#and if i tell myself im doing this for writing reviews
jasontoddiefor · 4 months
webcomic rec of the day:
Kill the Villainess
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Plot: I reincarnated in a novel inside the body of a villainess named Elise who poisoned herself when her fiancé, the prince, married her childhood friend, the maid Helena. From the moment I realized this, I had only one goal. Escape from the world in this novel. To succeed, however, I must play the part of "Elise" and die her foretold death, even as the events of the novel start to change.
Comment: Oh, man. I've heard many good things of this webcomic to the point where I was annoyed and refused to read it out of spite. However, one day spite was not enough to keep me away and I gave it a try and now I have to admit, yes, it more than deserves its praise.
In a genre full of villainesses turning out to be good guys, getting the man and the happy ending in their new world, this story breaks convention. It doesn't just linger on the passing trauma of transmigrating into a new world, it makes it the core theme. On top of that, without spoiling too much, this story never loses sight of its start. Too often these stories get caught up in adding yet another villain and conspiracy, shifting the goals ever so slightly, but Kill the Villainess says this is a story about death and holds to its promise. This, of course, doesn't mean there isn't a happy ending.
Also, I'd die for Anakin and not just because he's called Anakin. In a world of golden haired red eyes Male Leads, he's a knight in shining armor.
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why did i decide to read the bad reviews of tfc.... pls i'll commit hate crimes
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fatboyslim · 7 months
being someone who creates things for others to perceive is actually hell
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orcelito · 2 years
Spent too long reading a 22k word scathing review of an awful YA novel I've never read
It sufficiently killed my brain. But oh boy I know so much more about a book I've never read and Certainly never will
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st-hedge · 19 days
I said a while ago that for totk’s one anniversary I would write a weird little review of the game in which I throw roses at it while simultaneously slandering it. So I made an attempt which is very abbreviated
Disclaimer: I’m not telling u how u should feel about totk or what’s the right way to feel about it, I’m just trying to make sense of why the game frustrates me and putting it into words. It’s completely fine if u disagree with me, I’m not pitching an argument but just putting words on paper
Totk is one of the best games I’ve ever had the opportunity to play. The mechanics, the music, the designs, the revised world of hyrule, makes me want to curl up on the floor and cry. It is stunning and done with so much love. Where botw had lacked, totk has improved and gone above and beyond. It had frustrated me that botw only allowed us to explore the ground surface, but botw was an exploration into open world games which allowed for totk to happen. The caves, the boats, the islands, and the depths add so much to already such a vast world. I only wish there was also diving but beggars can’t be choosers beh
Although it still doesn’t make too much sense to me why all weapons are suddenly corrupted, I do love the new weapons system. I love how it gives more variety to explore. Materials which previously sat unused in the inventory are now key and nothing feels like a waste to collect. Even rupees have found another use. I’m not the biggest fan of the zonai devices but the addition feels like a love letter to the creativity of the fan base and it feels at place. They help to traverse an otherwise huge and intimidating world. But at times I feel like they give too much leverage and break down too many boundaries and leave little to solve and explore. What im basically saying is fuck the rockets.
I feel that totk doesn’t have enough progress boundaries that make u pause and explore what u have at hand. I found myself just pushing and pushing, forgetting and leaving behind areas I barely touched. It felt too easy getting into the sky and returning to the islands and they lost some of their mystery to me. I think this would have been a great opportunity to reintroduce the loftwings from skyward sword. I’ve talked before about how much this would make sense for totk. The loftwings could be a means to cross boundaries and explore new territories, but it takes time to catch and tame one as a companion. But like horses they should have their limits, presenting new boundaries u need to overcome again
Where the totk’s hyrule begins to confuse and disappoint me goes hand in hand with my main issue (confusion?) with the game. Although botw felt incomplete (the world was a little sparse and one dimensional), the story was comprehensive and clear. Meanwhile, totk has a complete and lively world but it doesn’t have a story to carry
Totk’s story doesn’t have an identity I can grasp and understand. It’s like it doesn’t know what it wants to tell the player, what story it wants to direct them to. On one hand, it seems to want us to know about the origins of hyrule and the mysterious landmarks and characters that are permanent fixtures in this world (castle, ruins, dragons) but at the same time it suddenly wants to do a retelling of OoT and about the sages and these secret stones. But the game never completes any of these stories. Maybe it wants to tell us these stories through the environment, but there is just not enough embedded into the world to grasp and tie together into a narrative. Which is ironic considering how big the world is
We begin to be told the story of the dragons, we suddenly understand how they came to be (the secret stones). But we are never told about the events of their creation (an act of desperation, like Zelda’s) and we are never close to understanding them. Then we are told about the sages, but meeting them tells us nothing new. No new cutscenes, no new items or lore directly related to them. The new sages are found, but didn’t we just discover the divine beasts with them? Suddenly another layer of importance is added to them which makes the ties between legacy and the current sages muddier. I wish there had been focus on them creating their own legacy instead
I think totk could’ve had a very interesting story to tell if it chose what it wants to focus on. Maybe the secret stones were introduced just as a way for Zelda to become a dragon? I dunno
There are so many new places that feel like fantastic opportunities for moments of pause and to uncover lore, unearth memories. But instead they’re brisk puzzles or empty sites. Like the graveyard underneath the desert, the forge islands, the factories, and the fucking poe statues. Tell me as much as u want that I can’t read environmental story telling, but I’ll just keep saying there’s nothing to read into cuz the game doesn’t know what it wants to say. There’s no thread to follow in the way there was with, for example, the graveyard at the spirit temple in OoT. We could’ve been just left with a strange well and a graveyard and told to figure it out, but a thread is laid down that these are the skeletons in the royal family’s closet.
