#and if you're tempted to tell me that i'm overthinking then just... don't
martsonmars · 6 months
@messofthejess asked: If each member of the Carry On cast was a type of pasta, what type would they be?
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OMG obsessed. Thank you for the question it's so important to me. I'm limiting myself to the main gang but PLEASE (you or anyone else) feel free to send asks or comment with other characters, I'd love to answer but I don't want to feel overwhelmed with choices.
I'm also not letting myself overthink this. There might be better answers but I'm going with gut feelings or I'll never post this. I'm going with shapes.
Baz is definitely long pasta. Reginette, with they're elegant, fancy, sharp edges. I just know the guy doesn't want to fit in the pot. So many people don't know how to handle him. Long and thin. HARD TO KILL BUT NOT TO BREAK. And when he's safe he reveals his true form. Which is still hard to handle. You need practice. You might be tempted to cut into smaller pieces. But the only way to actually savour who he is is to get past all these obstacles and wrap him around your fork and you finally understand. He could be trenette/linguine too but mostly because in my region they're eaten with pesto, and you know. Basil. Etc.
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Simon is rigatoni or tortiglioni or any of the similar shapes. He's a sturdy pasta. A fighter. One the people love, but might take for granted. And yet he'll always be ready to save your meal, square shoulders and jaw. He's ready to take any challenge, and when it's finally time to rest he won't let himself go too soft. He'll keep his fierce, solid, thick shape and demand to be loved strongly. He can take it. And we all know that this is the kind of pasta to eat with a nice, rich sauce, just like our boy deserves. A sauce that sticks, that fills up all the spaces. Because we know that holes just want to be filled.
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Penny is penne. Of course. The name speaks for itself, but it's also a correct choice. A no bullshit shape. One that thinks she's better than anyone else, but is she? Only trial and error will tell. But she remains a solid choice, reliable and always there for you if you're one of her trusted friends. She'll never let you down. As long as she doesn't start doubting herself. But she won't for too long, because who would doubt penne?
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Agatha is difficult. I'm going with farfalle. She's pretty and elegant and sophisticated, but also misjudged and belittled and mistreated. People will see only what's on the outside and take it at face value — seeing her as too good to be true, or instead as childish and not caring about what truly matters — and won't delve deeper to see the truth. Which is that her core — the core of her beauty, of her power — is stronger than one thinks.
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Shep is one of my favourite shapes — ruote. I was going to pick lasagne for him (rich and intense and friendly and happy to use their layers to host different kinds of savoury experiences), but this is perfect too. For his truck, his sense of adventure, chasing tornadoes and creatures and friends and never letting anything — danger or unpleasant British mages — stop him from being one of the best guys you'll have the fortune of meeting on your path.
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nonokoko13 · 1 year
Woah, long time I didn't make a review. Hope you're all doing fine while I half disappeared.
Making a brief summary of this chapter. We got:
Yor and the dangers of being drunk while managing a fake marriage because drama is needed.
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Worst/Best timing yet to this day, depends on your view. I have faith in Yuri that he'll surpass himself in another occasion and break some best/worst timing record, including breaking in someone's property ofc.
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Yuri worrying about Yor doesn't have hobbies. This is, in fact, not a secret to anyone. It's public domain. No need to be a secret agent to get your hands over this information.
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Also, it was a matter of time the idea of cheating was brought up by someone, my bet was in Yuri or Fiona so yay. Plus fake rumors of cheating? That's some good ol' juicy reason to indulge one fave characters in angst, hurt/comfort. Any damaging gossip is, really. Fanfic material right there. 10/10
And finally.
Shit got real. Humorous situation escalated for real this time 100% real no bait more news on our web www-
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It's serious, but to me it was all giggles and happy noises because I've been waiting for Twilight VS Lieutenant Briar since Yuri's introduction and Endo is finally letting me have some crumbs.
These are some predictions for the future:
Fiona and Yuri finally meet. However, Yuri thinks Fiona is Loid's mistress from work and Fiona might be tempted to play along his suspicions, ultimately refraining herself because it would endanger Twilight/the Operation Stryx and she knows better than jeopardizing her efforts and others lives for some brief petty entertainment. I mean I hope she is above that God please girl I'm not telling you to raise our expectations just don't dig another basement in your obsession-
New short chapter of Becky and Anya on the zoo. Probably short but sweet and wholesome. Maybe on the middle of this arc or right after it and Lord know we'll thank that
The mole is a new character. Frankie can't be because it's stated the mole worked for WISE while Frankie is a third party who cooperates with Twilight and only with Nightfall due their connection.
Speaking of new characters, the girl behind Yuri seems too detailed despite being a background character.
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Perhaps it's my love for women or my need of more badass ladies and I'm overthinking here but she may be relevant later on and honestly it would be cool to get another SSS frequent character. Love the detail in her earrings btw.
Will she be Yuri's friend? Will she meet a tragic fate as yet another cool design forever forgotten? Another Fiona situation is in our hands? God let that last prediction live down, one is enough.
At some point Endo will reconnect this chapter plot to the story and Loid, with Yor's words still haunting him, will try to spend more time with Yor. Bonus point if it's right the day Yor has a mission and this backfires on her majestically
Following the previous premise, Yor tries to dissuade Loid on following her by saying something along the lines "I don't want to spend time together right now (or else you'll find I'm an assassin!)"
And Loid understands it as "I don't want to spend time together right now (because I'm still mad at you and the damage is already done. Nothing can be fixed at this point. I'm holding this gripe forever.)", furthering causing Loid brain damage by all the gymnastics this man does
Leading to a situation where Loid either backs up for now and lets Yor alone but compensates her later OR Loid keeps trying to please Yor in some way, decreasing her chances of sneaking and finishing the job, which makes Loid think his attempts are deepening more the problem that never really existed. A loop where both suffer by the other suffering until a miracle happens [read: Anya or convenient excuse] and she's free to go slay
Anyway that's all for today. Sorry for not taking the summary seriously I'm in Goofy mood®. What do you think about this arc?
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miyaaanooo · 1 year
𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 - and often discussed. Though Miyano often drowned out Kuresawa's remarks, panic usually followed as soon as they registered. Perhaps it was being so transparent, probably wanting to avoid being like the typical plot of BL manga, where a confused young man overthinks and thinks and thinks. And then there were times when living in that fantasy?.. Wasn't always a bad thing. 
The concept of it all, over a shared interest, had him sitting beside Sasaki, his boyfriend, on a bench not far from his home.
"I suppose taking a short walk might be nice...." He agreed to spend some time with him before returning home to study - though he was ahead anyway, so he wasn't too worried. Yet... He might be tempted to let time pass, make plans, and spend time with the man he liked. It was vital for him to be aware of that.
Anyone within a few feet would be able to tell something was bothering the younger of the two as they watched the sunset. His hands were beside the redhead on the bench, and his face practically trembled as he overthought -
Now that we're together, things should be easy; they should... be natural. As for Sasaki, he takes things at my pace, and... most importantly, he makes me feel comfortable. I want to do things for him...I want to spend time with him. He's important to me... My question is, how should I convey that beyond calling him 'boyfriend'? The fact that he is older than me means there are probably certain expectations -- and what if I'm not meeting them?... Ugh, It shouldn't be this hard to ask him out on a date.
"Sasaki...?" he asks softly, staring into the distance. There is a hint of strain in his voice. "I really do like spending time with you..." As he has stated before. "And I..." Oh god, is he looking at me? I bet he is. I don't know if I can cope when he gives me THAT look. It's just so cute, and I ---
"I want to go on a date. With you! I want to ask you out on a date. Spending time together and doing things like going to the bookstore shouldn't just be the normal - or expected. The attraction could... fade or... because it becomes second nature to... Because how many 'dates' might we have had up until now? I don't know,,,, before... we were together, or even now. I..." Can the ground swallow me up??? He's going to laugh at me; I just know he will!
His pitch and tempo increased only mildly, though he was clearly trying to speak faster than his thoughts. "You're my boyfriend, and I would like to go on a date with you, Sasaki!"
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galene-gothic · 2 years
Hi! For the game's question, can you please tell me about my future spouse? Thank you for hosting this game! Have a wonderful day/night.🌼💛 -AB
⅄ ◌ 🐏 ˖ Future spouse ♡
Cards: the ten of wands (reversed) – the page of swords (reversed) – the hermit (reversed).
Your future spouse is the kind of person who likes to do everything by themself even if it's too much for them. This might be really unhealthy for them and they might be aware of it but they just choose to push anyways. They might feel like they're forced to work in order to please others. When you meet them, they'll be tired of everything but they don't know if it's okay for them to drop everything and rest. They spend a lot of time watching and judging others. They're the kind of person who always knows what's going on in the life of someone who doesn't even know that they exist. They come off kinda aloof. They might have a lot of moodswings and might overthink a lot. They care a lot about the way others perceive them too. They might be feeling really lonely and out of place when you meet them. It's mostly because they're disconnected from themself, like, they were so focused on how others perceived them, they don't even know how they perceive themself. They might be having a hard time deciphering their own thoughts and values from those of others. They might not be very open to you when you meet them btw.
⅄ ◌ 🐏 ˖ Your personality ♡
Cards: the lovers – the knight of pentacles – the ace of pentacles (reversed).
You probably function through emotions. You need to feel like you emotionally resonate with whatever you're doing on a soul level. You might also be the type to put effort into the way you look or come off. However, you might get tempted by attractiveness or feelings too easily. You also think about others before making any major decisions in your life, however, you'll do what will make you happy. You're someone who works hard and might have slower movements. You might be really patient too. You definitely care about your reputation a lot. You might be stingy but extremely careless with money at times. I feel like you don't mind stepping on others to get what you want, in fact, you might not even notice that you did so. You wish to have a strong foundation. I'm getting money and material assets being pretty important to you.
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Thank you for participating <3
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frostbite-fics · 2 years
Murdock x Fem!Reader - What You Need
I have no idea where I got this idea, and I'm still new to writing smut so it's a little awkward. I hope it is enjoyable anyway!
Content warnings: unprotected sex, possessive behavior, use of Princess as a pet name, corruption kink??
"How many times have we done this song and dance, Princess? You deny yourself what you want, to what end? Aren't you tired of being the perfect little girl? Don't you just want to let go?"
"I-I'm not falling for this. You're a criminal! Why should I listen to you?"
"Because, sweet thing, I know you. You haven't called the police on me after how long now? Behind the persona of a perfect girl, you long for something darker, stronger. Something like me."
The words dripped off his tongue and heat settled in the pit of your stomach. It was so tempting to throw everything away; to leave behind your life of false perfection. He'd made this speech before, of course. This wasn't the first time you arrived home to see the serial killer on your couch, inviting you to sit down. To have a good time.
