#manifestation advice
eamour · 1 year
table of contents ⌵
1 ⋮ forewordㆍdefinitionㆍexamples
2 ⋮ state of knowingㆍstate of lack
3 ⋮ changingㆍmaintainingㆍfalling outㆍbeing aware
4 ⋮ misconceptions
5 ⋮ advice
before we dive into this post, we first need to define WHO you are. you are pure consciousness. you are "I AM", the phrase that states just that — being nothing but awareness. your appearance — just like a state — is what you embody. a malleable physical object that can be changed through imagination. you aren’t the state itself. the state is your costume, your clothing, something you choose to put on and off. the moment you identify your "I AM" you turn your pure, unconditioned awareness into conditioned awareness.
a state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience / consciousness / identity / awareness / imagination with a body of beliefs which you live by. a collective of several thoughts that all refer to one state. you identify yourself with it by saying: "i am…". there are infinite states into which you as an individual may fall, therefore your "i am…" can be anything. thus you manifest through states. what you are conscious of is a thought, an assumption, a bunch of statements that declare one and the same thing, leading to one and the same state. no state is greater than another. but the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return to, constitutes your dwelling place. it's the state that manifests into your 3D reality. depending on what state you are in, it determines your actions and thoughts.
as you are always expressing a state. we wander through states all the time, several times a day. as there is an infinite amount of realities to be aware of, you choose which state it is that you want to dwell on. you can simply pick which state you want to embody and persist in it. persisting in a state is no different than persisting in an assumption. in fact, it's the exact same since a state equals the plural of assumptions.
you always express a state of either having or not having your desire. here are some examples:
state of self-pityㆍstate of self-confidence
state of povertyㆍstate of wealth
state of anxietyㆍstate of calmness
the state of the wish fulfilled
you will hear this phrase a lot as it was coined by neville goddard. being in "the state of the wish fulfilled" simply means that you identify with the version of yourself who has their desires and is aware of that. it's a generic term that says that your wish has been "fulfilled". "fulfilling the inner man" — another term coined by neville — means to be in the state of the wish fulfilled.
example: being in the state of the wish fulfilled could mean being in the state of having your desired apartment.
the state of lack
the state of lack is the opponent to the state of the wish fulfilled or the state of knowing (both mean the same). a state of lack states that you have not established the belief that you have your desire — in other words — that you have not fully adapted to your desired state. acknowledging, realizing, noticing and pointing out that you don't have your desire in the 3D indicates that you do not have it in the 4D either.
example: being in the state of lack could mean being in the state of not having your desired apartment.
changing a state
how do you enter a new state? how do you leave your old state? through belief. you must believe in your state. whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it and you will. the thoughts of you must be accepted literally as they will be fulfilled literally. if you can believe and persuade yourself that things are as you want them to be to the point of actually moving into the feeling of knowing they are true, they will be felt and seen in your world. you must feel (=know) your desires are already realized, that they are already true, for the truth of any concept is known by the feeling of certainty that the thought is true.
in steps
1 ⋮ choose the state you want to occupy.
· · · become clear about what it is that you want to have or who you want to be.
2 ⋮ decide and accept that you have it.
· · · embody the person who already has what you desire. by doing this, you are either living in the end or in the knowing aka living in the state of the wish fulfilled. moreover, you are fulfilling yourself in imagination and enter your desired state.
3 ⋮ remain in the state of knowing by persisting in it.
· · · don't pay attention to opposing thoughts and flip them if needed. persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural to you.
maintaining a state
you can move into any state, but you might not remain there since a state is made up of a body of beliefs. if you spend the day thinking from a certain point, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are that you might will fall asleep the night occupying the same beliefs.
your maintenance of a state is defined by resistance — in other words — the amount of opposing thoughts you have. you will know when you aren't occupying a state anymore as soon as you get doubts, negative assumptions or thoughts that make you question if you are still inhabiting that state.
meaning, you maintain a state by persisting. this does not mean that you keep going back to the wish fulfilled but rather stay faithful to your whatever you have mentally accepted in imagination.
