#and then when I come back from my class. moments later. because it was cancelled. SHES JUST SITTING AT HER DESK
weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
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lacontroller1991 · 8 months
Baths and Tea (Jonathan Crane x GN!Reader)
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Main Master List || MISC Master List
Requested by anon: I wish you would write a fic where Crane takes care of reader when they have a stressful day and he sees they are a bit on edge, I need comfort sorry u.u....
-- Anya 🍓
Warnings: just a really really shitty day, mentions of nudity/undressing, language
Word Count: 1.1k
It all started with a cold bed. You woke up at around 7:30, expecting to cuddle into the side of your boyfriend and go back to sleep only to feel no body presence by your side. You initially shrugged it off and still got out of bed to grab coffee. When you got to the coffee pot you thought it would be hot, but when you took a sip, it was cold. 
“You gotta be kidding me.” You had murmured to yourself, eyes rolling at how thoughtful your boyfriend is.
When you managed to get to your class, after missing the bus, you found out that it was canceled and this pissed you off. Normally, professors would send courtesy emails to let students know if the class is canceled but apparently not.
By the time lunch had come around you were already done with the day. To try and lift up your spirits, you decided to go to your favorite lunch spot by campus, hoping that they would have your favorite item on the menu, but just your luck, they didn’t. “This day literally couldn’t get any worse.”
It did. And by the time you got home for the day, you were ready to cry and just bury yourself underneath a pile of blankets. Which is how your boyfriend finds you.
Jonathan typically isn’t the affectionate type. You would even go as far as saying that he doesn’t know what the word affection means. He sometimes wonders why you haven’t left him for someone a little more…warm. Finding you underneath a pile of blankets though? It raises concern in him. 
Moving to your side of the bed, he sits on the edge, trying to find your face under the mound but failing to do so. Instead, he pulls back the covers only to find your eyes puffy and tears running down your face. 
“Dove? What’s wrong?” Despite the words of concern, they sound apathetic, and you instantly notice.
“Why do you even care?” The abrasiveness of your comment causes him to jolt back. He definitely did not expect that from you. He tries to think of what to do. It’s clear that you’ve had a rough day and he wants to make it better. Nodding his head tersely, he leaves your side and goes to the kitchen. 
Not even 5 minutes later he's walking back into the room, a cup of hot tea in his hands. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed again, he lightly nudges you causing you to push the blankets away and look up at him through tear soaked lashes. 
“I made you your favorite tea.” He offers the tea to you and you take it from him, savoring the warmth that the cup provides, eyeing him suspiciously.
“What did you put in it?” 
“Nothing that I wanted to,” he tries to make a joke about his work, but he gathers it’s not the right crowd right now. “Do you want to talk about your day?”
You take a sip of the tea, letting the warm drink soothe your throat and warm your body. You can’t deny that him making you tea did boost your mood slightly. People often ask you why you’re with Jonathan Crane of all people. He’s cold. Calculative. Creepy. Apathetic. But none of those things really bother you. You try to focus on the good in him, and it’s moments like this that make you glad that you’ve stayed with him, even if he is a challenge.
“It’s just you weren’t here this morning and didn’t bother heating up some coffee. Then I was late to class because the bus system fucking sucks and it was all a mute point because class was cancelled anyways. I tried getting my favorite lunch but they were out of it, and when I chose another option, my card declined. Then when I went to my other class we got our exams back and I didn’t do as well as I wanted to. When I got home I got an email saying that the job I had applied for was now occupied and they don’t need me. To make matters worse, the same asshole professor that randomly canceled class just posted a new assignment that’s due tomorrow and it’s supposed to be 8 pages long. A research paper. Due tomorrow.” You start to cry again and Jonathan takes the drink out of your hands, setting it to the side before pulling you into his arms as best as he can. Even though he is a trained psychologist and an active psychiatrist, he doesn’t know what to do. 
“That sounds horrible. I’m sorry.” He comments nonchalantly while stroking your hair softly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you begin to calm down, nuzzling into him lightly.
“It is horrible. I just want today to be over.” Jonathan pulls away and hands you back your drink before standing to his full height and disappearing into the bathroom. You try to move your head and see what he’s doing, but it becomes obvious when you hear the bathtub faucet running. Jonathan appears a second later and offers you a hand. Taking his hand, he pulls you out of bed and towards the bathroom where you see the tub being filled with water and bubbles? “Jonathan?”
“Why don’t you get in the bath and I’ll run down to that Chinese place you like to grab some dinner. Does that work?” He stands slightly awkwardly as a smile creeps its way onto your face. Again, it’s moments like these where you really love him. 
“Can you stay with me? I really want some physical affection.” He nods his head and begins to strip while you watch with a smirk on your face. Upon realizing that you’re staring at him, he looks at you through his glasses. 
“Aren’t you going to get undressed?”
“Mmhmm I’m just enjoying the view.” He doesn’t make a comment as he watches you undress and slip into the tub before joining you, awkwardly positioning himself behind you as you lean back into him. “This is really nice.”
“I’m sorry you had a bad day,” he comments more sincerely this time, pushing your hair aside and pressing a soft kiss against your shoulder, causing you to shiver. 
“You’re making it better.” He smiles against your skin as his arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against him. 
“I’m glad to hear that. Do you want me to kill the professor?” He’s 98% serious and you know it.
“Jonathan,” you warn as he lets out a chortle.
“What? I was only kidding.” A moment of silence. “Partially.”
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devilfic · 3 months
Saw the previous Matt Murdock post and I can’t help but think of him as college professor dynamic???!
❝criminal law professor!matt murdock❞
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cw: law school professor matt being everyone's wet dream, brief mention of alcohol, brief suggestive content. words: 1.3k.
AHHHHHHH criminal law professor!matt who never set out to teach but got invited to a lecture held by an old lawyer friend of his and built up such good rapport with the students that when one of them came up to him after class and told him they'd sign up for any class he'd teach, the cogs started turning
only teaches one class a semester, probably one class a year
one of those professors that almost everybody wants to get in with but is prone to several dropouts after the first two weeks because of his teaching style
he's very casual most of the time but very much hands-on and will not let up on you for a second if he thinks it's a teaching moment
he's relentless. he is not an easy A but you will come out of his class better than you went in
his favorite part of the job is getting into ethical debates with the students
likes to do a lot of mock trials and very regularly stick his students with cases that test their moral judgment
it's not to make them feel bad or play at having the higher moral ground if they make a "wrong" decision, but more so to force them to consider what they're willing to compromise on to win a case
and whether winning cases is the best thing for them or for their client
he's the type of professor who will gladly stay an hour or two after class just chatting it up with students over cases he's done in the past or answering questions about practicing law professionally
he grades hard but he always offers ample feedback to make his students do better next time
has a saying that he'll never turn down a coffee from a student trying to butter him up
and immediately follows up with "it won't make me change your grade but it will help me remember your name"
this motherfucker definitely likes to sit on the edge of his desk while teaching, too
undoes his tie a bit when he gets passionate about a topic, rolls up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, has to stop himself from pacing the room without his walking stick when he feels particularly excited about a discussion
does not care about late work like at all
as long as you get it to him before the end of the semester, you'll be fine
you'll be panicking, emailing him about how you're so sorry but your laptop got stolen on your way home and that you'll have to rewrite your entire paper from scratch in the school lab tonight so it'll be a day late and you'll get a response back in 4 minutes that just says "No problem, stay safe - Sent from my iPhone"
and... your laptop is mysteriously returned a few days later. apparently whoever stole it had a serious change of heart. you also got a 98 on your paper
(he may not be swayed to change your grade with coffee but he is a bit of a softie when it comes to stuff like this)
he's also just the hottest professor on campus. do I even have to say it at this point
comes to class everyday in a nice button-up, very form-fitting trousers (none of his students have ever seen him in a pair of jeans nor will they), glasses perched on the tip of his nose, a leather messenger bag at his side that is mysteriously well-stocked with first aid supplies, and a loose red tie around his throat
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do you see the vision
cancels class often because of daredevil business and treats these as days to work on papers
tries not to cut class short because of daredevil business
it actually makes him a bit sad when he has to, and so he makes it an open invitation that if students catch him out in the wild or walking around campus, they can bother him as much as they want
his TA is a little (a lot) exasperated with him but he makes up for it by buying them food. it has actually put a dent in his budget at this point but their appeasement makes it worth it
he has an office on campus but he very rarely uses it for office hours, you can pretty much find him anywhere BUT his office
he likes to meet in coffee shops or lecture halls or parks on campus because he feels like it's less daunting for students to just sit and talk out in the open
he's very popular on valentine's day
students and faculty alike will shower him with chocolates and mini bottles of wine and roses and proposals to go out for drinks sometime and he always accepts the gifts graciously
and then passes them onto his TA, karen, or foggy
although he'd be lying if he said he didn't keep some of the wine for himself
he has a strict rule against dating within the university, he'd just rather it not be awkward
now,,, a one night stand with a fellow professor maybe? no strings attached? he's not opposed to that
let's just say that tie and office are getting put to good use-
if you're a student and want a piece though, you're gonna have to wait until you've gotten your degree, sorry
he happens to like his one class a semester/year and he'd very much not like to deal with the legal repercussions of getting caught with a student. repercussions of which he is well-versed in
but alright. I mentioned that he sometimes has to cancel class because of daredevil business and so I MUST tackle the big question: does anyone suspect him
yes and no
it starts out simple. sometimes he shows up to lectures with cuts and bruises, some bandaged but fresh, and swears that it's nothing to worry about. you might catch him wearing the rare sweater on those days, even
when he gets questioned about it, he sort of spins some half-baked lie about boxing being his part-time hobby
and then people start noticing that he's never around when there's a daredevil sighting
now, he doesn't always cancel class for daredevil business. sometimes it's because he's got a client to take care of!
but he also loves to invite his students to sit in on the less serious cases so. what gives
one student starts a rumor and then it kind of becomes a joke in class that professor murdock is secretly daredevil
most of them don't take it seriously because how could their sweet, chill, blind professor murdock be a crime-fighting vigilante? it just wouldn't make sense!
and you know what this bitch does? he feeds into it
student: yeah, professor murdock is daredevil. that's a good one
matt: what do you mean?
student: oh, it's just a joke! we know you couldn't be daredevil
matt: but I am
student: hahaha that's funny
matt: no, I really am daredevil. haven't you noticed? same build, never in the same place at the same time, devilishly handsome
student: uh-huh, sure thing professor
matt: is it cause I'm blind? that's pretty insensitive, don't you think? you don't think blind people just read braille all day and get walked across the street, do you? is that what you think?
student: well I mean no but like... I mean.... uh....
matt: nahhh I'm just fucking with you. I am daredevil, though
student: hahaha for sure man, definitely
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he does fly too close to the sun one day though when one of his students tries to debate him in class about it for shits and giggles and accidentally comes up with such a compelling argument for why he could definitely be daredevil that he sort of just nervously laughs and stops making jokes about it for the next four weeks
also keeps a flask in his desk drawer to pour into his mug after a rough night on patrol. but if anyone asks, no the fuck he didn't. mind your business. you have a C in his class
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes
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I wake up at three in the morning to go to the airport
I got two hours of sleep because I make good life choices
I’m in the last boarding group so I have to courtesy check my suitcase
Ten minutes later I have a moment of utter panic because I can’t find my suitcase
In my defense it is extremely morning and I got two hours of sleep
Flight itself is mostly uneventful
Apparently we landed just ahead of a nasty storm
The pilot says all the planes behind us were probably getting diverted to other airports
Man I really dodged a bullet
Sure my flight to Kansas City is probably delayed but there’s some slack in my schedule, I can manage
My flight to Kansas City is not delayed
It is cancelled
If I reschedule online I can’t get to Kansas City until tomorrow
Tomorrow *night*, specifically
I mean technically I could go to Chicago and then back to Kansas City and get there at 8 or so but that seems way too convoluted and anyway it’s too late to make the connection
Wait a second
I am not actually going to Kansas City
I am going to a tiny campground in the middle of nowhere
I am just meeting friends in Kansas City because it’s on the way
I could go to other places
Briefly consider renting a car to just drive from Dallas to the camp site
There is a flash flood warning
Also: two hours of sleep
Never mind definitely not doing that
I stand in line for one hour and fifty-five minutes to talk to a person
The people just ahead of me in line are dealing with their second cancelled flight in two days across two different airports
Damn that sucks
The airline books me on an afternoon flight to Springfield
If the camp site is in the middle of nowhere then Springfield would be the edge of nowhere
Friends make arrangements to get me picked up
At this point I am exhausted and my feet hurt and my phone’s battery is nearly dead
I get to my gate and collapse in a chair
Text from the airline:
The flight to Springfield is cancelled
I was booked for less than an hour
Maybe the planes behind mine are the ones that dodged a bullet
I get in another line
By now I have been in the airport for five and a half hours and I’ve been standing for five of them
At least the line is shorter this time
Agent says there are no open seats on flights to Springfield for the rest of the evening
But he spends a minute refreshing to see if an opening comes up
An opening comes up
In first class
(I’ve never flown first class before)
At PRECISELY the same moment I get a text from my partner
Trump is convicted on all counts
You know what
I take it back
Today doesn’t entirely suck
I don’t even mind when that flight is delayed two hours too
More time to nap and watch the gundam lesbians show
(Holy shit that’s some intense tonal whiplash at the end of the first season)
(So good)
Am I forgetting something?
Probably not
I get on the flight
My three hour layover took twelve hours
Goodbye Dallas I’ll see you in hell (Dallas)
Land in Springfield just after midnight
My suitcase is in Kansas City
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scribespirare · 1 year
if you still do requests for House… something Hilson with Wilson’s possessive streak popping up, maybe in public?
oh man i haven't done hilson in a while thank u for requesting them!! hopefully im not too rusty w/ them
“Do you know every waitress in the city?”
House glances up from the menu in front of him, and then back at the retreating figure of their waitress. Sarah, apparently, though he’s always known her as Caramel. She looks a lot different with so much clothing on and no heels.
“Only the ones who moonlight as strippers,” House replies. The look Wilson gives him is unamused at best and House raises an eyebrow at him. “What, it’s not my fault we happen to pick restaurants where my favorites work.”
Turning back to his menu, House ignores Wilson’s stony silence. Honestly, the man gets his panties in such a twist sometimes and not even for a good reason. Caramel barely even recognized him; House is sure he looks a lot different too when not cast in low lighting and considerably drunk. And just because two other waitresses have recognized him in the past month, and he them, doesn’t mean anything.
Caramel, sorry Sarah, comes back a few minutes later for their orders. Wilson’s is clipped and terse, about as rude as he ever manages to be to staff. House’s is friendlier and is followed by a question about how Sarah is doing. She immediately brightens up and launches into a story about how the medical advice he’d given her one night (he can’t remember it but even black out he knows his shit) had helped her pass a class for her nursing degree.
House is just about to remind her that she’s got a job to do actually when Wilson, smiling pleasantly, says, “I’m sorry, something has come up, you can cancel that order.” Then he stands, grabs House by the arm, and very clearly indicates that they should leave.
“Oh,” says a surprised Sarah. “Sure. I’ll see you later I guess?”
“You won’t,” Wilson says with confidence.
And House…well it’s not like Wilson could drag him out of here by force. House could very easily refuse to play this little game of jealousy if he wanted to. But he’s also intrigued and so grabs his cane and stands. Instead of being hauled away immediately like he’s expecting, Wilson instead grabs House by the collar and brings him in for a kiss. More than a peck, but not quite long enough for House to get his bearings and make a show of it, purely to taunt Wilson with later.
With that little public display accomplished, Wilson does indeed tug House out of the restaurant, House giving a little wave to a flustered Sarah as they go.
They pause outside, the air cold enough to fog their breaths, to pull on jackets that were thrown over arms in their haste.
“You’re ridiculous,” House says, shifting his cane from one hand to the other.
“I know,” is Wilson’s clipped response.
“And also you owe me dinner.”
“I know.”
“Did I say you were ridiculous? Because you are. Who the hell gets jealous over a stripper?”
“I do, apparently,” Wilson grinds out. “Especially when they’re flirting with you right in front of me.”
“There was not nearly enough cleavage present for that to be considered flirting,” House says with gravitas. Then, because he’s a dick, “You should give me another kiss, I think she’s still watching.”
It’s meant as a joke but Wilson rounds on him, grabs his face in two hands, and kisses him soundly. This time it’s a real kiss, and it drags on and on until House can’t remember why he’d suggested it in the first place, or even that he’d only suggested it in jest. Christ, but Wilson can kiss.
When they finally part House has to take a moment to regather his thoughts. Wilson looks rather smug about it too, the jealous dick.
“You still owe me dinner,” House says the moment his thoughts clear. Wilson’s smug look fades and is followed by an eye roll.
“I’ll buy you McDonald’s. Get in the damn car.”
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
guilty pleasure pt. 1
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Pairing: Jihoon x gn!reader x Mingyu
Genre: smut, some plot
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: mostly Jihoon pov, heavy pining, male masturbation
Summary: You know what’s shittier than liking someone taken? Liking someone taken by your best friend.
author note: HI! I am not sorry for posting this right after the Dino ask. welcome back to bitchlessdino where nana is a mess always. today i bring you to one of my favorite seventeen dynamics. i am obsessed by how mingyuzi are together all the time and i feel like not enough people talk about it. this is a short little bit that builds up to a bigger thing and tags will be according the specific part so keep that in mind.
Chapter list
tagging : @multi-kpop-fanfics @hoshistar96 @dinosbestie @aceofvernons
Jihoon wasn’t stupid, he had eyes. You were absolutely breathtaking and it took every fiber in his body to knock some sense back into him. His attraction to you was unparalleled to anything he had ever felt before, and he felt weak coming to terms with that. Not only were you physically the embodiment of sex and pure charisma, you reeled of class and genuine that he didn’t find in other people. Your setback, however, was the fact you had to be preoccupied, by his roommate nonetheless. 
Mingyu was lucky beyond measure. How he came across you remained a mystery. All Jihoon knew was that out of everyone he’s ever met, you had this quality about you that drew him like a moth to a flame. Your face, your body, your voice.
God, your voice was absolutely electrifying. How these thin walls would talk and how Jihoon would listen, he could write sonnets of how absolutely wretched you made him with the delicious noise you emitted. He was starting believe he never experienced a sexual awakening until you walked right out of Mingyu’s door or moaned as loudly and boldly through the wall where Jihoon slumbered on the other side.
Although all this is true, Mingyu wasn’t the type to keep someone around like he did you.
As far as Jihoon knew, Mingyu’s lust was endless and didn’t limit any single person. As he recalled, several types of people take the walk of shame leaving the same door only to never be the same face. It was stranger after stranger with no repeats. Then again, here you were sleeping over in his shared living space for the umpteenth time. You stuck out in that giant t-shirt, thanks to Mingyu, prancing around the common area in no visible bottoms. Your smile, like a ray of light, energizes his tired mind as you pull out a mug for your serving of coffee.
“Morning, Hoon! When did you get home last night?”
He never once left the apartment complex. 
Coughing, he scratches the back of his neck in discomfort. “I actually worked from home today.”
“Oh. Shit. I hope we weren’t bothering you or something. Were we loud?”
“I had my headphones in. They were noise canceling, so you’re all good.” He nods reassuringly.
“Aw well, good,” the coffee bitter, but uplifting, on your tongue, you finally start to feel alive, “Any plans today or were you gonna stay home?”
Jihoon knew why you had to ask. You were wondering whether the apartment would be free later for you and Mingyu to continue what you were doing last night, without Jihoon being a big cock block in the way, not that it stopped them before. The man simply sighs and munches on his cereal mundanely, shrugging. “I could give you guys some privacy this afternoon.”
“Oh, that's not why I asked,” you professed in a panic, “I was wondering if you wanted to join us today.”
Jihoon had to pause. “Join you?”
All kinds of thoughts ran through his head like venom, trickling into every wrinkle of his brain. Whatever group activity you had planned could only be deduced to one thing for Jihoon at the moment, and it had his blood pumping. The idea of having Mingyu be in the same room was repulsive, probably because he knows where Mingyu has been, but that look in your eyes was more than enough to convince him. And he admits even if it was for a moment, he’d take that chance.
“We were gonna grab lunch at the bear cavern and the pasta they have there is to die for. I thought you’d really enjoy it.”
Not exactly what he expected. In retrospect, this made more sense. “Uh, sure. I guess.”
“Great! Oh, and I started listening to your Spotify playlist and added it to my account. Your selection is so good. I had no idea your taste in music was so sexy,” you playfully nudge with a wink.
His throat runs dry. Even if you were just complimenting his taste in music, hearing the word roll off your tongue so smoothly was enough to burn his ears and cue the butterflies. He handles the edge of the counter with a hard grip, calming himself down the best he could. “T-thanks. I was gonna add some more finds later tonight.”
You finish your mug and clean up the remaining inside the sink, “Can’t wait.”
Jihoon understood his predicament all too well. If he could, he’d make every opportunity to have you gasp his name, have you begging to have him fuck you in every corner of the room, have him the only person on your mind. However, he knew his setbacks, his limitations, and last, but not least, where his loyalty lies.
As irritating as Mingyu can be, he’s his roommate and pretty much his best friend at the end of the day. Having a friendship like this was one in thousands. Yes, the man stood 6 foot three inches, despite being younger, and yes he sometimes uses this knowledge as leverage to occasionally poke fun at Jihoon who was of a decent height. He was so much of what Jihoon isn’t , but despite all that, he knew he could never betray his friend on any level.
His patience was tested that day when the group lunch commenced. You, of course, sat beside Mingyu, having the other roommate to witness every little private intimate gesture made in front of him. Mingyu, love stricken as can be, played with your fingers like a child amused by the simplest of things, his voice hitting the highest of pitches when you made him laugh, and the never-ending gaze he had in your direction. 
Jihoon could feel his guilt boiling over and feared it spilling over to the surface, risking his friendship. He refrained from too many glances. 
“Good right?”
Jihoon picks apart his food, putting on a show by stuffing a fork full of pasta in his mouth. He makes a sound of approval, nodding. You proudly grin, and go on with your meal. Mingyu on the other hand sees his friend with his mouth so full, reaching over with a napkin to dab his roommates face. “Ah, Jihoon. Chew thoroughly please, we can’t have you choking.”
Jihoon swats his hands away, wiping his face himself in defense. “I got it. Keep your hands to yourself.”
The pretty boy pouts but is immediately distracted by the person beside him pulling his arm, complimenting how cute he gets when he’s considerate. It was then at that moment, an employee made a poor lapse of judgment and had a pitcher of lemonade spill all over you. You were taken by surprise, unable to predict that from a mile away, and stepped away from your seat to let the ice fall from your lap and let everyone see the soaked mess you became in a matter of seconds.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.”
“You better be sorry, how could you be so careless?!”
Before Jihoon could stop himself, his voice bounced off the walls of the restaurant furious at the reckless waiter, having never had his voice resonate that loud before at a stranger. You pull him aside, ensuring him it was a simple mistake and you were fine, but Jihoon was doubtful.
“Are you sure? you’re really wet.”
Yeah, he heard it.
“I just need a change of clothes, if you have any.”
“There should be a clean set in my car in my gym bag, that ok?”
“Perfect,” you nod.
You turn to Mingyu briefly to let him know that you’d follow Jihoon back to change and Mingyu paid it no mind. As you follow him back to the car, you embrace your damp body, seeking out the sun to warm up and watch Jihoon open up the car truck to take out a clean shirt for you to change into. He gives it a good sniff before handing it to you, immediately regretting his actions. “Hopefully it smells clean enough.”
