#and of course many of these I returned to over and over again so there were different periods where they feel prominent looking back
fiona-fififi · 2 days
Rating: G
Fandom: 9-1-1 
Pairing: (pre-relationship) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Summary: Christopher leaves, and everything is endless quiet.
Notes: angst with a hopeful ending, hurt/comfort, 911 spoilers, canon compliant to 7x10, episode coda, Buckley Diaz family, pre-relationship buddie
Ao3 Link
It's late when his phone rings. The screen displaying Eddie's name and a photo of a smile Buck feels like he barely remembers.
A desperate pain squeezes at his chest, and Buck thinks he might die for the return of that smile, even though he knows he'll never be able to bring it back on his own.
He answers. Stays quiet for long moments. Then, “Eddie?" he murmurs, and it's a careful plea. One full of misguided hope that it might be something good for once. Knows that’s wishful thinking.
Eddie doesn't answer. Long moments pass with nothing but the sound of his breathing to keep Buck company in the cold of his empty bed.
“It's quiet.”
Eddie's voice finally breaks the silence. It's barely a whisper, but it's broken in ways that slice open every old wound Buck had thought was beginning to heal, and suddenly he's flashing back to Christopher’s cries for help and to the ruined walls of Eddie's bedroom and to the way he'd thought, for too many fearful moments, that he'd find a body instead of the broken gaze of his best friend.
“Eddie?” He asks, a careful, quiet thing of his own. All his vulnerability betraying him as he begs for Eddie to be okay, even when he knows better.
“It's quiet like—like the middle of the night, when he's fast asleep. Except—” Buck hears the break in Eddie's voice, the way the pain he'd been trying to hold back had flooded all at once, leaving his voice so choked it's near unrecognizable, “—except he's just not here.”
Buck swallows hard against the emotion that threatens to spill over in his own voice, tosses the blankets off himself and finds his feet in one smooth motion he's not sure how he manages with the shake of his hands. “Eddie, I'm coming over,” he chokes out with the kind of conviction only Buck can manage through the tears that threaten.
“No,” Eddie begs on the other end of the line. And it's a harsh and broken thing—wet with tears but hard with anger Eddie's trying to use to mask it. “No. I told you, I don't want you here."
Buck has to bite his lip to keep the whimper of pain from dripping out around his own conviction. Holds his breath until it clears and then hangs up the phone without another word. It feels cruel, to cut Eddie off like that, but he won't argue. 
He'll break down the goddamn door again if he has to.
The moment he's in the car, he finds himself taking a deep breath, hands gripping too tight to the wheel as he debates his next move.
He knows he should go. Or maybe stay.
But either way, he knows he needs to make a decision and he knows that decision will always be to go to Eddie.
But there's one more thing he needs to try before he can.
He's calling Christopher before he's even processed the thought. It's late, and he shouldn't, but the line is ringing before he can manage to stop himself, and then Christopher's picking up, sounding somewhere between groggy and irritated, and Buck knows he shouldn't have called. Still can't bring himself to regret it.
“Is everyone alive?” Christopher asks first, through a yawn, and he's trying to hide it, but Buck can hear the legitimate worry there, and a pang of guilt hits him as he cringes in response.
“Yeah! Yeah, bud, of course everyone's alive,” he promises, all false cheer and forced smiles he hopes makes his tone sound just a little more convincing.
Christopher sighs, and Buck can hear him shuffling around a bit. Thinks maybe he's sitting up for what he's worried is going to be an argument. “Then why are you calling, Buck?”
And, okay, that tone cuts deeper than anything Buck's heard from Christopher in the past. He finds himself fiddling idly with his car keys, trying to keep his hands busy as he tries to choose his next words carefully.
He's quiet so long, Christopher has to reset him with an irritated “Buck.”
“Right, uh,” Buck begins, squeezing his eyes shut and scrubbing a hand over his face. “Buddy, your dad's not doing well.”
“Christopher,” Buck pleads, voice betraying all his frustration and pain because he understands, he does—he knows why Chris is angry and why he's not ready to talk. But he also knows how much Eddie is hurting and how little of it had actually been Eddie's fault. And it doesn't change the hurt it caused, but Buck needs Christopher and Eddie to be okay, and right now, he's not sure Eddie's going to be. “Look, I know you don't want to talk to him. And I know it's unfair of me to ask. But Christopher, he needs to at least hear from you. Just. you don't even have to call. Just—just text him. Tell him you love him.”
“Please, Chris.” 
Christopher's silent for long moments. They stretch through the darkness. So long Buck thinks he's hung up the phone. In the end, though, a tiny voice breaks the silence—one full of a softness Buck hasn't heard in far too long. “Are you with him?”
Buck sucks in a shaky breath. Guilt flooding him at the question. “I'm going to him now.”
Buck thinks he hears Christopher breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay,” he says, sure in a way Buck knows neither of them feel. “Stay with him?”
Buck swallows hard. Fights back the tears. “Until you come home,” he promises.
And he means every word.
It's quiet for long moments again. Buck swears he can hear Christopher thinking. “I do still love him, you know,” Christopher promises. And there's that guilt that just keeps circling between the three of them.
Buck feels a sad smile tilt his lips. “I know you do, Chris. He knows, too. But I think he needs to hear it right now. From you.”
Quiet again. Buck thinks for a moment he's pushed too hard.
“I gotta go,” Christopher says, then. Sad, but sure, and Buck feels like his heart has been crushed. “Bye, Buck.”
“Bye, bud,” Buck chokes out. He thinks Christopher's already gone before he says it.
Tears cling to the corners of his eyes as he wills himself not to let them fall. Doesn't want to put anymore hurt on Eddie when he gets there. Tries to prepare himself for all the pain he knows he'll always take on to support the weight of Eddie's own because he knows he can't add to it now.
So with a heavy heart and a little extra hurt, Buck turns the key in the Jeep's ignition, buckles himself in, and wipes harshly at the tears blurring his eyes. 
Eddie needs him, and he won't wait another moment.
Before he can go, though, his phone dings with a text message, and when he checks it, it's Christopher. 
Tell dad I love him.
When Buck sees it, a harsh breath of relief catches in his throat, and a couple of stray tears manage to sneak out the corners of his eyes as he huffs a laugh devoid of any real humor.
Still, there's relief there. A huge, heavy weight lifting just the slightest as he snaps a screenshot and sends it to Eddie with a message that reads I'll be home in 20. Leave the door unlocked.  
And then he waits.
Stares at the phone in his hand, even when he knows he should already be on his way. But he doesn't have to wait long.
It's only seconds before the word okay comes through, bright as daylight. An invitation and a surrender Buck won't take for granted.
Instead, he swallows the sob that threatens to choke him and points himself in the direction of home.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 10 hours
hi, jelly 💕 bee here!
about the Miguel blurbs, how about this: Migs has a crush on reader, but he tries to ignore his feelings and treats her like he would anyone else. but when reader gets stood up on a date, Miguel crumbles and comforts her.
it can be on Spider-Verse or any other au you prefere.
sending you lots of love!
Bee my lauvv!! Ty for the request!!! 🖤🖤🖤I also made it so you have a crush on Miguel too hehe. Here ya go!!
Stood up
Miguel O'Hara x Fem Spider!Reader
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Word Count: 1.8k
Your boss is a hard egg to crack. You do your best to impress him. Going the extra mile, setting an example to your fellow spiders, even fine with bearing the label of boring co-worker once in a while when you gracefully shut down the banter between you, Hobie, Pav, Gwen, Margo, and Miles that has gone on a little too long. Reminding everyone to stay on task. 
You do it for him after all. You pity the guy, just wanting to be the reason he has one less frown line and one less grey streak in his hair. 
Also the fact that he's really handsome and has just about every quality you admire in a person. But that's besides the point.
He keeps the same stoic look on his face, almost like he's tired of you. After a while, you get the picture, backing off little by little. Doing your best to put all your efforts into being the best Spidey you can for your Earth. Putting your handsome boss out of your mind. 
For now. 
Of course he notices. He's not a professional at social cues but come on, you make it so obvious. How you wait up for him, the way you stop what you're doing just to turn your attention to him not even a second after he enters a room. You must have memorized his footfalls coming from a mile away, and not just because of your Spidey senses. 
But the worst part is the fact that he not only notices. He also appreciates it more than you know. And what you don't know is he feels the same if not more strongly about you than you could ever imagine. 
Thank God that spiders aren't mind readers, a deep blush painting his face at the thought of you accessing the diary of cringe that was his brain that housed the obsessive and love sick thoughts he had about you. 
You were everything Spider-Woman (or let's be honest, more like his dream employee) should be. Composed, focused, thorough, calculated, patient, and PUNCTUAL. (arguably his favorite quality out of all of them) 
But one thing you won't get out of him is any blaring indication that this silly little crush exists. No, there's a multiverse worth saving that is permanently at the risk of imploding at a moment's notice, all because a Vulture decided to have a heyday on the beach in some aquatic dimension because he's never seen the ocean before. 
No, he needs to keep it all business. Repeating that mantra in his head over and over again every time you come walking in with that glow on your face that he could just pluck effortlessly out of a crowd of many. 
She's just like everyone else. She's just like everyone else. 
But damnit when you showed him that gorgeous smile. 
Those deep eyes of yours. Bottomless.
Sucking him in like the holes in the multiverse he dedicated his entire life to patching. 
And when you spoke, it was like you had his full attention. Putting that advanced hearing to good use as he tuned out the rest to hone in on what enriching thing you had to say next, no matter how mundane it was. Clutching it like he was a seagull and you were a loaf of bread shredding crumbs. 
To stifle the burning sting of rejection, you found your attention being taken by another, golden haired Spider-Man, Ben Reilly. 
He'd tell jokes occasionally, smirking when you returned with equal friendly fire, indulging you with letting you try out his protein shakes and spotting you at the gym, jaw falling open with surprise and a growing attraction when you continuously reset your PR. 
You thought you weren't misreading the signs he was giving you. He wasn't shying away from your touch. In fact, he was the one who couldn't keep his hands off of you. Feeling yourself get warm in tingly places when his hand lingered on the small of your back. 
When you were eating the famous Miguel burgers in the cafeteria and he used his thumb to get a stain of ketchup off your lips, definitely making a point to keep those electric blues on you as he slowly brought the ketchup stained finger to his own mouth, licking it up. 
But I guess you did.
Even though he was the one that pulled you into the closet, stealing breathy moans from your lungs as you kissed him like he was your only source of oxygen. 
Even if he did tell you he's always been obsessed with you. 
Even if he did send you memes and songs that reminded him of you.
Even if he did send you "Goodnight, beautiful." every night before he fell asleep. 
And you sat there on the picnic blanket waiting with enough food for two people for the date HE asked you out on only to leave you hanging instead, wondering where he was all afternoon. 
You made the mistake of calling his watch, only for a mystery woman's voice mixed with his, and sinful sounds to come out of it. 
You hung up with tears stinging your vision. 
No matter how perfect you tried to be or how diligent you were, how interesting or funny you thought you could be, how pretty you thought you looked, somehow every time you decided to lower your guard just a little bit, life swiftly humbled you and made you realize you should have never taken it down. 
You weren't good enough for Miguel and you weren't good enough for Ben. You're a silly girl who projects her unrealistic standards onto things that just don't happen in real life. 
Or maybe they just don't happen for you. 
Miguel is checking on the baby ducklings by the pond at the Spider Society HQ gardens when he hear what sounds like soft crying coming from a little spot tucked between some trees. Curious, he follows it until he finds you down on your luck, stood up by a guy who wasn't worth your time. 
This tough guy act he had put up crumbles instantly when he sees tears flowing down your cheeks for the first time. There was no reason a lovely woman like you, who wouldn't hurt a fly, who worked her ass off, who was kind to others, 
who inhabited every single thought he had and kept him awake at night, should be crying like that. 
"You okay...?" He asks, ducking underneath a branch, sitting on the blanket with his feet off to the side so he doesn't spread any dirt on it. 
"Heh...no..." you answer weakly, occupying your hands by opening a canned Arnold Palmer and popping a cracker covered in the homemade spinach artichoke dip into your mouth. 
"¿Porqué?" (Why?) He leans forward on his elbows, patient cardinals peering at you waiting for your response. 
So, you explain to him how you started falling for this guy and he sent you all these signs that said he was falling for you too, only for the road to lead to a dead end and a broken down car of disappointment, catching him standing you up to go mess around with some other girl instead. 
Miguel silently seethes on your behalf, not loving hearing how wrapped around this guy's finger you were but happy to sit and listen if that's what you needed to feel better. 
When you tell him it was Ben, he already has a little something planned for him, hoping that HR won't catch up to him for switching Ben's assignment to Earth-67. (A dimension with a notoriously annoying reputation among spider society with ungrateful and sassy inhabitants. That should do the trick.) 
Besides he's the boss. Rules can bend if he wants them to. And he normally would never do this but he'd just about do anything for you. 
".....I even made club sandwiches." You sigh at the end of your rant, gesturing to the stacked sandwiches in their matching containers with cute little puns written on them. 
Miguel feels his mouth salivate at the buffet you got there. But that was the least of his concerns. He's here to cheer you up, not steal your food. 
But, I mean, there's no way you can eat all of this by yourself, right?
His stomach makes a lengthy announcement to both of you that he hasn't eaten in 12 hours, much to his embarrassment. 
With a smile, you shyly ask him if he wants to help you out here, since you'd hate for all this food to go to waste. 
That's what lead to you both munching happily, the sun sinking lower in the sky but you both paid no mind, thoroughly enjoying the other's company. 
That old little crush of yours started to set alight once again while his just fanned into an all out wildfire. Never guessing that actually spending some time alone together would go so well or that you'd wind up speaking like you've known each other for years. 
"What is the perfect job for a spider?" He asks.
"Mmm, I give up."
"A web developer." 
"Hah...uh...yeah... that one's honestly terrible." You shake your head, realizing your sense of humor really has gone downhill in recent years if that's the best one you could find. 
He rolls up the sticky note, tossing it into the garbage bag of shame. "Total squander of his talents if you ask me."
Your turn, "Why was the spider so smart?" You barely wait five seconds before you answer your own joke. 
"He spends all his time on the world wide web!" 
"Lies." Miguel says with a chomp of his sandwich. 
"What do you mean?!"
"Utter lies. I know anyone who spends more than an hour online daily is not the brightest." He smirks as he pops another spinach artichoke dipped chip in his mouth. 
"Coming from the guy with over 6 surveillance monitors he watches every day from 9-5!"
"I work from 5-8 but that's besides the point."
You suddenly feel brave, after spending over two hours letting him cheer you up, deciding to put your comfort with him to the test. 
"Well, you think you could shave off a couple hours for me so we can do this again next week?"
He looks at you like you're the answer to his prayers. 
Yes, yes absolutely he could.
And so it became weekly. Then it became daily. Until you no longer needed a picnic basket.