Your eyes fell to Murdock's lips, his smile. In a way it was charming; disarming. Looking to his hands, he was twirling a pen in his gloved fingers. Even with the thick leather gloves, he was so dexterous. He probably really knew how to use his hands and- You shook your head, trying to knock the thoughts out of it. This is a cold blooded killer. This is dangerous.
He chucked; cold, low, and amused. "Princess, stop overthinking this and just let me give you what you need. We don't need to keep playing this game, however fun it has been."
"I don't need anything from you." Your voice shook a little but you otherwise stood your ground. He rose from the couch and stepped towards you. His hand came up to caress your cheek; cool leather against the heat in your face.
"Oh, but you do. I'm more than willing to give it to you, if you only ask for it. Not a moment sooner." He smirked at the embarrassed look that crossed your face. He wanted you to say it.
"Fuck, Murdock. Fine... I'm tired of being the perfect good girl. Please... Show me how to let go of it."
His lips crashed against yours as his hands found your hips. He was guiding you somewhere but you didn't much care where. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he guided you. "Mm, Princess, you best be careful or I might not be able to control myself. Or is that what you want?"
Suddenly you were falling on your bed. The room was dim. Somehow this made him look even bigger than he already was. Fuck.
"I'm gonna fucking die today." You didn't mean to say that out loud.
"No, no," he soothed, "I won't break you, little princess. That isn't my goal." He caressed your cheek again, "I plan to fucking own you."
That should not be as hot as it is.
"Strip, then get on your hands and knees for me," He slipped his coat off but otherwise stayed dressed as he watched you obediently follow his directions. "So wet already. You really wanted this, didn't you? Is it the thrill of having a killer fuck you? The danger?"
A cool gloved finger ran over your folds, before slipping in. He was being surprisingly gentle with the prep, taking his time to coax moans and whines from you. His fingers weren't enough. "Murdock, please..."
"Please what, my dear? I need to hear you say it. So tell me, what is it you want?"
"Shit, I want you inside me! You were right, I need you to fuck me because I'm tired of acting sweet and innocent!"
He grinned like the cat that caught the canary. "See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" He shifted to be fully behind you. You could hear him undoing the buckle of his belt. You swallowed. The sound of a zipper being pulled was next.
You gasped at the feeling of the head of his cock poking at your entrance. He pushed in slowly, stretching you carefully. His hands latched onto your hips. He gave a few slow, experimental thrusts.
That didn't last long. Moments later he was fucking you hard, like your life or his depended on it. And it felt so good.
"Fuck," he groaned, "You feel even better than I had imagined. How do you like it, knowing that you've got a killer inside you right now?"
"Murdock, fuck!" This was all so much. He felt so good. You wanted this so desperately but you're supposed to be sweet and innocent. Here you were, getting fucked by a serial killer and loving every second. One of his hands left your hip so he could stroke a finger over your clit. You jolted at the sensation and moaned louder.
"Yes, Princess. You're going to- ah fuck- cum on my cock. You want that, don't you? For me to give you the best orgasm of your life?"
"Yes- I do, I do! Please Murdock, I need you to keep going."
"Oh I will, don't you worry about that. I'm going to keep going until I fill you up nice and good with my cum and completely own you."
His words were bringing you closer to the edge. You were so close, and you could tell he was too. With a well aimed thrust of his hips, everything went white as you came. Hard. He cursed and came with a shout, filling you with warmth.
You were both panting hard, trying to catch your breath. You collapsed on the bed, far too exhausted to hold yourself up any longer. He laid next to you, gently smoothing your hair for a moment. He stood up, fixing himself as he looked over the mess he made of you.
"I knew exactly what you needed, didn't I Princess?"
As much as you hated to admit it, he did. "Will you come back?"
"For you? Always."
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yeetus-feetus · 5 months
okay so my girlfriend had this huge big fight with her girlfriend.
Now thing is, we all used to be in a relationship together, they were both my girlfriends, and they were each other's girlfriends blah blah blah. Polyamory okay.
Anyways, when I broke up with the other mutually, we both agreed we weren't going to make the other girl pick sides, and we've been respectful of our girlfriend's choice to continue dating the both of us. I've don't have a problem with my girlfriend dating my ex, as long as she's happy and everyone in the situation is happy.
And it has been nice the way things are. Really nice.
Except, now- four 1/2 months later, my girlfriend is crying to me about some really cruel things her girlfriend has done and I've been there supporting her through it the past few days. But I'm really really tempted to tell her she needs to drop this girl, and I feel guilty about it.
Because I told her I wouldn't intervene in her other relationship and I'd respect her decisions, but at the same time I feel really really angry at my ex for the way she's treated our girlfriend and I don't thinks it's fair for her to continue going through this.
I care for her so much, and I only want the best for her. I really want to just want to go off about how she deserves to be treated better and why should should break up with her girlfriend, because she genuinely is treating her like shit.
Like the same way I shook some sense into my best friend last week because she went back to that one boy- y'know the kind I'm talking about- just so I can snap some sense into her. But I also feel like that might come off the wrong way?
Like sure, shaking some sense into your bestie who's in a toxic relationship is one thing, but it's different when you're dating the person who's in a toxic relationship with someone else.
Like what am I supposed to do?
If I tell her to break up with the girlfriend I'm afraid of coming off like I'm undermining her decisions or that she might think I only want her to myself?
Which she probably won't think at all actually, considering we've been together for what? 2 1/2 years now. I'm probably just overthinking this WAY too much. I know she'll understand where I'm really coming from, but there's just this big IF causing me anxiety about it. And it doesn't help that it's so close to Christmas because my anxiety goes fucking haywire this time of year!
But yeah, so, that's the situation rn.
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Tinder in Real Life
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Sidemen x platonic!Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Language some people may find offensive, sexual themes, recycled lines from Sidemen Tinder in Real Life because I'm not at all creative Request: Hey! Could you do reader x Harry imagine where the sidemen do a collab video with the reader who is also a big youtuber and Harrys celebrity crush. And during the video the reader is very flirty, leaving Harry a flustered mess when the flirting is directed towards him, but very jealous when its with any other sidemen.
The Sidemen were one of the biggest groups on YouTube and one that you were very familiar with. At the age of 23, you were a fair bit younger than some of its oldest members but yet you had a close relationship with JJ, whom you had met through YouTube.
You had started your channel when you were 17, just under four years ago, making makeup videos, which was a passion of yours when you were younger. Not that you were any good at it back then. Those videos quickly become unlisted when your channel started blowing up in late 2016, now nearing 20 million at the present time.
It wasn't long before you expanded your horizons and had started making different sorts of videos, including vlogs of your everyday life - which wasn't and still isn't that exciting in your opinion - and those where you just had a laugh, attempting to do stupid challenges that were so popular back then. It was those, however, that grew your channel. Your fans seemed to love them and so you gradually started to make more.
As your small channel began to grow significantly, it caught the attention of KSI, a member of the Sidemen, who reached out to you to for a collab. You were ecstatic. You couldn't believe it at the time, why would someone like KSI with 20 million subscribers want to collaborate with you? By that time, you couldn't exactly call yourself a small channel anymore, with almost 5 million subscribers but it still didn't make any sense to you.
You and JJ quickly bonded after filming together. You had a very similar sense of humour and interests. As the years went, the older boy became one of your best friends, the nature of your relationship being very teasing and flirtatious but the both of you knew it was a joke. It was just the way you both were.
Though despite having known him for nearing 3 years now, you had never met the rest of the Sidemen, with the exception of Simon, as he lived with JJ. Which is why when he texted asking you to collaborate with the Sidemen, you couldn't turn the offer down. You were a fan of the group and the content they were producing. You thought the videos that they made were exceptional, that they were pushing the envelope of the standard of content on YouTube and often found yourself excited for new videos.
He had explained that they were filming another of their 'Tinder in real life' but a YouTuber version with the likes of BambinoBecky and ChiWithAC. You were so excited. You were finally going to meet the rest of JJ's friends and you had the opportunity to be a part of a Sidemen Sunday.
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You arrived at the studio the boys were filming at in the afternoon, finding and greeting JJ before he introduced you to the other sidemen in addition to Lux, Freezy and Stephen.
"And you've already met Simon." He finished.
"Yeah. Nice to finally meet you all. JJ tells me a lot about you guys." You laughed.
"Because that's assuring." Ethan pointed out with a chuckle, the other boys letting out agreements.
"Not all bad, I promise." You teased, winking at him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face, immediately becoming flustered and stumbling over his words. You found that you often had that effect on people as you could be very direct and flirtatious even when you didn't mean it. To you it was just friendly banter.
"Geez Y/N, stop flirting with people you met literally five minutes ago." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You sound a bit jealous, Jide." You smirked, a teasing grin spread across your face.
"Nah, allow it." There were eruptions of laughter around the room, coming from the boys. You were quick to notice Harry standing out of the way and was significantly quieter than the others, with what seemed to be a forced smile on his face.
Harry was in his own head, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. When JJ had told him that you were going to be in the next Sidemen video, he panicked. You were an accomplished YouTuber who he was quite fond of to say the least. Well, that would be an understatement, he had a fairly large crush on you. A crush that no one but Freezy and Lux knew about.
He knew that JJ had been friends with you for some time now but never considered the possibility of even meeting you. His anxiety acted as a barrier to even the thought of it. But he was currently in the same room as you and had said nothing more than a short 'hello'. He longed to have the confidence Ethan had to speak to you, even more so for you to look at him the way you were.
Already you were flirting with JJ and Ethan, something that caused a pit to form at the bottom of his stomach. He wouldn't admit it, but he could slowly feel the jealousy forming. Not that he had anything to be jealous about in the first place!
You continued to speak with the boys as you got your mic set up, telling them stories you were sure would embarrass JJ.
"Y/N, stop." The older boy whined. He could be like a child sometimes, but it was one of his more endearing qualities. He simply wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't.
"No, carry on." Simon laughed.
"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." You teased.
"I think it's time we started, don't you think?" Harry grumbled.
"Right." You smiled at the boy, who's cheeks became tinted red. He ducked to hide his face and walked around to stand in the line, hiding himself in the middle.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 23 and I'm from Y/H/T." You spoke to the camera once you were given the go ahead.
"I'm Simon, I'm 28. I like to practice safe sex."
"Always a good start."
"I could tie you to the bed, so you don't fall off." He finished with a giggle. You acted like you were pondering it for a moment before letting out a laugh and swiping right.
"I'm down for that." You teased. The boys all let out rumbles of laughter
"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 26 and kiss me if I'm wrong, but you're gonna swipe right."
"What would you rather?" You joked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the board, sticking his head through with his lips puckered, eliciting a cry of protest from Harry that this wasn't allowed. You laughed and made an over exaggerated motion to swipe to the right, causing him to pout playfully but walked over to the right anyway.
"Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. KSI has a top ten single, but you're the only hot single I can see."
"Wow, that was smooth!" You said with a grin. "Definite yes from me."
"I'm Callum, I'm 26. Are you into fitness?" Freezy asked.
"Can't say I am." You replied, unsure of what turn this could take.
"How about you fitness dick in your mouth?"
"I wouldn't get too excited babes, I gag on my toothbrush." You laughed. "We could try though."
You swiped right on him, chuckling as you watched him let out a yes before joining Simon, Ethan, and Josh. You frowned slightly, a crease forming between your brows as you saw Harry whisper something furiously at his friend but ultimately got distracted by Vik stepping up to go next.
"I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex-girlfriend always said I'd never do better than her, wanna prove her right?" You could hear the cries of the boys in the background, some scolding him, others laughing.
"Man actually said prove her right. Not wrong." JJ shrieked with a shocked look on his face, holding his head with his hands.
"You need to find someone for that." You snarked, swiping left on the boy, who shrugged and walked off.
"Damn! You got told!" Lux cackled.
"Uh hi. I'm Harry. I'm uh 25, no I'm not I'm 24." He stumbled. "Are you sure you're a muggle? Because that ass is magical."
"You should see how magical it can be." You spoke before cringing at yourself and laughing, swiping right to avoid a reply. The boy's face grew a bright shade of red, closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
"Geez, is that an offer?!" Freezy yelled from the right side. You laughed, observing how Harry whispered furiously to the boy to stop and winked at him once he had could see. Your laughter only increased as you watched JJ step up.
"I'm JJ. I'm 28 and are you a raisin? Cause you're raising my dick." The boy in question stood in front of you so confidently, hands clasped together in front of him so seriously that you just lost it. By the time you composed yourself, there were tears almost falling from your eyes.
"A* for effort." You laughed, swiping right eliciting a cry of success.
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You had wrapped up filming your segment of the video, which conveniently was the last of the day. You found JJ who you spoke to whilst the other boys were otherwise occupied talking to each other.
"Cheers for coming, Y/N/N. You've been great."
"Anything for you." You joked.
"Don't tempt me." He laughed. You could feel eyes on you, eyes that were burning into your side. You turned your head to see Harry staring you and JJ down before looking away after being caught in the act, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Does Harry not like me or something?" You whispered to JJ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
"Not that I know of." He frowned looking at the younger boy. "He can be a bit awkward at times and gets flustered a lot."
"Right." You agreed. You excused yourself before sauntering up to the boy in question, calling his name to snap him out of the daze he appeared to be in.
"Oh, um hey Y/N." He stumbled.
"Hi." You smiled gently. "I uh, I was just wondering, do you... have I done something to offend you?"
"Offend me? Why, uh, why would you think that?" He rambled.
"It's just... it's nothing, it's probably just me overthinking things." You waved it off, feeling like a complete idiot.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I don't like you. I don't not like you, in fact I really like you! Oh, um I mean I like you, you're very pretty." The boy couldn't stop rambling which made you laugh. "No, wait."
"You think I'm pretty?" You blushed interrupting him. Harry felt his mouth go dry, not being able to get anything coherent to come out. "Well, Harry, I really like you too."
"What?" His eyebrows shot up so far it was almost comical. "Really? So, you don't like the other guys?"
"What? No." You laughed. "That's absurd. Why would you think that?"
"You seemed very..." The boy trailed off, not wanting to offend you after you had admitted to liking him.
"Flirty?" You finished, causing him to nod. "I'm like that with everyone, I don't mean to be half the time."
"Well, how about you give me your phone number and when you finally grow a pair, you can ask me out?" Your confidence levels had shot up spontaneously.
"Uh, sure." His cheeks had become a dark shade of red as he passed his phone to you so you could put your number in. You kept looking up at him as you typed, putting your name under 'Y/N x' in his contacts before handing it back to him.
"Y/N! Come on! We're going to Nando's!" JJ called from the other side of the room.
"Call me." You winked. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and was currently the only thing from stopping the wide grin from spreading across your face. A grin that hadn't disappeared from your face for the rest of the day, much to the curiosity of JJ, who was disappointed when you refused to tell him why, or more appropriately who, had put the smile on your face.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden ----Anonymity Ch. 11 (NSFW) (END)
Ch.1 Ch2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
If you are curious to know what my version of Alexia looks like, check here
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All maids are dismissed from dinner at night.
The doors are kept sealed shut. It is clear whatever the Dimitrescus are discussing is not for ears outside of their family's to overhear.
You are thankful for the windows you have to focus on repairing while they talk. It keeps you from overthinking and that keeps you sane.
Once everything is fixed, the only physical sign of the nightmarish day you had is Cassandra's sickle, still embedded within what is no doubt a priceless painting.
You approach slowly, as though the weapon has a will of its own and can turn right around to finish the job of gutting you. Your fingers close around the leather handle. The first pull does nothing. The blade is so firmly lodged it won't budge an inch.
But you are nothing if not determined.
That is what you busy yourself with until you see a familiar fly come to land on your shoulder. It doesn't cut at your flesh, but it does bite and tug on your shirt. You understand the silent command to follow.
The insect leads you to the dining room. The table is cleaned, but the daughters are all still there, talking in hushed tones among themselves, poker faces adorning their expressions.
Three sets of yellowish eyes immediately fall to the sickle in your hand. Bela raises an amused eyebrow. The redhead whistles. "That looks sexy on you~"
"Can't imagine it would look as good in me." You give Cassandra a pointed look as you pull the chair beside her, but she only shrugs and leans back, motioning for you to hand it over.
"No... did you throw it at her?" Daniela guffaws. "And you missed?"
A sour grimace comes from the brunette. "I wasn't trying that hard..."
"What if I hadn't dodged?" you ask.
"...well. It's good that you did." Cassandra looks down at her manicured nails, as apologetic as she'll let herself be in front of her sisters.
"Do I want to know what was hit instead of Alexia?" Bela carefully asks.
"You really don't." Cassandra shakes her head and they leave it at that for both their sake.
"So." Bela speaks up after a brief moment of silence. "After our discussion with mother, we are to inform you that you're free to come and go from the castle as you please. Cassandra's key is as much hers as it is yours, now. But. Should any other maid escape using it or learn of our weakness, we'll have to do something nobody here wants."
"We'll have to brutally murder you to make an example. And whoever knows." Daniela cuts in and Cassandra gives her a glare. You aren’t looking forward to learning what their interpretation of the word ‘brutal’ is like.
"Yeah I... I could have guessed that." you reply.
"But I'm sure you're smart enough to not let that happen." Bela states. "This settles everything, I think."
"Not everything." Cassandra retorts, a shadow around her eyes.
"Cassandra, drop it. You heard what mother said." The blonde's tone grows harsh.
"What did she say, other than what we already knew?" comes the sharp bite back. "Why is she so vague every time one of us asks how we came to be?"
"I'm sure she has a good reason. What does it even matter about before?"
"Because I'm sick of having nightmares about people I don't remember!" Cassandra slams her hands onto the table. Both you and Daniela flinch back a bit.
You could have already guessed Alcina is not their biological mother. But a lot of puzzle pieces fall into place before your eyes now. And this new picture you're starting to see of the Dimitrescu family isn't a pretty one at all.
The tension between the two siblings is enough to electrify the air around the table.
"Did you ever consider it's probably for the best that you never do remember them?" Bela asks, her irritation ice-cold as opposed to Cassandra's sizzling fire. "Maybe there's a reason nightmares are all that's left."
You can see your lover's jaw clench. Cassandra's fingers curl into white-knuckled fists as she sits back down. "Don't you get these flashes? These almost-memories?"
"No." Bela says as she stands to leave. "I don't get them. And even if I did, I don't much care for leftovers."
"Daniela?" Cassandra asks, turning to her younger sister.
"I uh... I gotta go do a... thing. Bye now!" The redhead disperses into a swarm right there, before any more can be said.
Cassandra huffs in an exasperated, 'of course' manner. Only the two of you are left in the gigantic room, but you're not sure if you should speak up. You're not exactly confident in your ability to comfort others, nor can you tell where she and you currently stand. It doesn't look like either of you has the energy for any type of loaded talk.
You need each other, that much is as certain as the sun’s rise and fall.
And that's enough, for now.
Within the next few days, Cassandra and you take your time gravitating back together.
You let the thought of her ripping you in half slowly bleed away and she probably does the same with the notion of you using her weakness against her.
It starts with little touches, on your shoulder or your hand, as you make plans to spend a night or two in your house at the village once the temperature allows it.
Then one evening she comes to your room complaining about Daniela just like the old times and it feels only natural to rub her back like you used to.
Cassandra leans into you like a purring cat.
"Oh, you're so warm..." she sighs, resting her head atop your shoulder.
Absent-mindedly, you bring your travelling fingers up to her nape, pressing at a tiny knot of tension there with your thumb. A little moan slips past her lips –you're aware of just how close to touching your neck they are– and it hits you straight in the gut. You've missed drawing these sounds out of her.
Cassandra shifts against you and every minuscule brush of her lithe form on yours brings sparks to life. Her finger reaches under your chin to tip it her way.
"If you want us to stop here I need to leave now." she speaks with that impatience in the edges of her voice you recognize well.
"What happens if you stay?" you ask. It's not just your body warming at the thought of keeping her close.
"Don't tempt me, Alexia." Her lower lip just barely traces yours as she says it. "I'm not good at resisting and you know it."
You know it. Maybe that's why you tempt her with another almost-kiss in the first place. You could never deny how badly you wanted her and that certainly hasn't changed.
Cassandra crashes your mouths together hungrily, like she's been left without it for too long and now she can't go another second without having you. Her leg crosses over yours to lift herself into straddling you, two strong thighs bracketing your hips tight.
She's trying, you can tell, to not tear both your clothes off and have what she craves hard and fast and right there.
You keep a smirk to yourself when you slip your tongue into her mouth and unhook the buttons of her outfit extra slow. Her nails press into your shoulders. You refuse to speed up.
"Can you go any faster?" she breathily pants once you trail your lips to her neck.
"I can." you say. And lightly bite her.
She's one step away from ripping your shirt off, you can tell from how her fingers curl on the fabric. So you make the smarter choice and distract her with another little bite where you know she likes it best, just underneath her ear, then guide her clothes off of her.
Cassandra pushes you back into the mattress and kisses you again while her cool hands make short work of your clothes. You let her grind her hips into you for some measure of relief as you continue to suck and nibble on her flushed, sensitive skin. Her hands find purchase on your sheets when she no longer trusts her control to have them on you.
"Will you touch me already?" she growls into your ear. You can feel how badly she needs it from the way she shakes on every caress near her center, but this is your payback for that sickle throw.
"I am." you give her a smirk, then lightly push a fingertip into tight, wet heat to cut off her response.
