#and it fixes some of the timeline paradoxes
good-beanswrites · 1 year
Fe Aspec Week Day 4: Platonic Intimacy
I started writing out a drabble about last year's platonic intimacy art, but as I wrote it actually became more focused on a previous converstion they would've had. (This fits into the intricately crafted Frobin slow burn fic in my head that will probably never make it to the page, but) this takes place on the voyage to Valm after recruiting Morgan/some of the children
Sailors often speak about the silence and stillness of the sea on a peaceful night. How it stretches for miles under the huge, round moon. The Shepherds hardly noticed any of that as the party on the ship’s deck grew more lively. Voices rose up into the night, some following along with Olivia’s song, but most just wildly cheering the dancers on. 
Lanterns spilled their light in flickering patterns across the deck. Armor and helmets had been shed in favor of light clothes and bare feet. Between the sailors and soldiers onboard, there was a small band carrying the jaunty melody with the help of their citterns and flutes and tambourines. 
Though several royals and nobles spun around the deck, this certainly wasn’t the proper dancing of the court. It was filled with rhythmic jumping and spinning and lifting and swinging one another. They weren’t strung along by a set of steps; they were driven forward with the music and rowdy calls of the onlookers. 
Robin was in no way an onlooker. She whirled around the deck, her bare feet sending her flying around her comrades. She tipped her head back and laughed along with the others– it had been so long since she’d laughed like that. She looked to where Frederick leaned against one of the ship’s rails. It was one of the extremely rare occasions Robin saw him without his heavy armor plating. It must have taken an immense amount of persuasion to get him out on deck with simple clothes, though his lance did still rest within arm’s reach. He nodded to Robin as they met eyes. He made a movement towards the group dancing.
The memory of the previous night’s conversation hung in her mind, and she returned the smile.
There had been no moon, then. Clouds hid any sign of lights from the heavens, though thankfully it carried no threat of a storm.
Some strange tension had grown between Robin and Frederick, though she was confused as to where it stemmed from. They had been growing closer as the war continued. Neither of them spoke the words out loud, but it was clear to all that their bond had become something more than comrades – something more than friends. There had been brief late-night confessions and delirious commitments in the whirlwind of the war, and they knew the path they were headed for. 
And then all his warmth had vanished with the arrival of Morgan. Meeting the young man had been the best day of Robin’s life. Though there were some years missing in the middle, she had felt a mothers’ love and pride like she never had before in her chest. And Frederick, who the group had went ahead and introduced as Morgan’s father, became distant to both of them. His treatment of Robin bordered his attitude when the pair had first met: it was as if he was always waiting for a grand betrayal from her. 
But she was a clever woman (she was appointed tactician for a reason, after all), and had some guesses to the source of his behavior. Morgan had no memories of his father. Frederick may worry that he had suffered an early death in the future. Or perhaps he worried that he was an absent father. Robin knew the latter could never happen, and she was determined the first would never come to pass. 
Now that they weren’t running from battle to battle, she hoped to confront him about it. The voyage had been peaceful. That night was especially quiet, and the pair stood at the front of the deck by themselves. 
“Chrom wants to hold a party tomorrow evening,” she said, hoping to break the tension with something easy. 
“We should be preparing for the ordeals of Valm, not letting our guard down with nights of drink and desire.” His voice was cold. 
Robin’s smile wavered, but she pressed on. “I think it’s a good idea to keep up morale. Everyone has been exhausted of late. It will benefit them on the battlefield to lift their spirits while they can.”
Frederick continued staring out at the sea in silence. 
“In fact, I had hoped to request one dance with you. I’ve seen how strict you are with footwork during drills, I take it you’ll be winning all the hearts as the most in-time dancer out there.”
“I shall have to decline. I am not as eager as you may think to loosen up like that.”
“I’ve seen you plenty loose on the battlefield! If you’re worried that I’m the clumsy one, I can assure you I’ve made a living off of predicting others’ movements. Your toes are in no danger.”
“Why don’t you dance with Stahl?” He blurted. “Or perhaps Vaike, he’s taken quite the shining to you.” The comments were meant to sting, but they sounded resigned to Robin’s trained ear. 
“I don’t wish to dance with either of them,” she said carefully. “I wish to dance with you.”
“I shall sorely disappoint you, milady.”
“You do not want to dance with me?”
“You would be happier with another. They are far better at it than I. You both would enjoy it more than I should.”
Robin couldn’t tell when exactly they had stopped talking about dancing.  
“I would be no happier, I can assure you. Frederick,” she placed her hand lightly on his arm, though he was still shielded by layers of armor. “You are not the jealous type. What is this really about?”
“Indeed, this is not jealousy. It is the simple truth. You will dance with someone else. It’s already set in stone.”
Robin’s head spun with the roundabout speech, trying to find the source of his analogy. “Does this  have something to do with Morgan? Do you… not want children?”
“I… I would love children, milady. But I do not want to have children.” He shifted uncomfortably. “I have known for a long time I would never have any. And so you need not lie to me any longer. I’m certain whoever you meet who gives you Morgan will be perfect for you. But there’s no reason for us to drag this little affair out any longer than need be.”
He turned to leave. Robin hooked her finger around a corner of his gauntlets and pulled him back. 
He glared. Then she began to giggle. It turned to full-on laughter. Frederick bristled, confused.
“That’s what all this is about?” She sucked in a breath. “My, sometimes you surprise me with how dim-witted you can be.”
“E-excuse me?”
“Freddy bear,” she knew he hated the nickname, but the relief washing over her caused it to slip out. They were going to be alright. “Have I not mentioned that I share the same attitude about having children?”
“What does that matter, if your son is standing right here before us?”
“And do you really believe I’d dare burden any children with a bloodline like this?” She held up her hand, marked with those cursed eyes. Then she took Frederick’s hand in it. “Morgan is adopted. He knows that. I… assumed you knew that as well.”
His eyes had widened in shock. “He… You mean, we…” His gaze lowered in a combination of relief and shame. Robin pulled him into an awkward hug, his armor clanking. 
“Oh Frederick… all this time, you were so hurt. You truly thought I would run off with someone else after everything we’ve been through?” She allowed herself one more laugh. “With Vaike, of all people?”
This made him smile weakly. “I’m terribly sorry, milady. Things happened so quickly, I never stopped to question the conclusions I leapt to.” 
“I wish I could have spoken to you about all this earlier.”
“No, I should have trusted you.”
“Eh,” she nudged him playfully. “It’s not the first time for that.” 
The musicians called for another song, something joyful and silly that all the Shepherds knew by heart. The group dispersed across the deck. Though it came with an initial show of exasperation, Frederick joined Robin in the center of the ship. 
Their conversation the previous night had continued into the late hours, finally addressing many things that they were afraid of leaving unsaid now. But now, neither needed to say anything. Just as they could communicate wordlessly on the battlefield, they understood each other as they danced.
Between Frederick’s perfected physical control and Robin’s eye for the next step, the pair took control of the song. Though they weren’t as mesmerizing as Olivia or her son, their perfect synchronization earned them hollers from nearby partiers. They wove around each other. They swung and pulled and turned. Frederick lifted Robin into the air. She pulled him close. 
Though they had the same thrill of a good fight, neither felt the familiar tension of war – they sang along with the Ylissean melody. Frederick’s stoic expression had broken into a wide grin. And when Morgan appeared from the crowd to cheer them on, he only smiled wider.
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zylev-blog · 3 months
Apprentice of time Danny
Sometimes he went out as Danny, and sometimes it was Phantom. It all depended on who he was meeting, and what he was doing. Sometimes his job involved traveling to a different dimension, and he enjoyed those trips, since he could do those as Danny with zero repercussions. It was also hilarious to him to one-up the heroes of that dimension as a scrawny teenager. His favorite memory was when he got to sass the Avengers and shake them for their time travel paradox adventure before fixing the timeline and reversing everything Thanos had done. There was just something funny about lecturing adults.
This time, business brought him to the DC universe. He had been to this dimension more than once, of course. He loved sparring with Diana, especially since she was family! He wasn’t sure if Diana’s friends knew about him, though, and he didn’t mind either way. The element of surprise was still the best whenever he had to do his thing.
He donned his purple cloak, pulling it over his head, and grabbed his time staff. He didn’t exactly like to use Diana for this, but he didn’t know how else he would hunt down the Flash without her help.
“Hey, Diana!” He floated near his niece, leaning against his staff mid-air.
“Hello, Danny. It’s early for a sparring session.” Diana turned to greet him, smiling.
“Oh, I’m here on official business this time.” He shrugged, landing in front of her, but keeping his hood up. “I was hoping you could help me.”
“Of course. What do you need help with?” She tilted her head, obviously curious.
“I need to find the Flash. Know where he is?”
“What did he do this time?” She asked.