the same way you have shifted your attention to an undesirable state, you can shift your attention right back to the state that you want to focus on.
falling out of a state
what if you think you have fallen out of that state already? you don’t just magically "fall out of a state". you will know when you aren‘t occupying your desired state anymore once you face resistance. once you start to question the fulfillment of your desire and the rightful embodiment of your state, you inhabit a new state — the state of doubt aka not having your desire aka lack. not thinking of your desire anymore — although you have accepted it to be true — doesn’t necessarily mean that you have stopped being in the state of owning your desire. an accepted thought, an embodied state, does not have to be remembered all the time. do you recall all the things that you own already? exactly, you don’t!
don’t condemn yourself for the state into which you have fallen. if you don’t like it, move into another. don’t feel sorry for yourself, because if you do you will make the state a habit and remain there. remember, the states into which we fall cannot mar or in any way deter our immortal self who fell.
knowing which state you are in
your physical reality will always give you evidence to the thoughts you have accepted to be true. what you see and what you do not see determines the state you are in. why? because manifestation happens instantly. your inner conversations create the external world you are currently living in.
misconceptions of states
1 ⋮ your state does not consist of emotions. emotions have no influence over your manifestation, how you will manifest it, etc.
2 ⋮ you are always in a state, whether you like it or not. it's not a method. you cannot "use" or "apply" it. you don't choose to not be in a state - just like you can't choose that your assumptions don't manifest or that you can magically "stop manifesting". you are always expressing yourself, you are always manifesting. call it assumptions that manifest or states that manifest, it's the same. the idea of states only serves the purpose to demonstrate the law in a more simplified way, trying to make you control or monitor every single thought / assumption of you less.
3 ⋮ therefore - both - thoughts and states manifest as they are the same. thoughts that end up being materialized in your external world have become assumptions accepted as true aka new beliefs. they represent the state you are currently in. it all comes down to belief, not the thought itself, not how many times you repeat an affirmation, but if you believe it to be true.
4 ⋮ having said that, methods do not manifest. you do. your state does, the collective of thoughts.
5 ⋮ you might not enter a state right away after just "intending" to enter it. you enter a state once it feels natural to you and once you have fully accepted it to be true to you. remember, manifestation is instant. your state — if rightfully persisted and thus believed in — will be immediately reflected in your 3D.
6 ⋮ persistence does not equal repetition (aka affirming).
if you will think you have your desire and remain conscious of the state long enough to make it natural, as the thoughts flow from you, they become a natural part of your body of beliefs, and the world will proclaim your desire. your state of occupation will naturally change.
walk in the state until it becomes natural. the moment the feeling is natural, your desire is yours!
with love, ella.
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🎀" A change of speech is a change of mind " - Neville Goddard. Everyone indulges in self- talk,we can control the nature & direction of our inner conversations. Our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life. To change your mind , you must change your speech aka your inner conversations. Inner world creates the outer world.
🧋Mental diet is like a normal diet , the only difference is that instead of avoiding unhealthy food , we avoid unproductive thoughts aka thoughts which contradict our desires . We choose to think productive & healthy thoughts. Believe it or not , our thoughts create our reality.
🎀Master your mind to focus on what you want & persisting in the desired story. If you are focusing on what you don't want or if your mind keeps going back to the old story, then it's very important to maintain a strong mental diet. Our brain is used to wandering or be in auto pilot mode. We need to create a new pattern where we only focus on what we want. To create a new pattern , we need to put consistent attention and put mental effort to focus on what we want. The more effort we put to focus on what we want , the more we will train our mind. Gradually , the new pattern will become habitual. Choose to be a conscious creator and be consistent.
🧋Think from a perspective of a person who already has everything they want and keep persisting. Persist until it becomes your reality. You have control over your thoughts , you have the power to choose what you think about.
🎀In one of Kim Velez's videos , she said that said Mental diet is King and she is right. The more you think something , the more you believe it. Mental diet is so beneficial when you need to reprogram your mind or upgrade your self concept , or manifest your desires. In general , mental diet is very helpful.
