#and idk if i can make angels work within that context
erythristicbones · 1 year
me: i have too much religious trauma to work with a story about angels/demons/etc and that's fine. ive got at least three separate OC universes, i don't need to ponder another one
*sees one piece of really cool religious artwork*
me, weak and self-indulgent: oh god, oh fuck
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belit0 · 10 months
OMG, can I request a Vampire!Madara x vampire Fem!reader.
It's midnight and the reader is outside, she see's a window thats closed but doesn't have a curtain or the curtains are open and Madara is secretly a vampire but he's a vampire that can go in his human form, but the reader thinks he's a human and not a vampire. Lets just say that he went into someone's house to kill or suck their blood and then outside his window is a beautiful female vampire, the reader, who thinks he's a human, or you could say this is his house but he's just undercover as a human for some reason? Idk, but in this vampire AU, the vampire can only enter the persons house if the person invites them inside. And she's tapping gently on the window, the window being thin reminding him she could get in and saying all things to manipulate him into letting her in. Since even if the window is thin he has to invite her into the house for her to get in.
And she says stuff like "You've got the most beautiful neck....lift your neck up...let me see if ill be able to paint you or draw you...maybe I can draw a portrait of you.."
"you've go the most beautiful eyes.." and she keeps on saying stuff to manipulate him to let her in.
She doesn't know that Madara is secretly a vampire.
Context: vampire Madara in his human form, notices another vampire, but she's trying to manipulate him, throwing in excuses, into making him let her inside the house..so she could suck his blood thinking he's a human when he's not.
demons, vampires, angels, you name it, i fucking love it, living for this type of AUS, bring it onnnnnnnn
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First she smells him, and then she sees him.
A delicious scent wafts up to her nose, tempting her to look to the left as she walks down the street. (Y/N) is hungry, her last feeding was a week ago, and it's time to find a new victim. She doesn't distinguish between men and women, only avoiding children, always open to any opportunity that comes her way.
When that wonderful scent dances in front of her face, she has no doubt that she has found her perfect target.
She spots him through the glass, a quiet night in search of prey, and senses how her fangs tremble with the need to dig into his wonderful neck. The man is tall, big, full of what is probably the most delicious blood she will ever taste, inviting her to do everything she can to hunt him down.
The street, cold and desolate, lends her the perfect setting to execute a silent plan, manipulate, eat, flee, and decides she can't leave without first getting this human. Dressed in a tailored suit, (Y/N) notices how the top clings to his skin, perfect fit in a beautiful color combination, his pale skin matching the chosen shades.
He has good taste, which probably means wealth, equating to tasty flavor.
She surveys him coming and going, galley resting on the table and cane against a chair, moving back and forth within the house. His actions denote ownership, comfort in the space he walks, and when he ties that long hair into a ponytail, her mouth waters at the sight.
His jugular seems to beckon her into a deadly dance, begging to take every last drop, and without realizing it, (Y/N) lifts her dress off the ground, her boots rattling against the cobblestones with each step she takes to approach the window. Her corset suddenly feels like a prison, her lungs demanding to inhale that scent more deeply, and she has to remove her headdress due to the sudden discomfort she feels.
She wants to undress in front of that human, make him bleed to death, and bathe in a delicious feast.
She taps the window pane with a long red fingernail, attracting the man's attention inside the home. He wears his shirt rolled up to his elbows, and three buttons undone. His tie and vest lie sprawled on a chair, and the waistband over his pants looks ragged.
He is a beautiful mess of a man, disheveled as few are accustomed to, accepting to be seen by a lady in an unpresentable state. How nothing matters to him ends up cementing the idea of having to consume him completely, and when he flashes a nice seductive smile she knows it will be a straightforward hunt.
Usually, her victims die for her attention, and that's the very thing leading to their doom.
"Hello there, handsome." She purrs as the crystal opens, pretty much convinced the man will instantly invite her in. "What's your name, gentleman?" Her red lips and flawless makeup consolidate a perfect image, the woman everyone wants to have between their sheets at the end of the day.
"This one's name is Madara. To what do I owe the pleasure of a beautiful lady like you knocking on my window at this time of night?" White teeth glisten next to his messy hairstyle, that ponytail is what gives him the touch. (Y/N) can't help but stare at his neck, hoping it's not too obvious.
"I was attempting to get home, though I'm afraid I'm lost, could you perhaps invite me in? Assist me with directions?" She struggles against her fangs, straining to keep them from showing without her consent, trying to maintain a humanly acceptable image.
"I don't know, for what would become of me if this was oh a terrible hoax, and you swooped into my home to steal all my belongings? The world is a cruel place these days, you ought to know that far better than anyone else." There's something about his words that doesn't quite sound right, but she finds herself so focused on that vein, the way it beats and flames her, she fails to notice the hints.
"Oh no sir! Don't take me for one of those little rascals who dare to cause disturbances, besides, you have such beautiful eyes, full of kindness, the most beautiful ones I've ever seen, you won't abandon a poor woman like me, will you?" She moves even closer to the window, the glass open inward, unable to cross the boundary that separates her from her precious prey without a verbal invitation.
The man smiles, alluring gaze still on her, and scratches his neck while seemingly pondering the situation. "You've got the most gorgeous neck....lift it up...let me see if ill be able to paint you or draw you...maybe I can draw a portrait of you, perhaps in return you can lend me your help, hm?". She grips the window frame with both hands, red nails almost digging into the wood, her body increasingly desperate to try him. What is taking him so long? No one ever ever doubted her or her false alibi.
"Would you happen to know, by any chance, the latest rumors in town, my fine lady? Evil tongues say there are vampires around, ready to end one's life and steal all one's blood." The man leans his body against the other window pane, the one still closed, and (Y/N) could catch him if not separated by that stupid ancestral barrier.
"No... I didn't hear... sounds scary..." Her senses begin to lose control, instincts desperate to devour, ravage the man, losing track of what she's saying and letting her inner beast take over.
"Yes, quite terrifying, I certainly can't fathom it, think of having a creature sucking on your neck, outrageous!" Madara looks at her, that smile not having moved an inch out of place, unnaturally stiff. If (Y/N) wasn't so hungry she might notice the signs, but her senses are too altered to think or evaluate anything.
She needs to feed.
"Want a taste, love?" The man purrs, turning the game around. He exposes his neck, and strokes the pale skin with his hand, inviting her to look closely. "You're hungry, aren't you dear?" It's not a question, but a statement, a fact she fails to notice.
"Yes..." (Y/N) whispers almost imperceptibly, pupils dilated and uncontrollable fangs sprouting from her mouth. Her nails become too sharp, ready to rip and tear.
"Too hungry? How long has it been since you've fed, sweetheart?" He reaches out his hand through the window, inviting her through the windowsill into the house, surrendering to whatever instincts she thinks are right. (Y/N) doesn't waste a second, pushing him viciously against the wall and sinking her fangs immediately into him, moaning at the satisfaction of having penetrated his skin.
Had she been in her right mind, she would have noticed the lack of a verbal invitation.
Now something is wrong.
His blood is cold, an unpleasant sensation in her mouth, and it tastes terribly bitter. Contrary to what she expected, the vampiress suddenly pulls away, spitting out the mouthful of almost black liquid she drank. She could vomit if her body worked that way, but she must settle for feeling violently nauseous.
Before she can compose herself it is she who is now thrown wildly against the wall, Madara pressing her with a strangely pointed hand. His nails are claws, and they dig into her cheek mercilessly, exposing (Y/N)'s neck. "How old are you, love? A century? Two? Too young you are."
The adrenaline of being attacked brings her back to her senses, pushing her instincts to the core of her being, watching the man she thought was human with careful attention. There is blood on the ground, a huge puddle, that being the scent she probably picked up from the street. An entire family of four lies in the room, all with dull looks on their faces and bleeding to death on the spot.
"I had to feed, it's been about fifty years since last time." His eyes show themselves in their true form, crimson red and intimidating to say the least. Extremely long fangs dig into her, sucking from her jugular as if she were a human.
(Y/N) whimpers in equal parts pain and indignation, struggling against the vampire who thinks it prudent to prey on her. "Your blood is still sweet, somewhat warm, it hasn't been long since you were turned."
He releases her so suddenly she falls to the ground, her wonderful dress getting soiled with Madara's victims' blood. "I've been in the game for about five millennia, you still have too much to learn, beautiful. If you ask me nicely, I may even teach you."
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1800duckhotline · 1 month
hi! im not able to send you dms but i really want to know what you think about hazbin. i downed the entire thing in a day out of morbid fascination of seeing how that artstyle animates, but the quality of the script and handling of the structure of the show are so dogshit that the show has been lodged in my mind. and my friends who i can rely upon for their thoughtful analysis are not people who would watch it.
basically Hello Send Help
Honestly you summed up most of my plights within the show already, its just dogshit all around flaming and whatnot and i cannot believe there's 30 years old who eat this slop up. i can forgive teenagers for liking it (i am very self-aware as someone who read fucking homestuck when i was 13) but i cannot forgive fully grown adults for thinking this show has any sort of nuanced or well-written story
i finished watching the show feeling less aggravated by the designs and visual dev of the whole thing (though obviously its still really bad), and instead more by how insultingly and exhilaratingly bad the writing was.
i could literally take out my blocknote review of the whole show starting from ep 1 to ep 8 but i want to spare my friends who dgaf about hearing about this show. so ill just try to resume concisely my thoughts using my notes as crutches
this will be a very long one and again to spare people of pain ill put it under a readmore
vivienne medrano does not care about the female characters in her own show. idk about helluvaboss and i honestly dont want to watch it unless someone watches it with me, but from what i hear hazbin hotel was supposed to be the show "focused on the girls" while helluva boss was supposed to "focus on theboys". you'll never guess what happens in this show. the main 2 girls, who are supposed to be protagonist, are completely flat characters, that are given the slightest margin of spotlight THE LAST TWO EPISODES OF THE SEASON, and no 8 episodes isnt a justification for the dogshit writing they have. vaggie is the "angry mean militaristic lesbian of color who also coddles her white girlfriend" and charlie is "goody two shoes who doesn't use her powers as literal PRINCESS OF HELL because it's 'too mean' and who is babied and is also written like a baby that doesnt know how to act besides being 'positive and whimsical'". they are literally a ship trope shipped together because idk.
most of the development in the show is handed onto the guys, obviously, as they get the most songs, most exposure to their backstories, and most interactions that are somewhat written less one-dimensionally than the girls. (not to say the guys aren't also walking ship tropes for fanfic purposes). like you can't spin this in a way that doesn't sound bad, the men just get more spotlight and that's a fucking fact. so much for "focus on the girls". fucking SIR PENTIOUS GETS A SONG AFTER HIS DEATH, GUYS
none of the angel vs hell lore makes any fucking lick of sense, and i dont mean to say it needs to be biblically adjacent, it just doesnt make fucking sense even in the "original" lore it is constructing. how is hell supposed to be a threat to heaven when hell denizens dont have access to heaven?? this question alone makes anyone question what the hell the exterminations really are for. also, like, i really fucking hate adam, he's literally the most annoyingly written villain, like he's not even funny in a trashy way. if you want to make your main villain a hypocrite who's also a massive misogynist and sexist, writing him like a frat bro makes sense if your story is set in a college campus. this is HEAVEN AND HELL. all of his lines are just stupid and senseless for the context this all takes place in (also like lute being essentially a tradwife for him is literally such a stupid choice, if you want to make a meaningful commentary about misogyny among women this isnt how it works)
all of the sin and pure shit and repenting deal is like... literally awful. for a show that prides itself on owning the bigots who think gay sex and doing drugs and doing crimes is all inherently evil, the writing really does not do itself a favor of subverting this real-world bigoted way of thinking. as unintentional as it might be it kind of just reinforces it when the character they decide to 'repent' is fucking angel dust, a literal sex worker stuck in a cycle of abuse with an abusive rapist pimp and who does drugs as a way to cope in his life. because obviously sex work (and bdsm) is inherently sinful and disgusting and the only way to repent is to give up disgusting gay sex and sinful drugs and just stick it to the abuser that has you literally by the leash! i dont think this was intentional but it comes off as hilariously stupid and straight up tactless. (also we don't talk about how the storyboarded for the song poison apparently also drew rape comics of angel dust and valentino before as a kink thing)
oh on the topic of valentino, i dont fucking get people liking him. he is literally shown to be abusive and a rapist. people will see a thin man who's not straight and hump his legs like their life depends on it. at least he isnt white but i'd actually say this makes everything worse because vivienne medrano LOVES making the characters in her show of ambiguous ethnicities/backgrounds and ends up making most of the awful ones, of color. again dont think this is INTENTIONALLY done but it still comes across as horrid nonetheless. whew!!!
