen, I’m not here to bully teenagers. As I’m sure you’re well aware by now, the Minister sent me to sort out what he sees as problems in this school.”
Tanaka frowned. “And I’m one of those problems?”
“You tell me,” Minaho said. ”I only just started here, after all. I don’t know any of you quite yet. What I do know is that you’ve been seemingly involved in quite a number of odd things on campus--most notably, in your fourth year, of course. Not to mention the number of detention you and your friend Mr. Nishinoya seem to have served. And why do I get the feeling that those were only for the times that made it on record?”
Tanaka winced. 
“Then, we get to the Auror reports,” Minaho continued, “where two years prior, both you and your sister submitted supposed letters from your parents, starting a what appears to be unfounded accusation into Azkaban’s security.”
“Unfounded,” Tanaka asked.
“Well, since according to the Auror’s reports--people I’ve worked with and do know, mind you--nothing seems to have ever been found suggesting prisoners were able to contact those outside….then, yes, I’d say ‘unfounded’ would be the best term.” Minaho tilted her head. “Unless you have any information I don’t….”
Tanaka gripped his hands in his lap. “No.”
“No?” Minaho echoed. “Interesting. Since, according to the Minister, you and your friends once again tried to stir up unsubstantiated claims about Azkaban’s security--presumably for no other reason, then to cause hysteria at an already tense time for this country. But, now, it’s a no.”
Tanaka stayed quiet.
Minaho took another sip from her tea. 
“Like I said, I don’t know you,” Minaho said. “All I have to work with right now is heresy, which as an investigator, I can promise is extremely annoying for me. What I also know from experience is that people are influenced by those around them. Friends, family,” she paused before adding with emphasis, “parents.”
Tanaka went tense.
“That’s why I called you here today,” Minaho told him. “I was curious exactly who you were behind the stories. After all, everyone has the factors that make them. Everyone has their reasons for who they are--even if they don’t want to face them. The real question is what are yours?”
Tanaka tried to answer, really he did. The problem was that it seemed like there were too many, too many bouncing around at once and half of them felt like they were fighting each other. He couldn’t catch just one. And it made him feel…
Like a contradiction.
When he looked back up, Minaho was still watching him, expression not unkind as she sipped her tea
“Maybe you should figure it out, then. Like I said, I’m curious,” she nodded to the door. “You’re dismissed.”
Tanaka jerked his head in a nod, shoulders heavy as he left the office. 
He always liked to stay in the present.
They sat in a line, the ones remaining--Suga looking tense, Hinata more bored than anything, Tanaka seeming like he held the weight of the world crumbling around him, and finally…
“Tooru Oikawa,” Minaho called.
Oikawa let out a long sigh. “Well, time to get this over with.”
“Would you like some tea,” Minaho started off. “It’s not poisoned, before you ask.”
“Darn,” Oikawa slipped easily into his chair, “and I’d have so loved an excuse to end this meeting early. What about you? Having fun terrorizing studnts?”
“Terrorizing?” Minaho scoffed. “Is that what I’m doing?”
“What do you see it as,” Oikawa asked. “Community service to us poor misguided youths?”
“No. For the most part?” Minaho considered. “I’d like perspective. Figuring out a puzzle, if you will.”
“I won’t,” Oikawa answered. “See, the tragic thing about puzzle boxes is that breaking them tends to spoil the mystery. Trust me, I’d know.” 
“I’m not trying to break anything, Mr. Oikawa,” Minaho said. “To the contrary, actually.”
“Good for you,” Oikawa applauded, using the most patronizing tone he could manage. “Gold star, really. Here, you’v won over all my trust now in--let’s see--a minute.”
Minaho did not seem phased. “You don’t like me.”
“Wow, you really are part of the Investigations Department.”  
“It’s alright. I’d be more surprised if you did,” Minaho sipped her tea. “I’m sure you feel there’s not many you can trust. It must be isolating.”
Oikawa mimed yawning. “What a fascinating after-school special this is. And coming up next is where you’ll tell me all about how much you understand.”
“I do understand some of it,” Minaho agreed.
“Of course you do. Let’s hear it, then. Targeted by pureblood extremists? Tortured by delusional idiots?” Oikawa tapped his chin. “No, wait, let me guess: Hmm, well, I’d say you’re not a muggleborn considering those in your generation had a --what was it?--only a twenty percent survival rate? I read my history books, you know.”
  “I’m not a muggleborn,” Minaho agreed calmly. “My parents are.”
“Oh, then we’re basically twins, aren’t we?” Oikawa rolled his eyes. “Let me tell you everything!”
“You don’t have to tell me anything if that’s what you want.” Minaho stirred her tea. “Let me clarify, I don’t have to know everything to understand trauma. Or to recognize it.”
Oikawa went still.
“Oh,” he said. “Is that it? You think I’m traumatized now.”
“Honestly, after all you’ve been through,” she said, voice even enough that it seemed to dig under his skin, I think it would be hard not to be.”
Oikawa scoffed. “I think you’re out of your depth.
“You don’t know me either,” Minaho reminded him.
“Hmm, do I really need to? You’re not that important.” He tilted his head, looking up from beneath his lashes. “A career with the Aurors and somehow you’ve ended up here interrogating schoolchildren. Yes, I can tell the Minister found you simply indispensable.”
Minaho’s jaw tightened and Oikawa smirked.
“How long do you think he took for them to decide to get rid of you,” he wondered out loud. “Minutes? Seconds? Do you think there were ever any other options or did they know immediately to throw you away?”
“Neither,” Minaho said sharply. “The Minister trusts me. I was right at the his side when we won the war. I’ve led hundreds of Aurors.”
“And look how they’ve thank you,” Oikawa drawled.  
Minaho started to retort before stopping, taking a breath and visibly calming herself down.
Which simply wouldn’t do.
Oikawa poked at her again. “Mind if I call you Mina? Since we’re already getting to be such good friends and all.”
“You definitely have a talent for deflection,” Minaho remarked.
“Thanks, think I got a chance at the next talent show?”
“I’m sure you do,” Minaho said. “Of course, it might be hard with all that anger you seem to be carrying.”
“Anger?” Oikawa mock-gasped. “What would I have to be angry about? I’m a free-spirit! Basically an honorary Hufflepuff.”
“Right,” Minaho asked. “Never have nightmares, I’m guessing?”
Oikawa’s smile thinned. “Sleep like a baby.”
“Only in pointless meetings.”
“What about pressure,” Minaho said and her voice was still even. “Like everything’s shaken up, like your skin is buzzing, like it’s coming from all sides.”
Oikawa’s fingers tapped harshly against his thigh. “No.”
Minaho raised a brow. “Would you like to take a break, Mr. Oikawa?”
“Ugh, no,” he huffed. “Just finish your stupid questions and let me get on with my life.”
“Ever feel a loss of control,” she asked quietly.
“Nope! Not a once! I’m always in control. Thanks for asking!”
“Feelings of mistrust?”
Oikawa snorted. “Not paranoia if everyone really is out to get you.”
Minaho paused.
“Everyone,” she asked.
“Hmm, it seems like it; it’s a tragic life,” Oikawa deadpanned. “My heart breaks for me.”
Minaho didn’t seem to play along. “It is. I assumed you’d at least trust your friends.”
“Oh, please, give it a rest with the trick questions.” Oikawa rolled his eyes. “Of course, I didn’t mean them.”
“So, you do trust your friends, then.”
“Obviously.” He faked sympathy. “But, I guess you don’t have much experience with friends, then.”