🧋Sammy Ingram also said that Mental diet is forever because our thoughts are forever creating. We need to be on Mental diet to replace our limited or negative beliefs. When you let those negative thoughts settle , you are holding the undesired reality in place. To change things , we affirm the opposite , we focus on what we want.
🎀"It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life. It is the thoughts you allow yourself to think , the subjects that you allow your mind to dwell upon , which makes you and your surroundings what they are " - Emmet Fox.
🧋Incase, all this sounds very confusing to you , let me simplify it for you. You don't need to do anything but just focus on what you want . Think thoughts from a perspective where you have your desires. If you have your desires , you won't whine about not having them , right ? Keep persisting in your desired reality. If you get thoughts which contradict your desires , just take a deep breathe and know that they don't matter. Those thoughts don't matter so don't pay attention to them.
🎀Also , I feel this chart will be helpful, it was in solar's creator code guide too.
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This chart explains how to do mental diet in a very simple way.
🧋Also never forget , YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE ! 🎀🧋
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glitzreyasblog · 5 months
reminders for when you’re doubting and spiraling
𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝖺
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first, the most important thing to know is that it’s okay. be frustrated, be sad. You’re allowed to experience regular human emotions, it doesn’t take away anything from your manifestations. You said you had what you wanted, so you do! nothing can take that away from you, not even the negative emotions you’re feeling right now.
☆ doubting that you won’t get your desire? that manifesting will “fail”?
hey! remember, you can’t have something in the 3D unless self has it first. If there’s nothing for the 3D to reflect then nothing will change, so inner fulfillment is important and truly is key. the only thing the 3D can do is reflect self, it can’t deny you your desire. It can’t decide to not reflect. It can’t create on its own. So don’t worry about the 3D not reflecting!
I get that your frustrated but please remember that the only thing for there to be reflected is self. And when you have doubts where does that come from? Self. That’s not meant to scare you, im putting that here so you know your doubts aren’t bigger than you. Your doubts come from you, they come from the anxious part of you that doesn’t want to be let down. They come from the part of you that is scared that manifestation won’t work. And it’s okay to be scared! just know that your doubts aren’t facts. Just because you have a doubt doesn’t mean the doubt is right. You don’t have to identify with your doubts, you’re allowed to simply let your negative thoughts pass.
there is no way to fail. The law works for everyone and you are not an exception. You’ve been assuming all your life, you’ve applied the law knowingly or unknowingly to the negative things. Now apply the law when it comes to what you want. Don’t let the fear of failing hold you back. “What if it doesn’t work?” Don’t let that thought stop you from even trying. You can do this.
☆ think that your progress has been ruined? that you somehow messed up and now your desire is gone? that the effort you put into manifesting has been erased?
nothing can mess up your manifestation. the only thing that could ever get in your way is you— I know that sounds harsh at first but when you think about it, it becomes a little bit reassuring. things can’t get ruined unless YOU let them be ruined, you have the power. No outside force can take your desires away from you. Not even your circumstances can intervene with your manifestations. Sure, things can happen in the 3D but at the end of the day you are the one that chooses if the 3D gets any say in your manifestations.
You don’t have to constantly do methods and techniques to get your desire and flip every negative thought constantly, you’re not a machine. your desire doesn’t go away if you stop doing a technique, if you feel a negative emotion, or think a negative thought. Your desire is still yours! Absolutely nothing can take it away from you, you chose what you have and what you don’t. You can think and feel what you want, as long as you know you have what you want then you’re good.
You’ve already identified with having your desire, nothing can take your identity away from you.
☆ what if I’m not doing enough?
we’ve been told our entire lives that things take hard work and time, so it’s only natural that we feel like we need to be constantly working to get our desire. even though we know that it’s possible to manifest in an instant, we still have the subconscious urge to constantly put in effort because that’s what was normal to us. It’s okay to feel that way! just know that you are doing enough and that nothing else needs to be done! be fulfilled and then move on, when you’re reminded of your desire remember that you have it! remind yourself that your only job is to change self, to have it in imagination. that doesn’t mean you have to constantly affirm or visualize, it just means fulfilling yourself when you’re in need of fulfillment. the law isn’t something that requires work, you only need faith. Instead of trying to always do manifestation methods in order to feel like you’ve done enough, let yourself feel relieved because you can get what you want without having a to constantly put hard work and effort. Eliminate the feeling of “I haven’t done enough” by reminding yourself that:
1. That’s not how the law works
2. enough has already been done, your desire is already yours so no more work is required
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I’ll make a part two soon! ♡
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taeriilight · 1 year
the lucky girl syndrome !