also i hate alastor in all types ways sauces and forms. he exists to attract fangirls and rabid fans who love tumblr sexymen. other than his design being tremendously aggravating, he's literally just fucking useless, and i hate that the show tries to shoehorn in halfway that he's supposed to be a "dad figure" to charlie when he literally never has done anything dadlike for her in the whole show (and yes i watched the pilot, i still dont think this counts). the only saving grace for alastor is his voice acting. everything else needs to go. there is no saving this one
and, on the topic of alastor, i'm not the first one to point this out but something about him owning husk's soul (the one character being voiced by a black VA, who coincidentally also has a design that is conveniently ambiguous with him being a fucking. winged cat furry demon ig) has like some really bad vibes about it that i can't quite put my finger on. i'm not entirely qualified to like dissect the issues this whole show has with like... the way certain implied characters of color act within it (i say implied because vivziepop is allergic to giving the main characters of her shows actual dark skin colors that arent grey, except maybe some one-off side characters) but it was just so jarring i had to mention it
i also hate lucifer because again, made for purely fanfic ship tropes and rabid fans who are obsessed with 'pathetic sopping wet cat men' with that signular character trait. his persnality is: Depression and Dad. I literally hated every fucking moment in this show where he was in a scene and was treated as "just some guy". same with charlie. Like the lack of authority they have for a supposed KING AND PRINCESS OF HELL is just... i dont know? stupid?
conclusion is that i hate the show, i will however bee seeing season 2 just because at this point im in it for the long run, its just like, other than the visuals being awful; it was legitimately the least aggravating part for me (THIS DOESNT MEAN I LIKE THEM, I DONT, I HATE THEM TOO) but the whole writing is just... wow. i just don't understand how they got a24 to back this up. like you cant make this shit up this bad even if you tried. and im sure there's a trillion other things other people have more eloquently explained in how and which ways they are bad; these are just some of my thoughts.
my concluding statement is that i also feel really bad for people who do entire rewrites of this thing as 'fans'. i dont get it. like i get doing redesigns because it can be an exercise and because lets be real, like, everyones design is bad, hardly anything is salvageable or makes sense. but rewriting... guys please just make your own stories from scratch. at the cost of being told "omg this is just like hazbin hotel!" you have to persevere and just write your own shit. because doing the redesigns means unpacking heaps of 'lore' that doesnt make any whatsoever sense...
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rodeoclowm · 4 months
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it's so hard to be a hater of not great things when my heart is full joy and passion for a good musical number
adding a cut because I started having a lot of thoughts and keep having more
honestly hells greatest dad is kinda like if better than you from camp camp was an electro swing edgelord duet about competing for the affection of your estranged daughter - oo but ALSO it's kinda like friend like me from aladdin. weird combo of songs, but like I enjoy it. wild as hell having a third, previously unintroduced character enter as an actual part of the song, but I kinda rock w how hazbin behaves like an actual musical in that way. you don't see Real musical tropes used in animated musicals all too frequently these days.
uhg I keep editing but w/e I'm cold and waiting for my alarm to go off. I also think one of the few smart christian mythology things they reference is like when lucifer feels challenged so he just starts playing the fiddle instead of singing another verse in the lil battle that's started. but also SO weird how they have him cling to like purity and angelicism to the point of wanting sinners to be massacred?? also why is he a duck angel and not like. a goat. idk there are hits and misses here
anyways unfortunately I <3 mr morningstar - he is like gatsby a little
okay UPDATE I actually listened to the song again instead of relying on reels and memory - unfortunately hell's greatest dad suffers from the same problem most of the songs in hazbin suffers from. womp womp. the writing. there keeps being this thing that happens, which is perfectly fine and like a classic musical trope, where bits of the song are meant to be like actual conversation. where hazbin fumbles this is that they go too far with it and forget to keep the conversational lines in rhythm, or even in rhyme.
for example, this is a good use of sung conversation:
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it's on rhythm, it rhymes, they're directly arguing but still within the rules of the song.
this on the other hand is an example of bad conversation in song. for context, allistor is talking to charlie, lucifer's interjections are in brackets (except for the "aw" that's charlie):
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they try to make it work within the rhythm, and in writing yeah you could kind of make this work, but the performers like. don't, make it work. at all. it sounds weird and bad.
anyways my point is there's potential here but they Did fumble, purely due to trying to stick to the hazbin/helluva boss style of writing. it's like how family guy is really committed to shitting on meg, but it's just like not funny. yeah hazbin is like family guy but less funny and more musical. also you can tell stephanie beatrice charges extra for songs because oh my god she sang COMICALLY infrequently. like there's even a song that contextually, should be a duet her character is participating in, but ends up just being one character singing at her. honestly good 4 u girl, make that coin.
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incesthemes · 4 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 7
holy shit i finally did it. "it only took you a week" it felt like 5 years okay. i'm not good at watching shows.
anyway. overall i'm gonna say i liked season 7 more than i liked season 6, but the bad episodes were imo much worse than s6's bad episodes, at least from what i can remember.
season 6 was overall really disjointed and clumsily handled, and i just watched it 2 weeks ago and i can barely remember what happened in it now that i'm trying to. wow. season 7 was a lot more coherent and didn't try to cram 3 different miniplots into one season. i appreciate the effort honestly.
that said, some of the episodes really were. not good. and some of the ways they used to resolve conflicts and move on were bizarre and contrived (i'm absolutely talking about cas "taking" sam's crazy for himself. genuinely what the fuck was that). the filler episodes felt dropped in without any regard to the context of the rest of the season (why did the "sam gets legally married" episode happen immediately after the one where they're #2 on the fbi's most wanted list? that doesn't make any amount of sense) and a lot of the episodes were honestly just boring.
and i don't know why, but this season specifically had a lot of issues with pacing. too many episodes had way too much buildup only for a "quick fix" to be presented in the last 5-10 minutes. a handful of episodes like that can be fine, especially when you need the time to build up the overarching plot of the season, but this was like... nearly every episode. 30 minutes of nearly unrelated drama followed by "here's your deus ex machina! finish the episode so we can go home already." it just came off as unskilled writing to me. i know episodic storytelling has to tie each episode up with a nice bow, but there's only so many times you can throw a simple deus ex machina-like solution to the characters and not expect me to find it contrived.
now i do like the leviathans though. or at least the concept of them. i wasn't overly invested in their plot (though honestly? i kinda like dick roman. he's annoying enough for me to appreciate) but the idea of them is really interesting. you can see this conglomeration of several different monsters within the species, so they fit well within the context they've been given. primordial monsters that came before all the others? well of course they'd have traits of those who came after them. it's like evolution: the later-born monsters became more specialized to their environment i guess. the worldbuilding there is intriguing enough for me.
i'm sick as a dog so i'm having trouble coming up with other thoughts. i really liked meg's involvement in the season; i thought her role throughout was well-placed and well-developed. the weird romance subplot between her and cas is, well, weird, but i don't dislike it either. i'm a sucker for demon/angel dynamics, even if the angel is totally crazy. but every time they hint at it i keep thinking about the destiel love confession and start laughing.
crowley was kinda weird and boring this season tbh. very disappointing as a crowley fan. the ghost bobby plot was kinda interesting, but i'm not 100% sure how i feel about it. kevin tran is a loser and i'm a big fan of losers. i think the show tried a little too hard with charlie, but i don't dislike her. she's no becky though smh. my taste in fictional characters is bad and charlie is too good, i guess.
well anyway, dean and cas are in purgatory now and sam is a soggy sad boy as usual, so with that i'm going to take another break from this wretched show and watch something good, the haunting of bly manor :) i really want to get through mike flanagan's entire compendium of work because hoooooly shit he is a great idk. do you call him a filmmaker even though it's miniseries. idk the terminology. whatever
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clockworkblogs · 1 year
TW this post will discuss m@nipulation and panic surrounding fear, as well as how society views m@nipulation and mental health issues as a whole, especially within cancel culture and social media platforms. There is also a sui mention towards the end, as well as repetition. It is trauma-dumpy. It is heavy. Proceed with caution
I see a lot of posts that talk about manipulation tactics and things to be aware of as a person, but I think it leaves waaay too much room for things that aren’t acts of manipulation to be considered such.
Not limited to;
Trauma responses,
Explainations of past behaviors,
People with lack of empathy,
People who struggle with mental stability,
Lack of understanding of social cues,
People with memory issues,
Responses that genuinely can be just statements or responses.
I support the fact that there are awareness posts involving red flags and warning signs to look out for, but I’ve seen way too many of these posts include things that can be way too broad to always be manipulation tactics.
Idk, maybe I’m upset about this because I’ve personally been labeled as manipulative my whole life and then n*glected needs because I don’t know how to communicate well enough. And even my explanations (like what I just said) can be seen as an manipulation.
Manipulation is a conscious tactic, right?
This stuff just frustrates me, tbh. I have had so many times where I’ve spiraled questioning if I’m unconsciously manipulating someone because of how much of a broad spectrum these manipulation tactics can fall under.
I know I have trouble communicating. I know I may not remember things easily. I know I can be very wishy-washy as a person. I know I have problems.
But when I’m spiraling into a three month breakdown panic and hyper analyzing every paraphrasing of what I say to “do better” or else I’ll be seen as a manipulator or toxic person, I’m not recovering for me. I’m recovering for others. Im keeping myself up day and night ripping through all my insecurities and playing bingo with all the infinite “tactics” I could fall under as a mentally ill person that struggles with disabling conditions.
This isn’t targeted or to make anyone feel bad. But when you are trying to do better, to recover, it is not healthy to grow through shame and fear.
This kinda goes hand in hand with “it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation” for people who behaved wrong due to some sort of issue or imperfection they have. I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. But it gets to a point where my explanation regardless of what it is is seen as an excuse to be discarded.
I completely support the decision people make to not waste their time on people who hurt them. Who drain their energy. Who are not good for them. Who wouldn’t support it? If someone needs to set a boundary, if someone knows it’s better for them as a person to leave a relationship or create distance, who is someone to try and police that?
But. The idea of an expectation to “do better” at the risk of loosing someone has cause more harm than good for me personally. I know some of my illnesses I have I cannot get rid of. And I know I care about the people I love. But I fear the villianization I may receive if I slip up after that point. Any relationship I get in I fear I am a walking red target to other’s perceptions.
Idk if I’m making sense.
But I cannot magically wave a wand and make myself perfect. Trying to do so and be a completely perfect angel of a human at the expense of being ostracized scares me. It’s unrealistic but it’s expected.
These “manipulation tactics” are so broad they can apply to so many things, regardless of intention.
I may change the subject when I am uncomfortable. That might not be the best response in a situation. I am working on it. But it is not me trying to manipulate or abuse someone.
I may not understand what exactly someone means in certain contexts. I hyper observe social cues and get confused. I’m neurodivergent. I know because of this sometimes I can say the wrong thing that is expected socially. I am learning and working on it. But it is not a manipulation tactic. It is not be trying to mind-fuck someone to doing what I want them to.
I shut down when overwhelmed. I have ptsd. I might shut down or dissociate if someone is yelling at me or sounding bold in a confrontation. It’s inconvenient. And I understand how this looks like a manipulation tactic especially. But i am trying to listen. I am trying to stay and here you, but I cannot control it if my brain decides putting myself through a ptsd trigger is too much and has me brain-fogged. But this is not a manipulation tactic. If I could choose to be there to listen to you without dissociating or panicking, I would. In fact I panic more when I know I am. That is not manipulation, either. That is me being panicked that I may seem like I am and that I am making it worse.
I may suddenly pop up and send some appreciation before l leave for a while. I’m avoidant, I get it. I’m disabled, I get it. I do not want you to see me low on spoons when you want to spend time with me and me ending up having to leave due to it. I feel bad when and if I ever do. I know I can be a better person. I take the time to reflect on appreciation I wish to share when I know I have enough energy to engage and I send a wholehearted message or buy gift’s suddenly because I want to make up for the time I lost. And I don’t want to miss out on a time when I feel okay enough to. But this is not a manipulation tactic. This is not me trying to love bomb. But I’ve learned over the years it can be seen as it, and people may feel alarmed or pressured by it, so I’ve stopped on that and now try to communicate more consistently and clearly.
Look, I get it. I get how manipulation is a thing we all need to look out for. I know how we all need to protect ourselves as people. I know there are sinkholes where people can get trapped in toxicity and not even know it.
But these concepts have evolved (in my eyes) to becoming something more along the lines of:
If you are not perfect, you are below. You are othered.