You giggle, “This will do just fine.”
You take a sniff yourself and relaxed at how surprising and pleasant its scent was. “Mmh, smells good to me. I’ll go change in the back seat.”
He unlocks his car to give your space and you crawl inside, closing the door behind you. Jihoon flushes a deep red knowing you’d be topless in the car where his back faced, so he took some deep steady breaths. Attempting to stray away from non-platonic thoughts like the underwear you wore or how soft your skin probably was under your clothes. Anything that could get him in trouble.
He was not proud of what he did that night. When he finally got the shirt back after all day of you bathing your scent in it, he couldn’t look at it the same. So, he did what any man blinded by lust could do: he masturbated. However, it wasn’t going to be any normal chain yanking, the shirt had to be involved. 
Flat against the mattress, in a singular tank top, he holds his borrowed shirt in his left hand and his throbbing erection in the right. He strategically places the shirt on his face, panting like a dog as he takes control. Your perfume that ligers, a slight sweat build up, and even the bit of soda residue spill on your skin, he absorbed it all. He pictures your face in his mind. Beautiful, yet sultry, dying to have his angry cock inside you.
He whispers to himself your name, letting his delusions run wild and imagine you do the same for him. He flicks his wrist hard, the fabric of his abused shirt heaving up and down from his breath. His knees arching up in the bed, hips jutting upward, thrusting into nothing until he cums, guilty large streams of ivory heating up the large patch of his bare stomach, then the deafening silence. Simply his breathing and shame was left behind.
He had been lucky neither of the Mingyu nor you had caught him in such a weak state. He would never live to see the next day.
“I’m so fucked.”
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ateezmakemeweep · 2 years
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love is gone (part 3)
word count: 14k
angst, fluff
(part 2) (series masterlist)
you don’t know what you were regretting more in this moment - ‘agreeing’ to go to this party at a rundown frat house that looks ready to collapse or ‘agreeing’ to go to this party because of seonghwa and not yunjin. 
because with you accepting his ‘invitation’ and turning down her and mingi’s came a slew of accusations that have you positive they’d be fending for themselves in the rare event that the dorm burst into flames. 
“you’re dating!” yunjin guessed as she did her makeup, watching you roll your eyes and sneer at her in the mirror.
“okay, but at the very least you kind of like him,” mingi said an hour later, when the plans he spoke so urgently of earlier in the week miraculously got cancelled when he learned of your attendance. 
that one in particular made you scoff, seeing as how this ‘deal’ came about in the first place.
but nothing got you as good as yunjin’s final comment, something she’d probably been concocting in her head since you told her how the late night interaction really went down this morning.
“so you’re telling me you just happened to run into your hot mortal enemy at 3 am after you had a nightmare?”
“yes, yunjin,” you sigh, defeat heavy in your tone. “that’s exactly what i’ve been saying for the past hour.”
“ugh but, like, what are the freakin odds of that!” she squeals, “what are the odds that he catches you at that time and is then able to convince you, you, y/n!, to come to a party? i feel like you’d rather do anything else than go to a party!”
“i wouldn’t use the word convince as much as i would blackmail,” you mutter, explaining the gist of the situation - him holding the beginning of physics hostage - and now, if you tolerate the party for an unspecified amount of time, he’ll leave you be, so,
“i’m simply trying to take back my physics class.”
“so it has simply nothing to do with the fact that he’s hot?”
“not this again,” you sigh, falling back onto your bed. 
you land with a plop and bounce against the springs, wincing a few seconds later when yunjin flails her body across the room and onto your bed, just missing your feet. 
“oh, c’mon, y/n!” she whines, ignoring your quiet groans of protest. “you can’t sit there and tell me he’s not hot! the way he smiles at you is soooo-”
“nothing. is soooo nothing because he doesn’t smile at me any type of way.”
“oh please! it’s lust, roomie slash bestie slash asshole from physic’s not so secret crush!” yunjin proclaims, the urge to just kick her a little causing your foot to twitch. 
“pure, unfiltered, feral-” 
“wait a minute,” yunjun exclaims, your and mingi’s gaze shifting from the daunting frat house to her. she looks every bit as excited and determined as you feel hesitant, not able to stop the grimace at her words that follow. 
“lust! that’s it!” the girl exclaims loudly. 
“you wanna freakin kiss him! you don’t have to like him or be dating him to want to kiss him!” yunjin concludes, like she’d solved world hunger or global warming. “i told you! the hot assholes are always-”
“i already told you why!” you snap quietly, pulling her arm so she stops her ridiculous flailing. “and keep your voice down. you have a bad habit of-”
“blowing up everyone’s spot? tell me about it,” mingi scoffs, yunjin standing between you two like a very guilty child. 
“listen yunjin, if y/n wants to kiss the hot asshole who is obviously interested in her and she’s obviously somewhat interested in back, but is maybe too scared or intimidated or hesitant to pursue right away, then who are we to-”
“mingi,” you interrupt, the tall man turning to you with love and affection in his eyes; judging from his bright smile, he thinks you’re about to thank him. 
he couldn’t be more wrong.
“you’re not helping.”
his face falls and yunjin scoffs, mocking his words as you stare at them blankly; maybe if you slip away right now, they won’t notice you’re gone. 
maybe you don’t have to do this at all.
maybe they’ll argue for so long, the party will end. or get busted by the cops - whichever comes first, you really don’t care.
you just wanna resist going in there and starting this night for as long as you can. 
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seven minutes. 
they only argued for seven minutes, a new personal low for the duo, and you’d wish they argued for longer. way longer.
because after finally being dragged into the house by them, you were hit with nothing but a sweaty sea of people, body odor mixed with stale alcohol, and the overwhelming need to flee - crowds never bothered you until this very moment.
until you were so surrounded by loud screaming and strangers and the reminder that this is everything you said you wouldn’t do, you started to hate park seonghwa even more than you did an hour ago. 
“how does he invite you and then not, like, find you?” yunjin grumbles, only now noticing the irony of the situation - seonghwa harasses you, blackmails you, even, into coming and now he’s nowhere to be seen. 
he couldn’t text you (thankfully) because you didn’t exchange numbers but how else is he gonna know you kept up your end of the deal?
you, yunjin and mingi bounced around the house finding drinks and talking to anyone that looked your way. 
your roommate was able to make conversation with anyone, girls proclaiming their love for her and guys showing a clear interest she was oblivious to.
mingi also already seemed to know everyone and their mother on campus, introducing you to two other boys named yeosang and jongho from one of his classes.
they banter back and forth like they’ve known each other for years and not barely a month; if there’s one thing that amazes you about your new friends, it’s how comfortable they’re able to make people in such a short amount of time. 
“i wouldn’t say i’m stupid but i would say i’m-”
“a fucking idiot!” yunjin interjects, pulling away from her conversation with a drunken sorority girl. “yeosang, is it? riddle me this. me and y/n are roommates but mingi over here seems to think...”
your lips pull into a small smile as you watch the two interact, yunjin talking a mile a minute as yeosang watches her. his expression is interested but also slightly fearful, a quiet chuckle leaving your mouth. 
“flames, yeosang! i’m talking flames! a big, boom, fiery explosion where y/n can only...”
“to her credit, he looks like that when anyone talks to him,” the boy next to you says, looking over and remembering his name is jongho. “she can’t take it personally. he’s shy.”
“to be honest, i’m not sure she even notices,” you say, a smile lighting up jongho’s face - the two drinks in her probably doesn’t help either. you fear what that means for her lack of a filter. 
the boy beside you laughs, lapsing back into a comfortable silence. or as silent as it could be between you both, loud chatter, cheers and rap music blaring through the house. 
you almost wanna break the silence and say something, keep the conversation going for the sake of not standing here quietly, but you think he might need it too. 
he looks deep in contemplation, maybe like you, wondering why the hell he’s here or where the person who coerced him into coming is. 
a loud bang coming from the other room causes you and jongho to turn your heads, watching as two big frat guys begin to wrestle shirtless; you can’t quite tell if it’s for fun or serious but you know the line is probably very fine. 
the beer from their cups spills onto the floor, two large bodies promptly collapsing. your view is quickly blocked by hoards of gathering people, many of them cheering and taking bets on who is gonna win.
you and jongho share a flat look that causes both of you to chuckle. 
“i didn’t even wanna come to this shit, you know,” jongho grumbles as you nod - if only he knew how much you relate to that. 
“i started seeing this girl from one of my classes and she basically forced me to come.”
“oh?” you say, eyes peering the room for anyone looking his way; maybe she’s lost in the sea of sweaty drunks. “where is she now?”
“i have no idea,” he whines, something about his facial expression and high-pitched tone causing you to giggle; it seems uncharacteristic but also not. like something about this girl is just slowly bringing it out in him.
“i like her but she seems a little nuts. in a good way, don’t get me wrong, but she’s probably off-”
“like. a fucking. movie!” 
you recognize her voice immediately, a familiar smirk tugging at your lips as you turn around to meet her. 
she must catch the way your eyes flash with recognition, not only remembering her elevator monologue but from the few times you’ve seen each other around the dorm. 
“i know you,” she says, her eyes glassy and words slurred. 
“we live on the same floor,” you say, “kristabelle, right?”
“kristabelle riley, yes,” she smiles, her voice chipper and cheery. “i see you’ve met jongmo.”
your lips twitch as you quickly glance at jongmo, defeat and amusement in his face that you’re also a little too familiar with.
“and i hate to take him away from you, um...”
“y/n,” you smile. 
her face brightens like she recalls that, a light going off in her head, but you don’t think you ever formally introduced yourself to her. 
“right! y/n! well, y/n, jongmo promised me shots and i finally found him so i must steal him away.”
you can’t quite tell if the boy wants to go or not, his face willing but body language otherwise; for a moment, you briefly consider getting on kristabelle riley’s bad side until you see yunjin coming at you with a deadly expression.
small shoulders rigid, eyes pulled into angry slits and a walk so powerful, you think she might’ve just defeated mingi once and for all.
“y/n,” she says, her eyes moving from you to the other two. “jongho. kristabelle riley. how are you all doing? great? amazing!” 
her cat-like gaze moves to you, like she’s trying to peer into your very soul in the middle of this party right now. 
“y/n, can i talk to you for a second? over there?”
the sense of urgency in her hushed tone is causing your own eyes to narrow, dismissing jongho and kristabelle with a small smile. 
“nice meeting you jongmo,” you mutter, not able to stop your smirk as yunjin pulls you away.
she leads you past mingi and yeosang who seem to be debating about nonsense, standing behind one of the glass doors leading to the kitchen. 
it’s a large space but completely crowded with people, with such loud chatter and screaming you can’t make out any conversations. you can barely make out faces with how many people are packed in there like sardines. 
“is something wrong?” you ask, the sense of urgency behind her unnerving; it’s greater than usual. “did you and mingi fight?”
“we always fight,” she mutters, a smile puling at your lips before you see her eyes soften ever so slightly. like the way someone’s do when they’re about to tell you something they don’t think you’ll like. 
“before i tell you this, i wanna ask you something. and please be honest.”
those words, despite complete innocence, always have a way of turning your stomach ever so slightly - what could she possibly be so cryptic about? 
“o-kay...” you say, although it sounds more like a question, words dragging out a little longer than usual. 
“how do you really feel about seonghwa?” she asks, your eyes about to roll before she continues without missing a beat. 
“do you really just wanna do this to get physics back or do you maybe like him a little? like... is there a chance you maybe do like him just a little bit and are scared or intimidated like mingi said?”
“seonghwa doesn’t intimidate me in the slightest, let me make that clear,” you say, although you can’t deny the way your eyes immediately look up and quickly survey the room.
you may somehow miss his obnoxiously attractive face but you know for sure, if it was quiet enough to hear his voice in this room, your body would have a visceral reaction to it, alerting you of his presence. 
but because you can’t hear anything and because you missed him in the sea of people, you have no idea he’s watching you right now. 
“i... can’t say i feel anything toward him, yunjin,” you answer honestly, certainly knowing you find him smug and irritating and obnoxious and pushy but, for some reason, not enough to say you necessarily dislike him. 
“i barely know him.”
“and yet, you accepted to come to this party?”
“we went over a hundred times why i came to this-”
“i saw him talking to a girl,” she blurts out, his tall, extremely obvious presence  catching her attention in the kitchen a few minutes ago. 
“and like, not just talking talking. it seemed like they were flirting. or she was at least flirting with him. did he seriously invite you here even though he has a girlfriend? because i totally don’t want this to happen now.”
“does your girlfriend know you wanna be friends with me so bad?”
“now who’s so interested in who?” seonghwa smirks, the teasing in his tone causing you to scoff. “hana’s not my girlfriend, by the way. not even close.”
“he claims to not be dating her, if it’s the same girl who was in the cafeteria with him.”
yunjin’s eyes widen, probably at the fact that you two have already spoken about this. it’ll probably make her mind go on and on with different conspiracies even though ten seconds ago, she was ready to chop his-
“so he’s already being honest about the girls he surrounds himself with? interesting. that could only mean that he-”
“’invited’ me here but has yet to find me?” you say, using her own words against her. “and is now spending his time with another girl instead?” 
judging from the way her face falls, eyes surveying the room like she’s trying to find him again, you know she knows you’re right. 
“i told you the reason i came here and it’s the truth, yunjin,” you say, a smile threatening to pull on your lips because she means well. “thank you for looking out though. i appreciate it. really.”
and if you were someone who was capable of putting your feelings into someone right now, making the silly choice as a college girl to invest yourself into someone like park seonghwa, you know she’d be a great friend to have. 
but those are joys, even if it’d just end in foolish heartbreak, that you can’t allow yourself to have. 
you just need seonghwa to see you here tonight, get whatever he wants out of you for reasons still unknown to you, so you could get back into the routine of your physics class. 
“i just... i thought maybe you liked him a little,” yunjin whines softly, a pout on her pretty, red-tinted face. “both times i saw you with him, you were smiling. and you don’t smile a lot, so i just thought...” 
right as her soft-spoken, innocent words cause your heart to ache, she halts. like someone else has caught her attention from across the room.
a part of you fears she’s spotted seonghwa again, is about to yell out “the asshole!” and leave you with no other option than to drag her out by her hair until she squeals “hongjoong!”
you crane your neck behind you just as a boy’s eyes flash with recognition at her voice, a smile lighting up his face before his gaze moves to you. your eyes narrow when his expression falters ever so slightly, looking at you as if he somehow knows you.
he doesn’t look familiar at all to you, though. he’s not in any of your classes, you’d probably remember him, and you don’t know how else you would-
yunjin’s dragging you over to him before you can place him as one of the guys in the cafeteria that day. 
his blonde hair and small shoulders shaking in amusement as he playfully hit the taller, brooding, obnoxious man you know more than you care to in the arm. 
you never had any intentions of meeting his friends, wooyoung was the one he mentioned, but leave it to your roommate to meet one of them by chance.
“hey yunjin,” hongjoong says, his eyes quickly glancing at you. “didn’t know if you two would make it.”
“three actually. mingi came too!”
you think for a moment they all know each other until hongjoong just nods, his facial features so sharp and striking, you can’t help but find this obnoxiously attractive friend group irksome.
attractive is one thing. entitled, self-serving, immature assholes is anoth-
“are you her roommate y/n? she talks about you a lot,” hongjoong says, his voice seemingly sincere. “we’re in the same journalism classes.”
you side-eye yunjin because, despite the stupid smile on her face, she hasn’t mentioned the boy. you’re gonna have to talk to her about being intrusive but keeping her own boy updates to herself. 
“i am. nice to meet you, hongjoong.”
“i think you actually know my friend seonghwa,” he says, holding back a smirk when your face twitches at his name. 
“he’s in my physics cla-”
“he invited her here and is nowhere to be seen!” yunjin blurts out, a sigh leaving your mouth because, truly, you expected this - where is mingi to save the day? 
“like not for nothing, hongjoong, but that’s super rude of your friend. i can’t help but question the company you-”
“yo, is this y/n?” another boy asks, dark hair swooping and figure looming; you remember him, thinking he was broader and taller than mingi. 
you feel calmed when you promptly hear his deep booming voice, arm loosely wrapping around your shoulder.
“who’s asking?”
you, yunjin and even hongjoong watch the stare down that ensues, yunho looking at mingi with a smirk while the other watches curiously. there’s a slight twinge of pink to his cheeks from the three beers he’s consumed in the past hour. 
“me, handsome. my name’s yunho,” the tall boy says, tone and gaze flirty like a seasoned professional. “and you are?”
“her boyfriend.”
your lips twitch at the deep, booming laughter that leaves the man, his contagious chuckle enough to make yunjin, herself, snort aloud; mingi throws the dirtiest look tonight her way. 
she’ll be getting her ass handed to her later.
you’ve never seen mingi’s eyes narrow the way they do in this crowded room. he’s looked playfully like that at yunjin, even you sometimes, but you could tell it was always funny.
as a joke.
he seems to really be having a stand off with the giant in front of him right now, the two of them eye-to-eye, with yunho only having about an inch on him. it doesn’t seem to intimidate mingi on the surface but something tells you yunho somehow sees more. 
“what do you mean bullshit?” mingi asks, like it’s the most outrageous thing he’s ever heard. 
“i mean bullshit,” yunho says, his stare full of mirth trapped on the boy. like a predator to pray, probably the very same looks bystanders see you and seonghwa exchange but you’d deny with a vengeance. 
“there’s more of a chance of you becoming my boyfriend than being hers,” the tall man continues, mingi scoffing as he tightens his arm around you. “maybe after tonight, if you’re lucky, you will be.”
“please,” mingi scoffs, “you’re not my type.”
you press your lips together at mingi’s snark, the subtlest change in his voice. it holds the snark that it has when he banters like this with yunjin but there’s also the slightest quiver to it. 
like the man’s piercing eyes and noticeably broad figure just might be affecting him a little - you’d be more surprised if it didn’t. 
“no?” yunho quips, the dip in his tone and eyes lowering even making yours widen. “then what’s with the blush on your cheeks? and was that a quiver i heard in your pretty voice?”
“if i didn’t know any better, yunho, i’d think you were-”
“what’s going on?”
you didn’t realize you were smiling watching the mingi-yunho banter until your face falls, seonghwa’s voice filling your ears. your gaze shifts to see him looking right at you, dark eyes as taunting as they are piercing. 
you hate that your heart jumps in your chest, the black shirt clinging to his torso and delicate silver chain falling right to the middle of his chest. 
“what’s going on is that you stood up, y/n,” hongjoong says, walking over to wrap his arm around his shoulder and smack his back playfully. “not a good impression to make, dude.”
“especially when she didn’t even wanna come, you basically forced her-” just as you were about to elbow yunjin, mingi did the job of covering her mouth with his hand.
“why are you touching other girls in front of your girlfriend, pretty boy?” yunho asks, mock shock and outrage on his face. “what kind of man are you?”
“he’s actually the type of man who kisses other me-”
yunjin managed to get his hand off her mouth for mere seconds before mingi growls her name and covers it again. you can’t even feel upset when he drags her away and leaves you with seonghwa and his two friends. 
she deserves several verbal lashings. 
“yo, y/n, for real though, you think he’ll date me?” yunho asks, “he’s cute. i love him, i think.”
“probably not,” you answer dryly, truly not knowing mingi’s type or preferences. 
hongjoong bursts out laughing and you even catch the way seonghwa’s lip quirks in amusement, yunho looking all types of dejected. 
there’s a few moments of silence between the group, your eyes bouncing everywhere but seonghwa who you know is watching you.
hongjoong and yunho side-eye each other with matching smirks, more and more unimpressed by their friend’s ‘progress’ with you.
“anyway...” hongjoong says, clasping his arm around yunho’s wrist. “we’ll leave you two be. seonghwa has some making up to do, doesn’t he, y/n? lots of it, it appears.”
the two stumble away like a bumbling duo of idiots, your eyes like daggers as you watch them walk off giggling and smacking at each other. you find it hard to believe they’re grown men.
you look up to see seonghwa’s gaze hasn’t moved from you, lips now fully pulled into his signature smirk.
“do i have some making up to do, y/n?” he hums, voice low for the volume of the room but your ears still managing to catch his every word. “if so, how exactly can i do that for you?”
your eyes narrow at his flirty tone, his smirk widening as you do so. 
“let me guess,” he continues, “give you your 15 minutes back in-”
“physics. yes. you’re a genius,” you spit back, quickly talking again so you don’t focus on the way his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek. 
“so now that you see i’m here, in the flesh, why don’t you stick to your end of the bargain so i can get out of here?”
“i wanted to hang out, y/n, and get to know you,” he says, leaning his shoulder against the wall beside him. “how am i gonna do that if you leave right away?”
“i’ve been here for over an hour, not like you’d know.”
you don’t mean to sound as bitter as you do, you were more annoyed than anything for obvious reasons, but you know it’s the worst possible thing you could’ve said. 
because now his smirk is growing. 
his eyes are softening with a subtle, teasing look that causes your stomach to swoop dangerously. 
it also doesn’t help how close he is, swallowing the lump in your throat as you lean back against the counter. it presses into your bare back, the short top yunjin insisted you borrow from her leaving more skin than you’re used to exposed.
you were grateful for it in this hot, stuffy house up until this point.
“if i’d known you were here sooner, i would’ve came and found you,” seonghwa says, not missing the way his eyes indiscreetly look you up and down; your lip would’ve curled in disgust if it didn’t send the slightest thrill through you. 
a very foreign, essentially non-existent, pang of desire and pride you’d never felt before. 
“maybe we need to exchange numbers so next time, we can-”
“no, i think we’re good.”
a deep chuckle leaves him that, despite yourself, has a smile threatening to pull at your lips - “both times i saw you with him, you were smiling. and you don’t smile a lot, so i just thought...”
“for real, though, i didn’t know you were here,” he says, seemingly apologetic and genuine like his friend. “only knew because i saw hongjoong talking to someone and realized it was your roommate. they know each other?”
“yeah. they’re in the same classes together, both journalism majors i guess.”
you’re surprised to hear him scoff, something like “that explains it,” mumbled under his breath - he was still wondering all these weeks later how he and yunho discovered your name. 
“ah, cool,” seonghwa says with a shrug. “they seemed into each other. maybe our friends will date.”
“or maybe they’ll never speak again, kinda like us.”
“do you really think that’s how this is gonna go?”
you don’t know if it’s his words or the way he moves closer to you that makes your heart jump. for once tonight, you’re grateful for the loud chatter so he can’t hear the way your breath hitches in your throat.
“how do you think it’s gonna go?” you ask, words mumbled but head cocked. “what are you aiming to get out of tonight?”
you in his bed? because that’s not gonna happen. you don’t know what else a man like him would want. 
“i already told you. i wanna get to know you, y/n,” he says, like it’s somehow as simple and innocent as that. “you said so yourself. we hardly know each other.”
“that’s why i’m finding it very hard to believe you, seonghwa,” you answer honestly, a sigh of slight exasperation in your voice. 
“guys like you don’t just want that.”
his eyes nearly widen because there it is - the elephant in the room, the barely there guilt in his stomach - but how would you know that? is it just an assumption?
“what do you mean guys like me? hot assholes?” he smirks, your eyes rolling before he speaks again. “what?” the taller man asks in mock confusion, “you said so yourself.”
“i said asshole. not hot.”
“so you don’t think i’m hot? i thought the attraction was very much mutual.”