“Well, he hasn’t done it yet, and we want to keep it that way. So I’m going to knock some sense into Flash.” He grinned widely, twirling his staff. Clockwork did tell him that Flash needed some common sense knocked into him, and he was going to take that advice literally.
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red-elric · 7 months
i think what a lot of ppl miss about the nuance when it comes to the retcon is that the POINT of it is that its a bad ending. homestuck is designed to be a tragedy and it was never going to end well; its frankly ridiculous to try and shoehorn in a scenario where none of the current main characters are dead when the story is ABOUT death. its not narratively satisfying at all like this! but thats not what the kids wanted (and, more to the point, thats not what the FANS wanted. newer fans DEFINITELY miss the fact that homestuck was written as a conversation between hussie and the fans, a conversation that turned into an argument halfway through and led to a lot of things being taken in bad faith on both sides. but i digress; this is a watsonian post)
the retcon powers are very VERY explicitly described as the ability to change the alpha timeline. the 'whats supposed to happen' of it all, the premeditated narrative the story was written to fill. conversely, when aranea used the ring of life to come back and meddle, she is explicitly described as 'causing a doomed timeline.' and like, the thing about doomed timelines is that theyre meant to happen as much as theyre meant to be fixed. theyre how paradox space accounts for and incorporates time travel, and the existence of the doomed timeline is often NECESSARY for the alpha timeline to function. thats how you get davesprite, thats how the aradiabot that brought gamzee's honkHONK code back from his crazy murder timeline contributed to doc scratch's creation, thats why every dead dave helped the alpha timeline dave figure out what to do. if vriska was meant to have never died in the first place the timeline wouldve been doomed long before game over. the ring went to the wrong person, and thats the kind of simple fix sburb was expecting to solve with some time travel to get things back on track
the ring was supposed to go to someone else. probably vriska! from the alpha timelines perspective, it wasnt that long after her confrontation with john that she really changed and grew as a character. that she became someone who deserved a second chance. imagine: john uses his retcon as normal time travel, the way sburb comprehended it through the limitations of its code. he takes the ring before aranea can, goes to the dream bubbles, and has another conversation with vriska. maybe she doesnt even really want the ring anymore, and thats exactly the kind of thing that would convince john to give it to her. and she agrees, because he tells her terezi is waiting for her. they go back, they have the final fight, and people die. maybe they dont come back. but its the group of characters who earned the ending, who we watched grow up for three years
but thats not what happened, and it was never going to be what happened, because as narratively satisfying as it could have been? john and terezi wanted something different. john wanted everything to be OVER and terezi wanted the chance to make a different choice, even if it was wrong. theyre selfish; theyre kids. theyre tired of being characters in a story, of someone else pulling their strings. thats what typheus's choice was about, you know? and john made the wrong choice. some other version of john could have fixed things the "right" way, had our john decided to die instead. to accept the consequences of the doomed timeline and let pardox space fix it. hell, between roxys first instinct to just sit and let the void take her and terezis pointy horns offering a counterpoint we have some pretty blatant devil/angel on the shoulder imagery! and john making the same wrong choice he did when terezi first told him to fly to the seventh gate, except this time there was no davesprite on angel wings, no one left alive he cared about enough to listen to. because as much as john felt like he was SUPPOSED to fall for roxy, the girl version of his fathers lover, someone strongly associated with his half of karkat's shipping chart but without the complication of being a lesbian, someone HUMAN to repopulate the world with cut out of his apocalypse movie fantasies...... terezis way of thinking has always appealed to him more. because as much as he pretends its not true, john doesnt like to take things lying down, and he doesnt like when other people do either. he gets bored! hes attracted to the danger and morally grey self confidence terezi and vriska exude, so. he listened to terezi, and they brought vriska back.... without any of the character development she had gone through.
and its a bad ending, because of course it would be. and thats the point :) it was stupid to think two kids could meddle with the fate of the universe and it was stupid to think that these kids could have a happy ending so easily. but can you really blame them?
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aethon-recs · 7 months
Hi! Thank you for all your recs. I have downloaded most of them and read most of them during my 2 weeks family vacation. They were great. I was wondering if you could recommend me any tomarry crack fics that are hilarious.
This was such a fun ask, thank you for sending this in! I had a ton of fun revisiting some old favorites in this ship that made me laugh and cry-laugh and then laugh some more. As I was rereading and sorting through the fics on this list, I noticed a few recurring themes that came up... coffeeshop AUs, social media fics, funeral-themed fics(!???), and a myriad of food-themed fics. 
I really hope you enjoy this selection of hilarious silly clever witty cracky takes on Tomarrymort 🤍
Tomarrymort Crack Recs
A Slice of Heaven by jellybeantarot (M, 3k, complete)
Tom is a sex worker under an agency that masks as a pizzeria, Harry orders a large sausage pizza, and yep, that's a dick in a pizza box.
almost got in a knife fight after work (a thread) / things i’ve learned since dating knife boy (a follow-up thread) by chaoscookiescrimes  (T, 2k, complete)
just Harry @'thechosenone' All im saying is a pocketknife is a purchase you’ll almost never regret.
and they were roommates by @purplemineralwater (M, 3k, complete)
Tom and Harry, roommates and stars of Gogglebox, are adored by their fans. Unbeknown to them, the fans of the show want them to be more than friends.
cam and get it by @swoontodeath (E, 3k, WIP)
Harry Potter isn't one for pornography. He's got a perfectly adequate imagination, thank you very much, not to mention a fully functional right hand. One accidental glimpse of Tom Riddle's arse, though, threatens to change everything.
Coffee Moste Evile by @wynnefic (T, 4k, complete)
After graduating Hogwarts, Tom finds work at Borgin & Burke's, where he diligently sells the darkest of arts(-themed coffee and pastries).
Dark Lord Coffee by @being-luminous (T, 4k, complete)
In which Voldemort runs his empire from a coffee shop, and wizards are generally very ridiculous.
Dearly Beloved by @wynnefic (T, 3k, complete)
Worn down after countless demands, Harry breaks and finally goes on a date with the incredibly ostentatious, vain, and self-absorbed Tom Marvolo Riddle the Third. A few days later, he attends Tom's funeral, which goes much better.
Do You Want Fries With That? (part 1) / Tom's Time Has Fry-nally Come (part 2) by jellybeantarot (T, 16k, complete)
Harry really needed some money, Dumbledore needed someone to dress up as Wendy, and Tom was the only one with the desperation to be Ronald McDonald.
found you sleeping in my coffin by @the-wig-is-a-metaphor (M, 6k, complete)
Harry gets turned into a vampire. For better or worse, Tom is there to help.
Full circle by tetsurashian (NR, 67k, WIP)
Harry and Tom’s souls are tied together. Which is why they’re in this endless loop of rebirth. At some point, they stopped caring and just started fucking with people.
Harry James [Redacted] by @duplicitywrites (T, 24k, WIP)
It had been three weeks since Harry had mistakenly landed in the 1970s, given his name to Dumbledore as Harry James, and been re-Sorted as a Slytherin. He's now broken the timeline, busted his parents' first date, and potentially botched his chances of ever being born. And, just maybe, he's also caught the attention of a certain rising Dark Lord.
Harry Potter and the—Well, Anything But This by @cindle-writes (E, 21k, WIP)
It’s 12 years after the war has ended that Death sends Harry back in time to fix the timeline and save his soulmate. Except there's one catch. Harry has to start over again from his first year.
Hiss Hiss by @vdoshu (G, 1k, complete)
Harry goes to buy himself a pet for Christmas. Tom sees this as an opportunity.
Inventing Paradoxes (part 1) / Deconstructing Paradoxes (part 2) by @perhaps-sunlight (G, 75k, complete)
When budding Dark Lord Tom Riddle overhears a prophecy predicting his demise at the hands of Harry Potter, he hatches a devious and brilliant plan: befriend the enemy, master the power-that-he-knows-not, and then eliminate him.
Keeping Your Human-Child Horcrux Happy in Captivity; A Guide to Enrichment (part 1) / The Horcrux Hotline (part 2) by @cannibalinc (M, 9k, complete)
A self-improvement series for Dark Lords with troublesome human-horcruxes. 
Local Preteens Entrap Murderous Wraith (You Won’t Believe What Happens Next) by @being-luminous (T, 22k, complete)
Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover a spell. They decide to perform it, and no one is pleased with the result.
Magically Delicious by @dividawrites, @duplicitywrites (E, 10k, complete)
Draco Malfoy is selling 'Voldemort Bathwater Boxes' at Hogwarts for questionable, unknown reasons. Harry is more curious than he should be, and this has disastrous consequences for everyone... but mostly for Harry.
no amount of therapy can help by @the-wig-is-a-metaphor (G, 2k, WIP)
The entire internet is aware of occultist youtuber Lord Voldemort's infatuation with niche content creator JustHarry. The entire internet is baffled.
no helping hand by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (M, 2k, complete)
Harry just wants to have a wank; Voldemort just wants to make that as difficult and unsatisfying as possible.
