#and not just a guy who looked way too much like Daniel Craig
melhekhelmurkun · 1 year
Y’all I’m in love with the show Sharpe. I stayed up until 3am last night watching it and I only made it through two episodes (they’re long as fuck)
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Before I start I would like to add I'm not a big Chris Evans fan, personally I don't find him all that attractive and the only work of his that had me interested was Knives Out and that too because of Daniel Craig, not Chris. Also would like to add I'm not one for PR relationships anymore (just found other interests and life got busy), but I was one for 6 years. Though when I found out about this whole Chris Evans' public girlfriend ordeal, I got a bit interested, and then I found your page and have been following for awhile, and one thing that really confuses me is people asking, "well why would Chris need to do pr? Chris doesn't need pr!" Well, they are so very wrong. Chris absolutely needs pr, and he knows that, that is why he agreed to go on an PR ice cream date with Lily James, i don't know why these people are acting like Chris is some saint who would never ever do PR when it's extremely clear he has done so and he is not ashamed of it or that he didn't want to participate in it, are people forgetting how happy he looked in that park licking his ice cream next to Lily? and that was confirmed PR because of how quickly she was spotted with another man just a few weeks after, but, coming back to my point. Chris absolutely needs PR, I don't like to say this, but I have to be honest here, nobody outside of the Chris Evans fandom had been talking about him lately, his projects hadn't been that big of a success, and overall, nobody outside of the fandom really ever spoke about him, but once he has done all of this PR, he is getting a lot of attention from people who aren't in the fandom and will never be, hell, other fanpages of other celebrities are coming to defend him and his "girlfriend"! This has given him a big boost in being talked about and staying relevant on Social Media. I know that people say "ohhh but this isn't good pr for him! she's racist or she's problematic etc etc" but the thing is, nobody outside of the fandom really cares about him that much to go and research and find out what his new girlfriend is like, Alba's extremely questionable actions have never become popular, so no, this isn't bad pr for him, and as far as I know other than losing a few of his fans, this hasn't affected his career in a bad way, I think people who say this is bad PR don't really understand why celebrities do PR and how it works. Ofcourse all of this isn't that simple but I tried my best to put it into simple words so everybody can understand it, though if people do want me to do a detailed analysis on this PR relationship and also explain how they work I would be more than happy to. I know how social media apps are engineered and what went into creating them and the same with PR relationships, I also know how PR relationships are planned out in different ways and what people expect from different kinds of PR relationships, so if you guys would like to know more, I would be more than happy to provide a detailed analysis on this PR deal and how it was made, why it was made and how it works.
I think the reason why some people say (and I think they also said it) that it is bad PR or that it isn't going the way it is is because we are in the fandom and we see what it causes inside the fandom. People are leaving. People who've been fans for 10+ years, or since the very beginning of his career. Everything he's ever said or stood for is getting questioned when Alba and her friends are the exact opposite of those things.
But I agree that most people outside of the fandom either don't care, care for a minute, or defend. Just the number of TikTok comments I see that defend them is crazy. Most people only talk about the age gap. If I see a person saying something bad about their relationship, it's about their age, which is then excused by a hundred people saying, "She is an adult; it's not like he is dating someone that just turned 18". Most people don't know about her past or behavior, or they just don't care that much about his private life.
I think for us "normal people," it's really hard to understand why celebrities do certain things, but I've always believed and still believe this is PR, so if you'd like to let us know more, feel free to share with us your opinion and theories.
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harrietmjones · 1 year
Predictions for future 1899 episodes
I just thought I’d write down my predictions/thoughts (again!) on what my mind has conjured up as possible theories for the future goings on in the show.
I did a similar thing as I was watching S1.
My mind went all over the place with this, so they may have some logical holes in them or they may not be in keeping with the show but just thought I’d share, as a bit of an experiment to see how right or wrong I am if/when the show comes back.
I will probably look back on all these and think how silly I was to think them!
Everyone in Maura’s room on the space ship were part of some coup or uprising (or something similar) and so they were eventually sent to be in suspended animation together.
I think there’s more to Mrs. Wilson than meets the eye. It might be how she’s being played by Rosalie Craig, as in it’s the actor, not the character giving her that particular edge but there’s just something about her that’s a secret.
There’s something ‘negative’ in Maura and Eyk’s relationship. Just how she reacted after she woke up and saw him, I watched it for the first time, and thought it was extreme relief why she backed up as she did, like she couldn’t believe he was alive, when she had not long seen him ‘die’. However, there just seemed to be something else going on that I felt could be read as something negative, that he’s not exactly as we’ve seen him so far. I really hope this isn’t the case, just where my pessimistic, dark mind went.
Same thing as above, there’s a possible negative part of their relationship but instead, maybe Maura is the guilty party. Maybe she’s tyrantesque and Eyk is just a soft, sad meow-meow or something.
Reality is another simulation. So, it’s either the ship was a simulation in a simulation, like Inception or the opposite (kind of), where reality is actually a further simulation, deeper in everyone’s minds. Maybe the reason that Daniel may not be there, is because he’s never gotten that far into Maura’s mind before, the ship was the furthest he managed to get to. @veturdraugur actually has had the same thought as me, here.
The whole show, everything we see, is actually in the mind of Ciaran, a dreamlike state and world that all stems from him. He’s the ‘creator’. Maybe all the characters existed at one point in reality or maybe they are all not real but are now just code in a machine. Also, he’s Irish, which I only thought would be the case because of his name for starters but also Daniel saying to Maura that her name’s Irish, even though she’s not.
Ciaran is a twisted guy, who might have made Daniel (if the theory of Daniel and Elliot being simply code is true), so he could have an accepted relationship with his own sister, without threatening too much of the balance of things (I can’t see incest being the case but…).
Both Ciaran and Maura aren’t real. Maybe the both of them are separate programs, designed by another, connected through a tech experiment of some kind. It would be similar to how the tunnels on the ship were separate but also all connected and how Maura mentioned how the memories on the ship were placed in a way, that was like the wirings and connections in the brain. The experiment could be something along the lines of, “What makes us human?” and it started as a way to demonstrate how an organic mind/brain and a synthetic mind/brain, if you can make both experience the exact same things, feel the same emotions etc. then how different can one be from machine, what is it that makes us, human?
Each pod on the spaceship, represents an element in alchemy, given that the characters we’ve seen have had the symbol for Earth dotted amongst their ship simulation: 🜃.
Similar to the theory above but the characters that we’ve seen, they may go into other simulations which are representative of other alchemical elements such as: Air (🜁), Fire (🜂) and Water (🜄).
Maura and Daniel are genuinely married and they do have have their son, Elliot together but for some reason, which would explain why she wasn’t drawn to them as she has been with Eyk, is that she removed her emotions towards them, for different reasons. It kind of works with the whole humans are weak because of their emotions, that Henry Singleton’s mentioned and the studying of the human brain, human behaviour etc.
Same as above (and kind of connected), Maura and Daniel are married, they do have Elliot together and the reason why she can’t remember or have feelings towards Daniel and Elliot, is because she erased it all from her brain. The reason she did so, is that maybe she’s responsible for Elliot’s death through experiments on him and got ill/died or would alternative, he was going to die anyway but she began experimenting on him, which would have probably sped things up unintentionally. She wanted to get rid of the hurt of her child dying and anyone associated with it aka. a husband. This theory kind of began because of seeing one of Maura’s flashes being a brain and that hasn’t happened yet.
Daniel and Maura simply worked together, in a similar way to what’s been said/shown in the show but that’s it. They’re not married, there’s no Elliot, it’s all a simulation created because Daniel is in love with Maura in reality but she’s married to Eyk.
Mrs. Wilson is the boss lady aka. the captain, the leader of some group of fighters etc. This is from me thinking she’s a little sus and also her positioning on the spaceship being ahead of both Eyk and Maura (and everyone else).
Everyone is a patient at a mental institution, where experiments are carried out in them. They’ve round my signed themselves away in some form. Their room numbers on the ship, are the same as their room numbers in the institution.
I’ve got some other theories that I haven’t written down. I’m probably not so strong in thinking some of these theories now, after a while of them sitting in my drafts and then my queue.
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aretrothing · 6 months
Favourite Drop the Dead Donkey character?
ooo. good one.
it's dave. i love that guy with my whole heart - i think i'd get on well with him, and despite the fact he drinks/gambles/smokes/shags married women too much (delete as appropriate) i still think we'd have interesting conversations. if he'd been dealt a better hand in life then i think he could have become something far greater than the person he is in the series, but he didn't and i think that's why i like him - there's so much potential there to become that person but he's always foiled by his own personality or factors beyond his control. he's a very unlucky person really. plus, he's good-looking and extremely funny, and his dynamics with everyone in the series are all interesting to explore in their own right. he's a prankster, he's Honest Dave, he's henry's partner in crime and i'm not sure even he knows exactly what job he's doing. he's such a unique character, even though he's technically a stereotype - that's one thing i really love about drop the dead donkey, that they're all such well drawn characters.
my other two favourites are the ones who i feel are most similar to myself, which also happens to be the nicest characters in the show (i'm so modest ya know) - though, to be fair, no one is completely "nice" in this series. george and helen have been my favourites all the way through. i like george because he's a total sweetheart but i also enjoy it when he bites back (*cough* daniel craig and the birdy song *cough*). i feel so sorry for the guy, he really does get trampled over by everyone and, just like with dave, he's got the potential to become something far better but people use his kind-hearted nature to exploit and do horrible things to him, and he suffers greatly for it. helen is a boss. she's alex's replacement and while i adore alex, i do like how helen gets expanded much further than she does and we learnt more about her. again - very interesting character, but i think she's used her potential a lot more than either dave or george have. plus, she's a lesbian - at this point in the 90s, lgbtq+ weren't allowed to be talked about in schools in the uk and public opinion was much less favourable, so the fact she is lgbtq+ and visibly so is pretty rare for the period and really cool.
this was long, sorry - i love them so much!!
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
Glass Onion
Yes, I had been waiting for this movie for a while and dropped everything to watch it the day of release. What about it?
Is it bad that I’m already like “I want all of these people to die”? Well, maybe not Lionel I guess.
Lol a bit of sci-fi to justify the actors not wearing masks for the entire movie
Is the bad CGI robot some kind of Star Wars legacy? :D
Aww, poor Benoit Soo, one of the guests plans to murder the host for real, and invites a detective to frame another guest?
It’s been 30 minutes, can people start dying please (Not Andi though, that’d be uncool)
Love the scenery, and Craig’s outfit is nice
Cool shot where Andi has the same expression as the Mona Lisa
“This is reckless. And you’re gonna get somebody killed.”
Okay, so far we’ve established the motive for: Peg, Duke, Lionel, maybe Claire. What about Birdie? And the random guy hanging around? And Andi? Is Andi automatically disqualified because we saw her destroy the box? That could be a real alibi or a red herring.
Nooo, so awkward, I can’t watch this Oh, he did it on purpose, that makes it a bit less painful
Huh, he didn’t mention Andi in the monologue...
Oh good, exactly an hour into a murder mystery, someone finally died! Yes, yes, of course it was an attempt on Miles’ life, I thought we’ve already established he’s who everyone wants dead. Cool trick to keep Norton among the active cast, I thought it was weird for the most famous actor to play the victim. (It’s nice to see Norton again btw, I wondered a while ago why I hadn’t seen him in new movies recently.)
Lmao the lights! Now this is fun
Oh no, Andi! :(
Plot twist!! Well now he's responsible for an innocent woman’s death, that’s going to give him a motive to find the killer
This shit is wild
Hell yeah she’s alive!!!
Is she going to attack the Mona Lisa?..
I feel bad about the painting. The way this was framed as a triumphant moment has the same energy as that Tumblr post about destroying famous paintings because rich people like them.
[Additional spoilers for Knives Out, The Last Jedi, Midsommar, and The Handmaiden]
The film takes too much time to get started. The characters are too flat to carry it until the plot actually launches. Only gets good after the plot twist. The secondhand embarrassment scenes are excruciating.
The plot: “rich people bad, the detective teams up with a pure-hearted woman of color and helps her win”, take two. Are they going to make a whole franchise out of this? Not a great foundation for murder mystery: just look for the most entitled white man and that’s your killer.
Benoit Blanc himself, though, is a good character to build a movie series around. A classic independent detective with a kind heart and a taste for adventure — I want to see more of him. Many people have said it already, but I want Blanc to replace Bond as Daniel Craig’s #1 role.
The biggest strength of the film were, of course, all of the clever and fun twists and reveals. As you can see from the liveblog, I was misdirected very successfully and loved it every time.
And now for the biggest flaw of Glass Onion in my eyes. Just like Knives Out, this film has an extremely fun outer layer wrapped around the heart that I find a genuine downer. Most of the shallow, annoying characters got off scot-free, and what was harmed the most in act 3 was an innocent painting. I’ve already seen The Last Jedi, I don’t really need the same ending scene as the Canto Bight storyline — except worse because the writer doesn’t see the difference between “rich asshole’s property” and “priceless piece of art”. Which is a bad enough take to see on Tumblr, but straight up baffling to encounter in a high budget movie, written by a professional filmmaker. (Amazing timing, though. How did they manage to release this not only in the middle of the Musk major meltdown/Twitter takeover but also soon after the Van Gogh soup discourse?)
In retrospect it also reminds me of a couple of other famous scenes with a female protagonist involved in destruction, and the comparison is not in Glass Onion’s favor. Midsommar also ends with the heroine and a huge symbolic fire, but it’s a horror/drama, and the event takes not only the lives of those caught in the fire but the soul of the heroine. The Handmaiden, on the other hand, features a scene of art destruction that is genuinely positive and cathartic, but the nature of art and the role it plays in human lives is radically different.
[Edited to add] I’ve seen people who liked the ending defend it by saying that people are more important than art. The thing is, if this were framed as the trolley problem — if destroying a priceless work of art were presented as the only way to save an unknown number of lives — I would feel differently. Instead, the film seems to want the viewer not to value the Mona Lisa just because the rich amoral characters do value it.
In a more Watsonian and practical sense, I don’t see how this is a win for Helen. She was the one who burned the painting. The fuel played only a minor part, the painting would have been destroyed just the same without it (in fact, that’s what expected Miles’ lighter to be for). But even if it were otherwise — okay, so this new fuel can easily cause a fire; well, so can electricity and gas if you’re not careful! Not great for PR of this specific product, but not a death sentence either. Most importantly, it’s the person who committed arson that will be charged for it, not the person who unwittingly provided the fuel for the fire.
I did have a good time, to be clear! Very worth watching unspoiled. The release was timed well: the overall lighthearted tone, clever twists, vibrant visuals (bright colors, stylish outfits, idyllic location) make this a good holiday movie.
I’m having trouble with a numerical grade (the worst part of IMDB and Letterboxd is that they make me care about grading, even though it doesn’t work with how I think about media at all). Glass Onion feels like a 7, but I gave Knives Out a 9 and they don’t feel two whole grades apart.
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Detective poll anon again. I actually did the opposite--I only watched Glass Onion, not Knives Out. From what I hear, it's very similar in terms of being "Clue: Featuring Daniel Craig as a detective (who is like a mix of Columbo and Poirot) with a bad Southern accent helping a WOC take down a bunch of insufferable rich people stereotypes that lowkey exist just as presented irl."
I described it to someone else as "decent anti-rich catharsis-bait that still felt a little cheap in a way I couldn't describe." I probably won't remember much about it in a year or so other than the "destroying the house" scene, the Giallo shot, seeing Natasha Lyonne for approximately five seconds, and how unfortunately well the completely irredeemable wealthy characters reflected the sort of people they were based on, despite feeling like strawmen.
