#and then having to be the only one who knew about her funeral plans bc she only told me
pierregaslays · 27 days
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theeoriginals · 7 months
Might be really lame but can I request Klaus meeting Reader after she attends the funeral of a relative in Mystic Falls? Maybe he makes her smile or something cheesy like that. Just a little meet cute goodness would be lovely 💗
she's the giggle at a funeral | klaus mikaelson
author's note; me writing things that could be considered love at first sight? it's more likely than you think
warnings: tw death, death of a grandparent, it's not graphic but it's the overall theme, grieving, brief angst just bc of internal feelings, but then klaus shows up and makes it all better. corny cheesy gooey feelings <3 enjoy
Her grandmother prided herself on her intuition. 
She’d grown up with the stories of witches and vampires and everything else that went bump in the night, and though she got older and dismissed most of the warnings she’d been told her whole life, she never forgot that her grandmother was someone who believed. 
And everyone else had always believed in her grandma, too. She was sought out everywhere she went. People naturally flocked to her, as if they could tell she had all of the answers to life in the palms of her wrinkled hands, and she’d lost count of how many times she’d seen someone literally throw themselves at her grandma’s feet, begging for help, or answers, or god knows what. 
Her grandma liked helping people. But more than anything, her grandma liked being right. She prided herself on her intuition, and how it never steered her wrong, and it never did any harm to anyone else, either. 
When her grandma first moved to Mystic Falls, the entire family had been upset because of the distance it would put between them all. But she’d waved them all off, and said she had to. That one day it would make sense, and they would see why she had to come to this town and help them. It didn’t surprise her as a child, because she’d never doubted her grandma’s desire to help people. That was something that scary stories would never take away, no matter how old she got. 
She didn’t make it out much to see her grandmother. A few times here or there, but between college and then life, it got harder to make the trip. It was never worth the cost of a flight, so she always drove, but that took up time she didn’t have these days. It never changed her relationship with her grandma, though, because the woman called nearly every night, and every night, she would say that it was about time she made the trip out there. 
Her grandma always said she should come out there and stay for a little while. That it would be good to slow down and take in the scenery, and breathe fresh air. That she might even meet someone she likes, or something. Her grandmother was many things, but subtle was not one of them.
She never did get to go to Mystic Falls as much as she and her grandmother wanted, but she was here now. 
It just never occurred to her that it would be because her grandmother was dead. 
It’s been a long week. But, today in particular was grueling. 
It’s not easy losing a loved one, anyone knows that. But she really hadn’t thought about what it would be like to lose her grandmother, who was not only a hero of a woman to their family, but to a community as a whole. 
It didn’t make it any easier that she didn’t realize how loved her grandmother was in the tiny town she’d chosen to live out the rest of her days in. She didn’t realize how close knit Mystic Falls was, and how it would be such an ordeal to plan her grandmother’s funeral to the point she’d be dealing with the Mayor about it. 
Mayor Carol Lockwood, as it turns out, is a very tenacious woman. She refused to do anything less than host the wake at her house, and pay for any and all accommodations necessary to put her grandmother to rest. 
At first she was scared of imposing, after all, she hardly knew any of these people, and couldn’t fathom wanting to pay for someone’s funeral just because of how well-known they were, but Mayor Lockwood wouldn’t budge on it and she eventually caved. 
All of that is what led her to the wake, held at the Lockwood’s mayoral manor. It was a beautiful house, on a nice, large piece of property that was currently filled with what looked, and felt, like the entire town. 
Hours had passed since the whole thing started, and she doesn’t think she’s had a single moment to form a coherent thought outside of the compulsory acceptances of all of the condolences and well wishes directed at her. Her grandmother was old– that’s what had done it in the end. 
She was old, and she had lived her life to the fullest extent, and she went peacefully. Yet somehow the feeling of every stranger’s apologies and somewhat condescending grief was making it out to be like she’d died in some tragic accident. Like it wasn’t entirely expected at this stage, and probably years ago from some people in their family. 
She hasn’t really cried since she found out. Of course, the initial reaction was surprise, and a few tears were shed as she talked to the hospital employee about what all was going to happen next, but other than that she hadn’t really cried. Like she’d said– it wasn’t shocking considering her age, but it’s been such a whirlwind of people since she got to Mystic Falls that she hasn’t really realized that her grandmother was gone. 
Between Mayor Lockwood’s almost overbearing welcome wagon, and the sheer amount of people that apparently knew her grandmother well enough to come to her wake, she hasn’t really been thinking about the fact that all of this is not for any other reason besides the fact that her grandma died. 
The sudden thought has her inhaling sharply and she clasps her hands together in front of her, pinkies twisting into the black fabric of her dress. She clears her throat softly, offering a polite smile to the few people she’d been half-heartedly conversing with about nothing of importance. 
“If you’ll excuse me for a minute,” She says, ducking her head down as they all nod her away, oblivious to the sudden line of tension straightening her shoulders out. 
She makes her way through the house she’d grown quickly familiar with over the past week, planning things with Carol, and being invited to the so-called family dinners with just her and her son, who looked like he could care less about everything going on around him. 
She makes it to the backside of the wrap-around porch and finds it mercifully empty, and with a quick glance to the large yard that surrounds the property, she finds that most everyone has migrated towards the shimmering pond, or the gazebo, enjoying the fall sun that’s no longer too hot to bear standing beneath, taking it all in before it becomes too cold to enjoy. 
She practically throws herself down into one of the rocking chairs staged neatly on the porch with a small table in between the two of them, and drops her face into her hands, letting her tears fall silently. 
It’s not overwhelming, necessarily, and there’s no ugly sobbing, but there’s tears. Plenty of them, too. She already knows her eyes will be sore tomorrow, and she’ll most likely have a pounding headache tomorrow from it all. She’s going to have to make a detour into one of the bathrooms before she shows her face again, because she doesn’t think she’s allowed to be so openly grieving at this point. She’s held it together all week, and suddenly, at the very end of it all, she loses it? She’s sure it would get her a few strange stares from the countless people here to send her grandmother off. 
She’s spiraling quickly, down that horrible, embarrassing train of thought that is likely just making her cry harder when her privacy is interrupted. 
She startles at the sound of a throat being cleared pointedly, but not impolitely, and she wipes at her face messily, trying to stop the flow of tears as she turns to face the source of the disruption. 
Her breath stalls in her chest as she tilts her head back, craning her neck to meet the gaze of the man standing above her, hands tucked into the pockets of his suit pants. He’s dressed for the occasion, but as far as she can tell, he’s just another nameless face that’s come to pay respects to her grandma. 
“Sorry,” She says, wincing at the hoarse quality of her voice. “I’m sorry.” 
The man raises a brow, his blue eyes still peering down at her with a shockingly neutral shine to them. Not leaning too far in indifference, or the collective grief being passed around today. 
“What are you apologizing for?” 
She bites the end of her tongue, wringing her hands together. “Um– I don't know?” She grimaces at her response, tearing her eyes away from his, feeling entirely too seen. 
The man takes the other chair beside her, his hand draped over the armrest, fingers nearly touching the small table between them. “I would’ve thought it was everyone else saying sorry to you today,” He said, an almost hesitant degree of amusement in his voice. “Not the other way around.” 
She nods, resolutely embarrassed at the fact that this man has caught her right at her breaking point. “Yeah, uh, they were. But I was just… over it.” She huffs a quiet noise. “Is that horrible of me to say?” 
“I can imagine it gets tiring dealing with all of these people,” He says, hand waving lazily at the people gathered all around the mansion. “Strangers telling you how much they’re going to miss someone.” 
She sighs, tapping the tips of her fingers together in a mindless rhythm. “They mean well. I’ve always known the person my grandma was, and this– this community meant everything to her. It’s just odd to think that she was something important to everyone here, but I don’t know them at all. It makes it hard to believe that all of this is because she’s gone,” She shrugs slightly, at a loss for words. In her momentary silence she cringes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I am so sorry for dumping that on you. You're probably one of the people coming to say sorry to me, and I just totally–”
“No, it’s alright,” He is quick to interrupt her, his hand reaching out to rest atop her arm, not squeezing but not at all unnoticeable. “I understand. I’ve never been one to publicly grieve. It’s certainly not easy when you have an entire town watching.” 
She huffs out a wry laugh, lifting her gaze from where it had been stuck on his hand now gently caressing her arm, and meets his all-knowing look.
She’s sure she looks like a mess right now, tired and tear-streaked. Her makeup is probably smudged from her tears and her hasty attempt at cleaning herself up without a mirror present, but the longer she looks into his eyes, the farther any concerns about her appearance slip to the back of her mind. 
Her small smile lingers on her face, and she fights the urge to let it get bigger. She could be wrong– she doesn’t know this man at all, of course, but the longer she looks at him, the more she begins to think that he’s looking at her like she’s beautiful. Like despite the grief she’s expressing, she’s still something he wants to look at, and he doesn’t even know her name.
And, for the first time since she got that phone call last week, she feels that taut line of tension loosen just enough for her to finally catch her breath. 
Biting the inside of her cheek, she brings her other hand up to rest atop his, the move startling him slightly as if he hadn’t realized he was still offering her that bit of comfort. She doesn’t make any verbal note of it, because she doesn’t want to lose it, and he’s done the exact opposite of making her uncomfortable. He’s made her more comfortable in this town, in this house than she has been all week. 
“What’s your name?” She asks, eyes wide and imploring as she looks at the beautiful, blue-eyed mystery man. 
She’s not sure what he sees in her own eyes, but she hopes it’s as unintentionally endearing as whatever is in his. 
“Klaus,” He breathes out, voice practically a whisper. “Klaus Mikaelson.” 
Her brows twitch in a slight furrow as she processes his name, and she feels her smile grow larger despite herself. “Klaus,” She echoes softly, immediately liking the way it feels rolling off her tongue. She offers her name in return, and feels his fingers twitch where they rest trapped between her skin, a source of heat that’s making her feel something she can’t quite put her finger on. 
“Klaus,” She says again, watching the way he responds to her, feeling her heart race as the blue rings of his eyes expand. “Would you do me the absolute biggest favor, and help me escape from this place?” 
He chuckles, and his hand clamps down on her arm, the pads of his fingers pressing into the soft skin there. “Where do you want to go?” 
She shrugs, an easygoing smile on her face. “I haven’t decided yet,” 
He ducks his head in a dutiful nod, standing up carefully and pulling her with him. “We’ll figure it out on the way, then. After you?” 
