luxuourr · 2 months
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I am in control and nothing ever goes wrong, nothing i do is wrong , my self concept is golden state kind of god tier, AND i know I'm perfect. i know i have everything in the 3D and , 4D, 3D aint shit to me. I'm in control, i can breathe in peace knowing everything i want materializes immediately without even wavering, i simply dont waver, i never wavered and i never will. i never stressed and i never will, I've always been a master manifestor, threw away all the old stories in the trash, I'm a god living my ideal life, its like I'm born to succeed and win at everything. I am a master manifestor who gets everything immediately the moment i decide i have it! I cant even believe my own self that at this moment I'm so good at manifesting, everything that i desire appears within me and in front of me immediately.
I have everything I've ever wanted without any doubts because i know being in control is so so much fun, It's like you're living in heaven whenever you're having everything you desire by just existing, people often wanna be like me and try to do methods like me but I'm too advanced, in control and at my best mental state of manifesting. I exist to manifest everything I've ever wanted to have or desired , like just existing is fucking enough to give it all to me , like yeah hey it's me I'm the god. the only difference these bitches who working hard and still not getting enough and i have , is that I'm aware and i know I'ma god , and I'll succeed win and move the mountains for my desired by just existing and not lifting a damn finger.
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🧼Do a favor to yourself, please drop the old story now!!!Stop complaining , stop persisting in the old story. Focus on the new story, replace the old story with the new story. The new story where you get everything you want and have all your desires. The more you are repeating the story , the more dominant it becomes, and you continue to manifest the old story in your reality.
🤍If you are repeating the old story , you are also consciously or unconsciously putting yourself in the victim mentality. Please realize that you are the creator of your reality, the old story has no control over you , you have control over the old story. Let's say , you want to manifest appearance change but you keep repeating the old story , do you think you will manifest the new story or your desire by continously repeating the old story ?
🧼The dominant story manifests - if your old story is more dominant than the new story then your old story will continue to manifest and vice versa. Now how do we make the new story more dominant than the old one ? According to me , you must affirm to remind yourself of the new story , in other words , affirm to remind yourself that you already have your desires. Mental diet is always helpful , focus on the new story more. ( click me to know more about mental diet !) The more you affirm that " you are chosen " the more dominant " you are chosen" story will manifest in your reality.
🤍If you have read my previous post ( click me !) where I mentioned the difference between conscious and subconscious mind, our subconscious mind is emotional and can't differentiate between what is real and what is fiction.Our subconscious mind is our naive friend who believes whatever we tell them.We should use this to our advantage. "Your subconscious mind is like a bed of soil that accepts any kind of seed , good or bad . Your thoughts are active;they are the seeds. Negative , destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious mind. Sooner or later, they will emerge and take shape as an outer experience that corresponds to their content" -Dr Joseph Murphy, The power of subconscious mind
🧼For instance, you want to manifest clear skin but you keep seeing tiny bumps on your skin. Don't complain about it or react, tell yourself how you have the most clearest skin in the universe!!! What tiny bumps ?? Your skin is so clear that even WONYOUNG IS JEALOUS!! or let's say you want to manifest a good self- concept, to manifest good self- concept , stop complaining about your old one! If you aren't telling it to anyone but telling yourself about how you have it all and everything always works out for you. You aren't only creating a new self concept or a new story , you are rewiring your subconscious and the 3D reality into becoming what you want. Stop telling yourself the old story , it doesn't exist. Only your new story exists where you have everything you want.
🤍Sometimes you may need to push yourself to affirm the new story. Leaving the old story may cause discomfort but it's totally worth it ! Don't allow the old story or the unwanted 3D reality to take the best of you. You deserve a good life, you deserve to be happy ! 💗
🧼Be delusional, you have your desires because you said so !! Anything is possible , there are no limits. You are limitless !!
🤍It's okay to react , waver or doubt yourself but it's not okay to stay there forever. Feel your emotions, but get back on track.
🧼One more example , suppose you aren't chosen and struggle with rejection. In order to be chosen , feel being chosen. Affirm . Embody it. Whenever you get thoughts like you are not chosen by your desired person or friends or school or college etc, reject them.Ask yourself why you are feeling this way ? Know that you and only you can change this feeling and turn it to your desired feeling. According to me , affirmations work the best. Affirm . Even if you only repeat one basic affirmation - " I am chosen " , it will work. You need to make the " I am chosen " story dominant. The more you focus on it , the more dominant it will become and manifest in your reality .
