#and my opinion immediately sours of them lol
angeltism · 6 months
I find it soo funny that my main way to actually . y'know . give a shit if others are being assholes is if they start being an ass to beings I care about lmao
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doctordiscord123 · 2 months
Um, may I request a Hurt/Comfort fic with Dark and Author being best bros, like, the moment they met, they clicked immediately, each other's sarcasm and morbid humor buds, and when Author 'died' and was remade into Host, Dark sees echoes of his old friend in Host, and that's why Dark is oftentimes nicer to Host in comparison to other egos. (Other than Wil. Every Dark has a Wilford shaped soft spot lol)
Dark couldn't help but stare, sometimes.
He knew the Host hated it. Hated being reminded who he used to be, what he used to do. But Dark...well, he always had a hard time with letting go. It was why he showed up to that ill-fated party all those years ago. In the hopes of rekindling old friendships long-since gone sour.
With the Host, it was different. He was still here. An ever-present reminder. Their laugh was the same, in the rare instance either of them ever let out a full belly laugh. The Host's dry wit -- though perhaps less crass -- was still the same. And that grin...that will always be the same, no matter how much the Host liked to hide it.
"Is Darkiplier alright? The Host can feel him...staring. Again."
Dark blinked, and offered an apologetic smile that he knew the Host couldn't see. "...My apologies, Host. I was simply...lost in thought. Reminiscing."
The Host's expression twisted slightly, a grimace that spoke volumes of his opinion. "Why does Darkiplier insist on reliving the past? Surely there are better things to 'reminisce' about."
At that, Dark actually laughed, before sighing. "Reliving the past is sort of my schtick, Host. It's who I am. What I am. And it's hard to forget...when you share more similarities than you'd like to admit."
The Host's grimace fully twisted into a scowl, and he stood abruptly from where he and Dark had been sitting at the kitchen table, both nursing a mug of tea and basking in what had once been quiet. "The Author was a monster. He tortured and maimed and killed for nothing but his own pleasure. The Host is nothing like him."
Dark didn't argue. They'd had this conversation many times before already. The Host pinched the bridge of his nose, his bandages starting to darken as he bled with his stress, and he slammed his free hand onto the table. "Fine, if Darkiplier wants the memories so badly -- he can have them."
With a few muttered words, the table was suddenly filled with dozens of old notebooks, a few piles of published books, and stacks of loose pieces of paper, disheveled and some of it rotting. Dark raised an eyebrow. "What's this?"
"His work." The Host's voice was flat, distanced. "All of it. The Host doesn't want it. He left it rotting in that cabin for a reason. But if Darkiplier insists on bringing up the past -- he can have it."
Dark's eyes went wide, and he reached for the first of many notebooks. He didn't realize the Author kept them all. When he touched it, the Host flinched as if he'd been shocked, and spun on his heel, storming out of the room. Dark didn't stop him. He had a feeling this was as nice and thoughtful as the man was going to get when it came to the Author, letting Dark keep the material rather than burning it or letting it continue to waste away. He cracked open the cover, and ran his fingers over the long-dried ink. The Author's handwriting was messy and illegible in some places, and Dark was out of practice when it came to his mad scribbles...but he began to read.
The Host was not the Author. But he was his echo, and Dark was glad enough for that.
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itsmoonpeaches · 1 year
What's the hottake 😶‍🌫️
Hello hi. This post will be very long. I'm assuming you mean my hot take(s) on fandom popular fics and why they are worse? If so you have come to the right place because I don't have any fear lol. And frankly, the fandom these fics are from lowkey kind of soured on me months ago so I got myself out of active fandom creation.
I should preface this with all opinions are my own and none of you are entitled to think the same way. I'm telling you my hot takes. You folks (Not necessarily you anon. This is a blanket statement.) however, will not, and I repeat will not come into my DMs, inbox, or other forms of contact trying to attack me after this. If you do so, you will get a big fat block.
Now we begin. I have been in many fandoms, but the fandom I have been in the longest and have been active in the longest is the Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra fandom. So, the two fics I mention are from there.
I am not linking these fics and I am not mentioning authors. That's for you to discover on your own.
I. Embers
The ATLA fandom has a weird obsession with putting Zuko on a pedestal and making him the end-all, be-all for well-written characters to the detriment of both his actual character and the characters around him. I attribute this weird obsession to this fic.
Embers is 700k written from 2009 to 2014 and the author started out fine. That's what makes this worse.
Zuko is a well-written character in the show. Full stop. He is a very good example of what a redemption arc should look like. So, this is not coming from a person who dislikes Zuko as a character. However, I end up disliking Zuko-centric fics because most of them end up like this one: tearing down what ATLA is and who Zuko is just to make Zuko a completely different person. He never owns up to his mistakes and he's so perfect that he might as well be worshipped. Zuko is not perfect. That's what makes him such a good character. To see Embers kind of just make him the wise old man at 16 is very strange to me. Zuko is not Iroh.
Let's start with a smaller bit even though this is a big one lol. The Mai and Zuko relationship (Maiko) is presented as incest in this fic. I mean. Ok? Sure? NO.
There's also a trend in some fics where characters can bend more than one element even when they aren't the Avatar. This started pretty early on in the ATLA fandom, I'll admit, but it became even more popularized in this one. "Dual element benders" cannot exist in the Avatar world. What would the point of the Avatar be then?
The idea that the Fire Nation was actually justified to start a world war and commit the act of genocide toward the Air Nomads can also be attributed to this fic. That's right. You read that right. According to Embers, it was also all Avatar Yangchen's (an Air Nomad) fault. She did something messed up to the big volcano spirits and Zuko as one of the super duper special "dual benders" had to fix it.
Embers is a fic that is written for apologists of imperialism and genocide. It has a lot of Aang bashing in it and it makes the Fire Nation look like the good guys for wiping out an entire race of people. Since Aang is so reduced and belittled by the fic, Zuko 'has to step in' because he's weirdly competent, even though at most he's been out of the palace for three years, and becomes the leader almost immediately. This is an assassination of Zuko's character.
Special Zuko gets redeemed early and he gets special adventures because he's the protagonist and he and his people were totally right all along and everyone else is just so stupid oh no let's murder more defenseless Air Nomad children.
What makes it worse is that these ideas stuck, even the less harmful ones like Zuko's ship being named the Wani.
This fic is the epitome of being tone-deaf, of underlying racism, of the imperial being "superior", and justifying colonialism to "save" the "other".
II. When It's All Over (WIAO)
This fic is particular to the Kataang part of the fandom. I know there are those of you out there just waiting for me to mess up here because I was/am a Kataang writer. Guess what? I don't care :)
WIAO was written during the ATLA Renaissance when ATLA was put back on Netflix while we were all twiddling our thumbs at home hoping we'd survive a global pandemic in the infamous year 2020 till 2021. Like Embers, it started out fine. Then it started devolving. I should probably cut it some slack since we were at the peak of a pandemic and all, but considering there were more fics that came out during that time, I won't give it that.
This fic falls prey to what Embers started, and that is that this version of Zuko does not at all resemble Zuko in the show. He's an amalgam of personality traits from Aang and Iroh. He's suddenly so wise and so all-knowing that the characters come to him for advice, even advice on relationships. Yeah, we're talking about the same guy who didn't even know what to give Mai as a gift, or even how to handle jealousy.
Toward the beginning of the fic, Katara goes to him for advice on Aang, and...I think I should have seen the red flag there but I was too engrossed in a multichapter fic that tackled what happened after Ember Island Players and how Katara and Aang might have felt afterward that I was blinded to the fact that Zuko would not do that. I think on some level, this is why fics like these become so popular. It's long, it's ongoing, and readers are desperate for any and all content as long as it masquerades as their ship. If anything, Katara should have been going to Suki for advice. She was right there lol.
But I digress.
Remember how I said, "readers are desperate for any and all content as long as it masquerades as their ship"? Well, let's delve into that, shall we?
WIAO is supposedly a Kataang fic and starts as that very much. However, the author got it in their mind to keep going. While that isn't necessarily bad, they started to crave the drama that Zutara as a ship has, and that doesn't belong in a fic like this.
We got a take that said, "Kataang is the best! BUT FIRST, let's show the other ships for senseless drama! Just as a treat!" Aang had a brief moment with Toph and the writing described his thoughts a little weirdly and sexually. Then he was suddenly like, "LOL JK."
Then we have Katara checking Zuko out as a "sibling." I could go off on this one. First of all, wondering what someone looks like naked is not sibling behavior. She also imagined kissing him while Zuko was still in a relationship with Mai.
Not to mention there is a whole actual storyline in which Katara doesn't trust Aang anymore when he has to go on surprise Avatar adventures (even though that's his job) and breaks up with him. Also, Aang gets trapped in the Spirit World or something and can't cross a bridge unless he has relations with someone. So. The fic ends with a strange, out-of-place, rated E scene if you catch my drift. So, he and Katara do the deed to cross a bridge and for him to unlock the Avatar State or something idk.
Then you have the Easter eggs which are the least of its problems. It's fine to nod to certain other fandoms and things you like writing, but when it's so obvious that it's jarring and it doesn't make sense in the world you created, why have it in this fic? It was really strange reading Pokemon in the Spirit World, but...that might just be a "me" thing. You be the judge.
Katara is super out of character. She is not the nuanced character from the show who trusts Aang with all her heart to come back. She literally said this in the finale by the way. She checks out Zuko for some reason even though they are "siblings."
Then you have Aang who might even be the worst interpretation of him I've seen especially in a Kataang fic. He is weak-willed, boring, and so dependent on doing what Zuko and Katara tell him to do that he might as well not be the main character.
This fic perpetuates the "Zuko is the only character basically" and became a Zuko fic even though this was supposed to be Kataang, and didn't even do Zuko justice.
And the Kataang in this fic? WOW. This is why other ships hate the Kataang fandom lol. The relationship here is toxic. Katara basically sees Aang as childish. You know how Katara doesn't trust Aang and how Aang listens to her always? That's a toxic relationship.
Katara is needy and insecure and Aang just wants to please her. Katara "fell out of love" with Aang, and that was weird already, but honestly, once they got back together in the fic, I didn't even want them to get back together at that point. I was reading it trying to see what other people saw in this fic and truthfully to this day I do not understand and I don't think I plan to.
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cherrygorilla · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Danelle! 🎂
Sadly, thanks to my life being consumed by my degree, I didn't manage to get anything substantial finished writing-wise in time for your big day. However, I didn't want to let it go to waste without doing anything, especially after you'd been lovely enough to put that video together for me at Christmas. But since I'm not nearly as talented as you when it comes to doing that sort of thing, I resorted to what I do best: rambling about our characters, and the apparently endless list of ideas I have for them. Well, not quite endless, but 16 pages of a Google Doc is still pretty insane...
So yeah, this is basically just a total brain-dump of any story concepts, headcanons, random song-inspos, and TikTok references I've got stored up that would likely never have seen the light of day otherwise. They're way too much fun to just keep to myself though, so hopefully they can bring you a little joy today! And even if you think they all suck, at least you can enjoy the fact that your characters are living in my head rent-free pretty much 24/7. 
And so, without further ado, enjoy your window into the chaotic, fangirl mess that is my brain…
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Story concepts:
First, of all we have: ✨story concepts✨ - aka, actual, substantial ideas of mine that have potential, but likely no means of ever getting written thanks to everything else I have on my plate atm. The first two are big ones, which earned themselves their own moodboards, but the rest are just ideas that are too big to just be considered headcanons lol.
Idea 1: Bridgerton AU
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Okay, I've definitely mentioned this one before, and this one at least has some potential of maybe getting written one day, but I would LOVE to do a Bridgerton AU focusing on a Miles & Carrie Enemies-to-Lovers style story. It has been like a year since I watched anything Bridgerton related though, so if the technicalities of this are a little sketchy then that's why lol.
The outline I have is basically: Mrs Murphy works as part of Butchy and Mick's staff, with her sons also taking on roles around the house. Butchy's parents had taken pity on Mrs Murphy when she came asking for a live-in work position since she had three young boys to take care of and the eldest was close in age to their own son. So basically, Butchy and Lela grow up treating Miles, Royce and Bentley like their own siblings, despite the fact that technically they work for them. The Season prior would have been when Butchy fell in love with and married Mick, so this would start with them beginning their new life as a couple, still with the Murphys working for them, and with Lela getting ready for her first Season. She'd be super nervous about it though because she's heard rumours that the prestigious Cole family are going to be entering their precious twins into the Season for the first time this year, and she knows that if that's the case then she's got no chance of getting any attention. Her family try their best to reassure her, but when it comes time for each eligible young lady to be presented to the queen, sure enough, the Coles present their daughter, Caroline, and she totally steals the show. This immediately gives everyone a vendetta against Carrie for crushing Lela's confidence, but at a ball later that evening, when Carrie is once again taking all the attention of any potential suitors, she runs into Miles and in a matter of minutes proves that she's just as much of a spoiled brat as he suspected her to be, if not worse, thus souring his opinion of her even further. They end up arguing out in the garden, since Carrie had gone out to get some air and Miles couldn't bear to be surrounded by the stuffiness of the party, they get caught in the rain, and after Carrie denies Miles' help to get her back inside (because even when he hates her guts, he still has to go and be a nice guy lol), she ends up slipping on a wet paving stone and completely ruining her dress. Their argument gets even worse and before long, Carrie's older brother (literally only a character for this story, so irrelevant otherwise that he doesn't even have a name lmao, I just couldn't have Tanner doing this because he needs to be elsewhere) demands that Miles and his family leave before they cause any further trouble as Carrie has to go and clean herself up, which she is especially not happy about since it cuts into her time of pursuing potential suitors. Butchy tries to help and defend Miles, which he does without question, but ultimately decides that it would be best if they left anyway, much to Lela's dismay since she'd finally been getting some attention from Carrie's brother, Tanner.
Miles' opinion of Carrie gets worse and worse with time, which extends to the rest of his family when they catch wind of what happened, but as Lela starts growing closer to Carrie's brother, the more time they have to spend around one another. Carrie is crowned The Diamond and as a consequence starts courting a duke (Seacat, don't ask me why, I just feel like I picture him being her other love interest in this more than Eric lmao), which Miles and his family are subjected to bear witness to after Lela and Tanner also start courting, and they're invited to spend some time at the Coles' huge estate. In Bridgerton S2 fashion, they all partake in a croquet game, where Carrie and Miles' bickering reaches an ugly head. Sick of listening to them, Mick knocks Carrie's ball off into the woods and, in an act of defiance, Carrie insists that she doesn't need Seacat's help to go and retrieve it. Vivien, a close family friend of Mick's, who is also along for the trip, and takes on the 'Lady Whistledown' type role in this story, knocks Miles' ball in the same direction after Carrie has left to annoy/tease him further, and in an unlikely turn of events, the pair end up helping each other retrieve their balls from rather precarious places, leaving them both giggling like children and covered in mud. This reveals a little insecurity on Seacat's part, however Carrie reassures him it was nothing. But when she catches Miles awake and wandering the house that night, and they get to talking again, they start to realise they might have been wrong about each other after all, and scary, new feelings start to be uncovered. They're caught by Mick before anything can happen, but the can of worms has already been nudged open and the damage has already been done, and she keeps an extra close eye on them from then on as her suspicions start to rise.