Once a Paw a Time by @youlighttheskyfanfiction (T, 3k, complete)
In which Tom is still Tom, and Harry is a black cat intent on making Tom miserable. Or happy. Who knows? Certainly not Harry the cat who is absolutely just a normal cat.
Oversight by @dividawrites (E, 21k, WIP)
Voldemort’s resurrection ritual doesn’t go as smoothly as he’d planned. He requires assistance and there’s only one person he can ask—the boy tied to his father’s gravestone.
Prison Blues by @metalomagnetic (E, 68k, WIP)
Harry and Voldemort find themselves locked up in a mysterious prison.
r/AITA by @seagate-blog (G, 3k, complete)
A budding relationship seen through the eyes of Reddit posts.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k, complete)
In which Draco Malfoy is dead in the kitchen, Harry is regretting moving in with his boyfriend, and Tom has never been more in love.
Stories Told at Your Funeral by IceLynx (G, 5k, complete)
Tom Riddle fakes his death. To Harry Potter, the man in charge of Tom's funeral, it's all very vexing. Harry might be an undertaker, but this is a very different undertaking.
Terms and Conditions May Apply by @duplicitywrites (T, 17k, WIP)
Lord Voldemort gets one chance at a new life. This new chance comes with a lot of conditions.
The Potter Problem by Icefall (T, 8k, complete)
During his twenty-fourth time loop, Lord Voldemort meets Harry Potter at a Muggle nightclub.
The Way to a Man’s Heart by @mosiva (T, 26k, complete)
Tom has an unknown nemesis. Harry has Tom’s lunch.
The Voice of Victory by @vdoshu (T, 3k, complete)
Lord Voldemort loves a good villain speech. Harry’s just the sort to interrupt him.
Thigh High by @kushimanii (T, 400, complete)
There, covering Harry’s long, smooth legs, were the most horrifying things Tom had ever seen. And Harry was lying in their bed with them. Tom knew what his new Boggart was.
Until Midnight Comes by @dividawrites (E, 26k, complete)
A few years after the war Harry reluctantly attends a party at Malfoy Manor. He drinks a few too many and runs into a handsome man called Tom. What happens after is definitely not a drunken error in judgement—it’s love at first, blurry sight instead.
Welcome to the Cultys by @duplicitywrites (E, 12k, WIP)
Harry had two main regrets in his life: 1. Asking the question “What if I set up a mock awards show to get cult leaders to show up for my thesis study?” 2. Responding with “That is hilarious” when Ron had suggested they call the awards show 'The Cultys'.
Would You Still Love Me? by @chiocchi (M, comic/artwork, WIP)
"Harry, would you still love me if I was a snake?" Harry knows how this question works. No matter how deranged and unreasonable it is, he has to say yes. A notion he may come to regret once Tom's questions start to get darker and oddly specific.
yer a monster fucker, harry by @exarite (M, 3k, complete)
Voldemort suggests they fake a relationship. It's a reasonable suggestion, so of course Harry says yes.
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
What are the fussion kids classpects?
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I gave the black haired ones, the StriderLalonde aspect and the HarleyEgbertEtc class. And did the oposite for the white haired ones, HarleyEgbertEtc aspect and StriderLalonde class.
That way the beta session is still viable, with time and space gods, but the alpha isn't, and they need the beta players to win. like in canon
Jase is a Seer of Space not only to make the session viable but because space players are always green in some way, so it fits canon and also the black clothes look cool with the ears. She can see space. She can percieve everything around her and really far away from her. detect her enemies aproching from a universe away and that kind of thing, you can never surprise her, because she always knows where you are (you also can't escape her)
Dahn is a Heir of time, again, because it was nescesary but also because i think it fits him better than a knight of breath. A heir is suposed to change and manipulate, they're the ones who come to change the previous order. So a heir of time would be able to alter event's using his time habilities with a lower chance of causing a paradox. They go all out when it comes to molding the timeline to their advantage. He will create a perfect balance with his sister's aspect and together they'll scratch the session and head to the alpha session.
Rany is a maid of Void, it's hard describe what her powers do. maids are creators, so she would be a creator of nothing. she can most likely sustract things from places, turn them into nothing, maybe she can create tiny blackholes. It's kind of a dark power. Maids create and regenerate, so she could fix things that have been broken to the point of mising parts or slowly regenerate lost limbs, sumoning the missing pieces from the void itself.
Jark is a prince of hope, therefore hopeless. He got the short end of the stick when it comes to classpect. He started the game in a pesimistic mood, but put on a cool hero facade to hide his doubts about the game being a good idea, after godtiering he couldn't hide his true feelings anymore. He was completely hopeless about the future and had given up on the game (most likely eager to end it) Princes are destroyers, they destroy either their aspect or with their aspect, wich means that Jark can be the one to doom the timeline if he get's out of control or be the one to save it. he needs to be able to focus his destruction not towards hope itself, but towards the enemy, using hope as the fuel. Like Rany, he has kind of a dark power, that's why they'll have to rely on eachother to understand their powers and grow into heroes, not leting those new powers consume them
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havendance · 9 months
I’m back again with another fic rec list. This time with a baker’s dozen of excellent Batman fics of the hidden gen variety that I’ve dug up. Hopefully there’s something new for everyone on here. Check them out! Give them some love!
Boy Hostage by kuonji
2.5k, complete. A fun little piece showing each of the batboys getting in and out of getting kidnapped for ransom.
but I don’t own a single gun by Molly_Hats (@mollyhats)
1.1k, complete. DICK AND TIM! A conversation between them set at a vague point in the timeline in which various old wounds of the past get dug up.
Get Used to Dying, by papered_king (@paperedking)
1.6k, complete. A very neat character study for Jason that’s formatted as a script for a play and does and excellent job of utilizing it’s format.
It could be worse by Runespoor
2.8k, complete. A series of vignettes about alternate universes where it was somebody else that took Jason in instead of Bruce.
paradoxical sleep by brawltogethernow (@brawltogethernow)
4k, wip. A vibey and cool inception AU. I have never actually watched inception so I don’t know what’s going on half the time when I read this, but I do know that it’s a fun read!
Promises by RenaRoo (@renaroo)
33k, wip. A fix-it fic for Cass’s One Year Later/Evil!Cass arc. This one admittedly, has not been updated since 2018, but it is still very good and you all should read it! It’s got Cass & Tim! Cass interacting with the Birds of Prey! And it really does a great job of digging into her head and all of her raw emotions.
Rose Garden by batling_out_of_hell
6k, wip. In which Cass decides to rebel against Batman and take over the world in order to make sure that no one kills ever. A delight to read. The first chapter is a little slower to start, but chapter 2 onwards is rocking!
Ships and Schemes by Molly_Hats (@mollyhats)
1.3k, complete. A short and fun little fic where Oracle’s been running a misinformation op by harnessing Bruce Wayne/Batman Shippers.
The Fisher Prince by Arctic_Cyclist
3.4k, complete. Damian vs Poison Ivy during the Batman Reborn era. This fic has rich prose, cool lore, and Damian kicking ass through superior ecological praxis.
these crosses by mintchocochips (@mintchocochipsposts)
7.1k, complete. Post-No Man’s Land Helena Bertinelli character study my beloved! Also features a fun Tim & Helena scene for fellow fans of their dynamic.
There is no milk! by chucklesbuckles
2.1k, complete. A fic where Catherine is alive when Jason dies. The start of a Red Hood!Catherine AU, but hasn’t actually gotten to that part in the series yet. It does an excellent job at capturing Catherine’s grief. (Note: This fic is only available to read if you have an AO3 account)
They move and it's fire by Arctic_Cyclist
1.5k, complete. Dick and Damian doing gymnastics together and Damian being recognized as Talia’s son.
when the bodies hit the floor by nashequilibrium
7k, complete. A fun Steph & Damian teamup where they take on a ghost at a sleepover gone wrong with some really fun to read prose.
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Timeline Tension (Slightly Angst/Fluff)
FastForward!Donatello x reader
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You’re a friend of Cody, and Donnie has developed a crush on you. But Donnie fears that his crush on you could mess with space and time.
Warnings: None💜
The whirring of machinery echoed through Cody’s lab, as you, Donatello and Cody worked away on the Time Window. All three of you chuckled every once in a while, over some small jokes you would make as you worked. But the main focus of your conversation at that moment was about the workings of the Time Window, and what to do in order to make it work. But as much as Donnie found himself focusing on the wiring in front of him, it wasn't the only thing that captured his attention.
You, a good friend of Cody Jones, had become a crucial part of Donnie and his brothers’ lives. Donatello had quickly found himself drawn to you, not just for your knowledge of the world they now traversed but for the way your determination and kindness shone through even in the bleakest of times. You were always ready to help, and would often comfort him and his brothers with your kind words. And you were beautiful. So beautiful that Donnie often found himself stalling, just staring at you.