I cannot be human, I have got to be perfect. I have to hold myself to a golden standard or else if I show signs of “being a narcissist” “being manipulative” “being [x] stigmatized mental disorder trait that is seen as bad”—I am othered. My symptoms are at the frontline of Facebook posts and cancel culture harassment groups and rows of gossiping TikTok comments, people mingle and talk about how some person is disgusting and a foul human being and online videos talk about how some person was manipulated by some individual and “oooh look at every single message this disgusting person sent me” “ohhhh now that this person is a shit person I have the card to go and talk shit about his personal life and doxx him” “oooh look how all these comments talk about how good they are incomparable to these other types of people” “oooh let’s all talk about how much better I am for blocking people like this cus I’m wiser” “oooh I had an ex like this” “ooooh watch out this thing is also a manipulative tactic cus I know exactly what the inside of this person’s brain is like and what he means” “oooohh this specific community said this and it clearly means this”—
Not everyone is evil. That’s coming from a paranoid person such as myself. Not everyone is some shifty individual hiding malevolent atrocities and mind-bending tactics behind hearts and roses. Not every person who is imperfect is trying to explicitly manipulate you. And yes, there are many people who do. The world is less than perfect, and people get hurt, and people traumatize people. And I’m not saying those people, or people who don’t consciously manipulate people, or anything in between, shouldn’t be held accountable for wrongdoings. I’m not waving around a free pass to anyone. I’m not defending or supporting people who should not be hurting others. I’m just saying there is so many issues with this black and white ideology that allows imperfect people to deserve punishment and mass harassment and many types of people (who aren’t all out to get you, and even if something fits under what’s considered manipulative behavior, doesn’t necessarily mean it was intended to be) who probably don’t even care or notice enough and are just minding their own, get bundled under a group of a concept that is framed around a less-than-human grouping. And then the people who are free of said behaviors (which, hot take, I think is impossible. Why? Because we’re all human), are at the top, who know all of what they’re saying and can do not harm. They are listened to, they are always right and uplifted, and anyone else has no voice, because they are just manipulative.
This post isn’t talking about people who have actually done shit things. This post isn’t talking about abusers, and people who genuinely fuck up other people for the sake of fucking up other people. People whom are dangerous.
I just feel this concept is so much like purity culture within toxic religious groups, and glorifies and excuses bullying and violence towards people, as well as isn’t actually productive. People cannot grow within an environment of shame. People learn to oppress and hide and move in fear of being hurt.
It has taken me a long time to learn that some of the issues I had in the past were considered toxic, it has taken me a long time to realize that I have a lot of improvement to do because of the affects my traumas have had on me my whole entire life. Nothing scares me more than the “the abused becomes the abuser” saying. I learn to communicate more, I learn to work on myself. I learn how to be perceived better and I understand how my actions can affect people. I try to recognize ways I can rebuild and improve within my own boundaries. I recognize the reality of what may or may not be realistic. But it is a conscious effort, it is a conscious choice. But it would have been a lot easier if I knew that admitting to myself I have things I need to change wouldn’t have had me paralyzed that the people around me would leave me and attack me because of where I used to be and how that is perceived in society. It would have been a lot easier if I knew that admitting to myself that different perceptions to not mean wrong, and that regardless of my thoughts and experiences, I have hurt people, wouldn’t equal such a bad moral corruption that I’d be deserving of suicide. It would have been a lot easier to know that if I could have a moment to admit to myself “that is okay. I will do better” was not a hopeless sentence.
My trauma response is not a manipulation tactic. My trauma response is not a manipulation tactic. My trauma response is not a manipulation tactic. My trauma response is not a manipulation tactic.
Please do not use my post for discourse/drama.
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
idk if this counts but dads best friend! steve. your at your friends house for a sleepover and…
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I think you meant best friend’s dad!steve, because of the sleepover, so that’s how I wrote it 💗
accidentally on purpose ;
it was faint, muffled. a dulled sound coming from downstairs, but it was him, and you were uncertain if you’d translated the meaning of the sound correctly. surely, you must’ve been mistaken. there was no way he’d made that sound for the reason in your mind; you were just overreacting because you wanted to believe it was true, because you had a little crush on him.
still, curiosity and the hopes that you were right led you to this point: skulking in the shadows along the staircase as you tiptoed down it, carefully. your best friend and her sister were still sound asleep in the bedroom you’d emerged from, and you’d had to be extra quiet when pulling the bedroom door closed so as not to wake them.
now, however, now that you were on the stairs, you had butterflies fiercely flapping a tornado of wings in your belly. the tv was on, you could hear it, but it wasn’t any movie or tv show you recognized. as you draw nearer, taking each step with the precaution of a child afraid of the dark, you watch the light from it move in shapes against the wall and on the floor. it must be the only light that’s cutting through the darkness of the living room, you concluded. for a moment during your descent, you’re curious to know what he’s watching, for there was an awful amount of voice and breath, but you reach the foot of the stairs and blush furiously when you see the screen.
the girl on the screen couldn’t have been much older than you, perhaps she had you by a year, and she was stark nude, held down by a muscle-bound brute as he takes her from behind.
you’d never watched pornography, but now that you were seeing it, you couldn’t look away for several seconds. both of them were sweaty and she was moaning something akin to, “Fuck yeah! Fuck my tight pussy! Oh god, I’m cumming!” your cheeks were on fire by the time you finally force your gaze away from the screen, and you notice his silhouette cutting through the light from it, his back to you. from the bluish glow from the tv bathing him in light, you could make out the bare muscles of his shoulders, pulled taut, his right arm working at his waist.
even before you inch closer to the couch, taking the far wall and pressing your back to it to keep some distance between yourself and the furniture, you knew what he was doing with his right hand. your original suspicion that his exasperated moan was more than just a mundane sound taken out of context confirmed by the way they fell from his mouth like sordid symphony notes. breathy, wanton groans fill the living room, his head teetering back against the cushion of the couch. once he comes into full view, your heart skips a beat.
splayed naked on the couch, Steve has his fist wrapped around the base of his stiff manhood, shiny with lubrication. there wasn’t a bottle beside him, so you ventured to guess that it was his own saliva. his jaw is drawn tight, brows furrowed, as he pumps himself up and down with hissing breaths, like a fierce cobra. the rest of him is as tight as the muscles in his countenance, every ripple in his abdomen tense, the veins in his arms bulging. his thighs are even so tight that you can make out each, individual pad of muscle within them. ocean eyes are slitted, but they catch sight of your mouth hanging open, and he smirks breathlessly.
“Oops, I guess I’m busted.” he murmurs between pleasured grunts. by the way he simpers, and the tone of his voice, not to mention his failure to cease stroking himself while he speaks, you could tell that he wasn’t at all disappointed.
dumbfounded, you can think of nothing to say— only stare at the display of vulgar nirvana before you.
“Liking what you see, angel?” he purrs with one brow quirking, “Can’t take your eyes off my cock right now, I’ve noticed. You been waiting to see what it looked like? Imagining how big it is?”
nervous habit spurs your first two fingers to your lips, and you chew on the foredigit, eyes glued to his sex. he was right; after all, you hadn’t looked at his face once since he came into view, his throbbing manhood demanding every ounce of your attention. you’d always imagined your best friend’s dad looked good naked, that he was blessed by Priapus in some way, but the size and beauty of his erect cock were both equally overwhelming now that you witness them in person. you nod, hastily, once you realize you’d been quietly gawking and sucking on your fingers, internalizing a desire to replace them with his sex. you wondered if he’d let you? if he’d be more than willing to allow you to finish him off with your mouth, you’d be all too eager to do so if he would agree to it.
Steve grunts, thumbing his leaking slit with a ragged exhale, “Mm, I can tell. I can also tell that you weren’t expecting me to be this big, isn’t that right?” when you nod, he chortles. “I know you think about it often, angel. I’d even bet you’ve had dreams about me fucking you. Filthy dreams about bouncing on my dick that you wake up from soaking wet with your fingers in your panties.” gritting his teeth again, his eyes focus on you, his stroking setting a faster, much more rough pace. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he can tell by the way you cower from his words that you are. “I think about fucking you all the time. Dream about it. The idea of your warm, wet pussy gripping me just right gets my cock so hard, can’t you tell? Drives me crazy.” he assures, before nodding in gesture to the floor between his feet. “You like to watch, don’t you? C’mere then, get down on your knees right here and I’ll give you a show you won’t forget.”
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my-simp-land · 3 years
Setting Boundaries
Lately, I've been having trouble setting boundaries in my own life, so I felt inspired to write this where there is a happy ending and not just stifling tension in the house. I hope this helps someone in need. You can do it bb. We have to take care of ourselves :)
Lucifer x reader/mc
Fluff with angst. Happy ending
1997 words
Since moving into the House of Lamination and getting to know the brothers, it was obvious that Lucifer was the main caregiver in the house. His approach was more business than affectionate, but that’s okay; that’s where I come in. In the beginning, I would try to help Lucifer directly by helping him with his paperwork or running errands for him. I quickly realized that keeping his brothers out of trouble or solving the problem before it got to him helped him far more than organizing his filing cabinets.
The new chain of authority quickly became accepted within the House of Lamination. Mammon had me on speed dial, so my D.D.D. was constantly ringing off the hook. The other brothers were nice about it though. It gave them a chance to open up about more problems without worrying about the stress and reaction it would cause.
The House of Lamination, and in turn the RAD campus, changed overnight. The student council’s relationship had drastically improved, and anyone could see it. Other demons began to come to me with their problems. I made a drop box where anyone could write their problems or thoughts and submit them. Lucifer bequeathed me a bulletin board where I could answer some of the simpler questions, but I had a column in the school newspaper where I wrote about other, more complex problems. My peers began to say I was an angel with a demon’s perspective. The blessing, or curse, of being a human, I guess
Everything was working out for Lucifer. With your help, he had so much more time to complete his tasks but also give himself the basic care he needed. The house was clean. His brothers didn’t run to him with their every problem. School was becoming the campus Diavolo imagined it to be. What could go wrong? Well, a lot could go wrong actually. Very easily. He just had to keep his watchful eye and stop it before it went too far.
A few months into my new councilor position, I began to feel the effects of my work. The world around me was on the up and up, but I was so tired. I was so exhausted, physically and mentally. It took hours to come up with some of these responses, and I was so focused on other’s needs that I began to neglect my own. Usually I went home to my room to work on my responses in private, but today, for some reason, I decided to stay in the student council room. Other members came in and out working on their own projects, exchanging pleasantries, but eventually, all became quiet. It was just me and my melted down iced coffee.
I watched the condensation run down the side of my cup as I thought of a good way to respond to this problem. How does one properly discuss their boundaries with the ones they love? I had plenty of answers, but I couldn’t think of one that I had actually used.
“MC? You’re still here. We were looking all over for you.” Lucifer.
“Oh. Uh- sorry Lucifer. I guess I just got so caught up in writing that I lost track of time I guess.” He walked over and peered over my shoulder at the paper before me. We sat there in silence for a moment before he spoke.
“So, how would you solve that problem?”
How would I solve speaking about boundaries? That's a great question, Lucifer. I’ve only been thinking about that for the last two hours.
“I’m not sure. I always try to put myself in the demon’s shoes, but it just isn’t working this time. I have plenty of hypotheticals but nothing I can solidly say would help.”
He hums in reaction and walks around the table to take his seat. Across from me, his red eyes peer into mine. We stare at each other for moments before I look back down at my paper. I can still feel his eyes locked onto me. I can’t imagine what’s going through his head. Is he trying to solve the problem? Is he thinking about replacing me? Am I becoming another problem to him?
“What if I told you I submitted that problem?”
What. Lucifer...submitting a problem...to me? I didn’t think he’d have problems with the brothers occupied. Sure, I would have to drag Mammon into his office when the problem was bigger than I was, and sometimes I would give him some insight onto the student’s thoughts. But Lucifer didn’t have any real problems. He was the Morningstar. He can do basically anything that he wants.
“Well, um- I...I guess I would ask for more context since you’re here.”
“I only wrote that. How would you answer that?”
“I guess I would try to go to a private place with them. Make sure it’s the right time to bring it up. I wouldn’t want them to already be in a bad mood or be taken by something else. I would try to be comfortable with them. Not come off as aggressive or manipulative. Oh idk.”
I sigh and place my head between my hands. “Usually I set boundaries in the moment. It’s just a ‘I didn’t like that and would appreciate it if you didn’t do that again,’ but this leaves so many possibilities.”
I carry on with my thoughts in my head before Lucifer interrupts. “Carry on with what you were saying before.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to beat around the bush, but I wouldn’t want to be harsh. It’s a fine line to walk. Simple sentences. ‘I don’t appreciate this’ or ‘It makes me upset when you do this’ then I would follow it up with ‘I would be grateful if you were to refrain from that behavior’ or something similar. Just straight to the point but not pointing fingers at them. Don’t condemn them. Either they would agree or deny to change. If they agree, I would thank them for understanding and change the subject. If they deny, I would really set the boundary. I would tell them that I won’t be around someone who does that and would separate until they change or we meet a compromise or it could just be over. Sometimes it isn’t that easy. There’s more conversation where a compromise is made.”
“But what if they ask why?”
“I would explain. ‘I don’t like the way it makes me feel’ or ‘I don’t want to see you, someone else be hurt.’ Honesty is key. I wouldn’t see it as a defiance, but a way to understand you better.”
Lucifer reaches across the table and takes my hands. “It makes me upset when you exhaust yourself and neglect yourself because of your tasks. I would appreciate it if you let me take care of things again, so you can take care of yourself again.”