I've already gone into way too much detail already, so I'll summarise the rest of it quickly, but basically, as much as they try to deny it, Miles and Carrie start catching feelings for one another, and their unlikely run-ins just keep making it worse, especially when things are supposedly getting serious between Carrie and Seacat - at least from an outsider's perspective anyway. One day, when Miles is out tending to the horses in the stables (because that's the closest job I could think of to match his mechanic skills lmao), Carrie once again gets caught in the rain, and runs there for shelter. One thing leads to another, and in true Miles and Carrie fashion, and in true Bridgerton fashion, they get way too carried away with one another and just start going at it right there in the stables. They're not as careful as they thought they were being though, and Vivien being the nosy little genius she is, immediately figures out what is going on and runs to Royce to fill him in. In a panic, and desperate to stop Miles from ruining his life, praying that if he does everything will just go back to the way it was before, Royce comes up with a plan to use Vivien's Lady Whistledown-esque writing powers to put together an expose on Carrie and her adulterous habits (without revealing the identity of her partner in crime though, obvs), thus ruining her reputation. They don't have the foresight to realise that it will bring down Carrie's family with her though, including Tanner, and then, by association, Lela, since by the time they've sent the draft off to be printed, Tanner and Lela have announced their engagement. With a push from the queen, Seacat and Carrie announce their engagement promptly afterwards, leaving Miles horrified and Mick concerned for him, since she had been suspecting Miles had been developing feelings for a while now, which is then confirmed after getting him to open up to her, and him breaking down about how badly he's messed up by taking things as far as he did with Carrie. With Carrie and Seacat's engagement being the talk of the town, the queen throws together a whirlwind wedding in mere days, and before anyone knows it, Carrie is reciting her vows with her eyes locked on Miles, and Seacat is reciting his with his eyes locked on one of Carrie's bridesmaids. In a display not dissimilar to the bracelet incident in S2, the queen finally sees through the cracks in their charade and calls the wedding off, leaving Carrie and Seacat in a state of shock, and Carrie's reputation in the gutter, which is only made worse by the arrival of Royce and Vivien's Lady Whistledown pamphlets. Cue an utter meltdown inspired by this song from the unofficial Bridgerton musical, where Carrie, who had only agreed to the marriage in the first place to help expand her family's connections, and to help cover for her handmaid, who had slept with Seacat and had ended up pregnant, goes completely off the deep end. Will Royce and Vivien be able to enlist the help of Mick and Butchy to fix their mess, and give Miles the happy ending he deserves? …I guess we'll never know. But it sure is fun to think about! 
I know I already mentioned one song from the unofficial Bridgerton musical, which I love btw, but the only other one, besides the opening number, that really makes me think of this AU is If I Were A Man - because how cute would it be for Vivien to sing this when she's hanging out with Royce and Bentley, complaining about how stupid the Season and all this 'courting' business is, only for Royce to be watching her the whole time with the biggest heart eyes imaginable??
And it's not a part of the musical or anything, but every time I listen to this Bridgerton-esque arrangement I think of this AU. I mean it just fits so well! Like the fact that it's a cover of Paparazzi when in her og universe Carrie's a famous actress - it's perfect! And it sounds so good! I feel like I can so clearly picture Miles and Carrie dancing together for the first time with this playing in the background and everyone just watching them like: 👀 ...are they supposed to be doing that??? but he's poor?? and she's supposed to be unlovable?? what's going on?? 
Idea 2: Star Wars AU
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I only thought of this one recently but godddddd it's so fun. Like just picture Miles vibing on some random planet in the middle of nowhere, just trying to mind his own business and get by looking after his little brothers and their handful of a best friend, Vivien, aka a wannabe resistance fighter, who is always getting told by Miles to stay away from that stuff because it's dangerous. And then one day, Miles is unwillingly dragged into helping a runaway evade capture - he doesn't know who she is, he just knows that she's very charismatic, and very pretty - and she has a LOT of hair. He ends up repairing and hijacking an old space cruiser, and, with some prompting from his little brother and Vivien (any maybe Riven too; I feel like he would thrive in this universe), all hungry for a little adventure, he ends up agreeing to take Carrie across the galaxy to where she needs to go.
They run into Butchy and Mick along the way, a pair of resistance fighters working on a mission to steal some plans from the First Order, and they decide to join forces, although Butchy is incredibly reluctant to trust Carrie, despite having no problems with anyone else - he just senses there's something off with her. When they stop on a planet to refuel, the First Order has managed to track down Mick and Butchy thanks to bounties they have from a previous mission where they took down a fleet of First Order Star Destroyers, and a huge fight breaks out, that, despite their lack of experience, Miles and his family are swept up in. Surprisingly, they manage to hold their own quite well, but Miles is soon distracted when he sees that the First Order have taken Carrie. Butchy tries to help him, but his efforts land them both in First Order prison cells after they're both knocked unconscious. Butchy tries his best to reassure Miles that Mick will already have a plan in motion to come and rescue them, and tells him to just stay quiet when the stormtroopers inevitably come to question them. It's not a stormtrooper that comes to interrogate them though, instead, a pair of heels clacks along the polished floors in time to the Imperial March, accompanied by a long, black cape with a hood that is dropped when its owner comes face to face with the boys to reveal a devilish smirk belonging to none other than Carrie, who's actually been working for the First Order the whole time. Miles feels understandably betrayed, Butchy feels frustrated that he didn't trust his gut feeling more, and after some pretty intense Force mind games, not dissimilar to this scene, Carrie reveals her boyfriend Eric's master plan to bring down the Resistance once and for all. There's an obvious back and forth, as Miles tries to talk her around to see sense, but when Eric shows up he's quick to shut him down, and the unhealthy nature of his and Carrie's relationship is quickly exposed. Carrie chooses to ignore Miles' pleas, and leaves with Eric, however, as to be expected, before all hope can be lost, Mick and the others show up and come to their rescue.
On their way to escape, Butchy and Miles run into Carrie yet again and a pretty epic lightsaber battle commences. It's mainly Butchy (blue lightsaber) and Carrie (red lightsaber) to begin with, and it's rather intense since they're both, understandably, super pissed at each other, but when Carrie wounds Butchy pretty badly, Miles, despite his lack of experience and doubt in his ability since he's never even heard of The Force before (apart from through the stories Vivien would tell his brothers, which up until now he'd believed were entirely fictitious), let alone used it, has to step in to defend him. Their feelings for one another make the fight a difficult one, but when Eric finds them and starts taunting Carrie, bossing her around and degrading her right to her face, and Miles starts pleading with her and helping her try to see reason, telling her that it doesn't need to be this way and that she can be happy like she was back on the ship with him and his family, and that despite what Eric says, there is light in her because he's seen it, she finally sees Eric for who he really is, and sees through all the lies he's been telling her about the First Order. Her lightsaber, locked in place by Miles desperately trying to block her latest swing, starts flickering from red to purple (I know lightsaber colours don't work like that, but the symbolism of it shifting from totally red to a mix of red and blue [ie good and bad] is too good, so just let me live) as her allegiance to the dark side starts to waver, until finally she's had enough and turns on Eric, killing him with a final, ruthless display of passion. Miles helps Butchy to safety on the rescue ship as Mick leaves Riven and Vivien in charge of piloting it, in favour of helping tend to Butchy's wounds, before he goes back and convinces Carrie to leave the First Order once and for all. Vivien and Riven navigate the ship through one last First Order attack as they make a break for it, and by the time that the group makes their way back to the Resistance base, the fight has found itself six new soldiers: Miles, Royce, Bentley, Vivien, Riven and, of course, Carrie. Kind of a fun concept, right? Well, maybe, but maybe I just want to see Butchy and Carrie going at it with a pair of lightsabers to Duel of the Fates. Is that too much to ask? lmaooo
Idea 3: The Little Mermaid
 Okay, these ones are much shorter now, and this one literally only materialised a few months ago when I started getting excited about the new Little Mermaid live action remake. Tbh, there's not really any substance to it other than the fact that I think Carrie would make SUCH a good mermaid. Like she grew up at the beach spending pretty much all her time in the ocean, she has the voice of an angel and her hair would be SO FUN underwater haha. Also, you know if Carrie was a mermaid, Miles' ass would get dragged out to sea in like two seconds flat lmao. And even before I saw you pinning some mermaid stuff to Kona's Pinterest board, I felt like she would have made such a cute little mermaid companion for Carrie - getting all grumpy about her acting weird and ignoring her (a la She's In Love from The Little Mermaid musical) and then teasing her like crazy about crushing on a human once she's figured out what's wrong and has come around to the idea of it. In a similar way, I think Vivien would also make a great mermaid pal for her, if not for anything other than the fact that her purple hair would look incredible underwater hahaha. Plus, I've always thought it would be cute for, in a totally separate AU, Carrie to start taking some of Vivien and Kona's dance classes to earn some extra cash whilst she tries to book an acting job, and when they find out that Miles is crushing on her big time, they start meddling and trying to get them together, and end up getting super close with Carrie in the process. Obviously that wouldn't work for this concept since idk how mermaids would dance, but the theme of Vivien and Kona teaming up to get Miles and Carrie together, and building a really close bond with Carrie in the process remains lol. There's literally no other substance to this idea, I just like the thought of Carrie singing pretty songs and splashing around underwater with a sparkly mermaid tail, because, let's face it, she would absolutely neail Part Of Your World. 
Idea 4: Mrs Murphy meeting Carrie for the first time
Again, no real plot idea for this one, I just really like the thought of Mrs Murphy slowly realising that Miles has a crush on someone and trying to do what she can to encourage him to follow his head and go for it - giving advice here, and fixing his hair before he leaves the house there. And then when she finds out that he finally plucked up the courage to ask her out and it all went well, she's obviously overjoyed, and is always trying to convince him to bring her over for dinner, much to Royce and Bentley's dismay. Eventually, Miles agrees, but when Mrs Murphy opens the door to find that the girl her son had brought over was basically the exact opposite of the one she'd envisioned he'd fall for in her head, she's understandably…confused. Will she start to appreciate the lovably egotistical blonde for who she is with time, or will Carrie's reception at the Murphy house meet the same fate as a certain ship of special interest to none other than the girl that had the Murphys wrapped around her little finger from day one?  😉
Idea 5: The One With The Pregnancy Test
Okay, this one just totally rips off the scene in Friends where Rachel finds out she's pregnant, but it does have its own fun spin, so I'll go ahead and include it anyway. Basically, everyone's at the cabin in New Hampshire, and Mick, Vivien, Carrie and Miles are all chilling in the kitchen. Carrie goes to grab some milk from the fridge but can't stand the smell of it and starts feeling really nauseous. Miles takes it from her and gives it a sniff-test, but says that it smells fine to him. He offers it to Vivien and she says the same thing: it smells fine. Carrie's majorly weirded out, but that confusion soon turns to complete and utter terror when Mick says that the last time milk smelled weird to her was when she was pregnant. At first Miles thinks Mick's just joking because she knows how much the thought of having kids freaks them out, and says that there's no way of that being possible anyway because they're always careful and Carrie's on birth control. But Mick says stuff like that's never fool-proof and starts telling them about how Lela had to go and get a new prescription of her birth control pill because her batch had been recalled due to the dosage being too low. Carrie, knowing that she takes the same brand, instantly starts to panic because she hadn't heard anything about the recall and immediately goes to check her batch number. Miles tries to calm her down and tell her to not jump to conclusions, but when she's gone, starts freaking out in his own right to Mick and Vivien about how this all just has to be a big coincidence because there's no way he can be a dad. They talk him around a little, and say there's no point in worrying about something that might not even be happening, and eventually send him off to go and talk to Butchy and his brothers to help distract him. Mick and Vivien then go and track down Carrie, who is hyperventilating into her purse as she checks her birth control batch number for the hundredth time, praying that the next time she looks at it it'll be different. Mick tries, and fails, to get her to relax and tries asking her if she's had any other symptoms: but the missed period (which she'd previously chalked up to the stress of a busy work schedule), persistent nausea (which she had thought was just because of Bentley's poor cooking skills), and sore boobs (yeah, she had no explanation for that one) were not making things look good.
Mick finds some old pregnancy tests in her bathroom and convinces Carrie to take one so that she can get a concrete answer before she starts having a total meltdown over a hypothetical, but only if her and Vivien wait around to check on the result with her since she's in no fit mental state to find out that kind of news alone, and she's too nervous to get Miles involved yet, knowing that he'd be just as stressed about the result as her, if not more. As they wait, Carrie starts opening up to Mick and Vivien about why she doesn't want kids, why she doesn't think that she'd be a good mom, and how selfish she feels ince most of it revolves around her own vanity. She confirms what the girls had already been suspecting about Miles' view on it all: how his relationship with his dad basically ruined his desire to take on that role in his own life and saddled him with a fear of one day turning into him if he ever did somehow have kids of his own. But she also expresses a fear that she'd be letting him down by continuing to focus on her career if his views on parenthood ever changed, and worries that he'd forfeit that opportunity for her sake when she knows that, if he was to be put in that position, he'd be an amazing dad - which naturally leads on to her venting about how terrible she thinks she would be as a mom because she cares too much about the way she looks and has such a crazy work life and doesn't have a maternal bone in her body, at least in her mind anyway. Mick and Vivien do their best to reassure her and talk her around to the idea, but before they can get a definite read on her feelings towards the situation, the timer for the test goes off. Carrie makes Vivien read out the results to her; she can't bear to look herself, and Viv says that it's negative. Carrie breathes a  huge sigh of relief, and says that she feels silly for working herself up over nothing, but it doesn't take long for the enormity of everything to hit her. She'd basically already started mentally preparing herself for how different her life would be because of this baby, and had started considering all the good that could come with it (yes, it was in a bid to counteract the bad, but it was still good in its own right), and part of her, although she didn't want to admit it, was starting to not only come around to the idea, but kind of getting excited about it. And even if the test was negative, she still had the problem of what the hell was going on with her body to deal with. So she asks Vivien to check again to be totally sure, which is when she reveals that it was positive all along, and that she knew Carrie would be happy about it deep down, she just wanted to get her to come to that realisation on her own first - which, thankfully, worked wonders! And after the initial shock wears off, all three girls are thrilled by the news…until they realise they now have to go and tell Miles… 
Idea 6: Carrie booking a dream role
Okay, Carrie's acting roles could have their own mega-post entirely, because I have a LOT of plans for storylines she's involved in on Find Your Voice, as well as other projects like Broken Shadows and Chasing Down Chelsea, and a whole slew of other things. One of the big and pretty important Find Your Voice ones is her character's Season 2 romance with Tyrone though, which comes off the back of her Season 1 breakup with Scott (Eric's character). The reason why it's so important is because, in a similar way to how Glee was pretty monumental in the portrayal of gay relationships in TV shows aimed at teens back in the early 2010s, I wanted Find Your Voice to be one of the first mainstream TV shows to properly explore interracial relationships. And like how Kurt and Blaine and Santana and Brittany were a huge deal for Glee, Candace and Tyrone telling the story of a white girl and a black guy falling in love like any of the other couples on the show was a huge deal in the 60s. Carrie's managers were reluctant to let her accept the storyline because of what it might do to her public image, and several of her co-stars had turned it down for fear of being blacklisted from the industry, but Carrie stuck by her beliefs and her and Donny (the guy who plays Tyrone) put their all into their performances, and as a result, they won over the majority. Sure, there were naysayers and protests about them 'corrupting the youth', but most people fell in love with the couple's love story as hard as the characters fell for each other, and cemented their position as series favourites. They made TV history with their on-screen romance, paved the way for generations to come, and won a bunch of TV awards for their performances as they went - but most of all, they became super good friends in the process. That all being said, this idea doesn't involve any of that lmao. It's just important context for her career-wise, and it needed a home somewhere, so I dumped it here haha.