Both sandwiches in complimenting lunch bags side by side in your shared refrigerator of your shared home together. 
He smiles down at you while you sleep, knowing he slipped you an extra dessert in yours that he thinks you'll really like, closing his eyes to savor the final 3 minutes you have side by side before you both need to get up and shower for work. 
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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kandlewick · 3 days
since its taking so long, im gonna drop a preview of my leona's ''i'll dry the villain's tears'....... this one is special because i unfortunately decided mid writing that i wanted it to be romantic but alas that means i had to scrap a lot of twst lore to fit my narrative hghfg so think of this one as an au to my usual entries. an interest check. these entries were MEANT to be strictly platonic but a few of them (leona, MAYBE azul and malleus (between lilia and the reader)), just gave me so many ideas.
SO IT IS UNFINISHED! its 4k words but still unresolved unless people like, want me to scrap twst lore as heavily as i did in this lmao
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i'll dry the villain's tears pt. 3.1415926535897
you get reincarnated into a role that became the breaking point of the villain's story and you, be it an unwillingness to cause them harm or a desire to survive, must work hard to make sure they grow into a better (or at least safer) person.
all entries are USUALLY to be read as platonic however this one wouldn't go away. All are USUALLY meant to be taken place in the TWST universe accurate to the game but this one is special because I love leona and he'd be so cool as a manwha love interest.
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You awaken one day with perhaps the largest bump you've ever seen placed nearly perfectly center on your forehead. You don't remember how you got it exactly but the two princes never left your side (Falena would not stop crying and despite his claims of laughter at your expense, you can tell his brother was equally worried), only being dragged away by their tutor as soon as they let their guard down.
You looked down at the hands on your lap and clutched your fists open and closed over and over again. Gone were your long fingers and wide palms, instead you looked down at the chubby hands of a child no more than six.
From what your handmaiden had told you, the three of you had been playing spelldrive together and Leona, in his eagerness to best his brother, had shot the disk perhaps a bit too strong and instead of flying in to the goal, it had changed course and struck you hard enough to knock you unconscious for the rest of the early hours of the morning.
You remembered this event. It's what led to Falena's betrothed sticking closer to him and farther from Leona. What once was a well balanced trio had become a teeter totter with Falena and her on one side and Leona alone, unable to change anything with what little weight he had to offer.
Falena's betrothed; that was you. From the story you had read, the two were deeply in love and ruled the kingdom hand in hand towards a brighter future... all while unknowingly leaving the youngest brother in the shadows, forgotten and alone and desperate. You couldn't afford for that to happen.
You don't see the two of them until late that evening. Falena looked exhausted, like the tutoring had beaten any last bit of energy he could spare and with a loud yawn, had eagerly hopped into the cot next to you on your right. Leona was slow to join the two of you but settled himself to your left, his shoulder bumping yours as you turned to give him your attention, curiously returning the gesture. Leona matched your gaze, looking you over for any signs of pain before he opened his mouth.
"You look ridiculous," he spoke aloud, glancing at your bruised forehead. Subconsciously, you reached up and checked the tender spot and gave him an unimpressed look.
“I only look like this because you can’t shoot a disk right.” You huffed, choosing to ignore his presence, instead cuddling up to Falena who was more than eager to reciprocate, easily wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder and nudging your chin in a friendly hug. “At least your brother is being nice to me.”
However, despite your teasing voice, Falena was quick to come to his defense, “Leona’s just not good at showing he was worried about you. You should’ve seen his face when he saw you fall over, I’ve never seen him run that fast in his life.” Leona rolled his eyes but made no response as his brother laughed, choosing to settle himself in your cot while closing his eyes, his tail lazily curling up behind you. Your beastman tail - you don’t know when you would ever get used to that - sat itself besides his, curling the two into a gentle hold. Leona glanced over at you from the corner of his one opened eye but chose not to comment about it.
Even at your young age, you could tell that Leona communicated in a particular way. His words may be harsh, but his actions were tender.
“Mmm, someone had to.” Leona muttered, nuzzling himself deeper into the pillows, “Falena was too busy crying about you to be of any help.”
Falena made no effort to deny the claims and sheepishly smiled at you, “He is not wrong, haha. I was very worried for you! You should’ve seen the maid’s face when they saw you passed out in the field!” He reached out and plucked your hand into his. When you looked at him, you could still see the red dotting his eyes from how hard he had cried. It was no wonder your body’s original owner had fallen so head over heels for this boy. While he and Leona were brothers, they couldn’t have been more night and day. 
“You shouldn’t have worried too much, Falena! I’m fine, really. Kifaji said that I should be fine in a few days.” You waved his worry off with your hand, gingerly pressing the tips of your fingers against the small lump, “There wasn’t a concussion or anything but he wanted to make s- Hm?”
Falena and Leona both looked up at you with wide eyes, both of their gazes making you feel small. You slumped in your seat and blinked at the both of them, silently feeling sheepish all of a sudden, “Is something wrong?”
“Why are you calling me by my name!” Falena looked almost scandalized as he let go of you, his hands floating at your sides like he was too scared to touch you, “Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?”
“Eh? Eh?”
“Looks like I hit her a little too hard.” Leona chuckled, watching in barely contained amusement as his brother’s soul practically floated out of his chest, “What happened to calling him, ‘husband’?”
This body’s former owner was a precocious little child, wasn’t she!!! You couldn’t believe the audacity, calling your ten year old fiance ‘husband’!
As required of any royal belonging to the Sunset Savannah, you were expected to build lasting relations with other tribes and honorable guests much like any other adult and as such, other than the two royal siblings, you were given many playmates. Some were older than you and some were younger, but they were many and varied and always tried to stay on your good side. And as such, they were exceedingly worried about you when you arrived late to your most recent playdate with a freshly bandaged head.
“My liege, what happened!” the youngest cried, quickly latching on to your arm, tears welling up in his shiny eyes, “Are you alright? Does it hurt?” 
You waved them off with your hand, a soft but embarrassed smile on your face. Their eyes watered, their large elephant beastman ears flopping up and down wildly as they looked you over head to toe for any sign of injury. You could hear them loudly sniffling as they bit back tears. They’ve always been a bit of a crybaby from what your memories could tell you. A shy, but friendly young boy… if a little bit of a hypochondriac. One of your older playmates rolled her eyes but you could tell she was worried by the subtle way she refused to leave your side, glancing over at you from the corner of her eye.
“I can’t believe Prince Leona would do something as clumsy as hurting his brother’s fiance!” One of your newer playmates huffed loudly, her eyes narrowed in annoyance, “Really, he’s lucky his brother forgave him so fast - ah! You as well, it’s good you forgave him too!! He doesn’t deserve it if you asked me!” She huffed loudly as she played with your toys, her jaguar tail batting the floor loudly. She paid no mind to your two companions sounds of offense, instead choosing to meet your gaze from over her shoulder.
You blinked at her, your eyes wide in confusion. Your two other companions matched your expression, the two of them surprised she would dare to say anything like that outloud. Leona hadn’t meant to hit you after all! You were playing…
Your newest playmate, so new you could hardly remember her name scoffed at the three of you, obviously annoyed you didn’t join her in her thoughts. “For real, who does he think he is? He’s the second son, he should be bowing on his hands and knees at your feet! You’re the future king’s fiance, he should be grateful he’s even allowed to play with you two! W-”
You don’t know what came over you and why you did it, but you felt your body react to her words, and somehow, your fist made contact with her cheek sending her sprawling on the floor. The sound of her collapsing was loud enough to shock you out of your stupor, a dull ache throbbing around your knuckles. She looked up at you with wide eyes as she cradled her cheek, you staring down at her with equally large doe shaped eyes. You couldn’t believe you had just done that!
“Leona is my friend.” Your lips began moving before you could even think. You were firm on this even as tears began welling up in your eyes. Ah, you sighed. Even if your mind isn’t young, your body still is shaking like a leaf. The hand you had punched the child with quivered from nerves. “Dont - don’t speak that way about him!” Your voice raised in pitch, “His brother and I love him very much!”
The little girl bared her teeth at you, unwilling to take your actions lying down, “How can you say these things? He hurt you!” She hissed.
“It was an accident!” You matched her tone, the sadness quickly evaporating into anger, “Sometimes accidents happen when you’re playing! He’s good and kind and would never, ever hurt me! Ever!”
Your shouting was quick to alarm the servants stationed outside your playroom’s walls. Kifaji was the first one in, eyes sharp as he immediately separated you from the other children, stepping in the way with his back to you. “What is going on here?” He questioned. There was no room for nonsense in his expression and his words matched that as he gazed around the play area. The girl cradled her cheek as she glared at you, unwilling to speak up. She may have made the mistake of bad mouthing the second prince in the presence of other children, but she knew better than to say those words around another adult that wasn’t her own parent. Kifaji raised his brow at her silence before turning to your gorilla and elephant companions, silently questioning the two. They shrunk under his glare and made no move to open their mouths instead choosing to nervously shuffle closer to you. 
You tugged on Kifaji’s robes, the fabric soft between your trembling fingers. Glancing over at you, he leaned down and crouched to match your gaze. While his eyes were hard and strict, you could tell that he cared about you and the princes. He would listen to you. You could trust him.
“She was talking badly about Prince Leona…” You whispered to him, “so I punched her.”
Kifaji made a face, but nodded his head slowly. You hoped he understood. With a heavy sigh, he gathered up his robes and picked himself up.
“Come along,” He gestured to the girl, “Let us find your parents. I believe the playdate has come to an end.” and with a gentle hand, he helped her up as she began dabbing away at her eyes but not before shooting you a glare from over her shoulder. You stuck your tongue out at her. As soon as the adults exited the room, you quickly reached up and wiped away the tears staining your cheeks before returning to your friends, the mood sufficiently ruined for the rest of the play date.
It wasn’t until later that evening that Kifaji returned, a cross expression on his face. The guards at his sides were quick to disperse as he approached you, his robes billowing out behind him like colorful plumage. With practiced precision, he kneeled down to your eye level and reached out, bringing your small hands into his. His rough hands itched against your soft ones.
“What you did today could have ended very poorly, my liege.” He spoke softly, but his tone was firm, “You must remember, your position here in the palace is not final. If you cause too much of a ruckus…”
Was the king’s advisor really telling you to ignore this? That you should let Leona be bad mouthed by those in power? You were quick to glare at the older man, ripping your hands away from him and taking a few steps back, eager to separate the two of you.
“I’m not going to let people say whatever they want about Leona.”
Kifaji, shocked, stared for a moment before narrowing his eyes, “This is what I’m talking about, my liege. You are too quick to anger. You must calm yourself. I am not saying you must ignore the problem, but what I am trying to say is, your position in the palace as Falena’s future spouse, is not permanent.”
You hated to admit it but he had a point. You bit your lip but said nothing, cowed under his words. It was the truth. If you wanted to protect Leona, despite having the best intentions, you couldn’t exactly expect to have the sway as an adult. You were a child and easily replaceable. A glorified playmate.
“That is why, my liege,” Kifaji brought himself to his feet, dusting off his robe with a flick of a wrist, “you come to me.”
You turned and looked at him, not expecting the protective glint to his eye. He nodded his head before continuing.
“I will make sure that these things are handled correctly without repercussions. As the king’s advisor, I am not so easily replaceable.” He chuckled, fixing his glasses with a precise motion, “I will admit I am not as… in touch with the other servants in the palace and diplomats are always so careful with their words around me, it’s difficult to gauge their true intentions but with you, they will surely slip up and speak more plainly then perhaps they should.”
You stared up at the man in awe. You couldn’t believe your luck! Kifaji was taking your side and was going to actively help you in your quest to project Leona. Maybe before he was never given the opportunity, never had the time to set aside to investigate. Maybe he never knew. Now, however, he was given the chance with you to defend the prince. You very nearly teared up but were quick to wipe them away as Kifaji laughed, his hand reaching down to ruffle your hair affectionately. 
And so the two of you were quick to act, swiftly cutting contact with merchants and dignitaries that shared less than favorable feelings for the second prince. You and Kifaji would have monthly meetings together with snacks courtesy of the king and his wife as you spoke of matters in the palace. You had a special role, scouting out and spying on maids and soldiers that gossiped in the servant’s quarters. Nobody expected anything when you even brought in your two playmates, Magani and Akut (the gorilla and elephant beastmen respectively) to join in on the spying. This carried on for several years as you heavily vetted all coming through the palace all without letting Leona see the work you pulled behind the curtains. All the strings and wires were yours to control and you were going to make good use of the opportunities you were given. 
But, for some reason, Leona never seemed to want to leave your side. While you worked on your schooling, he would sit and while away the hours under the light of the sun from his favorite perch right beside your desk. Even in this life he was a lazy lion, preferring the quiet you brought then the loud personality of his elder brother. Sometimes you would join him on his naps, your tails quietly intertwining in a silent embrace. It was a comforting feeling. Moments like this were always a relief after the hours you and Falena had to spend together in your diplomacy lessons. A lot was expected of you as the future queen of Sunset Savanna. There were many late nights where you both stayed up till the crack of dawn together, stubbornly unwilling to give up with tears in your eyes as you studied until your vision blurred. It wasn't an uncommon sight for Kifaji to find the two of you bundled up together with books piled at your feet in the early hours of the morning.
Afternoon lunch dates with Falena and Leona were also rowdy and fun. While Falena was always quick to stay by your side and fight for your attention, Leona was seemingly content with letting your future husband monopolize your time. It wouldn’t be uncommon for Leona to doze off while Falena tried to do ‘couple-y’ things with you
It was all perfect.
Until Falena was accepted into the Royal Sword Academy. 
“You’re… breaking our engagement?” 
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Deuce, Sebek: Like a Flower, Forever Blooming
Why does it look like Deuce is proposing to you with a tray of donut rings— WEH 😭 The birthday boy looks so handsome and gallant!! (Not usually the kind of comment I make for Deuce cksbsksnw) For some reason I tend to really like Deuce’s birthday cards…
His groovy is kinda funny too; Deuce looks like he wants to fight Alice… Interesting, because Ace acts in Alice-like ways, and he and Deuce are constantly bickering www
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A girl found herself wandering into an enchanted garden. She was a tiny thing in her blue dress and pinafore, smiling sweetly at the colorful blooms surrounding her. They bore faces, those flowers—eyes, noses, and mouths, their expressions varying from curious to snarky.
The sunshine of the girl’s long locks, a youth sparkling with sensibility. They were a familiar sight.
It’s something straight from a story back home, Deuce thought.
He scrounged around for a smart comment to demonstrate his wit, his maturity. At last, he settled on: "I had no idea there were so many different looking flowers. I can barely name a few kinds.”
A dismissive grunt sounded.
"Hmph! You hail from the Queendom of Roses, don't you? And Heartslabyul is famous for its roses as well. You should be more familiar with the flora!" Sebek scolded him with a frown. "Have you no pride for your country or dormitory?! Truly, your behavior is beyond the pale!"