I shoot out of my seat, ripping my hands from his. “That is not an option, Lucifer. I’m helping and mending relationships; not only between humans and demons but demons and demons. I also can’t leave you to handle everything again. I set the boundary of me between you and the Devildom. I don’t appreciate it when you neglect your own problems for others!”
He sighs and pinches his brow. “Doll, I’ve done this for centuries now. You’ve given me a great vacation. The best one I’ve ever had, but it’s time for me to take back over now. I can’t let you run yourself into the ground and say I’m doing my job of watching over you.”
I press my hands into the table. “I will not let you handle everyone’s problems again. I refuse. I’m helping you by carrying some of the weight.” We sit in silence staring at each other before I speak again. “Is this because of your pride? I promise you that no one sees me as better than you. We’re not even in the same league. You do much greater things than I do. I’m just a post-it note therapist. I’m just a sounding board for my peers. You help run, not only a school, but an entire kingdom just because you’re friends with the crown prince. You deserve more, and you know i-”
“That’s enough!” He flew out of his seat and slammed his palms on the table. We were face to face; our breath running across the other’s face. “You will not carry on with your little crisis hotline if you’re going to neglect yourself.”
“I won’t give you an ounce of this weight back if you are going to neglect yourself.”
“I forbid it!”
“You might think you have some chokehold on me like you do your brothers, but you’re not stopping me from doing what I want. I’m solving problems; not causing them!”
“You are causing problems! Problems with me! You aren’t taking care of yourself!”
“Well you weren’t either when they were your problems!”
“I’m allowed to do that!”
“Like hell you are. I care too much to see you passed out in your office or turning to the bottle! As long as I can do something, I will!”
I could stare into his eyes to see the storm brewing within. He wants to say more, but his pride is holding him back. He wants it his way, but I won’t allow it. I can’t. What will he do? Will he run to Diavolo for some special permission to get me to stop? Will he tear down my board? Remove me from the school newspaper?
“I care about you too. More than I let on.” The energy in the room immediately shifts. No longer is it an argument; but a conversation. “Just as it hurt you to see me in pain, it hurts me. I cannot let you carry on this way”
My mind goes into autopilot. I take a step closer to him. My arms find their way around his torso. His circle me. I bring my head to his neck. We stand there for a few minutes, thinking of responses, enjoying the other’s care.
“So you know why I can’t give it all back to you?”
He gives me a squeeze. “Yes.”
I can’t help but chuckle. “Well, what a pickle we’re in.” He laughs.
As we stand there, clinging to each other, we think. We both know it can’t carry on like this. I breathe him in. My mind eases.
“You could find some of your other friends to help. Maybe give them some sample questions to solve or just someone to help you write.” I nod into his neck.
“I can still help with your brothers. Maybe we could learn from this and set some boundaries with them.” He nods. “That sounds wonderful.”
I pull myself back just enough to look up at his face. “I’ll give you my word to take care of myself. To step back when I need it, whether it’s me who decides or you, and vice versa with you.”
“I give you my word.” “And I give you mine.”
All tension is gone from the room. We smile at each other, relishing in the fact that neither of us will be hurting anymore. “May I kiss you?” “Yes.”
His lips fall down to mine. They’re soft against mine. They move with the same grace as he does, but they’re confident. He pulls me flush against his body. The kiss maybe lasted a minute or two, but I felt like it lasted a lifetime. We moved in complete agreement. Where he ended, I began. Where I ended, he began. It was like we became one heart.
I had to pull away to fill my lungs. “Well, it didn’t go like I said, but I hope I helped you with your problem.
Lucifer’s head fell back with laughter. Not a brief chuckle but real, full belly laughter. “I’d say it did. Thank you, doll.”
P.s. I fully believe Satan heard the argument and seeing MC coming out the student council room and he was fully like "how did they not die?"
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pumpkinpaix · 3 years
hello, i was reading some fanfics for mdzs and/or cql and i started wondering about the use of the word "sin" in them. is sin, sinning, etc. a concept that works in a (handwavey) ancient chinese universe?
hi there!
This is a question.... that I’m not totally sure I’m qualified to answer with any kind of certainty, mostly because the notion of sin is, itself, kind of nebulous and complicated. Without a hard definition, I think it becomes very difficult to position it within a cultural context.
I think when we think of sin in english, we often associate it with a religious transgression--more specifically, a christian religious transgression. I’ve spoken before about how english and christianity and western art are all so thoroughly entangled that it becomes difficult to separate the language from the religion from the culture. so often, what starts out as specifically christian takes on a generalized/secular meaning as well -- things like “godforsaken”, “oh my god”, “for heaven’s sake”, “hellish”, “demonic”, “angelic”, “blessing”, “beatific” idk, I could go on. all of those are absolutely words we can and do use in non-christian contexts.
so how do we understand “sin”, which I think has undergone a similar transformation? does it evoke a christianity? yes, I would say so, but I think that we use it beyond just the idea of a religious transgression in order to talk about serious transgressions of an accepted moral code. because english is so heavily influenced by christianity, using “sin” (or other, christianity-derived words/turns of phrase) adds an extra weight to our understanding of the transgression being discussed. It becomes more meaningful than a simple wrongdoing or crime. I have definitely used the word “sin” in my mdzs fic before for this specific reason.
regarding whether or not the concept of “sin” makes sense in the context of mdzs I think very much depends on how you understand sin. is it JUST the idea of religious and/or moral transgression? or is it inextricable from the notion of the christian god/morality? I also think it’s worth interrogating where we draw the line for what is and isn’t an appropriate word/concept to use in relation to mdzs (slash other source materials with different cultural origins) because in the end, sometimes there isn’t a good way to describe a concept perfectly without added cultural baggage. all languages come with their own histories and influences. sometimes, I think that when trying to write, we have to take a bit of a slanted approach: not just considering “is this an accurate description” but also “does this convey what I want it to convey”?
this is rambly and not very coherent but it’s like. does the concept of “sin” make sense? maybe. I think it will depend on the context of its usage and the understanding the writer has, and I think that this is definitely going to be one of those cases were YMMV. /o\
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A Comparison of RTD and Steven Moffat: Saving The Day
So for this analysis I’m going to compare when Moffat and RTD save the day well and when they save it poorly. There are a few bits of criteria I need to explain.
 First I will only be including main series, no Torchwood, no spin-offs, and no mini episodes.
Second, I have to define what makes a good and a bad ending (my examples will come from episodes written by neither of them): 
Bad endings include when the sonic saves the day (see The Power Of Three) (there are exceptions, see below), when a character spouts some useless technobabble that doesn’t make any scientific sense/when it doesn’t make logical sense in general, when the Doctor invents/presents a machine/equipment that miraculously stops the baddy and is never referred to again (see Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS), and any other ending I deem to be bad (see The Vampires of Venice)
Good endings include when the sonice activates a device that has been well established to save the day, when technobabble is used that actually makes some scientific sense, and just generally when the baddy is destroyed in what I deem to be a creative manner that makes sense with all the things that had been set up in that episode (see The Unquiet Dead).
There will also be cases where there isn’t really a day to be saved, however this happens more often with Moffat.
Let us begin (obviously there will be spoilers but the last episode in the list aired nearly 4 years ago so what you doing with your life).
Rose: Bad
What even is anti-plastic?! Like seriously, he’s faced the Autons loads of times and has never thought to use it any other time.
The End Of The World: Bad
The Doctor just goes up to the appearance of the repeated meme (ha meme) and rips its arm off. He then just summons Cassandra back by twisting a knob which apparently everyone can do if “you’re very clever like me”.
Aliens Of London/World War Three: Good
Just nuking them all was a bit dodgy but I’ll give it to him purely because it had been set up earlier in the episode and it is a genuine option that could have been taken.
The Long Game: Good
The heating issue was set up within 2 minutes of the episode starting. It’s always good to see the Doctor using his enemies weakness against them.
Boom Town: Good
Only just. It’s technology that hadn’t been showcased ever before and came out of nowhere, but I’m allowing purely because it was setting up The Parting Of The Ways.
Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways: Good
See above. It was set up the story before so it works.
The Christmas Invasion: Bad
This was so close to being good. If RTD had just let the Sycorax leader be honourable then everything would have been fine. Instead he had to let him be dishonourable and then the Doctor through the Satsuma at a random button that for no apparent reason caused a bit of floor to fall away.
New Earth: Bad
It only makes sense if you think about it for less than 10 seconds as just pouring every cure to every disease ever into a giant tub and then spraying said supercure onto them all, then having them hug each other to pass it on. That is suspending my disbelief just a bit too far.
Tooth And Claw: Good
Everything is set up in the episode so I’ll allow it but I fail to see how Prince Albert had the time to ensure that the diamond was cut perfectly.
Love And Monsters: Bad
It’s Love And Monsters. Need I say more?
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday: Good
It was very clearly set up throughout the episode.
The Runaway Bride: Bad
I don’t like how a few bombs can supposedly drain the entire Thames.
Smith And Jones: Good
All the events were well established
Gridlock: Good
It’s a fairly bland way to save the day, just opening the surface to all the drivers. But how else could he have done it?
Utopia/The Sound Of Drums/Last Of The Time Lords: Bad
As much as I like the idea that he tuned himself into the archangel network, he basically turned into Jesus. It is arguably the least convincing ending in modern Doctor Who history.
Voyage Of The Damned: Bad
Why was he the next highest authority? If he’s the highest authority in the universe why didn’t they default to him in the first place? If not then why not default to Midshipman Frame? And if he’s somehow in between them then why? Also Astrid killed herself for no reason when she easily could have jumped out of the forklift.
Partners In Crime: Good
It works in the context of the episode, but I don’t see why they needed two of the necklace things.
Midnight: Good
It’s human nature, you can’t get more well set up than that.
Turn Left: Good
It works logically
The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End: Bad
Donna just spouts a load of technobabble whilst pressing buttons and then the Daleks are magically incapacitated.
The Next Doctor: Bad
Why do the infostamps sever Hartigan’s connection with the Cyberking? As far as I remember it ain’t explained.
Planet Of The Dead (co-written with noted transphobe Gareth Roberts): Good
A good couple scenes are dedicated on getting the anti-gravs set up.
The Waters Of Mars (co-written with Phil Ford): N/A
The day isn’t really saved cause everyone still dies anyway.
The End Of Time: Good
Using a gun to destroy a machine is much better than using the sonic to destroy it.
Summary for RTD:
Out of 24 stories written by him, I deem 10 to be bad endings with 1 abstaining. That’s 41.7% of his episodes (43.5% if we don’t count any abstaining).
Steven Moffat:
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances: Good
You’ll see this a lot with Moffat, he knows how to explain things without stupefying levels of technobabble. “Emailing the upgrade” is a perfect example of this.
The Girl In The Fireplace: Good
Some basic logic, the androids want to repair their ship, but they can’t return to it, they no longer have a function so they shut down.
Blink: Good
Always loved this one, getting the angels to look at each other, however they do look at each other sometimes earlier in the episode.
Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead: Bad
This is more of a problem with the setup of the episode, I don’t like that he can negotiate with the Vashta Nerada. I’d rather see them comprehensively beaten, but I guess it’s good for the scare factor that they can’t be escaped from.
The Eleventh Hour: Good
He convinced the best scientists all around the world to set every clock to 0 all in less than an hour. In the Doctor’s own words “Who da man!”
The Beast Below: Good
The crying child motif pretty much ended up saving the day (well for the star whale, life went on as normal for pretty much everyone else).
The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone: Good
The artificial gravity had briefly been set up earlier so I’ll allow it.
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang: Good
Everything had been set up perfectly, the vortex manipulator, the Pandorica’s survival field thingy, the TARDIS exploding at every moment in history.
A Christmas Carol: Good
Literally the entire episode is the Doctor saving the day by convincing Kazran not to be a cock.
The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon: Good
The silence’s ability to influence people is their whole thing, so using it against them is a good Doctory thing to do.
A Good Man Goes To War: N/A
The day isn’t really saved, Melody is lost, but River shows up at the end so is all fine? I love the episode it’s just the day isn’t really truly saved (yes I know Amy was rescued but she still lost her baby).
Let’s Kill Hitler: N/A
There isn’t really a day to be saved. They all get out alive but no one is really saved other than maybe River but we all knew she was gonna live anyway.
The Wedding Of River Song: Good
Whilst opinion is divided on the episode, the ending still works. the Tesseracta was established in Let’s Kill Hitler, and the “touch River and time will move again” was established well in advance.
The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe: Bad
I don’t like how the lifeboat travels through the time vortex for no reason but to rescue the dad. It don’t make no sense and I don’t think it’s explained
Asylum Of The Daleks: Good
Oswin had access to the Dalek hive mind so of course she should be able to link into the controls and blow everything up.
The Angels Take Manhattan: Good
Paradoxes really do be something powerful, and they even acknowledge how nobody knows if it’d work so I’ll let it slide.
The Snowmen: Bad
Lots of people cry at Christmas, why are the Latimers anything special?