“nothing seems to be mutual here,” you say, lying right through your teeth with shocking ease. “the attraction, the intrusive interest, the weird, non-sensical need to ‘get to know me’ or whatever it really is you want to-”
“look out below!” 
the two shirtless boys who were previously wrestling are now in the strangest embrace you’ve ever seen, one carrying the other on his shoulder as they walk through the kitchen with a crowd. 
everyone lets out surprised squeals and a chorus of “what the fuck,” watching as a parade of people follow two large, giggling, bloody men. 
your eyes widen when seonghwa silently moves toward you, about to ask what the hell he’s doing before your chests are pushed together. his tall, looming frame stands directly in front of you, eyes looking down with mirth as you watch the people behind him pass in a hoard. 
it’s like a zap of electricity courses through your body when you feel his touch, the firmness of him pressing against you heavy; you’re happy you didn’t let yunjin convince you to go braless tonight. 
you swallow as your eyes move to his, what turned into your surprise and his amusement morphing into a challenge. that’s quickly what it seems to turn into with you two: your resistance and his insistence. 
you proving that, no matter how bothered you are, you won’t let him win. 
him showing you time and time again that he’s not gonna back down despite your attitude.
the sexual tension is thick, can be felt by you and seen by everyone who’s not watching the parade of idiots. 
your heart jumps again when he casually rests his hand against the cabinet next to your head, gripping the edge so you’re trapped by him; you know he can feel it by the way his smirk widens, the way he presses against your chest just a tad harder. 
“you were saying?” he mumbles, eyes dipping to your mouth that pulls into a grimace. he looks at you just in time to see your eyes narrow, falling back into your silent treatment. 
you beg your heart to calm down and stop embarrassing you, trying to think of anything and everything but this disgustingly attractive man pressed up against you. 
you begin to question how long this train of people can be, seonghwa falling silent right along side you, contently against you. 
you pull your gaze away, letting out a quiet groan when you see the majority have decided to stay. they rummage through the coolers like they’re at a family barbecue and paid for them. 
the room has gotten five times more crowded and ten times louder, seonghwa’s quick gaze catching a drunken, stumbling man. 
he moves his body on an angle when he nearly smacks into you, his subtle cologne and the smell of his shampoo wafting in your face. 
“watch it.” 
“sorry, man,” the guy slurs, seemingly innocent enough... until he opens his fucking mouth. “whoa. are you guys about to kiss or something?”
you let out a disgusted scoff as seonghwa chuckles shortly under his breath. 
“fuck off and drink some water.”
because he’s park seonghwa, and seemingly has control over everyone but you, the guy quickly stalks off. 
“he onto something?”
his eyes are back on yours and playful, brow quirked in a way you’re sure works every time. you can feel it deep within your knees that it’d work if you weren’t so troubled. 
“what do you think?” you snap.
“i think it just got crowded in here,” he says, voice back to being mumbled and low. “wanna go outside?”
you hate to admit it but you really would like to, seonghwa taking your first few moments of silence as a yes anyway. he wordlessly takes your hand and you have half the mind to rip it away but know you’d probably get lost. 
the second the cold air hits your face, your warm hands disconnect. 
“that was ridiculous,” you grumble, only a few stragglers braving the cool fall air. 
“i know,” seonghwa says, walking toward two unoccupied lawn chairs. “we almost kissed in front of everyone.”
you detest the smile that pulls at your lips, the whiplash this man gives you like none other. you don’t wanna laugh at him or smile at him, you truly find him ridiculous and intrusive and completely self-righteous, but it’s like you can’t help it. 
he’s nothing like the person who called you out on the first day, brooding and dark and borderline scary in his monster boots, so you can’t help but wonder who he really is. 
is he the flirty, witty playboy or the jaded bad boy? 
does he really wanna get to know you or does he have ulterior motives?
does your body only respond to him the way it does because you’ve never been touched by a man before or-
you shake your head of the thoughts as quickly as they came, not allowing yourself to think of anything like that. 
you came tonight for one thing and one thing only - keep up your end of the deal to rid your physics class of seonghwa - you definitely shouldn’t be wracking your brain over every possibility as to why this man is so quickly making his way under your-
his short command causes your head to snap, looking down at him as he man spreads in his seat. 
“i’m not a dog.”
“would you prefer i pull you on my lap?
“i will choke you.”
“then sit.”
there’s a silent stare down between you two that seems to last hours, the next challenge making neither of you waver. his eyes don’t leave yours and vice versa, although you want to look away.
because there’s something so deep in his eyes that just pulls you in more. so many layers and emotions flickering in them, you wouldn’t even know where to begin with this man. 
it’s the very opposite that intrigues him about you: the emptiness in your eyes, the way he can barely read you, the way the second a flick of any emotion (usually anger or annoyance, seldom the amusement he longs every time you speak to see), it’s like you wipe it away with immense force. 
he understands not wanting to feel anything, or being able to wipe away feelings, but the severity of yours seems to be... alarming, yet intriguing. 
that anger works its way in your face for a split second before you sit down with a scoff. 
“i can’t wait to leave.”
“don’t act too excited now.”
you sit in silence as your gaze travels around the large backyard, patchy, dead grass littered with lawn chairs, red solo cups, and a few drunken bodies. it’s mostly couples or small groups out here, everyone’s cheeks flushed with smiles on their faces.
this is everything you were trying to avoid - a deal you made with yourself when you first got into college and briefly considered not going in the midst of a breakdown. 
it felt like something you shouldn’t have the privilege of doing, even though she wanted it so much for you - it was the last thing you talked about after all. 
but why were you able to live your life? 
why were you able to make all these new memories, experience things people were only so lucky and privileged to experience when you should’ve been-
“so, what’s your favorite color?”
seonghwa’s voice stops your mind from racing, turning to look at the man with a blank stare - surely that’s not why he’s been harassing you for weeks.
“did you really invite me here to ask me my favorite color?” you sneer, a smirk pulling at his lips. 
“i gotta get to know you somehow,” seonghwa says, his eyes watching you carefully, knowingly. “something tells me you won’t tell me anything deeper.”
“would you?” you ask, brow quirked with the impending challenge in your face; the prolonged silence and blank stare gives you all the answers you need.
“purple,” you finally mumble, his eyes lighting up like he’s won the lottery. you almost wish you didn’t tell him because of the pleased half-smirk on his face. 
“cute,” he says, “now, what’s your deepest, darkest fear?” 
“staying here a second longer with you.”
a chuckle booms from his mouth and damn yourself to hell that it makes the softest giggle leave you too. 
you hate the way his eyes crinkle and how deep his laugh is. how annoyingly attractive even his side profile is, the black undercut and silver earrings all too enticing. 
you hate how quickly your guard threatens to drop around him, like he’s some charismatic cult leader who’s gonna trap you before you know what hit you. 
or before you go on and ask him his favorite color in response, playing his stupid game without much of a second thought.
“you didn’t tell me your favorite colo-”
“black,” someone says, a figure suddenly standing in front of you and seonghwa. “like his bad boy, shit-stomping-boot-wearing, angsty soul.”
you look up to see a vaguely familiar boy with dark, floppy hair. his eyes are glassy from alcohol and hold a mischief that rivals seonghwa’s, even on his most obnoxious days. 
another annoyingly attractive friend, what a surprise. 
“wooyoung,” seonghwa mutters, disdain heavy in his tone. “just who i didn’t wanna see.”
“you should meet my friend, wooyoung. you two would get along.” 
“bullshit!” the boy scoffs, fearless enough to kick seonghwa’s foot with his dirty sneakers. “i’m your best friend, cocksucker. don’t act like i’m not.”
“it’s not an act.”
wooyoung seems to let the comment slide as his gaze moves to you, a smirk crossing his face that unnerves you - what is it with these men looking at you and smirking like they know something you don’t? 
and why do they all know your name?
“are you the infamous y/n who called my friend a hot asshole?” 
your head snaps to seonghwa who looks at you with a shit-eating grin, shrugging his shoulders as you wait for his explanation. 
“when did you ever hear hot?” you snap, “i only said asshole, asshole.”
“hmm, i think you said hot, too. in case you forgot, we almost kissed before.”
“we definitely didn’t, you delusional-”
“so befriending your physics crush is going well, i see,” wooyoung says, thinking nothing of it to plop down right on the dirt patch in front of you. “you’re all he talks about you know,” the boy says as he winks at you, ignoring the growl of his name from seonghwa. 
“never seen him take an interest in anyone the way he has in you. you must be special, y/n.”
“don’t feed me bullshit, wooyoung.”
“damn,” the man says, throwing his head back in laughter at your snark. “that kind of made me horny. do you want me to court you instead? we can get rid of him easily, babe, just say the word. he’ll be gone.”
“i’d rather get rid of both of you.”
“yo, what did i do?” seonghwa asks from beside you, looking over with a smile on his face - what didn’t he do? 
“didn’t i tell you you two would get along?” he murmurs, just deep and low enough for you to hear and your stomach to swoop.
wooyoung watches with a growing smirk as your eyes narrow, entranced by the stare down you and his friend have. 
it’s true that over the years seonghwa has gone through his fair share of women, all of which being one night stands or several-week flings for the especially detached. 
he has a certain look, no one can deny that.
a certain charm and a certain presence about him that just seems to make 95% of women fall to their knees for him. wooyoung’s seen it before his very eyes, seonghwa setting his sights on a girl and them going upstairs no less than ten minutes later. 
he always looked cold, serious, callous.
like even if the girl said no, it’d be no sweat off his back because everyone knows he’d find someone else; for some reason, that seems to entice them even more.
but wooyoung can’t help but notice how much more playful he looks with you. 
how much he likes the challenge of girl who doesn’t immediately fold and gives it back to him. how much he has to change his tactics with a girl like you to get what he wants.
what he needs in order to win.
“so how did he convince you to come here tonight, y/n?” wooyoung nosily asks, throwing his best friend a wise ass look. “seems like you guys are becoming friends.”
“we’re acquaintances,” you’re quick to clarify. “i agreed to tutor him once in physics so it’s actually more professional than friendly.”
for some reason, wooyoung laughs his ass off like that’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. 
“seonghwa? needing tutoring?” wooyoung snorts, ignoring the chastising look his friend throws his way. “like the motherfucker isn’t here on an schl-”
“get us drinks,” seonghwa demands, reaching his foot out to kick wooyoung’s criss-crossed knee. “we’re thirsty.”
“you didn’t get your woman a drink?”
“not his woman,” you mumble just as seonghwa says, “we were busy almost kissing.” 
you side-eye him in annoyance, wooyoung holding back a laugh before he asks what you like. 
you despise the way your face warms, knowing you don’t know your ass from your elbow when it comes to alcohol. 
by the time you’d be partying in high school, getting shit-faced in someone’s stuffy basement while their parents were away, you were too busy grieving. 
locking yourself in your room and swearing you’d never need to know anyway.
“uhh, whatever,” you say, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “i don’t care.”
you can feel seonghwa side-eyeing you but refuse to meet his gaze, finding a sudden vast interest in the patchy grass beneath your feet. you hear him tell wooyoung to get him ‘his usual’, whatever that may be, before you two are left alone again.
the air is crisp around you and filled with a tension that could only grow between two people who seemingly hate each other; that much is obvious when, a few seconds later, you hear seonghwa scoff under his breath. 
you can’t help the way your eyes are already narrowing in annoyance, turning to him as you cross your leg over the other.
“something funny?”
“you,” seonghwa says, meeting your gaze tenfold with that usually aggravating mirth. “are you drinking your first beer with me, y/n? how cute.”
“it’s not my first beer,” you spit, knowing full and damn well it is. 
“no? your pink cheeks and uncharacteristic stuttering tell me otherwise,” seonghwa smirks, tone deep and eyes wandering. like he’s trying to pick apart every single piece of you. 
you find comfort in the fact a harsh gust of wind blows by at the exact moment he leans in closer to you, chair scooting closer.
you’re hit again with the scent of his cologne, gaze traveling over your body again and lingering on the sliver of exposed skin. 
“tell me, princess,” he says, tongue peeking out to lick over the lips your eyes fight to wander over. the pet name you’re telling your stomach to stop fucking swooping over. 
“what other firsts are you gonna give me?”
the swooping happens tenfold and more than anything, you wish you could stop it. the natural, innate attraction to him and his stupid good looks and deep voice and annoyingly cocky words that shouldn’t be making you feel like this. 
but if he thinks for a second he’s really gonna get you with that, after the rightful fight you’ve been putting up, he’s very wrong. 
you quirk a type of smile you’ve never felt on your face before, tongue peeking out before you bite down on your lip. it feels weird, foreign but also like what you should be doing right now.
have your eyes peer over him in the same flirty, predatory way his do; you’re not as shameless but you’re doing it and that’s all you can be proud of. 
“how about...” you say, a coy moment of silence as you watch his eyes darken. men are too easy. 
“the first guy i give a black eye to?” you finally say, the sultry, hushed tone of your voice weird to your own ears. “or maybe my first assault charge? what do you think, seonghwa?”
the smirk that pulls at his lips threatens to take over yours but you remain strong, keeping your stare on him with a cocked head; for a moment, you think you stun him speechless. 
stun him into your own game.
but then you see he’s playing his own, leaning back in his chair and cocking his head at you in a similiar fashion. his chain and well-fitted black shirt are on full display, able to see just how toned he is under the soft material.
he’s still man-spreading because you’re not sure he knows any other way to sit. 
it’s a dangerous game with obvious body language and dark, challenging eyes, neither of you wanting to break the silence. or the stare. 
you both would stay like that all night if you had it your way. 
seonghwa can hear wooyoung’s voice the second he comes out, shouting a characteristically loud “yo yo yo!” to someone in the distance. 
the man beside you looks you over once more before letting out a short laugh under his breath. he licks over his lips, the cold air probably stinging them, before he leans in again.
his mouth is just mere inches from your ear, his breath threatening to waft over you and cause goosebumps. 
“i think my ideas are more fun.”
you swallow the lump in your throat, stiffening in a way you hope he doesn’t realize but knows he must; you don’t want this man reading any of your body language, learning any possible tick about you besides the ones he observes by getting under your skin. 
“for who exactly?”
he knows him. definitely him. 
definitely him for the foolish reasons him and his idiot friends concocted weeks ago that, every once in a while, brings a dirty feeling of guilt deep in his stomach. 
seonghwa licks his lips to answer again, some of the distance naturally broken, before wooyoung’s voice interrupts. 
“beer for m’lady,” wooyoung says, curtsying in front of you as he presents a brimmed red solo cup. he throws a quick look at seonghwa as he offers another beer, glancing back at you with a mischievous look in eye.
“and really, y/n, say the word and i’ll get rid of him,” wooyoung says, “you’ll just get me in return.”
“she’s not that stupid,” seonghwa scoffs.
“i’m not stupid at all,” you counter.
you watch as the two boys share a smirk, a sinking feeling of, both, embarrassment and anger your stomach.
“damn, teachers pet and all that,” wooyoung says, your eyes narrow as seonghwa lets out a loud sigh. “you weren’t kidding, park.”
after a few seconds of silence, seonghwa finally turns to see you looking at him with a blank stare. 
“what? you called me an asshole.”
“because you are.”
“and you’re a teacher’s pet.”
“i’m a teachers pet because i participate? and don’t think i’m stupid?”
“it’s more than that, you seriously-”
“hate to interrupt the lovers quarrel and all,” wooyoung says, admittedly amused by your banter. “but there’s a game of truth or dare about to start with our names on it.”
“i think i’d rather stick my dick in a cheese grater than play another fucking game of-”
“with. our. names. on. it,” wooyoung says through gritted teeth, turning to look at you with a chipper, happy smile. 
“i expect to see you guys there in five. make out or do whatever... erotic, sexual-tension-filled, borderline freaky stare down you gotta do before meeting us all.”
your answer is only in the form of a sarcastic smile, wooyoung shooting you both two thumbs up before clumsily making his way inside. 
“see,” seonghwa says, “i told you you guys would get along.”
your face remains blank as you look at him, the cup of cold beer in your hand only bringing more of a chill through your body. 
“and i told you i had no interest in meeting your friends.”
his eyes roll because it’s a little too late for that, eyes roaming over your face before dropping to the drink in your hand. he doesn’t comment on how red, borderline frostbitten your fingers look.
“you have any interest in finally taking a sip?” he asks, nodding toward your cup. “since it’s not your first beer and all.”
“it’s not,” you say, not knowing when or how you got so immature. it’s just something about how purely aggravating this persistent, attractive, annoying man is. 
you put your lips to rim and suck down a gulp that you wouldn’t even with water, an involuntary gag leaving your mouth. seonghwa’s lips pull into a smirk, the lowest, deepest of chuckles leaving him.
it would’ve been hot if he wasn’t laughing at you. 
“shut up,” you spit lowly, seonghwa’s smirk growing into a full blown smile. 
a part of him wishes he didn’t find it cute, perhaps even endearing, given the circumstances, but he does. eyes roaming over you and the scowl on your face. 
“it’s alright, happens with the first beer.”
you answer by getting up with a huff, disgusting beverage (if you could even call it that) left by your chair as you make your way inside. alone. 
for all of five seconds.
big boots you’ve detested since the moment you laid eyes on them clobber behind you, able to just hear the smirk in his voice as he calls out your name.
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“alright seonghwa, your turn,” wooyoung says, the unofficial official leader of this ridiculous game. 
you were surprised to walk in to about twenty people playing truth or dare, some laid out on the floor while others were scattered on the stained couch. 
it started with dares of streaking or truths of the most embarrassing moments that had you biting back a smirk, yunjin drunkenly falling into you with loud bouts of laughter. 
you weren’t surprised to reunite with her and mingi in the truth or dare circle, the latter next to the boy he claims to hate but hasn’t stopped bickering with since they met in the kitchen two hours ago. 
“i wouldn’t be surprised if they bang tonight,” yunjin whispered, a teasing, taunting tone in her slurred voice. “mingi likes him. i can tell.”
you let out a scoff as you smack her lightly, eyes moving to a boy who laughs out loudly. you recognize him as hongjoong, a smirk pulling at your own lips before you peek over at your roommate.
“speaking of liking people...” you mumble, yunjin’s neck nearly snapping as she turns to you. 
“not you wanting to gossip about boys?” she squeals, voice uncharacteristically hushed - mingi’s verbal lashing must’ve gotten to her finally. 
“hongjoong?” is all you have to say for her cheeks to turn even pinker, mumbling incoherent things under her breath. 
“oh? don’t like to gossip when it’s about your crush, huh?” you tease quietly, smiling when she knocks your elbow with hers.
“so you admit, the asshole is your crush,” she slurs, even in her drunken state not forgetting to call him that. 
you roll your eyes just as wooyoung’s voice catches your attention - or, more so, the question he directs at seonghwa. 
“alright pussy seonghwa, i’ll ask the truth we’re all wondering,” he says, and you’d think he was being dramatic if all eyes weren’t peeled on him right now.
it’s then you notice a familiar looking girl enter the living room, not able to place her but sure you’ve seen her before; judging from how all the other familiar people have looked, you have a feeling she’s connected to seonghwa.
“oh em gee, that’s her,” yunjin says in your ear, making it clear as day she’s looking at her and then proceeding to whisper. “that’s the girl i saw seonghwa talking to.”
the girl who screeched and then stormed off, the table of men laughing like it was the funniest thing they’d ever seen; you don’t know her but you don’t have to know you don’t appreciate the way men can get a girl riled up. 
her eyes seem to darken when she notices your stare, lip pulling into a sneer like she’s disgusted to see you. 
her eyes seem to flash with recognition and you can confidently say now that seonghwa’s friend group, in one way or another, have been talking about you - even if they’ve been using a term as childish as teachers pet.  
you hold her gaze because she doesn’t know you and, yet, she’s looking at you like you’ve offended her in some way.
she rolls her eyes when you refuse to back down, carelessly plopping herself in the main circle on the floor. her eyes immediately zone in on seonghwa, something possessive and adoring in her gaze.
against everything in you, against your vehement desire to not think of this man anymore than you have to from his insistence, you wonder what their deal is. 
he said they weren’t dating but does that really mean anything coming from him?
could his definition of dating be something so completely different, where he’s leading her along without realizing it? or, worse, completely knowing it and not caring in the slightest?
judging from the look she gave you, and the way she’s looking at him, you think that’s a huge possibility. 
“what’s your body count, park?”
your neck cranes to look at seonghwa who’s watching his smirking friend with a deadly look; for a second, he’s the scary, intimidating boy from physics again. 
wooyoung looks to you with a wink before turning his attention back on his friend. 
“the people wanna know.”
“a gentlemen never tells, woo,” seonghwa finally says, deep voice smooth and unwavering. “you know that.” 
there’s a few deep chuckles mixed with sighs of exasperation, something very odd and concerning about people’s vast interest in an attractive stranger’s sex life. 
“oh, c’mon, man, just tell us,” a random guy says before looking around nosily. “there’s gotta be at least two in the room right now if he doesn’t wanna say anything.”
“only two? that’s insulting,” another random chimes in. 
chatter and laughter erupts in the living room and you didn’t grow nervous being apart of this game until this very moment, seeing the turn these questions were quickly, but inevitably, seeming to take. 
“honestly wooyoung, that’s such an invasive fucking question,” a high-pitched, feminine voice says, your gaze following it and falling on none other than hana. 
“he doesn’t have to answer.”
“oh, i’m sorry but literally who asked you, hana?” wooyoung asks, his tone meeting her snark head on. “why are you even here? don’t you have ta’s to fuck?”
“maybe you should start so you stop failing all your classes, if only they could stand you,” she snaps. 
you eye seonghwa who’s watching the duo with annoyance hard on his face, about to open his mouth when wooyoung speaks again.
“the same could be said for you, hana. i dare you to sleep with a man who actually likes you.”
“pretty boy didn’t answer the question so you actually can’t give out another...” wooyoung shoots a dirty look to the drunken man who finishes his sentence with a mutter. 
“anyway,” the self-appointed leader says, looking at seonghwa with a sarcastic smile. “before we got rudely interrupted... body count. what is it?”
“enough. more than yours,” seonghwa growls, reaching out to kick wooyoung in the foot. “now fuck off.”
his answer causes deep chuckles to fill the room, a pit sitting in your stomach that gets tighter when hana speaks again. you can feel her gaze burning right into you. 
“there’s a lot of freshmen here tonight,” she proclaims, her voice with mock interest and intrigue. 
you wish you didn’t but your stubbornness always outshines, lifting your eyes to meet her. 
“you,” she says, your eyes narrowing at the way she spits the word. like it was a nasty piece of soggy food. “what’s your name?”
you stay silent for a few seconds, the muttering quickly halting as they sense tension in the air. you can tell seonghwa’s stiff next to you, muttering words under his breath that you can’t make out. 
yunjin squeezes your arm next to you, her slurred words coming to save the day.
“well, we’re both freshmen actually! i-i’m yunjin and that’s-”
“i didn’t ask you, lavender,” hana says, her icy gaze matching the stiff, apologetic smile that crosses her face. “i asked her.”
you would sit here in silence all night if you had it your way. if it wasn’t for the way you feel yunjin’s body deflate with hurt, sinking in on herself in embarrassment. 
your answer is short, curt and full of bite. 
you don’t offer anything more or less and even though that’s all she asked, hana narrows her cat-like eyes as if she wanted a different answer.
“y/n,” she repeats, like she’s testing it out on her tongue. “interesting,” she says, gaze moving from you to seonghwa then back to you. her red lips take on a smirk in the process.
“truth or dare, y/n?”
there’s a beat of silence before you answer, ignoring the twinge of anxiety in your stomach. 
hana bites the inside of her cheek as she cocks her head in thought, gaze shifting to seonghwa who’s eyes are nearly black. 
he wants to scream at her to stop. 
to just fucking drop it and leave you alone before she blows up his spot somehow - but he can tell by the playful, conniving twinge in her eye that that’s not even close to happening.
she’s having a pissing contest where she has no right to piss. 