Rian Johnson seems to take a lot of inspiration from observing the most absurd behaviors of people with the most social privilege, though you can't help but wonder if he would be just the same as them, despite trying to frame himself as "woke," considering how big budget his films are. There's apparently a character in Knives Out whose entire family sees her as "extremely leftist" or even communist, but turned out to be just as intent to keep her bourgeoise class status, even if it meant betraying a friend. I wonder if perhaps Mr. Johnson may be projecting a bit.
I will say, though, Janelle Monáe was very good in Glass Onion, and she looked good in that white suit (the hair was...a decision; I know it was for the sake of the character, though). I was very disappointed to see she seems to be a "qu**r" bi who identifies as "polyamorous" and "nonbinary." Johnson also had "proud-mother-of-an-AGP-son" Jamie Lee Curtis in his other film, and (as attractive as I find her) Natasha Lyonne as a cameo. He probably runs in qu**r circles, and it's only a matter of time before something insufferable comes out about him. What do you think? Is he more likely to troon out, or will it be some sort of sexual harassment/abuse scandal?
oh my god. i had no idea about all this i just hated him since that pathetic sw movie he directed. thank u for sharing so much. i never really cared about janelle monae but i remember reading her nonbinary coming out and rolling my eyes so hard that now im actively avoiding her. about rian johnson. i dont know if i can imagine either of those happening But i guess if it turned out that hes in a polycule or a weird sex cult or whatever i wouldnt be surprised. glass onion sounds like it has a more enjoyable setting than knives out.. what i hated the most about knives out (im assuming that u dont really carr about spoilers but if u do this is the spoiler warning) is that u find out that the dead guy actually killed himself like... very soon. way too soon. sure they do a lot of investigation to find out why and how it happened and who made it happen (bc someone Was indeed trying to kill him) but at that point i just stopped caring? like 2 me a good murder mystery should end with finding the killer thats the most interesting part the catharsis. i couldnt care less about a bunch of uninteresting and unlikeable characters (Including the Good Guys) morbing all over everyone for 1 more hour. with 40 plot twists to make it look like the writer is very very smart. and im sure many ppl found mr johnsons approach unique and genius and he himself did too but it was super boring the big reveals were anticlimatic i didnt feel anything the entire time..
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery - a truly delightful sequel
As a big fan of Knives Out, I was really looking forward to Glass Onion. With the reviews being so good and loving the first movie, I was very excited. I have enjoyed Branaugh's Hercule Poirot films too. As someone who loves such movies and Knives Out, I can honestly say that this film lived up to those high expectations. I really wish I had gotten the opportunity to watch this in a theater because I am a sucker for murder mystery movies.
When you have a film that is as well liked as Knives Out, it could have been very easy to just ape its structure. But Rian Johnson resists that temptation. Like with Knives Out, there is a core group of characters. In this movie, there are actually fewer characters than in Knives Out. And like in Knives Out, whose moral center was Ana de Armas' Marta, this film's moral center is Janelle Monae. This film plays out structurally different. Whereas Knives Out threw us into events after the main death had already occurred and then slowly pealed back the layers of what happened through each character, this film shows a fairly conventional chronology of events before upending things midway through the film and then showing the same set of events through a different Lense and adding more context. We don't even know what the main mystery is until halfway through the film. Because Rian Johnson is playing with the audience just as much as he's playing with the characters, it keeps us on our toes, not really knowing what will happen next. As with Knives Out, Rian Johnson subverts the audience's expectations by focusing on what happened, rather than who did it. And its a clever tactic, because it makes the film a lot more rewatchable, the same way it did with Knives Out.
This film is also really funny. There is definitely a looser and more comedic tone to this film, compared to Knives Out, which wasn't a serious film by any measure. But the humor in this film works. It also has a much more open and brighter setting. Thankfully the film doesn't put too much focus on the pandemic setting other than to poke at how the rich handled those restrictions. The film makes a lot of fun of the elite. You could say there are very strong allusions to really live billionaires as well as references to real life celebrities. I also love that the character of Benoit Blanc is such an innately likable guy. Quite often, these uber smart detectives are always tortured and introverted. Blanc is brilliant but he's also just an empathetic nice guy.
If there are any complaints, you can maybe say that the actually 'who is the murderer?' is not very complicated, but that is sort of the point.
The performances are all terrific. Daniel Craig really leads the way in this film. While he was every present in Knives Out, he largely lurked in the background until he needed to make his presence felt. Here he is more front and center and he is clearly having a blast. Again, the sequence in which he unveils the mystery is hysterical. I love his accent, no matter what anyone says. Janelle Monae is fantastic. There is a very sharp turn in her character which gives her so many different layers to play across the movie. Edward Norton, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr, Kate Hudson, Dave Bautista, Jessica Henwick, and Madelyn Cline are all great. Kate Hudson and Edward Norton are particularly notable. There are some who get more scope than others but all actors managed to leave a mark.
All in all, a really fun movie. Laughed a lot, enjoyed the mystery and all the performances. Can't wait for more Benoit Blanc mysteries from Rian Johnson. A 9/10.
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val-made-a-mistake · 3 years
Tumblr media
(not my gif)
summary: benoit blanc’s heading off to greece soon, and marta cabrera doesn’t want him to go when there’s still unfinished business in massachusetts. in fact, she’ll stall him any way she can.
warnings: smut, complete and utter filth as a matter of fact, oral sex m receiving, implied past oral sex f receiving/facesitting, age gap (all legal), my horrible attempts at recreating daniel craig’s ridiculous southern accent
word count: 887
a/n: KNIVES OUT 2 WHEN???? kinda bummed we won’t get more of these guys, ngl. i rewatched this movie recently and saw that the cablanca ship was curiously lacking in filth, so i wrote this both for myself and the four other people still on this ship in 2021 lol. i already know this is going to flop, but to all who choose to read, i hope it delivers.
“Miss Cabrera?”
Blanc’s voice is light, like wind on water, but not quite soft enough to conceal the obvious Kentucky in his accent. Marta would never be able to say it, else someone ridiculed her for it, but something about him drove her positively insane, and she was pretty sure he knew.
She keeps her eyes on her lap, at her hands clenched there, knowing full well her breathing is out of control. They’re parked well away from the Thrombey security cameras, and it’s dark. It’s just them in this shitty blue car.
“Yes?” she breathes back.
Still her hands tremble. When she gathers the courage to look at him, thoughtful blue eyes are searing into hers.
“No one can see us out here, can they?” Blanc asks softly.
Marta whips around a bit too earnestly. The grounds are deserted.
“The - the Thrombeys have no reason to be out here this late,” she replies, trembling as she looks back at him. “Not unless Meg is sneaking out again, but - but I don’t imagine she would be out on a night like this.”
Blanc stares at her, contemplating. Then he speaks.
“Marta, I - I wouldn’t want word to get around, y’see-”
“Please,” she whispers, and something about her blunt honesty startles him, she can see it in his eyes. She can tell he expected vomiting.
Marta meets his gaze, too distracted by the heartbeat between her legs to care.
“I - I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let this go like last time.”
Blanc’s eyes search her face. It’s an emotion she hasn’t seen from him before: he’s genuinely taken aback.
“Young lady,” he starts, but Marta just presses her lips to his.
Blanc sharply exhales through his nose, neither condemning it or melting into it, and lets her grasp a handful of his tweed jacket. He knows she needs this, bad.
It’s not something he would easily admit, but something about her neediness makes his trousers unusually restrictive.
“I want to touch you,” Marta mutters breathlessly, pulling away the smallest inch. “Can - can I-“
“Fuck, child,” Blanc hisses, glancing up at the roof of Marta’s car. “You’re already making a mess of me now, arent’cha?”
Marta grins sheepishly and gently pulls his cock from his pants.
He’s thick, hot in her palm, and fucking dripping.
She glances up at him for the smallest second— he looks just as stunned as she is— before she wraps her mouth around him.
Blanc sinks back into his seat almost reflexively. “Fuck, darlin’...”
The girth of him stretches Marta’s mouth effortlessly, and she gags in spite of herself, feeling her mouth fill up with an excess of saliva. Filthy noises are filling the car soon enough, and Blanc’s hand finds the crown of her head, pushing her down further onto his cock.
Tears materialize in her eyes as she sucks him to the best of her ability, but she doesn’t want to let go.
With a breathy, desperate kind of sound escaping Blanc, the hand on her head suddenly tightens, and Marta grins, lets herself be guided downward until his cock is pulsing at the back of her throat.
Meanwhile, Blanc’s rambling, senseless and not making much sense.
“Darlin’, if you wanna come with me - Lord - anywhere you want, you got it, just keep - shit - keep doin’ that...”
He brushes hair out of her face with a heavy hand. “I’m headin’ off to Greece in a couple of weeks, you like the sound of that?”
Marta gives a hasty giggle. “Mr Blanc, you need to calm down.”
Something about the way his name rolls off her tongue has him clenching, but he tries to ignore it.
“Marta, darlin’, there’s plenty’a reasons not to be calm right now.”
She draws back to wrap her hand around his length, jerking him off quickly and efficiently, and a moan escapes him again. Marta Cabrera was never as plain as she looked, but still, she was never like…this.
“Are there?”
Blanc lets his thumb drift across her face. “Might need to fuck the cockiness outta ya if you keep talkin’ like that, sweetheart.”
Marta just smirks. “Looking forward to it.”
Blanc’s looking forward to it too: he doesn’t even have to concentrate to feel the ghost of her drenched cunt over his mouth, or the weight of her thighs on his shoulders. He can still hear her cute little whimpers and curses, too.
“Fuck, child,” he whispers again, because it feels like the only thing he can say. It’s dark all around them, but his vision is starting to blur around the edges with whiteness: one gentle swirl from Marta’s tongue is all it takes.
Suddenly, a strangled moan catches in Blanc’s throat and his hips jerk, pushing his cock further into Marta’s mouth. He’s fucking coming, warm, hot, and fast, and in the very back of her throat at that.
“Filthy fuckin’ girl,” Blanc whispers as she gags around him, taking it all.
When she draws back to stick out her tongue for him, her tongue is wet with nothing but her own saliva.
Marta grins, mouth further widening, clearly proud of her work.
“Needa go back to my hotel room,” is the first thing Blanc is conscious of himself saying.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
You or The Muffin made a post on your dream cast(s), but I’m not really familiar with those references/actors (with the exception of Bowie and Jean Claude Van Damme and Clint Eastwood I think you mentioned). Is there anyone you would choose that’s a little more recent (80s-present)?
Our dream cast.
Our dream voice cast, for those interested.
Fun fact, both those posts were composed together, so yeah we share these opinions. We composed this one together as well.
Keep in mind that this list is... well it's for Twilight as I would make it. Which means that of course we’re casting a Didyme, nevermind that she’s been dead for thousands of years, but Denali who?
And once again we’re disrupting the time-space continuum and casting big name actors you’ve definitely heard about as they were ten, twenty, or thirty years ago.
Alright, so newer and shinier Twilight fancast, this time with a few alternatives because decisions are hard:
Alice: ... Audrey Hepburn.
I'm sorry. I tried. I tried to be modern, but I got to Alice and originally we thought Saoirse Ronan, appearances be damned because Ronan is a great actress, only to realize Ronan should be Renesmée.
So we're back to the dream cast. Audrey Hepburn was a tiny, pixie-like, yet ridiculously beautiful woman. Like Alice, her growth was stunted due to prolonged starvation during the War, so she's the perfect casting in a way no modern Western actress is going to be. She was also an amazing actress, just absolutely magnetic each time she graced the screen. She would be a fantastic Alice.
Aro: A young Tom Cruise.
Cruise is an absurdly beautiful man, and at 173 cm he is the right stature as I could never cast a tall actor for Aro. He's a very good actor, so I'm sure he'd be up for it. Also, he'd look great with chalky petrified vampire makeup on. He'd pull it off. I want to see this.
Optionally: Cate Blanchett
Yes, she's a woman. But that's what acting is all about, you play someone you're not. It's more a thing in theatre than in film that men can play women and women can play men, but I say fuck the rules, we're doing it theatre style. And Blanchett absolutely have that enigmatic, ethereal, otherworldly quality I'd want for Aro.
Bella: A young Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gellar is a petite beauty, she is spunky yet adorable, and very charming, the people of Forks and the Cullens would very believably gravitate towards her. Most importantly she has the acting chops to pull it off. She would portray an amazing Bella.
Caius: Daniel Craig
The man is the right age, he's someone you don't mess with. Craig has perhaps a touch too charismatic, but he's good enough that I'm hopeful he could tune it down.
Carlisle: A young Leonardo DiCaprio
DiCaprio is ridiculously attractive and has a bad case of The Babyface™. Watching him try to convince people that he’s 30 years old and has adult kids would be absolutely hilarious, and very faithful to the books. He’s a talented actor, too, very versatile.
Optionally: David Tennant
Tennant doesn't look the part, he is handsome but handsome in that particular way when flawed features come together handsomely. He does however have the perfect charm, gravitas, and energy for the character, so I think he could make a great Carlisle. 
This is where the magic of movie adaptions come in - you’re not going to be able to translate directly from text to screen, that’s impossible. If you embrace that and make some bold choices, you stand to make a truly spectacular adaption. One of the reasons why the Twilight films failed is that they were too faithful to the books while failing to understand the spirit of them, whereas the TV miniseries adaption of His Dark Materials switched a lot of things up and is absolutely amazing for it.
Demetri: Robert Downey Jr.
Ridiculously charismatic and talented actors cast in bit parts and making them shine is a passion of mine.
Didyme: Cate Blanchett
Look, Blanchett had to be in this somehow, and we could think of no one more appropriate. She has too much enigma for Esme, is too womanly for Alice, and once the idea for Didyme was had it was hard to weasel out of. 
Cate Blanchett would be convincing as Aro's sister, as a woman who haunts her lover and brother even thousands of years after her passing, an enigmatic and divine woman who can never be forgotten.
Also she's my fancast for her brother, so this works out quite nicely. Why cast someone who merely looks like Aro’s actor when you can just cast the same actor.
Edward: A young Johnny Depp
Very few men are otherworldly beautiful. There are countless handsome men, yes, and many beautiful ones, but Depp has extreme and symmetrical features that come together beautifully. Robert Pattinson does too, for the record, so what makes me prefer Depp is the fact that he is an incredible actor. Pattinson is good, but Depp is the kind of talent who can power through even the worst scripts, give him nothing and he will give you the world. He’s on Al Pacino’s level, this man can salvage anything.
Emmett: Terry Crews
Terry Crews is a mountain of a man, he's massive. He'd nail Emmett's infectious cheer, too. He has a very symmetrical and attractive face that follows the golden ratio beautifully, so I could buy him being a vampire.
Esme: Anne Hathaway ten years ago. Ref one, ref two.
She’s out of this world beautiful and has the perfect Esme aesthetic. Hands down best Esme. The fact that she’s a very good actress helps.
Felix: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
He’s got the physique for the part and would be absolutely menacing.
James: Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is a character actor who tragically got lost in the blockbuster scene. He’s good, he deserves cool parts. So yeah, Pitt as James. I think he’d be absolutely amazing for the part, it’d be the kind of performance where you can tell the actor was enjoying every second on set.