Totk does have amazing moments, like Zelda meeting her ancestors and giving up her identity to become a living legend to revive the master sword, the discovery of the ancient temples, the story of the zonai and their origins. But these are just pieces with many loose ends around them that go nowhere. Even Ganon is left as a loose end where there was so much opportunity to say something worth saying. He seems comically evil with bogstandard bah I want to rule the world lines. If u want to make a case for evil for the sake of evil, u can at least show me a character repeatedly making horrible choices which lead them to the current predicament. Just like totk’s hyrule, he is lovingly designed but he tells absolutely no story
If the reason behind the lack of story is that the devs/writers wanted us to make our own story out of this, then I think this is a case where it was a poor choice. The fans can make theories, hcs, pick up pieces and make AUs, but we also love the stories told by the games and it’s what inspires us to uncover more stories (hey wanna talk about tp and why we hear Malon’s song at night, or what’s up with the empty desert)
I’d love to see totk from the perspective of someone who had never played or known botw. Did it really help to remove any traces of sheikah tech besides the labs and the guardian limbs in the towers. Although the zonai devices and the sheikah tech are from different time periods, totk was a perfect opportunity to marry the two elements together. The shrines and the divine beasts could’ve collapsed into the depths, but instead they have just vanished like erased history
Totk’s story doesn’t have an identity in the same way botw’s does. Even though botw’s hyrule was much smaller and emptier, we found stories there cuz we knew what that game was trying to tell us. If totk is about making sacrifices, then this message feels obsolete by the end. U should make sacrifices, but u will only be happy again if it all goes back to exactly how it was before
As happy and sweet the ending is, it made all the worry and sadness I felt seem pointless cuz of course everything would reset back to the norm cuz how else would this game have a happy ending. What was there to worry about. Yeah so what that Zelda became a dragon losing herself, she was just asleep the entire time and effortlessly she becomes her normal self. So what that link lost his sword arm, of course he would miraculously get it back even though it took him 100 years to recover from a mortal wound. No trace of the things they withstood and lost, no mark, nothing.
I loved the final battle and spectacle of the dragons struggling against each other in the sky. The battle went from the deepest depths to the highest reaches of the sky and I thought it was perfect. But once again how the story concluded and the logic behind it me made me feel like I was chewing on sand and the idyllic ending just made me look about in confusion
TLDR; totk is an amazing game with a stunning world that lacks a comprehensive story to tell
I hoped that I would get a better understanding why I’m so frustrated by totk, but instead I just feel even more confused by it and I think that’s just how I’ll have to leave it
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cheri-2047 · 16 days
May I request some fluff with Alhaitham and an overworked and stressed reader who just won't put the book down due to an upcoming exam 😔💪🏻 + they are struggling with motivation to study but they just NEED to study now or they'll fail or get a low grade
OF COURSE!! Thank you for requesting !! Also I’m assuming you have an exam so wishing you good luck
Alhaitham x Stressed Reader
WARNINGS: none aside from cursing, This is all fluff
CHARACTERS: Alhaitham, (im gonna write this as if alhaitham and reader are still in college btw !! Both of you are dating in this AU and dormmates too)
Okay I’m gonna write headcanons and then a mini oneshot after <3
please tell me if I accidentally mischaracterized him I’m really sorry in advance if I do 😔
Alhaitham would be telling you the entire afternoon that day to drink water, eat a snack and most importantly, take a break
Alhaitham would be stubborn at these times and making SURE that you are drinking water and taking care of yourself and all
Alhaitham practically tries to pull you away from your desk, but he fails. Instead just trying to keep having a conversation as an attempt to get you to get away from your studies, even if just for a minute
Alhaitham tríes to wait for you, but you insist he goes to bed ahead. He still tries to wait, while he lays down alone, clearly worried about you though having the same expression.
Alhaitham gets out of bed every once in awhile to check if you’re done, but everyte he does, he just receives the same response. “5 more minutes…”
Eventually he just stays in bed slightly frustrated and Alhaitham falls asleep waiting, that is, until he hears your frustrated mumbles from your desk.
“Damn it damn it! Why can’t I get it!”
You mumbled softly to yourself. No matter how many hours of hard work you’ve done today, you can’t seem to process any of the information.
You buried your head in your arms in frustration, clenching your fist tightly. As suddenly you felt someone trying to unclench it for you.
You flinched once you felt the touch, but once you turned, you saw your boyfriend alhaitham.
“It’s 1:07… you should be having some rest.”
He says, starting to put away your books.
“Nono! Just 5-“
“5 more minutes? Darling it’s been 5 hours. Please rest.”
He starts to pull you out of your chair, but you’re stubborn. You say no once more in a slightly pissed tone due to overworking the entire day.
“Y/n. Im serious.”
“I am too… just please…”
He saw the desperation in your eyes, but instead he pulled you into a hug, as you hurried your face into his shoulder.
“Look, the exam is in a few days correct?”
You nod
“And how much material have you gone through?”
“I don’t know”
“And you’re only starting to study now? Why?”
“I didn’t have motivation all week..I couldn’t bring myself to do it..”
You started getting ready for a scolding, but instead ended up with a kiss on your forehead.
“You ran out of motivation all week and so now that you have it, you don’t want to lose it, correct?”
You nod. As your boyfriend sighs.
“And do you remember anything you’ve been studying?”
To your shame, you shook your head.
Alhaitham pulls away from the hug as he cups your cheek.
“Let’s have a deal, you get some rest today and I’ll study and teach you the topics myself tomorrow morning, deal?”
“No buts, would you rather you passed out unwillingly or this?”
“That’s right, thought so.”
He pulled you into the bed, as he layed you down next to him.
“Please don’t do this again..if you need motivation then..I’ll help you, I’ll do whatever just take care of yourself please.”
He kissed your cheek goodnight as both of you slept in each others arms.
Alhaitham teaches you the topics the next day and you understand it. He tells you some study tips and motivation tips like:
Make flash cards and review them before the exam
Re-type it, NO copy pasting
Reading the text aloud to someone else
Quiz yourself and your friends <3
You can also make reviewers for you and your friends to motivate you to keep giving them some
Alhaitham will be happy and proud of u <3 good luck on your exams !! (These tips are my personal study tips that got me through the school year HAHAHAHAH, they work for me at least. Good luck again !!)
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arson-09 · 4 months
Acowar Review✨✨ sjm needs to pay for my therapy✨✨
Its not as infuriating as acomaf but its still… bad.
Point 1: the court of ignorance and dumbassery
Lets cut to the chase. why the FUCK didnt feyre read Tamlin and Luciens minds at ANYPOINT while she was doin her hot girl shit of taking the spring court down??? huh sjm??? why is your fmc only powerful when convenient. So much could have been cut down. Acowar was way too long.
The whole destroying of the spring court didnt even make that much sense. Im all for a girlie getting back at the people who wronged her but feyre ended up hurting a lot of innocent people in the process. Feyre even tries to ignore the consequences of her actions. She had to invade peoples minds and manipulate people to get them to turn against tamlin and all this could have been avoided if she read his damn mind and learned he was a double agent. Lucien even hinted towards it
Part One: Princess of Carrion »
Chapter Six
None. It was either go to war with the Night Court and Hybern, or ally with Hybern, let them try to stir up trouble, and then use that alliance to our own advantage further down the road." "What do you mean," I breathed. But Lucien realized what he'd said, and hedged, "We have enemies in every court. Having Hybern's alliance will make them think twice." Liar. Trained, clever liar.
