#and now im like. emotionally compromised about him
katabay · 1 year
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hey. hey so. you know the part of Don Quixote (pt. II, ch. LXV) that goes 'They didn't embrace because where there is love, there is no need for excessive gestures.'
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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percheduphere · 6 months
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I rewatched S1 (in prep for a GIANT meta reviewing S1 and S2 together), and upon second viewing, I greatly appreciate the subtle and gradual progression of trust within Loki and Mobius' friendship. S1E2 is key to this. Tom and Owen's performances are impeccable because the energy between them changes scene by scene alongside the plotpoints.
From Mobius' end, I think I found the exact moment Mobius officially became emotionally compromised when it comes to Loki:
The interaction that caused the final blow: 32:09 - 33:04
"Gentleman's bet? Let's play for pride."
"Let's go let's go let's go!"
"Extinction of the swallow? Is that a thing?"
"Got 'em!"
Racing against time cross-refrencing apocalypses with the presence of Kablooie. Spouting back and forth about their progress. Sassy remarks.
After a rocky start, they are now operating on the same mental wavelength. They're in rhythm. They are having so much fun together. They are smiling and laughing. Any moment in which a best friend is made feels exactly like this.
Not only was Loki right about his Apocalypse Theory, he also finds the exact date and location where Sylvie hides. Mobius is so proud of him! Look at these faces:
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But we don't see how smitten Mobius is until he's with Renslayer in the scene that immediately follows. Sure, Mobius is excited about getting close to catching Sylvie, but he's even more excited about how well he and Loki work together. It's incredibly sweet.
I couldn't find gifs of the exact dialogue I wanted, so I transcribed it like the obsessive fool that I am:
RENSLAYER: And this is all based on a theory from the variant who just blew your previous mission?
MOBIUS: Yeah, he's doing great!
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MOBIUS: Come on. You don't usually see me this worked up, right? I'm exited! Im chomping at the bit!
When he says this, even Ravonna looks happy for him? I'm kind of sad, actually. You can tell in this scene that Ravonna and Mobius truly were close friends, once upon a time.
Then, they go to the locker room before deployment, and what does Mobius do?
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He's so happy he gives Loki his daggers (a symbol of love), likely knicked and saved for who knows how long, hidden from Renslayer because this love is precious and he will not give it up. (@northrnfool you put this so well in another post!)
S1E2 has so much to unpack. Every scene is so layered, yet efficient and economic in effectively in propelling emotion and plot. I can't wait to word vomit on the whole series. Please forgive me.
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elainemg97 · 3 months
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ACOTAR: Gwyn is a Lightsinger Theory
Gwyn’s powers are of beckoning songs that emit joy and light; they literally make her glow. This power causes her to knowingly or unknowingly manipulate people into wanting to make her happy. There’s a lot of phrases like:
* “…didn’t know why she did it…”
* “…didn’t know why she wished to see Gwyn…”
* “…for whatever reason…”
Not only that but Gwyn’s voice is a siren call to people who are lost, not physically lost but emotionally. Gwyn herself is a siren call. Is it ethical? Her powers seem to be as ethical as Rhys and Feyre’s Daemati powers, the difference is that Feysand know how to control these powers, and right now we don’t know if Gwyn knows about her powers. Im sure the truth will come out sooner or later, but I do not think she is evil in any way.
Ps: Gwyn might be being manipulated by Merrill, but thats a whole other post.
PPS: Azriel’s shadows not warning him of Gwyn’s presence in the bonus chapter is bad. His shadows are his alert system, his upper hand on his enemies. If his shadows are compromised, that means that he doesn’t know if there’s any immediate danger.
Credit: @silverlinedeyes
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butchniqabi · 1 year
just read le guin's "vaster than empires and more slow" and was like ugh eyeroll eyeroll because of the ethnic descriptions and some of the language used and then. AND THEN. bro she fucking GOT me she made me cry over a man who i was sooooo sure was just a total dick and now im emotionally compromised over a forest on an alien planet and devastated about the relationship forged between Autistic Man 2.0 and a woman who initially hated him i'm really so. i need to lay down.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
tagged by @wikiangela thank you <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9 askaoksoaskoaks
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
911 and 5sos.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i won't let nobody hurt you (Buck picking up a sick Chris from school) what if one of these days i go and change your name (Buck is wearing Eddie's turnout and Eddie REALLY wants to marry him) for everything we are (everything we’ve been) (aka the trauma fic, buddie talking it all out) in case you don't live forever (buddie trapped in a collapsed building) this surprise ending i’m depending on (could be the story of another us) (Eddie pinning for 3k words)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. But it usually takes me a minute because I'm a very awkward human and it's worse when it's about something I made, so I need to think answers through.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
this surprise ending i’m depending on (could be the story of another us) she doesn't have a happy ending at all, it's just unrequited love, Buck is dating and Eddie has feelings about it. I wrote it trying to process my own feelings about the cemetery, it has no dialogue, it's quite angsty I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably what if one of these days i go and change your name but I'm bad at doing happy stuff oskaoskoaksoaksas
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do not. I mean, I don't publish it, there's a wip that I kinda needed the context around the sex and I tried my hand on it, but I don't think that's ever seeing the light of day.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably not, I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
my brain said percabeth so im gonna go with that aoskoaskasok but buddie and stydia are up there too.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the Buck gets struck by lightning but Eddie is still working dispatch fic. I love that concept but I can't make my vision work.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotionally heavy angst oskaoksaskoas I think I'm really good at digging in where it hurts and making you feel the emotional tension around a situation