“alright, y/n, how ‘bout you share... the craziest place you’ve had sex. easy enough, right?”
her smile is bright and cheery but doesn’t match her gaze; there’s a cold, hateful twinge in them that scares the shit out of you.
maybe people will think that’s why the color drained from your face. 
why, for a split second, you tensed up, quickly scanned the room of people and fell back into your signature silence while the room ‘oooh-ed’ at her awarding winning question. 
not because you didn’t wanna confess to a room full of college students that you were still a virgin but because the girl who asked you looks like she wants to drag you around by your hair. 
“c’mon, y/n, that’s easy, right?” she repeats, your eyes narrowing as your chest burns to snap at her. “anywhere but a bed, really, would suffice.” 
you smile sarcastically and resist the urge to roll your eyes; but the more you evade the question, the less chatter there becomes - like everyone is nosy as to why you aren’t saying the top of the empire state building or an airplane.  
“isn’t that a little invasive?” you ask, using her own words against her; she must notice because the faint vein in her forehead bulges. 
“oh please! it’s just a silly game, y/n.”
“it was just a silly game when seonghwa was asked, too.”
you bite back a smirk when her eyes turn black, probably from hearing you say seonghwa’s name so casually; regardless, she passes it off with a loud, girlish giggle.
“oh c’mon, little freshie!” she squeals, “we’re all waiting to hear it. it has to be pretty crazy if you’re keeping it a secret!”
it’s like she’s putting on a performance the way she cocks her head a few silent seconds later. eyes widening in surprise and then her perfectly manicured hand covering the growing smirk on her glossy mouth. 
“wait a minute...” she says, looking around to just alert everyone. “you... you’ve had sex before, haven’t you?”
“hana,” seonghwa mutters warningly, a deep, low tone of his voice that never fails to make your stomach swoop. 
it never occurred to him until this moment that that could be a possibility - it didn’t occur to him when he and his friends started this mess weeks ago - it’s something so far removed from his mind.
that the vulnerability and obliviousness that comes with never having sex is something he would have to consider when just trying to get with a hot, albeit nerdy, obnoxious, and self-righteous, girl.
but if he found you hot and intriguing and was just a tad more interested in you being untouched was neither here nor there - he didn’t appreciate hana doing this right in front of him. 
as if she had any type of claim on him.
“what hwa! i’m just saying! it’s a pretty simple question,” she whines, throwing a pout his way before her eyes take on a lustful glint. it’s obvious to everyone in the room and you think that’s exactly her purpose. 
“i know what my answer would be. i think ours would be pretty similiar.”
“i wouldn’t bet on that,” seonghwa growls, deep voice low but loud enough for a few snorts to fill the room. hana’s cheeks flame in embarrassment before she puts all the attention back on you. 
to cover up her own embarrassment by causing you some. 
“are you a virgin, y/n?” she asks, her nasally tone mocking and high-pitched. asking as if she’s your curious best friend and not someone trying to expose you in front of 20+ college students. 
“aw, are you like saving yourself or something? that’s cute.”
no, i like had a near-death experience and secluded myself from society for two years.
you smirk at the voice in your head but hana seems to think you might find her amusing, about to open her mouth to make another snarky comment when you beat her to it. 
“like you said before, these questions are pretty invasive,” you say, tone confident and even despite the anxiety wracking your system. “though i am wondering why you’re so interested in my sex life. are you always so interested in strangers like this? or is it just me?”
her cheeks flame and you have to bite back a smirk, keeping your gaze pinned on her. you miss the way seonghwa lets his smirk show, something like pride stirring behind his gaze. 
“why wouldn’t i be interested in the girl that seonghwa and his friends made-”
“enough hana,” seonghwa growls suddenly, her face falling and everyone quickly turning silent at the harsh tone of his voice.
that should’ve been your first clue then. 
should’ve made it obvious that seonghwa and his friends were plotting something against you, that he wasn’t trying to get to know you the way he claimed (and the way you didn’t believe in the first place).
you should’ve known that hana was in on it from the start and almost exposed it so early for the sake of getting the upper hand on you.
you would’ve thought more about it unless seonghwa’s deep, booming voice didn’t start defending you even more. 
“oh, c’mon, hwa, little freshman is being a total freakin-”
“her name’s y/n,” seonghwa says, keeping his tone low as he cuts her off. his eyes are burning with darkness, completely unamused, and making your stomach swoop way more than you care to admit. 
“and you’re starting to look stupid, hana. just move on.”
there’s a chorus of “ooohs,” and snorts, one most definitely from wooyoung, that causes her cheeks to flame. 
she shoots you a look like you’re the one trying to publicly humiliate her, her narrowed gaze like daggers into your soul before she stands up.
“whatever. this is lame anyway.”
“you’re lame. stupid even,” wooyoung says, hana throwing him the finger with her long, manicured red nails. she gives one last fleeting look at seonghwa who pointedly ignores her gaze. 
you can see the miraculous difference between high school and college within just minutes after hana leaves, the game carrying on as if nothing happened. 
there were a few nosy looks thrown your way, some of sympathy, some of pity, maybe even some perverted ones of intrigue, but the game went on. 
the questions stayed sexual in nature, with people who had a lot more to say than you, but nobody seemed to care that hana insinuated you were a virgin - nobody except the boy and his friends who placed a bet for you to sleep with him.
“does that change the stakes?” they’ll ask next week in lunch, feeling nowhere near as funny as they did weeks ago.
“yeah, it makes them greater! laundry for at least a year then.”
seonghwa will laugh but it won’t feel completely right. 
the others will poke fun and say things even they know are callous but “a bet is a bet at the end of the day.”
hana will make another appearance and watch as seonghwa approaches you, that soft, charming smile she hasn’t seen in years on his face. 
but for now, you can only sit there with yunjin beside you knowing there are probably questions sitting on the edge of her tongue. 
beside seonghwa who’s desperately trying to meet your gaze, read a vibe off you although it’s been damn near impossible since the moment he’s met you - he’s only ever been able to read animosity. 
the more you sit there and listen to questions, the more you feel yunjin’s drunken, nosy gaze on you and think about stupid hana’s insinuations that you’re saving yourself, you feel yourself get hotter and hotter.
hot with what, you don’t know.
embarrassment because everyone in this room is probably somewhat experienced? 
rage because she tried to do it on purpose? 
or maybe because she reminded you of what your loss and grief ripped from you. how every part of your life, even not getting laid, can be related back to that. 
how empty and worthless and depressed you felt.
how the only way you knew how to cope was shutting yourself off completely. not feeling anything, not seeing anyone, spending your youth as a closed off, shell of a person. 
how you swore that’s exactly what you were gonna do here because you needed to graduate and get the best grades and prove to her that you’d be able to-
“i need air,” you mumble to yunjin, chest tight with the impending doom of an anxiety attack. 
“i-i can come with y-”
“it’s okay,” you say, shaking your head as you get up quickly. “i won’t be long.”
you’re grateful to see the front yard is void of people, plopping down on the concrete stairs. you shakily inhale the cold fall air, closing your eyes at the faint burn in your lungs.
you take all the slow, deep breaths you take when it’s 3 am and your pulled from sleep. 
when you have to be in the car for longer than ten minutes and you think about how much your life, even two years later, is still impacted by that rainy day. 
being surrounded by people usually helps, usually takes your mind off it, but not when they’re throwing all these experiences in your face. 
not when your grief can resurface at any given moment and you’re at a fucking party you didn’t wanna go to in the first place; it only makes you feel bad the more you think about it. 
how, even though you know deep down she’d want you to have these experiences, you can’t do it without feeling so hopelessly guilty.
you can’t imagine ever living your life happily while doing things she isn’t able to do; a parent wants best for their child but a child also wants their parent to be-
“so... first drink, first kiss, first assault charge, i really was taking your firsts,” you hear a familiar voice say behind you, quickly blinking the tears that were daring to prick your eyes.
you smell his cologne when he plops down next to you, his large, imposing frame like a huge black cloud next to you; he rivals the one above your head at all times.
“seonghwa...” you growl out quietly, able to hear the heavy defeat and annoyance in your own voice; you don’t even have to look at him to know he’s watching you. 
to know, for whatever reason, he’s not gonna let you sit out here alone. 
“if i didn’t want yunjin out here with me, what makes you think i want you here?”
“what makes you think you have a choice?”
you don’t know whether you want to huff and get up silently or start screaming insult after insult at him. tell him you always have a choice and that he can fuck right off or just hope that, for once, the silence will get to him and he’ll leave.
that the game you’ve learned to play so well, sitting in silence and making it count, will be the very thing to-
“i’m sorry about hana.”
of all the things he could’ve said, you didn’t think it was gonna be that; the wary, questioning look you throw his way causes his lips to pull into an annoyingly handsome smirk.
you hate the smirks that look like that.
“she could be... a lot.”
“a lot? is that the word to use?” you mutter, a short chuckle leaving him that causes your lips to quirk. 
“a lot. mean. vindictive. take your pick.”
“possessive of her secret boyfriend, perhaps?”
there’s a tick in his jaw that you can’t help but notice, eyes rolling as he shakes his head.  
“not her boyfriend. not even her secret boyfriend.”
“so what, she’s just obsessed with you?” you ask, sarcasm heavy in your tone. “it’s obvious that’s what that was about.” 
“hey, you said it, not me.” 
you can’t help but scoff in disgust, his arrogance and grandiosity off-putting; you choose for the both of you sit in silence so maybe, he’ll notice his flaws and check himself into some sort of facility. 
the loud cheers and booming music can still be heard from the house, the crisp night air blowing in your face. you seem to crave the cold when you’re in crisis, when any emotion is too overwhelming and leaving you in distress. 
“for real, though, i’m sorry she did that. it wasn’t cool,” seonghwa says, something quiet and genuine slipping into his tone. 
you don’t know what or how to respond when he talks to you like that. when he seems serious and sweet, like he’s trying to have a real conversation and not silly banter. 
“it’s fine,” you finally say, shrugging your shoulders as a chill runs through you. “i didn’t care.”
“so you’re not, like, saving yourself or whatever?”
that should’ve been your second clue - him needing to know that. him confirming with you right then and there if you wanted your first to be meaningful. 
all in all, you throw him a dirty side-eye. 
“i’m not having this conversation with you.”
he smirks because he can hear the slightest hint of amusement in your tone, te smallest of smiles pulling at your lips. 
“why? the goal tonight was to get to know each other.”
“okay then, are you saving yourself?” you ask, before your eyes narrow playfully. “or is your body count being higher than wooyoung’s such a grand thing?”
“wooyoung’s the biggest virgin i’ve ever met so...”
you giggle despite yourself. 
your heart jumps when you notice his eyes roam over your face as you laugh. when you allow your arms to touch for the briefest of seconds as he knocks your elbow with his. 
“don’t tell him i said that. his rep depends on it.”
“yeah, that seems super important to him.”
you lick over your lips as your gaze travels over the front yard, the quiet residential neighborhood full of so much tragedy to have a frat house on the block. 
there’s a few outdoor games splayed across the yard, the flickering street lamps lighting up the patchy grass. 
“you wanna play?”
you turn to see seonghwa watching you, swallowing as you notice just how close you are. peering up into his dark, attractive gaze and your breath hitching as he moves closer. 
“or do you wanna almost kiss again?”
your eyes drop to his mouth only because he said the word kiss, meeting his gaze again with your eyes narrowed. 
“we- we didn’t almost kiss.”
you stutter only because it’s cold.
“if you keep looking at me like that, you’ll be right,” he mutters, finger coming up to swipe across your lower lip. “we’ll definitely kiss.”
you swallow thickly and feel utterly entranced by him. 
you wanna pull your body away from him, pull your face away from his somehow warm finger that’s touching your lip, but you can’t.
you wanna remember how fucking obnoxious he is, how he forced you to come here and will continue to annoy you after tonight, but you can’t.
your heart is pounding, your stomach is fluttering and you feel something in your body that you’ve never felt before - it scares you how much he makes you finally feel something when you’ve been empty for so long. 
“i... what game were you talking about before?”
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you get back to the dorm around 2 a.m with a mostly sober yunjin, who puked on the walk back to campus, and a drunk in love mingi who swears he’s never felt this way before. 
“he... he makes me so fucking mad but, like, i love it?” mingi says, like he’s finding it incredibly difficult to understand this concept. “he’s funny and sarcastic and witty but also so fucking hot, i just wanna-”
“oh shut the fuck up already,” yunjin sighs, slapping her hands atop her head. “if you’re gonna be like this, then literally do not hang out with us anymore. i will be positively sick.”
“aw, you sound bitter, yunjin,” mingi says, a fake pout on his face. “is it because you’re gonna die alone?”
“it’s because you’re the sappiest excuse of a man i’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting in my...”
you smirk as you block their voices out on the way up to the dorm, mind foolishly floating back to the night - or, more specifically, the end of it. 
if someone told you you’d end the night hating seonghwa a little less, you wouldn’t have believed them. that you’d somehow, someway, secretly come to find him just a little tolerable, you’d laugh in their face. 
but there’s something about being able to run around and laugh with someone like you have no worries that gets to a person. 
you never played kanjam before and it showed, taking 20 minutes of seonghwa explaining it and another 15 of a mock demonstration for you to finally understand the point of the game - but once you two got it going, it was on. 
his deep chuckle rang through the cold air every time you missed it. 
he let out a loud curse and accusation of cheating on the semi-rare occasion you got it in. 
you walked over and kicked his can over when he blatantly cheated, something so lightweight and playful in your system, you have no idea where it came from. 
you forgot what it felt like to experience that, even if only for a little bit; mingi and yunjin promptly came running outside what felt like only moments later, your roommate running past you to vomit in the street. 
“is that yunjin?” seonghwa asks.
he was stood in front of you after your battle for the frisbee, your head turning around to see her keeled over in the street. mingi was holding her hair back but laughing hysterically at her. 
“it absolutely is,” you mumble, shaking your head at the girl slapping mingi. “great.”
“damn. dealing with that and losing kanjam. how could your night get any worse?”
you whip your head back around at him. 
“i didn’t lose.”
“you didn’t win.”
you roll your eyes despite the smile pulling on your lips, hearing yunjin whine out mingi’s name; you turn back again to see him puking now.
“i should probably go.”
“that fucking sucks,” seonghwa chuckles, his shit-eating grin lighting up his face and only more when you reach out and smack him in the arm. 
“not helping,” you mutter, seonghwa quirking a brow and drawing his body just a little closer to yours. 
“oh? is that an invitation to go back to your dorm and help you with them?” he asks, “i would love nothing more than to-”
you turn around and only get a few steps away before he’s pulling you back, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth.
“hey, it was just a joke,” he says, arms up in innocence as you blankly stare at him - you guys are quickly back to that. “happy you came tonight.”
your stupid little heart flutters despite yourself. 
“you didn’t give me much of a choice, now did you?”
a smile pulls at his lips that, in turn, seems to affect yours as well. weird. 
“i guess i didn’t, no,” seonghwa says, shaking his head as his eyes roam over you. “but are you that mad about it now?”
because he felt the change too. 
saw it in how, for the first time since he’s known you, your guard dropped ever so slightly and he saw a twinge of happiness in your eyes.
“i guess not, no,” you say softly, voice barely above a whisper as you confess the impossible. “but i’ll never come to one of these again.”
and that, you’re positive, is a promise. you don’t care how much fun you had playing this stupid lawn game. 
“that’s fair,” seonghwa says, “we can hang out other places.”
you don’t even wanna think about what he’s considering right now, entertain the idea of anything after tonight being something other than physics classmates - so you roll your eyes and ground yourself.
prepare to be back to your normal self, your normal dynamic, by the time monday rolls around. 
“don’t bet on it.”
if you could feel the way his heart dropped at your words, he’d be fucked. absolutely fucked. he rolls his eyes for so but takes a slight step back from you.
“see you monday?” he asks, a glint in his eye that causes you to roll yours; you two won’t be like this then. 
you won’t be. 
you can’t.
“see you monday. in the back.”
“we’ll see about that.”
“yeah? well we’ll see about that, you stupid fuck. i give it a day and a half before you drop to your knees and-”
“inside voices,” you chastise quietly as the elevator dings open, the three of you meeting the hallway of your dorm room. 
mingi and yunjin hobble over each other clumsily, running down the hallway like children in a hotel before they crash in front of the door. you slip your key in like an exhausted parent, biting back a smirk when they crash inside.
“shotty the right!”
“you know i sleep on the right!”
“you sleep in the middle like a selfish bitch!”
it feels like it takes hours before you, yunjin and mingi are all laying down, the two of them curled up in her bed while you watch them in amusement. 
you’re happy they’re here for several reasons but the first being so your mind can’t wander back to how tonight felt.
how it felt to be happy and carefree. 
how it felt to be flirting with a boy you thought was cute. 
how it felt to, for a moment, think about how life could be if you weren’t destined to-
“so, y/n, i know i was busy, you know, puking my fucking guts out,” yunjin says, “but me and mingi both know what we saw.”
you know that guard has to go back up and quick. 
you know you can’t allow yourself for a second to consider gossiping and giggling and sharing secrets like you three are a bunch of-
“oh? and what exactly did you two see?”
“you and the asshole giggling! you and the asshole playing games! you and the  asshole looking so flirty and fun and into each other, it’s like you guys are only seconds away from fuck-”
“yunjin! she’s literally a virgin! weren’t you there for truth or dare?” 
“of course i was there!” yunjin spits, “that bitch hana totally embarrassed me, her sleazy fucking ass. next time she looks at me, i’m gonna- wait. y/n. are you... are you actually a-”
“i’m not having this conversation with you two,” you grumble, shaking your head at the both of them huddled under the blanket. “you won’t even remember and i’ll have to repeat myself at some point.”
“won’t remember? why- why wouldn’t we remember?” yunjin asks, “you really think we wouldn’t remember anything you tell us?”
“i think that you guys are so drunk, mingi won’t even remember yunh-”
“yunho? yunho! did someone say yunho?” mingi yelps, sitting up and pulling the blanket completely off yunjin. “ugh. i love that man, you guys. i’m for real. i love him so much, i think i’m gonna start-”
“oh, my god!” yunjin screeches, your own drama forgotten as she smacks mingi with her pillow. “shut. the. fuck. up! i swear to god, mingi, i’m gonna...”
you smile to yourself as you watch the two best friends fight and argue, telling yourself that tonight and tonight only can you go to bed with the thought of park seonghwa on your mind. 
because once next week comes, you have to go back to hating him.
part 4: coming soon
tag list:​ @atinyarmyx1 @baekhvuns @markleeyeosang @nlost21 @lost-midnight-flower @toothlessshiber @seonghwanotes @harry-the-pottypus @cherryatiny @sweetteez @mirror-juliet @sanraes @yeombin @jess-1404 @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @justineasian @kpopwh0r3 @atinct @hwashope @marsophilia @atzcoke @ateezinmymind @yeosangsbiceps @mel-the-mad-hatter @takoyakibinnie @kingmeloverse @atz-diary @uzumakioden @haliwithluvv @rdiamond2727 @xirenex @parkjiminiemouse @lix-freckle3 @kpopnightingale @kpop-choco @hwaddict @lemontiny @seonghwarizon @nevieatiny @eastleighsblog @cityhrj @effulgentfireflies @linahopeeeee @kunhye @havetaeminforbreakfast @diorwoo @san4lyfer @criesinchaos @mangotexts @dei-lilxc​ (also no offense but who tf was gonna tell me you could only have 50 mentions a post??? no wonder so many of u mfs weren’t being tagged)
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
If I Could Turn Back Time
Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
A/N: This fic is cross-posted on Wattpad and Ao3
Chapter 6
Two weeks had gone by since Larissa offered me the teaching position at Nevermore. It was impossible to decide. It would certainly be an increase in my wage, but I’ve taught at Jericho High School for the past two years. I’ve gotten to my students, and I’d hate to leave them.
However, there was the subject of the students at Nevermore–children who don’t fit into societal standards. Children who needed all the love and care in the world. Children who were deprived of that love and care. 
I sat at my desk as my students worked on their assignment, zoning out on my computer screen for so long that it went to sleep. Contrasting thoughts bounced around my head.
You should go.
No, don’t do it. 
Yes, do it. It could be good.
But your students love you.
I came out of my trance when a chill ran down my spine. One of the girls from my class approached my desk after class, her voice quiet and meek.
“Um…Miss Foster,” she spoke. “At the beginning of the semester you had mentioned you had relations to Outcasts. Well…I’m doing a research paper on them, and I was wondering if you’d be able to answer a few questions for me.”
I smiled softly at her. “Of course, ask away.”
“So, you said you had relations with Outcasts,” she said after pulling out a notebook and pen. “Would you care to evaluate on that?”
If I was being honest, I truly didn’t mind her interviewing me. “Everyone on my mother’s side is an Outcast.”
She scribbled down my answers and continued asking me questions.
“If you don’t mind me asking, are you an Outcast?”
“...I am. But not many people know, so I’d prefer if you’d keep my name out of the paper.”
“Did you go to Nevermore when you were younger?”
“No, I never had the opportunity. I attended Jericho High School.”
“What’s your experience been as an Outcast?”
I thought for a moment before answering. “Well…I won’t lie to you. Most people didn’t know I was an Outcast. And because of that they treated me like any other Normie. So, it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. However, because I couldn’t go to Nevermore, I never had the chance to be myself, and I think that was the most damaging part of it all.”
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A few days later, I was sitting in the teachers’ lounge, scrolling through my phone as my coworkers sat around the table laughing and carrying on as they ate their lunches.
“Seriously,” one of them laughed. “I will never wrap my head around why they still let those freaks into Jericho! They can stay at Nevermore through and through.”
“Careful, Rachel, you don’t wanna get canceled!” another jeered. 
Everyone around the table was laughing, except me. To stop myself from berating every single one of them, I stuffed my sandwich in my mouth.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N).” The guy next to me elbowed me playfully. “Why don’t you ever join in on our jokes?”
Another teacher across the table scoffed. “Don’t even try, Dave. She’s always been sensitive. You should’ve seen her back in school! You couldn’t even mention something negative about Outcasts around her or she’d beat your ass.”
“I just don’t find it funny,” I murmured. “That’s all.”
Before they could respond, I stood from my chair and threw my trash away. When I left the room, I could hear snickers from my colleagues, but I ignored them and kept walking down the hall. While I had aimed to go back to my classroom, I ended up running into the Principal, throwing him a friendly smile.
“Miss Foster,” he smiled. “I was just looking for you! Can you come with me to my office?”
I was confused, but still, I followed him. 
When we arrived at his office, I took a seat in front of his cluttered desk. He folded his hands on the table, sighed, and averted his eyes. 
This isn’t going to be good.
“It has come to my attention,” he said, “that there are rumors of you being an Outcast.”
My heart dropped. I had completely forgotten about the interview my student had me do. But how did it get out? She hadn’t used my name in the paper. But then, it dawned on me. As soon as my student left, another walked in to ask me a question. I had no idea how long he had been standing there.
There was no use in denying the rumors. It would come out eventually.
“Um…the rumors…they’re true,” I mumbled.
“This is not an easy thing to do, (Y/N).” He finally looked me in the eyes, and I knew instantly what was coming. “But, after the recent murders, a lot of suspicion lies on the Outcasts.”
Here it comes.
“And, I cannot have an Outcast working at this school.”
I took a deep breath as I processed his words. “But, Principal Miller, it isn’t–”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted. “But, if parents hear word of it, they’ll become angry. They’ll insist on not sending their children to school, and we can’t have that.”