Now, you may remember a brief Metalex and Ultraviolet comic being mentioned in Drive My Car Part 6 (don't worry if you don't, I just hyperfixate on these things lol), and if you do, you may also recall Miles saying that he thought Ultraviolet was one of the most badass superheroes of all time. Well, this idea basically revolves around Miles having a long history with reading these Metalex comics growing up - loving the stories and becoming obsessed with the characters. So when he hears that the studio Carrie works for have bought the rights to turn the franchise into a series of movies, naturally he starts freaking out and begging her for any information she can get, which is only made worse when she finds out that her agent also manages the guy who they've cast as the lead. What she doesn't tell Miles though is that, knowing how much he adores this franchise, she decided to audition for the part of Ultraviolet. By some miracle, after a pretty rigorous audition process, she books the role, and confides in the first person she finds in the house after she's given the news (idk why I picture it being Royce, it could be anyone lol), who is equally as excited about Miles' imminent reaction, knowing that he'll lose his mind when he finds out. She ends up surprising him for his birthday by saying that she managed to talk her agent into giving her one of the promotional posters before the cast list is officially announced, and wrapping it up for him to open. And as I'm sure you can imagine, unrolling that poster to find that his childhood crush is being played on the big screen by his girlfriend, is a pretty huge deal for him. Profanities may have been shouted, tears may have been shed, shits may have been lost. All in all, a pretty successful birthday surprise if you ask me.
Idea 7: Vivien and Carrie's ✨Girl Day✨
I don't know why small-town America fascinates me so much, but I would just love to read about Vivien showing Carrie around her hometown and doing the most mundane everyday stuff you could imagine with her. Like that little snippet of them at the mall in one of your Christmas stories? Drinking boba? I need more of that. I love itttttt. Like them going through a drive-thru and then having a picnic in Vivien's car as she fills Carrie in on all the gossip from her school to get her take on it? How cute and iconic is that? I'm obsessed. 
Idea 8: Pampering Session
This was going to be one of my Christmas one-shots but, as is the theme with me lately, I ran out of time. Buuut, basically it was just going to be a little culmination of a few random little self-care based headcanons I had. Like a major one is Carrie having a super extensive skin-care routine that The Murphys tease her to no end about, but she doesn't care because she loves all her random little lotions and potions and tying her hair back and setting to work on her face every morning and night - it's like her definition of 'me time' lmao. And part of that headcanon is Miles lovingly teasing her about it, but also low-key getting pulled in once she starts introducing him to his own products that he can use too. And whilst at first it's super basic stuff like: look here's some ✨moisturiser✨, it goes on your ✨face✨ to stop it looking like the sAhaRa DeSerT 🤩 and Miles looking at her like: 🤨 ...you sure about that? It progresses to him taking more of an interest - it's only slight, but he at least has a little corner of the bathroom dedicated to his handful of nice products he uses to take care of himself. And, it's mostly to humour Carrie, but there have been a few instances where she's convinced him to do facials with her - it's largely influenced by her teasing him about getting wrinkles, and he always drags his feet at first, but as soon as she starts slathering it on and it feels all nice and cooling he tooooootally relaxes and enjoys it haha. And I loved the little mention of Carrie helping Vivien dye her hair purple in Through The Valley, so I was going to have her barge in on them mid-facial chill-out-time at the cabin, likely watching some trashy reality tv show together (because I feel like they would get so invested in that kind of thing, especially if it's a really shitty one where they could make fun of it together lmao), and ask her for help re-dyeing her hair because Royce is proving to be ✨incompetent✨. Of course Royce and Vivi would tease Miles to death about the facial - but because he was in his ✨relaxation mode✨ he'd be too chilled out to care and would just laugh along with them. And knowing Carrie, as soon as she started working on Vivien's hair and fixing the mess Royce made of it she'd start grilling him about how he thought he was capable of doing this when he can't even take care of his own hair properly. After a lot of protestation, they finally convince Royce to give Carrie's hair care routine a go, with Carrie shouting instructions to him through the bathroom door as he washes his hair lol. And, much to Royce's initial disgruntlement, by the time his hair's dry it looks healthier than it ever has. He grows to appreciate the advice in the long-run though because of how much more defined and silky it makes his curls look once he starts looking after them properly, and because of how crazy his hair now drives Vivien as a consequence lol. Cute, right? If only I'd had more time over Christmas lmaoooo.
Idea 9: Ghost Mrs Murphy
This one probably sounds more ominous than it actually is, but I keep seeing TikToks about people on the verge of death being comforted by loved ones, and then afterwards realising that they weren't actually there because they died x number of years ago. And whilst I don't think there would be any sort of complications surrounding Maisy's birth (because Carrie and Miles are already stressed out enough at the thought of a baby alone, I don't want to put them through anything else lmao), I did have an idea where Carrie starts haemorrhaging and is super out of it, but all she can focus on is this really nice 'nurse' who keeps talking to her and keeping her calm. She reassures her that she's okay and that she's doing great and that her daughter is beautiful, and just basically stops her freaking out until she drifts off to sleep (i.e. passes out lol). When Carrie eventually comes around though, this 'nurse' can't be found, and none of the other nurses or doctors she speaks to seem to know who she's talking about. Miles obviously can't know for sure, because he didn't see what she did, but when he listens to Carrie's description of her, he can't help but have a sneaking suspicion (or at least a fleeting hope) that it might have been his mom :')
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AKA, all the other random little ideas that I have that aren't enough to warrent a full story of their own, but I still wanted to share...
Okay, I feel like this is such a random little thing for me to have latched onto, but I love the fact that Mick loves blistering hot showers. And whilst I feel as though sometimes Mick and Carrie struggle to see eye to eye (at least in TMM they do anyway haha), one thing they can both bond over is their love of lava showers. If they don't leave the bathroom looking like freshly cooked lobsters then what's the point? 
Whilst I feel that generally Carrie gets along better with Bentley, her and Royce have a really similar wicked sense of humour, and if they catch each other in the right mood then they can set each other off laughing for hours. But one thing that both Royce and Bentley can agree on is that Carrie is INCREDIBLY fun to tease, and they do so ruthlessly, at every opportunity possible. Thankfully, she has a good sense of humour though and, even if she doesn't think so in the moment, she'll always be able to see the funny side eventually. 
Royce and Bentley LOVE all the different accents and impressions Carrie can do, they're always so entertained when she whips a new one out of her back pocket, especially if it's unprompted.
When Carrie's pregnant, especially the first time around, she gets really bad morning sickness, like to the point where almost everything makes her at least gag, and Royce (in true sibling-esque-bullying fashion) finds this HILARIOUS, and pushes it to its very limit. Again, thankfully Carrie can also see the funny side of it and entertains the game for a while, but when they discover that the sight colour green alone is enough to make her nauseous it's game over for Royce; he's laughing so hard he needs his inhaler.
The concept of Carrie giving Bentley singing lessons is literally the cutest thing ever to me holy shit. Like little Bentley doing a cover of The Climb like the version in HSMTMTS? Brb I'm crying. 
Once Royce and Carrie's relationship starts to become not terrible, he develops a weird sort of familial protectiveness over her, especially when it comes to stuff people say about her. I only say it's 'weird' because it's not like how he's protective over Vivien or Miles or Bentley, or anyone else in his family, it's like its own entity. And sometimes he doesn't even know why he cares, because both Carrie and Miles got used to ignoring it pretty quickly, but he just can't stand it. Sometimes it's just because the kids in his class are being racist pieces of shit talking about her on-screen relationships, but it's mostly gross, vulgar stuff the guys say about her body or her more 'adult' scenes in certain shows and the stuff they come out with literally makes him sick to his stomach. Maybe it could manifest as Carrie catching him defending her, or maybe he just vents to her about it one day after school, idk. But the weird protectiveness of her that neither of them really understands is such a funny, but well-intentioned little notion to me lmao. 
On a different note, Miles was PETRIFIED at the very thought of meeting Carrie's parents for the first time, and obsessed about it for weeks, but they both absolutely adored him pretty much as soon as he walked through the door, and just immediately jumped to treating him as if he was already part of the family 
And if anything the bond only grows stronger with time - like when Maisy is born, and Carrie's parents visit the hospital for the first time, Carrie's dad goes over to check on Miles and give him a hug before he even thinks about looking at his granddaughter lmao 
And although Royce and Bentley feel super awkward about it at first, Carrie's mom is such a motherly person that she can't help but want to take them under her wing when she first meets them. They're pretty reluctant to open up to her for a while, more so than Miles was anyway, which is totally understandable, but over time, as they get more familiar with her (and she bakes them more and more birthday cakes) they start seeing her as another mother figure (after Aunt Mack though, of course lol)
Miles and Carrie's mom become low-key besties though, like she's always asking Carrie where he is if he's not with her, she's forever baking little treats for Carrie to pass on to him, and she loves filling him on all the drama she has to deal with at her catering gigs because the way he humours her by getting so invested literally makes her day
Carrie does not handle pain well at all. She trapped her finger in her car door once and from the way she reacted Miles thought that her entire hand had been ripped off lmao. But I guess that's to be expected when she's such a drama queen.
On a similar note, she hates any sort of creepy crawlies, especially spiders - and don't even get me started on her reaction to finding out that Riven has a pet lizard. She thinks he's certifiably insane.
And to round off Carrie's dramaticness - she is SUCH a cryer. Like she's such an emotional wreck that she can be laughing her head off one minute and then bawling her eyes out the next. Movies are normally the worst culprit since she's almost guaranteed to cry at something over the course of the 90 mins, which Bentley is incredibly entertained by, but as she spends more and more time in the modern world, TikToks of old people are really proving to be her new downfall.
I love the thought of Miles and Carrie both loving to cook, and both loving to cook for each other, but really struggling to cook together because they both keep wanting to take charge. Usually they can work out a compromise, but sometimes, especially with Carrie's temper as volatile as it is, stubborn bickering can escalate into chaos.
I've definitely mentioned this before but I can SO see Royce owning a cat. He's just a boy who needs a kitty to snuggle with whilst he reads, it's a necessity.
And I think you maybe mentioned this in your Christmas stories, or maybe it was your Hocus Pocus AU, it was definitely one of the two, but I LOVE the idea of Miles driving an old Jeep/truck. Like it's one that's kind of a heap of junk when he buys it, but he loves it to death anyway because he saved up all his own money to get it, and spends hours upon hours fixing it up and making it look like new again hehe.
Idk but I feel like Royce would really be into taking photos. Like he's not quite as artistic as Bentley or Miles, and he can't draw or paint very well, so he turns to taking photographs instead. That, and I feel like he's really sentimental, so I the thought of capturing memories like that would really appeal to him.
I know in your character info posts you mention Vivien getting her appendix out, but idk why I can just so vividly picture Miles getting appendicitis. Like at first he just tries to power through and insists he's fine because he's a 'man', but he taps out after like an hour and can barely move. And then maybe because Viv's been through it before she's like "this is an awful lot like when my appendix went 'boom'" lol, and suddenly everyone's like: hospital. NOW. Idk why I love the thought of that; it's so random. And the thought of Carrie and all the others taking it in turns looking after him afterwards? Ugh. Adorable.
Omg and speaking of your character info posts: I love the thought of, a couple of years down the line, once he's not feeling as financially responsible for Royce and Bentley, Miles being convinced by the others to go back to school to pursue one of the careers he always thought he'd go into. Because Miles as a teacher is such a perfect fit! And Carrie is like soooo not about school for herself, but she'd be super proud of Miles if he went back. Like at his college graduation ceremony she'd be cheering SO loud haha.
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Okay, this section is literally just for all the roles I'd love to see our characters play/roles I just think they'd nail, which I feel like is fun because we both love musicals, so why not indulge that a little bit here?
Eponine - whilst I could totally see Carrie nailing On My Own, I really think that Vivien would be a brilliant Eponine if her school were to ever put on Les Mis, especially if Carrie was there to help her. Also, the thought of Vivien and Royce singing A Little Fall of Rain together, especially when I'm still riding the high of all that angst you put them through in Scattered Screams? SO GOOD. And if Vivien is Eponine, Carrie would make a great Fantine, don't you think? Omg and if Viv is Eponine, and Royce is Marius, then wouldn't Riven be perfect for Enjolras? Aaaah, and you could have someone like Erica or Jade playing Cosette and having a running joke with Royce about having to play each other's love interest when they'd both sooner go off with Eponine lmao. Is Scattered Screams influencing this too much? Maybe, but idc it just shows how good it was haha.
Belle - in a similar sort of vein, I feel like Vivien would be a perfect Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Like smart and brave and kind? That is so her! I feel like Carrie's character in Find Your Voice (Candace) would also be a really good Belle because she's a little braniac bookworm, and I've toyed around before with the idea of them putting it on through the show (HSMTMTS-style), but as is the theme with this post, idk where what would ever fit in a story lol. Still, I think this role would be perfect for Vivi if she was ever going to be a leading lady again after Acting School Dropout haha. And I'm sure Carrie would be more than happy to offer up her coaching expertise again haha.
Elle Woods - this will probably be a short one, because I don't feel like I really even need to explain myself but I feel like if Carrie was ever destined to play any role on stage, it would be Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Ditzy and girly, but determined enough to put her mind to something and succeed with flying colours? That's Carrie all over! And Miles would literally never do it, but how perfect would he be as her Emmett? And with Eric as Warner? Oh my god I could die. 
Regina George - purely for the iconic vocals and how good she would be at playing a bitchy villain like this, Carrie would kill it as Regina George. 
Elphaba & Glinda - Mick & Carrie are such a good match for these two, and whilst I feel like Carrie would make a great Elphaba vocal-wise, the only person that I feel could be the Glinda opposite her Elphie would be Juliet
Evan & Zoe - this one only really came to me as I was putting this post together but how good would Royce and Vivien be for these roles?
Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara - played by Carrie, Molly and Juliet respectively, especially in the context of TMM; they give me major Heathers vibes there, but that's never happening in that AU lmao
And just to tag this on the end here, the thought of Kona, Vivien & Carrie singing each of the three Fionas through the ages in I Know It's Today makes me so happy
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Fancy dress costumes:
Again, I have no idea how I'd fit any of these fancy dress ideas into stories, especially the first two since they're for my TMM AU and there is no excuse for the characters to dress up in that plot, but these ideas are too good not to share…
Concept 1: The Mystery Gang from Scooby Doo
Just picture this: it's Halloween at All Skate and these guys are working their shift dressed like this: Ethan is Shaggy, Mick is Velma, Miles is Fred, Carrie is Daphne and Midge is Scooby (yes, Midge, not Barney, it'll make sense later on, I promise). How perfect is that?! I literally could have screamed when I first thought of this and how much potential is wasted by a lack of a Halloween plot. But hopefully the mental image is entertaining enough on its own haha. 
Concept 2: The Wizard of Oz
Again, picture it's Halloween at All Skate and the group are attempting yet another group costume with: Mick as Dorothy, Ethan as the scarecrow, Miles as the tin man, Carrie as the cowardly lion and Midge in a little basket as Toto.