If feyre is supposed to be so smart, and she did pick up on this, why didnt she do anything? This is so frustrating.
Then once she leaves the spring court i found myself frankly not caring. Acomaf hadnt given me enough to care about the inner circle so i didnt and sjm cant make me like rhysand. which i have so many gripes but for word counts sake let me name my main ones
Point 2: Sarah Janet Maas and her shitty love interests
the ignoring rhysand sexual assault of feyre and EXCUSING it and his little habit of not telling his court things
Part Two: Cursebreaker »
Chapter Twelve
Was it going on before you even left?" I whipped my head to him, even if I could barely make out his features in the dark. "I never touched Rhysand like that until months later." "You kissed Under the Mountain." "I had as little choice in that as I did in the dancing." "And yet this is the male you now love." He didn't know-he had no inkling of the personal history, the secrets, that had opened my heart to the High Lord of the Night Court. They were not my stories to tell
here we have sjm acknowledging that yeah, rhysand Sexually Assaulted Feyre UtM in Acotar. Without her consent he dressed her inappropriately (which she was uncomfortable with) had her dance provocatively in his lap, kissed her, and made her drink alcohol so she wouldn't remember the details all without her consent. Yet Sjm is going “its fine” now and feyre herself going “you just dont get it…” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Now see if sjm actually planned for rhysand to become the love interest why didnt she just avoid all this by having Amarantha make rhysand do this to feyre? Because that would have solved some issues but no. Because Rhysand did all this of his own free will in acotar. He actively chose to do this to feyre. To humiliate her and anger Tamlin because rhysand is obsessed with Tamlin.
Rhysand also loves to not tell his own court things. I was and still am very angry over him not telling Mor, Azriel, Cassien and at the very least his Wife about his plan with the court of nightmares. Just why.
Mors anger towards Nesta also makes no sense. sjm stop writing girl on girl hate challenge impossible
Point three: That one toy story scene “I dont wanna play with you anymore!”
Now tamlin. Tamlin tamlin tamlin im so sorry love for what sjm has done to you. If i start ill never stop. What Tamlin said to feyre and rhysand at the high lords meeting was out of pocket but he also wasnt wrong about some things. Also from established character these actions make no sense and his actions havent made sense since acomaf because sjm threw him and his character away to play with shadow daddy and bad morals. But she also cant commit to making a character of hers actually evil so tamlin saves the whole day by bringing the autumn court to fight and saving rhysand life. Tamlin has redeemed himself by sjm standards but she then wrote the holiday novel which i have read and detested.
Overall the plot was fine. i guess. it probably looked better when compared to the characters.
Sjm learn to redeem characters outside of “ooh they were abused and have trauma so everything they do is okay” for guys and “she fell in love/had sex with the most PERFECT MALE TO EVER MASCULINE.” its boring and flat. Also i know what happens in Acosf (i will not be reading that ty) so wtf happened to Nesta bro. she got the tamlin treatment. boooo 👎
to end off heres some of my favorite highlights from acowar 50%+ thru the book.
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sunofpandora · 6 months
This a concept im exploring for a new Neteyam x reader series I’m working on called ‘Virago.’
A story about a warrior!reader X neteyam who’s been raised with a ‘I don’t need anyone but myself’ mindset.
The story follows the path of Neteyam and the reader finding sanctuary within eachother and the reader trusting neteyam to protect her even from battles that aren’t his to fight.
I love the idea of projecting some of Jake and Neytiri’s live story elements into Neteyam x Reader works.
As I’m writing this, something came to me that I think should be shared 🤷🏽‍♀️
Before anyone comes for me, I just wanna say I love Jeytiri with a passion.
Don’t get me wrong. Jake and neytiri raised this fandom. The og’s fr. I’m telling my kids and my grandkids about them. They are my favorite love story.
A man who leaves his entire planet for the woman he loves?
Ugh. We all need a Jake.
What if In the next avatar movie Neytiri can’t find herself to forgive Jake?
Not to the point where it forms a void between them to a point of resentment, but in a general sense of starting to loose some trust in him?
The RDA returning is in no way, shape or form Jake’s fault, and neither is Neteyam’s death.
But Neytiri entrusted Jake and held him to his promises when he vowed to protect their children, and a good 70% of that movie were the kids being kidnapped, bullied, kidnapped, threatened, tied up, abducted, and just generally traumatized because of someone from Jake’s past life.
Jake sully is a character who is haunted by his own shadow.
According to the visual dictionary,
“Jake is tempered by his concerns for his family and the guilt he feels for the lives he lost all those years ago.”
Truly a tragic character in his own rite.
He can never seem to escape this shadow of who he used to be.
Quite literally being hunted down by a former enemy.
But let’s discuss Neytiri for a moment.
A woman of the forest, fierce and beautiful. Loyal to her people and her culture.
She will never truly understand every aspect of the repercussions of Jake’s actions.
Why? Because Jake has embraced the motto of ‘the family protector’
Which is a positive feat, of course.
And that he does. Jake proves himself to be a good father and protective of his children 100%.
But Neytiri looks at this side of Jake’s past life through a window.
Not a mirror.
A window of
‘Oh. The sky people are gone. My family is safe’.
And then colonel Scarface 2.0 comes back to fuck her shit up.
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Jake is a good father. May that fact not be lost on us as audience.
I wish sometimes we could see into the tortured mind of Neytiri.
But we can’t. So let’s review some facts.
Where does Jake come from? Earth.
Who did he work for? The RDA.
What does the RDA do? Mine resources and fuck shit up.
Neytiri’s father, sister, ikran, son, a good portion of the fellow na’vi who were apart of the omaticaya in the first movie? Dead.
What do these things have in common?
All their lives were taken by the RDA and the humans.
I’m not usually one to quote myself, but for those of you who have read my fic ‘diaphanous’
“Trust is a fragile thing. And most protect fragile things.”
“It's a cruel joke, really. Disguising something as binding as affection, to cradle someone's heart within the palms of your hands, to build it a home out of glass and shatter it.”
Neytiri trusted Jake.