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fleursblogs · 4 months
I see way too many people in this app take manifesting and entering the void state lightly. Do you people realize that you are SO POWERFUL? YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR WHOLE LIFE AND THE WHOLE WORLD WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. Read that again and let it sink in.
Literally, you can think right now “I will have a burger for dinner” AND BAM! YOU WILL GET A BURGER FOR DINNER!! Who did that? YOU DID !! WITH !! YOUR !! THOUGHTS !! ISNT THAT POWERFUL ASF? “I can’t manifest anything :(“ “I can’t enter the void state :(“ “All my void attempts are failing :(“ ?????? UMMMM HELLLOOOOO??? YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF FAIL BY PITYING YOURSELF AND THINKING ALL THESE THOUGHTS!!!
You can literally change the whole ass world by thinking just one simple thought, and letting it go. YOU ARE POWERFUL. YOU ARE A VOID MASTER. YOU HAVE MASTERED MANIFESTATION. It’s that simple, just BELIEVE!! And if you don’t, THEN REPEAT IT INTIL YOU DO BELIEVE IT !!
Sorry for this rant lmao. I hope this helps cause y’all are forgetting your power TOOO much.
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esotericc-angel · 1 month
You are god and you cant stop being god
so sometimes i know how hard it can be to feel like you are in control, and feel like you are fulfilled. but everything that you are seeing now, every object, every person you've talked to and will talk to are all things that you have brought to fruition. you've created everything that you have experienced/will experience. your subconscious mind is always on, always listening, and bringing your dominant thoughts to fruition. if you can manifest having a horrible day, then you can manifest $1,000,000, your SP, being good at something, etc. there are no limits. there is no measurements to manifestation. a cup of coffee is on the same "level" as manifesting a Kim Kardashian lifestyle.
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glitzreyasblog · 3 months
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• to change the world you must change self
• the 3D cant change if there's nothing new to reflect
• why seek something from the 3D when you can give it to yourself instantly?
• the 3D cant create on its own, nor can it deny you of your desires
• it’s never about changing the outside world, fulfillment is all about changing how you feel. if you’re imagining for the sole purpose of getting something in the 3D then you’re wasting your effort
change in self + persistence in your new identity/assumption = change in the 3D
you and the 3D are NOT separate. the 3D is a reflection of you. when people say you can’t change it, they’re referring to the fact that you as the outer man can change absolutely nothing. that is because the only way to change anything is through the inner man. change is created in the outer world when change is created in the inner world. so don’t try to directly change the 3D, it’s pointless, you know it is. don’t every try to change the 3D without bothering to change self. if you were to look into a mirror and hate the clothes you have on, you would simply change your outfit. you wouldn’t try to get the mirror to change your clothes. the mirror can’t change anything for you, it can only show you what you are. that goes for the 3D as well. the 3D is the mirror, it can only ever reflect you (and only you). so the 3D isn’t what you should be trying to change. the 3D is aligned with you, it’s never something different from you.
amazing posts on tumblr that’ll help encourage and motivate you! read these when you feel a little lost :)
it’s okay to acknowledge…
there’s no excuse!
you want proof?
learn indifference
where I go in imagination…
always return to fulfillment
neville’s army story
the 4D is the only real reality
keep yourself in check!!
from piercedblunt’s blog
from cinefairy’s blog
from sexydreamgirl’s anon
from sexydreamgirl’s blog
GOOD LUCK! YOU GOT THIS! :) ───♡───────
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ You’re not bound to one life .ᐟ 🎀🧁
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…📧; Leave behind the limitations made by the victim mindset,you can experience anything you desire you’re not bound the a one track life , if you’re the kind of person that wants to have multiple careers you can do that because you have zero limitations and nothing stopping you only yourself, your the only person that standing in your way
nothing is greater than you because you can have anything you want , this is your reality have fun with it !🎀🧁
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stilljuststardust · 3 months
If you don't trust subliminals, make your own. (how to do that)
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It's really simple, but I've seen a lot of people who say they wish they could but don't know how so here's everything you need to know.
You don't need a computer for this you can use your phone.