“Some,” Minaho watched him. “Mainly in my job, however, I see people that have gone through terrible things--unimaginable. The good thing is that they survive. The tragedy is when they won’t ask for help for after.”
“Ah, and there it is,” Oikawa snapped back. “Help, help, help. You sound like a broken record. Sure you’re not projecting?”
“Have you talked to your friends about the Third Task,” Minaho asked.
“Oh, yeah, just bunches,” he rolled his eyes, “it’s a regular dinner conversation. I feel so much better. By Merlin, doc, I think you cured me. Are we done now?”
“It’s a hard thing to talk about,” Minaho said gently. She set down her teacup to focus on him more fully. “Sometimes….it doesn’t make sense; but, the hardest part to get through is the memory. When we’re living it, all we have to focus on is surviving. It’s after that we get to be terrified.”
Oikawa decided to stop playing nice.
“You don’t know shit.” He stood up. “I’m done now. Have fun--I don’t know--plotting mind games with children or whatever it is you do for entertainment.”
“I didn’t dismiss you,” Minaho said.
Oikawa faked shock. “Oh, wow, no, I guess you didn’t. Such a shame. I guess you can give me a detention I’ll skip, try to expel me. I’m sure the Prophet would love to hear about that, make good fun for your pal the Minister.”
“Mr. Oikawa….,” Minaho rubbed a hand over her face and looked--for a moment--a lot more human. “You may see me as the enemy; but, if there’s one thing you need to listen to it’s this.” She met his eyes. “If you don’t talk to anyone, whatever you’re feeling will eat you alive. Believe me. I know.”
“How touching,” Oikawa gave a parody of a smile. “It’s a good thing I’m such an open book.”
“Do you really think keeping them away will keep your friends safe,” Minaho demanded.
Oikawa stopped. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” Minaho said evenly, “that when a person falls apart, there tends to be someone caught in the rubble. Normally, it’s the people closest. Do you think your friends will thank you for that?”
“I’m not a danger to my friends,” Oikawa bit out.
On the table, ripples started to break out along the tea’s surface. 
Oikawa noticed and tried to breathe.
He couldn't do this now.
“I didn’t say you were,” Minaho said. “I said you needed to talk to someone. What happened in the Third Task, what happened in that basement between you and--
“No,” Oikawa cut her off, holding up a trenched hand. “No, you don’t get to say that name. You haven’t earned it. Shut up.”
The tea-cup started to tremble.
Minaho frowned. “I’m sorry. I thought you talked about him with the Aurors already. I didn’t think you’d mind me mentioning him.”
Oikawa shook his head, hands clenched. 
Something in Minaho’s face cleared. “Oh. You don’t mean Hirano, do you?”
Oikawa rolled his eyes, trying to clear his head. The room seemed to be beating with the pounding in his blood. “No one means Hirano. No one cared about Hirano. Just a bloody idiot who believed in the wrong stupid promises.
“But, you care about him,” Minaho said quietly “That’s why you don’t want me to say his name.”
Oikawa laughed. He couldn’t help it. He laughed and laughed again, the sound cracking and tearing at his throat.
“Oh, Mina.” Oikawa’s smile abruptly dropped. “Don’t ever presume you know what I think about Ushijima. I told you,” he spat out, “you don’t deserve that.”
The teacup was shaking so much the tea had started to run out and Oikawa couldn’t stop it, not with his anger too thick and biting under his skin.
Minaho hadn’t looked away from him--hadn’t ended this stupid meeting--but, she would soon. She’d notice. She’d know.
“Oikawa,” she started again.
And he couldn’t do this here.
He couldn’t.
“Enough,” Oikawa shouted.
Minaho jumped and they both looked down at the shards of the teacup now laying on the desk, dark tea staining the wood…
From where Oikawa had smashed it against the top of the desk.
His hand was bleeding.
Numbly, he waved his wand and the tea-cup chipped itself back together.
“I’m done,” he said and his voice was hollow. “We’re done. Don’t talk to me. We’re not doing this again.”
Then, he left, taking the stair rail two steps at a time with his magic still beating heavily against him. 
He still needed space.
Suga met him at the bottom, looking worried. “We heard a crash. What was--”
“Nothing,” Oikawa moved him aside.
“Your hand,” Suga tried to grab for it but Oikawa yanked away before he could. “It’s bleeding.”
“It’s fine. I’ll heal it.”
The last thing he caught was Hinata starting after him with an expression all too knowing and Oikawa felt it like burning skin.
“What do you think happened in there,” Suga asked
“I don’t know,” Hinata muttered; but, his head was up and waiting.
He seemed to breathe out a sigh of relief when Professor Minaho stepped outside, surveying them once before dismissing them out of the room.
A second later and Hinata was out of the room and Suga was trailing behind him, mostly for lack of a better direction.
“His hand was cut; but, it didn’t look like a spell or a charm,” Suga speculated out loud. “Maybe it was an accident or maybe Minaho--”
“I don’t think it was Professor Minaho,” Hinata interrupted, eyes still searching down the halls.
“I guess it’s too obvious,” Suga said. “I’ll just ask him later.”
Hinata hummed, distracted. “Will he tell you?”
“What? Yes, he’ll--oh,” Suga sighed. “I know you’re probably worried about Oikawa from what happened last year. But, he’s doing alright. Really.”
Hinata finally paused, turning to address Suga directly.
“Are you….,” Hinata bit his lip, “Suga, are you really sure Oikawa’s doing okay? Like positive?”
Suga nodded, making his tone as reassuring as possible for the younger boy.. “You don’t have to worry; he’s doing better. And we’re here if he needs us, all of us.” He tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. “Though I guess that’s what friendship is, for all of us. I’d do anything for them.”
But, instead of being reassured…..Hinata froze.
“Hinata?” Suga frowned.
“Sorry…,” Hinata shook his head. “For a second there, with the voice and all….um, there’s just someone you reminded me about.”
“Ah,” Hinata rubbed the back of his neck, “well….Hisa--I man, your grandfather, I guess. From the diary.”
Suga reared back the same as if he’d been punched in the gut.
No matter how much I’d imagine you’d like to set that aside.
He winced and the next thing he noticed was Hinata apologizing around him.
“Wait, Suga! I’m sorry!” Hinata grabbed his arm. “I didn’t--I mean I know you didn’t mean it like that! You just meant--”
“No,” Suga held up a hand to stop him, “you don’t have to--I’m sorry. I forgot you ever saw that thing.”
Hinata was still shifting guiltily.
So, Suga tried to drum up a smile. “It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m not--” upset? nauseous? terrified?-- “mad. I promise.”
“You sure?” Hinata winced.
“I’m sure,” Suga told him. “You okay?”
Hinata nodded.
And then what was left was awkward tension.
“Well,” Suga tried to break it, “at least the words were different. Can’t imagine my grandfather talked much about friendship.”
Hinata stopped, face clearing. “What do you mean?”
“Just that--,” Suga waved a hand, “it’s not like it’s a secret my grandfather didn’t have anyone outside the family. I doubt that man called anyone a ‘friend’ in his entire life.”
Hinata was looking at him oddly.
“Not that he didn’t deserve it,” Sgua struggled to add hastily. “My grandfather--he did, well, terrible, evil things. I’m sure you saw--in the diary--so, I meant that--I mean it’s no surprise he died alone, so--”
“You didn’t read it.”
Suga cut off mid-sentence. “What?”
“The diary,” Hinata stared at him. “You didn’t read it. You told me you would. You promised me.”
“I--,” Suga didn’t know what to do with the strange guilt now sitting in his throat, “--I didn’t need to. I know what my family is, Hinata. I know. I don’t need to live through their memories to hate them. I already do.”