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I overuse the name of the characters sometimes, and I recently caught the same sentence in a similar context in like, 4 of my fics and I was like, not happy about it oaskoaksoakss and I don't write linearly, so that usually bites me in the ass later when I'm trying to connect the dots, because usually when I have an idea I have no idea where it starts, I just type things out and pray for the best, sometimes I need to compromise on stuff I wish I didn't or extend the context to make it better, but it's not always that I can make the context work, so that's a problem that leaves me editing a fic a bit too much. Oh, I'm also terrible at writing a relationship once it's established. No matter the couple, they get together I blank, the turnout fic is legitimately a miracle sokasokoskaosk
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, right now I think it's awkward, at least for me in my own writing, I tried to make Eddie speak some Spanish and I was cringing the whole way through. I do have a Brazilian oc in a wip that's never gonna see the light of that and she speaks some Portuguese but that's because I had to over the plot.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the 100 I think, it might've been a stranger thing fic no one ever read, but I wrote it in a notebook and I don't remember when I did it, I didn't even remember writing it until I found it a few months ago, so I don't really know if it was before or after the 100 ones.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
it's between the trauma fic and the soau fic. The trauma fic just because of the way I really tried to make it as close to the show as possible and I'm really proud of the way I did that and the feedback I got on it is really insane, and she's just my baby. And the soau fic even if she doesn't have a happy ending, I really like the way I did the whole no dialogue thing, before writing that I would never say I could just write a fic that's all around the feelings in a situation, and I really like what I did there.
I don't know who's been tagged but I'm gonna tag my usual crowd, no pressure: @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @try-set-me-on-fire @cowboy-buck @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @captain-hen
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xamaxenta · 1 year
im prolly abusing the ask feature sdjfkgh but Ace having Marco backstage for one of his shows to help him cause Ace was faring a little worse than usual that week and wanted Marco's help between photoshoots.
This is Marco's first time seeing Ace in action and no wonder he's always complaining about how tired and sore he is, Ace absolutely goes for it and the DP is in love with him. Marco feels so warm inside watching him because despite how miserable he may seem from an outsider's perspective, seeing Ace up there, he looks like he's having the time of his life and it's so wonderful to see him so happy.
After the shoot is over he can't find Ace. He's not too worried but he was thinking of treating Ace to coffee (completely platonic in his eyes, he just wants to congratulate Ace on a great session) and eventually he just grabs his bag and starts to head out and as he walks to the backdoor is about to walk out, he hears hushed hisses and whispers and immediately he knows it sounds off. He heads down the hallway closer to the noises and turns the corner and there's a producer with his hands on Ace's wrists and Ace is pushed against a wall and he's shaking and panicky and the producer and Marco are frozen staring at each other and Marco immediately and instantly Knows
You’re not abusing anything, the ask/submissions box is open for all, whether or not tumblr eats it or not is… another thing entirely
I love all of this, you genuinely saved me mentally anon, bc i wasnt bueno for the past hour or two but I read this like five times its embarrassing but it was a good distraction and grounded me emotionally so for that thank you sincerely
Super mushy uwuwing over the concept of Marco coming to one of Ace’s shoots, gets to see him with a full face of makeup not that he needs much in his personal opinion however he doesnt know much abt that to begin with so any amount done on Ace by a professional would look amazing anyway to him
And the way Marco knows Ace is probably hurting standing and cycling through all the poses the director wants from him, he does so with grace and confidence without a shred of discomfort, until the camera shutter stops clicking then he can pull a face when no one is looking and Marco can check on him 🥺
Going absolutely feral over the second part though, where Marco just wants to grab some coffee for them, someone tipped him off that Ace was soft for mochas and had decided to treat him to one but when he cant find Ace figures he can do so next time Ace comes for his check up in a few days time, maybe shoot a message to check on him if he doesnt see him on the way out
And then your scenario above and Ace isnt small or weak, Marco knows all about the rigorous training models of his weight category goes through, he lets Ace vent about it during their physio sessions (❤️) but with a leg injury weakened by several hours of standing and posing on it, hadnt done him many favours and the fucking producer had used that weakness against Ace to pin him, took advantage of his shock and bad leg to take the upper hand
And . I wanna know what you think happens next anon, i think it would be way better than whatever i could come up with right now bc head empty a little compromised aha
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
really its because of you that ive become sort of. not obssesed but like whenever i watch the show i just. keep looking at the costumes! trying to look for the patterns in your theories and its become one of my favorite parts of this hahahah anyway, the point is i was reading some of your check theory posts earlier today and now i started rewatching animal instincts (mind you i havent read your costume meta for that ep, i shoumd have done my homework!) and it was just really interesting to see it play out perfectly! specially in the scenes with buck + connor and cameron. like, in the dinner scene buck (buck's in black, i already read that disscusion) but also connor was in check! and cameron's shirt had like a big floral pattern and all i could think about was how that was sort of a reflection on what they would bring to buck after that scene! (which also like, reinforces the idea that the sperm donor thing is a Bad Idea), then connor wearing check to buck's loft later, aaaand my favorite, which i actually spotted during my first watch, was the stripes haha (i also think like half my dash was people going insane over that last monday), and the fact that buck wasnt the only one wearing the stripes, but i dont remember exactly what was the difference between vertical and horizontal stripes rn hahaha because ofc buck saying yes to the donation is supposed to be this big life change for connor and his wife, but i dont know what it all means! im just here chilling and spotting the patterns. idk, your costume theory is stuck on loop in my head and i cannot stop thinking about it!