What you need:
An editing software, capcut works great
Voice to text, you can use Google translate, your own voice, or if you're extra: an AI voice replica of your comfort character
A list of affirmations that resonate with you or a list of what you want
Music, ASMR, nature sounds, frequencies. Capcut has free music, you can also screen record any of these off of YouTube. Feel free to create a custom DR ambiance with this.
These work best if you mix and match. Do whatever you want there's no rules.
1. I,you,we
"I can shift.
You can shift.
We can shift."
This basically lets it sink into your subconscious.
2. I feel I love
This tricks your subconscious into believing you have it by telling yourself how much you love having it.
Example: " I love how often I shift"
This is not just limited to "I love" but any feelings you would feel if you had achieved your goal.
3. Why do I
Pretty straight forward, this phrases affirmations are questions.
Example: "why is shifting so easy for me"
4. Adverb
This is something you can add to affirmations to tweak them. Things like "instantly" or "effortlessly " I don't really think it warrants an example.
5. Everyone thinks, everyone says
This basically is affirming that everyone also believes you have your manifestation and you should too.
Example: "Everyone says your skin is flawless"
6. Mantras
Things that rhyme, are fun to say, or get stuck in your head. They work great!
Theres many more but it's just some ideas to get you going.
How to put it together
Write out your list of affirmations
Record text to speech, your voice, or an AI voice saying your affirmations
In whatever you're using to edit extract the audio and layer it with a louder audio of music, asmr, ambiance etc.
Lower the volume of the affirmations
If you feel like it add images you associate with what you're wanting
If you want it on YouTube you can upload it and keep it on private or unlisted
That's literally it.
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adambja · 5 months
I have huge results adambja!!!! Remember me???
I don't need your void tape anymore,your tape did it.
I used your I am in control tape to get into the void state and I did!!! Here's how it happened
So I was really bored,like extremely bored and I was having a huge headache,I was extremely frustrated and I was thinking about my life because to be honest it sucked,I had nothing to do and I just decided that I was gonna try entering the void so I used your tape for an hour and after an hour I decided to affirm for the void,
To be honest I affirmed for 20 minutes and I was already getting extremely bored,I was about giving up so I said I'd affirm once more and then stop,so I affirmed once more and as I was about getting up,I began to feel very dizzy and boom i entered the fucking void,I was surprised at first but then I shrugged because I wanted to affirm fast and get out and that was what I did,I only affirmed one thing which was "all subliminals work for me instantly no matter what"and I got out.
I was eager to try out a subliminal because although I did believe in the void I just couldn't help but doubt a little so I just tried the sub out once btw it was a long lash sub ,I looked at myself in the mirror nervously and I was scared to death my lashes were so long too long infact,so I read the description of the sub and it said 100 inches in one minute subliminal,I laughed at myself but overall finally I'll get instant sub results from now on.
So now once I use a void sub I'll get in instantly 🍒🍒.
What I've manifested in the last 5 hours so far:
Long lashes.
Pink plump lips.
Clear skin.
Small nose.
Pale skin.
Gifts and all.
Tickets to a concert.
Huge ass😏
Long hair.
Ehh that's all for now
Oh and my parents and everyone thinks I've always been that wayyyy.
When I say I love you,I mean madly💖
I- 😭!!! Guys
I am so happy for you baby 😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Enjoy your new life baby 😭🫶🏻
I am so freaking happy for you!
Also you literally used that tape right cause it has instant subconscious mind reprogramming when you affirmed it worked instantly
I want everyone to actually use it the way you did!!
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jordynbreeloa777 · 2 months
Can you tell me the things that you've manifested?