“But, you do!” Hinata shouted, a rare show of annoyance flashing through the line of his jaw. “You don’t understand--”
“I do,” Suga reached out his hand to soothe--
And Hinata jerked away.
“Hinata,” Suga said.
“No.” Hinata stared at him. “I can’t make you care, can I? Not about this.”
“I do care,” Suga promised. “Of course, I care about you and--”
“I’m not talking about me,” Hinata cut him off sharply. “I meant your family.”
Suga didn’t understand.
“I’m not my family.” It was all Suga could say.
“That’s not--,” Hinata stopped, cutting himself off with a sigh. 
He closed his eyes, shaking his head once before opening them again.
“Nevermind. You don’t get it.” He turned in the direction Oikawa went. “And I have to go. We’ll talk later.”
Suga watched him go and felt like his feet were rooted to the floor.
Guilt wasn’t a new feeling when thinking of his family; but, for the first time, Suga felt it turned in a different direction and held beneath brown eyes that were normally warm.
And Suga didn’t understand why.
“Hey, you’re back!” Noya plopped down next to Tanaka on the common room sofa. He had a spoon stuck in something that was a previously unknown to wizardkind mix of butterbeer, instant ice-cream, half a chocolate frog, and sweet-and-sour snakes that seemed to be writhing even as he used his spoon to gesture to Tanaka.
“How’d the meeting go?”
“.....weird,” Tanaka said quietly.
“Oh.” Noya fended off an ice-cream tentacle that tried to wrap around his arm. “Good weird or bad weird.”
“Bad weird.”
“Well, that sucks,” Noya commisorated. “Do you think she’s onto our investigation stuff?”
Tanaka shook his head no.
“Good,” Noya bumped his shoulder with Tanaka’s. “So, what’s up with you, then, bro?”
“I don’t….I guess I’m not sure,” Tanaka admitted.
And that was the problem--he wasn’t. Professor Minaho told him that he should find the things that made him; but, Tanaka didn’t know what that was supposed to be. He wanted to say his friends. He was a Gryffindor, right? So, that meant that was who he had to be. He had to be brave and courageous and, like, all the good stuff? That made sense, right? It’s what Saeko and Uncle Yori were.
But…he didn’t know if it was all he was. Sometimes he didn’t feel very brave and courageous. He felt worried and quiet and scared and….like he didn’t know if he could be a Gryffindor, coil be anything like he was supposed to be.
So, what did that make him?
He had a fear. One that existed far, far longer than he’s been a Gryffindor. The fear that waited like the bogeyman in his closet, laying in wait only until it was dark enough to attack.
“Hey, Noya,” Tanaka gripped his knees tighter, “do you think I’m like my parents at all?”
The reaction was instantaneous.
Noya’s eyes flew open. “What? No, man, of course you’re not! You’re not anything like those assholes! How could you be?!”
Tanaka didn’t know. That was what scared him. He didn’t know his parents at all. His uncle and Saeko didn’t talk about them--refused to talk about them even when he dared to ask. And, as for Tanaka himself, they’d been locked up by the time he was two; he basically couldn’t remember any part of them other than cold and a laugh that still made him want to hide.
But, they were still his parents, right? Flesh and blood. Something about him had to be like them--from the way he wore his clothes or how he ate his rice….or something worse. And he didn’t know. It could be hiding in him all along and he’d never know. Not until it was already out.
How much of them was still his responsibility?
So, he shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Noya watched him. “You don’t have to worry about that, Ryuu, promise.” Then, he lit up. “And, hey, if you are, it’ll be fine! If thinking about them’s bugging you, then all we gotta do is hurry up and catch them. Then it’ll be over! Right?”
Would it?
Tanaka made himself smile back anyway. “Right.”
“See! Problem solved!” Noya slapped his back.
Maybe it did make sense. Tanaka knew he needed to catch them. Had to. Before they could harm anyone else. But, as for the past….
Well, there was a reason Tanaka liked to live in the present.
He didn’t know his parents; but, he did know this. Whatever they are, they’re horrible people who hurt so, so many others.
And harm festers and multiplies. Enough that Tanaka wondered if he could ever truly stop it. Enough to bury him alive.
So, where exactly did it end?
Funny enough, it was the same classroom as before.
“Hello, Hinata,” Oikawa said dryly. “Why did I have a feeling I’d be seeing you soon?”
The room had been torn apart. A localized storm tucked behind the stone.
Hinata sat down in the mess beside him. “Well, I mean it kinda doesn’t look like you tried that hard to hide this time?”
Oikawa snorted.
“You okay,” Hinata asked.
Oikawa rolled his eyes. “Take a guess.”
“Want me to clean this up for you?” Hinata gestured around the room.
“No,” Oikawa said. “I clean up my own messes. Thanks.”
The two lapsed back into silence, the only sounds from Hinata’s occasional fidgeting and Oikawa fingers drumming against the stones.
“That was stupid,” Oikawa said, voice hushed. “Entirely stupid. I should have had better control of my magic so I wouldn’t have to break a stupid tea-cup. I shouldn’t have let her goad me. She’s going to know there’s something wrong with me now. Enough to give her stupid ‘advice’ like she knows. Like I’m some kind of--some kind of bomb or something that can’t handle my own life.”
He cut himself off, pushing his head down until it touched his knees and taking a few harsh breaths. Sparks snapped along his clenched hands before running along the stone.
“I hate her,” Oikawa hissed out. “I hate her.”
Hinata shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t think she was that bad.”
“Hinata,” Oikawa warned, lifting his head just enough to glare at him.
“She wasn’t,” Hinata defended. “Maybe if you gave her a chance.”
“I think you mean an opening,” Oikawa said. “Dear Hinata with all your bottomless trust.”
“Is that really a bad thing?”
Oikawa smiled without inflection. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” He reached forward to tug at a strand of Hinata’s hair, not entirely gentle. “Poor Little Red riding right out into the woods with your open arms, ready to be torn apart by wolves.”
Hinata finally did shiver at that, leaning back to knock away Oikawa’s hand. “I’m not that bad.”
“Then again, maybe it doesn’t matter either way.” Oikawa stood up, stretching his back. “Both of us are still here, aren’t we?” He gestured to the classroom, beyond that. “Waiting while we listen to them howl at the doors.”
Hinata frowned, not having an answer for once.
Oikawa took pity on him. “Well, come on, are you here to help me work on control or not?” He waved his wand and the room started picking itself up. “I was thinking about working through second year Charms tonight and I’d prefer someone around to make sure we don’t break up the castle with a stray cutting charm.”
Hinata stood up. “....Okay, I’m ready. I’ll throw up a shield if you need it.”
“Perfect,” Oikawa said, already moving on.
“But, Oikawa,” Hinata continued, “people aren’t animals, it’s more complicated than that.”
Oikawa only gave an absent hum.
“And besides,” Hinata continued, giving a half a laugh for his attempt at a joke “we haven’t gotten eaten yet, right?”
Oikawa didn’t laugh back. Instead he only felt for his magic, finding it snapping right underneath his skin.
Then, he smiled, all sharp teeth.
“Maybe,” he agreed, “what will be left behind?”
The wind felt colder than it should for the last edges of summer and Bokuto was starting to kinda wish he’d brought a thicker jacket when he decided to come flying.
Honestly, though, it was more a last second decision more than anything, an itching at his heels that he thought might only be settled by taking a few laps around the Quidditch field.
It was more of a surprise than anything to look down and find quite suddenly that he wasn’t alone when he was sure he had been a few minutes before.
“‘Kaashi!” Bokuto beamed, flying down to land on the bleachers excitedly. 