"Ah. I— fuck Alexia!" You've never heard her curse before. And you can't figure out why it's so sinfully hot. “Oh, yes, darling, there!”
As much as she deserves to be tormented for the fright she gave you, you can hardly contain your own lust when she's moving on top of you like this, calling you ‘darling’ and hers.
Both of you come undone not long after, gripping at each other, her soft cries of pleasure filling the room until she lowers her head over your heart, completely spent.
Your fingers gently comb through her wavy hair. For quite some time, Cassandra looks so relaxed you think she has fallen asleep on you.
Until she lifts her head up and nuzzles your jawline, in a way she probably knows kills you every time she does it. Her teeth trap your earlobe. That spells trouble even before she speaks up:
"You didn't think one round would do it, did you? After all, I have yet to pay you back for sneaking into my room and stealing my key, darling…"
It turns out you won a battle and started a war that lasts throughout the night. And it's only the first, you're sure, of many to come.
For once in your life, you can't wait for what's next.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Living in luxury | Helmut Zemo
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Requested by @realremyd
This was not a life you ever expected to he a part of. The life of a Baron brought with it a lit of excitement and adventure. Being with him meant you would get to experience all that too.
The Baron spoilt you. That was a given. He liked to show off and impress. Who were you to stop his fun?
Zemo would whisk you off across the globe, staying in the most lavish of places full of history and beauty. He would let you experience everything there was to offer. He helped your broaden your horizons.
It was all very exciting.
Tonight he was taking you one of the most expensive restaurants you have ever seen. Helmut had gone ahead and bought you an outfit for he evening, complete with accessories. He was tempted to take it off you the moment he saw you, his urges getting the better of him, but he had planned this night for you to enjoy.
He could save the fun for dessert.
You stood outside the restaurant and stated at the building. You were frozen to the spot.
"What is it?" He asked, keeping his voice low. Zemo could see how nervous you had become, he wanted to soothe your fears. With a hand on your back, he leans in close so you can whisper back.
"I don't think I can do this."
"Why not? What is worrying you?"
"This place is very flashy. Stunning, but so put of my league. I've never been somewhere so... expensive before. There's bound to be important people eating here, they have to be if they're coming here for dinner."
Zemo chuckles softly, the sound barely reaching your ears. He plants a kiss behind your ear.
"You have nothing to worry about. You need only focus on me, my love." You can feel the smile on his face against your neck.
"Still, I'm a ball of nerves right now."
Another kiss.
"Don't overthink it, hold onto me and you'll see." He offers you his arm. You take it.
Zemo gives his name and you're shown to a table. You can't help looking around, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, to see exactly what kind of place this was.
Everyone was dressed to the nines.
You felt so out of place here. You may be all dressed up for the occasion, but you didn't feel right being here.
Zemo pulls out your chair for you. You sit down and he takes his seat opposite you once you're comfortable.
You look around again.
"You worry too much."
You look back at him.
"I can't help it. This feels strange. I shouldn't be here," you whisper-yell across the table.
"You should be wherever you want to be," he smiles at you.
A waiter brings over menus. You each take one and open it. You can feel a cold-sweat break out.
"I don't see any prices on here."
Zemo chuckles. He knows you too well. Always trying to keep things on the down low as possible. Well, not tonight. You will be spoilt rotten today.
"I know, Schatz."
"Helmut..." You lower your menu and look at him.
Zemo takes your hand in his.
"Have whatever you want to have, my love. Please don't hold back, I want to treat you to whatever you desire."
You nod your head.
You pick up the menu again and look over your options. There is plenty to choose from. You pick the one you liked the sound of the most. Zemo makes the order.
You glance around the restaurant again.
"Stop that," he warns, chuckling under his breath.
"I can't help it." You turn back to him.
"What must I do to ease your mind?"
"I don't know. I feel silly, I'm ruining the mood. It's just feels like another world."
"It must feel strange being with me."
"I love it though. I love you! I'm just not used to your lifestyle, no matter how much you whisk me away," you chuckle.
He keeps you talking until your order arrives.
As your meal is set in front of you, you glance up at Zemo.
"Do posh people eat differently focus poor people?" You ask, suddenly feeling shy again.
Zemo shakes his head in amusement.
"No, basic manners apply here too. No one is looking, so take your time and enjoy your meal."
You smile softly at him.
You eat a little anxiously, but Zemo helps makes it more comfortable as you both have a light conversation. You feel proud you don't make a fool of yourself.
Once the plates are taken away, you both sit and have a drink.
You're smiling at things Zemo says. He knows exactly what to do and say to make your night special.
You worry less about those around you.
Zemo stands first after paying the bill, not telling you how much it came to. You would only feel bad and he wanted to avoided that. He tucks his chair under the table and comes to stand beside your seat.
"May I?" He holds out his hand.
You laugh as you take his hand and stand. You both exit the restaurant.
"Well? Did you enjoy your evening?"
"I did. Thank you. Can I make a little request though?"
You stop and stand in front of him.
"Let's not do that too much. I enjoyed it, but it's so out of my element, I don't think I'll ever get used to it."
Zemo gives a handsome smile and kisses you.
"If that's what you desire."
Zemo open the car door for you and helps you get in. He chuckles to himself as he makes his way to the drivers seat.
He would spoil you in other ways.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna
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bokuroo-squeals · 3 years
Of rough time, marriage and fears
Daichi x reader
Genre: Requested angst to fluff
Summary: After a year of being happily married, trouble seems to appear at paradise when Daichi starts growing distant.
Note: This is not the best, and I don't think I took it the right direction but it was fun to experiment with this. Let me know if there's any orthographic or grammar mistake ,and thank you for reading!!
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Marriage is more than a pretty wedding and golden rings, more than a cozy house with nice plants to water. Marriage is way more than all that, so it's not surprise to have though days, fights and disagreements are not a foreign concept, but nothing of this was enough to break you and Daichi. Or so you thought.
One year into your spouse life started like a dream. Even when the road had potholes in the way, you two were mature about it and faced them together. Every morning you woke up next to the love of your life, and he held you close as if you were the most valuable thing in the world, and for a while, you thought you were to him. But months gone by taught you otherwise, because now the space between you was unbearable, like ice left too long on skin. And how it started you don't know, but you wished you did.
The first sign was Daichi growing distant, the second one was him getting in contact with an old friend, a past 'almost something' he knew since high school. And then, it was him spending more time with friends, with her, and you left alone at home to play the loyal housekeeper, the cute spouse that cleaned and cooked but couldn't enjoy dinner with the husband. So it hurt, the feeling of being left behind was slowly filling your lungs until you couldn't gasp for air normally, until the sensation was too much to handle.
The night was as normal as it could go, with you sitting on the couch, waiting for Daichi to come back home from work. Dinner had grown cold, and the clock's hands had moved so much for you to remember how long have you been waiting. Alone in a house meant for two, you couldn't help but feel lonely without Daichi, and you stop to thing briefly, maybe it's your own fault.
It's almost midnight when you hear the door open, then the shuffle of his shoes against the floor. He comes to through the frame, notices your figure and walks your way with heavy steps, Daichi's weight pulling him down in every movement of his legs shows how tired he is.
"It's late, you shouldn't have wait for me. I was out with Suga and the rest after work" he explains briefly after he collapsed next to you on the couch, finally giving into exhaustion.
The conversation ends like that.
Next time is not as peaceful
"Where are you going?" You asked again, the third time already on the week. You're tired, tired of not feeling like you still matter to him, exhausted of feeling him escape through your fingers even when he is right there in front of you.
"Another class reunion. Yuna-san..."
Your blood rushes with anger and you don't let him finish, you can't. It's too unbearable, the feeling of fury.
"Yuna-san? Another reunion? Daichi, please. You're rarely home this days, please, can you just stay with me this time?" Is not easy or possible for you to mask how exasperated you are at this point. Your husband notices the trembling of your body, coming closer to you with a tired sigh.
"We talked about this. Don't do this tonight, Y/n" with how hard he mutters it, it comes out like a warning, one that you're willing to ignore in favor of your feelings. This time is different, any patience or consideration have been thrown to the drain by you, and you are finally ready to explore.
"No! We haven't talk about this, we never talk, and that's the problem! Is always just you asking me to drop it, to leave you alone, to swallow everything inside me, and honestly, I'm not doing that anymore" He stares at you with brows knitted together tightly, a clear sign of him not approving what he takes as a tantrum for his attention.
"We'll talk when you have calmed down. Until then, I'm going out" Daichi turns to walk out, about to leave the scene like nothing, like your marriage was nothing.
Tears you didn't know were there start falling out of your eyes, dramatic style out of a lame romantic movie.
For him, it started with jokes and teasing from the team, making fun of him for a few laughs. It wasn't anything too malicious, a few comments here and there over his marriage life, how he was an old man now and how they were getting ready to not see him anymore at reunions or parties. Daichi could handle that, even laughing along with them, until Yamamori Yuna arrived back into his life.
There was a school reunion that he decided to attend after months of being stressed by work, just going out for some drinks and catch up with their past classmates, a night to refresh those records left in their memories from their youth. Everyone was chatting animatedly, the same jokes Daichi was used to were repetead, which he responded with an equally happy laugh. But the girl next to him frowned, her hand discreetly sneaking in a smooth motion all over his arm to get to his shoulder.
"Doesn't it bother you, Sawamura-san? They're making fun of you. " The seemingly troubled expression on her face was enough to cut his laughter.
"It's alright, I'm having fun out of it too"
"Well, it's not fun for me as your friend. Ever since the wedding you have been so engrossed on your partner, that it looks like have forgotten to be your own person, and now you're the joke of your friends". Yamamori's frown deepened even more, her pretty face painted with fake consern. She was so immersed in the little act, in her own selfish intentions, that every word sounded like authentic worry.
That conversation stays engraved on his mind more than it should've.
It's not like he doesn't love you, because he does. The band on his finger is the proof of his adoration towards you, but the fear of losing himself is powerful and big enough to overthink. Daichi starts going out more, because after thinking about it, he was closing off his friends, going out less, not answering texts, missing calls and updates from his friends.
Yuna seems to have all the answers for the questions plaguing his mind, so naturally, he hangs out more with her and his friends. Getting loose and enjoying himself with other people that's not you, because he thinks it what he needs.
He's told you before that she's hanging out with the boys and him lately, he's talked about her when you ask where he was or what was he doing. It's not like he's hiding the fact that he's been in contact with her, yet you still feel like trash when the ghost of doubt makes it's way on your heart.
When he returns, he doesn't expect you to be awake, thinking that you'd be on your shared bed, passed out after calming yourself. But you're as awake as you could be, with bloodshot eyes and dry tears over your sad features, and his heart pants with pain at the view. Is heartbreaking, seeing you as equally heartbroken, and us even more heartbreaking knowing he was the cause of your suffering. So he holds you, close to his heart to comfort a little what he has hurt.