Jane and Alec: Child Dakota Fanning
Fanning was a good choice for Jane, it's just that she was slightly too old when she was cast (and they made her look even older!) and the screenwriters had written a different character than the one in the books (and not for the better - I’m all for changing things in an adaption! But, well, she was Marvel levels of bad villain). And as Alec is a bit part and supposed to be nearly identical to her, I’d just have Fanning play him as well.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood, every time.
Optionally: feels like blasphemy to even have an “optionally”, but here we are. If you somehow haven’t heard of the guy, then… er. No, sorry, I’ve got nothing. Know that I tried, though.
Marcus: Tom Holland
The man has such babyface, which fits since Marcus is 19.
Just Tom Holland, sitting around, looking young and depressed.
Renata: A young Natalie Portman
Yes, yes, Renata is a bit part, I know that, but this is my Twilight we're casting for so I do what I want.
Portman fits the physical description for Renata, and I find that description to be relevant to her character. She's a teeny tiny woman charged with protecting the most important man in the world, and gifted with intouchability. Portman looks is beautiful enough to fit the bill for a Twilight vampire, and tiny enough to stress the absurdity of this 5′0″ woman being anybody’s bodyguard, nevermind Aro’s.
Renesmée: Child Saoirse Ronan (Though Adult Ronan works too, she’s my cast for the hybrid gremlin period.)
She was an extraordinarily talented child actress, and she’s beautiful while odd-looking. I could absolutely believe I was looking at an otherworldly hybrid when looking at her.
Mostly I think Renesmée is going to be a very hard part for anybody, as the given actor will be portraying one of the most ridiculed characters in recent pop culture. It’ll take major talent to get the audience to care about Renesmée, but I think Ronan, if anybody, could do it.
Rosalie: Margot Robbie ten years ago
She’s out of this world beautiful, and more importantly she’s an incredible actress. She would be incredible for the part.
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agentnico · 3 years
No Time To Die (2021) Review
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I swear this movie came out 2 years ago?... Okay, yes, I agree, that was a cheap gag, but look, the constant postponement of this film's release is in itself a joke! Finally though, it is here.
Plot: James Bond is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica after leaving active service. However, his peace is short-lived as his old CIA friend, Felix Leiter, shows up and asks for help.
“I’d rather slash my wrists.” Those were the words spoken by actor Daniel Craig in 2015 for a Time Out magazine interview prior to the release of Spectre. Seemingly it felt as if Craig was done with his signature role as famed British spy James Bond, however be as it may have been, MGM managed to sway away Craig’s suicidal thoughts and cut him a cheque with a sum he simply couldn’t refuse and have him return for a proper final outing. Hollywood business at it’s finest, ladies and gentlemen! But the question is posed, was there a need for another Craig/Bond film? For the previous instalment Spectre was such a let-down that it left a sour taste, or at least I think it did. Honestly, I don’t really remember much of what happened in Spectre, it was such a shoulder-shrugging forgettable feature. The answer however is a positive one, for No Time To Die ends up being worth the wait. All this wait. Though I would’ve found it super amusing if this film came out and turned out to be an absolute stinker, as then everyone would just be sat there in the theatre wondering why the hell we’ve been waiting for this movie this entire time. But nope, it’s a good one.
No Time To Die really feels like a culmination of Daniel Craig’s time as James Bond. And with that merit this movie doesn’t actually feel like a James Bond film. Yes, it has the one-liners and the action set pieces and the typical tropes of a Bond film, however the focus here is very much more on Daniel Craig’s interpretation of the character, and how he managed to turn a weapon into a human. For James Bond at the end of the day was always a killing machine. License to kill and all that jazz was always at the centre of what made the character, however Craig’s take brought a lot of humanity and reality to what was a stereotype. And it’s shown more than ever in No Time To Die, with Daniel Craig delivering a performance of vast emotional gamut. His Bond experiences moments of general happiness and actual love (real love, not just his typical one-night stands he’s known for) to then fury and sadness. My fiancée jokingly made a remark at the beginning of this movie about how petty James Bond is acting in this movie. And I agreeably chuckled at first, for to be fair he was getting offended easily and taking everything so personally without giving it much thought, however the more the movie progressed, the more I understood why he was this way. It made him feel more human, and actually made me care for him. Additionally, the aforementioned element of love plays a big part in this film, for romance is truly at the heart of this one. Bond turns out to be a real loving sweetheart, and this all culminated in one hell of a finale, one that really surprised me with it’s emotional gut punch. Look, I see this film’s ending really dividing audiences as it’s not something you would typically expect from a James Bond movie, however I absolutely relished it and saw it as a perfect swan song for Daniel Craig.
The movie is long. In fact, it’s very long. In fact, it’s too long. It runs at nearly 3 hours and yes, there is a lot of story crammed into this but honestly there are many chunks that could have been cut down and the film would have benefitted from it. For the movie is very good, but it has chunks that drag which does cause the experience to be slightly diminished, however that being said, this is a very well directed movie. Cary Joji Fukunaga (who’s previous work I don’t know much of though I have seen his Netflix limited series Maniac with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone which I do recommend highly) exhibits some strong directing here, balancing moments of real tension using unsettling imagery with moments of levity and good character chemistry. Yes, he brings class and the right amount of epicness to the action sequences, but it was actually the quieter moments that I feel he really excelled at. The opening sequence is especially disturbing, with the way Fukunaga displays this lonely isolated house in the middle of snowy nowhere, and we see a mysterious figure creep towards it wearing a mask so creepy it reminded me of that freaky monkey mask from the horror thriller I See You. A shot from behind a sliding glass door I found especially unnerving. 
Performances across the board are all great. Daniel Craig I’ve already sing praise for, however others are to be mentioned also. Rami Malek manages to take a fairly lacklustre villain and present him in proper vile fashion. He’s truly unpleasant and horrible in this role, and I truly despised him which is what made him perfect for the role. That being said the actual character was weak. There wasn’t much meat to him so to speak. Typical Bond bad guy who wanted to see the world burn. Lea Seydoux returns as Bond’s love interest Madeleine and her chemistry with Craig is wonderful and I really enjoyed seeing her character develop more since the last movie. Returning from Spectre too is the villainous Blofeld played by Christoph Waltz, and though he isn’t in the movie much, I weirdly enjoyed him more this time around. In Spectre is was really forgettable and the script didn’t know what to do with him, whilst here is serves a specific purpose and we also get to enjoy a great scene with him in prison having a battle of wits with Bond. Real good stuff. We also have a couple of new Bond girls, with Lashana Lynch taking on the 007 mantle, and it was nice seeing a very different kind of spy in her. Her and Bond bicker quite a bit, however natural they become buddies and they are the better for it. And Lynch can be easily added to the list of powerful badass women on-screen. Ana de Armas also appears in what is a little Knives Out reunion, and unfortunately she’s only in the movie for one sequence, but it’s actually a great sequence with her putting a new spin on the Bond girl stereotype, bringing charm, swagger and humour and riffing off good banter with Craig. Shame we only see so little of her. The likes of Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw and Ralph Fiennes also return, and even Jeffrey Wright takes a break from pondering What If? scenarios to make a little comeback. 
No Time To Die definitely stands next to the better Daniel Craig Bond films alongside Casino Royale and Skyfall, and it’s a true culmination of all of them, whilst still managing to ignore and forget the existence of Quantum of Solace, which is good, because Quantum of Solace sucks and I can’t believe I even managed to bring it up again!! Regardless, what a way to send off Daniel Craig on a proper high, and really refreshing to actually witness a Bond movie that features feelings and emotions. In fact, it’s pure Valentine’s Day essential viewing, so mark your calendars for next year, as you now know what film you have to rewatch on February 14th 2021! 
Overall score: 8/10
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Time for my Top 10 new-to-me movies movies of 2020.
Even though this year was an absolute dumpster fire, at least I had a chance to see a few more movies than I normally would have.
These are in no particular order (except maybe in the order I saw them)
Pain and Glory (Dolor y Gloria)
I watched this movie before the Academy Awards and I really hoped that Antonio Banderas would be a dark horse winner for Best Actor.  Because damn.  That was one of the best performances I had seen in a while.  And he had nothing to hide behind.  Just a raw, subtle performance.  Banderas plays Salvador in Pedro Almodovar’s semi-autobiographical movie about a writer/director who is dealing with chronic pain, writer’s block and his own loneliness.  There are moments in this movie where I was so invested...I was practically talking back at the screen, hoping it would change the outcome.
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Peeping Tom
This is one of those movies I had heard about for years, but never had an opportunity to see until now!  I had heard about how it basically ruined Michael Powell’s career, because people found it so shocking and horrifying.  Carl Boehm plays Mark, a man who is obsessed with fear and film...which results in him filming women as he kills them.  Mark is a textbook sympathetic villain...even though he’s a murderer, he seems so shy and repressed that you can’t help but feel bad for him (especially when you learn what happened to him as a child), but then he does something creepy and you forget about that.  Boehm’s performance really captures the balance between sympathetic and scary.  Also, this movie is absolutely gorgeous to look at....really rich colors and interesting use of light and shadow.
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Casino Royale
So I’m a little late to the James Bond party.  Up until this year, I had only seen one James Bond flick and I think it was one of the Pierce Brosnan ones...but during lockdown, I borrowed all four of the Daniel Craig ones from my Dad and watched them over the course of the week.  This one and Skyfall are pretty evenly matched for me, but I’ve watched this one a second time since then and it is a damn good movie.  Tons of fun, great action, and a compelling love story all wrapped into one!
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The first foreign language film to ever win Best Picture!  I hadn’t seen it yet, when it won, but I was still so excited that night and I couldn’t wait to watch this movie.  I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, I didn’t watch a trailer or look too much into the story.  But what we got is a very engrossing film, that is a mixture of a drama and thriller with a great commentary on class structure.
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I was so happy when I got to see this movie!  It popped up on my on demand and I watched it that night (just in case it disappeared the next day, lol).  I love Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman’s chemistry in Notorious and was really interested to see how it translated to this movie.  And their chemistry is just as crackling, but in a completely different way.  We actually get to see them be happy!  Just being together, and enjoying their small life together. It was also nice seeing Ingrid Bergman doing something more lighthearted, since she typically did films that required a lot of heavy lifting, emotionally.  And Cary Grant looks like he’s having a great time!
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I definitely caught up on my Hitchcock movies during this year, watching six of his films that I had never seen before.  I was a little wary of Vertigo, to be honest.  I kept hearing the plot, and thinking it sounded confusing, and was almost convinced that I wouldn’t like it.  But boy, was I wrong!  Everyone thinks of Jimmy Stewart as playing all these nice, normal guys (he was sort of the Tom Hanks of his era), so it’s interesting to see him play such a manipulative man in this movie.  Some of the things he says and did made me uncomfortable (particularly about changing Kim Novak’s character), but I never disliked him.  And the final scene in the tower is so intense, I had to go back and re-watch it.  This is also probably Hitchcock’s best-looking color film.
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The Nightingale 
This is an interesting choice.  Because I’m not sure I’ll ever watch this movie again, but it definitely affected me and has stuck with me over the past few months.  This movie is about a young Irish woman named Clare (played by the extraordinary Aisling Franciosi) who goes on a bit of a revenge quest in the Tasmanian wilderness after suffering a horrifying loss.  But it is not a typical revenge thriller...you think that’s what it is going to be, but it delves so much deeper than that: into grief, trauma and loss.  She is guided by Billy (played by the equally wonderful Baykali Ganambarr), who is aboriginal to Tasmania, and we see his struggles with losing his home to the English and everything that he endures as a result.  The relationship these two form is the heart of the film, and there are some very touching moments.  Fair warning, there are a few very realistic depictions of sexual violence in this film as well as a fair bit of violence.  No spoilers (even though you know about this from the trailer), but when a certain character was killed, I actually screamed.  That has never happened to me while watching a film.  It was also the first time I ever considered pausing a film to collect myself before moving on.  After the first thirty minutes, I was a bit of a wreck.  Not saying this to dissuade anyone, but more to help you go in with the right mindset.  This is the second film from Jennifer Kent, who gave us The Babadook, and I am really interested to see what she makes next.
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The Trial of the Chicago 7
Hey!  Something that was released this year!  I actually took a break from watching The West Wing to watch this movie...which is kind of funny, because I kept picturing TWW actors playing certain roles (if the movie had been made 20 years ago).  This movie is based on a true story about the seven men who were put on trial after a riot at 1968′s Democratic Convention.  Being an Aaron Sorkin script, the dialogue in unbelievable and carries you through the movie like a wave.  It’s funny, moving, heartbreaking and infuriating, all at the same time.  Apparently, they’d been trying to get this movie made for years, and I think it came out at just the right time....because man, oh man, did this movie feel topical.
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Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Another new release!  This is a really good movie, but the main reason it’s going on the list is because of Chadwick Boseman.  He gave a career-defining performance in this movie and it’s so sad that he’s not here to see the success.  He plays Levee, a trumpet player in a band who wants to break out on his own to start his own band and play the music he wants to play.  There were several moments in this movie that left me breathless...whether from one of Boseman’s stunning monologues or due to the final shock of the story that I did not see coming.
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I’ve been wanting to watch this movie for a while (I’ve been on a big Cary Grant kick), and I was so excited when my parents gave me the criterion blu-ray for Christmas!  This movie is just so much fun!  You have wonderful banter between Grant and Katharine Hepburn (provided by the same writer as The Philadelphia Story), fun side characters and acrobatics!  I love when we get to see an actor show off the “special skills” section of their resume.  Out of all the movies on this list, I feel like I will watch this one the most.  Basic plot, Cary Grant wants to marry Katharine Hepburn’s sister....but also wants to quit working and just live life for a while.  That idea sounds terrible to his fiancee, but great to Katharine Hepburn, who hates the life she’s currently living.  Honestly, his idea sounds pretty nice to me, too.  
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And now for two honorable mentions...they didn’t make the main list as they are documentaries rather than a narrative film.  But I think they’re both great and I wanted to include them!
I am Big Bird
A documentary about Carol Spinney, who created the character of Big Bird on Sesame Street and played the character for nearly 50 years.  This movie was a bit of a roller coaster, emotionally.  Maybe it’s because Spinney died last year, but I wasn’t not expecting to be affected by it as I did.  I really didn’t know much about him at all, so every new detail was a surprise.  There are some wonderful heartwarming moments, but have a couple tissues handy!
Dance Dreams: Hot Chocolate Nutcracker
I just watched this last weekend!  As someone who loves dance as much as I do, this was a must-see.  It follows Debbie Allen as she casts, rehearses and puts on her version of the classic ballet, The Nutcracker....something she has done for years.  Watching those kids rehearse that choreography, man did that make me miss the theater and dance even more.  I will say, that I spent the majority of the documentary on the floor, stretching.  I felt like Debbie Allen might yell at me if I didn’t, lol.  
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
SFW alphabet for Joe Bang
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I’ve actually been working on this bad boy for a while now. Surprisingly, some of these were pretty hard to write and required some thinking...
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warning: mention of explosives and sex
A= Affectionate (How affectionate are they?)
He’s super affectionate all the time with you. He calls you ‘baby doll’ or ‘sweet thang’. He’s a believer in PDA and always has an arm around you (it’s probably more of a possessive thing than anything else).
B= Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
You’d kinda already be dating before either one of you asks the question. You were introduced by a mutual and hit it off - before you knew it you were going on car rides in the middle of the night or drinking together at Duck Tape. No matter what, though, if someone asks, Joe will tell them it was love at first sight.
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Joe really loves his cuddles on the couch. He enjoys having you either laying on top of him or snuggled into his side while watching TV. He also doesn’t care if he’s the little spoon.