Akaashi jerked, startling so bad he dropped the parchment he held and staring at Bokuto without seeming to notice him. Then, he blinked and the expression faded into confusion. “Kotaro…what are you doing here?”
“Um, flying?” Bokuto answered, suddenly unsure even though he knew he’d been here first. “....so, you didn’t come out here to see me?”
“No,” Akaashi looked around the field as if registering his surroundings for the first time. “I don’t know why I’m here.”
Bokuto frowned. “What?”
“I meant,” Akaashi corrected hastily, “that I came out here to study quietly; but, I don’t know why I thought the field would be open. Especially on a weekend. Sorry for disturbing you.”
“Nah, you could never disturb me ever, ‘Kaashi!” Bokuto scooted closer “Actually, I thought it was weird no one was out here, too! Like fate right?”
Akaashi grimaced before clearing his throat. “Maybe so.”
Bokuto grabbed the parchment off the ground. “Whatcha studying?”
He looked down at the paper before tilting his head. In Akaashi’s looping calligraphy, there seemed to be words at random scattered without pattern across the page: hazel and birch so close they nearly overlapped, oak outlined so many times it stood out in bold, willow flourishing out, walnut off to the side, and holly circled once in the center of the page.
Akaashi grabbed the page from his hand. 
“It’s for Runes class,” he said.
“Oh.” Bokuto frowned again. “I didn’t know you did anything like that for Runes class.”
“Well,” Akaashi wasn’t looking at him, squinting off at the field, “it’s still early in the year. I’m sure it’ll make sense later.”
Bokuto….got the distinct sense he was being lied to.
It wasn’t a very nice feeling to have. Not a very nice feeling, at all, like a pit in his stomach sinking down in his entire chest. Especially because this was Akaashi, Keiji, who Bokuto thought he knew better than anyone.
So, he stopped and breathed.
Breathed through it. Tried to find the little things. Something to hold rather than falling.
Keiji’s shoulders were rigid. His skin paler than normal. He clutched the parchment to his chest like it was keeping him together.
And he wasn’t looking at Bokuto. Not even a bit. Like he couldn’t. Like…
Like Keiji was scared.
That gave Bokuto an even worse feeling; but, at least it was something Bokuto could try to catch a hold on.
“....Keiji,” Bokuto asked softly, “are you okay?”
Akaashi flinched.
“I’m fine,” he promised and that was another lie. 
Akaashi stood up before Bokuto could try again. “I’m going to go to my dorm to study. It’ll be quieter there.”
He turned to leave--
“Wait!” Bokuto called.
Akaashi froze.
He still didn’t turn to look back at Bokuto.
“That’s a long walk, take my jacket,” Bokuto said, shrugging it off. 
He held it out and Akaashi finally turned, uncertain with his mouth already open to refuse.
“Please, Akaashi,” Bokuto’s words were quieter than he could remember before, like saying anything too loud would scare the words away. “It’s cold out.”
“Okay,” Akaashi whispered back and Bokuto tried to smile.
Akaashi took the jacket from Bokuto’s arms and, for the span of a second, cut from infinity, their hands brushed--
Brilliant as a shooting star and steady as the pull of gravity.
--Bokuto’s breath caught and Akaashi’s eyes skipped up, meeting his again with too much for Bokuto to catch in a single second. A shiver ran up Akaashi’s arm and Bokuto didn’t think it was from the wind and he didn’t think it was something bad either but, if not, he wasn’t sure what it meant, and…
Akaashi pulled away again.
“Thank you.” He pulled the jacket on, already heading off the field. “I’ll give it back.”
Bokuto breathed again, words soft. “You don’t have to, Keiji.”
But Akaashi was already gone.
The table was remarkably quiet, sitting there like a stone as the rest of talk in the Hall ebbed and flowed around it.
Iwaizumi seemed to be glaring at his soup as if it had personally offended him and quite possibly insulted his mother on top of it. Bokuto, meanwhile, had taken the opposite approach and was glumly pushing his spoon around as if the bowl would suddenly turn into a pool. Suga hadn’t touched his dinner at all.
Kuroo--as the sole recipient of a perfectly boring day--was over it.
“Okay,” he announced to the quiet, “what, for the love of Merlin’s shining purple boxer briefs, is wrong with all of you?” 
None of them bothered to answer.
“Alright, great, super helpful. Regular font of information you lot are.” Kuroo rolled his eyes. “Let’s try this one: any of you know where Oikawa is?”
Suga winced at the same time Iwaizumi huffed.
“Who even knows,” Iwaizumi bit out. “Not like he’d ever bother to tell us. Not like I’ve been trying to find his sorry ass all day. Maybe he’s been drowned by the merpeople by now, save us the trouble of finding him!”
“Ooookay,” Kuroo responded, “so, looks like we know what Iwaizumi’s problem is. Anyone else want to share?”
Bokuto sighed, poking at a particular large bit of potato. “Akaashi.”
“Akaashi what?”
“Don’t know.” Bokuto frowned, looking even more upset than before.
Kuroo pinched the bridge of his nose. “Anyone want to try having a proper conversation today? Proper sentences--verbs, nouns, all that mess. Who knows? Maybe throw in multiple sentences at once if we’re feeling particularly loquacious.”
Once again, no one responded.
“Fantastic.” Kuroo threw up his hands.
“I’m sure Oikawa’s fine,” Suga reassured…only he didn’t sound particularly convinced.
Iwaizumi grunted.
“He’s definitely fine,” Suga repeated, then nodded just for good measure. “Of course, he’s fine.”
“You know,” Kuroo said. “When I said multiple sentences, I kinda meant different ones.”
“Right.” Suga plastered on a smile. “Right, of course. It was just something Hinata said; but, it doesn’t matter…..Or, well….no, nevermind, it’s nothing to worry about.”
“What did Hinata say,” Iwaizumi asked.
Suga waved it away. “Like I said, it was nothing.” He came to a stop again. “I was only…do you think we’re missing something?”
“With the case,” Kuroo asked, leaning in.
“No, not that. Not really.” Suga bit his lip. “I just wondered if maybe we were going about this in the wrong way with Oikawa.”
The table paused, even Bokuto glancing up from where he’d been mournfully staring into his bowl.
“How,” Iwaizumi asked.
“Well,” Suga began slowly, thinking through his words, “for starters, I think Kuroo may have have been right--”
“I always am,” Kuroo interrupted, “but continue.”
“We’ve all been worried about how he’s handling last year; but, maybe we have been hovering a bit,” Suga said. “And it’s Oikawa. You know he hates that.”
“So, what we just leave him?” Iwaizumi demanded, hands clenching unconsciously. “Yeah, that’ll go swell. Or, more likely, some pureblood monster really will kill him next time.”
They all winced at that, even Iwaizumi.
“No,” Suga said quickly, “I’m not--,” a sigh, “I still want him to know that we’re there. For when he needs us. But, for the rest,” Suga ran a hand through his hair, “look, we all know this year has to be bothering him so…maybe what he really needs--what we all need--is something we can work on. Something to make us feel like normal.”
“Normal? You mean like an investigation?” Bokuto frowned, cupping a hand around his mouth to not be overheard. “Don’t we already have that with the Ghost stuff?”
“Yes,” Suga admitted, “and that’s important, too. But, it also is bound to bring up some bad memories. What we need is a distraction, something easier. Something to keep Oikawa busy. You know it’s what he likes best. Like the wandless magic last year.”
Iwaizumi snorted. “And you don’t think the insane amount of classes is enough?”
