#and it’s PAINFUL bc some characters are just so loveable
salstini · 2 years
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my current read (ignore the french)
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
yk when I started reading toa I was kinda disappointed at the lack of power that apollo / lester had, bc pjo and hoo had their main characters be basically op, and this is literally a (former) god. apollo in tho made me cringe and reading his perspective was like looking at pills in an orange prescription bottle. but he was the whiny teenager that felt like an out-of-depth teenager more than the actually lived for years-in-teen-numbers, because they were more heroes and soldiers than teens, like they were supposed to be. he is simultaneously whiny child and responsible adult.
the moment I really latched onto him was when he basically dropped everything and tried to dive into the forest to go save his kids. bro wasn’t actually a selfish idiot like he kept making himself look like. bro was an emotionally constipated loving loser (affectionate) and loveable. he would risk the wrath of styx to save these kids. positively skrunkly
oh and his power! look guys the former protagonists always had some power to back them up, some good strength. this guy? first not demigod protagonist and he goes from straight up zero to launching a guy to the clouds with his bare hands. and tfw he uses his voiceTM. BEGONE SNAKE! and he acts so pathetic lol and if you look through whatever sunglasses he’s wearing and you look at the things from 3rd person pov dude what is he doing. he just flew off a road driving a car, and puts himself in front of the gremlin child to face one of those creepy zombie things that scream FOOD!!. bro straight up stabbed himself. bro sings the most heart wrenching song that even giant ants that don’t even understand what he’s saying get the point to the extent that they go catatonic with depression.
and holy cheez-its what kind of pain tolerance does this guy have?? dude??? you fell from the literal sky above the Empire State Building which like literal greek heaven (ouch) straight into a dumpster and then gets beat into unconsciousness by a pair of thugs under Nero like??? and with broken ribs, injured nose, hurt shoulder, etc. he walks up the stairs, runs through the woods insane. dude is literally insane. he gets flayed alive, forgets his other half, trapped in place by molten chains all at once and still trying trying to walk wth like this guy’s pain tolerance is beyond ouranos. idk how he does it I can’t even tolerate a hot summer day.
bro gives advice to a lost gremlin child who betrayed him anyway, helps her defeat her abuser the way he never could. and he grew, like everyone around him, to something better, something hopeful. “you’ve changed” heck yeah!! we love to see it
and humor?? like random mentions of things no one else in pjo would give you like playing the zither at 2am, godly toilet seat, ares roundhouse kick, waking up in Argentina. I love that they’re so offhand but they’re so funny and random
the haiku. they’re hilarious, works of art.
the characters. Chiron. Chiara. Damien. Austin. Kayla. Cecil. will. nico. Rachel. Lavinia. emmie. Josephine. heck even Commodus. lityerses. Abelard. Diana. frank. Jason. piper. the trogs. lu. reyna omg. meg. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA I love them so much! just how they fit in with his own journey of self and how they grow with him, like a garden, like an orchestra building its crescendo together, in unity. little things like reading frank’s admiration of apollo first in hoo, and now we get apollo’s side of it, and he’s so cute. Reyna’s whole journey of “finding the one who will heal her heart”. (gods I loved that thank you rick.) and will’s “dad!” and making apollo literally weep and meg: “the beast is dead. I killed it.” and taps her head and I'm just so proud of them.
“YOU ARE NO GOD!” he isn’t the same god who fell to earth in the winter. he likely won’t be ever the same ever again. ‘cause he’s gonna work to being better. he’s saving the world, but he’s also having a journey of his own self, rediscovering himself, building onto himself like everyone else, they’re all gonna be a better version of themselves.
k one problem: not enough content. I am starved for content. please feed pet. ty
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ezralva · 8 months
I've been following you for a coupla years now ever since your xicheng era. It's interesting to see whenever you get into new fixations, it introduces me to lesser animes or BLs or new ships that otherwise I would never think of and more often than not I got hooked to them thanks to you 😁 I'm very shy and awkward so mostly in fandoms I'm in im just a silent enjoyer and follower. I'm so happy when you started posting and reblogging jjk because it's a fandom I've been silently lurking for years and moreover because you like stsg and also chousou because they are one of my favorites too. I pretty much enjoy reading your posts and your reblog tags, they are funny! May you share how you got into that? Because you mention one time that you regret those who drew you into jjk 😅 is it something to do with big fandom?
Ps. I like your fic so much, it's like a healing session after chapter 236, I thought i'd let you know here because i'm too shy to comment directly on the fic
Omg this is so sweet of you, anon, thank you! I hope y'know your kind words just made my whole day <3. Wow if you've been following me that long then you shud go off anon so I wud know who you are ^^ but I get it! I enjoy being silent lurker and follower too from times to times.
Also wow I'm amazed you've put up with my everchanging fixations that long lol I know I'm annoying that whenever I'm into new fixation then I wudn't shut up abt it for a while and too lazy to ever make sideblogs. Anw, I don't really remember when I said that ahaha I'd most likely just joked or be sarcastic when I wrote that. I did feel so much pain knowing my otp is a doomed ship but it's nothing I didn't know before I even started jjk. Moreover it ended in a good note for me what with the latest chapters of them so it's all good now. The abundant loveable characters of jjk making it easy to explore other dynamics and ships too. Even dynamics I'd usually nvr entertain so it's been an eye opener experience! I don't regret a thing. Glad to know we share similar tastes :)
but yea I'm really not good with big fandoms overall and am usually content with the tiny corner of my own. My last experience with big fandoms, before I switched completely to obscure fandoms, were too unpleasant that I didn't wish to ever repeat it. But I'm more adept with curating what I wanna see now so I won't get put-off or get bored quickly. Tiny fandoms are nice and comfy but they were oftentimes unsustainable for me due to the lack of interactions. Still, I'm so happy to hear my shitposts could actually introduce you to new fixations!
Abt how I get into jjk. Well, unlike any other animes mangas I'm into, I actually have irl friends and coworkers that are fans of jjk. 3 of them are close to me (one of them is my spouse lol) and had literally pestered me to try it for long so they'd have someone to talk with. So I'd known about it since around 2 years ago when the movie came out. I was curious bcs it was such a hype around me even though they were all adults who usually didn't even watch anime so there must be sth different abt it. Yet I kept putting it off cz I was just not into supernatural fantasy shounen. I decided this year would be a good time to start since with season 2 the hype around me was too high that I just got swept in it, naturally. I cudn't tamp down my curiosity any longer plus I got time now during this break so why not, right? The thing is my irl friends arent into simping let alone shipping (at least not that I know in public, who knows what they might be doing in private) so I keep that side here ofc!
Awwwh thank you so much for letting me know you like my fic! Ch 236 was indeed devastating for a while tho it was still a HE in some aspects (for me). It's an outlet for me to pour my HCs for the characters that stuck with me. I hope you know that even if it's just excited emojis, a comment in the fic worths a lot for authors cz it let them know not just abt whether their fics are being read and liked, but how their works actually affect the readers, it's a potent drive for authors and feedbacks are helping authors so you don't need to be shy 😉
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merrysithmas · 2 years
If you don’t mind be asking I have a bit of a steamy question.
Why do you think people see Anakin as a submissive? Like a guy who is characterized by his desire to possess the people he loves? A lust for power? An almost consent need for control? Slaughtered the sand people for killing his mom? Just is rather irreverent? A rebel who does things his way fuck the rules/orders? Dude who becomes DARTH VADER? I mean I know there’s that whole moment when he kneels to Palpatine but I don’t think that’s at all reflective of him in the grand scheme of things you know? My guy was at the end of his rope. 
Also, Obi-Wan couldn’t dom his way out of a paper bag and I say this as somebody whose best friend is a domme. I think people see him as the older and perhaps more masculine looking (the beard) but that doesn’t actually mean anything. Like my man has an inadequacy complex 10 miles wide and is in a consent state of self criticism. Sticks to the code and Jedi teachings to the point of orthodoxy like it’s canon that he takes pleasure in not only following the rules but following them well and to a T. And I say this lovingly but Obi couldn’t control Anakin to save his life. I see fans say that Obi-Wan needed to force Ani into submission and like tame him but our dude told Anakin no like everyday of his life but Ani just wasn’t having any of it. Anakin isn’t a brat that needs to be tamed he’s a super powerful demi-god with mental health issues.
I’m sorry if this is like super random and it’s way longer than I intended but it’s just wild out here in these fanfiction streets. It blows me away how popular this specific characterization is. 
i think that characterization is popular bc a lot of ppl have never watched TCW, haha. IMO you can't watch TCW and be convinced of the above dynamic. as Anakin grows he changes from a terrified brat pseudo-orphan into a wild, charismatic, headstrong young man, & Obi-wan's inexperienced bossy controlling unease in AOTC mellows to a soft, loveable refinement.
basically i have NOTHING ELSE TO ADD to what you said because I agree completely. I do not see the "daddy wan" pov personally haha. and frankly i don't like that dynamic between them. in my point of view, i don't like it at all and i don't think it does anything to express the immense and equal partnership between them. that's just my take and everyone has their own preferences.
i think a lot of people see it this way because Anakin, as a demi-god, is riddled with confusion about his place in the universe. it's why it's so obvious to people that he "badly needs a hug" that Obi-wan is too debilitatingly perfectionist to give him (or Padme for that matter - she just stares at him blankly whenever he confesses something painful or terrible LOL, thanks George).
via the nature of being borne of the Force itself (and born into slavery), he is always looking for a "master" - which is another thing that I think gets people on that track of thinking. he goes from slave, to unusual Padawan (he never had to learn with other Padawans in the temple) who understandably sometimes sees the Jedi order as a type of servitude, to dark side slave. a hallmark of anakin's character is that he NEVER has complete control over his destiny, which i'd argue is one of the main elements that drives him mad - and a fascinating and delicious literary foray into the subject of "destiny" and Star Wars at large,
he is tortured, actually tormented, by this lack of mastery over himself. he can NEVER HAVE mastery over himself as an agent of Fate/the Force which makes him so tragic. and that line of thinking seems to drive some ppl down a certain kink road LOL which is fine, but just not how i see it personally. he is always looking for direction in a mortal world that quite literally CANNOT understand him at all.
in a way he reminds of an animal starving for affection, a man dying for water, a forest fire burning its own body to ash. but in my opinion this DOES NOT lend itself into a traditionally submissive dynamic with Obi-wan "man of the cloth" Kenobi of all people. he loves pulling on Obi-wan's pigtails, causing him trouble, destroying everything he holds dear... Anakin is the classic "mean kid on the playground" to Obi-wan and adores him, loves him, and constantly bothers him.
as for Obi-wan he has a refined, gentle, self-assured, particular masculinity to him just like Anakin has an obvious "angelic" beauty. they both have masculine and feminine traits, which is awesome. but Obi-wan is harsh towards himself, judgmental towards others, insecure, perfectionist, and chained by his orthodoxy. Anakin, for all his beauty, is angry, rough, feral, unintentionally mean, brash, brave, and selfish.