The Bells of Saint John: Good
The whole episode is about hacking so why shouldn’t the Doctor be able to hack the spoonheads
The Name Of The Doctor: Good
It was the story arc for the season pretty much, so of course it was explained well in advance.
The Day Of The Doctor: Good
Both the storing Gallifrey like a painting and the making everyone forget if they’re Human or Zygon works in the context of the episode.
The Time Of The Doctor: Bad
Since when were the Time Lords so easily negotiated with?
Deep Breath: Good
I like the dilemma over whether the half-face man was pushed or jumped.
Into The Dalek: Good
It’s set up well with this new Doctor’s persona of actually not being too nice of a guy (at first).
Listen: N/A
There isn’t a day to be saved. It’s just 45 minutes of the Doctor testing a hypothesis and I low-key love it.
Time Heist (co-written with Steven Thompson): Good
It works logically so I’ll allow it however it isn’t very well set up at all.
The Caretaker (co-written with noted shithead Gareth Roberts): Good
The machine to tell the Blitzer what to do was set up well in advance so I’ll allow it.
Dark Water/Death In Heaven: Good
The fact that Danny still cares even as a cyberman is set up fairly early on after his transformation.
Last Christmas: Good
He does use the sonic to wake up Clara but he convinces the others to wake up through talking so I’ll allow it.
The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar: Good
It’s set up well with that little scene from actually inside the sewers.
The Girl Who Died (co-written with Jamie Mathieson): Good
IDK why the vikings would randomly keep electric eels but they’re set up well so I’ll ignore it. 
The Zygon Inversion (co-written with Peter Harness): N/A 
Not including this one as it’s only the second part and I’d argue the ending is most likely Harness’.
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent: N/A
Again there isn’t really a day to be saved, yes Heaven Sent really is amazing but it’s only the first part and, being completely honest, he dies several billion times before finally getting through the wall.
The Husbands Of River Song: N/A
Again there isn’t really a day to be saved here.
The Return Of Doctor Mysterio: Good
He gets Grant to catch the bomb which is good. But he does just sonic the gun out of Dr Sim’s hand and says UNIT is on its way which just sort of wraps it up very quickly.
The Pilot: N/A
No day to be saved here.
Extremis: Good
You could technically call it the sonic saving the day, I consider it to be the Doctor emailing the Doctor to warn him of the future.
The Pyramid At The End Of The World: Good
The fire sanitising everything makes sense and it’s in character for Bill to love the Doctor enough to cure his blindness in return for the world
World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls: Good
Yes it is the sonic just blowing the cybermen up, but it’s blowing them up with well established pipelines so I’ll allow it (also the story is amazing).
Twice Upon A Time: N/A
No day to be saved here. Just Doctors 1 and 12 getting angsty about regenerating.
Summary for Steven Moffat:
Out of 39 stories written by him, I deemed 4 to be bad with 7 abstaining. That’s 10.3% of his episodes (12.5% if we don’t count any abstaining).
Moffat was much better at saving the day than RTD
Moffat liked telling stories where the day didn’t actually need to be saved
I’ve spent way too long on this and I need to sleep
If I spent as much time on this as my coursework I’d probably pass
If you’re still reading this, you probably need to get a life
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studylustre · 4 years
hi carol, maybe an unconventional ask,, but how should one accept they’re ugly?? 😔😭✌🏼 even my family highly doubts i’ll ever be able to pull of someone pretty?? and idk boys don’t like me i guess — any tips on how to be confident with that? (not implying you’re ugly in any way, you’re definitely not 😔🥺 i’ve been simping for you since i saw you on here but maybe you get the feeling-insecure-part, or so i hope) ik this is weird 🙃
bud??? pal???? angel??? u are NOT ugly omfg pls do not talk shit about urself like that. i’m sorry that your family have put these doubts into your mind and that the people around you don’t seem to recognise your worth but it’s important to remember (and really, seriously internalise this) that your worth is NOT dependent on whether or not other people can see it and is more than just your looks. beauty comes and goes with age and also fades with fads and trends. it’s also determined by v subjective (and often eurocentric but that’s a whole other thing) standards so really, i hope you don’t take what others are saying to heart bc it truly doesn’t matter. what matters is how you feel in your own skin and how you feel about yourself, as a person, beyond just appearances.
since you asked about how to feel confident though, here’s a few things i’ve picked up:
dress with intention. this sounds kinda silly especially in context of a pandemic since none of us can rly go out to see people and we have no real “reason” to dress up, but that’s not the point!! dressing up is not just for others to see. picking out cute outfits and dressing in a way that makes YOU feel good and makes YOU feel cute and confident and comfortable is such a huge confidence booster and rly makes a huge difference vs just lounging around in sweats. not that there’s anything wrong with doing that, but i for one notice a v v significant difference when i wear an outfit that i feel hot and powerful in vs when i’m just in a oversize hoodie and leggings
speak up for yourself. this is a tough one and may take a lot of time and practise to truly get comfortable with, but when you become your own advocate and are able to hype yourself up, call people out when they mistreat you and demand better for yourself, you are empowering yourself. empowerment -> confidence, so you won’t have to deal with clowns telling you what you do and don’t deserve and what you can and can’t do
realise that rejection is a) inevitable and b) not as personal as it feels. if someone decides you’re not for them, it’s surely not because you’re not attractive enough (and if that IS the reason then geez, you’ve dodged a bullet. you don’t want to be with someone that shallow anyway). work on self-love by treating yourself with the same kindness you afford your friends and love ones, spoiling yourself with things you want (within reason) and just taking good care of your mental and physical health
following on from that - this might not be up your alley but personally, i find working out regularly to be a huge confidence booster. aside from the obvious health benefits, the endorphins you get after working out really help to make you feel good and it helps you to keep in shape too, which is another confidence booster! if exercise isn’t your thing, no worries, but it is good practise to keep active and move your body (especially during current times when we’re all housebound). if you’re keen to get into it, i recommend sampling a bunch of different exercises to see what you enjoy (^• ω •^) there’s more to exercise than just running on the treadmill, and once you find something you enjoy it can become a great hobby as well!
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godsporncollection · 3 years
Saturday Morning Session
(personal commentary in italics) (sorry for how inconsistent i am at this, i’m trying new medication, so my focus comes and goes unpredictably, but i didn’t want this to take weeks)
Russel M Nelson -  strengthen your testimony (?)
"I understand better what he meant when he said 'behold, i will hasten my work in this time.'" 
Y'all have been strengthening your testimonies and i, and your children, thank you. did that inclusion of "your children" feel off to anyone else?
I can see the work on the temple outside my window and that makes me think about how we need to remove the old debris from our lives. I too think of the temple as 'old debris' that should be removed from my life.
"the gospel is a message of joy" I cannot roll my eyes hard enough
that was short. what was the topic? blab for a five minutes?
Dieter F. Uchdorf - god is Among Us
I had to move lots when I was a kid because there was a war on. i thought about the missionaries who came to the country of their enemies to bring us the gospel.
i was a kid in a war-torn country > missionaries > god has not forgotten us > we will be heirs of god > how could we complain when we have that? > the atonement > mistakes are okay, just gotta keep repenting.
what would jesus teach if he was among us today? the same thing he's always taught. "the savior always teaches timeless truths, to everyone, a message of hope and belonging, a testament that god has not abandoned his children that god is Among Us."
jesus says to love one another and to be full of charity towards all men. i would like to see it.
anyone else feel like these talks are just. empty? like, they're not feeling it either?
if jesus came into your home today, he would see into your heart and i'm gonna waste a couple more minutes by expanding on that. one look into his eyes and we would be forever changed by the realization that god is Among Us.
back to me, i wish i could go back and tell myself to stay on the right track because god is Among Us, so i'm gonna tell you instead. god is Among Us.
"line upon line" *gag*
god is Among Us
Joy D Jones - abuse is wrong unless you use it to teach kids about the gospel
"have you ever wondered why we call 'primary' 'primary'?" as someone who understands how language works, no.
because kids are importanter than everything else
god trusts us to be nice to our kids; that means no abuse, even if we're angry. whoever needed this reminder should be shot.
hey, maybe you can "combat the evils of abuse" by not fucking raising your kids in an abusive cult!
analogy of a kid who fell out of bed because he "didn't get far enough in" = he wasn't indoctrinated enough, with awkward collage of pics of kids for a minute.
eyring said to get 'em while they're young
love all the pics of black people that try to say "see? we don't think black people are inherently evil (anymore)!"
analogy of a soldier in boot camp. drill seargants are mean, but that was necessary because apparantly it's the only way this guy can learn how to hide. also, apparently this guy is "our friend". not my friend, thanks.
"how can we do the same for our children?" don't fucking act like a drill seargent to your kids! ffs
"wouldn't we rather have them sweat in the safe learning environment of the home than bleed on the battlefields of life?" first of all, fuck you. second, dramatic much? third, fuck you, kids shouldn't have to learn about life in a hostile environment. does this woman have kids? are they okay? fucking hell, five kids were raised by a woman with this mentality. what a bitch.
"eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about." i got news for you. of course, if i ever spoke to this machine, that topic wouldn't be my top priority.
I need a fucking drink.
Jan Eric Newman - teaching the gospel is good, but you can't force a testimony on others
anecdote about a local old woman getting birthday gifts. she taught us some good things when we were growing up, so thanks, sister davis.
another teacher, at college, was a "master teacher." he loved me and the lord. he taught me to learn doctrine on my own and that "changed me forever."
just sayin', if you're taught how to learn on your own, but didn't exercise enough critical thought to gtfo of this cult, maybe the teacher wasn't the best.
it's good to have good teachers.
the ancient nephites and lamanites had good teachers, and "there was no contention among them!"
"how can we teach more like the savior and help others become more deeply converted?" nope, nope. nope.
1st, "learn all you can about the master teacher hismelf." so, we're sticking with the term "master teacher." cool. doesn't sound weird at all.
ask yourself questions about how he taught, then do that.
read "teaching in the savoir's way."
2nd, use bullshit stories. oh, no, it's a story about how somebody is grateful for the pandemic because her adult child read the BoM for the first time during it. she said it had made "literal miracles."
3rd, "remember that conversion must come from within." guess jan and "joy" should have compared notes before speaking.
"children inheret many things, but a testimony is not one of them. we can't give our children a testimony any more than we can make a seed grow; but we can provide a nourishing environment, with good soil, free of thorns that would choke the word."
Gary E. Stevenson - kindness
story about a study where rabbits were fed a high-fat diet, but those under the care of a loving researcher didn't gain as much weight.
only christians can intuitively understand that this means there's a reason to be kind to others.
jesus said love one another.
addressing primary kids - be kind. here's a story about a kid who stopped being a bully because the bullied kid said it hurt.
to the teens - social media makes bullying worse, clearly satan is using social media against your generation. do what you can t make these spaces safer. if you're a bully, "stop it."
to the adults- "we have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models of kindness (get wrecked "joy"), inclusion and civility."
from ballard- "i have never heard members of this church to be anything but loving, kind, tolerant and benevolent to our friends and neighbors of other faiths." k, but, like, you know it's not just a difference of religious belief that’s the problem, right?
i'm heartbroken to hear about prejudice against blackasianlatino people or of any other group. i love how that section was really only about race, with a blanket "any other group" thrown in as an afterthought so they can't be accused of being homophobic.
in the winter of 1838, jo smith was in prison and why do you think that happened, gary?
church members were driven from their homes and the residents of a town across the river gave them food and shelter. that generosity saved the lives of many of them.
god is a compassionate care-giver.
Gerrit W. Gong - disjointed anecdotes of human experiences, idk
i miss my dad. he was adventurous, except regarding food.
i saw a guy be mean to a lady selling ice cream. he smashed all of her cones. the image of her trying to salvage the cones haunts me to this day.
story of the good samaritan.
be like christ this easter.
"we recieve inspiration as we counsel together, listening to each person, including each sister and the spirit."
does this guy have a topic?
he’s is just giving a list of random human experiences and parables.
*displays a lack of understanding of instagram.*
he's listing something throughout this, like, he keeps counting, but i have no idea what and his voice is making my adhd medication run away, so i'm not listening to this again.
Henry B. Eyring - temple worthiness
today i'm feeling light and hope, like the first day i went to the salt lake temple
i'm an oblivious fucker who didn't notice my name being pinned on me, so i thought the woman who greeted me was an angel because she knew my name.
thought he could remember being in the temple before, but a voice that was not his own (that's how you know it's true and not something he just told himself) told him he was remembering heaven.
confused "holiness to the lord" with "this is a holy place." i know both phrases use the word 'holy', but like, those contexts mean separate things.
i also had this feeling during my wedding in the logan temple.
i think henry should get checked out, he suffers from frequent hallucinations and it's good to know how your brain works differently from others when in a leadership position.
during my wedding, i had a vision of a house and the officiant said to live in a way that you can walk away easily. a year later, my father in law bought the exact house and my wife and i lived in the guest house for ten years. then i got the call to move somewhere else on assignment from the church and we walked away easily.
scripture from jesus about temples.
if you're unworthy in the temple, you won't be "able to see, by the power of the holy ghost, the spiritual teaching of the savior that we can recieve in the temple."