She intertwines their fingers and pulls them towards the stairs that lead down and away from the house, and spares a glance back at it, shaking her head wistfully. Her grandmother hadn’t been wrong about what this town could offer her, it seems. But then again, there was never any doubt in her mind about that to begin with. 
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watchyourbuck · 3 months
We’re literally DAYS away from s7 but I just watched the graveyard scene™️ and I have,,,, thoughts
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I haven’t publicly discussed the lighting strike, the coma dream or the third kitchen scene yet, but there was something about this scene that irked me enough, so now im here
For starters this whole episode was centered around death. We have the Fake Funeral, Shannon’s grave, the Athena arc with the man who died then came back to life, and obviously,,, as one might imagine, we brushed Buck’s near-death experience (⚡️) — then at the end,,, the ever angering Buddie talk at a previous victim’s grave.
In this episode we meet Natalia, a death doula who Buck and the rest of the 118 tend to after an accident.
She quickly takes an interest in the recently Discharged™️ Evan Buckley, even asking him out on a date after finding out about his “acquaintance” (sic.) with death.
On the date per se she manifests her excitement towards Buck’s whole story, even prompting him to say ‘look at how excited you are. you’re like a real fangirl of this stuff.’
Upon research, I’ve found that death doulas are a real thing. Slow blink. I had no idea.
Thing is, she keeps saying how cool it is to have died and come back to life, imo pressuring him into discussing details he doesn’t seem all that ready himself to say out loud (he just seems to like her, however). He does anyway. She says how amazing and cool it is. Again.
We do not get more details of the date.
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Now to what brings us all here.
The scene starts with Buck and Eddie in front of Marie’s grave (a victim they knew). Buck explains how she died and mentions Natalia. Eddie says ‘we’re all gonna die alone’,,, which,, 👁️ ok mister Diaz a little somber but um– let him cook.
Buck seems a lil taken aback by this, turning to look at Eddie quietly until he explains that’s what Marie said to him and Hen. Buck disagrees with the statement.
Then it’s Eddie’s turn to mention Natalia. “That’s a beautiful thing Natalia did for her,” he says, looking at the ground. I’m not particularly a Natalia stan, but I can say that at this point of the conversation Eddie means no ill-will towards her. She’s actually somehow a… background character (of sorts) to this whole story.
This is when it gets,,,, interesting 🧍🏽‍♀️
As soon as Eddie speaks, Buck takes a small breath and smiles. Like WIDE. (Like guys that’s the picture I just put above this whole scene) — BUT he looks like he’s a bit hesitant in entrusting Eddie with the fact that he’s seeing her. He even ducks his head a little bit, which is a clear sign of cautiousness.
Before Buck’s even done speaking, Eddie sighs and throws his head slightly back. I don’t have the WORDS to explain to yall the way this man looks like he’s e x h a u s t e d (they haven’t even started the conversation bro 😭)
“Really? Dating someone you rescued?” OKAY LISTEN TO ME. This is what sets off the Marisol arc. Before Buck started dating Natalia, we hadn’t even heard about Marisol in the whole season !!!! She was gone, poof! Then Buck gets all deathy-snuggly with Natalia and suddenly Eddie’s really interested in her (when not even half an episode ago he was telling Tia Pepa he wasn’t ready even if he didn’t wanna be alone). Otherwise it would be awfully cynical of Eddie to be saying all this when he’s planning on going against his OWN words in like two episodes……….. 👨🏽‍🦯
Not only that, but it’s the fact that he looks completely against it from the very get go. Ummmm Taylor was someone they rescued, so was Ali. We never heard this speech before did we??? “You know that never ends well.” Also it’s the second fact that he says YOU know it never ends well. Excuse me? Wasn’t Ana someone you rescued also? 🤨 it just seems like he’s trying very hard to convince Buck to not do this. How do I know this you ask??? Bc I’ve been in that situation.
When Buck starts defending his choices, Eddie only nods. He can’t even look at him. He’s defeated, but not AS defeated as he’s about to be. “Anyway, she wanted to ask me about the lighting strike” “Right. You love being the guy with the answers.” This is NOT PLAYFUL. EDDIES NOT SAYING THAT ENDEARINGLY. Omg I can’t even- he’s not fooling around the way a friend would tease someone about their hot new date, he’s deliberately using the same PHRASING Buck used with him and Chris like a minute ago. He’s hurt. Eddie’s HURT. By now Eddie thinks Buck’s just playing around with this girl. And he’s hurt bc when he had his moment with Tia Pepa, he envisioned a life for himself with Buck (and I can’t tell you it was super romantic or platonic, but in his head it was a family. All three of them. This was clearly breaking that vision that he took so long to accept).
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Okay. “I feel like she sees me.” I have… I need to have extensive PTO rn cuz im seething. The way Eddie’s head immediately turns to Buck, even though he had been avoiding his eyes through the entirety of the scene. Another person said this so im not gonna take originality credit but: it’s like their whole friendship flashes through his mind, and his face contorts into a very painful ‘but I see you.’ I’m in so much pain lmao
Eddie’s literally scrambling now. He doesn’t know what to say, how to stop this pain. He’s lost Buck. He lost the man he’s been secretly and unawaringly in love with for over five years. He tries to be okay with this new reality asap. He hides his feelings. He starts joking. Buck’s not really laughing either, it’s futile.
“You haven’t been the same since it happened. But how could you be?” The last bit Eddie says to himself. He’s trying to adjust so fast he might have whiplash. It’s like he’s thinking: “if I had acted before this all happened, maybe I could have changed with you, instead of watching you change from a corner when im nothing but your best friend. No authority, no rights, no permission.” 😀 im ready to end it all btw
Thing is,,, Eddie STILL loves Buck, even if he’s convinced himself in his head right about now that he can’t have him. He’ll be happy (he’ll have to be) just being his friend, because losing his romantic love won’t ever be worse than losing him completely, so he says: “You don’t have to be anything for anybody.” Does this REMIND YALL OF SOMETHING ???
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(gently borrowed from @loveyourownsmiilee – although it was a gif but I’m kinda computer stupid)
Anyway, then Eddie becomes a little preachy, ending it w “so what changed you?” Which honestly he says quite angrily and accusatorially. If you watch the scene he even nods his head up, pointing at Buck and separating him from himself. He’s cutting their lines. YOU changed. YOU moved on. YOU died. YOU didn’t wait for me.
Then Buck kinda extends his hand back. “That has to mean something, right?” (Cheating death). He looks at Eddie with hope, but the man ISNT LOOKING BACK…. And the window is lost. Eddie’s joking again, Buck looks away.
Whatever, the scene ends with Eddie wanting but refusing to look at Buck, while Buck stares into a hypothetical horizon with a glimmer of a new, different hope. He never realized Eddie’s heart broke an inch away from him.
“It’s all a gift.”
Not to Eddie, it isn’t.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
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my moodboard for @the-slumberparty’s test your palette visual challenge. this certainly sparked something in my mind.
short fic below the cut bc i was inspired 🕯️🥀🌚
the devil’s bride
pairing: demon!lee bodecker x witch!reader
warnings: 18+ only.
words: 2.3k
notes: idk i just had a thought and ran with it lol. let me know what you think. feedback and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated. thanks in advance for reading 🖤
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You came back to town for your sister’s funeral, heartbroken and enraged. She wasn’t a stupid girl. She never would have been out so late by herself, let alone drinking. The story you were told of what happened that night made no sense. None of it.
So you decided you’d find the truth on your own.
A simple incantation over a rigorously detailed ritual offering and not three days later the man she’d been seeing was mysteriously found dead. The church mourned over yet another life gone too soon as you scoffed at the scene. The spell worked to find her killer but you still felt a pull to do more. You were closer to the truth now, knowing Frank had killed her, but you surely weren’t the only one who knew that. The cover up story for your sister’s death, the one that made her out to be just some drunk harlot who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, it came from somewhere. From someone.
You soon enough got your hands on the official case files. Each and every paper was filled out and signed off by the same man. Sheriff Lee Bodecker.
There was nothing you could truly do for your sister now, you knew that. But your rage only grew more palpable with each page you turned, with every lie you read. A fire burned within you and all you could see was red. All you could think was revenge. You wanted to know why. This was only a small piece of the puzzle that was Lee Bodecker. He was hiding something much bigger, much darker behind the “small” cover ups you were sure he hardly thought twice about.
There was something evil brewing in this town, dark, unnaturally powerful. You could feel it the moment you’d arrived. And your gut told you he was at the center of it. You were going to find out exactly what it was he was hiding, one way or another.
He wasn’t the only person willing to work with the devil himself to get their way. And when a girl looks as sweet as you, even the sharpest of men won’t see her coming.
You’d made a deal with the devil before, one more couldn’t hurt. He’d find you to collect eventually, you’d make the most of what magic and time you had left to try and do what little good you could.
You would just need to get close to him, gain his trust, and then find out the truth. Once you knew, you’d make your pact to put an end to whatever it was that was going on here, whatever shady dealings your sister had gotten entangled in that ended in her losing her life and having her name and reputation unfairly tarnished.
Two weeks of watching the Sheriff, two weeks of careful planning until you were sure you were ready to approach him. You pulled at the skirt of your dress with one hand, the other holding your homemade pie as you carefully walked up the steps to his house. You made sure you looked as nice as you could, all made up and dressed just right to ensure you would hold his eye the moment he saw you.
The sheriff was an intimidating presence, you could feel it even now. He held power and there was something in his eye that made it near impossible to look away once he had you in his sights. He was a handsome man, too, only adding to the draw you couldn’t deny. You took a breath to steel yourself before knocking on the door. It was only a moment until he answered.
“Can I help you, darlin’?” he asked after pulling open his front door, looking you up and down. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your cleavage, the top button of your dress having been purposely left undone to give him just a little view.
“Hi there, uh, Sheriff?” you asked feigning uncertainty, “I’m not sure I’m at the right address,” you laughed coyly, balancing the freshly baked pie in your hands.
“You’re at the right place,” he reassured you. “What can I do for you, sweetheart?”
You internally cringed at the pet name but forced a demure smile on your lips as you fluttered your lashes up at him; his crystal blue eyes peering down at you.