"You don't love anymore. You're gonna leave me for her, Yuna" your words are tainted by anguish. An uncomfortable affirmation from your part, one that's not even close to the truth. His breathing stops and for a moment, he swears his heart does too.
"Don't say that, don't you dare say that again. I love you so much, you don't even understand." He opens up his heart with you.
Fifteen minutes is how much it takes him to explain to you all what has gotten to his mind ever since the first reunion. How he was afraid of not being him anymore, of being forgotten by his friends, of hovering over you too much.
"I'm awful, I'm the worst. My selfishness is the worst. I know, now I know. But please, you're the only one for me, I'd never cheat or leave you. The only one on my mind is you. At this point, you've ruined everything for me; love, sex, even religion. No-one can come close to whatever you do, to whatever you make me feel, I can't be tempted by anything that isn't you".
You belive him, you do. The way words spill so easily, flowing like water, can't be faked, neither can be the sparkle in his eye which you hadn't seen in weeks.
Daichi's path to redemption begins with being home early after work. Coming to your arms as soon and fast as he can, welcoming your warmth deep in his soul. Once again in your embrace, is hard for him to think just how much has he been missing out.
Is the kisses and hand holding, is your voice and your love what makes Daichi feel safe.
"Daichi, you have to shave" you tell him between giggles, his facial hair caressing the skin on your neck making you itchy.
"Later" he murmurs while he inhales your scent. It calms him down, it relaxes him.
Right now, he has to hold you close, love you as much as he can to make up for the bitter days he had made you suffer. Right now, you feel as safe and as happy as possible, between his arms that are your real home, beside him where you belong.
Marriage is more than just a pretty house and golden rings. Marriage is failing and hurting, with the promise of fixing whatever it needs to mend together.
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pompadourpink · 2 years
bonjour, maman! j'espère que tu vas bien. there's a dilemma i'm hoping to get your advice on and it'll probably be long, sorry! i've always been the type to keep moving and not envision myself anywhere permanently (location, fixed career path, dating etc). when covid started, i moved back to my country, thinking it was temporary, but ended up staying (quite happy about that now). this prolonged time back home has kind of made me face that i have attachment issues. (1/4)
it's not that i've been burning bridges but i never really set my roots down anywhere (apart from a few close friends). the idea of living here has been growing on me and i'm trying to think long-term now - it's been fine career-wise but when it comes to people (whether in friendly or romantic terms), i still struggle. i've been living in a new town for half a year now and am about to start an internship where i know a former classmate also works. (2/4)
we were friendly but never really hung out and didn't keep in touch after i changed schools. it's been about 8 years since, i've seen him around in our hometown a few times in recent years and we've chatted a bit then.i'm debating if i should reach out to him ahead of that or just go with the flow if/when i bump into him. it's a big company and i'm only working there for one project and he's not involved with it so i might not even run into him. (3/4)
at the same time, i'm curious to hear what he's been up to and could use another friend around here so i'm tempted to reach out. i don't know if i'm scared of rejection, committing to things or something else but it's making me feel weird and overthink this, i really don't know how to go about this. (4/4) merci!
Hello dear,
I think the priority here is that you find a therapist that's been trained in attachment issues. In my experience, if you drag untreated trauma behind you, you will sabotage your relationships, even if you were lucky enough to find the right people, because your brain will gaslight you until the other person decides that you're too much to deal with and they haven't signed for this (you cancelling all the time, being too much, getting disappointed for no reason, etc.)
If you don't want to mess it up with that guy, start by getting Bumble BFF, finding people to have drinks with on your local subreddit, going to a class, a museum, the gym - anything that you have a personal interest in - and seeing if you can find someone who looks inviting, start a light conversation, and ask if they'd like to keep in touch at the end. Be the friend you'd like to have. Talk to anyone you can and learn how to make small talk, just to get used to it, to realise that sometimes people will want to see more, and some other times not, and that it's okay.
Therapy is particularly important if you struggle to befriend people because outside of personality, there might be reasons why people keep their distances. For example, someone who's been through a lot and hasn't healed yet is likely to share intimate details with perfect strangers and suffocate them. That behaviour screams: I need help, this is too heavy for me, I need someone, I don't care if it's you, I have issues, I want someone to carry them for me, no we can't talk about yours, look I'm crying, hold me, where are you going, come back I love you. Nuh-uh. Not your therapist, not your parent, this is already exhausting and I've only known you three days.
(This is an example of co-dependency, one of many options.)
Realise that you also have opinions about the people who try and talk to you, and if someone doesn't send you the right vibes, it's not a personal attack. They're just not the right fit. And yes, sure, when you bump into the guy, you can throw him a bone and his reaction will tell you everything you need to know. Your job will then be to accept his decision instead of taking it personally and letting it get to you.
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avatar-mikazuki · 2 years
Wraths rasp
It was like any other day in the devildom, he would walk to his classes, learn a new spell, talk to his friends, and maybe a crush~ the day had been well.
He was happy, as it should have been!
As its always been.
But as all clear days do end, and storms begin, the air did shift. With whispers, stairs, gaping, gawking, pointing, and suddenly he felt reality fall off its kilter beneath him, as it used to do so often long ago, this sense of familiarity haunting him once more-
Something was wrong.
Oh something was really wrong!!
The day had been so perfect and now he would wonder what had he done!? Why was he being watched, what did he do? What did he say?
"It's all your fault," but what he did he couldn't say.
"You're to blame," and suddenly he realized whatever it was he was guilty either way, for he could only accept what was given, and there's nothing more to add.
He doesn't need to know what he did... But he did it, he always does!
What manner of man could ever do as much as he's done? Truly there was no greater potential then his to ruin something.
And so he simply believed what that something was.
And with these beliefs the panic would grow, as did the whispers. Nervous fidgeting intense as he fought inner voices.
They would scream and yell till he couldn't think, and with each inner pain his esteem would shrink.
And all this over something not even said.
So before another thought could spiral out his head, he attempted to reason with it.
"Maybe the brothers could tell me what's going on." "Maybe something happened and I've got something wrong, it won't hurt to ask them." And if he simply asked they would tell, perhaps by the end of this all would be well.
But storms rage long, and rains go far, he would not find Solace from his "friends".
Running home Lucas was a mess, a mass of Anxiety and sweat.
And as soon as he got there he decided to wait, "I better tell them over dinner when we're all sitting at the table, lucky I have cooking duty today." "Well maybe not lucky," he grumbled, just convenient really.
And he agonized the hours away until dinner, sighing almost in relief when the wait was finally over.
Calling the brothers down he waited, once downstairs though he noticed they grumbled and tussled, and once seeing him none looked elated.
Even more worried he thought 'Did I call them down to early? It was only 6.' 'Maybe they just weren't hungry? Or maybe they didn't like my cooking?' 'Nahhh they always love my cooking!!' Lost in thought he tried to push them aside, 'this isn't the time to overthink I need to ask them about today.'
So finally sitting at the table he said, “everyone’s been giving me weird looks and I don’t know why…” hoping their answer would be silly he waited, but the heavy air told him otherwise, and his heart sank as his fears would begin to surface again, what had he done.
"As I'm sure you know a noble was recently declared deceased." Lucifer said sternly.
"Well what the hell's that got to do with me? I didn't even know about this."
"It was Leeland crawford, and they suspect you had a hand in it."
'Ha! That old man finally kicked the bucket did he, about time.' 'Shhh don't think that when you're being accused of literal murder....' 'You can't say you weren't tempted to bash his head in once or twice-'
"I know I disliked the guy but I didn't do it, I don't even know how he died. I didn't even know he died!!"
"Of course you do you did it."
"Wowo you can't possibly believe that I-"
"Heart attack, he died of a heart attack Lucas."
'see that's proof I didn't do it, I'd never kill him like that, I'd crush his head real good.' 'But I can't just SAY THAT-'
"Those were natural causes Lucifer I can't have been the one to kill him."
'I'm a good person I'd never cause harm'
'But you did want him to die didn't you? The blood running cold as his head would roll... The pleasure in a bad man dead-
Wouldn't what? Do it? Enjoy it? That's a lie.
I'm- I'm a good person!! I'm a GOOD PERSON GOD DAMMIT.
"You don't actually think I would hurt someone do you? Really Lucifer? Kill someone? End a life!?!? Guys you can't be serious!"
Oh but they are, and wouldn't you marvel at the body if it had been you, relish in the accomplishment if it had been you. Oh the jealousy that his ugly sickly heart got him first, oh the rage your power wasn't what ended his useless existence.
No no no no NO!
"Lucas who else has the power to end a strong healthy demons life?"
Heh me of course!
Not helping-
Do you even want help? Don't you like that you're getting all the credit?
Good people don't wish for death.
You're not a good person.
You're wrong I'd never do such a thing.
You're right you would have done it differently.
No that's not what I meant, I mean-
"I do have a lot of power, but I only use it for the greater good! I can bring happiness, growth, and life to this world."
It's what I always do...
"Just as well as you could bring chaos and destruction, and the ultimate despair! You are not without your other half, don't think you can keep hiding behind your better mask"
But this is also what you do and, he's right you know, who are you hiding from? You know you wanted what was done. You know you've done worse and this accusation is nothing in comparison to the realities you've shunned, remember all those planets? Those stars? Those people? All locked away into a pocket where the attempts to restrain them is feeble.
Look at your tragedies oh bringer of sorrow, look at your accomplishment and fuck ups as if you didn't plan for more to come tomorrow.
"But I didn't do it and that's the truth!"
"You lie, we all know it was you."
I'm not a liar.
"With what proof!?"
I didn't do it.
You know you did.
"No one else could have done it!"
I didn't do it.
"There's no proof anyone could have done it, it was fucking natural!!!"
"We all know what you've done Lucas you can't lie, and you've been convicted so we must take you to the demon lords castle."
"Please!!" He screamed before running away, sprinting and crying his feelings in disarray.
And as he ran and ran his lungs felt tight, his head spinning and he fought back the voices with all his might.
But how when all he had left was his mind? How when all these years he couldn't win that battle even if he tried?
So he turned to the only thing he knew how to do, he found a quiet place in the forest and sat, playing violin solemnly tears falling.
Pitter pat, pitter pat.
Each tear, each sound, to every memory they were bound.
His symphonies of an old days glory and a past times pride.
Melodies of beautiful moments he loved even as they faded with time.
And flow they did with heavy currents and tides, down a river and gone now, as his smile went wry.
How could he have allowed himself to love again? How could he have trusted in them?
They cheated, they lied, they even made up accusations blind.
And he believed them, trusted them, loved them.
Even so they went out of their way in spite, refusing to understand him and choosing to fight.