"I just never really paid much attention to the flowers before... I'm not the kind of guy with a green thumb. The most I do is paint the roses when the dorm leader tells me it's my turn."
"Unbelievable!! You disparage the noble perennials with that flippant attitude of yours!" Sebek shook his head. “Were you to lay your gaze upon Briar Valley in the springtime, you would surely come to appreciate them."
“Perennials!!” Sebek folded his arms. He lifted his chin. “Don’t tell me you’re unaware of what they are! You must not be very well-read, human!!”
“O-Of course I know what they are!” Deuce stammered. “Wh-Who hasn’t heard of a para-knee-old before?!”
His fellow first year casted a doubtful look at him.
“… Okay, maybe I don’t,” Deuce admitted. His shoulders deflated along with his defiance.
“Perennials,” Sebek smirked triumphantly, “are flowers that return year after year. Roses are among them, but there are many others that fall into the category.
“When they bloom in the warm season, it is a scene to behold, a feast for the eyes! Then, come fall and winter, they wither and fade… and in spring and summer, they are born again! It is a most glorious, never-ending cycle.”
“Ah, so they live and die, then they’re brought back to life. Over and over… Endlessly?”
The gears in Deuce’s head slowly turned. Their teeth clicked into place, sparking a realization, a light in flickering on in his face.
“Oh?" The smugness in Sebek's voice was front and center. "Have you been swayed already? It certainly didn’t take much to persuade you.”
“I think I get it now, Sebek. Flowers are cool after all!” Deuce slammed a fist into an open palm. “Growing, getting older, dying, and coming back to life again… They’re like phoenixes!”
“In what way are flowers like phoenixes?!” Sebek bellowed, his volume shaking the paintings lined up on the walls. His words, however, seemed to fall on deaf ears.
“I wanna be like that too!! As tough as a flower that bounces back year after year!” Deuce passionately declared. “If I get knocked down, I’ll just get back up again! There’s gonna be no stopping me!”
He paused. "... Do you think I should add some flaming flower decals onto my Magical Wheel?"
"You've failed to take to heart a single insightful thing I've told you!! I would hardly consider this a revelation!" Sebek groaned, a hand upon his temple.
Typical foolhardy human, he surmised with a scoff. But still, he could sense a fighter when he saw one. The determination in Deceus's eyes was unmistakable. A blue-green as sharp and as clear as a cloudless summer's day, like a sword cleaving the heavens in half.
He had seen it many times over.
It was the look of a warrior.
"Listen here, human! There are a great many number of opponents in this world whose power may rival or even exceed your own. When you should encounter such strong foes… I hope you stand your ground. To betray your own promise would be disgraceful!”
“You saying I’d go back on my word?! No way! I definitely won’t run. That’s a coward’s way out.” Deuce grinned daringly—dangerously. “No matter what comes my way, I’ll own up to it. I’ll take it all on!”
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jensettermandu · 2 days
nostalgia - huh yunjin
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genre; light angst, fluff, sfw
pairing; yunjin x female reader
synopsis; purely based on the song Nostalgia by Suki Waterhouse
wc; 5.5k+
a/n; i do recommend listening to the song while or before reading, just to hear all of its lyrics because only certain parts are used in the story plus it's such a good song
‘Do you still have the CDs that I burned you?’
Yunjin was aware that there was a limit to everything, even to how much of her life she could fit in her luggage before going back to South Korea to chase her dreams. It was hard to leave; leaving everything behind was what made it the hardest; the fact that she could only bring a small portion of her current life with her.
There was a fear that if she didn’t bring certain things, she would forget about them.
Of course, she was excited, but the tears of joy had also turned to tears that burned and a difficult feeling to swallow as it was thick with emotions. There were so many emotions to feel and it all ended up overwhelming her; missing her comfort.
As she looked through her last few drawers as a way to reminisce and try not to forget the stuff she would leave, in what would be her old room, her fingers stumbled upon something that held a deep past; it felt like a bitter past now when it had been so sweet. 
Yunjin grabbed the three different CD cases, grabbing onto what was left of the love she could have had. With those she picked up the walkman, she forgot to return and now never would get to return.
As she put the first CD into the player, she lay on her bed and stared at the white and empty ceiling. The girl pressed play after putting in the earphones; it burned her skin as she found herself painting out her memories onto the ceiling; reminiscing about a recent past as she listened to the voice.
Yunjin wasn’t the only one with dreams.
“These are just for you and no one else; our favourites and this one is—” Yunjin watched Y/n who trailed off, a CD case in her hand, she had already handed two to Yunjin.
It was a sweet gesture; it was affectionate and intimate and meant the world to Yunjin at the moment. Three CDs Y/n had burned her were better than anything else she could have gotten from anyone, especially Y/n. Somehow, she found herself creating the best memories when she was with her, she felt the most with her and didn’t want anything else.
They had come to the city for two different reasons; Yunjin had given up on her dreams and she fondly watched Y/n chase hers. There was some hope that it would reignite her passion again.
The girl sighed, her accent thick with her old home after coming from London to chase her dream in New York. 
“A few demos, so…” 
Carefully as if it was a flake of gold Yunjin reached for the see-through CD case in her girlfriend’s hold. This would become a core memory in her head; this was special in so many ways, Y/n’s first demos were in her hold. A smile painted itself onto her lips and she knew that she could always start creating and chasing new dreams; Y/n had become her dream.
Yunjin had never been more sure of the words that left her lips next, nothing had ever felt more right. This was something she was sure of, something she was passionate about. “I love you,” she truly did and being young, 18, she hadn’t had the opportunity to fall in love. 
This was beyond an infatuation, this was deeper, this was love and this time those three words meant what they were and she didn’t say them because she thought it was love.
Yunjin said them because she knew it was love.
Y/n let out a small giggle, a fond smile resting on her lips as her eyes gazed over Yunjin’s face as if searching for an answer to her words. There was no need for a long search because the answer was right there.
“I love you, Jen.” 
And in the moonlight that seeped through the windows in Y/n’s studio apartment as they were on the mattress that was on the floor Yunjin and Y/n both got to live through what was real love. 
The CD cases were discarded to the side, listened to during their affectionate pillow talk, and the same happened to Y/n’s shirt as Yunjin pulled it off, letting it fall onto the studio apartment's wooden floor. 
‘The T-shirt you pulled off me, the night you said you loved me?’
Yunjin reached for the t-shirt that was about to fall out of the wardrobe and onto the floor. “Hurry up or we will be late for practice!” She didn’t reply to Chaewon who had run past her to get to the door. 
She looked at the shirt, the print had somewhat washed away, the same way those memories were washing away. It hadn’t been long since she left, but the remnants of an old dream were still lingering. 
‘I love you, Jen.’
How long has she had Y/n’s shirt? Was it from all those years back when Yunjin for the first time said I love you? How did it end up in Seoul? How did a piece of her past end up in Seoul; a piece of Y/n; her old dream? Did she pack it? Did it fall in by accident? Did someone else put it in? It was here though, with Yunjin, a piece of what she had left of Y/n.
It would do her no good, the same way the CDs wouldn’t as they were put away in her drawer in her old room before her flight. Yunjin stuffed the shirt back, far back, hiding it so as to not stumble upon it again. It was time to forget, the same way they had forgiven so easily. The quicker, the better because it wouldn’t ache.
She couldn’t bring all of this with her though, Yunjin couldn’t bring this nostalgia with her, she had to forget about it even if she wished to dwell in it for eternity.
Yunjin was chasing a new dream. 
‘I still have the marks that you made on me
It's easy to forget that you are gone’
New York City would always be busy, everyone lived in a world of their own, Y/n included. She walked forward, but still always found herself stuck in the same place even after what had been months, a year almost.
She would stutter in her actions; all those times she would stare at the barista. The usual order was what she wanted, wasn’t it? The usual. The usual. What was the usual? Despite knowing the usual by heart she found herself staring at the menu above the man for a second. It was like a blackout in her mind.
It wasn’t the usual:
‘Two iced americanos?’ 
That sounded right.
“One iced americano. Extra strong.” 
However, it wasn’t right and she had yet to grow used to it. 
In the same way, it wasn’t right to reach for her phone every time she came up with a new melody or lyrics to send it right to her lover.
The same way that picture of the broken guitar at the studio ended up with the rest of the unsent pictures. 
In the same way, there was no one to expect at home yet she still always wanted to call out her name when she entered, it would be at the tip of her tongue. 
Those moments of doubt that would always disappear when she asked for opinions; opinions that had always mattered the most to her. It was just another empty reach because she realised she didn’t have that anymore. 
That blackout in her head where she couldn’t remember why it wasn’t right never lasted too long as it got filled with the present. Y/n would remember that Yunjin was gone, she was away from her. The spots would fill with a sadness that washed over her, remembering that she lived in a nostalgia of when she and Yunjin were still together.
She kept forgetting that she was just letting herself sleep in nostalgia.
Y/n’s sip of coffee was bitter, she loved it, but the bitterness from a while back wasn’t as pleasant.
‘I talk about the past like I talk about you’
Two passionate lovers is what they were. They loved big and fought for their love even bigger even if it was with the other. It wasn’t often though, it seldom happened, but when it did it was big because of their passion that only grew with the years.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Y/n?”
“Why would I be joking about this, Yunjin!?”
Y/n clenched her jaw, taking in a deep breath as she tried to hold her tears at bay. Yunjin didn’t make her cry, it was just her fears that made her cry, the fears Yunjin always reassured her she didn’t need to have. 
Those promises neither of them would break, yet they found their love so precious and important to them that the smallest littlest sign of possible defect sent the whole perfectly organised heart into a frenzy.
Love wasn’t easy, it came with easy parts, but so many parts weren’t. As there were beautiful parts to it, there was ugly too. 
It was still explosive, their love was, it was great; greater than most could handle, but they fought the strength of it to not let it overwhelm them. It still had those moments where it did manage to do so. 
“I don’t fucking know. You just…”
Y/n smiled, it would always be a blur whenever she was asked questions about the songs she wrote. The only story she could tell her friends was that those songs were made-up telltales most of the time. 
‘I leave out every little thing that I don't like remembering’
“Wait–Okay, no, it’s recording now.”
“You’re such an idiot.” Y/n laughed, trying to push away the camcorder that was being shoved in her face.
“Stop it, you look pretty. I need to get it on video.” Yunjin argued, pushing away Y/n’s hands, but her girl was trying to put up a small fight. 
“Is it truly such a need?”
“Uh-huh. You look pretty 24/7 and I need some of it on video.” It wasn’t hard for her to overpower the smaller girl as Yunjin grabbed hold of Y/n’s wrists with one hand and quickly straddled her girlfriend, having her pinned to the mattress. 
Those giddy giggles continued as they messed around; it was always the same, it was always as comforting as a late-night drive in light rain. It created a sense of peace to the mind, it felt serene and warm even if it was cold outside. 
“I can now declare my love for you on camera,” Yunjin stated as she angled the camera towards them and leaned down. 
The lens watched the two girls who stared at each other; Yunjin’s hand unwrapped around Y/n’s wrists and gently cupped her cheek, with the latter wrapping her arms around her shoulders. It watched as they stared at each other in a momentary silence; it caught the love in their eyes, the fondness, the adoration, the care, the comfort they felt with each other; their starry-eyed romance.
Yunjin smiled with a light chuckle as she spoke, “I Huh ‘Jennifer’ Yunjin love you, Y/n Y/l/n, more than I can express.” 
Y/n mirrored the smile, her eyes twinkling brighter than stars in the sky, “I love you more than I will ever be able to say I do, Huh ‘Jennifer’ Yunjin.” 
The camcorder continued to capture their love as Yunjin dropped it onto the mattress and put her lips against Y/n’s to continue declaring the love they held for each other.
It could have been that she skipped the bad parts, left out everything she would rather not remember Yunjin or their love for as she was missing the idea of the girl.
‘I miss you more than I say I do’
“Do you miss whoever that is?” 
Y/n looked over her shoulder at the guy who gave her a discerning smile; as if he knew the answer to the question. The girl grabbed hold of the journal where she had been scribbling down lyrics and spun around in the chair. 
She looked over the words, it had been three years, and then she looked up at the man. The studio was quite dim, almost a yellow and reddish colour that matched the rugs that were on the floor and hung on the walls together with the other types of soundproofing. 
That person she hadn’t seen for three years; were the songs about her? 
“I don’t, it’s just fiction,” Y/n spoke, knowing that it wasn’t fiction as she still, after three painfully dreadful slow years, strongly longed after the person most of her songs seemed to be about. 
She tried to convince herself otherwise, she tried to convince herself that she was too busy chasing her dreams to even remember who Huh ‘Jennifer’ Yunjin was.
However, it was clear that Yunjin had never even for a second left Y/n’s frame even if she wasn’t in the picture anymore. 
The person who wasn’t there was her only muse. 
‘You had to follow all your dreams, move to New York (Seoul), away from me
You were so easy to forgive, but not so easy to forget’
Yunjin’s heart pounded, she knew that she never needed to be worried or nervous, but it was wrecking her even as Y/n jumped into her arms with a squeal. The cool wind that blew on the roof of Y/n’s apartment building was one she would remember for years; the way it left a chill on her skin all while feeling forlornness and happiness at the same time, that bittersweet taste of her tongue.
It was a taste that wouldn’t wash away. 
Y/n buried her face in the crook of Yunjin’s neck, she felt happy for her girlfriend, but she couldn’t tell if those tears that made it past her eyes were solely tears of joy. No, something was crumbling, breaking into pieces inside Y/n; was that what heartbreak felt like? Was this what true love was? It was painful.
True love was pain.
It just took some time to settle for both of them how painful love was as the other things they faced starry-eyed weren’t close to the damage this was causing them. It was hard to keep the same starry gaze. 
“I’m sorry.” The girl barely managed to let out as her fingers twisted the material of Y/n’s sweater. She truly was sorry for making Y/n believe that she was her only dream, but the second the opportunity showed itself after all this time, that spark of her old dreams ignited. 
Yunjin had spent countless years chasing something she failed to reach and now it was right at the tips of her fingers. She never thought it would happen and she had been ready to move on from it, but it was like fate was presenting itself to her. 
Y/n wanted to hate Yunjin, but she knew that she couldn’t even if the girl was breaking her heart. She loved her too much to keep her. She had moved to New York away from everyone to chase her dreams too, so she understood Yunjin, but she couldn’t lie and say that it wasn’t wrecking her; that it wouldn’t leave her a mess.
She wrapped her arms tighter around the taller girl’s shoulders who pulled her in closer; a goodbye to someone who was still there but wouldn’t be for much longer hurt her. They both hurt. They had been protecting their love, they had devoted themselves to protecting it from even the smallest defects, but they couldn’t protect it from themselves. 
As the promises they made, were the promises they never meant to break
“Don’t feel guilty for doing what’s best for you, Jen, don’t be sorry for chasing your dreams.”
