#Gwyn lightsinger
elainemg97 · 3 months
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ACOTAR: Gwyn is a Lightsinger Theory
Gwyn’s powers are of beckoning songs that emit joy and light; they literally make her glow. This power causes her to knowingly or unknowingly manipulate people into wanting to make her happy. There’s a lot of phrases like:
* “…didn’t know why she did it…”
* “…didn’t know why she wished to see Gwyn…”
* “…for whatever reason…”
Not only that but Gwyn’s voice is a siren call to people who are lost, not physically lost but emotionally. Gwyn herself is a siren call. Is it ethical? Her powers seem to be as ethical as Rhys and Feyre’s Daemati powers, the difference is that Feysand know how to control these powers, and right now we don’t know if Gwyn knows about her powers. Im sure the truth will come out sooner or later, but I do not think she is evil in any way.
Ps: Gwyn might be being manipulated by Merrill, but thats a whole other post.
PPS: Azriel’s shadows not warning him of Gwyn’s presence in the bonus chapter is bad. His shadows are his alert system, his upper hand on his enemies. If his shadows are compromised, that means that he doesn’t know if there’s any immediate danger.
Credit: @silverlinedeyes
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twihard23 · 2 years
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I miss them and can’t wait for the day we’ll get to read their book 💙🦇👩🏻‍🦰 for now, enjoy another little mermaid parallel between gwynriel 🥹 prints and stickers are available on redbubble! Link below ;)
Please share everywhere! Just tag me, @ twihard23 on tiktok
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ennawrite · 30 days
my headcanon is that Elain cannot carry a tune for the life of her, which only adds on to the irony of it all.
and they’ll call her Elain Badsinger ✨
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silverlinedeyes · 1 year
“There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food.”
Lightsinger. This is not a word in English. It’s not a real mythical being. It’s not a being that appears in other works of fantasy. It’s a name Sarah made up. She chose the name.
Lightsinger. Light-Singer. Light. Singer.
“Gwyn sang, chin high, a faint glow seeming to radiate from her.”
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I mean….
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merymoonbeam · 2 years
What do you think about that spark Azriel felt in his chest and the image of Gwyn he buried deep down? I recently saw a long post on the other side of Gw/nriel parallels to couples and one stuck out the most to me. From the pov chapter “Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly” paralleled “And somewhere far and deep inside her, an ember began to glow” for Rowaelin in Heir of Fire. It left me like 😟😟 do you think it means anything?
Do I think the glowing image means anything? Yes
Do I think it is romantic? No
The glow is a word that Sarah uses it a lot. When you read all of her books you can see that there are phrases and words that she uses all the time and glow is one of them. Sarah uses glow to show “magic/power” and for actual meaning of glow. here is a post about that showing magic part > glow=power
I think the “image” is about gwyn’s lightsinger powers(I might be wrong about that but with all the quotes and parallels that’s the theory I’m leaning towards right now) I made a few post about lightsingers theory.
I say read these posts by @silverlinedeyes she made two big posts about lightsingers> part1 , part2
Glowed quietly > you can see that gwyn’s singing is described as summoning which literally means “calling an image to mind” also glowed quietly(?) as if the image is radiating some kind of sound right? Quietly....weiiirddd
Cauldron’s song and Gwyn’s song > pretty sure one of my favorite posts I made lol. I compared Elain being lured by Cauldron’s song to Gwyn’s singing
Okay going back to Sarah using certain phrases and words a lot... when you are looking into her writing you have to take context of the text into consideration. With gwyn and Azriel... it is not romantic. The guy literally thought “He wouldn't go so far as to call Gwyn a friend” a page earlier before that scene. And in the book three days after that solstice night he was more aloof than usual and we can guess why...Elain (that is a parallel to Nessian acomaf bonus chapter) and towards the end of the book he went to save Eris instead of Gwyn... their fans say it is because he “trusted” her but cassian was losing his fucking mind over Nesta being in the Blood Rite and didn’t even heard what the IC was saying while Azriel was making plans with IC about how to save Eris. I said this before and I’m going to say it again if Azriel was supposed to have the next book with Gwyn his reaction to Gwyn being thrown into the Blood rite should have been bigger than his reaction to Elain being captured by the Cauldron. The guy was ready to die to save Elain so...yeah... context is important in Sarah writing if I made my case clear lol. All of these pushed me to think that there was another reason for that “glowing image” quote and then the rest is about the lightsinger theory which I linked above.