Anakin is controlling, expressive, emotionally wild, untamed, and possessive. On the other hand, Obi-wan is paralyzed by his need to control himself, frequently behaviorally corsetted, unlearned in emotionality, and interpersonally anorexic.
basically, Anakin rails Obi-wan into oblivion and they both release their worst behavior on each other. they switch when they want to. they are often soft and sweet to each other because they're both saps (and in a war, and miserable, and alone, and in love). but also, consensually, Anakin chokes Obi-wan and spits in his mouth and Obi-wan slaps Anakin across the face making his ears ring lmao. Then Anakin leaves him a note the next day on his dresser when they're on leave from the warfront at the Temple:
Sorry I choked you and spit on you and called you a bitch. Liked the hair pulling thing. You look nice when you're asleep and not thinking so much. You are a bitch, though. Yours, A.
Same time tomorrow, right??
And Obi-wan does the same from Anakin.
Apologies for slapping you in the face and then calling you a psychopath in the middle of it. Seemed like you liked it. I saw the gleam in your eye. I have no further comment on that particular matter. -Obi
P.S. Yes. I'll be there early.
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
🕯️ 💥 💞 (@stabbyfoxandrew's main)
I just noticed there are two 🕯 questions on the ask game. Not sure which one you meant so I will just answer both!
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
I think that positive engagement with fandom can really be a powerful motivator. Part of it is the dopamine hit you get from making something good that a lot of people like, but I also think that even just the smallest positive interaction with others can really build friendship and community.
I have friends whom I've known for years now, and our friendship started because we both agreed Andrew is beefy and got very loud and passionate about it! I have friends whom I only got to know because I was a new fandom author in need of beta readers. Hell, I've made friends with people because we were excited to talk about the omegaverse!
I think the important thing with fandom interactions is to remember that there is a full and complete human behind every username, and that fandom-related stuff is only as serious as you want it to be.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Of all the fics I've written, More Than Words has been the hardest by far. I decided going into this fic that I wanted to incorporate a lot of elements and experiences from my own childhood into it, and that includes both good and bad experiences.
It has required that I examine memories and emotions I've long since tucked away, and that has been both deeply painful and extremely cathartic. Each chapter is emotionally exhausting to write, but it feels necessary to do so, both because I think it will help me process some shit and because I feel like it's a story that needs to be told.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
I'm gonna narrow this down to least kudos'd completed fic because I know there are some people who hold off on leaving kudos until a work is finished. So let's talk about And Baby, I'll Shut Up.
I'm actually quite happy with this one. It was a gift for my dear friend @halfpintpeach. I've never tried to write a fic based on a song before, so it was an interesting challenge to try an incorporate the lyrics and shape the themes of the song into a workable plot. In the end it's a very simple little fic, but I like the imagery and the prose quite a bit, so I'm happy with how it turned out.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
For me, it's the characters, always. I find that things like plot, worldbuilding and grammar cease to matter if your characters are not relatable, if not loveable. I love it when characters feel like fleshed out, real people, like friends I've never met and yet deeply know.
My technical writing is merely okay. I don't get too stressed about things like grammar - so long as it's readable and not distracting, I don't much care. I could spend ages perfecting it but really, it's not a big deal. The only thing I am really particular about is spelling, but that's because I personally find it distracting.
In my opinion, my prose is more serviceable than beautiful, and I'm okay with that. It's something I'd like to get better at in the long term, but honestly I think my prose being on the simpler side sometimes works in my favor, bc it means my writing is really approachable and easy to read.
It might not have the most interesting or stimulating turns-of-phrase, but I do think it lends itself to telling a story that just sucks you in. If prose is a window through which a story is viewed, then my window is floor to ceiling glass - its simple and unobtrusive, it does not stand out so it does not get in the way.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
November 2020 Reads
Here are the fics I reblogged in November! Please give love to all these writers (reblog, comment!!) and of course, our lil bun jk 🐰
Again, note the angst, fluff, and smut descriptions and my “read if you want to” thing is just a guide bc it works for me and my mood swings and ok this isn’t a lot right
1. Blackjack series by @kpopfanfictrash (a, f, s) - s2l, mafia au (read if you want to “watch” a movie and have time to binge-read and are into action, good backstories, and good smut)
2. Crosshairs by @junghelioseok (a, s) - secret agent au (read if you want action and longing and just something different)
3. Freesia by @eleventoes (a, f) - bf2l, childhood friends au (read if you want something soft and pure and funny and want to imagine tiny but in-love jk)
4. Off-league by @hansolmates (f) - childhood friends au (read if you want something really sexy)
5. A song request by @n8dlesoupguk (f) - s2l, neighbors au (read if you want something soft and pure and light)
6. The love swings + The love slides by @h2yeri (f, s) - f2l, college au, childhood friends, boyfriend au, soft jk (read if you want to feel warm and fuzzy and soft and fluffy or just to feel better)
7. Let’s play: dirty by @jungkxook (f, s) - e2l, college au, roommates au, gamer jk (read if you want to laugh and be entertained and are obsessed with gamer jk)
8. Quarter life crisis by @heungtanbts (a, f, s) - bf2l, adulting (read if you want to be reflective about being an adult and at the same time want to imagine being bestfriends with extremely hot jk and really if you just want to read something good)
9. The push by @underthejoon (a, f, s) - f2l, college au (read if you want sexual tension and are into hitting idiot jk in the head)
10. Cardiovascular palpitations pt1 + pt2 by @hayjeon (a, f, s) - f2l, friends with benefits au, hospital au (read if you want some glorious smut and jealous doctor jk and just a really good fwb bc this is up there)
11. Inkling by @gguksgalaxy (a, s) - f2l, tattoo artist au (read if you want tension and some serious stuff like coming out but also want some good smut)
12. On the road (to you) by @cupofteaguk (a, f) - f2l, adulting (read if you want to reminisce about a college crush and want to imagine sweet and thoughtful jk)
13. Mirrors pt1 + pt2 by @yoonia (a, s) - friends with benefits au (read if you want steamy, sexy, glorious smut or if you just want to be turned on)
14. Oops by @honeyj00ns (s) - college au, neighbors au (read if you want to laugh, want some shower sex, and want to imagine jk singing rnb bc that is the dream)
15. Irresistible by @parkmuse (s) - bf2l, college au (read if you want to laugh and enjoy some good smut)
16. One on one by @thatmultifandomhoe (f) - college au, boxer jk (read if you want to daydream about boxer jk and want something soft)
17. The habits of a broken heart by @softykooky (a, f) - soulmate au, college au (read if you want something painfully beautiful and sort of cold and unloving jk)
18. Take my whole life too by @ktheist (s) - arranged marriage au, husband au, expecting parents au, dad jk (read if you want a different dynamic between OC and jk and sappy and in love jk and just something sooo good I love this sm)
19. Fact over fancy by @dovechim (s) - arranged marriage au with a twist (read if you want a cool premise and some bratty and smug jk)
20. Beautiful confession by @btsracket (f, s) - f2l, childhood friends, roommates au, soft jk (read if you want a romcom-type fic with fun dynamic between characters and if you want something soft and warm and really good)
21. The proposal by @hansolmates (f, s) - e2l, boss au, fake dating (read if you want top-tier film adaptation and loveable characters with such fun banter and homey vibe and boss jk doing push ups)
22. Picture perfect by @moononthejoon (f, s) - historical au, painter jk (read if you want something cute but sexy and an unpredictable ending)
23. Neighbour by @imagniation (s) - college au, neighbors au (read if you want something hot ft sexy neighbor jk and if you want to be turned on)
24. Shield by @joonsgalore (f, s) - s2l, bar au, soft jk (read if you want something soft and cute and heartwarming and straightforward but with really good smut)
25. The young wolf by @junqkook (a, s) - game of thrones au (read if you want to be absolutely ripped to shreds and/or want something so well-written but again will rip you to shreds)
26. Dynasty by @jimlingss (a, f, s) - historical au, drama (read something if you want to “watch” a movie with so much tension and glorious smut and if you want your heart to break but also want something so well-written)
27. Something in the water by @vankoya (f, s) - f2l, college au, camping (read if you want ot7 banter and humor and sexy time in the lake or to just relive college trips with friends)
28. Rebound by @ropeseok (s) - e2l, college au (read if you want something sexy and smutty or if you wanna be turned on bc wall sex)
29. A touch of silk by @war-of-hormoan (a, s) - werewolf au (read if you want tension and some human-werewolf drama)
30. Heartbreak veterans by @rookiegukie (f) - s2l, busker jk (read if you want something pure and cleansing and wholesome and soft)
31. It should be me by @you-know-bts (a) - f2l, brother’s bestfriend (read if you want protective jk to lay down his life for you and some tension)
32. Euphoria by @seokstrivia (a, f, s) - e2l, college au, roommates au (read if you want dick-but-really-softie-jk and some pain with happy ending)
33. Challenge accepted, What happens when you’re not careful, Risky business drabble series by @sincerelyourfangirl (s) - e2l, ceo au (read if you want some glorious smut)
34. If you insist + Epilogue by @ayyosuga (a, f, s) - s2l, cop au (read if you want to drool over Officer Jeon and if you want a semi-action packed but also soft and tender and well-written fic)
35. re:untitled pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 by @to-star-lake (a, f, s) - e2l, childhood friends, arranged marriage, ceo au (read if you want your heart to hurt and heal and if you want a god-tier fic with perfect and so well-written chapters and characterizations and plot and if you want to cry without any death, and enjoy really good smut)
36. Cozy thief by @bratkook (f, s) - f2l, roommates au (read if you want something soft with good smut)
37. Somnolent by @forgottenpasta (f) - roommates au (read if you want something soft and cute and a hot and bothered jk)
38. Behind these walls by @cupofteaguk (f) - college au (read if you want softness and banter and sexual tension)
39. 17 going on 27 by @hansolmates (a, f) - exes au, adulting, time jump (read if you want another very well-written film adaptation that will hurt soooo good and an experience in itself that will leave you all hurting but soft and happy at the end)
40. The philosophy of good luck by @kidguk (f, s) - s2l, roommates au, tattoo artist jk (read if you want something adorably soft)
41. Caught me by @jeongi (s) - e2l, roommates au (read if you want glorious smut and want to be turned on)
42. Microwave (mis)adventures by @bymoonchild (a, f, s) - e2l, college au, roommates au (read if you want a classic jk fic with so much sexual tension and banter and loveable characters you want to hit in the head)
43, Threats and paybacks by @pantaemonium (s) - e2l, roommates au (read if you want cocky little shit jk and some good smut)
44. Mafia leader!kook by @jksangelic (a, s) - husband au, mafia au (read if you want a quickie angst with smut story that’s a little soft but hot and sexy at the same time)
45. Roomie code by @bluekyun (f, s) - f2l, roommate au, soft jk (read if you want bestfriend yoongi and little shit jimin and soft jk with tension and lots of things going on and softness)
46. As I told you by @eleventoes (f) - e2l, college au, roommates au, jock jk (read if you want e2l that’s actually really soft and cute)
(monthly reads masterpost)
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aithusarosekiller · 2 years
So you rated Evan in fics, but can we see a similar review for Barty?