However, there was a dilemma that gnawed at Donnie's mind. As he developed feelings for you, he couldn't shake the fear that acting on those emotions might unravel the fabric of time itself. You and him were from two different periods in time. With almost a hundred years between you, the two of you were never meant to meet. And Donnie certainly wasn’t meant to develop any feelings for you. But here he was, standing right next to you, trying to focus on the wires in his hands, while you worked on a panel right beside him. The potential for a catastrophic time paradox loomed over him like a storm cloud. Yet out the corner of his eye, Donnie watched you. The way you poked your tongue out of your mouth in concentration and the small sounds you made as you worked, made his heart flutter a little. But the flutter gave way for stress. For the sake of the time space continuum, he just couldn’t be thinking about you like that.
Donnie was pulled out of his thoughts, when Serling came into the room, asking for Cody.
“Master Cody, there is a call for you”, Serling said.
“Just put them on”, Cody said with a smile, his eyes never leaving the work in front of him.
“I don’t think that would be such a good idea, Master Cody”, Serling said, finally getting Cody to look at him. “It’s one of the new investors. And as much as I think it would be a good promotion to show the heir of O’Neil Tech in full work in the lab, I don’t think the investor would agree”.
Cody sighed, knowing fully what that meant - the office and paperwork. He unwillingly laid down his tools before turning to you and Donnie with an apologetic smile. “I’ll be back as quickly as I can”, was the last thing he said, before he left with Serling, leaving you and Donnie back in silence.
You and Donnie hunched over your work. The atmosphere was focused and slightly tense after Cody had left. The gears in Donnie’s head was working hard, trying his best to ignore you so he could focus on his own task at hand, but he just couldn’t help but notice whenever you flung your hair over your shoulder, or when you let out a sigh every once in a while. Or how you would smile to yourself or do a little wiggle with your shoulder, when something worked as you wanted it to do. It was actually quite adorable… No! Focus, Donnie!
"Donatello, hand me that soldering iron", you said, without looking up from the circuit board under the panel.
Donnie reached for the tool, his eyes fixed on your hands as you delicately worked. There was a softness in the way you handled the delicate components, a grace that captivated him. He wondered if your hands were as soft as they looked… Donnie, no! You could destroy the universe!
After Donnie gave you the tool you had asked for, making sure not to touch your hand, silence fell upon the two of you again. Donnie's mind, however, was anything but quiet. His internal struggle waged on, the fear of a catastrophic consequence if he were to act on his emotions gnawing at him.
But then, without warning, you set down the soldering iron and turned to face him. Donnie's eyes widened as you suddenly closed the gap between you, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world around them faded away. Donnie's initial shock gave way to a sweet surrender. The sensation of your lips on his was like a revelation, and for a brief moment, the weight of his fears lifted. He found himself returning the kiss, savoring the feeling of your soft lips. He hesitantly let his hands rest on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
When you pulled away from the kiss, a mischievous smile played on your lips. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," you admitted, unaware of the internal turmoil Donnie had been wrestling with.
He blinked, his mind racing to catch up with the reality of the moment. He then frantically looked at your surroundings, looking for any signs of space and time being torn apart, but there was nothing. Everything was just like it used to.
"I… I thought… the world...", Donnie stammered, struggling to articulate the fear that had consumed him. You turned your head sideway, not understanding what he was trying to say. “Space and time… I thought that, if you and I… the world would end…”
"The world didn't end, Donnie," you reassured him with a small chuckle, your eyes reflecting a mixture of warmth and understanding. Your hand found his, where you soothed him with your thumb. As the realization sank in, Donnie felt a profound sense of relief. The boundaries he had erected to protect against an imagined calamity crumbled, leaving his mind clearer than it had been in a long time. He could have feelings for you. He could kiss you. The world wouldn’t end, because it was meant to happen.
“In that case”, Donnie said and pulled you close once more. “I’ll do what I’ve wanted to do for a while”. And with those words, he pulled you in for another kiss.
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thelunarfairy · 2 months
I'm thinking that even in in the 'ideal' timeline, Tsukasa was meant to sacrifice himself for Amane's wish. We don't know if Tsuchogomori's books change when the future is changed, so we can't say if he would know if Tsukasa changed the future, but the clock keepers should be aware that Tsukasa met the creature before 1968. But since Amane changed the future by killing Tsukasa in 1969 and became a ghost, Kou and Nene would meet him in the future and go to the red house after the severance which makes Tsukasa leave. So the only person who changed the future would be Amane when he killed his brother and died. The old clock keeper told him to kill Tsukasa right before time froze, probably because as a supernatural Hanako would be able to retain his memories, so Tsukasa still needs to die in the ideal timeline?
Yes, Akane could return in two moments, in childhood and before Amane killed himself and became a supernatural, making him unable to keep his memories of the past.
Well, he came back in 1968, the year in which the twins were trying to make the clock move, so we have some possibilities, firstly, Amane doesn't remember why he tried to fix the clock, this indicates that the guardians had probably already returned his time.
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Tsukasa remembers what happened because he was already a supernatural. Why did his time go back?
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Why did the twins want to fix the clock? If it changes the time at school, then it's not related to their childhood, unless the school has a direct connection to the red house, then the time would change there too.
Assuming Amane was trying to go back in time to prevent Tsukasa from sacrificing himself, that would mean he would die and Tsukasa would stay alive, but I don't think Tsukasa would let that happen.
Not making the clock move would take us to the current present, Tsukasa said that Amane couldn't do anything with the clock.
So what did Akane do?
If he allowed the twins to return so Tsukasa wouldn't sacrifice himself, Amane will be dead, and now only Tsukasa is alive, and without the supernatural.
It's one of the possibilities.
The problem isn't Tsukasa, it's the thing inside him.
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One of the ways to solve the problem.
The second way is to avoid the death of the twins, which takes us to the paradox where Nene never finds little Tsukasa, so he remains in the red house as a child, taking us to the present in which Amane is alive and becomes a teacher.
The first way does not have a paradox, it leads to natural flow, the second way has a big error. Which of the two forms did Akane choose? or will there be another?
Tsuchigomori never mentioned Tsukasa's book, and that made me wonder about his future. Was Tsukasa supposed to have a future? Or was it changed too? Tsuchigomori says that ONLY Hanako's future was changed, and Tsukasa's?
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If Tsukasa came back, then his future changed too. But, we have to consider that maybe Tsuchi just didn't want to "talk too much" about Hanako to Nene.
So the twins' timeline always takes us to a future where they can't be together. One of the two will have to die or disappear. This explains part of Amane's suffering, trying to save Tsukasa at all costs, in the same way as Nene.
It would be easier for them to take a doctor from the future to the past XDD
This way he could save little Amane from the disease, so they would grow up together. For now, the possibilities of saving both of them are still almost impossible.
1-) Amane is sick >>> Tsukasa saves him >>> Tsukasa dies
2 -) Amane does not allow Tsukasa to sacrifice himself >>> Tsukasa stays alive >>> Amane dies of the disease
3 -) 12-year-old Amane goes back in time and doesn't let Tsukasa encounter the supernatural >>> Tsukasa stays alive >>> Amane dies
4 -) Akane saves the twins' lives >>> Hanako doesn't know Nene >>> Nene doesn't find little Tsukasa >>> Tsukasa stays in the red house >>> Amane stays alive and Tsukasa dies.
Everything will be resolved if someone can save little Amane's life, someone from outside. So they can live together.
Maybe Tsuchigomori or Nene, we don't know, but someone needs to sacrifice themselves to save Amane's life, and that person can't be Tsukasa.
5 -) Someone saves little Amane's life before Tsukasa discovers the supernatural >>> Amane stays alive and next to Tsukasa >>> the person who saved him dies.
Someone has to die to save Amane.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'“The Giggle,” the third and final Doctor Who 60th anniversary special, was more than just a laugh. After two adventures with David Tennant back as the 14th Doctor, a bout with the Toymaker and a nasty U.N.I.T. laser forced him to regenerate again. But just like last time, this wasn’t a normal regeneration: the 15th Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, split from the 14th Doctor like a cell undergoing mitosis.
While this was an exciting development for those hoping for a Tennant-led spinoff, it caused a lot of questions about just how the timeline works, and most importantly, what happens to the 14th Doctor when he inevitably dies. But one line from the episode may reveal a theory that could solve everything.
After the 14th and 15th Doctors come to terms with the “bi-generation,” which was previously thought to just be a myth, the two figure out the logistics of how their co-existence will work. While 14 is giving him a tour of the Tardis, 15 reveals why he thinks the bi-generation happened: because the Doctor has never stopped to rest.
All the Doctors just kept running never stopping to feel their feelings or cope with the massive losses they’ve encountered over the years. “But you're fine,” 15 says. “I'm fine because you fixed yourself.”