As I said... context is important while reading and making parallels. 😀
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surielbonecarver · 2 years
I like the Lightsinger Gwyn theory, but I don't think she's evil. 🤔
The book alludes to her having powers that haven't been fully explored/explained, but it doesn't hint at her being evil. Gwyn is characterized as... i wouldn't say self sacrificing... but 🤔 how to describe it... she consistently puts others before herself. She insisted that she stay with Nesta on the mountain to the point where Nesta had to render her unconscious. It's not that Gwyn can't be evil, rather there aren't any instances to suggest that she is. The book shows us that Gwyn doesn't sacrifice others for her own gain.
The only thing that suggests that she might be evil is that lightsingers are described as being evil. But that's in reference only to lightsingers, not necessarily Gwyn.
I think it's more likely that Gwyn is a lightsinger, and we're going to find out either: 1) the history of lightsingers being evil isn't entirely accurate, or 2) Gwyn is only part lightsinger so her... uh... faerie/human eating instincts aren't strong/non-existent, so she gets the power without the bloodshed.
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toolsofmyenemy · 2 months
You know who lured Az to the library after solstice.
He lured himself. He was thinking of Gwyn. It’s as simple as that.
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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“Carynthian Warriors” ⚔️🖤
Artist: bookishkoda for @gwynrielweeksofficial
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stargirlie25 · 5 months
Elucien and Gwynriel but make it tangled 🥹
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The shadows attaching to gwyns hand 🥹
The art Elucien is done by hachandraws commissioned by @foreverinelysian The Gwynriel art is commissioned by ofshadowsanddreams
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
When the Lightsinger Calls (I Hear a Symphony)
An Azriel Drabble
Azriel daydreams of his mate -Inspired by ‘I Hear a Symphony’ by Cody Fry
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I used to hear a simple song.
The warm winds of summer blew through the Illyrian mountains as Azriel sat sprawled on a thick branch fifty feet in the air, one leather covered leg dangling as the other stretched across the branch, his back resting against the trunk of an old Oak tree.
Cassian had been butting heads with Devlon for hours. Same shit, different day as they heatedly negotiated new terms for the training of Illyrian females. Devlon, of course, remained as stubborn as an ass. Even after decades of his bullshit, it never failed to chafe Azriel’s nerves that they were under the regime of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian’s history yet had to make nice with stuck-in-their-ways pricks like him. Today in particular had left Azriel feeling less than giving.
Cassian booted Azriel out of negotiations in record time, which admittedly, was likely for the best. Azriel’s dominant stance, deadly gaze, and violent whirling shadows were not best suited for these futile attempts of “sweet talking” Devlon out of his deeply rooted misogyny. If Azriel had his way Truth Teller would do all the talking, but diplomacy unfortunately took precedence.
He may have put up more of a fight when storming out of the Camp Lord’s office had Cassian’s weapon of choice today not had a unique way of toeing that line between diplomacy and force in a way that even Truth Teller could not. No blood spillage necessary, though, Azriel thought with a smirk, the weapon could do just that as well.
The warmth of the suns rays shining through the rustling leaves and the scratch of bark lightly grazing the sensitive membranes of his wings - hitting those spots he could never quite reach - had Azriel drifting off into a light dream state.
As he began to doze, shadows hummed around him, the whistling breeze mixing in with their whirring as they sensed for any incoming threats.
Blending in with their simple song, the creek nearby babbled with the sounds of trickling water, crickets chirped beneath rocks below.
His thoughts became more vivid as his conscience drifted deeper into sleep.