✦ . ��⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .˚ ᵎ┊͙. 🤍💌
suffering from sucess 🤒
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𓆩♡𓆪 recently a trend's been going viral, called the 'lucky girl syndrome'
it refers to the people who are actually a bit too lucky, it's almost as if they're the universe's favourite and it's always working in their favour no matter what the situation is !
their belief that they're 'lucky' is so damn solid, it materializes in their reality everyday
most of us often keep complaining how life isn't fair and how god keeps testing us everyday, well darling instead of roaming around hopelessly, walk everyday with a belief that you're lucky; completely discard the assumption that you're not, because it's the only thing STOPPING you from being that lucky girl/guy
walk as if nothing could go wrong, seize every opportunity as if success is guaranteed, believe that you're extremely lucky no matter what.
I also like to call it the
Kokomi Teruhashi
effect 🌷
for example, she herself thought that nothing could go wrong for her and therefore everything always ended up in her favour, it's mentioned several times in the show how people thought she's the god's favourite and SO DID SHE, her own beliefs were so solid it was pretty obvious why she was so lucky
luck isn't some kind of gift given to some specific people that you can't have, it's their mindset and beliefs that differ from a normal person's
the reason why most people aren't considered lucky is because ever since we were born, we were told that life isn't fair and luck is a matter of chance; this belief has been rooted deep into our subconscious minds and thus most of us feel unlucky
just switch your beliefs to positive ones, and you'll observe a drastic change in your life
some affirmations —
"I am suffering from the lucky girl syndrome, I can't help it"
"everything always works out in my favour"
"I attract opportunities that align with my dream life"
"everything always falls into place for me"
"I attract luck and miracles everywhere I go"
"I am blessed with everything that I desire"
"I'm literally the universe's favourite"
"I'm always at the right place at the right time"
being lucky is a mindset, being pretty is mindset, being successful is a mindset.
change your mindset and your outlook on life to change your reality <3
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yourlifesgodisyou · 2 years
˙⊹ ੈ✰𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖂𝖆𝖓𝖙✰ ੈ⊹˙
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Your subconscious mind does not know what is wrong or right. you show it who you are and what you look like. You don't have to put effort into your manifests. As long as you want, you send your subconscious mind affirmations as a subliminal message and it puts them in front of you. There is no other option. All your desires have to come true because that's the job of your subconscious mind. Command it and have fun while manifesting. There is no such thing as a big manifest or a small manifest. If you want to fly in your reality, you will fly, you have to because you want to.
˗ˏˋ ʚ♡ɞ ˎˊ˗
There's no such thing as impossible
You create your own reality
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
This is gold.
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lanascola69 · 2 years
neville goddard | out of this world
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hi everyone - i recently purchased and finished reading “out of this world, thinking fourth dimensionally” by neville goddard! it was a quick and easy read and i took some notes and gathered some quotes to share with their meanings a little more simplified. if you don’t feel like reading neville or haven’t made the time to yet, take some of these quotes from him to better understand the law and apply it!
out of this world | thinking fourth dimensionally | neville goddard | published in 1949
chapter one | out of this world ❤
“the spiritual man speaks to the natural man through the language of desire” (pg. 6) our higher self + subconscious mind knows what we want! TRUST in yourself!