"when we are worthy to recieve such teaching, there can grow, through our temple experience, hope, joy, and optimism throughout our lives. that hope, joy, and optimism are available only through accepting the ordinances performed in holy temples."
i forgot how simple a baptism is, so i'm gonna tell you how amazed (and a little concerned) i was when my youngest daughter stayed to do baptism for the dead for all of the names on the list that day. maybe i'm just super comfortable in the water, but that doesn't sound hard, actually. i used to almost enjoy doing those.
quotes the primary song 'i love to see the temple.'
remember to be worthy so you can live with your family forever.
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BTS Tarot Valentines Day Special:
BTS' Future Marriages...
I know... Unusual for me since I tend to focus more on advice than predictions for the most part... But, as it's this lovey dovey season, I decided to do a marriage themed reading as a special treat as I've gotten asks surrounding this kind of question before... This is going to be a mammoth post... Omg..
This is my Valentines Day present for you guys who follow and like my readings! Thank you!!!! I 💜 you!
So, without further ado... Let's get it!
*Disclaimer- the way i see it, although this is a prediction reading, I'm only working with the energies of the present moment. If one of the boys wakes up tomorrow and firmly decides he never wants to get married, then his path will change and future readings would reflect that. For the most part, the future is in flux and can be changed... If something is a huge, fateful, set in stone kind of event then the cards will let me know. Also, in this particular reading, rather than focusing on the physical appearance of their future partners, I'm intending to focus more on personality and only mention physical appearance if something strongly comes to mind or their looks come forward as a major message of the reading. Ok done! Let's really get it! 💜
Oh wait... before anything else, I was going to call this future Marriages or life partners (because, obviously, not everyone gets married) but I just decided to ask first off if they'd all get married for the sake of clarity and got a resounding yes for them all so... Yeah... As of now, all of the boys are likely to actually get married in the future. Although... Some are closer to that future than others. Also, I was going to put all of the readings into one big post but then I realised how ridiculously long that would be and decided to split the hyung line and maknae line up into two separate posts. I'm starting with the maknae line and hopefully the hyung line post will follow soon...
Maknae line:
Starting with Park Jimin...
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Character profile - The archetype cards that popped out gave me an interesting message... I'm getting the image of someone that had quite a hard life, possibly even a somehow traumatic past (cards like bully and victim in particular stood out to me as being indicative of a troubled past), but managed to retain a sweetness and childlike innocence despite it... I'm also definitely getting the image of an introvert. Someone quite soft spoken, gentle and who comes across as a bit shy. She might feel more comfortable with animals and young children than with most people. Physically I feel like she will be younger than him, and somewhat innocent and fragile looking but at the same time there's something kind of edgy and / or sexy in her style... She might wear a lot of dark colours. Yeah... I know I said I wouldn't focus on looks... But I'm definitely also getting East Asian features coming through visually... I'm also seeing long, straight, black hair and fair skin. This is the kind of person who tends to inspire protective feelings in others... But at the same time has a lot of inner strength that they can use to heal and bolster other people's confidence in themselves.
Relationship- With the Dawn card, I feel like she will give Jimin a whole new fresh perspective on life... I'm hearing 'clean slate' and 'washing away'... I'm just feeling a lovely, pure, soothing, watery kind of energy to this connection overall. I mean, the romance angels oracle deck threw out 'True Love' to describe this connection so... I mean, if Jimin still has those romantic dreams of meeting his one true love like he used to... He can definitely have that wish granted! It's just... Going to take some time... With the Chariot in reverse here, I feel like he will have to wait quite some time before they meet...hmm... How old will he be in another 7 years? About 32? Could be around then or after... But, at this point, it's unlikely to be before...
The tarot here couldn't paint a rosier picture tbh... I really hope Jimin does meet this person in the future because it looks like this marriage could genuinely be the making of true and lasting happiness for him. Just look at these beautiful cards! 10 of cups... Happy family with a loving home environment and playing children! The star because this really is a dream come true, a wish answered. Then you have a reversed queen of wands (👀 omg why does Queen of wands energy always come up with anything to do with romance with Jimin??). However... Interestingly enough, here I'm seeing her as a soft spoken young woman who comes across as quite shy and introverted but who possesses a great deal of inner strength and power... (which is why context matters in tarot guys... Cards mean something different to me basically every time!). This is next to the knight of swords who I see as our lovely libra boy Jimin himself... I'm literally see this as a Knight in shining armor rushing in to the rescue. That's how he'll feel in this relationship. Not at all in a burdensome way... But like that feeling gives him this great deal of strength and confidence in himself. She makes him feel strong and capable and in control... Like a hero. Why is this making me emo? ...
Anyway, then the high priestess is here to sum this connection up and I feel strongly that this is an extremely deep, intuitive connection... The meeting of souls... They can look at each other and just... Know what the other is feeling... Could even be a soul mate / past life connection I think... Wow.
All in all... This is great news for Jimin's future in terms of marriage at this point. Although I do think it'll be a while before they meet and longer before actually getting married... It looks pretty rosy from then on! I'm not saying there will be no bumps in the road at all (I can sense that there are certainly some deep personal issues on both sides that actually need to be dealt with through this union... Which is some soul journey stuff... ) however overall this seems like it will be an amazing match! I'm so glad! 💜 💜 💜
Kim Taehyung:
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Character profile:... Uh... Haha... You just had to be different huh Tae... Lol... Ok... So here's the thing... Where marriage is concerned, Tae has that interesting fate where he actually has a choice (I mean, everyone has a choice... But most people don't actually recognise it as a choice... It just kinda happens because it's their fate. Tae has the opportunity to make a conscious choice here regarding his fate because it's like either way he can learn important lessons and grow... Both are fated partners for him. Like a real diverging path kind of thing. He will get to a point where he can choose one path or another with basically full awareness of this as a choice... This is really interesting actually. I mean, either way, he will get married and he can be happy either way too... Although in different ways for different reasons... It's very interesting...
As far as personality goes... I see two distinct personalities coming through... On one side you have someone quite mature, serious, artistic, intellectual, quiet and spiritual and on the other side I see someone very young, pretty, flirty, fun loving, popular and witty... Also very wealthy and a little bit haughty... But kinda 'cute' and funny with it?? Idk why I'm getting that... Like a kind of sly sense of humour...
Unfortunately... This is weirdly up in the air because of this aspect of choice. I can see that both will appeal greatly to different sides of him... If only they could be one person... But alas...
Relationship: Again... The tarot shows how up in the air this is because there is not yet a set path. Tae hasn't even met them yet. He's not thinking seriously of marriage at all yet. However, with the Wheel of Fortune reversed here we can see that though this is not yet set in motion, it is fated either way. Death in reverse and the Hanged Man are also giving me that up in the air, 'paused', kind of feeling... Like this fate is just waiting, biding its time to be set in motion... Right now he's on a solo path, pursuing his career and furthering his goals... It's when he's ready to let some of that go that this will be set in motion... It feels like a few years into the future to me... Not too far but not too close either... I'm not getting a definite time frame. It could be within two to three years or around him going into his early 30s...
You'll notice on one side of the 'up in the air fate' cards we've got the 4 of wands and on the other side we've got the 10 of pentacles representing the two different connections. Both are really auspicious cards for marriage. Both connections are also signified by the two of cups... Both are deep love connections... Again because this is up the air, I'm not getting specifics about the outcomes of either choice, but it does seem atleast like he has the potential to be happy in either marriage. However it looks like in one he can have the big family and legacy (in terms of children and grandchildren and leaving a home and inheritance to them) he desires, while the other relationship seems more quiet and more just about them as a couple being happy together.
I feel like the card Solitude: Island speaks of that connection (them being alone and peaceful together... Perhaps travelling to faraway countries together... And that calmer more serious vibe in that connection) while the card Playfulness is speaking of the other connection (way more youthful, energetic, playful, and flirty energy... And also literal children- and puppies!- incoming!).
So yeah *shrug*... Decisions decisions Tae... He can only make the right choice when the time comes at the end of the day (and he has a lot of spiritual guidance on his side if he chooses to tune in). It's quite likely that by then his priorities and desires for what he really wants out of life will become clearer to him and that will make the decision easier... At this point, it seems like neither of them are a particularly bad choice... Though neither is necessarily perfect either... That's what makes this such a big, fateful decision I suppose... Good luck Tae! 💜 🙏
Now for Jungkook:
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Character profile: Wow... Whatta boss... Lol. I'm kinda blown away by this energy to be honest. This is like... The best way I can describe it after looking at all the cards is... This is the kind of woman that both men and women are really attracted to and tend to like (regardless of sexuality). Like... Total 'girl crush', role model, material but also super attractive and sexy... Especially to men who like strong, capable women who have that 'boss' energy... Which is apparently future Jungkook I guess...
Actually these cards really make sense just based on what kind of people Jungkook seems to like to associate with anyway... I feel a sense that she will be older than him by at least a few years (if not, extremely mature and successful for her age). This is someone wise beyond their years who actively seeks knowledge and also goes further to implement what they've learnt to help others who are vulnerable. Something else that's coming through strongly is that this person is extremely creative and artistic... They have to be involved in the arts in some way, even if it isn't their main job. Actually, what I think is that she may work in one creative field (like say, a writer cause Scribe is there) but also does alot of other artistic and creative things as hobbies, like painting, drawing, dancing, singing... This is someone who delights in expressing her creativity so it doesn't have to make her money... She just loves it. Actually there's a kind of free spirited, bohemian, hippyish vibe here which is an interesting contrast to the boss energy... (I honestly want to be her best friend??).
Again, I know I said i wasn't focusing on looks but here looks are coming through really strongly... Like her attractiveness is really a major thing people notice about her so it has to be mentioned. I'm seeing long, wavy or curly black or dark brown hair (although she might also sometimes colour it... Especially red or reddish brown). She has a really great body... Like really fit and toned but also curvy (look at that goddess card! like I said... She's sexy). Also, probably a bit above average height. I'm also seeing that this is someone who's likely to have tanned or darker skin or who tans really easily in the sun... Like in the winter she might get quite pale but then in the summer sun gets a lot darker. She's definitely someone really natural, active and outdoorsy who's likely to get out in the sun as much as possible... I think she probably doesn't wear a lot of makeup... I'm just seeing a really natural beauty... Wow.
Relationship- With the Dreamtime: Creation card I'm getting two things coming through strongly. One is that I really think these two (certainly Jungkook) will actively be manifesting each other before they meet and will (or have already) dreamt about each other. Two is that, once again, I'm getting really highly charged creative energy. These are two extremely talented artists getting together and their relationship and home will reflect that. They encourage and push each other to improve. Really unique and quirky relationship actually... In fact, you'll notice that these cards aren't exactly overtly romantic... And yet... I'm still feeling the love?? Theirs isn't exactly a mushy kind of love but it's still very strong and extremely confident and secure. It's based firmly in actions that show love in a more practical way...
With the Sun shining on this marriage it's clear that they'll be really happy with one another (I see happy children here too... Another aspect of their mutual creativity... 😏 ) but there's also a lot of freedom and space. I see a lot of travelling and a lot of respect and understanding between them. That they are forgiving and don't hold grudges is coming through. This isnt a 'tit for tat' kind of relationship where they hold things over one another or only are nice to each other if the other person is nice first... It feels like they work through arguments maturely, quickly forgive everything and move on to being loving again.
With the page and 8 of Pentacles I see that they learn and grow together as people and work hard to make their relationship and bond extremely strong and they're successful in that. With the engagement card, I'm seeing two things, both strong commitment and loyalty to each other and also that they'll probably get married surprisingly quickly after they start dating. This is another case where I think it'll be a long wait for Jungkook... With the king of swords here... I feel like he'll be a definite MAN when he gets married... Like fully grown, probably rocking both longer hair and a beard... Lol... Older and wiser... Like around his mid 30's or even a little later... However, because he'll have been manifesting and dreaming of her for years (probably even already started guys) he'll just know from the time they meet that she's the one... So why hang about?
Conclusion... I kinda want to be bestfriends with Jungkook's future wife... She's really cool... 😭
OK... This has been the maknae line future marriages reading... I will try to drop the hyung line's readings before, on or just after valentines day so stay tuned! Hope you guys enjoyed!!! 💜 💜 💜
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
So I’m writing a short story in my Changelings ‘verse for a galaxy brain commission that was simply “Boyd gets a boyfriend.” Nothing wrong there. But it does mean I feel like I finally gotta nail down the full intricacies of Boyd’s magic, which is unnecessarily....extra, due to the existence of the Curse of the Specialist Snowflake that afflicts me. 