(and im not even gonna get into the slutty black tanktop of it all and chris's new patterned pjs! thats a job for the professionals)
how did i do? did i get the assignment right? hahahaha anyway thank you for helping me and all of us actually to appreciate the art and thought that goes into costume design, its really interesting to me and i wouldnt have started to learn more about it if it werent for you 💛 have a great weekend and see you next monday!!
jj / babygirldiazz
JJ/ babygirldiazz
I'm so sorry its taken me an age to reply to this! real life got a bit crazy for the last 10 days or so - fighting literal and metaphorical floods and fires at work so I just haven't had the brain power to go through my inbox properly until now!
I adore that you are having fun playing spot the patterns and see if they fit the theory. I hope you're now read the Animal instincts costume meta and that you enjoyed it. you're pretty spot on with your analysis of everything and the thing with stripes is that my theory is about the horizontal ones we see on lots of characters - which Conor was the one wearing in that scene.
The vertical stripes is a specific Buck thing, and they tend to accompany him being emotionally compromised (and invariably ending up making a less than stellar choice). This is really interesting and I've only just fully put two and two together on this (so JJ you get all the praise and gratitude for allowing me to spiral and go on a little Buck costume trawl) but the shooting is the first time we see Buck in vertical stripes.
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And thats big - really big - because that is the moment Buck becomes emotionally compromised in a way that he hasn't been able to come back from. Everything that has been and is going on with buck stems back to the shooting. The shooting lead to a host of other choices that were less than ideal - things that he wouldn't have done, choices he wouldn't have made, if the shooting haddn't happened - letting Taylor into his life, saying ILY to her, moving her into his apartment, etc etc etc. all stem from the shooting and all are times when Buck is wearing stripes.
The ones from Let the games begin fit into this pattern - the zip front denim shirt and then the cream shirt both tie into Bucks reluctance to get a new couch - and the questioning of who he is and what he wants - the fact that he's essentially in stasis - and hasn't fully moved on with his life - leading to him trying out self help books etc as a way of figuring out what he wants from life - this is a trauma response in so many ways and those shirts are our sign - a theme the costume designers are using to tell us, the audience, that Buck isn't doing great - that he is mentally unwell and it's why these vertical striped shirts are becoming more frequent in their appearance - because he's not getting better - he's getting worse - spiralling more.
Thats why I've only just been able to really get my head around their use on Buck in the last couple of episodes - it can sometimes take a little while to figure out what a designer is trying to say with patterns and styles, and this is no exception. I fully expect us to be seeing more Buck in vertical stripes going forward until he either fully breaks down, or until he is able to start healing properly - and I'm pretty confident we won't see him stop wearing them until the shooting has been talked about by Buck and Eddie. Its sitting there hanging over them and this show is all the levels of insane and clever for the way they are using all the tools at their disposal to provide clues and information for those of us who want to spend the time looking.
Just going to sit here and feel even more feral about the shooting of it all than I already was!
I hope you have an amazing week JJ and feel free to pop into my inbox whenever you like - you've made my day!
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ssreeder · 2 years
(this one is possibly my longest comment ever so uhh good luck)
no fr I saw the update I was like fucking FINALLY I’m getting some good enrichment in my enclosure how do you always have perfect timing???
and just like.. 30k?? IS IT MY BIRTHDAY ALREADY WTF you’re honestly insane ilysm
fuck you I don’t love you “zuko didn’t return that night” looking ass >:(
okay ik this is a sad emotional scene but the spirits not giving a fuck about sokka is like so ironic lmao bc in the show they never leave him alone even tho he tries to avoid them at all costs T-T
bruh not sokka thinking hakoda is annoying for breathing- he’s finally experiencing a normal teenager experience :’)
oh nooooo sokka if you tell hakoda you’re in love with zuko and hakoda reacts badly fuuuuuuck
hakoda said toxic masculinity get rekt that’s so girlboss of him
idk how you intended this to be read but I’m picturing hakoda saying “no.. not the watch tower” like this:
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but also not hakoda doing reconnaissance on zukka-
yes sokka when it’s a question of how information gets spread the answer is always fucking reho (and I love him for that how else is anyone supposed to get anything done with everyone else being too emotionally constipated to talk to each other)
I cannot express to you how fucking frustrated I am by the communication being compromised bc of the fucking dai li bc ykw??? it’s such an incredible plot point by you since it is 100% in character for the dai li to interrupt messages bUT I HATE IT SO MUCH I’m literally going to have the time of my life when Somebody finally gets a clue about what’s going on
lmao katara something really did happen after you left but lucky for you it was a good thing!! and a bad thing bc everything always goes to shit but oh wellllll
katara you moron why did you tell them you’re leaving T-T
uh yeah no I can promise you jet is anything BUT bored jet is scheming jet is raging jet is challenging firebenders to duals he can’t win JET IS MAKING FRIENDS (well one friend and he doesn’t want to admit they’re friends but reho still counts)
oh fuck. jet you’ve really done it now.