“The real question is what can I do for you, Sheriff. I just wanted to come by and say thank you, for all your hard work. Abigail was my sister, she uhm,” you paused, swallowing the small lump in your throat, “well you know, all that went down. I’m just thankful you got the case solved as quickly as you did. It was, horrible. But better to know what happened than to be left wondering,” you smiled sadly.
You lifted the pie in your hands to bring it up to him, your offering. “Wasn’t sure what the best way to thank you would be, but I figured a pie wouldn’t hurt to start with.”
“That’s mighty kind of you,” he paused, prompting you to give him your name. You did and watched as he repeated it, your name falling off his tongue, nearly dripping in honey from his accent. You smiled.
“I’m sorry about your sister,” he offered, your jaw tightening as you worked to keep your smile on your lips, hoping the flash of ire that burned in your eyes wasn’t noticeable to him. That wasn’t why you were here, but you knew he didn’t care, and hearing him say he did irritated you.
“But thank you. Who am I to turn down a pie from a pretty lady,” he smirked, letting his eyes roam over your body once again when he took the pie from your hands. “Sure looks good,” he said, his eyes still on you, “bet it tastes good, too.”
“Only one way to find out,” you said, voice wavering on sultry as you held his eye before dropping your gaze to his pink lips briefly, then back up. You held your hands behind your back as you blinked up at him. You smiled again when his tongue jutted out to wet his lips. “You let me know how you like it. And if I can do anything else for you, Sheriff, just let me know.”
You made to turn and go, but his voice stopped you, just like you hoped.
“Wait a minute, darlin’, you walked over here all by yourself?”
“I did,” you answered.
“Well, I can’t have you walkin’ out there alone in the cold, can I. ‘Specially not in nothin’ but a dress. Why don’t you come inside, have a slice of pie with me and I’ll give you a ride home after.”
“Oh, I’d hate to put you out, Sheriff,” you opposed weakly for the sake of politeness as you toyed with the hem of your dress, your fingertips brushing against your thighs, goosebumps rising on your skin. “Though it is a bit colder now than when I first started walkin’ over here,” you smiled shyly.
“Come on in, sweetheart, it’s nice and warm inside. Make yourself at home,” he said as he walked back and held the door open for you.
You smiled widely at his words and made your way inside. “Thank you, Sheriff.”
“Lee,” he offered.
“Lee,” you nodded as you passed him in the doorway, brushing up against him more than you needed to. The warmth radiating from him sent a wave of heat right through you, but you didn’t let the effect he was already having on you show. You could feel his eyes on you as you walked further in, following the sway of your hips before he shut the door behind you and followed you in. He led the way to the kitchen, setting down the pie on the table before he returned to you with a pie cutter and two plates and forks. You gently took the cutter from him, your touch lingering on his hand for a second. “Please, allow me,” you said before cutting him a piece and placing it on his plate. You cut a smaller slice for yourself, no real intention of eating it as you watched him sit down in his seat, sliding the plate closer to him.
You took your own seat and crossed one leg over the other as you waited for him to try it. But seeing how easy it was to get him to let you inside, you weren’t even sure you’d need him to eat it to have the man wrapped around your finger. Everything was playing out just the way you wanted it to.
Lee’s moan brought you back to yourself as you smiled at him, watching him chew before he swallowed his bite.
“Take it you like it,” you tittered.
“Just might be the best damned pie I’ve had,” he grinned at you. “Real sweet,” his blue eyes burned into your own, an intensity there you weren’t expecting quite yet. A twinkle of something you couldn’t place shining as he looked at you.
“‘M glad you think so,” you breathed. “New recipe, made it specially for you.”
“Hope you didn’t go through too much trouble on my account,”
“Oh, not at all. I wanted to.”
He smirked at that, his eyes sharper now as he took you in. He licked his lips wolfishly before he spoke.
“So, you come all the way down here just to proposition me, honey?”
You stilled completely at his words. Tilting your head at him as you furrowed your brow incredulously, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me, darlin’. You come down here to whore yourself out to the first man who catches your eye, like that little sister ah yours?”
You took a deep breath as you willed yourself to remain calm, though the set of your jaw and the flaring of your nostrils surely gave you away.
“I’m only gonna tell you this once, Lee, don’t talk about my sister again.”
“Oh, you’re gonna tell me, is that right?” His grin was wicked as he taunted you. “You think you can tell me what I can and can’t do? You’re dancin’ with the devil, darlin’.”
“Don’t worry about me,” you shook your head, refusing to break eye contact first, “Me and the devil, we get along just fine.”
He laughed heartily at that as you maintained your composure. If he thought for one second you’d be scared of him, he was sorely mistaken. Even as he stood, getting closer to you, invading your space as he towered above you, you didn’t budge.
His hand was suddenly on your chin and when you went to swipe at him, he squeezed hard, tutting at you as you dropped your hands back down.
“I want you to tell me why you’re really here, darlin’.”
“What’s wrong, Lee? Is it so hard to believe a pretty girl would actually go out of her way to bake you a pie? To stop by and say ‘Thank you for all you do, Sheriff,’” you exaggerated your faux gratitude as his eyes darkened while he listened. “I bet what’s really hard to believe is that anyone in their right mind would ever want you to fuck them. One soft smile and a stupid innuendo from a nice girl in a short dress had you opening up your home. I really thought you’d make it just a bit harder,” you taunted, earning a growl from him as he yanked you up out of your seat. You found yourself being pressed against his chest, his strength more than you’d imagined.
“You can play all you want, but you think I couldn’t smell your sweet cunt the second you stepped up on my porch? I know you’re all hot and bothered,” he pushed you back against the table as he spoke crudely, “wet and ready for me already, like a good little whore.”
“I’m no man’s whore,” you bit back, refusing to back down. He chuckled deep in his throat.
“No you’re not, are ya. You, are the devil’s whore, ain'tcha,” he said, voice thick with lust as he leaned over you. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared up at him, the blues of his eyes flashing the deepest black you’d ever seen before their color returned, his smirk right along with it. “Sweetheart, you’re lookin’ at the devil himself. Been waitin’ for you to show up for a while now. Finally make good on that deal you made me. I got ya outta this town just like you wanted. You had a few good years. But it’s time ya come back to me. Waited for you long enough,” he breathed. You gasped in pain as an unexpected, sharp, searing fire burned in your chest and along the ring finger of your left hand. You pushed against his hold on you, writhing uncomfortably in his grasp until suddenly the burn was gone. You clutched at your chest as you gasped for breath. He grabbed your hand and held up his left hand in yours, your eyes landed on a solid silver band on his ring finger and a diamond banded ring on your own.
“What-” you started before being cut off by his brash tone.
“Oh don’t act so surprised. You knew damn well what you agreed to when you made that pact. Five whole years, magic and freedom, and then you’re mine, sweetheart. Forever and always.” He placed his hand over the left side of your chest, a sudden tightness was felt on your heart, a tight squeezing that shouldn’t have been possible.
“Don’t look so scared, honey,” he simpered, his hands finding your waist as he began feeling you up. “We’re gonna have a whole lotta fun together, you and me. And if you’re good, I’ll even let’cha keep your magic. Don’t work on me anyway.”
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sugarywishes · 9 months
How did the Aftons react to Evan's death via the bite?
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About time I get an angsty question, let's dive right in!!
The Afton Family (we'll get into specifics in a minute)
- Well, it was a death in a established/popular entertainment location. Not to mention a gruesome death, so obviously everyone and their mother not only made several tabloids and news reports, they also interviewed/interrogated EVERYONE AT THE PARTY
- so what a joy it was to not only have the company's name slandered, but your family was constantly harrassed about the whole situation too!!
- Michael and Elizabeth's classmates would always ask them about the incident, to the point where William pulled them out of school for a while
- Their neighbors became extremely nosy abt it as well (asking about funeral plans, if they were gonna have Michael arrested etc) and the family itself was already pretty isolated, so they basically became antisocial afterwards and avoided talking to people
- I briefly mentioned this in the Charlie post, but William was kicked out of the company shortly afterwards (my version of Henry was originally kind of a self-centered, prideful man before Charlie...yk ☹) bc of the bad publicity towards him and the fact it was fucking up the business now (I'll list more reasons in a bit) so now the only friend the Aftons had was giving them the cold shoulder and cutting ties with them to avoid affiliations
Okay specifics time!! (This might be a long post so grab some 🍿)
Michael Afton (not the Michael color, I know, there's no gray!!)
- All Mikey wanted to do was just prank Evan, teach him a lesson for getting him in trouble more than usual.
- Nice going, Michael.
- Oh boy. This guy went to a literal state of shock (I'm talking HE FROZE IN FEAR KINDA SHOCK) as soon as Fredbear's jaw closed
- He didn't even manage to 'wake up' until they were already in the hospital (Lizzie dragged him there)
- and of course Mike was scared and remorseful, his prank was quite literally meant to be a funny haha moment which ended up as him technically becoming a murderer 😭😭
- He nearly vomited and passed out as soon as he heard Evan died
- When Michael returned to school, best believe he lost all his popularity, now everyone knew him as the guy who killed his brother (the other kids involved in the prank distanced themselves as far away from it as possible) and so he became a friendless outcast :(
- Even Jeremy stopped talking to him, mostly because of what Jeremy's mom said about them for clout
- which totally didn't help his now declining mental health
Elizabeth Afton
- Lizzie was actually hanging around the bathroom area talking with Charlie when the bite happened, she would've been too late to stop it anyway
- She literally lost her twin. It's not the best feeling in the world.
- Of course she felt terrible about the whole situation but also,,,a sense of liberation??
- like, the one person who stood in the way of her gaining her father's love is dead. Mike doesn't give 2 shits about Will, and Clara is already in a loveless relationship with him. So now it leaves her as his new favorite
- she surprisingly was able to move on faster than the rest of her family (at least on the outside, as I said she did lose her baby brother)
- but it's not a fun life afterwards, considering she no longer had friends at school now since Will pulled her out quickly (and plus, Henry started cutting ties with the Aftons so now she couldn't hang out with Charlie!!) And again, she started losing her mind just like the rest of the family
Clara Afton
- Girly was just tryna to find a camera in the car outside, she didn't see or hear the bite thankfully (she did have to see the image of her bleeding son being carried out by his father though)
- Evan's death is truly what got her motivated enough to actually start fighting against Will's constant mistreatment of her and the kids
- but of course that doesn't last long. (Guess who ends up in Ballora?)