This seems to mean that 15, as he exists now, has all the memories that 14 is going to make with Donna and her family, and is benefitting from his previous self-care. If that’s true, that means that when 14 dies, he will simply cease to be — his regeneration into 15 is simply an advance on what would have happened later.
There’s even more evidence for this theory if you know where to look. Donna tells 15, “He's younger because you came after him. So you're the older Doctor.” If the two truly were “born” at the same time, that would make them the same age. But if 15 has the lived experience of 14, then he’d be a good deal older.
Like every good Doctor Who plot twist, there’s timey wimey stuff involved — in this case, a good old-fashioned bootstrap paradox. 15 tells 14 he needs to take a break and get better because that’s what he was told, so there’s a time loop going on. Much like the DVD extra in Blink, that statement has no origin: it exists in a loop, folding in on itself.
It may have completely torn up the Doctor Who playbook, but this theory could actually restore some order. We won’t see two branches of Doctor regenerating on their own divergent paths from here on out. Instead, the 14th Doctor is just sticking around a little while longer and enjoying a well-deserved (semi)retirement.'
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lounaticm · 3 months
OK, I have to ask... do you have any headcanons - any at all - for Married!Captain x Darkiplier?
Yes, this is definitely inspired by that one piece you did a while back (and the series of pieces you'd done of them before). I know you said that the ring just *happened*, but it spawned so many brainworms for me, and I have to ask if it did for you, too. I need to know from the source himself.
Well, considering I view the Captain as some form of reincarnated or relocated DA, removed from the mirror in some way or another and ending up in a separate universe, putting Dark back into the equation like I have done was rather inevitable, being how I am. 😂😅 (Though I will confess that my using the Captain version of the viewer character in those pieces was more for the ease of allowing anyone to view it as themself, what with the identifiable gloves and not showing anything else and whatnot.)
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So far as I have in terms of a timeline of events regarding these pieces, Dark first shows up sometime around when the Captain is hitting a low point in trying to fix the paradox, feelings of despair and hopelessness growing, exhaustion setting in. To the Captain - their memories of that prior life locked away at that point - it simply seemed like this bizarre yet somehow familiar stranger showed up, offering reassurances, at the best possible moment by sheer happenstance. But Dark had been watching for a while, just in case this was another of the Actor's little 'games'.
When he saw how that former DA was starting to wilt under the pressure of it all, he had to step in, despite his own worries on the possibilities of his interference having any sort of negative consequences. He found it something of a relief - as well as a disappointment - when he wasn't recognized... though the glimmer of familiarity in their eyes didn't escape his notice.
He soothed and assured the Captain, urged them back to their feet (whether literally and/or metaphorically) and then disappeared just as quickly as he had arrived, with no sign that he'd even been there at all. After a while, the Captain almost starts to think that they'd simply imagined that oddly grey man. But, as they began to bump into others that also seemed so familiar, they began to rethink that stance.
Dark appears again to give the Captain a white rose during one of the few moments of calm in the Wormhole Incident, the date the Captain had ended up in being, ironically, Valentine's Day. Despite it having been quite a long time from the Captain's side since they last saw the grey man, they still remembered that last encounter with crystal clarity... and overwhelming gratitude, for they're very certain that they wouldn't have ever made it this far without his kind words.
They could swear they almost remembered something else, though. A different appearance, a different attire, a different place, but still the same feelings of comfort and safety just being near him provided.
And then he'd handed them a white rose, the thorns clipped off, and all thoughts about that had been replaced with encompassing fluster... and the sudden, seemingly sourceless thought - brimming with certainty of its truth - that giving someone a single white rose was a means of expressing an intent to court them. Almost rapid fire afterwards came more. White symbolizing purity, young love, eternal loyalty, a lack of thorns denoting love at first sight, a single rose in full bloom proclaiming 'I love you'.
They didn't know where such thoughts were coming from, but something in the back of their mind was saying it had something to do with the man in front of them. They found it a wonder that they could even stutter out a thank you, so consuming was their fluster.
They managed to hold onto the rose for a few abrupt trips through more wormholes, but they did eventually lose it, the devastation of such more than they'd been prepared for.
Once the paradox was resolved, and everything had settled enough for the Captain to return to their cabin... they found a small vase sitting on their dresser... with a familiar, thornless white rose placed inside.
Even before the multiverse snapped back to the pre-paradox way of things, the Captain had started to remember things. Things they shouldn't be able to, for it wasn't them who had experienced them... and yet, it was. But having everything collapse in on them and Mark in the Warp Core... something about that just made all those memories more clear, dragging ever more to the surface, clicking into place like missing pieces they hadn't ever known were gone in the first place until they were finally back.
The vast majority of them were filled with a man that every ounce of their being was saying was the grey-skinned man. Damien, as he was called in their memories.
By the time they'd finally set foot on their new planet, they were starting to think they weren't going to be seeing him again. But they recalled the rose, recalled how it hadn't been 'necessary' to keep them going. If he was only trying to keep them on track to fixing the paradox, why bother with that? So, first chance they got, they took a walk off by themself, into the woods or down by the coast. They're moments away from simply speaking aloud to ask if he's coming back - hoping that he might somehow be watching - when he finally shows up.
And the first thing the Captain does is smile and call him by that old nickname they'd given him back at university.
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Whether the proposal happens in this interaction or later on, not even I know because, well, it had just happened, lol. And I can see either being the case, because it's really just continuing the feelings they'd both had in their prior, stolen lives. (Whether they ever told each other or not, though I'm of the mind that they're both oblivious fucking idiots lol)
I... don't really have anything for Cap x Dark married life or anything like that. All that came to mind was this (effectively) synopsis of what led up to it. I hope that's alright. 😅 Sorry this took so long to get to, lot of shit getting in the way of me being able to properly sit down and ponder this.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
I think Nightbringer is also working as a kind of soft reboot for the series to help fix the continuity errors in the original game.
Well, while we do see Nightbringer as sort of a soft reboot for the series, we're not entirely sure about it fixing the continuity errors in the original, considering all of the retcons they've introduced in the new game, including some that ... don't really make sense.
(spoilers for Nightbringer under the cut)
One of the biggest retcons they've done is that RAD didn't exist before the Great Celestial War. In the original game, The Glory Days Devilgram story shows RAD did exist, albeit newly, as it is the topic of conversation for when Diavolo and Lucifer first officially met (while Lucifer was still an angel). It was actually an important reason for Lucifer starting to change his opinion on demons and gaining respect for Diavolo. In Nightbringer, they've changed it so that RAD is proposed after the fall. We wonder if they'll talk more about pre-Celestial War relations in this timeline and how that went down, or if it's something that won't really be brought up...
Another big "retcon" is suddenly having Simeon and Luke living in the Devildom during this time, when the original game made it clear that the exchange program was Luke's first time ever interacting with demons. We're going to explain that away that all of this is a branch in the timeline, because there would already be some major implications for present-day with all that's gone on in the past. Solomon might have warned of time paradoxes, but that line was crossed the moment MC got thrown back into the past. 🙃 And we already know different timelines exist in the OM universe thanks to Season 1, so is there even such a thing as a time paradox in this case if it's just created a whole new timeline in the first place? Plus Solomon is also fucking around in this time, so shut up, old man ❤️.
Then there's also the big glaring alternate-timeline "retcon" change in MC's whole role here, which seems to involve resolving major issues and tension points long before they boil over in the original. We see Belphegor's blaming of humans on full display super early on, and Solomon blatantly calls out Lucifer's loyalty deal with Diavolo in front of the brothers (though without the info on what the deal was for), something which the brothers had no idea about in Season 1.
There are also some more minor retcons as well -- in the original, Satan has emphasized that wanting to be recognized for more than just wrath, especially being Lucifer's wrath, is a big reason why he became so thirsty for knowledge and books, yet here he's already quite into books even while he's still basically just a ball of wrath. Plus, for some reason, Belphie and Satan are already pranking Lucifer all the time, even though canonically Belphegor only joins Satan against Lucifer as the "Anti-Lucifer League" after being locked in the attic. His bio in the original game literally mentions, "Until a certain incident took place, he respected Lucifer the most among his brothers." In the Hatred Devilgram, he outright says their relationship wasn't always like this, and it flashes back to him heaping praise on Lucifer. Yet in Nightbringer, Levi has already referred to them as the Anti-Lucifer League -- and contrasting even that, Belphegor actually doesn't show that much animosity towards Lucifer really at all so far, except for these random prank mentions.
So yeah, there's a range of things they've changed here. Whether any of this will stay consistent moving forward in this Alternate Universe (because really, that's what it is at this point) remains to be seen.
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prof-peach · 1 year
Don't know if this was asked before, but how would Peach react to Paradox Pokémon?
While Area Zero is off limits for all (I think), Paradox Pokémon have been shown to be able to escape Area Zero (the titan GreatTusk and IronTreads for example).
