#and makes it worse
summonthebats · 1 year
Damn it Viserys
One of the many, many political problems with Rheanyra as heir is that the entire deal was pure hypocrisy from the start.
Behold, Viserys, who is only king because the majority of the realms lords publicly proclaimed that they would support the rule of an uncle over the daughter and heir of the kings firstborn son.
And then he names is daughter heir, over her uncle. As though that doesn’t cast doubt on his own right to rule by disputing the rulings of the council that gave him the throne in the first place.
Re-marrying after that was very much the stupidest thing he could have done but the entire thing was politically stupid as hell from the start. You are supposed to love your daughter! Why are you setting her up for a political shit show?!
Queen Rheanys! Because she is the only Targaryen with a braincell of her own!
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chqnified · 2 years
Learning to respect someone’s boundaries is important. if someone says no, it means no, even if to you it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it may do to the other person.
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kosmogrl · 1 month
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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imperatoralicia · 3 months
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Just having some drinks at the local saloon.
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pawberri · 25 days
I think the "furry hate is just lgbtphobia" argument is incomplete because ableism is like. Super super key. Like with most "cringe" content, most furry hate revolves around catching people breaking social norms and mocking them as subhuman for it. Even heterosexual furries are mocked ruthlessly if they present their sexuality in an "autistic" way, which they very often do. Developmentally disabled furries are most often mocked and most at risk of being exploited by outsiders who pretend to be acting in good faith. That said, the reason furries are such a beloved target of mockery is definitely the intersection of ableism, queerphobia, and anti-kink ideology. An autistic trans woman who posts nsfw furry art is at huge risk, and we can see examples of that in practice across the internet.
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msexcelfractal · 2 months
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wcdonaldo · 6 months
*girl who wakes up at noon voice* how is it this late already
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writtenbyevie · 1 year
do you ever not write for so long that you’re almost afraid to? like what if I’m dumb now
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Ghosts Tell Me
Ghosts gather near the place where something bad is going to happen,
Danny with his ghost sense tends to notice before anyone else and tends to react outwardly before the danger even happens, gaining a reputation of seeing the future,
Ghosts also tell Danny things, causing Danny to know more about situations and the people around him, it comes of as suspicious.
Danny pulling away a snack from his coworker: "Careful your allergic to these ingredients!"
Coworker: "How the hell...I've never mentioned that to anyone."
Danny on a phone call with his friends while doing his nightly walks in Gotham: "Yeah so apparently the second Robin who is now Red Hood has very personal beef with the clown here cuz he got killed by him after being sold out by his bio mom, which really sucks for the poor guy."
Oracle who has been keeping an Eye on Danny cuz he's very suspicious from an outsiders pov: "Hey B, I think we have a problem."
Danny notices that the ghost in Gotham tends to gather where something bad is going to happen, the more they are the worse the situation will be: *glowing smoke leaves from his mouth* "Yikes! Very bad vibes here, nope!"
Gothamites who at this point recognize him and know the drill and quickly pack up their things to leave:
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Just an Idea
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theoldkyokodied · 9 months
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The Allegiance of the Ascended Vampire and the New God of Magic
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
It is completely in character for Percy to say he has some dumb questions, then ask incredibly valid questions that no one has brought up till now
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hansoeii · 7 months
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let time pass.
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creekfiend · 1 year
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I saw this on FB today and I wanna try and express something about it. Like, you know the curbcutter effect? Where when curbcuts are put in it benefits everyone (bicyclists, people with baby strollers etc) and not just disabled people?
There is also whatever the opposite of the curbcutter effect is. And this is that.
This isn't just anti-adhd/autism propaganda... this is anti-child propaganda.
Kids have developmentally appropriate ways that they need to move their bodies and express themselves and sitting perfectly still staring straight ahead is not natural or good for ANY CHILD.
Don't get me wrong, I was punished unduly as a kid for being neurodivergent (and other types of kid will ALSO be punished unduly for it... Black kids come to mind) and thus UNABLE to perform this -- but even the kids who ARE able to perform this type of behavior are not SERVED WELL by it. They don't benefit from it.
This is bad for everyone.
The idea that bc some kids may be capable of complying with unfair expectations, those expectations don't hurt them... is a dangerous idea. Compliance isn't thriving. Expectation of compliance isn't fair treatment.
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shingekinomyfeelings · 7 months
I picked a horrible day to come look at my old stomping grounds. Construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline through the Jefferson National Forest has resumed full tilt. It passes through the mountain at the top of my neighborhood, which has been a fierce battleground in thr MVP controversy. I don't even want to show you the scar they've gouged through the mountains and the forest I used to spend so much time exploring.
The sheer unprecedented massiveness of this pipe also means that if it should ever blow, a vast portion of the surrounding homes will be obliterated in an instant. Anything that isn't taken out in the explosion will be consumed in flames, on windy country backroads with poor access.
Signs around the bottom of the mountain tell you where the blast zone starts and ends. Blue and red voters alike protest the construction that could wipe their homes off the face of the mountain.
These Republican fuckers are flying American flags on their machinery and it makes me sick to my stomach that they have the fucking gall to be proud of what they're doing.
Here's the sound of a mountain, a national forest, and several neighborhoods being fucked so conservatives who don't live here can get richer and their knuckle dragging supporters can cheer because they think they're 'owning the libs.'
I don't indulge in feeling hatred lightly... I really don't
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