Y/n forgave her for hurting her, but that never meant that she was able to forget her, let alone the pain that Yunjin caused her, the pain they caused each other. If they had known, would they still pursue a love this great? The answer was a simple yes; no matter the pain, their love was worth it until the last second no matter how much it tore them into pieces on that roof.
‘Why can't I keep you right where I want you?
Y/n stared at Yunjin, she had found herself admiring Yunjin at night whenever she couldn’t fall asleep. Then every morning when she woke up, later because she could never fall asleep, she did so to Yunjin fondly caressing her with her gaze, waiting for Y/n to wake up.
She moved the slightest, slowly twisting in Yunjin’s tight and warm hold on her waist. It was hard to imagine that it had been two years since they met and that in a couple of months, Yunjin would get a call that would reignite her dreams and leave them torn to pieces that were miles apart. 
Now on her stomach, an arm still holding onto her waist, Y/n could look better over Yunjin's face; unaware that soon her nights would be spent in an empty bed, crying and longing. Her scent was gentle and comforting to Y/n; in a few months, she would only be able to smell it on her clothes until it would fully wash away. She reached her hand up and gently traced along her cheek, thumb grazing the slight pout on Yunjin’s lips; the lips she would kiss and touch for the last time soon enough.
Y/n sighed and was about to move, “where are you going?” She hummed confused at the tired, almost grumpy mumble that came from Yunjin. The arm around her waist tightened its grip, pulling Y/n flush against her warm body. She was held in an embrace she would be missing and never be able to suffice with another one. 
She would miss it all so much that it would leave her lovesick. 
If only they were aware, would it change anything? Perhaps their words.
“Nowhere, Jen.”
“Good, don’t leave.” She mumbled before turning onto her side, sighing in content as Y/n snuggled closer, right under her chin, letting Yunjin take in the calming scent of her hair. 
“I don’t plan on leaving,” her voice held a slight rasp as it was starting to fill with exhaustion and her usually sleepless nights weren’t as bad because it was easy to fall asleep in Yunjin’s presence. Maybe it was good considering that the nights ahead would be nothing, but sleepless and draining. 
“Neither do I,” those words of security. 
Those silent promises they would break. 
Y/n closed her eyes at the security she felt, falling asleep in the home that she had found. 
‘And even though you put an ocean in between us’
Y/n blinked her tired eyes open and stared ahead, the empty room seemed to stretch for miles in the dark, the bed cold and empty even if it had felt so warm just a second before she awoke. A dull ache pierced her heart at the realisation of it being a vivid dream. It took her a while to realise it was just another dream and that Yunjin was far away.
It somehow didn’t matter that she wasn’t there anymore, it did matter because it hurt and the longing for something she couldn’t have exhausted her, it just didn’t mean that she would forget her simply because she wasn’t there. 
There was something utterly beautiful about true love, but for something to be beautiful, there had to be something ugly. Which was the miles in between them, the separate dreams they were chasing and the evergreen feelings she couldn’t express to her anymore. 
All that was left was missing the idea of Yunjin, of that something that they had.
‘I will try to keep us
Together forever, nostalgia’
It wasn’t as frequent anymore, but once in a while those vivid dreams came to haunt Y/n. She turned to lay on her back and stare at the ceiling. She watched the memories wash away, trying to not care, but then she would find herself grasping for them in panic, terrified that she would forget about Yunjin even if it had been two years.
No one had simply been able to be what she was. 
After each of these dreams, she found herself closing her eyes again and repeating those memories. Despite it all, she tried to keep them together forever no matter how faint certain parts could become. Y/n would bury herself with these memories if they ever died. She kept her and Yunjin together even after two years. 
‘I just need to know that you are happy
So if it couldn't be me, then go ahead, forget me’
As time passed Y/n would find herself slipping out of her nostalgia and into reality, instead of dreaming about her, she was wondering about the other girl. Y/n was left wondering if Yunjin still had those CDs she burned for her, together with the walkman she never got back. If that shirt Yunjin pulled off the night she said she loved her was with her even though it had been years.
Did she remember their love? The same way Y/n did. 
There was a part of her that hurt whenever she thought about the fact that she was possibly the only one who still thought about the other. However, even if that was the case, she still wanted to know how Yunjin was doing even if she was the only one who still cared about how the other was doing. 
Was she at least happy after leaving her behind to follow her dreams? 
That was all that mattered to Y/n, to know that Yunjin was happy then she wouldn’t hold it against her. She would be fine with Yunjin not thinking about her the same way she would think about her almost every day. Y/n would be fine with Yunjin never reminiscing about their past together at all; with being forgotten.
“I remember helping this one group produce a song—It’s like they are making them in factories with how many groups debut lately.”
Y/n looked up from the DAW and tilted her head back to look up at the TV that was hung above them on the wall. There was no sound coming from it, “what’s this?” She questioned, wondering why her friend was playing what was a South Korean channel. That sad little bittersweet feeling filled her as she became once again painfully aware that all that she did was escape now and that in reality somewhere among those people was Yunjin.
She was no longer here with Y/n. 
“It’s the little showcases they do when they debut or make a comeback.” Y/n had been too bitter to keep track, but she knew that she would be happy for the girl. It would mean the world to her.
The one simple thing she had been wondering for these past two years was finally answered. “What group is this?” Y/n asked, dewy-eyed. She couldn’t help but smile as relief washed over her and she grew sentimental. Her heart felt fixed for a second, it was beating like it did when Yunjin was around her and told her how much she loved her. 
She was reminded of how much tender love she still had for her, knowing she couldn’t give it to her.
“Le sserafim.” 
Yunjin looked happy, she looked passionate; Y/n felt like she achieved something just from seeing Yunjin finally live out the dreams she’d had for so many years, the ones she had strived for so hard. 
There was no way for Y/n to know if the girl missed her or at least even thought about her once or if she had forgotten all about her. It didn’t matter as long as she was happy and if that was the case Y/n would rather be forgotten.
It couldn’t be Y/n that Yunjin chose in the end, but her dreams.
‘I traced my steps back to where we first met
And hold the memory 'til you slip away’’
“Excuse me, do you have Lucinda Williams LP records?”
“I don’t really work here…” 
Y/n stopped and looked over at the taller girl with confusion, after looking up from her phone, as she was sure that she saw staff in this exact spot a second ago. Her eyes glanced away from the girl and she realised that the person she initially was going to ask for help was now a row away from her.
“I do know where the LP is though–” Y/n stuttered in her step, making the other girl do the same which created an awkward moment of confusion. “I could show it.” She pointed out the obvious she was trying to do and Y/n at last caught on.
“Thank you and sorry for mistaking you for working here.” She apologised as they walked beside each other through the endless aisles of the vintage vinyl store with both old and new LP records, including CDs, walkmans and more. The store was dimly lit with yellow and beige undertones, it smelt of cardboard and dust, and the air felt thick and warm, but was evocative. 
“It’s fine, you have a nice accent. British–” “Cockney.” The two looked at each other and Y/n looped her thumb through the hole in the sleeve of her sweater. She squeezed it, was there a tremble in her voice? There was and there never usually was one. 
“British, yeah, cockney is the dialect.” She clarified as she had answered the girl before she had the chance to finish talking. What she got in return was a bright smile, one she hadn’t seen before, especially not since she moved to New York. It felt like people didn’t have time to smile or be nice in the busy city. 
“It’s pretty,” she fished for words to say, but couldn’t figure out how to receive the compliment. Y/n found herself at a loss for words because of the stranger walking beside her. “Lucinda Williams feels specific though.” However, the pretty stranger filled in the silence that would possibly fall upon them.
“I’m looking for inspiration, I grew up listening to her.”
Y/n breathlessly chuckled at that, remembering how she was called a fool after declaring that she was moving to New York to chase her dreams of becoming a musician. She nodded and the both of them stopped before a big row of records, her eyes scanning for the one she was looking for.
“Yeah, I’m musically inclined I guess.”
The stranger continued to make conversation, seemingly interested in the other stranger. “As in…” Y/n looked away from the rows of records as one was handed to her and she looked at the ‘World Without Tears’ LP in the dark-haired girl’s hands. 
“As in–” She took the record from the girl with a small thank you. What she also received was a bright smile and the inspiration she had been looking for. It was hard to find a muse, but somehow a pretty and nice stranger was setting a fire ablaze. “I've always wanted to be an artist and so I moved here, to New York, to follow my dreams.”
“I’m Yunjin by the way.” She introduced herself, looking at the pretty stranger with an accent, a cockney dialect like she had said. Something grew inside her chest, someone Yunjin had just met, someone she didn’t know the name of, the girl in front of her; she had so much in common with the girl in front of her despite not knowing her name yet.  
“Or well–Jennifer when I’m back home.”
“I’m Y/n.” The girl said as they both looked each other in the eye, for the first time, but not the last, yet, locked hands. 
‘I miss you more than I say I do
You had to follow all your dreams, just wish that they included me’
Y/n reached for the record that was packed between the other ones on the shelf. The old vinyl store smelled of faint dust, cardboard and memories, evocative as always. She picked up what was the same-titled LP she had bought here when she met Yunjin or Jennifer when she was back home. 
She continued to walk along the aisles, walking through memory lane once again, remembering how this was the place where she spoke about her dreams to a stranger who then became someone who knew her better than she knew herself. That same person who would leave Y/n behind to follow all her dreams; she wasn’t upset about it.
The girl stopped in front of what was a shelf with newer artists, the new generation of artists and looked at the names. However, she knew what she came for, to see a name on the shelves yet when she saw it she continued to walk. 
It did make her heart pound and teeth dig into her lower lip to contain all these overwhelming emotions that were being stirred inside of her. If only she could share them with the stranger who became her everything, to finally be able to share what she always had wanted to share with her.
The old vintage store had changed; it had gotten modern details and more products to attract more people. The world moved forward, and nothing stayed the same, all that used to be had changed around her. 
Y/n had yet to grasp it all, she didn’t meddle in the genre and maybe it was because it only made her think of one person. She still stopped over at the section to see the mini albums. Despite being aware that Yunjin was happy, obviously since she achieved what she always wanted, Y/n still wished that she was part of why she was so happy and those dreams.
Her fingers only brushed over the mini album, letting it slip through them; she preferred the past and didn’t enjoy certain changes as she continued to walk. She took a trip down memory lane, from the beginning until there was nothing more left to reminisce until she reached the part where Yunjin slipped away and they stopped creating memories together. She played it all on a loop. It was hard to pretend when she knew the truth of who and what she longed for.
‘Together forever, nostalgia
It's crazy, baby, I want you’
To sleep in nostalgia; to escape the now, Y/n found herself giving into the beauty of an illusion.
The romance of missing the idea of Yunjin who she knew wasn't far for the first time in so long, but still it felt like miles away.
It had been three years and four months. It was crazy, but Y/n still wanted Huh ‘Jennifer’ Yunjin as she stood on the outdoor theatre stage of Coachella, singing the song she had been living for the past years. 
She too reached her dreams even though she was wistful after her old one. 
‘Together forever, nostalgia
It's crazy, baby, I want ya’
Nostalgia had never been less present in Yunjin’s life as she found herself living in the now, in her reality, but this time it was because she wanted to. This time she didn’t want to escape into a dream when the scene before her was beyond what she could indulge in reminiscence.
The sun was setting and her view felt ethereal and heartbeat familiar. It was all she needed, to see Y/n reach her dreams too, that they both had reached their dreams even if it was without the other there, without being able to share it. 
Dewy-eyed she stared with sentimental spilling from her eyes and love clogging up her throat, her body warming up in a fluttering way she had wondered if she would ever feel again. 
Yunjin still had the CDs that Y/n burned her, she asked her mum to send them just a few weeks after she arrived together with the walkman. That T-shirt, the one Yunjin put on a teddy bear she hugged each night, was still with her, reminding her each time of where her love lay and the night she said where it did lay. 
It was impossible to let go of the past, to not sleep in nostalgia and reminisce every day and think about the girl who was on stage. Impossible to not wonder how she was doing. Impossible to not wonder if Yunjin too was Y/n’s wonderwall or if she was the only one.
It’s crazy, Yunjin thought, it’s crazy that she had kept her and Y/n together forever, in nostalgia. It’s crazy how she kept something that wasn’t there, alive. It’s crazy how close yet how far she was from her. It’s crazy that she watched Y/n from the crowd and wanted her despite the miles and years apart. It’s crazy that she would bury herself with this nostalgia, this illusion if it ever died. 
‘Together forever, nostalgia
It's crazy, baby, I want ya’
That little flame for their old dreams never died, they could always start chasing them again because they had kept it alive with the romance of missing the idea of the other. They had been kept together by sleeping in their nostalgia.
a/n: idk i just had to write this 'cause i love suki waterhouse, and nostalgia is just too good, need it injected into my veins, her every song tbh. hope it was enjoyable though since i really enjoyed writing it. i really appreciate the support, especially reblogs. love yall <3
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The Butterfly Effect
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Chapter 1
Ok so it’s been a whileeeeeee since I’ve written anything lol but I’ve been reading more House of the Dragon fanfics and got ✨inspired✨ by @sepherinaspoppies and @evagreen-stories so if this vibes with you check their stuff out! This will be a dark fic though just a warning for y’all.
Guess this was longer than I intended but I wanted all of the introductions and start of the story in one part. Any feedback or comments are appreciated but never expected! I hope you enjoy!
Trigger warnings: none yet but there will be more next chapter
The heat in the kitchens was more unbearable than usual. The air in the room was typically stuffy due to the large stone ovens the Westerosi people used, but you had forced yourself to become accustomed to the heat. It was worth the effort; however, as having a steady job as a woman was near impossible in this day and age.
You craned your neck down to look at the dough you were rolling and silently thanked your mother for forcing you to help in her bakery as a child. You grew to enjoy baking as you grew up, and luckily had many recipes memorized. You needed money and there were worse ways to get it.
Sweat rolled down your temple as you remembered running through the streets of silk in your jogging outfit, eyes darting fearfully around watching the prostitutes lure in new customers as you took in a new and scary world.
“What is it this time?” The head chef, Naerys, walked over to you, eyeing your work curiously.
You gave the older woman a smile as finished rolling out the dough. “It’s called a croissant. If done right it should be flakey on the outside and airy on the inside.”
Naerys nodded thoughtfully and motioned for you to continue.
“Now we need to let it sit for a while before we store it in a cool place.” You tried to pull your hands from the sticky dough and squeezed any remaining part of it off your fingers as you spoke.
“Impressive work as always.” Naerys gave you a motherly smile as she continued. “We should be prepared for tomorrow.”
“Should be?” You arched a brow at that. “I have prepared everything as much as I possibly can unless you want me to throw it all into the oven now.” As much as you enjoyed your job baking tarts and cakes, your bones creaked from carrying in heavy sacks of flour and longed for sleep.