“assumptions, although unreal to the senses, if persisted in, until they have the feeling of reality, will harden into facts,” (pg. 13) you must change your 4D first in order for your 3D to change.
chapter two | assumptions become facts ❤
“you cannot continue desiring what you have already realized. your desire is not something you labor to fulfill, it is recognizing something you already possess . . . believing and being are one,” (pg. 22) manifestation is not explicitly about seeing results in the 3D, it’s more so about changing your mindset and thought pattern.  you change your thought pattern and you are GOLDEN for the rest of your life! make your mind a happy place to be :)
“if however, it is the good of others that you desire . . . you must represent them to yourself as already being that which you desire them to be,” (pg. 23) this is for when you want to change the way someone shows up in your life. meditate them to be how you desire them to show up. see them already the way you wish them to be. everyone is you pushed out and they have no choice to conform.
“how the waking dream becomes physical fact is not our concern,” (pg. 28 )it is not our job to WORRY about exactly “how” it will happen in the 3D. let your subconscious take care of that, it knows what you want! a natural bridge of events will occur. be excited for what's to come and EASE the need for control!
chapter three | power of imagination ❤
“man’s imagination is the man himself, and the world as imagination sees it as the real world, but it is our duty to imagine all that is lovely and of good report,” (pg. 32) if you KNOW that your thoughts create, why would you think of anything other than good for yourself?
“desire is the power imagination uses to fashion life about me as i fashion within myself,” (pg. 32) if you desire it, you are meant to embody it! there’s a reason you get desires that nobody else does. what you want is meant for you. it’s waiting for you. creation is finished! we all don’t have the EXACT same desires do we??? “i look as though i were seeing that which i want to see, and the imagined state becomes objectively real,” (pg. 32)
“unlike the world of three dimensions where there is an interval between our assumption and its fulfillment, in the dimensionally larger world there is an immediate realization of our assumption,” (pg. 36) mentally LIVE in the 4D. you desire something? boom. it’s done. your mind must arrive at the destination before everything else (the 3D) does!
“that is, if i do not believe that i am already that which i desire to be, then i remain as i am and die in my present concept of self,” (pg. 39) do you believe that you are already what you desire to be? your desires have nothing to do with anyone else, how anyone else shows up, what circumstances are in place already, etc. it all has to do with YOURSELF!
“that man who is accustomed to call up at will whatever he pleases, will be, by virtue of the power of his imagination, master of his fate,” (pg. 39) make conscious creation a habit! a wonderful, beautiful habit and hack to a better life! you just gotta work on exercising that mental muscle.
chapter four | no one to change but self ❤ (my favorite chapter)
“it is finished,” (pg. 41) this is the EXACT mindset to have/be in. just these 3 simple words need to be what goes through your head!
“as soon as we succeed in transforming ourselves, the world will melt magically before our eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which our transformation affirms,” (pg. 42) change must happen inward first in order to see a change physically
“nothing is more important to us than our conception of ourselves, and especially is this true of our concept of the dimensionally greater One within us,” (pg. 43) self concept = positive image of yourself + belief you are the operant power
“it is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us, though it may use material agencies to achieve its purpose,” (pg. 43) are you going to let your mind control you? or you control your mind? build your mental muscle!
“we can rely absolutely on the justice of this law to give us only that which is the nature of ourselves,” (pg. 44) it’s called the LAW of assumption, therefore, it cannot fail!!! whether you believe it or not, it's been occurring 24/7 since birth. your thoughts create + manifest 24/7.
“if we would become as emotionally aroused over our ideals as we become over our dislikes we would ascend to the plane of our ideal as easily as we now descend to the level of our hates,” (pg. 46) DWELL in your affirmations, not your thoughts against them.
this was my first time reading neville and i finished the book in less than two days! it’s definitely one of his books that is much easier to understand. word-wise it was much more simplified and it didn’t feel too academically-written. this book also has step by step instructions on SATs which is helpful! i def recommend reading it whether through purchasing the book, listening to the audiobook on youtube or finding a free PDF online! | lanascola69
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crystalandbow · 10 days
Read about schizophrenia, beliefs and how to manifest, also includes a mini activity 🤍
Welcome to the very first blog🫂 & let's begin!!
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I wanted to share something different from what we all have been listening/reading about beliefs system, I thought this was a great example to share to help you guys understand how much of an influence of mind's beliefs influence our reality and that is why it's so important to make it work with us.Please use this writing as a source of motivation for manifestation, instead of trying to find faults in it.