They ran and ran after him, while he ran and ran away, his violin now vicious in the way it played.
My goodness the way it played, so fluid and pure, it was so sad he wasn't happily playing for them anymore.
Now instead of their love it was hate, now new flowers would bloom in the ungodly trenches of his cruel fate.
Weeds tangling their feet and their legs, tying them up and making a mess, pushed over the edge.
The edge....
"You have nowhere to run!!! Turn yourself in, please don't make this harder than it has to be Lucas."
He trembled.
"You're making this harder then it has to be! What kind of friends would just turn their backs on me, I thought we were a family!! Now you just toss me aside!? I couldn't have been more frightened in my life, that someone could just abandon me, but I should've known you were all the same!! Every last one of you! I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU."
He jumped.
They all screamed and cried as he fell into an unending abyss.
Why he wouldn't understand, because they were the ones who betrayed him.
At some point he almost accepted his pain, after all what did he expect from a bunch of demons?
Then the voices started up again.
You're going to let them get away with this?
Leave me alone...
You're really gonna let them walk all over you?
I said to leave.
You, a deity, bringer of life and death, balance and chaos won't avenge this wrong?
He began to shriek and yelp while he furiously thrashed and kicked at himself.
And leave it did, but it didn't leave alone, his conscience and good will stripped to the bone.
This was a deity sorrowful and alone, he'd say goodbye to his past self and welcome someone new.
Now an almighty god of chaos and wrath he was born anew.
Goodbye old Lucas, someone gone far to soon.
Part one of something I made for my bestie @different-type-of-hell ❤️💕
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treeashhere · 2 years
Another vent HAHA
I'm sorry
Don't look or else you'll get bad luck like mine 🥰
Yknow those times where you're just overthinking every single things? Like just a simple going to other blog just makes me think that what if I annoy them even though its just mciaksikask but I just-
Okay nvm that but I had a friend, best friend actually who's been with me for years and like- I'm used to being ghost, literally, but this time it's so painful
I mean it was already painful from the past since I always get ghosted and they've always told me something like "I'm just so pissed with everything so I'm so sorry" and when I asked them if I'm the problem at July 27, they said at Aug.27 "noo, I just went an annoying phase" aa
And then we stopped talking at Sept 20, which was the day I got diagnosed with covid and I told them but then she stopped talking which I somehow hope she would reply again for a few hours,,, but she didn't.
I decided to even greeted her a happy birthday at Oct. Because yknow its their bday and they were thankful, along with saying; "I'm so sorry asf that I didn't chat"
and all I could say, all the times; "no its fine HAHAHAH"
Was I really fine that time? Idek.
Am I wrong for these? Idk anymore.
Then we stopped again which I'm kinda used to kdksk
Though December came,, and were like making promises for our future together and stuff but as times goes by they just seem pretty,, distant. Like they're uninterested in what we're talking about and ig I understand since I'm boring to talk to help-
But when they announced that they have a partner I was like, "ohhh okok" because that was like our first time talking that *they* first started because at 26th or something around that day, I was sending msgs up until just sending pictures of my walk through that were supposed to do but they told me they're busy with school
Okay go, do school I care for that. Even if you change your profile picture frequently. Even if you change your bio to a matching one. Even if you talked to me just to announce your relationship and approach me on why your other friend is having troubles with you. Even when you talked to me first for apologizing in ghosting me and that you're sorry but then when I asked you when we youre available to play with me, you immediately told me you're busy and just suddenly stayed silent again. Even if you are online in all platforms and when I've online, you turned it off, okay go, I care for your grades. You're free to study tbh
It's okay to study but the fact that yknow, lying to me is just hhhhhh
And I already have trust issues hhhhhhhh
Yet when I blocked them, only in discord and just didn't message me throughout all social media's that I haven't blocked them yet just vkosldksl I'm not looking for attention
I just needed some reassurance to prove that I'm wrong about you or just anything to change my doubts on you,, yet it never came
It never did. Until now I'm still waiting. Im tempted to unblock them but idek what to do anymore hhhhhhhhhhh I just wonder if I'm the problem or not because I'm willing to change tbh. I just wanted to hear some honest, bitter answers rather than sugar coated lies bc that's what it hurts me,
If you don't want to talk to me, pls tell me bc honestly? I'm tired of trying to chase you, I'm tired of having the same dreams of you being the one breaking our friendship and laughing at it, I'm tired of overthinking whether or not you cared.
Maybe I'm wrong here, maybe I'm not
I just hhhhhh maybe I'm too overdramatic and I just have to wait for them again.
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spellthemoon · 3 years
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Kang Younghyun x Reader.
You really don't know how did you end up here. In Seoul station with your backpack at 12 PM. You just had this idea when you woke up that you want to have a trip to somewhere since you skip class and it got you bored. So, you just took shower and packing your clothes enough for 3 days trip. You don't even know where to go and it's your first time to have a trip alone. You had a thought to go back home and cancel this plan but when you look around the station, it holds you back. Station is always an interesting place for you. There, you can see people who are about to go to somewhere or just got back from somewhere. You hold your backpack strap and thrilling to go on with the first plan. But you don't know what to do first. Shall you check where to go first or just buy whatever ticket available. You're still deep in your thoughts when someone bumped into you from behind. You dropped your wallet and phone.
"Ouch!" You hissed, worried that your phone might cracked.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The person sounded he's on rush and helped you to pick your wallet. "Are you okay?" He asked you, worried. He stretched his hand to give your wallet.
"I'm okay." You took your wallet from him, still checking your phone to find any crack.
"Okay, good. I'm sorry."
When you looked up after found no crack on your phone, the man was already running from you. You didn't have a chance to see his face. He's wearing all black outfit and carrying the same black colored backpack as yours. Seem like his train will leave soon, he's sprinting.
For safety reason you save your wallet in your bag and put your phone in your pocket jeans. You walked to the Ticket Vending Machine and luckily there's not so many people. You're standing still at the Ticket Vending Machine. You don't know what you're doing so you just pressed whatever you see, without thinking. After you got the ticket you decide to just wait for the train because you can't do anything much in one hour. You're sitting at the corner while examining your ticket. From Seoul to Gwangju. You don't know much about Gwangju actually, so you just started do some research about what to do, what to visit and what to eat in Gwangju. The most important one is where to stay. You think guesthouse will be a perfect choice since you always wanted to try stay at the guesthouse for a trip. Maybe you'll meet nice people. You're so focus searching for affordable and nice guesthouse when someone came and sit next to you. Between other empty seats and row, someone chose to sit beside you. It made you uncomfortable enough to shifted your position slightly away from the person beside you. You didn't take a look at the person, pretending to still focus on your phone. From the corner of your eyes you can see that he is a man. He seems so busy searching something inside his bag. A ring is falling right at your feet. You picked it up and placed it on the little space between you and him without saying a word. He buried his face inside his bag, so he didn't realize that he dropped his ring and had someone pick it up from him. You looked at the your watch and it's just 15 minutes left to your train departure. You stood up and walked to the platform leaving the man who's still busy searching for the thing he's losing behind.
You're smiling from ear to ear when you're already seated on the train. Your seat is by the window so it got you so excited. You'll get a chance to see the view.
You picked your phone to continue browsing for a guesthouse you'll stay at. There are two guesthouses that caught your attention. After you gained every little information about the two, you decided to choose the guesthouse which closer to the station. You think it's better. After you done with the booking and the payment online, you chose the playlist you want to listen to during the two hours ride. The train will leave in five minutes. At the same times someone sits beside you. That made you disappointed a little bit since you hoped no one would sit next to you. You'd feel more comfortable that way. You took a glance at the man sitting next to you. He looks somewhat familiar. You paid attention carefully then you realized that he's the same man that sit beside you at the station. You recognize him from the ring he's wearing. For once again he's busy looking for something inside his bag. But this time he didn't bury his face in the bag so you can see his face clearly. He has a black hair and he has a pair of sharp eyes and those eyes are now looking at you. Yes, he realized that you've been eyeing him. You gasped and immediately turn your face to look outside the window. You feel so embarrassed. The man cleared his throat awkwardly. Fortunately he didn't say anything. Who's gonna be happy if a stranger staring at your face? You also wil not comfortable if that happens to you.
The train started to leave. Your excitement has gone because a stranger was sitting next to you. He has a really board shoulders, it made his shoulders brushed with yours frequently. Every time that happened, the two of you immediately distancing yourself even though it's useless since there really wasn't any space anymore. You looked around the carriage, there were many empty seats. Why this man has to sit next to you making you uncomfortable. You have a thought moving to another seat but you're afraid he would feel offended. Yes, you're such an overthinker person. You really think too much about a stranger's feeling. You just hope that he would be the one who moves to another seat.
One hour more you'll arrive at Gwangju. Still with the same man next to you. Your stomach made an embarrassing sound. You pretended like nothing happened so that you don't get even more embarrassed. You wanted to buy food but you hold back. You have to make sure that you won't starving for two nights in Gwangju. This is a sudden trip so you don't bring that much money.
Your neck was stiff because you just look outside the window and you were hungry, so your mood was not very good. Is this the start of an unpleasant journey? You got even more annoyed when your shoulders brushes with the man again because he was looking for something inside his bag, again.
You're ready to close your eyes hoping that when you wake up, it's already in Gwangju.
"Hello, do you want this?"
A voice made you to open your eyes again. You turned your head and the man is handing a chocolate to you. That's your favorite chocolate. But, is it because he heard your stomach growling?
"No, thank you." You said in the most polite way you could think of.
He put the chocolate back to his bag without saying anything. Then, he handed you something again. This time it's sandwich.
"It's okay, i'm fine." You said with a smile reassuring him that you're fine.
Well, you think it's not save to receive any food from stranger. The world can be so scary.
He nodded, "Okay then. But you can take this." He put the chocolate on your lap. Carefully so his hand didn't touch anything else. "Don't worry, the expired date is next year. It's edible."
Did he read your mind? You hesitated but still take the chocolate. It won't be nice to keep rejecting it. Hence you can accept it without actually eating the chocolate.
"Oh, thank you."
"Hmm, you're welcome." He opened the plastic wrap of his sandwich and started to take a big bite. A really big bite. The sandwich looks so tempting. You should just accept it. You can smell the tuna from it. All you can do was just sigh quietly and back to look outside.
The man back to looking for something inside his bag. Again. He took another sandwich again! Will he give it to you? You had a little hope that he will, but it's vanished when he unwrapped the sandwich and take a big bite again. He's probably starving. The previous sandwich was tuna, you can smell the second one was chicken sandwich.
You're shocked when he's coughing loudly. No, he's choking. He kept coughing vigorously. You became panic when his face turned red and he shedded tears. He's having a hard time breathing. People starter to notice the incident but they did nothing. Their gaze made you even more panicked. You patted him on the back, still being careful. That's what people do, right?