Btw, hope you’re okay with the covid :)
(And I'm not brilliant but I'm not dead so that's good haha)
Gonna do the same fics as the Ev one bc I'm fucking lazy
Again it isn't on how well developed they are, it's how much I love them blah blah blah
1) Choices. I'm sorry, he's funny and loyal to his friends and everything but like...you can see how he's difficult to like after what he did sooo...if he hadn't done that, maybe he would be a little bit higher because he's kinda fun as a character to read. He's also gonna be one of the only characters who doesn't die so that gets some extra girlboss points. His character was done really well but you can see where I'm coming from.
2) Carpe Noctem. I do love him, I do...but I know he's not been perfect and he has definitely done something in the past, probably to do with Sirius, I have ideas but that does have to take away some loml points.
3) Larded With Sweet Flowers. Yes, I am rating my own characterisation in the lower half but I still love the version I wrote, he's just a little bit too much of a dumb himbo sometimes and I am not going back and changing it because I love that for him but sometimes I write something he is saying or thinking and just want to drown him. He is very indecisive and as much as I love him...A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH IS NOT AN INCONVENIENCE! I do love him though. He's a stupid bitch but he's my stupid bitch.
4) The Filth. Mmm, we're getting into proper 'canon could never' area now. This vers is very <3 he's just a horny little bastard and I love that for him. He deserves the world. And all those dicks he's lusting after for 15k words, of course. I love him <333
5) Tell Me Pretty Lies. This was almost number 6 because I can't decide and 5 seems too low for the both of them so I forced myself to pick one over the other and almost screamed doing so. Anyway, I adore him so much. Protective friend and boyfriend? Perfect. The whole 'I love you but you were a bitch <3' thing was perfect. Just...I love him so much, I can't actually describe it. He also has excellent taste in potential sexual and romantic partners so like...that makes it even better. Love a man with taste.
6) Drugs And Surgical Scrubs. What do you mean you can't marry a fictional character? Okay, I've already said this was almost a tie but I had to pick this Bar because he has that 'loveable bitch you can't get rid of' energy and I live for that. I eat that the fuck up. He's like that one mother in the back of a primary school production that will just stand up and give an aggressive thumb-up whenever their child says a line or walks on stage but will then snap at other parents who d the same thing for 'getting in their way'. That is what he reminds me of and I love it.
7) When You Were Mine. I DON'T KNOW EITHER, WE BARELY SEE THE POOR GUY BUT I STILL LOVE HIM OKAY?! It's the way he's just so nice and he genuinely cares and I just AAA, I have an emotional attachment for no reason. He's just so sweet I can't function. There's something about him I just love and I don't know how to word it.
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applejongho · 3 years
2020, a year that will live in infamy. This list, some book series' or standalones that will live rent free in my heart for the next three and a half years.
Books that Got Me Through 2020 (so you can read them in 2021)
The Infernal Devices Series - Cassandra Clare
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part of the enormous shadowhunter series (the mortal instruments, for example, and you don't have to read it first but you can)
literally??? the best fuckin love triangle to exist?? ever??
like seriously I don't like love triangles but I'd murder for this one
wonderfully developed characters
off the rails badass demon fighting pretty black haired boy
gentle and kind (half) chinese violinist that I would jump off of a building for that also fights demons
shapeshifting bibliophile girl that's trying to protect and simultaneously figure out her family bc her dad is probably a demon
like magic? fighting demons? vampires? warlocks? 19th century london? ANGST??? yeah read this
I don't cry over books but I cried over the epilogue of the third book
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The Cruel Prince Series - Holly Black
are you a hoe for enemies to lovers?
if yes then this series will make you their bitch
literally the BEST angry female character I've read ever
like she's not annoying or overly brash or dark or angsty, she just living in a world that hates her while being the badass queen she is
and the prince
OH he's a joy to read
he's a lil bitch and I love him (read: dramatic bitch)
he's also a fairy (and she's not)
and basically says he hates her during make out sessions so
one of my favorite dynamics... ever
and some of the descriptions and words... *chef's kiss* I still think about them even today
a bit of lgbtq representation (bi girl that dates a girl) but not the main focus
I think I ate up the first book in two days which is insane for me
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The Poppy War Series - R.F. Kuang
this author is literally a sadist bc none of the characters make it out happy
fjjdkddk besides that: imagine imperialist Japan and yu-gi-oh and combine them together
like literally the humans start controlling the gods it's metal af
heavy as hell series that has implied rape and implied massacre, but the majority of the series is a war so that's a little expected
it's not classified as YA, it's adult, and is based on true events of the sino-japanese war
main character is also extremely badass, she literally destoys her uterus after getting a period for the first time bc she hated the pain
that alone should compel you
would recommend if you like getting slammed into walls
also! the first part of the book is a lot like harry potter (students going to a school to train for a hypothetical war if it ever came) but then the second half and the rest of the books is Actually The War, It's Here Now, Suffer
there's also a character that's basically draco malfoy but 10000x sexier and I should mention that I was a slut for draco for about a year of my life so that says a lot
and the author is a POC!
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The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires - Grady Hendrix
a group of housewives that essentially everyone thinks are dumb af and incapable of anything besides giving birth and raising children fight an immortal, bloodthirsty, and generally dick vampire
honestly I've seen reviews saying this book is kinda sexist (author is a white man) but as a woman I didn't see any problems? Idk
I read it via an audiobook and I think it would be kinda dry to read as a physical book bc it's sorta slow in the beginning
but then the second half is A Ride™
a rly unorthodox book! and I enjoyed it
also heavy themes such as rape and (overt) sexism (the setting is the south in the 90s)
but just a good book to read if you like seeing the underdog prevail
and the description and the depiction of the vampire is v unique, he's not your typical vampire, he's like,,,
an immortal god that drinks blood
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The Dark Artifices Series - Cassandra Clare
another cc book series lol
same premise as the other one: fantasy creatures and demon hunters except it's modern day
there is SO much lgbtq+ representation (imo, I think it was done well. other people think otherwise tho)
like a black trans woman opening up about her struggles of transitioning, which isn't something I see a lot (ig I don't read enough books abt trans people? or the fantasy genre doesn't have enough of them)
fairies fairies fairies fairies
there's also a crap ton of characters bc the main character's family is enormous
and they're all developed SO WELL
a dumptruck load of angst and ✨forbidden romance✨ that's almost as big as my ass
honestly this is one of those series' that you don't even realize you've finished it until you've shut the cover of the final book and you're zapped back to reality
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Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
my god
this series is honestly everything I ever wanted into a book
physically and mentally disabled characters? yep
diverse characters of color? yep
lgbtq diversity? yes ma'am!
interesting and exciting plotline? i n d e e d
six loveable main characters that could probably murder me in my sleep! fuck yeah
plotline is basically a heist novel and these characters have to do this near impossible mission in order to get glory
oh and they all wanna kill each other
two of them wanna fuck but also fucking hate each other and I love that for them
not a romance heavy book tho, but the romance (as a subplot) that is there is 10000/10 y'know
if you're in a book slump I recommend this to awaken you from your drought bc this quenched my thirst and I'm thirsty af
happy reading!!!