oh hakoda I love how smart you are we really need a good tactician and here you are saving the day <3
also quon is a fuckinf asshole I hope he gets decked at some point xx (but it’s kinda a slay too that he just has so much audacity like it’s honestly lowkey impressive ngl)
yes bato act dumb and pretty we fully support lying and trickery in this household
also I’m placing my bets on zuko returning at the most inconvenient time in the most dramatic way possible fyi (and I’m going to eat it up bc I live for dramatic zuko)
uh yeah jet bby you’re definitely ashamed of what you did hate to break it to you HOWEVER I really do get why jet did do what he did bc he’s traumatised and also a teenager and so he was never going to think maturely and rationally (which like yes obvi that means he caused the problem BUT ALSO it’s not his fault he’s problematic) I just really need him to get some therapy dude
OKAY can I just say I love you showing toph as being affectionate outside of playful physical aggression?? it’s been ages since I’ve read a fic where toph has shown some form of affection that hasn’t been a punch in the arm! and I feel like that’s so important bc in the show most of the female characters are insanely talented in the art of combat and so often they then get reduce to Just being aggressive (like toph) or being overly emotional (like katara which is super ironic considering the ember island players tragic performance and how that was supposed to actively argue against katara being so one dimensional) WHEN REALLY they ARE BOTH tough and have feelings bc they’re literally human beings
yeah I have many opinions oops
I FEEL SO VINDICATED I LOVE YOU KATARA AND YOUR BIG SMART BRAIN she’s such a good actor my heart is squeezing in satisfaction oh lordy
shit. appa. fuck. goddamnit. REALLY?
omg this is so not gonna happen but imagine if zuko turned up in ba sing se and then all communication Issues are solved and he can help find appa like in the show :D
well not all communication issues but a fuck ton of them
YES RASU he’s such an icon I actually love him with my whole entire heart my flirty baby boy
lmao zuko had a crush on rasu
shit. idk why but it’s so jarring to have be explicitly said that zukos death (even tho it’s fake news) is a casualty of war. like OBVIOUSLY but to have it put so bluntly is like damn. it’s like as a casualty of war, it matters fuck all that he was a prince or why he was hunting the avatar and everything that made (makes) him integral to the war effort bc in reality he really just is another kid who died in the war. and then THAT just makes you think, yeah he’s not all that special because the horrific reality is that so many people were casualties of the war and while they’re anonymous numbers on a large scale, in life they Mattered and now it’s all for naught. jesus crispy sreedie you’ve really got me grieving
sokkaaaa now is not the time to be bad at readying facial cues T-T
aang has so much more emotional maturity than people give him credit for fr. like there’s no way in hell I would’ve been able to regulate my emotions half as well as aang when I was 12 even WITHOUT factoring in the genocide of his nation
also he’s so fucking wise “evil people don’t only belong to one nation, they are everywhere” LIKE PREACH they really fucking are war provides a platform for the worst people to shine
real talk if shen dies I’m gonna be devastated
ohoho nice like fic name drop right here
omg not zuko popping up at the MOST convenient time in the least dramatic way possible??? shocked but also not surprised bc it’s making perfect sense narrative wise
wheezing at zuko being consistently unpredictable bc ykw the only reason nobody can figure out what he’s planning is bc my boy simply does not have one!! ever!! and it’s legend behaviour actually I think it might be the reason he’s my fav character
okay okay okay at least sokka and zuko have bato with them for child wrangling purposes bc they need an adult. but oh no hakoda is aloooone
zuko you dumbass motherfucker did you just SURRENDER YOURSELF
ykw I take back what I said about him never having a plan being my fav thing about him I have come to my senses and have reconsidered.
ZUKKA KISS??? it’s tragic.
it’s so fucked up that ara and sokka are gonna become friends again bc their bfs got taken hostage but I’m here for it
okay so obviously appa is under lake lagoli right
and yes I’m very relieved that shen and zuko are together at least BC NOW WE CAN GET SOME MORE QUALITY BANTER AND THATS ENOUGH COMPENSATION FOR THE TRAUMA RIGHT
reunion soon :3
anyways why did I think this would actually end okay with zukka and bato off frolicking to ba sing se?? how am I that delusional?? it’s like I don’t know you
leekie <3
OH MY GOSH, if you keep flirting with me we might just have to tear up our divorce papers and move in together.
Hahah Hakoda’s reaction to the watchtower is exactly how I envisioned it. Sarcastic & pretend shock lol.
Katara’s honesty is finally catching up with her, getting her in trouble with the Dai Li that is. But she is a strong girl and she can hold her own, I know she’ll be ok!
Ok I love that you brought up toph because sometimes I feel like fics make her out to be a lie detecting, punching, sarcastic person and just leave it at that. But she is so much more than that, all the female characters are! I hope I can do them justice.
Zuko does have a plan!!! “Don’t let Sokka get hurt” - that’s it, that’s the plan. Haha.
I hope Shen doesn’t die… but also, I can’t make any promises.
SUKI IS ON THE WAY TO HELP SOKKA!!! & azula is on the way to bomb him lol.