"Are you okay?" Dumb question, you know. He didn't look okay at all. You kept patting his back harder. Your other hand tried to reach the water bottle inside your bag. He's still coughing and now you hit his back hard. It looks like it's finally work because he had something coming out from his mouth. He was panting, his face was still red. You took your hand off from his back and handing your water bottle to him.
"Here, you can drink this."
He took the bottle with his trembling hand. After he drank for like half of it, he gave the bottle back to you.
"Thank you so much." He said.
You took it and closed the lid. "Are you okay now?"
He nodded and smiled shyly. "Yes, thank you. I thought i was going to die. It's all thanks to you."
You smiled slightly. It was nothing, really. You were also so panicked because you couldn't do anything except to hit his back hard.
"Sorry i hit you too hard. It must be hurt."
He laughed, "No, no. Thank you. It saved me."
"If that so, i'm glad."
Two of you nodded and smiled to each other. Okay, this is so awkward. You played with your fingers. You didn't know if you should ask if he's really okay or do something else.
"By the way, what will you do in Gwangju? For vacation or something else?" When he's aware that you look a little bit surprised, he smiled warmly. "Oh, i didn't mean to be a creep to asked you something like that."
"I didn't think like that." Even though you feel a little bit uncomfortable. "I'm going to visit my grandparents." Of course you're lying. You don't want to take the risk to tell a stranger that you're going to be alone travelling around Gwangju. Again, the world is not save.
"Oh, your grandparents are here? That must be nice." He smiled again.
You just nodded and smiled back at him. You are just not good at talking with strangers.
"If that so, do you often go to Gwangju?" He asked. From his tone it seems like he wants to talk with you more.
"Not really." Your answered him modestly. Honestly, this is your first time visiting Gwangju. But of course you can't tell him that.
"Oh, I see. This is my first time in Gwangju. I wanted to take a short vacation alone. I wanted to ask you about good restaurants in Gwangju. For me, good restaurants are the most important one when we come to a new place..." He closed his mouth when he realized he's talking too much. Your face also seems uncomfortable. "Sorry. I'm someone who talks a lot."
"It's okay." You really mean it.
"Oh yes, I'm Younghyun. Kang Younghyun." He smiled introducing his name. His smile is cute, you thought. "You don't have to tell your name if you feel uncomfortable."
You stared at him. Why he doesn't​ want to know your name? Then what for he's introducing himself to you if he doesn't want to know yours?
He smiled seeing you confused.
In less than five minutes the train will arrive at Gwangju station. Finally, you thought. You started stuffing your stuffs in the bag. Your first plan is to find a good restaurant because you are starving right now and go to the guesthouse to leave your bags there. Then, you can visit one or two places. You glanced at Younghyun, he was cleaning his trash. A guilty for lying to him crossed your mind. Younghyun has the same plan as you. This is his first time to Gwanju for a short vacation alone. If you didn't lie, maybe you could find a good restaurant with him. After the small talk he seems like a good and fun person. Isn't this what you want? Go to new places and meet new people?
The train has stopped. You're finally arrived in Gwangju. Younghyun stood before you. He adjusted the straps of his backpack. You realized that the bag is the same as yours. Maybe he was also the one who bumped into you at Seoul station earlier?
He turned to you when you stand up. "If we bump into each other later, can i say hi to you?"
"Yes, of course." You answered without hesitation. The chance of meeting him is slim, right?
"Tell me your name when we meet again. Please send my regards to your grandparents." He waved his hand and walked.
You stared at his back. He is a tall man with a board shoulders. However, the way he talked earlier like he's teasing you. Did he know you were lying about visiting your grandparents?
You sit back down waiting for everyone to get off the train. You saw Younghyun walking from outised the window. He turned his head then smiled and waved his hands again. You can only smiled back. Why did he look so happy? But you like it, his smile.
You stopped at a small restaurant. From the building and decoration, you are sure that this restaurant is older than you. You decided to eat the traditional dish from this town.
You opened the door slowly. There are not many tables and you only see three people. A middle-aged woman greeted you and let you to sit at the table closest to the door. You chose your orders from the old menu book and the woman told you to wait with a warm smile before going into the door in the corner.
You looked around and there wasn't much that caught your attention. You hope the food is as delicious as the reviews say that you find on the internet. Your eyes stopper at the back of the man sitting at 2 tables in front of you. Wait, is that Kang Younghyun? His back looks so familiar. It must be Kang Younghyun. Your heart was beating so fast without a reason. You kept staring at him. If he looks back, what should you do? Smile? Greet him? Or pretend not to see? Or maybe he will ignore you? When he's done, he will definitely pass my your table. While you were still thinking what would you do if Younghyun see you, the middle-aged woman brought your order to your table.
"This is your order." Said the middle-aged woman putting a bowl and plate full with lots of food on your table.
"Thank you." You said in a small voice.
There was a screeching sound coming from a moving. You immediately lowered your head. No, Younghyun will definitely see you right away when he turns around.
Just right. Younghyun turned around and realized that someone was sitting behind him.
"Oh? You again?" He said with a bright smile.
You smiled awkwardly. "Hi."
Younghyun smiled widely. His eyes were sparkling. "Thankfully, i got here first."
You raised your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"I'm afraid you would think that i was following you if i got here after you."
"I wouldn't think like that." You said. Did he think that you find him strange?
"Glad to hear that." He kept showing you his sweet smile. "After this, are you going straight to your grandparents' house?" He asked, still standing by your side.
You nodded doubtfully. He kept talking about your grandparents who are actually in Seoul.
"Do you want to buy something for your grandparents first?" He asked with a hint of hope that you'd say yes. "You know there's a market around here, right? Maybe you want to buy some good street food there for you grandparents."
"Do you want to go there too?"
Younghyun nodded. "Yes, I like street food. If you want to go, would you go with me?"
You thought street food is not bad idea at all. You love street food, especially the ones they sell in the market. But is it okay to go with a stranger? You know his name you just met him. Besides you still haven't started eating your meal. "I want to, but you can go first if you want because i have to eat this first." Your pointed to the food on the table.
"It's okay. Eat slowly. I'll wait for you outside." Younghyun left you but you called him.
"Younghyun." The name still feels unfamiliar but you really like the name. "You can sit here." You pointed to the chair in front of you.
Younghyun smiled widely again. He loves to smile, you noted it on your mind.
"Okay, then." Younghyun sat down immediately.
It turned out that it's such a wrong decision because you felt awkward to eat in front of a guy you just met a few hours ago. There was no conversation between the two of you. You thought Younghyun also regretting not to just wait for you outside. It's so awkward.
When your eyes accidentally met at each other, both of you immediately turned your head to the opposite direction. You couldn't even taste the food right. You didn't know if it's good or bad. You're just trying to eat fast.
There were still a lot of people in the market. It's not the packed, you could still walk freely without bumping into other people. You and Younghyun walked side by side. So many food stalls that you can't decide what to buy. You took a glance at Younghyun that seem had interest with a long queue on the right side. It seems like the food is really good to have a quite people lining up.
"Do you want to buy that?" You asked him and finally he turned his head to you.
"The line is too long. Why? Do you want it?"
You shook your head. "No. I don't want to line up."
Younghyun chuckled. Actually he doesn't mind to line up if it's for a good food. But he didn't want to waste a time with you. He's really comfortable to walk side by side like this. That's why he hasn't stop at one food stall at all. Even though the corn dog at the entrance made him take a second glance.
"Oh, there's tteokbokki!" You ran to the tteokbokki stall leaving Younghyun behind. You can't skip tteokbokki whenever and wherever you see it. Younghyun giggled seeing you so excited for tteokbokki. He walked to you with small steps. Adoring how you patiently waiting your turn to order. He nudges your side lightly on purpose when he was standing next to you.
"You can find this easily in Seoul." He teased you.
You smiled shyly. "Yes, but it looks more delicious here."
You rushed forward when the people in front of you got their orders.
"Do you want it? It's my treat." You said to Younghyun. You count this to repay for the chocolate.
Younghyun nodded with a smile. It was adorable to see you so excited for tteokbokki. While you were waiting for your order, Younghyun said that he would buy something in another place.
You've already held two bowls of hot tteokbokki and you saw Younghyun came back with something on his hands.
"I hope you like strawberry juice." Younghyun handed you the juice. "Or do you want this? I bought cold mint tea."
You immediately took the strawberry juice from him. "I prefer strawberry juice. Thank you."
"Oh, so you don't like mint?" Asked Younghyun, leading you to keep walking.
"Not at all. It doesn't suit my taste."
Younghyun nodded. "Do you want to find a seat for a while to eat?"
You agreed and the two of you started looking for a place to sit. You easily found a place to eat.
You and Younghyun started to eat together. It turned out that the combination of strawberry juice and spicy tteokbokki is perfect. You watched Younghyun as he was wiping his sweat. He looked like he was having a hard time.
"Is it too spicy?" You asked, worried for him.
Younghyun sipped his ice mint tea. "Not really. I just can't eat spicy food well."
"Oh, I'm sorry. If it's too spicy, you don't need to eat it."
"No, no. I'll eat it. It's really good. I still can tolerate the level."
You feel relieved, then. You're fine if he doesn't eat it. You're afraid he just tried to be polite.
"By the way, where do you want to go while you're here?" You tried to open the conversation.
Younghyun shrugged his shoulders and sipped his tea again. "I don't know. Today I just want to eat a lot and then rest at the hotel. How about you? Do you just want to stay at your grandparents' house?"
You really felt like telling him that your grandparents are in Seoul, that you lied to him. You don't even have any relatives here.
"I don't know either." You really don't have a plan yet. Maybe to a museum or to a national park or you will take a walk in every market you come across.
"Oh i see. Hence you're here to visit your grandparents."
You swore you want to ask him to stop talking about grandparents.
Younghyun drank his mint tea until the last drop. "Maybe tomorrow I'll go to the lake. You know the place, right? I heard there is a nice garden there too. Have you been there?"
Of course not, you said to yourself. You shook your head. "Never. Is it a good place?"
"People say it's a nice place. How about we come together tomorrow?"
You didn't think this is a bad idea. Younghyun has tendency to make you comfortable. It was proven that you are still with him until now. If he made you uncomfortable, then you must had already run away since you met him at the restaurant.
"Okay, let's go together."
Younghyun smiled happily. He couldn't even hide his wide smile.
"Oh i forgot. I haven't said my name." You just remembered about your promise on the train.
Younghyun smiled meaningfully. "I know your name."
"What?" You said, surprised.
Younghyun said your name while pointing at the small keychain attached to your bag. Right, your name is on it.
"Nice to meet you .." he said your name again. It made your heart beating so fast.
