#and mom smiled but didn't really say anything. which okay. not the worst response to have tbh
heart-shaped-chains · 4 months
I've had coarse hair like. Under my chin for a while now, but now I'm actually starting to get it on my chin. Even though it's just a little spot, I'm super hyped about it. I haven't even started transitioning yet, I already have a head start :)
#cj rambles#not nsft#too lazy to log onto my other blog lmao#i told my dad ab it. partially bc im excited partially to test him and he said 'there you go' and seemed happy :)#and mom smiled but didn't really say anything. which okay. not the worst response to have tbh#idk its just. really sinking in that this is actually gonna happen. its not gonna be some daydream or some fantasy its gonna be reality#when im feeling down i look at my arms. all the hair on them. and im reminded of what i *could* be#dying for it. hopefully ill get it this year. worried about doctors being shitty and its also texas#but god dammit this is the ONE thing im sure about. not 80% not even 90%. but 110%. *this* is who i am#and no one can take that from me :)#ftm#transmasc#its already been half a year since i came out to my parents and theyve been pretty good about it#have yet to tell other family members but i think im just gonna start the process and *then* let them know. bc i dont need their permission#and now im actually super excited for the future like oh my god what am i gonna look like?#how long will it take my voice to drop? will my hair get curly like other dudes? i sure HOPE it does!!!!#is my mustache gonna be red like my facial hair? or light brown like my eyebrows? its thin and invisibly blonde right now.#and bottom growth. super fucking hyped for that.#idk i think im actually gonna make it#im just gonna be some guy. not a self destructive nightmare. not killing myself with drugs.#like damn i found the medicine i need. t's not gonna fix all my problems but it'll make them feel worth solving#idk im just so fucking hyped. bc now i KNOW its gonna happen. its fucking going to bc i said so.
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annoyingloverbear · 4 years
Before you ask......don't ask. Yes I like assassination classroom too.
This is a HC about Y/n and Gakushuu attending the same high school.
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Ohh boy do I tell you this boi fell hard for you.
And by 'fell' I mean literally fell.
It was one of those rare occasions his father being the disciplined father he is made Gakushuu walk home from school just because he didn't eat his roasted asparagus in dinner last night.
He didn't really mind tho. His home wasn't that far and he liked to see what's going on in the outside peasant world sometimes.
As he was passing a convenient store, he heard some commotion in the alley behind it.
He ignored it and started to walk his way, but he saw a glimpse of a grey uniform skirt and snapped his head towards you.
He saw you, clad in Kunigioka's grey uniform and surrounded by three tattooed bulk men.
"Come on little girl, just keep us company for some karaoke. You see my friends and I we all are really bad singers and would love some help."______"What makes you think I'm good at singing?"________" Oh I can tell you are naturally good at it little bird! Your angelic voice is like as sweet as honey to my ears."________"Back off."_________"What?"________"I said back off you pathetic excuse of a human being before I break your willy and shove it down your throats."________"YOU STUPID BITCH!!!"
He raised his hand, but before he could even swing you neck sliced him in the throat and kicked him down there. He clutched himself as you once again kicked him in his ribs and hope that the blow was enough to keep him down for a bit. You grabbed your heavy aluminium water bottle (those things hurt guys😭 not that I've been hit by one but I accidentally hit myself. it's a great, heavy yet non-obvious self defense tool so carry one around👍) and swung it towards one of his friends. A sickening clang could be audibly heard as you hit him in the head and Congratulations!! You eliminated one more player.
You turned around and swung it towards yet another person who skillfully twisted and yanked your aluminium bottle away from you. This person was similar to your build and was standing in a defensive position, so you kicked the only thing available to you, his shin.
You were surprised as you heard a rather boyish yelp as your victim fell to the ground and grabbed his aching leg. Only then you realized......
Shit it's the previous headmaster's son.
"Oh no!! I didn't mean to kick you are you okay?"_________"I'm fine thank you."
You moved your hand towards the part of his leg which was sprained and saw that he flinched. Clearly he was in pain and seeing that he took care of one of the guys who was hitting on you felt bad so you took him to your house to treat his injury no matter how much he refused.
That was it. That's how he fell for you.
He expected himself to fall for someone who was at the same level of genius as him, but apparently he was wrong.
Why you ask he fell for you? Because you were the only one who can kick his ass purple and speak sweet words to him at the same time.
Seeing that you were an average student, not too good not too bad, he didn't really have a problem with sharing his feelings for you with someone.
The first one to notice it was not Ren, but Karma. Or you could say that Karma found his theory to be correct as he eavesdropped on Gakushuu telling Ren about how he felt for you.
Ren, knowing his manipulating skills encouraged Gakushuu to manipulate one of the teachers to transfer you from class C to class A.
And so you did.
Gakushuu, Ren along with Karma and you. This was a particularly chaotic classroom.
You weren't really complaining, as your grades got better the day you stepped in the class. But you can't shake the feeling that ten pairs of eyes were watching your every movement.
(And lol that was so true😂)
Gakushuu only respectfully watched you and your subtle movements. The way you'd chew on your pencil or nails when you were stuck, the way your eyes turned big round and innocent every time you didn't understand a concept, the way you'd pick on your peach fuzz on your face when you were anxious. Every single habit, every little thing he loved about you, he would have it memorized. Heck when he was feeling stressed out about his future company finances (yes he's planning big) he would pick on his own peach fuzz and smile like an idiot as his heart relaxes and flutters at the same time.
Ren however, watched for your responses to guys. Every time the handsome professor walked in, (admit it, we all have one at some point in our life😏) you would sit up straight, your spine rid of any slouchiness from studying. The way you would cross your legs so your skirt rides up just a bit, and the way your gaze turned sly and your smirk naughty, yes this boy is serious about helping his best friend. Heck he would even come up to you and talk to you to get some type of reaction towards him, but figures out you didn't really like him (ouch!😢)
But Karma stared. And by stared I literally mean stared. Bore holes in the back of your head by staring at you too much. He didn't understand that a guy as corrupt as Gakushuu would fall for a disheveled angel like you. It's not that you weren't beautiful, but the combination of scary principal's son and a smol fluffy bean didn't seem very safe. At times you would even find Karma behaving as an older brother to you. And you weren't one to complain but rather happy that someone in here truly cares for you than judge you for your grades.
Add 7 other girls who were suspicious of you and that's all the people who keep staring at you during the time you're in class.
Every morning you hand in your homework, it was always Gakushuu. You would hand in your homework, he would scan it once and turn around to check others'.
But you knew better than that.
After school was over, you would make your way to the hallway but a strong grip held you back.
"We need to work on your Social Studies. You suck at it."______"But shuu!!!"_______"No buts. Get in the library and wait for me there."
He would drag you to the library and make you study your worst subject (which isn't fun at all🤢) but he would make it a LOT easier for you to understand.
Of course Ren gave him some tips to flirting. Hold her pinky, look in her eyes, compliment her and yada yada yada yada yada......
He did try one of them, but he almost had a heart attack from his heart beating so fast that he decided not to listen to his minio- I mean friend anymore and do it his way.
And honestly he loves his way!!
He loved the cute nicknames you made for him while you whined for him to release you. He loved it the way your face lightens up when he explains there was an easier way to solve an equation.
All the nervousness is his system had vanished.
He also got to the point where when you got an obviously easy question wrong, he would pinch your cheeks while grinning wide.
This made study time a lot easier for you.
You weren't aware that he was like that for and with you only. Only you made him feel that way.
But you found out soon when he got TOO comfortable one day and let it slip out.
"Y/n I think I have a crush on you."
As soon as he said it, blood rushed to your cheeks and drained from his.
Both of you were staring at each other for a hot minute before you broke the silence.
"You're kidding aren't you? I'm not even that smart or that much of a genius in anything. I- but-"
"Y/n I know that. But it's just something about you that I love. I- I can't express in words how much I adore you."
You were starstruck.
Asano Gakushuu. THE Asano Gakushuu likes you!!!!
But you still refused to believe yourself AND his words. Wondering if he was turning into a playboy like Ren.
All you could say was "Then show me."
The library was quiet and you two specifically picked up a spot away from other students, the librarian and surveillance cameras so both of you can goof off. Who knew that this was also the perfect place to kiss?
He gently took your hand as he first stared at your eyes and shifted his gaze to your lips. You acted confident as if you knew how to kiss but god knows you kicked the ass of your first boyfriend before he could even hold your hand.
His gaze stayed on your lips as he licked his and visibly gulped. You wanted to throw a snarky remark but seeing the boy was as edged as a cat you wouldn't dare.
Bringing one of his hands up to your cheek he slightly tilted his head as he came near you before stopping right where your lips weren't touching his but you could feel his minty breath. Obviously waiting for you if you were okay with this, you decided to close that painful space between the two of you.
As soon as your lips touched his, he was in charge. This wasn't a particularly deep or fast kiss. You weren't digging your tongues in each other's mouth but rather just moving your lips to each other, as if giving silent yet intimate messages to each other. His lips slightly glided over yours, and you definitely knew that the way he was kissing you, he was an expert hidden within an amateur. The kiss wasn't heated or passionate in any way, but it was sinfully sweet.
It lasted for about a minute, but felt like an eternity.
Pulling away he stared at you again softly before saying "Thank You" and intertwining your fingers with his.
You were too shocked to react to anything. You were an average student. You got into fights. Your mom always yells at you to behave. Your dad keeps telling you to improve your temper. Why the hell does this boy like you?
He noticed you were staring at him the same way you stared at the blackboard during class when the professor was teaching the quantum theory for the first time.
Now that this boy had finally kissed you, he was bold enough to reach out his thumb and running it over your lower lip before popping it in his mouth.
"Pineapple flavoured lip balm, huh? I thought strawberry was the preferred choice when it came to anything for girls. Including......" his eyes lowered to your legs which felt like they were bare naked in the tiny skirt.
"Shuu!!!! Don't stare at me!!" You shoved him away as he laughed and you covered your face with your sweater paws.
"I'm sorry dear. You are just so adorable I couldn't help myself." He said while stroking your hair.
Little did they know a certain playboy on the other side of the library was paying attention to them the whole time and a redhead was poking his head from above one of the bookshelves.
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Eighteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Seventeen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Nineteen
I remember the first time I really wanted to see New York. I must have been about 12 years old and was watching a random episode of Friends that was on TV. I saw those flashes of the city between one scene and another, and I thought it was amazing, the great stone jungle.
When I turned 16, my dad gifted me with a trip to New York, not because it was my favorite place in the world, but because it was on sale. There were 10 days where the only time I stopped to rest was bedtime. We went to almost every tourist spot, took thousands of photos and it was definitely one of the best trips I've ever been on.
Now, the city that I once wanted to know and live in, like the characters in Friends, felt like a prison. I wasn't there of my own free will or for a truly irrefutable proposal. I was there out of fear and passion, the most dangerous mixture.
I believe that at some point, a few months from now, I'm going to start loving New York, but right now, I can only feel contempt.
I pass through the arrivals gate, looking at those millions of unfamiliar faces, waiting for someone. I'm looking for a sign with my name or the logo of the Hastings Agency.
I find my name in the hands of a boy a little taller than me. Dark hair and fair skin, he needs sun. In an impeccable suit, but fumbling with his cell phone and notepad.
I approach slowly, able to hear his voice, replaying a million things. He said something about waiting for me to arrive and taking me to the hotel. Something about treating me kindly and not asking questions. I stop in front of him with a sympathetic smile, watching him widen his eyes and quickly turn off his cell phone.
“Miss McGonagall, welcome to New York.” he takes my hand, squeezing it and shaking it quickly. “I'm Edward. I will be responsible for your schedule.” I can't control the smile, noticing him nervousness. In other words, he was my Noah.
“Hi! Yeah, you can call me Marnie, that's fine. I prefer, actually.”
“Oh! Of course.” his cheeks turn pink. “Well, I'll drop you off at the hotel to rest and tomorrow at 8:00 am you should be at Valentino's studio for the rehearsal of the new bag collection. At 2:45 pm you should already be at Chanel's studio, they want to take your measurements and do some color and fabric tests for the fashion show at the end of the month. Then, at 5:00 pm, you will participate in the E! podcast, and I believe that after that you will be free for the rest of the day.” he passes it on to me as we head out of the airport.
“OK!” that's all I have to say.
“Sorry if I'm being nosy, but were you the one who required a lot of work for the next two months? I mean, you have a really busy schedule. If you don't want something, I can try to help.” he flips through the calendar while we wait for a car.
“No! It's OK. I was the one who asked. I was down for a while and I need to get back to work.” I give a slight smile, debating. "Hm, was the doctor I asked for by any chance be marked?"
“Yes! Wednesday at 3pm.” he smiles proudly, making me smile too. Edward seems like a nice guy.
We got into a silver car and went to the hotel. Along the way, Edward answers a few calls, closing in on his tasks. I seize the moment and close myself in my own world. I get my cell phone, turning it on and seeing that tsunami of people looking for me. Missed calls, messages, dm on twitter and instagram, everyone looking for me, but not him.
I lock my cell phone, trying to focus my mind on the new beginning I sought for myself. I admire the city through the car window, trying to find a piece of home there. I feel the phone vibrate in my lap with Kyleen's name, but I just decline the call. In seconds, the screen lights up again and several messages come in, I believe they are hers, but I don't even bother to look. I have no courage.
The car stops in front of the Intercontinental, and just like that, Edward jumps out of the car.
“Your loft, unfortunately, is not ready yet. So you're going to have to stay here for a few days.” he explains, heading towards the reception desk.
I stand behind him, taking in the details of the hotel. Before long, I'm entering a room on the 14th floor, with a beautiful view of the city. The bags are left in the small room before the bedroom.
I smile at my new “Noah” showing that everything is perfect.