He doesn’t really care if there are other people around either. Joe will just pull you down with him or tug you closer mid-conversation.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does his fair share of the work without complaining. He comes from a big enough family, so cleaning and cooking comes naturally to him. That being said, his cooking does leave much to be desired seeing as hard-boiling eggs is his only forte... 
At the beginning of your relationship, you kept sleeping over at each other’s places so it was the obvious decision to move in with him. You help with yardwork and maintenance.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He doesn’t seem like the type to end things unless its really bad or if there’s no way around it (like you got a job far away). In all honesty, you’d probably leave him.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would take a while - you’d have to be together for almost a decade before he even thinks about it. Either way, he likes things the way they are and doesn’t feel the need to hurry anything up. It kinda already feels like you’re already married. 
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Joe, to put it kindly, is rough around the edges. He’s soft and careful one moment and acting tough the next. That being said, he knows his own strength and always makes sure that he doesn’t accidentally hurt you. He may act nonchalant about it, but everyone can tell he treats you differently than everyone else. 
In terms of emotions, he’s not the one you want to go to for a heart to heart. That’s not to say he can’t have one, it’s just that he doesn’t like it when conversations get too serious.
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He’s a one-armed hug kind of guy, especially in public. He’s not much of a hugger. 
Joe also really, really loves it when you hug him from behind - his face lights up and he smiles when you poke your head from under his arm. 
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) 
A few months - a year at the most - will go by before he says anything. When he does say it, it’ll be out of the blue. You’ll probably be out on his porch drinking beer and talking. Joe would just pause and turn to you as he says it. It might also be while you’re causing some mischief or doing something wild. 
Joe shows his love through action and presumes you already know.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Joe gets jealous very easily. If the two of you are out and he sees someone getting a little too close to you, he’ll come up from behind with his arm around your waist or back. He’ll either divert your attention to him by whispering some nonsensical jokes in your ear to make you giggle or tell you that something’s happening and you should come with. Near the beginning of your relationship, Joe might’ve been quick to try and show off (if it worked, you’d never tell).
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Joe is an all or nothing kind of guy. If you try to be cute by kissing him on the cheek, he’ll pull you to him and tell you that you hit the wrong target. That being said, he really loves it when you kiss him on the cheek - there’s just something about it that makes him feel fuzzy inside. 
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kids love him, but their parents don’t. Since he’s on the same wavelength as a five-year old, it’s easy for him to connect with children. The problem is, leave them alone for half a minute and he’s trying to teach them how to light a match or make a molotov. All that being said, he doesn’t want his own kids. They’re too much of a hassle and he doesn’t think he could ever settle down like that.
M= Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s super open about somethings and super not about others. His family, for example, is something that he’s fine talking about and does it often. But any trauma or bad memories are things he doesn’t want to dwell on.
The first time that you did have a long heart-to-heart was on the porch of Duck Tape while drinking. The two of you were just leaning against the railing, looking at the stars, talking about this and that. Something about the air that night made it feel as though that you were the only ones in the world, so he was a lot more open than usual. 
P= Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Unless he’s in a hurry for whatever reason or just got up on the wrong side of the bed, he’s pretty chill. When he does get annoyed, he tries hard to not direct it at you, but that doesn’t always work out. That being said, you almost never fight. You’ve built up a steady rhythm and have learned how to spot the tells when one of you is not doing too good.
If he drops something or is tired, I would not suggest helping him out. He’s just fine and what ever it is, it’s nothing a few curse words can’t fix.
Q= Quizzes (Who much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is surprisingly good. It’s not the best (selective even), but not ban considering. He doesn’t remember every little thing by a long shot, but he does pay attention.
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you took him to a tattoo parlor to get matching tattoos as a surprise or when the two of you went on an impromptu road-trip and got lost.
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Joe is super protective, especially at the beginning of your relationship. As a big brother and being slightly stronger than the average man, he feels somewhat responsible for your safety. He can get aggressive if he needs to, but he tries not to, especially when you’re around. That doesn’t always work of course and you might have to keep some band-aids in the glove compartment...
Your presence alone is all he needs. As long as he knows that he can fall back into your arms, he’s fine. You don’t have to do anything - in fact just setting his eyes on you has helped him more times than you realize.
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
When it comes to gift giving, he’s not very good. Like at all. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, but let’s just say that his brothers should be the last people he needs to go to for brainstorming... 
U= Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Those damn eggs. Also, he thinks it’s funny when he tries to kiss you while he’s all sweaty from working out.
V= Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
He’s pretty confident in his looks and definitely thinks that his tattoos make him look sexy. 
Joe loves it when you dress up for him - it makes him feel special. Besides that, though, he thinks that you can wear whatever you want to. 
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He might not at first, but that changes pretty quickly once he realizes that you’re already pulling out of the driveway. Even if you’re gone for one night, please call him. He’ll be eying his phone all day.
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s both spontaneous and not. Joe likes doing things for the sake of doing things, but if you’re planning on doing something, he likes to make sure that there’s an agenda. It can be super short, sweet and simple, he just needs to know that everyone’s on the right page. You don’t even need to tell him what it is half the time, just that it exists.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He likes people who are smart and have personality. Joe doesn’t really understand why anyone would want to change themselves for others. 
He also doesn’t appreciate having his food taken...
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
He snores pretty loud and has a bad tendency to steal the blankets. Besides that, he doesn’t move around a lot and sleeps like a log.
Please send me any and all constructive feedback as well as requests! I love seeing your comments as well! Side note, I just started watching Hotel Splendide with Daniel Craig and Toni Collette. It’s good but I don’t think Craig and yoga do well together... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this and, as always, see you in the next one!
- Simpy
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rose-tinted-juls · 3 years
juliana's comfort movies pt.2
posted: 20.07.2021.
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scent of a woman (1992) main actors: al pacino, chris o'donnell, james rebhorn short summary (imdb): "a prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated." why i love it (in a few words): al pacino (as i've already said, i absolutely adore him - he's breathtakingly talented and attractive), interesting plot, dark academia aesthetic, another classic one, i find it heartwarming and wish it didn't end
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the holiday (2006) main actors: jude law, cameron diaz, kate winslet, jack black short summary (imdb): "two women troubled with guy-problems swap homes in each other's countries, where they each meet a local guy and fall in love." why i love it (in a few words): i don't even know really, it just makes me feel all happy, and it makes me believe that out of unexpected adventures can come true love. sometimes i just love a cheesy, fluffy romantic comedy
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a walk in the woods (2015) main actors: robert redford, nick nolte, emma thompson short summary (imdb): "after spending two decades in england, bill bryson returns to the u.s., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the appalachian trail with one of his oldest friends, stephen katz." why i love it (in a few words): i'm a huge fan of robert redford, i love bill bryson (author) and his books, this movie never fails to make me laugh (even though i know the jokes by heart already), the scenery is *chefs kiss*, it makes me wanna go a long hike, the soundtrack is lord huron songs and it's amazing, true comedy
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catch me if you can (2002) main actors: leonardo dicaprio, tom hanks, christopher walken short summary (imdb): "barely 21 yet, frank is a skilled forger who has passed as a doctor, lawyer and pilot. fbi agent carl becomes obsessed with tracking down the con man, who only revels in the pursuit." why i love it (in a few words): young leo (!!!), it's honestly so much fun, i love spielberg's movies *shrug*, so many twists, it's based on a true story (!!), amy adams is cute, never gets boring to watch it
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the whiskey bandit (2017) main actors: bence szalay, zotlán schneider, viktor klem short summary (imdb): "a rootless young man in ceausescu's romania crosses the hungarian border looking for a better future. with his back against the wall in the post-socialist turmoil, he becomes the most successful bank robber in hungarian history." why i love it (in a few words): finally another hungarian movie i love, based on a true story (!!), the title is terrible but funny in english (i swear the hungarian original title is a hundred times better - "a viszkis"), it's an interesting look back into communism in romania and hungary
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love actually (2003) main actors: hugh grant, bill nighy, colin firth, liam neeson, martin freeman, emma thompson, andrew lincoln, keira knightley, thomas brodie-sangster, alan rickman short summary (imdb): "follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before christmas in london, england." why i love it (in a few words): so many incredible actors oh my, adorable plots, so enjoyable to watch, it's a must really, i watch it every christmas, baby thomas brodie-sangster *-*, this movie makes me believe that love actually exists (lol see what i did there), suitable for all age groups in my opinion
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the lake house (2006) main actors: keanu reever, sandra bullock short summary (imdb): "a lonely doctor, who once occupied an unusual lakeside house, begins exchanging love letters with its former resident, a frustrated architect. they must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late." why i love it (in a few words): this one's one of my all time favourite movies, incredible actors, i love keanu and sandra, even more when they play together, the plot is something so unique and well-created, makes you believe in love and that it really has no barriers, some mystery with time
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serendipity (2001) main actors: john cusack, kate beckinsale short summary (imdb): "a couple search for each other years after the night they first met, fell in love, and separated, convinced that one day they'd end up together." why i love it (in a few words): it's a truly adorable movie, a lovely romantic comedy, CASSIOPEIA (sorry i just love that scene since i was like 9), makes you believe in love (yeah this one too), but also it gives me some frustration at times when things don't work out like i want them to lol
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knives out (2019) main actors: ana de armas, daniel craig, chris evans, christopher plummer short summary (imdb): "a detective investigates the death of a patriarch of an eccentric, combative family." why i love it (in a few words): it's exciting, it has phenomenal scenes (often i laugh so hard my sides start to hurt), i love the actors oh my, the cinematography oh my, THE PLOT, i love detective movies, watched it three times within two weeks (and i rarely do it)
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while you were sleeping (1995) main actors: sandra bullock, bill pullman, peter gallagher short summary (imdb): "a hopelessly romantic chicago transit authority token collector is mistaken for the fiancée of a coma patient." why i love it (in a few words): a childhood favourite, watched it like a hundred times (and never got bored), i love sandra bullock, an interesting plot with small twists that i adore, bill pullman's jack is amazing (and his freakin smile), funny and adorable, it's a must for someone who loves romantic comedies
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starkerintheparker · 4 years
starker reclist - AUs
Hey guys! Welcome to the second part of my personal Starker reclist, dedicated to AUs. Last week I posted my canon-based recs, you can find them here.
I tried to incorporate as many tropes as I could, hoping everyone will find something special within their interests. There are a few a/b/o and underage fics, all properly tagged in case anyone wishes to avoid them. I also tried to highlight soulmate AUs because I reckon it’s a somewhat popular trope. Enjoy! ❤️
Last updated: April 25th, 2020. All new fics added will be marked with ***
• 007 AU by @darker-soft-starker (T, 4k, completed)
Summary: Undercover and bored at an art auction, Tony finds entertainment in Peter Parker.
Review: Look, I’m a simple woman. Daniel Craig has owned my ass ever since Casino Royale and I was reading 00Q and Hartwin before I even shipped Starker. Point is, I like spy movies, ok?! So naturally I couldn’t leave this fic out of my reclist. I you need further incentive, consider this quote: “What, a little late night espionage not romantic enough for you?” Peter retorts, whipping a pistol out from his jacket and aiming it at Tony’s chest.
• 3 Times I Told You I Loved You & 1 Time You Said It Back by @starkeristheendgame (E) background Peter/Steve, Peter/Bucky, Peter/Scott
Summary: Peter Parker confesses his love to Tony Stark three times. Once at ten, once at fifteen and once at twenty. Finally convinced that Tony will never love him back, Peter ventures out into a different path, desperate to find the love he seeks from someone else. But you know what they say about star-crossed lovers.
Review: This lovely fic holds a very special place in my heart. I’m so invested I decided to wait until it’s finished so I can read it all in one sitting. Peter’s longing and heartbreak hurt my poor soul but I trust Jensen to give me that promised Starker endgame - I know it will be glorious when it finally comes.
• A Night on the Town by @scarletmanuka1 (G, 2.3k, completed)
Summary: Nightclub AU. Years after the events of Endgame, Tony has hit rock bottom. The Snap left him crippled, Pepper has abandoned him and has taken Morgan with her, and he's feeling old and lonely. Peter arranges a night out at the nightclub that he works at to try and cheer Tony up.
Review: I love get together fics, especially if it involves oblivious!Tony getting his shit together and going after his man. Seeing him bitter and broken after Thanos was hard, but special kudos to IronBros moments because that friendship is true goals!
• Age of Adeline by @starkerforlife6969 (completed) background Harley/Peter, Bucky/Peter, Wade/Peter
Review: I’d never in a million years think about this movie as a Starker AU but gosh, this is everything I needed in my life and it completely devastated me but I loved every minute of it. As a devoted monoshipper, I was surprised to realize that I got emotionally involved with all pairings, even more so with Starker, which totally paid off. Gorgeous, powerful and heartfelt. God bless SFL.
• assume makes ass for u and me by @pretty-well-funded (M, 1.6k, completed) tw underage
Summary: In Tony’s defense, he was sure the kid was a rent boy.
Review: This 1.6k fic caught me completely off guard and now I’m crying because I need MORE. I love the premise, the dialogue is criminally good, their voices are amazing and I can’t get enough of cheeky!Peter charming Tony with his wit and filthy mind.  
• Bamf!secretary Peter by @starkerforlife6969 (M, completed)
Review: Who could ever resist some corporate espionage drama with bamf!Peter leaving Tony speechless and horny? Not me. I’d read more 30k of this verse because competent, sassy Peter Parker is such a kink, omg.
• Biker!Tony by @starkerforlife6969 (T, completed) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Review: Same age AUs are not usually my thing but I can’t resist cute high school sweethearts written by this fandom goddess. Plus, protective!Tony calling Peter “doll” does things to my heart - and Peter’s.
• Breaking Character by @cagestark (E, 8.3k, completed)
Summary: Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and spy for SHIELD. Working with another SHIELD spy, the infamous Spider, he will take down an infamous human trafficking ring in New York. But the act they have to put on will demand more from Tony than he ever thought he'd have to give. Not that he minds.
Review: The spy trope seriously needs more fic like this one, because I’ll have bamf!Peter lying back to save his country while Tony freaks out any day. Cage hits the perfect balance between plot building, fantastic sexual tension, clever dialogue and the hottest smut sequence. What a ride! (Pun intended).  
• Curiosity Killed the Cat by @areluctantsblog (T, 1.5k, completed)
Summary: Peter has been modelling in an art school for years. He's used to strangers' eyes roaming his body - clothed or naked - and he knows that it's not him they are looking at. Not him who they are interested in. He's just a model, a tool for their work. And for a long time he doesn't notice the one pair of eyes that, despite seeing him but rarely, is looking right at him.
Review: Very soft and atmospheric, this fic left me in a bit of a daze and it took me a while to realize it was over. Great writing will do that to you.
• Detective!Tony, Graffiti Artist!Peter by @starkerforlife6969 (M, completed)
Review: Oh don’t mind me, just appreciating this author’s talent at writing from the filthiest smut to the softest “Tony saves Peter in all ways that matter” like this ficlet. We stan.
• Eat at Pete’s by feyrelay + glorious art by @peachbabypie (E)
Summary: Peter gives him an unimpressed look, “If you didn’t do your work, then you wouldn’t be able to earn my time though, would you?” Pfft. “Kid, I have more money than god. I can splurge on your delicious pancakes and attention, trust me,” Tony informs him loftily. Peter smiles that wicked, crooked little smile that's just for him. It's not even and perfect like his the-customer-is-always-right one that's more frequently on offer. “I didn’t say you couldn’t afford it. I said you wouldn’t have earned it.”