Suga lit up. “That’s my point! Being busy helps!” A head tilt. “What we need is something that won’t distract from the main investigation, something to keep busy but we don’t need to do, something we can do together so he won’t be alone,” he sighed, “....and probably something we can convince him is at least moderately helpful so we can get him to agree in the first place.”
There was a beat before--
“That still sounds insane,” Iwaizumi broke in. “Where are we even going to find something like that? And when are we going to find time?”
“Well,” Kuroo said, uncertain, “I don’t know….it’s not like we don’t have help on the investigation this time. We might have time.”
“Yeah, for our NEWT level classes,” Iwaizumi retorted. “Remember those?”
Kuroo shrugged. “Meh, I worked through most of those syllabuses back in fifth year while we had the time turner. I know Oikawa did the same.”
Bokuto was already bouncing happily. “It sounds cool to me! Something fun instead of all the serious stuff!”
Iwaizumi still frowned. “I still don’t see how this is actually supposed to help? A distraction? Isn’t that like the opposite of working things out?”
“Maybe it is,” Suga admitted quietly. “But…haven’t you ever really wanted to think about something else? Just for a little bit.”
And for that….all of them stayed quiet.
“A break,” Kuroo said firmly. “For all of us.”
They waited on Iwaizumi.
“Fine,” he sighed out. “If it helps. If it looks like it doesn’t though, we quit. No need running ourselves into the ground if we don’t have to.” Iwaizumi rubbed at his head. “The only thing now is finding something crazy enough that he’ll actually do it.”
Someone cleared their throat right beside them and, as one, they all jumped.
“For Merlin’s sake!” Kuroo yelled, clutching his chest. “Did you assholes get an invisibility cloak or something?!””
“Just good practice,” Matsu said, sliding onto the bench while Makki stood behind him. “Now, if we heard right, it sounds like you’re looking for something crazy and/or borderline illegal? Well, aren’t you lucky as we’ve got the perfect thing! Don’t we, Makki dear?”
The entire group looked at the two of them suspiciously.
Makki’s face split into a smirk. “Out of curiosity, what do you know about animagus?”
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fff777 · 3 months
watched Chenle on Lee Mujin service :3
Woo starting off with a new Dream song :3
Chenle: *Struggling to introduce the song* Lee Mujin: You want to try that again? Chenle: I'm good XD
Chenle taking a page out of Renjun's book and claiming foreigner status as every excuse
Chenle is very chatty so chatting with the members would have improved his Korean by leaps and bounds
Lee Mujin feeling ashamed after the kkalssampong skit lol
Chenle loves hearing about himself so it doesn't surprise me that he's the first person to ask Lee Mujin for his personal opinion on his singing lol
Chenle's childhood career as a singer is always so wild to me. But I guess it's much the same as any parent who put their kids through music class and they excel. Kids who are violinists, pianists, etc. also perform on the big stage, it's just that Chenle's was on TV.
He seems to have a pretty healthy view of celebrity at a young age though.
HELL YEAH CHENLE'S A MATH KID!!! High five!!!! >3
Just as Chenle struggled with Chinese, I struggled with English when I was young. It's not grammar, it's understanding literature. Chenle was pretty young when he left China and it wouldn't surprise me that at that age he didn't quite grasp literature and poetry.
這, 就是愛 is the song that Chenle and Renjun performed at It Sounds Delicious
The way Lee Mujin speeds through the name of the song. We all see you but I am letting you off hehe.
It's interesting to me how Chinese media will sometimes be shown with the original Chinese characters in Korean media instead of a translation. The name of the song and all the credits have been displayed in Chinese.
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Very short snippet of just the chorus but I get it. 這,就是愛 is a pretty slow paced song so it might take up too much airtime.
Only honesty from President Zhong B)
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Chenle got so animated when Lee Mujin asked him what the song was about :P
By the way, Chenle's wearing the Dream friendship ring
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Lee Mujin and Chenle talking shop about vocal techniques (y)
Aw, Chenle was cast for his high voice but his voice changed right before he went to Korea so everyone was in a pickle.
Lee Mujin: If you were to choose members yourself Chenle: YES!!!!! He didn't even finish the question but Chenle was excited already. Chenle likes games like this though :3
Chenle takes games really seriously and asked Lee Mujin to set the number of members for him lol
No hesitation
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Chenle was insistent that the group had to be an odd number because it's hard to choreograph for only four members. He always has a vision.
Chenle's dream team: Chenle, Taeil, Mark, Jeno, Haechan So Taeil and a bunch of kids lol
Chenle: Don't take it personally
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Growing ambitions
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Ahhh their duet Drunk Text was so good!!!!
Also I don't know if it's just me but I love these lyrics for Chenle. He's such a confident person but somehow he kind of suits these timid lyrics too :3 He can be soft :3
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vixiesticks · 11 months
(Not proof read I apologize for any mistakes.. here!)
@pinejayy I MATCH YOU WITH
       Obanai Iguro!
When I was initially reading your post, you oddly reminded me of mitsuri! (maybe it was just the PFP and the ‘uwu’ BUT! Either way you strike me as a very lovable person, which made me think of Obanai! He’s also very rude but I feel as though he’d have a soft spot for you.. Though you two would be able to tease each other often. He would totally go out of his way to buy you gifts, and he strikes me as a horror fan! He also totally admires your ability to speak your mind. He thinks your tattoos are awesome, and you probably end up convincing him to get a few of his own!
He was interested in you as soon as you walked into the pillar meeting ngl. He hadn't seen you around so you piqued his interest, there’s no way he could’ve missed someone so beautiful after all. At first he ignored you as he did with everyone else, merely taking interest from a far. Your unique style, mixed with your abilities and blunt honesty made him QUITE infatuated with you. Mitsuri (who I feel you’d be friends with) took notice of this, as the love pillar how could she not?! She immediately introduced you guys, and you INSTANTLY hit it off. Firing spiteful yet playful comments back and forth at each other. 
Obanai had been dragged out to a late night ramen party with his co-workers (friends). as he was vibing with some of our favorite drunk idiots (Rengoku, Sanemi, Uzui, Shinobu, Mitsuri) he noticed you in the corner struggling to enjoy your meal. He didn’t know why but he suddenly felt embarrassed, ushering the group to quiet down. Rengoku and Uzui caught on pretty fast to what was going on considering.. you were the only other person there. And INSTANTLY started teasing him, claiming he was attracted to some random girl in a ramen shop (you). You overheard this and rushed to pay your tab so you could leave before any confrontation happened with the odd group. Sadly though, you didn’t quite make it in time. Painstakingly watching as Rengoku and Uzui manhandled the poor guy over to you. He instantly apologized claiming he was not attracted to you and you awkwardly laughed it off. You did happen to notice his tattoo of a snake wrapped around his forearm though which caught your attention. Eventually you two took the conversation outside and by the end of the night, exchanged numbers.
Dating/Comfort HCS
It would be a slow start, Obanai is painfully insecure about his appearance as we’re all aware, but slowly and surely he’d ease into a relationship with you
coffee dates YES??? 
will let you (force you to)  draw him and kaburamaru 
He’d literally but you anything you want, even shit you don’t want?? Mf would come home with a whole 12 pack of copics for you hes actually crazy.
Matching tattoos who?
whenever there’s a centepeid in the room you best bet both of you are hiding on the table screaming at the other to handle it. It’s a silly sight. 