Tears of anger sprang into my eyes as my voice strained. “We can’t have that? Or you can’t have that?”
“(Y/N),” he said, “I know it’s–”
“It’s what?” I asked, my voice rising and the tears starting to fall. “It’s unfair? It is. You will never know what it is like to be treated lesser than everyone else. To be fired from your job for being different!”
He huffed. “I cannot have a…a…freak…on my staff!”
The way he shouted at me–the way he called me a freak–made me realize that no matter how many Outreach days we’d have, no matter how much Normies and Outcasts appeared to get along, they will never see us as equals.
“You’re to be gone before the end of the day,” he stated. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
After standing up, my hands balled into fists, I looked him dead in the eyes with a sneer on my tear-streaked face. “No you’re not.”
Without another word, I turned and left the room and made a direct line for my classroom to gather my things. It wasn’t until I had slammed the door to my house that I finally broke down. And, it was evident then, that the universe had made the decision for me.
So, after calming myself down, I picked up my phone and went into my contacts. With a shaking voice and trembling hands, I sniffled as I made a phone call, praying that she’d answer. “Larissa? Yeah, it’s me. Um…I was just wondering. Is that teaching position still available?”
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topperscumslut · 2 years
Disaster (Nicky Harper x Reader) (Fluff)
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Summary: Just a bunch of wholesome fluff cuz I don’t really feel comfortable writing smut for Nicky even if I age him up (reading it however… anyway). I already felt like I was thin ice with my aged up Five Hargreeves smut. Especially since Nicky only got to about 13/14 years old on the show so that’s how old he is in all the gifs I could use of him (unless I were just using a current photo of Aidan but I digress) (Aidan’s only two months younger than me irl so don’t cancel me plz). I imagine the reader and the quads to be about 19 in this fic cuz I personally am about to turn 19 but you can choose whatever age you like. This is a song fic of Conan Gray’s Disaster cuz I’m honestly still a little fried from last night writing this and woke up with Disaster stuck in my head and I’m kinda totally in love with Nicky/Aidan/Five again lol and thought this would be the perfect song for a kinda cute/a little awkward childhood friends to lovers fic. anyway enjoy sorry for my high ramblings
Warnings: lots of fluff, emetophobia (mentions of throwing up at a party)
Word count: 2.8k
Let me just set the scene
You had been friends with the Harper quads for as long as you could remember - or at least close to it. You’d met them when you were about 10 and had just moved to Boulder, Colorado with your family. Now nearly a decade later you were best friends with the four of them, and Tom and Anne almost saw you as a fifth child (well, sixth if you count Squishy Paws). You loved telling people about how you first met. It all started when you first came into Get Sporty with your family and saw four kids around your age. Dicky had immediately tried to hit on you, Dawn was excited because there was finally another girl in town, and Ricky was thrilled to meet another intellectual since you were in nearly all of his advanced classes with him. But Nicky? Nicky just liked you for you. You loved the quads and would never admit it to their faces, but you did have a bit of a soft spot for Nicky. There had been other guys here and there, but you’d kind of had a crush on Nicky on and off since you’d first met him - and right now it was full on.
I just left the party at Blake’s and it’s Halloween
It had taken Nicky long enough, but finally when you were both 16 he realized he felt the same way. He had sort of caught on that you had some sort of feelings for him, but Nicky had never really been with a girl before and didn’t really know what to do or how he felt. You, the quads, and Mae were all at a Halloween party of one of your classmate’s. You had tried to convince the quads to dress up as the Spice Girls with you, but that hadn’t exactly went well. Instead, you, Dawn, and Mae had went as the Powerpuff Girls - you as Blossom, Dawn as Bubbles, and Mae as Buttercup - Ricky had gone as Nikola Tesla, Dicky had gone as Elvis, and you’d helped Nicky come up with the very fitting idea of dressing up as Linguine from Ratatouille (with Squishy as his Remy, of course).
It was supposed to be an incredible night, but things started to go south before you ever could have expected it - and that’s saying something for the Harper quads. You were starting to feel a little gross not even an hour in, and started projectile barfing with Dawn holding back your hair only a few moments later. What do you know, Derek Moses had spiked the punch. Though the same couldn’t be said about you in the present day, 16 year old you had never drank before, and it was hitting you pretty hard. All of your friends were extremely worried about you, especially the quads.
“Look, guys, I’m the oldest, and I drove. I’ll take (Y/N) home and make sure she’s okay, you guys keep having fun.” Dawn had said.
“No, I will,” Ricky had argued. “Y/N needs someone responsible to take care of her right now.”
“No, I can take her!” Dicky had piped up, “I don’t have anything smart to say… I just wanna be a good friend.”
“None of you guys are taking (Y/N),” Nicky had finally added. “Ricky, the magician will be here any minute, I don’t want you to miss that.”
“Isn’t the magician just Blake’s stoner cousin?”
“Not relevant. Dawn, you shouldn’t have to leave Mae all alone! And Dicky, that girl over there is all over you, man! You guys stay here and I’ll take (Y/N) home, okay? I’m the only one who hasn’t had any punch and (Y/N) needs a safe, sober designated driver.” He smirked. “Plus, I’m her favorite.”
“Hey, it’s only bullshit if it’s not true. Anyway, I have a (Y/N) to take home. I’ll be back soon, you guys.”
The potential of us, it was keeping me up all night long
What happened next you only ever heard of through the grapevine from the other quads, all of them laughing their asses off about it. Nicky was way too shy to ever bring it up again. Apparently you had - drunk off your shit - totally came onto Nicky on the ride home.
“God, what did Moses put in that shit? You’re wasted, bubs,” Nicky said, not taking his eyes off of the road but using his hand to gently rub your knee.
“Noooo, I mean it, Nicks! I want youuuu.”
He looked over at you as he pulled into the driveway, giggling slightly at your goofy demeanor and cute face. Even though you pretended you didn’t, you only remembered one thing from that night - what he said next.
“I would totally fucking kiss you if you weren’t drunk right now.”
This could be a disaster, there’s so many factors
Surely he thought you would forget. Surely Nicky didn’t actually mean it… did he?
You had stumbled out of the car, Nicky opening your door for you and helping you out. “But Nicky… this is your house, not mine.”
“Damn right it is. I’m not going back to the party. I’m staying here with you all night and helping you get to sleep. I’m gonna make sure you’re safe, okay?”
Like what if you freak out and then we’re losing it all?
Nicky had set you up in his bed with at least a dozen pillows and blankets and was now playing video games on his phone across the room, assuming you were already asleep.
“Hey Nicks?”
“Yeah bubba?”
“I’m uh… I’m sorry if I weirded you out tonight. I was drunk as fuck.”
“S’alright. Sobering up already?”
“Yeah, a little I guess.”
“Good. Get some rest, (Y/N). I’m here if you need anything.”
You woke up with your mascara and red lipstick smeared all over his nice pillows, but Nicky didn’t care. He was just happy you were okay and had even gone as far as to make you breakfast that morning, which his three siblings relentlessly teased him for. Nicky wasn’t sure what it was about that night. Maybe it was your cute Blossom costume, maybe it was the way he was able to protect you, maybe it was how flirty you had been with him (and how unexpectedly hot that had been), or maybe it was just because you were his best friend and you two had always been there for each other. He didn’t know, but ever since that night, Nicky started falling - hard. He just couldn’t help worrying himself sick that maybe you didn’t feel the same way. I mean, you were pretty drunk when you said all those things.
It’s the critical chapter where I say I love you and you don’t say it after
This could be a disaster
What Nicky didn’t know is that years later, you still hadn’t stopped thinking about him and that night. And what he’d said when he thought you weren’t paying attention…
“I would totally fucking kiss you if you weren’t drunk right now.”
The words were still playing in your head clear as day even after all this time. It still didn’t feel real and part of you couldn’t help but wonder if it was just wishful thinking, if you’d just made it up because of how drunk you were. Nicky Harper had wanted to kiss you.
But what if he didn’t? What if you were just remembering it wrong, hearing what you wanted to hear?
I’m a little bit plastered
You call me a liar, now I’m falling faster
Of course, with your inebriated state Nicky didn’t believe a word you said. What he didn’t realize was that you weren’t just spewing bullshit because you were drunk, you were just saying everything you were too scared to say sober.
You tried not to get drunk or high in front of Nicky after that point. For starters, it wasn’t really his thing and you respected that. But most of all you were worried you would let your guard down around him again and tell him everything you’d been trying to hide.
This could be a disaster
Those next couple years after the party flew by with stolen glances and the quads teasing Nicky whenever you were around. Before you knew it, you and your friends were already out of high school and that party from back when you were 16 felt like ages ago.
Tonight you were staying over at Mae’s house, just the two of you. You, Mae, and Dawn had girls’ nights all together often, but Dawn was on a college visit out of state, so it was just you and Mae alone.
You had hinted at your crush on Nicky to Mae a couple times but had never straight up told her. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Mae, you just didn’t want to put her under the pressure of keeping this secret from Dawn. And you definitely didn’t want Dawn to know - the last thing you wanted was a little crush ruining your friendship with your best friend.
Let me just lose my mind
Is it purely platonic to call me like every night?
You and Mae were in the middle of watching Mean Girls when you got a FaceTime notification. You paused the movie and jumped up to pick up your phone.
“Who the hell is calling this late?” Mae asked.
You blushed a bit. “It’s Nicky. He calls me every night since that one Halloween party to make sure I’m doing okay. It’s actually really sweet…”
“Oh, okay!” Mae smirked knowingly, “well tell Nicky I say hi, I’m gonna run downstairs and get more popcorn.”
You answered your phone as Mae raced down the stairs, locking eyes with Nicky’s pretty green ones.
“Hey Nicky!”
“Hey (Y/N)! How’s it going?”
“Going good. I’m just staying the night at Mae’s tonight. Hey, have you heard from Dawn?”
Nicky nodded. “Yeah, a bit. She said it’s a pretty good campus over there. She misses you, though. We all do.” He blushed a little.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you haven’t been here for a couple days since Dawn’s been gone and now we’re out of school so we aren’t seeing each other everyday. Ricky, Dicky, and I have been at each other’s throats without any female influence around.” You both chuckled. “I mean it though. I should’ve asked you sooner, now I’m wishing you had come over here tonight.”
You shook your head. “Look I’d love to Nicks, but my parents know Dawn’s out of town. They’d never let me have a sleepover with boys.”
Nicky shrugged. “I mean hey, we’re here every other time you sleep over with Dawn.”
“Yeah, I know, it’s kinda stupid,” you sighed, “they’re weird like that. I mean even the night after that party junior year on Halloween I still kinda bullshitted them and said I had stayed in Dawn’s room. They would have flipped shit if I’d told them I’d slept in your bed and would totally think there was something going on between us.”
Nicky laughed a little, “I mean they wouldn’t have been entirely wrong about that night, huh?”
You were now a stuttering and blushing mess, not sure what to say back as Mae entered the room with a popcorn bucket bigger than her head.
“You like yours buttered, right? Oh, hey Nicky!”
“Hey Mae!” Nicky said, waving. “Well, I don’t wanna distract from your girls’ night. You ladies have a good one, okay?”
“Will do,” you mused, “goodnight, Nicky.”
“Night, (Y/N).”
You hung up and turned to Mae, who was looking at you with a curious grin.
“Sooooo?” she teased in a sing song voice.
“So, what? C’mon, let’s watch this bus get Regina’s ass!”
Mae grabbed the remote out of your hand before you were able to unpause the movie. “Not so fast. What’s going on between you and Nicky?”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Are you guys a thing? Are you guys not a thing?”
You rolled your eyes. “Mae, we’re just friends.”
“Just friends that call each other every night?”
You shrugged. “It’s nothing. He’s just being nice. I mean, it’s Nicky. You know what a sweetheart he is. It’s just what friends do.”
“And yet none of the other quads do that.”
“Well shit.”
Mae laughed. “(Y/N), everyone knows you and Nicky like each other. We’ve just been staying out of it because it’s not really our place, yknow?”
You chuckled. “Great. Everyone knows but us?”
“Well… yeah,” she sighed. “You should make a move! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I could lose my childhood best friend?”
“Look, (Y/N), he totally likes you! I say you go for it before we all go off to college one day and it’s too late.”
“You’re right. But it’s probably better off said in person.”
You pulled out your phone and texted Nicky.
(Y/N): hey Nicks… can we hang out tomorrow? i have something to tell you
Nicky: of course! you can tell me anything :) see ya then
“And… send.”
And if you’re reading the text all night long
Nicky could hardly sleep that night after getting your text, talking with his brothers about what it could possibly mean.
“She’s obviously into you, dude,” Dicky said, “I mean, isn’t it obvious?”
“Yeah, even I see it,” Ricky agreed.
“And he can’t even remember the last time he talked to a girl besides Dawn, Mom, (Y/N), or Mae.”
“Oh, shut up,” Ricky rolled his eyes.
“Well am I wrong?”
“No Dicky we get it, you aren’t wrong!”
Nicky sighed. “I don’t care who’s right or who’s wrong. I’m just worried (Y/N) is going to say I’ve been coming on too strong and that she doesn’t want to be friends anymore…”
“She’s not gonna say that, man,” Dicky said, “she cares about you too much. It’s been years, you need to go for it! And if Dawn were here she’d say the same.”
“You’re right.” Nicky replied. “I’m gonna make my move when I see (Y/N) tomorrow.”
This could be a disaster
A day later, you and Nicky were sitting together on his bed, both nervous as hell.
“So… you had something you wanted to tell me?”
There’s so many factors
“Is everything okay, (Y/N)? You seem nervous.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just… not sure how to say this.”
Like what if you freak out and then we’re losing it all?
“You know you can tell me anything, right? That’s what best friends are for.”
“I know… that’s what I’m worried about. Losing my best friend.”
It’s the critical chapter where I say I love you
“Oh. I see…”
And you don’t say it after
Faces close, bodies shaking in unison with nerves you finally spoke up. “Well… I’m not drunk right now.”
This could be a disaster
It took Nicky a second to realize what you were talking about, but then it hit him. “Y-you heard me say that, didn’t you?” You nodded “Are you saying I can? I mean- you mean- you want me to?”
You nodded as Nicky gently took your face in his hand and kissed you slowly. His lips were soft, and your head went a little fuzzy from euphoria as he carefully pulled you closer into him.
He pulled away, still holding you. “You should stay the night tonight. Tell your parents Mae will be here, I don’t know, whatever it takes. I just want you here with me.”
You smiled, arms around his shoulders, and nuzzled into his chest. “That works for me.”
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keepsmagnetoaway · 2 months
X-Men 66 (March 1970)
Roy Thomas/Sal Buscema
Well, this is it: the end of the original X-Men run. After this, the title kept publishing, but it was just reprints of already existing issues for almost five years, until it was revived. See the end of this post for my general reflections on this series and for details on what I'll be reading next, but in the meantime let's see how this all ends up.
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Is it with a heartfelt farewell to the team, tying it all up nicely? It absolutely is not. The writers clearly had not learned that the book was about to be cancelled, so in this issue they attempt to wake the revived Professor X from the latest of his many comas, and also incidentaly fight the Hulk, in Vegas.
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Hulk is great, we love Hulk, and also he talks properly - that is, not properly - in this issue.
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I also really like the art in this issue. It's Sal Buscema, in the only X-Men issue he ever drew, because, again, this title was in chaos and on the verge of cancellation, but it has a nice pop art feel to it, combining some of the wilder effects of Adams with a brighter, cleaner feel which I quite enjoy.
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But obviously with hindsight it's a bit hard to care about all this. Here we go, this is the very last panel: my guess is they learned, last minute, about the cancellation, which is why there's a sort of "that's al folks" rather than a tease for the next issue, but clearly the issue as whole was plotted and drawn without this knowledge. What would it have been like to read this in 1970, assuming cheerfully that they'd all be back next month? It's kind of impossible to say.
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So...there we go. The standard opinion on the original run of X-Men is that it was very much a B-tier product of Marvel's great 60s golden age: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were throwing off ideas and characters left and right, X-Men included, but they never gave the mutants the same attention and love that went into, say, Spiderman or the Fantastic Four, and they were also never quite fully integrated into the wider Marvel universe the way the Avengers were.
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As a result of this, the title very clearly drifted, changing personnel frequently and seldom managing to launch long-term storylines or to shake things up: efforts to do that tended to fizzle out. Sometimes, of course, the constant chopping and changing led to brief golden moments like Jim Steranko or Neal Adams being assigned to the art, but more often it was a problem for the title.
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I think that's prevailing view is basically accurate, although it's remarkable just how much the style and feel of the book changes in this run alone: by the end, even without people like Adams, we're a long, long way from the clunky early 60s stuff.
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What struck me more, though, when reading these was how little they seem to be about the X-Men: both in that the villains, or single-issue side characters, often end up driving the plot and having the more interesting personalities, and in that the whole "hated and feared mutants" thing crops up only very seldom, and never consistently. The idea of X-Men as a character- and team-driven story about outcasts from society really isn't here: that comes out of the team's 70s reinvention, which I look forward to getting to.
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But not yet! Because once again my trusty reading guide is instructing me to pause in the strictly chronological-publishing order to instead read a number of later stories that have been set in the period between the end of the original team's run and the 70s revival. These look like a really interesting mix: there's some more First Class (sigh) and another First Class-esque series going back to fill in the gaps, but alongside them there's a smattering of early 70s comics from other series in which the X-Men popped up as guest stars to remind everyone that they weren't dead yet, and then there's some prequel series that lay the (retroactive) groundwork for some of the major 70s characters like Wolverine and Emma Frost. All told these should keep me busy for a couple of months, and then it'll be into the classic 70s run. See you next time...
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
I came across this cool success story on reddit by u/celestial-form. It is worth a read.❤️
A long success story
Here is the summary of my wonderful experience of consciously visualizing myself into a drama that later materialized.
I was 11 years old, living in Tehran, Iran, my birthplace. I was a very strange child with an abstract, sort of a metaphysical mind. I was very perceptive and questioned every area of life. One day I was observing my life and suddenly came to the conclusion that I don’t like my life. I didn’t like the country I lived in, I didn’t relate to the culture and I knew I couldn't thrive there. As I was a very imaginative child I told myself, what if I can escape this reality in my imagination?
The same night I lay down and before sleep, I decided to experience what it would be like If I lived in a different country and went to school there. As I am laying down I hold steadfast to the joy I would feel if I actually lived somewhere else. I couldn’t specify the country but i could specify the wonderful feeling of ahh, my wish has finally come true.
I resided in that feeling, and I even remember my attention wandering off into randomness but I brought it back and again held it steadfastly on the wonderful feeling of my desire being my reality. I dropped into sleep while holding the feeling and I found myself in a vivid dream (imaginal act). I was sitting in a classroom, there were black people and blonde people, and girls and boys were sitting in the same room (this doesn’t happen in Iran). I was sitting in the last row of the class on the right end of the room and I was observing my classmates. Suddenly I had an overpowering feeling that “omg, I live here, this is my classroom, this is my home.” and I had a feeling of certainty that this is a different country from my hometown. The dream was so intense and vivid that when I woke up I had to take a moment to realize that was a dream. I was so certain that I was living there with all of my being until I awoke and realized it was just a dream and I was terribly disappointed that it was all a dream, I nearly wanted to cry.
Fast-forwarding to age 12, my cousin from Germany calls to ask my Mom if she’d be interested in applying for the DV lottery program for a chance to win a U.S. green card. She said oh it must be a scam but if it’s free we will apply. So, all of us 3 members of the family applied and let it go. My mom kept saying oh this is probably fake, nothing is gonna happen. But since it was free she thought well we don’t have much to lose.
Next year comes and we get a phone call from my cousin in Germany. “I have good news and bad news,” she says what is it. K (me) has won the lottery but you can’t go with her because she’s a kid. If you had won you could take the entire family and kids under the age of 21. My mom was excited but also disappointed. She said well it’s ok, we’ll send her alone so she can finish her high school and college there.
Fast-forwarding again, a year passes and my family applies for the lottery again in hopes that they might win. And surely, my mom wins just a year after I had won. I was prepared to go to the U.S. alone, I had an interview appointment at the U.S. embassy in the UAE but we had to cancel it because now that my mom has won, she can take her 13-year-old child with her. So, exactly this happens. We go to the embassy and my mom and I get an American Visa added to our Iranian passports. they said once we enter the U.S. they will send us a permanent resident card in the mail.
So, I come to the U.S. with my newly divorced mother. I spoke English fluently almost with no accent. I am now 15 years old and entered my sophomore year in high school. One day I am sitting in my world history class, in the back of the room on the far right end row and I’m observing the room when suddenly I feel, “I have been here before.” I was sitting in the same exact spot I sat in and some of my classmates had blonde hair and others were black which is something I could never have in Iran.
I just want to point out, that at the age of 11 I had no access to Neville's teachings, I didn’t consciously know what I was doing, I just intended to escape my life in my imagination and I did it at night before sleep and I intensely focused on it because I was so deeply in love with the idea of living in a different country. I didn’t think about what country or even what it would look like, I only resided in the wonderful feeling that my wish is true and I held the feeling so intensely that I fell asleep to it and my subconscious mind put me in the exact drama that would resemble the feeling as completely true. My subconscious dreamed the scene automatically. I didn’t pick it.
Another point is, after that, I always had a sure feeling in my heart that one day I will live in a foreign land, even a psychic had told my mom that she sees suitcases packed and we are leaving the country. I was 12 at that time. my mother thought she was talking nonsense.
From the story that I have shared here, you may be able to tell that I personally nor my mom didn’t lift a finger to make it happen. It all came to us, my cousin offered to fill out the application for us, and she did everything. And my mom kept consciously doubting, she said it will never happen, this is a scam and such words but my subconscious conviction and imagination were far more powerful than the doubts of the conscious mind (i personally didn't think it's gonna happen either, I just had a feeling one day I'll live elsewhere. When we actually won it felt like a miracle. My parents were in the middle of a divorce, they sold the house and all our stuff, I and my mom moved in with my grandparents and suddenly we had good news about moving to the U.S. and everything was at the perfect time. I can even say, it was mathematically perfect timing and the orchestration was done so smoothly and effortlessly. like, an extremely fine work of drama.
I moved to the U.S. at the age of 15, which is 4 years after the visualization experience. Now, I am 24 and received my American passport 4 years ago. Since age 22 I have been consciously manifesting and using the law. Before that, I didn’t have any practice or technique that would allow me to “direct” the law. I manifested a 7 figure business and healed my shoulder injury all from the state of being half asleep. From the drowsy state between complete sleep and wakefulness.
The last thing I want to add is that you want to replace your feeling of attachment to an idea with the feeling of conviction and certainty that it is already done. It is the present reality. Instead of the worry feeling of “what if it doesn’t come true?” reside in the feeling of, “ahh, how wonderful that I am this…”.
It is truly about changing your concept of yourself. Even when you worry and have anxiety around your life you are still in the center of the universe with the divine. And always remember that you have these wonderful capacities because you are God’s child. As he said “yee are made in his image.” that means, the wonderful mind of the creator of this wonderful drama of a universe resides within you. Therefore as he dreams, you can dream too. It’s just about controlling your mind and feeling. And remember, the cause of all our suffering is that we have lost touch with our true Self which is one with the Lord of the universe.
Take this affirmation with you:
“I know that God’s power is limitless; and as I am made in His image, I, too, have the strength to overcome all obstacles.”
and, always, always, always, focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled before falling asleep.