- because of the news (and more specifically, one particular news article made by a Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald, mother of Jeremy Fitzgerald,,,👀) she was now labeled a neglectful, hosebag mom who was probably in it for those Afton bucks 💸 which ruined her relationship with her neighbors and friends
- Remember, EVERYONES reputation was terribly slandered by the bite (and by the media wanting to cause more drama)
- She was already a stressed out, meek person because of her marriage with William, she got a lot worse after her baby died
William Afton (his is the LONGEST sorry for the text walls)
- He was just about ready to carry out Evan's birthday cake as soon as he heard the screams of terror
- He reacted almost instantly. William is not a very physically strong looking man, but he is powerful enough to break a robot's jaw open.
- He pulled Evan's body out (as best as he could, he was rushing to save him so who knows if some...chunks were still left inside 🤢🤢 sorry for the mental image)
- He didn't acknowledge ANYONE else in the room. And he didn't even have the rest of his family get into the car, he placed Evan in the back with a blanket wrapped tightly around his head and drove off, leaving the rest of the family to find another way to the hospital
- but of course his efforts were all for nothing.
- Everyone kinda expected him to become deranged and violently (publicly) abusive but for a while he was just...numb. and detached from everyone and everything. He wouldn't talk to a single person and would isolate himself in his workshop/basement to grieve
- (he didn't even bother punishing Michael for the accident, which set off a lot of red flags for Mikey who knew that something would snap inside his father soon)
- His already inconsistent sanity started cracking when his name and family were considered pariahs now (thanks a lot Helen for further spreading rumors about them)
- it became even worse when Henry kicked him out (According to Henry's excuses, he knew Will was likely never going to recover from the bite so he might as well give him an 'early retirement')
- (Basically, Will wasn't coming to work at all and wasn't making them money, his damaged reputation would ruin the now shitty rep of the diner more, and bc of the Aftons now being associated with the words 'horrible' 'neglectful' and 'irresponsible' , Henry just decided to tie up loose ends and get rid of him to save face) (Remember that Henry was an asshole and only got to his redemption journey once his daughter died)
- So, great. But what's this?? The closed Fredbear's Family Diner Fredbear animatronic is acting?? Off?? Sort of seems...alive??? You bet it is!!
- And of course, we all know what happens from there.
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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drunkinchicago · 6 months
coriolanus snow x lucy gray baird
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link: chapter 1, link: chapter 2
Chapter 3: fallen angel
Coriolanus is the name given to a Roman general after his military feats against the Volscians at Corioli. Following his success he seeks to be consul, but his disdain for the plebeians and mutual hostility with the tribunes lead to his banishment from Rome. In exile, he presents himself to the Volscians, then leads them against Rome. After he relents and agrees to a peace with Rome, he is killed by his previous Volscian allies.
In reference to Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, (5th century BC)
"The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone."
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Coriolanus did not revisit the conversation between himself and Dr. Gaul until much later, her words reverberating in his skull as he hung his coat. It’s known that the two of you didn’t sleep together; how distracted you’d be with that little songbird in your bedroom. He walked toward the dining room with his hands shaking. Bedroom. Songbird. Bedroom. Two of you, together. Sleep together. Lucy Gray, God, Lucy Gray.
An array of platters awaited him at the dinner table, each covered with a stainless steel cloche. Coriolanus stared at them blankly, noticing that only one setting was arranged. Tigris must have notified the staff that she would not be present, but then again, she rarely was. Coriolanus wasn’t sure where she spent the majority of her time anymore - he only knew that he was largely by his lonesome in the Snow penthouse. There wasn’t a financial need in Tigris continuing her employment, and she hadn’t a variety of acquaintances to stay with. The most he’d seen of his cousin recently was in the final days of Grandma’am’s life and her funeral, during which Tigris would often descend into nostalgic recollections of their childhood. Coriolanus refused to indulge them, struggling to remember much other than the sound of cockroaches scuttling along the rotting floors. He could tell that her opinion of him changed, and funnily enough, she hardly knew the half of it. Tigris had no way of knowing the reality of Sejanus’ death, and she didn’t ask for details about his life in Twelve. Only once had she asked about the end of his relationship with Lucy Gray, to which he bitterly responded:
“She left me.”
But that’s not the end, Coriolanus reminded himself as he removed the silver lid of the largest plate, revealing roasted duck and an endive salad. Dr. Gaul was going to find her. It was true that the Capitol had been taken with Lucy Gray - the public would be ecstatic at the return of their sweetheart. His sweetheart. There was much more advantage than disadvantage in obtaining her from wherever she was, shivering in a tattered dress. It’d been months since he’d seen her. Was she thinner, if possible? How was she surviving? He almost choked on his duck as he recalled the rage of losing her, eternally possessing a snakebite shaped scar to remind him of his stupidity. That fury was ebbing, though, making way for the notion of understanding - what they had before, they could find again, all the good parts of it. He planned to make her kiss that scar. Kiss it better, Lucy Gray, kiss me there first and everywhere after.
During his meals alone, he liked to remember the Games. Selfishly, Coriolanus found himself missing them dearly. At any time, he knew where she was and who she was with, and greatest of all, she needed him. Lucy Gray yearned for him so much then, her eyes coming to life when he approached her cage at the zoo. He desired nothing more than to be back in those moments of budding attraction, her skirt tearing on the concrete floor as she ate and drank only what he provided her with. With his hand on the enclosure bars and his eyes flickering toward her lips, it was then that he began to visualize what he wanted. He became acutely aware of it when they kissed the first time, feverishly and as though they could eat each other alive. Maybe he wanted to. He couldn’t imagine how good she’d taste.
When he’d given her that white rose at their first meeting, she’d locked eyes with him and opened her mouth wide, placing the petal she’d plucked on her tongue. “Tastes like bedtime,” she’d murmured. He loved that view, towering above her as their height difference permanently allowed. Lucy Gray had looked particularly innocent and intimate then, dirt grazing her soft cheeks, fingers in her mouth. One day he hoped to ask her to recreate that scene, to bathe her himself in rose petals and buttermilk. When she arrived, she would be allowed to have however many roses she wanted. He’d pluck the stems for her, place them behind her ear with his other hand around her neck, bringing her to the edge. That was just one of the many scenarios he envisioned, playing them on a loop.
She wouldn’t be getting the roses at first, though. Coriolanus knew he had to be strong and make her prove herself. Why did you leave me, Lucy Gray? Why did you leave me? He hoped she’d arrive at his doorstep in shackles even though the sight of her in chains had once deeply disquieted him. She had lessons to learn. He’d answer her questions, too, prove himself in the same light. It was going to be difficult not to ravage her. That would be the hardest part, keeping his hands to himself when Lucy Gray was before him. He’d never really gotten the post-Games reunion he’d envisioned, the one interrupted by his Peacekeeper sentencing. If only his cheating hadn’t been discovered! Coriolanus had been practically running through the halls, looking for his tribute, excited to see and feel all the ways she was going to thank him. He wanted it in the Capitol, and that’s how it was supposed to be. Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray Baird, winners of the 10th Annual Hunger Games - didn’t they deserve it? It was a moment they’d never be able to retrieve. He was just going to have to invent better.
Although he knew it was well-prepared, everything tasted sour in Coriolanus’ mouth. He tossed the plates to the side, slamming his hands on the table as he stood to signal to the maids that he was finished. They quietly entered the room just as he was leaving it, gathering the untouched feast. He wanted to be in his room - that’s where he could remember her best.
His quarters had been entirely transformed at the hands of the Plinths, resembling the likeness of a castle rather than its prior rat-infested, dilapidated state. Nightly he slept on a grand canopy bed with velvet drapes and silk sheets, sizable enough to fit several people. A hand-painted portrait of himself on his first day of University hung directly parallel to the room’s door, being the first thing anybody saw when they entered. His hair was shorter there than now, combed to one side. He preferred his curls despite their boyish cadence. This was how he looked when Lucy Gray met him after all, his hair falling in front of his face as they kissed. Isn’t that when she fell for him? He wanted to set the scene for her when they would inevitably reunite. Strabo Plinth had pointedly installed a fireplace on one end of the room, a massive one that cast an ominous red glow when lit. “For when Snow gets cold,” Strabo had joked, nudging Coriolanus as though he was actually his father. In response, Coriolanus simply forced a laugh.
Other furnishings in the bedroom included several bookcases equipped with countless historical texts, a dark wood loveseat in one corner, and an impressively sized desk covered with ink pens and writing paper. His brocade curtains allowed for utmost privacy, only a shade lighter than obsidian. They were frame-tall, setting off his curved windows like a picture. When they were open, he could see so much of the city, so much of what he wanted to own and control. The final detail was several imported Persian rugs, placed carefully to cover ancient stains. On occasion, Coriolanus would lay flat against them, welcoming their warmth and carefully woven texture. They were expensive, luxurious, and fit for a king. He couldn’t wait to show them to Lucy Gray, imagining her own body laying against one, her hair fanning out around her face. Perfect.
At least Lucy Gray would never see the penthouse how it used to be, dimly lit and falling in on itself. He wanted her to see him as a true Snow, and get the Snow experience as a result. She was bound to love it, the life of a victor. How could she not? She’d not known something this good, and he was going to show it to her, to what he owned. She’d fit right in with everything else that belonged to him.
As Coriolanus crawled into bed, he wondered how much longer he’d have to sleep in it alone. Dr. Gaul was right. They’d hadn’t slept with another, and it wasn’t because he hadn’t wanted to. Of course he did. He’d had the desire from the second he saw her on television on Reaping Day with her tight corset and doe eyes. There just hadn’t been the right setting for it to take place. Their run of things hadn’t been the easiest after all, but they still found room for kissing, for lots of it, for biting each other’s lips and holding one another’s faces. When he thought back to the sensation of kissing her, Coriolanus realized that he would kill for it. He would commit murder to touch her. Hadn’t he already?
Enjoy the show.
That damn voice, the automated welcome to the arena. It consumed him at night, reminded him of the wanting, the fear, the intensity, the power of it all.
Enjoy the show.
Holding her as they walked into the arena tour, the small intimacies in the dark, moving just as the cameras came into view.
Enjoy the show.
The club in his hand, up, down, up, down, crashing onto Bobbin’s face over and over and over and…
Enjoy the show.
“And last but least, District Twelve girl . . . she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.”
Enjoy the show.