His jaw ticked, wings jerking slightly as he dreamed glimpses of deep red coating his marred skin from the countless souls he’d drawn blood from, lifeless bodies scattered across bloody battlefields, dark cells, the bright flare of roaring fire scalding a child’s hands, his shadows melody becoming broken as they attempted to soothe their master.
The melody became lighter as the flame in his dreams became flashes of light, blurred glimpses of a lovely face appearing in and out of his dreams. A soft laugh intertwined itself with his shadows, the solemn hymn becoming lighter, with vibrant bursts of energy leaving his heart fluttering. More images of the ethereal face flickered through his mind, soft blush dusted cheeks, a radiant white smile, supple fingers tracing the muscles of his chest, plush lips on bare skin, all appearing to the beat of the rising staccato. His lips quirked upward in his sleep as his guard dropped lower and lower and the melody continued growing louder, building into the crescendo of the loveliest symphony he’d heard yet, even in Prythian’s most renowned concert halls.
The music filled Azriel’s entire being, leaving him light as shadow, his flaws forging themselves from ugly into something beautiful, something worthy, as the melody carried his soul toward the light.
Just as his body began to slump out of the tree a sing-song voice brighter than day awoke him. “Careful, Shadowsinger. One might think you’re sleeping on the job.”
He looked down to his beautiful mate, the face his dream had called him to. “My little Lightsinger, did you give Devlon hell?”
She beamed. “Worked a little on him. The girls get seven more hours per week and Cass or I can do spot checks whenever we please. I’ll push for more when we meet again in a few months.”
“That’s my girl.” His eyes shone with the pride filling his chest as he launched out of the tree and swept her off her feet.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to his nose. Azriel only blushed and did just as his lady said, the two falling into companionable silence as her light and his shadow mingled in harmony the entire flight back to Velaris.
And now I hear a symphony.
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curiousity-cell · 10 months
just had a thought regarding gwyn & the lightsinger theory & az’s regifting of the necklace
disclaimer: i do not believe gwyn is evil if she’s confirmed as a lightsinger i don’t think she even realises she has this effect on people & it might not even be a lightsinger it could very well be a nymph thing so. don’t be a dick basically
so i was basically just thinking about the bonus chapter and why azriel would regift elain’s very targeted gift (shape of a rose necklace? that’s just pure elain Why is he giving that to another woman who has no connections to roses or flowers at all. why do men. anyway). i think this sentence is really really important because while yes maybe her powers are mainly channeled more powerfully when she sings, SJM would not have put “silent music” & about his shadows here -
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- if it was not important. so when he leaves the training area and discovers elain’s given her necklace back (because. obviously. she’s just been rejected by someone she thought liked her back. idk why some people think this is confusing), look at what is written:
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“beautiful singing” follows him. he had “every intention” of giving the necklace back to the palace of thread and jewels but didn’t. why? i believe it’s because gwyn’s accidental lightsinging / nymph effect kept gwyn on his mind and therefore she was who he was thinking about all day. i think that’s also why the “secret thing of lovely beauty” is repeated for gwyn. now i’m not gonna say i know what a lightsingers effect has on a person but looking at the effect gwyn’s singing has on /nesta/ (read below)
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i think it’s safe to say that it has a luring effect & brings out positive emotions (again: we know lightsingers are stated to be evil in the siren like way but i don’t believe gwyn is that type of person so. i’m led to believe she doesn’t realise she has this effect)
but what positive emotions do we know that azriel has had recently? liking elain. possibly loving elain. so yeah i think that gwyn’s luring powers rubbed off on azriel and that’s why he regifted the necklace to gwyn, because she was on his mind. literally. because of effect she has on people.
i feel like this also explains why it feels so jarring for him to hop from one woman to the other in a night and then go back to being in a foul mood literally the next morning after the solstice. maybe he doesn’t remember giving the necklace away? maybe because gwyn doesn’t wear the necklace he doesn’t know where it went? idk but yeah. this is my theory.