“Now don’t give me that look, love,” Naerys sighed. “You do good work, and meal wise we are well prepared for tomorrow; however, Ursa fell ill today. We need you to attend to the feast.”
You sighed as you knew where she was going with this. Different worlds or not bosses always have the same look when asking you to go above and beyond your job. And of course the maidservant that tended to the royal family fell ill on the day that Princess Rhaenyra returned to the Red Keep.
“It’s not forever,” Naerys rushed to get out. “Just until Ursa is well again. We cannot afford to lose you here.” You and your recipes more likely. You knew that the nobles enjoyed your modern pastries and more than often found yourself making extra batches to fit the demand. “And if you do this we’ll have Alannys bring in the new bags of flour.” Now that was certainly tempting and your hands were already aching from the massive load you brought in today yourself. What harm could bringing a few plates out do?
You fidgeted with the strings of your apron, white flour clinging to the fabric. “Fine.” You begrudgingly gave in. “I’m not sure what exactly to do though. I’ve never tended to the tables, much less a royal one at that.”
Naerys gave a small exhale of relief and smiled at you brightly. “We’ll have someone else carry in the platters, all you need to do is fill their goblets with wine. Most of the time they will hold it out for you to fill.” Naerys grabbed a nearby clean apron and handed it to you while motioning at your dirtied one. “You must change that though and rebraid your hair my dear, you’ll need to look clean and presentable for the royal family.”
“Of course.” You nodded and quickly untied the old apron. “Is there anything else that I need to know? What will happen if the pitcher runs out of wine?” The dirty apron hit the ground with a light thud as you reached for the clean one. It smelled slightly of soap and was sharply pressed. Naerys was not joking about you looking presentable it seemed.
“Ah yes, the eldest prince, Aegon, will no doubt drink heavily.” She hummed, watching as you finished refastening the apron and removed your cap. At first you thought the big white hat that the servants wore was goofy, but now you appreciated how it would hide any loose curls or hairs as you redid your braids. “Once it is empty you can hand it to a nearby footman and he will fetch you another. Now, let me get a look at you.” Naerys eyed you carefully and pulled your cap back over your head. “Good. Now make haste to the dining room love, you must be there before anyone else.”
She smiled at you one more time as she shoved the pitcher into your hands. “Oh!” She exclaimed softly. “I almost forgot. Do not look them in the eyes, you are not to be seen or heard and try not to eavesdrop as hard as that may be. You will do wonderful.” With that the older woman turned and headed towards another cook toiling over a fire, only pausing to pick up your discarded apron.
You nodded your head quickly, perhaps trying to convince yourself of that very thought as you hurried out of the kitchens. You weren’t sure if the events of Fire and Blood will have changed since you were thrown into this tumultuous world, and you prayed to anyone that would listen that it hadn’t. As gruesome as the Dance of the Dragons was, it was better that you knew what was going to happen before it did.
The Red Keep was much larger than the shows and book made it seem and you still found yourself getting lost in the more obscure winding hallways. It was lucky that the royal dining room was near the library. Although you weren’t allowed entry to the room you still enjoyed walking past it and smelling the old books whenever you could. It reminded you of another time, another world. One that you wished you could go back to.
It was odd how one small choice had led to the upheaval of your entire life.
You needed to snap out of those thoughts. You needed to focus on the task at hand. The past was in the past. You watched as the doors that lined the halls grew more and more ornate as you walked the long trek from the kitchens to the part of the castle the royal family inhabited.
The usually quiet halls covered with plush rugs and richly colored tapestries were bustling as other servants ran around, trying to perfect every last detail before the royal family came for dinner.
You picked up on the smells of honey roasted ham and other various dishes that made your mouth water. Although you worked in the kitchens day in and day out, you never had a chance to sample the food you served to others. Usually it didn’t bother you, you would go back to your small hut near the castle entrance where you shared a home with three other servants and made your own meals. But that didn’t stop your stomach from grumbling slightly as you entered the large dining room. When was the last time you had something to eat?
“Ah there you are!” A footman who had a striking resemblance to a weasel came rushing over to you as your eyes darted around the room. There were a few musicians in the back of the room, testing and strumming their instruments softly and chattering about something you could not overhear. In the middle of the room was a large table filled to the brim with food that you had a part in cooking.
“The king is about to arrive. You may stand over there.” The man gently grabbed your arms and led you across the room into a small barely noticeable alcove next to great velvety curtains that framed windows larger than you.
You only nodded dumbly as he rushed away. You didn’t know what to respond with and even if you did you didn’t know how to phrase it. The people in Westeros spoke some type of Old English that you had trouble mimicking and even back home when there were no odd phrases you had trouble conversing with others. Perhaps if you were lucky everyone would think you were dumb and wouldn’t notice you. You knew of Prince Aegon’s habits with other maids and already regretted agreeing to serve the family.
You were snapped back to reality as cheerful chattering grew closer and the Velaryon boys strode into the room with Princess Rhaenyra and her husband Prince Daemon in tow.
“The Red Keep certainly looks different.” You overheard Jace say to Lady Baela.
“It looks more like the Sept of Baelor but greener.” Baela scoffed, earning a small chuckle from her father.
“It is rather garish is it not?” He responded, pulling out a chair near the middle of the table for his wife before seating himself next to her.
The Princess smiled at the sentiment while Jace and Baela sat across from the pair. “It seems like Alicent has had a hand in the decorations.”
It was as if her words had summoned the queen herself, as Alicent entered with her arm intertwined with the King’s keeping him steady as he struggled to shuffle over to his chair.
If this was following the show this would be his last night alive. You felt the hairs on your arms raise as he fell into his seat harshly but smiled at his daughter with a content expression.
“How good it is to see your face my dear.” He huffed out, ignoring his other children seating themselves on his other side. You noticed in particular as the One-eyed Prince started drinking as soon as he sat down.
Perhaps Aegon wouldn’t be the drunkest tonight after all. You walked on the edges of the room trying to remain unseen as the younger Prince raised his cup for more. You slowly obliged his silent request, focusing more on trying not to over fill the cup than the conversation at hand.
With that done, you stepped back silently and noticed that his brother had also finished. If the dinner had just started and the Princes kept up this pace it’d be a long meal.
The minutes passed slowly as you occasionally refilled cups, more on the green side than the blacks.
Everything seemed to have been going well. Both Rhaenyra and Alicent were talking and laughing with the king before he had to be taken to his chambers to rest. And even you smiled as Jace offered to dance with his aunt. Helaena always was your favorite out of the bunch. And she looked happy as the two of them spun around, something she must not have felt often being married to Aegon.
You flinched as you heard someone clearing their throat and remembered why you were there. Your smile fell quickly as your eyes met the younger Prince’s sneer.
“Oh. Sorry.” You whispered out softly, rushing over to his side. Your hands shook slightly as you watched the red wine pour into his cup. Unlike the other times you attended to the Prince, this time you felt his sharp gaze on you as you worked. Perhaps he just thought you were lazy. You didn’t dare look up though. While the older brother was more often than not blackout drunk, the younger prince was known for his short temper that seemed to be set off at anything and everything. You remembered watching as other maids cried from his stern words and begged for reassignment.
“At least someone is enjoying themselves tonight.” He scoffed, talking quietly so only you could hear. “I’m sure for someone of your…” He paused as his eyes roved your body. “…station, that this is quite the spectacle. You small folk are all so easily entertained.”
You felt your face light on fire at his smug smile. Fucking elitist prick. His words made you seethe for some reason. It wasn’t like you haven’t been called worse, working in the food service industry had given you thick skin, but his remark was the reason you preferred to remain in the kitchens unseen. The nobles were all the same, ungrateful and spoiled.
You were about to open your mouth, perhaps for a clap back that would have cost you your head, when someone did you the favor of bringing out a roasted pig and setting it in front of the one-eyed Prince.
You huffed out a laugh as his cheek twitched at the sight which earned you another searing glare.
“Perhaps you are right. Enjoy the pig, my prince, as I know it reminds you of your first dragon. I cooked it myself.” You tried to keep your voice down but apparently Lucerys Velaryon had overheard and released a small laugh.
Perhaps that is what set off Aemond as he stood up quickly and slammed his hand onto the table. You watched as his face morphed from his twisted sneer to something calmer. More collected.
“Final tribute.” He said with a smile as he raised his cup.
You took this moment to step back as he paused. “To the health of my nephews: Jace, Luke, and Joffrey.”
Alicent nervously began picking at her nails as her son spoke and the two Velaryon boys eyed Aemond cautiously. “Each of them handsome, wise…” He paused again and seemed to be debating something that he decided to ignore. “Strong.”
“Aemond.” Alicent hissed, eyes nervously darting across the room.
“Come let us drain our cups to these three,” He gave a shit eating grin to Jace as Aegon waved his cup in the air laughing. “Strong boys.”
“I dare you to say that again.” Jace snapped, stomping towards his uncle.
“Why? ‘‘Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourselves strong?” As Jace got closer you watched as he punched Aemond across the face which only caused the One-eyed Prince to laugh as he kept hold of his wine. At the same time you heard Aegon slam Lucerys’ head into the table as he tried to get up.
“Jace!” Rhaenyra shouted, standing up quickly. “That’s enough!”
With a scoff, Aemond shoved Jace away from him and swirled his drink with a bored expression. He pretended not to see the two guards holding back the Velaryons. “It seems I’m in need of more wine.” He gave you a cold smile as he sauntered over.
“Perhaps you’ve had enough.” Alicent said, rushing over to her younger son. “You may leave.” She waved you away dismissively and for the first time that night you had not been happier until Aemond grabbed your arm harshly.
“Nonsense we’ve barely started eating mother.” He shoved his cup towards you again and waved it expectantly. “Well?”
You gave a questioning look to the queen who instead of answering turned her son towards her and waved you away. “Why would you say such a thing before these people?”
You didn’t wait to hear anything else, and instead scurried towards the doors as quickly as you could. You knew you shouldn’t look back at the train wreck behind you but part of you couldn’t help it.
As you closed the heavy door behind you, you noticed one violet eye piercing into you, instead of listening to his mother. It was then that you knew that the Prince would not forget your words.
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ninyard · 12 hours
hello I would like the kevallison smut ?? Please
The promised kevallison headcanons (aka how the two of them figure out what the other person is into + how they might go about doing it)
When they start hooking up it’s all pretty standard stuff. Allison gets him off after a game. Kevin eats her out if there’s ten minutes free in between classes and an empty dorm room. They’re a booty call before, during or after a night out, or a no-strings-attached way to get some frustration off their chest. Their friends-with-benefits situation is more often than not just a quick fuck when they’re bored. But it's kind of just… that? It's just fucking. It's a handful of different positions, in a handful of different places, but nothing more than fucking, finishing, and leaving. They don’t feel a need to bring it any further though, in some ways hesitant that the other will catch feelings if it gets too intimate. But from the get-go their agreement is clear - if either starts to get attached, or jealous, or even thinks that it might be worth pursuing, they stop. It doesn’t happen, of course, but in the beginning they really try to err on the side of caution until they know that for certain.
There’s one of two ways that their casual hook ups becomes more... interesting every now and again: one) accidentally. two) intentionally.
If it is accidental, I think they stumble upon the other’s kinks by the Grace of God. It's a quick fuck that turns into something more because one of them picks up on how the other's demeanor changes and they realise oh. oh. That did something for them. The moment when it happens is so intoxicating and sexually charged; So intense at the realisation of how turned on the other person is, that they’re just waiting for someone in the dorm room over, or outside the bathroom at a party, or in the almost-empty parking lot to ask did anyone hear Allison and Kevin fucking last night? For either of them, single and used to quick fucks with strangers that don't mean anything nor have the longevity for experimenting with, getting to dip into their fantasies is unparalleled pleasure.
If it’s accidental, it’s a pleasant surprise for them both, and Kevin and Allison have that in common - they are both incredibly, heavily turned on by their fuck-buddies feeling satisfied. It happens, where sometimes Kevin just wants to be blown without returning the gesture, or where Allison wants to come without having to put in the effort it takes to give back. More often than not, though, whether it be with each other or with other people, they're most satisfied when the other person is satisfied, too. So when the topic of kinks and turn ons is broached, or accidentally revealed, it doesn't matter that it's Kevin, or that it's Allison. When they've been fucking for long enough that they find themselves discovering these things, they're comfortable enough with each other to not feel embarrassed about what happens when they have sex. If it makes her wet, and it keeps him hard, then it doesn't matter. They don't talk about their sex lives outside of when or where it happens - a kink or two isn't going to change that.
For Kevin, sweet submissive baby boy who just lives to be praised - oh, when Allison finds out, it opens this door for changing their dynamics that she hadn't even realised existed. Kevin gets so turned on that he practically melts, and Allison eats it up like it's the hottest thing she's ever laid eyes on.
They've found themselves standing up against a wall in a bathroom at a party somewhere, too many suggestive looks across the room leading to a desperately desired handjob or two, and Kevin is fumbling with the buckle of his belt. He struggles with it for a second, before pulling the black leather out from it's square frame and Allison offhandedly says good job with a laugh as she trails kisses up his neck and her fingers down his stomach. She feels his reaction to her words before she notices how his eyes glaze over with the thoughts in his head; how he stills at her words, how he's yearning through his sigh when she follows with a knowing whisper of oh, you want me to tell you how good you're being?
Him in her hand, the long acrylic nails of her free hand dragging lines down his neck, Allison feels how needy he is and softly purrs in his ear to tell her how much he wants it. It's not lost on him how she plays with him like putty between her tender fingers, but still he looks into her eyes with his eyebrows knitted into each other, too close to argue; The please that escapes his lips trapped in between a gasp and a moan is rebutted with her sultry say it again. I want to hear that pretty voice beg. It takes the stalling of the rhythm in her working hand before he finds the ability to whimper out his desperate please, please, please. She's using her free hand to hold his face still, their eyes locked together, while he can barely keep himself in one piece. Her thumb is soft over his lips, brushing over little gasps and short breaths, holding him while she whispers a question and he falls apart in her hands.
If Kevin loves to be topped by strong women, Allison loves to hear a man moan. And she’s never heard him like this before, his lips drawn apart just inches from hers, one hand steadying himself against the wall and the other tugging and pawing at the skin of the small of her back. She doesn't let him look away as she guides him to climax with her soft words of gentle praise. How pretty he looks when he's trying his hardest to be quiet, how well he's doing at keeping himself composed.
Allsion doesn't care that she's accidentally unlocked this submissive side of Kevin; firstly, he's hot as hell when he's this desperate, and it's not as if she's going to be leaving that bathroom and calling him a good boy on the court, because that's not how this works. She's fucked him angry and she's fucked him needy - the passion of fulfilled fantasy only working on a different level to anything else.
(When he's caught his breath and started to clean himself up, she washes her hands and admires her work; his rosy cheeks burning up as she watches him in the mirror. She pushes herself up onto the vanity, and when he can finally bare to look at her again, she says I'm proud of you with a playful smile. Kevin covers his face to laugh in semi-embarrassment, his head shaking as he finds himself in between her legs. They don't talk about it too much before he returns the favour.)