Im sure it’ll be fine, I love you! You’re amazing. But I also hate you because we are divorced and GRRRRRRR, but secretly we’re still hooking up and it pretty obvious but shhhh don’t tell anyone. ;)
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the-nerdler · 1 year
I wrote my resignation letter or at least the script of what I'm going to say to my boss when I quit. I just can't do anything until I get something else lined up. I've honestly been in the long process of a drawn out break down and I've finally hit the meltdown point. I've been crying like every other day for almost a month now. I've been so just totally drained. And now,I got totally steam rolled by my boss and manager. They pulled me into the conference room this evening for a "conversation" ad I just got accused and steam rolled for the entirety of the convo. I tried to bring up a few of my complaints, and I was met with a lot of "that's just how the heirarchy is" or "I'm sorry you took it that way but I didn't mean it like that, this is just how I talk to everyone. You know how I am." "I'm sorry you took my constructive criticism that way" just completely dismissing me, not hearing me, and making excuses. And it didn't help that I was crying the whole time bc I'm so emotionally and just everything exhausted and I'm a cry baby naturally. Out loud I said "okay." But inside I said "okay I'm quitting this job." My boss is a fantastic mentor and instructor but in his current state of stress and paranoia he is an awful boss. I felt very overlooked, under appreciated, like my time and my boundaries meant nothing. They hired me and pay me a salaried not hourly wage in order to take advantage of my labor. And I'm not even paid enough to sustain myself and they can't pay me more bc the school isn't doing better. They also essentially indicated or at least it felt like they indicated to me that they were fully ready to replace me with this new girl they've hired. Boss told me "she's a 2nd degree black belt so she can help take on instructing and when I asked her if she has anxiety around making phone calls, she said she has no problem at all." And like I'm not a 2nd degree black belt. I've only been training almost a year. I have phone anxiety it's something I've had since I was a child. They think that she can be who they need me to be. Boss looked me in the eye and told me I needed to step up and I said back to him I've tried in the past and currently to take on more responsibility and get told that I'm doing it wrong. They don't take the time to teach me certain things that I should know how to do and already be handling and then get frustrated when I don't know how to do the thing but bcwere now in a time crunch, there isn't any time to teach me. I've had to change and compromise some very vital aspects about myself to meet the demands of this job and I'm just not that kind of person. I cant function in this hustle culture, boomer pull yourself up by your bootstraps bull shit. Im just not that kind of person. And I just can't do this any more. I'm in full on late stage burnout. It's bad. I'm crying and sick what feels like constantly. I haven't felt this awful in years and if I don't make a change right now, I will fully shut down. And so I'm making a change, I'm looking for a new job, im considering other options. I'm getting the fuck out before I fall apart completely because right now I'm barely keeping all the pieces together and moving.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
brain is melting right now but like, what do you think of the fact that dior probably never knew that elwing survived
:feeding the brain ice cube by cube slowly while fanning you with those huge palm leaves:
ahahahah wow i never thought about that thank you love i wanna fucking scream now? you know im more focused on finweans in general but wow this is another way the professor likes to fuck us up i stg is there even one happy end story there? i adore the texts and i understand all the fucking nuance and hope and all that shit i get it i stg, and i appreciate it, i really do, and i dont appreciate empty happy ends, but sometimes the amount of tragedy thats packed into silm is like. okay bear with me, so, basically its like very reflective of real life. the amount of tragic stories ive heard over just the past 5 days, being here at the countryside and talking to bffs parents' friends and relatives is. overwhelming if i allow myself to think about it in depth. and yet in spite of that people just. go on and live and laugh and remember and dont ruminate endlessly. and time is so precious, and it just makes me think on how it would be if we had infinite time. I write about that a lot, immortality and the amount of grief infinite time brings and the way those feelings are processed or not processed (bcs of all of my life in the past year and a half mostly), how theyre dulled and maybe covered by the patina of time and distance and it just makes me want to cry sometimes?
i. i am emotionally compromised about father-daughter stories of loss. so i wrote all this so that i didnt have to think about how a father would feel knowing his daughter was lost to him. sorry. i just cant, not at the moment.
i love you ad infinitum tho <3
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vanmccannonlyfans · 2 years
Yeah I kinda wish Sardy would either keep quiet or say directly what the situation is with Van and why he keeps posting about him. I find the weird little hints annoying, especially knowing how desperate the fans are for information.
me too! all of the people who are taking advantage of this situation and leading on emotionally compromised fans for their own gain should be ashamed of themselves! that sounds harsh but i really do not like seeing people get their hopes up just to be disappointed again and it’s gross to try to capitalize off a situation like this. the “hints” don’t tell us anything we don’t already know. im sure the picture sardy posted was just a throwback but why post it now, of all times? 🤔
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tybysis · 11 months
The following is an explanation on the difference between platonic + romantic attraction as I explained to Josh, my S/O, over discord. lol. Figured I should write it down for the record. Copied unedited, with the emotes written in plain text cause im not learning how to insert them into tumblr.
I have also been thinking a lot about platonic vs romantic. Because for me, it has always just been "this is someone I want to spend my life with" and definitive.
Okay, romantic vs platonic thinking
For me, platonic and romantic are also similar, but it's also things that I would be willing to do for some person that I wouldn't be able to do for others
for my purpose, I'm splitting the people we know into catagories. EXL and Curse in one, Aza in another, and you and Kitty in the last one.
For my close friends, I think of them more like close family. That's Aza's catagory.
So, for example, (and I am being EXTREMELY lenient putting EXL and Curse in the same catagory, for the record. Technically EXL deserves better than that, but I wanted to clearly differentiate them from Aza)
Curse and EXL are not people I would care if I never met them IRL. I don't have a particular need or want for them to be closeby, and I definitely would be iffy about living with them. Both from a trust standpoint and I don't really know them well or have an interest in getting to know them more.