Take love 💖
Hi anon! Also im not FULLY DONE with all my “big” manifestations i have manifested a lot in my journey! LONG POST AHEAD👀
sharp jawline, high defined cheekbones, slim face, overall 0 face fat, and a L, V shaped jawline. I lovee that I manifested this one because people literally ask me if I do mewing, and how my jawline is so sharp I manifested this with subliminals, even though I kinda already had a defined face I definitely enhanced it to the max ✨
thicker, fuller, better shaped brows. I think I mentioned this in one of my last post but I also manifested this with subliminals & robotic affirmations, this is probably my biggest one since I manifest it in a day 😭 I swear before my eyebrows was so thin, didn’t fit my face, and was giving pencil. But now it’s so pretty and my mom always tells me “ you always look like you got your eyebrows done” and “ did you brush your brows today?” 💈🎀
smaller nostrils. Which also I used subliminals, there is a visible change in my nose as the nostrils go more /\ instead of () which I love and the tip is more rounded, im not really done with this though because I may manifest a desired nose shape instead of just smaller👀
lips, this one is kinda self explanatory but I manifested plumper lips, pinker, and pointy lip corners also by subliminals 👄
clear skin, which I love because my skin use to have tiny bumps, but it’s clear and even though I manifested this a while ago it still IS! my friend asked me for my skincare rountine which was literally a affirmation in the subliminal 🫣
hair. I’m not done with this, but my hair definitely got much thicker then it was before 💇🏽‍♀️
lashes. My lashes are thicker, but im not done with this eitherr because I want them to be a little longer so half succes story ig 🫶🏽
‘TEETH. I have braces, so I didn’t manifest teeth change, because obviously the braces is already fixing my teeth plus I love how they look on me, but I manifested white teeth 🦷
less neck lines, I got these because of fake necklaces and it made me not like it so I manifested it away💋
strong, defined, collar bones, I already had this but I enhanced it and it’s so much more noticeable!
arms. I manifested slimmer, toner, longer arms ( I already had long arms but again I enhanced them)
fingers & nails. This one is kinda big, but my nails are so long and strong even my toe nails 😭 But I cut them ofc and my fingernails break because of sports so I may manifest them to never break even though they grow SUPER fast💨
flat stomach, which I manifested using subliminals it’s literally like paper, but I may manifest for it to still be flat when I get bloated because your girl still likes to buss down food🤗
thicker thighs. My thighs don’t have a gap, and there a little toned which I lovee (also subs)✨
bigger booty meatt- this may be tmi but I had to add it. I may manifest it to be bigger but y’all… it be showing. literally my friends be harassing me everytime I wear dresses😒
🍒- I manifested for them to look pretty, there not to big, not to small there like C cup and I love themm, so mwah
taller height. I was at first like 5’4 and now im 5’6.. not to tall not to short but i love my height my Dad even asked me “are you having a growth spurt” plus my legs are so long now <3
i manifested good exam marks.. only A’s & B’s without even studying 📚
i manifested for my knees, elbows, and knuckles to all be the same color by affirming I have a even body skintone 🤞🏽
now this is probably all i manifested in the 4 years i been in the community! I’m still not “done” with all my “big manifestations” or my “journey” but I know it’s coming to an end 💝
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emeraldsubliminals · 5 months
things to manifest pt.3
pt.1 • pt.2
have the desired handwriting style + vibe, i’m so in love with the old time-y cursive style like imagine people looking at your work and thinking ‘wow, this looks so classy’ plus it’d make my studying so much better.
(honestly you could just steal your classmates writing if you want, also manifest being able to write fast+straight lines without rulers)
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desired account/s get banned
you could manifest your old tiktok and other embarrasing accounts to get banned! (I got my like 2015 tiktok banned bc it was so cringe and my friends found it!)
Cyberbullying? They wont leave you alone? Just manifest their account gets banned and all their new accounts get banned. (Only use if extremely bad ofc bc this is mean and you don’t want bad karma, if you believe in that!)
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manifest the desired foods, this is great for trying to be healthier, don’t worry about how you’ll get the food just know you will, wether it’s your parents suddenly decide to buy healthier/the desired food or your friends at school randomly give you healthy snacks.
sometimes when I have cravings and my parents go out, I just manifest they bring back McDonald’s or something and they always do (they don’t even like McDonald’s and decide to get it just for me without even asking!)
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i don’t own any pictures, they were all found on Pinterest, credits to the original owners.
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adilynnyuri · 20 days
these types of posts makes me lose faith in loa
Hii love! 🤍
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[Tbh I didn't even fully read that blog because it's so silly help + it's removed ig lmao ]
✿ Babe! I am telling you,
★ if you lose faith in loa = losing faith within yourself!!
✿ Not only these kinda posts are something which may lead us to spiral, before I entered into loa I and also many people have faced each and every second of people saying words like "you have to do that to get that" "You have to be this to be that" AH GIRL- FUCK THAT.
✿ And I understand it's not your fault!! NOT AT ALL!! But it's waste to sit and waste your precious time in things which you don't desire. While in that time you could have manifested million things you wanted!