Then there's, Allison, sweet Allison, who's interests work in harmony like a perfect composed song. We knows she loves to hear the men she sleeps with, but there's two things that really get her going that more often than not go hand in hand - rough sex, and loud sex. Living in dorms, it's hard to indulge, especially the second, but usually she'll just pull him close, with his lips to her ear or hers to his. Allison gets off on hearing the person she's fucking, and Kevin is not an exception to that.
They've somehow had a stroke of luck - an empty house in Columbia and some time to kill. Kevin is on the edge of the bed, and Allison is facing Kevin while sitting on his lap, her knees resting on either side of him, in a skirt that is already so short that it's barely even there. They're making out, and Kevin isn't really thinking, but he slaps her ass - something he'd done once or twice before, but never that hard, never that loud. Allison sits back, hands on his shoulders with her mouth open wide. She doesn't get the chance to finish her questioning what are you doing? Before his mischievous smile curls around, what, this? as he laughs and does it again. When she stands up off of him in a half-protest, shaking her finger at how close he was getting to really getting her going, he follows her up. He stands in front of her with feigned apologies for his boldness. She leans into his kiss, with arms wrapped tight around her waist, but instead of pouting his lips, he picks her up and throws her back onto the bed while she scream-laughs.
Body over body, on top of her then, a hand finds it's way in between strands of shiny blonde. A hand that she takes into hers, guiding his fist to grasp a handful of her hair. When he doesn't hold it hard enough she tugs it gently, keeping his fist closed with her hand around it. Looking down at her, he purses his lips with an oh that pauses his other hand while it pushes up her skirt to touch her over her panties. Reading him while waiting for the laugh that never comes is agonisingly long, as she braces herself for the mortifying conversation that he was not going to be entertaining it. Instead he waits for her hand to trail away before pulling her head, hard, back into the bed. And when she shuts her eyes and parts her lips in pleasure, he is quick to bring his hand up to her chin, tilting her head back. The two smallest of his fingers fingers tuck themselves neatly behind her ear, the other two tight between her jawline and her cheekbone. The ball of his thumb is resting on her chin. She doesn't stop him when his thumb trails down from her cupid's bow and into her mouth. She doesn't stop him when he takes it out hold it around her throat, either. Kevin is careful to scatter wet bruises down her chest where they won't be seen. When he's standing back to take off his pants and she’s lifting her top over her head, he asks, you want it hard? and she responds do you even fucking have to ask?
Her skirt is up over her hips and her thong down her thighs. He’s on his knees with her legs over his thighs, maybe he’s pinning her hands down above her head with one big hand over her little wrists. Headboard banging, unrestrained volume, handprints on ass cheeks and scratches across spines. Allison gets sex-drunk when he manhandles her. It’s sloppy, it’s messy, it’s loud, it’s so hot that it’s on fire. It’s eye-rolling, being in a daze afterwards type of fucking. It’s mascara running down cheeks, how the fuck am I supposed to look anyone in the eye after having that done to me type of fucking. It’s needing to have a shower immediately afterwards type of sweaty, messy fucking.
(It’s probably one of the only times they almost/kind of get caught. Not because of the noise, or the sex itself but because of the aftermath. Andrew and Neil clock INSTANTLY the missing and changed details when they regroup - how Kevin’s hair is freshly washed, how Allison has taken her heavy makeup off leaving only a fresh coat of mascara and some lipgloss remaining. How they can barely look at each other in case it reminds them of what has just happened. Their puffy lips, their general daze. Yeah, they fly a little too close to the sun that time - not enough time afterwards to recuperate from an absolutely dirty, filthy, fucking.)
If it's an intentional thing, a discussion about what they're into, and they know before getting into it/it's a conscious choice/it's intentional/some sort of discussion/WHATEVER? There's a few ways I could potentially see it possibly coming up.
A game of Never Have I Ever or some other drinking game with the group and the discussions of kinks come up; Kevin drinks when somebody mentions a praise kink, or being dominated. Allison drinks when somebody mentions liking it rough. Their looks to each other are quick but knowing, Kevin's raised eyebrows when Allison drinks to say she doesn't mind being degraded, the flick of her eyes when he drinks to say he doesn't mind begging for it.
They don't hang around after hooking up, usually. Clean up, get dressed, and leave. That's the routine. But they're talking afterwards for a little while, and the subject of fantasies comes up, and while shes fixing her makeup and tying up her hair she asks him what's the one thing he'd go crazy for. he considers it for a little bit but then gets embarrassed because it's a way harder thing to talk about when you're not actively turned on or drunk. They offer each other tiny pieces as they joke about it, starting tame before they eventually just say it out straight. (she calls him princess when she's leaving and he calls her a slut before she shuts the door.)
They ask each other outright. Kinda similar to accidentally figuring it out but they ask each other for it instead of the other person just doing something and stumbling upon it. Maybe Kevin asks her to tell him how good he feels and she asks why, are you into that? and they like. talk through it . Do you like it when I ask you this? Can I call you this? Do you like it when I tell you you're doing such a good job? Talking through sex can be so hot and even hearing the questions out loud sets the imagination off on a fucking marathon. Maybe Allison asks can you choke me? and he asks her how she likes it before agreeing. Do you like it when I hold you like this? Do you want me to spit in your mouth? Do you want to shut the fuck up and listen to what you do to me? It's a much more thorough discussion than them simply going oh, i think the other person has [blank] kink, so i'm just gonna go ahead and do that. It's a request, instead. Both of them knowing what they want and knowing how to ask for it? Yeaaaahhhh
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otomehonyaku · 3 days
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Azusa ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Azusa's version. And with that, the translations of all of the Sakamaki and Mukami stories are now finished! Stay tuned for the Carla, Shin & Kino ones ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa’s version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I stretched out my left arm toward the box of pictures, which I was going to put in an album. As I did, I lost my perception of depth and the picture I thought I had picked up floated to the floor as though carried away by the wind. 
This time, I picked up the picture with my right hand and stuck it in the album. With that, the album was finished. I let out a small sigh.
It hadn’t been that long since I started going through life with a mechanical arm. It took some getting used to. Even now, it restricted my freedom. 
Still, I never regretted the decision to amputate my left arm. 
That day, she and my brothers had given me this mechanical arm as a present, and it had become indispensable to me–a treasure, really. Even if the four of them were far away, I still felt them with me through this arm. It taught me that I was never alone in this life.
“It’s okay. I know what it means to protect…”
That’s why I won’t make the same mistake again. I knew I would never be forgiven for the sin I committed once before, no matter how much time passed. No matter if everyone… if she forgave me. I deserved to atone.
I knew that atonement wasn’t just about wallowing in all of my past regrets. I needed to move forward. I needed to do whatever I could. That was all I could do to face my fears and repent in this world.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A continued knocking sound reverberated through the room. I felt her presence on the other side of the door, and my face broke into a smile.
“Azusa, can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course…”
Had she just come out of the shower? She poked her head into the room, having changed into her roomwear. I hadn’t said anything, but she sat down beside me.
“Hey, is it okay if I… comb your hair?” I asked tentatively.
She smiled gratefully in return. 
Using the mechanical arm, I slowly and awkwardly opened the duffel bag we had brought from the human world, though my arm was not yet accustomed to these kinds of movements. The bag held many things that were precious to me. 
I motioned for her to sit with her back to me, and her soft hair gave off the fruity scent of her shampoo. Her scent. I wished I could smell it all the time. As carefully as I would handle something fragile, I gently ran the brush through her hair.
“...Eve. I like you…”
When I finished brushing her hair and promptly whispered my confession into her ear, her cheeks reddened. As though her eyes would answer for her, she sought me out, and said, ever so softly, that she felt the same. 
“You know, Azusa… I’m really happy.”
“...Yeah. Me too. I’m happier than I’ve ever been before. I love you, Eve…”
“I love you too, Azusa…”
As if to confirm each other’s feelings, we whispered those words to each other over and over. My heart was overflowing with love. 
I could not dress her in pretty clothes. I could not make delicious dishes for her to eat. No matter how much I thought about it, I felt incredibly lacking compared to my brothers.
But still, the fact that she loved me… was all that mattered. 
If all she desired was for me to whisper my words of love to her, I would do it until she was satisfied. If she was lonely, anxious, and… afraid to be alone, I would stay by her side. I would hug and kiss her… Hehe, although that was just what I wanted to do of my own volition. In any case, I had no intention of letting her go for the rest of my life.
As I embraced her from behind, I trapped her in my arms. I felt her warmth, her quickening heartbeat. It made my heart flutter. It was such a thrilling feeling.
“Promise me… we’ll stay together forever.” 
“Hehe, I’ll pinky-promise.” 
We sat there, smiling sheepishly at each other, and she curled her pinky finger around mine.
“Pinky… promise.”
I could not bear to let go of her when our fingers connected like that. I gently pushed her down onto the sofa… and kissed her.
The gentle light of the moon, which was high up in the night sky of Eden, peeked into the room through the window. It seemed as though even the twinkling stars were wishing for our happiness.
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lilghostiequinni · 5 hours
His Dancer
Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Exotic dancer!female oc (RaeLeigh;Ravenna) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy (in the relationship), Strip club, Mature themes, Implied smut
Summary: Max takes Lando to a strip club, not expecting him to fall in love with the dancer he paid for. It was never thought to last; not many had known her, and those who did were few. No one knew what she did, but nothing can stay hidden for long.
Requested: NO / yes
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Max brought Lando to a strip club for winning the Miami Grand Prix, the first win of the Briton's career in Formula One.
Max paid one of the dancers to take Lando into the back after a dance.
What Max doesn't expect is to go to Lando's hotel room to find the dancer from the night before leaving the room as he goes to knock.
The dancer offers a smile as she leaves through the door and down the hall.
"You brought her back last night?" He asks as he sees Lando make his way to the door.
"Yeah, I guess so. I had to wait until she got off," Lando then just turns and walks back into the suite as Max follows.
Max chuckles at his friend's admittance of having to wait.
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There wasn't much Lando could do after he was told to enjoy himself for the night; it also didn't help what Max did, paying for a stripper to give him a lap dance and then to the back room.
It's no surprise that Lando waited all night until 2am, when her shift ended.
"What's your name?" She asked when she walked over to Lando.
When she sat across his lap, and he answered, "Lando."
"Oh, are we celebrating?" She asked him as she dragged her finger down his partially opened shirt.
"Yes, what is your name," Lando asks her, watching her face rather than the finger she moved lower and lower.
"Call me Ravenna, Lando," Even the way she said his name was enticing above all else. Lando just got lost in the woman on his lap.
"Your friend over there said that you needed a dance," Ravenna says to the man, hands now to herself, dragging them along her own body.
Lando was entranced and just nodded at Ravenna, not speaking a word because he was left speechless by her beauty.
After his dance, she stands and holds her hand out to Lando, which he takes, and leads him through the masses of people to the back, where Lando gets his own private show.
When he returns to the main area, he finds Max, who smiles at him and just pats his shoulder.
"Please welcome your favorite, her last night here before she jumps ship to Europe, Ravenna Quince!" The announcer says as the whole sense of the club changes, with many cheers.
By the time Ravenna has walked off the stage, she has no clothes on her being as she walks off the stage, throwing one last look into the crowd before she is out of sight, particularly at Lando.
Max leaves about 1am, leaving Lando to himself as he's taken most of Ravenna's attention for the night.
When her shift ends an hour later, she's walked out the door of the club only to find Lando waiting for her next to an Uber.
"I want to take you back with me."
"Yeah, that's not how it works," Raveena tells him as she goes to move away.
"Please, I know that it's crazy, but just tonight, I won my first Grand Prix in my 6th year of Formula One. Just one chance," Lando basically pleads while holding out his hand.
"Alright, just one pretty boy," She says as she grabs his hand.
Lando pulls her in and kisses her, "Ravenna." He says he pulls back.
"My name is Rae," She whispers as she pulls him in again before the Uber driver honks.
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It doesn't take long for Rae to become important to Lando, and it doesn't take long for the opposite.
RaeLeigh quickly falls for the British driver, and by the end of the championship, they're dating, in secret of course.
In the 2025 season, Lando is pulling a strong game, gaining even more attention, and in an interview, he accidentally reveals his relationship with Rae to the world.
Media is a frenzy; that is what it becomes.
But with the publicity comes fans digging into past things and places that had been put down.
Rae had become a dancer to pay bills and as a means to save up for college; the night she met Lando, her life was already changing.
When fans learn of her past in dancing, most say she was in the wrong and was only with Lando for the money.
Just hours after fans started to bully his girlfriend, Lando posts about how true fans wouldn't bully the person who makes him truly happy.
He talks about how that's in the past, and they don't even know the true reasons for her being a dancer, only the rumors and theories that where untrue and thoughtless.
But something else about the day is the day Lando proposed after only a year because Rae truly was the light of his life in any situation and storyline, in any reality or universe.
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A/N: I'm tired, but I'm going to do this; not quite how I wanted it to go, but oh well. Also, the photo at the top will be up later after I've slept. As will the rest of the F1 one-shots.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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aleskyyy · 19 hours
Gonna Be Like You — Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
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Your lieutenant really showed you how to be a better soldier and it made you fall in love and want to be like him.
Warnings — fem!soldier!reader, fluff, kissing, manipulation, angst, betrayal, character death, DARK FIC 18+ MDNI, etc.
1,6k words.
Main Masterlist COD Masterlist
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You stare at your new teammates. You have heard many things about them, how they operated and how they completed the missions given to them with flying colors. You've admired them from the start, so you didn't hesitate when you were assigned to their team. Task Force 141.
You shake the hand of the captain, Captain John Price. You introduce yourself even though you know they must already know the ins and outs of your identity. Then you shake the hands of Sergant John Soap MacTavish and Sergant Kyle Gaz Garrick because they are closer to you.
And finally you look at Lieutenant Ghost. You don't know his real name, you just know he's called Ghost, the legend. Out of the four of them you admire Ghost's way of working. You offered your hand to Ghost for a shake, you straightened your body when he didn't shake your hand. As you were about to pull your hand away you flinched a little but you managed to hide your surprise when he shook your hand even though it was not for a few seconds.
"Thank you for taking me into your team, Captain Price," you say while giving him your professional smile. Captain Price just laughs as he pats you on the shoulder.
"We should be the ones thanking you for joining us. I've heard of your skills on the field, Sergant," Captain Price tells you.
"Not as good as the rest of you," you reply, making Soap laugh. Even you hear the word of course coming from his lips.
"Ghost will give you the information you need to know from this team and he will also be keeping an eye on your progress here over the next few months," says Captain Price.
"It's an honor to be directly under his supervision, Captain," you reply as you look at Ghost. The professional smile is still on your face even though you are very happy inside.