Was this mostly fuelled by me realising that Mick would pull off a Dorothy costume ridiculously well? Maybe. But how well does it work for all the others too? Like Ethan might as well have straw for brains anyway, Miles is so stressed about his brothers he always struggles to loosen up and have any fun, and Carrie's huge mane of curls was practically destined for this costume. It's PERFECT.
Concept 3: Miles and Carrie
And then I just have a few couples costume ideas for Miles and Carrie, because I feel like with Carrie being an actress and practically dressing up on the daily anyway, she'd take Halloween very seriously. First of all, and quite possibly my favourite, how good would they be as Kermit and Miss Piggy??? I CAN'T BREATHE, even their dynamic is perfect for it! And it's such a fun, silly concept, I love it. Perhaps a prettier and a little more normal option would be Rapunzel and Flynn Rider because Miles' floppy brown hair and Carrie's insane blonde hair are just screaming for it lmao. But also, because they're both always down for fun above all else, they're not afraid to rock up in outfits as iconic as this too.
Concept 4: Carrie and Eric
Okay, I'll admit that this was heavily influenced by the new Barbie movie trailer that was released, but how iconic would Carrie and Eric be as Barbie and Ken? They'd be perfect! And I know based on what I've already written about Eric, he hasn't been painted in the best light, but his relationship with Carrie up until their break-up was actually pretty good - and with where the story is atm in TMM, it's actuually pretty healthy as well (I just don't know if I've done a good enough job at showing that yet lmao). They really did genuinely care a lot about each other, and had a bunch of fun together since they're naturally both pretty goofy characters (as you would expect from two actors who specialise in comedic roles). It was just an unfortunate set of circumstances really with the whole cheating scandal and Eric being a dumb, reckless twenty year-old. He never meant to hurt Carrie in the way he did, the fame just got to his head from all his newfound attention and, because he thought he was invincible, he stopped thinking about the consequences to his actions. That mentality soon came back to bite him though haha. Anyway, tangent over! I think I'm probably the only person that cares about that anyway lol. But back to my main point: they would have 100% killed a Barbie and Ken costume - Eric is perfect himbo material for Ken and Carrie would have such a fun ditzy, but super determined, take on Barbie. Whether it was for a couples costume, or as actual roles in a movie back in their universe, they're nailing it in my mind lmao.
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Here's just a bunch of songs that I have saved on my story inspo playlist that either make me think of our characters, or have entire little scenarios planned around them, that otherwise would sit in my head forever…
Doomsday - Okay, this one freaked me out when I first heard it because of how perfectly this fits, but literally every time I listen to it it makes me think of Vivien in your Through The Valley story, but specifically in that period at the end where she's waiting for Mick and Royce and the others to come back from Canada and slowly losing her hope of them ever returning. Like I always picture Vivien just trying to go about her daily life, listening to this to get her through, and her and Carrie belting out the bridge as they drive across these big, barren, open roads to get out their frustration about being left behind. And the fact that she literally says 'you did it on Halloween' when they left at the end of October??? It. Fits. So. Well.
No Time To Die - I don't know why this gives me such Scattered Screams vibes, but it just does. Like the intrigue but the promise of danger idk, I love it. I've got an idea for where I could use Skyfall, but that involves Carrie and her Chasing Down Chelsea show, which is so niche I won't even bother explaining it, but just the thought of her slinking around a party full of dangerous, wealthy people in a silky dress with a hit on someone to fulfil before she's hunted down by an intelligence agent she knows for a fact is also a guest there - ugh, it's so cool. I just love the concept of someone being dressed up so glamorously but being so badass at the same time haha
Taylor Swift: There are SO many Taylor Swift songs that I feel would work so well for Carrie (like Bejeweled, Karma and Anti-Hero all fit her vibe perfectly), but also Miles and Carrie's relationship too…
Style is one, particularly the chorus, that just makes me think of them both instantly. Like you can't tell me that chorus doesn't fit them both to a T. Plus it feeds into my headcanon that Miles' sense of style and confidence in the way he dresses sky-rocketed after he started dating Carrie, so I love it hehe.
Red is one that will be VERY important in a story I have yet to mention in this post, because I'm still holding out hope that I'll get to write it one day. But this song features heavily and proves to be a pretty pivotal moment in their relationship. And again, every time I listen to it, those two are immediately who I think of. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and All Out Of Love also play big roles in that story, but like I said, I'm still hoping that I'll get around to writing it one day, so I don't want to give too much away too early. But that might at least give you a bit of a vibe of the theme lol.
Paper Rings is one that I first listened to after you said that you had a prompt in mind for it and holy shit, idk if the prompt was about Miles and Carrie, but they are ALL I can think of when I listen to it now. It fits Carrie's adoration of him, and her willingness to give up her flashy/dressy lifestyle in the blink of an eye if he needed her to brilliantly. God, it's so cute, I love it.
Burning Love - There's no real story behind this one, I just love the thought of Vivien visiting the Wet Side Story world and stepping out of the machine for the first time, and immediately being hit by the scent of the beach, the sound of the waves, and this song floating along on the breeze from nowhere, simply because it's one big musical lmao. Like a little montage of her discovering their world and seeing everyone going about their daily business (spotting the surfers waxing their boards, seeing Butchy working on his bike, watching Kona playing volleyball with her friends, waving to Carrie and Miles as they catch some rays, running into Royce and Bentley riding their bicycles down the boardwalk), all set to this song, would be so cute. 
Keep Driving - I've definitely already mentioned my idea to do a series of Carrie and Miles one-shots based on the lyrics of this song, but I thought I'd throw it in here anyway, because I love it so much and wanted it to have a good home haha.
Mine & Landslide - I'll keep it simple with these two, because I can't elaborate just yet. But picture this: an AU of Carrie singing these to/with someone, where 📢spoiler alert📢 it's not Miles lmao. For extra context, there's a reason why they're the Glee versions of the songs lol.
Freak - I have no idea how I'd work this into any story, but every time I listen to this song I think of Carrie in some sort of Hunger Games/dystopian-esque AU where she has this picture-perfect image, and she's all sweet and nice one minute, and then as soon as she loses her temper/shit hits the fan she flips a switch and her nasty side comes out. Maybe she's provoked, maybe she doesn't know she's doing it (like some sort of Peeta situation in Mockingjay, where the Capitol are controlling him), idk, I just have not nearly utilised her insane temper enough, and the prospect is so tempting.
Uninvited - I thought I'd throw this in here because it was almost included in Drive My Car part 6, right after Carrie's let Seacat down but before Miles plucks up the courage to go over to talk to her. And it was basically just going to be Miles imagining her singing this to him to sort of test his feelings for her, but I cut it to stop myself from dragging the damn thing out to be even longer than it already was. I love the song, it just didn't need to be in there, you know? But I thought it'd still be fun to include here so that the idea isn't completely lost to time haha.
Maybe This Time & Cabaret - I've got no real concept for these songs either, other than them being used in a story that's set, again, in some sort of dystopian-esque AU where Carrie has this perfect image to upkeep, but as the life she always knew starts crumbling around her, that perfect facade starts to crack as she starts to go off the deep end…
Green Green Dress - Another very rough concept for this one, but just picture Miles and Carrie (a little tipsy) singing this together before they go out for the night. It can be before a date, before some premiere for Carrie's job, or even a party, it doesn't matter to me. I just love the thought of them goofing around all love-drunk and actual-drunk, singing this to each other.
What Do You Know About Love? - Okay, I actually have somewhat of an idea for this one, as weird as it may be. It's an AU where Miles meets Carrie stranded by the side of the road after a huge snowstorm where her car skidded into a snowbank and is now stuck there. She's not even remotely dressed for the weather because the beach is all she's ever known, and she's trying to get to a tv studio to continue the promo tour for some new show she's on, where she stars opposite some guy she's basically been shoe-horned into a fake relationship with. She naively believes it, but she barely knows anything about the guy, and he never wants to spend any time with her unless there are cameras around. Miles tries to get through to her, despite thinking she's a total spoilt airhead, and after digging out her car to no avail, failing to fix it, and then trekking through the snow for hours, when Mrs Murphy, Royce and Bentley finally come to the rescue, and Mrs Murphy offers to take Carrie where she needs to go, Miles all too quickly finds out that he's become awfully attached to the ditzy diva…And isn't quite ready to say goodbye. 
You Oughta Know - I don't quite know how I'd set this up in any story, but I just love the concept of Carrie trying her best to keep her cool around Eric and Molly once they start officially dating, but then ultimately losing her temper with him and just belting this in his face. Maybe like backstage at an awards show or something for some extra drama? I've got no clue. Like I said before, I just like the thought of angry Carrie and I have not utilised her enough thus far lmao. 
Supermassive Black Hole - You probably thought that I'd forgotten all about your Ordinary Human AU, but every time I hear this song I think about how cool a superhero montage would be set to this. And since one of Carrie's powers in that story was manipulating sound, I just love the thought of her grabbing random songs and using them as backing music in her practice battles at the training centre, especially because it pisses Butchy off since he thinks she's not taking it seriously. But like how cool would this be? She could bounce the audio back and forth between her opponent's ears, make the lights start strobing through the chorus, and then if she's teaming up with Miles he could start manipulating time and shit to speed things up or slow things down to fit with the music, or start conjuring stuff to make their opponents think they're seeing things. Random, I know. But it's what I think of every time I hear the song lmao, and I thought you might appreciate knowing that.
Lay All Your Love on Me - I just would love to see Miles and Carrie recreate this in the early days of their relationship, like when people at the beach start realising that there's something going on between them. At first they don't let on that something's up, no matter how much everyon tries to get it out of them, but by the end they can't keep their hands off each other (as usual lmao). So fun!
Ain't No Doubt About It - This is cheesy as hell, but how cute would it be for Miles and Carrie to flaunt their movie musical universe roots when visiting Mick's world and just burst into a rendition of this when asked by Vivien if they're aware of/worried about Royce and Bentley's determination to break them up? 
At Last - There is very little else to this idea other than I love the thought of Carrie and Miles singing this at Mick and Butchy's wedding, especially if Miles had flat-out refused to sing anything when they had initially asked him, only for him to turn around and surprise them with this.
I Want It All - Basically I just really want Carrie to sing this with someone, but in the current AU I'm working most of this from, I think the only person I could see it making sense with would be Juliet. I could see it happening, and I could totally make it work, I just don't know where I'd ever put it lmao. But it's too over-the-top and cheesy for Carrie not to perform, like come onnnnn.
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And finally, here's basically all the tiktoks I've saved as potential story ideas that will never meet their full potential, or ones that just remind me of our characters. I thought this might be a fun way to round the post out hehe...
Okay, idk if you've ever seen this guy on TikTok but literally every time he pops up he reminds me of Miles, and I don't even fully know why. I feel like ever since I first noticed it I've been subconsciously been making my take on his character more and more interested in playing the guitar, to the point now where it's becoming one of his defining characteristics. Like I just imagine him jamming out like this to random songs all the time. And on top of that - I feel like he kind of looks like Miles too - at least how I imagine him anyway with the blue eyes and floppy light brown hair. I know you already have a bunch of faceclaims for Miles, but I think he has the right vibes to slot somewhere onto the list lmao. Either way, just know that every time this guy pops up on my fyp, Miles is the first person I think of, without fail haha.  Similarly, this is Royce once he starts getting good at the guitar. And I know Ethan is my OC, and he's only appeared in the few parts of TMM I've posted so far, so you might not really care about this - but he is OBSESSED with music, especially the electric guitar, and this kid is EXACTLY how I imagine Ethan would have played this at his age - he still would now tbh lmao, he's just that invested in the music. Moving on from guitars, lol, just imagine a modern All-Skate-esque AU with Carrie and Ethan goofing off at work and surprising Vivien with this after they find out she's obsessed with the Titanic. Again, super random, but this is what's bouncing around in my head all day lmao.
Concept behind this one: in true Sam Evans from Glee style, when faced with the prospect of being lonely while Carrie is away on long shoots across country/abroad, Miles decides to adopt a puppy to keep him company, and in this case, that puppy just so happens to be the canine version of the very girlfriend he's worried about missing - OR, as an alternative to this, Miles just gets the canine version of himself.
This is very Butchy/Miles-core with them both being mechanics lmao
This is so Bentley with his niece and nephews when Miles and Carrie start having kids (at least in my universe of them anyway lol). He always has the best intentions when babysitting them, but every time they start misbehaving he just panics and stares at them like: 👁️👄👁️ what. are. you. doing???
Staying in that same AU, this is 100% Miles with Maisie. And it's already cute and very on-brand with the video being Dirty Dancing, but just imagine how much cuter it could be if she was making him reenact something like this with her but it was Carrie on the TV instead. OUCH! 
idk where my headcanon for Kona being insanely good at martial arts came from (at least in my TMM AU anyway), but I'm pretty sure this tiktok is partially to blame. Like she can be all cute and innocent and make you a friendship bracelet one minute, and then the next she can flip you over her shoulder like you're made of paper. I love to think that she gets Miles to help her practice too because I'm still not over how cute their bond was in Glory & Gore - but also, I can't stop thinking about Ethan hearing about it one day and totally underestimating her, leading to him making a bet with Miles that he doesn't think Kona would be able to get him on the ground - cue Kona taking literally one look at him and knocking him flat on his ass in about three seconds, leaving Miles laughing his ass off. 
Again, staying in the TMM AU, Ethan 100% showed Bentley this when he was a little kid and got the exact same reaction 
Carrie and Ethan's interactions with each other because they have such a hilariously chaotic dynamic - and by the end of TMM 1, sort of Mick and Ethan's interactions too (kind of a spoiler, kind of not, but we move - anyway, it's your birthday, you deserve it lmao)
Continuing with the TMM theme, as a way of summarising Miles and Ethan's friendship, coming up with shit like this is EXACTLY what they do when they're bored at work
In some AU somewhere, Vivien would SO do this for Miles with Carrie lmao
Since I never really explore Tanner and Carrie's relationship, here's a little window into it where, in true twin sibling fashion, they have been forced by their mom to be nice to one another for one
Okay, I've seen a bunch of compilations of these guys on TikTok and maybe it's just the fact that they're three brothers but every time I see them goofing off like this I always think that this is how unhinged Miles, Royce and Bentley would get if they were left alone together for too long lmao. Like they love each other to death but oh my god they can get on each other's nerves and be stupid like any other siblings.
Again, another multi-example one because my fyp is FULL of these guys, but the dynamic they have gives me such Miles and Ethan vibes - Miles is Joe, Ethan is Frank, and whilst most of the time Miles is just in despair at how Ethan has made it this far in life being the way he is, there are way too many instances where they both just revel in being absolute idiots together.
Suuuuper random headcanon but ever since Vivien showed her an ASMR video like this on her phone, Carrie became OBSESSED with them. I like to think it's because she's so in tune with her hearing because of all her music stuff she does, but she is just so fascinated by it that she could watch them for hours. And she gets so excited and tries to show them to Miles when they're just laying in bed together or chilling out on the sofa and he's always just like: 🤨 ...and???? But she LOVES the little brain tingles it gives her, and Vivien finds it hilarious. Maybe Royce is the only one that can kind of understand where she's coming from because he's got his sensitive hearing, but it has to be the right kind of video or he has to rip his headphones out. Like if it's someone whispering into the microphone and they have that whistle thing going on? Absolutely not, he's yeeting that phone across the room. 