Here's the link if you wanna read it on the app :- 🔗🔗🔗
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avalanchesumich · 7 months
(had a horrible day because of one of my classes, so i needed to project)
cam was fighting back tears as she got back to her dorm. she just got back an exam that she had studied more hours than she could count, with a nice F circled in the top right corner. On top of that, she got assigned to do a group presentation with a girl who never shows up to class, so she’s worried that shes going to get a failing grade on that assignment too.
cam dropped her bag on her desk chair, kicked off her shoes, and climbed into her bed, ignoring the look val gave her.
“i’m fine,” cam grumbled. “just tired.”
“okay, babe,” val said slowly. “i’ve got class. you gonna be okay?”
“yeah,” cam said shortly, curling up into a ball and turned to face the wall, not letting her friend see the tears falling. she pulled out her phone seeing a text from gabe.
“okay, see you later, cam.”
gabe: hey pretty girl, how was class?
cam: it was fine
cam: i think i’m gonna have to cancel on lunch. i have to get a head start on this group assignment
cam: i’m sorry
gabe: that’s okay baby
gabe: call me later?
cam: sure
cam sighed and tossed her phone aside, deciding she would just take a nap before having to deal with any of her problems.
about two and a half hours later, cam was gently shaken awake. she whined and curled further into herself. “leave me alone,” she grumbled sleepily.
“baby, you gotta wake up,” gabe said softly. “your family hasn’t heard from you all day. taylor’s about three seconds away from driving down here himself.”
“what?” cam asked, rubbing her eyes. she sat up and looked over at gabe, who was standing beside her bed, his hand on her thigh. “what’s going on?”
gabe frowned when he saw her swollen eyes. “you tell me, cam,” he said, trying to not sound angry with her. but he was worried. “it’s almost six thirty. i haven’t heard from you since three something. your family hasn’t heard from you all day. we’ve all been worried.”
“sorry, i’m sorry,” cam whispered, scrambling for her phone.
sure enough she had countless missed calls from her parents, cale, and taylor. she even had some calls and a few unanswered texts from some of cale’s teammates, asking if she was alright.
“fuck me,” she said under her breath, sending a quick text to the family group chat that she was fine and that she’d call them all later. she turned to gabe, who was watching her with furrowed brows, worry clouding his usually bright eyes.
“baby, what is going on?”
“it’s stupid,” cam shook her head. she moved back so her back was against the wall. she brought her knees up to her chest and she looked any where but him as she focused on not crying. “i just failed the test i’ve been studying so hard for. and then in that same class, i have to do a group presentation with a girl who comes to class once a month. and it’s a group grade, not individual grade. so i’m basically fucked in that class.”
“you’re not fucked,” gabe shook his head, finally understanding what’s got his girlfriend so distraught.
he pointed to the spot next to cam, silently asking if he could climb up. when she nodded, he did.
“i know you studied hard for this test, but it’s okay,” he said softly. “it sucks, i know. and i know you don’t want to hear this, but it happens. it’s okay. you’ll do better on the next one,” he looked down at her, slightly upset that she still won’t look at him. “baby, hey. please look at me,” he begged. his hand gently grasped her chin, turning her face to angle up at him. “there she is,” he smiled sadly. he cupped her face with both his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away at the tears that continued to fall.
it took her a moment, but cam’s watery blue eyes locked with his. “now for this project, what’s this girl’s name? i’ll hunt her down and make her do her part, myself.”
cam let out a little, weak laugh at this. she shook her head, leaning into his hand. she wrapped her fingers around his wrist, just holding it. “please don’t,” she said, her voice hoarse. “i’m sorry i wasn’t answering.”
“that’s okay, sweet girl,” gabe shook his head. he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “but please don’t ever do that again. if something’s bothering you, come to me. it’s what i’m here for.”
cam nodded. “i will,” she said. she turned her head to the side when her phone started buzzing. it was cale.
“you answer that and call the rest of your family. tell them you’re okay,” gabe explained. “then me and you are going to get dinner.”
cam nodded, not having the energy to tell him she wasn’t even hungry, knowing he’d force heed her right now if he had to.
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Stockholm Week 10: Grind Before Barcelona
Hi! I can’t believe that it’s already the end of March. Isn’t that crazy? It still feels like late February to me. 
I’m bringing this up because my trip to Barcelona is coming up real fast. I am leaving on the 27th when the Explorative Travel Week begins! We get a week off as a travel break; certain elective courses travel as a class during that week, but I am not in any of those electives so I get a week off from school. Hurray! 
The number 1 country I wanted to travel to was Spain, and I am finally going there next week. That also means that this week has been rough, catching up with all the homework and finishing up projects before the break. 
3/18 Mon: (the best news) Class Canceled! 
On Monday, the only class I had switched to online at the last minute due to traffic issues. 
I took the opportunity to call my boyfriend and my mom while I worked on my assignments the entire day. I slept earlier than usual, around 11 pm, to treat myself :) 
3/19 Tue: Spicy Uno
We have been watching this Netflix series called The Chestnut Man in the Scandinavian Crime Fiction class, and I have been on my nerves since the start of the show. The plot and the music interact too well to the point that I have to cover my ears and close my eyes every now and then. I hate horror movies but I would say this is an extremely well-played thriller/detective show. I recommend it to anyone who likes mystery/crime genre! 
When I’m at home, I always have to try very hard to refrain from watching the rest of the episodes on my own. It has been a difficult battle but I made it to the 5th episode (out of 7) without binge-watching it alone. 
I didn’t know (and wouldn’t have known) that crime fiction was so popular in the Scandinavian region before I took this class. I can see why it’s so famous; all the books and films are quite good! I always look forward to starting a new book or series in class. This course has been my absolute favorite class in Stockholm :) 
During lunchtime, I surprisingly met a new friend who’s going to Barcelona on the same day!!! She and her friend booked their flight yesterday, so I never heard about them when I was asking everyone if they’d like to join our Barcelona trip. The most surprising part was that her friend turned out to be my friend who always sat next to me in two classes! We exchanged numbers to talk more about the trip. 
Afterward, I went to Arkivet, a second-hand store on the higher end. There are high-quality clothes that are in good condition—all the way from H&M and Zara to COS, BOSS, and Coach. Although it is a bit more expensive than other stores like Myrona or Stockholm Stadsmission, the pool is much better in my opinion. I bought a Tommy Hilfiger trench coat for $70! 
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There are so many buttons on this coat
Happy with my purchase, I came back home and made Alfredo pasta for dinner. I have been CRAVING creamy pasta and it momentarily satisfied my yearning. I need to go to an Italian restaurant and get a good alfredo spaghetti soon. 
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I threw some chicken and sausage in there too :) 
That night, my friends and I all gathered around my room to play Spicy Uno. My friend taught us the extra rules and it was a lot more fun than I expected. Towards the end, we even incorporated Never Have I Ever into the game (ง˙∇˙)ว
After they all left, I couldn’t sleep right away because of the sugar rush from all the goodies we ate (ice cream, jellies, chips, chocolate bars, and wafers). 
I blame this sugar rush for the catastrophe that happened a few minutes later. 
I was peacefully putting on a new set of fake nails until the nail glue fell down on my joggers. I can definitely say that it was an exothermic reaction because where the glue spilled was hot. Thankfully, I was able to separate my pants from my thighs by lifting it up a little bit, but my pants did not survive the accident. 
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Picture that captures the moment of the tragic incident 
If anyone knows how to remove nail glue on clothes please let me know ( •́ ̯•。̀ )
3/20 Wed: Skansen Open-Air Museum! 
Today’s field trip for our Swedish class was Skansen, the world’s first open-air museum! 
The escalator was endless and the area of the museum was unparalleled to any other museums I visited. We had a full experience with the tour guide—we even got to go into houses from the 1700s and see reindeer! 
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Us inside the houses
More cool photos: 
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Some cool facts: 
Going to church was obligatory: people were officially tested on their bible knowledge and the answers were recorded! 
Each house was numbered (well over two thousand pieces for each house), deconstructed, relocated, and reconstructed in the museum! 
After free fika with the entire class, my friend and I hung out around T-Centralen. We went to cafes, second-hand stores (again), and the system. We headed back to the hog together. 
For the rest of the night, I worked on the insurmountable group project for my online ChemE class until 4 am… ;) 
3/21 Thu: Reeeaaaading
I woke up early to do the pre-lecture homework for the classes. Despite dozing off for a few minutes here and there, I finished the assignment! 
For Friday’s class, I started and finished reading half of The Wolf and the Watchman by Niklas Natt och Dag. I’m starting to spot the similarities in the settings of the crime fiction novels! 
3/22-3/23 Fri-Sat: Zoom Meetings
I devoted two whole days to working on the group project. I had a series of Zoom sessions with the Professor and then with teammates. 
Cooking and doing laundry was my time off from work! 
When I was done with the project around 11 pm Saturday, I started scavenging for English-guided tours for Barcelona. The tickets were rapidly selling out! 
I managed to get an English tour of Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. They were expensive, but when would I ever have the chance to visit Spain? With that mindset, I joyfully paid for the events. 
3/24 Sun: Planning Barcelona..
My body weighed 200 tons today and wouldn’t have gotten out of bed until 2 pm if it wasn’t for the Barcelona planning meeting I scheduled with my friends. 
We met at Downtown Camper Cafe in T-Centralen and stayed there for three hours, making reservations and finalizing schedules. We are ready to fly to Barcelona! 
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The bathroom was fancy
Again, when I got home, I cooked and did more homework.
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With the energy I gained from dinner, I was able to work on the group project until I got burnt out at 9 pm. I called my mom for a little (meaning 1.5 hours) and did some more work before going to sleep. 
I am SO excited to share my experience in Barcelona next week! 
Stay tuned for new, rejuvenating adventures coming soon!!! 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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thedeliverygod · 1 year
Merry Christmas to @asin-ka! It was I, your secret santa—your own personal delivery god. I wrote a kind of established relationship yatori fun in the snow fluff fic for the @noragamisecretsanta event. Enjoy!
 “C’mon, Hiyori. It’s a record-breaking snowfall! You don’t even have an excuse; your classes were cancelled today. I saw it online.” Yato leaned over her desk, his arms lightly resting over her notes and book while he used his face to block her view with a grin.
Unamused, Hiyori slipped her book out from underneath him and used swivel function of her chair to turn around and kept reading. “I do have an excuse. Even if there aren’t classes today, my mid-terms are coming up and I need to study. Why don’t you play outside with Yukine-kun?”
“Because I want to do it with you. Not to mention Yukine is helping Daikoku shovel around the shop.” He draped himself over the back of her chair.
She looked up from her book, commenting, “Sounds like something you should be helping with.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get an earful from Daikoku later, I’m sure. But Hiyori, when are we gonna get a chance like this again?” He leaned down even further so that his forehead touched hers, begging, “Pleeeeaaaaseee?”
She stared back into his eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh and relenting, “I guess a small break won’t hurt.”
“Yes!” He cheered gleefully before pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. Leaving Hiyori in a surprised and flushed state, he dashed towards her foyer to grab her winter attire. Tossing her coat, scarf, and gloves onto the bed, he waved her forward, “Let’s get you dressed!”
After she stood up, she was immediately gathered into a whirlwind of clothes as he wrapped her up into layers. “Alright, alright. I think I’m dressed for Antarctica now.” Looking over Yato’s usual tracksuit, she tilted her head and asked, “What about you?”
“Oh, I don’t need much.” He waved her off, “But I’ll borrow a scarf and some gloves if you don’t mind.”
“Take whatever you need.” Hiyori answered automatically, asking again, “Are you sure that’s enough?”
As he wrapped a scarf around his neck, he raised an eyebrow, “If it’s such a small break you’re taking, it should be fine, right?”
Letting out a huff of air, she agreed, “Right. Let’s go outside, it’s too hot in here with all of these clothes on.” As soon as she had opened her door, he rushed out and down the stairs of her apartment building.
“Snowman first?” He suggested loudly as he passed her.
Giving another sigh but smiling, she answered, “Sure.”
“I’ll do the bigger piece for the bottom.” He announced, already rolling snow together as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
Hiyori nodded in agreement, “Okay, sounds good.”
A few minutes later, Yato’s voice rang out, “What’s taking so long? I’m going to make snow bunnies while I wait for your half.”
She scoffed in annoyance, “Unlike someone, I’m only human.”
“Right, right.” He answered, but she noticed he didn’t even look up as he got distracted with his new project.
After a few more minutes, Hiyori clapped her hands together loudly, “Done!” She looked up and noticed an entire swarm of snow bunnies. “So many…” She mumbled to herself.
He quickly reappeared by her side, answering with a smirk, “Well, you know the phrase multiply like rabbits.”
With flushed cheeks, she stammered back, “You don’t have to make the snow bunnies biologically accurate!”
“Had to burn time while you finished up.” He shrugged before bending down towards Hiyori’s smaller snowball, “Can you hold the bigger one in place while I put this one on top?”
“Sure.” She took the few steps in the other direction and bent down to anchor herself to the giant snowball.
Making a few low noises, Yato carried the slightly smaller mound of snow and gently placed it atop the other before pushing it down to meld them together. “Alright, let’s take a look!” He took a step back and Hiyori joined him at his side.
“Good job, it’s not crooked at all.” She hummed, impressed.
He scoffed, “Of course not, I’m not an amateur.”
“Um, okay.” She laughed, not knowing what to say in response, “I didn’t know it was that serious.”
“Gotta make it look the absolute best for Santa, duh.” He answered as if that were obvious before bending down to pick up some sticks, “Time to decorate!”
With a soft smile, Hiyori took some from him and nodded, “Okay.” Once again, by the time she had added arms on either side, Yato had already finished the intricate details of the face. Her mouth opened in a gape, “Wow, it looks really great!”
A hand on one of his hips, he gave her a doubting look, “You’re not joking?”
She shook her head rapidly, “Not at all!” After a moment of digging, she pulled out her phone and held it out, “In fact, do you mind if I post it?”
At that, Yato beamed with pride. “I’d love that!”
Once she had completed her own photo shoot with the snowman and a few of the snow bunnies, she noticed him seemingly half-heartedly taking pictures with his own phone. As she approached him to ask him what was wrong, she noticed him shivering. “Um, Yato. How about we go back inside and warm up for a bit?”
“Why, you cold?” He looked up with a teasing smile.
Truthfully, she was fine. But he seemed to be seconds away from his teeth chattering, so she fibbed for his benefit. “Y-yeah, a little bit. So lets just go sit under the kotatsu for a bit. Oh, and I’ll make some hot cocoa.” She turned towards the apartment building and he eagerly followed her.
“Mmm, okay!”
Immediately ditching her layers of clothing, she waved towards the living room, “You go ahead and get warm.”
“Weren’t you the one that was cold?” He tilted his head in confusion as he unwrapped his scarf.
Flushed, she quickly answered, “I just meant you go ahead and get under the kotatsu first. The cocoa will only take a minute. Carrying it to the table will help warm my hands up.”
He looked her over suspiciously for a moment before he gave in and slipped under the kotatsu blanket without argument.
Alongside the cocoa, Hiyori grabbed a cookie tin and placed it on the tray. With a bright smile, she carried it into the living room and announced, “I had some cookies too, so enjoy.”
“Thank you.” He smiled before patting the spot next to him, “Come here.”
She slid the tray to the center of the table before moving next to him and sitting down. Immediately, she was collected into his arms. “W-what?” She blushed in surprise.
He let go of her briefly to pull the kotatsu blanket over her legs, “I know I have a habit of overdoing it with… well, pretty much everything. So thank you for looking out for me—even though you know I’m a god and I won’t actually die or get frost bite.”
“But you do get sick.” Hiyori huffed back, “Even if it’s really mild and only for a day… You should still take care of yourself.”
Yato chuckled and snuggled himself against her neck, “I will, I will.”
“Promise?” Hiyori asked quietly.
He kissed the crook between her neck and jawline, “Promise.”
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sukieros · 1 year
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Heeseung × Reader
SYNOPSIS: You randomly met a stranger in the library and shared moments with him even for a short time.
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The water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere — or the rain, became stronger as the day peeks through the gray and dim cloudy sky.
While the rain were busy pouring, you on the other hand were rushing to fix your school bag because you're running late for your classes this day.
The weather's getting heavier and you, together with your classmates are expecting for the classes to be cancelled for today because of the bad weather. But guess what? You're adviser said that you should wait for further announcements of the school admin.
It's 7:07 AM now! 7:20 AM will be your estimated time to attend the flag ceremony but where's the fucking announcement!
Shit. You muttered to yourself as you walked out from your room.
“Honey, you should eat breakfast first.” Your mom said but you scoffed it off, feeling guilty later for dodging her kindness.
“You're always like that whenever you're rushing to school! Why don't you wake up earlier!?” She asked you madly for your stubbornness.
“I'm late.” That's what all you've said before you went off from your house.
As you walked through the wet streets of the place where you grew up, you felt the cold wind kiss your bare skin on your neck. “Fuck I should've brought my hoodie.” You said as you hugged yourself under the white clear umbrella your father gifted you before he passed away.
When you were little, everytime it's raining, your dad will walk you with the umbrella you're holding right now. You smiled softly as you recalled those happy memories.
After walking for 10 minutes from your house to your school, you've finally arrived. You walked with your umbrella but you wondered, where are the other students?
You sighed as you took the phone out of your denim pants' back pocket. You scrolled through your chats only to see what your adviser said to your gc.
Ms. Huh: There will be no classes for today due to bad weather. Activities left for this day shall be moved on Monday.
Sent 07:28 AM
Your faced crumpled when you saw the message. Great! Now you're here at school! All alone!
“I should have stayed at home, all I should be doing now is sleep but guess what!?! I'M HERE ALL ALONE IN THIS FUCKING INSTITUTE! GREAT! JUST GREAT!” You screamed around the open area of the campus.
You huffed on your breath but it stopped when you saw a figure of a male student walking on the open hallway not far from you. He's heading to the school library, you said to yourself because that place was your favorite one to visit.
You smiled to yourself as you went inside the building and went to the school library too. The empty classroom creeps you out and it reminds you of any zombie series.
When you entered the library, there's no one inside. “Weird.” You said.
“Weird what?” A male voice from behind you spoke making you jump and scream from where you're standing right now and fall on tiled floors of the library.
You slowly looked up at the guy who spoke and it's him, the guy you saw earlier. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I should be asking you that.” You said as you stood up.
You looked at his face again. You have never seen someone this handsome before. His perfume even smells good as they're dancing under your nostrils.
“I'm here to read.” He reasoned and walked pass by you. You trailed behind him. “How come I've never seen you before?” You asked him. “Well, I don't like being in public.” He replied but it sounded like a lie. “Are you a spy?” You asked making him snort and laugh of how cute you are.
He on the other hand were surprised to see you inside the library. He knew you, your entire life he knows you. You're adorable as you asked him questions like a toddler and following him around his steps like a puppy.
“If I'm a spy, I should have taken down a lot of people in this school. But guess what? I'm not.” He answered.
“I'm Heeseung.” He suddenly introduced himself. “Oh, Lee Heeseung? The one they're talking about how great you are!” You said as his name ringed a bell.
He nodded, looking at you and smiling softly. His bambi eyes looking at you and you noticed, there's no any emotion flashing in his eyes.
You both sat on the floor as you talked about a lot of things. You both read a lot of books, lay down a cozy mat on the floor and even play board games.
He looked at you without you noticing. A smile crept on his lips because you're different from what he knew before.
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“So, I have a brother and a dad but they died.” You said as you told him things. “How did they die?” He curiously asked. “Hmmmm, i dont know what happened to my brother because I was still a toddler that time. I can't particularly remember but he always gives me good jelly beans!” You bragged about how good your brother is.
“He must be a good brother.” He told you and you nodded in agreement. Thinking of those blurred memories makes you wanna cry. “No matter the situation became, I'm an adopted daughter of that family yet they loved me dearly.” You told him as he listened to you.
“Dad died because of a car accident.” You answered his previous question while ago. “Although, mom never told me what really happened, I just accepted it. I can't do anything. I'm no goddess to bring back the dead to life.” You muttered but he disgarees.
You brought me to life. He said to himself.
You smiled at him, “Sorry, I'm being a sad girl here.” You said in embarrassment as you wip those forming tears from your eyes to prevent them from falling because you felt pathetic.
“That's okay, Lee Y/N.” He said and held your cheeks. “Your hands are cold.” You mumbled but he never said anything, instead, he hugged your small figure. “Everything will be okay.” He reassured.
You never realize what time is it now yet you wan to hug him forever and you dont know why.
After a long hugging, he slowly break away from the embrace. You suddenly yawned because of how the weather keeps getting colder and colder.
“You sleepy?” He asked with a soft tone and you nodded with a small “Hmm..” as your eyelids are slowly closing. “You should sleep.” He told you, “I'll wake you up later.” He added.
You trust Heeseung and you never know the reason why yet you want to sleep and you know you'll be safe around him. So you did as what he told you. You closed your eyes and sleep deeply.
Watching your sleeping figure, he smiled softly. He held you again after years but he felt guilty because this is the only time.
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“She must be here!” A familiar voice said.
“Are you sure ma'am?” Another voice appeared.
“It's night time and she only gone to school!”
“Okay ma'am, don't need to panic.”
“Fuck! Why is she laying on the floor!!!”
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Y/N!” You jumped from your bed when a woman voice called your name. You're chasing your breath as you looked around your surroundings only to find your mom sitting beside your hospital bed.
Bed. You're on a hospital bed. YOU'RE IN HOSPITAL????
“Doc! She's awake!” Your mom said calling for the doctor. A man in a white coat entered your room and came to you while he checked your heart beat through his cold stethoscope. “Judging by the way how your heart palpitates, you woke up from a nightmare and your brain reacted causing for you to wake up.” He said calmly.
“Her blood test is clear, her fluids are okay, everything's okay and there's nothing wrong.” He said and looked at you. “Miss, can you tell me what happened in the library? Why were you laying on the floor?” He asked.
Sudden memories clouded your mind and he popped up in it. “I-i was with a friend.” You answered.
“According to your school administration, there are no classes that day for all grade levels due to the bad weather. According to your mom you never ate that day but I think there's another reason why you fainted.” He told you.
“I-i didn't faint.” You said. “You, fainted. The school guard said that you're not breathing and you're lying there helplessly.” You're speechless.
Wtf is happening!?!?
“Now tell me, miss lee y/n, who's that friend and what's their gender? And what did you both do in the library?” He asked.
“You weren't drugged either. No signs of semen in you genitalia. You're not raped.” He added. There were silence in the atmosphere.
You took a deep breath and decided to break the ice by saying, “He's Lee Heeseung and he's a male. We talked a lot of things. And I was sleepy and he let me sleep. And I woke up. I'm here...”
You looked at the doctor's reaction and he paled. You looked at your mom and she paled too. “W-what's wrong?” You asked. “Miss, tell us the truth.” The doctor said, not believing what you told him.
“I swear I'm not lying! Heeseung listened to everything what I've felt about my life! He's the talk of the school! And he's a good person!” You fought back. The doctor looked down. “He is a good person.” He suddenly blurted out and looked at you with sad emotions.
“But you never know?” He asked. “W-what do you mean doc?” You never know why you're getting worried. Your heart were hammering crazily. “He's dead. Years ago, Y/N. He's my best friend back then.”
You shook your head as you laughed nervously. What a nice April Fool's Joke.
You realized it's January and they're not laughing either. Everything was silent, except the machines in your room, ringing and buzzing.
“Y-you're lying.” You said. How was he dead!? You were literally talking to him while ago!!
“He's your brother. You were a toddler when he died and we were in our highschool days. Y/N, i won't lie. I know him too well.”
He knows that it is very unprofessional for him to be engaged in a patient's personal life now but he can't help it because it is Lee Heeseung you are talking about.