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probablydinosaurs · 3 years
finished dr1 last night. quick character thoughts before I shift brain to dr2 makoto: best boy. best “blank slate” protag ive seen and i hope the next few protags are just as good. sayaka: eh. cute and i like her backstory but. eh *shrug* leon: i feel bad for him but....eh x2. plus characters like that remind me of my nephews dad soooo eeehh. i like sayaka more. kyoko: first to really grow on me. backstory neat and detective vibes are amazing.  hina: best girl #3. god i love her. she's so cute!! and aaa.  sakura: best girl #2. god fuck aaaa the tears. she has never done anything wrong ever and people who judge her can fuck off. her and hina are girlfriends. no questions. god i love them so much my heart.  chihiro + alter ego: best girls #1. trans rights. ill be honest, i was scared af about chihiro bc, as a fem trans boy, my brain always panics that i might relate to trans girl coded characters as my gender instead but. my brain is STUPID. god all that panicking was pointless. once i actually got to her arc. 100% trans girl. 100% adorable. 100% deserved better. also I owe alter ego my life. ill die for her.  toko: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh she grew on me a LOT. bc her beginning behavior. well actually. her whole thing felt like me in middle school. like no joke.  and that really rubbed me the wrong way personally BUT she's still a fun af character and i adore her so much. had some of the best lines.  hifumi: if toko was that type at its best. hifumi is it at its worst. god. we love a fat character whose creepy yaaaaay /s. i do love his English va voicelines tho. the dorky voice deepening always cracked me up. but otherwise. eeehhhh. celeste: a solid 5/10. i dont really have any deeper feelings on her BUT still a great character and. id do what she did for that too lmao. id kill a another human being for aesthetics.    taka: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that is it. best boy. didn't deserve such PAIN mondo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GOD AAAAAAA BOYFRIENDS! didn't cry as hard as case 4 BUT still AAA hiro: i thought he was going to kill hina ngl. i had this like. fake spoiler in my head that he just. does that??? but nope. also loveable stupid. 5/10. tbh i kinda forgot he was a character a lot. mainly bc i was spending all my free time with- byakuya: ha....*cries* I’m predicable lol. add this fucker!! to my chart off “ gay assholes i kin bc i relate to trauma that was only mild af subtext” GOD I HATE HIM SO MUCH HES THE TYPE OF CHARACTER ON THAT LIST I ACTIVELY WANT TO ROAST! “i don't need your help” then seconds later “tell them makoto” BITCH! BITCH! BITCH! twink ass looking asshole bitch i love him!! toko deserves better god i feel so bad. i hear she's in the despair girls game and i hope she gets a good girlfriend that will treat her right. he don't need you boo. go be great faaar away from him. plus he’s gay (and homophobic) and uses makoto as a “please give me attention or i’l die from shame” comfort pillow anyway. GO BE GREAT SOMEWHERE ELSE TOKO!! he doesn't deserve u (nor wants u.) and bc I like him. ik I'm DOOMED to like the other two WAAAY MORE problematic bitch boys in this game franchise.i see art of all three together and im like FUCK THEIR THEY ARE HU!?.......wish me luck ehh.  byakuya was easy mode and i failed.  junko: yep that's junko. junko is junko. no further questions your honor haha. (god I love her) anyway time to sell my soul to another cast of characters. good byyyeeee
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ridasverkisto · 4 years
who are your top ten black clover characters and ships (romantic, platonic)? talk about them!
Oooooooh. This is gonna be a long one so buckle in. I’m also splitting the answer into two—so this is top ten ships, and I’ll do top ten characters in a separate post, because this is long. 😅
Before I get going, I’m just going to say this is in no particular order—I’m listing them in the order they come to mind, as I love all of these pairings for different reasons so it’s hard for me to rank them. I’ll also preface that for most of my pairings it usually doesn’t matter much to me whether it’s romantic or platonic, so long as they’re not. Y’know. Actual siblings/family/etc. Also for the purposes of this ask, I’m leaving out stuff like...the Black Bulls as a platonic ship tag. They’re found family, it’s sort of a given, so this isn’t going to focus on that. And before anyone asks, yes, I have crackships. I am not apologizing.
[If this needs a page break to keep from clogging tags lmk, btw]
1. Magna/Luck (and/or Magna & Luck, it’s the same to me)
What can I say? I’m a sucker for two dumbass best friends who share a brain cell living their best lives. Their dynamic is fun and interesting—Luck literally views Magna as fun and interesting and he loves bothering him because of how he reacts, while Magna started out hating it but grew incredibly fond of Luck’s antics.
They’re dumbasses, but they’re loveable dumbasses who bring out both the best and worst in each other, and I just love the way they interact. It’s great and I love them both so much 💕
2. Finral & Langris
Okay okay so. I know there’s baggage here, because Langris is an entitled little asshole trashbaby, but hear me out. Finral gets to be an older brother, exasperated with Langris and trying super hard to be a good sibling, while Langris is still a trashbaby but a softer one. Like.
They are Peak Sibling Energy, because I can see Langris insulting Finral because “polite interaction with my loser brother, how tf?” But the moment someone else tries to insult Finral, Langris gets annoyed. It’s the younger sibling Rights, only the sibling gets to insult the other siblings and if you try to get in on that fuck you. Meanwhile, Finral learns to be the responsible older sibling to Langris, and steps into being more responsible in other parts of his life while repairing his relationship with Langris.
Not going to lie, a lot of my love for this ship is because I’m probably projecting my own relationship with my own brother onto them to some extent, and my love for proper Sibling Energy has no bounds because that shit’s hilarious when done right.
Let Finral and Langris develop the weird half-unspoken language of siblings, let them reference embarrassing things and blackmail each other over stupid shit like “who’s going to go refill the teapot” or something!! Let them be petty and loving and protective as they learn to be siblings again, because growth!!!!
3. Julius & Yami & William
Why yes, I am a polyshipper. But mostly what I really like about this one is the history and the dynamics between the three of them.
On the one hand you have Julius, who’s hugely respected by the other two, basically mentored/parented them both, and loves them both a hell of a lot. (You can’t look at the way Julius looks at Yami and William and tell me that’s not love, fuck you)
On another, you have Yami; he’s the outcast, loner, stranger in a strange land who was given a support system and place to belong by Julius. He also struggles to understand the less forthright William, and is fiercely loyal. Like. This man loves and respects Julius so fucking much, and it’s shown through such small gestures, it’s amazing.
And finally, there’s William—who couldn’t chose between Julius and Patry, yeah. Who’s a coward and a troll and hides behind his words and masks, but has made the choice to atone for his mistakes. He feels a lot, and is so clearly trying to be better it hurts.
The way the three of them interact has a lot of history and intricacy behind it, and even with current events in the series, I really really love their relationship with each other. This isn’t a ship I love for fluff, but for the tension and aching weight of history and growing up that lies heavy on it. It’s got this lovely sort of pain to it that feels like nostalgia in the summer heat, knowing nothing is ever going to be like it was once and still deciding to hold onto what you have with both hands.
I never said I ship for fluff and romance—I’m here for dynamics, and these three have amazing dynamics. (I will note for this one that it’s one that I can’t see as romantic at all. Not the least bc Julius was literally in his twenties when Yami and William were like 15, bc ~fuck that shit~)
4. William/Dorothy/Rhya
Is this a crackship? Yes!
Have these characters barely if ever interacted on screen? Yes!
Am I probably the only person who thought of this ship and wants to see content for it? Yes!
Do I give a fuck? No!
Not gonna lie, I know this is a crackship of massive proportions. But I’m here for the dynamics and the dynamics here have the potential to just be so damn cathartic, okay?
If I go on a deep tangent about this ship it’ll end up being an entire essay, so that can wait for another day, so I’ll just...give you this: these three have a lot to give each other to challenge and help each other grow. There’s a lot of potential, and tension, and catharsis here. The contrasts and dynamics between the three of them would be interesting and immensely entertaining.
I’ll also shamelessly admit that a good portion of this is also fueled by my personal head canons of William being a trans guy, Dorothy being feminine presenting nb, and Rhya just straight up being pan and attracted to strong people. What can I say? I know what I like lmao 😂
5. Yuno & Asta
I’m a sucker for good friendly rivalries. Especially ones full of so much mutual respect!!! Like, they both respect each other and care so fucking much is amazing ❤️
And don’t get me wrong, I get the people that ship them romantically and I’ll read it; but I see their relationship as more sibling rivalry/platonic than anything else.
You can’t look at Yuno being a Dramatic Bitch to get on Asta’s nerves and tell me that’s not Peak Sibling Energy, because I tell you I have done the exact same to my own brother. Let them be dorks and friends and brothers, bc it WORKS.
6. Rill/Charmy/Langris
Yes, yes this is another crackship. No, I do not care! And yes, i am aware it will very likely never be canon.
I just really like the image of Langris being reluctantly folded into the dynamic of two cinnamon rolls who could probably flatten him if they really wanted to. And Langris slowly coming to the realization that he actually really likes them and cares for them, even if he is a bit tsun-tsun about expressing it sometimes.
Plus, y’know, Rill and Charmy won’t indulge his asshole-ier behaviors, and if he pisses Charmy off he’s very likely to get his ass kicked.
I can’t really explain it more than that other than I just really really like the dynamics with this trio and I hold it very close to my heart 💕
7. Finral & Vanessa
Let them be friends!!! Let them be platonic best friends!!!! I love their dynamic, esp if you expand on it and take a look at how Finral and Vanessa can play off of each other. BEST FRIENDS.
8. David & Letoile
I know everyone likes to think of them as the chaotic one and the no-nonsense one, but consider: Letoile getting wrapped up in David’s shenanigans bc they’re just as ride or die as Magna and Luck are. Everyone thinks of her as the other holder of the Golden Dawn’s self restraint, and she sort of is, but her standards of what should be restrained is very different from Klaus’s.
9. Julius & Marx (can also be Julius/Marx, but only prior to the whole deaging thing)
Wholesome ship! It’s already obvious that they care about each other a lot in canon, so let that be expanded upon and developed more. It also adds the fun bit that the issues with Julius running away from his paperwork become even more comical with the added context. It starts to feel less like a subordinate yelling at their commandeer and more like an old married couple or something 😂
10. Leopold & Asta & Yuno & Noelle
Three competitive dumbasses and the exasperated one who makes it worse. I love them all and I think they make the best fucking quad friend group;; let them be friends, please. Please. Just the shenanigans they would get into makes me cackle with glee.
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generallynerdy · 4 years
Maybe it does all add up to a single hush (Kanan Jarrus/Cal Kestis)
Summary: 15 years after the Fall, 10 years after the death of Caleb Dume, Kanan Jarrus and Cal Kestis find each other again.
Warnings: Jedi: Fallen Order Spoilers, Implied/Referenced Character Death, cursing, brief suicidal ideation/thoughts Word Count: 5,143
Author’s Note: the effort I had to put in not to make this another series...I had to stage an intervention for myself. Anyway, I love Cal and Kanan’s dynamic, whether as partners or as friends, and an Idea struck me that wouldn’t leave. Also, idk how old most people think Cal was when the war ended based on JFO clips, but I always just kind of went with him being the same age as Kanan at the end of the war bc I love them and I need them to know each other. The title is from the poem “So They Say— They Finally Nailed— The Proton’s Size— & Hope— Dies—” by Rosebud Ben-Oni.