Horror movie date nights <333
Meeting their friends
She loves you
End of story
You’re best friends
Sun and moon opposites
Bullies the shit out of him infront of you. Says it’s to “test you” but we all know the truth
Really interested in your tattoos
Doesnt give two flying fucks
It’s Sanemi come on
Probably sits you down for the “dad talk”
Aka mister “so you think your good enough for my son 🤨🤨🤨 JK OFC CONGRATS YOU ARE!!! 😊”
it takes him a while to get used to things, and he has literally ZERO experience, you have to teach this man EVERYTHING 
probably makes you guys find someone to babysit kaburamaru before hand
Netflix and chill.. all I’m gonna say.
he’s not a virgin but he’s not experienced if that makes sense? He’s still very insecure though
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simplepoettheia · 1 year
My Translator Chapter 1
Thank you guys so much for the love on the first part of this! I was able to get this part out pretty fast but I can’t say that the rest of the chapters will come out as fast!
Would you guys like me to make a masterlist for this?
Warnings! for entire story! Does not mean that this chapter will contain all of these! Angst, Possible smut, dark themes
‘Yes...yes I know, 7 am sharp, go up the stairs take a left then go to the door labeled papa. I won't be late...I understand...Goodnight'
A sigh is all that can leave the young woman's lips as she glances down at the phone in her hands. It's 9 p.m., and she should be in bed by now to make it to work tomorrow on time but she had only gotten home a few moments prior.
Slipping her coat and shoes on and placing them down on the little bench by her apartment door, flicking on the main living room light as the apartment becomes bright. 
It's cold, and with a glance at the bills piling up on the table, she decides against turning on the heater, opting to turn the oven on to cook her dinner and use the leftover heat to warm her house up.
"I have to pay those...it can't be too expensive I've only been here a month" She mutters to herself, as her eyes glance over each bill. 
If her new job paid well enough she should be able to cover everything, but (Y/N) wouldn't know her pay rate till tomorrow morning. 
Her phone buzzed with a new notification, pulling out the worn little device from her back pocket. 
'Is this (Y/N)?' read the little box, it's from an unknown number the area code says it's from the same town the ministry is at. 
Before she can even unlock her phone another ding is heard as a second box appears.
'It's your new boss' it now reads as a confused expression comes across her face, no one from the ministry had her number besides Imperator and that woman preferred to call her. 
Just who was the unknown number, who was claiming to be her new boss? 
Deciding that it wasn't worth stressing over at the moment, as it was most likely a scam. (Y/N) placed her phone down opting to eat her dinner and go through the rest of her bills, paying off the main ones like electric, water, and gas leaving rent for the end of the month.
The music suddenly filled the room as her phone lit up, it was that same unknown number calling her.
Picking up the phone, debating on hanging up (Y/N) decided to pick up, her voice slightly shaken from the oddness of the number.
'Hello? You've reached (Y/N) how may I help you?' a delighted laugh can be heard over the phone before a man's voice fills her ears.
'Ah! Hello! So I did have the correct number!' the man's voice has an accent to it but she can't seem to place it right away as another voice floods the phone line.
'I told you it was correct idiot, leave the poor woman alone' it's rougher than the first voice, the man behind the second voice sounds tired.
'Who is this? Why are you calling me?' (Y/N)'s voice chimes in again over the phone as another man takes the phone from the first.
The third voice is one she recognizes, it's the cardinal that recently joined the ministry. 
She's been translating dozen of old scriptures about some myth about the fall of the ministry for him. She is informed by him that her office will be in the same spot as the library on the first floor and that her new bosses will be meeting her at 10 am instead after morning mass.
(Y/N) and the cardinal exchange a few more bits of information before saying goodnight and ending the call.
'What in the world have I gotten into?' is all she can think as she casts another glance at the clock before heading off to bed.
Before even the sun begins to open its eyes to the world, a loud alarm can be heard going off. Strings of curses leave (Y/N)'s mouth as she accidentally sets her car alarm off, no doubt waking nearly everyone around her.
'Fucking hell' she mutters once more while turning the alarm off and getting inside the car, quickly turning it on as well as the heater.
The neon green LED lights read '5:45 A.M', and she has less than two hours to make her 90-minute commute to the ministry.
Backing out of the space her car occupies as the morning new's floods the world around her and listening for the traffic updates for a few before switching the station to some rock station she used to listen to all the time on her way to school.
A few songs play through that she recognizes before one comes on she cannot ever recall hearing before.
'He Is by Ghost' reads the little LED lights that make up her radio, shrugging at the song, not thinking much of it until the first verse comes up.
'That voice sounds familiar' she mutters, wondering to herself if one of her friends had played the song before in her car but she didn't think that was possible since together they mostly listened to whatever would be turning on TikTok at the time.
Still mulling over the song she heard at the beginning of the car ride as she pulls into her parking spot, checking the clock she was thankfully early but only by a few minutes.
Grabbing her coat, not even put it on as she rushes inside to her corner.
When she reaches her little nook, the cardinal is sitting in her desk chair reading through her notes from the day prior.
'Copia, you're here early, I'm going to assume you're my new boss?' (Y/N) inquires gently slightly excited to be working with him if he is her boss. Having enjoyed working with him before now.
A kind smile graces his lips before shaking his head.
'Sadly no but we will be seeing more of each other, you'll be working with our current Papa' he explains as footfalls can be heard behind the pair.
'It seems your boss is here to grace us with his presents' Copia continues before nodding to her and leaving her alone with her new boss.
Turning to greet the man behind her, she comes face to face with a handsome man, he's wearing a pair of nice black dress pants and a warm-looking navy blue sweater. He has a few wrinkles here and there but otherwise, he doesn't look a day over 25. 
Though what catches her eye the most is his completely white pupil, she opens her mouth to speak as he begins talking.
'It's a pleasure to meet you, Mia cara. I do not believe we have properly been introduced yet' he starts, it's the same voice from the night before but less drunk sounding.
'What's your name?' He finishes and before I can once again even speak a loud slam can be heard from outside the hallway as a set of stomping footsteps could be heard coming closer.
'TERZO!' the feminine voice screams from the door to the library.
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messiahzzz · 3 months
So I came across your post for Wyll. And even though you did an update it really did shake me to see the silencing black voices and how they come off as “hostile.” As a black gamer myself and black character is treated (usually) like a subhuman. On pages where people calm them slurs and other vile things. And we’re told to essentially “get over it.” And in this regard when it comes to Wyll, we see that he has less content than the other 5 origin characters. Which is odd since he’s been around from the very beginning. Yes, he did have a rewrite due to white people saying “he’s not trustworthy/he’s to mean” like black people as a whole are supposed to fit into a nice little mold that suits them. Do I think Larian should have stood on business and kept EA Wyll as he was? Absolutely. Do I enjoy the Wyll we got at release? Absolutely. But hearing takes like yours when you, in the past, said that Wyll needs more content. It’s like you’re backpedaling to fit a narrative or be more palatable for a certain audience.
I don’t know man. It was just hurtful to read really.