“Good! I'll let you rest for tomorrow. Anything, these are my phones.” he gives me a card. "And you can call me at any time. I live near here, I will come in a few minutes.”
“Thank you so much, Edward. You are very kind." Again, your cheeks turn pink.
As he heads for the door, I start rummaging through my bags for pajamas.
“Hm, sorry if I'm not being professional right now, but since I believe we'll be working together in the next few months, I imagine a good relationship is essential, so you can call me Eddie.”
I open an even bigger smile, seeing that Eddie was willing to make a friendship, which is perhaps the thing I need most at the moment.
“Thanks, Eddie!” he smiles and this time he walks away, leaving me alone again.
I go back to looking for a more comfortable outfit, ignoring my cell phone blinking on the table as I muted it. I grab my clothes, heading to a shower and stay there for a long time, letting the water take everything.
When I get out of the shower, I pick up the bedroom phone, dialing my mother's number, I don't want to take the risk of answering any of my cell phone calls.
"Hello?" her lost tone makes me smile weakly.
“Hi Mom!”
“Hi, my love. How are you? Marnie, what's going on? Leah came here to say you left without saying goodbye. I called Luke, but he did not answer me and Noah said something about you being to move to New York, you told me it would be just a month.” I cover the phone, not wanting her to hear my cry, letting the tears fall. "Marnie?"
“I'm sorry, Mom.” I can't control my voice and pretend it's okay.
“Honey, what's going on? You can tell me. Mom will help you.” I realize she wants to cry too, and that hurts me more.
“I needed to do this, needed to get away from him.” the revelation comes out before I can see it.
"He who? Luke? Why? I thought everything was fine.” her desperate tone returns.
“I'm sorry I can't talk.” I close my throat, holding back tears. “I just want to let you know that I arrived well and that everything is fine.”
“Fine? Marnie, just look at your voice, your condition. I saw what you did to the apartment. Honey, things aren't fine.” now she was angry.
“Mom, please just trust me. I know what I'm doing.” Do I? I clear my throat, holding back the emotion. “I just wanted to call to say I got okay. Later we'll talk.” I hang up the phone before she asks anything else.
I head to the bathroom, drying my hair. I notice that yesterday's anger is still in me as I can't face my image in the mirror, refusing to look deep into my eyes.
With dry hair, I go back to my room, thinking about taking a nap, since I haven't slept all night and even less on the flight. I close my eyes, trying to focus my thoughts on something else. I think about that taxi I saw earlier, trying to park. Or people crossing the street without looking at the sign. At the cookie shop I want to see.
I manage to evade Luke's, my mother's, John's, and Noah's voices, giving myself more and more to the sleep that finally came. Far away, I hear someone knocking hard on the door, but I ignore it, as I had the same thoughts yesterday morning. But I wake up when the pounding comes back stronger and Leah's voice enters the room.
“Marnie Elizabeth McGonagall, open this shit now before I drop it and you know I'm capable of it.” I leap out of bed, running to the door.
She can’t be here.
I open the door, revealing Leah with perhaps the worst expression I've ever seen in the world. She was furious, if not more so. As she storms into my room without waiting for an invitation, I quickly look down the hall, seeing a couple look at me startled. I smile awkwardly, closing the door.
“What are you doing here?” I question, still not understanding.
"What are you doing here? And without warning anyone. Fading in the morning. Breaking up with Luke. What the fuck was that?” she screams.
For a second, I see that my amnesia was an issue with my plan. By not remembering my friendship with everyone, I really believed that I just left and everything would be fine. I didn't imagine anyone would cross the country for me, to understand what was going on.
And if Leah did it, it's a matter of hours before someone else does. They weren't going to leave me alone, they weren't going to forget me, and they weren't going to let this story pass. I need to push them away, but I don't know how.
"Go on, Marnie. What the fuck is going on? And if you tell me it's a job offer, I swear I'll fly at you without pity or mercy, and I'll slap the truth out.” she cross her arms.
I consider the last option a lot because I know she can do it. But I won't tell her the truth, that's not an alternative. I want to believe that if I don't back off, she'll see I'm not lying and won't attack me. And even if she tries, I just run away, I'm closer to the door and there's an armchair between us.
"But it is what it is!" I shrug.
“Stop it!” she screams. “Stop lying, Marnie. Everyone. Everyone knows you're lying, so why don't you tell the truth?” she waves her hands through the air.
“Because there's no other truth, Leah. Will I have to draw it for you?” I make the same moves she does.
“Be my guest!” she sits on the couch. I sigh wearily. I haven't slept for hours, I'm angry with myself and the world and now that I thought the situation was resolved and I just had to go on with my life, she comes and messes everything up.
“Why are you here?” I stay upright.
“I do not know! It must be cause you went crazy and disappeared without saying anything. Didn't answer my calls, no one had any answers about what was going on. So I took my father's jet and came to resolve this situation and I don't leave here without an answer at least.”
In the same way I laugh at Noah, I laugh at her, thinking it will fix everything. Leah carries the same expression as her brother, neutral, mocking.
“Why did you break up with Luke?” she asks quietly.
The mention of his name makes me shiver. I notice how my stomach turns and try to ignore it. I wonder if I can subtly extract some information from his state, but I don't want her to think I still care about him.
"Cause I wasn't in the mood anymore." I shrug, walking through space.
“My God, you've actually lied better.” I glare at her. “You know you're in trouble here, I know you better than anyone. I know you are lying and that you are going through some difficult situation. I even have my theories. So you're going to have to work a lot harder to trick me or get me out of here.” she cracks a smile, feeling victorious.
"Oh do you have? What are your theories?” I mock her.
“The first is that you really freaked out with amnesia and you can't handle it. The second is that you can't handle your feelings about Luke, it happened once before. And the third is that someone put some shit in your head and made you believe that everything would be better if you were out of the way.” I feel her gaze burning into me, looking for any reaction.
I let out a laugh, not forced, nervous that she got it right. Leah raises an eyebrow.
“You really traveled on your theories. Sorry, none are right.”
As if by magic, the answer appears to me. The only way I was going to get rid of everyone and go through with the plan without a hitch was to make her hate me. Make everyone hate me, just like I did Luke.
Just considering their hate for me makes my heart ache. But I need to do this. For Luke. For the boys. It's for their success.
“You know, a few months ago you were asked to be in a movie and you didn't take it cause you said you were a terrible actress. Isn't that right?” she gets up again. “Noah told me you said you were doing this for Luke, because you loved him. Marnie, what are you trying to hide?” she comes closer.
I feel dirty because of the attitude I'm going to take. It's low, very low, but I need her to hate me.
"Look who talks about hiding." I give a cynical laugh. Leah looks at me confused. "Don't you have anything to tell too?" she still doesn't understand. “You and Kyleen?”
Hastings freezes. The bitter taste of my act starts to fill my mouth. I’m sorry, Leah. I’m so sorry.
“How do you know?” she takes a step back.
"Who do you think closed the bathroom door on Ash's birthday?" I raise my eyebrows.
“Is not the same thing.”
“It isn’t? Aren't you hiding something from all of us?” I force a smile like hers a few minutes ago.
“No! Cause I'm not pushing everyone away, I'm not telling lies. And if you asked me, I would tell you the truth. Deep down, you know why I didn't say anything. You know my dad hasn't accepted Noah yet, that this is a problem in our family, and you know he wouldn't accept me either. You know that deep down I'm trying to protect both of us.”
“Oh! Do I?” I debauchery more. Right now, I feel horrible when I see your eyes water. I'm so, so sorry.
“I know what you're trying to do and I'm not going to stage it.” she walks past me to the door.
"Didn't you want to talk? I am talking.” Leah turns to me, straining the knife I carried in my chest, letting me see her crying face.
“You're trying to make me hate you.” now I'm the one who freezes. She laughs. “See how I know you? You are very predictable, Marnie. And as much as I know of your intention, I will not allow you to reach your goal. I hope that one day, not too far away, you realize what a big shit you're doing.” she opens the door, going. “Oh, and before I forget, since it's meant to hurt. Congrats, since your little chat with Luke, he's been locked in his room, needing Michael to keep an eye on him.” so Leah slams the door and strikes the final blow.
I bite the inside of my mouth, letting the tears fall. Honestly, I didn't even have the strength to hold back anymore. The rage burning inside me gives way to pain. I imagine Luke locked in his room, lying on the bed, hating me. Hating what we had and what we thought we had.
I walk over to my suitcase, pulling out a package, with the photos I'd taken from the box and the little white box he'd given me. I open it, holding the necklace with his name on it, the one he gave me.
Even knowing what I had to do, I wouldn't get rid of this necklace, I don't have the courage. It was easier to buy an equal one and put it in his hand. What he did to me would be kept with me forever.
““Closed eyes.” he fights.
"I have my eyes closed." I rebate. “Lucas…” I chide him, when I feel his lips on the back of my neck.
“Sorry, I got distracted.” I hold back the urge to laugh. “Closed eyes.”
"If you say it one more time, you'll get hit." I threat.
"How, if you can't see me?" right now, the urge to hit him is so strong that I follow the sound of his voice, trying to kick him. “Hey! No rudeness, otherwise you'll be left without a gift.” the false authoritative tone makes me angrier. “Good girl!”
“Go!” I kicked.
I'm startled by the icy touch against my neck. It's a necklace. Eagerly, I touch the pendant, recognizing the shape. He didn't do it.
“You can open it.” his hands move to my hips, hugging me.
With my eyes open, I run my vision to my neck, finding there a necklace just like his but blue.
“Happy Birthday!” he drops a kiss on my cheek.
I hold the blue quartz, seeing Luke's name engraved on the back. I let a stupid smile spread across my face, glaring at my boyfriend with the same.
"Want to explain why we're wearing practically identical necklaces?"
“It's a little obvious. Couples wear rings and I know what a problem you have with rings.”
“It’s not a problem.” I try to defend myself.
“It's just Alzheimer's. You know, in some people, it starts before they're 70 years old.” I hit him, and he laughs, before he hugs me. "Like I was saying, I know you're not into wearing a ring, so since I already had my necklace, I thought you'd have yours. That way we'll always be close to each other's hearts.” I rest my hands on his shoulders, standing on tiptoes.
"Have I told you I love you today?" I whisper, moving closer.
“Not after 5 pm.” he pouted, looking at the clock on the wall.
I don't know how I managed to kiss him with such a stupid smile on my face.
“Why do I like you, huh?” I question, stealing a little kiss.
“Because I'm cheesy and romantic. And even if you deny it, I know you get attached to it.” he opens a victorious smile.
"Don't ever say 'get attached' again." I beg laughing.
"What is it, bae? That was awesome.” he laughs.
“No!” I scream, laughing.
"What is it, babe girl? Don't you stick to my way of get in?” he keeps teasing me.
I place my lips on yours, determined to shut your mouth and thank you that it works. My mental reminder of “we're late for dinner” evaporates when his hands reach under my shirt. I scratch the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
“We're late for dinner.” he says against my mouth as I start to unbutton his shirt.
“Just say the traffic was like hell.” I suggest kissing his neck.
Luke accepts the idea, picking me up and walking me back to the bedroom."
It's not hard to know that we were late for dinner that day. But I didn't care, I had been given a necklace with his name on it, a necklace that showed how our relationship was getting more and more serious.
I also realize that the two times I got this necklace, at least once I ended up in bed with him. In fact, in both, but only one made it to the end.
“I hate myself.” I say tiredly, going to the minibar to get anything containing alcohol that makes me forget everything.
I call the front desk for two bottles of champagne and the biggest snack they have. I pick up the small whiskey bottles, turning one after the other, as if they were shot. I shake my head, wanting the effect to start faster.
“I hate myself. Leah hates me. Kiki must hate me now too. Just like Noah and everyone else there. Everybody hates me.” I turn the last one over, shaking my head once more. “Luke hates me. Hates me too much.” I comment, hugging the pillow.
I pick up a Polaroid of ours, staring at our happiness marked there. What am I doing?
I throw my head in my hands, lost. I wonder what might happen if I crawl into bed and don't go out for the rest of the month. Probably more people will hate me, but who doesn't hate me now? I mean, just get in line.
Awakened from the thought, when someone knocks on the door. For a second, I wonder who it was, then remember I ordered room service. I walk to the door, feeling the weight of the six small bottles.
My stomach churns and I feel an overwhelming urge to vomit as I land my eyes on the redhead in front of me. Red-haired?
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Family Reunion // Luke Alvez x Reader
Blurb request for @hotchocolateandpillowforts but turned into a long one.
Summary - Reader is so tired of her family patronizing her for not having a boyfriend. So she begs her best friend Luke Alvez to fake date her for a day at her family reunion.
Word Count - 2.6k
Prompt - "These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaing about your tie you whine ass."
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Luke and I did everything together, this included shopping, like we were doing right now.
"What do you need a dress for anyway? Don't you have enough dresses." Lyke commented, sitting out in the sitting area of the changing rooms.
"I have a family reunion tomorrow, and since we always go to my rich aunts lake house, I have to have something extra nice. I would look dumb if I wore the same dress." My voice bounced back at me in the small fitting room. I cringed at the sound of it.
"Is it like some chardonnay party?" He questioned.
"Is that even a thing?" I stepped out, adjusting the dress in the full size mirror.
"It looks great on you." Luke pointed to the flowery and poofy dress.
"I would agree, if I was going to prom." I sighed. "But alas, my teen days are over." I made a fake swoon, causing him to laugh. "I have one more to try on, and if it doesn't work out, I'm not going." I stated, dramatically walking back into the small space. I began to slip on the last dress.
This dress was a light tan color. It was short and poofed out towards the bottom. Dark blue embroidered flowers bloomed every which way starting at the middle. I waltzed out again, not having to adjust anything on the mirror this time.
"Now *that* one is smokin'." Luke looked me up and down, causing my cheeks to heat up and an undeniable smile to appear on my face. Just as he said that, a younger girl, I would assume a teen, came from the room adjacent to mine.