"Good. I hope you adjust to it quickly and once again welcome to our team," Captain Price says one last time at that time of day.
You smile and then nod at all of them as you say your gratitude. You turn to Ghost as you feel his intense gaze on you. You give him a smile in return.
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You walk into the training room and find Ghost there. It's been six months since you joined the Task Force and you and Ghost have started to get a little closer to each other. Ghost started to give you direction to be more better, he even gave you tips that only he knew because he felt you needed it since you were the only woman in his team.
You walk slowly, with your arms crossed over your chest as you watch how Ghost trains. You stop at the corner of the room to get a better look, you can see Ghost who glances at you for a moment before he continues his training with the other soldiers. When Ghost is done with his training, he walks over to grab a drink that is near you. You stare at Ghost with adoration but immediately turn your attention in another direction when he sees you. You hear a small chuckle but we're sure it's not Ghost. Ghost would never laugh around someone he just know.
"Want to train together?"
You looked at Ghost with a puzzled face. You guys have a schedule to train together and today is not it. But you won't miss this chance.
"Of course," you reply and follow Ghost to the training ground that is not being used.
You've been practicing for three hours and for the first time you can knock Ghost off his feet. You stand up and laugh happily when you can face Ghost even though you have been defeated many times before. Ghost just stares at you with a flat look, but unbeknownst to you underneath his balaclava is a smile.
"You're getting much better than before," Ghost says as he stands up.
"That's because you taught me, you showed me how to do it. Exactly what you do."
And that's how I fell in love with you, but you couldn't possibly say that directly to him. You walk over to get some water and drink it up quickly. Then look back at Ghost who had been staring at you first.
"You know, I saw a lake near the eastern storage area. It looks like a great place to swim after training. Do you want to come?" you ask with a hopeful look.
"Lead the way."
You smiled happily and walked towards the lake you said earlier. When you get there you see no one at all and start to undress, leaving only your underwear. You can feel Ghost's gaze watching you. It's a good thing you're wearing a nice pair of underwear today, the black underwear that clings to your body makes you more confident. You walk to the edge of the lake and start dipping your feet into it. Without a word you dive into the lake and swim to the middle. When you were in the middle of the lake you saw Ghost who was still standing in his place.
"Don't tell me you're afraid to swim," you say with a grin.
You can see Ghost starting to take off his clothes, leaving only his boxers and balaclavas. You bite your lower lip as you watch Ghost swimming towards you. You swim backwards when you see Ghost approaching you. As you want to go backwards you feel a hand holding your waist.
You stare at Ghost with an unreadable gaze. You began to move closer to Ghost slowly, your hand moving to touch his shoulder lightly. Seeing no rejection from him your hand began to move to caress his chest and then up to the nape of his neck. You brought your face closer to Ghost and he just stayed still while looking deeply into your eyes. You lightly grip Ghost's nape as he starts to raise his balaclavas up to his nose.
He starts to bring your faces closer, your lips start to brush against each other. You make up your mind to kiss Ghost first, pressing your lips against his which makes Ghost tighten his grip on your waist. You wrap both your hands around Ghost's neck as you kiss. You can feel Ghost's hand moving to your hair and gripping it gently.
You feel Ghost's soft lips touching yours, his tongue starts to lick your lower lip making you let out a soft moan and allow his tongue to enter your mouth. You can feel how Ghost traces your mouth with his tongue making you moan. Ghost bites your lower lip then laughs softly as you hiss. And he starts kissing your jaw then goes down to your neck giving small bites there and sucking hard. You stroke Ghost's hair and let him play with your neck.
"You know I'm gonna be like you, someday," you tell him in a soft tone.
Ghost chuckle and nodded his head.
"I bet you will."
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You run quickly to avoid the bullets raining down on you. You are separated from your teammates, making you very frustrated. You take cover in an empty house, you hold your knife firmly and listen to the slightest sound around you. You replay the events that separated you from your team, from Ghost.
It's been two weeks since you've been on a mission with Task Force and on the way back your helicopter is shot down in front of your eyes and the enemy starts shooting at you making you take cover first. You grimace softly as you feel the gunshot wound on your leg throbbing with pain again. You try to sit against the wall and find a cloth to bandage your wound. While bandaging your wound you feel someone coming from the left which makes you point your gun at that person.
You breathe a sigh of relief when you find Ghost walking towards you. You can see the concerned look in his eyes. Ghost kneels in front of you and takes over your job of bandaging your gunshot wound.
"I was looking for you." You hear Ghost's strained voice. You try to calm Ghost down by stroking his face softly.
"I'm already here, you found me. And I'm fine, just one gunshot wound that didn't even really hit me," you tell him with a smile on your lips, trying to break up the tension.
You looked at Ghost with a soft gaze. Your hand still gently caresses his cheek. You remember the beginning of your encounter until now, how you spent your nights together, spent your time off together. It's been two years since you got to know each other. And you know how much Ghost loves you.
"You remember I always said I would be like you later?" You ask Ghost with a nostalgic smile.
Ghost nodded and sat beside you. "You're even better than me now," Ghost replies which makes you look at him.
"Really?" You see Ghost nodding again, confirming his previous words.
"Simon, you know I love you, right?" you say using his real name.
Hearing his real name coming out of your lips makes Ghost stare at you. You returned Ghost's gaze adoringly. You've been looking forward to moments like this.
"I think it's time."
Ghost called your name with a confused face. But before he could move to cup your face you had already pulled the gun of a nearby enemy and shot Ghost right in the head. You sigh as the blood hits your face, you slowly clean it off. You stare at the Ghost's dead body and move closer to him. You stare at Ghost's balaclava-covered face. You gently kissed his lips from outside the balaclava.
"Thank you and goodbye, my love."
Eventually you may become like Ghost, but wouldn't it be even better if you could replace Ghost?
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satureja13 · 2 days
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning: -> here)
After Saiwa (happily and refreshed) returned from his Therapy Game, Jack begged to go back to Lou because it did him so good. One of his painful rash spots already vanished, so of course they let him go. When Jack logged in, he found Lou and himself sweating and groaning in Lou's living room/gym. Lou: "When we're done here I'll show you the shop and after work I'll take you to my secret place in the woods. No one will see us there." A secret place in the woods? And no one will see them there - doing what? ö.Ö' Did Jack's NPC version already hook up with Lou?
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It seems Lou was a bit too enthusiastic and overstrained his shoulder. Lou: "Would you mind giving me a massage?" Jack: "Uhm - sure." Lou: "No need to hesitate. Give it to me, I can take it *wink*" Ö.Ö'
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And then Lou gave 'it' back to Jack - to reciprocate. Of course. Another round of loud moans... I wonder what the passers-by think? Ö.ö
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They went down to the bathroom to shower when Jack noticed that the spot on his shoulder was gone too! Lou: "Haven't you noticed it vanished? I've seen it when you undressed. Doesn't it hurt less?" Lou watches him when he's undressing? ö.Ö' Jack can't tell him that it only hurts when he logs out. Jack: "Ah, no. The level of pain is still the same. I hope it will stop once the last spot is gone."
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Lou: "That's really amazing. I've never seen anything like this going better, only worse. We should talk to Greg about this. He knows everything about us wolves." Jack: "Oh I don't think that's necessary. It wasn't that grave." No way he's going to deal with Greg here too!
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It must be early in the morning and after breakfast they went over to Lou's shop. Jack: "Oh! You're making juice?!" Lou: "Haha yes! Since no one here knows I'm a wolf fighter, this is my 'undercover' job ^^. And it runs quite well. I deliver to the Lion's Pride Inn and two other pubs nearby." Jack: "That's amazing!"
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Lou: "I only wish I knew how to make nectar too. I'm getting so many asks. The press was here when I bought the house but I never found out how to use it." Jack: "Well, today's your lucky day. I know how to make a decent nectar :3"
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Lou: "I think my lucky days already started when I met you :3" Aouww! And Jack started to think the same way. He really likes Lou. And everything fits so well! They are both wolves, like a good fight, share the same interests and get along really well. Plus: Lou is handsome, clever, kind and funny. Tiny Can made the perfect partner for Jack. Well, he didn't actually make him since Lou already exists in the real world. But Jack never met the real Lou and doesn't know if his character and interests are the same as NPC Lou's.
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Their work day was over and Lou took Jack to the secret place in the woods. Jack is a bit unsure what to do if Lou hits on him and wants more. Go for it? Maybe this happens so he can finally get over Kiyoshi? Even though Jack broke up with Kiyoshi it seems they are still fated mates. Will his rash get worse again if he 'cheats' on him? On the other hand, this is just a game, so it wouldn't matter, right? And they still have to find out if they can just be fated mates without being a couple and just be 'mates'.
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But Jack's worries were groundless. Lou just took him here to spar ^^' No one will find them out here and so they can change in their wolf and spar unseen.
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They didn't go easy on each other, like on their first fight at the Arena. But they still both had a lot of fun! Werewolves heal quick (except things like Jack's mental wounds or his rash, which has a magical cause) and they didn't hold back.
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And after the fight, Lou hugged Jack again. So does that mean he wants more or is he just a cuddler in general? But all the other hints? The mating wolves statue and the lube in the bathroom...
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Lou and Jack went back to care for the horses and Jack was very happy! And Valerian expressed his love (again) to Lunatic, who (still) hesitates... It's so sweet that they are here together too. Probably a suggestion from the Little Goats Satyrs.
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Lou and Jack didn't cook today, they are both tired and so Lou treated Jack to one of the stands at the market and they chatted about this and that.
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Lou: "Hiding that we are wolf fighters is something I really hate. But Barfolomew insists and somehow I can understand him and it would influence the bets. We wouldn't have a quiet minute here if folks knew about us. But I never would hide my partner. Uhm - for example. That's just not fair."
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Did Tiny Can bump this conversation because Kiyoshi urged Jack to keep their relationship a secret to protect him? Maybe it's time to work on it in the therapy? And Jack can be honest to Lou because he's just a NPC in a game? Jack: "Yes, I wouldn't want that again either, it almost killed me. And I almost killed him..." And then he told Lou a bit about his relationship with Kiyoshi. That he would do things different if he ever had a partner again. Lou agreed and they spun some theories about how one could actually do things different. To talk to each other, to stand up for their own needs, to set borders... It was a very fruitful discussion and Jack liked Lou even more now. Yes, he would do a lot of things different and he's glad that this conversation with Lou brought him a bit out of his helplessness and his fear of having a partner (and tumble down into madness and chaos) again.
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It's already late and it was a long day so they went back home. It's fun to think that he has a home here now. Together with Lou. It seems so surreal (and it is!). Lou: "Hey, you go ahead. I'm grabbing some stuff for breakfast, hm?" Jack was tired after a long and exciting day: "Ok. Thank you, Lou. For the talk and for everything."
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Lou: "You are very welcome here, Jack. I mean it. And I'm glad we met." And then he hugged him again! And again in front of all of the world! (Well, in front of the market place in Goldshire ^^') Kiyoshi would have never done that! Mayor to Martha: "Aouwww look at them! I'm so glad Lou found someone! He was so alone and sad." Martha: "Well their groaning and moaning didn't leave anything in the dark!" Mayor: "Ach, they are still young. I remember when I..." Martha: "Yea, yea, I hear you!" I wonder why the Mayor and the others had been so unfriendly and distanced to Vlad when they are so happy with Jack?
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'I took shelter from a shower And I stepped into your arms On a rainy night in Soho The wind was whistling all its charms
I sang you all my sorrows You told me all your joys Whatever happened to that old song? To all those little girls and boys'
A Rainy Night in Soho - The Pogues (Such a beautiful song. I know the song for over twenty years but I saw the MV for the first time today and I'm so glad I found it. Shows Shane so different from what we know him.)
There is even a version of Nick Cave and Shane McGowan! Aouww
Only one outtake today because they had to be flirty for the massage ^^'
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Oh and these two of Lunatic and Valerian. Lunatic is slowly melting as it seems <3
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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lambergeier · 3 days
oh yeah I GOTTA get commentary on the new good good. let's do... the first part of the poker game. "What the fuck is wrong with you two?" through to "...Miles was forced to find other things to be annoyed about."
yessss let's do this
“So, what the fuck is wrong with you two?” he asks as Kristoph throws his head back and laughs.
okay so when planning out this fic, i knew basically right away what the first three and last two scenes would be (bad :)), and then i knew that in the middle i wanted a scene with trucy and a scene with kristoph. trucy, because it's not a meaningful depiction of phoenix as a character if you're not also looking at his relationship with his daughter, and kristoph because there wasn't fucking ANY krisnix in in better light and that was a criminal act. it was a criminal act that we wrote a whole aa4 au without any tangible krisnix. so, time to fix that!
emma in particular enjoys the interpretation of krisnix that is like, phoenix genuinely liked this guy once. he really didn't want all those crimes to be his. so that's what i went with, and it dovetailed perfectly with the plot need at this point in the story, which is "be ominous af and also call into question phoenix's self-image." thanks kris!
read more lol this bitch got long
Phoenix and Kristoph’s Thursday night poker game (weekly, with allowances for international conference calls and Kaiju attacks) takes place in an unused office high in the Dome, overlooking the catwalks and the Jaegers’ great bowed heads. They show up in their civvies, except when they don’t, and play for the same ten twenty-dollar-bills handed back and forth over the last three and a half years, except when they don’t. Phoenix tenderly nurses a single beer over the course of the night because if he drinks anything more than that Miles will start stumbling into walls. Phoenix hasn’t had a cocktail since he was 26. He hopes dark and stormies miss him as much as he misses them.
phoenix, prevented by his loving and very complicated relationship from becoming an alcoholic in this universe, as miles was prevented from making a sincere effort to kill himself (sad!), will make up for lost time post-fic, mostly by returning to the loving arms of rum cocktails with such intensity that he speed runs alcoholism and ends up sober again within like two and a half years. sorry buddy, non-alcoholic beers be upon ye <3.
phoenix and kristoph don't play for real money because a) not a good way to run a regular two-person poker night, b) they have too much disposable income (all their costs being paid for by the PPDC lol) to make most money below "crazy amounts" super meaningful, c) phoenix is the better card player and would have to work SO much harder if they played no limit/pot limit to make sure he wasn't taking an amount of money from kristoph that would cause kristoph to mail him anthrax. fixed bet is easier all around!