✿ You wanna be something? BE THAT SOMETHING! You wanna go somewhere? GO TO THAT PLACE! You wanna get that job, sp, or whatever you want? GET IT BY SIMPLY ASSUMING THAT YOU DID.
★ If it's not what you wanted= goes to fuckin trash
With lots of love,
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luxuourr · 2 months
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It's crazy how i always wake up in my ideal life effortlessly no matter what, the 3D materialized already and I'm waking up in my ideal life everyday i never even needed the void state!! all i did was sleeping in the state of fulfillment and damn i just woke up to find myself in a completely different way and desired me living my ideal life It's Like I'm in control, I'm the power , nothing is above me.
i Just know for a fact all methods and everything works for me and i wake up with all my desires everyday, i never payed attention to 3D or gave a fucking fuck about it because i know I'm waking in my ideal life, with all I've ever wanted and that's all i need to know, knowing is having so i know I'm living my ideal life so I'm living it ☝🏻
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(1) NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF. 🍥Change your attitude towards the past which inevitably changes future towards that event .
💗It's not about that event. It's not about changing the past or the future, there's no one to change but self and self is simply your mind.
🍥When you experience something you disliked and it happened a years ago . Where do you think this experience is taking place? If you fear future, where do you think it is taking place ?It's all happening within your mind.
🍥Past and future only exist in the mind and you have the luxury to change what you wish in the mind.
💗The way you change self is to imagine with feeling anything you want,it must be something you want, not something you think you should want , something you have to want or else.
🍥Remove consequences from the mind, remove all punishments , impart yourself from guilt. Remove having to get things. Remove that stress. You do this by simply imagining what you want with the feeling of actual freedom to do so. A memory bothering you ? You find yourself cringing when you remember those memories?
💗 Ask yourself. Where is this taking place? Within Me.Who was cringing? Me . Who was imagining this ? Me. Once you reassure yourself that it's all within you , you change it. Ask yourself again. Can I change my feeling ? YES! Can I change it this how I wanted it to go ?YES! . Can I let this go entirely if I wish to let it go ? YES!Can I imagine what I wish ? YES! then do it , don't wait. Even if it's nagging you , don't fight but change it to what you want.
🍥If I'm imagining exactly what I want , the feeling will happen naturally. It must be exactly what I want or else I struggle to feel.
🍥Neville tells us not to live in desire. The Bible tells us to stop sinning. William Blake tells us not to suppress our desire. Take these words very seriously. If you have any tiny bit of desire , no matter how small . Neville tells us to fulfill it mentally. Keep pruning each day . Remove all the rules and consequences. Remove the outer world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you should do or have to do. Do what you want.
💗Whenever I am not not feeling and imagining well , the answer is : " I am not imagining what I want ." This is always my answer. The moment I actually go towards exactly waht I want , I become fulfilled. The fears go alway and bliss comes. I do not care what fear pops up. None of that matters to me. All that matters is that I fulfill it within me. MAKE CONSCIOUSNESS MY ONLY REALITY.
🍥Neville said this " You want to be free of all embarassment? How would you feel this night If you were not embarrassed, that not a thing in this world could embarrass you ? How would you feel where it so?".
💗When I assume it , I do not care about how it will happen or when or even if it is possible . All I care about is changing my entire feeling to exactly what I want. Then it's my own strange way, it grows my world. This is what I mean by giving yourself what you truly want . Find something deep that you want , and dare to assume it. This is what truly changes the "self" and that " self " will be expressed.
(2) LET GO OF CONTROL AND CONTROL SELF. 🍥There is no objective reality. Meaning the idea of coward to one is different to another. Everyone perceives things different. You may be grand in ones eyes but evil in another. The trick is not care about either and go to what you want.
💗Neville forgot to exercise the law. But he did not blame himself, instead he went straight to the law. He let go of all the HOW'S and slept in the assumption that he was married with that woman. He fell asleep as the one he WANTED to be. It was what his hearts desired. " NEVER BLAME, ONLY RESOLVE" - Neville.
🍥Who else can fulfill the desires in your heart, other than you?