Reaching out to them takes considerable effort and it has to occur to me - I had to stop and go out of my way to remember to play a game with EXL, and when it does occur to me, I do it and think of it as a sort of... olive branch?
it would be nice if it happened, but I wouldn't be disappointed if it fell through or if EXL ended up being busy.
If EXL didn't message me, I wouldn't really think about it too much or wonder about if he was busy or if he didn't like me, I would just kind of be like "oh well" and move on, it wouldn't effect me emotionally.
If they never visited, I wouldn't be sad about it, and it's cool with me to just kind of play a game with EXL once a month and maybe not hear his voice in vc, but know that I like him and we're friends.
I wouldn't mind spending time with EXL and I know that it makes me happy when I do, I just wouldn't chase it if it ran. Sort of like petting or feeding an animal that doesn't belong to you. If it decides it doesn't want pets or doesn't want to come close to you, that's okay. It's just living its life. Vibes.
Aza is different from that.
I love Aza, and I actively reach out to her to check in on her if she crosses my mind - and she does. Often. I want to hang out with Aza. I would make a lot of compromises to make it happen, even if it were to inconvenience me, because I want Aza around.
I want her closeby and if she were to live with me, I know it would make me happier, because I trust her.
She has habits that annoy me, but I am willing to work around them in ways that I wouldn't be for EXL or Curse, because being around Aza is worth that compromise. I know that I can communicate with her and have worked to make sure we are both clear with each other. I know there are things that I can talk about with Aza that I might not be able to talk about with anyone else, because there is a level of trust and love there.
However, while it would make me sad, if Aza decided to not be friends with me anymore, I could weather it. It would suck, for sure, and I would be upset for a while, but I know that if she decided it was what she wanted, regardless of reasoning, I could recover.
I also could see us getting distant over time, if we stayed away from each other, sort of like how me and Edman ended up. But, if we were able to meet back up after that, Im sure that we would catch up and our friendship would continue the same way it had been.
And while I wouldn't like it to happen, I can see Aza and I naturally getting distant over time because that just happens sometimes. I am putting in the work now so that it doesn't, but it is a mutual putting in of work, and if circumstances were to arise - like another world pandemic - I can see it.
I also have never thought of dating Aza. I've never thought about cuddling up to her. I've never thought of kissing her.
like, I know that we could be in a group cuddle, or we could both cuddle Kitty, and it doesn't bother me and it would be nice, but I don't actively be like "oh wow, cuddling Aza, hell yeah"
this is also me being minecraft cat like though
I chose Aza for this example because she is also AFAB and as we discussed like, I probably have AMAB trauma. I thought a lot about cuddling Gabe in high school but it terrified me. Though, I guess cuddling Carlee also terrified me.
lastly, when it comes to supporting Aza, I would, of course, send money if she needed it, but I would look at my budget first. I also would ask Aza for money in a way that I wouldn't ask Curse or EXL.
not just cause they don't have it, but because it's a level of trust sort of thing.
I buy gifts for Aza on her birthday maybe.
but it isn't a priority. I do it because Kitty does it and it reminds me to. I know when Aza's birthday is because it's on the calendar and I checked in advance and know of things that happen AROUND that date so I can remember - a la the Barbie movie.
But I will get her, EXL, and Curse christmas gifts.
I actually will put Iwa in the Aza or EXL catagory. They're kinda in the middle becasue I consider them actual, like, real family. So I didn't think to include them. That's my little cousin asdkjfhajlkdhsaljdfh
Last catagory is you and Kitty.
These are the two closest people to me, the people I love the most. Easy.
The differentiation here is kind of simple in my brain, but what I can describe it as is that ya'll are priority one. Mom is also priority one, but it is different.
For ya'll, my needs are sort of instinctually secondary. My priorities are your happiness and such.
When it comes to gift giving, my brain is automatic. If Kitty wants something, I have to actively decide not to get it. If you want something, I have to actively tell you to remember to budget because we have bills
But even when it goes against budget, I will get you or Kitty something. I put self perimeters on it, because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to support you guys, but like... that's why even when I don't have money, if you ask enough, I'll pay for us to get food. If the bills are paid, I will buy Kitty a plushie. That's kind of why I went a bit crazy when I got this job - my budget was insane suddenly. I spent like $600 on Kitty and you in the first two months of having it.
I don't regret it, but it did make me have to be stricter with myself lmao
I actively go out of my way to support you both. I decided I would support Kitty and that she would live here and started working toward it immediately. When I knew you needed somewhere to go, I started working on it too. Usually these plans are just long term and mom is the one who was like "how about he come here!" which is insane but asjdlfhaskdjfh
I don't waver in my resolution. I don't care about the obstacles. I will compromise and move mountains if it means that you and Kitty are supported.
It's sort of different for you, I think, because I worry that you need to learn how to take care of yourself - I don't as readily support you because I need to know that you can support yourself? Cause you never really were in a position where you had to, where Kitty has been fighting for her life like, her whole life lol.
In that same vein, when I love someone, my brain is filled to the brim with details.
I can just recall dates for them, the names of people in their past, events, things that happen around them, pets, etc
Their favorite things, the people who have hurt them, information about the things they create
I know that Kitty's birthday is August 11th, I know that yours is November 26th.