Review: How can we ever say no to dom!Peter putting Tony in his place and hopefully on his dick + Tony loving every second of it?? Their dynamics are fantastic and that TASTY COUNTER DIALOGUE KILLS ME. EVERY TIME. Check it out and come scream with me: sub!Tony rights :D
• Fire and Ice by LeafyGreenQueen773 (M, 3k, completed) Soulmate AU
Summary: AU where when someone writes on his or her skin, the same thing shows up on their soulmate in the same place as a Mark that fades away in a few hours.
Review: This was the first Starker soulmate fic I’ve read and it made my heart ache so soft and good. Lovely and bittersweet, quiet and painfully honest. 
• Genius, Acrobat, Playboy, Philanthropist by @scarletmanuka1 (E, 28k, completed)
Summary: After Peter's aeriel acrobatics partner, Adrian Toomes is fired from The Avengers Circus Troupe for theft, he is shocked to discover that his replacement is non other than legendary performer, Tony Stark - the man that Peter had hero worshipped since he first learned how to tumble. 
Review: After reading this fic I realized I need more Circus AUs in my life. I could read jealous idiots falling in love while doing beautiful acrobatics for the rest of my days. Original plot, nice character development and I really appreciated how the author inserted little canon things here and there. 
• Happy to Disappoint by @deaded-blush (M, 60k, completed) tw underage, domestic violence
Summary: Adrian Toomes is in quite deep with notorious mob boss Tony Stark. But when Tony comes to collect the debt owed, he's surprised to discover Toomes has an adoptive son. The chance meeting changes the direction of both their lives...
Review: Hands down one of the best Mafia!AUs I’ve ever seen. Read it all in one sitting and by the end I was SHOOKETH and utterly obsessed with this story. Nothing about it is okay so brace yourself for whump!Peter and lots of h/c. Bonus points for an incredibly satisfying ending that will make you gasp out loud.
• Hey Baby, Slip between my Beta-Pleats and get to know my Alpha-Helix? by @starkerforlife6969 and @darker-soft-starker (E, 37k, completed) A/B/O
Summary: Even though Tony can't tell the difference between Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo, Peter really has no other choice. His heat is around the corner, so even though he loathes the party-going, booze drinking, smug playboy know-it-all that is Tony Stark. He'll just have to do.       
Review: I can’t believe life went on as we know it (or did it??) after these two geniuses wrote together. This is the Starker version of “enemies to lovers” we all wanted and deserve, where spoiled-bratty-posh princess Peter finds the perfect balance for his chaotic energy in goofy-unapologetic-charming playboy Tony. Their falling in love is just so tender, so genuine and so good, it’s impossible not to cheer for these two sweethearts through this delightful, carefully crafted story.
• If you let me by @css1992 (E, 12k, completed)
Summary: Peter had tried dating younger guys, but it just didn’t do it for him. They were often too eager, too fast, too rough. Just too young, in general. Not that older men couldn’t be too much, too, Peter learned it the hard way. The man looking back at him from across the room seemed like a good one. He knew he shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but he was gorgeous. Possibly the most handsome man Peter had ever seen in his short life.
Review: I remember the first time I read this fic it hit me in such a powerful way I cried a bit and was too overwhelmed to do words and tell the author just how much I loved it. But I never forgot this fic or the way it made me feel. It’s so evocative, so sexy, so raw, so heartbreaking, so sweet and so gentle. Great atmosphere, even greater characterization and some of the hottest smut I’ve ever read. Treat yourself and check this out right now.    
• I’ll be Home by @starkerforlife6969 (M, completed) A/B/O
Summary: The story starts when Soldier Tony comes home for a few days, and is introduced to the love of his life.
Review: Will I ever stop reccing SFL’s works? Maybe, but today is not the day. This gorgeous, breathtaking fic attacked me in my own house during Christmas day and made me cry like a baby. I’m a sucker for reunion stories - the longing, the heartbreak, the power of endurance. This fic reminded me that no matter how long or difficult the journey, love will always find a way.
• Little Spider by @stfustucky (iwillpaintasongforlou) (E, 5k, completed)
Summary: Peter Parker is one of the country's best hitmen, known in the underworld as the Little Spider. He spends his days in the lap of luxury with his billionaire fiance Tony Stark, and his nights doing dirty work for various shady characters. Life is good, right up until someone puts out a hit on Tony and wants Peter to pull the trigger. It... might be time for them to have a talk.
Review: Omg this fic was so deliciously good in a totally surprising and sexy way. Bamf!Peter took my breath away with the perfect balance between his two personas. Tony getting off on that sheer power and confidence is a BIG MOOD and my second favorite thing in this fic. The first being the badass power couple they make. 
• love somebody like you (E) by @intoxicatelou
Summary: five times Tony was Peter’s roommate and one time he was his soulmate instead.
Review: Who doesn’t love some forced proximity mixed with the unbeatable soulmate trope? This plot is the hottest take and my heart cannot handle young!Tony with his brilliant mind and sassy charm protecting and flirting with Peter, unfff feels everywhere *cries in Starker*
• Love Thy Neighbour by @darker-soft-starker (T, 2.3k, completed)
Summary: Tony's new neighbour is kinda weird.
Review: I know I keep saying that same age!AUs are not really my thing but I’m the softest bitch for feel-good, cozy domesticity, and I love how this charming story shows that ordinary life become magical when shared with someone special. I could babble all night about how eccentric and confident Peter seduces our man of science that for once has absolutely no idea of what’s going on - but you really should see it for yourself right now :)
• Mafia Boss!Tony Break Up Make Up by @starkerforlife6969 (E, completed)
Review: Man, this fic was so rude to my heart. The heartbreak, the rough sex, the guilt, the hopeful make up, the gorgeous ending. My body literally cannot take the stress, why are Mafia AUs so doomed and beautiful and more importantly, why is SFL so good at writing them???
• Microcosm Series by @bloomblood (M, 32k) tw underage
Summary: Tony and Peter become each other’s heroes after the Snap, saving themselves before they offer aid back to the world.
Review: I haven’t read many post-apocalyptic fics but this series’s raw atmosphere sucked me in. I adore the quiet intimacy, the slow and tentative healing, and all the silent and complex emotions underneath apparent simplicity. Big aesthetic mood, just as its lovely author. 
• Musechaser by @nightskygardenia (M, 10.5k, completed)
Summary: Eighteen year old art student Peter Parker is desperately searching for his muse, someone who can bring his creative skills to the next level through inspiration. Lucky for him, his next class just so happens to feature a gorgeous model by the name of Tony Stark, a man Peter's convinced is his muse, to the point of staying after class to ask for private modeling sessions.
Review: Another big aesthetic mood, this fic paints a gorgeous imagery. I love the setting, the slow pace and the building anticipation until the sexual tension finally breaks. Peter is adorable and Tony exudes confidence; their voices are spot on and their chemistry is palpable and intense.  
• My Best Friend’s Dad by @darker-soft-starker (M, 17.6k, completed)
Summary: Peter is home for the summer, back from his first year away at college. Having stayed over at Harley's house every weekend since they were fourteen, he never used to think much of his friend’s dad. A few years worth of college experience has Peter noticing Tony in a different way. This time, Tony notices him back.
Review: Turns out that Tony Stark being a dad and a daddy is too much for my body. I worship this fic. I wanna get married to it and have its babies. No words will ever make it justice *sobs* no but seriously, secret relationship is a perfect Starker trope and this one will take you to the edge of your seat until the very end. A+ characterization, lovely build up, infuriating cliffhangers and the wholesome happy ending we all deserve. This is the kind of fic that leaves you a bit depressed once it’s over, because you suddenly realize you’ll never read it for the first time ever again. So get to it and make sure to enjoy every second!
• One Call Away by @readysetstarker (E)
Summary: Tony didn’t need the phone sex gig. He was more than well off, his own sex life was in great shape, but damn, there was just something about listening to someone else get off to his voice. 
Review: Omg who could ever resist sex hotline + daddy kink + identity porn? Dev is coming after our own hearts and bodies with this hot combo. I love the balance between their cute chemistry and the hot phone sex, plus the identity porn is deliciously fun. I was so happy to know this fic is getting longer than the author had previously anticipated because I’m definitely not ready to let it go.
• Open Road by @starkerflowers (E, 2.5k, completed)
Summary: It’s not love, but it’s good. TW: implied abuse (not between Tony/Peter); bruises/violence; panic attack. 
Review: This refreshing not-quite-a-love-story will capture your heart, make it hurt, make it ache, make it hope and finally, make it heal. This fic is so gorgeously written I honestly cannot rec it enough. Yes, it’s dark and angsty, but it’s also gentle, hopeful and deeply evocative.  
• Panty Raid by @starkerforlife6969 (M, completed) A/B/O
Summary:  Imagine Tony being forced to do a panty raid as an initiation for his fraternity. So Tony, keeping up his playboy appearances, sneaks into the omega dorms. And he sees sweet innocent Peter who is so alarmed by the alphas raiding their dorm Tony can’t help but comfort him.
Review: Unf this fic is just too charming and cute, my heart cannot take it. Frat stories are so fun they make me forget my preference for age gaps and realize I could read more 50k of protective young!Tony any day, please and thank
• Pete’s Eats by @darker-soft-starker (T, 9.3k, completed)
Summary: Peter has a YouTube channel where he just drinks wine and teaches people how to cook things if they live in a mediocre apartment. While cooking and drinking he just talks about stuff like memes and school and, most importantly, his undying thirst for Tony Stark.
Review: This is legit the funniest shit I’ve ever read, everybody else can go home. I was already sold on Peter being a relatable thirsty dork, but Tony’s A+++ characterization (for a moment I thought it was RDJ on the big screen) and the identity porn side trope killed me for good. And what a way to go. I’m an angst hoe but I could read this forever and would be okay with it. 
• pondus, pondera by spqr (M, 9.3k, completed) underage prostitution but not between P/T
Summary: Peter sells his virginity for $5,000 when he’s fifteen.
Review: Ugh I’m so weak for the angsty hooker trope, I just love the potential to simultaneously explore whump, mutual pining and gentle recovery. Trust spqr to deliver it all with a carefully crafted slow burn, god-tier characterization and a heartfelt and satisfying get together. This fic is a gem.
• Powerful by @cagestark (E, 4.6k, completed) SIM!Tony
Summary: After finding out about Peter's abusive ex, Tony privately vows revenge.
Review: This fic took my breath away and made me realize that dark!Tony with a soft spot for Peter is everything I need in my life. Precious Peter being empowered by a viciously protective Tony is now my absolute jam, and it was fascinating to see see their dynamics mutually feeding each other’s nature. This fic is gorgeous, sexy and liberating. 
***Red Light District series by @starker-stories (17k, ongoing)
Summary: Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy who has dozens of women passing through his life and through his bed. What everyone doesn't know is that Tony Stark is deeply closeted, longing for something he can't ever have -- a life and a love with another man.
Review: I’m completely in love with this series and not only because it explores the good old hooker trope which I’m very partial to. It’s so well written and atmospheric, if a tad bittersweet and heart-wrenching. Great narrative tension, Tony and Peter’s chemistry is insane, their voices and dialogue are amazing and the smut is looong and scorching hot *chef’s kiss* 
• Samadhi by @starkercrossedlovers (E, completed)
Summay: Tony goes to yoga to try and deal with his anxiety and ends up falling for the instructor, one Peter Parker.
Review: Okay so yoga fics are among my guilty pleasures and I can’t get enough of feel-good fics like this one. Peter’s such a sweetheart, so thoughtful and amazing with Tony. I love it when they take care of each other and find solace together, this fic made me soft :’)
• Single dad baker!Peter and lawyer!Tony by @starkerforlife6969 (G, completed)
Review: I’m not usually a fluff girl but this fic is just too wholesome to go by unnoticed. Nothing hits my soft side harder than a cynical character reaching that turning point that makes them start to believe in love. Fuck yes, YOU SHOW THAT MAN SOME HAPPILY EVER AFTER PETE
• Soft Kitty by @ko-fiandfanfiction (E, 33k, completed)
Summary: Peter wasn’t wearing something Tony would call normal, not that there was anything inherently wrong with what he was wearing or anything. It just struck him as…different. To put it plainly. Tony is not sure what to make of this new development.
Review: For those of you who love some occasional feminization, this is the perfect treat. Soft, sexy and sweet, it combines top guilty, pining Tony with oblivious idiots in love, two of my favorite tropes. Amazing slow burn with glorious sexual tension, infuriating dancing around each other and a very satisfying get together. Bonus points for including the “Avengers living together in the Tower” trope, this is the 2012 team building fic we deserved.
• Solitaire by @darker-soft-starker (M, 29k, completed)
Summary: After a traumatic experience, Tony loses his marriage and his business empire in one fell swoop. At rock bottom, it takes real change to pick up the pieces, to dig himself out of the funk he's been living in. It's not pretty. Along the path of healing Tony meets a bright young man, Peter Parker, who makes the entire journey worth it.
Review: Oh man, this was a tough ride on the soul. Few things hurt me like reading whump!Tony but his healing journey is so beautiful it’s all worth it. Top notch characterization, amazing dialogue, FEELS EVERYWHERE, and a gorgeous portrayal of loneliness, friendship, hope and love.  
• Someone Who Makes you Happy by tuesday (T, 6k, completed) Soulmate AU
Summary: Peter was born with several marks already marring his skin, including an interlocking AES over his heart. A scar-sharing soulmate AU.
Review: This fic is absolutely stunning and it makes my heart ache in all the right places. Great worldbuilding (I LOVE the scarring concept, so unique and fitting to these characters), A+++ Tony characterization (the wit and the self-hate are so spot on I could weep) and a journey full of longing, until they finally get to be on the same page. 
• Splice by Mezzymet (E, 35k, completed) A/B/O
Summary: "He's not...." The doctors polite nature and disposition hadn't been able to mask the odd tone of his voice, like he had been reading someone's death certificate. Only Peter hadn't been on his death bed. "Peter isn't like the other kids.
Review: I keep coming back to this story because it’s such a fascinating and unique take on this trope. Very well thought and put together - the world building is fantastic, the sex sequences are breathtaking, and Tony’s gentle thoughtfulness makes me wanna cry.   
• Stopover by @cagestark (E, 10k, completed)
Summary: A stopover is just a break in a journey. Tony is on the run from the organization he used to kill for, and when he stopped for gas and coffee in the small town of Stopover, IL, he had no plans to leave with anything more.
Review: *sigh* this is the mob boss!Tony fic I’ve waited for all my life. Even more impressive than the delicious smut checking all my kink boxes was the phenomenal build up, the overall urgent atmosphere that surrounds those “on the run”, combined with the gentle wonder of stealing a moment in time to find solace in the most unlikely place. Breathtakingly moving. 
• Student Body President Election by @starkerforlife6969 (T, completed)
Summary: Tony and Peter are competing for Student Body President and a smear campaign takes things a little too far.
Review: GIMME ENEMIES TO LOVERS AND ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA. This ficlet is so fun and adorable it will make your heart smile. Great plot idea and the usual bonus points for protective!Tony being a sweetheart. Will have more 30k, pls and thank.
• Such a Softer Sin by @css1992 (E, 18k, completed) background Peter/Norman
Summary: Tony is a self-made man. Peter is a sugar baby – someone else’s sugar baby.