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When the hard part is over, Cal returns to Bracca, his new lightsaber tucked under Cere’s old robe that still smells like the Temple, with the intention of burning Prauf’s body.
Caleb still had his own robe. He kept it in the deepest part of their shared closet, bringing it out only on the worst days. If Prauf saw it, he never mentioned it, and both boys were grateful for it. There was a lot he didn’t mention.
Cal thinks, sometimes, that Prauf knew who they were before. After all, it’s hard to look at two abandoned kids in the wake of the Clone Wars that can survive being riggers and not think of the thousands of Jedi younglings that died on Empire Day. It’s even harder to ignore two lightsabers and one ratty, brown robe.
Maybe Prauf wasn’t sure.
But he had to be, on that last day, when they found that fighter. When Cal caught him with the Force. He knew then, maybe before. But he still took care of them.
Maybe he knew when the Empire showed up, when Caleb heard the roar of a TIE Fighter and looked instantly to the redheaded boy beside him like he was about to die before his eyes. Maybe that was the moment he put it all together. Or was it his last moment? When the world began to go dark and both Cal and Caleb lashed out in fury at his killers with matching, bright blue blades—did he know? Did he know that he died for the children of an already dying Order?
Standing over the bonfire, Cal holds the Holocron in shaky hands.
Did Prauf know his sacrifice would save the life of every child just like them?
Cal moves away from the flames to the gap in the ground that they’d held Caleb over, his calloused hands clawing at the Ninth Sister, who clutched his throat.
Deep in Cal’s heart, he knows half the reason he beat her was for his best friend. He’d almost given in to rage but stopped himself at the memory of him. Revenge is not the way of the Jedi. But justice is. And so is survival, these days.
Caleb’s lightsaber fell long before he did. When he did fall, he went screaming bloody murder, the noise echoing in the silence that rang in Cal’s ears.
Standing at the edge now, Cal almost considers simply...stepping off.
He can survive it. He has before. And what’s to say that Caleb isn’t waiting at the bottom?
Caleb...used to like animals, he remembers. He preferred them to plants, which are unreadable if you don’t have practise with them. Animals, like people, are complex but tell you in simple terms what they want and what they don’t want. Cal has always been better with plants. They’re simple, grounding, natural. Caleb used to tease him for it.
The only plant he ever managed to grow on this place was a seedling in a boot filled with dirt he kept in their room. It had been making good progress in their last weeks, enough that he’d actually felt some semblance of hope.
And then...and then he’d lost everything. Again.
The Holocron burns in his hand, reminding him that there is more in store for him than an endless chasm. Hundreds of thousands of Force-sensitive children are depending on him now, him and the Mantis crew.
Cal lets out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t save you,” he whispers to the wind. “But maybe I can save them.”
On the way back to the Mantis, he turns around to go find the robe and the plant in its boot. The robe smells like blaster fire and the plant is wilting but both are comforting: one because it’s familiar and the other because it’s not quite gone yet.
Kanan changes his name.
It doesn’t feel right, hearing his given name from anyone that isn’t Cal or Prauf. The first and only time it happens, nausea sinks in and he quickly makes the change.
Some days, he wants to go back to Bracca. Some part of him still hopes Cal survived the Inquisitors, that he’s waiting for him back at what used to be home, but the logical part of him knows that he’s not. Kanan surviving was a miracle, a fluke, and those don’t happen twice. Sometimes he wishes it had never happened at all.
He managed to save his lightsaber, as broken to bits as it was. It and the necklace Cal gave him are all he has now.
Kanan doesn’t let himself grieve, as much as he knows he needs to. He hardly did it before, on Bracca, but now he won’t allow even a tear. Surviving is the only thing on his mind, though for what he doesn’t know.
When he almost loses that little piece of metal on a string, though, he breaks down sobbing.
It’s the stupidest thing, really. All those lessons on attachment are lost on him now, as he cries over the rusted symbol of the Jedi Order on a piece of scrap metal that Cal had put on a cord for him. He keeps it close to his heart, hanging off his neck every hour of every day if he can help it, and getting that close to losing it is the last straw.
He knows now, why he’s surviving. Because Cal would want him to.
Meeting Hera is a relief. She’s kind but curious, which is more of a bane than it should be.
(Painfully, he’s reminded of himself as a youngling. His Master always said his frequent questions were what drew her to him.)
She’s the first to know about his past, both as a Jedi and a rigger on Bracca. He doesn’t think to mention Caleb, doesn’t think it would matter to anyone, not until after a mission gone bad.
Hera is putting bacta on his wounds and graciously ignoring his constant wincing when she sees it.
She points to the cord after examining what hangs on it for a minute. “For someone who’s trying to be discreet, you wear a lot of Jedi stuff.”
Kanan snorts. “Yeah, well, I won’t get rid of this one.”
“It’s important to you,” she points out. “Can I ask why?”
He hesitates, swallowing roughly. “My best friend gave it to me...on Bracca, befo-before the Inquisitors caught up to us,” he admits. “He didn’t make it.”
Her eyes are full of empathy, something she never lacks. “What was his name?”
“Cal,” he says, voice quiet. “Cal Kestis.”
“If you remember his name,” she promises, “he’ll always be with you.”
It’s not so much a Twi’lek belief as it is her own but it reminds Kanan of Grey more than anyone else. His buir. The clones subscribed to many Mandalorian beliefs, including the echoing of remembrances for the dead. Before the abrupt end of the war, little Caleb used to say his every morning with his Master and buir.
So, he decides to start again. It’s difficult, at first, to even get through the first names, his oldest names.
“Depa Billaba,” he says through tears in the quiet of pre-dawn, “Grey, Styles, Prauf...”
He stops.
It’s hard to think, even harder to say, but he knows he needs to. He needs to tell himself the truth, needs to accept the truth.
He sobs, shaky and painful. His throat burns just like it did when he fell down the chasm on Bracca, screaming his head off, part out of fear for himself but mostly for fear of what was happening to Cal above him. It hurts to speak it into the world, into the Force and those marching on. Cal is among them now, he knows. He just...has to admit it.
“Cal Kestis,” he finally says, the admission wobbly and half-hearted.
He never loses the necklace again.
They’ve finally settled on Bogano, after wiping every trace of it from Imperial data servers. The Holocron is safely locked away in the Vault, guarded by their crew and the Binog, fondly called ‘the big guy,’ mostly by fault of Greez.
Though mostly self-sufficient, occasionally some of them will leave the planet for supplies they can’t make themselves. While off on supply runs, well, they can’t help it if some Imperials just look like easy pickings. Apparently, slavers get the same treatment because Merrin ends up a figure in some sort of oral tradition of a Tatooine family, which Cal finds hilarious. Cere is not so amused and grounds them—literally, in that they can’t leave Bogano—for over a month.
Cal spends most of it repairing old platforms and ziplines, not to mention entertaining the Boglings.
They’re fond of him, for some reason, and BD-1, who loves to run around with them while Cal works. One in particular, named Rabid by Merrin after she stole her entire plate of food, is especially loveable.
Cal snickers as he pulls Rabid off his shoulder. “I have to finish this, then I can play.”
Rabid is not pleased with his answer, nibbling at his trousers.
“Rabid,” he chides, ignoring her in favour of his work. He laughs again. “I used to know somebody who would’ve loved you, annoying as you are.”
BD, who has taken Rabid’s place, beeps curiously.
Cal’s face falls a little. He pauses in his work. “Oh. I guess I’ve never told you about Caleb, huh?”
The little droid shakes his head.
Cal never intended to talk about Caleb to anyone, really, but it all comes pouring out. He tells BD and Rabid all about his old best friend, his confidant. The story is a long one, reaching from the creche all the way to Bracca and its bitter end. By the time he’s finished, his voice is quiet and hesitant, his grief echoing through.
Rabid curls up in his lap, nudging his hand, while BD sits in front of them, tilting his head.
A little light on the side of his scope says that he’s recording. He does that a lot, Cal knows, for prosperity, just like he was programmed to. Cal doesn’t mind, really.
When he finishes, BD gets his attention by chirping.
“Huh? You have something to show me?”
BD’s projector whirrs to life and a blue image appears. It’s Cordova, again, but not a video this time. It’s only a holo, of him and another Jedi—Master Jocasta Nu, Cal realises. Master Cordova is dead asleep on her shoulder and she’s leaned over to kiss his brow.
“Oh,” Cal breathes out, something jarring in his chest.
BD-1 thinks that he and Caleb were—well, were like that.
“I—” he pauses. “I dunno, buddy. I never asked him if...but I think…”
Well. It’d be a stretch to say Cal loved him, but he certainly cared for him more than he ever did anyone else. When they were thirteen and stupid, he might’ve said he had a crush on him. After the Fall, on Bracca, he just...didn't think of it. Caleb was all he had and he clung but he never...thought about what it was, thought about what they were.
It hurts to think of now, all that he missed.
“I don’t know if I did,” Cal tells BD quietly. “But I think I- I think I could have.”
BD asks about Caleb a lot, after that. Maybe he can tell that talking about him makes Cal happy. The others know about the one he lost but they don’t ask. They all have their demons and Cal’s are just...just too great to pile on another person. BD, though, is a little easier. All he wants is to see Cal smile again.
“What’s this?”
Kanan doesn’t think to look up at whatever Ezra—the newest addition to the Ghost crew—has swiped from him, until he notices a weight missing from his neck. His head snaps up to where a cord hangs from Ezra’s hand.
“Give that back,” Kanan growls, not meaning to be so aggressive.
Ezra’s eyes widen. He holds it out immediately, dropping it into Kanan’s open hand. “Sorry,” he mutters, watching curiously as Kanan puts it back on.
Almost by instinct, Kanan tucks the piece of scrap metal back under his shirt and breathes out a sigh of relief. He goes back to his datapad. Then, a moment later, when he notices the entire room is still silent, he looks up. Sabine and Zeb have joined Ezra in staring incredulously.