💗Neville imagined to change his MIND. TO CHANGE HIS FEELING OF "I". He imagined to change the only thing that is expressed himself. Neville, at this time, knew he can change reality, if he changes himself. Since he was solely imagining on changing the FEELING of himself,he was able to persist regardless of circumstances. He did not care what others said , where he was at this world or his rejection. He ONLY cared about IMAGINING what he wanted.
🍥He let go of controlling his outer world and controlled himself. The world is reflecting self. And " SELF" is everything you think you HAVE and ARE. He may have got rejected and thought, " I am stuck . I have to stay there ". Instead, he changed himself , he changed what he believed he was and had in his mind. Now he believed he was back in New York. He HAS his bed back , his wife back etc. He has what he wants in his mind.
💗"This is how I do it: When I close my eyes this world is shut out and I , like Isaac , am blind to the outer world. Then I feel myself into the state of my desire. With my inner eye I see it all around me , I sense it's solidity, and when my five senses are awakened I have the feeling of relief, knowing it's accomplished. - Neville,Wonder Working Power.
🍥Neville removes the idea or concept of there even being an " outer self " when he imagines. He then FEELS what he wishes,see's what he wishes.
💗The great secret is the most freeing. It is to do anything you wish in your mind. You truly are the most high in your mind. You are powerful in your mind that NOBODY can imprison you, you can only imprison yourself. Nobody can free you,you can only free yourself. You are the RULER in your mind. You can be the king or the peasant. It is the entirely up to you, to what you desire to be in your mind.
🍥Don't think in terms of things coming to you. Think in terms of things coming FROM you. This means it was within you along.
(3)HE WHO WILL NOT LIVE BY LOVE MUST BE SUBDUED BY FEAR. 💗Fear will eventually , even if it is slow , conquer you, if and only if you are not filling your mind with what you love. If you do not choose LOVE you must be subdued by fear.
🍥The first manifestation of fear is withing the body. The body becomes afraid, the gut tightens and the muscles tense. Breathing becomes shallow and frustration start to form. These irritations then come back to the kind and the mind naturally starts to think of things it dislikes. Fear bears fruit of guilt, paranoia,uneasiness, sabotage, rage etc. But the ROOT is FEAR
💗The goal is to NOT change each and every fearful thought. It is not to argue and contemplate on the fear. However, doing that is not in itself harmful, but it is more of a detour. To get to the true heart of the issue, we must REMOVE FEAR ENTIRELY.The ONLY reason you are even thinking fearful things is because you FEEL fear. If you did not feel fear, you would not ever think fearful things.
🍥Do you fight them? Try to reason your way out of the feeling of fear? Try to force a good thought? This is the wrong approach. You still are not understanding who you are WITHIN if you do that. NEVER BLAME YOURSELF FOR FEARFUL THOUGHTS. Never blame, only resolve them within. You have the power to resolve to what you want. Don't waste that power on blaming yourself.
💗YOU ARE THE CREATOR. This means you are creating that fearful thought. When the fearful thought comes up, take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for it! See it as your creation! This means you are ALWAYS GREATER than what you are creating in your mind. The fearful thought is only there because you created it to be there. It has NO power of its own. It is truly all your dream.
🍥When you take responsibility for that fearful thought as your creation, ask yourself this simple question, "What is it that I would LOVE to think?" From here as the Creator, you can start to go towards LOVE. LOVE is the most powerful "thing" if you will, within you. Why? Because it never fails to TRANSFORM "SELF." Fear can be stagnant, but LOVE TRANSFORMS.
💗Your world is REFLECTING SELF. Since it is reflecting "SELF," then how can we transform "SELF" in the most efficient and best way possible? Through LOVE. By actually going within our minds and doing what we LOVE, having what we LOVE. This changes us at our very core.
🍥 From this new feeling of freedom and love, you will find it incredibly easy to think what you want. You will even find it harder to feel fear. This ease and love starts to become your natural State. People will start treating you in a better way. You won't even have to imagine every little thing going your way, it just will. Things you wanted months ago, start appearing in your world. Things that bothered you deeply, literally has no effect on you anymore. Why? Because you are no longer DESIRING, no longer FEARING. You are living in FULFILLMENT. Fulfillment in Love. You are actually living what you LOVE within, and this love expresses itself without.
(4)INNER MAN MUST BE EXALTED. 💗In order to feel completely free, you must identify yourself with the one within you.