Jake says to her,
“Look I've got nothing. I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do. But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”
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He can protect his family….that he can do…
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electrificata · 3 months
here are my house observations, im in season 3
some of the shit house says to foreman is genuinely unforgivable
foreman as a character i generally like. omar epps is giving a good performance of an even-keeled-but-not-without-effort kind of guy, i do like the plotline of a guy who came to learn from an expert whos the worst guy in the world and trying to figure out how to do the same thing without being the worst guy in the world. i also think they way they keep him out of hospital love triangles is racist, foreman is not currently hot but could be with 15% more attention from the writers room.
really sexist as a general rule. i have not encountered the idea of "jailbait" this much in literal years.
hipster racism. its the 2000s. funny to talk abt this because "hipsters" were younger at this point and the character of house is, im assuming, in his mid 40s at the start of the show, but thats the general logic that seems to be on display. "well you know that he's a good guy so its ironic and funny that he's threatening to use the n word as a joke."
a) stupid logic to begin with, doing something ironically is also just doing it, b) doesnt even work on its own terms here because house is widely acknowledged to be an awful person in the context. the entire show is built around the question "how much deliberately annoying, dangerous bullshit will we endure from this dickhead to maintain access to his unique skillset"
i still dont "get" house/wilson. like i do see it, like i can see that theyre a little obsessed with each other and they have a fun mutually manipulative dynamic, and they make sense as foils (guy who's self-consciously awful and often ends up doing noble things accidentally/guy who's self-consciously noble and often deliberately does awful things). but i cannot feel myself going insane about it. if anything i like him better with cuddy
cuddy really really hot. really really really hot. cuddy.
so like yeah i see house/wilson im just not going insane about it the way i thought i might. altho tbh it took a global pandemic and a extended, byzantine renaissance of tumblrina supernatural scholarship to make me have a destiel spiral. i need infrastructure for these things.
cameron's character is such an old school token girl character. i hate how they treat her "niceness" almost as much as i hate how they treat her crush on house.
a better show (written by me) would have some more cuddy and foreman "managing" house plotlines (foreman being a protege allows focus on the legacy of house's medicine, how to replicate it, how to contain damage), probably give him some of the cuddy and wilson time. the three of them together would be good i could do that.
cuddy/foreman. hm. in the remake.
like, i do get how this happened. house is troubled in a durable, interesting way. the writing is good enough to support his layers, the way his snap-judgement psychoanalysis of everyone he meets curls back around to shine a light on his own issues. good balance of competence and patheticness. laurie is giving a masterclass in the niche field of "british comedian comes to us tv drama, grows some stubble, becomes a sex symbol." i read an old review that referred to his "sourpuss charisma" i really like that turn of phrase.
(i was also into josh on the west wing when i watched that last year, i have a type i love antagonism. no im not dating anyone right now, who wants to take me for a candlelit dinner and tell me i smell good and my voice is sexy) (you cant just compliment me, ill be bored or uncomfortable, you have to bury it in a disagreement and make it clear youre kind of mad that youre into me)
that said i think the show kind of misunderstands house's sex appeal. it feels very written-by-men. women characters throw themselves at house in a porny kind of take-me-now way. in my observations guys who are arent traditionally hot but attractive in this antagonistic, talky was dont really get that kind of treatment, but they do get the main cast wilson/cuddy/cameron "i hate this guy but im obsessed with him and i will never make a move or i will and itll go badly" kind of stuff. my phantom house reboot does have cameron and house hook up and its a really mean and destructive fwb thing with like 4 false endings. does this make sense.
right now im in the middle of the plotline where leighton meester plays a 17 yr old girl stalking house because shes so in love. like thats not the vibe. at least from what ive seen. im not omniscient.
lol it turns out she has a spore makign her hypersexual lolllll i literally have this on in the background rn ok i take some of this back.
whenever i mention to someone im watching house theyll recount to me the plot of the one episode they can remember and it always sounds insane and its never made up.
"the one with the intersex teen model who fucks her dad to manipulate him and has testicular cancer" like yeah. yeah thats real. if you talked to me 3 weeks ago thatd be the one i recounted to you.
yes house does leer at her in that episode and its treated as logical and normal for a 45 year old man.
i hate chase, he's awful but boring.
im curious how long im gonna keep watching this, i know the later seasons get kind of soapy plotwise and i dont know if thats what i want out of this
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likeadevils · 1 month
what songs from TTPD and TA are now yours? Which ones have spoken to you the most?
songs that are genuinely MINE
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: i cried myself to sleep listening to this song on repeat on release night and for the life of me i cant tell you why. i think it’s a great example of her being older really deepening her writing— just that old scarred over longing of a possible life, a possible love, too far away to reach but close enough to brush past. also, the double edged sword of “if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say’ i loved you the way that you were’”— you loved me before i’d twisted myself into the shape i am now in order to keep my current partner, but also, you loved me the way i was, not the way i am now
i look in peoples windows: i wrote a poem with the line “im afflicted by the not knowing” in it!! inspired by the outside!! and by spending so much of my childhood reading by moonlight and spying on my neighbors through their windows!!! it was called where midnight lives!!! what the fuck!!!
robin: another song i sobbed hysterically to. i was a strange little violent child obsessed with dinosaurs it feels like a lullaby someone made specifically about 3 year old me.
songs that i’m obsessed with:
but daddy i love him: the bridge is just so fun to scream along to. everytime ive been in a car since the album came out ive played this at least two times just cause
fresh out the slammer: it’s just. the first verse??? the way the song stutters apart for the last verse??? this song takes the blurry muse conceit of the album and uses it to its fullest. also just the diminishing returns from “but its gonna be alright, i did my time”
i can do it with a broken heart: my first listen favorite
the smallest man who ever lived: the bridge????? the bridge???? the bridge???? a few of the negative reviews specifically mentioned this song as boring and for a millisecond i was so angry i could’ve exploded
the black dog: this is like, the platonic ideal of a taylor swift song to me. just that old quiet tragedy she can build out of little moments of hoping your ex will remember you when they hear your favorite song or not having known your last kiss was your last kiss or your ex still sharing their location with you. like, it’s just her at her best, but with the maturity to sing “and you jump up, but she’s too young to know this song”
i hate it here: people have talked about seeing reputation in the anthology but i think you can also see so much debut and it makes me feel so tender. also i genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like “if chose the 1830s but without all the racists” like?? it’s supposed to be a bit clunky?? the songs about the limits of escapism?? the line enhances both of those themes?? also “i’m there most of the year” is such a funny devastating relatable lyric to say about a daydream
thank you aimee: it’s not every day a song inspires you to send this message about something a child did to you (fuck you madeline!!! fuck you jessie!!!)
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the bolter: avoidant attachment representation!!! i love that it takes the stuff she hated about herself in the archer and just accepts and loves them and appreciates what they’ve given her. i especially love it because bolt can mean like, crossbow bolts, so it’s a flip on the archer. also “bolt” is one of my favorite words i love all the different meanings
“the only thing that’s left is the manuscript, one less souvenir from my trip to your shores, now and then i re-read the manuscript, but the story isnt mine anymore” also just had me sobbing. there’s just. wtf!!!!!!