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delumineight · 7 months
hi hello :)) im sure you've been asked this a million times before but romione headcanons??
i have but i literally love sharing them and i always have new ones (especially since the last time i posted them here)… so they’re below the cut because they’re extensive. i may go more in depth to certain ones in the future, but these are surface level for now.
ron is 6’4” while hermione is 5’6”
personally i headcanon ron scrawny as hell and hermione to be midsized
the “alternate house” thing isn’t real for either of them they’re both such gryffindors through and through
they don’t talk about him leaving during the horcrux hunt except for one time, in the tent after xenophillius’ alone without harry listening
they do however talk about the deluminator after the way and try to figure out why the hell it did that
they sent owls back and forth constantly when hermione went back to school — they owe errol and pigwidgeon actual reparations
they didn’t really plan having rose, they had talked about it but they weren’t like “let’s have a kid” they just stopped taking precautions
hermione absolutely loves wearing his shirts
ron was already thinking about quitting aurors and discussed it with hermione, but he’s pushed over the edge when he has to face a boggart and it’s hermione being tortured at malfoy manor. he turns in his papers the next day without telling her
hermione cannot, and i mean cannot PLEASE keep her out of the kitchen, cook but ron can and he loves doing so
their favorite spot for prefect rounds was the astronomy tower
personal indulgent one here… i know not everyone agrees… but they were secretly dating the entirety of deathly hallows and kept it a secret because it was too dangerous of times for a “blood traitor” and “mudblood” to be together and they didn’t want harry to feel alienated when he was around them
ron is pretty much all of the kids’ favorite uncle
ron has blond eyelashes and hermione will never get over how the sun falls through them
ron’s scar from getting splinched is a lot worse than you’d think, it’s deep and marred and has a texture to it all the way around
hermione has night terrors, maybe even sleep paralysis and she only goes to healer for it after ron begs and begs her to, but she makes sure he’s with her the entire time
hermione’s scars from bellatrix never fade
also, she has one from dolohov’s curse from the battle of the department of mysteries in ootp that stretches from one shoulder diagonally across her torso to her opposite hip
ron knew he was going to marry hermione at fred’s funeral
if ron and harry go back to hogwarts for their eighth year with hermione: they are absolutely the most annoying couple ever! also they’re head boy and girl
if draco and harry get together: they hate it at first. personally, i hate hate hate the idea that they were immediately like okay whatever about it. drarry friends do y’all know what he did to them!2?!2/!?! they warm up to the idea slowly because they see how happy harry is because of him but it’s a process.
these are very tame! but warning for anyone who needs it.
hermione is actually more… eager for lack of better terms after the war
their first time is in australia
poor harry has seen and heard far too much than what he’d like
i may list more of these later but in the future bc this was for general headcanons and not nsfw!
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effieandtim · 7 months
AND IM FUCKING HAUNTED BY HOW THEY SHOWED SKIPPY GOING TO HAWK FOR COMFORT AGTER HE QUIT HIS JOB. AND HE WAS DRUNK AND UNCOORDINATED. the breathless delivery of ‘quit…. i quit my job’ the way he hesitated he couldnt bring himself to even say it outloud. and then him admitting to hawk that he doesnt know what to believe anymore AND HAWK SAYS I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU ALONE WITH THE LOOK IN HIS EYEBLIKE HE KNEW THIS WAS COMING BUT NOT IN A I TOLD YOU SO WAY BUT AN I WISH I COULD HV PROTECTED YOU I WISHED I STOPPED THIS FROM HAPPENING BUT THATS WHAT HAWK CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND !!!! that to love is to let people know you even if it hurts. hawk does not understand honesty he cannot allow himself to. but he understands skippy, he cannot help it. AND HOLY SHIT JONATHAN BAILEY……. his desperation in ‘please please just take me upstairs’ its almost like hes about to throw out and hes just choking out the words like hawk being able to hold him would make him breath again. and hawk just. breaks his heart and lets skippy walk away. wordless.
AND THE AUDACITY TO CUT FROM THAT DO LUCY AND HER DAD AND THEN THE FUNERAL AND THEN HAWK GOES TO SKIPPY FOR COMFORT AND. skippy just gives it. he follows hawk even though he doesnt trust him. he holds him and comforts him and tells hawk not to write.
i can FEEL your emotions through this ask and honestly same😭
no fr like tim was so distressed bc everything he knew when he came to that city had proven to be a lie - his political beliefs, his internal war with his religion as well - and ron mentioned in that new interview that he was disillusioned by hawk as well bc of how easily he lied and how cunning he could be
he was so disoriented so he NEEDED that comfort and there was no one else who could give it to him other than hawk😭
he was so desperate for something familiar - the only thing he probably believed in at that point to be true and pure - his love for hawk and he needed to feel that
but then hawk broke his heart😭
that definitely pushed him to enlist bc what else was left for him on that place - esp after hawks reveal of his plans to marry lucy
i have got another ask about the parallels between how hawk and tim differ in providing comfort so i will probably speak more there but yeah you are so right, tim just gives him that comfort no questions asked
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desafinado · 1 year
Hi! If you take requests, can you do something with Zhongli who start to have feeling for hydro who is likely reminds him of Guizhong (like a reincarnation of her but not that)
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。゚🌨。 rainbow
°。⋆ zhongli x reader
°。⋆ kinda yandere zhongli omg, reader is from inazuma, selfish motivations, angst, bittersweet ending (wc. 1.1k)
note: i thought this would suit a ficlet rather than a hc, so i hope you don’t mind! also, i don’t rlly love the idea of zhongli liking someone purely bc they remind him of guizhong (or just in gen, yk love someone for who they are not bc of what they remind you of, bring to you, or whatever else), so i hope its fine that its a bit more angsty ^^ (also wasn’t quite sure how to incorporate the hydro part in a big way, so all in all its more used as a metaphor.)
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the way the breeze hit your face, the way your expression softened under his touch, you reminded him so fondly of her. that’s precisely why he has to hold back tears as you sit him down in a more secluded area of the cafe.
“i’m happy for you, dear. when do you leave?”
“tomorrow! can you believe it? i finally get to visit all my friends after a tough few years…”
unaware of the sound of his heartbeat faltering, you happily take a sip of the tea you’ve ordered. you were happy in liyue, of course; you had made many friends and memories here, but it wasn’t truly “home”. you had planned on visiting liyue for a week or two when the sakoku decree was enforced, and that “week or two” quickly became a year.
initially, it was certainly terrifying; not knowing whether your loved ones were safe, and not having a home to come back to. this uncertainty, however, was gently soothed away by a man by the name of zhongli. he had found you crying outside the wangsheng funeral parlor; at the time you had just be informed of the decree. drawn by the cloud of rain that seemed to form above your head, he didn’t mind getting a bit drenched.
“you don’t seem to be from around here… and you’re crying all alone in a rain of your own doing nonetheless. would you like some company, dear traveller?”
you only let out a weak chuckle and nod, fearing that your words would betray you. you both settled into a comfortable silence as he simply sat beside you, giving you nothing but his company. you didn’t realise how alone you felt until that moment; you wanted to cry more, shout louder, your body started trembling over the realisation.
he quickly noticed this and enveloped you in a hug; he knew it was crossing your boundaries, but he couldn’t bear to see you carry the pain all alone. you did nothing to resist, accepting his touch.
“i’m… i’m sorry, i just…”
“it’s fine.” you gasped in between tears, your breathing only getting more uneven.
“perhaps you would like to talk about it over some tea?” he was still only restrained to hugging you gently, feeling as though the slightest touch would shatter you. you nod once again, letting him help you up.
and that was how you got here.
zhongli instantly became someone you could rely on; he guided you through liyue in more ways than one, culture, history and even making new friends! in that time, he also picked up on how much you reminded him of his… old friend. he’d try to shake it off or push you away, but he always felt the need to protect and guide you; the way he couldn’t for his dear friend. alas, his fantasy was soon coming to and end.
after hearing your sentiments, he too took a sip of his tea; his throat feeling increasingly dry.
“i understand, i mean you told me all about it on that fateful day we met.” he pauses and closes his eyes. it takes every muscle in his face to force a smile, and it eventually does come out, barely. “yes, dear, this is great. i’m so happy for you.” he opens his eyes to see you smiling right back at him; that smile killing him in more ways than one.
“yup! i couldn’t have gotten through it all without you, zhongli. i’m so thankful to have had you as a friend.”
the way your eyes curve into crescents, he can’t hold back anymore. he wasn’t ready to just stop seeing you, not without admitting his own secrets; at the same time, he wasn’t completely to reveal them either.
“i– wait. will you be back any time soon?”
“probably not for a while, i missed a lot while i’ve been here.”
“but you will eventually?”
“i’m not yet sure, i haven’t even–”
“it’s a yes or no question.”
you’ve never seen nor heard him this way; his face deadpanned and his voice stern. you didn’t know where all of this was coming from, he was happy just moments ago.
“zhongli, what’s with the sudden change in mood?”
he realises his palms are face down on the table, and his voice is almost shaking. meanwhile, you were just there, staring up at him innocently, waiting for him to respond. just like her, you were the calm to his storm, giving him way more understanding than he though he deserved.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to…”
“i understand, but where is this coming from, zhongli? what is this about?”
he lets out a shaky breath, his walls surely crumbling down. the facade of his feelings had finally come to light.
“guizhong, i… you just remind me too much of her, i can’t let you go, not yet. i love you…”
he sits back down, defeated by this own emotions. he hasn’t a clue what your reaction might be, but if you’re anything like her, he knows it won’t be the most positive.
“zhongli… i’m not her.” you stutter out, a lump stuck in your throat. you very much knew who she was; he had told you who he actually was, he had told you the history of liyue, his friends, the yakshas, everything. you thought he had told you everything, but the present says otherwise.
“i know that you know i’m not her. you’re wise, you’re smart, you just… you’re overtaken by your emotions, zhongli…” you pause for another moment feeling a tear finally roll down your cheek. “i-i’ve loved you too, but… please love me for me, not for her.” you gather any strength you have left to stand up and leave him there to face himself.
after you’re long gone, zhongli finds a wave of tears rushing down his cheeks, not unlike the rain clouds you create when you cry. perhaps he deserved it.
a new day’s sun rises, and you’re gone just like that. your boat had left in the early hours of the dawn, and you didn’t bother to look back; that’s what you tell yourself at least, because zhongli finds a bouquet of camellias with a note on his doorstep.