🍥When Neville says "Leave the world just as it is and change self. No one to change but self," he means the self that is within, the only self there is. Why leave the world alone? Because it is only an expression of "SELF!" 💗That voice, the one in you that imagines, is YOU. THAT IS THE ONE WHO IS DESIRING. THAT IS THE ONE WANTS TO BE EXALTED. THAT IS THE ONE WHO WANTS TO HAVE THEIR DESIRES FULFILLED.
🍥You will identify yourself from within and you will grant your every wish from within. It does not matter if it is impossible, if your "SELF" wants it, grant it within. There are no rules for that "Self." If it wants guilt gone, then remove guilt in the mind. Feel forgiven and its all fine, that Self the true you, is desiring that. There are no rules that says you cant have. The beautiful thing is that the inner world can give you anything.
💗If you embarrass yourself in your mind, or hurt yourself, spark fear into yourself, you are doing that to "Self" the true you which is expressed. You worry about what society thinks, what so-so might think? Who is worrying? SELF! It is ALL YOU. Then you feel hurt, scared and you feel you can have what you want but who is hurt and scared? Your body? No, it is the inner you, the true you. The one who can shed its skin (state) like a snake. When you are fearing, who is doing it? THAT "SELF!" YOU. IT IS IMAGINING IT! But that "Self" does not want to feel that fear anymore, it desires to imagine something new. But since you identify yourself with outer-world and outer-self instead of your True Self and inner-world where everything is possible, you remain stuck. "SELF" becomes irritated, fearful etc. You feel fear in your body, your irritations, that angst will forever remain until you fulfill it within.
🍥You want to change ? Then leave the fearful, embarrassing, irritating world just as it is. Do exactly what Neville says. Then identify yourself FULLY with your True Self, the one that is desiring within. Then fulfill all your dreams to its fullest. 💗Identify yourself, not with this world, but with the one within, the one who is truly desiring.
(5)IMAGINING IS FUN. 🍥 Thoughts come FROM your feeling.
💗All those thoughts of fear, all those thoughts of what bad thing could happen, all the thoughts of "what if it never happens?" Every one of them, comes FROM the FEELING.
🍥If is the FEELING that is the cause of the thought, then that means the thought HAS NO POWER OF ITS OWN. That means the thought HAS NO TRUTH IN ITSELF. That means the thought IS CREATED. It means that if you change your FEELING all the thoughts necessary for you to think for your bridge of incidents are ALREADY LAID OUT FOR YOU.
💗 Change the word "belief" to FEELING. Think only in terms of these: Creating, Feeling and Thinking. You create the feeling you want and from that thoughts come. That is a STATE.
🍥 Remove this idea that beliefs are hard to change and they are blockages in your subconscious.
💗Change the word "belief" to "feeling" because the word "belief" sounds too difficult to change. But once you understand a belief is merely a FEELING (just like desiring is just a feeling), the idea of "changing a feeling" sounds completely achievable.
🍥Fearful Feeling gives birth to Fearful Thoughts. If you change your feeling, you would simply see there is no truth in your fearful thoughts. The only reason why you "believe" them to be true is simply because you feel it.
💗Remember we think-FROM our feelings, this is how we KNOW if we are in a State. So, just FEEL and FEEL and FEEL. Give yourself entirely to the FEELING (because the FEELING is your "end"), then you will NATURALLY THINK-FROM that position. There is NO WORK ON YOUR PART.
🍥FREE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND ENTIRELY. Stop caring if it will happen or what will happen, REALITY IS YOUR MIND. IT REFLECTS "SELF."
💗FEEL EVERYTHING YOU WANT AND THE THOUGHTS WILL COME. IT IS FUN!It is only fun if you imagine and feel what you want. It's not fun "trying to get" or "trying to manifest" or "checking the world to see if it is growing." Growth, getting what you want, experiencing what you want is WITHIN!
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fleursblogs · 4 months
If you’re reading this I’m sure you’ve read MANY posts like this before. You probably already know whatever ‘methods’ there are to enter the void state, how it feels to enter it and have also probably read the many success stories posted by people who have successfully entered the void state and are living their dream life right now.
But is all of this really helping you?
If you’re familiar with all of what I just said, then perhaps you’ve come across the term ‘over-consuming’ information about the void. As a beginner, when I first came across this term I was insanely confused. Isn’t the whole point of this community to share information about the void state? If so, then how do you ‘over-consume’ information? Isn’t learning more about the void state a good thing?