You really loved how the wind blows. The air feels so refreshing here. You purposely came to this place at the morning. This place is so quiet just the way you like it. You can enjoy the view at ease. You waited for Younghyun at the bench closest to the lake. You were kind of regretting to not bring at least one casual dress. All you have is just a pair of shirt and pants. You're deep with the view in front of you that you didn't realized Younghyun has arrived and capturing the view with his camera, with you on the frame. Younghyun smiled to himself. He loved when the wind swayed your hair. He took another picture.
Younghyun called your name as he walked towards you. You stood up and look at him. You were blushing when you saw his clothes has the same color but different tone like yours.
"Wow we're wearing a matching outfit." He noticed that you also wear a blue color. He knew you're blushing. He needed to hold himself to not squish you.
"You are here." You said shyly and let him sit beside you. "What are we gonna do here?" You genuinely asked. Because you don't think you can do much except enjoying the view.
"What do you want to do?" He asked you. You look away because he looked more dazzling than yesterday. It seems like he styled his hair for a little bit.
"I'm okay just taking a walk or just sitting here enjoying the breeze and the lake."
"It sounds like a good idea. Do you want me to take your picture?" He asked you, showing his camera.
After taking a few photos, you and Younghyun decided to just walk around the place. Enjoying the fresh air and kept taking picture when you found a good spot. You also took several photos together. As the two of you walking, you talked about various things. Younghyun said he's frequently goes on vacation alone and without a plan. He feels comfortable doing that. He will just come to the station or terminal and buy a any ticket. When you heard him, you think he's a really cool person. You also found out that Younghyun is only one year older than you, he makes music and is also a Radio DJ. No wonder he talks so well and make you comfortable. You haven't told him about your lie, of course. You thought you just let him think that you are here to visit your grandparents.
Now you were here in a restaurant with a beautiful view. Walking around the lake and a beautiful garden was enough to make you tired and hungry. As soon as your food placed on the table, you and Younghyun ate it right away without saying much.
It was already evening after you and Younghyun finished your meal. Time flies so fast when you enjoying it, right?
"Do you want to go somewhere else?." Youngyun asked you after uou came out of the restaurant.
"Is there anything interesting around here?" You don't want to go home yet so it would be nice if the two of you can spend more time together.
"There's an art museum around here. What do you think?"
Art museum sounds good. But, you don't feel like going to a place like that. It's never been on your list.
Younghyun saw the hesitation on your face. "How about we go to the market again? I'm still hungry."
You smiled happily. "Good idea!"
Younghyun laughed, "Let's go then!"
He stretched out his hand and you took it. You walked hand in hand with Younghyun and both of your body became stiff when you realize what you were doing.
But neither both of you intended to take your hands off of each other. This felt so right. You have to take a bus to get to the market. It's too far for a walk. While you were waiting for the bus and even when you were already on the bus, your hands wouldn't let go of each other. Like a magnet. Your heart was pounding and you didn't dare to look at Younghyun's face even when you were sitting side by side on the bus. You thought that if you let go of his hand, it seemed like you wouldn't dare to hold it back.
Younghyun also had the same thought. If he lets go of your hand, he's afraid you wouldn't allow him to hold your hand anymore.
In his heart, Younghyun hoped that this bus will not make a stop. So he could stay beside you and keep holding your hand.
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maarriiii · 4 years
Ms. Grumpy
A/N: I AM ALIVE HAHAHA. Forgive my over enthusiastic self but I haven’t been in touch with the online world in like four days and I’ve been lacking inspiration in writing which is so fuckin annoying. This have been in my Wattpad drafts (yes, I have a Wattpad. It’s the same username as my Tumblr because I’m not creative 😌) for God knows how long. And, as per usual, it’s Isaac because as you all know I’m a hoe for that tall werewolf. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 💕💕
Pairings: Isaac Lahey x female!reader
Warnings: None
my masterlist :))
"Hey there, Ms. Grumpy. What got you this upset?" y/n closed her eyes and hit her head on her locker door, muttering something about why she was a stupid idiot—her words not his. Isaac approached her like he always did every Tuesday morning since they both have the same first period.
y/n turned her head to where Isaac was and slightly pouting at the boy. She sighed and lifted her head from the cool metal locker. "It's nothing," she mumbled, but Isaac heard her very clearly. He raised his brow at her, but y/n didn't faltered under his gaze, knowing that her current dilema wasn't that important.
"You know I could tell when you're lying right?" y/n rolled her eyes at his words, silently cursing at him for being a werewolf. "Come on, what is it? You can tell me anything." You're going to laugh at me, she thought. y/n always put her education above everything else. Sure, she wasn't on Lydia Martin's level but she was up there.
"I lost my history project. I've checked everywhere. My house, Stiles' house, and the library. I was really hoping it would be on my locker but it's not. It's due today and I can't possibly write another five page project in a day." Isaac wanted to laugh at the fact that the thing that bothered her so much was her missing homework, but he could tell that she really worked hard for it and didn't want to upset her even more.
Isaac opened his arms and wrapped it around her. y/n sighed as she was enveloped in Isaac's arms. For whatever reason, it always calmed her down and slowed her overthinking mind. She just focused on how his arms were around her, how warm he felt, how he always had a great smell and how right it just felt.
"I'm sorry you lost your homework. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't do it at all." y/n pulled away from his chest and gave the boy a stern glare. Before she could uttered a single word, Isaac beaten her to it. "I know, I know that you told me to do it but I just forgot." y/n wanted to give him a lecture about doing his assignments but all she did was rolled his eyes at him.
"Tell you what, why don't we just skip history today?" y/n widened her eyes at the thought of skipping a class. y/n l/n only skipped classes for supernatural business, but anything other than that she wouldn't dare. That didn't mean she was tempted though.
"Okay," she nodded. Now, it was Isaac's turn to widened his eyes. He honestly thought it would take a lot more persuasion for her to agree, but from the look of her eyes and the small smile on her lips meant that she really means it. "Really?" y/n nodded again. "O-okay, okay, good, g-great actually." y/n laughed at his stuttering and his slight flushed cheeks.
The bell echoed through the hallways and students scattered to their first class of the day. y/n took one of Isaac's hand that was on her shoulders and tangled her fingers with his. "I think we should get to class now." Instead of answering, Isaac's eyes were on their tangled hands. It wasn't usual for y/n to be the first one that initiated the hand holding or the hugs, so Isaac was a tad bit surprised y/n did it without blushing or quickened heartbeat.
y/n chuckled at his dazed expression and snapped her fingers in front of his face. The werewolf snapped back into reality and mentally cursed himself for looking like an idiot. "Come on, Lahey. Before we're late." y/n dragged the werewolf away—which proven to be slightly difficult—and towards their first class of the day. For the first time, y/n was actually excited for skipping class with Isaac.
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hhjs · 4 years
baby blue. xu minghao.
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part of the shades of blue series.
note ➝ I can't fathom how one might end this with an unhappy ending without wailing in pain. So I will be merciful FGBVN.
song➝ baby by the rose, afraid by the neighbourhood.
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There was something astoundingly unsettling about the setting. Something that amplified the deafening thrumming inside the cavity of your chest.
Love doesn't exist. Joshua told you earlier. Sobbing through his phone. Attempting to vent labouriously about his failed attempt at romance. Remembering the exchange had you twisting your fingers under the table cloth. It was needless to say you'd been an excellent overthinker.
You were reading too much into it. But in between the thumps of his champagne chute hitting the table, his constant fiddling with a tie, the heavy frown weighing his mouth down and the arch of his brows, there seemed to an unmistakable sign the universe was catering to you, a sign that said being with you was becoming a chore for him, a sign that coalesced with the voice in your head which chanted and chanted that Minghao was starting to fall out of love.
And you watched him. Carefully. Barely touching your food. Maybe he was just angry with you, with how you couldn't tell yet. But what were you supposed to do with this glaring feeling of losing him? Were you supposed to hold its face, stroke its cheek and tell it a tragic it's okay, you can let go? You can't tell. You can't tell because you've never let yourself picture being apart. But what you can tell, what you do know and what everyone knows is that you've always loved Minghao more. Even though you're worse at showing.
"Let's leave."
You whisper suddenly, surprised by the crack in your voice. You can hardly see behind the glossy curtain blurring your vision out. As though you're trying to peek out of a rainstained window.
Minghao's ears perk up when he studies your face. His gaze softens slightly. Then he finds more interest in staring mindlessly at his watch. He's patting a napkin against his mouth. You imagine he looks relieved, like he was waiting for you to say that.
You don't talk. Even though you know he keeps stealing questioning glances your way. Asking for an explanation without really asking.
"What is going on with you?" Minghao asks, when you've finally buried yourself under your shared duvet.
He's standing at the foot of the bed, his hand placed firmly atop his jutted hip. Because Minghao knows you. He's best familiar with your habit of bottling up your emotions until you've driven yourself to a breaking point. And he expects you to mutter a quiet 'Nothing' like always, to shut him out like always; and he knows his temperament won't permit it tonight. Not when you've ignored him the entire day.
Minghao refuses to be left behind when you wisp off to your darkest place. But then you press your face against his tummy. Hug him close Fingers dragging up his spine. He hisses inaudibly. Slightly unhinged by the coaxing act. "I'm scared." You say slowly, "Of losing you."
The statement is jarring, like a sharp blow to his head. It's the first time you've let him in, like this, curtains pulled apart, a window to peek into the abode of your insecurities. Minghao's heart drops to his stomach.
"You know that's not true." Says he. Truthfully. Honestly. The mattress dips under his weight. He runs a soothing finger through your hair.
"But...please, I just want you to hear me out, alright?" Minghao reaches out to touch your face with a caressing thumb. Foreheads touching. "You skipped dinner. You're not taking care of yourself...baby...you shouldn't...you shouldn't put me before yourself...you shouldn't love me more than you love yoursel-"
"I know I shouldn't."
You don't mean to snap, partially angered by his words in spite of knowing he was right, like he almost always invariably was. But it didn't stop you from disagreeing with him.
You will not let him lecture you about how you ought to love him. About a love he doesn't know. He doesn't get to do that.
"But I will." You shrug and Minghao chuckles, wondering why he finds it so endearing. Low and amused. "I want to." The words come out muffled. He presses his mouth to yours. Dragging your bottom lip back with a nibble, until you're groaning against him. Pulled onto his lap.
"You're so stubborn." He grins. Pleased with the petulant huff you let out.
"But you love me."
You cock your head to the side, still questioning. His tie snugly wrapped around your fingers. Minghao leans back onto his hands. Quite tempted to tell you that it's the most ridiculous question he's ever been asked. That he couldn't not love you even if he tried. That sometimes it's okay if his rationality wanes.
"I do." Instead, he smiles his disarming smiling, looking at you, marvelling, defeated and says, "Unfortunately."
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