“What?” Kanan asks, his voice back to normal.
“I’ve never seen you that mad before,” Sabine admits with a half-shrug, though her eyes betray her concern.
Zeb nods, arms crossed. “And I’ve never seen you without that thing on your neck.”
“Yeah, you even sleep with it!” Ezra adds. “What’s up with that?”
“I—” He goes to make an excuse but stops, his hand fidgeting with the necklace.
“You don’t have to…” Sabine starts to say, but he shakes his head.
He sighs. To be honest, he’s surprised Zeb and Sabine haven’t asked before. “My best friend gave it to me.”
Ezra immediately sits down across from him, eyes wide. “Another Jedi?”
Admittedly, the kid is a lot like he used to be: always asking questions, always pushing. It’s going to get him in trouble someday but for now, it just gets him more stories out of Kanan, stories about the Jedi.
“Yeah. Yeah, another Padawan. We grew up in the Temple together.” He smiles, a fickle and fleeting thing. “He was picked by a Master before me, so we were separated...at the end. But I found him again, on the planet he was last assigned. He gave me this.”
Ezra’s face is bright, curious. Sabine, on the other hand, looks prepared for a gut-punch.
“What happened to him?” she asks quietly.
Kanan exhales sharply, ruefully. “Inquisitors. After 5 years of nothing, they came out of nowhere. I never saw what happened to him. For all I know, they still have him.”
“Oh,” Ezra says, his face falling.
“You know, Zeb,” Kanan begins, not wanting to make things any sadder, “his Master was a Lasat.”
He scoffs. “No way.”
“He was, swear it on my life!” he claims, raising a hand. “First time I saw you, I thought Master Tapal came back to haunt me for being a bad influence.”
Zeb snickers. “Bad influence? You?”
“Eh, a nudge here and there. We were not good kids.”
He tells them a few stories before Sabine and Zeb are called away by Hera and Chopper, leaving Ezra and Kanan alone. Ezra makes to follow them but stops, his expression cautiously blank.
“What is it, Ezra?” Kanan asks, already knowing that he’s brimming with curiosity.
“You said he was...your best friend?”
He frowns. “Yeah, ever since we were kids. Why?”
“I dunno. The way you talked about him just reminded me of my parents,” Ezra admits hesitantly. “Sappy. Did you—?”
Kanan sighs, touching his necklace again.
He had always been more reckless than Cal, back then. He threw himself into everything, into every situation. No matter the problem or the person, he was all-in. No matter what. And that included Cal. Once he took that step, he was karked. Before he knew it, he was hanging onto the redhead’s every word.
Cal was...different. Kanan had known that for a long time but the war only brought it out.
Kanan had a stupid crush, that was all. But on Bracca, it was everything and more.
He’d known then, known for a long time. Cal had never seen it but he didn’t have to. Kanan was fine the way things were. It didn’t feel right, bringing things up after...well, after. So Cal never knew.
(Sure, he could see the past of things with a single touch of his hands but he’d always been pretty oblivious.)
“Love him?” Kanan asks, raising an eyebrow.
Ezra nods.
It’s without hesitation that he answers. “I did.”
When they go in search of Master Luminara, Kanan’s kids buy him a precious few minutes to search for a Cal Kestis in the prisoner logs. He’s not there, of course, but Kanan thinks he prefers that to a death certificate.
“Ho-oly shit,” Greez says over comms one day. “You guys better get up here.”
Cal shares a look with Cere, following her out of the workshop with BD on his shoulder. Merrin has already teleported to Greez’s side when they arrive, lightsabers in hand. Greez passes the young man—not so young anymore, Cere has commented teasingly as he desperately shaves away any trace of his age—a pair of electrobinoculars.
Squinting through the scope, he spies a trail of smoke on the horizon attached to a ship.
“Kriffing hells,” Cere says after she gets a look.
In all their 10 years here, no one has ever landed—or crashed, for that matter—on the planet. The few ships that have come into orbit were Imperial and always quickly dealt with before word could get out. This one, however, isn’t exactly your standard Imperial cruiser. And it’s wrecked.
“Looks like a modified VCX-100 light freighter to me,” Greez says. “It’s a nice ship.”
Merrin rolls her eyes. “Are we waiting for them to come to us?”
“Looks like we don’t have to,” Cere declares, still looking through the binocs. “They’re headed this way, six hostiles. Three humans, a Lasat, a Twi’lek, and a droid.”
Greez laughs. “A Lasat? We’re kriffed.”
“Says you,” Merrin snorts.
“I’m with her,” Cal agrees, a cocky smile on his face. “Merrin and I will take the Vault. Cere, Greez, take home. BD will lure the big ones our way.”
“You got it, kid.”
Cere puts a hand on his shoulder before he can follow Merrin—more or less, seeing as she just teleports everywhere. “Be careful.”
The worst part of intruders is that even the hypothetical good ones can’t know Bogano is here. They’ll have to knock them out hard enough for their memories to be spotty and dump them in a nearby system if they’re smart—and they are.
Cal slips on his robe, a gift from Cere, and flips the hood up, making for the Vault.
If these visitors think they can take the Holocron, they have another thing coming.
“Are you sure we can find help here?” Ezra asks for the third time as they approach the massive building in the distance. “It looks...deserted.”
Hera sighs for the third time. “Scanners said there were signs of life here in a higher concentration than the rest of the planet. It’s worth checking out.”
Sabine gestures through the mild fog. “There’s buildings up ahead.”
“Good, let’s head there,” Kanan says, a cautious hand on his lightsaber.
Hopping across platforms is a pain, but they all manage to make their way to what looks like a residential area. A small path digs into the ground, leading deeper inside the planet’s crust. With a look at her second in command, Hera starts toward it. However, she stops when Kanan freezes.
“Do you feel that?” he asks suddenly, squinting as he looks into the distance.
Something is...tugging at him. Something in the Force is insistent that he go...that way. The feeling of incompleteness settles inside his chest.
“No…” Ezra replies uneasily. “What is it?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know.” After a moment, he decides. “I think I should go this way. You guys go on ahead.”
Zeb scoffs. “I’ll go with you. We don’t know who lived here. Could be Inquisitors for all we know.”
“They generally prefer places with lava,” Ezra counters.
The group splits, with Hera leading Sabine, Chopper, and Ezra into the abode. She and Sabine have their blasters raised, while Ezra keeps a hand on his lightsaber. Chopper is always ready to give someone a nasty shock.
“Anyone home?” Sabine calls.
There’s no answer.
They come across a small kitchen and dining room, where two chairs are pulled out. Over one hangs a small, ratty brown robe with multiple blaster burns.
Ezra plucks it off the back of the seat. “Woah, cool,” he breathes. “Very Jedi-like, huh?”
“Leave it, Ezra,” Hera chides fondly.
“You’d best,” says another voice.
All three of them jump as a lightsaber hums to life. Double-bladed, the weapon burns bright white throughout the room, illuminating its bearer, a woman with dark skin and hair, and her companion.
“Inquisitor!” Ezra cries, lighting his own.
The lightsaber wielder’s friend fires off a blaster right at Hera, who’s shoved out of the way by Sabine. Chopper shrieks, his head spinning.
“Look out!”
On the surface, Zeb follows Kanan to the edge of the platform. There, they find a zip line, which they intend to brave before a series of chirps stops them.
Zeb yelps and lifts his rifle when a droid appears, only stopped by Kanan’s raised hand.
It’s...a buddy droid.
“Hey, little guy,” Kanan greets cautiously. “What are you doing all the way out here?”
He beeps excitedly and backs away, indicating that they should follow. With a single leap, he attaches himself to the zipline and whirrs as he zooms all the way down.
“Don’t tell me we’re following the droid,” Zeb groans.
Kanan just smiles. “We’re following the droid.”
Using the Force to balance himself, he leaps atop the zipline and begins to tiptoe his way down. Behind him, Zeb sighs but reaches up to grab the line, following right after him. They land on a platform a good distance away, where a small slope is guarded by two statues; the beings depicted are of an unknown species, one lost to time.
“I don’t like this,” Zeb says as soon as he hops onto the grass. “It’s like the start of a bad horror holo.”
Kanan snorts. “If that were true, it would be raining tookas and massiffs.”
The buddy droid whirrs loudly to get their attention and bounces his way up the sloping path, on top of which sits a fluffy native creature. Kanan doesn’t know what they’re called, but this one is adorable. She chirps at them, much like the droid did.
“Oh, you’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” Kanan coos, moving to meet the creature and let her sniff his hand.
She makes a happy noise and nudges him.
“Ugh,” Zeb mutters, “more things.”
The droid and the creature lead them to the entrance of the massive, ancient building that had caught Kanan’s eye from the crash site. He steps in front of Zeb, placing his hand on the runes in the rock as the Force sings. This isn’t what’s calling him, but…
“Something is here,” Kanan whispers.
“I hope it’s not something that wants to eat us,” Zeb says long-sufferingly.
The slab of rock retreats into the space above, leaving an open tunnel of sorts.
“Karabast,” the Lasat curses, “I hate Jedi stuff.”
Kanan rolls his eyes. “C’mon.”
It’s a tight fit, but the two squeeze their way through, Kanan leading the way. They exit into a large cavern filled with a few inches of water, just enough to be annoying. Standing in the midst of the cave is a figure in a brown robe. The moment Kanan spots him, he draws his lightsaber and stands in front of Zeb until he can ready his rifle, too.
“You are not meant to be here.”
Kanan frowns. “The Force says otherwise. Who are you?”
“The guardian of this vault. You need to leave,” the figure says.
From underneath their robe, they draw a very familiar weapon. With a snap and a hiss, two blades of yellow light appear. Kanan lights his own lightsaber in response but it’s too little too late.
A green smoke encompasses Zeb, who yelps as he’s flung across the room by a pissed off Nightsister—which makes zero sense because they’re all supposed to be dead.
Kanan makes for his friend, interrupted only by the mysterious guardian rushing at him.
“Where did you get that lightsaber?” the faceless figure hisses.