Lets understand this using an example of a schizophrenic.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a range of symptoms, including hallucinations (perceiving things that aren't real), delusions (fixed false beliefs), disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms (such as diminished emotional expression or avolition).
For our purpose we will focus on hallucinations and delusions
Delusions are beliefs that one perceives to be true despite conflicting evidences. Eg: believing one is being targeted or harmed by others even though there is no one doing so.
Hallucinations can be visual (seeing things in the absence of it) auditory (hearing sounds and noises that are absent) olfactory (sensing smells that aren't present) gustatory (perceiving tastes in the absence of any stimuli) tactile (feeling sensations on the skin, like tingling, burning, or insects crawling, without any external cause) somatic (Sensations involving the body, such as feeling internal organs moving or being touched, despite no external interaction.)
We call them crazy, because we see otherwise but to them it's their reality. To them the thought that someone watching them is true they might even "see" them, when in actuality it is just a hallucination. They don't see things because they exist, they see it because that is what they believe in.
So what are you trying to say crystal?
To conclude we can say that when you start believing in something you start to see proof of those things in your life. So stay delulu and feed yourself positivity 🤍
what do we have to do?
Well this taught us that if we deeply believe in something we will start to see proof, even if it's not real. Just try to think of times when you believed in something and started to see results. So work on your belief system in order to manifest!!! This is also the very base of the law of assumption or fake it till you make it technique of manifestation. (For those who don't know the law of assumption it is the law where you manifest your desires by the assumption/belief that you already have it) We can use this to manifest our dream life. All you have to do is deeply believe in it, you have to repeat the same story to yourself again & again. After a point you will get used to it.
Here is a mini activity to try!
So here's what you're gonna do for a week
Firstly Set a goal! (it could be to feel pretty or feel happier or anything else but I like to believe that whenever you try a new manifestation technique aim for something small because you'll have less resistance)
Prep time (Now think of a time when you felt like that (pretty or happy or whatever you chose. If you are trying to manifest money, think about all the times you received money.Its okay to fake the mindset or create a fake story but just believe think that it actually happened)
Build a mindset (tell yourself how lucky you are & how the universe just fucking loves you so much. The universe just loves to spoil you, how easy manifestation is for you, tell yourself how you don't even need to "manifest" anything anymore because everything just flows to you naturally)
story time (this step involves you using the above 2 steps, use all those instances from stage 2 to build the mindset from stage 3 (keep telling yourself how easy it is for you to manifest)
REPEAT (actually the most important! Repeat step 4 every single minute, while eating, while drinking, while breathing, while sleeping. Stay fucking obsessed with it as if it's your crush. Keep telling yourself the same story obsessively and just believe in it for a week!!
we will do this activity together! I will post a reminder everyday for a week!
Please share your thoughts on this!
I'm not trying to promote schizophrenia or acting like a schizophrenic. please schizophrenia is a mental illness, it is NOT cool! And please seek out a mental health professional if needed!
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hanraemi · 7 months
I am Grateful for my each breathe. Thank you for allowing me to live. Thank you for blessing me with this life.
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If Squidward can enter the void, YOU can too!
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eamour · 11 months
don't rush the process.
this is a post that goes out to all the people who currently have this "i need to have it now!! what‘s the fastest way??" mindset. i am telling you now that you do don’t need to rush the process. yes, you will get all of your desires. no "what if's", no "but's" — you have the ability to make your life beautiful and you will do that, regardless of how much time it might take you.
feel free to take your time.
actually, time doesn’t exist. hence the concept of the multiverse and parallel realities happening in this moment where you experience time very differently (in one reality you are a 13 year old, in one you are 45, in the other a day is 75 hours long, or in one reality an hour is 30 minutes long, and so on), time isn’t linear. it really pretty much is relative (einstein, our lord and saviour).
step by step.
take in the information, one by one. reorganize your thoughts and spend some time maybe facing and analyzing them. why do you have these thoughts? what makes you feel that way? try to get down to the roots of the issue.