"You guys are such a cute couple!" She gushed. "I need to find me a man who compliments like you do." She said, pointing to Luke.
"We actually-" we said at the same time.
"We aren't-" We were now pointing at eachother decoded to give in.
"Thank you!" I smiled at her, smoothing the dress down.
"Of course!" She left the area with a few dresses in hand, leaving us alone.
"I don't want to go to this party anyway." I let out a groan, remembering my hardass family.
"Why not? Don't like your family or something?"
"They are always passive aggressively calling me a prude for not having a boyfriend. They think I'm incapable of holding a relationship and constantly patronize me for it. It's complete bullshit!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "Now the worst part is, I've been lying and telling my mom that I have a boyfriend for like 2 months now. I figured 'how hard could it be to fund a temporary boyfriend in two months?' Prettt damn hard for me apperantly." I vented, now sitting next to him on the small leather couch.
"How about I help you out. I'll be your fake boyfriend for your little reunion." I looke dup at him with what I could only assume was puppy dog eyes.
"You would do that for me?" I was silently cursing myself for how desperate I was sounding. But I really needed this to be completely honest.
"Yeah of course!" His hand sat between my shoulder blades. "I have one question though. This isn't a dealbreaker, but I really want it."
"Oh no." I chucked.
"Would I be able to bring Roxy? Lately she's been having separation anxiety." This wa absolutely perfect.
"Actually that is probably doable. My whole family brings their dogs to these things. My aunt may be rich and kind of a snob, but *boy* does she love dogs. I'll text her right now." I pulled my phone out, feeling excitement bubble up inside me. Finally, my family will shut the hell up about my relationship life, and it was going ti feel so good.
Even if it was fake.
*Hey Auntie! I'm bringing my boyfriend tomorrow and he wanted to know if he could bring his dog? Shes a well trained German Shepard, Roxy.* I eagerly awaited a reply, surprised to see her immediate text back.
**You're bringing a boyfriend this year! Hell, he could bring an elephant and I wouldn't say no to a boyfriend! Absolutely. Bring 10 dogs!** I could feel her enthusiasm through the phone, she was a very excitable lady.
"Alright, Roxy is all clear for entry. And if you have 9 more dogs on hand, you can bring those too... Apperantly." I shook my head ta my phone. Luke looked at me quizzically and I shook him off too. "Okay first of all, I'm buying this dress." I stood swiftly, gesturing to the beautiful piece of clothing. "Second of all, after we check out, I need to tell you about my family so you don't walk into the line of fire blindly!" I changed from the dress into my regular shirt and pants again. I slung it over my arm and headed back out to Luke.
I paid for my dress, heading out to his car.
"So, first things first, auntie Jess, the womans house we are going to, has been waiting for me to have a boyfriend for quite a while now." He nodded with an amused smile. "My mom can be a little overbearing, but I'm sure she will love you so don't stress. Bring a bathing suit with you just in case my family so graciously suggests that we play a giant game of Marco Polo. I think that's it!"
"I'm honestly excited." He rubbed his hands together mischievously. "What should I wear?"
"Kind of specific, but can you just wear a white button up with rolled sleeves, a blue tie to match my dress. I know you have one. And just some slacks. Don't forget to wear your swim trunks under it though!"
"I dig these specifics. I'm gonna live *completely* up to your fantasy." He winked. I rolled my eyes at the silly man.
"Thanks Luke. You're sure you're okay with acting like my boyfriend? We have to be all lovey, and believable." His hand was placed on my shoulder.
"Of course, anything to get your family off your back. I get it." I'm so thankful for this man.
I fluffed my dress at the end, twirling around in the mirror. My hair was tied up in a simple ponytail that continued to bounce as I spun around the room. I didn't bother putting on any makeup because I knew we would be swimming today. I ran down the stairs at the sound of a knock on my door.
The other side showed Luke. He was pulling at his rolled sleeves to perfect them. He came looking just as ai imagined, we were truly going to look like a power couple.
"Alright, let's go." He looped his arm through mine and led us to his car. He opened the passenger door for me once we got there.
"Keep acting like such a gentleman and my moms probably gonna like you more than I do." I snickered as he started the car.
"I'm just playing the part!" He grinned. I turned to the back of the car, petting Roxys head as she panted.
"Are you excited to see other dogs prettt girl!" She made a soft bark in response. I I forward and kissed her snout, then sitting properly and buckling up.
It was a short drive from my house to the lake house, once we got there we sat for a minute.
"I'm a little nervous." Luke confessed, facing me with a concerned look.
"I would comfort you, but I'm nervous too." I patted his arm and exited the vehicle, looking back to see Luke giving me an 'unbelievable' look. My hand pulled open the back door to let Roxy out.
"Roxy come." I pointed to my side. She lightly hopped out and placed herself beside me. As Luke came from the other side of the car, he held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and headed into the house.
"Should we bring Roxy with?" He asked.
Right as we came in the door, my auntie saw us.
"Hi sweetie! How are you?" She peered down at our joined hands.
"I'm good. This is Luke." I looked over at him, he was giving a charming smile.
"You must be the man she keeps talling about!" She was practically bouncing with excitement at the mention of me having a boyfriend. She was quick to crouch down to a lower level. "And you must be Roxy!" She was using her typical baby voice. Roxy sat quietly by Luke's side. "You are quite obedient."
"She's a trained military dog." He commented, petting her ears.
"How cool!" Jess stood from her previous position and began walking farther into the house. "Come meet the rest if the family Luke."
We were dragged into the livingrook as he gave me a worried look. Before I could comfort him slightly, we were already standing in front of my family. I started introducing everyone.
"That's my mom, uncle Jeff, my brother Mike, and my cousin Nick. These are the only people I will know here." I laughed, pointing to the large amount of people that were outside. "I will not know anyone outside. So we will be experiencing the same thing." This earned a chuckle from everyone.
"It's nice to finally meet you Luke." My mom came up and hugged him. He accepted and hugged back tightly. Everyone else just sat and waved and I could feel an awkward silence coming on so I interjected.
"Luke and I are gonna head outside with Roxy so she can meet the other dogs." I rushed us out the door and huffed. "I don't know if I can do this." A sigh slipped from my lips.
"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" He looked like a sad puppy, one that had just chewed up a pillow.
"No! No, I don't know, I feel bad that you have to lie."
"I really don't mind, I promise hermosa." He used the Spanish word for me a few times. *Beautiful*.
His hand grabbed mine and dragged us into the yard.
"Let's get Roxy to meet some new pups." As we entered the yard, I could see 2 dalmatians, 1 chihuahua, 1 pitbull, 2 Rottweilers , and a Husky. Roxy calmly walked to the other dogs, soon prancing around them. I looked over at Luke to see him pulling at his tie.
"This tie is tight."
"These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaing about your tie you whine ass." I giggled, reaching up and loosening it for him. Time to go into a swarm of people I don't recognize.
I guess I was wrong, I *did* recognize some of these people. One of which was my distant great aunt who was a little nosy but meant well. We had all been talking for a few minutes before she dropped a question that Luke and I had not prepared for.
"How did you two meet?" My face paled, I sure as hell was not going to tell her the truth, which was that we met on a crime scene when my college roommate was murdered. I squeezed his hand, signaling that I would answer this. I'm going to have to wing it.
"I was dog sitting actually. When I was taking the girls dog for a walk, I stumbled upon a dog park and she got really excited. She ran straight into Roxy." I pointed to the happy German Shepard who was laying in the grass next to the other dogs. "They tumbled over eachother and I came over to apologize to him, and her."
"I saw her and I thought, 'wow, beautiful and a dog lover? Sounds like an angel to me.'" He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, kissing my forehead.
"How sweet!" She squealed. "I'm so happy for you dear. He's a keeper." She whispered loudly to me, walking towards her husband now. I elbowed his arm and gave him a playful smile.
"Well aren't you a master improviser!"
"*And* I'm a keeper." He teased, pulling me towards Roxy. Then we heard shouting.
"Alright everyone! If youbroght your swimsuits you are legally obligated to do the annual giant game of Marco Polo!" My mom shouted from the porch. I bounced a bit while dragging Luke to the lake.
"Take off your clothes!" I egged him on.
"This isnt the circumstance that I thought I would hear you saying that in." He replied, pulling his tie off. The tips of my ears were burning at this.
"Was there a circumstance that you imagined me asking you to take off your clothes." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he just rolled his eyes.
"The world may never know." He was rid of his shirt now. His toned chest shone in the sun.
*Damn he is actually ripped.*
I could feel myself ogling but I couldn't stop myself. I was still fully clothed.
"Why do I have on less clothing than you." He complained. "Turn around." He commanded, I did so with confusion. He pulled the zipper of my dress down and pulled at the straps. Now I was the one thinking not-so-clean things.
*What did you get yourself into Y/n?*
I let the dress slide from my shoulders to show my bikini. It had a yellow sunflower top and plain white bottoms.
"No way." He deadpanned, not hiding how he was looking at my body.
"What?" He pulled his pants down to show sunflower swim trunks with a white background.
"Oh my god we look like a cringy couple." I held my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh like an insane person. Sooner we were in the cold lake, beginning the game.
"Alright, newest family member is it." Jess pointed to Luke and I shrugged. Everyone shifted around the area and the game began.
"Marco!" He shouted. A chorus of voices responded with Polo. "Oh God." I could hear him mutter with a snicker.
I swam silently beside him, hoping he wouldn't yell Marco.
But we know what kind of luck I have.
"Shit." I whispered right next to him, attempting to go under to avoid being tagged. But his reflexes were too fast. He grabbed me with both arms, pulling me to him and opening his eyes.
"You're it." That's when I felt it, I knew I would remember this feeling for a long time.
The spark.
And before I knew it, he kissed my lips quickly. He pulled away and let go of me.
"Don't cheat! Close your eyes." He left me completely in the dark on the situation that just ensued.
I'm gonna kill this man.
The game ended after 45 minutes. I was it twice because I'm kind of a slow swimmer.
I jogged up to Luke, who was coming out of the lake. I pulled him aside, bringing him down to my level.
"What was that." I whispered exasperatedly.
"Well you said you felt bad that I had to fake this. To be truthful, not much of this is faking for me. Is it for you? Do you wanna keep this a fake thing?" His finger gestured between us. My brows furrowed at the question.
*Of course not.*
"Are you sure?"
"How many times are you gonna ask me that." He laughed, bringing me into another kiss.
*This is going to be quite the story to tell people.*
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jeasthetic · 3 years
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May 2019
Deolinda Kalila,
A girl with a beautiful face, who if you look from the outside will look fierce, arrogant, and also harsh. But if you know her more deeply, you will see her gentle and tough nature. So tough, that no one could match her toughness. A quiet girl who doesn't have many friends, also doesn't have many memories. Her life isn't full of happiness, but she never complains of circumstances.
Deolinda Kalila,
The girl who has been teaching the meaning of life, where you shouldn't complain just because of circumstances. If you feel desperate for your life, look back, see how many people were struggling to survive. Look at those who have so many burdens, but never complain about circumstances, never blame God.
The girl opened everyone's eyes, that the real world is not as cruel as people say. It's just about perceptions and presumptions. If you always think that the problem is too big, then that's how you will feel. Let us consider all problems small, because every problem must have a solution. It's all about timing, and how we live it. Stay optimistic, and always give thanks to God. Surely God will bless our every step.
Deolinda Kalila,
Her name has stuck with me, in the depths of my heart, filling every empty space in me. The girl who was strong was incessantly floating in my mind. Her is funny, sometimes spicy, but motivating chatter always rings in my head.
I feel like crying when I remember the memories we have spent together. Kalila is strong, who always looks tough, who always advises me, always supports me, and teaches me about the beauty of being grateful.
However, it turns out that Kalila isn't that strong, she isn't an incarnate angel, she's just an ordinary human. Someone who is already within her limits. Kalila is tired. Not tired in heart, but body.
*** *** ***
October 2018
The stars scattered in the sky indicate that the weather is sunny tonight. I invited Kalila to see how beautiful the scenery in the sky was. The stars still look beautiful even though we only see them from behind the window. Well ... Kalila's health isn't very good, she isn't allowed to go out at night, so I think this is the only way to comfort her when she is missing her parents.
"Kal, someone said if there is a shooting star, we can ask for one request and be granted," I said to Kalila.
"It's a hoax. The only one who can grant our request is God." she said seriously. Huh, even though I'm just kidding.
"If God gave you one wish, what would you ask for?" I asked.
"I want to live a little longer," she replied with a smile.
I shuddered in horror, "it's not like your age isn't that long. Anyway, no one knows how old you are."
"It's not that long," she replied lightly, "I don't know how old I am, but with my condition like this, the possibility of living a long life is very small." she continued.
I was stunned, I think her words were too .. too much.
"How bad is your pain?" I asked a little annoyed.
"Um ... btw, isn't it ridiculous if I ask to stay alive when it's time to go?" she asked back without heeding my question earlier.
I sighed heavily, "It's ridiculous, but 'how about it? Everyone has their own reasons why they want to live longer, including you." I replied. Forget my question earlier, Kalila won't want to answer it.
"Yeah, I want to be successful and be happy for Grandma, as well as the people around me." she said. Yes, it's that simple the reason.
"Nice." I gave a faint smile, lightly patted the top of her head. "Btw, it's already at this hour. I'm home, huh? Afraid that my mother will be angry." I say goodbye to Kalila.
Kalila just nodded limply with pursed lips.
"Alright, don't be sad. Don't cry anymore, your mom and dad need prayers, not tears. Okay?" I said.
Kalila nodded again, "be careful on the road."
Kalila absent from class for one week, without explanation – alpha. This certainly makes me anxious, I'm worried about the situation now. The reason is, Kalila is completely unreachable, and her house is always empty. Where it is now, I don't know. Even if I want to search, I don't know where to look, there is no clue at all.