Like, I couldn’t just give him one physical change and one magic like most other Changelings, nooooooo, he’s gotta be the Zodiac Kid and have twelve completely different changes and magics, one for each sign and he changes throughout the year in accordance to the changing of the signs. Why’d I do it that way? Cuz I gotta, obviously. Hahahaha, shut up, me.
I mean, there was a point to it originally, like, his sister Alicia’s Change and magic is that she’s surrounded by ghostly versions of a bunch of her alternate universe selves at any given moment, and she can communicate with them and call upon their skills and is sometimes called Sibyl around town, so like, the common thread/theme of her and Boyd’s magic is like, an infinity of self, but also, by “there was a point to it originally” I also just mean I couldn’t settle on and pick what I wanted Boyd’s magic to be so I was like here’s a fun thing I could do, make up a reason for him to have even MORE options.
.....I feel like, potentially, this self-created problem I’m having could have been avoided somehow, but gosh, fuck if I can see how.
So most of Boyd’s magic is hammered down....
In his Sagittarius phase, he’s physically a centaur whose lower half looks like a night sky studded through with starfields and moving constellations, and his magic from November 23rd to December 21st is uncanny intuition, a kind of off-the-top-of-his-head divination. He just instinctively knows the answers to questions when he’s in his Sagittarius phase, the more specific the question the more accurate his answer. He doesn’t have context, he doesn’t KNOW how he knows the things that he knows, he just knows them. 
You ask him if you’ll meet someone who could very plausibly be the love of your life within the next week, and if he says yes, its absolutely, one hundred percent true and accurate.....but if you ask him then how can I find them, he might say well first thing you gotta do is get out of my face and stop bugging me, and then walk down the street and turn left.....and that too, would be absolutely true and accurately point you in the direction that answers your question but like, that’s all he’s got and you’re missing a few steps at that point. So. Its not an exact science or anything. 
There’s definitely tricks to maximizing the intel you get out of him when he feels like being hit up for intel and doesn’t just string you along to be a total troll. Which he is. Hence why he also spends most of December filling in all of Alicia’s large stockpile of crosswords and sudokus, as he just instinctively and whimsically knows what to fill in even if he doesn’t actually have a clue WHY the Mesozoic Era is the answer to 49 Down. Alicia maintains this is cheating. He maintains he doesn’t care, and answers 64 across with “Johannesburg.” Fuck if he knows why.
In his Capricorn phase, he sublets his apartment in Bordertown and takes a month lease on a place underwater in Sub Francisco.....as for this period he’s more of a classical merman, but also if a classical merman has goat horns. But like, whose to say they don’t? Have you ever met one? Thought so. His magic during this period is horns of plenty.....he touches something to one of his horns, and comes away holding two of that item. So it basically only works on things that can be hand-held, but other than that it could be food, physical items, medicine, etc.
In his Aquarius phase, he’s physically the same as he was when a normal mainstream human....except that his skin has a faintly translucent quality as if that of water, with faint stars spiraling in distant patterns in the depths of his slightly watery form. He’s not invisible or actually translucent, like you can’t see through him or even see his organs or anything....rather, its more like most of the time he just looks like normal, human Boyd, albeit wearing a lot of glitter for some reason....but then he turns and catches the light just so, and for a moment you can see how the light is shining THROUGH him similar to the way it shines through the surface of a body of water. His magic in this phase is based on Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the gods.....water he touches becomes imbued with healing properties. 
Like, he unscrews an ordinary bottle of Evian and reaches in with the tip of his finger, and whammo, you’ve got a healing potion whose magic will last until the last of the water is gone, even if its not used until after his Aquarius phase. Once he’s imbued a source of water with his magic, its a healing potion from then on out, which makes his shop a useful place to find healing magic year-round.....or at least until he runs out. You come into his shop even in late July, if he’s still got some healing potions lying around they’re as good as ever....but if he’s already out of stock, you’re out of luck until next year’s Aquarius phase rolls around, and you gotta go look elsewhere on Mercy Row for a healer in the meanwhile.
In his Pisces phase, he goes back to his Sub Francisco apartment as his physical Change here is that of a centaur-triton....kinda the classic ithyocentaur, but also he’s got kinda webbed-like wings spanning from his back.....its a whole thing. But a good look. His magic in this phase is ‘the perfect pair’....he cups his hands and forms a magical, elemental construct in the shape of a koi fish that’ll swim off in the direction of the perfect complement to something or someone. Like a personal, magical compass guiding him or whomever he makes one for to like, the magnetic north that exists somewhere as the perfect counterpart to an already present south pole. Whatever, this makes no sense and is super confusing, I get that. But it makes perfect sense and is not confusing in my head. Still just working on translating from point Head to point Paper without the concept getting lost in the translation.
In his Aries phase, he’s his ‘normal’ mainstream-appearing base form....but also he’s got golden wings and ram horns. And his magic is that he breathes fire. But its magic fire, and it doesn’t burn things it touches, it turns them to gold. Its a whole Golden Fleece thing mixed with a King Midas thing.
In his Taurus phase.....idk yet. I mean, bull horns seems a pretty obvious go-to motif, but haven’t decided for his magic yet. Mostly because @sunwukxng is a Taurus and he takes things like this juuuuuuuust personal enough that I know if I don’t come up with something good here he’ll decide its a mortal insult towards all Tauri and thus him as well, and he’ll declare a blood feud against me that shall last five hundred years. And he’s already got like, six of those in progress, so....trying to avoid racking up anymore.
In his Gemini phase, he splits into two selves, his physical self and astral self, so he’s basically followed everywhere by both his shadow and a spirit version of himself he can astral project elsewhere. And when his astral self goes through something, kinda like how there’s that idea that when a ghost passes through someone they feel a chill or as if they almost left their body for a second.....his astral self can kinda like....yoink other peoples’ astral selves out of their physical forms temporarily. Yoink is of course the highly technical, scientific term for the phenomenon. Obviously.
In his Cancer phase.....idk yet. Look, its hard to be classy and deep concept-y about crabs, okay? I’m sorry Cancers, but even in the original myths about the constellation the gods were like yeah, this crab constellation was a mistake, we just felt bad about Artemis kicking that one all the way up into the heavens after it pinched Orion, the only himbo she ever almost made a boytoy out of. A lot of other Zodiacs featured animals that had the common perception of being viewed as pushing the sun across the sky, so there’s maybe something there in that direction....idk yet.
In his Leo phase, Boyd mostly appears as his ‘normal’ base mainstream-human looking self....except he’s big in a way that is not exactly Giant Big (and there are a good couple dozen giant-sized Changelings living in Bordertown, so like, he isn’t officially anywhere near that) but he is possessed of a height and size that are nevertheless best described as Ridiculous. Like he’s bigger than the Strange Angel, but not as big as Teddy the Sun-snake. That means nothing to anyone but me. Whatever. Moving on. Anyway, in his Leo phase he also has a fiery red mane kinda....that’s threaded through with silver stars in the Leo constellation shape. His magic in this phase is his ‘roar of command’....basically, he can imbue anything he says with the force of his will, and thus like.....make inanimate objects do what he tells them. He’s like “Open sesame” and a locked door is like you got it, boss.
In his Virgo phase.....I am not entirely sure what he looks like yet. I’m pretty sure its mostly his mainstream-looking ‘base self’ but like.....with an unnatural charisma, but also something a little less generic than that. Needs a specific hook still, beyond just “I’m ridick pretty.” Like, he’s Sinqua Walls. He’s always ridick pretty. Its a thing. But his magic in this phase is like.....an aura of inspiration. He just sorta puts out a vibe that inspires people around him in various ways that are unique to the individual. 
He’s also way shorter than he used to be even before his Change hit, or like, shorter than he is in any of his other phases. Like, we’re talking five and a half feet max. Is there any reason for this whatsoever beyond me being amused at the juxtaposition of him going from his Biggest and Most Ridiculous Phase immediately to his Smallest and Most Ridiculous Phase? No. No there is not. Fear the deep profundity of my creative process, for it is deep and it tis profound.
In his Libra phase....I’m not sure yet what his physical change is, but I do know his skin has a scaled texture, and I know those aren’t the scales normally associated with Libra but there’s a point to it, its just......missing some ingredients still to totally make sense. But he also tends to wear a blindfold a lot of the time during his Libra phase because I know his magic here has to do with viewing things in terms of overlapping possibilities and potentialities, like, he looks at things and sees not just the way they ARE but also a whole bunch of different ways they COULD be, and his magic enables him to kinda tweak things from the way they are more towards one of those other possibilities, in a sense that’s all about ‘balancing’ things.
However, the sensory stimuli of all those potentialities 24/7 is honestly overwhelming and gives him serious migraines, so he mostly tries to rest his eyes behind some kind of blindfold most of the time and just take it off to focus on specific things in order to utilize his magic, and only a little at a time. This is probably the most technically ‘powerful’ of his magics in terms of both versatility and scope, but it takes a toll and he really tries to pace himself during his Libra phase or it just gets to be too much, really fast.
And then lastly, in his Scorpio phase, he’s got a whole scorpion tail and barbed stingers along the outsides of his arms.....but rather than lean into the whole ‘eww Scorpios are duplicitous and manipulative’ and also ‘eww scorpions,’ his magic here calls back to how scorpions are actually protective guardians in a lot of mythologies and folklore, and there’s also plenty of Zodiac lore about the idea of the Scorpio sign being all about uncovering truths at any cost, etc. So his magic here is another ‘liquid/mutable’ type and takes the form of venom from his stingers that’s almost like drops of amber.....and that have various properties aimed at uncovering truths and exposing lies and falsehoods. Like, elixirs made during his Scorpio phase are another highly sought ware at his shop, because depending on the venom concentration he places in each, they have different properties. Like, he’s got vials where just a drop placed in your drink or on your food will reveal if its been drugged or poisoned, or vials of elixirs that basically act as magical truth serum.....and then other vials where like, you splash a little of it on something you suspect to be an illusion or a magical disguise of some kind, and it’ll dispel the false magic and reveal what’s truly there. 
“What happens if like, I splash it in the face of someone I think is wearing an illusion disguise and it turns out they’re not and that’s really just what they look like?” A customer asks.
Boyd shrugs. “Then they’ll just be wet. And probably a little pissed, I imagine. That’ll be $49.95 please.”
“I thought you said it was $29.95!”
“That was before the Asked Stupid Questions tax was applied,” Boyd smiles placidly. “Will that be cash or credit?”
 Okay. So. Typing that all out cleared up some of that for me but not quite as much as I was hoping as Cancer and Taurus apparently still persist in Vexing me.
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Book Review: House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J. Maas
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House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas
This review is going to be LITTERED with SPOILERS because idk how to talk about this book without giving away the whole plot.
Consider yourself officially warned. 
I’m still debating on my rating, but for now here is my review. Fair warning: it is rant-y and ramble-y and hasn't been edited yet. I'll clean it up when I come back for a rating.
As always, content warnings are listed at the bottom!
Overall Positives:
• SJM has actually included a few gay characters….now they are all very minor side characters (Isiah, Fury, Juniper, and Declan) who are only present for maybe 3% total of the novel, but at least they exist??? So she gets points for actually having gay characters who aren’t killed off. You can say that she’s making an effort.
• The banter between Bryce and Hunt was pretty funny
• That scene with the knock-off My Little Pony dolls was funny
• I think there might've been a reference in the book to First Aid Kit (the sister folk duo) and it made my heart squeal because I love that band SO MUCH!
• Bryce actually has a great relationship with her mom and her stepfather! And they are both alive! And stay alive! I’m actually struggling to recall a book I’ve read where the main character in the book has a). both parents alive and b). a great relationship with them both. So that was really refreshing!
• Hunt in a sunball cap.
• Bryce and Hunt taking photos together. Way too adorable.
• Ride or die friendship. I love books that emphasize the importance of friendship.
• That LIGHT IT UP DANIKA LIGHT IT UP LIGHT IT UP scene....like i felt that...her happiness. so sweet. i teared up at that scene ngl....
• Pretty good depiction of grief. How even after years the pain of losing your friend doesn’t go away. How some people cut themselves off to cope and others don’t. How some take out their anger on the closest target. How some people remember the dead one’s birthday and other don’t. etc. etc.
• It really was a slow burn because they like didn’t even kiss until 75% into the 3,000 page book.
• Rhun is my favorite character in this book. He’s a goth softie king. I also loved the Demon Cat. And Fury. And Declan. And Flynn. And Isaiah. And Hunt. And Lele. And the dog. And Jesiba. And Randall. And….well….that’s about it….