“But hearing takes like yours when you, in the past, said that Wyll needs more content. It’s like you’re backpedaling to fit a narrative or be more palatable for a certain audience.”
this is going to be a long reply, but let me start it off by saying: i have always said so and i’ve never claimed anything different, even on the exact post you are currently referring to. i fully and wholeheartedly believe that wyll deserves more content until he has the exact same amount of scenes like everyone else. this includes the quality and any other aspect of his story that is in thorough need of improvement. this is something that won’t ever change.
for the sake of full transparency, these are all of the posts i’ve written that vaguely address this entire topic. [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
the original post is — like i’ve said many, many times by now — a mere scene tally. meant to compare the amount of content (not the quality or substance thereof) wyll currently has in the game, taken in strict comparison to the other companions. not addressing the racial stereotypes and tropes present in wyll’s story in this specific post was a conscious choice i made.
i didn’t want this specific post to turn into a discussion about racism in media/fandom in the first place, because i fully believe that it is a complex and crucial topic that deserves to be addressed separately and with just as much consideration, respect, and care. as well as with actual, coherent references to back it up. however, i also recognize that these topics are inherently and inevitably interlinked. which is why i felt it unfair to refuse dialogue. i considered it my responsibility to explain my approach and also reiterate what the original purpose of said post was. …until it got out of hand.
i do think we’ve reached a point where a certain (loud minority) of the fandom is vehemently insistent on misunderstanding and misinterpreting anything i will say henceforth, no matter how many times i will repeat myself and explain my intentions. this is unfortunate, but ultimately how fandom as a whole works. branding a single person as “the problem”, while goading and egging each other on, on their respective discord servers until the next discourse pops up. and before anyone even goes in that direction: no, this is not me playing the victim, but merely an observation.
people that have been following my blog for a while now likely know that my posts are almost always accompanied by strict data & examples. i rarely derail from the topic at hand and prefer to make separate posts for each issue i want to address — not a justification, but an explanation. another example, to further illustrate what i’m referring to: if i made a post about the number of scenes gale has in comparison to the other characters and someone else asked me: why "i am not addressing the grooming and abuse he suffered through mystra as well?”. i would also tell them that: yes, while this is a crucial theme that stretches throughout his entire story and ultimately shaped his character, this is not the purpose of this specific post.
i genuinely love wyll as a character, he is one of my favorite companions in the entire game and it saddens me that there is so very little fan content of him. however, i do feel like that by effectively shutting down every discussion around him that isn’t centered on his personality and/or his romance it will inevitably leave fans burned out and even more discouraged from creating more content with him than they were in the first place. policing others on the topics that are acceptable/unacceptable to talk about (and in which manner they should be addressed) is only putting further restrictions on the little content wyll already has within fandom. it is counterproductive.
i can assure you that it was never my intention to be hurtful. neither to make poc players feel like i am silencing them nor urging them to “be quiet and get over it.” quite the contrary, in fact. i believe correction is necessary to ensure that the data (we give larian for review) is detailed, comprehensive, and factually correct. so it will be taken seriously and consistent, elaborate changes will be made. instead of merely receiving a few measly bug fixes to appease the masses.
i do hope you’ll respect my decision to remove myself from this discussion entirely and not send me any more asks regarding said topic in the future, nor reply to this post. respectful and civil dialogue is something i will never reject, but i’d also really like to let it rest and have us all focus on the aspects of fandom that genuinely bring us joy & allow for the pleasant kind of escapism.
now, since this was a lot of text, allow me to sum it up once more:
i fully believe that wyll deserves more content. until the quality, as well as the amount of his scene are exactly on par with the rest of the companions.
i have never urged anyone towards inaction or claimed that the fandom should simply “shut up and be content” with what they’re given.
what i have criticized is the methods of action that were taken by a small amount of fandom (i.e. petitions and demands directed at larian) my personal opinion being that it is not a long-term effective approach that will bring about the desired results (said petitions not even entering larian’s peripheral vision or being consciously ignored entirely). as well as being rather disrespectful to the developers and the people that continuously work on the game.
i have never claimed that you shouldn’t critique larian. in fact, i do this often myself. there are maaaaanyyyyy aspects to be critical of.
i personally believe that it is a much more efficacious approach to provide larian with direct feedback via their form. i have provided instructions, as well as examples of reports you could write on my posts (upon specific request) and also repeatedly linked to their website.
last but not least: please let it rest ✨
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sea-owl · 2 years
The rare time I am posting on the website but I need that read more option right now.
Warning this have a little bit of spice in it. First time attempting it so it’s nothing great but I know my stuff don’t normally go past a teen rating so a fair warning. 
Penelope gasped as he entered her. She was on his lap, in front of a mirror. His hands cupping and messaging her breasts even as they spilled out between his fingers.
She can't see his face, only dark chesnut hair. His face was buried in her neck, marking it with every kiss.
"My clever, witty, beautiful Penelope, how I have missed you." His chuckles vibrate through her throat. “Did you miss me?” 
His hands move from her bosom to her hips where he used them to control their speed. 
“Yes,” Penelope moaned. “Oh god I’ve missed you!” 
 A name is on the tip of her tongue, but only gaps and moans seemed to escape her lips. 
He speed up the pace, pushing himself deeper in her. Penelope wanted to scream, she has never felt this full and completed in her life. 
The kisses leave her neck and she finds herself staring into glowing green eyes through the mirror.
“My clever, witty, beautiful Penelope. My wife and soulmate. The woman I’ve never stopped loving. Do you still love me?” 
“Colin,” Penelope said out into the darkness. She was laying on her stomach, her body relaxed, and her clit sensitive. Her face and chest flushed. On her night stand the red numbers read 3am. “Damn it. Another wet dream.” 
Penelope sat up, half running her hand through her red curls. While her dreams are not new and she swears she’s been having them since she was sixteen, they have defiantly become more frequent. She needs to get laid- 
A shiver ran up Penelope’s back. 
“Maybe some hot coco will help me get back to sleep,” Penelope muttered. 
One of the rare regrets Penelope has of moving into this big ass mansion Simon inherited, and only moved into when he convinced all seven of his friends to move in with him, was how long it took her to get to the kitchen. Granted it only took her five minutes max, but when you spent all your college years living in an apartment where the kitchen was a few steps away it was an adjustment. 
“I see you cannot sleep either.”
Penelope looked up. Phillip has beaten her to the kitchen tonight. “Are you okay? Is there anything wrong with Oliver and Amanda?”
Phillip shook his head. “The twins are alright. It’s not there turn to be having dreams tonight.” He offered a mug to Penelope. “It seems at least one of us is down here lately at odd hours.”
Penelope nodded. It did truly seem that way. Sophie claims it’s probably just group stress since everyone uplifted their lives and moved here when they all got amazing offers at the same time. (Hence, how Simon managed to convince all of them to move in.) Others are convinced the whole group was haunted, that’s how they all became friends, instead of them just meeting through circumstance like they did. 
“Well Kate is about one dream away from calling any holy figure to come bless the house.” 
Phillip laughed. “Well maybe we need it.”
Penelope shivered again, and so did Phillip. The two talked quietly and watched as one by one their friends, and Phillip's twins came stumbling into the kitchen.
Penelope observed the room, all of her friends were tired. Shadows under their eyes, and some of them slowly tracing up and down their arms or around their necks like they’re following a line. Even Oliver and Amanda appeared tired as they cuddled up to their father. Oliver dozed while Amanda drew a picture.
"Auntie Pen," Amanda called to her.
Penelope leaned forward. "Yes dear?"
Amanda pointed at her picture. "Uncle Colin has green eyes right?"
Penelope froze. Amanda had drawn a crude family tree, though she's not sure which family it's supposed to be. Each one of her friends were on a branch labeled aunt or uncle, or father in Phillip's case with someone else attached to them also labeled aunt or uncle, and one labeled mother. While above the branches are a picture of a couple labeled Grandpa Edmund and Grandma Violet.
Anthony and Kate. Benedict and Sophie. Colin and Penelope. Daphne and Simon. Eloise and Phillip. Francesca and Michael. Gregory and Lucy. Hyacinth and Gareth.
How-how did Amanda know about Colin? She's never used his name when she spoke about her dreams to her friends. In fact the twins were never in the room either when they discussed the dreams.
Another shiver hit Penelope, this one concentrating on the back of her neck.