All I can do now is visit her house every morning and after school, to check whether she and her grandmother are home or not. Even though I myself don't know whether they left to come back again or ... ah, I don't know. Besides, this is the only way I can do it.
I walked along the path to Kalila's house, hoping that this time I could meet her. When I almost arrived, I saw from a distance an old woman had just gotten out of a taxi and walked towards her house. There's no mistaking it, it's Kalila's grandmother. I immediately approached Kalila's grandmother, who was now at the door and prepared to open the doorknob.
"Excuse me, Grandma." My greetings to Grandma Kalila, make her fail to open the knob.
"Ah, Jeno-ya." she said, her expression sad and tired.
"Grandma, where is Kalila?" I asked without preamble.
"Ah, Kalila ..." Kalila's grandmother's sentence was interrupted, the sad face became more visible.
"Grandma?" I took Kalila's grandmother's hand, then held it.
Grandma Kalila cried, "Kalila..." she muttered a little sobbing, "Kalila is hospitalized."
I was flabbergasted, "Hospitalization? What disease does she have, Grandma?"
"A lot, kid. The virus is running rampant now." replied the grandmother between her tears.
"What? What virus?" I keep asking, really, I don't understand at all. What's going on here?
"Looks like it's time for grandma to tell you the truth, son." she said, I was just speechless.
Grandma Kalila told me everything about Kalila that I didn't know at all so far. She was really telling the truth, it made me disbelieve. Kalila, who has been looking tough all this time, turns out to be bearing a lot of burdens, one of which is to bear the disease she is currently suffering from. And how shocked I was when I learned of Kalila's illness.
Kalila contracted the HIV virus from birth. The doctor said, this was a fortune because Kalila was still able to survive today. The reason is, Kalila's father died after several years of contracting the virus, as well as her mother who died after giving birth due to an indirect infection from the HIV virus.
So far, Kalila has to take ART drugs or antiretroviral treatment, to prevent the virus from multiplying, and stabilize her condition to stay healthy. But lately, she didn't consume it due to cost issues. So that the HIV virus is increasingly spreading and causing various kinds of complications.
Kalila's grandmother's statements were so stifling, they filled my eyes with tears, which I just spilled. My heart feels very sick, really can't accept the harsh reality. In fact, from the start I thought that Kalila was indeed a HIV sufferer because some of the symptoms she had had did refer to the disease. But I always deny it, I always hope that my guess isn't true. And the worst will not happen.
"Why did you just say it now? Why did Kalila never tell the truth?" I asked in a slightly choked up voice, my tears have broken now.
"Sorry, son. Kalila didn't allow me to tell anyone about her illness. You must understand Kalila's feelings."
"But this is me, Grandma? I'm her best friend."
"Precisely because of that, Kalila doesn't want to lose her only friend. Kalila is afraid that you will stay away after learning about her illness."
Alright, so that's the reason. I don't understand why Kalila thought that I would leave her after knowing the illness she was suffering from. I'm not that bad, no thoughts of leaving her, at all. I thought Kalila was very familiar with my nature, but not. A little angry, but much disappointed.
"Grandma, I went to the hospital, right?" I asked Grandma Kalila.
"Yes, son. Jeno, wait here first, I wants to take Kalila's needs."
Kalila is lying weak with an IV in her hand and various kinds of tubes stuck in her body. Her body was too weak to simply change her sleeping position. Looks very tired, but still awake from sleep. I hold Kalila's left hand - the hand that is free from the IV - intending to strengthen it.
Actually I was angry and also disappointed, considering Kalila's attitude was so closed to me. But I don't have the heart to take it out on Kalila. She's too weak to argue with. So, I tried to throw away my anger, and excused Kalila's actions.
We haven't said anything since I came. Though usually she was very enthusiastic about welcoming me, even though she was sick. Kalila continues to daydream while staring at the hospital ceiling. Many times I called her name, but there was no response at all. And maybe she also didn't realize that all this time I was holding her hand.
Finally Kalila opened her voice. She called out my name without taking her eyes off the ceiling.
"W-what?" I stammered, a little surprised. I guess she didn't even notice that I was here.
Kalila turned to me, "when I go, you will not forget me, right?"
I rounded my eyes, "What are you talking about? Where are you going? You're still here." my pressure.
Kalila shook her head limply, "no, Jen. I took what I said yesterday, when it's time to go, I won't have much hope."
"Please promise me, Jeno."
"Don't ever forget me, even though I'm not beside you anymore." said Kalila, her eyes filled with tears.
"Never. I'll Never forget you." I replied firmly while holding Kalila's hand tightly, trying to look fine.
"And ... You have to visit me often, even though you're already married. Invite your little family to meet me, OK?" she said again.
I smiled bitterly, "Yes. But later, in a few years. Because I don't want you to go out anytime soon. I'm not ready. And again, what the heck, married ?!"
Kalila chuckled, "ready or not, have to be ready .. Ah ya, one more thing."
"What else?" I asked embarrassedly.
"Please take care of my grandmother." said Kalila with a sad smile, making my heart feel sliced.
"Yes, I will take care of your grandma. Your grandma is my grandma too." I answered.
"Thanks, Jeno." Kalila smiled again, "Thank you for accompanying me for this one year. You're my best friend, not because you are the only one, but because you are really valuable." My feelings warmed after hearing the words that Kalila said.
"Thanks also to everything you've taught me, Kal. Including about how to respond to a world that is sometimes not on our side. So far, I have learned a lot from you. I feel ashamed if I remember what I was, why I was so easy to give up, even though my burden isn't much. And since I know you, I feel like a stronger person. " I replied.
Kalila nodded with a shady smile, tightening her hand, "I love you, Lee Jeno." she said, then she closed her eyes.
"Kal!" I screamed. I immediately stood up, then checked her breath and pulse. My breath was caught, my body suddenly felt weak, my legs felt numb. I lowered my head to face Kalila who was helpless.
"Kal ..." I groaned. I closed my eyes, squeezed my chest which felt so sore with the tears pouring down.
"I want to go to Cambridge, the best university in the world."
"I want to be a successful person, Jen. I want to make you happy."
"Don't be stupid, your future is still long, Jeno!"
"Your parents must be fine, don't be sad."
"Don't be afraid to face problems, problems won't kill you."
"You have to promise, you can't even try to commit suicide again."
"You have to be strong, Jeno. You're a boy."
The sentences that have been spoken by Kalila ring in my head, as well as the sweet memories we went through together. Which now feels so painful. I hate this goodbye, but I never regretted our meeting. Met, then separated. Isn't that a natural thing?
As much as possible I try to let it go, even though it's so hard. But I also don't want to add to Kalila's burden, she has to go quietly. The struggle has been quite up to here, it has reached its peak.
Kalila's suffering in the world is over. Finally I have to let it go, because then Kalila will leave in peace. Hopefully she will always be well. I don't need to worry, because there will be many angels guarding it.
Goodbye, Kalila. May God reunite us in His heaven later.
© Story by: najaesthetic_
Find me on wattpad: najaesthetic_
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The Best Things ~ J.V. (part 4)
A.n: Lol so things are about to get very Adult Themed up in here. Children do not read thank you. My consious demands it.
Warnings: Light smut, dark themes, mention of rape
Word Count: 4200+
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They shouldn't have been caught as soon as they were... and yet.
The second Jerome and Y/n had gotten outside the fun house, they'd been overrun by cops. The two had made it pretty far, but then someone had tackled Y/n from behind. The boy had been surprised when, from his spot on the ground, he heard Jerome's voice of all people scream his name. The redhead had paused, allowing another cop to take him down as well. Now they were being transported. Jerome, to Arkham, and Y/n just to regular jail. They hadn't determined him criminally insane yet, though it seemed to be going that direction as Y/n and Jerome spent the entire ride flirting with each other and cracking up at each other's jokes. They'd only quieted when each of the cops in the back with them held two guns to Y/n and Jerome respectively, threatening them. Jerome hadn't been that quiet or still for a while.
Y/n was the first to be escorted out of the back of the truck, arms handcuffed behind him. He was taken into GCPD offices, a smile on his face. One that promptly was wiped clean off when he was pushed inside and Jim Gordon stood waiting for him, Bruce and Alfred on either side of him.
Bruce moved first. He jogged to Y/n, a mixed expression on his face. The last time he'd seen Bruce, they'd been much different people. Y/n had left him behind to train with Penguin- no doubt Gordon had told him about the event, and surely he'd seen Y/n right at Oswald's side ever since. Until tonight, where Y/n had been found with Jerome- considered the worst of all the Gotham psychos.
Despite everything, Bruce seemed to be worried and relieved for the most part. The two boys stopped as they stood in front of each other. Bruce frowned, reaching up to touch his fingers to a wound on Y/n's forehead. It must have been from the tackle. Y/n hadn't noticed until now. "You're hurt." It wasn't a question so Y/n didn't respond back. Jim approached, motioning the officer that had Y/n to follow him. Y/n was pulled away and Bruce was left behind. Y/n ended up in an interrogation room, handcuffed and facing Bullock and Gordon. Y/n knew that Bruce was on the other side of the one sided glass, though, which meant that Alfred was too.
"Y/n," Gordon began. He seemed to pause, as if unsure how to continue.
So Y/n took his cue. "Why am I here? You have Jerome, so you can't be looking for information about him. If you want to determine my psyche and where I should end up, I mean I know I'm amazing but Jim Gordon and Commissioner Bullock? Here for little ol' me? I'm flattered, honestly." Both men looked at each other. It seems they didn't realize just how far lost Y/n was.
This tactic was new to Y/n, too. Oswald had taught him to be silent and unbreakable. Pleasant but unshakable. Like his dad used to be. Nice to talk to, leaving no option to backstab. It had been very different from how Y/n acted when he was just himself.
The cockiness and ease that Y/n exhibited now was a little mix of all the personas he'd most taken to or been taught over the years. There was the complete inhuman unaffectedness that had been taught to him by Angela, mixed with the ease that Oswald had taught him, the charisma he'd absorbed from Jerome in the short time they'd spent together, and his own energy he'd always been able to call on and struggled to hide. He felt like a new person again. A person he loved being.
"We're here because Bruce trusts us," Bullock said as the silence began to stretch. "You're in a safe place now, Y/n. You can talk to us. Tell us anything. Jerome is far away and can't hurt you. You can tell us what happened."
Oh. Y/n snorted. "You guys think Jerome kidnapped me and held me against my will or something?" Bullock cleared his throat. Y/n had always been told that he looked a lot like Bruce. He had differences, obviously, but as children people would try to get his attention thinking he was Bruce. Sometimes his mom would call him by his younger brother's name. Y/n realized it must be a little startling to see the actions he was displaying on a face so similar to his brother's, when Bruce was ever the staple good boy. Bruce would become a cop, if he didn't go into dad's business after all. Y/n would become... something else. It was becoming clearer as he grew older.
"What happened to you?" Jim asked. He was shaken, obviously upset and not quite able to grip the drastic difference in the Y/n he knew versus the boy in front of him.
Y/n rolled his head back, sighing. "A lot." He began bouncing a knee. "Do you want the whole life story?"
Jim crossed his arms. "I've got time."
Y/n chuckled softly. "I mean I have nothing to hide." He pushed his head forward, letting his eyes roam around the otherwise empty, bland room. He counted the cracks in the walls and memorized the paths they took as he spoke, keeping himself calm. This was a tactic he'd learned from therapy. "I mean I had a happy childhood. Parents have their favorites. Gotham had their favorite. Bruce was Mr. Perfect. But people liked me and I had parents who were supportive and loving or whatever, so there's that." He sighed again, closing his eyes. "Then they died. I got to take control of a company I wanted nothing to do with. And you know why?" Y/n opened his eyes, looking Jim directly in the eyes. "Because I was easy to manipulate. I was young and nieve and soft. Easy to bend and break and shape. It was easy to do whatever she wanted when it came from my mouth, because I was a Wayne."
"She?" Jim asked.
Y/n‘s jaw worked. "Angela. Angela Dyer." He swallowed, tasting bitterness in his mouth. "She was new to the business. Had worked there barely four years, which made her a newbie compared to the others who'd been working 20, 50, however some odd years. She was twenty years old. Not even old enough to drink. And she was pretty. Men aren't nice when they want something from a young, pretty girl. Especially in Gotham."
Jim shifted, obviously uncomfortable. "What does she have to do with you?"
"We were fast friends when I started being there. Close in age. Both new. The higher ups just wanted a Wayne present, but with her help I actually made a place for myself. Well-" he snorted. "A place for her. She moved up fast with my help. And all those men who used to walk all over her..." He shrugged. "I didn't ask questions about it."
Bullock's eyes widened."She killed them?"
"I think she just scared the shit out of them. Lots of threats, with me to back her up and hit the yes button when she needed. Manipulation. I think women are better at it than men, on average, but she was the best." His jaw locked and he took a few seconds to loosen it. "Pretty soon we were really close. Really close." He was looking at Bullock now. Training his gaze on the older man's. Drilling a message he didn't want to say. Bullock had gone inhumanly still. "She told me it was our little secret. That she just wanted to reward me after all our hard work."
"You were fourteen," He snapped, his hands curled into fists.
Y/n smiled. He actually smiled. "I didn't know what else to do. Boys don't have those problems. Or so I thought. She climbed the latter and taught me to keep my emotions bottled up. But I wasn't good at it. One day I yelled at her when she tried to... reward me that day." He swallowed. "I freaked out and asked her not to. She kissed me. Told me that she loved me and I loved her and it was okay because obviously I was enjoying it. Told me I couldn't be gay because-"
The room was heavy. "You're..."