You shook your head and looked at your mom. “Mom, tell me. Tell me this isn't real.” You said as you started to tear up. You were looking for your brother for years, wondering where he went and you accepted the truth that he died. But knowing that the stranger who listened to you in the library, is your brother, in his lost soul.
“He exactly died in the library after a student became the hostage of those terrorists invaded the campus.” Your mom replied.
It all makes sense. He felt cold, his eyes has no emotions and he has no shadow. And he's the talk of the school.
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“Maybe you never noticed the library walls filled with frames. You can see his picture right there.” He said.
“I'm doctor Sim Jaeyun, you can call me Jake.” He introduced to you before he handed out his number calling card.
“Why are you sad?” Heeseung asked while you both read your favorite book. “I found my brother.” You answered and looked at him. “Really? You must be happy.” He said while smiling.
“Indeed. I'm very very happy.” You agreed as your tears of joy fell. “Happier than ever.” And you hugged him making him surprised, “You must really love my hugs.”
Yes, you love it. “I hate you Hee! I miss you so much! I miss you so much oppa!” You cried out. He patted your back making him cry too. “How did you know it's me?” He break the hugged and looked at you. “Jake told me because he's my doctor.” You said as you sniffed. “Heeseung... you should've told me sooner.” You whined as you cried.
He giggled between his sobs, “What should I tell you? hello y/n, i'm your dead brother, i'm a ghost awoooo~” He joked around and you smacked his chest. “That's not funny!" You cried and he hugged you again as he laughed softly.
“Promise me, that you're going now. I don't want you to be stuck around here forever.” You said. Hee smiled sadly. “Okay dear sister, I will go soon. Just let me be with you for this time before my time comes.” He promised.
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You woke up on the library floor while your mom and Jake were there. “What happened now my dear?” Your mom asked worriedly. “He went now.” You cried. “He's not here anymore!” You cried harder.
Yes, Heeseung followed the light to the after life. Yet he'll be watching you from above, guide you and protect you.
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“Until we meet again...” You said as you touched his picture attached on the library wall.
Hi and hello, I'm sorry for my wrong grammars and the way how somethings missing. I wrote for what's the weather today here in our town so please forgive me for my unsatisfying work. =)
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jellycrusher · 7 months
Distance pt. 3 / FINALE
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Genre: Romance, Oblivious Mutual Pining, Operation:Jealousy, College!AU, eventual smut
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Rating: 18+
Synopsis: You adore Jimin but you’ve kept it a secret from him despite being so close to him. Jimin turns out that he feels the same. Would you be able to erase the distance between you and Jimin when mountains of obstacles come both your way?
Warnings: NSFW, lots of makeout sessions, slight angst but not significant, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla sex, lewd words, cum eating
Word count: 10.4k
PARTS: 1 | 2 | 3
A/N: Their story has finally found its conclusion. It’s my first time to write smut and phew, I found myself breathing so heavy by the end of it. Anyways, I hope you loved Distance as much I do. I would love to hear what you think of the finale 💜
You didn’t get to go out on a date with Jimin the next day. 
 Hoseok drove you home after the movie ended and felt bad because you were almost silent the whole way back home. You just blurted out a lie that you didn’t feel good, which maybe you really are after witnessing Jimin having a date with another girl. Why are you even jealous? It’s not like you have a right to be, and you’re also out on a date. If anything, you’re not giving Hoseok a good time. Later that night, you texted Jimin that you feel sick and it might be better if both of you cancel your plans to visit the café. You feel awful for cancelling but you absolutely don’t want to see him at the moment.
 You try to avoid Jimin when you got back to school. Luckily, you barely have any classes together but Taehyung and Jungkook would always ask you to eat lunch with them, which was already a habit for anyone in the group but seeing as you’ve been avoiding them, they started to ask you almost every day if you’ll eat with them. You would text anyone from the group that you got hold up by an errand from a professor or a meeting with your fellow classmates, which were all excuses just to avoid Jimin. 
 You continuously try to bury yourself in your books to take your mind off Jimin. Taehyung and Jimin started to hang out every day with Jungkook at your house to study and practice for the Gala Night, so you did your readings in the campus’ library until late evenings. The more you see Jimin, the more it reminds you that he may be in a relationship already with some woman you don’t even know. Soon, he might introduce her to the group and she might start hanging out with everyone. You rather avoid him than see that every day.
 Jimin knew that night you texted him after your date with Hoseok that it has something to do with what transpired at the movie house. He was also worried that you’re sick. If he could allow himself to take care of you when you’re sick, he absolutely will in a heartbeat. He’s determined to get a chance to explain to you what happened when he sees you around campus. However, he noticed that you are always in a rush to go somewhere whenever the two of you see each other. You barely eat with them during lunch. You would always reply to his text that you’re busy. 
 He convinced Taehyung to study with Jungkook at your house to get a chance to talk to you but on the second day that they went to your house, Jungkook told him that you started doing late night studies in the library. That’s when he realized that you were really avoiding him. Just when he thought he was already doing a good job in his progress with you, the both of you are back to having a huge distance between the two of you.
 It doesn’t help that the girl you saw with Jimin in the movie house suddenly appeared alongside Jimin and Taehyung in front of your house just when you were about to go back to the school’s library on one particular evening. Taehyung was about to get the doorknob when you suddenly opened the door. Taehyung and you gasped at each other in shock, in turn surprising the girl and Jimin too. Your eyes quickly landed on the girl beside Jimin and recognized her.
 “If you don’t mind, we brought another friend here.” Taehyung gestured to the girl. She smiled back at you and you did too. In your mind, the sight irritated you but not at her. Jimin stood quietly beside her. You don’t want to be rude since she is a guest in your house. She looks beautiful. Compared to how you look, tired and drained from all those nights burying yourself in your books. It irritates you that she’s now starting to be part of the circle, a circle where you’re grateful to spend a lot of time with Jimin.
 “No, I don’t mind. Make yourself at home.” You hid your emotions and just smiled as you took a step forward. “I’m sorry but I really have to get going.” The girl bowed at you as you walk past them. You continue to walk away from your house when you heard Jimin call out your name.
 “Do you really have to study in the library? You could just stay today. We can order takeout if you like.” Jimin quickly catches up to you. You turn around and saw from the porch that Taehyung and the girl must have already entered the house.
 “It’s okay. I prefer to study alone… in the library. If that’s okay.”
 Jimin was quiet. You saw him hesitate as he opened his mouth as if to say more. “We okay?” He slowly took your wrist, surprising you. Your eyes widened as you felt his touch. Your throat felt parched and your chest tightened. His eyes softened as he continues to stare at your wrist. It felt significantly thinner around his grasp. He remembers you slightly healthier than this moment and with this, he realized that you must have lost a bit of weight after all that late night studying for your final exams. He knows how hardworking you are but it concerns him that maybe you’re overworking yourself.
 You slowly retracted your hand away from Jimin, losing the contact between the two of you. “Jimin, don’t worry. We’re okay.” He looked at you as you smile, but he knows when you are faking one and this is it. Something hidden behind your smile. He feels hurt that you’re not happy and hopes that he could comfort you. Hoping that you will run to him to help you with whatever’s bothering you. 
 You walked away without saying another word, leaving him standing in front of your house. Despite telling him that the two of you are okay, you most definitely are not. You would constantly drift in and out of studying, bothered with the thought of Jimin and the girl. You would find it difficult to breathe whenever his face would appear in your mind. A tug in your chest constantly troubles you, so tight that it felt like someone’s stabbing you repeatedly and squeezing you. You didn’t notice that you sighed so loud when a few people nearby shushed you.
 Rain started pouring heavily outside just as you were about to go home after the library has closed. You felt stupid remembering to forgo bringing your umbrella because it’s heavy in your bag. You fished out your phone in your bag as you stood under the shade of the building’s entrance. A few students holding their umbrellas were rushing out of the building, chatting alongside their friends, as few lights in the halls were starting to turn off.
 You were about to call Jungkook when you heard someone call your name. You lift your head and saw Jimin in front of you under an umbrella with your umbrella that you forgot at home in his other hand.
 “You forgot this.” He tries to hand you the one thing you need. You were frozen. It took you by surprise that Jimin is now here in front of you. It was only a few seconds but it felt like this was the longest you’ve seen his face this week. You slowly extend your hand out to take the umbrella from him but when your fingers were about to touch the umbrella, he pulled it away.
 “Aren’t you giving it to me?” you gave him a puzzled look.
 “I will but not before I get to talk to you first. If I give you this now, I’m sure you’re going to run and avoid me again.” It hurts you to see Jimin look this sullen. Sure, you did avoid him but you don’t want to hurt him in any way.
 “Why bother coming here just to give my umbrella? I could get home fine, and I could buy on from the convenience store. I’m sure you’re also busy, you didn’t have to bother at all. Besides, shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend and not here in the campus?” You pushed your phone back in your bag and you squeezed the straps tightly as you mutter the word ‘girlfriend’ out loud. When you finished your sentence, Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
 “She’s not my… Wait, you thought she was my girlfriend?” He takes in your surprise and stutter as you try to answer him but nothing is heard out of your mouth. His pout now replaced with a shameless smirk. “Are you avoiding me because you thought she was my girlfriend? Is that it?”
 You felt like Jimin was pushing you off a cliff. It was true though. You did avoid him because of her, but now that it’s coming out of his mouth, you felt ashamed. You try to be silent for a few more seconds as he push for an answer from you a few more times. “Yes! What am I supposed to do instead, huh? I avoided you because seeing you reminds me of the two of you! I can’t stand it, that’s why I avoided you!” you shouted in one breathing, as if a balloon slowly being filled with air with no one stopping to fill it and it finally popped with a loud pang.
 Seeing Jimin surprised at your sudden outcry, you felt as if an ice cold bucket was poured on you. You didn’t mean to let it all out. Maybe it was the constant stress of studying or the reminder of the girl with Jimin pushed everything out of you. “I was jealous, okay? So… just leave me alone and let me handle my emotions in the meantime.”
 You walked past him, faster than you ever did before. You don’t mind the rain pouring down on your head, slowly soaking your clothes. The smell of the rain soaking the ground filled your nose as you pant for air. All you want is to just walk away from him because you just made everything awkward between the two of you. Your legs felt heavy as you try to realize that you’ve just admitted to him that you’re jealous. It was just barely hours ago that you’ve admitted to yourself that you were jealous, and you shouted it in front of his face.
 His hand caught your wrist and pulled you back to him. He spun you around, crashing your body into his chest. He lets go of his umbrella and proceeds to creep his hand unto the back of your head while he continues to pull your wrist with his other hand. His plump lips crashed into yours. As rough as he first landed his lips, he quickly begins to be gentle as his mouth slowly danced with yours. He takes in a deep breath, as if trying to savor your scent all in one go.
 You were taken aback at first but quickly gave in to his touch. It was everything for you. It feels as if the longing between you and Jimin that lasted for so long was finally satiated. He lets go of your wrist and lands his hands on your waist, gripping so tightly that you could almost feel the end of your shirt riding up from being tucked in your pants. 
 His utter sincerity from his kisses. The passion. It was burning you. It was like someone finally opened the door and he just let himself go. You were gladly responding to his every action. You placed your hand on his back, slowly creeping up as the kiss goes on. Jimin felt it as you slowly try to accept his kisses, smirking so slightly while letting himself unto you.
 You pulled away first, gasping for air. The uncomfortable knot that occupied your chest for almost a week, now replaced with a burning desire for more from this man. He nudged his forehead to yours. You look up and saw him gazing and longing for your lips. “If I had known kissing you felt this good, I wouldn’t have hesitated this long.”
 You were still heaving for air. That kiss nearly took all the oxygen in your lungs. You want more.
 “I’m sorry if I made everything awkward between us. I really needed to avoid you or else, I could’ve made everything awkward between you and that girl.” You put your head down realizing that he must have been hurt when you avoided him this whole time.
 “What did I tell you? She’s not my girlfriend.” He lifts up your chin to let you look directly at him. He flashes a smirk and laughs in amusement. “She’s my cousin, here in town for a week. I guess you could say I’m her favorite that’s why she doesn’t hesitate to hug me. If you just let me explain then you would have spared yourself the burden of being jealous.” He gently rubs his thumb across your cheek as he adores how you look so flushed after the kiss. Despite having less light to illuminate everything around the two of you, he sees you as if you’re the brightest one.
 “I’m not jealous!” you pout your lips as you blatantly lie, blushing at the truth being pointed out by Jimin.
 “You just said so a while ago. No takebacks.” He giggled as he pulls you in closer to him. “Besides, there’s no need for you to be jealous. I’ve always been yours, baby.”
 He slowly takes your lips back into his again. His hand on your waist gripped tighter as the hand on your neck combs through your hair. Once again, everything took your breath. This Jimin was different from the Jimin you were used to. You loved it as you bask at the intimacy you two are now sharing. You could definitely feel his carnal desire. You let yourself go.
 “Finally done with exams!” Taehyung sighs as he slumps his back against Jungkook, who was eating his lunch in peace.
 You were sitting across the two while Jimin is sitting beside you, arms around your shoulders. The four of you are back in the cafeteria, enjoying your victory after a week-long exam marathon. All of you are physically and mentally drained. The three of them more so since they have been practicing a lot every night this week. Gala night is this weekend and they’re supposed to perform an original song on top of their planned setlist.
 The boys clearly expressed to you that there’s no chance you could hear their original song ahead of the Gala Night. They want you to hear it for the first time along with everyone else. You feel lonely that Taehyung and Jimin told you that they’ll work on the song on their own, despite asking for your help a month ago during Hoseok’s party. You let them do what they want since you also want to hear the product of their combined minds. Anticipation from you has been building, waiting to finally hear their music away from the touch of Namjoon’s and your’s. This will be the first time that the three of them will be making music on their own.
 “You know that I’m still here right?” Jungkook asks as he chews his food. He glares at you and Jimin as Jimin tries to smooch your cheeks. “She may be your girlfriend now but I’m still her brother. Don’t do it in front of me.” He chuckles as he tries to hit Jimin’s shoulder.
 Taehyung and Jimin exchanged laughs as they try to tease your brother. You laugh at them being so silly, missing the dynamics between everyone. Despite spending less time with them when you tried to avoid Jimin, everything was still the same when you got back. Now that you’re in a relationship with Jimin, everything stayed the same between you and the other boys. 
 Actually, it went by so fast. That night that you two kissed, Jimin asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted without batting an eyelash. It was quick. Now that you think about it, you never imagined that Jimin likes you back and would ask you to be his girlfriend. Even before you noticed your feelings for him, you have always imagined that someone would ask you to be their girlfriend in a more romantic way. Not that you want to be choosy but the way you two got together was so quick and lackluster. The kiss was definitely something but after that, he just asked you. Something feels lacking.
 There’s no need for you to dive deep into how he asked you to be his girlfriend. The fact that he’s finally yours, you’re happy with it. There’s no need for you to be choosy.
 “Have you been receiving any emails back from the companies you’ve applied to?” Taehyung addressed the question to you and Jimin. Seniors, which includes you and the two troublemakers, have sent their applications last month to various companies where they’ll have their training and if lucky, will eventually work there as well. This week, everyone will receive replies from those companies. As the dread from the exams has ended, another has taken its place.
 “None yet but I’ll inform everyone for sure if I receive any.” Your boyfriend confidently tells Taehyung and you. He turns his head to you, arms tightly gripping your shoulder. “You?”
 “Same. Still waiting.”
 “We’ll all still be together after college, right? All the companies I’ve applied to are just here in the city.” Taehyung grins as he try to disturb Jungkook from his lunch. “Jungkook still needs us to bother him.”
 Somehow, a tight rope in your chest started to tighten after hearing Taehyung. The three of you haven’t discussed each other’s plans after college. Maybe Jimin and Taehyung have already did but you haven’t informed them of yours yet.
 You went to the library that afternoon to return the books that you have borrowed for your readings. The library surprisingly feels a lot friendly today, compared to the other days where it has this heavy atmosphere from all the student who were cramming their notes in their brains. A lot of students were also returning heaps of books like you. Like a heavy load was taken off their back, your fellow students felt relieved that exam week is done.
 Gala Night will be this weekend. Everyone will have the chance to finally unwind and relax, with the music relieving them of their worries. Seniors will have their last chance to party in college before the pressure and burden of adulthood creeps in.
 As you were handing out the last book back to the counter, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You thanked and bid goodbye to the person behind the counter and turned around. You take out your phone and the sight of the notification stopped you in your tracks. An email notification clearly occupied your screen saying that it’s from the company that you’ve been waiting for a reply from the most. You held your phone against your chest as you look around as if you’re trying to hide something. You quickly walk and hide behind the bookshelves and leaned against it as you try to breathe in deeply. 
 You try to calm down your nerves, clearing your anxiety at what could the email contain. It could say that they have rejected your application and you’ve lost your chance to work in your dream company. It could also say that they accept you and that would definitely be in the list of your top moments of this year, second to having that kiss with Jimin of course.
 You try to inhale deeply once more before slowly lifting the phone off your chest. You open the email and read it. Everything became so silent around you. Your focus is all on reading the contents of the email. You carefully read each words as if reading it twice can make your comprehension with the language even clearer.
 “Fuck!” you shriek as you take in what you just read. You slapped your hand against your mouth when you remembered you’re still in the library. You giggle under your hands as your heart continues to pound in your chest.
 Your dream company just accepted you. You’re finally getting the fruits of your labor. You celebrate in the small area behind the bookshelf in the library as you throw punches in the air.
 You rejoice in your victory for a few more minutes before remembering the thing you’ve been holding off for a long time from Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. As if strapping bricks on your feet, you stop in your place as your heart begins to get heavy. This company you’ve applied to is in another country. “Fuck.”
 It’s Saturday, supposed to be everyone’s rest day but everyone at your house is busy. Jimin and the boys are down practicing non-stop for their performance for tomorrow’s Gala Night. You still haven’t informed Jimin about the email as you haven’t found the right moment to tell him of your news. A part of you is also torn whether to consider it as a good news or bad news. Just when everything is finally falling into its right place between you and Jimin, your dream will be the force pulling you both apart from each other once more.
 After their practice that had lasted the whole morning until afternoon, Jimin quickly took a break and excused himself away from his bandmates to spend some time with you. He ran to your bedroom, stopping in front of your door. He knocked but heard no answer from you. Once again, he knocked and called your name. When you didn’t answer, he slowly opened the door, catching a sight of you napping on your beanbag. He admires how adorable you look, curled up like a ball under your fluffy purple blanket as you tightly hold your phone while you sleep.
 He kneels down in front of you as he stares at your every feature. He never felt this lucky now that he knows that he’s finally got you. You’re his girlfriend now and nothing can keep you apart. He’ll do anything just to stay by your side.
 He saw a stray strand of your hair across your face and tucked it behind your ear as he carefully take your phone off your grasp. Once he successfully pulled your phone away, he wraps his hand under your legs and behind your back to carry you off the beanbag. You look so precious around his arms as he continues to stare at you when he walks towards your bed. Gently laying you down, it’s taking everything from him to resist kissing you. He wants to respect you by taking it slow and although you two have kissed once, he still respects your consent.
 He roamed around your room, observing every little detail. He hasn’t been in your room for so long. Now that the two of you are in a relationship, being alone with you seems more intimate now. He ingrains in his mind every cute item decorating your personal space. His eyes darts to the wall plastered with lots of Polaroid of the boys and you. He reminisces every moment depicted in each photo especially those with Namjoon and Hoseok. He deeply misses his older band members now that they’re busy working away from the four of you.
 He felt slight jealousy when he saw a photo of you squeezed in a hug between Namjoon and Hoseok. He remembers it taken by Taehyung after hanging out with everyone on the beach last year to celebrate their graduation. If it wasn’t for Taehyung and Hoseok’s help, he wouldn’t have the courage to make further moves on you.
 “I guess we’ll hang out here until the rain stops then we’ll head home.” Taehyung turns to look outside the window as the sound of the rain against the house gets louder by the second. Jimin was busy heating up the pizza slices in the kitchen when he heard Taehyung. Jungkook was busy teaching Jimin’s cousin the guitar across Taehyung in the living room.
 “Shouldn’t she be home by now? It’s getting late.” Jimin asks as he worries about you going home in this ungodly weather.
 “She must be on the way home right now. Don’t worry, she’ll get home fine… if she didn’t forget to bring her…” Jungkook turns to the shelf beside the door where you usually place your umbrella. You have a habit of forgetting your umbrella which is why you made it a point to have a designated place for your umbrella near the door. “…and she did. I’m not surprised.” Jungkook excused himself from the guitar lessons with Jimin’s cousin, standing up to put his guitar away on the couch as he walked back up the stairs to get ready to pick you up.
 “Jungkook, don’t pick her up. Let Jimin do it.” Taehyung changes the channel on the TV from the remote as he tells Jungkook. Jimin, taken aback by Taehyung’s suggestion, walks out of the kitchen and to the living room to question his best friend.
 “Can’t you see she’s avoiding me? Besides, we don’t know if she’ll be calling Jungkook to pick her up. She might call Hoseok, now that they’re dating.” Jimin points at Jungkook and back at Taehyung.
 Taehyung laughs. “Okay. We’re not supposed to tell you this but seeing as the situation between you and her is getting worse, might as well tell you.”
 “Tell me what?”
 “It’s all just an act with Hoseok. We planned the confession just to rile you up. To make you jealous. We’re getting so impatient between the push and pull dynamic between you and her. No one’s making a move despite your obvious feelings for each other, it’s frustrating me and Hoseok. That’s why we made a plan to make you jealous.” Taehyung leans back against the couch, staring at his best friend.
 “Wait. What? They’re not dating?” Jimin is so puzzled that he kept on glancing back and forth to Jungkook and Taehyung.
 “Yes.” Taehyung slowly reiterates as he rolled his eyes at Jimin. “I’m so frustrated at seeing the two of you be oblivious with each other, so I tried to interfere. Your best wingman, at your service! You can thank me later.”
 Jungkook was already back at the front door, unnoticed by Jimin. He pulled out your umbrella from its designated slot inside the shelf and threw it to Jimin. “He complains to me non-stop about you guys, so get on with it to make him stop. As her brother, you have my blessing.” Jimin caught the umbrella as he sees Jungkook grin and gives a thumbs-up as green light.
 Never have Jimin moved so fast, intent on seeing you as soon as possible. Taehyung threw his car keys to Jimin as he opened the door. The two boys that were left back in the house smiled warmly at each other as they saw Jimin’s swift exit.
Your eyes felt heavy as you try to pry it open after your afternoon nap. All the fatigue from your all-nighters caught up to you as you regain control of your body trying to get up from the confines of your bed. Your vision was still slightly hazy but you recognized a figure standing near your desk. Jimin. You recognize his back anywhere, no matter how hazy or unclear your vision is. You call his name out with your sleepy voice still warming up from being awaken. He didn’t turn back to your call so you try to call him again.
 He slowly turns to you but something felt wrong. You try to wonder why he’s not reacting fast to your call as if he’s busy with something. You recognize something familiar that was in Jimin’s hands as you were getting off your bed. Both of your eyes met and immediately, you felt unable to speak further. Words choked up in your throat as you regret not cleaning up your table to hide the item that Jimin is now tightly gripping with all his might. It was subtle but you could see that his hand was slightly shaking. Unsure whether if he’s angry or afraid of what he might’ve read.
 “I can explain…” Slowly, you take a few steps forward towards him as if you were on high alert with how to handle the situation.
 “What’s this?” you could feel his sadness just from the few words he let out as he gaze upon you, holding the letter out to you. “Why does it say America? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” The small piece of paper, now trembling in his hands.