“to answer your question, i will be back one day when we’ve both grown a bit older and our minds a bit clearer. i love you dearly, zhongli. i hope you’ll love me too, one day.”
he stares at the note a bit longer, noticing the way the sun slowly covers it in its light; oh how he wishes it would just rain.
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requests are open!! please do not reposts on other sites.
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hedonisticjedi · 2 years
A Padmé lives au where she still has to give up the twins for their safety and she herself goes into hiding bc Palpatine is determined to kill her as she's the only one who could bring Vader back to the light side.
Rots goes exactly the same cept Padmé lives after giving birth. Obi-Wan and Yoda do something to alter her force signature so Vader can't pick up on it anymore. Palpatine and Vader assume Vader killed her. The Jedi do some plastic surgery on a random corpse and give Padmé a funeral. (She keeps the japor necklace tho. I think she would struggle a lot with whether to keep it or not bc she would struggle with Anakin's fall but I think she would keep it bc she's not willing to give up on Ani).
Instead of finding some backwater planet to fuck off on she would immediately continue her work of trying to unseat Palpatine and bring the republic back. Luke and Leia would still join the rebellion and would be drawn to Padmé but not know why and would just chalk it up to her dotting nature. She would keep her secret until they found out Vader was their father.
I think Padmé would become a pilot and command a ship (she's not a senator anymore, and she's a good pilot and strong leader. She feels more of use being the commander of a ship vs staying in the war room esp once Leia is there bc Leia is more than capable (it makes Padmé proud))
So Padmé would be on Endor celebrating with the other rebels and she would find Luke and help burn Vader and she would cry. She would try to hide it at first, but it would consume her, and Luke would comfort her "it's okay, it's all over now". But that's why she's crying, it's over. Ani is never coming back to her but at least he's free now. And if we take the fanon that Rex is there too: he puts his hand on Padmé's shoulder bc he is going through similar emotions then Luke is like "...you knew Anakin before he was Vader". And Padmé stops crying and she looks at Luke and very softly says "yes. He was my husband" and Luke thinks "HUSBAND?!" And the math symbols floating around gifs and Padmé keeps going "yes. Luke, i am your mother" (bc I love a good parallel). For 15 seconds Luke goes through the entire breath of human emotion before he just collapses into Padmé's arms and cries and she's crying and Rex is crying bc it's over. None of them will have Anakin back but the war is finally over, they're safe, they have each other.
They come back to the Ewok village and Padmé would hug everyone and she's trying to figure out how to tell Leia and while Leia is watching everyone, Luke would come up behind her and whisper "she's our mom" and Leia would smile and Padmé would marry Han and Leia.
Then at some point, the 3 of them would go through the archive as Padmé told them Anakin's story.
(side note: I think together Rex and Padmé would put together Palpatine's plan. I think Ahsoka and Rex's story could either follow their canon timeline or bail + Padmé would pull Ahsoka into the rebellion sooner and she would pull Rex in. Ahsoka would still become a fulcrum. I think Rex would become a fulcrum too but he would focus on freeing other clones in hopes they would join the rebellion but understand if they wanted peace. Ahsoka and Rex would tell everyone about the chips. They would tell them about Fives and how he discovered the plot and there was more to it. Bail would try to find out more bc he was the head of the security council in the senate but it still wouldn't be accessible. So discovering the plot falls to a standstill. Folks know it's important but they can only allott so many resources to trying to figure it out. None of them can stay on Coruscant anyway. So then one day Padmé and Rex are just hanging out, maybe havin a drink and Rex mentions something off hand, something unimportant and that triggers a memory in Padmé, something she thought was unimportant (i haven't watched tcw so I'm not sure what it could be). Rex sneaks back to Coruscant and downloads the files he and Padmé need. When he gets back to the fleet, he, Padmé and Ahsoka go over everything. They would see how Palpatine manipulated the senate, how he exploited the clones and Ahsoka would share about how fighting the war pushed so many jedi to the dark side. How those that fell weakened the public's view of the jedi. How it weakened and confined the order. I don't think they would figure out every single piece, I'm sure there's lots of things Palpatine had a hand in that can't be gleaned from raw data esp since he went out of his way to make sure others did his bidding without him explicitly saying so and then killed them. For ex they could figure out the invasion of Naboo by the trade fed was to set the stage for Padmé (or whoever since he ordered her killed) to call for a vote of no confidence + to garner sympathy in the senate to increase his chances of being elected chancellor but they probably wouldn't be able to figure out who voted for him bc they genuinely thought Palpatine was the right choice (or why they thought he was the right choice he could easily set up scenarios where he gets to swoop in and be the savior) or who voted for him bc they had been bribed/exhorted into voting for him).
I think the twins would spend a lot of time reviewing tcw bc they would be able see it as the cautionary tale it is. Leia is determined to build the republic better and Luke travels the galaxy, helping ppl and establishing a jedi order. Luke's order wouldn't be one formalized institution but instead lots orders that are set up on planets so they can remain culturally relevant and peacekeepers in their communities but there would be something like a UN so each temple could have support and still work in cohesion. I think Leia would come to the conclusion that one republic won't fit all of the galaxy so she would focus on relationship building between systems. Padmé would be some high-ranking politician and be crucial to creating a new form of government. Rex would be her advisor and unofficial bodyguard
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chocoenvy · 2 years
Anyways, I’m just foaming at the mouth thanks to the thought of sagau reader being isekai’d literally in the middle of Signora’s funeral, like… you JUST saw who they were and they are all like??? Wtf is god doing here???
Whatever let me cope TM and imagine Reader somehow making Rosalyne alive again (and making the dramatic speech the guy was having to be for nothing 😭)
Just… just thinking of Reader who gets to “know all of the harbingers on a deeper level” and maybe giving the Tsaritsa’s plan a thought (if only they knew that their new friends are so good at lying and manipulating :))! This gives so many opportunities for angst ♥️ and and then the harbingers feeling bad for lying to literally god and you just not believing on them anymore :(, salt to the wound if reader says something like “The people were right, you are the bad guys” 😭🤪♥️❗️
the fire moth at the end of the teaser that landed on her casket??? THAT'S SUS AS FUCK why is it still there? if she was dead wouldn't it be gone? why is it still alive if she's gone? and as an anon once pointed out to me, one of her core themes is rebirth. So she's still alive bc she's too hot to die.
just realized there's no circumstance in which i'd believe she's dead bc she's ASHES and THE CRIMSON WITCH OF FLAMES hoyoverse set her up to be not actually dead like please let me have the pretty tall lady
tsaritsa has a particular dislike for celestia and she sees you as an extension of that. So when you appear all bright eyed and excited to see her and her harbingers, she takes advantage of you.
She takes your innocence and wonder and uses that to further her own agenda, you think you're doing something good, you think they're telling you the truth. But they're just building an icy cage around you, keeping you hostage in the Zapolyarny palace. You don't know their true plans. You're completely harmless to them.
Except when they find themselves growing attached to you. The human emotions they had all but burned away showing themselves again as you tug at their heartstrings.
And the day you realize you're stuck with the people who lied and manipulated you to further their plans that you didn't know about and don't agree with...
Your tears hurt more than any of them liked. You had nowhere to run, no one to turn to, so you huddled yourself in a corner of the palace. And despite themselves, they start to miss your presence.
But no matter what, they can't back down on their plan. Whether you compliant or not does not matter, even if it hurts a bit everything will be better once their plan is finished.
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cryoweaving · 10 months
late night word vomit about the caiying character arc in fontaine bc i will make it happen there.
caiying accompanies you to fontaine for a commission for one of her embroidery pieces for a close family friend and you both have a relatively wonderful adventure where she confesses she's always wanted to go adventuring. anyway, it's all just set up by reinforcing that caiying is a nice person and she frets over you just about the entire trip there. she can't fight so the only alternative is to be support or help with your wounds after battles.
of course the first detour or little mission you have there that you must complete before you can finish the fontaine story is helping caiying deliver her embroidery piece to this family friend. it's just the usual running to find this person around fontaine and the convo between caiying and them is all good from the outside, but when she hands the embroidery over ... they pause. it just looks a regular depiction of some nature scenery but it can possibly be misconstrued to have some deeper meaning but caiying profusely apologizes if it came across that way. they relax afterwards and you part ways with this individual for a while.
i'm sure fucked up shit will be happening in fontaine but i don't read spoilers but i don't need to. caiying is just acting oddly while you all are dealing with shit in fontaine. even when you have breaks, you find she is writing letters or talking to people or is out and about more than she should be. she assures you she just has business to take care of - no big deal. of course, you trust her -- how can you not ? she's so sweet and speaks in a way that disarms almost everyone.
so how is it that you're standing there, watching this person you thought you knew exact revenge without any oversight from anyone else ? it's disturbing to hear caiying recount how she's been waiting for this moment -- to kill someone who has ruined her entire life -- for over ten years now, how she has laid out this plan to corner them for years and years, feigned appreciation and closeness with the person destroyed her mother's family because she knew she didn't have any usable evidence, and she gets to have it now.
" i disturb the water to catch the fish i so desire " -- she's led them here one step at a time, pretending to be unknowing and innocent.
fontaine is the nation of justice but caiying confesses she's not much of a believer anyway and would rather take care of things on herself; nobody and nothing will uphold justice for her after all.
she promises to send them off cleanly, make sure they are given proper funeral rites and not touch their other family members at the very least. and it's over in a moment -- with the simple flick of her wrist and the sharp ice ends her entire rage. and you see how stunned she is, how relieved she is, how heavy it feels to do this. and you realize you didn't know her all that much as you originally thought you did.
i'd like to leave the choice to turn her in or not up to the player. either way i think in game it'd trigger an update to voice lines -- deliveries become a little more mellow afterwards and some lines are just changed entirely.
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caatws · 1 year
Honestly there's nonsensical decision making to every single part of how Gamora's role and the guardians as a group have been written when it comes to life after Infinity War. I have been a fan of the mcu gotg since 2014. It was made known back then that the characters would be teaming up with the Avengers for a Thanos focused collaboration. The fact that Gunn didn't plan in advance or make any space to follow up on the potential impact of the collaboration was objectively a poor choice on his part. He wasn't blindsided and as much as I like what he's done in the past this isn't something I'm willing to give him a free pass on. Especially because it was his decision to base the mcu guardians around an abuse narrative. Minimum he should have been prepared for Gamora and Nebula to have some emotions that needed exploring after facing their abuser. Drax too based on his own writing of Drax wanting to take on Thanos. Rocket could be his favorite all he wanted but that doesn't change he included a whole host of characters in his trilogy who are all survivors with stories that would appeal to many people. He's said he wants people to relate to this story and who these characters are. It's asinine not to think about how Gamora's story might relate to people in the audience the way he loves Rocket. Part of being a thoughtful storyteller is thinking about the message that you send with what you put out into the world.