"Yeah," Y/n croaked. "Only my parents knew. I haven't even told Alfred or Bruce, but I told her because I didn't want her to do it the first time. Or any other time. Tried to explain that I was gay and I didn't like it. She told me I couldn't be because my body was reacting to it, so obviously I was enjoying it." Y/n swallowed again. His mouth was getting dryer by the second. "One day I told her if she didn't stop I was going to tell someone. She told me that she loved me, like she always did. Except this time, she insisted that she needed me. That she couldn't handle just being friends with me. Told me she would kill herself if I broke up with her. As if we were dating-" His voice broke off, his eyes drilling holes into the wall.
Jim stepped forward. "She didn't-"
"She did." Y/n shook his head. "I thought it was my fault too for a long time, until finally Oswald convinced me otherwise." He shook his head. "I needed to get out of my childhood house. Away from Alfred and Bruce, who I couldn't even begin to explain to. Away from insanity and memories and near death experiences. So I went with Penguin, that night. He made me feel more powerful. More in control of my life. Helped me grow up and discover myself a little." Y/n grew quiet. "Did you know that the body has automatic responses to sexual actions that have nothing to do with pleasure? Me getting off had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not I wanted her to-" He cut off. "Edward Nygma told me that one." His voice was weak and broken. He shrugged. "So there's your sob story, Gordon. That's what happened to me. Now if you'll either send me to jail or let me return to Oswald, that would be appreciated. You see that mayor of yours is kind of my best friend and he's going through a hard time- why are you looking at me like that?"
Gordon and Bullock seemed to be sick to their stomachs. "Y/n..."
"What?" Y/n demanded.
"Oswald has been missing since yesterday. No one's seen him since the interview he ran out on." Y/n went pale. "We'll get on it, I promise, but he's missing." Jim went to step forward to bring some comfort to the handcuffed boy who had obviously been through a lot for it to have all happened in just one day, but Y/n jerked away.
"What are you going to do with me?" Y/n barked. "Jail or release? I need to get out there and do your guys' job for you, and if I have to break out it might take some time."
Jim's eyes widened. "Y/n-"
"Jail or release, Gordon? Tell me. NOW!"
It was quiet for a second. "We're sending you to Arkham." Y/n's jaw went slack. "You've spent all night with Jerome, and you're a close associate with Penguin, who's a known murderer."
"You don't have any proof that I-"
Bullock was suddenly very close to Y/n's face. "Look me in the face and tell me you have never killed a man. That killing wasn't part of your little escape from jail plan? That if we release you you won't turn around and go after whatever the cause of Penguin's disappearance and kill them too? Tell me that you don't agree with the way Jerome thinks and does things. I'll let you go."
Y/n felt rage. Rage like nothing else. Like he hadn't felt in a long time. Oswald has taught him how to control and hone that red feeling that had once seized him. Usually he could cultivate it into a weapon. Now... now it was freely causing havoc inside him again and he wanted to scream. "You wanna play friend but then keep me from helping the people I care about." Y/n spit in his face, causing the older man to jerk away, wiping it off. "Fuck you, Bullock."
Bullock looked at Gordon. "He didn't say it."
Jim nodded his head. "I can't believe you tried to escape and attack Commissioner Gordon right in front of me, Y/n."
"What-?" And then Jim punched him in the face and everything went black.
When Y/n woke up, he was in a different room. Similar but obviously not the same. He sat up and looked down to see that he was in a prison jumpsuit, but it was black and white striped instead of orange. Fittingly, the room he was in was grey cement and bare, with a bed that he now lay on, another across from him, a small window slightly above him, and steel, black bars instead of a door. Was this Arkham? It wasn't as bad as Y/n had thought- at least as far as living conditions went. There didn't seem to be rats or bugs or leaking. He could get used to this.
The door opened. "Ah and how lucky for you to be awake just in time for lunch." It was an officer that Y/n didn't recognize. The man was much older and seemed to be annoyed even as he smiled. "You've been out for a whole day. Didn't think you were gonna make it." Y/n got the sense the guard was disappointed he had.
Standing silently, Y/n followed as the guard motioned him. He was unsure of how this place worked, so he moved tentatively. Calm but ready. Standing to his full height, eyes moving carefully as he stayed aware of his surroundings. His face was a sort of collected calm and he moved slowly at first, only speeding it up when the guard shoved something in his back. Probably a baton.
The two men ended up in a large room at the end of the hallway which was filled with tables that had benches attached to them. "This is the Big Room," the guard told Y/n lazily. "You eat here mostly, but you can go here for free time too, unless you want to stay in your cell." There was a door that lead into the Big Room. It opened loudly, causing every eye to be drawn to the two new people entering. "Good luck," the officer purred. "You seem like a calm one. They eat calm ones up in here." Then the officer stepped back and the door closed and Y/n was alone.
He looked around the room for an open seat, suddenly feeling like he was in high school again. He didn't have a clique. He didn't have somewhere to sit. He didn't know how this system of people worked. What if he sat with the wrong person and literally got murdered? Was there a chance the guards cared about the inmates enough to save their life? Y/n doubted it, if the guard from earlier was any indication.
Thoughts were cut off as an excited, "Y/N!" sounded. The called boy looked over to see red hair and a ginormous grin. Instantly Y/n switched gears, a smile of his own rising to his face. Jerome threw his arm over Y/n's shoulders. The Wayne boy tried not to get too giddy about the gesture as the redhead moved back to the table he must have been sitting at before Y/n came in. "You know I didn't think you'd end up in here too. Does that make you crazy after all?" He snorted, obviously amused by the idea of either of them being unsound of mind. Or maybe that was just another Jerome thing. Perhaps he just found insanity and instability funny.
"In the eyes of the people," Y/n answered.
Jerome tittered excitedly. "We're gonna have so much fun! They're so quiet and dull, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come."
"You're a clever man, J." Y/n's voice was solid, even as his eyes were trained to Jerome and his smile was so wide it already hurt. "I'm sure you would have thought of something."
Someone scoffed. "Are you flirting with him?"
The man was big- both wide and tall- and bald. He looked scary, and also like an idiot. He had that simple minded vibe. Like he could hit, and that's all he could do. Not that it invalidated just how good he could hit though...
"What if I am?" Y/n met the man's eyes directly. He felt a surge of confidence with Jerome next to him.
Jerome hooked Y/n's chin as the men stared each other down. "Eyes on me now, doll." He winked and Y/n relaxed, smiling. "What are we gonna do first?"
Y/n rose an eyebrow, smirking in amusement. "What is there to do in a prison for the criminally insane?"
Jerome laughed. It suddenly cut off and the redhead was invading Y/n's space significantly. "Your imagination is the limit, really."
Y/n suddenly had a very active imagination. He cleared his throat but didn't move his gaze from Jerome, even though he wanted to. He could feel his face on fire and he wanted to shift away. Give himself space to breathe. It was very hot and it was becoming burdensome and annoying. Y/n had never once been this attracted to a single person. He'd had crushes- which is how he knew he was gay- but nothing serious. Nothing commanding and controlling. Why now, when he was most sure he never wanted to feel this way? Why here, when he was locked up and his best friend was missing after being betrayed by his love? Why now when Y/n should have been most against romance and most focused on finding Oswald and making sure his friend was okay, was he so smitten by this psychotic redhead?
Fuck it. Y/n wasn't getting out anytime soon- what was even the point of anything other than just giving in?
"I could think of a few things." Someone groaned, but Jerome's grin was enough to chase Y/n's shame away completely.
"Maybe I could pull off something special for you," Jerome mused. "Just once."
Looking away finally, Y/n sat down. "I heard it was lunchtime. Maybe we could start there." Jerome plopped down, eagerness unperturbed. If Y/n was being honest, his own enthusiasm was also unfazed. He didn't know what Jerome was thinking, but he was down for whatever. As long as it involved any single one of the things he was currently thinking about.
Y/n didn't expect Jerome to get it planned and done so soon.
It was dark and Y/n lay in his bed, looking at the ceiling. The guard had told him he'd be getting a roommate eventually when they were sure of how stable he was and how capable he would be and with who and blah blah blah blah blah-
For all their talk about safety, Y/n was only minority surprised to see the door open only to reveal Jerome Valeska strolling inside, the door closing behind him. "Miss me?"
Y/n grinned, chuckling softly as he rolled his eyes. "You're my cellmate?"
"The one and only." Jerome moved closer then seemed to hesitate and moved away instead. He went to the other bed, plopping down and crossing his legs before laying back, his hands behind his head and his smirk wide and charming. "You're quite interesting, Y/n. Are you aware?"
Y/n shrugged. "Not really."
Jerome narrowed his eyes, not smirking anymore. He obviously didn't like to be contradicted. "Why not?"
"People usually prefer my brother," Y/n explained casually, settling back down in his bed as Jerome had. When Jerome didn't speak up again, Y/n continued. "I guess he's more responsible and put together. He's gonna make it in the world, and it's nice to see such motivation in such a young lad." The last sentence he said each word with dripping sarcasm. "He's a genius and he's driven and I'm... Y/n Wayne. My parents were cool, don't get me wrong, but everyone's made it perfectly clear that Bruce has always been and always will be the preferred brother." Y/n looked over to Jerome smiling, only for it to drop upon seeing Jerome's expression. "What?"
Jerome stood. He moved with that same fluidity, except now it was very intimidating. Less like a showman and more like a predator stalking its prey, getting far too close for comfort. "I know what you mean. Younger brothers are the worst." His tone was dark now, and low. He lips turned up but it seemed in a sneer rather than enjoyment.
"You have a younger brother?" Y/n asked, sitting up in surprise.
Jerome's jaw worked. He looked at Y/n, moving close as he usually did. Invading Y/n's space as always. "Are you and Bruce twins?"
"I'm two years older," Y/n answered immediately. "Why?"
"Jeremiah and I are twins." He shook his head. "Now I'm bored. Entertain me, Y/n."
Y/n was suddenly breathless as Jerome lay down, spread out on Y/n's bed. Y/n swallowed, moving to hover over him. He usually topped, but this was Jerome Valeska. Y/n had thought... this would have gone differently, at least. "Undo the jumper," Jerome commanded evenly. Y/n obeyed, dragging the zipper down. Jerome kicked off the cheap shoes he was wearing as Y/n tugged the jumper down. Jerome lay in a muscle shirt and boxers. "Have you ever pleased someone else before?" Y/n nodded. "Men?" Y/n nodded again. While with Penguin, Y/n had had the pick of the litter. Anyone he wanted. He'd had a few, though they still didn't measure up to Jerome. "Consensual?"
Y/n swallowed. "I've had consensual sex with men before, yes."
Jerome rose an eyebrow, obviously sensing the bit of information Y/n was holding back. Thankfully he didn't push. Probably because he didn't want to damper the mood again. "Show me what you know, Sweetheart." So Y/n did.
Throughout the whole ordeal, every time Y/n did something Jerome didn't like, the older boy immediately corrected him. Y/n knew that what he was doing was good enough - he'd gotten people off plenty of times before - but Jerome seemed to be pushing Y/n's buttons. Being specific and picky and demanding. Seeing where Y/n's line was. How obedient he could be. There wasn't anything Y/n had refused to do thus far. Finally Jerome pressed his head back into the bed, his eyes closed and his lips parted. His fingers curled into Y/n's short hair and he spoke quietly, trying to not alert anyone outside who would stop them while trying to keep Y/n under control and finish at the same time.
Men were much easier than woman. It didn't take much to finish Jerome once he was there. He groaned very quietly, his breath hitching and his lower body pressing into Y/n's mouth more, where it had ended up. Y/n let him ride it out then swallowed, leaning back with a grin on his face.
"How was that?"
Jerome sat up, wiping something off the corner of Y/n's lip. He pressed his finger into Y/n's mouth, his smile widening when Y/n sucked it clean. "You're good. I expected you to be less experienced."
"I doubt I'm experienced as much as I'm a fast learner and really good at following directions." Jerome hummed before stretching then moving to redress. Y/n deflated. Jerome giggled when he saw Y/n's shoulder sag. "You want something too, hm?" Y/n swallowed, nodding. "Well, since you were a good boy..." Jerome motioned Y/n closer and the younger boy immediately stood. Y/n went to kiss him but Jerome jerked away. "None of that." His fingers found purchase resting around Y/n's throat. Not squeezing, but playing at the idea. "No distractions. I have to focus." He winked and forced Y/n to turn around, knocking the breath out of the dark haired boy's lungs.
Y/n had always known there was something almost intoxicating about Jerome. Addicting. His smile. The look he got in his eye- especially when he was horny, or when he was really into a joke. The way Jerome held Y/n or pushed or pulled him around. The raw charisma he had, that allowed him to grab a room and keep it completely under control. His easy attitude. His arms and hands and hair and lips. The way Jerome had demanded and kept Y/n's attention even when the boy was repressed due to trauma. Jerome was magic. He could do anything. He was good at everything. He was great at a few things too. Murder. Acting. Being true to himself. Carry out promises.
Fucking. Jerome was really good at that, too.
The boy was setting something off in Y/n and it seemed the more time passed, the less capable Y/n was of going back to the life he had, even just with Oswald. Everyone seemed so impossibly far, but suddenly Jerome was the only person that mattered. Y/n was falling and honestly, he didn't even care.
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blackrosesfanfic · 3 years
Chapter 236
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Last thing I want to do is end my marriage. That's never what you think about when making a stupid choice. Following up with a thought instead of thinking it through. That's where impulse gets you. To the point of a failed marriage.
"Jayla?" I say rubbing her leg.
"Where did my mother go?"
I shrug a bit. "She is about as..."
Chris comes walking into the room. "The hell wrong with you Cammies?"
"Ain't nothing wrong with me. There's only one Cammie." Cammie snaps.
"Oh yeah?" Chris says leaving back out. "Mama Cammie."
"Christopher." She snaps rolling her neck.