you can organize thoughts by maybe writing them down. by maybe talking to someone about it. or maybe even talking to yourself. the main point of this is that you stop keeping negative thoughts to yourself. you might not be aware of it, but trying to not think of bad things doesn’t necessarily mean that you stop persisting in them. that’s not how a mental diet works. you face the issue, you comprehend it, and then you go against it. after you have witnessed a possible undesirable outcome, you can choose to declare it as false. — as in "it will simply not happen!", "nah, not true" or "this is so wrong". that’s when you start to persist in the outcome that you want to manifest or at least stop persisting in an assumption that you dislike, fear or hate.
take a break, if you want.
if you ever feel overwhelmed by all the information you think you might have overconsumed, take a step back and let yourself breathe. let your thoughts flow through your mind and just calm down, take a break. sometimes we need to slow down before we can continue again. sometimes you really just need to collect yourself and become aware of the intrusive thoughts you are having that just become louder and louder the more you try to force manifesting. it’s up to you to recognize that and to decide to give yourself some rest. there is nothing wrong with mentally resting and it’s definitely not something to be ashamed of. on the other hand, i think it might be very necessary at times. people who have a goal and who want to achieve it no matter what within the shortest amount of time often refuse to take breaks and just become entirely unavailable for a pause. and i understand that very well. but a break doesn’t have to be tiring. it doesn’t mean that you don’t get to do anything and force yourself even more to not think of anything unfavourable. taking a break means to allow thoughts, even negative ones, instead of forcefully pushing them away and trying to ignore them although you can’t seem to stop persisting in them. sometimes we encounter undesirable thoughts and they keep reappearing and sometimes we just need to let it happen. trust me, you aren’t taking steps backwards or erasing your progress. you are simply observing your thoughts instead of reacting to them right immediately.
you are already doing just fine.
there is simply no reason to rush all of this. no one expects you to have your desires and be a perfect runway model with a penthouse by next week. you are the only person in your life that can dictate yourself what to do, that can grant you your wishes, that can console and understand you… be empathetic with yourself. some people put such immense pressure on themselves, it’s really not doing you any good. yes, i totally get it. you want to have your desires as soon as possible, you might wanna show off, just break out of this cycle and show the world what you got. i know you want to prove it to yourself and maybe even the people around you as well. but you are perfect no matter what. you are a winner no matter what. you don’t need to manifest all of your desires right away and be a genius at persisting. you already manifest at all times, no one is going to judge your progress. and the same way you don’t need to "earn" the title "master manifestor". the fact that you are you, the main character, the only person in your reality that can manifest, makes you a master already. you have no one to compare yourself to other than yourself.
with love, ella.
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affirmnow · 25 days
Now I know why so many bloggers are like "delete tumblr!!!" And "Stop consuming so much info about loa!!!". There's so many posts on here telling you to manifest by doing some method, or you can only get into the void if you're xx, when you really don't need all of that. All you need to do is affirm and persist. I finally understand why I felt as if I couldn't manifest, a lot of posts made manifesting seem so complex when it's so simple.
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ivemanifest · 2 years
Doesn’t it feel SO good when you just realize that everything you desire is already yours? You already have everything within you. You already know what exactly is meant for you. Let go of this idea of separation and begin to embrace the unity of two worlds morphing into a BEAUTIFUL fucking art piece of infinite oneness. You’re the artist. You create the reality. Let the Universe bring you the canvas.
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naxcoffe · 1 year
After many attempts like using boosters, LOA techniques self concept making own subs visualize being delusional with subliminals trying to affirm ive fast subliminal results frequencies and didn't happened, discussing many LOA gurus, i'm sick waiting/detaching many months to get results, i already done with old subliminals and it was disappointed and failures, simple i couldn't change even lips shape or get lighter eyes which they're the most simple physical changes, i don't know if my faith on subliminals is more useless or do i need to research more about subliminals or subconscious mind power, i'm sick of people getting successful with subliminal results except on me, i can't understand that, sorry my bad english
I’ve been doing everything to manifest, and nothing works.