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silverlinedeyes · 2 years
I WIN. That’s all lolol. #A+theorizer
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merymoonbeam · 2 years
I read your post on glow = power, and while I agree that Sarah uses the word to describe a character’s power, the context in which glow was being used in the last section of the chapter was not describing Gwyn’s power. We don’t know what her powers are— if she even has any. Even the sections you highlighted that include the word glow and Gwyn seem like a reach. Again, because we don’t know what powers she has. Everything is based on theories and that’s not how you provide evidence or support for claims. 
There's a difference between “Nesta hefted Ataraxia…. The blade began to glow.” and “Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly.” Reading the first sentence, the reader understands that the sword is glowing with power. We can back the sentence by recalling earlier in the book that some of Nesta’s powers poured onto the sword when she Made it at the blacksmith shop. It's not a theory, there's in-text evidence. The second sentence is telling us that the image is what is glowing, not a person or object. It was literally a thought that Azriel had. There is no textual evidence to support the claim that that glow is Gwyn’s powers, only a theory.
In my opinion,
“Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly”
has more similar meaning to
“But it remained, shining faintly, in that hole inside my chest (ACOMAF)” and
“But the bond in his chest glowed strong… (Kingdom of Ash)” and
“And somewhere far and deep inside her, an ember began to glow. (Heir of Fire)”
than it does with other sentences that include the word glow, such as
“Amren’s eyes glowed with a remnant of her power. (ACOSF)” and
“Her fingers were embedded in the stone, the rock glowing as if lit with an inner flame. (ACOSF)” and
“The lone Siphon on his hand glowed like fresh blood, as if also seeking an enemy to strike. (ACOSF)” 
Oh boy...let’s see
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The scene is this right... the image glows. And it glows quietly. Describing something glowing quietly is weird. You would say faintly or any other word to describe it but it shows that the glowing is radiating some kind of sound. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Next thing...
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In this gwyn’s singing described as summonning... and summoning means:
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And gwyn glows when she sings... and the image is radiating some kind of sound... glowed quietly. You do the math. And I’m not even adding shadow dancing with gwyn’s breath “as if it heard some silent music” again do the math
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I know what I’m talking about and I know I could be wrong about them but the quotes are hard to ignore at this point. If I’m wrong about this theory in the future so be it but...I really don’t think it is romantic as they think it is bc the actual book shows otherwise. So you are wasting your time trying to make me believe what you think that “parallel” is more like. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also if you think those are parallels maybe take this tamlin and feyre parallel into consideration too 🤪🤪
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That smile of his sparked something bold in my chest
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the fact that sarah put the shadows hearing some kind of music in gwyn's breath and danced to it..and his shadows sang in answer..is the proof that it is related to gwyn's singing and her possibly of being a light singer!! these are not romantic statements!!!!!
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greenleaf777 · 7 months
I am absolutely convinced that Gwyn is a lightsinger, its right there! The whole reason shes in the bonus chapter is to show how her powers effect Azriel, Elain gave Azriel earplugs for a reason!….Nesta was clearly influenced by Gwyn too.
Its said they appear as friendly faces when their prey is lost! Azriel felt lost mentally after being warned off Elain!
What I can’t decide is if shes truly evil or if she is being used by someone. Kind of hope shes not evil for Nesta’s sake but it would be an interesting turn of events thats for sure. Cause her turning evil and betraying the inner circle wouldn’t be as devastating as if one of the IC turns evil.
Saw a video on tiktok about a potential sleeping beauty arc for elriel plus someone mentioning that sleep is a big word in the bonus chapter too, it mentions several times that Az has trouble sleeping. I WOULD BET MONEY HE IS PUT INTO A SLEEP.
I swear I read somewhere that SJM hinted at someones betrayal in an interview…do I remember that right?? Or am I misremembering?
Have I officially lost my mind? LOL
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toolsofmyenemy · 7 days
I find this line of thinking a bit disturbing.
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According to this e/riel on reddit Azriel’s scenes with Gwyn and Clotho serve to warn us that the library is not a sanctuary for female survivors but a secret enclave of some version of a female with a power that lures people.
And you know it’s some sort of luring power because mother forbid that Azriel had any agency in the last half of his bonus chapter.
I just don’t buy SJM going in this direction. I do think Gwyn has unexplored powers but not this.
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