Chris shrugs once he is behind her back. I chuckle. Cammie and her mother do act similar to one another. Especially when mad or upset. They really look alike then. Gwen sits on the bed. She plays with her phone then she sighs heavily.
"I don't know what to say." Mama Cammie sighs.
"There's nothing to say. It was years ago."
Mama Cammie shakes her head. "Imagine someone hurting your son. You gonna feel like it's nothing? Someone needs some scars. I will be upset until I feel like I did something."
"It's too late."
"No it is not. You went to the hospital. I'm sure they did an assessment on you. I just got to find out what it said and who I need to press some charges against."
Cammie narrows her eyes at her. "You can't do that. Everyone knows… Everyone will know. No."
"Well your father... Lonnie is coming to California."
"Why did you tell him?" Cammie yells scaring Caden.
I move to her to get Caden. She swats at me holding him closer to her. Shit. I don't know what to do. I know she doesn't want me to walk out. I'm not even going to attempt to walk out.
"Better to tell Lonnie than me." Mama Cammie snaps. "I can't handle this."
"That's the problem."
Mama Cammie stands up. "I'm just so angry with you."
"Cause it's my fault?" Cammie cries.
"No. Of course not." Mama Cammie puts her hands on her hips. "You never had to go through any of this alone. I know we were close. You told me everything. I never wanted nothing but you to be the best Cammie you could. Dancing on some stage doesn't tell your whole story. All I saw was you not wanting to talk about that boy because I told you what would happen loving him. I just thought you couldn't take me saying I told you so. So I didn't say it."
"Good." Cammie snaps.
I try once again to take Caden. He wasn't liking Cammie being upset. He was ignoring every attempt she made of calming him down.
"I've dealt with... I don't know Jayla. If you never wanted me there then how could I be there?" Mama Cammie shrugs. "What do you want?"
"Nothing." Cammie says letting me take Caden.
He screams loudly. Shit. I walk around the room. Mama Cammie takes him from me. He cries loud again but calms down as she dramatically rocks him. Cammie's ass is fucking spoiled. You mad at your Mama cause she wasn't there but now you mad at her for trying to fight for you. My Jayla.
"Mama, you are a counselor. How would you help your client connect with her daughter?"
"Son, I just say some horse, you know what. They just like hearing someone neutral. They like being able to speak and someone listens."
I chuckle. "Jayla not listening to nobody."
"Jayla is Jayla." Her mother says. "I'm just mad at her for not thinking we were close to share stories. We just yell at each other. She should have been diagnosed years ago."
Cammie sucks her teeth. "With what?"
"Best baby making genes." Gwen says in a baby voice to Caden. "You so sweet."
"But I made that though."
Gwen smiles. "With Trey's help."
I chuckle. "Yeah that was me. Sweetness."
"Sugar flowing through your veins. Just freaking sweet." Cammie says cutting me an evil angry look.
"Jayla text your father and tell him not to come. He might feel unwanted and not come."
I chuckle. "I'm sure he already on the way."
Cammie randomly looks down her shirt. She grabs Lane's cup from the table and puts it in her shirt then sigh. Someone clears their throat. I don't know if it was Cammie or her mother. They were both looking at me. I chuckle to myself. A part of me was thinking damn I like Mommy titties. Leaking milk. I turn around and walk out the room. Bout to get hard in front of the wrong mama. Still tryna make her like me. That family is tough at getting close to. I walk into my mama's bedroom.
"Gwen taking your place with the boys." I say.
"I kicked that Chuckie Doll out of here." She snaps. "Bad ass little boy. Opened the gift I had for Forrest. Talking about it's for his brother."
I laugh. "That's where he got those pacifiers?"
She rolls her eyes. "Your wife is right majority of the time when it comes to her kids. Remember that. She knows what she doing. I should've learned how to beat his cute face when he was less mischievous. Not so smart."
"Cammie and her Mama had a talk."
"Good." Ma nods. "Gwen knows her daughter as well. She controls that crazy side."
I nod thinking about the conversation. "Damn were you there?"
"I already know, Tremaine. I didn't have to be there. Best thing you can do for your marriage is get those two back together. I was wrong about Cammie's mother. Just like I was wrong about Cammie. They rub you the wrong way at first."
I nod in agreement. Nothing needed. That's so true.
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"You trying to piss me off on purpose."
I turn around looking at Leah. "Who?"
She looks me up and down. "You."
"What the fuck you talking about?" I ask calmly.
"Don't worry about it."
I shrug. "Fine."
All I did was walk in the bedroom and open my suitcase. I didn't do anything else. She didn't say anything else. So what am I supposed to say to what? I'm making her mad on purpose. By walking in the room? I check my phone to be sure she didn't send me anything. I don't even know.
"Aye, come here."
"No. You can't erase stuff with your fucking charm."
I sit down facing. "Is it cause you pregnant? What is it?"
"Just leave it alone."
"Yo, come here." I say again. Still trying not to be overly aggressive which I do a lot.
She sucks her teeth then walk over to me but not close enough to touch. "What's the difference between me here and there?"
I stand up going to her. Good question. I walk into her belly on purpose. She like 7 months and it really shows how close she is to having the baby.
"What did I do?"
"Same shit you always do." She snaps. I rub her hips. She battles with herself then gives in. "I tell Jordan no or I take something from her then you come and undo me completely. Take my opinion away like I'm not her mother."
I shrug. "Oh."
"I thought I did something else." I say then chuckle. "What I did today that I need to fix?"
She folds her arm. "Did you ask why her phone was in here?"
"She just said it was in here. Leah." I pause. "I don't know what she said. I told her to go get her phone."
"She was texting in some group chat with older boys and girls. I don't remember all the shit they were talking about but nobody was filtering anything."
I frown. "Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugs. "When did I have time, Rollie?"
"I know you did." I nod. "We have a child coming. If you doing all the parent shit alone what you need me for? Talk to me while the shit happening. You should have called me into the room before you took her phone. Now she has to be punished again when we could have done it together the first time."
"Blame it on me."
I slap her thigh then walk away. "Stop whining. I'll be back."
"Rollie?" My mom says stopping in the hallway. "While I'm already being the worst mother on the planet, I minus well talk to you. You probably feel like I did you wrong as well. Well I didn't. But I do want to say that you are being selfish by holding something against me that's your fault. I mean... what I'm saying is I won't take back what I said about you running the streets trying to get yourself killed. You made the decision to continue running the streets instead of getting your life together."
She pauses, maybe for a response. I'm not sure why cause ain't shit to say.
"You could have been anything more than a convicted felon. I never wanted you to limit yourself to that. Your father wouldn't have it. But anyway. I really want to be in your life. You are still my baby boy. My only son. My first child. The first person I knew I would have and love forever. Nobody was there for you more than me your whole life. So yeah... I'm a bitch I know. But you aren't too far from the block in a male sense. You just stubborn."
I shrug. "Okay."
"Okay, nothing Rollie." She snaps.
"So what do you want?" I shrug. These fucking women.
She giggles. "A hug."
I frown my face. A fucking hug? "Okay, Cheesy."
I hug her short ass. I don't know who this lady is that wants to work on her fucking attitude. Never has she wanted to work with people to correct the shit her ass has done. But she saying let's forget the shit in the past. I'm okay with that. I do want her to be in my child's life. She was a great mother. Like she said she was always there for me when I was doing right. I'm just getting my damn life together.
"I can make you feel better and be a man about mine. I should have listened to you. Finished high school and went to college."
"You aren't even 40. You can be everything you could have been at 20." She smiles patting my back. "I'm sorry we had to go through so much to undo a broken heart. I should have just... I don't know. Don't know what I should have done."
I hug her tighter. My mother was probably 5'5 with 6' heels. I look down at her teeth. Top of her head came to my shoulders and she had on shoes. I never thought about what I would do if my mother came to me apologetic or whatever the hell she calls this. Didn't expect it. But she my mama at the end of the day and I would go broke paying someone else to wipe her ass if she needed it. I guess we all growing up.
"Are we done here? You soft."
She walks away abruptly. I don't know about this suddenly redemption shit. It's all good though. Like I said I want her in my child's life. She fucking spoils Lane and he adores her like his other grandma. So I can try.
"Why are you standing in the hallway, Rollie? I just knew you weren't doing what you should have been." Leah whines. "Can you get my food from the front door?"
"Yeah." I say walking away. "Then do what?"
She sucks her teeth. "Get your daughter."
"Oh." I say walking away then cutting my eyes back towards her.
When she became my daughter? Before we was mad about her being my daughter. Now she calling her that. Jordan sees me coming and hides.
"I heard what mommy said. Don't come get me."
"Go to your mother." I say walking to the front.
She whines. "She won't listen. She just yells."
"I'm coming in there. Give me that phone then go stand near the door. Wait for me."
"You said I could get it." She whines.
"Don't make this hard on us."
She stomps out the room leaving her phone on the couch. I sigh.
"Get back in here. I said give it to me."
"Not fair." She whispers.
I take the phone from her. "Stop acting."
Know she doesn't get in trouble. Might get this piece of shit taken for a night. She has a damn tablet anyway. I walk to the front door and take the food. She could have told me it wasn't paid for. I go dig through Cammie's purse and take a 50 dollar bill from a stack. Look at this shit. Fucking rich ass. I'll tell her. Maybe.
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sukkadeservedbetter · 5 years
It’s Different.
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: After a dramatic and traumatizing experience at a gas station, things with Tom hit different.
Warnings: Mugging/Robbery
Word Count: 2.6 of fluff
You’ve always been oddly comforted by the smell of gasoline. Anything that smelled like a car garage had always left you with a sense of euphoria: new tires, exhaust pipes, and metals. It wasn't something you could really explain, but as the faint smell of gasoline entered your nose after a horribly long day at work, you welcomed it.
Your mother always told you not to let your mileage gauge get below 50 miles, but you never listened to her. Tonight you got to the gas station with 10 miles left. Tempting the fates was becoming a little hobby of yours—at least when it came to getting gas. Mainly because you hated pumping gas. It wasn't hard, or even a lot of work, but you always realized you needed gas at the worst possible times. Like tonight, for example. You didn't have anywhere to be, but you were tired. You debated whether you wanted to prolong getting into your comfy clothes tonight or wake up earlier tomorrow in order to fill your stupid car with gas. In the end, prolonging rest now seemed a whole lot better than waking up any earlier than you needed to tomorrow.
You begrudgingly dragged your exhausted body out of your car. It wasn't all that late, but the sun had gone down behind the hills and a faint wind nipped at your neck and cheeks. Summer was officially over, but the remanence of long, warm nights hung in the faint pink glow of the horizon. You scrolled through your phone mindlessly as your car's tank filled agonizingly slowly. You heard your mother's voice telling you that you should always wait in your car while pumping gas at night, just in case. You shook off her words. You lived in the sleepiest part of L.A. where nothing even remotely interesting happened. It was all families and Instagram models here—not crackheads and gangs.
The gas pump clicked, letting you know you were finally done with this heinous chore. You placed the pump back in its holster and finished up paying on the pin pad. As you pivoted on your left foot to turn around and hop into your car, you felt cool metal press against the back of your skull. Your throat closed immediately. The pounding in your chest became overwhelmingly loud. Your ears rang and everything began to slow. Whoever was behind you spoke, but you couldn't hear anything.
They teach you about the "fight or flight response," but they never tell you about the third reaction in response to fear: freeze. You wanted to scream, or run, or kick, but you couldn't do anything. Your lip began to quiver as you cursed yourself for never listening to your mom's advice. The person behind you grabbed onto your arm so hard you yelped.
"Shut the fuck up!" The voice yelled. It was deep and gravely. "I said, give me your money and I won't have to use this." You heard the sound of his gun cocking and you let out a silent wail.
"I don't have anything," you plea, putting your hands up to show you were literally empty-handed.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot? Where is your purse? In the car? Walk." The man shoved you towards your car. Your mind raced with possibilities of how to get out of the situation. You quickly realized that you were either going to have to give him your money or he would shoot you and there was no in-between. For a moment you let yourself hope that someone would save you in a damsel-in-distress moment, but you knew that real life wasn't a fairytale, and knights in shining armor were far and in between in L.A.
The man turned you around and shoved you against your car door causing you to wince. When you saw his face you let out a sob. He was wearing a Spider-Man mask. Your mind went straight to Tom. You and Tom had been friends for years. You knew he was kind and good, but you couldn't help but associate him with the mask and that made this situation so much worse.
"Now, give me your money so I don't have to blow your fucking head off," The man sneered. You gulped as you turned around to open your car door. The man placed a harsh hand on your hip as you bent over to reach for your purse. Your throat closed up again thinking about what he might do after you give him the money. You grabbed both your debit and credit card out of your wallet. In a stroke of dumb luck, you remembered something from a John Mulaney special you had watched with Tom a while back.
"Here. Fetch!" You yelled as you turned around and chucked your cards as far away from yourself and the car as you could. The man shoved you into your car, causing you to hit your head, as he ran towards your cards which were now scattered about 20 yards away. You slammed your door shut and drove away quickly, hoping he wouldn't shoot towards your speeding car. You felt numb. Your body shook as you drove. You wanted to go home and sob, but you knew you had to go to the police station first.
The police station took forever. You sat in a boring room that was too bright and too cold as you listened to a policewoman talk you through the process of filing a report. You weren't fully there and if she had asked you to repeat what she was saying you wouldn't have been able to. After what seemed like forever, the police let you go. You got in your car and stared forward mindlessly. Where were you supposed to go? Home was the obvious answer, but you didn't want to go back to your dark and lonely apartment after what had happened. Every time you blinked you saw Spider-Man holding a gun towards you.
You realized that you wanted to see Tom. Tom always knew how to make you feel better and after being terrorized by someone who looked like Spider-Man, Tom's happy-go-lucky attitude and soft British voice was something you craved. You checked the time to find that it was nearing 11:30. Tom might not even be home, but you didn't care. You considered calling him first, just to see if he was home, or wanted to see you, but you were already outside of his apartment before you could truly comprehend that you were heading to him.