Miles with Carrie's Velvet Sunrise friends. That will make sense after Acting School Dropout part 3, I promise lol.
Okay, this works SO well if you stick with the idea from WAY back where Mick and Butchy name their son after Miles. BUT, even though they don't name any of their kids after family members besides Miles' mom, I could totally just see this being Bentley meeting Miles and Carrie's first kid.
Concept here: Miles cheering Carrie up whilst she's on her period having super bad cramps and when she's finally been doped up on enough pain meds to not be curled into a lifeless heap on the couch, they start goofing around like this as she tries to explain to him what she's having to go through because Miles is CLUELESS. Or, this is just one of their many random lunchtime activities back when they car-shared before dating, and would find any excuse whatsoever to go hangout together. Like Carrie gets wind that Miles doesn't know what a tampon does and just drops all her plans for the day to go show him lmao.
Very Carrie-coded.
Miles and Carrie's relationship in a nutshell.
More will come from Carrie's downtown apartment in Acting School Dropout but as a little insight, she would totally have a cool, fancy ice drawer like this (which leaves Royce and Bentley bAfFLeD) - and the decor is very this & this because she needs an escape from all the testosterone in the Murphys' house, and just because she has a really fun, colourful sense of style anyway haha.
Okay, I'll leave it here with this one, because I'm itching so badly to get back to working on TMM, but just imagine this transition with Royce, Vivien, Bentley and Kona on one side and Miles, Carrie, Mick and Ethan on the other. UGHHHHH. I LOVE IT. 
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So yeah, I know it might not be the most interesting of posts, but hopefully it was still a nice little surprise to help you celebrate and make you smile today!
Also, I'm so sorry about this being late, I stayed up editing it until like 2:30am, and I was 14/16 pages deep when my laptop decided to spontaneously shut down. 🤦 And to save me rushing through it again and being all grumpy and half-assing it, I thought I'd get some sleep and try again in the morning. And it worked because I had so much more fun coming back to this with fresh eyes lol.
But yes, that's finally it! I might come back and add stuff to this as and when I get any new ideas, but for now I'd love to hear what you think of what I've got so far if anything peaks your interest haha. And like I said before, because you always bring me so much joy with your stories, I hope I was able to do the same for you today with this ridiculous jumble of the inner-workings of my imagination haha. Happy belated birthday! 🎉
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stillmonsterz · 19 days
god i love u fr
anw so— birds of a feather quite literally fucked up my day (in a good way) like im so invested into this story and im just in awe of the level of literacy in the way u write and im kinda taking some notes and learning from u in a way?? i mean that in a very appreciative way and i think ur genuinely one of a kind absolutely gem writer on this app like i could go on and on abt the way you write your characters and their chemistry w each other like ugh im eating it up im so full
so onto the actual fic, WHAT THE FUCK RIKI?? when i catch u riki istg, my heart SANK at that last part like i knew something was up bc he hasn't caused anything in a while and that was like a bullet sized dagger straight through my heart jfc. he had me all bamboozled and im actually feeling rage at the way mc showed vulnerability to him only to be backstabbed by him and now he's like dragging her w a noose around her neck— it's insane how he immediately dismissed mc and jumped the gun at how she could only be lying like that part just made him go from my fav character to my most loathed character. also suddenly the few mentions of riki being 'cute and evil' compared to everyone else makes so much sense, and tbh i don't trust that he'd stay quiet abt those ss he's just gonna be bored and leak them after a while i feel like.
oh and i cant forget abt the jay scene in the hotel GOD i had such a viceral emotional reaction to every dialogue they said— my brain is thoroughly jumbled, a smut scene on ecstasy could never compare to the gut wrenching situationship break up that was. if i may be honest, jay's a pussy lmao wdym you can't be wrong and admit you're not even half as bad as u thought lol anw he's going straight into the complicated men box. sorry that was me trying to cope w the fact that all of the progress jay and mc made was just gone like that and it's all back to square one now, i can't deal w that loss rn im fr mourning over it. there's just a lot to say abt that scene it might be my all time favorite piece of fanfic i've read in my life, im losing my mind at the contrast between mc wanting to savor the moment and make it last longer while jay's trying to get it over with bc i know that he knows if he takes as much time as he'd like, he'd actually realize he loves her and that's just too much of big boy feelings for him (im bullying him too much bc im so sour rn)
also the reveal w jake dealing w addiction was eye opening, like now im rethinking back to all the times he's been fidgety and including that recent scene w mc when he comes out of the restrooms, god i was dying for the mc to just get in there and ivestigate around BUT SHE DIDN'T im so pissed. jake's definitely shown some cracks in this part and i can't wait to see him be vulnerable to mc and be honest for once, he's hiding too much and i still don't trust him i can't lie.
and i think we might be only skimming the surface w the other members, i weirdly adore sunoo lmao he's such a cryptid being, and tbh the only good thing that came out of this was sunghoon and lily being a maybe healthy couple, i love love that scene w him and lily it's such a sweet and cute moment in between all the shit mc's digging herself in lmao. i don't think i have an opinion on heeseung yet other than he obviously cares for his members, or at least the kc's reputation, and has his bearings together enough to tell the mc straight up abt all of that. also jungwon.... why do i hear boss music.... LMAO but honestly the bit where it mentioned that he got shit on everyone combined w the ending had me clawing at the walls, he's gonna be important later on and im feeling the nerves crawl up my spine even though he's never shown up once in this part, im that scared of him 😭
im terrified at what's to come, like actual dread on if riki's abt to spill everything to jay and if jay will find out and— this is too overwhelming and my mind's so cluttered lol. anw im not gonna speculate anything rn for my health but im gonna write this last paragraph in appreciation for the way you write morally gray characters, like just completely blown away by how complex and unpleasant they were written, and i mean unpleasant bc i fr know some ppl who'd act this way, it's bone chilling. granted not to the extent these characters are but it's still enough to take me back into the headspace and social circle in my younger years, just the deep regret crashing all over me again lol. not to say this was horrible no no quite the exact opposite this is the most fun and absorbed i've got from a fic in a long time, this left such an impression on me that it sneaks into the back of my mind all the time, which amplifies everytime i open this app just to scroll and i always unconsciously search ur user to see if you've updated or not.
last one i promise, thank u sm for writing this fic and all ur other fics, i know and i can tell when a writer has literacy in their heart ur up there w my forever favorites. can't wait to see it all unfolds and im hoping the mc have some sort of a good ending, fingers crossed 🥲 (sorry for this wall of text also lol)
Putting my answer under a read-more
First of all, please don't apologize for sending large asks like this. I honestly love it when people have a lot of things to say about my works. It makes me feel as though I've created something rich enough that it can be discussed.
like im so invested into this story and im just in awe of the level of literacy in the way u write and im kinda taking some notes and learning from u in a way??
Thank you so much for this...I think I can attribute this to me reading. I read almost every day, and I only read things that I enjoy.
also suddenly the few mentions of riki being 'cute and evil' compared to everyone else makes so much sense, and tbh i don't trust that he'd stay quiet abt those ss he's just gonna be bored and leak them after a while i feel like.
I sort of wanted to emphasize that anyone who would join the Karma Club would inherently be predisposed to doing horrible things for their own enjoyment. Also, as in real life, sometimes the nicest people can do horrible things. People are far more contradictory than we give them credit for. That being said, no spoilers on what he'll do with the screenshots. It's been fascinating to see the revulsion towards Riki's actions compared to what Jay has done to the MC.
if i may be honest, jay's a pussy lmao wdym you can't be wrong and admit you're not even half as bad as u thought lol anw he's going straight into the complicated men box. sorry that was me trying to cope w the fact that all of the progress jay and mc made was just gone like that and it's all back to square one now, i can't deal w that loss rn im fr mourning over it.
If it makes you feel any better, they aren't really at square one. Square one was Jay harassing her nonstop because he truly was disgusted by her, in as equal measure as he was fascinated by her. Like he said, he now doesn't even know if he hates her anymore. So even though it seems like they've gone to the beginning, this is new territory for both of them. Jay is a huge pussy, though. He calls Jake a pussy, but Jake has made more genuine attempts to get close to Y/N than him LOL
god i was dying for the mc to just get in there and ivestigate around BUT SHE DIDN'T im so pissed. jake's definitely shown some cracks in this part and i can't wait to see him be vulnerable to mc and be honest for once, he's hiding too much and i still don't trust him i can't lie.
It's good that you don't trust him. At that point, Heeseung had already told Y/N to just be nice to Jake, so she didn't want to bother him. Heeseung essentially told her that she was part of the reason why Jake relapsed, so she doesn't want to toe the line.
i don't think i have an opinion on heeseung yet other than he obviously cares for his members, or at least the kc's reputation, and has his bearings together enough to tell the mc straight up abt all of that. also jungwon.... why do i hear boss music.... LMAO but honestly the bit where it mentioned that he got shit on everyone combined w the ending had me clawing at the walls
No spoilers, but Jungwon will come into play. Something happened in the earlier part of birds of a feather that will have an effect on what happens in Part 3.
im gonna write this last paragraph in appreciation for the way you write morally gray characters, like just completely blown away by how complex and unpleasant they were written, and i mean unpleasant bc i fr know some ppl who'd act this way, it's bone chilling. granted not to the extent these characters are but it's still enough to take me back into the headspace and social circle in my younger years, just the deep regret crashing all over me again lol.
Thank you so much! And yeah, I definitely drew from my high school experience for some of this. The only other time I've ever done that is for Tired of What We Are, and I think you can see some of the parallels. Not to say that fluff is unnecessary (I do plan on writing something cute) but it's just fun to play round with people who are morally questionable, and who revel in their bad traits at times. Not so fun to experience it yourself, though.
thank u sm for writing this fic and all ur other fics, i know and i can tell when a writer has literacy in their heart ur up there w my forever favorites. can't wait to see it all unfolds and im hoping the mc have some sort of a good ending, fingers crossed
Thank you so so much. I took a long time to answer this because I wanted to keep this ask to myself. Whenever someone sends me a longer ask, I read it over and over again. I wanted to hold onto it for as long as possible. I really do love writing fics, and I'm grateful that people are willing to read them. Thank you for all of the kind words you've written, and for taking the time to read my fic!
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 months
okay bestie I have an actual question for you about writing, because I always just have so many ideas but don't know where to start/never complete them. so like how do you start do you plot everything out and then start writing or are you writing and figure it out during? and like how do you keep motivated writing every chapter? omg and what do you do when something you had in mind doesn't work out with the plot? help pls
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hi bestie!! i talk a lot so imma put a break for others to scroll past lol
so, ideas. inspiration. motivation. plot. it comes and goes. movies, music, random quotes, plot ideas/requests come from like anywhere for me. what i tend to do is name the project, write a basic summary and what character it’s for, and see what happens. i don’t force myself to finish any one project (hence the abandoned SOUR miniseries and recently revisited sin miedo). that’s in part why WCS and MAG have been such long running sagas here, bc i don’t force myself to write anymore.
when i did, i produced content that i didn’t love. i was posting stories that i wasn’t confident in and that i read and am embarrassed to have put that out.
typically, it starts with a bit of dialogue that comes to me in the shower or when i’m daydreaming at work. from there, i kinda work backwards. how’d they get to that conversation? what are the implications? what’s the setting? what do they know? all that world building fills itself in and sometimes i pick stuff for the fun of it.
when something doesn’t work, i change something. for example, mag s1 has some stuff that doesn’t match the canon timeline bc one, i didn’t plan on extending the series so far so i was nitpicking what i wanted and two i didn’t have the episodes in front of me bc i wasn’t planning a whole canon journey. i took out some relationships (matt x claire for example) bc it didn’t serve my plot.
i’ve also rewritten plots bc i just didn’t like them. i have a project where the reader is matt’s gf and is meeting foggy/karen but matt has the idea for a game where they just flirt with each other till his friends figure it out. initially i had it to where foggy starts flirting with her and introduces her and she plays along till matt gets too jealous but i didn’t like the way it was turning out. so i scrapped it and started over.
a big part of writing, in my opinion, is drafts and edits. ultimately, whatever your writing, it’s your universe. it’s your project. if something isn’t working, you are well within your rights to change it. it’s not canon until you post it so rewrite it as many times as you have to. no one said you have to immediately post what you write. it’s a little different with mag since i’ve established her entire dd canon and hinted her punisher canon so i have to fill the gaps of what ive already made so i have to keep referencing what ive posted to make sure she’s consistent but that’s it own thing.
lastly, let’s talk motivation. girly pop, it’s gonna come and go. i take so many breaks in posting or writing just bc im at a part that i don’t wanna write but i have to for plot purposes. sometimes i hate the exposition of a piece but i just wanna do the actual important scenes. so i lag and avoid it until im like ‘yknow what, let’s just do it’ and this is where the edits and drafts come in. usually, it’s just a ‘let’s throw some words on the page and come back to it’ situation. sometimes i rewrite all of it, sometimes i don’t, other times it’s just a few edits here or there.
the base of writing as i understand it is trusting yourself and your ideas. some stuff is gonna take off, like woman, others will fall flat like dirty thoughts (i think that’s what i called it, a marc spector piece). it’s also your blog so as long as it feels genuine to you and your abilities, go for it :)
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dreamcrow · 2 years
1, 12, 21, 29, 43, 60 :3
(obligatory otp asks; thank you for the ask!)
without indication otherwise, i assume this is for the otp, par excellence... i tried to make this smalltext but tumblr's editor is driving me insane lol. tldr: long post incoming >:3c
1.) who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with 'because i love you!'?
serious argument: bellroc. both are aware of their feelings and both unafraid to acknowledge them, but bellroc in particular is prone to talking around things—or at least it appears so to outsiders—or to simply being Done, haha. if they pull out this card, they're really at the end of their rope—they would mean it, deeply, and wouldn't invoke it unless they were really at the end of their patience. unserious argument: skrael, 100%, oh my god. all the time. for the stupidest possible things. (it won't win bellroc over every time, but...probably more often than they'd want to admit.)
12.) do they have many heated arguments? how do they smooth things over?
initially, yes. (i'm writing mainly early days stuff now, and...yeah. Yeah.) they meet each other at a point where neither are at their best, and on top of the fact they initially don't share a language they come at big questions from more or less opposite world experiences. bellroc has never had magic, skrael has always had it, but never this much; bellroc is an optimist, skrael is not; bellroc cuts the knot, skrael (often) unpicks it. but as they get to know each other, and particularly, as they get to better know themselves in each other's company—once bellroc really learns magic, enough to be comfortable with it, once they both start talking about how they want to spend their lives, with all this fondness and power and obligation—such arguments tend to disappear. not that they never disagree—i think they do, and sometimes quite strongly—but that they know better how the other speaks, they know the attitudes and pre-suppositions they're working with. after a certain point: it's never me vs. you, it's the only side i'm on is ours; how can we solve this problem, together? as to how they smooth things over...? hm. for bellroc: deliberate, direct, painstaking explanation. much as it galls: genuine apology, sincerely offered, if they were in the wrong. (or accepting such apology, conversely.) skrael i think would be more oblique, especially compared to how he usually is. he's never above flattery (and bellroc is very susceptible), but while he'd straight up apologize sometimes i think he'd much more often offer gifts or favors without an immediate connection. he can count the people whose opinion of him he cares about on one hand; he's not used to feeling contrite, if that opinion threatens (however unlikely) to sour.