And, well, Kanan doesn’t know how to answer that question except with another question. “Where did you get yours? ”
Back in the residential platform, Hera leaps in between Ezra and the lightsaber-wielder. “Wait!” she cries.
Both stop, staring at her like she’s crazy.
“That’s a healed kyber crystal, isn’t it?” Hera asks, pointing to her white blade. “You’re not an Inquisitor. You’re a Jedi.”
The woman lowers her lightsaber just slightly. “I was.”
“I’m one, too!” Ezra chirps, popping out from behind Hera. “Er. I’m training to be one!”
Her eyes widen. “A Padawan? Who’s your Master?”
Before he can answer, Hera speaks for him. “Kanan Jarrus. But his name used to be Caleb Dume.”
“Caleb?” she asks, her voice hushed in awe. “Depa Billaba’s Padawan?”
She nods.
Abruptly, the woman turns sharply on her heel, raising her comm unit to her lips and rushing out the door. “Cal, they’re non-hostiles, non-hostiles! Don’t hurt your boyfriend!”
“What!?” Ezra and Sabine cry at the same time, the former’s voice cracking.
Without another word, they follow her and her friend outside.
Merrin has the Lasat out of the Vault long before Cal gets his opponent to the entrance, admittedly. Lightsaber to lightsaber combat is significantly more balanced than Nightsister magick against a bo-rifle, poor guy.
Still, Cal pushes the intruder to the top of the Vault’s slope, the man just on the edge of slipping.
That’s when Cere’s voice crackles through the comms.
“Cal, they’re non-hostiles, non-hostiles! Don’t hurt your boyfriend!”
Hand grasping the intruder’s shirt, holding him above the edge, Cal freezes. He meets brown eyes and suddenly can’t breathe, gaze drifting to the cord around the taller man’s neck. His gloveless fingers just barely skim the material, Force signatures exploding in front of his eyes.
And suddenly, he can see it. He can see himself, painstakingly painting that symbol onto the metal and bartering for a cord. He sees an older Caleb sobbing in the quiet of an unfamiliar room, clutching that necklaces like a lifeline.
“Did you—?”
“Love him? I did.”
A shaky breath passes his lips.
“Caleb?” he asks, voice breaking on the name that’s so unfamiliar on his tongue.
The grip on his wrist loosens.
Kanan hears the woman’s voice, clear as day, but he almost doesn’t believe it at first. He almost doesn’t believe when he hears that whispered question. Caleb. It’s the name of a stranger and yet—yet when that robe’s hood slips off to reveal red hair and bright green eyes, he feels like he’s never known any other name.
The Force wasn’t calling him to the Vault. It was calling him to its guardian.
Silence falls, the rest of the world fading away. All they’ve been through, all they’ve seen, and it all stops in this moment. It all adds up to this.
Cal lets go of his shirt, letting him balance precariously at the top of the muddy slope down from the Vault. Neither of them speaks—neither of them knows what to feel, except bright, unparalleled joy.
Cal doesn’t let himself flinch when Caleb reaches, his fingers just barely skimming his cheek.
He doesn’t get much further. Green smoke encompasses his body and before Cal knows it, his best friend is being flung from the Vault entrance to the platform beyond, screaming as he goes. The platform beyond, where the Oggdo used to reside, is covered in flowers. It was there that Cal planted his little sapling in a boot and there that the plant spread, covering almost every inch of land with budding blue and yellow flowers.
Cal whirls around to see Merrin, her eyes glowing green.
“Merrin, no!” he protests, eyes wide with desperation. “That’s Caleb!”
Merrin’s glowing fades as she glances at the nearby Lasat and her friend’s horrified face. “My mistake,” she says in that tone that says she knows exactly who he is.
(They were taking too long to speak, in her opinion.)
Cal huffs at her before getting a running start toward the entrance, using the Force to balance himself as he slides down that muddied slope, sailing right toward Caleb. Near the end, he leaps into the air, propelling himself a mere few feet from his collapsed companion.
“Caleb!” he cries, stumbling the last few steps and falling to his knees, where Caleb is face-down in the damp grass, his hair-tie mysteriously missing.
Caleb is—well, he’s okay. He’s just...wheezing with laughter.
He pushes himself up on his elbows and flips over just as Cal makes it to him, his chest heaving with the effort. And still, he laughs, a half-mad sound.
“Are you o—?” Cal is cut off by his own yelp when Caleb flings himself up from the ground and pulls Cal with him.
He embraces the redhead, dragging them both to their feet so he can swing Cal around. Cal shrieks and hitches his legs up on his hips, as difficult as that is with the man’s height—the bastard, he grew. He reaches desperately for Caleb’s shoulders to hold onto when they spin, completely unaware of Cere and the rest of Caleb’s group appearing on the platform.
Finally, Caleb stops, looking up at Cal with shining eyes and a smile that could kill a man. Cal leans forward, letting his forehead fall against his and breathing out a sigh of relief.
“I thought the Inquisitors had you,” Caleb whispers, a thousand more words in the back of his mind, too many to count.
Cal’s eyes well with tears. “I thought you were dead.”
Caleb has always been more reckless than Cal but the latter was the one to hear his words echo through that necklace, an admission years too late. It’s because of that little echo that Cal buries a hand in the hair that falls to his shoulders and pushes his head upward, meeting him in a searing kiss.
Out of shock, Caleb both squeaks—adorable, Cal thinks—and clutches the back of Cal’s shirt for a moment before dropping him. Luckily, his instinct has him landing on his feet.
The drop pulls him away and, looking up, he sees Caleb looking shell-shocked.
He just grins, grabs the taller man’s shirt, and pulls him in for another kiss, this one saying much more than the first. Caleb plants his feet and buries a hand in Cal’s hair for good measure.
They both ignore Greez cackling in the distance and Sabine’s whispered: “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck —”
Because in that moment, all is right with the galaxy. Cal’s flowers are fully grown and blossoming beneath their feet, Caleb’s robe is waiting for him in the other room, and they have each other again.
And that’s all they’ve ever really wanted, isn’t it?
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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soft4gguk · 3 years
Omg guuuurl the recent chapter left me with so many feelings T.T I really love Soori, she is so cute I wish I had one like her in my life
And omg when mei and taehyung came over, I really thought "okkk now an revelation would be appropriate " and jk just pulled that move 😔 man that must have hurt
Like I really love jk and one can be really proud of his development throughout the series because man if I would be left as a single dad so suddenly I wouldn't know any better
But he got on his feet and is so loveable and such an admirable parent who provides his child security in any level
However I kind of feel that he was/is kind of unfair to the oc :( even though he really likes her without a doubt and oc is so so so understanding and perceptive, I just can't help to wonder to what extent her understanding him will last or in another words how many sacrifices she is willing to do because she understands
Because i think any relationship means sacrifice or the sacrifices you know you will bring with you in some hypothetical scenarios
And I see oc doing all that and being such a driven warm person who is full of so much love and is so ready to give it
And I feel like jk is the same when they are together and how he is with soori and his friends.. like he is not a bad man he is just overcoming a really rough patch and still is so humane and just a cutie patootie
I think he doesn't know any better and I wonder when he will know how to treat oc better
I really understand him and it's not a difficult task tbh because he really isn't a bad person
But I can't help to imagine what oc must have felt like
Like imagine you sleep with ur love interest/crush after so many failed amends to take it /slowly/
And then u have such a domestic time he is so perfect and makes u swoon
And then when u think u will go another step forward by telling his closest friends, he takes a step back and u r helpless :(
Anyway I can't wait to see how their relationship develops. I really love all the characters and ughh 💕💖💗 this series just gives me so much comfort and j wanna thank u for that :*
hiiii <3333 this was SUCH a nice message to read thank u so much for sending me it 🤧 I have to agree w u I want a Soori too (does she come w a dad? 😁) ugh I know! he truly blew it by lying like that, especially bc it broke oc's lil heart :( and yes even though he's come very far character development wise there is still so much healing for him to do and we can only heal ourselves in the end so I know it must be hard for him. I wonder that, too tbh LOL - I'm full on putting myself in her shoes to try to best develop the story in a realistic way and let me tell u its PAIN. and I agree w you!! sacrifices are the biggest act of love at times and she's definitely walking herself right into one, but she's doing it out of love so I commend her for that 🤧 they're both such good people and I like to believe that triumphs at the end bc I am a romantic and I just want them to *now kiss* forever. lolol. this was so much fun to read and reply to THANK U FOR SHARING UR THOUGHTS WITH ME!! it's so very cool and makes me feel tingly on the inside. ily a milli <333
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otterdinosaur · 3 years
Spoilers obvs
So I have never read the web toon but I will now that I’m done with the LA but for now here are my thoughts:
I love Hyun su. Absolute loveable baby. I must protect. I love how his character is. Everything he does is so god damn selfless and it hurts me when he is put in pain. They really did a good job making him that way.
Eun hyeock (is that how it’s spelt) the older brother REALLY grew on me. At the start I completely understood his actions bc he was being rational but still kind of an ass... then by the end he was literally my 2nd fave after hyun su. And then... he dies? Not too sure what to think but I’m hopeful that maybe he didn’t die.. might just be false hope tho 0_o
Also the gangster dude I really liked and at the end I’m guessing that’s not the real him. Perhaps the other monster-human like hyun su. But yeah I’m upset that gangster guy died... I really thought he would stay alive the whole run.
Honestly... I kinda dig the bad CGI. The start had some bad CGI and I kinda just chuckled and thought whatever but by the end idk if it got better or not but I honestly thought it was okay cgi. Like hyun su’s wing was kinda cool
OMG THAT GUY WHO PUSHED THE BUTTON PISSED ME OFF.... so many more people could have survived if he hadn’t pushed it. Idek his name so you can tell he ain’t worth it.
Not too invested in any romance plot now that the religious dude died cus yeah I shipped him with the bass gal. Would have been cute. Other than those two I don’t see myself rooting for any others like ballet girl and hyun su👀
I personally really like the show so imma give it a 9/10, one point lost just cus of some annoying mfs in the show that didn’t add much.