• I have recently been getting more and more into Urban Fantasy so I am excited and glad that this book is UF. I also like how it takes place in a different world with a different history (although for some reason I went into this book under the impression it takes place in New Orleans…)
Overall Negatives:
• If I ever have to see the word “alphahole” again it will still be too soon. I get that she was going for meta and trying to poke fun at how the trope in so many UF books includes an alphamale love interest….but it just doesn’t really work because none of the guys she was calling an alphahole was actually acting like one??? Okay so this is kind of ramble-y but whatever. When I think of an alphamale love interest acting like a…*shudders*…. alphahole I think of the stereotypical shifter romance/erotica novel where the guy likes wants to punch any guy who stands too close or talks to his mate. I think of him making outrageous claims, always posting a guard, never letting her leave the house, etc. all without any cause. Having a literal demon serial killer who (at this point in the book) you believe RIPPED APART AN ENTIRE PACK OF WEREWOLVES and is killing everyone who is close to working on the same case as you and you are a half-fae who NEVER carries a weapon with you, doesn’t have magic, and no one beside your mom, stepdad, and dead bestie know that you can turn into a flashlight at will…..yeah it makes sense that the people who care about you would like you to have a guard. But that’s not “alphahole” behavior. Nor is when you’re starving yourself from guilt him being concerned and wanting you to eat, or wanting you to try to take care of yourself….that’s not “alphahole” behavior, it’s being a good friend/sibling. If someone wanted a guard on her PRIOR to her investigating the murder than yeah….that would be “alphahole” 100%. But that’s not what happened…one of the highlights of the book was Hunt calling out Bryce by telling her that she is actually the “alphahole” here.
• Fucking sunball = baseball. WHYYYYYY I thought it was soccer for so long until Hunt tossed on a “sunball cap”
• I thought that Violet Hall from Pucked was the most infuriating main character I have read in a long time until I met Bryce fucking Quinnland. It is a pet peeve of mine when a character acts like someone (usually lazy or a partier) and then gets pissed because people think they are how they act??? Like, if you act like an asshole then don’t be shocked if people think you are an asshole. Also she was someone who was terribly selfish and stupidly reckless for no reason for 99% of the book. Yeah she’s ride or die for her friends which is supposed to be her best quality but she is just terribly rude to so many people. Like take Lele for example. Bryce treated her horribly until Hunt was sold again, then was friends with Lele for like a week which someone equated to Lele being willing to die for her???
• Part two of that bullet above^: Why was everyone willing to die for Bryce? Maybe I hate Bryce because she reminds me too much of Jane Salone from The Bold Type with her ‘I’m always right’ attitude. But yeah, everyone is willing to die for her. I don’t get why though. Also everyone wants to fuck her. She can’t walk down the street without like five dudes wanting to fuck her. It was so annoying. Also how the hell has she not died by age 25!?!? There is a different between being bitchy with your algebra teacher versus being bitchy with some guy who could smite you before you blink. And all of them are like ‘oooh she’s not afraid of me like everyone else how charming’ and I’m just like NO. That’s like if I intentionally pissed off some mafia dom and instead of making an example out of me for dissing him in front of his mafia bros, he’s like ‘oooh you’re sassy wanna fuck?’ MAKES NO SENSE!!!
•Part three of the above^: okay before someone comes at me and says ‘well would you be saying the same things if she was a guy doing an acting this way’ well probably. I love the KATE DANIELS (Magic Bites) series. And Kate is a no-nonsense, can come across rude, and gives zero fucks what anyone else thinks about her. Kind of like Bryce, but less bitchy and has the power and skills to back up her recklessness. (No one around Bryce learns of her secret lightbright gift or of her sharpshooting skills until the very end so I am maintaining my ‘she’s reckless’ viewpoint based on everyone around her not knowing of her abilities when she does all of this dumbshit). Kate also is a fucking martyr who runs towards danger even when the odds are against her. Just like Bryce. But I love Kate and hate Bryce. So…yeah I think it was just a Bryce issue. It took until about 41% with the whole phone-Sandriel thing for me to stop finding her insufferable….but I still never really liked her after that...I could stand her for the occasional paragraph or two
• Speaking of martyrs…why is everyone one in this book!?!? NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE A MARTYR!!!
• Another reason I hate Bryce (yes I’m back on that Bryce shit) is because after Hunt broke her heart he immediate thought upon learning who he was going to be sold (back to his old owner who is a sadistic fuck) her thought was good, he deserves it and all he did was break her heart and not want to be a slave anymore and kept something he knew would destroy you (which yeah, keeping that secret furthered his cause but still…) and I just????? Have???? No words???? Like girl you have a RIGHT to be PISSED but jfc that doesn’t equate to TORTURE.
• Ugh and then her whole ‘take me instead’ bullshit was so reminiscent of that Jules and Emma whipping scene from Lady Midnight I almost gagged for the level of cheese and martyr-syndrome 
• Why is everyone described as “brown,” “golden brown,” or “tan”?! It’s like SJM is trying to not make everyone white but doesn’t want to fully commit…
• And was anyone uncomfortable/cringed at the ‘white angel wings are supreme to any wings with color’ bit....
• I hate books where the werewolves can talk outloud in human form. I cringed.
• Why was the calling people by their last name thing not consistent? I’ve read books before where characters flip between using another character’s first and last name, but there is context behind why they choose one or the other: the professional setting, if the person is happy or upset, who is being addressed, etc. But you’ll get Hunt calling Bryce “Bryce” and “Quinnland” within a sentence of each other? And literally every character did stuff like this. It was weird and not consistent at all.
Negatives About the Plot:
• This book really felt like three books in one: Part One (first 12ish%) being the day leading up to the Pack of Devil’s murder. And I do mean like every boring thing that happened. Part Two (the next 66ish%) being the murder investigation. Part Three (the last 22ish%) being where all the action occurred. The book felt like it couldn’t decide what it wanted to be. The summary promised a murder investigation so I was expecting it to be a KATE DANIELS-esque plot. But nothing of true importance really occurred during that investigation. We got some cool flashbacks with Danika, and some sweet moments between Hunt and Bryce…but that’s it. SJM isn’t Brandon with a Stormlight Archives (The Way of Kings) complicated interwoven plot. I think the book as whole would have been better if it was about 300 pages shorter.
• Nothing in the plot of true importance happened until the last 100 pages or so.
• I mean we literally got every single thing that happened during every single day of their investigation…it was….too much detail.
• When I got to 80% like every other chapter felt like the book should end. It could’ve ended on a cliffhanger. Like right after Hunt was found on that boat. But nope….
• Figures. SJM can’t have a main couple unless they both are super special. Did anyone else feel like she just recycled parts of ACOMAF in this book? Hunt: has wings and super special powers. Bryce: absorbs some super-fae juiced up power from a cauldron—er….I mean arch—to get extra powers and become the most super cool and super special fae in all existence because god forbid we have a heroine who isn’t the most physically powerful person ever. I mean, to hell with mental strength. Must be physically magically powerful or you’re no good!
• The only plot points that surprised me were the hunt being at the drug bust (because we got nothing from his povs that he was remotely interested in going back down that revolution road especially after his whole meeting with Briggs…still iffy with this one, because his thoughts in that cell sound like he actually was on board with it until he called it off because the drug is too dangerous but his call to the viper queen said she owed him a favor so…..) and Micah’s weird horn hard-on. Literally nothing else surprised me...
• I really though Reid would play a bigger role considering Bryce used to date him and is fam is responsible for that drug....but nope. The dude is like never even mentioned.
• Ugh...that villain speech. Maybe I'm just like...what's the point? Why not just zap the bitch why do you need to tell her your life story!?!?!
• Also let's be real, Danika's password never would have been allowed to be that simple nor remain unchanged for 2 years. But whatever.
• It’s also pretty cringe that Bryce freed Lele just for her to die…………..
• Why is Jesiba’s shop impenetrable (the building and cameras) until it’s convenient for it not to be…I mean it sounded like nothing could break into her building or the cameras but then… Micah just easily waltzed in there and Declan easily hacked into the security cameras….makes no sense but okayyyyyyy…..
• ....or about how the dog can teleport and undo locks until once again it's convenient for him not to be able to so she can dramatically save the day (look I also have issues with her valuing her pet's life over Lele's in that scene...also isn't the dog supposed to be like terrifying, it could've fought while her and Lele got out. not really sure how the water which delayed him like two seconds helped more than her dog would've....look, i love pets and i don't want him to die but i don't want Lele to die either!)
• Bryce and Hunt literally never have a talk about everything???? Like I get the world almost ended but neither of them had a thought like I know we need to talk about everything that happened on the boat. About if his love for Shahar trumps his love for me. But that can wait… Because those were all fears she had before but now vanished???? I get not wanted to have verbal talk but a thought from Bryce would’ve been nice.
• How can you run, carry a sword, and shoot a gun all at the same time? Still trying to figure out the logistics of that all....
• Why is SJM's adult book the least smutty thing she has written so far!?!?!?!?
• The love saves everyone and everything line is so fucking cheesy I can’t.
My Overall Feelings:
• The book couldn’t choose a plot. Did it want to be a crime book? Did it want to be ACOMAF? Who the fuck knows.
• This would have worked better as a TV series than a book. Especially that scene where Bryce is trying to save the city and everyone is just watching it happen on the jumbo screen at the summit. In book form it was just….weird….and felt disruptive...and someone could've started flying to help out. Plus I like watching shows with characters like Bryce but hate reading books with characters like her if that makes sense...
• Also if the summit is just between the leaders of CC then why did Sadriel have to be there? Why does it happen only every 10 years? Why does it have to take place outside of the city if no other leaders from other places are present?
• Why don’t we get a map of all of the other countries that were mentioned?
• This book was wayyyyyy too long. It would have been much better if it was reduced to 500ish pages instead.
• Also the character’s flip-flopped with their character development way too much. It wasn’t consistent.
• This is definitely one of the better SJM book’s I’ve read, but it won’t be one that I’ll reread. It is too long with too many boring bits in the middle.
• But hey! If you love SJM then you’ll probably love this book…
Content Warnings and Trigger Warnings: restricted eating, self-harm, drug use, alcohol consumption, implied rape, mentions of abusive relationships, suicidal thoughts, depression, emesis, slavery, terrorist attacks, grief, gun violence, death, murder, violence, torture
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jincherie · 5 years
Could you give some hints on the dynamics of each story? Bc that might change some minds 👀
Oh absolutely! Although, it’s a little late...
Context; namjoon + jin + jimin/taehyung/jungkook are fated mates w mc
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Jungkook, the youngest of the coven and last to join, all talk until it gets down to it. I won’t reveal his ability yet (I’m ruminating over a few choices). As the youngest, his thirst is most uncontrollable and unpredictable-- he’s ravenous. Drinking someone’s blood is a sensual thing, and tied in very closely to other states of arousal. The reason they take the role of prostitutes is to sate all needs at once-- when Jungkook feeds, he goes wild (if you know what I mean.......👀). But when mc enters the picture, his bloodlust takes a back seat to a deep-seated, instinctual sort of subservience. Essentially, he wrecks others and has a very powerful energy on the streets, but in the ‘sheets’ all mc has to do is meet his eyes or brush a hand through his hair and his deep-rooted subby instincts all surface. Praise kink. He’s a bit of a brat though tbh NKJDBHF. Namjoon keeps him in line ordinarily, because jungkook admires him (god what a cute crush) and jungkook also admires jin but its like... it manifests differently, like when kids don’t know how to handle their feelings and try to channel them by teasing or smth idk JKNJHB he bickers with jin all the time. in the bedroom tho, he bows and acquiesces.
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The nature of Taehyung’s heritage makes him a bit of a wild card, magnetic and oozing allure but...a little dark. He’s cheeky and mischievous, but beneath those two things there is a lot of hidden depth. He’s let the others in only a little, but with mc being the final piece of their bond, the walls crumble before she can even touch them and he attaches very firmly to her. It’s kind of really cute. Follows her like a lost pup for a while, like a duckling that has imprinted on the first person it saw (except it was mostly that she was the thing he saw when the bond finally snapped into place within him). He likes teasing, pushing, prodding-- he enjoys pulling reactions from reader and putting her in place. But at the same time there are moments of vulnerability, times where he surrenders and wants mc to have her way w him. (yes i decided to give him some subby moments if he won SUE ME) when it is the four of them together, taehyung molds into whatever namjin wish of him-- they want to see him fuck her from behind? sure, he’ll follow through immediately, and he’ll put on a fantastic show and enjoy every second of it because pleasing you (and the others) pleases him
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Jimin... I envisioned him very deceptive dom energy for this. His heritage makes him very alluring also, but in the sense he has a very angelic aura and unsuspecting features. He’s sweet, soft, quiet. Even a little shy, actually. But he’s prone to snapping into another character at times-- when he’s mad, when he’s in a mood (👀). Kind of gives mc whiplash with his duality, he’ll cuddle against her like an affectionate cat one moment and then he’ll have her pinned beneath him, gasping in the next. Let’s give him a throat fixation. Might even throw in some choking idk. Guess it doesn’t MATTER anyWAY SOB    I think I had in my head, very commanding aura & energy vs soft, caring energy. In the bedroom Namjoon lets him do what he wants, but if Joon says something he listens. Jin... exercises more control. It is the age & respect factor that makes jimin relent. But aside from that, they’re a well oiled machine that work in unison to wreck u. fantastic isnt it NDHBBKND
... should i extend the poll??
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