It was briefly asked, but because of peach's limited time in the region, and the reasoning behind why she was there (a vacation) she'd not know what one is, just assume its a variant or some regional thing, and steer clear.
While she LOVES Donphan, and I mean like, theyre up in her top top total favs, and a Great Tusk would be super cool to spot, I doubt she'd get the chance between being a tourist and just vibing by a pool to do much about it.
If she were to know their history and origin she'd no doubt feel a bit bad for them, she knows what its like to be out of your timeline.
This time however without information on them, she'll have to take a back seat on fixing every problem thats presented to her, and just let professionals who know the region and the issues there handle it.
Its wine o'clock and she's not working for like 2 weeks haha!
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for providing my employees with work?
So I (???NB, I stopped counting after a few centuries lol) am the head of a regulatory organization in charge of maintaining the balance of time. I am high up enough that nobody in the organization has ever actually interacted with me, so this doubles as a great cover for my... let's call it my 'side hobby' of toying around with timelines. I know, this kind of runs counterintuitive to the organization's mission statement, but hear me out.
The problem is, all of the 'time criminals' my organization has managed to lock away so far are pathetically weak! It is like a fully trained police force only ever catching pickpocketers! They hardly could even manage ripping reality open! That is- when they catch time criminals at all. Sometimes there is the odd cleanup operation when a source of natural magic gets super out of wack, but generally the magic in our world is stable enough that this rarely happens.
This is where I come in. I play around with timelines, I create a paradox and a timeloop here and there, and then they get to swoop in and fix it! I will admit, this is more of an afterthought for me, but by cleaning up after me, I provide them with work and a sense of 'purpose' so they continue to receive funding and a source of income. Our organization simply would not have enough work otherwise without what I do!
This system has been working great so far, with my employees none the wiser that the head of their organization has been the one providing most of the work they have to clean up. However, one of my subordinates (20sF, I need to double check) recently had a confrontation with me where she found out about this, and she got really mad for some reason? AITA?
EDIT: Important context- this subordinate is the past version of me. I do not see what her problem is, honestly - being me, she should at least understand my viewpoint somewhat!
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ask-carmenpondiego · 23 days
Chapter 18: The Devil in the Details
M paced around his room which was fairly sparse of furniture. He already burnt through a solid pack of cigarettes since returning from his test run of the chronoskimmer and was well into his second pack. He pulled out his phone and patched through to the main computer, 079 pulling its face up on the screen. “Oh wonderful. You managed to spread my reach to your tiny slip of a mobile device. Could you make it any more cramped in here?” M growled, “I will stuff your stuck up assface into an ipod shuffle or worse if you keep it up. I need to go over the schematics on where I went.” The ai sighed as if it had something pressing that it was being pulled away from. It didnt. 079 pulled up the data code from the testing, giving a strong impression of if it had a body, it would be checking a watch and tapping its foot. M poured over the info and triple checked the details. “Everything is fucking correct for this world’s info. What the fuck happened that lead to that?!” 079 swirled its hair into a turban and had images of fortune telling items around its face “You know, I would tell you but I’ll give a little trivia factoid instead: I actually cannot see into the future. I’m a computer, not a psychic. I don’t even have a clue on what you even saw.” Red letters spelling CANCELLED were stamped across the turbaned ai face before returning to normal, wiping away the letters with a digital rag. “Yer no fuckin help.” M tossed the phone onto his bed and opened his window, leaning on the sill. “Perhaps what you saw was not what you saw?” 079 called out, muffled since the screen was face down against the comforter. M’s tentacle reached over and set it upright. “Elaborate.” M looked over his shoulder at his phone. “What you saw in one perspective was perhaps not the full story and you may have missed some key points. Ultimately, time will only tell. Its unadvisable to return to a time that you already visited, much less a time where current you and other you occupy the same time space. Time paradoxes still exist, you know.” M hissed at it through gritted teeth, “Yes I know time paradoxes still fucking exist! But HOW do I fucking change the event if I don’t know what fucking causes it?!” The phone was silent for a moment, “I’m sorry, was that rhetorical? I can’t quite understand the fragile folly of organic semi-intelligent beings. You could just let it happen rather than attempt to fix it and possibly bring about the resulting event faster.” M hung his head and flicked the cigarette butt out the window, “How the hell do you figure that?”
“I don’t. Again, I’m just a computer. I don’t give one iota of interest in what you do. Anything you do is your own fault in itself. In your words: I don’t give a shit.”
M ran his dark hands through his orange hair, “I’m going to have to tell Red.. can I even tell Red?” He points to the phone accusingly, “You just had to tell me that any fucking action I take could make it fucking happen faster! Now I can’t even fucking warn anyone!” In a very bored flat tone, 079 replied, “Oh no. I warned you against possible consequences for your actions that may or may not happen. What ever shall I do?”
“Report this to the TVA director, this is exactly what they have been looking for.” A small time desk jockey was reading a print-out of the timeline, noticing a new unauthorized time jump. He handed the print-out to a passing official who nodded and took the file containing the report. A short trip down the hall the official knocked on the director’s door, and entered upon permission. The director reviewed the file and started dialing the phone next to them. On the other end, a gentleman in a dark grey suit answered, thick files littered his desk from the MIB, ACME, SCP Foundation, United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC), G.R.U. Division Psychotronics (GRU-P), Earth Protection Force (EPF), Department of External Security (DXS), Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), Federal Bureau of Intervention(FBI), Federal Investigation Bureau(FIB), Foundation for Law and Government(FLAG), International Affairs Agency(IAA), the Wander Society and various other Interpol including Canterlot Royal Guard and Equestria’s global protection unit, all involving Carmen Pondiego and her VILE team.
The gentleman added the Time Variance Authority (TVA) file to his stack. “I see and this new variance is the confirmed beginning to our little thief problem? Understood. …..No, no. We already have eyes and ears on the entire group…… Oh yes, we have our contingency plan all set and planted, we just need to knock that first domino to put a bit of pressure on the situation…. Yes, just keep an eye on that variance timeline and let me know of any further splits or deviance… No, no, Thank YOU, Director. May prosperity raine upon you. Good bye.” A second gentleman with an umbrella hanging on his arm by the hook, seemingly a lower rank, stood in front of him. “Sir? If it has been confirmed for the beginning of the situation, then shouldn’t we eliminate the entirety as soon as possible? I mean, look how many unnaturals she has under her power. The reports say she gains more within a year or so and so does her reach.” The man at the desk tidies up and stacks the files and sets them aside. “No. There is a small chance this is the one who will lose it all and becomes a regular citizen again. We need to see if this time skip triggers anything. We have the safeguards in place. They just need to have the nerve to do what is demanded of them if the time comes. For now, we wait and gather more evidence against this Carmen Pondiego and her VILE team.”
A small red jet circles and lands on a dusty dirt patch outside a fortress ruin on an island on a lake by the southside mountains of Siberia. The fortress, once called Por-Bazhyn, sat undisturbed for many a year, though it currently looked like it was all filled in with dirt. The jet opens to let out its passengers, a few agents and Carmen. They headed to the main entrance and stopped just shy of the opening. Carmen looks at the blueprints and looks at a smaller opening about three yards to the side, “This is where we would typically enter but there had been damage to the interior entranceway further in where it just gives us a dead end. We’ll need to divert to the servants entrance over there.”
Once inside, they descend multiple flights to underground caverns and tunnels. Using their map, the group makes their way through twists and mazes, finally getting to a small open room with a deep drop in the center, the other side of the room was a chest, the walls were rough chiseled and some carvings have been broken away by time. The drop was just large enough that even an olympic jumper could not simply jump across. There used to be a rope bridge but has since rotted away.
Carmen nodded to Kiros who sank his claws into the wall and tested the weight of the grip. He then scaled across the chasm, making slight hand and footholds with his claws and hooked a line at the halfway mark and continued to cross the rest of the way, securing the line with a large pillar. Carmen and Lekir hook up their harnesses and attached the safety line before following exactly where Kiros had set his claws. Slowly making their way across, the girls didnt dare look down, Ninoga, staying on the entrance side of the room, was able to look down and see sharp staligmites growing up from the bottom of the chasm. “Nothing like an old fashioned temple heist with deadly drop offs for hobbies, huh?” Carmen chuckled, breathing hard as she hasn’t rock climbed in quite a while. Lekir shook her head, “You and I have different views on hobbies, I swear..” Ninoga tilted his head, “I thought we were getting things for a cure for Waldo?”