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poppy-metal · 5 years
Gimme robin x reader shit thanks she cute
YESSS my girl, my wife, the loml
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She seems like the type who's gonna be your best friend on top of being your lover, like be careful eating or drinking around her you've already had 10 coughing fits bc she's made u laugh so hard at inappropriate times.
She uses dude and babe interchangeably. They mean the same to her.
She likes to poke fun at you, it's just in her nature to tease people and you being her girlfriend you get the most of it. Expect her to mess up your hair by ruffling it, expect annoying pet names, expect everything. Mostly she just loves seeing you smile afterwards. It makes her tummy flutter.
Teasing aside when she first meets you she is much less suave, the awkward flirting would be painful for her wingman steve to watch but she tries her best and her best is adorably endearing. She tries to pick you up w puns and ill placed winks, eventually winning you over before you can even help it bc how could you not fall for her dorkiness?
She is extremely affectionate. She wants to be touching you as much as she can, mostly bc she feels so lucky to have you, she never thought she'd find someone who accepts her and all her weirdness. She'll hold your hand idly and run her thumb over your knuckles. She'll hug you from behind and perch her head on your shoulder to peer at what your doing. She'll pull you into do a silly dance w her when her favorite song comes on, spinning you around dramatically. She lights up whenever you come to greet her at work and rushes to greet you everytime. Steve and Dustin pretend to be grossed out by your public displays of affection to which robin is just like, shut up this is the loml deal w it losers.
She likes to go out and do fun things. Movie dates, carnival dates, even just wandering around the mall she likes being out with you and sharing experiences. That's not to say she would totally be down to have a stay at home day and cuddle with you on the couch as you both down junk food and watch horror movies, making fun of the characters reactions and decisions.
Robin loves, loves, loves, making out. She is big gay and just wants to be kissing you whenever she can, there are some days where you just spend hours lazily kissing. She likes to nip at your bottom lip and kiss on your neck, she likes when you burry your hands in her hair and pull her closer.
I see Robin as a true switch. She doesn't ring particularly dominant or submissive, she's just the type to just want to do what both makes you feel good. That being said she would absolutely not protest if you wanted to throw her down and sit on her face or pull her hair a little hard. If she finds out you're more on the submissive side except extra teasing and her absolutely adoring making you blush and cum as many times as she can make you, w her tongue and fingers and,,,,,ofc strap.
She's just a loveable ball of sunshine and she'd be the best girlfriend ever i love my wife sm 😭💖💖💖
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
      SHIPPING     INFO     !!
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ANSWER     THE     FOLLOWING     FOR     YOUR     MUSE     SO     PEOPLE     KNOW     HOW     SHIPPING     WORKS     ON     YOUR     BLOG.
WHAT     IS     YOUR     OTP     FOR     YOUR     CHARACTER?: trash time TRASH TIME look at me . look me in the eyes. jdro.nica with @shotblanks​ is the most important thing . 
WHAT     ARE     YOU     WILLING     TO     WRITE     WHEN     IT     COMES     TO     SHIPPING?: i mean bro , every single relationship is going to be different , and all of them are going to have their own struggles . i’m pretty much open to writing basically anything so long as it isn’t like ... GENUINELY harmful or anything lmao ! especially catch me with those angst - with - a - happy - ending shits where we are rewarded with fluff at the end of a HARD , PAINFUL ROAD .
HOW     LARGE     DOES     THE     AGE     GAP     HAVE     TO     BE     TO     MAKE     IT     UNCOMFORTABLE?: age gaps are ... not something i usually go for ? two maybe three years t o p s , unless we’re working in college or prof/adult verses and then i can stretch to five or something , but like . not huge on my list , there .
ARE     YOU     SELECTIVE     WHEN     SHIPPING?: i’m ... really n o t lmao i should be more so but i’m willing to at least talk anything out with anyone ? i’m open to shit , and i think shipping in general is supremely fun so of course i wanna keep doing it lmao ! 
HOW     FAR     DO     STEAMY     MOMENTS     HAVE     TO     GO     BEFORE     THEY     ARE     CONSIDERED     NS/FW?: HRM ... when the makeout sesh gets Too Heavy , then i will simply pull the curtains ... 
WHO     ARE     THE     OTHER     CHARACTERS     YOU     SHIP     YOUR     CHARACTER     WITH?: listen i’m currently putting together a Fucking List bc the last couple days have granted me some WONDERFUL crossover events lol . we got nancy wheeler , jenny myers , draco malfoy , all kinds of badasses joining the party i LOVE them all . in terms of canon ? i don’t really ship her with any of the other heathers to be honest ( her feelings towards them are FAR too complex to go romantic ) , betty finn is too close a friend in her eyes , and other than that , there’s no other options other than jd lol . but outside of that ? damn ... i do be having some wishlists in my heart ... but those will stay quiet bc i ain’t about to make anyone feel like i’m force shipping lol .
DOES     ONE     HAVE     TO     ASK     TO     SHIP     WITH     YOU?: not really , but i do appreciate if they do ! in a thread if it starts to feel like it’s naturally progressing towards a ship , then i’ll just come into the dms like BITCH THIS IS G R E A T but sometimes i do post shipping calls , and then it’s pretty much fair game . at any time you can come to me and shoot your shot for my girl lol ! 
ARE     YOU     SHIP     OBSESSED     OR     SHIP     MORE-OR-LESS?: i am ... ashamed , but i’m also honest . i’m definitely obsessed . she’s just such a dynamic character with complicated intimacy issues and desires in all her verses so like ... i’m desperate to explore them all . plus she is a girl who falls for people really f u c k i n ’ easily canonically so you can’t just point the finger at me ! 
ARE     YOU     MULTISHIP?: oh very MUCH so lmao ! she’s too loveable to contain .
WHAT     IS     YOUR     FAVOURITE     SHIP     IN     YOUR     CURRENT     FANDOM?: it ... it do be on that jdr.onica grind ... listen i know it’s problematic but i only love it with the way brian and i have shifted things okay ? gdmn ... 
FINALLY,     HOW     DOES     ONE     SHIP     WITH     YOU?: i am literally about to make a shipping call post so go ahead and like that if you would be interested ! otherwise just fucking ... slide into the dms ... or like one of my other many inevitable shipping calls ... i am very open to that shit as long as my brain is turned on long enough to actually answer my ffffucking m e s s a g e s -
TAGGED     BY:    i stole this , bro , like five different people on the dash did this i just wanted to join in lol TAGGING:   BE LIKE ME ... THIEVE ...
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6ad6ro · 5 years
​rating the metal gear solid games:
1. metal gear solid - best mix of gameplay, direction, storytelling, and characters. iconic. perfect. this game changed how games were made. even minor characters were compelling. every solid game has more or less copied this game’s formula again and again to overwhelming success. but here? it was fresh and new. HIDEO hideo. 2. metal gear solid 3 snake eater - might have been even better than mgs1 (it’s so hard to decide), but i felt it copied too many character ideas from mgs1 & 2. it’s so good though? the top down version was amazing, but somehow the later fully 3d one was even better. it did almost everything right, and it makes sense that this is the fan favorite even if i personally like mgs1 better. 3. metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty - i love the plot but it’s also silly? i actually liked the focus on raiden and enjoyed the red herring of pliskin at the start. used to be my fav bc it was so weird. but it def has it’s lil issues. i mean it’s a mess but a loveable enjoyable mess. GREAT bosses imo. a+++ weirdness. i won’t lie i forgot almost every detail about this game’s story bc it’s so bizarre. but in my memories it’s nothing but love so… 4. metal gear solid 4 guns of the patriots - it felt like there was very little gameplay and it was mostly all story. the story was pretty good but also REALLY bad sometimes. i do like it a lot, but i wish hal wouldn’t have cried through 90% of the cut scenes. i think them breaking up the map made things worse too. mighta had the best gameplay of any mgs if it wasn’t so… well the maps just sucked? and that awful spy part omg… srry it’s still a good mgs game, but worse than the above in almost every area. oh and the rehash of mgs3 bosses was a really stupid lazy idea. I DO STILL LIKE THIS I PROMISE lol just the flaws are glaring. 5. metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain - let’s be honest, this is barely mgs. SUPER fun gameplay, like if portable ops was polished like crazy and given a huge budget. but it’s a straight action game. and had like only 1% of the story of any normal mgs. the story it DID have was GREAT though. but it was rushed/unfinished and you could TELL. it’s so sad because this had the potential to be soooo much better than it was. oh and that $30 demo really pissed me off like i’ll never feel bad for pirating anything from konami ever again… the only good news is i feel like we’ll see what this game was always intended to be when we play death stranding. 6. metal gear solid portable ops (&po+) - before we had mgs5, we had this. and it was neat, simple, and portable. the story was kinda okay too? idk for a side thing it was cool, but obviously worse than any mainline mgs. i actually enjoyed riding around grabbing wifi signals to collect new dudes. it was full of bizarre fresh ideas and i loved that. i don’t normally care about online modes but i played this one bc it was such a focus? and it was kinda fun! tho po+, even though it brought in all these cool additions, it also absolutely destroyed the balance of the online. 7. metal gear solid peacewalker - along with the $30 ground zeroes scam, konami also urged you to go back and play this. don’t. never play this trash. this should have been the polished portable ops with a real mgs story. that’s certainly what it advertised itself as. but no. story so awful it’s almost comical (but not awful enough to be enjoyable). it’s hard to explain but… the story was written so it made sense if you were playing as snake? but also made sense if you were playing as ANY OTHER CHARACTER. meaning central focus of the story didn’t actually exist. that alone ruined everything. the only good part were the tapes, but they were boring tapes that went on forever. the maps felt somehow smaller than portable ops. the bosses were THE WORST like longggg wars of attrition? you were expected to grind and grind and grind and grind. it was like playing a free to play mobile game but refusing to pay money? except this was a standard release. it sucked too because some of the characters were great? too bad it’s never worth it. like even watching a playthrough of this is a waste of time. it actually makes mgs worse by existing. i’m sorry i spent 2 long paragraphs on this, but i genuinely hate this game. if you like this for anything besides the co-op, you’re probably a little bit stupid. metal gear survive is a better metal gear.
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