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444princesa · 5 months
how i'm studying for my upcoming semester
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i start my semester around the end of january and im currently in nursing school. with that comes with so many challenges and alot of comprehension in a short time, at least for my program. so i study at least 2 weeks a head but i try to study a month ahead. i get a month and a half off for winter break and a two month off break in the summer. this is my routine in the winter.
i start my studying in january instead of december so i can give myself rest because i didnt want to over do it and go into the semester already burned out.
in december i do make a plan at least so i can have structure when the time comes. my professors give us a glimpse of the content for either the first week or first exam so i use that as my structure. how i plan is making a document and going by week then plan day to day. here is one of my old schedules:
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i give myself at least an hour to complete the tasks unless i am having fun learning about it. i think an hour of my day monday-friday on break is enough to have atleast some background information on what i will be learning, while also not getting burned out. if im having fun learning about it and an hour has passed, i will continue my studying which honestly doesnt always happen.
if you dont have your text books for your classes to study yet, i advise look up your class or topics of your class on yt or online. i also advise to ask your friends or people around campus if they ever took that class so you can gain any knowledge and resources from them. i have friends that are a semester ahead of me so they always tell me about the professors, the workload and give me their notes.
when i study for my upcoming semester, i usually study for the first exam because most likely its within 2 weeks of starting and i only have lecture once a week... that is not alot of time to absorb and comprehend all the information they throw at us. i also start getting things prepared for the semester. if i review a topic and i have questions and need a bit more understanding, i will write it down so i can ask my professor when class starts.
doing this study plan before the semester gives me a jump start and eases me into the academic mood. nursing school is so fast paced that its easy to fall behind. studying before school really eases that fast paced a bit even if its only for the beginning, it gives me time to adjust and since i already studied, im not in total shock school starts.
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petals2fish · 5 months
Hello! I was thinking about you recently and realized your petalstofish account was gone, and I started to worry about you. Because that’s what I do. Maybe you said something about leaving your previous accounts and I missed it, that would be likely on my part. So I was thrilled when Dumbest Witch Alive showed up in my inbox and I found you here again! I hope you’re well!
Hi friend!! thank you so much for reaching out and for reading DWA!!!!I told @gryffindormischief last night that I genuinely threw up words onto paper and that’s the mess that came out lmao
Alsoooooo…I am so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I had mentioned only a couple of times that I was dealing with some health issues, but I never went into full detail, so I’m sure it looked odd when I just disappeared. 2023 was really hard year, and I stepped away from all social media except for my instagram for quite some time…but I’m really really excited to be back here and feeling more like Petals again. I missed everyone, and even in the year or so away, I knew eventually I would come back. I just didn’t want anyone to worry if I told them what was going on, so I figured a cold cut was easiest ♥️
Short story:
I was very ill, but I’m feeling SO much better!
Long Story:
Essentially, I had just moved back to Florida after being gone for four years in Arizona. When my old doctor in Florida saw me, they decided that the plaquinil treatments that I have been taking for my chronic illness for the last few years in Arizona had not been working. They decided to put me on this drug called methotrexate. It was chemotherapy in pill form, low dose, and it’s commonly used for people who have rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. My genetics love me so I have both RA and Lupus. So they thought it was a perfect match for me. It’s rare for people to have a super bad reaction to it, usually just fatigue and hair loss, but of course I managed to have like the worst reaction of all.
Due to multiple side effects, I ended up bed bound within a few days of starting my daily doses. During this time I could barely sit up and eat a meal. My mental health was plummeting anytime I allowed myself to have my phone in bed. I knew I had to do something else, before I totally crashed off the deep end. I would go on and see all my friends at Taylor’s era tour, and I’d had to sell my tickets. I was missing birthdays, movies, long planned trips with friends. I was SO lost in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
Even though my wonderful parents moved me in with them and got me a second opinion, by the time the new doctor got me off of the methotrexate and onto a new drug, it took another few months for my body to complete expel it from my system. So I was down for the count from March to October.
Thankfully, I’m feeling SOOO much better now and have a wonderful doctor who listens to me and never tells me my feelings aren’t valid. Once I had a better grasp mentally and physically, and I felt okay enough to start writing and reading and reviewing again, I decided to return to social media. Im actually super excited because I start physical therapy this week, which is a huge step, and I no longer need to use FMLA every week at work. Yay!
ALSOOOO not wholly related but some bot stole PetalsToFish SO HERE I AM WITH A NEW NAME. THANKS BOTS🤪
If u read all the way thru this I owe you an ice cream sundae
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commander-gloryforge · 13 hours
okay bit of a ramble incoming but. me and writing, we havent had the best relationship lately, mostly because ive been dealing with imposter syndrome a lot, and writer spaces dont seem to be as welcome as they used to be to me. but for the past months ive been trying to get into a more healthy mindset about writing. its just difficult because many of the author communities im apart of dont seem to agree with said mindset.
so. heres a thing that happened. theres this book series, a ya romantasy, that kind of went viral on booktube/booktok for being mostly shitty. i've watched a couple of reviews of it, most of them negative, can generally agree with most criticisms of the book, and it is, in my mind, ticked off as a "bad book". dont be like that author, dont do what she does, dont write like this, everyone will hate your book.
me and my father were sitting in the garden, next to eachother, me writing and him listening to an audiobook. he tells me about how good it is and how much he likes it. theres dragons, its so cool, its such an interesting world, he's at book two now and cant wait for the third one to be released. to my surprise, its the exact book that booktubers everywhere talk shit about. now ive seen people on the internet that liked the book, but theyre just some guys on the web and i dont know them and their opinion doesnt mean much. but my dad? i know him. i know his tastes. and he likes it.
and i think that made me realise something. i still dont like that book, but someone, a person whose taste and opinions i (usually) value, does. he doesnt care about the plot holes that others see, he doesnt know about the discourse surrounding certain tropes, he likes it because its fantasy, and theres dragons, and theres magic, the fact that theres a disabled protagonist is cool to him, and THERES DRAGONS! and so many other people also like it. for whatever reason.
its a "bad book", apparently, thats what most people call it, but to some its a good book. and if someone just constantly keeps finding issues with a book, then it wasnt for them in the first place wasnt it? critiques and negative reviews and rants are still valid and, i'd say, needed. but in the end, they dont matter much. the book isnt offensive or "problematic" or anything but it really is just kinda bad and people still like it and it really is fine.
my writing is gonna be bad to someone. my writing style is convoluted and kind of silly and just. bad. okay. and there are people that still like it. that doesnt mean i dont want to improve and get better as a writer, i do. for the people that like my stuff, for myself, i will get better, but like. its fine. im fine. someone will like what i write. there will be bad parts of my writing that some people will hate, and some will ignore, and thats the fact for every book and every kind of art.
ill be fine. ill just keep writing and things will be fine.