“We are, I was just saying this harkens back to when I was doing this for fun.” Carmen clarified, reaching the ledge. Lekir followed close behind as Carmen opened her pack to grab the extra rope and harness sets. She walked to the chiseled out shelf that holds the chest and checks for traps before picking up the chest which was surprisingly light. She frowned as she placed it near the harness set she was going to wrap it in and looked at the lock. The remains of the lock were already breaking away in her gloved hand in a pile of rusty dust. Kiros peers over, “Whats wrong?” Carmen shakes her head, “Its lighter than I expected..” Lekir comes over, shining her flashlight over for extra light since the room was very dimly lit by their larger lights they brought. “Well, we know we aren’t looking for coins and jewels, maybe it only holds a jar or something?” Carmen wipes the dust off her glove with her pants and proceeds to open the chest. With a yelp from both girls, the chest snapped back with a large set of teeth and a tentacle like tongue. They managed to scramble back out of chomping range just in time to see a red electric bolt shoot the chest from the side, blasting it into the wall with a crunch. Ninoga had sent the blast and called over “You guys ok?! I didn’t hit you, did I?” Carmen was catching her breath as Lekir waved over, “We’re good! Thanks!” Kiros was picking the broken pieces of wood apart, finding some meaty bits. “Should we save some for M as a snack?” He chuckled. “He’s gonna be sour he missed out on this.” He searches a bit more before finding a small scroll. “Here, I found something in the deep center.” Carmen reached for it, inspecting the type of parchment. “This is hide… its a rabbit hide!” She laughed, “Its the rabbit in the chest! So this is already the next clue.. This is awesome. Let’s get this back to HQ so we can figure out the next stop.” The girls carefully made their way back across the wall, having the two dragon types as watchers in case one of them fell, they could hoist them back up easily. They both made it without incident, with Kiros packing away some of the meat before scaling the wall, taking up the equipment he had set for the safety line.
After packing up the climbing equipment, the team made their way out of the tunnels and chambers and back towards the jet. They were met by a small group of militarized officials standing between them and their escape ride. The officials carried old looking bladed weapons as well as rods and had armored horses. The horses suddenly charged at the Agents, making the four scatter. One of the officials threw what looked like a bolas towards Kiros to which Lekir slid in and deflected with an ice spear she created, sending the bolas right back at the official, making him fall off the horse. The horse was startled and started to run with the official’s leg still stuck in a stirrup. Ninoga sent two officials flying with a good tail swipe while the last had gotten off of his horse to fight Carmen with close hand to hand combat. That didnt last long since Kiros picked him up from behind, tossing him to the wall as Lekir sent a smear of ice to hold him there like glue. Carmen was only a little cut up but she confirmed with a smile, they still have the loot.
They all piled back into the jet and set off to HQ, a fifth official that held back out of sight had made a call, “They have escaped. We could not detain them. I am sorry but we have failed to secure the scroll…. Sir? Please we will not fail again.. please no!” The official started begging before dark green vivianite crystals rapidly grew and speared through his body at all angles, severing organs and leaving nothing but shreds of flesh and bones between the multitudes of shards.
When they returned, Carmen was holding her torn red coat and had some cuts on her arms and side. Wally rushed up to her and held her close, making her wince, “Oh my Light! I’m glad you’re ok! I heard over the coms you needed a med kit! Do you need a hospital?!” Carmen pried him off, chuckling, “Nothing I’m not used to. This is why we train. I just got a few scrapes from some bladed guards. I just need some antibacterial gel and gauze. Its nothing! I don’t think these will even scar up.” Lekir laughs, “She’s the squishy out of all of us technically!” She slaps Carmen’s plush ass as if to demonstrate her plushness. The mare blushes and sighs about needing to sew her fabric coat yet again.
Asta nudged Wally’s arm a bit and he perked up as he remembered. “Oh! While you were gone, I went ahead and got you something. They didn’t have your bright red but maybe you will like this darker scarlet shade.” He handed her a box to which she took to the dinner table. Opening it, she grinned and chuckled as she lifted a brand new leather coat, a sleeker, lighter weighted design and had custom pockets on the inner lining and in the sleeves. She tried it on, wincing slightly as she moved, but overall had it on and it had fit perfectly. It even had a split back where her tail was able to freely peek out. She popped the collar and laid it bad down with ease and stuck her hands in every pocket she could find. “This is beautiful!! Thank you so much!!” She wrapped her arms around Wally and kissed him deeply. “Asta helped me with the sizing. She had to raid your closet for the right size. Now sadly they didn’t have a hat to match, so its just the coat for now.” He confessed, but she chuckled and put her hat onto his head. “Hats can be another time. Those can be a tough find anyway. But this is wonderful, thank you…oh! We also have good news! The chest had the next clue in it so we can go right to the duck that will lead us to the eggs! We’re almost there! We almost have you cured!”
Wally’s smile fell a split second as a worried look flashed. “I’m sure we will before it gets too bad.” M hung back and watched everything like a hawk, looking for any sign of the cause of such hatred he had seen on future Carmen’s face. It bothered him more than he expected, he wanted to say he didn’t care much about any of this just like 079 clearly stated as its own opinion. What M did find was that he was more attached to the whole team but moreso Carmen. As they joked, one thing was right, the majority of the team could handle a bullet or two and heal the next day. But Carmen was full mortal flesh and blood, no special powers, she couldn’t even use regular unicorn magic. Yet she dove into dangerous situations all the time with no regard for her own safety, as if she were one of them regardless of all the planning she does to keep everyone safe during their missions. And that bothered him even more since his test run.
He watched as she patched herself up all carefree, he puffed on his cigarette as he broods. It gnawed at his thoughts, he severely wanted both to go back to the future to figure it out but knew 079 had a very glaring and valid point. He thought about slipping off to the mech lab to tinker a bit more on the pod, seeing if he can alter something so its just not a time machine. He needed a distraction and his previous conversation of traveling to other universes may prove to be just the right project to give him that distraction.
A distraction did come to him, just in the form he didn’t expect. Carmen’s waterbottle was clear glass, yet the liquid had the absolute faintest blue glow, easily missed by casual glances. Perhaps 079 was right with his perception. He just needed more proof. He slinked off towards Carmen’s office as she laughed and had happy conversations with the others. She opened the scroll and showed the others. “Lets see what this thing says.” She laid it out on the table next to the coat box and tilted her head. Everyone gathered around for a view. “Is it supposed to be mostly blank?” The hide was indeed mostly blank, the bottom had a mountain ridge and a river and sporadic spots on the upper part that were either ink or tiny holes burnt through with a few sketch lines dashed in going a single direction. Otherwise it was very blank.
“Perhaps its a type of morse code?” Kiros rubbed his chin, Asta shook her head, “No, that was invented in the Amareicas in the 1830’s. And its not cuneiform.. the holes almost look like star alignments yet I dont recognize the placements but the other dots aren’t stars.” Carmen looked up and saw that M wasn’t there. She excused herself and went to search for him, finding him in her office, searching drawers and shelves.
“M, what’s going on? You’ve barely been around and more moody than usual since working on the chronoskimmer.” She inquired, setting her bottle on her desk as he was searching underneath for hidden compartments. He peeked up with a glare and his eyes darted to the water bottle and back to her, “Nice, acting stupid and oblivious right to my fuckin face.” Carmen furrowed her brow and lowered her ears, “Excuse me? But I have absolutely no idea what the hell you are going on about and I deserve an explanation for your behavior!” He stands and leans on the desk between them and whips the bottle across the room, smashing it against the wall. “THAT is what is going on. You have been way too easy going when it comes to your own safety, your cycles have been more intense, your pain tolerance is way too fucking high for a normal fucking pony, and your water always has a familiar blue glow to it. You’ve been fucking microdosing that fucking zydrate this whole fucking time! Now tell me where the rest of it is so I can fucking destroy it, you fucking junkhead!” She snarled at him and slapped his face to which he snapped his hand out and gripped her hair, slamming her head to the desk, “Don’t you FUCKING act all offended. Now I don’t give a fuck what withdrawal you suffer. Tonight you get clean for good and you never get high again. If you don’t listen to me out of fuckin fear, then at least do the fuckin curtesy of telling my brother that your so called happiness is a fucking lie. Fuck knows he deserves to hear the fuckin truth.” He growled as she struggled against his grip on her head as he held her down. “I will NOT let you go down a drug bender and do something you fucking regret!” She blinks and stops struggling for a moment, “What did you say?” She asked. His voice had a hint of unusual worry that she had caught. “I said I will not let you..”
“Yeah I heard that but you sound like you know something I dont..” He lets her up and avoids looking at her both out of fury and confrontation. “I’m not telling you. You are not supposed to know.”
She rubbed her head and walked around the desk, gripping his arm to turn him towards her, “Fuck that, you don’t get to assault me, accuse me of being a brainless addict AND withhold important information from me! Now tell me what you know!” He growls and grips both her arms, squeezing one of the deep cuts by accident, making her yelp. “I FUCKING CAN’T.”
“Why the hell not?!”
“Because I don’t know what fucking causes it!”
“It can’t be that bad. We’ve dealt with pretty bad shit.”