Review: Another fantastic slow burn that hit me hard in the feels. I love it when fics explore the characters’ personal struggles before they get together, and while the Peter!whump destroyed my heart, Tony’s parallel journey of growth took my breath away. css1992’s talent took the good old sugar baby trope to a whole new epic level. 
• Summer Daze by @darker-soft-starker (NR, 4.3k, completed)
Summary: Starker no-powers au where Peter watches construction worker Tony from his bedroom window as the older man works across the street.
Review: Ahh yes, the classic “food as metaphor for love” trope, my absolute jam. This fic is so adorable and endearing, pining!Peter in his wooing mission makes my heart ache and the sweet anticipation is so good. There’s something about this fic that gives me nostalgia; it’s as soft and warm as a summer breeze.
• Tamed by @cagestark (E, 8.3k, completed)
Summary: Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and spy for SHIELD. Working with another SHIELD spy, the infamous Spider, he will take down an infamous human trafficking ring in New York. But the act they have to put on will demand more from Tony than he ever thought he'd have to give. Not that he minds.
Review: It’s no wonder this is Cage’s most beloved fic. Bad boy!Tony being all soft for Peter is everything we deserve, not to mention a mesmerizing (and HOT AF) first time together. This fic shows how rich and captivating Cage’s writing is - she’s able to transform that old basic trope into something unique and heartfelt. If you need one more reason to read this, please consider: best first bj ever :)    
• Teacher!Tony wrong number by @areluctantsblog (T) tw underage
Summary: Peter’s using a replacement phone and mistypes Ned’s number asking for help on a physics problem.
Review: I have such a soft spot for this fic! It was one of the first AUs I’ve ever read and I’m completely in love with their dynamics. Peter’s underage but this fic is carefully written and pretty tame, so I’d rec it to anyone looking for the good old “they probably shouldn’t, but then again nothing’s happening” trope.  
• The Bleedover Effect by tuesday (T, 11k, completed) Soulmate AU
Summary: The first time Tony got punched in the face by nobody there, he had a lot of very complicated feelings about it that mostly boiled down to, "I deserve this." A pain-sharing soulmate AU.
Review: Tuesday truly is the queen of soulmate AUs, we have no other choice but STAN. First of all, I adore the concept here - being such a sucker for whump, this could easily become my favorite soulmate trope. As usual, her Tony voice is perfect and his devotion to Peter hits my fragile heart every time. Kudos for the soft and hopeful ending. The series has been discontinued but the sequels are very much worth the read, if you’re up for it :)
• The Catfish Chronicles by @stfustucky (iwillpaintasongforlou) (E, 32k, completed)
Summary: Peter creates a fake profile under the name “Benjamin” trying to catch his scumbag boyfriend cheating. Tony creates a Tinder profile for "Anthony" looking for love late in life. Funny how two geniuses who fight side by side every day can only manage to fall in love after they've accidentally catfished each other. This is... gonna get awkward.
Review: My identity porn thirst might be showing but who cares, I want these two idiots pining after each other in every possible way. This was such a fun and exciting ride! The suspense had me legit freaking out and their get together was lovely and wholesome. I particularly adored how thoughtful and sweet Tony was dealing with Peter’s insecurities, that was handled really well. A treat!
• The Concept of Domesticity by @peters-tofu (E) mpreg
Summary: Tony has accomplished nearly everything he's set out to do, now he wants something different. A family of his own? Sounds easy enough. But he's far too impatient for a relationship, so surrogacy it is. Meanwhile, twenty-two year old college student Peter Parker has just volunteered to be a bearer at an agency.
Review: Can’t say I’m a big fan of this trope but since every rule has its exception, here it is! The only Starker mpreg I’ve ever read is so so good and adorable I can’t help smiling every time I think about it. I just love their dynamics, the soft domesticity, the cute bantering, and the fact that Peter has one baby daddy all wrapped around his little finger but what else is new ;)
***The Date by Neuropsyche (E, 33k, completed)
Summary: Tony has a high society gala and he needs a date.
Review: My favorite fake dating AU so far, this fic is so sweet and wholesome. Confident!Peter is my jam and it was amazing to see their sassy bantering evolving into genuine affection towards each other, not to mention the delicious hot smut with dom!Tony :D 
• The Final Heist by @starkerforlife6969 (G, 10k, completed)
Summary: Tony’s only got one more heist. He does this, he can be retired on an island in the Mediterranean in a month. All he needs is a world-class art forger. (White Collar inspired)
Review: Honestly, the amount of times I’ve mentioned SFL in this list is getting embarrassing. I must have done something really good in another life to get such a talented author writing something inspired by one of my favorite TV shows. I feel like this fic was personally crafted for me; it’s original, romantic, sexy, fun, clever and so very atmospheric. I’m a lucky hoe. 
• The Heart Benefits of Exercise by @areluctantsblog (E, 14k, completed)
Summary: Personal Trainer Tony and Gym Newbie Peter. Peter can hardly keep it together watching Tony demonstrate different exercises and lift weights. Tony is very much aware of the effect he has on his trainee, and after a session, Peter begs to be shown a whole different array of exercises.
Review: This fic was a lovely surprise, very relatable and entertaining. Love myself an adorable Peter thirsting over Tony (can’t really judge lol), especially if it comes with a good amount of pining and hot, kinky smut :D
• Tipping the Scale by JayPendragon (E, 119k, completed)
Summary: Peter has a rhythm. A system. All runs like a well-oiled machine, engineering pun intended. Every wheel of his life is churning perfectly. He doesn’t expect Tony Stark of all people to throw a wrench in it.
Review: Hooker!AUs are my kryptonite, I’m so here for the “fuck first, talk later” and the general pining + misunderstandings + h/c combo this trope provides. This amazing longfic delivers it all with a well-paced, delicious slow burn told from Peter’s POV, which is always a delight to read and makes you fall even more in love with him. If you also enjoy this trope you’re in for a treat!
•  To Catch a Spider by Thekeyandquill (E)
Summary: After the war, Peter Parker left his career as a spy behind to live a simple life in the south of France. But when someone frames him for the theft of plans for a new weapon, he must re-enter his old life and get close to the real thief's likely next target - one Tony Stark. A To Catch a Thief AU.
Review: TKAQ is so skilled their writing should be experienced like fine wine. Amazing research, top notch world building and characterization, and the loveliest atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re inside a movie. Clever, organic dialogue and a sexual tension so palpable you can almost taste it. This is a gem. Make sure to check their other works.
•  Two White, Two Black, One Pink by @starkerforlife6969 (E) poly fic: Peter/Tony, Peter/Steve, Peter/Bucky, Peter/Strange Summary: Peter has three (maybe one day: four) men in his life who mean the world to him. Review: Ugh, this fic is pure bliss. It has legit ruined me for any and all other poly fics. Words just cannot describe how gorgeous, poetic and unique SFL’s writing is, or how deeply it has affected me. So if you enjoy Mafia AUs, poly fics and soft-but-also-bamf!Peter taking care of Tony AND being taken care of by the men he loves, give this a chance and experience transcending storytelling. 
•  Uranium Heart by spqr (M, 11k, completed) Soulmate AU Summary: It’s probably better, Peter thinks, that he doesn’t know who his soulmate is. He wouldn’t want to lie to them about Spider-Man, but he doesn’t think he’d be able to tell them the truth, either.
Review: Be still my heart. This is such a gorgeous fic! Not only it combines two major tropes in a coherent 11k story, but I also appreciate how spqr explores these characters and their dynamics in a very unique and realistic way. I strongly recommend checking their other works, especially Landslide. 
•  Waiting Game by @cagestark (E, 6k, completed)
Summary: Peter hasn't seen Tony in fifteen years. Not since he had their hasty marriage annulled, graduated college, and moved across the country. Their twenty year high school reunion will find them reunited. They've both changed, but one thing hasn’t. Hint: it's their feelings for each other.
Review: This fic literally made my heart BURST WITH FEELS: the whole build up and anticipation, the slow disclosure of their past, the first uncertain moments of their reunion. I also appreciate the powerful and moving message underneath it all, that true healing comes after we overcome our demons at our own pace. A masterpiece.
•  Wooing Peter Parker by Neuropsyche (E, 62.5k, completed)
Summary: Tony and Rhodey dodge the press and sneak into the library where they meet Peter Parker - who immediately catches Tony's eye. But Peter isn't a one and done kind of guy and Tony's going to have to work for what he wants this time.
Review: This is the kind of fic that warms you all over and makes you smile non stop. It has so many elements I love in fic: cute flirting, clever banter, hot sex, soft domesticity, boys being reasonable and talking their problems out for a change. If you’re looking for something light, sweet and honest, this series is a must read!
349 notes · View notes
365days365movies · 3 years
January 15, 2021: Casino Royale (2006) (Part 1)
So...we meet again, Bond. What’ve you been doing for the past few years?
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...What. Not who, James, WHAT. Jeez.
Whatever. BrosBond had 3 movies after GoldenEye, and they were...not great, from what I’ve heard. Remember, I wasn’t as big of a fan of GoldenEye as many critics and fans were; so, I can’t imagine what I’d think of the latter three. Maybe one day, but not today!
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Today, I’m focusing my sights on the revitalization of the brand. See, in 2002, Die Another Day came out, and that movie was apparently crazy. TOO crazy. So crazy, in fact, that audiences and critics accused it of losing the plot, and the production studio in charge (Eon Productions) had a yearning to change direction. And their inspiration came from...a surprising place.
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See, Joel Schumacher’s campy, over-the-top Batman films were basically wiped out by Christopher Nolan’s 2005 reinvention of the character in Batman Begins. Which is, in my opinion, a highly underrated classic, Seriously. And in 2005, this film was absolutely a smash-hit. Batman was cool again, which a lot of people never thought would happen in film. Eon saw this, and thought...how can we apply that to Bond?
Out with Brosnan...in with Craig.
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The first of the new, darker, reinvented Bond films is planned for release in 2006, starring Daniel Craig as the suave, sophisticated spy. And the director of the film was selected to be...Martin Campbell? From GoldenEye? The guy who kinda sorta started the modern over-the-top Bond? Really? I mean, OK. The writers this time are different...except for one. I didn’t talk about the writers last time because I don’t like putting people on blast if I don’t gotta. This time...maybe. We’ll see.
If this Casino Royale is basically Bond Begins, I’m definitely interested. Maybe this’ll revitalize that Bond-love from the Connery days. Let’s find out! We’re also gonna look at the Bond checklist again!
Gadgets: better have more cool gadgets than GoldenEye, I swear...
Bond Girl: GoldenEye’s Natalya wasn’t bad, to be honest; let’s see who his Inevitable Love Interest is this time.
Villain: Alec Trevelyan had so much potential. I need my dastardly villain, let’s do this. Oh, and let’s throw the henchman in here, too. Xenia Onatopp was...a lot...but she was a memorable henchman, at least.
Music: Of course. GoldenEye’s theme was good, and we’ll see how 2006 does.
OK, movie time. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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We start at an office building in Prague, where a man makes his way up to his office. Waiting there for him is, of course, James Bond (Daniel Craig). The man is Dryden, section chief at the British Embassy in Prague, whom M has accused of selling secrets, a big no-no. But Bond...isn’t a double-0 agent. Huh. You got me interested.
Apparently, agents get the two zeroes once they’ve killed two people on file. James hadn’t killed anyone...until recently. Which is when we get this.
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This is an absolutely BRUTAL fight. It’s not choreographed flashily, it’s not pretty...it’s rough. It’s intense. And it’s...oh my God, wow. Made me feel it. And what’s astonishing is that it’s SO short.
On learning this, Dryden tells him not to worry, the second one is...
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HOW??? How is it that in 3 minutes of screentime, I’m already more satisfied by Craig’s Bond than I was for the ENTIRETY of GoldenEye? That is masterfully done, right off the bat. WOW. We even get a smooth-as-silk segue into the classic bullet turret sequence, and that takes us right into the song and opening credits. And...wow.
Here’s the thing about Bond openings, as I mentioned last time: they were all directed by one guy up until GoldenEye, and were basically all silhouetted women with themes and scenes from the movie projected around them. The Brosnan movies followed suit, always having silhouetted women in one way or another. Die Another Day used CGI women and...a really bad Madonna song. It was...it is NOT GOOD, guys. Look it up, it’s the most 2002 thing I’ve ever heard.
But here’s the fin bit about Casino Royale. This is the first Bond movie opening with no women in it. Yeah. It’s the first one. And the song is Chris Cornell’s You Know My Name, and it’s good! Not sure it’s going in my soundtrack, though.
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Finally, the opening credits sequence itself: it’s once again Daniel Kleinman doing it, and it’s actually inspired by the first James Bond book Casino Royale, which had already had a TV special and unofficial Bond movie made from it! The cover had a playing card motif, and the opening carries over that motif creatively. I really dig it, if I’m honest! Definitely a welcome break from the 44 years of Bond films preceding it.
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Uganda! And we meet the villain of this film: Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen). And GODDAMN if that isn’t a Bond villain! He’s a banker, making a deal with a rebel leader, Steven Obanno (Isaach de Bankole), via their liason Mr. White (Jesper Christiensen). Setting up an attack by supplying Obanno with money, he sells his stocks of a company called Skyfleet, knowing that they’re about to fail.
Meanwhile, a ferret’s fighting an Asian species of cobra. In Madagascar. My zoology senses are EXPLODING, OH my God. So much wrong there. Anyway, there’s a bombmaker in the crowd watching the fight. He’s being tailed by Bond and another agent, Carter, who tips off the guy by being a bad spy. Bond chases him to a construction yard. What now, James?
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Awesome. Why is this awesome when I said that the tank was dumb? Because at least it makes sense for a bulldozer to go haywire in a construction yard, just sayin’. Plus, this dude clearly isn’t the best, as he fires on construction workers and cops.
Eventually, this chase sequence brings us to the top of a crane, where this exchange happens.
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I, uh...I love this movie already. That’s goddamn great.
The chase scene as a whole is also fantastic, as it continues off the bridge and into an abandoned building, then escalates into the streets, brings in law enforcement, and eventually ends with Bond at an embassy, facing down both the military and the bomb maker. He kills the guy, shoots some gas tanks, grabs the bomb, and then gets the hell out of there.
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...Y’know what, that was fucking amazing, but he also almost certainly caused an international incident there. And I should be annoyed about that, but guess what! It makes sense! This is an inexperienced Bond, one who’s JUST been promoted to 00 status as 007, as the prologue explained. So, y’know what? I’m into it!
Cut to a yacht, like you do in a Martin Campbell Bond film. There, we have our villain, Le Chiffre, playing a card game. Also, he weeps blood. Yeah. HE WEEPS BLOOD.
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OK, if that isn’t some Bond villain shit, I don’t know WHAT is. He’s also asthmatic, because I love it. I love it so much. He’s a mathematically-brilliant asthmatic that weeps blood. More, please. 
He’s also a person aware of what Bond did at the embassy, as it’s already become an international incident! Thank you for showing consequences, movie! Damn! I love it! This has two additional consequences. One, Le Chiffre notes that the code “Ellipsis” used by the bomber may be soon to expire, indicating a connection between the two. And the second consequence? M’s pissed.
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M! DAME JUDI DENCH! One of my favorite things about GoldenEye was bringing in Judi Dench as M, and she made it through the reboot! And she’s still as entertaining as she was before, calling Bond out for his stupidity, and explaining that she misses the Cold War.
In her apartment, M does her normal exposition schtick, and her interactions with Bond are fantastic here. She’s understandably angry at him, and gives him what for, but she’s also clearly impressed that he FIGURED OUT WHERE SHE LIVES, as well as her REAL NAME. Shows her opinion of Bond and aspects of Bond’s character in a single, masterful stroke. 