21.) who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? who tends to the other's wounds?
do you know, i think neither of them would sort of—jump to throw down the gauntlet, so to speak? not because they don't care, but simply because there are so few insults they would take as genuine threats—or would want to acknowledge as such. both of them would be very aware that the other is perfectly capable of defending their own honor. 99% of the time, it's hardly worth the time. (the one exception to this is when i've imagined skrael after killahead, where he very badly wants revenge. but even then he holds himself back, even in the depths of all his wrath, because the thought occurs to him: bellroc needs this more than me.)
29.) who is more likely to jump in an elevator? who freaks out?
skrael argues he is always spiritually jumping in an elevator "bc floaty powers." (technical magical term, still workshopping this.) i bet he'd get a kick out of turning "off" the floating while going down, though. 😂 bellroc...would not enjoy the experience of an elevator in general, i think. they'd probably rather walk up the stairs the hard way rather than be stuck in a box they have...objectively, very little control over. (maybe even before remembering: wait, i can fly—)
43.) who would give their life for the other without a second thought?
NOOOO both of them haha. very rarely has it come close to that point, and in both cases i can think of (bellroc's last fight with azherin, killahead) they weren't in the same place. they're so old, they know the other (and what they feel) so well, if it truly came down to it neither would hesitate. thank GOD it never comes to that, amirite :')
60.) who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
both. balance tee em. my order won't die if they don't sleep but they do for pleasure and general...habit? lol. improved system maintenance. i am however an adamant little spoon bellroc truther, so pls consider with me: bird... getting held,
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hachimitsuotu · 8 months
Fic Reading Meme-Thing
(yeah, cause i read so much fanfic, right? lol)
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? (Tag one other person.)
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
Nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
I’m tagging @hydrangeatattoo (if you want to do this!).
My answers below:
Age gap
Depends on the pairing, but it’s usually a 0. Like one where Character A is in her twenties and Character B is his late thirties, I genuinely don’t care; it’s not smth I seek out to read, either.
However, characters that are like, 13 paired up with a 35 year old is definitely a hard Nope.
3…? I guess? The number tends to go higher if it’s a pairing I like - fucked up, or not.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy
7, but not like, violent possessiveness.
I like a little tease when Character A doesn’t realize they have feelings for Character B until they see someone hitting on Character A. Then it’s “oh shit, i like them” lol.
Obsession/possessiveness is fun for ships that are horribly fucked up, too.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc)
I don’t mind Genki Girl/Boy with calm/level-headed/shy character, but ships where one’s a fucking stick in the mud and another is oh-so-happy? Can’t stand it. It’s why I never fell into ships like Fel//ixAn//nette (F//E3//H) and strongly disliked De//zel//Rose (T//oZ).
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits
8, but moreso in AU settings.
Don’t really care for Enemies with benefits though, so 0 for that one.
Friends with benefits
I’ve unfortunately fallen out of explicit content and I blame that on my current fandom and seeing 85% my fave’s fics just being nothing but PwP stuff. They’re not even ships I like either, so that don’t help.
I don’t mind FwB and when it has an actual plot to it, it can be done well. I’ll read it if it’s FwB with a ship I absolutely love, but that in itself is very rare.
Sex to feelings
Idk, 5?? 8 or 9.
Isn’t this kinda the same as FwB? Edit: No, this is apparently not the same thing. I like when smut has complicated feelings instead of just "they fucked/pwp". Not that pwp is bad or anything, but you get the point...
Fake dating/relationship
One of the most memorable fics I read was based on this premise (kinda), and holy hell, it was a blast. But generally, it's not something I'll seek out. Like anything else: Done right, it’s great. It can be a comedy, and then it can get super angsty when one of them DOES start having feelings for the other… Though I think some ships fit this better than others.
I’ve wanted to try my hand at writing it, ngl…
Friends to lovers
Most of my ships are this, so if I rated it 0, I’d be lying.
Found Family
Used to like it a lot more, but seeing this term thrown around everywhere soured my opinion on it. I think nowadays ppl just label anything "Found Family" if it's a group of characters they like.
OVER 9,000
My go-to for fic reading, but also the one I’m extremely picky about.
I back out really quick if the fic is hurt/comfort but the characters aren’t acting IC.
Hurt/Comfort is easy to write for and one that fic writers will immediately jump into cause EMOTION, but if it’s not checking off things on my metaphorical checklist, it can swiftly dive into a -10.
Poly, open relationships
I really don’t like polyships. I make one (1) exception for Judith x Flynn x Estelle, but if I see smth tagged with a poly ship, it’s a hard pass. I like PAIRings, NOT TRIOS.
Mistaken/hidden identity
That fic I mentioned earlier is this and fake dating all in one. Unfortunately, it can often fall into cliché “the liar revealed” trope, so that alone can make or break the fic for me. That said, I'm more likely to seek out a mistaken/hidden identity fic over a "fake dating" one.
Absolutely not my thing. And NO, Sidon does NOT count! …Not that I read shippy stuff with Sidon anyway, cause his familial relationships are >>>> his romantic ones (opinion).
Pregnancy’s not fun irl, so I don’t want to read a fic about it either.
Second Chance
Depends on the ship, but sure. I think some pairings work out better after they’ve had some time apart.
I prefer to write it, but I like slowburn even when it’s enemies -> friends/allies. It’s better (imo) when the two characters slowly, “slowly come to trust one another as friends” instead of “slowly falling in love”.
Love Triangle
Had enough of this when I was reading Twilight saga in high school. …Oh please, don’t act like you at least didn’t read the first book.
Love Triangles are right down there with poly: I don’t like them. In fact, I dislike love triangles even more. They’re a YA poison.
Nope. Nope, nope.
I hate this trope. I find myself rolling my eyes when I see it requested. The only time where I somewhat liked it was in XC//3, and that’s because of the whole reincarnation thing… But just cause someone is reincarnated does not mean they have to have a soulmate.
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thoughtsbyharu · 1 year
Born Pink Album Thoughts
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My thoughts regarding Blackpink's 2nd Full Album
Hello and Hi!
A little bit overdue but this is gonna be a short review of Born Pink album.
Born Pink is the second full album of Blackpink, a south korean girl group under YG entertainment.
Just a PSA: I'm a Blink so I might be a bit biased with my opinions ><
I remember the hype of this last year because they rarely release comebacks! The moment I heard there was a FULL album, I immediately pre-ordered all versions.
Anyways, this review will be super short compared with the one I did with Olivia's Sour album so without further ado, let's go!
1. Pink Venom
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Rating: 8/10
Ok don't be mad but on first listen, I absolutely hated the chorus. I love everything except that chorus. But well since I keep streaming, it kinda grew on me 😂 Now it's my freakin anthem lol.
JenLisa rap parts were fire and ChaeSoo bridges were amazing! The "Blackpiiiink" chant was amazing as well. We sounded like a cult when we were chanting it on the concert ><
2. Shut Down
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Rating: 9/10
I LOVE this song no matter what anyone says. For me, it's one of their best title songs Jisoo's chorus part is fire, what a bias wrecker. I like the mix of classical La Campanella strings and modern beats. Also, the MV gave me goosebumps and made me cry a little. I've been a blink since their debut and seeing them reference and recreate their previous MV scenes made me realize that they made it despite all the hate that they got. My girls came so far 🥺
Also the lyrics?? Like hello! It's obviously for those who are dragging them down. My favorite lines are "Bunch of wannabes that wanna be me, me three of I was you" and "Praying for my downfall many have tried baby" like yes girls tell 'em!
Whip it whip it whip it is hard to pronounce tho haha
3. Typa Girl
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Rating: 8/10
This song has been stuck in my head for months. I lost count of how many times I had this on repeat haha. I absolutely love the beats and the line, "I bring money to the table not your dinner".
Lyrics is a bit of a pick me girl moment but eh, it's good and catchy 🤷‍♀️
Also, has anyone watched their Coachella set for this song??? The choreo? The creative direction?? EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT. Blackpink headlining Coachella is well deserved 👏👏
4. Yeah Yeah Yeah
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Rating: 7/10
A song written by Rosie and Jichu! Finally members getting credited amirite?? I actually like it. It's kinda perfect for encores and ending their concerts. Has a retro vibe.
GIF is from yours truly~ They sang this song in Born Pink Bulacan!
5. Hard to Love
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Rating: 10/10
My absolute favorite. This is what I expected Rose's solo to be like haha. OTG and Gone are good but Hard to Love is THE song for her. This song is stuck in my playlist for months. The guitar is just ❤️❤️
Please Rosie sing this on your tours or concerts I'm begging you.
6. The Happiest Girl
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Rating: 7/10
It's a pretty...sad song. The lyrics hurt my heart and soul. Maybe it's a song when you are going through a breakup.
I was shookt when Lisa sang! She has such a pretty voice.
I gave it a 7 score bc well it's not really my cup of tea (don't attack me pls). It's good tho don't get me wrong but personally won't have it on repeat.
7. Tally - 10/10
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This song is one of my faves. It has a pretty great message about just being yourself and never minding what other people says.
For me, this song reflects them SO much. Let's be honest here, they've been through so much unneccessary hate. Everything they do, no matter how small, is just always under scrutiny. Like, give them a f**cking break 🙄 So yes, I imagine that this is THE comfort song for them. We say f*ck when we feel it \m/
8. Ready for Love
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Rating: 7.5/10
I actually like this song why do other Blinks shade it so much 😅
The bridges are probably my favorite! Jisoo + bridges are such a good combination
Top 5 Songs:
Hard to Love
Typa Girl
Shut Down
Pink Venom
Overall Score: 8.3/10
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curiouskurona · 2 years
do you think epel and kalim would get along ? i mean kalim lieks everyone , but epel might find him a bit too overbearing . then again , i cant get them as friends outta my head ndkBKQKWKGA smth smth abt southern hospitality and kalim's love of parties ( i know epel is only a Country Boy in tha eng localization but , as a southerner , let me have this lol ) . i just want kalim to buy a bunch of apples from epel's orchard for a fruit party or smth , and ofc epel is invited , and maybe they have a moment of quiet contemplation together wen kalim asks for epel's help unloading boxes of apples / juice . epel is THRILLED that kalim considers him strong enough to ask , hes thrilled that someone is relying on him , asking him for help . so he opens up to tha idea of talking to this guy . they maek small talk , they laugh lightly , and as theyre almost done maybe kalim gets a splinter or something , maybe he cuts his thumb on a protruding nail .
n epel asks if he should get a scarbia student ( epel doesnt know where tha bandaids are kept ) , and kalim is immediately liek " nO-- " GSJAJJDKGKGA . hes liek . no . i wanted to do this by myself ,, i wanted jamil to enjoy tha party without worrying about me . and epel sees how kalim just . deflates . and he'd sit down next to him , give him sana sana ( im throwing in latine epel bc why not [ im latine ] ) , and ask him liek . " jamil ? ya mean that guy thats always ordering you around ? " with a real sour look on his face . and kalim is just DUMBFOUNDED QJJDKGKGKKGA liek WHAT ?? jamil doesnt " order him around " !! but epel points out that jamil is always herding kalim away from things , saying ' you cant do this , ill do it ' and ' stay away from that ' and ' just listen to what i say ' . it reminds epel an awful lot of vil . epel really doesnt care too much for jamil , actually .
and kalim would tell epel that jamil is only looking out for him . and epel would scoff and say , yeah , thats what vil tells him too . i feel liek theyd go back and forth a bit , epel is plenty stubborn and kalim can be wen it comes to defending jamil . but they come out of it pretty close , because in maeking their arguments theyve actually vented a lot of frustrations about their situations . kalim and his guilt , his regret . epel and his indignance , his humiliation . both of them sharing tha fact that they feel inadequate , and ashamed .
i feel liek epel would kinda wanna " watch over " kalim a bit moar . he's really running with that high from kalim asking for help lifting boxes jskfkkfJSLAJXKKFA . and he feels a sense of " i cant fight back against vil rn but im gonna do what i can to help kalim " ( THIS IS EPEL'S PERCEPTION HAJFJKG im sure his opinion of jamil mellows out as he gets to know them better ) . and really its only half that . being friends with kalim is probably a lamp in tha dark room that is epel's teen angst . no one understands him and he hates answering to vil and why cant he just be who he wants to be without putting on this performance to earn an ounce of respect from people , its so frustrating and exhausting and-- oh kalim wants him to go watch him do a backflip , floyd just taught him and he's really excited . epel is on his way
and as for kalim's side of things . epel is there to listen to him and help him and support him and understand him , no strings attached , no judgement , no baggage , no nothing . no LIES . epel has no problem telling kalim his honest opinion about things , which is a blessing to someone who has had people talking around and sugar coating things his whole lief . wen he's with epel , he knows that his words are true , and that epel isn't gonna suck up to him or be scared of upsetting him . epel thinks all that class / status stuff is bogus anyways . and you know what . maybe jamil DID do some things wrong . kalim loves jamil , he loves him so so much , but he cant keep sweeping away tha fact that jamil hypnotized and manupilated / gaslit him . maybe epel is right , about a few things . tha guilt is heavy , it feels liek a crime to even THINK anything negative about jamil after tha pain kalim put him through . but its not healthy to spend tha rest of his lief groveling , or putting jamil on this pedestal . i think epel encouraging kalim to get closure and bring up some things will definitely strengthen kalim and jamil's relationship , they NEED to talk some things out , but kalim might feel liek he doesn't deserve to bring up how jamil has maed him feel .
idk . i just think they have a lot in common , and that they could support eachother in different ways , and that theyd have a good tiem together . epel would be happy to help kalim out on his journey to be moar self sufficient ( " epel i told jamil id fold my own laundry but i forgot how and i dont wanna ask him again can u show me PLZ 🙏 " ) , and kalim would be happy to create a space where epel is comfortable and can be himself ( " i tell ya what , it was mighty kind a ya ta let me study here-- its easier ta work wen i dont gotta filter my questions to prissy talk , lest i get scolded " )
also i think its rlly funny that kalim has been poisoned so much he has a poison checker and epel is litcherally a representation of a poison apple jskxBAKJQKSJDNKQKFHAKKA
tha nobleman and tha country hick . wouldnt it be funnie if jamil didn't liek epel either . bc jamil is kalim's poison checker and epel is a poison apple . maybe hes worried kalim hanging around epel would reflect poorly on the asim family ( epel teaching kalim tha Country Boy way of lief ,, or teachin him swears ,, jamil catches kalim sayin " boy howdy is it fuckin hot in here " and almost has a heart attack ) , and therefore reflect poorly on him . i love those dyamics where two ppl dont get along but they suck it up bc theyre mutual friends with one person jxjfGAKJANDKFKKVA but this post is long enough already . anyways . epel and kalim
i bet epel also resents / is jealous of tha fact that jamil can have long hair but no one ever mistakes JAMIL for a girl-- OKAY ENOUGH NAKSJFKKVKVA . this post is about how great epel and kalim would be as friends , not how funnie an epel n jamil rivalry(?) would be .
anyways .
epel and kalim .
moar please 🙏 orz
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ericeffiorg · 2 years
what's the worst season of sex education in your opinion?
i love all 3 but i think the 3rd is probably my least fave (and sorry this explanation is so long lol i kinda started and didn't stop)
TLDR: rotis was cute while it lasted but low key ruined the season
i love what they did with certain characters, but i think for a show that gets criticism for being "too packed" with different people, they probably utilised their ensemble the least this season.
in season 3 the only people that had worthwhile stories were adam, eric, otis, jackson, jean, cal and maeve. everybody else was either half finished (ruby), shoved in randomly (lily and ola) or just not explored at all (everyone else). and even some of the worthwhile stories could've been improved.
i won't go into everyone's bc it'd take way too long but i'll just focus on the untouchables, lily and ola.
we could've easily had killed 3 birds with 1 stone by focusing ruby's story on her personal relationships rather than just otis. they used her dad, anwar and olivia as leverage for rotis rather than focusing on why the untouchables are friends and how they've developed, and her dad felt more like a prop than a character. the episode where rotis was ending should've had a bigger focus on the untouchables rather than rotis, because that relationship wasn't going anywhere at that point, so why did we focus so much on it? anwar also had a whole identity crisis because the moment otis started dressing like him he was losing who he was, so then when he was forced into a uniform he just immediately accepted it and we never revisited that again. also in episode 4, olivia was striving to remain on ruby's good side, and this was played off as merely a joke and not the fact that olivia is clearly deeply insecure about herself and her friendships. 3x04 in general could've easily covered the bases with this whole friendship whilst still pushing the rotis story, but there was just so much unnecessary rotis focus that it even made the audience sour on what was supposed to be a sentimental motis moment in the next episode.
lily and ola were also really awkwardly placed this season. it felt as though everyone else had a story to tell and they just decided to give them random scenes. we never really explore their relationship beyond the alien things, and it never has any big pay off, nor does it make me excited to see them more. they have so many potential things to explore (i.e. lily maybe being autistic, ola's identity problems within her relationships, the two of them possibly only dating bc they're the only available queer women) but they just never use them right.
seasons 1 and 2 had clear focuses, and everyone had a purpose. the untouchables were in season 2 the least out of all 3 seasons yet they all had the most development then because they had sole focuses where it was necessary, rather than just being used to push a story that wasn't leading anywhere. i hope in s4 they utilise their ensemble more, because they have such rich characters that it'd be a shame if they did a repeat of season 3 or got rid of some.