I also know that Khiva's birthday is Markiplier's and that Kitty's birthday is hers and Kadan's is the 8th and Richard's is the 13th of February
I am full of tidbits and knowledge about things that I wouldn't be if it were not important to Kitty or you.
If there are too many hours where Kitty doesn't message me I start getting worried. I tried to check in on her while she was next to me because the instinct to check discord for her messages is innate.
this doesn't happen to me with you because you will just walk into my house
I trust you and Kitty to take care of me. I know that it might not seem like a lot, and that it may seem extremely troublesome that I ask you to get things for me from the kitchen and living room and stuff, but the reason I can and do do that is because I trust you to. I am someone who before you, didn't let anyone take care of me. Not even mom, really, though she did. I didn't trust that anyone would want to, and if they did, I didn't trust that they'd do it right. I am not someone who is vulnerable often. I was, outwardly, for a long time, like an action hero. One tear allowed for all situations. I never let myself be soft or gentle. Now I'm like that all the time because I trust that you and Kitty won't hurt me.
And if you remember, sometimes that meant that when I couldn't move and got stuck, I just didn't eat.
I just didn't move
so trusting that you will go get things for me or help me up was a big step for me and still is a pretty big deal to me.
I also can tell at a glance if you'd like something, or if Kitty would, and if I can afford it, I just get it. I just send money. Because that's what Kitty deserves. You have your own money and need to buy things for yourself cause you won't! Askdfasdfljahds
idk if this is still making sense.
Now, when it comes to romantic feelings, I think that maybe the difference could be, like... willingness to do things?
I dunno if it is just because Kitty is not here all the time or if it is just that you're a bottom and I'm sure I can talk you out of things, but I think if Kitty was like "I really want to go to the movies" I would make plans to do so. I think maybe our issue is that you always do this thing where you're like TODAY I want to do this, and sometimes it really throws me off.
Like if you told me you wanted to see the Barbie movie I would look into the showings and plan a time for me to do it, rather than the days you walk in like "There's a movie in 2 hours and we should go"
however, I also…
I don't think there is an amount of cuddling that would overwhelm me with Kitty. That is largely because I know that if I were to give her affection and then stop when I felt like I was starting to get overwhelmed, she wouldn't complain (though she'd maybe pout about it) where as no amount of affection I give seems to be enough for you.
There's a lot of pressure for me to be affectionate with you that simply isn't there for Kitty.
Not just because of the nature of our relationships, but because that's how you like, are.
my No is never a no for you and I know that it is an immediate no the first time for Kitty and Aza.
In which case over time it makes me instinctively try to distance because like... it's uncomfortable.
There are things I would sacrifice and compromise for in order to keep you and Kitty close. One of which, of course, is Curse. When in other circumstances I would treat Curse the way I treat the Hoarder.
I also would not marry EXL, Aza, or Curse.
it would not occur to me.
As time goes on people like slide back and forth on this relationship scale, and I notice because of my willingness to talk to them as well as compromise, buy them things, provide for them, learn more about them etc.
And I want them closeby.
anyway hope this helps™️
oh, also, like, intimacy is a weird sort of scale for me bc as someone who has had a FWB before, romantic attraction is not inherently necessary for sexual attraction. I am, however, demi adjfhalksdjhfa
all of my FWBs have been long time friends first.
but Aza is not on that level with me and it would not occur to me, the thought of doing that with Curse makes me want to invert / scream until i puke blood.
But like, small smooches + intimacy w/ you or kitty would be okay. vibes man
anyway that's how I differentiate it
as a small fun aside, I only was intimate with Rhys because they were there both times. I wouldn't have made a move on them on my own because while I trusted them, and while I'd probably thought about it once or something, they were always in the Aza catagory. Does that mean that if you or Kitty asked I'd have a threesome with someone in that catagory? Probably. Or even a stranger or someone I hated. It doesn't bother me because I am competitive.
I am just this way.
[recording ends]
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milflewis · 2 years
what i like the most is the half sentences you write in your valewises but like wait theres that one in my sewis comfort fic
Sometimes, Sebastian’s naked honesty about everything he’s feeling gets too much for Lewis, especially when it’s for him. Seb has always thrown his secrets about, daring anyone to use them against him.
Seb’s smile lights up his whole face, clumsy and big and just for Lewis. Lewis doesn’t look away.
those are my faves from that fic im too lazy to go tear my heart in the docs and i aint touching pacific rim au whrn im this emotionally compromised kk love you byeeeee
listen i just want lewis to be praised ok. and openly n loudly loved. but he sometimes has somewhat of a journey accepting that. (also now i want to know what your favourite lines from my valewis fics are 👀👀)
anonymously or not send an ask with one line from something I’ve written that really stood out to you or lingered with you
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ripplestitchskein · 2 years
i have been following your posts and your tags are hysterical. do you think kacchan and izuku will are endgame?
Aww thank you Nonnie! Glad you are enjoying them! I was severely emotionally compromised writing them and humor is how I cope with trauma!!
As to your question I don’t usually like to answer those types of thing because they seem like baity or like they’ll invite trolls and from what I’ve seen in the main tags sheesh it’s a war zone out there for Bakugou fans. I also don’t know if you’ll like my answer? Like “endgame” isn’t a term I really enjoy using, it seems weird to like turn shipping into a sporting event with winners and losers? Like if you enjoy a character and want to mentally see them hold hands with other characters and like go feral when anything happens to them than go for it! Everything is endgame in your imagination! Even characters that have never met in canon or are straight up dead can mentally live long and happy lives together.