Well. Goddamn. Done.
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The Bahamas! Bond’s here to find Alex Dimitrios (Simon Abkarian), a Greek businessman who’s believed to have a connection with Le Chiffre himself. And, as James Bond is wont to do, he finds him at a party, playing cards. And here’s where the reinvention of Bond comes full circle.
See, Bond’s doing all the typical Bond things, yeah. But there are some differences present here, as well as some neat nuances. Bond isn’t wearing the suit, first of all. He actually hasn’t worn a suit the whole movie, which makes perfect sense for a spy. Suits aren’t exactly the least conspicuous thing in the world; bound to get you noticed if you don’t want to be.
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And then, there’s the girl. This is Solange Dimitrios (Catherina Murino), the wife of Alex who was treated BADLY by him at the party. That gives her a reason to take Bond’s offer for a ride to his place, outside of just his raw animalistic charm that he seems to have in some of these movies. Look at that, already more chemistry than he had with Natalya in GoldenEye.
And yes, this results in her cheating on Alex. Is her cheating justified from a moral standpoint? No, of course it isn’t. And of course, this leads to the typical Bond-handsome-sex-GOOD sequence, but again, some nuance here! First of all, he doesn’t win her over with corny clever lines, like what we saw in GoldenEye multiple ties. Second, this is actually all an attempt to get some infomation from her about her husband. Bond might be enjoying it, but his womanizing here actually has a purpose. And that’s rare!
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That’s further punctuated by the fact that he STRAIGHT UP LEAVES BEFORE ANYTHING HAPPENS. Yeah, she tells him that Alex just made his way to Miami, and he leaves! Dick move, yeah, but it makes sense! James isn’t here for pleasure, he’s here for work!
He follows Alex to a Bodies at Work exhibit (you know, the preserved and skinned cadavers put into poses that used to tour around the USA? I saw it in Times Square at the end of its popularity. A little ghoulish, maybe, but I think it’s pretty cool), where the two of them get in a very tense close-up knife fight in public.
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Alex is dead, but not before passing off a package to someone else at the exhibition. Bond tails the guy to Miami International Airport, where the largest airplane in the world is set to be unveiled. Using the code sent to the bombers, Bond gets into the back, and goes to intercept the disguised bomber who’s set to blow up the SkyChonk (I mean it, that giant airplane is THICCC).
Time for another cool chase sequence! Some luggage is destroyed, along with a bus, the cops join in on the chase, an airplane is prevented from landing (making someone on that plane probably very upset), and Bond somehow manages to prevent the plane from blowing up. And it’s by the SKIN of his teeth, lemme tell you. Also, he blows up a dude with his own flashlight bomb.
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Nice. Somehow, Bond isn’t arrested, and makes his way back to the Bahamas. And it looks like Solange isn’t the Bond girl after all. Because she was thought to be the information leak (which she was, to an extent), she was tortured to death. Whoof.
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M’s in the Bahamas now, and the exposition continues. She’s done with Bond’s bullshit, and she plants a tracker under his skin. She explains that with the big boi plane destroyed, somebody stood a lot to gain financially from the stock crash to come. Except that the plane wasn’t destroyed, and that person lost $100 million by “betting the wrong way.”
That person, of course, was Le Chiffre, a manthematical genius and chess prodigy, who plays poker for fun, and plays the stock market with his clients’ money. Bond’s the best poker player in MI6 (a good addition that we already saw foreshadowed earlier! See what I mean?), and she’s sending him to a high stakes poker game that Le Chiffre’s looking to regain his money from. 
Bond FINALLY dons his suit, and gets on a train in Montenegro, where he meets...
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Vesper Lynd (Eva Green). THERE’S our Bond girl! Although, there’s a reference to Miss Moneypenny in their introduction, which is interesting. But Vesper is an agent for the British Treasury, supplying the money for the buy-in for the tournament. And their conversation on the train...wow. Now THIS is chemistry, seriously.
Vesper’s a great character, and she gives Bond NO quarter. She reads his character, and calls him out very accurately. They also explain why both Bond and Vesper are good at poker: it’s all about reading people. I’m genuinely impressed by how this movie is put together, and how well-thought out Bond is as a character. And this is the dimension I love to see in a Bond girl as well!
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GODDAMN, I am in love with this movie. More coming in Part 2!
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seapandora · 3 years
Illusion Part 2
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Illusion|Part 2/?
Bucky x oc!Lori
Warnings: Angst, betrayal, swearing, torture, (suicide is mentioned once), violence
A/N: So here´s a very late part 2. I´ve decided to put the total number of chapters as a question mark for now seeing as I don´t think I have the potential to post chapters that are 10k. I just don’t have the time or backstrength to revise 10k words in one go. So there will be more and shorter chapters instead. I hope you guys like it! Don’t forget to check out part 1! And share/comment/like if you enjoyed! GIF-cred to owner! Oh, and I'm doing tag lists now! Send me a message if you want to be on it! Chapters 3, 4, and 5 should be up soon at least, I'm currently on a bit of a break, but once I'm back I'll have more time to revise and write!
Summary: Reader is a supersoldier, one of a number, one of nine. Hydra´s backup for the asset. The group was started in 1974 and has been working under the radar, training for the day when the asset no longer exists. Y/N is the only one left. Left in a cryo, she wasn’t discovered until 2023 when a certain captain and his buddy found her.
Words: 6077
Taglist: @selfsun​
Four weeks had passed since Lori arrived at the compound from Wakanda. It had been three months, more or less, since she was thawed out from her cryo-sleep. She felt more at home in the compound and she felt more comfortable with the rest of the team. It was now October. Autumn had brought clouds, and rain. The world was silent and didn’t have much need for the Avengers at the time. Lori had been wih the team on two missions so far. Neither was very dangerous. They hadn´t faced any serious enemies, and she had yet to fire her weapon at an enemy.
It had been made clear that she worked well with the team. Bucky and her were synchronized on a different level, and she worked well with Sam as well. The two could joke around and have fun on the missions, without it distracting them. Lori had also begun to talk more with Bucky, but she was still set on calling him James. They would have all meals of the day together, unless Bucky was away on a mission. And if he was Lori would eat on her own. The other agents working with them had big issues with yet another super-soldier. Someone who had worked for Hydra. They didn’t want a redo of what had happened with Shield.
Lori could understand them. She had spent countless evenings reading up on the Avengers,  and anything involved with them. She had started as far back as Steve and Buckys time in the army. She adored the man Bucky had been back then. She adored how willing he was to follow his captain, even give his life for him. She could see a shadow of that man still in him. But years of punishment and pain from Hydra had changed him.
Next she had researched Shield. She had found out about Peggy Carter and the Starks. Of course she knew of the Starks. She had been set to step in, should Bucky fail to take their lives.  He had been successful, as the whole world knew, and Lori had been kept secret from the world. The day after Christmas the same year she had ben put in the cryostasis chamber and forgotten. Her reasearch had taken her through the 90´s and early 2000´s. She had read files on all the former Avengers during the timeperiod and had asked Sam and Bucky to fill in where the files didn’t have answers.
Lori avoided tabloids and articles surrounding Shield, Hydra and the Avengers. She preferred facts over debates. Her days were spent in the filing rooms where she could find information. Sam and Bucky often tried to drag her out of the room, for runs or an hour in the gym. Sam didn’t always like running with Bucky and Lori, but he appreciated when they altered their pace to adjust for him. That way he didn’t feel like he was always left behind.  
Lori had become a very good friend to Sam. He trusted her, and she was hardworking. Something he appreciated. She was also good with him, and Bucky, joking around a lot. They could be harsh with each other, but Lori didn’t seem to bother, or be too concerned about their joking. She had joined in a few times anyways. Lori liked the banter and joking. The relationship she had with the two men was so open and she felt happy around them. Happiness, that was an interesting feeling. It had been long since she felt happy and it had scared her in the beginning, but not anymore.
It had been a slow afternoon as Lori was buried in piles of files and boxes. She wanted as much details as she could comprehend about the past 30 years of the Avengers, Shield, and Hydra. She was trying to find out why Hydra had left her all alone in the bunker. The answers were no where to be found. Up until she was found, she didn’t even seem to exist. Searcheds for her name had turned up nothing. No articles, reports, or anything online or in the files.  Never had she felt so alone, so unwanted.
Bucky stuck his head through the door and cleared his throat to make Lori aware of his presence. “Hey, it´s almost 8, you wanna come up and eat with us? It´s movie night,” Bucky explained and walked over to her, looking over her shoulder at the files. He moved some of them finding a picture of himself from the 1940´s. He was in a dark blue coat with a rifle in his hand. He froze as he saw the smiling man in the picture. That was 80 years ago, give or take.
Lori looked up at him and frowned. “Let´s go James,” She said and patted his arm before she walked to the door, and turned the lights off. Bucky followed her once he had put the picture down. “Have you found out anything more?” He asked her as they came out into the light of the corridor, walking towards the elevator. Lori shook her head and sighed. “It´s like I don’t exist at all. My birth certificate is there but nothing from that point. No information, no articles, absolutely nothing. It´s like I just ceased to exist.” She muttred.
“Did you try to look up your mother or friends?” Bucky asked. “I tried at least, she either died or changed her name, same goes with my friends.” She shrugged. It had pained her in the beginning but not so much anymore. She had never forgotten her mother, but during her time in Hydra she had stopped thinking about her in order to keep her thoughts safe and free of want and longing.
Bucky nudged her as they walked. “If you don’t stop spacing out on me, I´ll have to bring Wanda to see whats going on in that head of yours,” he teased her. They took a turn to the right, into the kitchen. Lori laughed and shook her head. “No sorry. I´ll try not to space out anymore today” she promised and smiled at Bucky. He laughed with her and sat down by the kitchen island pulling on a carton with pizza in it. “Care to share Lori?” He asked and slid the pizza-box a bit to his right where Lori sat down.
“Is it regular pizza? Or the superior Kebabpizza?” She asked. Of course she had decided to catch up on some Swedish history from the years she had missed. One of the things she had missed was something called a Kebabpizza. She had gone to the nearest pizzeria and asked for one. She had paid a fine prize for it but she had loved it.
Bucky had been terrified when she told him about it, Sam too. They hadn´t been as terrified as when they saw her gulp one whole Kebabpizza in one go, but rather, impressed. “I´m sorry, Americans have done much. But we didn’t start, whatever the hell, that amazing pizza is. But yes it´s Kebabpizza for the miss. Now come here and eat,” Bucky said and pushed the stool besides him out for her.
Lori sat down besided him and grabbed a slice of the pizza for herself. She grabbed a soda can as well and held it out for Bucky to open, which he did without question. The two had really learnt how to work in harmony. It was easier now that Lori had become more used to them all, and more open to being around them as well. “So Wanda, whats on tonight?” Lori asked and looked over at the one she was the closest too, apart from Bucky and Sam. Wanda shrugged and smiled at her. “I was planning on seeing Skyfall, it’s a Bond-movie. They were a thing when you were younger right?” Wanda asked.
“So old mister Connery is still in business?” She asked and raised an eyebrow at the people in front of her. They all seemed to be very confused. “What? He isn´t dead is he?” She frowned and looked to Sam, her go to for information about celebrities. “I don’t know about that, but you must have missed out on a lot of Bond movies, Connery´s last was in 71. Roger Moore took over from 73,” Sam explained as he looked at her. “Right now, well up until recently, the role was played by Daniel Craig, I think you´ll like it” he continued and smiled.
Bucky patted her arm. “Relax, when I came too there was something called cellphones. I think you can handle a different Bond,” he teased her and chuckled. She shrugged but gave in and nodded. “I´m sure this Daniel guy is good, as long as he´s good looking the plot is less important,” she explained. All the James Bond movies she had seen had more or less the same plot.
“Incoming call from Peter Parker,” The disembodied voice of Friday sounded through the kitchen making all four of them look up in confusion. Peter hadn´t called since one of Lori´s first days and as far as they knew he was away, working in Europe or so. There was no reason for him to call the avengers, so why was he?
Sam picked up the call quickly and announced all of their presence for it. “Okay so I just got back from Europe two days ago, and apparently there was this dude waiting for me here in New York. Like he doesn’t know who I am but he has beef with Spider-Man I suppose, and yeah that’s me. But I can´t shake him off, and I don’t want to lead him towards May, so you know… I kind of need a bit of help,” the young man all but shouted into the phone. Friday thankfully lowered the volume of the call.
Sam had taken a visible step back at Peters voice and let out a breath. “Hey, relax man. Where are you? We´ll come out, meet you, and lead whoever is hunting you away from May and New York City okay?” He said and crossed his arms over his chest. They could all hear how hard Perers breath was as he swung through the city. “Uhh, yeah sure, I´m swinging back and forth across 5th. North and south, it’s a weird monster,” he explained before the call was cut right then and there. “Okay team, suit up. Jet leaves in five minutes, chop chop.” Sam said and ran off to the weapons room with Bucky and Lori while Wanda ran off to her room to get her famous coat. So much for movie-night, Lori thought.
Bucky and Lori arrived in the weaponry first considering they were faster than Sam. They grabbed their guns from the shelves and made sure they were all loaded and ready to go before they grabbed extra ammo. Lori also grabbed some of Natashas widow bites. They could always come in handy and they were small, hence not  ahindrence to her. She grabbed the Captains shield and tossed it to Sam before she looked over at Bucky seeing him strap on his M249.
There was something beautiful and calming about it to Lori. She had seen him get ready before, but it never ceased to amaze her. He made it seem so easy, as if it was just an extension of him, a part of him. She had always worked to be as good as him with weapons. But she wasn’t nearly as good.
She had been locked into her little cell once more, and she didn’t know how long she had been there. She was guessing weeks by now. Before the experiments she had received food twice a day, now she hadn´t received food in forever, and yet she wasn’t hungry. Not much anyways. The room was as cold as it had been before but it wasn’t affecting her anymore. The clothes she had gotten helped keep her temperature up. She had seen some changes in her body, her muscles had grown and were more defined now.
The door to her cell was unlocked and she looked up from her corner. There wasn’t any food with the men and they attempted to pick her up but she kicked and punched her way out of their grips. They held up their guns and she raised her hands. She didn’t want to fight them, but she could walk on her own. They grabbed her by her arms but allowed her to walk. They guided her and they weren´t very gentle with her but she didn’t care as she was taken into an open room with a strange-looking machine in the middle.
A man sat in the chair. He was breathing hard. The men holding her pulled her towards the other side of the room and through another door. There was a table laid out which they strapped her too, tightly. They hadn´t used belts this time, but handcuffs and wires instead. Of to her right side she could see windows, but they looked to have been covered up from the outside. Streams of cold air could still be felt from that side of the room. When Lori turned her head to the right she could see a large number of machines. Machines she would have never been able to name, or explain the use off.
Someone took a hold of her head and tied something over her throat, and then over her forhead, stopping Lori from moving her head side to side. She tried to scream but her mouth was stuffed by something she hadn´t seen and therefor couldn´t identify. She could still make noise, but it was muffled by whatever was in her mouth. They attached something to the wires around her and she could feel something biting into the skin of her right arm. As something dripped down her arm she realized they had cut her arm open with a knife.
She tried to move, but she was so tighlty strapped in that she ould only move her chest up and down. She screamed and tears rolled down her temples. Maybe the man she had seen in the bigger room would hear her. Maybe he would help her if he could hear her. She was silenced by a powerful shock going through her body. She stopped thinking and couldn’t see for a moment. It was over as quick as it had come over her, and she was struggling to catch her breath.