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drowningfornow · 2 years
adderall really not at all what i was thinking ... i’m not sure how i feel about it as a song or as an intro - i guess i’ll see when i listen to the rest of the album. but right now i’m not a huge fan, it’s too slow for me and i’m just not into it idk 
the dying song, the chapeltown rag, yen skipping cause i’ve already heard them
hive mind okay hive mind is a jam!! like “you gotta play dead if you wanna run free” and especially “what a guy, god i hope you fuckin die and your sympathies don’t mean a shit to me”. if that’s edgelordy i don’t really care, those lines just hit me where it hurts 
warranty it started out aggressive! love that! the lyrics don’t really connect for me ... idk. it was good but not a standout for me personally
medicine for the dead 10/10. i’m into it. i really love “time screams by / life is mine”. the chorus is earwormy but with the “drink me” bit all i can think of is the food from alice in wonderland 
acidic LOVE. “and i keep forgettin’ i’m not a god like you” yeowch. 
heirloom the slipknot reddit kinda spoiled this one for me :/ they keep talking about how it’s a stone sour song and not a slipknot song but .... i don’t give a fuck. it’s fun and i like listening to it so it’s a 10 from me. my favorite line is “so much for getting better, it’s just a matter of when to run away” 
h377 this was the song i was most excited for when i read corey’s comments about the songs.. and it lived up to my expectations. SO GOOD and currently my favorite song off the album but i still have two more songs to go so we’ll see 
de sade the intro immediately made me think of spiders?? but when it got going for real it’s not like spiders at all lol. i like it in the same way i like spiders though - enjoyable and it’ll be on my playlist, but maybe not something i’ll choose to play often 
finale GREAT OUTRO. i dig it. 
this was just my first listen so i’m sure my opinions will change as i listen to the new songs more / i’ll eventually end up liking ones i don’t at first - that’s how it always is for me tbh. unfortunately i’m afraid that my opinions were kinda influenced by reddit bitches who kept posting and talking about the spoilers, let alone the fact jim and clown have been open about this record not being the best / their favorite / whatever you know what i’m talking about. it’s a toss up between hive mind and h377 as my favorite new songs (i say ‘new’ cause i’m not including chapeltown rag, dying song, or yen in this). overall i’m a fan and i dig it and i can’t wait for my copy to arrive!! 
to expand upon my thoughts with the intro - it’s like obvious that the idea of “god” is the common thread throughout the album, and i think it’s different forms of god? like chapeltown rag talks about “when everything is god online, nothing is” and the dying song has “satan, you must be mistaken. there are no more satans, only the bosses on the board”. let alone acidic with “i’m not a god like you” or finale’s “everybody has a cross to bear / i’ll nail you up on mine”. idk i don’t have the braincells to draw any real connections or theories, but my thought is just that you (or ‘we’ as people) can or often do assign “god” or godliness to things and people. i’m guessing that the takeaway is that it’s negative, considering chapeltown rag and dying song but i may be wrong cause i’ve only listened to the other songs once and its 1am and not the time for me to be coherent. 
anyway 8/10 album and that’s all i have to say [insert loony tunes “that’s all folks”] 
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Hi, Ary, very inactive ex-mutual(i think???) here. Good to see you thriving! ♥ It's been a while since I've dipped my head into cockles stuff. Could I perchance maybe ask uuuuum tf is going on??? lol I see Mish apparently confirmed he used to stay over at Jensen's in Van, and heard newbs were apparently freaking out about it and getting a bit messy, which I get that, business as usual. But I'm also seeing shit about spin-offs? And Jared getting in a twitter fight with Jensen, causing/resulting in stans to going feral and sending hate?? I know you're not as big a fan of Jar, but that's part of why I figured I'd ask you, you usually have a really level head about this kinda stuff. If you don't wanna answer publically, or at all, that's totally chill!
Hey, Rhi! We're still mutuals! Of course we're still mutuals! When I saw the notification of your ask, I was like "Hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" and my husband was like "???" and I said "Tumblr" and he said "Oh."
It was a wild time haha.
In any case, welcome back to the dumpster fire! We are obviously still a mess. So to catch you up, I guess I will start by summarizing both before and after the finale (not sure where you left off so this might be redundant for you) ... basically, it became obvious as the end of the show neared that Jensen was not on board with the plan for the finale; although Jared never stopped singing its praises.
We got confirmation of this during a zoom interview where Jensen said that he actually went into the writers room as well as called Kripke to basically voice how he didn't agree with the direction the final season was going, but he was shot down on all fronts. In another interview, he was asked "What would you tell your younger self going into this career?" And Jensen responded with: "I would tell myself to just keep your head down and do the work" meaning, "Don't try to change things because you can't." I also think that this whole situation is what he wrote "Let Me Be" about for his first Radio Company album, but that is just my own speculation. All of his reluctance, even though he always followed it up with "But I eventually saw the value in the script" or "I came around in the end" (which never sounded sincere, and I don't think he was really trying to sound sincere) made us all very nervous about what was to come for 15x20; and of course, when the last two episodes aired, we saw just how badly they fucked it up.
After the awful finale, the entire fandom became aware of the CW's heavy handed role in the thing, basically squeezing all the life out of SPN to shape it into a ramp from which Walker could launch itself. They not only erased all the love and joy and representation that Cas's love confession gave us, they also tore apart the things that made sense about the bond between Sam and Dean, making it really just about Sam-- and therefore Jared, which of course, Jared seemed to be fine with ... even though no one else was. Misha barely said anything during the finale, and a few of the other actors talked about the show ending in various posts, but Jared tweeted up a storm ... and Jensen? Jensen just sat in sexy-silent resentment of the whole thing. He didn't tweet, he didn't post, he didn't say a word once he no longer had to, and I think that's because he was already going full-steam-ahead on his plans for redemption.
Which brings us to Chaos Machine-- Jensen and Danneel's new production company that is being run by a queer creative director and has a mantra of inclusivity and representation woven throughout it's fabric; and apparently, the first story that Jensen wanted to tell through this new platform is the origin story of Sam and Dean's parents; so last week (?) he announced the upcoming production of "The Winchesters" -- the untold love story of John and Mary. Obviously, John is not the most likable character from the show, so the idea was met with a lot of resentment when it was first announced, but Jensen has gone on to say that he is excited to take on the task of telling the "true" story behind these characters-- the one that makes sense with the pre-established canon and doesn't reject it. So, given that, the idea is being mulled over with a bit more optimism from the fandom.
Who isn't being optimistic though?
Jared Padalecki.
When Jensen made this announcement on Twitter, many of his friends and coworkers congratulated him, but not Jared. Jared responded with a passive aggressive: "I'm happy for you, man, but I wish I didn't hear about it through Twitter." This of course, sent all the die-hard Jared fans into a tizzy and they immediately began asking him if he was serious (hoping it was just a joke-- we all hoped it was because there would be fallout no matter what one's opinion on Jared is). Instead of leaving it there though or just deleting that tweet, Jared went on to tweet some more, saying that he was being serious that he didn't know about the plans for the prequel, and that he was "gutted" that Sam apparenlty wouldn't be included (mind you, this a prequel to SPN... meaning BEFORE Sam and Dean were even born, so how could Sam be included? But Dean is apparently narrating this story so maybe Jared thought Sam should be helping to narrate it? I don't know). But Jared being Jared couldn't just leave that there, he then went on to tweet at Robbie Thompson who was announced as a writer for "The Winchesters" so then Jared went off on him too, calling him "Brutus" and a "coward" acting like Robbie betrayed him (speculation is-- Robbie refused to write for Walker, so Jared is pissed that he essentially chose Jensen over him). He did fairly quickly, remove that tweet attacking Robbie, but of course the damage was done at that point. And it truly only took his first tweet calling out Jensen for some people to be like "Jared-- that sucks if you didn't know but why are you saying any of this publicly?"
As you might know, Jared has had issues in the past with posting hurtful things on social media, and has even used it as a tool for attack before-- calling out customer service agents and public workers that he felt have wronged him, which is bad enough ... but for him to then do the same thing to his best friend of well over a decade? Many people who had once liked him or at least gave him the benefit of the doubt (I used to ...) stopped after this latest twitter tantrum.
However, some people have suspected for some time that J2 had a falling out either shortly before the finale or just after. Their public/social media interactions have seemed awkward, stilted or even non-existent in moments that they normally wouldn't be. In the past year, when Walker premiered, Jensen didn't say much about his friend's new venture other than a "Congrats. buddy" here and there. Later, we learned that Jensen refused to work on the show ... Jared said he make him do it, drag Jensen to the set "kicking and screaming" which made many fans quirk up an eyebrow because, why would Jensen put up a fight unless the two weren't as close as they used to be? And then Jensen moved his family to Colorado (either permanently or for an extended period at least) which is notable considering how he moved to Texas seemingly to be closer to Jared, even buying a house that was near his. All this was just speculation though; but it wasn't until Jared's tweet complaining about not knowing about the prequel that the theories behind them falling out, became less theory and more fact.
The day after his twitter tantrum, Jared tweeted again-- not retracting his statements or apologizing, but instead saying that he and Jensen "talked" and were "all good". Jensen then tweeted too, parroting this statement to some degree, which only made the whole thing even more sour in the mouths of the fans. The fact that Jared didn't apologize for his outburst and throwing his friend under the bus, and also the fact that Jensen-- Mr. Sexy Silence, Mr. Never Tweets, Mr. Tech-Ignorant-and-Proud, actually had to POST SOMETHING saying that he and Jared made up, it just screamed OPTICS. It was obviously the work of agents and PR firms and lots of people going "Look, if you two keep beefing, that will mean the death of both of your projects. Even more people will stop watching Walker, and this SPN prequel will never get picked up due to the scandal." So, the two "made nice" publicly to quell the chaos, but in my opinion, it's all too little too late. Jared started a storm that he can't contain now with a little tweet, and it seems like he knows that too because before he talked about him and Jensen making up, he asked that people "not send threats". He could have just as easily said that he shouldn't have made this a public issue and that he's sorry, but instead, he continued to play the victim and stoke the flames by alerting us all to the damage he's done.
Now, like I said before-- I used to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he's an awful human or that he deserves to be attacked or anything, but he is an adult man with very poor judgment and an obvious selfish-streak a mile wide. He should know better, and he should have more respect for his so-called "friends" and "brothers" than to make them targets to public ridicule. I have a hard time believing that Jensen still sees Jared the way he used to, and I wouldn't blame him a bit for wanting to pull away-- especially when he's moving on to so many new and exciting things. Jared certainly deserves happiness just as much as anyone else, but he went on twitter and basically asked for a scandal, and he got one.
The question is now-- was there a motive behind it? Was just looking for a reason to bring his and Jensen's falling out to light-- while making himself looking like the victim in the process? Or did he genuinely not know about the prequel and just decided to go about "not knowing" in the most toxic and hurtful way he could manage?
In any case, that is the drama ... that is the J2 insanity in a rather lengthy nutshell ... that is the tea ... and I hope it all makes sense.
But the good news out of all of this is, Cockles is thriving-- they are happy and in love and Jensen calls Misha "Babe" and Misha misses waking up to see Jensen in the morning, and they are just as cute and wonderful as can be.
So, I will end that there. I am so glad to see you back, and I hope I answered all your questions in a way that made sense ... I tried anyway!
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A Review on NCT 127′s 3rd Album <Sticker>
So NCT 127 just came back with their 3rd Full Album <Sticker> and this is my first 127 comeback since I became a fan last year! Neozone is such a special album for me as it was their first album that I explored entirely. I've known NCT as the group who never fails any expectations so I've kept mine up although I know they'll exceed it anyway. And guess what, they did! I absolutely love their new album hence this review~
This isn't a technical music review—as I am not a musician myself—but rather a listener's honest takes, goofy notes, and interpretation on each of the tracks in the album. I admit I've also struggled to build my own opinions on some of the tracks until I listened to them over and over again.
I have also heard there are mixed opinions on the title track <Sticker> and a lot says it's another acquired taste. But I think it's not just that, as it can be a grower, just like how most of NCT's songs were for me. Maybe after a few listens and a right passage of time, it will grow on those people. The bottom line here is, I like it a lot! 😛
So I listed down the songs according to their respective track numbers and followed each with a bulleted list of my opinions and interpretations.
(Viewer/reader discretion: before you continue, minors, do not interact as there are few 18+ contents under the cut. Thank you.)
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1. Sticker
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The recorder at the intro boyyyy I thought something was wrong but then I remember it’s NCT lmao
It already stuck in my head from my first listen from the Instagram audio.
With Taeyong opening the verse with his divine rapping, I knew I'm in for a new ride.
To those complaining it sounding like noise music, imagine it sounding generic. I don't think it would fit as the title track. Not a b-track or in their repertoire, even. They are called NCT because they define the NEO in the music culture and music technology!
It honestly was an unorthodox, just like all of their title tracks, which I’m inherently here for.
Literally, no one does it like them!
The growls and the vocal flexes and adlibs! (You can tell it has Yoo Youngjin's brand.)
The crisp metronome sound that’s consistently ticking except for the pre-chorus and the dance break adds depth to the soundscape. I love how it’s used instead of the usual snaps.
The production quality blew my mind. Like how can someone think those melodies would sound so exquisite? CAN I CALL THEM GENIUS?