You stood with shaking hands outside of his building. As you pressed the call button for his apartment, you became instantly anxious. What if Tom didn't want to see you? What if he had someone over? What if—
"Hello?" Tom's voice rang from the speaker. You let out a shaky sigh of relief. At least he was home. "Hello?" Tom asked again.
"Oh, uh. Hi, Tom..."
"(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" He didn't sound upset, just confused.
"I, uh... can I come up?"
"Yeah, of course!" The door buzzed and clicked open. You pushed the ornate gold handle and began bounding up the stairs. You should've taken the elevator in your state, but you didn't want to wait. Your heart was pounding as you climbed to the ninth floor. By the time you got to Tom's apartment, you were out of breath. You took a moment to compose yourself before you knocked. Tom opened the door with a sideways smile. Upon seeing his face you immediately crumpled into his arms and started sobbing. You hadn't processed what had happened yet, but seeing Tom all soft and warm in his hoodie and sweats made you feel safe.
Tom grabbed you just before you hit the floor and wrapped you into a tight hug. You knew he was probably scared and confused, but you couldn't stop crying long enough to explain yourself. You were ugly crying. There were snot and tears coming out of and your jagged breaths made you feel as though you could vomit. Tom didn't say anything he just rubbed your back and pulled you onto his couch.
"I'm-- I'm so... so sorry," You choked out.
"Shhh, it's okay," Tom comforted. "It's alright, Darlin'." Even upset that pet name made your heart swell. "What's going on?" Tom asked. You took a few seconds to gain some composure. You sat up and wiped the tears from your face as best you could. After a few seconds of uneven breathing, you began to tell Tom what happened. His brows furrowed and his grip on your thigh tightened as you told him how this stranger attacked you.
"I didn't mean to bother you so late I just... I didn't know where to go," you said as you concluded your story.
“No, it’s okay! I’m glad you can here. You’re always welcome here. You know that.” Tom pulled you in for another tight hug. You breathed in his cologne. The familiar scent sent your brain back to last spring when the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Tom wasn’t just a friend—or he was, but with benefits. Two years ago after a bad break up and a lot of tequila the two of you first hooked up. After that, it became custom for the two of you to get together whenever you were both single and in the same place. It wasn’t constant and both you had been in and out of relationships since you first hooked up, but when it happened it happened—no questions asked. A part of you often longed for something more, but at the end of the day, you were just happy to have someone like Tom in your life.
You looked up at Tom through glassy eyes. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Tom had always been good at reading you even if you swore you had a great poker face. Tom placed two fingers under your chin and tilted your head so that your lips met his. It was a soft kiss, nothing particularly special, but behind it was all the care in the world and it was mutual. You break apart after only a few seconds.
"I hope that makes up for that asshole using my likeness to mug you." You let out a shaky laugh.
"It did. Thank you."
"I cannot believe the wisdom of John Mulaney came to you in your moment of crisis," Tom laughed.
"Actually, I think it was Detective J.J. Bittenbinder's wisdom," you teased. As you moved to sit completely upright you winced.
"You okay?" Tom asked, suddenly worried.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. That guy just rattled me around a bit. I'll be fine." You were lying. You would be fine, but your hip and back and arm hurt like hell and you didn't want Tom to worry.
"Okay..." Tom said, obviously still unsure. "Do you want to shower? It'll help you relax."
"Yeah, that would be really nice." Tom helped you up from the couch. You followed him to his bathroom with his hand interlaced in yours. You forgot how attractive an attentive/over-protective Tom was.
"You can get in. I'll go grab you a towel," Tom said. You didn't really respond so much as nod, but you knew he knew that you meant, "sure, thank you." You quickly stripped yourself of your clothing and stepped into the steaming water. You winced and cowered away from the water as it hit your forming bruises. You looked down at the marks on your arm and hip which were already red and swollen. The faint outline of fingers traced over your hip. Looking down at the marks, you wanted to cry again, but you knew that there was no point.
You heard the bathroom door open again and could just see Tom's figure from behind the fogged-up glass door. You closed your eyes and let the water pour over your face. When you opened your eyes again Tom's figure was closer to the door, but this time it was devoid of clothing. The door opened and Tom stepped in silently. You turned around to face him.
"Hi," You whispered.
"Hi. This okay?" Tom asked. You nodded, but you suddenly felt the need to cover yourself. You couldn't figure out why you felt so exposed. Tom had seen you naked plenty of times, but this felt different. This was so much more intimate. Normally when you were naked in front of Tom alcohol was involved and during the times it wasn't your exposed body was veiled by the haze of lust and need. Now there was nothing to conceal your skin or your bruises.
Tom's eyes immediately went towards the mark on your arm. He lifted it up to see the bruise better and felt like you could see his heartbreaking as his face crumpled at the sight. "Baby..." he whined, pulling you in for another hug. Your breath caught in your chest at the pet name. Tom never called you 'baby' except for during sex. You (along with most other girls) were always 'love' or 'darling", but this time he called you baby. It felt different.
Your wet body pressed against his. You had never showered with Tom. It was nice. It wasn't sexual like you assumed it would be. In fact, for once, Tom wasn't trying to make an intimate situation sexual at all. Tom pressed a wet kiss to your forehead. "I'm so sorry," he said against your hair.
"It's fine," you mumbled back. Tom turned you around so that your back was now against his chest. You felt his fingertips skim over what you assumed to be various bruises on your back. Without warning, Tom brought his lips down to your shoulders and peppered open kisses across them. He brought his arms around your waist and you bit back a huge grin. Either subconsciously or out of habit leaned your neck to the side to give Tom better access to your neck. Rather than giving you a hickey like you expected him to, he pressed a soft kiss to the exposed skin and turned your head back to meet his lips.
This kiss was different than the kiss you shared on the couch. This kiss was slow and deliberate. Tom slipped in just enough tongue to give you the chills. You could've stayed in that moment forever, but you knew all too well that all good things must come to an end. After what seemed like hours you and Tom stepped out of the shower into the foggy bathroom. Tom wrapped a towel around you, kissing your forehead again in the process. You internally groaned at the thought of putting your jeans back on and going home. Like always, Tom was one step ahead of you.
"Do you want to stay?" Tom asked, but it wasn't like he normally asked you. Something in his voice was different. "I could stay on the couch if you want the bed to yourself, or you could have the couch. I just..." He was nervous.
"You don't need to sleep on the couch," You said, calming Tom's nerves. "You just have to let me borrow a t-shirt."
"Deal." Tom handed you one of his shirts. You slipped your panties back on and let Tom's shirt engulf your figure. It smelled like him. By the time you were finished drying your hair, Tom was already in bed. He was awake, but barely. You slipped into bed next to him and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks, Tommy."
"Of course, (Y/N)." You had ended your nights so many times in the same way in Tom's bed, but when he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder, something felt different.
A/N: This is loosely based on an experience I had a few months back and while getting gas I got inspired! Lemme know what you think :)
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Hey guys, I'm not dead or anything, it's just that I haven't drawn/painted anything. I how no ideas, but I do have a bunch of story ideas that imma try to do.
But anyways enjoy the emotional crap!
(Yellow's pov)
"So.....what's wrong?"
"What's wrong? Oh, nothing is wrong" Blue diamond says nervously. I gently place a gloved hand on her baby bump, I rub slow circles on her. "C'mon Blue, I know you better than that".
Blue lets out a sigh, she places her cold hand on mine and looks me directly in the eyes. "I'm going to try to be as honest with you as I can" she looks down at my hand and squeezes it "but there is something I want to do before you decide to hate me".
"Hate you? I would nev-mphff" Blue cuts me off by placing a firm kiss on my lips, I move my free hand to cup her cheek.
Blue finally breaks the kiss and takes a shaky breath in, she rests against the headboard of my bed and summons a screen.
"I...have something for you to listen to" Blue types something out "I've been umm, recording more logs"
This isn't good, the last time she recorded logs was when we thought Pink got shattered. I shudder from the memory of stumbling upon one, she started off speaking about how much Pink is frustrating her with the much and the colony, then it cuts off to her trying to speak but she starts sobbing. The worst part was it lasted about half a cycle.
Blue finally finds what she looking for. "This was for when I give birth, i-if I didn't make it". Blue hits the play button and I brace myself for what im about to hear.
"Log date 126 3 58. If you are listening to this, that probably means I'm gone and you've randomly stumbled upon this. You've already probably heard my other two recent logs, and I'm sorry."
"If this is my daughter listening I know it sounds like I hated you, but I-I don't? It's hard for me to explain, a-and please tell your mom that this is not her fault, it's mine".
"Blue?" I shoot her a confused look "I-I don't under-". Blue shushes me " there's more" her voice cracks.
"Log continuation. Yellow, if you are the one that is listening to this, I want you to know that this is not in any way your fault (it's mine). You didn't make me feel this way (I did). And I don't want you to think that you did this to me or that I hate you for this. I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what you do with the time that we have left I'll still love you."
Even if Blue's aura isn't out I can feel her sorrow and her pain lingering in the room. Blue is trying very hard to not show it, but I can see a few tears start to build in those cerulean blue eyes of hers.
After a few minutes of listening to Blue's recording go on and on about how this isn't my fault and I shouldn't blame myself, Blue quietly switches to a different recording.
"L-log date *sniff* 126 3-3 60. Y-Yellow I'm so-orry" Is, is she sobbing in this one? "I didn't m-mean to. This-s is all my f-fault. I sh-hould have r-reacted better." 
"I-it's just...I d-don't...I don't like th-h-his" the crying gets louder and louder, I look away from the screen and turn to Blue. She closes the screen then looks at me with tearful eyes.
Tears are now freely rolling down her cheeks "Blue, I-I don't understand" I wipe a few tears off of her face "what don't you like?"
"T-this" Blue chokes on her tears, she places her hand back on her baby belly "I-I've been t-trying to hide h-how" Blue cuts herself off with a coughing fit.
I make her sit up completely and I rub her back. "H-how I feel" Blue desperately tries to wipe away her tears, but more and more form.
After a few minutes of crying, her tears have now slowed down to the point where she can actually speak "and what exactly do you feel?" I ask very gently and calmly.
Blue thinks for a moment"I-I don't know" she sobs as more tears form. She aggressively rubs her red eyes with her sleeves, I grab her arms and I hold them in her lap.
"I don't feel v-very happy a-about being pre-egnant" I pull Blue into my lap and place one hand on her stomach and hold her hand with my other.
I bury my face into her soft hair and lovingly squeeze her hand. "I-It's not that I d-don't want them, we-ell I do, but I-I" Blue cries.
"We-e both know w-what happe-ened to Pink a-and Steven" I pull away from her soft hair "that he has to deal with problems?" I interrupt.
"T-that *sniff*, a-and I'll be g-gone" Blue sobs even harder "a-a-and you'll have t-to raise the *sniff* g-geml-lings by you-urself" Blue weeps into her hands, I gently rub her back.
Blue hiccups and wraps her arms around her stomach. "I won't be alone, Steven could try and help, I don't know how much he'll actually be able to help" I mutter the last part to myself, but Blue hears it and cries harder.
"Hey, and I'll have White! She's has had to deal with three young diamonds and I've had to deal with two and a half, we'll be okay" I place a kiss on the back of her head.
"B-but what i-if I don't w-want t-t-to go? I don't w-want to leave y-you."  Blue turns around to face me, her eyes are a dull red. Her entire face is drenched in tears, snot, and probably sweat.
Blue lets out a painful groan as she clutches her belly. "I think you should rest, all the stress isn't good for you."
"I-I'm fine" Blue clearly lies, she starts coughing again, but this time harder. I move closer towards her to help, but she pushes me back "mmm...I'm fi-ine".
"Are you sure? You should get some rest, you've been" Blue cuts me off "under a l-lot of stress, I know" Blue wipes away the last of her tears.
Blue falls onto the bed and face-first into her pillow, I lay on my side and prop myself up with my elbow. Blue turns and looks at me.
"I want you to know, I love you" Blue's almost glowing cerulean blue eyes gazes at mine. "A-and do you forgive me?"
Shit. After dealing with her confession? I totally forgot why I was upset at her. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. If I say I forgive her, I won't forgive myself for almost lying to her. But if I say I don't forgive her, it'll only make things worse.
My lack of response makes Blue sigh, her eyes water up again and she mutters something to quiet for me to hear.
"I-if it helps, I'm not mad at you anymore" I give her a slight smile.
"C'mon, I let out some of my feelings, it's your turn to share" she sluggishly pokes my arm.
"No really, I'm not very mad at you" I shoot her a go-to-sleep look. She just half-heartedly smiles at me, she huffs and pulls the blankets onto herself when I don't say anything.
I lay down beside her and wrap my arm around her, I smile as she snuggles into it. I listen to her slow and deep breathing as she falls further and further into slumber.
(Dreamworld and Blue's pov)
I lift myself up out of some orange and yellow foliage, I delicately grab a leaf (as Steven calls it) between my thumb and index finger. I decide to look around, there's nothing much out here besides a red human settlement with something going through it and a tree (which is what I'm sitting under).
I carefully stand up and shake off any leaves or twigs that would be in my dress, I pick some of the foliage from my dark blue hair.
Hmm, guess I'm in the past? I carefully walk over to the structure, making sure I don't step on any rocks or anything. I run my hand over the weathered painted wood. If I'm in the past, why does this structure seem so new and familiar?
I move in front of the two very large red doors, maybe if I open it I can see where I'm at? I firmly grasp one of the rusty handles and pull the sliding doors open.
I walk inside the dark and warm structure, I quietly close the door behind me, I look around for a light switch of sorts but all I can find is a glowing green panel.