Lori´s body was on fire. The cool air from the windows did nothing to help her. She could feel the wires around her wrists and ankles, they were burning her skin. Even if she couldn’t see, she was certain the wires would leave marks on her skin. Lori cried out again as the next shock went through her. She wasn’t aware of how long it lasted as she passed out from the pain and shock. What had she done to deserve this? Why were they torturing her?
Her cell was where she woke up. The first thing she did was to look for the marks around her wrists and ankles, and sure enough, there they were. Bright red, and bloody from where she had kicked and strained against them. She touched them gently and whimpered. They were painful, but her head was hurting worse. She didn’t have any memory of what had happened. All she could remember was when she was strapped to a table with belts. But that couldn’t have been this day, it had to have been a long time ago. Belts wouldn´t leave her wrists bloody.
The thing, or monster rather, that was chasing Spider-Man was almost too much for the team to handle. Peter had worn it out a bit though with his constant swinging back and forth. The jet landed on one of the roofs and the four avengers got off as Peter also landed on the roof. “Hey guys, so I don’t know what this dudes problem is. But yeah I need help, and I need to lead him away… And…” Peter rambled and pulled at his mask without taking it off.
“Hey kid, relax. Why don’t you sit tight and we´ll get a look on things,” Bucky said and patted Peters shoulder before leaning over the edge to look down at the streets, and then towards the next roof. He glanced back at Lori and smirked. “How do you feel about jumping?” He asked and backed up on the roof before he took off and jumped over to the next roof. It wasn’t terribly far and it was lower than their current roof. Lori chucked to herself and jumped after him. She rolled into the landing and looked up at Bucky. “Now what? The thing is huge…” She mumbled and placed her hands on the guns by her hips.
If she had more time before they left, she would have tried to alter her bullets and incorporate the widow bites into them. That way they could have worked from the inside of the monster, rather than just the outside. She sighed as she thought about it, but screamed as a large hand picked her up. She tried to grab her guns but couldn’t because of where she was held. She managed to get to her knife however, and stick it in one of the monsters fingers. It didn’t do too much until she twisted it.
The monster released her with a roar, and she was falling. Buildings in New York city are high. It would have taken Lori around 8 seconds to reach the ground, thankfully Sam caught her by the arm and helped her onto the nearest building. “You okay Lori?” He shouted as he began to shoot at the monster, which was now going after Bucky. “I´m fine, we have to help Bucky.” She said and reached up to turn her comms on. “Wanda can you get a hold of the monster? Mess with its mind or something?” She asked her fellow female avenger and looked up to her. She had a habit of taking control on missions, something the others had learned during their two previous missions.
None of the others had seemed to mind. Sam was quite hppy that someone else took charge for once. Considering Lori´s background Sam was happy to have her around. He liked not having to make all the decisions himself. “I can try, I mean I don’t know how his brain works, but keep him distracted!” Wanda exclaimed and floated over to the monster. Lori got up and dusted her self off a bit before she pulled her hair into a bun. It wasn’t pretty, or cute. But it got the job done. She checked her guns to make sure they were still working properly. She didn’t want to blow herself up by accident.
Her guns were fine. She took the safety off before she shouted at the monster on the other roof. Her wish was to get its attention to let Wanda get close. The monster turned its head, and Lori began to shoot at it with both guns. It didn’t seem to do a whole lot, but at least she had the monsters attention. It started to come towards her and she frowned. “Shit, shit, fuck, shit, fuck…” She mumbled and began to back away. She kept her eyes on the monster until she hit the edge of the roof. She glanced behind herself. The others and Peter were watching her. Lori took a deep breath before she emptied the magaizines of her guns into the monster who was at the other side of the roof.
“Lori, what the hell are you doing?” Bucky and Peter asked through her coms at once. She smirked to herself and looked at them both. “Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith,” She answered and threw herself off the building. The monster came straight after her as she had figured it would. It looked over the edge into the barrell of Lori´s guns. “Hello there,” she said before she fired, the speed of the bullets knocking the monster back. The others stopped in their tracks before they too went at the monster. Asking about what Lori´s thought-process was, could wait until they were out and fine. The important thing now was to make sure the monster was taken care off.
Bucky and Sam shot at the monster while Peter and Wanda used their powers to keep the monster down. Lori reloaded her guns for the last time and helped Bucky and Sam shoot at the monster. She was in more pain now, and she had realized the monster had done more damage to her than she had previously thought. She was wheezing a bit as she grabbed at her ribs. They were painfully sore and Lori coughed to clear her throat a bit, which hurt her quite badly. “Fuck,” she muttered to herself and leaned on a structure on the roof.
Wanda held the monster down with her powers and Peter swung around throwing webs at the monsters hands and feet to stop it from moving. It took them just a few seconds to complete their goal. Sam came over to Lori and frowned as he noticed her flinch away. “Okay guys, get ready to leave. I´ll get some agents to take care of this. Peter, are you going to May or with us?” He asked and looked to the onesie-wearing man. Peter shook his head. “I´ll wait here for the agents to arrive. If he were to get lost I´m one of the only who can keep him down. Wanda could you stay as well?” He asked and looked over to the robe wearing woman standing a little farther off. Wanda nodded and smiled at them all before she soared off back to the monster.
Sam helped Lori stand up and she leaned into his side. “Fucking hell,” She mumbled and gripped her side. “Let´s get you back to Helen to check out those ribs of yours,” Sam said quickly and all but carried her to the jet for them to leave. Bucky followed them and kept an eye back on the scene they had just left. They got into the jet and Sam gently sat Lori down on one of the seats. Bucky came over to her with a first aid kit but she just shook her head. “The doctor can check up on me, it isn´t very far,” she said and leaned her head back and sighed heavily. Bucky nodded quickly and shrugged. “I´ll just get you a bottle of water and some super pain killers for now then,” he explained and left her alone for a little bit to get the water and pills.
Lori touched her side and gasped a bit as she arched her back in hopes that it would make the pain more bearable. She would be fine in just a few hours, unless the ribs were broken of course. How she hated broken bones. They were annoying, painful and just took so long to heal, even for someone with supersoldier serum. Bucky came back with the water and pills which Lori swallowed quickly. She coughed as the water went down the wrong pipe. She wiped her mouth and breathed heavly. “Thank you, Bucky,” she mumbled and looked down at her hands. Sam, who was steering them towards the compound let out a chuckle.
“She came around, now everyone calls you Bucky,” he teased his best friend. Lori smirked and shook her head as she leaned her head back again and closed her eyes. She missed the look Bucky gave her. It was a mix of happiness, terror and pride. He was happy Lori called him Bucky, but he was terrified seeing as it made him care more about her. At the same time he was proud at how far she had come from when they found her. She was acclimating to them all, and now Bucky as well it seemed. He looked away quickly to Sam who was smirking at him. He groaned quietly and made a face at Sam before placing his left hand on Lori´s forehead. She hummed in approval of the cold metal agaist her forehead.
“How are you feeling?” Bucky asked quietly and looked at her. She huffed and chuckled a bit. “Like a monster picked me up by the ribs and squeezed,” she teased him and glanced over at him. “Go ahead. Yell at me for my little suicide drop move,” she mumbled and took another sip of water. “I´m not gonna yell at you doll, that ain´t my style. Sam will do that when you´re better. But I´m curious. What where you thinking?” He asked and smiled softly. Lori looked at him and shrugged. “I noticed there was a ledge just down the roof, and I knew it was big enough for me to fall on it safetly, plus we needed the distraction. Peter and Wanda had to get a chance to bring him down.” She explained and shrugged once more.
Bucky shook his head with a smile. “Steve was just like that. Always ready to get himself hurt for others…” he mumbled and looked away for a bit. He really missed his best friend, the man he had grown up with and the man who had saved him more than once. He sighed and looked back to Lori. Of course she was special in his eyes. She was like him in many ways, and he just wanted her to be okay and be able to live a life in freedom. “Yeah, but he was always on the good side,” She answered quietly and furrowed her brows. While she didn’t see a monster in Bucky, she couldn’t help but see one in herself.
The jet landed a few minutes after midnight and Bucky helped Lori out of the back of it. He stayed by her side and let her lean on him, before Helen came up and offered to get Lori a stretcher. Being stubborn as she was she refused and let Bucky help her all the way back to the med-bay. Helen got her a bed to sit down on. “Okay, can you just remove your shirt and I´ll have a feel. We´ll see where we go from there,” she explained and stared at Bucky, waiting for him to leave so they could have some privacy. Lori stared at him too and it took him some time to understand he should leave. “There´s pizza left, I´ll leave you some,” he said before he left the med-bay rubbing his neck.
Lori laughed softly but flinched at the pain shooting through her side. “You know what, just get your shirt off and we´ll take some X-rays of your side, I have a sneaky suspicion those ribs are broken,” Helen sighed and went to get her X-ray machine. It was portable and she could see the bones straight away instead of having to print pictures out. Lori did as she was told and gently raised her arm up seeing some good bruising on her side. “Bucky gave me some super strength pain-killers on the jet. I´m not sure wether they´re working or if they just haven´t kicked in yet,” Lori explained as Helen checked her ribs. “Yeah, well they usually work within half an hour, so call me through Friday if they arent working in 15 minutes. I´ll prescribe you a dose. Don’t take more than 2 at once and only every 4 hours, alright?” Helen said and Lori nodded. “Okay Doc, are they broken? Do I need a bandage or something?” She asked as Helen walked away again. Lori pulled on her shirt now and groaned softly clutching her chest.
“They´re broken alright, but we can´t bandage it or anything so while I´m not gonna put you on bed rest, I suggest you take it easy the next few days or maybe two weeks. Your serum is a little different from Barnes and very different from Steves so I don’t really know how long it´ll take.” Helen explained and smiled at Lori before they both heard the low rumble of thunder. Lori was confused but Helen smiled to herself. “Mind if I join you guys for pizza?” she asked and Lori shrugged. “I don’t mind, but I cant speak for the others but I bet they don’t mind either,” She explained and frowned as another roll of thunder passed by. “That doesn’t sound like normal thunder… I better get back to the others,” she said and got off the bed she had been sitting on. Helen nodded and said she would be with them in a few minutes, she just had to report in the pills she had given to Lori.
Time meant less and less to Lori every second that went by. Had you asked her how long she had been with Hydra she would have answered anything from two weeks to her whole life. Truth was she had been captive for five months. It was the middle of December. For Lori it might as well have been November or January, she didn’t know. All she knew was that it was colder. She had been training a lot more recently. They kept her locked in her cell when she wasn’t training or being tortured. Training took up five to eight hours per day. The torture happened less and less now than it had before, but she was still tied up and electrocuted now and then.
She didn’t understand why, but she could rarely remember much after each of those sessions. Or rather, some things seemed less important than before. She had little recollection of her life before Hydra. Over the past few months they had gone through her head and removed what was Lori. She had become a shell. A shell Hydra had filled with an assassin. Lori had undergone gun-training, knife-training and hand-to-hand-combat. With her enhancement her opponents rarely lasted very long and she got a new one every day to let them rest inbetween session. All to give Lori the best fight they could. She had seen the one she had come to know as the winter soldier a few times, but each time she asked to fight him she was laughed at and tossed into her cell.
After a few days she had stopped asking all together, there was no use. Something different had happened this day though. She hadn´t been taken to the room of torture, and not to the training room either. First she had been taken to a dance studio where she had been forced to practice for hours. Her feet were bleeding, her legs aching. But she didn’t show any emotion as the men forced her into a lab. She was pushed onto a chair and a metal arm was placed in front of her alongside some blueprints.
“Disarm it,” One of the men said and left the room locking the door behind him. Lori was alone in the room with just the arm in front of her. She stared at it for a second before she picked up the blueprints and went through them. It wasn’t clear what she was supposed to do but she began to tinker with the arm and soon had a plate of it opened up. The arm itself was filled with wires that looked like nerves. She frowned to herself and took a look at the blueprints again. She tried to locate the nerves that would disable the fingers of the arms. If she could get to those, the hand wouldn’t be able to close into a fist. It was a start if anything. She would have to disarm the arm from the elbow down to get it to be almost completely useless and that would be much harder, she soon realized.
She had just finished when the guards came back for her. With them was the man she had seen a few times prior. He was pushed into another chair and the arm was attached to his left shoulder. He was staring straight ahead and he didn’t notice Lori at all. Lori herself was taken into an adjoining room where her most senior capter stood. “Send in the agents,” he told his men in a perfect British accent. The soldat stood up as three agents came in. Lori could see him trying to flex his metal arm but he couldn´t, because Lori had done what they had asked of her.
The three agents went at the soldat, who didn’t do very well without a left arm. He was overtaken by the agents who eventually tore the metal arm off. The soldiers guards stepped in and executed the agents at the spot. Lori was taken to her cell, no word on wether she had done well or not. She guessed she had done well considering she wasn´t punished. There was no knowing with Hydra. She would never figure them out, she realized as she laid down on the bed in her little cell. They had at least provided her with two blankets, a luxiory.
Thor had arrived with his brother in a heap of thunder. They had landed on the grass just outside the livingroom. Bucky and Sam had to hold Lori close as she got quite scared by the commotion. The two gods had introduced themselves to the newcomer. They had all shook hands, but Lokis lingered on Lori´s. “Aren´t you a trickster?” He asked softly as he tilted his head with a wicked smile. Lori knew more than any of her collegues about who the gods were. Hell they were a part of her swedish culture. Norse mythology was something every kid in Sweden learned about, Lori hadn´t been an exception. In fact, the norse gods and the mythology had been some of her favorite subjects in school. She had been the best in her class as well. At home she had had a number of books on the gods, well-read and re-read a million times.
Seeing the two gods was a bit of a shock to her. Of course she knew they existed, she had read their files, but she hadn´t expected them to be so big. They easily towered over them all, including Bucky, and Bucky wasn´t short. Yet Loki was at least half a head taller than him and Thor was even taller. Loki had his hair slicked back and was dressed up in a sleek black suit while Thor was in sweatpants and a hoodie. The long golden locks from the pictures Lori had seen were gone in favor for a more spkiy hairstyle. She studied them both for a while, in silence. Lori wasn’t normally a talkative person, less so with people she didn’t know. The gods just stared back at her and tilted their heads. Thor was the first one to break the silence.
“What´s your deal?” He asked as he looked Lori up and down, which to some extent felt a bit intimidating and uncomfortable. “What do you mean, what´s my deal?” She asked and crossed her arms as she stood in front of the god. She didn’t like his attitude. An attitude like that would have been punished by Hydra. “Are you a god? Do you have mind-bending abilities? Are you a former soldier?” Thor asked and frowned as he stared her down. Lori raised an eyebrow but shrugged. “I´m close to what Barnes is… A super-soldier, or something of the sorts at least.” She explained and stuck her chin out at the god.
She heard a swoosh go past her ear but she didn’t flinch or move. Thor smirked as he looked at her with a large axe in his hand. “I like this one,” He said with glee and everyone could hear Loki sigh. “Yes brother, you like yet another human, who is surprised…” he said and shook his head as he rolled his eyes. Lori was fuming on the inside, she felt slightly disrespected but she was also proud of herself for not flinching at all. Bucky grabbed her upper arms and pulled her back a bit. “Let´s go to the gym, take it out on me.” He said quietly and pulled her back. Despite what Lori thought, Bucky knew her better than she realized.
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