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I wish i had the power write it myself but, the paralel of them before the minister(li bing’s dad) death, all childhood sweethearts and after it all went down, tied with a ribbon of a sentence. I imagined something like “we could’ve worked together” between them as kid imagining themselves in the future, and them in the future talking abt their current relationship (qiu qingzhi(if im not wrong writing his name) keeps taking li bing’s cases for ‘protection’)
A/N: I’m taking that ribbon bit seriously 😚ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི
“What’s this then?”
Li Bing merely smiles in reply, licking his lips as he one handedly tries to tie the end of a red string around his pinky finger. “Come here,” He instructs, immediately looping the other end of the string around Qiu Qingzhi’s left little finger.
“Are you trying to cut off circulation to my finger? Is this how you succeed in killing me?”
“Oh, hush,” Li Bing grouses, unable to hold a serious face for too long at the way Qiu Qingzhi is wiggling his eyebrows. “We still have to make good on working our way up the Court of Judicial Review. Both of us as Vice Ministers under my father, remember?”
“Of course,” Qiu Qingzhi says agreeably with the tone of someone used to playing along and indulging with whatever his most precious person says. “But it still doesn’t tell me what this is all about?”
“Silly. I’m making rings for the both of us.”
Qiu Qingzhi makes a curious noise, scooting closer to see the neat knot Li Bing used to tie off the string around his finger.
“We could just as easily buy ones from the market? I’m sure there’s a craftsman there who can even shape our rings in whatever designs we want.”
Li Bing clicks his tongue disapprovingly. Putting on an air of ‘I know things that you don’t’, he takes a pair of scissors and snips the loose string between the down so that the threads on their fingers are sitting snug and flat.
“I overheard the matchmaker talk about red strings today. She was saying that fated people have red strings that tie them together,” Li Bing explains. Infinitely patient while he hums in satisfaction at his handiwork. “There. All done.”
Qiu Qingzhi holds his hand out to the sky, examining the red against his pale skin.
“You know that’s not how it works, right? You can’t just make a red string of fate,” He says, hooking his finger around Li Bing’s. “You either have a red string of fate or you don’t at all.”
Li Bing shakes his head. Tightening the hook of their fingers, he sits closer. “I don’t believe that.”
Smiling ruefully, Li Bing shrugs. “Only when it comes to you.”
He finds it threaded into a belt charm. Tucked under all that armour that Qiu Qingzhi wears, it would have looked like nothing to anyone who didn’t know what it was.
But Li Bing wasn’t just anyone and he definitely knew what that was. What it meant and still means to the both of them.
“You kept it,” Li Bing whispers. Awe and guilt seizing tight in his chest.
“I never took it off. Even when…”
Li Bing nods. Understanding what Qiu Qingzhi still can’t say out loud. The hurt is still there and soon they’ll need to address it if they want to keep doing this. And by the heavens above, Li Bing will do it whatever it takes to keep this stupid man with him for forever.
“Don’t move,” He sighs, immediately reaching out to help Qiu Qingzhi sit up in bed. “You’re still healing.”
“I can’t help it. You kidnapped me from my perfectly fine bed—“
“Someone needs to keep an eye on your foolish ass and you’ve got your men too cowed to say a word against you—“
“—practically tied me to your bed—“
“So that I can watch over you—!”
“The Jinwei Guards have perfect access to medical personnel and we have just as good of resources as the Court of Judicial Review.” Qiu Qingzhi raises an eyebrow. “Just admit it. You’re stubborn. It has always been your way or no way at all.”
“Only when it counts. Only when it comes to you,” Li Bing says. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he exhales, shoulders slumping. “Can’t you just… Let me do this?”
If Qiu Qingzhi has anything to say, he keeps it locked away. When Li Bing looks back to him, the man is serenely watching the way the rain is sluicing off the rooftops.
“I can’t lose you. Not when I almost lost you for good.” Li Bing admits, offering the truth uncoloured by any intent other than to be honest.
Reaching out a hand, he hooks their pinky fingers together. “I made a red thread for both of us. I chose you. I’ll choose you, every single time. I made the mistake of not fighting hard enough for you the first time round and I won’t do that again.”
“You…” Qiu Qingzhi huffs. Shaking his head, he slowly smiles, indulging and fond. “I can’t ever win against you.”
Scooting closer to him, Li Bing folds a hand over their joined digits. “It’s only because you always let me win.”
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quaranmine · 3 months
i just finished reading the firewatch fic, and the first thing im saying is ive been bawling my eyes out almost the entire time and will probably continue to do so for another hour /hj
the next thing i want to say is how amazing this fic is..... ive had it in my "mark for later" for a while now, and decided to start reading it today. i very rarely read long fics in one sitting, but i found that i couldnt stop reading. despite only having one obvious conclusion, i was still a little convinced that grian would manage to find mumbo alive right up until he saw the body.
grief is a hard topic for me (as it is for most people), so i usually avoid reading anything that even mentions it, let alone delves into grief as deeply as this did. im very glad that i decided to branch out for once, even if it has led me to the emotional wreck i am typing this out. its brought up a lot of emotions i havent given myself time to process, and i think this is a good thing, so thank you.
i have a lot more to say but i am still crying and i need to go and tell all my friends and family that i love them a lot so i am cutting this short (even though its still very long... sorry!) so im just going to say, thank you again for writing a fic that has changed my brain chemistry permanently <3
OHHH thank you <33333 I love that you read it one sitting, that must have been a lot!
I am really glad that the exploration of grief was good for you, even if it led to you being an emotional wreck. Here's the thing about this fic: I ALSO do not read things about grief. It's probably one of my least favorite genres? I don't know why. So on the surface it's a little out of character for me to suddenly do a 180 and dedicate such a large amount of my time to exploring the theme so heavily. But I kind of just had to write this story. And it really did feel like a "had to" type of situation. I did want to write it, yes! But it wasn't really "oh this is a neat idea to explore" it was more like "I gotta work out these themes and process it in my brain via the power of art."
thank you so much for your review, i really appreciate it a lot!! <333
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popcornforone · 6 months
Mistletoe and Whine
A Max Phillips Fan Fic
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I have too much in draft everywhere. Film reviews, notes, fics & I did actually have a very predicative Sunday playing catch up. However very randomly after watching an alternative Christmas film on Saturday night & my head still thinking about it, my mind stumbled into this festive Fic idea for Max Phillips. So here we are writing about our favourite vampire over the festive season. & it’s going to get sexy.