"Yes dear," Penelope said, lightly hitting Phillip's thigh to gain his attention. "Uncle Colin's eyes are green."
Phillip looked down at his daughter's picture and his eyes widened. This gained the attention of the others who also looked at the picture.
"That's it!" Kate shouted. "I'm calling every holy figure near hear and having this house exorcise!"
A feeling of something loosely wrapping around her shoulders hot Penelope. Then eight laughs could be heard. One of them sounding like a voice she's only heard in her dreams.
"Don't worry my love. Nothing will separate us again."
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I'm starting to worry about TW ratings. 2nd episode lost 200,000 raw viewers vs the pilot, and demo from 0.12 to 0.10 (still provisional). I feel the spn fandom doesn't back this show as they should (I even still see too many hellers claiming they won't watch it because they "hate john")
it's prelims. prelims are unstable, that's why i tell everyone to hold their horses and not jump to prelim assumptions every week.
while yes, we absolutely need to back the show live and drag in friends to do the same, especially nielsen homes, prelims are so bad lately that comments on ratings boards are like
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i need you to understand these are ratings professionals and hobbyists of decades, Patrick in particular has been part of SR since the 90s. He knows what's up, so if people don't listen to me, listen to him.
there can be violent adjustments in prelims, especially since they often don't include SD views, and atop that we don't even have a skew reporting yet to find out how much of that viewership loss, IF it sticks, actually fuckin matters or if it's old people out of demo turning off their TV. Look at AA's audience size and the demo it pulls.
We should expect decline, 15-25% in the first 3 episodes or so is standard. That's in demo, not audience. Audience isn't worth a shit. Literally, worthless. If only 20K of the people there are in demo we might lose 0.02 for example. And just be a flat 1. Even with audience depression.
skews aren't out yet, I've been foraging, but I"m also not stressed because, again, it's prelims. Everyone in fandom is gonna make hysterical noises and proclamations.
This also was a bit of a demo spread test. AA/AA:H wasn't impacted heavily by Verizon Fios because only one of the bajillion stations knocked out was a heavily black demo area (DC), while the white areas nexstar owns lost their own viewership from THEIR stations (ABC etc), so it all kind of averaged out.
Winchesters, however, isn't as strictly black of an audience. It's a more diversified distribution. So what this tells Nexstar is that DC and Buffalo are, in fact, pretty important viewing centers, if it takes a substantial hit. TW doesn't lean on a singular racial demographic but a broad one, so when it gets knocked out across miscellaneous geographical distributions, it's overall impacted more than say, what happened with AA.
But again, waiting for actual numbers and breakdowns worth a shit. Skew came in while I was typing and it's currently clocking at 27%, which is 10% higher than last time, but that's also due to them figuring out audience vs rounded demo vs others so that could adjust a bit down. Either way, odds are that 500K is worth a lot more than it looks like, but we have to see how the outtages impacted real distribution in finals.
we're probably looking around 0.08 if i were to spitball. lowest range 0.07. If we do better we withstood the verizon outtage better than i expected. though i gotta say walker is gonna want real bad for that outtage to be fixed before Thursday because their demographic will be even more violently effected.
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luvpogl-music · 1 year
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And so now where were we my, midnight minions, in the words of this magical mystery tour we began last night about one special girl and one special boy that blessed the world for all of us. Oh, yes I believe dangling ankles had just been put back to rest and since last night the boys went first, let us continue tonight with rule number one any gentlemen should learn; so ladies first tonight and we will see whats going on with the magic that newborn girl was given to hold on too.
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It was not long after grandmother had fell back to rest with a gentle rocking to keep the peace of her soul in line with time when that baby girl broke the morning with laughs and goo's. So excited with the morning that little girl got too loud for grandma to longer ignore. Whisping the child into her arms wrapped in swaddling cloths they rushed to the table for girl talk and breakfast. Finishing the conversations from the night before, soon mother and father arrived to claim the newborn prize.
Through the night the parents had discussed it in depth just what to call this newborn gift they had been given (NO, it's not @taylorswift if anyone reads this) they named the child Noira as was the claim her grandmother laid upon her head the night before. Little Noira was quite a child to contend with blessed with many gifts including one of charm that could not be resisted.
As this little girl grew to a young child her parents began to notice odd things in her progression. Now to most parents this would have been cause for concern, but not for them they gave her the support and strength to accept it; even when the days came that it was clear she was nothing like the other kids. She played with spiders in her hair and kept imaginary friends in the basket of her bicycles long past the age that is acceptable by doctor's standards. At such a young age she never cared or understood what all the fuss was about; but her parents kept close watch protecting her close from the world most children are exposed too.
For many blessed with this condition they would have grown spoiled and rotten, but for her it just made her heart grow bigger and bigger welling up with excitement and surprise; never giving up just how magical the world was even when no one else could see it. And Noir soon grew into adolescence, that age when kids start to change from purity of their youth and allow themselves to accept the pressures and ridicules of friends. On occasions she would find herself back visiting with grandma who helped her through the times she couldn't understand it or started to regret it.
It was established early on between granddaughter and grandmother that this secret was never to be spoke of in detail, even with mom and dad. It was a girls secret passed down from Eve that only the two of them could ever know, in part to keep it special and in part because it was well known among the two tribes that became twelve the power this gift held, setting among them the evil seed of deception and pride trying to steal it from those blessed by it.
When she did not have grandma to talk to her about it, there were only her invisible friends to help reason it out, after all grandma said they were all right as long as she learned to keep them secret as she got older or their would certainly be trouble for her and everyone that could not understand a connection so close to a world that didn't exist, one that no one else could see, save the sons and daughters held in the bosom Abraham.
Just before her teen years began strange things began to happen to Noir, things that were often just excused as the changes a girl goes through as she gets older, but Noir knew this was different then any of her friends at school would speak of and often she found herself putting on the face of laughter and agreement with them to placate there senses, but inside she only sunk deeper into her spirits making her feel odd and alone in this crowded world of so many.
When these feeling began to take over, she started writing words and poems to help express the thoughts she could tell no one else about; she could always offer them to heaven, stuck in a box under her bed she'd kept them hoping one day those prayers would come true. And with little guidance to guide her journey through it, as is way for any true Hebrew child.
As time went on and the voices of her soul got louder and louder she began to dream big things and convinced herself this gift of magic of hers was meant to take her on a journey through the stars as she had learned that some of them. especially the founders of places like Hollywood, knew well of the gift with which no one ever spoke, it was just understood.
She began to harness the voices of those spirits she could hear and mark their words into poems, the strongest ones were those she could relate so close to in their feelings. It was not just radio or televisions that ushered them in, she sometimes became so enthralled with the words of a book or story that more than once she fell of her seat while reading them. As if the symbols on the page wrapped her in a blanket pulling her into the scene.
Using the talent and putting in much hard work trying to develop the skill and practice it took, it was not long before she found herself cast into the lion's den of life, believing that those around her too understood just where all those gifts of music she made came from, not realizing that most of them had no clue, they just sought to exploit it for there dreams of gold and chains at her expense. And although it hurt from a distance as every grown member of a tribe knows, she had to learn it for herself.
What she never knew and no one told her before that some of those things she wrote and sang weren't meant for her to take, they were someone else's breath from God above, but as a child even He couldn't fault a child acting through the courage of innocence.
[So, that's where we will leave this little girl Noir tonight, wrapped in the cocoon of her dreams, no where near ready to become a butterfly yet. Knocking on the door of a trouble all teenagers must walk through, and some never return, learning that more people are built in this world to hurt rather than love and comforted still by the fact that a knight donned in blue and gold would rush in one day and take her away from the madness that had begun]
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