The piano at the back, oh my God—Yes! It adds this mystifying element to the song.
I'm not sure if it's a midi violin at the pre-chorus, but it added thrill to the song. It was a great transition from the bass line in the verses to the combination of the flawless harmony with the same instrumental.
"You treat me like a boy, like a grown-up child chasing a dream" JUNGWOO BABY NO MORE HUH
Taeil, Doyoung, and Haechan—the bridge vocal trinity!
But why the heck are they cowboys? I dig the concept, but why? LMAO
This is easily one of my favorite tracks from NCT 127's entire discography 💚
2. Lemonade
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Jaehyun starting off this song with his deep voice eee
The song opens to a verse oozing with chill confidence. They're like, yeah you're lurking because we’re cool.
This is such a huge slap to their haters. NCT's not chillin' like a villain, nah they're the main characters!
Well maybe they’re villains, but still ya not cooler than them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Funny enough how they could have just referred haters as simply lemons whose sour/bitter to the taste, but 127 squad's success is sweeter than all the haters' spiteful remarks so yeah, SIPPY SIPPY LEMONADE 🧃
I might have just barked too wOW
Yuta’s vocals hooooO his voice just sounds so glamorous mhmm
Also Mark referencing their previous title tracks such as: Firetruck, Cherry Bomb, and Regular (it's Irregular in the lyrics) in his rap part 👌💅
3. Breakfast
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Now breakfast time, oh jeez!
Summer 127's bestie!
If Summer 127 talks about dancing all night long, Breakfast is the morning after.
You know what it is.
"Even if I gulp and drink you, it's not enough for me." oho Taeyong no you ha—STOP
Sexual innuendos aside, isn't it just sweet if someone tells you they'd want to have breakfast with you every day?  Okay maybe I'm melting at the thought 😩🙈💞
And I can see myself dancing to this song as I make breakfast (in the afternoon or at midnight bc I’m crazy)
This was an okay b-track for me at the first skim on the album, but boy it grew on me wildly.
Honestly one of my favorite tracks in this album.
4. Focus
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Did I just invade a private call? LMAO
The analog voice filters make it like so.
Dude, this feels intimate in the level of eavesdropping a phone call between seasoned lovers. Then you realize you hear them whispering their kinks over the line and you're ooh, that's sexy! hfgklhfhf
My first listen to this, I almost went feral because,
"I can't wait to eat you…" when it's actually "I can't wait 'til we chill…" aahaha
"Baby call me when you want me." OKAY!
This sounds relaxing and chill. I'd love to play this on a late night drive or just before bed time along with Fly Away With Me, Sun & Moon, My Youth, and Long Flight.
Belongs to ‘make out session’ playlist  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That was lowkey a playlist recommendation, huh?
I'd be kidding if I don't say I could touch myself while listening to this song AHAHAFGHFJFJ
I didn't know this would grow on me this much lol I love love LOVE THIS!
5. The Rainy Night
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Ooh, the holy melancholy!
Piano at the intro—I knew I'd cry to this.
This song isn't just about break-up, but the heartbreak after one.
The yearning; the remnant pieces from the shattering of what was once there.
I think I crumbled from this one.
This hit so hard I felt like I fit in the shoes with the lyrics throughout the entire song.
What’s fascinating is I clearly forgot the title when I mentally said this sounds like a sad rainy day song from the first listen.
Something I’d turn up when it suddenly rains, just because I want to feel the blues.
Taeil and Haechan singing in lower register? I wanna cry :( they’re just one of the best vocalists in K-music industry right now.
Could have been also nice if they added Yuta to the vocals.
"My selfish heart who waits for you to come back," OKAY WHO HURT THEM?
And the fact that they sang it so good that it translated every ounce of the emotions well even before I looked up for English translations is the reason why I love this song too.
6. Far
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Hmm… What the hell?! Do I like this? Wait...
The jumpy vibe from the first verse to the pre-chorus set the mood for this song. It sounds merry and heavy. It was honestly too much to take until I’ve reached the chorus part.
Honestly, I think this song could fit NCT Dream better, as it gives off a vibe similar to Hello Future's b-tracks. If some credible source say this could have made HF’s track list, I might believe you too fast.
Also Dream’s Deja Vu where they go na nananananana na na na~
Playful yet confident! That’s what I mean!
As usual, the vocals are insane! Vocal flex from left to right!
I swear Jungwoo sounded a bit like Taemin at the second verse that I had to replay it hahaha
I love hearing Johnny as a vocalist! SM, how many signs do you need until you utilize his vocal talent???
Taeil's part where he sings, "go nuts, go nuts, 'til we go bust, go bust" IDEK BUT I SNORTED A LAUGH AT FIRST LISTEN HFCAHKFHK
Not my favorite, but still great though!
But wait it’s actually stuck in my head???
7. Bring The Noize
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Yes, they never beat those noise music allegations
I love me some noisy percussions. AND THE BASS YO
This screams so much confidence!
The build up from the pre-chorus to the chorus—FIRE!
This song reminds me a lot of SuperM's Super Car, especially with the engine roar samples and the battle cry-like singing at the chorus.
JAEHYUN RAPPING? You mean Jaehyun the visual, the vocalist, the actor, the model, the funny dude, aka my everything?! (markie bb look pls look away for a moment)
When I said I'd play Focus on a late night drive, and if I add this in the playlist, VROOM VROOM SPEED LIMIT WHAT
You know what's so clever about this song? It's how it ended with Mark's final rap without any instrumental, leaving you  standing there with a doppler effect-like post experience.
A super car on a super speed just whooshed past you and you look its way as it zips through the road. It's gone in an instant but you're floored dumbfounded at a sidewalk. That's how I describe this song.
8. Magic Carpet Ride
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This song… Wow. Oh gosh it's so beautiful.
Their harmony in the chorus—it makes me want to kiss someone so passionately that I'd cry.
This makes me want to feel love that transcends the universe. Literally, just please take me on a magic carpet ride :(
The background harmonies too oh my goodness—HEAVENLY.
Jaehyun's voice is so warm and soulful it fits perfectly with songs of this genre.
Okay alright Doyoung Grande!
And Taeil makes me feel like I'm listening to old school R&B.
The first time I heard this from the track video, I can't stop replaying because it's just that great.
This makes me want to love. I think that sums it up.
9. Road Trip
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This is such a soothing song for me, especially how I easily become nostalgic thinking about the road trips I've had.
Whenever I listen to this, my brain immediately conjures up thoughts of my ideal getaways. Gazing at the sky through the car window, stirring up from a nap in the middle of the ride, and   eventually reaching your destination.
Oh, to travel around anywhere... (curse you covid-19)
Okay that's it. I'M PACKING UP.
But where do I go—
I could also imagine Mark playing this on the guitar and the other members sing along together, something like that.
Just Wholesome™ vibes.
I love how it evokes such a nice emotion within me effortlessly.
This isn't my favorite, but I still love this.
10. Dreamer
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Eyyyy such a refreshing song!
This song is so bright it makes me want to dance. I play this first in the shower!
It reminds me so much of Elevator (from Neozone)
The horns make it more lively I think!
Yuta and Jungwoo's voice suits lively songs like this.
The background vocal in low register in Taeyong's part in the first verse is so good ahhfhf
Taeil, the R&B vocal king you are...
There's this part where Doyoung and Johnny harmonized, that at first listen they seemed to clash, but it sounded actually fine after a few listens. Maybe it's just that I've never heard them do it before.
And I think it's Doyoung's laugh at the end of the bridge? Oh my goodness I really love this too!
11. Promise You
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The first time I heard this from their NCIT Sharehouse Sitcom, I fell in love with the song already.
It sounds like something you'd feel from a warm, welcoming hug.
The lyrics are so beautiful and endearing. It's definitely a be-there-for-you type of song that will touch your heart.
It definitely sounds like a promise.
A song about platonic intimacy.
This really fits to be the closing song of the album. It's like the end of it but holds a promise that says “see you soon.”
Because they cherish their fans like that.
It's also like I've watched a movie with a happy ending, where the camera pans up to the clear sky and this song starts playing.
Speaking of ending, I would love to hear them sing this as an encore stage in their concert. You know, that moment just before the stage lights die down at the end of the concert where they send final blows of flying kisses to NCTzens. Then you come home smiling and crying.
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This wasn't supposed to be this long since I originally planned to write this with just simple phrases and emojis but I got too engrossed lol. I also meant to include my own ratings but I figured it’s pointless since I can’t really decide about them hahaha
I really enjoyed the whole album and I love how they're progressively defining what NEO means by breaking through standards. It's not NCT music if it doesn't make you say "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" But then you realize it’s stuck in your head and you’re enjoying it already.
✨ OVERALL RATING: 127/10 💚
if you’ve reached until here, thank you for letting me share you a braincell or two 💞
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starfirette · 2 years
hc: you & helena adopt a pet together (tbh she seems like the kind of person that tries to claim she doesn’t want one but then ends up completely falling in love with it two days later)
Pet Adoption
Masterlist | More Helena Bertinelli Mayhem | inbox is closed until I can clear all my requests ❤️🌸 | this post became very personal for me......sorry about that LOL
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When Helena was a child, her grandmother had a Persian cat who absolutely hated her. Helena couldn't walk into the room without this cat going feral, so Helena just wanted to, like...
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But she didn't, of course, because her grandmother loved that cat more than she loved any of her previous husbands.
Helena probably wouldn't have wanted a pet ever, mostly because she had the bad experience with one as a kid. But in Harley's professional opinion, Helena was scared to love something other than you. Opening up to you was hard enough-it's why she's always grumpy and over protective.
Harley felt that Helena just couldn't handle living another being.
Fuck that, you thought. If you intended to marry Helena and adopt babies to continue the Bertinelli line, then she'd have to get used to the idea of living other things.
You adopted a little Pekingese from a woman who saved the litter from a puppy mill. They had all been adopted off to other families, but she feared they wouldn't live long, since they'd been separated from their mother toooooo early. You immediately scooped the little guy up. He was the last one, the one no one else wanted. He was small and sick and couldn't open his eyes.
When you brought him back to the house, Helena just grimaced and stared.
"He's a little guy!" You exclaimed as Helena sat on the far end of the sofa, looking sour. You were in the process of medicating the puppy. He had to drink from a little bottle.
Helena didn't like the amount of time you put into the puppy because she claimed it was a threat to your health. Yes, you did get scabies on your chest; but only because the puppy cried at night, and could only be soothed by close contact to your chest.
You suspected Helena didn't like the lack of attention you were giving her.
Eventually the puppy got better and he got bigger. He was a wild little thing. He was energetic, but protective. He tended to stick by your side and your side only. He reminded you a lot of Helena, actually.
The time came for him to be named, since he couldn't just be called "The Puppy" anymore.
Helena claimed she didn't care what you called him...but when you named the puppy Chewbacca, for his resemblance to the Star Wars character, what with his long, brown hair, she immediately started referring to him as Chewie.
She of course warmed up to the dog and started to get in good terms with him.
Pekingeses tended to like one person: the one they cared for is the one they wanted to protect.
Helena grew to love the little guy.
Chewie was spoiled, and that was all Helena's fault. She fed him gourmet meals so often that he wouldn't touch the dog food in his bowl. He slept underneath the bed. Whenever Cass or Harley came into the room at night, Chewie would come out and snap at their toes, warning them to leave his moms alone.
Helena did end up loving that dog, almost as much as she loved you.
This post is dedicated to the real Chewie, the dog I grew up with. He was mean to us all but my mom, who did rescue him and nurse him to health. She did have scabies on her chest from cradling him.
Chewie lived a long life, and died when I was fifteen. By that time, he and I had become close. Well, as close as he would allow. He slept in my room and followed me around, even sat by me when I was sad. I think this is because I fed him sausage links when no one was around.
I was with him when he died. He crawled into his favorite spot: a patch of sunlight. I sat with him, petting him. I told him it was okay if he wanted to go.
My whole family knew it was coming. The night before, we all gathered around him and pet him so tenderly. He usually hates this, but at the time, I think he knew it was time for us all to say goodbye to each other.
I cried and cried but I stayed with his body for a little longer, praying for his wee soul.
He was an asshole that did bite your toes in the middle of the night, but I loved him.
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Hello there! Just wanted to say i'm in love with the way you draw Heisenberg, and I'm also really curious to know if you have a headcanon/backstory for Heisenberg as a trans male, how was his life when he was younger and when Miranda took him as a test subject, how he met the other lords and what was his initial relationships with them 🤔
Ohhh thank you!!!! It always makes me so happy to hear people love my Heisenberg!! I draw him very particularly and its good to know other people like it too 😊
Ooooooo yes!!! I do actually.. i don't talk about my headcanons or anything else much these days because that's not really my scene anymore within fandom spaces... (And also this is my art blog so I don't talk much in general lol)
Buuuut since you asked :>c
- I prescribe to the idea that Karl was given to Miranda when he was young; like Donna he was the child of one of the villages prominent families. He was the perfect candidate to become Eva's vessel, close to the right age, the "right gender", showed a strong affinity for Cadou in initial tests.. and so he was inducted into Miranda's Family
-After getting his Cadou he was put into Alcina's care at the castle (she did not have the girls yet, and he was far too young to get the factory)
(-sidenote headcanon that's only slightly related; I imagine Alcinia is somewhat the impetus for Karl's rebellion, when he was first inducted to the family she defended him and protected him from Miranda immediately taking him to become Eva. They were never like Best Buds but once it became clear that lady Dimitrescu stood with Miranda in the long run the hatred really started to boil, Karl felt deeply betrayed and so did Alcina in many ways, and the pairs relationship became strained and complcated)
-he was the last lord brought on after donna (Moreau was the first, then Alci) (i'll admit i haven't thought about his early relationship with them as much..)
- He realised he was trans fairly young as well, still a good few years under Miranda's control, but young none-the-less. Just a quiet, private revaltion after coming back to the castle one night (he used to break out a lot and just wander around the village, or seek out Urias and repair tractors and various machines, always came back Filthy) I imagine it was like.. a pressure building in him over time, just comments from Urias and Alcina, feelings about how he was expected to act and dress as a psuedo-member of house Dimitrescu and a Lord and the dam just kinda broke one night and he was like OH... /OHHHHH/
-It became a sort of quest of reclamation for him, taking back at least a bit of his autonomy, ruining Miranda's plan for him, and starting him down the path to his ultimate plans to eliminate miranda (honestly Karl being trans excites me the most because of what it kinda.. adds to his narrative in this way, I made a post about it on my main i'll link here)
-he came out to the Duke first, I like to imagine they're close (though the duke is close to everyone) and the duke is the one who provides his testosterone, either that or heis has some way to extract it from the bodies he makes his soldats out of lmao.. but probably the duke. (I have the cu t e s t conversation in my head about this.. perhaps some day i'll illustrate it)
-karl is an old family name
-he was still allowed to live in the castle after coming out, he left to reclaim the factory after he fell out with alcina over his first planned rebellion
-he did try to pull the other lords+Villagers into his cause at certain points but they all rejected him, which immediately soured his opinions of them all which only grew worse over time..
Aaaand I think that's about? It? At least for you g Karl... Honestly i have less Headcanons for everything as much as I like.. have thoughts about motivations and feelings and who they are etc etc..
I'm also not great at putting my thoughts into clever short phrases fjdjskfnf sorry this got so long???
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