It would take hardly any time at all to sit back and reflect on what it would say to the audience that Gamora had zero funeral, no team moments going over her loss and that most characters are acting like they barely knew what was going on after her death. He knew Yondu deserved better than that and he should have known Gamora did too. It wouldn't have been hard to realize 2014 Gamora needed real development and closer relationships with the guardians because the story of the guardians is what he chose to write.
I'm not saying James Gunn is a bad person. I'm saying he had years to know where the guardians were headed when it came to Thanos. He knew he created a backstory of traumatic experiences related to Thanos for 3 of his core characters. He put effort into giving Yondu a proper funeral and still went on to do more that demonstrated he was important. He knew about and signed off on Gamora having very little character development as a result of Endgame. He was given the opportunity to do more with the guardians when it was decided there would be a holiday special. Even with all of this in place the best he could do was what we saw for Gamora in vol 3 along with zero mention of any characters beside Peter having lasting emotional effects from Infinity War and Endgame. I'm pretty sure that if I was still in school and turned in an assignment like vol 3 under these same circumstances, I would have received a failing grade. It's also wrong to make an open ending and then go online and pretend it only has one meaning when it comes to Gamora having one real family.
yeah, i think gunn either had less control over what happened in iw/eg than he let on (but then didn't want to change his vision for the final installment of the gotg trilogy being a rocket story) or he was just a lot more unserious about this stuff than i originally thought.
i think his favoritism toward rocket and yondu (cuz bestie rooker) were still present in vol 1 and 2, but it still meshed well with the ensemble stories going on bc there wasn't rly a reason to give any of the other characters more focus or detail than rocket or yondu back then. every character was on equal footing, in a way. but come vol 3, when everyone's lives and the established "normal" from vol 1/2 have been completely upended (plus add an extra 6-10 years of offscreen stuff, give or take, depending on the character), this approach no longer works. even bestie rocket's arc still suffers the consequences of this by not rly including or even acknowledging how those 5 years without his friends and family would've affected him.
i'd long gotten used to this uneven storytelling between characters in the avengers franchise, where the ensemble films often felt like The Steve And Tony Show(TM), which was part of why i appreciated the gotg films, since it felt like they didn't fall into this weird fake ensemble category. i still think vol 3 is a solid ensemble film, but it's definitely the gotg film that most starts to veer into unbalanced territory where the avengers films reside
and i know gunn wanted to try to tell le epic self-contained story or whatever, but like, it's the 3rd film in a franchise and we last saw these characters 4 years ago with the avengers in a totally separate franchise. treating it like it exists in some vacuum that makes it friendly to viewers who've never heard of the mcu in their lives or something is honestly just gonna make it more confusing than not and perhaps even frustrating for MOST viewers
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zak-shit · 3 months
march 1st 2024 9:14 pm
don't greatly feel like doing this rn, but i know I do need to.
brain is constantly racing lately. i mean constantly i really do.
the grief of losing lisa has been coming harder, i really miss her and i cant believe she is really gone. i will never forget that woman. lisa was truly my favorite person growing up. she's a real angel now.;/ Marisa Lynn just called me while I was writing the below stuff, she said new years eve was the best. I think about thanksgiving alot too, we had a all nighter, I'll never forget seeing Lisa on the back porch as the sun came up. and that was practically the last time I really saw her. Her health went downhill so quick after that.. I had the thought earlier like things just came together in a way, and that night was almost a send off for her. except nobody knew. it was really our fucking reunion., and it turned into our last night together.
tomorrow ive got to go to my brother casey's wedding ;| i haven't seen this side of my family in like nearly 5 years. i ordered something I really like to wear, something that is appropriate, but also boldly ME. It may not arrive in time, and I don't know what to wear in that situation yet, also don't know if what I already have that is appropriate is something i feel comfortable wearing/ me. :/ but its fineeeeeee this wedding will happen. i'm going to see both of my brothers tomorrow, my dads brother (he's chill) and my other niece's and nephews. just weird bc i don't know these people honestly. we have a zero on the relationship bar. idk that just makes me anxious, uncomfortable... shruggg. i just know when I have a life event I wouldn't invite them, but I feel obligated. however i do also feel immensely happy for Casey, the divorce of his first marriage im sure was extremely hard for him. i'm glad he has a great partner now, large happy family. he seems content the last few times I'd seen him. Casey is the only one I have seen in the last 5 years. My aunts funeral, fathers day like two years ago, and Marissas baby shower. He is a good guy, and he deserves to be celebrated and have who he wants to show up for him, show up. I'll also have Cece, and Marissa there to keep me company.
i feel alone. Wrote that before Marisa Lynn called me. Expecting and hoping she calls me back. Idk, its Friday night and I'm all alone, not much is stimulating to me. I don't have a hyper fixation right now, so its like I have nothing lol. makes me feel like a zombie just coasting through life. I understand why my comfort/ favorite/ go to people cant hang out tonight but idk I miss them. And I had to cancel plans with Alyssa for tomorrow bc I changed my mind on attending the wedding. Texted her asking about other days after we talked and she said she was soooo happy I was going. and nothinnnnnn. idk a little "let me seee" and then get back to me would be nice... i know shes got alot going on though. im not upset with her at all. but I miss her :( Ruby cant hang because her back is killing her :( also not upset with her at all, i see her all the time lol. but idk maybe i'm just a bit bored... I have decided to start working shows at the theatre again! maybe partly for a little stimulation. Its been so long since I've done a show! I used to think strongly that I couldnt do it because I'm not getting payed.. but I was never payed before, I always did it because I enjoyed it so much! Its something to do thats a passion of mine. also the sense of community is great and admirable. everyone who is there.. wants to be there! its not like at work where people are miserable. I applied on the website, but i think I'll draft an email to someone tonight. I wanna jump on this burst of energy for it before it goes away and I don't take it up again. plus I'd like to see how much I like it. Crazy being able to get back into hobbys. lol for so long I thought it was possible to make time for it. and hey with me being active there again, maybe it would be easier to also get Cece into it.
I also bought some adderal from Kerri, I think thats what has awoken quite a bit inside me. i really need this shit to be real human. lol especially the highted emotions. I've actually cried both yesterday and today. and its been so therapeutic. Lisa also took me to my first audition into the theatre, she sat there while I did it, she filled out the paperwork. I thank her for that. I wished I could in person because that really means alot not looking back and seeing how far that took me/ changed my life. it really did change my life. so did our pitch perfect binges. <3
my mom has been really good lately. she stopped drinking as much. like for a few weeks, maybe 2 weeks. she didnt really drink at all. shes been alot more active around the house, she said she would treat herself to it on saturdays. which is fair, thats cool. so yesterday, a thursday when I came home and I could tell she at least had a buzz going on, it instantly locked up. idk i was dissappointed, i was angry, I was sad. It triggered me for sure, because, for once I wasnt expecting it. at least on Saturdays I would expect it. I can clock when shes had a sip of alcohol better than I can clock probably anything. so she cant lie to me about it.. but also highly emotional on it because I've wanted the last few weeks to be our reality for so long, and so badly... she really seems ready to cut it down to one day a week. and I know she can do it, she just did it. she just has to stick to it. I have high hopes, thats why I didnt blow up or something about it, also because i'm smarter than that, i know time and place to be heard best. and after a drink its never there. I just mentioned it this morning. I think she had a tiny bit to drink tonight too.
currently talkin flirtin with trey <3 i want him :((
xoxo wasted a bunch of time its now 12:29 am need to try to get sleepy byeeee
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What if, when the reader and Lee get together and make it official, everybody in town starts talking bad about Lee? They're like "ew, he's way too old" "what a fat pig" "what does a beautiful girl like her even want with somebody like him" "he's so grumpy, they're like complete opposits" "she could do so much better". And he takes this to heart so bad and starts detaching himself from the reader and she doesn't understand why at first but when she finds out, she goes to him and proves to him that he's perfect and that she loves him just as he is?
Maybe she tells him, she loves his big belly bc it makes her feel so secure and she has something to hold onto and soft to lay her head down on. She loves his age bc it makes him so mature and wise. She loves his grumpy nature to everyone but her bc it makes her feel special. And so on.. Basically just the reader comforting and reassuring Lee.🥺
(this got a bit outta hand and hella long, the end scene was deffo inspired by the fucking amazing @ozarkthedog who wrote a great piece of Andy Barber yumminess you should check out)
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A couple of things. One, how dare you put me in my feels this way 😭
Two, you know if anyone talks bad about your man to your face, they are are getting a knuckle sandwich. Nobody talks shit about the sheriff to your face if they want their teeth to stay in their mouth. But you can't be everywhere and the people around Meade don't have much else do except gossip. You'd think the same would be said when Lee was around...
Southern Comfort
Word count: 980
Warning: crybaby!Lee, softness, cockwarming, blowjob, some body worship
To say you were excited for the silent auction would be an understatement. This was the biggest fundraiser the town but on, a real who's who of Meade. It was invitation-only, and Lee had asked you months ago to be his plus one, and tonight was the night. You get to dress up all fancy for your man and talk him up to all the people in town, make sure the city councilman and rich folks knew his name and campaign agenda. This was a big deal for Lee and his inevitable re-election. There was a plan and the two of you were going to stick to it.
You were putting on the finishing touches when your doorbell rang. Smoothing down the lines of your dress, you couldn't keep the smile off your face. Images of Lee in his nice suit flashed in your mind and your belly swooped a little as giddiness overtook you.
The smile didn't last though.
Lee was still dressed in his uniform, wet eyes rimmed red and lips stained red from eating too many candies. He had his garment bag in one hand at least, but he was in no state to campaign. He stared at you for a moment before squeezing his eyes shut again, fresh tears dripping down his cheeks. You carefully grab the bag from his hand before pulling him into your house.
"Lee, what's goin' on? Is everything alright?"