I’m usually drawn to ships of opposing yet complementary characteristics, Im very much a “these two characters make each other better” kinda shipper and I primarily engage with media through a shipping lens. I always have, like if a show doesn’t have a ship for me to be invested in I’m not interested, it’s just how I’m built. I’m also cool with multi shipping, like with BK I kinda ship him with anyone he has interacted with in a slightly positive way. I just think he’s a neat little gremlin boy. Like I lean harder into BKDK because it’s so complex and there’s so much growth required to get to a point where it would be healthy and happy relationship and also see aforementioned feralness factor, but my favorite characters are always ones that require an epic shit ton of growth because THAT is what makes a story interesting for me. I don’t want sweet and fluffy perfect characters I want them both to go through some shit and earn that happy ending goddamnit. But it better be happy or ILL BURN THIS SHIT TO THE GROUND.
That said….after reading through the entirety of the text and like knowing a bit more about the genre and the culture behind it and the writer now I’m gonna have to say….no. I don’t think you’re going to get any satisfaction on that front in canon. I’m sorry if that upsets you but it’s a very “straights only if any” kinda deal and they kinda have a character whose entire purpose in the narrative seems to just be Love Interest and literally nothing else so I’m sorry that I don’t see it. I dunno if that’s what you were looking for.
I WISH we lived in a world where it was just as likely for a queer ship to be “endgame” but it’s just not and while I feel like if there was a ship that SHOULD be based on development and canon events it would be BKDK (or Kiribaku..or TodoBaku. Fuck.) I just don’t see it happening 🤷‍♀️
That said, don’t let it discourage you from shipping the fuck out of it anyway if you do!! That’s what fanfic and fanart is for!
Thanks for the ask! Sorry about the on brand rambling.
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enderspawn · 3 years
"you cant take a characters words at face value, especially when they are in emotionally compromising situations!" yes, i agree! but that doesnt mean they are inherently always lying either. you have to then look at their other words and, more importantly, their other actions so find the truth.
for example: when s1 wilbur says that he doesn't care about lmanberg or the people inside it and wants to blow it up, we know he's lying. he later shows that he, actually, doesnt want anyone hurt ("if you're going to kill anyone, kill me") and still cares a lot about the people stuck inside (like niki, who he left frequent gifts for when he could and was a massive contribution to slowing his spiral). likewise, when speaking with phil in the button room (where i feel he has little reason to lie anymore) he even admits hes come here "7 or 8 times before" and never went through with it. he's cautious and conflicted, which conflicts with his line at face value.
but when dream says he "doesn't care about anyone or anything" after spirit dies except for tommy's discs (or more simply, tommy and being able to control tommy such as via the discs), what do we see after? him dethroning his friend for not being neutral enough (and yes, partially bc george was attacked a lot, i fully admit!) and thus causing more strain on their friendships, him putting himself in positions (such as exile and as tubbo's "friend") to get closer to the discs and to tommy, him building a literal shrine to the discs and planning to kill tubbo and imprison tommy for an unspecified amount of time (even if the prison wasn't originally built for tommy, it doesn't change the fact that he was indeed planning it). the fact that it took tommy threatening his death to get dream to come back down to the hall of attachments. even in the prison he still seems so focused on tommy (him asking if quackity thought him killing tommy was cool comes to mind). these actions simply DONT conflict with his line, if anything they help confirm it as true.
im not saying you can't still argue that he secretly cares about things other than tommy. if you like that interpretation, go wild! im sure theres bits you can point to and if you have fun w it im not here to be the fun police and tell you to stop
but, imo, theres 100x more overwhelming evidence that he doesnt. the majority of his actions simply do not line up with the idea that he still truly cares about anything other than tommy and w the fact we never get to see his pov and only him in the eyes of others theres no other definitive proof to back that claim up. to try and ignore his attachment to tommy and his lack of attachments to literally anything else does a massive disservice to his character, frankly, because the canon c!dream we have is massively intriguing to try and understand.
and dont get me wrong, i fully understand why people get wrapped up in trying to fully unravel and understand c!dream. you see how fucked up he is now and you wonder what happened along the way. why is he like this? so you start thinking: maybe he's lying to himself, maybe he's incredibly mentally ill as well and spiralling out of even his own control.
but the issue is this: we have no fucking clue. we might never tbh. what that is above is speculation, and while that may help to get you to sympathize or 'better understand' him its not based in canon, which is why we get these massive debates and c!dream "apologists" fighting over why he does the things he does. WE DON'T KNOW AT ALL WHY HE DOES THOSE THINGS, ONLY WHAT HE DOES.
we don't have his pov to fill in the gaps. you can state anything about his mental state and if hes "actually lying" or not and you can't prove it 100% right OR wrong. he HAS nuance and depth already, but we never got to see it develop and filling in the gaps with your own ideas can lead to this... misunderstanding of how c!dream really thinks or works.
i want you to understand, i'm not saying this to try and attack anyone either, please don't misconstrue me, i'm saying this to try and understand myself why c!dream is such a conflicting character for many ppl to discuss and i think this is kind of it: how much of your analysis is based on the direct actions dream takes that we get to see directly and how much of your analysis is based on trying to figure out/assume the dream pov we dont have
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