These questions plagued me during my journey and I was worried whether I was over-consuming information about the void or not.
I want to say that learning more about the void is a GOOD THING!
It is TOTALLY OKAY to do your own research and try to find out more about the void state to have a better understanding of it. When you do your own research about the void state, that doesn’t mean that you’re ‘over-consuming’ information about it. When you do your own research then you can come to conclusions about the void yourself rather than blindly following whatever a post tells you. You can form your own connections and opinions about the void, and can even satisfy your logical brain to totally believe that the void state is REAL.
The actual PROBLEM arises when you come across posts that can totally change your perspective on the void in a negative way. How I understand it is, ‘over-consuming’ information about the void makes you develop doubts that can make you feel unmotivated and negative. It makes you think that you need to do much more than you actually need to enter the void. It makes you rely on different ‘methods’ to enter simply a state of pure consciousness.
It makes you think, “okay if I do this meditation and affirm a million times and eat this chili pepper while reciting a 10 page poem about entering the void, and do this every night and every morning then I’ll enter the void!” (A bit of an extreme example but you get it) This type of thinking is going to make you end up in the totally wrong direction.
When you think of entering the void like that, then it limits you. It limits you into thinking that without doing all of your fancy methods you have no chance of entering the void, which is COMPLETELY FALSE. Yes, you can enter the void without any method. Yes, you can enter the void without using subliminals. Yes, you can enter the void without meditations, or frequencies or brown noise etc etc.
I’m not telling you to not put effort AT ALL. It’s perfectly fine to want to do meditations or use subliminals etc etc to get yourself ready to enter the void state. It only becomes a problem when you start believing that doing your ‘method’ is the ONLY WAY you can enter the void. When you start believing that you can’t enter the void unless you do a specific thing, then THAT is a problem.
RECOGNIZE YOUR POWER. Stop limiting yourself and relying on methods and other things to enter the void. If affirmations make you feel more motivated then use them! If you believe in subliminals then use them as well! If you like using meditation to ease yourself into the void then do meditation! Just don’t slip into the belief of relying on these things to enter the void. You are whole without them, you are just as powerful without them.
I really hope this post helped and PLEASE for the love of the universe STOP LIMITING YOURSELF !! I hope I explained all of this well enough, but if not feel free to send me an ask or send me any questions you have in my DMs !! (I AM NOT A COACH IM JUST A PERSON WHO LOVES THIS COMMUNITY OKAY BYEEEE)
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esotericc-angel · 1 month
🫶🏻hey any tips on how to live in the end!! Thank you.
to live in the end, is the same as feeling fulfilled. so lets understand what the word fulfilled means: bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted). (from google) so all you need to do to feel fulfilled is affirm and give your desire to yourself. know that you are god and you already have it. since the 3D reality is an illusion, (created by you) the only reality that is REAL is your IMAGINATION. if you can create the weather, the people you talked to today, the school/job you attend, the money you make, etc etc, you can MOST DEFINITELY manifest anything else. you need to realize that you ALREADY have your desire. whenever you catch yourself thinking about HOW you will get your desire, stop and realize that IT IS ALREADY YOURS. you are already at the end of your manifestation journey. there is nothing left to do but to sit back, relax, look pretty, and know that it's already yours, it was always yours to begin with. make this post your wallpaper if you have to
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glitzreyasblog · 4 months
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the sequel
you're carrying the responsibility of the 3d changing on your shoulders that leads u to spiral, bc you're not meant to do that.
imagination can be changed via simple satisfaction after an imaginal act. and it can come to life every time you go back to the state you've accepted with whatever you've fulfilled yourself with.
we don’t know how imagination gets reflected, we just know it will.
if you accept that you’re something, that’s who you are now. even if your physical senses don’t show it right now, in imagination, that’s how you’re truly being.
don’t worry about the how or when. that’s the laws job, not yours. be concerned with what you’re identifying within imagination and everything will inevitably fall into place.
since everything is imagination, you have the freedom to accept what you want.
you assume that you have your desired face. you can pass by the mirror, and just dismiss what you see in it. you know that's not how you look anymore, so why should you take a dead mirror as fact? why would you take something that's not you anymore, as an indication of your identity?
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