I quickly press it and a very light green crystal chandelier instantly turns on, I blink a few times as my eyes adjust to the light. I look around the room, it has gorgeous darkish green walls, with white floors and a lime green carpet in the middle of the room.
To the left of the door is a beautiful wood aqua crib, with a cyan blanket hanging off of the side. With a little spinning thing on top (I'll have to ask Steven what it's called), and a plush looking aqua pillow.
I walk over to it and run my hand over carved smooth carved wood, and at the corner of the crib the design turns into a small swirl with little groves around it going all the way down to the bottom.
Right beside the crib is a lovely dark brown rocking chair, with a dark green almost blue pillow tied to it. And in the middle of the room is a long window out looking one of the very old kindergartens and it has lime green curtains with dark green polka dots. I run my hand over the curtains, it's surprisingly very soft. I look down at the window sill, which is about foot and a half off the ground, I squat down to look at the small blue and pink plant that's growing in a blue pot. I tap one of the leaves for some reason.
I look to my right to find a tall brown bookshelf with many earthen books and little stuffed animals in it. I recognize one of the many animals on it, I pick up the soft pink animal, I smile when I realize that its a toy version of Steven's pink lion.
I set it back down on its shelf and continue my way through the room. Next to the bookshelf is another wooden crib, this time it's an olive green with neon green splotches on it.
I once again run my hand over the well-crafted wood, I grab the very soft olive green and neon green blanket. It feels like I'm running my fingers through short purple grass from one of my colonies or through lion's mane.
I place the blanket back on the crib, unlike the other one, this crib has a little string of lights behind it.
And lastly, to the other side of the crib is a small dresser that has little blue and yellow flying organics that only has two drawers. Curiously, I bend down and open the top drawer, and it's filled to the brim with little aqua dresses, shirts, shorts/pants, and itty bitty socks.
"Momma?" A little voice calls out, I quickly close the drawer and stand up, I turn around to face a little gem. A blue gem for that matter.
She has sky blue hair that stops at her chin, she's wearing an aqua blue tank top with a darker shade of blue shorts, and her gem is the same cut as Yellow and in the same place.
"M-me?" I place my hand where my gem is, the little gem takes a step closer "I-I'm not your...am I?"
"Momma, do you love?" The little diamond asks as she throws her hands up to me.
"I don't think I know" I take a step back, and the little diamond's lip starts to quiver as her pair of familiar beautiful cerulean eyes start to water. She runs out of the room crying and yelling for her mommy.
What was that and what did I just do?
After about a minute passes, the now big green gem doors slide open, and Yellow diamond comes stomping into the room with the same little diamond in her arms.
"Yellow?" I give her a confused look.
"How could you?" She angrily says "How could you say that to our daughter?" Yellow takes an angry step towards me.
"Yellow I...I didn't know" I back up right into the green crib. "Of course you didn't, you never listen and you're a horrible, selfish gem. I can't believe I fell in love with someone like you" Yellow yells.
I start to tear up "I-I'm sorry" I mutter.
"I-I'm sorry"
"I-I'm so sorry"
"Blue, please wake up"
I jolt awake, I groan as I wipe my wet eyes, I slowly sit up as tiredness starts to wear off.
I flinch forward when a warm hand touches my back, I turn to look at who the arm belongs to, I smile as my eyes adjust to the light once again and Yellow appears in my field of vision.
"Blue are you okay?" Yellow worriedly asks.
"Yes, yes, just a" bad dream? Memories of my weird dream wash over me as I try to come up with an answer "an interesting dream"
Yellow raises an eyebrow "are you sure? You were talking in your sleep again, which was kinda cute but then you started to apologize over and over again, which wasn't very cute" Yellow lovingly rubs my back, I lean into her warm touch as I let out a yawn.
"I wa-no am fine, it was just an interesting dream" I rub my tired eyes again.
"Would you like to tell me it?" Yellow places her hand on mine.
I grab it and gently squeeze it. I tell her each and every little detail from my dream, but I unfortunately tell her the end too.
"I hope you know that I don't think your a selfish gem and I will never regret loving you" she gently kisses my cheek.
"I know, hey have you designed the room where the gemlings will be sleeping?" I sluggishly ask.
Yellow shakes her head no " do you mean a nursery? If so then no, I haven't" she smirks at me "Did you have a design in mind?"
"I do, in fact it came to me in a dream" I giggle.
"Alright I'll get you something so you can design the room in the morning" Yellow squeezes my hand in return "But it's still fairly late, you should go back to bed".
"Ugh, but I hate sleeping" I fall back down on my pillow "it wastes time", Yellow chuckles and lays down right next to me, she pulls me into her, and I shiver when her lukewarm armor touches my bare skin.
Yellow phases away her armor leaving her in what I assume is a thin shirt and a pair of shorts, she turns to quietly place her helmet on her nightstand. I push myself back into her warm strong arms as she tries to pull the thick blankets back onto us.
Yellow starts humming a melody, but I'm too tired to really tell what it is, I let out a long yawn as Yellow shoves her face into the crook of my neck.
"Good night" I yawn out.
"Good night" Yellow continues to gently hum as I slowly fall back asleep "I love you" she faintly whispers into my ear. I grumble something to her before I pass out.
I'm a bit behind on the chapters, but I'll catch up soon. Hopefully, inspiration will hit me and I'll draw, if not y'all can always send me ideas!
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lovethisletters · 5 years
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Hi! Again I must say: I’m sorry for taking so long, things got complicated but now I have little bit of time…besides I’m wery picky with translations (as you would see in a moment). Anyway, I was very much excited for and while writing this, since I found myself to be very fond of Faith and her relationship with Tim (they’re the cutest) so I tried my best!
Ps: The title of “Refuge” doesn’t have that much relevance in this scenario, is just the title of the song I was listening to while writing this (I think it describes perfectly how Tim’s and Faith relationship might evolve); in case you listen to it but aren’t really familiar with spanish language, here it is subtitled! But there’s minor errors on the translation:
1.     "Eres como el sol caliente y yo soy marte" wich means "You're like the warm sun and I'm like mars".
2.     "Soy desordenado cuando quiero" the word quiero/querer in spanish can mean several things, normally indicating the yearning of something in a possesive (I want this to myself) or romantic (like: I love you)/aspirational (like: I want to become a writer) way (depends on context) so the most adecute in this case will be "I'm sloppy when I am in love" not "when I want" here is a little deffinition. 
3.     The most correct wording in "let me be, I'll help you" would be in fact: "Let me, I will help you".
 Pairing: Faith O’Neal (@insideoflit OC) x Tim Drake
Summary: Faith is tormented by her past to the point of being unable to sleep and have an anxiety attack, so Tim helps her get through it.
 12:22 am
1:18 am
2:48 am
3:04 am
Her head registered every digit drawn on the clock next to his bed, counting every time she woke up;  but something within herself knew that I'd had been more than just 4. Her eyes weighed, but her mind did not stop, she kept thinking ... remembering and everything at the worst moment.
Maybe it had been 5 or at most 8 nights in a row without being able to sleep completely, but in fact, she really didn't remember the last time she had slept peacefully.  Months or even years ago?
She only knew that the situation had gone from bad to worse ...
What she thought was a simple period of insomnia which would most likely disappear a week later, became part of his routine, which had stopped bothering her a long time ago: intrusive thoughts, impossible variations in hidden memories and unanswered questions that would often come and go and multiplied in the dead of night.
And yet this time it was different ... it was a living nightmare.
The intrusive thoughts had quickly escalated and evolved to such extent that they now resonated aggressively, scratching the walls of his head, digging through everything she wanted to forget and shouting at her so that she could feel it in the depths of his being.
An imaginary pain that threatened to break his little head.
In.  That.  Exact.  Instant.
She felt his breath cut short at the thought of having to get used to all this, his chest full of emotions and an uncontrollable feeling of despair.
That's why she didn't think of anything other than running, rising abruptly from the bed, barely giving his brain time to process the situation;  she ran, as fast as his legs allowed her, she didn't care at all if they were going to break… she just wanted to escape from all that and ignore that past she had unintentionally remembered.
The smell of petricor invading her senses causing a feeling of anguish, seeing those memories instantly regain strength and torturing her in such a ruthless way...
—Hey! Be careful!— her thoughts abruptly interrupted to the feeling of his body collide and almost fall to the ground, if not thanks to the arm clinging to her waist preventing her fall.
—Are you ok?—Tim's eyes invaded by an expression of genuine concern, trying to search the answer to her irrational behaviour.
She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't even realize the moment she reached the garden and much less had noticed Tim standing in the middle of it…like some creepy scarecrow or something…
—I ...— His mind still not quite at the moment allowed for her words to float in the air in a sloppy way.
Tim looked at the girl carefully, trying to decipher what had put her in that state: her hair slightly disheveled by the gentle flushing of the wind, a cold sweat running down her forehead, eyes flushed, her pajamas had gotten a little dirty  due to his small race in the humidity of the night and his bare feet hugging the muddy floor.
—Come, you're going to get sick like this!— He reproached her gently trying not to overwhelm her as much as possible and guiding her back inside.
The living-room of the mansion was empty, wrapped in the cozy sound of silence; indicating the absence of most of its inhabitants.
Tim told Faith to sit by pointing at the couch with a slight nod, which she obeyed.
—Wait here—he ordered again, before disappearing down the hall that led to one of the many bathrooms and returning moments later with a pair of clean towels, leaving one of them over her head, with a small mischievous smile.
—Don't run like that, Faith, you could have slipped and gotten hurt…—He said kneeling in front of her, his hands on the towel shaking it slightly in an attempt to help her dry.
His calm voice hiding the reality of his restlessness.  She knew…knew she had worried him ... And that look only confirmed it, she had already seen it many times, maybe more than she should;  but it was something she could not avoid and that frustrated her greatly.
But Tim was always characterized by being perceptive and soon noticed the expression of guilt on Faith's face.
—Hey ... It’s ok—The Boy reassured by staring at her, still smiling, because he wanted her to really feel safe.
Tim knew that Faith had trouble sleeping, he knew perfectly the symptoms of insomnia: he had noticed the lights of her room stay on until dawn, dark circles highlighting her beautiful big eyes, her clumsy movements during the day, lack of concentration and had even once heard Bruce scolding her because of her teacher's multiple complaints accusing her of sleeping in class.
But she would never admit it… she "didn't want to be a bother"
Tim allowed himself to caress Faith's cheek, gently and delicately as if she were some kind of porcelain doll about to break.
—Do you want to talk about it?
Faith thought briefly before her eyes began to fill with tears that threatened to slip away.
—No, not really ...— A glimmer of guilt was noticeable in her response.
—It’s Okay. Don't feel like you have to—followed by those words, Tim felt the need to hug her;  his arms carefully surrounded Faith's small figure.
—Just know I'm always going to be here for you — his chin resting slightly on her head partially covered by the towel.
The tears that she had forced herself to hide, began to escape silently with an air of cynicism.
—Dammit— she cursed under her breath.
Noticing this, he quickly bent down again to wipe away her tears with his hands.
Faith was a strong, but stubborn person, many times denying herself the idea of ​​asking for help and this was no exception;  she didn't want Tim to see her that way, in her most vulnerable state;  but she also didn't want to leave, despite all the crying, she found Tim's company very much comforting.
So… she stood there, allowing herself to be vulnerable in front of other people for once in a really long time.
After a few minutes (maybe even more) when she had no more tears left, Tim spoke again.
—It's getting late, you should be asleep and unless Riddler is entertaining the bat, Bruce will be here at any minute and I don't want him to scold you for staying up so late, you have class tomorrow, right?
Faith nodded, releasing a small chuckle upon hearing Drake's motherly but bossy tone.
—Whatever you say, mom — emphasizing the word "mom" on a goofy manner.
He rolled the eyes pretending to be offended but without making the least of attempts to hide his own amusement.
—Go to your room, dummy!—
She raised her hands as if she were being arrested before turning around and running upstairs followed by Tim, who was also heading to his room.  However, something stopped her once she was standing in front of the door of her own room.
She didn't want to be alone ... at least not for tonight ...
A small knock on Tim's door caught his attention off of his monitors, at first he thought it was Alfred about to scold him like every other night for not sleeping or Damian who had arrived from patrol early and couldn't find Titus favorite chewing toy.
But no… there in the door frame stood Faith with a pillow under her arm and a slightly shy smile.
—You're supposed to be asleep.
—Right back at ya — she replayed quickly.
—I’m not the one who has to save his grades on algebra tomorrow, Faith—he said, reminding her of his test in the morning.
—Yeah, well… truth is… I can't sleep…
Her voice barely even believing herself.
—Can I… can I stay here? —Tim flushed wildly almost at the exact moment he heard those words come out of her mouth.
—I… Um.  Yeah  Yeah, sure — tripping on his own words he stepped clumsily into the side in order to let her in.
Tim's room was both a mess and incredibly clean… his desk was the messy part, probably because he spend a lot of his time glued to his computer to the point Alfred sometimes had to brake in and almost drag him outside to eat like a normal human  being instead of just feeding off of energy bars and coffee.
In comparison was the side of the bead, it was so clean. Everything looked almost brand new, since he barely slept and when he did it was just very quick naps before patrol.
—Make yourself comfortable— he signaled the bed before putting back on his headphones and to whatever he was doing.
—Aren't you going to sleep?— Faith asked as she settled between the sheets.
Tim was silent for a moment, trying to find an answer.
—Well ... maybe just for a little while…—
He finally spoke before joining Faith, keeping a adequate distance, which Faith quickly ignored by hugging him unexpectedly, burying his face in the boy's chest.
—Good night, Tim.—
Tim thanked the lights were off, otherwise Faith would have seen his face as red as a tomato.  The girl's touch was comforting and warm so he didn't think twice before reciprocating the hug and planting a small kiss on her head.
—Good night, Faith.
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