He just shakes his head, unable to control the sobs tearing through his body. Thank god you'd sat him down on the couch before you asked him the question. When you try and comfort him he shies away. Your heart aches for him, he hasn't been this upset since his sister's funeral. You don't understand what could have set this off, but you let him cry it out.
When it sounds like he's calmed down some, you rush off for a glass of water and a fresh handkerchief for him. He tries to compose himself, you see the way he tightens his shoulders and sucks in his gut some, but every time he looks at you, his chin wobbles a bit. He starting to scare you.
"Lee, please tell me what's wrong?"
"Whatdya want with a grumpy, ole, fat pig like me?"
The words cut you like a knife. They aren't words that Lee would ever string together himself, not on a good or bad day. You understand he's self-conscious about his body, but you made it very clear to him from the moment you gave him your phone number you liked him just the way he was. You loved everything about Lee, from his sweet tooth to his motor mouth to his grumpy attitude. He made you feel safe and loved, and what more could a girl ask for?
"Take off your uniform," you stand up.
"Baby, I'm really not-"
"I said, take it off, Sheriff."
You were already undoing the zipper of your dress and toeing off your heels. Lee watched you, eyes fixed on your body as more and more skin was revealed. After a third pointed look, Lee got up on shaky knees and did as you said. His ruddy wet cheeks somehow got redder as he stood in front of you in just his briefs.
His body was warm, soft as you pressed into him. Wrapping your arms around his back, squeezing and kneading his flesh. You bathed him wet kisses, punctuating each one with another reason you loved him. You sucked hickeys onto his chest, groped and pinched and licked his sensitive nipples. His soft whimpers turned to moans as you knelt down before him. He wasn't hard yet, still emotional wrung out, but that was fine. You had all the time in the world if it meant making him feel better.
"I would worship the ground you walked on if you asked me to Lee," you confessed, pulling his underwear down. "I'd lick your boots clean," you kissed the crease of his hip. "I'd kill for you."
Lee’s breath hitched when you kiss soft cock, his hands clenching into fists at his side and the legs tensing.
"No one makes me feel safe like you do, no one treats me as nice as you do, no one loves me the way you do, Lee. You are the only man I have ever wanted, will ever want."
Your lips wrapped around his slowly hardening cock. You hold him safe in your mouth, feeling him pulse and come to life on your tongue. He touches your cheek and when you look up at Lee, you see your Lee again, the one confident in your love and the future.
That's all the encouragement you need to start moving, sliding your mouth off his cock only to suck him back down again. As you set a rhythm, the hand on your cheek moves to the back of your neck. Lee's ready to take control again, and you let him. You needed Lee to know how much pleasure it brings you to be used by him. Your eyes never strayed from his, both of you under some kinda spell.
"Fuck," he croaked, quiet and still wet from crying. "I'm gonna cum, Baby, fuck, fuck, fuck."
You moaned out some kind of approval, hoping he'd get the messages to just bury his dick in your throat and paint it white. And he did, for the most part, he had the forethought to not choke you with it. You swallowed around his cock until he was pulling out, soft again.
Lee didn't waste any time crushing his lips to yours, no doubt tasting his cum.
"I love you so fuckin' much," he whispered against your lips.
You kissed him again, soft and sweet.
"Now Sheriff, you need to get dressed so I can show you off to all fancy folk in town."
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ariapmdeol · 3 years
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introducing @gavinom​ and I’s DSMP Parahuman AU!! This is a superpowers AU based on Worm, a web serial by wildbow!!
This is a superpowers AU,,, with a VERY complicated story. There are 3 or 4 main POV/plotlines:
Tommy and Tubbo’s plotline
Techno and Phil’s plotline
Dream’s plotline
Wilbur’s plotline
also niki’s plotline bc i appreciate her so much
they’re all very heavily interconnected! There’s a connection chart here, but there’s much more detailed explanations under the cut!
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basic worldbuilding info: the city that this story focuses on (Dream SMP) is run by the Dream Team! They’re a group of villains who took over the city after it was being badly mismanaged by corrupt officials. Dream has connections to Cauldron (human experimentation group looking to create artificial powers). SBI + everyone else all live in this city! Powers are common and have a classification system shown below, and people with powers are called Capes! Capes are divided into Heroes, Villains, and Rogues (who are neither heroes or villains). People get powers when they experience an emotionally charged or traumatic event or events called a Trigger Event! These events shape what kind of power the cape gains!
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SBI Tommy and Wilbur are both Philza’s biological kids! Philza is a researcher with long hours, Wilbur takes care of Tommy, but all of them have something else going on! ages: Tommy: 16 wilbur: 21 philza minecraft: early 40′s?
PHILZA - Mover 4 Philza is a researcher working for an organization called Cauldron. Cauldron is experimenting on people in order to understand and create powers artificially! As he ends up more and more involved with both the research on powers and the affected people (called Case 53′s), including technoblade, he decides that he cannot tolerate this anymore, and plans to break techno and others out! He steals a vial labelled ‘Zephyrus’, drinks it, and ends up with wings! He and techno break out, unlock a ton of other cells (including Ranboo’s!), and end up on the run. However, both his sons are left behind... After months of being on the run, he and Techno finally decide that it’s safe enough to return. But hang on, why is the house so empty? And did someone just open the door?
Technoblade - Tinker, Brute 3 technoblade is one of Cauldron’s Case 53′s! His power is a Tinker power, which means that he can invent things! However, he can only invent what chat decides is necessary. This is seen as an EXTREMELY overpowered and rare ability. Most Tinkers have some kind of specialty that they’re limited to, or some other restriction that limits their Ability-Driven inventiveness. Techno’s only limit is his Chat, which can be convinced into a certain direction. He also has had a lot of physical changes like gaining claws, tusks, hooves, and a tail! Techno also has increased regeneration and resistance! He’s fiercely overprotective of Phil and the two of them are best friends! After months on the run, he and Phil return to Phil’s home, but something is off... Is that a Tinker’s lab?!
Tommy - Trump 6 and Tubbo - Tinker (Drones), Master 3 Tommy’s plotline is technically our main POV! He really admires his older brother a ton! Philza’s spent a lot of time away from home, so Wilbur ended up looking after Tommy a lot, especially after Phil went missing... wonder where he went? About a month after Phil vanished, Wilbur starts spending a lot of time away from home too, so Tommy spends most of his time with Tubbo! When Tubbo got his powers, it was... not a good day. Tubbo hadn’t been having an easy time at school, and it all kind of... got to be too much, so he triggered. However, they both quickly realized that Tubbo had gotten a Tinker power! He creates and can manipulate Drones without a remote being necessary! The two of them immediately decided to become heroes, and started making costumes and hero names and stopping minor crime! Very quickly though, they got into a situation that was too much for them. Tubbo got badly injured, and Tommy triggered his ability for the first time. Tommy has the ability to boost the abilities of people he cares about! He makes them stronger and loosens some of the restrictions on their powers. Tommy and Tubbo continue trying to be heroes when they come across Ranboo, and take him home with them! Hm? it looks like someone else is inside already, who could that be?
Wilbur - Master 4, Thinker 3 Wilbur is a very charismatic and scheming character! He cares a ton about his family, and does his best to look after Tommy. He’s bitter and angry at Phil for essentially leaving him to take care of Tommy so often, and he triggered after Phil’s funeral, over a month after Phil first vanished. His ability is illusion based! He can project illusions into someone’s mind, and can read people very VERY well. He realizes that his power is definitely a powerful one, and ends up becoming a villain! He goes to Dream, and asks for some territory to prove himself as a leader (and bc villainy is profitable shhh). Dream agrees, and Phantasm becomes leader of a territory called L’Manburg. On his villain team are niki, eret, and fundy! He doesn’t want to involve Tommy or Tubbo in this whole thing, and he has no idea that either of them are Capes. He ends up spending more and more time outside the house and running his territory. Fundy ends up looking up to him as a sort of older brother/father figure, and when Fundy ends up without a place to go, Wilbur sets him up in their villain HQ! When he comes home, he immediately notices something is up. His power had suddenly gotten... stronger? He opens the door and sees...Philza? 
Dream - Master 7, Tinker(?), Striker 2 Dream has the power to possess objects that he touches! He uses this +  custom Puppets to act as the unkillable leader of the Dream Team! Dream is heavily involved with Cauldron, and personally oversaw Ranboo’s experimentation. He and Philza knew each other as civilians, and he knows that Philza stole a serum from Cauldron, but Phil doesn’t know that he’s Dream, just that he works for Cauldron! Sapnap and George both don’t know about his involvement in Cauldron, though. Dream is looking for Techno, and wants to convince him to get on his side. He has yet to meet someone who can beat him and his ability, after all! That’s part of why he gives Wilbur territory to look after so easily - he’s confident in his ability to take Wilbur down. However, things might be more difficult than he assumes... As a bit of a side note, both Awesamdude and 5up are rogues, but he hires both of them for jobs and such!
fundy and 5up are in a ML style love square! 5up has a crush on Fundy’s villain identity, while Fundy has a crush on 5up’s civilian identity!
niki and ranboo are siblings! she became a villain with Wilbur to look for him. Ranboo has been missing for a very VERY long time, and doesn’t remember anything before Cauldron!
5up also tends to help out Tommy and Tubbo a lot? He saved them from a situation that was UH.. VERY OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE pretty early on, and decided “welp time to become a big brother”! he’s been teaching them how to fight, and Tubbo is really having fun with it
all the plotlines collide on the same night. Phil and Techno come home at the same night that Tommy and Tubbo are bringing Ranboo home, Wilbur’s been out for the past week and is only now JUST coming home after getting Fundy settled, and none of them know about the other person’s powers at all
it’s CHAOS because Phil’s been assumed dead and has just come back with WINGS and a tall and intimidating Technoblade, who immediately pulls a sword on them, Tommy and Tubbo still are in costume, Ranboo recognizes Techno and Phil as the guys who broke him out, and WILBUR is realizing that he’s missed a hell of a lot
and NO ONE KNOWS that ranboo is the one niki is looking for! not even ranboo
theres like. a whole timeline to this that i still need to draw/write out but TRUST US WE HAVE A PLAN
George is a Precog who gets prophetic dreams! They’re primarily impressions though, and he’s ended up in someone else’s dreams a couple times... If he uses his ability too much, he gets insomnia!
karl and quackity are both there too i just havent planned their part yet!!
sapnap is a high Breaker/Brute/Striker cape, I just haven’t narrowed down the specifics yet!
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