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Today, I will explain how you shape your future by remembering it. Initially, I intended to write a lengthy post about the concept that we are all manifestations of God, possessing divine power and imagination. However, I paused and reflected on a simpler and more concise way to convey this message. I wanted to take a moment to remind you of something incredibly important: please be kind to yourself. Stop holding yourself to “high standards” when it comes to manifesting. here's the truth: you are human, and humans make mistakes. Here's what I came up with:
First and foremost, it's crucial to grasp the life-altering realization that each and every one of us is God. This understanding has transformed my life, shifting me from a state of anxiety and indifference towards life to one of awe and confidence.
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(1) As Neville Goddard suggests, our imagination is our divine power as God. It is the realm where we are boundless and limitless, able to manifest whatever we desire. In essence, it is the closest we can come to experiencing godliness.
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(2) Here's Neville's essential message: anyone, including you and me, has the ability to create their future. The act of creation is already complete; we merely choose the script for the movie of our lives.
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Now, what I'm about to share may initially seem peculiar, but I encourage you to adopt the same approach as I have. Simply assume that you will receive the answers you seek, and you will indeed receive them. We are all God, and God has already created every conceivable life that has existed, exists, and will exist. From our human perspective, we perceive life as a sequence of events bound by time, and the future as an unrealized possibility. However, if we could adopt God's perspective, we would witness our entire existence, encompassing past, present, and future, in a single instant of the eternal NOW. Consequently, recognize that you possess the divine power of God through your imagination. How can you harness this power to manifest your desires? By remembering the future.
If you have spent time on platforms like Tumblr or delved into Neville's teachings, you may have encountered stories of individuals who live in the end, hold onto a specific event, or engage in SATs (State Akin To Sleep) focusing on a single scene. Astonishingly, these individuals then witness their imagined scenarios materialize in their 3D reality. Even the words spoken by others align with their envisioned script. This phenomenon occurs because you are recollecting, through your divine power of imagination, an event that has already transpired in the future. When I speak of "remembering," it is because this event has already taken place, albeit in the future. Although you have yet to experience it, you are remembering it because it has already occurred.
Initially, this may appear peculiar, but it accurately reflects the nature of reality. Consequently, Neville and numerous others, myself included, advise against fixating on the "how" and "when" of your manifestations. By focusing on the desired outcome, you are remembering the ending, akin to recalling the conclusion of a movie. Although aware that numerous events and drama unfolded, you remain steadfastly connected to the ending. (When recalling memories from the past, we typically remember the significant events rather than the entire narrative.)
This emphasis on living in the end and assuming the reality of your desires as an already existing memory is crucial. It aligns you with the future you wish to experience. Consider the excitement and belief associated with remembering a thrilling childhood memory, such as your first vacation. You fully immerse yourself in that memory, wholeheartedly believing it to be true because you know it happened. The same principle applies to SATs and living in the end: you are recollecting your future life, an event that has already transpired.
Therefore, if you comprehend that your power as God enables you to remember your "future life" and manifest your desires, it is because you are recollect! Everything is you.
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yourlifesgodisyou · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞?
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Don't try to see the results, don't check up them. They are already yours and will reveal themselves to you. 3D and 4D work for this. Don't strive for it. Just want and accept what you have in your desires. See yourself as a hunter, not a victim. Beacause your the best person in your life, you are your bestfriend and you deserve everything valuable.
It's such an easy thing to manifest.
Even when you didn't know anything about manifesting and laws, you were manifesting without being aware. You were thinking of a friend and you were surprised when you got a message from them. You said "omg ı was just thinking about you" That's unconsciously manifest. Now think how easier maanifesting is.
Affirmations <3
Manifesting is so easy and effortless.
Manifesting is so fun and always works.
I'm powerfull.
Everything I want is mine instantly
I already have my dream life so why shoud ı worry?
I already manifested all my desires
Everything works in my favor
I am unlimited. I have my desires by only willingly.
I enjoy the blessings I have
I am my only god
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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Sometimes l really love Twitter LOA.
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