“It’s exactly as we said this afternoon, honored Flight Commander,” Kristoph says, eyes down, cutting the deck with a slick smile. He’s fresh out of the shower, cleaned and pressed and lightly steamed. Phoenix, conversely, smells like a refinery fire. “Klavier experienced a serious heartbreak recently. A temporary hiccup in our drift stability. Nothing to worry about.”
i typed and deleted so many more overtly homosexual descriptors of kristoph in this scene lmao. it was so difficult. like obviously krisnix is real and phoenix wants to chew kristoph's throat (sexually), but i do not believe that phoenix would ever cheat on miles in the situation we have set up here, or even think about it particularly hard, PLUS this is a very short, streamlined fic and we Do Not Have Time For All That.
also like yeah blah blah blah fic about all the things phoenix knows and lies to himself about, the extent of his attraction to kristoph is likely unknown even to him, things he doesn't know or doesn't want to know don't show up in narration because he's In Control blah blah metatextual reason to not have put the gay shit in. but also oh my god the scene was so long already. and they're already SO horny for each other
“Oh, please,” Phoenix says, leaning carefully back in his chair. The aches of the day are beginning to compound—Miles’ quivering hands plus Phoenix’s failing back times a brewing fatigue that could be either of them. “Don’t embarrass yourself. I used to drift with Miles. You think we never dealt with some heightened emotion in the drift?” Kristoph raises a pale eyebrow. He says, “Surely you're not referring to—” Phoenix laughs “Yeah, yeah, c’mon you rat bitch, hit me—” “—The time you conspired to send his adopted father and former commanding officer to die in prison?” “Where I hope he fucking rots,” Phoenix says sweetly and grins. “Deal the cards, Ranger Has-Been.”
one of kristoph's favorite jibes. haha you're actually quite the rage-filled angel of vengeance when you want to be, aren't you, wright? 🤨🏳️‍🌈🔪❓ he doesn't really get tired of it!
Kristoph does so, with the smooth professionalism of a chronic gambler.
not necessarily a trait supported by AJ canon, but i stand by it. i think he's got that shit on a tight leash but he does still, by his word and deed, got it.
Miles dislikes Phoenix’s poker nights for myriad reasons—he thinks it’s wildly inappropriate to gamble with a subordinate; he maintains but has never admitted to a lifelong jealous streak; at the end of the day, he’s just never liked Kristoph that much. That part Miles admits to pretty frequently. But poker nights have withstood it all. For the first few months Phoenix simply swam through Miles’ distaste like a catfish through unhappy, very passive-aggressive waters. When Kristoph failed to set down his cards and propose a rousing twenty minutes of oral sex at any point during their games, Miles was forced to find other things to be annoyed about.
miles: vividly aware that in another life phoenix and kristoph were fucking nightly in a rainbow of dubiously-consensual manners. also miles: completely unable to articulate this without sounding like a lunatic. he knows tho. he knows.
i mean honestly in THIS universe miles has to be quite aware that not only does his partner really look forward to these nights alone with his handsome pilot friend, phoenix is also getting something from this guy (acknowledgement that he's a piece of shit and will continue to be one) that miles absolutely cannot give him in the same way. who wouldn't be resentful! who wouldn't be resentful of having to sit in the back of the theater every night and watch this shit happen! especially if you are having an atrociously bad time with your own life at the same time, continuously!
by word of god (me and emma's fevered IRL conversations), breaking the drift and marrying phoenix does solve all of edgeworth's jealousy problems forever, just so everyone knows. post-in better light phoenix goes to visit kristoph in jail to have intensely erotic discussions about death and culpability, twenty feet apart, no touching, and when phoenix comes home miles is like "so did you fuck him?"
phoenix, frozen in his hobble up the stairs, genuinely unable to tell if what he just did was 'fucking': uhhhhhhhhh
miles with full, complete sincerity, in the absolute true confidence that he and phoenix will die before they break up again: it doesn't matter to me if you did. but you should probably know for your own planning purposes
miles: in case he tries to babytrap you, perhaps
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mykidself · 10 months
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96 Albums I listened to, and was deeply into or deeply impacted by, age 5-18, in (roughly) chronological order. Made with Topsters.
List of artists and album titles behind the cut.
1. The Beatles - With The Beatles
2. Peter Gabriel - Shaking the Tree
3. Various Artists - The Lion King
4. Elton John - Elton John's Greatest Hits
5. Original London Cast - Phantom Of The Opera
6. Hanson - Middle Of Nowhere
7. The Wallflowers - Bringing Down The Horse
8. Smash Mouth - Astro Lounge
9. Sugar Ray - 14:59
10. Third Eye Blind - Third Eye Blind
11. Third Eye Blind - Blue
12. Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want
13. Green Day - Dookie
14. blink-182 - The Mark, Tom And Travis Show
15. Built to Spill - Keep It Like a Secret
16. Our Lady Peace - Clumsy
17. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
18. Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape
19. Nirvana - Nevermind
20. Goo Goo Dolls - Dizzy Up the Girl
21. Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
22. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
23. Papa Roach - Infest
24. Staind - Break the Cycle
25. Alien Ant Farm - Anthology
26. Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler
27. P.O.D. - Satellite
28. System of a Down - Toxicity
29. Howard Shore - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
30. System of a Down - System of a Down
31. Staind - Dysfunction
32. R.E.M. - Automatic for the People
33. Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American
34. Sum 41 - Does This Look Infected?
35. System of a Down - Steal This Album!
36. blink-182 - Take Off Your Pants and Jacket
37. Tool - Lateralus
38. Tool - Ænima
39. Tool - Undertow
40. Deftones - White Pony
41. Evanescence - Fallen
42. 36 Crazyfists - Bitterness the Star
43. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
44. A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms
45. Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
46. dredg - El Cielo
47. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon
48. Pink Floyd - The Wall
49. Radiohead - Kid A
50. Depeche Mode - Violator
51. Opeth - Blackwater Park
52. Opeth - Damnation
53. Opeth - Deliverance
54. The Ataris - So Long, Astoria
55. The Ataris - Blue Skies, Broken Hearts...Next 12 Exits
56. The Ataris - End Is Forever
57. Box Car Racer - Box Car Racer
58. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
59. The Early November - The Room's Too Cold
60. Further Seems Forever - The Moon is Down
61. Finch - What It Is to Burn
62. Thursday - War All The Time
63. Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
64. Staind - 14 Shades of Grey
65. Bright Eyes - Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
66. Bright Eyes - Fevers and Mirrors
67. Elliott Smith - XO
68. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
69. Radiohead - Hail to the Thief
70. Radiohead - The Bends
71. Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
72. Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade
73. Queen - Greatest Hits
74. The Decemberists - Picaresque
75. The Decemberists - Castaways and Cutouts
76. The Decemberists - Her Majesty the Decemberists
77. Jonathan Larson - Rent
78. The Dresden Dolls - The Dresden Dolls
79. Rilo Kiley - More Adventurous
80. AFI - Sing the Sorrow
81. Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch
82. Green Day - American Idiot
83. Jimmy Eat World - Futures
84. System of a Down - Hypnotize
85. System of a Down - Mezmerize
86. The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
87. Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
88. The Beatles - Love
89. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
90. Arcade Fire - Funeral
91. Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
92. Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
93. Radiohead - OK Computer
94. Elliott Smith - Figure 8
95. Elliott Smith - From a Basement on the Hill
96. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
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lilithland · 5 months
ok but like imagine you and your girl best friend are having a sleepover
and you two have always been super close and touchy with each other, you’ve even made out once or twice when you were drunk
it’s not uncommon for you two to share a bed and cuddle with one another, plationically of course
you’re half awake one night, about to fall right back asleep, barely conscious, when you feel a little more spread out than usual, a little more restricted too
you’re chilly and can feel your nipples hardening, you go to curl into a ball, about to seek out the warmth of your best friend but you find that you can’t move anything
you start to wake a little more and realize your tied wide open on your friends bed
“oh baby, shhhhh, go back to sleep”
you feel hazy and find yourself fighting to stay awake, you realize you’re naked and that’s why you’re so cold
your best friend drags a manicured finger down your body causing you to shiver
“you usually don’t wake up during this part, that’s ok, you won’t remember come morning”
you’re confused by her words but her fingers twisting and pinching at your nipples causes you to moan and throw your head back
“does princess need something to keep her quiet while mommy plays?”
you watch as your best friend takes her own panties off and stuffs them in your mouth, you can taste how soaked she was
“if youre a good girl maybe i’ll let you lick my pussy clean when we’re done”
you’ve never had sex with a woman before but your own leaky cunt is clearly thrilled by the idea
your friend starts sucking on your neck while simultanelmously teasing your entrance with her skilled fingers
she pulls away, bringing her fingers to her mouth to taste your girl juice that she collected
“mmmm you always taste so sweet princess”
she drops down and uses her tongue to fuck your drippy messy hole, she uses a thumb to rub figure eights over your clit
you cum embarrassingly fast, too stupid to process anything other than how good your best friend is making you feel
you’re drooling around the panties in your mouth, utterly blissed out, your own cum leaking down your best friends chin
your friend gets up and dissapears for a bit, leaving you a needy, squirmy, whiny mess
she returns with a double headed dildo and a vibrator
“i wonder just how many times we can get you to cum on this cock with me before you pass out and forget everything again babygirl, last week you made it to four but i think you can do at least six tonight”
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
a little prologue before i eventually write the schmeat.
pornstar au!
Simon retired from the adult entertainment industry at 38 years old, but he'd been in it for a decade and a half.
He left his mark, going down in history as one of the greatest of all time in pornography. Simon was a living legend, and his cock was equally legendary which even attracted the attention of famous personalities. In fact, he made sure they signed an airtight NDA just to have the privilege of having his phone number.
It eventually became dull, however, and decided it was time to call it quits. He'd had his fun and now explicitly works behind the scenes with the casting and directing.
Not for the lack of trying on his hires' part though. He cannot recall how many times he's had actors trying to entice him into bending them over the black leather couch or fuck them against the walls of their dressing rooms.
Simon had retired and meant it.
That was, until you.
A fresh face, a rookie in the business but he's completely mesmerized by the video he's watching featuring his protege, Johnny. The scene itself was nothing special, just a dad's best friend script, but you...something about you was extraordinary.
He felt his manhood stir as he watched your lips parting in a silent scream as a climax washed over you, causing your toes to curl and fingers to dig into Johnny's biceps as he split you open on top of a kitchen counter.
Your eyes clenched tightly in bliss; head thrown back in pleasure. You weren't faking it in the least, not that it was ever in question— there was a frothy, milky cream around the base of Johnny's cock, your body twitched with the aftershocks of it, and he's had more than a lifetime's worth of women and men underneath and on top of him to know what a real orgasm looked like.
You looked delectable. His mouth watered as he thought of getting a taste of you— he wanted to eat that pretty pussy of yours like it was to be his last meal, push his thick fingers into your slick hole and make you ride his hand until you hunched over and gushed arousal down his wrist and forearm.
Simon palmed himself roughly outside of his trousers and hissed when Johnny covered your mouth with his as he rubbed your slippery clit under the pad of his thumb until you broke away to let out a choked scream— another peak that Johnny takes as his.
He fucks you through it with a slow undulation of his hips, just like Simon taught him, and only when your limbs are loose, syrupy, does he finally relent and in a few thrusts, he's pulling out and covering your glistening slit with his spend.
Simon grips his phone so hard, it makes a cracking sound. He's had A-list celebrities with unrivaled beauty begging for him to see them again. He's had Aphrodite in his bed and Adonis on his knees.
And yet none compare to the sight of you, skin dewy with saliva and sweat, damp hair sticking to your forehead, and another man's cum dripping out of you.
He's enthralled.
Simon tosses his cell and briskly walks toward his kitchen island, where his laptop sits. In a matter of minutes, he's sent an email to the company you work for and told them to name their price, he'd pay anything to get you in his studio.
They readily agreed, of course. No one denies Simon anything.
Simon runs his tongue over his teeth in anticipation; he's gonna lift you to the very stars.
Ghost is about to make his long-awaited return and only for you.
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berry-potchy · 11 months
Dad's Best Friend!Miguel O'Hara blurb because I'm obsessed
I love the DBF!Miguel O'Hara scenarios that have you sneaking around and fucking while your family is around and unaware BUT consider:
DBF!Miguel O'Hara who offered to let you stay at his place when you moved out for college. You don't have to worry about rent or anything because he'll take care of everything. He'll take care of you.
It all seemed so good and innocent at the start. You even got to have the place to yourself most of the days because of his demanding job. Miguel said you can bring your friends over but no romantic partners or flings allowed. Not that you had anyone in that way when you're so busy yearning for Miguel. You've had a crush on him since forever and every time you tried to get into a relationship or have sex with anyone, anyone your age, your mind always compared them to Miguel. For the longest time you were hopelessly yearning, convinced that he'd never return your feelings until one night.
You were lying in bed trying to catch your breath after fucking your pussy raw with your vibrator thinking about how hot Miguel looked that morning in his nice suit, ready for an important business meeting he had. You were about to fall asleep when you felt the bed dip and suddenly Miguel was pulling you close to him, your back against his chest. Your bare ass still wet from your own slick, flushed against his erection and the only barrier that separated you was the same sexy suit you had been fantasizing about. He was so big, he felt bigger than how you imagined him and your cunt throbbed, seemingly ready to be used and abused again.
He kissed your neck, licking and sucking, marking you as his while murmuring how long he had been wanting to do this. He heard you moaning his name when you thought he was going to come home late and he immediately called in his office to tell them he's taking a sick leave. He's going to spend that time fucking you, on every surface in the house, making up for all those times you teased him in the mornings just walking around in an oversized shirt and no bra. You didn't even wear shorts around him, gave him a show of your cute ass, trying to reach mugs from the high kitchen shelves. He had to go shamefully jerk off in his car just so he didn't have to go to work with a very obvious boner. How'd he explain that to your dad when he inevitably bumped into him in the office? His precious little daughter living under the same roof as this pervert?
Hearing you moan his name while you fucked your slutty cunt was the last straw, all his self restraint went out the window. He took your vibrator from your hand and let it overstimulate your swollen clit but immediately take it away when he feels you almost going over the edge. You whine and beg him to let you cum but he just laughs. He promised you'll cum plenty of times, more than you can handle.
Of course he eats your pretty pussy out and fuck you all night in so many different ways, in positions you never even heard of. Your pussy was swollen and oversensitive, and you're pretty sure your cervix is deliciously bruised. Miguel kisses your pussy as an apology but gets distracted and tongue fucks you and makes you cum again.
You slowed down some time in the morning. Miguel made you breakfast but soon enough you found yourself bent over the kitchen counter getting railed again. You don't know how this man had that much stamina at his age. You were getting close to cumming when you heard your phone ring. Your dad was calling you. You helplessly looked back at Miguel, expecting him to stop so you can pick up the call but he didn't stop and clicked the answer button for you. Your dad happily greets you over the phone wondering how you're doing and you tried to keep your voice steady and told him everything's good and uni was going great. Miguel leaned over, pressing his chest on your back and driving his cock deeper and harder into you. It took everything in you not to cry in pleasure and you wondered if your dad can hear the erotic sounds of Miguel's cock abusing your sopping wet hole and his balls slapping your aching clit.
Your dad told you he heard Miguel was taking a sick leave which he has never done befor. He was convinced that he must be really sick for that workaholic to finally take a break so he asked you to take care of his best friend for him. You told him not to worry because you were taking really good care of him.
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