Synopsis:- Chance encounters with Max have lead you to your 5th anniversary, & he wants to make sure that you whine as he celebrates with you.
Word count:2750
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV Sex, established relationship, vampire lore so biting, feasting & blood drinking, lack of consent, alcohol, drugs, swearing. Innuendo, intense orgasms. Basically like most couples they get steamy in their special day, it just so happens they are vampires.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feed back is always welcome. I hope you enjoy.
It’s your fourth espresso martini of the night. You & the girls are at an adults only winter wonderland. Candy canes have secret ingredients to make you extra happy, the chatter is loud, the games are intense but fun & the music is belting.
“Okay” Frankie says “who’s ready for us to go & play the next thing”
“Oooh im not sure I can move” Tina says. “And look” she waves her hands in front of her face “there’s 6 hands on my two arms” clearly the special sweets were effecting her more.
“Well I’m just gonna go sort myself out, but I’ll come find you in about 5minutes” you say. You need some water & to use the toilet. Your the mum of the group, your always the most sensible. You check with Lucy that she’s okay to hold the fort & make sure no one does anything crazy as you nip to the bathroom. It’s not that far away & you know it will take your friends in a sober undrugged state at least 10mins to pick what they want to do next, but with them high on everything, they won’t budge. You’ve got plenty of time.
As you walk past the Christmas trees you turn a corner & accidentally walk into someone.
“Oooh im sorry” you say as your shoulders clash. You look up & make eye contact. Your frozen. Two deep brown eyes make contact with you. If you knew any better you were being hypnotised. The red tie. The Santa hat. The broad shoulders. The dark suit. A smile like the devil.
“Ho Ho Ho… merry Christmas to you, my victim” you hear this deep voice & it arouses you. You giggle back. Suddenly his large hand is around your neck. He’s pushes you against the wall of the little hut that’s selling pretzels behind you. You gasp for air.
“Am I a Christmas treat?” You ask. You then feel your scarf be tugged off. His tongue licks up your neck. He always loves the taste of fresh meet, be it consensual or not.
“More, your my grand feast. The Satan Clause wants you all to himself.” He says. He makes eye contact once more making sure all his hypnosis, mixed with the drink & drugs you’ve had tonight, mean you won’t remember a thing. He licks his lips. “I’m famished” Those beautiful brown eyes turn to red & you feel the sharp pain as those fangs dig into your neck & your body jolts & you scream.
You jolt awake. A sweaty sticky mess. Panting gasping for air. You check the clock, it’s 7pm & you lie back down onto the bed. Desperate to get air into your body. The bedroom door flings open & there stands Max. Two cups of warmed blood for you both on this winters evening. The perfect way to wake up.
“You okay baby” he asks. He walked over to you in his long white dressing gown & hands you your mug. Just by the smell you can tell it’s AB positive.
“Nightmare, that’s all” you say & you sip your blood. You make a small mmm sound as it hits your taste buds. The iron sinking into your system. This is your favourite blood type.
“What was it today?” He asks as max rubs your back. Your undead skin is always cold, but even he can tell despite you sweating & being in a panic that it’s very icy.
“The day we met…” you start “… but no consent, you just had your way with me & sunk your teeth inside me”
“We both know that’s not how it went down” Max says as he shakes his head. Vampires only have nightmares when things aren’t certain. You’ve only been a vampire 3 years. You’re almost at your vampire potential, but you do still sometimes forget you aren’t human.
“No you were very shy about it, didn’t want to interrupt the game me & my friends were playing” you smile & reminisce.
It wasn’t a winter wonderland you & your friends were at. It was your local pub. It was board game night, & you & your friends were a little tipsy but no drugs, other than cigarettes. You were playing articulate with them all & smiling.
“Royal family, not the ginger one” Tina says.
“Prince William”
“Prince Andrew” Tina collected her card
“High trouser”
“SIMON COWELL” you all shout at once & Tina collects another.
“Doctor Who”
“Ooh god there’s 14 of them” you roll your eyes & then the buzzer goes off. “Times up” Lucy counts Tina cards.
“She got 8”
“Which doctor was it”
“John Hurt”
“Seriously of all the clues you went for doctor who? Not alien or…” you scoff & down your drink.
“Sorry I’ve binged it all again recently” she say. You all laugh, Tina loves her scifi.
“Well I’m gonna nip to the toilet before the next round” you say & you wobble in your heels as you get up from the table.
“How many drinks have you had tonight” Frankie asks.
“Not that many, I blame the shoes.”
You walk to the bathroom use the facilities & then as you leave to rejoin the group , you lose your balance as your heel slips. You can see the Christmas tree in front of you, that your about to face plant & break as you fall forward. But then you stop mid fall.
“It’s okay I gotcha” says a very deep voice. Two arms are wrapped around you & pull you up. You turn your head to say thank you but all that glances back is this man’s beautiful handsome face. So perfect. So divine. It’s love at first sight.
“Wow” you say & then realise what you’ve said as you see him blush a little “did I say that outloud?”
“Yes you did” he helps you to your feet. “It’s okay, I think your rather wow too” you giggle & turn red.
“Ha your funny”
“I’m serious” he says “I’ve searched everywhere for the person I’m meant to be with, but I never thought they would actually really stumble upon me” he smiles. You’re now standing up & you both look at each other up & down. You say your name & he takes your hand & shakes it “Im Max” he’s clearly a charmer. You bet he says this to all the girls.
“Well Mr Max can I buy you a drink, as a thank you” you say.
“I think we’ve both had enough to drink” he says saying that he thinks that’s why you fell.
“No it’s the heels, I don’t normally wear them. Special occasion.”
“Oooh you’re the lot in the corner, on your girls night aren’t you”
“Are we that loud & obnoxious?” You ask feeling ashamed.
“Never apologise for who you are, always be you” his thumb graces over your chin. His eyes make contact. “Where have you been all my life?” He asks.
“I don’t know, where have you been” you lips are inches away.
“Searching, yet I didnt realise it would be someone like you” these word are soft. His lips part. You look at him & see there’s mistletoe behind him on the wall. He sees you looking past him & turns around. “Well it’s bad luck if we don’t, don’t want to ruin the Christmas spirit.”
You go for it & lean in. Kissing deeply a man you met 4 minutes ago. His lips are plump. You easily slip your tongue inside as your deep kiss gets more passionate. His hand is up in your hair. Yours caress his clean shaven face & his shoulders. It may only be for a few seconds but it’s something that you want to do with this man for the rest of your life.