 “I do plan to tell you but I haven’t found the right timing yet.” You took one step closer but you noticed he took a step back as well. You’re scared. You don’t want him to think that you’re hiding something from him which you really aren’t. You just don’t know how to break it to him gently. “I applied for a job and I got an email from them that I got accepted. The letter just arrived yesterday.” Your hands were starting to get clammy and your throat felt dry as well.
 “Why didn’t you tell any of us that you were planning to leave town and work there?”
 “I was not sure they’ll accept me. I just took my shot. I don’t want to disappoint you guys if I tell you then it turns out I got rejected. Applying there was a long shot.” You once again try to take a step closer and pressed on, when you saw Jimin accepting your concern to remedy the situation and not stepping back. “Believe me, I don’t intend it to be a secret from all of you.” You slowly try to place your hands on his quivering wrist that is tightly holding the letter.
 “So you’re just gonna leave us here? I thought we all talked about staying here in the city. Find jobs here.” you could hear a slight tone of anxiety and sorrow from his tiny voice. His black hair slowly clouding his face. A shadow looming over his face. You felt his sorrow as well just by looking at him. This was not your intention.
 “I know we all talked about it. I’m sorry if I haven’t told you guys but…” you gently rub your hands along his arms to at least try and comfort your boyfriend. “This has always been my dream. I’ll regret it if I didn’t let myself take the shot no matter how impossible it may be. There has never been a day where I’m not grateful for the memories and company you guys gave me. The thought of leaving town and living alone on the other side of the world scares me. It’s all thanks to you guys that I was able to go out of my comfort zone and was able to make a lot choices that makes me who I am today. Thanks to you, Jimin. You’ve always been there for me, encouraging me when I was unwilling to take a step forward. Now, I am taking that step and I hope you’ll let me.” You place your hands on his cheeks as he still kept his longing gaze on you.
 You felt his warm hands occupy your cheeks, wiping what seems to be tears flowing down on your warm cheeks. You didn’t notice it. You were occupied with the thought of pacifying the situation and the thought of leaving Jimin was now real. You just started a relationship with him and you were unsure what your new job would mean between the two of you. Jimin leaving you is definitely not the thing you want. If you could reject the job, you could but you’ve been dreaming for this even before you’ve met and liked him. You truly wish for him to understand and support you, and if he won’t, you tell yourself that you’ll accept where he wants your relationship to go. If he’ll break up with you for this, you’ll accept it and let him leave however painful it is.
 He pulled you for a hug, still silent and not saying a word. You were still trying to grasp on what he’s thinking right now but you won’t push him further. He grips you tightly into the hug that you’re sure his fingers would bruise your skin but you reciprocate the tightness. You don’t want him to let go of the hug. You don’t want him to let go of you, not when you just got him. The distance between you just started to close but now, it felt like its back to being miles away from each other. It frustrates you that probably something celestial is intent on keeping you apart.
 You were now sniffing and crying in his arms, unaware of the mess you’re making on his shirt. He rubs his hand on the top of your head and he pushes you away from his chest to look at you and the mess you’re making. You admit that Jimin being hush makes you even more anxious and nervous. You prefer to just bicker with him at this point since that would make yours and his thoughts vocal to each other. You lift your head up to look at him with eyes beaded with tears. 
 He takes in your beauty as he watched you. He inched closer to you and next, you’re feeling his plump lips taking yours. A kiss so different from the first time you had with him. This was filled with yearning and ache. As if the words you were waiting for him to say, he expressed it with this kiss. He closed the distance with you in mere seconds. You understand what he felt as he ravishes your lips. He doesn’t want to let you go but he wants to support you as well. Every fiber in his being wants to pull you back to him but he doesn’t because he doesn’t want to deprive you of your happiness.
 He walks you back to the direction of your bed while continuing to pour out his feelings to you through the kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you both drown in the intimacy of the moment. A few moments later, the back of your knees hit the end of your bed causing the two of you to crash on your bed. You gasped at the sudden weight of Jimin crashing into you while he continues to stroke his hands through your hair, unbothered by the change of position.
 “Jimin?” You ask as you try to get a word out of him. He whined and continues to shower you kisses. You felt his tongue brush your lower lip, causing the heat beneath your legs to further warm you up. His hands were all over your body and you didn’t complain. You want this too. Heck, you’ve been dreaming of this too. Nights filled with thoughts of Jimin were too frequent.
 The sudden contact of his cold hands on your skin under the end of your shirt shocked you. The intense heat of the moment and from your body completely contrasted his icy cold hands. It almost burned you but you continue to savor the moment. The intense touches he’s giving you. His kisses were now crawling from the sides of your lips to your neck. Goosebumps appeared behind your neck and on your arms as you felt him mapping out your skin with his warm lips. You let out a whimper and this further pushed out the desire he’s been keeping for so long caged inside Jimin. He slowly nibbled your ears and let out a groan.
 It took your breath away, further driving you wild. You stroke his back harder, careful not to scratch him. The frustration of wanting to touch him for who knows how long was clouding your mind. You want more. You both surrender to each other when a knock disturbed the two of you. Jimin scoff internally inside his thoughts at whoever decided to cockblock him from having you.
 “Hey, is Jimin there? We need him for another practice. Jungkook still needs to polish a few parts in the setlist.” Taehyung carefully whispers through the door without knocking, unsure if you’re taking a nap or not. Everyone knows by now how precious your afternoon nap is. They could tease you anytime but not when you’re taking a nap.
 Jimin and you were both looking at the door, lips still on each other. You part your lips from Jimin and answered, telling that Jimin is indeed in your bedroom and will return to practice as soon as possible. You felt Jimin groan against your lips and also heard Taehyung answer, his footsteps slowly getting farther from your bedroom.
 You and Jimin stared at each other for a moment and giggles erupted from the two of you after realizing what just happened. He caressed the side of your face, scanning your face. You returned the gesture as you place your hand on his cheeks. You place a peck on his lips, shocking him. It was the first time you initiated intimacy between the two of you.
 “We’ll talk more about it, okay? I promise.” You smile at him as you express your sincerity. He adored you being under him looking so flushed and he couldn’t resist you looking so enamored with him. He nods and gave you back a peck before parting his body from you, getting off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.
 You plan to talk to him more but of course you didn’t get to since your parents called you for an errand to get some groceries. By the time you got back, Taehyung and Jimin already left. Jungkook told you that Jimin had to drive his cousin somewhere urgent. You lost another chance to remedy the situation between the two of you. Although the two of you can talk about it on the phone, nothing beats being in front of him to talk about it. Tomorrow’s the Gala Night so you figure it’s best that you both talk it out after. Also, it bothers you that Jimin hasn’t said a word to you yet. Even when you were making out, he wasn’t saying anything. Maybe it’s better to trust him and not further drown yourself with anxious thoughts.
 You were part of the technical crew in charge of the sound system for the Gala Night. Despite your urge to rush in front of the crowd to get a closer look at the stage, you prefer your peace at the sound booth at the back of the auditorium elevated higher than the audience almost at the same height as the stage. The audience started to make some more noise as they see Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung take their place on the stage.
 It felt funny seeing few girls getting giddy and blushing at the sight of the three. You remember all the moments when they used to perform with Namjoon and Hoseok and it would increase their fans twicefold the next day. Majority of the screaming fans among the audience were girls from Jungkook’s batch and freshman students. You laugh at the sight of those three goofballs be heartthrobs and be adored by everyone.
 Soon, they start performing some of their old songs that were loved by the audience. Jungkook breezed through the songs, belting out as the main vocalist. Jimin would have guitar solos, making the girls fall over for his charms at every strum of the strings. Taehyung would make every beat of the drums hypnotize the audience as if a flower was calling every bees to come forth for its honey. You would sway your head and sing to their songs in your seat. Closing your eyes to let yourself be absorbed into the music.
 The next song would be their new original song. As Jungkook was introducing the song, Jimin walks up beside him. Everyone in the auditorium were focused on Jungkook as he expresses that this song was made by Jimin and Taehyung and is sort of a parting gift for everyone since they’ll be graduating soon, granting groans from the audience. He also told that he wouldn’t be the one leading the song. Everyone was surprised when Jimin took Jungkook’s place in front of the mic. You were also surprised at the turn of events. This would be the first time Jimin would be taking over a song as the vocalist. Yes, he sings a few parts and belts out adlibs here and there but you haven’t heard him perform a whole song.
 “This song is slightly personal. I put out my heart and all my thoughts into this song.” He turns back to Taehyung and Jungkook, who’s now holding his guitar. They nod at each other and Jimin turns back to the audience looking for you. When he did find you at the back, he smiled and held the mic tightly. “This is Distance. I hope you guys love it.”
 You shot your entire attention at Jimin, never leaving him. The music started slow. It was an entirely different kind of music from what they put out before. This is almost like a sensual RnB genre complimented by the sounds of Taehyung’s drums and Jungkook’s electric guitar. The audience grew quiet as they felt the mood change, listening intently to the strumming of the guitar lead by Jungkook. You watch Jimin as he starts to sing out the lyrics.
 You listen intently to the lyrics. He sings about a person haunted by his feelings, unable to fully express what he wanted. The person felt that the main force holding him back was himself. He cares deeply for another person, willing to do anything for her. Ready to fight battles alongside her, no matter how much sacrifices he’s asked to make. He reaches out again and again but there’s like a dark and ominous figure holding him back. Just as he was about to give up, the person that he loves reaches out for him. The hand reaching out for him, upon contact, lit up everything around him. He takes it and everything he hid inside his chest comes bursting out. Everything around the both of them blossomed and was painted with different hues of color. He expressed all his fears to the person he adores. The fear of being left behind, being rejected, being abandoned and being thrown away. He kept this confident persona in front of everyone to hide his true feelings. He loved that person with his entire being.
 Jimin ended the song by singing the question, “Do you accept me? Because I offer myself to you.”
 You felt Jimin’s passion as he sang the song. Jimin was panting, clearly heard through the mic. His stares were burning you. You soon realize that Jimin was singing about the two of you. He expressed his feelings about you through the song. The words you were longing for ever since that rainy night were all poured out for you through his song. Your cheeks were burning so hard that you felt so flushed even up to the soles of your feet. You try to fan yourself to cool down but his eyes were still on you, burning you further.
 The screams and roar of the audience shook both of you away from the unspoken burning desire blooming between the two of you. Jimin smiled as he take in the audience’s warm response for his song. You two may have been at the opposite poles of the auditorium but you two understood each other completely. You heard his confession and you answered back with complete surrender to him.
 Jungkook gave you the tightest hug he could give as he quietly hide his head in the crook of your neck while he sob. You see Taehyung and Jimin standing behind him, smiling at the two of you. Jimin was holding your luggage as he pushed Taehyung to take Jungkook off you and proceed to say his farewell.
 Taehyung gently pulled Jungkook’s shirt, laughing at the youngest band member as Jungkook comically wipes his nose after pulling away from you. Jungkook quietly walks back to Jimin, and Taehyung was now hugging you. Taehyung was the clingiest one out of the bunch, especially to the other band members. He doesn’t shy away in hugging you, as well. You would always oblige since it always warms your heart whenever you would welcome his hugs.
 “Take care of yourself. Eat a bit healthier. Don’t follow any strangers. Always guard your drinks when you go partying. If any of your coworker bullies you, tell them you have a friend who is a master of martial arts.” You laugh as he rambles while still hugging you. He ends the hug and faces you.
 “Yes, mom, I will.” You pinch his adorable cheeks. You look at him for a few seconds before asking him to come closer. “I forgot to thank you. Hoseok already confessed everything to me. You’re the best wingman Jimin could have.” Taehyung, surprised that you know their secret, pulled back to look at you with huge eyes. You giggle as you try to put your finger on your lips, assuring him that you’ll keep mum about it.
 “Anything for you two.” He walked back as he smiled warmly at you.
 Jungkook and Taehyung waved and stayed back, as you and Jimin walk further inside the airport. You two were silent as you tread along the building, knowing that each passing moment means that you’ll soon be spending so much time away from him. You want to run away with him but you hold yourself out from acting your desires. A small sacrifice for your happiness. He did tell you again and again that he would wait for you no matter how long it takes. You place all your trust in him.
 Jimin squeezed your hand inside his, stopping you in your tracks. “I love you, y/n.”
 It was the first time he put his feelings into words that is directly addressed to you. You may have heard and understood the lyrics of his song and for whom it was addressed to but hearing your name coming from his mouth tickles your heart. You love this person. Everything about him is amazing. Every moment spent with him is magical.
 “…and I love you, too.” Jimin also didn’t expect you to reply. “Wait for me, okay? I promise I’ll come back and I’ll be yours always. I’ll always be waiting for you too.” You cup his face with your hand. Jimin leans his face further into your hand, closing his eyes at the warmth and gentleness you’re providing. He tries to remember your touch, your warmth, and your scent.
 “I won’t be long.” You didn’t understood what he meant but not for long, he lifts your chin and proceeds to kiss you. A kiss so gentle that your heavy anxiety of parting ways with him has been lifted off you. A kiss so precious as if time stopped around you, blocking the sound of people rushing to get to their check-in gates and luggage wheels rolling on the tiles of the airport.
 Lips parting, you both gaze at each other as Jimin nudged his nose to yours.
 It has been a month since you left. You’ve adjusted well in your new environment. Luckily, everyone in the company has been generous in giving you a warm welcome. It didn’t take long for you to adjust to your workload and perform brilliantly. You also met a lot of new friends outside the company, common friends of your workmates. Everything was going swell, except for the moment when you would be alone in your apartment. You would quickly do video calls with Jimin if yours or his schedule matches. Most of the time, you leave video messages or voice recording if you catch him sleeping already or him with you. It frustrates you but you always remind yourself that it’s a small sacrifice for your happiness.
 One day, Jimin was leaving all your messages on seen. You want to scream at him and the anxiety creeped up on you the longer he left your messages. You were obviously in a bad mood the whole day. Your friends at work also noticed this and you would just reassure them that you’re fine. A male friend of yours offered to drive you back to your apartment as everyone was walking out of the building to go home. You politely decline when a voice abruptly disturbed the both of you. You both look at the direction of the voice and was surprised to see your boyfriend. Surprised by the unfamiliar blonde locks on his head as he stood so proudly a few feet away from you.
 Words caught in your throat, all you could say was “Jimin?!?”
 He smugly walked up to you as he glare at the man beside you. The man quickly understood the situation and bids you goodbye. Jimin slowly walks beside you as he placed his hand around your waist. He sees you, mouth agape and still can’t talk at his surprise appearance. “I missed you!” He kissed your cheeks, taking you by surprise.
 “Why…but how?…When?” You stutter as you try to take in the fact that your boyfriend is now in front of you, in America. Miles away from his home and he didn’t bother to tell you about it.
 “Let’s go to your apartment. I can tell you all about it there.” As if in a rush, he pushes you by the waist to hurry and go home to your place.
 However, when you arrived at your apartment, Jimin didn’t hesitate to devour you by the entrance hallway of your apartment. He pushes the door close with his feet as he take your lips. No matter how many times you two have kissed, you can still differentiate each kiss. Today, it’s burning with desire for you. He latches onto your mouth like it’s his lifeline. You let yourself overdose with the taste of him, and so does he. His plump lips felt divine that has you moaning under him.
 Your heavenly moans had him wanting more. Both of you stayed latched against each other’s bodies as you try to remove any accesories that you can while directing him to your bedroom. He pushes you back unto the mattress when you were surprised at the force your back met the soft linen.
 He unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt and pulled the sleeves higher before he dove back to you. Not wasting any moment, he writhed his hands behind your nape and gripped your waist. Your eyes shutting close at the brush of his lips and the taste of his tongue on yours. Kissing him felt so natural to you as you indulge in his presence and touch. He now dives his lips on your neck, crumbling your last bit of self-control. You let go and wrapped your hands behind his head and through his now-blonde locks. You felt goosebumps as he sensually pepper your neck with kisses.
 You realize how much you’ve put yourself in critical position, you gently push him away before this gets any further. You didn’t want to ruin the mood but you’re still very confused at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend. You haven’t said any words to him but he quickly understood what’s painted on your face. “I’ll explain later, I promise.” You both stay gazing at each other and taking in the close proximity between you. “Can I please have you tonight?”
 You nod, understanding what he meant. “Please Jimin.”
 He quickly closes in the distance between the two of you and placed his lips above your collarbone, earning a sensual groan from you. This has urged Jimin to further surrender to his carnal desire for you, no longer holding back. As you felt his hand gripping the sides of your waist, he laps his lips to nibble on your ear.
 “Ah Jimin!”
 He growls, “Fuck I missed you”. His hands quickly finds it place under your breasts to fondle it and you grow even weaker. Your moans making the tent under his pants grow even harder at every touch. He marks you purple and red behind your ear as he noticed how you moan loader as he teases your ear.
 You tightly grip his hair as he continue to kiss your neck and his delicate hand found its way to the buttons of your shirt, removing each piece as he unravels you half-naked before him. You quickly lift up your back off the bed, helping him by removing your shirt and bra off of you. He worships at the view of your nakedness before him. He proceeds to fully unbutton his white dress shirt and attempts to remove it completely when you stopped him.
 “Don’t take it off. You look good in corporate attire. It turns me on.” Jimin sees you scanning him as you display a fucked out face despite not yet having been fucked. He finds himself further in danger of losing himself to you.
 He leans back to you, now rolling his tongue around your nipples while his other hand fondles your other breast. Insatiable, he alternates between your breasts as he tastes you more. You submit entirely to him after having been deprived of his touch. It takes him by surprise when you pushed him, rolling onto his back and now you’re on top of him.
 You crawl south, pulling down the zipper of his pants and his cock sprung out to greet you. Big is an understatement. If he went inside you with this, you would definitely be sore and limping later. You grab his big hard erection and flicked your tongue at the tip, earning a very sensual groan from Jimin. His hands quickly landed on either side of your head. You looked at Jimin and found him staring at you, etching the sight of you sucking him forever in his mind. Seeing him enjoying your touch as you ravage him turns you on.
 It only takes a matter of seconds before you start sucking his length, bobbing your head up and down. You work on his cock capably with your tongue and mouth, and stroking the remaining length which can’t fit your mouth with your hands. You didn’t notice that he held your head and further pushed you down on his cock. You slightly gag as you felt the tip hit the back of your throat. The remaining length that you were stroking was now being occupied by your mouth as your nose met his skin. Something about it felt so naughty that you let your hand fondle the heat between your legs. 
 Jimin concentrated on your lips wrapped on his cock as he try to pull his underwear and pants off his legs. He lift his back off the bed as you continue. His hands now unzipping your skirt and prompting you to remove it. You did what was asked of you and also removed your underwear.
 There’s this strong desire between the two of you and you both know you’ll bask in it tonight.
 He looks at you as you lay down naked on the bed. You crawl up towards the headboard and he kneels at the end of the bed. You could almost feel yourself dripping wet as he stood there with his cock in full display. “Spread your legs for me.” His commanding tone suddenly made you hot and limp before him. Soon, you find yourself displaying everything for him. It didn’t take long before his lips found its way on your pussy.
 It felt like electricity is coursing through you. He savors your taste as you grip his hair, careful not to tug too tight. It felt bizarre looking at Jimin with blonde hair but he looks even hotter with his new locks. You let your head back as you moan and shout his name. He further wiggles his tongue on your clit, wanting more of your reaction to his touch. You grab whatever you can to try and control yourself in shouting from pleasure. He enjoyed your struggle so he soon pushed one finger inside you. You were so wet for him already that his finger didn’t meet any resistance so he quickly added another finger.
 “Your pussy tastes so good.” He pushes his tongue inside your pussy along with his two fingers. Defeated, you lean back, grinding your hips into his face. You felt something and so did Jimin. Your walls are starting to throb and close in on his fingers so inserted one more finger. You scream at the stretch of his three fingers and looked at Jimin. “I have to prepare you well so that you can take me.” He lets his other hand play with your clit, circling it around. It was too much. The stimulation from his hands further pulling you into a strong orgasm. You shiver under him as he fucks you with his fingers through your orgasm. Once you were done, he slowly pulled out.
 You pant, limp on the sheets as you try to remember that you’re not yet done. He still haven’t fucked you. You anticipate the stretch that his cock will bring when you turn to see Jimin stroking his cock as he crawls between your legs. He lines the head of his cock against your entrance, rubbing it up and down. He looks at the contact of his member on yours as he spreads your wetness even further around your pussy. 
 Eager for him to start, you wiggle your hips closer to him. He laughs at your impatience as he lifts your waist closer to him. “I won’t hold back tonight. I can’t promise to be gentle all the time but if you want me to stop, I will.”
 “Fuck me senseless until tomorrow, Jimin. I want you.” With this, he thrusts his entire cock inside your pussy. Soon, you both progress into an amazing rhythm, bodies intertwined against each other. Your hips pushing back and forth to meet each of Jimin’s strong thrusts. In unison, you release sounds of exquisite pleasure and scream each other’s names.
 He rolls you, your face meeting the pillow. You were completely laid flat on the bed when his cock quickly found its way to enter you once again. He pushed your legs to close while he rides you. He pushes you further into the bed as he fucked you into oblivion. Jimin felt like a beast. He stayed true to his words by not holding back and you loved it. You ask him to be rougher and it would further edge him on. You could feel the tip of his cock almost opening your womb.
 Another orgasm is pending to overwhelm you and Jimin could now feel it around his cock. He continues to pound you in the roughest manner you’ve ever experienced. It felt like heaven as you let your orgasm take over you. “Where do you want me to release it?” Jimin didn’t let his rhythm falter through your orgasm but anymore and he can’t further prolong his orgasm.
 “I want everything inside. Cum inside me, Jimin!” You screaming his name eventually pushed him to cum inside you. As he paints your walls white, he pushed inside you even further. He slumps his body close to you as you hear his lips moaning your name beside your ear. Both of you moaning and reveling in each other’s touch.
 He pulled out after making sure that he let out every drop inside. The sight of you dripping of his essence made him groan. He quickly stood off your bed to get you a glass of water. He hands you the glass of water from your side table. You took a quick sip and felt Jimin heading below you, wiping his cum dripping out your pussy with a tissue. You let your other hand to crawl down your pussy and inserted it, scooping out any cum that was left. Jimin froze at the lewd sight of you inserting two fingers inside your pussy while busy sipping from your glass of water. You let his cum accumulate before pulling your fingers to your mouth, swallowing his cum. He swallowed at how hot you are right now, drinking his cum and tasting yourself. You giggle under your fingers, seeing that teasing him worked.
 “Such a naughty girl.” He smirked and it made you laugh. He laughs at you as well. He took your blanket and covered both of you, cuddling under it.
 “Are you going to tell me now why you’re here?” you pulled him closer to you as you wiggled your head across his chest. He laughs at how quickly you turned this adorable after witnessing what a storm of a seductress you were a while ago.
 “I’m going to live with you now starting from today.” You froze and quickly sat properly beside him, pushing yourself away from his chest. He takes in your confused look before further explaining. “I did tell you at the airport that I won’t be long. I arranged everything and now, I’ll be working in the same city as you. We’ll be in the same time zone now.” He rubs his hand across your cheek.
 “You did…what… for me?” Your tears now starting to pool around your eyes and fall. He takes in each drop in his hand and rubs it off. “I love you.” You sob quietly as you rub your cheeks back onto his hand.
 “I know. I love you too.” He pulls you closer. “We’ll reach for our dreams together without ever being apart.” He slowly takes your lips once more. Your love for Jimin felt stronger. You never felt happier to have him finally beside you.
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