He shakes her a bit, “I saw you fucking die, okay?! It’s that fucking bad!”
The color drains from her face and she steps back from his grip. “When.. how?”
He sighs and puts one hand on his hip, the other running through his hair stressfully. “Three years, shot in Times Square.”
She let the information sink in, both hands on her hips, looking at the floor. She sighs and nods after a few silent moments, “Okay. Luckily the future is not set in stone. Let’s ban Times Square from our destinations. I’ll secure those guns my sister gave as a gift into the vault, far back so its hard to get them. And I really wish you didn’t smash my water. That was the last of the zydrate I had and boy, I could sure use some after that bomb you just dropped.” She looked at him, all coldly somber and turned to walk out of her office and back to the rest of the team. “We need your help to crack the riddle on that hide we brought back. Clean up your mess and join us when you’re done. I’m going to ice this bump on my head now and pour myself a stiff drink.”
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squeiky · 3 months
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So i finally decked down and wrote basically rhe entirety of the Sonic 06 timeline (not PLOT-line) because i got confused while trying to figure out some things with the story-
And unironically stumbled upon the fact that Silver and Shadow literally (accidentally) created well..
[Rambling below btw. ]
1. (Probably) a bootstrap paradox (Silver cannot be created nor can the timeline that creates him be created so i have 1 time line thats functionally exist as the origion stort yet because of the solutions the writer uses (erased timeline/ self-healing timeline solutions) this origin is functionally unobtainable, yet still exists.
But this ALSO creates-
2. A grandfather-ish paradox (because Silvers future cannot be created without Silver and Shadow preventing the original apocolypse from occuring (i.e. sealing iblis/mephiles). )
But again its an "ish" because supposively he prevents his own future from happening (via creating a portal so that Sonic can save Elise)?? But its shown like.. in the same scene (the elise dies one) he travels to the future with blaze and its still on fire.? So there could be multiple timelines (as alluded to by eggman in the final episode)
So we'd have to assume theres some weird timeline shenanigns at play here because the fucking WRITING INCONSITENCY- because there was no point in time was a character shown capable of using one portal to travel to different times- (it was always future to past or past to future not future AND past!!) which again makes it so that this gets tricky since how the hell did Silver and Blaze travel to a future that was inherently prevented and resulted in the creation of Solaris?? Which means like no iblis- or mephiles? So?????? I dont know anymore.)
Oh and Silver is the (rather indirect) cause for Solaris occuring- so theres no possible way that his future occured because its made via Elise dying by eggmans ship crashing with her still inside, causing iblis to arrise-
Which is an inconsitency, because again, the only reason Elise is alive and thus Solaris is made is because Silver went "hey just go back in time sonic and save her".
Oh about that:
3. Butterfly effect (Silver is the butterfly in this case and Mephiles is the asshole who decided to release him. If you were to write down everything thats happened because of the actions of both Silver and Mephiles you'd get the equivalent story of Silver fucks up and tries to fix it but ends up fucking up again without knowing it but somehow its in Mephiles favor then its not because of Silver AGAIN. All while Mephiles kicks up his feet and trolls Shadow the hedgehog for 2 days while occasionally chatting with Silver, then kills sonic, and then dies.
For my own sake im calling Silver "the moth effect" as not only does he indirectly (and sort of directly) help create this catasrophe, but also helps to prevent it- creating the net 0 gain of what i call "moth effect" as the boy comes back to bite. )
If we ignore the "accidentally creating his own future" part then its "accidentally became the reason as to why Sonic was able go save Elise which gives Mephiles the ability to finally kill this guy without any trouble (assuming that he couldnt kill Elise due to her protective barrier power or something idk)"
Which also makes it so he inadvertly helped Solaris.. become a thing? Because if he didnt well then we just create 200+ years of Iblis apocolypse, which will just create Silver again which means Mephiles will find Silver after 200+ years and then make him touch a shiny purple rock and send him back in time to go "lets go find the truth" with shadow and "hey just timetravel" to sonic which you'd think would prevent his future but no.
BUT HES ALSO the reason for why Solaris is NOT a thing after hyping everyone up to go find the emeralds and Elise to do her prayer thing-and then helping defeat Solaris (concious) and well knocking thag bad boy unconicous so he turns into a little flame that Elise can blow out.
Which, believe it or not, erases the future that Silver is born in, making it so that he never existed in the first place (with the exception of Blaze who now lives seperate from that dimension)
But also making it so that, much likd the original timeline #1, there is no possible way for them to access timeline #2 making me worry how many fucking timelines it took untill Mephiles (aka Soalris) managed to essentially kill himself (because again, Silver is NOT a certified time travler. MEPHILES IS. He orchastreted his own flight and death like fucking Icarus. My guy sat back, let a child loose in the kitchsn and waited till the house went up in flames i-)
Feel free to argue against me btw just provide evidence to support your claims pls, as itll help me in the long run while i continue my very own Solaris project
(P.S. Elise, Mephiles and Iblis, and Solaris, all have "S" sounds in that back of their name that make you hiss like a snake if you say them fast enough)
Oh outside of 06 its almost a "fate" thing that the world must be fucked as like there cannot be a silver rhe hedgehog without the universe finding a way to make a reality in which he can exist. Unles your Silver from colors, he gets a free run before having to suffer the horros of war.
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phantom-fleetways · 1 month
I loved your neo chaos sonic au
If it's okay to ask could you tell us more about it👀👀
Oh! Of course!
Frankly I haven't done much world building for it, since I have other AUs who are utter attention whores and life just LOVES to make me unable to draw for some stupid reason or another. But I do have some simple concepts I would love to share! If you feel like you can bare my aimless rambling, feel free to read the rest under the cut.
First off, setting. Generally speaking, Neo Chaos Sonic's timeline takes place after the events of Season 2's finale and the early portion of season 3's episode one.
But instead of Building Alpha Grim Sonic after a lot of dilly dallying on Nine's part, he decides to fight fire with fire. (And maybe he's a little scared of being alone, although he would never admit it.)
So he rebuilds Chaos Sonic instead. And to insure that he'll be able to beat Sonic, Nine decided to give him untethered access to the Paradox Prism.
This of course leads to Chaos Sonic deeming his normal build being to... Easy to deal with. And he is allowed a modicum of freewill by Nine. So who is he if he does not ascend to godhood to ensure the plan's execution? It's gonna be a temporary upgrade. And Nine did give him full access to the Paradox Prism.
Leading to this beautiful outcome!
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It's a MAJOR upgrade. And it comes with a hip skirt! And who is she to go against a hip skirt?
After choosing a new form of befitting of his newly born Goddess status, NCS decides to make the Grim their perfect little paradise. Their powers are simple, as she is all powerful but not all knowing or anything.
NCS can change their appearance however she sees fit. Although due to his vanity, he mostly stays hedgehog robot shaped. And generally before war is brought to her doorstep, she just stands about as tall as NMS would. So they definitely Tower over Sonic and Nine easily. They also can pool liquid metal off of them and when the liquid metal touches the ground, they become Grim Sonic Troopers. All of which seem to reflect different small aspects of her personality. Also she has glitter beams and shit. He's a magical girl, they gotta have their glitter attacks.
After a while of their new arrangement, NCS stops referring to Nine as either "Best bud" or "Sir". And starts calling him Martyr or Prophet. Treating Nine as a prized possession and less like a friend or even someone they wish to protect and keep happy.
Nine isn't initially concerned about this though. Since he's certain that they are still loyal to him. Which is true, he is. But ultimately that loyalty does not outweigh her natural selfishness.
I believe that inevitably, there will come to pass a point where Neo Chaos Sonic decides to "sacrifice" Nine to herself. If only to make Sonic run a fool's errand. If you know ANYTHING about the ending of KH3 and the whole "Save the 7" segment with Riku? Like that. (For those who don't know, imagine Nine floating above an altar of some sort with his body partially transparent blue.)
I don't really know if Sonic and Co from prime would succeed, since I really just designed Neo Chaos Sonic for the sake of designing him. But I would say that in order to take down Neo, Sonic would need to brace the abyss™️ to find Shadow's missing Chaos Emerald. Since I'm a wedger a bet that Shadow would be logically able to use Chaos Control in the prism that Neo Chaos is using to power themselves. Buuut in order to do that, Shadow would have to get close enough.
There is the possiblity that allowing Sonic to shatter himself would fix everything too. But ultimately I have no clue cuz I just haven't thought far yet.
Overall, the AU is very shallow at the moment. And seeing as I have other far more complex AUs I'm working on, it might be this way for a while. So, I'm sorry about that! But I did enjoy rambling a bit, albeit a bit aimlessly.
I just really love this design and I really love how pretty they came out! Neo Chaos Sonic is a treat of a concept to me, since I adore Neo Metal Sonic. Favorite flavor of Mets to be honest. And I figured a Neo form for Chaos Sonic would do them good!
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