From behind you, you hear your girls all cheer. You never do this on a night out. You are the careful one of the group. Your break the kiss & turn around & go shhhh, before facing Max again.
“They seem happy for you” he smoulders
“It’s never me who gets the guy” you say & you beam, you miss the feel of those lips already.
“Why don’t you introduce me?” Max says as his eyes dazzle.
“Do you think you’re gonna be sticking around Max?”
“Ooh beautiful you have no idea.”
You smile at Max back in the now, as you finnish sipping your mug of blood on the bed. His hand is still slowly stroking your back.
“Nice memory trip?” He asks. He finds it so cute when you glaze over to remember past memories in such detail. He wishes he could go back to some of his memories in such detail as you do.You put your empty mug down.
“Your lips still taste as good as our first kiss 5 years ago”
“Are you sure?” Max raises an eyebrow. You never need to be encouraged to take advantage of your man. He then reaches into his gown pocket & produces a little bundle of mistletoe. “It’s actually today, Happy anniversary baby” you practically pounce on him. Lips that always ignite your undead soul. A touch as he caresses you, that fills you with joy & glee, the noises you both make are sweet songs to each other.
Max hand lets go of its mug & it crashes to the floor. A small amount of blood that was left in his mug spills across the floor. The mistletoe follows. He loves how passionate you are in the mornings. Morning sex with you is delight, even if your morning is 7pm. You straddle him & undo the cord to his gown, hoping he’s got nothing on underneath. His hands are grasping your bum. Squeezing it as your lips continue to lock & your dead hearts feel like they are pulsing, filled with adrenaline. Your body already rolling into his lap ready for pleasure grinding on his thigh.
“Maxie” you exhale when you lips part. It’s drawn out a long whine. But one where you can feel how excited he is.
“Ooh baby” you help his shoulders & you both remove his dressing gown. You initial instincts were right. He’s naked beneath. His length hard & leaking & you smile. His hands leave your bum & find the bottom of your red silk night dress & free you from it. Your breast look extra perky today in the cold winter air in your bedroom & you feel sexy.
“Happy anniversary my forever” you say as you adjust yourself to take him all. He’s also sat up & he’s so beguiled. He moans deeply, as he slips his penis through your slick.
“Ooh you’re drenching me already” he states.
“Can you blame me?”
“No, never”
“Oooh fuck” he is slow as he pushes through your entrance & makes sure his shaft is fully inside you. Be it alive or undead he loves it when you whine & moan as he fills you up each time.
“You good baby” still after all these years max still asks you.
“On cloud 9” you whimper. Your earlier grinding on his thigh now means his penis glides around you. Your walls feeling every inch of his thrusts. He always feels so good. That’s why you fell for him. He may have used some vampire tricks on you to make things move quicker but you always realised & he then didn’t need to persuade you in that way.
“Let me pleasure you” his hand slips between your two naked bodies as you match each other’s rhythms to make sure this is sweaty hot & passionate. He strums you like a double base, your clit quivering quickly.
“Max” you moan.
“Whine baby” he mumbles & he pulls you towards him & licks a stripe up from between your breasts up your chest & then your neck. The salt & sweatiness makes him smile & the way his tongue feels as it leaves its own moistness across your skin gives you goosebumps.
“Oooh Maxie” you feel like you are being spread wider than before. Each roll forward as you take him as you finger nails dig into his shoulders bring you closer to euphoria. Each ooooh noise escaping your mouth has his finger work faster.
“So good, so sexy” he moans before his lips latch back to your nipple. Your tummy flush to his, sweat dripping everywhere.
“Mmm mmmm mmmaxxxx oh fuck oh fuck yes don’t stop baby mmmm fuckkkkkk” he giggles the more you moan & whine, desperate for more. Being undead hasnt decreased your thirst for your man.
“So tight & it will always be this tight” he manages to muster his thrust are pounding away. Each motion he’s closer. This was never going to be a long session. That can wait for later. This is two soul mates fucking away their bleary eyed start to their night lost in lust & desire. Your cunt quivers in pleasure. He’s never pleasured you like this before. You need more & you dig your hands in his shoulder & he jolts.
“Fuck max oh fuck fuck fuck yes oh fuck yes” you sink your own teeth into his shoulders. He’s taking you on a night you’ve never experienced before & you let go & scream his name. “MAX!” You clamp hard & cum. His own body judders as he feels you lick him in. He’s never had you sink your teeth into him before & the way you whined, has his mind spinning out of control. It may not be your fangs but it felt good.
“Baby fuck baby oh shit shit fuckkkkk” having vampiric speed is useful. Your clit is on fire from the friction & the way the thrusts into you as your orgasm continues is relentless. & soon it’s his turn & you feel the ejaculation inside you. “Fuck this pussy” hit lashings of cum fill your insides. Max snarls, his eyes at the point of pleasure always turn dark red. Yours don’t but it always makes you smile that he gets that much into the zone.
“Fuck Max”
“Fuck in deed” he pants. You’re both resting your head on the other shoulders, your movements minimal. You peck up his neck until you reach his face & you use two fingers to turn his face towards you. The sweaty state that is your forever slowly opens his eyes to look at you, his vampire bride looking so sexy covered in sweat, filled with him cum. You’re all his, no one can match you. You’re bound together by destiny.
Eventually you properly speak, the rocking has stoped & Max slowly slips his penis out of you as it softens but you don’t want to move. You like sitting in his lap naked. Taking your time to kiss each part of his face.
“So 5 years of knowing you” you giggle.
“Yep” he smiles “& I brought the mistletoe too” you look at the floor & so does Max. The broken mug with the blood spilled on the floor, the white berry’s of the plant now turning crimson.
“That you did baby” & you face to turn him again. “So what would you like to do for our 5th anniversary?”
“You, I want to fuck you all evening, until the sun rises”
“Hmmmm” you smirk as you think “but I’ve not come wrapped up”
“Don’t care” Maxs strength still impresses you. He lifts you off his lap so you’re lying on your back on the bed & he hoovers above you hardening again. “I’ve provided the mistletoe” he lifts his head so he whispers the next sentence into your ear seductively. “& you are more than providing the whine”
“Fuuuucckkkkk Maxie” you moan & gasp as his large hand goes around your throat & he slowly pushes his penis in side you again. Still sensitive from your session that just ended. “What did I do to deserve this” you ask & look up at his beaming satisfied face.
“Nothing,” he hits the spot first time & you moan. “Can I not treat my forever on our day” & that’s all it takes. You never have to worry about Maxs desire & lust for you. The night of your 5th anniversary is rampant & the whines you make as he makes you cum all night, well they will stay with Max until next years anniversary.
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